ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TIT TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. 11 1 ,841. balsa Math. Dr H Roborts. Woklogin 110 Mr, New York A R Mitchell, Massachusetts W 0 Fletcher. ALBA C A Wisner, New York J R Kelley, Wllslli ligto a W Blauchard,Now Castle .1 El Phillipe New York Wm Vorck, 'Now Ydrk iW 1' Smell, PC/11111, J L Nutting, Schuylkill co C It Tracey, Witoltiugtou J T Welltnq, Ohio Ruff Grtrard.--011eatmit Vriewl, New York B K Wntroti, Sy taciu , o Alrx T E Patter, Philada T c Potter, Philadelphia 3qlsm Pettit', Philadelphia A Wallace, Philadelphia 41iEi hi Dickins Willis, Trenton Trenton D Copt E J Anderson,Trenton I J Smith, Trenton M Hamilton, Baltimore I. Wells New York , A C !Gaited H Heading N Calvtu.Hollitlaysbarv, CePt G G Lott, Newu'r !News H Paul, New York Capt Wni C Shine, Va A T Abercrombie, N Y Wm A Hetrh, New York H Pia Med, New York Hon C McCauley, Peen& New Orleans .1 7 Jordan, Pottstown. lion MB Lowry, Easion H May, Baltimore Samuel. A Coalman Wm F Wilmot, .Kentucky Robert Craig S W Thomas, Maryland S Washburn W S Wright, blew York 3' 3 Monett, Now York Pennsylvania •T N King, Ph ladelphta IESI Tingley, Maryland Chestnut streets. _Henry D Meare,Waert, D C .1 A, Bancroft P Howard, NOW York - Samuel Rice Geo Norris, Iforrateb, Ct W S Tyler, Norwich, Ct. J B Eastman, Baltimore W B Hall, Baltimore J Browns & wf, &toter Miss Drowne, Exeter T M Duncan. USN is H Penthoton, Jr, Cinn r tnin §itlithniith Mull ,r-n&bu a7foerierts - r - ga Paii# .t/ 11 N U Violas, &Mai lY b E Mourne, New York , WM Pratt, Alass Rev 2 C kwar, New York Chas E COW. Now York *settlers, Warren, Pa Miss Maynard 0 Hu Munn Burrows, NI Mrs Geo Tyler, Conn • C Heed, Pottsville Miss Sykes, Wash, D C - F Ailey, Boston Geo \Verner, New York Geo B Brewer, Pittsburg SA. Bridges, Allentown • B Van Riper Mont H H Goldsmith . Contbiental—Nintlx W Prosser & wl, Butlaio Mrs Jas Hale, St Loins & Hale :la, - St Laois .704 m DltVik Geo Denison & wt, N Y E G Comstock, Washington Semi H Shoemaker, Batt V 1 urdy, Now York D Smiw, Baltimore Bliss au Bonet. New York C Mve'. wf II White. U S N Barnill CBlenHeir,. ~ l ev lio 11:trIK Tlt 8191trtzwillany,Pittlibllrg AS Beitimore - Abell. Baltimore V Dodd - 'Cincinnati, 0 W C Pierpout, New York W Pare( ' New York 7 °Smedley, Kentucky ' Borkam, Cincinnati, 0 Jahn T Stewart, ludinna A Bowman, Springfield John Fitch, U S A B C Johnson, Hitrrisbitrg C 0 Childs,:llan ishurg Geo A Benedict & Ohio •; , 1 'McClure, Nst.ihrillu ,E R Bennet, New York Chas Callaghan, New York Bon A 11 Reeder, EAStOII • Chits 1311S,Cllielt go C Knap, ew Jersey D all,Cleveland Jonathan Cook, Trenton Airs Felon, Baltimore W P Burke, Boston 'Air Cheever Washiu'iti J Daffy. hlarlcrin, Pa L Houser,Martettn,Pit Ambrose DI Miller .' FR, Martin, Newark,N J Cline D Kent, New York _ AO Kirtland, New York Beni S Prlco, Boston T 'Ensign tin, Mass C E Judson wf, Indiana Blasi Oen Schanck', U S A Capt Woodhull • C Starr, Vinchetter • Benry White, Poona Bon John Sherman, Ohio . . ET Wright, Now York Gen Strabather, No York W Saahso , Washington Jl3 Moore, Maryland . hi Bxre, aineinnatl. T W Hawaii, Cincinnati MeDowell 3t wr, Washln Mires Johneton,Cin, 0 Saml W Dennis, Oineinnati N L Johnson, Mass 11Roltback, Pittsburg bliss R Rollback, rittsbnrg Cleo d Lyman, U S A • F CaswelL Now York S B Keys, Cincinnati • J L Andersou,Loiney'e, Ky J C Willinms,Wheeliug,Vs. Geo A Ridgway, Sitawneet' A 11 Tack . G It Mr Kent, Ohio 11/12k1:11.11 , ..11M101. 3' J 611118011,, 1110711111 g I tt l ,7l7l6'it;i:S - V/ J UrRIIP, Oxford J LauferlF J Patterson, 'Virginia J Maitland T Bonles, Washington Mrs J Norton, Washington A Ritrase Oh y, Ohio Beam, Ohio - .7 Clapp, Virginia ,PSmfth Williamsport R It PesboorughTren ton B Witmer, Illinois E L Cochran, Franklin, Pa C MFranshelin, Virginia A !Alloy &Nil, Harrisburg J B Hinds, Harrisburg JD Brittly, Pasbarg E D Cremford,,Mlitlintown strut NM, Arai A olvoc l 4tilittflaTuivri phi t& Y W B einntdr, itltamspprt C Bucher, Clinton B P Garber, Harrisburg M Chandler, Wash, -D C M M Dinuniek, M Chunk W L Dodge, Bird •burg, Pa I A , Beers, Wash, D C J Neal, Maryland C W Thomas, Maryland Col A Pardee, Sr, Penna S Hnber,,Pmna W S Maitland W Smith, Clearfield W Ba.lcosvoll & svE. Penns, dw L Llord.Willialasport .7 Trout, Williamsport Hopson, Penns, American—Chestnut T F Hiner, Martinsville, Ind . Praylor, Dover. Del Hillyard Thos HowleP, Wash'n , D C FA Baker, I T SA PP Brady 0 13 Martin, Camden, Dal NAT D Wllann, Newark !Raj J H Humes, Jor'y Shore Thos It Lowher J ID Bennett, New York C B Mae Duugall, N Y James I.' Bennett, N Y P It Weitzel, Mauch Chunk A E Brown, Easton %V Danis, Stroudalidele J H Davis, Philadelphia street. above Fifth. S R Jones. Philadelphia D Pismo, Circieville.Ohlo J P Steele, Circleville. Ohio kir Hillman It A Mattison, US A Don Oizelmo, Mexico Samuel Clark, Pa E Hughes W S Simpson, Washington John Bennett, Jersey city Mr Paul A B Caldwell, Washington James McKelvey, Pittsburg S B COIPMILII, U S N 0 H McCebe,Tamanqua John Davis IL.sula.4Dhestniat CT Phan. Raw Dole street. above frMeats A 11191u1011; 11111111 /i JlMetern, Now York IC ft Bobbiue, Baltimore B T Hynson & son, Batt H Cuwl , How York 0 Pup W .1 eheyney,'Hobsware ins Belltioll .1B Van Nees, New York It IS Montgomery.. N Turk DI Comber Er Gideon Keen . S S It unill, Wash'n, Pa I Morrison & In, Pa MeCaties. Penn's Jon Harrison Wm. R White StineS• • . k Dine; Now 'York hue .111tkine, Now York N Emory. Now York F J Norton, ore .1 A. OR 'optionßalti Primma John Boomer, Poulin 6 V Ball,BoN•on D Pltbamg Wm Payne, Lock Haven it L Linrtto, New York. NV L Thoinneon. New York 11 Taylor, Waalilnoton John ()Recd. New York J Barrlrk, Ohio W Duncan k In. N York C Lacolle. Now York Mr Lewle, Now Yt.rk This Union—Arch Vent F 0 Spa Her, Ohio C Wflsou, Ociiiialltosirn W Whiting, Ohio • Geo C Joyce, Phi :id% Rang R Ray, Yhllnda J Lase, Delaware rect., above Th tdr and Mra L A Scott, Ohio Win Ho', bliamsburg, 0 A J Seaside, Bedford, Pa H Hiilhoro, Holinesburg J H HoUhl, Salem, 0 States Union-811th bt Reed & le, Pittsburg W T Derr. BrownNvllle • 3 Berry, Brownevale W T Alexnudr r, Clarion 3 Nixon, Ilarribbrint Nxon, Chester co J Painter, Princeton NJ Wilmer & In, Wdm, Del W Beim littdddletotru ECumberland Huber, Harrieburg Zit D A 99varlu t Dauville and Market streets. kas li nli'rri f r e d w ,:i i gTereer A fillyard & In, New Jersey 8 P Jones, Chester so E Cowdin, Chester co D Cischran, Maryland %V W Chalfant, "Snyder au J McKean, Mercer, Pa. 8 V Bolter & wf,..t Jersey it Cushman. NU J CI Dunbar, California R Delmer, ClevelAnd COMIO9IIIIIIwiIISII '16111114 6110111 EIDNILMIIo Georiro, Hartford, Goon 11'J uatll, Falronl Del .LeVi Jetfric., Wllltt. P.( aV tsC Bell. Caryland 14 U kiropsou, Perryville Limit JS Devine, Ii 9 A. Jas N Murphy, Wash, D C Mont P.l U$ A S Jackeon. Cher Cu, 'Po A B Sloanaker, Wash, D 0 3 May, Mar) hind Lient T Baronx Snag Bond, Newtown Cant Pll Jacobs John KStidbani, Mini. Del .1 P Broomel I, Belle Plain Carswell, Wile,. DPI Louie S lutbrie, Pittsburg 0 W Couutes., Wilm, Del National--Race Jos Godfrey_Sernq to k, Vent iCSF•C W surisl. ' taut Tbos J Janunv, Ohio rank B Sbaltor, U 8 - A J Barrio eel, above Third.. E \Varford, Doylestown M'Trach, Berwick Pa . Traci!, Lerwick, Pa John Woitzpl H Murphey, Harrisburg Julia Hal ife x, P SPEOIAL :TIOTICES. DR. SWEET'S /*OId:EEL& ILCIIMENT CURES ithenlnnthin and never fans:. WHY BE TROUBLED WITH COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness, or any Pulmonary Complaint, when so sure a remedy as . JAYNE'S EXPEC TORANT can be ob tained? Sold at No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. mhli•2t THE CHEAPEST—BECAUSE BEST. Simpler In construction, easier managed, doing work that others fail to de, and executing It more neatly, the GROPER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE Has wen popular favor, and should be in EVERY _FAMILY EiP , 6111 and hamlna MAOHII In WORK, OFFICE, 730 CRESTRIT STREET, inhti.lot ONE-PRICB CLOTITING, OF THE LATEST Trims, made in the Best Manner, exprassly for RETAIL BALM LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fl - All GooiN made to Order warranted satieractory. Our OxE-PatcE Swyrum is strictly adhered to: All are thereby treated alike. dolt-1y JONES & CO., 004 MARKET Street. A BEAUTIFIIL COMPLBXION CAN BE OB- tattled by the use t f ITEUMBOLD'e EXTRACT EAR• FuLPABILLA, March, Aprll,May, and Jou°. are the best Zoonthe to use a Bload-Parifylncramedy. See'adver themeat.. fe27•fmw3m BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE I THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in tne least ; remedies !be ill effects of bail dyes, and invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a Splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. Jar The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. -BATCLIE LOB, on the four afdu of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and N Bored street.) • 02725-lY New York. DIJINFOII - TATIOCI 131TTLICI Thy" purify l Itrengtlirn t and Invigorate. They Create a healthy appetite. They are as antidote to change of water and diet. - They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They mare Dyspepsia and Constipation. They care Diarbcelta, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Herrera% Headache. They are the best BITTBRS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Hum, the cote. bated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken With the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate m ewls requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers. riruggista, Hotels, and Saloons. P. R. DRAKE & CO., MOB BROADWAY. Nem York. se24-em m.ALR - Etrzap. MOORE—BELL. —oo Tueeday, March 10th, by the Rev. Samuel Durborcw, Air. George C. M oore t o bri m Annie F. Bell, (daoLlitel of the late Robert F. Bell.) both dein city • RIDOE—AREISON.—By the Rey, D. W. Darting, B, ,_on the lith that. , Mr. Albert Ridge, of Bucks county, o . Mliui Sarah E.rriann or Cecil county, \tar ton 1. * STRATTON—A PI ER: Y -By the • same, ' oatho Ilth ust. Mr. D. W. Sento° Stratton, of Gloucester county, Jam) to Mis 4 Mary A. Napier, of Camden county, New ); • 7Z)23M::). lllliii ~4 2 1§unilail l tiolOth lust 1 Joseph 8, Ater, 1 1 1 1:14 - iliac yIS Jimiri nig MD% toy ilm ma J ill fitileiti in Yedlies 14 arierilyen /Alp 4t , WCVg ) // rrvin silo resitionvour hilt pstoots, o. 027 oft tataci6 4 tree!. Els friends ate invited to meet at the Church of Ott St. Nionr, Thirty.eighth street, below Market, West Phila deiphin, at heinzst g o'cl oek precisely, where the Tune- Z . services will ho held . Interbieut at Woodland Come /AM/TIP AK—At Notihnitiberland, Pa., on the 10th Inst. ,_ Daniel Brautloini, Esq., aged 72 years. • CREBBO74.—On Seventh day morning, 14th instant, ItachelCresson, widow of Sohn H. Cresson, In the 84th year of her age. . The relatives and friends of the family are Invited v. attend the funeral _from her late residence. No. 000 &Palen street, on Tiill'd day, 17th inst., at 2 o'clock r . v. without further nothe. 54 COATE& —ln the e ty of lisw York, on the I.2th last., Sarah Anne, Wife of Joseph IL Goatee, and daughter of the late Henry G. Wisner. Rift, of Goshen, IL Y. • FLITCRAFT. —On the afternoon of the 13th instant, - Jesse R. Fliteraft, 11411 71 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Brldeaburg, this (Monday) afternoon, March 18th, at 1 o'clock, with out further notice. 4. MOORS.—Suddenly, on Wednesday night, March 11. Mary I L, wife of Carlton R. Moore, in the 42d year of her age. - . The male friends of the family are Invited to attend ]ter funeral, this (Monday) afternoon at 3 o'clock with. out further notice, from her husband's residence, No. WO West Loganrituare. MPPRUT.—On the 11th instant, Rev. Patrick Rat !arty, pastor of St. Futocis Church, Fairmount. There will bo - soh cm requiem mass this (Monday) )horning, at a o'clock The Rey. clergy, and the laity in !general are respectfully Invited to attend without fur- Shr notice. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. GOODMAN.—On Friday morning, 13th inst., James Guttman, in the 68th year of his age. Toe male friends of rho family aro Invited to attend his Santora' from lute late residence, No. 4.52 North Sixth street. _ thin (Monday) afternoon, March 16, at 2 o'clock.* RAFFELYINGE R.—On the 14th inst., Harriet C. Her feltinger, In the 27th year of her age. Her friends sire in riled to attend her funeral from her brother's residence, No. 1811 Monet Vernon street, on Tuesday afternorin,l7lll lust,. at 2 o'clock •i, RODCIRES. -- On thy 15th inst., Martha Mines, young est daughter of James•W and Mary Rodgers, aged 2 years, 10 months, and 21 days. The remains will 1/0 interred at Pottsville, nod will le conveyed from the residence of her parents. No. 1127 Callowhill it., on Wednesday morning, at 734 o'clock. 444 Weekly Report of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE, March 14 Deana anti Interments in the City of Phan from 6lto itni (9 61t61i Pfcirq 4 l /80,?, • . j . ft 4„ 4 - - DISEASES. .-6 174 44 ...A.,. . 0 , , A ..., A .4 0 0 Asthma ........... 2 Fever, Puerperal,... 1 Abcess 1 " Rheumatic.— 1 1 Apoplexy 3 2 " Scarlet . ' 1 3 Burns and Scalds.:. 3 3 ", Typhus . I Cancer • 2 1 ` Typh0id ..,.... .. 8 2 ~ Stonlach 1 llfentorrltago Lun g s, 1 Cramps .. . 2 •of the Uterus... 1 Croup 4'Looping Cough 1 Congestion Brain.... 41 Inflaname.tion Brain. 2 6 Lungs.... 14 1 . Bronchi.. 2 1 " Liver...., 1 " Larynx .. 1 1 Hear L.... 1 " LlVer .. A 1 Colic. - 1 " Lungs.... 11 23 Consumption:Lungs. 32 6 " Porito'in. 1 Rowels 1 " - Stem &B. 5 1 Convulsions 118 Insanity 4 Cyanosis 2 Inanition 1 1 Diptheria - , 7 Intempe,rance .. • 2 pinholes - 1 Malformation 1 Diarrlirea .. .. . 4 ' 3 3 Marasnms 10 Dropsy '3 1 hleaslos 1 • • Abdominal, 1 lifotribe 2 " Brain 4 014 Age ',` Chest 1 1 Palsy' 5 3 " Beert 1' Poisoning.. 1 DiSMLSO of Brain 11 2 Rheumatism Heart.. 1 " Heart 4 4 Softening of Brain-, 2 " Spine 1 Smelt Pox 6 9 ` ` Throat 1 Stillborn 6 Dysentery 1 11 Suicide' 1 Debility 11 12 !Syncope-- ........ 1 . Emphysema. Lungs. .1 Teethingl ... . . 1 Effusion on Brain..•. 1 lUlcorat mstomacm., i Epilepsy 2 1 'Unknown ' 3 2 Pistols, in Arm. ••• .• .. 1 Wound*---0 unnhot - 1 Fr ' autria gf gliii6l..p.l ! . - 1- OF 1 . 1111 AMU TIIBRII WOOS— , - • • +..,. 71'Erri 40 to 60 '' 22 20 '5O to 60.... 22 2to I 39 " CO to 70. 13 i" sto 10 24 " 70 to 80. 10 .0 " 80 to 90' 4 9 " 100 to 110 3 31 33 - .. . 316 is. ..? tinder 1 year., From 1 to 2 2 toy 5 to 10.,.... ., 10 to 15 1;1 to 20,....... 20 to :11. ... ... " 30 to 40. Total WARDS. 1 • WARM First I:UW[lth., • • • 8 Nineteenth.. Second 17 Eleventh. • ...Ili Twentieth.", Third, ...... 6 Twelfth 11 Twenty-first... Fourth 11 Thirteenth 0 Twenty-second. Fifth 11 Fourteenth S Twenty-third—, Sixth 131Pifteenth... .... .20 Twenty-fourth. Seventh. 16 Sixteenth - 11 Twenty-fifth,.: Eighth • 8I Seventeenth Ninth , - 5 (Eighteenth 151 • Total Deduct deaths from the country Not deaths in the city " 301 Nativity—United States, 234; Foreign., 564 Unknown.:2s. From the Almshouse, 10; People of Color, 15; from the " "contau, 14. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1862, and of fast week. was as follows: Week ending March In, 1262, was ..2‘l. 2. Week ending March 7, 1863, was 273. Males, 155; Females, 160; Boys, 82 ; 87. Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 31. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health (Meer. BI A CID FI i ORENTINES. A new thin materiel, 3-4 and 5-4 wide. Illnottlitlliona Ronan! and §olwidn, Alttioc ue (cp. t.l 6 - 4 rtt tells_ BIM Chnlyn SBA DIN iilllllllthilig. block Bombazines and Summer Bombazines - . - Block Gros-grain and Poult do Solo Silks. Black Glossy Lyons Taffeta Silks; Black Tainues and Moueselines, Just Received by BBSSON & SON, MOONING STORE. mhlo No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. r.CYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCM, are opening Rock-Spun-Silk Shawls, Lama Shawls, long and square - Black Thibet Long Shawls, ' Black Barege Bement, 1 and 2 yards wide, Black Florentine. New - Fabric, fe22 B YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, are opening Spring Style Dress Silks, - Spring Style Dress Goods. Stripe Reps Skirting, English Bombazines, • First Quality Gloves. 11328 r-.. NATIONAL 'UNION CLUB O F PHILADELPHIA. The Committee will sit daily in the Rooms of the NA TIONAL UNION EXECUTIVE 0011LUITTER, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. CHESTNUT Street, above SIXTH, • From three to five o'clock P. M., and from seven to nine o'clock P. M., to onablo all persons loyal to the Union to sign the Constitution, and become members. ALGERNON . S. ROBERTS, President. B. SYYDRE LEIDY, Meratnly. IMROLE CITIEDIN/U VOLUNTEER. lIOSPITAL abbQUIATIO/i, BROAD slid take pleasure in acknowledging the following donations for the week ending March Li, LIM: Part proceeds of a fair held in the Sunday-school room of Cedar-street Presbyterian Church, twenty flannel shirts and $2O; Mr. Wm. Bracknell, $10; Mrs Dr. Pen neck, $6; Mrs. Charles Bachrist, 33; a friend, $3; La dies' Aid of Radnor, dozen canton flannel shirts, 18 Canton flannel drawers and 6 pads; Pennsylvania Relief Association, l dozen white shirts, basket of dried apples and peaches; Archer &Reeves, 1 package codfish; B. R. 1 white shirts; a friend, 2 pair pants, 4 white shirts and vests; Charles Shivers, 1 package of plaater. It THE GE NTLEK A N•WHO RE. CEIVED the kind communication from "Atony mous." on Saturday last. is very thankful to him for ztd it til i ntio t = t a i vir, hut t mst eo n , eirgh e e ti m LT or young) steadfast Matta e in i te m :l L of his pecuniary a's alstance. MNO TICEL—THE BOARD OF MA, NAG ARli of Gm Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad Company have declared a dividend of three and one-tall per coot., clear of National Tax, payable on sod atter the let day of April next. Transfers seal not be nmeie for ten days after the Met 'natant. W. S. WILSON, Treasurer. March 74, M. nahle-mwf tent M. CALEB • COPE, TREASURER OP THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMIS SION, Northeast corner of MINOR and SIXTEI streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last report: J. M. Campbell $5 00 Nwers & Weightman (additional) 1(0 00 Jonathan Patterson dg 21 00 Via mahremi. Hoffman, & Wright (additional )..100 CO William S Baird Qamiall 1! grlypill [additional) it 111 W i T .,:'_?..: ii a ,4... r . L ~. * /—1a1ti.,..,:z...... ...... t ira i 1 Moffitt At wornoull . do - " . 1..., f 0 00 E.. C. Knight do 10 M) Merrick & Sons do UM 00 Tredick, Stokes, & Co. do 100 00 t. K. T. do 20 00 Joseph Hallowell & Co. do 50 CO Tyler, Stone, & Co. (Sd subscription) (0 00 Previously reported . . Total ' 8.36 ,531 The Sanitary Commission, No. 27 South. Sixth street, also acknowledges the receipt of the following donations, in hospital supplies, since the last report: Jacksonville, Indiana county, Ladies' Aid, 1 pkgea.Win. Bruce, P.M. New Garden Ladies' Aid, 3 pkges, John Brown. Trenton do do, 1 do, Mrs 8.8. Johnson, Sec. Allentown do do, 4 do, Mrs. Harry C. Wagner. Media do do, I do, Anna M. Hinkson. Church of the Saviour Ladies' Ald, 1 pkge, Miss S. H. Gard, Sec. St. Pe odd ter's Ladies' Aid, clothing, A. B. Pennock, Sec.: • St. Mark's LuthemmChurch Ladies' Aid, clothing, Mary C. Knauff. _ Mrs. C. J. Peterson, clothing. Vaughan Sewing Circle, clothing. Farnham, Kirkham, fit Co,, I bale 642 yds twilled mixed flannel. East Smithfield Ladies' Aid, 1 pkge, Lucy T. Farwell, Sea It Mft• HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, HIS CUTIIBIIRT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the moat comfortable manner, tree of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Miamian. MCOMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY Of Tali STATE OF PEORSYLTA II I S.-o] , mm 613 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADISIMILIA.• February V. UM. - • • • no Iminen fits of )1117Potn1007 It"Z .Z- ' irriZfLiZSIMAAI7 111DaDV of the State of Pennsylvania wits present the same for settlement and payment at the °awe within thirty days from date. Byprder of the Board of Directors. fieffi-w fruit= S&MT/SL S. MOON. Seoratary. IM•• CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, February 21, Val. TO HOTEL AND TAVERN KEEPERS, RESTAU RANT, and others, desirous of selling LIQUORS by lees measure than one quart. Applicants for LICENSE will apply at THIS OFFICE, as provided by act of Assembly, approved April:2o, 1858, on the following days, via.: . WARDS. First Monday, March 2, 1013. Second Tuesday, 3, Third and-Fourth Wednesday, " 4,. " • Fifth Thursday, " 5, '• Sixth Friday, .. 0, .. Seventh and Eighth Monday, " 9, " Ninth and Tenth Tuesday, , " 10, • " Eleventh Wednesday, " 11, Twelfth and Thirteenth .Thursday, " 12, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Friday, 114 1.3, .. Sixteenth Monday, " Hi, Seventeenth Tuesday, " 17, Eighteenth and Nineteenth—Wednesday, " IS, Twentieth Thursday, " 19. " Twenty-first and Twenty second Friday, ". 20, " Twenty-third and Twenty fourth• .......... Monday. " 98, " Twanty•fifib Tnesday, " 24,.." fe27-to mh2 s JAMBS SHAW. Clerk. w.. OFFICE OF THE FEANKPORD P.*Z AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CLTY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPA.NY. BERKS STREET. BELOW FOURTH. —PHILADELPHIA, March 6, 15T.3.. WAlTlcl i llirEtrelr o alga s Ortri l ittai h ka ( igirrli:E A. St., yunti. LILA Eavalamo, ia L 1 1.0,4ei. ai,i4:6;;;d Rita rffif. Br °roof of tho no' '4 D i rectors: SEe•ILG illit(s?f, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-A 11.• TI 42 TO TEM./JURY AND NAVY. rII mum.- Psi A. October 24, 1562.. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the sursreon.Artist to the Government. No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street. B. PRANK PALMER. jaB4im Government Surge_on-Artist. MBRA.DFORD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—A meeting of the Stockhohlors in the Bradford -Railroad and Coal Company trill be hold on MONDAY next; I¢th inst., at 10 o'clock A. K., at go, 0 South NINTH Street. 'important business. mblS-fle • . PERKINS, President. CLOTHING. BOYS' o'4o TAIN'O. JACKETS AND PANTS. BOYS' SUITS, $6: BOYS' SIJITS,-$7. BOYS' SUITS, $B. BOYS' SUITS, $9. BOYS' SUITS, VAL BOYS' SUITS, fn. DAMS AljD OITITZ NADs TO OWDEsi- LARGS STOCK OF GOODS TO SIMEGT FROM. GOODS AT RETAIL FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEA - COOPER 6; CONARD. mla]4-tf . .• S. E. corner NINTH AND 'MARKET Sts COUNTRY 111.ERCHANTS. Country Merchants and others who have been de- WERWs"Vifirel fiLratilip`k CELEBRATED 4. lro thew orders filled by addressing SKIER BENNETT n No. 11 Ft URTEI Street: GILLETTE SOOTT, No. (sill CHESTNUT Street, or N. G. SUPLEE , at the rooms of the •• Celebrated Stoat Ellfpttc Improved Sewing Ma chines," No. 537 Broadway, New York. H. G. BUTLEE, General agent for the United States, mhlB-3t* • No. 037 Broadway. II SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS HATS. WARBURTON, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, Adjoining the new Poet Office, invites the attention of gentlemen to his NEW FASHIONS for Spring- Wear. n gentility of style, finish, firmness of brim, and gene ral durability, they will be found equal to all - Just ex pectation, while In the matter of easy fitting—lmprint ing no marks on the forehead—they are not approached by any others. This desirable property is imparted by his " Patented heath's, Ventilating, and Grease-pre venting Band, " whleh he continues to furnish without additional charge. mhl4-tf SCHOOLS AND ' FAMILIES ARE supplied with the best of TEACHERS without ex-' 'loose r at the TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, No. 217 South THIRD Street. Itv 'UNIVERSAL inITILES-WRINGER, Saves its value in wear of clothes every six months. I No. 1, Large Family Wringer $lO. With coca, Vie. 2, Hirdium Family Wringer—. 7. Warranted. N. 2M, Medium Family Wringer.. $6. Without cogs, No. kilmall Family Wringer 5. Not warranted. No Wringer can be durable without cog-wheels. ,wALcoTT & BURNHAM, 721 CHESTNUT St., Exclusive Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania. mho-if in • RETAIL DRY' GOODS. a STEEL .5,-; - Nob-, 713 A) 71.5 N. TzNra sr. , Anovv. coATES Have just 3eeelvcd a email lot of those very desirable grief: - of WHITE AND BLAU:, WHITE AND PURPLE, MODE AND WHITE PLAID SILUS, GRAY _GRENADINES, 13IJACIi. GRENADINES, OF NEW AND. HANDSOME STYLES We - have now open. a splendid. nesortment, embracing all the NOVELTIES that can be found in the New York and Philadelphia markets of • LIGHT SHAWLS, Suit&lne for Spring and Summer SPRING CLOAKS. BLACK . WATER•PROOF CLOAKS. Rll2lTil WetTAITII29I" OLOAkS DLA LIS/Alg, Also, A large aeoortnient of LIOIIT CLOTH CIuOAKS, Of yorypretti light colors, `suitable for Spring or Sum mer. Ap the cloths of Alch those Cloaks am made were purchased very early in the season, and some of them last season; we are able to sell our Cloaks at lox,'er : prices than we ran buy the material that is in them. SPRING GOODS J. M. HAFLET (Successor to L. d. Lev' & C 0.,) 723 CHESTNUT STREET, Has open and for sale a complete Stock of PARIS DRESS Goons, RECEIVED THIS DAY. RICH ORGANDIES, ;UCH LAWNS, TAFFETA GRENADINES, PLAID GRENADINES, RICH EMBROID'D GRENADINES, CHENE SILKS, STRIPE BILKS, .. • MOIRE ANTIQUES;• And a varlet). of novelties in • • DRESS GOODS, JUST LAM M. mb9 mwf-dt CHEdP Difir • GOODS, CARKTiTa I Att. (Tragett_iXD 1VINI)11117 LPHAMBAIIIg. N. K. mop KLEVINTJI and flak! litsT &treats, will open this morning from in graiu at ae, 62, 73, Sc., and Gt; Sete,-and Stair Carpets, 60e. to $1; Carpets. 4.5 to 66c._; Floor 011 Cloths., 60 to 75 cts. ; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 75c. to $1.60; Sheeting, Shirting. and Pillow Case Muslins, 20 to 40 Cit. 7,Table -Linens. 62c. to $1; Napkins, 1634 . c. ; White and Colored Marseille& Quilts, $3 to 65: Stella Shawls, $5 to t'; Mons de Lainea, 23 to 37e. ' • Chintzes, 22 to '2Sc. ; Cloth Table Covers, $L SOWN; Plain and Fancy. Cassimeres, 76 cte. to $1.60;51/anoy Shirtidg Flannels.6o to 66e. mhll-whnlm RbIBROIEERED PIANO COVERS AT LOW PRICES.—A. full assortment of green Burgun dy acd Crimson Cloth PIANO COVERS with rich em broidered borders, SHEPPARD, VAN BARLINGEN, & ARRISON, mlll3-12trp . 1008 CHESTNUT Street. BLEACHED MUSLINS.-"-THE SUB scribers L ave a full assortment of the best makes of Shirting Muslims—as Williamsville, Warnsotta, Waltman. Seiner Mem, Lonsdale, and New York MUM, below the wholesale priests. SHEPPARD. TAU HARM NOSH, ARRTSON. mlil3-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. LINENS, LINEN GOODS, &c. — THE largest assortment in the City of first-claas tellable Shirting Linens, and Linen Condo generally, much be low the present advanced prices, to which the attention: of families and buyers generally is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINHE ARRISON, • - mbl3-12trp 1008 CHEn'TNUT Street 1863 "SPRING TRADE." 1863. - . 1024 CRESPIQAT STREET. , E. M: NEJIIIDLEb }wont plow, nQQ ozonivii modorato prim "Igg printra /dew CADlrbitiV DIUM c l otce "4 1 . 6 snQ extra. quality; also 23 pieces Prinked Linens tot Loyal wear. jIIBT OPENED. 100 dozen LINEN TI.A.If#KERCHIEPIL itt 125 E cent 100 do do • • 10-- ~ • .at 15 cents. I' ' $56, 625 E. M. NEEDLES, ' 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. MO pieces 'WRITE PIQUES. Me to ELIA 100 BUFF and FIGURED, 50e to $l.OO The above are now much in demand for LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR, and are offered at Tem mode rate prices. JUST RECEITED, A new lot otLace Trimmed and Muslin BOWS, latest, styles and Tory moderate prices. E. M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES, 1024 CFIESTIs'ET STREET, Has received 100 THREAD VEILS, from IS to $l2 each. These goods are offered at prices much below present market raves.. rohll-lm SPRING. CLOAKS. - • Water-Proof Cloaks. . Black Cloth Cloaks. • • Cloaks made to order. . . . Boat Hoop Skirts. - DOOPIIII, / GaipiD. inlii . IN is' gilifTicF. ;MIT— hve 4. .ft........ ".""'. WIDE SHEETINPS: Sloonhirting Muslin* by the piece. Pine and l uw•priced Flannels. Table Damask', and Napkins. Spring Prints and Delaines. -COOPER do copritam mh3 S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. P ROPOSALS FOR 30,000 BARRELS OF FLOUR. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited till the 21st day of March, 124i3, at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing the Subsist ence Depot tment with 30,C00 barrels of FLOUR. . Bids will be received for what is known as No. I No. 2, and No. 3, and for nny portionless them the 30,000 bar rels. Bids for different grades should be upliseparme sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to be commenced on the 6th of April, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rate of. WO barrels daily, delivered either at the Government Warehouse in Georgetown, at the Wharves, or at the Railroad Depot, Washington, D. C. Payment will be made in certificates of indebtedne.vs or such other funds the Government may have for distri bution. . . The natal Govetnment inspection will be midi just beibre the Plow' is re^•elved. No bid will be entertained from partite who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. The barrels to be new and head lined. Bids will be accompanied with an oath of allegiance,. and directed to Col. A BECKWMT, A. D. C. and C. S.' U. S. A.. Washington, 1). C., and endorsed •• Propo sals for Flour." mhl6-6t. NOTICE TO • OONTRAOTORB.-BY ortlEr yr ity Una lintirri -will 1* received M A.Rall e ith Far IlierdeOettee of TWO VD ROW TAU . SRI 06 • Aleut OD fat eacb, over (' hester ereer, on the West t; (fuer au 14delpI1ia Railroad, about lamlles ['rots Philtulelphia. For further information, Gal) on or aildr,nie HENRY WOOD. Buperintoodent, noriheast corner of BIGEI. TESEVTII and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. . Inhl2-thsmurtha 6t • ARMY SUPPLIES. OFFICE OP COMMTSPAAT OP SPOPOPTENCE, No. 1102 GIRARD Street. Philadelphia, March 11, 1963. PROPOSALS will be received at. this oNce, until 12 o'clock M. on TUESDAY, March 17, for furnishing for the use of the United States Army, at such times and In such quantities as may be required, within thirty days from date of opening proposals, the following Subsist ence Stores, viz: 2.22 barrels Extra Superfine or Extra Family FLOUR, (which, to be stated.) of approved brands, name of brand and number of barrels of each bread offered to be montinued in the bid. 300 bushels new WHITE BEANS, in floor barrels. 60,000 pounds light-yellow • COFFEE SUGAR, in tight' barrels. • _ 6,(1)0 pounds prime BLACK' TEA, in half-pound pack ages. (Samples of Tea as packed to accompany - bid.) 2,023 gallons 'VINEGAR, in new, well-coopered barrels. 19,(10 pounds good hard SOAP, In pound lumps, foil weight. SCO bushels clean fine, dry. SALT. 2,900 gallons MOLASSES, or SYRUP, in new, well coopered barrels. All articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and In perfect order for tmusportation. Bids wiR in clude packages and delivery in this city. Seller's name and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of Flour will be requirei. No bid from parties who have tailed to fulfil a former fo' reement will beconsidered. b)amples boxes. distinctly marked, must accompany HI taneblaeml. nod la :SA LLI g 411111131011f10100 OY Wilit4lllllffillllloo Of IWO responewie pcwww, Sir {be rellbinl performance Of the agreement. The government will accept the whole Or [MY part of the above articles, all needed. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores, and directed to • F. N. BUCK". rnlll2fit Captain and Com. Sub. Vol. Service. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TAKEN the largo and elegant Marble (11P11.1400 NO.. 619 CHESTNUT STREET, (extending through 757 feet to JAYNE Street, and 33 feet in width, ) for the purpose of carrying on the , •. AUCTIO. IN N AND HALL O ITS BRAN MISSI CHES. ON . nusnrEss, Our regular days of sale will be TUESDAYS and FRI DAYS of each week for all descriptions of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. In soliciting favors we would call attention to the an- Donor advantages we possess In having ono of the largest and finest rooms in the city for, showing Goods to the best advantage. We have also ample room for, the safe storage of goods. We shall be obliged for consignments, and any brts/nese that may bo entrusted to us shall receive prompt attention. • Liberal advances mado on consignments for our regu tar or special sales, and prompt settlements In 41 ewe. mht3-10t GILLETTE 60 SOOTT. • • . W 0 0 L.—CORDOVA, SAIJONIOA I DONSKISI, and other Wordeaultable for gerseys, Hoelery, Blankets, dm, &c. For sale by WILLIAM W. JUSTICE; • Wrol Broker; rnhl6-6t* Len South FRONT Street. HE CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, No. 431, Chestnut street, opposite Post Olflce, WILL OPEN March Illth, 1883. This OUR° wilt be 'conducted wholly on the European plan, and the choicast' yle,pds which the market can produce will be furnished- to all Who may be pleased to call, and at moderate prices. The et le and arrangements of this House are not to be excelled by any in this city. Mr. C. D. PARTRIDOE, the proprietor, solicits the patronage of all. those in search of a First Class Restau rant. • trili9 tit* TITE PRESS.--THILA.DELPIIIA. MONDAY. MARCH 16. 1863 PHILADELPHIA, E. -M. NEEDLES, • :1024 CHESTNUT STREET PROPOSALS. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1863. SPRING 1 863. DRY GOODS.. HOOD, 130NBRIGHT, - WHOLESALE DEALERS Ih FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODS, No. 435 MARKET STREET, PRILADELPHIA The attention of the TRADE is invited to their large Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Among which are choice brands of Sheet . • ing and Shirting Muslin% Madder Prints; De tabes, Ginghams, Lawns, and NEWEST STYLES DRESS GOODS. ISTEN'S WEAR GREAT INDIJGEMEAT6 OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. inb JAMES R. CAMPBELL 85 CO., IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, ARE RETAILERS OT/ DRY GOODS. '127 CHESTNUT STREET. Invite the attention of Cash Boxers to their FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK, Embracing the most desirable styles of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, IN ANY MARKET, MODERATE PRICES. mh7-tap2B QPRDIG STOOK SILK AND FAN,6Y DRESS GOODS, A. W. LITTLE So CO.; ra113.2m. No. 325 MARKET STREET. 1861 SPRING. 1863. RIEGEL; "NVIST, It ERVIN, IMPORTERS /OW JOBBERS DRY GOODS; No. 47 NORTH THIRD STREET, rkit,..A.DmxErre. Merchants visiting this city to purchase DRY Boone will find our Stock large and admirably assorted, and at Low noun. Es. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to Purehasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. • - rel32m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & 00.; rasporrsas AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS; Noe; 239 and 51141 W. THIRD STREET, 1.1301 7 3 RACE. PHILADELPHIA. Ray° noW open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOW OF FOREIGN AND Donesrio DRY GOODS. Annul willoh WiU bo round a more Shan 3114117 lITI TRW Yi - LADIES' DRESS GOODS: Jaw. lOW assorkmant at. NBRiIIitACK AID COaIIECO.PRINTB. • PIitGADAPHLI-NADE GOODB. m:===m SPRIIsTG, . 1863. YARD,. GrL;LMORE, & ,CO., Importer, and JobbersOf SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS. 617 CHESTNUT AND - 614 JAYNE STS.. Rave now open, of THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. a LARGE AND . HANDSOME STOCK OF SPRING GOODS; COMPRISING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS.: GLOVES, &c. Also, &fun assortment of- • WHITE GOODS, LINENS, FURNISHING GOODS, EM BROIDERIES, AND LACES. tihilatia4tlon tif the trade 111 ranuatext . 1613.3 m 1863. 8 r BIN 4:" 1863. JOHNES. BERRY, & GO,; (Soacessors to Abbott, Johnes, at co.) Igo. 527 MAR ET, and 524 COMMIIIICS Streets. PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOSBEES OP SILK FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS now open LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK nr DRESS GOODS; Adapted to the Soaeon. Also, a Full Assortment In WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, ZILAW - LO, doh, wbaci. th. 7 th. besii iittY2D.4 Are Particularly Invited to examine our Stook. fell-tt COMMISSION MOUSES. GRIGG ez H.ARUSTEAps to. 21.8TRAWBKRaT STREIT. Oft for tale. by the Package. RIPKA'S corroNADEs, SUFFOLK BLUE DRILLS, STANDARD BROWN DRILLS, STANDARD. BROWN SIIEETLNGS. - LONSDALB NANKEENS, Stc.., ga.. tabS ARMY GOODS. DARMILVE COAT 'CLOTHS.• DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. 8K -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANEETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-ignwr, DITCH. ' ' DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVE . LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND saIRT INGS. For solo by FROTHINGELAJA & WELLS. eel-If tf . .. • ; FINANCIAL. fiMAIUMA.M -ThIDEB7I)NEgg. LATE DATED; AND THOSE puE IN MARCH AND ArRIL,WANTED • DREXEL it. CO S.. HAUPT STOCK AND BILL .BROKF.R. No. 312 WALNITT NrREBT FITOCKEI and BONDS, and all kinds of U. G. GOVERN. MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission. ex elusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral neepielated at lowest rates. . _Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co.. Oeo. D. Parrish. FAQ.. - John B. Myf.11 . 3 . & go, katanel B. Thomas, AISQ.• iCiie«,is3l43lo7 , ,rdo.„Yoriah. alesaniu I VORYTYPE S.-4HE SPLENDID • style and natural appearance of REIMSR'S Ivory typee' strike all with admiration. More truthful'and ex- Prestive pictures cannot he found. SECOND St., above" Green. ' T'DWIN FOX TS. MARY ANNFOX. Court of COllll9Oll Pleas, December T., No. 1L Divorce. . Madame: Tate notice that the court as granted a rule on you to show cause why a divorce's viand° matrt moult should not be decreed . . Returnable on Saturday the 2let March, A. D. 1563. LitYCOCK. • nahlt3-20 Attorney for Libellantt REORIETARY CHASE SMOKES THE r•- , celebrated n ear patent Pipe. He paid in men backs. but we still continue to take Wilmington. ffew ark, Trenton, Reading. Easton, Allentown,and other email notos, at. par, for Clgarr, Tobacco, pipes,. Ito., wlraale or retail, at DIAN'S, 335 CHESTNUT Et,•• U=M= LADIES' DRESS AND , 4 ,1-."=xt i m Kr a P,_ Buie 6 imps, Embroidering Bend and basic Ornamonts, BilKPams, Soutnche Trimming, Cotton nod Silk Vonave Alpaca Braids. Silk Ribbons, [Braids. Guipure Laces, SIGs and Unionßeltings, And 'variety of other fashion" la Trimmings. Also, a full assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED AND SMALL WARES. The goods being all our owe manufaettire anrl iinpot tatioe, we can offer particular :Id vitutagea iu prices, mid Invite the attention of the trade. WM. FLHORSTMAN & SONS. 'Manufactory and Store, It FIFTH and CHERRY Sts.,laicOnikia. YARNS, BATTING,. AND WADDING. A. H. FRA.NCISOUS, Nn:_ I[IITIPP,. No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Effie in store the largest Flock in this City of YARNS, . BATTING, WADDING, dm.; YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, Ito. , YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, &c. YARNS, BATTING, "WADDING, &c., YARNS, . BATTING, WADDING, eic. YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, Ste. Cotton Batting Wadding ; Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarn, TwillA% Wicking, Ropes, &c Goods Bold at Lowest Cash Prices. WOODEN AND:WILLOW WARE. A PIIANCIRGUg, _ 433 MARKET, and ;5 North. FIFTH Street, - Calls the attention of dealers to his '':IMMENSE STOCK OF WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND. WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN'AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, DISCRETE, TUBS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BASSETS, BROOMS, _ _ LoOttlN C.dtitSUS, MILE AND 110011 WINDOW .SHADES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, &C. ; A LARGER STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS THAN ANY OTHER ROUSE IN. THE COUNTRY. CMW4ES WRINGERS, THE - GREAT. CLOTHES WRINGER. • •• • • PUTN.A.M "SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER" Is warranted to be superior to any other in EVERY FAMILY. SHOULD POSSESS A CLOTHES WRINGER. BECAUSE, Ist. It is a relief to the hardest part of washing day. 2d. It enables the washing to be done In one-third less time. 3d. It saves clothes from the isanr3 always given by twisting. - 4:h. It helps to was/4 the clothes as well as dry them. WE BELIEVE IT ADYI§ABLEI TO TlloooliEr TIM PUTNAM SELF.AD.THSTING CLOTHES WRIITOKR,. PUTNAMb.:ELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WitlisitiE. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING ;CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, Ekt • BECAII4E, • - • 'FIRST. The rolls, being of vulcanized:rubber. will bear hot and cold water, and will neitherbreak o nor tear off buttons. SECOND. The frame being of iron, thoroughly - galva nized, nil danger from rust is removed, and the liability to hrink, 'swell, split, &c.,so unavoidable in wooden ElRChlnec-is prevented. .44. THIRD. •The spiral spyings over, the rolls render this machine wdf-adjusting, so that small and large art!cles, as well as articles uneven iu thickness, are certain to receive uniform pressure. FOrRTII. Tito patent fastening by which 'the machine is tightened to the tub, webeiteve to be superior in sim plicity and efficiency to any yet offered. . Frrorft. It will fit any tub, round or square, from one half to one•and-a-quarter inches in thickness. without the least alteration. RETAIL .PRICE : No. I, $6 No. 2, $l5 SIP Agents wanted in every county. . Reliable and energetic men will bo liberally dealt With. For sale at the "WOODENIVARE ESTABLISHMENT" A. H. ,FRANOISOUS, No. 433 *ANEW St. and N0.•5 North rivrn St., mhl3- 'ln Wholesale Agent for Pennsylvania. WATVict, 4gyo.LftV,..c4 . • A FRESH ASSORTMENT, AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. FARR Sr BROTHER. Importere, mbB tt 334 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth.. At i • J. O. • FULLER, Oa"' Thrporter and Wholesale Dealer In FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. • No, 712 CHESTNUT Street, (Tp-stairs, opposite .Masonic Temple). Has nown_a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. • EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES L HOWARD & CO.'S FINE AMERICAN WATCH/IL GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES. AND FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fell-Sm • ich D. T.PRATT, (SUCCESSOR TO PRATE dr REATH.) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of .INSOLNIN. SWISS. AND A Xri 16113 - /I1 1Y 'X' Mgh Of desirable 6L 7 lee and quaisine, tv watt all °lsaac% of buyers. fel4-3mil Comys IN NVrRY vaturry IMITATIONS OF PEARL•AND CORAL. No. 7121 CHISTNIIT St mhll-?at • FINE WATCH . REPAIRING aim _attended to, by the moat experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. 0. RNSSELL, MI North SIXTH Stree ELI . IiCiLDE,N, Dealer in tine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, oc3l-6/A 0 708 ILIKKET Street., J . O. FULLER'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE. BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN AL•L' SIZES! fell-ft ELI HOLDEN, IN Denim' in fine . , • • AwiCAN A M ND INPORTED WATCHES. • MU, ANA ULOCA 'F - K111139 " tol!asfortment. all Nina and style& 43 . FULLER, Ho. SEE CHESTNUT Street. tall-3m HARDWARE. CLOBING.OUT, AT . O ; DDPRI CIE S,-• The stock :cot .a .*ROtESALS ROUSE,. comprising A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF • ALL KINDS OF GOODS. 427 MARKET and 41.0 001111EROBlItree rob6-Imlt .• ' .*.f7 STRICTLY PURE CALIFORNIA WINE& HOOK, ANGELICA, GRAPE BRANDY. • G. G. EVANS. naismiii. SOLE AGENT. 421 South FIFTH street STRAWBERRY WINE, • EQUAL TO 3111.315W4 Just resieived.. ALBERT Cl. ROB E R T B. pßepsit IN BIIIE GROOEI 4 I/18. , teeCOBNIR, BLBPBNTU and VIA S. NEWPUBLICATIONS. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE. All Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS 'BOOKSTORE; Will always be found on orr shelves AT TUE L OWEST PRICES. fe6-tt NO NAME !I NEW EDITION ! ! Printed on Tinted Parer, with eight steel illustra tions. 2 vols. 12ino, neatly Donn,' ill cloth. 'Price $2. G. W. PITCHER, 3n11.10-2t SOS CHESTNUT Street. READY (OFFICIAL); THE UNITED STATES CONSCRIPTION ACT, OR NATION. AL MILITIA BILL, WWI a conionc 'lndex for Reference. JAMES W. FORTUNE,] PUSLISIIER, P',l,tZ Centre Stroet, New York. PRICE:=:FIVE CENTS. NOLWELLE GRAM lAIRE FRAN eArsE. Env nn plan tree method - nine, par AL NOEL, Ttippee kw General de Vnnivarsite. Chevalier do la Legion d'llonneur, et M. CEAPSAL, Professeur de Grammeire Generale. Ouvrage mis an rang des livres elassiques, adopt pour les &Glee primaires eupGrienres et pour lesj eludes • PREMIERE PART(E. • - Edition revue et mine pu con an cc parr tite avec to • TI MOSS fi an., rublighArg, • • "auk,. - • - riteaClirET scre'ct. NT.EW MILITARY BOOKS.--TIIE 11 AUTOMATON BATTP,RY; or Artillerist's Practi cal instructor. THE AUTOMATON COMPANY; or, Infantry Soldier's Practical Instructor. TUB AUTOMATON REGIMENT, for all Movements ill th a Field. ANDREWS' HINTS TO COMPANY OFFICERS. CULLFS'S TRANSLATION OF DUPAIIOG'S- MILI TARY ART AND HISTORY. +LINDSAY & ELAKISTON, Pablishers and Booksellers, Mill 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. GENERAL BURNSIDE I GENERAL BURNSIDE!—A new Card Photograph taken en Monday • liter by Turner.- Photographer. A. few aoloet copies for eate at Q. W. PITCH,CW6', 808, GHESTNIIT Street. -mhit ANEW ARRIVAL ! SPLENDID STYLES!—Photograph Albums, Card Photographs, Card Frames, &c. The only place to find a fail a.sort ment in Philadelphia. PITCHER'S, mlil4 isoß CHESTNUT street, MR. AND MRS. TOM THUNLB Minnie Warren and Com. Nutt! In Wedding Cos tume ! In Wedding Dress Only 16 cents: Only 15 cents. Only 15 cents. PITCHER'S NEW STORE, mlll4 .. • St "8 CHESTNUT Street. HOW ARE YOU TOM THUMB! ' How are you, Maine Warreit? How are you, Commodore Nutt? - A foil supply of above celebrities at PITCHER'S, 80.5 CRIATATIT xrrur POt) , AIRW 111:18V01_11.T. sniAlcaito . AIN ; I'l'lCFiEß'rkW SPORE, rnbli 808 . CHESTNITT Street. NEW BOOKS.-TWO FRIENDS. BY _ll3oFt,”thsi:pj "!patitrioe of rinoo.” ~, IlE.Urrif 1 , r4 usNrll AND - ETaNIT't Frederica Rowan. *1.21, . THE LEAGUE OF STATES. By iossinz. 15 TACTICS; on, CUPID IN SHOULDER STEAPS. - V. 'for gale by WILLIAM' S. de ALFRED :NIA:WIEN, Mbl4 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. BATTLE -FIELD-.OF ANTIETAM.-- Map of the 13attle-lield of Antietam. Prepared by Lieut.-Wm. H. Willcox, Topographical Corps. Civinr* the position of the force?, the roads, the woods, the' ridges, and all matters of interest nertainin gr to this great battle. Price CO cents. For sale by WILLIAM. S. & ALFIZED MARTIEN, mlll4 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street.. THE . PARLOR GARDENER. A complete !Illustrated Guide to the cultivation of. Rouse Plants, care of . Green Rouse, Aquarium, and in. structions to many new and Beautiful methods of grouf ing• Plants, of Grafting, Budding. Sim Price 65 cents. By mail7o cents. J. B. TILTON & CO., Boston, 7111184 m Publishers. 25 CENTS.--P HOT 0 GRA P H AL 813318 from 25 Cents to 25 Dollars 4 The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and. lowest prices in the cir i'AITDARD • AND MISCELLANEOUS BOORS. all that can be found in a tlret.elase Booketore. at low ill :A aa. 1 1 11 - 11LITWPIONg 1.13 OLD PRIGESI Call in at the ORIGIlial. til - FT-BtXrK fell-tf 439 CFIESTNUT Street. GENERAL TOM:THUMB- AND __ LADY !—Card Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. TON THUMB in Bridal Attire. A pretty little picture of a Pretty Little Pair At the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOR EMPORIUM, A37-tf . 439 CHESTNUT Street. WI3ROTHERITEAD'S CIRCULA, . TING LIBRARY. —All the NEW - English and American Bunks. Including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library fu the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIAI BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. - • Terms 6b per year ; six* months .13; three months $1.50 . • one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 SonthF.IGITTII Street. mhe..3m • 471. A It D CARP Photographs of over 1,000 different fancy subjects, taken from life and from the finest engravings. Por traits of Generals. of both armies, Statesmen, Poets, and other eminent mon. Single copies 15 cents, or SUB per dozen. Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SCI3OLZ dr JANBNTZKY, 112 South BIG IiTH Street. iffir We also sell prepared colors. for coloring Photo graphs taken on Albumen Paper. Price $3.25 a box. with rednotng Gant& . fess-lm if 1 111211 .15110Ng PETAIEWg OIL • ' •Lip_r e c o h4IiARIM ymipit of Atwolankt !ht nit nm . A ortu rhotograpus for orluco this fut. Gallery, KG Street, above Green. It I TIIST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 906 ARCH STREET. Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. PROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SM. Are produced hp the most . EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wiehlnv first-class pictures are Invited t call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albume, alum, and frames, on Land. • F. A. 0. KNIPE. •- del7.llin . POPULAR -STYLE -PICTURES— ,REINER'S Colored Photoaraebsi line and artisti 'callr-colored pictures at pnpolar prices. Only $l, Go at ones to Gallery, SECOND Serest, above Green. . PHOTOGRAPHIO ALBUMS-A bugs variety fot sale at low prices by lams W. QTftF. & CO., dalSanit 924 CHESTNUT &root. Letter " A," SB. . . A. YOUNG MAN. WHO -11A,S. A . thoSouithnow ledge of the Gent; Furnishing. lilts-- nisi is desirous of procuring . a situation. Owl furnish reference. Ad dnsetr!' Salesman." Press office. -it• YOUNG MAN IS DESIROUS 4--•- or cbtatoiost a *situation a respectable business. ,i Address P. EL" Pm* office. • • WANTF.TI OLOTEEING.—PERSONS tutelnuee. 20.2 QII BTAIIIT. 6tm mi WANTED—A !SITUATION . AS Chia* or San Oman by a young mon of extensive buidame experience and acqualatanee. The highest re tontine as to ability and inteulty given. An active situation preferred. Address E. Y. L.," Box No. 1962" Post Office, Philadelphia. mllll4lO MI WANTED—A FURNISHED COT- MtAL TAG E, at Atlantic CRT or Chestnut Hill, far the Summer Months. Address Clay," Press office. nllll4-20' =WANTED TO PURCHASE —A moderate sized three-story Brick HOl3Bll, in a cen tral location. Must have all the modern improvements. Address "House," at this of stating price, terms, and location. ia3l-tf al , DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. —Pmi.ADELnue, Feb. 9. . VESSELS WANTED carry COAL to the following points Tortugas. Rey West, Fla. Fort lionroe,_Va. • Alexandria, Va. • Newham N.C. Fort Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, fete-tf Captain and Moist. Quarterznaater. CO.AL YARD FOR 'SALE. - THE bestShed-np Yard In tho city. Capacity for doing lo"grairaitrilnViir.:Dell/71°83/Irgaltria,Ne. 1 4 1 012 1 PILIf—it. NUMBER OF ITElirs • toeiond imorovod annul iloots of *V to 8103 net annum. dopl . r to ALFRED 1111EK, Conveyaueer, allcorth Sll.lll Street, below arch street. rahMet* ds a g • FOR SALE—THE THIRD .AND .W.S. Fourth house on the west side of BROAD Street, below COLUMBIA avenue, 'finished complete. Fronts of Albert freestone, walls papered, ceilings frescoed. Possession even immediately. • Apply at the southwest corner of mhltl-121 • NINTH and SANSObI Streets. t FOR SALE CHEAP, FOUR-STORY Brick. DWELLING; lhreo-story back buildings; Lot 19 by IZ feet. 22b North TWETIETA Street; price $5,000. Also threestory &c.,Brick RESIDENCE. with back build ings, situated at 1413 LOCUST Street; Lot 22 by ISO; price 29.000._ Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, 233 South TRIAD Strad. mlllB,3t* da FOR SALE—THREE DESIRABLE ar.a. private RESIDENCES, having all the modern con veniencen; one flrat-class on Race street, west of Nine teenth street; one on Wallace street, east of Seventeenth street; the other oh Tenth street, south of Lombard street. 'Apply to R. TAYLOR, mll6-3t • • ... 141. North SIXTH Street. • a. SPLENDID MANSION AND COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE —The subscriber offers for sale u. very eIecantrgANSIONHOUS E. situated at the corner of MANHEIM and GREEN streets, German tonn. The house Is befeet square, with spacious back building, built of slope; and finished in the very best manner, regardless ofexpente. with large saloon parlor, spilCiOna hall, and staircase, solid oak; large dining room, pantry, with fire-proof and kttokon on the first floor. Four - large) ehimilines Antis room. pith rill the Mgt uayinlekce§, 114 pprepr on the second; and Ana VI NY dry. The statue and cards Are oompleie, yino geruon In good order. The most sArnotivn rentnnseiere in the. OLD SHADE AND EVERGREENS. combin eon ing one of the •most desirable places to reside in the country. There ale about Bight Acres of Ground in the estate: con venient to Wayne and Dny's Lane Stations: and near the Main: street. Can be examined every dAy 1n am week. For further Partieulars. Yto LEWIS H. REDNER, It 155:1 South FOURTH Street. gla FOR. SALE-A VERY DESIRA BLE COUNTRY PLACE, of about 44 acres of highly-cultivated Land. with two small COTTAGES thereon erected, leading from the Philadelphia, Whiling ton, and Baltimore Turnpike road to the river Delaware, about 19 miles from the city, and about balf way between Claymont. and Holly• Oak stations, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad. which passes through this pro. party. The situation is high, healthy, and commands a fine view of the river Delaware roe over 20 mil Es—accoaal.;' ble by trains five !times` a day. Terms moderate and' acconunodating. Apply to . • A. 'E.' CARVER & CO , mhlB-ot. S. W. corner NINTH and FILBERT its. F 0 B.• SALE----A HANDSOME .w.a. COUNTRY RESIDENCE with half sore of land, 12 miles from the city. three minutes' walk from a Railroad station: situated on high rolling ground, plenty of Ague, and in fall view of the railroad. Apply to Mill, MontgomeryHEß, Spring Mill, county. PORT, MUSCATEL; FOR SALE—A SPLENDID FARM of 124-Acres, right at a Railroad Station,' one hour's ride from Market-street 'Bridge by rail; build ings good and Andy located; the land of the Asst euallrY and well watered. Arply . to JAPLES R. CIIIIKING rnh.l4-et• .Modla;Delaware county. Pa. Eli IRON SAFE FOR SALE-LARGE SIZE; madeby Farrell 4tt Honing, 'and but little . . Enquire_atilSO CHESTNUT Street. mbW2t . BRICVPRISSES; "CLAY „ WHIRLS. . CasHitk; Briclimakers' To'olb; 'Fttatorr 309 With FIFTH St. '• • (irtla4-luM S. 794 DIRATNTIT Between Seventh and Eighth Street CIRCULATING LIBRARIES: PHOTOGRAPHS. WANTS. FOR SALE; AND TO LET. MEDICAL. "A AMUR WAS OR ROllealth wars in "her look, Strength was in her atop, and in her hands—Plantation Bittern." S.-T.-1860-X. A. few bottles of Plantation Bitters Will cure Nervous Headache. Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affections. " Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. Pain over the Eyes. Menial Despondency. " Prostration; Great Weakness. Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, Sm. Which are the evidences of • LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It is estimated that Seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceed from a diseased and torpid liven The biliary secretions of the liver overflowing into the stomach, Pelson the entire system, and exhibit the above sYmii- After long research, we are able to present the most re markable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has ever produced. - Within one year over six hundred and forty thonsand persns have , taken the Biq so I"!ttn?s or coml>laint bas to our linowlculgol It is ft most effectual tout% 'dna agrcealfte Matti - fa% suited. to all conditions of life. The reporta that it relies upon mineral substances for its active properties, are _wholly false. For the public satisfaction, and. that patients may consult their physi cians, we append a list of its components. • CALTSATA DAna—Celebrated for over two hundred Testis 'in the treatment of Fever and Agile, DisPepsia, Weakness, An It !was introduced into Europe by the, Countess, \vile of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1.610, arid after wards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous price°, its own weight in silver, under the name of Jesuit's Pow. ders, and was finally =A public by Louis XVI. King of Francs. Humboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. CASOARILLA. DARK — TOT diarrhtea, colic, and diseases of the stomach and - bowels. DANDELION—For inflammation of the loins, and dropsi cal affections. • CITA:1101MB Ftowens—For enfeebled digestion. LA-VENDER FLowaits—Aromatic, stimulant, and tonic; highly. invigorating in nervous debilit3s. WINTERGREEIS -- YOr scrofula, rheumatism, &c. AxisE—An aromatic carminative, creating flesh, mus cle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also; 'clove-buds; orange, carraWaY, coriander, snake.. -T.-18511--x. or ~aaalnL o LL .. .„•1,..,4.1xt-s- tin, linct ti ittaliSV tn. Ma m ind, to yet unknown to-the commerce woria, art& we Withheld its name for th'e 'present. IMPORTANT C.F!RTIFWATK4, ROCIIESTER, N. Y.. Dec. dt, • Messrs. P, Dii.tita hat'e been a great suf ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in g„,riefg eases, and, as far as I know, always with signal Velma I am respectfully yours, PRTLADELrirra, 10th Month, 17th Day, 1862 - . FRTEND:-My daughter has been much bYtielitteby the until' thy 'Plantation Bitters. Thou WilsOn'il me two bottles more. • *ley hiend, ASA CURRIN. 7101 AN TrOnE. CRICAGO. 111., Feb. 11, 1863. if r eW . 11. DRVCE Sc Co. :—Please send ns another eits,:i'of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, tbd appear to Nava al:monocled everything else. and are greatly esteemed. Yours, &e., GAGE & WAITE. APIVIVAMEIIItg AM VOW flomDleted to grimly any de.. IDlllidfortllll itmeat WORM from itia Of I.loifolitiltol6 'tempo hag not heretofore been - Douala. The public may rest assured that in no ease wall the perfectly pure standard of the Plantation Bitters be de parted from. Every Dottie bears the faeaimile of our signature on a steel viate engraving. or it oznlree be genuine. . Sold by all Druggists, Grocers, and Dealers thyme!. out the country. .• . _ _ _ - - - . P... H. DRAKE & 00., fe27-fmwaplif 20X BROADWAY, New York HEALTH AND. STRENGTH • TO THE SUFFERING DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD OH•ERR.Y Has proved to be the moat efficacious • remedy yet disco vered fir all,..palmonary complaints, Coughs, gore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis. Hce- Tritysts (Spitting Blood), Short , Breath, Croup, Wasting Flesh, Pains and Sore ness. Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, • or rising in' the Throat. Broken - Constitution. from the abuse of calomel and other causes. 311 TlOB9l. BRIO, atza4 Complains. Let no disease, however had it maybe, or length of time It may have existed, discourage you until you have tried this great bledieamentum. Wonderful cores have taken place. . when, bo all human probability,-it could not be possible. The popular impression, strengthened by some scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be cured, basi) doubt hastened the death of many au invalid, by depriving them of the consolation of hope. Persons afflicted wish Pectoral disease should be supported by every assurance of a cure, not alarmed by the gloomy, foreboding countenances of •th,ose around. For our part, we do not believe that Con fruninif on is incu.mble ; and let Physicians theorise as they will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that per sons having all the symptoms of Cowman/ion, cough deep, bloody expectoration, .pains, and oppression, sore throat, dlarrhtes, night sweats , burning fever, Ste., have 'been permanently cored " Dr. WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposltion for active exercise Is sure to follow Its use. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries is con vincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that prepared by Dr. , Swayne & Son the original and only genuine. Dr. SWAYlik'd Principal once, 3bo North SIXTH Street. above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. - mh7-If tf PURIFY. THE BLOOD.- NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the bldhd. Of all the discoveries that have be- n --made to pnrge it out, none have been found which could equal in effect AYER'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood,. instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the boay. end expels the theorden, that grow and rankle in the blood. Its extraordinary.virtnes are not yet wido w !mem. hat when iboy sm. it will nolonsar•bal ORPAIOII remedy to UWPlo7la 111561 1 41•111 1 9 CT ammtlng dlseasee that toga re nu alterative remedy. Such a remedy. that could be relied on. has long been sought for and now, for the Sint time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues sur m.ssing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try It and see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, plea, Pustu/es, Blatches, Erterdnms, ate. , are Boon cleaned ont of the system. St. Anthony's Firs. Rose or Rrosipekas, Teller or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ac., should not be borne while they can be so speedily oared by Ana's SARSAPARILLA. Syphiiig or Venereal Disease is expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this Sarsaparilla, and the patient is left as healthy as if he had never had the disease. Female Diseases are caused by scrofula in the blood and are generally soon mired by this' EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Price. $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. For ell the purposes of a family physic, take AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, which are everywhere known to be the beet purgative that Is offered to the American peo ple. Price, 25 cents per box, or five boxes for SL Prepared by Dr: .7. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass., and.eold by all Druggists everywhere. rel3-faintm WYE AND EAR-PROF. J. ISA.A.CII3, Oculist and Attrist. from Leyden. Holland. la per. manently located at No. fill PINE Street. where he treats all dimming of the Bye or Bar scientifically., and, cares— !! curable. Artificial Byes inserted without vain. N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hours from 9 toll o'clock A. IL and. 2 to 7 P. M. a.43m0 For sale at Gould's. Andre's, and Lee • Wallter'a - music stores. Subscribers and inemhers-will receive their tic rein on the day of the Concert, front Ito 9 o'clock P. M.. at Gould's, corner of Se7entipand Cheatnut , Stu Great attraction is oEcred to the musical public in the production of the principal parts of the ORATORIO • OF 'THE. DELUGB, composed by -Dr. L. Mehtneu: and, in addition, a selection of toiscellaneousmusic, Colo, duets, : sneasined br the boe.t amateur:a and Abe- - 111YWInrgoly-iiterow ed horn of he &Moly ; Profeartlr .a- -••41‘ $l4 VT id* vtaNa•ii./. sa....asant.a.nen. . •dOTATUCDCO ai ft o'clock_ - iraz PHILADILPHIA AND NEW. YORE. s - k - zo - L AL :IN 0 T E, , ali gm t NOTICE. z;zilMo EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will resume their regular daily Hips between PHILA DELPHIA AND NEW YORK. ON TUESDAY, MARCH -10, 1863 FREIGHT taken on reasonable terms, and through from either city in TWENTY-I'Ol7R HOURS. For farther information apply to the Agents. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, 14 S. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. SAUTES with, mlll2-61 • 117 WALL Street, New York. WOMItiOMMAI.PHIL ADELPHIA AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1863 • WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1803 For WILLIAMSPORT. SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger. Trains legye Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. corner Broad and Callowhill streets, atB.ld A. M. and 3.30 P. M., daile.,Snudays excented. QtIICNEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in N or th e rn and Western Peunrylvania, Western. New York. &e., Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above. leaves daily at 01'. Id For further information apply to JOHN S. MLLES, General Agent, TIIIRTEENTII and CALLOWIIIILL, and W corner SIXTII 1.1.1 CHESTNUT Steeds,. jesk.o iw o_ nritt9 WELT OFFERTER 11111. . . VIA. MEDIA ANNUAL WENSFTCHESTER PT NNS Y M L VA.N CHURCH, Excursion Tickets will be sold between Phlindelphiu and ;Nest Chester, good during the sessions of Coa-. Serene*: .• • • •• • FARE FOR TILE ROUND TRIP, ONE DOLLAR.. . Trains leave Philadelphia from the Depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7. 02:aud 30.30 a. DI. , and at 2. GO, 4.15, and 6.30 P. DL Tickets must. be procured at the Mace. - mhl4-7t HENRY WOQD. Superintendent. 18631863: - PISITT. 1/ELPHIA AND ERIE. RA,IL , ROAD.—This great lino traverses the Northern. and and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erte. on Lake Erio. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, -and under their. auspices ie being re Idly opened throughout its entiro length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight, business from Harrisburg to Driftwoo.t. second fork 4177 miles) on the Eastern Division. and trom Sheffield. to Erle, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME UP PASSENGER TRAINS Ay PRZIADELpin, Leave Westward:, Mall Train . . . A M. ExpreesTrain ...lilts° P.M. Cars run through without change. both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and .Look Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cass on Express. Trains both ways between Williamaportand Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. • And for Freight business ofthe Company's Agents ti S. B. KINGSTON, Jr. , corner Thirteenth and Masket. streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Rile. J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore, H. -H. HOUSTON. _ General Freight Agentatilliadelphia. LEWIS L: HOUPT Generai TickeMPlGadraphia. OS. D. tabG•tf ' . General managerr, Willituuspart, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Leaece and Director . C ANSCHUTZ. Antli.l l ll 3111111PELD_ MONDAY EVENINO. March 16% SIXTH AND LAST NIGHT'OF THH SEASON. . For the firA Dine in America, . • THE SIEBEN" WIVES OF WINDSOR. .Comic Fantastic Opera, by 0. Nicolai, The plot of this Opera is in strict accordance with Shako • Peare's renowned comedy. WITH ENTIRELY IVEw coRTIIMES AND APPOINT MEETS. DRAMATIs PERSONAE. Sir John Falstaff Mr. Ford Herr Graff. Hen - Hartmarx. ' Mr. Pa n ge. Herr Weinleich. Fento • L Master Slender 'hu- Herr r Quinoa'. t. Dr. Cetus (a French phyAcian) Here M:1111 I , id. Mrs. Ford Madame Johannson. Mrs. Fage Madame Schaui_nbewr. Anne Page (her daughter)... Madame [totter. Host of tbe Grater Inn . Herr Delwin ger. First Citizon Herr S.-theeto., Second Citizen. Herr Sinsbeitm Third Citizen Herr Gross, Fourth Citizen Herr Kona. Cli ores aril Ballet. EcusE—WINDSOR AN I) PARTS. ADJACENT. In the. Third Act, ...A : GRAND BALLET, By RIA.D'LLE FRANCHETTI (her tiro appearance in. Philadelphia), and the Corps de Banat. WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 18, 1863, LAST PERFORMANCE IN PHILADELPRIA. - GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT 1114 Ayy HE§T.nrr-STIEET iA 4 Ih. WIIIITTIL 01 7 4:1Y TWICE MORE'. THE ORADivEsT OF SHAT SPEARE'S DRAMA/10 CREATIONS. MONDAY EVENING, March Id. ISE% VIE LAST TIME BUT ONE! EDWIN'FORREST wlll euuin appear in his SUBLIME EHAKSPEREAN IMPERSONATION, MACEETIL Supported a POWERFUL AND UNRIVALLED CAST. THE SCENERY ENPIREIY NEW AND MAGNIFI. CENT, _ _ Mr. T. McCullough_ . Mr. J. W. Mr. J. Canoll as Mr. 3. W. Collier :M.— Mr. C. Kingsland -a5.... Mr. G. Becks ...... Miss J. . .. Madame Ponisi. as. • .... • Mr. W. IL Leak as Mr. J. G. Burnett as Mr. J Martin as .. . Miss Mary Wells as .Orcbestral Conductor Mr. MARK HASSLER. TUESDAY EVENING, FOR THE LAST TIME, EDWIN TORRAS'''. s lrt the Great Dramatic Charocter., .11A CRETE" . . EOXESRAI NEXT, LAST APPEARANCE BUT ONE MISS LUCILLE WE&TERN. . AS THE ERRING AND PENITENT WIFE, IN F. EAST L7NNE • Or, THE ELOPEMENT. PRICES OF AD.MISSION.—FamiIy Circle, >5 cue*: , _Dress Circle, 50 cents,- Parquet and Secured Seats in ' Dress Circle, 75 cente; Seats Private Boxes. each St. ,Doors open at 7: Curtain rises precisely at 736 o'clock.' MB§. 119,41.1, , iligW'§ isiEVELVIENE gem sh--nn i ze - ..?" n Int" - • -11F-PTli , OF mr epo- x ft - --- I tt • , . THIS (Moll any) BVBNINN, Llarch I fJ, 1553, OUP AMERICAN COUSIN, Lord Dundreary ' Barton MU. ARlTrenchard Frank Drew. Florence Trenchartl To conclude with the thrilling Mrs. John D"W. ... THEi GUN nAIERE Dramaf G MOSCOW. Ern., wev ie Bierwacktt_ .. ~.' TUESDAY, tn., _ -Cr Prices as usa,. • charge. Curtain rises a I 'OS TRE E WALNUT-STREET Tat,- oir . T T Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. OARItc,. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. MORRELL.. Mr. J. S. CLARK. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. THIS (Monday) EVENING, March IG, Will be presented the Comic Drama of ROBERT MACAIRE. Jacques Strop Mr. J. S. Clarke. Previous to which the celebrated American Comedy of OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. ASY. J. S. CANFIORN. - - - Asa Trenchard Mr. J. 8. Clarke. To conclude with the Comic Drama of ' TODDLES. _ Timothy Toadies Mr. J. S. Clarke. Doers Oven at 74 Curtain wll . l rise at 73g. WAINUT-STREET . . . „.. The Lessee announces with pleasure Met she has ef fected an enaaaernent with 111 _THE CELEBRATED collEtor anr. J()LIZ:i gLApar. •.3Si 1" 2 I - r. I Lonpejioraxtuclidu, 1 1 / 4 ,1:4 , MONDAx IVENING. starch 10. and TUESDAY end WISDN.EaDNY, 17th and 15th. When We will appear in a series of those Comte Peek°. Pillions that have stamped him the ( , median •' par excellence" • OF THE AGE; THIS EVEN I 5 O. A CARNIVAL OF FUN. CLARKE in three Characters. CLaRKE as (a•new Fart)' • • ' Jacques MOP CLARKE as • :ANR rteneharit CLARKE Re Timothy Totidies CLARKE In THREE PLAYS, The Comedies of ROBERT MACArRE, ANERIG~Arf COUSIN, and •THE TOODtES. Secure seats.early. It GERMANTOWN.-CHITROFf OF . ST.. VINCENT DE PAUL. GRAND CONCERT OE SACRBD ' 3fUB3C: tinder the direetion of Protesso?3L.EL CRO&.q. , astilele& by distinguished Amateurs of d city; and an:ORA TION; by Rev. N. A. WALSH, on the occasion of int/ the SERF NEW 44-STOP ORGAN; built iJ till 3- Labs mit, New York; on TUESDAY EVEININO.• telt. 1:114.19111,. at Hi o'clock. PROGRAMME. :Voluntary - 3f. H. Cross, Kyrie. Haydn, N0..15. • Quintette • ' Credo • Duett • S D: S.• Laudate • • Vogler. ORATION. Solo, "Fac Tit liortem" Sanctus and Begedictua Duets for Sbprano and Bass Fantasia for Organ •M. 11 . Croes. Anus Del and Dona Nobis Rayda, No. 5. Tickets, SOceata eaeb, to be had at the Chtreb. Price street- Nah16,21.• Aoololllfir DUEDDIDIthI, 00111.11ili or TENTH agid,9IIBUNT Utreete* . ELE V ENTH WEEK_ CROWDEDROUSES. CROWDED HOUSES. WOODROFFE'd BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWEEN. EVERY EVENING. The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam-E a gine" MO. HITOR," made entirely of glass, will be in full opera tion..Manificent works of art distributed gratuitously! to 'the visitors. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Child ren's Grand GIFT MATINEES. Every Child will re ceive a GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING, March 20th, TOURNAMENT • OF WIT. SPLENDID PRIZES will be given to the au , thorn of the best and worst Conundrums on any suhiect. The first present, each evening, will be a SPLENDID CASE or erm3 - wQRK - .___ Admission. cts. -No half - virtue. - nstrib; • ....- Entices in the evening at 8 o'clock; afternoonas 9. m 1 &5 F,C.g.ENDORFF'S CARETS.-A , GRAND SOIREE MILITAIRE. of ECKENDORFP'S CADETS, will take place on SATURDAY EVENING, 25th et March. at the ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Cards .of admisaion, 25 cents; reserved seats, 50 cents; caw be ob tained at Gould's music store. Seventh and Chestnut streets. mhl6.6t • CONCERT HALL, • CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. SOIREE FANTASTIRUES MONS. HENRI DE GASTON. Professor of Chemistry and Physics, of Paris. - MONDAY EVENING March 16. IFA I ._ A:ND EVERY *EVENINGDURING TUE WEER. - PRESTIDIGITATION', ELECTRICITY, MESMERISM. NECROMA:NTICS.' CHIRO3IANTICS. ALCEITMY. AMUSING CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS ILLUSIONS. SOMNAMBULISM. -Oar-ATTENTION !—A. MARVEL NEVER HERETO -I't) WITAMIiPII4 , - - acne, '0 PV/ , ..,. 1 .11 m ...ruo may -aro ,l re 11.6L......1.5.,t ;AO. IL aseatai t genummhalbi. CITARLES LECLOQUE , with wham he as wort cite prize of 26,000 franca offered by the Academy of Vxils. The Somnambulist. being brought into contact with aal• per son, will answer that person as he would answer his magnetizer. Manor ALBERTI NEGRINI, the famous Italian Tenor, will sing in the intervals. The Orchestra is conducted by Mr. W. ZIEGLER. . The Hall is brilliantly decorated. TWEETS 25 AND 50 GENE'S. • Secured Seats may be had until 6 o'clock P. fit, at J. E. GOULD'S. corner of &wenth and Chestnut streets, and on Monday at the Cane of the Ball Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence precisely at S o'clock. THE - HDTCP INSON FAMILY, "TRIBE OP ASA'." - - - Have retnnied from Washington. and will give a CON- Clan' at Handel and Haydn Hall, corner of EIGHTH and GREEN Streets, THIS (Monday) 'EVENING, March 16th, singing their Songs of Home, Hope, ; and Happi ness, and the "Flag of onr Union Forever." Admission 2.5 cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open nt 7. Concert at 8 o'clock. IIatrARMONIA MUSICAL SOCIETY: The Second Annual CONCERT of the season will be dven on WEDNESDAY EVENING,..IInrch 13, at the. MUSICAL FUND 'HALL. TICKETS, FIFTY CENTS EACH. WEDNESDAY EVENIIG, MARCH . 12. can be had at the ACADEMY. a ret.Gonta'st Music Store. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT: Streets, or at A. BIBGFELD'S Office, .1.39 South SEVENTH. Street.- corner Of Walnut. rshiS—lt D . L. CARPENTER'S- SIGETEKETII ANNUAL FLORAL BALL, at the AMERICAN ACADEMY 0F.110310 , TUESDAY EVENING, Aunt 24tb... Family or Gentlembn Tickets, s32. Can be had of the Manager+, of Johm:Thornley, Es., Chestnut street; D. L. Carpenter's Rooms. SA ARCH Street. miao-12t• ASSEMBLY • BUILDINGS - GS—TENTRIa: and CHESTNUT. ,:ABgISEMENTS FOR OLTLAN,D , YOUNG. . FIGNOR BL UM' Thereat MAGICIAN and VENTRAWITIBT, with hl*. LE NED CANARY BIRDS,_ wtlLare his new ant4A popular entertainments EVERY INO durine_ the-, week, commencing at 7M o'cloo4, and VirEDNESDAY ; and SATURDAY AFTFOINGGNSMA: 3. The attractions., will be marrelions: Experiments in Manic; wooderfal Dowers in Ventriloquism, and Gm Learned Canar7l3lrde., in their new characters. Admission Z 5 cents. Children 13 cents. - - 1; 1 11RILANIA. - ‘-' 1 REHEARSALS every -SATURDAY AFTERAVOR:. at 334 tealock , at the 31HHT.CAILITUND HALL , : SUITS, conductor, Tiescto-' 2 1•1 4 'r. : i"" g 'i,*if tfl " • /l ttyptivihnhiattahr4o4Uniii. a) Maw. la ASS LE li . "8 0 11011.EBT111 A. r/SW OFFIelt, 214 South EIGSMI Street, below Walnut. delO-e , • - • IPENNSYLVI.. .AOADEIer OP • J- THE FINE C S AR, FIESTNRIt STREET, Is open daily (Sendays excepted) from 9 A. M. kill 6 P. Y. admission 2.5 ce . ate. Children liallpsioo.. Shares of stock $3O. . • J 99 44180 BM:Mr:Ts' AN 1)1. -a- PAY.nvooored and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of 1511i41, as are deceased..i reasonable and satisfaetory rates. Soldiers who ha' served two. Yeara, a@ all soldiery who have been tlVollarttc:bby reason oltwouuds recutved in battle, are tqw entitb.#ltta the sloo4ounty; and.the latter. also, to pellSiOn. AMES PD VON,Solicitor for Claitants, 4-24 WAIRMT Str,;olik NSIONS.-8100 BOUNTY. AND F p. 3, proenzol and collected for sold ar4lint and tbesalatives of snob as are deceased, aA reasoilitblo and sellafactory fatal. Claims cashed or fklyttnejseon. by JAMBS.FITiATO:r, Solicitor ArrglaiM434its, - 421. WALNUT Street,Fibi:wielphis.. Partici:day attention given to parties. ,at a dis tance. ". • • •oc IS-tt Slain SALT !-30,000,SACKS LIVE 'POOL' Grontid; 0.000 Ashton, and blarshalre One; 80,006 bags assorted Dairy and Tio, far Ws in leis to , watt, by , tag . - §, NDER KIER' zoltl4.6t* 13G SOUTH. aled ORTU WIEARVS. ADIES' HAIR BAIDS, WIGS, Curifi, Frizettan, Mar. - Amor, Ventilated Wou Ve'a. tilated Scalps of sapprior manufacture. Pr14.4,1re lqwee Ulan those of any oilier satabliahment. No, 009 cliPt. '3BiHet AMUSEMENTS. somms OERMA,Sf OPERA A. BIRGFELE SEATS ear' be eecured at ()nee • Barton MIL Frank Drew. - new play of AURORA. FLOYD. ; Seats secured without extra o'clock. • EXTRA ANNOIJECEMENT TICKETS FOE BIROFELD'S BENEFIT, PERSONAZ. Macdnif. 4 4anlittO. Duncan. Malcolm. ...... • ..Mosso. ..... • . •Serton. • Lady LadY Macbeth. Hecate. •••First Witch. .Second Witch. ..Third Witch. THEATRE - iii ydn, inhl4 3t*
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