AERIVAIS AT THE HOTELS, TJP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental—NlntH a 1/ieut IT Sherwood, USA *Wm Hoffiniiu, Keutucky ClinsF Mudg*s Lyon <5 C Brudie, flow York ’WH Kueap.e, Penna liR Wallace, Michigan John Colgate, Michigan Lieut M S Dunn, New York N Hotchkiss, flow Bavenl <3 T Lewis, Tennessee if* U Luther, 1 Penua L EdgeruuvOhio Alias Edgerton, Ohio 3XM Edgertnu, Pittsburg *W Coverly & wf, Harrisburg IW':C Robiiisi.-n, flew York Mr k Mrs <3 F Conrad t, Balt CluiH F Corbin & wf. N 1 -J P Howard, New York „T (1 Morris & wife -Johu Adviauee, New York Miss Kate Adriance, N Y Miss Abbey Salim N York Mrs W Bryce, jr.flew York Miss EllcuJobuston. N Y •James Bryce, New York •John Gr-oshon, New Y.ork UVlrfi Yonnelye, New York Mrs Bower; New York . tftuml AWfilsh. Now York TL'W KusHell., Hartford Jas JUcC‘«Jl<«r- .iPonca •Chas It McConkey, Penna ■<Jol Snutpllc, USA ;T M Cutter, Mass Chas L Rhodes, Clovel’d, 0 M K Piatt & la, PUttaburg AMShonnau, New York E B Welch & wf, Boston Misa Wilds. & sister, Boston C A Wright, Ohio Mrs Primpely, New York Sami Lewis, Alleutown Mrs Sami R Meredith, N Y B H Hattnu, New York C Idley, New Yovk C B Howe, New York G RlGUlett, Baltimore M K O’l-lern, Baltimore A H Gunn & la, Chicago Chas Dimon, New York J I Bay, New York RVernam & wf, New York Dr J.Brown & wf. Wash Evan fttonis, Morrisiana *3? K Wliitfclcy, New York H Polkinborn, Wash. D C &VT Slouhl, Wash,!) <J . ijitissKiggH, Wa<h,QC jdiss l’iekins, Wash, 1) C .J T Johnston, New York •J B Ayres, flew York . A D Remincton, New York *W T Hix, New York ;E Brnstieiu, flew York treel, below Ninth, P Fabor, Tamanna loan Valycar, Paris Wni Gratz, Ciucinnati J L Maxwell, Indiana \Ym J Parvin, Nt-w York J Gribcom, Jr, New York S H Buttrick,',New York S S Fisher, Cincinuati M-Whiteside 0 D Sayvo, Wabash,Tnd B F Camp, New York J[ Cooke, New York. . A Gotty, Philadelphia . * Gii*ar<l—Cliestnut ai Mrs.G Bartlett, Philada > A H Bnrnit'/, Baltimore •Vf rtipinbothom, Baltimore B N Mavliiir New York l>r AC Plotchcr, New York »C Wheeler, Beading JP Pickens, Baltimore E Gardner, Cincinnati A W Watsou, Harrisburg ■J S Speer & la', Havana 00l G Gay. Nov/-York MShnlt. BanUburg Miss Sholl, Harrisburg Mcrchants’-Foiutl] JH.Walker, US A XiGoddard, Illinois Jackson McAbee ID Maeyer, Harrisburg . -Henry Mark, Piketon, Ohio JEStailer, Shellsburg , Ira Paul, Pittsburg; Hicb’d McGrann, Lancaster S Strickland, Reading IVliss Alexander, Pa*goid, Baltimore Chas Brodhead. Bethlehem' OGriswoid, Hartford; Ct E A Packer, New York •QfH JadWin, Caibbndole JrJPJadwin, Carbondaln W Whiting, New York x - Ja,s J Blaksiee, MChunk Horace E Taylor, N Y .IS Walker, Cincinnati : American-Clicstmit •S Cunuinghamvßlairsville A JBaldwiu, New York "WT 800/.Uor, Maryland ADLeoch, Philadelphia •C T Mnguer, Washington E II Rauch, Rlanch Chunk "W F Smalley & la,Delaware . J R Hoaglnud, U S Anny A A Lackenbach, BeLhlehein Lieut F K Hassler, USA H 0 Crain, Boston 'Geo do B Hears A Hitchkook, New York' "WH Griffith, New York Miss Snyder, Lock Haven Aug Waterman, N Jersey ‘Chas Hand, New Jersey ;St. liouis—Clxestmit "Win Boggs, New York J Rodgers, Burlington P Fitch, USA 'Wm Cuuuiug, Philada .M Lissbeiger, Baltimore 33 Akers, Baltimore .«TM Cuduiugham,Baltimore MKigliler, Now.Yorlc EKiuglnan, Boston-j .7 J Dovey, Pottsville PH Wilks, Newport,Rl ’Win D. Wilson & la, N J *Wm Burley, Boston ■Cbns M Fairbrother, N Y The Uniou-Arch street, above Tliird.^ RRClirisman; Jersey City W H Rnberts, Jiinesvills William Schick, Ohio D Gould, lowa •C Mack," Penna * T M ftees, Pittsburg A‘C Yates, New York E 0 Haigh,’Pirtsbing .J W Yates, New York , J H Nisley; Middletown- IW Earl & la, Beading T Kirk, Ohio T Bright, Tmnaqua W Dulty Col B Ratcliff, Tamaqua Mr Fisher, Penna .J Silliman. Pottsvillo J H Sluumtkur .Jas Pine, West Chester C C Snyder, Canton, Ohio H T Hoover, Ohio .7 McFarland. Pittsburg WJ Malta, Pottsville B II Wood, White Haven Commercial—Sixth street? above Chestnut 'Wm J McCtircy, York co H Williams, Allentown J L Weeden, Delaware co Louis S Imbrie, Pittsburg Wnt Johnson, Cecil co. Md W A Atwood, Chester co Richard Bedell, New York J R Ramsey, Oxford Fltzlnugh &4a, Peuna T A Lambert, Reading Win A Grubb, Chester co Capt W Jones, Washington .Miss A Grubb, Chester co . Miss Tillie Meckley, Penna Roht Hodgen, Oxford and Market streets. J Goodman, Maryland A King, .Maryland J L Hmydtv Dpnwer city E 8 Weaver, MLUersville F Wollaston, Chester co Hon H H Lindsey, Pa v W E Williams, York co E A Yarn ail, Chester co James Green, Newburg J fteistine & wf, Wilra, Del States Union—Sixth OM Race - V J M Jobnsou A* la,Pittsburg P H McCauley & wf, Pa .T Coak. Harrisburg J JCenberger, Columbia H KirkpatrickjtHarrisbnrg Israel head. Milford, Pa W 0 Caldwell,.. Hunt’n co S Jamison, Norristown S Truby, Jetferson co Johu D EilLlgaiSt’ Jacks’brg Naliouhl-Rftce s Mrs Kennedy, Lebanon AC DeWitt, Warsaw,lnd •C E Goetz, New York - XV H Hauck, Eftstou JWHolmes, DC JCHolmes, DC « .Miss MO Holmes, Reading Miss W S Holmes, Reading •C L McMillan, Penna Mount Vcrnon-Seco] T Timoiy, Boston E Florefcti Boston • * • JMMencli, Pottsville .R Armstr< ng, Baltimore .J Smith, New York !F Lowery, New Jersey • treet, above Market. Miss Quimby. Wilm, Del Miss Negel, Wilm, Del IVT C Hart, New Jersey W B Blackwell, New Jersey .Madison—Second sti Dr S Williams, New York A Pm cel, Penna _ JJ Williams, New York .JDeYoungA ffliu, Allentn J HShaw, Marylajsd r I Eagle-Third St., above CallowlHll. J F Hunb.inger, Lehigh co | C Swartz, Maucli Chunk H Sultzbach, Marietta |E Beeder, New York Black Bear—Third St , above CallO'xvhlll. G B Stock. Frauklin, Pa IWII Hodgson Daleville.Pa RRohb, Jr, Montgomery co|R Holloway, Pennsylvania SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liximent cures Headache immediately and was nevev known to fail. .Brandbeth’s PillSj .New Style. BRANDEETH’S PILLS, NEW STYLE, BKASD.KETH’S PILLS, NEW STYLE, PILLS. NEW STYLE, arc infallible for costiveness, spasms, loss of appetite, sick headache, giddiness, .sense of bloating after meals,, dizziness, drowsiness, and cramping pains, and all dis orderif of the stomach and bo\vels. ' r* . QNE OF MANY CASES. . Original Letter at 294 Canal street, New York: J. 1. C. COOK, publisher of the State Banner, Ben nington, Yt., says he was attacked, witli DYSPEPSIA, , and suffered so severely from it that not a particle of food -couldbe swallowed without occasioning the most un comfortable.‘■ensation in bis stomach. For Jive years he suffered from this dreadful complaint, when he used BRANDRETH’S PILLS, The first box did-not seem to benefit him much, but the second produced a change, and by the’time lie had takeasix boxes, a COMPLETE CURE was effected. He says: “My dyspepsia was gone, and my expectation early death vanished.” ASIv FOR NEW STYLE. - ASK FOR NEW STYLE- 1 ASK FOR NEW STYLE. : • ASIC FOR NEW STYLE. Principal Office, 394 CANAL Street,' New York. For -sale in Philadelphia by Mr. SCHAEFFEE, No. North EIGHTH Street, T. W. DYOTT & SON, 333 North SECOND Street, and by all respectable dealers in.medi •cincs* . . ap3 2t* A Beautiful Complexion can be ob-‘ •tained by tlie use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAR -SAPARILLA. "March, April, May, and June, are the besi months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. ; ■ ~ ' fe27-fmw3m f Jayne’s ’'Hair Tonic, Elegantly Per .PUSIKD,. can now be had in White-Fiiut Glass Bottles, Withglass stoppers, suitable for thqtoilet table or dress ijig "bureau. The qualities of this celebrated prepara-. tichi‘are so well .known as tog carely require mention; but we will say, if your head is bald or partially so—if your hair is harrsh and dry—falling off or ttirninggray— or if your head is covered with dandruff, scurf, or skin disease, JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC is the article to remedy those evils, aud to prove it you have only to give it a trial. Prepared by Dr. D. JAYNEI& SON, at 34:3 CHEST 'HUTStreet. ' . : ap2-2t One-Price Clothing, op the Latest ttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL .BALES. .LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain FD •gures. All Goods made to Order -warranted satisfactory. Our One-Price System ;is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de!2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Batchelor's Hair Dye l .»■’ . THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated -Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure tbe hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or, RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. 45“ Thg Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, Oft the/our sides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, {Laie 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) my2S-ly - ' . .New York. MARRIED. • ELMORE—HENING.-On March 31st., by Rev-E. W. Hutter, Mr. J. Bolton Elmoro to Miss EmmaF. Selling, .both of this city. * BURG ESS—IiNIGHT. —On Wednesday evening. April Ist, 1863, by the Rev. Charles D. Cooper, William S. -Burgess to Anua W., daughter of Samuel Knight, Esq., all of this city. *• .. MURPHY-McLAUGHLIN.-On the 20th uli, by tin Rev. Jus. Y. Mitchell, Jas. S. Murphy, Esq.. to Mis » Annie Maria L. McLaughlin, both of this city. - * * LANING—ELWELL; —On the Ist inst,, by Rev. J. T. Laning, Rev. M. B. Laning, of Trenton, N. J., and Miss Binrna Elwell, of Philadelphia. * . * • DIED. SGETHEN. —On the morning of the 2d inst., Maria T. ethen, aged 58 years. ' The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 308 Spruce street, on Monday the oth inst., at 9 o’clock AM. *** BOILEAU. —On Friday, 27th March, from effects of Wounds received in battlo of Fair Oaks, William L., only «on of J. R. Boileau, of Bucks county, in the 20th year of his age, + KERFOOT.—On April Ist, Emma Wood, -daughter of George B. and Julia E. Kerfcot, aged 8 months and^lo —On the 31st pit., of consumption, Sarah Hansell, wife of Jacbb Eckfeldt, in the 40th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Snviied to attend fhefuneral, from the residence jfWm Rckfeldt, Girard avenue, opposite Girard College, this (Friday) afternoon, 3d inst., at 2 o’clock, witlioutfurther notice. * RUOFF.—On the 30th ulh, afc Camp Dear Falmouth, Virginia, of typhoid fever, Henry Ruoff, of Company B, g3d Regiment, P. V., in the 27th year of his age. His : relfltLvesand friends, the members of the 23d Regi ment, P.V., now in the city, Provost Guard, Northern Liberties Lodge, No. 17, I. 0.0f0.F., Northern Liberty Tire Company, No. 1, Hatters’ Association, and De laney Yacht Club, are respectfully invited to attend his • funeral, from the residence of his father, Charles RuolF, No. 608 Green street, this (Friday) afternoon, 3dinst.. + at 2 SHULTZ. -On the 31st ult.., Margaret L , relict ot the late Robert E. Shultz, Esq., in. thcSM year of her age. . -The relatives and friends of the tainily are invited to ‘ Attend the funeral, from her late residence, Oak street, West Philadelphia, tins (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Mount Moriah On the Ist of April, .Elizabeth. Davison, r daughter of; the late George W. and Mary Ann Burns. * ~ ' COOPER —On the Ist inst., Mr. Robert. Cooper, mthe Cth year 0/ his age. - - - - '•* md Chestnut streets* A G Browuo, jr, Boston Missßrowuo, Boston John Baird, Now York Mrs G Curtis, Now York L Turnhull, Illinois Jas L Howard, Hartford Mr & Mrs Fitzstiuirt, Balt MissFitzstuarL, Baltimore Capt W C Cmirch & 1. Wash Stewart Broivn, Baltimore Col McKay. New York 5 (5 How, Boston WJI Clement, Cincinnati.o L M I-lublv, Clev-dand, 0 E .T Flint, Cleveland. O P W Slade, Cincinnati, 0 E F Folger, Al bany W L iVßruyi. Baltimore H A Tiagar, New York R Me huughUu, Boston A G Clark, Lako Snpennv films A itopkius & wf, N Y J1 J Vastine, St Louis 0 Kellogg, New Jersey A G Coffin, New York Samuel B Pierce, Boston Wm Corliss, Prov, II I l street, below Arcli. T S Thompson. Ashland D W Howell, Eastbn, Pa ChasGilc, New Jersey bA Uepuo, Easton fl T McVeagb, Pa ! John F.Steel, Carlisle Mrs Tustiu, rhreuixviUe itiss RI E Pennvpacker, Pa Miss K Boyle, Pa f Nashville, Tenn ■n r a««M.t i jingar, Allegheny Geo Coupei,M:t r j J 3,,i csou Jos C Carry, Pittsburg - S Clawson, Ottowa lit Barwaid D McDowell, Wnisport S E Sites, Mauch Chunk C Knox, Pittsburg Thos O’Brioa, Pittsburg Rev Y Smith & fa, Ohes co Urs Lieut Tail, Virginia Street, above Fif J U Wine, Philadelphia D Keisner, New York BTBReynolds, Nsw York Mrs Allen, Washington W'Brock, Norristown Mrs Barukly, New Jerscj' K Edwards, Hartford, Ct J M Pickeriug, Cincinnati T S Wheeler, New York John S Norris-, New Yoik W L'Wmians, New Yovk M S Frost, Clevctaud JE Oldham, Maryland Mrs Moore $t da, Maryland Clavk Lippincott, Salem C S Watsou, Delaware .1 Bi'owu, Delaware Strccti above Tliirtl. Lieut T Goodman, Mrl I N Danu, New Haven B ./ izzara, Philadelphia J Fusseil, Washington G Wiucock, New iork W (2 Wilkins, Baltiraoi’e- W ft Baird & la, New York L Sisson, New York C D Rockwell, Scivintoa J Stpckstell. P&ycou, 0 G H Turney, Nesv. York J P Luther, Hudson A Butler, New York it« 9 above Tlxird. Lieut L H Yocum, Penna C Marsh, Lebanon C Smith, Port Carbon V A BofisVer. Ashland - Mrs Hcam, Lebanon J Eckman & la, Columbii J Mohan, Minersville J Perveil t id street, above Arck. L Williamson, Newark N Noble, Delaware B Black, Bucks co Mrs Williams, New York G Samuels, Philadelphia i KELSEY.—On the Ist Inst,, Mrs, Mary Kelwy, aged 93 years. * • HAYES.—On the Ist instant, Mrs. Letitia Hayes, in 75th year of her age. *_ T>tiACK AND WHITE MOZAM AJ BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, 37K cents. Black a-nd white striped Mohairs, SS- cents. Biack aud white Do Laines, 23 cente- Black and white all wool Mousse!men. 4Tcents. Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes, ceutsfc Black and white Challie do Laines, 31>4 cents. Black all wool Mousseliue de Laines, 44dents. ' IBuck all wool Mousselines. double' widths S7>Yceirte. Black silk Challie, 50 cents. Black Bareges, 25cents; Bombazines,&<. &c. BESSON & BON, MOURNING STORE, mh2s No. Pig CHESTNUT Street. A-A BICH CHINTZES EEDUOEU TO * X 25 CENTS. 1 case wide Chintzes, 25 cents. 1 case 4-4Dohble Purples, 2' cents. 1 case 4-4 Gay Styles, 25 cents. : 1 case Spring Styles, 25 cents. - EFRE & LANDELL, apl . FOURTH and ARCH. Ti’INB . STOCK OF SEASONABLE A . adapted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, nesv style-*. Oroning of Spring Mautlos. Ke W stylo LAKBELL. apl FOURTH and ARCH. GRACE CHURCH, CORNER OS' TWELFTH and CHERRY streets.—Diviuc Service will bo held in this Church TO-DaY (Good Friday) at 10>4 o’doek A. M. and 7KP- M. At the evening service the rite of Con finnation-will-bo administered by Rt. Rev. Will. BACON STEVENS, D.'D., Assistant Bishop of the Diocese. . - ■ It* ffKSEsp MORAVIAN CHURCH, CORNER OP ICS* FRANKLIN aud WOOD streets.—Passion week. The .service, THIS MORNING (Good Friday), will com-* meuce at. half-past 10 o’clock, and in the EVENING at quarter to 8 o’clock, by the Pastor, Rev. A. A. REINKE. Early Easter MORNING service at 5 o’clock A. M., on Sunday. ' • It*; GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH* liC-S* RACK Street, below Fourth, Rev. Dr. BOMBER GEK pastor-ReguIar.SUNDAY SERVICE at 10)4 A. M. and 7>4 P- M. The Lord’s Supper will be administered next (Easter) Sunday morning. Preparatory Service and Confirmation on GOOD FRIDAY EVENING at 73+ P/M. , . . • . ■ • • , It* . THE MATRONS OF CHERRY ST. > HOSPITAL return tlie cordial thanks of the to their kind friends in Frankford, who, through Mr.. J. C. SICKEL, have fnruished a daily sup ply of oysters for the sick and wounded. No luxury is more acceptable/and none more desired. It* SCIIUYLKIUI# AND'SUSaUEHAN fcC> NA IUILEOAD COMPANY, Office 227 South FOURTH Ptroet —Philadelphia, April 3, 1563 —The au mial meetiugof the Stockholders of this company and an election for President and six Manugers will take Slace a< tho office of the compauy, 1 oh MONDAY, the 4th ay of May next, at 12 o’clock M. ap3-tmy4 IFVSRa. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF'THE DELA WARE AND RARITAN CANAL aud theCAM • DEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA- COMPANIES, ' -V-. ypUrKOETOx (N. J.’), March. 31,1363. The Treasurer of the above Companies is now prepared to PAY THE BONDS duo at Princeton, August .1, 1863, being the five per cent. Converted Sterling Loan, "Tlie principal, uni also tbo last coupon, will be paid ou,pre sentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER. Philadelphia; or to [ap3-lm] RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer. homoeopathic hospital, HIS CUTHBEKT Street.—This institution is now open for tlie reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for/in tho most comfortable manner, free of ch&rgo. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf . Secretary .of Board of Managers. PENNSYLVANIA MINING COM- OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that the - Annual Meetingjof the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 417 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, April 6th, 1803, at 12 o’clock M., at which time and place an election for Nine Directors, to serve for one year, will be liel d. S. M. DAY, Secretary- Dated Philadelphia, March 20,1563. nih2l- 14t OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia,'October 24, 1562. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbe, should apply immediately at the office of the Su7gcon-Artist to the Government, No. IGO9 CHESTNUT Street. B. FKaNK PALMER, jafi-Gm Government Surgeon-Artist. WOKD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE TH &.N TEN YEARS 'the time-pieces manufactured by the American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., havegain€da firm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no los3 thaa 75,000 of them are speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people. From a very insignificant beginning the business has increased to an extent exceeding onr most .sanguine anticipations, ami we are now justified iu stating that WE MAKE MORE THAN ONE-HALF of all the watches sold in the United States. Repeated enlarge ment of our factory buildings, and the labor of 500 opera tives, still find us unequal to supply the constantly in creasing demaud. And we may here observe that not withstanding the high price of labor and materials, we actually sell our products at loss prices than those current five years ago. We refer to these facts only for the purpose of properly introducing another subject relative to our manufacture of watches Hitherto our chief object has been to make good watches for the million at the lowest possible price —something to take the place of the make-believe watches called “Ancres, ,r *“Lepines, ,} * ‘English Patent Levers, ” ;&c., annually thrown upra this market, in countless numbers, by European workshops—watches which are the refuse of their factories, unsaleable at home and per fectly worthless everywhere. This object we have accomplished, and now we have to announce, ibat we have commenced the manufacture of watches of the voiy HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by ourselves and unsurpassed by anything made iu the world. For this purpot-e wo baye the amplest facilities. • We have erected an addition to our main buildings express s }- for this branch of our business, aud have filled it with the best workmeu in our service. ProfitiDgbv our long expe rience. we have remodelled the form of our watches, in troducing such improvements as have been suggested and proved to be good from time to time, aud have instituted new . and severe tests of isochxonism, adjustment, and compensation. New" machines and appliances havobeen constructed, which perform their work withcon.summ.ate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicest aud most ap proved materials only are used. Nothing, in fact, is wanting feither in mechanical principles, material, or workmanship to insure perfection in the result. We continue to manufacture our other well-known qualities under the following names: “ APPLETON, TRACY & CO. ” “P. S. BARTLETT,” **. And the “ Solrlier’a Watch.” “WM. ELLERY.” . The latter, the lowest-priced watch we make, is a sub stantial, reliable time-piece, cased ia sterling silver hunting pattern, and is sot liable to get out of order cither in'marchiug, riding, or figbtiug. All the above described watches includiugthe./fnesf, which is named “AMERICAN WATCH COMPANS” on* the plate, are sold by watch dealers generally throughout the country. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AQI3XTS FOIt THE - AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, ap3-fmwl3t* 183 BROADWAY, N. Y. UNITED STATES SANITARY C, OJMJVt IS.SION, No. 130* CHESTNUT STREET; To all vjho have Friends in the Army.— Soldiers, Aid Societies, Clergymen, Editors, and others, are respect fully requested to aid in disseminating the following notice, wnich is of interest to all who have friends in the Army; DIRECTORY OR THE HOSPITALS: The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements for supplying information gratuitously with- regard to patients in the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added): PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT.—For information,' address Oilicc Sanitary Commission, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. , - - - - • Philadelphia, Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Chester, Reading, Harrisburg. NEW YORK DEPARTMENT.—For information ad drepss Office Woman’s Central Union, No. 10 Cooper Institute. v New York, N. Y. :New Haven, Conn.: Boston, Mass.; Portsmouth Grove, R. I. ; Brattleboro, Yt. ; Burlington, Yt.; Albany, N. Y.; Newark, N. J. EASTERN DEPARTMENT.—For information address Office Saniiary Commission, Washington, D. 0.. Washington, D. C.; Georgetown, D. C.; Baltimore, Md.; Frederick City, Md. ; Alexandria D. C.; Aa napolis, Md. ; Annapolis Junction. Md. ; Point Lookout, Md. ;-Acjuia Creek, Ya. ; Cumberland, Md.; Fairfax, Ya..; York, Pa. :- WESTERN DEPARTMENT.—For information address Office Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Ky. Columbus, Ohio; Keokuk, Iowa; Clarksville, Tenn.; Cleveland, Ohio; Davenport, Iowa; Jackson, Tenn. ; Camp Dennison, Ohio; Paducah, Ky.; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Galliapolis, Ohio; Bardstown, Ky. ; La Grange, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Ohio ; Lebanon, Ky.; Gallatih, Tenn. ; Quincy, 111. ; Columbus, Ky. ; Nashville, Tenn., Cairo, 111.; Columbia, Ky.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Mound City, 111. ; Louisville; Ky.; Corinth, Miss. ; Jefferson ville, Ind. ; Covington, Ky.; Helena, Arkansas; Evans ville, Ind. ; Lexington, Ky. ; Grafton, Va.; New Al bany, Ind. ; Dinville, Ky ; Point Pleasaut, Ya. ; Sfc. Louis, Mo.; Perryville, Ky.; Parkersburg, Ya. ; Iron ton, Mo. ; Bowling Green, Ky.; Clarkeburg, Ya.; Rolla, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Charlestown, Va.; Springfield, Missouri. Information will, under ordinary circumstances, be given to any one applying for it in answer to the inllow ing questions.' If the application is by letter, tho an swer will be sent by return of mail. If in person, it will be answered at once.. 1. Is (giving name and regiment) at present in the hospital of- —? 2,1f50, what is his proper address ? 3. What is the name of the Surgeon or Chaplain of the hospital? 4. If not in hospital at present, has he recently been in hospital? ; 5. If so, did ho die in hospital, and at what date ? (j, If recently discharged from hospital, was he dis charged from service? 7. Ifnot, wliat were his orders on leaving? Move specific information, as to the condition of any patient in the, Philadelphia hospitals, will be furnished within, twenty-four hours after a request to do so is re ceived at thVoftlce. No. 130 T CHESTNUT Street. The office of the Directory .will ba open daily (Sundays excepted) from 0 o’clock A. M. to G o’clock P. M. The Commission receives no pecuuiary aid from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Contributions, to: its treasury are so licited, and will be tbankfull'v received by CALEB COPE, Esq., Treasurer, apl-wfm 12t N. E. corner of MINOR and SI&TH gts. - JCE 1 ICE 1 ICE ! ICE I ICE! ICE I COLD,SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Oftices.Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons. &c., &c., supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE, at the very lowest market rates, Dealers and large consumers supplied at vjholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. __ - „ ~ ' THOS. E CAHILL, {335 WALNUT Street. North Penna. R. & Master street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine-street wharf, Schuylkill. TYORYTYPES.—THE VARIETY OF J-styles of REIMER’S IVORYTYPES must suit all tastes, and in Coloring the most critical judgment is satisfied. See specimens at SECOND Street, above Green. . * . It H-RAY HAIR RESTORED—BALD LA ness PREVENTED.—“-LONDON HAIR-COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING,” the only attested article that will absolutely restore the hair to its original color and beauty, causing it to grow where it has fallen become thin. Wholesale and retail at Dr. SWAYNE S, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine. Price, 50 cts, ap3-tf p. non best hams and shoul t/jUvv DERS in the city, selling THIS WEEK ONLY, at . • 10 and S cents per lb., At the CHEAP STORE. No. 1519 MARKET St. ap3-.2t* REWARD!—WHEREAS, ON V evening of the 26th, or morning of the 27th of March instant, someevil-disposcdpersonmaliciously defaced the plate-glass windows of the store occapied by the subscribers, by scratching them with a diamond, The above reward will be paid for any'information which will lead to the detection and conviction of the scoundrel. • SIOO additional will he given by the Owner of the Property for the discovery of the Offender. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., mh2B-6t No. 930 CHESTNUT Street. ERR ■ s FURNISHING, CHINA AND . GLASS ESTABLISH MENT, CHINA nALL, 529 CHESTNUT STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied. China and glass packed in a proper manner. N. 8.-China decorated to order; also,. initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass. • Orders by mail promptly attended to. . ; mhl7-l.m f.'t O A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BBAYBR and Spring Mountain' Lehigh Coal, and •"best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared, ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. w. corner of EiG HI U and WILLOW Streets. Oflice, No. 113 South SECOND Street.- [ap-J-ly] J. WALTON & CO. TTODGSON’S CHEMICAL BLUE -*--L BLACK WRITING FLUID, warranted equal to any, either American or Foreign: vouched by the Frank lin Institute’s Silver Medal, aud by the testimony of the first merchants of Philadelphia. : ' This WRITING FLUID has now won an established reputation aa not being excelled in quality by am ink in tbe American market. Its advantages are, that it is per fectly limpid, writing blue and .soon changing to pure black—not clogging the pen, and remarkably mild on steel pens—not given to mouldiness or decomposition, and though equal in all respects to the best English, yot notmncli inorethan half its price.. It.should, therefore, take the place of all foreign writing fluids. For sale by the manufacturer, „ y- W. HODGSON, Chemist, :' • No. 103 North TENTH Street, above Arch, Sold by-Stationers and Druggists In Philadelphia and elsewhere. mhlS-wfmlm REMOVAL. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., TO THEIR NEW STORE, ap2-6t Ti.S Se 717 MARKET STREET. REMOVAL.! THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION . HAS REMOVED FROM Ko. 27 SOUTH SIXTH STREET TO . NA 1807 CHESTNUT STREET. mliSO-Gt . OAN TON FLANNELS, N EGRO KER SE YS, Plain and Twilled. LINS E Y S, . White'Sock,'Westcrley&c., &c. " BROWN DRILLS. Onliand, and for sale hy EHIPLET,'HAZARD, & TIUTCHINSON, GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. . DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS.. ' SKT-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARjnr BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT, 10-OURCE DUCK. , DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAW LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For Bale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. sel-iftf .. f . W. H. WEBB, Secretary DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. Bugle Gimps, Embroideringßraids, Bead and Bugle Ornaments, Silk Gimps, Soutache Trimming, Cotton and Silk'-Zouave Alpaca Braids, Silk Ribbons, CBraids, Guipure Laces, Silk and Union Beltings, And a variety of other fashionable Trimmings. Also, a full assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED The goods being all our own manufacture and imp or ation, we can offer particular advantages in prices, and nvite the attention of the trade. WM. H. HORSTMANN <& SONS. Manufactory and Store, mhl6-lm FIFTH and CHERRY Sts., Philadelphia. Q.OVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FABNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., Ho. 330 CHESTHUT STBEET. mli2o-3m - ' ~ - . . Q W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SANSOM-STKEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AXB MILITARY GOODS, IK EVERY VARIETY. JaS-ilta FREIGHT BILLS BOUGHT AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, ■ ‘ BY HUNTER, NORTON, & CO., 305 K WALKUT STREET, UP'STAIRS. ■ g HARYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND -BILL BROKER, Ho. 313 WALNUT STREET. .. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds ofU. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bouglit and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAlt in sums to suit.. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Defers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., : John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B.Thomas,Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. . . apl-3m if JJD WAED M. DAVIS, * ' STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. - Dividends and_ Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Excbangebn Europe Sold Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bpught.__Lhterest. Allowed on. Deposits. apl-3m pRST A PHIL COUPONS CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS BOUGHT OR COLLECTED. jnh27-10t JOHN C. CAPP &SON, STOCK A K B NOTE B E O K E E S , Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank. , STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT .AND SOLD ON MONE Y I N YE ST E D NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ,nbl2 3m ON THE BEST TERMS. u. s. : FIVE-TWENTIES, OR TWENTY-YEAR SIX-PER-CENT, BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT . . AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAH. Interest will commence from the'DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium on GOLD. these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, / 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET/ spb’cial notice. On and after July Ist, 18G3, the privilege of convert ing the present issue of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called ‘'Five-Twenties”) will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan rantherefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, mh4-tjyl 114 South THIRD Street, Philada. <B>Q>7 nnn —this am 0 unt to , tU>A> I Loan on City or Country first mort gages. Cmh2s3 -E. PETTIT, 309. WALNUT Street. HARDW ARE . AND CUTLERY. JJARDW ARE. CLOSING OUT, AT OLDPR I O E S , ■The stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising - A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. 4!*7 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE .Streets, mhfi-lmif A DHESIVE LABELS—LABELS OF -IV. all descriptions Printed and GUMMED, on reason able terms, hy RING WALT* BROWN, ■ Steam-Power Printers. ■ mh3l-I2t 111 and 113 South FOURTH, PhUa. WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, Wmmm undertaker, • ' Has removed from his former residence to No. 44 North ELEVENTH Street, third house below Arch, west side- ' - ~ mhai-lmif EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN BERT AKER, r ttse Sooth TENTH Street, above Spruoai felo-3iu PhUadelphia, REMOVALS, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, Havo Removed COMMISSION HOUSES. Heavy arid Medium. 112 CHESTNUT Street, TRIMMINGS, &c. AKK SMALL WARES. MIiITARY GOODS* No. 39 South THIRD Street., (up stairs,) 7 3-10 ABOUT MATURING, DREXEL & CO. “No. 33 South THIRD Street, ~ COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. APRIL 3, 1863. gPUN PLAID SILKS. BLUE AND WRITE PLAIDS. PEARL AND WRITE PLAIOS. LEATHER AND WRITE PLAIDS. WHITE AND BLACK PLAIDS. ONE DOLLAR. PLAIN SILKS. CHOICE COLORS. PLAIN REP SILKS, SMALL FIGURES. FANCY SILKS. PLAIN BLACK SILKS, A LARGE STOCK. . FIGURED BLACK SILKS, AT THE OLD PRICE. SMALL CHECK SILKS. We are selling all our Silks at lower prices than we can replace them. PLAIN ALL-WOOL DELAINES, . lu.Modes,Dr&bs l Tann f Leathor.Solfe{'ino,a!]d Violet. COLORED ALPACAS, In Choice Colors. LIGHT FIGURED ALL*WOOL DELAINES. Flared all-wool delaines at 00, 6G, GCc. SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, 25 to 50c. Light Spring Delaines, at Me. 'TRENCH LAWNS, AT OLD PRICES. Fine French Organdies at 50/02/'7sc. Fine jFieucli Jaconets at 37>£, 50, G2e. Good SUyltß of Lawns at 20, 23* 31c. A large assortment of SpringamlSummer Dress Goods, at lees than wholesale prices. DARK DPLAINES at 25c. MEEKIMAC CHINTZES at 25c. ENGLISH CHINTZES at2sc. GOOD OHINTEES at 22c. - ; YARD-WIDE ENGLISH CItINTZY&at 37Hc. FINE FRENCH CHINTZES at 50c. A Large .assortment of LIGHT SPRING* CLOAKS. : .. SHA IMr LES - au * BPKIKG ANE-SOMHBR SHAWLS,; At our usual low prices. 40-spriug Skeleton Skiriyat §2.25. Aiues'Patent clasp GoreTfail Skirts. SCO Hemstitched Haudkejrcfriefk, hroad hems,at 50c. COATS’SPOOL COTTON at'SillOSper doz. CLARK’S ENAMELLED COTTON, colored, at-sl. gPECIAL NOTICE TO’LADIES. DOUBLE PATENT NEEDLES. These needles are securedon paper like pins, and sold in packages of one doaen each. They are more economical and useful than any needle offered. For sale by JOHN MUSTIN, 80G CHESTNUT Street, * and corner of ARCH arid SE VENTH Streets; also at LEE & REED’S, (Warnock’s old stand,) 4:3 North EIGHTH Street. apl-wf&mCt ' 1024 OHESTNUT STREET. The Ladies are invited to call and examine the ’ >, NEW “ COVENTRY RUFFLING,” The most desirable Trimming yet introduced for I LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, E . ,M . NEEDLES ) / apl-6t loan CHESTNUT street. QPRIN Gr AND SUMMER DRE S'S h-5 GOODS. k We are selling stock left over from last season; and those purchased at the late auction sales, at Low Prices,- to effect rapid sales. The stock comprises: Paris Printed Bareges, Plain and Fancy Mozambique?, Fancy and Plain Barege Anglais, White and Printed Piquet, Organdies and Lawns, Fancy Dress Silks. From the late auction sales: Shepherd’s Plaids, 25 and SO cent 3. In regular receipt of Auction Goods, which, will ho run off cheap. ; CURWEN STODD ART & BROTHER, 450, 4-52, and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. TJTGH LXJSTRB BLACK SILKS, -*-A from the late Auction sales, CURWEN STOD DART;& BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, ; Above Willow, 10-A COLORED BORDER DIMITY Iv SPREADS, only $2.25. i •-/ 1*353 CURWEN STODDART-fic BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. ATODE COLOR ALPACAS. ■L*-*. Tan color-Alpacas, ■ Brown color Alpacas, CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, f and 454 Norik SECOND Street, ap3-3t Above Willow. T3ARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, FROM -L* AUCTION—To be opened this morning— One lot of Figured Grenadine Bareges, 122£ cts. One lot of Shepherd’s Plaids, Mohairs, 25 cts. One lot of very fine quality do. 31cts. One lot of Chene Mohairs,:Sl cts. ED WIN HALL & CO., . No. 2G S. SECOND St. N. B. —The above goods are from twenty-five to fifty percent lower than thev have been selling. Spring styles of Pe Laines reduced to 25-cts. ap3-tf rUIECK SILKS REDUCED TO $1.25. Shepherd’s Plaid Silks, §1.25. Brown and White Plaids. §1.25. Lilac and White Plaids, §1.25. Spun Silk Plaids, at §l. Foulard Silks, at $1 aud $1.12^. EDWIN HALL & 00., No.' 2fi S. SECOND St. N. 8.—35 dozen Grenadine Teils, at $1 a piece, beauti fni styles ap3-tf , pHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS OIL CLOTH, AND WINDOW SHADES. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and:MAR KET Streets, will open this morning from Auction. In grain Carpets, at 50; 62, 75, S7c., and §1; Evfcry and Stair Carpets, 50c. to $1; Rag Carpets, 45 to 65c,; Floor Oil Cloths, 50 to 75 cts. ; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 75c. to $1.50; Sheeting, Shirting, and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 cts.; Table Linens, 62c. to $1; Napkins, 16Kc.; White and Colored Marseilles Quilts,, $3 to $8; Stella Shawls, $3 to $3; Mousde Laines, 25 to 37c.; Chintzes, 22t0 28c.; Cloth Table Covers, $1.50 to $4; Plain and. Fancy Cassimeres, 75 cts. to $1.50; Fancy Shirting Flannels, 50 to 65c. . mhll-wfmlm Philadelphia. -jypSN'S AND BOYS’ WEAR. NEW DIAGONOLS. NEW MIXTURES. BOYS’ AND HEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & OON ARE. ap3-tf S. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Sts. JOHN KELLY, JR, HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CHESTNUT STREET, Where he presents to former patrons' and thepublic the advantages of a STOCK OP GOODS, equal if not su perior, to: any in the city—the skilL and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lower than any other first-class esta blishment of the city. ' mli3l-tf *OLAOK CASS.-PANTS, §5.50, . SJ At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60, At 704 MARKET Street. JSLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60,, At 704 MARKET Sireet. MACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. • BLACK CASS. -PANTS, $5.50. At 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG St VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 7M MARKET Street. GRIGG & YAN GUNTEN’S, No.‘ 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 701 MARKET Street. GRIGG b VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street. mh2l-6mffl P TJ R NT I T U R E . A LARGE ASSORTMENT, W. <Ss J. ALIiEN' & BROTHER, CABINET FURNITURE AND BlL liars tables. MOORE & CAMPION, No. SGI South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet business, are l now manufacturing a superior article of : BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply, finished with the ■ MOORE & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, Which are pronounced by all who have .used them to be ■uperior to all others. ’ ■ -1 For the quality and finish of these Tablas.Ahe manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their Work. mhl-6m TV/TRS. S. J. HUTTON’S SIMPLIFIED *M- system of DRESS-CUTTING, adapted to all sires Und figures,ltaucht in half-hour lessons. -Price $3. N. E.Ecorner ELEVENTH and SANSOM Streets.. , •• . . Ladies and Dress-makers would do well. to call ana examine/ Waist pattern cut by this system to fit the form for 12 cents. Great" Inducements offered ,to agents. : . , mh2B-Ut RBTAIX, DRY GOODS. EE. STEEIr & SON, Nos. yi3 and 715>Norfch TENTH S&eet. USE GEORGE P. FARMER’S AT REDUCED PRICES. AT. MODERATE PRICES. CLOTHING. Fine Clothing, Mndc up early, for . - - SnrlngALPd Siipmiar. gate, • now ready, WANAMAKER & BROWS, “OAK lIALL,” S, £. cor. 6th & Market. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOB - INVESTMENT. PRICES SUKE TO ADVANCE. CASSIMERES. NEW COLORS. NEW 6-4 COATINGS. NEW 0-4 MELTONS. LADIES’ CLOAKINGS. BOYS’ CLOTHING READY-MADE. T A I Ij O II , EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 143 South THIRD Street, FURNITURE, &c. 1309 CHESTNUT STREET. MEDICAL. “A smile was on her lip—health, was in her look, strength was in her step, and in her Bitters. ” S.—T.—lB6o—X. A few bottles of Plantation Bitters V? ill cure Nervous Headache. ‘ ‘ ‘ Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. . “ Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath. Flatulency aud Indigestion. ** Nervous Affections. : . 4 ‘ Excessive Fatigue aud Short Breath.. “ Pain over the Eyes. “ Mental Despondency. “ Prostration; Great Weakness. \ “ £al low Complexion, Weak Bowels, Sic. Which are the evidences of- LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It is estimated that seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary secretions of the liver overflowing into the stomach, poison the entire system, and exhibit the above symp toms. After long research, we are able to present the most re markable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world lias ever produced. Within one year over six hundred and forty thousand persons have taken the Plantation Bitters, and not an instance of complaint has come to our knowledge ! It is a most effectual tonic, and agreeable stimulant, suited to all conditions of life. The reports that it relies upon mineral substances? for its active properties, are wholly false. For the public satisfaction, and that patients may consult their physi cians, We append a list of its components. CaEplsata for over two hundred years in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, &c. Ittwas introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1540, and after wards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous price of its own weiuhtin silver,'mitier the name of Jesuit's Tow ders, and was finally made public by'Louis XVI, King of France. Humboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. Cascartlla Bark—For diarrhoea, colic, and diseases of-the stomach and bowels. Dandelion— For inflammation of the loins, and dropsi cal affections. Chamomile Flowers— For enfeebled digestion. Lavender Flowers— Aromatic, stimulant, and tonic; highlyinvigorating in nervous debility. / Wintsrgkeen—For scrofula, rheumatism, &c. Anise—An aromatic carminative, creating fleshj mus cle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, cloverbuds. orange, cairaway, coriander, snake •root, &c. S.—T.—lS6O-X-. Another wonderful ingredient, of Spanish origin, im parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy ’to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES. Rochester, N. Y. Messrs. P. H. Drake & Co.:—l have been a great suf ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my. profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I-am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in several cases; and,- as far as I know, always with signal benefit. I am respectfully yours, . REV. J. S. CATHORN. Philadelphia, 10th Month, 17th Bay, 1562. Respected Friend: —Mr daughter has been much benefited by the use'of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou ■wilt send me two bottles more; Thy friend. Sherman Hoh3E, Chicago* 111., Feb. 11,1563. Messrs. P. H. Drake & Co. Please send us another twelve cases of your Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to have'superseded everything else,, and are greatly esteemed, Tours, &c.. Arrangements are now'completed to supply any de mand for.tliis article,'which-from lack of Government stamps lias not heretofore been possible. The public may rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard of the Plantation Bitters be de parted from. Every [bottle bears the facsimile of our signature on a steel plate 'engraving*- or-it cannot be genuine. ' ' ' Sold by all Druggists, Grocers, and Dealers through ontrthe country., * P. H. BRAKE & CO., 903 BROADWAY, New York. fe27-frowtaplif ROUGHS, ASTHMA., BRONCHITIS, Vj CONSUMPTION. Cured to a greater certainty bj Compound Syrup of . WILD CHEERY, than any other remedy or treatment yet discovered. Have you Cough, Sore Throat, Weak Breast ? Have you Bronchitis, Asthma. Have you Weak Nerves, Disturbed Sleep ?. Have you Disordered Liver, Blood-spitting? Have you Pains, Side. Breast, Soreness? Have vou Night. Sweats, Great Weakness ? Bare you any Pulmonary Complaint ? How important to employ at once a reliable remedy, and not tamper with simple mixtures, lozenges, &c., which only palliate. Thirty years’ experience has 'proven that *,‘Dr. SWAYNB’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY?’ seldom, if ever, fails to cure a-cough. Even where the lungs have become much disordered, With night sweats, burning fever, pains and oppression, it has effected many wonderful cures. Prepared only by Dr. SWAI NE & SON, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by all dealersin medicine, ap&if «A. POSITIVE GURE FOR DYS -Ai-PEPSIA.” DR. WILLIAMS*. ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. Dyspepsia of the most aggravated form, Nausea, Head ache. Jatiudice, Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eat ing, Debility of the Nervous System, Disordered Liver, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, cared by .this old standard remeay.-Wholesale' and retail, at ‘ I DR. SWAYNE’S,” 330 SIXTH, above Vine- ’ . » ap3 rp BT T EH; SCALD HEAD, ITCH, -L BLOTCHES—aII Eruptions of the Skin, Chronic Erysipelas'of the face, old Ulcers of longstanding, that put at r :defiairce every othe r mode of treatment, are per manently cuvedby'' _ dr. SWAYNE’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.•” • Prepared only, by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North SlXTK.Street, above Vine. ap3-tf PYEvAND EAR.—PROF. J. -ISAAG3, Oculist and Aurist, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at No. 511 PINE Street, where he treat* all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cure*— if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. B.~No charges made for examination. Office hour* from 8 to 11 ofclock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. ja4-3m* WATC HESrUEWEtRY, Ac. A FRESH ASSORTMENT, AT LESS 4 s - THAN FOEMEE PRICES. . . PARR & BROTHER, Importers, mhs tf 39$ CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. A-WiTOHES, ““JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER EUROPA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES 7 SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. SILVER ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. GILT ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. PLATED ANCRES AND CYLINDRES. For Sale eft Low. Rates to the Trade, by I>. T. PR ATT, apStf GOT CHESTNUT-STREET. ' JO. FULLER, mm* Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. A No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), AND COMPLETE STOCK, ' EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES. X HOWARD & CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, ■GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, AND fine jewelry of EVERY-DESCRIPTION. felS-Sm- • • . piNE GILT COMBS IN EVERT VARIETY. IMITATIONS OP PEARL AND CORAL. J. O. FULLER, No. Via CHESTNUT Street. mlil3-2m FINE WATCH REPAIRING mtsM. .. attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 33 North. SIXTH Street ELI HOLDEN-, JbXs£ . Dealer in line AMERICAN: AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, no2-sm* 708 MARKET Street. J C. FULLER’S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE |: FOR SALE IK-ALL SIZES. fel3-3m ELI HOLDEN, A ... Dealer in fins Aaß AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, n>2&n* TOR MARKET Street. YULOANITE RINGS. A foil assortment, all sizes and styles. J. O. FULLER, No. »13 , CHESTNUT Street. . fel3-3m PAPER HANGINGS. PHILADELPHIA PAPER HAN G I N G:8. HOWELL & BOURKE, CORNER OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, < ' * # i' MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the Trade n LANGE AND ELEGANT ASSOKT HEHTOF GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stook to the Finest Decoration*. 1 N. E. COR. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. IT. B.—Solid Green, Bine, and Buff WINDOW PA PEBB of.every grade. . fel:>-2m wall PAPERS— If - WAL L 'PAPERS, Attention, is invited to onr new stock of Walk Pa pers now being daily received from factory; all new de-_ . signs for spring, which will be sold at rtf/ht prices. -- - JOHN H: LONGSTRBTH,» k No. la North. THIRD Street. Rooms efficlentSworfcinen. mh3-lm* -. gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO-MALMSEY MADEIRA, Just received. ' - ALBEP/r O. ROBERTS, deader IN FINE GROCERIES, foas ' CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. gAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, All Books usually to be bad In a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, ■Will always be found on our she-hvea AT THE LOWEST PRICES. feO-tf mmBOOK OF THE u: S. TAX AX , LAW.. Compiled from Official Source?, By AMASA A. KEBFJELD, Eaq,, Counsellor at Law. EVERT LAWYER should have-it! BVEKY BANKER and cfery BROKER should have it f : JTv ERY INSURANCE COMPANY ehotti'd hare it! EVERY EAII.ft'OXD COMPANY should have it! EYEIVr COLLECTOR should havo'it f EVERY ASSESSOR slionld hayeit f EVERY AGENT eSonlilh&veit!’ EVERY MERCHANT should hftvtfit'!' EVETf? BUSINESS MAN should hav-yftr EVERY MANTf?ACTIJR:EIt shoold liavc it!' EVBBYsTORZKBBpM Sb-Ott’df liavfe if! EVERYBODY TaXE£. should haveitj BECAUSE is foaaplifted and explained’. , BECAUSE it hr elucidated by copious Kottffc aniTladfexeaV BECAUSE it contains aIL i*he Decibiohs of ihcConhnis aioner. BECAUSE all the .Tadicial Expositions: ; . BECAUSE Every Pursuit aad’ Every Article' - Taxed' is s*T>avately troatect . • » BECAUSE the SuhjijciA are Alphab’eAicAUy arranged", aiid noiliing is omitted. ‘ BECAUSE it conLains'evorylhL'tg thrtt is- known and'de cided in respeet to the Law. One Voi. 12m0., over33o pagesiybound hi cloth, price* $1.25. 453r* Sent by mail, prepaid, upoi3''reeelpt ?f price. Address, JOHN S, YOOK|rijSS, SJOWassan St. .IT.’*:- or B’AKEK & GOB#TN, Prinijsng-Houee Square; N. Y. Cash orders Isom the Trade &Ad CanvaL*sers PHILADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS. . The attention of Bookselbyrs is respectfully* sailed to tile NEW TAX BOOK. Thin-is the errity work pub lished which gives all that is knoWn and has beert-de cided in respect to the United States Tax-Law.* I*tris really a very useful and valuable Hand-book, ! It has beenpi'or-nred with greatcareby A&TASa A. JtEDFIESD, Esq. T Counsellor at Law, and is or*e of theirwst popular works recentljMssued. The first effitioa is .nearly esf haubted, and a new edition is now iir. press. . One vol 12mo,- neatly bound, pries si; 25. . Cash ore ers from the Trade soliciSsd. A liberal di3-'* connt allowed. Address JOHN S\ VOORHTES, Law Publisher, •- «0 NASSAU Stphet, New York,- or BAKER & GODWIN, Printers and Publishers, apl-St TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York, piESSE’S WHOLE ART OF PER -*-■ FUMERY, and Method of Obtaining the Odoi*s of Plants; With instnlcttons for the niauui&cture of Per fumes for the Handkerchief, Scented Powders, Odorous Vinegars,. Dentifrices,' Pomatum, Cosmetics, Perfumed Soap, &c. With an Appendix, on the Color?? of Flowers, Artificial Fnrit,.&c., &e. .ByG. W. 3EPTIKJ3S.PIE3SE, author of “Tlie Odors of Flowers,” &c. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. : A general- assortment always on hand and ibr sale, at the lowest prices, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTOSf, Publishers, Booksellers, &c., mh3o 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. JUST PUBLISHED, By F. W. THOMAS,. £ls North FOURTH Street, THE EMANCIPATION- PROCLAMATION. A Lithographic* Print. ap2-3t* Price 60 Cents. Dec. 28, 1861. jg MEB< L E Y r @- ATL A S Philadelphia. . From the official .recorded Surreys of the City. In twenty-fire Sections or M&pSi showing the size of blocks, width of streets, location of churches, parks, railroads, cemeteries. &c. . Exhibiting on a largo scale GERMANTOWN, WEST PHILADELPHIA,, FKANE FORD, and the entire city. Printed on heavy drafting paper and handsomely bound; A'work of great value at the present time, to capitalists and' those seeking real estate investments. Price, S&O;' 4, By SAMTJET, L. SMEDLEY, City Surveyor. Eleventh ftisti ict, corner Lancaster avenue and 1 Thirty-fifth street, where copies may be , nrocured,or of' Ji B. LfPPIffCOTT & CO., No. 7'ISf*MARKET Street. mb27-lm ASA CURRIN. ■READY—fOPFieiAL;,;IHE UNITED •lb states Conscription Act, or National Militia Bill, With a copious Inden-for reference. JAMES W. FOR TUNE, Publisher, 109'CENTRE St., N. Y. Price, five cents. mh2o-lm ■OBOF. GREEN ON COLENSO. A The Pentateuch Vindicated froimfche Aspersions of Colenso. By Wm. H, Green, D. D: $1125. SKETCHES OF THE WAR. A-Series-of Letters to the North Moore Street School of New Vorb. By Capt. Chas. C. Nott. 75 cents. GRANDMAMA’S SUNSHINE AND OTHER STORIES. ISmo. 60 cents. MY MOTHER’S. CHAIR. 18rao, 30 cents, THE DUTY r OF THE HOUR. By Rev. Samuel T. SpeaT, D. D. Pamphlet. 10 cents, For Sale by WILLIAMS. & ALFRED'MARTIEN, mh23 v 606 CHESTNUT Street. GAGE & WAITE. 'THE PARLOR GARDENER. J- A complete Illustrated Guide to the cultivation of House Plants, care of Green House, Aquarium, and in structions to many new and beautiful methods of grow ing Plants, of Grafting, Buddingi &c. Price 65 cents. By mail7ocentß. J; E. TILTON & CO;. Bostoa, mh6-lra ' Publishers. ONLY 10 CENTS-!—JUST RECEIVED, * ' Cartes de Visite of G«n. TOM THUMB.and LADY, in Wedding Costume,, at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOON EMPORIUM, $39 C HESTNUT ’Street, mh2o-tf Opposite the new- Post Office. 1A CENTSt liO : GENTS !' 10: CENTS!. bb/ For tlm-Bride and Bridegroom. MR. AND MRS. TOM THUMB,. In Bridal Dress, AT THE ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, - $39 CHESTNUT Street, mh2o-tf Opposite the new Post-Office. I?LEG4NT PHOTOGRAPH COPIES JL4 of NATURAL FLOWERS. Orchids, Ferns, Roses, Annuals, &c.. &c., in-the most perfect truthfulness to nature, juit ready fOr-the album, and as copies for the pencil in water, oil, and.' crayon, and for coloring with the new prepared colors. NEW TON’S PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUMEN? PIC TURES ' „ „ Price for the copies of Flowers 25 cents each, for NEW TON’S Prepared Colors 83.30, including bottle of Re ducing Liquid and full directions for use. Beware of miserable imitations of these colors. The-genuine-have name, J. E. TILTON & CO., on eaeh box and bottle. mh2o-lm OR CENTS.—PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS from S 5 Cents to 25 Dollars! The-largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the CI £jTANDAED AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that can be found, in a first-class Bookstore, at-low ra lll of G. G. EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the ....... OLD PRICES! Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, fe!7*tf .; . . - . $39 CHESTNUT Street. WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRCULA • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the country ithat includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that' are 'not RE PRINTED here. Terms $5 per year *, six months $3; three months $1.50 ; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day, 918 South EIGHTH Street. mh6-3m A PBAOTIOAir KNOWLEDGE OP -£A-thebusiness enables REIMER to pic tures. A glance at his COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, fully proves the fact; Price $l. SECOND Street, above Green. " It A N OPPORTUNITY THAT SHOULD not ha overlooked, to get a charmiog Portrait at REIMEB’S. at reduced prices. Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS in Oil Colors, at SECOND Street, above Green. . It PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, IMPOBTEES AND 'MANUFACTUEEBS OP LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS. - EKGEAYINGS, POETBAIT, PICTDKE, and PHOTOGBAPH FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS -WABEBOOMS AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, 4oSl-tf 810 CHESTNUT Street, PhiladelpMa. ORDNANCE OFFICE, "Wak Depakt.wi;a’t. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 4 o'clock P. M., on the 30ih of APRIL, ISS3, for furnishing SIX HUNDRED WROUGHT-IRON BEiMSfor Rails of Chassis of Sea-coast Carriages. , These Beams are to be made after tlie following speciff cafions: ' The Rail, for Barbette Carriages is a rolled wrought iron beam, similar in appearance,to the “ I ’’-shaped beams used in the construction of live-proof buildings. It is required lo be straight and smooth on its surface, and free from daws, imperfect welds, blisters, and cinder streaks. The outer surfaces of the two ilanges are planes, parallel to each.other, and at right angles to the web. The web joins the two Ilanges along their middle line, leaving them to project equally on each side, and must be without bends or corrugations. DIMENSIONS OF BEAMS. Length of rail : ...171 iuehes. Depth between outer surfaces of danges... 13 inches. Width of flanges 5.375 inches. Thickness of llaDge at outer edge- .75 inch. Thickness of web .635 inch. , .These Beams will be inspected after tlie following rules; They are to be made of good, tough, well-worked, clear iron, the absence of which qualities (generally in dicated by roughness of surface, and by checks,-and more marked roughness along the edges of the Ilanges), as also flaws or bad welds, blisters, and streaks of cin der, will cause their rejection. . ; Ist. They are to be of the required dimensions and square at the ends. - 2d. They are to be straight and free from short: bends in the flanges and webs. 3d. The outer plane surfaces of. the ilanges are to be parallel to each other, and in planes perpendicular to that of the web. \ 4th. The webs are not to beLent or trouphed. as would result from resting the rails along their whole lengths ou the edges of the flanges while the webs arc too h'otto bear their weight. otli. The flanges are to be perfectly equal on each side of the web. VARIATIONS ALLOWED IN INSPECTING. ' Jnlengfch of rail . .SOinch. In depth of rail .... .10 inch. In thickness of web . .05inch. In warp or wind, m depth of flange at extreme end of rail. Difference in distauce between on er edges of plane surfaces of flanges ou different sides of web at any cross section of rail. .....1.... .10 inch. A straight edge of equal length with the rail placed on the outer edge of the ilauge should not depart from it at any point moi’e than 15 inch. A plane surface placed on tbe wob should uot depart from it at any point more than .10 inch. A plane surface placed on the plarfe surface of either flange should not depart from it at any point move than.... ’ .10 inch. Departure from square in depth of rail 15 inch, Specimensof the Beams, or drawings of them, caubc seen at the United States Arsenals at Fort Monroe, Vir ginia, Bridesburg and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and? Watertown, ftkissaclmsetts. 1 . i Bidders will state the number of beams they propose, to furnish, the time when they will commence the de-. livery, which should bo as early as possible, and the number they can deLiver weekly after commeuc ns the delivery! place where they will make them, and-the y price per pound for..which they will deliver them, at the point of vessel or railroad shipment nearest to thou’; woiks. No bide will be entertained except from persons, actually engaged in the manufacture of iron, evidoace of which must accompany the bid. . ; .v Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with proper sureties ar its faithful, fulfilment; and a transfer of the contract to. another . party will cause its entire forfeiture. The right is reserved to ve.iect all proposals tt the uncos are deemed too high, or if tor auy cause deemed tor thepnblicinterest to accept them. ■ Proposals will be sealed and adares3eddo G U EN E.RAL J. W. R) PLEY, Chief of Ordnance." Washington, lb. C., ” and •wilkbo-endorsed \ Proposals for. V/rougbl: Iron. Beams.” - „ . .TAMRS;W. liTPLEaV ap3-ftuBt -Brigadier General; Chief Ordnance. Tu O O B’S , PATENT SPRING BED, . Patented.3£sjs. , -Universally acknowledged for Neatness, Comfort, Durability to be the Standard Springßoi. The above are maimfaitui-ed and for by HI-RAM TUCKER, ‘ mh24-3m No. St REVERE Rloak, BostonrMass, "OOWEN 8a CO.'S LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, Southwest Co?ta,er of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts,* ’ AND - - NO. 015 MINOR STREET* PHILADELPHIA. description of . .LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTINQ, apd COLORING executed'inth3 ‘kbsrsprswflist: v.kkbß mMO-tf r , "--.v anew n/sswcATiojirs, T»* CHESTNUY STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets J. E. TILTON & CO-,-BOSTON. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. PHOTOGRAPHS. 'DEALERS IK PROPOSALS. Washington, April 2,ISSb WAm A fpßentice to a trade, by .a respectable BOY, of 17 years. Watchmaking, ot' some other light business Address 3339 GREEN 1 . a3-2t* WANTED- a YOUNG MAN, ABO UT » » "18 years of ago. a good Penman, to make himself useful in a JOBBING HOUSE. Address, “Jobbing,” Press Office. ap3-2t* WANTED CLO L'HiNG.—PERSONS haying Clothing to dispose of will please call or address C. KILLER, 303 CHESTNUT gt.mlilo-mwl3m» DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER aSsS&i GENERAL’S OFFICE. —Philadelphia, Feb. 9, -WASTED immediately to carry COAL to the following poiate: Tortugas. Key West, J?la, Fort MonroerVa. Alexandria, Va. Newbem,. N.C. _• Port Royal, S. G. A. BOYD, falf-tf Captain and Asotst. Quartermaster. PERSOWAS. .THE PERCUSSION GAPS BOLD BY u.stoW. Crawford, mentioned in vfsierd&y’spapers, did not exceed in valnu: SEVENTY* CENTS. It is an article that we have dealt in for oyer twoht-y-fi vo years, and is usually kept by all houses in our line of business. We disclaim any knowledge of the twin •ri'hate'vev. ap3-2L* THOS. M S'LLOft & CO; "PENSIONS. §lOO BOUNTY AND PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have'served two ysars,- and all soldiers who have been discharge*! hr reaeon of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to a pension, ; JAMES FULTONf Solicitor for Claimants, mhT.3 4:34:-WALNUT Street. LOST AWD FtytfNW* !t OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE. IS 1 A-i hereby given that application lias been made to the ; Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dupli cates of the foPlbwing described Certificates of the Five, per Cent.-Loans of the Common weaOb, issued by .the Bank of Pennsylvania, {acting rw iramsfor agent of the Common weal th*Kn the name, of the Hb&orable Colosbl’ LEICESTER FITZGERALD' STANHOPE,-of the Cedars TutueySurrby, la England: Nsa 35 5, dated A’psil C; 1837i-actdf April 13,1335, for $0,000; ’NevS'iC; do do do db- for SS,COE No. 367, do do do do for $2,000. jni-31-3m : . _ ; r • . TAKEN UP, A BLACK HORSE. not will be sold at public sale on SATURDAY, the 4tb-inst., at 9 o’clock. A: .M , at the ‘Police Station, corner TENTH and THOMPSON rfti'Gets, in accordance to city ordinance, &S. WILSIAM'JACOBY, '. Lieutenant Twelfth District. Philadelphia, April 2, 7563. .It* FOX SAX/E AYD TO «FOR SALE—A VALUABLE MAN tun Property, northwest cor. THIRTY-SIXTH "and BRIDGE street?.- feet front. Lot 105 by IG3. Appi ? - on the premises, . ap3-Gt* M F.O E SAT ®-—A SMALL BUT FA!&M, the estate of James Adams, deceased', containing 4S 30 : II>Pacres ofgood laud, si tuated county, qh the turnpike leading*." from' Burlington to Beverly, 1 % miles from-lhe former' place, and about five" minutes’ walk to the steamboat landing; adjoining tfte lands cf Mairlersoir} Heisler., and others. Improvements ccifcisfc of a good FARM HOUSE, Tenant. House, Barn, r.jid all necessary out buildings, with welds of never-failing water. Incidird'of* . . . • ADAMS, . AtTroio Beagavy’s?- FRONT and'H&RKET Streets, -•. ap3-12t* ' \ Camdep, IT. J. jig SUMTIER E’.ESIDENCE—FOR ■Hsta-SALE. a Hsautifnl ResMeuce, FI&YNKFORD ROAD and ALLEGHANY Avenue. Bouse built in a most su perior manner, and In perfect order; kitchen, lauudfry, rnilk-room, and bake-room in'basement. Four rooms on first floor, se-7en on second. Two furnaces, two ranges, stationary w&shtabs. washstanda. Gas through out. Ice-house, a:td fine stabling. Grounds handsomely laid out, fruit tressr, shrubbery, statuary, &c. Lot 2ao - 320 feet. Apply to .T. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Broker*. 4£3 WALNUT Street. mh2s-12tif* • LEGAB. rtf THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE Cl TY AE COUNT EI IX A 3>EL PH lA. Estate of GEOBQE D. KRIPS, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that LOUISA KE.IP3, widow of said decedent, has Hied in said court ats inventory' and appraisement of personal property , to the value of $3OO, which she claims bo retain out of said Estate, under the fifth section of the act of 14th. April, 1811, and tiro supplements thereto; and? that the same will Unapproved by the Court on FRIDAY 17th of April, 1813, unless ex ceptions thereto he filed, \ JOHN L. SI-lOEftfi-KER,. ap3-fs4t* Attorney for Widow/ TESTATE OF JONATHAN PETIT, SB, Testamentary upon the Estate-of JONA THAN PETIT, Sr., having;been grautedHO- the under signed, all persons havingidaims against the same are requested to present them* asd all persons indebted -will make payment to CHARLES W. PETIT, JONA.TH ATSPFETIP, Jr., B. A. SHOEMAKER. WOOLMAN STOKES, WM, S. BROW'S, Executors.- Or to tlieir Attorney, J. W. SToISES, • ap3-fr6t* Gl9 WALNUT Street. TN THE ORPHANS 59 COUBT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA,• Estate of Mrs. C. MEEKER. Tlie Auditor appointed by th« Court to audit;, settle.- and adjust the account of JO HU C. FaRR, Executor of the Estate of said deceased.-and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of tliu accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on the 20th DAY of APRIL,. A,. D. ISS3, at-4-o’clock: P M., at liis Office, southeast corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the City of Philadelphia.-. ap3-frmwsfc . D. W. 0. BRIKN,-Auditor. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF. THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United Strifes in and for the Eastern District of-Pennsylvania, rightly and • duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of-the United States of America, hath decreed all persous in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner General Taylor, whereof Shelley is master, her tack el, apparel; aud furniture, and ■ the-goods, wares, and merchandise ladeu- therein^.cap tured by the United States steamer Crusader, under com mand of Acting-Master* Mate Thomas Andrews, to he mo nished, cited, and called tojudgmentat the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafterexpre.ssed;Ci-ustice so requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but-that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily, newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, you do- i&onish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest .in the said schooner General Taylor, her tackle, apparel,- and .fanituro, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise laden on b^ard' thereof, to- appear before the Hon. JOHN • CAD WALaDER. the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on'the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on thenext court day following,.between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form oflaw, a reasonable ancLlawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner Gene ral Taylor, lur tackel, apparel, and furniture, and' the said goods, wares, and merchandise laden there in, should not be pronounced to belong, at.ihfl* time of the capture of the same, to the euemies of the United States, and as. goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes? aud further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that Ton duly intimate,or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated.) that if thev shall not appear at the time and place above men tioned,'or appear and shall not; shown reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said-cap ture, and may pronounce that., the said schooner- General Taylor, her. tackel,' apparel, and furni ture, and the said goods, wares, and ; merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of tho capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and. condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to t-lie said District Court what-you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN .CADWALADER. Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this first day of APRIL, A. D. 1563, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence of the said Uuited States.- - ap3-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. TTNITED -STATES, EASTERN DIS* U TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. • THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.- TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF- PENNSYLVANIA. GREETING: * WHEREAS, the District Court of tho United States in. and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rigjit’y and dulv proceeding on a libel, filed ia the name of tlie United - States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right,- title* or inte rest in the schooner Glide, whereof Captain. Perry is master, her tackle, appaveL and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereou, captured as prize of war bv the United States steamer Marblehead, under command of Capt. Scott,- to be inonisbed, cited, and called to judgment at the time aud place underwrite ttn, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so re quiring.) are therefore charged and. strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but chut by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philar delphia, and in ihz LegaVlntelligencer, you do monish, and cite, or cause to be monished and-cited, perempto rily, all persons in general, who have, or protend to have* any right, title, or interest in the said schooner Glide, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, aud the said goods, wares, and laden on board thereof,.to ap pear before the Hon. .TOHN-'CaDWALaDER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District-Court room, in thecity of Philadtlphia, on the twentielhhlay after pnblication ofthese presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hoars of heariug; causes, then and there to shows- or allege, .in due form.of law, a riasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner Glide, hor tackle, appaiel,,aud : furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchaadUe laden, on board thereof, should not bo pronounced to belong, at- Jlie time of the captu re-of the - fame, .to the enemies of the- United States, and as goods of their or other wise,, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged.and. condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalfas to justice snail appercaia. And that vou duly intimate.,, or cause to be intimated; unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of those presents it is abo intimated.) that if they shall not appear at the time'aud place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show, a reasonable aud lawful cause to tbe contrary, then said District Conrlilotk in tend and will pyrcecd to adjudication on the said cap tuie, and may pronounce that the said schooner Glide,, -her tackle, apparel, aud furniture, and the goods. wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, .did belong,- at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies ot the United States of {America, and as goods of tlieir eueuiiesv or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and con? destination, tu bo adjudged and'Condemned as lawful, prize, the absence or rather contujnacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duiycertify to the said District Court' what-you shall do in the premises, together .with these presents. : Witness the Honorable JOHN.CaDWALADER, Judge of the said! Court, at Philadelphia, this second day of APRIL, A< D. 1563, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence of the said United States. ; ap4-3t G. R..FOX, Clerk of District Court. FI ANO .FOBTBS;"fla» n rrr.9Bo CHESTNUT STREET. 930 IT *TM A LiRGB AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THOSE JUSTLY CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS 'FROM*THE MANUFACTORY OF' WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, (Successor to Lights & Bvadburyß,) HA® BE FOUND AT THE-, NEW AND* ELEGANT WAREROOM, • - 930 CHESTNUT STREET. 930 \ Those desirous of obtaining a. superior, instrument, should sail and examine before purchasing elsewhere. The established reputation of these instruments for nearly thirty yearn, renders tiz&iv superiority “'familiar as household words." . ■ THEY SING-.THEIR OWN PRAISES. In the arraugcrre.ut of our new scale, vw h&ya added evoary improvement. which, oan in any way tend; to the perfection of the Piano, Forte; and we confidently assert that, for delicacy-of: touch,, volnme, purity, brilliancy, and sweetness o/ton.e, combined with that strength ana solidity necessary, to these instruments ose unequalled EVERY IBSTRUMSNT WARRANTED-FOR FSYB YEARS. -. . mhi9-3m E; H. OSBORN, Agent. TK— s* MUT r ir TO Kt MU.CTON ! DAVID. B.fPAUL & BSOTHERhave just re ceWed-sorae very fine Cots- and LelsterliiUTTON. Also, SPRING .LAiHwTwhioh can be had at their Stalls, Nos. *>3 and 55 WESTERN MARKET, corner of* Sliffjafia TH and 'MARKET Streets. ' , , _lv' Sheabove Hutton and Lamb dav m th.Q TVRAIN PIPE—s T ONEW ARE JL* DRAIN PIPE froa.S to 12-iucli sore. 2-iach bore. • ■•— —• •••“•» 6 do ........■•■so do do. 6 * do do. Every variety ©f-conuections, bands; traps, and. hoppers We are now prepared to famish Pipe in any quantit v -‘ and on liberal terms to. dealers and those purchaaip^fa ' “ K ° QU AMENTAI CHIMNEY TOPS. , " Yitri fifed Tuia Coda Uhiinuey Tops, plain ai j orna mental designs, warranted to stand the ac^ loa 0 f coa l eas, or the weathor in any climate. : GARDEN VASES. A groat variety of Ornajnoulal Vases in Terra Cotta, classical designs, all sizes, warranted to stand the waatber. Also, Fancy Flower pots, Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuary. PhiladelpbiaTerra Cotta Wovirg. Office and Warerooms XOXQ CHESTNUT Street. - mM-wfni if S. A. HARRISON. AUCTION SAXE. BAZAAR —NINTH AND SOM STREETS. 15250 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. •THIRTY-THIRD TRADE SALE AT 'PHILADELPHIA. This sale wii I place ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, AprL 1 Bth, at 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar. The J’-Bfeortir.ent will bo.very extensive and complete, comprie.'ms s -t least two hundred and fifty Carriages, from thev>e.Ht manufacturers of this city, and WiiUKag ton, Delafc** r e. SPECIAL NOTICE. - The auctiov‘ e ,f r >’e.«i>fctfnny announces that tliia will be the iargfsc k, aniic fcaie of Carriages ever held in tha city cf Philadejv.''bia. Mr. Merrick’s invoice,-alone, \ViII include Dear one vundred Carriages: aiso.lafgo io forces from the Messrs. LV?^ 8 - The Carriages v/jj), be arjance;! and for i ml* nation, with catalogue* on the day previous to sale, winch will positively ta«e piaco on the above day, without regard to the weather. .ALFRED SI. KERKSKS*, A netioiio^r. AMUSEMENTS, A ME 810 AN" ACADEMY OP 3IUSIO, Director v~\'i W-‘ 6RA.I/. ITALIAN OPERA. Mr. GBAUfccga respectfully to announce 4 lufc. having Inst completed a season of six'Weeks'in.-'Boston, vrliers' the 2rti.sts of his doable company and the' novelty of hla repertoire created a sensation that reunited in the, fondest' aud most prosperous campaign on record, he vrili com*- mence a series of performances ra Philadelphia OH MON DAT EVENING,,APEIL 6., on "which occasion the prints. donna, MISS CLARA LOtfXSfc KELLOGG, will make her FIfiST FaRE-WIILE. vAPPSARAKCE'’ prior to her departure* for LoThxou, where' sh'ei's engaged at her Majesty's Theatre. She will appear iu» the sa.m& opeia selected for her a*bv;t iu London..-. LINDA BI CHAKsOUBTX, Supported In* the entire streuytli 0 f the company. Admission to Parquet, lAilcony, irid Dress' Circle; -HI; reserved seats 6C? cents: Family Circle Gal lery 25 cents Thesale \vil2 A. M. afshe Academy, and'at GonldVhlosic Store; apl'-tf FEW CEEBTNUT-STKEET TWE& THE. Lessee and Manager. * ~ the‘McoWtike . Tnifi cF^ni>AT) ! mRMse. April agisfat T EDWIN FOTMSEST^ Tn Inypoweriul nnpevsoiui&cm of SPARTACUS, - In Dr. 3ird’s gi-eai American TiasacTr of - . CfHE GEA3IATOR. ; ■Winch i? produced jrith ... * THE W'HOLB OF TitS THEAft&EV aKSA SUPERB CAST OX OHAR/3CTER3, Including Messrs. 3VrvCuilcvuf*iM Fen no; JfarHn, Canoll, • Collier, Bobir,-Kiuff.sftmd, rflon, Garland. Wiisos, Sire. 3. H. Alien, 1 Madams’ Poriisi, and' Misses Deed,' Speiser, Cooper, Harris, Samuels, Jokason, unfi'SS&itfc'; C,qpdUfitoJLr»^jL^--_‘‘*ir**v K ' r ? MASK I?ABSTjXR. 3ATURPAY iiyEJSlii&'—Xn cdcSoqueace c-f the re ircfrfcable success which attended tirst.orctfrictioa of NARC3SSE ; Or T THE L/&T OF TBE POMPADOURS, TSeGrewt . E. BAISrDMAWN; WILL-. TUE SECOND TIME, ’ Appear in bis cMiraslTer of “Kcrcisse Romfua.”* 3a MONDAY 'NEXT, EASTER - MONDAY EAST KIGHH£. itIGHTS, a&WIJS’ FCBHEST Ia one'of liis most Popular ChaTßfters. TsME CHAEP6RD. Doors open at <>£: Curtain rfoosat to'SVcloefc "\TEB- JOHN DBEW’S ABOH-STEEET XT-1 THEATRE. ; Business Asrenfc and Treasurer ~.JOS. D. M3JRPHT. , BENEFIT, .. _ B^HEPIT, ' Of MAE'T_PjtO'Y OST. , . THf£ SPRIDAY) v |frENTNG, April 3d,'355J, V OAJfIT.LE: .. y Cs; THE FATj*OF A COQUETTE. • Camille...»•>. ....... ! ..,. i. .. Mary: P/ovost. . Atmand Duval ...v. .-.-.-.-Barton Hill. ,5a5t08...... i m- Frank Drew - ,’ To conclude with. “THE SECRET. ” Thomas »■-* -• ........ v Frauk T 5 rew.' Hilda me DnpKis-*..-. -.......- 5v.......... mi*. •C. Henrie. J&&* Prices as usual. Seats secured without exxrs •charge. Curtain rises at 7X o’clock. ■WALNUJ43TEEBT. THE ATE®. • SoleX-eEEOE-. Mra. M: A. GARRE TTSOR, Business Affent.-.. Hr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. BEHEST? OF MK. E'> SiTCIlEgt: THIS (Friday) EVENIN3. April 3, 1863. CAPHSTAT DimONDS. Mr. Ken* Mudgeoa'... .....Mr. D.'S^tcheJL • Tu be followed by theComedy'of A ‘REGULAR FD£' Hugh De 8ra5....»r.-.-.-.. .... .Mrl D. T SotchelL Alter which the Fame of . Wanted. t,ooo mtilinerS. To conclude with MUMMY^ Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 7K. WHITTAKE3--S AMPfiITHBATBB. '» i MARKET Street- above TWELFTH, Adaaission. 25 ’cente: Private Box and Balcony Seats, efinents; Gallery—Adults, 15 cents; Do. Boys, 10 cents; ■Colored Gallerv, 15 ccirte: FRIDAY'BVSNING, .April 3d/ A SFiasNDID: Bt-Lii will be offered- in which a't of the -• GREAT .STAR TROUPE will appear. Second Night of WILLIAM B. SMirH/ia.* 1 his-'sreat act of ZAMPILx}32ROSTATIC/3. First week of 7 MONS. KIITCADE AND SON.’ Brilliant success of MLLE. MARIE.’ SAM LONG; : The Best Clown anti Comic Singer in America. IVPt. CHUECHS NEW PICTURE* UNDER NIAGARA, froTi>-'stadios made on trie-‘'Maid-of the Mist," ie-now «n exoibitiou at Wil lis P. Hazard's Bookstore, TS-i'CHESTNUT St., from 3 A.' M toSP. M.' Admission, 25 cents. inh3T-lai JOHN M'cCLURE. Publisher. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, COBNEB of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets; WM. WOODROFFE-- Business -Manager. - -' E.' J.‘.WHITE. ; .Agent. THIRTEENTH WEEK. ' WOODROFFE’S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. Will remain ONE WEEK lon*nr and Exhibit' EVERY EVENING.’ AnWEDNESDAY and SATURDAY" AFTERNOONS. The oelehrated low-pressure <3lasa Steam-Engine ’* Me* v NITOR” will be in full operation. . All (lie works of art distributed gratuitously to the visitors*. " WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY’AFTERNOONS Child ren’s Grand GIFT MATINEES.' Every Child wiiL re ceive a-GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING,- Apidi'7th, a splendid CASS OF WORK-will be given to -the-author of-the best CONUNDRUSI on any subject. The FirK pres-ent, each Evenfng, will be a splendid CASE OF GLASS YvORK/ Admission, 15 cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at S o’clock; afternoon at 3. m3C--8t* r QBBIN G-GA*B.DIrN INSTITUTE BALL, corner BROAD and SPRING GARDEN ’St«. '' B VBH Y-M VENING '‘T&IS WEEKS The original and magnificent Diorama-of THE BURNING OF TdOSCOW, Beautiful Dioptric-Paintings,- and-amusing. Scenes la- VentrKvquism, hy the world-renowned Mr. GALLAGHER. Admission, 15 'cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at S'o’clock!: .» mh3B2st* . ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS-—* T STN TH. -lL aad CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOE OLD AND YOUNG; SIGNOR-SLIT3/- The Kseat MAGICIAN and. VENTRILOQUIST, with hit LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, wilt give his new-aa4 popular entertainments EVERY'EVENING daring.the week, coiriTDenciiiK at 7K o’clo'ck, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attraction* will Wsaarvellons: Experiments in-Magic; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary’Bkd* in characters. Admission 25cents.. Children I¢s. .ftERMANIA ORCHESTRA— PUBLIC every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3H ‘o'clock,’ at the MUSICAL-FUND HALL, CARL .SENTZ, conductor.- Tickers 25 cents. Packages of five tickets $l. To be iiacLof Andr6 & Co. , No. ll&KJhestnuk street: J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the HaJ] door. . • • - - n027-tf •PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE FINE ARTS, ' 1025 CHESTNUT. STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from A. M. till’BP.M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. • Shares of stock $3O. • • jy9 Has Sler’S orchestra. NEW OFFICE, 214 r South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-Sa INSURANCE COMFiSIES; OIRARB EIRE AND MARINS IHfIDEAHCB- COMPA3Y. OFFICE, 4X5 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL- 8300,050. This Company continues to take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. • The-public can rely upon itsresponsibilifcy, and ability to pay-losses promptly. Its disbursements for the beneftt of-the pnblic, during the last nine years, exceed; 500,000 DOLLARS and 'tre respectfully solicit its favor in the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS; I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER. JOHN-W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLE^i <J. E; HEAZLJTT, - ABRAHAM HAST,- DAVID-BOTD, Jb., PETER S. HOE, of X T.f WM. M. SWAIN; FUKfItAN SHEPHERD. ‘ JOSEPH K-LAPP, M: D. t N. S. LAWRENCE, ; THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLES: THOMAS* CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretarv. apSSdfrf AMERICAN FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1510. CHAPTER PER FETUAL. No. 310 WAENOT Street, above Third. Fh ladelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus la vested in sound: and available Securities, continues to his axe on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture.. Merchandiser Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and oSier Personal Property. All losses liberally, and promptly adjusted. DIRECtOSS. Thomas S. Maiie, James S. Casspbell, - John Welsh. Edmand'G. Iffatilh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles -W. Poultuey. Patrick Brady, s Israel Mosria. John T. Lewis, MAS S. MARIS. President. Secretary. ' fe23-tf tso: At-beut G. L. Crawford. A'NTEBAGITS INSURANCE COM PANY.—Authorized Capital S4GB ; OOO—CRABTKE PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, bsiween Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Gompany will insure against toss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, ParnUure, and Merchandise sene* rally. ■ Albo, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insure nee to all parts of the Union. ... BISECTORS. , William Esher, I Dorris Pearson, D.-Luiher, . Peter Seiger, Lewis Aadenriad, 3. E. Baum, John E: Blackiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxneltf, John Ketcham. P WILLIAM ESHER, President WM. F. BRAN. Vice President W. M. Smith. Secretary. apS-H.-. TTAIVIK INSUEAN 406 CHESTNUT FIBS AJfB INLAID INSUEAN Cl* BIBBCTORS. E. D. ‘Woodruff, Geo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr., Okas. Stokes, { A. H. Sosennelir* I Josep D. Ellis. fCK\ President. [AUbsON, Vice Prudent. \RD. Reerefcarv. CialUfW Francis IT. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Join W. Kverman, Philip S. Justice, O.W. Davis, FRANCIS N. B«7< : CHARLES RICHj WILLIAMS I. BLANCHA! <R/rAKSHAL’S SALE.—BY YJKTUE aT.L a Turrit of Sale by tbe Honorable ,3QHN CAJ)- WALAD2R, Judge of tbe District CourWC.the United • States in and for the Eastern District o'^jmsylvania, . in Admiralty* to me directed, will be sultf ■ to tbe highest and best bidder, for at ‘ NEK’S- STORE,No. 142 Noith Front Street. OuMOSJDnYv. • April 13tb. IS®, at .12 o'clock M. -a»e cargo.'of;tho . Schooner. LIGHTNING. consisting 20 ( sasks salt, 4 cases matches. 12 -?*A, J tnv>Ks mer chandise, & bags shot, 6 boxes 1 .box soap; 9. cases, R demijohns, and 1 Catalogues. : 2N?2HS«r d,l!B,d m|®&& rofc Dinted StatesSfarshal T*Xh, of Pennsylvania. ~PffTT, April 1, IS£3. • • * . . ap2.-At •vrOTIOY.— MB. LIE- N-L HART, in New York, sign our firm bv procuration. &GO-, Lyons. France. March 1, aplrGfc* T\TOTICE.—THPi GOf-PARTNERSHIP .heretofore EDWIN S. STBVEN SON’aud BENRY L. ‘SSLTXBAtfEt, under tbe-uameaud •hriu of STEVENSON/ & a& curriers and leather dealers, is i? day dissolved bv mutual consent. TLo said HENRY 1 4 . SULTRSACH will setllo thebusi* ness--of the late iirW . . -- . Philadelphia, A?n : l2. I&3S. ap3-3t? WILLIAM B. YEATON & 00., No. ?>ifl Sooth FRONT Streets / Acents for-the sale of the . ORIG T SAE SEIDSIECK & CO. CHAMPAGNE/ r jjfer that desirable Wine to the trade. • Also, .1 COO cases fine and medium grades 80l .tj'SaL’X CLARETS. 10*1 : - cftSOS *» Brandenberg Freres” COGNAC BRANDY* / Vintage 2S2S, bottled in France. .(50 cases finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks ; 2 dozen.ln case. •; eo bbls finesl quality Monongahela Whisky. ' 50 bbls Jersey Apple Brandy. 50,000 Havana Cigars, estra fine. J- . ■ Moet & Chaaden Grand Yin Imperial, Green Seal Champagne. - . Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port. 4c. - , falS-lr pEPPEB SAUCE.—2OO DOZ.PEPFEB 4- Sauce; 100 do 2. Continental Sauce; 60 doz. Wor cestershire Sauce. „„„ . FINE AMERICAN PICELES.-M0 do*. Imlf igaU« Pickles; 200 doz. quart Rickies; 300 doz. pint Pickles, also in. bbls., bait* bbls., and kits. ’ _ . . . Bm ...CONDENSED.MILE.-t^QO.doz, Win.K. Lewis* Bro. “r«r»tt?#ip.9 oai ®** 4 ' * WILIiIaMB. . Ba,e D - lOr Boatli WATER StraaL WWEATiijrF; ;b company, no.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers