ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK "LAST MOUT. Girard—Chestnut • • J L Graham,.Baltimore 7.Lieut H 1) Price Atien R B Potter, New York JSTI?ord Card W W Clemens, II B A -J Gorden,. Indiana Carekadden; Lock Raven DO Gehr, Clunbereb'g Miss E Cher, Cliambersb'g -.0 N Lull, Chambersburg • P Miller; Albany., N:Y _ • Miss N MillerreAlbany, ,Mrs Miller, :Albany, DIY C Tilton & la, Illinois ..Mr Gilpen Maryland It 11 Mcßride J Painter Westmoreland '0 Mears, Broad Top, Pa _Lieut. 0 II Douglas, Boston "W S Besti Pittsburg • - J A Black, Ohio ;Hies F Gehr, Media, Pa Westcott, - New Jersey :it .1 Haldeman, Harrisburg "T H Leary Beaton, Pa W Leary, Easton, Pa - H Leary, Jr, Easton, Pa •Col I. Selfrid_ge, Patina W J DickoY, Baltimore N B Rareber &la, Pa .1 V Peterson .Joe Jordan, Jr, New York M Terrell, Pennsylvania Trippe Rhode Island Bailey, Illinois - • David Bally, - New Jersey, Continental—Ninth -7 Kirkpatrick, New York .John Purdy, Wash, D 'C R Whitilesey, D,S A' S Seward Beuj F Shenk, Lancaster - Wayroan Crow St Louis T B Kennedy, Chantbersb`g Ilenderlon, Carlisle •C T Lewis, Cincinnati .John Fitzwater, ,Wash,D C M Biddle, Pa -John C Mills, New York N Tibbitts, Boston •0 P Keyes, Boston Mrs M McGown, Mina; Hon F Watts & wY, Carlisle `Callt S Page, New York !Aunt Col A S Austin - - - - - tDIIaiI D J C Brunticain, - Newl'ork T H Hubbard, Norwich, Ct R Shaw Pittsburg H. Painter & Wt. Pa Ts Mann, Boston B Tbaxtcr. Boston Leonard remaii, Now York .A R Wetmore, New York B C Peek, USA FCFarr&ta,USA ..T B Severn, Pottsville, Pa Roessler Albany vCapt_Roesale, Albany .bibs RoesSle, Albany - Isaac X Prier, Danville, Pa 'Geo P Smith, Pittsburg I' R. Myers, New York Alielden, New York Sprotill, Now York :Rev T Walden, Coop k and Koper, New York & Wright wf. Newark M Barfield, Baltimore :S B M Cornell, New York Mcßride & wf, Ohio John F Dow. New York tO H Williams & la, Mesa :14Irs C E Berkschcr, N Y Rich'd Herkscher, N York W H Thomas, Baltimore Jay Cooke & wf, Philo, • Sieriry D Cooke, Wasit.'n Jay CI Cooke, Phila Fritz, Bethlehem . . T Chappell, Baltimore John De Knlter, New York Morchantie—Fourth 3t G Clarke, Indianapolis atent Col E t Irvine, Penna W Matthews, Penna J A Lemon, Hollidaysburg John S Mailer, Leek Haven W Ressner. Davenport - J Walker, 1 5 8 A 'W S White, New Jersey J R Goodrich, Elmira, N Y B Jones, Elmira,N Y iF' Montoto, New Hanover Guterman A J Woolslager, E Lib'y,Pa Bon John Patton,Pennn J C MeCulloch,Pittsbfkg V M Long,Penna A B Scott, Washing'n co,Pa Itobt S Davis, Pittsburg - J W McFarLand, Pittsburg W B Stewart,Pottstown W H Irwin, Diwistown Geo Scott, Catawissa American—Chestnut H Wood, Tr, N Jersey lEt P White W Haskell, New York A P Shepherd, Cumbeiland V Conover A Port, Huntingdon k De Con, Brooklyn : H It Torbert, Maryland —Levering, N Brunswick G Hall, New York 434 W Manchester, Wash'n A Hitchcock, Now York John Mitchell, Salem, N J ALevering 2lrs P R Weitzel, Penns W Middletown, N.l ` . l. Laurier' McFarland, Meadville Louie—Chestnut Akers, Baltimore 0 DURB.II, Baltimore j Cheyney, Del co heo Aaiun ead. u Mortimer, N York S Matthews, U S N l Goery N Jersey ra Maj Gage, Virginia Kinsey, Borlington, lorton, Illinois "The Union—Arch A King, New York Mendenhall,Penna RI Watson, New York W Pinney, Allegheny H Catasagna Pottsville ck, Penna iauy, ..ko.ting4town Aiereial—Sixth st tnderslice, Phoanixylllc wing, Penua ;terms, Maryland illson, Penna Williams, Allentown inter, Illinois tubba & la, Peach Bottom Blackburn, Penns as S Warren, Chester co 'es M Clayton, Chester co itatelit Union—SLith Jones, Atlanta - City ' Henry, Ohio SaunerY, Ohio Monaghan, Penna icke, Chester co ' Mintzer Whitson, Lancaster co iellwagon & son Stoner, Lancaster Natioiuttl—Raine Pt] ,abua Kuntz, 13ethlelienti JR Riermuu,tl, Lancaster, 0 B aottclit .., Pa mg. Pa • ~ntg co, Pa .tenixville ison—Second rgdalen, Pa ,engill, New York Abory, New York /oodall Maryland arson,ltilasaaollneeetts 'Gerow, New Jamey' ant Vernon—Second street, above Arch , Chapman, Mnpler,Washington,"D C ills, Washington, Jas Donnell, New Jersey wbell, Washington Rack Bear—Third st., above Callowhill. :ob &ball, Pa'Wellington Kline, AMitYV liiestand, DowninewnlGeoW Wolf, Danboro, Pa reel. below Ninth. Fa! Whittid T F Patterson Ltent A. C Plummer✓ Fenno Mle M Tilton; Rtadinf G H Bardwell, CT b A. L Sutherland, lowa W. W Holmes, Memphis B .fohusou • Ali Worth Rogers & we, Conn i Harineger & Ayr L L Coxo, M - D, New Jersey J D Ruch, Springfield, 111 Miss F Reese, Downingtown M Nixon, Now York II II Davis, Alexandria, Va J Panik, Washington, D C Mrs K Allen, Washington J II Coster, New York 8 A Whitney, New Jersey Beckhatu, Pittsburg J C Boyd, Pittsburg JD Jacob, Chambirsburg A d White, Albany TI D Ormilee New York A llSchuLt7, ' New York 'Praxes, NOW' TOrk M M r eClore,afford, Pa Deo A Hicks, Boston John C Champion. N Y Coo Delp, Nordatown E Ha ua msrabaugh, Sort ta gfl C B H , ndrickson, Boston Robt Mulligan. Delaware D C List • D M Peck, Dock Haven d Chestnut 'treats. Alpheus Hardy & wr,Boston Coln Mervine, U S N R V Harnett. New York E A Qulntard wr, NY EBartlott, Ohio Geo , M. Simonson. N York ' (Man Squire. Jr, New York D It Whitney, Boston Thos C Bassitu, Baltimore C E G Opine, Ft La Barge G W Collittrn, Ft La Barge W H Ball & wr, New York L A Osborn, New York Diusmore, New York ,T S Miller, New York Rev C T Berry &In, N J W RnlAnson, New York Mrs Cary &da, New York John T Heard, :Boston Mrs Heard, Boston LDL Morrill Blaine A H Bixby,New Hampshire T Lockhart R Admiral Dahlgren, U S N Maj F Smith, US A • Card Ellsworth Smith,US A Irs Miller &2 children Crawford. & la, N Albany Mrs 2 K' Woodward, N Alb Miss H Montgomery; N Alb H 0 Greene & la, Montreal IC 0 'Martenby, New York IL C Merrill, U S N Chas T Knyter, New York W F Hix, New York J P Acker James T Ames, Mass • A z Black, New York C Denney, New York Rev Ezra Haskell, Boston K Nichols, Elmira H N Cam bell, It Island Alonzo Colby Dr &miliaria & In, New York A d Opmn Albert Till. New York Geo If Power & wf, N Y Miss Maggie Power, N Y Dr Chas Lewis, Baltimore P Lovogrin, Baltimore Chas Callaghan, New York C W Welsh, Boston . Capt W W Foiwell & wf E P King, Boston street, below Aiello P J Barry, Tamaqua B A Williams, Keokuk lowa M C Packer, Wasit'n, lowa L Thompson. Wash, lowa Jelin Grant, Ohio H Gardner, New York Mrs V W Bartlett&fa, Wash W Painter, N Haven, Ct J S Miller, Albany Mrs C Miller, Albany Miss N Miller, Albany D W Bartlett, Washington O S Miller, Ohio M Wadleigh, New York T M Sanderson, New York Hon J S Black, York, Pa John Burgess, New York E Bitze, Boston A Bavis,Eketen. - - T B Reese, PbillinsbArg C D Foster, WUkesbarre H C Supler,U A .treat. above Fifth. I W FP Fairbauk R Polk, Delaware IL S Cropper, !Maryland J T Lign ter, Washington Thos A Rowley, II S A II Tribuderfer, Virginia Maj D Woodall, Del . John Mears, New. York C R Bo itulaili, New York S W Earl, Reading Jas W Earl, Reading M C Fetter Bethlehem G C Beckwith, Cambridge R Stewart, Meadville - C W B MarshalL.Md ifra Ward, New - York E C Tainter, Massachusetts street. above Third. W Hibbe eon, Santa Fe John Dome, New York. S T Brechbill; Chicago J B Indewleder, Baltimorp Wm Kraft, Wheeling, Va Beuj Fisher, Wheeling, Va. G W Bossing, Wheeling, Va Sohn t 3 Anthony, Cin G P Berlina, New York J w Nimr Yprli treet, above Third. J L Smith, New Jersey L S Macke, Milwaukee H Sutmeyer, Peana J B Stapler; Parma W S Bowen, New Jersey C Raymond St la, Penna C Tolmiei New York . rest. above - Chestnut. W T Sear& wc,Carveraville Miss E Thornpson,Penna Miss B Thompson, Penna. John Thompson W F Fields, Fenno J P Osmond, Chester co R Wetherill, Roxboroug,h At Dicßle, Carrersville J Miller, Lancaster co and Market streets. Limit J B Ogden, Fauna J Maxwell, Now York. J Mapes, Cooperstown Z Graff, Sonntlt Bend r lnd Mrs KA Wright, Indiana A H Dennatt, Boston Mrs Potter, Boston A. Wilmot, Connecticut 13 Dietrich, Penne. eet, above Third. C Andrews, lowa Rater Allen, Columbus, 0 WrnW Murray, Lebanon H Adams, Ashland Irvin Edwards, Ashland Cbs F Kopetzath, Pottsville Wm P Evans, Montreal • "V Thompson St., above Market. Joe S Lofland, Milford, Del James Wise, Allentown J 11 Miller, Wmsnort, Pa E Adkins, Delaware Nelson Petty, New Jersey ,m N York. York. with York, with 'g, S Moiris it & Sons. ruder, Nor Alatic Co. 10S Wat tlO/1 Stone & Co. Crowell & nnickson & Monroe, Otd Clay on & Co. do les, Co. ett, Van Du: hite Fr Co. n, Graff St Co. Tyler, Stone Sinnickson & Norton & Co. udonried & Co al IT Joills. r, 'Norton di Co 1, Mass, do do Exchange.) Del. March 17. •eaktvater: Brigs denas; schrs J C , for do; J Ward. IMAM for Wash ioffman, for Fall Chronometer, Pith lose of main X MARSHALL. enCe, arrived a tomes let toot, for 78.' ‘l. eared at Di York Devereux,hence for Philadelphia, Rip Light Vessel, ig vessel will be ion to Nantucket ' substituted: . . a red ball at each Relief" in white ;jet to flunrise, one . dp Light:Vessel are her station ;: and the lod's Hole, of Nvi:4o , . A.R§TO*, lIS:N,. ' Seliond.Ditrict— SPECIAL NOTICES. D.W. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is A certain remedy for Neuralgia. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST ; TYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goode made to . Order warranted satisfactory. Oar Onn-Paice SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO. , 004 MARKET Street. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION CAN BE °S tained by the nee of HELMSOLD'S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April,May, and June. are the best monthe to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. . fe27-fmer3m BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. 'GRAY, RED; or RUSTY HAIR instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. ine.. Th e G enu w e is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street.) my24-1Y New York. S—T-1860--X. • DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, find invigorate, They create a healthy appetite, They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent Miasmatic and intermittent fevers. . They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarhceha, Cholera, and Cholera Merlins. They care Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exgrusted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cele brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs. and are taken with the pleasure of a, beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate per sons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers. Dimggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 20213 ROADWAY. New ,York. se2l-6m M/I.A.MLMLIM7J. COYNE—MATTHEWS, —On the 19th instant, by the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, Lieut.-J. N. Coyne, U. S. A., and Sallie J.. youngest daughter of the late Dr. C. a Matthews. of Philadelphia. MULLEN—NEWHARD. —CM the 26th September last, by Rev; Dr. Kanner, Mr. Wm. F. Mullen, of German town, Pa., to Miss Ellen Newhard, of Allentown, Pa. * BRADY—HUHN.—On the 9th instant, by the Rev. Wm. Barnes, Chas. Brady to Cecilia M. Huhn, daughter of Charles Huhn, all of this city. DIED. HASSON.—On the evening of March 18th, John Has son, Sr., formerly of Alexandria, Va. The male friends and relatives of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. the funeral, from his late residence, - No. 631 Coates street, on Saturday morning, at half past 9 o'clock. To proceed to Wilmington. . 4 ` SHER. —On the 18th instant, Parke Shee, in the 88th year of his age. • . His friends, and those of the family, are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his son-in law, George Rush, Concordvil e, Delaware county, Pa. , on Saturday morning, 21st inst. , at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Friends' Burial Ground, Sandy Bank, Delaware coun ty. The cars leave the depot. Eighteenth and Market streets, at Eve minutes before eight o'clock, for Concord ville Station. WHITNEY.—On the morning of the 19th instant, in the 34th year of her age, Louisa Caldwell, wife of John R. Whitney, and daughter of Jeremiah Butler, all of this city. The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, on Saturday, the 21st inst. , at 10 o'clock A. M., from the residence of her husband. No. 214 West :Jogai" Square. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. HESS.—Of diptheria, ou the 18th instant, Horace, youngest 8011 of David M. and . Sarah Hess, aged 15 months and 19 days. „ The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, 705 Buttonwood street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Vernon Cemetery. ** GADL. —On the 17th inst. , MrS. Kate A., wife of John -F. Gaul, in the 36th year of her age. Funeral from the residence or her husband, No. 310 Emmet street, below Wharton, this (Friday) afternoon, at .2 o'clock. - . . . D —On Tuesday, 17th inst.., Samuel Henry, son of Lemuel and Charlotte Dickerman, aged 21 years and 9 de.ys. The relatives and friends of thefamily are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 1120 Wallace street, - this (Friday) after noon, at 2 o'clock. • * • . . . PEARCE. —ln West Chester;Pa., on the ISth instant, Ann Elizabeth, wife of George W. Pearce, need 41 years. The funeral services will be held in the Church of the Holy Trinity, West Chester. this (Friday( morning, at 11 o'clock. . . SHARP.—On the 17th inst., Ws. Mary Sharp, Widow of Ley' Sharp, in. the 66t1t year of'her age. * _ . . SI NGERLY.—On the 16th instant, George Gingerly, in the 6.9 th year of his age. RAIIIBO.—On the 14th instant, Hugh H. Osler, son of Jacob and Lydia Rambo, at hospital near Falmouth, Va.,of Company A, 106th Regiment P. V.. of disease contracted in the service, aged 25 years and 12 days. -2-0 L AOK FLORENTINES - A new thin material, 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black Barege Hernaui 3-4 and S-4 wide. Black Bareges 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black Crape Buret sea 3-4 and 8-4 wile. Black Chalys and Crane -Tammatans. Black BrAnl/g3lues and„SumTer Boraßaztues. ;Jack o-dit a Sole Saks. Black Glossy Lyons Taffeta Silks, Black Tamises and Mousselines, Just Received by BESSON & SON, MOUNING STORE, No. OILS CHESTNUT Street. MODE ALPACAS, ALL QUALITIES MODE Leather-colored Mohair. Mode-colored Delainee. Tacon Cloths and Taffetas.' EYRE Sc LANDELL,_ FOURTH and ARCH. VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND -a- 4 ARCH, have the extra large-size Black Thibet Long Shawls. 8-4 Black Merino, for Shaws. Summer Mourning Shawls, NATIONAL UNIQ N CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA. The Committee - will sittaily in the Rooms of the NA TIONAL UNION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, GOMMONWEALTH CHESTNUT' Street; above Prom three to five o'clock P. , and from seven to nine o'clock P. M., to enable all persons loyal to the Union to sign the Constitution, and become members. - ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, President. S. SNYDER Intrim`Secretary. mhl6-6t 21 T Oli A Li - UNION CLIIB.— A. MEETING of the Club will be held on SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 21, 1863, At the Rooms'of the. NATIONAL UNION CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, _ Above Sixth, at 7ya o'clock. The Club will be addressed by MORTON McMICHAEL, CHARLES GILPIN, WM. B. MANN", and WILLIAM M. BULL, Esqs. _ Loyal Citizens will have an opportunity of signing the Constitution. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, President. S. SNYDER LEIDY, Secretary.. 111732.0-2 L UNION LEAGUE IN THE TWENTY-- FOURTH WARD. At a meeting of the - Union League in the Twenty fourth-ward, held. March 18, 1563, the following officers were elected PRESIDENT. N. B. BROWNE. VICE-PRESIDENTS. E. SPENCER MILLER,JOHN B. COLAHAN, I THOMAS S. ELLIS, JAMES MILLER. - . DIRECTORS. Samuel Field, T. M. Wittberger, James N. Macke, J. R. 151cCurd Y. Henry C. Townsend, B. Andrews Knight, Edward Miller, Henry C. Lea, C. M. akin. TREASURER.- SECRETARY. Clarence H. Clark. Henry E. Rood. The Directors were appointed a, Committee to receive the names of those desirous of joining the League. The next meeting will be held at half past seven o'clock on WEDNESDAY evening next, March 25, at SATINDER'S INSTITUTE, THIRT -NINTH Street. above Market. J. R. McCURDY. mh2o-3t* Secretary, pro tem. PRACTICAL. CHEMISTRY. - THE Spring Course of afternoon instruction in Ma nipulations, Experimental Illustrations. :resting, and Anal,ysis in the Laboratory of the Polytechnic College, will begin on MONDAY. March 23d. - Apply from 4t06 P. M. at the College Balding, MAR KET Street, and west PENN SQUARE mh2o-3t 5 ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D. rry4a. MISS EMMA. KARDINGE WILL give a Historical Lecture on MONDAY Evening, March .23, at the UNION :VOLUNTEER off EPAI MENT SALOON. Proceeds for the benefit Saloon. Admission 10 cents. Soldiers of the Union free. mh2o-9t .M OFFICE OF' THE FRANICFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, 'BEAKS STREET. BELOW FOURTH. —PHILADELPHIA, March 6,1863... A special meeting of. the Stockholders of this Company will-beleld at their dace, on SATURDAY, March Mst, at n o'clock A. M . :. to take action moon the SaPplement, to the Charter, approved March'4, 1.563. - - . By order of the Board of-Directors: _ mh9-12t _ CHARLES R. ABBOTT, Secretary. rz3.• "THE'SWORD OF WASHING TON; OR THE TEMPER FOE THE TIMES. " Lecture by Rev. A. A.WILLITS, at theIIIISICAL FUND HALL, on'FRIDAY Ravening, 20th instant. - SEVENTH cents. For sale at GOULD'S Music Stoie t nd CHESTNDT streets. n hl7-4t MONUMENT CEMETERY NO TICE.—An akeesement of 60 cents on each and very lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) will be due and payable at the office of the Came. ery,-No. 141 North - s.tx.TH Street, on the let day of April next. The payment of $4.40 on any one lot, together with the assessments now due,' will exempt the IMMO from taxation or assessment forever hereafter, if paid before -the let day of April next; if paid after that time, the as sessment then falling due must be paid in addition. ]nhl7-tapl R. TAYLOR. Secretary. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. FEIMADBLPHIA, February 21, 1863. TOO HOTEL AND TAVERN KEEPERS, RESTAU RANT, and others, desirous of selling LIQUORS by lees measure than one quart. Applicants for LICENS,F, will apply at THIS OFFICE, as provided by act of Assembly, approved Aprir.2o. 1858, on the following days, viz.: First Monday . MaAch 2, 1863. Second Tuesday, 3, Third and Fourth Wednesday, 4,' " Fifth Thursday. 6, Sixth Friday.- Seventh 6, 44 Seventh and Eighth ' Monday, " 9, Ninth and Tenth Tuesday " 10, Eleventh Wednesday, " 11, " Twelfth and Thirteenth Thursday, " 12, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Friday, /3. Sixteenth Monday, 16, Seventeenth' ---Tuesday, " Eighteenth and Nineteenth... Wednesday. " IS, Twentieth.. Thursday. 19, Twenty-ftret and Twenty- - second Friday, " 20, Twenty-third and Twenty fourth Monday', " 23, " Twenty-fifth ' Tuesday, " 24. " fe27-to mh26 JAMES SHAW, Clerk. 8. i•r,s , -.1.1. TAT TO THE ARMY - AND /NAVY,' MIA, October 24, 1862. . Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of mania themselves of the National Appropriation for supPlyin Artificial Limbs, should atply immediately at the offic of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 160' OBBSTNIIT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, jaggin Government PALMER, guar 1-101HEOPA.TMO HOSPITAL, 1118 11s CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortabl• manner iree of charge. B. F. GLENN. Secretary of Board of Managers. MCOMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OF .THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA. —OFFICE, 613 CHEEITHOT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. February 23, 3886. The business and affairs of this Company being now in process of liquidation, all parties having claims against the Commonwealth Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania will present the same for settlement and payment at this race within thirty days from date.: - ... By order of the Board of. Directors, 1026-wfrmlm SAMUEL S. MOON. Secretary. N 0 1 1" IC" B.—THE. BOARD' OF MA.- NAG MB of the Philadelphia, Gerinantown, and Norristown Railroad Company have declared tt'diSidend of three and one-half per cent.', clear of National Tax, payable on and after the let day of Aprilmext. Transfers will not be made for ten days after thollst 'instant. - W. S. WILSON, Treasurer. • March 14,11363. • , mhl6-mwf tapl NOTICE .--ITHE REGISTER OF, of the City- and County .of, Philadelphia has duly granted Letters Testamentary. on the last will and . testament of Mary S. Bunting, ;widow, de ceasell of the Twenty-fourth ward of Philadel phia, to the undersigned executors of said will All per sons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent are required to make the same known-with out delay, and those indebted to make payment to JOHN SELLERS, Upper Darby,- Delaware county; . .- VID SELLERS. - No. 18 North SlXTHStreet, Phila.r mh2O-f6 COFFEE I COFFER! I - !COFFEE 111= . . " /The best and cheapest prepared Coffee inthe city. A trial will Convince the most skepticaL No charge lassie r if eatisfactiorite notrendered... I"Pa"4 " for a: le ijl 112ic and Coffee Works, •.44 and A4 O North FRONT Buffet. • • WORRELL. ~lbl4~'~t~ RETAIL DRY GOODS: SPRING GOODS J. M. ET AFLEI GET, (Suooestior to L. J, Levy & C 0.,) 723 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. His open and for sale a complete Stock of NEW STYLE PARIS DRESS GOODS. RECEIVED THIS DAY. RICH ORGANDIES, RICH LAWNS, TAFFETA GRENADINES, PLAID GRENADINES, ' RICH EMBROID'D GRENADINES, CRENE SILKS, STRIPE SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, And a variety of novelties in DRESS GFOCVDS, JUST LANDED. nth 9 mwf-4t FANCY DRgAS FROM LASE SEASON, AT 'LOW mins. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER; 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St, ab, Willow SPRIT(} AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT LAST SEASON'S PRICES.- We are closing out last Season's Goods CHEAP. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, • i • , • • , ab W' . • AND-LOOM TABLE LINENS, OF VARIOUS WIDTHS. AT LESS THAN USUAL PRICES. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, AND 454 NORTH SECOND STREET. ralil9-2E - above Willow. CII I iIt s OR . LEATHER COLOR POITL:r Modes and Greens Ponlt de Soles. Browns, Blues, Humbolt's, and Blacks do. Cuir or Leather color Figured Silks. Modes and Greens figured Silks. Browns, Blues, Harebell's, and Black figures. Neat Check Silks in Brown Plaids. Neat Cheek Silks in Modes and Blacks. Neat Check - Silks in White and Blacks. Fancy Silks of various styles. Black and Colored Corded Silks. Black Taffetas and Gros de Rhinos. Spun Silk Plaids and Foulard Silks'. Figured Pongees, tc. EDWIN HALL & CO., xnhl9 26 South SECOND Street CB EAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, AND WINDOW SHADES. —V. E. ARCHADIDAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR HET Streets, will open this morning from Auction, In grain Carpets, at 50, 62, 75, 87c., and $1; E'. try and Stair Carpets, 50c. to $1; bag Carpets. 46 to - 65c.; Floor Oil Clo, lis, 50 to 75 cts.• Gilt. Bordered Window Shades, 75c. to $1.10; Sheeting, 'Shirting, and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 etc. ; Table Linens, 62c. to $1; Napkins, 1634 c. ; White and Colorc.d Marseilles Quilts; s3to $3; Stella Shawls, $3 to $8; Mons de Laines, 25 to 370.; Chintzes, 22 to 28c. ; Cloth Table Covers, $1.50 to $1; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, 75 cts. to $1.50; Fancy Shirting Flannels, 60 to 66c. zahll-wfmlue. 1 1 ,31BROIDERED PIANO COVERS AT •-n -A LOW PRICES.—k. full assortment of Green Burgun dy and Crimson Cloth PIANO COVERS with rich em broidered borders, SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sc ARRISON, mhl3-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT. Street. BLEACHED MUSLINS.-THE SUB scribers have a full assortment of the best makes of Shirting Muslin—as Williamsville, Wamautta, Wauregan, Semler Idem, Lonsdale, and New York Mills, below the wholesale prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISDN, mhl3-12trp 11.0013 CRESTNITT Street. LINENS, LINEN GOODS,, &o.—THE largest assortment in the City of Ilrst'-class reliable Shirting Linens, and Linen Goods generally, much be low the present advanced prices, to which the attention of families and buyers ~.mnerally is respectfully invited. _ SHEPPARD, ,IrAlf HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, mhl3-12trp 1008 CIIBSTNIIT Street. SPLENDID STOCK 'ON HAND.- All the best makes of Calicoes. All the best makes of Mnslins. . - All the bestmakes of Linens. All the best makes of Sheetings. All the best make a of Napkins. _ Together. with Towels , Crash, Diaper Huckaback, Bird 44,Pb."613-rlaP, &c. &o. ite Cambric and Jaconet, fall line. Nainsooks and Plaid Mnslins; fall line. ' WintefGoods closing mit Shawls, Merindes, closing ont. Balmoral Skirts all prices. Silk and Linen lidkfs, nice assortment. At JOHN H. STOKS', , '702 ARCH Street. FINANCIAL. MAITt - It.Th" -- G -7 A - rWERTIFICATES OF INDE33TE,DNESS BOUGHT OR COLLECTED. DREXEL, 4f.; CO. mhl9-bt S. HARVEY THOMAS, •"'' . STOCK AND BILL BROKER, o. 3a *mann STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. °MEM KENT SBOURITIBBbought and sold on Commission, ex elusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter dr Co., Oeo. D.-Parrish, Esq„ John B. Myers &Co Samuel B. Thomas, Bso deiß-3mif PHOTOGRAPHS. THEY NEED NO PRAISING I THEIR -m- merits speak for them. Wel only say RECEIRIPS Life-size Photographs inOl Colors are ow being made at war prices. SECOIiD St i , above Greenn. AR D. PHOTOGRAPHS. - CARD Photographs of over 1,000 different fancy subjects, taken from life and from the finest engravings. Por traits of Generals. of both armies, Statesmen, Poets, and other eminent men. Single copies 15 cents, hr 81.50 per dozen. Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SC lIOLZ & JANENTZKY, 112 South 'SIGMA Street. AEI" We also sell prepared colors for coloring Photo graphs taken on Albumen' Paper. Price 5.3.25 a box, with reducing liquid. • fe2s-1m if REINER'S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS for $l. are the pictures for the times, being tine likenesses, faithfully colored, at moderate charge; pictures that suit all classes. SECOND Street, above =N:MZ%== JAMES S. EARLE ir SON, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LOOKIN4 GLASSES. =EEO OIL PAINTINGS. SRGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, and PHOTOGRAPH FRAHM PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, de3l-tf 816 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. EDUCATION. OXFORD FEMA LE SEMINARY, OXFORD. CHESTER COUNTY. PA.—The next session of ills institution will open'WEDNESDAX. May 6th. For_catalogues and circulars address hfics BARER. Principal. . mh26-Irn. ALLAD SIN GIN G.-T. BISHOP, 1632 B FILBERT Street. mh2-Im' P,CHOOL. FOR BOYS, CORNER OF BIiO.AAND SPRING GARDEN Str_gets. mh2-mwfrine E. M. HUNTINGTON, Principal. THE . WEST CHESTER ACADEMY -2- AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, at WEST CHESTER, Penna., will resume the duties of the Summer Term Mall five months) on the Ist of MAY next.. BOYS and YOUNG MEN thoroughly prepared for College or Busi ness. GERMAN, FRENC,H, and SPANISH taught by native resident teachers. Military. Instructor, Major Gustavus Eckendorff; Instructor in Gymnastics, Prof. For Catalogues, containing full informa apply to the Principal, WM. - F. WYERS. A. M. mh4-wfm2m VAGLESWOOD MILITARY AOADR. -a-A MY PERTH AIdHOY. N: S.—Three hours from Philadelphia, by Camden and Amboy line, 6A. M., fare sl.2s.",Pupils may enter at any time. paying from Asia of entrance. Prospectuses, with. catalogues, at No. 903 CLINTON Street, Philadelphia. • Philadelphia references—Prof. Henry ooPpee,'Pilny FEMALE COLLEGE,BORDENTOWN N. J.—Pleasantly lorated oil the Delaware .river, 30 miles north of Philadelphia. It hazbeen'in success ful operation for eleven years, and is one of the most flourishing institutions in this section' of the country. Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of English, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. French .taught by a native, and spoken in the family. For , catalogues ad dressßev. JOHN 30. BRAHELRY, fel3-2m* . • '• ,President. VILLAGE GREEN . SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorou r Course in Mathematics, Classics, English Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping. Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils takep of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, $2.25. Tuitionper quarter, $6. For catalogues or information address Rey: J. HER VEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pa. oclo-tf HOTELS. B RANDRETH. HOUSB, , i7 Corner of BROADWAY CANAL, and LISMNARD STREETS, NEW YORK:, CONDUCTED ON THE BUROPRAXPLAri. The above Rotel is located in the most central Part of Broadway and can be reached hi (omnibus or city care: from all the steamboat landings and railroad deptots, • The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling t,„ Ideals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. ' Double Rooms from it to $2.50 per ay. •• CO.: del-6m - - JOB: CURTIS & THE :CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, No. al, Cheetnut street, opposite Poet Office, "WILL OPEN March 10th; • 1883. This Mouse will be conducted wholly on the European plan, and the' choicest viands which the market can. produce will' be furnished , to all who maybe pleased to ball, and at moderate prices. The etyle and arrangements of this Norma are not to be excelled by any in this city.' . ••111r.' C. D,. I FA_RTRIDGE, thaliroprietor, solleits- the Patronage of 141 those in search of - a First elm: Beaten- - THE PRESS.P.PILARELPHI.A. FRIDAY.. MARCH 20. 1861 YARNS, DAYTINR, AND WADDING. No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Has in store the largest stock in this City of YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, YARNS, BATTING, WADDING; YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, YARNS, - BATTING, WADDING, YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. 433 MARKET, and 5 North FMK Street, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE,, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND - WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, FANCY BASKETS, &C. '- A LARGER, STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT CLOTHES WRINGER. i,W_V.2 . aMUMaI . ==.Na.A.aM=2MN lawarranted to be superior to any other in nse. CLOTHES WRINGER. Ist. It is a relief to the hardest part of washing 'day. 2d. It enables the washing to be done in one-third less ixne. 3d. It saves clothes from the injury always given by wisting. 4th. It helps to wash the clothes as well as dry them WE BELIEVE IT ADVISABLE. TO PROCURE THE PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. FLEET. The rolls, being of vulcanized rubber,- will bear hot and cold water, and will neither break nor tear off buttons. SECOND. The frame being of iron, thoroughly galva nized, all danger from rustis removed, and the liability to Ihrink, swell, split, Sze., so unavoidable in wooden machineg, is prevented. THIRD. The spiral springs over the rolls render this machine self-adjusting, so that small and large articles, - - - as well as articles uneven in thickness, are certain to receive uniform pressure. FOURTH. The patent fastening by which the -machine is tightened to the tub, webeiieve to be mperior in sim plicity and efficiency to any yet offered. FIFTH. It will fit any tub, round or square, from one .half to one-and-a-quarter Inches in thickness, without the least alteration. No. 1, S 6 No. 2, $5 Letter " ,A,; SR /rir Agents wanted in eremem„„....-- men will be liberally dealt For sale at the ... , ' W 0 DENWARE ESPABLiStheiENT" No. 433 M.A.IIKET St. and No. 5 North FIFTH St., - Wholesale Agent for Pennsylvania. GRIGrG- & HARMSTEAD,,- Offer for sale, by the Pticiaie. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAT. CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. .. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVE LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND.BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INOS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS.: sel-iftf QOVERNMENT GOOD& Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. , Mixed Twilled Flannefi r : Sky Blue Kersey FARNHAM, KIRKHAIVI, & CO., No. 230 CHESTNUT STREET. mhl9-3m Gykr. SIMONS & BROTHER, • NA V.HSOM-STRBET HALL, PHILADEIiPHIA. MAIDIFACTORERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND • MILITARY GOODS, LIT EVERY V/04E77 .laB-if6m , P N G - 1863. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, (Late Rosenheim, Brooks, SI Co. ), No. 431 MARKET STREET, North Side, Have now open, and are daily making additions thereto, A HANDSOME VARIETY OF _ RIBBONS, BONNETS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL, to which the attention of the trade is respectfullY soli cited. "•.!, : mhlB-tf 1863. -R 1.8 B 0 N S . AND MILLINERY GOODS. L. t DANNENBAUM ..8o C0., - - No. 57 North SECOND Street, Hale now open a large and admirably-assorted stock of above goods. DIERCHANTS and MILLINERS :will find inducements in kyles and prices unequalled in this market. mhl7-6t5 1863 SPRIN-G 18 63 WOOD & CARY: No. 125 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in store a complete stock of STRAW AND MILLINERY .GOODS INCLUDING STRAW HATS AND BONNETS. - - MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S STRAW GOODS. FANCY AND CRAPE BONNETS. FRENCH FLOWERS. RIBBONS, Ac, . To which they respectfully invite the attention of mei chants CASH BUYERS will find sPecial advantage in exanitn ing this stook before purchasing. fe2.8.2m NMIPIANO. FORTES. CHESTNUT STREET. 920 I 111,1 A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THOSE • JUSTLY CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS - - FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF WILLIAM*I4.- - BRADBURY; • , (Successor to Light° & Bradburyll MAY''BE FOUND AT THE NEW AND ELEGANT 920 CHESTNUT STREET. GEO • Those desirous of obtaining -a SUPERIOR instrument, should call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. The eStablished reputation of these instruments for nearly thirty veamirenders theirguperiortty " familiar As household words. THEY SING THEIR OWN PRAISES. In the arrangement °Pour new scale, we have added.'. every , improvement which can in any way tend to the Perfection of the Piano Forte; ,and we confidently assert that, fox delicacy of toueb;'volume, pitrity, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, combined with that strength and solidity fnecessary to pURABLEZIESS, these instruments are unequalled .- ' EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE ,y• -YEARS. • -. E. H. OSBORN Agent: A. H. FRANCISCUS, No. 433 MARKET, Cotton Batting, Wadding, Carpet Chain, Cotton. Yarn, Twines, Wicking, Ropes, &c A. H. FRANCISCUS, Calla the attention of dealers to his IMMENSE _STOCK BUCKETS, TUBS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BASKETS, BROOMS, LOOKING-CLASSES, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL-CLOTHE WINDOW-SHADES; CLOCKS, CLOTHES WRINGERS. PTITNANI EVERY FAMILY SHOULD POSSESS A BECAUSE, EMS MO RETAIL PRICE : A. IL FRANCISCATS, COMMISSION HOUSES. 10. 21 STRAWBERRY STREET. RIFKA'S COTTONADBS, SUFFOLK BLUR DRILLS, STANDARD BROWN DRILLS, STANDARD BROWN SHRETINGS, LONSDALE NANKEENS, Scc., Szo. 203 MILITARY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. .~h]Q-3m a .a "A Braila was on her lip—health was in her look, strength was in her step, and in her hands—Plantation Bitters." • A few bottles of Plantation Bitters, . .Will cure Nervous Headache. " • Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. '• Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath. Flatulency and Indigestion. Nervous Affections. Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. Pain over the Eyes.:.: Menial ••-' Menial Despondency. Prostration;"Great Weakness. Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, &c. Which are the`evidences of . LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It is estimated that seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceedfrom a diseased and torpid - liver. The biliary secretions of, the liver overflowing into the stomach, poison the entire system, and exhibit the above, ev'mP- After longresearch, we aro able to present Cho most re markable cure for these horrid nightmare . diseases, the world has ever produced. Within ono year over six hundred and forty thousand persons 'have taken the Plitntation Bitters, and not an instance of complaint has egrne to our knowledge! . It is a most effectual tonic, and agreeable stimulant, suited to all conditions of life. - The reports that it relies upOn mineral substances for Its active properties, are wholly, false. For the Public satisfaction. and that patients may consult their physi cians, we append a list of its components. CALISAYA BARK—Celebrated for over two hundred years in the treatment of Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Weakness, &c. It [was introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of 'Peru, in 1640, and after wards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous, price of its own weightin silver, under the name of Jesuit's Pow ders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of France. Humboldt makes especial .reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. CAseABILLA - BARK—For dlarrhoea, colic, and diseases of the stomach and. bowels: DAwnELION = Fer inflammation of the loins, and drops!. cal affections. CffAMOMILE LFLOWERS — For enfeebled digestion. LATE eDEg FLowsne—Aromatic, stimulant, and tonic; highly invigorating in nervous debility. WINTERGREEN — FOS screfola;rlieuniatism, Ste. ' Ansa—An aromatic Carminative, creating flesh, mus cle and milk ;,much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, carraway, coriander, snake root. Sm. Another wonderful ingredient, of Spanish origin, iin parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for the present: Messrs. P. H. DRAKE & CO. : - .I have seen a great Dsuf . ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my Profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to -my great joy, I am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in several cases, and, as far as I know, always with signal benefit. . I arn respectfully yours, _ _ ParLADELFTrus, -10th Month, 17th Day,--M. RESPEOTHI) 'FRIEND :—My daughter has been much benefited by the =use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt send me two bottles more. Thy friend, SHERMAN HOVER, CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 11, 1563. Messrs. P. H. DRAIIE & Co. :—Please send us another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. Asa morning appetizer, they appear to have superseded everything else; and are greatly esteemed. Yours; &c., Arrangements - are now completed to supply any de wand for this article, which from lack of GoYernment stamps has not heretoforeheen possible. The'public may ,rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard of the Plantation Bitters be de parted from. Ever✓ :bottle bears the faa-simile of our eirrnature on a, steel plate engraving, or it cannot be Sold. by all Druggists, Grocers, and. Dealers through,- Out the country. fe27-fmwtxplif, 11EALTH AND STRENGTH DR. SWAYNE'S WILD CHERRY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered fir all pulmonary complaints, Conghs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ha*- , rnoptysi,s (Spitting Blood), Short Breath '' Croup, Wasting Flesh, Pains and Sore ness, Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in the Throat. Broken Constitution, from the abuse of calomel and other causes. all Throat, Breast, and Lung. Complaints. Let , no disease, however bad it maybe, or length :Dime It maz have existed, - YOU until you have Wonderfulvox:at Modicamentum. when, to all not be possible. The popular impression, - strengthened by some scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be cared, haSno doubt hastened.; - the death.of many an invalid, by depriving.them of the consolation of 'hope. ' Persons afflicted with Pectoral disease supported by every assurance of a cure, not alarmed by the gloomy, foreboding countenances of those around. For our part, we do not believe that Con notation is incurable; and let Physicians theorise as ' thby will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that per sons having all the symptoms of Consumption, cough deep, bloody. expectoration, pains, and oppression, sore 'throat, diarrhoea, night sweats, :burning fever, &c., 'have been. permanently cured by Dr. SWATHE'S - COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." A good appetite, complete digestion, strength; and a dispowtion for active exercise is sure to follow its use. Thirty years' experience in this and - foreign countries is con vincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry; except that prepared by Dr. Swayne & Son,.the original and only genuine. Dr. SWATHE'S Principal Office, 330 North. SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold. lru Druggists and Dealers. . EYE AND EAR-PROF. J. ISAACS ; Oculist and'Ahrist, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at No. Ell PINE Street, where he treat, all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and curer if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hour from 8 to 11 o'clock A. M. and 2to 07 7 P. M. la4-33m. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. ♦q FRESEC ASSORTMENT, AT LESS 4 —s- THAN FORMER PRICES. - FARR St BROTHER, Importers, mb:4 tf, 324: - CHESTNIIT Street, below Fourth. 011 1, J. C. FULLER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in agCa k Fll4. WATCHES - AND JEWELRY, - No. 71R1 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple). Has now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK. RACING AmERIC AR EMBRACING SWISS WATCHES, E. HOWARD Sc CO.'S PINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES. FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION:* l a D. T. ,PRATT, 60'7 CIAESTNUT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of AMER - I - CAN' WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities. to suit all eta , s ses of FINE GILTCOMBS IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL mhl2-2m ifbFINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen. and every watch warranted for one pint G. RUSSELL, •21% North SIXTH Street: . . . . ja ELL. HOLDEN, Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND -IMPORTED , WATCHES , JEWELRY.. AND'CLOCKS, norm". - ' 7013 MARKET Street. J 0. „FULLER'S FINE. GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. fel2-3m ELI 8.01,,DEN, 'Dealer inlne AM - NRICAN. AND IMPORTED. w .ATCHNS.,. JEWELRY; AND aIM3 VULCANITE . RINGS. A pill assoitment, all shoe and styles. J. C. PULLER, No. 7121 CHESTNUT,. Etreet.. fel2-9m TIAILDW ARE.. CLOgIESO OUT, AT. OLD j. R . : " . The stook of a WHOLESALE HOUSH, comprising 4W7 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets 1011-OD6SON'S. :CHEMICAL BL U B-. BLACK WRITING. FLUID, warranted equal to any, either. American or Foreign; vouched by the-Frank lin-institute's Silver. Medal, and by the testimony of the first merchants of Philadelphia. - • • This WRITING-FLUID has .now won ,an established reputation as not being excelled in quality, by ant ink in the Americantnarket. Its advantages are; that it inper, fectlyWriting blue and soon changing to .pure black—not clogging the pen, and remarkably mild o steel pens—not given to mouldiness ov decompositio n : ny and though equal in all respects to the, best English yet not much more than half its price: It should, therefore, take the place of all foreign writing fluids. For sale by the manufacturer, W.,..HODOSON,,Chemist , No. 103 North TENTH Street, above.Afich,' and by . Stationers and Druggists in, Philadelphia d elsewhere. - mlalB-Nrfinimad . . , E XT R' S COLORED 'PHOTO -La, GRAPHS are striking:likenesses and naturally - ; colored picture, finished vett& taste by experienced ar tists, for $1 only'. at SECOND _Street, .above Steen: lt OLIVE .:INVOICE , JDST rteltved and for saIn..IIL9HAS. S. '& JAS. CAR sTiakus, =4,910 • WAlo an& '.. Eißkvg .• • • . • .. mb9-11, , SP r.. ;.Y: 4,.,. MEDICAL. S.-T.-1860-X. 8.-T.-1860-%. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES Roommia, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1861 REV. J.' S. CATRORN. ASA CIIRRIN. GAGE & WAITE P. H. DRAKE & CO., 202 BROADWAY, New York TO THE SUFFERING COIVIT'OUND SYRUP OF (succEssoa TO ITATTSr REATH, ) ENGLISH, SWISS, AND IN EVERY VARIETY. J. C. FULLER, - No. 11.9 CHESTNUT Street A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. A STORY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. GUSTAVE AIMARD, Author of the "Prairie flower," • - 'The Indian • Scout." THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER! THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER! THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER! THE, TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. A Story of the Rocky Mountains. By GUSTAVE AIMARD, author of the 'PRAIRIE FLOWER." "THE INDIAN SCOUT," "THE TRAILr HUNTER," "THE PI RATES OF THE PRAIRIES," etc., is published and for sale this day, complete in one largo octavo vo- Inure large type, double column, and printed on the finest and best of white paper. Price Fifty Cents a Read What the editor of the Evening Bulletin says of it editorially in their paper of yesterday: " TUE TRAPPER'S DAUM:ITER" ie the title of a new no vel by Gustave Aimard, just published by Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. It is a thrilling'and exciting story, full of Reeky Mountain adventures, and giving a very vivid idea of life in that - wild region. Aimard writes of our forest and wilderness life with as much spirit as Cooyer, and his stories are quite aS eagerly,.sought after. This one will have a great sale. Published and for sale at wholesale or retail T. B. I H 3 ETERSOII O & BROS., 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, To whom orders rook come addressed The cheapest place in the world to buy or send for a etcck of books, of all or any kind, is at T. B. PETERSON , & 13R05., 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Send for their catalogue. Booksellers, News Agents, Sutlers, and all other persons whitever, will be fur nished with any quantities of any Books published, at lower prices than anywhere else in the country, on send ing their orders to T. B. Peterson 8: Brothers, Phila delphia. It NEW VOLUMES BRITISH POETS- THIS DAY PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN, So 00_, 110 WASHINGTON STREET Uniform with their series of the BRITISH POETS BURNS'S POETIOAL WORKS, WITH A SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR'S LIFE 3 vols. 16mo. Portrait. Price, $2.25. This series of the British Poets, edited by Prof. Child, of Harvard University, has secured the Unqualified com mendation of the Press and the Public in all parts of the country, is universally acknowledged to be the best edition ever issued, both in point of editorship and me chanical.-execution, placing it out of the reach of com petition. Each separate work is sold by itself, and 'the price of each volume, lemo., bound in black cloth, gilt lettered, is 75 cents, or half calf, gilt, $1.50; full calf, gilt, R. 75. One hundred and twen ready, comprising the follov AKENSIDE.. . . ... 1 VOI. BALLADS S YOlB. BEATTIE 1 vol. BURNS 3 vols. 8YR0N.... 10.V018. CAMPRELI 117'01. CHATTERTON 2 vols. CHURCHILL_3 YOIS. COLERIDGE 3 YODL . Comdxs 1 vol COWPER ... VOle. DONNE 1 vol. DRYDEN.... 5 vols. FALCONER"... . ..... I'xol. GAY:. - ...... .... 2 vols. GOLDSMITH .... Ivol. GRAY 1-vol. HERBERT 1 VOl. HERRICK 2 vols. Boon 4 vole. HEAT , 1 YOl. y 7 6ight volumes are now • ing: MARVELL 1 VOI., MILTON :3 VOIR 6IONTOO3LERY I vols. M00RE......... 6 vols. PARNELL & TIORELL 1 vol. POPE.... 3 vols. PRIOR ..• • • • • • • 2 vole. RCOTT 9 VOIA STIAKSPEARE 1 VOI. - 3 voli, SKELTON - 3 vols. [ SOUTHEY ' 10 VOID, SPENSER.. .. • • . • [.... o vols. SLTREEY• .• • • • • • 1 VOL SWIFT-. 3 vol. THomsolv..... 2 vols. VAIDDIAN • • .. 1 VOL WATTS 1 VOL WHITE 1 VOL WORDSWORTH 7 VOIS. WYATT '1 vol. You:go 2 vols. • `The extent to which this issue of the British Poets has been carried indicates at once the generous confi dence of the publishers in the good sense and good taste of our people, and the degree on which that confidence has verified itself One hundred and twenty-eight vo lumes have already appeared, and in so high and even a etyle_of excellence that it would be impossible to say that any One 'poet has fared better or worse than his brethren as to the details of editorial labor or the mi nute fidelity of the press. "--N0rth, 417.1....p4E-ton-eB. " A &her printed, a more tasteful or more vane. le set . of books cannot be placed in any library. "--Nezo Yoik Courier and Enquirer. "The best, the most permanently valuable, the most convenient, and the cheapest edition of the standard Poetical literature of Great Britain ever published." Rome Journal. We regard it as the most beautiful and convenient library edition of the British Poets yet published._"- Philadelphia. Evening Bulletin. • "We do not know any other edition of the English - Poets which combines so - much excellence. "—Bibliotheea Sacra. , mh.2.ofmtvgt THRILLIN G REVELATION S I ARBITRARY ARRESTS IN THE SOUTH; On SCENES FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF AN ALABAMA UNIONIST. By R. S. Tharin, A. M., A native of Charleston, S. C., for 30 years a resident of the Cotton. States, a former Law-partner of Wm. L. Yancey, and commonly known in the West as th e • Alabama Refugee." - This remarkable and thrilling book gives such an in side, view of events in the South as we have not hereto fore had. It depicts the sufferings, the trials, the perse cution*, the dangers, the escapes, of a Southern Union ist, in vivid and 'stirring -language; and white it pos sesses the fasc!nating interest of a romance, the charac ter and social p_osition of the author are warrants of its fidelity. Publisned in'one 12P10. , cloth: Price JOHN-SRADBURN, Pnblislier, iSticces:sor to M.' Doolady), No. 51.9 WALKER Street, New York, For *ale by 3". - B. lAPPIRCOTT St CO.. 22 and 21 North FOURTH Street. TWO FRIENDS—BY THE AUTHOR or The Patience of Er.OP6 and EL Present Heaven._ PLBLISHED VILE DAY. Aso, ZSCHORE'S MEDITATIONS on DEATH and FREE NITY, •Tieftnelated by Prederica . Rowan. THE PATIENCE OF HOPE. 'A new edition, A PRESENT HEAVEN. A new edition.. . LIGHTHILL on DEAFNESS. Fifth edition. • STANDARD BOOKS. NEW and OLD in every branch of Literatare on hand, or furnishedpromptly to order. ' LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, . Publishers and Booksellers, mh2o 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. 808. THUMB - PICTURES. 808 General TomiThnmli and Wife on one card. Commodore Nutt and Minnie;Warren on one- card. Lavinia and Minnie Warren one card. -Barnum and Commodore Nutt on one card. . :Lux Photographs of above received this day, and the only store in the city where you can - find a fall assort mentr PITCHER'S New Store,. mh2o-2t 80S CHESTNUT Street. ONLY 10 CENTS !-JUST RECEIVED Cartes de Visite of Gen: TOM THUMB and LADY, in Wedding' Costume, at. the ___ ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOR EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street. Opposite the new Post Office. 10 CENTS 10. CENTS 1- 10 CENTS .1 For the Bride and Bridegroom. MR. AND MRS. TOM. THUMB, In Bridal Dress, AT THE ORIGINAL GIRT-BOOK EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street, mh2o-tf Opposite the new Post Office. E LEGANT PHOTOGRAPH COPIES OF NATURAL FLOWERS. • Orchids, Ferns, Roses. Annuals, &c.. &c. , in the most Perfect truthfulness to nature. ,just ready for the album, and as copies for the pencil in water, oil, and crayon, and for coloring with.the new Prepared - colors. NEW TON'S PREPARED COLORS FOR ALBUMEN -PIC- J. E. TILTON & CO • BOSTON. . Price for the copies of Flowers 25 cents each, for NEW TON'S Prepared Colors $3.30, including - bottle of Re ducing Liquid and full directions for use. Beware of miserable imitations of these colors. The genuine haver name, J: E. TILTON & CO., on etch box and bottle.. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Between SeTenth and Eighth Strpeta. All Books tumidly to be had in a FIRST-CLASS .BOOKSTORE, Will always be found -on oar shelves AT THE LOWEST, PRICES fee-0 • ARBITRARY;_.ARRESTS AT THE SOUTH : or, Scenes in the Experience of an Ala- AMONG THE FINES: or, the South in Secession ROMANCETimes. 1: OF THE MUMMY, with an Introduction. By Wm. C. Prime. $L %`.IIREE YEARS IN CHILI. 75 cents. ABOVE HER STATION: the Story of a Young Wo man's Life, By Mrs. H. 'Philip. $l. STORIES OF FRONTIER LIFE. By Wm.. T. Cogge shall. $l. For Sale by _ • WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Street. READY (OFFICIAL),, - THE UNITED STATES CONSCRIPTION OR NATIONAL MILITIA BILL. With a copious Index for Reference. JAMS W. FORTUNE, PUBLISHER, 102 Centre Street, New -York. nihl6-61 • PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE PARLOR GARDENER. ' A complete Illustrated: Guide to the ciltivation of House Plants, care of Green House, Aquarium, and-in structions to many new and beautiful methods of grow:. ing Plants, of Grafting, Badding, &c: 'Price 65 cents:" By mail 70 cents. .J. E. TILTON Sz CO., Boston;." • ,Inlift,lrn - `Publishers. qF t ,CENTS.---PH OTO GRAD R BUMS from 35 Cents to 25 Dollars I - The' largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that 'can be found in . .a first-class, Bookstore, at low rates.. All Of G. G. EVAN OLD PUBLICAT CESI. lONS at the PRI Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, felllf 7 . • 7 '&39..OKESTNUT Street ... - Dlq EUU==:WMM BROTHERHEAD'S OIRCULA.- and This LIBRARY.—AII - the - NEW English and .American Booker,including the cot Literature. This is tLe ONLY Librarm the. colintrythat incladas all the NEW ENGLIsh' .BOOKS that are not' RE-. PRINTED here, Terms $6 per _year ; six months $3; three months awl one month 75 - cents,' or 3 cents per day, 211.8 ,Senth EIGHTII. Street.' Int;s-3m ' D ONOGB S . . - WATER HAS • reduced prices on aligrallOa'uf *fined Sugars. Agent for golly a Franca 4i o WAiNTS. WA NTED -TWENTY CARPEN. TERS or Cabinetmak . ars to make light woo I wo, tc APPIY at 11. S National Wagon Works, SECOND aid CUMBERLAND Streets. mh2o-3t* WANTED CLOTFITNG.-PERSONS • • having Clothing to dimme of will please clit or address C. MILLER, 203 CHESTNUT st.mlo6mwf3m* AB WANTED . TO. PURCHASE A mr.nmoderate sized three-story Brick HOUSE, in a con•. tral location. Must have all the modern improvements. Address " Howe." at this office, Mating and location. • Ja3l-6f 4ifkk DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL% OFFICE.—PARLADELPHIA, Feb. 9. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following Pointe c• Tortugas. Key West, Eta. Port Monroe "V'e.. Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. C. • Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD. felo-tf Captain , and Asstd. Quartermaster. LOST. AND FOUND. LOST OR MISLAID- Note drawn by JOHN RICE to the order of W. F. FERGUSON and endorsed by him, dated November 18, ISM at four months, for THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. All persons are cautioned against negotiating the same, as payment has been stopped. - W. F. FERGUSON, No. 1920 MARKET Street. mblB 11. FOR - SALE AND TO LET. TO CAPITALISTS.-TO BE SOLD, A. -A - great bargain, to close an estate, the machinery, patterns, F team engine, and fixtures of a large inane, factory of Paper Hangings. The building, erected on purpose for the business, will be sold or let to the purchaser. But one factory is now in operation in this city, which is doing an excellent business. Another one is much wanted by the dealers. Inquire of _ ISAAC PI7GIT, No. 407 WALNUT WILLIAM CURRY, gory; Or, WILLIAM CURRY, m1)20-10t. TWENTY-SECOND and Callowhill Sts. TO RENT FOR STORAGE-THREE TO fine large Rooms. MARKET Street, between Third and Fourth streets. Address Box 2380, Philadelphia Post Office. mhlB-3t. .4 OR SALE.-THE PROPRIETOR OF the Ashland House, ARCH &wed, above SEVENTH, Philadelphia, having taken the National Hotel, in Wash ington, D. C. is desirous of selling the FURNITURE and FIXTURES of the Arst-mentioned Hotel. The house is doing a good business, and will be disposed of on advantageous terms. For further particulars, apply on the premises. mhl9-tf OR SALE OR TO LET-HANDSOME Cottage Property, 'HAINES Street, Germantown. Also, a number of country places of a few acres of gronnd convenient to the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNIJT Street. mlll.B COAL YARD FOR SALE. - THE best fit'ed-up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing 9 1 g7 aVlVlGAlnSets.,s.beliotrlairreal?d,at,vheerfaree.milehiNt; 1250 ACRES TIMBER LAND FOR SALE For Sale, a Tract of first-rate WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND, Containing One Thousand Acres, situated in CAMBRIA. County, Pennsylvania, within a few miles of the-Penn sylvania Railroad, connected by a Plank road at Tipton. The lands are, heavily set - with-White Pine, Oak, and Hemlock Timber, (principally White Pine). The improvements consist of a First Class Steam Saw Mill in complete running order; a good Grist Mill, with two run of stones, driven by water Power,-and a good Water Saw Mill; also a good Store House, Blacksmith Shop, Stables, twelve good House's for Workmen, and everything in complete order for manufacturing Lumber to good advantage, and can -he made and put into market on as good terms as can be done at Williamsport or Lock Haven. There are Schools near, and a Church on the preperty. Tipton - is a tirst-rate point on the Pennsylvania Railroad as a Lumber Market, and as a place of residence is very healthy, and. has Churches, Schools, and, every advantage of a thriving Country ' This is a very desirable property, and the Timber and Mills are equal to any WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND FOR SALE IN CLEAR- . FIELDCOUNTY, PENNA. For sale, a tract of 250 Acres of first-rate White Pine Timber Land in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, with in two miles of Clearfield Creek (which is a good-rafting stream), and within hauling distance, over a good road to Pennsylvania Railroad. There is a new and first-class Steam Saw-Mill, in good running order, on this property, with dWelling houses for workmen, and other necessary improvementsmeeded around a-Lumber manufactory. The White Pine Timber is heavily set, and of the best quality. There is also first-rate Oak on the tract, and the soil is rich and rolling, and can be readily sold for farming purposes after the timber is off. There are Several "Hundred Acres of first-rate White Pine timber lands adjoining this property which can be bought at a 'reasonable price, which would supply timber enough for several years' operationa. Lumber can be readily rafted or sent to market by railroad - aka,goocl profit. There are Churches. Schools, and Post Office near the property, and the neighborhood is flourishing and. prosperous. This is a most dewrable property, and well worth the attention of capitalists who wish to invest in active business. For further particulars,- address - HUGH W. TENER, nahf-m&fem N 0.1.3 Sonth. THIRD Street. Phila. det WANTED—BY A PHYSICIAN -maan Office, with board, or to rent a house In a first class neighborhood. t'Address "M.H.D.," PM. mh23-3t. WANTED TO RENT-A STORE - and .Dwelling attached. Chestnut. Arch, or Eighth street preferred. Address' Artist," Press Of fice. . mh.l9 Ott ri f , FOR SALE-THE THIRD AND Fourth house on the west side of BROAD Street, below COLUMBIA avenue, finished completn Fronts of Albert freestone, walls papered, ceilings frescoed. Possession given immediately. Apply- at the southwest corner of rohl6-12t'NINTH and SAINSOM Streets. et FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE COT TAGE, with all the modern conveniences, pleasant• ly situated on PRICE Street, Germantown. mile from Depot. It has five Chambers, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, handsome Gas Fixtures, a variety of Shrubbery. &c, Apply to ROBERT MAC GREGOR, mhl3-firiw6t* ' 233 South THlRD.Street, FOR S E-A lIA_NDSOME mzx COUNTRY RESIDENCE with half sere of land, 12 miles f mhl ~roml4 t oily,l.v.:,.-.At-,7 , 7 -- vsalk from a_,..Eausaaa-- " --l n. - ,pretln s , offo'42aifitothery consitY. BFOR SALE LOW—A. LARGE RIcK BUILDING, suitable for Manufacturing pur poses, in rear of No. 125 Arch street. mll7 F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. git, FOR SALE, NEAR HOLMESBURG -Mhand a Mil oad Station,tenmilesfromMarket street, a NEW STONE COTTAGE, with Stable and Coach House attached; ALSO, A STONE' MANSION HOUSE, nearly new, with Stable, Vegetable Garden, &c. For a full description and particulars, apply to B. F. GLENN, 32 mb7 3 South FOURTH Street. et TO LET-A. COMMODIOUS IDFTELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WET SMELL". &B B , 0c27-tf 42' and 49 North SECOND Street. jab FOR SALE—A 'VERY DESIRA BLE COUNTRY PLACE, of about 44 acres of highly-cultivated Land, with two small COTTAGES thereon erectFd, leading the Philadelphia, Wiming ton, and:Baltimore Turnpike road tothe river Delaware-, about 19 miles from the city, and about halfway between Claymont and Holly-Oak stations, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, which passes through this pro perty. The sitnbtio Delaware ealthy, and commands a fine view of the riverfor over `b) milt s--accessi ble by trains five Rimes , a day. Terms moderate and accommodating. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO., inhl6-6t 5 S. W. corner NINTH and FILBERT Sts. • efi TREES AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at Public Vendue, on SECOND DAY,tlie 30th instant, at the POMONA GARDEN AND NURSERY, Burlington county, New Jersey, eight miles east of Phi ladelphia, and two from Riverton Station, a large collec ..tion of Fruit and Ornamental. Trees, such as Apple, - Peach, Pear, Cherry, and♦ Plum EVERGREENS, large and small ~fine specimens for Lawn Planting, producing an immediate effect. Norway. Firs, Balms, Arborvitte, and White Pines. SMALL FRUITS, Grapevines, Strawberries, Raspber ries' and Blackberries, best selection. Also, Currants, Gooseberries, and - Asparagus Roots. The train leaving Philadelphia at 12 o'clock noon. via Camden and Amboy Railroad, stops at Riverton and re turns to the city between five and six o'clock F. M. Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M. A liberal credit gwen. mhlS-30 WILLIAM PARRY, Cinnaminson, N. J. eft FOR SALE , OR WOULD BE EL CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY,. A DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate in New Britain Township,' Bucks county, Pa., three miles from Doylestown, and one and a' half from New Britain Station, on the :Doylestown Railroad, containing 61 acre% six of which is:woodland, and five meadow; divided into convenient fields, well 'watered, good building, fruit, Ste. Inquire at 104. North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-160 an VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- The subseribey - - offers at private sale a valuable FARM, situate in New Britain township, Bucks county, within half a mile of the Lead Mines,: containing 80% Acres of good Land, 6 of which are wood land. This property is situated within three miles of Doylestown. For -further particulars, apply to the subscriber, on the property, or at 104 North SIIITH Street, Philadelphia. inh7-12t. :JOHN NV. THOMAS. FOR SALE-A SPLENDID FARM of 124 Acres, right at a Railroad Station, one hour's ride from Market-street Bridge by rail; build ings good and finely located; the land of the fast quality and well watered. Apply to JAMES It, CUMMINGS, mhl4-60,- Media, Delaware county. Pa. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni.Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public aalo or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 6,1563. at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street All that certain lot or piece. of ground with the two brick tenements' erected on the rear end thereof, situate an the south side of Arclistreet (late Mulberry street); at the distance of one 'hundred and eighty-'our feet eastwapi fl cm the east side of Twentieth street, in the Ninth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing infront or bread lb on the said Arch street twenty feet, andestending south ward .of that width, in length or depth _ ninety feet. Bounded northward by said Arch street, westward by ground now or late of L. Ellmaker, southward' partly by ground now or late of Charles White and. Famael L. and partly by, the head of a four-feet-wide alley leading southward , into Dorothea street. and eastward by other ground' granted or intended to have been granted to oath Jacob Carrigan on ground rent. (Being the same premises which the said_Linus'W. Dexter and wife, by indenture dated May_ Ist, A. D. 1351, recorded T atPhiladelphia, in Deed Book T. H. ,No. 145. page 215, do. granted and conveyed unto the, said Jacob Carrigan in fee, reserving . thereout the yearly ground)? ent or sum of $19.0, payable half-yearly, on the first day of the months of May and November in every year, for arrears of which the judgment was obtained upon which this execution was issued. EC. P., 92; March. T., '63. Delit, $60.61. E S. Campbell. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as - the property - of Jacob Carrigan. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 9,1663. inhat3t DRAIN PIPE.-S TONEW AR E. DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore - 25 cents per yard. 30 do :..:do. 40.. do do. 5 do 50 .do do. 6 - d 065 - do do. Every.variety ofconnections, bends, traps, and hi:lpm%. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity, and oaliberal terms to dealers and those purchasing in large quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tons, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action. of coal gas, or th e w eather in any climate.' GARDEN VASES: - A - great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta, classical designs, ,all. sizes, and warranted to stand the weather.. Also, Fancy Flower Pots, Banging Baskets, and Garden , Statuary. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works. Office and Warereorns 1010 CHESTNUT Street. nik4-wfin tf% _ :,S. A. HARRISON- _ • SAIL 36 BOLTS DUTCH Sail Euck, Nos. 1, 2 and 3,now landing from on board Dutch brig Sara Elizabeth, from .Amsterdam, ,at first wharf - below Spruce street. - Imported and for sale br . HENRY BOHLEN & 80., 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. ICFERRING,--.400 1-16 KEGS DUTCH HERRING now landing from on board brig - SARA. ELIZABETH, from Amiterdrn, at first wharf:belowl SPRUCE Street. Imported and for BsaOHle by HENRY LEN & CO., 2211. and 2123 South FOURTH Street. : SWEDISH TAR-131 BBLS. SWED _ ISH TAR landing at first wharf below SPRUCE Street, from on board brig ,SARA. ELIZABETH., from Amsterdam. Imported a HENRY sale by • - Y BOHLEN & 221 an d 223 South FOURTH Street. lok: A_ FIFTEM N . C.ASKS: MOLL •a• LAND_GREEN. and GRAY PEAS now . ..larding from on beard brig Sarah Elizabeth from , Amsterdam; at first .*hoxf below -Sprace,Street. Imported and. for sale by GERRY BOHLRR C0....'241,. 2i%3 Sonth Street:, - mhl9-6t . . . NOTICE IS HEREBY ..EVEN TO Agents; Corporations. andrall otb , :ds having Money oriothet assets .of the :WEST BRA:ACH '-INSURANCE colarAriY ; LOCK-1 4 AV.EN,`.Pp!..., , to make payment toilde:, at ity”.,office, NO. la so,.th .PRONT - Street. JAS. 1 - v;BILIZ40TON; Sequestrater... Platt lelibla ; biatob:R; 1 41Pf; , . . AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Leeeee and Director Business Agent..... HENRY SIMONS TBRIVIS OF SUBSCRIPTION Fom SIX OPS,RAS. Reserved Seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle, or Balcony Adm . issinnie " " '` 4 619 SubEcriptions leceivad at J.E.GOITLrn Mnaie Store, corner of Seventh acd Chestut etTeet ORLY, by trill`24) BIRGFELD, Business Agent. NEW CJIESTNUTSTREET TITEA. TRE. Lessee and Manager Mr. W. WHEATLEY,. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, March 5% Being poeitiveLy the only night Shakepeare's Greatest Historiml Drama, RICHARD HI, Can be produced this season, will appear in his celebrated Character of RICHARD, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER- The tragedy a ill be produced wit* NEW BCENEIVE.• _ And a Cast of Unexamplect Strength, Including Messrs. J. McCullough. X. Wi Lanergan . . , J. Cannoll, W. H. Leak, C. Kingsland, J. W. Collier,. G. Becks, J. Martin. E. B. H01me4...) 1 . Taylor, J. P. Ward, J. Johnson, C. V. liess,-1. Garland, J. Thomas.. G. Wallis, J. Germon; Madame Ponisi, Mrs. J. EL Al— len, Miss Mary Wells, Mrs. T. Henry . , an& Miss Le Bran: Conductor Mr. 1111,2 M BABBLER, - SATURDAY, MoEt s positlyely the last appearance of LUCILLE WESTERN,. AS .r.ta, ERRING AND PENITENT WIFE; IN EAST LYNNE, OR THE ELOPEMENT. MONDAY NEXT, The First Apppearance of EDWIN FORREST AS LEAIt: Doors open at 7: °amain rises precisely at 736 o'clock. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROBSTREET THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. LaST NIGHT OF AURORA FLOYD THE GENUINE HIT OF THE SEASON''. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, March 20; 1663,1 AIIROBA FLOYD, Aurora Floyd. dol Meliisti Talbot 8u15tr0de.......... Steeve (the Soßv) Car. Sam Prodders • couclude with a favorite Comedietta. SATURDAY,•BENEFIT OF FRANK DREW: MONDAY, MISS MARY PROVOST. Allar Prices as usual. Seats secured without extra/. charge. Curtain rises at 7 o'clock. rokl7-It iiiTALNIIT-STREET THEATRE. Sole Lemee • Mrs. M. A. DARRETSONi Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF Mr. J S. CLARKE, Will be Pn'trieda""llll"3" March Mk. the great Comed_y of _ _ . SINGLE LOA Peter PinkeY • Mr. Clarke.. Kitty Skylark Mrs. Anna Cowell: To conclude with the favorite Comedy of ' MARRIED LIFE. Mr, Henry Dove • Mr. J. S. Clarke. Mre. Lionel Lynx Mrs Anna Cowell. SATURDAY, Mr. J. S. CLARKE'S Farewell Night. Doors open at 7: Curtain will rise at 7%. WHITTAKER'S AALPHITHEATRB abeve(late Gard FTH ner & Hemming's); MARKET Street; TWEL, y F. W. WHITAKER Manager. Admission, 25 cents: Private Box and Balcony Seats; 50 cents; Gallery—Adults, 15 cents ; - Do. Boys', 10 'cents -Colored Gallery, 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock , ;.Commenres at quarter to &- THURSDAY, March 20,.19&3. Brilliant and delighted audiences are the order of the evening. THIS EVENING, reartir Night' of SAM'LONG: the beFt•Clown end Comic Singer (-the ages - WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. grand Family Entertaininents. Doors ogen at 2 o'clock; To commence at 23e". G- RDE N INSTITUTE k— HALL. corner BRGAD . and SPRING GARDEN Sts. EVERY EVENING- THI&IVREAI . The original and magnificent Diorama of THE BURNING- OP-MOSCOW; . Deantifal Dioptric Paintings, and amnsing Scenes in Ventril' quism, by 'the world-renowned humorist, Ittr. GALLS GEIER Admission, 15-cents, Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. mh2o-151.5" CONCEC L RT HAL,. •••-•, • CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH SOIREE, FANTASTIQUES - MONS. HENRI DE GASTON; Professor of Chemistry and Physics, of Paris. MONDAY EVENING, March 16: 1,68/, AND EVERY: EVENING DURING THE WEER: PRESTIDIGITATION, ELEETRICITY, MESMERHM .NECROMANTICS, CHIROMANTICS,. AMUSING CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. ILLUSIONS. SOMNAMBULISM, AM - A ITENTIONI—A MARVEL NEVER HERETO FORE WITNESSED:9Np Mons. GASTON will bring. any person who ..may do-- tire it into contact with the celebrated Somnambulist, CHARLES LECLOQUE, with whom he has won the prize, of 25,000 francs offered by the Academy of Paris. The, Somnambulist, being brought into contact with any•per tun, will answer that person as he would answer his , Signor ALBERTI NEGRINI, the famous Italian Tenors will sing in the intervals. TICR ETS Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence precisely at S o'clock, ON SATURDAY NEXT, SOIREE MATINEE, Two O'CLOCK; inIAS-3t* FOR LADIES AND FAIRIE;Y PARTIES. ITUTCHLNSON FAMILY, •'TRIBE OR ASA," - - Will give TWO CONCERTS ONLY, at the LECTURIti- ROOM. of CONCERT HALL. on FRIDAY and - SATUtt-- DAY EVENINGS, March 20th and 21st, all appearing. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. Doors open at; 7; Concert at 8 o'clock. nihlB-30- ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER _ of TENTH ^ CROWDED ton. Magnificent works 'of art distribnted gratuitously to. the visitors. WEDNESDAY and•SATITRDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren's Grand GIFT MATINEES. 'Every Child will re ceive a.GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING, March 20th, TOURNAMENT - OF WIT, SPLENDID PRIZES will be given to the au, thors of the best and worst Conundrums on an subjeck The first present, each evening, will be a SPLENDID CASE OF GLASS WORK. Admission,. 15 cts. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening MS o'clock; afternoon at 3. m11343VP• VOKENDO,RFF'S C ADE TS,-A. -4- , GRAND SOIREE MILITAIRE, of ECILENDORFF'S. CADETS, will take place on SATURDAY EVENING; 28th of March. at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Cards of , admission, 25 cents; reserved Rats, 50. cents can be ob tained at Gonld's music store, Seventh and Chestnut streets. mhl6-6t D. L. CARPENTER'S EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL FLORAL BALL, at the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIJSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, April 14th. Family or Gentlemen Tickets, $2. Can be had of the Managers, of Sohn Thornley, Emit, all Chestnut street; D. L. Carpenter's Rooms, 615 ARCH Street. mhlo-Lt•. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH and CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ. The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEA_ItNED CANARY BIRDS, wilt give his new amt. Popular entertainments EVENLY EVENING during_ the,, week, commencing at 7X o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. The attractiors, will be marvellous: Experiments in Magic; wonderful. powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds , in their new characters. • Admission 2,5 cents. Children 13 cents. CEP:MANIA_ ORCHESTRA-PUBLIC. REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at .334 d'Aclock, at the MUSICAL FUNL HALL, C BENTZ, conductor. Tickets Z 5 cents. Packages of five. tickets $l. To be had of Andre & Co., No. 1104 Chestast street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and• at the Hall door. - no27-if - HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA. NEW OFFICE, 214 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delo-6m PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THB FINE ARTS , 1025 CITESTICUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A.111.,011 BP. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock 830, PENSIONS.--$lOO BOUNTY AND PAY procured and collected for Sold Mrs, Sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two rears, and all soldiers who have bean discharged by reason of wounds received inhattle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty • and the latter, also, to a pension, . JAMES 'FULTON, Solicitor fey Claimants, m - hl 3 12. 2 1 WALNUT Street. ,r,NI • GIRARD FIRE AND iN§umulck- OFFICR, 415 •WALITITI' STREET, PRILADELPHI.3. This Company coati/nes to take risks on the aslie glasses of Property at low rates, - The public can rely upon its responsibility, and nbilits to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the barmai d the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS., and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future , . DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT. „TERRY WALKS& JOHN W. CLAGROHN, JOHN THORNLBY, C. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM lIART, DAVID BOYD,__.JB., PETER S. HOE of N. TA.: Wll. Y. SWAIN, - FITR.MAN Scrnpi•Ams,. JOSEPH KLAPP M. D.,N. S. LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLEI. - • THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Tice President. JAS. B. ALVORD. Secretary... a 26-liN VAKE INSURANC -A- 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILAD3 FIRE AND INLA _ _DIREC' Francis R: Book.. Chas. Richardson. ,:.He Lewis, Jr., John W..Everman. Philip S. Justice. 0. NY:. • ' FRANCIS BM CHARLES RICH. WILLIAMS I. BLANCH' WEST CHES•TER., AND 'PHILADELPHIA RAIL- • VIA MEDIA. AENUAL CONFERENCE OF THE DI. - E. cccacisf;.- AT WEST CEESTER, PENNSYLV.EXA2 Exenrsion;Tickets will be sold between ladelpldei, and West Chester, good during the sew...urns of con, FARE FOR THE ROUND .TRIP, ON2r,DOirLA.R. Trains leave Philadelphia from the- lie jpe . t irorthreaeir corner of Eighteenth and Market stro,ata at 7.55...ext4i 10,30 e. M., and at 2.60, 4.15; and 6.30 !Pickets must be Procured at the othrler.r. HEXRY.Woo.so3aperinterslent. sa tEt DESPA.TeIIs 7 I - INE NEW YORK. N'T DEL - A.VWff.A.NP` IifiRITATA:CAPTAL._ , - The steamer IRONSIDES, V'sindev , er. ins.'ster,i 3 now loading atihird Pier above . W.P4bpiIIT stvet, a nd,vgi, leave THIS DA'S at 121 T, r - For freight, which vill7 - ne taken on e.oorom.oder nat terms, apply to • 31. BAIRD, & mhl9-tf 332 `...ior.t.h DELAW . AII.II Avenne. _ ___ SW. .1 - Agiditt TINE,: FOR NEVe"FIa AF4,,AWARE: Alstnt ratARITAN"CA The .steaMer M 9.FSSX: nicer lead -; ing at third Pier, above 'WALNUT, Skreet, and , will leave 'PH iS , DAY ;Al S,k. For freight;' , Vsl4 will , be .taken. on anoonainectatiag . terms apply to. Wlt. Al. R.A.TRD SE CO:, !mh:9:ti ,132-. South Jai-AWARE, Avenue. IV AT - CLOTHESWRINGER , . , . .Sa l r. , -,s its valosin srdistr of clothes every six months. No ~ 1 . - _Large Family Wringer $lO2 / With coo. No '.h' MF dium Family Wringer.... 7. i Warranted. No 2,E Diedium:Family nt Wringer.: $5. IWithent cogs, N... .3, roall'Faraily Wringer • 3. 'I Not warranted lioWrinser can-be durable - without 414.1g-Wheela: r . . WALCOTT & BURNHAM - , 721 CHESTNUT St .. Exclusive Agents forY4tsteril P...3llndYkVtinia- L r ADIEB ; le I WI ag , A. Et r --B RAI-D ; , • wiled Soelies-otsfiretrior roanufactuili.,Prioes are lOwee• I,lttpai these of any Other establiplaneut. BAKBR's. t . t 009 QUATZ:UT.V.47.4. AMUSEMENTS. ANSCHDTIL ADOLPH BIRCH /MD. GERMAN ,OPERA FIRST EVENING. M ' ruisr NIGHT GE Viz CO oLOND SEASON, DER WILDSCHUTZ, (THE POACHER.) GRAND COMIC OPERA ST,EORTZINZ ED WIN. FO REST 25 A2{D , 50 •CE2iTS: PERSONAL. F ags tut:to DiMittaisMl CAPITAL $UtOO,OOO E - COMPANY, NO., _.D IPTIMAXCIS. ;TORS. - '- IL D. Woodrat, Oeo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr.. Chas. Stokes. A. H. Rosenheina, Joier. G. Bilis- UK, President : ARDSON, Vice Preigenp l , .: D, Secretary. Enakoln Mrs. John Draw: Barton HIM Mr. Albangitt Frank Drew. Mr. Biadlein =MEE
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