ARRIVALS AT THE HO'T'ELS, Ur TO 12 O'cLoCil LAST NIGHT. Olbrard—Chemtntitt i F Eittonhouse, II S A W H Begun, New York J W Cray, New York Hughes Nehbit Smith, Penna. C Boyd, Pitti.burg J F Beckham, Pittsburg If Phillips, New York W L Smith, New York 33 Corson, Vermont • Maxwell, Pitts °lira S I) Cassing, Cincinnati H S Platt & wf, Cincinnati C Burke(, Wisconsin D Heider, Piffle, Mrs G J Chew, R I El Heald, Baltinnre , Pike, Mae achusetta Erikin, Massactoisetts E A Doll; New York C Macklester, Jr, & In, Pa Mrs I. Edmiston Miss 'A Bromwell E Springer, New York WHWeed&wfNY nos Little, NOW ferk W MeLatigni in.Tren ton Chas Silver, Pottivi lie —Thee Pethurick,Po tsville Judge r 011iall:011. Penn Then Marrett, Eikten, St John Coerce. at.rriand It 1' Slav 01)g,TIVIINIII E A Hathaway, Pro r. R I Gee A Phelps, New York 13 F Richlam TO'? a David Lyle,Norr York W G Enndall, Maine W M Babbetr, New Jersey B. Minor, Washinitua Contfinetatal-I!riitit Santl Harper, Wheeling,Nn F S Palmer, 1);eago D Wallace, rittabury - Chas Van Doren, Pittsburg R M Delaplain B H Bayley, B, 'dame Aug MD gg. lio• , ton L 'Horton, Boston _ Jobb hi Moor), Now-Jersey B W Lacy, W4rren, Pa WlO Vail, Now JermY• B W Daniel; Balcimore Copt II It - Dalton John R MJ Bride, Oregon Col Welsh, Columbia, Pa Chas H Pack,,r, Waiter W Cobb, Chicago Mrs I) C Scranton, Chicago Mrs J Beecher. Chicago Mra S B Cobb, Chicago ,Lihn. Kent, Net-York blitobe, %Ann Dr Win Samson, New York John W Balt, Boston - A AV Lbisenring, li Chunk D Bair, Lancaster John F Long ke sn, Lannastr Baird Snyder, Pottsville I Sam I Nor men t, agton MA Myers, Now. York B Sweeny, Washington A II Selbay, Detroit Mandleb tam, 'Detroit 0 Mitts, ,New York Mrs & Mrs J W - Minturn,NY Mire a M Y Jas"Witliams & la, L I Ir Miller, Beaton. Theo Stanwood, Boston . J Loisouring, Mane h Chunk WM M LCe., J Brainard, Watorlown F Allen, New Y,sric C F Willes, Jr, Pa . Jag L Selfridge, U . E II Rauch, it Clunk • Air Luck enbitch , Br. t II.; eh Pm Gardner It Colby, 1`; York Dr Auspagh Baltirnoro J W Clayton, more Mrs F A Bow rn6 Boston .7911 TAndorgen:l'N ( lei-PADA A H.:Young,•Now York IT Goodman, Newiork Sutton, Tor,into, C W C V Codon; Penns, J M Lake, Kingston, C W Mr &Mrs A W Ilasting- 0 J G Mundy /ir la, ' Brooklyn JT ISlauran. Itiokie Island A Massa, Now York `F II Wales, Novi York. E Colt, - Hartrord D BColt, Hartford A Habana , Boston Mr & Mrs Jas Smith, N MerchautV—Fourth J Reyseri - Pennsylvanin. G V Marrs, William•rort Tuflor,•Part ltayal i M . Itimpot t Boltittrty,Wg 111cVr•te,wn sweet,below arch. IJolm.llpiegrovo, S Candinn mhosHardy. Lebanon, 0 Chas Hardy, Lebanon, 0 P J Barry. otmanna 1) Bell; Mercer co john Burgess, New York MI'S SH aldridge,illarylaud Mrs Herrington, Maryland Mrs Simpson; West Chester !Lewis Wood. Ohio Ydi Adn , ns, Maryland • Win Bose, Maryland W McClelland, Pa W Cunningham, Ft DelaWe W J Balt dl D, Mrs Fish & S ch,. Boston lee B Walker;--Now Jersey Ron S Stolle, -New Jersey F RnsSoll, Hazleton. JP Rhoads. Carlisle.• Pa RobtA Raphael. St Louis S Cornelison, Klegsion Mrs Hratton, MeVoytown W A Ingham, Ohw Rohl S Davis Pit. , 4arg, A J Murdeek . , , Bieko, P Mey, Fort Delaware Henry Ashford: Bogle:Lid Semi Forwent, \V 'insport Geo W Burford, Soruer,.!et J Morrison & Con,teAville D S Frei, er. Lewisburg, Pa Mrs Stoner.llit , burg , lB C Wheeling Mrs C Irvin & 30, Pa Miss M J Parker, INEfllint'n W C Caldwell, Pu. A R Rear, Cleo W Sloan Iv Ameriestu—Craeststut street. above Filth. Richard Burk, TT S N: ' ,alai D viroodall, Delaware GW P Coates, Baltimore E R Meer & wf, Bridgeton S Keys, Trenton,6N J •• Jean L Du Bois, Doylest'n J C Osterloh, Ilaullauclon W W Leman Michigan Chas E Ferris, Delaware 'ben Cram, Boston J E Dougherty, Pouna D B Harrison. Brooklyn H Hebb, Cumberland, Sid F Thill, Brooklyn 1 S E Ftlkins, New York 11 L Dunning. Delaware A W Freeman, , Paw York' John Klemm, Philadelphia J L Blancolt, New York street. above Third. T Garretson. Schuylkill co Goo Lows, Boston St. Monti—F.. l ;2 estuitt R Jackson, Boiawaro - B Brown, Jr, 'Mary Laud C LDiehl, Jr A W Smith. Prov, RI W-W Van Nest, Now York i.R 3riLtimoro B oiShar, WheePng W Bussing, Wheeling 11 E Reyuohll ,& wf, Lane Dr Bryant & wr, New' ork J Pardessa3, New York P f,uther, Hudson 1, - 1 0 5 wf,New York INV Kraft, Wheeling, Va Melnott, Nevi York J Grindel, - New Jersey H C flint, St Louis - C Hare, SninniWtotil, J B Phtipot,Sumnyrii€Bl,o J W Barnett, Stbfford, 0 A. Johneon, Bo: ton J Faulk, Washington, D C J Scully, Was) iugtou, 1) C F Warne, Washington, C C treet, above Third. C Snyder, Ohio S M Prince; Now York 0 ar Nes, New Jersey I Vailandigham, D4laware Mrs J nate, St Louis S Hale &; la, St Louts JP Miller, Canton, 0 P S Little, Hagerstown J P Main, New York !George Greer The Union—Arch. Sntmeyer, Allegheny .A Mory,4)al4ipp,o G V Boylev, Picatua J II Vail, Jr, Now York C kitchen, W F ghoffnor, Indiana J D Hall, Bost)n 'G Nisbuitz, Oh-o W-13 Creatl, Ohio C D Beebout, Obi° eet, above Third. , g.l.lPber, Reading '.A G Hammer, Ortrigcburg 'W Korper, Reading John S March .Lcmisburg Jos March; Lebanon. Pa C itark, -Lebanon, Pa National—Ruen sl, Wallerm an , B S A James Miller, Alto ,un, ES Bolton, AlLoemt. C S Birch Ite9iling James Nrs I. S Sailade IteadinX' Geo F Winter. Iteadam rect. above Chestnut. !John Yocomi•Ponua I - J flagman, Columbia, Pa E Zell. Lancaster co NV Voirlam & la,Lane co F Butler, York co, Pa W Nielels, Panne. • D Field, West Chester Commercial—Sixth et John Todd, Pihna Chas Warner,Jleuna, Lent W Linctv,TiLegro-o D Keller, 140 Pa-ter • J D Pawling, IT 8 A J W Woodslde;ll:wersi,,wn T Brecichell;Chwagy Robt Paul, Neer Jer:ey Madtson—Second M Vauarsdalea, .11 Schutt, Readout, N V S Carney, Ethlyville, N Y E Woeden Chaild V. , l'd. C Leedona,,P A nbsylvautt ,G McLaughlin, Lew isin .T Gourer, Lewistown. 33100 X, Witiningt .n, Del J Kelsey, Tarthey vi ile St., above Market J Lawliu, EfOliUBSbarg" Dewald, Pennsylvania B Fnrgnson, New Jersey Boster, Cheltenham P. B Jones, Pennsylvania P Martin, Delaware j Kt Hopkins, Delaware J W Greenville B H Walton, Pennsylvania anti rtittrket streets. Weit Chester. C Hunt; Penna. John Midi, Middletown John Tlykes,Middletown Sidney K Smith, If Jersey State,. Union—Siath J. 6 Trimble,. Milani Jas Preston, St Loris W Little, New Jerspy W Addison, New - York B Cooper - F S Bryan, Elizabt thtown t., above Cahowlllll. I Mrs Richards, hamburg John Rothroff, Hainbarg John Mats, Schuylkill co hit Siegel; Reading II S gressman. Sellersville A S Grasp; Sellersville JacoblErwein, Doylestown. John lliestaud, Trenton Blacic Bear-!thirds LtTßohannan, Pd. tsville I Sergt J Easton, Pottsville 'Moses Arnett, 'fork, Pa; 0-Faust, Fewest Solomon N Laros, Pritna A Lukens, Byberi y, Pa J Dialtzherger, Reading A Long, Ringgold W. Mutter, Bechtelsville Bald Eagle—rrlitrd John Boehm, Allentown (too Smith, Bucks co, Pa K Smith, Penns 0 F Huber, Allentown V Montan, Allentown C Heckman, Allentown M Swartz, Allentown. , Owen Mertz, Allentown Blount Vernon—Seco I Nay, New Jersey Mrs Bayere d or!. New Jersey d street, above Arch I J S Brown, New. York I - - SP DIAL NOTICES. D. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE 'LINIMENT IS 'TILE beat known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. HAVE' You A 100130:11?---U SE --- Drc. D. Jayne's Expectorant at once; it may save you from Con sumption. It will certainly cure the most inveterate Coughs and Colds. HAVE YOU BRONCHITIS? Then try Jayne's Expectorant. It will subdue the; in fiamiention, relieve the cough, pain, and difficulty of weatking, and produce a speedy cure. • HAVE YOU ASTHMA? . • Jayne's Expectorant will overcome the spasmodic contraction of the wind tubes or air vessels, and cause the ejection of the mums which clogs there. HAVE YOU PLEURISY? • By taking two or three large doses of Jayne's Ex-pecto rant, in quick succession, and covering up warmly in bed, the disease will be subdued at the outset. BATE YOU CONSUMPTION? Jayne's -Expectorant will give yen immediate relief, It cleanses the lungs from all irritating matters, while it heals and invimrates them. Thousande who have been given up by physicians have been restored to health by its use. ' , WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, and all diseases of the lungs or breast are effectually and speedily cured by Jayne's Expectorant. It is no new remedy. For thirty Years it has been before the public, the demand .for it constantly illertabir g, and the evidence of its great curative powers accumulating in our hands. Why not give it a trial? Prepared only by Dr: D. JAYNE & SON. 2142 CHEST VUT .Street, and sold by Agents ever , - where. mb.25-2t ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP. THE LATEST. TYLes, made in the /test Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pi ruse. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our OIPII-PAIGE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated. alike. dol2-ly JONES & CO. , 604 MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S 'celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair iu the least ; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and. invigorates the hair for I.lle. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turn, a pplendid:Black or Brown, lea.ving' the hair soft and. beautlftd: Sold by all Druggists, so, air The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE tOR, an the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. SI. BARCLAY Street, &ate E 33 Broadway and 16 Bond stred.) 5--T-1860—X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They Purify, atrengtht n, and. invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and-latehorirs. They strengthen the system and enliven theVid.'. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stemach. • They.curel/ySpepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarhculia, Cholera, and Cholera Moans. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great • restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Bum, the rale. brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken With the plcasnre of a beverage, without regard to age or ' lime of day. 'Particularly recommended to delicate per pens requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold.biall Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. EL DRAKE & CO.. 5110% , BROADWAY, New'York. ae244m MARRIFiD. , SPAYZ--SPAHR. —On the 23d ink.. by Rev. G. W. Showman, Mr. Rom,' Spayd, of Milton, Pa., to Miss Siary_A. Spahr,' of Philadelphia. LIN - CRS—PLUM. --On the 4th Instant. by Rev. G. W. Showman, Mr. Charles Frederick- Lincke to Miss Annie Z. Flinn, of Philadelphia. BYRAM. —On the 24th instant, Esther "Byram, widow woof the late Samuel, BY nun. Esq., in the .:th year of her _ • fietrelitives andrOnds ofthe family are respectfally ITlnvitedAo attend t fetters , from her kite residence, Good Intent Mills, Vest Philadelphia, on Saturday, at o'clook. Funeral io proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery.*** PARRER.On the evening or March 26, after a linger big illness, Richard Parker, aged 35 years. : ... Due unties will be given of the funeral. 7r . • EVANS.—On the 'Atli instant, Edward A. EyIIPA in the 27th . year of. his age. r : • FM relatives and male friends are respeettnily invited ~ to attend the funeral, from his late residence, corner of 'Broad and Spruce stasots, on Saturday morning, the 26th ilyst at U O'clock. all tOrlll9Llt at Lanrel3itll. : *** • _ISOPHERSON. — Ou' the 2.oth • inst.. Ft nk M. ' eldest 11011 of William 0.-and Mary M. McPherson, in the 7th v of hislige., ; .• - 4 Ike relatives' and friends of the family are .invited to adlne . foneral t frout thairesidence of his father, No. Oxford street; en Friday afternoon; at 2 o'clock- LEY,—On the 23d instant, William Earley, in the Mat year of his age. . fiIaIITTLE. —On the 24th blatant, Henry D. Shuttle, in OM CM year of hie age. trees, below. Ninth. Com Lowndes U S N A W .Tißoort, Conneetient H 0 Purdy & la, Virginia, L Fisher, Cneitor, Pa S Baldwin, New IL,rk 111 .1 McCuekett, Virginia A M Miller, Illinois U ~n J Wall, New Jerso9 A H Sdhultz, New York R K Brown & In, Cincinnati Al Phelan, New York i) Kavanagh, New York W Goldthwait, Now York Duty, New York . M Henry, New York ~ MT Nompliray, N Y R Hamilton St don, N Y Admiral Daltlgre,, II S N P tt Stitson S A C A Cooke Now York Mr Cooke & La, NeW York R J flaldurman, Peano, J S Silver, Jr, Ne,v Jereey Wikolf, Princeton • • • U W Oayrtsou, Row Jeray A J Bonvorth, Maid «U Phillips, Mass Goo W Vuila , • Holunrise, Now York:. !neat 0 Vezin, U S A- B Hammerelough, Illinois A Btoekly, Smyrna, : Lir Buyiur,,CLinton, D A Gcuirnill, Jr.& la, Del S It Spaulding, Boston F 51anry,Icentncuy Tnsimh oaldivellaiston : SP Parley, Washintfton It H.Brubaker, Lane co <Chestnut streets. Mrs !VI Brost, Bervriok,Rit P U A ~ above Callowhill. H P. Fisher, Kutztown os Weaver, Al:le:Awn Jos II Serch, Allentown M Bleiler, Lehigh co, Pa John L Breinig, Allentown. Simon Rhoads. Penua -•-- - - ,1111. ton. Clark, lozerno co • Jacob Boksard a yonroe co EITrENHOUSE.—On Tuesday morning, the 24th in stant, at 135 o'clock. Mary, widow of the late Peter S. Rittenhouse, in the 72d year of her age. The re:attves and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend tne funeral, from the residence of her son, Godfrey Rittenhouse, Germantown road, between Sixth and Seventh streets, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock.. 'To proceed to Mechanics' Cemetery. , IlleFt 4 B.L AND. —On Monday, 23d instant, Broadmes H .MaFarland, Chaplain or 11. S, A. Hospital, and Cherry streets, aged 54 years. • • Th4i clergy and his friends generally are respectfatly invited to attend his funeral, from Green-street H. E. Chnreh, Green street, above Tenth, sic Saturday morn lag 28th inst. Services to commence at 11. o'clock. TRYON. — On Sunday morning, the 22d instant. Mrs. Christiana Tryon, wife of George W. Tryon, in the 71st year of her age. • The relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her Late residence, Ridge avenue, opposite Glenwood Cemetery. en Friday morning, tee 27th. at 10 o'clock. Interment at Monument ComstorY. BOCK. --Ou tho43d instant, Frederick Bock, Sr., aged 79 YOFIrP. tlin 24th instant, William-Clark, of Com. Parry I, Yer,eY Volunteers, and yeara. RLA OK AND WHITE MOZAM BIQUES, 4-4 WIDE, 873 cents. Black and white striped Mobairs, 28 cents. Bibek and white 1)e Laines. 2.2 cents. Mark end white all wool Mousselincs, 44 cents. . Black and white Lawn, and Chintzes. 18,1 i. cents. 'Black and white Challie de Baines, 91, cents. Black all wool Mousseline de Lainu4, 44 cent-t. Weak all wool Mousselines. double width, 87.3,1. Cents. Bleck Chat lie, 50 cents. Block Bareges. 25 cents; Bombazines, $l, Ste &a BESSON Soir, MOURN LNG STORE, mh2s No. 91.13 CHESTNUT Street. VAG LEI POULT DE SOIE NEW - 1 - 4 SHADES. Leather eololored Ponit do Sole. • ' Ordered Shades of modes. • Light, browns, Mans. purple &c. - & LANIALL FOURTH aed VyliE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND -- 0 - 4 Allen, are now opening Spring Since, sltvi;ls,.aud Dress Goods. lease solid Figuied Taffeta de knuisse. Grenadines and Hernanias. ni1.43 New style ?reach Cambrics. - (1'14110N LE AGUE .—AN ADJ OU LINED I 1 ling of thr UNION LBA.DUE located at RES- O.NVIL LE will be held THIS (Thursday) EVENING, al 7,4 , 5 o'clock, at lIUNTETC6 MALL. It* SAMUEL .lIAWORTII, Secretary. A I.ECTUR EC • COMPLIATEIVTAIIX, in the present Coupe, to those that hold ticket, of invitation, will be given. by Prof. .TTLIA.F.F PER, THIS (Thureday) EVENING, when the Principle of Style will he piesented. -To commence quarter before eirrht o'clock. . OLD_ ENGLAND AND NEW ENG -. LAND—THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS • T EIS UNION. "--. - Lecture on the above subject by RAN% D. C. PMI'S, D. D:, iu aid of the New Entiland Soldiers' A!,Pilei at ion.'oll MONDAY EVENING, March SO, at CONCERT UALL, at S Tickote 25 mute. Stir .saic at Gerald's Mntic Store, Seventh and Cheatnnt. Con tinental, and at the door. - • mh26:4t. worrzcril. —A MEETING OF TUlt LA DIES of this oRy wil l be held at the COOPER SHOP. HOSPITAL, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 26th inst.. - to moße arrangements for the FLORAL; FRUIT, and FANCY FAIR to commence June lst. All interested are invited to attend. , mh2,5-21 ADIIRS , PA TR, AT q OriLlialfS SlO IN ERE' HALL, West Philadelphia, is now in pro gress. We wish it the best success. The appearance is very tasteful. Hours from 10 A. Drf. to 10X P. 111. Arti cles useful and elegant. ';W: mh2.5-2t. PORT ROYAL AND EMANCIPA, •,`", PION.—The POET ROYAL RELIEF 0031211 ['- TEE of this city, will celebrate its first anniversary•by is public meeting in CONCERT HALL THIS ( Thursday) EVENING, 26th inst. at quarter to eight o'clock. The Roy. ALFRED N. GILBERT and the Rev: J. WHEATON smun win address the meeting. mh2l-tf 11 AL VP THE WILLIAM PENN HOSE co. March 2.5.—At a Special Meeting of the Company, ' held on the above evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :- Where«, 9, It has pleased the Almighty, Ruler of tho Universe to remove from our midst our esteemed fell ow member and companion, JAMES ARMROD, whose many acts of kindness have won for him the deepest affection of all who knew him as a fireman nod citizen: Therefore. Resolved, That while we bow to the Creator of man with feelings of sorrow, we feel that our loss is his eter nal gain. , , Resolved, That we, in common with his faintly, mourn the lo,s of one so dear to them as a father, son, and bro ther, and hope to meet:him in. the realms above, where affliction and trouble are no more.: • , , - . . Resolv.d, That the above be miblislied In The Press and Invvirer, and a copy of the same be transmitted to the family of the deceased; and that our apparatus be placed in-morning for the space of thirty days. CHARLES RIGTITLEY, JAMES SEBETR, -- ) }Committee, ALEXANDER MURRY, N. B.—" The Active; Honorary, and Contrihnting Diern b, rs of the Company; are rennosted to meet at the Hall, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 4 celock, to attend the funeral in a body. By order of lc* J . ) N. NOCKERSPERGER, President. • OFFICEVULTNWINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPA NY, 258 Sonth TriIRD Street, PHILADETPIIIA, March 7565—The interest coupons on tho First Mortgage bonds rif this Company, due April 1, IS6I, will he paid on and idler that day on presentation at the 'office of the Company. J. P. AERTSEN, - nili26-7t . • - Treasurer. OFFICE ASSISTANT TREASURER 160. t ., UNITED SrA.TES, PIIITADIMPHIA, March `13,1813:3. - NOTICE.—AII deposits of TEMPORARY LOAN made on or after the above date will be entitled to draw iate rest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. (I per cent.) per annum. Deposits made previous to this notice at 4 per cent. may be withdrawn at any time, WITHOUT NOTICE, for the purpose of being redeposited at 5 per cent. ARCH. McINTYRE, Asst. Treas. United States. 110MCEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, TILIS ClTTltailliT Street. —This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortabln manner iree of charge. B. y.,..121,1,ENN, Secretary of BoETldc;f 10EPA.RTMENT OP ARTiL —The -Ex arnioation of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshmen Classes, at the close , of the Second 'Term, will be held in , • • . . following order: - MOND A.T, 23d—From 9 to 11, Sophomores; by; Prof. Frazer (Chemistry of the Metalloids), and Freshmen; by Prof. Kendall (Algebra), written. From: 11 to 'l, Ju niors. by the Provost (Intellectual Philosophy.) TIIESIDAY, 94th —From 9 to U, Juniors;.(Differeetial . Calculus), and Sophomores (Trigonometry), by- Prof. Kendall, written. From 11,0 1, Freshmen, by Prot Al len (Th ncyd ides). 'WEDNESDAY, 25th,- , -From 9 to 11; Sophomores. by Prof. Allen, (Tlinevdides, Sicilian Expedition.) Etom .11 to 1, Juniors; by Prof. Fraser, (Dynamics and Hydro statics). • . _ _ . . BURSDAY, 26th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson (Horace's Epistles). From 11 to'l. Sophomores, by Prof. Coppeo (Latham's Handbook of the English Lang - nage). FRIDAY, 37th.—From - 9 till. Juniors, by Prof. Allen (Demosthenes). Front 1110 Freshmen, Prof., Jackson (Hera Ce'f4 Satires). _ IiIOHDAY, I.oll.—From 9 to 11. Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson (Cicero de Senectutc). From rt. to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee (History). GEOECE ALLEN, uh23-7t Secretary ofthe Faculty of Arts. PHILADELPHIA AND 'READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 227 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA March 2,1, 1863. To avoid detention, the, holders of COUPONS of this Company. due on the let proximo, aro requested to leave thorn at this office on or before the 31st inst., when re ceipts will be given and checks will be ready, for delivery on the lit proximo, in exchange for said, receipts. roh2l-Bt, S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. MONUMENT. CEMETERY NO— TICE.—An assessment 'of 60 cents on each and every lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) will be due and payable at the office of the Ceme. ery, No. 141 North SIXTH_ Street, on the Ist day of April next. • The payment of $l4O on any one lot,. together with the assessments now dne, will exempt the same from taxation or assessment forever hereafter, if paid Wore the Ist day of April next; if paid after that time, the as ecoemeni then falling due must be paid in addition. mhl7-tapl • E TAYLOR Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA: COMPANI FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, PitthAmmpirri, March 5,186:3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Special ineetinit of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their Office, on - Monday, April 6,1863 ' at 12 o'clock H. to con sider the proprletv of accepti rig the provisions of the Sup plement -to their Charter, passed 27th February, 1863, and of authorizing the Board of Directors to increase the - Capital Stock of the Company. • • ' m h 51246 26 ant N' WILLIAM B. HILL; Actuary. PENNSYLVANIA.. 61.1204T1NG, COM— A PA NY OF MIDI:11G IN.—Notice is hereby given, that the Annpar Meotingi of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. will be held at the Office of the Company No. 417 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY,'ApriI 6th, 1813, atl2,o'clock.M., at which time aa. place an election-for Nine:Directors, to serve for one year, held. S. M. DIY, Secretary. Dated Philadelphia, March 21), 1883. nth2l-14t crtOIIIWEIGI. AND THE 'MALES.- 1111fiss EMU HARDINGE will lectern at MUSI CAL FUND lIALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 97th. inst., at S. o'clock, on " Oliver Crmwell and the Times." Tickets 10 cents, For sale' 'at--T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets;' S. Barry's, Fourth and Chestnut streets; and at 631 Race street: Proceeds for Miss Hardinge's' Institute for Femalee. mhl7-tuthsfits 11" r THE GRAND NEED; OR, WHAT IS TO REDEEM OUR LAND AND OUR RACE? A Lecture. by CHARLES P. KRAUTH, D. D. , editor a the Lutheran and. Missionary, at the .MUSICA.L FUND HALL. on THURSDAY. Evening, March 26. Tickets, IS cents. For sale at the Lutheran Publication House, No. 4•2 North NINTH Street, and at .the door on the evening of the Lecture..: mh24-tuth.2t 11 1 .0 1 . OFFICE, OF THE SURGEON-AR -11.• TI,T TO THE ABM! AND NAVY. Parr,ADEL PHIA, (Moller 24, MI • • Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office -of-the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT street. B. FRANK PALMER, is9-fim °Overran out Surzeou-Artist. PERSONAL. IRAN AWAY FROM THE SUBSO.RI BBB, V7II. ALBERT KRYDBR, an indentured ap prentice. All persons are hereby cautioned akai est har boring or trusting hiin on my =cruet, as will pay no debts of his contracting. . GEORGE THURGLL AND, ruh26-3t* No. 91.2 South SIXTH Street, Phila., Pa.. • NOTICE. -ANY PARTIES HAVING STOVE RANGES OR HEATERS. of their own, that want Castings made from the same, fitted up or in Cast ing, we are prepared to do work of this kind equal to any in market, at fair rates. Address __ J. D. MARSHBUNK, Agent, mh2l-stuth4ts Lancaster, Penna. PENSIONS. -$100 BOUNTY AN D PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailore, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two years, and all soldiers who have • been discharged by reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the 8100 bounty ,• and the latter, also, to a pension, JAMES lIILTON, Solici tor for Claimants, mhl3 . 4214 WA_LIsTIIT Street. _. . . VORYTYPES.-TO BE SURE OF A - fine Picturugo to REIMER'S, SECOND street, above Green; they give. evidence in their execution of good care and rare artistic ability. . - .it CARD. --I WOULD MOST RESPECT FULLY return my sincere thanks to my friends o the Union Party and ottAs in the city of Philadelphia, for their kindness in placing my name before the public as a candidate for the eitice of Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions. My health net permitting me to outer upon the arduous duties of a political campaign, I am under the necessity of withdrawing my name, and would respectfully decline being a candidate for that or any other °ince at the present time. reb2s-21* BAYARD ROBINSON, Twentieth ward. MUTTON! DAVID B. 'PAUL & BROTHARhn o ve in:st o re Yd , - ZyblaLliteirsetre3;AlT%.lArsow, adfsd LAMB, which can be had. at their Stalls. -Nos. 53 and 55 WESTERN MARKET. corner. of SIXTEENTH and MARKET Streets. - The above Mutton and Lamb can be had any day in the mb.25-Im s week. F AMILY DYE COLORS LIST OP COLORS BLACK SALMON', R ` DARK BROWN, SCARLET, SNUFF BROWN DARK DIB, LIGHT BRovirg: LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUE, YELLOW, LIGHT . LIGHT YELLOW, DARK OREEN ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA, PINK, SOLFERINO, PURPLE,.. FRENCH BLUE, SLATE, - ROYAL PURPLE - CRIMSON, 'VIOLET. 'FAMILY DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs;Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets; Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear big Apparel, with perfect fast colors. A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. These DYes are mixed in the form ..of ,powders .concen trated, are thoroughly tested, and put-up in neat 'pack ages. For twenty-five cents you can color as many. goods as would otherwise cost five; times that sum.,The Pro. tees is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by ROWE & STEVENS, 258 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale byDruggists and ; Dealers in. every City and Town. , - de3o-tutha3mif TT NI V ERSAL , ,OLOTHES•.sTGER, • 7 U ibi value in wear of clothes even -six months. NoO I ; Large - Painily Wringer $lO. With cogs, No: 2, Medium Family Wnnger.... 7. -- Warranted. !No:. 2,4, Medium:o%3llllv Wringer .% $6. Without cogs, No. - 3.- Small Family Wringer . - •0. Not warranted. No Wringer can be durable without cog-wheels. WALCOTT & BURNHAM, 721 CHESTNUT St.. Exclusive Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania. guhl-if-lm* MILLINERY GOODS. 43 SPRING. 1863. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, (Late Rosenhehn. 'Brooks, & Co.), No. 431 MARKET STREET, North sue. Have now open, and are daily making additions thereto. A HANDSOME VARIETY - OF RIBBONS, BONNETS; MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS, • Al., ' MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL to which the attention of the trade is respectfully soli cited. mhlB-tf MILLINERY AND STRAW. OOOl1S; JOSEPH HAMBURGER, 25 South SECOND . Street, Has now open a large stock of Eibb 1118, Artificial Flowers, Ac., to which he rewectful ly invires the attention of Milliners and Merchants. Goods received daily from New York auctions. 1863. R I B B .O ':N S AND MILLINERY GOODS. L. DANNENBAUM 4:45 CO.; No. 57 North SECOND Street, Have now opcn a large and admirably-assorted -- stock of the above goods.' MERCHANTS and MILLINERS Will dud inducements in styles and pricey unequalled in tide market. m1117.1m. 1863 SPRING 1863 WOOD - & OA.RY. No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in store a complete stock of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, INCLUDING STRAW HATS AND BONNETS. 412 - MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S STRAW GOODS. FANCY AND CRAPE BONNETS. FRENCH FLOWERS. RIBBONS, &c, To which they respectfully invite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners. • CASH BUYERS will find special advantage in oxamin tngthis stock before purchasing. fo2B-2m GENTSY VVICRTIStIING GOODS. QEORGE GRANT, NO. GlO CHESTNUT STREET, Has now ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK GENTS'FURNISHING GOODS of his own importation and manufacture., His celebrated "PRIZE MEDAL SKIRTS," manufactured under the sunerthtendence of ' JOHN . F. TAGGEKT, (FORMERLY OF OLDENEERCi rAociartr,) are the most perfect-fitting Shirts oi the ago. ..13Cir• Orders promptly attended_ to. mb.26-thstulin 606. ARCH STREET. 606. :itt- - FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER EIEPORIUM Pall Assortment of. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS; IN GREAT VARIETY. SUPERIOR QUALITY, AND AT MODERATE PRICES. a_ A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W. W. KNIGHT. .18.4-stuthBm 606 ARCH STREET. 606. THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Hoc 1 AND 3 IWBTH SIXTH STREET. JOHN O. ARRISON, (rOMBELT J. BURR MOORE.) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT 'VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES N. 8.--Partivalir attention given to the making of;Shirte, Collars. Drawers. be VINE SHIRT. MANUFACTORY. -a- The subscriber viordd invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which be makes a specialty in his business. Also, con. stantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. if. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. Si* CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors holow the Continental. COMMISSION HOUSES. RMY GOODS: DARK•BLUE P CLOTHS. IsKI-ELITE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY. BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHINGII ANT & WELLS. tf MILITARY GOODS. GOVERNMENT GOODS_ Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. 111ied Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, CO., No. 2.30 CHESTNUT STREET. mhl9-3m - • G. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SANSOM-STREET MALL PRILADELPHLi, MANUFACTURERS - OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY it.P-118m' THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY -.- hereby cautions all persens, firms, and corporations against receiving or negotiating . the underznentioned CERTIFICATES, BONDS, CHECKS and DRAFTS, as, all of the same were stolen from the safe of the said Com- , palsy, on the line of the Northern Central Railroad. be tween Baltimore and Harrisburg, on the night of Wed nesday, the 11th of March, 1163. The Company claim the right to recover. the possession of all of the said Cer tificates, Checks, Bonds, and Drafts whenever and: wherever they can find, the same. The following .is a correct description of toe property so stolen, as nearly as the same can be procured f UNITED STATES CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. NA. 21.153 for 06,000 Issued to Holeaslade, Morris & : 5 5 5 9 r 34 344 1 eath $l,OOO C c o b . e , ek o , agoh n n a ll . . Dickerson's • ' 69212 Z ,„,,, h , j. ~,,, 5 Issued to John Giubb, on Thomas 69213 5 —"" ' ''''''' t. Swords' Check, No. 347. 0 , non 1. Issued :0 Joseph_ B. Voaderheide, on . ' 59190 rt"-.`""Y S -John H. Dickerson's Check N 0.1639. " 69203 69261 ~ 5 , 2D5 } each BLOOD . " 69206 Issued to Pingee, ou B Du Barry's Check, No. 214. ' ' 59201} each $l, G:10 . Issued .o _Simon & Son, on/no. K. Dickerson'sChock,No. lig 5 , 202 . 1693. 591482 ..,,,,,,, n i,. r , 3 Issued to B. Chamberlain, on " 59149 S '''""'''''''''' t Thos. Swords' Check, No. 351. I Issued to W. T. Perkins & Co., on Thos. Swords' Chocks; Nos. 2 . 1 6 7 t 0ac ,... t... $ . 1.0c0 . ' 349 and 350. . 1 Issued. to Tyler, Davidson, St. Co., " 69131 for $l,OOO •on John H. Dickerson's Check, No. 1704. Issued to T. lifcSorley, on John EL 60130 for $l,OOO Dickerson's Check, N 0.1702. • - ' Issued to A. Simpkinson & Co., on ' 59/29 f " $ 1 - m JnO.ll: Dickerson's Check,No.l7ol. "59247 ) .. (Issued to D. S. Carrick, on John ~ 59248 3. each $l,OOO H. Dickerson's Check, No. 1655. ` 59190 /Issued to James L. Haven & Co., : .: 59191 " 5089119,23 each $l,OOO , N 0n 0. J0 1 1 6 7. 7 .. H. Dickerson's Check, . 5-20 tr.. S. COUPON BONDS. Nos. 18179 to 16188, both inclusive, for $l.OOO each, pava n ble to E. R. James, Cashier.' All of the above Certificates and Rinds were placed in .the possession of the Ex-press Company by the Govern ment, to be forwarded to the parties-to whom the same were to be delivered,'. in sati.faction of their claims against the Government. As such Certificates were. not delivered to the parties for" whom they were intended, they of course, have no validity as against the Govern ment, and are wholly worthless. , U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. 59331 - " 59331 " 59335 " 59318 each * I ' M Is rh e o d s. ~i.~~ S Issued to Wilson & Hayden, on John 0 H. Dickereon ' s Check NO 1677.' - for sl:,ow{ Isrto%Belil : on JBn H.letersonceco.l9 59319 " 21449 " 21450 " 59320 " 59121 " 59322 • ' 59323 " 69324 " 59317 each $5, 000 loaned to John Shinn° & Co., on 11. N. Rittenhouse's ' Check, each $l,OOO No: O. for $l,OOO fssued. to George Tamp, on H. Dickerson's Check, No. 1663.. - rued to Joseph W. Wayne & Co., for $l,OOO on H. N. Rittenhouse 's Check, 93021 _ 5 9303eac— 04 5 Issued i to B. s H on . "Wlhsocnk , o N n John 59591 -H. arsons 0.1703. " 69315 - " 21151 forlis, 000 5 Issued _to Holton & Martin, on 69336 5 for $l,OOO t Robert Allen's Check, No. 2373.. • ( Issued to J. Morgan.& Co., on b6r33029 eacks3- ' °°o / T. J. Haines' Chock, No, 892. 5 Belonging to W.' M Beam, Car -089,9 for $l.O OO lisle, Pa. 59068 J . Belonging to N. Holmes & Son, " 59 9070°69 }each ' - ‘ , """"t Pittsbarg, Penna. . U. S. Treasurer's; P. E. Spinner's Draft, N0...655, on J. J. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer New York, for $1;080. Draft, No 859. on J. J. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer, New York, for $2,608.13. Draft, No. 855, on J. J. Cisco,Assistant Treasurer, New York, for $l,OBO. Draft, No. 566, on J. York, for $4BO. Draft, No. 865, on J. J. ork, for $1.220. Draft, No. 664, on J. J. Cisco,Assistant Treasurer;New York, for $5,015.15. Draft, No. 867, on T. J. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer, New York, for $l6l. Draft, No. 563, on J. J. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer, New Draft, No. 858, on J. J. Cisco,Assistant Treasurer, NeW York, for $2,645. Draft,•No. 801, on J. 3. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer, New York, fbr $1,507.40. All of the above Drafts were made payable to the order of the Adams-Bi-:press Company, and. were not endorsed &W I M Bonds belonging to Hon. J. M. Howard; Detroit. *1,781 in New Orleans, Tennesiee, Georgia, and South Carolina bank notes, of which $515 were in the notes of the Union Bank, Planters' Bank (Tenn. ), and Bank of Tennessee. . " $l5B Gold Coin. . . • ' - - Please preserve this Circular, and - notify the ComPanY if any of the securities above - described are offered for sale or exchange, giving the name and- address of the party by whom the same are so offered. The Company w ill p a y $5,(00 REWARD for a'return of the above secu rities, or a proportional amount of such reward; for the recovery of a part of such seenrities..- - - - - The Company will also pay a REWARD of- ss,ooofor such information and proof as will insure the appre hension and conyictronof the person or persons by whom such robbery was committed.. - - Dated New York, March 7863 - , ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY By . WiniAm - 13,,,D,nisimatt, President.: Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSOIL!• TION, and la. PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Deporitoi7 of the United States, on the fret days of May and November of each year. At' the Present PBEMI OX Gout. there Bonds yield about NIGHT per cent. per annum. Cisco, ASSilitallt Treasurer, New I I A fell simply always on hand. Cisco, Aesistant Tresner,'New Trilim. BRICK PRESSES - CLAY WHEELS, Kiln% Casting, Brickmakors' Tools, Factory 309 South FIFTH. St. [mlia- Im!] S. P. MILLE& THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NIARCH 26. 1863. OPENING THOS. W. EVANS, ee, 00., Nos. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT ST mh243-3t LACE GOODS. JUST RECEIVED REAL THREAD VEILS, POINT VENICE, REAL POINT, APPLIQUE POINT, AND BLACK TIIREAD 13A813E8, It THOS. W. Et AN S& CO MOURNING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS, PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES. Always on hand and made to order at the shortest no- mh2G- ap2B rir C.ASSELBERRY INILL OPEN, ur • this morning, I ease 2 yards wide Bleached Table Damasks, 75 cents. 1 case 2 yards wide Bleached Table Damasks, 75c. 1 case 2 yards wide Bleached Table Damasks, 75c. The above goods . are Of mannificent quality, and. great variety of patterns, 723 by the piece. 2 cases Mode Alpacas, 62c. 2 cases Mode Aiparas, 6234 c. -1 case Mode Alpacas, 59c. 1 case Mode A qmea., 58c. 1 case Mode Alpacas, 58c. The above comprise all the new shades,- and are far sit- Perturtu quality, for the price, to anything offered this season. , J. R. CAS . SELBER RY'S Mammoth Dry Goods House, mh2s-21 - 45 North Ef HTIT street, below Arch. BLACK SILKS. Gras du Rhine& . Lustri age, Marcel Ines. Mourning Po de Soles. Gros Grains. _ Bonnet Taffetas. . Moire Antiques. Double-faced Ereeadee, Rich, neat Figures. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. SPRING. DRESS' GOODS. Poltde Chimes, Midi:iris. Adriennes, -Worsted Cs. Fit de Cherres, M ohairs. re Chintzes, Lawns, Organdies. . Plain Silks. New Foulards. Plaid All-wool.Cashmeree. fen ...-• SHARPLESS BROTHERS. - • . CHESTNUT and.RIGIITH Streets. MAZE - AND - LEATHER:COLOR DRESS GOODS. blade and Tan Wool Do Danes; Deuble-width De Laines and Mohairs; Plaid Valcncias, all colors; A great variety of Dress Goods for snits, Small black and white, and. brown and while, Plaid Bilks; Brown Silks. dark shades; Plaid Olive Foulard Silk, for Friends; One piece of Olive Summer Sillc,. wide and good, for Friends; Together - with Williamsville, Warnsutta, and all the best makes of Unsling. at • • • •• . JOEIN erroKaw W „ • mh23 .' TO Allau Street. MAIMErLLES , 1 MARSEILLES 1- A J•La• good itsoOrtmeot of Cordedrrated; . grid . E!cared MAY,SEILLES, for Bargons, Chil d ren 'sWesr, &a. • . . EIIEPPARD. VAN HARLTNGIIN,•& ARRISON; • • • . zob4 • %OUR CHESTNUT Street- AN ANA!KEB t!k BRPW'N'S' ja2s•tapG • ." HALL; , . . ozonlikG; Southeast corner SIXTH and. MARKET ekes WANAMAKER k BROWN'S WAN AMARER.& BROWNY& WANAM AK ER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WA NA V AKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKBR & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER Sr BROWN'S • CLOTHING, OAK PALL. CLOTHING "OAK HALL".CLOTHING'. ' "OAK HALL" CLOTHING. . .• . •A . OAK HALL" CLOTHING, OAK HALL" CLOTHING "OAK HALL" CLOTHING' • OAK HALL CLOTHING: - 1 "OAK,HALL" - R2, • "OAK:MALL" CLOTHING, SPRING AND SUMMER,IBB3; • - SPRING AND SITAIMER.I94, SPRING AND SUM M ER,1853, SPRING AND SOMA SPRING AND SHMMER,IB6:3, SPRING AND SIIMMER,ISKI, SPRING AND SUM.ME ROM. SPRING AND MIN ER, ISM SPRIN G AND SEMI ER,1863, • SPRING AND SUMMER,IB6S. SPRING AND STIMMER.I939, SPRING AND SUMMER, MS, & R. COX. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COB. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COX: SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COX. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET, S. E. COX. SIXTH & MARKET. S. E. COIL Erni & MARKET. S. E. COX. SIXTH & MARKET. S. MARKET. E. COIL SIXTH & ARKET: S. E. COX. SIXTH & M S. E. COX. SIXTH & MARKET. & H COIL SIXTH & MARKET: miklB43e3o BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, At- 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $6.50. At. 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. P/011'8,05.00, At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS, 85.00. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS. $5:50.. At 701 MARKET Street. GRIGG . & VAN GUNTER'S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & .VAN (TUNTEN'S, No 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG' &. , VAN GUNTER'S, No. 704 MARKET Rtreet GRIEIQ IC VAN GUNTER'S. No. 704 MARKET Street GRIUSI & 'VAN CURTER'S, No. 7C4 MARKET Street OLD THIN.G. . JACKETS, AND,'•PANTS_ LARGE STOCk. OF GOODS TO. SELECT FROM GOODS AT RETAIL FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEA: COOPER 4S; CONARD. nbl4-tf Aiornir 14101111.A.N.D DIARKEtSts JOHN C. ' OAPP. & SON, STOOK AND . NOTE BROKERS, Directly opposite the Mechanics' Bank. STOCKS ADD.' BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON MONEY INVESTED NOTES AND LOAN'S :NEGOTIATED zahl2-3m ON THE BEST TERMS IT. S. . • SAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF . THE BOY AFTER PPM YEARS.' I am instracted by the RECIHRTART Or THR TEFL ER= to receive subscriptions for the above On' and after JULY Ist. 1963. the privilege of convert tug the preeent issue of LEGA.L-TENDER. NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIB PERCENT. LOAN (coin monly called "Five-Twenties '') will cease. All Who wish to invest in the Five -Twenty Loan. therefOre, apply before the let of IDLY next. JAY COOKE. • - • , Subscription Agent, • reht-tjyl 114 South THIRD Street. Pbilada. Q I 2 THIS''OOO A3l 017 N T TO .•- • Loin on City.or Country first mort gageg. Luth3l3:; .B.TETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. 8169 000- $7,000 •$ 000 TO . LOAN Ott MORTGAG'S,.. a H. MORRIS, 6por cent., for a term of ears. J uRRIS, • y Illh2i 4 st * . L 916 ARCS Mallet. RETAIL OILY (3()(111)S. MANTILL AS FRENCH SUITS, 111111IRSDAY,' Match A SHALL INVOICE ROTtitiN S,CA.EFS; GANT DE SUIDE 2-BUTTONED KID GLOVES. `.`..NEW STORE;NOIIItNIIii TT ,17 926 cjrsT,NIJ BET. M. cr.; R ES ° & CO. CLOTHING. BOYS' SUM, s6.' ; BOYS' SUITS; Ir.. BOYS' SITITS,4B. BOYS' Simko. strffs, $lO BOYS' SUITS, $ll SACKS AND SUITS MADE TO ORM FINANCIAL. No. 23 South THIRD Street. COQ ussrow. AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS FIVE-TWENTIES; TWENTY -TSAR SIX PER OEM'. BOND& LOAN AT PAR. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD-STREET SPECIAL NOTICE. M I I ; '" 1 " -' 1 I i 0 ". ' Y YOUR MAGAZINES AT 808 Atlantic, ;:rper, . Vetersoa, n.nd Galley,: for April, nth2G-2t G. W Streot; • VETERSONS' COUNTRRFEIt TECTOR, for APRIL ist, is published this day. 1t - pETE RS 0 N C 0 UNT ERB' EIT ;'DE 'ACTOR,- for APRIL Ist, is' fall of now Counter to felts. • • pETEBSONS' COTINTREFEIT DE TECTOR, for . APRTY. i•st, t; published this day a , • T. B. Pit,TERSO.N & BROTHERS' No.:10i; CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia: Everybody should subscribe for it; everywhere, a , Sin trle numbers 10 rents, or $1 a year. .Advertisements inserted in it at low, rates. It TBE AND ART- OF' WAR ExPLAIvEn. - -See A MERMAN EXCHANGE AND. REVIEW for Nardi. Twenty-five °eats. Publication Office, CIIF.STDMT Street . It* r . OITR, ON .ONE .CARD!!! . Mr. and Misr Tom Thumb, and Commodore. Nutt and Minnie Warren, ALL ON ONE CARD. Mrri - than TWENTY diCorout styles of Thumb and NuP.Pietures.--. PITCHER'S, - .T01126-t . SOS CifEST , HIT icreet. 1P zit YrOGRAPHS. VOLT WILL BE' SURPRISED AND delighted at their wonderful accuracy and. beauty . When you have got one of RElMbllt'SColored. Photo graliho, dl :SECOND ;Area., above Grew:L. ! IE • (1 A..R D PHOTOGRAPHS. - CARD `,--" Photographs of over 1,000 different fancy subjects, taken from - life and irom the finest engravings. Por traits of Generals. of both armies, - ;Statesmen. Poets. and other eminent men. Single copies 15 cents, or 11.00 Per dozen. Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SCHOLZ St JA.N.KNTZKY. 112 South EIGHTH Street. Any-We also sell prepared colors for coloring Ph oto graph s taken on Albumen Paper. Price 112.5 a box, with reducing liquid. - 1e26-Iro if A . SAFE' INVESTMENTOU ARE sure of yoftr innney's worth if y'ou got a Colored Ph9tdri•aph of REIMER for v 4i. Go to SIiCOM) Street, above Green, and invest. .10. DU CATI(3N. pENNSY LVAN IA MILITARY AOA- . - - DDIY. at West Chester, (forboarders only.) Tide Academy elm rtei ed by tho Legislature with the following Board of Trustees: • : BON. .TA WES POLLOCK, President. CAPT. WM.. APPLI ,4 Vice President. • ' war E. BARBER, Rm., Secretary, XAMESB. °ENE, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. Richard Newton; D.--D. - ; He Benjamin Wal lace, B. D. : lion. Oawald Thomoson, Pon. Chas. O'Neill, Col: D. B. Thuman, Jame. L. Clog - horn, Esq.; George P. Russell, E-q. ; Joseph B Townsend, ksq. ; Charles 8. , Dungan. Esq. • William L. Springs, Esq., George H. Farrel, Esq.. - ; . fhoodore Hyatt, Esq. It provides Primary. Scientific. Collegiate, and Milita ry departments of nudy, all of which are now in opera tion under tkoroughly competent professors. . The ac commodations for cadets are of the most approved kind; The discipline is at) ietly Military. Careful attention is paid to the moral and I , ligions instruction of cadets - The Academy is furnished by the State with a battery of six brass guns for the artillery drill. Students desiring to enter - should. report at the Academy on the 9th of April or as soon after as possible. For circulars apply to JAMES 11. ORNE, 'Esq.. 62G CHFSTINT.TT Streer, or to COL. TRW/DORE HYATT,. President Pennsylvania .Military Academy- (IXFORD FEMA LE SEMINARY; OXFORD, CHESTER COUNTY, PA.—The next session .4 tl is institntion I open WEDNESDAY, May 6th. For catalogue; and circulars address Miss BAKER, mhal-ha ToItALLAD SIN' GIN G.—T. BISHOP, 1632 - I" FILBERT Street. mh2-Im* GLESWOOD MILITARY /-10A.DE MY—PERTH AM BOY, •N. J.—Three hours from Philadelphia., by. Camden and .Amboy line, 6 A. N., fare $1.25. Pupils may or ter at any time, paying from date of entrance. Prospectuses, with catalogues, at No. 903 CLINTON Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia references—Prof. Henry Coppee, Pliny E. Chase. . mhlo ire FEMALE OOLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J.—Pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 20 miles north of Philadelphia. It has been in success ful operation for eleven Teen], and is one of the most flourishing institutions in this section of tho country. Special attention, is paid to the common and higher branches of English, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. French taught by a native, and spcifen in the family. For catalogues ad dress Rey, JOHN H. BRAHRLEri felB-2m* President. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA. pi. Thorough Course in Mathematics, Classics, English Studies, dm. "- Military Tactics taught.' Classes in Boek-keeplng. Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils , taken of all ages,- and are received at any time. lloa,dlug per week, Eel 25 : Tuition per quarter, El. For catslogries or information address Rev. J. HER VEY BARTON. A. H., Village Green, Pa, ocla-tf COPARTNERSIKIPS. VFAOLUTION —THE COPARTNER. D SEHP'heretotore existing as HEISLI3Ri;--"I'IIE VER is this day dis,Aolvrdi by mutual conseut of the un dersigned. JOHN J. HEISLER is hereby authorized to settle and liquidate the affairs of the said Arm. JOHN J. HEISLER Isaac H. STREVN • N. B. eorneiElG NTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. pl.tacti 23. 1563. , inh2s-thstn3t* TDB FIRM OP CHARLES OAKFORD & SOB (Hatters and Furriers). was DISSOLVED ly the death of Charles Oakford, senior, on November 862. • The uudersignd have entered into Copartnership, to continue the lousiness, under the style and name of CHARLES. 0 AHFOltll di SONS, dating from .110V1331- BER 15th t :1802. • Parties indebted to the late nrnit or those having claims against said Arm will please call and have the seine closed by the n odereigned, at their stores. Nos, 88-46.autl 830 CUESTh UT street. under the Continental Hotel REBECCA OAKFORD (Wiow C HA RLESrIoo no kCo ) 0 AX FORD, ISAAC 8.. CAE:FORD. March 24. Ma ATOTIOE -THE COPARTNERSHIP - 1 - 3 heretofore existing under the firm of J. a STE VENS & CO. is hereby dissolved by uralualconsent. P.- ST uvr..eve.--- . . • P. STEVENS. . YEITLADEI.PHIA, March'intn„. 'Mr. J. E. P. sTsvirss retires from business after this date on account Associated in his stead, to conduct the - t,ontinental Hotel. are J. E. Kingsley, from New York, of high reputation in the profession ; C. W. Spofford, of, ten years' experience at the Tre- Icout House, Boston, and James H. Wildman, many years in service as Receiv in g Clerk, at the Revere House, 'Boston. With these gentleinen to manage, conduct. Girard HouseTtr: l l9ifii i ",gl.higNi t a i t l m3 r in • Salom, long before the public In this city, and Slr. George' A: Sawyer, well-known as an experienced accountant from Boston ; the travelling public may be well assured of c,rreat kindness and polite attention while guests of said establishment. The Continental Hotel will be condncted under the firm of J. E. KIIiGSLEY & CO. PHTLADELPII lA, Marchl6, lSgt. mItIS-lm TILE SUBSOBIBERS WILL CONTI• RUB the DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand. No.TM MARKET Strea k ELias ee s CO., D__T, lets, 7214 Maßla Street. BLOTELO. • " T HE tri` - A.ROH STREET, between THIRD and FOURTH. Philadelphia. The undersigned having, renewed' the lease of the above pormlur Hotel fora series of years, would respect fully call the attention of the Travelling Public to its central locality, either for business or pleasure. The house will be entirely renovated and refurnished,. and kept iu such a numnor as to merit, as heretofore, a liberal share of Pul'lle 'Patronage.. With many thanks to former Friends and the Travel ling Public, R e trust we may have the pleasure of wait Inc upon them again on visiting this oily. THOMAS S. WRBD St SON. T. S. WEBB, , • roprietcrs. F. R. WEBB. f BItANIMETH HOUSE, • Ar. Cotner of BRO A DWAY, CANAL, and LISPENARD • STREETS. NEW YOP.R. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The slow Hotel is located in the moat c' astral part of Broadway, and can bo rescued b• omnibus or city cars, from all the eteemb bat 'endings and railro'd d 6M3ts. The rooms are clessntly furnished. Many of them are. constructed in snits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling to gether. ' - Meals served at all hours. • Single Rooms from 60 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from $1 to $2.60 per day. deB-6m JOB. CURTIS & CO. . . - .LEGAL . ••• • .. I : 14 THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITVAND'COUNTY OF •PHILADELPHEA. Breve de Partitions Fasienda. Dec. T., ISS2, No. 461. •BENIAH S. HUNT. vs. THE ,PENNSYLVANIA COM PANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANT ING ANNUITIES, trustees under the last will and testament of Peter L. Ferguson, deceased, and ALEX ANDER C. FERGUSON. • And now, February 14, ISB9, the said writ having been returned by the Sheriff, and the return thereof approved by the Court, on motion of Charles E. Lex, for doman dant, the Court grant a rule on all persons interested in said case to come' into Court on the 28th day of MARCH, ISM, to accept or refuse the estate mentioned in the. said writ at the. appraised value thereof, and directed publication to be' made Once a week, for six • weeks, in The Pram a daily newspaper of the city of Philadulphia. • : .' : • fcl9-thW LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE -•-• estate of Rev. 4011 N MoDOWELL, D. D., denim& baying been granted to the undersigned,' all persons in debted to the mid estate will make payment, and those baying demands will present them to JOHN ItiUDOWELL, Jr., , 1624 GREEN Street; HENRIETTA Mg DOWELL, 1030 MT. VERNON•Street, Executors. .Philedelpbta, March 19. 1863. mh194102* IN THE CiRPHANS' . OOIIRT FOR THE gpi AND COUNTY OF pHILADBLP.IiIA - Eetato of V.W.741.10,Vr. ElLLl3ll:,Decosiied. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. stale. and adjust the acoonnt of JOHN WELSH, Trustee. &e.,. of ALFRED A. DULLER, Deceased, and to make dis. tribution, &c., will meet the parties interested on 510.11. DAY. March O. 156.3, at 4P. 11I„ at his Office; B. E. cor. SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. mble,thatu /St • . D. W. O'BRlEN.'Auditor. HARDWARE A.ND:Ctt•LERY. WOEIvIAN &% ELY, Mmilfioturers of PATENT CAST-STEEL TAI3LE CUTLERY COMBINATION CAMP KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, No. 130 PEG STREET, nih2l-stuth2m HARDWARE. CLOSING OUT, AT OLD PRICES, The stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE. comprising A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS. OF GOODS. 4917 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets., mh6-Imif STRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL'TO MALMSEY MADEIRA, Just received.X ALBERT O...ROBERTS, - DEALER IN FINE ,OROCERIES. fe2s. CORNER •ELEVENTH and VINE Streets WILMINGTON CITY. NOTES TA ken at par for _ HARDWARE, CUTLERY; OR TOOLS, •• to their full amount (excqt for sAtialyAhlk s el.2 .W. No. 835 (eight-thirty fie), Market st, below Ninth. m23-6t. . ' ,• ; :z.&_, THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABI= IFIV NET AND BOOK STORE is open 'day and even . ea inn for the sale of Books on'Phrenolog_y„ Physio logy,KYgiTre, Phonography and for Phrenologt ... Cal exam:inflations. Orders by mail should be addressed to.. . . JOHN.L. OATEN, fefi,stuthSinif OAA.CHESTNUT Street. Phila.. C, B A MPA_ . GNE,..... AN., 1N,V.01C.. E [ . - OF "Gold La 'awl " Gloria " Champagne. juat re ceived_per ship Wm: Nelson, for sale by the sole agents C in the United States. HAS. 8: & JAS. CAUSTAIES m hlB - N 0.1,16 WALNUT and RR. GRANITI de. • R,HERrFF'S SALE.-BY VtitTCTE OF ‘^-, 'a writ of terrari Facies, to me directed, will bo ex posed to public zeds or vendee; on MOND 1 - 2 ADA! 6. 1563, at 4 w'clock; Sitnioln-street Hai , AD, that eertain Su or piece of ground situate en the west side of Elevens Ai street: at the distance of Ili:linty two Act northward Iron the um th side of Linwihterd street. the city of P7otla telphia; containiug in frorWor breadth , on tho,.said 1 1 .1'i-we:nth street eighte e n feet, 'VIM extending inlength or depth W•estWardhotweenparaliell lines ut right entries with Oho said Eleventh street eighty two 'feet,- to a cc' lain twenty-feet-wide street, laid out by'Joseple SWUM,' and extending northward Awn the said Lonthard street: Bounded -north war d ap d sout h_ ard. by thOgriiiitid of the said ...boob W. Coll ad ay, west-' Ward by the said tWenty-feet.wido street, and eastward by b',leven di street aforesaid, (which said lot or rice of kround above described the said Joseph Swifth, by in denture rearing even date with a pertain indenture of mortgaue, viz: file fillet, A. D. 1850, 'be t duly execufed arid acknowledged prior to the execution of said immature, and intended therewith to be recorded according to law, for the consideration money, therein mentioned, .the whole whereof WM!! intiaided . to 'be thereby secured, panted and conveyed 'note the said Jacob W. Colladay in 40.1' Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said twenty , feet-wide street at all times hereafter. an . ,l forever. (D. C. 416; Mar T. 'O3. Debt $8,130.30. If. M. Phillips.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the • property of Jacob W. Coliaday. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philo de,lphin, Sheriff's Office, March 25, 1663. reih26.3t SHERIFF'S ; SALE.---BY VIRTUE OF a. writ of kevaria Facies, to ins directed, willho ex posed to public Fah; or vendee, on. MONDAY Evening, -April 6. 1.561 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall; All that. certain tin ec-story. brick messuago or tone ' ment, and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging situate on the west side of-Twelfth street, in the city of' Philadelphia, (called the District of Spring Garden). Beginning at tlie distarice of sixteen feet seven and a onalter inches north of Melon street, thence extending westwardly at right angles with the said Twelftth street by ground DOW or-late d of.TheronS.ROgerS Johnson. sixt v twe feet seven and a quarter incbes to a three-feet-wide ,alley, thence Mirth wardly along said alley fifteen feet two and three-eighth inches: to ground nowor late of John W: Middleton, thence eastward] y by sfdd ground at right angles with the said Twelfth street sixty feet one and -seven-eighth inches to :said Twelfth street. and thencesouthwardly along the went side of said Twelfth street fifteenleet, to the place of beginning. (Being the same premises which Joseph•O. Johnson by indenture dan:d the tenth day of March, A. fir'lB2l, recorded in Deed Book G. Wr: C., No. 10, T 41463334, granted and conveyed: unto the said Alexander R. Johnson in fee.] Together with the fr,o and common use, liberty, and privilege of the, said three-feet -wide alley, in common •sv with the onere, - tenants, • and occupants of the other lots bounding thereon at all times hereafter forever. fIE C. 999, Mar. T.%89. Debt 41,800. Lex.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the . property of Alexander it: Johnson. JOHN THOMPSOT, Sheriff. • PhDsdeipbia, Sheriff's Office, Starch 25, ISS SHERIFF'S SALE.BY 'VIRTUE 0 F Ps- , ' a :writ of Le, arc Facias, to,Me.'directed, will be exposed to public salo or vend tw-on MONDAY Evening, April (i, ISO, at 4 o'clock; at Sainem-streetllall, All that certain tel or picece of ground situate:on the west side of Twelfth street; et the - diStance Of two Min, dred.and'fonr feet northward from the north side of 4 1 dual street, in that part of the. First ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; included „in the late di,itriet (for mer/7 township) of llioyani ensing; containing in front or breadth on the said Twelfth street sixteen feeL and ence eXtehding westward between: lines paiallel with the said Federal street inlengthordepth filly-six feet five inches to a certain alloy four feet in width.leading into and from Anita street. Bounded northward by other ground of the said titephen Smith, granted or in tended to have been granted.unto William McCullen on ground rent, eastward by the said Twelfth street, south ward by other ground of she said Steph granted "or intended to have been:granted.unto John Tiftilarthyou ground rent, and westward by said four-feet•wide [Being, the same 10t, or, piece of ground which:the said Stephen Smith add wife; by indenture bearing date the twenty-first day :of 'June, anne Domini 3856, and In tended to be recorded, granted and conveyed- to the. said James: Murphy in fee; reserving thereout unto the . said Stephen • Smith, his heirs and assigns, - certain 'Yearly' ground rent or sum. of - $4O. 3 Together with the free use, riht, liberty and privilege of the said four feet-wide alley, •as and' for a way-passage and water course in common with the said - Stephen Smith, his heirs and assigns, at all times hereafter forever. N. B.—On - the above-described premises there is . erected a three-story brick dwelling house, and the said premises will be sold subject to the above-recited ground ED. 505; Minch T., '6l Debt, $675. 'Gibbons.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Murphy, JOHN TROMPSON. Shortly. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 25,1863. 1023-3 t REBUFF'S SAI , E.IIIt . VIRTUE OF 0 •-•'' a'-writ of Levert. :facies to me directed , will be exposed. to public .sale or vendee: en MONDAY Eve ning, April 6.1E63, at 4 'o'clock. at.Saneom-street No. 1. Ail that certain lot'or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, rituate on the swath east coiner or Haverford street and Thirty-se venth street. or Eighth street, as the raid Eighth street was originally laid out of the width of fifty feet, in the Twen'yAourth ward of said dty: containing in front or breadth on said Haverford street twenty-two feet six inches, and extending in length or depth southward along said Thirty-seventh. atreet oighty-seven feet to a three - feet - wide alley. (Being part of the same premises which Patrick McWilliams by endorsed Deed Poll, tearing date the Tweuty-fon-th day of December, A. D. 1657, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. M. page 160, &c. granted and conveyed to the said Joseph Herbert in fee, under and subject to certain restrictions as to buildings. And also. to the payment ofa certain yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and twenty dollars as therein mentioned, and William S. Baker and otheis, in whom the fee of said yearly ground rent vested by indenture bearing even date with a certain in denture or mortgage, viz.: November 15, 1339, - aud in tended to be "forth with recold.d, ielensed, and extin guished the Caine unto the said Joseph Herbert, his heirs and assigns forever.] No. 2. And also, all that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and imoroverneni e thereon erected, situate on the east side of said Eighth street, as the same wee originally laid out of the width of fifty feet, at the distance of ninety feet e•mthward from the sunlit side of Haverford street in the said Twenty-fourth ward; containing In front or breadth on the said Eighth street sixty-eight feet eve inches to Gallen street, and extend ing in length or depth eastward along said Garden' street. (now Rockland street), fifty-five (65)feet. N. B.—On lot No 1 is erected a tbree-storybrick house frith two-story brick back building. On let No. 2is erected a frame carpenter shop. • CD. 0., 476; Mar. T., '63. Debt, Wail. 43 Raged.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of Joseph Het bort JOHN THOMPSON, Sheri ff . • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Mar. 25.1363. mh26-.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE' OF a writ of Venditionl Expense, to me directed. will he . exposed to public Weer vendue, on 110.NDAY Evening,. April 6. ISGR, :at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street Hall, .. • All that stone measuage, barn, de, and tire COntign— ons lots of land, situate in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, the. first being described as follows : Beginning at a stone set for a corner in the rorthwestwardly side of the Old York road; thence by land of Benjamin Armitage, north eighty-three degrees twenty minutes, west thirty perches and three-tenths to a tone ; thence north five degrees ten minutes. east thirty-five ard a half perchts to a stone; thence by land of Samuel Harper, south eighty-two degrees fifty-five minutes. cost rwenty-eix perches to a corner-stone; thence by land of Joseph Engel, south nine degrees. west two perches and eighty-Ilve-hundredths to a stone; thence south sixty-nine degrees, cast sixteen perches to a post at the side of taid 0.. , ft-b3r - said. road south twenty-eight desires forty-nye minutes, west thirty perches and thirty-live-hundredths to the place of beginning. • Con taining seven acres nn. , hyd , narches..and n_half perch of laud, more or Lass. Being the -same-prnintses t hat Jorepit Heals- and wife, by indenture dated the 36th of November, ISI4. recorded m Deed Book B. L. L., 110.31, psige 387, granted and conveyed to the said Jo seph T. Blears in lee. The other tract of land,. beginning at a corner •of land now or 'stem' Silas Wilson. and be ing onSbe line of the above described lot of land; thence nee o - ' . . • sixes north eiglkiy-four degrees, west thirty-o g t perches and twenty-nine-hundredths to a stone at eor ner of Miller's lot, end in line of Nathan Spering's land; thence by same south six degrees and a half, west eight Perches and thirty-four-hundredths to a corner of said Wileou'e lot t thence by game south eighty-four degrees east thirty-eight porc hes and sixty-two-he udredths to the risco of tresinning. Containing two acres, mere or less. (Being the same tract of land which Henry Lobar. Ev 'Sherilf of the county of Philadelphia, by Deed Poll dated the SOth of Jane, ISO. and entered among the records of the District Court, in Sheriff's Deed Book V. page 610, g: anted and conveyed to the said Joseph T.' Means in fee. 3 (1). C., 463; March T., '6O Debt, 62,121.61. Abbott.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph T. Mears. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, March 25,1863. inhffila EMIT'S SALE:B"it. VIRTUE OF f...." a writ of _Levert Fader, to me' directed.' Willbe ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, April 6. 2863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail. All those certain two-story- brick messuages or tene mentsn and lot or piece of ground, situate on the nort h side of a certaiu forty-feet-wide street, now . called Castle street, at the distance of one hundred and forty one feet four inches eastward from Eleventh street (which Castle street runs from said Eleventh street 'eastward between Sassafras and Vine streets), in the city. of Philadelphia:. containing in front or breadth on the said Castle, street sixteen feet eight inches. and to length • or' depth eighty - seven feet, to a ten feet-wide alley leading westward .into another ten feet-wide alley that leads from the said Castle street into a forte-feet-wide court, called North court: running westward into said Eleventh i treet. Bounded on the south by the said Castle street, on the east partly .by the three-feet-three-inches-wide. allay hereinafter mentioned, and partly by ground ibrinerly of Joseph Lippincott, on the north by the said first-mentioned ton- ' - feet• wide align-, and on the west by ground granted to Catherine Haller. [Being the same premises which Abraham M, rshall and Elizabeth, his wife, by inden ture bearing date the 23d day of August, lS2s,recorded in Deed Book G. W. R. No. S. page 461, Ac.. grants* aid conveyed unto Valetaine Umbehent, of the cit 'of (Phi ladelphia, in fee; subject to the payment of ae afore said yearly ground rent or stun of thirteen ollars and thirty-three cents, parable unto John H. B •intou, his heirs and assigns, -without any deduction for taxes. • And the said Valentine Umbehent, being so seized of the said premises, departed this life intestate, with re spect thereto, on the.lsth day of July, 1810, leaving a . widow named Sophia, and issue, nine children, name ly- Valentino Umbehent. -William Umbehent. Mary Stiles. Catherine Hopkins. Sophia • Umbehent, Juliann Uxubehent, Henrietta Umbehent, Elizabeth Umbeliont,. and Sarah Urnbelient; and also two grandchildren, Richard Hand, William H. Umbehent, the children of his son, John Umbehent, deceased, to whom the same descended according to law. And the said Sophia Umbe-• bent, the widow, bath else since :keened this life. And the said Sarah Umbehent departed this life intestate, nu married, and without issue, on the 26th day or January. 1835. And the said Richard H. Umbehent, by indenture bearing date the St h• day of September, 1535, granted and conveyed all his (then) right, title, ;mil interest of and • in the said premises unto the said Catherine Hopkins in fee, subject to a proportionable part of the aforesaid yearly ground rent. And the. said William •H, Umbe bent, by indenture bearing date the uni day of Novem ber, 1845. granted and conveyed all his estate, right, • title; and. interest of, in, and to the:s • id premises nate the said William Umbehent An fee; subject re a propor tionable part of the aforesaid yearly groundt A nji the said Elizabeth tmbehent departed this life OR the 3d day of April. SU, intestate. unmarried, and without issue: whereupon all her' right and interest of and in the said premises became vested in her surviving , brothers and sistere,• and . her. nephews, the said lilt:chard II; llmbehout.and William 11. • Umbe hent, according to law. And the said Valentino Um bel:out, (the %an, ) William Umbehent, and Hannah. his wife, Mary Stiles, widow, Catharine Hopkins. widow. Sophia Umbehent, Juliann - Umbehent, and Henrietta Umbehent, by indenture bearing date the 28th day of July, 1816, granted nod conveyed the said premises unto the said Daniel M. Fox iu fee; subject to the aforesaid - yearly ground rent or sum of thirteeu dollars and thirty three cents. And the said Richard H. Umbehent, and Rachel Jane, his wife, and .William 11. Umbehent, by indenture bearing date the sth day of September, DM, granted and conveyed all their parts, shares, purports, and dividends, estate, right, title, and interest of, in and to the said premises unto 'the said Mary Stiles in fee, in trust to and for the same uses, ends interests. and pur- ItOses and under and subject to the several provisos contained and expressed in the first above recited inden ture, from the .said Daniel M. Fox to the said Mary Stiles, subject to proportionable part of the aforesaid 'yearly ground rent. • ID. C.; 492; Mar. T., '63. Debt, SUR Banat.] Taken in execution and to lie sold 1444 the property of Mary Stiles. Trustee. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 25.18G1 inh2l3-2t mhlo-tuthslm SHERIFF'S SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, April 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those three several Hits or pieces of ground with the brick messuages or.tenements thereon erected, situ ate in the city of Philadelphia: No. 1. One of them beginning at a .point on the east side of said Durance street, at the distance of eighty six feet from the south 'side of. Carpenter street, containing' in front or breadth on the said borrasca street fciurteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that width be tween parallel lines at right angles with said Dorrance street east fifty feet. Bounded on the north ground by other ground of the said - 0. Wilson Davis; on the south by the next hereinafter 'described lot of ground, on the east by ground granted to Adam Iseminger, and on the west by the said Dorrance street; together with the free • use and privilege of a certain two-fort-wide alley laid cut between the said lot and the lot adjoining it to the north as a right of way,- both of ing,ress and egress to the lots tbonnding thereon:: forever, with the privilege of building( over the said two-feet-wide all en leaving eight feet in the clear. -_ • No., 2. One other of them beginning at a point on , the east side of said Dorrance street; at the distance of,one hundred feet from the south side of said Carpenter street, containing In--front or breadth on the said Dorrance sta eet fourteen feet, and extending in length or depth be tween parallel lines s.t right angles with said Dorrance street fifty feet; bounded on the north -by the last above described lot, on the south by the next described lot,. on the east by ground granted to said Adam Iseminger, and on the west by the said Dorrance street. : No. 3. And the other of them beginning at a point on the east side of said Durance street, at the distance of one hundred and fourteen feet from the south side of said Carpenter street; containing in front or breadth on the said Dorrance street fourteen feet; and extending in length between parallel lines at right angles with the said Dorrance street fifty feet; bounded hu the north by the last deseribed lht,, on the south by ground now or late.of Robert Jarden, on the 'east , by ground granted to the said Adam Iseminger,- and on the west by the said -"Dorrance street i•tegether (as regards the two lots of • ground last described, ) . with the free use and privilege of a certain two-feet-wide alley between the said lots as a right of way both of ingress and egress to the lots hound ing thereon forever. with the privilege - of building over the Said two-feel-wide alley, leaving eight - feet in the clear. (Being part of the same premises which the said 0; W. Davis and Sophia C., •• his wife, by indenture `dated the eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1862, and re corded' at. Philadelphia in Deed Book A. C. H.. No. 51, .page '513. &c.. • granted and conveyed unto the said .Dominick C. Brennan in fee, under and subject 38 re gards each of the three above-described lots of ground, with the ground e oresereted, to the payment of a certain yearly rent IM of thirty-six dol lars balf-1 early; 'on, the first` clays of: tho months of •• January and: July, In every year:. forever, without de duction for taxise, Ste., unto Henry F. Fox,' his heirs and -assigns. Pier r• • CDC.' 497; Mar; Debt, 3a309.35. Lady - a - rd.] , Taken execution and .to be sold as the property of Do": - sick C. Brennen. JOAN THOMrSON. Sheriff— Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 25;1863. rah26-S Philadelphia SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES; _OI4,TIERIPTS SALE.-BY VIRTUE (F' *tit of 3,11 furies Levert Facia's; te medirected; ho eXpo srd to pn )/ic sale or Vendee; on'lliCreTDAY „Eve ning, knvil 6, 1663. af 4 o'dlock;at Satisotif-sttoot44.ll; All toose. certain two contiguous lots or pieces of onnd, with two-story brick mill ;kid. ininrcv:ements thereon eructed; situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia. aforesaid ; one of them con:lrak-acing , at the southeretwardly corner of Front' and Coral streets; thence extendepg snuthwardlyaleng tbe east side Of f. maid f Front street tltirty-sixfeet; thence . east ward on BUS , a cright.sitiglek*ith said Frontatreet, - by gronnd now or Rite of Elijah - inch and tive.:e . !eighths of an inch,to a point:" thence, still by the samtv . seeltnvardly,abour twenty feet to a pOint, which, at .the dl Unce of lifty•two feet one inch and: five-eighths of art . .' incteliet ward from ins east side of said Ft on t street, on aline running at right angles thereto; thence northeast ward-I,y on ;e line at. right angleswith Dreer etrfet, by other - 2round of the s t lfd Elijah. •Tysorc, , ,fifty-two feet three thelies and seven-eighths of an inch to the south westwardly side of Dreer street; thence northwestward ly al on elthe some seventy-eve feet two inches and one fourth of an inch to the southeastWardlV side of said Coral stitet, and thence aouthwestwardlY along the same - fifty-three feet and one-half of an inch to the east: side of said Front street; arid place of beginning, Being the same lot or piece'of ground which' Elijah TYsonl. by a certain indenture hearing date the Gth deY of December, A. D. 1854, recorded in Deed Book It. 1). W.. No.j, page 21, Sm., granted and conveyed unto the said Charles Townsend, in, fee, reserviny therefor , and thereout a certain yearly grourid-rent charge, or sum of 8103, in equal half-yearly payments; on the Ist y of the months of April and. October in every . year . thereafter lot ever, and the said Charles Townsend and • Wife, by a certain indenture, bearing date the 22,1 day of ebruary, A..D. 1368, endorsed mien the above-recited indenture and recorded in Deed Book h. D. W., No. 11. page Di. Ac., granted and conveyed one tut', equal, :tad undivided moiety, or, one-half part • thereof, of, in, and to the Suitt lot or Piece of ground above described, unto George W. Einwechter, his heirs and assigns, fore.ver, under and subject to a moiety or half part of the afore said,yeerly ground rent, and the said George W. Ein... weal ter and wife, by indenture bearing date the 12th day of October, A. D. 1855, and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and convoyed (inter alio) his, the fell, said one equal, undivided moiety, or one-half part, of, in, and to the aforesaid lot or piece of ground, .sub ject as above mentioned, un to the said James McCartney. his heirs and assigns, forever. - - And the other of them, situate on the east side of Front street, at the distance of 36 feet southward from the southwestward ly. side of Coral street: , Containing in front or brendth on said Front street 18 feet, and of that width extending east between lines parallel at right - angles - with said Front street, on the north line thereof, 4.5 feet 1 inch and 5-Bths of an inch; and on the south side thereof 52 feet 1 inch and 5-Bths of an inch. Bound ed nortliwardly and eastwardly 'by ground-- granted unto the said Charles Townsend on grin] nd rent, south wardl y by ground' now or late of the said Eli iah Tyson, and westwardly by Front street aforesaid: Being the slime lot cir piece of ground which the said Elijah Tyson, by a certain indenture bearing date the 20th day of February, A. D. 1356, recorded. in Deed Book D. W., No. 10. page 9, Ste., granted and conveyed unto the said Charles Townsend. and George Einwech- - ter, their heirs and assignsjoreyer, in equal moieties, • tenan ts in common; and not as joint tenants.reserving thereout the yearly ground rent or sum of 827," in equal half-yearly payments. on the first day of the months of April and uctober, in every year forever, without de dutaen for taxes. And the, said George W. Einwechter, by the above-recited indenture, dated the 12th day of Oc tober, A. D. 18.55, and intended to lie recorded-as afore said, granted and conveyed one full, equal, undivided moiety, ,or one- half part thereof, of, in, and to the said last described lot or piece of ground, unto the said James McCartney, his heirs and assigns, forever,. under and subject nevertheless to a moiety or one-half part of the aforesaid yearly rent or sum of 627, in equal half-yearly Payments as abovernentioned. . . • CD. C., 669: Mar. T., '63. Debt, $123. Abrams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James McCartney and Charles Townsend.- JOITN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 25,1863. inh26-3t AUCTION SAJUE. 0.1.12 --NINTH AND SAN- AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, ste., ON SATURDAY MORNING-, at 10 o'clock. COMPRISING: A pair of stylish bay coach horses, with long tails, in good health and condition A charlotte° coach ' by Watson, as good as new. A ph teton, leather top, by Lawrence, New York. A cut-under Germantown, by Dunlap. Three sets double harness (one nearly new). One set single, one saddle. A double sleigh ; an elegant robe, cost $75. A lot bells, fine kersey covers, ,Stc. The above are the property of a gentleman breaking up his stable. ALSO, The usual catalogue, comprising about FORTY HORSEi. _ Among which are some very desirable light driving horses, and some excellent saddle horses. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second-hand carriages,- 'wagons, &c., including: - A six-seated carriage, by Watson. One do do by Rogers. Two second-band CP rriages, by Collings. One no-top wagon. by Watson. - A .handsome Watson coupe for one horse. No postponement on account of.the Weather. THIRTY. THIRD PHILA DELPHIA TRADE SALE OF :450 CA_RRIAUES, on Bth April , ALFRED Df. HBRRIVESS. Auctioneer. WA WT. WANTED-BY A LAD,SIXTEEN WANTED -BY years old. a PLACE in a Store or Office. Good refer ence given. Address `'Thomas," at this Office. mh26-3t. "WANTED-BY A YOUN M G AN, A T graduate of Crittenden's Commercial. College. 17 Years of agr, a situation as Clerk in a Whole Sale i.Tpli bing, Dry Goods. Or Commission house. Address "d. P. R, " office of The Pram. mlr2B-3t* ANTED, FOR THE SUALMEt:t--A cou - venient COTTAGE in Germantown o Chestnut Thu. furnished or unfurnished . Address "Cottage," Press Office. rah2s-21* SITUATION .WANTRD-BY- A LAD 19 years of age, in a Produce. Commission House; has some knowledge of the businesg. Good references givea. Address , Anderson," at this Office: mh2.6-3t5 AN TED- , -.A -YOI7NG MAN _AS v salesman and general manager in 'a Wooden-ware House.. A person with experience will find a desirable situation. • Address ' A. B. C. ,"Press °lce. All com munications strictly confidential. mb2s-31. WANTED CLOTHING.-PERSONS having Clothing; to dispose of will.please call or addrees C. MILLER; 203 011RSLNIIT st. mhl.6-merf3re A WANTED TO RENT—A LARGE -on:I STZED HOUSE, between Eighth and. Elarhteenth, and Pine and Vine streets.. Address Box 2075; Ph iladel pLia Post Oflien. _ inh2R-2t. WANTED TO P URCHASE - A moderate sized three-story Brick ROUSE, in a cen tral locagon. Must have all the modern improvements. Address 'House," at this office, stating pries, terms, and location. ict3l-If D E P_U T Y QUARTERMASTER _ pzFaxiArz..,,-pr,....,...,L.,..,_,.__rAb..A_ VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry. COAL to he following points : Tortugas. Rey West, Fla. Fort Monroe Va. FOR SALE AND TO LET. O CAPITALISTS.-TO BE SOLD, A great bargain, to close zn estate, the machinery, patterns, steam engine, and fixtures of a large manu factory of Paper Hangings. The building, erected on purpose for the business, will be sold or let to the purchaser. But one factory is now in operation in this city, which is doing an excellent business. Another one is mach wanted - by the dealers. Inquire of ISAAC PUGH, No. 407 WALNUT Street, 3d story Or, WILLIAM CURRY, ta2:o-10V TWENTY-SECOND and Callon - bill Sts. - 'OR SALE.-THE PROPRIETOR OF the Ashland House, ARCH Street, above SEVENTH, Philadelphia, having taken the National Hotel, in Wash ington, D. is desirous of selling the FURNITURE and'-FIXTURES . of the first-mentioned Hotel. The house is doing a good business, and will be disposed of on advantageous terms. For further particulars, apply 'on the premises. „ t1 5:1 0 04 SALEi The Third HOUSE on the West side of Blond. street, below Columbia avenue, and the last of the Albert free- Finished complete. Wain papered and. gone fronts ceilings frescoed Possession given immediately. _Apply at the S. W • corner of NINTH and SAITSOIII Streets ta , FOR SALE—DESIRABLE NEW DWELLINGS, pleasantly satiated in West Phila delphia. ..Also, DESIRABLE LOTS, situated on all the main streets. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR from S to 9 A.M., corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH and' LOCUST Streets, or at No. 233 South. THIRD Street, from 9 to 3 m112.6-3t,* • CI FOR SALE-ELEGANT RESI DENCES, S. W. corner of FIFTH and BUTTON WOOD Streets. Also one in MARSHALL, north of Green Street.- Apply from 9to 10 o'clock A. Si. to SAMUEL CHUBB, n0h.26.13t* S. W. corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT sts. al NEW HOUSES FOR RENT, wi:3l pleasantly- situated in WEST PHILADELPHIA, at S2OO. $275. $6OO, 8400, and MI Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR. from S to 9 A. M., or 3 to 5 P. SI., N. W. corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH `and LOCUST Streets, or at No. 233 South. THIRD Street. mh26-31. FOR SALE-THREE FIRST " CLASS Four-story Brick DWELLINGS; one south side of Arch, west of Nineteenth street; one south side of Race, - west of Nineteenth street; and one south side of Spring Garden, east of Broad street. Also, -four-story STORE, south side of Market street. west of Fifteenth street.- Also, three-story, Brick DWELLING, with all modern improvements, south side of Wallace street. east of Seventeenth street. Also, three-story Brick DWEL LING, north side of Jefferson, west of Thirteenth street. Apply to • E. TAYLOR, M1126-it No. 111 North SIXTH. Street. it SUMMER RESIDENCE--FOR setE. a Beautiful Residence, PRANKEORD ROAD and ALLEGBARIY Avenue. - House built in -a most su perior manner, and in perfect order; kitchen. laundry, milk-room, and .bake- room in basement. Four rooms on first floor, seven on second. Two furnaces, two rangfe stationary washtubs, washstands. Gas through out. Ice-house, and fine stabling. Grounds handsomely laid out, fruit trees, shrubbery, statuary, etc.. Lot 100 by 320 feet. Apply to 11. CURTIS & SON, Real - Estate Brokers, 4,33 WALNUT Street. mh2s-12tiP, erl . TO RENT-70 RENT—TO RENT; Second-story room, 25x90 feet, corner of Broad and. Walnut streets. .. . The Swimming School, (Natatorium.) formsrly occu pied by Mr. Hlasko, Broad, below Walnut. - Handsome Ball, 33x130 feet, over the Swimming, School, Broad, below Walnut. Two-story store, Broad, above Pine, 23x120 feet, (nal side, Apply to inh23-12V 0,, FOR SALE—AT A LOW PRICE, Ailwaand terms easy. a DWELLING on HIGH Street, GERMANTOWN, with all conveniences, and stable. cewhonse, &c. Apply to B. B. COMEGYS. mhl7-tnth 6t if Al the Philadelphia Bank. • &LOCOMOTIVE .F OR SALE.- One Six-wheel Wood-burner Engine, all the wheels connected; cylinder 12 inches diameter, 18 inches stroke; wheels 41 inches diameter; wrought tyre; boiler 39 inches diameter, with 120 flues; . weight about 40,000 pounds; in good repair and working order; suitable for a shifting engine. The Engine was built ley Messrs. Baldwin St Co., and is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Also, Twenty Four-wheel Coal Cars, in good repair and running order. Apply to C. GAMETSON, rah23-6t 5 311% WALNUT. Street. FOR • SALE.--A North Carolina Pony, S years old: kind and gentle. Warranted sound. Apply to P. FITZPATRICK', KW. Corner QUEEN and SWANSON Streets. mh24-61. MARSHAL'S .SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTU __ of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER. Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District ••of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed. will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at ARCH STREET wharf, on SATURDAY. April 4, 1863. at 12 o'clock. H., Three-Sixteenths of the brig WILLIAM CREEITY, her tackle, apparel and furniture, being the interest of CREEVY & FARWELL, residents and inhabi tants of the State of Louisiana. in the said britt. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States 'Marshal. E. D. Of Pennsylvania. RHILADELPIIIA, March 26, MI - mwli3 _ 6t • -NCA.RSHAL'S SALE.-BY-:,VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD - WALADER, judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be Sold at Public Sale, to the histest and best bidder for cash, at S. C. COOK'S AUCTION STORE, No. 124 South FRONT Street, on MONDAY, April 6, 1E63 at 11 o'clock A.M.. a portion of the cargo of steamer BERMUDA, consisting of 1,970 sides of sole leather, 66 bales of upper leather, 19 7 sec , tions of copper-riveted 9 and 10 inch leather hose, 1 boX of skins. 1 Me fine boots and shoes, 300 boxes tin plates. 360 bundles of sheet iron. Samples at the auction store. . , 'WILLIAM MILLWARD,• United States Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvama. Prar.Armmurre. - March IRei. ' mh24--6t RR, RR S . . , . Nro RG AN'," "0 TEAM *LI' ENGINE BUILDERS. Iron Founders _and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No: nap ciaiLowatur, Street: Philadelphia. • ' , gar, 0K END 0 Rt:. 'u - au_eJ - 4 -4. GRAND SOIREE MILITAIRE;L , of ECKENDOEFFS CADETS. will take plat on occasion. Cards o a. mission 26 centa;_reser.yekseats. 60 cents; can be ob tained' at &nuid'S music store. SEVENTH and CHEST EDT Streets, and at the ACADEMY- of MUSIC. inti24-5b J. H• EDWARDS, 230 South FOURTH Street, AMUSEMENTS. AitERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSW. LessegplaDirecthr. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 27771 C.; EAST NIGHT Bur ONE 01' THE SEMJOkr,• DER FREISaIIUTZ, GRAND OPERA:, BY C; M. VON WEBER R esaere d eerty.. s" l :l in . Parquet. Parquet Circle, or B %1 in To b had .at the Academy and a. E. Goald's MU Fami2y. CirckTo SO cents. Amplittbeativ 25 cents. Doors opemat 7 eclock ; Opera commences at S. inh24-5 SATURVAY AP,TERNOON, AT 3 O'CLOCK, GRAND G ALA MATINEE. "! A NIGHT IN GRENADA," ROMANTIC OPBRA, BY RREUTZER TICKETS AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. . - GRAND DRAMATIC and MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT For the SOLE BENEFIT of the various U. S. A. HOSTITALS, in and around Philadelphia, THBRSDAY EVE:NINO, April 2, 1553. The following well-known favorites of Philadelphia are among the numher who have so kindly consented tO assist on this occasion ; Mrs. JOHN DREW. (Arch-st. Theatre;) Mrs. M. A. GARRETBON,y Walnat-=t. Theatre;) : Mr. W. - WHEATLEY, (Chestnut-st. Theatre;) SIGNOR BLITZ, (i , isembly Buildings;) THE HERMAN BUTCHINSvii FAMILY. THE HERMAN ORCHESTRA (under the leadership of Mr : SCHOFIEI Dr) GOVERIsIOR CURTIN will be present on this occasion. should circumstances permit. TICK.bTS 50 CENTS: (Reserved Seats 25 cents extra. on application at the Box Office of the Academy of Music. ) - Tickets may also be obtained at all the Hospitals in the city, at the :Soldiers'. Reading Room, and at the various Nnsical and Book . Stores. • . _ . The MILITARY BAND ceinreetell with the 11. S. A_ Hospital, Nest Philadelphia, will iqsist on this occa— sion. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THE. TRE. Leanne and Manager. Mr. W. NPRRATTAIL FOR THE FIRST TEHE IN THIS THEATRE. On -THURSDAY EVENING, March. 26, IRi3. In Judge Conrad's Powerfully Romantic Tragedy. JACK CARE, Expressly written for ED WIN FORREST, • who will appear in It is VIGOROUS AND DRAMATIC CHARACTER, JACK CADS, THE BONDMAN OP KENT. The Tragedy will be placed upon the stage with new Dresses, new Scenery. and a SUPERB CAST. Mr. 3. McCullough as Clifford. 'Mr. W. H. Leak as Friar Lacy. Mr. J. Canon as Lord Say. Mr. J. W. Collier as Will Mowbray. Mr. G. Becks as Courtney, Mr. J. Mrrtia as W, , ,t Worthy, Madame Ponisi as Marianne. Mrs. H. P. Grattan as The Widow Cade. Miss J. Henry as Kate Worthy. Orchestral Cowl ucfrr Mr. MARK AABELEX "FRIDAY EVENING, March 27, LW, 'EDWIN FORREST. SATURDAY, Second Ar.pearance of D.AVIEL E. tiANDMADIV, Doors open at 7: Curtain rises at 7X o'clock. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET _THEATRE. . Business Agent and Treasurer 1 . 05. D. MURPHY. CROWDED AND FASHIONABLE HOUSES. FOURTH NIGHT OF MARY PROVOST. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, March 26, 16(B, NELL GWYNNE; OR, THE RUNG'S RIVAL. Nell Gwynne Mary Provost. Frances Stewart. Mrs. John Drew. Duke of Riebrnond Barton llilt To conclude with the WATERMAN. Tom Tug Mrs. C. Henri. • Robin Frank Drew. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MARY PROVOST. AZ - Prices as usual. Seats secured without extra_ charge. Curtain rises at 7;( 1 , o'clock. IetTALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Y Sole Les Fee Mrs. MA. GARRE FTSOM. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONZIELLY. OBE NIGHT ONLY O 1 MISS CORNELIA JEFFERSON. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March 26, IBM Will be presented the Dramatization. entitled OLIVER TWIST. . . _ . Oliver Twist lass. Cornelia Jefferson. Engin Mr. E. L. Tilton. Bill ST, ke z B Young. Mr. Bumble E. N. Thayer. Nancy Syk ec Mrs. Anna Cowell To conclude with II e Drama of THE IDIOT WITNESS. Walter Arlington Miss Viola Crocker- Doors °Pan ac 7 :. Curtain will rise at 7.4,1. T T HITTAKER'S AMPHITARATRE MARKET Street, above TWELFTH, F. W. 11 1 111TTAREF alanagar_ Admission, 25 cents: Private Box and Balcony Seats, 50 cents; Gallery—Adults, 15 cents: Do. Hoye, 10 cents; Colored-Gallery, 15 cents. TILLILIgAY EtENING. •Pilarch 25, 1563. • BENEFIT - OF OLD BOOTS, o will ain)ear npon this occasion in a Indicrons scene, entitled, OLD BOOTS' VISIT TO TER ARENA. First Night of METAMORA AND HIS BRIDE, By Torn King anal Mlle. Virginia. All the Company will appear in a change of programme THE BRETT° BROTHERS. WITT. GRAM, 13 years of age. Violinist. BERNARD, 11 Tears of age. Violinist. RICH ARD.`7 years of age, Cornet-I-Piston, who created such a sensation in New York at their Con, certs, will give their first Concert-in Philadelphia on TUESDAY, MARCH 31 AT THE MUSICAL FUND TI They will be assisted by the following eminent artists: Edward Afollenhauer, Henry Mollenhauer, Violoncello, Ernst Hartmann, Piano, amithe Tor, ng and Charming . Vocalist. LIXZIE 'ALLEN. • Tickets, 50 cents:, may,lie obtained at the principal. Blasius Brothers, 1006 Chestnut St. ...conAect,to commencaza-o-a,..1.-.0..---mb.2a-thamttat. THE MITCHINSON FAMILY, LIZZIE. ABBY, 'FREDDY, and LITTLE BENNETT, Will give a CONCERT, For the benefit of the TIBET AFRICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. AT SAN/WM-STREET HALL, On THURSDAY EVENINLI, March 26, 1563. Admittance H cents; to be had at the door. mh2s-2t* CARL WOLPSOHN Respectfully annoruices that his • FOURTH CLASSICAL SOIREE - Will take place on THURSDAY, March i'6(11., 1953. At the FOYER OF - THE AOADEII7.- OF MUSIC. He will be assisted by Mr. AHREND, (Violoncello.) Mr. KELLNER, (Hautbois) Mr. STOLL, (Glarionet,) Kr. A. BIRGFELD, (Horn,) Mr. G. MUELLER, (Bassoon.) The snbEcribers are reepectullyinformed that the Prin cipal Rehearsal to the Soiree, will take place at 11 o'clock M., in the Foyer of the Academy, to which all holding tickets are incited. Single Tickets, OFR DOLLAR each. Can. be had at the Undo Stores. Doore open at 7 o'clock; to, comemnce at S o'clock. mh24-3t ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. TWELFTH WEEK: CROWDED HOUSES. CROWDED HOUSES. WOODROFFEtd - BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING. The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam -Engine" MO. NITOR," made entirely of glass, will be in full opera tion. Magnificent works of art distributed gratuitously to. the visi tors. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren's Grand GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will re ceive a GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING, March 17th, a splendid CASE OF WORK will be given to the author of the best Ori ginal POEM on any subject. Admission, lb cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at S o'clock afternoon at 3. 103-6t* ILLIARDS EXTRAORDINARY ,Messrs. EAVANAGH, GOLDTHWATE. and DEBBY, Asiisied by - Messrs, PHELAN. ESTEPHE, and. BIRD, will gives a series of Exhibitions of their skill at BILLIARDS in SANSOM-Street Hall, on the Evenings of THURS DAY and FRIDAY. March 25th and 27th, commencing at 7.34: o'clock. Tickets 50 cents each. may be procured t at Bird'sßilliard Saloon, No. 6r9 Chestnut street; Tay lor's Billiard Table - Manufactory, and. Estephe's ,Sa loon, N. E. corner of Eighh Mud . Chestnut, and. all the principal Hotels. mh2.9-st. SPRIN G- GA RDE N INSTITUTE rr AI L. corner BROAD and. SPRING GARDEN Sta. EVERY EVENING= THIS WEEK - The oriainal and magnificent Diorama of THE. BURNING OF MOSCOW, . Beautiful Dioptric Paintings, and .amusing Scenes in Ventyllegnism, by tbeworld-renoiyned humorist, Mr.. .GALLAGHER. Admission, 15 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at S o'clock. ' mh2o-15t* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS -TENT 11 and CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. - SIGNOR BLITZ. TV reat MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hie L A NED CANARY BIRDS, will give `lds new. end i popular-entertainments EVERY 'EVENING - during the week, commencing at 7R o'clock, and WEDNESDAY. - and SATUL'DAY at - —Tye attractions. Will be marvellous: Experiments in Magic powers in Ventriloquism, and. the Learned Canary Bird in their new chanict ers., - Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. &VAL' (IERMA.NIA OROHESTRAIILPITBLIO REHEARSALS every SATURDAY APTERtiooir. at - 5; o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL: CARL. SENTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of flys tickets K. To be had of Andre & Co., No. Dig Chestnut. street: J. E. Gould, Seventh and ,Chestnut, and at the Hall door. . n 02741 HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA. NEW 214 South ElGHTlStreerle l la Walnut. delo,:an 1863...a_ 1803. _ PHILADELPHLA. AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. —This great line traverses the Nerthern and. and Northwest counties of the .city Erie, on bake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYL"WIA. MAIL ROAD COMPANY, and ender their auspices is heinK rapidly opened throughout its entire length.' It is now in use for Passenger and. Freight business from Harrisburg_ to Driftwood, second:fork, (177 miles); on the Eastern Division. and fromEheEteld to Erie,. - (Td. miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PIEMAPELpHTA. Leave Westward: Mail Train - 8 A. za. Express Train - 'I8.41) P.. Cars runthrough without change both . ways °lithos, trains between Philadelphia and. Lock_ Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both w:ays., between Williamsport and. Baltimore, and. Williamsport. and Philadelphia. • , For information respecting Passenger business_ aPPIIL at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freightlinsiness of the Company's Agents :I S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and'Makicsit,. streets, Philadelphia. • -3. W. 'REYNOLDS, :Ede. N. - DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. R. HODSTON, General Freight Agent, Phliladelphie. ...LEWIS L. HOUPT ~,J)elieral Ticket Agent, PliiladelphUt. - 30 S: D. POTTS. rem-if General. Manager, Williamsport. FOB, NEW YORK D'ELIINIkR - eANII RARITAN CA NAL. DESPATCH - Vilily-WIFTSIIRE , The steamers of th*niAiltre leaving daily at 12 M., and p y. M. from third'ineDabbve WA.LISUZ Street. For breight, Avhidi will be taken on aocommedating terms. apply to M. DAIRD Sc CO., mh26- if ' FAVLAWARE Avenue . . _ „ sigWit FOR NEW .yOBIC 7 --NEW DAILY LINE VIA DELAWARE AND BARITAN:.CP IS AIi. Philadelphia and New York Expreee Steamboat Gem- PanY receive freight and - leave dally at 2 P.M., delivcOag theirrorgees in New. York. the following day.. Frelakta taiten at r l3 "4 ile r nLYDB. Agent._ No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. and 15 HAND, Agent, and-tf Piere 14 and. 15 EAST RriTs& New York. C. ar}lollo7lr. -ADOIZif MUITY.D. :"....FIETY CENTS INCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers