ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, VP To 12 o'ciLCKIK LAST NIGHT. Vontlnental—Ninth J golllngor,Ballimore 'Ono H Lembit.Now York J L B Wlllstru,Now York . W H Denny, Plrtidinrg M M Murray, Pittsburg .6 II Wh.nt,Wheeling,Va Jecnh lirown.C.lncinußtl,o Innij Hillman, Ci 0 •n H Blicionber, Cincinnati airs Blioenbi-rger,Cinn II Shoeuberger,Pittsburg Menderuuu,liSnuinnntl .Jos B Dessar,Kentucky Diwsimlnilinuidions "Thos W BwoneY.P llllll da :Col Ely & In. Nunn iMrs Stanley, Now York fia Knox, New York lY II ('lark. New York li Ejdemmun, Boston - 4• V Griffith, Loutivillo ci t char, Dal amire nd chestnut streets. Samuel Carpenter Nen M Bowman, New York C Jones L B Porter New York II Headnigia,N Caroline J 0 Jones, Ira B J Cummins, Si Louis 11 C Brewer, NOW York W po..ter, Jr. New York II W Stiros,New York 'l3 13 Orithein & wr,St Louis S It snaulding & lit, Boston E King & in, Boston Miss It S Bosoms, Boston C H Morese,ll S Bonj DI Jackson, It Island H Adams, Messachusottai JagC Ludlow.Notrark,fl J Misa B H Morri.inti.ll J JAMS% Ht Y. NOW York B II Pletcher & la LOVISOII. St L A 0 Hiester & wf, Hanish 13 Myers. Illinois Mrs M Mono', New Jersey J J Upham, U S JW McClure, Milford, Pa W H Atwater, New York E Brooke, Patina John Gates, Cincinnnti Cant Smith & A Huntzzinger, Pottiville J Woolsey, New York W Cornell, Massuchnsetts S Rogers. Massachumitts Cecil H Walbridio, N H L Batsman, New York Joe S Silver, Jr, Trenton H A Smythe, New York F II Walcott, New York Joe Plummer. Pittsburg Geo R Stetson. Boston Wilmot Johnson,New York F W Newton, Now York J Arnold, U S A M D Harden, U 9 A A White, Massachusetts 4 DI Buckingham. Conn B W Field, Now York B Campbell, Prov, It I it) .1 Mason & lady. NY (.1 Richards, N Jemmy P Cowlos, Connecticut Gust Walker, Concord, N Louis S Ix, Cincinnati W A nitride!' Chits S Hedges A II Dunham, Hartford J Hllmon, Mass. L L'l3rown, Mass W A Darling & Ludy, N Y Mr Evans, New York W Radio, New York Col .1 H hollogg, U S A W Wilkins, Baitintoro Dr .1 W Stone, Dos on M Stern, Now York H Sanford, New York HO Budd, Montgomery co S L Merchant, Now York. J H Rills, Boston C S Haswell & Nrf, N York GeoA Westervpil, N York 1.1 A Hinohman, California .John B Varlca, liautpah W B Flak, Now lituapaatre min Morrie, Northlmola Sitnou Derr, Pott.iville 'Chas S Feather .F lit Babcock, Now York Ilitbcocit• New York .1) W Fenton. :NOW York .3 0 Kam. Elillalo 1' Holbrook, New York „Hubbard Cook, Cleveland '7' A CIISWEdi S wf, St Louis Mills, Cincinnati bicillatc. U t A :lolien Mcßlair, unaillingtou lies Conover, :tow Jersey John lancer. U 8 A E :Meerut.. Connecticut 40 Moore, Lou/,lava .305. A Ware, Cldcago R J I'ockei flustuu 3. A Hnsolline, Ilmtou .Janiew 141 Chili:, Chun, Ohio gg I) Ortmoid, New York Yrank S Lewin, Now York Wallack & wf, ocos, Stir:atm), NT Wm 11 Byru. U S C Moo & lady Irhog T Da SYrkense JP Harkto, hyroeoge Perko Ooihritt is; York :Atm (kxlwio, km. York 1 II Carter. Now York • . Mrs Carter. Ntw York lii Cartor, iNeNY York' litajc r L 113, It SA 11 Sonthinspl,JMOY C 33 I? Platt, N York. C H Huntington T I; 'Memo. Boston W Jacobs, Massachusetts .J 11 Bunting, II Jereoy Arias 8 Wilkins, Baltimore Nish J V Tnnitic.Baltltuore T W Anthem.. Se 1., Boston Iles Harrington, Boston V F El ix, Dim "I ink Boyd, Fred ei ick, L ksre, Con necocut .3 P Dlusworo, BoNton J'l' Bacon, Now York I alrard—Chestunt e A Hughes, Philadelphia.' John Lowry lit Paul, USA Green, Washington C Clark, New Jersey AL D Untie. Newark, N J „E Brndly Jae Y Ryan, California John C Way, cnnueotiont Col Rowlan d, U $ J 13 Rowan rest, below Ninth. . W r Cathcart & wf, Harris . b H A LOMRII & wr, Lancaster H A Wade, BLzsbethrown Col Greenawalt, Penns. T H Farnham, Planta A R slant. Phi) a Lelphla airs L Bowen, Maas Nits Bowen, Mass ITEOMI==;I , . Saml Stockton & in. N J Ohms F Cox & wr, N J . W A Maguire, Huntingdon ' It %Rhoads, kanosstor ,A Thompson, V nw Jersey Otbaon At wr. Now York Mlles Gibson, Now York Thos Murdoch, New York Att. Rooker Jt in; Made Nobt McClure, Albany Airs McClure le ch, Albany James Sempuun, Maryland 40 Bowe, Struaburg, lie Dr B Haldeman, Penns Jae R °melt, Pottsville Col Rdward Cross, N H W Y S Keyes, New ork Jae A lances, Pottvville Capt gobuitz, New York Non W L Doneddsou,Pottav Jam W Conovor ladv,N J gas J Ward 11,N e w Jersey W Conover, Pir w J •r d .y W Shattack, New York Ceerge Grant, Now York C A Bocklee. Now York Jos Fohlya, Now York Wm Alexander, Cum co, Pa B Rialeurdson,blasstudiusle W Css,, Pittsburg J McCully, New lurk Mobr, New York T Ball, Boston 'Victor Bishop, New York Xt 0 II emph ill. W. Chester T W Palmer, Connecticut Fabrequett, Jr, Paris J M Quay, New York Daniel Materiels John W Welds. W Chester E A Doughty, Now Jersey .1 L Steinmetz & la, Reading H Whitney, Now Jersey C R Randall, New York Mr it Bryant, New York J B Cook, Pennsylvania ' Auct.tit, Ga J W Fletcher & WI . , PA G () Lake & la, Now York Miss G Steers, New I ork Miss Boxy Lake, New York 0 B Riettardsott,Unisach'ts M Smith, New Jer. or N W sinroley, New Jersey lion d T Cobb,Now Jersey lion T Jones larks, N J alai Qen C M Way, KT rev .1 la Preudern I$l.W C Bey J Sennlin, W Chester Jas Eldridge, New York N Stetson, Now Jersey Geo A Sumner, Y D Egort, Wash. D C Jkltrweter,Pa • • • AS 121enderson, Lancaster Miss Vau Roed, Reading W Polk, Delaware W Waller Sa;ashlar . .1 Mrsyer, Lebannn, Pa 0 P Whitaker, Maryland 0 .1 Bayard, New Jersey Mr Banks • J W duel!, New deraes Philip Irwin, Middletown American—Chestnut street, above Fifth. BSl's Howard, Wash, D C Wm Ball, Massachnsotts u Cooper, New Jersey. C A Shrove, Wash, D C H French. Tenneasee C Myers, Now York A Taylor, Tann esime C Hall, New York 1 , II Falconer, Now Jersey J L Callum, Maryland .1 B Cummings, Winona J A Peck & t am, Wish, D W Cudworth, Chicago N D Bates, US /V B Chirp, Ohio W Baser, Jr, New York ;Mrs J A Coleman S Hawes, Boston , Fellows, 11 b A W H Thomson, Engine d Y H Kingman, Mass W Huntley, SugLind T Slaughter, Delnware A Lehman, Petersburg Denney, Jr, Delnivare P lit Stone, Providence B Morrison. roatesvlLle B F Weymouth C D Heathy, MD.N J. Capt L Long, US A .7 F Smith , Heading J Thomtmon, New York J Pierce, Washington, DC PC Baird, MassachusettsJ Lowe, Illinois • S D_yer, Woodbury Wlt Harris, Mineroville W Bridges, Baltimore Dr J Wiley & dan, N J I F Hodgson &rain, Wash F Clement, Delaware W D Noble, liltiryland H Thurston, Prey, It I O Hastings, Boston X Birch, Maine ED Holiness, New York. John Noble, Casten I H McEiree, Ohio T Sends, Washington St. Lottli—Chestnut. John E Crossley, N Jersey 3EIO M Brodburet, N Y 33 Rhinelander, IS York Capt S Wrialoy, Jr Geo W Oliver, N York J Van Reusseleer, l J .7 M Burrows Frank Growth, II S N W Franklin, Wash, D D john D 13nekelew, J Titian Crawford. N.l 7al rA J Crawford S a ob Del W Mauls, Pennsylvania P Penne 1 McCarn, Jr, Pen ea B P Goote, New York street, above Third. Albert W Smith, Froy, R Job,, Mayher. N Jersey Alex Gibbs, N Jersey T Hiller, Jr, Hay de Grace Thos M'dhaw Now York Beaty Clark, Now York .10 Murphey. Freehold, NJ C arm ,n, Worees'r, dtase Jac Wilkinson, Baltimore John Bean,, Baltimore T 8 Dodge, Boston Jos U Dodge, Boston W Ward, Baltimore R Dodge, US N Bewail, New Jersey Merchants•--Fonrth Leach, New York W Thompson, Nana Levi, Hagerstown • )1i Einstein, Reading B McCauley .1 Dubai., wtattuarveir TBlyler, nastier,: T .1 Hemer,St Louis .1 A Moulton, St Louis A Blake New York street, below Arch. C W RlchardsottMess Mrs li C Victor, Mass . H Rifer,Clarlon co T Brown,GasioLco_ ini r W-D* cc, It A Packer, Manch Check GC Ackerman, Bal; A M Marshall, Allegheny B II Locker, Allegheny Cant It A McComb, Pittsb'g B H Veraran New York J 14A:1_ DiliAnni ivverulth 141211111 i A. P 15 IY . .l,,s,Gtithesis I Mearatia,Laneucar I P Spangler, York,ra Hot. pptti „kee Malik& w I r ak ratturvalipirnetr fir Zt David Yon gf , V9a. PA York. Brady, Jr, wHoi,l'a Kerngood,Baltimure The I:Wiwi—Arch 1' Oliphant, Liv, rpool,'Pe, J Mitchell, Liverpool, Pa i S Griffith, illetrylund E Burton, Murythud M Scott, Vermont 0 IV Burl, Vermont Cleo M Steven, Ruumen.Nll Brunh, New York WVensant MOIRE Wm F Barus, Jaa McFarland, Lewistown L Lana co A Crawford, 'Pros, Y Mrs E Brown, Wasien - Miss 'P lilmlen Q Malcol Washington U Tomlins JOLAOY Commercial—Sixth a Nil Harte r , Chester co J A 6 11 Janeson, Delaware W )3 Ocheltree, Delaware Ciipt W M bliatxer, Pa .. ufus ligliey & ter, 'York co loanal Rees, Lancaster udolult Shank, Lancaster hn Strohm, .Ir,Lanenster A Perrine & Ix, Pittsburg S Woodwatal, 'a eet, above Chestnut. Robt Baldwin, Lana ao, Pa Jos Wood, Chester co A P Ache) , 8 Cornett, Plicenlxville J T Whitehmul, OXfOrd J T Johnson. Oxford Enoch Harlan, Coatesville W S Montgomery. Pa R Darlington, Eraldson B 0 Tyler, Trenton, N nil Market streets. Rev 0 W Thompson, Pa Wm Dripps, Pa M Peters, York. Pa D W Hutchinson H B Sample, Pa D B Hampton. Pa A S.Herr, Pa J H Kandla. Pa J S Beober, Barks co San McClure, Perry co MiliB Anna L McClure, Pa NI 7 , Wall, New York E W Wise, Shoremanstowa States Union—Sixth V' Lewis, Now York ik Risher Martin Gould. Lane co James C Priebell . . Copt W McConnell, Pa 6MeCollnm.Wleh. D C IC 33 liondle,_Lewisburg V Hardina.Wmit, G W Driver. Wash, Pa . John A. Shober, Pa I. N Dnvie Harrhhurg Jamei, Plainfield, Pa P Weaver P/olnilold, Pa Stunt Jamison, Norristown Barley Sheaf—Socon J Davis. Northampton 33 Price, Doylestown 'W Warner, Maryland IWatson, Penile S Stradling,'Bucks co J C Rich, Bncks co ao Beading, Hatboro S Backman, D. iington T Backman, Newtown 3) Smith & is, Bucks co A K W Knight, Penns J Tyson, Penns S Buckman, la &.d, Newt'n 0 Knight, B ttelo co 0 Flowers, Attleboro J N Price, Penna. street, below Vine. E Wildman, Attleboro H C Stuckert, Doylestown A Longshore. Newtown E Parry, Attleboro R E Engle, Now Jersey J KTaylor, Backs co J Smite, penult, W Connard, Bucks co E Annstrong, Doylestown D Jarrett, Montgomery co J Dickerson. New Jersey RJanney, Pence ZOtllingham, Backe Co A Swartzlandor, Doylest'n J Watson Backsco E Mile,, Davisville National—Race st W R POWS% Harrisburg A Goodwin & wf, Kingston Gen L Rube, Allentown lit Miler & la, Pa G Nilson, Vermont Henry R Doyle sto'n piss J 0 Kennedy, Pa J Sanford, Vel wont •et, above Third. • H P Way. Vermont Reuben Roller, Pa S Thalheimer. Jacob Long, Lancaster, Pa Mrs J R Cleaver, Ashland J C M Rhoads, ht . 11 Crouse, Reading • Madison—Second .3 L Staples, Stroudsburg John Stardom, Scranton Barker. Pennsylvania P Ftthoss, Pa Richard Moore & In N J lor I H Knowles, Del S Robinson, Ponosvlvaiiia W W Bruce, New York Jos Roger, Di minimal net. above Market. Pirman, Pennsylvania Geo Middleton, A J W D Large, Pa N T Clement. Now Jersey W K Norton, Reading Robert Roane, Bucks co John C Morrison JFolwell RP Everhart, Pa Bald Eagle— °Third a Martin Kemmerer. Leh co. tH Kum, Po nE co las Benner, ona Amer, Carbon co Wentz, Millpol t .1' Bellinger, Berlinaville above Cellowhill: , J Bennincer, Bcrltuvvlllo Chas Ritter, Rittersvillo Oeo Bright, Sanhnry Beni &rags, Aught; 13 W Smith, Burke co Wnili4ancliticke Co Black Beski--Third atr )IKalbach, Bern;rille John Venn:chitinlen, Pa I W Feeling, Coonorxburg "I' Pickering, DarieKtowu John Hersh, Pennat Airs Chas B Knight, Penne, A rfeald;" Yardlervllle eet,abarve Callowhill. IJae DI Buckman, Pattia' IJos MBlsenhnrd, Penna. A Delp,_Doyteetown Oeo H Knitter, Banton I 8 Trotter, Ynni , eyvillo W H Lucas, Bethlehem F P Harper, Burke en SPECIAL NOTICES. STIMJILATION Dr THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. poets (If rumor wrongs them not), in every age and nation, Are very much inclined to what . Some folks call " stimulation." Byron, with gin, contriyed to set Bls rhyming mill in motion And Bards rho world cannot forget . nave held to Byron's notion. Bums trusted to " John Barleycorn " . To make his fancy frisky ; And many others do not scorn • The stimulus of whisky. Dryden,' with aloes purged his brain, And thougli no physic titter, And this has made his rhyming .vein So pangeut and so bitter. But Milton on his theme, alone. Relied fur inspiration, And this, my humble yerse, has known No other stimulation. With such a theme as lowan HALL, My hardship needs no steaming ; For Truth and Justice, after all,, Shine more than Fancy's gleaming. The largest assortment of ready-made Clothing in raladelphia, always on hand. at TOWER BALL, 518 MARKET Street, • it • BENNSTT & CO. O& -PRICE CLOTHING, OP US LAMP Oru e. made in the Best Minter, expressly for EBTAIL %ALES- -LOWEST Belling Prices marked In Plain Pb gUZ6II. Al Goode made to Order warranted eattanaccor7- Dar Olmr-Tatioa Siam Ia strictly adhered to. All ars Woretty treated alike. JONES & CO.. 601 BaNKIST Street BATCHELOR ' S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THB WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye boroduces a color not to be diettnntehed from nature: warranted not to injure the hair in the least reme4 les the ill effeets of bad dYea and 11:alginates the Hair tot tit& GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HALE instantly tarns a itYlendid Blook or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and oantlfol, Sold by all Druggists. &a. arm, Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. ,RA,TOR.I. ILO& Ottlaefour vides of each bon. PACTORT, * No, 81 BAECILAY Street, , Wats EYi Rl : oariteag and 16 Bowl otreet.l New York. argkir • COUGHS I COLDS I CONS OXPTEON —AND the immense amount of human suffering from DISEASEi of the PULAION AKE ORGANS, may all be speedily and radically relieved by that well-known remedy. Dr. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Bead the evidence: A BARD RACKING COUCH CURED. JOHN VANWORT, of Aurelius, IHichigan, writes For nearly three years I had a HARD RACKING COUGH, and "as kat on the decline. I had given my self up to die, and my friends bad no hope of my reco very. I could scarcoly walk alone, and was greatly re duced in flesh. Tho heal medical aid that I conk pad Proved of no use to me. I bought two bottles .of your EXPECTORANT, which I took according to directions. and I can honestly eay that it cured me. lam uow woll, tough out! hearty. For two years I have not taken any znodkine. nor du I require the use of any since I took your EXPECTORANT." VALUABLE TESTIMONY FROM CUINA. Roy. I. J. ROBERTS, tho wen-known Chinon Ms eionery. writing trout Canton, under date of Jape ES, WI MPS:, • • • find the Expectorant a very trainable medicine—in deed, I cannot do without it, on account of a chronic Breast Complaint, which has troubled me more or less for several• years pat, and which originated from my preaching too 19nd and long in the ()ilea air. The EX PECTORANT always cases the pain and quiet': the symp toms, - and, were it lint for tbia roquiremente of my voca tion, 1 believe would ere this have effected a permanent care." ." BEST COUGH MEDICINE BEFORE THE PUBLIC. REV. B. F. 'HEDDES, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Carden, N. J., writes: "A few weeks since, while . suffering from a very se ;vere cold, I became so hoarse that it was with great diffi culty I ,could speak so as to be understood. While in this condition . your EXPECTORANT not *only gave me immediate relief, but in three or four days completely . cured my cold, and removed my hoarseness. I there fore take pleasure in recommending the Expectorant 24 being, in my judgment, the best Cough Medicine before tho public." WHOOPING COUGH ENTIRELY OVERCOME;•' Mr. W.• C. PIERER, of Weston Spalding, Lincoln shire, England, writes: " A litttb nopbow of mine, five years old, was, n. few months since, suffering from the WHOOPING COUGH, and I never saw a more distressing case. I immediately gave him JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, according to di rection, and 'very soon began to see an improvement. Tim cough became easier, and expectoration man freer, in a few dare, and in two weeks the malady.was so en tirely overcome that it required no further attention." A SAFE AND YA.LIIABLE REMEDY. Rev. RUFUS BABCOCK, D. D., formerly President of Watervflle College Maine, writes: eor more than a dozen years I have recommended Dr. D. JAI - HE'S FAMILY MEDICINES; and especially' the EXPECTORANT. I know that those medicines are highly esteemed, and frequently prescribed by some of the most rospectablo of the regular practitioners of medi cine ; and I do not hesitate to commend them as a 'min able addition to . our mOteria medico, and a safe as well as eminently beueileial remedy for the diseased. IN THREE DAYS MY COUGH WAS CURED Mr. C. T. POOLER, Superintendent of the Akron Schools, Akron, Ohio, writes: `•This certifies that after a severe bilious attack, and suffering with nearly all the symptoms which you have so accurately described in your Almanac. under the head of liver Complaint, and elpecially with a severe DRY COUGH, very troublesome at night; also, with acute neuralgic pains and soreness in the right side, with night sweats, and finally with dumb ague and fever. The usual remedies 'laving failed to relieve me I was induced teary your EXPECTORANT. I commenced with five doses on the first day and took eight on the second. In three dope my cough wise cured. I then commenced taking your SANATIVE PILLS, continuing the Expectorant, and in one week all the symptoms of biliousness sad neuralgia left me. I am now regaining my former weight more rapidly than I lost it." SPITTINO OF BLOOD, WITH HECTIC FEVER Rev. A. WIBERG, 'writing from Vito:igen, Hanover, says: " hhortly before Christmas last I gave two bottles of your EXPECTORANT to a man who was troubled with a very obstinate Cough, accompanied by Spitting „of Blood rud Hectic Fever, from the combined effects of which he was becoming rapidly reduced. He had, in compliance with the advice of a physician in his neigh borhood, tried various medicines, without relief, and was not inclined to look with any favor on the Expecto rant. However, having persuaded him to take the two bottles home with him, I was much pleased to liea4 af ter the lapse of a week or ten days, that lay friend had entirely recovered, and I have since received a visit from him, during which he spoke emphatically in praise of the Expectorant, and returns his thanks for my exer tions-in causing him to give It a trial." HEALTH PERFECTLY RESTORED FREDERICKA BROOKRELT, No. 641 Fisher street, below Seventh, Fhiladelpbia, writes: ' For more titan two rears I was afflicted with CON SUMPTION, and during thii time, owing to a constant Cough and the sharp pain and difficulty of breathing' which accompanied it, I obtained but little rest. Having tried iu vain many different remedies, I began to lose nil nope, when a neighbor, whose hatband had been cared ot a similar complaint by the use of Dr. JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT, persuaded me to give it a trial. After taking several bottles, large gnantitlcs of corrnption were thrown from me, and I then began to mend gradu ally, until now my health is perfectly restored. A COPOU FOR SIXTEEE YEARS. Rev. A...H. DAKFORTH. Missionary to Assam. " On my way home from India, ou board the English passenger ship Maribobough, I met with Major Clewke, an officer in the Queen's service, who was connected, I think, with the hid Regiment; and was located in. Fort ip lam during the rebellion. I soon perceived that he had it TROUBLESOME COUGH, and urged him to take some EXPECTORANT. He at Scat refused, saying he had had the cough for sixTEns reams, and had tried everything without the least benefit, and he' had now given up doctoring as useless. Ills wife, however, per suaded him to try it, and to gratify. herhe 'did so. He _ all I had with me, saying I could get more whenl reached home, and be C.O aid not." The Expectorant IS preisared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 242 CHESTNUT Street. fe9-mwlt Kza.3l' ,;.1 art: ar.tee AMU tall .111/4 /111M1111111 0T1N.11. 1 1 1 . Neeekly oraoake ROWS, reetstutstte, and shipping supplied, Ching sad glass packed in a proper manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parte of the United States. N. 8.--China decorated to order; also, Initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass. hat-1m DRABVE 'PLANTATION BITTRBR They purify, etrinitthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dieetpation and late hours. They strengthen the eystem and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomata. They cure Dyeliersda and Constipation. They cure Diarrhailia, Cholera, and Cholera Norints. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beet BITTERS in the world. They maks the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's wrest restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cedes mated Calieaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drag gists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. IL DRAKE, CO., SOB BROADWAY. New York. "Wit. IVI.E , i.RRI3EI3D. WILDF.S—RITE.--On Tuesday evening. February 3d, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rey. 11. Perkins, D.D., George Wildes t of Arneytown, E. J., to Elizabeth L., daughter of Nathaniel 8. Rae, Esq., o of Cream Ridge, E. J. BAILEY. —On Tuesday moruing,loth inst. ,Fannie H., daughter of E. Wescott and Esther A. Bailey. Relatives and friends•are invited to attend the funeral, on Friday at 10 A. 141.. from ISM Chestnut street. *** cazsy.--On Monday morning, 9th inst., Mary Emma, in her 11th year, daughter ernes - . Samuel H. Giesy. The friends of the family. and the congregation and Sabbath school of Christ Church. are respectfully in vited to attend her funeral, from her father's residelice, Ho. 2099 Wallace street, on Thursday afternoon, 12th in stant. The funeral services will be held in the church, on Green street, near Sixteenth street, commencing at s o'clock. * BURR.—At Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, Januar), 20. 1913, William C. , youngest eon of M. L. and B. M. Burr, in the 21st year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence ethic parents, No. 758 mouth Tenth street, to-day (Wednesday), 11th 7 o'clock A. M. , to_ proceed to St. James' Episcopal Church, Evansburg, Montgomery county Ps. Episcopal Church At the residence of h is son-hi-law, Charles C. Oat, 710 Parrish street, on Sunday, February Bth. Davis Beaumont, in the Seth year of his ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited .to attend his funeral, front the residence °Phis son, Theodore B. Beaumont, Bernard street, between Walnut and Matlack streets, West Chester, this (Wed nesday) afternoon,llth instant, at 2 o'clock, without fur ther notice, • • ' • BUNTING.—On the Silt inst., Nary S. Hunting, in the 81st year of her age. 'Her friends are invited to attend her funeral from her late residence on the Marshall's road, on Fourth day, the 11th instant, at 1 o'clock P.M. The interment to be •, at Darby. SCHNEIDER.—On the 9th last., Catharine, daughter of the late Caspar Schneider, aged h7years. The Diners I will take piste from her late residence, MD Arch street, to-day (Wednesday), the 11th inst. ,at. 10 o'clock A.M. OBITUARY. Suddenly, at Lancaster, Pa., . on Saturday, 7th inst., Rev. JACOB FLANS. aired 6t years. In the death of this faithful servant of Christ, the church with which ha . was for many years connected htMlost a useful and consistent teacher, the community a good citizen, and his surviving relatives a kind and devoted member. The writer of this brief tribute to his memory knew him for many years, and. never during that period did he know him to do an act inconsistent with the religion of his Divine blaster. He had a kind word for every one, and in his daily walk and conver cation were beautifully exhibited the fruits of true Christianity. His faith was unwavering, and it seemed' to be his highest ambition to go "about doing good.". Although Providence did hot see lit to answer his daily pruyei—to be "delivered from sudden death"—yet no person who knew him can doubt that, although his death was sudden, he has gone to that rest which is pre pared for the righteous. Liken shock of corn, ripe, he has been gathered into the garner, to enjoy the happi ness of that heaven of which it wits his delight to speak. His remains were yesterday interred in the cemetery of the Union ALE. Church, beside those of hie mother and sister, where they shall lie until the resurrection of the just. • B. LTroT. COMIANDER EDWARD LEA, li. S. NAVY. The following obituary notice of this gallant yo l ung - orcer, who waskilled on board the Harriet Lane, while biaiely defending his ship, on the morning of the let of Januiry last, is taken from the Washington Daily .3fOrning Chrmlith, of Thursday. Shortly after the commencement of the rebellion, Lieut. Commander Lea served in the Mississippi Sonsdron, then uider the com mand of Adminti Foote. This heroic °Meer, who knew Loa wolf, thus speaks of him, in a latter to a friend, which We are permitted to Publish: "Admiral Foote moat heartily endorses the obituary no tice of Lieut. Commander Edward Lea. He was among the brightest ornaments of the serTi co, and had his saint- Die life been spared, would, no donbt, have still more distinguished himself, and added to the tame o f I L L S country; but, lie trusts, while his spotless example ro maine on earth, his pore spirit rests in heaven; and may Divine (truce sustain his family and friendi in this, their sad bereavement ' ~ "NAVY DEPA RTIf Ksr, February $3, 1863." (From the Windiington Daily Morning Chronicle.) CUM= It 111 truly with a melancholy pleasure that we trace Me,. few linen an a tribute of love and frieudship to the memory of one, the record of whose brief career presents such a beautiful picture of an upright .1/IRI/, that its con templation alone imparts a sweet relief to the withered heart of the mourner. Lieutenant Commander Edward Lea was born in the city of Baltimore en the 30th day of January, PM& • His father, General Albert M. Les, graduated in the Topo graphical Engineers at Went Point, and his mother was Krund daughter of Samuel Shoemaker, , Mayor of Philadelphia before the formation of the Oovernment. 11aving conceived a foudnem for the navy, Edward Lea entered the Academy at Annapolis in 1801, and graduated therefrom June Prom this time until the day of his decease be was em ployed in active service upon various statiom, having \ =lrapidly through the several grades of muster and napt to that of lieutenant. commander, to which , p o dtion he was commissioned July 18, IEO2, not quite e l even years from the date of his entry into the service.. •Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, he was master THE PRESS.-PHIEHIA. .WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1L 1863. on board the frigate Dartford, then the flag ship of the Mist India squadron. which vessel was recalled shortly afterwards by command of the Department. Upon her arrival in Delaware Bay, all the racers attached to the. Flap w ore required, betro to take the oath of allegiance. and to his lasting honor be It known that of six then present, he was ono °rite° who went manfully forward and su bscribed his name in full, remarking afterwards that when it was Proposed ho "gave ono glance at the old nag flying at tho peak," and obeyed to: silent, though patriotic summons. Shortly after this ho was assigned to the Harriet Lane. then attached to tho Potomac flotilla, from whence, run- • ning the blacked° gauntlet with the Pensacola, he w-its ordered with his vessel to the Gulf, where ho took quito a conspicuous part in the bombardment and capture of Forts Philip and Jackson, and the city of New Orteaus. From this scene of active operations he was ordered to the blockade off Pensarmia, and .hence to 'Oulvoston, where, after a most gallant and heroic defence, fighting his •vessel to the very end, against the enemies of his country, Ito fell overpowerml, on the lot of January, breathing his last upon the deck of V02 , .01 Ito had so lon defended. . . e might well pause bore, and polniwith pride to the undimmed record of his faithful career in the public ser .vice, as the most. imperishable monument to his worth and gallantry , hut our admiration of his many virtues and exalted patiiotism tempts us to Auld that An alt the higher qualities which adorn the Christian and ennoble men : Edward Loa stood foremost. Of a warm and bo tulism nature, a gonerons..noble-hearted disposition, a devoted son, ;mai a faithful friend, hie memory will ever lx' cherished by those who met him in the Private walks of life, as At must bo honored by his companions in the servile. Earl y imprmsed with . the truth of , the 'raying, that it is inan'ti highest glory to be °nod, he became a devout and consistent member of the Church in his fourteenth year, from which Ibno he walked steadfastly to the end, never swerving from the chosen path of rec titude, and fulfilling every Christian obligation with a zeal and devotion worthy of example to the world. lie now sleeps his lost • long sleep on the far-dlitaut shores of Texas, and although the raging storms of the Gulf, which in life were music to his manly heart, will nn more mu m him to glory nriniu, his pure and guile leßS spirit enioys perpetual rest In that heavenly king dom prepared tor nil those who, whoa living, lived only unto God. • "Green be the•turf above thee, Friend of my better days, ; None know thee but to love thee, None named thee bat to protect" , . . . IPALAOK SILKS.--:NOW OPEN, OUR -2-4• Bluing stock of the meet. dal: tibia makes of BLACK SILKS. - ' - 1 - tiOlod Mg every rmalitv, from *I to $l5O a yard. ...Black and White heat C heck Ai lk 8 . . - Gray sad Blact Neat Check Silks. ....blackand Whito Ncet Striped Silks. • . Whitt) and Black Neat Check Silks Black and White Foulard Allks. • - Black and Purple Foul ..rd Silks. usssorc & SON. Mourning Store, fee . No. 9118 CHESTNU (' Street. Et ..t , LA_NDELL, FOURTH AND A-A ARCH', always keep a One stock of •„ • : Staple Household Goode. ___•• _ • "•• ; . Jalo • Best Beeline, Linens, and Flannel,. '• . VItItE4 LANDELL, FOl7ldH _AND -1141 ? /3 31h7iin a i [ k gra i l f L ail Une,f 18.10 s INudiinnaole 81,awle. •• • •'. . • ."; • RritE & LANDEL4 ROVIC . I I 4 AND Lame a fine aasonoloot of • • flood °Way BlackSilka: • . -• • • is : 10 , Widowre etika withotteofia. • • • TEE WASHINGTON LEE cowl— M 'F PANY return their sincere THANKS to their krs rode for the pre.en Wien Of a beautiful AMBULANCE on Monday evPnind, Fob. 9th, ISCO. • - JOHN B. PARSONS, Seo'y of W. F. Co. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILA➢HLPHIA. February 9, "WA . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—THE AN N U.A L ELRCTION ..FOR DLRECTORS will be held on MON DAY. the second day of March, 1913, at the Office of the Company. No. 238 South TIIIRD Street. The Polls will be open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 0 o'clock P. M. No share or shares transferred within sixty days Pre ceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITH, lelo-tmh2 Secretary. MANTUA— MANTUA.--THE 0 ITT, zens of MANTUA, interested in a cheap and cora durtable line of travel to and front the heart of the city, are invited to attend a meeting on FRIDAY EVIMING, February lath, at 734 H o'clock, at the corner of THIRTY SECOND and AVERFORD Streets, second story'. Let all be present who are opposed to the high rates o fare now charged to reach their places or bastness. feo-50, raiz. lIOIVICEOPA.THIC HOSPITAL, 1115 CUTHBERT Street.—This Institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the moot comfortable manner. tree of charge. B. F. GLENN, n 02241 Secretary of Board of Manager& MOFFICE OF THE 191JR.GEON-4.11.. Tl-T TO THE ARMY AEI) BAVY. PHILLMitre PEA, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Gailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Boman-Artist to the Government. No. 1609 CELBSTRMitreet. B. FRANK PALMER. jtatint Surgeon-Artist. MINSURANCE COMPANY OF TILE STATE. OF PENNSYLVANIA, February S, 1963.. 7 hi Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF FIX PEA CENT., or twelve ribllars per share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal reprerontatives, on de mand. [re3-l0t) WILLIAM" HARPER, Secretary. RETAIL URIr GOODS. E W. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Asks the SPECIAL ATTENTION of the LaCoste his LARGE ;STOCK of WHITE GOODS. LACES, EI4IBROIDERIES, HAND- IMRCHIEFS, &c A greeter part of his goods have been purchased pre vious to the recent GREAT ADVANCE, and are uow being RETAILED at LESS than wholesale prices. He has JUST OPENED: 100 dozen broad Hemstitched Hdkfs., at 3oc. , and up wards. SW dozen corded bordered all Linen Hdkfs., at ldc., worth 'Li cents. 50 pieces . And. white Plqui), for 'Ohildrea's wear. • 20 pieces printed and flored Piqué, for chi ldron's wear. OVELTIES IN LADLES' BOWS. Emb'd Muslin, lace trimmed, dic., received every morning, from Bk. to $6. felo-tf EMBROLDERIE'S ! EMBROIDERrES 11 —French Niedle-worked Bands; Edgings.Jasert legs, Bdkfs, Collars, Setts, Skirts, Scc.; a large aadort munt of very choice goods at low prices. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRLSON, feB.3wif ...:.10011 CHESTNUT Street. p RINTED• LINENS! PRINTED -a- LINENS' I—At a Small advance on tUatikerso...s. a lane assortment of TrintedriNfrars - stowUeresses, glisa.. ThisrbeaffrAN nARLINom, s'ARRISON, fe9-Swif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. TIOM.ESTIO MIISLINS, SREETINGS, &e.—All of the desirable makes for sale, at the lowest riudi prices. SIIEPPALAD. VAN FIABLINGRN,& ARRISON, fc.9-ftwif 1.01 , 9 CASSTNITr Street I I I knov, 'WV c. ARMY GOODS_ DARIL-BLITE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SEY-BLIJE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. .. - • ARMY BLANKETS, - STANDARD — IOtOIIIICE. DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. - BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETING'S AND SHIRT ENOS. For wile by FROTHINGHAM .1c WELLS. ael•lttf "° FINANCIAL.. . ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATES; INDEBTEDNESS QUARTERISIPLSTR VOUCHERS WANTED: DREXErI & 0o FIVE-TWENTIES, TWSNTIr-YIAB SIX PBB ONT. BONDS, IWIABLB AT THE OPTION 07 TIM GO arm EVE YEARS. I em instructed by the SECRETARY OE THE TER& SUET to receive subscriptions for the above • LOAN AT *PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF 1311BSCRIP TION. and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub-Treasury or Depository of the United. States:on the first days of May and November of each wear. At the Present Pawitnat ON aoma, these Bonds yield about DIGHT per cent. per mann= A tall amply always on hand. / JAY CIOOKE, AGENT, •1 .I:i4' A JOHN 43. OAIT -4: SON, STOOIF & NOTE BROKERS, M. 23.301T111 TAD STRUM, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE VIS DECHLIf ICS' BLEB. STOOKS AND BONDS NOUGHT AID BOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD 01 BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTSS AND LOANS (NEGOTIATED ON TH2 13235 T TFIRMS. S . HARVEY. THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL •BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STRUT. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. oovraut- MENT SZCIIRITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex alusivelY. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negoclated at lowest rates. Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & 00., Oeo. D. Parrish, Esq. John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thome, R , Furness. Brinley. & Go.. John Thontao Beet del6-Smif .AiONEY TO INVEST.-PERSONS wishing to make safe investments of money qn the security of Real Estate in the State of Delaware, .aft ob tain all the necessary informant:min relation tkoreto by addreming B. B. COMMUYS. ja24•wAs3m At tbahlladelphia Bank. IN SUMS OF $5,000 AND $2O 000 ~ upwards, to LOAN on Mortg e for threettr four years ats per cant i mmnt . Oa to IN k No. 152 South FOURTH Street. $31)00 TO $lO,OOO TO LOAN ON mortgage of improved farms tn.. New Jer er.K 3 fell-12NcARestrrht, • 242 South THIRD Street.- -AMOUNT TO ,835,Q00. i.o„N in First Mortgagee on Clty . Yroperty, 'Or Fenn& wlthin miles of the city. 4pply to .uen •Z. PETTIT. No. 309 WALNUT Street I CORY Tit' PE 8-11TORyTypra_ Those petite, nahisal,and.pleasing pictures, us finely exacittad at REIM ' untteestierutbly the beet of Mail' elan, Soo apeeimeno Gallery . SECO ND Street. above Green.. BRANDY.--AN, TIELLEVOIS— • yOICZ in _ Bo . l4 grAL.,L. (I_ARSTRIL No. ne WAtterr awl at e DRY GOODS JOBBERS.' N. , , ,, AIVVWWWW,,VVV,"VVVVVVVVVr VvVVVVVV, 1863. - SPRING. I RING.. 1863. JORNES, BERRY, & CO., . (Sticcemrs to ABBOTT. JOBNES St CO.) 1 No. 527 MARKET, and 524 COMAtiRCE Streets PHILADUPIIII, IMPORTBAS AND JOBBEI.S O' I SILK FANCY - DRY GOODS: ATTRACTIVE STOCK TN DRESS GO6DS;. Hare ;ow, open a largi and Adapted to the Season ; A full nsaortnient in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, • Which they offer to the trade at the LOWEST,PRICES. CABLI BUYERS Are particularly invited to examine our Stocky% fell-t[ ATIALLES , AND 41131 N SLR /1 artlx Importer and ;Wholesale Dealer In FINE WATCHES AND JEWETI3Y'. No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, IUP-stairs, opposite Masonic !Temple), II" 1". 9) LARGE a AND COUPLETS STOCK./ lIR ACI SCI AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES. HOWARD & CO. 'S PINE AMERICAN WA GOLD CHLINS, GOLD SPN,CTACLES, TRIM . NNE JEWELRT OF A E N V D BRY Dzscßim. • J. C. :FULL - EB'S FINE GOLD PENS, THE BEST PEN ; IN USE, . • FOR SALE - IN ALI. • • 1 VIILCANITE'BINGB. . ` A fall assOrtmiit. all ale& and aiilaa • ' J. C. FULLER, No. 712 qUESTNUT Street. ROGERS k,BEOTHER'S FINE PLATED WARE, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES. KNIVRe. &ct J. 0. FULLER, tell-3m No. 712 CHESTNUT Street. FINE WATCH REPAIR attended to, by the most experiencedwoik and every watch warranted for one year. G. Russm,: 2.2 North SIXTH Street ~1. 1 FINE AMERICAN AND a 5/ IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry, and Sil verware, at the lowest possible pFiaes. . ,(1. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street. D. T. PRATT, (8000111180111 TO Peer somas ! ) , 607 CHESTNUT STREET. hsowd‘flyin inwta at /NG= SWIM AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and Quainter., to suit all classes of nolaantif a ELI TIO'LDEN, .; Dealer In fine • • AMER Alillebr o lEMTCßES. WELR .oeSISI2I. O WOO mAinrwr a WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESE ASSORTMENT • •T LESS THAN FORMER PRICES..' • FARR • BROTHER, Importers. robtOM 3R4 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. MILITARY :GOODS. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 1.10. 418 ARCH STREET. SWORDS, SELI3EIA tELTS, 'And ARMY AND NAVY OFFICMEws, BOT•PSALE AND- RETAIL G . W. SIMONS & BROTHER, IfAIA THlLADBlinfut MININIOMRI OF IMRE rtmr, SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS EVERY VARIETY jaB-116m • HOLIDAY GOODS. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALRUMS-,A large variety for Bale at low NUM by JAMES W..QUEEN & CO., 024 CHESTNUT Street. delS-Smtf MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-OLASSES, for present r, for rate Dy JAMES W. QUEEN Se CO., 921. CHESTNUT Street. delMailf • O PERA .GL ASSES',." •QP : EIRA GLASSES. For sale by__ JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CILBSTNIIT Street..' deLl-Smif AGENOY TOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, Th. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A fall supply Mali kinds of TAR STAMPS constantly on-hand. and for sale in Quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of WO and up wards. Orders by Mall promptly attended to. Office Hours from 9 A.M. to b JACOB E. RIDO-WAY, deg-tje9 No. 57 Son&THIRD Street. • UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. iyw~l:<q~)eA:{d~U)~~~]l:y~,y[ ~~~tnr:s r+~•~r,l~ NOTICE. —The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District of all persons liable to a Tax on Car= tinges Pleasure Yachts, BilliardlTables and Gold and: Silver'Plate,_ and also of all persons required to take out LICENSES, having been completed, NOTICE IS BEER, BY 0 I YEN that the Taxes aforesaid will be received .for the TWENTY-SECOND and TWENTY-FIFTH WARDS of the City of Philadelphia: by WILLIAM H. 'ALILLER„ and THEODORE S. WILLIAMS. Deputy Collectors, at the office, Eangstroth's Building, GERMANTOWI , F, and for the TWENTY-TILTED WARD of said city by DA NIEL W. GILBERT, Deputy Collector, at the office of the Collector, Frankford street, .Fmnkford, daily, be tween the pouts of 9 A. M: and E 3 P. AI • and 3 . All persons who fail to pay theirAnniial Taxei upon' Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables audUold and Silver Plate, on or before the twenty-Arst day of February, Ifitti, will incur a penalty-of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof and costs, as provided for in thel9th section of the Exiree Law of July 1,1962. All persons who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their LICENSES, as .required by law; on or before the 21st of . February next, will incur a penalty of tenper cerium additional on the amount thereof. and THREE TINES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, in accord ance with the provisions of the 19th and 59th sections of the Excise Law aforesaid. Money of the United States only received. No farther notice will be given.. JOHN W. COWELL, Collector. Germantown (Philadelphia), Jan, 50, ISM. jas)-tfeM T I NTERNAL REYENIJ STA TEs pm's?. T4.X. FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, comprising all of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, and Twenty fourth wards. I EFREBY NOTIFY allpersons who have signed an application•lor LICENSE to transact their business or occupation, that I have received them from the Amiesor, and that the LICENSE is now ready for delivery on pay ment of the TAX. I ALSO NOTIFY all personii in the District, if the Tax is not patil on or before.the FOURTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT, the applications will begiven to the District Attorney of the United States for collection of the Tax, with the pe nalty of three times the amount of License and all costs. JOHN M. RILEY, Collector • • Farmers' and Mechanics' Sank Building, 427 CHESTNUT 1 fo 3lweek i-wsa January 23, 1651 PITEENAL SE Y E E..-lINITED -I. STATES-EXCISE TAX!_ • . , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all Persons, Firms, Associations of Pereone , or :Corporations doing Business in the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, comprising Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty - first, and Twenty-fourth Wards, who HAVE NO. made registry with the ASS ,TANT ASSESSOR of the Division in which their business is carried. on, or• with the y ASSESSOR at THREEee that the penally aired b_Ahe Sit TIMES THE AMOUNT OF THE SUM CHARGED FOR LICENSE,. _ Aud to all Persons, Firms, Associations of Persons or Corporations,o 'who have REFUSED to regisfer an appli cation, at the hand.; of the Asrsiatant Assessor, that the assessment ,is inereassa by the addition of one-half to" the•tnim charged for License-or Fl!ti, Der cent.—col lectable with all other Floes and Penal t ies itithe DIS TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. /HP IMMEDIATE application to the ASSISTANT AS SESSOR, or to the ASSESSOR, will avoid these penalties. D. P. SOUTRWORTH, Assessor, Fourth District:Pa: OFFICE, 4E7 CHESTNUT Street. Farmers' At Mechanics' Bank Building: Januar)• 23, 3Eat fet-welt, UNITED STATES INTERNAL.REVE. .liuE —THIRD COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pennsyl vania, comprising Twelfth Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the city of Ph iladeFiat NOTI —The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named llsuict, of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts. Billiard Tables and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persona required to take out Licenses having been completed, notice is hereby given that the faxes aforesaid will be ,received daily by the undersigned, between the boats of 9 A. M. and 9P. M. (Sundays excepted, at his office, Southwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and after MONDAY, February 2,1: 1863; and until and including SATURDAY. the hat day of the same month. . . PENALTIES, All persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes titoll Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Oold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21st of Febrn ,,,,1865. will i nc ur a 'penalty of ten per cent= addi tional of the amount thereof, and costa as provided for In the 18th section of the Excise Law of Ju1y1,1962.. . All persons who, in like manner, shall fall, to take out theirLicsnme law, on or before the Slat of Februa, 1 will incur apenalty of ry THREE TIMES HE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES. In accordance with the proyisiona of the 69th section, of the Excise, Law aforesaid: • *. Sir Money of thestirilta States only received. - • .4lfilf," No further noticewill be given. • • WILLIAM L.NAINWRIGHT.VoIIector. • laThill • ' • S. Wator:•THIFID and W ILLOW eta.- A NEW AND POWERFUL ..ENGLISH NOVEL. • SUPERIOR TO• "'AURORA FLOYD." One Volume eve. Paper, AO cents Cloth, 76 cents. " A Now Novel by a new Author, and ono of the most brilliant books of the season. Full of incident—bright, lively. apirklitur with Wit, and healthy in tone, ' TANGLED SKEIN' will make a sensation In the world of novel readers." T. 0. IL. P. BURNHAM, PUBLISHER, • 1.13 WASHINGTON Street, Boston Sent by moil, post paid. ou receipt of the price. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, All !Doke usually to be bad in a ~ FIRST-9LAEM BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelyirti .. • •. AT TEE. ... • LOWEST PRICES fefkr • - • . lIHOTOGRAPIE ALBUMS Of emy variety of THE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE palm CARTES, DE QIBITE In endless vixisty, together with an Imnuiluii 'stook of eTANDAIII? . .IND'iIthaLLAREOUS LITiRATURE, Accompanies every Book sold I • • Lovers of Choice Goods. at Low Rates, Fair Dealing. and Polite Attention, patronise the GREAT ORIGINAL 4 +. CAPITAL NEW, BOOKS. THE ORPHEUS C. HERR PAPERS. A second series of these capital humorous articles. 12mo. C10th,51.25. • Also, a new edition of First Series, SPREES AND SPLASHES: or, Droll Recollections of Town and Country, by Henry Aforford. Illustrated. ' A vol. of Comic Stories Bud Sketches. 12mo. Cloth, $1; and Paper tkivere, 75 cent,. TACTICS; OR, CUPID IN ITL SHOULDER-STRAPS. A. West Point Love-story, capitally told. 12mo. Cloth., SI; Paper Covers, 75 cents. • TV. •NOTES ON STIANSPBARE, his Plays. and Actors. By Jae. H. Hackett, the celebrated Comedian. 12mo. Cloth, SL SO GARRET VAN HORN: or, the Beggar on Horseback. A very clover Novel. by J. S. BouzaZe. Limo. &1. 15. • VI. THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. Sequel to the "great • Tribulation," and " Great Preparation." By Dr. Cumming. 16mo. Cloth, uniform with the other volumes, $l. • • t* These books are gold by all booksellers, and sent by inallfrec, on receipt of price, by • OARLETON, Publisher, New York. ' fe7-swtt Corner, .13.110A.DWAY and LISPERABD Ste.. .MILITARY,NAVAL AND 1301EN TIFIC BOOKS.—Tbe subseriberelave on hand all the recent publications in this department of science, including a general assortment of ' SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. • They also keep on hand a full assortment of WORKS ON MEDICINE, SURGERY, Sze. And receive as soon as' published. or will furnish promptly to Order, at low prices, NEW BOOKS, In every department of literature. ' LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and .Booksellers, MO 'No. 25 &mth'SIXTII St., above Chestnut- . PITOKER'S_,_• NEW BOOKSTORE.-- PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS and CARD PHOTO = ORAPHSat lower prices than can be found at any other store in Philadelphia. . • .O. W. PITCHER, • felo-3t: . . . No. SOS CHESTNUT Street.: A • VINDI.O.A:TION• OF "OBJECT TEACHING," by "SCOTIA." For sale at Mc iHLROY'S, .csEsnor and TENTH Streeta,•nort at HENRY LONOSTRETH'S 1336 CHESTNUT Street, lelo-3t• Price 15 Cents L.A.CKWOOD'S MAGA Z INE .• . A BRITISREVIEWS, PRICES CHEAP AS EVER, To those who pay promptly is advance: . Notwithstanding the cost of reprinting these periodi cals.has more than doubled in consequence of the enor menu rise in the price of paper, and pr genentt advance in all other expensai; and, notwithstanding other pub lishers are reducing the size, or increasing the price of their publications, we shall continue, for the year 1%3, to furnish ours complete, as heretofore, at the old rata*, 112 : 1 TUE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). 2. IHN EDINDDEGIT REVIEW' (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH EEylEN(Froachurcli.) ~. -..... --..—. ..- ..- .. T. THE W.E , ITAIINE . TER REVIEW (Liberal). 6. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE ( Corp). TERMS: Per annum. For any one of the four Reviews VI . -00 For any two of the four Reviews 6.00 For any three of the four Reviews 7.00 ' For all four of the Reviews 6.00 . For Blatkwood's Magazine 8.00 For Blackwood and one Review ..ertlit For Blackwood and two Reviews -- 'GOO For RI ackwoodiiiii- .0.00 For Bks.--m mht..evvill be our prices to all who pity prior to the let lac • . of April.LlTo those who defer paying till alter that time, the prices will be increased to such exteut_as the-a , ...-, - • __-.--,... ost of re slahrsanign sAva Yore 110XV.Y. r • NARD SCOTT St CO., Publishers _ ff9-St • " - .. No. SS WALKER Street, N. 'Y. PHILADELPHI- A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.—It will be comleted . IN ONE MORE VOLUME, This invaluable Library of information should be ni in tesiim of every intelligent family in the ltd fort .i,lieii;di dox nnatet vg '2§ Smith girl l ll, shoes (h stunt: 11. 8..-ligouti wanted In thlti Otaio and /low orsoy 40 take orders for the above. te7-12t 'TIF' FICR "OF'APPLETON'S CY401,0- --- PEDIA, 33 South SIXTH, above Chestnut. Agono", aim for the following works: PUTNAM'S RECORD OF THE REBELLION. NATIONAL EDITION OF WASHINGTON IitVING'S 'ORM UPS AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. BAYARD TAYLOR'S COMPLETE WORKS. HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF DICKENS' WORM. GEMS FROM THE DUSSELDORF' GALLERY. GRANT WHITE'S SHAKPPEARE, 12 vols. BANCROPT'S UNITED STATES, Svols.• • • BRITISH POETS AND ESSAYISTS. Boston Edition. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, 15 vols. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS at lowest prices. fe7-12t • D R. GUTHRIE'S NEW. WOBH.= SERMONS TO THE HEART • or. SERMONS FOR THE PEOPLE. By Themes Guthrie. D. D. 75 cents. PATRIARCHAL FareDows OF CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH. By OctevinWuslosv. D. D. 90 ceutz. THE MOTH'ER AND ERR WORK. in cents, •CIIRISrIAN SBLF-CULTURE; or, Counsels for the Beginning and Progress of a Christian Life. By Leonard Bacon. • FA cents. ABOOK FOH TIIR BOILS. By Rev. T. C.. Uphaut,D D. Steel en grav4R l _4l l l,_ S. ?MID MARTIEN, fe7 No. GO6 CHESTNUT Street. MUST THE VAR .GO ON ?-AN IN QUIRY whether the Union can bo restored by any other means, and whether Peace upon any other hams would be cafe or durable. By Henry Flanders. Pamph let Svo. Price 15 cants. Ptblished by WILLIAM' S. dr ALFRED MA.RTIEN, iMS 606 CHESTNUT Street. • ••• • • CIRCULATING LIB R ARIES. ••BROTHERHEA_D'S OIRCULA, • • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books Including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Libra in the country that includes all the NEWENGLISR r BOOKS that are not minu.wr sp tare. .Terme 05 per year; six months ; three months luso ; one month 75 cents, or 9 cents per day. 218 Smith. TILE .BThIG PICTURES AND SATIS-. FA TORY ones. REIMER'S admirable Colored . Photogrtphs, titl only. They are suited to ail, being at curate, pieasiug, durable, and cheap. SECOND Street, above G mt.. 1g piPIRIAL AND CARD PHOTO GRAOHEI of all the great Works of Art,for Bale by CIIALLEL fel6-6t No, 1308 CHESTNUT Street. • JUST -OPENED; ' • A NEWrPHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Where the • t No. 906 . ARCH STREET, PINES ! PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, I PROM THE. CARR& DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the moat EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing eaut.elase pictnrea are invited to call and examine..apevimena. A choice selaction of Albums, cam, and frames,on Mad. • Y. A. 0. KNIPE, ..4101748n . • RErscr. INSTRU Streets. la3l-321.* CLASSIC AND ENGLISH SOHOOL •-, OF H. D. t 081. A. M., iloS 314.103. F Street. • IVY IN7TKITE, MUT° N: . CHESTER COUNTY, PERNA. The next to will commence on the 6th of April, 186.3. Terms for Tui on and Boarding for fourteen weeks, $4O. For Ciromiars, address fe6-6t* . : _ VLLAGEI OMEN SEMINARY.-A I /3ELECT BOABDINC , SCHOOL, NUR MEDIA, PA. Thorough emote in Mathematic!, Claude% English etndlee, • Military Taetteetatight. Classes in Book-keeping, Brui veying, and Civil Engineering. PaPile taken of a ll ages, and are received at an t Vime. Boarding per week, 28. . • Tuition per quarter, .CO. • Boy alalogaea or Information address Big. J. BEIRUT BARTON.. A. M.. Village Green.. Pa. 0c404( • • j r .Elfga, l EABLE & SON, _ _ IMFOR.T/Rs AND MANUFACTORIES. OF LOOKING GLASSES. manse 111 OIL PAINT/PO% MO/IMM I. PORTSAIT. warm and ' • PROTOGRAM FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS AND GALLERY OF PAINTING'S, caw 816 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, TO. ENSIONS.— CVO BOUNTY AND .. ...i ‘ i t ? , .. : l 7e r izz e,, o l f a s ik u d ch oolletli for deceased, - eaUt.• and satisfactory . rates. Claims a cashed or ' atlyanced W: b 7 ca sh ed FULTON Rolteitor for Clatman _ • 42 . 4 WALNUT Street, PhUadelp l & Particular attention "Neil to parties living at a Ms tabus. oolB7tf LOST OR MISLAID-CERTIFICATE. No. ICS for 24 shams of Stock in tho MANUFACTU RERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. All persons are here by. cautioned against negotiating same, as application has been wade for renewal. • fell-wet•. . • . WILLIAM A. RHODES. INORYTYPES.—THE . .FIisTEST PIC-, stiCutoat elaborately colorid; are •Ell- MBES IvorytML" Their natural appearance and fine expreselonia'wonderful In ooreoetaees. SECOND Street, above 6reen.: • • • • It NEW. PUBLICATIONS. JOSE PUBLISHED, A TANC*LED SKEIN, BY ALLOT FONBLANQUE, Jlt, 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Botween Seventh and Eighth Streetreeta BIER. STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRIOR OLD" PRICESI••° . A HANDSOME PR BENT GIFT-BOOK 439 •CHESTNIIT titres ISSUE)) THIS WEE PHOTOGRAPHS. EOUCATION. SCHOOL- AND. PRIVATE LON—N. W. corner TENTH sagLARCH R. STEWAST. Principal. u= ilL ,lg i =4,= Agi .= llc : . :9 PERSONAL. DEPIITY QUARTERMASTER. OENE- ItAL'S 0141C/3. —Ptur.surfaufra..Feb.• 10, 1863. PROPOSAL* wig be received at this office until Satur day, the 14th instant, at 12.0'clockld., for the delivery in thia city, on or before the 12th day of March next, of. ono hundred and thirty Medicine Wagons, jibe constructed after the model of Mr. Perot. to he. aeon at the Schuylkill Annual, in MI, city. The right is reserved to reject all bide deemed too high. Deputy Qaa a rto r a m c st ao r o e M ea l. ARMY 01.013 . ING AND . EQUIPAQE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Sass's. PHILADXLPIIIA, February 10. lan. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited, and will bn re ceived at this ofßee, until 12 o'clock Al., on SATURDAY, the 2lst inst., for promptly furnishing et.the Schnykill Arsenal— ' G,O yards heavy Tow. Burlap, Iff inches wide, suita ble for baling clothing. Sc. €O pounds Linen or Flax. Twine, for sewing bales. KM yards hi-inch Scarlet • Worsted Lace, army standard. • Samples of the above can be POOR at the Schuylkill' Arsenal. • Bidders will stato in • their proposals the quantity bid for, and the tinto of delivery, and also give the name. of two sufficient suret•as for the faithfal ful filment of the contract, if awsrded.. Bidders are iuvittd to be present at the opening of the bids. ' C. H. CLOSM U, fell D.. Q. M. General, IL S. A.. LIG HT - J.RAr . r VESSELS. FOR RIVEIiB AND BAYS. • ' • •NAVY DAPAATMAN'TrFcbminry 10, itka THE NAVY DRPARTAIIHNT will receive propesals ,for the construction and completion in every respect (except guns, ordnance stores, feel, Provisions, and nautical instrument+) .or Armored Strainers of about seven hundred tons, of wood and lion combined, having &Single , revolving turret. On personal application at the Navy Delxiitment in Washington, or to Rear 'Admiral Gregory, No. BROADNVAY, New York. parties intending to offer can examine the pions and specitialtions, which will be furnished to the contractors by the Detainment. No offer will be considered unless from partiet who are preps red to execute work of Allis kind, having .nitable shopa and tools of which, if nut known to thp Depart ment, they must present evidence with their bid. The act of Congress approved Jnly 17i DK prohibits tho transfer of any contract or order. or interest therein. The bidders will state the price and the time within which they will agree to complete the vessel or vessels, and the bid must be accompanied by the guaranty re quired by law, that if awarded to them they will promptly execute the contract. Propositions will be received until the 24th day of Fehrnamr, and they most be endorsed ' Proposals for Vemets for River Defence." to distinguish them from other business letters. fell-lOt IN . . OM% A NS' • COURT FOR THE CITY . AND COITNTY.OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ANTHoICY 0: QUERY/MLR; deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by the court to audit, wale, and adiust the cecond account of CAROLINE F, QUER- V lilt kAdministratrix of the Estate of ANTHONY" G. QUERVELLS, deceased,. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands o' the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the plup(1:105 of his appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY, February 25th. at 4 o'clock P. M., et hie office, No. 120 g South POCISTII Street, in the city. of Philadelphia. JOHN HANNA, tell-evimilt • • .. • • z • Auditor. Emroxitrer, TN THE - ORPHANS'. COURT FOR - A- THE CITY AND COUNTY OPPHILADELPIILL Trust Estate under the last will of '2.2OMAS B. PRITCEIEIT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, end adjust the peasant of EDWARD H. - DONSALL, MICHAEL ERRICKSON, and JEREMIAH HONS.& 4L, trustees under the last will and testament of THOMAS IL PRITCIIETT, deceitheA, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the Trustees. wilt meet the parties interested to the trust estate, ou MONDAY, February 73, 1863, 4 P. AL, at itia office. 512 WALNUT Street,• in the city of Philadelphia. fell-wfreat wiLtieht BRNST. Auditor. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: _ . WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed In the name of the United States of America, hatirdecreed all persons In general who have, or pretend to have. auy right, title, or interest in the steamer PRINCESS ROYAL, whereof Captain Lawson is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, captured as prize of war by the United States steamer or vessel-of-war called Unadilla, under com , mand of -, and breught into - port to be monished, cited, and milled to judgment, at the time and place miderwriten, and to the effect hereafter expreesed, (justice so.reeuiring.) Yon are therefore charged and oniony enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in atleast two of the daily newspapers printed and published M the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal IntelligencEr, you do monist' and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, per emptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest In the said steamer PRINCESS ROYAL, hor tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the geode, wares , and inerchandize, laden on board .the said steamer; to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room. in the city of Philadelphia, n the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if It be a court day, or else on the next court day following, be tween the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form, of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, it an they have, why the said steamer PRINCESS ROYAL, her tackle, • apparel, and furni ture, and the said goods,. wares, and merehandiee la den thereon, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ene mies of the Uuited States, .and as goods of their ene mies or otherwise , liable and subiech to Coademuation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes: and further to do and receive in this behalf as' to justice shall npportain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, gene rally. (to whom by-the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at tho time and Place above mentioned, or appear and shall. not !Mew a reasonable and lawful calico to the contrary, then said. District Court doth iutend and will proceed to adju dication on the 'said 'capture; and may pronounce that the said steamer PRINCESS ROYAL, her tackle, anearel, and furniture, and the said geode, wares, and merchandize • laden thereon did belong', at the time of ihe capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to connsaation and Con demnation, to be adjudged and enudemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited hnd Intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shell do in the premises, together with theee_proseuts. Witness the Honorable JOHN . CALIWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this ninth day of February, A. D. Bal and In the eighty-seventh year of the Indeneadence.of t the .icm 9t " • G. R. FOX, Clerk D. C. _ N, THAT NgrictrarftieFshlp heretofore existing betwe en the under the firm of S. W. C &ERTL dcCO., is fißaVan't — dissoived by . Its own limitation. The bast neee of the late firm will be settled by both of the former Partners at their Store, No. 715 CHESTNUT Street. E. W. EARRYI, Wif. S. NKIYHALL. Celo-3t Philadelphia. January 31st. IEE3. DISSOLUTION.—THE PUBLIC.A, lion made in this paper on February 2d, sa, and 4th, of the formation of a copartnership between the undersigned mud ROBERT O. ANDERSON, under the Arlo IMMO of mqvaeruorr ANDERSON, is hereby -...t zzrzzi=z--tir. 114111154, ADA MO .DEIIIIII are lltiVeK a nti eanurimii gmt 6116lumGrawiro IW pro - 11 rve..!Twinev Ni iir! C, Anderson. or to the name of sold Hero. Philadelphia, Feb. 7, UM. NOTICE. -PHILADELPHIA, FEB RU- A' I Off, 2, Mt —The COPARTNERSHIP hsretofors ex isting between THOMAS A. BIDDLE, HENRY •J. BiD DLE, and ALEXAN DER BIDDLE, Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of Theniss Biddle it Co., is this day . dissolyed by the terms of our articles of copartner ship • in consequence of the death of Mader HENRY J. BIDDLE. • The business will be carried on by the surviving part ners; at the same place and under the same name. The affairs of the old firm; will be settled by the sub scribers, • THOMAS A. BIDDLE, fe2-lm ALEXANDER BIDDLE. TLE. COPARTNERSHIP HERETO fore -A- existing between EDWIN HALL dr. BROTHER le tlds day diesolved, by mutual consent, LEWIS S. HALL retiring. The businees will be continued by EDWIN HALL, under the name of EDWIN HALL Sc EDWIN HALT!, "• LEWIS S. HALL* fe2-11V. RiBRITARY 2, Mt P HILADELPHIA, JANDA.RY 28TH, leta. —Notice is hereby ilven, hat the partnership lately subsisting between George Henderson, Rohl. W. Sonthmayd, Edwin Henderson, Thomas J. Henderson, and William H. Henderson, under the firm of HENDER SON, SOUTHISLAYH & CO., has been dissolved by mu tual consent. fe2-12t N OTICE. -T HE UNDERSIGNED hereby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they formed on the 2d day of February, 1261, to terminate on the 31st day of December, lin, and which they have THIS DAY renewed, in compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. 1. The name of the Arm under which the said Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. 2. The general nature of the business transacted is the buying and vending of VARIETILS and FANCY DRY GOODS, at No. 53 North THIRD Street. in the city of Phi ladelphia, State of Pennsylvania. 3. The name of the General Partner of said firm is MATHIAS M. lIARPLE, residing at No. 1.22/3 COATES Street, in the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Partner of said firm GEORGE GORDON, residing at 540 North FOURTH Street, in' the city of Philadelphiw 4. The amount of cipital contributed by said George Gordon, the Special Partner , to the common stock at the time said partnership was formed—to wit,on the 2d day - of February, 1,262. was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. 6. The said partnership is now renewed, and la to con: !tune anti, and to terminals on, tho 31st day of Decem ber, 1864, • Philadelphia, December 31,1882. MATHIAS IC MARPLP., • General Partner. GEORGE GORDON, Epeclal Partner. WOTICE.-THE LIMITED PARTNER .. • SHIP beretoforliegisting between the undersigned, under the firm of J. T. PLATE St SCHOTTLER, expires thin day, by its own limitation. Philadelphia, Decem ber 81., /1162. J. THEOPR. PLATE, 'CARL C. SCROTTLER, • General Partners. CHR. F. PLATE, Special Partner. By his. Attorney, J. THEOPH. PLATS. The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission.Bneinese, under the drm of J. T. PLATE dt SCHOTTLER, for their own account. J. TREOPH• PLATE, CARL C. SCHOTTLEE.. jal-dw Philadelpida. Amen . I, 18433: DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER. SHIP.-The copartnership_ heretofore existing under the name of SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO. is thli r day dis solved by mutual consent, and te bue lnese of the late ilrm will be settled by either of the nndereigned, at No. an MARKET Street. P. JENKS smrrs_, • H. PRATT 7EO. H. WILLIAMS, WM. P. SAUTLI, Jr. Philadelphia. Dee. 31. 1882 • APT. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI -a- NUE the DRUG BUSINESS. as heretofore, it the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKIIT Street. Wet. BUIS & C_, krAulete, 724 MARKET Street. B. 711.'HAWLEY. NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ILL OTHER MACHINES OFFICE A4E EALES-EOOblS, beixowtt, 730, CHESTNUT STREET. THE 'PRINCE OF ;HAIR DYERS IN: -A. this city fa UTBRUNST, FOURTH and BRANCH '. . fe74 tt PERPETUAL BEAUTY.:-- 17.1T.T.' 13 . WHITE LIQUID ElfAidEL,prepared from thire ceipt of Madam Rachel Leverson, the celebrated Pirislan Ladies' Enameller. tlt whitens the skin, giving it a soft, satin-like texture, and imparts a freihness, smoothness. pearl-like tint and transparency to the complexion which is quite natural, without Injury to the skin, and cannot Possibly he detected. Price , 15 cents. Ladies are re quested to call for a circular,' and try the enamel before Purchasing.' This preparatiohls -Indispensable for the stage. 3old'only at HUPITIOOO:43, Perfumers.' fe9-3iii• '133 South SZVEITH Street, above Walnut. PROPOSALS. 'KO 'a,‘ Ci WX J. MCCAIIMON. fc9-et• SEWING MACHINES. TEE 12 11 8 T 72( II 8 F.. en HE evza. AND B E . TAK HAV EN trIR PRaMIII ST MEI 'EVERY STATE FAIR OF 1 WHEN !EXHIBITED AGAINST SHERIFFS SALES. HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF k-. 1. a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening, March 2,15 e% nt 4 o'clock. at Sannom.street Hall. All tbat certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Nineteenth ward of, the city of Philadelphia, on the east side of Coral sweat, at the distance of twenty-four feet northward from the north aide of Moore street:con taining in front or breadth on said Coral street twelve feet, and extending of that width in length or depth east ward, between parallel lines at. right angles with said Celia street, feet seven and,tive-eightns inches to a certain fonr-fcet-widealley leading southward into Moore street. Bounded northward and southward by around now or late of Henry M. Boyd eastward by said all ey r _and.westwe rd by Coral street aforesaid.. fC. P., 40; Mar T. '63.] Debt, 3157,84.-. S. T. Yuazant. Seized and taken in. execution as the property of John Christy, and to bo sold by JOBN 'I'IIO3MON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's OM ce;Fcbrnary D, MAY., [fell-3t Rum Frs.. SALE:---BY VIRTITEOF, Kan writ of Venditionf Expouns, to me directed, Will he ex._ ar posed to' ,Im o mi l e or r00 d... mozgpAy line \ log, March 2.1. VA. al4 o'clock. at Sansont-Atreet Hall, • All One certain lot or pieco of ground situato in the ineteptilli ward of the city. of Philadelphia, on the ea,t ado of Corsi, commencing a' the distance of thirty-six. feet northward from the north aide of Moore street; con taining in front or breadth WI said Coral street twelve feet. nod extruding of that width in length or depth. eastward, between MI:LIM lines la right angles with. said Coral streeti fifty-two feet FAVOR .Itad five-blglith& inches to a certain. four-feet-;ride alley leading South into Moore street, with tho. prtviledge cheroot Bounded northward and southward by other zrotind of the 'aid Henry M. Boyd, eastward by said nifey, and. westward by Coral street aforesaid. • (C. P. .41 (Mar. T.. VI ] Debt, 867.84 •S. 'P. Van:taut. Seized and taken in execution. as iba_prorty John Christy, and to he sold by JOHN THOWSON, pe Snorilf. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Mee. February. 9. 7883. fell-'it WABTIL • WANTED • 'WHOLESALE Wooden Ware house, a young man of 1& . Sala ry nominal the first year. Address, with name, residence and reference, Box 3'2'2, Post Nice. fell-2t• WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS SALES .MAN in 'the Queensxvaro BUSilleS.9 in Philadel phia. None other need apply. Address Box" 1987 Philadelphia P. 0. • fell-Wm St liTANTED—A POSITION AS Boos - or. ASSISTANT BOOK-KEEPER by a Koung4l t t io rdorate 6411%7 expected. Addrogs B. Cil (40-20- WANTED-A .PARTNER,, gPEOIAL or active, with E 54.000 teltkOOD task capital, in a sale, profitable, cash business. Address • Safety, " im mediately, Press office. felo-20-. WANTED -AN ANTE D-AN ACTIVE SITUA- T 7 lON as SAbBSHAN or COLLECTOR, by amen of business experience,, unUl recently of a Bank. Re ference, his old employers. Commission and, forward ing business preferred'. Would . prefer beinF out of the city. Address, for tidy week, B. Y. L„' Box 1.837. Post Office, Philadelphia- felo-3t* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFFlCE.—Punaon:Lpmg. Feb. 9. lea VESSELS wa. tcd immediately to carry OOAL to the following poles : • Tortugas. Key West. Fla. • • Fort Mouroc,_l72. ' t Alexandria, Va. -Newborn, N.C. Port Royal. S.C. A. BOYD. felo-It . Captain and Meld. Quartermaster. AN $7,000 T a O ctivo 1111 11 T N E R Ai vrith E t p he , above amount, tojoin in o. rash business. paying from SO to 59 percent. Address WASHINGTON, Prass office. relD3t. $7,000 TO $lO,OOO TO INVEST IN some lucrative businesi. Wants to be come an ACTIVE PARTNER in same. Would Rreter the Commission Products Business. Address 'ACTIVE,"' Press Office. fe6-Sr de WANTED TO PURCHASE—A' 'Mamoderato sized three-story Brick HOUSE, in a cen tral location. Must have all the modern Improvements. Address "House," at this office. stating orlon, terms, and location. ia3l-tt . AM WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE Ma- trst of April next, a moderate-sired three-story BRICK DWELL! ,r 0 ROUSE, 4 in a central locality. It must have all the modern improrementa. Address, "Rent." at tbia aim. stating locality and price. jalS-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe." near HADDONFIELD. N. J. —MEN panted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re. ferences, and who have seen service.' ; FOR SALE AND . TO LET. TTNENCITMBERED COUNTRY•REAL 11 j .SE Mtfold'ECl4 CASK to gaieties f r ee iIiESAC FUN PS-MT. 309 'WALNUT Street. F°" 8 AT P -AN ESTABLISHED BU sixESS, in which Eighty Thousand Dollars can be sold annually: profits at least tea per cent. An invest ment of Twelve or Fifteen Thousand Dollars will be ne cessary. The property, machinery, and fixturea wilt be sold on reasonable terms. Address "L. 0.." Press otace •' • fell-wlem St! TO RENT-ONE OR TWO .ROOMS, • with or wlttioot Board, 'in a private family. 52 BOrtlt THIRTEENTH Street. • fe.O-3t• SAWAND PLANING MILL FOR RENT.—The Subscriber offers 11w Rent, from and after the 15th FEBRUARY, his extensive SAW. AND PLANING MILL in the borough of Marietta_ ' There are a Firry Borne Power angina in good running order. a Slitting Saw two upright Log Saws, a new improved Planing klach.ine,nud all the Circular Saws necessary for making Pickets, Laths, fie. The Mill is on the Pennsylvania Railroad, a sidingrunning up to the 'Stilt, tilla it is withlu fifty feet of the Pennsylvania Canal; In short the establishment has all the facilities for doing an extensive and profitable business. For further particu lars in of the subscriber, at the Mill. ft9-Bt. BLORGE W.. AtERAFF_EY._ • maTORrECAIE ON REASONABLE Tenaa, several new and desirable DWELLINGS. . on:I3ReNDYWINE and SIXTEENTH Streets, - hay all t i l lA W 4 e f j ! 144 South FOURTH Street. WILMINOTON, DEL.-A. V.A_Lll nu' LBLE PROPERTY for Salo, or Exehaugo for Phi. larlelphiaikrorwrty. Inquire at MARSH'S Miaie Store, 1102 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphta. felt3t ge FOR SALE-THE • ORIGINAL -matOYSTER BAY, 553 BROADWAY. New York, well established, and known all through the country as one of the beet-conducted and paying HOUSES in the citv, kept by the present proprietors for toe last nine years, havingrende an average yearly net wont of over $lO,OOO, and. being largely engaged in Government contracts, will sell on favorable terms for cash, or exchange for Real Estate in or near the city. Pries Apply or W 0 GERMANTOWN COT SAM 'ON RAW TERMS. One on Wayne street, near Queen, and one on Queen street; near Wayne; both, well sites ed, well built, and containing every enuventence. One do. corner Rittenhouse and Lehman street. with kohl e. . One do. on Prier street; near Chestnut Hill Railroad. One de. Manheim street, corner Pulaski avenue; very complete. Two do.. on Pulaski avenue, also complete. One do. corner Green and Jonuson;streetsjsplendld situation. CRESTEUT HILL COTTAGES FOR SALE One on Cottage street, near the railroad depot, very bean. ' • One one mile from the railroad depot, with 5k acres of groun. tple d ndid large do. near Mermaid Station,. with stable and Sacre.a of givend : very superior property. NEAR BOLMESBURO. —A very large superior Cot-• tage. with stable, Arc:. complete, and la acres of ground. ABOVE HOLAIESEURO.—Two nicely-situated Cot tage., with every. convenience, near' the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. FORTY-FIRST STREET AND BALTIMORE PIKE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. —A large, well-arranged, and nicely-situated Cottage, and easy of access. NEAR BUSTLETON.—A large Cottage, with good lot, cheap. ANDERSONBURG, PERRY COUNTY, PA.—A large, fine Brick Cottage, with 6 undid' Land, Stables, Car riage-hotwe, &c. An excellent location for a scientific academy or a first-class country seat. BRIDGEBOROUGH, 3..1.—A neat Cottage, well situ ated, plenty of shrubbeiy, grapes, fruit, ac., with 23 acme of ground. BURLINGTON PIKE, N. 3.—A new and well-built Cottage, Stable, Stc., with 26 acres of Ground; very healthy location. SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT. —A .large,tine.Cot `tage, with every convenience, and hem:alai our oundinzs. Alpo, a. large variety of other properties. B. jr, GLENN. ts 3 South FOURTH Streets, fen and S. W. car. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. .111 A FIRST-RATE CHESTER . COUNTY BRANDYWINE FARM 'FOR SALE.— The undersigned will sell, nt private enle, that excellent FARM OF PRIME BRAND ] WINE LAND, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, on.,which he now resides, ...Ulae in Pecepeon towuebiu, Chester county, near Seeds' Bridge, five miles southwest of West Chester. ' The land is of the very best quality, of which 83 acres are tillable and in good condition, and 12 acres are of heavy TIMBER. Th. improvements area LARGE STONE. DWELLING, with parlor, sitting room, and kitchen on the first door, four sleeping rooms ou the second door, and store rooms and garret. • There are two STONE BARNS on the premises, one of which is 90 feet by 5S fest,:double floored, with stabling 'room for 26 headt of cattle,. with bins, granaries, au& all arrangements complete; the other is SO feet by 40 feet, with stabil ug and extensive shedding for the accommo dation of cattle. There are oleo a wagon house, carriage house, hog house, and all the ..out buildings necessary for farming purposes. Thsge are two fine ORCHARDS. Thu farm is high end healthy and lies convenient to schools, mills, end places of public worship::. Tho,view from the house, of the Brandywine and sur rounding country, can scarcely be surpassed for beauty, and altogether the place is well worthy the attention of soy person.wanting a good. farm in excellent condition. Terms easy.'- . Persons wit bine' to view the Farm will please apply' to the subscriber living thereon. ftll-we B. FRANKLIN HOOPES. fFOR SALE OR TO LET-FOUR HOIIISES. on the west etde of BROAD Street, below Columbia /MUM. 'Apply at the foothweet corner of NINTH and SINSOM streatk mh9341 el- TO LET-HOUSE 2017 ARCH troet, with all the modern conveniences. Apply to ' • JOSEPH M. DAVIS, . . • No. 27 South TH1113) Street, up Matra. Office hours, 10 A. M, to 2 r. felo3t• • NORTH FOURTH-STREET .IWaDIVELLING, No. 5* three-storied With double three-etorled back baildiiina and stable in rear; lot 2 / 3 feet front. 153 feat deep. Is specially adapted for the tre eldence of a PhyMclan. For sale by A. P. & J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. fe7-60 dh TO LET-A COM.V.ODIOUS AMDWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rout Moderate. Apply to WETFIRRILL & BRO.. • 0027-tf. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. diM TO LET—THE MACHINE SHOP, No.I33ELFRETWS Apply to_ WETHERILL a BROTHER. NO& . 47 North SECOND Street. Ai FOR BALE—DELAWARE . COITN_ FARM, DS acres, 13 of which are heavy timber, balance in a Ligh state of cultivation, situate 3 miles from Marcus Hook Station and Steamboat Lauding, 21 miles from the city. Large and substantial stone im provements, handsomely situated, and nicely w a te re d. Also, a large number of first-claw Farms in the adjoin ing counties. Call and examine Register. Apply to fr 9 B. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNI7T Street. . imiTO EXCHANGE-CHESTER OUNTY FARM.-73 acres of excellent land; Sta tion of Pennsylvania Railroad on the place; large Im provements, nicely watered, &c. Also, a valuable Farm 1 mile from Doylestown ,Depot, 25 miles north of the 'city, in Bucks county. Apply to E. PETTIT; • No. 309 AvALNErr Street. aft FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EX + CRANORD FOR CITY PROPERTY; A DESIRA BLE :MALL FARM , situate in New Britain Township, Bucks County. Pa., three miles from Dogletdown, and cue and a half from New Britain Station, on the - Doylestown Railroad, containing 65 acres, "six of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided tutu convenient fields, well watered, good buildieg, fruit, &a. Enquire at 104 North Sixth street: Philadeluhilt. .re-nn• FOR SALE;•;--TICREE-EIGHTHS aa•uhs of the brig Thoa. Welter. ./pgy_to CHAS. S. & JAS. CARSTAMS, Jr.. jai tI No; LiNI WALNUT &ANA tpE LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT , RE. IdOVED to NO. 21 South SBVE.NTH Street. new e nklin Institute. The undersigned. thankful for past favors, and ban' determined to merit future patronage. has secured at elegant and convenient store, and has now on band large assortment of Lillte'e Celebrated Wrought aui Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Sates (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made ) . Also, Lillie% Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Lo cke. Lillie's Bank Fault Doors and Locke will be furnishet to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet pro tested, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular_ attention is milled to Ltille's Nee Cabinet Safe. for Plate. Jewelry. he. This Safe is con. coded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet offered for this. purpose, and is the only one that b strictly fire and burglar prooL . Sylmar. Noxion.—l have now on hand say tweet,' of Farrel, Bening, 8 Co.'s Safes, moetlof them nearly new, and ROWS forty of other makers, oomnrising a comFlotli ' assortment as to siges,and all lately exchanged for thq now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low Please gall and examine. fe vit 1103, garikalt, Agent. P,i,;11/_4 rk; I D)h, NEW CECESTNIITSTREET. 1 1SEA.- Leases TEE. and IS anacer Mr. W. WHEATLEY. THRONGED HOMES EVERY NIGHT • THIS I_Wecnocelay EVENING. F.Drnary MS. LteeT APPEARANCE BUT ONE OF, MR; HA C KETT ? Ii biz world-renowned Inanernoriation of Shakepeare's greatest FcomiScTA creaton, ALFF i Play, in his Historical! KING HENRY IV. Mr. W.'WHEATLEY PRINCE HAL. The remainder of thicha , acterc will be supported by Moms. Shewell, Kingeland, Leak. Canon. Holmes, Henke, Collier, Martin, Mra. J. a...wen. Miss Mary. WeNs. and Miss J. Henry . . • 'Conductor Mr. MARK unssup. . . In COTSPWIPI3 ea of 1 he CROWDED HOUSES AND ENTHUSIASX :which he v tended' hie appearance in the; Shililuipeltrisa .Tragf dy of OTHELLO, EDWIN FORREST `,will repeat his Grand Impersonation of theJealeas Moor upon THURSDAY and FRIDAI of the rirefent week. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Faintly Circle •Dreaa Circle Parquet; and Secured Seata in Dress Circle Seats in Private Boxes. each Doom open at%t. Curtain riaaa at 73t. M b .r . R . igl a N S OH-BTREET Business Agent and Treasinrer JOB. D.MUFGPITIL First week of the young and titlented . Amerimn ArtLeto, MISS JARS 000MBS, TO-NIOHT, (Wednesday.) February 11th. THE WIPE'S SECRET Lady Eveli ne ............ MISS JAN'S COMB& To conclude with a new Farce. called A DISH OF PORE-CHOPg. air Seats secured without extra charge. WALNUT-STEiZET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee Mm. M. A. GABBSTTSOK. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNILLT. Third night of the beanteongSenorlts ISABELLA CIIBAS._ • First Appearance of SIGNOR ArbrENES. THIS (Wednesday) EVBNINO, PehrOary TheNeaniiful Drama of Celeste's, entitled THE WEPT OF THE WISH-TON-WISH I Nairamattah Senorita Isabella Calm The psforrognee to commence with the Comedy of NAVAL ENS AOBHENTS. After which the charming CUBA& iseihted by SIGNOR X INLENES,.in her wooderial personation of LA GITANILLA 81. OURO. Doors onen at 7 Curtain will rise at 734. CARL ••WOLFSOHN'S CLASSIOAL SOIREES, AT VIE • FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Tbes,nbecribers are reepectftilly informed that the next SOIRaa lid'of tile, Snit%) Will take place en SATURDAY EV EVING, FeDittnry 14, 1353. Single Admieetens, ONE DOLLAR enalm. telo-4t MUSICAL•FUND HALL.-THR •••,-.- Public are reapectfully informed that ARTEMUS WARD . (F. C. Browne) Haa been emaged to deliver hie . POPULAR AND HUMOROUS LECTURE , SIXTY MINUTES IN AFRICA.' ON p SATURDAY EVENING", February 14. ing ositively HIS Be ONLY APPEARANCE DURING THE SEASON lIF THIS CITY.. 'tickets for the Lecture, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. May be procured at the 'principal Hotels, Music and Book Stores in the oily, on THIS MORNINO.and during the whole of the week. felil-it ASSEMBLY BILELDINGB, CORNER OF TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—SlXTE WEEK AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE BOBEilfi- Ab TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING, AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Arm- NOONS.—At each Entertainment; the celebrated low pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely' of Glass, will be in full operation. All the Magnifioent Work of Art, Manufactured by Le Company, will be distributed gratuitously to the visit ors. On FRIDAY Hen ning. February 13th. a Splenc id Case of Work will be Shen to the author of the best Poem on the Glass Steam Engine. PARTICULAR NOTICE. —Tits First Present, each syn. Writ will be a Splendid Case of Glass Work. Admission,ls cents. No ball price. Exhlbition commences in the Evening at 8 &doer_ Afternoon at 3 o'clock. feBBr isSEMBLY BUILDINGSTEEN'TII AND CHESTNUT. AMUSFXRPiTS FOR OLD AND yoxre. SIGNOR BLITZ. • The gTeat MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST. with Ida LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and wra c ti . r ntertaiiitin g en a ts t 7 1VERYIEVENING o'clock • and WEDNIMA h Ir and SAWA n iallernoons at S. The attractions will Di marvellous: experiments In Magic . .,- wonderful powers in Ventrilonninn, and the Learned Vann' Birde In Mgr new characters. Admission t 5 cents. Children IS cents. ci r EBRANIAL OBORKSTRA. - PUB. LIC REHEARSALS eveFy SATURDAY AFTER. NOON at.B% o ' clock , at the MUSICAL FUND Carl Bentz, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packag i linfi ticketa, Sl—to be bad of Andre & CO.. 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. noW-tt INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.- EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 3X P. 14. 414. mission TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South EIGHTS Street. • del7-wtt HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA 1113W.OFFIC 214 South EIGHTH St. , below Walnut delLkiko PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or THE FINS ARTS lops cn'EsTiurr STREET, • Is open daily (Snndays e_ncepteAl from 9 A. M. till& _p.,w,..-A4robleeion coat& Uhl'Aran half price. Shwas oretock..CH • Ay, '7 t BETH HOUSE Corner of BROADWAY CANIL and LLSPENARD urtEsTs,iiEW YORK. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part at Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city cars. from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them ast eonstrocted in snits of communicating parlors and chum ben, suitable for families and parties travelling togethest Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 60 cents to $1 per dal. Double Rooms from 41 to WO per day. • de2-0m JOE. CURTIS & 00. MEDICAL. 00kT0151i1P SYRUP. OF WILD CHERRY. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN /TH GREAT SDP.ERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER REMEDIES. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE PREPARATION* T • iepntation of this metlinne is now so well esta blished that liberal ' minded men in the mein • cal profession throughout the Union recommend it to their ' patients as the very best of all remedies for Pulmonary Complaints and General Debility, and in curing Comehs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, • Bronchitis, Sgt.- tins of Blood, Whooping' Congh, pain in the Side or Breast, Sore Throat, Difficulty in Breath ing, Palpitation or disease of the Heart, Throat, Breast, or Linn. NO MEDICiIa HAS EVER OBTAINED AIIIGITEE OR MORE DESERVED it6UTei'lo±i! IN PITLBIONiBI DISEASES of the most alarming character, ' 'Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Chem" effects permanent cures. A stubborn Cough, Sore Throat, Night Sweats, Bronchial Affections are quickly cured. Declining years of aged persons will be greatly benefited; it acts as astrengthening alterative. For disturbed, restless nights, keep it by the bed-side; its use will give repose. If the bowels are costive, take en occasional dose of " SWAINS'S PILLS." Prepared only by Dr. MAYNE St BON. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. Ja3l-111f I'HOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP -a- OF TAR—The almost invariable satisfaction at tending the use. of this Compound“in Pulmonary and Bronchial Diseases, severe and obstinate Coughs and Colds, Asthma, dee., has rendered it the most popular remedy in these affections, and should claim for it a trial from all requiring a medicine which combines ex pectorant-and healing properties. Prepared and sold by A NONEY, Druggist, • /t.! ' •• • FIFTH and SPRUCE Streets. BROWN'S •• BRONCHIAL TROC HES, for Coughs. Colds, and Irritated Throats, are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They haws been thoroughly, tested, and maintain the good reputa tion they have justly acquired. As there are imita tions, be sure to °imam the genuine at FREDERICK' BROWN'S Dregaud Chemical Store,tN. E. cot. CHEST NUT and FIFTH Streets. -A2 3 o,lffrater's Cough Syrup, Whiter% Cough Lozenges, prepared from original prescriptions. EYE 'AND EAR-PROF. J. ISAAOS, Oculist and Anrlat, hone Leyden, Holland, IS von , nianently located at 110.611 PINE Street. whet* he treats. all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically , anti curse— if curable: Artificial Eyes inserted witbont pain N. B.—No charges made for examination. °Moe hours trete a to ll o'clock A. M. and 2.t0 7 P. M. Ij:t.lii o i{J v.l:i j_~ 6IUJID FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Fr7M7 ' r ' Sj.M=7rMIMPIIM ." :77I CAPITAL 8200,000. Thls Company continues to take rialto on the Wilke classes of Property at low rates. The pri.blic cah rely upon its responsibility, and ability to Pay looses promptly. Its disbursemente for the bendt of .the public, during the last nine years, exceed 150 0,0 0 0 DOLLARS mime respectfully solicit its favor in the Mum . . DIRECTORS. ' CHAS. I. DI PONT JERRY WALHEL JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. R HEAZLITT, . ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, SR, PETER S. HOE, of N. Ti M. SWAIN • FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAP__4M. D., R. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN, Procidenk • A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, • JAS. B. ALVORD..Secretarv. ap26-Ltlf - ITNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE "..". COMPANY OF NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS, President: JOHN EADIE, Secretary. CAPITAL AND. SURPLUS $OOO,OOO. The btu/Ines,. of this Company is conducted excluslytdy on the cash principle, which is now fell/ recognized MS the only correct pnnemle. The law under which this Company Is chartered pro• vides that, if the capital should, from any cause, become impaired to the extent of 10.5.000, or more, the stockhol4 era shall be called upon to make good such deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which affords this safeguard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three years, the next os March 9th, lSt35. . Rates of premium charged by this Company are aa IoW as MO years' experience and the probable future rate of Interest willjustify. 0. BARDENWERPRR, Agent, No. 4214 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. REFERENCE& Joseph Patterson, Esq., President Western Bank, Ron. ArchibaldMclntyre, Treasurer U. S. Mint. Messrs Jay Cooke & Co.. Bankers. Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co., Bankers. Meagre. Stuart & Brother, Bank street. delOwfmnnt COXPANir, NO. VAME 111SUR,A.N I 405 CHESTNUT Street. PHILAD FIRE AND I.NL DIEM - MURIA. tIID INSITILANIU: M. Prima.) N. Buck. MO E. D. Woodruff; Chas Richardson. Geo. A. Weaht He Lewis, Jr., John Hessler. Jr., John W. Sven:nen, Chas. Ftokee, Philip S. Justice, A.. - 11..Hosenheitn, 0. W. Davie, Joeep D. Ellie. FRANCIS N. BUCK, president. ' CHARLES RICHARDSON. Vice President, _ WILLIAIDS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary• aniA.IM ca lm EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN / DERT A.K 11. 11, 259 Sout.F.TENTII 4tree hi t, aboye Spruce, Philad elpa. FOR MINCE PIES. SUWON. LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDER WINE, &0., ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • • • DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES, CORNER ELEVENTH AND wax ore. • 2A tents. .• 60 cents. . 75 cents. • fl
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