«j| Br aoHtsi w. ramur, OFHOK,'lfo.'lll SOUTH fOUBTH imy-.-r , Biohtbbf.-Cehts Pbh payable to. tto Oante. tiUfelltd taWb—rlbara ‘Pm AJKWxm, Tov* Dolljjw - , AAKa rot Tma lb adtun foi- th* ftilM oriartfli' ■ '.7 «-» , , . < ■[.> AdwtUtttAiitif at th« lunal'ratfc. 1 -; Ate's oj'r ♦ } ?- PRESS; i * L; tfSthitrilKw ontof th« City at-J l <nrm-!l>o&XiAU -t Aravp*ta?a<tT&no*. ;• mz*. wj o ..* ..< , yp * I v \ { *’» * i f i % ,». •. 5 y j u o* f n . t *^rJy. > :.;..* , -.«: (i .-:-' ,;r ~■.■••■ ... •• - ■■ &■ i ,H. FRANOISOUS, *, • ■ .?. ;{-• ‘ > .«•>• ;•■* ,i»: ; • ► “ "™ . «- - -f * , . •» • Wo.- 488 MARKET, .' Wo. 6 NORTH FIFTH STREET^ SasbutOMttalartMt stwk iathigCUj ot ' - - 1 i'P*, r TARNS, BATTING,' WADDING, TARNS, ;V to , BATTING,' WADDING, TARNS, BATTING? WADDING, TARNS,v, BATTING, WADDING, YARNS; BATTING WADDING, YARNS; ! BATTING, WADDING,' Cdtton Batting, Wadding, Carpet Chain,, Cotton‘ < Yam, • . Twines, Wicking, Ropes, &c. ... . I *tl i I - 1 < } f floods Sold «t Lowest Cash Prices. V _j ; 1 ; ' WOQpEH AND WILLOW WARE. i { ' . r if v > L. * JfX - . k A J Q. FRANOISOUCL - I r * ,j # t ¥i* 1 > t-* * f I * S *1 " ...... ,r CSS JIARKBT, and 5 North FIFTH Street, l (falls the attention of dealers to hla IMMENSE STOCK ( ~*4 ~ * , If 4 *<- ■ . OF. .‘ r ,-* V WOODEN ANB V WARE,, , , wooden, and wlLLtijw ware, , ■ , WOODEN-AND WTX.LOW WARE,' ’ WOQDEKAND W.ILLQWW ARE, WOO®36IN,,AND ;Wlt£OW, WARE; WOODEN AND,WILLOW WARE,, ~ WOODEN AND WILLOW. WARE, i WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN 1 AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, 0.- ! - ./• ... •••■< • as r, v..;.i... •• BUCKETS. TUBS, CHURNS, - , BRUSHES,, BASKETS,! BROOMS, , . LOOKING ■ GLASSES, TABLE AND FLOOR .OIL-CLOTHS, , v WINDOW ; SHADES. ' ' . " CLOCKS, - ! PANOY 'BASKETS.'AO.'.’;,',, n- ALARGER STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS THAN ' ■r.f ANT OTHER HOUSE "INTHB COUNTRY. <■ t < t‘ ™-H. ,> ' • ■‘WRINGERS.'; 1 the gbeat olotheb wringer. ' j > v ' 1 t-- TJ i ,. t » ! '6PIiF-ADJJ7STIN& • CLOTHES WBINGEB” ; I \ S ? - <, r f ~ : warrant.! to be superior to set other In ns*. / » -*V *■ ' • \ XVKT FAMILY SHOULD POSSESS A ' i , v&tmUf. i t „< • i: , ■ . * CLOTHES WRINGER. hJ ‘ t ’B ■ ff ; let. Itlaa'relief to thehardest part orwashingday,*’•■ '\ Id. It enabtoaihe washing; to,be done in one-thirdles»- :teme. ■ - *»*.•• ...- -I- Sd. It savesfelothes from the injury: always given, by } Itwifiting. r i 1 * ‘ ' ~ ' r ii 4th. It helps‘to toaffA the clothes es w6Uasifrj/them.\ ]i : WE BELIEVE IT ADVISABLE TO PROC ORB v: » ■ THE ' i „ PUTNAM SELFrADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELP-APJnSTING OLOTBEB WRINGER. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER,' ' .PUTNAM. SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGS® - - Sutn am*belf-ad wringer, PUTNAM .JffiLF-AD JUSTINGCLOTHKS WRINGER, •' \ . BB0AU8B,• •. . , msT. lie - rolls,* betnifoof vulcanlaedrTubber,*wiU- II bear hot and epld waterf&fid will neltherbre&knbrrtear' i Off bottoni. -v. - Sjjcojo). Theframebetngof Iron, thoroughlygalva-' nixed, all dangerfrom mat is removed. to shrink, swell, split. Ac.', so nnayoid~*>« in . wooden . wrings the rolls render this ' machine self-adjusting, so that small and large articles, • ’ as well as articles suneven In thickness, are certain to yeceive tmtfbrripressnxe. ~ Fourth. The patent fastening by which- the machine« tatightened'tothetub/wobeiievetobe superior in sim- * plicity and-etßciency td any yet offered. • > < - Fifth. TtwilTfitanytub, round or sqnare.frqmone- . half-to one-and’VqnarJaffluches in thickness, without lie least alteration, ' % ’* ’ , </HETAII,: IPRIOB :i ■ . . Jg*Agent.wanted «j>tuxty- Sellable and eneriSlo'nien be liberally dealt; wlib. •'•• ,'V ”>W' / Foreeleat tHe , , ■:■ . .-..v “WOODSNWARE ESTABLISHMENT’/ t»,’A ,'/vT 'of s' / / .a: H. FRANGISOUS, ■ ; ; Ho. 433 MiSKETSt. end No; 5 North FIFTH St , mhl7-2m , Wholes el. Agent for Pennsylvania. VUNMISSIOn HOUSES. flannels, •. Heavy and Medium, t ■.* * 4 ,f i i f * NEGRO KERSEYS, Plain and 'T willed. ■ >. - t .LIMEYS, » ’ S K\ White Rock, Westerly, &c,, &c. ~ ; , u ’■ BROWN DRILLS, . •On he,nd. for eele by " ~ , , SHIPLEY,tHAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, ep22-12t v olia CHESTNUT STREET. P HIL'A'D, E L PH I A •“B’ A;jQ ” . MANUFACTORY.. I j , / •« " ,v * BURLAP BAGS OF, ALL SIZES; , *' , •», , , FOK CORN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, &0. H% !' * < . ALSO,' ' tl* • < . t seamless, bags; .. 4 f / * 'll* % , Of standard' makes/ ALLSIZES, .for sale cheap, for net <ash on delivery./ “/* V’-'v -j j f 'l' GEO. GRIGG, ■; .,y Noa. Hl9 and aat CHPRCH Alley. gHIPLBY,! HAZARD,.,* stbekt,- ' :h FO|B THE SALE OF <-- HILADELPHU-MADE GOODS.; . .jnh3l-6m.: • vli ;.. .. ■•-I:.- ■■■•■■ * •.■> • : J-OHfa'-.TjBAiLBT * OO.' <!' '--a™!. 1 "'4' - , ■ ... - BAGB AND, BAGfOIN® Of «VXKi; i ;P*SOBIFTIOif. \ ■ j| ‘, NO. 113 NOBTH'IBONT STREET,.. .. WOOL BAGS EOB SAIiE. >, !«»<■ •" •*. -;y: J j': ■ .. SEWIEG MACHINES.' • v.; jg EWING -MACHINES. < THE “BLOAT" MACHINES, With glass frbsskb foot, !!' f. ' 'MW OTTIS HKMMBK, BKAIDBB. and other ral'nAblalnwreTeinento. ', * 'ikao, ' , u , ' THE TAGGART'& ! 'FARR. machines. : aaenoy-03^CHESTNUT atrdht; . . mhB-tf «ENTS? FURNISHING GOODS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH,.STREET. J'OHir c. AEBISOlf; “ tt fti 'fTOSSEMT J. BURR MOORE.) u- ¥ JMANUFACTUEBB OFTHB IMPROVED ,i 's i > PATTERNJ3HIRT. (.■’('"if... ,■-iSl#’A. I -Theiie SHIRTS are cat bymeasnrement. so that all the exactly fit each Other. .They sonatas au other Shirts for neatness of fit on l the breast,-comfort In the meet, and ease on the shoulder, ,; : ‘ SATISFACTION OUARANTIED. apB-6m- xrmEsfilßT MANUFACTORY.' ± The "* ■WWoiiHeii'aieesT»'«l«e*»lt?'ta ; hl»business. Also, «m : «ntEMKS-BWBAB. . H °‘ the Continental. jaao-tr iffTlJ 0 B. S B'B J. SPRING BED,. ~ tfwtnMS, Comfort, and UnrablUlrTol» tka Standard Spring Bed. ; , mJiM-im 1 , jfa a RBVBBB Blook, BostonTifa* •;?■ XTBW GOODS! NEF GOpDSi—TOjL - meiritff f»m w flwtoTy newfpalUnfr of? whfeh ,*r.e, Invito: the awntloft Sw “^is , «r * r if * W ’ J ., ', L ‘ ’-j ,i '’■Ji-S''' ! 't } . A/WAA/IM/VV' 18§3,:; B I 'n- g ; WOOD '4 GARY. - No.-725 CHESTNUT STREET, la stow a complete stock of , V : STRAW- AND MILLINERY GOODS, including • ■THAW BATS AND BONNETS. L'' .'...' ' ‘.’MISSES’‘AND CBILDREN’S STRAIT GOODS. • • :•. < FANCY AND CRAPB BONNBTS. Vf U FRENCH FLOWBRB..RIBBONS, At, > ■ To which they > respectfully is.rite the attention, of Mar-!', <ehantsand Milliners.^ ■ ■’ GASH BUTEBB will-tad special adwantace inexamin- , . Inf this stock before.purchaslng. : r mh2-3m j : f|\; SPRING MILLINER^,:; I , l r jj; k **' , '^" V The undersigned haa.now-opena p '.. " HANDSOME STOCK OF • RIBBONS, SILKS, CRAPES, ' * / ' ILLUSIONS AND LACES. •v* j... %, t ? r ■' • •.< * Also,,*splendid?assortment of. : ... ':: t ; : , . ;» r FRENCH FLOWERS, , v it { i , < ■ 1 *, emulating.of fiiit ROSES,' ROSE-BUDS, flno ORAFES. ' and FRUITS," »«»»«*» , All of the most fitahionable'shades and styles. . c( ’ ‘ A 10T of , ,RIBBONS AND MOWERS Of last-season’s, importation, will be-'' ' ” CLOSED OUT VEET ohdat.— ——~ ’ M. BERNHEIM, No. 720 CHESTNUT STREET. mh3)-2m " t • i m STRAW GOODS, • 1863. ‘ f - 'FRENCH FLOWERS, .» , LACES AND RIBBONS, < OF. THE FASHIONS, . -o - ' JUST OPENED ' - - - -t ■■ ■ ■ nr ' THOS. KENNEDY db BRO.’S, : *o. TH9 CHESTNUT Street! below EIGHTH. <; r •. ‘ c • ■ ■ jahM-Sm ■ j£|) s:pß‘i n g 1863. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, (Late Bosenheim.-Brooks, 4C0.), " 'ln,' 'J , v f „-i •- : No; 431 MARKET STREET, North Side; -r iU;c ,• Have now open,-and are dally making additions thereto, A HANDSOHH TABIBTT Of • RIBBONS, BONNETS, „ - ’r ' ' -£ 1 , { “'X ’ MISSES! AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLOWERS, < •' .l J" . - - A3TD . *i i T? KILIUTGRr GOODS DT GStfKRAL, to which the attention of the trade is, reapectfnlly/soll-" .Sited. .. • ■ ■ ! ■ ■■ ■ » % 0O MISSES hO t BRYAN, HO7 WAR" * JftjWNUT:, ißtroetr.will r open -PARIS MILLINERY THE SPRING,'on THURSDAY, April : 1863. ■, , „ v ; i • ap7-lm* MILLINERY :... -•*. *b' ; AND-V- »■«}»'.• .. f -STRAW GOODS.* JOSEPH HAM BURGE R/ - •; / ■■ ; ,xv $35 South SECOND Street; Has now open alargestock of Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, v Ac., to which he respectfolly invites the of Milliners and Merchants. Goods received; daily , from - New York auctions . w .. . mh24»2m** ■ (TJ.RE AT -EXCITEMENT—S TI L L V*: GREATER BARGAlNS.—Received immense lots of ‘ New Goods at BAMBERGER BROS.’, -No: IOS North, EIGHTH Street, much lower than they have been for .a long time.’ , READ. READ. READ ALL. * LINEN HDKFS., LINEq/HDKFS;—Splendid Linen ’Hdkfs.,at i -S andlO cents, some-very fine at 12 cents; sold n,^ . week; agoat 18 cents; still ifiner -atd3 'cents, worth -20 some extrahne at 14.15,16, and-18 cents/allmnch below the presentprice. , v • < MEN’S LINEN H DKFSi-Men’s Linen»Hdkft,*,' ■ very'' fine quality, at 25 cents, ’sold last week rfor,3Bc.‘; -some ” /very die at 31 cents,-.worthv44c.; extra fine at 38 5 -cents. -worth 6Go. by the dozen. l <. BEM-STITCHED. HDKFS., ,very fine, SI; and .broad .hems from':3l cents upwards, extra ' r ./GLOVES. GLOVES —The largest assortment of La~ . dies’,>Men s,-; and 1 Children’s Lisle, Thread,' and Silk ./loves, plain, colored, stHched backs, and kid finish,new storelnttse^y^l^v-t^^fil®3r eajl * )e bought for in any LADIES*,' MEN’S.' A!ND‘ CHTUDrosiroruaiuv, r»v«- and Lisle Thread ‘Yests, very cheap. ' GAUZE AND. GREN ADINE VEILS; Brown, Bine, Mode, ; Drabvandall other colora/splendid.quality, only 75cents; ■ some extrafinaat sl, worin $l5O. " , / ' HOSIERY.—The largest and best assortment of.Ladies’, Men’s;and' Children’s Btookings of every.de ■ mnch lower than any other store in 'the city sells them. * t '■ HOOP SKIRTS. • • .HOOP SKIRTS. - A very'large assortment' of l the best.iQake'trair and Mother, styles of Hoop Skirts, very cheatf.*/ • ; \ " 4 INVISIBLE HAIR NETS, Plain and with at eol beads; ; Corsets, Linen Bosoms, TraveLUng : Satchels, and allrother than> tbey : can^ bebongbtforihother _ _ __ ALL THE STAPLE TRIMMJN&S'stiII at-’nearlyiialf‘ i the regular prices, such as'the very best Pins and Nee- . dies, only 4 ‘cents a paper; Beet Pearl'Buttons/3 and 4 centß a:dozen; very'best.ltalian Sewing .'cents anonn’cej’best Brnsbes/Gt S, andlO oents; new • and:splendid’-loVof-ffairVßrushes, 12*' 18, and 25 cents ;widest and flnest’Sklrt Braids./foll Syards, ■ only 9 cents;. India Rubber Combs, 8 and 10 cents; best India v Rubber [Hair Pins ,18 centsa dOzen;;Spbol Cotton, Cotton Cord,Hooks-and Eyes, Twilled Tape. Ac. ,all: mnchlower. ;: i' 1 than in any other- 1 store‘ln the city. .'BAMBERGER BROS., 105’ No«h EIGHTH-Street,'third store-above •Arch » !*J ifi H hi ap23-tf WATCH IBS AKD/JEWEtRY. - ' A T4- , £:»- ■■ 603. CHESTNUT STREET. , (. <■ . - : ISiTHE CHEAPEST ‘PLACE IN tTHE CETT<TO<BIIT<I GOHD‘ or :.• PLATED..' JJEWKLKY.VSILVER'iFIi ATED OOES, TRAVELLING BAGS,'Sic. • t ,, • v Call and examine - ourstockVbefore purchasingeliTj-'; • \ ; p '■'■i' l I >, *J a*, i .. The following is a partial list of goods which we %V 'selling from 2010100 per cent, less than at any other eaO*i vtahlishment in the city: .ft-r--. ’ ■ iti rxA 1 * ICE PITCHERS. ' „ ' * SYRUP PITCHERS _ , < . « < CRKaM PITCHERS. "■.' ■•Vi V ' SUGAR BOWLS. A ‘V BUTTER COOLERS. < : GOBLETS. * - * „ CUPS,, lt ic , : ~ CASTORS.fi - V. , ’* . WAITERS. 1 *p" '• • r CAKE BASKETS. ; • ‘ ,J 1 \ CARD BASKETS.* , r * SALT STANDS, rp a , *, i TOBACCO-BOXES. * . - , ' * , • NAPKIN* RINGS. t ■ ; v FRUiT/JKNIVES.,, „ . , r TABLEBPOONK ■ ‘ r > 4 ' i . DESSERT SPOONS. • , .] i i .. TEA SPOONS. „ - <\r \ : SUGAR SPOONS. < - t4fr » k , SALT-SPOONS . , - r . DINNER ana.TEA FORKS. . •* ’.f • - -r I v v -r OYSTER>LADLES., ‘ O > v ur GB aVY-LADLES.. ‘ k , r * £■ SETS IN'GREAT VARIETY. *- „ ; ' p. BRACELETS.. .Vv,< : . ' » : .BREAST PINS. ' ** t . CHATALAINE CHAINS. , GUARD CHAINS. % . . MEDALLIONS. ' » ' • , k *\ . CHARMS. - , * j* —rr K THIMBLES.. » «- ~>>4 -" : -SHSW' ~f * v,y/ - :r • GOLD PENCILS.- ■ . - J - \ \ GOLD TOOTH PICKS. GENTS 1 PiNS. beautlfuV styles. , GENTS’CHAINS. * r " .. i . SLBEVfe BUTTONS; € *’V * ‘ ; * • BTUDB.' y ; i ; ;IHECK®HAIH , S r t<J > ' ■ .<•• < ■''‘■•POCKET-BOOKS. w \ . ' TRAVELLING BAGS. , ’ r 'i •/ . : s : ,-. ■ ALBUMS. !•' .]■?, • _■?Tr-'.’.'! l /■ . f > ■ . cigar cases. , , ■ '1 ■ . k CARD CASES; &c. 'Call Sari* and'examine the largest and cheapest stock • of *goods'in tiierClty. '-i":vT«V- . ■<■<. ! 'I 1 ' I f > ;„. f i "-r" f'« f D. W- CLARK’S; « ' ‘ " . ’’ STKMT. JBfc WATCHES, r i RECEIYEDPERtSTEAMER EUROPA. ; GOLD^TgHES, LADIES’ BIZES?-OP NEW'STYLES. /. SILVER ANCRBB AND OYLINDRSB. >'!'"■> 1 ' GILT ANCBEB AND CYLINDRB& n * » l> v , PLATED ANCRBB AND CYLINDIJJfA, Tor Bala at Low Bates.to. tLe Trade,’ By • b.,T.'phajtt; ' apStf 607 CHESTNUT STREET. * S a. . Importer and WholeealeDealai la i r ; jmK J WATCHES AHI) JEWELBf. i’ r i 1 1 1 No. Tl» CHESTNUT Street,"' t>- , (; i 5 .{Up-etalM, oppoalta Maionlo Tempi*), ' ' ;] “•■"'Tfflfei AND COMPLETE STOCK. „K r.VMiDAaniaf' 57 *, * K ; GOLITcBAUISi pOLD SFBCTAOLES, THIMBu3r ,! lINE JIVrBLBY' OT RVBBT DESCRIPTION. Ma-sm ■ "• 1 ‘ A FIN«’ WATC&' EEPAJBINQ attended to; by UufßKWt experieneed warkmaa. end, year. ( . 0. BXTBBILL, i"...' lattdft - 66 NottK SIKTH abroad.’ J 0,. FULLER’S ’’ .. , V. ■ FINE GOLDPENS, ,-THE .BEST ~t Ttfß' sU’L’E IN ALL SI ZES.’ felffta; J?INE 0 O.StB'S * ~ ....... ...nitKVSIT’vARiETt.^ IMITAIIONS OF PEARL AND OOR&L, J. O. FULLER, ':*a- BihM-im No. TiarCH'B.STN.nT; Street j-injtCANITE EINCiS.; .: ;v\\ /■ ¥ rtSWv,--. ~v ■ Afnnj^^tn^ta'elljdie^and^^SiJ. i ' -A , . J. G. -FULLER, - ■' . ■ - V u ii »N«. lIS’ CHBSTNOT .Strait tS.fclS-SM t> "s-J »■ U 'bt, f Si j y Orf M T t«l< •' i t l -P <v .Th 4 '•'/PAMS' iGLOAK'*ANO)s MAN> '.•TILfIA’STORE, Northeast‘corner of EIGHTH-' arid '•WAliMUTi' have opened with a' I -ii ■vk* ._• • , ; LARGE!STOCK OMPRINfraOODS,! >! of , lh t ‘ ! . and respectfully ask the early attentiaa’of -l&diea wishing topnrchaW ** ( * r ** c S»y £ ifw \ ~ f rjLOAKS.AND MANTILLAS... v >'.iyEKB k CO:;No.»3tSouth:NINTH Street, haroc .now on hand an extensive aaaortinaatof .; . . , ■. ' „> SPRING STYLES,, of the finest qualities, at'ths ~ r ;; v.v,' i ; : , LOWESTrPRICES?’ Ladies, do not fail to give us&c&U-'^ "dOYS’, MISSES’, AND - CHILDREN'S,' . CLOTHING, CLOAKS, 4c.. ' - > Itf BNBEESS VARIETY, i’ ■ < -At low prices,! -•' ~ ' ■ Uo 131 SouthEIOHTH Street, ~ * *p2l-lmr., Three doors above Walnut, i. RETAIL ‘ * , M ,r It , I" ' JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., U■ <4 1 • , - -I ’ . : 727 CHESTNUT STREET,'" ’ Offeb at modebate.,prices inthete, . ' . BET AIL DEPARTMENT, ’ * Black and Fancy Silks*. Linen; Sheetings and Shirt- Black ’and Colored Alpa- * lags; • ' eas, ... a . j Damatjka,’ Vapklu;usa&d t . Poplins Fantasies Doylies, Taffeta d’Anneesey,' , Table Cloths and Towel- French Lawns and Organ- lags, - Counterpanes and • dies, > > r r, Furniture ‘•Dimities.. . French Chintzes and Per- WHITE GOODS. cales, < Jaconets, and Cambrloe, * - Brilliants and. Piques,, r Soft Cambrics .a and flail- Spring! Shawls, new.color- r * socks, ' a . .. . " ;• r V.* ’• ; r Tar Tetons and Swiss 1 Mulls,' v Black Thibet and Merino FancyMusllxis and Dtmities,r Shawls, L, C. HandkerchUfiu Square and Long Shawls. Gloves, Hosiery, v of PHY. QOOWIn desirable ion* OHBBTHPT STRBgT. , ~ , v | E. M. NEEDLES. i ’ , * *' ' ' B H OFFERS FOB SALS ' ' g 3 , »' & At below preeenbeoet of llmpor- S ■ H tatloto, .• B g . WHITS GOODS, all deecripUou. - ~: * i g | EMBROIDERIES, do do g § LACES,' ' do do < !§ £ LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do . .Jd S VKlLB.,to,*i ’ S* * | S « ’ ' *» * •>) ’ i *-r And'reßpeetfallr iiLYit«fl i£n’lnspection of Ms ' ‘‘ / stoek.' *• 1 1 OHMTIfOT-gIMBT. ‘ NEEDLES, E. M * ( . ‘1024 CHESTNUT STREET, 1 ' * % i n w s \ , » ji « ,1 ‘ t 7 '' '. / HABJUBT RECEIVED THE 1 FOLLOWING:" " FOB OARIBAIDI’S. i PUFFED. LINEN CAMBRICS. V NEW;ARTICLE. 7 ' - , FDFFED AND TUCKED MUSLINS. ' V;PLAIN FRENCH MUSLINB£2‘YARDS WIDR' ‘ *' BTRIPED.'PLAID,ANDFIGIIRED MUSLINB. '^ -ARTICLE lOF*.GRENADINK?VEILi ! *A . LARGE ASSORTMENT NEEDLE-WORKtEDG INGS. ■ 1. INSERTINGS, - FLOUNCINGS,' AND; BANDS, AT OLD PRICE • . "VALENCIENNES AND GUIPURE;-EDGINGS AND- HiSERTUNGS. - >«, i; .i-. *j,.;* . . , :.sq PS. . OF PIQUES,. AT REDUCED 1 PRICES.!! , .800 NEW STYLE NfeCK-TIES FOR LADIES. *' ' ■ i ; PBINCESS &c.‘j'&c.; A©, - 1, < Tile attention of the Ladies'ls respectfully asked. •; • E-l M‘. NEEDLES. ap26«lm'.'‘' , >' 1 <• .. T)RESS GOODS' AT REDUCED PBICEB,’ from the recent Auction Saids. r • ’ Black and White Plaid Alpacas at 37c* wotth-SOr*-’ ! D' Choice Colored Alpaoas at 50c, worth 62c. < ■ . Plaid Mozambiqoes 15 toAOc.vr PlainMozamoinueslStofiOc. s . . "> . Plaid Poll Pe Chevres, all colors* at 50c. ... WeW Styles Figured, All-WoolPelaines at 50c.' .■ .. Light ChalltPelaines at 25c. v - : •;- 5 - 4-AFrench’Chintzes at 31,&c. ( - ' . ; ■ Jaconet'Lawnsacl2£4c.• • •>>, ■ . .Black and White Organdies at 25c. y v. / > « * H, STEEL*SON, ’ *l5 North TENTH Street QHARPIiESS BROTHERS. Mode-colored: Silka, Foulardß, •. *■ ■ . ' Checked Silks, India Silkfl, s • /Mantle .SiUm, Black Figures,"' f ,; •; - ' . • . -Baregesi rCnallles. Imperatrice. ' ■ v , }■. ; ; Poplinß, Organdies; Chintzes,' : ■ l- i . ‘ zephyr and Barege Shawls. • f v ... ‘l •" J ‘CHESTNUTandEIG-HTH,Street#.m piOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST .. a Cassimeres for Boys,»- '• ■vif , Casssimeres for Young Gents, i for suits. ■•*■■'■ » ■ Casslmeres for everybody. > , • .. ? Cassimerea, mixed and plain* r.. Caaslmeres. striped and plaid. ' .70A ARCH Street. •srILTrVZ ..SU’l'if.H CX.OTHINO; £ ( *> ‘ * ’W' r * <• * Fine Clothing, 4 'Madeap early jfor. jr*-: *-Spring and Summer Sales, - f > r now.reajlyy. v! ... » WANAMAKRR-& BROWN,- ■ J'OA'K' HALL,” A.E.cor. 6th As Karket, 1 1- * * *75 >-I ■;*>.** • , X* t , l*t yj '•*»*. : ' £HtV m t v ** / -»• >. - {-1 , DESIRABLE property "* >*o«| 7 f t INVESTMENT. i - PRICES SUER TO ADVANCE. '**» n ~if 7 \ jOHN KELLY, JB,!, ; -t ■'-r f ft 5 <i & ' ' ■ .TAILOR 1 ,- £f'l 1* has eemovbdfkom io^'.chbSthutstebbt, 1^ f * TOAU* 3 J t ? EDWARD p. RELLY’S, 1 " * “*‘j it •, ■ i ? nts-i«A v *u * *•*?* iw i : J '.i,J Af^iondt'sipS^'NlnAW '■* i **»{> 0J i I«, & ’ J +*£jr ' h«;pre&ents; to t former, patrons and-*the pupils ;iheadirantacesof a v „BTOCK?OE .GOODS* equal If not. sn-- ■\ perior, to .any In the • dtyerthe skill and ' taste of himself s and BDWABD P. KELLT, 'the'tWo best Tailors of yeityr=B.t prices much lower »»«> any.otherfln*t-claaA esta blishmentof'thedty zu* */ t • ' ? apl-tf i ' ~ 1 , ■ ■. .tl»* • -.V*y...-- •■■■' :.A -.A ■■■•■>• !•■ •»* ■ ■» "DLAt/K CiSS: PANTS, $5.5.0, ; ,\' 4 ■I ® vi.. . ■*. . At 704 MAHivai-.Stroit. i BLACK. CASSj PANTS.'(d.m At 7M MABKBT, Street. BLACK: GASS. PANTS*.SAOO, ' At 70* MARKBT Street.: BLACK CASS. PANTB,-p.'H. At 7M MARKET Street. BLACK‘CASS.'PANTS.' CS. BO.' At 70* .MARKET Street.' GKIGG A VAN GUNTENV No. 704 MARKET SUaetts! . G BIGG'A ■ VAN.GUNTENIA No, .704 MARKET Street.' : tm i »hk |f msmvßb GRIGS * VAN GDRTBN’A So. .70tMARKBT.StnM. r mhm-to , u , , y, . O- ov.Xj0 v .Xj^ v »r r r*'?r ~t*- * - 1 ft! ‘ I**" *%v.n* 4 )M VI V u t V * - » ' 1 , . /t •« } - . 10,000 lbs PenusylT&nia Tab ’ ' < < A2o l OOOlbß!<CboiceCan«3laFleeoe. / .- r »**:-#*■;« p./ \ ' 2Q, 000 lbs. No: l and Super Western Palled.-v * • : i1 r : 40,000 lbs. Medium and Fine Pennsylvania - and Obi ' Fleece^selected. 7 , V .Y>X,BNSi ' \,V 1 1 1 i , * * , \4 * t u> i f#ajM ■ 80,000 lbs. Domet Flannel Yarn*-20 cents. ■. u ;. - ■ ■ ■?, m lbs. Linsey and Fine Shawl Yarn;’ 80 cents, .s , - 10,000.1b5. ‘Hosiery and Stoeking-Yarng, soft spun* y 2 • - t ) > J £ 2,4} 4 *VS Ji 1 ' l t V*i ' COTTON ,» » r * - t t , p‘l 100 bales Middlings. / , ! \ ! /cOTTON YARNS. ‘ • * H ► * s"** SO.OCfrjbe- ! and Bundled Twist.of best makes, Mos‘lQ to 20. ■. ... 1 .. } , t V,; Orders solicited/for beet Standard ntakes-any warn ber or degcription.,' •■•■•"<• /-t'.f'it *>v v v i ' , -<'- •.>.••■ <v» «*?*■ ALEX. WHILiLrDIN & SONS*. i ap27 m’jrfly i -*■ >_ * t* n e .sL-x-%. f* •. - ••?.• -•- f HAMS'- ’> s' 4 ‘ > t o. «*/r v ? i s\ ABE THE BEST IH THE WOBLD. '* ' * v -* * - ++l* ♦**« NONE 'GENUINE UNLESS BBANDBIIi ?/Ja: “ J. H. EICBISipB.” I ,y r? , L v * v i. <»r r i, ~ r - <t *' & i .T. 11. MICHENEIt &'CO., -i ' „ j __ , *« < t/'v k [GENERAL PROyISIOITi OJEALERS,) U b:M'O i‘±. 'v »« >s4 vil Li ,•*/■«, $ fci H , 5 tfV ) . ' ( u v i *» K; £*c.. A !l&- ' *»♦ %.U. r „ * • . CUKBEB OP THE CELEBRATBP • t ! BnP'AB.-.o,..n i K'E»,, i H)A;S(s"'i .* v v. , fJ ■ J ; 1 North FRONT Street*». ; A&h.ahd Race streets. w .'t * * 1 OT-j 'Cr.'-j V The justly -celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS areoarod' by J. H. M. abtyle. exI', 1 ', presslyi AWCtpf dejiciojia. flaT.or,?(free >, i from the unpleasant . r •plonree'iapertor'to any now-oflered for lala.^. ,l i. .1? I'lln > ap6JniTr&ftjyfl®‘ «£*•* -* f ' ; **-' * ; *> **•' i ‘ fcH&A DetF'HtA. M( . A'SSJSfANT QiISBTEIMiSTBR GE -fiS-uMBRAL’S OFPICE,' 1-ppm.nolro i,.v p «H‘*DB£PHrA, Pa.', Miy Ji M»». ■■nA** 71,»,. a W20 clockM., for the immediate erecs. iH?2 ? - a r « ort Delaware, ofbarracka, for the - -rPi l^ 0 * “ ve - thousand [persons.' ‘ SB’“mWc office of JohnMc, Arthur, Jr.» archly .jteckKMo. 209 South- 81*thretrietf Philadelphia. ' - - - »ila- rs stateitheishortest time required.to com*'- piete tne ;Contract v and be jrequired.to furnishampLe ae-. v cuntyfor.its faithful performance.' The' rlsrht is 're- • served to?roject all bids- tob high, l and<no bid>>willibe/ • eonstdeTedjaiilese,the advertisement.is,conformed to.--,?' 1 piy2-5t - * G' h; ckosmany a.- ; ‘'Assistant qitartermastebi&e-* r-T- NEBAL’S OFFICE - J r •»> ■ ”? *'„’ • v * . c r Philapbiphia, Ist May. 1863. i - will bo received at this Offlce'uritlL MON- • DAY, 4th met . at 12 o’clock M. , for the delivery, this city, on or before the 10th InsfcT'of the follow Gig ar ticles. viz t <?■ i* sn v j- r . - l.COOjWagon Covers'‘for six-mule ,; be *of 10 ounces, ariny standard, cotton or.lioen duck :grlOO. ; .Moitt c pB, army.Btendw4,-cdttoft,erliiiw.doci-- . , If the articles called*for are notr all'delivered ondr Tba rore the expiration of the contract the Unlted’Bta r es Go- 1 • vernment reBer.ty!a the;nghrto make good any deficiency trac?or l aB ®’ m °^ ttl & ar ket,; at the expense of the con i: • The right isira?erveditoiri)ectaU bidsfleemnd toft high.,’: . ,my2-2t c r--.. and-Aast. Q. M. Generali > PROPOSALS* FOB HORSJ3S. *r f ■ • : • D.^pot,qp;W4bhington,-. . • .«-** ’ I -j_ Cornerof 18ch and-G Streeter"' / J * Washington. D. C , April ■ -. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office , tmtiLMONDAY, tho4th day of May; at 12 o’clock M. : , r forfurnishing the Government with (2,ooo)'two'thousand ..Horses, ofthe foHowmj^^escnptlon.iVja'*. -ij >u ,» ; For thoiiBand€Te hundred Horses, from,(l6) fifteen to (16) liigh.-between flve an . 4 eigh t years of age; of. dark colors’; well broken to the aado le from all defects';' ; , For Artillery. (500) five hundred-Horses, .from (15)0 fift ■teenandone-half.'to (16)'sixteen hands' hl?h,batween ifOT a A d eight years of age; of dark colors; free from all » well broken to harness;, compactly built, and to ifweigh.notlessthan.LlOOponnds.'!:' , mi _ L „ PROPOSALS 4 * jTho ifull najne and post-office address of tlie bidder (.mustappearmtheproposaL-v v.. , . -,.n -•_ is made m the name of-a firm.-the names of all .i?£.P a |tieB,must;appear/or;thie,bidfwill be considered ttr ,J *haindividuaL proposal ofthe-party signingit.. .■ ~ from .disloyal parties will not'be considered, • and an oath of allegiance will befequiredfromsucGess . tuL ; bidders;before signing contracts «•'•••/ /. ■ ... al6 mn£t, specify.clearly.whether the bid islfor ..Cavilry-or Artillery Horsds.fbnd <»’«*(! case must both-'’ be bldifor on the same paper- r " tr' rf »v«, i t wlshea-tq ?Mvat forward two distinct j proposals*H)he for &fth'clks3;* ? ! complete in : it9effz-Mn& havingno.referenco tohnyother -proposal by thfcsame party. ~ * , proposals mustbera^dWssedWCdlonerpj^RtrcffEft; 1 ana'snotila be plainly marked “ Proposals -for-v Horses ev> . & l I” a ™ountto half .the sunato Be received' I. ® the>c6tttraotoruadtw6 l - ders“ lble,BeCllrlt *' a -’ - w!111 ) 9 -W lirei1, of, successful-bid-;■ 1 5. • ™’ lSl be present' in person': when -the' bids are" 11 * ■ j,.* ...•■■ rrj f• • zg ty •».< ■ .V ■. “■ j • ■... i .« .... ■. ... i; l- Wanks for bonds ban, be procured-upon application beiM made at this- office, eitherpersonally, by letter,-’or - INSPECTION, DELIVERY, Ac., ' r ! V Al V? or ®? B contracted for under this advertisement will ■ pe subject to a.rigid inflection, and those not conforming • tP-l^^spcciflcations^wiilbe’rejected."-"**•'•' ■ =t *- r i. . rjo Ararw willbeireceivcd.., ' —' l u -\" t.. The. Horses. must be .delivered.in this city?.withln' l - daysfrom the date J ofthe contractr ‘ .-'-I • _ laymenttobemade uponthecompletion of the con- 1 • 'sSul be fn fimdH there^ftor ;a § . tke " hiof I - Tlio CA VALRY.'Horges will be awarded in lofe of.(200) 1 1 lots £1 • hundred, and., fifty .each,.unless the’ Chief ! QuartermMter should deem it for the interest of -the Go- 1 ' vernment to vary the number. “‘ 1 r * 1 - ■ lhe,Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bias that he may deem’too high. • >, , i - : , ®,«H. «EUCKEE, Colonel and Chief .Quartermaster. QnARTpRMASTERGENERAL’SOF .^ICE,c^ABSikaTOIir,CiTTt Ma:rch!a; 188a.^Q\rn‘ers 1 .of -steam yessels are invited' to Bend i to‘the i Quarter-" charte^raalfc lenaefß’Bhotdacont&ux'deßCTlptionß’Ofrthe? vessels,’ * ,their dimenslonsifenrollea or regrsteredtonnage; actual : . J’ ryl ?® £ apacit y - ’ material,.whether copp«red~whether ■ B 'de;wneelor propellers, whethertron or copper • fasten- ■ and .should PSiPcaat they .are offersd:for long or short the estimated.value of’the* vessels‘in .case f loB or in case the Government should'-; preferto -par- - :r chase [instead of, chartering:*; • t > , •« ■ru.Qwners.ofsteam vessels already in; the? service of 'the * -iUuarterinasters Department? are t requested, to make >no;wn to the; Department any reduction In'their present' rates which they may he willing to grant, and ' also the’ • they will be willing to self them.' ’•• , /.AD such tenders should he addressed -to the Quarter- ; * P eße *al ofthetfnited States, at Washington, and- St^mere 8 ” ndo ” ea 08 * 18 for Charterer Sale of .', v Whenjreceived they will,he considered, and'the Deli Sartment will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense at-? maingr army transportation, upon the ocean and tide* waters, by substituting, whenever it can do so, cheaper ' of equal capacity for-those now employed. • , ‘*'_jnbgfrBm'.,.-- ■■. ••T-v \ /TN THE DISTRICT COURT; FOR" THE CATfAl S I ? EGEUSBM E » B .v S .,C H B IB r i itr s'CHUIT ■ K' BCHMIDT -' Ve ? a - **■' • «JiSA^? or /appointed by. the Court tofeport’dSstHbn-i ' vonof the fund arising from* the salabythe ShPriflV’tui-' Te iy r, k°* that, certain lot or piece of: • *32?? I ‘“.thertlree-Btory ; brick,messuageor. tene--j ygffitw^v ttr^H>?y?bMhyhttildtngethetton'ertcted;\". • T es * Bide street, at the • ■ allilftfS?' 6 southward-*- ■ !"*?*» sme of Girard avenue' in/ seventeen feet seven'• Sii^/^ fr^t«jft A hh'diextending»weBtward in length Inches, be<the*ame more or less, . [N.'B.—The above - premises are suWct to a mortgage jpfjßl. 100, r recorded. in Mortgage BookGCw. c,. No.liS, page 116, &c.l, • ■ Will attend to fee duties of his appointment on MO»- - -»A-v..the 'llth ’day ot May next, at 4 o’clock P. M., at theWBTHKBILL Street, above Sixth, ln,the city of Philadelphia,- frhen and where all persons v L are required to make* then claims, or he debarred from , -coming in upon the said fund. - ■> *.i 1 ap29-10t SAMUEL C. PERKINS,-Auditor. ’ / i. 4 ' - T3EDEMRTION OF STATE LOANS.— AV PUBLICNOTICEishereby given. that on theFIRST -DAYof JULYi’IB63, the following public loan; issued by.- ’ the Commonwealth'of Pennsylvania, will be redeemed *at the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank* in- the city of -Philadelphia. viz.: '■ -j •• ■>) J ; / i--■■■': ?-'•= /Five percent, loan, act of March 28,1531...........577,900 ' AndOnthe FIRST DAY of AUGUST, 1803,i;the‘.follow-: • ing loans will also be.’redeemOd, at itke./Bank aforesaid :, -Fiveperoent. loan, act*6fD4Cemher,18,1828;..5632,749,84*. " r >“ ■ “ Maich'30,1831*.253,077 08 UVAnd the.holders of the said loans are horeby'notified, X'td'Present their certificates for redemption- at: said.,times' ana place; and that the interest on said loans will cease J ; and determine from and after the said first .days of July •and August, 3863‘ ? ■ v : - • '*\ ELISLTFER, ) Commissioners >w THOS. E/ COCHRAN,-' 'ofthe : u HENRY' D' -') • i , ap23-thiaBt .■ ju-q'..- - *■£ , t- •f; * i . I < 4- ~ , V * ;„T OST: CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS hereby given that application has been'made'to the AnditorGeneral of Pennsylvania for/the issue of dupll - cates of the following described- Certificates. of the Five : >'per Cent.Tjoans 'of the- Commouwealth, 'issued by 'the ■Rank of (acting Commonwealth, lin tbe-namv-oMhe Honorable Colonel. LEICESTKB;FITZGERALD.: STANHOPE, of ithe Gedarav Putney Surrey, in. Englan d: . a-> ¥ ..v..4.< . u »>.. ..No. 356, dated AprU 6, 1837,act of April 13, 1835; for $5,000. No. 356, -' do do \ .do.. ...do , 'f0r,55,000.. • No. 357, do 1 do : do 'do ' . for $2,000, •mh3l-3m ■ li./..;,. -. h.,.- T 08T CBBTIFIO4^M^N^)TIGE;IS, ■’ hcreby given that application^Las.been^in ade 'to'the' I /Auditor General of the State'of Pennsylvania'/, for'r the- I •. Issue -of duplicates, of .the folio wing-desCribed- CEJRTI FI- r ; i CATES of live per Cent. Stocks'bfsaidState, created.by i the Act of 21st March, 1831, issuedJtethft-Bank of Penn* i sylyania, (acting as Transferv-Agentof the Common- of Pennsylvania,) ih'tbeiomt' names of George i 'Higgins, r of Furnival's Inn,‘ London, Eeq.: -Richard i Bicnens;- of St. Ives/- Cornwall.'- Esq/; and.. Charles- I a Henry 'Rhodes, - of. Denmark- Hill, -Sarny/gentleman, i ; with benefit-'of survivorship, vwhich Cenifloatea; have * ..beenlostiviz 1 : -H :.C •.;&»«.iv 4.- ' ' • No. L4OO, datedjNoy.- 4, 1839,'if0r4/000'dollar8. v : "V ' V 1,401, "} 41 ; vi «» s ■ '*5,000 M - v-'.y !;.'•••' \? T t 9,ooodollars.k < And all persons are hereby callod npon-to show cause ; to the Transfer Clerk, at the -.Farmers’’ and Mechaqios** .. Bank,'ln the city of Philadelphia, why-suefe duplicate should not be issued: V • 1 * < ;'>• 1 '* 11 ‘ ' THOS: BIDDLE & CO., :.r v ■ No. 386 WALNUT St. Philadelphia, if. * , «j , "i. - £ i ' *<. J r j; i x ,n lii r /JJ-L of a *Writ‘of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD- 1 ) jWALADEB, Judge, bfth'e 'District-Court* Of "the; ttnited ■ y States, in and fortheJEastem Disfcrictyof^PennfeylVanla, < in Admiralty, to me directed.-willbesold atambUc-sale,, to the highest aiid^best f .l)idder,'for cash., at ABCH, , Street,'on AAL, < - A portionof the cargoof tne~sfeaiiier.3EßMUD A.asfol wiOws : About 200- ( packiges-Drugs,and..miscellaneous . articles, among which'aie 'cMa g, /Morphia; - lpecac,YOpiumf (gum, and- .pondered), vKreosote/Ba); Cop.:jlBettna.:.Lunar'sCo@tioi!. l ß«L£Aciii8 > v "Spirite .Nitre. Capeulee, Chamomile Flowers; Adhesive Plaster, Patent-Lint, •. Pegtles and Mortars,“Amputating»lnBtruments, Trusses, Enemas, Gradnatjng v^nbesandt GlaßBes;r&c.-sj,^!i.* Al6o,s ( bbls Epsom Salts, 2 dp. Ginger,,2 do.iGnm,. Ara? , »ble, 6jio. CaBtorO|l,l3casesHiow?s Loddon Windsor Soap; 1 rSObagsCutch, 2casesTobth*brusKes. Also; 15 cases TWOjraains) Bank-note .Paper, 21 cases 1 Foolscap, letter/ana Note Paper, Envelopes;'Ao: *r v. r • • Also, 10 cases Ink for bank-n£>t@.printing,Jjlacb,'blue, .> Catalogues will be Issued ten'days beforethesale, when ■itho goods can bo examined?**? * ; „ “ **•.* *’ l { T :, > 1 . ? «, 1 WILLIAM MILLWAKD.'- ;>•“ my2-6t TT. S. Marshal of Pennsylvania. '’ ' " -M A BOARDING SCHOOL,FOR.GIRL'S.—This.-lnsth tutionris 1 located'* about* *tWenty‘ 'milea ■from' Phi-• I ladelphja;:nine3:rhUeß.froin seven: miles*.: / frohCßristoliniLthe northern limits of ATTLfSBORQOGH,^ II Middletbwn" to'whship/’Bucks 'counter, rPennsylvania^a 1 , -• ruraldlstrict unsurpassed for'heelthralness andfbeauty^ ’There &r&,three-daily conveyances to the\ premises from’i Philadelphia duHng'thesumiiier," *•' ‘ THE SPRING fIUMMEBiTBRM-'Will commencet' on the. 20tb of‘■ptFTH'tmonth,.and tin, session, weeks, through the mostpleasant period of. the. /Iwann’inonths,. ** &''*'■ The course ofvinstructiou ;ls thorough and tyrnwlete in* ,?aH* .the elementary and higher-branches of ajL-Knotteft,.: Classical, andrMatJujnatical Education, ■.TpeFreiich, language is taught by a verysuperior native, french teacher, who daily engages the pupils‘ih French conver- ■ . '£./-,*<• 4 n n y i?ii A Normal. pepartmqnt is,in operation for the benefit of" .those etttoMeslre to forteachers/’V TERMS. —TheVcharge ,-for ;the .Bngllsjft Branches, >,with botittL washing,,.fueU and, lights, inclu-e , and‘the use 1 of 'Jibrary;isi J ior the ' Spring and Summer Term; of twelve weeks; -Latins-? 1 Greek,French, and Drawing, each extra. . t ,> -,<■ Circulars, giving full particalars, maybehad onap* -plication to llie PrincipalB,“ Attihboro.ugh P. Q. . Backs v ' county. Pa.; or/rom Ed wardParrUh.-'north west corner >■ '. of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia._>t * \.m«i I ,s ,‘i '• J; 5j : I' ’ ISRABI/t J.fOR AH'AMB, I*\ (1* 1,1 JANBP. GRAHAMS. , JJj ■* a myl-lmy,; : I t.V Principals.: f "rTHB WEST; CHESTER'* ACADEMY' AHn'MILITaRY INSTmra , B,:at'WESr.'CflßsTSlfc a Jpenna; the ’duties of'the Bummer - Term' • T on-the Ist of MAY nexty BOYS and' \TOUNGKiM RN thoroughlyjsrepared'for Collegeor>Buai^/ - GERMAN, BEANISH.tsught by - native „ Military .Instructor, .Majors Gustayps J&qkendo'rfl;',; Instructor' Ga , !. For Catalogues,' containing fait Information, apply to l>he Principal, WM.- F. WYKRS. AVM.’ ** >" If SIJWiGBHB® A2O& i--MmUBIC, taught' H, WAILS, 'of theXon-,- ■ ■ ;TT'NIO!N !: IST : EAM ,; jfcND ; %^TEI£ ATING COMPANY OF rBIL ADELPHTJC?' I■■ GOLD'S? ATENTSTEAM ANDHOT-WATEB HBATBR,' ,t THOtfPBON’S'LONiDONKITCHENBB.&aipUcothM other Gwteh ’ t * ......;■>]■■. C'if<)i'*l' , Sotith.rOOßTH'Btreht;i *4 ' ~8. M.TELTWBliL;Biiperl°46°cl° l * t . ** 1 *■ 4p» J l r •' ■'piM®. i!>P : A TT'E RNS OF XTHE < X'ATESTJPASHIOIf/WholestlAandßataKrft* <1 Sew Sprinfand Waists;tnd; ) 4 Battems.now'ready atNbrs. It A.iBINJ&fiR'Sf iiTemple of Fashion,;No. 10291 CH.aWNUTbtreefc c Also,^. • riDressand MaulillaMftking^.allitahK^heß. PfTOijyt’^MlxTO^of^jfaehion, . ANh; w ■ "BNGU^EEBi* 3BS' 'BEACH* SfrSfc'.'MAnartMfM ■; Heavy and Turning exeeuted with despatch. apXs ora*'tfi LEGA li. 1 ~-irtij^RSHAX’sXSAtBSi >A¥V -MAY «IStB. . 1 W i- ' ~ . Yankee cavßliy'expcdltloWijnto Central MiteitflippiV' |Y a '31!„ ,u ■, -jk pi- - threatenitfgjOolumbui and '"expels in daring II P !Hrl , "*T r ' PR K all the'fdrmer TheJjijwii had intelll-; /a -, - w, 6r gence >frpni 4 Arkansas,that the .rebel! arerapldly «r - 1,1 'v' atrepgthcnejd Smith and Sterling Pricey : and (will ‘soon give the Unionietß trouble ia rthia' .region. * \ f,< * J ;‘- - • MONDAY, MAY 4, 1863. MY OF. THE CUMBERLAND. . joial Correspondence of The Press. . i,. . f . .Nashvillis (Tenn,), April 27. - lice the occupation oMfashvilley but very little Lr .sympathy has been manifested in behalf, of pbvjerninent havebeen known m; assionists.’ An'lncreaeeVf loyalty-hat always 7 jj perceptible in this city And coimty; but this-in-J p.WAB brought about by'those who, although leg lost their confidence In the authority of the ernment, were : tfiways attachedto iti torder ofiGeneral Mitchell,a copy.of whioh imitted y.pu on .Wednesday lMt f| has made ,a k Btir among. the rebel population of this city iojunty, and the-rush of citizens, male and fe ll to -the office of the provost marthaiUdurUig ithe Wye has been;,unprecedented tln thißtory of , 6 v ? lle * V 4 , e a r n will recollect thatthe order referred “to above I ite elaborate,' and very plainly informVall rebels’ ,1 hey must register their names for the South,- lkake;preparations;to dreadful clime. •“ icksburg, or.take of.allegiance or pa* e f honor. The' following Is a ’ copy of both in- Ji ents .i l ’ v» " OATH OP ALLEGIANCE. ■. jJf- t —, do solemnly swear that I" will support, ,-profit, and t defend; fthe'? Constitutions and Govern-' the'United 'States 'againat^aU'enemies, whet or foreign j'A'nd'that fVill bear tiw: iith; ? aJlegiance,*an(f loyalty to any' 'law* wdinsmcefvl'eßOlutionj.-or* Convention-to the: i contnry notwithstanding: and: further,‘that-<l>Jo a full determination, pledge, and purpose, withqit anymental reservation or evasion, whatso ever (and* farther, that I wilf well and'faithfully # pdrfo*nalHhe duties which may be required of me ; ' by lft .j So help me God. . * z,., (J i ,A KOI* COMB ATAHTteiPAROLB.IIj)! ’ v’ ; Vn.l,* —hereby give my parole ofhonorthat I will*’ ( not,b *r. arms ■ againsktfhe /United*StatesGovern- npr, help, aid, 4 or n MBiat, either directly or in-' direc yi any 1 person Jor persons <in making ‘ war fthesame y thatI f wiirhot r communicate to ' any arson or persons, either directly or ..anyo formation received,.while within f lines detrimental. to.£he same' $ that i*will not write i or's] iak against the Governmerit of the United 'Stab ; and that Pwill not gobeyohd the 'linei of' the I djeralanDies,\nor ,go section of .the? - couni y in pos the-enemy,\withoutper» 1 inisai< r r Att bed to thejoath and parole is a bond,'and the, amou | required ofeaohparty i« fixed by fteprovoet first appeared in the morning papers of insh The first, day 1 one hundred and nine* iple.tppkthe^oath r or parole.including twen dies. But I \rill arrange it'in tabularform:' y, gentlemen. 98” * ladies 21 ’ * 119 iay; gentlemen..i,.v.L/. ,I>*./..,iiBGi 1aaie8i!. : .'5f... i .. 1 ../.r.ii*.‘..>..> J 2l< ui 207- p,, gentlemen. i.. 4 ;> .. ......,. .2-18 . ' "1adie5....... . .V... /. .43 ■ ■*' 291“ lay," gentlemen.;Mv..3l6 - lad leaf/.; 1. 41 “ 357 ...>..990 v ladies \The) : ,tjbe2lB '•teen pe ■ ty*onel 'EiritU ct : < Second ; ( ' Third d **• « t ‘ Fourth* i ‘ Fifth d t .« : ' f\ Total'l.C. j .2,235 On theflfth erowdat'the Gapitolwasvery: large, am Col. Martin, who tthe matter* in charge,J*d‘eleven'clerkrat/work ; alliday.rrltis be- .1 lleved tmtHhe?crowd today .will beianlmmenHe ! / ? n » e * s Tiere iito be no dodging'thisquestioawhatever. >Gen. Jtfitdicll informs me that. aUmnst comply with ’his* order] orvaccept of<the Already;* /gome of tidfaoßtbittferrebelshavesubecribedtothe -joath,' and/given ,, heavy bonds) for .its:faithfulobaerv-. \ance. Ad \aF general thing," the oathiis preferred to °the parole of honor: About-to-morrowy .(Wjll be to 'those who prefer Dixie,ito maker -preparafciohs 'foV-a ■ departure.-'-Thuajlai;, no name ■' has beet registered' for the" Southi c There are still < ■five days for the rebels to opetatfeiny andample pre parations were made'yeaterday fSuiiday)>to accom- - ; modate all who shall appear-before tWe provost mar fihal to-day. It goes hard wltfrthe ladies,.but-^they generally prefer the oath, with something to eat, to * , the Southern existence,- ivith nothing- to eat;- In one week from' this/time, the city of Nashville will 7 be? n , ~ . „ -=«\n THE UNION CLUB. j.. v. ‘ i 'TheUnion Club Is one of the institutiontof Nash ville. Itflrßt saw light Bomty ttvejmonthß ago,’and • at the »econd. meeting . aIL of its members-were pre?" aent—nine men. Since that time, thecorgaaizstioiii 'has Meu.highly favored, meetings' »re Jjeld eTiery week to.transact buitneßßi as the. time of the regular meeting is generally, absorbed in the ielection ofjicwjDßmbenn .The-dub now contains “Ways been unconeuwe-^—... - standing resolution-of; the club >is thjrt any member ■ who shall introduceitheiname ofanyonefor election v who has-been 1 lnstru-, mental in bringing about .the rebellion, shall ;be*dis-- missed from the club: - The club 'also cotne • out in m favor of the Presidents emancipation proclamation,' •‘or anything else tendmg.to,crush the .•_* , THE f 1 PRESSING’” BUSINESS., -.yThe 'horse-pressing .businesses been finished.up } and vfery fewiqu&drupeds im that linenow remain in lie.-. -Thirteenihundredhorae.s were^takcnto iboto" je«ter<lfty *iaomlng.: The<)>aßine»B of igvraanot oon tooted squarely in all inatancea. light have been expected,*however,t.aeithe tiv.es ” had charge of the affair,;and several nd-dollar horses were traded: foe - poor beasts, till-haye to'jtfe ‘turned;, out a few GK ON T-HE JLOUIS YILIiE ■ TJP =TRAIN;' thous that! week ATT (londay morning, between ; 11?and/12 otolock, \ ick. wft*' the Louisville train .. by { a - cavalry; forcefrqm>the command of General onj under /the leatLof .Capt* Gordon; • was made between Franklin and Woodburn. lerillas had removed a rail for the purpose of On an at rebel ma fkttac Thej mg the -train offithe ithe~engineer f ered the piece of raßcall|jrin time to halt the and .present itheir, nefa-v >urpooe.<v Apthe guerillas, ere posted neat byjffiredupon iteiGol.Sweetf ’ in command of; the- post at t Q-allatln c , had thror diaco train 'riodaj who i -who J learnt • thMT'a* raid 'would be tiiade'ori the roa&Wt some Join t, aad ;had r prepared-ior it,‘by adding one hundtd mezrof tile lOod ' train ] fguardp tdrentjr-five men, abd : posted fifty others at,’ 1 <M So aboln J*o^ol^e*^^ove , r, ,, : ‘and afore" gettlngirom r the r cariii3the Federal force retunfd 1 dead,two* wounfedi and r alx^jbo^i^^T^e ? f liad four wounjsd/ The but Ineffectu^ Nolnontentwifh’thewarandrumorabf wars that 'Uttfe T ftgHting • on ffiirownPacdoffilt? ‘ Mr. Louis andMr.' Gustave -'-■Witltfusky 'ifuarreieiir 'ttouli,' the" better tiel-v ! llgereit, propoiea ! V 6 the 'littlß difficultydn a* brothily manlier, 'anillnvlteilQußtaveto'meetiilm, i • fullyifmed 4nd , ’%lfip!>Mi at'a'i'grdve oa tee road' lCHtliri from .Tett’eraonpike: ■ At 'this stage of 'tlie' 1 - riicrohant,’ antfpart- 6 l . a"Wale of diigh excite* * *ment, fuiKcd into tiie office .oiffColpnel Trueadali, askinglald to arrest the 'two ■YFitkquskysi who," h'te' ! ~«aid. tad gone out to light a duel. ‘The Colonel in- \ ■qulreduito' the"2ature df’tliS I |Lfifculty,'anii f6'un(i ' ■ thattfwas i*ra qS^sfao6i% brail, it the, same tlmeorderinffout ‘ a Bcpiaudf . police, Ur.. Sol^i^^ery^nt^d^^ead^btn j^e T 'did npt|cbme ; efcicVpther, as iVleema ’ tOoS'bne j>lke ! anS‘X*ouiB f ftie ' other/ J They" wereejentruaUyfbun’d a^dheid^yd^WjQda|tpk:eep^ • thejickey , •.. • . v ’ItEPORTED ‘KILLING OF 'BHAGG BY>OHN‘ »•• f ‘] wl S«- r q!“BBEOKimHpGE. : ■■ x f <■: “»'•' •*••< I reeiveil information yesterday evening that' news-tad reached Murfreesboro that'General John i : C. Briekiniidge»h'fM*hot’ana“Kur(ffilßr*gg. J 'afftftfi fowdayr youth' i ’ for th/correotnei of-the report,- But it s la not’at all" I ‘ impritablelclFof months past ’exteedingSltternCss " of feeling:has existed between the two parties, as- SwolllMietween’the'Kentuoky’kndTenrieidee troops'- ’ ■general/ Vin' thedne sideband "’theCotton > States • i:!tr<!Ops on‘*the "othei-. "’ Bragg’s'diWeanfif -towaril : 'BrecUiiridgeihasbeeiiextremely Instilting and 'ove>" hhearlnj. It la well known .that Bragg;!forced" u Br.eek Bridge's "division to" make the finaVehaige at;■ ■ Stone pver,whehhedcnew"their;dereatwas'certaull’ Bragg J« not only a traitor, but a thorough-brute,- anil unversally detested.' 1 "h< el ftea-eo,"'•• -tL .a ' •" v». ' Arimor reached this clty yesterda’y that a portion ■ of thiFederal army had advanced to and, occupied the tiwn"of Sh'eltiyvilley'eome J twenty-flve’mlles from iturfreesboro. ■ * *. , • , It ns- also rumored that some 3,000 Confederate 'trooplfrom the, armyoflYlcksburg had-reinforced ' Pjneial Bragg, and were postedi at: Manchester, in jfcofflse i mntyfbetweeniTullahomaand; MoMlnn* Grille: Uf’ vi-"* -'it!' ;,'f’ > Itwai forther.reported that .the notorious jrebel, guerilla Haynes’ l Furnace,; about ntwentyrflve mUes, from. Dover,. in Stewartfounty, togetherwltb a numberofdilsmen. j’Woodwiii is reported wounded. A detachment*of . :■ the.Bth lentuclt)’..Colonel Bruce, 4s.credited with ■ this exp|)lt.-i 01, ‘.i < -ii’i -’sß: C.>T. -• iv ft’‘i- ,*< •* ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. {■, ] Grant’. Fnlleble i^stlnattan*. J CiKOiijNATj( ) Mjiy 4 up ; to Sunday even.' bisg, Miliihen’»,Bend sod. Grand Gulf\ etat« * jthat noJbßtiuctioflf jwkknowA. to prevent the.paifc, ,>agejip,Hg BlaoVrivW*| -V. - . Our. lejui force can easly. reach .the yickaburg and JackaonDßailntad bridge,,and cut off .the rebel .up plie«.' .'ijlie, rebe|i ,wilt be coraitelled to come;,out. of. their atrlngbold and Bght, or.retpeat.oriitarve. Thi«i army.. .; « , The.Kpeltare greatly alarmed att.ther p{ogreia of jthe Fednal forceain Mlaaiaaipph;,P ,n,i > *. KEBlju EAILSOAI). COMMUNICATIONS . •' : • THREATENED. v,i:.P. .' . From Ithelr jmneta w(s learn'thatron, the 20thjrf ■lApril, aridcut the'tel'dgrftph . .(at SardlB!' 'A‘f(irce‘iwaß:ala6, ouVhear Hoileton, In,-, l-teßdlnp tD deatrby 'the.Mtiilaiippi Oeatral Railroad - 'at Rompna 'and Duck 'Hill. have a de lapaicli rtating that the Federala havc pOHltively dtaken.Majhew I : 'dlgliteeti r'inliejr'froin'Oolumbus, l ''illlaa. Tlielr mQvementa threateASduthern railroad 'cdmmunleatloaa geperaUyy andj .lf adcdeaiful, will' ;cut , dfi',Vi(!kaburg ( ,p(i,M6bliefrdßi.the;dlreoUpnpfi jhrorthernconnectiona. '■ : j .- ':■ ■■■ • RAljQ!illf % .. W.h, a SISSIPFI. rf Z'Zk 7■ I !. ]The' Jackaon Appeel’i 'ot the 24th, asya that the j I, I [ ,n ‘ , ' DEPARTMENT OF TBE GULF. r, r <s * *r '' -±»’» - » J .< rfßanlifi Washington, La.-Sumnder ’of * tliu Rebels' at Butte Captures •• at Grand Jjakei • -• v --r.?-rr.?r. New Yobk, May. 2.4-The steamer Creole hasar rived with New Orleans,dates tothe 23d ult., 1 and ■ bf the 27th; •' • M •- •• 'Ttfereds; nothing 'later, .YronvGen.B&nk&> except that, om thej r 2lßt vult;syhe occupied Opelousaßiand .1 Washington, La.,and that the column resting*' for the day at thelatter place."' The, want^orhorses for the cavalry was being supplied from the'eountry ■“round about; * Seven hundred horses had beenbrought , \lntoJOpelouias. The rebel-force at *Buttelaßose, on the Atohafa-,' laya, 60 miles north of Brashear city, capitulated to bur gunboats on the 20th. Fifty-six. prisoners ,wcre ; taken,| two cannon, and a considerable quantity-of ammunition. } # ' J r »» . lt - CiTfOiNNATijtfMay*2.—’The Charleston Mercury ’says that the Federals captured,'at Grand Laker La., 1,000 prisoners, two’rams,- four transports, r and three gunboats, i> ■,>; m , . THE MISSISSIPPI SQPADROft J . [Special Correspondence of The Press. J . , { -"> '“ i :Cxjeo, ItLIHOIS, April 29, 1863. . ' I could, with' aorne decree of- correctness, attempt a description of-London or Paris, or Grand Cairo, or '■> any. other big or little place ontheJaoeof the globe; but to.-attempt a: description; or even an approxima tion to one, of Cairo; In Illinois, and-one of the ter mini of the greatdJlinois Central Railroad, and at the; junction of the;Ohio,rivervWith the Mississippi, is, I 'fear,’ a task'thatis-beyond my abilities; Thirty-five . year® ago, the present site of Cairo,was purchased by n'a joinl’etockicompany of'Johnny Bulls,; to this com-1' “ pany theXothscbilds were largesubscribers.;, Under, the petreoage.of’tbe company the city was laid off with sites for large hotels, banks, parks, theatres and churches j,bnt,. In the, height of ita prosperity, thte Mississippi river, becoming enraged at foreign inter- > vention, washed thevaunted city and swindle away; and hut for.the continued overflows, the -South Sea Island'and John'l-aw swindles were in a - ‘ fair way ; 'of' l beii£_ 1 reproduced. For "a period'(if ,years, fall that'Cairo could'be said lb ' 'possess ..waa a, miserable-old frame, building—an ’apology foran or three old-wharf- 1 , boats; /This'-hotel* and these, boata.werh' generally 1 filled wUh' all the refuseuf the South.. About ten years!ago,~and when Cairo was made,one.of. the ter- I .mini of the Central Sailrpsd;;it got an impetus that ! it has notlostilnce;snd from that daytoithis it haß been steadily growing; and now has a, popular tion of 10,000, a Very considerable commiefoe^and'is getting tOjhavc b'fair society. . Its only'drawback has been its rival city of tiro Moi eight'- “ , -jund,:eight miles up * the Ohio. The latter is about done for. Cairo, from .thexiVer, presents a, very, animated appearahbe, and after, night/s..very,pretty appearance.. >lts great o levee; and om whieh the Central Eailroad fa buitti' •has the;iooK of a'jboulevart.’and is aim'ost'as 'thickly thronged as th'qie of Parish Except on this’levee or. boulevard, the houses are: all built back of it, andi on a J level with the: river, and‘but for the'levees would be constantlycoverflowed, and, as It, is, the; ■ interior;portion, ofthe city often has, the appear ance of a vast ,frog-pondi - I have counted as high -; as fotty-three drinking-shops on one'street.' ' ’ ?. I, have. been. studioußly engaged in watching the Government employees,who are engaged in',repair; ingithe Untied States gunboatOhUicothe; and never-' before have I seen such * slow, ’good-for-nothing " Iff removing the Iron-clad turret of the Chili- • ; cothe, it Is found that her contractors have ,palmed /off ,a miserable job^on.Government. ■ The plating is ' -put on an Insufficient backing, and with spikes' and : drift bolts,.instead 1 :of-,large, bolts, with screws to hold .them tightly In their place. These same con--- ■ tractors built the Indianola, and her capture, esta ibiished the ; faetthat Bhe was 'so slighted that she - • , could not withstand an ordinary attack. It may be ' •that the Tuicumbia* has been; in; the same: way l l palmed off upon the-. Government-and if so)' she' vmaybe onepl the causes,of failure in future'opera- 11 : tions in.the Mississippi river and tributaries. - ■ ( The news in the papers would indicate that Admi- ■ rals Farragut and Porter’s fleets were to be joined by '■ i those of; Dupont,-to enable them to, finish -up the ' forts at Port Hudson and Vioksburg. A comparison,- ■ of any ofAdmlrnl Porter’s boats In Battleiwili show" that [if the-fle,et before. Charleston had done biif .half as well Sumpter been ours.' 1 For' • example, the, armor,.of the turret of tHe’Ohilioothe •■besidesisea room and, sea way, while,the Ohilleotlie. -badto.!l>c beld; iii :placei.by a stern *and breast line. , Chilicothe fought Fort Pemberton at precisely the s’ame distances,,and had the very same projectiles < thrown at her .that were t thrown.’at themonltors,; •and yet she remained alone and against eleven gund j -i eightminutes longer in one of her four actions,' than l; ' • did the monitors with' their 'nine and,eleven-inch - iron jplatjng. Besides ? ( theironplaUQgandbacking. of'the Cmlicothe :Was-terribly penetrated, l and she had two of her port shutters carried,away,* yet ? her ' , gunprews continued"to fight her, with twenty-two ..killed and wounded, and untU her, ammunition was [ gone and her : eyesyclosed by-thearmor bolts"being s ' •driven out so.th&t’ahecould not.operfher remaining slide shutters to'herTorward jKjrtßjtind butfor^ T the [want of 1 would have vtaken j Fort* , Pemberton.; The .-Baron DeKalb, whichiwaa only - , partially engaged,' lost more in killed and woundedj- 0 ", before Fort’Pemberton, 'than- did all • the 'monitors j . before Charleston. Everything considered, the affaif y at ,be .called- a -I think it will eventuatein great further v thiilk Admiral Porter will not need Admiral .'Dupont - to assist him* before for, if ,your-corre- s spondent don’t much misjudge, Vicksburg will soon, receive the fate she justly deserves. ' ; 'Tv. >The and-Vicksburg is<very* 1 / cheering. That from* Cape’ Girardeau'is that we ;*havejrepulsed'dffannaduke before the clty/iwlthv; I greatjloss to the rebels/and that be is retreating: ■jwitii the utmortxapidity out of Missouri;;:lt is said ' 'Cape-Girardeau and. £he by jtO ’Marmaduke’s ; thieving raid. /'Of thifl, be as- ( • gured,hehas been repulsed-at. Cape Girardeau,? and “ourjreinforcementi have returned, that.were sent up . ' there Fort) Columbusand*.: Cairo,, and;;-else-;. ‘where! i? 2' :- 'P.j . leg gone eeem to. have lost none o£ Jtheir,enthusiasm in the cause, and to be none the less ready to start again -to r do- what they can. Many ofothe newly , enlisted soldiers are disposed to be V little less patri- , otic, \ and-toforget J that,’ lor Have' r , ceased 'perfectly do And say; aiq they; 'please.---A soldier was shot T down at:City Hall-Bar- 1 racks, a iweekvor ;two » ago,;for disobedience, and a. court martial has been in session for a month,* at*‘ i Fort jl4dependence jw> trying .petty misdemeanors.^ 1 At the.navy yard all work is being pushed forward i witta! the utmost despatch. Repairs are finished;on 1 i the Niagara, andherplacc 6n J is taken by the 'Macedonian.' ' Cochituate water-pipes 1 ' . are being laid tfirbughout tßeyafil,'witiraßout thir ty « vM ? Grace Ohurchfi2femple.?&tre6t,latter lbeing' tor a long again opened, ?a&d- it kept ,>aaai.fieec l hurch/‘i- T; ?.'ii 4 *;ri : . r Th&i BowdOifl-Btreet' Church,) forznerly.a "gationalistuchurch, under I)r.vWaterbury,-kie'to be the iChnrqh-ofTithe. Advent \ Society j (Episcopal), who yyilj their. old, church in qGrau street for this;pleasaiiter locatiofr.' 1 \ . v- Ctonaiderhble on' •*south’ neatand simple steam jußVaboiit'theldie' of an,ordinary't>uggy,' ! ' butj. which'‘.carries tuel ; and “a J mile trip without' stopping. r . OnA 1 rdall it .is capable of much better, spaed thanhorseV, niake/ and the smoke amd steVin are 1 scarcely -perceptililef 1 dummy' engines- are r being : for;ttfe* Metropolitan Horae Railroad; and will' ; 'be - bill/which. has‘-abaorbed r mhcli'd/lthelimc of J ttiroufe'h! tRe‘ v r sesiion,’ r haB‘'at last kined 1 ' p f ’ ‘ ; -next £ GMeral^Cdu^; r 80' Bo^onians T may; for "longer^ ... ~ ——— ■■.*.. '• Defeat of the iii Kcntucky-Gericrsi *■ cle arHli elrmlndiß ! of : the idea’ihWt nb' morfe dffßciilty r n.v attends the enforcement of the “ in-a 1 ' , C/irfOiKNATT/iMayS. -largecity thanacountTy viilage,'ahd'thatof*course . the!Cumberland*andinow occupies Monticello/after* / bur; preifcni-police ’ must'-be inefficient because the*- ‘ whichuretreatedaon < liqUofbbdjfß are not fclesed> '* * ?/ *''*•< "‘‘the- Jamestown road. M after^them. ( o'Ai?« • squad'of rebels*were routed at.MeadvffleyKy.y.on' thepublle afeaftaid'fo: l ultJjbya detachment of the:34th Kentucky. , venture- into any more : stock speculationS.-The • Seven irebeli were’ -killed,"cincluding-their; leader, -,downwardturn,'*'monthago; was«6?«udden'4hat!;»if 'Captain Gomuch.f•; .»' o ' . - *.vi<- n idi. cj-ro't o; 1 : lar(te-' ! riumber ofvmnaU .peculator*-, wereubadly ; J,t ’ 1 -cau'gli^andthereia-'very'UttleiU^KHiltion'totrjrthe-’ ■’f • feSEfftIOHRfCITI. V-. 1 »£• t.. !:bn*att6n r agdtif." T iWCittii;oiCf(?c,T»i.%HAllN f ATH.9»i S. ;r-!if.‘‘, , iMpVlNG” ! DA'Sr ii To iKeVdilmof T& tress:, - \,’~ r . s m ; : s 4^sis^. r P e^l, s i^sS' ohum^jamiabUity 0 9* y Vi, ;i mt ■■ " * WI » ii-to housekeeping woman. Bent, are. about ten-per. ■ cent, higher, oh an.average,;th»tltheKwere before" oakpat Bwd= ; I tjie whr; but thehou.e* tai.l«t,r;or to MU;are-much.-! f IM, rati any* ;^^ ent (cblbred) the phyjrtcal atandard U »Jvlgh ' price rendech lt egby to let houaea of;aU aorta. : TlntUb £# ”«" 1 y three have been re othepreiehtyeaTj’lthaabeett'cuatoniary.foreach.flrafei ) the WULrtall? •;of May to.vwitneaa.the 'hegira to Brooklyn, ideraey. , fumlßh‘'leaa?tban henquota to theTTnitedStatea hoa-.. ■ City aoine pital«. .Heiide.erveßr hiKb. commendation yforihUP iUea ot thejnid<lleolka.i their objectbelng to procure"; OowMßaaa,to, tbforawtjlßßLntoWJ Thouaea atle.s rentath ant were chargedfor any'klnd,;offlcer«-vl.it Beadville to. aee .the a ‘mlaerabledar-. rf of houaea lu New; .York.; SmaUMtaUertiiclerka.'ahd v, keya,’’iaßd.are delighted, with the fine and: 'mechanics,- doing liU.ineßß beiow the,then,centre,of f ,efficiency of tlre.regiment., The. United States mua-t. •the city. could .ecure for from $3OO to $4OO per annum,-f ■ tering officer declared that,, of twenty thousand men > inilirooklyn; auch houaea a.. were rented here.for, > mueteredi in! by him,.thoae of the 54th surpaas all i sfioo’and s6oo,'< and>located aoj near the ferriea: that-, otherato’physlquefand soldierly appearance.', Thus . . .tlie headiof the family aouldireaoh hla place,of busl- 1' far, thirtyithree offisera. have .been .oommiaaioned,-.; ne.ulh town ■q{ a i-mpruingin .half the time that,, ithirtyfot.whomdihv* been in active aeryfoe,' and. are : uwquld«haveibeenrequired!hadiheUveduptowniin.il • But the taxes on real estate have finally,, .for peculiar,',merit.,.,Many, of. these gentle .heiome ao heavy,inthe more popular .üburba, that - mem are graduates of Harvard College; mortof them: landlord* are obliged to ralie their rent# to the full: dh 1 ® peers of the best , young men of the nation in, city "rates; '<ahd the moving to-day j, in.teadof being - ; point of mental culture and social poaition, while all , toißrooklyn, ii chiefly up .town. Central' Park'has i ..are men of: high morai integrity. aild,natural ability.: given a grand'impetuß to the growth ofethe extreme 1 They were l . formerly, of the ,lat,-2d,sllthi,l3th, 80th, » upper portion, of. the city; street railroadsto.the ex* 3Gth r and. 41th: Magaacluißetta Volunteer*. Colonelß teht.of halfra'dozenj! (With aeverallinea of omnl-i *E.‘G. Shaw.gained a fine reputation a*..captation buses,) - run from-, the vicinity of: the City Hall and 1 th ? Ma.eachu.ette Volunteer., and hia name iaca - •Aitor.HouieaUthe way tothe Park j and the houses i! -guarantee of auccesa. Ideutmant, Colonel N.P. built on speculation iirthat redeeined-loeallty are the, Hallowellte aPhiladelphian. Hedlatrogulßhedhim one. in for renting thia-year.- - The . self at the'Ball’a Bluffmaaaaore, was V i.'' j kai*. 4he position of lieutesant to a captain*s rnnk, ana Md seems a fittin| e^V i (atoitßeMs j iac ii l , re tt,2oth(a.veteranregiment)u “ inimi . Major , E . , - .loweU;<alK> of .Philadelphia; was an-aid onsFroti , Thh hJNtrf.iaH. ntvvs, ' 11 mon v. steff in Missouri, next a lieutenant in Mas,: .by steamer;a., you have seen from 0Q Wajo? , vdu'owu deapatchea; la of a character to attraot con- .o . . aiderable attentionthroughoat thecoimtry. > Here, Bans’, 'ststf. to New. Vork, where we eannot crosa s- ferry with- . •»«>'. “ d ? orbing the captured .‘lPeterhoff,- all the detail. •muchdiscussed a.'the probabUitlesofa battle in the reglmentyboth Virginia. I may say that everybpdy.regreta,the sur- the now enUated ,neariy r ;.tta»i render ofthe.fo.il of the “Peterhoff>> unopened, as hundted areTfromdPramiyifo.nia, wMterNdw .Vorks Kit 1 Is believed this ill-advised act has! deprived. the,; State, New-Jersey, Ohio, -Illinois,i r United States,Government of it. only ohan,eto es- the New England ■ -Stat« are .wellropresented. cape the humiliating necessity of-returnlng the cap- When-the;colored-people of the 'North.kneforihey steamer,'and paying damages. This mustrbe . « ou d become soldier, they resolved to done, or a-eosu. be/ffis.at once.establlshed. Amongst, .quote,-and *rfe now hafomingto-Massachurotts.to commercial men. the conduct of -MlnUter Adams in .ervlces -to .Qovernor - Andrew. - He can -is, vesseß bound from,.England to -very readily and promptlyrralse a full brigade. •AU .Mexicm'wHh munitloii. fo'r the Mexi'oanajsfromsr gdoifoteahto'thepttftitlcablltyof,the new'PPKfrmta .federal.search or roizure; is regarded-as a moafeinkt removedj and westaufththaV ? ow fc the! judiclousfoierclSaof dispretidnaryipowen and’calpu-r eMzens , lated .to uselte.ly IrrltatcEnglUh. shippers against, 1 u.. - Public sentiment may be-.aid.fo favor a prompt i 4 recall of Minister Adam. otfthto-accov(nt;ahd'there> jMnaSeluiettafor.her reason td<belleve that-this move was fob leading i ooloredppjmlatlon to .erdfotundej her auspfoex „a, .sUbjectrofiroonsidersatioM'at- the? special! Gabirfot-- !, ’ 1 1™’ ’v’ > t or .-meeting-held infWaahington intmedialelyiupoa'the- * ® ~V^.« 'reefeipt of’the! English news or whichtilcant holvi ->• EdihA p g L t* H f A > . y ‘ -u;riting. 'j J'dV;..’!';; ■ ' AbBIVAT, OF PKIZE'VEBBEI,a;^ffI>.SatOT»> • wa. observed 'at nearly all oiir ohurch’ea.-the in moit’ instAnoes, b©in§f ' UVjreJ and the ser- navy yard. She is, ImoDB more or leM J 'apprbpriate of coffee, and army, clothing.fie countiy. At Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, there teas, oftopursefiiFjiierfecfciauVand lbeqirent demon- | Be a|„ia om bderdjlSOhaleeof eotton. -JUda.verod.j itratlonaofcunreatealnable applause greeted-the aer;: Waa.:captused, ; by r!^hif sguntaM|^ i ”?oh, foiiisded 1 -ugon.|ip^h’|^wprda“fo,through, jy S!ttE -‘ft •* ‘ DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO.I i, i ■■ . ‘ '■< »> (i ,w„ I J; « - - 'I i*-t ! THREE CKNTS. 'go through the gates ye the way of the people } cast up, cast up the highway; gatherout the atones; lift up a standardfor the people!” " Before commencing- his sermon, Mr.'Bee'cher ahnounced' that Blisai Anna E.Dicktnson, of your city, would* -deliver;.her lecture on the “Three Methods of Peace,y at Cooper Institute, to-morrow afternoon. Mr.'Beecher ftirther stated that the directors of botlr 'thevNew York!’and; Brooklyn Academies'of Music had ungracioualy l{ refufled to permit the use of their buildings to Miss Dickinson, “ because ahp was a woman and spoke on politics.” Here Professor Ray mond, one of the directors of the Brooklyn Academy, rose in pew,and denied that the Brooklyn directors had done anything of the kind. A,mj»ther gentleman also arose and’ affirmed that Mn Beecher was right- Butm-hoever’ was right, Miss Dickinson speaks "at 'Cooper Institute tomorrow night. : v- ,' A REBEL EDITOR vi has gone toPertjLafayette for being so foolish, (or as to talk treason, in the barroom of j&J&Broadway to be r one -the’ Gonfe&eracy i hut his name Harnot bee'u gitfe* toth&public.; rit is be hoped that the hanging of Thomas,Campbell, the rebellspyi at the. West, will have a wholesome effect upon thOße roving members of the “Confederacy,” who now' seem to imagine thatNew/Yorkis a part of Jeff’s dominions. Speaking of the “Confederacy.” reminds me of the very apropos text taken by ihe minister of the Ttilrtyffoiirtfi-gtreet Trinity Church- for > his" sermon yesterday. It was Isaiah viii and !2: “ Sayye'hot "& confederacy; to all them to whom this'people ' shall say a confederacy: neitherlfear ye* their fear,* nor beafraid.”-' \ m „ GOLD ,v* rrs going up again to-day,under.the. influence of the . London‘Twnes, and will continue to do so until there r comes a grand victory to send it down to: 140 again.. It was;ls2.at u o’clock this morning, ■s, i \ : : - THE SPOTTED FEVER, ' ' ■ mentions as having found victims ■ in Pcnnsylyania/during'the mrtnthu; also been developed in caaerhere,’ though' hot as :? an’ epidemic. Miflß j'aiie Burke; one of the actresses ' of-Miss'Keene’s'cbmpany’j had the r fever in question several months ago,andwas at one time so Ibwthat her! life was 'despaired ofl Cartfu!’nursing; how ever) Miss'* Keene rioblyboW thegreater share,-finally conquered'the'terHfying'dlßeaiJeV I • have also heard of c&seii out of the city, but'they all occurredat least two months ago.' ' ' ' ; 1 .. j THE NEW'PROVOST MARSHAL : '- appointed here,'in the place of Mr. Simeon Draper;- il. Colonel’ Nugent, formerly ofoar 69th (Iriih mi- - i litis) Regiment, which distinguished itself BO gTeatly ;at the flrst Buli Sun, and latterly or the 69th Vo . lunteera. , He has richly earned'thia reconnitionof ihia gallantry; ! 1 .JSTUVyESANr; *’ CITY OFBOfSTON. ' “ ' 1 CSpecial Correspondence of The.Press] „ ‘ ~ ; r i : Boston, April 25'1863. : I trust I may be permitted a .little additional,growl at the wjeather, ■. considering *that until - yesterday, there has not been a day of sunlight tor a week, /and. the; fact7fiM> / soothingly pronounced by fevery ‘ thirii person one meets,* that. it. is 'capital weather'for ' grass,Ms of very little- comfort, when -my onlyuin brellA has been' borrowed iby some friendwho has .forgotten' to return ■it,' Even the robins*‘seem* to -»| (have. almost abandoned the,hope of . seeing a-* | ipleasant .day courageously' sing in tHe 1 rain, s - 'Whether it is that the weather ■'has ‘ had a‘ softening efftect .upon'thej hearts of thc people,' ,pr whether it be from some other cause, the contri--’ button, for the-iaat few days, to /the- Irish Belief ■Fund, has bfeen most gratifying y for* someday s the' ; treasurer. has been in,'constant’receipt of. moneys' .from rich and poor,.who have given any direct solicitation. On Sunday a contribution ■ was received in all the Catholic churches in-the city,*: agreeably to a revest of the Bishop of the diocese, who is now in and who writes home of the keeneatOistreas in the'Emerald Isle/whichhe has i ; witnessed with his own eyes—families actually dy- i ing of starvation, and .whole villages'- almost entires i ly destitute of eventhe-meanest necessaries.’ -In the* l midst of the general -prosperity, the calls ifor help , ‘and generous aid; are numerous. The- Soldiers*' Sanitary. Committee receive the most general recdg-' nition, for there’s searccly'a family in the Common.- - weath which has not some in the ■ ‘armies'of the Union. • Thus, at St.‘ Paul’s' Ohiirctf i was given on Thursday evening a muslcal/festival ‘ ; soldiersj and with scarcely, an; advertisement . the church was crowded to overflowing; and the -brave Sergeant ' Plunkett was ".received with open; ’ arms and warm hearts by.the merchants on^change.* For a few days past a* soldier, with both lega' shot away, has. sat for an hour or-twouear the head of State street, in a hand-cart, and without a word of inn-from. ia almnufr flllaO - CPITBLISHIDWIKKITJ . < Tn WaePkbB8ulllbe sent to anbsetibers by ,& ; **J , > >% ‘HIT ■! i mail (per annumin advance)atTK..fr: s .£§ ■Threecomes ' .-'V f n M five copies '• ' - bJS • - “ • OO Sf ta th& “ wiU b 6 Parsed at the.eeae . rate, v 1,50 per copy. . i >* * < '. ! • ‘.’J '; The ™ f *» TC “*< always accompany y*, order;and ~~ in no instances, can.these terns be deviatedjZm. at theyafordverv little more Lluin tjtecvet of tfu: vajter ■,■>,*" ; _*^’PoetnJas t era are; reuuested to act aa a™,*. foe - I 'i? ; V<B“ Tothe getier-npof the Club of teu Y or twenty, a*' -wj: «ctracopyof-tli«;Paperwillbeifiyeji. 'V * '¥&(',:* ■■ ■' l* i fV“ . t , ft’ French News—A. .Bloody Battle at j • -Foebla,butiao.Vlctbry* . , ‘ '* ■ ' • T j oBK rMay arrival of the Bteam imp .Creole at thie port to-day from Havana, whence ‘ she sailed on the 27th April,vwe ; have the French of the news fromXPuebJa,’ received' by the FrenchsteamerLonisiana frqm r Vera Oruz., ‘' The HavaDa’Prenia of April 25 says: ' ... “We haye just received a telegraphic despatch by’ way ofPuertoPrincipe, dated the 24th instant, at ,* . 9.6&P. MX yin 'which v we are told the Louisiana' ha* arrived frpihVera CruzjWith dates to.the 16th inst. J - “The battle at Puebla was becoming very bloody, i* V and the losses ozi both sides were heavy.’* 1 / 1 The Havana correspondent of,the Asancintefl pppss.-- .?■ writing April 27; sayß: ‘ " >f ‘ ’ ’ ' .;. “The reports whichlsentyouin my last letter in* ‘ r: regard ' to the affairs in the Mexican/Republic have * J®J P, eeil confirmed by the French’steamer Houisi- accounts here referred tp_,gave the ■SS? 011 P°SBeßßion of one-half'of Puebla7 UJ -'‘' *' ' i.published yesterday”;from'Mexican bloody battle - 'Kid been »v,2 b r t “l 3 ™ 8 , n0 victory.iadatedoa the I6tn of April, nine days later.' * ;?r*~X. I» . ■ AJf:ENGLISH OPINION. = &*■’-■ XCorreßPOßdenceofthe London Telegraph, j . \>r, , ; .f H tl Jatiflt not omit to tell ' . '" V Tv V+w J have joßt heard, on very good authority, - thatthe French Government have assured England ;v they only want to be paid the expanses of the Mexi can war, sand ’ that then -theyare prepared to with draw tfceirarmy at.the earliest, possible opportu- -/ mty. The accounts frohi T Piiebla'ana Mexico are ; verybad.;JuarezhaBg6neoniihpoßing;warjtakes, tdl there is nobody snd nothing left to tax. All the ; religious orders except the Sisters 'of Charity, have ’ i been expelledjthe cities, and their,prbpertyiCtradeca- - ted; the very churches have been sold topaythe i soldiery. Now, however,aUseems"'exhausted, and ! • »/ i nothing but ruin awaits them. Vlt Beema','indeed, Xa- . ; * r I war in which both sides are' losers* y and ohe cabnot v ' t help* thinkings that: those high ’ *n£ authority here I *praetimes ask themselves that oft-Quoted. but I atiHiPgtiiient question:• “ Que diobltaaaiHm^foire’ ' I danscettegaikre?” ‘ .r-^.r- Purposes of the Emperor Napoleon; In its “ News-of-the-Dsy” column, the’Liverpool Mercury has this paragraph: . •>: .-i, * • “ The Faria correspondent of the Ecpnus says he thlnliß it is not too much to cay that the Emperor • Napoleon ii aerfousty revcJvlni'in hUiftincl the poo- ■ ■ asibility of.war with Russia. For sometime past the ,world :at largehai’beerilaborihgund&iißimilarsp- 1 1 prehension; butthedifficuitiesane soenotmouathst" ' ■ ■■ the Emperor .will not move trains hecan. carry with him , some of the great Powers, and tbobtain' their ! ’■ • cooperation is well nigh impossible. The English ' Government must, by this time/be pretty well con- ' vinced thst, if it entered’upon a wsr on 'or •' ; Polsnn.the Northern States ofAme lies would seize . on bo lavorable an opportunity for carrying but their cn®*? o toeaqMignoC declaring-, wanagainattHis coon- ■ probable, ir wllhog< to: join< an menace gainst Baßßia. : BbS' ’ would doae. in theihppe of gettingYenetiaaafaer , t : compeDiation. The iaelulsionlof Italy-in the , ‘ al “•pce would/; however, be achance-to Austria/un- fe 3 lew, Austria ..consented^to- abandon Venetia &iut . hey.Oeraau ally 3 PnißBia,aßweU. l What would the ’ German Confederation aav.tntMß't ]yr»ny' o f2th g >.>.. .. German Stater would charge her with, being a trai tor to the ; Fatherland,land with 1 Bblne «*' irontierteFranee. I&Außtria 'likely to pat herself- -■ ” in sucna painful position, unless under the pressure ’* ‘ . jof gTeat.provocation?from 'Rußsi& 'Orterest » ‘ ! Utni from, the Powers ? r -Andwhatto fhat teroptation.to^be?; A Polish' kingdomfor the Arch- - “' 1 duke to the'Empe- :.*•* > .rorFrancia Jpßeph to purchaM a crownior hia bro tbex wrth one of his oHTi jwormceflr In fietfnofr • one ofthe Powers -can rmove-trithout n-' ; questions, of the moat complicated, and dangerous -kind; andif WaronoeWeakioutVitwiU be both a i • .iii.uropean ana an American war. Perhaps it, may/' ■ < s®-aiwOßcioUsnesß of toU/actwhieli'haa 'ihducea ’ ‘ piutierjsiCorresvovdcnce to .piit forth ‘ the folio wing cu» ■: * :> • r :nouB;iittle paragraph \We sfuUl,stirprise > ow’ readers* .»• op fauingthcm thaltlvc conditions of peace V areiikely to be not frortfWashijigt(mt~ b&~fTTm ■ y Mexia> or Vera Pmz.V, . Another l \ (that;of the MomirigAdvertfser) says ' . jor perhaps , intends to f permirSwedento open the • paU in Finland, andthen. infois quality of defender ' oppressjedt to/rush .to» her aid. writer tells urnottoTqjectfthisauppositlonas ill-founded,’ ’ for, r it is based upon surmises which have been'let ! : t fall-by French statesmen.’- ,-. „ *: [Before Mr.' Judge CTadwalader. J '• Held In Rccosnlzuce» : i: - f ; Tie parties under arrest, onf suspicion of.intcnding to t t run toe blockade, bad a final hearing on Saturday The most patient attention\raa ! gtvento .then&e, after Which the defendants .were held in their own recogni zance to aepear if. wanted!* Th#jfcdge;iiri some remarks^ said that up to the closing of,the bearing, there was not .any:evidence ofcrimebavihgbeeneommitt’edby thepar- ; ' .ties, buton the contrary, so far, as the-principal shipper '« , of the gooasis concerned, he actedtbpenly'and'withthe"' " 1 * hA&wledge of the Port, f The letters found r inithecounnnff-housebfthedefenaahtvfrbihLßaltimore*' '• '*• Were submitted to the judge, who read, them carafai > y , , ;InVregard fo these, he.said they appear-to have been wriitondjy.-females'residiiiem Baltimore-- Two ofHhem were decidedlybofltile to the United States Government, S.ut they diff not convey any information-to the officerein • the rebel army to whom they were addressed; The judge, • S* ‘ Sse b^orlfnim' t ° oCB^ t - hay - Q "rtfn Ihfr : * M • .V ■. ‘ '[BeforeMr. -Alderman - ‘‘A •?'*" ■ . - Concealed DeadlyHWcapon; l ’ 1 v ; ' ’ cloak room attbe Continentani3lotel/.fifl^. I| &slHgMflMß^t v : that extensive house being under, the' temporary charge vofa waitbr/riamed:J7E?. van Bracklfc ‘in. r aißSomentor *so after he .entered, he, beingsSiuejwhafc under, thetinfin- • • once of liquor?-charged, hirii: ‘ ■■■ -■The 'latter, fan^.stated his..busmess;re ■i quired him there* *' The defendant, it & alleged, became v '* v {.very insolent, u§ed epithets rhaf were accompanied witb>.>S ' profanity, by, bu cpoaed- ,to- be Ift” ffiend," struck-the pis tol down-;' •».« wards. -It went off, arid the slug&Twith which it *waa 'loaded struck the;iioor- He; wa3r arrested 4 - - : 'j- < on a w&Trant issued by Alderman. Ogle, who heard’the ..'case at a late on Fiilay-night. u Tbe accused was re- - ' ■ - quired to; enter bail in. thesumof $1,000,-to answer the- - charge', of-assaults and-carrying a concealed* deadly - ■rWeapOH.. pj-j f . .v ’V r - t: ,• 11. - r.-.y-i?-?;--' /■ /.• 'V j::.;" - Celia Connell,"allegedio have been-beatexLby John. • ... Fullerton, at a restaurant'in- thebasetribnfc'olthe'Casino,*--' - : < was still pa Saturday. /Though she has some-. - “• f ■what improved/yet she ißnbt considered out of'danger. ‘ . lnßerlu'CoTUX(ty« t The parties arrested three weeks ago in Berks Kftrnityy.. on the charge'of conspiracy, by organizing a* traitorous 1 - * • - ••secret Bueiety, are to have anotlierhearing.thisafternooa'f at/theSOnited'States Commissioner’s ■' were held at.this '■ APxoMptyAiJrest, r.->v>,yJ<v ;r.>. Detectives Taggart and Carlin performed a pretty ,piec» v •of policehusihesB 0n ! S&ttuxlay;fw6rthy-of anotice fa 4 * this column. While < r ‘pipingM.Ada,mg Express pffice/they - , Vf .. i observed a acted /as theythough t.’ •- - 1 v >.strangely v . Thesegoods were,conaigned to a man-named. ■ ■ Cfeam/.ahdith'e'rtrsußffer receipted for theminthisnard’e. \'v ' The Hocel/ ha£j) . his^hiea6‘iTohn s C. Keeler, from New York. r ., 44 This,thiiigv>’f§aid Taggert,toJCarlm; “(hi worth .in-*3: v :i-. r r , . •,< rltwas.fimndifljitsthat JKh-Creamtfor Keeler.!'had'becn*> |> i „ employed as..salesman.'in the-extensive silk store of - street; Mr. GdrlinteTegraphedto t-ho. firm’ respecting -:' >. hoverv,. andone anthem. arrived in.tbe. night,line-front..... r . New all hundred vr ' r' , doUars/;,.were ( yesterday,., .mbpiing, >as v they v property of the firm.' The defendantNvas ehiblQyed'as'a - .Messrs. -Arnold,/Const able,-A Co,- w and-he- > i had/ so' adi-oitly 'transacte'd the business-bf expressing , some ofrfhsir:':ggo£?>.to&fifr.' they were’not " ’’aware'orhayinrheen fobbed, nor do they know to what extent tlt&theft has-been carried. iThemeeting •••t-i "/the employer and employee, at the station-house,,under.' ,_y such circntnstancee as'recorded abovb. 'niay he imagined *- : f : by the .reader. > .> », , - The 'pfiebner made’ 'last'night; in J ' co'mpany'.with.'.Detective>Carlin,>he proceeded to Netr > - H •Tork.'to'await his trial/ • • ■ ' '• LEGAL* IN.TELLIGBNCeI • ~ // . ; tn^ I Banc—audges Sliar*- v ; " & ‘ y -? ■ woodjStroiuly.nljdf Hwre^.j■ **-3 -y-i if? ';-•-} c -THE SPRTXQ GARDEN-SAYINGSFDKD CASE.. . ’ ? , if SAtuid ay'J ad geHaire deliveredVithelopinionofs the" 1 court in the matter of the bill in equity* <filed.br the der.,~j,< ' positors'of tne'gprißaGaiden Savinga-FUnd,'-against the '■ J " <* directors, of,tne company* at, tha .Umei.of its ,Ta- .■.■_■ . .tliisbUTannibber of demurrers -hadbeeh filed; and were ' '■gome time eince argued; The.- court overraleditheaede-'.:, t .‘intarrers on Saturday; and oideredthe defendants to ah- ~, ; -£swer the allegations, of jthe ford -&z tUi s - iJ Couft'ofCoiiimbnPl^^ndgesAlllsoniuid r '?oiaU-*>r--: ii! ,®.u' h- i V- CLUBvCASE. - r r "Philadelpbia/Clul?, aTi,, application.lor atWrit.of.manda- ~r? to coropel the defendants to restore' Jkfr. Brantr-to ‘-- 1 - Stmembershipinthe expelled ~ some'tiiriß'smce, for itsmlles, was called' * . l - -dp. The answer of ( thedefandanta was fi -at the’time of its filing 7 . Oh Saturday the counsel for the, . plaintiff fllbdia demurrerLto/the. answer,'i assigning ittiia U:il roll owing causes of demurrer - : , r J . ; U»31; ThatlheJ saickpetifion doeVnot set forth andlßuirtr - - '■* any power in the defendant to expel the said Telatocfrom . thePhiladßTphihCltiKsriii ** £ll g>* -iltm- . 71 2. That does’not Bet/erih and showsuf-?, <r . “ ficent grounds-or cause 1 for the 'said ie- ' ■' ■‘latorxromthePhiladielp}iiaClnh,' w > ! v,-,..-;, ••. hnj* Thatr ? no specific * act ‘Or* offteneewhats oever, - either' . ag&insMhe member thereof*] ie.. r.: • -cb&rjred 'in the said return against the said relator/or ■ i aaieged>t.a7}in.ye been committeduhy him,;hy'Teaßon :of wmch/hewas expelled from the §aul corporation. ‘ ,/ * *4. Thatthe'alleged.prqceedings.und&randhyyirtae said relator waa expelledfiom the said corpo- ,» ratlonVh^ f feet'lfbrtEiahd''showmin' the6aidTerams, are ■' ! - whoUyiirregnlarahd-yoid- r r , , . ~. v , 7* -<rr 'T I, Because the&Uefced. notice to the inemhers'of the said - '' ..corporation to,be, h*ld;on,the 3drdhs qf., . r Mardi, 1863, wasmegmarandofnViffect/tnesame being - ' ‘stated lobe called to - - ■ i* member to resign from .the Qlubon the request of the , b cardf of directors, as provided forlnthe By jLawsLXY.J . - j J and LXYI; whereasihe matter tohe referred to the meet * ing olthecorporatioh--aS f ptovided'for:ln By:LSwiUXYI ;0 is not the refusal to resign, but the matter referred tp^nd. s Vtatfd'in- wit: the' conduct ofth£mem-Jf> Yf ; her thereinreferredio.-- r ; v v _ rA n. Becahee the’alleged'noticeof the said'raeetiag to • held .on the 23d. of March,.JBB3,.purported to; Waad,w»;."s ,\ > to take' into Cohslderatibn'the refhsal of amoniber 1 tOTS-v" * * ••• •-no tiiat Tefon a e!ditddn;3ti^£aa^dqQ,^tic»/t ; could lawfully be considered at the said meeting witaont/ the unanimous consent ofalLtbemeidbere'of the feaidhor-i>|rc poration;.whereas/it is.shoyrm'hy the.said retura fchat other andHhihgßV affecting and-edhc&niSp? th'e •V ' < Eaid.relator. p were considered'andaiscuss^l!at r the said ■ , meeting, and without the Unanimous conieuVof' all' the ’ ~ ! members... • '^vyrWv Be«auBfii.tlie alleced notice oF-the saia meeting^to .he hel&ffl&'the ,2§d of did-inoticontain*or; -State the name of any member wno had relttsed to re-' Mijinion reqnest, .as.provided fot]in<tbeVßpecified;by-. J>wb; whereas, the said-notice should haye contained . ' or stated the nameofthemehsher who'hadsorefasfed.the ■* ;.*aid meeting haying bqen called for the alleged purpose; ; .;of taksng-lnto'consideration such refnsaL - A rV\<Because meeting to be li-eld;; ~t - -,ibe -,ibe 2Sd-MarchflBB3, , 'sh'ouH served upon and. •Igiven to.the memhersiof the said corporation in parson -Or' especially {-whereas,^it does not appear m the said, return that snch personal or-apecifle notice was giren: tojthe/said members, and it does, appear in the <, turn'‘that fhe-'ohly hotice'to the members other, thanthe relator was.-hy the posting of printed nofa<» / *hA Bfl.id , in>etine upon the’notice Imdstu of the Club t ' <- - ’ t f t as is shown In the;.-said xebirn; nii4ottodr . . whatsoever was given to r^atqrofanyjnten' ’^ion- 7 to disfranchise' him - or ; deprive ? him of* benefits) of - ■ ■ membership Id corporation at the meeting to he , held on the 23d of March, 1863.^-. ■’ vl,Because it does not appear.;in.the said retnrn that ! any conviction of 'any .qffence ebmUiitted byihe said re- - I at or was foundyormadeby the.cpxpqration ofthe said .meetingheld March ?•* ■' ■ ■: - YII-Because it appeara-rihithe.saidjeturn that the - 4 ?board f of directors.,at their the 7th or . Ma^ch. ; 1863, 'ahd“the 'c6bpoTatoTB/af : fcheir meeting held^ ; j .. = ''23d of March, 1863, proceeded and acted uppn ex parte . in the ahsencehfthe relatbr.*:ana;withontlu».i J having the opportunity of hearing or defending himself ’ to ' h)nf,*-and controvefting'thß ‘ allegations or, conßidsnnK-') IThe'.irgument on’the demurreuwas then commenced. ,■ a George and Peter. McCall, Ebosl, app«*r t fqr„ , , x M. 'Meredith for the defendant. : [V ■j eounselfpr the defendantswfy® tnat., } . x ..^ %< 1 , :i ' To'every b ody' coiporatb. excipt 4 / th .'i 15 . 1 iottixiMrof. I»tochV»Meis;.i«!tooWeßt tto.risht tojfißel,., »• ri member-the.jight of-diE/Mnchistjtwyt. to|J Bo«jient , * Inlliesi'cofjioiitlffl eourtg.'which sre< t iDa.pairoseSiiiiferioi.cqitfto.iiQ.fpiirt.Till iaterfhrawlUi. , the trial ofth« facts tofore it."- . * *W* ' v 1 : 3. Ho review ot these corporation courts will taksjilaaftj': ■ in an4.jthftxiomaipa.law a tfoiute ( The w®rv6r v fsplcraitßiintWsBtwl. i coicluetOnliihe’cOnrthelsithsnnattsihhderhiivteeineht,, ■ ! I«!theGonri.of.O s sioie, ,yadga, Thgmpion. a ntimoer of-wssortwafoMsa.'i WM»‘h»aw Jli - j wiav; siEO.-ita,', j.s.ir ■ ittoalr.’i b-U-i&O t'i'i REPUBLIC OF MEIICO. TH E : P r O iILi lG E .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers