ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TTP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Girard-Chestnut si -JaaGraham, Elkton, Md A G Brady, Philade phm Jt D Barclay, Philadelphia J.K BaCon, New York M J' Bacon. New York M A lieno, Harrisburg *T JMcGarvey, California 3D Ballard, California XN Coolbi'OtlijHollidaysb’g ..1) 8 MacraDce, Pittsburg N Stratton, Millville, N J! .Prof G Chase, Providence 3N P Wilson,Pennsylvania JHrs 80-wen, Providence Alias Bowen. Providence ■S H Lpiig. Lancaster Hw Archer, Maryland -J I) Benton, Wilmington Wilmiugton McCullouali, Princeton -J M Hall, Ponoa ’W-Maiterton, Johnstown T 0 Pomeroy, Harrisburg <? Whitesides, Pittsburg H J Miller, Pittsburg .'Bl Warner, Chicago :.'D L Willinrneou, Chicago M B Peters, Massachusetts Ninth i J J L Day, Eas-ton iSamuel Saylor, Easton .D Kin66y, Cincinnati, 0 'VS Cooke, Sandusky IP Thompson, Phlla ’W A Wheeler, New Y ovk .J L BMHndry, Montreal j’O McNeven Montreal iC E Lester; Washington .A D IJuutcr, Cleveland , .K W MclCeo, New York 'WR’Jaylor, New York jLt P C Ciieeuey & wf, USA >5 II Brown, Pa ..A Hannner, Denver , .Mrs W W.Moore, Now York :P AClemeiuton, England ’Hon A K McClure, Pa B 0 Washburn, Taunton WMulligin. Now York Mist- Merchant, Carlisle JO Cooke, Pnila Thos Gavender, Phila Mrs Waterhouse, New York N Beaudry, ftloutreaL F Tomkins, Virginia ON Tucker, Cleveland, 0 Haloßomingtoa.FaU River Thos W Mulfovd, California B Wood hull, Brooklyn I B Gorman, Bethlehem Cbas A Gladkie, Alexandria E WHale & la; New York DHostetter, Pi'tsburg John A Scott, New York A Thompson & wf,N Jersey A VDu Pont.Louisville, Ky F II Archer, Salem. N J Jos A Thompson, N J Latu Thompson, N J Harry Siddou 0 A Clough, Concord, N H W G Moorhead, Rockwood Miss Dora Mooroead, do R Moore, Baltimore R Campbell, Baltimore D Miller, Baltimore • .Tas MMagraw, Baltimore W H Whlton, Gn jrget'n.DC Walter Magee, New York. G R Wright, New York C C McClay, New York ■Geo W Carr, Prov, R I Robt Mathers, New York CSMiddlebrook, N Y B C Corlies, New York 'Willie A McClure, Pa .JflissG Jones. Stamford, Ct Aliss M Julies, Stamford. Cl PA Small, York, Pa XieiitM McNulty, TJ S N •WH Carroll,’Wash, -D C JB Simmons, Wash. 0 C ■O M Avery, Wash; D C •Gaml A Walch,,New York AlexMegraw W Walker, Kentucky Capt J Polo, Spanish -Navy Alaj J 0 Dorr. USA •. > MrR J C 3’ orr, Boston .J H Wright,‘Louisville, Ky John Low is. A wf, Boston *!T;M Rees, Ohio iE P George, QMo TP Gibbons USA J.G Gilmaj), N Hampshire A CGood & wf, Wheeling A L Parker W McCoy,Wheeling, Va 1 M Schooumaker, Boston 3) D Stevens, New York J JHolgate, New York J M Hiester, Penna ■ G N Messesmith, Poima iftftss L Kindlino, Peuna iAIKP Trusk, Maine H Burgess . P Proitn, Dubnq.uo ‘•C'Bors, Boston y C B Bowers. Hartford.- . J Sexton la, Connecticut > 1H Shaw.. Now Yolk , .‘MrsiC F Willes, Jr, Penua H H Boucher, Now York Mrs Boucher & ch, B York Sirs A Davis, NewYoidc - £iss M E Boucher. N.Yark B Robinson, New York Jos A Minotc, New York Jas M Oonrtor, New York H B Cleveland, Yonkers W E Coiiln, Hoston G G King, Rhode Island A H Scovillo, New York Eugene Snyder, Harrisburg Robert Parker. New York Henry Jones, Boston vGeo P Potter, Maine Mrs Elliot, Maine J W Shively, UBN M F Morritt, New York X Brainard, Hartford E G Ami ell & wf. Providence JK.MoOrhead, Penna i* street, below Arcb. Henry Meyer, Ohio Capt F P Muhlenburg. USA Geo G Doaue, Chicago Wra Harper, Inwa Robt G Bale, New York Master Porter, Clarion Wm S Kunsmah, Easton J C Davenport, Ohio JB Merrow, Connecticut R D Barclay 1 Merchants’-Fouith tdoyd Loundes, Virginia T Thune, Boston .T Ferguson, Kansas JLHoward, Philada T 1) Andrew, Penna . " J H Roberts, New Jersey. ; X 3 J Glessner & lady, Ohio j Mann, Pennsylvania fE “White, Albany. as Connor;. Pittsburg ■m. 'niamCoudorsport, Pa \\ A RMoCouii, Steubenville, 0 SKimberland, Wells’g. Va oraceiK 1 batcher, USA Col Krepps & lady," USA A.D LevaD,'Schuyl Haven] W M Paxton, Pittsburg •Jas Wight, Boston 'W Kenney. Penna 0 B Lockard, Penna JM.T Billig, Ponua Jos Carr, Jamestown John Carr, Jamestown Master W T Levan, S Haven £!oi r Sidea, U S A .V Chas Gill, New Jersey F M Speed ~ WavfleldJStau.lejvlll Wit Wilson. Dauphinco VYH Wilson, Monon’a City J S Mornlsou, Pittsburg G G Hassennhick. Penna G L Reed, Clearfield Jas Beck, Centre co, Pa A Hawkcs & la, Leesburg Miss C Hawks, 111 II C Tucker & wf, Milton Geo Cooper, Mt Jackson Win J Alexander & wife, Pa f American —Chestnut wm F* Pease, U S N' T Gleason, New Fork jF Harriott, New Jersey J T Li gb ter, Washington J G Wbailey fl Boardman, Lancaster * 0 Ballard, Massachusetts 1 1’ Willcox A Hitchcock, New York iC S Waters J T Jackson, Reading . ■Okas K l>o Ha veil, N J JasßDow, Jr, Boston J H Nones, Delaware T A Bittrolf, Evansville ; Street, above Fifth. ST Harrop = R D McGrnw, New York . J E Dougherty, Penna J C Bright, Pottsvillo Miss E Bright, Pottsvilie C 1j Before, Massachusetts G W Whitaker, l s onna r J S Conklin, Penna M H Wellman, Penna H A Snow, Penna R H Sinclair, Baltimore S H Doughty & lady. NY Jas M Bennett, New York Mr Kowland, Wash, D C D C Way, Maryland Street, above Third. . T-Krnmberg, Cin, 0 B J Wubbolding, Cin, 0 - Geo Waguor, Now York L J Curtis, Meriden, Conn Jos Bordu, Bridgeton L A Hardou, Cin, 0 D Hotter, New Jersey C T M iltby, Baltimore E Haas, Burlington J M Leeds, Burlington J M Hobby, Boston J C Valentine, Wilm, Del St* Jjouis—Clicstnut John A Colc, Boston John 0 Reed, New York -S B Rogers, h'ew Jersey J Crosby, New Jersey •Col Havdluge, New York 35 Henry & da, Y.v Jolm Holmes, New York Mrs F Holmes, New. York <3 Stephenson, Boston J B Doughty, Shamokin IT Taber, New Bedford J B Porter, Jr,-Delaware street, above Third. IS Burns, Sandusky, 0 J B Stearly, M I), Heading M Bevkhardt, New York' Heuvy Endly, Mansfield, O W II Pomeroy- Concord, Pa Wm. Berger, Middletown,O' Lewis Wood & la, Ohio F Boynter, Nashua, N H J C McCreight, Ohio H SI Hamill, wow Jersey | Miss Crawford. Delaware Miss'A. Crawford, Delaware Mrs Naylor, New Jersey Tlie Union— Arch si JB Proctor, Massachusetts 1 Jno S Ross, USA. I !G H Evans, USA I Jno 0 O'Noill, USA Lewis Blaylock I SR WPaul, Easton Geo Suppes, Oliio "EFib'oliiian Solomon Vendis Wm B Shatter, Pittsburg Eichd Bard, Pittsburg Albert Jackson. N Bampsb W L Benoson, East Liberty - National—Race 2 JS B Buds,' Scb Haven PH Sprenkle; Goldsburg ,*HW'bhober, Lancaster co Airs Slater, Pottstown J Weidman, Lebanon if Abendscher, Lebanon AEWilzel, Lewisburg R Swlneford, New Berlin JS E Wolfe, Lewisburg • J Baker, Lewisburg £jt W K Sturgeon, Pa States Union—Sixth. C Young, New York J G McClure, Penna G W Herener, Carlisle John Hopkins, Baltimore Samuel Keys, Baltimore A Schob, Baltimore J Nicholson, Baltimore B S Stone & la, Penna . John M JUiGinness, Pittsbg nlaj John Smith, Newborn fl? Mekenter, Indiana, Pa 5l Bossart, Latrobe JMiss Mary Taylor, Wash • *5 Wells treetj,above Chestnut* Win Johnston, Concord,Pa S B Hockenberg, Concord Jas It Ramsey, Oxford, Pa D Stubbs, Pennsylvania . F Henderson/ New York Miss Baker. Chester co John Bough, Lancaster Wm Baker, west Chester J T Whitehead, Oxford A B Shaw, Clearfield Sixth st] A Lyons, Maryland .{JRTVIeet, Washington ,B P Harvey, Chester co iC H Eizey, Lancaster co 3> Townsend, Baltmora . ,J Lyman, NewVork «J A Vanderslice/ Phocnixy .Jos Ryle, Pennsylvania V-G Stubbs, Yoikco C Phillips, Newark; Del Tho 3 Walter, Chester co It, above Callowbill. Benj Beans, Yardleyville G Cleineu3, Chester Valley C Knight, Chester Valley J Erwein, Doylestown 0 P Skutt, Doylestown M Haldeman, Danboro M.V B Vanarsdale,Penna X S Trexler, Yardleyville ■ JRHaldemin, Doylestown C Carr, Hartsville Henry Walters,Loylestown Geo M Garner, Doylestown. . jßlaek Bear-Third Si Mrs Willard, Yardleyville B’Carr. Huntsville J R Car, Hvntsville JfJB Fisher, Centre,Pa sUsa K EFi* her, Centre, Pa -S*W Fay%Harborougli Peter W Ott.Harborough W Thomas, PottsyiHe E-Roads, Soiherton, Pa EhM'Woodward, Penna W R Neaid, Yardleyvillo P T-Beans, Yardleyville . <Bald Eagle-Third St., above Callowhlll. 3 S Gerhart. Bucks co W Beans, Bucks co T B Print/, Reading Chas Beaus,Backs co Elllig, Stroudsburg AF Bertolet^Reading G Filbert, Stroudsburg F H Boehm, He Her town. G T Illi#z, Stroudsbui g P Smith, Allentown iN Applebach.Sellei'sville H Oxenvoiaer, Stroudsburg E R.Wambold.Sellersyille ; .itoirnt Vernon—Second street, above Arch. M J Gulick, Freehold W Smith & la. Bordentown B G Smith, Philadelphia D J'Furman, Harrisburg J P'Connly. Delaware J Holmes & la, Harrisburg <3eo. Howloe, New York , ■ ■' • ■ •• SPECIAL NOTICES. 4 ‘ jjjltKAT TaI.KKRS. BT THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. Great talkers are numerous, : -£omeduU and 6ome humorous: * ‘ Wherever you ramble J V ' They will after you scramble; • By the button they’ll seize you, v. When determined to tease you; t-i ■' And so they will hold you, -v . .Till the story is told you, - 5n spite of your groaning, Your sighing and moaning, •Your turning and twiatmg, * -And all your resisting. They wi'l grapple you tight, t - Xike two ships inclose fight. can shake off, ' Your buttons they’ll break off, -Or tear your coat sadly ' And m&ke it look badly; ' ■Unless every button ' > • . ? 1s very well put on, t» I And your garments are made v* • By the best of the trade, -- Xike the Tower Halt, work, v, 'Which will stand any jerk. . , , We have the largest and most complete assortment o; Seady-made Clothing in Philadelphia. TOWER. HALL, 518 MARKET Street, BENNETT & CO.< Dll. Sweeps Likimbxt CUKES’ in one minute. Jaynes Hair Tonic will PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, "REMOVE SCURF AND DANDRUFF, GIVE THE HAIR A GLOSSY APPEARANCE, •PREVENT BALDNESS, CURE DISEASES OF THE SCALP, RECLOTBE BALD HEADS WITH NEW HAIR, F’REVENT PREMATURE GRAYNESS, • • • ■ a*x> s •Being.'tastefully put up, in new-st'yle glass-stoppered bottels,- and delightfully perfumed, is adapted to.the •toilpt table, and-will afford general satisfaction to all who it a.trial. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 3455 CHESTNUT Street. ggCSSfea Steinway &SoN’sSQTrAEE,p£~~3K3 fr* 1 f JUpkiciht, and Grand PIANOS,** 1* acknowledged the most perfect 'instruments, in Eu rope as well as in this country. They were award ed, in the last seven years, twenty-six first premi ums, over the heat makers in this country, and in addition thereto the_firat prizo medal at the G reat Inter national Exhibition in London, last' summers AU the leading artists ‘of this country, and some of them even in Europe, use them in their Concerts. Warerooms at BLASIUS BROS., iOO6 CHESTNUT street. .-j.- ap2-thstulm Batchelob’s Haib Dye ! ' . THE BEST IN THE WORLD. * WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Bold by all Druggists, &c. AS* The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR* on the/our sides of each box. ' FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, {Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street .) iny2B-ly ■ 1 . • New York. One-Erioe Clothing, of the Latest •CTLBS, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Fi , ,ffures. Ail Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. AUare thereby treated alike. ■ S ; ,jjei2-iy JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Stroet. street, below Ninth. J Carson, Lake Superior H Newmau, New York Alex FiudUy, St Louis Mr & Airs W G Allison, N Y L S i-roopor, Maryland Gen Appiebach, Penna Mr Rogers, Pennsylvania 0 W Sage,.Now York ; 0 B Orossman, Wilmington ED Smith, New York E S Mason, Massachusetts A Adams, Ohio W H Adams, Ohio Hon A Wilhelm, Lebanon Hon .T WlCillinger.Lebanon .T Ben ter. Lake Superior M Otis, Pennsylvania .T Wilson, U S Navy Dr Fisher, Chester, Pa Mr Pakeuham. England 11 C Rogers, Erie, Pa S B Hynsou. Maryland A M Lyon, USA J T Campbell, Johnstown W S Holman, Harrisburg A J Fitch, Jersey City. J Bos'nion, Clearfield J Reynolds, Baltimore) tnd Chestnut streets* 'Jos H Mclveehan, P t Chas \V F Roper, New Y'ork Mvs Richardson, New York Miss Pluuknett, Mew York Wm A Howard, Providence D H Follett. Boston J P Lowe, New York J W Lawton, New York J B Huaaoy, New York C Hussey, Baltimore D D Earle & la, New York JSY.flland, Baltimore Lieut B De Forest, NY Miss BatemaivNew York Mr Baiemau, New York R M Nott, Rochester MissH L Moorhead, Poima Miss J A Moorhead, Penna Elias Herman, Bremen C W Lord, Baltimore St., above Third. D A Shultz, Pa G F Kurtz, Tennessee Sami JVnnstoa, Lebanon co M J Sowers, Lewistown MHeisley Miss Kata Yau Horn, Pa JG Mansfield, MLuersvilte A 32 Mark fit wf, Leb co, Pa ID D Evans, Qaiucy, 111 |D ACCannington, Illinois and Market streets* W H Toomey, Newport J W Frank, Newport James hue, Newport J G Groff, South Bend Mrs M i Croff, South Bend N-K Slieibley, Bloomfield H W |3beihley, Bloomfield W Axe, Delaware Miss L Thompson, Penna Miss L Strouse, Penna Miss Ann Thompson, Penna Miss M Thompson. Penna Jas Munson, Pittsburg S S Jones, Louisville, ICy A D Price Sc la, Chester co MARRIED. DYRE—PARKBR.—On the fltb instant, by the Rev. Anthony Atwood, Mr. Wm. W. S. Dyre to Miss Millie A, Parker, nil ofPhiladelphla. (No card's.) * BENNERb—BUNTING.—On tlio Bfch iust., by Friends’ ceremony, in the presence of Wm. Me'tichaol. Esq , Henry B. Benners, of this city, to Elizabeth S., daughter of Samuel Bunting, of Burlington county, N. J. (No otrds.) ‘ - * TARTHER—COFFEY.—On Tuesday, April 7tb, 1863, in Allegheny City, Penusylvania, by the Rev. Wm •A. Sni vely, Carl Louis Timber, of Philadelphia, to Virginia Cofiey. late of Holhdaysburg, Pa. * SH AFFER-h’EELY.-On the sth instant, by the Rev. W. Barnes. Charles Shaffer, Esq., of Philadelphia, to M r P Ar T T*r> y Tycirt Ive r, ely V tol 'S? r )y of Cheltenham, Pa;* i L 4 < \ il t E— w th ® 6t J? inst -» at Camden, N. J., by the: hev.Mr. R. .S Harns, Mr. Charles N. Locke, of Providence, R. 1., to Miss Caroline V. Read, of the ,Cn tbo j 10th instant, Martha, Avife of John Alrey, aua daughter of Rebecca Ann and the late Samuel P. btackbonse. Her relatives and friends are invited to atteud the fn neral from the residence of her husband, No. 101 Cal iowniij. street, on Third-day raorniug, 14th instant, at 10 o clock, without further notice. To proceed to South. Laurel JlilL *** _ STUART.—On the morning of the 7th inst.» William . Stuart, in the 23d yearof bis age. i he relatives and male friends of tlie family are respect niliyTn-vitf d to attend his funeral, from the residence of hu fatter, George H. Stuart, No. 1313 Spruce street, this afternoon, the 3ith inst., at 2 o’clock, without further notice. Interment at the Woodlands . * BURTON.—On the lOili inst., William Barton, M. D.,. m the 72d year of liiß ago. ?' Funeral from his late residence, Penn’s Manor, Backs county. Pa . at 2 o’clock, on thel2tb inst. * HOLLINSHEaD —On Tuesday, the 7th inst.,'Charles H. Hpllinshead, of Mt. Holly, Now Jersey. His friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, at Mt. Holly, tnis day, April llth, at 2H o’clock P. M. > * ANTRIM.—Ou the Sth instant, Lilly A., daughter of Chailes and Maria R. Antrim, in the 4th year of her age. • - * APPLETON.—On the 9th instant, Albert Barnes Ap pleton. aged 1 y#ar, S months, and 6 days. . * ASHTON.—On the 9th instant, Jennie, wife of Samuel Ashion, and daughter of Susaunah and the late Jacob K Fulmer, in the 2Sth year of her age. * BRUCE.—On tbe 9th iustaut, Mrs. Susan, 'widow of the late William Bruce, of Bangor, Maine, in the 70th year of lur age. ; * T)LAOK AND WHITE MOZAM '■V ' BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, cents. Black end white striped Mohairs, 28 cents. Black and white De Laines. 28 cents. Black.and white all wool Mousselines, 44 cents. Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes, 18& cents. Black and'white Cliallie de Laines, 30$ cents. Black air wool Mousseline .de Laines, 44 cents. Black all wool Mousselines, double width, 87K cents. Black silk Challle, 50 cents. Black Bareges, 25 cents; Bombazines,sl, &c. &c. BESSON & SOB, MOURNING STORE, mh2s • . No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. A- A BICH CHINTZES EEDUOED TO * 25 CENTS. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents. . 1 case 4-4 Double Puiples, 2 s cents. 1 case 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 cents. 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. . EYRE & LANDELL, apl FOURTH and ARCH. DINE STOCK OF SEASONABLE “A GOODS adanted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles. Opening of Spring Mantles. New style Rock-spun Shawls. EYRE & IiANDELL, apl FOURTH and ARCH. IW'A GREAT NATIONAL CELEBRA bC?*: TION.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, 1863, tho following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted: RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at tho Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the United States be invited to participate in the celebration, and that they be requested to send deputations from tlreir respective bodies for that purpose. 3. That it be recommended that the deputies he autho rized to represent their respective constituents in any action that maybe deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United States.’ 4.. That the Committee of Correspondence he autho rized to prepare a circular letter, communicating these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizens of the respective States, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them into effect. . WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. H. BOKER, Secretary. ap4-lm FIRST CONGREGATION AD THOMPSON Street, below FRONT Preaching by the Pastor, Rev. D. L. GEAR, SUNDAY, 10)i A. M,, and 1% P. M. • • it* WASHINGTON-SQUARE CHURCH. ■rC? 2 ' —The Rev. ALBERT BARNES will preach in this church, TO-MORROW EVENING, at 7& o’clock. It* REFORMED HUTCH firC**** CHURCH, corner of Seventh and Spring Gardeu. Rev. S. lIOWaRD SUYDAM will CD. V.) preach TO MOBROW at IPX A. M. and 7# P. M. U* THIRD REFORMED DUTCH BrCs=> CHURCH, corner of TENTH and FILBERT Streets.—Rev. D. WORTMANVof Brooklyn. Long Island, willpreach in this church TO-MORROW. Service at 10)4 o’clock A. M. and 4 o’clock P. M. it* C ALVA RY CHURCH, GERMAPf -I<> TOWN.-The Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS is ex pected to preach at this church, SUNDAY EVENING, the 12th inst. Services at 7 % o’clock. - It* IREV, GEORGE W. SMILEY WILL preach TO-MOKROW MORNING and EVE NING, on “ St. Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh.” Church in Handel and Haydn Hall, corner of EIGHTH and GREEK Streets. U* SPIRITtI AD ISM.—MISS EMMA HARDINGE will lecture at SANbOM-STREST HALL, on SUNDAY, atIOKA M.,on “lliform and Re formers,” andat BP. M., on “The Pilgrimage of a Spirit in Search of God.Ad mission, o centa. It* GRACE CHURCH, CORNER OF TWELFTH AND CHERRY Streets.-There will be Divine service in this chui ch on SUNDAY EVENING, 12th 7)4 o’clock. Rev. Dr. MORTON is ex: pectedlo preach. It* Ir<S=* CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTA MENT, T. H. STOCKTON,. Pastor, corner of ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets.—Lecture and Commu nion, SABBATH MORNING, 10K o’clock; and Preach ing by the Pastor at 7H P. M. All invited. . It* CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, &CP* SPRINGGARDEN street, below broad—Rev. Mr. MACEBREET of Ohio, -will Preach TO-MOREOW (Sunday) EVENING, at 7)4 o’clock. The Rector will Preach at 10)4 A. M. Strangers will be with seats. ■ - • ■. It* THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE Corporation of the lIOMCEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE will be held on MONDAY', April 13, 1563. at S o’clock P. M., in the College Building,-FILBERT Street, above Eleventh. apll-2t* J. J, GRIFFITH, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the GREEN MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY willbelield in Philadelphia, on the second TUESDAY of Mav next, tl e 12th proximo, at 12 o’clock, in Room No. 30,' in the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. - apll-swtmy!2* . WILLIAM-S. GREEN, Secretary. BEV, FRANKLIN MOORED. D., (pastor), w'ill preach in UNION M. E. CHURCH, on SABBATH (to-morrow) MORNING and EVENING. The sermon in the morning, at 10)4 o’clock, willhave reference to the death of Thomas T. Mason, Jr., at Mar freesboro, Tenn., a member of the Anderson Cavalry, and recently a member of the Sabbath-school of Union M. E. Chmch. The seats are all free. It* SEVENTY-SEVENTH SOLDIERS’ MEETING.—The seventy-seventh soldiers’ meet ingof the Army Committee of the Y. M. C. A., connected with the Christian Commission, will be held m the Clin ton-street Presbyterian Church, corner TENTH and CLINTON Streets, on SABBATH EVENING, April 12th, at S o’clock. The Committee would affectionately call the attention of the public to these meetings, held on each Sabbath evening, as eminently worthy of the notice of all. The obiect is to assist the Christian Commission in its great and good work of administering to the spiritual ana temporal necessities of the soldiers, who are, to a great extent, cut off from the benefits thereof, while away from their homes aud friends. Let there be a hearty sre sponse to our call. Rev. Daniel March, Pastor of the Church, Rev. David Steele, Joseph Parker, Esq., of the Christian Commission, and other speakers will be pre sent. It* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ItOU Philadelphia Society for the employment aud insirnction of the poor will be held at their House of In dustry, CATHARINE Stroet, below Eighth street, on SE i lON D-DAY, the 13th. of Fourth month (April) mst., at 4o’clockP. M. Election of officers. aplo-3t* • CHARLES P. PEROT, Secretary. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEH AN CONA RAILROAD COMPANY, Office Y 27 FOURTH Street— Philadelphia, April 8, 1563.— The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this company and an'election for President aud six Managers will take place at the office of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o’clock M. H WEBB ap3-tmy4 . ~ 'Secretary. OFFICE ‘OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, - Philadelphia, April 6,1563. Tke Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX DOLLARS per share for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives on and after the 16th inst., clear of all taxes. a p7-9t* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary- ; OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR TIST to THE ARMY, AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. ' . «, ... Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for siippljnng Artificial Limbs,.should apply immediately at the office of the So; soon-Artist to the Government, So -1609 CHESTHUT Street. E. FKaKK PALMER, ja9-6m . Government Surgeon-Artist. UORTHERN lABJSR.TXES AND township railroad company, Philadelphia, April 7th, 1863. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held f t the Officeof the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. J 837 SOUTH FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, atlOoclock A, M., at which time and place an election of Officors will be held. [apS dtM4] A. A. KONIGMACHER, Sec’y. HOMtEOPATHIC HOSPITAL., 1113 Let* COTHBERT Street—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. W<3** NATIONAL HALL-NATIONAL IcS^-HALL.—FREDERICK DOUGLASS will lecture before the Alumni Association of the Institute for Co lored Youth on FRIDAY EVENING, April 2Rh, at NA TIONAL HALL. Subject— 14 Affairs of the Nation,*’. Tickets of admission, 25 cents. Tickets can be had at J E. Gould’s Music Store, 632 Chestnut street, and at the office of the Lebanon Cemetery, 717 Lombard street. Doors open at 1% o’clock; Lecture to commence at 8. ap9-6t* OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. . - Philadelphia, April 6, 1863. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day,-a semi-annual Dividend-of SIX PER CENT, and an extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT, was declared on the capital stock, payable to the stock holders, or their legal representatives; on and after the lGtb instant. : J. W. MCALLISTER, ap7-10t Secretary pro tem. the woodlands cejietbry.- As misrepresentations have been made in respect to this cemetery, it is incumbent on the managers to cor- There has been no authority procured from the Legis lature to build up the whole of the Woodland-street front, hut only the western end of that front; and the same act authorizes the managers to purch iso and add to the cemetery as much ground as they dispose of; and some of the managers have secured, by contract, grounds for an extension or the cemetery south westward which will answer better thepurposes of the cemetery than that to be sold. Thelegislation in question was procured not alone bythemanagers,bat by the authority of the cor porators of the cemetery company. , .The occasions of disposing of a portion of the Woodland street front are these: There have never been any taxes imposed on lotholders in the cemetery, and it is not de sired, at any time, to impose them. There Is a bond debt (no lien on the cemetery), yet unpaid, of about $25,000, for the costly granite entrance, erected since most of the lots were sold, and for other improvements, and towards Which the lotholders contributed nothing, which debtit is desirable to have discharged. Owing to the rapid pro gress of the city westward, pipes have been laid for the wateron Woodland street, and curbing, street paving, and foot paving most soon follow, the charges for which., would be liens on the cemetery, and on two thousand feet front would swell to a large amount. It is very de sirable, and is the purpose of the managers, to make a secure and permanent enclosure of stone on the other three sides of the cemetery—£n object of large cost, and which every lotbolder would like to see accomplished. The purpose of the building improvements is not to mar the beauty of the cemetery, nor to make it less secure, but the more secure.' A heavy wall will still enclose the cemetery on the same Hide* near building w ill be erected, and the houses on the front be built in pairs, with open spaces between them ; consequently, the oc cnpanUof the houses, while they will enjoy the pros pects and free circulation of the air over the cemetery grounds, willbe its friendly protector.■ ... The Managers sincerely believe what they propose will be for the truest interest of the lotholders. It has bean by the Managers’ capital, and their care for many years past, that the most beautiful park in the vicinity of Phi ladelphia Las been preserved as an ornament, and res cued from tlie levelling process of buildings by the ex tension over it of houses and factories. They have pre served it at a cost that has not been, and the? expect never will be, recompensed, otherwise than by securing an object of public interest and humane utility. t 1 here they themselves have secured, and wish to protect, their own burial lots; there they have buried those they most loved, and there they expect’.also to be buried. They think, therefore, they ought to be trusted to manage for the besUecurity ofalL; and if they could do better than they propose to do, they would endeavor to do it, having in view both the security of the lotholders and the pre servation of the cemetery, as the most beautiful piece of rural scenery that can in the future ornament the centre of the great city now advancing rapidlv to enclose the cemetery. ELI K. PRICE, President. JOHN C. MITCHELL,' WM. H. MOORE. FERD. J. DREER, EDWIN GREBLE, EDWD. F. GAY, WILLIAM W. KEEN, JOHN C. PEC,HUN, It JOHN LINDSAY, NOTICE -OFFICE OF THE DELA.- Wa RE AND RARITAN CANAL -and the CAM DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, Princeton (N. J.). March 31,1363. The Treasurer of the above Comoanies is now prepared to PAY THE BONDS due at Princeton, August 1, 1863, being the flvo per cent. Converted Sterling Loan. The principal, an I also the last coupon, will be p'.i'd on pre sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER. Philadelphia: or to Cap3-lm] RICHARD STOCKTON. Tres^urer. RET Alii DRY GOODS. Y R E & LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH, ARE 0P E NIN G FOR SPRING SALES. DONGOLA* ROBES, STRIPED POULARDS, BRAIDED ROBES, BEST BLACK SILKS, FINE CHECK SILKS, EAGLE POULT DE SOIES, SOLID FIGURED SILKS, SPRING SILK SHAWLS, SUMMER BALMORALS, QUILTS, TOWELINGS, &c. mli2B-stutbtf • jyjOUBNING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS, OP THE LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES. Always on hand and made rt> order at the shortest no tice, at the “ KEW MOURNING STORED 92G CHESTNUT STREET. M. & A. MYERS & 00. mh26-tbstu tap2B . T7IGUIIED BLACK SILKS, $1.25, J- FIGURED CORDED BLACK SILKS. Two-faced Figured Black Silks. Striped Moire Arranre Black Silks. PLAIN BLACK SILKS, $1.12K to $2.60. “Wide Black silks for Mantles. Choice Colors of Plain Silks. 000 MALTI.SK COLLARS, -25 to 62^c. These Collars are worth double the money. Paris Printed Bareges, 373ic., from last season. Printed Silk Tissues, 62%0., from lastseason. Handsome Spring Balmorals - • H. STEEL & SON, ... Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. T BETA IJu JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES IN THEIR RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Linen Sheetings and Shirt ings, Damasks, Napkins, and Doylies, Table Cloths' and Towel* ings, Counterpanes and Furniture Dimities. ... : WHITE GOODS. Jaconets, and Cambrics, Soft Cambrics and Nain sooks, Tarletons and Swiss Mulls, Fancy Muslins and Dimities, L. C. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, H6sierv, of DRY GOODS in desirable mhs-2m Black and Fancy Silks, Black and Colored Alpa cas, Poplins Fantasia. Taffeta d’Anneasey, French Lawns and Organ dies, French Chintzes and Per- Brilliants and Piques, Spring Shawls, new color ings, Black Thibet and Merino Shawls, Square and Long Shawls. And a general assortment tyles and qnalities. ■\/TAKSEILLES QUILTS AND LINEN -L’- 4 - GOODS AT LOW PRICES.—The subscribers re spectfully invite the attention of buyers to their present complete stock ofHOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, comprising a large assortment of very choice Marseilles Quilts, in all sizes; Counterpanes, Blankets, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes, and all descriptions of the best makes of Shirting, Sheeting, and Pillow Case Linens. Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Towel - ings, .(tnd of Linen Goods generally, imported at much less than the present prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, apll 1008 CHESTNUT Street. "BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS/PROM AUCTION—To be opened this morning— One lot of Figured Grenadiue Bareges, 12)4 cts, One lot of Shepherd’s Plaids, Mohairs, 25 cts. One lot of very fine quality do. 31 cts. One lot of Chene Mohairs, 31 cts. EDVIN HALL & CO., m , . • ' No. 36 S. SECOND St. N. B.—The above goods are from twenty-five to fifty per cent, lower than they have been selling. Spring styles of De Lames reduced to 25 cts. ap3-tf riTIECK SILKS REDUCED yo $1.25. Shepherd’s Plaid Silks, $1.25. Brown and White Plaids, $1.25. Lilac and White Plaids, $1.25. Spun Silk Plaids, at $l. * Foulard Silks, at $1 and $1.12)4. EDWIN HALL & CO., ' No. 365. SECOND St. N. 8.—35 dozen Grenadine Veils, at $1 a piece, beauti ful styles. ap3-tf CPRINGr CLOAKS. bJ NRW CLOAKS, NEW CLOTHS, SPRING SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS. . Cloaks ready made or made to order. Large stock of Cloths to select from. Ladies’ Cloakings at the right prices. NEW CASSIMERES. . Boys’ Cassimeres, The new colors. Gents’Fancv Mixtures. ' 6-4 Coatings. • Boys’ Clothing ready made or made to order. Large stock Cassimeres to select from. Fine Black Cloths and Cassimeres. WILLIAMSVILLES, - - - - .WAMSUTTAS, Wide Sheetings,Flannels, Linens, Towels. - Muslins and Woolens at WHO CiESALE. COOPER & CONARD, ap4 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. "g LACK SILKS. Gros du Rhines. * Lustrings, Marcelines. s Mourning Po de Soles. Gros Grains.. - Bonnet Taffetas. ' Moire Antiques. Double-faced Brocades, Rich, neat Figure*. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. SPRING DRESS GOODS. Poll de Chevres, Ristoris. ’ Adriennes, Worsted Crepes. Fil de Chevres, Mohairs. ' Chintzes, Lawns, Organdies. Plain Silks, New Foulards. Plaid All-wool Cashmeres. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. fe23 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. riLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST- V^INGS. Cassimeres for Boys. Casssimeres for Young Gents. Cassimeres for suits. Cassimeres for everybody. Cassimeres, mixed and plain. » Cassimeres. striped and plaid. Cassimeres, Black and Brown, At JOHN H. 'STOKES’, ap9 l 3'o' a ARCH Street. BjLJNDS and shades. LIN DB AND SHADES B. J - NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, VENETIAN BLINDS The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at tie Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed eijnal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m J»EMO V A L - GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MATJFACTUKER, Has REMOVED from 136 North. SIXTH Street, to 1 B. J. WILLIAMS’, NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET G. W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors at No. 16 North SIXTH Street, where will he foun the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. . , j&zf- store Shades Made and Lettered.. Jobbing Promptly attended .to. _ ap6-2mif WIN'D O W SHADES! WINDOW SHADES! Brown Gilt Fresco Window Shades. Bnff Gold Bordered Window Shades. - . - •Pearl Gilt Bordered Window Shades. Stone Gold Bordered Window Shades. Green Gilt Bordered Window Shades.^ Transparent Landscape Window Shades. Rich Painted Gothic Window Shades. Buff and White Holland Window Shades. Green and Blue Holland Window Shades. Extra Long Shades for Verandah Windows- Store Shades Painted and Lettered. , Shades made to order, any style or suie. ", MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT Street. ■ W. H> CARRYL. Lace curtains, jacquard, Muslin, and Embroidered Lace Curtains for sale at low priceH. MASONIC HALL, 719 CFIES^CARRYL CURTAIN MATERIALS AND FUR- A/ NITURE Coverings. . Crimson and Green French Mohair Plush. Moquctte Brocatelle Satin Damask. Crimson Imperial Worsted Terry. Maroon al-woolPekin Cloth. Magenta ell-wool Pekin Cloth. French Satin de Laine in Colors. - Crim Greenand Drab Worsted Damasks. Wide Printed Worsted Lastings. : • Union Damasks, Assorted Colors. Plain and Figured Cotton Damasks. Green alhwool Imperial Reps. Plain and Striped Union Reps. Rich Gothic Tapestry-' - „ ' ••" .' On sale, «# cfesTNBT btrceh AgoNic h _ W. H. CAIIRYL. r\ ILT CORNICES AND BANDS, VX picture Tassels and Cords, Loops, Gimps, and ranges.; MASONIC HALL,’rW OkßsrfgT^ TT s FLAGS—OFFICERS’ AND SUR <3E° 719 cIIESTNUT St., MAS O N!C HALL. apll-2t ■ W. H. CARRYL, PEIM ER’S COLORED PHOTO Jtv GRAPHS are invaluable Likenesses, A glauce will convince you of their trutnfulness and artistic merits. Only $l, SECOND Street, above Green. It THE QUALITY, STYLE, AND PRICE of .REIMER’S f COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS must snit all tastes. For accuracy and beauty they have long had sC wide-spread reputation. Only $l. SECOND Street, above Green. ' It REIMER’S IYORYTYPES ARE 4*ealgemsof mementoes; the artist has achieved a ■wonderful success in imitating so perfectly the expres sion and complexion of the original- SECOND Street, above Green. - • - . ~ It; JCE! ICEI ICE l ICEI ICEI ICEI COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Odices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons. &c &c , supplied daily with a pare artiole of BOsTON ICE* at the very lowest market rates. Dealers and large consumers supplied td .wholesale prices . Wagons run in all paved limits ot the Consolidated city, andintheTw 0 nty-fonrtbWard. THos e f 335 WALNUT Street. - i . North Penna. R. & Master street/- Offices: lombard-and Twenty-fifth streets. ap3-SmiC* (pine-street wharf/SchuylkilL ; Managers. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. APRIL 11, 1863. W I L LI AMS, MAN L'FACTUKKI’. OP WINDOW SHADES. PHOTOGRAPHS. - SPRING MIIXINERT. SPRING MILLINERY. The undersigned has now open a HANDSOME STOCK OF RIBBONS, SILKS, CRAPES, ILLUSIONS AND LACES. Also, & splendid assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS, Consisting of fine ROSES, ROSE BUDS, fine GRAPES, and FRUITS, All of the most fashionable shades and styles. A LOT OF RIBBONS AND FLOWERS Of last season’s importation, 'will be CLOSED OUT VERY CHEAP. M. BERNHEIM, No, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. .JOO STRAW GOODS; FRENCH FLOWERS, LACES AND RIBBONS, OF THE LATEST FASHIONS, JUST OPENED THOS. KENNEDY * BRO.’S, Ho. T)J» CHESTKCT Street, helow EIGHTH.- mh.3l-2m j|y) SPR I N G 1863. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, (Late Rosenheim, Brooks, & Co.), No. 431 MARKET STREET, North Side. Haro now open, and are daily making additions thereto. A HANDSOME VABIETY OP RIBBONS, BONNETS, HI6BES’ AMD CHILDREN'S HATS. FLOWERS. HILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL, to which the attention of the trade is respectfully soli cited. mhlß-tf fO MISSES O’BRYAN, 1107 WAL .pgyjNUT . Street, will open PARIS MILLINER 1 THE SPRING, on THURSDAY, April 9th, 1563. , apV-lm* MBS. M. A. KING, NO. 1026 CHESTNUT Street, will open a handsome assort ment of Spring and Summer Millinery on THURSDAY, April 9th. ' , ap6-6t* 1863. R 1 B B 0 N s AND . MILLINERY GOODS, IL. DANNENBAUM & CO., No. 57 North SECOND Street, Have now open a large and admirably-assorted stock of the above goods. MERCHANTS and MILLINERS ; - will find inducements in sty les and prices unequalled in this market. , mhl7-lm* • 1863 8 p R 1 N G 1863 WOOD & GARY. No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Hare now in store a complete stock of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, INCLUDING STRAW HATS AND BONNETS. MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S STRAW GOODS. FANCY AND CRAPE BONNETS. FRENCH-FLOWERS, RIBBONS, &c, To which they respectfullyinvite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners. CASH BUYERS will find special advantage In examin ing this stock before purchasing. fe2B-2m MI LLLNE fi Y • . AND STRAW GOODS. JOSEPH .HAMBIJEGES,-' 35 South SECOND Street, ; Has now open a large stock of Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, &c., to which he respectfully invites the , attention of Milliners and Merchants. Goods, received-daily from New York auctions. ~ ' mh24-2xn* TjTCHTH-STREET RIBBON STORE, Xj No. 107 North EIGBTH Street. "We would inform our customers, and the ladies gene rally, ‘tliat we open this day a full and uery superior stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, for the Spring and Summer seasons, which we are prepared to offer, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. No. 4CORD-EDGE RIBBONS, all colors, $1 per piece.. No. . 6 CORD-EDGE RIBBONS, all colors, $1.25 per VELVET RIBBONS, width, superior VBLYKT RIBBONS, with white edges, every width, at last season’s prices. . , .BONNET RIBBONS, plain and fancy, every shade, Width, and quality—an .immense variety, to suit all BONNET SILKS of every shacle, plain and plaid. BONNET CRAPES, LACES, ILLUSIONS t BLONDES, ORNAMENTS, See _ •• , FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, a superb variety, at the usual prices. , . STRAW BONNETS, the. fashionable shape, in braid, split straw, and hair; white, gray, and black. INFANTS’ HATS AND CAPS, every new design, all qualities. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHAKER HOODS. THE BEST NEW YORK AND FRENCH BONNET FRAMES, lower than they can be bought elsewhere, by the dozen or single, : Give us a call \mh27-lm SICHEL & WEYL, No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. COMMISSION HOUSES. GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. . SKT!-BLUE CLOTHS POK OFFICERS. ARMT BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHING-HAH & WELLS. se2-if tf WATCHES AM) JEWBK.RY. WATCHES, *~TUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. : GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. Fov Sale at Lo'w Rates to tlie Trade, by D. T. PRATT, ap3 if GOT CHESTNUT STREET. J.O.FULLER, Akm Importer and : Wholesale Dealer in . FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY^ No. Tia CHESTNUT Street, " (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), ' Has now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, . .. - embracing ‘ , AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, . B HOWARD & CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES. GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, , -AND FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fe!B-3m - ■- - -- ■piNE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL. J. O. .FULLER, No. Via CHESTNUT Street. mhl3-2m .ft PINE -WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. J o. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOE SALE IN ALL SIZES. fe!3-3m yULCANITE RINGS. A full assortmeut, all sizes and styles.. JVC. FULLER, No. 71» CHESTNUT Street. fe!3-3m MUSICAL BOXES. Pf SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, claying from 1 to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER. Importers, ap4 334: CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. TTCONOMY! ECONOMY! ECONOMY! J-J A GOOD SUGAR*CURED HAM, at 11c 3 lb, is the cheapest article a family can use.' Always convenient to have on hand. 200 tierces very fine AKA maKER’S, ' It* No. 1519 MARKET Street. TIN lON LEAGUE BADGE. AN EMBLEMATIC silver-plated badge of THE UNION PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES. Pricks I Per hundred, slo.' Per, thousand, (to Clubs,) $6O. Singlo Badges, 15 cents. i- t- Address the Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor, J. W. EVERETT, P O. Box-1014 or 111 FULTON Street, New York. apll-d2t*Wlt* PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI- CABINET AND BOOK STORE.—Examina ' YfcJ tions; with written or verbal descriptions of Clia- J A .rflftter. Social Disposition, Professional Talent, ■saw Business-Qualification, &c., are madeday^.and aid %HNL er CAPETf ’ tuths3mlf 983 CHESTNUT Street. PENSIONS. —$100 .BOUNTY AND A PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailore, and the relatives of - such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers j whj' kave served t hi years, and all soldiers who have been discharged by reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the #lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to a pension, ; 2Z 3AM * 1 gPLTQM> t. ■\TEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!—WE wAi,r;pii-E v Rs; c “\ i ;£fc.fTo sms? ss de fn*our l ratouT'Sartment wo hav &K i Alyjfxji l tafcte" tion to tasteful designs suiting : Philadelphia taste. S?s?a S ct?oT re - 6 F ap&mF No 19 North THIRD Street. G. RUSSELL, aa North SIXTH Street.- TRIMMINGS, &c. jgVANS &• HABSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 AR'CH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. Bogle Gimps, Embroidering Braids, Bead and Bugle Ornaments, Silk Gimps, Soutiushe Trimming, Cotton and Silk Zouave Alpaca Braids, Silk Ribbons, [Braids, Guipure Laces, Silk and Unionßeltinge, And a variety of other fashionable Trimmings. Also, a fnll assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED SMALL WARES. The goods being air our own manufacture and impor ation, we can offer particular advantages in prices, and nvite the attention of the trade. WM. U. HORSTMANN & SONS. Manufactory and Store, mhlß-lm FIFTH and CHEERY Sts. . Philadelphia. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. 606. ARCH STREET. gQ^ FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. GL A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W.'W, KNIGHT,. apO-niWß3m COG ARCH STREET. GO6. Q.EORGE GRANT, NO; 610 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK • ' OP GENTS 1 FURNISHING GOODS, of his own importation and manufacture. ' His celebrated “ PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,” manufactured under the superintendence of . . JOHN F. TAGGEttT, (FORMERLY OF OLDENBURG & TAGGERT,) are the most perfect-fitting Shirts ot the age. .Orders promptly attended to. h mh26-thstu3m iJHE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET. JOHN C. ARRISOX; (FORMERLY J.. BURR MOORE.) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF GENTLEMEN 1 S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES. N. B.—Particular attention given to the making of Shirts, Collars, Drawers, &c. apS-6m -piNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A The subscriber would invite attention to hi* IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS. Which he mahes a specialty in his business. Also, eon* jtantlr receiving, NOVELTIES FOE GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, j&2O if Four doors b9low the Continental. MILITARY GOODS. Q.OVERNMBNT GOODS. Standard 10-onnce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIBKHAM, & CO., No. 330 CHESTNUT STREET. mh22-3m ~ - - Q. W. SIMONS S BROTHER, SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, " - AM) MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. • r lall-iKm - FINANCIAL. u. s. " * FIVE-TWENTIES, TWENTY-YEAR SIX-PER-CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FITE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above loan at par. Interest will commence from the DATE .OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United’States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present ff-EEMiuM on gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always .on-hand. JAY, COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July Ist, 1563, the privilege of convert ing the present issue of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called “Five-Twenties”) will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, mh4-tjyl 114 South THIRD Street, Piiilada. FREIGHT BILLS ' BOUGHT AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, - by HUNTER, NORTON; & GO., .. SOSK WALNUT STREET, • ' - - - : -'i ~ UpStairs. g HARYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at STATES 5-20 TEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co, , Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B.Thomas,Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. apl-3m if /■QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS, Vwand'-U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, Bought and sold by 8 BAML. N. DAVIES & SON, ap7-6t* ' 335 DOCK Street. M. DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought, interest Allowed on Deposits.' apl-om JOHN O. GAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, No. 83 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics 1 Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ' mbl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS. MO NEY TO INVEST.—PERSONS wishing to make safe investments of money on the secuHty of Real Estate in the State of Delaware, oau ob " tain aU the necessary inforxaaUonin. relation by ad i»W At tbePirUad^nm. PUBLICATIONS J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Messrs. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., «f Philadelphia, beg to announce that, by special arrangerafent with tha distinguished authoress, they will shortly issue;- In both tho German and English Languages-, A NEW : NOVEL, ENTITLED AT ODDS, OR WAR IN WAR, BY-THE BARONESS TAUrPHOLUc', Authoress of “ Quits,";“Tbe Initials," etc., elc. In 1 vol., 12nf<X The edition of this work in German, Which is printed from the MS. forwarded by the Baroness, is issued undor the supervision, of the Hon. C. -F. Hagedom, Consul General, and the edition in EngUshis printed from ad vance sheets, forwarded by the publishers of the London edition. Also, by special arrangemcnt with the author, THE HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL. In all Ages and Nations, in all Churcheev Christian and Pagan, demonstrating a universal Faith. By WILLIAM HO WITT, 2 vole., 12mo. (nearly ready.) The Company Clerk, showing how and when to make out all the Returns, Reports, Rolls, and other Papers, and wliatto do with them; how to keep all the Books, Records, and Accounts, required in the administration of a Company, Troop* or Battery, in the. Army of the United States. By Captain AUGUST V. KAUTZ U. S. A., Colonel 2d,Ohio Cavalry. 12mo. (nearly ready.) CHAUVENET’S ASTRONOMY, _A Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy, em bracing tho general Problem? of Spherical Astronomy, its special applications to Nautical Astronomy, and tho Theory and Use of Fixed and Portable Astronomical Instruments. With an Appendix on the “Method of Least Squares.. Amply Illustrated by Engravings on Wood and Steel. By "WM. CHAUVEHET, LL. D., Profe63or of Mathe-. matics and Astronomy in Washington University, St. Louis. . : 2 vols., Royal Bvo., (in a few days.) HAMMOND’S MILITARY HYGIENE, A Treatise on Hygiene, with special reference to the Military Service. . . By Brigadier General WM. A. HAMMOND, Surgeon General U. B. Army. One vol., Svo, Illustrated. COPPEE’S MANUAL OF COURTS MARTIAL. . THE FrELIi ®ANUAL OF COUETS MAETIAL-Com prising the exact forms of proceeding, and dhe duties of all persons connected with military tribunals, in any capacity. To which are added, the modes of procedure in Courts of Inquiry, Military Commissions, Retiring Boards, Boards of Survey, and Councils of Administra tion. By. Capt. Henry Coppee 18mo. (Nearly ready-) PACKARD’S MINOR SURGERY. A MANUAL' OF MINOR SURGERY—By John H. Packard, M. D.; Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. One vol,, 12mo. (In a few days.) ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL; Designed as a help to Chaplains in the discharge,of their various du ties, both Temporal and Spiritual; containing also all Laws and Regulations in regard to Chaplains, together with the proper steps to be taken to secure a Chaplain’s appointment, BY REY. J. PINCKNEY HAMMOND, Chaplain U. S. Army, 32m0. THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1562 and 1863; Illustrating the Principles of Strategy, BY EMIL SCHALK, Author of “Summary of the Art of. War. ” . One vol. 12mo. .$1.75. Few years of-Military Annals are so fertile in events as that which has just expired. FuLL of varied chances, the vear lSt2 ought to teach us a great lesson. It ought to remind us that “ The great principles of war cannot be violated with impunity. ” it may be interesting, as well as useful, to investigate the causes; both of the great disasters which have befallen our. armies,, and of the successes which they have achieved. ' Bv passing in review the different operations, and by discussing them from a strictly military stand-point, we may so perceive the errors of the past campaign as to be able io avoid similar ,ones in'the campaign 4 * to come. These reasons have induced me to write a Military Re view of the Campaign of ISG2, and even to discuss ope rations which will probably take place in 1863. Preface. HAMMOND’S PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS. A series of Experiments in Physiology. .. By William A, Hammond, M. D., Surgeon General U. S. Army. Svo, $2. CHAMBERS’ BOOK OP DAYS, • , VOL. I. THE BOOK OF DAYS. A Miscellany of Popular An tiquities, in connection with the Calendar, including Anecdote, Biography, and History, Curiosities. of Lite rature, and Oddities of Human Life and Character. ’ Edited by ROBERT CHAMBERS, LL D. In 2 vols., amply illustrated. Published ix parts. Price 2(j cents. Cloth, per vol., $3.50. • CHAMBERS’ ENCYCLOPEDIA. Vol. IV. ' CHAMBERS’ ENCYCLOPAEDIA. A Dictionary of Uni versal Knowledge for the People, on . the basis of the latest 1 edition of the German- Conversations Illustrated with, maps and numerous- wood engravings. Published in parts, price 20 cents each; the whole to be comprised in about eight volumes of some 525 pages each. Price per vol., cloth, $3.50. THE WAGONER OF THE ALLEGHANIES. A POEM OF THE DAYS OF SEVENTY-SIX. By Tho mas Buchanan Read.; 12m0., cloth, $1; 18mo., blueand gold, $l. • PARSONS ON NOTES AND BILLS, A . TREATISE ON THE: LAW OF PROMISSORY -NOTES AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Wifchan. Appen dix, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions of the Statute in relation to Bills, Notes, Letters of Cre dit Drafts, Orders, and Checks ; together, with an ex amination of the questions which the Statute suggests; and the English authorities upon those questions which have arisen under the English Stamp-acts, and may arise under our own. By Theophilus Parsons! LL. D., Profissor of Law in Cambridge University, and author of “Treatises on tlieXaw of Contracts; on Maritime Law; on the Elements of Mercantile Law, and on the Laws of Business. 2 vols. Bvo., law sheep, $l2. HILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY AND IN SOLVENCY. THE LAW OF BANKRUPTCY AND-INSOLVENCY. •Being a complete and compact view of the English and American Law upon the subject. By Francis Hilliard, author of the “Law of Torts,” &c., late Judge and Com missioner of Insolvency in Massachusetts. One volume octavo. . *' •• *;■ *. * * Messrs. J. B. L. & Co. , having recently purchased the Stereotype plates of the following popular works, former, ly published by ‘ Messrs. DERBY & JACKSON, and PHILLIPS, SAMPSON*. & CO , are rapidly issuing new editions of the same .in superior style: Addison’s Complete Works, G vols. 12m o. Goldsmith’s Complete W0rk5...............4 “ “ Sterne’s Works 2 “ “ Johnson’s Lives of the English Poets... ....2 “ “ Boswell’s Life of Johnson. 4“ Works of William Hazlitt.,... -5 * s “ .Chesterfield’s Letters to his 50n*.............l “ Works of Hannah More 2 “ ‘ “ Works of Anne Eadcliffe Works of Jane Porter. Children of the Abbey............... Doddridge’s Riseanj^Progress..... Baxter’s-Saints-Rest Taylor’s Holy Living Pox’s Book of Martyrs, . Cook’s Voyages. ........ Gil Bias. ...» Don Quixote. Swiss Family Robinson Gulliver’s Travels Paul and Virginia . Vicar of Wakefield Gentleman’s Guide to Politeness. Lady’s Guide to Gentility......... Language of Flowers.... u......... Lady’s Guide to Perfect Beauty. 1 “ “ Lady’sßookof Poetry and F10wer5........1 “ . “ Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry...l “ “ Prenticeana, by the Ed. of the Louisville Journal. 1 “ “ Life of Charles XII.. - Life of Patrick Henry Randall’s Life of Thomas Jefferson....... ..3 “ Svo. Writings of Thomas Jeffer50n...............9 “ “ The Court of Napoleon! .1 “ Roy.Sv. The Josephine Gallery- 1 “ “ Loves and Heibines of the Poets..l “ 4to. Btinie’s History of England .6 12mo. Macaulay’s History of England* 5 “ “ Millman’s Gibbon’s Roman Empire.........S “ “ J. B. LIPPINGOTT & GO., PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 MARKET Street. TVpEW MUSIC.—JUST RECEIVED, XV Reminiscences of L?ah,, with a splendid Portrait of Miss Kate Bateman. Forsaleby:- B - - . LEE & WALKER, . - . apll-St* -No, 733 CHE3TNUT Street. ■PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL JJ LIST AND LETTER-SHEET PRICE CURRENT, published by; STEPHEN N. WINSLOW, 333 GOLD This Journal was established more than thirty years ago. It has kept pace with the progress of Philadelphia in trade and. wealth, and its columns have been, for many years, a faithful rellex of the vast and variedhusi ness interests of the city. Its statistical information is always accurate aud reliable; its market reports as com plete and authentic as those of any,similar publication in the United States. Confidence is a plaut of slow growth. Careful and judicious individuals, who are in any way concerned in commerce or productive industry, will not readily place their trust in the statements of any of the numerous newspapers of a mushroom growth, teeming with flaming promues they cannot fulfil. .But a journal which has been fully tested by the vicissitudes of time, which has secured universal respect by its well tried fidelity under all circumstances, to the true inte rests of business men, and constant efforts to meet their iequirementi, which is quoted as _an authority in the counting rooms, upon ’Change, and in the market house, and which is filed for reference by the most sagacious of merchants aud manufacturers, can surely claim to be re ceived everywhere as a welcome.friend and assistant in tbe world of traffic. In its peculiar departments, the. COMMERCIAL LIST can afford to challenge compari son. Its columns contain weekly reviews of the markets for all kinds of artielcsi carefully prepared lists of prices, and suggestions us to ihe probable tendency of events affecting the quoted rates; also, the luliug prices of stocks and other fluctuating investments in which the public generally are interested. . • , -q It has been, anil will •continue, to'be, the Mm oftbe proprietor of the ■ COMMERCIAL LIST AND 1 RICE CURRENT, to render his sheet acceptable to other than local patrons. While sivingyatclitul atienhon toavery thing lhat concerns tlie trade and wolfate of Pht'adel phia, hehasstriven to supply valuable information to farmers and producers of every description throughout fwmntrv who are naturally anxious to procure the - latestMnteftigence in regard; to the state of tbe markets. The man who is desirousot making sales orpnrenases in anv of the great Eastern centres of trade aud popula tion may often secure himself against serious loss, or make arrangements by which they, can obtain a, heavy profit by taking theprecaucion of consulting the columns of the* 4 * Commercial List;” They can base their calcu lations upon thereportin : tnisjonrnal,with entire coufi rence that they are not proceeding upon deceptive and delusive statements, put forth. I‘op the ptuposs of leading themastr+y. Surely there is no necessity for urging - upon persons lit a distance from the great mavis tbe im portance ofimprovingthis opportunity for keeping them selves thoroughly posted in matters that affect the re wardfoi their expenditure and.toil.-* : - : > The proprietor of the COMMERCIAL LIST also endear vors to render- his 'weekly issues as entertaining as tl»ey are admitted tr* lie valuable for consultation. Each m*>m ier contains editorial articles upon topics that engage the attention of the'business.: community. BioOßArwr -CAL SKSTGIIES OF EMINENT- M EROII ANTS,' MANU F ALTUUBUS,. and EiNANuiEKS. have been contributed by able writers to enliven the columns of the-papor. and similar ones will continue to fcrm-a feature Us numerous at tractions. .From these the patroits of the.ian.r , nal may learn the oimrnctov.p.nd antecedents of indivi duals who, while pursuing- I Mhe ordinary aud unostehla tious walks of trade, haye, exhibited qualities tkntqom inand puecegs in life* hud the wel fare.- •>-•*••• =■ It* Philadelphia. NEW PUBLICATIONS. FROM THE PRESS OF IN PRBSSr THE COMPANY CLERK. JUST PUBLISHED. SOHALK’S CAMPAIGNS, RECENTLY ISStTHB, NEW PUBLICATIONS. JMPORTANT BOOK! AN IMMENSE DEMAND! EVERYBODY WANTS TO READ IT! FIVE THOUSAND COPIES A. RELIABLE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE PIONEER BOY; AND HOW HE BECAME PRESIDENT. By WILLIAM M. THAYER, author of “The Bobbin Hoy," “Poor Boy and Merchant Prince," &c. Withfivefull-page Illustrations,by Harley.. Price $l. This book contains the early. 1 ife of President Lincoln— tracing hie career from boyhood up to manhood. Two years have been spent in its preparation, and all the ma terial has been derived from reliable sources. It is pre sented in the form of a tale for boys and young men, and. trill, in fact, be of much interest to all* Thesaie ofthis book will be very large, and Booksellers are requested to send in their advance orders early, as they will be filled in the order they are received. 11. THE RESULTS OF SLAVERY: COCHIN ON THE UNITED STATES. Being ihe Complement to M. COCHIN’S “RESULTS OF EMANCIPATION, ” and forming, with, that re markable volume, the most exhaustive possible review of Slaver}/, as a system and an Institution. This volume, being largely on the United States, will he of special interest. Translated by Miss Booth. 12mo. $1.60. 111. - PEKIN; VOL. 11l OF “THE SPECTACLE SERIES.” With five fnll-pageand twenty-five small illustlations, rare and curious, from original designs, which came from, Pekin. Also, illustrated title-page. Written by onewell and directly informed of tbeconntry of which she writes. So little that is anthentichas been written of China, that a hook got up in the attractive form of this will be im mensely popular, and besouglitforby children every where. 75 cents. For sale in Philadelphia by J. B. LIPPINCOTT& CO., T. B.PETERSON & BRO., SMITH, ENGLISH, & CO ;, or sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by the Publishers. WALKER, WISE, & 00., PUBLISHERS,.BOSTON. Agents wanted for the sale of the above Books in every county in the United States. Young men, other wise nnoccupied, are selling from FIFTY to ONE HUN DRED COPIES of “THE PIONEER.BOY” per day, and are making money. For terms, apply to the Publishers. apll-3t rjAXES, AND HOW TO PAY THEM. READ^O-DAY, the u* s/rr a x la w, “ GOVERNMENT.EDITION.” N Prepared by E.-H. HALL, Washington, D. C. One small : 12m0., fine clear type and,-good paper, cloth hound, price 75 cents, and paper covers SO 1 cents. THE BEST TAX LAW OUT. The peculiar, superiority that.this ‘‘Government' Edi tion” offers above all others, is that the laws are not printed bodily, as passed in Congress, hut are arranged in a tabular and condensed form, so that every one can learn all they want to know at. a glance, ana without wasting half a day over the bo-ok. Taxes, Licenses. Stamp Dnties, Decisions, Assessors, and everything worth knowing, are here embodied in half the space usually devoted to sack matters, and the hook is consequently worth twice as much as any other work of its kind. Emphatically a book for the people. Be sure to order CARLETOjS r s “ Govern.uieufcEditiott.” ***Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail/rge r on receipt of price, by CASLETON. Publisher, Jfnw Turk, apllsths-3t • 4-L3 BROAD WAY,.cor. Lispena-gd si. New books. Just received, by J. B LIPPIJSCOTT & CO., 715 and 7X7 MARKET Street, OOLENSO OX THE PEJfTATEOCEL Part 2. TBE GENTLE SCEPTiC. Ft Chancellor Walworth. THE ASTRONOMY OF THS BIBLE. By General Mitchell. ' . TBE EVERY-DAY PHILOSOPHER. By the authorof the “Conutrv Parson.” JOHN STUART MILL ON LIBERTY. SLAVES OF THE RING;-or. Before and After. A DARK NIGHT’S WORK. By Mrs. Gaskill. SEA KINGS AND NAVAL BEROE3. By-Edgar*. LYELL’S ANTIQUITY OF MAN. DR.: SMITH’S PRINOIPIA LATINT. THE CROWN OF SUCCESS. By A. L. 0: E; . SCBALK’S CAMPAIGN OF 1562-’63. apll "REA SLEY'S DRUG UISTS’' REC EIPT BOOK,.—FOURTH AMERICAN, FROM-THE;FIFTH LONDON EDITION. THE DRUGGISTS’ GENERAL RECEIPT BOOK—- Containing a complete Veterinary Formulary,.numerous recipes in Patent and Proprietary Medicine*, Perfumery. Cosmetics, Beverages, Trade Chemicals,: &c., &c. By Henry Beasley. Fourth American, from- the'fifth Lon don ediiion. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, . Publishers and Booksellers, - apll 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. A LADY DESIRES WRITING OR -t*- COPYING. Address “B ~” Pre-g.g.Office. aplo-3t* A GENTLEMAN OE EXPERINOE AS a *J ravelling Salesman in the Middle and Western- States, wants to make arrangements with, some firm-to sell goods by sample. A-ddress *‘E. C.,” Post .Officer - ? apll-2t*‘ to capitalists:—A--M-i©HxwxsT of large experience and an- established reputation, is desiroaa of forming a connection, with adequate capi tal, to go into the MACHINE business. Address M., Forth Americcm office. ap7~-6t* A DAMS PRESSES WANTED.—TWO Adams. Presses wanted, in good’ condition: size, 29x43, for which cash will he paid'. Address, with- full particulars,Box 2477, New York PbstoffihB. .It ■ WANTED, BY A MARRIED JEAN, A - T . Situation as Bookkeeper,” or any other respect ahle employment. Address Box G 8; riiilada. P; 0. it* WAITED—AN ASSISTANT SUJEt- T T GEON in a first-class Cavalry regiment, now in service in'Tennessee. Applicants must present un doubted. relerences as to skill and respectability. Ad dress “Cavalry,” Box 2873 Phii’adelphia Post Office. • ap9-3t* WANTED —IN THE NEIGHBOR n hood of Germantown, to commence in May or June, pleasant SUMMER BOARDING for five persons. A liberal price will be paid for goodv home like accohunodatioi s. A pl-ase where there are no other boarders preferred. Address, stating particulars, “C B. W., ” office of this paper. apo-ws2t* (D>l A fiAA —A YOUNG MAN WITH SP • the above amount wishes to engage in some active business: Mercantile or Manufacturing pre feired. Address, stating nature of business, “R. H. L. , 11 this office. • aplo-2t* <fl?9 flOn —WANTED TO INVEST, tJP/C» ? VJVV' this amount in a safe and profitable business, by a good business man. Address **• Partner, ” this office. > . . aplO 2t* non .$l,OOO, $B,OOO—T HE S E amounts WANTED on first mortgages, on farms in the adjoining counties. Apply to -- aplO E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. ■m ■ WANTED TO RENT—DWELL .JBiIING HOUSE OR COTTAGE iti Germantown. Rent about $3OO per annum. Address Box 2734 Post Office, stating location and .rent. •• It* .2 “ “ ,o 14 4 * •1. “ i ** ♦«' mte : IRON safe; WANTED. A S-'econd-hand Fire.and Thief-proof IRON SAFE, oilbebest make; luediom size. ; Address Box 194 S Philadelphia P. O. . It* *©& DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFlCE. —Philadelphia, Feb. 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: . Tortugas. ' Key West* Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. ■ . Nowbern, N.C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. A PRIVATE FAMILY WISHES A ■Afew first-class Boarders, -who -will pay liberally, and have the comforts of a home, opposite one of the public squares. Address V-CUullin;” Post 0 Rice. aplo-2t* yOST—PERPETUAL POLICY . No. -L.J 3 482 in the Spring Garden Insurance Company, issued'to E. HESS for §2,000. Application has been made to the company for renewal, apl-s&wSt* T OST CERTIFICATES .—NOTICE IS Aj hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the Issue of dupli cates of the following described Certificates of the Five S*r Cent. Loans of the Commonwealth, issued by the auk-of. Pennsylvania, (actiug as transfer agent of the. Commonwealth,) iu the nanu of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey, in England: ■ No. 355, dated April 6, lS37,actof ApvillS, 1335,f0r §5,000. No. 356, do do do do for-So,ooo. No. 857, do do do do for $2,000. mhSl-Snl FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO BENT—A LARGE SECOND -I story ROOM, situated at 1742 MARKET Street; has armory fixtures, and suitable for ■ Apply to ROBERT MAGCRiSGOR, apll-stuth3t No. 333 South THIRD Street. YiOLDSMITH’S HALL.—TO LET. AX Two Booms. 34 feet deep, with steam-power in the rear of GOLDSMITH'S HALL, opposite the new Post OffI S T to WSSEACH - STBA «'lffi KA - 1 APP y GOLDSMITH’S HALL. lt * LIBRARY STREET. Mfob sale—a good dwelling, No 2316'GREEN Street, with all the modern im provements, at a low price. T apll-3t* T O BEN T—A FIRST-CLASS 'EM. BROWN-STONE DWELLING, No. 1729 VrNE Street, in peifecct order, with all the modern impiove ments. Apply to BENUYL ELDER, apll-3t* . 1700 SUMMER Street. fß| POE SALE —A DESIRABLE ■ISM. three-story brick RESIDENCE, situated at No. 636 PINE Street; gas, bath, hot and cold w»ter, &c. ;lotlS by 80 feet. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, apll-*tmh3t • No. 333 SonthTHIRD Street M POR SALE—a DESIRABLE NEW tliree-story brick DWELLING; back buildings, ga®,. Oxford, lot 19 hy 93 feet. •' apll-stathlt. Ho. 333 South THIRD St.ceet. ■gte EOR SALE AND PART/ EX^ S2E CHAN SB—A number of fine Farms ar.d Conn-try Seats, with good Buildings, &c Easy of ¥ o r paHionlars. a W !y to ffe&it.. for sale or to . rent.—a SEcOUNTRY RESIDENCE, with dr Land, 'bpantifullv situated in an excellent, neighborhood, ten. miles from th e city, and witlnn a.H.nort -walk oftSvo sta tions on the North Pennsylvania /Railroad. Inquire of JOSEPH NEWHOUSE, No. 32V CHESTNUT Street,or at his refideuec, at HEIGHTS, opposile Abinston Station, North Railroad. apll-2t* - '.gfc COUNTRY HOUSES. TO LET.— RESIDENCE, containing ample room for a. large family, with "use of cJtAble, &c. i delightfully situated near the river, 20 'minutes’ walk from the Sl*amboat Lauding at Bristol, ALSO, ; A RESIDENCE, near the above, on the river-bank, affording fmo facilities for boating and fish- rent of each quit? low. Apply ht No. 33 SOUTH Street, . " . , apU-smw3t* ORDERED IN ADVANCE. 5,000! NOW READY. WANTS. BOARDING. XOST AND FOUND* AUCTION SAM 2. A&.O ATTRACTIVE SALE French, dby goods. MESSRS. L. MAILLARD & CO. WILL SELL, THROUGH JOHN B. MYERS & 00., Nos. 333 and 334 MARKET STREET, MONDAY MOENIKG, AfsSl» Commencing at 10 o’clock, en 4 months’ ciffedit,-aU‘ at-’ tractive line of their fabrics, coagutffilfr in* part, of— • 350 pieces double-‘tfidth’ eolefcet? plaid mozamz&ihe*:- 125 do dv colors toll de lasne; 150 do do do- toil de chene. 2GO do do db' eilk Valencia* 150 do colored printedmous dfel'Mwe. 200 do mourning <?o d<£- SI-lAtVLS, 400 printed Raye, merino, an«s cashmere shawls/ ,2CO do do do Icmff^hawls. 500 do bordered, black andVolbreicerti-oe, square shawls. . Together .with a general assortment' of FremiKSoods. BRITISH aOOLVS; ALSO, 65 entire packages British Dress Goods: LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF AMERICAN" GHftHPf. ON MONDAY MORNIffG. Will be sold without reserve, at 10 o'clock precisely-*' 6 cases Brunswick colored corset leans 8 do Canoe do do 4 do Pemberton do do 1 do Androscoggin 5-4 bleached cotton -5 bales Lawrence Co. standard 4-4 brown sheeting; 6 do Young America standard 4 4 do. 5 do Quequechan 40-inch brown sheetings. 6 do Pepperell E, do do. 3 do Salisbury E, do do. 10 do Pocasstt C, Mrinch do. 2 do Lebanon tickings.* JOHN B. MYERS & CCX, apll-2t - AUCTIONEERS AMUSEMENTS. CADEMY OF MUSIC.—DIN OR ALL SATURDAY, APRIL 11, Last Night of the Season. Meyerbeer’s celebrated and latest Opera. DINOItAH, (LE PaKDON DU PLOSRMEL.) A CARD. —In order to enable the Management of tlw Opera to produce the Second Act of “DneoßrAH’' with aIU desirable effect, the Directors of the Academy of Mnsiu have prepared a New and Superb Scene, named “The* Inundation, of Ploermel. ” ■ . , Besides the cascade of natural water which flows from* the mountains in the rear, the Directors of the Academy r after great care and considerable expense; bare succeed ed in attaining tbe snccess of the combined Waterfall and- Inundation with the same proficiency andriclsness of ex ecution which they have displayed m the erection of the’ Grand Palace of Sicilian Vespers. Cordier, Morenai, Brignoli, Amodio, Sasinir in the’ principal TQles. ; »piQ-2t OADEMY OR MUSIC, I> O'lf G I 0 V A IF 1 - MONDAY, APRIL. 13, CLOSING NIGET. BENEFIT OF J. GRAU. MOZART'S IMMORTAL DON GIuVANNI. (DON JUAN.) With the following great cast Donna Anna. Zerlini Elvira ... Ottavio Don Giovanni Leporello..... Corcandatore. Massetto... apll-2t MEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA- Iv TRE. Lessee and Jlanager. .Mr. W. WHEATLEY. BENEFIT, AND POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT This Season, of the GREAT GERMAN TRAGEDIAN, DANIEL E. BANDMANN, THIS (SATURDAY)* EVENING, April 11,1563, When he will appear in his great part, NAKCIt SE RAMEAU, ONUE MOHR', In the new and most successful Tragic Piay, NARCISSE, or the LAST of the POMPADOUR! Supported by a " MAGNIFICENT CAST OF CHARACTERS'. TIME CHANGED. Doors open at 7% : Curtain rises at o’clock Mr. WHEATLEY takes pleasure in announcing that he has been enabled a brief Farewell Engage ment with TRAGIC ARTISTE, MISS BATEMAN. Who'will appear, OS MONDAY EVENING. NEXT, In h er great new Cbaraccnr, LEAH,...THE .JEWISH The Play ■will be produced with entirely new Scenery, painted the diieetSou of J H Solwyn, and tl-i® superb Original Musie-S-as been expressly composed for it t y Robert Stcepel. Tlie Box Sheet or the Eveninsof Miss BATEMAN’S FIRST APPEARANCE. . Willbe open THIS MORNING-,, atltho-’clock. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. H Sole Lessee Mrs. SLA. GARRETTSON. Business Agent .......Mr- JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. April IV. “LUCKY’ or, THE GENTLEMAN OPJTATUKE: PeterWaxem— —.-.. Mr,. J. S-. Clarka, To be followed by the Comic Drama of HE ? S JACK SHEPPARD. To conclude with the funny Comic Dr&raau.entitledx ROBERT MAO AIRE. Jacques Strop. SltvJi S-. Glarke, .Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 73£. MBS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET ATI. THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer. JOS. D. MURPHY. FAREWELL. NIGHT OP MARY PROVOST, "Who will appear in two characters. THIS (SATURDAY). EVENING. April 11; ISS3, THE DUELLIST. Countess of Clarv.ille r —— ...Mary-Provost. To conclude-with IRELAND AS IT WAS: Judy O’Trot-*—- Mary Bfovost. Ragged-Pat—... ...........—...... —.. ..EranfeDraw. Dan .Barton.HUL On Monday the new Play of the “HERETIC,.”7>y the late Judee Conrad, in-which MR. EDWIN ADAMS WILL. APPEAR: jtjg*- Prices aa usual. Curtain rises at 7>6 o’clock. A" S SElstBXiTT' B ULL DIN GS. il * last WE-EK. WOODR.OETE’S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OP GLASS-BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING,. The celebrated low-pressure Glass SteamrSngine ** MO NITOR” will be in full operation. Ail the works: of art distributed gratuitously to the and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren’s Grand- GIFT MATINEES. , Every Child will xe- Ce On WEDNESDAY EVENING, April! S£l,. a CASE OP WORK will be given- to the best-looking-Dady in the Hall. - •'* On FRIDAY a CASE OF WORK will, be- given to the best-looking Gent.intlie Halit The First present, each Evening, wall-be a splendid CASE OF GLASS WORK. Admission, 15 cts.. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at S o’clock; afternoon at 3, ap6-6t* "PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A the fine arts, __ 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, THE ACADEMY is now closed: to. prepare for tha ANNUAL and' wilD cgen again on the 27th instant. /___c ; ap6-tf ME- CHURCH'S new picture, L»-L UNDER NIAGARAS painted-from studies madia on the “Maid of the Mist,.”'isnow rinexaibition at Wil lis P. Hazard’s, Bookstore, 72. L SfiSSTNUT St., from. 9 A. M toSP. M. ’Admission, 25 cents. -. xnhSl-lm. ■ JOHN MnCLURE, Publisher. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH. XA- and CHESTNUT. m AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLIT?, - The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hit LEARNED CANARY, BIRDS, will give his new and popular entertainment's EVERY EVENING during the , week, commencing at o’clock, and ’ WEDNESDAY - and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attractions, will be marvellous: Experiment in Magic; wonderful 1 powers in-Yentriloqnismyand the Learned Canary Bird*., in their new characiers. ' _ „ _ ' Admission 25 cents. Children.l3 cents. dos/-tf ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC WrEBEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3}i o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CAHh SENTZ. conductor. Tickets 95 cents. Packages of tickets SL To be had of Andrs & Co., No. 1101 Chasbmfc street ; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at tha Hall door. • n027-fcf HASSL'ER’S orchestra.' NEW OFFICE, 814: South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. deICMJm INSURANCE COMPANIES, ■PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE A imsuhance company. OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA . . INIS4S. . Tills Company is now prepared to make insurance against LOSS BY-FI BE on the most favorable terms..' Their losses will he promptly settled, and that those for the year 1562 were so, they refer to the following re cipients: JaneFerree.... Xi. G. Mytioger & Co Beverly B. Eeira,... ■WilliamE. Taber... John Cnndy *......... P. P. Morris W. V. Petit-... L. G. Mytinger & Co E. E. Sellers Other small losses This Company have no unsettled losses. The assets of the Company are nc-ar Mortgages and ground rents******* —• Real estate (taken for debts) cost* •%»*• Stocks and bonds***—••-••*• Bills receivable *— Due from individuals Cash in Bank * '* Stock notes- * * *.— **.. DIRECT GJS3. R P. King, President, jli.-W. Baldwin* Vice Pre-;- Charles P. Hayes, " *sident, John Clayton, - B. Savery, Ed. Wiler, itilexander Muiphy, T. K. Collins, • ?H. C. Howell*.' X M. Cowell, Uohn Killgoia.^ S; X Megargee. I “ ; - yuli2S-st,u.th3m*if • P,- Secretary* QIRARD FIEjS AND MARINS COMPACT. OFFICE, 415 yfJCiiVT STREET,. FHII.APEI.EHIA. e..'sJbtal saoo.caa. This' Company CBBiinnes to OB lha Ktv •lasses of Propoity. ui loir rate-,. " Tba public ass, roiy npon its rsa?3BslbillW. to pay lts diaSßpssmea.s far tba Übc** of the pobHc, darin* tba last rfee years, easead SWS>Ov.©OO and sre reewiifally solicit disfavor In t&a fotftr*. BmEgsasa: EfflSKSk. SS«S.V *. rassi^ ■THOMAS DRAKE, .TORN SJJI'r’IjKV ~ . ■S3JOMAS GRAVEN, geslAenb A. S. GILIBPT. Vice Fieswant, JAS- B. ALYOB3. Secretary. apgJnf AMR INS¥RANC A- 406 CHESTW^Street^. FiaSAl^i Francis N.SPcb. Chas. RicSardson, HenrylsJWis, Jr.. . JohnYf. Svernsas. FhiJtoA .Tuaties, O. W. K. BU CHABLSS RICH. "WILLIAMS I. BLANCH A ■\\r() OL.—160,000 LBS. UKNNSYL VA- Tl NIA and Oliio Wool, fine medium and low, for salebv HENRY C. DAVIS, ari 31* l«lft South ERON t Street. . WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, UNDERTAKER, ' „ Has removed from bis former residence to No 44 Norttt ELEVENTH Street, third bouse below side. ; ~ —— EDWIN A HUGHES, UN *■*#■**» DERTAKBS. • t 5453 Boath TENTH street, e&iTC Sortsse. - Calih3ni philadalnM&s —LO-RINL -.CoRDIEB. ..MORfiNSf. BRIGIfOLr. .-AMODIO, SU3INL ....BAKILf. .-.dubkedl. MAIDEN .$1,962 45 * 9IS 92- ■ 4,546 67 . 4,594 19 . . 12187* . 2,000 eo> - ' 60 00 > . 1,49 S 76: . 8415, . 160 81’ . $50,116. .48. . 19,370 00. . 21,509 91 . 0,942 91. . 7,374 47- 1,082 87- •i.'70* 265 00,. 8179,662 64, N CO2EFARfY f NO. nigbSLAxca. E Woo&raS, Qeo. A. 'Wfta*, . Jobs. Kessler, Jy. # _ Cbaa. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim, Josop D.KUiB. rCK, President. [ABBSON, Vice Predict LRD. Secretary. QalS-iro
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