OIX Y ITEMS. Interesting Church Intelligence.— St. Matthew’a (Lutheran) Church, New street, be low Fourth, of which the Rev. E. \Y. Hutter is pas tor, is in a very flourishing condition. On Sunday ■last twenty-five new members were added to the communion of thiß church by baptism, confirmation, and by letter, more than half of whom were heads of families. This large acquisition is attributable to a series of meetings held by the pastor, with a -class of catechumens held since the Ist of January, in Which a systematic course of instruction was given on the cardinal truths of the Gospel, based on Lu ther’s Shorter Catechism. At the conclusion of the •course, a protracted meeting was commenced, in ■which there were preaching services held every -.night during two weeks,'in which Rev. iVIr. Hutter was assisted by Kev. Messrs. Smiley, Nevin, Adams, ■ C. A. Smith, Sheeleigh, and Alber t. On Sunday even ing the Lord’s Supper was administered to nearly five hundred communicants, the pastor being assisted in the services by the Kev. B. lieller. Never in the •history of St. Matthew’s has this church been in a more prosperous condition, a fact which is alike at tributable to the consistent, and earnest efforts of its minister, and the marked harmony which prevails among the people. Apropos of the above, we would invite attention to the Lecture which is to be delivered bn Thursday •evening next, at Mußicai Fund Hall, by the Rev Mr. Hutter, on “The City of Washington and its Public Men.” This will be the third of the popular aeries now in progress under the auspices, and for the benefit of the Lutheran Bonrd of Publication. A Great Business Establishment.— There are few business establishments in which so great a variety of distinct branches is embraced as ‘in the unique and extensive establishment of Mr. A. H. Franciscus, His warehouse, or' warehouses more properly, form an immense triangle by em bracing in one the whole of the large stone house No. 433 Market street, and the spacious live-story granite edifice, No. 6 North Fifth street. The former of these wings-is devoted/entirely to cotton yarns battings, waddings, carpet chains, wickiDgs, ropes' fly-nets, and everything else denominated under this class of merchandise, the stock of them being by far the most extensive in its line in this city. The 'other, or Fifth-street wing of his warehouse, is occu pied with what is specifled under the general head of Wooden and Willow Ware, and numbers anon" dts numerous specialties an ■ endless variety of fancy baskets—of their own manufacture and im aportation—buckets, tubs, chums, brushes, brooms and the largest stock of Cedar Ware in this country’ The Fancy Basket department of this house alone is a perfect wonder- in its way, and offers inducements ■to purchasers of this article which shrewd buyers will not overlook. This is, in short, ’he great “ Fan tree Notion” house of Philadelphia, and apart from its mercantile importance, is really a novelty Worthy a visit from all who are curious in such matters. In addition to the specialties already spe cified, Mr. Franciscus has also a department appro priated entirely to the sale of Clocks; another to Looking-Glasses (in both of whioh his stock is very superior) ; and still another to the sale of the cele brated “ Putnam Self-Adjusting Clothes Wringer ” for which lie is the Wholesale agent for Pennsyl vania. We have already spoken of the superior merits which this Wringer possesses, and would simply state here that, with all Mr. F.’s great force •employed in their manufacture, he is soarcely able to supply the demand for them from all (accessible) partß of the Union. Still Aitead.— The enterprise of Mr. J. "W. Price, proprietor of. the popular Eating Saloon ■S. W. corner of Fourth anil Chestnut streets, has stimulated a number of other restaurant proprietors -to cater with more acceptance to the gustatory ■wants of the public; but, without in the least dis paraging their efforts, the best critics in such mat ters. are unanimous in their opinion that Price has not only distanced all competitors in his line, but is •certain to keep ahead. Hundreds of our very first citizens now patronize his saloons daily, and dine with a degree of .satisfaction that makes every one of them a living, speaking advertisement for Price. Profits seem to be the least thing Price thinks about in catering for his patrons. He buys the very cream of the market, serves his viands cooked in the best Style known to the culinary art, and treats all who ■call upon him with sumptuous liberality. Price las made a.greathit, and deserves his success. Beautiful ■ Specimens of Art. We lave recently examined a number of finely-executed .Photographs from the establishment of Messrs. Broadbent & Go., N05..912, 014, and 916 Chestnut street, finished in the exquisite Ivorytype and Wen derotype styles .peculiar to this popular firm, which, for genuine ariistic merit, exceed anything in the portiait-making line that we have ever seen. The Whole aim and otu'eqt of this firm seems to be to ■carry Iheir art to the highest state of perfection. The pictures referred to were executed to private order, and are, we presume, but fair samples of the pictures they are now producing for the thousands who visit their establishment weekly. Hams, Tokgueb, aud Dried Beef.—We invite attention to-day to a fine lot of Jersey-cured Hams, large-size Tongues, and superior quality of Dried Beef, 'just received by the proprietors of the store of the late O. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth Btreets. Copperheads ■yb. Ihon-Clads.—While the enemicß of theTJnion are assuming the copper lead character, ita friemja are putting on iron-clad Vests to brave the bullets of their adversaries and the foes of the country. This important portion of a military uniform -shields the vital parts of its Wearer from unfriendly balls,.and gives him an in valuable degree of coolness in moments of danger. '.The iron-clads are gotten up by Rockhill &. Wilson, •at their Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth; Clothing ofcto Gents and Youths.— The attention of the public generally is invited to the large and handsome assortment of Spring gar ments of the latest styles, euitable„for both gents and youths, now on hand at the Mammoth “ One price” Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609'Ohestnut street, andcelling at prices twenty-five per cent, below the .usual cost. Those who wish bargains should examine this stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Night Coughs.— For Asthmatic, Con sumptive, and Chronic coughs, which are always ■anore or less troublesome at night, unfitting persons •for their daily occupations, and undermining the constitution, great relief will be experienced by -taking at bed-time one or two of “ Brtrum's Bronchial Trochesi" or Cough Lozenges, which will insure ease and comfortable rest. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Ghiinl-r-Clih'Stimt 81 X Fisher,Chester, Pa 'W S Rowland, Now York Mrs MG Morris, New York <3 Goodwin, New York A A Thompson, New York Mrs G J Chase, Prov, RI SC Hudson,-New York W J Jones, Sew York *T H Clarice, New York J Davis, New York *W H .Tsnics, New York Dr K W Roberts & wf, Pa Miss M R Roberts, Harrisbg Hon 8 Cameron, : HarrUbg I 1 B Brooke, Now York 3t J HenUersou, New York JohrfMiller, Roxberry Samuel White, Roxberry ■C Watson, Boston. 35 Watson,-Boston B Raymond & la , Miss‘Raymond Miss Turnbull Sliss Ash | D LomisoDjSehnylkm co X Wumelsdorff, Pottsville ~B S Kellogg,Scranton,Pa Thos’W Street.’Hazleton j ABorland.Ketr York . jDJVlcCleary 33 Hoover, North Carolina J Moms, New York *W H-Henderson, Kentucky <J M Lewis, Baltimore J I)e Haven, Hirrisburg <3 W McConnell, Harrislmre Continental-Ninth a *T 11 Richards & wf, N York _*D id Oaks. New York X £ Kellogg, Now York -Joa N Tuttle, New York 13 S Martin. New York H W Mason, New York £L Couelon, ."E1) L Wicks, New York WA Scott, New York 'W W Thompson, N York Master H A Webster, N J 3t H Hall, Washington. IS J Fox, iaston .Mr & Mrs Kent, Beechwood JI I) KusselJ, Washington , -A A Allen, Ohio BJ F. bter & la, Brooklyn ‘ DD Badger, New York H Wilson, Peuna C E Hersh, York. Pa • J W Webb, Suffolk, Va F S Heath, Baltimore J K Torrauce £ W Penney, Boston BSWollos, New York J W Gerard. Jr, Now York A Garcia, Mexico .'•D L Bogart, New York -C J .‘Williams, Now York J L Beandry, Montreal ■GL Beaudry, Montreal 3) McNiven, Montreal Xouis Lesage. Montreal Sidney AShinore, New York H H Boucher, New York •O Gilmore, Briton Fobtlt Getty, New York J M De Arze.New York . y H Santorleau.New York -John S Guleck, US N Mrs Guleck J H Bnrtia. New York •JWiartom New Hanover jS B franford.New York X J Yan Horn,New York 18l aven, New York B Boynton, Jr, Boston. S K Martin, Albany J A Briggs H D Briggs . “W G Johnston & lady, Pa *W Foster, Providence, RI Mrs L G Ball, New York g<CiBeel. DC MMurrill. New .York Mr & Mrs N Edgar, N York Mrs S A Appleton, N York Mias J F Appleton, N York *|T M Tyng, New York Mrs Dicksou, New York Miss Ware, Now York Henry Jones, B Berlin Major and Mrs Bagner Xouis WGLLIet, New York « W Richards, New York £ H Pearce, Boston G A Hall, Boston •Geo C Bogue, New York YVm CoUids, Cleveland H Fay, Mass St. XoiUa—Chestnut •J Crosby, Lowell, Maes 3* Mason, New York JMager, Boston John Duke,* N Jersey H Butler, Baltimore 1 , J H Crane, Washington JI Johnston, N Jersey Jas Stockstill, Dayton, 0 YY B Rosenbaum, N Jersey Isaac Pierce, Utica, N 1 <C N Haldeman, Penaa G H McCabe, Tamaqua X F Parrott, New York Jas Smallflross. N Haven W J Cheney, Delaware co* Mrs W B Rosenbaum, N J American —Cheatuui "Louis Durr. N Y Elcliard Burk, U S If Jas C Whalley E Collins . ... <)ol Geo C Wynkoop & lady W Taylor. Jr, Fenna EH Sinclair ■ « S Foster, Ashland, Pa 3j E Blake, Boston J F Bowman, Fenna -T De Bona, Hew York •W- J Smith. Mlnersville . JC Watson, Pennsylvania, O L Boyd, Tamaqna E tee & wf. Fottsv lie Miss L Leo, Pottsvllle O JBlohards. Proyßl •P S Zharra, Havana iTR Sitgraves, Easton T J Johnson, Dolawere D Johnson, Delawaro ' J P Lattiroore, Delaware W Huftiiigton, Delaware C Eaton, Boston E Sallinger, New York J W Clark, Connecticut street, below Ninth* WFLahey, Manchester W B 3 Moore, Maine ; Capt H Wheeler, Wash’n. G W Green, Delaware Gil Cowup, New Haven H N Bowman, Harrisburg G M Bowmaa, Harrisburg * J Young, Middletown ‘ J C Peterson, Middletown D Ermentrout, Reading J J Shoemaker, Harrisburg R 0 Abbott, IJSA Mrs Abbott, Washington A R Bushueli, Wis John Cox, Pennsylvania Geo E tiazesvell, New York J B Heury, Delaware Hon J WWall, New Jersey Win C Hay, New Jersey W L Ditfenderffer, Laucco D R Ditfenderffer, Mexico PR DiffenderJfer, Mexico A. J Burbank & La, N H T Paxton &ia, Carlisle E F Jennings, USA J E Hale, Maryland ST Pearce, Baltimore H Bell 41a, Lexington, Ky Mrs J G Allen,Lexington OrD Bell, Lexington, Ky C Allen, Lexingoon, Ky Wfl Bell,Smyrna,Del . C J Rae, Alexandria, Va ' Lieut 0 Vezin. USA A PHoovor, Washington nul Chestnut streets* J Garsed, Frankford J F Sterling James Ashbrook W E Van Keed, U S Army Hon G W Julian, Indiana Hon J W Rich, Baltimore W F Pent/, Baltimore J P Thomas, Baltimore Chas Webb, Baltimore W-II Pent, Baltimore W A *ackett,SaratogaSpring J it Marvin.SaratogaSpring P G Salva, Baltimore RE McGowiu, Pittsburg L Oldsliue, Pittsburg J Haldeman. Harrisburg W M Galt, Washington Lt Jaroes, USA A .Kebier, USA Sir Lovine & lady Maj Geu W J Badger, M J Wm Noster, Jr, Hew Fork Lt Sami F Itebu fllr & Mrs Whitney, N J Mrs E Whitney,-JN J Geo T Lewis, Temx W J Gustneai Tenn J II Eedfleld, Hew York W F Gleason, New York 0 H Krarnaid, New York Mrs Knox & son C H Lciuard„Mass Pitt Cooke, Ohio M Thompson, Washington u Duck, Tennessee Major Geu Dix, U S A Major Joline, U S A M McLoan & wife, Uincin’i V ‘jS. Doebier & wife, Penna W P Jones, *ewYork Mrs Hay es, New York 0 J> Dorrance Boston P A Eicards.Maryland E Hutchings,,Louisville Peter Smith,Cincinnati F H Odiorue, Boston 0 McLaughlin, California S Atkinson, Elizabeth Mr ChurchiU, New York <IT Morris &son, Baltimore M Dailey, New York Master F Collins, Cleveland P Heckscher, Woodside E B Talcott, Chicago W H Witte, Linden G W Baldwin, Mass CM Thomas, New York A Hazen, JSewburg, Yfc D L Smart, Ohio L J Rothrock & wf, Wash’n E Richardson, New York Jas Lowznan, Cincinnati, 0 S J Spiogelberg. New York L Spiegelberg, New York Richard Heckscher, N York H Polkinliorn, Wash, I) C Mr & Mrs ICocne, N York Mrs Baltmen; New York Street* above Third* J Mager, Boston Washington Washington * r Washington A L Rice, Boston Benj 1* Cook, New York Rev Ezra Hoskoil, Mass JN Marshuli, New York A J Baldwin, New York J G Hambere, Now York Geo E Denning, Mass C M Gager, N Jersey Jacob F Chur, Penna J P Luther, Hudson, N Y C H Gay, New Hallea t Street* above Fifth* M Taylor, Chester co, Pa F A Baker Dr SS Nones, Delaware W H Dakin, New Jersey Dr L Oberholtzer A wf, Pa Sr I ?,® Hazel, Smyrna, Del W M Shakespeare, Del J Du Bois, New Jersey R Du Bois, New Jersey S Ross, Pennsylvania P Jordan. Wat-hlngton A J Anderson, Blair co Mcrchants’-Fourlli Mrs J H Noyes, Prov, R I Frank Butcher & wife S 1’ Johnston. W Greenville C A Moure, W Greenvillo W S Carson, Falmouth, Va J P Donahten,Falmouth,Ya Ohns J Mann, Alton Jos C Exton, New Jorsey A Fortenhaugh, Yorkco M Burry, Lancaster S Caugt’cy&la, Illinois C A I’ostley &wf. N.York Mii-fi E Po*t!ey,Now York Miss C E Post ey, N York A G Filter & wf, N Jersey H K Butler, Ebsex.Yt A Wishart, Wsush, Pa Mr* Morris, Wilm, Del It M Acton. Salem, N J Geo "Hannah, New,Yovk J A Ey«ter,C]ianjber«burg A Brower, Lisburn S A Walters, Win field SiS S Shoemaker, Buckhorn. P Kitner, Mt Uock,Ta E M G reen, Muncy B M Green, Muncy G Slot/:, Muncy TV B Neece, Penna J Ma.k & Ja. Augusta, 111 J Armstrong, Hazleton C J Fields, Penna H. J Smith. Allentown The Union—Arch si H?Stein I J Henry & la, Allegheny J J Wilson, Altoona J N Harmer, Ohio W P Emory, N Jersey S B Cleaver, Delaware John Cook, St Clair, S M Prince, Maryland Elias Knodle, Marjland David Welty, Maryland M A Cronise, Shnrpsb'g, Md Ira Day, Mpchauicsb’g, Pa W Keyes, Green Castle E Sbillito. Green Castle F B Snively, Pennsylvania National—Race I SN Ely. Mount Joy ,T B Brubacher, Mt Joy Mi> E S Brubacher, Mt Jov Albs Nagle, Mount Joy .Walter B Hibbs, M Chunk Francis Ball iet, Lehigh co Mrßrakeley, W Haven J M Clark, Lancaster H L Eheriy, Lancaster . D G Guengling, Pottsville J E Nice, Schlk Haven W E Bruner, Lebanon H Krause, Lebanon E bissinger, Lebanon A Viven, Beading C S Krider, M D, Lebanon States Union—Sixth G Judkin, Perry county G WefekmaD,Jjarboudalo W Graham. Centreville J P Cole, Latrobe, Pa W Robinson, Greonsbnrg Miss Taylor, N York W llMiHey, Pittsburg B King, Huntingdon II Waiter,* Johnstown W Burch, Bedford,, Pa N Heckman, Beading • W It Ash, Coatesvilie, Pa Alex Blessing. York co, Pa A A Yarna-H, Chester co, Pa Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arch; Phineas French, Boston. Miss Taylor, Phila B u Patton, Boston B Browu, Pittstowa N Howard, Baltimore . S E Harden, N Y J Madison,Boston F Zeller, Boston Mis&M Tow*nsley,Phila Mrs Doien, N J SPECIAL NOTICES. Jayne's Hair Tonic, This invaluable and standard preparation Cleanses the Scalp from scurf. * JAY tfE’S HAIR TONIC Cleanses the Scalp from Dandruff. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC Cures .Eruptive Diseases of the Scalp. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC . Bxcitesthe Scalp to healthy action. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Prevents the hair from falling off. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Prevents premature Grayness. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC ■ Prevents premature Baldness. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Prevents the formation of ba’d spots. JAYNE’S HAIR TON TC Causes the growtli of new Hair. - r JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Rcclothes bald heads with new Hair. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Cleanses the Hair from all impurities JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Will render the use of a wig unnecessary . JAY'NE’S HAIR TONIC Will reproduce hair, lost in sickness JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Keeps the hair moist and the ends from splitting JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC As a beautiher is unsurpassed. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC As a regenerator is unequalled. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Gives the hair a ricn and glossy appearance JAYNE’S HA LB TONIC Will promote the growth of whiskers. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Will quicken the development of moustaches JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC As a dressing for the hair is unexcelled; JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC i Should be on the toilet table of every lady. - . * ; JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Should be on the toilet table of every gentleman. • JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC Is delightfully perfumed, And will please the most fastidious, as its continued use has a much more healthful influence on the scalp and hair than any other preparation now before the pub lic. Prepared and sold at JAYNE’S, No. < CHEST NUT Street. - ap7-2fc Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. • gp=p|&! Steinway & Son’s I? ST 1 ? 'Upright, and . Grind PIANOS, t? FT ?T acknowledged the most perfect instruments, in Eu ropo as well as in this country. They were-award ed, in the last seven years, twenty-six first premi ums, over the best makers in this country, and iu addition thereto the first prize medal at the Great Inter national Exhibition in London, last snmmeiv All the .leading artists of this country, and some of them even in Europe, use them in their Concerts. Warerooms at BLASIUS BROS., 100 - CHESTNUT Street. ' ap2-thstulm- One-Pbioe Clothing, of the Latest ttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Pbice System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de!2-ly JONES 4 CO., GO 4 MARKET Street. MAKRIED. VIVAR —CARLISLE. —On the £2d November, by the Rev. J. H. Alflay, Darino Vivar, of St. Jagp de-Cuba, to- Maria H.P. Carlisle, daughter of Win. Carlisle* Jr., of Philadelphia. * MULLIN—SWALLOW.—On March 26th, by the Rev. E. J. D. Pepper, Win. J. Mullin to Mrs. Kate Swallow, of Bucks county, Pennsylvania. X3XEXS. MASON.—On Thursday evening, March 26th,. at Camp Garesche, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Thomas T. Mason, Jr., aged 19 years, of Co. A, Anderson Cavalry. His friends, and the friends of the family, are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, No. 419 Arch street, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o’clock. The funeral services will be held in the Union M. E. Church; Fourth street; below-Arch. * DLWJSES —On the afternoon of the sth insfc., Edwayd Dewees, aged 33 years. • His relatives and ma l e friends ar& respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence. No. 1001 Wistar street, on Wednesday afternoon, Bth inst.» at 3 o’clock. Interment at South Laurel Hill.. .** BaRTON.—On the morning of the sth. instant, of con sumption, John Barton, in the32d year of his age. His relatives, male friends, and the members of the Hibernia Engine Company No. 1. are respectfully invi ted to attend his funeral from his late residence, 'No. 419 Lombard street, at S o’clock on Wednesday morning, without further notiee. Interment at St. Joseph’s Cemetery. ** LOUDERBACK.—On.Sunday morning, thesth inst., afier a short and severe ilLne&s, Sarah, wife of JSamuel Louclerback. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her fuueral from the residence ofher son-in-law, Richard M. Leslie, Thirty-fourth and Elm street, Mautua. To proceed toßonaldson’s Cemetery. ** CASH.—Suddenly, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Maryß., wife of Andrew Cash. * DLACK : AND WHITE MOZAM- D BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE. 37# cents. Black and white striped Mohairs, 2S cents. Biack and white De Laines, 28 cents. Black and white all wool Mousselines, 44 cents. Biack and white Lawn, and Chintzes, 18# cents. Black and white Cliallie de Laines, 81# cents. Black all wool Mousselihe de Laines, 44 cents. Black all wool Mousselines, double width, 37# cents. Black silk Challie, 50 cents. Black Bareges, 25 cents i Bombazines, $l, 4c. 4c. ’ BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, mh2s No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. A-A-BIOR- CHINTZES' REDUCED TO -t 25 CENTS. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents. 1 case 4-4 Double Purples, cents. 1 case 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 cents. ' 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. EYRE & LANDELL, apl FOURTH and ARCH. Tj’INB STOCK OF SEASONABLE •*- GOODS adapted to First-class Trade. • Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles. Opening of Spring Mantles. .jfr New style Rock-spun Shawls. • • ' . EYRE & LANDELL. apl : FOURTH and ARCH. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD AaJ?* and WALNUT-Streets.—Essay and Discussion on “Arrangement and Management of Flower Gardens. ” THIS EVENING. It WEST PHILADELPHIA, APRIL. 7, IS6J.—A meeting of the UNION LEAGUEofthe TWENTY-FOURTH WARD will be held at Professor BAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 1% o’clock. H. E. ROOD, It* , . - Secretary. u. S. A. HOSPITAL., CHRISTIAN STREET, Philadelphia, April 0, 1803. —The un dersigned gratefully acknowleges the receipt, through M. • G ROfeENGARTEN, Esq., of a Draft for FIFTY DOL LARS from an unknown donor,.dated “Honolulu, Sandwich Is! ands, February 5,1803, ” to be applied 4 * for the benefit of .disabled soldiers 5 ’ under his care. JOHN J, REESE, lt* Surgeon U. S« V.. in charge. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 6, 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX DOLLARS per share for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or .their legal repre sentatives on and after the 16th inst., clear of all taxes.' ap7-9t* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary, - OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN AO* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. • i Philadelphia, April 6, 1863. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day, a semi-annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT, and an extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT, was declared on. tbo capital stock, payable to the stock holders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 16th instant. . . J. W. McALLISTER, ap7-10t Secretary pro tem. STATE BANK AT CAMDEN, APRIL 3, J’ttSiSa,™, lulT e declared a DIVI DEND OF FIVE PER CENT, for the past six months, andanExtra Dividend of Three per Cent., payable on demand, clear of taxes. _ TT . THQ. ACKLEY, Cashier. jffvr-rsiu SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHIN- CcSTNA RaILROAD . COMPANY, Office 227 Sooth FOURTH Street— Philadelphia, April 3, 1863.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this cocnpauy and an election for President and six Managers will take place at the office of the company, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o’clock M. . yymj# Secretary. ap3-troy4 NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE D£L4- *C£» WAKE AND RARITAN CANAL and the CAM DBN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, Princeton <N. J.). March' 31,1863. The Treasurer of the above Companies is now prepared to PAY THE BONDS due at Princeton, August 1, 1863, being the fivo per cent. Converted Sterling Loan. The Principal, ani also the last coupon, will be paid on pre sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Philadelphia; or to [ap3-lm] RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer. -PENNSYLVANIA HININO COM PANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, “»at'the Annual Meeting! of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OP MICHIGAN Rt the Office of the Company, No. 417 W AL NOJ S , lr , ee V Philadelphia, on MONDAY, April6th, 1863, 2 '. at which time and place an election for Nine Directors, to serve for one year, will bo hoi d. _ , ~.... . , . . .. S. AI. DAY, Secretary. - Dated Philadelphia. March 20. 1863. mh2ll4t UNIVERSITY OF PENWSYLYA.- OF ARTO.-The third tom ■of. the College year will pnen oil WEDNESDAY, the Bth mst. Candidates, for admission will appear at the (Jui versity, for examination, on that day, at 10 o’clock A. Mi' Tuition for each term, Thirty Dollars . . . GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary of the -Faculty ofArts. i street, below Arch. Itev J Leithead. Lowistown I)r W L Laforty, Browuv W Challany, Browuville Dr K Martin, Lewistown A Wilhelm, Easton Geo Sweeny, Eiston John 0 Wagner, Easton M Paxson, Nowtowa, Pa 1 b McFaque, Columbia L Rocise, Strasburg : Geo D Ebbert, Pittsburg w. Yount", Littlestowa W N Crans, Littlestown J H Dittman, Chaiuhprsbg K J Lawton & la. M G. Emstein, Harnsbg L Rohrb&ch, Peoria, 111 J F Stevic’c, Shipphnsburg J Slumbaugh, Shippensburg Mrs A Baker, Shippensburg Mrs H McLaugUliiiiPenna D J Bard, Newvrlle, Pa T S McNair, Hazleton C Beck, New York L A Jacqnelin, New York M Aronsou, Pittsburg T C Grove, Penna -> S U Prather, Greon Castle L H Fletcher, Lancaster R Mcßaruey, Hualiugdon G Eby, Mill C. oek L Markel, Danville, Pa A M Jelly itreet, above Third. I.TS Wallace, Lancaster co E Schweinitz, Lancaster co W E Rauch, Lancaster co M Weaver, Pottsville B P Miller, Caaton, Ohio J A Haws, Pennsylvania Mrs M A Coliiflower, Pa J Hutton, Chambersdurg P G Schlossor, Maryland Peter C Heller, Penu’a J D VVolle,' Pennsylvania E T Henry* Pennsylvania John Brown, New York Mr Broomfield, New York W McFeeters. Toronto St.Y&bove Third. J Brutnan, Lebanon GBO Ki*auso, Lebanon Mrs Beck, Orwlgsburg Johu Beck, Orwigsburg. ,1 Whitaker, Mt CMr Jacob Copp, Lebanon F A Baseler. Asblaod M P Boyer, Heading . Edw Newbiggin, Virginia Isaac K Bair, Virgimu • J L Nutting, .'Pennsylvania Miss M Barkley. Danville WJoliQson, Wiikesbarre Miss Cathcart, Blootnsburg H D G->i.d, Clarksville W Fautz Danville and Market streets. John Siuger, Columbia Amos Townsend, Penna H HilliSj Lancaster co, Pa Miss ,M Lindsey, Columbia Miss M Roland, Marietta Morgan Haj r s,Columbia, Pa Robtllays, Columbia, Pa A Buphong, Lancaster co. Pa A Rockey, Lancaster co, Pa Daniel T Lehman, Penna John Hyer, Carlisle M E Cross, Darbv Daul Ruddy, WrightsvilleT N C Barclay, Pottsville, Pa A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. . Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m JPIRST APRIL COUPONS CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS BOUGHT OR COLLECTED. JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKEKS, No. 33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS. V. S. ; : ; FIVE-TWENTIES, * ' OB TWENTY-TEAR SIX-PER-CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. . I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At' the present premium ox gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, - 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July Ist, 1563, the privilege of convert ing the present issue of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called “Five-Twenties”) will cease. ■ : All who wish to invest, in.the Five-Twenty Loan most, therefore, apply, before the Ist of JULY next, „ JAY CQOKE, Subscription Agent, nih4-tjyl ‘ 114 South THIRD Street! Phllada. JJAND-MADE ENGLISH PAPER.— T ULIUS A. TOY’S BOARDING- W SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ELIZABETH. N. ,T. Pupils are prepared for College or for the active pur siiits of life. under the tuition of a native teacher the French is made a spoken language. Circulars can be obtained at thiß office- ap7-tuth&s9t TVORYTYPES, BE A GTIFUL SP Eol mens of. art. REIMER’S elaborately colored and tastefully finished Ivorytypos have won. the admiration; for truth and beauty, they are unequalled, SECOND street, above Green. .It GREAT NATIONAL CELEBRA TION. —At a meeting of tlic Board of Directors of THE UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, held March 26, 1163, the following resolutions, presented by Mr. CHAS. GIBBONS, were unanimously adopted: RESOLVED. 1. That the League will celebrate the approaching an niversary of American. Indcpcndcnco by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. 2. : That all.tho Union Leagues and-AsHociations in the United States he invited to participate iu the celebration, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for that purpose. 3. That it be recommended that the deputies be autho rized to represent their respective constituents in any action that*may be deemed necessary and expedient to perfect the organization of -the friends of the American. Union and Government throughout tho United States. 4. That the Committee of Correspondence be autho rized to prepare a circular letter, communicating these resolutions to the Union Leagues and loyal citizens of the respective States, and to adopt such measures as may he neccssaiy to carry them into effoct.. • • WM. M. MEREDITH, President. GEQ. H. BORER, Secretary: _. apVlm CULLEC'I OK 8 OFFICE. April 4, ISGd. t'o Tiansportatipn Compauies, Owucrs ani Officers of vesr stdf, Mercliants, and others interested. . Until otherwise ordered. Shippers of Goods to any Soint in the State of Delaware, south of the parallel of ewcastle, as well.as to all places on the Eistern Snore of the f besapeake. will be required to obtain permits from this office, which will be granted upon ths pre sentation of the Oath of Allegiance of the Consignor and Consigneo, and the submission of such evidence of loy alty as may be required by the Collector. > Small packages shipped in good faith, strictly for family use, may eo forward without permits, but will to examination by Custom Hoase Officers ; aid any abuse of tills privilege will sub ect tho goods to confiscation. Wjil. B. THOMAS, Colloctoi\ ai.6-3t liOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Ull CUI HBiß’i Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B: F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. OFFICE OF THE SURGEOY-AR IO TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHrLADBL- PiiiA, 3862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supjjlyiug Artificial Limb?, should apply immediately at tne i»ffice of the Suigeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. « B. FRaNK PALMER, ja.9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. SPRING MILIINEKY. "rfnT MISSES O’BRYAN - , 110 l W£L- Street, will- open PARIS MILLINERY SPRING,on THURSDAY, April 9th, 1563. ■ . ap7-lm* CO; MBS. M. A. K IN G, NO. 1026 CHESTNUT Street,will ope&,a handsome assort it ment of Spring and Summer-Millinery on THURSDAY", April 9th. ap6-fit* ' GENT!” PUK NISHI NO GUI HIS. 'J’HE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Nos. 1 AKD 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET. jonirc. ahk iso v, (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE. ) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES. N. B.—Particular attention given to the making of Shirts, Collars, Drawers, &c. ap7-6m Q.EORGE GRANT, NO. 610 CHESTNUT STREET Has. now ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, ’ of Lis own importatioa and'maniifscttire. His celebrated / “PRIZE ME»AL SHIRTS,” manufactured under the superintendence of JOHN F. TAGGEKT, (FORMERLT OF OLDBNBERG A -TAGGERT,) are the most perfect-fitting Shirts oi the age. . J6ST* Orders promptly attended to mh26-thstu3m FINANGIAIi. $20,000 ce S antbd at 5 pbe TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Is wanted on first-class Chestnut-street property, at 5 PEE CENT. PER ANNUM. Apply to &p7-3t CHARLES E. LEX, 51 North SIXTH, below Arch. CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, -PRIOR TO 1863, WANTED DRBXBL & CO. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED. HIGHEST MABKET PKICE. 4 DREXEL a <3O. FREIGHT BILLS BOUGHT AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, HUNTER, NORTON, & 0.0., • 305# WALNUT STREET, UP STAIRS. ap3-st* . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, v No. 313 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq. , John B. Myers 4 Co,, Samuel B.Thomas,Esq., Furness,Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. , . apl-3m-if f) TJ ARTEEMA S') ERS’ VOUCHERS, and U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, Bought and sold by SAML. N. DAVIS & SON, ~ ap7-6t* * - ’ ,335 POCK Street, REWARD M . DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) 7 3-10 ABOUT MATURING, DRBSBL & 00. mh27-10t COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED PART CARGO PRINCESS ROYAL. W. F. MURPHY & SONS, 330 CHESTNUT Street. THE PRESS -PHttADEP’HIA. TUESDAY. APRIL 7. .1883. QPKN I N G ON MONDAY, APRIL GtU, 1803. jg Y RE & L AND E L X., AR E OP ENIN G FOR DONGOLA ROBES, STRIPED FOULARDS, BRAIDED ROBES, BEST BLACK SILKS, FINE CHECK SILKS, EAGLE POULT DE SOIEB, SOLID FIGURED SILKS, SPRING SILK SHAWLS, SUMMER BALMORALS, QUILTS, TOWELINGS, &c. mli2B'Stiithtf ' M OUBNING illiner y, MOURNING BONNETS, OP THE LATEST ' , PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES. Always on hand and made to-order at the shortest no “NEW MOURNING STORE,” 936 CHESTNUT STREET. • M. &A. MYERS (6 00. mh26-thstu tap2B B. HAINBS STILL sells below the market price. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN at 18 cents; better do. at 20; very good at 25, and real first-rate at 30. - . , BLEaCBED SHIRTING at 20 and 22; very heavy at 25; extra good Shirting at 28; fine yard-wide at 30; \ViUiarusviiles, Wamsuttas, and Forcstdales, 1M yards wide Sheeting, at4oceuts by the piece; 2, 2.J£,2j4, and 3 yards-wide sheeting, all qualities. One lot Brilliants 25 cents by the piece, worth at least 87jf. I have now one of the-largest and cheapest stocks of LINEN GOODS in the city. Just opened, one lot of those very heavy hand-loom Table Linen at 87i4c., very cheap; Union Table Linen at 62K and 75c.; all Linen do.. at 75, 67>£c., and $l. All Linen Towels, $2, $2 50, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Doylies, $l, $1.25, acd sl.soperdozon; All Linen Naokins, $2, $2 50, and $3 per dozen. All Linen Handkerchiefs, $1.50 and $1.75 per dozen. t One lot FrontiugLinens at 45. worth 50 cents; one lot very fiDeSS—these are a meat bargain, being nearly as low as they ever were sold; Pillow Case Linens, 40, 42, and 45 inches wide; heavy Huckaback, all linen, at 20, 25,8D£, and 37>£ cents; one.lot half-bleached Huck, over % wide, for bath towels, 37>S; Russia Cresh at 15, 16,18, and 20 cents per yard. One lot of very heavy Marseilles Counterpanes, much under their present value, have been bought long time ago. Allendale Quilts, all sizes, from $1.50 up. Lancaster Quilts, all sizes, from $2.50 up. Honey Comb Quilts, 12-4, at $2.60. Housekeepers will save money by looking through this stock, for there are many other bargainsinit: GKANVILLE B. HAINES, ap6-3t 1013 MARKET Street, above. Tenth. T E. CASSELBERRY, 45 NORTH o • EIGHTH Street, will open, THIS MORNINGS the following Goods from this week's immense' New York sales: 1 case Spring De. Laines, choice styles, 25 cents. 1 lot English Mourning Calicoes, 15 cents. 1 case good quality plain Moz-*mbiques, IS# cents. 76 pieces plain all-wool De Laines, superb colors— Modes, Slues, Magenta, Fink, Blacks, Azuline, &c., cheap. 2 cases finest drab Alpacas yet offered for the price. BLACK SILKS. Black Ottoman Silks. Black Gj os-grained Silks. Black Kep Silks. Plain Black Silks, cheap. Plain Poll de Soie Silks, all shades. 2 lots superior quality Toil de Paris, 4*4 wide, 62K. LINEN COUNTER.—SHEETINGS, &c. 22 pieces 10-4 and IT-4 all-linen Sheetings, 81.12, $1.20, $1.25, worth the attention of hotel and housekeepers • 110 dozen Snow-drop Napkins, $1.15 per dozen. 75 do do do all iiuerr, $165 per doz. Several lots Table Cloths, 2 yards long, at $2. Several lots Table Cloths, 2K yards Ion?, $2 50. ‘ J case 2 yards wide bleached Table Daraaslcs, 25c. 20 pieces fiae Bird-eye Litens, 35 to 50. Shirting 1 Linens by the yard'or piece. SHEETING AND SHIRTING MUSLINS - for less than cas-e or haloprices. * Coates’ Spool Cotton, atl numbers, 7)4 cents. ' * _OPEN <»N MONDAY MORNING. 2 cates-11-4 Honey Comb Quilts. 1 case 10-4 Allendale Quilts, l ease 11-4 Allendale Quilts. 1 case 1% yards wide, slightly soiled on- ends r white Victoria-lawns, or. patent finings, 18% cents, worth, perfect, 31>£ cents. 1 case fine Marseilles, with colored figure, 37>£ cents. STELLA SEAWIX Several lots very cheap Stella Shawls. J. R. CASSELBERRY’S “ Mammoth Dry Goods House, ” * apfi-2t 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. JJLINDS AND SHADES B J . WIL L I AMS, VENETIAN BLINDS 4® a *The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at ihe Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to-new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. mh6-2m- -E M O V A L . GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN,. VENETIAN BLIND- MAUFAOTUREB, Has REMOVED from 136 North SIXTH Street, to NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET Philadelphia. G. W ZIMMERMAN solicits a continuanca of favors at No. 16 North SIXTH Street, where will be foun the Largest and Best Assortment of VENETIAN; BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES- . In the city, at the LOWEST PRICES. Jfesr* Store Shades Made and- Lettered. Jobbing Promptly attended to. ap6-2mif. GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ouace Cotton Duck, - Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, 400., No. »30 CHESTNUT ST K BBT mh2o-3m G W. SIMONS <& BROTHER, SANSOH-STBEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MiHOTACTUKEES of jewelry, FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. jafl-lfSm PHILADELPHIA PAP EB HANGINGS. FOURTB ANJ) MARKET STREETS, AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORT MENT OE GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stock to the Finest Decorations. N. E. COB. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. N. 8.-Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW PA PERS of every grade. fe!s-2ra OPPENHEIMER, Mo. 331 CHURCH Alley, Philadelphia, CONTRACTOR AND MANUFACTURER OF ARMY CLOTHING TENTS. HAVERSACKS, PONCHOS, CAMP BLANKETS, KNAPSACKS, and BED TICKINGS FOR HOSPITALS. MATERIAL BOUGHT FOR CONTRACTORS. AU goods made will he guarantied regulation In else. N B. Orders of any else Slled with despatch. i&8-3m HARDWARE! AND CUTLERY. & ELY, T'A BX e x> utler y COMBINATION CAMP KNIVES, mh2l-stuth2m TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS J- FOR THE CITY AND COUNT! OF PHILADEL PHIA Estate of CASPAR P LUKENS, M.D., a lunatic. . • The auditor appointed by the Court to audit,Bettle»and adjust the acconnt of WILLIAM BIDDLE, committee of the estate of CASPAR P LUKENS, M. D.,a iuuatio, (now 'deceased,) and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Inte rested /or thepurpoies of his appointment on PHURS .DAY, April 16th, A.D.1R63, at.ll o’clock A. M. ,at his office. No. 81S ARCH street. Philadelphia. - j ap?-tuthsst* • J. SERGEaNT PRICE. Auditor. RETAIJL. DRY GOODS. PARIS CLOAKS MANTILLAS, J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 930 CHESTNUT Street. FOURTH AND -ARCH, SPRING SALES. THE RIGHT TIME TO BUT. THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUT. BLINDS AND SHADES. NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET; MANUFACTURER OF WINDOW SHADESi B. J. WILLIAMS’, MILITARY GOODS. PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, CORNER OF MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS ARMY CLOTHING, Of Every Description. ALSO, Manufacturers of 1 PATENT CAST-STEEL FORKS, AND SPOONS, No. 130 PEG STREET, Philadelphia. COMMISSION IIOVHeS. TMJOBTANT TO GRAIN DEALERS 1 AKl> SHIPPERS. . GEO. PROPRIETOR OF THE PHILADELPHIA. BAG MANU- FACTORY, HOS. 310 AND 331 CHURCH ALLEY, AYould respectfully state for the information of army contractors and others, that he has just received new machinery throughout, which gives hint greatly in- creased facilities for rna.nnffl.cturing BURLAP BAGS, OF ALL SIZES, And for,allpurpose, and that lie is now prepared to furnish Baggio any; quantity at LESS RATES THAN C AN BE IidUGHT FOR IN THIS CITY OR ELSEWHERE. RM Y' GOODS. DARK- BLUE COAT ciOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE.DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. ' BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FKOTKIN GrH AM & WELLS, eel-iftf REMOVALS. REMOVAL. J. B. LIP PIN CO TT & CO., PUBLISHERS ANB BOOKSELLERS, Have Removed TO TIIEIR NEW STORE, ap2-6t Yls‘iii7lT MARKET STREET. TRIMMINGS, &c. DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. Bugle Gimps, Bead and Bugle Ornaments, Silk Gimps, Soutache Trimming, Cotton and Silk Zouave Alpaca Braids, - Silk Eibbons, [Braids, Guipure Laces, Silk and Union Beltings, And a variety of other fashionable Trimmings. Also, a fall assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED SMALL WARES. The goods being all our own manufacture and Impor ation, we can offer particular advantages in prices, and nvite the attention of the trade. WM. H. HORSTMANN & SONS. Manufactory and Store* mh.l6-lm FIFTH and CHERRT Sts,, Philadelphia. CLOTHING. Fine Clothing, Made tip early, for Spring and Summer Sales, >. now ready,. WAKAMAKER & BROWS, “OAK HALL,” S.E.cor. 6th & Market. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT. PRICES ' SUIUS TO ADVANCE. J OSEPH KELLY & BROTHER, T A. I DORS, CHESTNUT STREET, Below Eleventh, under St. Lawrence Hotel, . Are in receipt of their SPRING GOODS, which, having. Uaen purchased for cash before the advances they are enabled to furnish customers with the- BEST' CLOTHES at REASONABLE PRICES. . ap4-stuth3t* AND BOYS’ WEAR. CASSIMERES. NEW DIAGONOLS. NEW MIXTURES. NEW COLORS. NEW 6-4 COATINGS. • NEW 6-4 MELTONS. ■ ■ **■*. - LADIES’ CIOAKIMS. BOVS’- CLOTHING READY-MADE. BOY& I 'AND MEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & OONARD. . ap3-tf 8. E. corner.NINTH AND MARKET Sts. JOHN KELLY, JR., TAILOR, HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET, EDWARD F. KELLY’S, 143 South THIRD Street, Where he presents to former patrons and the public the advantages of a STOCK OF GOODS, equal if not su perior, to any in the city—the skiH and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lower than any other first-class esta blishment of the city. mh3l-tf T>LACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, D At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GDNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 7(H MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GKIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street. mh2l-6m ' OIL CLOTHS. 01 1. CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGE, TABLE, STAIR, AND FLOOR OILCLOTHS, IN COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS, QUALITY AND STYLE UNSURPASSED, WINDOW SHADES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OF NEW AND ORI GINAL DESIGNS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL. These goods will bo sold to Dealers and Manufacturers at prices much below the present price of stock. THOMAS POTTER, MANUFACTURER OF OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, - 339 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, and -4:9 CEDAR and 95 LIBERTY Streets, New York. inh27-Im , -- IT. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. FOB THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, • Ho. n South THIRD Street, first door abore Chestnut. A foil supply of all kind, of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand, and for .ale in'quantities to suit. A liberal diwonnt allowed on amount, of $9O and u*- ward.. Ordera by Mail promptly attended to. Office Ho are from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, defi-tjeß No. 5T South THIRD Street WNINGS, VERANDAHS, FLAGS. WM. F. SOHEIBLE, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer of AWNINGS and FANCY WINDOW AWNINGS, or VERANDAHS, has just receivod, by last :steamer, a fine lot of AWNING;STBIPS» which he can manufacture into. AWNINGS cheaper than any othw place in the city. Awnings Proofed to prevent Mildew without extra ADHESIVE LABELS.—LABELS OF aL all descriptions Printed and GUMMED, onreason able terms, by - IUNGWA.LT & BROWN. . . - - Steam-Power Printers,. HI and U 3 South FOURTH, Phila. . GUI GOr Embroidering Braids, ap4-stuth3t* NEW PUBLICATIONS. rj-KORUE LIPPARD.—A V.BRY FINE /T., CARD PHOTOGRAPH of the late 'GEOKOELU'- FARR. MCALLISTER At •'P7-21 7ltB CBENTM'IT Street. A DMIS.AI i AVALLETTE.—A VERY rrvPf?w^ B rnO’gCß/PH-'of the late AutmiiMi la McAllister a, brother, ■ • T2BCUESTNUT dtreet- YU.BD PHOT OORAPHS!—SEND FOR VJ A LIST! Professor Andcnps, G. 11. Andrews, Edwin Booth, .1. B. Booth, J. Wilkes Booth, Mrs. Barrow, Madame Bi shop, runny Brown, vv E. Burton, John Brougham, L V. Dai rett, Jane Coombs# Mrs. F. u. Conway, S'iola Crocker. Kate DeniD, E. L, Davenport, Julia Daly, W J. Florence, and thousands of others. FRIGE FIsTEEN CENTS EACH. S( nt by dn 1 1 on receipt of price. DITCHER’S NEW BOOKSTORE, It ; : . BPB CHESTNUT Street. photographs: THE QUALITY, >ST t LH, AND PRICE -1- <!£ REIMER’S colored Photographs most suit all chiMfP- For aeon ney and beauty they have long hid a wide-spjead reputation. Only *l. SECOND streot, above Green. • It T>EIM£K J S COLO K E D PHOTO GRAPHS for $1 are just the style to please.- Accu rate likenesses, naturally coloreo, and at moderate cliarge. Don’t fail to go to gallery, SECOND street, above Green. ; it MEDICAU. T J. H. .SCHENCK, -*-9 Without the fear of contradiction, say CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED I say BRONCHIAL CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I say TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I say PULMONARY CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I gay PLEURITIC CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I say DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, It i» easy to say what can be done, but I am able to produce in every section of the country many certificates of persons that have been Cured of Consumption. READ AND JUDGE. READ AND JUDGE. - READ AND JUDGE. New Tonir, March 24, 1863, Dr. J. H. Scitexck. Bear Sir: I feel it a duty I owe to you and all who are suffering under the disease known as consumption and liver complaint, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Syrap and Seaweed Tonic in so short a time. By the blessing of God iihas cu>ed me thus far. Dr. Schenck, I will now makemy statement to you. as follows : About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a sev« re cough, aud it settled on my lungs; I could not retain anything I ate, and suffered with evening fe vers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. The wnites of my eyes were very yellow, likewise my skiii; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat ;b*»wels swollen, irregular, and costive. I was very low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughing when I laid down at nigbtand when lanseratkemorn ing that they would last one or two hours I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my left side, I cannot describe mv wretched suffering as I would wish to do. Avery organ, iu my body was. diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time; and I was confined to my bed. from the last of February, 1862, to June, 1862, not able to sit up. I had the best of medical attendance the whole of the time My cough was eo very bad it racked me very much, lat this time raised alarge quantity of thick, yel low, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, and it was generally accompanied by nausea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I wouLd have sharp shooting pains in my left side and heart,- night sweats, and soreness all through my waoie chest; had much inward fever, pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and iu the small of my back, and at •times so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now ray physician gave me up. to die Others I had and the best of them, but they could do nothing , for me, aad .at that time I was nothing but skin and bones. I then was in the western part 5 of Missouri. . in June last we left there fortlie east,and in August last we came,to New York, and I was so reduced that 1 could only walk a little with my husband’s help. After I had been here a short time the salt water breeze made mo feel much bet ter for a time, and then I had again to call a : physician for aid. We had four of the best physicians in New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, hut of no avail They said 1 was past cure, and that mv 'lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. Bat at this time I was on my fret about the bouse, not able to do much of anything. In November last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhoea set in and lasted about eight weeks: We had tried all and everything that [ could grasp at like a dying person, for my diseases—con sumption and liver complaint—but of no avail. . In January, 1563, I was brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My husband staid my side, with other friends, and they all gave me up to die. At this lime every one who saw me did not think I ever would leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was attacked with spasms, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came in to see me the last of the week, and broughtthe Svnday Mereuvy. In it-wa? an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schcnck. She read it to me, and it was so much like m? disease that I asked my husband to go and see him for me. At this time Iliad given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and made mypeace with God, to be reaoy whenever he called for me. On the 27th of. January, 1863, my husband called on Dr. Sclieiick,.32 Bond street, New York, aud stated to him my case. with a request for him to call aud see me, which lie did, aiid examined me with the respirometer. When he was about to go, I asked him if he could cure me ? His reply was, ‘1 cannot tell; both lungs are dis eased, and the biouchial tubes are affected ouboth sides.” .And yet he teemed to think there were lungs enough left to effect a cure if the diarrhsea could be stopped. He said, in order io do this he would have to give me Mandrake Pills,- in sma'l doses at first, to carry off the morbid mat ter, and then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which lie did, but the constant cough ing, night sweats, and diarrhoea had prostrated me, so that-lie . was afraid my vital powers were too much . prostrated ever to.-rally, aud yet he seemed to think if I could live to get enough Pulmonic Syrup through my system to cause expectoration, there was lungs enough left for me to recover. He wished me to try the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at'once, saying itwould do me no harm, if it done me no good. I that night commenced taking a tiblespbonful three times a day of each- The first week it seemed to give laestrengih, so that on Suuday after I set up in bed and ate hearty for a sick womanbut the next week 11 »bt all hope, and wished my husband nov to give me any more medicine. But the doctor had warned him of this, that when the medicine was clearing out the system it made them feel sometimes restless, but to persevere: and he insisted on my taking it: and now I feel the benefit of it; for after eight days I began to gain my strength, and, with theexception of a cold, that put me back some, I have been gaining strength of body; my cough is going awav, and all my pains are gone; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular; and my breath is sweet; and I thank God that I am now going about, and sew and read as well as ever 1 could. I have taken sixteen botiles of the medicine, eight of each, I now have a good appetite, and rest well at night; my cough does not trouble me in getting up or lying down. I would here say to the afflicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr Schenck is no humbug. You can rely on what he soys. Delay not; it is dangerous to trifle with these diseases. If you would be cured, go at once, and any one wishing to know the facts as herein stated, can call atmy residence, 117 West Honston street, NewTorkcity. MRS. MARY F. FARLOW. We, the undersigned, residents of New York, are ac quainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know her statements to be true. We also know that she used Dr.. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, aud have reason to believe that to this medicine she owes her preservation from apremature grave. . B. FARLOW, 117 West Houston street. EUGENE UNDERHILL,.676 Greenwich street. Mrs. EUGENE UNDBKHILL, 676 Greenwich street. AUGUST UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich street, A. ¥. HARRIS,II7 WestHouston'street. . EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston street. J. L. COLE, 33 Cottageplace. M. A LEIGHTON, 453 BToadwav. Mrs.BENJ. CLAPP, 19 Amity place.- J am well acquainted with Mrs. Mary F.' Fallow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Fallow, they having, fora few momhs past, attended at my church, and I am con vinced that any statement which they might make may be relied on as true. JOHN 'BOWLING.- D.JD.,. Pastor of Bedfordrstreetßaptist Church, New. York. Dr. J..H. Scheuck can be consulted at his principal office, No. 39 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday; and at No. 33 BUN i> Street, New York, every Tuesday. Letters for advice should always be directed to Philadelphia, Pa, PKICES. Pulmonic Syrup, $1 per bottle; $5-half dozen. Seaweed Trnic, $1 perhottle; $5 half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box.: For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers. It pOTJGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION. Cured to a greater certainty by DR.SWAYNE’S ’ Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY, than any other remedy or treatment yet discovered. Have you Cough, Sore Throat, Weak Breast? - • Have yon Bronchitis, Asthma. HaveyouWeak Nerves, Disturbed Sleep? Have you Disordered Liver, Blood-spitting ? Have you Pains, Side, Breast, Soreness? Have you Night Sweats, Great Weakness*? Have you any Pulmonary Complaint ? How important to employ at once a reliable remedy, and not tamper with simple mixtures, lozenges, &c.» which only palliate. Thirty years’ experience has proven that WAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRf” seldom, if ever. Jails to cure a coagh; Even where the lungs have become much disordered, with night sweats, burning fever, pains and oppression, it has effected ir any'wonderful cures. Prepared only by Dr. SWAi N£ & SON, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia-: Sold by all dealers iu medicine. ap3-tf A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYS «£*- PERSIA;” - DR. WILLIAMS’ ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. Dj suepsia of the most aggravated form. Nausea, Head ache. ijsuudice. Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eat ing, Debility of the Nervous System, Disordered Liver, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, cured by this old standard remedy. Wholesale and retail,at “Dll. SWAYNE’S,” 330 S*XTH, above Vine. ap3 Te tt kb, scald head, itch, BLOTCHES—aII Eruptions of the Skin, Chronic Erysipelas of the face, old Ulcers of long standing, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment, are per manently cured by “DR. SWA! NE’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.” Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON. 330-North SIXTH StTeet, above Vine. ' ap3-tf 'Tj'YE AND EAR.—PROF. J. ISAACS, -Li Oculist and Aurist, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at No. 611 PINE Street, where he treat* all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cure*— if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hour* from 8 to 11 o’clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. .las-3m* II E “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. NONE. GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED “ J. 11. 31. & CO. MIIAM. EXCELSIOR.” J. H. MICHENER & 00., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS AND CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nob. 143 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR HAMS are cured by J. H. M. & Co. (inastyle peculiar to ihomael res) ex pressly for FAMILY USE, are of delicious tlavor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now ottered for sate. api-tf gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA, ■ Just roceived. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. . fe26 CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Street.. § PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET AND BOOK: STORE.—Examina tions, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha racter, Social Disposition, Professional Talent, Business Qualification, made day and. evening. Air the publications of Fowler & Wells* wholesale and retail. JOHN L. CAPEN, ap7tnthB3mif 9»9 CHESTNUT Street, . •ORICE PRESSES, CLAY WHEELS, -M Kilns, Casting, Brickmakers’ Tools, Factory 309 South FIFTH St. Cmbl4-1m») S. P. MILLER. Pape r pat teens of the Jatest Fashions. Wholesale . and, RafcaU,— New SPRING CLOAKS, Sleeves, Waists, and Children’ B Patterns, now ready at Mrs. S. V J. HUTTON'S, N* X. corner of ELEVENTH and SANSOM Struts. Also, Dress and Mantilla Maklug, in all its branches. -Madame Demorest’s Mirror ofFaAhionrand. outting and baistlng at.the shortest notice. •> . Running-stitch Sewing Machine. Le Bon Tou Fashion Book for sale.-: . ; : • - , ' : Storing for BraUing and Embroidery, mh2S-I2t WANTS. WANTED—A SITE FOR A STAND "* .FACTORY, (with buildings on preferred,) near the t- i tv, a rid having Witter communication. Address Box TiSl Philadelphia :P, }). ap7-3t* TO O' a PIT-fl LI Sl' S.— A MACHINIST oflttvga: experience and an established reputation, is desirous of forming a connection* with adequate capi" tal, to so into the MACHINE bu’siness-. Address M. f It or la American office. ap7-6t* ■WANTED—BY A FAMILY OF .TT Four a tenement r a store, 01' purl. of a house with a respectable small family, abbv'e Market aud teiow Broad, and Wi-Chin a- few squares of Eighth and Base. Neighborhood muiet be *ood. A’dd72s* “N./Sft. Prcj-y office. - -, ■ • »p7-3t* • WANTED- ABO WT TB E FIRST OF ** May a cmnpetent Book-keeper to lake chgjrge of the boohs of a Hmuufactu:n'b-£>AtshliHhmeut. Thjrbest ot required. Add-V&sw Box 1705 Post iu hanowiltisg of a-piicsnt apT^ft.* A DEPUTY QUARTEBMASTBB GENERAL'S OFFICE. —PiifLADELPHiA, Feb. 0, tCO.3. WANTED immediately w carry COAL to the following points: Tortagas, - Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. : Newbern, N.C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD felO-tf; . Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. : BOARDING. WANTED —FUBNISHED- BOOMS * ¥ with board, either in West Philadelphia or Ger mantown, for a gentleman, wife, and two-children. Teimsnot to exceed $6O per month for good accommo dations. Address, stating full particulars, “ft.- K. Box 799 Philadelphia Post Office. It* A PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST CAN have a very nice OFFICE, with a superior SUIT OF BOOMS on second story, if desired, with BOARD, in cne of the best localities on. UHttSTNOT Street. A chance seldom to be met with. Address F. S. A.. Post Office. ap7-3t* UOST AND FOUND. T OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS' • hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dupli cates of the following described Certificates of the Five per Cent. Loans of the Commonwealth, issued by the Bank of Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent of the Commonwealth,) in the nam* of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STAfIHGPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey, in England: No. 355, dated*April 6, 1837,actof April.l3, 1535,f0r $5,000. No. 356, do 'do do do for $5,000. No. 357, do do do do for $2,000. mh3l*3m •- . FOR SALE ANI) TO LET. TO PROFESSIONAL MEN-.—TO LET, J- an OFFICE, in the vicinity of FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. Address *‘B.,” office. ap7-3t M FOR SALE—a VERY de sirable RESIDENCE, with side yard attached, on 'Eighteenth street, above Arch. Apply to WM. ROS SELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, (Second Floor.) ap7-.3s* M fob sale —several hand some COTTAGES in and near Germantown, Ap ply m WM. RoSStLL AELEN, s. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, (Second Floor.) ap7-3t* H FOE B ALE A FIVE-STORY raliW STORE on Third street, above Arch Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and Walnut, (Second Floor ) . ap7-3t* -jjji SUMMER RESIDENCE—FOR JO-SALE. a Beautiful Residence, FRANKFORD ROAD and ALLEGHANY; Avenue. House built in a most su perior manner, and in perfect order; kitchen, laundry, milk-room, and bake-room in basement. Eoui rooms on first floor, seven oil second. Two furnaces, two rangts, stationary washtubs, washstands. Gas through out. Ice-house, and fine stabling. Grounds handsomely laid out, fruit trees, shrubbery, statuary, &c. Lot 100 by .320 feet. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers 433 WALNUT Street. mh2s-12tif* PERSONA!.. PENSIONS. —sloo BOUNTY AND A . pay procured and collested for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and aatisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two years, and all soldiers who have been discharged by reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty ; and the latter, also, to a pension, JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, , mhl3 : 434 r WALNUT Street. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, playing from 1 to 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodics. FARR & BROTHER. Importers, * ap4 324-CHEsTNUT Street, below Fourth. WATCHES, JUST RECEIVED FEU STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale at Low Rates to the Trade, by D - T . BRATT, apStf 607 CHESTNUT STREET. J. O. FULLER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY., No. 713 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-etairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, E. HOWARD & CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, Ain) FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fe!3-3m ■p-I N B Gr 111 TOOMBS IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL, J. O. FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street. mhlS-2m FINE WATCH EBP AIRING mas&m attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. J C. FULLER’S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. fe!3-3m yULCANITE rings. A full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. C. FULLER, KTo. 712 CHESTNUT Street fel3-3m FAIRBANKS' SCAI.ES. QAUT I O N . The "well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of imperfect balances to offer them as ** FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby, in many instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. Fairbanks’ Scales are manufactured only by the original inventors, E. St T. FAIRBANKS St CO., and are adapted to every branch of the business, where & correct and durable Scaleß is desired. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, RDll-tf V MASONIC HALL. 715 CHESTNUT ST. SEWING MACHINES. gEWING MACHINES. THE “ SLOAT MACHINE, WITH GLASS FEESSER FOOT, NEW STYLE HEMMER, BRAIDER, and other valuable improvements. ALSO, THE TAGGART, & FARE MACHINES. Agency—N. E. corner'KlNTH and CHEERY Streets. ■ mh7-tf ■ ' - ■ gIN GEE’S SEWING MACHINES, For Family Sewing and Manufacturing Purposes. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. pE WILCOX & GIBBS FAMILY - SEWING MACHINES nave been greatly improved, making ifc . ENTIRELY NOISELESS, *nd with SelDadjusting Hemmers, are now ready for *&le by FAIRBANKS & EWING, seSO-tf . 715 CHESTNUT Street. Ej-dlggfrTOß ALBANY AND TROY.. steamer NEW JERSEY,' Thompson, mastt r, is now loading for the above points, and will sail on WEDNESDAY AprilB, at 11 A. M. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to S. FLANAGAN, ap7-2t - No. 30& South DELAWARE Avenue, - MUTTON! MUTTON!— DAVID B.IPAUL. & BRpTHßßla.Tejust.ro ceived some very fine South Down, Oots- and Leister MUTTON. Also, SPRING LamS, which can be had at their-Btalls._Nos. 53 and 55 WESTERN MARKET, corner of SIXTEENTH, and MARKET Streets. . ■ , . . - The above Mutton and Lamb can be had any day in the , week. mh2s-lm* E E R’S FURNISHING, CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISH MENT, CHINA HALL, 539,CHESTNUT STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE. PHILADELPHIA^ Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied. China and glass packed in a proper manner.. N. B.—China decorated.to order? also, initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass. Orders bv mail promutly attended to. rabl7-lm A/TES. S. J. HUTTON’S SIMPLIFIED system of DRESS-CUTTING, .adapted to all sizes and flgures?|taught in half-hour lessons. Psaee S 3. N' E.Jcorner ELEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, • Ladies and Dress-makers w.onJdL do well to call and examine. Waist pattern cat by this sysfc&m to. fit the form for 12 cents. Great inducement' offered to, agents. • • ' • mh2B-12t JCE I ICE ! IGEt: ICE ! ICEI 10 m COLD SPRING. ICE COMPANY. - Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream. Sataw&s, &c., &e.» supplied-daily? with, a pure article of BOSTON ICE, ah the very lowjest market rates. D.ealers. and larg & consumers, sunpluzcb (d mholesale- 2ftr£ces. Waasns.mn inall paved limits of the Consolidated city, audln tlie Twenty-fourth E CAmili - r,33.5 WALNUT Street, I-North Peuna. R. & Master-street. Offices .• y Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. gp3-3mif* LPine-street wharf, Schuylkill. "VT OTIG S 3 .-MB. ROBOLPHE LIEN. HART, in Now York, to sign our flr>* by procuration. APPOLD tCHULTH£SSu[ CO., Lyons. France. March 1, 1363. . apl-%*. —_ WILLIAM N. ATTWOOB, UNDERTAKER, ? Has removed from his former residence to No. 44, North ELEVENTH Street, third house below Arch, west side. • • mbSl-lmif HS*'Ua, EDWIN A HUGHES, UN. DERTAKER* ' 359 South TENTH Street, above Spruce. falo-3m. Philadelphia,. pELLEVOISIN BRANDY—AN IN VOICE, lu Bo*j.d, for sala by w H CHAS. S. & JAS. CARSTAIRB. a 22 Ho. 13A WALNUT and 31GRANITSSU* G. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street AUCTION SAI/E. BAZAAB-NINTH AND SOM STREETS..: -: »50 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. THIRTY-THUiD TK*DtS SALE AT PHILADELPHIA, This sale wiH.ip.fc* piam . . _ ON WEDNESDAY.MORNING, April Sib,- at 10 o’clock, ai the Bazaar. The assortment will be very exteuaiveaad complete, comprising at lea&t two hundred and fifty Carriages, from iho best manufacturers of this city, and Wiinuag ton, Delaware; m . * SPECIAL NOTICE. Theauct.oneer rekpecttaily announces that this will be the. largest Public Sale of Carriages ever held in .the city v of Philadelphia, ulr, Merrick's invoice, alone, will include near one hundred Carriages; also, large in voices frou? the Messrs; Asubs 4 .- Tne Carriages v.'iD be arranged and opened for exam; - nation with catalogues," on the day previous to sale, which will positively take place on the above day witbonf regard fcb the Westh er,. ALJEEft M. HEKKNB3S, i ___ •_ Auctioneer. T?UR SA I:I.—WILL BE SOLD AT Public Sajeou SATURDAY, U.ch April, at HerknesV Bazaar, two very haudsome.'and superior Carrieges of WataoiDH best inafc“,' viz: •a. top Buggy W*grm, aerer used, and-an English Mail -Phaeton,- very unique ami scarcpl) ever used. May be seen at tbe subscriber's up to time of AUFRHH) M. if «*ICN !s■«s, ap4 smtu&f* NTNTH and SaNROM Streets. AMUSEMENTS. \MI RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. AV. Director 1J OBAB. ■WEDBE3DAT, f BCOND'OPJ3RA> NIGfHT. NOTICE. —No Opera.tbis evening, in consequence of the necessar\ day and night rehearsals of Meyerbeer’s world-renowned Grand Gbsra,- ROBERTO IL DIAVOLO, (Robert the - Devil,) Which will>be produced 1 TO .„ On WEDNESDAY EVENING-? April Cth. With the following caßt :' mm e -L °nni .Alice. (Mile. Cordier.....-.-Isabella. big Brinnoli Robeito. [Sigt Susinl.•...ii..Bettiara. Herr Lotti Raiinbold. ISig. Bkriii. .Alberto. Madame MaizrttL..., .as. **...Eleuqr. i-ir 1 1 arrangements will be under the direction Mr. G. W. frnith. ConductorandMusical Director.......... Sig. MUZIO. _ THURSDA Y, THIRD OPERA SIGHT. In active preparation, Ralvey’s great-work, ;LA;JUIY-Jt, (THEJEWESSD' .Admission to Parquet, Dress Circle, and Balcony, $1;-. Reserved seats 50 cents extra ; Family Circle 50 cents: Gallery 25cents Seats can be secured at the Academy, and at Go old’s Mumc Store, coiner of Ch'estnut:and Saveain strtece ap7- 2t " ’ NE W CHESTNUT-STREET fHRA. THE. Lessee and Manager LA.-T NIGHT BUT TWO. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, April 7tb, 18SS. ED WIN FORREST,. r.OR.THE SECOND AND LAST TIME THIS SEASON. . In his powerful character of MET AMOR A, T - THE LAST O*' THE W’AiIPANOAGS; In the Romantic and Vigorous inoUn Tragedy of the name, whicu will he placed upon the Stage in'Che-same . ; complete and superb bikle* Which has discingui&hed ALL THE PKOtrUCtIONS OF- THE He wili be supported by. a, ' MAGNIFICENT CAST, EMBRACHSG 'iHE WHnLE ; STRENGTH OF- T-HS COMPANY; . WEDNESDAY', April Bth, - last NiUHi but one- of- » - Daniel e bandmann. THE GREAT GERMAN ARTIST, In the new and highly succsssfut Tragic Drama, Narcissi?, THE LAST OF THE POMPADOURS; THURSDAY, April IU. Tfle. LAS'i’NiG HTBUT ONEOF •EDWIN FORE#S i\ DURING THE PRESENT SEASON. J»r. WBEaTIEY takv-s plea«nr-e tu aiuounein®- &. brief haveweil Engagement, prior to her denar are for Europe, with the GREAT TRAGIC ARTISL'E, miss,batsman. Wlio will mate f er Art!: appearance in this ThoaSre aa. v- , - MONDA* EVER IN G, April-l Sch, . in her great new cha’acter, LEAH. TBE JEWISH MAIDEN. - CHANGE -OR TIME;. Doors open at ; Curt ain r ism, at 3 o’clcch 1 . M KB - DBEW’3 'AJKOH-aTBKJKT' THEATER. Business Assent and "Treasurer.... ...;JOS D MDTtPRY BENEFIT OP AJIfS LIZZIE PRICE' LAST WEEK 03? MARY* PROVOST THU (TUESDAY) EVENING, -April.7>h, 1853,- • TBE CuUNTESS AND GRiSETTE The Countess, l Marie, the Grisette/f To conclude with (by especial desire), OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Lord Dundreary... Barton Hill, Trenehard . Prank Drew* ilorence Trenehard -Mrs. John Drew' Mai-y Meredith MUs E.- Price ; 456“ Prices as usual. Curtain rises at o'clocki WALNUT-STKEET THEATER »» Sole Lessee Mrs. MA. GARRE n’SON Business Agent Mr JOHN T. DONNELLS' THIS-(TUESDAY) EVENING, April. 7,' 1663. HE'S JACK Sttsl-PABD. Simon Purefoy, ) ' Jack thepparu, >«' To be follcwed by Clarke’s revised version of . _ TOO DL E'S: . Timothy Toodles ;Kr. J. S. Clarice ; To conclude "with ROBERT MACAIRE,. Doors upen at 7: Carta-in will rise at IK. : WHUTAKER’S CIRCUS, MARKET » " Street above TWELFTH street. Admission, accents: Private Box and Balcony Seats 50cents; Gallery—Adults, 15 cents; Do.' Boys, 10 cents 1- Colored GaLlery, 15 cents. LAST WEEE OF,-THE SEASON. 'HOIBAT and- TUESDAY EVE&^GsT April 6 arid T. 'S3,. .<Actpfthe ZAMPILLAEROSTATION. A NEW AH D VARIED PROGRAMME .* BY THE GREAT STAR TROUPE • LAST WEEK. LAST "WEEK. apg-2t A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. LAST W.E E K.; . WOODROFPJs’S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS-BLOWERS EVERY EVENING t ~- The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam-Engine “ It O * NITOR” will be in full operation. All the works of art distributed gratuitously to th»- visitors. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AETEBNOONS Child-*- ren’s Grand GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will te-> ceiveaGlFT. r On WEDNESDAY EVENING,. April Bth, a CASE 0? WORK will be given *.o the. best-looking Lady in the Hall. On FRIDAY a CASE OF WORK will he given to the best-looking Gent in the Kali. CAS I ■■to”**’'** be a «*•»** Admission, 15 cts. No half -price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at 8 o ’clock; afternoon at 3. ap6-6t** PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF A- THE FINE-ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT STREET, THE ACADEMY is now*, closed *o prepare for thn- ANNUAL EXHIBITION, and-will' open again on the 27th instant. ap6-tf ' MR- CHURCH'S- NK\y> PICTURE, I'-*- UNDER NIAGARA, painted from stadies made on the “Maid of the Mist,”is'now on exbibition'at Wil lis P. Hazard’s Bookstore, 134: CHESTNUT St., from 3- A. M toSP. M. Admission, 25 cents - mh3l-Im JOHN McCLURE, ‘Publisher. r A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH and CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR. OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR-BLITS Tie great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hit LEARNED CANARY BIRDS,. wil* give his new and popular entertainments EVERT-EVENING during thr week, commencing at .735 o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY-AFTERNOONS at-3. Tie attraction*, will be marvellous: Experiments in -Magic; wonderful 1 powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds» in their new characters. Admission 25. cents.. Childrenl3.cents, rj.BRMANIAOEGHESTKA—PUBLIQ ” ’REBEARSALS every- SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3H o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARL. SSNTZ; conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of Art« tickets $l. To behad of Andr6 & Co., No. 1104 Chestnut' street; J. E; Gould, Seventh and Chestnnt, and at the Hall door, ' n027-tf HASSLER’S orchestra. NEW OFFICE, Sl4l South. EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-5* 15SUKANCB COMPANIES. PHILADELPHIA. EIRE AND LIFE; A INSURANCE-COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED -BY-THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA IN IS4S. - • • - • This Company Is now prepared to make insurance against LOSS BTFIRE on the most favorable terms. Their losses will be promptly settled, and that those for the year 1862 were so, they refer to the following re cipients: ' * Mrs- Jane Perree.... L: G; Hytinger & Co Beverly R. Keim. ... William E. Taber..., Jobn Candy w. F. P.Morris W. V. Petit..*.. L: G. Mytinger & Co R-. E. 5e11er5....... Other small losses This Company have no unsettled losses. The assets of .the .Company are now Mortgagesand ground rents... Keal estate (taken for debits) c05t...... Stocks and bonds.. Bil 1 s receivable !l>ce from individuals...... Cash in 8ank......................... .. Stock notes Dl32£tFpr ( S. M. W. Baldwin, Vice Pre-. sMent, • P. B. Savery, Aiexa nder Slarphy, 15. 0. Howell, Killgore, P, BaA-CKBURISB, Secretary.^. E. P. King, President, Charles P. Bayes, John Clayton, Ed. Wiler, T. K. Colbns, J. M. Cowell,. ... S. J. Megargee. Mih2B-stntb3ra*if. , QJKAED FIRE AND MARINE IHSBBAA3B COMPACT. OFFICE, 4r15. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CiSim 9200,000. This Company continues to take risks oa the safai. 3lass.es.of Property at low .rates. <. The RublSc can rely u@on its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements far the beaeftb of the .public! during the last nine years, eraseed < . 500*000 DOLLAR '‘and we respectfully #olicit its favor in the future. * DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT. JERRY WALKER, JOHN- W. CLAGHQ>RN. JOHN THC^SLEY, C. K SEAELITT, ' ABRAHAM ;SART, - DAY3D BOYD, Js., PETERS. HOE, of N. TA WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH-KLAPPi M. D., N. S. LAYMRNCE. THOMAS DBAKR, JOHN SUBPLEE. THOMAS CRAYBN, President A. S. GILLETTrVice President, JAS. B_. AbffOßD, Secretary. ap26-iftl A M: BRIO AN FIBS?. INSURANCE COMBAXY. Incorporated. ISO. CHAjITEB'ESK,. PETITAL. Be. 310 'WALHUT Street, above Third. Hi ladelphia. Having aJarge paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in, sound and &vailabla.'Securities, contin?M.Ft(f fcnsnre oa. Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Vessels import and their and other Property. XUlosßesliberaltyandpromptly adjusted. DERKSPORS. Thexaas R. Maris, i James S. Campbell, John Welsh. i Edmund G. Dntill^ Samuel C. Morton, I Charles W. Poultaey, Patrick Brady, j Israel Morns. Join T. Lewis, E. MARlS.Bvesldent. Albert C.-L. Craw?obd. Secretary. • fe22-tf rjHE ENTEI^RISE INSURANCE QQSCPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 4FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S WIJIXNG. S. W. CORNER FOURTH WALNUT STREETS! DIRECTORS. F. Ratchtord Starr, George H. Stuart, William , Joh^HLßrojgn» NalbiciSrazieL! • . J. L. Erringer. • John Geo. W. F|hnest»k, • • Beni Treaiei L- Claghorn, ■ ‘ w&am G, Boultoa.'; * Mor^awl L W^T C iFOSD STARR, President THOS. H. MONTGOMERY. Secretary. fell m COMPANY, NO^ TjiJUB'ISfBUBAN' r TIBE TrAa<& *'• Back. g- B. . C2i&s. A^West, TUoS? Lewis, Jr., Jowi K»&siBr k Ji., jSbn W. Evermwi, Chaa. Stokes, S. Justice, A. U. Hosetttsiia, «v W. Davis, Josep D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CBARLEB RICHARDSON, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. CialMitf /TJ.RAY HAIR RESTORED—BALD- KBPS PREVENTED.-■*-“LONDON HAIK-COLOR RESTORER £ND DRESSING,” the only attest*d article that will absolutely restore the hair to its original color find beauty* causing it to urowwhere it has fallen o:for. thin. ' Wholesale and retail at Dr. SvvAlcfiS b, SSOfOXTH Street ahrveViug. Price, sfl cts. apSitf- fILIYE OIL.—AN INVOIOE' JUST received aud for sale byC HAS. S- * JAR*. STAIRS, So. 138 WALHDTv 134 31 ORANIfTS Stro&dV' -z '•' \*Sw*** .Mr. W. WHEATLEY, •Mary Provost. •Mr; J. S Clarke. ••$1,962 45 918 92 4,846 67 4,894 IS 121 87 • 2,000 00 . • 60 00 >-1,498 76 84 15 .160 81 .$50,116 48 • 19,370 00 ■ 21,509 91 • 9,942 91 • 7,374 47 ■ 1,082 87 • 70,265 00 $179,662 6ii
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