ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TO TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental—Ninth D Wilkins, Chicago W F Dupree, Detroit W R Marpby, Pittsburg C Dinsmore, New York •S H Delessie, New York »Cf Levy, New York ,g A Alien 1 Eckert,' Reading' <5 Wendell, Washington W H Otes, Brookljn JIR Brighton & s, Lebanon Mr &, Mrs Lawton & s.N Y YI Earley, Baltimoro -J B Montgomery & w. Pa Miss A Montgomery, Penna <5 H Dalton, Boston iHonDWUraot _ SMiss Maggie McviUe /I M Lord, Portsmouth, N H J S Yellaud, Baltimore tW H Kincaid, Pittsburg !E B Jtfdson,Syracuse •- Mia G B Overton,c Jt m,N Y }E ABibby, New York * .A J I.a Farge, New Yoik -J B Faxon, New York ■•W Abbot, D S N Mr McGonkey & da,Penna iS S Blair & da, Hollidajsb’g H Hacker, Piltsburg _ <<s Dwiglit, Massachusetts !E P Bray, New York !Mr Hutching*, New York Mr Hamilton, New York Mrs A G Butler, N York G Harlefczly, .’Now York ,U Totten & svt, New York Mrs Totten, New York ~T Dnffy,-Marietta .fi G Arnold, Rhode Island A N Blocklidge, Kansas <j& Vickerso.n-& la, Wash’n .J 11 Olcott, la, & 4 ch, Wash .£ G Hastings, la, & svt . Jas Whilwelh Geneva, N Y B C Harris.. Jr, Providence ;.D Sweet, Illinois >Wm B Carter, E Teun ,A M Cameron. New York -J C Ludlow, Newark, N J J.l Crooke, New York Mr Smith, New York <C Barstow, New York W Richardson, Albany ..AThacher, Jr, Washington plrard-Chestnut *1 !DT v ßowlaud, Alex.Va ‘Col G C Burling, 6th N J .IF F. Patterson, 6ih N J . Lt Burkhelder,'7th Pa Res fJas Adams, Penna J Matthows, Baltimore . *C Anderson, Washington HS Clark, Now York r, W B Jaudon, New York ~Jol\n Cummins, New York a John* Thompson & ia.Tenn .;Mlss.M V Thomoson, Tenn Atlas, J Thompson a 4 ch .J G Phillips & la, Ky rMichaehMfttone,'Lancaster .J E-liobertson, Waßhington ~J S Obernender. 96thP*V-- -.Gen Tom Thumb&wife, N Y MadXataine, New York . J B tester Clymer, Reading W F Shattuck, New York .Mrs R J Cochran, Del r'Mrs RS Cochran. Del . /.Miss E Kanley; Middletn, D 1 Jos Harding, New York .J Brinkerhoof, Martinsburg Mr Silvers & da, Erie, Pa :'C S Y A H Bean. N Y .'.J J Williams, Baltimore D Meconkey, West Chester E Byers, Harrisburg ..J L Spool, Harrisburg ..J M McCoy, BeUefonte H Valentine, Bellefonte :S A Hoyt, New York C N Watts, Carlisle J J Wylde, England ,E DCrawfod,iMifHintown Miss Iv Newsham.'Catlis’e H Newsbani, wf, & svt, Pa .J Parker, Princeton ' D Brown, Princeton Miss D S Parker, N .Jersey ..J H Pomeroy, Juniata co T N Byors, Harrisburg .A M Smith, 5 Boston D Cooper, New Jersey H Swenzey, Pa DS Jones, Pa •-S 5 Boonsboro Hercliants’-Fourth W H Hooper, Utah 'WHLvxnan. Connecticut Col W E Vols J T Clieairz,. Delaware City '.J Stambaugh, Miftlin oo ' B F Knowlton, Utah. JflS Powell, Phila C Meyers, Phila A Nachman, Baltimore ,’H Lewry, Harrisburg S Schweitzer, Harrisburg A Pardee, Sr, Hazleton. G B M, Jed do BLi J Sanger, Allentown ,-D Bertsh, Maucb Chunk ' •H E Hoyt & la, Baltimore HDHeylman, Penna KG Miller, Uterty A S Stabley,Wayne N A Elder, BiyiUntown JESDotv, Miftiintown W M Barr, U § N -C West, Pittsburg ‘Samuel HegartjvPenna • W Lodge A la, Halifax, Pa 2) Brindle, Mechauicsburg • Geo E Morton, New York B F May, Eikton, Md F C Kintzing. Lock'Haven Miss Jfcaria Easier IS Strickland, Beading T H N McPherson, Pa ■ SABoweis; Newville, Fa American —Ghestnut E E Diesser, Chestnut Hill "Wm'L Cowau, New York * •''Wm IT Ogden, U S N ~7 H Yaile, US N - • J K Swoyer, New Jersey.: DCTomlinson, Washington - W W Berry, Baltimore i .J A Goetz, New York WmP Green,"Baltimore J M Wilson, Phila 'WmDorvis, Jr,Huntingdon D Blair, Huniingdon J M Leibeit, Bethlehem 'J E Wbitaber/Pliila J L Du Boie, Doylestown 'H 0 Gran, Boston J Burns, Penna J Welsh, Boilidaysburg <i A Kockwoori, Illinois W H Besson, Mass G W Clover, Maryland J A Gamble, Jr- Pa .J FajanB,- New York S Grover, Delaware A Ysturiz, New York L Baez, New York-v.y ■G Crandell, Washington W Spencer, Miaersville St* I*ouJs—Chestnut FF Patterson, Phila :D Bdtfoneyv Boston -C Whitson & la,. v New York H L Churchill* la. Taunton Jas Gray, NewTork L B Wakemam.U 8 N Win B Watkins, Baltimore J B Bartlett. Boston H PGenish, Boston ' J M Drurey &-w,. Kentucky <TO Frost, NewTork ' E H Cowperthwait & sis, N J : J West, DSN - W E Hooper,‘Baltimore Commercial-Sixth stj AL Hughes, Ooatesville GW Churchman, Del <Capt Auchenbach,' Penua H St John. Pottstown A A Baer,Pottstown G W Wailnce.Pcnna TK Adams, Huutingdomco J D Hendrle, Beaufort, S C * D Walton, Lond n Grove,Pa Mrs Walton, Pnnua J Lackland.CecU co,Md ’Wbi Taylor, Cecil co,Md Lorenzo Beck, Penua GM Taylor J A Reynolds, Peii^a States- Union-Sixth i F Myers, Lancaster ISTm Ross, Mt Vernon,' Pa .JL Smith, Denver, CT W C Brown. Liverpool, Fa S J Cover,. Davids ville Jos Huff. Davidsville; ARockey, Lancaster co JK Patterson, Juniata co Agnes Robinson, Juniata co .7 YHay, Tyrone citj* N Hentzler, Juniata cov. JRFlinn, Wilmington.- •E Chase, New York M Mitchell, New York L Stein. Butlov, Pa M Gohr, Wrightsville FbasFary, Newark, Ohio K Haines, Perry, co W FNuz&m.Pairmount.Ya Win Marsh, Huntingdon Jno Bell, Marietta, Pa \ The Union.—Aren s 1 John L rch, Bethlehem N AFehx, wf,'& da, Pa Geo Dean, Bucks co Wm J Wallace. X-ar.c co dt B Kelsay St la, Lane co BVm Beecher, Philadelphia S Madeiia'& wf, Reading tj Gane, Pt Carbon, j V Lambert.' Fhilada J V Lawrence. New Jersey S a Higgins,Floming^mNJ \ National-Race sir JtAlun, Pennsylvania H JSaeaer, Allentown * G Y Whittaker, -Durham liU-Works B J®Tanng, Zanesville, O D C l Clarke;West Jersey B'V tr Kirk.’ Bethlehem K*V aver, Lancaster co Dr IB Bowman. Penua P B >ay, M'ebigaa A S oyer, Reading , Mis.‘ i GenUler. Reading •J G 1 lompson, Danville B B on, Lycoiniugco J A ackeubcrgcv, Penna -Edv u Skumau, Penua Bn ley Sheaf-Second • Geo lislob, Middletown, fimii Phipps Montffoniyco E E 3endeiy Baltimore Mt# H Bender, Baltimore -Tftjes Laurence, New York •P ttllahau, New York J Jarwick, New York D/.keefe, New York - B Kersey, Hamiaonton Ctos Mahan. '"Wayne co .E ‘ *anardi Wftyne co E! Dwlffht, Woyueco B Idy, New York .Jo 'ph D<imirs, New York laoß-Bear—Tlilrtl S’ Cies&man, Scllersville Yarneid, Trexleretown J D Long, Bucks co eter, -Slatiugton Heist, Penua' omlinsou, Bybprry i Lukens Haidina. Penna rdmau. Millevstown . Lenhart. B*rksco Rose, Schuylkill co . Paff & wf, x ork co Rose. Trenton laid Eagln-TWid Si Oft Schweitzer & lady, Pa ppelchenbacli. Bethlohem X-Simon, Allentown „' , Wetkerhold, Ovefield PR Boyor, Hellertown APichards, Penua ■O Johnson, Bucks co 8 D Johnson, Bocks CO .* Jacob Schocli, Bucks co JNlrs Scboch, Bucks co J B Eshlemau, Lancaster co Madison-Second iti J(jhn Tonus Honesdale CL Share, Syracuse C G Robinson, Syracuse It Smith. Bucks county Mian E Bursou, New Jersey ,Jas Williams, Erwlnna ‘Wm A Lang, Utica .Miss P Ely, Bucks county (JtfksHA Heston, Bucks co 'J Beans. Doylefttown Jos W Nelson, Delaware RICILY LICORICE, GEN.— SM^LL STICK. • • •_ . • •: Caraway Seed. . , ' Guru Arabic. ~, Trieste Vermillion. • Powdered Blue forPotters’ uae. Mineral Water;Cork»f ahorti - Bottle Corka^agsorted. Ala dder, Dutch Prime. , . Oil Bergamot. Colchicnra ’ >"'■? Oil Origanum, Pure; . Gum, Kino. ■ Cape Aloes. Pink Root. • Olive Oil, quart bottles. In Store, and for sale by GILBERT ROYAL & Co., , Wholesale Druggists, *■ «p2B-lm* IfQB. : 309 and 311 North THIRD Street.: -pBFPEK SAUCE.—2OO DOZ. PEPPER A- ; Bancs :100 doz. Continental Sams, ; <5O doz. Woif *9FIHBIAB ERICAtf PICKLES. —2OO do,, half gallon Pickles; 200 doz. quart Pickles; 300 dox. plat Pickles ;jaltf In bbls., half bbia., and kits _ < CONDENSED HILK.-400 doz. Wm.K. Lewis fcßro. »B_dßorden’eCondensed Mitt. j Foe vale by. KSOBES* WILLIAMS. fagQ 1 , lOf . South WATER Street^ TLTADEIE.A WINE.—I7S QUARTER casks and 100 OctaVftSi just received per ‘ 4 Laura, ” and for sale in bftnd, by W* i _ GHXf; S. & JAMES CARSTAIRS, . ap34 lac WALNUT and 31 GRANITE Streets; ihd Chestnut streets* J .T Felt,San Francisco E C Thornton, New York Mr Moore, Boston P Smith, Massac Uusett3 CThruaeur, Clncluuatl J L Miller, Cincinnati 0 L Perkins,New York G N Lawrence, New York J B Lawreuce, New York J A Wright, Indianapolis W Foster, Jr, New York G H Cat&hcart. Baltimore P H Keyser, Boston J D Murray, U S N F H Archer, Salem, N J D W Bolden; Salem, N J J V Craven, Salem, N J 0 H Masson*,y Philada J Ewing & svt, .New Jersey W Hart, Jr. Philada Mr Helmbold, Philada W C Odiotae, Bostou C B Holt, Albany A Weil, Oregon • C C Keeler, New York h f cooper. New York H L Hubbell, Maas P Lesley' ’ Dr Gny, Brooklyn D A Thatcher, New York; :■ J'L Linton, New Jersey Mrs 6 A Delaware E R Paynter. Delaware W & da. Bo3ton W B Black, Washington D F Hollister, Conn L Oongdon, Boston PRFendall, Washington A C Fargis, New York B F Palmer & son, Boston J M G Bartholomew, Balt Mr Moore, Philadelphia T Miles & la, Columbus, 0 R Lamphier, Delaware co H J Biviafd.New York Geo H Hutton & la,Brookl’n W H Morgan & la, N Y _ JH Mallery, Newb'tfb.N \ Abilber, Newburgh, NY HD Ward, Boston John Egerton. New York D D Badger, New York Sami B Wenuj New York E B Bertbey, New York C B Sedgwick, Syracuse treeti Ibelow Ninth. Mrs J Hardiug, New York Master Hardi n#, New York \Y J Hall. New York Gf_BSchw'‘ * & la, Pa „ & Schweitzer t Wm Smith, York JJas S Percy, Cincinnati John F Percy, Cincinnati J A Nevin, Peana J L Taylor, Penna Lt J B Harrity, 2fith N Y .1 C Bell, Maryland G W Tucker, N H Coin Nutt, Hew York Miss Minnie Warreu, N Y A D Ditmars, Lancaster-, G N Eckert, Schuylkill co Mr&Mrs Crawford Allen, RI ,T D Williams, Baltimore Mrs & Miss Clark, Bait. B C Ord, USA B T Burdett, West Va Wm S Shaffer, Harrisburg W K Thomas; U S N Jos F.Cottrell, Columbia H Bowers, Martiusbnrg Jas Tunney; Jersey City T O’Neil, N J J Dickson, Penna T CroftoD. Kentucky G WBuebler, Harrisburg Geo Cunkle, Harrisburg J H Briggs, New York J H Bibbing, Salem Wm Alexander, Salem. M Sornian, Westmorelaud Wnv Keller & wf, Penna C A Luce, New York .. GRHazewell, New York - Mrs Dr Luther, Heading FAM Heister,Heading D S Hammond & wf. Pa J Williamson, Franklin E R Taggart, Philadelphia W Keller & wf. Pa Wm H Rider, Maryland Wm Knabe, Baltimore J L Smith, Boousboro S Woods at wife, Chicago G Williams, Pa v J MclCelly, Baltimore S Halliday & la, Baltimore l street* below Arcli. J Montgomery. Penna J McCargo, Pittsburg E P Kearns, Pittsburg J F Randolph, Jr, Penna E Maginn, Allegheny City P Mclntyre, Penna Miss S Mclntyre, Penna D G Dviesbach, Penna H Coulter, Baltimore W C Fountain, Delaware J C Pennewill, Delaware W Leiaenring St wf, Penna A Brower, Penna Miss Jtf Doran. Ohio JHLong, Penna A Koser, Carbon co S C Hallar, Sbippen, Pa G B Hallar, Sbippen, Pa C-F Jones, New York J H Manu, Lewistown, Pa GM Black, Illinois. T McCarroll, Newark, N J AWolle, Bethlehem J S Powell. Philadelphia T H Huddiford,New Jersey F J Byrod, Halifax, Pa M G Einstine,‘Harrisburg W D Emmert, N t Bw Oxford NPalterson, Ohio Jas Darling, New York H K Thurker, New York C H. Thnrker, New York • street, above Fifth, L Eambo V 0 Loomis: Mrs Mann, Baltimore J W Ready, Delaware Win Lyall, New Jersey . H C Bond. Newtown . Mrs Kauffman, Lancaster E G Edwards, Baltimore S J Cannon, Maryland Mraß A Glover & da, Pa , J W Rumsey, Washington D E Stout, Reading J.F W Deininger, Reading W H Churchill, New York .T B Humes, New York ' W Rindall, New York P Small, York E M Page, Conn Mr Colburn, Delaware G W Green, Delaware . J AM WheatOD, Virginia M R Carlisle, la, & ch, Del Miss Watson, Delaware L Sanders, New York F R Falconer, New York H C Paxson, Trenton • N Tannell, Georgetown W P, Green, Baltimore street) above Third* •Kolt Prientz, Princeton G W Wootten, New YoHc S> H .Merrman, Paris Francis King, Phila WmTuny&la, New York WmGwin, USN F Yincent, New Jersey CaptFflail, USA T Sturgeon, Lancaster, 0 W C Saltßrneld, Maryland G WKugler, Maryland S Gibbon, Baltimore J S Wilcox, Washington J H Mitchell, Boston treet r above Chestnut, R L Ryle, Chester co, Pa R Wiley, York co, Pa E Potts, Bridgeport, Penna A Wolf, Tremont John Hippie, Tremont John GiltnoiVvStrasburg J P Speer, Strasburg J Dowe, WCliester. E C.Hickman, W Chester J B Duckett, Chester co S Bliley, Chester co W B Leas,Huntingdon co Win Rogers, NY. .T Riley, Reading John Harlan, Wilmington and Market streets. • J Breunaman, Martinsburg D Klipsed, Martinsburg ffm Green, Pa W Pontz. York 0 C Chesney. Lewistown MrMcClaoey, Lancaster Mr Keller, Lane J G Trimblo, Pittsburg W Montgomery, Delaware M Bell, Greene co W H Allmond; Wilm, Del H C Paxaon, Orinoco ,*■; M M Norton, Clinton co H L Dellinger, Marietta, Pa A H Kauffman, Wash, Pa W Tulley, Dauphin, Pa 0 Shields, Wilm, Del R T Wilson, Delaware, 0 Geo Noble, Pittsburg Fa - D C George, Latrobe, treetj above Tbtrd. B F Sausser, Masillon, 0 HH Ormond, New. York Mrs Chadsey, Washington WraF Pitcher, New York D Ermeutrout. Reading MrsFNaler, Lambertville L Garman, Muncy W Homteboor, Hagerstown D Blacu, Easton J Aulabaugh, Urhana, 0 :eet, above Third. Mrs H W Shuman, Penna' It F Ludwig,Tamaqua Jos Wliitlker, St Clare H Bechtold.Mt Joy, Pa • Mr Auderson, Reading. . S A Bergstresser, Elysburg R E Halter, Lebanon MrsP W Killinger,*Lebanon Mrs J Miely, Lebanon F L Shuman, Beaver J RSchweppeuhiser, Penna Bev AHJI Held, New York E Buhl, Allentown Mrs Howell, Allentown C C Ihling, Easton J V Rhoads, Allentown. . street, below Vine. Thomas Ward, New. York W B Wilson, New York J Bucktaan, Fitzwatertown H Paxson, Solesbury Mrs A Wildman, Solesbury A Blake, Newtown J Krewson, Pox Chase M Porter, Penna ASEly.’Plneville H J Rowland, New Jersey ' G Henry, Haramonton, N J G R Johnson, Bradford co Thos Kennedy, Chicago - it., above CallowHllla Miss Pftff, Yardleyville A J Travel - , Lisburn H M Travel - , Lisburn J G Bates, Windsor Castle M Sellers. Windsor Castle A M Bright, Beruville Geo Sheisley, Halifax, Pa J Enterline, Halifax, Pa Levi Brown, LobachsvtUe D Schall, Dale Iren Wka Jno F Rote, Clearfield co T- H Shaw, Clearfield, co Win Everhard, Emaus it., above Callowlilll. M Rnfe, Doylestown GB Ellis, Bucks co \ / • J Laudenschltigcr & la. Pa P W Keiter, Dauphin co Mrs W Tobias, Dauphin co , Mr RLtznuvn, Dauphin co. BS Peters, Dauphin co J A Stoker, Lincoln A W Marsh, Monroe co • ASliortz, Afsiuch Chuuk. > J A Bossard,'Alooroe co ' reet, above Market, Miss M’frmlth, Bucks co ; R M Croasdale, Bucks oo Miss L William?, Rjicks co Mrs Fell, Bucks county R Beans, JohusvilJe, Pa : Mrs Brown, Brownsburg Miss H Agin, Brown’sburg H Paxson, Bucks county ; Ed Evans, Delaware co^ A S Cadwallader, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. De. Swset’s Infallible Linisient cores Burns and ScaldL 1 immediately. State and Individual Economy.—The citizens of this ComidonweaUh paid the New York and foreign Insurance Companies, in the year 1862, about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in premiums. Is would have been better had this been paid to our home institutions. The GIR ARD F. and M. INSURANCE COMPANY, at 415 "WALNUT Street, should have re ceived at least a fair proportion. mrl2-tf The Lament of the Flea.' Bong years have I Tvanderetfunfettered and free., And hitten the young and the old, And .laid in the coact of the rich and the poor. And frightened the warrior hold. But power is waning fast from me— A Potvder Magnetic and strong, Invented by Lyon, is death to our tribe. And away I must travel ere long. . Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, hut will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-hugs, &c. Ly* on’s’Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats, and mice. Sold everywhere. my9-12t DEMAS S. BARNES, New York. Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye iroduces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in tne least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. JtSf The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of eachbox. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street . ) One-Price Clothing, of the Latest tyles, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi rorea. All Goodß made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All art thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street JVIAHIRIEID. MYERS—DUNCAN. May lOtli, in Whartou-street Methodist Episcopal Church; by-Rev. John F. Chaplain, the pastor, Mr. George Myers and Miss Isabella Duncan, both of Philadelphia. * SNYDER—DUNGAN.—By Alderman C. B razor, on the Bth day of. January, A. D. 1863, Mr. Lafayette Snyder to Miss Frank Duugan, both or Bustleton, Philadelphia city. ' FOX—EAMILTON.-On the 7th ult.. at'the M. E. Par sonage, 1215' Hancock street, by Rev. Geo. Heacock, Mr. Edwin .'Fox and Miss Matilda Hamilton, all of Phila delphia. . * KESSLER-CLARK.—October 2d, 1862, by Rev, Noble Frame, Mr. Wm. H. Kessler to Miss Harriet F. Clark, both of Philadelphia. ' DOHNERT-CLARK.—ApriI 29, 1563, by Rev. James Shrigley, Mr. J. Henry‘Rohnert to Miss Amanda B. Clark, the youngest daughter of Jacob W. Clark, all of this city. DIED. CRAIG.—On Saturday, Otli inst., Jared Craig, late of the9oth Regiment, 1\ V. The friends of the family are invited to attend tho funeral, from the house of his father, Jared Craig, Sr., No. 763 Florida street, this afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * DESiLYBR.—Monday, May 11th, ISS3, Frank Dosilver, after a lingering illness Duo notice will be given of the funeral. * BARMSTAD.—Suddenly.on the morning of the 10th inst., George R. H&rmstad, in the 63d year of his age. 2he relatives and male friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the resi dence of his nephew, Thomas Brown, 1823. Spruce street, to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, the 13th inst., at 10 o’clock, without further notice- To proceed to Laurel Hill. - ** SPEAR.—Colonel George C. Spear, 61st Regiment, P. V., killed in battle at Fredericksburg on Bunday, 3d inst., aged 41 years. His friends and the friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, to-morrow (Wednes day) afternoon, 13tli inst., at 4 o’clock, from his late resi dence, No 1818 Hamilton street. Interment at Ronald son’s Cemetery. . ** THOMPSON.—On Friday, the Bth inst., Martha A. Wnrdin, wife of Joseph Thompson, of this city. ** . COXE.—John Redman Coxe, Jr., on the Iltlr in3fc., aged 65 years. The male relatives of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, at his late residence, No. 2222 Green street,- to-morrow (Wednesday) at 10 o’clock A. M BROUGH—Suddenly, on the 9th ihst., Ann Brongli, wife of Michael Brough, aged 5S years. CARSON.—On the 9th inst., Mary E. Carson, in the 45th year of her age. FAKKEL.—On the evening of the 9th inst., Thomas Farrell, in the S2d year of his age. T3LAOE LYONS TAFFETAS.—. •*~r Glossy Black SILKS, 20 to 32 inches wide. BESSON & S'ON, Mourning Store, : mys No. 918 CHESTNTT Street. CUMMEB BOMBAZINES—A FULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. BESSON & SON, Mournios; Store, • mys < Ho. 918 CHESTNUT Street. FjAOKAND purple jaconets— Rich Striped, Black, and Purple French LAWNS, 25 cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mys No. 918. CHESTNUT Street. fUEAT STRIPE FOULARD SILKS ' for Friends. Neat Plaid Foulard Silks for Friends. BYRE & LANDELL. & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have now arranged for sale a fine stock of Goods adapted to first class sales, Cutr Color A r eJoutines. Cuir Color Mohairs. . New Summer Shawls. • New Light Spring Sacks. • Summer Silks and Foulards. Beautiful line of Dress Goods. my 9 TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF Ic?* THE LEHIGH COAL . AND NAVIGATION COMPANY.—At the annual meeting of the Stockholders in May, 1862, under resolution then passed, nearly or quite unanimously, acommittee was appointed of whieh 1 was placed as Cnairnian. The duty of that Committee Is specified in the Resolution to be, if they should find it practicable to do so, to report to an adjourned or. fu ture meeting, a plan for the.conversion of the Scrip Sbaresvof the Company into Stock, “which, in its ope ration and effect, will be just and equitable to the rights and interests of all classes, without violating or infring ing upon the rights of any. ” Such apian,in the judgment and estimation of a ma jority of-the Committee, was reported by ihern to the annual meeting of the .Company, on the sth inst. This plan proposes, by means of authority granted by act of 4th March last, to extend the funded uebt of the Com pany, upon the security of a new mortgage of thmr Canal Navigation, Railroads, Estates, and Franchise v and by that means be relieved from the restraints of the mortgage of 1842. The practicability of the plan depends upon the fact whether the $3,000,000 of new loan autho rized by tlie said late act of Assembly, together with the other available means of the Company,-would be ade quate for all the constructions, improvements, and re pairs authorized and required by the act, and also for the extinguishment of their present funded debt of $2,755,181. I believe there has been no estimate of the cost of con structions and repairs yet remaining to be made under authority or requirement of the act of Assembly, even including the cost of constructing a-now Railroad from White Haven to Mauch Chunk, that has risen above one million of dollars; though, in point of fact, there is very little probability that such a road will be required to be built by the Company. But taking the highest estimate of Engineers of the Company-for the co&stvuction, including a new Railroad? as above specified, then the amount necessary for that, and the extinguishment of the funded debt, would be an aggregate of $3,788,181. Now, what are the available means of the Company; for these, purposes? Every per son interested, who will institute.the inquiry, will find the resources of the Company not only ample, but largely in excess, as follows: They may obtain, By the security of a new Mortgage, as now authorized/- i $3,000>000- Contingent Fund, now reported, after cost of repairs of the lower division 795,647’ Good Mortgage Securities, owned and held by the Company..*—..- ; .175,009. Sundry Ground and Water Rents, estimated at 16? j years’purcbasfs.....-- 182,000 Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia and at Perth Ainboy, ho longer required or desired for their use-. 150,000 Cash en hand, per Annual Report of Managers, . just made*”**—'*-******- 82.595 Aggregate of existing resources of the Com-,_ _ pany *i54,355,542 Amount which may possibly be reqaired for all the purposes aforesaid. 3.758.181 Thus, there is, uuder the control of the Managers, an excess of means for every purpose authorized or required for the act of 4th of March, and also for the extinguish ment of the funded debt of the Company, of nearly . And ti e Report of the Committee recommends the application ofthemeans (as they express in the 2d •annexed Resolution) to the execution and construction, in the first place, of the Works and Repairs authorized > und required by Lhe act. There is, therefore, not the slightest conllict or disagreement between the Plan of proposed and recommended by the Report of the Connnittfe, and the Opinion, of W. M. Meredith, a. Cupy of v> hich is before me, announced at: the annual meeting, as in conflict with the views of the Committee, but for wh at purpose, other than as a blind to the meeting,, it is difilcuit to .imagine. To what extent any such effect has been produced upon the minds, of the Stockholders,' their votes, to-morrow, between the hours oflOA. M. aud2P. M., at the Board of Trade room, on Chestnut, street, above Fifth, will determine. Fifth M0.,11,1563. fit] THOS. WILLIAMSON. STOCK VOTE. MAY IPG3. The attention of the STOCKHOiiDER&, of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, is called to the • following extract from the report of tne proceedings of their annual meeting, held an the oth inst., viz: __ Resolved, That the STOCKHOLDERS of the LEHIGH COAL and NAVIGATION COMPANY meet at this place* BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS, CHESTNUT street, above YJFTB, this day week, vizi on TUESDAY, May 12:h, between thehoni'S of 10 A. M. and 2P. M , for the pur-: pose of taking a stock vote on the adoption or rejection of Ihe resolutions presented by tliemajoritydf the Scrip Committee this day, and that the Board of Managers he requested to publish the Reportof the Committee with tho accompany ing resolutions. - • . The Chairman thereupon announced that the judges, who had been qualifled to conduct the election to be held after the close of this meeting, for ofliews of the Compa ny for tlic ensuing year, would act as tel lers of the stock vote to be taken next Tuesday, and would report to the Board of Managers. The meeting then ad iourned. CALEB COPE, Chairman. S&Enwix WALTrK, Secretary. It PENNSYLVANIA HORTICTJCTU RAL SOCIETY, Southwest corner Broad and Walnut.—Monthly DISPLAY of FRUITS, FLOWERS, and VEGETABLES, THIS EVENING at S lt NOTICE-THE BUSINESS MEET- of tbc PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION, held at the “institute, ** BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will he postponed on FOURTH-DAY (Wednesday), the Vilh until 8 o’clock P. M. , ANNA P. LITTLE, my l2 Secretary. GIRARD F. & M, INSURANCE COMPANY—OfIice, No. 415 WALNUT Street/ Philadelphia, May 11,136.5 '. ‘The Board of Dizeotors-have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PEK CENT., and an Extra Dividend of THItBE PER CEJST. out of tlie earnings of the last six months, clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demani ALFRED S. SIDErTE, ; myl2-tnths9t Treasurer. HIKTH WARD NATIONAL TJMIOJS AtSOCIATIOH.—A stated meeting of the above Association will he held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, May 12th, at the hall, TWELFTHaid FILBERT Streets, IK o’clock. [lt*] JOHN L. HILL, Secretary. r<S*=» THFANItVAL MEETING OB' THE •<s= FUF.L SAVING SOCIETY of Philadelphia will he lieldTßls (Tneiday) EVENING, at half pastSP. M., at tho southwest corner ARCH and SEVENTH Streets." EDW. H. WILLIAMSON, It* . . . Secretary, pro, tem. |*B=» MANDAB MINING COMPANY, OB' 1C?». LAKE .SUPERIOR.—The Annual Sleeting, of Sibukhoiders of the Slaudan Mining Company will he held at their Office. No. 32* WALNUT Street, on THURSDAY, Ihc 2Stli inst., at 11 o'clock A. SI . for the election of Directors, and the transaction.of other busi ness V B. A. HOJPE3, Secretary. Philadelphia, May 11, 1863, myT2to2B . THE DELEGATES ELECTED TO the Seventeenthßepresentativc Convention of the National Union Party will meet at lire National Hotel; junction of LANCASTER Ayenue_and 11-W ERF ORE Street, on TUESDAY, 12th mst. 7 o’clock P. M. < • F. A. MILLIMAN. : Francis Ferguson, -| David P, F°x,-- H. T. Hill, fH. C. Townsana, Clinton Anderson, , |"Wni. G. Corbett. myll-2t*i OFFICE OF THE MAYOR-OF THE CiTY OF PHILADELPHIA— May Notice is hereby given that tho several ordinances re lalive 'to the lakiug up and disposing of-all DOGb, and other animals, running at large iu tlip city of Philadelphia, will be strictly enforced on arfd after FRIDAY, May 16th. By order of:the Mayor. ; SAMUEL G. RUGGLES,. myll*mtuw3t , , ' . CMefofPolice. r<2=* THE OBI.BCJTES TO THE SlX ttSf* TEENT3 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT will meet at JOLLY POST HOTEL, ERANKEOKU, on TUES DAY, Mby 12th', at 4 o’clock P. M. ; for the purpose of electing a Delegate to represent the above District in the State Convection. By urfer 3f )SEPH 'B(.UC!IEK. !- THOS. DICKSON, V. D. BROWN, GEO. HARP. WM. POSTER, JACOB SINKER, JESSE COTTON, WM. TAYLOR. MAHLON ROUST, Delegates. ._ myll-2t* MERCANTILE WBR4RV COMPA- NY-— A Stock vote 'will betaken at the LIBRARY KOOM on.TUESDAY, the lftih insfc.» between thej-hours of 9A. M. and 8 P. M...upoa the following questions: Ist. Duplication of -tatoct wUhm the year 1861. : 2d. Increasing the annual dues of Btoolcholders to three dollars, and. dkSiiljgci'ibei’a to five dollars, on and after January’!? 1854.: ; ' JOHN GARDNER, Jr.; I my7-ff Recording Secretary.* MUTUAL LIFE F* RATCHFORD STARR, GENERAL AGENT. CASH ASSETS,, NINE AND ONE QUARTER MILLIONS* OF DOLLARS. It is believed that the dividend's-for tAo past five yean* ($3,(00,OCO) are larger in amount and! proportion to pre miums paid, than were ever declared ttr the same space* of time by any other Life, Company. . Tk*ey may be ap h plied, at the option of the policy holder; either to the* purchase of additional insurance, payable with the poli cy at maturity, or in reduction of premium** By these examples, it will be aeen that in-aome cases the ANNUAL REDUCTION granted by tlie Company is LARGER THAN THE ANNUAL PREMIUM;; in .other words, that the policy would be entirely PAIE* UP for - the original amount, and the policy-holder, instead of paying premium to the Company, would actually he in RECEIPT OF aN ANNUITY (to be increased' by subse quent dividends) for the remainder of life. New York. SOTICE.-THE ANNUAL Et.EC TION for Trustees - and Managers of “The northern Home for Friendless Children" will be held at the office of the President, THOMAS EARP, Esq.:, north east corner ARCH and SEVENTH Streets, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, May 12, A. D. 1863, between the hours of 4 and 6 P. M. MACGREGOR J. MITCHESON, ’ Secretary N. H. F. C.- . my 4,5,11,12 FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS' &C?a> BANK, Philadelphia, May 5, 1863. Tlie Board of Directors iiaye this day declared a Divi dend of POUR PER CENT., payable on. demand, clear of United States and Btate taxes. my7-6t , W.RUSHTON, Jr., Casliier, PHILADELPHIA BANK, Philadelphia, May 5, 1863. ■ The Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., for the last Six Months, payable on demand, fi ee ofall taxes. B. B. COMEGYS, my 6 6t-. Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADEL EO=* pHia. .-May 6, 1883.' . The Directors have declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on and after Thursday next, 7th instant. . Cmy6;6tJ P. P, STEEL.-Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PHIJLA ICS* DELPHIa, Mays, 1863. , The Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, free of all t*xes, and payable on de mand. [my6cf] J. ~W~. TORREY, Cashier. KENSINGTON BANK, PHIDADEIf,. |C> PHIA, May 6, 1683. ■ The Board ofDirectors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT, far the last six months, paya ble on demand; clear of taxes.. • niy6-6t C. T. YERKES, Cashier. MECHANICS’ BANK, PHILADEU PHIA, May 5, 1863. The Board of Directors have declared, this day, a Dividend of-FIVE PER CENT., free of Government taxation, payable on and after the 15th instant. ' my6-6t. J. ‘VVIEGAND, Jn., Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PHiA, May 5, T£63.■•“ •The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend.of FI VE PER CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payable on demand, clear of State and national taxes. ,my6-6t PITTSBURG* MAY 5, 1f63.-THE lc> Directors of the-EX CHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG have this day declared a Dividend.of FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the last six months, pay able on and a'ter the lfith inst. . /V- Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. H. M. MURRAY, my7-l2fc Cashier. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR- TIST TO THE ARHY AND NAVY, - Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirouß of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should'apply immediately at.the office of the Surgeon-Jortist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL*, 1118 CUTHBEBT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. MANUFACTURERS* AND ME fcou CHANICS’ BANK, May 0, 1563. " The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on the 13th instant, agreea bly with the chartor. -v my6-tutbs6t M.W. WOODWARD, Cashier. COMMONWEALTH BANK, PHILA lc»' DELPHIA, May 5. 1563. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, (out of thcearaings of the last six months) on the Capital. Stock of this Bank, payable on and after the 15th inst./clear of State and United States tax. H. C. YOUNG, . .my7-fcbstu3t -v ■ - : : r^ THE ANNUM. MEETING OF TIHS Stockholders of the GREEW MOUNTAIN COA'IT COMPANY will be held- in Philadelphia, on the second TUESDAY of Mav next, the 12th proximo, at 12 o’clock, in Room No. SQ, in the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. apll-gwtmyl2* WILLIAM S. GREEN, Secretary. A MEETING OF THE GRADUATES and otherfriends of the •“ College of New Jer sey.” at Princeton, willbe held in this city on TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th inst., at 8 o’clock, in the Lecture Room of the Central Presbyterian'Church* at the corner of EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets. Its object is to. con sult together, and take such measures as .may be deemed wise, to aid the effort-now making for the endowment of this ancient and of learning. ; , All gradnates ahd’friends of the College are earnesly invited to be present at. this meeting, and to secure the attendance of any other persons, who arc likely to take an interestin the objectabove stated. ■. JAMES POLLOCK, WILLIAM E: SCHSNCK, . AUGUSTINE H. FISH, ALFRED MiRTIEN, JAMES M. CROWELL, WILLIAM A. INGHAM, CHARLESS. BOKER, my9-3t* Committee of Arrangements, GRAND INAUGURATION OF THE SECOND WARD NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE on TUESDAY - EVENING, May 13th, at 8 o’clock, at the Hall of the League, SIXTH Street, above Carpenter. Ex-Governor Pollock, Morton McMichael, Isaac Hazle hurst, and other distinguished orators, will be present and address the meeting. Ladies and gentlemen are re spectfully invited to attend. w T, . JOHN W. LYNN, President. John W. Frazier, Secretary.' . my9-3t* OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY—No. 310 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia, April 21st, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given; that a-SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at this office, on THURSDAY, May 21st. 1863, at 12 o’clock M., to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter, approved'April 1863, and authorizing the Board of : Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the Company. . • at>22-dHnv2l* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Sec’y. OP’FICE MINE HILL AND SCHUYXi- KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY., • . Philadelphia, 4th Month, (April) 27,1863.. Notice is hereby given that a .general meeting wf the stockholders of-the Mine Hill and Schuylkill'Haven Railroad Company will be held at the hall of the Frank lin Institute, No. 15 South SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on FIFTH DAY, (Thursday), the 14 th day oCFifth Month, (May),.at lift o'clock A: M., for the purpose of acting on a joint agreement for the.consolida tion and merger of the Schuylkill- Haven and Lehigh River-Railroad Company with the Mine Hill and Schuyl kill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meet ing. By order.of the Board of - t . JOHN C. CRESSON, President. Attest— Williamßiddle> Secretary. ap29-tmyl4 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15, 1863., The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR' PER CENT, on the Capital' Stock of-the Company, clear of State and Natlonal taxes, payable-on and after May 15, 18©. . Powers of Attorney for Collections ofdividends can he had on application at the office of the Company, Ao- J-is S mhil§el tl) StrBet ' THOMAS T. MRTH.Treasnrer. OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia." April 27th, 16©. Notice is hereby gmn that a general meeting oMhe Stockholders'of the SCHUYLKILL HAVEN' AND LE HIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY will he held at tlie Hall of the Franklin Institute, No. 15 South SE VENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on THURS DAY, the 14th day of May. 1863, at ten* o’clock in. the morning, for the purpose or acting on a joint agreement for the consolidation and merger of the said Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, and :.-for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meeting. By order of the Board of . ' - ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, President. Joshua W. Ash, Secretary. * . ap29 tml4 • GOLD, SILV£R } AND DEMAND /NOTES WANTED. DREXEL & CO. , apl3-lm ■ 3& South THIRD Street, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BLOOMSBURG IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May 20, 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. A WM. E. S- BAKER, Treasurer, ap2o-Sot* No. 5813 North WATER Street. ■JELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 330 CHESTNUT STREET; Haye for sale by the Package a good assortment of Staple Styles PRINTS, LA.WHS, BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, COTTONADES. FEINTED LININGS, 6ILESIAS, NANKEENS,' CORSET JEANS. ALSO," U-* BLACK AND MIXED BROADCLOTHS, UNION CASSIMERES, EXTRA, MEDIUM, AND LOW QUALITY SATINETS; NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAID LINSEYS, ’ ARMY GOODS, &C-, &C. ap2l-tutbs3rn QIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGE, TABLE, STAIR, AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, IN COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS, QUALITY AND STYLE UNSURPASSED. WINDOW SHADES, - COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OF NEW AND OBI: GINAL DESIGNS, PLAIN and, ORNAMENTAL. These goods will be sold to Dealers and Manufacturer* at prides much below the present price of stock. THOMAS POTTER, MANUFACTURER OF OIL CLOTHS AN& 339 ARCH Street, PMladolpbla, and *9 CEDAR and 95 LIBERTY Streets, Now Fork. myU-2m - , ■ ■ CEA-SIDE HOUSE, FOOT OF FENN JO SYLVANIA Avenue, Atlantic City. Ii; J. A pri vate boarding-house is now open for !he; rscQpiioii ot guests. > DAVID SCATTEBGOOp. . "Fifth Moxtii, 1863. myl2-l2t “POSTER & 00., No. 40 SOUTH i IFTH a*- Street, above Chestnut, . 7 HATS AtiD CARS, For Men and Boys, cheap for, cash, Ut TTN QUESTIONABLY,. R EIM E R~S " Iyorytypes appjcoxiipato perfectness in hi& ( efforts to produce simple and: truthful likeiiesses: examination proves them a ssqcegEL SBQOND Street, above Green. lt PHAMU'AGNE.—AN INVOICE OF VO*Cok»t”and • ‘Creaeent"ChampMM Wia., to *»• “g&E * UWOJI; HI 593 and 304 Baulk SgOKT SimU THE riUESS.—PHILADELPHIA.' TUESDAY. MAY 12. 1863. G. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. COMMI@Sf.ON HOUSES. WINDOW SHADES, INSURANCE PHILADELPHIA. AC?£KOY, ANNUAL INCOME, ONE AND THREE QUARTER MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 10,000 1,500 5,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 600 2,927 3,815 3,176 14,243' 23,271’ Bates of Premfom lower than In most Companies. See Pamphlet. KETIUI BKY BOOBS. T R. GASSELBERRY WILL OFEN, • this and Monday mornings, the following’S-’oods, from this week’s New York sales of Meters, L. MailUrd' & Co., and Messrs. Samuel McLean & Co. Also, from the sale ox Messrs. Benkard & Hutton, of this city. • .2 lots superb quality Foulard-Silks, $l. 3 lots. plain silks, heavy and wide, browns, blues-, greens, &c. $1:312*. 2 lots solid-colored, striped, and-figured Silks, X- wide,- $1.45, worth $2.25. 1 lot double-faced figured Black Silks, $1 25. 3 lots heavy mode-grbunds small plaid Silks, $1.25.- PLAIN BLACK StLKI?; Black Silks-from 95 cents to $2.25. MOURNING DEPARTMENT. Black wool Delaines, 37& to 63: Figured aud si ripe black wool Delaines, 37£L Black silk and wool Cballies, magnificent quality, cheap Black and white Mohair Plaids,-at 22 cents. 4-4 small stripe silk and wool gage LuxOes, C2>4: been' sold at $l. 8-4 htack Crape Maretz; first quality. t Good-quality black Barege Hernani, 68cents. RICH DRESS,GOODS., . Tease double-width Taffeta Grenadines, 44 cents. 1 case single-width Taffeta Grenadines, 33 cents. 1 case new-style striped : Mozambiques, 18X, bargain. 25 pieces , corded drab Alpacas, new, been sold at 62 cents. ■ . ■ . 1 case white with black Plaid Mozambiques, at 31#. l ease Chene Brazilians, been sold'at 60 cents. Largest and cheapest stock of drab Alpacas in the market.' • WILLIAMSYILLE aud WAMSUT-TA MUSLIN, oxtra low. ... 10-4 Bleached Sheetings, less than case prices. ' 10-4 Linen Sheetings, cheap . 31-4-Honeycomb Quilte, $1; 75. 26 pieces white with smallZcolored : figure Piques, at 37#, old price. , 1 case white-ground rhintzes, 16c, fine aid fast colors; J. B. CASSELBERRY’S s Mammoth Dry-Goods House, 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. P. S: Canton Mattings, extra low, H* 4-4, 5-4, and 6-4 Red Check Mattings; 4-4,5-4,-and'6-4 white .Canton Mat tings, arranged on third iloor • ■ ; lIOOP SKIRTS—Show room, 2d floor,.next to whole? said room. • Cmyl2-2t3 .CASSELBERRY. ; jjvi>wnsi iiax>lj <& eo:, 2G SOUTH SECOND STREET, hays a Urge stock of i MESS GOODS AND SILKS, adapted<-to the Plain trade: - Plain Styles of Silks,. . Neat Plaids and Stripe-Silks, Poulard Silks and Poplins, . Plain ■ Styles ;of Mozambiqucs, Plain Styles LawnSi Modes and Drab Alpacas, Plain Styles of Dress Goods, In great variety,, at eedUcep prices. myl2-3t T I GHT SUMM ER SHAWLS—IN -Li Mozambique, Challi, Grenadine* and Barege. • FREKCH PLAID CASHMERE SHAWLS AT $6.50. These Shawls cosi $8.50 to import.' Every variety of Thin and Thick Shawls for SPRING AND SUMMER. - . Light Cloth Shawl-Mantles and Circulars. , . Black Silk Mantles aud Sacques. :■ V THIN'DRESS GOODS OP EVERY VARIETY. >• Plain Blue ahd Buff Lawns, Buff Linens. A great variety of Plain Goods for Suits. A great variety of new Dress Go STEEL my 9 Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. Y BE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, FULL STOCK . OF SEA SO NAB LE GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE. SILKS OP NEAT STRIPES. SILKS OP PINE PLAIDS. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS. VEEOUTINES,- NEW GOODS. LIGHT SPRING POULARDS. GRENADINES, NEW STYLES. ROOK SPUN SILK SHAWLS. BALMORALS, SUMMER STYLES. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. ap23-thstutf... . jyi[OUBNING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS, OP TIIE ‘LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES. Always on hand.and mad© to order at the shortest no* . tice, at the “SEW HOttSOTG STORE,” 925 CHESTNUT STREET. - M. & A. MYERS & CO. my2-stulrn SEWIJfG MACHINES. QET THE BEST. The TVhcelci- & Wilson Sewing Machine. Ol.) K, NEW STORK, 101 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. sSECOXD l)OOR ABOVE SEVENTH, SOUTH SIDE. ELEGANT BROWN -ST C)NE BUILDING. The Wheeler & Wilson ManufactHj-ing.Co., Feeling thaf the increasing popularity and extensive sales of their celebrated Sewing Machines demanded a large Emporium for the accommodation'of their nume rous patrons and Ibiends, have opened one of. the .most elegant and tastefully arranged establishments in .Phila delphia, where they vi*l be glad to welcome their.: cus tomers, "and all who feel any desire to examine their wonderful Machine. GET TilE BEST. ' The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine may he used for all kinds of Family Sewing and Army Clothing. . It is indispensable to Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors,„ Manufacturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cleaks, Mantil las, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Ladies’ Gaiters, Linou Goods, and is admitted to be the best Macliiue-for all.-kinds of Ornamental Quilting, Braiding, &c. ' : - GET THE BESST; , Ahandsome Instruction Room has been'iitted; tip for the accommodation of all who wish to learn to work on, the Machine, and obliging and attentive young ladies are always in attendance to instrnet, wichout.cliarge,.orglYe. any information desired. - If preferred, instruction will be given at the residences of the purchasers, free of charge. 03ET THE BEST. Our prices have been greatly reduced, and.all: our Ma chines are warranted for one year. # : Persons ac a distance can safely. order : our; Sowing Ma-. chines, and will find no trouble in working, them from our piinted'instruciious. AGENTS wanted throughout Pennsylvania, New. Jer-. sey, and Delaware, to sell these imrrcqlZea and uim*. Quailed Sewing Machines. GET TILE UfDCIST. Call and examine.them, whether you. purchase or not. : ... j Wheeler Wilson Sewing Kuchin# Co.* ELEGANT BROWN-STONE BUILDING., 90* CHESTNUT St.Phila. my!2- tuthsfit HARDWARE AND CUTUEUV. JJARDWARE. "cLosma out at GL. r> PRIG E-. 8, Tha Stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising a LA&QE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets. -“API6-lm * GBMAN & ELY, Manufacturers of PATENT CAST-STEEL tableoutlery AND COMBIIfATIOIf CAMP KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS. No. 130 PEG SSfiEET, jßh23-»toth2n> Philadelphia. pOFFEE t COFFEE II COFFEE 11 ! The best and cheapest prepared Coffee in the cits 1 ;, A trial will convince the most skeptical. No charge made U satisfaction is ooi rendered. Prepared ani for sale at the ' , * v KatrleSteam Sptce and Coffee Works, .. { ‘ 844 and »46 North FRONT Street.' HOWARD WORB3XiI» ; MILLIONS OF HOLLARS. EXAMPLES OF DIVIDENDS, Dividends which may be applied -as follows: Total premiums Paid. Additions to Orinrednc- Policy of tion of pre miums of premiums 0,959-.t# 203-01 921 2Z 52 35 3,183 67 235 03 849 71 179 80 1,813 63 545 60 4,914 14 I 127 23 918 53 39 16 1,565 98 53"3f1. 1,495 23 V 4165 224 00 46 65 175 50 72 SO ' 180'CO 204 00 64 00 158 65 317 30 4,480 00 933 00 3, CIO 00 1f450l f 450 00. 3,213 00 3,284 00 832 00 1,269 20 951 SO All Policies issusc? by this Company parflcipate'io. the profits. '• Fr THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AtfS> COUNTY OF'PHInA DRbPBIA. - , CITT GFPHILADELPHI& vs. EDWIN FORD.'. September Term; 1862. Nt>. 57. Al. Lev. Fa. : The Auditor appointed by thfrCourt to, report distribu tion of the-’fund arising from the* sale -by the Sheriffiun-- der'the affove writ, of all that: certain lot or piece of ' gpouud, situate on the east side- of Moyacae’using ave -nnf1.,78 feefc:3# inches north from MiflUh street, in the - First ward* of the city of PhilaSelphia, containing in . front or breadth on said Moyameasing avenue 323 feet. ks inches, and extending in depth eastward? about 100 feet. Bound ed ; north by ground oFWilliam F. Hughes, - south by ground’ of G. North and others, and west by .-MoyamensingStveone aforesaid. - Will attend tothe duties of his appointment on MON • DAY, the lS4li>day of May next, at 4 o’clock P. M.; at ■his Office,* N. B, corner FIFTH and WALNUT streets, ia the city of Philadelphia, when andiwhere all parties - interested inus£present-tkeir claims, ov be forever de barred from coming ia upon said fund. myl2-st* y' ... • B. MITCHELL, Auditor. TTNITED* "STATES, EASTERN DXS- Ss TRICTOF-PENNSYLVANIA, SO?. THE PRESIDENT' OF THE UNITED STATES. TO THE MaRSHAB: OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ‘ PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: , WHBR BAS, The District Court of the United States in. and for the Eastern-District of Pennsylvania, rightly and ' duly proceeding on a Libel and information fi ed in the name of the United* States of America, as well for them selves' as for all others concerned, hath decreed all per sons in general wh : o have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner James G. Ramsey, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, seized and taken in the Nanticoke. river; about twenty miles : below Seaford, Delaware, to be<monished, cited, and called to judg ment, at the time'and place and tothe effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore-charged, andslrictly enjoined and com manded, that y.ouomit not, but that, bypublishingthese presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed. and published „in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer^ you- do monish aud cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in. general who have, ©r pretend to have, any right,-title, or interest in .the said schooner. James G. Ramsey, -her tackle, apparel,- and furniture. to appear before the Hon. JOHN'CADWAIiADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in tlie city of Phila delphia, on the tweotiethday after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between tha usual hours of hearing cau ses, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a*reasonable and- lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner James.G. Ramsey, her tackle, ap parel, and-furniture; should* not be pronounced, for the causes in the said libel'alleged-, liable and subject to for feiture and to be so adjudged: and condemned; and fur ther to do aud receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that-youduty intimate, or causo to be intimated,- unto all persons aforesaid generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these-presents, it is also inti mated,) that if they shall- not appear at the time aud place above mentioned-, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful-cause to the contrary, then'said Dish ict Court doth intend and'will proceed, to adjudi cation on the said capture.- and may pronounco that the said schooner James G. Ramsey, her tackel, apparel, and furniture, are liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be so adjudged and condemned, the absence, or rather contumacy,, of the persons so cited and-intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and - that y«u duly certify to the said District Courc what you shall do in the premises,' together with these presents. Witness-the Honorable JOHN.C&DWALADEIf, Judge of. the said'Court, at-Philadelphia, this ninth day of May, A-. D. 1863.' and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence of the said United States. myl2-3t G. R. FOX-. Clerk District Court. • ■jj NITED STATES FLAG-3, SILK AND SXJNXIiva, QOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue, Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys* FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, «Js CO., No. »30 CHESTNUT STREET. mli24-3m Q W. SIMONB A BROTJEIER, SANSOM-STREET HALL~ PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, . A3© ' , MILITARY GOODS.- IN EVERY VARIETY. , . , • •• , , • , /GENERAL ORDERS, No. 105. Va- WAR DEPARTMENT, Ahjt, General’s Office, = * ' WAsMngton, April 2S, ISQ3, - The organization of an INVALID CORPS is hereby,' J This Corps shall consist of Companies, and if it shall herealter he thought best, of. Battalions. The Companies shall be inadevup from the. r following sources, viz: . First By taking those officers and enlisted men of commands now in the field.kwhether actually present or temporarilv absent) who, from- wounds received in ac tion or disease contracted! in the iine:rOf duty, are unfit for field service, hut are.still capable of effective garrison duty, er such other lighLduby as may be required of an Invalid Corps. ;Regimental : Commanders shall at once make out, from-int'ormatiou received from their Medical and Company Officers, and-sr6m their own*knowledge, rolls (according to the Fcriii; furnished) of the names of all the officers and enlistecli men under their commands . who fulfill the following conditions, yiz: 1. Thai thev are-unlit-, for-active field service on ac-; count of wounds or disease contracted in the line of duty; this fact being certified by a. Medical Officer in the ser vice, after personal examination. . : . ~ • 2. That they are fit for garrison duty; thi3 fact being likewise certified by ihe Medical Officer, as above, after personal examination. - : \ Thai they aye, ia the opinion of their Commanding Officers, meritorious and deserving. 'these rolls sball-be certified- by the Examining Sur geon ' and Regimenal Commander, and transmitted, through the regular channels of military correspond ence. to -the Provosfi Marshal General of the United RegimentalUommander shall enter in the column of remarks, opposite each officers name, on the roll, a ' statement as to the- general character of the officer for in telligence, industry, sobriety, and.attention to duty; and 'all intermediate Commanders shall endorse thereon such-facia as they may possess in the case, or if . they - have none, tliev shall state how far they are willing to endorse the, opinion of the-officer or oflicers'makiug the recommendation. - Similar rolls shall be forwarded from time to tiiuo, whenever the number of men fulfilling the ' conditions enumerated or the exigencies of the service s may render it expedient. r : Second. By taking.those officers and enlisted men still in service and? bonne on the rolls, but who are absent, from duty, in Bospiialfc' or Convalescent Camps, or are otheiwise. under the control of Medical Officers. In. these cases, the Medical Officer in attendance shall pre*- r arc.the rplis according to Form, entering the names of officers and men from the same Regiment on. a roll hy tliemselves, anil, send them, with the certificate of the. Surgeon, duly signed, to the .proper Regimental Com r manderi who will forward them, as heretofore specified, subject- to the same conditions and requirements / If, in. any cairn, the Regimental Commauder shall, officer unfit, in point uf-character, to continue in th? ser-. vice of the Invalid Corps, though disabled and certified by the Surgeon ho will state his objection in the column of remarks, and note-the exception before the cert'ficate. If any officer or enlisted man the service, but absent and beyoud the reach of a Medical Officer in chsjge of a,: Hospital or Convalescent Gam*), : desires to enter this Corps, he will take the course iudi ■ : cated "below for those whof-haye been honorably.oss cliarged the service. . - ' .. ,' Third. By accepting those officers who. have been honorably on.-accoiuU of wounds or disease contracted in the line ot\ du.tvv amd who -'desire to re-enter the* service. In-the case of ,an officer, an application for appointment .mftde to the Provost Marshal General of the United States through the officer-detailed as. ActingAssistant.Provost Marshal General of the State. No application ot this . kind will be considered unless the following conditions • are completely fulfilled: • .... •/ ... „ v That tbe applicant produce the certificate* the Sur geon of the Board of Enrolment for Ihe Dificrioi m winch, he resides, that he .is unlit for aativo.hold dfity od ac count of wounds or disease, an-Lsia draft, but is fit for garrison duty. ; - Li" , J , 2. That lm furnish evidence? of. honusafelfr. discharge on account of wounds or disability contracted, in the line °JT l That he produce recommendations, mom the Regi mental, Brigade, and .Division Commanders-unuerwhom he formerly served, that lie is worthy of.being thus pro vided for. and capable of returning service to tne Government.- In case it shall be impracticable to get this lasteviderce, h* .may, haxmg,established the first two points above* saU*fy the Board, of Enrolment that, he" is deserving, and.- present its cerdflcate of the fact. This evidence ir<«si all. be. o Maine dby the appii-*- j cant, and must be transmitted .wyih lus application foil ; aP ffthere e he no Actiagjfissistanj provost Marshal Gene ral for the State, the. nyty be throngh the Genera? ortho btatvwho iSjtfe siicd to endori ©thereon f**oiv facts in the mujsary history of the awliciint as he may *now, or as ay».af forded by liis and formrd kne same to the-Pro vofci Marshal General af tlie Untied States. . Enlisted men, lionoraW disdiasged,. on account of disability,' desirin" to ve-ehlikt in. tlijs. Gorps, will present tnem selve& to Mig Boitrd oS Enrolment forrtho .Distochin which they reside,' for examination-by the Surgpon thereof* wjho-shall, examina them and report tne result to theße-arduif Enrollment. o „, n ~,a The shall then, consider each. cas<s and if the apidic&ut is found to fulfill the conditions specified be low. tAo Board stall give him a certificate to that effect— Jj.' That ho is unfit for service in the field. 2i Tbathe i 9 fit for-gasrisondnty. t . J). That lie is meritorious and deserving. 4 That he was honorably discharged from, tlie service. • The Provost Marshal for the District shall-then send the application, with this certificate of the Board v to the ' Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of the State, who St laU procure such evidence of service and charac ter as the records of the Company to wlifoh he belonged, on file at tbe Headquarters of the.Statecrafts' show, aud if satisfied that it is a meritorious case, and that ihe man is deserving, he will - enlist him in accordance with siich special .rules as the Provost Marshal. General may e? Med!cnilnspectors, Surgeons; in charge of Hospitals, Military Commanders, and all. others having authority to discharge, under existing laws, and regulations, are forbidden to grant discharges to any raen under their control who may be fit for service-in the Invalid Corp 3. • The - Thovost Marshal General is ; charged with the execution of this order, and th Q-ty oops organized under itwill b« under the control of liis Bureau. By order ot the Secretary of War P - E D; TOWNSEND, ■ myl2-lin . ■ • Assistant Adjutant General. 'MATISHALVS SAL.K— by VIRTUE ATX 0 f aVWrit of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD. WALADBR, Judge of tbe.DUtvict Court of the United . States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beat bidder, for cash, at CALLOW BILL-STREET WHaKF, on MONDAY May.2s, 1863. at 12 o’clock M, the Brig MINNIE, her tackle, apparel, &o., as ahonovf lies at .the said wharf. . : . ' . ALS'>, immediately after the sale of the vessel;; will \>aexposed i o Sale at MIOHKNhR’S STORE, No. 143 North FRONT Street, thecargo of said Brig, consisting of 850 i sacks of Salt, 2.1 bags ot Pepper, and oh*- cask r,f Coffee. -•- • *. - WILLIAM.'IgaLWARD, , > 0 U. B. Marshal E,: II; ci'P^&lWylYftma* Ptm.ApropJfTA., May 11, 1863. COMPANY NO. 400 WALNUT STREET. PAID CLAIMS BY DEATH, FOUR AND A HALF If applied as Reduction of . Premiums. The Premium in future will be- 20 99 nothing, nothing, nothing;, nothing.. 76 77 XE&SAIi- MIAjITARY goods. ALL SIZES. EVANS- & KASSALL, MILITARY FIT&NISHERS, •418 ARCH STREET. OF NEW YORK. FREDERICK S. WINSTON, PRESIDENT. TOTAL SURPLUS DIVIDED OVER FIVE MIIXIONS OF DOIIARS. The Business of this Company is conducted on the MU TUAL principle, in the strictest sense of the term i the entire surplus, DEDUCTING KECKSS.VKY EXPENSES ALONE: being EQUITABLY 1)I V IDEO among the As sured. . . . .. . Polices are issued, premiums payable m one sum. an nually. half-yearly, or quarterly for life: or, in FIVE or TEN YEARS. The last is generally known as the “TEN-YEAR PLAN.” Pamphlets, (riving all necessary information, also blank forms of application, may be had, free of ex pense.'by applying by letter or otherwise to F. RATCHFORD STARR, GENERAL AGENT,. .... NO. *OO WALNUT STRRET, . Philadelphia. And an an nuity to po licy holder. EEW. PUBLICATIONS. THE CONSCRIPT l A. TALE OP W AR! A By ALSX-ANDER DUMA9! : Will bepablishedand for sale on SATURDAY'MORNING' NEXT, by T. B. PETERfiOW & BROTHERS, 306. CHESTNUT. Street, Philadelphia. It wiH prove tb be one of the most popular booksissued for years... •' It "NTEW RECEIVED BY -tV j. b. lippincott & co., ■ Tl 5 and 717 &ARKET Street. AT ODDS;, by the* Baronets Tautph-ceus, author of 1 ** Quite. ” “Initials; ,r lZc.’ . jftIBLISHEIPTHIS DAY-5,000 COPIES 1 ORDERED IN ADVANCE op PUBLICATION. QUITS, by tHe same author; new edition. OHE WAGONER- OP THE ALLEGHENIES, a ; poeni, by T Buchanaa Read'. BSISEE: - ES3AY ON CATHOLICISM, Libcralism. : andi3ocialisnu from the Spanish of Don Jtran Dunaso Cortes. AMERICA, by Anthony Trollope.; SUMMARY OF THE ART OP WAR, by EasiS Schalfr. ' DON QUIXOTE, by Cervantes; new edition GIL BLAS, by Le Sage; new edition, ■TWrAITHIAS 1 ' MANUAL OR RULES i'-L' OF OBDER. NEW EO4TION NOW READY.—■ AManuaSforconductfug-bosineas iu Town, and Ward meetings. Societies. Boards of Birectora, and Managers, and otherDeliberative-Bodies,-based on ParliaineniGtr, Congressional, and by BENJAMIN MATTHIAS. A. M. The ninth edition .last published#? UINDSA'ST&BLAKISTON, ' Publishers and Booksellers, my!2 gSEOUTH SIXTH stress above CHESTNUT.- np; CENTS 'iO S+5.00!!! A/k) Photograph Albums holding from 12 to 200 PICTURES. PITCHER’S NEW BOOK STORE, 80S CHESTNUT’ Street. myg 6t- A LI J THE NEW BOOKS. NEW- FRENCH CROSS-FAR- PAPERS, ENGLISH DAMASK AIM) ALHAMBRA. SUPERB DOUBLE THICK LINEN PAPER, Envelops to match Perfectly* • NEW CARD ’AND'IMPERIAL- PHOTOGRAPHS, PASSE-PARTOUT FRAMES, black- walnut frames; Every Article CHALLEN, PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 1308 CHESTNUT STREET.: TTIE ARMY CHAPLAIN,—THIS DAY A is published, THE A KMT CHAPLAIN: His Offlco, Duties, and Responsibilities, and the; Means of*Aiding Him. By Rev. W. T. Brown, A. H.Hospital Chaplain U. S. A. ISmo, 45 cents. ; • ALSO JUST READY., The Seventeenth Thousand of HOW A FREE PEOPLE CONDUCT A LONG WAR: By C. J.'Stille. 15 cents. Th Q.Xinth Thousand of NORTHERN’ INTERESTS AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE. By the same author. 15 cents. Published Dv WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, . 60G CHESTNUT Street. APPLETON’S NEW AMEBIC AN -A CYCLOPEDIA. NOWCOMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. PRICES. Cloth, per vol fS.oO I Half Morocco $4.50 Sheep 4.001 HalfKussia* 5.00 . Sold to subscribers complete,* or jn instalraents of-one or two volumes per month. = . - • . . Can any intelLgent American deny himself this great American digest of all human knowledge, universally pronounced tne best- Cyclopedia and the most valuable work ever published? OFFICE OF -THE AMERICAN AND;ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ALSO; Putnam’s Rebellion Record, Irving’s Works, Ac., Ac. .. fe*2S-stuih3ia HTBE NEW SENSATION.—WE • PUB- I LlSH.this day THE HOOK OF-NONSENSE, The fii*st American from: the Tenth London Edition of that ridiculously funny book by Edward- Lear, which has caused so much sensation on both sides the water.- Our edition is a perfect fac simile of the Loudon copy, for only sl.' ‘ WILLIS P.-HAZARD, my6-6t . 734::;CHESTNUT Street. «#- O—G —B —E. -*»■ “ 439” MAKE . TOUR PURCHASES 05 1 BOOHS-; STATIONER!', PHOTOGRAPH Air BUMS, CARD PICTURES, ■■ ORIGINAL GIFT- BOOK EMPORIUM,. KEABLY OPPOSITE TEE KEW;POST OEFIOEf PHILADELPHIA. U. S. INTERNAI. REVENUE. Xpo T I C E—ASSESSOR’S/ -OFFICE, UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIFTH DISTRICT, (Ger mantown,) May 4, 1563. Ihave divided the SEVENTH DIVISION of this DIS TRICT as follows, viz.: . DIVISION No. 7.—A1l ;the :First and Second Precincts of the TWENTY-FIFTH WARD north of the Reading Railroad, and west of the Eraakford. ana .Southwark Passenger Railway, together with the Third.and the Fourth Precincts of said Ward, including the north side of William street. JOSEPH EMERSON, AsBistant.Assessor. Address Rising Sun Post Office. DIVISION No. 10 —All ihe'First and Second Precincts of the TVYENTY-FIFTH.WARD- south of the Reading Railroad and east of the Frankford and Southwark Pas senger Railway, and the' Fifth aud Sixth .Precincts of said Ward, excepting the nor It side of William street. JOsEPB BOUCHER;. Assistant Assessor. Address Rising Sun Post Office. my9-3t - EDWIN T. CHASE,. Assessor. FOR THE- SALE- OP ■ UNITED.- S-T A-T HS- TAX S T A-MP S, No. 3? South THIRD Street, first door.above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of TaX STaJIPS constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to suit.. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of SSQ-and up wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. Office Hours from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. JACOB E;. HipOHAY,' dc j 9-tjelo fio. 57' Sout]i TIIISD. strnet. GENTS' FURNISHING GOOfiS. gEOEGE GKAN-T, NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST-HEET Has, haw. , ready A LARGE AND • COMPLETB S-PGCK ’ GENTS’ FUIINIriHINO. ©GODS, of his own importation, and mauufactuYe. “ PKIZB MEDAL SESIBTS,” *r manufactured,under the superintendeaco of ; JOHN F. : TAG GER'JV (FORMESI.T .OF OU?RkBRk3.A TAO9BRT,) . ; are the .most perfect-fitting Shirts of the age.- . - 4$- Orders promptly attended to. ' mh2S-thstu3m POOR. BICHARD’S EYE WATER A ‘ will ;»alce the weakest eyes strong and the most dim visiomotsar. . . , _ _ Kead the- certificate, handed- to.HTS. M. G. Brown, of, 410 Arch street, by Rev.* P:- S. Henson, pastor of . Broad street Baptist Church y -, . . , 1M(I -.= • October 17,15Q2.- i • From .injuries receive! in ray right eye when a boy, a., chronidvinilamuiation; had been produced, in conse quencA.of which I suffsredgoonstaait martyrdom. Every? moment of iny waking life was embittered,.and I was? f frequently niiable to steep at night. A ■'variety of ‘ remedies had resorted to withers success. and:l entertained, the purpose, as a last resort, oflia-viu^theballtsAsnoutof ns socket m the thus finding relief. ... t .. • _ ... s’n tho meanwhile, most providentially I noticed, one day.inasbop a. bottle of Poor Richard's Eye Water!. 1 hadnever.heafd of it before, but determined ; Vs> try a few davs'the painful irritation was removed. I could 1 bear tbe-stron&asl light, and went forth as it were to the enjoyment of a. new. lift. I;now keep a bcftle always in the*hcu\se, and, if nay.eye seems at all disposed to annoy me, I-give it a.<iose and that is an eaa .of it. I would not bawithiouA it for any amount of money. I take oecasiqa to say., further, that my wife used,to suffer, severely at,times from protracted pain in anil over tyv eyes,, and. sho.'hao found Poor Richard^Eye Wafer a i overeighs'spocific in her case, giving her instant re GratoA>ito:God ftr the benefit I have pergonallyre' ceivedv r cannot but recommend the propagation. mnsi cor.dvjHx to. ail who have been sufferers like myself. . P. &. HENSON, Pastor of the Broad-street Baptist Church. , Residence 1430 Poplar street, rhUad,elphi&. General Depot of Poor Eye Water, *lO. ARCH Street, my6.-6tii* Price $1 per bottle. XtfSSKS, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FDR NITUBB, Book and Show-cases, for sale .and made to order cheap. SMITH, *733 MARKET St. myD.-6t* LYIS CHARGED SOLDIER LOST— A/ JAMES COLAGAN, Co.’ G, lOStli Rooiicent N: T, State Volunteers, was discharged. trom y.- S. General Bospital at Chester, Pa , Deoember 16,1562, time lie has not been seen or-lieard from by hie family. They bayo tears of bis loss. Any Information m regard lo him left at this Ofllee would- afford great relief to a ais - tressed "wife and four children. He was this oountry born, about 5 feet 9 inches hteh, candy hair and com plexion, blue eyes, very light skm. ~ Discharged for rheumatism. ’ ‘ my9-4t» MUSICAL BOXES. P r SHEXJj AND ROSEWOOD CASES, Dlaying from 1 to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri- V «an Melodies. PARR & BROTHER, Importers, / ap4 334 CHESTNUT Street. WE IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE our own Cigars. This is the reason why we cc&'selV bother Cigars than others at a less price. s v . Wilmington, Newark, Trenton, and other Corporation Note* received at par, wholesale or retail. , At DEAN’S CIGAR STORE, my&-3l* • ’ 335 Svroet. T> EIMEB'S COLORED - PHOTO- gtapliß impress you at a.glnace .as-being admirable L’ teu X 8 ;? 8 ’ aud artisVically uolore:!.' Only. $l. -Gallery, SECOND Street, aVjve Green. It THE FINE STYLE AND IMPRESS - polonhg of'EEIMJiK'S life: s iie;l>hoto*i , a.pK« in oil colors, is the theine ui adgiir.viou of all lovers of ai*. War prices. GaUei-y; ggQOjdi Steoi, above Grsnu. it CHESTNUT STREET, His celebrated MEDIGAX/. BOSTON AUCTION SAKS. T>Y JOHN H. OSGOOD & SON, JL> OFFICE 147 CONGRESS Street, Boston. 'large sale of military overcoats, on ac count OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES QUARTERMASTER,. AT BOS TON. . Willjbe sold by Public Auction,in lots to suit purchasers, to the highest bidder. ON THURSDAY, May 14th, 1883. at 10 o’clock A. M., ' 23,901 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), ▼is: 17,201 Black Tricot, Doeskin, Beaver, and Satinet. I,ooo. Gray Satinet. 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet.. *; All in perfect order, well packed in cases, and ready for shipment. The goods can be examined on the day previous to the sale. ' Terms, cash. WM. W. Me KIM. Captain, and AQU. Assistant Quartermaster’s Office, 1 Boston, April 77,1883 3 ap29-13t WANTS. WANTED—GOOD OPERATORS ON ** tlie Grover & Baker Sewing Machine at Mrsp- Ornisby’s Stitching -Rooms, 730 CHESTNUT Street. None need apply hut those competent to do the finest Family Sewing. Apply after 9‘o’clock. It WANTED— YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN to Embroider aad do hue Family Sewing on the Grover A.Baker Sewing Machine, at'Mrs-.Ormsby’s Stitching Rooms, 730 CHEsTNUT Street. Apply after 9 o’clock. - It TTA RDWA R E MANUFACTURERS AA and DEALERS.—A SALESMAN,- with a larger mer cantile acquaintance, desires a SITUATION,- and i&well qualified. Address “Beaton,”PhiladelphiaP, 0; l't* A COLORED MAN IS DESIROUS OF a situation as Coachman in a first-class family. None oihera need apply. Address or call at No. 1534 CARVER Street. • my!2-2t* WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN OF » * . address, education, and general business experi ence, now and for the last seven years engaged in one of the largest Basks in tliis <S5y, a SITUATION of more varied and active duties. Am? respectable - position-at • but a fair salary will be' accented. Address 80x2329- Poat Office. _ a?y7-6fc* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in every count? st 875 a raontiky ex penses paid, to sell W 7 new cheap Family SewingJJfa ehines. Address &. MADISON, mv6-3md&jy Alfred; Malffe. <Sb£ifl A MONTH[—WE WANT nP.Dv AGENTS at soOa month, expenses paid, toscfl onr Oriental and 13 other new articles.: SHAW & CLARK, my6-3md&W Blade ford; Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER *»'-eSNEBAL 5 3 OFFICE.—paiz.AD3UPTOJU Feb. 0, 1863. - VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortugas, Key "West, Fla. Fort M^nroe^Yi. Alexandria, va. Newborn, N.C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, felO-tf . Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDING. Q|7 GEEST NUT STREET—PLEA SANT Rooms, with Board. Terms moderate. Also, Table Board. : my 9-12& y Board.— handsome communi GATING Sooms at No. 1315 WALNUT Street. ap3M2i*if FOR SABB AND TO BBT. m FOR SALE OR TO* LET—HOUSED ■Hal. and Factory at*FOTJRTHand J OANAL Streets, Six teenth ward, neat rsoidence wilkmedern Improvements. Factory suitable for any business; Apply at 1528 ' North FIF : fH Street; myT2-6t* M COTTA GE-BTJILT H&U&H WITH spacious* side Lots, FOR SALE* or FORRENT.- Tenns accommodating. Apply to AMOS CARET,in the southbouse in the row on SEVENTEENTH Street, tvro sQuarea south of Tioga street. inyl2-12t* M WANTED •TO BENT ACOAIMD «?ious and well-lighted BUTLDir?G : suitable for a Caipaafer fckop. Address • CARPENTER,- at this office. • • _ m!3-2t* m FARMS FOB- SALE,- OF ALL 2C»SIZES, $4 to S 8 per Ade, on a Railroad in this State. Terms easy. S. B.- COUGHLIN,. myl2-fft«‘ 368 South THIRD Street. M HERMAN TOWN ; —A FURNISH- Es>-COTTAGE, with stable attached, for rent for the summer. Apply Tl 4: ARCH Street. rayT3-3t* MFOR SALE—THE HAKO3OME four-story dwelling, No. 2121 ARCH Street; has all the modern conveniences. Apply to WILLIAM. ROSSELL ALLEN. . myl2-3t* S. B. cor.. FOURTH and -Walnut, second door. fs . FOR SALE—THE TWO STORES sL and dwellings, Nos. 745 and-745 soiuh ELEVENTH Sxreet. Also, two small dwellings in the rear- Aonly to WILLIAM ROSSELL ALLEN, myl2-3i*' S. E. cor. FOURTH and Walnut, second floor. m,, FOR SALE—A VERY- HE3IRA hie Residence, with side yard attached, on EIGH TEENTH Street, above Arch. Apply to WILLIAM ROSSELL ALLEN,. ‘ my!2-3t* S. E. cor. FOURTH and Walnnr, second floor. .IJfSt/KAKfiIJS COMPAK3ES. PHILADELPHIA EIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE-COMPANY. OFFICE, No: 433 CHESTNUT- STREET. CHARTERED -BY- THE- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA r IN IS4S; . - Company is now prepared to make insurance against..LOSS BJ TIKE on tie most favorable-terms* - Their losses will be promptly settled, and that those for the year 1562 were so, they; refer to the following re cipients: Mrs. Jane Perree-.*.. L. G. Mytincer & Co Beverly B. Keim.... ■William E. Taber... John Cundy.. ........ P. P. Morris W. Vi Petit.*... L. G. Mvtihger &-Co K. E. 5e11er5...... Other small losses This Company have no unsettled- losses. . The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks .and bonds. Bills receivable...... Dne from individuals**... Cash in Bank Stock notes. T.... MRECTOR3. M. W. Baldwin,- Vice Pre sident, P. B. Savory, Alexander Murphy, H. C. Hbwell, John Killgore,- R. P. Kins'. President,. Charles P. Hayes, John Clayton, Ed.Wiler, T. K. Collins, J. M. Cowell,. S. J. Megargee. 3ah2B-smihBm*if LACKBURNE,, Secretary. Xj’AME' IN STXBAW JL 408 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. PISE AND INLAND INSDKANGS. BIEBCTOEK Francis N. Buck, 8.-D. WoodruSi Cliaß. Richardson, Geo. A. West*. Henry Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, Jr.* John W. Everman, Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. Roseahelia, O.W.Davis, Josep D.'Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Tice President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. CjaIMJM fTR AY HAIR RESTORED. V-X ; B ALDNESS PRESENT BDv : LONDON- HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ANIh DRESSING-. The • and reliable ar ticle 8 ver discovered for the growth and pra~ servation.of.thehumaiihair,. preventing giny hair, andresto-- ring its -pristine beauty- and color.- Also removing any eruptive diseases, . Itching; Scurf,.Dandruff, &c. Many, w-ho vrerebald and gray have liad their hairrestorecfc by the use of Aiß.Ooi.o.a Restores. "■ Its extraordinary influence in restoring gray-hair ier its.-original life-like appearance is truly wonder ful It does lmt require, auy. preparation, be* fore or aften its use. keeps the liair.soft*, smooth and., flexible, and. is-certainly. js an indispensable article in. every.- - toilet. - All who wis-h to have a, beautiful and. glossy head - 01' hair, in luxurious growth io . the latest period of- life, . must use - * ■ • - the ■ .. LONDON HAIR COLOP. RESTOR2ERL * . As a - !C - LONDON' HAJR COLQUiRESrOBgRI/ Will make the hair grow-on bald-headar " LONDON. HAIR COLOR RSSTGREfi' Will fasten it, and stop its fallings -f- LONDON-HAIR-COLOR-RESTORE Gives the hair a rich and tnce. - LpNDON-HAia.COLOR.RRSXOftB r ''Excites the scalp, cleanses andliinrdfety.-ates. LONDON HA3S COLOR REf»RJ iH, Noladj v or gentleman shouldby-r-wikV --.lit it. LONDON HA«R :ER,' ' Highly not soilrSiaiE «j bonnet. v -LONDON HAIR COLOR. RBR, ■ Onlv/iO cents a bottle, sixvb-otties-'for 552 50. LONDON ORBK, - The only attested article that will a osolutely restore thp hair to.its original coloi’-andi bear ity, causing it to ’•grov^-where ithas fallen off orb'iWcome. thin: Sold, wholesale o«nd retail by- DP.'. SW 'ATNE & SON, apS3-tfif No. 350 N, SIXTH- St„ i .bova Vino. Phila. ‘BEAUTY.—IK YOU, WJ-SH TO HAVE A* ’ft fiue. claar complexion, u HUNT'S WHITE EKAMSL., It "will: makf ,■ you as fair as a lily. £nce, 25 cents. use HUNT’S BIvITISH BaDSAM. It is warr anted, to remove them.. ..iu'ice* 36 ceufcfr . . _ H you want a Color, HOT ,T’S BLOOM OF ROSES. It will riot oft, nor., injur/ , the shin, and cannot: be detected. Prace, 2o cent.s andAt ■ _ HUNT’S SOUR'D TOI-X.ET I ’OVVDER is the best Face Powaei- iuase Price. 12M„- audsl)c euts. bow at aMT.&CO. A Fe’ rfumers, 41 South EIGHTH ?««?*• tw" doorf■ Ch estuut, aud 133 South SE VENTH, above Wnlr,iut_ my 9 3m K 9,5 GOLTOTH QBP & 00., (iQK VU ,* „ , atomr.-acturersof V4O. TaSsds,. Gords, iFria/ es. Curtains, and Furniture Simin, c urtfial.^*B.,r.ieiia»T*ssel»; F, I .^^- 6 ; h Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and J)ass& ? jrijnmiugs. Ribbons. Neck Ties, etc.;. etc.', 7 No. 635 MARKET Street myS-em 7 Philadelphia. PENSIONS. ‘/BOUNTY, . AND PAT -4- for MILITATE® . SERVICES promptly collected, aud nornarge luaife-mt L] collected. Apply at tIie.BBNSION AGENCY, 4Ut<JSB. ESTNUT Street. /A . •T. V. MAGILL. ... Notary Public and Pension Agent. , w REFERENCES.. . ‘ ' • • • 3^• v.'f f51 5-i Cashier of Corn Fxohauge Bank. F. P. STESb,%S’ q., Oaslner of.Southwark Panic. myll-Bt* pAPEB PATTERNS OF THE w Wholesale and Retail. kuniiner Cloaks, Sleeves, Waists, and Child Tea s PMtterns.-now ready at Mrs. W. A. BIND SR’S Tompie of If ishion, .-m.'lU23 CHbSTNUT Street. Also, „ Hating in all its brandies. _ Manama Demor b&d’b Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon iOT> — :; ; ; . ; ap29-Sm O Ct .l E’S SPRING BED, Patented July 3,3.355. a acknowledged for Neatness, Comfort, and t- J be th e Standard Spring Bad. 111 - aDOVe --ai»manufactured ano for sale by w ,.,. • HIRAM TUCKER, mb 2fi-3r j N O . a REVERE Block. Boston. Maui. RHTm-rbY VINB.-100: QUABTER lust received per ship “ Laura." for sale In bend., -by CHAS. S. St'JAS. CARSTAIRS, Ap ji - 136 WALNUT, and at GRANITE Streets. PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET AND . ROOK STO RE. -Examtna- tions, •wiih written or verbal descriptions of Cha ractev. Social Disposition, Professional Talent, Business Ac. are made # day and evening. . All the publications of & Wella, . wholesale and retail. CA.PEN, ai>?tuths9mif CHESTNUT Street. -ffim CLAM SOUP WILL BE SERVED ear's, iip daily, Sundays exeepted, by JAMES PROS SER, fto. SOS MARKET Street mya-iftf Wra SADDLE. HARNESS, AND FACTORY AND WaESROOMS. 102» MARKET STREET. A large assortment of LADIES’AND GENTS’RIDING SADDLES FINE TRUNKS, VALISES. &c LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Wholesale and Retail. apIS-lm* : A. M-’DORMAN- .=* : GOLD, SILVER, AN D LIGHT BLDE STEEL Kjr ■r£?t SPECTACLES, to euit all ages, cheap, cor. SECOND and HEW Streets. .1. ?&'£S- B»l«‘ . .$1,962 45 9lB-92 4,346-67 4,894 19 l2l 87 .™ 2.000 00 60 00 ..... 1.49 S 78 ..... 84'lfi l6O SI -....5.50,116 43 19,370 00 21,509 91 9,942 91 ...... 7,374 47 1,032 87 70,265 00 $179,662 64 JE COMPANY, NO. [MIPSIi^STS, GHESTNUT-gT. TueaTRE .. EXTEA ANNODNCSS^BNT. . The Manager respectfully announces the uta.ugarat-,,> a of the SUMMER SEASON ■ on . _ . ~ MONDAY EVENING, May 11th, during which period the following scale of ~,, ■ popular prices - ■ will be adhered to: Dress Circle and Parquet .50 Cento, Orchestra Seats . ...75 Cents Family Circle . .2S Cents KO EXTRA CHASE FOR RESERVEU SEATS. Engagement for a limited period of the fascinating 7 Mrs. JOHN WOOD, universally concededto be thehestlbnrlusque actress now on the American stage, whose dash, aban* don t - and rare muFJcal abilities have won for her the proud title of QUEEN OF COMEDY AND SONG.. She jyill appe^ g (Monday) EVENING, May Ilth, in a Fairy Extravaganaa, entitled THE FA IE ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS, Compiled and altered from Plan one’s extravaganza of the same name, by Charles MxWalcot, Sr., comedian, the music selected and arranged by the eminent compo ser, Thomas X Baker, Esq., of New York city. In order to give due effect to this great production, the following distinguished artii ts have been engaged for the occasion: Mr. D. SETCIIELL, The Dietingushed Comedian. Mr. W. DAVIDGE, „ , The Eminent Comedian. Mr. W. A. CHAPMAN. Mrs. CHARLES ™bWjUE fcroite . - The Fascinating Commedienne, and Moss. BIHIXf. The Celebrated Belgian Giant (aft high) The burlesque Trill be produced, with entirely ?■ NEW AND GORGEOUS SCENERY, upon •which those distinguished artlstß, Messrs. J. E. HAYS, and J. H. 6ELWYN, have been actively engaged for several weeks. HEW MACHINERY, NETTY COSTIJMSS, NEW APPOINTMENTS A FULL OPERATIC CHORUS; A L-ARGE CORPS BE BALLET. anda _ MOST POWERFUL CAST OF CHARACTERS. Previous to tie burlescn<e each, night will be - per> formed a ; ; LAUGHABLE FARCE, in wbish the celebrated comedian; Mr. D; SETGKELL, will appear. To-night will be given myH-2* A REGULAR FIX. fBflW CHESTNUT-STBEET THEA THE. —Lessee and Manager. -i-Kr. W. WHEATLHT. SECOND NIGHT OF THE SUMMER SEASON. 'Second appearance of the - I'ASCINATIA y & COtf£l>X£&2?E' t _ MRS. JOHN WOOD, Who-win appear THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. May 12th, In-three great Characters. GUEEN LUCiDOBA, PAGEPITCMON, AND THE ORIGINAL JACOBS: _ In the Fairy Extravaganza- oftliß FAIR ONE W2TH THE GOEDEN LOCtfS. The Music and Chorus under the direction, of Mark- Hastier. The New and Splendid Scenery by J. E. Bayes and? J. H. Setwyn. MR. J>. S. RETCHBLLvas PJjESNPOSO. MR. W. DAVLDGE as THE KING, MR. w. a. cha ear an, as >• THU 3IARQGIS, HONS. BJHIN. as THE &T£NT. STBS. C. HEEfREB, as Prlvious to Tfhicli, . A REGULAR SIX. BUSH DE 88A&H..... D; SETCHELL. Phe popular Summer Scale of Prices of Admission :• Dress Circle and Parttuette..... .v... —..5Q ceuts^ Orchestra Seats. *..........75 “ Faiails' Circ1e*~»...~.... ...v...2S “ i? t> EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED SEATS. : Curtain rises at 8 o r clock, •my;l2 WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Y * Sole Lessee.. Mrs, M. A. GABBETTSON. Bnetnase Agent...... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. Glorious Success of ' EAUBA IfSEtfS AND COMPANY. : y SECOND NIGHT of the New Drama, entitled - - JESSIB McLAJNE. : .Teese MoE'ane.-... .-»>->■» Miss-LatiravKeaug, 1 Arthur fflaraden *.Kr. 0. Walcot.-Jr. . ; Mr. C. Peters, • To conclude with the'Eauerhahle Comedietta-of TRYING IT ON. i Mr. Walsingkaro Potts.-*.— ..-V ; Doors open at 7 H : Curtain 'will S. i 0 OK G E RT H A L L. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 11th. : GRAND- PUBLIC LEVEES G3N. TOM THUibB AND WIFE, V ASND- ■ ■ COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN; THE GREATEST-'WONDERS IN THE WORLD.’ i?MARRIED COUPLE. A BACHELOR AND BELLED ALL POUR WEIGHING BUT IMPOUNDS.- . THEDR- GRAND LEVEES EACH DAY,* WITIT IMPERSONATIONS,. TABLEAUX, SONGS, AND DANCES MRS. LATIN IA WARREN STRATTON,; - Will avail herself of her sumptuous and' costly ward-- reite-do appear at eaoh leveein THREE DIFFERENT-DRESSES, - and at each morning levee* the General aad'lQS lady* wSihyear the . : IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUMES Th’eywore at their wedding at Grace Church- THB- BRIDAL PRESENTS •" wilDbe on exhibition at each Levee THREBLE-V-SES EACH DAY, V A M. to*l2|£F. M., 3- to 4}£ and-8 to9?£‘l*. Bf, Doom open half an.hoar in advance Admission, S 5 cents. Children under ten, Id’cents. my]2-5t /HCMPPIMENTARY CONCERT, to be given ai-tke SfUSiCIAL FUND Hal>L. OK TUESD.£«T EVJS3HKO, May 12,-1563,' For wie Benefit e® lae-fc&ree young Artists,' BB3TTO. 3.ROMEES,' On 'ivbict occasion tha following Artists h. ive kindly ofierod-their-vultiab] a-ser v-soes:. Messrs-; MOLLBHHA'UEB, SSNST HAKrM'ANN,and'Clia .:GftRMAMA-02f?H£3TRA.« SH3 THRBB-328TTO* BROTHERS. BMtD, B£RIfA>RI>, and RICHARD. - "Will perform some of tltoirfreoe pieces. Tiokeis-oO cents*io be-b&d at tbe principal-Music Stores,, and intbo-eveinhaattke-DDor. . precisely. d o-s atobio oe -the C-3S R A T I ON TTili'be given by the &&ISDE&. AK3> HA.YDN" SOCIEST, 1 ©SbTH'OHSDAY EYE KING, May 14,1553, jSIEJSIOAL FUND EALLy- IiGGEST STREET, AEOYE';EIGS ! 23r The pOv?esfil SHORES of the Society kus-b&ea-largely augmented far this occasion. and Trill be assisted by the .most favorably* known ARTISTS, togethor+withthe ' GBUMANIA ORCHESTRA., -The Managers of the Society, in presenting this Grand Oratorio* -would state, that nothing shall be wanting to insure-a complete success, and feel aesurei that their efforts will; merit prompt and -liberal, support. • The PRIC3 OR ADMISSION has boen placed at FIFTY CENTS; Tickers ean be had at the idusic- Stores, and also afc-the Libretto, containing full ansblnteliisent criti cal-notea. myo-lf AOifcDBM'S OF ' -*■ * TF E FINE ARTS-, . v 1G35 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANKUAI*EXSI-B*ITION - IS NOW. OPE??, Fnoai 9A_ M. till 7P. M., and ffom-E-t-ill 13 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. Season Tiffksie, 50 ceats. '... Annual Tickets, One Dollar. ' Stockholders. Artists, and will receive** thers Tickets at the Office. myB-tf. ftEBMANIA OBOHESPBA—PUBLIC? T-* BEEEAP.SAI.S aiery 6A-ET>'XUAY APTEKHOOSS. s.t o’clock, at the HALL, Qi-ffiS*,. SENTE, conductor. Tickets 2*>-r-sjits. F&tricagea of kV# tickets $l. Tobehad olAndre>£sA)o..*S& HOi Gh»ss»st'.- street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and GJic&israt, and at ***■ Hair door. .: '- - no?;.-# HAS-SLEK’S ok g S est si" a • , . .~- 3*l-4-South EIGHTH Street, below Waium. QTEBEOSCOPTIcdIS-yOR PUSLiG- O. EXHIBITIONS, in Ssjm small halls, wttit, views, scenes, and represeiitaiidne-ss fineStatoAry, botX of Europe as d America, ami aattlee of the present Rebellion, •- ••'_■ • Made sai» oy j*A£IS3 W. QUEER, i CO., Manufacturing Opticians,. CHESTSJC Street, ■Philadelphia. Full pri-awd 7 and illustrated <?a»aloKiie» sent by mail free.- apffl-lm BAirP4JAD XWES, 51:®STMd -pHIT.-ATiyji'Kßli. BAIL-. BO AD, Mi ME |^ 3{ER --BQAISDEBS. at the fol^- loTviug places on or ■near the Ra-Utoad i. . Trains to-and from.the t way daily. COUPON AED SEASON TICKETS iS?* EOW RATES. T MedS? Peter Wcrral, Mrs M. A..Wom»U. Mrs. Win; Broohe,.MlisP.assiaorft k Gideon.Malin, Tho mas Ifaliu. J. Eiwsyds. . , For further iafcraftaon- rocgsre of ALEAANvsit HENDERSON,, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA. •• . Rear Lenni. H Fields t near SSea Ridoie, Sjisvis. Rear PenneKon, levi-Jobsoa*; near Darlington, Joel 'Sharp!essv'sskt Glen Mills. 2. blalin. Y». Green; near Cheyney : s S'uops.Job Scott-, «* Rreston Tliomas. - There are many others near the aooveanaoj.lier-sta t-ions who wU take boarders. . _ Baggage*&c.,'collected, and delivered by 5L ATEX ARDER, Express Agent, rn.tbe.DEPOT, norVnoast corner of EIGHTEENTH-aud MARKET' Streets. • ap23-Bbt 'fSSrMraßgggigrJ THE PHIIADEL-, yaiA AND BASTSBN TftANS POJiTATIOSS COHPANX In ncy> prepared to fimf&ri ftei * h feoM PWLADELPHIA TO NSW YO.RK, ■; VIA CAMDEN AHD POST KONMOTtm n 3?r&ig''hts rficeWed a? THI3.D Wha/fabove AKGH Ss. : Tiw» attention of aievcliants and Shippers ia directed %*■ this'22B3r and expeditious rotto, and a portion of 3h&r patronage is respectfully solicited. Tor further particulars apply to . m - . ; • eS O. B. ft GKIFFITTS, Jx., General Manns*;. PHILADELPHIA.. ifgy 'ELMIRA R. K. LINE. 1863 ‘WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 18<LT For WILLIAM SPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all' points in the W. and N. TV. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, comer Broad and Callcwliill streets, at 3.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M.vdailv, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in. Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &c., &c. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara'Palls, or intermediate Points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and ;CALLOWHIL3j, and N. W comer SIXTH and CHESTNUT. Streets. jaSl-tr 'TT-NION COM- PANT.—We have.sold and transferred the busi ness and property of said Company to the PHILADEL PHIA AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY of and from this date. _ . . _ , . G. W. CASS'* CO., Proprietors,; Union Transportation Company. Philadelphia, April 7, 1563. aplO-kf "PHILADELPHIA AND EASTERN: X . TEAKSPOKTATIOiV COarPANT iiaviny ppctaswt fhe property,and succeeded to ike business, ot.the Unioa will continue thesauia as here &^„K|^,POKTMONMOS TB iiatta![ar GEO. B. . CBd wharf above Arcb'st.) FOB NEW ORLEANS, LA., 'SffilnHfc VIA NEW YORK.—THIS DAY, 12th inSt.. ai 2 o’clock P. M.—FREIGHT AT'LOW RATES.—The new and'splendid Steamship CONTINENTAL, L 623 tons register, Cart. OB AS. P. MAKSHMAN, now loading ai second wl-arf above VINE Street,will sail as above,. For Freight or Passage, having accommodations not inferior to any ship afloat. Apply to A. HERON. Jr. & CO., 120 NORTH Wharves. The CONTINENTAL will leave New York on Friday. May loth; at 3 o’clock, P. M. inyl2 ALBANY AND Barie PAN GABRIEL, C. Titus, master, is now load ing for the above points, and will leave on TUESDAY. Way 12, at 2 P. M. , i ■ • ■ •' For freight, which will be taken on reasonable .terms, . f S. FLANaG4N, myll-2t No 304: South DELAWARE Avenue. rr mtr- t . FOB NEW YORK, JKbW"YIa DELAWARE AND RARITAN C>A NAL. , DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, The steamers of this line are leaving dally at 12 6F. M. from third’pier above WaLNUT Street I For freight, which will , he taken on aecosniaod&jif At torns, apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO. , . mh26-tf 132. South DELAWARE Avaau* FOB NEW YOBB— NEW JphtWfiW&.DilLT LIJIS-TIA DEI.A WAKJS AH» RARITAN CBKAT.. ■ Philadelphia and New Express Steamboat Gob,® pai\y receivefrei£htandlea\odaiiyat 2P.JH., deliver!® their cargoes in. New York the following day. . ,Trai*h*p taken a* reaeo'jjfrOe rates. _ . WM P. CLYDE, Agent, ' NoXl4r SC,Cr7H WP AP-VES. Philadelphia. Ja.VJJSS HAND. Agent. : »al-K Fiats V* .ai 13 EASE EIVSBTMw Torts. .THE-PRINCE; ■Mr; Levick* delO-Sm^-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers