! Curtain Materials and Curtains on ale at W. H. OarryPs, Masonic Hall, 719 Oheßtnut itreet. : Green French Plush, ' Wide Moquette, Maroon French Plush, Brocatelles, Crimson Plush, Satin de-'Laines, W orated Damaßks. Union Reps. Pekin‘Cloths. (Gothic Tapestry. Union Damasks. Worsted Terry. <Jilt Cornices. . Gimps,. Worsted Fringes, furniture Gimps. . , Taaaela and Loops. JLace Curtains, $7 pair. JLace Curtains, $8 pair. ' Lace Curtains, $l2 pair. 3Lace Curtains, $l6 pair, ... Lace Curtains, $2O pair. Lace Curtains, $3O. pair. Lace Curtains, $35 pair, J?£ano Covers, embroidered cloth , Of new and rich designs. Crimson Piano Covers. Emerald Piano Covers. Burgundy Piano Covers. .. s ... From $l6 to $2B each. - -- Wi7idozv Shades, For Parlors. For Sleeping Rooms.- For Dining Roomß, # And Libraries. • .Gcfta-fcordered Shades made to order, any Btyle or ilize.; ' Curtains and'Curtain Materials, of every descrip ■tion, at the lowest price for a good article. MASONIC HALL, , 719 CHESTNUT Street. ' It ; W. H. CARR YL. Great'Opening op Children’s Hats.— Messrs., Wood & Gary, No. 725 Cheßtmit street, are mow offeriDg the largest and most beautiful stock of •Childrens Hats at very moderate prices j also, new satylts of Boys’ Straw Hats, Gaps, and Jockeys. : “ Hail, Gentle Spring.”— Thompson. In vain I turn to Beek some butterfly, , Some bee,or some bug; But failing, am convinced, ’twixt you and I, That.fcees and bugs, and Spring’s unclounded sky Are simple humbug! O, Thompson ! you a donkey were, or surely , You had not cared to sing ■What must have been poetic license purely, The “mild ethferial Spring.” Because, I say it humbly and demurely, There’s no such thing, -But ’neath the “ Continental,” Stokes & Go. Have clothes to suit Spring’s 'sun, or rain'or snow. It has been a great desideratum among -Tailors and; Clothing Manufacturers to find a. first irate Shuttle Machine having capacity for all kinds -or work and afforded at a moderate price. Such a :xnachine has been produced by Grover & Baker, in their No. 9, now to be had at their store, No. 730 • Chestnut street. Hooker’s Retreat. There is no use • disguising the fact that the loyal people of the coun try feel greatly dispirited at the failure of Hooker’s advance upon the rebel capital. They should bear •in mind that every cloud has a silver lining; that •adversities are:often blessings in disguise,*and that • there is a divinity that Bhapeß bur ends, rough hew -them as we may; "We have no desire to treat a'very -Heriouß-matter lightly, and we will, therefore, change the Bubject, and remark that • Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 605 dhestnut street, above Sixth, con •tinue to manufacture elegant garments for gentle • men and youths. Abstract Good and Evil.—Good and evil exist together in the boul. If the latter gain the preponderance from defective education, or the ab sence of good example, man sinks beneath himself, • degenerates ; education, on the other hand, elevates hini above himself, and teaches him always to pro cure his garments at the matchless one-price Clothing. 'Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. GO9 Chestnut - Street, Philadelphia, where every variety of aeason . able attire will ever be found on hand. Anniversary.—Tlie tenth, anniversary of the Northern.Home’for Friendless Children will be held in the Afch*street Presbyterian Church, above . Tenth, on to-morrow (Sunday) evening, commencing at 8 o’clock. Addresses will be delivered >by Revs. Crowell, Krauth, and Sutphen, and a col lection in behalf of the institution will be taken up. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. C/Outiue.uial—BfiutJh t ; I) K Davidson, Connellsvlile 'J A Caughay, Pittsburg Thomas S Blair, .Pittsburg -J Louis, New York Maj G G Hastings, USA Eastban Hasting?, N York J Anderson, New York .Jos D. Potts, Williamsport Randolph Rogers, Italy Chas Weston, Burlington Dr C T Jackson, Boston B 0 Webstar, New York C Dinsmoro, Now York L Depart, Sanbnry Thoß Brown, Georgetown .James Perrine, Dayton, 0 .■James' 8 Brown, Milwaukee W W BelhChester co, Penii Hon -A E McClure, Penna HSMngraw Hugh Mcßirney, Cincinnati Miss M 5 Johnston, Ohio '.£ P Pittman, St-Louls .J Thompson & fa. La Grange . Ben j Pope, Boston Henry & Taylor, Baltimore Mrs T B Winchester,Boston H A Chad wick, W ash’n, D C ■CaptRS Gould, USA -John 0 Frost, New York Mr Whitney, New York ~WP Jones, New Y'ork Sami X Seelv, Brooklyn Mr& Nil's J P Kemedy, Md Miss Gray. Baltimore H J Jacobs, Kingston . J H Mead, New York Rev Dr Morgan & la. NY .J J York JMPerry DHolliclky, Baltimore - G H Power, Hudson P F Emery, Boston .W.Hutchins, New York . Judge Davies, New York 1 Jas B Smith, Maryland A C Dunham, Hartford, Ct JR W Russell, New York Wm F Mott, Jr, New York| ; JV Wilson, Pittsburg Thos Seblyj Newark, N J I Girard-Chestnut si -Maj.D Woodall, Delaware . Alex S Catfcell. New Jersey .Alex H Rice, Boston "T J Wolf '• .John R Young John McLaughlin H Bawman, Louisville N LTi'ghman, Louisville R H Long, Lancaster. Julies R A Long, Lancaster 1 T A Kneisle, New York -Jos C Bell, Maryland John H'White, Maryland W C Hufilngton, Maryland MrPrike, Jr, Baltimore ■Tlios Getty, Phila N P Kemp, Boston J H 0 Lyon & fy, Salvador JM Harlan, Wilmington W Simpson, New Jersey C Page, Boston AHSchultz, New Y'ork .John C Kayser, New York Alfred Reed, Trenton, N J •JBimon Conover, - Trenton ; Merclihuts^Fourtli John Mabbs, Lake Superior "W Ridgway v W C Fountain, Delware J6hn L Pratt, Delaware N H Jonnifigs, Baltimore A J Rodgers & la, N Jersey J H Wilson, Clarksville A H AlcKee, Armstrong co JUrs McKee, Armstrong co - Miss Foster, Armstrong co D.Patierson, Kittanning W McCabe, Paris, Pa •Geo Potts, Altoona John W Clement, Boston JrD Baldwin, Allegheny J Thomas, Bucyrus, 0 S E McLanahan, U S N TH Forcev, Clearfield Aug H Berton, Memphis St. Lonis-Chestimt A Wilson, Jr, Ohio .) PVR Van Riper, N J i FEdson, Mass J Hill, Hajiaibal, Mo I Olias R Elmer, N J I American—Chestnut JH Primrose, Delaware 0 McCurdy, Delaware J H Luckey, Massachusetts Aas F bmith, Reading .JFTSaads, Washington,DC ~j6'M Pool. • Washington, D C L Ramlw, Dicsden, 0 Jaa M Walker, Columbus,o Jus Parka, Culninbus, O A M Herr, Strausburg. Pa Joij’Bowman, btrau3burg Madison—Second sti .John C Sage, New York Maique-'f.D L Keen, Pa S Kimble. Wayne co, Pa 1 W Smith, Npw Jersey W 1) Large, Taylorsville •Dr W Wtmou, stiondaburg R B Slack —.- i Black Bear—Tlilrd S .AWKalbacb, Bern villa, Pa ABuckmau. Pa •Geo 31 Garner Doylestown John Hash, Doylestown I S Trexier, Yardleyviile •EM’Wotdward. Moreland H-WoodwavP, Moioland <3eo Rees,- Moielaad Bald Eagle—TlUrd Si AWEachus, Carbon G F Bicker, York, Pa _ Thos Heed, Bucks co, Pa H Wormier, Lane co, Pa Julius'Jn?e. Bethlehem B W Sai'J, Bucks co. Pa Mrs Smith, Bueka co, Pa ’ States Union—Sixth J Culbertson, Miffiin co, Pa J Cambell. Carlisle S Reynolds, Maryland John Falknor, Blair co. Pa J R Rodgers, Mercer, Pa W Talley, Dauphin, Pa . D B Woodward, Delaware Job Jeans, Wilmington, Del Commercial—Sixth sti J Murdagh, Oxford, Pa * Wm Bolton, New York Jas Conner, Wilm, Del R M Young. Coatesviile J fcwayne, Unionville T Pusey & la, UuionvHle John Larkin, Jr, Chester GenW Ortlip, Cheater co Jos T GriflHn, Newark, Dol 1 Geo P Miller, Newark, Del Barley Sheaf—Second M Pearson, Centreville I W Rich; Solebury T S Smith, Bucks co Chas'Fenley, Pcnna M Duwees. Peuna 1 J H Longshore, Illinois D Blair,'Moreland J James. Byberry W Barnsloyi-BucKS co W James; L 8 Ely, Plneville ... A R H &uigb.N FeasterviUe S Holcomb, Mt Airy Mrs BlaciweLl. Mt Airy C Blackwell, Mt Airy - W Funk, Montgomery ~ C Mann, Montgomery National—Race sti PMackiain. New York - Peter Ent, Light Street, Pa Henry Snyder,NewviUe,Pa J Aldenderfer, Bucks co jfidwin Jones, Ohio The Union—Arch si • W A Graham, Ohio Robt Orr, Pittsburg . B L Bettle, Columbia co D H Tenworth, Baltimore James Johnson, Ohio - P Brady J H Nialey* Middletown 1 md Chestnut streets. John B Parker, Carlisle C H B Day, DoveivDel C C S Kira wood, Wash,DC K B Alien, Leaveuwortk Jas T. Rayon, Ohio IS Ronmain, Washington John Turnbull jr, Baltimore M Mayer & lady, N York II Kindermand and wife Lord Abinger, Montreal Mr & Mrs E T Walker, N Y Dr Gray and faintly, N Y Henry Upham and wife' Edward Young, Rostou J N Fessenden, Cincinnati Henry Jones, Boston John Paton, New York A F Bellows, New York R Cromwell, New York L Cornell, New York Mrs S M Davis, New Y'ork T B Winchester, Boston Alex Smith, New York Thos W Braidwood H Folsom, St Louis E C Mayhew, Indianapolis Mrs E Hunter, Rochester Miss F Hunter, Rochester Miss C Huuter, Rochester AC Hilder, Rochester - W B Douglass, N H E H George, Plymouth,N H JRSypher, Laucastar G E Baker, Washing ; n,D C Judge John Slosson, N Y v Geo Shea, New York T W Newton, New York C A Heekshiro, New York T P Hurd, Boston Judge Houston. Delaware A B Wyman, Boston Chas E Smitn, New York Walter M Smith, New Y'ork E H Gurnsey, 8 R Brnndage, St Jolm»N B W Yelland. Baltimore treet. below Nintlr, D Cole. New York David L Waltou, Delaware Miss Walton, Delaware Mrs R Walton, Delaware Master Walton, Delaware Mrs S Stacy, Delaware Richd Welsh, Trenton H W Welsh, Trenton L R Bolton & wf, Smyrna S R Burnett, New York 0 Diffenderffer, Baltimore G C Worth, Jackson, Mich Leander Williams, N J Marshall N Smith, N J E E Heramenway, Easton PRuth, Easton Mrs S Bolles, Wilkesbarre J W Horton, Wilke3barre David Smith, New York Alfred SNewlin, USA J P Criswell, Harrisburg John Sorrell, Washington Arthur Clark, Washington R Nut, Washington l' street, below Arch. Chas Hirsh, Lancaster, Pa Jas Healy, Dougiasville W F Nagle, Milton S Burgort, Bedford, 0 W H WFrease, Ohio C Steese, Canal Dover, 0 Edmund Dostcr, Pi Sami Beatty, Wash’n, Pa . 3 M Freas, California D C Strawbridge, Pa • Daniel Kelgore J M Barrett D Kiblet, Galeon, 0 A Brokan, Galeou, 0 Mrs Hakes, WilkesbaiTe Mrs E B Collings, Pa Mrs S Huoley. Lancaster Owen Hancock,Philipsbiirg J Stern, Baltimore ; street, above’.Thtrd* !F Morton, NY W J Towson, Baltimore jThos H Quinau, Baltimore |B F Bittinger, Washington l street, above Fifth. E Shutz, Pennsylvania W 31 Shakespear, Delaware Wm Lyall, New York M Barry J A-BaiJ, Massachusetts S Hawaii, Boston Geo Lear & son, Doyleaton D H Whitlemau, Mass J.W Waters, New York F A Curtis, Delaware IMr & Mrs Gettings'; wash reet) above market* Edgar Slack .Tulin L Staple, Wash, N C John S Staple, Stroudsburg L Thomas, Lumbarville L W Hal aday C Mllager Alex H Sharp ~ it*, above Caliowhill. 1 J Haldeman, Doylestown S Shutt, Doylestown F Roads, Southampton II Stevens, Southampton C VanardsdalemSoatkampn g-T Beans, Yardleyviile WR Neald, Yardleyviile it., above Caliowhill. Mrs, Spinner, Bethlehehv < Sami Smith, Bucks co, Pa Gb as Beans, Bucks co, Pa W Beans, Bueksco, Pa JJ3 Seltzer,Fredericksburg W Morrison, Bucks co, Pa and Bfarket streets. J H Walraven. Delaware Geo L Piltt, Pittsburg D C George, Latrobe, Pa J,G Hicks. Chester co, Pa Cyrus Jeffries, Cambria co EP Swayra, Maryland J Coppage, Maryland T A McDonnell, Penna treet, above Chestnut. 8 N Bradley, New York H N Hammond, Chester co Jas Peoples, Chestor co J P Benjamin, Chester co Thomas Haley Wm F Deibert WmJlkoadß, Chester co A LEtman C R Williamson, Media, Pa L street, below Vine* ID McNair, Doylestown C M Curdy, New York . Jeff Davis, Chestnut Hill Kirk Carver, Newtown IA Kirk, Bucks co J R Leiand, Bucks co A Longshore, Bucks co.. Ainos Ely, Bucks co Lhas Jauaey. Backs co Palmer. Edgwood Wm Loyd, Bucks co Bucks co Bw Hughes, Backs co - S Yardiey, Edgwood \ 8, H Smith, Yardleyviile A H bmith, Yardleyviile jEMiles, DaviiYillc reet,. above Third* Samuel Duster, Ohio - WB Solliday, Doylestown Aaron Seguer, Palmyra, Pa M Dhler, Penna ;> • John Peterman, Penna street, above Third* John Haldeman, Tamaqua T S Luccock, Ohio ; J SDe Rawer, Washington J C Conrad, Jr, Tamaq.ua K E Lewis, T-auaton.TMass GeoC Bethel, Flushing, 0 IW C Holloway, Flushing, 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. A Country Life. . BY THE BAUD OF TOTVUK HAIiL- How happy i 3 the farmer’s lot, Who in his small paternal cot Contentedly abides. Financial schemes perplex him not, Nor can the politician’s plot Bring trouble to that tranquil spot Where honest toil resides. The echoes of the war trump there Cannot disturb tlie peaceful air : And lit igation’s baneful strife Disquiets not his happy life; And if a fond and faithful wife . Indulgent fate has given; If children, too, bis homestead bless, Though in a trackless wilderness, That cottage home is nothing less Than a terrestrial, heaven. And'if, Mb comforts to complete, That happy man has fixed his seat Not at a distance quite too far From Bennett’s Tower Halt, Bazaar, Or if convoy ance may be found To that Emporium world-renowned, ' Oh let him heed my earnest call And visit that capacious Hall. Where lie and all others, of whatever occupation or position in life, may select, from the largest and most complete assortment of Ready-made Clothing in Phila delphia, garments suited to their different wants, made in the best and most fashionable manner, at prices much below present market rates. TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street, BENNETT A CO. Get the BestVith Latest News.—The PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sheet, only TWELVE CENTS a Week, payable to the Carrier, served by careful carriers in all parts of the city and suburbs at an early hour in the morningVcontains the Latest IN TELLIGENCE ; from; the Army, War Correspondence from all quarters, full Lists of the KILLED and WOUNDED in the receut Battles, Ac , Ac., Ac. Sold by Agents everywhere. Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Month, payable in advance. OFFICE, iai South-THiRD Street. , Get the Best with Latest News.-—TnE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sheet, only TWELVE CENTS a Week,payable to the Carrier, served by careful carriers in all parts of the city and suburbs at an early hour in the morning;.. contains the Latest IN TELLIGENCE from the Army, War Correspondence from all quarters, full Lists of the KILLED and WOUNDED in the recent Battles, Ac., Ac., Ac. Sold by Agents everywhere; Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Month, payable in advance. " ; \ OFFICE, 131 South THIRD Street. Get the Best with Latest News.—The PHILADELPHIA . INQUIRER, Double Sheet, only TWELVE CENTS a Week, payable to tlie Carrler.served by careful carriers in all parts.of the city and suburbs at an early hour in the morning: contains the Latest IN TELLIGENCE from the Army,War Correspondence from all quarters, full Lists of the KILLED and WOUNDED in the recent Battles, Ac., Ac., Ac. Sold by Agents every wheie. Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Month, payable in advance. ' OFFICE l»l South THIRD Street. The’Lamest of the -Plea: Long years have I wandered unfettered aud free,, And bitten the young and the old. . And laid in the couch of the rich and the poor, And frightened the warrior bold. But power is waning fast from me— APowder'Magnetic and strong, Invented by Lyon, is death to our tribe, And away’ I must travel ere long. Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, Ac. - Ly on’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. my9-12t D. S. BARNES, New York. Dr. Sweet’s Infalubee Liniment is . a certain remedy for Neuralgia. ■ Home Protection.—lt is .much better to encShrage our worthy business neighbors than to spend money abroad among strangers. This applies to institutions as well as individuals. The fifty foreign lnsurance Companies now repre sented in this city are not more deserving our patronage than the GIRARD'F. andM. INSURANCE COMPANY, at 4rl 5 WALNUT Street, a well-known and responsible home institution. . myB-tf One-Pbice Clothing, op the Latest TYiiES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures, All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 60* MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair iu the least; remedies the ill effects of. bad dyes, and invigorates .the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns « iplendid Black or Brown, leaving the .hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. 4®** The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, . {Late 233 Broadway and 16 BGnd street. ) my23-ly New York. A Beautiful Complexion can be ob tained by the use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April, May, aud June, are the best months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. ffi27-fmw3m MARRIED. R.TALMAGE—WHITTEMORE.—On Thursday, MayTfch, by the Bev. Goyn Talmage, Rev. T. DeWitt Talraage, Pastor of the Second Reformed Dutch Church, of this city, to Susie C., daughter of the late Robert J. Whitte more. Esq., of Brooklyn. RICE—LuRY.—On the Sfcn inst., by Alderman John White, at his Office, No. 401 Library street, John A Rice, E*q .to Miss Lizzie J. Lury, both of Vineland, N. J. * RUTTER—FOULKE.—On the 7th inst.,atSt. Clement’s Church, by the Rev. Treadwell Walden, John P. Rat ter, Jr., of this city, to Jennie, daughter of Henry Foulke, Eeq., of New York. "* BaCON—WKiuHT.—On'the 7fch inst., by Rev. Dr. Newton, Edward Bacon and Lizzie W.-Wright, both of this city. * : WO O'LMAN—BELLERJEAU. —On April 26th. by Rev. L. H. Christian, Edwin .Stokes Woolman, of Rancocas, N. J., and Ciroline Bellerjeau, Esq:, of this city. DIEIS. WATKINS—Iu New York, on the sthinst., Emetine A., daughter of William S. Watkins, of that' city. Her friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, 10th inst.. at 2 o’clock P.M., from her father’s residence, No. 156 West Twenty-third street, New York. . *. WALLACE. —Suddenly, on the 6fh inst;, Mary H., wife ofJohnA. Wallace, in the 39fch year of her age The relatives and friends of the family, and members of the First Broad-street Independent Beneficial Society, and Lady Decatur No. 2, of I. 0. of P., and Paradise En campment No. 1, and the Star Beam Tent No. 3, Daugh ters of the Forest, and Bertha Conclave No. 2, Daugh : ters ot Malca, are respectfully invited to attend the fune ral, from the residence of her husband, No. 225 North Sixteenth street, above Race street, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, the 10th inst., at 3 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery- MASSEY.—On the 6th inst , Jane S. ELlion, widowof tbelate Chas. R-Massey, in the S9ih year of her age. - Her relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral, from the resi dence ot her son-in-law, Wm. M. Peters, at 1702 North Twenty-second street, this (Saturday) afternoon, 9ch inst., at 2 o’clock. * McKENTYJ—At Messchert’s Manor, near Dougiasville, Berks countjvPennsylvania, on the Bth inst., Mrs, Han nah McKenty, widow of the late Wm. McKenty. ***. BELIiEW.—On the 6th inst., Patrick Bellew, in the 45th year of his age. - ~ CALLOWAY.—On the6fch inst., Mrs. Margaret Callo? .way', aged 98 years. FAWCETT.—Onliftli-day morning, 7th inst , William Fawcett, in his 84th year. ENGLISH.—On the Gth inst., William English, in the 59th year of his age. OBITUAET. Colonel Elisha Hall, the gallant soldier, accomplished gentleman, and warmest of friends, has answered his last roll call. No more shall we experience his hearty pressnre.fas it responded “to the salutations of those he loved and esteemed. Eliiha Hall early gave his sword to the defence of his country. When th 9 drst call for volunteers was made, he was amongst the forecnosc to enroll his name. With him it was a solemn dedica tion, free from all the excitements attending the first en listments. He was full of enthusiasm, but he combined with it resolve and resolution. He loot ed into the future with many misgivings, but he had strong faith—this never forsook him. He loved his country, aud was wil ling to unsheath his sword, whenever called, let who would be the leader, so it promised success. Of a weak and delicate physique, he was frequently entreated by his friends to resign. VNo, neverwas hisfirm.quiet, and emphatic response. Twice was he returned home, in an almost dying condition, from which he arose only to again resume his place in the regiment that so idol ized Trim. “Goeline’s Zouaves’*—the 95th P. V.—have won proud distinction on the battle field—they have suf fered terribly in casualties to officers, and in the fall of Gosline. Town, and Hall is a certificate that they have beenwhere the fight raged fiercest.* Colonel Hall Leaves a young and sorrowing wife, an interesting family, and a large circle of friends to .mourn his early fall. Honored be liismemory'!—peace and tranquility be portioned out to his suiviving relatives! is the heartfelt prayer of all who can appreciate sacrifice, sturdy worth, and unfimoh ingpatriotism. , C. H. G. 13LACK LYONS TAFFETAS.— ■*-* Glossy Black SILKS, 20 to S 3 inches wide. BESSON 6t frON, Mourning Store, mys No. 918 CHgSTNTT Stieet. CUMMER BOMBAZINES—A FULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard; BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mys No. 918 CHESTNUT Street.: r>L &OK AND P URPLE JACONETS.— AJ Rich Striped, Black, and Purple French LAWNS, 2ocenls. BESSON •& SON, Mourning Store, mys No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ~VTEAT; STRIFE FOULARD SILKS for Friends. Neat Plaid Foulard Silks for Friends. EYRE A LANDELL. TjYSRE & LAN DELL FOURTH AND AJ ARCH, have now arranged for sale a fine stock of Goods adapted to first class sales. , Cuir Color Yeloutines. Cuir Color Mohairs. New Summer Shawls. New Light Spring-Sacks. Summer Silks and Foulards. - Beautiful line of Dress G00d5.... _my9 CHURCH ON WASHINGTON US* SQUARE —The Key. ALBERT BARNES -will preach in this Church TO-MORROW EVENING, at 8 o’clock., . -■ : - It* TRUST IN GOD.—DISCOURSE IN ST. ■fCS 26 , Matthetv’s Lutheran, Church, NE tv Street below FOURTH, TO-JIORKOW EVENING, by the pastor Roy. E. W. .BUTTER, services commencing quarter before Eight o’clock. Morning service commences half past Ten. It*' RIGHT REV. ALONSO POTTER, D D., L.L. D, will administer the rite of con- Jirmaiion. in the church of the Nativity, ELEVENTH and MOUNT YERKON, on Sunday Evening,at Eigat o’clock. . it* ONE, OR TWO SESSIONS*- A lfC3*£ Meeting will be held on-MONDAY EVENING at 8 o’clock, in the Church, corner of BROAD AND SANfrOM Streets, (Rev. Mr. Chambers’,) to the propriety of having but one Session of the denominational Sunday-schools upon each Lord’s day throughout the year. ” Pastors. Siiperintendents, Sunday-school Teachers, and friends ot the cause, are invited to be present. By order of the Philadelphia County Sabbath-school Convention. [m9-2i*3 ALEX. KIRKPATRICK, Sec. CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTA MENT,. Eleventh and Wood streets.—Preaching by Rev. Dr. KRAUTH at A. 31.; Children’s Church at 3P. M; and preaching by the. Pastor, T. H. STOCK TON, % before 8 P.: M. All invited. ; it* FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, N. L , Buttonwood Street, below Sixth.—Sermon TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, at 7& o’c)ock, by Rev. JOHN CRAMBEhS. X •' _____ -It*,., FIRS T REFORMED HUTCH CHURCH, edrner of Seventh and Spring.Gardeu. -Rev. J. HOWARD SUYDAM will (D. Y.) preach TO MORROW>' at 10)£ A. 31. and P. M. It* CALVARY CHURCH, GERMAN SC^'TOWN.,—The Rev., HENRY J.-.3IORTON, D. -D.,- i» expected to preach in this church on SUND AY EVEN ING,.MayIOtb. o’clock. - li* 'MORAVIAN CHURCH, CORNER Xof FRANKLIN and WOOD Streets.—Divine ser vice TO-MORROW; Sunday. Commences o’clock in tho morning, and in the evening at % to 8 o’clock, by the Pastor, Rev. A. A REtNKE. It* FIRST CONGRTEG ATIONAIi CHURCH, Thompson street, below Front Preaching by Rev. D. L. GEAR, Sunday, A 31 , and 7K P. M. Subject: “Christ Cleansing the Le per. ” •'■ • • • ’ It UNION M. E. CHURCH, r FOURTH IuCJ 2I Street/ijtelow Arch.—Rev. FRANK.LIN MOORE, b. D.. pastor, will preach: TO-MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING, at o’clock; and at to 8 o'clock. Young Men's Prayer and Experience Meeting# to ; 7. It* EIGHTY-FIRST SOLDIERS’ MEETING OF THE ARMY COMMITTEE OF THEY. M. C. A., CONNECTED WITH THE CHRIS TIAN COMMISSION, wiU.be held.in the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY. Rev. R. NEWTON, D. D., Rector, comer of FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, on TO-MORROW EVENING, at Bo’clock. Another fearful struggle has occurred, and many poor fellows, whose hearts have been comforted through the efforts of the Committee, have fallen. Many more re main to be cared for, and we would warmly appeal to the sympathies of the Public to remember tnc duties which we f-till owe to those who Come and help us at this Meeting, and contribute wnat you can towards their comfort. ’ , „ • Addresses from Hon. JAMES POLLOCK, Rev. W. E. BOARDMAN, of the CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, aud Chaplain J. J. MARKS, U. S. A, recently a Voluntary Prisoner in tie Rebel Lines. Rev. R. WE W.TON, D. D., wili preside. • • It* SOIiDIBRS’ MEI3TIWG WEST &CSa> PHILADELPHIA.—The ARMY COMMITTEE of the Y. M. C. A , connected with the CHRISTIAN COM MISSION, beg to auuouuco to the people of West Phila delphia. that a meetinir on behalf of tno SOLDIERS will he the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. WALNUT above WILLIAM Streets, Rev. J. G.BUTLBR, on TO-MORROW EVENING, at eight o’clock. Wo would earnestly' appeal to the churches and others to assist us in tills, great and good work. Come out and help the poor soldiers. The meeting will be addressed by Rev. WM. BLACKWOOD, D. D., ,TAS. GRANT, Esq., PETEK B. SIMONS, Esq., and others; Rev. J. G. BUTLER will preside. it* • | A MEETING OF THE GRADUATES and otherfrienus of the “ College ol' New Jer sey. ’’ at Princeton. Trill be held in this city on TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th inst!, at 8 o’clock, in the Lector© Room of the Central Presbyterian Church, at the corner of EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets.' Its object is to con sult Together, and take such measures as may be deemed wise, to aid the effort nowmakiug for the endowment of this ancient and honored seat of learning. All graduates and friends of the Collage are earnesly invited to be present at this meeting, ana to secure the attendiinco'of any other persons, who are likely to«take an interest in the obiect above stated. . JAMES POLLOCK, WILLIAM E. SCHSNCK, ' AUGUSTINE H. PISH, ALFRED M&RTIEN, JAMES M. CROWELL, WILLIAM A. INGHAM, CHARLESS. BOIvER, Committee of Arrangements, UNITED STATES EIRE CO.—THE members will, meet at the Engine House, TO MORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at IK o’clock, to atiend the funeral of their late fellow-member, Colonel Henry J, Stainrook* - . By order of the Company, ~ It* . JOHN CURTIS. Secretary. A PREEIECTURE BY MISS EM HA HARDINGE, at Musical Fuud Hail, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 13th, at 8 o’closk; by in vitation of the Rosine Association. The public are in vited. After the lecture, a coUection will be taken up to aid in obtaining; a more suitable location for the Institu tion. ‘ , it* THESCONVENTIOK TO ELECT A Delegate to represent the Fourteenth Representa tive District in the National Union State Convention will meet at the S. W. cor. ELEVENTH Street and GIRARD Avenue, on MONDAY EVENING, May 11th; atBo’clock. By order of majority of delegates. ~ my9-2t* WOODLANDS CEMETERY.-AN §<s* adjourned meeting of the ’‘ Association of the Lotbolders of the'Woodlands Cemetery” will be held at the Board of Trade Rooms, CHEvTNOT Street, above Fifth, on MONDAY EVENING, May llth, at 8 o’clock, to hear the report of tlic Committee on By-Laws/.-. - - . . , ALFRED L. KENNEDY, President/ Geo. R-.Ormb, Secretary. my9-2t* T H LEGISLATIVE DIS i&C*- 0 . TRICT.—The DELEGATES elected to represent the various Precincts in the Fourth Legislative District, •will meet at ZANE’S HOTEL. SIXTH Street, below Chestnut, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, 9th instant", at $ o’clock. K. P. King, 'I Egbert K. Nichols, . Wm. White Smith, I William M. Clark, - James W. Palmer, I Charles W. Smith. , Frederick Scheldt, | It" THE DELEGATES TO ELECT A ftO Senatorial Delegate for the FOURTH SENA TORIAL DISTRICT, to the National Union State Con vention, will meet at the Hall S. W. cor. of ELEVENTH street and GIRARD avenue, on MONDAY EVENING, the llth instant, at 7 o’clock. By order of a majority of Delegates. ; ...... my9-2t* THE DELEG the Senatorial Com will meet, in Convention, ii CHRISTIAN Streets, on SA’; instant, at 8 o’clock, for the gate to the fctate Convention Joshua Nnttall, ATES ELBCTED TO mention, FIRST DISTRICT, i Jefferson Hall, SIXTH and rtJRDAY EVENING,'the 9th i purpose of Electing a Dele- Thomas Dornan, B. French, James Orr, and others. Charles M. Skerrett, H. Molinaux,. John Noble, THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. —The DELEGATES elected in this District will meet, on MONDAY EVENING, the 11th instant, at 8 o’clock, at the house ot George W. Gampher, FIFTH Street, below Shippen. Thomas Stewart, . Samuel Mitchel, James Ilaydock, .James Hamm, Joseph Skill, Charles Walters, George F. Yhost, John H. Chambers, Thomas T. Wills, John Callahan, John Whetstone, Chas'. Kellv. my9-2t* SPIRITUMSM. MRS. BLISS, OF Mass;, a Medium, will lecture at SANSOM-ST. HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10% A. M* and S P. M. Ad mittance, 5 Cents., , It* UMOJV LEAGUE HOUSE, THIRTY EIGHTH and MARKET Streets, May 9, IS6L ■The annual meeting, and election for officers of the “Union League in the Twenty-fourth Ward, M will bo held at the LEAGUE HOUSE, on Monday Evening, May 11th, at Bo'clock, my9-2t* I*^ 1 ' AN ADJOURNED MEETOG OF .* v ® Contributors to the Philadelphia Lying m-Obamy and Nurse Society, for the purpose of acceot inff the new comtitution. will be held at the House, South west corner ELEVENTH and CHERRY, on Monday Evening, the Ilthinst., a.t So’clock. my9-2l* __ JAMES M. FARR. Secretary. GBAKD INAUGURATION OF THE IbCS* SECOND WARD NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE on TUESDAY EVENING, May 13th, at 8 o'clock, at the Hall of the. League, SIXTH Street, above Carpenter. •Ex-Governor,Pollock, Morton Mc&lichael. Isaac Hazle hurst, and other distinguished orators, will he present and address the meeting. Ladies and gentlemen are re spectfully invited to attend. V JOHN W. LYNN, President. John W. Frazier, Secretary. my9-3t* ¥<&** PHILADELPHIA, MAY 6, 1863- DIVIDEND.—The of the CHESTNUT HILL AND SPRING HOUSE TURNPIKE ROAD have declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and after the 15th inst. C. W. BACON, Treasurer, ■ my7-3t . 417 WALNUT Street. PITTSBURG, MAY 5, P63.-THE K* Directors of the EXCHANGE BANK OP PITTS BURG have.this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the last sis months, pay able on and the 15th inst. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank Of Philadelphia. H. M. MURRAY, iny7-12t Cashier. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK, Philadelphia, May 5, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of POUR PER CENT.', payable on demand, clear of United States and State taxes. my7-6t : . W, RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. THE PHIE.ADELPHU_BANK, May. o, 1303— ; r T —r-r ■; - - Tlie Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., for the last Six Months, payable on demand, free of all taxeß. B. B. COMEGY'S, my 6 6t - : - Cashier. MANUFACTURERS’ AND ME |C2» CHANICS’ BANK, May 5, 1563. The Directors "have' this day declared' a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on the 15th instant, agreea bly with,the charter. my6-tutlis6t M.W. WOODWARD, Cashier. rr-T3P=» SOOTHWAHK BAWIC, PIIIEiADEI.- phia. May 5, 1863, The Directors nave declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on and after Thursday next, 7th instant , [my6-6t]. F. P. STEEL, Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BAN St, PHILA KS* DELPHIA r Mays, lfcG3. . The Directors ligfve THIS DAY declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, free of all taxes, and payable on de mand [my6tf] J. W. TORREY, Cashier. . Pmr.iVDfilC !<£» FHIA, Mat 5, 1563. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend ot FIVE PER CENT, fn* the Jast six months, pa} a ble on demand; clear of taxes ‘ roy&-6t 0. T. YERKES, Cashier. MECHANICS’ BAXIt, PHILADEL phia, Slay 5, 1563. , - . The Board of Directors have dcclaredsfethis day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., taxation, payable on and after the ISfcJT instant. my6-6t J. WIEGAND, .Tr., Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF FHILADEL- phia, May 6, liffil The Directors of this Bank havetliis day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payable on demand, clear of State and National taxes. my6-6t G. NT. TROUTMAN, Cashier. COftIMONWEAI/TH BAWK, PHIE,A DELPHIA, May 5; 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, (out of the earnings of the last six months) on the Capital Stock 'of this Bank, payable on and after the 15th. inst., clear of State and United States tax. ’ H. C. YOUNG, my7-thstu3t Cashier. ANNUAL MEETING OF CORPORA TION OF “THE HOME FOR DESTITUTE CO LORED CHILDREN” will be held at CLARKSON HALL, CHERRY Street, west of Sixth, on SECOND DAY EVENING, Fifth Month, 11,1863, at 8 o’clock. An Election for Trustees, Managers, and Treasurer will be held. ISRAEL H JOHNSON, mv4-rpthBnQ4t* Secretary of Trustee*. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the GREEN MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY will be held in Philadelphia, on the second TUESDAY of Mav n*xt, tbe 12th proximo, at 12 o’clock, in Room No. SO, in the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. apll-swtmyl2* WILLIAM S. GREEN, Secrotary. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN TIRE INSURANCE CO3IPANI—No. 310 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia. April 2lHt, 1563. NOTICE is hereby given, that a SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at this Office, on THURSDAY, May 21st. 1863, at 12 o’clock M.. to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter, approved April 14 v 1863, and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase ' the Capital Stock of the Company. ap22-dtmy2l* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Sec’y. MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPA NY —AStockvotewillbetakenattheLlßßAKr Roo3lon TUESDAY, thelPih iust. - , between the hours of 9A. 31. and BP. 31.. upon the following questions: Ist. Duplication of fctock within the year 1861. : 2d. Increasing the annual dues of Stockholders to three dollars, and of Subscribers to five dollars, on and after January 1, 1864. • . JOHN LARDNER, Jr., • my7-tf _ .Recording'secretary. GOLD, SILVER. AND DEMAND NOTES WANTED. DREXEL & CO., apl3-lm 3* South THIRD Street. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AIU &C£» TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. - - Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous-of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbß, should apply.immediately at the office of the Smgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m ' . - Government Surgeon-Artist. IP-££=* office mine HILL ANDSCIIUYL- HAVEN RAILROAD CO3IPANY. • Philadelphia, 4tli Month, (April) 27,1863. Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the stockliolders of the Mine' Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Compahy will be held at the hall of the Frank lin Institute, No. 15 South SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on FIFTH DaY, (Thursday),' the 14th day oflFifth Month, : (May), at 11}£ o’clock A. 31., for the purpose of acting on a joint agreement for the consolida tion and merger of the'Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with the 3line Hill and Schuyl kill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of. such other business as may be brought bofore said meet ing. By order of the Board of Managers, JOBN C. CRESSON,President. . Attest— William Biddle, Secretary. ap29-tmyl4 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL IC*? 1 ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15,1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR.PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 15, 1563. • •' ? . Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 338 South THIRD Street. _____. _ _ _____ _ mh!6-tjel ; THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia. April 27th, 1863. . Noiiceis hereby given that a general meeting of the HIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Hall of the Franklin Institute,-No.. 15 South_SE VENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, en THURS DAY, the 14th day of May, IS6S, .at ten o’clock in the morning, for the purpose of acting on a joint agreement for the consolidation and merger of the said Schny Ikul Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with, the 3lineMll and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of such other business as: may be brought before said meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. ~ . , ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, President Joshua W. Ash, Secretary. ap29 tml4 3VOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners named in. an act entitled “An'act* to incorporate the Connecting Com pany,” approved April 14,-1863, will meet for the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions‘to the Capital Stock of the said Company, on MOND AY, the llth day of .May, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M:, at No. 4 WILLING’S Alley, in the city of Philadelphia. Clement B. Barclay, Oliver W; Barnes, Edmund Smith, S. B. Kingston, Jr.» Joseph Lesley, THE ANNITAL MKETINGOP THE BLOOMSBURO IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May 20, 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. WII. E. S. BAKER. Treasurer, ap2o-30t* ....... No. 913 North WATER Street. HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1119 CUTHBEKT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and proyided for in the moat comfortable SmuDir, bn of ob&vne. B »■ OLENUf. n022-tf : a " Secretary of Board of Managua, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. MAY 9. 1863. H. E ROOD, Secretary. A SSISTAN T QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL’S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May S, 1563. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant, at 12 o’clock M , for one SIX-OARED BARGE, with twelve pairs of OARS, eight 17 feet long and four 16 feet long. Description of Barge to be seen at this office. Bidders/will state the BhbrteaK . The .right is. re--- 'served to reject all bids deemearcouTrisin—- ~' - . myP-ot ' A. BOYD, Capt and A, Q. Bf. John A. Wilson, R. IX Barclay, J. C Sharpless,.. Isaac V. Elwell, ; A. C.Harmer. ap2G*tmyll RET Alt DRY GOODS. T IGHT BUMMER SHAWLS-UST Mozambique, Challi, Grenadine, and Barege. FRENCH PLAID CaSHMERB SHAWLS AT $6.50. These .Shawls cosl SS.SO to import. Every variety of Thin aud Tluak Shawls for „ , SPRING AND SUMMER. Light Cloth Shawl-Mantles and Circulars. Black Silk Mantles and Sacques. THIN DIIESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY. Plain Blue aud Buff Lawns, Buff Linens. A great variety of Plain Goods for Suits. A great variety of new Dress Goods at low prices. H. STEEL S SON, ■iny9 Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. T ADIS S’ CLOAKING OLOTBS. -L The New Colors, ai $1.50, $1.75, $2, to $3.00. PineFrencci Cloakings, ot the right shades. A Black Cloths —Watorproois Two pieces 6*4 Salsburj-Shirting Stripes. CASSIMifiRE'S.- American Mixtures, in new designs. Cassimeres for Gents’ and Youths’ Suits. Fine Silk* mixed Qassimeres and Coatings. Light colorings "Fancy (jassimeres. Goods especially for Boys’wear. . ' Linen Drills, white ana fancy. DRESS GOODS. Black and White Check Lonos, 31 cts." Beet at old prices - " 7 pieces Light Shades Drab Alpacas, very, fine goods, at •G 5 cts. . 10 pieces Black Alpacas, extra good, at 50 aud 62 cts. Lupin's finest double-width. Black: 'Mousseiine3, at nearly old prices. . ' . Children’s Plaids, fine quality, S7# cts. Shepherd’s Plaids; three auction lots,’as good a 3 ever sold, at SI cts. - . •- CLOAKS AND MANTLES. In Cloak Room, Embroidered French Cloth Cloaks. Braided Cloaks of newest patterns. Orders taken and filled with care. Silk Maut’es, of the latest shapes. -Fine Black Silk Mantles made to order. _ • COOPER & CONARD, H : S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. "C'BENCH PERCALE LONG CLOTH, . 2>£ yards wide, for SKIRTS, received from the Mar shal’s sale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda. A real bargain. . - SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN,•& ARRISON, ap2s-12t rp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. WHITE PIQUET AND MAR ▼▼ SEILLES, FOR LADIES’ AND- CHILDREN’S WEAR. Just received from Auction, a choice assortment of new style, medium, and fine Piquets, at very low prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ap2s-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. PERCALE LONG CLOTH, 2% yards wide, for skirts, received from the mar sh al’e sale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda; a real bargain. ' SBEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, -- ap2S-12tif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. WHITE PIQUET AND MARSEILLES M FORXADIES’AND CHILDREN’S WEAR.—Just received.from auction achoice assortment of new style medium a nd fine Piquets at very low prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. ap2S-12tif ; ■ . 1005 CHESTNUT Street. FURNACES AND COOKING RANGES. gUSINESS OITA NOE. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE AND ENAMELLED SLATE MANTLE MANUFACTORY, , XOIO CHESTNUT STREET. The firm of ARNOLD & WILSON having been dis solved, the remaining partner, W. A. ARNOLD, will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand. He is manufacturing, ‘ and will keep constantly on hand, forsale at wholesale or retail, • CHILSON’S PATENT CONE; AND VENTILATING FURNACES. : CHILSON’S PATENT DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGES. LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES. EMERSON’S PATENT VENTILATORS. HOT-AIR.REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS, And a large assortment of ENAMELLED SL.4TE MANTLES. 4®" Particular attention paid lo warming and venti lating public or private buildings. W. A ARNOLD, ap2s-s&wtmy3oif 1010-CHESTNUT Street. & ELY,! Manufacturers of PATENT CAST-STEEL ' ' TABLE CUTLERY ' AND COMBINATION CAMP KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, No.. 130 PEG STREET. mh23-Btuth2iD Philadelphia. -[-j ALBY, MORSE, & BAYDEN’S SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGERS, Are acknowledged to be tbe most practical, and best machine yet invented for WringingCloth.es. There is no iron,about them to rust. No thumb screws to regulate the pressure of the rolls, arc perfectly self-adjustiajt, aud require less power to operate them, than any other Wringer in the market, and are really MODEL MA CH NFS. Agents wauted in all parts of the country. For terms, &c., Address. S. HAWES, General Agent, m;9~smw-6l* , No. 4:98 BROADWAY, New York. O TIC E.—THE 00 PARTNERSHIP * heretofore existing between JAMES OASSEDAY and \YM. KINGSLEY, trading as KINGSLEY&CASSE- DaY, having expired by. its own limitation,"as well as by the agreement of the parties thereto, executed this day, the public are hereby notlQtd that the firm’s name can no longer he used by any one, and that the under signed has ceased to be liable for any debts comracted on account of the same. Persons'having claims against: the said firm will present them to the.undersigned, who Will hereafter carry on the business on his own account. WM. KINGSLEY. Baltimore Railroad Depot. > Philadelphia, May Bth, 1863. , my9-3t* fXR PHA.NS'COURT SALE OF CHEST- 1 ” NUT HILL' PROPERTY.—ReaI of tlie late GEORGE REX,, (dec’d). —Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery county, .v ill be -sold-at publicsale on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 23th day of May, 1563, at3P. M., two of the most desirable tracts or lots of Jand, on the top of Chestnut Hill. Said tracts or lots are. situated on Chestnut Hill, fronting on the county line road ; dividing the counties of Philadelphia • and Montgomery, in Springfield township, Montgomery county, and numbered by said order oi court respac lively 2 and 3. ' , : No. 2is situated as aforesaid, and bounded by lands of, Peter Fisher, William and Enoch Rex, and others, and contains 2G acres, 2roods and 25 perches of beautiful land. Said land is handsomely located, with a large front, and will divide into separate lots to advantage. - No. 3 is also situated in Montgomery county, fronting ou said county line road, near the elegant country seats of Dr. Pepper and Mr. Morris, adjoining lands of said Mr. Morris, Mr. Boupt, and others, and contains 10 acres and 20 perches of lend. This is undoubtedly the most splendid unimproved lot on Chestnut Hill, located oppo site Graver’s lane, nearly siurounded by beautiful coun try seats, with a large front, and beautiful aud naturally rising eminence. It is also within 200 yards of Graver’s lane fetation, on the Chesnut Blill railroad. Persons wishing to view the properties previous to the day of sale, will please call upon Christian Donat, at his hotel on Main street, Chestnut Hill. ALBERT BUCKUAN, ALGERNON SHOEMAKER-, . Executors, Willow Grove P. 0,, Montgomery county, Pennsyl vanir. myQ-stuth9i* TJEAUTY. —IP YOU WISH TO HAVE L' a fine, clear- complexion, use HUNT’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make' you as fair as a lily. Price, 25 cents. . If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles, use HUNT a. BRITISH BaLSAM. It is warranted to remove them. Price, 25 cents. If you want a Color, use HUNT’S BLOOM OF ROSEs. It will not wash off, nor injure the skin, and cannot be detected. -Price, 25 cents aud HUNT’S COURT TOILET POWDER is the best Face Powder in use. Price, 12K, 25, and GO cents Sold at HUNT & CO. ’S, Perfumers, 4:1 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 : South SE VEN TH, above Walnut. , ■ • / my9-om T-TAMS, HAMS, HAMS,- HAMS. A A . . a few more tierces left of those Splendid Sugar-Cured HAMS, - / / at 9 cents per pound. • Selling very'rapidly at that price, At the old-established stand of W. H. WANAMAKER, It* • No. 1519 MARKET Street; on CENTS - PER POUND—EXCEL- Ient prepared Java Coffee. Canton Tea Co., 313 North SECOND, above Vine. It* O A CENTS PER POUND-EXCEL- Ient prepared Laguayfa Coffee. Canton Tea Co., S’S North SECOND, above Vine. It* WE IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE our own Cigars. This is the reason, why we can sell helper Cigars than, others at a less price. Wilmington, Newark, Trenton, and other Corporation Notea received at par, wholesale or retail. At DEAN’S CIGAR-STOIRE, - 335 CHESTNOT Sireet. ’ T EASE OF TURN PIKE BO AD FROM AJ PHILADELPHIA TO GERMANTOWN.-Proposals will be receivf d for one month by the Central Passenger Railway Company; at their Office,' 309 South FIFTH Street for leasing their 'Plank-road, omniencing at Broad street aud Lamb-Tavern road; thence extending along Lamb-Tavern.road to Seventeenth street ; thence along said street and in a northwesterly direction to 'Germantown, with right to extend along the Township line road to the Wissahickon turnpike road. myfl-s4t* TjICSKS, OFFICE ANp SCHOOL FOE- A-' NITURE, Book and Showcases, for sale s'nd made to order cheap.' SMITH, 73fr MAR tET St, myD-6t*- TVORY TYPES.—THOSE EXECUTED atREIMER’S Gallery are~life-like .and impressive; complexion, features, and! expression, so truthful they seem like living, breathing, portraits.:' SECOND, street, above Green. . • ' : •: : "It ■ ■PREEMINENTLY THE PORTRAITS -t OF THE : AGE—REIMER’S’Iife-size Photographs', in oil colors, are pronounced by all the. host portraits now made. At war prices. SECOND. Street, ; above Green. ' • - It WE STUDY TO PLEASE.—REI MER’S Colored PHOTOGRAPHS are-executed with cave, and finished in a manner with a view, to pi case ihe purchaser. Only $l. fcECOND Street, above Green, ’ v ' ' It TYISCHARGrED SOLDIER LOST.— XJ .TAMER CHLAGAN. Co. G, 105th Regiment N. Y. State Volunteers, was discharged from U. S. General. BospStal at Chatter, Pa , December 36, 1862, since which time he has not been seen or heard from by hia family. They bare fears of bis loss. Any information in regard to him left at this Office would afford great relief to a dis tressed wife and four children. He was this country born, aboutfffeet9 inches high, tandy hair and com plexion, blue eyes, very light skin. Discharged for rheufeatism. inyS-lt* TVTOSQUITO NETS AND NETTING, por sale liy ‘ JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, Agent, .No..* North FIFTH Street.. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CAUSES, J- playing from Ito 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER. Importers, ; ap4 354-CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth- ■\TOTICE.:—CHARLES B FITHIAN IS ■D no tonnes in our employ. ARCHER & REEVES.: Philadelphia, April 18, 186 S. ... jnjT-3t* . Q BERBy WINE.—IOO QUARTER O Casks just received per skip “Laura;” for sale in bond, ky CtIAS. 8. k JAS CARSTAIRS. . apM:■ 12fi WALNUT anil 31. GRANITE Streets. Mackerel, herring, shad, '&C.p &c. m 2AOO Bbls Maas.Nosri, S, and 8 Mackerel, late-eaughl frt fish, In assorted package*. „ .• ... 2,0G0 Bbl*. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hall/as Lubec, Sealed, and No. 1 Herring. ’ISO Bbls: new Mass Skad. v „ ; : v mi Boxes Herkiaaor County Oneeaa. *#. "PEPPER SAUCE.—2OO DOZ. PEPPER ■A Sanca: IGO doz. Continental Sauce; 50 do*. Wor *ariK£h Atf EKICAK PICKL£S -a» doz kalf *allo»- f&lea; 200 doz; quart Pickles; 300 doz. plntPieklMha]** la bbls., half bbls., and kits. . . n CONDENSED MILK.-400 do*. Wm, K. LewUAßro. and Borden’s Condensed Milk. -_ -. . TT . aVa Tor eat, by :ss>s&&&& U. S, INTERNAIi REVENUE* TTNITFD STATES INTERNAL RE- V, VENUE-ASSESSOR’S NOTICE. , The fcxx-paj'ers of this District are hereby notified that, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress, passed Ju'.yl, 1862, entitled “An act to provide Internal Re venue to support the Government and to pay In terest on the Public Debt.” and the act to amend the same,, passed March 3, 1863, the second annual assess ment will be made on and after the first MONDAY (4th day); of May instant. The assessment will embrace the following items: INCOMES.—AII incomes for HiB year ending Dec. 31, 1892, must bo returned to the Assistant Assessors, un der oatb, in accordance with the instructions of the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, upon the blank forin3 provided fnr that purpose. iaeli peirton will be required to return his-total iu come, so far specifying the eources from which it is de rived; as rpeuable the Assistant Assessors to decide what deductions shall be made therefrom. lIUSBANO AND WIFE. Where a husband and wife live together, and their taxable income is in excels of $6OO, they willbe entitled to but one deduction of SGUO, tkatboing the average fixed by la w as an estimated commutation for the expense of maintaining a family. Where they live apart they will betaxed sepaiately, and bceach entitled to a deduction ot $6OO. - GUARDIANS AND TRUSTEES. Guflrdsansand trustees, whether such trustees are so by virtue of their office, as executors, administrators, or other fiduciary capacity, are required to make return ot the ancomo belonging to minors or other persons Which may bo held in trust, as aforesaid; and. the in come tax will be assessed upon the amount returned, sums as are exempted from the in come'tax, as aforesaid: Provided, That the'exemption ot six hundred dollars, under section 90, of the excise law, shall not be allowed on account of any minor or otherbeneficiary of a tmst, except upon,the statement of theJguaidian,or trustee, made *under oath, that-the minor or beneficiary has no othgr income from which the said amount of six hundred dollars maybe exempted and deducted. , t ., : INCUMBRANCES, RENTS, AND REPAIRS. . Interest paid by any person on incumbrances upon the dwelling-house or estate on which he resides, may be deducted from income; also his payments for necessary repairs; as well as the amount actually paid for rent of :auy dwelling-house or estate which is the residence of tne^person assessed. Persons receiving rent may deduct therefrom the amount paid for necessary repairs, insurance, and in terest on incumbrances upon such rented property. The cost of new structures, or improvements to buildings, shall not be deducted from income. FARMERS. * Every farmer orplanter will be required to make re turn of the value of the produce of liis farm or planta tion, without deduction for the labor or services of him self and his family, or for any portion of such produce consumed by himself and family. : The amount paid by. any farmer or planter for hired labor and necessary repairs upon his fiirm or plantation, including the subsistence of the laborers ; and the ma nure purchasedby farmers to maintain their lands in jwesenf productive condition will be allowed produce, which the producer has on hand on the olfit day of December, 1862, must be appraised at its mar ket value on that day. ; . ENUMERATED ARTICLES. 2 Ail articles named in section 77 of the law. (Schedule Ai.)?will be assessed for the taxes to which they are liable, for the year ending May 1, IS6?, viz : Carriages, kept for übb, for hire, or for passengers. Yachts. Billiard Tables. Silver Plate. Gold Plate.- . The former Assessment,' on the ahove-ixawed articles • V “ having been made for theyear 1862; - These returns must be made to the Assistant Assessor within tex days, from date of delivery of the blanks’. Neglect, or refusal to comply within the tims named, imposes the duty on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor, to estimate the income and the tax upon enumerated ar ticles, with an addition of fifty per centum. . The entire income tax of every person will be assessed at the residence of the party, and not at the place of bu siness. LICENSES. Ail licenses assessed in accordance with the act of Maxell 3, 1863, will -continue in force until the first day of May, 1864. ‘‘And all licenses granted after the first day of May in any year, will expire oa the first day of May following, and will be issued upon the payment of a rateable pro portion of the whole amount of duty imoosed for such licenses; and such licenses so granted will be dated on the first day-of the month in which ii is issued : - Pro vided;;. That any person, .firm, or corporation, that on theJlrstday of May, 1863, held an unexpired liceuse, will.be assessed a rateable proportion for the time be tween the {expiration of the license and the first day of May; eighteen hundred and sixty-four. ” • All persons doing business within, this district must apply lor a new license, to ran from the date their pre sent license expires, (which, in most cases, is Septem ber Ist, 1563,) to the Ist of May, 1864. Whenever, by the amendments, new rates of license are established, the new license will be assessed at the new rates, and, in all cases where the present license expires September Ist, 1863. the.new license will cover a period of eight months, and must be assessed to pay two-thirds of the 3-early tax. PENALTIES. When an assessment for license has been made, upon neglect or refusal to give the list or make the application within the time required, and the assessment is re turned.in the annual list, the fifty per centum penalty prescribed in section 11 must be added, and cannot be remitted, either by the assessor or collector. By the act, March. 3, ISG3, the penalty of tioo years' irilpYisonment is added to the punishment provided in termer acts, for those who.fail to take out License when required by the excise laws of the United States. The former annual assessment was much embarrassed, for want of information on the part of citizens, with re gard to the duties imposed on them by the excise law. It is manifest that, with the knowledge now attained, on the part of the tax-payer, and with the assistance ren dered by this circular, that ignorance of the law can no longer,be pleaded by delinquents, in the hope of avoiding the penalties provided. EDWIN T. CHASE, Assessor Fifth District,-Laugslroth's Building, German town, and 13&South SIXTH Street, Phila my9-s3t A 8S ESS OB’S OFFICE, TJ. S. INTER-’ : -NAL REVENUE, May 7,1863. NOTICE.—The taxpayers of this District are hereby notified that, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress, passed July 1, 1562. entitled “Auact to pro vide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay Interest on the. Public Debt, 51 and the act to amend the same, passed March 3,1863, the second an nual assessment .will be made on and after the first MONDAY (4th Uayj of May inst. The assessment will embrace the following items: n. 1; INCOMES. —All incomes for the year ending Decem ber 31,1862, must be returned to the Assistant Assessors, under oath, in accordance with the instructions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, upon the blank' forms provided for that purpose. Each person will be required to return his total in come, to far specifying the sources from which it i* de rived as to enable the Assistant Assessors to decide'wliat deductions shall be made therefrom. • HUSBAND AND WIFE. Where a husband and wife live together, and tlieir taxable income is in excess of $6OO, they will be entitled to but one deduction of $6OO, that beiug the average fixed by law as an estimated commutation for the expense of maintaining a family. Where they live apart, they will be taxed and be each entitled to a deduction 'of .S6CO. GUARDIANS AND TRUSTEES. Guardians and trustees, whether such trustees are so by virtuc of theiT office as executor*, administrators, or other fiduciary capacity,'are to nuke return of the in come belonging to minors or other persons, which may be held in trust, as aforesaid; and the income tax will be assessed upon the amount returned, after deducting shcli j sums" as are exempted from the income tax, as aforesaid -. Provided, Tint the exemption, of six hun dred dollars, under section 90, of the excise law, shall not be allowed on account of any minor or other benefi ciary of a trust, except upon the statement of the guardian or trustee, made under oath, that the minor or benefi ciary has.no other income from which the ..said-amniinh of six hundred dollars may be exempted ana aectuctea. - * UfCOMBE-4.jstexe,-i»B»u , or-js.VI>'KEPAIRS. Interest, paid by any person on incumbrances upon the house or estate on which Tie resides, may be : from income; also his payments for necessary repairs; as weil as the amount actually paid for rentof any dwellinghouse or estate which is the residence of th'e person ftsg&sedr '' - - Persons, receiving rent may deduct therefrom the .%mpuntpaid for necessaryrepairs; insurance, ani inte* refer on'incumbrances upon such-rented property. The coat of new structures or-improvementa to buildings, shall not be deducted from income. 1 FARMERS. Every* fanner or planter will be required to make re turn of tlie value of the produce of lii vfarm or planta tion, without deduction for the labor or services of him - self and bis family, or for any portion of suchproduce con sumed by himself and family. ■ ■ The amount paid by auy farmer or planter for hired labor and necessary repairs upon his farm or'plantation, including the subsistence of the laborers, and the manure purchased by farmers to maintain, their lands in present productive condition, will be allowed. Farm produce, which the producer has on hand on the 31st day of December, 1862, must be appraised at its mar ket value on that day. ; 2.‘ENUMERATED'ARTICLES. —AII articles named in section 77‘of the law (Schedule A) will be assessed for the taxes to which they are liable for the year ending May 1. 1864, viz: \ - Carriages, kept for use, for hire, or for passengers. Yachts. Billiard Tables. Silver Plate. GohVPlate.: The. former assessment on fhe above named articles. having been made for the year 1562. iThese returns must be made to the Assistant Assessor Wilkin ten days from date of delivery of the blanks. Neglect, or refusal to comply within the time named, imposes the duty on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor tj> estimate the income and the tax upon enumerated articles, with an addition of centum. ' . / The entire income tax of every person will be assessed at the residence of the party, and not at the place of business. LICENSES. V All licenses assessed in accordance with the act of March 3,1863, will continue in force until the first day • tf May, 1564. 1“ And all licenses granted after the first day of May in aiy year, will .expire on the first day of May following, snd.will be issued on the payment of a rateable pro m-tion of the whole amount of duty imposed for such licenses ; and such, license .so granted will be dated on the first day of tbe month in which it is issued; Pro vided, .That any person, firm, or corporation, that on die first day of May, 1563,' held an unexpired license, vhll be assessed a rateable proportion for the time cetween the expiration of the license and the first day :o Kay, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. ” . doing business within this district must aiply. for a new license to rnu from. the date their piesent license expires,' (which, in most cases, ie Sjptember Dt, 1583,;.t0 the first of May, 1564 Wheu eler by [the amendments new rates of license 'are es tjblished. the new license will be assessed at the new .rsites, and Id all cases where the present license expires SfptciTiber Ist, 1863, the new license will eover a period c? eight months, and must be assessed io pixy two-thirds ttlie yearly tax. ~ PENALTIES Vlien an.assessment for. iijia*—«-J>-fra-ueen made, upon lfeglect oivrefusal io eivClhe list or make the applica t’on within the time required, and tfcc assessment; is re timed m the annual the fifty per centum penalty Ttescribcd in section 12 must bfe added, and cannot be wrinitted, either by the assessor or collector, jjy the act-March 3, 1563. the penalty of two .years’ ifbrisonmentTs added to the punishment provided in fo mer acts, for those who fail to take out license when required by the excise Jaws of the United S'ates. The former aunual assessment was much emharrass el for want of information on the pan of the citizens, uith regard to the duties imposed on them by the-ex use law. It is manifest that with tlie knowledge now attained, on the part of:the tax-payer, aad withnhe as- Si-tance rendered by this circular, ignorance of the law ten no longer be pleaded by delinquents m the hope oi Riding tEe Penalties pro,idea g •v . Assessor Second District, , my9-smw3t 410 CHESTNUT Street. ; XT O T I G E—ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, -LV UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIFTH, DISTHICT...PENNSYLVANIA:,—PniLADIiIPIirA, (Ger mi have’dividetl (file SEVENTH DIVISION of this DIS TRICT as follows, viz.-: DIVISION No.. 7:—Alb .the First and Second Precincts of the TWENTY-FIFTH 'WARD north of the Reading Railroad. >and west.of the Frankford and Southwark Passenger Railway, together with the Third and the Fourth Precincts of said Ward, including the northside of Williaimsfcreet. • • ' JOSEPH EilEßsOh, * v; - - Assistant Assessor. Address Rising Sun Post Office.. DIVISION No. "lb —All the*First and Second Precincts ,ofthe-T WENTY-FIFTH WARD south of the Reading. Railroad and east of .the Frankford and Southwark Pas senger Railway, and" the Fifth aud Sixth Precincts of said Ward, excepting the nor;h Bide of William street. JOSEPH BOUCHER, Assistant Assessor. -Address Rising Sun Post Office. . my9-3t - - ~ EDWIN T. CHASE, Assossor. FOB THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS Ito. IT South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. XfttU supply of all kind* of TAX ' STAMPS constantly on hand,and for »ale in quantities to suit. . A liberal discount allowed ou amounts of $lO and Wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. . Office Hours from 9A. M. to SP. M. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, d*9-tje!o No. &7 South THIRD Street. FTNITED STATES INTERNAL RE- U ’ VENUE,' SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT Of Pennsylvania, embracing the First, -Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth 1 wards of the city of Philadel- NOTICE. The annual assessment in the’above-named district of alljpersoim liable to tax on Gold and. Silver Plate, Car riages; Billiard Tables, and Pleasure Yachts, and also of all persons required to take out Licenses, having been completed, vnotioe is hereby given that the taxes due under said assessment will be received by the under signed, daily, Sundays excepted, between, the hours of 9 A. M. and3P. of., at his office, southwest-corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, on and-after SATURDAY, the llth instant, until and including Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1€63. • PENALTIES. 'Vi- All persona who fail .to .pay the annual taxes on gold and sUver:plate, carriages, billiard tables, and pleasnro yachts, on or before the aforesaid 9th of May. ; 1863, will incurs penalty of ten per centum, additional upoa.the amount thereof, as provided fov in the 19th section et the sxcise law of July 1,1862. • Vv • All psTsonß who in like manner shall fail to take out their licenses, as required by-law, on or before the yen day "of May. 1863, will incur a penalty of three times the amount orsaid licenses, in accordance with tueprovi jions of the 59th section of the excise law. aforesaid. Money oJ the United States only received. ' JOHN'H. DIEHL, Collector, . ap9-dtiny9 • S. W, cor. of THIRD and WALNUT Sts. TUCK E R’S X PATENT SPRING BED, -Patented July 3, ISoo, _ . , , * Universally acknowledged for Neatness, Comfort,and Durability to be the Standard Spring Bed. . TheabovoaTemanufact^ e aanaft)rM. i S | tg Kßit . .... mhas-Sm No- a HSVESS Blaoit. Boston, Maa*. SEW PUBIICATIONS. JHE COMMERCIAL LIST. LETTER.SHEET PRICE CURRENT. ARE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. BY STEPHEN N. WINSLOW. At 323 GOLD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. T 0.. D X> S . lUNEINS ODER KREIQ IM KRIEGJ By ttie Authoress of “Quits,” “The Initials,”' &c., Ac. Messrs. J. B. LIPPIKCOTT & CO. beg to aaaoan.ee that they 'will publish, On TUESDAY,* May 12th, By. Special-Arrangement with, the distinguished Au- thoress, a new Novel, entitled AT ODDS. lUNEINS ODER KREIG IM KRIEG.I By Tint Baroness Tautpholce, •'Authoress’of “Gaits,” “The Initials,” See., &c. Ia oae volume, 12mo. The work will be published in both the English and German Languages. Orders from the trade are respectfully solicited. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 MARKET Straet, INCH} ENTS Mgjr. IN MY LIFE. Just published, from the advance/English sheets, by special arrangement with the author, A REMARKABLE BOOK. . The Personal Memoirs of D. D. HOME, The celebrated Spirit-Medium, EN'TITI.KD INCIDENTS IN MY LIFE/ With an Introduction by Judge Edmonds, of New York. Elegantly Printed, and Cloth. Bound, 12mo, $1 25. The extraordinary Life and History of Daniel Home, (or Hume, as he is sometimes called,) the Spirit Medium, from liis humble birth through a series of associations with personages distinguished iu scientific and literary circles throughout Europe, to ; even' a familiarity with crowned heads, lias surrounded him with an interest ofthe moEt powerful character. As a spirit-medium his • superiority is supreme, and the publication of these me moirs will probably excite as much comment in this country as they have in Europe, and will be eagerly hailed by every one interested in Spiritualism. *** Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, bv CARLETON, Publisher, New Yorh, No. 4:13 BROADWAY, corner LISPJsNARD St. my9-s&wtf JjJUGENE SUE’S NEW BOOK IN PRESS, THE RIVAL BAOES; OR, THE SONS OF JOEL. Will be published in a few days, by my9-B&w3t CARLETON, Publisher. New York. A NEW VOLUME OF POEMS, READY TO-DAY. MARKED EOS LIFE, AND OTHER POEMS. Edited by Marlay. One elegant volume, printed on tinted paper and bound in cloth. Price $L myD-smtli 3t CARLETON, Publisher, New York. MM BOOKS. A--’ Just received by J. B. LTPPINCOTT& CO., ■715 and 717 MARKET Stieet. INCIDENTS IN MY LIFE, by D. D. HOME, with an Introduction by Judge Edmonds. MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS. By Edmund Kirke. . BONAR’S FAMILY SERMONS. THE ‘-‘I WILLS” OF THE PSALMS. By Power. THE ANNUAL OF. SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR 1863. KINGLAKE’S INVASION OF'THE CRIMEA. A FIRST FRIENDSHIP—A TALE. TBE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OF AME RICA. By Fearing Burr, jr. CROSBY’S NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. EARTHLY CARE A HEAVENLY DISCIPLINE. By H. B. Howe. ESSAYS ON THE GREEK CHRISTIAN POETS, By Mrs. Barrett Browning. COLENSO ON THE PENTATEUCH. Part 2, my9-tf CENTS TO $45.00 !’£ Photograph Albums holding from 12 to 200 PIC'J USES. PITCHER’S NEW BOOK STORE, 808 CHESTNUT Snoet. •- •-' " my 9 6fc A LL THE NEW BOOKS. IsEW FRENCH CROSS-BAR PAPERS, English damask and alhambra, SUPERB DOUBLE THICK LINEN PAPER, Envelops to match Perfect.lv. NEW CARD AND IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, , PASSE-PARTOUT FRAMES, BLACK WALNU f FRAMES, Every Article delivered if desired. CHALLEN, PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 130 S CHESTNUT STREET. THE PROPHETIC... TIMES' FOR MAT NOW READY!—Containing articles on the Fecond Coming of Christ, His Millennial Reign over the Earth, and correlative subjects. Edited by Rev. Drs. SEISS, IfEWTON, and others. Price 10 cents anuuibar, or $1 per vol. of .12 Kos. Published by ’ W. Z HARBEST, lia North TENTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN -Li- CYCLOPEDIA. NOW COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN .VOLUMES. PRICES. ' Sold to subscribers complete, or in instalments of one or two volumes per month. Can any intelligent American deny himself this great American digest of all human knowledge, universally pronounced the best Cyclopedia and the most valuable work ever published? - OFFICE OF THE ' AMERICAN AND ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut; ALSO, • Putnam’s Rebellion Record, Irving’s Works, &c. , Ac. : fe2S-stuth3m THE ARMY GHAPLAIN—THIS DAY A is published, THE ARMY CHAPLAIN: His Office, Duties, and Responsibilities, and thB Means of Aiding Him. By Rev. W. Y.Brown, A. M., Hospital Chaplain U. S. A. 18m0,'45 cents. - ALSO; JUST READY, The Seventeenth Thousand of HOW A FREE PEOPLE CONDUCT A LONG WAR. By 0. J. Sfcilie. 15 cents. The Mntk Thousand of NORTHERN INTERESTS AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE. . By the same author. 15 cents. Published br WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 600 CHESTNUT Street. TBE new sensation.—WE PUB- A LISH this dav • . THE BOOK OF NONSENSE, The first American from the Tenth London Edition of that ridiculously funny book by Edward Lear, which has caused so mueh sensation on both sides the water. Our edition is a perfect fac simile of the London copy, for only $l. WILLIS P. HAZARD, mi6-6t 7544: CHESTNUT Street. TTTJRTZ’S BIBLE AND ASTRONOMY. JA —An Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology, and its Relations, to Natural Science. Second American from the third enlarged German edition. •- ALSO, KURTZS MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY. Seventh dition. ‘ KURTZ’S TEXT BOOK OF C BURCH HISTORY. 2 vols. KURTZS OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT. 3vols. Recently published'an d for sale by ~ LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, myfi No. 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. Or — G- —B E. “5a “439” MAKE TOUE PUHCHASES OF BOOKS, STATIONERY) PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES..*--- ' ' jiIVAL GIFT - BOOK EMPORIUM, CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. MILITARY GOODS. jyj- ITiIT A R X GOO DS. SWORDS, SASHES, BELT S. UNITED STATES • FLAGS, BUNTING AND SILK, AXJJ SIZES. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, ,m,6-4t : , ' 4is arch street. qovbknment goods. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. , FAENHAM, KIEKHAM, & 00., No. a3O CHESTNUT STREET. Znh24-3m/ . - ' • . • Q. "W. SIMONS * BROTHER, SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AKD MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. JalS-lffim pAINTS—IOO TONS WHITE LEAD, X s. W. Zinc. Ac.; in oil or dry. Also,'l.ooo package of “ Crown-brand Lead,” of late manufacture. For sale br WM. M, WILSON, 308 MARKET Street. my 3 AUCTION SALR, TMPOBTANT EXHIBITION AND - 1 - SALE or . FINE STOCK: HORNED CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE, POULTRY, &c. The Subscriber will bold an Exhibition and Sale of Fine Blooded Stock, at the BAZAaB, NINTH AND KANSOM STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, Under the direction of tbe Philadelphia Society for the •Promotion of Agriculture. Tbe Sale will take place (without regard to the weather) ON WEDNESDAY, The 2pth day of Way next, at 10 o’cb ck A. M. The Bazaar willbe fitted up for the reception and ex hibition of Stock, on TUESDAY,'the 19th iast. Owners of Horned Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &c., &c., are invited to contribute to this. Sale. Anote addressed to tue Auctioneer will be sufficient to insure a place in Catalogue. ALFRED M. HERKNES3, . myß-frs If Auctioneer. pUBLIO SALE OB FARM STOCK. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE* MONDAY, May 11th, IBG3, On the Farm of THOMAS S. CaVENDER, near the Eddington Station, on the Philadelphia and-Trenton Railroad, the surplus Farm Stock, consisting of— ONE YOOKG AND VALUABLE DRIVING HORSE, ONE FARM-HORSE. _ TWENTY-SEVEN COWS, Some of them lugh-gvade and Durhams, and the rest of them New York and Western CattLe, gene rally well-bred and in good condition,, and several lit ters of Sucking Pigs, of superior breeds. The conditions will he made known at the time of sale. It JESSE G. WEBSTER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE, T>Y JOHN H. OSGOOD &~SOK. OFFICE 14T CONGRESS Street, Boston. LARGE SALE OF MILITARY OVERCOATS, ON AC COUNT OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES QUARTERMASTER, AT BOS TON. WiH.be sold by Public Auction,in lota to suit purchasers, to the highest bidder, ON THURSDAY, May 14th, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M., 23,301 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), yiz: - * ' 17,201 Black Tricot, Doeskin, Beaver, and Satinet. 1,000 Gray Satinet. 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet. All in perfect order, well packed in cases, and ready for shipment. • The goods can be examined on the day previous to the sale. Terms, cash. WM. W. McKIM. Captain, and A. Q M. Assistant Quartermaster’s Office,) Boston, April 27,1563 f ap29-13t WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A ’ young man who has a thoroughikuowledge and experience of the wholesale and retail Gents’ Furnishing business. Can furnish satisfactory references. Address G. F.-8., office of The.Pre.9S. It* WANTED—AN ENERGETICSALES TT MAN, t* sell PERFUMERY and F ANCY GOODS. ~ by sample; in the United States. None need apply bat those whoare fully competent and experienced. Ad dress Box 1349 Post Office. myB-3t WANTED CLOTHING-.—PERSONS ■*' having Clothing to dispose of will please call or address C. MILLER, 203 CHESTNUT st. mhl6-mwfdm* WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN OP * " address, education, and general business-experi ence, now and for the last seven years engaged in one of the largest Banks in this city, a SITUATION of more varied and active duties. Any respectable , position at but a fair salary- will be accepted. . Address Box 2929 Post Office. • ••• my7-3t* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE yP.-* AGENTS in every county at $75 - a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S.'AIADISON. ' my6-3md&W ; Alfred, Maine. <&({() A; M O NT H ! r ? E WANT AGENTS at SSOa month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13other new articles. 15 circulars/ree. SHAW & CLARK, myp-.jmd&W Bid deford. Maine. M WANTED TO BENT A 0 OB 10 Boom HOUSE, pleasantly locatedj rent from S3OG to $6OO. Address “M. B. "P. 0., Box 399. Ic* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTEB ■Kii'iPi* GENERAL’S OFFlCE.—PasladelfhiA; Feb 9, 1663. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL Sc the foil owing points: Tortugas. Key west, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Ya. Newborn, N.C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOXP, felO-tf , Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, ■ BOARDING. Ql7 CHESTNUT STBEET—PLEA * SANT Booms! with Board. Terms moderate. Also, Table Board. . my9-12t* A SINGLE PROFESSIONAL GEN TLEMAN desires One or Two Rooms, with all the modern conveniences, and full or pariial Board in a private family of devoted loyalty to the-Government. The best of references given and required. Address, G. A. C., Philada- P. O. m7*3t BO ARD.—HANDSOME COMMUNI CATING Booms at No. 1313 WALNUT Street. ap3o-T2t*if 808 SALE AMD TO IET. rAVJV.'AAAAA/W'/vVW‘yWVAVWJ'////Aw\A'W\.'W M THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOE Sale or Bent a Handsome Country. Residence, near Darby, on the Springfield road, Urge buildings nearly new, with Lawn and plenty of shade, aud near Thirty Acre? of Land, if desired. Situated between the Media, and Darby passenger railroad about one-half a mile froin Darby. Apply to W. B. CHAMBBTL‘3 Corner of FIFTH and PINE, myi)-shith-. c ,t* or .the Subscriber JOHNS. BASTE AN. MF 0 B S A LE—THE ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, situated on. a beautiful turnpike, 3>£ miles from Bordentown, N. J. The house was built by the lata WILLIAM H. ELLIS, (deceased,) expressly for himself, with all-the, modern improve ments. The grounds are tastefully laid out, and well grown up with fine young shade trees; stabling for four horses and two cows: carriage house, ice house, &c. -2ni£.acres ofJand attached-will be sold low and on ac commodating termer-lnq-aire of CHARLES J. ELLIS, . 225 Market street, . • Or of HENRT G. ELLIS, my9-lm , , . CroaswmVs, N. J. jjgj GERMANTOWN FURNISHED-- -SSA RESIDENCE TO LET for the summer. Address * f Penn,- ? Ledger office. . . ■ xny9-2t* Mfor sale, at a sacrifice, the “ PHILaI)ELPHTA HOUO£,“Et Oir*ii-iEi__A_ivD with Furniture. ' Also, at‘Atlantic City, four- neat and pleasant COT TAGES, near the Shore. Also, for sale, a very large number of City and Country Properties, Building Lots, Ac. B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. 1 AND, 3 N. SIXTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN C. ARRIS ON, (FOBMSRLT J. BUHR 3.002 E.) I3IPORTER AXD DEALER IS GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, NIANEFACTOKER OP THE IMPKOYED PATTERN SHIRT. These SHIRTS are cut by measurement, so that all the parts exactly fit each other. They surpass all other Shirts for neatness of fit on the breast, comfort in the neck, and ease on the shoulder. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. . my7-tf 00g ARCH- STREET. OQO -vrUAPPEK DEPOT. FII^E-“’IFeIEGAS'T ASSOKTME>T OF ’ CELTS’ FIIBNISUING GGOBS, AT MODERATE PRICES. POUR PREMIUMS AW ADDED TOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. (Jr. A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W.'W. KNIGHT, ftp6-.ro ws3m 006 ARCH STREET. GOG* Q.EORGB GRANT, NO. 610 CHESTNUT STREET Has how ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, of his own importation and manufacture. His celebrated “PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,” manufactured under .the superintendence of . . • JOHN F. TAGGERT, (FORMERLY "OF OLDBNBERG &TAGGERT.) are the most perfect-fitting .Shirts ol the. age. 4S=» Orders promptly, attended to. - mh26-thstu3:m QLD ESTABLISHED SHIRT, STOCK, AND-COLLAR'EMPORIUM, NO. 14:6 NORTH FOURTH STREET. CHARLES L. ORUM & CO. Are prepared to execute all orders for their celebrated moke of Shirts, ou short notice, in the most satisfactory manner. These Siiirts are cut by measurement, on sci entific principles, and surpass any other Shirt for neat ness of fit on the Breast, comfort in the Neck, and ease on the Shouldtr. ' aplS-stnth6m 17INE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 1 The.snhscn^^^nld ) i^it| t^^^^ t 0 Which he makes a specialty In his business. Also, con .tantlyrecmvins,g rOH GBt PTLEMEK'S WEAK. J. W. SCOTT, ~ GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE. No. 814 CHESTNUT: STREET. . ja2o-tf Four doors below the Continental. SCHEDULE OF PRICES AGREED o UPON BY THE ICE DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, April 27, IS6S: ■, S lbs. per day.. 7o cts. per week. 12 “ “ 80 16 ;; ........:........im : ;; . Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs.. at tbe rate of 75 cts. per 100 ibs. , , 100 lbs, and upwards, 70 cts. per hundred. ap2l-larn JCE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, I«>-Cream #}SSS?S Ac., Ac., supplied daily with a pure articleof BOsION Tcic a fc vorv lowest market rates. Dsdlsrs ewe* tarie »lS« 5« wholesale prices. Wagons run in all payed limits of.the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOg E r tTTTT Ti f3»5 WALNUT Street. . : North Penna. R.-& Master street. m Offices :•{ Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets, ftps 3mif* (.Pine-street wharf, Schuylkill IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.— -L To be sold to close np a business -600 tons Egg Coal» at $5.25,per ton. 1 000 “ Stove.“ at 55.26 “ : . TOGO Nut ,l ** , NINTH Street, (West side.) third Coal Yard above Poplar. _ apid-lin — TTo a L.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER V-fjßeadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and ' VS S# Iy ? ffI “' I '\ U WALToVA C°o^ AMEffe'EMENTS. QONCERT HA L L. FOE A FEW DATS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY lira, GEN TOM THUMB AND WIFE, COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, Four wondrously formed And strangely neantiful Ls* dies aud Gentlemen in miniature, _______ NATUBE’S SMALLEST EDITIONS AoF HER CHOICEST WORKS THE GREATEST WONDERS IN THE WORLD A MARRIED COUPLE. A BACHELOR AND BELLS. ALL FOUR WEIGHING BUT 100 POUNDS. . They ars all perfect in development, educated, mtel ligent, and fitted, both intellectaallraad physically,yor all the duties and requirements of life. . _ ROBUST HEALTH, BEAUTS’. OB ACE. MANLY DIGNITY AND FEMININE SWEETNESS, are combined in them in the amplest manner. _ Mr. CHARLES S. STRATTON, (knownas Gen. Tom Thumb), and liis little wife, MRS. LAVIMA WARREN STRATTON, having deferred their >ieit to Europe until the season ia more favorable. for crosbiug the Atlantic.' have prevailed •upon their PETITS COMPETITORS. - COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, to join them in their ... GRAND PUBLIC LEVEES, IN THIS CITY. F‘iß A FEW DAYS ONLY. AT CONCERT HALL. Commencing MONDAY. May Ilth, 1863. THREE LEVEES EACH DAY. • From 11 A M. to 12K P. M.. 3to and 8t09%P. AL Doors open half an hour in advance. At each Levee. MR. AND MBS. GEN. TOM THUMB, COM. NUTT.AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, "Will appear in varied performance^. INCLnpiKG TABLEAUX IK CHARACTERISTIC COSTUMES, SOBG3. DANCES, &c..ac.. At each morning performance the General and his lady ■Will appear m the IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUME ' They wore on the occasion of their marriage, at Grace Church, New York. The rich and elegant ' BRIDAL PRESENTS _ ,. JTI Will he on exhibition at each Levee. The splendid Equipage of GEN. TOM THUMB AND SUITE, Consisting of one of the most elegant Coaches ever made in America, coating over $2, OtO, though less than a attar tf-r of the size of an ordinary coach, and of FOUR OF THE SMALLEST PONIES IN THE WORLD, Will perambulate tke streets daUy % And he in front of the Hall at the close of each perform- ance. . This gem of a Carriage, small as it is, willaccommo aate the four petites at . once, who ride in it to and from the Hall to their Hotel at each entertainment. Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten, 15 cents. mT-S-tf . \TEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— ' Lessee and Manager Mr. W WHEATLEY" - POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF . LUCILLE WESTERN, LAST NIGHT LAST NIGHT -EASILY N NE; EAST LYNNE; Or, THE ELOPEMENT. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, May 9th, EASTLYNNB; - EAST LYNNE : Or, THE ELOPEMENT. MafllmeYlU nd }••••' JOTCttLB WESTER!. Archibald..... . '..J\ w. Cottier. Levison. . .F. MordatmL Earl Severn...... ~......W. H. Leak. Miss Corney .........Miss Mary Wells. B K2“I T Mm. Georse Jordan. The Orchestra, under the Direction of Mr. Mai k Hagg ler, -will perform,' during the evening:, various gems of operaturand popular music; Mr. Wheatley has great pleasure in announcing an en gagement-with the eminent Comedienne, Mrs. JOHN WOOD, the Queen of Comedy and Song, commencing Monday, May 11,- in the Fairy Extravaganza, ■ THE FAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS, Produced at great expense, with entirely new Scenery and mechanical effects hy J. E. HAYS and J. H. SELWYN. Box Office open from 9A. M. toSP. M. The curtain will rise at 8 o’clock. W ALNUT-STKEET THEATRE. Bole Lessee.. -Mxb.M. A. GARSETTSOB' Business Agent-...-.. Mr. JOHJf T. DONNELLY THIS 'SATURDAY) EVENjKG. May 0 THE SURGEON Of PARIS. • The Mask.... > The Snrgeon. j E. -*ilton. • Madelon . .Mrs. Anna Cowell. To conclude Trith the Sequel to the ‘ Sunreon. ” entitled THE CaRPJsNTER OF ROUES', Marteau, the Carpenter.....; ....Mr. E. L. Tilton. Madelaine .Mrs. Anna Cowt>lL Doors open at 7}j : Oartaln will rise at 8. MBS. JOHN DBEW3 AP.OH-STHEET THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. T>. MURPHY. LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON . BENEFIT OF MRS. -JOHN DREW, last night of the “Old Arch M THIS (SATURDAY) 9, 1363, GRIST TO THE MILL. Francine Dlerquis do Eiceville Previous to the Consedr* A KrSS IN-THE DARK. To conclude with the Farce of THE IRISH TUTOR, Prices as usual. Curtain rises on this occasion at a quarter before 8. ! nO M PLIMENTABY CONCERT, V / - to be given at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, Mav 12, 1863, For too Benefit of the three voung Artists, BRETT 0 BROTHERS, On which occasion the following Artists hive kindly offered their valuable services: Messrs. MOLLENSAUKB. ERNST HARTMANN,and the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA.- THE THREE BRfiTTO BROTHERS. E&IiL, BERNARD, and RICHARD, . "Will perform some of their hest pieces. / Tickets 50 cents, to he had at the principal Mu s lc Stores, ' and in the evening at the Door. sm Commencing at S o ? clock precisely. • rai 9-3t* JJU3.*E GRAND ORATORIO OR THE C R E A T 1.0 N ■Will be given by the HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On THURSDAY EVENING, May 14, 1333, MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. The powerful CHORUS of the Society has been-largely augmented for this occasion, and will be assisted by the most favorably-known ARTISTS, together with the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. The Managers of the Society, in presenting this Grand Oratorio, would state, that nothing shall be wanting to insure a conudete success, and feel assured that iheir efforts will m#rit prompt and liberal support. Tha PRICE OF ADMISSION has boon placed- at FIFTY CENTS. Tickets can be bad at the Music Stores, and. also at the Libretto, containing foil and intelligent crifci . col jiofcoc, : • • ■ myfitf METROPOLITAN QUADRU AA PLECOMBINATION! . FOUR COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS - FOR - ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION f .J^77™’ prl * tors £ f •' this remarkable Combination atmhrate^ y gIV9 notlce tsiat tiiey have arranged to In- A IEBIES OP EXHIBITIONS Foi M S Tx A Dl4f .. In the eligible and conveni&fcly, located BROAD Street, corner of loin ingthA earf ° 3are * ACADEMY OFMUSIC 6 And point with justifiable prideto the following -■ GF.EAT FEATOEES o/tߣe S FABLIS; OEOEQB F. BAILEY'S* EXjENSITE CIRCUS, STAR TROUPE OF P3S.FORMERS Splendid stud of thorough-brecGoraes, and gammon* paraphernalia. ■ kwum HERR DRIESBACH’S LARGE AID COMP2EEEN9IVB MENaGERI^ J. C. QUICK.S COLOSSAL HIPPOPOTAMUS Imported a t a cost of Forty Thousafi- Dollars * THE FIRST, LAST, AND’ONL'iOPPORIUNFrr L ‘ ! Of viewingthis gigantidjoast. tU\ BEHEMOTH OF HOLYWRIT, |: Of whom Job says, > A ‘ I, ./ “ Upon tha Earth there is-aihis IAT vivi The present specimen is the onlyMe ever this continent, and was captured ai tne Whity?^ 01 thousand miles above the citv of Jairo, by. ' ALI, THE EGYPTIAN,,-' His present keeper. I /[ IV. • i ~= SANDS. NATHANS.)* C;> J PERFORMING ELEGANT®. ' ANTHONY AND aS d iEHBB’y ' THE PERFORMANCES IN/fHB ARENA, ' Will introduce a large number of ‘ FIBsT-CLASS ARTISTE . - Among whom are— • _ * vFHTLA'- SAM "BURT, the great -rtst* 3 * 9 ' THASS, in his ClassicaLA-^y.mo-Rpo . ac r^^^Ms?f nMOEOtlS fiLOWS ' TE'OTTPE Ov VAHLTERS, &0., &c. the . AIEN aG ERIE comprises a large collection of-the most scarce ana in teresting specimens of the brute c*c*«ir> a th* \vonderfal ' HIPPOPOTAMUS, The great Polar Bear, Grizzly. Beats, Lions, Tigers* Hyena?. Leopards,and many'otherkinds. . EEBR DRIES BACK’S PEJRPORMISFG ANIMALS. Suck a rare combination of Novelties and Attraction! ias never before been offered to tie public, and in a re view of tke MANY- SOURCES OF ENTERTAINMENT it offers, and the remarkably. • SMALL PRIdE OF ADMISSION, •it must be pronounced THE CHE APEST AND BEST Show in the World. • „ Admission to the Four Great Shows conic. A few Reserved Scats, - fo * tne accommodation of La dies and Families, 21 cents extra. . A MORKING RSBIBtTIOrf, For the accommodation of Clergymeu, Ladies* Children* and others, who may not desire to witness trie Circus performances, will be given every day fro mid A. 51. to IP. M., when _ THE HIPPOPOTAMUS, THE ELEPHANTS, . BEEP. 3>l lESB AOH’S MENAG SRIBi AND PERFORMING ANIMALS, Will be exhibited . EXCLUSIVELY. Admission, TWKSTT-FIVE CENTS; AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE at3P. M. Doors open at ha'fpast 2. EVENING PERFORMANCE at S o’clock. Doors open at 7. ■PENNSYLVANIA AGAD-BMY OP X Tr E FINE: ARTS; 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOWOPBN, • From 9A. M.- till 7 ; P. M;, and from, S>tiU 10 P, M. Admission: 25 cents. Season. Tickets, 63cents. Annual Tickets. One Dollar. - : Stockholders. Artists, and Contributor will receive their Tickets at the .OAleev A inyb-tt VaebmantA orchestra:— public \XkeSEaRSAXS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3H o?lock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARL SSNTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of St* iicketssl. To be had of Andre & Go., No. 1104 Chestnai street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. .. . /_ » n027-tf HASSLEE’S oroeestba. NEW OFFICE, 914 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-Cj* CTEBEOSCOPTieONS FOR PUBLIC O EXHIBITIONS," in Itvrse’ or small halls, with views, scenes, and represents icae of-fine Statuary, both of Europe and Aineri<ja, inoidsnts,' places, and battles oj the present Rebeiliou, Made-andifOßsaieby JAMBS W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, G 94 CHESTNU C Street, Philadelphia. Full priced* aud illustrated Catalogue*: sent by mail free. . ap3o-l«n mjJiEZj*- FOB NEW YORK., ASSB&tVIA. DELAWARE AND RARITAN Ca- NAL. DESPATCH AJSD SWISTSURE LINES, The steamers of this line are leaving daily at 12 M., and CP. M. from thirdrpier above WALNUT Street. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating, terms, apply to WSL M. BAIRD &CO. • mh26-tf 132 South DELAWARE Aveaua. twiOt FOB NEW YORK—NEW LIKE—ViA DELAWARE AND RAHITAN CDNAI,. Philadelphia and New Ybrk Expross Steamboat Com pany receive frebjrht and leave daily at 2 P.M., delivezin their cargose in New Ycak the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. , , WM. F. CLYDE, Agent, -• No. 14 BOOTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND. Agent,„ . . aul-tf Plan, I<t and 15 EAST RIVKB. Now Yorfc GLAM SOUP WILL BE SERVED "slPSnp daily. Sundays excepted, by JASfES'PBOS BEK, "Nn SOS MARKET Street mys-lflf _ SOLD. SILVER, AND LIGHT BLUE STBiS. SPECTACLES, to suit all ageß, cheap, oor. SECOND aud NEW Streets. J FRIES. ap2s-lm* aESTO SADDLE. HARNESS, AN3> SSlMitkune: factory and tovreroqss, 1036 MARKET STREET. A large assortment of ' / LADIES’ AND GENTS’ RISING SADDLES. V FIFE TRUNKS, VaLISES. &c LIGHT AND HE>;yy HARNESS. pORMAIr ap2B-lm* f PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET and BOOK STORE.—Examins tious, with w ritten or verbal descriptions ot L.na nscter, Sor :a l Disposition, 111I 1 1- 0 -a;n a 1 la Lent, Business'QnaliScation. Ac., evening. AD; the pnblicatioas of Bowler A Welle. ' 023 CHSS&HOr Strait. •Mra John Drew. • Barton Hill,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers