VITY LATEST CARTES DE VISITE BY GIITE., xtrioyr,—Mr. Y. Cutekunst has brought out, within the present week, among other popular cartes de visite for the Album, fine pictures of the Rev. I'. De witt Talmage, Professors Mitchell, Dixon, and Oros; of Jefferson Medical College, and Professor George B. Wood, of the College of Pharmacy, copies of all of which can now be had at his counters, Nos. 704 and 706 Arch street. We observe, also, display ed In Mr. Gutekiist , a windows several portraits of life•size, of surerior merit, and understand that his orders for pictures of this elegant class are now quite numerous. His pictures of all sizes and styles have obtained a great reputation. SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING • CLOTHING. —Messrs. C. Somers & Son, the large clothiers, No. 625 Chestnut street, under Jayne's Hall, have now ready their magnificent stock of spring clothing, made up in the best and most stylish manner; also, a superb stock of cloth goods, from which to inske tip suits to order. This is one of the few Clothing establislunenta in this country where gentlemen can Lave all the advantages of a first-class Merchant Tailoring establislunent, whilst the prices are lower by a very large percentage. A SETTLED FACT.—It is no longer h question as to the fact that the place of all others ln this city to Lind the richest l most vuried i and in TC , TeUrD see bv4t atech or coniccuenii 13 as sec ropulnr onl bonne of Messrs, £, C 3 -. r Obeid nut street, below Fourth, neat door to Adams .& Co.'s Express. This firm has lens had the envi able distinction of selling the finest and purest con. fections, of the meet delicious varieties, at the prices ordinarily charged for inferior goods, owing to their immense trade as manufacturers and whole sale dealers. All who buy Confections should patronise this popular old house. - - STILL IN ,DotlDT.—Owing to certain things that have lately transpired in the various divisions of the army, it is now somewhat a matter of doubt as to exactly when the present war will end ; but there is not the slightest shadow of aims albility of doubt as to whore our citizens can buy coal to the best advantage, as that has been settled beyond controversy to be at Mr. W. W. Alter's Coal Yard, Ninth street, above Poplar. All who try his coal are convinced of the advantages which he gives his customers, in price, weight, quality, et cetera.. FINE SWORDS AND MILITARY Ft:TP.l;ll=- I's° Goons, suitable-for army and navy airlines, can always be found at the old house of Caltford & Son, under the Continental Hotel. FUSE SCOTCH ALES AND LONDON* BITOWN S - room.—Our readers Will tlnd the best brands and finest qualities of these healthful beverages at the old stand of U. H. Mattson, corner of Arch and Tenth streets ; also, tine fam ily groceries, of every Aassrlstiria Tnisras seven OCAIVVC secomiluml piano's .10r 111208. S. E. GOUSll,beverith and Otiestaiut., FOR AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Or MITE. 2.liP CAPS of every desorlphon for men and boys, go to Onkford & Sons, under the Continental Hotel. TRY Grigg EL Van Guaira7o Black Claaciinere Pants, at $6.60, No, 741 Market 'tree MISS EMMA IL TIDINGS, •of - New , York, lecture at Sanaom-street Hall, tomorrow morn ing and evening. • WEsimui4 liTErtottAzurs having orders for 'damask or white lace Curtains can have them promptly filled at the wholeeale and retail Curtain ..tore of W. H. Carryl. Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut street, . • W. H. O:IItRTL. DAIIASES.—Two cases worsted Church 7DAMasks. Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut, JACQUARD LACE CURTATES.—JUSt re •oeived, a choice lot Jacquard Lace Curtains of ex •ceedingly rich designs, from $2 to $1.2 a pair. 219 Chestnut street, in Masonic W. H. OARRYL. CLOTll§c7:72bgtHltii kg i RIIc Veen Fekiii Olathe, 11IRS01110 Mini 11110 1 / 1 31111UE 84T0(14 W. IL °ALLEM. WINDOW SHADES.—PIain Holland, paint ed, and gold-botdered Window Shades, in variety. Masonic nail, 718 Chestnut street; W. H. OARRiL. THROAT AFFECTIONS. —A. physic i an Wri ting from Nowfane, New York, speaking of the be- Zeticial effects requiting from the use of " Brown's /Intl/Wel .Troches,': says : " Oblige me by sending a •dozen more of your Bronchial Troches, enclosing bill. For alleviating that horrid irritation, only felt by those who have suffered from any bronchial affection, and for hoarseness and sore throat, too, I am free to confess (though I am an K. D.) they answer all you claim for them. I would beg you to feel that lam -one of the last men in the profession to puff a nos trum, but I feel I am but doing you justice to assert what I have." 'To avoid disappointment, be sure to •atain Ike genuine "'Brown's Bronchial Troches." MALE DEESsm hTtEms.--.& Writing from Abyssinia, says ; "Fondues the ibys ainian women are of embroidered garments, it is strange that they should never try to gain even a slight acquaintance with the use of the needle, Sigh and low alike depend upon their male friends for any stitch in their dress. Tastes, of course, vary in different countries, but I confess that it always provoked me to see a tall, bearded fellow, acting the clresinnaker, and a slender girl performing the func tions of the groom." It may bp a little strange to the Abyssinian to ace a girl grooming a horse, but It te nothing strange with us to see fellows who aredall bearded, and fellows who "are not al ale bearded, making dresses. They can be seen every day at CHAR. 8201 CIA & Co.'s first-class Ready-made Cloth ing Storeomder the Continental. • TEE IltoA-CLADs.—While Uncle Sam is sheathing his vees,ltor war in iron, and the rebels are covering their forts with 'l' rails, Rockhill& Willson, She proprlctorc cu tilt) Bramatone Moth. lug Hill; Mitt tin in turd OhGatllllt Win lOU® 151Xth, are furaishlog Iron-clad garments to shield the breasts of loyal soldiers. The Iron-Wads of this famous firm consist of neat military vests, in which bullet-proof steel plates can be introduced at plea sure, and the wearer be thus render invulnerable to traitor's balls, so far as most of his vital parts are concerned. R. & W. have also on hand a large assort ment of the most elegant and approved uniforms for military men. • . ADMIT atdAMS. —MOMO Speculative phi losopher says that the cigars consumed throughout the country in one year would make a worm fence Six feet high around the District of Columbia; and the air expelled in smoking them would drive a dozen vessels like — the." New Ironsidesii round the World, with enough over to do the wind work of all the patent medicines in the United States. • We Would like to know how many yards of carpet could be manufactured if all the magnificent stock of cloth", XioW on hand at the renowned Clothing depot of 'Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, were out and sewed into carpet rags. Where in the philoso pher that can tent ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LABT RIGHT. Continental—Ninth Thoa Menderfon. Cuicao Shoo W Vernon, lien tockY R Worthington. Ohio Brothrohill. Ho lik.llFl r J Rutherford, Waslin m A Bartlett, A 16 Goodrich & lyre, N Y wmi Yoh% Easton, Pa All? Freeman, Boston Wm LI Lowden. U S A Julius Dexter, Cincinnati T A 'twining, New York AL Miller, Liberty, Mo Sherrard; hew - York B 1:03%t0n, Baltimore Edw Taylor, New Turk - AC Polling, Albany P R Richard, Burton L Hollinanworth. 80-inn II S Cementer, Brooklyn D 6 Sinclair, JerssY CS y CP Girt Deacon on , WabYork lin, LI 0 P , New C I add, China • Nu' T C Ladd ,k 3 el', Piffled Geo Rogers & wife, Ito ton F Clem, Now Turk L Deninon, Jr, New York 11 Chamberlin, N I Alex Toting, New York rn l e Go T Lewis VALI T E Beans, dal Aebbel Welch. New Jersor E H Hyde, Froeport W H Pierce, Baltimore L E Riding, Now York Melville Millard, Catania 6 Thome, New Bail' int L Schultz, Indianapolis A Hardy and wife. BoAon L P Dunlap, New lork ‘ r H u mphrey, Brooklyn EA Darling New, York nt Parker, riew York W 0 Nickerson, 8..-iton Olrard—Okestrint a C P Rose, Penua W Donnelly, New York James Carey. Mass 0 Brown J H Torrence Al Ross, Penna .7 A Greet. lialtinuirn iCI Senerwein, Baltimore t Taylor, Waelliugioa Tilghman, Hari , limi N Brennan, Willi', Del J icbolas NmotY, N Dunlop, Cincinnati Hortou, Homieville O Waite, Pittsburg LT Foetal, Alanob Munk R Warren, Baltimore In Only, Nem York 0 D 'Rev A ill &titm iceWiggi , Lo ns, M ck I il raven Rev T L Tomah's, Aid iIovINY T Tail, Maryland Blerokanta'—Fourth It 0 Hunt, N Jorssv. Ella E Haut, N Jersey Bitea H Wlldrlek, N Jersey J K Mitchell, Danville .TS Wall. Washington E W hlattheua, Penni' Alex Beak p 7.akn, Huntington. Pa .J Eabu, Huntington Nelson Roberts, Coon Dr Jas Kerr, Pittsburg rs Kerr, Pittsburg firs King 'Pittsburg o Stein er,ood, Penns JP Penns JBarry.Tsmaqua oe hi Hadden. 01110 R R Dtsborougb. Trenton 'WS Raney, Oh io A M C Cramer, Maryland M J N Coyne • W)t Mester, Ponna Mnerfoan—Cheatuut J 11 Porter, U S A 'rhos Janine pr L Oberholrer,_Penna W W Meredith. Wilmington 41:11411,plee C Wray 33 Flinches J Painter, S A Oscar Jameson R Thompaou h tvf, Pa O Benton. Jr. Penna. L Moore, Penns B Downeyy. Nev Jersey O F Conredt: Baltimore .7 31 Conra4, Brooitlyn rathapel Hatch, .Wa,411 Louts--Clhearanat ,7 Faulk, WashNatoli X, T Backlit, Chicago O Vi r Horsey, Delftware • Jacob Foss, Now York It B Cheney, Pon ua • 0 Yale, New York ,T 11 Dayle, Now Jersey /gent c,a aucwell, if 5 N Rill@ 11111011•Arfill IT 0 itgitrlsti Jnn ci myna, Wm Uprlegraff Flagprstown Jas A Fisber, Hagerstown Amos D 'Rumen, dld Jo. ennninklinm, C A Boimearsin, Oblo S E Fttch, E 61T York National—Race sit A (I Davis;Connecticut lieukiticy J W Scott, Peun 33 Hauck, Easton Balliet, Lehigh co Iriali,Pot twine Robert Mal tin Jenne lEol4l.ll[ler, Ohio John W ein, Lebanon States Linton—Sixth A S Reed, Delaware .T T Whitton', }'wand Mr Johnson, New Jersey Vogel, Peuna L Ile odeL Aitltersville S BCIPOV, IttManville John Walden, New Jersey jebil Sehooneker. N J W Taggart, New Jersey A Motor. Now Jer.ey JasA King, New Jona J W Bradshaw, Obto COMMOIVIRI — Sbah Kt (1 Lonrlnt I), l'enna J WMon. I'ellllll B Led: weal, Delaware F Flynn, Memphis. Tenn T Shaffer. Ch ester co F Daley, Yarmouth. D Howard, Chester Pallas (119 K Motior: s flonn_ . ttolitgecker, FuneerCown , Wongedlor. Flowertawn . .Toe Ttheker, S Easton, Pa. Geo Walter, Lebanon • Blnek Bonr—Third 3 K A Kophart,Doylosebiva ' 0 I' tiltutt, Doylestown 0 Jann•y,Ynrdleyvillo 3itml A Neeld.rardleprilie • I 8 To. xlet , Yardley/10e \V Ede ows,llloreland Madison—Second St., above Market. M Uldor 8: le, New Jersey /C T Pnruell. Delaware Jet. Neeley, Hocks co IR Realm, Johreirille )114. Roily Penney, East Tennessee J C Easton, Now York Mount Vernon—Second street., above Arch Lewis Whipple, New York I Robt Bilges 4: la, Penn Cars J.Burrotighs,Trenten LC Mem, JE;%ston, Pa W. H. OAItRYL d ' Chestnut street,. W P Hammond S Ford, Columbus, 0 C Kingsbury, New York Wm 8 Reese, Baltimore C S Bushnell, New Haven James) Day, Sionington,Ct B ChamPneys_, Jr, Nana John Smith, kieW York F Almy, Donlon John Slade, New York Ed ward Slade, New York Joe DI McClure, Milford. Pa Capt 17lrle Dahlgren W B Hatch, New York . . Wm startle, New York J Flemlnga wit's, Penult aeo A Mills & la, Baltimore A Harrison, Maryland .1 B Hubbard, Now Orleans J Ostrom - T Ponßimy & wife, Balt Mrs W T Riggs, Baltimore W Bernard, Missouri John J Davis, Pew 5 ork Wm J WErner, Baltimore S A Henry, New York Oeo L Ward, Boston Muster H A Webster, N .; II Bennett, Chillicothe, 0 Col Lawrence , Washington R I, Seely, Honesdale T B Pennyman, Honesdale BF at Martin, Blair co, Po. D H Ross, Cherokee Ration J Haldeman, Pa W P Rumlor & wife, Ohio W W Johnston. Indiana N Phillips, Boston C Donaldson, New York P FL Jackson, New York C Pickett, New Rayon B S Sanford, New York Dr AI Lauber, U S A Laubor Vickery, Baltimore treet. below Ninth. Sarni B Dorian, Mosier co J Ii Brinton & in, Chest co AIM Smith, Delaware co Col S Mathis, Caracas 'rhos X Conrad, New relit Coo 0 Stevens, Baltimore Robe Moore, Jr, Maine Jas B Brett, N.w York I Judge E Donaldson Cant P L Jones, Maine L D Chase, Naples, N Y D F Artine, Brooklyn A W Watson, Harrisburg Ell Bowen, g uns A H Matz, York, Pa Rey John A Comme, Ala Dr .7 II Culver, David's Is IDr A N Brockway do Dr H S Plvinidon, do Henry J Melly, Mlddlotwn Root &Peterson, N J l street, below Arch. W A Knight H Spencer, Ohio J Forney, Shippensburg Keefer. Orrstown C R Earley, Elk co. Pa J Earley Elk co F M Hutchinson, Pittsburg G N Rowland.. Penns Hon 0 W Stein, Easton H K Flutter, N York . G Kissel, Milton - 3I N Ream, Ohio L Stedman, Baltimore W liorman, Lane co, Pa A Pettebone, N York Jas Cald wel l, Allegheny Jae Woodburn, Peana C B Hutchins, Lisbon S H McKean, Lisbon W Wells, Lisbon A IL Adams, Hesston street. above Fifth. J Du Dole, New Jersey A 6 EMIL, St Paul Dr 0 W Nasser & %11, Va L L Bush, Delaware IP Ludlam, New Jersey C Baker arla.Wasltlugton R Mayer. Norristown • Ii Ci Id Dillon, Wilminahn 15 H Bradley, Indianapolis E Bradley, Indlanarlls IC D Brown, Id 1), Wash I J IP Baldw i n,ading IA d New York D II Bingham MRS Parkhurst Newark 1D L Disbrow. Trentoa street. above Third. A W Hartwell, Now Jersoy A Patera, Providence E Houghton, New York W 1i Ranker, Net York. J W Nen , York Peter•Erav, New Jersey •• 11 Dike, New Joraoy • !MVO RI M& Biovhies, lint Tort. tu, Walker, Somerset C C Dtneneiman.43consereet F iligby, Detroit Geo Mi Derail. Heading .T D Patterson, Haeton ' Geo G Evans, Delaware Df Bernhardt I. above Third. R Darrach, Lemma u, Pa J A Ellisou,lowa AT Thompson. New York Petors,Paterson, N Tames Street. Ohio .1 McNeish Vow Jersey L M tlieneft, St inrys.CSY A S Loomis, list Km, Pit and Market. streets. P Minch). DaKimono J K Johnson, SniPre% Ilk J thrtou. Nov YorK Col Ornham. rano re Mro Jones, Wooh. D C Mr Jones. Wash. C Mr limn. Wits 411. D C iI Solovor. New York John P Parr Chao lelito t Lane co Kenna reet, above 43heirtant. Ulla& At la, Chester co Thomas 8 Smith JWoes & s, Delaware o it .fionlflon, Delaware W B ()shot tree, Delaware Dr J L Scott. Coatesville ' Ettchus, Cheater no ;8 behonnay. Penn gluts Benna, BuckA en Oliver Bolderson,Buckti co B Brown, Byborry 'lL4nbovciCallowhlll. 3 M Wellheyser, Somerton Goo M Garner, Doylestown II Verkes, Penn Amos Bowers, Fox Chnso , nose It:Woman, Danboro IV Dickerson, Attleboro 1J It Haldeman; Doylestown SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. ..5271411111 SWEAT, • of - CIONNECTICTrf, e the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infleillbie Lluiment." Trig UN - LUCKY COLD TY TBR BARD OP TOWER HALL. To show what misery from a cold, (Though 'tie but in the head., )May grow, Young Pottigruel did unfold To ao this otory of his woo: ' "1.7 . 1 laulrensegeal we wore to wed; tva slat t cattaghttrom keen Starah ail- A cold nit kn m r Lead. • My reddened eyes streamed down with tears. However . pleasant was my task ; My nose most bottle-like appears, My vote° seems smothered in a cask. " I knew that in this wretched plight. My looks would quite repulsive seem; And so I kept me from the sight Of her who was my nightly dream. "Another fellow seized the chance. While I from Lucy stayed away. And did so well his snit advance. That aho bas named the bridal day. "He never bnd a cold. hear: And must I tell the reason why? At Tow - naI:ULT. ho buys h!s sear, And always has a good supply." We have the largest assortment of Ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia, of every size, style, and price, made in the best and moat fashionable mauner. Every one can be suited from our stock whatever ho his taste. Our prices are mach below market rates. \TOVirEB. HALL. Ho. 618 MARKET Strout. BENNETT cis CO. WHY BE TROUBLED WITH COUGHS, COLDS, Eloalences, or anyTtamonary Complaint, 'when so sure a remedy as JAIIIES EXPECTORANT can be ob tained? Sold at No. 242 CHESTNUT Stroot. inbl4.2t Iniptlvallwo Grvifuntrv.—Omp 6v.vvv. ‘..r[1.3 , 01 notleo fa 16 6214nEiiiii1is HgrAJILIgtISISNI of alr. JOHN O. AMMON, (formerly J. Burr Mberc,) Non. I and 3 North SIXTH Street. A truly elegant establishment, and tilled with the choicest goods. Tim celebrated Pattern. Shirt, first cat by J. Burr Moore, which has given such general satisfaction, is made there. All his manufactured articles are made by hand In the best manner, and at moderate prices. STEIEWAYS' UPRIGHT GRAND Th e numerous admirers of STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS, and the musical public in general. will be de lighted to see and hear the new constructed Upright or Cabinet Pianos of this Ii mat the undersigned. In CONSTRUCTION, VOLUME OF TONE, and TOUCH, they are FULL GRAND PIANOS, standing upright. The Steinways' name is sufficient security for their last ing qualities. • BLASIUS BROS., ml7-7t • 1000 CHESTNUT Street. THE CHEAPEST—BECAUSE BEST. Simpler in construction. easter managed, doing work hat others fail to do, and executing it more neatly, the °ROVER gc BASER SEWING MACHINE • Has won popular fay..._ and should be in • kEVERY FAKELY. Call and Examine MACHINE AND-WORE. OFFICE. 130 CHESTNUT STREET. -1,04.10 t ONE-PRICE . OLOTiIiNG, OF THE LATEST . Tri.v.s, made in the Rest Manner, expressly fox RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Orry-Psica SrsTax is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. • del2-1Y JONES Sr CO., 004 MARKET Street. ,A BEAUTIFUL • COMPLEXION CAN BE 0/3- tamped by the nee of HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April.blas, and Jane. are the best moot to to use mt Blond.Poltirina rotrolv Roo adrm MOMOTIt. BATCUELOR'S HAIR DYE I • THE BEST IN TEE WORLD WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the ill effete of bad dyes, and Invigorates the hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &e. Mir The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY greet. (Late 233 Broadway and 13 Bond street. ) my2B-ly ew"York. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate, They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the min& They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach, They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarhcohs, Cholera, and Cholera 3forbus. They care Liver Complaint and Narvons Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pare St. Croix Bum, the cele brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are. taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate per sons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drimpists. Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO.. 2112 BROADWAY, New York, se2.l-6m 11.7A+4-mig_kr.hemi.iii INN—MORRIS. —On Fifth day evening. 3d month, 12th, 1563, by Friends' ceremony, James T. Shinn to El len, dangliter of henry Morris, all of this city. No cards. • * BACHMAN—CARPENTER.—On the 10th instant, in Lancaster, Pa.. by Rev. George Siglar, Saimaa! F. Bach man, of Sterling, 111. and Mary E. Carptenter, daugh ter of the late Michael Carpenter, ex-Mayor of Lancas ter. 013DINOT--STANBING. —On the 11th inst., by the Ilev.Edivard S. Marks, Mr. Michael Oadinot, sergeant of Company E, Rath Penna. Vols., late of the United Buttes navy, to Miss Emma M. Standing, of Philadel phia. ax FIJD . FLITCRAFT.—On the afternoon of the 1311 instant, Jesse 11. Plltcmft, aged 71 years. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to s Mend his tuneml, from his late reside co Bridesbnrg. on Monday afternoon, March 16th, at 1 o'clock, without' further notice. witho ut' further Friday morning, 13th inst., James Goodman, in the 68th year of his age. The male friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, No. 453 North Sixth street, on Monday afternoon, March 16, at 3 o'clock. •• FRABBORPL—On thel2th inst., WDliam Freeborn, in the 36th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, and the in spectors of the Philadelphia gas works, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his sister, No. 27 South Seventeenth street, this (FittnrdaY) afternoon, the 14th inst., at 2 o'clock. Interment at Mount Mortal' Cemetery. • NOOKS. —Suddenly, on Wednesday night, March 11, Mary IL , wifo of Carlton R. Moore, in the ed year of her age. The male friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, en Monday next, at it F. M. without further notice, from her hyshand's residence, No. 240 West Lo gan Stumm •• PERTY. —On the 11th instant, Rev. Patrick Raf ferty, patter of St. Francis Church, Fairmount. mere wilt belsolemu retie' on mass on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Tho Rev. clergy, and the laity inleneral, aro respectfully invited to attend without further notice. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. • ** JORNSTON.—On the evening of Bruck 10th, Jackson Buchanan Johnston. son of the late Captain Thomas Johnston, IL S. Army. Ilis mate friends and those of the are 'requested to attend his funeral, from his mother's residence, No. 1299 Spruce street, this afternoon, at 2P. M. (Baltimore ',writ nitwit, copy.] • BIIIINELL.—SuddenIy. on Wednesday morning, the 11th Inst., William W. son of Dr. Wm. W. and Lizzie D. Burnell, aged 2 year s and 6 months. • (REVERS. —On the 11th instant, Mary Ann Gordon daughter of John and Annie Chevers, aged 7 years and 2 months CLAVEY.—On the 32111 Inst., Charles Myer, son of Ann and John Clayey, aged ID years, 7 months, and 19 dsys. COOPER. —On Wednesday night, March 11th, after a lingering illness, Wm. R. Cooper. to the 12th year of his atm. BLACK FLORENTINES._ A new thin material, 3-4 and 8.4 wide. Black Ramo Element 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black Bareges 3-4 and 8.4 wide. Black Crane Mirages 3-4 and 8-4 wide. Black Cbalys and Crape Tammatans. Black Bombazines and Summer Bombazines. • Black Oros-grain anti Poult de Soiling. Black Glossy Lyom Taffeta Saks. Black Tandses and bloussellnes, • Just Received by BESSON & SON. MOUNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND A- 4 town, are OPeraillt Nook-Spun Silk ehawle, Lama Shawls. long and 111111211 Black Thlbot Long Shawls. Black Barege Hernanl, '1 and 2 yards wide, Black Florentine. New Fabric. fe`N/ E YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, are opening_ Spring Style Dress Silks, Spring Style Drees Goode, Stripe Reps Skirting, English Bombazines, First. Quality Gloves., , , fe2B r3''.srtlux TUALlSM.—aziss .F.11151A. TIMID! NOB will Lecture. at SANSO &I-STREET lIALL, on SUNDAY NEXT. at 103.; A. AL and 734 P. H. Admittance 6 cents. Inhlo-Intlis-30 HOIMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 11.118 CUTHBERT Street—This institution is now. open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most oomfortable manner. nea of charge. B. F. GLENN. no?.E•tt 50oretaTT of Bowl of laanagers. pagp._fiv.ooND,llolßElll M. 011111pIIII catslett 474,1,10,2 -REV. JOSEPH PERRY WHAT. preach at the UNION VOLUNTEER REFRESH MENT EALOON bUNDAY Evening next, at 73( otteek. CHILDREN'S CHURCH.—TRE next efoutloly serViCo for the Yonne will he held in the OttUROH OF THE EPIPHANY. TO-MORROW. AFTERNOON. et three o'clock. It* # 4 / 7 . REV. DAVID STEELE, PASTOR of the Fourth Reformed Presbyterian Church, corner of EIGHTEENTH and FILBERT Street% will French TO-MORROW at IRK -and vi o'clock. levooiog cowed: 7 Ire TWO WriIiFrAARA. 11.. T. 11. STOCKTON,.PASTOR Off , the Chnrch of the NRIV TIBUMBNT. 'will Primo)) (D. V..)'SABDATH fdOIt , IING . at.lnX o'clock, In the Chapel, at , the corner of EItIiVII,TH. and WOOD Streets. No preaching at night, It* THE GOLDEN RD LE.—DIS-• 'll."‘ COURSE in St. Matthew's LtiWotan Cbarch, NSW Street, below Fourth, between Race and Vine, by the. Pastor. Rev. E. W. RUTTER. TO-MORROW EVE NING, at 73.4 o'clock. Morning Service commences half paid ten. 4011URCII.OP THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING G ARDEN BELOW 1111.0A1).—Rov. Newton. of West Mnter, will (D .V.) preach TO-MOR ROW (Sunday) EVENING, at o'clock. The Rector Will preach at 10) - 6 . A. lg. - Stratrifcris will be accommo dated. with scuts. M' REV. T. J. SHEPHERD WI U SHEPHE RD Preach the fifth of the series of Sermons on the :even Chorells of Asia TO-MORROW' (Sunday) EVA , NINO. nt o clock, in the Presbyterian Church, DITI'- TONWOOD Street. below Sixth. Stadoct.--" Sar.lis; Or, The Chnrclt Mittoililiug with Shmbaring." it° Talt:Z . 7E. Traii7 , 7,17..w7 . 171 1 113-10L.."'"' .11, S. Gl-IiI'ENTEN Galls wamtMillitar ChllPllb. Brunk lieu York, Nri vresoh to-morrow, at tOli n'Oack A. M.. and 734 o'clock P. M . and administer the Sacra ment of lli Lord's Slipper in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. • 111. E. UNION CIIUR4III, FOIMT/1 near ARCH Ctrcet. Bev. G 8011013 E. IMITEGI., or Youghlmrtrelie, Nr.w York. (formerly paetor of Union Clturcli,) will preach on to-morrow (Sabbath) morning nt i(3 o'olook. Err. A. Atwood. Paetor, will preach his farewell , erinott in the evening at 7) o'clock. M. ALEXANDER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NINSTKENTH and GRICRI streets. Preaching TO-IlliltßOW, nt 1014 A. M. and 7./‘ P. M., -by Rev. P. M. CUNNINGHAM: pastor. The evening sermon will be the third of the ratios on the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. The Children of the Sabbath School will be addressed at 3 P.- M.. by the Pastor of the Church. • le FIRST REFORM ED DUTCH CHURCH. SEVENTH AND SPRING G AEDEN STREETS.—Rev. John' IL Suydam, Pastor, will by re quest (1). V. I repeat the discourse delivered by him on Christian Patricitiem," February VA. illustrated by the Life and Character of Waalainatoa, TO- MORROW EVENING. Service in the . Morning at 103 f o'clock, in. the Evening at 734 o'clock. It. REV. C: P. KRA.UTI-1.2 D. D., WILL preach TO-MORROW ( ftbbath) AFTERNOON. in the CENTRAL PRESETTERIAN CHURCH, cornotof CHERRY and EIGHTH Streets, at o'clock; ear which, a collection will ho taken in behalf of the poor under the charge of *the Home Missionary Society of Philadelphia. TEIOBIAI4. T. MASON. 11* Chairmen Committee on Public Madinat'. M. SOLDIERS , DIEETING.—TILE Fevonty-third Meeting of the Army Committee of the Y. M. C. A., for the farthentuce of the Moral and Rolla - ions training' of our • Soldiers in the Plaid. the Camp. stud thn klospWO. Will be held to the First rzellytkilanSturO, citnt . of BROhD and iirmailliaur svVIK: rtp I ZEIL7 will be made by the Hay. W. 1$ BuIRDMIN, of tun Ctrfstian Commission . Item. r. • BRIP BE, and other.. The public ore invite, . lt. MCOURSE Or FIVE LECTURES to br delivered in this city. daring March and April, at Um MUSICAL PM HALL, LOCUhT Street. below Ninth, by the following reverend gentlemen : JOHN G. MCI, HIS, D. U. of Baltimore, on March . 19th. Theme: "What have Women done in Art?" • ..••. - • . . CITIARLES RRAUTI3, D. D., March 26th. "The (baud Need, or What Is to Redeem our Laud and our Race ?" Roy. P. W. NUTT IR, April Oth. "Tito City of Wash ington and its Public Meo. Roy. 0. F. NROTEL, April la. " E Plxtrilmq Unnin." JOSEPH A. &RISS, D. D. , April 23d. " Tho Fatima of this World." Simile Ticket. 25 cents; Course Ticket, OIL To be had at the Lutheran Publication House, No. 42 North NINTH Street, at the priacipal Book &bras. and also at the Hall on each evening. Lectures to commence at S o'clock. Doors open at 2X o'clock.: It A RIX—THE LADIES OF THEE SPE, 116.7. CIAL , Relief Committee, the Ladies' Aid, tho Twentieth-street Reading Room, and the West Philadel phia Reading Room, unite in expressing to Mr. Ernst Hartmann their cordial thanks for his liberality and public spirit in volunteering his unpaid services in La beller the Concert for the Soldiers, which took place re cently, under his direction; and for devoting to the va rious preliminary arrangements so much of bis time and Personal attention. They will add that the proceeds of the Concert referred to amount to over one thousand dol- MIT, which will render Important aid to their respective societies in their work of ministering to the wants of our sick and wounded soldiers: lt* NOTICE.—A MEETING OF THE Ladles' Association of the Holuteopath la Hospital will be held In the COLLEGE BUILDING, on FILBERT Street, above Eleventh, on SATURDAY, the 14th inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. 4.,11111.1109aipg to rigtal lv ror ,t ) Dari t." . fta 44 rviaLkt ils - etwelama.eni kak-itZi.ot,4,i_ • DILA DI. A. 1Y1I16(1M ADM maw. A IIiPPTINO OP TI=IE Y AIEN PAINTERS' ASSOCIATIOX will be held, nt THE WETHERILL HOUSE, SiESOM Street, h. ON * SATURDAY EVE?ING, March 14. At 8 o'clock. kvery member is earnestly requested to be preset t. All Jou radmen that are not members aro invited to come and join us. G. W. BAINES, President. Wu. G. OITFIRNS, Secretary... . • MREADS. READ!: READS:! TAR SULWAY'AIRRCURY I TEE SUNDAY. MERCURY II .THE ONLY TIMER-CM PAPER IN PRILADEL- FRIA. • • Will contain TO-MORROW a Ilistoriof The St. Domin go Massacre! on. • What Resulted from Arming the Negroes! BIRESER, JOHNSON, & CO.' M. AT A LARGE AND INTERESTING DIEETI NO, held by the Ladies attire COOPER SHOP HOSPITAL on MONDAY, nth instant,. it was re solved to hold a FLORAL, FRUIT, and FANCY' FAIR, at the Institution, commencing June Ist. Miss Anna M. Ross was elected President, Mrs. William Cooper Vice President, Mrs. James Horner Treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Chase Secretary. After some preliminary business. ad journed to meet on MONDAY, 16th instant, at four o'clock P. M. intil3-2t* - ANNUAL CONInIit.NCIMMENT Ob the FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE of Penn sylvania. On SATURDAY, tbe l4th hist., at 4 P. at the College On North College avenue. 1 , aledletory ad dive by EmelinetH:Olevaland, M. D. Professor of Ob stetrics, alma Diseases of Women and C hildren. mbl3-tto Me UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA, VA—MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.—The coin tuencera Atter conferring the DeKree of Doctor of Medi cine. will be' held at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on SATURDAY. March 11, at 12 o'clock IL The' valedicto ry to the graduates will be delivered by Dr. William Pepper, Professor of the theory and practice of medicine and Clinical medicines. The public are respectfully In vited to attend. mhP-Z M CITY 'COMMISSIONERS , OFFICE. PUILA.DELPRIA, February 21, ISM TO. HOTEL AND TAVERN KEEPERS, RESTAU RANT, and others, desirous of selling LIQUORS by less measure than one quart. Applicants for LICENSE will apply at THIS OFFICE, as provided by act of Assembly, approved Aprili2O, 1808, on the following clay., vlx.; -11....----—• E.. Salikidll • " Third unit kintilit . Wednesday, " " Fifth Pi, radsy, " • .6, '• • Sixth Friday. " 8, Seventh and Eighth Monday, " Ninth and Ten t Tuesday, " 10, " Eleventh " Wednesday, " 11, " Twelfth and Thirteenth • • Thursday, " 12. " Fourteenth and Fifteenth ' Friday, • • 13. Sixteenth Monday, " . 18, Seventeenth • . Tuesday, " 17, Eighteenth and Nineteenth: .!Wednesday, 18. " Twentieth Thursday, " 19, " Twenty-first and Twenty second Twenty-third and. Twenty fourth Twenty-fifth... fell-to nah2s OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK" PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS STREET. BELOW FOURTH. —Pnii.AngyrinA. March 6, ISB3. A special meeting of the Stockholders of this Comirany will b held at their office. on SATURDAY. March 21st, at 11 o'clock A. M., to take action upon the Supplement to the Charter, approved March 4, 1663. By order of the Doard of Directors: __ n hO-12t CHARLES R. ABBOTT, Secretary. OFFICE OF TILE SUR.GEON-A.R. TILT TO TEE ARMY AND DAVY, PHILADEL PHIA, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for Sup Firing Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the once of the Snmeon-Artist to the Government. No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALICER. ia243m - Government Surgeon-Artist. M. THE PENNSYLVANIA PHIS IN. SURANCE COMPANY, March 2. 1863.—The Directors have this - day declared a dividend of FIF TEEN DOLLARS PER SMARR on the stock of the Com pany for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their leant representatives, after the eth instant. WILLIAM 0. CROWELL, mbe-tl3 keeretary. TO ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS IN THE ARDlY.—Sohliers' Aid Societies, en, clergym edttorx and others are respectfully eouested in to aid disseminating tho following notice, which is ostof inter to all who kayo niece the army. • DIRECTORY 'ollllidtirosPiyALs The Sanitary Commission have made arrangements for supplying Information gratuitously with regard to patients in the United States General Hospitals at the following points (others will be added): 'EASTERN DEPARTMENTS. — For information address " OJlicc Sanitary Onll7/liBSilln, Wasitenarm, D. 0." Vi ashington, I Point Lookout, Georgetown, Annapolis, Alexandria. Baltimore. Frederick City. .WESTERN DEPARTMENTIL — For information address , Office Sanitary Cammieston, Losstrntlfe, Ky." Cuminnati, Danville. New Albany, Perryville. Louisville,..Bowling Green, • Covington,Gallatin, Lexington, Nashville. Information will, under ordinary circumstances, be gives to shy one applying fur it, in answer to any or all of the following inquiries. If' the application is by letter, the answer will be sent by return mail; if in per son, it will be answered at once: Lis— (giving name and regiment] at present in the hospitals of 2. If so, what is his proper address? 3. What la the name of the surgeons:or chaplain of the hospital? 4. If not in hospital at present, has he recently been in hospital? 6. If so, did he die in hospital, and at what date? 6. If recently discharged from hospital, was he ilia- charged from service? 7. If not, what were his orders on. leaving? - More specific information a-' to the condition of any patient in the District of Columbia hospitals will be fur nished within toes ty-four hours after a request to do so is received at the Washington office. The office of the Directory will be open daily from 8 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., and in urgent cases ap plicants ringing the door-bell, will be received at any hour of the night,. Much inconvenience In conducting the business of the Directory-having arisen where visitors have been given direct access totho record books themselves, this Prac tice will hereafter be discontinued; nor can lists of wounded in hospital,: by States, counties, regiments, or otherwise, be hereafter tarnished from these records. The Sanitary Commission, under special anthority from the President of the United States, maintains an ex tensive system of agencies for securing the tare convey ance to and distribution of goods put in its sharps for the sick and wounded, at points where they are most want ed. It operates with equal care and gencrosityat all points —at New Orleans. and at Washington, before Vicksburg, and et Nashville—its distributions being governed by a comparison of the wants of the patens in ail cases. To ascertain the relative character of these wants in a trust worthy manner, and to secure an eq'titable distribution and honest use of the goods distributed, besides the unpaid services of the members of the Commission, twenty physicians of high professional and moral cha racter, and more than fifty lay agents aro employed, under pecuniary securities, for responsible and efficient service. The cost of those arrangements ',has thus far been about three Per cciitum of the value of the goods distributed, The COMMiSSOM has not.been able to obtain authentic evidence of losses, miscarriage, or miaappro prialions, to the value of ono dollar in ten thonsand,of goods which have been once received at its shipping de whichThe following are the names of these depete, to auxiliary societies and all disposed to aid the sick and wounded, without reference to States or localities, but simply to their relative necessity for assistance, aro invited to send their offerings: Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply. Office, 22 Sum mer street, Boston. Mass. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply (Mee, 10 Third avenue, New York. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, 27 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Bank street, Cleveland, Ohlo. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Chicago, Illinois. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Louis ville. Kentucky. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid whatever from the Government, and is wholly dependent on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of eneiaining its °pennons. Contributions to its Treasnry are solinited, and may be transmitted to GEORGE T. STRONG, Esq. Treasurer. 58 Wail Street, New York. The names of following gentlemen, Commissioners of the President of the United States, are pledged to the public for the economy, integrity, and efficiency with which whatever is entrusted to the Sanitary Commission will be administered: A. W. BELLOWS., D.D. HORACE MENET, Jr. A. B. HAMM, LI , . D. Rt. key. T. N. IJLARK,D.D. G. W. CULLUM, U. S. A. Hun. JOSEPH HOLT. A. B. &Mse. lion. R. W. BURNETT. R.: C. Woos N . 1.1.. U. S.A. Hon. Armor Sgirrsait. W. H. VAX BUREN, M. D. Rev. JOHN FL HEYWOOD. . Woimn-r GIBBS M. D. Pref. FAIRMAN MAIER& 8. G. HoWE, M. D. Hon. SCHUYLER COLFAX. C. It. AGNEW, N. D. FRED. LAW OLMSTED, ISsq. EL/SRA HAUEIs, M. D. J. S. NEWBERRY, N. D. • GIYO. T. SruoNci. Esq. Central Office of Sanitar Str y Commission. 24 , 11- F 'eet, WASiiINGTON, D: 0. February 7,-1913. fe33-thstulOt THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. :MARCH 14. , 1863. " 51 min/ °l‘ • Thr Committee will lilt daily iu the Rooms of the NA TIONAL UNION EXECUTIVE CO3ITHTTEE, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. CHESTNUT Street, above SIXTH . . Prom three to five o'clock P. TI., and from sevon to nine o'clock P. DI., to enable all Demons loyal to the Union to sign the Constitution, and become members. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS. President. S. SNYDER LEIDY. Secretary. MBRADFORD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—A meeting of the Stockholders in the Bradford Railroad and Coal Company will be held on MONDAY next, 16th inst., at 10 o'clock A. H., at No. 9 South NINTH Street. • Important hominess. . . A. lt.. PERKINS, President. .1861. • ....* SPRING . • 1863. HOOD, BONBRIOHT, cS; The attention of the TRADE is invited to their large Stock of Among which are .choice. brands of Sheet ing and Skirting Muslias, Madder Prints, De• Laines, Ginghams, Lawns, and • NEWEST STYLE ' S DnEss Goons.. IN GREAT rmucrir. . GREAT INDUCEMENTS Or rSRED TO -- CASH BUYERS. _ Inbl3-2m ‘n,,,nevvv‘Air MOURN/NO. DEPARTIKENT Inyito attention to their LLlgill 11UD 11131EPLEIN .111811TMEMT Compriaing such makes of GOODS as they can re commend with cont 3 dance. DONGOLA AND VENETIAN !. • ROBES, ..,.• A I& BORDER:E..' ANIINTIRELY NEW ARTICLE IN EVERY COLOR JUST OPENED. • . JOHN W. THOMAS, • . 406 and 407 North SECOND Streot. T)RESS GOODS FROM LAST SEA.- deON. wWe alolllllll DM a large Etilfitof O ran 4099(1 rwrvitneve & IPA ninnielli R) I'M' rllVet, Ain Wile 'llllmielsim, Mpambfatiat Ceeillem, Darcge Anglalth Pale Printed Eames. Pada Printed Lawns, &c.. Also, a large Stock of FANCY DRESS SILKS. CURWEN SPODDARP & BROTFIRR, 450, 452, and. 454 North SECOND Street, mbl3-2A above Willow. EMBROIDERED PIANO COVERS AT LOWAPRICSa—a. fnll aasortment of Green Burgun dy and Crimson Cloth PIANO COVIREI with rich em broidered borders. SHEPPARD. YAP( HARLINGEH, & AnßisoN, mlfl3-12trp . 1008. CHESTNUT Street. BLEACHED MUSLINS.:-THE SUB= scribershave a full assortment of the best makes of Sh irt g —as Williamsville, Wanomitta, Wauregan, Sanger Hein, Lansdale, and New York Mills, below the wholesale mice& • SHEPPARD, VAN HAII,LINOEN & ARRISON, inhl3:l2trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. LINENS, LINEN G00D.% ,tc.—TITE largest assortment in the city of firat-olaas reliable Shirting Linens, and Ltneu.Goods generally, mach be low the present advanced prices, to which the attention of families and buyers geoorally is raspeetfhlly Invited. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLIFOI3q, & AMMON. . mhlB-12trp . . • • 1008 CHESTNUTStreet: 1863. " SPI . UNG VI,MDE." - 1863. llasjust received; and ears at moderate prices, 100 printed LIEBE . CAMBRIC DRESSES, choice styles and extra quality; ale° 2, Pieces Printed Linens for boys' wear. JUST OPENED. M. NLEEDLES, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. • 100 pieces WHITE PIQUES. 1500 to EL Oft . no II NUPE and ElNUElell_ 500 to ELM illnltrwaoti. la anima for MINI" out' Gil winos , are orered at i r erT mo4e rale prices. JUST RECEIVED, A now lot of Lace Trinuned and Muslin BOWS, latest styles and very moderate .prioes. , . • . E;;;,,AL NEED LE S, • . 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES, Monday. ' j, JAMES .u aPSHAVT " , Mark.. Ens received 100 TRBIADWEILS, from $3 to 612 each. These goods are dared at prices much below presen market rates. " uthll-1m SPRING CLOAKS. Water-Proof Cloaks. Black Cloth Cloaks. • Cloaks blade to other. Bost Hoop Skirts: (*ore & CONARD, mh3 S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets NVIDE SHEETINGS. Good Shirting blinding by the piece. Fine and I ow-prised Flannels. Table Damasks and Napkins. Spring Prints and Delitines. COOPER St CONARD mh3 S. E. corner NINTH and lildßKET.Streels BOYS' CLOTHING. JACKETS. AND PANTS . . . BOYS' SUITS, $6. • • • . SUITS, $7. • • •••:: :BOYS'. PHTS, $B. • • • • SUITS, $9 - .. • tOt.siz 130Y81' .. SITITS;41.1: SACKS AND SUITS EVDE TO ORDER. LARGE STOCK OF GOODS TO SELECT PROM.. GOODS AT BETAII4OR DIEN'S'AND BOYS' WEAR CQOP*II. & CONARD. mbu-t.i. corner RISME AND, MARKET Ste. • • • NOS. 1 & 3: NORTH SIXTH STREET • • • JOHN 0., ARRISON; (formerly J. Burr Boom ) imPOirrEu AND MAYIMACTIIBER OP (Ii3NTLEIkEN'S • . FINE FURNISHING GOODS. Bepecial attention invited to hie mhl4 IMPROVEI.O.PATTERN SWIM DRY-GOODS 'JOBBERS. DRY • GOODS. WHOLESALE DUtERS IN FOREIC4- AND . DOMESTIC • RBI tegnii, I k 3 a I"aliNr s! T 1 11414411711A1 STAPLE AND• FANCY GOODS, ALSO, MEN'S WEAR RETAIL DRY GOODS: THOS. W. EVANS & CO. MOURNING GOODS, 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mhim !oss , ktargyprr ! m um.. . NE - ED TaES 100 dozen LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, at rDS coats. 100 do do do at 15 coats. ,E. M. NEEDLES,• 1024 CHESTNUT STREET 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, CLOTHING. R • S. REED Sc COMPANY, . WHOLESALE GROCERS, 115 ARCH Street, Have on hand, and . pffer for sale at slight advances, a full and fresh assortment of GROCERIES, New Orleans, Porto Rico. and Cuba Sugars; Refined White Sugars; crushed, pulverized, and pulverized coarse, of Love ring & Co. and other refiners. R . 2 l 7 .3, l l ;l:llM 2 ArtU l e. ja llel o n ' Oans, Porto Rico, and C‘ S ico u o&olasees. Teas, Spicer, . • 11.• 11 . • SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS HATS. • • - • - - - - - WARBURTON, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, Adjoining the now Post Ogice, invites the attention of gentlemen to his NEW FASHIONS for Spring Wear. lu gentility of style, 1310611, 11T7111106% of brim, and gene ral dnrability they will be found equal to all just ex pectation, while in the matter of easy fitting—imprint ing no marks on the forehead—they are not approached by any others. This desirable property Is imparted by his " Patented Flexible, Ventilating, and Grease-pre venting Band," which be continues to furnish without additional charge. SECRETARY CHASE •SKOKES THE celebrated new latent Vino.' He paid In green backs but we still continue to take Wilmington, New ark, Trenton, Heading, Easton, Allentown. ad other small. notes, at par, fur eigarr, Tobacco, P' ipes, wholesale or retail, at DEAN ' S, 336 CHESTNUT Bt. robl4At• TVORYTYPES I IVORYTYPES. -s- All who wish portrait likenesses should get RBI )lEWS natural and beautifnl I'verrtypes. Skill and ex patience are evident in their execution. SECOND Street above Green. . • . • It PRICK PRESSES, --CLAY WHEELS. I 3 RICK Cheling, Rikkmakers'Tools, Factory 200 Bonth FIFTH St. ..[lnllll-Im.) S. P. MILLER. SALT! SALT!-.-30,000 SACKS LIVER POOL Ground; 5,100 Ashton and Marshall's Fine; LO,OOO bags assorted Dairy and Tablo_, for ELIA in lots to suit, by ALEX iNDER KERR, ruhloGt. 130 SOUTH,. 220 NORTH WHARVES. TTNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WILINGER, 1. Saves its value in wear of clothes every six months. •No. 1, Large Family Wringer......Blo. With cogs. No. 2, Id( Minn Family . Wringer .... 7. Warranted. No. 2M, Medium Family Wringer.. e& Without cogs. No. B,_Small Family Wringer ' s.*Not warranted. No Wringer can be durable without CHESTNUT St. WALCOTT & BURNHAM, 721 CHESTNUT St., Exedusive Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania. mb4-if-lna . ! -. .. . . CEIADITAGITE.—AN INVOICE OF • "Gold Lac" and "Gloria" Champagne, just re ceived per ship Wm. relimn, for sale by the solo agents In m ths United Stahm CHAS:6. SE JAS. CARRTAIRS. No. 196 WALNUT and 91 GR &MR Ste. TAROS' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, One* . Primates, Goasamer, Ventilated WWI. Ven tilated Scalps of supqrior snamsfacture. Prioes are lower than those of any other establishment. BAKER'S,' fe.i-lm• tbs. WS CRESTriIIT Street. ramiga Awn WIDDIEL nrvvyyvvvvvv•vvwvvvvvjwvwvvvvvvwvvvyyvvvv A. H. FRANOISOUS, No. 488 MAp.KET, No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Has in store the largest stock in this City of YARNS, BATTING, YARNS, BATTING, YARNS, BATTING, YARNS, BATTING, YARNS, BATTING, YARNS, BATTING. Cotton batting, Wadding, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarn, Twines, Wicking, Ropes, &c Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. WOODEN A'ND WILLOW WARE. A. H. FRANCISOUS, 433 MARKET, and 5 North FIFTH Street, Calls the attention of dealers to his IMMENSE STOCK WOODEN AND. WILLOW WARE , , WOODEN: AND: WILLOW WAmt.„ WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, _- WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODENIELTD -- wiLLOW WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, WOODEN- AND WILLOWPWARE, WOODEN AND. WILLOW WARE,. 'WOODRIi WITIOW WOODIA Amp WILLOW Willa, BUCKETS, TUBS. Minn, BRUMES, BASKETS, BROOMS. LOOKING-GLASSES, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL-CLOTIIS, • WINDOW-SHADES. . . • CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, &Cf: r A LARGER STOCK OF TBE ABOVE HOODS THAN ANY. OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. CLOTHES; WRINGERS. . . . . ' Nnnn.r . ,,,wwWW6fyvvv•vvvy. THE. GREAT CLOTHES "PUTIVA.M. “iiEr i zADjusrm 'OL9TH:ES . WigNMER,O Is wariaiteid Co tie superior to auy other In use i*9trX;D POSSESS A CLOTHES WRINGER. BECAUSE, It is a relief to the hardest part of washing day. 2d. It enables the washing to be done in one-third less 3d, - It saves clothes, from the injury always given by Att.. 2.4. kelso to loasktiko a..t thous- WE BELIEVE IT ADVISABLE TO P.B.OOIIItt PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WETItGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, PUTNAM SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER, Pram. The rolls, being of vulcanized rubber, will bear hot and cold water, and 'will neither break nor tear off buttons. Sitcom The frame being of iron, thoroughly galva nized, all danger from rest is removed, and the liability to thank, swell, split, &c,, so unavoidable in wooden machines, Is prevented. TAMP. The spiral springs over the rolls render this machine self-adjustiug, so that small and large articles, as well as articles uneven in thickness, are certain to receive uniform pressure. . FOURTH. The patent fastening by Nvhigh the machine is tightened to the tub, we bailey° to be superior to shll plimty and eflicienerto any yet offered. Farm It will tit any tub. round or square, from one hair to one•and•a-quarter Inches in thickness, without the least alteration. RETAIL PRICE : No. 1, $0 • ' • NO. si t 8.5 l etter "A," ANP-Agents wanted in every con nty. airßiiiible and energetic men will bo liberally dealt with.. For Rale at the - • . ‘WQODEN*ApE ESTALTSHIEFINTI! A. H. FRANOISCUS, . . . No: 433 MARKET St. and No. 5 North FIFTH St., inl7S.2m 'Wholesale Agent for Pennsylvania. UOMMISSIOIN HOUSES. GR T GG & HARMSTEAD, No. 21 STRAWBERRY STREET. Offer for sale, by the Package, RIPKA'S COTTOITADBS, SUFFOLK Buis DRILLS. • STANDARD BROWN DRILLS, STANDARD BROWN SIIEBTINGS ! • ze.iiricasmaga, ans..-are. mns ABlll7 GOODS. • DARIL,BLITIrCOAT CLOTHS. • . DARK-WM . OAP CLOTHS. SHY-BLUB.CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10.01 DICE HUM DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCH. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHINGHAII & WELLS. sel-If tf MILITARY GOODS. GW. SIMONS & 'BROTHER, . EANSOH-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANITFACTURERSOF JEWELRY, " FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY jaMt6m CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, LATE DATEe. AND THOSE DUB IN MARCH AND APRIL, WANTED DREXEL & CO. inhl4-be s HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 317 WALNUT STBNNT STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN. MENT SECURITIES bonght and sold on Commission, et elusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negoclated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail !ball receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter 4; Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq John B. Myers & Co., kaysnel B. Thomas.., N;;;;e - ii,Yrfii deleZmit $lO,OOO, $5,000, $2,000, $l5 000 ~ and $l4OO. to invest in 111 . orchee or Ground-rent security. JOHN North OEMAR. 325 SIXTH Street. 'VT ONEY TO INVEST.—PERSONB. 4 •TA- wishing to make safe investments of money on the security of Real Estate in the State of Delaware, can ob tain all the necessary information In relation thereto by addressing B. B. COMERYS. ia24-wdisSin At the Philadelphia Bank. HARDWA4E ! . CLOSM 0:.01YA .OLD E S , The stock of iirrioiasetx HOUSE, comprising A LARGE ASSORTIELINT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. .• 4%7 MARKET and 418 COMMERCE Streete. • mlOl-3mlf QT RIO TLY PURE CALIFORNIA. WINES. SOCK, - P,ORT, ANGELICA, liIISCATEL, GRAPE BRA.NDY. O. G. EVANS, mh6-12tif SOLE AGENT, 42 Sloth FIFTH Street. FAMILY DYE COLORS I LIST OP COLORS: BLACK, SALMON,. • DARK BROWN, SCARLET, SNUFF BROWN, DARK DRAB. LIGHT BROWN. LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUE, YELLOW, _ • LIGHT BLU__,_E LIGHT YELLOW. DARK ORES* . ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN. MAGENTA. PINK, SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLUE, SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON. •VIOLET. FAMILY DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls Scarfs, Drones, Ribbons, G loves, Bonnets. Hate, Feathers Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of °Near lag Apparel, with perfect fast color.. A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders Concen trated, are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat pack ages. For twenty-five cents You can color as many goods as would otherwise coat live times that sum. The pro cess is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by HOWE Itt STEVENS. WM BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers in ovary Cityand Town. dektft•tuths-fim it WCENTRAL. EATING HOUSE, 431, Chestnut street, .apposite Post OffiCe, WILL 'OPEN March 10th, 1583. This House will be conducted wholly on the European plan, and the choicest ylspds Which the market can produce will lie furnished to all who may be pleased to call, and at moderate prices. The style and arrangements of this House are not to be, 'excelled b any in this city. Mr. C. I)._ PARTRIDGE, the proprietor, sonata the Patronage of all those in search of a First Class Iteotan ik.ront. rah° 121° • newwwww SOMETHING NEW, PRETTY; AND ITUMMING BIRDS. AUTUMN LEAVES SERIES, I, 2,9, 4, • BUTTERFLIES AND .MOTRS OF AMERICA. Printed in One oil colors, 6 cents each, or 50 canre per dozen. ' CARTES DE VISITE, copleslo cents, Do do from lifo, 20 cents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Turkey Morocco, holdlng'oopleturos 1 161.30 Do do 3.60 Smaneieizes at correspondingly LOT . , PRICES. For stile n t flit) PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOR' SOCIETY, Eld:d4 CHESTNUT STREET, • - : PHILADELPHIA. !.. • 11. . . PTEBSON'S .00UNTERFEIT .DE • TECTOR, for March 74th. is published this day. WADDING . , &c.. WADDING, - &c. WADDING, . &c., WADDING, , WADDING, Ittc. , WADDING, &c., FETERSON'S ..COUNTERFEIT D , TECTOR, for liarch.l46, to fill of New Counterfeits PETERSON'S CUCT.N . TEBFBIT: . .. DE TECTOR; for M ARCII 14th,' pahllalied this day at T. B. PETERSON S.: BROTHERS', No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Everybody should anbeeribe for it once. Single numbera 10 conte. or $1 a year. It AURORA FLOYD !-AVTIIOR'S UN ABIIIDOED EDITION ! AURORA 'FLOYD ! 'RUDY. RDITION. and tikke t.s AVIIVRA F.?! E 4 °Yq 2119ffitllIfi 11101 HY 111153 21. 131,10,134,1,—. nnnt 0.0.1 mitt 012-13 PD HAN.] IMP tIIMIDWA in no JIMA AtiAiro volume at tbteClUDdred Paw. Price Ilfty cents In _moor cover. or a finer edition for one dollar in cloth. It is published and for solo at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS'. It • No. 308 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. • puoTomunt ALBUMS AND: NEW BOOKs:—The lawrist assortment in the city will be found for sale, at °beeper priceß than anywhere else, at T. B. PETSRSON & BROTHERS', - No. 306 CHESTNUT Street,Thiladelphia. Call In and look, and be convinced. It GENERAL BURNSIDE! GENERAL BURNSIDE I—A new Card Photograph taken on Monday last by. Turner. Photnivapher. A - few -select copies for sale at O. W. PITCHLE S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. . A NEW ,. ARRIVAL ! SPLENDID STYLES!—Photograph Album., Card Photographs, Card Frames, ko. Tho only placo to Bud a full assort ment in PlillAdelpli la. PITCHER'S, • mhl4 9O 1;1 CIIBSTNUT Street. MR. AND MRS. TOM TRUIVIJ3 ! Minnie Warren and Com. Nett! In Wedding Cns‘ tunic ! In Wedding Dress! 0n1y1 , 5 cents. Only 15 cents. Only 15 cents. PITCHER'S NEW !•TORII. . mhl4 , StS CHESTNIPT. Street. owAP are you, on e 1.4 M. •.. . • . Bow are you. Conueollore'autt? • • A fan gepply of above celebrities at P'ITCHER'S, 808 CHISTMUT Street. . • • : . mhtt • xTEw BOOTCB NEW BOOKS ! ALL 11 the Neiti•Pubtleettoyirel ii linazi rns o eft ZSZ a.a. NEW BOONS,-TWO FBTFINIII BY ••• the author of " Patience of Hope," tkl, MEDITATIONS ON DEATH AND ETERNITY. By Frederica Rowan. 811.2.1, THE LEAGUE OF STATES. By B. J. Losable. 15c. TACTICS; OR, CUFLD IN SHOULDER STRAPS. SI. For tale by WILLIAII S. & ALFRED MARVEL No. 000 CHESTNUT Street. BATTLE -FIELD OF . ANTIETAM.- Hap of the Battle-Bell of Antietam. Prepared by Lieut. Wm. H. Willcox, Topographical Corps. Giving the position of the forces, the roads, the woods, the ridges, and all matters of interest pertaining to this great battle. Price An cents. For tale by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED BIARTIEK. No. 606 CHESTNNT Street. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. - CARD Photographs of over 1,000 different fancy subjects, taken from life and from the finest engravings. Por traits of Generals, of both armies, Statesmen, Poets, and other eminent men. Single copies 15 cents, or SLSO per dozen. Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SCHOLZ & ANSNTZKY, 112 Sonth 'EIGHTH Street. . . also sell prepared colors for coloring Photo graphs taken on Albumen Paper. Price $3...5 a box. with reducing liquid. te26.lm it WE- ADVISE ALL WHO - DESIRE T T good portraits to get REIMBR'S Life-sire Photo graphs in Oil Colors. Their freshness, trathfitlnovs, and artistic merit must please. SECOND Street, above Green. It JUST OPENED, .rc Mr <o so o"1“.:7/ 41118 /MR 4 1 7 1 1111. 1 1 1 . Wlier the -Y1117.6T PISOTOORAPITIU PICTVZSS. THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE PAPERIAL BIZB. Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. . Those wishing ftrideclass pictures are Invited to call and examine spectrum. A choice selection. of Albums, oases, and frunoe on hand. del7-3m WHO WOULD BE WITHOUT ONE of REIMER'S Colored Photographs? Thetr_cha raeter for utility at and mqliriiisplorlng has hem long established.. ' Only. S ECOND Street. above Green. • • . PH O.T 0 G HI 0 ALBITIti? - A Inn relay for s . abir l iff firT k bik r ' 00.. . *na n d . • AA* UnsasrroJT Street. IWATCHES, JEWELRY, &a. A FRESH ASSORTMENT,.. AT.:: LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. • . . FARR & BROTHER, Importers, inii3 if . 3,24 CIIESTITUT Street, below Fourth. Importer and . Wholesale Dealer in FINE WATCHES A.ND JEWELRY. No. 'll2 CHESTNUT Street. (Up-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open ti, LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, EMBRACING AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, N. HOWARD & Co.'S INE AMERICAN WATCHFA GOLD CHAINS, COL D SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, • Aru FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. • fell-Sm ' • D. T. PRATT, AMERICA..N WATCHES; Of desirable styles and qualities, to snit all eleven of butere • 7 • felt-Sodf . FINE . GILT .00M3313 FINE WATCH REPAIRING, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. 1a2,34m ELI .IrOLDEN, . A Dealer 'a flee AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. JEWELRY. AND CLOCK'S, oc3l-sm*. . 708 MARKET Street. • Jr . O.:..II:II,LER'S E L.I B. 0 L Dealer in fine. - LMEEICAN AND IMPORTED WATONJES.I - JEWELRY, AND CLOC_M&._ 0431-63a* 7 08 MAR Mrs& VIILCA_NITE RINGS ,A4gLZ: "TICE. EXPRESS ..STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will resume their regular daily tripe between PHILA. DELPHLi An NEW TOILE.% FREIOHT•taken on reasonable terms. and through from either city In TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. For further information apply to the Agents: WILLIA.M. P. CLYDE, 14 S. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. TARLES HAND, 117 WALL gkroat. New York. FOR NEW' .YORK THIS DAY. —DESPATCH LINE, VIA 'DELA WARE AND RARITAN CANAL. The steamer CONCORD, Norman. Is now at third Wharf above WALNUT Street, and will sail THIS DAY at T2ll. Poi freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to WM. H. I3AIRD at C 0.,. mbl3-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. XgoEMBEEiI WEST CHESTER AND PIIILADELPRIA RAIL- ANNUAL. CONFERENCE OF TUE K E. CHURCH, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA. Excursion Tickets will be sold between Philadelphia and West Chester, good during the sessions of Con ference. FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. ONE DOLLAR. • Trains leave Philadelphia from the Depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.65 and 10.31 K. and at 2.11), CD, and 6. 30 P. M. Tickets must be procured at the office. inhl4-7t HENRY WOOD, imperintendont. 1863. 1863. PHTT, ADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- - HOAD.—Mis great line traverses the Northern and and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by tho . PENNSYLVANIA R&M BOLD COBIPA.NT. and under their auspices le being rapidly opened throughout ite entire length. It Is now in use for Pa:stionger and Preight business from Harrisburg to D;iftwood, second fork (177 miles) on the Eastern Division. and from Sheffield to Erie. (78 Miles) on the Western Division. ME OF PASSIMOHE TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. ' Mail Train 8 A. M. Express Train 10.50 I'. M. Cara run throngb without change both ways on those trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven. and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger biudricas apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents :1 S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market. streets, Philadelphia. • J. W. REYNOLDS, Elie. J. M. BRILL, Agent N. C..R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON. _ General Freight Agent Philladelphla.. LEWIS L: Hoturr General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager, Williamsport. - BOSTON ICE. • Orders received and filled with despatch. • ;.Freights 62g to 76 cents. Icel6 inches. . • . A. GARRETT, Etkl3-12t* 118 SOUTH WHARVES, Senond Floor NNW vittratailliMlL INSTRUCTIVE. p•Jlcrlccritirlwt.o 6q.1 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND .WrEBY WMI7 neararroffs or PEARL AND. CORAL J. 0. FULLER, No. TIE CHESTNUT Street mhl3-2m G. RUSSELL, MEI North SIXTH Street. FINE GOLD PENS. THE BEST PEN IN. 13SE, FOR BALE IN ALL SUNS. fell-3m A full assortment, all sizes and styles. 0. FULLER, No. 13.2 CHESTNUT Street. • • iell-Sut THE STEAMERS OP MEBiltiliiiißTlTA AND NEW TOEk ON TUMULT, MARCH 10, 1883 VIA MEDIA MPB~L~~_ S,T-1860-X DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen. and invigorate. They createrhealthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers. Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen, Anise, Clover-buds, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Coriander, Bur dock, S.—T.—Ml—X.', &c. Tlit 121191ylilalt a mul is 9f .th.t2 testimony 11113" ro: C 811811! I • e twin u m 0 . , ' Negsrs. P. H. Drake & Co.: GENTLEMEN: This institution has received and ex. tended aid to over 14,000 sick and disabled soldiers. I have of late administered.the Plantation Bitters in numerous eases of exhaustion, fevers, want of appetite, Sic., with the most remarkable and =ratifying remits. It creates appetite, strength, and cheerfulness, and has given many a poor fellow his usual health. I wish this preparation was in every family, in every hospital, and on every battle-field. With respect, your servant, . . DR. W. AIIDIIEWS, Supl. • WITiARD'S Eftrti WASITINGTON, D. C.,' r Jan. 1 ,22, 186 Gunuticy: We require another supply-of your Plan tation Bitten, the popularity of which daily increases With the etiests Of our 11011150. SYINS, CHADWICK, & CO. CI:EVE-LAND; Dec. 3, 1332. * *- * I had been so ill .with Liver Com gairit Y MUSS. I used three bottles of the Plantation Bitters, and, to ray astonishment, am entirely cured, They are the beat medicine I ever used, and I shall en deavor to make them known. Please inform Ins what Tours H. EINGsi,Ey. BA. W. l 6111:111R, %DRAM( At 1111110111 VAITAAfiI BA_ almont. miter. I Wish overY Soldier had a bottle, of Plantation Bitters, They are the most effective, per fect, and hannleso tonic I ever used,"- GALT Dour., LOUISVILLE, "KY., Dec: 21. 1881. Ifessre. P. R. Drake tt . ... - We are compelled to order twelve dozen Plantation Bitters to supply friends who have no other way of pro curing this admirable article. Respectfully yours, SILAS F. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1661 • • • * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of .the worst kind of dyspepsia, of near four years' standing. I have recommended them to others, and, as far as I know, with signal success. • I am. doo:' Rev. J. S. CATHORN. BURNETT HOUSE, CINCINNATI, Ohio, December 20, 1361 Afe.pgra. Drake & Co.: The Plantation Bitters appear to be very popular here Send us twenty cases more, and oblige Yours truly, T. P. SAUNDERS & CO. Delicate females requiring a gentle stimulant, and clergymen, lawyers, and students exhausted by men- tal labor. will find the Plantation Bitters a most bona- "ATM" i!ft , T....1 , ' or .41°.rrurf a steel-plate engraving. or it ts not gennine. Sold by all Drapasts, Grocenr, .and Country Stores P. H. DRAKES CO., 242 BROADWAY, New York fe26 . 4l3stn-taplif. REA.LTH.4.)9) STRENGTH' TO ISE .BUITERING DR. I SWAVN'E'S COPIYOUND SYRUP. OP WILD CIIERIEY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered f4r• all pulmonary complaints, Coughs Sore Throat, 'Hoarseness. asthma, Short .itis,' mtysia (Spitting Blood), Breath, Croup, Wasting Flesh, Pains and • Sore ness, Weak Breast, Tickling irritation, • or rising in the Throat. Broken Constitution, from the abase of calomel and other causes, all Throat . Breast, and Lung • Complaints. Let no disease, however bad it may be, or length of time it may have existed, discourage you until you have tried this great Mcdicamentum. Wonderful cures have taken place. when, to all human probability, it could . not poaible, .1 he po?p)ar Impression, sherglhenedby some sc i en tific Opinion. that Consumption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened the death of many an invalid, by depriving.them of the consolation of hope. Persons afflicted -with Pectoral disease should he suPported by every assnrance of care, not alarmed by the gloomy. foreboding countenances of those around. For our part, we do not believe that Con sumption is incurable; and let Physicians theorise as they will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that per sons having all the symptoms of Consumption, cough deep, bloody expectoration, pains, and oppression, sore throat, diarrhoaa, niabt sweats, burning fever. Sea" , bare been permanently cored by " Dr. SWAYNE'S CIOKDOUND 2,107.13.8 OF IVILD CHAIM" M goad IMO: SIMMS tilittillinlll ildla ft allllloll - lltill for active exercise as sure to Unto iv its use. Thirty years' experience in ibis toil foreign actuaries is con vincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that prepared by Dr. Swayne & Son, the original and only genuine. Dr. SWAINS'S Principal Office. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Drnag.ists and Dealers. •• mb7- if tf RYE AND EAR.-PROP. J. 1.9A_A.08, -a-A Oculist and Aurist, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at N 0.511 PINS Street, where he treat; all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cores— If curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain li.ll.—No charges made for examination. Office hours .from Ste 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. j WANTS. • WANTED -A . SITITATIO.N AS Clerk or Salesman by a young man of extensive business experience and acquaintance. The highest re ference-as to ability and intogrAy _vect. An active situation preferred. Address B. Y. L.," Box No. 1967 Post Office, 'Philadelphia. WANTED---A FURNISHED COT TAGE, nt Atlantic Cityr Chestnut Hill,Lo . the Summer Months. Address "Clay,"Prese offic. inhl4-2t* da WANTED TO PIIRCHASE —A -wamoderate sized three-story Brick HOUSE, in a cen tral locatlon. .11Inst have all tha modern improvemonts. Address • Boom! , at this dice. stating price, torms, and location. • is:3l-tf sfit . DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PAILADELPHIS, Feb. 9, VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points : TortaKao. • 'Key Weld, Fla. Fort Monroe,Va. Alexandria., Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD. felo-tt Captain and Model Quartermaster. •BOARDING. IP,OARDENG. TW O. - . - EXOELLENT BOOMS, for Ringle gantlemen;:At northeast owner of I.4ol:ferana SIXTEENTH Streets. • ..s. • FOR SALE AND TO Lon TO LET-ZHE LIGHT AND HAND SOME First Floor and Cellar, No, 31 North FOURTH Street, nearly opposite the Aktrobants' BACON H H oteL. Apply to Waf. , 515 North FOURTH Street. . inll3-21.* OR SALE—A NUMBER OF WELL secured improved Ground Bents of SW to SW) per annum. Apply to ALFRED FITLER. Conveyancer. No. 51. North sixora Street, below Arab street. mhl2-60 POR SALE-AN F IGEIT-HORSE • EN GINE with a One boiler, s 20. inch planer 16 feet, QM! & Wood's natant; a No. 1 moulding machine.: Ap ril,' 1521 BHIPPEN Street. . g A IRON SAFE FOR SALE-LARGE • • FOR :.SALE .OR • TO LET-THE new three-story brick double house; SO feet front, northwest corner of Green and Fifteenth streets. • In quire at 480 North FIFTH Street. mhl2-3tlf* dit FOR SAL R—A HANDSODiE J - ma COUNTRY RESIDENCE with half acre of land, 12 miles from the city, three minutes' walk from a Railroad station, situated on high rolling ground, plenty - of shade, and in full view of the railroad. Apply to M. IL GALLAGHER, Spring Mill, Montgomery County. nilaS-10t* ta k 'OR SALE-A SPLENDID .. 1 6. FARM of 124 Acres, right at a Railroad Statioll, one hour's ride from Market-street Bridge by rail; band in gs good and finely located; the land of the first quality and well watered. Apply toJA MES It. CUMMINGS, lifedia, Delaware county, Pa. mhl4-6t• PERSONAL. sipn BOUNTY.—ALL SOLDIERS N-/%- , discharged on Surgeon's :Certificate of disa bility, without regard to length of service, will please call at the U. S. Army and Navy Agency Office, S. E..h.or. Twelfth and -Market sts., Phila., with their discharges, and have them examined, before they make application for pensions and bounty. No charge ?or examination and advice. All claims for Bounty and Pension collect eiL Claims Gashed. Its pIiNSIONB. -sloir BOUNTY AND A- PAY procured and eolleited for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as aro deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates.. Soldiers who kayo Ranted' two years, and all soldiers who have been discharged , by reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitle:l'M the $lOO bonnty • and the latter, also, to a pension, JAMBS FULTON, Solicltor for Claimants.. mhl3 • 4 - 24 , WALNUT•Strect. P ENSIGNS.--$100:- BOUNTY. 'AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers..sallorg, and the relatives of - ttneh as aro deceased. at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cas hed' MES FU or advaLTOnced N upon. by JA. Solicitor for Chumouts. 421 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. oc IS-tf STRAWBERRY. WINE, MAI To MALMSEY MADEIRA. Jest received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, . CORKER ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. THE . PHRENOLOGICAL OABI. Tip NET .AND BOOS STORE °pea day and oven es lug for the sale of Books on Phbanology, Physio- Abak logy. Hygiene. Phonography and for Phrenologi cal exaumMations. Orders by mall should be addressed to JOHN L. CAPEN, [e6-stutligmlf ORUI CHESTNUT Street, Phila. TAEPORTERS! SALE OF lIARD -a- WARE. -• JAMES M. MILLER, Auctioneer. Will sell, no WEDNESDAY, March 25, and fnilnwina days, at the Warehouse, 384 and :446 BROADWAY. New York, very extensive in ye Gee of HARDWARE, CLTIXEY. Guisrs, AND HEAVY GOODS: The attention of the LLar4.ware Houses of trio country' is particularly invited to this sale. which, in extent and \MPLY, will surpass any Public Sale of Hardware hills , erto held in this city. Terms cash. Catalogues. numbering several thousand lots, will he ready at the Salesroom on and after )Starch rnhl,bstoilsit AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- Lessee and DI rector BustneHs Agent. • •.• AIIIERIC A N ACADEMY OF MUSIC.. roppla kna larnator, f 1.4111 Reserved Seals in i'itrirnet:.l"arsnet Circle. or 'Bah. $1 00 Family Circle 50 cents. Amphitheatre 23 cents. Doors open at 7o'elork; Opera..lompte commences at B. It NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THE.A.- Lessae and ?rianager Mr. W. 'WHEATLEY. THIS (SATILIi DAY) EVENING, March 14, ISO, t THE SIXTH NIGHT Of the attractive and Great Moral Drama of EAST LYNNE _ Or, THE ELOPEMENT. When, in consegusnee of its PRONOUNCED SUCCESS, MISS LUCILLE WEiTERN Will again appear in her powerful bnperionation of THE ERRING AND PENITENT WIFE. MISS LUCILLE AVS'iTERN As LADY ISABEL and MADAME VINE. Mr. J. McCullough as ,Archibald j. 's'7. Lanergan as Sir Francini LCVIbOII, Mr. W, H. Leak as Earl Mount Severn,, A r. Mr. C. Kingeland Tom Herbert. Mrs. George Jordan as Barbara Hare. Miss Mary Wells as Miss Conley. Mrs. Scott as , ......Mrs. Dare. Miss J. Henry as Toyce lialilohn. Conductor Mr. MARE AASSLER. MONDAI NEXT, A DECIDED VIDAL - PE. n.ntuilz villtritmarr Vial 2ID LILT 111111 D DDT API _ _ • ---- • - In the Grand Sh aksnerian 'Runny. YRICE2 OF AD111165101 1 . —Family Circle. 25 cents; Dress Circle, SO cents: Parquet and Secured Seats ha Dress Circle, 75 cants; Seats in Private Boxes, each $L Doors open at 7; Curtain rises precisely, at 73 , .4 o'clock'. WA_LN UP-STRNET Sole Leesee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. Business Agent • Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. TWENTY-FOURTH - AND LAST NIGHT • OF THE POPULAR AID VERSATILE ARTIST, ' Mr. E. EDDY. THIS (Saturday) EVENING; March 13, Will be presented (seventh time) the new Irish Drama entitled the Myles-na-Coupalcon air. Eddy. Bertie O'MooreMr. Baker. Ray O'Connor ' Mra. Anne, Cowell To conclude with the CHARCOAL BURNER, Doan open at 7: Cnrtain will rim et 756. RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET 43-1- THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. LAST NIGHT OF J. WILKES BOOTH. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. March 14, 1559. THE APOSTATE. Pescara John Wilkes Booth. • - Florinda ' • . Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with • ROB ROY. Rob Roy - ' Barton HilL Francis Osbalahabt, (with songs) Mrs. C. Henri& Helen Sinegrever. Mrs. Sohn Drew. ON MONDA': BARTON HILL'S BF.NEFIT. TUESDAY, the new play of AURORA. FLOYD. Mr Prices as usual. Seats secured without extra charge. Curtain rises at 71 , X o'clock. CONCERT HALL. CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. 119111E 6 IMTARISVE§ WWI lITZNRYDR nohow orunommtri itad Ptgatch ulllllll ntoNDat EVENIZO, IVlltre te. nes.. ANL Foliar EVENING DURING Tin WEEK. PRF,STIDIGITATION, ELECTRICITY. • bIESMERICM. NEGROMANTICS, CH !ROMANTICS. ALGEII - ALF, AMUSING CIIEMISTRY AND PRYSrCs, ILLUSIONS. SOMNAlliour.rsz Isi.•AfTIf2TION!—A MARVEL NEVER HERETO FORE AV ITNb' iSE rat Mons. GASTON will bring any perzon who may de ice it Into contact with the celebrated Somnambulist; CHARLES LECLOQUE, with whom he has won the prize 2.5.000 francs °tiered by the Academy of Paris. The Somnambulist. being brought luto contact with any per ion, will answer that person as he weed answer his magnetizer. Fignor ALBERTI NECIIINI, the famous Italian Tenor, will sing in the intervals. The Orchestra Is conducted by Mr. W. ZIEGLER. ' The Bali in brilliantly decorated. TICEET° 95 AND 50 CENTS. Secured Seats may be bad until ft o'clock P. IL. al J. E. GOULD'S, corner of Seventh and Chestnut atrectS, and on Monday at the office of the Hall. Doors open at 7 o cloak. Commence precisely at S o'clock. ipi - AmmoNIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. -L-L- The Second Annual CONCERT of the season will be riven on WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 13, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. TTCKE'IS. FIFTY CENTS EACH. • For sale at Gould's. Andre's, and Lee k Walker's music stores. Subscribers and members will receive. their tic sets on the day of the Concert, from 1 to 6 o'clock P. hf., at Gould's, corner of Seventh and Chestnut Sta Great attraction is offered to the musical public in the production of the principal parts of the ORATORIOi OF TAP. DELUGE. composed by Dr. L. Meignen: and, in addition, a selection of nttsceliancone music. solo, duets, choruses, kc. ; sustained by the bast amateurs and, the now chorus of the Society. Prete - S*lr A. E. TAYLOR will nice his valuable assistance. To continence at 7)1 o'clock. mlll4-4t" ERNST B ARTM ANN WILL, AT THE regnest of his friends. give another series Of MA.TI- N . BBS, beginning on MONDAY, March 16 , from !S tol o clock. at 3006 CHESTNUT Street. To be continued on olternsto MONDAYS. Subscription book now open at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, and at BiatoillS Bros.. 1006 Chestnut street. It. SPECIAL •NOTICE, • TICKETS FOR • BIRGFELD'S BENEFIT; . ktLillYt.ilfral can be bed at lbw ACADEMY. and oneld's Meek &ere. corner of SVENTY' rod CRESTNITT Streets. : BIRGFELD'S Office, 139 South SEVENTH Street = cor n et Of Walnut. inlxi24t LAUGHLIN & HADDON' TVJP_.VV - AMUSEMENTS. GERMAN OPERA GRAND GALA MATINEE THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON,-March 14, THE posriLLioN OF LONJOME.kU. SEATS can be procured o t once. Opera commences of 3 o'clock precisely. Doors open al quarter pest 2 o'clock. TICKETS 2.0 ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE, 50 CENTS. fl WNW: • •ADQI • OERM AN OPERA. mOEDAY Mart IS, ISfaS, SIXTH AND LAST' NIGHT - 0 Ic Tim REA.SOIf: FOR THE FIRST, TIME IN AMERICA. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Orami Opera, by Nicolai; EEATS can be secured at once. PRICES OF ADWSSrON. _ COLLEEN BAWN; Or, THE BRIDES OF GARRYOWEN! D L. CARPENTER'S • • EIGETEENTEI ANICGA.L FLORAL BALL at the AMERICAN AC/11311Y OF mum Tuna's! , EVENING. April Sith. Family or Gentlemen Tickets. ,82. Can be bed of the Managers, of John Thornley, Esti SC Chestnut street; D. L. Carpenter's Booms, AM ARCit Street. mhlo-121. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER A of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. TENTH•WEEK. WOODROFFE 9 d BOHEMIAN TROUPE OP, GLASS BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING. AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SA TURDAY AFTERNOONS: The celebrated low-pressure Glass Steam-Engine" MO NITOR," made entirely. of glass, will be in full opera tion. • All the magnificent works of art manufacturedly•tbe- Company wilt he distributed gratuitously to the visitors. On Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon every Child will receives GIFT. On FRIDAY EVENING. March llth. TOURNAMENT' OF WIT. a SPLENDID CASE OF WORK-will be given, to the author of the worst Conundrnmon any suldied CASEe Bret G LASS preeent. eachW evening, will be a SPLENDID OF K. Admission. 16 cte. .No halfprice. Exhibition cam melees in the eveninz at S o'clock; afternoon at S. m9-6t• • A ESEMI3LY"•BITFLDINGS-T EN TM and criESTNUT: • AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. • FIGNOR BLITZ.% The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his. LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. wit. sire his new and - popular entertainments EVERY EVENING &citing the. :week. commencing at 73: o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at a The attractions. will be marvellous: Experiments In Magic: wonderful powers in "Ventriloqulsm, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new chaos' ers. Admission 'IA cents. Children 13 cents. TITITCHINSON TRIBE. -0-a- OF ASA."—Orate'al to their namerons friende for the warm and enthusiastic reception on their last visit to the city, respectfully announce their Second CI - MCKIM for the season at HANDEL AND .11AYDN HALL,. on MONDAY Evening . March IGtb, all epee wing singing Their Songs of " Hope, nd ' Happiness." and The Flan . of Our Union Forever." Admission, 25 . ets. children, 15 Doors open nt. 7; Concert S o'clock. Also, by the request of many families, will give a Concert- on fainrday Afternoon. March 14th, r the benefit of the Public Schools. Admission for children, 10 c Adults, 25c. Doors open at 2; Concert at'S o'clock. mhl2-5t GERMAN ORCHESTRA-PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATIIR.DAV AVTERNOON, at 536 o ' clock , nt the IittISICLL. FUND HALL. CARL SICVT7., conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of Ave tickets Al._ To be bad of Audi% & Co., No. "WS Chestnut street:, J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hal) door. • n027-if TFA.S.S . LE R.'S '0 ROH - EpTR.A.. 214 South EIGHTH Street. below Walnut.. delo,4in PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY: OP THE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6P.M. Admission /Scents. Children half price. Shares of stock 6:30. IFS PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO OONTRA.CTORS.-BY order of the Board of Mauttanrs, PROPOSALS . will te received until Id AltrlliSith for the erection of TWO (2) HOWE TRUSS BRIDGES, of about 90 feet span each, over Chester creek, on the West Cheater and Phi ladelphia Railroad, almut ISmiles from Philadelphia. For further information, call on or address HENRY WOOD, Superintendet northeast corner of MGM TEEENTYI and MARKt h Strode, Philadelphia. mbl2-thamthwe St _ . MUTTON! MUTT ON!! lturroN !! !--superior sou thdown arid Cote ,yolil Mutto n for.salc 'on FRIDAY. and 'Vt • TURDAX, mth and Itth instant. at Smile /NOW' 53 and 55 Second: Avelino WESTERN.P.I&RKET, corner of SI XTERNT.II and:MARI:ET Streets. rnbl3-21.. DAVID B: PAUy.St-BRO. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TkJEN the large and eletant Marble (Are proof) Building, NO. '619 CHES .- RN "UT' STRGET, (extending through 147 feet to JAYNE Street, and :r3 feet in width.) for the purpose of carrying on the AUCTION AND- COMMISSION. BUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Our regular days of sale will be TUESDAYS and FRI DAYS or each week, fur all descriptions of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. In Eoliciting.favors we would call atteut:igi to the ea- Parlor advantages we possess injraving o near the largest and Sliest rooms in the city for showing, Goods to the best advantage. We have also ample rouse for the safe storage of goods. We shell be obliged fur etinstentoents, and any bus' ness that may be entrusted tons shaltreeetve prompt attention. Liberal lIIIIILEICESMAIIe on consignmauts for our regu lar or special sake, and promyT settlements in all cases. • 2400-6 t GILLETTE. & SCOTT. GOVERNMENT S-ALE.—vir LL BE sold, by order of flue War lthoportrnent. at public A u di... at ALLEGBRIII AARINkL, Pittsburz, Pa., to tbe highest bidder, at 10.o'chack A. M., o EbtiliS• DAT. March IS. W, the following United Skates pro. m t y viz: 2:101Xt PoWs Ot Ferazlron. I.COO • s loM. 12.0 " •". Lo 1.100 0 Powder Banda. other. Lzoo Bullet Nests. • • 1,500 Peeling Boxes. Terms cash. . R. H. R. WHIMSY; niltS-12t ' • . ?Nor o( Orditapeni. . . inn JERSEY ORANUEIting% . 4 . 31 .7-F in fine order. MO Ups... Brash Peacbsn. • ' 7'o ptitbotry Sjoyeti. ,S 0 bids. Airronts: , aU'rev. YorkAPP le A ramplo lot of Sruttern Cider. Jutt received and ftt PM NV CAMPBELL. 710 Soutlt WM. ER *Net: xnlll3.6L* C. AtiSeTTOTZ ADOLPH BTRUPLLD. mhl.l-3t.
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