ARRIVALS AT THE MOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK liA-ST NIGHT. ' IVlutli n A S Head, Delaware *W B lratch, WftwlovK JwincMCiite. Boston 4 <_j \\r r>paril*lee, New York - r p r. Knapp. New York i> Wullan, Pittsburg -VV W Woollen, Indiana J Bnffuni, New York <; 0 Batcbolder, Boston v«c N Washburn, Mass !U II Bkinner, USA -J Honkins, Banff or • Va PeaTK, Bor>ton „ „ • .J D Husband, Jr, N York II L Bull man, Pittsburg , •B S Goodvviu, Williamsport ;0 Hostetler, Pittsburg J Scott, Pittsburg , .Muster W Beott, Pittsburg •SA Allot), New Jersey N W Taylor, Cleveland -C H B Bay, Delaware .NJlolehkiss, New Haven W G Lathrop fit wf, N J .Miss Latbrop, New Jersey 0 Kellogg,* Micbigau P M Guthrie, New York ■C-WordeD, Washington O A Davison, Now York C A Juice, New York -Judge & sou, Indiana B F Coriies, New* York 'Col M J Cobeu, Baltimore A Gilbert, New York Mr Russell J-'aj mastorWinehip, Mass Jrtra WinsUip, Musk X J Morrow, Pall River ‘W Hodges, Pall River J C Harriott&.l, New York Mast B H Pierce, Now York Mast F B Pannalee,N York Airs A Br'gbant, Ohio Xt WII Sherwood “D H Yfipob .A Howes, New York T N Dale, New York TV Rca>c, U k N H P Luring, U S N y 8 Stalikuecbt, New York (3 W Knavitt, New York Girarcl—Clicstimt si "T 8 Young & \vi,vw*.v^.. Edm 1) Hamill, New Jersey E H)ni\inaii u New York "W H t'eip, Easton Ufbari Miihror, Pittsburg jMrs W M Ellis,Phccnixville Hiss Mary Ellis, Phccnixv’lo *W C-Nixou, Tennessee • iEnos Q oble, Y oungsto wn, 0 .Andrew Hutton, No w.Castte John H Cain, Pittsburg ,A W Carson, Pittsburg C White, Rockville, Ct Jolm-M Barry,Tamaqua K Levingstnn, New York ’lt B Pennock, Penna A D Mitchell, Harrisburg JIIF Murse, ludiaua A merican-Chcstnnt "Win Canning A C Bowlings, Mooreatown RB Swift ' 'W Mowbray -A S Horning, Cin, 0 .A V Dudley & la, Delaware H Lewis W P Lauder, New York • Jos Meyer, Maryland 'Cleo A Ford, Maryland F A Curtifr, Delaware W O Wood, New Jersey ’B S Freeman, New York A N Wood, Easlon, N Y St. Louis-Chestnut Alox Hutchins, U S N 'O A Law ‘G N Benedict, Baltimore ‘W J Cheyuey, Penna “M Tyler, Ponua -G Falkerroan, Baltimore . J F Thomas, Baltimore J A McNeil, New York ~J B Douty/tfbamokin .S Bracken A fain, Penna A Bourgeois, New York' *C M de Lemur, Baltimore .USClnik | The LTaiioii—Arcli si *r Oberlin, Masxilon, 0 :K Parker, I'ittsbnvg A Newel), Mahoning -John B Steely, Heading' fcv.iul livineiuront, Reading *S Pierce, New York I> Rfcinvino; Lancaster WAlcßliilen, New Castle FI GaJJey, Toledo, lowa 'States Union—Sixth "R Morrison; Juniata co. Pa ■Chritfvian Livingston, Peiina •Jos B iCuonff, Perry co, Pa W Mnriay-, New York ■J K Swoyor, .Jersey City ,J Brink, Indiana co. Pa J K Lewis, Indiana co, Pa Samuel Skiuuor A Glazier, Huntingdon-- J Moore, Pittsburg IVntioual-Racc S A Balliet, Lehigh county ID D Tmnev, Hartsville IE W Smith, Snyder co .A $ Bocb.-Snyciev co <J E Goetz, New York' Gnorse J Foss, Lebanon •CSKinsell, New Jersey J C Esterly & lady Fdw fichn.ll, Orwigsb’g, Pa <3co W Brooks &la, Pottsve Commercial—Sixth. st; <3 Nyce, Norristown O W Lundreth, Lane oo G Hammond. ’York co "Win Riley, Yorkco RHitz, New York ; if A Scott, New York SPECIAL' NOTICES. SUB'JECTS FOB CONVERSATION'. /BY THE BABB OF TOWER HALT.. Some people are perplexed To find a proper text For discourse when they happen to meet The weather, wet or dry, ' Will commonly supply A subject for talkers discreet. “ It is rather cool,’’ says A; B replies, .V Quite cool to-day,” TBotli parties in this are agreed; And when speakers chance to find That they’re just of the same mind, The discourse will smoothly proceed. People commonly agree With respect to what they see , And the state of the weather, perhaps, ' Is the only earthly theme Which beyond dispute will seem *To certain argumentative chaps. But a fact as irrefutable, And, indeed, as indisputable As the state of the weather, 1 guess, Is that BENNETT S TOWER HALL I§ the place where yon must call, If you want first-rate articles of dress. Our assortment of Ready-made Clothing is the largest en'd most complete in Philadelphia, • TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street, . , BBNNETT & CO. Dn. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is the 536, t known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. ‘ • One-Pi?ice Clothing, of the Latest tyles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. <OUr One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike.' ' del2-ly JpNES & CO,, 604 MARKET Street A Beautiful Complexion can be ob 6ained by the use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April, May, and June, are the beas months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. fe27-fmw3m S—T—lB6o—X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTEBS. They puiify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours, They strengthen the system and enliven.the mind. They prevent miasmatio and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. * They cure Diarhceha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They arethebest BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great cestorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Bum, the cele brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken ♦with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. • Particularly recommended to delicate per oons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, (Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO,, flo3 BROADWAY. New York. se24-6m . Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! . THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be .distinguished from nature? ♦warranted not to injure in the least; remedies the ill effect's of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for iife. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a eplendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair Boft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. . Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHK- the four sides of each box, FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and,\Q Bond street. ) my2B-ly New York. Ivl-A-PtRIEJC). ZARFOSS—SICKLEB. —March 2Dth, bythe Rev. M. D. Kurtz, Mr. Absalom Zarfoss to Miss Mary E. Sickler, both of this city. - * GAVER—BARR.—Om the 30th ulh, by Rev. William Bari s, William Henry Gaver, of Philadelphia, to Mary Elvina Barr, of Havre-de-Grace, Maryland. . * DIED. HARDY. —On the 31st March, J. Richardson Andrews, risou of James and Josephine M. Hardy, aged 3 months and 20 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 212 JiforthFifth street, Camden, N. J., on Thursday after noon, at 2% o’clock. HACKERf—"Near! Aquia*.Creek ILanding, Virginia, on the 20th March, Captain Wm. E. Hacker, of 3d Mary land Volunteers, aged 18 years and 7 months, son of W. A. Hacker, of Worcester, Massachusetts. Funeral from the residence of D. 0. Sharpless. 401 South Eighth street, on Thursday next, at 2 P M To proceed to Laurel EHill. [Worcester andiSalem (Mass ) papers please copy.] ** GROVER.—On the 30 h ult., Jesse Burns, sou of Chris -opher C and the late Caroline Grover, aged four months and two weeks. * BATCHELDER.—In the borough of Princeton, on the 30th of March, Kev. George W. Batchelder. His friends are invited to attend his funeral, from the State-street M. E. Church, in the city of Trenton, on Thursday afternoon, 2d inst., at 1 o’clock. *. CRAWFOBD.-—On Monday morning, 30th ultimo, Samuel H; Crawford, in the 73d year of nis age. The jelatives and. friends of the family ara respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 658 North Tenth' street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o’clock. Services at'the Tenth Baptist Church, Eighth street, above Green st«et. ** DEBAUQUE.—On the morning of the 30th’ ult., after a lingering illness, Christiana K., wife of Charles L. De eauaue, and daughter of the late Pierce Crosby, of Dela ware county, Pennsylvania. The relatives and friends of the family arc respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, XTo. 2009 Walnut'street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock, without further notice. *** ROBERTS.—On the2Bch ; ult., on his farm, in Backs county, Mr. Johnßoberts, in the 68th year of his age.. The relatives and friends of the family, also, the mam t>ers of Jefferson Lodge, No.-12, 1.0.0. F,,and Encamp ment, No. • —, are respectfully invited to attend the fa neral, from the residence of his brother-in-law,: Mr. Lewis Buddy, No. 1409 Chestnut street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without further notice. To pro ceed to Odd Fellows’Cemetery. - ** tn<l Chestnut streets# LH Clarke, Chicago W E Baker, Washington IBates & wf, Khodc Island V Blanchard & wf, Wash Miss Blanchard, Wash. C S llhodos, Ohio E B Aymar, Now York C Viirick. New York John Clark, New York K Stobbius, Jr, Now York Miss L Cochran, New York F Winthrop, O H Qntlirio & la, New York C T Layton, Delaware A M Cohen, Montreal Gen G Mott, Virginia Col M Mitchell, Virginia Lt W G Thompson, Virginia W A Galbraith, Erie, Pit .T Laugdon, Now York It Remington. Fall River J J Albright, Scranton A Langduu, New Y »rk W Braden, Indianapolis Miss E Bni ford, Indiana E Mollenhauer, N York J JCoylaird, England R T Watson, Scotland .T Stephens Montreal W W Wickham, New York . W T Roberts New York J C 3'hornas, Cincinnati l> l)e Vivo, New York S D Ward. Honeadale, Pa 0 Miller, Chicago J H Sprague & wf, N York F J Allen & wf, New York W D Cable, New York J S Chamberlin & la. N J P R Story, Maryland J E MacDonald, New York J A Dean, New York AS. Reed, Delaware WCnmmings, Jersey City T B Dash, New York. T Strutliei's Warren J Anderson, Now York J S Johustou, Boston H C Burgess & la, R Island ' 1H Mnnroe. San Francisco. .T Scott, Jr, Pittsburg' itrcct, bcSow Niutli. lore »uciue i Ivii ing le, Ky ind hem NY ig, 111 'e le )hio' .jgion,i. >n.n JP Salmon, Hazlet* 4, _ h W B redhead, Del VrvCp A Kitt, Ohio V . N Shannon, Baltimore X-. : Clios It Bunker, Brooklyn', Mr M Ellis, Penua -v C 0 Skeer & wf, Mh Chunk r Mvs'Blakeslee.-'Mh Chunk D Trehuvn, Mauch Chunk H W Steele, N*w York C L Baltzer, Shamokin Mrs Sticker, MiltOD, Pal ,T J McHenry, Cambria Thos Woods, Danville John M Woods, Danville .T B.Leiseuring, Mt Pleas, Io J M Pugh, Mt Pleasant, lowa Street, above Fifth. a Potts y HLTerry, Brooklyn. Mrs Simpson, Wash, D C Mrs Alien, Wash, D 0 A A Mason, Chicrgo J Du BoD, New Jersey B F Hisart, Green co, N Y T B Thomas, Palmer, Maes W H Strah, M Chunk BFrWood, USN‘ HRFowlc, USN Thos Foster, New York G W T Harley, Maryland Richard Burk, USN Street) above Third. US Clark. Massachusetts B F Hamilton, Mass J II Beckwith, Now York E B Richmond, New Jersey T P Shallcvoss, Virginia G Streets, Baltimore. .7 Donnell, Newaak M A Munson. Mass J B Betty, Pottaville D W Hale. New York H Metz, New York S W Lane, Maryland IW Smith, Providence, R I street; above Third. S Price, Annapolis, 0 C 0 Snyder, Canton, 0 JS D Asbtou A; la, Clinton, 0 P Sullivan, Virginia J A Elison, Delaware A C Yates, New York James W Yates, New York H McElroy, Attica, Ind and Marhet streets. JaniGß Hoops, Pittsburg E B McCime, Altoona B'C Reynolds, Maryland 1, Leidenbach \ II Sulsbangli, Marietta, Pa S S Wheeler, Danbury, Ct A D Wheoler, Daubury, Ct Solomon Knaop, Lane co,Pa Mrs Young, New York W,.M Reynolds, Maryland it.j above Third, D 0 Smith, West Chester C C Henry, Woat Chester Alex Reed, West Chester W E Uhleiv West Chester- G Clyde, Westchester Paul Balliet, Lehigh co* Mias Balliet, Wilmington Miss Steck, Wilmington A P Zimmerman & 1, Penita trect, above Chestnut* H B Williams, Bethlehem Dr D H Strickland, USA T S Marshall, Chester co H Graham, Chester co J 51 FuUon,Nottingham,Pa J M Ireland, Maryland TURNER.-On Tuesday, the 31st ult., Willie Fisher, son of JKey. Curtis E. and Mary Turuer.asjecl 3 month-*.* IioUGLASS.—On Sunday, 29th ult., Mrs. Ann Dou glass. aged one hundred and ten(110) youi's. . * CARTER. —OnSnoday morning, 29th ult., Mrs. Leo nora, wife of Amos Carter, in the 49th year of her aze * - CHESNUT.— On the 29th ult., Esther, relict of tho late Samuel Cheenut, in the 74th vcar of her ag». * T>LAOK AND WHITE MOZAMt J - f BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, 37& cents. Black and white striped Mohairs, 28 cents < Black and white De Lames, 28 cents b ark end white aU wool Mousselines, 44 cents. Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes. 18& cants B ack and white Challie deLainos, cents. **' S m 0U560 ,- me d , e 44 cents. 1 j;h J double Width, S 7& cents, black silk. Challio,6o cents ' . . Black Bai esgß, Bncents; Bomlw-inos, $l. &c &o. BESSON &. (jufl. IKHjK.NI.NO STO>IB No. ftlg CHESTNUT Street. 4-4.81QH CHINTZES REDUCED TO u x 2:5 C ENTS. - lease wido ChinUos, 25cents. 1 c«,so 4*4 Poublo Pnrples,2* cents. 1 case 4-4 Gay StvJos, 25 eents. 1 ease spring fctylos, 2a cents. - EYRE & LAirDELL. FOURTH and : ARuH. TTINK STOCK- OF SEASONABLE • GOODS adapted to First-class Trade. Novelties in Dress Goods. Spring Silks, new styles.-” Opening of Spring Mantles. Now style Rock-spun'Shawls. • EVRE &,LAWDELL, art FOURTH ami ARCH. }t^ P n.vK 1 ? E ,? i V rio^Al ' UNION ASSOCtA- resident in tbo FIFTH WARD can get the published Rules of Government fov calling on lie Secretary* EGBERT IC. NICHOLS, No. iaO-South-SIXTH Street, ,Ori No! ala Soutil FIPTii Street! SEVENTH and Patriotic Citizens ■\vlio are in favor of forming tain the National Govenimoi EVENING, ApriL2d, atSo?c BROAD ami LOMBARD SO William Perry, F.' A. Godwin, John Lindsay, ,Michael Errichson, ■ Th os. J. Williamson, . Samuel,W. Gray, A. S. McMurray, IT. B. Bunting, ' Jolm Eisenbrey, Jr. John Gibson, Penrose Fell, r ARD.-ALL LOYAL of the SEVENTH WARD, M a UNION LEAGUE to sus >nt, willineet on THURSDAY clock, at O’Neill’s Hall, cor. ;reets. . . : : t "-Ferdinand J. Dre^r, Hngh Stevenson, S. Weir Lewis, Wm. Gl;iiLUq£, Charles Williams,' Win. Devine, Jr., - ■Riclmrd.-Wright, ' Joseph B. Andrews, James Miller, John Fulton, . Henry.C. Patter. [apl-2c* r®* ™ COLORED-uariOST BIIUHS SOCIETY. —Row JAMES HAMILTON Will dc iiyer,?;clls,Co}H's®,'bef9rG the SocietyTHlSTWoducsday) at /Ji o’clockv in SUiloh Baptist Church, CLIFTON Stvf ct, above TENTH. The public arc alFcc tionatcly invited to attend. - - • . u* “ WASHINGTON AND ITS PUBLIC %C^fc-'MEN, :, ia'Lectnve by Rev. E. AY. HOTTER, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, April 9th. ' 1 ? E PLURIBUS UNUM,” - A Lecture by Rev. G. F. KROTEL, same Hall, - on THURSDAY EVENING, April 16th. • • “THE FUTURE OF THIS WORLD,”- A Lecture bv Rev. .TOS. A. SETSS, D.D., same Hall, on THURSDAY April‘23d. TICKETS 25 cents, lor sale at the Lutheran Publication House, No. 4r?a North NINTH Street, and at the door on the evening of each Lecture. it OPENING OF TWJBNTTETH WARD NATIONAL UNION READING ROOM.— A.meeting of the loyal citizens of Twentieth ward, will be held at the Hall, southwest cornerof ELEVENTH Street and GIRARD Avenue, on THURSDAY Evening, April 2d, at S o’clock. . ‘ Hon, WILLIAM H. ARMSTRONG, of Lycoming county, and other distinguished speakers, will address the meeting. By order of tlie . V •. apl-2t* NATIONAL UNION WARD C IMMITTEE. - AID S(y °^ Y > ***}P X : EECEIPTS FOR MARCH. Received at 701 Walnut street, from Newtown, Penna., Üboxes. KeDnelt Aid Society, lbox; Fairfield, Conn-, lbox. Brothers, 2 boxes; Huntingdon, Penna., 1 Lf?\sthton, Penna.,l box; Bowentown and Dutch ReekVN. J.. lbox. . • N. J.', lbox; St. John’s Lutheran Church, lbox. „ Doylestown, -Penna., 1 box, 2 birrelß; Hartsville, Penna., l box,_3 barrels. Greenwich, N, J., 1 box; Phillipsbnrg, N. J. ,lbox, 1 barrel r. • - > South H&sley, 1 box; Bridgeton, N. J., 2- ■ boxes. \ r Hoboken,. N. J., 1 box, 1 barrel; Salem, -N. -J., 1 barrel. Pottsville, Penna., 2 boxes; Hancock’s Bridge, N. J., 2 boxes, v \ Churchville, Bu-jksco ,'l box; Lambertyille, N. J., 4 boxes. Bucks co., 1 keg of eggs. At >be rooms, corner of Walnut and Twelfth streets from Lfidics’ Aid, of Fraulcford l Prsc byterian Church, 1 box hospital supplies'. ' Ladies’Society Princoton, N. J., 17 pairs knit woolen stockings. . Bale from Bustleton,.with 57 pairs drawers, 18 shirts, knit stockings, 150 pairs; slippers, 28 pairs; handker chiefs, 2C; towels, 12; 1 keg pickles 1 box dried beef; 1 box preserves, 1 box ]emon3, 1 do cornstarch, quantities of jellies, canned tomatos, canned frails, farina, catsup, herbs, lint, linen, .traces, and other readingraatter. Cash on hand. March Ist $565 13 Received in March. ...... 67S 01 Expended in March 673 S 7 Cash on hand NOTICE,—THE ANNUAL MEET' ISO*-* mg of tiie Rosine Association of Philadelphia will be heJd at Handel and Haydn Hall on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, April 2<i, at 3R o’clock, when a Board of Managers will be chosen, anil the usual business trans acted. . . Ail ladies arc respectfully invited to attend. mh3l-3t* |*S3P* NOTICE.—THE BOARD OF MA NaG<SRS of the Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad Company have declared a dividend of three and one-half per cent., clear of. National Tax, payable on and a;ter the Ist day of April next. Transfers will not be marie for ten davs after the 21st Instant. . W. S. WILSON, Treasurer. March 14,1563. - mhl6-mvvf tapl. JHOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, tUi 16(0=* CUTHBKKT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tl‘ Secretary,of Board of Managers. Si JfK?*' OFFICE HUNTINGDON AWD BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPA NY, 258 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, March 25, 1863 —The interest*coupons on the First Mortgage bonds of this Company, due April 1,1£63, will be paid on and after that day on presentation at the office of the Company. J. P. AERT3EN, mh26-7t - Treasurer. MONUMENT CEMETERY NO- TICE. —An assessment of 60 cents on each and every lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) will be due and payable at the office of the Ceme. ery* No. 141 North SIXTH Street, on. the Ist day of April next. The payment of $4.40 on any one lot, together with the assessments now due, will exempt the same from taxation or assessment forever hereafter, if paid before the Ist day of-April next; if paid after that time, the as sessment then falling due mustbe paid in addition. mhl7-tapl E TAYLOR. Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA MINING* COSI -FANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that the Annual Meetinglof the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 417 WAL NUT Street,[Philadelphia, on MONDAY, April6th, 1863, at 12 o’clock M., at which time and place* an election for Nine Directors, to serve for one year, will be held. S. M. DAY, Secretary. Dated Philadelphia. March 20,-1863 v ,mh2M4t OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR ICP* TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should applyiramediately at the office of the SuTgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. i B. FRANK PALMER, . ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. REMOVAL. . THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION HAS REMOVED FROM No. 27 SOUTH SIXTH STREET No. 1307 CHESTNUT STREET. mli3o-6t /' „ , Jj NIT E D STATES SANITARY COMMISSION, No. 1307 CHESTNUT STREET. To allwho have Friends in the Army.—Soldiers, Aid Societies, Clergymen, Editors, and others, are/respect fully requested to aid in disseminating the following notice, which is of interest to all who have friends in the Army:, 7 “ DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements, for supplying information gratuitously with regard to patients in the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added):. PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT.—For information, address Office Sanitary Commission, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. * Philadelphia, Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Chester, Reading, Harrisburg. NEW-YORK DEPARTMENT. —For information . ad dress*-Office Woman’s Central Union, No. 10 Cooper Institute. • New York, N. Y;; New Haven, Conn.: B oston. Mass.; Portsmouth Grove. R. I.; Brattleboro, Vfc.; Burlington, Vt.; Albany, N. Y.; Newark, N. J. EASTERN DEPARTMENT.—For information address Office Sanifary Commission, Washington, D. C. • Washington, D. C.; Georgetown, D. C.; Baltimore, Md.; Frederick City, Md.; Alexandria D. C.; An napolis, Md.; Annapolis Junction. 3rd. ; Point Lookout, Md.; Aquia Creek, Ya.; Cumberland, Md. Fairfax, Va.; York, Pa. WESTERN DEPARTMENT. —For information address Office Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Ky. Columbus, Ohio; Keokuk, Iowa; Clarksville, Tenn.; Cleveland, Ohio; Davenport, Iowa; Jackson, T9nn.; Camp Dennison, Ohio; Paducah, Ky. ; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Galliapolis, Ohio; Bardstown, Ky.La Grange, .Tenn. Cincinnati, Ohio; Lebanon, Ivy.; Gallatin, Term.; Quincy, III.; Columbus, Ky.; Nashville, Tenu., Cairo, 111.; Columbia, Ky. ; Vicksburg, Miss.; Mound City, 111.; Louisville, Ky.; Corinth, Miss.; • Jefferson vilJfe.lnd.; Covington,-Ivy.; Helena, Arkansas; Evans ville, Ind. ; Lexington, Ky. ; Grafton; Va.; New Al bany,. Jud.; Dmville, Ky ; Point Pleasant, Va.; St. Louis,' Mo. ; Perryville, Ky.; Parkersburg, Va.; Iron ton, Mo.; Bowling Green, Ky.; Clarksburg, Va.; Holla, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Charlestown, Va. ; Springfield, Missouri. Information will, under ordinary circumstances, be given to any one applying for it in answer to the follow ing questions. If the application is by letter, the an swer will be sent by return of mail. If in person, it will be answered at once. -1. Js —r - (giving name and regiment) at present in the •hospital of ? 2. If so, what is his proper address? 3. What is the name of the Surgeon or Chaplain of the hospital? . • 4. If not in hospital at present, has he recently been m hospital? < 5. If so, did he die in hospital; and at what date? ,6. If recently discharged from hospital, was he dis charged from service ? 7. If not, what were his orders on leaving ? BMore tpecific infoimation, as to the condition of any patient in the Philadelphia hospitals, will be furnished within twenty-Tour hours after a request to do so is re ceived at the office. No. 130T.CBE3TNUT Street. The office of the Directory will be open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P. M. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Contributions to its treasury are so licited, and will be thankfully received by ; CALEB COPE, Esq., Treasurer, x apl-wfm 12t N. E, corner of MINOR and SIXTH Sts. A SCHOLAR OF THIS. CITY, NOW several young men, by private tuition, for the Fall term of Eastern Colleges, has vacancies for two more pupils. Address “CLASSICAL,” at this office. apl-3ta tuths6t* rfHE PHILADELPHIA TEACHERS’ A INSTITUTE,’ 817 South THIRD street, supplies Schools and Families with the beat Educational Talent in the country. ; An Instructress m English and Musio wanted for a family. /■ it* Notice.— me. rodolphe lien hart. in New York, is authorized to.sign our firm hy procuration. APPOLD MJHULTHESS & CO., Lyons, France. March 1, 1863. ftpl-6t* XTOTIOE TO RAILROAD CONTRAO- Al TORS. r . PROPOSALS will be received at the Company’s Office, BORDENTOWN, New Jersey, until the 13th ofc APRtL next, for the GRADING of a Double Track railway from Trenton to Dean’s Pond, a distance of. 17 miles,.(where it intersects the Double Track to New Brunswick,) on the Branch of the Camden and Amboy Railroad.; Plans, Profiles, and Specifications, can beseenatthe office by the 9th of April, when the line will be ready for inspection.. ./- . , . • WILLIAM .COOK, i ‘ Engineer Camden and Amboy Railroad. Bordentown, March 30. 1863. apl-lOt ft I LYE EW ARE—A ■ SPLENDID assortment of New aiid Fashionable Silverware will DA Yi' IMOnN™G AS & SOKS TO-MORROW (THURS- OPENING- OP HANDSOME ASMISPRING BONNETS, for LADIES and MISSES. . Trimmed Goods for Children. Ribbons, Flowers, Straw Goods.- &c., on-THURSDAY, April 2, at B. P. GILL Sc CO ’S. IjtO ARCH St. apl-2t« pOIN SALE—THE GOINS OP ED WARD COG AN’S sale, in New York, on the 7th and Bth April, will be on EXHIBITION, at No. 4r9 North .TENTH Street, Philadelphia, on-the-Ist and. 2d April, till 6 o’clock-each day. - . . . March 31, 1863. . apl-2t*. T3RICK PRESSES, CLAY WHEELS, Kilns, Casting, Brickmßkers’ Tools, Factory 309 South FIFTH St. Cmhl4-lin*3 g. p. MILLER. retail dry goods* gPECLS L NOTICE TO, LADIES. USE GEORGE P. FARMER’S DOUBLE PATENT NEEDLES. These needles are secured on paper like pins, and sold in packages of one dozcu each. They are more-economical and useful than any noodle offered. . .. . For aalehy .‘JOHN MU ST IN, 80GCHE8TNUT Street; aud corner of ARCH and SE VEN! II Street*; also at LEFi & REED’S, CWaruock'e old stand,) 4:3 North EIGHTH Street. apl-wf&inG; 1024 OBESTNUT.-STUKIST; The Ladies arc invited to call and examine the NEW “COVENTRY RUFFLING,’’ The moit desirable Trimming yet introduced for LADIES’ AND .CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, ' E . M . .NEEDLES,. apl-6t 102* CHESTNUT Street. . QREN I N G . . J. M. HAFLETGH, (successor to L. J. tEn' l C 0.,.) No. 723 C H ESTKUT STR EE T, WILL OPEN SPRING CLOAKS, ON THURSDAY, APRI.Ii 3. Just received per steamer, the latest Paris Novelties in ORGANDIES, , OK’G iNDY ROBES, > PIQUE ROBE?, ; ' .. PERCALE ROBES. Iu port per Asia: ONE HUNDRED PIECES PLAIN TAFFETAS, Embracing all the new shades. ‘ mh3l-3t jg ; M. NEEDLES, I 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. Has just received NEW GOODS, as follows : PUFFED MUSLINS; striped, figured, Bayadere, and other fancy SHEER MUSLINS, for waists, bodies, and dresses.,' ' ' "y 10 pieces pure white, plaid, and BAYADERE FRENCH ORGANDIES. 40 pieces real-FRENCH MUSLINS, 2 yards wide, 75 cents up. 50 pieces PIQUES,' in fancy and plain buff and white, 40 cents up, . -• * • JACONETS, CAMBRICS, NAINSOOKS, MULLS, SWISSES, etc., in alllheir varieties of plain, striped, and plaids.’ - LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in all varieties, 12Xc up. 100 pieces New Styles PRINTED. LINEN CAMBRICS for dresses. NEW EMBROIDERIES, INFANT'S: ROBES, COL LARS, and SETS, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, FLOUNC INGS. &c. NEW LACES, VEILS, COLLARS, SETS, &c, 100 dozen 6RENADINE VEILS. NEW LACE, Embroidered and Raffled HDKFS. The above, with many other goods, are offered at very LOW PRICES, many of them much below present cost of importation, and at a very small advance on prices of a year ago. An inspection of my stock is respectfully solicited. E. M. . .NEEDLES, TYRY GOODS, LESS THAN THEY -LJ CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE.—We offer a large stock of Table Linens, most of which are old stock, from fc's cents per yard to finest imported. A large lot of old stock Napkins, from $1.75 per dozen up to finest. 01<f stock Doylies, from §5l per dozen up. Shirting Linen, fullyaTd wide, at 45 ana 55 cents, 14 yard pieces. Also, an old lot of fine Marseilles' Quilts, imported in 1557, at old prices, (we call particular attention io this lot, believing them to bo about one half the present prices,) from $3 to $lO each. Also, Muslins of all kinds, at the very lowest prices. Purchasers will phase bear in mind that, as these goods have not been raised to the high prices how pre vailing, there can. be no possibility of their being lower. R. D. & W. H PENNELL, No. 1031 MARKET Street. mh3o-3t : ; . • below Eleventh. ftHBAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS. GIL CLOTH, AND WINDOW SHADES:—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR KET Streets, will open tbis morning from Auction. In grain Carpets, at 50, 62, 75, 87c., and SI; Eotry and stair Carpets, 50c. to $1; Fag Carpets. 45 to 65c.; Floor Oil Clothe, 50 to 75 cts.; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 75c. to $1.50; Sheeting, Shirting, and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 cts.; Table Linens, 62c. to $1; Napkins, ; White and Marseilles Quilts, - $3 to 'sB; Stella Shawls, $3 to $8; Mous de Lainos,>2s to 370.; Chiutzes. 22 to' 2Sc.; Clotn Table Covers, 51.50 to $4; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, 75. cts. to $1.50; Fancy Shirting Flannels, 50 to 65c. ~ .•.' mhll-wfmlra WIWIN lIA LI, & CO., 26' SOUTH AJ SECOND Street, have now open. New styles of Fancy Silks. Plain Silks, of the new shades. Neat Check Silks. v Spun Silk Plaids. Printed Pongees and Foulards. Black and colored. Corded Silks. mb23 „ . Black Taffetas and Gros de Rhines, &c. Wfl ITB GO 0D S, EMBROIDEBED .▼ 1 TRIMMINGS, &c.—The subscribers have a large assortment of all descriptions of White Goods for.Ladies’ Wear; also of Embroidered JaconeL Cambric, and Swiss Trimmings—the choicest goods in the market. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN/& ARRISON, ' mh4 1008 CHESTNUT Street. - MILITARY GOODS. Q.O’VERNMENT . GOODS. Standard 10 ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. - Mixed Twilled Flannels. . Sky Blue Kerseys. FAKNHAM, KIEKHAM, & GO., No. !4 3 0 CHESTNUT STREET. mha)-Sm Q. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANSOM-STKEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS "OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, ASH MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. ]ad-if6m •.••• • ' .• .. HARDWARE AND CUTXERY. j|ARDWARE. CLOSING OUT, AT OLr>PR I O E s , The stock 'of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. 437 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets. mh6-lmif • •- •' 83,000. _ THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN, from the iron safe of the BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD COMPANY, 54 FULTON Street, New York, the following-named BONDS and SECURITIES: 20 Bonds of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Com pany seven per cent. mortgage bonds (secured by lands), each $l,OOO, numbers 1642 to 1661, inclusive', with their coupon bonds. All l, 1856. The following Bonds of the Ciiicago and Northwestern Railway Compauy* viz: - Sixteen (16) Sinking Fund Bonds, (some registered,) numbered as follows: '■ Nos. 809, 810, 828, 1160, 1163, 1170, 1171/1691, each $l,OOO “ 609..... •* “ -500 •**' 367, 476, 480, 295.... “ 200 4 ‘ 148, 151, 47.... “ 100 Also, eight (8) Funded Interest coupon bonds, Nos. 1366, 1367 each 1,000 M 753, 757..... 500 “ 465, 466 f “ 200 : “ 72, 73. “ 100 Also, twenty-six (26) First-mortgage bonds, Nos. 3272, 4269, 4270, 4271, 4272, 4273, 4274, - 4275, 4276, 4277, 4278, 4281, 4282, 4283, 4254, 4285, 4286, 4287, • 4738/ 4740, 5316, - ' . •5842 1J)00 “ 2265...'. 44 - 500 “ 1778, 1779, 1874 “ 100 Also, three (3) Second-mortgage bonds, Nos. 1385, 1820, 1821.'...' “ 1,000 Also, one (1) United Slates six per cent. bond payable in 1867, numbered 9392-.. “ .1,000 Also, Bond No. 196, $l,OOO, First Mortgage, Now Al bany and Salem Railroad Company, with ten per cent, int&rest coupons. -' , '„ r • . Also, Bond and Mortgage of Orloff M, Dorman, late of Chicago, to M. S. Gould, $6,000. . . ••••. : ; , Also, other Securities, and about five hundred dollars in Treasury demaud notes, bank bills, and gold. The. above reward will be paid for the recovery of the Bonds. The public are cautioned against purchasing or nego tiating the same. FISHER HOWE, Treasurer; ‘ New York, April 21, 1862. - - mh3o-3t . tfclfin REWARD!—WHEREAS. ON nP lUUthe evening of the 26th, or morning of the 27th of March instant, some evil-disposed person maliciously defaced the plate-glass windows of the store occupied by the subscribers, by scratching them with a diamond, The above reward will be paid for any information which will lead to the detection and conviction of the, scoundrel. $lOO additional will be given by the Owner, of the Property for the discovery of the Offender. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., . mh2B-6t ’’ No. 930 CHESTNUT Street. TTODGSON’S; CHEMICAL BLU E - AJ- BLACK WRITING FLUID, warranted equal to any, either American or Foreign; vouched by the Frank lin Institute’s Silver Medal, and by the testimony of the first merchants of Philadelphia. ■ This WRITING FLUID has now won an established reputation as not being excelled in quality by anr ink in. tb e -Americ an market . Its advantages are, that it is per fectly limpid, writing blue and soon changing to pure black—not clogging the pen, and remarkably mild on steel pens—not given to mouldiness or decomposition, and tnougKequal in all respects to the best English, yet not much more than half its price. It should, therefore, take the place of all foreign writing fluids. ‘ For sale by the manufacturer, . W. HODGSON, Chemist, No. 103 North TENTH Street, above Arch, Sold by Stationers and Druggists in Philadelphia and elsewhere. , • mh!B-wfmlm •ftTOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, FRANKLINS, FARMERS’BOILERS, . CAULDRONS, See., Will he sold at bargains, as the business will .be closed up. Will be held at private sale for a short time. ;lne assortment ie full and large, of the most approved hind. Among the lot are the celebrated Stuard’e and Annexa tion Davis Cooks, and the American Parlor Gas-Burner Stoves. Good housekeepers only know how-to appre ciate them. J. M. PLEIS, . Ko 133 Norlh SECOND street, . mli2B,3o.apl3t* . . . Philadelphia. TPNYELOPES AT NO. 316 CHESTNUT A_i Street. Envelopes at No. 316 Chestnut Street. Magee’H Envelope Manufactory ; • .. Is at No. 316 Chestnut Street. Magee’s Paper Store, No. 316 Chestnut Street. Wholesale and Retail, • At MAGEE’S, No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, between Third and Fourth. - mh2B-3t TVORYTYPES SUCH FINE SPECI -*-,MENS OF IVORYTYPES as those of HEIMER’S are rarely met with. For purity of tone and depth of color they are not surpassed. SECOND Street,' above GREEN. -It A DHESIYE LABELS.—LABELS OF all descriptions Printed and GUMMED, on reason able terms, by RINGWALT & BROWN, Steam-Power Printers. mh3l-12t 111 and 113 South FOURTH, Phila. TWfBS. S. J. HUTTON’S SIMPLIFIED ■DA gystem of DRESS-CUTTING, adapted to all sizes and flguresjtansbtju half-hour lessons. Price *3. K. E ftcorner ELEVENTH and SANSOM Streets. Ladieß and Dress-makers would do well to ’call and examine. Waist pattern cut .by this system to fit the form for 12 cents. Great inducements offered to agents. j,v - ~ • . - ' mh2B-12t ft CRAP IRON, METALS, MACHINE- O bt , and TOOLS, bought for gghUyr & mh27-6t*if SOUTH and PENN. riH AMPAGNE.—AN INVOICE OP “Gold Lac” and “Gloria’’Champagne, just re ceived per ship Win. Nelson; for sale by the sole Agents in the United States, CHAS. S. & JAS. CARSTAIRS, mhl3 No. 136 WALNUT and 31 GRANITE Sta ' THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1, 1863. JOHN KELLY, JR, HAS REMOVED FROM 1032 CHESTNUT STREET. Where he presents to'former patrons and the public the advantages of * STOCK OF GOODS,equatif not su perior, to any in'tbe city—the skill and tasto of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the city—at prices much lower tha n any othei first- class esta blishment of.the city. pihSl-tf WAN AMAEEB & BROWN'S “OAK HALL" CLOTHING, Southeast corner SIXTH and MARKET street*. WANAMAKER& BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN’S WA NAM AKER & BhOWN’S WANAMAKER & BROWN’S WAN AM AKER & BROWN’S WANAMAKER& BROWN'S x : WANAM AKER & BROWN’S WANAMAKER& BROWN’S : WANAMAKBR & BRAWN’S WANAMAKF.R & BROWN’S WANAMAKER & BROWN’S - - WANAMAKBR & BROWN’S “OAK HALT/’ CLOTHING, “OAK PALL” CLOTHIFG, “OAK HALL” CLOTHING, . - - “OAK HALL” CLOTHFNG, - “ OAK HALL’.’ CLOTHING, “OAK HALL’’CLOTHING, “OAK HALL” CLOTHING, “OaK; HALL” CLOTHING, “OAK HALL” CLOTHING, “OAK HALL” CLnTHrNG, “OAK HALL" CLOTHING, “ OAK HALL” CLOTHING, BPRING AND SUMMER, 1863, - . ? BPRING AND SUMMER,IB63, , SPRING AND SUMMER, 1863, SPRING AND SUMMER,IB63, * SPRING AND PUMMER.IS63, SPRING AND SUMMER, 1863, SPRING AND SUMMER,IB63,' SPRING AND SUMMER,IB6S, r - SPRING AND SUMMER, 1863, - SPRING AND SnMMER,IBQ3, ' SPRING AND SUMMER, 1563, - SPRING AND SUMMER, 1863, ; 8. F. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. . 8. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. . S. E. GOR. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. S. K. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. • B. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTTI & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. mhl3-tje3o 13LACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, : At 704-MARKET. Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, 85.50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, 85.50, At 704 MARKET Sireet BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50. At 701 MARKET Street GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’B, No 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GnNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GUNTEN’S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street. mh2l-6m ■ - • •• JJOYS’ CLOTHING. JACKETS AND PANTS. BOYS’ SUITS, $6. \ . * BOYS’ SUITS, $7. : BOYS’ SUITS, $B. BOYS’ SUITS, $9. - ■ BOYS’ SUITS, $lO. BOYS' SUITS, $ll. SACKS AND SUITS MADE TO ORDER. LARGE STOCK OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT RETAIL FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. COOPER & CONARD. • mh!4-tf '6. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Sts. ■g.. HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, STOCKS aDd BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on, Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 5-20 TEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. t ■ Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., Johnß. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Fumess,Brinley,&Co., John Thomas, Esq. - ■ / apl-3m if ■gDf ARD M. DAVIS, A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. , Stocks and .Bonds Bought' and- Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m QOUPONS 7 3TO, W A N TED JpiRST APRIL COUPONS CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS BOUGHT OK COLLECTED. mh27-10t JOHN C. CAPP &SON, STOCK AND NOTE BEOKEKS, Directly opposite the Mechanics’Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS. TJ. S. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERNMENT APTEII FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above ' Interest ■will commence , from the. DATE OF SUB-. SCKIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at tin? Mint, - or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States,- on the first days of May and November of each year.. At premium or gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. . -A full supply always on hand. . On and after July Ist, 1863, the privilege of convert ing.; the present issue of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOANXcom . monly called. ‘' Five-Twenties”) will ceaße. , All who wish to invest in. the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the Ist of JULYinext. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, mh4-tjyl : v H* South THIRD Street, Philada. Money to invest.— persons wishing to make safe investments of money on the eecurity of Real Estate in the State of Delaware, can ob tain all the necessary information in relation thereto by addressing;. B. B. COMEGYS; ’ ja24-w&s3m At the Philadelphia Bank. <doo non tbust money.—in- TEREST, 5 per cent, for first-class Mortgages of City Property. Apply to !' : . S. W. THACKARA & SON, mh3l-3t* 344: South THIRD Street. non —THIS AM O UNT TO 4 jUV/VJ. Loan on City or Country first mort gages. Cmh2s3 -E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. Paper p at terns of the latest Fashions. Wholesale and Retail.—New SPRING CLOAKS, Sleeves, . Waists, and Children’s Patterns, now ready at Jtfrs. S. J. HUTTON’S, N. E. corner ol ELEVENTH and SANSOM Streets. Also, Dresa and Mantilla Making, in all Its branches.. .Madame Demoreßt’s Mirror of Fashion, and cutting and baisting at the shortest notice. ■ ■ . Runningrstitch Sewing Machine. Le Bon Ton Fashion Book for sale. ! : .; . -Stamping for Braiding and Embroidery. mh2B-12t WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, ; • UNDERTAKER, •: Has removed from his former residence to No. 44 North ELEVENTH Street; third house 1 below Arch,;west Bide • : mh3l-lmif. TTNIVEIISAL CLOTHES-WRINGER, LJ Saves its value in wear of clothes every six months. No. 1, Large Family Wringer .$lO. 1 With cogs, . No. 2, MfdiumFamily Wringer..... 7. } Warrautsq. No- 2>£, Medium Family Wringer.. $6. \ Without cogs. No. 3, Small Family wringer. 5.J Not warranted. No Wringer can bo durable without cog-wlL&els. WALCOTT & BURNHAM, 731 CHK&TNUT St.,'; Exclusive Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania; mb4-*f-lin* . -■ Olive oil.—an invoice; just received: and-for sale by CQAS. S. &-.JAS. CA.R -STAIRS, No. 136 WALNUT, and SI GRANITE Street#. CLOTHING, TAIL OR, EDWARD P. KELLY’S, 14-3 South. TIIIRD Street, s! e! cor! sixth & market! S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET. FINANCIAL. No. 31? WALNUT STREET. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up Btairs,), Philadelphia. DUE FIRST APRIL, L)REXEL & CO . 7 3-10 ABOUT MATURING, DREXEL & GO. No. 33 South THIRD Street, COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. FIVE-TWENTIES, twenty-year six-per-cent, bonds, LOAN AT PAR. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114- SOUTH- THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' DRY GOODS JOBBERS. L. HALLO WELL & CO., NO. 615 CHESTNUT STREET, (JAYIfE’B. MARBLE BUILDING,) Have now in stock, and are daily receiving, a handsome assortment of KowForeign FAN C Y I) R Y GOODS SIL K S , Ali purchased since the recent DECLINE IN GOLD AND EXCHANGE, and which will be soldat a SMALL ADVANCE FOR CASH apl-2m COMMISSION - HOUSES. ANT O N FL ANN EL S , Heavy and Medium. NEG R O KERSEYS, Plain and Twilled. LIN SEYB, White Rock, Westerly.&c., &c; BROWN DRILLS. OnliPnd, andforsaleby rAZAKD, & HUTCHINSON, apl-lSt . , 113 CHESTNUT Street, GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. . DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. - SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. " . DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by , . FKOTHINGHAM & WELLS. : sel-if tf' . - : g PIT PLEY, HAZAR D , & HUTCHINSON, * No. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF P H 1111) Elj V HIA -MA B E GOODS. mhBl-6m . , IHEDICAt. “A smile was on her lip—health was in ner look, strength wa6 in her step, and‘in her hands—Plantation Bitters. ” S.—T.—lB6o—X. A few bottles of Plantation, Bitters W Dl cure Nervous Headache. “ Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. “ Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath. “ Flatulency and Indigestion. “ Nervous Affections. ’ Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. “ • Pain over the Eyes. “ .Mental Despondency. “ Prostration; Great Weakness. “ Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, &a. Which are the evidences of ' LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It is estimated, that seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary secretions of the liver overflowing into the stomach, poison the entire system, and exhibit the above symp toms. After longresearch, we are able to present the most re markable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has-ever produced. Within one year over six hundred and forty, thousand persons have taken the Plantation Bitters, and not an instance of complaint has come to our knowledge! It is a most effectual tonic, and agreeable stimulant, suited to all conditions of life. « The reports that it relies upon mineral substances for its active properties, are wholly false. For the public, satisfaction, and that patients may consult their physi cians, we append a list of its components. Calisaya Bark— Celebrated for over two hundred .years in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, &c._ Itjwas introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Pern, in 1640, and after wards sold by the Jesuits 'for*fits enormous price of its own weight in silver, under the name of Jesuit's Pow ders, and was finally made public byLouis XYI, King of France. Humboldt makes especial reference to ils •febrifuge qualities during his South Araerican travels. Cascartlla Bark— -For diarrhoea, colic, and diseases of the stomach and: bowels. ,_ -• Dandelion— For inflammation of theloins, and dropsi cal affections. .. ' Chamomile Flowers— For enfeebled digestion. Lavender Flowers— Aromatic, stimulant, and tonic; highly invigorating in nervous debility. Wintergreen— For scrofula, rheumatism, &c. Anise— An aromatic; carminative, creating flesh, mus cle and milk; mueh used by mothers-nnrsing. clove-hudSjYrange, cairaway, coriander, snake- root, &c, ' • ‘ r -' : ..." . ; S. —T.—IB6O—X. •: * Another wonderful ingredient, of Spanish origin, .im parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and We withhold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES, r Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 28,1861. Messrs. P. H Drake &, Co.:—l have been a great suf ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my,profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters; and to my great joy, I am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in several cases, and, as far as I know, always with signal benefit. l am respectfully yours, Philadelphia, loth Month, 17th Day, 1862. Respected Friend My daughter has been much benefited by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. .Thou wilt send'me two bottles more. / Thy friend, • ASA CURRIN. Sherman House, Chicago, 111., Feb. 11, 1863. Messrs. P. H. Drake & Co. Please send us another twelve cases of your Plantation' Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to have superseded everything else, and are greatly esteemed. •Yours, &c., GAGE & WAITE. Arrangements are now completed to supply any da mandtor this article, which from lack of Government stamps has not heretofore been possible. The public may rest assured that in no. case will the .perfectly pure standard ofthe Plantation Bitters be de parted from. Every ’[bottle bears the facsimile of our. signature on a steel plate engraving, or it cannot be genuine.. Soldby all Druggists, Grocers, and Dealers. through out the country. • • • w • P. H. DRAKE & CO., 303 BROADWAY, New York. - fe27-fmwtaplif .: •; • .. . - . - . - J)ll. STOEYER’S STOMACH BITTERS, . For the cure of Dyspepsia. FOR SALE AT HOTELS AND DRUGGISTS. Principal Philadelphia D^pot, apl-ws&m!2t* . 356 South SECOND Street. PURIFY THE BLOOD— NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that' have betn made to purge it out, none j have been found which could equal in effect AYER’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF- SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates tho blood, instils the vigor of • health into the system, and purges outthe humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood; Its extraordinary virtues are not yet wide ly known, but when they are, it will no longer be a Question what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an . alterative, remedy. Such a remedy, that could be relied'on, has long been sought for, ana now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does’not admit certificates to show its .effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues suT §assing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from crofala. Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pim ples, Pustules; Blotches, JSrupHons, &c.-, are soon cleaned out of the system. St. Anthony's Fire , Rose or or Salt Rheum. Scald Read, Ringworm, &c., slfhld not be borne while they can be so speedily cured by Aybb’b Sarsaparilla. • . • ■ ; - „ _ „ Syphilis or Venereal Disease Ab expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this Sarsaparilla, and the patient is left as healthy as if he had never had the Female Diseases are caused by scrofnla in the blood, and are generally soon cured by this EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a family physic, take AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS, which are everywhere known to be the beet purgative that is offered to the American peo ple. Price, 25,cents per box. or five boxes for $l. ■ Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Pruggists everywhere. fel6-mwf2m Tj*YE AND EAR.—PROF. J. ISAACS, X-i oculist and Aurist, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at No. 511 PINE Street, where he treat* all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cures— If curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. B.—No charges made for examination* Office hours from 8 to 11 o’clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. ja4-3m* OIL PAINTINGS. JAMES S. EARLE <& SON Would direct particular attention to their - FINE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS. ,Which they offer during. THIS WEEK ONLY, At VERY MODERATE PRICES, (previous to their with drawal entirely from sale in this city,) FAR LESS-than those realized-at the RECENT SALES by auction. Among these PROMINENT WORKS are SELECTIONS made with great care, from the easels of Paul Weber, Van Starkenborgb,.Sully, Sonntag, Boutelle, E. Moran, T. Moran, Meyerheiml Rothermel, De Haas. EARLE’S GALLERIES, ‘inhBl-2t ; 816 CHESTNUT Street. gTRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA. Just received.- ALBERT O. ROBERTS, . DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. fe2s CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. E R R’S FURNISHING, CHINA AND G L A S S ESTABLISH MENT. CHINA HALL. 539 CHESTNUT STREET. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA. • Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied.. China and glass packed in a proper manner. . , .... 1 N. B. —China decorated to order; also, initials and 'crests elegantly.engraved on table glass. : . Ordfirs by mail promptly attenoer to. • mniy-lm CURRENCY HOLDERS.— GURREN CY Hoiaers-imanufacturei and for sale, wholesale and'retail, at M&GEE'S Envelope Manufactory, No. 31G CHESTNUT Street. mh2B-3t J Notwithstanding the large amount expanded jn getting up this work, (over five thousand dollars, >aud the high price of paper, it is furnished at a very low price. 32m0, 700 pages. Bound in boardß, price $1; or sub stantially bound in muslin, $1.25. / Seut free, by mail, on receipt of price. Address- publishes this morning: Mrs. Edwin James' new book, entitled WANDER INGS OF A BEAUTY ; A Story of Three Loves." A ro mantic and. spicy work, that will irresistibly attract a large portion of the novel-reading community. One ele gant volume, with a channing steel frontispiece; cloth bound , price $l, or paper covers, 7;5 cents. A new book, entitled CHINA AND THE CHINESE, by our late Consul at Shanghai, Mr. W. L. G. Smith. An interesting and valuable work on a country not often visited. Onevol., clotli bound, price $L AROUND THE PYRAMIDS. A sketchy book of tra vel through the Holy Land and portions of Europe, by Gen. Aaron Ward. One vol., cloth bound, price $1.25. ; books are sold by all booksellers, and will beseiitby mail free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher,-New York, apl-w&s No. 4:13 Broadway, cornerLISPrNARP St. TTIND-BOOK OF THE U. S. TAX AA - LAW. EVERY LAWYER should have it!' EVERY BANKER end every BROKER should have it * EVERY INSURANCE COMPANY should have it! ' ■ EVERY RAILROAD’COMPANY’ should have it! EVERY COLLECTOR should have it i EVERY ASSESSOR should have if EVERY AGENT should have it! EVERY MERCHANT should have it ! • EVERY BUSINESS MAN should have it! EVERY MANUFACTURER should have it! EVERY STOREKEEPER shou’d have it! EVERYBODY TAXED should have it! BF.CAUSE the Law is simplified and explained. BECAUSEit is elucidated by copious Notes andludexed. BECAUSE it contains all the Decisions of the Commis sioner BECAUSE it gives all the Judicial Expositions. ~-~ BECAUSE Every Pursuit and Every Article Taxed is Sfparately treated. »•" BECAUSE the Subjects are Alphabetically arranged, . and do’hing is omitted. BECAUSE it contains everything that is known and de cided in respect to the Law. • Onevol. 12m0., over 300 pages, bound in cloth; price $1.25.' > Address, JOBNS. VOORHIES, 20 Nassau St., N. Y. or BAKER & GODWIN, Printing-House Square, N. Y. Cash orders from the Trade and Canvassers XT E W BOOKS. -L ’ THE CHILDREN OF.BLACKBERRY HOLLOW, Six very attractive and instructive stories, under the titles of “The Red khoes,” ‘ New Bonnet,” “Tom- Lane’s Cent,” “The Little Brown House,” “The White Frock,” and ‘ ‘ Little Lights, ” making a nice little libra ry, uniformly bound in cloth, and in a neat box. Price, Si. Published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, ■PHILADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS. - J- The attention of Booksellers is respectfully called to the NEW TAX BOOK. This is the only work pub lished which gives all that is known and has been de cided in respect to the United States Tax Law. It is I‘ealJy a very useful and valuable Hand-book.- It has been prepared with greatcare by AMASA A. REDFIELD, Esq., Counsellor at Law, and is one of .the most popular works recently issued. The first edition is nearly ex'- hansted, and a hew edition is now in press. Onevol 12mo, neatly bound, price $1.23. Cash orders from the Trade solicited. A liberal dis count allowed. ■VTATIONAL QUARTERLY REYIEW. —Subscriptions received at, office of NEW AMERI CAN CYCLOPEDIA, 33 South.SIXTH Street. mli3l-3t 'THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL -*- FOR APRIL contains Portraits and Characters of Mr. CHARLES W. STAFFORD, the inventor of the Projectile; the Bevy ALFX. CLARK, the Poet and Preacher. ETHNOLOGY of the NEGRO, the Saxon, Norse, and .Dane. How to Talk, Language, its func tions and cultivation. Memory. A Scotch Miser—Go ing to Europe. Art and Artists—Hidden Life, Revealed by Microscope. Anatomy of the Brain—Spiritual, In tellectual and Social Organs; Born Again. Physiogno my—The “ Chinits Language Love, Economy, etc. Human Perfection,/by a Clergyman—How Attained, in the April PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL-lOc or $1 a year. FOWLER & WELLS; New York. \ Or, J. L. CAPEN, mh3l-2t 933 CHESi’NUT Street, Phila. “MOTHINC BUT- THE MOST .-L ' guarded NarrationofEveDts wifchoutComment.” “The Embodiment of all that is Valuable and the only Bistory of the War that cau be x'elied on. ” THE REBELLION RECORD. ' Edited by FRANK MOORE. Four Volumes are . now ready. It is indis pensable to every public aud private Library. The Four Volumes contain a full and concise Diary of Events ; over One Thousand Official Reports and Narratives ; over Five Hundred Songs and Ballads; Forty-seven Steel Por traits; Also, Maps'and Plans of Battles, &c. Agency for the Rebellion Record, 33 South SIXTH Street, Office of American Cyclopedia. N. B.—Subscribers to Record in Monthly Parts, who have not received as far as Part 24, musfc ; complete their sets at once, as after April 10th no back numbers will be sold. mh3l-3t ■piESSB’S WHOLE ART OP PER FUMERY, and .Method of Obtaining the Odors of Plants. With instructions for the manufacture of Per fumes for the Handkerchief, Scented Powders^Odorous Vinegars, Dentifrices, Pomatum, Cosmetics, Perfumed Soap, &c. With an Appendix, on the Colors of Flowers, Artificial Fruit, &c., &c. By.G.W. SEPTIMUS PIE3SE, author of “The Odom of Flowers, ” &c. KEY. J. S. CATHORN. PHILADELPHIA, From the official recorded Surveys of the City. In twenty-five Sections or Maps, showing the size of blocks, width of streets, location of buildings, churches, parks, railroads, cemeteries. &c. Exhibiting on a large scale GERMANTOWN,- WEST PHILADELPHIA, *FRANKr FORD, and the entire city. Printed on heavy drafting paper and handsomely bound. A work of groat value at the present time, to capitalists and those seeking real 1 estate investments. Priefl, §2O. By SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, City Surveyor, Eleventh. Disti ict, corner Lancaster avenue and Thirty-fifth street, where copies may he procured, or of T>EADY—(OEFIGIALJ, THE UNITED AV States Conscription Act, or National Militia Bill, with a copious Index for reference. JAMES W. FOR TUNE, Publisher, 103 CENTRE St., N. T. Price, five cents. .. mh2s-lm PROF. GREEN ON OOLENSG- The Pentateuch Vindicated from the Aspersions of Colenso. By Wm. H. Green, D. r D. $1.25. SKETCHES OF THE WAR. A Series of Letters to the- North Moore Street School ofNew Y ork. By Capt. Chas. C. Nott. 75 cents. - GRANDMAMA’S SUNSHINE AND OTHER STORIES-. ISmo. 60 cents. MY MOTHER’S CHAIR. ISmo. 30 cents. THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. By Rev. Samuel T. Spear, D. D. Pamphlet. 10 cents, For Sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, mh23 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE PARLOR GARDENER. -V A complete {lllustrated Guide -to the cultivation of House Plants, care of Green House, Aquarium, and- in structions to many new and.beautiful methods of grow ing Plants, of Grafting, Budding, &c. Price 65 cents. By mail7o cents. J. E. TILTON Si CO., Bostox, mh6-lm ' " ~ Publishers. JVNLYIO CENTS!—JUST RECEIVED, Cartes de Visite of Gen. TOM THUMB and LADY, in Wedding Costume, at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, / 439 CHESTNUT Street, mh2o-tf__ new Post Office. JJAZARITS BOOKSTORE, Tj'LEGANT PHOTOGRAPH COPIES ■D OF NATURAL FLOWERS. - Orchids, Ferns, Roses, Annuals, &c. , &c. , in the most perfect truthfulness to nature, juit ready for the aLbutn, and as copies for the pencil in water, oil, and-crayon, and for coloring with'the new prepared colors. NEW TON’S PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUMEN PIC TURES J. E. TILTON & CO., BOSTON. •you SHOULD PATRONIZE REI MER’S Gallery; when you want a picture. His colored Photographs for $1 are in great demand; the Brice and quality suit the public. SECOND street, above reen. ~ . It NEW PUBLICATIONS. A heretofore unsupflied J 1 WiUvT.. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC, ANNUAL RECORD FOR 18G3. FURNISHING MORE FULL,. ACCURATE, RECENT, ANJ> INTERESTING INFORMATION CONCERN ING THE PRESENT CONDITION OF OUK COUNTRY THAN HAS BEEN IS SUED IN ANY SINGLE VOLUME. In the extent, fulness, and accuracy of its statistics and tbe variety and completeness of its details, it is be lieved that the NATIONAL ALMANAC farsnrpassos any previous stati.-t’cal wotk on ,the United States, and that it must become such a hand-bbok of refereneefor every thing a r pertaining to our national military, naval, agri cull u;al aud religious condition as every person will need. GEORGE W. CHILHS, Publisher,- 638 and 630 CHESTNUT Street. Agents wanted everywhere. » THREE NEW ROOKS , to-dav. CARLETON Compiled from Official Sources, By AMASA A. ■ REDFIELD,. Esq., Counsellor at Law. JQGIr* Sent by mail, prepaid, upon receipt of price. apl-2t No. 1133 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Address JOHN S. YOORHTES, Law Publisher, 80 NASSAU Street, New York, or BAKER & GODWIN, Printers and Publishers, apl-3t TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. A general assortment always on ; hand and for sale, at the lowest prices, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, Booksellers, &c., ,mh3o 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. C M E D L E Y’S ATL A S & : of J. B. LIPEINCOTT & CO. , No. 715 MARKET Street. mh27-lm in CENTS ! 10 GENTS ! 10 CENTS! ■lv For the Bride and Bridegroom. SIR. AND MRS. TOM THUMB, - In Bridal Dress, AT THE ORIGINAL GI?T-BOOK EMPORIUM, 4:39 CHESTNUT Street, mh2o-tf OpposifcethanewPostOfß.ee. T3A CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to be had ina FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on.oui' shelves • AT THE LOWEST PRICES, fse-tf Price for the copies of Flowers 25 cents each, for NEW TON’S Prepared. Colors $3.30, including bottle of Re ducing Liquid and full directions for use. Beware of miserable imitations of these colors. . The genuine have name, J. E. TII/TON & CO., on each box and bottle. mh2o-lm * : , •. ! ■ OF, CENTS.—PHOTOGSiPH AL BUMS from 35 Cents to 25 Dollars! The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that can be found in a first-class Bookstore, at low “idl of G. a. EVANS’ PUBLICATIONS at the OLB PRICES! Call In at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK Ein>ORICM, • -439 CHESTNUT Street. CIKCUIiATING IiIBRAKIES. w BROTHERHEAD’S OIROULA ■Y V • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES ofLiterature. This is tLe ONLY Libraryin the country that includes all the NEW -ENGLIsH -BOOKS that are not RE . Terms $5 per year ? six months $3; three months $1.60 t one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day,-318 South EIGHTH Street. - ; ~ : • . mhB-3ra.. PHOTOGRAPHS. Have you- seen' reimer’s su- PERB . Portraits ? Life-size Photographs in- oil colors. These fine pictures are now made at reduced prices, at SECOND Street, above Green. It MUTT O N! MUTTON ! BAVID B.IPAUL & BROTHERbava ins) te • ceived some very fine South-Down, Cuts* -igfflKLi U and Leister MUTTON. Also, SPRING LaMB, which can be bad at their Stalls, No«. 53 and 55 WESTERN MARKET; corner of SIXTEENTH and MARKET Streets. ; The above Muttop and Lamb can be had any dav in the week; mh‘4Vliu* A BOOK-KEEPER, WHOSE TIME IS not fullr occupied, would devote a'portion of it to ‘ POSTING. BOOKS, See. First-clans city reference. Address * if, ” care of Box 1445, Philadelphia Post Office. - It* WAITED, FROM; THE NEIGHBOR r» HOOD of Eighteenth and Pine ste. ift well-grown BOY, for the WholesaleDryGoodsß Salary, first year, fifty-two dollars. Apply 53559 MARKET ■ Street. • - It* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN ABOUT I » eighteen years of age, who can write a good hand, understands phonography, and possesses a fair know-' ledge of English composition, may obtain a situation by addressinganoteto f ‘K. R .Thu P'rw. WAN TED CLOTHIN G—P ERSo N S ** having Clothing to dispose of will p ! &a u ‘j call or address C. MILLER, 5403 CHESTSt)? st.nthlfi m»Hm* M WANTED TO RENT, FROM JUN 3 to October or November, ft Furnished Hoiuo in <>r near Germantown ; one with stable attached preferred Aridrops. with particulars, Box 235-i P <> . apl-wths’t* m WANTED TO. RENT FOR THE JBfii^Snrnmer—a house at GERMANTOWN, with Stable attached. A Furnished House pVoforred jfcdlr o ** B»x No 20n6. Philadelphia P.wt Office. . mh^7-Si* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENEE'AL’S' OFFICE. — Phi<lai>elphta. Feb. 9, 1863. . VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry O'JAL to the following point*: Torituraa. x Key "West, Fla. Fort.Monroe.Vß. . Alexandria. Va. C. Port Royal, 5. C. A. BOTB, . felO-tf Captain and Aaslet. Quartermaster. Philadelphia. T?OUND.—A SUM OF MONEY WAS found on Tuesday evening, having evidently been*' lost by a soldier. The-proper-person may obtain'it by calling at the office of The Press, proving property, and' Paying •charges.. . . v ’ apl-Bt*~ I OST OK MISLAID—CERTIFICATED No. 106 for 24 shares of Stock in the MANUFAC 7U-’ RERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. All persons are here by cautioned against negotiating same, as application has been made for renewaL fell-w9t* WILLIAM A. RHODES. X OST CERTIFICATES;—NOTICE IS' - hereby given that application has been’made to the Auditor Genoral of Pennsylvania for the issue of diipli- • cnte.softhe'followingdescribed Certiflcates of the Ffve' per Cent. Loans of tlic Commonwealth,' issued by the' Banlrof Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent of the Commonwealth,) in ihe nam« of the Honorable Colonel’ LEICESTER,FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Pstney Surrey, in England: No. 855, dared April 6,' 1837, act of AprillS, 1835, for $5,003.- No, 856,' do do • do do for 551,000/ No. 357, do do do do for $2,003. FOR SALE AND TO LET. pOAL YARD FOR SALE.—THE best fitted-up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises. No. yST Norfch NINTH St., below Girard avenue. mhSl-Gt 4 - QMALL ■COUNTRY■ PLACES FOR P Sale ai GLENN'S Eeal Estate Mart: 13 Acres Chestnut Hill. 16 “ near White Hall Station, N. Penna. Railroad. 36 “ ,Second-street pike and Oxford road. 40 “ Castor road, near Frankford. . 33 “ ■ Progress, N. J. 19 near Phoenixville, Pa. 17 near Lexington Station, N. Penna. Railroad. 44 * “ Fort Washington Station, * odo. do. 30 near Downingfcown, Chester county. 8 “ near “Phoenix villa. Pa. Also, a large Variety of largi- farms, citv properties, building lots, &c. For extended-list see North Ameri can: ' - B. F. GLENN, ? mh2B- 123 Sou'h FOURTH Street. ■C'OE SALE—A VERY DESIRARLE -1- BUILDING LOT, at Thirty-second and Bridge sts., West Philadelphia, with three valuable fronts. Apply to SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, Surveyor Eleventh Dis trict. Peal Estate Office, THIRTY-FIFTH Street and LANCASTER Avenue. mh27-6t* Tj'OE SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE A large LOT OF GROUND, situated at the Southwest comer of INDIANA and FRONT street, extending in depth, crossing Hope street, about 300 feet to Howard street. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad extends through the lot, making it a desirable location for a Foundry, Rolling Mill, Machine Shop, or Coal Depot. Will be sold at a reasonable price and upon accommo dating Apply to ■ LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, mh2S-swGt* s li 35 BEACH Street, above Laurel. g REAL ESTATE A large amount of well-built Property for sale‘in the following locations: Four on FRANKLIN Street ; four on EIGHTH Street; three on POPLAR Street; one on THIRTEENTH Street; one on GREEN Street; two on HUTCHINSON Street, from 82,500 to 89,000, Having a longexperiencc in Building, and a general knowledge ofthevalueofProperty in any part of the city, those wishing to buy or sell will find it to their interest to call on EDWIN BENDER, Real Estate Broker, apl-sl* S. E. Corner EIGHTH St., and GIRARD Av.' jgjj SUMMER RESIDENCE—FOR -HiiH-SALE. a Beautiful Residence, FRANKFORD ROAD and ALLEGHANY Avenue.,' Bouse built in a most su perior manner, and in perfect order; kitchen, laundry, milk-room, and bake-room in basement. Foui rooms on first floor, seven on second. Two furnaces, two ranges, stationary washtubs, washstands. Gas through out. Ice-house, and fine stabling: Grounds handsomely laid,out, fruit trees, shrubbery, statuary, &c. Lot ICO by 320 feet. Apply to J. H. CURTIS A SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 WALNUT Street. inh2o-12cif* gf FOR SALE—THE HOUSE AMD Lot, 1307 HUTCHINSON Street, and Lot adjoining, 33 feet 4 inches each, by SO feet to TYLER Street, with Carpenter .Shop in rpar of both Lots. The house has eight rooms and all the modern conveniences, nearly new. Apply fit No. 104 North SIXTH Street, or on the premises. ■ mh2S Im* M to RENT—a house on a high and commanding situation, with twelve rooms, gas, furnace, cookiiig range, hot and cold water, larg9 lawn well shaded, variety of bearingpear trees, garden, stable and carriage house, situate.on the BLOCKLEY and MBRION turnpike, about ten minutes’ walk from Bestonville and Mantua Passenger Railway Depot. Apply to JESSE GEORGE, mh3o-mwf3t* near the premises. M TO LET.—A LARGE HOUSE ON BROAD Street, below WALNUT Street, with din ing-room 45 feet in length ; above 30 lodging rooms, with baths, water-closets, &c., and double kitchens. Chau dalier and gas fixtures in all the rooms. Apply at No. 225 SouthBKQAD Street. mh2s-wfm6t Jinj LARGE AND SMALL BUILDING iatLOTS and HOUSES FOR SALE, in various parts of West Philadelphia with plans showing the r location and condition. Apply to SAMUEL L; SMEDLEY, City Surveyor Eleventh District, Real Estate Office, THIR TY-FIFTH Street and LANCASTER Avenue. inh27-6t* M FOR SALE LOW—A LARGE BRICn. BUILDING, suitable for Manufacturing pur poses, in rear of No. 125 Arch street. v mb7 . -B.F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. ' FOR SALE, NEAR HOLMESBURG and a Railroad Station, ten miieß fromiMarket street, a NEW STONE COTTAGE, with Stable and Coach House attached. A STONE MANSION HOUSE, nearly new, with Stable, Vegetable Garden, &c. For a full description and particulars, apply to B. F. GLENN, xnh7 123 South FOURTH Street.: m FOR SALE—THEBELLTAV'ERNT iiaiand FIVE ACRES OF LAND.-situate on the Phila delphia and Darby Railroad, 4K miles from Market street Bridge. This property has been known as ihe ‘ ‘Bell TaverhJ’ for more than 100 years, and has always commanded a first-class business. No public house in the State has greater advantages for a large andlucra tivetrade. Apply to - R. S PASCHALL, mh2S-6fc Tl 5 WALNUT Street. ,4jj» FURNACE PROPERTY FOR Jffiilii SALE.—A valuable Furnace Property, situate in Shirley Township, Huntingdon county, Pa , within two, miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and five milesfrom the Pennsylvania railroad at Newton Hamilton. The fur nace, with hut little repair, can be put in complete order, and is surrounded with all the requisites for making iron. The ore is believed to he abundant, and there is connected with the property 19 tracts of wood land. ' The property will he sold low and on easy terms. Persons wishing to examine it will be shown over it by S. H. Bell, living near the premises.. Further informa tion can be had of either ihe undersigned. MARTIN BELL, Sabbath Rest P. 0.,, Pa. JOHN BELL, or B. F. BELL, Bell’s Mills, do. mh2B-fin*. MTO RENT—a O RENT—TO RENT. Second-story r00m,25x90 feet, corner of Broad and Walnut streets. The Swimmiag School; (Natatorium,) formerly occa pied by Mr. Hlasko, Broad; below Walnut. Handsome Ball; 33x130 feet, over the Swimming School, Broad, below Walnut. Two-story store, Broad, above Pine, 23x120 feet, east side. mh23-12i* MTO RENT—TO RENT—TO RENT— Large Store and. Cellar No. 524 Walnut street, 25x110 feet. Fourth and Fifth-story Rooms, No. 524 Walnut street. Large Four-story BuUdlng2sxBQ feet, on Adelphi street, between Fifth and Sixth, (rear of 524 Walnut) suitable for a factory or workshop, well lighted.. Third-story Room 25x56 feet, N. E. .corner Eighth and Chestnut. Large Stoie, west side of Broad street, below Walnut, .suitable-for- and lately occupied as a provision store. Apply to J. H. EDWARDS, ' mh23-12t* 330 South FOURTH Street. m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS JbtD WELLING, No. 133 North FRONT Street: Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BKO., 0c27-tf ' 47and 49 North SECOND Street. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE— -2C First-class Gliestor-couhty Farm, 200 acres, within ten minutes walk of Railroad Station. Number of oth ers in Chester county, averaging from 60 to 150 acres. Desirable Farm near Shamany Station, 56 acres, 15 miles nobth of the city. Fine Farm, 217 acres, on the banks o/ t-lie Delaware, 25 miles above the city. Call and examine Register. mii2s E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. 4g& FOB SALE—VALUABLE FARM, SOlacres. near Middletown, State of Delaware, one. mile from Railroad .Station. Also, a number of Fruit Farms, near Dover, Kent county, Delaware; Farms in all locations to suit purchasers. Call and examine Re gister. Tmh2sl E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. fSS FOR SALE/OR WOULD BE EX I— CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALT, FARM, situate in New Britain Township, Bucks county, Pa., three miles from Doylestowu, and one and a half from New. Britain Station, on the Doylestowu Railroad, containing 65 acres, six of which is woodland, and five ineadow, divided into convenient fields, well watered, good building, fruit, &c. Inquire at 104 North SIXTH Street,.Philadelphia. mh7-lm* the FIRM OF ALLEN & SIMS, JL: HEAL ESTATE BROKERS, is THIS DAY.dissolved; by mutual consent, CLIFFORD S. SIMS retiring. Tlie : business will be continued by the remaining partner, uiider the name and style of \YM. ROSSELL ALLEN: apl-6t* WM. R. ALLEN. Phila. ,March 31.1563, CLIFFORD S. SIMS. iUOPARTNERSHLP;— THE UNDER-. SIGNED have ilite day_ reassociated themselves under the name of SAMUEL BOLTON A CO., and will ..continue the Lumber. Commission Business at the Oldi Stand, POPLAR-Street Whart; SAMUEL BOLTON, .WILLIAM C. LLOYD, Philadelphia, April 1,1563. apl"3t*' TBE UNDERSIGNED HAVE: THIS day formed a Copartnership, under the name.and, style of INGRAM & MOORE, and will continue the- Wholesale and Retail TEA BUSINESS, at the old stand: of William Ingram, No. 43 SOUTH S-ECOND.Street„; found at all times a choice and select stools of FRESH TEAS, COFFEES, and SPICES, to. which they invite the attention of their friends andicnstoinerSi and the public generally. . WILLIAM INGRAW, CHARLES D. MOORE; Philadelphia, April 1, 1863. .L>*~ PENSIONS:— fIOO BOUNTY AND A RAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, ai> reasonable .and satisfactory ratoa. Soldiers who ha^f- 8 ®r v ®d Two years, and all soldiers who have been discharged hj reason of wounds received in battle, entitled to the $lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to ai>ensioa, JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants,. mhl.3 ' . 434 WALNUT Street. ' ' FOR N EW ORLEANS, ;LA.- SATURDAY next,. April 4. ntVlo’ciockM. The splendid new steamship CONTINENTAL, 1,623 tons p registor» LCaptuin CH ARLES P. MARSH MAN. is •uow her berfclL,abo.v& YIKE Street, and hav ing most tier cargo engaged, will sail as above. Ship pers will please maka tboiu engagements-as early as, .possible. ' Fox- fright or passage, having elegaut state-rcon* a,>. -coaamodations, apply to’ A .HERON, Jr.v & CO., . 136 NORTH WHARiY*§‘ N. B.—No bills of lading signed-after thQ. sdiip Jias sailed. , : . - ; fJ.RAVE STONES, GRAVE STONES, l- AST) MONUMENTS, -AT REDIJ&EB PRICES.—:<V -. large ftssorttnentQf Italian Grave SUaea. of’ various ae-. . . sinus, offered aVreduced " prices, at Marble Wor,i3 i STEINME rSc SIDGSTAvenue, bulsw SUveutb " mli3l!4m : :.; ' - :. I WANTS* IiOST AND FOUND. Apply to J. H. EDWARDS, 230 South FOURTH Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. PERSON AX. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Director..... J. txltAlJ. , r „ ITALIAN OPERA. y. Mv. GRAU begs re.specuuily to aunouneb'-hat, haviug just completes & season of six weeks in Boston, the artists of)i;s double company and the aoYeUy of h:.-j repertoire r rental o. sensation that resulted in the aiiri in- cT prnspi'rnii?) campaign on record. he will com 1 - men*! a senei[.of.ftetforraanco* in rtfrfadelphia' OH MONDAY EVENING.- APRIL 6/ on which too ., rMUUi Mlt-S CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG Will >rfee ;:er FIKjT FAREWELL AFFEAKAN.I& prior to»«r.dnprtim> for London whefe she is eug*t*t U her MRwny's Theahn Bho will appear in fe safe opoia &eledlsd T,'.nr**n LINDA- D t <?£&JMOUNIX, Supportedbv the* entire *trenarb ol tli.i ccrnp->nv A/lmissio/r^ Parquet, Bolcrmy, ami */.-<■***C:rcf«' *t reserved seat? 50 cents. F&rilily Circle g'J"cent.,. Gii- Icrv 25 edits Thesale will odhumncp on Saturday at T A. iif -»t the Academy. and at- Cuuld's Music S;on‘ apl-tf - - . MEBIOAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. •GRAND DRAMATTTwnd MUS»CAL.*2NTERTAI.VJ£ESr: ForihßSr.LV of the various U. S. s. liOSl iTALS, & s-nd around THURSDAY .ETFNrNG, Apr#2. im The following velf-kisowu favor! nesrpf Puila-ielphn ' .areaniuiig the number who bave so kiiicdy ounsenced tr*' s asffiaton this occasion ;'£ . . .. Mrs. JOHN DREW. fAftjft-st. Theatre Mrs. M. A. GARRETSO.rT,.) Walnut-et. Theatre;) JSf. W. WHEATLEY, (Chestmit-st.-. 'iieatre;) SIGNOR BLITZ, . (Assembly Bnildicsß^)' THE HUTOEr&SoN FAMILY.' THE HERMAN OKCHEDTRA (under the-'I-eadership’ of Mr.-SCHOFIEI D.) GOVERNOR CURTIN wpr(bepresenton'tkiaoccasion should circumstances permit.’' TICKETS SC-CEBTTS. '(Reserved Seats 25 cen's eiwa. on application at the Box Office of the Academy of cpisie.) Tickets may also be obtained at! all the Hospltaln'in/tha city, at the Soldiers’ Reading Room, and at the various ' Musical and Book Stores. • • > 1 The MILITARY BAND coatiecfecl wifh the U. S. A, Hospital, West Philadelphia, vfU assist on thiaocca-’ aion. mR2$; MEW CHESTNUT-STREET THE A; A-v TBE. and fllanagfr. 2he firpt time in America. THE CELEBRATED GERMAN ARTTST, DANIEL E. BANDIfeA.NN, '■ ■WilTmakfe • . •HJS THIRD APPEARANCE IrPtßSacity, when the KEW THAW P r, AT, NARCISSE; ... OR, THE LAST,OFTHE POMPADOURS, Will’be produced Tr<th g THE "W}. OLE RESOURCES OF THE THEATRE, JnScenery, Dresses and appointments, and a superb cast;em7>varina . , AXE THE STRENGTH OF THE COMPANY. Mr: D: E. iJANDMANN, as Tfarcis?e Romeau. Mr. .T. MeCnllough, as • • ./.'..Da Clioiseul. Mr. j; W. Collier, as. SaiatLambert. Mr J. Canoll, as... ...Dußarre. Mr. G. Bpclcs, as ........Louis Fran. Bourbon. Madame Ponisi, as Marquise I)ft Pompadour. Mrs. J. H Allen, as : Dof'd Qniiiaulfc Mrs. G. Mierrett, as Marquise D’Epinai' Mrs. H. P. Grattan, as The Ciueea. Miss j: Henry, as-...v Marquis Me BouftlerS Conductor - /..Mr. MARK HASSLES. w -“~THS»SDAY EVENiNG‘‘April 2d,1863, jfortheflrsttiinetliis season, . ' El> WIN FORREST In' his powerful and erau d impersonation, SPaRTACUS, In'tbe-great American tragedy of “The Gladiator/* written by the lwie Br. Bird, of this city. Boors open at 7: Curi ain rises at 7j£ o’clock. Ifc TOTRB. JOHN DREW’S ARCH-STBEET r AJJ. THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer.. JOS. B. HURPST. FULL ANB FASHIONABLE HOUSES SECONB WEEK OF MARY PROVOST. TO NIGHT and everv NIGHT, LUCIE D ’ ARYILLE; OR, THE MISALLIANCE. Lucie d’Arville...... Mary Provost. Eugenede Sonnevllle. Barton Hill. Popelini ....... Frank Drew. Chev. de vitrey. Mr. Aibangh. To conclude with RIP VAN WINKLE. Rip Van Winkle- Prank Brew. 4®=* Prices as usual. Seats secured without ex til charge. Curtain rises at 7# o’clock. It WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. T » Sole Lesf-ee- Mrs. M. A. GARREITSON Business Agent. ......Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIRI NIGHT OF- MR. SETCHBLL. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, April 1, 1863. Will be performed the Comedy of y DOMBEY AJSD SON. Captain Cuttle... ....Mr, D. Setcheli, To conclude with the sparkling comedy of A REGULAR FIX. Hugh De Bras- Mr. D. Setcheli. Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 7>». WHITTAKER’S AMPHITHEATRE. H MARKET Street, above TWELFTH. WEDNESDAY AND*THURSDAY EVENINGS. April Ist and 2d, A SPLENDID BILL, win be offered 1 , in which all of the GREAT STAR TROUPE will appear. First week of MONS. KrNCADE AND SON.' Re-engagement of SAM : LONG, The Best Clown and C.omic Singer in America. On THURSDAY EVENING, first night of the ‘ ZAMPILLAEKOSTATION. The performance will conclude with a ' LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE. A N EXHIBITION WILE BE GIVEN by the Children of the Broad-street M. E. Sab bath School, on THURSDAY ETENING. APRIL 2, at 7% oxloclc. The exercises will consist of Recitations, Dialogue?, Singing, &c. Admission, adults 15 cents, children 10 cents. apl-2t* E. 1 arcCL AFN, Superintendent. .TV/FR. CHURCH'S NEW PICTURE,. UNDER NIAGARA, painted- from sfcadies made on tlie “Maid of tlie Mist," is now on pxnihition at Wil lisP. Bazard : s Bookstore, 9'3'4r-CHESTNUT St., from 9 A. M.tofiP. M. Admission,. 25 cents . mhSl-lm JOHN McCLURE, Publisher. .ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, GORNSB -ti- of TENTH aod CHESTNUT Streets. *WM. WOOBItOFFE E. J. "WHITE. ... THIRTEENTH WEEK WOODROFPE’S • BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. Will remain ONE WEEK longer and-JSsbibit EVERY EVENING.- -And WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam-Engine “ MO* NITOR” -will tie in full operation. AU the works of art distributed gratuitously to the visitor?. -WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren’s.GraDd GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will re ceive a GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING* April 7th* a splendid CASS OF WORK will be given to the author of the best' CONUNDRUM on any subject. •The First present, each Evening,. Trill be a splendid CASE OF .GLASS* WORK. . ' • Admission, 15 cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at 8 o’clock; afternoon at 3.; m3O-6t* OP BING-&AEDB N INSTITUTE HALL, comer BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Sts. EVERY EVENING* TETBWEEK. The original and magnificent Diorama of THE BURNING OF MOSCOW, Beautiful Dioptric Paintings, and amusing Scenes in. Ventriloquism, by the world-renowned humorist, Mr. GALLAGHER Admission, 15" cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. mh2o-15t* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTB and'CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ. The-great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hi*. LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, wil‘ give his new and popular entertainments EVERY EVENING during th* week, commencing at 7H o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attraction*, will hemarvello-ns: Experiments in'Magic; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Bird* m their new characi ers. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. INSTITUTION FOE .THE BLIND.— EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 3#P. H. Ad mission TEN. CENTS. Store No. 21 South EIGHTH Street.' ’ del7-wif ERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC REBEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3K o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CARL. SSNTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of five tickets $l. To b e bad of Andre & Co., No. 1104 Chestnut ■ street; J.E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. n027-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, la open daily (Sundays excepted) mm 9 A. M. till 6 ?. H Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock $3O. _ jy9 HAS SLER’S ORCHESTRA. NEW OFFICE, JBl4r South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-Ss ISSURAKCE COMPANIES. TAT IT. m . E N T CONDITION OF THE METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW- YORK, JANUARY 1, 1863. CAPITAL.STOCK- PAID IN CASH. ..§300,000. ASSETS. Cash.on- hand, and deposited in bank. ..$33,932.89- Cash in hands of agents and in course of trails • mission., Loans secured by Bonds and Mortgages, beiug the first lien on Real Estate, oh which there is less than one year’s interest due and owing 207,125.0 Loans- on- which interest has not been paid-. ■witbin. one year United States Seven-Thirties, Treasury Notes, $100,000.. 102,500 00 Stocks held as collateral security for loans: • Far.value. . Market value. , Amount : $33*550 $36,695.25 10aned.23,169 00 Amount ofPreminm Notes. 25,233 00 Amount-of-iuterest due 4,466 SO Amount.of; Premium Notes due and unpaid...... . 6,676 57 Amount-of all other pr0perty...............20,100 00 INABILITIES,. Claims which are in. suit or contested by the. Cosopany Losses paid during tlie year........ Losses during the year, not settled Amount of dividends declared. $10,500.00 Aniaunfc of money borrowed, secured by United ' States Treasury Notes.•••• .:».$50,000.00. -8CjOOO ; GO^ INCOME : : Cash premiums received— ,■ ' Premium Notes taken by the Company. Amount of interest money received.--.. Amount of income from otlier-squrces-. EXPENTgiITUKB.S. Amount of losses paid during the yeas—.—.— Amount paid or owiusSor reinsurance-. —.. • • Amount of. return premiums J>a,id.. >?...•.• Amount of dividend paid........ Amount of expensas.iwud, incltv3ms-Com»ms: f sVohs and fees, said- tp ageuts. of ✓ tho Com pajoy *•••*. .wr • • • Amount of by. the JAMES LORE'-‘EE GS4H&M. ?ra&iaea£ E. A. ScsMet-ary. SABINE & DUY, Agent* and Attorneys, for the Company, 347 SC-cKFH POUSTH STREET, T?AME INSUEANC i 406 CHESTNUT Street. *PKTLA'i>: PEBiNhmi DI&EC jm iNStJRAJSca. * rop.s. Ytftoqis Ba«& -E. D- Wood™*.-. Cfeas. Kichardaon. ? 3 £'i> Pfc»nrr .l- Jolm Kessler/ JT.» ' <*%■'fr'S'L* - \ ‘ JoseiD?fms “• . ° * - wraNCIS JT BUCK, President. OHiBtSS SICHAHbSOH, Vtcfl WU.'I ! ASS I. 'Bt.ASCaAHB. Secret&r?. CioiMflf •Mr. W. WHEATLEY;’' -Business Manager. Agent 17,763,30. §447,227 25 ,S3S4SiS3 9,250. OtX. ... 2<u,mea w 2.5.3830) ... 2,50Q : 0?j 143,6? i 73- 0346 os. 5;259-9fc 10,500*00 3&79)'Sa PiiihiaalphiA. ;E COMPANY, NG^
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