DRY GOODS dODBERS. S P RIN °. 1863. 1863. - 4Lit&VgDs YY 1,40 Ti 1111.1 1 .011TERS AND JOBBERS, DRY-GOODS, No. 47 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA liNterohants visiting this city to purchase DRY GOODS will find our Stook large and admirably assorted, and at Low FIGURES. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to %purchasers unequalled •by any other house in Philadelphia. fein.Zio JAMES, riENT, SANTEE, cC CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, VOL 230 and 2411 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, save now open their usual LA.RGIE AND COMPLETE STOCK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. DRY GOODS, .Amotigsrhich will he found a more than usually attrac tive Parlay Of LADIES' DRESS GOODS ; Also, a full assortment of MERRIMACK AND °condo ritaNTs. and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invite the rpecia I attention of cash buyers felti-Zm SPRING;" 1863. YARD, GILLMORE, & CO., Importers and Jobbers of .-SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS. STY CHESTNUT AND 614 JAYNE STS., Have now open. of THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, a LARGE AND HANDSOME STOOK OF .SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, &C. Also. a full assortment of WHITE GOODS, LINENS, FURNISHING GOODS, EM BROIDERIES, AND LACES. The attention of the trade to requested. fel3-3m 1863. SPRING. 1 863. JOHNES, BERRY, ct. CO., (Successors to Abbott, Johnes, dr Co. ) ETo. 527 BUREN, and 5214 COMMERCE Streets. PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND SORDERS OP SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Save ROW open a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK DRESS GOODS, Adapted to the Season. .Also, a Pull Assortment in yi RIME GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, &a., Which they offer to the trade at the LOWEST PRICES. CASH 'BUYERS Are particularly invited to examine our Stook. fell-tf RETAIL DRY GOODS. V,MBROIDERIES 1 EMBROIDERIES 1! —French Needle-worked Binds, Edgings, Insert. Sags. HMG's, Collars, Setts, Skirts, &a as large assort ment of Veil' choice goods at low prices. SHEPPARD, vex HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. fe9-11wif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. PRINTED LINENS! PRINTED LINENS tl—At a small advance on the old prices, a large assortment of 'Printed Linens, in new and desira ble patterns, suitable for children's wear, dressea, &c. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, fe9-Swif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. DOMESTIC IifIISLINS, SHEETINGS, &c,—All of the desirable makes for sale, at the lowest cash prices. SHErI'ARD, VAN HAILINGEN,_& ARRISON, fee-Sail 1008 CHESTNUT Street. CARPETINGS AND BEDDING. REMOVAL. • • . REEVE L. KNIGET & SON WILL OPEN • . ON MONDAY, 23d inst., , . . 80'7 CHESTNUT STREET_ N. B. —The manufacture and sale of Bedding will also be continued at the OLD STAND, No. 262 South EBOOND Street. - It OARD.—THE SUBSCRIBER HAV. HID made nrravements with Messrs. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, will be found at their New Store, No. *307 CHESTNUT Street, above EIGHTH Street, North side, ready to wait on his old friends and customers, on adov - DAT,the 23d inst., with anew and superior stock of every description or CARPETING and BEDDING. which will be offered at the lowest cash prism. A call Is respectfully solicited. ROBERT B. WALKER. 807 CHESTNUT Street, felS-Int Above EIGHTH Street. North side. ATTENTION 1 OFFICERS OF THE ARNIC. A NEW PATENT ARMY FELT HAT Is non , ready for Inspection and Bale at WARBURTON'S, No. 430 CRESTS - 0T STREET, adjoining the new post office. This new ARMY HAT is novel and appropriate in design, and possesses unusual convenience in its combinations. View No. 1. Exhibits the Hat in fall extended shape; when worn in this form it has more of the truly. military character than the disliked and almost discarded taper ing or steeple-crown regulation bat. VIEW No. 2. Exhibits' the crown depressed or folded, agreeably to a anoy much Indulged in of late by mili tary men. VIEW No. 3. Exhibits the Hat compressed or folded down Oat, co that it can at times be carried or hold under the arm, or be packed in the trunk or knapsack, and oc cupy only the least possible space. • The ordinary hat may by force be folded down, but on oPening it ont again it will be Nand disfigured by irre gnlar marks and creases; this is not the case with this itewly-invented Hat, for it Is designed and arranged -that it folds or shuts up In Its own lines, naturally and W •ithcmt force, and when opened out ag ain exhibits no Irregular marks or cremes. /deny of them Hate are now in the use of the Officers of -the Hoarder and Volunteer service. affording to them annsnai satisfaction. Prices dependent solely on quality of material. felt-et "TrIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE. 4."-•- LADIES. GEORGE'S PATENT HAIR-CRIMPER, We take pleasure in informing our numerous friends in Philadelphia that we are now prepared•to furnish, ilnunediately, this Indispensable article to every I ides toilet, either wholesale or retail. On account of the great rash for the Crimper we have been unable to -empply . the great demand until now. The single Crilnr). -er. With full &Tolima, will be forwarded to any ad dress, free, on receipt of one dollar and twenty-live .cents. We furnish the Crimper at a liberal discount to the trade. Any lady can we're her own hair beautifully In Ave minutes. We have also a large supply of the "Elegant Improved Bloat 11,111ptlo Sewing Machines. for Which we Invite orders. Address H. G. SUPLES, fel9-61* 537 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WILLIAM. H. YEATON & CO., No. 201 Booth FRONT Streets Amite for the sale of the ORIGINAL HEIDSIECK & 00. CHAMPAGNE, Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Alta, I,ND eases tine and medium grades BORDRAVN. CLARETS. 100 cases . tionberg Freree",Co(tAC BRANDY, Vint tiled In Freer*. et i r 50 cases an Oil, In flasks; nozen in ease. 60 bids lty Monongahela Whisky. • ' 60 bbla Jersey Apple Brandy. _ . 60,000 Havana Clears, extra ilne. Meet & Mandan Grand Yin Imperial, "Green Seal" Champagne. Por . Together &e with a tine amortment of Madeira, feld-ly Sherry, t, . TV 0 RY TYPE 8-BEAUTIFUL AND natural pictures. Reimer's agreeable, natural, and ltfe•like Ivorytypee are admired by all who eee them, at /le gallery. EIBGOND street, above Green. COFFEEt COFFEE!! COFFEE! II- The beet and cheapest prepared Coffee in the city. A trial will convince the meet ekepticaL No charge made tit satisfaction is not rendered. Prepared and for Steam the Eagle tiptoe and Coffee Works, 244 and A4B North FRONT Street. HOWARD WORRELL. fell.Bm I THE ONLY GENUINE ABTIOLE IN .+- TEM HATE DYEING LINE la this city is OUTS KUNST'S, FOURNII and BRANCH. feD34 •J'A..MESTTOR M N . AT SC LA OVEL; AEY W, Meager an 4 Examiner In Chancery. lakes' ll 3 PLUM Street Camden. N. J. a,"P E.R A GLASSES, OPERA Gums. For male br lAMBS W. 141.7E1er TT & CO., ibliaßit • 924 CHSWIR S k eet. E=l ALTEMUS di. COZENS, 60T e E AGENTS FOR GREEN Be DANIELS', Proaouneed one of the best makes io the market. teltam pHIL ADELpHIA "BAG" MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BA G.S, OF ALL REES, FOE CORN OATS, COME, BONE DUST, &a. ALSO. SEAMLESS ,BAGS,, Of standard makes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, for net task oa daivers. GEO. G4IGG. lOW Wo• SOO and 221 GEOTROH ALLEY. OUIt SPRING STOOK IS. NOW ,AR. II OSIER Y. LT LOWER PRICES. THAN PRESENT COST OF IgI PORTATIOL: THOS. MELLOR tfc JO., 40 AND 40 NORTH THIRD STRUT. JOIIN T. BAILEY• & CO. BAGS AN ,D, BAGGING OF VERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, 1a27-6m PHILADELPHIA: GRIGG & HARZyrSTEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOREIGN AND DOAIESTIO DRY GOODS. Jag.= • SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Na ILE CHESTNIIT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 7011. THB SALE OF PHILADBLVIIIA.MADS GOODS. seSB-61a ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLDE COAT (MOTHS. DARK-BLUE OAP CLOTHS. - SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS, ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 1401INCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCE, BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AHD SHIRT. INNS. For sale by FROTHINGIIAX & WELLS. eel-If tf WATCHES AM) JEWELRY. J. C. FULLER, a Importer and Wholesale Dealer In FINE WATCTITS AND JEWELRY. 712 CHESTNUT Street, (UP-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple), Has now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, R HOWARD k CO.'S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD . CELAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES. FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DEsc.urrnort. D. T. PRATT, WORM& TO PRATT At RBA.TH3 607 CHESTNUT STREET. Is lonstaartly in receipt o AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and Qualities. to snit all classes of buyers. fel4-3mif FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by, the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. 1117SSELL, Sandia 22 North SIXTH Street.; ii.FINE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. Odd, JamDs. and 8U verware, at the lowest possible prices. O. RUSSELL, ia234m' . 2 North 1311CTH Street j . O. FULLERS FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN'ALL MRS. fall-8m ELI HOIDEN, Alb Dealer in Ana am AEHLIIICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, oalltan* 708 HARPIST Street yIILCANITE RINGS A full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. C. FIJI;LER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street. fell-8m WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. A FRESH ASSORTHENT Ll/86 THAN ronmint PRIORS. PARR & BROTHER, rovorterik mh2o4i 5124 CHEBTIPIT Street, below Fourth. ROGERS & BROTHER'S, FINE PLATED WARE, • 'SPOONS,-FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES, &o. . IL C. FULLER, fell-Sra '• No. 71.91 CHES T N U T Street N G. TAYLOR, TIN PLATE, COPPER, PIG TIN, LEAD, SPELTER, ANTIMONY, WIRE, CAST STEEL, FILES, BORAX, ko., SEC fel7-tutis 8t• r'HENRY PATTEN'S NEW WEST • END WINDOW SHADE, CURTAIN; UPHOL STERY STORE, No. 1408 CHESTNUT Street, next door to Hubbell's Apothecary. W. HENRY PATTEN most cordially thanks his friends and the public generally for their liberal and extended patronage, which has enabled him to increase his business, in proportion to all calls made upon him, and hopes to merit, by strict attention to every depart ment of the same, a continuance of their favor. Window Shades of every style and quality in the mar ket: Damask Lace, Muslin and Nottingham Curtains, Vestibule Lace and Rods. Ac., Sox Gilt Cornices, from a massive and elegant design to asmall, cheap(thongh), neat band. Upholstering Department comprises every branch in the trade, and thoroug h workmen employed for its sepamteparts:. Bedding in Hair,Husk or Feathers. on hand or made to order (with despatch) of the very ' beat materials. Spring Beds allowed by customers to be unsurpassed; one man hired exclusively for his ability in this direction. Furniture reupholstered, varnished, and repaired. Carpets or Matting out and made, or al-_ tared and put down, by the best men to be got iu the city. Purnituro Slips or Covers handsomely made and fitted. Verandah Awnings, of various patterns, fitted to windows of private houses, public buildings, or stores. Iron Bedsteads of every description, size, and quality. Carpet Bindings. Carpot and Gimp Tacks. and Shade Trimming, Wholesale and Retail. • No.I4OI3CHESTNUT Street. - W. HENRY PATTEN.' . felt-et THE CELEBRATED GUM MASTIC, An excellent substitute for Tobacco. Purifies the breath, whitens the teeth, and delightful forchewing. For sale by alt Druggists and Confectioners. Trade supplied by G. R. BRONSON, Manufactures Agent, 125 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.. pEPPER SAIIOE.-200 DOZ. PEPPER Sauce; 100 doz. Continental Sauce: 60 doz. Wor cestershire Sauce. FINE AMERICAN - PICKLES. —2OO doz. half gallon Pickles; 200 doz. quart Pickles; 900 dO2. pint Pickles Ws° in bbls., half bbls, and kite. CONDENSED MILK.-900 doz. Win. K. Lewis St Bro. and Borden's Condensed Milk. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, felt 107 South WATER Street. FRESH TOMATOES.-200 DOZEN Rest Tomatoes, of a celebrated brand in store and for Ro,lo by RHODES & WILLIAM, M 9 • lO7 Booth WATER Street. NGL IBS DAIRY CHEESE-100 ..aa Bonet Prima Quality in store and for sale ,by_ 1 " . RHODES di WILLIAMS. fell, • lO7 South WATER Street. • SICILY WALNITTS.-20,. BAGS 810117 Walnut% of Prbunlity,jnat landed, and tor naleby RHODES do WILLIAMS. 447 ' 107 South WATIP I Stmt. COMMISSION HOUSES. 211 CHESTNUT STREET. SPOOL QOTTON, viriatuArmtn ROO YARDS, RANGED 80,000 DOZEN No. al STRAWBERRY STREET, For the sale of la=ll SNOLISH, MIS% AND 303 BRANCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ORITOIBLES, SHEET, ROD, HOOP IRON. METALS, EMERY, THE PRESS.-7-PHELADELPHEA. THURSDAY. FEB WARY .19.863. MILITARY ,GOODS. wASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1863. FL Alibi SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS, Of all Sues and Descriptions EVANS I-lASSAIJA; MILITARY 'F7RNTSHERS; No. 418 ARCO STREET.' fel.94t EVANS & EIASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 4113 LECH STREET SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, Ata., And everything necessary for the complete outfit of ARMY AND NAVY OFFIOERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CI W. SIMONS & BROTHER, 6ANBOH4TREHT HALL, PHILADELPHLA, MANCTACTHHERI3 OP JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, " AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY.VARIRTY. jasfm elwAsuLiu 11T• • FIVE-TWENTIES, n. OR, TWENTY-TRAIL SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE TEARS. tun instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE WM SONY to receive subscriptions for the &min LOAN AT PAR. Interest will coremenoefront the DATE OF SUBSCRIP• TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present Passau ON _COLD, these Bonds yield about LIST per cent. per annum. Atoll supply always oh hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, no(Ltanhl. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JOHN C CAPP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD , STREET, =EOM OPPOSITE THE RECTUNIOS' BANK. STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OF BBOKFXS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS =GOMM .DN THE C=! O. EAR VEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. MA WALNUT STRUT. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. 6. GOvßittr. KENT SECIIIIITISSbonghI and sold on Commission, ex- Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negootated at lowest rates. - - Orders by Mali shal.lrenelye prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D: Parrish, Esq,„ • John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas. EBll.l Furness. BrinleY, & Co., John Thomas, Rm. $3 000 TO $lO,OOO TO LOAN ON 9 mortgage of improved farms in New Jer sey. CARPENTER, fell-12t. 242 South THIRD Street, SEWING MACHINES. fI.ROVERdr. BAKER'S u CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING`. MA.OffilsTES, EtrTsIiI4HERE.,TRIInY&HAXT These MACHINES have taken the First Premium at the State Fairs last held in NEW YORE MISSOURI, NEW SERSF:I - , NENTUCKY, OHIO, TENNESSEE. . INDIANA, VIRGINIA, ILLINOIS NORTH CAROLINA, inicHIGAN, ALABAMA, lOWA CALIFORNIA. INCLIJDING EVERY STATE FAIR WHERE EX - RIMED IN 1862. Se* The Work made ;von the GROVER dt BAKER MACHINE has taken the Fret 'Premium at every Fairin the United States where it has been exhibited to this date. MACHINES furnished of the same patter= and at the same price, making either the GROVER & BAKER Stitch or the Shuttle Stitch, as customers prefer. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., jail.tf-lf 730 ,CHESTNUT STRRET. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE . CLTY AND cc CWT'S : Or .PHILADELPHIA., Estate of PREBE M. TRIMpLE, deceased . „ . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the account of LYDIA T.' TRIMBLE and WILLIAM TRIMBLE, executors of the :last will and testament of Phebe M. Trimble, deceased, and report distribution of the balance in their hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoiutment, on TUESDAY; March 3d, 1533, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. feiO•lhstult B. H. BAINES, Auditor, INTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Breve de PartitloneFacienda. Dec. T., 16V.,_N0. 46L BENTAB S. RUNT vs. THE PENNSYLVANIA COM. rANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANT ANNUITIES, trusteed under the last will and testament of Peter L. Ferguson, deceased, and ALEX ANDER C. FERGUSON. . And now, Febrnary 14, 1863, the said writ having been returned by the Sheriff, and the return thereof approved by the Court, on motion of Charles E. Lex, for deman dant, the Court grant a rule on all persons interested in said case to come into Court on the 28th day of MARCH, 1883, to accept or refuse . the estate metittoned in the said writ at the appraised value thereof, and directed publication to be made 'once a week, for six weeks in The Press, a daily newspaper of tbe.oity of Philadelphia.p ' fele-that* COPARTNERSHIPS. P. AIITLHOLLAIsID IS THIS DAY • admitted Into our arm. The name and style re mains nnehanged. • • . GALLAGRBR & LYNCII...• Philadelphia, February 15, 1883. . TH E FIRM OF KENDERDINE & JUSTICE is dissolved by the death of WARNER JUSTICE. -The business of the late firm will be settled by the surviving partner, J. R. KENDERDINE, who Will continue the HARDWARE business at the south west corner SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Philadelphia. February 16, 1563. fel/1-3tv R. THADDEUS FLANAGAN IS AE. .A.Ln• &misted with me, from this date, in the CLOTH JOBBING BUSINESS. Style or the firm will be HULL & . FLAILLOAR PhiladelPhis. February 18 18a te17.80 NOTICE. -PEtILADELPHIA., FEBRIT ART, 2, ISM—The COPARTNERSHIP her ex isting between THOMAS A. BIDDLE, HENRY J. BID DLE. and ALEXANDER BIDDLE, Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of Thomas Biddle & Co., is this day dissolved by the terms of oar articles of copartner 'shin in consequence of the death of Major HENRY J. Blbbla The business will be carried on by the surviving part ners at the same place and under the same name. The affairs of the old firm will be settled b the enb scribers, THOMAS A. BIDDLE, feg-lm ALEXANDER BIDDLE. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI. -IL NUB the DRUG BumPais, as heretofore, at the Old Stand. No. 724 MA.R EST Street. WM. ELLIS & CO., Dragelate, nipt MARIEST Street. FAMILY DYE COLORS I LIST OF COLORS: DARK BROW, SCA, SNUFF BROW N IE , DARK RLET DRAB, ,LIGHT BROWN. LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUE YELLOW LIGHT BLUS . LIGHT 11LLOW , DARK ORE , ORANGE LIGHT GREEN, MAClErn t e. PINK, SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLUR SLATE, ROYAL PUEPLS CRIMSON, VIOLET. . FAMILY DYE COLORS, For d_yeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goode,Shawls, Scarf,,, Dresses , Ribbons, Gloves. Bonnets , Hats Feather% Kid Goves. Children', Clothing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel , with perfect fast colors. . 4 BAYING OF SO FSB CENT. _These Dyee are mixed in the form of powders concen trated, are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat puk es would otherwise cost Ave times that sum, The pro cents you can color as many goods ages. For twenty-Ore miss le simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. D Manufactured by . ~,,_ BOWE & STEVENS, misili BROADWAY, Boston. For eels byDruggists and ealers in every City and Town. , • . . - deBßtatha3m if witqwww... WILLIAM N. ATWOOD, "Z' UNDERTAKER, • H0..n0 WEIGHTS STREET. Above ARCH, east able.' tel94.ltd. lama EDWIN .HUGHES, 259 south ,114. 4trest, abOVII SWAM 4]D-8WM1491.141%. TWENTIETH:•'ANNUAL REPORT I'NBURAIsICJE pOMPANY PIIILADELPHIA'A.GENCT, 400 WALNUT srrtEET. The following le a Statement of the affairs of the Com pany for the fiscal year ending Met Januiry. 1863: :' PHILADELPHIA. NET CASE' 'ASSETS, Ur FEB., 1862, „57,839,70 For Premiums and Policy Few..51,193„335 38. For Interest on Investments 552,642 60 For Minuities '8,674 03 Overpaid. byligents 1.683 Paid Claims by Death " Additions to same:.:.:. . " Surrendered Policies Annuities and reductions of Premiums... Profit and Loss " Commissions— Exchange and Postage, Taxes. Advertising, Salariea. Medical. Examinations, Law Eiipenses, Printing and Stationery, Rent, .Coal, &c NET CASE ASSETS, 33TFE13, ,1863.........99,919A67 96 Inyeeted as follows: Cash on hand, in Trust Co, 'IS and la Bank.•.. ... . . .. 41,301,103 43 Bonds and Mortgages 8.493,05.4 03 United States Stocks 2,060,733 SG Real Estate, tze .93,011 Due from Agents for Cash collec ted but not remitted Interest accrued, but not due Interest due and unpaid.. ...... Deferred Premiums Prureinms in course of transmission GROSS ASSETS, FEB. 1, 1263. INCREASE IN NET CASH ASSETS FOE,. THE YEAR, $1,078,39983. Number of Policies in force, February 1, 1583, 12,1381, himiring the sum of $37,381,400, exclusive of Reversionary additions. I have carefully ekaminod the foregoing statement, and find the same to be correct. SEEPPARD TIOMANS, Actuary, Since the organization of the Company 1,257 deaths have occurred among its members, on whose policies the sum of 11i4,354,816.49 has been paid, of which $1,37,260.2v wore paid as Dividends or Additions to Policies, and Which does not include their participation in the ap proaching distribution of surplus. /fir The details of the Dividends of the date of Ist February. 71363, will be announced to Policy holders as soon as possible. Frederick S. Winston, John V. L . Pruyn. wsll sin Moore, Robert H. McCurdy, Isaac Green Pearson, Wm. J. Bunker, William Bette, John P. Yelcerton, • John Wadsworth, Alfred Edwards, Alex. W. Bradford, John N. Stuart. Wm. A. Plaines,• Samuel R. Snronils, Simnel M. Cornell. Lucius Robinson, W. Smith Brown, Richard Patrick, PLII.LADELP • 1710111 A IttIRTNR.. • -•- M. L. DAWSON, GEO. M. STROUD, JONA R. MYERS, JOSEPH PATTERSON, JOBE M. ATWOOD, THOMAS II POWERS, WILLIAM WERE, THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT OF -a- THE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA—OFFICE, 331 North SIXTH Street. Amount of Property Insured $373,900 CO Amount of Premium Notes 26,0 H 71 • - %lama in Prose-urn mo. Ist, 1862 857 43 Interest on Premium Notes tue past year 1,568 77 Policlen, Surveys, and Transfers 71 00 Interest on Investments 83 70 Fire LOl4BOB Expenses Interest on Premium Returns Perpetual Policies cancelled Investments in City fax Per Cent. Loan Do do U. S. 7 3-10 Per Cent. Loan Balance in hands or the Treasurer ASSETS OF THE COMPANY Premium Notes City Six Per Cent. Loan United States 7 3-10 Per. Cent. Loan. OfficePnrxdtxre In bands of Treasur. r The undersigned, a Committee ainted by the Com pany, have examined the above State ppo ment, compared it 'with tbeboohe and vouchers, and_tipd It correct. 'PHILADELPHIA, ,]et mo., 17th, ludi • BENJAMIN RUNT, • CHARLES EVASS. It has taken lege than one half of our cash income to pay our losses and exPenstß. • DIRECTORS: G IRARD FIRE AND MAR'INB OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, Thle Company continues to take risks on the safe •lasses of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay leases promptly. Its disbursements for the Denali of the public, daring the last nine yeare, exceed • 500,000 DOLLARS end we rmectfally solicit its favor la tho future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT,. JERRY WA.L.B, JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORDILEY, C. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART. DAVID BOYD_ - .1n.. PETER S. HOE, of N. TA WM: K SWAIN FURMAN SHEPPARD. JOSEPH KLAPP:K. D.. N. S LAWRENCE. THOMAS .UNAKE, JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CRAVEN, President. • A. S. GILLETT, Vice President JAS. D. ALVORD. Secretary . an2B.lltf FAME ENTSURAN • CHEST WIT Street. • ..PHILAD FIRIWAND INL DIBEO Trends N. Bnck, Chas. Richardson. - Benrewie, John W. Everman. Philip S. Jnetice. • 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. BU i CHARLEEI . WILLIAMS I. BLANCH SICK A ,e.t Nprßuoit.o. . IL S. W.A Y N E ' • COBT.PbUND: • 'SYRUP. OF ' WILD. CHERRY. • No yelmr, particularly at this season, should be without "Dr. Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry;" coughs and colds, which are very prevalent, are quickly cured. Sven in neglected cases, where the cough is seated, pains,breast and side, fever, bloody ex pectoration, sore throat, night sweats, lunge more °rime affected, "Swayne's Compound" will not foil to give re lief, and wonderful cures have taken place, When to all human probability it could not be possible. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. THE STANDARD and most reliable remedy for a recent,' or seated cough Bore Throat, Asthma, Weak Breast, Bronchitis, Sweats, Pains, (breast or side), Ner vous Debility, stooping Cough, Restlesti Nighta, all Pul monary Complaints. Volumes might be filled with proof from all parts of the world, to prove that no remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, that acts AO PrONipt, even in the worst cases of pulmonary disease. A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise,: are sure to follow its use. If you have been tampering With the man al tides put out by persons totally igno rant of the sc ience ence of medicine, in theory or practice, and your case been neglected, you will and in. "DR. SWAVNE'S COMPOUND" your only hope of cure. If the bowels are costive, or headache accompanies your disease, a dose of iffir - SWAYNE'S'IEO • SARSAPA AND TAR PILLS ! Will remove it: Thirty years' experience, and the In creasing popularity of "DR. SWAYNE ' S 31BDICINES" are convincing proof. Prepared only by Dr. BWAYNB & SON, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine. Sold by Dealers throughout the United States. fel4-iftf JOSE?" A. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, (or Coughs, Colde, and Irritated Throats, are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They hays been thoroughly tested. and maintain the good reputa. tion they have justly acquired: ds there are intik& lions. be sure to OBTAIN the genuine at FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug_and Chemical Store,K B. cog CHEST. NUT and FIFTH Istreeta. Aleo.Mutterhi Cough Syrup. Wletar's Cough LOZOIIOII,. Prepared from original prescriptions. da.lo.lm•if EYE AND . EAB.-PBOF. J. ISAACS, Oculist and Anrtst, from Leyden, Holland, tuper. manently located at N 0.611 PINE Eltreet, where he Staab all diseases of the Bye or Ear scientifically, and cares if curable. Artificial Eyee inserted without pain.. N. 8.- , -No charges made for examination. Office howl from t to 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. ja.2-Sm• CMADTHORP & CO., 625 6 25 . Mae of le •North Fourth street ' ) Manufacturers of , Tassels, Cords, Gimps, Fringes. Curtain Loops.Ceitre Tassel, Dress , Trimmings, Blind Trimmings, Tepee, Bruids, Nook-Use IllllltarT Trimmings. els. (e3-Ini D6o bats IgeugT direst. INSURANCE COMPANIES. irryfriyit trtAti OF, ANTEW. YOWL F. S. 'WINSTON, PRESIDENt P. RATCHFORD STARR, AGSNT. RECEIPTS DURING THE YEAR. DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE YEAB, 13,478 66 919 96 .. 61.760 96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Wm. H. Popham. Seymour L. Hosted. Ezra Wheeler, Millard Fillmore, Samuel D. Babcock, Martin Bates, Jr., David Headley, Henry A. Smythe, Wm. V.od W. E. Dge. George S. Coe • Wm. K. Stronk, • Nathaniel Hayden. Wm. H. Fermilye, John E. Develin, Wellington Clapp. Melancz. M. Freeman. Oliver H. Palmer. REFERENOES. ,THAN-vormarc -- - GEO. H. STUART, E. S. IP HELEN. J. FISHER LEANING WM. C. LUDWIG, AhTHUR G. COFFIN, THOMAS WATTSON, WILLIAM S. BOYD. F. RATCHFORD STARR, AGENT, 400. WALNUT STREET, PHILAD Benjamin Malone, Simeon Matlack Janus, Smedley , ' Thomas P. Rowlett, T. Ellwood Chapman, Joseph Hayward. Eli Billie, Thomas !limber, • Frederick Cadcans; Aaron W. Oaskill, William AL Levlnk, Edmund Webster, OFFICE REMOVED to No. 5 South FIFTH Street. BENJAMIN MALONE, President. WILLIAM M. LETICIC. Secretary . . f elt-theta tit IrStatAIMS COMPANY CAPITAL 0200,000. E COMPANY, NO. RLPRIA. D INSURANCE. TORS. E. D. Woodruff, Geo. A. West, Sohn Ireeeler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rogmheim, Josep D. Rills. IE, President. ; DSON, Vice Ptesid . _ •D. Seeretarv. • Cial&Nlir MEDICAL. HAZARD'S• BOOKSTORE, : i nt CHESTNUT STARKE, Between Seventh awl Eighth Streets. dll Books usually to bolad. Ina :ST/10TV Lal.oo Will ail wart tw tottoo on. oar fatAtinati AT. TAB L ()WEST t'RICES. TUE RESULTS OF EMANCIPATION. , • • . M. 0 0011IN'S'OREAT WORK. nmo.. UK • . • "A'thorough and - admirable treatise. "=New' Cork Evening Poet. "Facts and sound logic. Men of all parties will read, this book. " — Philadetphialnquirsr. , "M. Cochin is eminently practical, This book is" not an enthusiastic argument to sustain a pet theory. "—Bal timore American. • • "It is by far the most elaborate work ever written on the subject. " — Monte Journal. • Crowded full with facts. The work of a Philosopher and a lover of truth. "—Christian Inteltiosnotr_ s‘f c ßeal/Y - valuable and interesting. "—N. Y. World. For sale by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00., PHILADELPHIA, And all Booksellers. Sent by mail free on receipt of OA. WALKER WISE ~& fell-tuths at BOSTON. TTANS CHRISTJAN ANDERSSEN'S Ql, 755 285 81 1M695, OS THE IOE.MAIDEN, AND OTHER TALES. $1.17,216 OD ''0783 79 7#,233 3,7 Translated by Miss Fanny Fuller, 1 vol. t 16m0., tinted Parer, with a photograph from an original drawing; vellum-cloth; top gilt. Price THE SAME, without photograph, cloth, red edges. Price 75 cents. Sent by mall free on receipt of price. by F. LEPOLDT, 1323 CHESTNUT Street EE‘f UNION LEAGUE," IN TO DAY'S "DIAL." Office, 23 South THIRD St. * WY: THE NOR'lli CANNOT 'AC , CEFT OF A SEPARATION . . By E. Laheulage. recta for the Times. Courage. By Hail Hamilton. S cents. The Sunday Evening Book. Short Papers for - FamtlY Reading. 60 cents. Patience; or, The Sunshine of the Heart. SO cents. . Ruth andlanet or, Blossoms of Grace. NO cents. For Eale by WM. S. & ALFRED NARTIEN, fen 606 CHESTNUT Street..'.. 8878;855 68 THE . STRANGER'S GUIDE TO PHI LADELPHIA. - • - •A NEW EDITION—NOW READY— A description of the Public Builaings, places of Amuse ment, Commericial Benevolent, and Religions Institu tions, & - c„ &c., includinga Guide to LAUREL RILL, THE WOODLANDS, aLd other Cemeteries, with a MAP of GU , . Consolidated City, and numerous. ILLUSTRA TIONS. ALSO, A MAP OF THE orry in Pocket -book form. LINDSAY & ELARISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. fell 2B South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. -$8,918,187 95 96 502 58 19,548 94 176,19192 14,798 48 99,2915,11.9 79 DR. LYMAN BEECHER-HLS -A- , Phrenology, Biography, and Portrait . Rev. WM. METCALF, the distinguished Preacher, Teacher, and Vegetarian. A BANTAM. WOMAN Oho who l a to be Mrs. TO d THUMB), alias; Lavinia Warren, with Like ness and Sketch of Character, given in the February No. PkiRENOLOOICAL JOURNAL,. 10 BROAD. 'FOWLER & WELLS, NO. SOS WAY; . . Or, J. L. CAPEN, felli-ths'2tWlt 922 CHESTNUT Street. Phibuia. 6 6 (IRDEB," METHOD, SYSTEM -IHow to Cultivate and Develope it on Phrenologi cal Principles. A good lesson for young gentlemen and ladies who would succeed in life. COLD FEET—Causes, and how. to keep them warm; also, to avoid Corns, Bunions, &c. Literary Exhaustion—Bow to keep up vitality. In February No. PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL. 10 cents. 81 a war. FOWLER & WELLS, No. 338 - BROADWAY; Or, J. L. CAPER, • fel9-thei Wit 022 CHESTNUT Street, Philada. LIFE AND ITS POWERS.-HALF developed-a-. people. Greatness of man's powers. How to augment manhood. Aristocracy. What keens man down? His struggle for growth By Rev. H, W. Beecaer, in PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, February number. 10 cents. 111 a year. FOWLER & WELLS: Or, J. L. CAPEN, fe74-tim2t Wit 922 CHESTNUT Street, Flitted& PITCHER'S NEW BOOKSTORE ) PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. 0 a The best assortment to be found in the city, ?e . 40 114 and prices rangirmfrorn 40 cts. to teo. e . 0 • CARD PORTRAITS int 2 Of distinguished pereons, from the best • 0 artists, at reduced prices. et • Fs 0 • • BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Pa dit p tiar i zzgx: and Standard Works, Nero co 4. hand, and at tititqr_ aro .Cc. , ;,* SOS CHESTNUT STRISIBT,PHILA. 25_CENTS.=PHOTO'GRAPH BUMS from 25 Cents to ID Dollars! The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the city I STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all . that can be found. In a first -elasa Bookstore, at low rates; All of G. G. EVANS' PUBLICATIONS at the • • OLD PRICES! cant. at the ORIGINAL thiriCl3oolf EMPORIUM, feTl.tf . 439 CHESTNUT Street. GENERAL TOM THUMB AND LADY!--Card Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. TOM THUMB in Bridal Attire. A pretty little picture of a Pretty Little Pair , At the OBlOilfAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street. A VINDICATION OF "OBJECT: TEACHING," by "SCOTIA." For sale at Ma.: ELROYB, CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets and at HENRY LoNcemilwrw . s, • 1336 CHESTNUT Street, • fell-stuthets Price 16 cents . 22187 • 70494 • 14.60 . 61 60 • 810 00 • 21' , 28 . 3 7 2 71 A PPIATONS. NEW .kattERIOAN .L.A.- CYCLOPSine.-It will be completed IN ONE MORE.VOLIIMIL This invaluable Library of information should be in possession of every intelligent family in the bind, form ing, as it does, the cheapest collection of userni'reading matter published. Those who subscribe now will save $8 on the set. OFFICE OF TEE CYCLOPEDIA, 33 South SIXTH, above Cheetnnt. N. B.—Agents wanted in this State and New Jersey to take orders (or the above. fe7-72t $B,lOO 90 $26,032 71 2,086 50 512 88 734 58 378 71 OFFICE - OF A,FPLETON'S C'SKILO PBDIA, 88 South SIXTH; above Chestnut. Agency, also, for Die-fdliboring works: PUTNAM'S RECORD' OF , 'THE REBELLION. NATIONAL EDITION , OF' WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORBS. - .LIFE AND LETTERS OF- WASHINGTON IRVING. BAYARD TAYLOR'S COMPLETE WORKS. HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF DICKENS' WORKS. GEMS FROM THE DUSSELDOR f GALLERY. ' GRANT WHITE'S SHAKsPEARE. 12 vols. BANCROFY'S UNITED STATES. S-vols. BRITISH POETS AND ESSAYISTS. Boston Edition. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, 15 vols. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS at lowest prices. fe7-12t $29,138 78 W BROTHERHEAD'S CIIICITLA.- cr . • TING LIBRARY.-I\ll the NNW Engileh and American Books, including ALL CLASSR3 of Lderatare. This la the ONLY Library , in the country that ineludea sal the NEW RII3LIER BOOKS that are not REPRINT- S]) here. Terme $6 peryear ; six months $9; three months $160; one month SS. cents, or 9 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. steam O BSERVE WHAT TASTE, SKILL, and-judgment are manifest in the execution of REI MER'S Colored Photographs for SI; pleasing and life-like pictures. SECOND Street, above Green. • 3.t JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 908 ARCH STREET, Where the . FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, PROP THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wiebing first-class pictures arelnvlted to can and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, asses and frames, on hand. P. A. 0. KELPS. • G 0 TO REIMER'S POPITLAB PRO TOGRAPHIC GALLERY, SECOND Street..aboye Green, and get an elegant portrait; life-else photographs in oil colors. They are unequalled in truth or beality. It - ipmoTo GRAPHIC! ALBUMS— A large variety for Risley= glen 4,7„. CO., 44 / 3 4 /Pir . SW* cast3T — VoT Street. J.A.113123 B. EARLE & SON, • • ImPotTERs AND MAPOPACTURIfBB OP OIL PAINTINGS. =GRATINGS, PORTRAIT. PICTURE, and • • PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH :ALBUMS. srrnsrvz LOOKING GLAII3- WAREROOMB AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS. de3l4 818 . CIEB:67NOT Street, Philadelphia.' 11 T ,s COLLE G E, BGEDENTOVM N. J.—Pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 90 miles north of Philadelphia. It has been in success ful operation for eleven years, and to one of the most nourishing Inatitutiona in this section of the country: Special attention to ° paid to the common and. higher branches Engliah, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental MIMIC. French taught by a native, and spoken in the family. For. catalogues ad dress . . '• Ite , r..JOHN H. BRAKELEY, . . • .President. (" I .!LASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL No , OE H. D. GREGORY, A. M., 11108 MARKET Street. • • 'PILLAGE GREEN • SEMINARY.--A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA_ Thorough course is Mathematics, Classics, &gnat studies, &c. Military Tactics taught. Glasses in Book-keepin, Sur veying, and Civ il Engineering. Puplla taken of 2U al" sad are received at any time. Boarding per week, $2.26. Tuition per quarter, $6.00. For co or information add r Spy. HIIIIVST BARTON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. . oclo-11 . . MICROSCOPES; SPECTACLES, AND EffSALASSZB, for preemotA for sal e _by JA..Ir,__CHMEN & 00., 9114.4TIZEITNOT Street. delsamit ol io DR PINE, • PRA.O7I - 0Ali: DEN TIST for the last twenty 'years, 2119 VINE St.. below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounfed on fine Gold, Plaine, Silver, Vulcanite. CO relit% 'Amber, tko., at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth re• paired to snit. No pain in extracting. No charges M. ' til satisfied all is right. Reference, best families. 13.193 m gTHE PHRENOLOGICAL CABI NET AND BOOK STORE is open day and even ing (or ibe sale of Boone on Phrenology, l'hyeio7 logy,Byglene, Phonography indlor Phrenologi -cal exannainatione. -.oFderssby mall :should •be addres4ed to . • • . JOHN L. OAPEff. Eifvestntlainif - • 92_ a cammarr ape.. gku*. NEW , PUBLICATIONS. LAST BOOK., BEADY IN A'FBW DAYS cuicuLA.TING LIBRARIES. PHOTOGRAPHS. PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Aw... LOOKING GLASSES: DBALE3II IF li EDUCATION. - • ABUTS* TS. • AMERIOAN AOADEMY OF MUSIO GERMaN OPRIA MED.—Actuated, by the solicitation of many jot , . tronsof the late German Opera season, the subscriber has induced Mr. CARL ANSCHUTZ to consent to another short season of GERMAN OPERA. in Philadelphia; at the ACADEMY OF MIIBIC. The eeason consist of gtx alga% ciLmmoughig .gra-MikSi2g3o,,nr. ;Z..* lAA t6ll6lsmdiwill *1116! ptri oaratu,l WrYza 7114013V1ci" tylitain , sosnen, ' tioh , a. "81.11AoLt0by Mozart. "Fr RA DELL by Von MOW. THE DfARR AGE OF F [DAV." bY Mozart. And !DER PREISCEIDTE; or some other neknowledeil favorite Opera. For the SIX OPERAS a. Subscription will be °Pelted on the same terms as before, via: SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR SIX OPERAS. Reserved Seats in DalOonY. Pa:tine - 4 ParquetCircle9s 00 Admission to ry 00 Single Tickets,' reserved seat... • • ' 100 The Opera Nights will be: .W)iDNESDAY and FRIDAY. or SATURDAY, And no more than three Subscription. Nights wilt be given in any one week. Subscriptions rt.craved by J. B. GOULD, corner of SEVENTH' and CHESTNUT Streets, and at tbe ACA DEMT.OI' MUSIC, on and after AIONDAY, February 23. THE ENTIRE CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA (both considerably increased) will be brought on from New York, and the undersigned pledges himself that while :under his management every part of the above prospectus . will be carried out precisely as stated, and nothing left undone to make this THE MOST BRILLIANT SEASON ever witnessed in Philadelphia. . . ADOLPH DIRGFELD„ Business Agent, fel9-IDt Office 139 South SEVENTH Street. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA- A-1 TEE. Lessee and Manager'.. —....... W 'WHEATLEY, FOR TWit NIORTS - ONLY. THIS (Thursday) EVENING,. Feb. 10, Baoint's celebrated Classical Play of DAMON A.ND'I'YTFI f AR. EDF R THEy r FI S T RbT Tait In thisTheatre, in his powerful character of The play will be produced. with _ NEW DRESSES, NEW SCENERY,AND _ NEW APPOINTMENTS._ Mr. J. McCullough as Pythias. Mr. W. H. Leak as Dyenisius. Mr. AW. Collier ...... —Damocles. Mr. C. Riegstand as Precise. lar. J. Can 011...... . ... ......55 Mr. G. Becks ........ .. ........as Lucullus. Madame Poulin ' ' as • Hermione. Mrs.t.f. li, ‘Alien as Calanthe. Conductor • Mr. MARK HASSLER. FRIDAY EVENING. For the Last time. DAMON AND PYTHIAS. _ _ _ . . EDWIN FORAEST in his neat character of DAMON. PRICES OF ADMISSION,—PamiIyr Circle, 25 cents; Drees Circle, 50 cents; Parquet and Secured Seats in Drem Circle, 75 cents; Seats in. Private Boxes, each Doors open at 7: Curtain rises at 7.14. MRS. JOHN DREWSAROILSTREET BTI.BI/1888 Agent and 'Treasurer JOB. D.MURPHr Last night but Two:of MISS JANE COOMBS. Tragedy and Romantic Drama, TO-NIGHT, (Thursday.) rebruarT 19th, • EVADER; OR, THE STATUE, Em Emits Miss Jane Coombg. Coionna Barton Hill. To conclude with the romantic Drami • - MICHAEL EARLE. • Andrew Adze Frank Drew Julia Spring Mrs, C. Henri. FRIDAY, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MISS COOMBS. MONDAY, JOHN WILES BOOTEE. AR' Seats secured without extra charge. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.-- Sole Leesie. ..... --Mrs. It A. GABBEITS:ON. Bigness Agent Mr: JOHN T. DOn"N=y 20-NIGHT MB B. &Di'''. • AILS! BATE DENIN. - - - THIS (TbnpidttY) LVENINO, February 19th, BM Will be performed the beautind Drn ma; entitled THE LAST - DAYS'OF POMPEII. _ . - Lydon tdr. E. Eddy, Arbasces Mr. E. L. Tilton. Hyatt' Miss Kate Denin. To ennolude with the Drama of _ THE GAMECOCK OF-THE WILDERNESS. Samson _ Samson Hardhead Mr. E. Eddy. Nance Butler • Miss Kate Dania. Doors open at 7t Curtaiswill rise at 73‘,. WASHINGTON'S BIRTH-DAY. MUS)CAL FUND HALL, ORATION BY PROFESSOR litcCOY, of Washington. D. C., s (Late Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory,in the Ballstonn and Albany Law Schools.) • SATURDAY EVENING, Februaly 21, 1853. ORATION AT O'CLOCK P Sulrject : " The London Times on th. 3. Rebellion and. the War against the National Constitution.' The above is the Oration which WR4 first delivered in Washington on the Anniversary of Washington's Fare well Address, and which was subsequently repeated bo ibre the President and his Cabinet By order "National Union lity Executive Com mittee." Admission gratis. Mallets to be procured at T. B. PUGH'S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or of airy member of the Committee. felOSt T UE HAI ' TDEL AND ILA.YDN SOCIETY Will 'ere their first' CONCERT THIS SEASON, AT -MUSICAL FUND HALL, On TUESDAY • E V 8141130, March 3, 1363. 'rickets 60 cent'. • fel9thstn ti A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC). The COURTLAND SAUNDERS CADETS 1 DRILL, SATURDAY next, at- S Y, lE., for the benefltof SOL DIERS' CHILDRE. Tickets (25 and BO centa) at Academy and Geuld's, Seventh and Chestnut: fel7-5t 11 L. CARPENTERS • EIGHTEENTH . ANNUAL.FLORAL AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, Aprli.l4th, TICKETS TWGIOOLLARS4 Which are now ready for delivery, by JOHN THORN LEY, Esq., 311 Chestnut street, and D. L. CARPEN TER, at his Rooms, 620 Aroh street. N. B.—No tickets to be bad at the door on that Eve ning. tali-615 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—SEVENTH WEEK AND GLORI OUS SUCCESS OF THE BOHEMI AB TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS..EVERY EVENINO. AND ON WEDN EaDAY-- AND SATURDAT ATT.=, SIOONS.—Ac each ,sntertainnient, the celebrated low. Preasure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR. made entirely of Glass, will be in full operation. All the Magniticent Works of Art, Manufactured by tue Company, will bs distributed gratuitously to the Tl6ll ore. On FRIDAY Rye. nine. February 20th, a &Wend& Case of Work will be given to the author of the best Gonond. um on the /Maas Strom Engme. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—The First Present, each eye ulna, mill be a Splendid Case of Glass Work. Admiesion,ls cents. No half price. Exhibition commences in the Eyenhig. at S. o'clock, Afternoon at 3 o'clock. • - fel6-131. ASSEMBLY. tuaxecas-TENTH AND CRESTNITE" AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ. •The great hiAGICIAN•and VENTRILOCIDIBE with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and r Entertainments EVERY EVENING during thi lina Week, commencing at 73d.o'clock-: and' WEDNESDAY ond•EATIIRDAT afternoons at& The attractions will be morseling : experiments in Siao).3 wonderful poWeri In Ventriloquizak, and'the Learned uanarr Birds In their new charactem • Admission 25 cents. Children IS Gents. de77-tt ERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. - PUB. •-•"' LIC ILEMLUISALS . every SATURDAY AFTRE; NOON' at SX - .o'clock, atthe MUSICAL NUN)) Carl Sent; oonductor. Tickets 20 cents. Packs gee of tickets, al- to be had of Andre $ t Co.. 110 4 Chestnut street; J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at Oil bail door. n077-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA—. NEW OFFIC& 214 South EIGHTH St ., below Walnut. delOthn PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TEE FI NE Jars 1026 alumna . STREET, Is open daily (Sundays exeorted) from 9 A. M. WI I P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children hall price. Shares of stook, $3O. jyg RIG THING! SPAaRRING TOURICA -1." MENT !—.IOB COBURN,. who is matched to fight AIcCOOL for 44,000 and' the Championship of America, will give a GRAND SPARRING ENTERTAINMENT previous to going into Training at FRANKLIN M'A - 14 • SIXTH STREET, BELOw ARCH, OF FRIDAY EVENING, Febroary PA, 1869. CON OREM, champion of Colorado, will be• present and exhibit his Belt: All the fancy will be on•hand: The wind -tip will be a grand dieplay of Science between JOE COBURN AND CROW. Admission AO cents. Doors open at 7. Sparring to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets to be had at the door. fell-Ito P ERSONAL.—A. D'ANCONA GIVES a high price for Ladies and Gentlemen's Cad-of Clothing, at 330 SOUTH Street. fel3-12t• PENSIONS.- $lOO. BOUNTY AND Pay proared and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased. at .reasonable a n d AMESFU satisfactory rates. Claims ca J hed or advancLTONed moos Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular Otto:Mien given to parties living at a die tense. • oca-tf WANTS. IMANTED-.A. EXAM, AlYri v E LAD, from 16 to It years. of Ito. t o a' SILK MOLISE on MARKET Street. Address '. 4 / 1 1., with reforeneee, at the Olitce of The Prete. • • . felti-St* NVANTED.-A -YOUNG MAN fully compdent to teach French, Latin, and Mathematics, desires a situation a teacher Lerld•aot (Meet to . the connti7. . Address 'W. B. H, at this (Ace. • . . fel7.tuthe Se • .W.ANTED-:-A: • LECTURER T 0 • • TRAVEL wi th I a DIORAMA OF TILE ANEW CAN CIVIL WAR; one who will take an interest in the °business . preferred. AARlteai, WoRTRINOTOE. Preu WANTED;::BY-4: sY.OIIN6 MAICOF T I :arpeilenne, a SITUATION Ai ShiPmn: in a o Y n ß ra w y e w r ea he r Cn e ar ywhe ome e "ood m t akeh it m de aired. Undoubted reference given. Iddreao MARTIN, Press Mae. • felS-2t° WANTED—A PRACTICAL MAN— Competent to buy and 11011 DRUGS Also, a young MAN, who writes a good hand, to assist In a counting-room—no salary the first year. Address Box. 1421, Post 04lice. felB-3t* . WANTED-$14,000; $5,000, $4 000, AT five per cent., ou first-lion Mortgaies on Farms near Norristown worth double the amount. Apply to WILLIAM 110881TER, Conveyancer. Norristown, February 18. fel7-its TO ONE HAVING FROM TWO . TO -.I Five Thousand Ronan as an Actlie Partner; will please call at Factory foot of WOOD-STRUT WHARF, Schuylkill, for full particulars. . • fel7-6l* SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED—AIso; Calvet°, Mirrors, Bedding,Stoves, &c. The highest price paid la' cash. Call or addressi WM. LEWIN. /10. VW. RIDGE Avenue. fell-6c• ILIGHT ARTILLERY.-WANTED, Pift.DRIVBRIL Fifty CANNONIBBS , cod Two BU GLERS. for the Philadelphia Light Battery. Young, able-bodied men will And this the beet opportunity offered to join the finest and moot dchirable branch of the service. All bounties given. For further information sm ly at BeadquarterlL IV. W. corner SIXTH and CHEST =7' Etreets. - CAPT. OSBORN WATTSON, fel9-IB.* Late of Banks' Corps. WANTED TO PIIROHASE moderate sized three-story Brick HOUSE, in a cen tral location. Mud have all the modern improvements. Addresa "House," ac this oPlce, stating price, terms, and location. ,et WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE MK" Itret of April next a moderate-sized threikitory BRICK DWELL! eta HOUSE, In a central locality. It must ha ve all the modern Improvements. Addrss, Rent.' at this office, stating locality and Poles. litafkf DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. —YirmahaLegiA, Feb. P, Mat VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points : Tortugas. Key West, Fla. • Fort 314.nros L Ysi. Alexandria. Va. Newbern, n C . Port Royal. S.Q.A. BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Ant& Quartermaster. MANEWALS FOR MENOE PIEI3. BUNCH. LAYER. AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDER WINE. &c.. Ike. . ALBERT O. ROBERTS, • DIALER OMAIIMIK agaattr CORNER •ENTIPTN AND vrin si' C °ll 'ON SAILDIJOKAND:CIA.NT.A.S, of all numbers and •.1 • • Raven a , Duck Awning .T of 'all' dertertptioug IDIf TentarAwninge, Trunk, cad. T OnpoTarL , •.` Alao, Paper Manufacturers'Drier alta. from to .fe el wide. Tartiampt, BeltpUti r m 7441 , • • 1.0)1 JOl AUCTION SALE. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., Al:LOTION -4- 1 ER3., Woo. 232 and 2134 MARKET Streak ON FRIDAY MORNING. February 20, atlo o'olock. will be gold . . by catalogue,. continuationj on four montbri'medit; about 140_pack ages and loth of Britisn, French, and• German Dry Goods,. embracing. a large and general mmortment of Cotton: Floniary,.Olovem, Ribbons, Silk liandkorontede, Silk Ties. genii Kai. Up,l7llplllatpi 4rjarDratliktk • . ' FOR SALE 'AND TO ILE.T. RE dL ESTATE INVESTMENTS.— Sevenil valuable eteasels of PROPERTY, improved. and unizomoved, on HESTNUT Street and in other good locattone,. for sato cheap by E. R. JOHNS. . It• fio.' 209 South. SlXTl.Streek FOR SALE,-STATE POWDER MA GAZINE PROPERTY. • By virtue of authority vested in me by an act of Assem bly. approved the *Bah day of April; A. D. one thottaand eight hundred and fifty-eight. I will , on behalfet the Commonwealth, cause to be sold, on MONDAY. the SE COND DAY OF MARCH, 113 1 31, - at 4 o'clock n at publia auction, on the premises , to the highest and best bidder,. all that certain lot or piece of ground, upon. whic h is erect eil the STATE kOWDER MAO AZINE antbappnrtonaucea,. athlete in the FDA ward of the City of Philadelphia.. en MAGAZINE Lane, comprising about Six and one-hair acres, more or less. Bounded on the north by mtid,hin mixine Lane, on the-caat and west by the Girard estate, and on the south by lands of David dhetzline and Jacob S. Lentz. The use and possession of the property will be reserved until a Magazine or Magazine* shall have beerverected, to which the powder may be removed, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly aforesaid. By order of the Governor, A. L.ItUSSELL. felft-lOt Adjutant General Pennsylvania. ea WEST PHILA_DELPHIA--SEVE- AmattAL Sae RESIDENCES, with large Gardena. hand somely situated. also seine choice large LOTS OF GRONND in very desirable locations south of MARL ET Street, for bale cheap by E. R. JONES, No. 209 South.SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-DELAWARE ,•••••• COUNTY FARM : 165 acres, In Birmingham; wood ;.excellont Dwelling and Barn:. nicely watered; I good neighborhood: near Chadd'i Ford Station. 0/11. • railroad. Apply to JAMES IL CUMMINS, felB 2t • :MEDIA. Penna. 5Ei VALUABLE FARM.-WILL BE Bold at public Pale. on February 21d, ]D63. a FARM or tient of land of MK acres, in MAPLE TOWNSHIP, Delftware county, one mile north of the Philadelphia plank road; three miles from the White Ball Station on. the Columbia Railroad. Fine House, with ten large rooms; good Barn, and all other ontba ildintts• There is water-power sufficient for any manufacturing purpose, with Sawmill thereon. fel9.2t• J. P: WORRELL... BOARDING. To RENT, WITH BOAR% TO - A OEN TLEMAN •AND• WIFE—One or two handAome Boom, in a email; private family, NE North THIR TEENTH Street. ' tel7-3t• SHERIFF'S SALES. 'SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDA Y livening,. March 2.1863, ar,4 o'clock. at eiansomitroot All that certain lot or piece of ground in the district 'of Richmond, in the county of Philadelphia, situate en the northeestwardly corner of two certain streets, called Almond and Anthracite streets; containing. in front or breadth on said Almond street eighty feet, and extend ingofthatbrtadthinlengthordepth son thea,twardly. parallel with said Anthracite atreet, seventy-five feet. Bounded northeastwardly by ground of Jacob bunion, sioutheantwardly by ground granted to William Smelling on ground rent. Fouthweetwardly by said Anthracite streot, and northweetwardly by Almond streetaforesaid. Being the same premises which Benjamin S. honey and wife, by indenture bearing date the fifth day of Mar, A. IF4B, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 22, page 453, granted and conveyed* onto: .Wll-. Dam Caveron in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of the cum of forty-five dollars, payable half year ly, on the first day of the months of Jannary and July, hereafter fdrever. • • c.,149; bL T.,'63. Debt. 1E1146.25 J. B. Townsend,. Taken in execution and to Le gold as the prororty o William Caveron. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. Pei,. 18. 188 i. fetg-gt SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Fleri Faring, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue , on MONDAY Evening; March 2,1M4 at 4 o'clock, at Sansomistreet Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the northeast corner of Jefferson street and Twenty-secoud 'street. in the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth or front on the said Jefferson street one hundred and' sixty feet, and extending northward of that breadth; along the said Twenty-second street one hundred feet to Nafkall street. Bounded northward by the said Nassau street, southward by the said Jefferson street, eastward by ground now or late of John Lambert, and westward by the said Twenty-second street. Subject as to the uudernmost moiety thereof to a ground rent of one hun dred dollars per annum, and as to the westernmost moiety thereof to another ground rent of one hundred dollars per annum. N. B.—Mr. Hobart has parted with hie Interest in the above lot. rt). C. 15; Mar. T., '63. Debt. 13102. Letchworth.Seized'and taken in execution as the property - of Edward Hobart, and to be sold by JOHN TROIIIPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, February 16196 . 3 fel9-St 9,,BERiFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veuditioni Bxponae, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendee . on MONDAY Even ing. Starch 2, lea at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Girard avenue and east side of Twenty-seventh stteet • in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; con taining in front or breadth on the said Girard avenue eighty feet and extending of that breadth in length or depth sopthwaid along the said TUrenty-seventh street' one hundred feet. Bounded on the west by the said Twenty-seventh street, on the south by other ground of which this was part, now or. late of. Jelin Birch, on the east .by a certain twenty-feet - wide street laid' out and extended from Poplar street to Girard' a venue, and on the north by Girard avenue aforesaid. [Being the same lo4or piece of ronnd which John Birch and wife, by indenture date, the twenty-ninth day of June, Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred•and sixty, record ed in the office for recording deeds, Ste., for the city and county of Pitiladelphia,.in Deed Book A. D: 8.,1%; page SW, sc., granted and conveyed unto the said' Antrim ;T: 'Washer into°, reserving- thereont the yearly ground rent or sum of two hundred dollars, payable onto the said John Birch, hie heirs and• assigns,. in equal half-- yearly payments, on the first day of the months se sane,- ary and July in every year without deduction r -with. the free and common. use, right, libortY end privilege of the said twenty-feet-wide street at ell times hereafter forever. [D. C,,,145; Mar. T.. .63. Debt, 6040 fi4. W: B. Hienkell.] Taken in execution and.to he sold as the property of . Antrim J. Irlamsher. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oillee...Febrnary I,S; 1263. fspd-gt SIIEREET'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE: OF' a writ of Yenditioni Expense, to me direchid.Wlll be exposed to public- sale or vendue,- on MONDAY Even ing- Maroh •2,1663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Han,. All that (milieu lot or piece of ground; with the three-- atory stone =minutiae thereon erected.- situate between. Twenty-fifth (formerly called Fairmount) street and Pa goda street, in that part of the eityofPlilladelphla formerly called the dlatriet or Spring Garden, beginning at the dis-• tauoe of fifty feet southward'from the south side of Arrell street; containing in. front or breadth 16' feet, and in length or depth, between parallel lines-at right angles to • Arrell etreet;-to a three-feet-wide alley laid 'out between. the tail ends of lots No. 2 to 11 inclusive,. antl,26 to:16 in delineated'upon- the plan. of R. A: Browno's Pagoda iota,. the • southern- line of'the said' alley,. oppo site to this lot, being distant from: Pennsylvania avenue • one hundred.feet bounded' on the north by. ground of James Mc/lushly, on the south• by the said threeteet- wide alley, east by ground• let to James Clements, and - treat by ground granted' to. C. Mums.. Being the south-• ernmost moiety of a certain- larger lot of 'groundMarked in sabildin No: St, which Peter A. Btowne and by indbutore dated the 20th-day of May,.A.M 1847;4e-- corded ha Deed Book 0.W... 120.. page 1; granted' and couvcyed'unto the said James McAnaiay in fee,. re serving thereout a yearly ground rent or snm.of twenty' dollars, in equarbalf-yearly payments on. the Ant day of-the months eflanuary and Tilly itLevery year there after forever. CD. ; 'O. Debi, $250; Weatherby;). Taken in execution and to be sold.as the property of James Manalatx. 01:1N11103IPSO rg: Sherit: Philadelphia. Cherie's 011 ice. February 1&1S&3. hell-et SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE: OF . a writ of Venditioni Erponas, to me directed.will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, march gopE, at 4 o'clock. at Hansom -street All that certain lot or piece sof'grounds.situate • in the • district.of Penn and county•of Philadeljihits,.beginning: atthe northeast corner of College avenue mnd , Twenty first street:Allem:a extending eastwardlyalong the north, side oftho said Collegenvenue three bundled and twen. ty-nine feet five inches and three-eightheof 'an inch tq a point; thence extending northwardly on a• line running at right angles with the said' College avenue, one hun— dred and twenty-five feet to st• point :thence extending westwardl one hundred' and , two feet' one-inch and' three-eighths of an inch to the northeast' corner at the head of a certain twenty -fi v e-feet-wide street; thence ex— tending southwardly along thehead of the said twenty five-feet-wide street on a line at right angles with the said College avenue to the south side of the said twenty five-feet-wide street; th en De attest d ingwestward ly along. the south aide of the said twenty , five- feet-wide street. one hnndred and eighty-four feet six 7 inches and three quarters to the east side of the said Twenty-first street, one hundred and sixty-five feet' to the place of begin ning. (Being the same premises which William B tick nell. by indenture dated the twenty-ninth day of April, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. and recorded on the fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, An Deed Book T. H., No. page ]29, atc., granted and conveyed unto Samuel K. Ashton, in fee, reserving thereout unto the said Wil liam Enamel', his heirs and assigns, a yearly rent or sum of six hundred dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November to every year thereafter forever. I Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said twenty-five Get wide street, in common with the owners and occupiers of other lots or ground bounding thereon. B.—Samnel K. Ashton, M. R., benne interest what ever in the above described property. ' CD. C.,lebt Mar. T.. ' 53.1 Debt. 8L270.50 Johnston. - Taken in execution and to be sold as the properts' Of 'Samuel H. Ashton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Phileaelehia, Sheriff's Office. Feb. lffiffi. fel 4t SITERIFieS SALE.—BY "VIRTUE OF writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be nx ped to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, March 2, ISEI, at 4 o'clock, at ransom-street Hall, • All that certain lot or piece of ground and brick and frame mesons get or tenements thereon erected, altunte on the east aide tf Delaware Fourth street, formerly in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia. Beginning.at the distance of one hundred and Any-one feet southward from the south aide of George street; thence extending eastward at right angles with the said Fourth street, by ground late of John Scott, deceased, one hundred and thirty feet four Mar: and a half: thence southward parallel with the said Fourth street, by ground now or late of Adam Snyder, fifty feet; thence westward at right angles withthe said Fourth street, by ground late of William Arehart, twenty-eight-feet: thence northward by the' same parallel with the said Fourth street twenty feet; thence westward oy the same at right angles with the said Fourth street one hundred and two feet four inches and a half to the east line there of, and thence northward along -the said Fourth street thirty feet to the plate of beginning. [Which said lot or piece of ground is composed of two conlignons lots or pieces of ground which William Deal, Req., High Sheriff of the city and county Cl Philadelphia, on due and legal process issued out of the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, seized, took in execu tion, and sold as the property of Jacob S. Baas, and which' Samuel Allen, Esq., then High Sheriff of the city ant county Moresatd ( the term of office of the maid William Deal having expired before the execution of a deed for the said premises.) by his deed poll bearing date the twentieth day of 1 , 0 vember, one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-two. entered among the records 'of said Court in Book A, Ne. 2, page 126, Ste granted and con veyed unto the said 'Edward White in fee.] N. B.—On the above premises there arc erected seven three-story brick, two two.atory frame, and one one- - story frame honseat—twe - of said three-story bricks being ertcted on said Fourth street, and there being. an en trance between salt three-story brick houses on Fourth street by which access is had to the remaining buildings. on said lot, which are erected 'on .the sides 'and rear thereof. • 0). C. ' 135 ; Mar. T.; ' 63.) Debt, .M,OOO. Lex. Taken in execution audio be 'sold as the _property of Edward White. J O HN THoMPSOzi, Sheriff. Fhiladolphia, Sheriff's Oflioe, Feb' 1 8 : 12 6 8 . fel9-35 SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 2d Flu ries Venditioni EXponas, to nie directed, will be expo:led to poblie sale or - vendee. on 3fOND sX Evening, March 2, .19Ctl, at '4 'o'clock, at eitnsom-street Doll, Al{ that certain lot or piecerof ground, with !improve ments thereon erected, intnate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing at the southeast wardly corner of Fiont and-Mira' streets, thence extend ing soutliwardly along the east aidd of setid•Front street thirty-six feet thence eastward On'a line atrlght angles with said Front street 'h' mound flower late of Elijah Tyson forty-five feet °nett:eh and five-eighths of an inch to a point; thence; still by the same, southwarft • ith int twenty feet to wpoint, which to at thediiitance of fink two feet one inch and .five-eighths of-an blob eastward front the east side of said Frontatreet, on a line ru n ni ng a t right angles thereto; thence 'northeastworsity, on a line at right angles with.Dreer street, by otherground of said Elijah Tyson, lifty-two fent throe and seven-eighths inches to the sontharestwardly side of Dreer street: thence northwestwardly along the same , soventy-tive feet two and one-fourth inches to the :tout:least Ward I y side of said Coral street; .aud 'thence- suuthweatwardly along the seine fifty-three feet and one-half otan inch to the east side of said FrOut street nod place. of beginning. (Being the sumo lot or *CO of ground which :Elijah Tyson, by a certain indenture' bearing date the eixtit day of December. alklio I)omini one thonseted eight bon d red and fifty-fonr, recorded in. Deell'BOok B. D. W; No. 3, pogo 21, s. granted and Conveyed unto the said Charles Townsend in fee, reserving therefor and ihereoot a certain yearly ground rent, charge, or sum af $15:3; in equal • half-yearly payments on the fleet day of the mouths of April and tnitober In every year thereafter forever: and the said Charles Townsend and wife, by a coy alit Indenture bearing date the twenty-second day of February, nano Domini one thousand eight hundred. suit fifty-five, endorsed upon the above-recited Judea bur, and recorded in Deed Boot: It: D.' V. , : No. if, page, 73, &c., granted and conveyed! one full, equal, and.un divided moiety, or one-half part thereof, in, and to the sold lot or piece of ground above debcribed unto George W. Binwechter, his heirs and assigns. ferever,_ under nod subject to a moiety !or hair part of the aforesaid yearly ground rent; and the said fteorge:W.'Einweehter and wife, by indenture bearing date the 'twelfth day of October, wino Domini ono. thousand eight hundred and filly-five, and intended to be forthwith recorded, grant ed and conveyed (interalia) his, the said or full, equal, undivided moiety, or one-half part of, in, awl to the aforesaid lot or piece of ground, subject Its" above men tioned; unto the 'said James McCartney, hie heirs and assigns, fotever.• CD. C., 16'7 ; lifar!T:; '6l • D0bt',4156.81. , . Ning3 • Taken in, execution and to b.; sold as the property of Charles Townsend. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's OfllCisFebronry 184,1,9ed.felta SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP be exposed t a ct pu Y nc sale or t . vendue. 70141:1kY. k ireated V! lug. March 2, 1163,:at o ur ock. at Sartnnniddrent 00 . I.—All those four-story frame mementos Or tenements. two throe-story brick messtniges or tenemerta, and letorpiece or ground, situate on the east aide of Franklin street, (formerly Called Lawrence street.) at the distance of one hundred an d nine feet three inches north ~jQ OM the north vab hf Nobln iltilifth in Me Cann tower_ pi i•ev &Mkt hf 1 / 1 111hAhlplah. •.. on 1115 rraalslia inreu tnirty-th s me fed. including. raw of a ton-feet-w/de court or alley, called CI futon court, and extending in length or depth eastward.on the south line thereof seventy-seven feet POSop inches ;pad three-eighths of an inch, and on the north lino thereof eeventy-nlne feet three inches and five-eighths of an inch. Bounded southward by ground' now or late of John Beeken, eastward by ground late of. Gilbert Albertson, northward by ground or which • this wile pall, granted or intended to have been grantat to Peter Shuster„ and westward by Franklin street aforesaid. . Being the same premises which Hiram .1. Hartwell, of the city of Philadelphia, assignee in trust of thoestate end effects of George Starr, of the City of Philadelphia, house-carpenter, 6y Indenture dated Vie eighth day of March, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, aufl recorded in Dee'. Book G. S., .No , tie, page 64 Sze, granted and convejed Onto the said Henry August Bergmann, in fee, together with the use, right, and privilege of the said ten-wet-wide court or alley. N 0.2. Also, all thatcertnin lot orpiece of ground situate in the district of Penn, beginning at a point of intersec tion of the ioutherly line of Pennsylvania avenge aed the easterly line of Thirty-fifth street. as the same are laid and continued by the Court on the.plan of the said district of Penn, thence extending southerly along the easterly side of the said Thirty-fifth street one hundred and fl urteen teat nine inches and seven-eighths of an inch to an angle of trty-fifth street; thence southwest ward along the southeast line of the Raid Thirty-fifth street one hundred and fourteen fe' t nine inches and seven-eish ths of an inch to the northeast line of Schuyl kill avenue, as the same le:laid down andrconfirmed u aforesaid, thence southeastward along the northeast side of the said Schuylkill avenue. two hundred and eight feet, thence north fifty degrees fifty-two minutes and a half east by i ground formerly of Isaac S. Loyd, now the Spring Garden. Water Works, three hundred and thirty-one feet three inches to the southerly site of said Pennsylvania avenue, and thence westwardly along the amithetly Ride of the said Pennsylvania ave nue two hundred and ninety-two feet three inches I. the place of beginning. Being the same premises which Samuel Allen. &quire, High Sheriff. by Deed Poll.dated December seventeenth, one thousand.eight hundred and fifty-three, and acknowledged same day its open District Court; and entered among the records thereof in Beek B, No. 2, page 600, granted and conveyed, unto H. A. Bergmann, in fee. (D. C., 156; Afer.T.,113.) Debt . g 9,00 0: Johnston. Taken in execution and to be field as the property of Henry A. Bergmann. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Feb. IS,. 1833. fel9-3t kJ HERIFF'S (.SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me Airected, will be exposed. to public sale 9r vendue, on MONDA Y Evening, March 2, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sunsoututreet Ball, All the right, title, and interest of Fleury A. Bergmann, being one equal undivided half tort ormoiety of; in, or to all that certain iotor piece of ground, beginning at a point in the north line of Thompson street,, at the dis tance of seventy-five feet westward from the west aide of Thirty-second street, as the same is laid out on the plan of the late district of Penn, now in the city lof Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Thompson street twenty-three reet eight. inches. and extending in length or depth north warden. the east and wait lines thereof, at right angles with said-Thomp son street, two hundred and eighteen feet to ground now or formerly of William Chamberlain, Bounded on the north by said ground now or formerly of William Cham berlain, on the west by ground granted to- Francis L. Brehm, on thee:lst-by ground granted toJacobJ. and on the south by Thompson street aforesaid_ [Being the tame pre misee which Charles Theis, et ux, by in denture dated the fifteenth day of August, anno Domini one tlion.and eight hundred and fifty, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C. No. 78, page 121, &c., granted and con veyed unto Philip BlaNe and Henry A. Bergmann la equal moieties as tenants in common, in fee; subject to the payment of an equal third part of a yearly ground rent of seventy-five dollars j N. B. —There is a Lager Beer Brewery on above pre mises. Woodward. Mar. T., 133.) Debt. 550400. Clayton & oodward. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry A. Bergmann and Herman A. Bergmann, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheritj'a Office. February 18,1868. felS.St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, March 2.11883,.at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ala that certain three-story brick messuege or tene ment and lot or piece of ground thereto belonging, situ ate on the north side of Wood street, according to a re cent survey thereof made by the City Surveyor, at the distance of forty-two feet eastward from the east aide of Tenth street, in tbe said city of Philadelphia Gate in the district of Spring Garden): containing in front or breadth on the said Wood street eighteen feet, and extending northward,. between parallel lines, in length or depth forty-nine feet. Bounded on the north by ground for merly of Jonas Preston, mut on the east by ground for merly of Howard and Samuel Williams, on the south by the said Wood street,. and on the west by ground An merly Jacob Gardner. (Being the- same premises which 'The Preston Retreat," by indenture dated the fourth day.of October, anno Domini. one thousand sight hundred and tißy-four, recorded in Deed Rook No. pare granted and conveyed unto the said John Matlack, in fte.T. CD. C. Thirblar. T. '63.] Debt, $l,lll. J.Sergeant Price. Token in execution and to be sold as the property of John Matlack. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,-Sheriff's Orrice, Feb. 18,1861 . • felt-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF P.-. a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex to p hia licle or vendee , on MONDAY Evening,. g . :112, 1:A. at 4.o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of seventy two dollars, lawful money, charged' on, half-yearly is suing and payable by John Shedwiok, hie heirs and assigns,. on thellret day of the months of April and Oc tober, olear of texes, &e_ , out of and for all that certain lot or piece of ground; with the buildings and imrovr)- mente thereon erected,. situate on the south a ide of Haverford street, at the distance of one handied and five feet eastward from the east side of Ninth. street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of said city; containing in trout or breadth on said Haverford street twenty-live feet, and extending in length or depth southward one hundred. feet fßeing.the same premises which the said Jere miah. Bonsai' and'Wife,. by indenture bearing date the tweuty?second: day of September, auno Domini nne thcmaano eiglithundredland fifty-eight, and intended to be therewith .recorded,. granted and convoyed unto John: Sliedivick.. in lee:. reserving thereout the said yearly ground rent. CD. C.,12: Mar. T.,412...) . Debt, affMA3 F. Shippers. Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Bonsall..JOHN' THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Seriff 's Office. FebruafY IS. fel.94t R,ELERIFF'S - SALE:=I3Ir VIRTUE OF k ) a writ. of Israel Yachts, to me directed, will be es ti) t publlesale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening. 7 l h 2,1 M, av4:o'clock.at Sansom•street.flall. All that. certain lotor piece of ground,.wlth the three story brick messuageor tenement thereon.erected. situate on the west side of'Eleventh street, at the distance of ninety-two (9 9 .) feet northward from the north side of Lombard street, in the said city; containing in front or breadth on said Eleventh street eighteen (18) feet, and extending in length or depth westward between lines at rightangles therewith eighty-two feet to a twenty-feet wide street, leading , northward from said Lombard street bounded northward by premises late of Jacob W. Colladay, southward by ground granted and intended to have been granted to David Watt,• eastward by Eleventh street, and westward by saidlwenty.feet-whie street. (Being the same premises which Edward N. Bonsai), by indenture bearing even• date with a certain indenture of mortgage, die., January 8, 1815, and Intend .ed to be recorded forthwith,ranted and conveyed unto the said Spencer Bonsall in fee, under and subject to the payment and-discharge ofa certain mortgage debt, a sum of three thousand. dollars, as therein mentioned, with. the interest.) 6.:0:,122:11ar. T.,'63. Debt, $477.52. F. Shippen_] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property_ of timneer Bensall. JOHN THOMPSOIS, Sheriff. Philadelphia. fiberitre Office. February fe7.9.3t S}IERIFF'S - SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Levari Facies, 16 me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening„ March 2,1513, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain steam planing mill and lot or piece of gronad.altnate in Germantown, in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, co the northwesterly side of Mill street; at the distance of two hundred and ninety-slxfeeteasterly from the east side of Cumberland street, thence extending by a line running parallel with said Cumberland street by ground of Margaret Rowan northwesterly one hundred and twenty feet, thence by a line rimning.parallel with said Mill street by ground of Thomas ilallowell, northeasterly to the side of the Phi ladelphia,. Germantown, and Norristown Railroad, thence along the side of said railroad soatheasterly to the northwest side of' said. Mill street, and thence along the side thereof about one hundred and fifty feet south.- westerly to the place of beginning. ['Being the same premises which the said Isaiah L. Shoemaker, by inden tnre.bearing even date with the mortgage upon which. 3 theminment is obtained on which this execubon issued, but executed before the same, granted and conveyed unto the said Spencer Shoemaker in fee. (D..C., 144; Alar. T., 'G3.3 Debt, $3,130. Clayton. & Woodward. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Spen cer Shoemaker and terra tenant, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlee,Reb. 113. 1563. fel9-3t- SHERIFF'S SAYE BY VIRTUE:OF a writ of Atlas Fiori Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening.. March 2, las, at 4 o'clock, at Sensom-street HalL . All that certain lot or piece ofound situate on , the south side of Christian street at t he distence of two hun dred and thirty-eight feet eastward I rom the east side of Thirteenth street, in the city and county of Philadel phia, containing in (router breadth on the said Christian. street sixteen feet, and extending of that width, is length. or depth southward, one hund: ed feet to a thirty-feet wide street willed .bverett street. Bounded northward.' by the said Christian street, eastward by (ground now or late of Alexander B. Carver, southward by the • aaid Everett street, and westward by groundimuted to Wil liam B. Mullikin on ground rent. [Being the MUM premises which Alexander B. Carver, by indenture dated the sixth day of August, anno Domini one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-seven, recorded in Deed: Book B. D. W., No. 146, page 118, dm., granted and conveyed to the said Williain R. Hanson in fee. N. 8.-This property is subject to a mortgs'e debt of. eight hundred dollars, secured by an infren tare •of mortgage dated August 8, 1557, and recorded in Mortgage Book R. D. W., No. 68, Page 556, Sm. [D. C... 124 - March T., , Gs. Debt, $ 216.67 . Letchworth.] Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil liam B. Hanson, and to be sold l JOHN THOMPSON. Sherif: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Feb. 18, 1863 fele-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE . OF ki a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be. exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, March 2, ISBi, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Nall. • No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the • brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on• the northwardly side of a new street laid out fifty feet wide and to be left open forever, leading westwardly from the Prankford and Bristol turnpike road, called Madison avenue, in the late district of Richmond, nowin • the consolidaied city of Philadelphia, beginning at the. distance of two hundred feet westward from the west - 'cranny side of said turnpike road, and containing in front or breadth on the said Madison avenue fifty feet, and exteuding in length or depth northward of that width, about one hundred feet more or less. Bounded westward by other ground granted by William Morris,. Jr., to Evan Morris, northward by ground of John W: Rester, eastwardly by other ground of the said Evan Morrie. and southwardly by Madison avenue. No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick rneernage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northwardly side of Madison avenue aforesaid, beginning at the distance of two hundred and • fifty feet westwardfrom the westwardly side of the said Prankford and Bristol turnpike road, and containing in. front or breadth on the said Madison avenue fifty feet,. and extending in length or depth northward of that width about one hundred feet, more or less. Bounded westward by other ground of Evan Morris, northward.; by other ground of John W. Boater, eastward by other ground granted by Evan Monis to William I.llchuals, :and isinthward by the said Madison avenue. [[Being the same premises which Evan Morris and Mary G., his wife, by deed dated the twenty-fifth day ofMay, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. -re ' corded a -I Philadelphia, In Deed Book E. W. D.', No, 27. page MO, etc., granted and conveyed to the said'. William Niehuals in fee..l [D, C.. 131; Star. T., V. Debt 83.138. Cleo. Sergeant.) Taken In execution, and to be sold as the propertyof William Bichuals. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Feb. 18,1851. foffi-3t' SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE • OF. •••••-• a writ' of Levarl Facies, to -me directed, will be exposed to public•saleor 'endue, on MONDAY Eyeniugi March 2, ISM, at 4 &clock, at Hansom-street' Hall.. No. 1.- All the foils:swing described lot or piece of ground, situate in the Kent ington district of the North. era Liberties; in the-counttotTliihidelphia,. nowin the .city of Philadelphia, as consolidated, situate on the north side of Oxford• street, be inning at the distanoe of 'eighty-Rix- feet eastward of Ulintonstreet, thence ex , tending northward parallel with the said Clinton stunt one hundred' andlen feet to a twenty-feet-wide alley, 'thence extending eastward' along the South side thereof ,to Howard street, -thence south ward•along the west tide of Howard street one hundred - and ten feet three and a ;half inches to said - Oxford street, thence set hundred sad flit y-sixfeet two inches, more or less. to the place of beginning. Bounded nor th ward by.the said twenty.. feet-wide a lley, southward' bilhe said Oxford -street, eastward by the said-Ho wardistreet; and westward by ground:r gritnted'on! ground"rent to William Richner. • segt.ther wish the bilok . building or - tenement and 'two fia me buildings thereoxerected; and 'together with the machint , ry therein, conaistinuof sternr-botter, pipes, itc:M S, TAW, chemicaketls. •, tuba, eta ., usett in the mann- ipre of tles • No. 2. Also, all that 'certain lot or piece of ground !situate in the said. late dishict, now the city of Philo 'delphia. Beginning at the southwest corner of Putnam :and Howard streets, thence' extending westward along the south side of Putnamstreet one hundred feet, thence outh ward pamllet with the said Howard street one 'hundred and four feet six inches to a twenty-feet-wide alley, thence eastward along the north bide thereof one hundred feet to the said Howard street, and thence northward along the west side of Howard street one hundred and four feet six inches to the place of begin tints. bounded northward by Putnam street,southward by sold twenty-feet-wide alley, eastward by Howard street, and westward by ground granted or intended to Lave been granted to Henry Erdman on ground rent. Icing the same two lots of ground and premises which were granted and conveyed to the said Francis N. Buck 1;y the said William Coffin and wife, in and by two se re;aleonreyancs, to wit: the one moiety or undivided half part, by deed doted the 3d day of February, A. D. 1553, of record in the office for recording deeds, etc., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed 'Book H. D. W. No. 54, page 44. etc., and the other moiety or nu-. divided half part, by deed dated the 15th day of Septum - ten.,, A. 1). larLrecorded in the office aforesaid, in the- Deed 11•0 k T. 8., No. 175, page 421, etc., as by reference. will appear. And also, all the machinery, tools, imple meets, steam engine, etc.. of whatsoever kind and! de scription, inducing the office fixtures and remit are. N. B.—On N0..2 is erected a two-story brick building: and also a frame building. C., 154; Mar., '63. Debt, 60,112,50. Letchworth. l• Taken in execution and to. bo sold as the propearof , Francis N. Buck and .Tane E.his wife. JOHN THOMPSON*. Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, FebrucT /6, Ibl , 6:49,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers