ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP T 0 12 O'CLOCK LA.ST NIGHT. Continental-Ninth h X R Culver, Ohio J F Severance, Franklin. JH Kimball, Bath, Me J?" Thompson, Virginia, jßev B F MnrrU, Washington .J Brown, Washington •<J W Boxwood, England JAKedUeld. bimira J A Allen, New Jersey •Col J EIy,US A Ji. Blight,Ohio -J N Goodwin, Maine ..Mr Simpson, Baltimore .Mr & Mrs L Roe, New York ”B C Baker, New York 'H Prichard, Corning Y Mercer, Penua W Thomson, New Jersey *G Lochmnn, Boston . J P Roman, Maryland •G Newlittli, Jr. Cincinnati Y 1) Potts, Williamsport IMiss Porter Sc sister, Easton . J M Porter, Easton Airs B J Moore, Boston -J C Ludlow, Now Jersey. :S A Buckwalter, Illinois "Smith Wood, Brooklyn •J N Rodorsacbi, Boston y E Lawrence, N York R ABlakeloek, N York •J B Montgomery :B C Baker, N York *T S Levering & la, Boston ‘Ponrson Church, Meadville 'll'G Moore, Kentucky Miss C Corerly, Boston Miss T Covcrly, Boston W llEdgertou, StLouiß Isaac Edwaids, St Joseph E G Smyspr, York, Pa *Geo PSmyser, York, Pa .1) E Siniil I, York, Pa TM Bryson. Silver Spg,Pa •J C Flay, N York J W Mohler, Baltimore £» M Shoemaker. Baltimore’ *C llamsay, Baltimore > JWr ii Mi s C lit Mathews, T> C Miss RigxsWashingfOß.D C .1 E Libby & la, DC; ' - .IX SMagraw, Lancaster ■GMStelurnan,'Lancaster Mr & Mrs W II Potter>Phila Glrard-Cliestnut street, below, <J L Crnmer, U 8 A' ; ' Ffon T Jonos Yorke, N,T WE Gaylord, Washington G Now'York Lewi*-HecJit, Baltimore ~ harloa T Weils. Pa "Capt R M Eddy, -pa. W J Gdfilbiu M D. N Y Col Peter Sides, U B A J,G Sibbald, Memphis -A H Schultz, Jr, NY J W Br-own, Sow Jersey -J Shinn, New Jersey Mr & Mrs Conrad, N York P P Dickinson &>la. Pa Geo Wears, Broad Tup 'Geo KunkJe, Harrisburg WPMrinu, Pittsburg . John Whitman, Harrisbg Win J Wilson, Chicago R Stvuther, Jr., N Haven ■ I Painter, o Jas Caispr, Lake Snpex-ior Jncob Woidman Lebanon. W A near & wf, Pa 1 Wm Jl>.stersnu, Johnstown Alfred h Smith, Del co. Pa Mr Pakerhnm. England .Jos LUis, Pottsville . Isaac C Lnii; Yo-k 'G H Killinger, Pa A St’.irfceviut, Now York 3M Luther, Pennsylvania Gso W Wott*n la, Pa JPPraulUin XI SA W fJ Starr, Now t London T Drenuon Sc la [ Henry Colby N-svar c, N J A II Beans,New York J D Rpnton. Wilm, Del John A Bigler, Harrisburg R S Fißld.New Jersey "W 1) Cole, Wash,D C John Smith, Allentown llAßisley F L NswUeld, Poona "Ira Parker C ’Hiompicm, New York W McGiWery.Mainc' E Wil=o‘u. New York • J Freeland,Baltimore 0 Mathews, No w York P Maher 31 Mathew*. New York 3) Caldwell,llollidaysburg J H Laird,New York Merchants’ —Foiixtli •GW Carter <3 ITsmlett, Massachusetts ■C V Batesijisn, Milton J Houstou,Mauch Chunk Miss 8 W Acton, New Jersey S W Caroenter.New Jersey Lieut S D Cumer *l’ ColemaD, Lancaster Teter Garber, Penna -J P KUiss, Penna IRev E J Dcninger, York £ Reurie, Danville, Pa •£ P Carpenter, Salem, N J. Rev M JalJy p F Elter,Scotland,Pa ,E Roberts, Ebensblu-g Pa J) <1 Alexauder, Wmsburg § Alexander. Penna ‘l’llOs Hyatt, Somerset American—Chestnut Street/above Fifth. Xewiß Clark, Baltimore John R Mine, Hanover, Pa it Stillwell. Scranton C E Wirt, Hanover, Pa •C H Youte, Schuyl Haven S C Delaware P Abbott, New Y«-rk IT Young, Pemberton .A Frost, New York A Robinson Maucli Chunk J) Cooper, Philadelphia J H Primrose, Delaware WilDnws, Philadelphia S Bilderlmclc, Delaware W H Mi-Carty, Penna W H Jones, Delaware JasC! WiUon, Sch l Haven - L H Stont.Bethlehem Alf Muirboid, Trenton, N J CYorke, Easton J E EBchhack A wf>- Balt lAßßeechcn Predlßegelier & dan, Balt WF Christian, Maryland •Sami Drinkhouse., Easton E Paynter, Maryland 5 C Dodd, Newark T S Lambert, New York Chas Ballard, Mass Geo E Hall, New York N Scitzingtr, Tamaqua C Statz, Reading •J W AUonays, Dresden. 0 - P P Hellor, heading J A ShallonDerger, Penna** S J Laubach John J Uur6t, Penneville Street* above Third. 0 P Pitchor Sc wf, Wash’n Richard M Waro Miss D Barrow St. Louis-Chestnut H J Remain *W black burn Mtb E E Effingham & 3 elm, Canada 33 E Effingham, Canada •W Wilson. New York whos Mortis. Penna Ja« Dounol, Newark Xj Wilkins, New York J Marshall & la, Washingn J W sheppard, Cuicinuati John P Conls m, U S A J P Luther, New York J M Worthington, Devons’e 1C E Sackott, Bennington ■treet* above Third. BP Williams, Ohio frrs R Wells, Dauphin co Mrs Dovnan, FottsviUe Miss Miller. Pottsville Miss Whitfield, FottsviUe James D Kern, Peuna G F Ott, Ciucinnati L Wiles, Ohio The Union—Arch s< .SChas B Sullivan,*N York John Parker, N York J B Street. Delaware »C parties FI emington, NJ .J Bartles, Flemington, N J. JMtss Kmery, irlemlng’n,N J Wmßcrwerly, Crawfo d*v *W Y Brown &wf, Wash’n Mis* J Robertson, Wasb’n “Wjn Ewing, Wheeling, Va *W fl sterrett, Ohio TB Barrett, < adiz.Ohio Isaac B Dangler, Ohio W F Ricks, Ohio James D Scott, Penn’a National—Race S YJ H Fisher, Ashland ILot Search, Penna ‘ :B L Hertkey. Lancaster ■& H Miller, Dioomshurg IBL Eaudenbush, Sussex 3> Kaudeubw-h.Beavertown Xewis Lenhart, Perry co J Holman & la, Penna J H Smith, Selinsgrove, Pa ■J Eystev. Selinsgrove, Pa X McMahon & fa, Peuua X J Andrews, Bradford, Pa JPKockwell, Bradford, Pa jMiss-MoMahau & sld, Penna J J Blair, Lebanon Col P Sides. Penna W K McMahan, New Jersey Mrs R McMahan, Penna Mrs McMahan &5 ch, Penna Miss P McMahan, Penna Mrs J Mahan, Penna 0 L SmRU, Midiileburg M J McMahan, Penna Miss A McMahan, Penna Miss L Shissler, Penna John R Punk, Lebanon S Auman, FottsviUe H R Noll, Wilke3barre Miss C M Rogers, Penna Miss Mowry, Shamokin Mrs Mo wry, Danville ChasFHill, Willow Spring Hugh McCollum, Jerseyt’n Mbs Kate E McCollum, Pa Jacob A Swisher, Jersey twn ■’W T Weaver. Penna X G Moyer, Penua J M Stoever, Penna Mra W H Hibbs & 3 ch, Pa J G Thomas, Williamsport Commercial—Sixth sti Wm D Evans, Pottstown J Negely, Pottstown AL Elmer & la, W UniA*--.. J F J Bowman, V 9 A <J High, Chester-co- _ Xt JB Harvey, Stafford,Ya J Brewster, McOonnolsv’e BMC Nesbitt, Pt Deposit iE Potts, Bridgeport, Pa <1 Snyder M Woodward, Chester co N Vanderdice, Phcenixv e J - Murray, Milton, Pa Carragau, New York J Mintzer, Pottstown W Cramptou, Port Deposit treet, above Chcstmit. Miss T G Moore,Coatesville G Z Vauderslice ‘States Union—Sixth J F Haas, Minersyille • J P Smith, lowa CM Green, Newburg ."E James, Cumberland co John Holt, Clearfield co N Heuch, Ickosburg.Pa G Dean, Coatesville tSaml C Grier, Perry co Young, Jr,Coatesville 3 Rogers, Lancaster co W Mlßoss,Chester co Mrs Clecliner, Ickesburg A B Sloat, Penna P M Bruner, Lancaster jSarol Lindsay, Columbia j H bearing, Middleton ■CK Henry, Lancaster co -John Bruner,Lancaster co H D Shelly, Canada 31Z Yam Reed,Reading Jlßalil Eagle-Third S A Eisenhnrt, Lehigh co JM C Berger, Bethlehem IB Stout St la, Bath, Pa W Solliday, Mullenston Xlrs Solliday, Mullenston JIDL Dodson, M Chnnk <J Stuertevant, New York Jt Arned, Pennsylvania JUtss StoppvAlleutowu >■ - Mrs Horn, Lehigh, Pa Mr Horn, Pennsylvania -J Evans, Pennsylvania J J Dateeman, Mt Bethel if Hagerman, Pennsylvania ■J Hagerman, Pennsylvania Miss A Hagerman, Penna OBnrley Sheaf—Second street, /below Vine. ZPbineas Pickering, Del. Ed Shotwell, Rahway, N J Cl W Hubble, Wayne co Smith Strati ling, Dollngton Mrs G W Hubble, Wayne co A R W Knight, Feasterville ,Jos Scott, Pennsylvania SJ Townsond, Belmont (Philip Gouter. Windsor, N J JohnKich, U SA JWYandyke, Stockton, NJ Geo Merrick Joel Worthington, Centrev Evan Knight, Byberry Ohas Herrimau.Rmgoes.NJ i rKWyiey, Carversville MrsCMerriman, do Jos Armstrong, Solesbury John Rich, Solesbury Howard Kesler, Penna um Fenton, Montg’y co Jesse Ledom, Newtown A H Trego, Lambertville J W Lynch, Washington 3) H Comp, Trenton, N J M Lynch, Newt own Black -Bear —Third S ■Win .B Drake, Ashland J Zammers, Ashland Chas Morrison, Rocudale Jacob Gruber, Schuyl co A. Mattis Sc la, Elizabethville Stf Artman, Zanesville S Homeland at son, Somerton A R W Knight, Pa 5 Chas Harper, Jenkintown Wm Hamer, Peunsburg Samuel Moyers, Berks co John Hensli, Pennsburg C B Knight, Penna A Mattie, Pennsylvania •G A Buck, Port Carbon Lrcet, above Market. M T Van Burkalcw; Del Jos Williams, Erwinna J Harte, Doylestown Madison—Second sti •Wm Overfield, Monroe co 'Wm Kimble, Wayne co 'Clifts Nelson. Honesdale ‘.<3 ‘W'Wood»oroBBwickß,N J .JaR Carter, Crosswicks, N J L J Sawyer, New York .J<P Case, New York ■Thos Simpson, Camden, Bel Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arch* B J Hollingshead, Pa IBS Smith iC Sherle, Newark I SPECIAL NOTICES, v Jayne’s Hair Tonic. This invaluable and standard preparation ; Clean Hes the Scalp from scurf. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Cleanses the Scalp from Dandraff. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC .Cures Eruptive Diseases of the Scalp. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Excites the Scalp to healthy action. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Prevents the hair from falling off. JAYNfi'S HAIR TONIC Prevents premature Gray ness. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC . Prevents premature Baldness. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC the formation of bald spots. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC the growth of new Hair. •* JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC * .Rcclothes bald heads with new Hair, JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC ''Cleanses the Hair from all impurities. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC "Will render the use of a wig unnecessary. ’ JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC . . Will reproduce hair lost in sickness. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC •iKeeps the hair moist and the ends from splitting. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC . . AS a beautifler is unsurpassed, JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC - . Asa regenerator is unequalled. jayne’s hair tonic '-Gives the hair a rich and glossy appearance v . JAYNE’S HAtR TONIC Will promote the growth of whiskers. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC ''Will quicken the development of moustaches. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC As a dressing for the hair is unexcelled. ; JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Should be on the toilet table of every lady. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC “Should be on the toilet table of every gentleman. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC ls delightfully perfumed, '‘And will pleaße the most fastidious, as its continued ruse has a much more healthful influence on the scalp iand hair than any other preparation now before the pub lic. * Prepared and sold at JAYNE’S, No. %<k 4 CHEST NUT Street. ap7-2t ■Hr.'Swket’s Infallible Liniment affords Immediate-relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. A Beautiful Complexion can be ob 4ained . bythe - W of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAB fiAPARiT.T.A March, April,May, and June, are the boa* ■months to nee a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. ■ fe27-fmw3m iui<i Chestnut streets. J 0 Tborn S Gregory, New York WSCarr, New York S H unith, Penna t J F Smith, Penna J J Smith, l\nua Mrs Morrell, Boston Mids F Morrell, Boston PSHuckioa, Boatoa Miss Cordier, New York H S McComb, Delaware S A H Marks. Washington S .1 Hough, Baltimore : W B Wilson, Baltimore .T PiMsano Si la. Baltimo e J T Scott k wf, Baltimore Mrs Holley & oh. NY J 0 Wyman, Virginia J T Owons & la, Ba'i-imoro F 0 fucker, New York C Kuap. New Jersey T W Osborne, Boston l J W Brown, Bostou Mrs McCauley & dau.Wnsh W Pickhardt, New York E fiohiusou, New York Mrs E 0 Morris, New York Miss M Bryson, Silver Spg C Lloyd, Williamsport .T C Hamilton, N York L Tiffany Sc la, N York J II Fisher. N York - Miss Martindule Miss Luff, Washington, D C .T 11 Bradbui'y, NYork WA Da ling, NYork XI Remiugton Si wf, F River JCBmntigam NYork SB BushfieUi, Wheeling,Va G M Ransom, USA Mrs Ransom Mra l>r Mutter, NY T il Allon, N York L Fritz & wf, Bethlehom Wm Lowther, Newport E B Phillips. Bostjn J W Osbord, Boston Chas R McOla'-key, Boston JP Smith, Boston II 8 Goodwin, Williamsport G M Dexter, N York S L Merchant, N York G C Coit & wf, Buffalo i street, below Arch, E H Neviu,Carlisle, Pa Jaa 8 Black Centre co,Fa 0 S Long, Beaver, Pa TP 8ft r geant, Altoona,Pa W L McAfee,Virgiuia Geo W Brown. Ohio W Beam, Mt Vernon, 0 W W McLaughlin. Ohio J W Purviauce. Ohio Jos Graham. Ohio J Truesclftle. J V Gj'ay.Sto’rmstown C Supper, Johnstown Rev W M Paxton, Pittsburg H B McAboy & da,Penna - J Barclay & wf. Beaver, Pa J Stambausb, MifHin, Pa J G Davidson, Steubenville it.) above Third, P T J,Peuuock, Chest" *<>■-• al Feuuoimr-owaster CO L J Kirk, Lancaster co J P Crawford S Valentine, Chester co . E Cole, St Paul, Minn J Watson. Pennsylvania - J Way, Chester co - J J Hackman. & la, Penna F McSparran, Lancaster co C H Stubbß, M D, Lane co D Rupp, Shiremanstown S Cornett, Phcenixville aud Market streets. W B Morrison, Coatesville A F Hagavd Mrs Danner, Lancaster co Mrs Keller, Lancaster co W Cook, New Jersey Mrs Cook, New Jersey Mr Cook, New Jersey H Simons, Mifilintowu T J Burnett, Harrisburg J Dyer, Elizabethtown W Miller, Lewistown J-H Kister, Gedsborough. N Hertzler, Juniata co H Thatcher, Martinsburg A B Wolf, Washington W S Davison, Juniata co PLanning, Gilmore.O J S Serkstresser, Penna Eli Beck, Westmoreland co it., above Callowhill. Wm Pearson, Pennsylvania Henry Scholl, Pennsylvania J G Sultzbach, Marietta B Young, Northampton co W Louderailcli, Palmyra J F Brehm, Pennsylvauia D T Borduer, Lebanon co k F Bertolet, Reading P Pickering, Buckingham Jj Pickering, Buckiugcam W Smith, Regstown M Pickering, Regstown J A Albert, Lebanon co Alex Biger, Lebanon co B L Martin, Wayne co D H Bagerman, Penna it , above Callttwhill* L R Appleton & son, Penna Johns Cornell. Penna Chas Torbert, Bunks co G W Closson, Pt Pleasant II F Gallagher, Lambertv’e J H Gordon, Pemberton,N J Mrs Pinkney, Washington In Phaise of’Shkep. nv TJIR BARD OP TOWER HALL. Shepherds, in elder times, ’tie said. Were masters of the rhyming trade. And many comp’iments they paid To all the bleating family. "Pan curat oves. ’’Virgil wrote. Which, in plain English, will denote That e’en immortals may devote Attention to this progeny. Still let the honest sheep be praised, And to a proud position raised. Above all beasts that ever grazed; For he deserves that eulogy.. Parchment to lawyers he supplies. To hold iheir lore obscurely wise, And even the sou of Mars relies On him for warlike melody. The tuneful string, so apt to wake • The soulofSiirtk, from him we take, And joints of meat, to boil or bake. All flavored most deliciously. But higher still the sheep we hold. Because, to shield us from the cold, ? He give* fine whicli is sold ..... At Tower Hall continually. The largest stock and most complete assortment in Philadelphia of Ready-made Clothing at • TOWER HALL, 518-MARKET Street, It . BENNETT St CO. Batcieelob’s Haul Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Bye .produces a color not to be distinguished from warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. 4®* The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides <xf each box. \ FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street .) my2S-ly _ v New York. ; .One-Price Clothing, of the Latest ttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Prjce System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. dol2-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. XS^EA.K.H,XEID. HELMBOLD —DlLL.—*onMarch Bth, by the Rev. .T.-B Gilbert, L. T. Helmbold to Miss Emma Dill, bothofPhi ladelplda. * TOWERS.-On January sth, by the Rev. J. B, McCunongli, Jno. B. Shoemaker to Miss Maggie Towers, all of this citv. * XDIEXD. STUART.—On the morning of the 7th inst,, William David Stuart, in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully mvir«d to attend Jus'funeral, from the residence of his father/ George XI. Stuart, No. 1313 Spruce street, on Saturday afternoon next, the 11th inst., at 2 o’clock, without further notice. Interment at the Wood-- lauds **'* DJiWEES —On the afternoon of the sth inst., Edward Dewees, aged 33 years. His relatives and ma’e friends are respectfnllv invited to attend his Inucral from his late residence, “No. 100 i Wistar street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, Bth inst.,at J o’clock. Interment at South Lanrel Hill. * B *RTON. —On the morning of-the sth instant, of con sumption, John Barton, in the 32d year of his age. His male relatives, friends, and the members of the Hibernia Engine Company No. 1, are respectfully invi ted to.attend his funeral from his late residence. No. 4L9 Lombard street, at 8 o’clock this (Wednesday) morning, without further notiee- laterment at St. Joseph’s Cemetery. * LOUDERBACh.—On Sunday morning, the sth inst., after a short and severe illness, Sarah, wife of Samuel Louderback. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral from the residence.of her son-in-law, Kicliard M Ltslie, Thirty-fourth and Elm street, Mantua,this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Ronaldsou’s Cemetery. . * BURTON. —On the sth inst., Thomas Burton, son of the late Ebsba Burton, aged 36. year- * CBIPPS.—On the sth instant, John C., the son of Samuel and Martha Cripp*, aged 6 yearsaud 3months. * CROWE.—On the 6th instant, Mary Jane, daughter of James and Martha Crowe, in the 13th year of her age. * FLYNN.—On the 6tli inst., John, son of Ellen and William Flynn, aged 11 months and 26 days. * ANDERSON.—On Sunday, thesth inst., Stewart An derson, in the37th year of his age. * T)LAOK AND WHITE MOZAM -L> BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, cents. Black and white striped Mohairs, 28 cents. Biack and white De Laines. 28 cents. Blark and white all wool Mousselines, 44 cents. Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes, 18& cents. Black and white Challie de Laines, 31M cents. Black all wool Mousseline de Laines, 44 cents. Black all wool Mousselines, double width, S7K cents. Black silk Challie, 60 cents. - Black Bareges, 25 cents; Bombazines, $l, &c. &<£ BESSON & SOfl, MOURNING STORE, mh2s No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. A.A RICH CHINTZES REDUCED TO .**. 41 25 CENTS. . 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents. 1 case 4-4 Double Purples, 2' ccufcs. 1 case 4-4 Gay 25 cents. 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. . EYRE & LANDELL, a.PI . ‘ ■ FOURTH and Ali(!H. Tj-'INE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS adapted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles. Opening of Spring Mantles. New style Rock-spun Shawls. EYRE & LANDELL, apl FOURTH and ARCH. THE FAIR AT THE SPRING BK?* GARDEN INSTITUTE, in aid of the Church of tim Intercessor, open all THIS DAT. Signor'BLlTZ gives an Entertainment at S P. M. .it* CITY OP WASHINGTON AMD ITS PUBLIC MEN.—A LEWUKE by the Rev. E. VV. BUTTER, Pastor of St.. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Cliurcb, nt tbe MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, April 9. Tickets 2o cents; for sale at the Lutheran Publication Ho.use, No. 42 North Ninth street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. ■ apB-2t ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY.-WITH ftCr6 OUT further notice, Members are invited to al tend tbe Ikneral of ROBERT BURNS, Jr., from the resi dence of his father, Robert Bums, M. D.,'No. 87 MAIN Street, Frankford, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock precisely. The-brethren will convene at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, -on THURSDAY FORENOON, at 11 H o’clock; and, at 12 o’clock precisely, they will proceed tO'Frank ford, viathe Fifth ard Sixth-streets Passenger Railway cars.' Byorderof DAVID 'MILNE,' President. . George Youxti, Secretary. nna-afr-: m Tl[T p Meeting op thjr FBMAL« ANTLSLAVERY SOCIETY will be held at the Assembly Building,TENTH and CHESTNUTMreetB, on FIFTH-DAY, the 9th inst. ; at 1H o’clock P. M. - The Annual Report will be read. The public are in vited to attend. G. M. JONES, apB-2t* Secretary. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND TOWNSHIP KaILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 7rh, 1863. ■ A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will he held 1 1 the Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, No. 23T SOUTH FOURTH S'veet, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May uext, at 10 o’clock A. M. , at which time and place an election of Officers will be held. lapB-dtM4j • A. A. KONIGMACSER, Sec’y. the united states chuis lbCJ=> TIAN COMMISSION beg to acknowledge there ceipt of the following additional stores: >’F.W YORK. ‘ One box from New York Commission; three boxes from Ladies’Third Ward Aid Society, Rochester; two boxes from Ladies’ Aid, Wendon Centre. PENNSYLVANIA. Five hundred and five books from Thomas H. Powers, Philadelphia: one box from Ladies’ Aid, Philipsburg; one box from Pleasant Unity Aid; two boxes from La dies’ Aid,Bristol; one box from Ladies of Phmnixville; one box from Mrs. Shoemaker, Manayunk. NEW JERSEY. One box and one barrel from Ladies’Aid, Allentown; one box from J. A. Anderson, Lambertville. MASSACHUSETTS. Four boxes and sixteen barrels from Army Committee Young Men’s Christian Association, Boston; two barrels and two boxes from Upper Path Valley Ladies’ Aid. MASSACHUSETTS, THROUGH ARMY COMMITTEE YOUNG MEN’S * CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, BOSTON. One box from Acton: one box from Shawmut Congre gational Society, Boston; one box from Mrs. Jas. H. Thayer, Old Cambridge; two barrels from Ladies’ Trini ty Congregational Church, Bridgewater; two boxes from Soldiers’Relief Committee, Worcester. The Commission has sent out a large number of dele gates, who attend personally to . the distribution of the stores and publications, which have been sent in large quantities to the army. Helpis urgently needed. Contributions in money should be sent to JOS. PAT TERSON, Esq., Treasurer, WESTERN BANK, Phila delphia, and of stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Esq., No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. Cash acknowledgments to April 3, 1863. New York Committee Christian Commission, per Jameß M. Brown,Treasurer #2,000 00 Peter B. Simonß, Treasurer Army Committee, Young Men’s Christian Association of Phila delphia, amount of collections at St. Paul’s (Rev. Dr. Goddard’s) Episcopal Church., 740 33 Part proceeds of Mr. Gough’s lectui’e--...*- 403 50 Part proceeds of meeting held at Washington, Pennsylvania. 383 24 A* friend in Scotland. 100 00 M.L 50 00 J. B. Finlay, Kittanning, Pennsylvania . 50 00 Proceeds or a Fair, by a few little girls of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, per Miss Patterson. 38 00 Soldiers’ Aid Society, Defiance, Ohio 33 12 W. B. Mendenhall, paymaster United States Army, Fort Leavenworth 15 00 John Peoples, Henry Clay, Delaware.. 10 00 Soldiers’Aid Club, Sheakey ville, Mercer county, Pennsylvania 10 00 J. Newton Gray, Paxton, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania..... 10 00 John D. Ford, Fort Leavenworth 5 00 A Lady, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania.... 5 00 H. G., additional.. 1 .... - 5 00. Miss Sally Kuhn. Eakin, Pennsylvania. 5 00 Miss Margaret H. Townsend, New Haven, per • . Rev. Dr. 8ac0n....... 5 00 A friend of the Soldier 6 03 Ailemee, Williamsport, Pennsylvania 5 00 E. C. Hooper, Tyrone, Blair county, Penna..... 2 00 W. J. J. Hamilton, Jersey Shore,Pennsylvania 1 00 Amount previously acknowledged. $31,016 15 JOS. PATTERSON. Treasurer Christian Commission. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN ILOh COMMISSION FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY— ITS NATIONALITY, AIM. ECONOMICAL FACILITIES, AND UNBOUNDED OPPORTUNITIES. The United States Christian Commission is NATIONAL, embracing all States of the Union, all ports of the Ar my and. Navi/, and all denominations of Christians, and has the full kanction of the National authorities, civil , military , and naval. AIM is to minister to thereligioas and temporal wants of all wearing the National uniform on land and sea. , The Christian Commission regards our brave defenders as men, having both bodies ana souls. Bodilyreliet to suffering men is important and imperative; .without it, religious admonitions are in vain, and-a mockery. Therefore, the Commission receives-and distributes clothing and comforts, and sends relief to the sick, wounded, and destitute, by every one of.its delegates. Religious instruction and consolation are more price less still, and the Commission, while meeting bodily wants, does-not forget that God made men living souls to live by His own precious Word, and that “ihere is none other name given under heaven amongst men whereby we can be saved ” but the name of the Lord Jesuß Christ, and therefore sends as delegates only such men as love the Saviour and his Word, and delight to point others to the Lamb of God. , ITS PLAN is to have ministers and laymen as delegates in every Military Department and Naval Squadron to aid Chap lains, preach the Gospel, hold prayer meetings, relieve the sick and wounded, iustract and console the dying, write to their friendß at home, receive and distribute the Scriptures, books, papers, and tracts, with clothing and comforts, and accompany all with words of oheer. to.the men from home, and with prayer to God for His blessing upon them. , , Over four hundred men have already enlisted as dele gates, many ol whom are still in the .field and at work; thirty-one in the Army of the Potomac, others in the Army of the Cumberland, the Army of the Mississippi, atMemphis and near Vicksburg; the Army of Missouri and Arkansas, amongst our soldiers at Harper’s Ferry and Wia Chester, c Va. iin the Parole Camp, near Annapo lis, and Convalescent Camp, near Alexandria; at New port News, Norfolk, Newbern, Port Royal, Pensacola, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge. 4 _ ITS ECONOMICAL FACILITIES. . , Nearly every office and store-room of the Commission is given rent free for its use: nearly every employee gives his services without salary? all railroads attorl their facilities either free or at half price ; o ver the wires of twenty-five thousand miles telegraphic companies transmit despatches to and from the Commission with out charge; and the Government gives free transpor tation over all its lines. , . For economy, directness, comprehensiveness of aim, and certainty 01 execution, no other agency ha* ever ex celled this; and as a field- the world never presented one of greater interest or promise. ITS UNBOUNDED OPPORTUNITIIS. A million of patriot soldiers and sailors, eager for the benefits we bestow. Urgent calls coming daily from the various parts of the army and navy. , Great movements and bloody fields at hand. What an opportunity offers for the Christian Commis sion and for the Christian public! Let it not be lost. Alonoy and stores are grealy needed. ■ For further information, directions, and documents, address the Rev. W. E. BOARDMaN, Secretary, No. 13 BANK Street. Philadelphia All stores should be addressed to GEO. H. STUART. Chairman, No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia: and money be JOSEPH PATIERSON, Western Bank, Philadelphia; GEO. H. STUART, Ohairmau, CHARLES DEMOND. Boston, B. S. JANE*. New York, - JOHN P, CROZER, Philadelphia, JAY COOKE. Philadelphia, ap6-mwf6t - r Executive Committee. - PiJ-A GREAT NATIONAL CGLEBRA ' TION. —At a meeting of the Board of Dirociors of THE UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, D 63, the following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, wore unanimously adopted: 1. That the League will cclcbrate.the approaching an niversary of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. That all the Union Loagucs and Associations in the United States be invited to participate in the celebration, and that they be requested to sehd deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. 3. That it be recommended that tho deputies be autho rized to represent their respective constituents in any. action that maybe deemed necessary and oxpodient to perfect the organization of the friends of the Americau Union and Government throughout tho United States. 4. That the Committee of Correspondence be autho rized to preparo a circular lettox', communicating these resolutions to the Union Lenguos and loyal citizens of the respective States, and to adopt such measures as may be necessai3 f to carry them into effect. WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEO. H. BOKER, Seci’etary. - . ap-t-lm HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1119 EC?* CUTfIBLKT Street.— I This institution is now open lor the recfption of sick and wouuded Soldiers, who will be received and. provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. . B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. OFFICE OF THE FIRE HSU -IC?* R'NCc. COMPANY OF THE COUNTY OF PHI LADELPHIA—Arnij, 3.1863. at a meeting of tho Dii’ectors, heldTH'S DAY, HENRY BPIID, l'sq., was unanimously elected Vico President of Said Comimnv. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, ap6-rowfr 3t. . Secretary. . OFFICE OP THE FRANKLIN EC?* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. PjuiiADKi.PHiA, April 6, 1863. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day, a semi-annual D vid-nd of SIX PER CENT, jrndan extra Divideud of TEN PER CENT, was declared on ; the capital stock, payable to the stock holders, or their legal representatives on and after the 16th instant' J. W. MoALLiSTER, ap7-10t Secretary pro tem. SCHirVLKIIIjI* AND SUSCtUEHAM na railroad company, omen 227 south FOURTH Street—Philadelphia. April 3, 1863 —The an nual meetiogofthe Stockholders of this company and an election'for Pi’esident and six Managers will take place at the oiiice of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o’clock 31. W. H. WEBB, ap3-tmy4 Secretary. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE DEtiA &<?=* WARE AN 1) RARITAN CANAL and the CAM DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COSIPANIES, - Pixtxoetox (N. J.). March 31,1363. The Treasurer of the above Companies is xiow prepared to PAY THE BONDS due at Princeton, August 1, 1563, being tlie five per cent. Converted Sterling Loan. The principal, ani also the last coupon, will - be patd oa.pre seniationto WILLIAM H. GATZMER. Philadelphia; or to [ap3-Im] RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer. UNIVERSITY OF PfiNIVSYLVA.- JK?* NTA—DEPARTMENT OP ARTS.—The third tenn of the College year will open on WEDNESDAY, the Set inst. Candidates for admission iviH appear at the tJm vewity, for examination, ou that day, at 10 o’clock A. M, Tuition for eacli term, Thirty -OoUars apfWst P®=; DEPAttTMBKT OS' THE BE itp? CEIVEROF TAXES, Philadelphia. April7.lSS3. A meeting of this Department waR held on MONUAST AFTERNOON, April 6, when the following resolutions wereSunanimousiy adopted: . Resolved, That we have heard with sincere regret and sorrow, the decease of our much esteemed and respected fellow-clerk, EDWARD DEWEES, whose virtues and social qualities endeared him to-us all, whilst his ac quirements and extraordinary assiduity rendered him a bright example to his friends, andsgave assurances of usefulness in the Department which how deplores his loss. Resolved, That we entertain a respectful and affection ate recollection of his virtues and amiable character, whose . career as a member of this Department was al ways marked by unremitting courtesy towards us all, and r an unsullied honor in all transactions of life. Resolved, That we the affliction which ibis calamity mhst carry to his relatives, and that a committee be appointed to express to them our sense of his worth, our regard for his memory, and our sorrow for. their bereavement. Resolved, That we attend the funerat'iu a body. JAMES C. KELC a, Chairman. Attest: Chas. Jewkt.t., Secretary. • 1 CUSTOM HOUSE* PHILADELPHIA., COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, April .4, 1833. —Co Tiansportation Companies, Owners and Officers of ves sel*, Merchants, and others interested. Until otherwise ordered. Shippers of Goods to any Sointin the State of Delaware, south of the parallel of ewcastle, as well as to all places on the Eastern Snore of the Chesapeake, will be required to obtain permits from this office, which will be granted upon the pre sentation of the Oath of Allegiance of the Consignor and Consignee, and the submission of such evidence of loy alty as may be required by the Collector. Small packages shipped in good faith, strictly for family use, may go forward without permits, but will be subject to examination by Custom House Officers ; and any abuse of this privilege will subiect the goods to confiscation. WM. B. THOMAS, Collector. ap6-3t ... . OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR let* TISTTO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. , Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately' at the office of the Smgeon-Artist to the Government, No. X 609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRaNK PALMER, ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN i IRE INSURANCE COMPANY,. ~ Philadelphia, April 6, 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend-of SIX DOLLARS pershare for the last six months, which.. will be paid to the Stocklmldors or their legal repre sentatives on and after the 16th inst., clear of all taxes. ap7-9t* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. $20,000 CE ™ rED at 5 PBR TWENTY. THOUSAND DOLLARS Is wanted on first-.class Chestnut-street property, at 5 PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Apply to ap7-3t CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, PKIOK TO 1863, W AN TED ■ , DEBXBL & CO. ap4-5t . AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, ... -HICrIIEST MAEKET PKIOE. FREIGHT BILLS BOUGHT AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, HUNTER, NORTON, & CO., . 20534 WALNUT STREET, UP STAIRS. ap3-st* g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK: AND BIEL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT STREET. : STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at IO UNITKD STATES 5-20 TEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in snms to suit.. _ Orders hr Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to . Messrs. Nathan Trotter &Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co„ - Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Purness.Brinley, A Co. .■ .John Thomas, Esq. • ' apt :im if EES' 'VOUOHBRS, and U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, Bought and sold by - SAML. N. DAVIES & SON, ap7-6t* DOCK Street. JjD WARD M. DAY IS, STOCK AND EXOHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and'sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and InterestfCoupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCKANDNOTE B R O K E R S , Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT .AND SOLD ON AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS.. #3.88118 .$27,134 97 u. s. FIVE-TWENTIES, OR TWENTY-YEAR SIX-PER-CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OFTHE GOVERNMENT . AFTER FIVE YEARS, I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest "will commence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the or any Sub-Treasury or Depositoryof the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium os gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, . SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On ana after July Ist, 1863, tiuuprivilege of convert ing the present of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly: called "Five-Twenties") will cease. AH who viol: to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY COOKE, c Subscription A&ent, nfh4-tjyl 114 South THIRD Street, I’iiilada. Money to invest.— persons wishing to make Bafe investments of money on the eecurity of Beal Estate in the State of Delaware, can ob tain all the necessary information in relation thereto by addressing ja24-w&s3m Notice.— the undersigned will continue the FLOUR, GRAIN,- SEED, and GenerallProduce Commission business, atNo. 300 North. BROAD Street, where he hopes to hear from former pa-: trona, by his ability to keep up the system of our lata firm, J. Dunwoony &Bro. ,‘ m the way |of makiag good B »m P 3r Ptretnr,lS - . EZL, DUSWOOPY. f'i BAY hair restored—bald. vX JJ ES : S PKBVBNTED-—“LONDON HAIR-COLOB RESTORER AND BREBSIHG, ” the only attested article tbat-wili absolutely restore the bair to tts original color and beauty, causing it to arow wbfere it has fallen off or bf come thin. ’ Wholesale and retail at Dr. SWAYNfci’S, 330 SIXTH Street; above Vine.; f rice; 50 cts.. ap3-tf THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL & 1863. KESOL’VED. ‘ GEORGE ALLEN’, Secretary of Eacnlty of Arts. FINANCIAL. CHARLES E. LEX, ' 51 North SIXTHr below Arch. wra.r._ a 00. Philadelphia. No. 33 South THIRD Street, COMMISSION, B. B. COMEGYS, At the Philadelphia Bank. SPRING MILLINERY. - rip OPENING . SPRING AND SUMMER. MOURNING BONNETS CLO AKS. Of the very latest PARIS AND NEW YORK styles, ON THURSDAY, April 9th, AT THE NEW MOURNING STORE, . aps-at* 936 CHESTNUT Street. M. & A. MYERS & OO CTT\ MISSES O’BRYAN, 1107 WAL «®j)NUT Street, will open PARIS MILLINER? FOB THE SPRING, on THURSDAY, April 9th, ISCB. nfr-lm* rg-Ty MBS. M. A. KI N G, NO. 1026 JrSa&'jaJ CEESTNUT Street, will open a handsome assort i* - ment of • Spring and Summer Millinery on THURSDAY, April 9tli. . ai>6-6t* RETAIL DRY GOODS. JgPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES. / USE GEORGE P. PARMER’S DOUBLE PATENT NEEDLES. These needles are secured on paper like pins, and sold in packages of one dozen each. They are more economical and useful than any needle' offered. For sale by . _ ■ V . . JOHN MUST IN, 806 CHESTNUT Street, and corner of ARCH and SE VEN *3 H Streets: also at 1 LEE & REED’S, (IVarnock-s old stand,) 43 North EIGHTH Street; R K. STEW ART, IJG dTH and CHESTNUT; MAXWELL & SON, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT; SCHUELLERMANN & CO., a 3 North EIGHTH Street. v , ' V apl-wf&m6t ‘ PBEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, AND WINDOW SHADES.—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR KET Streets, will .open this morning from Anetion, In- Srain Carpets, at CO, 62,.75, 87c., and 81; E f try and Stair arpets, 50c. to $1; lag Carpets, 45 to 65c.j Floor. Oil ; Clot he, 50 to 75 cts.; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 75c. to $1.60; Sheeting, Shirting, and Pillow Case Mutiina, 20 to 40 cts.; Table Linens, 62c. to $1; Napkins, 10>4c.; White and Colored Marseilles .Quilts. $3 $8; Stella Shawls, $3 to $8; Mous de Laines, 2o to 37c.; Chintzes, 22 to 28c.; Cloth Table Covers, $1.50 to $4; . Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, 75 cts. to $1.50; Fancy Shirting Flannels, 50 to 65c. mhll-wfmlm B. HAINIS STLLL sells below the market price. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN at 18 .cents; better‘do. at 20; very good at 25. and rea* first-rate at 30. BLEACHED SHIRTING at 20 and 22; very heavy at 25; extra good ShirtiDg at 2S; fine yard-wide at 30; WilliamsvUles, Wamsuttas, aud Forestdaies, 114 yards wide Sheeting, at 40 cents by the piece; 2, 2)4,2>4, and 3 yards-widesneetiDg, all qualities. One lot Brilliants 25 cents by the piece, worth at least 37><. . IliavenowoDe of the largest ana cheapest stocks of LINEN GOODS in the city. Just opened, one lot of those very h c .avy hand-loom Table Linen at very cheap; Union Table Linen at 62)4 and 75c.; all Linen do., at 75, &7)4c., and $l. " All Linen Towels, $2, $2.50, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Doylies, $l, $1.25, and $1.50 per dozen. All Linen Nankins, $2, $2 50, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Handkerchiefs, $1.50 and $1.75 per .dpzen. One lot Fronting Linen's at 45. worth 50 cents; oue.lot very.fine 65—these are a great bargain, being uearly as low as they ever were sold; Pillow Case Linens, 40, 42, and 45 inches wide; heavy Huckaback, all linen, at 20, 25,31)4, and 57)4 ceil ts; one lot half-bleached Httck, over % wide, for .bath towels, 37>2 ; Russia Creshat 15, 16,18, and 20 cents per yard.' ..One lot of very heavy Marseilles Counterpanes, much under their present value, have been bought long time ago. • • „ v Allendale Quilt=, all sizes, from $1.50 up. . Lancaster Quilts, all sizes, from $2.50 up. Honey Comb Quilts, 12-4. at $2.50. Housekeepers will save inoocy by looking through this stock, for there are many otherbargainsiait ' ‘ GRANVILLE B. HATNE3, ap6-3t ; 2013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. CLOTHING. 1 IREN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. CASSIMERES. NEW DIA.GONOLS. NEW MIXTURES. NEW COLORS. NEW G-4 COATINGS. NEW MELTONS. LADIES’ CLOAKINGS. BOYS’ CLOTHING READY-MADE. BOYS’ AND.MEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARE. ap3-tf S. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Sts. JOHN KELLY, JR, T A ILO R , HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET, EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 14:3 South. THIRD Street, Where lie presents, to former patrons and the public, the advantages of a STOCK.OF GOODS, equal if not su-, perior,to any in—the shill and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lowerthanany oihex first-class esta blishment of the city, mh3l-tf “DLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, -L* At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS.-PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. ' At 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, N0...704 MARKET Street. GRIG GUNT-EN'S,- - -No -7©i-MA.ttKBT-Stareet GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG St VAN GUNTEN’S,. No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, -No.-7C4 MARKET Street. —Aab.2lz6m •f'V . GBHTS* FURNISHING GOODS, 606. ARCH STREET. gQg > FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GE3S T TS.’ FURNISHING GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. - ; : v FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR ' SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. GL A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W. W. KNIGHT. GOG ARCH STREET. GOG. ap6-m , ws3m rjJHFLFINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET. JOHN 0. AK-KISOff ; (FORMERLY 3. BURR MOORE.) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. AND AT MODERATE PRICES. N - . B.—Particular attention given- to the making of Shirts, Collars, Drawers, &c. E4NE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A The subscriber would invite attention to hia IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, eon* itautly receiving, . NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORB, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET , Jalfl-tf Four doors below the Continental. BLINDS AND SHADES. JJLINDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 1G: NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SIHADES. 4£P The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new.' Store Shades Made and Lettered. mh6-2m E M O V A Hi . GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, VENETIAN BLIND MAUFACTUKER, Has REMOVED from 136 Worth SIXTH-Street, to B. j/ WILLIAMS’, > WO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET G.' W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuance of favors' at No. 16 North SIXTH Street, where will be fount the Largest and Best Assortment of . V VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES • In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. 4®“ Store Shades Made and Lettered. . Jobbing attended to. . ap6-2mif OIXi CLOTHS* QIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGE, TABLE, STAIR] AND FLOOR oil cloths; IN COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS, QUALITY AND STYLE UNSURPASSED. WINDOW SHADES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OP NEW AND ORI GINAL DESIGNS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL. These goods will he sold to Dealers and Manufacturers of prices muchbelowthe present price ofstock. ■ THOMAS POTTER, MANUFACTURER OF OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, •• 889 ARCH Straet, Philadelphia, and •49 CEDAR and 95 LIBERTY Streets, New York. mli27-lm ; TXODGSON’S CHEMICAL BLU E JLL BLACK WRITING FLUID, warranted equal to any, either American or Foreign: vouched by the Frank lin Institute’s Silver Medal, and by the testimony of the first merchants of Philadelphia. . V,. , , This WRITING FLUID.has now won an established reputation as not being excelled in quality ink in. het American market-. Its advantages are, that it is per fectly limpid, writing blue and soon changing to pure black—not clogging the pen, and remarkably mild on steel pens—not given to mouldiness or decomposition, and though equal in all respects to the best English, yet nofimuch more than half its price. It should, therefore, taki the place of all foreign writing fluids. Rn: sale by the manufacturer, X<J V W. HODGSON, Chemist, . ' No. 103 North TENTH Street, above Arch, Spld by Btationera and Druggists In aud jSisewhore. mhlS-wfaum REMOVALS. J^BMOVAL. J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO., PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS. Have Removed TO THEIR NE W STORE, ap2-6t , TIS & 'TXT MARKET STREET. TRIMMINGS, &c. RADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS;? Bugle Gimps, ‘ Embroidering Braids, Bead and Bugle Ornaments," Silk Gimps, ’ • : 5 Soutache Trimming. Cotton and Silk Zouave Alpaca, Braids, .. Silk Ribbons, CBraidß, Guipure Laceß, Silk aud Union Beltings, And a variety of other fashionable Trimmings. Also, a fft.ll assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR ( WORSTED AND ■ j .SMALL WARES. The goods beihgali our own manufacture and Impor atioh, particular ad vintages in prices, and nvite the attention of the trade, i WM. 11. HORSTMANN & SONS. ? Manufactoryjand Store, mhl6-lm FTPTfe add CHERRY Sea., Philadelphia. WATCHES AND JEWEXRY. "WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER.A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE THIN TEN YEARS the time-pieces manufactured by the American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., have gained aftem hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than .75,000 of them arejpeaking fir.themselves in the pockets of the people. % From a veryjihsignificant beginning the business has increased to ad exieut exceeding our most eanguini anticipations, aud!.wc are now ustified iu statihgthat WE jIAKE MOEp THANONE-RALF of all the. watches sold in the United States. Repeated enlarge ment of our factorjvhuildiLgsi and the labor of 500 opera tives, still find uV‘ unequal supply the constantly in creasing demand* .And we may here observe that not withstanding <jf labor and materials, we actually sell burnhoducts at less prices than those current five years ago. ; We refer to these facts onty forthe purpose of properly introducing another subject our manufacture of watches Hither to our chief object has been to make good watehes.foV the million at the lowest possible price —something to tak e the place of the make-believe watches called ‘‘Ancres,”;!.“Lepinee, ’j “English Patent Levers,” &c., annually up in'this market, in countless numbers, by European workshops—watches which are tlie vi fuse of their factories,- unsaleable at hoine and per fectly worthless everywhere. I . . ■ This objectyre have accomplished, and now we have to announce, that v e have commenced the manufacture of watches of the yeiy HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO.CHRONOMETRY, unequalled by anything kitherio made by ourselves aud unsurpassed by anything made iu the world. For this purpof-e we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an addition to our main buildings'expressly for this branchpf our business, and have filled it with the best workmen in on: service. Profiting by our long expe rience, w v e have Remodelled the form of our watches, iu troduciugsucli improvements as havebeen suggested and proved to be good from time to time, and have instituted new and Sovettj'Jests.of isochionism/adjustment, and compensation. New machines and appliances havebeen constructed, which perform their vr ork with consummate delicacy and exactitude, and. the choicest and most ap T proved materials only are used. Nothing, in fact," is wanting either in : mechanical principles, material, or workmanship to insure perfection iu the result. -We continue to manufacture our other well-known qualities under the following names: ‘ I APPLVTON. TRACY & CO. ” ' : . »>- P- S. BARTLETT,” - V • And.tie„ “Soldier’s Watch. ” \ “WM/. ELLERY.” - The latter, the lowest-priced watch we make, is a sub stantial, reliable time-piece, cased itf sterling' silver hunting pattern, and, is not liable to get out of order either in inaTnhing, riding, or fighting. AIL the above described wfctches including the [finest* which is named AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY” on the plate, are sold by watch dealers generally tlironehont the country. BOBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American watch company, lB3 BROADWAY, N, Y, - - v ap3-firrwlSt* JDST RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER INCHES AND CYLINDRES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by D . T . .1 ?U A l'T, apstf ' GOT CHESTNUT, STREET. J O. FULLER, ’ importer and Wholesale. Dealer In FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ’’ No. 119 CHESTNUT Street, (Up_stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Q&Bt&iZBrB - EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, E HOWARD & CO>’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, ,- AodiTchains, gold spectacles, thimbles, FINE JEWELRT or javnuv-DEfiCEiPTTON. fe!3-3m, ■, ■piNE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL, J. O. FULLER, ! No. Vl* CHESTNUT Street. mhlS-Zm gfa FINE, WATCH EBP AIRING ■rrMT attended to, by, the most experienced workmen, and warranted for one year. • ‘ G. RUSSBX.Ii, 33 North. SIXTH Street. J. C. FULLER’S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOB SALE IS ALL SIZES.- felS-3m yULCANITE RINGS. A fall assortment, all sizes and styles. J. o.' fuller, No. 9 12 i CHESTNUT Street. , fel3-3m MUSICAL BOXES. # TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, A playing from Ito 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. PARR & BROTHER. Importers, ap4 334 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth., fj’JJ E " ; j . “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST IN THE 'WORLD. NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED . & CO. PMLAM. EXCELSIOR.” J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION' DEALERS AND CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, %os. 142 W 144 Nortli FRONT Street; Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The iustlv-ceiebrated“EXCELS T Oß” HAMS are cured by J. H. M* & Co. (inastyle peculiar toihemseWes) ex pressly for FAMIL Y USE,'are of delicious llavor, free from the unpleasant taste ofjsalt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any offered for*sale. ap4-fcf ■JJNITED. STATES SANITARY COMMISSION, No. 1307 CHESTNUT STREET. To all who have Friends in the Army— Soldiers, Aid Societies, Clergymen, Editors, and others, are respect fully requested to aid in disseminating the following notice, which is of interest to all who have friends in the Army: : ' * DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements for supplying information, gratuitously with regard to patients in the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will he added): PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT.—For information, address Office Sanitary Commission, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. ; V : '‘Philadelphia,; Germantown,. Chestnut Hill, Chester, Reading, Harrisburg. NEW YORK DEPARTMENT.—For information ad - dresss Office Woman’s Central Union'', No. 10 Cooper Institute. • • . • _ ■ New York, N.* Y.; New Haven, Conn.-: Boston,-Mass. ; Portsmouth Grove, R. I. f Brattleboro, Vt.; Burlington, •Yt.; Albany, N. Y.; Newark, N. J. •EASTERN DEPARTMENT.—For information address Office Sanil ary Commission, Washington, D. C. :: Washington, D. C.; Georgetown, D. C.; Baltimore, Md.; Frederick City, Md. ;• Alexandria D. 0. ; An napolis, Md.: Annapolis Junction.. Md.; Point Lookout, Md.; Aquia Creek, Va;; Cumberland, Md;; Fairfax, Va.; York, Pa. WESTERN DEPARTMENT.—F6r information address Office Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Ky. Columbus, Ohio; Keokuk, Iowa; Clarksville, Tean.; Cleveland, Ohio; Davenport, Iowa; Jackson, Tenu.; Camp Dennison, Ohio; Paducah, Ky.; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Galliapolis, Ohio; .Bardstown, Ky.; La Grange, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Lebanon, Ky ; Gallatin, Tenn.; Quincy, i Columbus, Ky..;Nashville, Teau., Cairo, 111. ; Columbia, Ky. * Vicksburg, ML3S.; Mound City,. 111. ; Louisville, Ky.; Corinth, Miss.; Jefferson ville, Ind.; Covington, Ky. ;'Helena, Arkansas; Evans ville, Ind.; Lexington, Ky.; Grafton, Va..; New .Al-. bany, Ind.; D inville, Ky ; Point Pleasant, Va.; St. Louis, Mo; ; Perryville, Ky. ; Parkersburg, Va.; Iron ton, Mo;; Bowling Green, Ky. ; Clarksburg,,Va. ;Rolla, Mo. : ; Memphis, Tenn;; Charlestown, Va.; Springfield, Missouri. .*; ' - Information will, under ordinary circumstances, be given to any one applying for it in answer to the follow ing questions. If the application is _ by letter, the an swer will be sent by return of mail. If m person, it will be answered at once. .: * : \ 1. Is (giving name and rogiment) at present in the hospital of ? r - . . _ , If so, what is his proper address? . - . i What is the name of the Surgeon or Chaplain of the pital ? . - If hot in liospital at present, has he recently been in pital? 2. 3. hosj 4. ho si .5. If so, did he die in hospital, and at what date? r 6. If recently discharged from hospital, was he dis charged from service? . 7. If not, what were his‘orders on leaving? - More specific information, as to the condition of any 1 patient in the Philadelphia hospitals, will be furnished within twenty-four hohrs . after a request to do so is re ceived at the office. No; 130 T. CHESTNUT Street. The office of the Directory will he open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P. M. • The Commission receives aid from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its , operations) Contributions to its treasury are so licited, and will be.thankfuilv received by , . 1 V ; CALEB. COPE; Treasurer, - apl-wfm 12fc N. E, corner of MINOR and SIXTH Sts. A/TIiS. s. J. HUTTON’S* SIMPLIFIED system ofDRESS-CUTTING,-adapted to all sizes and figures,ltausht in half-hour lessons. Price $3. N- E.lcorner ELEVENTH and SANSOM Streets. i Ladies and Dress-makers would/do well to call and examine. Waist pattern cut by this system to fit the form for 12 cents. Great : ip.uucameute offered to Agents. - mh2B-l2t NEW PUBLICATIONS* THE PRESS OP J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO., 715 AND 717 MARKET ST. I. SOBTALK’S CAMPAIGNS. CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 AND 1863 ; ILLUSTRA TING THE PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY. BY EMIL SOHALK, Author of “Summary of the Art of War. ” One Vol. 12mo 81.75. Few years of Military Annals are so fertile in events as that which hasjuet expired. Full of varied chances, the year 1862onght to teach us a great, lesson. It oughtto remind us that “The great principles of war cannot be violated with impunity. ” It maY‘be interentingas well as useful to investigate the causes, both of the great dis asurs which have befallen our armies, aad of the suc cesses which tney have achieved. ' - : ; , By passing in review the different operations, and by discussing them from a strictly military stand-point, we may so perceive the errors of the past'campaign as to be able to avoid similar ones in the campaigns to come. These reasons have induced me to write a Military Re view of the Campaign of 1862, and even to discuss ope rations which will probably take place in 1863. PEErACE. • 11. HAMMOND’S PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS A SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS IN .PHYSIOLOGY. BY WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. D., -Surgeon General U. S. Army, 8v0,52. CONTENTS. 1. Theßelations existing between-Urea and Uric Acid*. 2.' Urological Contributions. 3. On the Excretion ofPhos phorlc Acid through the Kidneys., 4. The Physiological Etfectsof Alchohol and Tobacco upon the Human System. 5. Experimental Researches relative to the Nutritive Value and Physiological Effects of Albumen, Starch, and. Gum, when singly and exclusively used as Food. 6. On the Alterations induced by Intermittent Fever in the Physical and Chemical Qualities of the Urine, and on tlie Action of tie Disulphate of Quinirie. 7. On the u jec tion of| Urea and other Substances of; the Blood, 8. On the Action o Certain Vegetable Diuretics. 9 Ex perimental Researches relative to Corroval and Vao, two *New: Varieties of Woorara, the South-American Arrow Poison, (with Dr. Mitchell). 10. On the Physical aud Chemical Characteristics of Corroval and Vao, two re cently discovered Varieties,of Woorara, andvon a New Alkaloid Constituting their Active Priueiple, (with Dr, Mitchell). 11. Experimettal Researches a fupposed New Species of Upas. 12. Further Experimants relating to the Diuretic Action of Colchicum. 13. Urse mic rntoxicatiop. . ap4-6t 7JHE CONDUCT OF/FhE^VYAR. BEPOET OF THE COIftEESSIOKAL COMMITTEE ON :the opehatjons of theaeihy of the- ' POT OMAC. ■ . CAUSES OF ITS INACTION AND. ILL-SUCCESS.. ITS SEVERAL CAMPAIGNS. WHY Me CLELL AN . WAS ' REMOVED. THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. REMOVAL OF BURNSIDE. This masterly report was published entire in the New York £of April 6th. PRICE THREE CENTS. It is also published in a neat Pamphlet of 32 pages, and for sale by all Newsmen. Price 5 cents ; $4 per hun dred, and-$35 per thousand. If sent by mail, one cent each, in addition, .will be charged. Address, . THE TRIBUNE, It 154: NASSAU Street, New York, T7ASTEBN TALES. FULL OE THE -*-* -marvellous and interestiaff, ns “The Arabian Nights. Cloth‘BB cents; red edges SSL CHALLEN, Publisher.- \ apB-6t 13Q8 CHESTNUT. rYRNAMENT YOUR PARLOR WITH the magnificent impeiial Photographs of Great Paintings published by CETALLfcN, apB-6t ; ' 1308 CHEaTNUT. riOCS AND GAME AND OTHER : PrHOTOGRAPHS, adapted to the smoking-ioom or study..' -CHALLEN, Pahlisber, ~apB 6t . ■ , 13^8-CHESTNUT. CTR]PLE-THICK NOTE PAPER, AND Envelopes to match, is she most elegaut and fash ionable.' : \ • CHALLEN, Stationer, apB-6t - -- • 1308 CHESTNUT. I\TOW BEADY.— I ‘CATALOGUE OF A* NEW JERSEY BILLS OF CREDIT. 55 Price 15 cents. For sale by A C. KLINE. It* 844 WALNUT Street. QEISS’S LAST TIMES. A NEW EDITION, - JUST READY. ALSO, SEISS ON LEVITICUS. 12mo. cloth. BOXLEY.’S ORIGIN.OF THE SPECIES. MADGE; Or, NIGHT. AND' MORNING. NEW AND COMPLETE TAXPAYERS’ MANUAL. NEWTON’S BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS. - . SCHALK’S CAMPAIGN of .1562 and ’63. HAMMOND’S PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS LINDSAY & BLaKISTON. ap6 35 South SlXTH’Street, above Chestnut. FOUR NEW BOOKS. OAK LET O NT PUBLISHES THIS DAY : U. S. Tax. Law.- * - GOVERNMENT EDITION ” as amended at the late Congress. Embodying the Govern ment Income Tixes and Stamp Duties; Tariffs; List of Assessors;. Decisions, and infermation of every kind. Prepared upon a new and improved plan by E. H. Hall, Washington, D. C. One elegant 12mo, cloth bound, price 75 cents; or paper covers, 50 cents. The best and cheapest edition in the market. Copyright secured. *»* Be sure to order Carleton’s “Government Edition.” 11. lowa. - Vl!^RlffrTKg'SteJ«i:- I ?mß , \mi»-lliiJiony i _ of bound, price $1.25. Wanderings of a Beaiity.—A Story of Three Loves - By. Mrs. Edwin James. , Aromantic and spicy work, that will irresistibly attract a large portion of the novel-reading community. With steel frontispiece. Cloth bound, $1; paper covers, 75 cents. I/wlii.—A capital new Novel; by Manse T. Walworth, .of Saratoga., One large 12mo, : cloth bound, price $1.25. "■ IN PRESS: ' ‘ ' And will be ready in a few days—l. MY,SOUTHERN: FRIENDS, by the author of “ Among the Pines. ” 11. VINCENZO, ahewnovel bytho author of “Doctor Antonio.” 111. EXPERIENCES IN MY ElFSi_bv D. D. Hume, the celebrated Spiritualist, with an Introduction, -by Judge Edmonds. . JSSF-*** These books are Sold by all booksellers, and will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, bv «. ' CARLETON, Publisher. New York 1 , ap4-s&w. No. 413 Broadway, cornerLISEENARD St. I n OTS.—THUMB GTS. AV7 ; Tom Thumb and Wife on one card, j Com. Nuttand MinDieWarren on one card. Lavinia and M nnie Warren on one card. The above are Photographs, not Engravings or Litho graphs. \ Price $1 dozen; $S per hundred. t apS-2t ,G. W. PITCHER, 808 CHESTNUT St. SHAKSFEARIAN LUNCH! HACKETT’S NEW BOOK ON SHAKSPEARE is de nominated A SHAKSPEARIAN LUNCH;”by very clever literary cities about town. The New York Daily Tines&KYs: ” What with green room gossip, sparkling stage reminiscences, intelligent interpretation, including just criticism and candid com ment, valuable references to contemporaneous theatrical events and actors, and suggestive hints upon nearly all ShakspeariansnbjectSjMr. Hackett’sbook is a very/much more readable volume and agreeable library companion than the grave title on its back would at first indicate.” A THIRD EDITION of this capital book is just ready. One elegant volume, cloth bound, with a fine steel por trait. Price $1.50. ' CARLETON. Publisher, New York, ap4-sws 413 BROADWAY, cor. Lispenard st. gAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, 734 CHESTNUT ; STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to be had in * FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fe6-tf SM ED L E Y’S ATL A S OF PHILADELPHIA, From the official recorded Surveys of the City. In twenty-five Sections or Maps, showing the size of blocks, width of streets, location of buildings, churches, parks, railroads, cemeteries. &c. Exhibiting on a large scale GERMANTOWN, WEST PHILADELPHIA, FRANK FORD, and the entire city. Printed on heavy drafting paper and handsomely bound. A work of great value at the present time, to capitalists and those seeking real estate investments. Price, $2O. By SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, City Surveyor. Eleventh Distiict, corner Lancaster avenue and Thirty-fifth street, where copies may be procured, or of :" J. B. LIPPTNCOTT & CO., mh27-lm No. 715 MARKET Street. T> BAD Y—("OFFICIAL ), THE UNITED ■H States Conscription Act, or National Militia Bill, with a copious Index for reference. JAMES W. FOR TUNE, Publisher, 102 CENTRE St., N. Y. Price, five cents. - - ■' mh‘2-5-lm PROF. GREEN ON COLENSO.— The Pentateuch Vindicated from the Aspersions of Colenso. By Wm. H, Green, D. D. $1.25. SKETCHES OF THE WAR. -ASeries of Letters to the North Moore Street School of New Y ork. By Capt. Chas. C. Nott. 75 cents. GRANDMAMA’S SUNSHINE AND OTHER STORIES. 18mo. 60 cents. MY MOTHER’S CHAtR. 18mo. 30 cents. THE DUTY OF THE HOUR.: By Rev. Samuel T. Spear, D. D. Pamphlet. 10 cents, For Sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIF.N, mh23 606 CHESTNUT Street. - ONLY 10 CENTS!—JUST RECEIVED, Cartes de Visit© of Gen. TOM THUMB and LADY, in Wedding Costume,' at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, . 439 CHESTNUT Street, mh2Q-tf Opposite the new Post Office. in CENTS! 10 CENTS! 10 CENTS ! For the Bride and Bridegroom, MR. AND MRS. TOM THUMB, In Bridal Dress, AT THE ORIGINAL GIVT-BOOK EMPORCUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street, mh2o-tf Opposite the new Post Office. T?LEG£NT PHOTOGRAPH COPIES XJ OF NATURAL FLOWERS. Orchids, Ferns, Roses, Annuals, &c., Ac., in the most perfect truthfulness to nature, ju it ready for the album, and as copies for the pencil in; water, oil, and crayon, and for coloring with the new prepared colors. NEW TON’S PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUMEN PIC TURES - J. E. TILTON & CO , BOSTON. Price for the copies of Flowers 25 cents each, for NEW TON’S-Prepsred, Colors $3.30, including bottle of Re ducing Liquid and full directions for use. Beware of.* miserable imitations of these colors.. The genuine have • name, J. E. TILTON & CO., on each box and bottle. - . mh2o-lm a, - ‘' ■ OK CENTS.—PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS from 35 Centß to 35 Dollars l The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices ih the ‘’standard AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that can be found in a first-class Bookstore, at low rates. Ail of G. G. EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the OLD PRICESI Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM. 439 CHESTNUT Street. PMUTOGKAJPHB. TJEIMER’S COLORED PHOTO ■JA 'GRAPHS for *1 are just the style to please. Ac curate likenesses, naturally colored, at moderate charge; onlysl. Gallery, SECOND. Street, above Green. It r<EOROE LIFFARD.—A VERY FINE \JT CARD PHOTOGRAPH of the late GEORGE LIP- MCALLISTER & BROTHER, »n7-2t : : "TBB CHESTNUT Street. A DMIRAL LA VAIiTiETTE.—A VERY JX. fine CARD PHOTOGRAPH' of the late Admiral. lavalleite. McAllister* brother.,* au7-2t .TAS CHESTNUT Street.^ HP H O S E WHO WANT A GOOD; A likeuess/ at a moderate charge, should . geV, one of EETMER’S Colored Photographs, ot fine quality-,, na turally colored. Only $l. SECOND St.,aVoveGreeu. It gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA. Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN EINE GROCERIES, fe3S, CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. WANTS. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, WITH * * some capital, and well acquainted with the Retail Fancy Goode Business* to take an interest is and the charge of a Retail|Stare. Address “A. L. at this office. m It* WANTED —IN THE NEIGHBOR ** hood of Germantown, to commence in May or Jane, pleasant SUMMER BOARDING fora family office persons. A liberal price will be wnid for good, hotn.V' like accommodations. A place where there are no other boarders preferred. Address, stating particulars, *‘C B. W., ” office of this paper. apB-ws2t* WANTED—A SITE FOR A MANU- T I FACTORY, (with buildings on preferred,) near the city, and haying water communication. Address Box 1281 Philadelphia P.O. ~ ap7-3t* r rO CAPITALISTS.— A MACHINIST of large experience and an established reputation, is desirous of forming a connection,. with, adequate capi tal, to'po into the MACHINE business. Address ,M.» Aartn American office, ... - V . ap7-6t* WANTE D— B Y A FAMILY OF Four a tenement over a store, or pari: of a house with a respectable sm-aiT fa nily, above 'Market and below Broad, and within a few squares of Eighth and Race. Neighborhood must be sood: Address “N-,” Press office. • - . ap7-3t* WAN TED TO PURCHASE OR KX . ; CHANGE for city!property a Dwellimr-lrmne, with modern improvements, sttmte between *ARKGT amt VINE Streets. Priceabont Sin.QOO:’-Address-with description, “A. B.Box MBS' Palladelnhia Hos : . apB-3t* 'WANTED-ABOTjT THE FIRST OF * * May a competent Book-keeper to take charge of the books of a manufacturingestablishTneut. Thebest of ; references required. Address Box 1705 Post Office, in handwriting of applicant. ap7-2t* WANTED OLOTHIN G— PE RSONS • having Clothing to dispose of will please call or address C. MILLER, 203 CHESTNUT et.mhlo-.mvrfSm* DEPUTT QUARTERMASTER Mgfeji GENERAL’S OFFlCE.—Philadhufhi a, ■ Feb. 9, -VESSELS -WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortogas. • . Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern, N.C. ' Fort Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, - felO-tf / . Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDING. A PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST CAN liave a very nice OFFICE, with a superior SUI T OF ROOM S !, on second story, if desired, with BOARD, in one of the best localities on t'IIIaSTNUT Street. A chance Eeldom to be met with. Address F. S. A. . Post Office. - ap7-3l* • -LOST ANl> FOUND. T OST— PERPETUAL PULICY No. 3,4.82 in the Spring Garden Insurance Company, issued to E. HESS for $2,000. Application has bsen made to the company for renewal. apl-s&wSt* T OST OR MISLAID—CERTIFICATE -LJ No. 106 for 24 shares of Stock in the MANUFAG PU REES’ INSURANCE COMPANY. Ail persons are here by cautioned against negotiating same, as application has been made for renewal. , fell-w9t* WILLIAM A. RHODES. J OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS : *~ J hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for-the issue of dupli cates of the following described Certificates of the Five per Cent. Loans of the Commonwealth, issucd'by' the Bank of Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent of the Commonwealth,) in the nam* of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey, in England: No. 355, dated April 6, 1837, act of April LI, 1835, for $-1,000. No. 356, do do do do . for $5,000. No. 357, do do . do . do for $2,000. mh3l-3m. FOR SALE ASTD TO LET. C'OAL YABD'EOE SALE.—THE best fitted-up Yard in the city./ Capacity /or doing any amount of business. Inquire.on the piemises, No V 57 North; NINTH St., below Ginird avenue apB-6t* TO LENT- FART OF AN OFFICE OR. DESK ROOM in the neighborhood of FRONT and WALNUT.- Address Box 2675 Post Office, stating nature of business.. . • ii* TO PLOEESBION AL MEN;—TO LET, an - OFFICE,’in the vicinity of FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. Address ap7-:jc dp TO LET—A GOOD HOUSE, TO A •ISiifismall private family. Rent taken out in board. 'Address “fii., •’Pre§s office. apS-3i* M TO COAL AND 108 DRiLEJtiS.— FOR SALEorTOLET, the large BUI CiDLNG-on the nonheast corner of CA.LLOWHILL and EIGHTH Streets, having a front of 55 teet, end extending through to Wil low street, with railroad tracks into the buiidiug, and large and substantial bins for the storage of Coal. For the retail trade this property offers unusual in ducements, having been built and .arranged expressly for the Coal and Ice business, the locality being con sidered one of the best in the city. The rooms in the second and third stories are large, and suitable for public meetings, armories, &c., &c. Apply to .1, D. REIN BOTH, apS-St*.-. . 430 WALNUT Street. m. FOB SALE—A VERY DE- S&a. SIRABLE RESIDENCE, with side yard attached, on Eighteenth street, above Arch. Apply to WM. ROB - ALLEN, . S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, (Second Floor.) up7-3t* M EUB SALE—SEVERAL; HAND SOME COTTAGES in and hear Germantown. Ap ply to WM. ROSSbLL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, (Second Floor.) • • • " ap7-3t* m FOB SALE—A FIVE-STOBY -Ebl*A-STORE on Third -street, above Arch Applv to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH r and WALNUT, (Second Floor ) ap7-3t* m FOB SALE.-HANDSOME 33C, RUGAR-MAPLE TREES, at low prices. HENRY A. JOHNSON, opposite Six Mile Stone, Germantown. . VALUABLE FARM AT FUBLIO 2CSALE, in RIDLEY, Delaware county, Pa., five miles, from the Philadelphia line..—On WEDNESDAY, April 15, 1863, at one o’clock P. M., Ninety-six Acres of TJTG; Frame Barn; Wagon House; two stone Spring Houses, over excellent water; Tenant House for two families All the buildings in good repair. Two Apple Orchards and other fruit trees. There is a good landing on tide water, at which vessels of a large class can load and unload at ccromon tides. The trains on the Philadel phia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad stop at tlie Lazaretto station, within one mile of the premises. For ' further information, call previous to sale, on the under- " signed, at the premises. . J. ENGLE SMITH, apS-6t* : THOS, P. SMITH. PERSONAL. A. GIKTLEMAN WISHING TO COR aaareSB ?P SS PENSIONS.—SIOO BOUNTY AND PAY procured and Soldi ora Sailnra and the relatives of such as are ® and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have serve<r'w£!L i . years, and all soldiers who have been discharged by reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to a pension, JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, mh!3 434 WALNUT Street MARSHAL'S SALES. TV/fABSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE -k’-*- of a Writ of Saleby the Honorable John Cadwa lader, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, iu Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public .'•ale, to the • highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on SATURDAY, April 18, 1563, at 12 o’clockM. , a portion of the machinery and portion of the cargo of the steamer Queen of the Wave. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States Marshal E. D of Pa. Philadelphia, April 7,1563. . apS-6t A/TARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE -k*-*- of a Writ of Sale; by the Honorable John Cadwala der, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the store No. 519 ARCH Street, on WEDNESDAY, 'April 22, 1863, at 11 o’clock A. M., a portion of the cargo of- the steamer Bermuda, as follows: 221 cases dry goods; 91 casos prints; S cases muslins; 9 bales canvass; 2o cases sheetings; 6 cases vulcanized gum cloth: 9 cases spool cotton and thread; 2 cases tan- Bers’leather cloth;-3 cases military insignia; 3 cases gjcjrintz; 9 cases merinoe's; 29 miscellaneous trimmings; Tease tickings; 3 cates edgings; 2 cases ribbons ; 2 cases flannels: 3 cases cambrics; 2 cases lawns ; 2 cases linens; 2 cases checks; 1 case cords; 3 cases de laines; T case mohairs; 1 case rugs-; 1 case umbrellas: 1 case silk hand kerchiefs; lease tapes; 1 case buttons. Catalogues will be issued five days prior to the sale, when the goods can be examined. WILLIAM MILL WARD, United States Marshal E.D. of Pa. Philadelphia, April 7,1563. apS-8t LEGAL. TN THE ORPH ANS’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN C. WEBEE, - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, aßd adjust the final account of BENJAMIN E. CHAIN and THEODORE W. BEAN, Administrators of the es tate of JOHN C. WEBER, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 21st day of April, A. D. 1563, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office. No. 365’'South THIRD Street, m the city of Philadelphia. tEDWARD TILBURY JONES,; apS-wfmst Auditor. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS vJ TKICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, . GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the Uuited States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in , general who have, or pretend to have, anj' right, title, or interest ini anchor, .600 pounds;! anchor, 50u pounds; Ismail boat and davttfcs; 24 packages tin;l iron tiller;l old coil-wire rigging; 2 pump spears; break and stan chion;! vacuum gauger; 1 steam gauge; 1 binuacleand compass ;1 box of medicine; 1 nauser, 2 side lanterns; 1 mast-head lantern; being a part of the steamer Queen of the Wave and her cargo, captured off the mouth of the Santee river, South Carolina, by the United States steam er Conemaugh,temporarily commanded’by Lieutenant Commanding Eastman, and brought to this port by the United States steamer Massachusetts, to be mo nished,'cited, and called tojudgraentat the time and place underwritten, and to th'e effect hereafter expressed,(justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged-, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing iEbse presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, anuin the Legal Intelligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in . general who have,'or pretend to'have, any right, title, or interest in the said parts of the steamer Queen of the Wave, and. her cargo, to ap pear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day af ter 1 : publication of these presents, if it be .a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law,a reas o nable and Ia w ful ex cuse, if any they have, why the said parts of; the steamer Queen of the Wave and her cargo should noc be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable ana subject to con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive m this be half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly in timate, or-cause to be intimated,, unto all persons afore said generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also-intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and-place" above'mentioned, 4 -or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth inteud and will proceed to adjudication on the said : eapture»and may pronounce that the said parts of the -steamer. Queen of the Wave and her cargo did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of: the. United - States of America, and as goods of their enemies,’or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned. as lawful' prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding,' and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable-JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said .Court, at Philadelphia, this fourth day of APRIL, A. D-. ISS&. and in the eighty-seventh year of the independence ol the said United States. npS-St G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court.. J£ EBB’S FBSKISHIKa. CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISH- MENT, - CHINA HALL, 5&9 CHESTNUT STREET, DIRECTO ©SPGBITE INDEPEXD&NC3 HALL, PHILADELPHIA’, " Hotels; restanrautsy and shipping supplied. China and glass packed In a proper manner.- , , ja R. -China decorated to order; also, initials Send crests elegantly engraved on • ' Or»i«rs by mail promptly attended to. JOE 1 ICE! ICE! ICE 1 ICE I ICE 1 COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Crfiara Saloons. &c , *c., supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE,* at the very lowest market rates, jteabirff and large consumers supplied at wholesale, prices. Wagons run inAll paveu limits of the Consolidated city, ’and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. , - THOS. E CAHILL, f3»5 WALNUT Street. • • Affii,... I North Penna R.Master street. ■ umces. \ Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets Bp3*3inif , vPine-street wharf, A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. ' ITALIAN OPERA. Director J OBAN. positively the last four nights. T .THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. April Bth, LAST NIGHT BBT THREE OF THE SEASON. Btyerbeer’a world-renowned Opera, ... ROBERTO IL DIAVOLO. -'-olice I Mile Cordier......lsabella. TTer. Toft? oll '""-D® 0^U 0 - Ibis- Susini Bertram. f JMrG B w e U^rfa”?e n t l " M S' ; '“' i "' V,:4 '' d ' ,reCtio,i Condnctar and SirKUZro. \ ITA LI AN AND FKENCHOPERA Li.FIGLIA DEL REGIMENTO....7...MTSB ktstt ona LE3 JfOCES DE JE M’LLE CORDTFR In- hot native a Ba>let FRIDAY, BALfEY’S GREAT WORK LA JUIYjs, (TEEJEWESS > SATURDAY, POSITIVELY LAST NIuHT OF THE OPERA. AN PERFORMANCE. Admission l»Farquefc, Dress Circle, and Balcony, $!• Reserved seato 59' cents extra ;• Family Circle fiO cents; Gallery 25cenro Seats can be secured at the Academy, and at Gould’s Music Store, coiner of Chestnut and Seventh streets It New chestnut-stkebt thea tre. Lessee and Manager. Mr. W. WHEATLEY. LAST APPEARANCE BUT ONE. THIS (WEDNESDAYS EVENING. Afril Btb. I 86& THE CELEBRATED GERMAN ARTIST, DANIEL E. SA-N-EWSTANN, Will appear for v THE THIRD TI-MEi In the New Play, NARCISSE:- . . OR, TJIE LAST OF THS-POMPADOURS. Madame de Pompadour, born iii'the ranks ot the peol - aud seating herself at her ease upon the Throne of' Blanche of Castile, protecting Philosophers atld banish-w Jng the Jesuits, jtre&ting great Noblemen with tae same* as Arti-ts. was ONE OF ,THE CAUSES OF' THE - FRENCH REVOLUTION,i NEW SCENERY, NEW DRESS /v • N£W APPOINTMENTS’, AND A SUPERB CAST OF CHARACTERS. THURSDAY, April-Sth. POSITIVELY THe, LAST NIGHT BU-'ONS OF a in *•>«'‘‘’gla'Siatob;? Apri, llth THE LAST NIGHT OF „ Daniel e ban dm inn. Asd Positively the last time upon vrh.ich. KaRCISSB: ■ OE. THE HE jPOMPADOURS; ~ •-calt-be^prodOced. 7 Hr. WBEATLEY takes pleasure' in announcing that liehaabeen enabled to effect a brief>J?arewell Engage ment, prior to her departife'tbr Europe, wicfa the GREAT TRAGIC ARTIS t’E, ■■■• . MISSBaTSHAN. . This young lady ? s remvrkstble impersonations are UNPARALLELED Iff-THE-HD* TORY OF THE STAGE.- MONDAY EVENING, April 13th,' She will appear, for ibe first time, la her. great uew ch a*-a«*ter, • LEAH, THE JEWISH MAIDEN Doors open at ?hj: Onpaia rises at 7% o'clock - M RB. JOHN DREW’S ARCH-STREET XTJ. THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY v FIFTEENTH NIGHT OF MARY PROVOST ’ TO-NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, Aprilcth, 1333; . „ - . LUCKETIA BORGTIA. Lucretia Borgia. ~ .Mary Provost. Geparo v .. .. .V.%; . Barton HilL To conclude with the Glorious Comedylof OUR.AMERICAN COUSIN. Lord Dundreary.......;... Barton Hill. A-a T renchard - Fraak. Drew. Florence Trenchnrd .Mrs. John Drew. Mary Meredith.......' . Miss J 5. Price. In Rebearfal, a New and Sterling Play. Prices as nsnal. Curtain rises at 7K o' clock. THEATRE. . Upon the occasion of the FAREWELL .BENEFIT of the Gr-eat Artiste, MARY PROVOST, FRIDAY EVENING. April 8, Sr e will appear in two New Characters, the most Fashionable and Powerful bill of her successful Engage ment rand every visitor of the Theatre on that evening will he gratuitously presented with a cart d de visits of MISS PROVOST. , ■ mhB-2t \\7 ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. “*, Sole Lestee *... .Sirs. M.-A_ GARRETTSOJBT. Business Anent... Mr. JOHN.T. DONNELLY. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, April 8, 1£63, . . EVERYBODY’S FRIEND Major De Boots Mr. j. s. Clarke. To be followed by the Capital Comedv, entitled • FASHIONABLE SOCIETY. Jack Cabbage... Mr. J. S. Clarke. To conclude with the Capital Farce of SOMEBODY *S COAT. Smashington Mr. J. $. Clarke. Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 7j 4. WHITTAKER’S CIRCUS, MARKET * " Street, above TWELFTH Street.-, Admission, 25 cents; Private Box and Balcony Seats. 50cents; Gallery— Adults, 15 cents; Do. Boys, J. 9 cents. Colored Gallery, 15 cents. THIS AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, ihe Last Grand Matinee, but one, will be given, when the Patients .of several of the Unitedflftates Hospitals have been invited to attend.. A Programme iaden.with choice EQUESTEIAN GEMS and BRILLIANT GYMNASTIC EFFORTS will be presented. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, April 3.1863, A GRAND ENTREE by the Company', to be followed by an Elegant Act of Equestrianism by M’LLE MARIE and M’LLE VIRGINIA. . To conclude with A.NTICSOF THE COMIC MULES. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. LAST WEEK. , WOODROFFE’S , BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS-BLOWERS . ; : EVERY EVENING, The celebrated lowrpressure Glass Steam-Engine “ MO- IflT’OR” will be in full opeiatioa. All the works of art distributed gratuitously *o the visitoit. ' WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Chird ren’s Grand GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will e ceive a GIFT. . On WEDNESDAY EVENING, April Sell, a CASE op- WORK will be given ;o the best-lookiug Lady iu the- Hall On FRIDAY aCASEOF WORK will be given to the best-looking Gent in the Hall. The Firs-t pref-enc, each Evening, will be a spl&r did CASE OF GLASS ORK. * Admission, 15 cte. No half price. Exhibition cor. mcnces in the evening at So ? clpek; aitersobu at 3. ap6-6t*' FSN N S YLV A NIA THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, THE ACADEMY is now closed to prepare for the JNNUAL EXHIBITION, and Trill open again on the 27th instant. ap 6-if IP. GHOROH’S HW PICTURE, Es® straws- made vie n 6 vi °U he , ls aow ,i U exhibition at Wil- AM S, AP d IM Bo “J st P r e- »3* CHESTNUT St. , Jrom 8 A. ,M to SP. M. Admission, 25 coats mhol-lm JOHN McCLTOE. Publisher ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS TENETS _ SIGNOR BLITZ, The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with Ms LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his-new-and poptuar entertainments EVERY EVENING during the ■week, commencing at 7J< o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The.attraction* will be marvellous: Experiments in Magic; wonderftd po weirs in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Bird* m their new characters. - * cents. Children 13 cents, INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— -I- EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 3%P. M. Ad mission TEN GENTS. Store No. 11 South EIGHTH -Street. ■ del7-wtf A—PUBLIC '-A.REBEABBALS every at 3K o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL,. CAR! SENTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of At* tickets $l. To he had of Aadx6 & Co., No. 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at ih« Hall door. • - • n027-fcf Has slbb’S orchestra. NEW.OFFICE, 814 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delo-8» J)R. STOETEE’S STOMACH BITTERS, For the cure of Dyspepsia. FOR SALE AT HOTELS AND DRUGGISTS. Principal Philadelphia Depot, apl-ws&ml2t* 356 South SECOND Street r PH OMPSON ’S COMPOUND SYRUP AOF TAR.—The almost invariable satisfaction attend ing the use of this Compound in Pulmonary and Bron chial diseases, severe and obstinate Coughs and Colds. Asthma, &c., has rendered it the most popular remedy in these affections, and should claim for it a trial from all requiring a medicine which combines expectorant and healing properties. Prepared and sold by ' ANGNEY, Druggist, It* FIFTH and SPRUCE Streets. POUGES, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION. Cured to a . Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY, than auy other remedy or treatment yet discovered. Have you Cough, Sore Throat, Weak Breast ? Have you Bronchitis, Asthma. ‘ * Have you Weak Nerves, Disturbed Sleep? Have you Disordered Liver, Blood-spitting ? Have you Pains, Side, Breast. Soreness? Have you Night Sweats, Great Weakness ? Have you auy Pulmonary Complaint ? > How important to employ at once a reliable remedy, and not tamper with simple mixtures, lozenges, Sc., which only palliate. Thirty' years’ experience has proven that "Dr. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYIiUP OF WILD CHERRY” seldom, if ever, fails to cure a cough. -'Even where the lungs have become much disordered, with night sweat. 5 ?, burning fever, pains and oppression, it has ptfected-many wonderful cures. Prepared only by Dr. SWA' N£ & SON. 3.IOSIXTH Street above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by all df-alers in medicine. ap3-tf deceased.. “A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYS ■fA PERSIA.” Dj spepsia of the most aggravated form. Nausea, Head ache. Jaundice. Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eat ing, Debility of the Neiwous System, Disordered Liver, Vertigo, Dimness of Sighi, cured by this old standard remedy. Wholesale and retail, at “DR SWAYNE’S,” 330 S I XTH, above Vine. ap3 rpETTEB, SCALD HEAD, ITCH, -“- BLOTCHES—aII Emotions of the-Skin., Chronic Erysipelas of the face, ofd Ulcers of lons standing, tk*t put at defiance every othtr mode of treatment, are per manently cured bv * ‘ ‘ BK. SWAT NE’S ALL-HEALINGS OINTMENT. ” Prepared only by PR. SWAYST! A SOiT, 330 Worth SIXTH Street, above'Vxne. ap3-tf jgyi: ajs t d eab.— pbof. j. Isaacs, Oculist and Anrist, from Leyden, Holland; is per manently located ai No. 611 PINS Street, where he all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cure*— If curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain . w b —No charges made for examination* Office hour* from B*to 11 o’clock A Iff. and 2 to 7 P. M. jas-3m* . FOR ALBANY AND TROY. .JHWabaSr—Steamer NEW JERSEY, Thompson maetjr, is now loading for the above points, and will sail on WEDNESDAY April & at IfcJL &t . For freight* which will he taken on reasonable terms, apply to Si EAANAGaN, ap7-2t . No. 304: South DELAWARE Avenue MMUTT ©> N! MUTTON ! DAVID B. |PADD. & BHC.THEBhiU-e jnst re ceived some vory fine South Down, Oots wold, and Leister MUT'SON. Also, SPRING Lamb, which can be badiat thbi&Stalls, Nos. 53 ana 55 WESTERN MARKET, comw-of SIXTEENTH and market streets. . ■ The above Mutton andiliamb osa be had any day in th* week. ‘ . mh^-lta* WILUIAM' N. ATTWOOD, • " 1 BNDE2H4KER, ■ . Has yemoved frojtQ.his-foniiQS’iifcsidaDce to x» north ELEVENTH Slreeii third- hoase below 'Arch, w«et Bide. mMI-lmif WWBH A. HUGHES, UN 3ERTAKER, •' 359 South TE3STH Street, &bo.i% Spruce. . ffllO-Sm . Wfeiiadeltinift. BRANDY.—AN IN- A VOSGE, in.B^nd,forsaleby CHAS. S. « JAS. CARSTAIKS, . W<wb»*WAX.'NTrP ftndat GRATm*KSf T> A FIS P A T/T S B NS OF THE A latest Fashions. Wholesale and Retail.—New KPBUSG CLOAKS, Sleeves, Waists.- and Ciuldren’e now ready at Mrs. S. J. HUTTON b, N. E. coane* of-ELBVENTH'and SANSOM Streets Also, I>jess and Mantilla Making, m all its branches. Madame [Demorest’s Mirror of Fashion, and cutting amd.ltaisfcing at the shortest notice. - _ . . Bunning-stitch Sewing Machine. Lo-Bon Ton Fasmon^ Stamping for Bro-idiny and Embroidery. rnh2S-I£& A DUESIYK LABELS.-^LiA BE LS CM? -ft- a u ascriptions Printed, and GUMMEO, onroafum,- able terms, by KIMiWALT & BROWN;, Steam-Power Printer 111 and 113 South FOURTH. Plulft. mhSl-lS T V OB YTY P ES—PLEASING HO, Jl TURKS,truthful likenesses. REINER'S. Ivorytvpea -excctitetl iB a style of artistic nierit'tba.t cannot ba excrlled. See-them m SECOND St., it , 1 >RK’K PRESSES,, OLAY WHEELS, -L' Kilns, Casting* Rriclnnakera’Tools, Factory H&ft South FIFTH St. V MrT.T/KR nH AMP AUNE.—AN [NYOTCE OP . \*t “Comet” 84)j 44 Crescent” Chamnagne Wine.,ww* I rt,* w>r »Mv -Owl. « LAVEKQHB. I fee toit aati fkos? AIMTUSEMEWTS. EDWIN FORREST, ACADEMY JIIEDICAL. WILLIAMS’ ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers