CITY I 'l' El S A FINE STORE IMPROVEMENT:—.II is gratifying to find that, notwithstanding the threaten ing aspect of affairs in the political world, the mer chants of our city are determined to keep alive the march of improvement: In passing along south Second street yesterday, we observed among the recent additions to the trade facilities of this famous old business thoroughfare, a splendid improvement in the well-known dry goods warehouse of Messrs. ,dwin Hall & Co., at No. 26. The magnificent front of this enlarged and handsomely-renovated edifice, idled, as it is, in singular good taste, with the most attractive new goods of the season, is a model of dis play windows ; and as it is but a fitting index to the beautiful interior, our lady readers need not be urged to visit Messrs. Hall & Co.'s before making their spring purchases elsewhere. The main sales room of the-store has been extended, and all the atones of the entire building have been brought into active use: , One remarkable feature secured by the recent improvement is the uniform distribution of a reliable light throughout the building. The spring stock which this firm now exhibits, for taste, rich- Mess, variety, and moderation in prices, we believe to be unsurpassed by any other; and as it embraces Within its range everything, from the cheapest do inestica to - the.most exquisite and costly Bilks, and other foreign fabrics, we can recommend our readers to patronize this popular old establishment with en tire confidence that they will thereby be aubserving their own interests. J. T. DELACROIX'S NEW CARPET WARE itouSE.—The numerous patrons of the old Fourth street" Carpet Warehouse will be glad to learn that its proprietor, 111 r. J. T. Delacroix, has recently re moved to his splendid new Store, No. 37 South Se ccnid street, - where his facilities for accommodating the carpet-buying public, fully equal any other estab lishment in the country. The 13rge vestibule otilhe ground floor is devoted to a miscellaneous display of aamples, and, as such, is by far the most striking and attractive that we remember to liave seen in this or any other city, and the immense and elegantly lighted salesroom to which it leads is now stocked in a manner fully to correspond. In passing through this establishment ire found a splendid assortment of- all the various makes and- grades of carpetings, druggets, oil cloths, &c., and mainly at prices inside the present -market . prices. The latter not unim portant item is, probably attributable to the fact that Mr. Delacroix, in anticipation of his removal to - his present large edifice, bought heavily before the extreme advance inTrices, and being determined to give his patrons thetenefit of his success in this particular, his rates ought to, and, no doubt, command the attention of purchasers. A POPULATE INTENTION.—Our attention Was •recently called to " West's Improved Pump," an invention which we believe must, from its great simplicity and efficitmey, very soon become the pre-. veiling pump of the age. The specimens which we examined are to be seen at the office of Mr. Samuel Warren, the sole agent for their sale in this city, at N 0.721 Chestnut: street. The claim of the pa tentee .fOr - these Pumps is that they are "the beet in.bits, ocany other , country," and, after having thorblighlir examined them, we are compelled to 'admit that, to the beet of our knowledge, this Claim is well sustained. They have'now been in use for over four years, 'without having failed to give say, factiOn in a single known instance. The ditlidulty Of oi:touring pure ivater in the vicinity of German town recently haw . idduced a number;of residents to try. the "West Improved Pump," and the result has been most satisfactory. The - .Pump is extremely simple in construction, and, therefore, not liable to getout of order, affitif it should, it is very readily repaired. t „0: has ,no stuffing- box, and hence no friction to' aste power. A child can with - it easily raise . a full stream from a well of thirty feet. As the merits of this great Pump become better known, we believe that every intelligent farmer in the land will supply himself with one of> them, as, in case of ire, they arc adapted to throw a stream over any ordinary house. We advise all who are interested gnmps to call on Mr. McFarren. ' -0 INE PICTURE OF. BRIGADIER GENERAL OvrEr.f.—Among the latest additions to the, fine col lection of caries de visite of distinguished men, taken by, and offered for sale at the counters -of Messrs. Broadbent & Co., Nos: 912, 914, And 916 Chestnut Street, is a superb card picture of Brigadier General Owen, late colonel of the 69th Pennsylvania Volun teers. The card pictures of this firm, both plain and finished in colors, have a world-wide reputation. LECTURE } ' BY DR. MORRIS Tine ENT , readers - should not forget that the opening lecture ethe popular course to be deli- Vered in this city, under no auspices of the Lu theran,l3oard of Publication, will be given at Musi cal Fund Ilall,this (Thursday) evening, by the Rev. r. G. Morrie ; D. Di, Of Baltimore. Subject—" What bare Women done in Art?" TELF. REV. A. A. WILLITS, of Brooklyn, Is announced to deliver a lecture at NluSisal Fund Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening, on "The Sword of Washington, or the Temper of the Times. ) 1 PURE OLD COGNAC BRANDY FOR 31EDI on-ism PURPOSES.—The proprietors of the popular old Grocery Establishment of C. H. Illattsom'Arch 'and Tenth streets, have now in store a very supe ,Tior ,article of pure old Cognac Brandy, expressly adapted for medicinal purposes. - FOR COUGHS AND COLDS take "Brona's Bronchial Ticchcs. ,, Public Speakers and Singers use them tor the voice. 'THE APPROACIIING MARRIAGE OF DIE k'nugoe OF WALES.—The London ton are in' great OeStasies over the coining event of the royal mar 'Siege. The London Court Journal weekly Posts up the royal sprigs of what they must talk about for the coning week, and how many times the "coming bride aired. herself on, her trip from Copenhagen to London ;-hut the most astounding intelligence was conveyed last week, when the "sprigs " were informed that there were two " Gathers" vacant in the royal household ! and there the intelligence s tops. We saw one vacant " garter" on the sidewalk, op , polite OHAs. Sroniis & Co.'s Clothing Store, under the Continental Hotel, on Chestnut strect,-the other daY, but did not think it worth putting in the •papers before. It waa elastic, with steel buckle, and, as gentlemen wear short socks, we had no use for it. Nobody picked it up. Where is the' ownerl One Vacant garter in Philadelphia and two in London! trICTETTIS. —.Of all the philosophers which the sect of the Stoics ever produced, Epicte tug is by, far the most renowned. Ile was a native • of Hierapolis in Phrygia, was for a time a slave, and belonged to Epaphroditus, one of Nero's life guard. Be reduced all his philosophy to two points only, viz : To. live and die like other folks, and buy his Clothes of Granville Stokes, at the Philadelphia Temple of Pashion','"No. 609 Chestnut street. • INTERESTING TI STIMONY.—A letter from a, young officer, who was in a reeentskirmish in Ten t:tune, written to his friends in Philadelphia,"says : s , As the rebels dashed on towards us, a tall Secesh raised his rifle and tired, the ball striking me full in _the breast, at scarcely fifty paces distant. I felt a ih . ook, ' and for a moment I thought my time had ime; but in a little while I found I was unhurt, — ltny life hewing been saved by the iron-clad vest, Which I foitunately , obtained at the; • Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockliill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and pO6 Chestnut street, above Sixth, before I left home." COUNTRY MERCHANTS buying Winslow Shades, and Trimmings, Curtains, Curtain Materi als, and Upholstery Goods, are invited to examine our stock. We are the largest manufacturers of Window Shades in the United States, and the only direct Amporters of Curtain Goods in Philadelphia, and therefore have facilities for offering goods to the trade at low figures, which caniot be equalled. KIECLTY 630 Chestnut street. • mhlfi2t ARRIVALS AT THEHOTELS, TO 12 o'CLOaic LAST NIGHT:, Continental — Muth_ 7 D Skiles,Un lout° wn, Pa J Skiles, Jr, Union town, Pa it P Truman 'r,ouisville W Wilson Szla,Westmore'd J I" Lieavitt, Cin ci nuati 0' Keen,BVallSVille, Ind . Jos N Biddle, Ohio Ira W Leftwich, illpmnilis 11l I s ilscon, Rhode Island C .12,Borworth, Milwaukee • JT - BEckham, Pittsburg ! J C Boyd. Pktsbui g il Flint, Chicago F. James Reeves, Indiana ther L White, Mass rs Richards,- Boston". iss Rice, Boston _ ! W Rosenholm & lady, N Y V 0 Bibler, NM ristown - .. 1 lies Sproul. Norristown lsa Hays; NorriSt Own lee Laughlin, - Norristown . 1 Hager, Lancaster Idrs Hindman. Now York. ..tZM Speed ZW! B Moorhead "Dr T S Schultz, Harrisburg Vol JR C Forrest, Chicago Mrs T W Bayard, Allash'm ',y W Woollen, I nniana ITS Parkhurst, Indiana W Conklin & wf, Danville C Beardsley, Auburn Biro Beardsley, auburn .J varl, New:York -. _ X W Pierce • CFHills • Vent B F Winger Penult )3 Lace, Washingtim, D C, H Wolff, Cincinnati,-0. 43 E Brewer, ritt.burg 131. C Counrall, New York Anderson; B ew , York 1111farsli, Cleveland, 0 Whom Wallace, Jr dmw - J Loud, Boston W Smith ,Boston NV Blake, New York Geo Shwinck, Boston 2' Castello, New Mexico Romero Chas L Swilleman, N 17 Com Moritgoinery,,Wash ' . Girard—Chestnut 0 71r Oliver, lowa ID Vezin 1, T Shannon J Potts, Baltimore: J J Stewart, Ohio John M. King, Permit J lii Bieber, Penns J 0 Oroomo, Maryland. r S Zbarrs„ Havana j Buyers, Illinois "0" Wilson, Middletoivii,Pa - 0 . Kerr, Washing. on ,1B Henry, Delaware iss G Sutton, lndinna l s Vee cl , Uniontow nleßankinliont o iioieroBorto cGrati:2hiaiil a 1 Wm H Sayre, Jr, Bethlehem a Dammerslough, lliinois A Gosling, New York tStrauss, Delaware; 0 r&fdrs Roberte„Cincinnati Jackson & Is, U S A Win Denney, Jr, Del NV D Lavin, De nware ,TIT Omen, Washington 00. Jordan, Jr, New York ' ' Agiaggican—Chestritut V Day!' ds, New York T Harvey, Baltimore -W Canning NV Bamissen r Jones, tiiar yl,liCcahni Michigan West - . y E rd o o ls o t r e e r, o C i a n tr in da na W ti !s o t Smith,' Cincinnati, 0 ' E rs A H Brown, Ohio J B Thomas, II S A ,WR Stroh, Mauch Chunk Alex Weiss, Easton lig H If ;`feal 0 S Meters, Easton li. Mend.erson,' Patterson ..' J M Pickering, Cincinnati .11Iff W Reed, Connecticut . Black Bear—Third Marshall, Virginhi Daly Georgetown IrAt Xitter. Bechtelsville 4 Chestnut streets. W 8 SOwart P New York Mrs W 1%. Jones, Tamaqua J A Black, Ohio D Garvin, Ohio C H Comstock, Michigan Mr &Mrs C G Taylor, N Y W II Jacobs & wf, "Va P Henry, New York _ . Mad Williams, U S A id Sawyer, Dover,"ll" H T W A Wm Laurie; Bonen 0 Eaton, Troy, N Y I John Fitch, .0 S A ' Mrs S Seymonr&da,Wash'tn 0 eo F Seymour, Washingen J 'Vale & la, Dover, N Lient J B Van Cleve, Peuna Mrs H Bridge, Washington E Whitman, Baltimore ; - ' A A Sargent, flalifornia C II Stewart, New York Mai Bogner, U S A J W Crooker, Prey, R I B Stellman, New York . D S Schwenk, NOW York W Southworth, New. Haven J J Albright, Scranton, Pa N - D Taylor & la, Jersey City R Seccomb, Boston bi P Woriol, l Trey:N Y 0 Fuller, Boston L Valentine, Boston F 0 Rumford, Troy, N Y M Smith & la, New York S Small, York, Pa Mr Whitelodr, Baltimore LS Jones, Baltimore Mr & Mrs L W Oakley, J Presbary, wash, C Geo J-Ferry, New York - S Woodruff, Hartford\ W Wright, Hartford Jag E Phillips, Cambridge S Lansing & la, Wash, c, MJ Lockwood & daughter W J Wilmer, Baltimore A Fridly, New York H L Holcomb,' Connecticut C C Stotts, New York E K.Cooper, Baltimore John W Be Lamater, N Y treet. below. Ninth. E Hammerslough, Illinois J Ham M Meagher,Hampton Roads Capt Jackson, Penua J J Jones, Washington A M Hepburn, Washington ;IL Sutton, Baltimore A E Donaldson, kow Jorse7 AfT,King & wf, Wash S Zebley, New York Dr C Carter & wf, N York H Jones, Easton HI , Steckel, Easton Hon J J Crittenden & la, Ky Mrs Cabell & 2 ch, Ey 8 Givin, Pennsylvania M Miller, New York Major 0 'Weidman IT 8 A Dr A H Light, Lebanon Hon IS &rouse, Penna Geo Delp, Norristown Geo Barker & la, New York A A Hopper & la, New York D E Thomas, Baltimore Jas Wilson J B Liyernois, Quebec 3 0 Conner, Pittsburg John W Hoyt, New York itreet. above Fifth. C A Wailes, Maryland Miss L Wailes Maryland Kiss P Acworeh, Maryland L Cathcart, Maryland J McClatcheY,. Bethieli'm J %Bauman, Lancaster M Allen,Boston T Roepper& la, Penns C H Smith, New York R Du Bols New Jersey J Hickey. New York E C Tainter, Massachusetts J C Vreeland. New Jersey T Smith, New Jersey Capt MOLean, Virginia 0 T Simmons & la, N Y T T Widom Wisconsin above CollowhilL Conrad Williams, a, D B Grim, Pa Jacob Gruber. Tremont, Pa atireint4 below. Arch... • Southwick. Boston A C Thompson, Indiana , B B Long, :Money, B Walker & fern, Memphis S L Condicte, N E M Rubber_ Indiana A B W C Bak al ket N N e e w w .. J j e e r r se e T Y A L Coyle, Penna J Bronson, New York G WMartin,Tennessee T J Latham & la, Tenn Dayid Pyatt, Easton Major J Cummings, Penna S Foster,. Boston: S Strickland,' Reading, I Mrs:Shultz, Louisville, KY Hart Judah, Memphis, Toon ' A J Smith, Logan, Ohio Sohn Terliertn, New York Rev Geo A Phoebus, MU B Richards, Omaha, N T 1.l K - White, Baltimore • P Slone, Ohio II 'AI Weaver, Ohio C B Pease, Springfield L W Brodhead & la, E Doster, Bethlehem Blercusisits , --Fasirth C Hampshire, Jeinsville P Kline, Blanch Chunk W H Stewart, lowa Thatcher Hart, Ohio W H Va Miss Brackenridge, bid C B himpSon, new York C S Seaton, Uniontown, Pa J Loran, Ohio A C Wilson, Penua J S Deardorff, Ohio C Studer, Ohio A B Stern, Milwaukee J D Watt, Ohio J DI Brunson, Ohio I" Ashton, Jr. Ohio It LloTd, Portsmouth, 0 A Craig, Mauch Chunk R 11 - Weyman, New York W A 'cher Stwf,W Greenville Moses Gutman, Baltimore John Burke, New York Francis. Johnson C T Snoring. Easton, Pa R Knecht, Easton, Pa J Drown Mauch Chunk James S Young C G Young, Fenno, JP Black, Jeansville, Pa street. above Third. • lY R Savage, New York J Nheeler & la New York Delaware Aug' W.Honstou, Aug' Hellman. New York NV H Heiss, New York Henry Fchwartz, Cinciu nali Thos Pierce, Sr, Prov, Mrs Garretson, Boston St. Louis—Chestnut B Denty, Shamokin R D Mitchell, Washington John A Cole; Boston S J Sherman, Pew York H C Caldwell, New York S Webster, Delaware City L B Whitney, Illinois N T Wilson, Baltimore T Rhinebeck. Baltimore S Fowler, Baltimore bt Townsend, Baltimore W R Rosenbaum; -- N J - W T Bambright, N Y N Plant, Washington Mrs Jas. Geddes, Wash,D C F H Cooper, Now York J W Harrison, New York C W.lfornblower, N J . treet,.above_Third. Dr J-B r Sampsel, Ohio R Freer, Ashland, 0 E G WinsloW The Union--Areh C Webster, Biddeford. Me S Sidlinger, Bangor, Me W S Dickey . , Dover, PT H 1' 0 H Price, Penna. - • - • lit Thompson, Cambridge, 0 Geo,Buzard, - 11 . Lima, 0 S Venibel, Ohio Salem T Street, Salem° • A G Cook, Salem, 0 H A Foster & 0 W Dfßoller, Greenford,o J 0 A Tresize, Zanesville,' 0 , D Levy & la, Rimers town Mrs Herd, Hagerstown I Newhouse & son, Nana, States trukai—Sixth J Spangler, Lancaster co, Pa P C BoylK Pennsylvania H K Killian, Lancaster Rev J H Malmo J T Fredericks, II S A James Boyd W'Preston, Baltimore ' Jas Turner, Baltimore John Donnelly; Wash, D C M Kelly, Washington, D CI W Mien, Salem, K J I W Jennings, G M Eulp,'Pattersoa . Ai Kulp, Patterson .4 and 'Market street*. J F , Crawford, Fayetteville Robt Rutter, Perry co, Pa Saml Perry co, Pa J Wolfkiel, Lawist'n, Pa L Milligan, Pouna Hiss Martha Milligan, Pa Otto Freeman, Wisconsin W Foulk, Harrisburg T Barnetz, Harrisburg L H Kennard; Harrisburg G W Stronse, Juniata co,Pa ll W Hockenger, do Mrs Phillips, New Jersey CommercialSixith st C Williamson; Media, Pa H Staples, Massachusetts C F Donnelly, Boston' chas Rlioades, Tennessee 111 McDonald, Tennessee L S Hoopes, Felton, Del N W Noland, Maryland Vanderford, Jr, Md ;root, above Chestnut. Amos B Rodgers, Pa C Peterinan, Ohio R J .Tohnson, Maryland. Hugh Jackson, Chester co John P Patten, Port Deposit A Hanna, Oxford, Pa I B Brinton, 'West Chester W B Brinton,Pennsylyania Madison—Second A S Cadwallader, Penna . S II Potts, Pennsylvania Chas Henry, Pennsylvania 6 Baker,Taylorsville U.S Buckman, Newtown .11 J Short, Georgetown CaptJß Waples,Georget'wn Georgetown - J L P Hammon, eorgetown J G White, Lnurel. Del . Thes Carey, Delaware J II Connally. Maryland B T Collins, Milford, Del Bosbury, Maryland Jae W Lynch, Delaware G Rogers, Delaware T A Rogers, Delaware H Sanderson, Delaware J B Khasbey, Washington L W Halladay. - , W V Case, New Jersey J Bartley, Pennsylvania E Heard, Easton J Davis & wf, Rhode Island Nationnl-Rnee sit E D Bartholomew, hiChuuk C E Goetz, Washington, D C Geo F 3ieily, Lpbanort eet. above Third. C H Knauss, Bethlelgm Geo Waltz, Lebanon Henry Mallen, Pottsville to Brannon, Pottsville J W Early, Lancaster co, Pa F H Weidner 'Allentown Jno MeNeish,- N ew Jersey. A Kuhn, 'Washington, D C E Johnson, Lock Haven W S Barr, Safe Harbor C Ashland Wra Lerch, Pinegrove; Pa t., above Callowhill. S ilfarstenew, Pa Bald Eagle—Third s Moses Wiearid, Lehigh co M Kemmerer, Leldgh co John 0 Ponies, New York Peter Gilbert, Monroe co E C Robertson,Newark,N N T Williams, DI Chunk T S Leiseminp„,. Lewislomn. Jas Singmaster, Lehigh co] SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE INIIEENT IS_ A certain remedy for Neuralgia. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST TILES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prides marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Olga-Pines SYSTEM. is. strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-13 , '.301 , T.F4 Sr CO., 601, MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD, WILLIAM A, BATCIIELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a eplendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. =Sold by all Druggists, Sic. .4a17, The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each Lox. FACTORY, No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond strut ) my29-1Y - New York. S—T--,1860—X. • DBARE'S.PLANTaTION BITTERS. - They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. - They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of -cater and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hones. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. - They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarhceha, Cholera, and Cholera Ilforbus. They care Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best-BITTERS . in the world. TheY make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. Thoy aro made of pare St. Croix Rum, the cele brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate per sons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all °maks, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & 202 BROADWAY, New York.. se2l-6m. MARRYED_ SCHOLES-GRANT.=On the• Ist instant. by the Rev. Wm. -B. Wood, Mr. John Scholes and Miss Henrietta Grant,allof this city. . . . BAST—DAVIS. —At Schuylkill Haven, on March 14th, )563, by the Rev. Mr. Wolf,- Capt. Ulysses A. Bast, of the 48th Regiment, P. V. to Miss Jennie, daughter of James Davie, and grand-daughter of the late Wm. Sims, of Southwark. Philadelphia. WOLF--BROICIIAtiT.-On the 15th inst., at the re sidence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Frankel, Moses Wolf, of Mount Roily, N. J., to Rosalie Beek ardt, of Philadelphia, daughter of A. S. Beckhardt, of Philadelphia. GAUL. —On the 17th inst., Mrs. Kate A. , wife of John F. Gaul, in the 36th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 810 Emmet street, below Wharton, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. DICKERMAN. —On Tuesday, 17th inst. , Samuel Henry, son of Lemuel and Charlotte Dickerman,- aged 21 years and :0. days. The relatives and friends 9f thefamily are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his Parents, No. 1120 Wallace street, on Friday afternoon, 20th inst.. at 2 o'clock. PEARCE. —ln West Chester, Pa., on the 15th instant, Ann Elizabeth, wife of George W. Pearce, aged 41 years. The funeral services will be helthin the Church of the Holy Trinity, West Chester. on Friday morning, at ll o'clock. i4`I4ERSON --On Monday, March 18th, Miss Catha rine Alicla Patterson. Her friends are respectfully invited to attend. the fune ral services at St. Stephen's Church, punctually; at 103 o'clock, this (Thursday) morning. , SICKING. —March 16M, 1663,- George' H. Bicking. The relatives and friends of the iarnily are respect fully invited-to attend his funeral from Grace Church, (without further notice,) this (Thursday) afternoon,':at 3 P. M. -To proceed to Laurel Hill. . *. ALLEN:—Suddenly, on the 17th M. et. Mrs. Mary Al len, widow *of the late Thomas Allen: in her 66th. year. * BLEY.—On thelgth Met., Richard Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Bley, a ged 6 months and 9 days. * ALCORN.--On the 17th inst., Ann Alcorn, wife of Wil liam Alcorn, aged 50 years. . - * IDItLAOK FLORENTINES .- A -a- , new thin material:3-4 and 8-4 wide - . Black Barege Hernani 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black•Bareges 3-4 and 8-4 wide. - Black Crape Maretces 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black Chalys and. Crape Tarnmatans. Black Bombazines and Summer Bombizines. Black Gros-grain and Poult de Sole Silks. Black Glossy Lyons. Taffeta Silks. ' • Black Tamises and Mousselines, • Just Received by BESSON & SON, MORNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. MODE ALPACAS, ALL QUALITIES, Leather-colored blohair. Mode-colored Delaines. Tacon Cloths and Taffetas. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH ETRE LANDELL,FOURTH AND -■-• ARCH, have the extra large-size Black Thibet Long Shawls. . 9-4 Black Merino, ibr ShaWe. Summer Mourningßhawls M. UNION• NEE , ririG. The Citizens of Hestonville and vicinity in favor of sustaining the Government, in its efforts to suppress the Rebellion, are invited to attend a meeting, to be held at HUNTER'S .HALL, -Ilestonville, on THURSDAY EVENING, March 19th, 1663, at 73a' o'clock, 'to organize a National Union League, , By - order, ' JOHN McCLURE, President pro. tern. SAI6IITEL IIAIVORTII, Secretary Pro. tern. -It A LECTURE WILL BE DELIV. ered THIS EVENING, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, by Bev, J. G. MORRIS, D. D., of Baltimore. Subject---Viliat have Women Done in Art? mhlB-2t, "THE SWORD' OF WASHING TON; OR THE TEMPER FOtt THE TIMES."— Lecture by Rev. A. A.WILLITS, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on FRIDAY Eeyeninw, 20th instant. Tickets 25 cents. For sale at GOULD'S Music Store, SEVENTH and. CHESTNUT. Streets. mhl7-4t ori "CT 111 N _CEMETERY - NO— TICE.—An assessment of 60 cents on each and every lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) will be due andpaTable at the office of the Ceme.ery, No. 141 North SIXTH Street, on the Ist day of April next. The payment of $4.40 on any one.,lot, together with .the assessments now'due, will exempt the same from taxation or assessment forever hereafter, if paid before the Ist day of April next; if paid after that time, the as sessment then falling due must be paid in addition. mhl7-tapl E. TAYLOR. Secretary. M CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, February 21, 1863. TO HOTEL - AND - TAVERN KEEPERS, RESTAU RANT, and others, desirous of selling LIQUORS by less measure than one quart: ' Applicants for LICENSE will apply at THIS OFFICE; As provided by act of Assembly, approved Aprill2o, 1858, on the following days, viz.: - WARDS. • . First Monday, March 2, 1863. Second Tuesday, `` 3, Third and Fourth Wednesday, ". 4, Fifth Thursday, ' 6, Sixth Friday, - " 6, • . Seventh and Eighth. ' Monday, ".9, . : Ninth and Tenth Tuesday, " 10, 'Eleventh . Wednesday.. " 11, Twelfth and Thirteenth ... .. . Thursday, ' ' 12, Fourteenth and Fifteenth 'Friday," 13, , . Sixteenth , Monday, ' ' 16, ' - Seventeenth Tuesday, . " 17, "• , Eighteenth and Nineteenth—Wednesday, " 18,' ' Twentieth - Thursday. " 19, " Twenty-first and , Twenty- . second Friday. " 20 " . . Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth ' Monday. " 23,i " Twenty-fifth Tuesday , .. 24. ; .. felmo midi , .. , JAMES , SHAW, Clerk. OFFICE OF •THE SURGEON-A3G, TIeT TO THE ARMY , AND NAVY. PHILA. - DEL.. enlA, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors deletions of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately,at the office of the Surgeon-Artist. to: the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, jangm government Surgeon-Artist. . lIMP OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, PHILAVELPHIA, March 6, 1863. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Special meeting' of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their Office, on Monday, April 6,1863, at 12 o'clock M, to con sider the proprietrof accepting the provisions of the Sup plement to their Charter, passed 27th February, 1863, and of authorizing - the Board of Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the Compan3r. mb6 12 19 26 ap2 5 4 ' WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. cHOMWELE AND THE THIES.- 11ZMiss EMMA HARDINGE will lecture at MUSI CAL FUND HALL; on FRIDAY EVENING, the 27th inst., a 8 o'clock, on " Oliver Cromwell and the Times." Tickets 10 cents. For sale at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets ; S. Barry's, Fourth and Chestnut streets; and. at 631 Race street. Proceeds for Miss Hardinge's Institute for Females. 'mhi7-tnths6t* , 110EICEOPATIIIC HOSPITAL, tin lOUs. -CUTHBERT . Street.-TMs institution is now open' for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will ne".recalyed :and provided for in the most comfortable 0118,1111.01:, nee of n022-tf Secrete", of Board of Managers. above Market NATIONAL UNION CLUB O.F. WCP'' PHILADELPHIA. The Committee will ait 'daily in the Rooms of the NA..' TIONAL UNION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, COMMONWEALTHCOM_ MONWEALTH BUILDING. CHESTNUT Street..above SIXTH, From three to Ave o'clock P. M. - , and from seven to nine o'clock P. M. , to enable all persons loyal to the Union to sign the Constitution, and become members. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, President. S. SNYDER LETDY, Secretary. ._, OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHTLADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BEMIS STREET; BELOW FOURTH.—Epta.Anamms,.March 6, 18G3. A special meeting of, We Stockholders: of this. Company will be held at their office, on SATURDAY, March 21st, at 11 o'clock A. M. Vp take action upon the Supplement to the Charter, approved March 4, -Bp. • • By order of the Board of Directors: • • mh9-12t CHARLES. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. MTO -ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS IN. THE ARMY.—Soldiers' Aid Societies, en, clergym editors, and others are respectfully requested in to aid disseminating the following notice, which id estof inter to all who have friends in the arm - • DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. SPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements for supplying 'information matuitously with regard to patients in - the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added): . EASTERN. DEPARTMENTS. — For:information address "")ffice Sanitary Commission, Washington, D. C." Washington, . - Point Lookout, •Georgetown, . Annapolis,-. Alexandria, Frederick City. - WESTERN DEPARTMENTS. —For - information address "Of Sanitary COMMiSBFO72. LOlLiffUttlet - Attl. " . 1 Cincinnati, lianville, -,,,, c.: • . New Albany, Perryville, - - Louisville, Bowling Green; Covington, Gallatin, Lexington, I Nashville. Information will, under ordinary Circumstances, be given to any one applying for it,' in answer to any or all of the following inquiries. If the - application is by letter, the answer will be sent by return mail; if in per son, it will answered atone: • 1. Is= [giving name 'and regiment] at present in the hospitals of ? 2. If so, what is his proper address? a What is the name of the-surgeon or chaplain Of the hospital? 4. If not in hospital at present, has he recently- been in hospital? S. If so, did he die in hospital, and - at what date? 6. - If recently discharged from hospital, was he dis charged from service? • - • 7; If not, what were his orders on leaving? More specific information as to the condition of any patient in the District of Columbia hospitals wilt be fur nished within twenty-four hours after a request to do so is received at the Washington office. The office of the Directory will be open daily from 8 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M., and in urgent cases ap plicants ringing the - door-bell. will - be received at any hour of the night. . Much inconvenience in conducting the business of the Directory having arisen where visitors have been given direct access to the record--books themselVes, this pran? tire will hereafter be discontinued nor can lists or wounded in hospitals by States, counties, regiments,' or otherwise. be hereafter furnished from these records. The- Sanitary Commission, under special authority from the President of the United States, maintains an ex tensive system of agencies for securing the safe convey ance to and distribution of goods put in its charge for the sick and wounded, at points where they are most want ed. It operates with equal care and gerierosityat all points -at New Orleans, and at Washington, before Vicksburg, and at Nashville—its distributions being governed by a comparison of the wants of the patiens in ail cases. To ascertain the relative character of these wants in a trust worthy manner, and to secure an equitable distribution and honest use of the goods distributed, - besides the unpaid services of the members of the •Commission, twenty physicians of high professional and moral cha racter, and more than - fifty lay-agents, are employed, under pecuniary securities, for responsible and efficient service. The cost of these arrangements :has thus far been about three per centum of the value of the goods distributed. The Commission has not been able to obtain authentic evidence of-losses, miscarriage, or- misappro priations,-to the value or one dollar in ten thousand ' of goods which have been once received at its shinning d&- pots. The following are the names of these depots, to which auxiliary societies and all disposed to aid the sick and 'wounded, without reference to States or localities, but simply to their relative necessity for assistance, are invited to send their offerings: - Sanitary Commission, Branch. Supply Office, 20 Sam fuer street, Boston. Mass. • Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, 10 Third avenue, NeW - York. ' Simitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, 27 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. - Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Bank street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Chicago, Illinois. Sanitary Commission. Branch Supply Office, Louis ville, Kentucky. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid whatever from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Contributions to its Treasury are solicited, and may be transmitted .to GEORGE T, STRONG, Esq., Treasurer, 65 Wall Street; New York. The names of the following gentlemen, Coinmissioners of the President of the United States, are pledged to the pnblic for the economy, integrity, and - efficiency with which whatever is entrusted to the Sanitary Commission will be administered: H. W. BELLOWS, D. D. HORACE BTNNEY,"Jr. A. D. Baena, LL. D. ' Rt. Rev. T. M. CLAux,D. D. G. W. CULLUM, U. & A. Hon. - JOSEPH HOLT. A. E. SIIIRAS, U. S. A. Hon. R. W. BURNETT. R. C. W001),141. D., 11. S.A. Hon. MARK SKINNER. W. H. VAN BUREN, M. D. Rev. JOHN H. HEYWOOD. WOLCOTT GIBES, itl. B. Prof. BATEMAN ROGERS. S. G. HOWE, M. D. Hon. SCHUYLER COLFAX. C. R. AGNEW, M. D. FRED. LAW OLMSTED, ESQ. ELLSRA HARRIS, M. D. T. S. NEWBERRY, M. D. GEO. T. STRONG, BSI/. Central Office of Sanitary - A 44 F Street, February 7. W.I. Commission, WASHINGTON, D. C. . feS6-thstulOt FINANCIAL. MATURING CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS BOUGHT OR COLLECTED. DR•EXEL & CO CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, LATE DATE., AND THOSE DUE IN MARCH AND APRIL, WANTED DREXEL & CO. S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOOK AND BILL, BROKER, No. aig, WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. GOVERN =PIT SECCEITIESbought and sold on Commission, ex elustvely. - Rosiness Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co. Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., & Furness, Brinley, C , 0., John Thomas, ESQ. delB-3mll LEGAL. VDWIN 4 k OX vs. MARY ANN FOX. --1-1 Court of Common Pleas, December T., 1862 No. 11. - Divorce. r Madame: Take notice that the Court has granted a role on you to show cause why . a divorce a - mettle matri mon, shouldinot be decreed. Returnable on SATURDAY, the 21st March, A. D. 1863. LAYCOOK, . It*. - Attorney for Me/Mut. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I N CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of REV. ALFRED A MILLER, DeceOsed. The Auditor appointed by •the 'Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN WELSH, Trustee, ,Scc,, of ALFRED A. MILLER, Deceased, and to make dis tribution, Sm., will meet the parties interested on MOM"- DAY, March 30, '1863, at 4P. M., at his Mee, S. E. cor. SIXTH. and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. xrddo-thstu 5t D. W. O'BECEN, Auditor. T ETTER'S TESTAMENTARY TO THE 1 -- 4 estate of Rev. :rung McDOWLL - , D. D., deceased, having been granted to thg undersigned, all persons in debted to the ssid estate will make payment, and those having demands will present them to •• • JOHN McDOWELL, Jr., 162 GREEN Street; HENRIETTA MgDOWELL, 1029 MT. VERNON• Street, Executors. Philadelphia, March )9, 1863. . mhl9-thst* STRAWBERRY WINE, . EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA, Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE 'GROCERIES, CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets NOTICE IS HEREBY : GIVEN TO Agents, Corporations,' and all others haying, Money other assets of the WEST BRANCH INSURANCE. COMPANY OF LOCK HAVEN, Pa., to make paymentto ale, at my office, No. 45 and 47 Smith FRONT Street. JAS. K. EILLINGTON, Sequestrator. Philadelphia, March 19, 1563. , mhl9-3t p -, EIMER'S GALLERY PRESENTS -A- rare beauties to lovers of flue arts. Life-size Pho tographs in Oii-colors are the best Portraits to be had at cvarprices. SECOND Street, above Green. It PIANO FORTES. ~ 1 141 G 920 CFIESTNIIT STREET. x. 920. -it 41 if A ,LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THOSE JUSTLY CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, (Successor to Lights Bc Bradburys,) MAY 'BE FOUND AT THE NEW AND ELEGANT' WAREROOM, 920 CHESTNUT STREET.. 920 Those desirous of obtaining a suPanton•-instrument, should call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ....The established reputation of these instruments for nearly thirty 'lmam renders their auVerierity " familiar as household words." • THEY SING THEIR OWN PRAISES. In the arrangement of our new scale, we have added every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the Piano Forte; and we confidently assert that, for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone. combined with that strength and solidity, necessary to DURABLENESS, these instruments are unenual/ed• - • • ' EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. E. H. OSBORN, Agent. rahl9-3m PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND CLOTHING bIATERIALS. NAVY DEPART3ISN'i, 13IIILBAII OP PROVISION' AND CLOTHING, March,l7 1863 PROPOSALS svill be received at this office- until 3 o'clock on the first day of APRIL, 1863, for the delivery .at the Charlestown. Massachusetts, or Brooklyn, New York- Navy, Yards, at the option of thie Bureau., of the following articles of Clothing and Clothing Materials, the same to conform to the Navy standard, .as shown by the descriptions in the last annual advertise ment for Clothing for the Navy, dated June 2. 1862, and by the samples which may . be seen at the Navy Yards. aforesaid. viz: • - Blue Cloth Jackets, four thousand. Blue Cloth Trowsers: , • ; five thousand. Blue Satinet Troweers, • 'five thousand. Blue Felt Caps, • - ten thousand. Blue Flannel Over Shirts, ten thousand. Canvas Duck Trowsers, six thousand, Barnsley Sheeting Frocks, six thousand. Blue Satinet, thirty thousand yards. - Blue Flannel, • one hundred thousand yds, Barneley Sheeting, - twenty thoneand yards. Canvas Duck, ten thousand yards. Blue Nankin,ten thousand yards. h. Calfskin Shoes, ten thousand pairs. Hipskin Shoes; ' ten thousand pairs. Woollen Socks, ten thousand pairs; Mattresses, (with coyers, - ). four thousand. Blankets, • ten thousand. - Black Silk Handerchiefs, ton thousand. The articles to be delivered within forty days from the date of the contract. The Department will reserve to itself the. right to re ject any bid which shall betleemed too high. Payments to be made (retaining 20 per cent. until the completion of the contract) within ten days after war rants for the same shall have been passed by the Secre tary of she Treasury. • r Bond and security in half the amount of the contract will be required. Blank forms of proposals may be obtained at the Office of the Navy Agent at Boston,-New York, Philadelphia, and at this Bureau. • mhl9-6t ;...COFFEE 1 COFFEE II COFFEE! I - The best and cheapest prepared Coffee in the city. A -trial will convince the most skeptical. No Charge - Mad• U satisfaction is not rendered. Prepared and for sale at the 4, Eagle Steam Spice and Coffee Works, A 44 and W 46 North FRONT Street. fel4-Sm TTNIV FAISAL CLOTHES-WRINGER, •.-. 1 &Wes its value in wear of , clothes evey,.- six months. No:1, Large Family . Wringer ...... $lO. With cogs, 1 No. 2 Medium Family Wringer.... 7, Warranted. No. 2,4,. AfeclinniFamAyNringer.. AA Without cogs, No. 3,llimall Family Wringer —— • 5. Not warranted. No Wrinter can be durable without cog-wheels: WALutITT Sr. BURNHAM, 721 CHESTNUT St. Exclusive'Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania. mho-if-lm* . . : LADIES' HAIR: BRAIDS - WIGS , Curls, FriZettee; Gossamer, Ventilated Wigs'Nen tilateS Scalps of superior manafaeture. Prices are lowei than those of any,nther establishment. BAKER'S, fe24-Ina* ' No: 909 CHEMNITZ' Street. THE - PRESS:-PIIILADELPHIA:. THURSDAY, MkRCH 19. 1861 EDWIN HALL & CO., Have now open their usual assortment of SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MANTLES, AND STAPLE GOODS, To which they invitellie attention of Purohasers .robl9-thsmws6t FANCY DRESS SILKS, FROM LAST SEASON, • AT LOW PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 150, 452, and 451 North SECOND St., al. Willow SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS We are closing out last Season's Goods CHEAP. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450,152, and 454 North'SECoslDl St. ab. Willow. HAND -LOOM TABLE LINENS, OF LESS THAN USUAL PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45%, AND 154, NORTH SECOND STREET, • xrdil9-2t • above Willow. EAGLE POULT DE - SOIES, NEW Leather-colored Plain Silk. flumbolt Peva t de Sole. Nbw Shade Blue Silks. Light Brown Poult de Soles. EYRE & LANDELL, rebl9 •. FOURTH and ARM. QUMMER BALMOILAIS, JUST OPENED. - 5-4 Black and White Skirting. Magenta Skirtings. EYRE & LANDELL CUIR OR LEATHER COLOR POTTLT DE SIMS. Modes and Greens Poult de Soles. Browns, Blues, Hrimbolt's, and Blacks do. Cnir or Leather color Figur.r.d. Silks. Modes and Greens 'figured Silks. Browns, Blues. Hurnbolt's, and Black figures. Neat Check Silks in Brown Plaids. Neat Check Silks in Modes and Blacks. Neat Check Silks in White and Blacks. Fancy Silks of various styles. Black and Colored Corded Silks. . Black Taffetas and Gros de.Rhines. Spun Silk Plaids and Foulard Silks. Figured Pongees, &c. EDWIN HALL & CO.. inhl9 2.6 South SECOND. Street. LINEN GOODS CHEAP.-BROWN Table Linen, 50 cents; heavier do.. at 6234 c; Bleach ed Table Linen, 6234 c; heavier and wider do., at 75c; 8.4 wide do., at $1; these are very heavy, and all linen. Extra heavy Barnsley, 81.1234 and $1.25; one lot Shirt ing Linens, at 4234 by the piece; finer do., at 45; one lot much finer, 6234—these are a great bargain, being only the price.of muslin. Doylies, all linen, $1 per dozen. Finer do., at SL2S. - All linen Barnsley Napkin", at $2. Fine Irish do., at 6;2. 50. All linen Towels, $2 and $3 per dozen. And the best assortment of Russia Crash in the city. German Roll for Glass Towels, and a first-rate assort ment of . . FINE TOWELS. Ladies' and• Gent's Linen lldkfs. , from $1:50 up. All these are much under the present importationprice, for they were imported under the OLD TARIFF. GRANVILLE B. RAINES, mhl7-3t 1013 Market Street. above Tenth. E MBROIDERED PIANO COVERS AT LOW PRICES.—k full assortment of Green Burgun dy and Crimson Cloth PIANO COVhRS with rich em broidered borders. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sr ARRISON, rohl3-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street; B LEACHED MUSLINS.—THE SUB. scribers have a full assortment of the best makes of Shirting Muslins —as Williamsville, Wamsntta, Wauregan, Semper "Hem, Lonsdale, and New York Mills, below the wholesale prices. • SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, St ARRISON, mhl3-12trp 31.008 CHESTNUT Street. T INENS, LINEN GOODS, Sro.—THE . -I- 4 largest assortment in the City of first-class reliable Shirting Linens, and Linen Goods generally, much bo lo* the present advanced prices, to which the attention of families and buyers generally is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, VAH HARLINGEN, dr.ARHISON, mhlS-12trp 1008 CHE&TNITT Street.- SPLENDID STOCK ON HAND. All the best makes of Calicoes. All the best makes of Mnslins. All the bestmakes of Linens. All the best makes of Sheeting& . - All the best make a of Napkins. Together with Towels, Crash, Diaper Hackaback, Bird Byp, - Bnrlap, &c. &c. • White Cambric and Jaconet, fall line. - Nainsooks and Plaid Muslin, fall line. Winter Goods closing oat. Shawls, Merinoes, closing out. . Balmoral Skirts, all prices. Silk and Linen Hdkfs, nice assortment.' At JOHN H. STOKES', is 21 - _ 702 ARCH. Street. GRIGGr & HARMSTEAD, Offer for sale, by the Package, RIPKA'S COTTONADES, - - SUFFOLK BLUE DRILLS.' STANDARD BROWN DRILLS. - STANDARD BROWN SHEETING& LONSDALE NANKEENS, &c., &GI mh3 ARMY CODS DARK 7 BLDE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. - SKY -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLA'NRETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. DI-OUNCE DUCK. - DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCE. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHING-HAM Si . WELLS. GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton. Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. . Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Dkne lierseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., No. 230 CHESTNUT STREET. mhl9-3m G w_ simoNs era BROTHER, &MOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHLi; MANDTACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, • AND • MILITARY GOODS; IN EVERY VARIETY laB-If6m AYI SPRING 1863: Have now open, and are daily making additions thereto, to which the attention of the trade is respectfully soli- 1863. B.IBBONS Have now , open a larie and. admiriblVciesorted stock of the above 6odg. -. IdERGIIINTS and MILLINERS will find inducements in styles and prices unequalled in this market. mhl7-6L4 1863 iP ' 1863 WOOD & CARY.: No, 725 CHESTNUT SI'REET, Have now in store a complete stock of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, ' INCLUDING STRAW HATS AND BONNETS. KISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. STRAW GOODS. FANCY AND CRAPE BONNETS.' FRENCH FLOWERS. RIBBONS, Acc: To which they. respectfullyinvite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners.- - CASH BUYERS will find special advantage examin-. lug this stock before purchasing. fe2B-2m SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. mr GENTLEMEN'S DRESS HATS. WARBURTON, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, Adjoining the new Post Ocoee,- invites the attention of gentlemen to his NEW FASHIONS for Spring Wear. hi gentility of style, finish, - firmness of•brim, and gene ral durability they will be femid equal to all just ex pectation, while in the matter of easy 'fitting—imprint ing no marks on the forehead—they are not approached by any others, This desirable property is imparted by his " Patented Flexible, Ventilating, and Grease-pre venting Band," which he continues to • furnish without additional charge. mill4-tf SAIL DUCK. -36 BOLTS DUTCH Sail Duck, Nos: 1, 2 and 3, now landing from on board Dutch brig Sara Elizabeth, from". Amsterdam, at first wharf below Spruce street. Imported and for sale br HENRY BOHLEN Si CO., mh.l9-61 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. . HERRING. -400 1-16 KEGS; DUTCH. . HERRING now landing from on board bilg • SARA ELIZABETH, from Amsterdam, at first wharf below SPRUCE Street.. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., m1i.19-6t 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. p, ,WEDISH- TAR.--1.31- BBLS. SWED ISH TAR noW landing' at itrst wharf below SPRUCR Street, from on hoard • brzg SARA ELIZABETH,: from Amsterdam, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & (10.. mhl9-6t 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. p -- EAS.FIFTE EN CASKS nor . •-•-• LAND GREEN and GRAY PEAS, Lim landing from on board brig Sarah Elizabeth from Amsterdam, at fast wharf below Spruce Street. - Imported and for sale by HENRY 'BOHLEN SE . CO., 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. . mhl9-6t 100 BBLS. JERSEY CRANBERRIFS, in fine order. • • 300 d.. Fresh Peaches. 800 Cranberry Sauce. - 30 btis. Currants. , • 60 New 'York Dried Apples. . A sample lot of Eastern Cider. Just received and for sale by mhl3-60. • 1.15 South WATER Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. N 6 SOUTH SECOND STREET GOODS AT LAST SEASON'S PRICES VARIOUS WIDTHS, AT COMMISSION HOUSES. No. 21 STRAWBERRY STREET, MILITARY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS ROSENEIEIM, (Late Rosenheim, Brooke, & Co.), No. 431 MARKET STREET, North Side. A HANDSOME VARIETY OF RIBBONS, BONNETS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS. FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL, . AND MILLINERY • GOODS L. DANNENBATJM & CO., No. 57 North SECOND Street, MEDICAL. S.-T.-1860-X DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. Th6y overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They Prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and ConstiPation. They cure Diarrhtea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beat - Bitters in the world. TheY make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion, ,Chamomilellowers. Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen, Anise, Clover-buds, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Coriander, Bur dock, S. The followingis a sample . of the testimony daily re eeiyed : SOLDIERS.. HOME, CINCINNATI, 0., Tan. 15, 1863. Nessrs. P. H. Drake 14 Co. GENTLEMEN: This institution has received and ex tended aid to over 14,000 sick and disabled soldiers. I have of late administered the Plantation Bitters in numerous cases of "exhaustion, fevers, want of appetite, , with the most renutrkable 'and' gratifying results. It creates appetite, strength, and cheerfulness, and has given.many a poor fellow his nsnal health. I wish this preptiation was in every family, in every hospital, and on every battle-field. . With respect, your servant, DR. G. W. ANDREWS, Sup% WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C. , Jan. 22; ISO GENTLEMEN: We require another supply of your Plan tation. Bitters, the popularity of which daily increases with the guests of our house. Respectfully, - SYKES, CHADWICK, Lt CO. CLRYELAND, Decs 3, 1862. *a. * * had been so ill with Liver Com plaint-and Dyspepsia, that I was compelled to abandon my business. I nsed thres bottles of the Plantation Bitters, and, to my astonishment, am entirely cured. They are the best medicine I ever used, and I shall en deavor to make them known. Please inform me what E..-T.-1000 X. means. Yours truly, DR. W. A. CHILDS, Surgeon of the 10th Vermont Re giment,--writes: I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per and harmleSs tonic I ever used." GAIT HOME, LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 21, 1861. Near& P. H. Drake ct. Co. ' We are compelled to order twelve dozen Plantation Bitters to supply friends who have no other way of pro curing this admirable article. Respectfully yours, SILAS F. MILLER & CO.; Proprietors ROCHESTER, 'N. Y., Dec. 21, 1861 * , * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of the worst kind of dyspepsia, of near four years, standing. I have recommended them to others, and, as far as I know, with signal success. am, &c. BURNETT HOUSE. CINCINNATI, Ohio. December 20, 1802. Ifesers. Drake & Co. : The Plantation Bitters appear to be very popular here Send ns hventy cases more, and oblige , Yours truly, T. P. SANDERS & CO. lieliTeate females requiring a gentle stimulant, and clergymen, lawyers, and students exhausted by men- tal labor, will find the Plantation Bitters a most bane- tidal tonic Zvers, bottle has the fax simile' of our signature'on a steel-plate engraving; = or it is not genuine Sold. by all Druggists, Grocers, and. Country Stores P. H. DRAKE & CO., 7.03 BROADWAY, New York fe26 -tbstn-tapl if HEALTH- AND STRENGTH TO THE SUFFERING 13IL - SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD' CHERRY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered ,f.,r all pulmonary complaints, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,- Asthma, Bronchitis, Bee . tnoptysis (Spitting Blood),Short. Breath, Grroup, Wasting' Flesh, Pains , and. Sore ness, Woak 13reast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in the Throat. Broken • Constitution, from the abuse of calomel and other causes, all Throat, Breast, and Complaints. Let no disease, however bad it maybe, or length ' of time it may have existed, discourage you until you have tried this great --Medicamentum. Wonderful curek have taken place, when, to all human probability, it could not be possible. The , popular impression, strengthened . by some scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened the death of many an invalid, by depriving them of the consolation of hope. Persons afflicted with Pectoral disease should be supported by every assurance of a cure, not alarmed by the gloomy, foreboding countenances of those around. For our part, we do not believe that O'on s-umption is incurable; and let Physicians theorise as they will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that per sons having all the symptoms -of Consumption, cough deep,"bloody, expectoration, pains, and oppression, sore throat, diarrhcea, night sweats, burning fever &c., have been permanently cured by " Dr. SWATHE'S COMPOUND SYRITP OF WILD CHERRY." A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, - and a disposition for active exercise is sure to 'follow- its use. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries is con vincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that prepared-by Dr. SWayne & Son the original and only genuine. Dr. SWAYNE'S Principal Office, 330 North SIXTH 'Street. above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold. by Druggists and Dealers. mhif-iflf EYE AND EAIt.PROF. J. ISA.A.OB I Oculist and Aurist, from Leyden, Holland, is per. immanently located at No. 511 PINE Street, where'he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cures— if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. B. No charges made for examination. ' Office holm from 8 to 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. 9a4-3m5 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. "A FRESH ASSORTMENT, AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. FARR &.-BROTHER,,lmporters, pah4 tf 324 CHESTNUT Street, helow Fourth. - J. CI. FULLER, Alt gliaz Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. 712 CHESTNUT Street,. (Ip-stairs; opposite Masonic Temple). Eas new GPM . a LARati AND COMPLETE STOCK, EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, GOLDARD St CO.'S PINE AMERICAN WATCHES, CHAINS. GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, Axn FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fel2-3m . D. T. PRATT, (SVCCE ; BSOI3. TO PRATT & REATIG 60'7 CHESTNUT': STREET, Is constantly in receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AEI) AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to suit all classes of buyers. - felts-3Util FINE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY IMITATIONS. OF PEARL AND CORAL,. J. O. FULLER. , ' No. 'nal CHESTNUT Street. mhl2-2m At FINE WATCH REPAIRING *Mt attended to, by the most exPerienced Workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. Q: RUSSELL. 24 North SIXTH Street ELI: 'IL 0 L DE I•T; Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND WATCHES, • JEWELRL•AND CLOCKS, - nol-Ate ' 708 MARKET Street, J . C. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. *lel2-Sin EIJI HOLDEN, i s OW Dealer In llne AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, .11.11:Zms jEWELEL aosalK," Street, TrIILCANITE RINDS y A full assortment, all sine and styles. J. C. FULLER, 7 . 12, CHESTNUT Street.; fel2-3m A "FMILY DYVA COLORS 1 LIST OF COLORS BLACK, . . SALMON, DARK BROWN, SCARLET, SNUFF.BROWN. DARK DRAB, LIGHT'BROWN, LIGHT DRAB,. DARK BLUE, YELLOW, LIGHT BLC ,E LIGHTVELLOW. DARK GREEN, ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA, PINK, SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLUE, SLATE, .• ROYAL - PURPLE CRIMSON._ VIOLET. FAMILY- DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs , Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Hid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear , ingApparel, with perfect fast colors. , SAVING OF SO PER CENT These Dyes are mixed in the' form of PoWdeln concen trated, are thoroughly, tested, and put up in neat pack ages. For twenty-dye cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise,cost dye times that sum. The pro cess is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Direction s inside. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 258 BROADWAY, Boston. Yor-sale by Drinprlsta and Dialers in every City and Town: daNkaths-fim THE PHRENOLOGICAL CARL NET AND BOOS STORE is open daT and even 'A% the 71frn;:nnenliTaPsl :Irk 1i Phonography ii°i mail addres dto JOWNeci fo-sahsmli oas CHESTNUT Street, Phila. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE. ARBITRARY ARRESTS AT THE SOUTH: or: Seance in the Exnei fence of an Ala bama Unionist: $l. AMONG THE PINES: or, the South in Secession FTIRIANCE OF THE MUMMY, with- an Introduction. B *in. C. Prime. XSI. EE-YEARS IN CHILI. 75 cents. ABOVE HEE STATION: the Story of a Young Wo man's Life, By Mrs. If. Philip. *l. STORIES OF FRONTIER LIFE. By Wm. -T. Cogge- For Salo by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED M ARTIER, inlll9 - . DOD CIIESTNITT Street. J•EA.DY (OFFICIAL), THE UNITED STATES CONSCRIPTION OR NATIONAL MILITIA RILL, With a copious. Index for Reference. JAMS W. FORTUNE,I PUBLISHER, 102 Centre Street, New York.' .= inhl6-Ot PRICE FIVE-CEIsiTS. A PPLETON'S NE Vir AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. NOW COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. Cloth, per vol S 3 50 I Half Morocco 54.60 Sheep 4.00 Half Russia 0.00 Sold to subscribers complete, or in instalments of one or two volumes per month. Can any intelligent American deny himself this great American . digest of all human knowledge, universally Pronounced the best Cyclopedia and the most valuable Work ever p O ub F HE T lished ? AMERICAN AND ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA: 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, abeve*Chestnut. -Prztnam's Rebellion. Record, Irving's Works, &c., &c. fe2B-stuth3m NEW MILITARY BOOKS.-THE AUTOMATON BATTERY; or Artillerist's Practi cal Instructor. THE AUTOMATON COMPANY; or, Infantry Soldier's Practical. Instructor, THE AUTOMATON REGIMENT, for all Moieinents in the Field. ANDREWS' HINTS' TO COMPANY OFFICERS. CULLEN'S TRANSLATION OF DUPAROG'S MILI TARY .5.12 T AND HISTORY. - LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, anh]3 25 Sonth SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. NEW BOOKS.—TWO.FRLENDS. BY the antbor of "Patience of Hope." n • MEDITATIONS -ON DEATH AND ETERNITY. By Frederica Rowan. std. 25, THE LEAGUE OF STATES. By B. J. Lossinr. 1.5 c. TACTICS; OR, CUPID IN SHOULDER STRAPS. $l.: For sale by _ • WILLIAM S. St ALFRED MARTIEN, rehl4 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. H. B. KINGSLEY ATTLE-FIELD OF ANTIETAM.- map of the Battle-field of Antietam. Prepared by Lieut. Wm. H: Wilcox, Topographical Corps. Giving the position of the forces, the roads, the woods, the ridges, and all ;natters of interestpertainiorg to thisgreat battle. Price fin cents. For sale by rrHE PARLOR GARDENER. • -a- A complete Illustrated Guide to the cultivation of House Plants, care of Green House, Aquarium, and in structions to many new and•beantiful methods of grow ing Plants, of Grafting, Budding drc. Price 65 cents. By mail 70 cents. J. E. TILTUN & CO., Boston, MIL6-1m Publishars. CENTS.-PHOTOGRAPHc AL- A. , '" BUMS from 25 Cents to 25 Dollars The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the cit ST y! AND.ARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that can be found in a first-class Bookstoie, at low rates. All of G. G. EVANS' PUBLICATIONS at the OLD PRICES! Fsv . . J. S. CATHORN. GENERAL TOM THIIMB AND LADY !--Card Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. TOM THUMB in Bridal Attire. A pretty little picture of a Pretty Little Pair, At the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, fel7-tf 439 CHESTNUT. Street. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. WBROTHERELEAD'S CIROITLA_- • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the country - that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOORS that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms Ets_ per year ; six months $3; three months *1.60 ; sue month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day, 218 South EIGHTH Street. • rnha-3m NTO ONE CAN FAIL TO NOTICE THE -L-1 superior merits of style, likeness, and coloring of REIMER'S Colored Photographs for 51: Theirpopularity is unabated. SECOND Street, above Green. . CA R D PHOTOGRAPHS. - CARD Photographs of over 1,000 different fancy subjects, taken from life and from the finest' engravings. Por traits of Generals. of both armies, Statesmen, .Poets, and other eminent men. Single copies 15 cents, or $1:50 per`dozen: Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. . SCHOLZ & E IGA.NENTZKY, 112 South HTH Street. har-We also sell prepared colors for coloring Plitrto - taken on Albumen Paper. Price $3.25 a box', with reducing liquid. . fe26-1m if THEIR POPULARITY IS UNABATED and cannot but continue, while their merits are SD potent to all. REIMER'S ,Colored Photographs for $l. SECOND St., above Green. It j AmR s S. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF OIL PAINTINGS, • ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, and • • - PHOTOGRAPH PRAXES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS: EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS AND GALLERY OF. PAINTINGS, de3l-tf 818 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. BALLAD SINGING.-T. 815H0P,1632 _FILBERT Street. nitt2-Im* VAGLESWO OD MILITARY' AC iDE MY—PERTH AMBOY, N. J.—Three hours from Philadelphia,' by Camden and Amboy line, 6 A.M., fare 46.1.25. Pupils may eater at any time, paying from date of entrance. Prospectuses, with catalogues, at No. 903 CLINTON Street, Philadelphia. - Philadelphia references—Prof. Henry Coppde, Pliny E. Cbase. mhlo. im FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J.—Pleasantly located' own.° Delaware river, 30 miles north of Philadelphia. It has been in success ful operation for eleven years, and is one of the most flourishing institutions in this section of the country. Special attention is paid to the. common and higher branches of English, and suerior advantages furnished in Vocal • and Instrumental Music. French taught by a native, and spoken in the family. For catalogues ad dress Rev. JOHN H. BRARELEY, felB.2m* _ President. VILLAGE GREEN SEIIIINA_RY.-A • SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA Thorough Course in Mathematics, Classics, English Studies, Szc. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keePing, Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boalding per week, $2.25. Tuitionper, quarter, $6. ' For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HER VEY BARTON. A. M. Village Green, Pa. ocl6-tf 44 THE UNION," . ARCH. STREET between THIRD and FOURTH, Philadelphia - . The undersigned, having renewed the' lease of the above popular Hotel fora a series of years, would respect fully call the attention of the Travelling Public to its central locality, either for business or pleasure. The house will be entirely renovated and refurnished, and kept in such a manner as to merit, as heretofore, a liberal share of Public Patronage. - With many thanks to former Friends - and the Travel ling Public, Ns e - trust we mayhave the pleasure of wait ing upon them again on visiting thiS city. •. THOMAS- S.- WEBB & SON. T. S. WEBB, Proprietors. F. R. WEBB S mhlo-tuthslm NOTICE -THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing Under the firm of J. E. STE VEN'S & CO. is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. P. STEVENS. ParrtenmyirrA, March 16th, . Mr. 5. B. P. STEVENS retires from business after this date on account of ill-health. Associated in his stead, to conduct the Continental Hotel. are J. E.. RingsleY, from New York, of high reputation in the profession ; C. W. Spafford, of ten-years' experience at the Tre mont House, Boston, and. James G. Wildman., many years in service as Receiving Clerk, at the Revere House, Boston. With these gentlemen to manage,. conduct, and control the far-famed Continental Hotel in this city, together with Mr. Duffy, of long experience at the Girard House ; Mr. Fenn, . from Pittsburg Mr. Pedro Salom, long before the public in this city, and Mr. George A. Sawyer, well-known as an experienced accountant from. Boston ; the travelling 'public may be well assured of great kindness and polite attention while guests of said establishment. The Continental Hotel, will be conducted under the firm of J, E. KINGSLEY & CO. Marchld, 1803. mhlS-1m NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.-NO TICE. is hereby given that the copartnership here tofore existing between BENJAMIN BULLOCK. GEORGE BULLOCK, and. BENJAMIN BULLOCK, Jr.. Is this day dissolved, and the business of said firm will be settled by George Bullock and Benjamin Bullock, Jr., the surviving partners, to whom all • persons in debted to said Arm will pay their indebtedness, and to whom all persons having claims against said firm will present Clem for payment. [Signed.] GEORGE BULLOCK, BENJAMIN BULLOCK, Jr. MARcri 11.1563. ' mlil2-thstuSt NEW PUBLICATIONS. 724 CHESTNUT STELE% Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to be had Ina FIRST-CLASS "BOOKSTORE; Will always be found on onr shelves AT THE fee-tt WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTTEN, No. 606 CHESTNUT Street Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOR fel7•tf 439 CHF,STRIPP Street. PHOTOGRAPHS. Gtmm:mtu:== IDOIIING GLASSES. 4 DEALBILS II • EDUCATION. MOTELS. 13,RA . NDRETH HOUSE, -2-• Cosner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENARD STREETS. NEW YORK. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached b. , omnibus orally cars, from all the steamboat landings and railro'd clspsts. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling to- Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. . Double Rooms from $1 to $2.50 per day. de2-6m JOS. CITRTIS St CO. COPARTNERSUIPS. • THOMAS MADDOCK, JR., IS ADMIT -A- TED to an interest in our Finn, dating from JANG nold.9-3t GEORGE W. SIMONS & BROTHER. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP:—. - 'Notice is hereby given that George Bullock, Jo seph W. Bullock, Benjamin - Bullock, William' B. Bul lock, and James‘M. Bullock, have this day formed a co partnership under the - name and firm of BENJAMIN BULLOCK'S SONS, in the Wool and Manufacturing bn -13111086. - • . ORORGE BULLOCK, JOSEPH BULLOCK. [Signed.. J BENJAMIN BULLOCK, Jr.. WILLIAM' B. BULLOCK, . . . • JAMES M. BULLOCK, No. 10 South FRONT Street. BiAlt.oll 12,-l863: mhl2-thstubt COPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.--THE ' tindersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of COATES BROTHERS, for the transac tion of the WOOL BUSINESS, at their presentlocation, 127 MARKET St, Phila. BENJAMIN COATES, Feb. 20.1563 . Ife23-I.msl GEO. MORRISON COATES. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL -CONTI= -a- NUS the DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand, N 0.724 MARKET Street. . • WM. ELLIS & CO., D ggists, jal-tf • •• • - 724.37.A8.PET Street. THE CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, No. 431, Chestnut street, opposite Post Office, WILL OPEN March 10th, 1863. This Rouse will be conducted wholly on the European plan. and the choicest viands which the market can produce will be furniehed to all who may be pleased to call, and at moderate prices. The style and arrangements of this Rouse are not to be excelled by any in this city. - . Mr. C. D. PARTRIDGE,the , proprietor. solicits the patronage of all those in search. of a First Class Restau rant: - .mh9l2t' nu.A.IEPAGNE.-AN INVOICE OF comer Crescent" Champagne War. the per ahip 9 . 11 , ! 1, andi l ltiV as ravntivii. fe6 SOS and 204 South MOOT Streat. NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. . IN NEW YORK. HENRY H. LEEDS. Auctioneer HENRY H. LEEDS & CO. will sell at auction on THURSDAY and .FRIDAY EVEHIA 2642 L and 27(11. instant, - At 7,3; " JIUSSELDORE Ng g4R_3ROADWAY. HIGHLY lIIH'ORTANT SALE OF PAINTINGS —A PRIVATE 'COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES, probably the CHOICEST and MOST EXTENSIVE ever offered at public sale in the United States, consisting of works of the HIGHEST CLASS, and by masters the most: difficult to obtain, chiefly painted to order, and includit g' specimens by ROSA"BONHEUR, EDUARD NREIth, CARL HUBNER, AUGUSTE BONHEUR. AMIENS ACK, SCHLESINGER, 'VERBOECHOVEN, MADAME BON NER, GESELCHAP, WEIGMANN, BIIBUFE, VON SE-' BEN, Verheyden, Vermeulen, RRUSEIIAN, Gunther, Bilders of Utrecht. Van Have, Stache, LeHlkee,Strobel, Denoter, Van Timms, Wanters,i Plumot, LDE DEUL. Hagelstein, Rosenboom, Lockhorst, De Bylandt. Genis son,Vervon,Shalfhouti Vaarnberg, Reeckers, AKKERS DYKE, HoppenbroWer, Musin,Willerne, Caron, Broom, Blivieux, Minanet, WILLIAM. SHAVER, Sen., Dyne, E. C. Williams. Borland, - Lawrence, Farrier, BEATTIE, Meadows, Armneld, Adams, J. W. Cble, Rogers,Weig,ali, &c., kc. Also, a line work by THOMAS COLE, and 'others of . the American school. The paintings in the collection by - ROSH BCEiTIEUR. E. FRERE, and others, are now exceedingly difficult to obtain, even in Europe, as it is understood those artists, have orders for several years in advance, and it is pre sumed that the sale will he therefore interesting to those who are purchasing for foreign account. _ They are now on exhibition, free, with catalegues. mbl9 2325 I MPORTERS,' SALE OF HARD WARE. JAMES M. MILLER, Auctioneer. ' Will sell, on WEDNESDAY, March RI. and following days, at the Warehouse, 384 and 386 BROADWAY, New York, very extensive invoices of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, AND HEAVY The attention of the Hardware Houses of the country is particularly invited to this sale, which, in extent and. variety, will surpass any Public Sale of Hardware hith erto held in this city. Terms cash. Catalogues. numbering several. thousand lots, will be ready at the Salesroom on and after March 21. mhl4-stnth4t A N ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN, with a knowledge of the retail business and some capital. wanted to take an interest and the charge of a retail store on MG fiTH. Street. The proprietor, being occa pied in a wholesale department, cannot give it the pro per attention. This is a good opportunity for the right kind of a -persona Address " Retail Store," at this office. - WANTED- A SITUATION BY A Lail of seven'eenje.ars in any respectable business. Writes a good hand, and can give the best of references. Address "A. 8.," at this office. mblB-21. WANTED-B 1 A LAD ABOUT - 19 a situation in. a Wholpsale Dry Goods Store; has some knowledge of the bu =loess. Best of city reference. Address " J. A. IP," Press office. .uahl7-3t* WANTED-A PARTNER WITH A 'cub capital of $3,00, in a business already es lisbed, paying large profits, and exclusiyely cash. Address "B. Preia Office. mhl7-315 WANTED TO PURCHASE —A ...moderate sized three-story Brick HOUSE, in a cen tral location, lint have all the modern improvements. Address'House," at this onice. stating price, terms, and location. aril-tf DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. - PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9, VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points : Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe t _Va. Aleandria, Fa. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quarterma.ster. T ,OST OR MISLAID ' Note drawn by JOHN RICE to the order of W. F. FERGUSON and endorsed by him, dated November 18, 1E62, at four months, for THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. All persons are cautioned against negotiating the same, as phyment has been stoPPed. W. - F. FERGUSON, mll9-31. 5 No. 1920 MARKET Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET: TO RENT FOR STORAGE-THREE fine large Rooms. MARKET. Street. between Third and Feurth streets. Address Box 2380, Philadelphia Post Office. VOR SALE.THE PROPRIETOR OF - 1 - the Ashland House, ARCH Street, above SEVENTH,. Philadelphia,having taken the National Hotel, in Wash ington, D. C., is desirous of selling the FURNITURE and GOOD WILL of the first-mentioned-Hotel: The house is doing a good business, and will be disposed of on advantageous terms. For further particulars, apply on the premises. mhl9-tf. FOR SALE OR TO LET-HANDSOME - 11 - Cottage Property, HAINES Street, Germantown. Also, a number of country places of a few acres of ground convenient to the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALBITT Street. mhlS (10AL YARD FOR SALE. - TELE. . best fitted - up Yard the city. Capacity for doing an amount of bnaineee .' Inquire on a th e e nue,in premises. s.6 % v o. 9 North NINTH St:, below G irard T. VALUABLE COAL LANDS TO BE LEASED.—The valuable Anthracite Coal Lands of the DELANO LARD COMPANY in Mahonoy and Rush townships, Schuylkill county,. comprising nearly 5,900 Acres, are now ready to lease 'in suitable parcels to re sponsible tenants. COAL OPERATORS will find va rious favorable locations for advantageous coal openings on this extensive property, for mining ABOVE as well as - below water-level; and Railroads are being made into it (one already completed), which will afford ample means of transportation of the coal to the different mar - For information as to terms, apply to F. H. DELANO, Esq. BROADWAY, New York. or to THOMAS PETHERICS, Pottsville. ROBERT RUSSELL, ef Ma honoy-City, near the property, will show the Lauds to persons applying. mht 6t. f -z WANTED TO RENT-A STORE L" and' Dwelling attached. Chestnut . Arch, or Eighth. street preferred. Address 'Artist, " PraB Of fice. FOR RENT—DWELLING NO. 1903 MLR MT. VERNON St. Apply to STAPLER & SCHOL PIRLD, BROAD and WALLACE. • It* at FOR SAIA=A VERY DESIRA sx3I BLE RESIDENCE. with side - yard attached, on EICRTEENTH Street, above Arch: Apply to ALLEN & SIMS, S. R corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second Boor. mhl7-3t* TO , CAPITALISTS.--F R SALE NE:l4' —A TRACT OF LAND - containing abonti acres, with BRICK DWELLING thereon, situate at rho inric tion_of the Reading Railroad and Old York Road. Apply. to ALLEN & SIMS, S. E. corner FOURTH and WAL NUT, second 'floor., - inhl7-3t. ' FOR SALE-THE PROPERTY Luul lately -known. as the "First Baptist Church," on La Grange place, above Second street. Lot 115 fe ront, SO feet deep. Apply to ALLEN & SIPS S, S. E.Torner FOURTH and WALNUT, second Boor. mhl7-st. ori FOR SALF-AT A LOW PR WE, 0 - 4, and terms easy, a DWELLING on HIGH Street, GERMANTOWN, with all conveniences, -and-stable. cowbouse, &c Apply to. B. B. COMEGYS. rnhl7-tuth 6t if At the Philadelphia Bank. HOUSE FOR SA.LE.-A LARGE LO c . four-story Houee, with four- story double back buildimea, stable and coach house in the rear, on west side BROAD Street, above Brown; cosi $13,000, will be soldier d 12,000; $6,000 can remain. Apply at 338 North THIRD Street, above Vine, " . mb.l7.3t* Also—A COTTAGE TO RENT in the country., IaFOR SALE-THE THIRD AND' Fourth house on the west side of BROAD Street, below COLUMBIA avenue, finished complete. Fronts. of Albert freestone, walls papered, ceilings freScoed. Possession given immediately. Apply at the sonthwest corner of mb16.1.2t NINTH and SANSOM Streets. FOR, SALE-A` HANDSOME 9 # COUNTRY RESIDENCE with half acre of land, 12 miles from the city, three minutes' walk from a Railroad station, situated on high rolling ground, plenty of shade, and in full view of the railroad. Apply to M. H. GALLAGHER, mhl3-10t* Spring Mill, Montgomery county. 'FOR SALE LOW-A LARGE BRICK BUILDING, suitable for Manufacturing pnr, poses, in rear of No. 125 Arch street. mh7 8.. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.- 0 , 2 For Sale, TIDIER COTTAGES, pleasantly located, with good sized lots, within a few minutes' walk of rail road, will be sold reasonable; the greater part of par chase-money can remain. ALSO, TO LOAN—S2OO, $5OO, $6OO, $BOO, $l,OOO, $1,700, - . 52,000, $3,700, $4,000, $5,000,. and $6,000, and upwards, in Good Mortgeges or Ground Rents. Apply to , . J. KING, Conveyancer, fe27-thSt* Germantown. FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA, ...-L—BLE COUNTRY PLACE, of- abOut 44 acres 'of• highly-cultivated. Land, with two small COTTAGES' thereon erected, lealling from the Philadelphia, Wiming ton, and Baltimore Turnpike road to the river Delaware, about 19 miles from the city, and about halfway between Claymont and Holly-Oak stations, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, which passes through this pro perty. The situs tion is high, healthy, and commands a fine view of the river Delawarefor over 20 milts—accessi ble by trains ENO:times' a day. Terms moderate and accommodating. Apply to A. B: CARVER & CO.. mhl6-6t. S. W. corner NINTH and FILBERT Sts. tila TREES AT PUBLIC SALE. ...z-wurbe sold at Public Vendue, on SECOND DAY, the 30th instant, at the POMONA GARDEN AND NURSERY, Burlington county, New Jersey. eight miles east of Phi ladelphia, and two from Riverton Station, fl, large collet- tion •of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, such as Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry,. and Plum. EVERGREENS, layge and small, flue specimens for Lawn Planting, producing an immediate effect. Norway Firs, Balms, Arborvitae, and White Pines. _ _ . . SMALL FRUITS, Grapevines, Strawberries, Raspber ries, and Blackberries, best selection. Also, Currants, Gooseberries, and Asparagus Roots.- The train leaving Philadelphial.2 at o'clock noon. via Camden and Amboy Railroad,. stops at Riverton and re turns to the city between five ancleix o'clock Ar.. Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M. -kliberal credit given. rah.lB-3t 4 WILLIAM PARRY, Cinnaminson, N. J. P. STi‘tENS gri FOR gALF, OR WOULD BE'EX ---11,- CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate In New Britain. Township, Bucks county, Pa.; three miles from. Doylestowa, and one and. a ball from. New Britain. Station, on the Doylestown Railroad, containing 65 acres, slic of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided into convenient ftelds,:tvell watered, good.huilding, fruit, arc. Inquire at 104 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-Ims Ant VALUABLE FARM FOR The subscriber offers at , private sale a valuable FARM, situate in New Britain township, Bucks county, within half a. mile of the Lead Mines, containing SOX Acres of good" Land, 6 of-which - are wood land. This property is situated within. three miles of Doylestown. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber, on the property, °fat 104 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-12t* JOHN W. THOMAS. al FOR SALE-A SPLENDID FARM of 124 - Acres, , right at a Railroad Station, one hour's ride from lifarket-street Bridge by rail t'build ings good and finely located; the land of the first quality_ and well watered. ApPly to . . JAMBS lt. CIII4IMINGS, mbl4-6t 5 Media, Delaware county, Pa. nAIITIQN.-ALL PERSONS ARE "kJ cannoned against trusting any of the Creur.of the Dutch Brig ' SARA ELIZABETH," Kayper. Master. from Amsterdam,-as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or Consignees. • HENRY BOHLEN & co. nibl7.3t 221 ti 223 S. FOURTH Street. IpENSIONS.- $lOO - BOUNTY AN D -I- ',PAY procured and collected for Soldims; Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased,, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two Years. , and all, soldiers who have been discharged by reason of.ounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty; and the latter, also, to ft Rension, • JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants. mhl3 421 WALNUT Street. H ARDWARE. CLOSING OUT, AT 0 L. D P I S The stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprisinC A LARGE ASSORTMENT. OF. ALL KINLE , 'OF 'GOODE. 427 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE :Strew. BEAN FURNISHIEG. CHINA. AND GL ASS ESTABLISH- CHINA HALI, 529,CHESTNifT STREET, •IRRCTLY °PPM , N •;N t ; Hotels, reettrerants; and shipping' supplied„ China and glass pec'Aed in a proper manner. N. B. —l 4ina decorated to order; also,. initials and crests oleo:candy engraved on table glass. . Ordera by mail promptly attended to. mhl7-lin VYANTS. LOST AND FOUND. PERSONAL. ADIUSEMEWTS AMERICAN - ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GERMAN OPERA The numerous np B p r l ßU ica lA tions li fTr T a i -r C e E pe . tition of the New ' Opera. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR," and the general desire of the patrons of the German Opera to have the Season extended, have induced Dir. Anschutx to make arrangements for a Second and Last Series of Z . X. MORE...6 I EONA% • At the Academy', in Fhiladelphig. Subscribers who de sire to retain their Seats may db au In renewing their SubscriPtiel PreemeS to 12.20. ; THIS (TGURSDAV) MORNING,' Hard( 19t1r, at E. Gentles Music Store, corner of Seventh and Cheetmit streets. The first °pita will take' place to-nrorroW, .I.RIDAY, MARCH 20th. .. . TERMS OF .91 - BsCRIPrENV FOR. , SIX" OPERAS, Reaswed Seats It Parquet, Parquet Circle, or .... Beltway, • • • • i.; op AdrOMlim to "` .. ~. 4 Oil _. Subsesiptions reeeitla at J. E. C.OOLD'S Bfri.iv Store. corner .9- - t.' Reventh aneCheetnutat7pet ONLY: by_ .mh'ill A. BIEGFEL,, Busbiess Agent. N EW. (BIG STNUT-STREET THE. L.Ree and 5& - aager. ..... . . Vi i TIRATT;ST. The numel•yrts` atmlicatic.a wnioh hr a lately- been made at tt elAtt. Office for-thy repetltlon of Bulwer'.Pewerfal and Romantic DirezZa of ItICITEIr7. 4 -".J. • Induce the marinent to _ Fid ONE NIGET AroRE, TIIIS (TIMM.; AIY) EVENINTI, March: 1.1, 8 1 33: WREN ED WlzN FOREST will again appear in'sis grand Charr-cter of THE CARDINAL DU E, • Mr. W. WEIEATLEY, Adrian deMacsiat. Wit*thv.following SUPERB CAST OF CHARACTERS. Mr. .3. McCullough - gd ra a as: Mr. 3. Canoll as Louis; Mr. C. Kingsland as Gaston, Mr. G. Becks as De Behringen; Mr. J. Martin as Mr.. Collier as " Francois; Mrs. J. H. Allen as Conductor - Mr. MARK HASSLER. FRIDAI EVENING.. Pint Time this Season of EDWIN FOIIR tST- In another of his Lrrand Shaks-tr, can Impersoations. SAT URDAY NEXT, Positively the last appearance of . - -• LUCILLE WESnEiV: Doors open at 7t Cori ain rises procisely at.73g o'clock: 'WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. - Sale Les Fee Mrs. M. A. GARRETS - ON; Business Agent• Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY: APPEARANC - B FOR TWO NIGHTS MORE OR Mr. J. S. CLARKE; THIS (Thursday) BYJINING, March 19, Will be presented the popular Comedy of Evian BODY'S FRIENV. Major De Boots (only night) • - J. " . 5.. Clarke. Mrs. Fee therly • ~. -Mrs: anba To conclude with the roaring Comedy of . _ . Pail Pry (only night)' • • - Mr. .1., - . 6... Clar k -a Ph cobe• Mrs. ',num. Cowell - SATURDAY, Mr. J. S: CLARKE'S Fare - sfr.ll Night: Doors opeD. at 7: Cartain will rise at 734. .. : MRS.JOB.N DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE.. Agent and Treaeum SOS. D. hi.^EIRPHY. DRAMATiG NOTELT.Y, AURORA FLOYD. TUESDAY T NEDIM E R. k antIi'A P Y T A Y na PM DAY, AURORA•IrLOYD. Aurora Floyd YoiJohnMellish' - - - tiiEcni Hilt. Talbot Bulstrode . ~ - Mr. Albaugh.. Steeve (the Softy) - . Frank „Drew: Capt. Sam Prodders - Mr. ttt _Brae'r.:' To conclude with a favorite Ceraedietta. ' ' SATURDAY, BENEFIT OF MANX DREW. 45ii - Prices as usual: Seats secured without extra charge. Curtain rises-at 7M , o'clock; • mb.l74t WHITTAKER'S . AMPHIISEATOE (late Gardner & Heinming's),' MARKET Street, above TWELFTH R W. WIIITAILEk Manager. Admission, 25 cents: Private Boik' and Balcony Seats, 50 cents; Gallerydults, it cents; ]la. Boys', 10'dents; Colored Gallery, 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Commences at quarter. to S. THURSDAY; March 19; 1E63: . . Brilliant and delighted audiences are the order of the evening. THIS EVENING - , Third Night 'of Sam Long: the very popular Clown end. Vocalist. 'WEDNESDAY- and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS; mad Family Entertainments. Doors open at 2 o'clock; To commence at 234". THE BRETTO BROTHERS. -A- EMIL GRAM, 13 years of age, Violinist. BERNARD, 11 years of age. - Viblinist. RICHARD,.7 years of age, Cornet a Ptstott.- who created such a sensation in New Yorkat their Goa certs, will give their first Concert in Philadelphia on TUESDAY; MARCH 81, GT' Tl{ MUSICAL FOND 11 kI,L. They will bb assisted by the following eminent artists: Edward Mollenbauer. Henry Afollenhauer, -Ernst Hartmann, l'ia;no, and the young and Charming Vocalist, LIIZIE M. ALLEN. Tickets, 50 cents; May be obtained at -the principal music stores, and at Blasius Brothers, 1006 Chestnut St. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. mh19,21,23-3t. A IVIERICAN ACADEMY' OP"MUSIC. -11 --SOIREE' GYMNASTIC/HE. by the Pripils of Prof HILLERRAND & LEWIS' INSTITUTE, on TUESDAY EVENING', March 24th, ' Tickets, 25 cents; Reserved. Seats, MI cents_ ; can be -had any time this week at the Gymnasittm,.N: E..corner of Ninth and. Arch - Etreete; at J. E. Gonld's Music Store, Seventh and.Chesi nut strgets and' at the Academy of Music, three •fiays'before the Ex hibition. It CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE rwELFTH SOIREE .E.4.3ITASTIQUES - MONS. HENRI DE GASTON, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, of Paris,- MONDAY EVENING, March 16. •186 q AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK.. - PRESTIDIGITATION, ELECTRICITY, MESMERIEM, NECROMANTIC% CHIROMANTICS, ALCHYMY; AMUSING CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, ILLUSIONS, soMetamsuLism. Ara-ATTENTIOORE WI N MTNESSE DA.RVEL N !-C EVER HERETO- Fisa - Mqn. GASTON will bring- any person who may de sire it into contact with the celebrated Somnambulist, CHARLES LECLOQUE, with whom he has, won the prize of. 2.5,000 francs offered by the Aca deity of- paris. , The Somnambulist, being.brought into contact with any.per son, will answer that person as he would answer Ma magnetizer. Sign . or ALBERTI N - EGRINI, thofamons Italian Tenor. will sins-in the intervals. TICKETS Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence precisely at 8 o'clock. ON SATURDAY 'NEXT, • -SOLREE MATINEE, TWO O'CLOCE",• mlilB-3t* FOR LADIES AlvD PArrIILY PARTIES ITUTC.IIINSON - FAILTLY, "TRIBE OF ASA," Will give TWO CONCERTS ONLY. at the,LECTURR ROOM of CONCERT HALL. on FRIDAY and SATUR DAY EVENINGS, March 20th and 21st, all appearing. Admission, 2.5 cents. Children, 15 cents..--Doors open at 7; Concert at S o'clock. rahlB-3t* SELECT READINGS AIsTD, RECITA TIONS FROM THE -POETS,-at the regnett of the Right Rev. -Bishop Potter, Ex-Governor Pollock, Dr.. Nevin, and other gentlemen of distinmion, on. THURSDAY EVENING, Ma. eh 19, ' At the Lecture Rooxn. CONCERT: HALL, by PHILIP LAWRENCE, on which occasion-he will be assisted by his favorite pupils, the Three Champion Readers of 'Phi ladelphia. Tickets. 2,5 cents, -at Gould's, Seventh and. Chestnut streets. Commence at S o'plock. mhl7-3t. SSEMBL Y- BUILDINGS, CORNER 'of TENTH- and CHESTNUT Streets. E L•E V-E T E E CROWDED HOUSES. ' CROWDED HOUSES. SVOODROPPE 9 S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF-.GLASS BLOWERS. -EVERY. EVENING. The celebratedlow-pressnre Glass Steam-Engine" MO NITOR," made entirely -of glass, will be in full opera tion. . . Me.g - nificent works of art' distributed- gratuitously to the visitors. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. AFTERNGONS Child ren's Grand GIFT-AIA.TPEES. Every Child wil.l re ceive a GIFT. On FRIDAY:EVENING, March 20th. TOURIYAMENT OF WIT. SPLENDID PRIZES will be given to the an thers of the best and worst Conundrums on any subject. The first present, each evening, will be a SPLENDID CASE OF GLASS WORK. Admission, 10 cts. No half price. Exhibition .com ences in the evening at S o'clock; afternoon at 3. m16..6t.* CKENDORFE'•S CADETS.-A. GRAND SOIREE MILITAIRE, of ECKENDORIT'S CADETS, will take place. on SATDRDAY EVENING, 2Sth of March. at the ACADEMY• OF. MUSIC. Cards of admission, 2,5 cents; reserved S€ ate, _ 50 cents; can be ob tained at Gould's music 'store, Seventh and Chestnut mhl6-6t D. L. CARPENTER'S EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL, FLORAL BALL, at the AMERICAN'ACADMIT OF MUSIC, .TIIESDAY EVENING,- APHI 14th. Family or Gentlemen Tickets, $2. Can bo had. of the Managers, of John Thornley, „Egg" 311 Chestnut street; D. L. Carpenters Rooms, 625 ARCH. Street. mhlo-12t* ASSEMBLY - T E NT H and CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. -. SIGNOR BLITZ The eat MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with hls. LEARNED CANARY BIRDS; wilt give his new and popular entertainments EVERY EVENING during the week, commencing at /TV o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY - AFTERNOONS at R The attracticfn will be marvellous: EiPeriments in Magic; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism,. and the Learned Canary:Birds in their new characters. Admission 95 cents. Children 13 cents. defil-tf CIERIAANIA. - oRg 11E'STRA-PUBLIO REHEARSALS every SATURHAY AFTERNOON, at 33 ; o'clock. at rho MUSICAL FUND HALL, GARR SENTZ, condndtor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of flea tickets $l. To be - had of Andre & Co., No: 1101 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and_Chestnnt, and at the Hall door. no27-tf, ITASSLYR'S ORCHESTRA. NEW OFFICE, • 214 Borah EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delo-6za IpIPENNSTIVA NIA ACADEMY OF THE FIN.E ARTS, 1025'CHESTIITIT STREET, ! Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A.ll, till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock VD. INSURANCE COMPANIES. GMARD FIRE AND MARINE INSMUNCE COMPANY opium, .1.15 WALNUT STREET, PIM. ADELPRIA. CAPITAL $200,000. This Company continues to take risks, on, the sake elaises of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon Its responsibility, and. ablli to pay losses pr,omptly. Its disbiarsemonts foi the 'pensilik, of .the publie,,during the last nine years. exceed. • 1500,000 1301. 1 1.ARS. and warespectfully solicit its favor in the future. DTRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT,. JERRY WALREE„ JOHN W.. CLAOHuRN, JOHIY•THORNLEx, C. E. HEAZLITT ABRAIt an - HART, J DAVID BOYD, a., PETER S. HOF, of N. N.. 1 IK. SWAIN, PCB.MAN SHEPPARD. JOSEPH BLAPP,M. D.; N. S. LAWRENCE, THOMAS D . RAKE, JOHN' SITPPLEE. • • • .THOMAS CRAVEN, Ptasident. A. S. OsILLETT, Vice Presideut, JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. - , aßge4ttf 9.311 E IRSITRANI 1406 CHESTNUT Stroet. PRIE.AD] • FLEE AND 2NLb JELPEETA. . . LED INSDRAERE, ;Toss. R D. Woodruff._ . Geo. A: West, John Hessler; dz,• - Chas. Stokes, A. R. Resenheiin, Josep D. Ellis.; [CR, President. [A$ SON, Vice President, kRD. SecrOaiv Cialbiflf . !rands N. Buck, Chao. Richardson. Henry Lewis, Jr.. John W. Brerma:„.• Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis. FRA.I4BIS N. 811 CHASES RICH WILLIAMS L BLANC WEST CHESTER AND PRILADELPDIA RAM- CIA MEDIA. CONFERENCE. OF , THE cw:rs.mE, 'A.o. WEST CHESTRR; FENNSYLVANIX: Exeureion Tickets will, be soldlieWeitio:yhiladelphia and Wist Chester, goad during. the ser-r ,- .Ons , (!f Con ferenea. . TARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP.,-ONE t fiol,"4,kß: Trains leave Fhilr4elphia from t.t-e -Depot, northeast cos.ner of Eighteenko and Market streets at, 753 and, M.`llo a. M. and at2.CO, 4-.15, and G ; Sfil , f-M, Tickets must bolarecnred at the office:" mhl4-71 HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. . ' zia tuir s : DESPATCH- IgNE - ' FOR . NEW YOR, VIA, DELAWARE AND EADiTAN CANAL. The. stewer IRONSIDE, .Vandever t " master, L,-now loading at shird Pier above'WAENUT Street, and will leave TIIIS DAY at 12 It - • - "- For freight, which will -be takeri on-accommodating terms, apply to VM. Id. BArito & co., mll9-tf. . - -132 South'DELAWARE Avenue. SWIFTSURE LINE, FOR . . NEW - TORA, • VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. The steamer MASSEY, Smith; master, is now load ing at third Pier, ah.ave. WALNUT Street. and will leave THIS DAY at 14. For freight; whirl will be taken on accommodating terms D4%111 . 7 . 0, WM. BAIRD & CO.. nclitp-tt - ' . 1314 South DELAWARE Avenue. A E;3? ' 2 I!; . E. T 1N.,11, NEAT ,AND q0), , 2,. at 11.1/iGrWALT:dOpI,OI444,II,II. 139pkik POWSza 25 AND 50 CENTS E COMPANY, NM
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