Behr J J Spencer, Swain, hence, arrived at Port Royal , lb alt. I3chr A W Gardner, Somers, hence, arrived at Port Bofel eth Met, Behr R S Miller, Baker, cleared at Port Royal 27th alt. for Philadelphia. Schre Fly, Cheumeman. and John C Henry. for Phila delphia, cleared at Now Haven 11th inst. Solar D B Mille, Bich, cleared at Boston 19th inst. for Bohn It Dean. Cook, and Antares, Cordery, sailed from Pit IV LOlOllll 11th inst. _ _ Seim C 8 Edwards, Oar wood, L Maul, Prambes. and J D DfcCarthy, Young, cleared at Port Royal 31st ult. for Iladelp Schrs It Dillon ' Ludlam, and .1 Climaor , Thorny *on, saUedfrom Port Royal Bth Inst. for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Official notice In given that the buoy at Bulwark Ledge lies drilled about half IL mile from lie m•,orin;s in a mortheaaterly direction. It will be replaced as soon as :Possible. Portland, Pebrnary 10. 1563. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP To 12 o'OLOox LAST NIGHT. ontinental—Ninth .1 B Ferslx, Hertford, Coda SA Blanchard, Jr. Hoeton R Robeson, Cambridge Lomsvillo V H. Whitford, Now York .A Kantz, 1.1 N T. T BY rectmn M Lawrcuco Johu 1' Blade, Mare T C Coverley, FFnrrieb New Jersey P Soltuelnistwn, Pittsburg Mrs M Moore, Pittston g "W l'eck & la, New Haven Y Foirhankr, Vermont. :H Fairbsuke, Vermont d Chestnut streets W Saul Kroodlo St la, Conn H 11 Alexander Now York Gee Newbold, Jr, N York Clow Silver & la, Pottsville Geo W Snyder, Pottsville W J Dunham, Albany It 8 Sherman, Now York M D Maine, Now York Jam-a Hot, Netv York .11l Hoary, Dolawa .T McGregor Adams,Chiaago Mrs W it Lowry & eh. Brie Mrs J W Douglas & Ron, Pa ors A McD Lyon, Harriabg A Kendall, Boston Mrs A Norris, New York Mrs Van Horne, New York Miss Van Horne, Now York Mrs W Coles, New York Mrs G Moko, New York .7 N Burioigh St lit, Boston Lt Raw H Sears it I B M Ward, New York B Evorbart. W Cin,tor J O Penile, Waihington L J 0"roole, Washington A C Brownell & In, N T T Vernon, Kontlicky H 1! L Harrington, Ilsitimore Mat J B 'Rialto, I W F Brett, Ruston 11 K Keith, Boston Jos J Lewls.West Chester J H Robinson, Harrisburg C L Oooliring, Pittsburg Chas MeGandloo, Penns Miss C gimmerman. Ntuan. Goo C Walker, Chicago .1 W Bridgman at wt, N Y C Wharton St la, Pittsburg F it Oliver & la, Now York EEmbeen, New York Joseph Cottlt, Nan—,Tersey Win fteyatt. IV York D Paisley. Baltimoro Wm Silas J F S Thomas, Jr, Newark Lient Coo J P Howard, Now York E R BermeLl, Now York .11 11 DitrooA, lowa - It , Barnet., how York . Copt R Plaxwell.PCDUß VellHomo, how York -.1 W . flinger Poona llro KiMoitor:Pooml A II 81111111. Now York .1 V Guthrie. Cincinnati .G G Bescott & In, Boston WJl'aran& la, Boston .1 4 H Brown & In. Boston •ET Armstrong, New York 'rhos Carver, Jr, Baltimore Geo Alackentle, Licit (t Brillion, Jr, 01/4 term J Roman, Ilitrylenti . 17,01 Spates, Maryland 31eitry Broom, New York 'l' Rowe,,, Chicago VitYnettioVentrli,WChoeter 3111 u A DIeD Lyon, S A Lleut Jam 0 C Dodge, Mass Sliwyer,•Pitteh'g Sang Dint', York, Pa 31 L Scranton, New Haven Copt Jos St Ellis, N York Jun E CA rinalt,i'emm, Ashbot Welch, N Jenoy John B Hooper, Balt )1 C Southwick, N York John Evans, Baltimore O W Wilcox, Mass 33 A Whitfield, N York 34fre 133 R Sanford, N York' C Frickor, Brooklyn J A Pricker, Brooklyn Nr Newland, Now York Cummings, Springfield Xi Rich, Boston How, Boston Geo Chevalier, New York 72 N Allen, Cleveland 'W G Nixon. New Jersey Sam! Ilfaeknally, New Yorki W 11 Bicketadt, ash, D C Otto C Anderson, lowa. ' Geo Carr, New York A C Boyden, Mass NB Wi(march J B Yrlsbio, California Cleo Bockhorn, Now York R A Nwain, California W W INck, New York 0 A Beware, New York E 9 Meson, D 0 .7 D Potta, Now Jersey P Pntunni, .1V White, ktmr York 9 Holman. Almsnehnsetts Mr Bell, rittehtim B Jackson, Now York Girard—Chestnut ittreetr below Ninth. -I Cunningham E W Smysor, Phihula B C Hume, I fadiamt E W InekeeP, Philadn Jacob Vestburg, Baltimoro UV/ 11( Smysor, PhilX4lll JWKillinger & so, Lebanon John Nevin, Pittsburg John H Hood, Wash, D D Valentine, Poona Lewis J Davis, Wosh, D C lion A R Wooten, Dol Wm A Jacoby, Norristown 'Ol E Doane, Boston John P Slade, Fall River Geo NY Lane, Aurora, Ind E Barrow, Lmdavltle, Ky John 0 Anthony, Ctn, 0 A Marius, N Jersey James Young, - Middletown 1, Wier, Connectient ' Mr/ BL Bowen,Satinn, Mass J EWatta, Roche s ter, NY Mies Bowen, Salem, Mass J V Merrick, Plilisda:. Dr EH USN.WeiI 31 J Smundiumt, St Louis J D unites , Now Jersey J FIN audoren & wife, NY Ehl Goodwill, Balt • • It H Adams, Harrisburg John Duknra, Bart C Allen, Cincinnati Mrs J w Tyson & 2 ch,Md J D Boas Harrisburg J Ruyiand, Midd town Lt Col John 8 Austin John Ii Winton, W Chester W J Morgan & wf, N Y I,l' Everett, Boston Mins Julie Moran, X C Hall, U 8 A C L Rehn, Philadelphia IS Hammett, New York C L. Templeton, N Y J 8 Killinger, retina &Iv J Stockton, Now York C J Beebe., blithlletown,NY W O Williamson, hire 0 S Beebee, New York E E Bowman, Oxford. Pa Eon JWFuller.Cataxtuquo. W .11 Sutton & la, N Y Magill & wf, Wesh'n co B Marsh, Jersey City Eon S Camaro,,, Harrisburg Capt W Sergeant, U S BDaVis, New York Merohants'—rourt. J r Emmet B Mir t Peune, • • • - I. II artroof, Terre Hanle Z E Cruger 0 C Snyder, Salem, O It MoCntolumn, Pittsburg J A Trimble, Hookor, town ..1) 8 McCoy, Ohio , 0 M Winebrewer & wf, Pa W S Young, Allentown Jan Healey, Penult .Albert Conkle Ohio ji Andrew, N tork W H Marvin, Ohio iZ D Crawford, Millilutown J Brennan, Baltimore D Stewart, Pittsburg Cyrna Hoffer, Lewisburg Jf D Wolf, Lewisburg Eon 0 W Stein, Emden !SireCoooh, Del Sins Thompkins, Del lEAmeilean—Chestnut R Sickly, Washington,D Sabates. New York Id rental, New York F 81411111 ms, New York D_ D Kennedy, Oxford Pa B DAM. New York 'Wm J Conner, M'ch Chunk Wm Spinner, Pa P Britt, Cine, Ohio ' 1' Ludlam. New jersey Lieut B C Alexander John Drake, Euston Fit.imula—Cfllkeetrarat i Then 3 Little, N Y John 0 Reed, Baltimore ,A.J Buckner, Jr, Phil& II W Field, N Y J C Jones, Norfolk,Va . Jae Moore, Trenton Jae Wilson, Trenton { Geo Wood, Trenton lienry Lander,rfewark,N 3 Wm Rodney, Newark, li .1 If L Barton, Althorn Wm B Thomas, Norwalk A Henderson, Bangor, Me "Lewis Henntegann, N 3 W W Wright, Delftware C Sherie.Wilm, Del .Slina Gas', St lambi 11 Brown, Cincinnati ( Beller& N York ' Btanhardy,N York in Jeffrey, Chicago '' toHowlett,Denver City n ea.sliton Denver City .7 W Harrington, Newark W H Ward, Baltimore 1 Clins if Crogean, Hal t The Unlou—Areh lient JYRI inn,Trentou, J J W Mute, Ponnsylvonts. John T Boyd,Ponn.ylvanis Josiah P 110601, Easton Frank D Hetrleo, Easton States Union—Sixth A B Loog,Lewictnwo. z Cash,Perry co, W Strome, Juulittaco,Pa J W Hudon, Inditthooo,Ta Wm Buchanan,Lanc co • Pix Xl* A DEM herforti , If arrlebg Jun 1311,3a11er, Dow' kor B 13 Striker, Deuv.llle National—Race at RMlller, Penneylvenla Ileberroth, A 14 John *light:Port Del Commercial—Sixth p J Taylor, Burka esunti S Bellancc, Maryland T White Il Frog 40 Boger, Lewisburg. 21 .1) Wolf, Lewisburg Black Beer—Third a J Cadwalader, Doylestown A Bowers, Fox Chase C M Garner, Burleson% 0 P Shutt, Doylestown 11 Gibson New Briton J Large, Doylestown Tv eildwalader, Do V ostovrn tl affY e rd rn i etn, n tl v i t 9 Roads,Pa T Beane, Yanlleysl ll e 'White, Yardleyville K Neal, Yardleyvtlle Bald Bagle—Third rt., above Callowhill. T Smith, Beetle, Pa IT Berger. Quakertown .1%.K . Reeder, New Hone P SLeieenring, Pa .1 C Schlough Beeton,Pa Lient Erato, Mt Bethel J Boldoreon, Backe co Madison—Second street. above Market. Geo F Nlxon,Bridgeton,NJ C J Resbnry, Maryland F Moore, New Jersey B G Chandler, Maryland W Cadwalader, Ducks co M Rash, Dover, Del Gen Crawn J Green, Pennsylvania I 13 W Dutet, Mauch Chunk T F Parry, ncks co Pa W Harper, Slatington, PaW L Smit. Milford , N J Kowa Vernon—Second street, above Arai J Alurphy & la, Peon& J S Fisher, Westville, DT J F Hodgson, Waoltington N Stone, Now York ..LS ?throne, Weßtyllla, NJ VM DO Maine. New York W H MUDD% WeatvllLe,NJ SPECIAL NOTICES_ To Two, LADIES. BY THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. Ladies all Fhort and tall, Maidens shy, Widows ely. • Matrons too, Hail to you, Every one I Not in fun, But to prove That I love Womankind, I'm inclined To RiIdTRER yOll -- • (Heaven bless yont) Not to task you, I would ask you To extend To fiscal friend And relation Information Where men's raiment, Finely wrought, For cash payment May he bought. Priem low (tall them all), And the place in TOWER. HALL, The largest assortment of ready-mad* Clothing in Philadelphia, at TOWER HALL. MS MARKET Street, It BENNETT At CO. DEAFNESS CUI U BY DB. STEVENS, RS ma,' be seen from an important certificate under his card 14 another column. OYSTERS I OYSTERS I—FROM AM, (ISAR taus people come to get the unrivalled Simi and FrieS tarnished by HUBBARD, 152 North SIXTH Street. Try them once, and you will not fall to call again. 11-2' DR. D. EXPECTORANT.—ALL WHO /aye need this etanderd Medicine for Asthma, Consumption, . .Bronchttts. Pleurisy, Whooping Cough. . Croup, Conti* and Colds, Hoarseness. • \ Or any PuHannan . Complaint, attest its usetaintats. s- Recent Coughs and Colds, Notarial Paths, are quickly and effectually cured by its diaphoretic, south- In frig, and expectorant power. Asthma tt always cures. It overcomes the spannodle contraction of the air vessels. and by producing free ex. expectoration at once removes all difficulty of breathing. Bronchitis readily yields to the Expectorant. It sub dues the inflammation which extends through tile wind tubes, produces free expectonttion, and supprosKos at Once the cough and pain. amtrumption. — For this Insidious and fatal disease no remedy on earth has ever been found so effectual. It subdues the Inflammation, relieves the cough and pain, and relieves the difficulty of breathing, and produces an easy expectoration, whereby ail irritating and obstruct ;mg matters are removed from the lungs, • Whooping Cough is promptly relieved by this Eaves torant. It shortens the duration of kthe disease one half, and greatly mitigates the sufferings of the patient. In all Pulmonary Complainie, in Croup, Pleurisy, It will be found to be Prompt, safe, pleasant, and gettable. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 242 Ortysr. VITT Street, andeold by Druggists generally. rd 4.21 street, below Arch. Wilkins Cooch, Del A II Loose, Die A J Calborn, Somerset, Pa W H Hntter, Easton. J M Irwin, Greencastle F II Hollister, Montrose D broith, oil City Hon C M Donovan, Penne Hon D Hance, 'Fayette, Pa C Lyman, Crudersoort Dr C K Earley, Elk co G H Rowland, Pike en. Pa 'rhos Rtnk St la, Latrobe J Patterson, Allegheny John May, Va Gov May, Va E T Pradley, N York J C Enbcaly, Mauch Chunk C Kocher, Mauch Chunk \V Mc Lel I an , C h am hersh nrg Jno Wilhelm, Greencastle street. above Fifth. Oft* W J Tormenter, N H Ball, New York Gee W Mackenzie, N Y L Pmlth, Maryland Dr W D Noble, Maryland W F Seymour, Georgetown H F Payton, Prov II I James Miller, New York Anson Atwood, Troy. N Y Thee Bennett, derssy , bore Jas M Thomae,Mantown street. above Third. L King, Paterson, N J .1 It Swan, Jr, Columbus, 0 Mrs Morton & fa. Chicago Mrs Brownlee, Chicago H Castle, Newark, N .7 P Bassett; N Y H Weston, N Y - E L Do nohne.*Bstr.ln 0 J Smith & wife. X Y J Hines, Jr Maryland T Gregory, Harlem SamiTyson,_ Lancaster fl B Craig, N J W F Browning, Indiana J B Bragdoct r N If F F Rosenbaum, Malaga iJos 0 F, Lamed, N York , 0 bl Huntington ft Akers, Baltimore J 0 Ditgan,Baltintoro J Gibbon, Baltimore Paul Palle, Read lug Milton Taylor,Chester co A L DeNester N :York J D Mercer, henna Fins Hooker, Malaga street, above Third. R H W Harper,Slatlngton, Pa J L M Clear, N L H Grolo‘, Allentown T Bond, New York and Market streets. D Humphreys, Doylestown Mrs Ann Da VH,Tr. rsey city Wm R Lynam,Dolaworo Thos °Hest, Pansies Ferry Miss Mary Magee, Pa H L Partridge, Boston D, Po rest above Third. . IGeo R.l atter, Pennsylvania J 41 Bills, Harrisburg G D Jacl son, Harrisburg rect. above Chestnut. W B Oche'tree, Delaware Jameson, Delaware. John D Jenkins, Pa Ed w Barnes, Chester co ER Plankinton, Cll99tar CO L Beek, Cheater comity ..t, above Callowhill. W EIItIOWO, Moreland 0 P Janney, Yardley villa W Ruppert, Fox Chase 0 Roads, Southampton Roads, Southampton J B Willett, Southampton IWlthard, Southampton J Vanarsdalen,Southamp'n F Whital, Fenno M . Haldeman, Danboro S Shutt, Doylestown SPECIAL NOTICE.—Tins SEVENTH ANNI VERSARY of the " 0111JRCH HOME FOR CHILDREN" will be bold on next SUNDAY EVENING, rarest,' 15, in the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, corner of cali!,ll - and FIFTEENTH &routs; Service to begin at VG o'clock. The Annual Sermon will be preached by Rev. Ur. HUNTINGTON, of Boston, and there will be a col lection taken up in aid of the Institution. felt'-2t • KERR' s CIIINA AND GLASS ESDABLISSITENT, CHINA HALL, 18.419 CHESTNUT STREET, Directly opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphl. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and eau packed In a proper manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parts of the United States, N. B.—Chlna . decorated to order; also, Initials and crests elegantly engraved on table alass. ONE-PRICE CLOTIIING, OF THE LATEST armee, made In the Rest Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain WI. (urea. All Ooode made to Order 'warranted sallefactot7. Our ONE-Paws Sums le strictly adhered t o. All are thereby treated alike. del24Y JONES & 00..604 MARKET Street- BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYEI THE BEST IN THE WORLD WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair D. Produces a color not to be dietinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; retnedite the 111 effects of bad dim, and invigorate!' the Hair an life. ORA Y. HRH, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tarns a mieudid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. 4161 - The Genuine in signed WILLIAM A. BATCHIr LOR, on the four irides of each hon. FACTORY. No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Lets 2Si Broaden,/ undid/fond Aired.) my2S-ly New York. B-T-1 860-X. • DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, They purify, etrengtben, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They aro an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Dlarrhcoha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbia. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beet BITTERS in the world. They snake the weak man strong, and are exhaneted nature's groat restorer. They are made of pure St. CrOtx Rum, the cola braced Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken will. , the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate pereout requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drag• elate, Hotels, and Saloons. P. IL REARS do CO., 201, BROADWAY. New York. ■e74-6m 35111:L..13,R,2E733- -4 a New York, on the 'nth instant, by the Rey.. Dr. Cosy, leroine L. Hill to Auu AmeTt, daughter of Edmund Yard. SUMMERILL-I.I3ECII—Fab. 12, 1533, by the Rev. J. D. Nowlin. Mr. James B. Suintnerill, of Penu'e Mauer, N. J., to Mims Maggio A., daughter of Cherie% Leec.h. Rag., of this city. 1..)•)...ii MCDOWELL.—On Friday evening, Feb. 'Pith. the Rev. John McDowell, 1). 1).; senior pastor of the Spring Gar den Presbyterian Church, of this city, in the Bid year of his age. Doe notice will be given of the funeral. ' • NAGLE. —On the 12th instant, Cordelia Isabel, young est daughter of Dr. George L. and Mary Nagle. The relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 516 Spruce street, on Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. Service at tho German Reformed Church, Race street. below Fourth. se, WOELPPER.-On the morning of the 13th instant, Bell J., wife of David A. Woolppor, and daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Kegler. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 624 Franklin sl met, on Tuesday afternoon, the 17th instant, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Laurel 11111. • HIIIILEY.—On the 13th instant, James S. Hurler, in the 67th year of his awe. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the fniteral, from his late residence, near Monet Ephraim, Camden county, New Jersey, on First-day 2 afternoon, 25th instant, at o'clock. DIJA.NE. —On Thursday morning, the 12th instant, Deborah, wife of William J. Duane, aged 81 years. The male relatives and friends of the family are in vited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 1861 Locust street, on Monday morni . x . tg, Feb. 16th, at 10 o'Clock. IIcKESSA.—On the 13th instant, Charles, son of Mi chael J. and Ellrabeth McKenna, aged 2 years and 2 months. Funeral from No. 712 Plover street, bolow Washing ton, on Sunday afternoon, 14th instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to St. Marrs Cemetery. The relatives an d friends are respectfully invited to attend. • ATWOOD.—In West Chester, Pa., on Wednesday -morning, the 11th instant, Elisabeth Atwood. aged 73 The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her husband, James Atwood, this morning, the 14th instant, at 11 o'clock. SITER—On Thursday morning, the 12th instant, Mrs. Ann Siter, relict of the late John Siter, &aqin the 88th year of her age, [Chester county papers pleaso copy. lier relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend her inners!, from her late residence, In Radnor township, Delaware county, on Monday morning, the 16th instant, at 11 o'clock. BARER.—At Yorkville, South Carolina, on the 19th nit., Captain John Baker, of Philadelphia, in the 79th year of his age. • WAGER. At Montgomery Square. Montgomery coun ty, on Tuesday night, 10th inst., Peter Wager, in the Slat Year of his age, formerly of Philadelphia. Due notice wilt be given of the funeral. OT.ENNEN—On the 12th instant,• Michael Glennen, aged Id months, only sou .of Thomas and Ellen Glen- BARRIS —On.the Tith instan", Mr. Benjamin Barris, in the 57th year of his age. a BUSES. —On Thursday morning, Feb. 12th, Emma S., daughter of Chas. i and Emma Ilabbs, aged 3 years. 4 nt mohs, and 1 day. • O.III.ISOIV.—On the morning of the 11th instant, in the 62d year of her age, Sarah. Warn Johnson. PRING MOURNING DRESS GOODS k- 1 —BESSON & SON,-Mourning Store, No. 9.58 CHESTNUT Street, have received Black Silks of the most desirable makes and styles, from $1 to *3.50 in yard. _ Block and White neat Check and striped Silks, $1 to $1.25 a yard. Shepherd Plaid Silks, $125 Black Harcelines, Lustrines, Senshews, &c. Black and White Foulard 5i1.M.,..76-ots Black and Purple Foulard Silks, 5734 c to $1.1236. Black all-wool Moustetines do Laine, 3711 to 75 cts. Black all-wool, double width do Ma "L Black Bombazines, 87)4c to 37e. Black English Bombazines, of t e best make. Black all-wool Tomtits Cloths. Black English Reps, 3131 c Black Crape Tani means, sog to &We. Black Alpacas, 3114 to 750. Black glossy Alpacas or Noltairs, 50e to $1.12}6. Black Barege, Mc. Black Enrage 7-4 wide, SHic to 80. Black Crape Maretz. 3734 to 44c. Black Grenadine, Mirages, 62.14 e to 81.25. Black Grenadine Bargees, 8-4 wide. $1.25. Black and White De Lainee, 25 to Sic. Wack and White striped Moliairs, 31;i1 to 3736 c. Black and White English Lawns. ISIt Black and White English Organdies, 25e. Black plain Lawns and Organdies, Tic White and Black English Lavrn,2sc Black and White ()Ingham, 28 to 400. Black and White Cnintzes, %) to 25c. White ground Chintzes, 25 to 600. Gray and Black Chintzes/20 to 22c. • Madder Purple Chintzes, 22 to Hie. • Plain Bleak Chintzes, 20 to 25e. ' Black Baratheas, 62X0. Black Tnrln Cloths, 62 c. Black Empremi Cloths, 75c. Gray and Black Maly de Lathes, 26c. Gray Glace Mohairs, 62.1 i• to 870. _ Black Silk Grenadines, 01 to $1.26. ALSO, Shawls, Crapes, Veils, Collars, Sleeves, Bows, HosietT. Gloves, Belte, &c. In great variety. BESSON & SO . 'S CHESTNUT Aliair• 93.8 - a, STREET. BESSON & SON. 7612-31 IpYRE & LANDEI4 FatTETIEr AND ARCH. always keep a no stock of Staple Hotutehold Goods. jail) Best Muslin, Linens, and Flannels. Rum& LANDELL, FOUBTH AND ARen—alwari knave fall line of • Mourning Shawls. WO Fashionable Shawls. VirRE & LANDELL, FQXTRTH AND -LA ARCH, have a flue anortment of Good Glossy Black Silks. WO Widows' Mks without gloss. M-FIRS T CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, THOMPSON Street. below FRONT. Preachinn-by•Rev. D. L. Gear, TO-MORROW, at A. M. Subject—" The Lighted City i" and 7at P. M. Snbject—"Well Doing . "By particular request. Rev. D.Gear will deliver bin great Lecture on "George Wtuib L. ingto ,n "at Arcanum Hall, THOMPSON Street, be low FRONT, on MONDAY EVENING, February 2.3 d. .Admismion, 25 cents. k It. CHURCH • OF THE NEW TESTA MENT, ELEVENTH and WOOD Strenta. Rev. Dr. KliAllTll,loi A. Singing Class, night CHILDREN'S CHURCH.—THE next monthly service for the Young will be held in the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, TOMORROW AFTERNOON, at three o'clock. IIM• FIRST .REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Etreetm. —Rev. MOM H. SUYDAM', Pastor,'lvill (D. V. ) tmench TO-MORROW. Service iu the morning at 015 o'clock n the eveninkt at 7% o'clock. M. , ANNUAL MISSIONARY DAY AT' MON M. B. CHURCH, FOURTiI Street. below Arch, on SABBATH, February 15. — Rev. J. P. Durbin, D. D., will',treat at 10K A. Zit Juvenile Anniversary at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. and preaching in the even ing at 7i4 o'clock, by Rev. Dr. Porter Collection for the cause throughout the day. feLS-R. IV3s THIRD REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, corner TENTH and Fl &BERT Strada Rev. W.. 1. R. TAYLOR, D. D., of New York, will preach TO-MORROW , Service at 10.4 o'clock, morning, and 3): o'clock, afternoon. ir•• DR. S. TOWNSEND WILL PRICA.CR a Sermon to Medical Stndents at Green-street 31. E. Church, on SABBS.TI.I MORNING, services com mencing at log o'clock. , Medical students invited to attend. Preaching nt 7q o'clock P. M. by the Pastor. T. STEVENS, 1003 Green street. y~ THE LADIE.S OF THE MoOLIEL- , LAN AID souiny for the relief of sick and woanded soldiers. take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of 11410 from the fair held at 110.1 Callowhill street, by Bliss Mile Reeltstrasser. also, of $lO from the fair held at Ninth and Spring Garden, Christmas week. C. A. CAPEN, Secretary. rr&e TRINITY CHURCH. CATHARINE Street. —The Rev. DANIEL WASH BURN 8, rec tor elect, will ammo the duties of that position, sod preach TO-MORROW, both morning and evening. The Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, Blehop of tie Diocese, will be present at the morning service. Mornlng•service, o'clock; evening service, 7/1 o'clock. It* 'LEVI _JOHN S. INSEIP, LATE CHAPLAIN OF THE FOURTERNefI BROOK LYN N. Y. S. hl will lecture. in the. SALEM X. E. CHURCH, Lombard street below Broad, on TUESDAY BVENINO,II4b. 17th. Subject; Fourteen Months' ex perience ae Chaplain in the Army. For the Benefit of the Went Federal Street H. E. Church. Tickets, TWEN TY-FITE CENTS. For sale at Perkinyine & Higgins, 06 North FOUNT d Street, Methodist Tract Society, 119 North SIXTH Street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. fel-1-30 IM. THE ARMY AND NAVY.—A MEET ING (sixty-ninth in .conrse) for the purpose of furnishing Religious Reading .for Army and Nlll7, and Hospital supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers, will be held TO-MORROW EVEN ING,_at 7 o'clock, clock, In the WEST SPRUCE-STREET CHURCH. The Pastor, the Rev. W. P. Breed; the Rev. A. U. McAuley recent ly a delogate to the battle-field; and the Rev. Chaplain, Tames B. lienehaw, will address the meeting. These meetings have been marked by a 'growing in terest, Fln a the benefits to the bravo soldier have been incalculable. • Persons who have old magazines and religions papers which they would Bite the soldiers to read, Can have them forwarded by sending them to the Christian Asso ciation Rooms, 1009 and 10L1 CHESTNUT St. 110 IMTHE CROSS.—SPECIAL DEI- couRSB, in St. Matthew's Lnthern Chun • NEW Street, below FOURTH. between Race and Vine atrenta, by the pester, Rev. S. W. MUTTER, on TO 7o' MORROc lock. W EVENlN G servic e a . Servic la e% g. commence at halt past Morning t FIRST • CONGREGATIONAL oNg— TAMAR CHURCH, corner of RMITII and LO. talnT Btreeta. The Rev. 0. B. FROTHOBIHAM,of NeW York, will preach in this church next SUNDAY, 15th inst., at log, o'clock in the morning and 734 o'clock in the evening. Ms REV. DAVID STEELE I . PASTOR of tho Fourth Reformed Presbyterian rch, corner of EIGHTEENTH and FILBERT Streets Ch , u will preßch TO-MORROW, at 10)4 and 7g o'clock. R. MREV. .WILLIAM BARNS WILL commence a eerie,: of 'Sermons TO-MORROW MORNING,. In Salem M. E. Church, LOMBARD Street, abonTHIRTEENTII, en 'The Glory of the Church of God. "THE tgCOMING OF ELIJAH ABOUT 11015-70, TO HERALD CHRIST'S AD• VENT, AND TESTIFY AGAINST NAPOLEON, THE ANTI-CHRIST," (Mal. iv, Rev. xi.) Rev. M. BAX TER, Enisearal Minister, lectures on TO-MORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, and noon the Millennium after 1870, Sunday evoning. at Diligent Hall, TENTH and FILBERT Streets. I.l* FREE PUBLIC LECTURE..—A LEI - TURZ will be delivered at BRYANT, STRA'r qON,_ & CO.'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, on MONDAY EVE NING, the )6th butt., at 7 o'clock, on the subject of ••• Life pronounce, inctuding Os History, and the Vari ous yet Aide Autoptat in English 'and Amertexin Com bg•A. B. KEITH, Req.,. Agent of the Equita ble Life Assurance Society." . OM-113t• THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1863. crlvricx OF Tikg INTFAIC E SOlt, SNUB° GARDEN Street, below BROAD. I,ev. IL A. CARDSN, D. P.. will preach tho arlathly fiernicu. te "THE YOUNG LADIES lOWA, CLASSES TO-MORROW(Su odey) hit' IN _c Thl o'clock. Sub ject— 'The Daughter of Jaime.' mats provided for strangers. Children's church at 3P. • At.' It. Ir's ST. TIMOTHY'S ROX -11, .11.01.10 H, Twenty-first Ward, l'h dm: &phial IVI 1111 CUIIOCCIIIteII to the worship of Almighty God, on SNIURYAY morning next,l4th February, at lO g o'clock, Blithe!, STEVENS oflicl,ting Curs leave NINTH and tiRERN Streets, at live minutes aft er 9 o'clock A. .1., for Wissan 'coon Station, on Norris town Railroad, where omnibuses will be in welt ing. CRITTENDENN PHICLADELPUIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. cur. SEVENTH awl CHESTPI uT Streets. Instruction tu lluok-k.mptng, Penmanship, Mercan tile Forms, Commercial Law. Calcalation*, &c. lndividual lip•trnetlon. • Opon Day and Seminal. ALL PERSONS 6'AVORA.BLE".. 4 TO forming s new Building Assoohttion, to be called Tne rascal Buildi. g Aainelation, are retine•ted to at tend a meetingat the Meclinuics' Institute, FIFTH Street below Washinaton Arnim , on MONDAY EVENING, )6th inst.. at 7g e'el oek felt.2t* MRs3 4 7, l clfirta i rtTl N ii s L2 ( D l El v pi A nA ll , / tab a rut t y l "97 Dina. NOTUIE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—TIIE AN NU AL ELECTION FOR DIRDITORS will be hold on MON DAY, the wwond day of March, 1563. et the Office of fife Company, No. 238 Sonth 'IIIIRD Street. The Polls trill be oxen from 10 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. No share or share': traneforred within sixty days pre ceding . tho elcotion will eagle the holder or hol,dors thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITH: • relo-ttnlt2 Sect etary. ME.- 1103/CP.OPATHIC HOSPITAL, lUS CUTHBERT Street.—Thts thatitution in now open for the reception of nick . eind wounded Soldiera, who will bo received and provided for In the most comfortable planner, wee of charge. B. F. GLENN, on? 2. -tr flocretory of Board of Moanumro MOFFICE OF THE SURGEON—AR. Ti •T TO THE ARMY AND d AVY, PHILADEL PHIA, OCIGIHIT 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous 'of availing themselves of the National Appropriati no for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply inunedlately at the 01/10 of the Surgeon-Artist to the (government, No. IGO9 CIFIFacTNLIT Street. B. FRANK PALMSR. loi9-6ni • , Government. Surgeon-artist. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATIf OF PENNSYLVANIA. Febronry 2 1933. 1 Lo Directors have thin day declared a DIVIDER 0 OF SIX PER CENT., or twelve dollars per sham payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on do mood. • Cfe:l4otl WI (Id Altt it ARPER. NnerPtary. 12=1:13C=1 SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Owing to thedeprossed condition of Trade last spring and summer, quantities of DRESS GOODS were sold at auction at considerably LESS TBAN IMPORTATION COST, at which time we were induced to purchase, and have carried over a larger stock than usual, which is now ar ranged, aud marked at such prices as will;effeet rapid sales. Pnrchasers . who will anticiptte their wants must rea lize advantages, as the increase of Dnty.and Exchange . will advance the price of this character of goods greatlY. Wholesale buyers will find desirable Goods in oar stock. TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS, PLAID VALENCIAS, NECOTAS, • PARIS PRINTED BEREGES, PLAIN. BEREGES, • ' • BLACK lIERNANIS, BLACK BEREGE RODES, and FANCY DRESS SILKS. • CITRWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street. above Willow, Philadelphia. VMBROIDERIES ! EMBROIDERIES I - 1 - 4 —French Needle-worked ' Bands, Edgings, Insert tags, Bdkfs , Collars, Setts, Skirts , .&c. t a large assort ment of very choice goods at low prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, dr ARRIEON, ferl-Swif • 1008 CHESTNUT Street. P TED % LINENS! PRINTED LINENEI I—At a small advance on the old inters, a laree assortment of Printed Linens, in new and delirn hie patterns, mitable for children's wear, dresses, dm SHEPPAMD, VAS HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, fe9-Swif 1008 CEIRSTNUT Street. TIOMESTIO IMUSLINS, SHEET IN GIS, of the desirable Makes for sale, at the lowest rash prices. - SHEPF:AItD, VAN lIARLINGEN,& ARRISON, • te9-3ivif • 1008 CFIBSTNUT Stmt. COMMISSION Elol7soB. ALTPMUS at COZENS, Etl CHESTNUT STREET. SOLB AGENTS FOR GREEN: &, DANIELS', OBL3BRkTED "TORT PINDOI . SPOOL . COTTON, WARRANTED 200 YARDS. Pronounced one of the best in the market fel4-1m G'+ EO. GRIGG, NOS. 219 AND 221 CHURCH ALLEY., Offers for sale by the package, net cash, MADDER PRINTS, various styles. and %BLEACHED COTTONS. 4-4 BROWN MEETINGS. • ARMY STANDARD CANTON PLANNEI, HEAVY COTTONADES. 4-4 SLAY LINENS. • 4.4 SPANISH LINENS. POPLIN DE BBOE, BARAGE ANGLAIS. SEAMLESS BA OS, &c., &a, Arc. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUR COAT CLOTHE. _ - DARK-BLUE ceskm.sTrata. - SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED BREETINOS AND SHIRT. DIGS. For sale by FROTICENGRAX & WELLS. tr . . CARPETS AND OiX, MOTES. GLEN ,SOHO' &ILLS, M'CALLUM - 44.1, CO., MA,NDFACTUREBS, IMPORTERS, ANDIDEALERS, 509 CHESTNUT STREET, (Opposite Independence lien,) CS R 0,7 I-NQ S, OIL CLOTHS. &c We have now oa hand an extensive stock of CARPET INOS, of onr own , and .other makes, to which we cal the attention of oash and short-time buyers. fele-8m TTENTION ! OFFICERS OF THE A NEW PATENT ARMY FELT HAT loiorty.roody for inspection and' sale at, 'WARBURTON'S, No. 430 CHESTNUT STREET. adjoining the new post office. This new ARMY HAT is novel and appropriate in design, and possesses unusual convenience in its combinations. View No. 1. Exhibits the Hat in full extended shape; when worn in this form it has more of the truly military character than the disliked and almost discarded taper ing or steeple-crown regulation hat. Vir.w No. 2. Exhibits the crown depressed or folded. agreeably to a fancy much indulged in of late by mili tary men. ViEw No. 3. Exhibits the Hat compressed or folded down Bet, RO that it can at times be carried or held under the arm, or he packed In the trunk or knapaack, and oc cupy only the least possible space. The ordinary hat may by force be folded down, but on opening it out again it will be found di:Annexed by irre gular marks and creases; this is not the case with this newly-invented Bat, for it is so designed and arranged that it folds or shuts up in its own lines, naturally and without force and when opened oat again exhibits no irregular merles or creases. Tinny of these Rats are now in the use of the Officers of the Regular and Volunteer service, affording to•them unusual satisfaction. Prices dependent solely on quality of material. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL AND SCI A-ENTIFIC HAIR DYER in this city Is GUTEKUNST FOURTH rla BRANCH. felt-t[ . COFFEE! • COFFEE!! COFFEE!!!- The - best and chearwt prepered Coffee in the city. A trial will convince the moat ekoptical. No charge made if satisfaction is not rendered. Prepared and for Kale at the Eagle Steam Spice and Coffee Works,.. $1.14 andia46 North FROM faked. . . HOWARD WORRELL. IVORYTYPE.S-IV OAT TYPE S Tltone pOtite, pleming, mid natural pictoree nre flue ly'eXecuted atIREIMER'S unquestionably the finest of the kind. See specimens at Gallery. SECOND Street, Otero Green. . .-••:• • • It pIIRSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE mei Court of Chancery. Made in a canoe SMITH against ELLIS, persona claiming to be the next of kin of ELIZA SMITH, late of Hinckley, in the county of Lelem ter, in England, the wife of THOMAS SMITH, of the same place, and •formerly ELIZA ELLIS, of the same place,. epinster, who died in or ftbont the month of March, ISIS, arc, by their Solicitors , ' on or before the 2lth day of March, IBM to come In and prove their claims, at the Chambers of the Masters of the Rolls, iu the Rolls Yard, Chancery Lime Middlesex, England, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree. THURSDAY, the SECOND DAY OF APRIL,. ISM. at )2 o'clock at noon nt the said CHAMBERS, is appointed for hearing and tuba lading upon the claims. Dated this 29d day of December, • fiIFARGE HUME, Chief Clerk. . . . - . SUER & GRIBBLE.72 &156 BURCH LANE, Loudon. agents for Messrs. K. & G. TollsT. of Loiceder, Solicitors W for the defendants, William Ellis, Georg° Whitmore and Priscilla, his wife, otherwise Priscilla Ellis awl Sarah fell-Ww3t WHENRY PATTEN'S NEW WEST . END WINDOW SII tDE, CURTAIN, UPHOL= STERY STORE, No. 1408 CHESTNUT Street, 'next door to Hubbell's Apothecary. W. HENRY. PATI'EN most cordially thanks hie friends and the public generally for their liberal and extended patronage, which has enabled him to increase his business, in proportion to all calls made upon him, and hopes to merit, by strict attention to every depart ment of the same, a continuance of their favor. Window Shades of every style and quality in the mar ket:Damask Lace, Muslin and Nottingham Curtains, Vestibule Lace and Rode, &c.; Sic.: Oilt Cornices, from a massive and elegant design to &mall, cheap (though), neat band. 'Upholstering Department comprises every branch in the trade, and thorough workmen employed for 115 separate parts. Bedding in Hair, Husk or 'Feathers, on band or made to order (with despatch) of the very beet materials. Spring Beds allowed br customers to be tinsurpaked t one man hired exclusively for hie ability. in ihie direction. Furniture reupholstered, varnished, and repaired.. Carpets or Matting cut and made, or al tered and put down; by the best, men to be got in the city. 'Furniture Slips or Covers handsomely made and flue& Verandah Awnings, of various, patterns, fitted to windows of private houses, public buildings, or stores. Iron Bedsteads of every description, size, and quality. Carpet Bindings, • Carpet and Chimp Tacks, and Shade Trimming, Wholesale and 'W: HENRY PATTEN. feltOt No. 1405 CHESTNUT Street. jr-A-MES SCOVEL, ATTORNEY Al' LAW. Master and Examiner in Chancel'''. !eB-lm' 118 PLUM Street Camden. N. J. OPERA GL ASSES, OPERA GLASSES. Yor ILNY.B _l;' ai CO.. . 924 4 . 2tißiTtiTlT Street. THE :PHRENOLOIig.OAL trfc -, D . LTlllTeptirmo•dA s iv,_rPdhe;st: logy,llygiclne. Phonography and:tor rinauologi cid exattuttnattom.Ordero , bff_tmalLahootd be •addtea.ed to • ___J :1 0HN... - ..,13/tPEtt fcg-matnth3mlf WM CHESTNUT Street; Phila.. OFFICE AND SALES-ROOMS: fe9-eowtf 730 CHEST.IsTuT STREET EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 448 ARCH MEESE PHILADELPHIA. SWORDS; SASHES, BELTS, &C., And 'everything necessary for the complete outfit of ARMY AND-NAVY OFFICERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Gr.W. SI•MONS do BROTHER, MILITARY GOODS; IN EVERY VARIETY SEVEN THREE TENTHSCOUPONS; ORDERS- ON WASHINGTON; SEVEN THREE- TENTHS ...AND' ALL OTHER Fliejltrig •• 17. S.. • . . FIVE-TWENTIEB, OR, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER GENT. BONDS. . . PAYABLE'AT WE OPTION OF ME ROTERISKETIP APTER, FIVE YEARS. tam instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE MA. ROBY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. • • Interest wilt commence from the DATE OF SUBSCHLP TIOB, and la PATABDI IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub-Treasury or Depository of the United Etataa, on the err., .aa itovembii of each Year. At the present 110211117 X ON ooLn, these Bonds yield. about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A. full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, sow'. THIRD. STREET.. SON,. • GEELUMWW•PA: SOUGHT AND SOLD ON - COMMISSION AT .TICS AIIaiNOTEB ARO LOANS MEGOTIATED ON THZ S. HARVEY THOMAS, STOOK AND BILL BROKER. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. B. GOVERN MENT BRCORITIEB bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loam on Collateral negoelated at lowest rates. Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Meatus. Nathan Trotter & Co.. Oeo. D. Parrish, Sao., John B. Myers & Co.. Samuel B. Thomas, 7.11 Q.. Furness, Brinley, at Co.. John Thomas, Esq. del6-3mLf M O N E Y - TOANVEST.-PERSONS wishing to make safe investments of money on the security of Real Estate in the State of Delaware, can ob. fain all the necessary information in relation thereto by addressing B. B. COBIEGYS. • laSktasSm At the Philadelphia Bank. SUMS OF $4,000, $3,500 AND $3,000, at 6_per cent. Intereet.. to loon_ ou mortgage, for three or Ave years. S. W. THAOhAR6 & SON (el2- -3t* 244 South THIRD St reet. TO $lO,OOO TO LOAN ON $3, 000 ' ,nor*age of improved fanny in New Jar- E. CARPENTER, 242 South THIRD Street. sey. fell•l2t $35000. -"THIS AMOUNT TO' . LOAN In First Mortgages On City Property, or FaimsCcrithin 20 miles of the city. Apply to [fe7) E.' PETTIT. No. 309 WALNUT Street... SEWING MACHINES. BE BE 6 T IN USE. F A hI I L Y FEWING MACHINES A EVERY STATE FAIR OVRR ALL OTHER NAGEHNSS MILITARY GOODS. SAITSON.STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA., MMEPACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORD; FINANCIAL'. 19rnr FEBRUARY, 0 E I . F rO:A.T E IN DEB T ED N-E.B.Si' QVARTERKASTEBS 9 TOTJCIIERS, WANTED STATES LOANSTOR BALE DREXEL . . b•0Oi. 34 South TRIED 'arse STO(jK & NOTE , BROKERS, No. 23 501712 THIRD STREET, Duncri,T oprosrm =mums , BANS. STOCKS AND BONDS BOARD or BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED - BEST mad& No. 31N WILLINTIT STREET. TIM:AB-MT V.EPARTNEENT, 0 FF.IOE LIGHT- OUSE BOARD, February 9,1561 SEALED I'ROPOSA.LS will be received• at this oillee until 1 o'clock P. M. on SATURDAY, the 14th' day of 'March, 1663, for supplying the Light-house Establish ment with forty - thousand gallons of the best quality pure winter-ettainedelM OIL, to be divided into two lots, and to be ivered at the times undermen tioned, alongside of the Government supply-vessels, or at the warehouse or other place of deposit; to be desig nated by the Inspecting Officer or other authorized agent of the Light-house - Board, in strong, tight, well-made casks, suitable for ahibping, in good order, of an average capacity each, of from eighty to one hundred gallons. Either lot or all of them may be delivered at New York, New London, Sag Harbor, Boston, New Bedford, Edgar town, or Nantucket, at the option of the biddera• 'rho place of delivery must be distinctly stated in the bids, and will be embraced iu the contracts. The lots will be delivered as follows viz: Not No. L Thirty thousand gallons (39,000) on the 15th day of June, 19133, or as soon thereafter as the proper testa and ganging can be completed. Lot No. 2. Ten thousand gallons (10,009) on the Ist day. of October, 1555, or as soon thereafter as the proper tests and gauging can be completed. : No part of the Oil proposed for and to be embraced in the contracts under this advertisement will be accepted, received, or paid for until it eball have been proved to the entire satisfaction of the person or persons charged with its examination, test, and inspection, to,be the best quality pure winter-strained or bagged Sperm Oil, free from mixture with other or inferior Oils and adnitera tlons, and that it will remain in a sufficiently fluid state fur free burning in templet a temperature of 32 0 °viewer of Fahrenheit's standard thermometer. The usual means for determining - the character and quality of the 011 'will be employed, viz: for specific Oravity, by burning to determine the length of time the il will burn in untrimmed capillary or jacket lamps; the amount of residuum in each lamp after it burns out, and, if necessary, any other proper tests to arrive at cor rect conclusions that may be deemed necessary. The casks must be ganged, uuder the direction and Personallupervision of the Inspecting Officer, by a con cern house or other legally authorized and sworn gauger, according to the United States standard, end must be marked and accepted before they are remuved from, the cellar or warehouse of the contractor. Proposal's will be received and considered for.each lot separstely, or for allot them, at the option of the bidder: but uo bid will bo considered for aless'AnantitY .than that specified as one lot, to be delivered at one tinte• and place. Each. bid must state explicitly the rate per gal lon, in writing, the number of lot or tote bid for, and the time. and place of delivery, conforming to this advertise ment. Bids submitted by different members of the same firm or copartnership will not be considered. The Light-house Board,' under the authority of the Department, reserves the right to reject any bid, al- • though it may be the lowest, for other considerations than the price. No bid will, be considered for any other kind or de scription of Oil than that specifically called for in this advertisement. Abend, with Security to the satisfaction of the Depart ment, in a penalty equal to' one-fifth of the amount of each contract made under those proposals, will be re quired of each contractor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, to be executed ten days atter the acceptance of the bid. • . . • Every offer must be accompanied by a written grutian tee, signed by one or more responsible persons, and known to the Department as such, or certified by Uni ted States districtjudge, attorney, navy agent, or collec tor of the customs, to the effect that, if the bid or bide be • accepted, the bidder or bidders will duly execute a con tract in good faith, according to the provisions and terms of this advertisement, within men days after acceptance and that, in case the said party or parties offering_ shall fail to enter into the contract as aforesaid, be or they' guaranty to make good the difference between the 'offer of the said party or parties and the next lowest bidder. All bids must - be sealed and .endorsed "Proposals for Oil for light-houses," and then placed in 'another en; velupe, and directed, prepaid, to the Secretary'-of the Light-house Be Ltd, Washington city. All bids will be opened, publicly, at the hour and on the day specified. Payments will be made for the ROVOIIII kite of Oil with in thirty days after they shall have been received by the United 'States: By order of the. Light-house Board: felt-tlrofit• • • B. SHUBDICK, Chairman.i - • • EARLY - GARDEN SEEDS, FOR HOT-REDS. —Early Cabbage, Lettuce, Gault- Bowen. Toroa!o. Egg Mut Ra cb, &c., at • Yiko I:MEER'S Seed WarehnUee, • 11.. 3117 CHESTNUT Street. J. C. FULLER, . ' Impede' and Wholesale Dealer he FINE WATCUES AND JEWELRY, No. 1.12 CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stairs, 'Opposite Masonic TornPio); Has now oven a LARGE AND COMPLETE, STOCK, .3IBRACING , AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, E. HOWARD & COI'S RINE AMERICAN WATCHES. GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTA.Ct.ES, THIMBLES, AND _ FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE GROVER, AND BAKBE D. T. PRATT, (stroommos. TO MATT & REATH.) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, IA constantly in receipt of . ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES . , Of desirable styles and, qualities, to suit all classes of buyers. fen-smit FINE WATCH REP:A_IRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch - warranted for one Year. G. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street. HAVE TAKE FIRST R E U .111 S 1862, WHEN EXHIBITED FINE AMERIC'AN AND - IMPORTED wATCIIES, Oeld, Jewelry, and Sil verware, at the lowest possible prices. J C. FULLER'S ELI 7 OLDEN, Dealer te. Axle ireeX LMERICAIT AND IMPORTED WATCHES ',JEWELB.x. AND CLOCKS 108 MARKET Street. VULCANITE RINGS WATCHES; JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. ' FARR & BROTHER, Importers, mb2o4l' CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. R9GERS & BROTHER'S SICK AN . D AFFLICTED SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. No FAXIpT, • paroticularly at this mason, should be without 'Dr. Swayne% Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry:" congbnund coldc. winch are very prevalent, artrimokly cured:, Even - in neglected .cases where the cough Is seated, pains,breast and Mile, fever , bloody ex pectoration, sore throat, night sweats, lunge more or leas afibcted, "Swayne's Compound" will net fail in give •re lief, and wonderful cures have taken place, :when to .8R human probability it could not be possible. COMPOUND SYRUP • OF•' WILD CHERRY. THE STANDARD and most reliable remedy for a recent,. or seated cough. Sore Throat, Asthma, Weak Breast, Bronchitis, Bight Sweats, „Pains. (breast. or side), Bar yons Debility, limping Cough. Restless Nights, all Pal-.monary Complaints. Volumes might be filled with proof from all parts of the world, to prove that no remedy bas ever been dnicovered in the whole history.; .of medicine, that acts so prompt, . even in. the worst cases of pulmonary disease. A good appetite, complete 'digestion, strength, and a disposition fOractiveexercise, are sure to follow its We. If you have been tamperlng with the many at tides put out bY•persons aotally igno rant of the science of medicine, in theory or_practice, end your case been neglected, you will find in "DR: SWAYNE'S COMPOUND" your only hope of cure. If the bowels are costive, or beadschenccompenies your disease, a dose of SARSAYA AND TAR' prcaz Will remove it. Thirty. years' experience,. and the in creasing popularity of OR. SWAYNE'S OIEDICIPIRS" are convincing proof. Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, 330 SIXTH Street, above Vine Sold by Dealers "brougham the United States. felt-Ift! ADARD.-MR. EDITOR: *AS I PLIB LISH only an occasional certificate from the many in my possession. I desire you to insert the following from a once-suffering - soldier.. who was wholly cured from a complication of difficulties. . REMARKABLE CURE OF In December last, while cutting timber in the army service, a ti ee felt across my Wrest, and I was picked up for dead. I was taken to the hospital at Washington, and soon niter was attacked with the fever, which, with the quantities M medicine I took, reduced ree verrlow. As soon as I could be removed, I was brought to the hospital in this city (Philadelphia), when, as at Wash ington, I took large .porttons of 2:ooteonc., I ece detegi the elect of which was almost nniserea/ partaysts.• was entirely deaf—could only converse by signs or motions. scarce y walk a square from extreme rkt weakness and pain, my chest and' back still remaining so very sore and painful. In this condition, on the 26th of May' last, a kind friend, who has done much for poor soldiers. took mo to the ofilesi of Dr. -A. 11. LTEVENS, No. 1413 South PENN. SQUARE, when, after only three Electrical treatments,. I found a great. chimp. for the better. The extreme soreness of my chest and back left me. My voice- and hearing began to improve, and now, after only ten treatments, am entirely restored, and that without a particle of medicine. • I can now speak and hear as well as ever, and can walk without fatigue or nate. There were also several other soldiers sick and lame, whom I Induced to apply to Dr. STEVENS, and who were also similarly benefited. JOHN RODNEY, Montpelier, .17t. Philadelphia. June 20, 1962. N. B.—Letters from Mr..ECiDNET to his friends in this city have been receive& up to January 1,1933, some eight months since his cure as effected, stating that he continues perfectly 'Melt. Reference may be bad to par ticulars by any one calling at my otlice, at 'No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. 11* . • A. II: STEVENS. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, for Congbe,ldi, Irritated Throats, are offered with the fullest confidence In their efficacy. They hare been thoroughly tested,,and - maintain the good.. repute. tion they have justly amulred. As there are. inetta. Hong. be sure .to OBTAIN the genuine at FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug and °heroical Store,(ll. B. cor. CHEST NUT and FIFTH tAreets. . . . Also, Matter's Cough Syrup, Wistar's Cough Lozenges, prepared from original prescriptions. ja3o-Im*lf EYE AND EAR-PROF. J. ISAAC'S. Bailie end Xiiriist, from Leyden. Holland. ie pe r . inanently located at No. 611 PINS Street, where he treats all diseases of the Bye or Far scientifically, and cures— if curable. Artificial Byes inserted without pain N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office holm from 8 to 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M. is.S.Sm* THIRD . ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE WITHAL • FIRE IMF:FRANCS- COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA—OFFICE. •331 North errra Street.. Amount of Property Insured. 8373,90'3 00 Amount of Premium Notes 26x32 71 Balance in Tr , usury I nio. 15t,.1862........ ..... 357 43 Interest or. Premium Notes tne past year 1,658 77 Policies, Surveys, and Transfers 71 00 Interest on Investments 70 70 Fire LOISReA Expenses Interest on Premium Returns Perpetual Policies cancelled • Investments iu City Six Par Cent. Loan Do do U. S. 7 3-10 Per Cent. Loan. Balance in hands of the Treasurer ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. Premium' Notes City Six Per Cent. Loan United States 7 3-10 Per Cent• Loan. Office Furniture In hands of Treasura The undersigned, a Committee appointed by. the Com- PanT, have examined the above Statement,scompared It with the books and vouchers. and And it currecL FHILADELIIIIA, let rue. ~17th,.1863. BENJAMIN. HUNT, CHARLES EVANS. It bes tehen less than one half of our cashituxone to pay our testes and expenses. DIRECTORS : Simeon Matlack, TS ones P. Rowlett, Joseph Hayward, Thomas Hasher, Aaron W: Edmund Webster. o. 5 South FIFTH Street. AID( MALONE, President. 'rotary: fol2.thstu et Benjamin Blalono, James Smedley, T. Ellwood Chapman,. Eli DIEM, Frederick Cailmita, William M. Lorick,. OFFICE REMOVED td MMUtI GIRARD FIRg AND MARINE OITICB, 415 WALNUT STREET. PHILADILIIIII This Company continues to take risks on the sato assess of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the haul' of the public,,during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS &adieu) respectfelly solicit its fa•or in the Mare. DIBBOTOES. CHAR, I. DUPONT,. JURE Nvenni, ' JOHN W. CLAOHoRN, JOHN THORNLEY C. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM 'HART, DAVID BOYD r JR.. PETER S. HOE, of N. 2.1 WM. IK. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, AL D.. N. 8 LAWRENCE, THOMAS. DRANK, JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. OILLETT. Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD. Secretary. ap26.lftf F AME -a- 406 CHESTN UT Street. • PHILAJD: FIRE AND INLA DIREC Inman N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry_ Lewis. Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis, • • FRANCIS N. BIN CHARLES RICH, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHAI fiLASSICAL AND EN GLISH SCHOOL A- 1 OF H. D. GREGORY; +B.. K. MO MARKET Street jal9.3m* A.GE GREEN SEiIiNi.RY::-LA N irl ItECT BOARDII 0 SCROOLJEAR MEDIA, PA . Thorough course to Mathematics, Classida, English. studies. &c. . Military Tactics taught. Gleason in Book-keeping, Bur. reying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at as time. . Boarding per week, Z. Tuition per Quarter, .00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON; A. N., Village Green. Pa. oclo4l, MATERIALS . FOR MINOR PISS. LOST—A CERTIFICATE OF THE 8 Per cent. Philadelphia county Loan, under an act 'of Assembly dated the 10th day of April, AIL for Klghty seven Dollars, payable to Richard Teadom executor of Francis }Creation, deceased, or his heirs or a5i, 1 4‘4. 3 . The Ender will be rewarded by returning it to - I~all. TURNER, 102,DAIIA. Stmt. VV ATCHEt, AND JEWELRY; 0. RUSSELL, 221 North SIXTH. Street. FINE GO 1.1) PENS; THE , BEST PEN IN USE, ron sALn TN ALL SIZES. fell-In 9. full assortment, all sizes and styles; • J. C. PULLER; No. 11.14 CHESTNUT Street. fell:3m FrIsTE 'PLATED- WARE, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES. J.' O. FULLER, No. X 712 CHESTNUT Street, MEDICAL. DR. SWAY'NE'S coiviPOuND. DR. SWAY?I.E'S 4IPBWAYNE , s-E* DEATTFSS, Veifei) 71rti WEA.KNESSES. p pxio ;•;vao T , E.Ily P ;ZVI I 5i:11 INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL 11700,000. DE COMPANY, NO )3LPHT.A. aND INSURANCE. ;TORS. E. D. Weedraff, Oeo. A. West, John Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenholm. Joser...D, Mlle. CK, President. lARDSON, Vice President, _ RD. Secretary . CialB-11N EDUCATION. MINOR. LAYER. AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDER WINE, dm., Re. ALBERT O. ROBERTS., DIALER. IN PINK 6ROOE . CORNER ELEVENTH `.AND .VTIII Nil!. dels-tn3m l NEW ./.3 0 OEK'S , .. A MORNING BESIDE THE LAICE.OR GALILEE By Jam -s Ilamilton, D. B. Price 40 neutN. kR. ANSWER TO BIBROD*COLBN80: By Dr. Mahan. 7'J cents. tynA : cELF,TrIS; OR, B Y7ViNg OF 11EAVEN By A. C. Fliompson,•D:D. OW. COUNTRY LIVING; AND COUNTRY THINKING. By Oa:ill-Is milton. $1.50. 'THE CELEPITAL CITY% GLIMPSES WITHIN THE OATES. cents. HERBERT; OR, TRUE CHARITY. Omits. FIRE LIGHT; OR,STORIES FOR DOMESTICS . _ . FRAGRANCE FROM . CRUSHED FLOWERS MART S. PEAKY, First Teacher of the Free , Colored. People at Fortress Monroe. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL.PRAYMBOOK, By .r: Trawl will) Walden. AT THE PUBLISHERS PRICE. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, It 1224:C11E5TM/1' STREET.' CIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY . 16TH, WILL BB PUBBES BED ME, AMULET'S THRILLING , NARRATIVE OF HIS SUFFERINGS, IMPRISONMENT, ANDISGAPE - : FROIitTHEICEBELS: ; ; • kits Work contains titbit, Stasi Portrait and'FaigraVints, and is entitled, THE IRON FURNACE.: SLAVERY AND SECESSIO,N , So great lias been the demaad for lids work, that the Publishers have already received orders for over three thousand conies. WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, NO. 000 CHESTITOT STREET. TTAZAP-D'S BOOKSTORES Between Seventh and Eighth Streetreets All Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, WM always be fouiul on our shelves . . AT Tl-I L 0 WEST PRICES: fen4f PHOTOGRAPH' ALBUMS Of every variety of SIZE, max. QUALITY, AND PRICE. THE - CHEAPEST AMORTMEIfT lII:TELE CITY! CARTES DE VISITE to endless 'variety, together with as immense stork of STANDARNAND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, OLD. PRICES!. 11-A-N-DSOICE PR.BSBN'T Accompanies every Book- sold I Lovers of Choice - Goode, at Low Batts, Pair Dealing, ant Polite Attention, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL 41 7 1 C FIN TS .-PHOTOGRA.PM AL BUMS 40 cis.- Avery large stock" of Photograph Albums, manioc is price from 40 cts. to E 05.. and Card Pictures $1:50 per dozen.. 0. W. PITCHER'S New Bookstore, fel4-2t. : 808 CHESTNUT Street. A VINDICATION- "OIaBOT VINDICATION-:.OR' b "SCOTIA."' For sale at 'lllc ELBOIIB,,CRESI4ON.and TENTH. Streets, And at HENRY LONOS METH'S, .13,36 Of/ESTRIN Street. Prleelsceits. felt-stuth9t. e• CAPITAL NEW BOOKS. • ISSUED THIS WEEK. ESIEVEPEEDS•O: KERR PAPERS. A second aeries of - • thase•eapital humorous articles:l2nm. Cloth,EL • • . Also, a new-edition of First Series, tit. 2.5, n. SPREES .11. ND - SPLASRIS: or, Droll Recollections of Town and Country, Dy Henry Merford.. Illustrated.' - A vol. of Comic• Stories and Sketched. 12mo. Meth, $1; and Paperilo' vers, 75 cent.. TACTICS; ON; CUPID IN SHOULDER-STRAPS. A We Point Love-story, capitally told. 12mo. Cloth, $1; Paper Covers, 75 cants. • IV. • NOTEB-ON-SHAKSPEARB, his Plays, and 'Actors. By Jae. H.. Backett,.the celebrated • Comedian. . 12mo. Cloth', $1.60 . • GARRET VAN BORN; or, the Beggar on Horseback. A very clever Novel: by-J:'8: Seagate. 12mo. Cloth, SL 2d: • VI. A. IL STEVENS APEIOIPIA THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. Sequel to the "Great Tribulation," and "Great Preparation." Dy Dr. Cumming. Imo. Cloth, uniform •wtth . the other volumes, These books are sold by all booksellers, and sent by mailfres, on raceiptof price, by CARLETON„ Publisher, Now York. 141-swtf Corner 47101.11 WAY and LISPENARD Sts NEW AN.D...POMIIMITL , ENaLisa.. NOVEL:. • :• SIIPBRIoR TO' 4 ,'•AURO,Rit.•..Y/AYD.-" • •. • A T A.N131:414E.D. SKEI N, One Volume Bvo. Paper, 60 cents ;:Cloth, 75 cents '" A New Novel by a new Anthor, and one of the most brilliant books of the season. Foil of inoident—bright; lively articling with Wit, aud'healthy in tone, • A TAllikiLD SKEIN' will make a sensation in the world of novel readers." . • T. 0.. H. • rußisuopc:•: - .• 243 Nirallithal*l.Street..Bostott. Sent by mail, poet paid; on receipt of the price. fell-wP-2t MILITARY, NAVAL, 'AZID• WHEN. . 43 . 14 TIFIC BOOKS.—The subscribers have oaland ell the recent publications in this department of science.. Including a general assortment of SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. • They also keep on hand a full assortment of WORKS ON MEDICINE; .SURGERY, &e. v., And receive as soon as pnblisbed, or 'will fornlah promptly to order, at low pricas, NEW BOOKS, ' In every department of literature. _ LINDSAY & BLAXLSTON: ^ Publishers and•Booltiallers, . fell) • - -' - No.. 25 Mittel SIXTIPSt, above Chestnut. A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN 4-s- CT CLOPEDIA.—ThwiII be completed IN. ONE NOSE VOLUME. This invaluable Library. of information should. be in porsession of every intelligent family in the land, form ing, as it does, the chewiest collection of useful reading matter published. Those who subscribe now• will save $8 on the bet. OFFICE OR THE CYCLOPEDIA, 33 South SIWITti above Chestnut. W. B. - l Ageuts wanted in this State and New Jersey to take orders for the above. . fe7.121 OMOE OP'APPLETON'S- CYCLO. PEDIA, 33 Sontb•SIXTEI, above Chestnut. Agency, also, for the follosving works: PUTNAM'S- RECORD OF THE REBELLION. 'NATIONAL EDITION. OF WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. LIFE AND. LETTERS. OF WASHINGTON IRVING. BAYARD TAYLOR'S COMPLETE WORKS: HOUSEHOLD EDITION' OF - DICKRIVS' WORKS. GEMS plow TSB DUSSELDORF GALLERY. • GRANT WHITETL-SHAKePEARE, 12 vols. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES, S- vole.. BRITISH POETS AND ESSANISTS. Boston Edition. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, 16 vols. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS at lowest prices. fe7-I2t 1i...10 . al 221 87 704 94 14 50 61 69 610 00 212 23 3271 DR. GUTHRIE'S NEW WORR .- SERMONS TO THE HEART:. or, SERMONS FOR THE PEOPLE. By Thomas Guthrie, D. D. 75 cants. PATRIARCHAL SHADOWS OF CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH. By Octautus Winslow, D. D. 90 cents. THE MOTHER AND. HER. WORE.: 90 cents. 02.10) 90 $28, 008E1 32 71 50 2, 512 88 1:34 58 372 71 - • • - -. . . . CHRISTIAN SELF-CULTURE; or; Couneefit for the Beginnine and Progress of a Chrlatlan Llfe. By Leonard Bacon. SO cents. A DijOKFOYi THE HOME. By Bev.. I'.C.: Upham. D. D. Steel engravinge, $L For sale by WILLIAM S. h ALFRED MARTIEN. fe7 . No. 606 CAR3TNLIT Street. $19,138 78 MUST DEE WAR GO. ON ?--AN IN AA-A- QUIRT whether the Union can be restored by any other weans, and whether Peace upon any other basis wou'd be safe or durable. By Henry Flanders. Parnfat let 84e. Price 13 cents. Published by WILLIAM S. & AVPRIUS MAIerIEN: ja29 . 606 CHESTNUT Street. BECiTIEFAKFAMYS OIRCULtag • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW. English and American Books, inchoding ALL CLASSEE,oflateratara. This is the ONLY Library in the cenntry that includes. all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT ED here Terms $5 per year ; six months $8; threemontim UAW one month 75 cants, or. S cents Der day. :412-Sonth RIOHTH Street. . , steam CIO TO RELSCEIVS OALLERY,;. WHEN: NJ. you want a likeness; his pictures are always axe-. cuted man artistic manner. Colored Photographs for • $1 evidence this fact. SECONDSL, above Green, It IMPERIAL AND. CARD , PROTOL (MAPES of all tlio great Work.s of Art, for sale by felo-8t No. 1308 CHESTNUT Street. JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERE. No. 906 ARCH STREET, Where th FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, PEON THE CARPI DE VISITE TO THR IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the moat EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing iiret-classPietares are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and traien i en hand. F. A. 0. del7-3rn PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS - A large variety for sale at low prices. by JAMES W. QUERN ag CO.. del3,9mlt 924 CHRSTIgLIT Street. PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, atc. JAMES B. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS AND MANIIPAOTURERS OP OM PAINTINGS, KNORAVINGS, PORTRAIT, . PICTURL and PHOTOGRAPR FRAXIS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. IXTBNIKTI :LOOKING GLASS W4REROOMS A.ND GAY:FARY OF PAIRTINGS, IMS caravan Street, Philedelphie. • • •• - IVOR THE FINEST. PIC . . :-..biresintmost elaborately colored are REIMER'S brerYtYPerwthei r natural appearance and Sue expres , Mon are woadertut to correctrauss. BEDARD Street, above. Green. 9 1 11. E 'MAMMOTH CATTLE, PUB `A- • chased by_A. Pant, Geneva'. Q. blinealetArf and GABIBAID.I.—The publie are invited to call and exeralse these extraordinary Cattle.. The ltko of theta wee never before produced in the; or any other country. On exhibition, free .f (*urge, at the 'Western Exchange Voted, TIPTIiENTII and MARKET Streets. Ta. be Slaughtered on or about the Ist of March. and sold by B. reuu. SECOND AVTailnit„ WESTSRIT AUR ibl3-30 rip; .StrisSeRIBERS .WILL NUE gie 'DM} „BUSINESS. se heeetekeee. et the Old Stand: 19t IdAR M: SLL KT.Skree.t. ' .• • WIS & CO. Dragglete. • 11'14 • • .7114 miner street. NEW PUBLICATIONS.- TIDYS WAY TO FREEDOM. Price 33 amts. PRIG i.. 721 ORESTNIPr STREET. OIPI.BOO EMPORIUM. 439 CHESTNUT Street. MST PUBLISHED; BY ALBARY FONBLANQUE, CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. PHOTOGRAPHS. LOOKING GLASSES. FOR SALE AND TO LET. W.MAnnesevvvVVVVVVV4WWWWWW.""ev ,,,,, w TO RENTTHE 'IRON FOUNDRY, -A - on GERMANTOWN Road.. above SIXTH Street. Possession on April Ist. Fixtixres for solo. Inquire at No. *oil North SECOND Street. felo-tutesBt. COAL YARD FOR BALE.—THE heti. fitted np Yard in tho city:. capacity for doing any amount of liusiness. Ingoiro on tho premises, No. 957 North NINTH F treat,. below Girard avoane. fel I.ete, FOR RENT- ONE OF THE BEST STORE STAMPS in Lancaster county. now doing a good business , with or without the stook, which is de sirable, and for rate, to 'done an estate. Also' EACTORI for male or to rent. }or pkrtioulara of either, addrogs MERCHANT. fols-3r : . Box 51.3 PhillulPlnhin P. 0. IffIUGG.IST3A RARE 0 L'i"o TuNinr:—Por Soo . an interest in an Old Establish ed Retail Drag Store" to CHESTNUT Strvet, ou very favorable tering. Ream n for ceiling. the party cantot attend. Address (bib tine. " rest Office. fel2-3t. TO BENT-BALF OF A gram IN the neighborhood of SIXTH and CEIESISin. Streets. tutiog business wantod for. .it more." Pnee omen. , felt-To' UNENCUMBERED COUNTRY REAL . ESTATE And CASE to oxcliange for DIERCEIA2I - or good CITY PRoPERTY. E. PE era, -6t 309 wetemr Street. RAW • .A.111)...-PLAITING MILL, - ,FOR RRNT.—The Subscriber offers Sr o Rent, frhin• and after the Iflth FRBRU tRY. his extensive SAW AND PLANING MILL in the borough of Marietta. There are a Fifty. horse Power angina in good running order, a Slitting Sarr,.two upright Log Saws, a new improved Planing ) Machine , and ill tho Circular Saws neceitsary fur matting Pickets, athx,. /lie. The Mill is on- the Pennsylvania Railroad a siding running up to the Mill, and it - is within fifty feet of the . Pennsylvania Canal: in short the estabfishment has all•the facilities for doing an extensive and profitable business. For further particu tat e inquire of the subairibor, at the Mill. 4-lit OkA/RGII W. DISRAFFET. GOLDSMITHS' H d.L . L.—TO , LET, MA—TWO ROOMS, w Ur STEAM POWER; in the' rear of Goldsmiths' Ball, orpo=tite the new .Pe.toittec, Apply to DREER & SEARS, • Goldsmiths' LIBRARY Street. PUBLJC SALE' OF CHESTER mgiIiCOITNTY PROPEIITY,. on February 26th, 188 i. Lnrgn Stone Mansion, gi by cold Spring, Spring Rouse, and all necesstry out-buildings; well umcked. 'with Fruit; IT acres, or e acre wood vwel I. watered; di rectly on tho Ft.nosylvi.nia Railroad and Pike.• quarter of a mite [rem Thorndale Station. Can be seen. at any time, by applying to Dr. itAarnszr.• on. the pre mises. . ' • fel4-s2t* la'l 0 RENTLAN ELEGANT • AND commodious DWYLLlNG,.coutaining 40 rooms, in IL splendid situation, (pposite the now Post Office and' the Custom louse on CHESTNUT Street. For terms, appi between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, at No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth. 614 JOHN , REA'. en FOR SA.LE—A HANDSOME Jaw& THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. bank huildinss and Lot of Ground, on the N , run side of SPRUCE Street, between Second and Third etreets. Terms accommodatinc Apply , to A. B.' CARVER sr CO.. S. W. corner of 1V (NTH and FILBERT Sts. lel3-31. FOR SALE—THE ORIGINAL ira OYSTER 8a1r..5ii3 BROADWAY, New York. well established, and known all through the country as one of the beat-conducted I aid paying HOUSES in the city, • kept by the Present' I roprietors for the last nine years, baying made an avers' e yearlynespront of over $10.000: and. being largely en zaged In Government contrasts. will sell on favorable terms for cub, or exchange for Real Estate in or near the city. Price $5,000. Apply or address 0: YERLITCE & R.. fel t -e 1 PARK BARRACKS, NI Y. City.. SORPHANS' COURT SALE, ON FIFTH-DAY, the . 12th of 2d month (February), lin at 1 o'clock P. M., et the late residence orrhomas P. Ball, deceased, on. MAIN Street; the borough of Quakertown, Backs large and:convenient two-story Dwelling.Boaso, Francs Shop..suitable for a mechanic. with I acre,. and SO perches of excellent Land, having thereon a fine ,orchard of fruit trees, good garden, three wells of water, new stable, and other improve ments. BENJAMIN' G.- FOULKE,. ja2l-efit. QUAI:ERTOWN, Pa., Adinlulstrator. 4111 FOR SALE OR TO LET—FOUR araaoUl3B73. on the west elde of BROAD Street. below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and RANSOM street& mblttf a TO LET--HOUSE 2017. ARCH. =Street, with all tt a modern conveniancam. APPLY to JOSEPH 'N. DAVIS, No. 27.80uth TIIIRD Street, up stairs. Once hours, .10 A. hi, to 8 P: Al. felo-61.* -TO LET-A COMMODIOUS DWELLING. N 0.132 North FRONT Etna& Rent moderate. Apply to • WETHERILL & BEA.. 0e27-tt 41 and 49 North SECOND Street. 6$ TO LET--THE MAOHLNE SHOP, No.I33ELYRETH'SAIIey: Apply to WETEIERILL & BROTITEN, ja!7-tf 4.7 North SECOND Street. • TW O. GERMANTOWN COT STAGES FOR SALE, ON EASY TEEMS. One.on Wayne street...near Queen, and one on Queen street near Wayne; loth well altna ed. well Malt, and containing everyconi enlence. One do. corner Ritt4ahouee and Lehman street, with stable. _ • • . One do. on Price sir :et, near Chestnut Hill Railroad. One dc. on Blenheim street, corner Pulaski avenue; very complete. Two do. on.Pulasici avenue, also complete. One do. corner °nen and Jonnson streets: splendid . situation. CRESTNESP HILL COTTAGES FOR SALB:, One ou Cottage strict, near tho railroad-depot, very cbenm • One one mile from:the railroad depot, with 554 acres of ground. Splendid large:do. ;tear Mermaid Station, with stable and S acres of ground ; very superior property: NEAR. lIOLMESEURG.—A very large superior Cot tagt, with stable, &c , complete, and 19aores of ground.; ABOVE HOLIIESIEEO.—Two nicely-situated • Cot tages, with every: convenience, near •the Philadelphia .and Trenton . Rs Broad . _ FORTY-FIRST ST REET AND BALTIMORE , PIKE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. —A large, well-arranged, and' nicely-situated Gottale, and easyuf access. NEAR BUSTLETOIL —A large Cottage, With good lot, . chea /T ADERSONBURG, PERRY. COUNTY; PA.—A-large, fine Brick Cottage, with flaereelof Land, Stables, Car riage-bouse, Arc. An excellent location for a acieutiftee acad emy.or a first-eta:is . BRIDGEBOR011011; N. J.—A neat Cdttage, well situ ated. plenty of shrubbery, grapes. fruit, &c., with 2% acres ofground. BURLINGTON PIM, N. J.—A new and well-built Cottage, Stable, &c., with 2 5 . acres of arousal:. verse ,healthy location. SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT.—A large, fine Cot tage, with every convenience, and beautiful sur roundings. Also, a large varlet y of other pprroopperties. B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Streeta, feY2 and S. W. cur. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. ob TO RENT-FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 130 ARCS Bt., now occupied ss .a Paint Store. PonsetWon May lat. Apply to wn.went.rf. BACON, -Ih_VACIRTVIJItrow.e TO RENT-GE Rlif AN T 0 W N. HOUSE, on East Walnut Lane, all modem eons.- nieseee..indadixor a MEW &good water. Apply to WILLIAM BACON, fel2-Bt* 25 North FOURTH Street. spi VALUABLE FARR FOR Faa— PARM OF 103 X ACRES. Twelve acres good Wood Land. The other in a very high state of Cultivation, all of tt superior, .arable-land, amply. watered and well fenced. Beautifully situated in London Grove townshiA one-quarter of a mile. from the Philadelphia and Balti mere Central Railroad Station, at West Orove..•with ex., cellent neighbors and: neighborhood; convenient to Schools, Mille,. Nurseries, &c. Large ROUSE, new Barn, and convenient outbuildings. For further par ticulars, address - F. M. & J. PYLE, • fel2-71 West Grove Post Office, Chester co., Ps. go A FIRST-RATE CHESTER COUNTY BRANDYWINE . FARM FOR SALL-- . The undersigned will sell, at private sale, that excellent FARM OF PRIME BRANDY WINE LAND, containing 'OCR, HUNDRED ACRES, on which he now resides, situate in • .Pocepson. township, Chester county, near Seeds' Bridge, five miles E onthwest of West Chester. • The land .is of the very best quality, of Which S 8 acres are tillable and in good conditionistnd 12 acres are of heavy TIMBER. • Th. improvements area LARGE STONE DWELLING, with parlor, sitting room. and kitchen on the first floor, four sleeping rooms on .the second floor; and store rooms . andagarret. There are two STONE BARNS on the premises, one of which is 90 feet by 52 -feet, double floored...with stabling : room for 2& bead of cattle, with bins, granaries, and .all arrangements, complete; .the other is 20 feet by 40 feet, with stabling nd extensive shedding for the accommo dation of cattle. There are also a wagon honse,..carrlage house, hog house, and all the out buildings necessary. :for farming purposes. There are two fine ORCHARDS: The farm is high and healthy, and lies convenient to schools, mills, and places of public worship. The view from the house, of the Brandywine and our rounding country, tan scarcely be surpassed for beauty;. • and altogether the place is well worthy the attention of nay person wanting a good •farrain excellent condition. Terms easy. Percent svh Wing to view. the Farm will please apply to the subscriber living thereon.. fell-ws 9t B. FRANKLIN 11001119.- AI VALUABLE. PROPERTY AT • -a- PRIVATE SALE IN. THE VILLAGE OF NEW , ' LONDON. —The subscriber offers at PRIVATE SALE ills Farm, of about 35 acres, in the village of New London, Chester county, Pennsylvania. The improvements are • of the first order, consistingo a stone and :brick louse, 40 by 30, containing. 14 -rooms, 4 on the first floor, .6 on. the second, and 4 on the third Jm:thorough order; large barn, carriage, and. wagon • house, awl necessary ins, rovementa. There are also upon this property. build, Pugs more than one hundred feet in length, havitig,been. need fora tannery by W. D. Eves,. the former owner,. with vats under cover.. These* buildings would be suit able foil a tannery, or bone and super-phosphate mill, or sugar-cano mannfactorY, which are needed in the neigh-. borhood. Water at. the house and- barn, and a very superior; spring and house over it. This-property is beautifully. situated and in a state-of:the highest cultivation. There • is also upon the premises an apple orchard of the choic-. estdnxit in full bearing, and othor fruit trees to dance. There aro twenty-acres of land , adJolning that. can tie bought. The attention of capitalists and.farnters are-invited view this property, offering. eitheraa acountry seat or. farm. There Is an academy in it;.. village quid • public • schools.; -also churches of various denominations fa :and! near the village. APT, person desiring,. such a•property willmleose call: early upon the subscrilor and; view•the same._ Terms easy , . • fel2.4t 4 ' NAT Ei HaMMONO: AD FOB,. SALE-DELAWARE. COUN -ISSAR3l;.96vares.,l2 of which are heavy clmbeif, balance in .a high state of•caltivation, situate 3 miles' freca.Marcus Rooks Station and. Steamboat Landing,Sl miles tromtbe city, Large • and! substantial stone nrovemesita, handsomely situated, _and nicely, watered: Also,. alarm) number of . fintrelasx .9Arms in. the adjoin. ing counties. Call and examine Register. apply. to. fe9 B. PETTIT;)to..3O9"aLNUT Street: • TO E XGRANG.B--CHRSTER . - -s—ciounTort PAUL acres.otexcaftent. lands, Sta. Nonni% Pennaßltranit.Eailroag on, the place tiara Imo. proo,ernents,.nfeely..watered,,&& Aleo,.a.:raltitible Vira -1 mile from Doylestown. Depot.. =miles. nul.k. of the city, In Ruc.ita , county, AllEtY to E. P&TTIT:: , • 107 No..3O9,WADNUT Street. al FOR SALE,.O WOULD BE EL. GFIANGED EOR. CITY PROPERTY, A...DESIBA BLE SMATiIt FAitbli,situate in New Britain ToVeahip, Bucks county, Pe. „three miles. from. DoylestoWn, an d ' one and a half: from New. Britain. Station, on, the Doylestown Itaitroadi. containing COI, acres, six. of which.. is woodland. and five meadow. divided. into.oonvenient telds, well watered, good•lwinding, frnit i. tor„ Enquire at 10 , 4 North Sixth street,.Phtledalaitt. &M eV, At FOR SALE.,-THRBWEIGJITHEI of the brig Thos. Walter. /may to CHAS. a k• JA& CAASTAINS, Jr., No. 390 WALNUT &root nolawLs. ~,"„,„„,„„m • • • • • • RRANDRETH HOWE, •=••• Corner otBROADIVAX CANAL and L10E41,1,3E0 sTRSETIIYirg YOA . coNDucrsD ON &lIROr The above Hotel in located in. the most central part of i.g ro adway. and can be matched by omnibus-or city ears, from all the steamboat landings and railroad. depots. The rooms are elegantly faxrdithed. of them are sonstructed in snits of vommunloating,narlora and chant. suitable for families and parties trave ll ing together. - Meals served al all hours. Single Rooms from 60 cents to inner day- Double Booms from $1 to 04.60 Pet JOS. CURTIS & 00. F AMILY DYE . COLORS 1 LIST OF CCOLD&S.:. • • • BLACK, _ SALM* BARK BROWN SCA.RI. WIT BROWI4, DARK LIGHT BROWN. LIGMT ; ; DARR B . TEta.GW. • DONT BLUR, LI GHT X1.14/0.04F, BARK GREEN. OAN GR,, LIGHT GREEN. IIiAGENT ?frac, SOLPERIt PURPLE, , FRENCH lIK, SLATE,. ROTA/T. P LI CRIMSON.: 'VIOLE FAMILY DYE COLORS, • For dyeing Silk. Woolen and Mixed Goode, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Rid Gloves, Children's Clothing. and all kinds of Woof. ing Apparel, with perfect fast colors. A SAYING' OF 80 PER CENT. These Dyes are mixed in the form of Powders oonoan• Wiled, are thoroughly tested. and pot UP /X neat pack ages. For twenty.five cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwiee cost See Mlles that aum. The pro. crew is sisaple, and any one can nee the Dyee with perfeol Rticceikis. Directions inside. Manufactured by 'lawn & STEVENS. 258 BROADWAY. Boston. For atiie by Druggists and Dealers in every Oily and Town. de3atattis4ta =ME AMUSEME'N'TS. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET TEMA,- TR Lomat arui E. •Mansger Mr. W wtrEATurr. THIS (Saturday) EVENING'. F. , brttary 14t1), 1563. TIM LAST AIGHT BUT ONE OP MR, HACKETT. ' • MR. HACKETT, . . FALSTAFF PRETENDING LOVE. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINID3OR. Supported by Meseral Showell. Canoll. Beaks, NlArtlll Taylor, .Floaaland, d-c. - with Mn. J B. Allen, Madame Pools), Mrs. Mary Webs, and Mm. J. Fleury. Conductor Mr. MAIM Mann. MONDAY EVENING NEXT, The Revival of BROKER OF BOGOTA, For the FYrat time in Tan Tears. 'EDWIN F 0 R AS FEBRO, TAR BROKER. PRICES OF A DMISSION.—FumiIy Circle, 21 cocas; Tree* Circle, AO cents• Parquet and Secured Seats im Dress Circle. 75 cents; S t unts in Private Boxes. $1: Doers open at 7; Cur ale risen at mc. MB& JOB.N.DBEWS AROILSTIMIT THUMB. 8na . 13101111 Agent and Trautman SIXTH NIGHT OF MISS JANE comma TC)-1110/31". (Saturday,) Febrilary 14th; Bianca.. The great Drama of ,TIIE LOST SHIP. Ifir ,or ta socnred without extra °but& WALNIIIIT43TB,EET THEATRE.- • goleleeeee Mrs. M. A. OARRETTSONI. Bushkin/ agent Mr. JOAN T.' DONNELLY. ST. VALENTINE'S.DAF. LAST NIGHT OF ISABELLA CIIBAS. THIS (Saturday) EYENINU, February lith. BM: Cubat COMMOUCCA with the great - Spanish Dance of LA IdADRILENA. To be followed THE Drama of PHENCII-SPT; Or, The Storming of Atgiers. Mad. Math!lde, Henri St. Alme, Hemet, To conclude with the thrilling Drama. entitled THE CASTLRSPECTRE, Doors open at 7; Curtain wilt rite at 735. CARL WOLFSOHN'S TRIED CLASSICAL SOIREE, THIS SATURDAY, February 11, IDA AT TIM FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. PROGRAMME. PART I. Trio (B flat Inaior. cq. 07) Itoothoven: Messrs. WOLFSOEM, KAMMERER, and AHREAD.` PART RT rt. 1: Paraphrase de Concert, " Midsummer Nights' Dream. ". Liszt . . C. WOLPSOLIN. . 2. Meditation sur le premier Prelude de Plano, de S. 13ach, . pour Piano et deux Violon celle's Gounod Messn. AHREND, SCHNITZ, and WaLFSOHN. PART ILL Quintott (E fla t major. op. 44. ) • Schama Mears. WOLFSOTIN A KAMMERER, FLAMMER; MUELLER, and AIIREND. SINGLE TICKETS, "NE DOLLAR RAC' DoOn open at ro'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock: Irk CONCERT HALL The Manager has the •jileasure of announcing that he • bas secured thTHEDRA DURANCE srsTsßs, FOR ONE GRAND CONCERT, ON TUESDAY EVENING, Februaryl7, Thew young ladies, combining as they daone ft.- mily, three voices of magnificent quality and remarka ble flexibility. are STARS IN THE MUSICAL WORLD. They appeared last winter at Private Soirees. where their brilliant and faultless execution and extensive renewer voice elicited the MOST RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE, From audiences composed of the ELITE OF THE CITY. The Manager has also effected an engagement with MR. G. GRETH. Plants!. . A gentleman who is well - known In musical circles ail'. performer of great ability: Tickets 150. cents. To be had at the 1111131 C store of G.. AIVDRE k CO., CHESTNUT Street, . and at the Rail on • the evening of the Concert. . . _ Doora open at 7; Concert to commence at 8 o'cloak; felt ate" MUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE. public are relpectlhaly informed that A R•T E-MU.S WARD (F. O Browne) Has been enaaaed to deliver his _ _ _ POPULAR AND HUMOROUS LECTURE, 'SIXTY' MINUTES IN AFRICA," ON SATURDAY EVENING, February b 363. Being positively 'HIS ONLY APPEARANCE DURING THE SEASON IN THIS CITY. Tickets for the lecture. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH: May be procured at the. principal :Hotels, . Music and Book Stores in the city, on THIS MORNING,and during: the whole of the week. fell)-St A ssFmRLY BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH and CHESTNUT Streeta.:—SlXTTE WEEK AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE .BOHErf. AN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENINO: AND ON WEDNESDAY AND. • SATURDAY. AFTER— NOONS.—At each Entertainment, the. celebrated low. 'pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely • of Glass, will be in full operation. AU the Maniac:ant Work of Art, Manufactured ,b9 , ' Le Company. will :be. distributedgratuitously to the visitors On FRIDAY Eve ning, February 'nth. EpleM id -Case of Work will be. gi a v g t i n r to the author of tllehest Poem on the Glace Steam PARTICULAR NOTI r-The First Present, each eye• ning, will be a Splendid Cue of Glass Work. Admission. It cents. No half price. Exhibition commences 111. the Evening. at 8 .o'clock .Afternoon at 9 o'clock. fa9-dt• A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS--TENTH •••.•••• AND CHESTNUT. • AMUSEMENTS FOE OLD AND YOUNG. • • SIGNOR BLITZ.. . The great MAGICIAN•and VENTRILOQUIST, with Ilia .LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new,ana. Reilicarateniretanstrientis EVERY 7 , 2 2 o io ocirgi NG li a Nl62l and SATURDAY a n uern a oons at 3. TllEf i att ractions will bis. marvellous: experiments In Magic • wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission R cents. Children IS cents. de2741 £ERMANIA ORC STRA. - PUB LIC REPO TM A every_SATTfRDAY AFTES. COON at SX o'clock. at the MUSICAL FUND AALLi ticketa.l)l—to be had of Andre & Co .-1712eMSX— atreat; .1 Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. n 01741 HASSLER'S OROBLESTRA— sii Booth EIGHTH lit., ° b P x,:%ralnut. denim pENNSYLV.AITIA ACIA.DEIEr OP • VHS JIM elila w n ier Isopu ( dodge excepted) frein A. MS P. hi. idaliolon seats. Children hilliness. Shares °Monk. WANTS. WANTED-AN ASSISTANT BOOK .. KEEPER. .Apply, handwriting of the appli cant, to Box 434, Poet °Mee. toll-AN WANTED: .-- TO RENT, • A STORE on or before .3annary Ist, 196.4 , .. on north side of MAREET Streetcbetween Second and Fifth streets. Address J. 'Press Office." fella.. Ec oND-HAXD FURNITURES WANTED—AIso, Comets. Dllrrors,•Beddink,Etores, &C. Tho highest price paid hi cash. Call or address WM, LEWD., No. 931 RIDGE Avenue. fel4-6V YOUNG MAN WHO IS DESIROUS A of Studying LAW and CONVEYANCING caa moat With a good opportunity by addressing " Lawyer," this ottlee. ' It* PARTNER WANTED, SILENT OR ACTIVE, who will put in a few THOUSAND DOL LARS, to make and advertise a Remedy for Pulmonary Diseases. The Medicine is-better rthan anything now before the public. and a fortune can be made from it. It has been made and sold for years, and those who once use it always-recommend it, And the sale' slowly in crease, though never advertised, Avian of means would find this a most excellent investment, aed, if, desired, he need nut appear, in .thelineinws. Address `Polmo man% Press Office. It NIT AN 'PE D - AN, EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in ,& Wholesale Fancy Dry Hoods House, on Market street: Applications, with references, to he addressed to B. & C., at this dice. fel3-8t• WANTED -A• GENTLEMAN WITH a cask capital of from Five Hundred to Three Thousand Dollars, to Invest in a lucrative business. Large profits and quick sales. Address "B. G.," Box 738 Philadelphia, Post Office. fat' —lO DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'§ OFFIC—ThIIIkOKLPIIIA; Feb. 9, 1863. VESSELS waited E. immediately to carry COAL to the following points : Tortugas. Key Wes ti BA. Fmi3lonroe,Va. Alexandria, Va.. Newborn, N.C. ' Fort Royal, S.C. A. BOYD. felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. TO CAPITALISTS- FROM $2,000 TO d 55,000 WANTED, in a safe and profitable business; no competition. lione.but• those having the money to invest at- once need, apply, For particulars, call on or address THOMAS-COCIIHAN,.care of Colonel E. G. CRONNANN, 41;North, SIXTH Street, Philada. fa-tbstufit. • nnil TO. $lO,OOO. TO INVEST J 9% 11 `-'‘‘' . some lucrative business. Wants to be come an ACTIN% PABTNEJCM same. Wonld 'prefer the Commission Produce Basil:toss. Address "ACTIVE; I ' Press Office. • res-se. WANTED TO. RENT—A SM ALL_ ArNLWOOLEIf. MlLL,.saitable for making Cotton Warp Goods. Address J. PcS...Box 2.114, Philadelphia. Poet: Oace, Ababa terms, size, and location. rel 3-30- W 4 TED TO. PURCHASE - ..wmoderate sized ihree-storyßrick ROUSE, in a can, tralleastion. Must have alrthe modern improvements_ Adam 'Heise." at. this once. stating price, terms.. andlocation.. jr2lAf WANTED TO.RENT, FROM THE MOE int of Atnil next, a moderate-sized three-story BRICK DWBLLIeICi:ROUSE, in a central locality. It meet haws all the modern' improvements. Address. Rent." at Ma darn. stating locality and price. jald-ti sik - VESSELS, WANTED TO LOAD .COAL. immediately, for Key West and New Orleans. (neuters made upon the molt farerable term& A yz ia BEINTBR NORTON & CO., 2053 i WALNUT Street. Up Stairs, BOARDING. B 01411, D G - SINGLE ROOMS VACANT'''. at . 41 6. South FIFTEENTH Street: with full or partial board. • • fel4-3t. PERSONAL. pERSONAL•D'A.NOGINAL GIV , a high pica for Ladies:4nd oelo!omen's Cast-oft Clothing, 4330 SOLITE Stmt. fel3-12t* PENSIONS.—SIOO BOTWTI' AND Pay proczix.ed and' collected for soldiers, sailori • and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and sattsfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced lIPOI by Solic JAM ito ESfor FULTON r Clsimst a. 4a4 WALNUT Street, Fbiladelp Particular attention elven to Duties living at a db. Lance. oalfkf MOSQUITO NETS AND NETTING for aala by JOSEPH H. THOMPSON &gent, tell -80 No. 4 North PIM( Stork. ItitiOIiOSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND ErfariaLASlMS, for I g l 4 .2tW a jrnlN & 9514 GESSTNUT meet. delMrait ran LnaJws SAFE DEPOT RE. 1.--tw HOPED to No. 111 South SEVENTH Street, near mnittla Institute. The undersigned, thankful for Past tavern, and was d etermined to merit c l ams patronage, has secured AZ elegant and convenient store, and •ints now on hand a large assortment of Celebrated Wro u ght and min ed Iron me sad Burglar Proof Safes (the only strictly Ana and burglar proof safes made). Also, Llllie's fineonalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Ltllis's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be 'Unasked to order on short notice. • This la the strongest, best pro tacted, and cheapest Door and Lock :yet °tercel Also. pardattar attention is called to I,lllle's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, As.. This Sate Is con. ceded to symptom in style and elegance anything yet offered for this Purpose, and, is the only one that is itriotly /Ire and burglar proof. Smut trolloß.—i bare now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s getesonost,Of them nearly now. and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete esortment as to sires, and all latoly exchanged for tha sow celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at var. •qw prices. Plsue and gitamine' fegglylf it. 0, SADIalt, As.) .70/L D.PIONPHY htlas Jane • Com Senorita Isabella Cuba*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers