ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, - TJP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIOHT. Cdatinentiil-Nlnth ai Maiac Gregg, Jr, Pittsburg *W F Stocking. Wash, D C -JAFayden, New Y*>rk - Jao B Robinson, New Yovk B YiDgling, Hagerstown • "W H Denny* Pittsburg iMiss Denny, Pittsburg £ 0 Matthews, Baltimore JONyce, Baltimore Jas Gamble'& Wf, California F A Frazier & l a, Kentucky ""Wm Frazier, New York .E Warren & la, St-Louis Ft N Brown & wf, Prov.R I IF Robins* n. New York "W Garrett New York -J Patton, Bath, Me *-Geo H Gardener, Washingtn •< Geo J Ferry, New York •Jaa PenuUton, Pa ,\3 M Johnston, Pa Dr E B Barretr, Northftmptn ' ;Mlsb Barrett,Northampton ■C L Burton. Ohio :: .£ A Fierce, Ohio. - John Chislott, Pittsburg Mi»s Chislott, Pittsburg .A N lUchatds, Canada Chas Brewster, St Paul .Bon J w Fuller,Catasauqua !3i H Allison,-Oxford, Pa -• O H Good, fudianapolis .Alex Reynolds, Kittannlng S Brock, «*t Louis RW Smith, Toledo, 0 T J Nathan, California S A Knphil A wf Baltimore . Max Strakoscb, New York N CJ Cainfn, Manchester RP Nixon, Manchester " W H De Witt, Albany Jns Griswpld, N Bedford VV P BeTTaniy/Mjiss. •-C Ii Foxwell, Baltimore -R P tevens, New York - John N Ely. Baltimore • Dr & Mrs w K Hallock,N V Henry Powers, Mass i F D Lecororte, Boston Air & Mrs W Manly, N Y W Spencer, Lexington, Ky . "WW-Coffin, Utica, NY Rrßlrdsal), Texas -J W Bewell> Ohio A L Brown, Salem, Mass ' IR B Kinsley, Newport, R I • Chas Gayler, New York O McFarland, Chicago ' H J Semzer, Chicago Girard—Chestnut si David Qooper, Woodbury - .Jos D Point, New Castle, Del R G Wallace, Baltimore Miss Gamble, Brooklyn Miss Scott, Newark Miss Ross, 'Washington i.B»resford Mathews, N York WGNorjis, Washington Mrs- Allen, Washington. F Tumblety,MD, Wssh ing’n Francis Crawford, Virginia W H Hill, New York M Norton, New’ York 1 Goo B Porter, Penna •Geo W Lyon,:Penna ThoeS Lyon, Penna G H Barrows, Buffalo Robt W Fenwick; Washin’n Sami Richards,* fronton • Oregon Wilsnn/DitUburg J B Simon, Harrisburg .i ■ O W Lees, Harrishucg- A Paine, Chicago E Robinson, New 1 York f Amerlcan-Cheatnui -G P Harlan, Ponna John Graw, Mexico Lt J M Rhoads, Penna HKRine: <3 Anderson Jop L Presbrey, Taunton B M Wait, Dayton ID Wolfe,Lewes,Del X J M-P Brodwater, Md . EWS Trader, Maryland Miles Gardner, Ohio . ’ Jacob Moore, Delaware St. Louis—Chestnut J Diatumell, New T ork r TI 0 Jcfaneou b la, D6l "W Atterbury, New York T 0 Van Allen, Danville W S Rosenbaum, N Jersey J Haim?, BoLlefonte Mrs Morris, Penna -J D Jones, Washington Jttra J P JJodes, Virginia Meechum. Wow York Bliss E Meacliain, N York Merchants’—FourtJ W N Wyeth, -Jaa BoDdy, Mew York John Barron, Baltimore A F Wilrn try, Mew Jersey ‘W A Jester. Independence •George E Minor, Penna N Clark, Pennsylvania ..R A Matthews Sc la, Lewes Jas M Carr, Allegheny Mrs W A-Keener, Allegheny •OeoM Riddle W 0 Chamberlin, Ohio -J W Greatbead, Penna , .Jas C Eyster.Chambersburg ~WB Gaston, Trenton, If J W W Lyman, Meridan •CD Brodhead,. Monroe co Geo Johnson, Mew York John Schelly, Mew York 'Union Hotel—Arcli. street, above Third. 3r C Fowler, Tamaqua Miss S B Cleaver, Delaware R Courtney, Philadelphia JBShaeffer Miss SB Erwin,-New York WP dooper, Baltimore *T M Bedding, Coalmount Mrs Ludlow, {Springfield, 0 :H a O’Keeri Altoona, Pa T Evan*& la, Madison, lnd ■Mrs L E Roland, Coalmount J F Pollard. St ‘ hair, Pa ■H Pomerence, Ohio JH Warner. Pittsburg .H Stockman T Mealier, Pittsburg 'W B Frease,‘Ohio P B Smith, Hagerstown B R P.o£fc*. Easton . J Diehl, East Freedom Ji Twaddeli,' Eancoek; M Y John Holzel, Wooster,o. Hugh Fonlk. Jr, M Y .TobuGrant, Now York .J B Ok»*on, Perrysville 0 Dobson, Pottsvllle ’Wm B Thompson, WilnvDl H Gregory, Hancock, Md A Imyaid,Wooster, 0 'Madison—Second sti •TJc-s bimmons, Maryland T Snydf'r, Wilmington iLB Brittain. Lainnertville J B Miller, Stroudsburg AS Robinson J<. hn Holbert "W J Hazen, Bethlehem ,J Chase,. Felton, jus E Thompson, Delaware R Prettyman, Delaware W D Bicords, Delaware J E Titus, Easton TPBarvey, Doylestowu 3 Simmons, Wilmington States Union-Sixth 4Min Mowl ray. Ohio : John A J Sheets, M Jersey •John H Snyder, Penna f • AW Walker,Kingston,Pa ■J Lamison, Indiana J Crouse & la. Penna . Geo L PUtt.-Pitt&burg, ItfrsJJ Kerst, WiUlamsport M D Myers, Harrisburg iP Barrett, New York National—Race sti B F Reighaid & la,Espy,Pa G P Reishard & la,Espy,Pa James BlcArdle, Penn iLt EThomas, Penn Wm Seigler, Pena. HA Law, Penn -John Simpson, Penn. -George Foltz, Penn ’ Christian Sclioll, Mt Joy Bald Eagle-Third Si jtfiss Storey, Phcenixville "Win 11 Hupert, Roxboro =SBayden, Washington -EF Siegfried, Washington !H Muller, Washington .A F Koons, Catasauqua T W Romich, Penna ~H Eckenberger, Catasauqua T SLeisenriug, Pittsburg "W Sterner, Boyerstown Commercial—Sixth gti .J Osmond, _E Pentiock, Chester co,Pa. LDamon, West Chester "W Speakman, West Chester D P Hobart,Tborudale- ~ 7T Keifsnyder, Cheater,Pa . JS Platt, Chicago WHaretty, Chester co,Pa •J E Oldham,Elkton.Md I Barley Sheaf—Second Geo Henry, Sammington 31 Kline, Flemmington ~3t R Lay re, Williamsport W Davidspn*, Cheltenham H J Martindell,Stockton, N J Hill Stuart, Abington Miss E Jones, Penna Black Bear—Third S 1 Geo K Levan, Reading E H Glase. Friedenbnrg :g M Fell, Bucks co, .Pa —Sol N Laws; Springton W G Hackman,'MoDtgco ■ .SPECIAL NOTICES. Du. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cubes Bheumatibm and never fails. Xitox’b. Magnetic Flea jt'owuEK. - In summer, when the sun is low, - . Come forth in swarms the insect foe, / And for our hlood, they bore, you know, And suck it in most rapidly, Butifleas. roaches, ’skeeters—black or white— In death’s embrace are stiffened quite, If Lyon’s Powder chance to light In their obscure vicinity. . .. Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c. Ly on’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere, ap2s-12t D. S. BARNES, New York. Steinwat* Son’s & y' t ' UpKTOHT, AKD GRAND - PIANOS,*? •S'T" f® acknowledged, the most.’ perfect 'instruments, in Eu rope as well as in this country They were award ed, in the last seven years, twenty-six first premi ums, over the best makers in this -country, and in addition thereto the first prize medal at the Great Inter , national Exhibition in London, last summer. ; Ail the leadingartists of this country, and some of them even in Europe, use them in their Concerts. : Warerooms at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 CHESTNUT (Street. • - - • ap2-thstulm Batchelok’s Haib Dyk 1 ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated flair Dj. .frodnces a color not to be distinguished from nature; 'warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies ■She iH effectß Of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for ilfe.. BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a wplendid Blaak or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful; Sold by all Druggists, &c. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHR* (LOR, on the four sides of ecwh box. . FACTORY, No.Sl BARCLAY Street, . (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) my2S-ly New York, One-Pbick Clothing, op thb Latest ttlbs* made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL (BALEB. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pi* ■Sures. All Goo.ds made to Order warranted satisfactory. : Our One-Peige Svstbx Is strictly adhered to. 'All arc thereby treated alike., del2-lv JONES & 00., 604- MARKET Rtreek IVTA-KIRIEID. FORD—APHTON.—On-the 2fcth inst, by the Re v. N. •Cantwell, Ww;- M. Ford to Margaret Ellen, daughter of •the late Jonathan Ashton, all ofthis city. No cards, * -FREDERICKS—MORGAN.—In.Camden, on the 29th, Tby Rev. B. F.Hedden, Mr. Henry Fredericks, of Cam •den, to Miss Sarah W. Morgan, of Riverton, Burlington •countyvNi J. ’i' GRaHAM—RILEY.—On the 27th inst., at the residence <of the bride s father, Huntingdon street, west of- the Frank/ord road, by Alderman James E. Wood, Mr. ■Job? to T Emma Riley, all of this city. * MICHENER—KExM.—On Wednesday morning, April '.29th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by tne Rev. U. F. Rrotel, Amos J. Michener to Miss Anna de Benne 'VllleKeim, both of this city. ; * XDXEXD. HAFFELFINGEB.—On the 28th inst., Emily, infant •daughters and Sarah L. Haifeiflngpr * - PAGE.—On Sunday nijght, the26thinst., Mr. Thomas Page, in the 89th year ofliis age. • oma His relatives and male friends are respectfully invited rto attend his funeral from his late residence,' No *619 .Franklin street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. Without further notice. « GRUNDY.—On the 27th inst,,' Edmund, son of Ed anund NV and Emma Grundy, 1 aged 15 months. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the fu meral, this (Thursday,)at2o’clockP. M., from No. 2J7 .North Sixth street. , :•> ** MoKEE.— Suddenly, on the 2Gth inst. Hockley C. McKee, Esq;» of Columbus, Ga., in the fifty-fourth, year •of Ms age.- i #> • „ The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attendants funeral from his late residence, 12119, Green street, this (Thursday,) the3otn instr at ten •o’clock, without further invitation. To proceed to Laurel Hill. [Newark (New Jersey) and New York papers* Arthur Hartwell, son of Rev. P. S. £ndA. Reese Henson, aged three years, eleven months,' and sixteen days. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from No. IiSO Poplar street, on Friday, May Ist, At 3 o’clock . ee ENGLES.- On the 28th inst., at Carver Hospital, Wash-* Ingtbn, of typhoid-fever, Robert P.y youngest son of Harriet P. and the late Joseph P. Engles, in the twenty* first yeac-of his age.: *■ The funeral servioes will be held in the Scots' Presby terian Church,Spruce street above Third street, to-morrow (Friday). May Ist, at 12 o’clock precisely, *** nd Chestnut streets, J Naphthaly, YaD College L F Dnfourcey i'a, IJf Dr & Mrs Goddard. USA B T. Ricttelson St la, Pa Thoe Brown, Gedrgntn. DC Z D Gilman, Wa-h, DC P G Billet, Jacksonville,fU .3 P Willoston. Wollsburo J F Pickrell. Baltimore Mrs Pickrell St dfl'i, Balt .Mrs Norman, Baiti nore Bfi Barroll, Baiiijuore ” will iV.I, W«,»|,UUID ,1 of Downs & wife, Boston B SMasnn, Washington f) McOreel. Baltimore J U Major Jiwf, Wa l '*, D C Mins Thomas, Alex.Va 0 E White St wife N V W ACavannah, Jr, NT tra Norad, iN.iw J Mil'll* l !*. B 'g’and H.*l>* rc Oakley, Yew York R Sir-iu, li jr u i R Al H*gb> , Mich'gm TR Woolley, Long Branch Miss S E Slocum. N J E R 31‘icura, i ong Branch WK Van Bohl e.en&la,NY d Fisher, Baitim«*re Jos W duller, Tr *y R S Henderson, Paris, Ky Lieut B Edwards Chester B, Now. York H S Hutchins; Prov. RI ••bhn Allen, Baltimore D.G Baldwin, Boston . a r& Miss E 5 Rich. Buffalo Mrs C A Sanford, N Y Mr & Miss.B W Dean.Bostn S A Jessnp & wife, N Y A D Earbour, New York R C Haskell, Lausingburg EMivrsball. Now. York DL Turner, Warren, RT J D Waitly, Massachusetts* Mies Jordan, Washington M Romero, washingma C F Smith & wife, N Y Miss J fi Smith, New York A Burli, Franklin. NY. R N Peterson New York llobt Wild, Jr J L Farl°y & wife. Conn ansoa W Hard, New York R C Lucketc, Baltimore Jos Efoinde Baltimore r Denmead, Raltiraore W K Evans, N Y itreet, below Ninth* Jacob D Strada, New York . John P Waliar.Now York T H Brown, New Jersey H Phedps, Washington Peter Clam put, Washington Mrs S.Parker, .New Geo J Bolton, Harrisburg i B Hageett, Boston. E M Madden, New York A ACowdeti, Baltimore R L McDonald. St Jossoph W Hamilton, Huotingdoaco Ge° Hamilton, Huntingdon Wm Hamilton, Huntingdon De Wit Ziegler, Huntingdon John Griersoo, Now York Chas B Porney, Lob .non i S Hamilton. Baltimore H Ashley, New York E J Alloa, Washington W J Joez & wf. New York Geo H Bangs. New Y'rk C R Pa*ker,New York •IDrR S Newton, New York street, above Fifth. Cbas Mother, Newburg A B Cory, New York PS Ybarra. Havana J L Grover, Dauphin co, Pa E J Kelly, Penna 0 Whetmore, Carbondale WHacket, Easton c • D L Araeli,Lewes,Del TB Ricords, Lewes, Del H A Merryman, Haioe J R Cronin, Wash, D C C B Lookhgrt, Virginia street* above Third. Mrs Wolf, New Miss Wolf, New-York C a H Schuyler, M-lAmls F D Skinner, Troy, N Y F A. Miller II Cj Storrs, Hartford J P Coigtu & la, D S A E W Mavlin, Taenton J S TwelU S 1> Dreshaoh, Ohio uireeti below Arch Peter Hughes, Danvilie, Pa G W Hunt, Danville, Pa W B Deacon, New Jersey Jacob Hoffman, Carlisle John. Samoiis, New Jersey V Dewein, Peoria, Illinois! w r Jones, N»wa-k Del WWJlarnine sly, Penna D D T Farnsworth. Va Busb. Freeport. Pa J H Kerr, Wasli’n co. Pa John Cessna, Lauca-ter J C Coobman, Lancaster Wm'M Cready, New Jersey G S Reed, C aarlleld JC Peai'se, Liv-rmore.Pa Mr Rowland, New York Capt.W Sergant, USA reet» above Market. Capt C H Vansciver, N J J H Marvel. Georgetown. P Martin, Georgetown, D C EH.Hoel, Penna Oscar Hoel, Penna E R Pellett, Penna E T Jones, SUem A.S Garret, daeyland JS Young, Milford. NJ Col W Butler, Lewist nvn J G McLaughlin, Penna W H Gleason, Peuna S Clark, Mdford, N J aud Market streets* E A Chesters co, Pa I) Zook, Chester Springs C t* Aihnonrf, Wllm.Lel E G Smith,Penna Mrs E A Wright Clearfield E Neff & wf, Reading . A K Sanders, New York CW Ame 3, New York Jas Hopkins,Princeton Sami walls, Princeton reet, above Third. W H Wetherhold, Heading D Raider, Reading J M Heston, Doy'estowa Geo Gleim, Lebanon Dr ff B Bowman, Lane co CC Meredith, Dauphin co J L Nutting, Penn - L R Pornwald, Bloomsburg J L Moyer, Bloomburg jt., above Callowbill. Morgan Rife, Doylestown F E Kauffman, Allentown 0 J Hover, Kutztown Edw Boyer, Mahanoy City Satnl Boyer, Port Clinton M Moore, Hancock, N Y Lentz, Union Deposit , C Brandt, Lebanon EYSterne3, Bucks co Lreetj above Chestnut. AC J D Hendrie. Beaufort. S C T Walton, Chester co, Pa ■ W P Cooper. Lancaster co S W Payton, Huntingdon co C ALeopoldjKeading E P.Harlan.Penna A J Ferguson, Penna l street, below Vine* Thomas Ccnner, Penna C Radcltff. Washington Rev A ill Wood, Harts ville Amos Gregg, Bu«tleton G W Hiiffuagle, New Hope Geo'W Hubbell, Penna Chas Nelson, Honesdalt St f above Callowhill* John Yocatn, Pottetowa Chas Levan, Prlncetoa, Pa Eli Beclitel, Bechtelsville • J-Bowman, Bechtelsville Jacob Huth, Snmneytown IfoCANEY.-Ou the 29th inst., of scarlet 'ever. John Met aney, in the forty-third year of his age ~ -» U he i> latives and friends of the family are respectfully inrittd to attend his funeral; from the W. E. Churc-i, troahwickf, N. J. ~on Friday morning next, at 10 ocicck, Without further notice. DANIELS.— umhe 29th tort., after a.lingering illness of consumption. Miss Mary Jane Daniels, in the thirty-, fifth year, of her age. ~ JJ? „ The relatives and friends of th,e family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her brother, Mr. Samuel Daniels, No. 1821 Coates street, oa Saturday, May !id. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon The Ktdar Te«t, No. l, Sons and Daughters of'Rechah, of wlitcli she was a member, are also, invited to attend. Fur eral to proceed to Mechanics’Oemetury. '*** AUMAN.— On the 28th Inst., Henry N., son o-f Richard ah<l beurietta $. Auman, m the 17th year o( his age • CANNON.— On the 2StU in«t., Harriet, wife of jsodoric Cannon, in thesBtb yearofhoraie. * DOhNEY. —ln Camden, on the L?th inst., Sallio Fran; ces, daughter of the late lauiel J. Dornoy, aged lo ytars. ‘ * DUFFEE.—On the 2Sth irs-t., Caroline C ,oldeafcdauffh ter ol W. J. Duffee, B. .Surgeon, U. S. A. * OBITUARY. _ STEEL. —On Friday, the 17ch inst., atPMladelphie, Mary 8. , wife of John R. Steel, and daughter of the late John Graetf, lormarly of Lancaster, Da. , . lhus haß.passed from earth one in whose character weie blended so many lovely and attractive qualities as to entitle her memory to more than a passiug uotice. Though her walk* in life were confined to the. limits of the domestic and social circle, there emanated from her fenial disposition a sunshiue of Jove that insensibly rew all hearts towards her. Her eye ever beamed with the smilo of afl'ection; her lips over breathed words of kindness and comfort. Her voice or-cheerful greeting, •ap'd her warm clasp of friendship, who can forget? To tally free from the love of self, and torgetful of her own enjoyments, her every movement seemed directed to * lie good of others. Wherever she could inspire a chterful hope, or bestow a gratification, however trivial, the effort was gladly made.; Gifted with a generous uafcure, she was warmly alive to the feelings of others, and per haps never in her life, by word, or aet, knowingly, wounded the sensibilities of any one. Relying on a mer ciful God for the pardon of her own faults, she knew how to be fcharitable to the infirmities of her fellow beings. Patient in trouble, cheerful amid’suffering, she saw the hand of Divine Wisdom in overy-triat; For her the world had no allurements. Her aim seemed to be, so to live, that she mightbe ready to depart when called hence. And who that knew her; intimately can doubt that she was so ready,? Brief and unexpected as was her summons, she was found with her lamp trimmed and burning. From apparently good-die. Ith, she was called to abed of sickness, and,;aft«r a few days of painful suf fering, With a firmconfidence in the merits of her Re 'detmer, she resigned, her spirit into the hand of her Maker, and dieo with a sweet smile of Christian resign nation upon her lips. ? Though we shall see her no more oneaitb, let us cherish her memory in our hearts, and strive to imitate her virtues. Let us reflect that our-loss is her eternal gain, and dwell in the comfortable as-, mranen of ft happy reunion in that homo of endless feli city,' whither our Saviour is gone to prepare a place for those who love him. •. April 2Sth» 1563. * Mourning- goods from auc tion. JUST DECEIVED. Black and White Mohair Plaids; 2‘2c. Black and. White Plaid Mohair Lustres, 23c. Black and White Paris Jaconets, 37>£c. Black and White Paris Organdies, 37&c.. Black and White Silk striped Poplins, 30£c. Black and White striped and plaid Silks, $l. Black and White De LaiDes, 25c.. Black and White Ohalie Be Laines, 312£c. Black and White Lawns and Chintzes, lBVc. Black and White Mozambiques, 18# and37s£c. • Black and White Paris Mousselines De Laines, 37>£c. Black and White Poplins, Valencias, &c.,&c. ALSO, Black Barege Hernanis, 69c. to $l. BUc* Bombazines, #l. • Black Summer Bombazines, $1.25. Black Tatnbes, $1 26. Black Silk Chaltes, 62}£c. ■ • * Black English De Laines, 25c. Black all-wool Mousselines De Laiues. 87Kc. Black Crape Maretz, BU£o. Black Tnmartines, 37jjc. Black Tamatans, 50c. Black Bareges, 2fic. ' Black B&r,egea? yard and three quarters wide, $l. Black-, Plaid and Balzorine Bareges, 25c - ALSO, White and Black Poil de Chevres, 25c. White and Black plaid Mohairs, S6c. White and Black plaid Foulards, 75c. Black and Purple Paris Mousshliues. Black and Purple rich striped Paris Jaconets, 25c. - Black ondWhite striped Valencia, 31$£c, White and Black Mozambiques, 37c. ’ Light Lilac Chally De Laines, Vsc. . : ALSO, Black Mousselinea Square Shawls, $2.25. Black Cashmere Square Shawls, $3.60. black.Thibet Square Shawls. $4.00. BESSON A SON,- M ..ning Store, No. 918 hestnut street. BIACK SILK MANTLES FOB SPRING. Black Lace Points, Light Cloth Bournous. CLMMEB SHAWLS—NEW STYLES. Rock-spun Silk Shawls, C-hally ana Barege Shawls. ap2B- EYRE & LANDELL. 1V EW LRESS GOODS FROM THE NEW Y’ORK AUCTIONS. Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade, Silks for Pennsylvania Trade apSS . . EYRE & LANDELL. REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, S£/Y ENTH Street, above Browa — Rev. T, Dk WITT TALMAGE will preach THIS EVE NING, at S o’clock. Prayer meeting at half past 10. It* WEST ARCH-STREET PRES BY* TERIAN CHURCH, Rev. Dr. EDWARDS, Pastor. —Divine Service THIS MORNING at 11 o’clock; collec tion Commission. I,* REV. FRANKLIN MOORE, D.D., ftC?* will Preach TO-DAY, at 103* o’clock, in Union M E. Chnrch, FOURTH street, below Arch. Subject* ‘‘Reasons of National Humiliation and of National Hope.” •• • - : it* CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN, below Broad street—FAST LAY.—Diyne Service in this Cburch TO-DAY at.lOK A M., and 7& P. M. The Rector will Preach. A col lection will be taken up in aid of the U. S. ; Christian Commission. It* PJNE»STREET CHURCH.—THE Rev. THUS BRaINERD, D. D., will Preach a Fast-day Se ; mon in Old P ne-streec Chnrch, FOURTH and PINE,-THIS MORNING, at 11 o’clock. Subject— * * Patriotism Aiding Piety. ” The public are invited. It* EPISCOPAL SERVICES-MEET INGsfor Prayer will be held THIS EVENING in the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, corner FIF TEENTH and.CHESTNUT. Streets, and iu ST. PHILIP’S CBURoH, VINE Street, below Eighth; Services to com mence at S o’clock. ' ; . * ' - . it* MASONIC NOTICE.—THE MEM fcC?* BERS Of HAMILTON LODGE, No. 274, A. Y. at., ana the order generally, are respectfully invited to meet at the Hall, TtIIRTY-SINTH-and MARKET streets, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 2d, at 4 o'clock, to at tend • the funeral of their deceased brother, GUSTAV SCHWARZ, M. D. By ordor of the W. M. ai S>2t*. ; WINTHROP SARGENT. . Secretary. MEETING OF DISCHARGED OF FICERS.—The officers who have been honorably discharged the service ofthe United states are requested to meet m the room over the Court of Quarter Sessions. S. E. corner of SIXTH and CHSBTNUT Streets. : THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at S o’clock, on busmens of importance. it* MANY OFFICERS. THE 50tH ANNUAL MEETING OF fcC?* the 4 - Corporation for tlie Relief of the VYido ws ami Children of Clergymen in the Communion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ” will be held in the Vestry Room of Sr. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the sth of May next, at 5 o’clock P, M. JAMES M. AERT3EN, Secretary. April 30, 1863. —tmys THE 6IRARD MFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY, AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILA- Di-LPHIA.—The annual election for Fourteen Managers of the Company "will be held, agreeably to the Charter, at the Office, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 4th of May, between the hours of 10 o’clock A- M. and 12 o'clock noon. ; JOHN F. JAMES, ap3o-4t* . ■ : Actuary. NOTICE.-THE ANNUAL MEET lc£* ING of the STOCK and BONDHOLDERS of the ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COM PANY will be held at their Office, No. 30* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on.MONDAY, May 4th, 1563. atl2 o’clock M., in accordance with the provisions of the charter. After which anElectioa will be held for Presi dent and six Managers to serve the ensuiug year. The election will close at 3 o’clock P. M. , r of.tbe same day. The Transfer Books will close 30th instant, and remain closed until after the-election. By order of the Board. > WM; C. LONGSTRETH, Secretary. Philadelphia, 4th mo. 23d, 1863. : ; ap3o-tUs-lt r<?*> AGREEABLY TO THE CALL UP THE UNION STATE CONVENTION, the loyal citizens ofPhiladelphia are invited to assemble in their, respective wards on TUESD AY, May sth, at 8 o’clock P. M., at such places as may be selected by the officers of toeward associations, for the purpose of electing one JUDGE and two INSPECTORS for each precinc:— said judges and inspectors to conduct an election in the va rious precincts on THURSDAY, May 7th, between6and 8 o’clock P. M,, for the purpose of electing ONE DELE GATEfrom each precinct to a Representative Conven tion, and ONE DELEGATE to a Senatorial Convention, in conformity vo rule 17 of the rules for the governm mfc of tbe National Union Party, The Representative and Senatorial Conventions shall meet at such places and time's as a majority of their number shall by pablic no tice direct. ' By order of the City Executive Committee of the Na tional Union Party. - WM;H. IvJSRN, President JOHN J. FRANKLIN,' l SperpfarJflS Henry B. Gardiner, J secretaries. OFFICE MINE HILL ANDSGHUYI KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. ... Ph«ladelphia, 4th Month,- (April) 27,1863. Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the stockholders of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company will he held at the hall of the Frank lin Institute, No. 15 South SEVENTH- Street, in the city of Philiidelphia, on FIFTH DAY, (Thursday), the 14th day oflFifth Month, (May), o’clock A. M., for the purpose of acting on'a joint agreement for the consolida tion and merger of the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with the Mine Hill and Schuyl kill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meet ing. By order of the Board of Managers, : JOB N C. CRESgON, President Attest—William Biddle, Secretary. ap29-tmy!4 JiySfep OFFICE OF THB SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY; Philadelphia, April 27th, 1863. Notice is hereby givtn that a general meeting of the Stockholders of the SCHOYLKiLLHAVENANDLE- BiGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Hall of the Franklin Institute, No. 15 South SB-.’ VENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on THURS DAY, the 14th. day of May, 1563, at ten o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of acting oh'a joint agreement for the consolidation and merger of ; the said Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad- Company with the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad ,Company, and for the transaction of such, other business as may be brought before said meeting. . By order of the Board of Directors. ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, President. Joshua W. Ash, Secretary. ap29 ; tm!4 . «*£?=» POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 29, 1863 -THURSDAY, 30th inst„‘having been designated by the President of the United States as a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer, this office willbeopen for the transaction of business until 10 o'clock A, M., after which closed the remainder of the day. ' - \ The Sub Post Offices will he open during the same hours. -. 1 • . The regular Mail earners will-make their usual morn ing delivery. The United States Penny Mall Carriers will make the usual morningcoliectiou aud delivery, and an evening collection at six o’clock. - - • • - I ap29-2t ' .C. A WALBORN, Postmaster.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners named in an act entitled' “An act .to incorporate the Connecting Railway Com pany,” approved April 14, .1863, will meet for the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the said Company* on MONDAY, the lUh day of May, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M., at No. A WILLING’S Alley, in the city of Philadelphia. Clement B. Barclay, John A. Wilson, Oliver W Baines, R.D. Barclay, ’• ; : Edmund Smith, J. C Shaipless, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Isaac v. Elwell, ' ; Joseph Lesley. A. C. Harmer. ap2o-trayll NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE DELA RARITAN CANAL and’ the CAM DEN; AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, * Pbixoeton (N. J.), March 31,1863. The Treasurer or the above Companies is now prepared to PAY -.THE; BONDS due at Princeton, Augusfc-1, 1863, being the five per cent. Converted SteriingLoan. ’ The principal, an! also the l?wt coupon, will be paid on-pre sentation to WILLIAM H.GATZMER, Philadelphia; or to . [ap3-lml. RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasnrer. OFFICE OF. THE LOCUST NIOUN TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, Philadel phia, April 27, 1863 INTEREST on the Mortgage Loan of this Company, dne on the first day of May proximo, will be paid on,and after the said date, at the office of the Company, No. 230 S'mth THIRD St. ap27-6c : JOS. C- COPPUCK, Treasurer. K3* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE §Cr» BLOOMSBURG IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on: WEDNESDAY, May 20,1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transactionof other business. WM. E. S. BAKER, Treasurer, ap2Q-30t* / No. ai3 North WATER Street. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, : Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. .■ - Wounded ’ Soldiers ana Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the; Surgeon-Artist? to, the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL K?* AND NAVIGAT-ON COMPANY. m : , - Phjlaoblphia, April 23, 1863. {•The stated annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS, nortn side of CHESTNUT Street above Fifth, on TUESDAY MORNING, the fth day of May next, at haU-pastlO o clock; after which; an Election will he held at the same place, for officers of "the Company for the'ensuing year. The election to close at 2 o’clock, P. M., of the same day. JAMES S. COX, > ap24-6t . President. HOMCEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1113 CUTHBBRT Street.—This institution is now open for'the feceptibn'of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will* be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN; '.n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers,, “ THE DAY-THB CAUSE." Tickets toall pßTtsof tliehonse 26cents.. Reserved beats. 50 coats. _ To be had at the Academy of Waste and at J. E. Gould's Music Store, Seventh t«nd Chestnut scroets. Doors open at 7M o'clock. : ~ . ap29-St; A RRBAT C&LEB&A |i<3» TION.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LEaGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, 1863, thefollowing resolutions, presentedby Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted . . RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the United States beduvitod to participate in the celebration, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. ' 8.. That it be recommended that.the deputies be autho rized to represent their respective constituents in any action tliat may be deemed necessary and~ expedient to/ perfect the organization of .the’friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United States. 4. That the Committee of Correspondence be 'autho rized to prepare a circular, letter, communicating these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizens of the respective States, an<| to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them int 6 effect. WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. H. BOKER, Secretary.: a pi-3 m TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP THE L3BIGH COAL AND.NAVIGATION COM PAQ Y. -T our Committee, to whom ch* subject of the Conversion of the distributed Scrip Shares of the Com pany into stock, was referred,'will present their report to the Stockholders at the ensuing Annual Meeting of the compaw. on thesthproximo. s WILLIAMSM( . Chairman of the Committee. Philadelphia. April 23d. . apil 6t POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. April 22, »863. - N OTICE TO IMP* >RTERS, and all others in the receipt of letters from foreign'countries.: , lbe following instructions have been received from the Postmaster General; , , “You are hereby directed, from, and after the first day of May next, to collect, in GOLD or SILVER COIN, all postages due on UNPAID letters received from foreign countries in the mails despatched to this country from Great Britain and Ireland, France, Prussia, Hamburg, Bremen, and Belgium.” ■ The above order wfl.l be in force from and after FRI DAY, May 1,1863. C. A. WALBORN, ap23'Ti3o - • . ■ - P isi master. OFFICE OF THE AWLKRICAN iC> FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—No. 310 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia; April 21st, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given; that a SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at .this office, on THURSDAY, May 2lst, 1863, at 12 o’clock M.. to'consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter, approved April 14, 1863. and authorizing the Board of . Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the Company. ap22-d my2l* A.C. L. CRAWFORD, Sec’y... OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, AprUlfi, 1883. The Board of Directors have this day declared, a semi annual dividend.of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital StocV of the Company, clear of State and National taxes,* payable on and after May 15, 1863. Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on hpplication at the office of the Company, No. 5838 South THIRD Street. mh!6-tjel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND IcSvpbnn, township railroad company, Philadelphia, April 7ih, 1863. • a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held > t the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. 227 SOUTH FOURTH Si rest, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 10 o’clock A. M., at which time and place an election of Officers wili be held. CapB-dtM43 A. A, KONIGMACHER, Sec’y. , rss. scHtrYLKmr. and sus^uehan ftc?* na railroad company, office 227 south FOURTH Mreet—Philadelphia. April 3, 1863.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this company and an election for President and six Managers will take place a.i the office of the company, onMONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o’olock M. W. H. WEBB, ap3-tmy4 . 1 . . : Secretary, EYRE & LANDELL, -FOURTH; and ARCH. reps* GOLD, SILVER, AND DEMAND notes wanted. drexel & co„ ftpl.Vlro .3* Srtnf.h THIRD Street ; gVANS & HABSALL, ap29-tMay7 MISS ANNA B. DIOKINSON Will 6peak on the above topic ACADEMY of music* On MONDAY EVENING. May 4th, AT EIQUT O’CLOCK. TKIMMINIiS, &c. MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BLINDS AND SHAD MS. JLINDS AND SHADES B . J . WILLIAMS, NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MAKL'FACTL'RKK OP VENETIAN BLINDS ' WINDOW SHADES. 9S~ The Largest and Pineßt Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6*2m EMOV A L . GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MATJFAOTURER, Has REMOVED from 136 North SECOND Street, to B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET G. W : ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at No. 16 North SIXTH Street, where will be foun she Largest and Best Assortment of . VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES In ihe city, at the LOWEST PRICES. Store Shades Made and Lettered. Jobbing Promptly attended to. . ap6-2mif . INSURANCE COMPANIES, QJRARD FIRS AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, *l5 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 91106,000, This Company continues to take risks on the safe} classes of Property at lowrafces. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the beaes* of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS aud we respectfully solicit its favor in. the future. - * DIRECTORS. s CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGKOBN, JOHN THORNLEY, 0. E. HEA2LITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, in., . PETER S. HOE; of 5. t, WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP.M, D., N. S. LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A.vB. GILLETT, Vice President JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. ap26-ifti PHILADELPHIA TIRE AND LIFE A IHSURAHCESCOMPAMY. OFFICE,’Nof '433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA IN 1818. This Company is now prepared to make insurance against LOSS BY FIRE on the most favorable terms. Their losses will be promptly settled, and that those for the year 1862 were bo, they refer to the following re cipients: . . Mrs. Jane Ferree L. G. Mytinger & Co- Beverly R. Reim.... ’WilliamE. Taber*.. JohnCnhdy...** P. P. Morris ... ■W. Y. Petit ..... L. G. Mytinger & Co. R. E. Sellers*, v Other small losses This Company have no unsettled: losses. The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents. Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks and b0nd5........ v. Bills receivable:..; ; Dne from individuals.. Cash in Bank • • • Stock notes - DIRECTORS it, M. W. Bs K. P. King, Preeiuw**., - - Charles P. .Hayes, sident, .. John' Clay ton, . P. B, Savery, Ed. Wiler, Alexander Murphy, T. K. Collins,, , H. 0. Howell, J. M. Ccwell, . John Killgore, S. J. Megargoe. yah2B-»tntnBm*it P. B JJ J. HANNA, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT CLAIMS, tfo. 252 F street, between Thirteehth and Fourteenth, WASHINGTON, D. C. Particular attention given to the Adjustment and Col lection of Army and Mavy Contractors’ Claims, Quarter masters’ Yoncnerß,. Mail Contractors’ and ' Postmasters’ Accounts, Certificates of'lndebtedness, and the Prosecu tion of Claims for Losses of Steamboats and otherpro perty in Government employ. Also to Xnvestmentsin and Purchase and sale of Government Securities. ; .. Prompt and faithful attention will be given to all busi ness entrusted to me REFERENCES: SPENCER; VILLA & CO , Boston. _ LIVERMORE. CLEWS & CO., New York. VERM ILYE & CO., ' ~ , . - BAKER, WESCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. S. T.-CAN BY. W. J. WAINWRIGHT. , , HANNA, HART & 00., Plttsbnrif. • GEORGE C. GLASS & CO., Cincinnati. G. H. BUSSING Si C 0.,. C. B. COFFIN, Esb , ' . , L. A. BENOIST & CO.. St. Louis. ANBERSON & WATSON, " XaRC &'HERTEL, Chicago. * S. P. BRADY & CO., Detroit. WILLIAMS & CO., “ H. WICK & CO., Cleveland. R; HANNA & CO, “ ALVOBD. COLWELL & ALVORD, Indianapolisr JOHN FERGUSON, Esq., San Francisco. HENRY BIGKLOtf, Esq., *• QUIGLY, MORTON & CO., Louisville. Washington, April, 1863. TIN lON STEAM MD WATER- V HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PiTENT.STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER, ■THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. 'Boilers and Water Backs, Parlor and other Grates, Registers and Ventilators, Backs and. Jambs, and all things connected wiilfthe above branch of business.... ; : JAMBS P. wood/ „ No. 41 South FOURTH street. B. M. FELTVvELL, Superintendent; . . •ap29-ly Papur patterns of the LATEST FASHION, Wholesale and Retail. ' New Spring and .Summer Cloaks, Sleeves. Waists,‘and Children’s ready at Mrs: M A. BINDER’S Temple of Fashion, No. 1023 CHKSTNUT Street. Also, Dress and Mantilla Making in all its branches. Madame Demorest’a Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon Ton.. .. • . -- ap29-3m T ij b n e B’S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, 80S CHESTNUT STREET. 808 . CARTES BE .VISITB. PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES,. Taken in the highest style of the art, at very Lo w- Prices,. Especial attention paid to copying Daguerreotype* into Photographs, from the smallest to the large impe nerial size ** * CARTES DB VISITBS AND ; PHOTOGRAPHS Colored by the heft artist in the city. Skylight on the first floor.* . ; . Don’t forget the name and number. ' TURNER, . SOS-QHESTJiITX BT«BUX“W9, ap»-Qt* THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1863. Q O U P O N S, U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES, OK TWENTY-YEAR SIX-PER-CENT. BOND 3, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE 'GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium ox gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on band. JAY OOOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114: SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July Ist, 1063, the privilege of convert ing the present issue of . LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called “Five-Twenties”) will cease. All who wish to; invest in the Five-Twenty Loan, must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY OOOKE, Subscription Agont, ' mM-tiyl • 11A Sonth THIRD Street. Phil ad A STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. 8. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, Dought and sold on Commission. Business Paper ana Loans on Collateral lowest rates. •'-••• UNITED STATES 6-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to snifc. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter A Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq.,- John-B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq, , Fumess,Brinley.&Co.» John Thomas, Esq. * . ... •■■■■■; apl-3m if gDW A B D M . DAVIS, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, jfejv WATCHES, ; JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, ladies; sizes, of new styles. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. 918 92 4,846 67 4,894 19 121 87 2,000 00 ; $50,U6 48 . 19,370 00 . 21,509 91 . 9,942 91 . '7,374 47 . 1,082 87 . 70,265 00 $179,662 64 tldwln, Vico Pre- LACKTBURNE, Secretary. fINANUIAL. FIRST MAY, FI VE-TW K.N TY 80.ND.3 BOUGHT. „DREXEL & CO. ap2& 51 g HARYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT STREET. STOCK AND. EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 38 South THIRD Street, (up etalrs.) , A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. gtocka and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold . Special Collections made: Coin and Cur rency .Bought. interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m JOHN C. OAPP & SON, No. 33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank.. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD -ON COMMISSION. iff THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-8m ON THE BEST TEEMS. MILITARY GOODS. Q.OVEKNMENT GOODS. ' Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIBKHAM, & CO., No. 230 CHESTNUT STKEET. KlbiU 3m Q W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANSOM-STEEET HALL, MANUFACTUKERS OP JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY HOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. lal3-U6m ... COMMISSIOE HOUSES. GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEtdHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. ' BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHTNGIIAM & WELLS. WATCHES ANT) JEWELRY. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. : PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by . D . T . PR ATT, ap3 tf 607 CHESTNUT-STREET. rfSfc J. O. FULLEK, £6* .. importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Ho. 713 CHESTNUT Street; (Up-stairs,-opposite Masonic Temple). . . Has now ouen a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. ' EMBRACING . AMERICAN AND SW IBS WATCHES. ______ B. HOWARD & CO.’S FINE AMERICAN-WATCHES. GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES. ■AND FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. : felS-3m ■■■■■■ JE& FI N E WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every’ watch warranted for one year.;- • . - . -G. RUSSELL, ja2s-6m J4SJ North SIXTH Street. J C- FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, TOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. fel3-3m J’INE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL. J. O. FULLER, mhl3-2m No. Tl 3 CHESTNUT Street. yULOANITE RINGS. A full assortment, all .sizes and styles. . J. O. FULLER, No. 713. CHESTNUT. Street. : ; fel3-3m ■yULGANITB JEWELRY.—JUST; RE- T ceived, a handsome assortment ofCliatelaih and Vest Chains, Pins, Pencils, Ac., and'for sale at very low: prices. v G RUSSELL, ap'2s-if- . 33 North SIXTH Street. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, playing from 1 to 12 times, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR A BROTHER, Importers, ap4 334 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. V T OST.—A LETTER WAS MAILED ■AJ 'in New York, on'the 23d instant, by LOUIS LEH MAIER & CO., addressed to the undersigned, enclosing his note, payable to their order, for $203.18, due June 12, 1863. -Said letter has .not been 1 received,and the note having been prepaid April 23d, all persons ate cautioned against negotiating the same ehould it be offered. - . ap3o-3t» if2t of it W, FRASER, 346 MARKET St. onO DOZ: CANS FRESH REACHES, doz. cans Cranberry Sauce, Oysters, Pears, Apple: Sauce, Adams county. Peaches, Cherries, and Blackberries... For sale by ' JAS. W. CAMPBELL, ap3o-6t* - . No. 115 South' WATER Street,. T_> EIMER’S COLORED PHOTO- J-V GRAPHS for $1 have a reputation of many years’ standing. They suffer no diminution in patronage, at tractiveness or merit. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. ; ■ - ,y, It TYORYTYPES:— ONE OF THE MOST A attractive features of REIMER’S Gallery is bis splen did specimens of IVORYTYPES.. If you wish an ex quisite Picture, secure one at SECOND Street, above Green.' ;■••• .■ - • ■ ,it PORTRAITS, TRUTHFUL IN ALL A . respects of Color, AppearanceVand Expression, are invaluable; such in truth are REIHER’S Life-size PHO TOGRAPHS in Oil Colors. SECOND Street, above Green. It INTERNAL REVENUE. FARMERS 1 A AND MECHANICS’ BANK BUILDING, No. 43T CHESTNUT Street. • - : v; Office, op Assessor, . ' - Philadelphia, April 26th, 1863. NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN to all persons doing, business in the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRIC P who have-been or may be Assessed INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, that the notices granting TEN DATS ;for APPEALS must be re sponded to within the time named, as I have uo power to give allowances after the return has been made to the Collector; After the expiration of the Ten Days, the amount of the assessment must be paid, and the Appeal,: if any, must be made to the COMMISSIONER at. Was hington- D. IV SOUTH WORT 11, ap27-6t : r ; .Assessor. .; TNTBBNAL REVENUE, FARMERS’ j- AND MECHANICS’'BASK BUILDING, No. 437 CHESTNUT Street. " ■? . ■ ' •• ‘ . ;■ Office op Assessor, • . - J?niLADELPHiA, April 25, 1863. ■ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ito all MANUFACTU RERS in theFOURTH'COLLECTION.-DISTRICr, that the Internal-Re venue Laws of-the United States r-quire the return of- THEIR ENTIRE whether for THEIR OWN USE OR CONSUMPTION or for sale ; The question of exemptions to be determined by the Assessor, in conformity with the law Their returns must be made prior to the ELEVENTH DAY, of each and every month. ap27-6t D. P. SOUTH WORTH. Assessor. Tuo ke r>s PATENT SPRING BED, ; Patented July 3,1855.. : Universally acknowledged ;for Neatness, Comfort, ana Durability to be the Standard Spring Bed. • ’ Theaboveure manufactured'an" for sa’e by --m : -•••' HIRAM TUCKER, = - mh2s*3ia No. 2 BBVEBE Block, Boston, Mass, OLOAKS AMP. mantles. BRAIDED. CLOAKS. PLAIN CLOAKS. ORDERED CLOAKS. SILK MANTLES. AMERICAN CLOAKINGS. FRENCH CLOAKINGS. FINE CASEIMERES. DRESS GOODS. BOVS’ FINE CLOTHING. COOPER & OONARD. »pSO-tf 8. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Ste. gPRING SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. ' LARGE PURCHASES, AT THE late: AUCTION 8 ALES, IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Enable us to offer . . SOLID COLORS, . SMALL CHECKS, FAMCY PLAIDS, BROCADES, MOIRE ANTIQUES . - and neat FIGURE BLACKS, BLACK GKO DE RIIINES, BLACK GRO GRAINS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN RTODDART & BROTHER, 450,453, and 454 N. SECOND Street, at. WILLOW. ■ ' • ap3o-4t: E \V PARIS CLOAKS LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. ap2B-lm - ~ • Philadelphia. A UCTION AND OTHER BARGAINS. Lupins, 6-4 Black Wool Delaines, . Fine Black .Alpacas uoder price. Double fold French Mozambiaues, 37>£ cents. Poil-de-Chevres, at old prices.: . Double fold children’s plaids, cents. - Graue Plaids and Stripes. . Drab, Slate, Cuir, and other shades Alpacas, Three lots mode Alpacas, 31, 37, and 55 cents, ex -tra cheap, Travelling dres* goods. Cheap lot tavellas, 13 cents. Shepherd’s Plaids, line quality, 31 cents. . Beet English and American prints. Ladies’Cloaking Clotha—mammoth stock. Fine Cassimefes—assortment unrivalled. Muslins and Linens—prices are right. Bargains infringed Ruck Towels, 19 cents. Boney Comb 11-4 Bates Quilts. Fine Flannels, whites, reds. Grays. Good and low-priced Hoop Skirts. COOFKR & CONARD, ap3Qtf ' S. E. corner.NINTH and MARKET Streets. pHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, Mattings, Oil Cloths, and Window Shades.—V. E. ARCHaMBaULT. northeast corner ELEVENTH . and MARKET Streets, will open THIS MORNING, from Auc tion, -Ingrain carpets at 45, 60, 62, 76,87 c, and $l. Entry and Stair Carpet's 25 to 87c. .White and red check Mat ting 31 and 37c. . Bag, Hemp, and Yarn Carpet* 31 to 50c. F o6r Oil Cl jths 45 ;to 75c, Window Shades. Gold and Velvet Borders, 75c to $2. Buff and Green Window Hol land 31 to 50c. k New York City Mills Long Cloih Muslin at 25c. Fine Shirting Muslins 12)£, 16, 18, and 20c. New Spring Chintzes 18 and 20c. Spring De Laine* 2oc. Light AL tacas 31 to 62c. Stella Shawls $2 to $lO. Cloth Saques sto $B. : - . . : ap2s-statatf T IGBT CLOTHS FOR LADIES’ •Li CIRCULARS, SACQUES, ic. : , ■ . French Batiste Clotb, light colors. English and Frenrh Meltons, all-wool, light colors. Glenhim Trico's, light colors. Middlesex Cloths, light colors. Dexter Mills and fiaulsbury Cloths. • Ret 1. Water-Proof Cloakings. All Of which are for sale at reduced prices. . Cloth Circnlarsreadv-made. ' > Cloth Sacques readv-xnadr.. - Real Water-Pi'oof CloaVs. v; ; N. B.—Cloaks made to order. . . t ' EDWIN HALL & CO., ap29 ' ; No. 536 South SECOND Strew. ■ORENOH PKBOALB BONG CLOTH, • yards wide, for skirtsi received from the mar shal’s sale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda; a real bargain. SDEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ' • ap2B-12tif ; XOQB CHESTNUT Street. WBITHPIQUET AND MARSEILLES T ! . FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR.—Just received from auction a choice assortment of new style medium and fine Piquets at very low prices. SHEPHARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ap2Brl2tif-.;.: IQQB CHESTMUT.Street. •ÜBENCH PERCALE LONG CLOTH, yards wide, for SKlRTS,received from theMar shal*B eale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda: A rea SHEPARD; VAN HARLINGEN, : & ARRISON, ‘ ap2s-12trp~ ~ v •• 1008 CHESTNUT Street. WHITE ‘ PIQ U E T AND MAR ■ »T SEILLES, FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR.. k ... 1 Just received-from Auction, a choice assortment of new style, medium, and fine Piquets, at very low. prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ap2s-}2trr> tOQHOHBSTNUT street. GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET. JOHN 0. -ARRISON; (FOXMBBLY J. BURR MOOKE.) - MANUFACTURER OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT. These SHIRTS are cut by measurement, so that all the paris exactly fit each other. They surpass all other Shirts- for neatness of fit on the breast, comfort in the neck, and ease on the shoulder. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTIED, . apS-6m JOHN KELLY, JR., HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET. • Where he presents to former patrons and the public the advantages of a STOCK OF GOODS, equal if not su perior, to any in the city—the skill and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lower than any other first-class esta blishment of the city. : - ■ , apl-tf T>LACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, J-V -At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At .704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PaNTS, $5. 60. . At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street GRIGG A- VAN GUNTEN’S, • No. 704 MARKET Street GRIGG A VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street GRIGG A VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street GRIGG A VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG A VAN.GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street mh22>6m CICILY LICORICE, GEN.— SMALL & STICK' , Caraway Seed. Gum Arabic. Trieste Vermillion. • Powdered Blue for Potters’use. Mineral Water Corks, short. Bottle Corks, assorted. . - Madder, Dutch Prime. Oil Bergamot. ' Colchicuin Seed. . • . Oil Origanum, Pure. Gum, Kino. ‘ - Cape Aloes. -; Pink Root. V Olive Oil, quart bottles, in Store, and for salo by GILBERT ROYAL'A Co., • Wholesale Druggists, ap23-lm* Nos. 309 and 311 North THIRD Street. gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MAD 818 A. Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES* fe» CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Strata. QECOND-H AND BULKS AND OTHER £7 -WINDOWS, Doors, Sash, Store Fixtures, Marble Mantels and Sills, &c., for sale at tlie Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson Street. Cash paid for all such articles. . ap23 lin* " NATHAN W.-ELLIS. GOLD. SILVER. AND LIGHT BLUE STEEL SPECTACLES, to suit all ages, cheap, cor. SECOND- and NEW Streets. J FRIES., apK-lmf., RETAIL DRY GOODS. MANTILLAS, NOW OPEN, AT THE- 930 CHESTNUT STREET. CHE AP DRY GOODS. GUOTHING. Fine Clothing, > Made up early, for Spring and Summer Sales, now ready, WAMIAKKK k BROWN, “OAK lIALL,” S. E. cor. 6th. & Market. DESIRABLE PROPERTY po* INVESTMENT. BRICKS SAKE TO ADVANCE. TAILOR, EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 143 South THIRD Street, SEW PUBUOATIOWS. »»' O G B E. MAKE YOUl; PURCHASES OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES, §-c., ORIGINAL GIFT - BOOK EMPORIUM; CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE TITF, NEW'. POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA: .. "V EV BOOKS, Just received by J. B. J,fPPrN r OOTT & CCk, _ 715 and 717 WAkKET Street. SOUTHERN HISTORY Of THE WAR. By Edward A. Gallard. THE DESERT PATHWAY. By Rev W. Robertson. MY SOUIHERN FRIENDS By Edmund Kirke. SONAR'S FAMILY SIRMONS. THE “1 WILLS” OF THE PSALMS. By Power. ANNUAL OF: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR KINGLAKE’S INVASION OF THE CRIMEA A FIRST FRIENDSHIP, A TAe. MYSTERIES OF LIFE, DEATH, AND FUTURITY By Horace Welby. A MANUAL OF MINOR SURGERY'. By Dr- Packard . ROEMER’S HISTORY OF CAVALRY; Its Manage ment, &e. THE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OF AME RICA. By Fearlne Burr. . ap3o-tf TVTEW MUSIC! 1-JUST PUBLISHED, at.LEE & W/iLKEE’S, *23 CHESTNUT Street. 1 remember the Hour when Sadly we Parted”—a reply to •When this Cruel Waris O’er” song, with Chorus by B. 1. Walters, 23 .cents.' The immense popularity of . VV eepinff, Fad,-and Lonely” has sighted'the above reply, which for sentiment, both in words and music, is unsurpassed Sent by mail free, on receipt of the price. ; LEB & WALTvSR, *22 CBEStnup street. Ofi CENTS TO $45. —GET THE BEST &tJ AT THE LOWEST PRICES' - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CARO PHOTOGRAPHS, and ■ Caßo frames. Tbe LARGEST BEST ASbORTMENT, and LOWEST PRICES TO BE POUND IN THE CITY. Onr Albums are selected as to STYLE, FINISH, CO LOR, and DURABILITY. Our prices are for Albums holding 100 pictures, from $4 00 to $15.00 “ “ 80 ** " 350t012 00 S.OOto 10 00 " 2.00 to 10.00 “ 1.75 to .8.00 “ 1.50 to 6.(0 80 to 3.00 1.25 to 500 25 to 1. CO “ .60 “ “• 40 “ 11 30 “ 12 *• CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of distinguished persons, by the.beat; artists in the country, comprising a fall assort ment-under the following head*: Array, Musio, Di vines, Statesmen, Foreign Celebrities, Navy, Drama, Ar tists, Literature, Works of Art. Call and get one of our List of Pictures. Any. Card Photograph published in the-United States sent by mail on receipt of 16 cents. Frames for Card Pictures, a beautifai assortment, at prices from 5-cents $5. G. W. PITCHER’S New Book Store, No. 808 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the Continental hotel, just above BIGHTS Street. o ar>2s tf • ’EQBI REMEMBER THE NUMBER. f^808! APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN •»" CYCLOPEDIA. NOW COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. PBICF.B. Cloth, peryol... $3,601 Half - 4.00 { Halfßu3sia 5.00 . Sold to subscribers complete, or in instalments of one or two volumes per month. Can any intelligent American deny himself this great American digest of all human knowledge, universally pronounced the best Cyclopedia and the most valuable work pvpt pn blinked ? • OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN AND ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, ' 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ALSO, Putnam's Rebellion Record, Irving’a Works, &c., &c. • . • • : •/ ■ fe2B-stutli3m WEBSTER’S IMPERIL OCTAVO *» . DICTIONARY, containing all the words of the Quarto Edition. WEBSTER’S PICTORIAL Unabridged Quarto Dic tionary. fe WORCESTER’S QUARTO DICTIONARY, Unabridged, with Illustrations. ADLER’S GERMAN DICTIONARY. SPECIS'ANI) LURENNE’S FRENCH DICTIONARY. FLOaNE’S SPANISH DICTIONARY. All the Standard Dictionaries for sale by LINDSAY-& BLAKISTON, ’ . Publishers and Booksellers, ap29tf a 5 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. A STBONOMY OF THE BIBLE, BY Gen. 0. Ml Mitchell. $1.25. RESULTS OF SLAVERY. By A. Cochin. $1.60. MADGY ; or. Night and Morning. $1 25. THE IRON FURNACE ; or, Slavery and Secession. 1 thrilling Work. $l. EVERY*LAY PHILOSOPHY, in Town and Country. >1.60. '* GOLD MONEY AND PAPER MONEY. 25cents. 1 For sale by WILLIAM S.. & ALFRED IViARTIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Street, JJAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, T 34: CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Rooks usually to be had in & FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PBIOES. fafi-tf : • . MEDICAL. rpo THE EDITOR OF THE NEW I YORK HERALD: - Dear Sir: As I tee many wonderful testimonials in in. favor of Dr SCHENCR’S Medicines, I •wish yon to insert the following statement. -Althoughit has been several years since I was cured of Consumption, and still remain in good health, I feel it my duty to let the public know all about it : In the first place, I took cold that settled in my back, causing much lameness, ana about a month af er I took _ another cold that settled on my lungs,, and brought on an attack of the pleurisy. The pleurisy, settled in the upper part of my right lung, andform* d an abscess chat, after much pain, broke in about two months, when I discharged in twelve hours about a pint of thick yellow matter. • At this time, I had almost. a constant, fever, with very high pulse and frequent chills, a very sore throat, and discharged large quantities of a tough mucus substance. I was advised by Dr. Craig, an old physi cian of Rahway, to try SCRENCK’S PULMONIC. SYRUP, He said he had known great benefit to be derived from it. 1 accordingly cpmmenced;taking it. T had a very severe pain under tl e lower part of my ribs, in my lung, and under my shoulder blades, that continued to in ciease. My physician gave me'digitueis and keep down the rapid circulation of the blood. My phy sician, on examination, pronounced my lungs aftected a good deal, and as i continued to get worse all the time, he advised me to go to Newark, and have 'my chest ' thoroughly examined. I accordingly went, and was examined by Doctors Smith and Dougherty, who, aftej a thorough examination, told me there were a number of .ulcers forming in the lower-part and at the back of the lung, but Where the abscess was it appeared to be healing. On asking what theyfchouffht or iuy prospects of getting well, they said 1 when, the ulcers came to break, if my strength was not too much exhausted, Nature might possibly throw off the disease, . and I might recover. (Doctors never like to extinguish the last ray of hope ) They prescribed digitates and squills (the same as I had been taking, with some other thingsldid not try.) Thiswasabout the firstof July. 1 had at this time taken four bottles of Syrup. I still continued to get worse, »nd after taking six bottles, and finding I got no better, I' concluded it was doing'me no good, and I might as well stop taking it, when I soon began to get worse faster than ever. The fever in .. creased, night sweats came on, my cough got tight, my .feet' and ankles swelled, my throat ulcerated, aud the pain'in my side increased, and I soon gave up all ex . pectation of ever being any better in this world. After taking no Syrup for four weeks, and ; when I was so weak that it was with-difficulty! could get no when 1 was sitting down, arid could not walk without help, to see if 1 could get any relief from the pain I suffered, aurt' with no expectation of getting well, I again commenced witli the byrnp, when I soon regained my appetite, aud by tho lime I had taken two bottles, my cough became free, and I raided freely. The ulcers began to break, and the , air passed more freely into the lnug, and I began to feel better; and then', to see what would be the effect, I took no Syrup for a week, when my appetite again left me, and I began to get worse again. Finding ic? was the. Syrup that helped me, I took to it in earnest, and' soon began to get better.; The ulcers kept breaking, one'after another, until several had discharged and I could feel the air pass more freely into the lung- and with less pair. Tha-gave new life to me. .aud, contrary to the " expectation-of every one,T began to get better very fast. 1 was always perfectly resigned, to the will of God, but I never despaired or gave up, but used all the exercise my.strength wonld allow, and in about forty days from - the Ist of September 1 had gained twenty-five pounds of flesh. My throat, that bad been ulcerated several times, got belter, and 1 would raise, from mv lungs matter, mixed with blood, until it grp do ally stoppad. After 'using eighteen bottles, I appeared to be almost well, but unfortunately taking cold, I was obliged to continue the Syrup until 1 had taken twenty-five bottles. I-believe • at the present time my lungs are entirely healed iip. be a part of my right lung gone; my . right breast has shrunk in, and is smaller than the left. I feel as well at the present time as I ever did, but am not as strong. - v • Dr. Sehenck- is personally unknown to me, but I shall always feel a lively gratitude to him; for it is with the blessing of dod and the use of his Pulmonic Syrup I am ' now aliTe. . HENRY E. ftIUNPY... The undersigned resident of Rahway hereby certifies that I am well acquainted-with Henry E. Muiuly; that I visited imn during his illness last summer, and believe him to have been m the hist stages of consumption, and know his statements to be true. , . DAVID S. CRaiG, M. D. . ' Rahway, April IP, 3563. We, the undersigned residents ol Rahway." five well acquainted with Henry £. Mnndy and Dr. David S. Craig. We well remember the sicsnoss of the former, and that his recovery was an astonishment to all. - David Coriell, : ;A. B. Brown, Theodore W. Coriell, , X). F. tides, Druggist, John V. Mass, ; - ; Almeth White, John J. High, A. C Watson, Druggist, Randolph Be Camp, IvaF. Clawson, Lewis 3. 3 unyon, ' Lewis-T. Hoff, CR; J. H. SCBESCK, Can he found at his PKIN CIPAL^OFEICE, No. 39 Wortli SIXTH - Street, ’Philadelphia. ■ EVJ3HY , * For consultation and advice. . , ' Price of:llie PULMONIC SYRUP AND SEA WEED, TONIC, each $1 per bottle, 0r.85 the Jhaif dozen.". MAN DP.i.KE 2*s CC.uts per.boxj For sale by all' drug gists and aCftlci ! # V ; . It nRAI HAIR RESTORED. VJ BALDNESS PREVENTSD. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING. The • ' most safe - ■ and reliable ar- • ' • ’’ ticleeverdiscovered for the growth and pre servation ofthe human hair, ! preventing gray hair, and resto ring its pristine beauty and color. - Also removing any eruptive diseases, - Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c.- Many-who ' were bald and gray have had t h eir hairrestored . by the use of the Lokjdon Hair Color Kestorer. Its extraordinary influence in restoring gray hair to its original lile-like appearance is truly wonder ful It does not require any preparation be« 7 fore or after its use. keeps tho hair soft, smooth and flexible, and is certainly an indisjpensable article in every - toilet. All who wish to have a beautiful and glossy head of hair, in luxurious ' • growth to' the latest ••• period of life, 5 . - . must use ‘ : -- •' ■ •: * ' the- / 77 ••• 7 ■ ; LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. . . As a beautifier it is unsurpassed. ; LONDON HAlll COLOR RES TORER,-^ Will make the hair grow ou bald heads. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, Will fasten it; and stop its falliug. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. v . Gives the hair a rich and flossy appearance. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESIORER. . Excites the scalp,'cleanses anffiuvieorates. • LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, No ladv or gentleman should be without it. r : • HAIR COLOR RESTORER, - : Hisrhlv perfumed, does not soil hat or bonnet. LONDON HAiK COLOR RESTORER; - Only 50 cents a bottle; six bottles for $2 60. HAIR COLOR RESTORER, The only attested article that will absolutely restore the hair to its original color aud beauty, causing it to grow wh ere it has fallen off or become thin. Soid^holeaale -dretail & ar>3o No. 33’i N. SIXTH Stieet, above Vine. Phila. ; REDEMPTION OF STATE LOANS.— AVpUBLICNOTICEishereby given that on the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1563, the following public loan, issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be redeemed at the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, in the 1 city of Philadelphia,viz.: ; r' • 1 "• Five per cent, loan, act of March 28, 1831.... ... .$77,900 Ahdon the FIRST DAY of AUGUST, 1863. the follow ing loans will also be redeemed at', the Bank aforesaid: Five per cent, loan; act of Decern her 18.1828,. 749 81 “ ' 44 “ “ Ma;ch 30, 1811..... v 253,077 08 And the holders of the said' loans are hereby notified to present their certificates for rederaption at said times aud place; and that the interest on. said loans wiU : cease and determine from and after the said first days of July and August, 1563. V 7 hLI SLIFER, ) Commissioners THOSV E. COCHRAN, ? .ofthe; . BERRY D. MOORE. S Sinking Fund. ap23-ihmSt '• r ; AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, it RIHOWALT & BROWN’S. 11l S. FOURTH St. BOSTON AUCTION SALE, T>y JOHN H. OSGOOD Sc SON, J-> OFFICEJ.4T CONGRESS street, Boston. LARGE SALE OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. ON AC COUNT OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES QUARTERMASTER. AT BOS TON. sold by Public Auction, in lots to suit purchasers, to the highest.bidder, ON THURSDAY, May 14th, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M., 23,901 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), viz; 17,201 Black Tricot, Doeskin. Beaver, and Satinet. 1,000 Gray Satinet. 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet. All i£ perfect order' well packed in cases,and ready for shinnent, - - The gocds can be examined.on the day-previous to the sale. ■ . Tunxs, cash. WK, W. McKLVf, Captain, and A. Q M. Assistant Qaartermaster’s Office, ) Boston, April 27, 1563 5 -apTMtt V* ANTs. WANTED—ASITUATIONT AS BOOK -•** : KEEPER or Assistant, in a Wholesale House, by one who has had some, experience. Reference given. Address “ Industry, 11 Press Office. It* A PAKTNER IN AN OLD ESTA -£*-bliehed and profitable manufacturing business ia desirous, in consequence of ill-health, to dispose of his interest. A person with $15,000, to $20,000, would find this a very favorable opoortunity to make a safe invest* ment. For furtherparticnlars, apply to ROBT. MAC GREGOR, ap2s-tf 333 South THIRD Street. MW A IS TED FOE THE SUMMER—A House at or near G erm antown. One furnished and with stable attached preferred. Address Box No. 2056 Philadelphia Post Office. • ap2s-6t* M WANTED AT A MODERATES rent, a neat DWELLING; containing eight or nine rot-ms, with ga« and bath, in a respectable neighbor* hood, within 20 minutes’ walk of the State House. Ad dress, stating terms. * ‘R. F., ” office of The Press. Capl7-tf DEPUTY QUAETERMASTEB GENERAL’S- OFFlCE.— Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 1563. . VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL U the following points: . Tortuga®. Key west, Fla. Fort Monroe,Va. Alexandria, va. Newbem, N.C. Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD, felfi-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, ; FOR SALE AND TO LET. M PEREMPTORY SALE OF A VERY DESIRABLE COUHTEY RESIDENCE.-Tie sub scriber will positively sell, at public sale, oh toe pre mises, on Tilth Day (THURSDAY), the 14cb of May, 1863, at 3 o’clock, his RESIDENCE, containing. 6 Acres and 145 Perches, si uate in BENSALEM TO WNSHIP, Bucks cctfntyy Penna., within five minutes' walk of Schenck’s station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road. The Dwelling is substantially built, with all the necesshry out-buildings. An abundance of Shade and Fruit Trees. For particulars, applv to or address W. H. PAXON, Bridgewater Post Offi.ce, ap3o-12t* , : But ks county, Pa. m FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA MBIIbIe property on FILBERT street. Lot 72x106, to Cuthbert street. The dwelling is a fine residence, with every modern convenience. Apply 1217 FILBERT street, : ap3Q-2t* ® TO LET—LARGE STORE, WAL NUT, above Fifth Large Eonr-story Building on Adelphi street, above Fifth, rear of. 624 Walnut street. Stoi e west side of Broad street,below Walnut, formerly a provision store! Apply to J. H. EDWARDS, ap3o-6t* 330 Pouth FOURTH Street. AEO H STR E ET —FOE SA LE, Juifl. the three-story HOUSE No. 1/5158 ARCH Street, with three-story back-buildings,-finished with alt the modern conveniences; the lot 23 feet front,by 173 feet deep to Cnthbert street; the yard laid out with Shrub bery and Grape Vines. Apply at No. 61»5 CHESTNUT Street. ap29-7t* T 0 BENT—A PLEASANT FARM ZmlL. and Country Seat, of about 40 acres, seven miles from the city, on ibe Township Line Road; large, mo dern-built Mansion Home, two sma'l Houses, Barn, &c., &c. Apply to B. HOOLEY & SON, ap29-4t* No. Stitt Market street. m VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY ■&FOR SALE—MATILDA FURNACES AND ORE BANKS —This, property is situ'ated on tbe Juniata river, in Mifllin and.. Huntingdon counties, Pa., within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail-* road. The Juniata Canal aad Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It e mbraces about twenty seven hundred acres of laud, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, in a high state of cultiva tion; tbe balance is good timber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnaces. The improvements are a good substantial furnace, stack, steam engine, iron blowing cylinders, &c., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property ah extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geological series, with that at Danville aDd Bloomsburg. This ore can be . mined and delivered at the furnacet for about oue dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on tliig> property. The extensive coalfields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite; In addition to the charcoal, the. buildings for tliefurnace and farm are arap’e, substantial, and in good repair, fbe property will be sold a bargain, and on easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RrGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lan-aster county. Pa. P. S —For quantity and quality of the ore, see Prof. LeEslie’s Report on same. ap2S-lm* M FOB SALE OR TO LET —a STONE BOUSE, well-located, with modern Im provements, ou Chestnut Bill. Appijrto SAMUEL* H. AUSTIN, ap2Sdt* -189 South SEVENTH Street. JB A MAGNIFICENT HOTEL TO !i*I.RENT, Hostessing every convenience adapted for a first-class Bouse, and will be ready for occupation,, within a few days. Itwill be known a? tbe INTERNA TIONAL. Apply to OHARLES L. BENNETT, on the premises, SECOND Street, •UoLr,«g—g T .,.«oa axi2S-tf m FOB SALE—T HE * STORE AND Mi Dwelling N. W. corner Sixteenth , and Summer streets. Has a large front on each street; the DWEL LING suitable-for a Boarding House ' Apply toW&f. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTHand WALNUT, second floor. ~ . a023-3t* M gbrmantovtst property for SALE:—Two handsome 3-story stone Cottages, having all the modern conveniences, on Queen st., near Main. Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. ap2S-3t* MFOE SALE— a VERY DESIRABLE Residence, with side yard attached, on Eighteenth street,' above Arch. Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. cor. FOURTHand WALNUT, second floor. ap2B-3t* Jfe FOR SALE. OR WOULD BE EX -3 FOB. CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate in New Britain T ownship,- Bucks county, Pa., three miles from Doylestowa, and one and a half from New Britain Station, on the Doylestown. Railroad, containing 65 acres, six ofwhich is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient fields, well watered, good building, fruit. &c. Inquire at 104 North SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. mh7-2m* M FOR SALE—THE OLD AND well-known Grocery Stand, northwest corner SE COND and NOBLE Streets, with the three-story dwell ing adjoining on Noble street. Will be sold on accom modating terms, to close an-estate. Apply to W. M. PARHAM,SI North THIRD Street. ..... aplS-stath6t* fj* FOR SALE—A FOUESTORY -Ma. HOUSE, No. 55015 ARCH Street, with Double Three story Back Buildings, finished in the best manner; twenty feet front and one hundred and forty feet deep to a thirty-four-feet street. . Inquire on the premises. . . . . ap2s-12t* r PO LUMBER DEALERS. A To parties wishing to purchase the . ‘ \ . STOCK AND TRADE .. . 'of one of the largest and best established LUMBER YARDS : . in the City of Washington, D. C., an opportunity is now offered, such as seldom occurs. For many years tnis yard has commanded a large and lucrative trade, which, with properly directed energies, may be greatly increased/ In connection wita this yard is a BEARDSLEB PATENT PLANING MACHINE AND MATCHER, ' which turns out work superior to any. other in the city. The entire business, at present, is conducted upon a cash basis, and the present season op,ens with a fair pro* spect of a heavy trade.' •-•- For further information, apply upon the prem’ses, to LEONIDAS COYLE, Surviving Partner of COYLE BROTHERS, ’ Corner of CANAL and FOURTEENTH'Streets, ; p3O-12t Washington City, D. C. X’OE SALE— G'BOI OB MAIN A AVENUE LOTS- in. improved; portions.of MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY;-' Inquii\e.6*3.MAßKET Street, second story. I _ apljKtjietafit* 'J’O BENT ! TQ RENT !:'i?'e>^NT! Large store.’cellar and upper, rooms, NO. 5*4 WALNUT-STREST: : Large building, suitable for a.factcry, - - on Adelphi Street.- Crear of No. 524 Wulnut street.) Large Hall, second story,- Broad Street, below Walnut. Large BUILDING, Broadand Fiue streets. STORE on Broad Street, below Walnut. Third-story Front ROOM, N. £. comer of Chestnut and Eighth streets. Apply to • J. H. EDWARDS, ap24-6t* *3O South FOURTH Street. OOO AND §5,000 TO LOAN, AT nPH'*g p e j_* cent..6ll Mortgage. "By AN THONY P. Sl J.*H. MORRIS, No. 91G ARCH St, [ap3o-3t* <sin non -and §5,000 to invkst MORTGAGE for a term of yeirs, at 5 per cent. Applv to ALFRED FITLER, Convey •ancf-r. No. 51 N'wtn SIXTH - Street- - an24-6«.* BOARDING. Board,— haSdsome cbuivrum C.ATING Jtyojas ftt l^Q f .1315 W“4£NUT- Street, „ ap3o-6',*if WANTE D- B OARDING—BY A small family without children, at Chestnut Hill 'or.Germantown, convenient to the railroads, and where there are no other hoarders, if possible. Address Box 765, Philadelphia P. O. ; a*p2B-3t* PLEASANT booms, with board, A for married or, single gents. TOft South "WASH INGTON SQUARE. \ ap24 fit*. QOBEDULE OF FRIGES AGREED k? UPON BY THE ICE'.DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, April 27, 1863: 81hs.'per day............... 7octs. perweek. 12 “ 44 ................. 90 44 ' . 16 “ 44 105 14 4 20 44 44 .....120 “ Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs., at the rate of 75 cts. per 100 lbs. v, ■_ , -■ 100 lbs. and upwards. 76 cts. per hundred. ap2l-lm*if JCEI ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE] COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, &c., Ac., supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE, at the very lowest market rates. iXeater* and large consumers .supplied at wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Tweuty-foui*th Ward. THOS. E CAHILL, f 385 WALNUT Street. nffl„oB : . J North ; Peana. R. & Master street, unices . \ Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets, ap3-Smif* ‘ (.Pine-street wharf. Schuylkill- COAL, DI AMO ND, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, and LEHIGH COMPANY’S COAL. Wholesale and retail. ,T. M. ROMMEL, . 959 DELAWARE Avenue. ■»pS5-6t* ■ '. First wharf belosv Laurel. TMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.— To be sold to close up a business— r 600 tons Egg Coal, at $5.25 per ton. , 1,000 ll Stove “ at|s.|js‘ .. . v - NINTH Street.' (Wesfside,! third Coal YariLabove Poplar. . ■ pOAL. —SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER '^ , MeadoiT. : and Spring' Mountain .Lehigh Coal, and Locnst Monntam from bchaylkill; - prepared ex m*e«ssl v for family use. Depot, N W. corner.of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets; Office, No 113 South SECOND Street [ap-J-ly] , J: WALTON & CO. PHILADELPHIA PHREN'OLOGI- CABINET AND BOOK STORE.—Examiua-. ytjrtions, with written or verbal descriptions*of Cha- Z_/\ racier. Social Disposition, Professional Talent,-. .Business Qualification, &c., are made day and evening. All the publications of & J-vells, wholesale and retail. •—= “ - L.- CAPEN, _ - ap7tn.tW.3imf--;.- ■ , Qga OffESTNUT Street. ... > WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, PHUHUir, ; UNDERTAKERS .. Has removed from Ms former residence to No. -*4 JSoriU ELEVENTH: Street, third house below Arch, , wwt mb.dl-.unii AUCTION SAEE. fJaj, BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. ADCTION SALE OF HOKSES, CARRIAGES. &c. T „ , on Saturday morning, »tio o'clock, included in catalogue wil 1 be fnn hd about Par ti cu, alB a l Sal F a° ETTHOESES - . 1 ALSO. of desirable new and second-ham! the wm Ha ™e;s, Saddles, &c., with which tne ( sale will commence, including superior light Watson Charioteer Ooach, as good A Mail Phjeton, by Watson. ' Wo po-tponemeut on account of weather Mar" Carnages and Harness at private aala * -2t if ALFHEP M HB&KNESS. Auctioneer. AMU SJ3M JEMTS. ]\TEW. OHESTNUT-STKEET^THEA- extra announcement; Engagement forpositively SIX NIGHTS ONLY Of the talented fascinating artist, MRS LUCILLE WESTERN, Who, during her recent engagement at this theatre, attracted the . LARGEST AUDIENCES Ever within iis walls. She will appear on . MONDAY EVENING, May 4, • In her thrilling representation of LADY ISABEL AND MADAME-VINE, In the great een?ational play of EAST LYNNE k • Supported by a full and efficient company, embracing all the old favorites, and several artists who have NEVER APPEARED At this theatre: Box Book open for sale of seats for tba initial perform ance on. FRIDAY MORNING; : See future announcements-in Saturday’s papers, ap3o CHESTNUT-STBJSET TKEA.+ TBE. Leasee and Manager. Mr. W. WHRATLSY. POSniVELY THE THREE LAST NIGHTS Of the unexceptlonably tuccessfui engagement of the GREAT TRAGIC ARTtSTE, .... miss Bateman. An extension will be utterly imoossihle, as a series or - FAREWELL PERFORMANCES in this country, already arranged to take place at Niblo’ft Garden, New York, immediately PREVIOUS TO HER DEPARTURE FOR EUROPE, Will preclude it. And it is witb JuBt pride that the Management, in view of its undeniable success, announces for the coming Farewell Evening?*, commencing THURSDAY, April 30tb, 1863,: tbe Novel, Romantic Play, in five acts, by Augustin J. Daly, Esq., entitled ' ' " LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. MISS BATEMAN In her splendid creation of the Jewish maiden, • supported by the entire Company, inclndine Mr. John McCullough, Mr. J. W. L&ne/gan,.Alr. J. G. Barnett, Mr. W. H. Leak, Mr.-Geo. Andrews, Mr. E. Lamb, Mrs. J. H. Allen, Mrs. George Skerretc, Mrs. Grattan, Miss* Wood, and a POWERFUL CHORUS, with'full Orches tra, under the direction of Mr. mark HiSSLER. Saturday. May .2, BENEFIT and last appearance of MISS BATEMAN. . . Tbe Box Book for Secured Seats for the Last three Nights of Miss Bateman’s Kngagement. is now open from -9 o’clock A. M. until 5 P. M. On MONDAY KWNING. May 4th. Miss LUCILLE WESTERN, FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Will appear in her great characters of LADY ISABELLA and MAD. VINE, EAST LYNNE. \TRS. JOHN DBEW'S ABCH-STKEET AJ-l THEATEB. Business Agent and Treasurer........ JOS. D. MTTRPHY. HOUSES CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING. FOURTH NIGHT OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, April 30tb, 1863, Positively last night of the new play, WOMAN; - * WOMAN; OR, LOVE AGAINST THE WORLD. Geraldine D’Arcy, l Wro p u „ Lady Eetitia Mountjoy, ) •••♦••••••Mis. D.*.. Bowers. Bon. Lumly Jones..... Barton Hill. Thonn? Stubbs Frank Drew. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, CAMILLE, by particular reqoest 4S" Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 8 o’clock. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. "* Sole Lessee -Mrs. M. A. GARRETT3ON. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. LAST NIGHT' BUT TWO OF MISS C. THOMPSON. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, April 30, little barefoot. Amrie, Little Barefoot Johannes.; ..... To conclude "with- THAT. BLESSED BABY. Join Thomas. r ......... . ..S: Hernpie. Doors open at 7H ; Curtain will rise at 8 CONCERT, VOCAL AND ” INSTRUMENTAL. over PIETY Performer*. id. charge of Mr. JOHN BOWER. Pianists—Mr. ALEX. BaCBMANN and Master JAMES WILL [AN. at the CHURCH of the NEW TESTAMENT. ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, MONDAY EVENING, May 4th, at 8 o’clock. Tickets at J. E. GOULD’S Music Score, and at the door, 25 cents, ap3Q-4t MUSICAL FOND HALL*. i*A GOTTSCHALK. SECOND AND LAST CONCERT OF THE SEASON. ON THURSDAY EVENING, april 30th, assisted by the yoang and talented Vocalists. ■ . MAD LLE \ IVIER and MRS. HENRIETTA. BEHRENS; Also, by the wonderful BRETTO BROTHERS, Master BERNARD, 11 years of agerVioliniss. Master RICHARD, 7 years of age. Cornet-a-Pistoa. CHARLES SMITH. Violincellist. Conductor —MR. 5. BEHRENS. • Tickets 50 cents; reserved seats 25 cents extra. The Music Stores being closed to-day, scats can b* se cured during the dav and evening at the Musical Fund Hall Doors open at 73£; to commence at 8. PONCERT HALL, \J CHESTNUT STRE3T, ABOVE TWgLFTEL CLOSING ENTERTAINMENTS. POSITIVELY THE LAST THREE CONCERTS, THURSDAY, FRIDaT, and SATURDAY. ALSO, THURSDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. THE : PEAK FAMILY, PEAK-FAMILY-, ; "i? SVICJ3' 1 ■ —-< SWISS BELL RINGERS.- ... BELL RINGERS. - ' Tickets 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents. , . : Children to the Matinees; 10 cents : ap3o-3t* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY ■OP A THE PINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, THE ACADEMY is now closed to prepare for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and will open again on th* 27th instant. ~ ap6-tf T AST WEEK OP MR. CHURCHY L NEW PICTURE, “UNDER NIAGARA.” painted from studies mad* on the “Maid of the Mist, is now on exhibition at Willis P. Hazard’s Bookstore, No. 75141 CHESTNUT St., from 6A.M.t05 P. M. Admission, 2* cents. ■ JOHN McCLURE, , mh3l-lm _ Publisher. fVERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC AXeeBEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOOH. at o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARL SENTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents; Packages of five tickets $L To be had of Andrg k Co., No. 11C4 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. n027-tf INSTITUTION _ FOR THE BLIND.— A EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 3XP. M. Ad mission TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South EIGHTH Street. Ael7-wtf- HAS SLE R’S ORCHESTRA, NEW OFFICE, . SI4 South EIGHTH Street,-below Walnut delO-fta CTEREOSCOPTICONS FOR PUBLIC *3 EXHIBITIONS, in large or small halls, with views, scenes, and representations of fine Statuary, both of Europe and America, incidents, places, and battles of the present Rebellion, Made and for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN\&,CO,, Manufacturing Opticians, 924: CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. -Full priced and illustrated Catalogues sent by mail free. ap3o HOTELS. T>RANDRETH HOUSE, A> Comer of BROADWAY, CANAL, and. LIBPENARB . STREETS. NEW-YORE. CONDUCTED ON TEE EUROPEAN PLAN. The &bo?e Hotel is located in the most c°ntral part of Broadway, and can he reached b\ omnibus or cars, from all the steamboat landings andoualroad depots. . The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them &r% constructed in suits of conimuuinatijysparlors and cham bers, suitable for' families and parlies travelling to gether; Meals served at all hours. .. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from &L to $2.50-per day. • de3-6m JOS. CURTIS k CO. BAILBOAD LINES. = -WEST CHESTER ft AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- g&m ROAD, VIA MEDIA. ' BUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ample accommodations at the fol* lowingplaces onornear the Railroad: • Trains to and from the city five times each. way daily. COUPON AH D SEASON TICKETS-AT LOW RATES. : Near Wallingford Station- Mr. C. W. Thomas, * IN MEDIA,- THE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, THE CHARTER HOUSE. * . Near Jledift, Mr. Peter Worral. Mrs M. A. Worrell, Mrs. Win. Brooke, Mu s Passmore, Gideon Malin, Tho mas Malin. J. Edwards. ' For further information inquire of ALEX AN DER HENDERSON, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA; NearLenni, H Fields ; Dear Glen Riddle; S Levis.l Near Penneltcn, levi Jobson; near Darlington, Joel Sbaip’e??; near Glen Mills. .T. Malin, B. Green; -neat. Cheysey's Shops, Job Scott, Thomas. There are many others neat the above and other sta tions who will take boarders. . - ' _ Baggage,'&c., collected and dedivered by H. ATEX ANDER.'Express Agent, in the DEPOT, northeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets. . ap2S-36t • TTNION TRANSPORTATION GOM- VANY.-We have kOld ind trausferrwl the hnai- PHIA^NB^ASTEIIII^T'IiANSPII^TATIOICCO&II’ANY of and from this date. **" * ■ '' ' , .<• " G. W. CASSI& CO., ProonetorS, . ‘ Uniou Transportation Company, Philadelphia, April 7, 1563. •* \ apIO-tf PHILADELPHIA AND EASTERN* X TRANSPORTATION COMPANY having purchase;! the property, and succeeded to the business, of the Unions TransporiatioD r Company, will continue the same ashere* tofore, via CAMDEN and FORT MONMOTTTH. W. F. GEIFFITTS, Jr. , General Manager GEO. B. McCULLOH, Freight Asent,. 1&8 North WHARVES, C3d wharf above Arch st.) \ RS HBUBMtMJ THE PHI LADE!,. OTvy !■ PHIA AND £ ASTERN TRANS PORTATION COMPANY is now prepared to forward freights _ ' FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW STORK, VIA CAMDEN AND PORT MON3IOUTH. Freights received at THIRD Wharf above ARCH Si The attention of Merchants and Shippers is directed **. new and expeditious route, ana a portion of tneiy patronage is respectfully solicited. W.f. GRIFFITTS, Jr., - General Ma.naf«nr.. f^ 11 *iri Hllliliiiti+ii 1 PHILADELPHIA BeBBP*SBII A NP ELMIRA R. R. LINE. " i«A*V WINTER 1863- For WILLIAMSPORT. SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trams leave npr>ot of Philadelphia and Reading : Railroad,. corner Broad and Callowhill streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. \r daily. Sundays excepted; Quickest. ROUTE; from: Philadelphia to points in. Northern and Western,; Pennsylvania, Western New York, iSic., &c. Baggage checked through to BnSalo. Niagara Falls, or intermediate. Points. - Through Express. Freight Train.for all points above, leaves daily at 6P„ M . For further information apply to - , , JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W r corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-tf FOR NEW YORK. DELAWARE AND RARITAN OA nal. despatch and swiFTSintE lines, . . The steamers of this line are leayiny daiiy at 12 M.,and 5 J-: M. from third pier above WALNUT Street. ' , For freight, winch will taken^on^acGommodatii: g: rornifl annlv to IYM. M. BAIRD &CO., roh26-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenua FOR 'NEW YORK—NW line—via Delaware and- RARITAN CDNAL. • • . Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver in their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. TO P. CLYDE. Agent. No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent. ' cnl-tf Piftr»-14- RTVER. New Y«rh n SADPLI, BARNTESS, AND TRUNK FACTORY ABD WAREEOOMS. 1020 MAKKET STREET. A large assortment of o l7a LADIFS’-AND GENTS’RIDING SADDLES. Tlf>*E THINKS, VA.LISE 5 ?. &c LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Wholesale and ai>2B-lm* .Miss Charlotte Thompson, Mr. Charles Barron.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers