AT T H HE OTELS, la' To 12 O'CLOCIt LAST NICIIIT. cou lliteut al—Ninth pew Galiforrits California W (.00ttwin, U Li N ~b . Griffith , Griffith, Boston 11. Baltitnoro y Penning. New York , Now York or uth • JI . J N 010 1. Dory, New York or , oitwit,.. Mnsanolinsotts it krill. Con uoctlout NrPoinb, nwa re S ombett, NMI , York IIJ nur.klaT, Dotrolt NeW Jersey I,lolotlolcit US A op., Nylon, Citlengo (piton Furbl4h, Chicago II leimard & wf, J A Sookon, Mem obis ou nneoker, Pn tla Wrildegiu, N y Ir bole, :cm , ' York r, Walker, Chicago 1 , 3 0 e 3 Pittsburg Wilion Ricker Si mit,ington Pa (II Pawns,. Wash W II laWn. In livid', Clilen y•ln g 0 d Potion. New Albany. Alban At , ( I vononl. Oregon rs W 11 Iteounrd , jbeounril, Ilrookly it Et Jour , & la 1 W Pi+ Weed, Ito,tou A Al lon, Fort res.: filonroe W W Noh:1co; Now York Kl-IC, Philadelphia U 11 Fa I. C II Pro•ler Note. Now York .Newp It York •.... ti (' Nen!. Saltimoro • • A A Wilkie Wavn- Mc Crowd'. Po Croche, 0 Boni 1 , Shenk, hilt vin:War Clay A 0 Cur ; B Lowrr. ht.& Harrieb'g S 31 Lammoce, Warren N M ;moth, Now Yotk N ray, Boston Iloalt, Sandusky, Ohio Sidway t Chicago dprouse, Chicago Chas Reist.l, Chicago A W Hammond, Mass Jos Ilasielturst, Now York N B Collins New York K W raton,' Baltimore O H Drost, Baltimore Hon B Wood, New York E F toinhorg 3 wt, BnflUlo E A Hammond, Baston Mr Evans, Baltimore lion Hiram Balmoy, N y w 11. Hendrickson, N Chas 1) Iltacirlckson, N J B Park . W W Hays, Harrisburg C L La tubed on, Pa Ton Wilson, Wilm'n, Del Gideon Reynolds, N r I/I C Brigham, Troy, N y O L Beckman. New York tlirard—Obestuut s tobu 11Stnith, Harrisburg 4voit, F,:kton, 13rown, Elkton, Aid ;),Stitellngs, Now York Win N o w, Wymontb, NJ 11 Homan darp artir, N No w Yorow York York lloberwm, Utica Aolla Keen Tho. llowaril • lisy. W New Ycrkiuslotv, N H II Pstler 71 : 1,6 Pikirgstit. Altoona C Ssrsout, Altoona I' Newark I:W4.l:arils. Illinois Y0.1, , r A C James, N JOrger Al Pennsylvania Woollen, Delaware A W Watson, Harrisburg j b Foto . , Now York wHougll, New York 31 Millips' New. Castle • T Ponna MAI till,PellDS C.timberni eo Aston & r iblicimore Y HisAtiger, Baltimore V hurler ; Winlinan & w,Peuna (:;arlz, Vormont A Gray,Now York C Wright, Delaware /b.! W Allen, lielaware !street, below Arch. J S Me(lonnall, Cleveland .1 0 afeCutrau. PittAburg Metiinstey, illercerAW 8 11Piaterburath, Wilke:We 1) Seamus, Ntlkesbarre I W S White, Belvidere, N J.; 1 134ehaoku, St Louis D Edwards, °aro% Ohio 1{ 8 Wherry, Shippeueburg idorchnnts'—Fourt CSteli , e, Canal Dover, 0 C Schultz. boulevllle Mss, Brown. Pittsburg bti3s Honer, l'itt•sburg Mlo Kerr, Pltt-I , nzg Pilt.barg Proton. Pittsburg Knew.' liftidlog Ilan H S Mott, Pike, Pa llaa I) Nano, Fayette street, above Fifth, F E Cashing, Massachusetts Miss Wolff, Pottsville Miss V Wulff, Pottsville aloe Loll and, Pottsville L Mingle, Elston, Pa N I' Cornell, Ei.stori, W W Berry, Baltimore Lieut , 1 rreedier, Chester co A Wiggiu, Dover, N H H M Albright, Reading • Miss V C Albright, Rending W Messer, Newport, R I R Sitgrave, Easton %V Hackett, Jr, Easton Mrs R Lee, New York M Beach, Now York J A Campbell, New York J M Bearman, Now York IJ 0 Cocker I E Shissler, Alinersville American—Clioattut Kliur. Toronto. (I IV TroY. N H 'f L Lev.l%sw York .1 1: K York siir, Virginia Fliroiru. Virginia 1 0 m I.lw. ck , Maaeatl ion, 0 ro,sl y, Delaware .1 Layton, Delaware P D. ireiltront, Reading F Friaer, Reading J 11Sch of ,New York .111 ILY,rdsloy, Cleveland apt W Y iwittgott MOIL Dover, H 1' Lad;j uLNew Jersey P New Jersey J Sletritt, Now Jersey Dyer 1 T II Winterstela,Port Caen street, above Third. Chan Thatcher, Newport W R Lawton, Boehm W A Rathbone & 1, Belt Henry SI Sumer:4, Alt HURT Thus Watson, Worcester John Oilman, Exeter. Rodney Squire & I,_Ruch'r .1 T Waters, Lock Hareu Howard I. Smith, N Y St. Louli—Oheatmit 1. D Dodge, U S N Jelin Eioword Mnsi Chao S Hunt. S N oluv & 1, New SereaS .13i Simonson & I, N J rimer. Shamokin, Pa ;mei B henna, Balt Lion CC Chatter, USA II A Baldwin. Newark E N Watkins, Baltimore 0 W Jonas, Baltimore Chas A French, Boston Elisha Thayer, Boston J /I Mama, New York- E J Wog), Baltimore Walter Garrett, Maryland . - .11N J L Jordan, Trenton New York ,1 rout, Wnsh, D C . 1 lleinetreet, Now York California .4,l!ii Millman, Dayton, 0 Wary Maynard. No n)ort Tlie Vision—Arch street, above Third. John Heflmer, Pottsville J P Baker, US A P 'enterer. Miss lir Wallace, Waeh, D C tleo Sting4on, Pittsburg C B Fisher, Wilkesbarre tt Seedlna, Now Jersey W Whiteman, Ponaa C Perry, Flemington, N J !Munson—Second street. above !Market. C hue., Georgetown, Del 'W H Scudder, Penua 11S SitYrt Voter Williams, Penna Mbs Jol,usou, New York S E Brotikttrat, Ponim kdnt Wel,m, Allentown V 11Rnth, Doylestown b.. Dayla, Brooklyn Gluts PiVIR., Doylestown E It lita it, Mew Jolla Dower, Doylestown ?Jul, of.oe, Neti lark Mrs l' Kinker, Stroudsburg Mislay'', Long Nand Commercial—Sixth sit J Palmer, New York H F Yehn. enttiotown hug , - Pit liner Win Kennedy, N London SA itout, Pottsrtlle H N Stout, Potti•ville • A J Russell, Chester, Pa J 11 Champion, Phihula rest, above Chestnut. R Thomas, Port Deposit M Darlington. Delaware 0 F Bullard. Media Pa Wm L Varna Medta,Pa Ben) to Baker, Media, Pa Geo E Darlington, Penna L J Hooper, Delaware John Radwny, liew York Stites Ctnion—Sixtl► VadVrau, Trenton, N J Richmond, lud JIK KlNian, Lancaster ON.lixon, Chester, Pa V a:. Hawthorn, lowa Sr blininot, Now lork lilllmmot, New York and Market streets. H B Maynard, Luzerne, Pa D 8 Darts, Hontingdou co F Matlack, Parksbnrg John Davin, Poct=ville A E Ludwig, Pineatove , B Jeeps F Anderson, Blair co, Pa Black Bear-Thlrd str Moses Haldeman, Danboro: Gee Reese, Moreland E M Weed %yr! rd, Moreland! Berri:ma Woodward, do LAwb, Clemons, lloylesru 9011 11 Neold, Yardleyville 11 Carr, Ithrtsville W Loupliore, Newton-a 4:et, above Onllowhill. E RoadA, Somerton Frankßoads Birdsboro Roads:Southampton Silas lin,ula, sonthAmpton Tiros Yardloyville A S Ronde, Southampton Sarni Knight, Poutoreille A Buckman, Feast3rville Nat lona—Race street, above Third. Holt s.zolwa y. Baltimore Tnos WIC Pittsburg Otaritimin, Baltimore J C Garner, Ashland. Pa W C Jivers, Alio Atown John C Ellis, Harrisburg John Thomas, Lowhill, Pa R P Barron, Harrisburg Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arch. N (Whet, Middletown • Brown, Boston Driscoll. Newark. N T L LOllllB, BO stoll L Colllna. New York James Smith, New York. 41Heilseeker & lady R Downelly, Newark, N'..Tl Bald Engle—Third at., above (lallowhill. BJ P Hoffman, Penna I W Deans, Bucka co, Par Waller C Booker. N Y SPEOIAT., NOTICES. ON TM?. RECENT STORM.— BY THE BARD OP TOWER BALL, "Enough of dreadful hail and snow 'Sim now on earth been tient t" Thun mita • 1:1 famished Of food find ( Then let tli. Let cloud. Earth wear u it spark Frutz .o l%., - To chow We have the let gest and most complete assortment of vady•imule Clothing in Philadelphia at TOWER HALL, No. 51S MARKET Street, it BENNETT & CO, RECENT COUGIIS AND COLDS, PLEURITIC &c., arc quickly and effectually cured [by the 414phoretic and soothing Dower of Dr, D. Jayne's Ex- Net ni suit 7; ASTHMA always cared by this Expectorant. It overcome. , the spasmodic contraction of the air vessels. and, I,y productua free expectoration, at once removes all the ditilettity of breathing. BRONCHITIS r eadily yield's to .Tayne'l Expectorant. It .itbdure the inflammation which extends through the Wm] tube-, temoros the phlegm ur mucus which oh ',told, the hrellatlig, and supres4es at once the cough Al•d polo. CO SI'MPTION—For thi. ii linen. and fatal disease no remedy has ever been found so effectual as this Ex pt t Jrfint.• By producing an easy exPectoratiou all irri tating and obstructing tnattera are removed front the IceUs, and these organs given a chance to heal. * lt also mippre,es I ufliantnation, and by invigorating the parts affected, will, In rill races where it is taken lit time, pro duce a epeedy cure. WIitIOPING COUGH Is Promptly relieved by this Ex otolant. Ti shortens the duration of the disease ono half, uud greatly mitlgates.the sufferings of the patient. la all PULMONARY COMPLAINTS, in CROUP, PLEURISY, Sc., It will he found prompt, safe, pleasant and relinble, end may he especially commended to Rinker,. Ti atlerNand Singer , , for the relief of hearse ""l and for strengthening the organs of the voice. Frerared only by Dr. DAVID JAYNE St SON, 2-12 CHESTNUT Street, ER R 8 RN [BRING CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA HALL, 529 CIIESTNUT STREET, D irectly opposite Independence Hail, Philadelphia. restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and eisqs Packed in a proper mariner, and warranted from lmakage, to all parts of the United States. N. E.—China decorated to order; also, initials and crms elegantly engraved on table glass. • DRAIeNS PLANTATION BITYKRIL They Purify, strengthen, and invigorate. • They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. Ibey overcome effects of digetpatiou and late hum% They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and tetermitteut fevers. They purify the breath and acidlcy of the stemaeh. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhcehtt, Cholera, and Cholera litorbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache- They, are the beat BITTERS in the world. They make 'he Weak man strong, - and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Runt, the eels breed Cathay& Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time ei day, Particularly recommended to delicate persons t witilring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Grocers. Drug. this RoteLs, and Saloons. P. H. DRABS & CO-. Ul 0 R OADWAY, New York. A se244m I NE- • RICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST ATIGILI, made la the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL BiLES. LOWEST Selling Prkee marked in Plain Pi. "'ea. All Goods made to Order warranted satlefactorT• Oar Oss•Parca Sunni le strjetly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Str • • :ATORELOR'S HAIR PYR I WI THE BEST IN TEE WORLD. ! Neaten • LLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye "attaine a im color not to be distlnbhed from natttrei d not to Injure the hair in the ten et remdlee Ole 111 Mime of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair e fop lire ORAY. RED, or RUSTY HAIR intstantly tante salcudid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair toff and teantifal, Sold by all D ruggists* bro. *4•• BATCHS The Gentlg le signed WI A. Loa ,n thefourin 0 ./ each boy'LLIAM sides FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, soul" (Late 243 Broaaway and 18 Bond street.) New York. d Chestnut streets. Robt D Livingston, N r John F Ronthdpk, St Louts D AI Yeomans, NAM Jas C Ludlow, Newark E A (lordlier, Loniqville dohßaird wf, Brooklyn nNow York J Ewing, New Jorsoy Mr Moppla & wf, U I F SProvidence S floward & wf. Buffalo T Avery, llntralo Oa° IWIII . , Maryland recite below Ninth. C H Sloan 11 Longnocker, Poona C Cooke, Now York E Sari agar, Now York Wilsou Doratutorf,N York. Jos (tatolnAll, Now Jormy .1 11.1trown , New Jersey E Th ompson, New Dorsey Mr Williams & la Conn John W * Chaster 1 F Cottrell, Columbia J ICI ogslam, Newark H E LetIIRU, Lancaster 0 Al Steinman, Lancastor Hon B Reillev, Pottsville Him Geo W Btom, Easton A ()recommit, Boston Coo Blight, Jr W J Dickiuson & la, N Y Mrs Dickinson, New York Theo Allen, if 8 X Chat, C Abbott,Treutort,lN J ET Foster, Mauch Chunk E C McDowell, llorrisbarg J P Penny & w, Harrisburg J E Martin, Delaware EL Martin, Delaware W F Shattuck, Now York Storrett,Lewlstown Capt W Sargent, U 8A W l'arpontor, Lancaster Dr S H Wiol & w, York,Pa S Hashanah, Pittsburg 11 Ashway, Mt Carroll, 11l S Summers & ln, Harrisburg .flock, eldest; stook. IVI.EIA.RII.nEM ecowELL—SCOFIBLD.—On Theredey evening, / em i t . nry 29th, by the sight Roc. W. Bacon Stevens, D. Et-e, John U. Cowell to Maria htarr, daughter of . Frederia Scofield, Esq.' K 1 NO—PALMER.- - On the 10th inst., by the Rev. E: W. nutter, Mr. Robert King_ to Mrs. Frances-Fulmer (formerly lifite. Betesp. all of Philadelphia. SCHEInry—RIPPLIL—On the i9th inst, by the Rev. B. W. Hatter, Mr. Lewis Schoitloy. of Philadel phia, to Miss Bimini Hippie, of Bast Vincent. Cheater HIED_ PILDER.—On Friday morning, 30th inst., Leoitora, itite of Lean Niger, in the6ath year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resideuce of her husband; No. 442 North Fourth street, on Monday morn , log, Farriery 2, withont further notice. Interment at Laurel Hill Cemetery. • 0 * BAITEN.—On Friday, January 30th. Mrs. Elizabeth Batten, in the Sith year of her age. Iler relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to at teed her funeral, on Tuesday, February 3d. at 1 o'clock P. M., from the residence of her son-in-law, It. I'. King, 80. 122 Spruce street. 4,1* .morr.—lu Jersey City, January 2 26th, Jarvis 11. Mot t , aged (6 years. • CURRY.—At San Francisco. Cal., on the 20th inst., Mr. Charles Curry, formerly of this city. • ELY.—On the 29 iii inst., liarriet Vautioulen, late Wife of Ezrn B. Ely aged 20 years. The weary one sought rest. The funeral will take place from the residence of E. S. . B. 319 Reed street, to-clay at 11 o'clock. /11eCULLY. —On the Sit inst., Mary S., youngest (Wielder of John McCully. The relatives and friends of the family aro respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from her father's resi dence, No. 2.33 Catharine street, this (Saturday) after- Imo% at 2 o'clock. • • LOO AN. —At h is residence in Richmond, Philadelphia, on Thursday morning, January John W. Logan, iu the 36th year of his age, of lingering consumption. Mr. Logan was formerly of Seersport, but lately n prominent sailmaker of this city. The relatives anti friends of the family also the members of Richmond Lodge. 80. 230. A. Y. M . . ; Harmony Chapter, No. 52; Philadelphia Council, iVe. 11; and St. John's Encamp ment, No. 4; end the order in general, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, Ann street, below Richmond, on Sunday afternoon, at one o'clock, to proceed to Franklin Cemetery. [Eastern Pore please copy.] SMITH.—On the 27th inst., Mr. Charles M. Smith, i n the 47th year of his age. His relatives and friends of the family, also the She kiutth Lodge, No. 216, A. Y. M. ; Kensington LodgeNo , . 11, I. 0. 0. F. ; United American Mechanics, Washiug ton and Lafayette Beneficial Society, are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 1317 Marshall street, to-day, 31st lust., at 2 o'clock P. M., without further notice. DESMOND. —On the nth lust., John Desmond, aged 73 years. The relatives and friends of the family- are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 328 Wilder street, Fifth street, above Dicker-. son, this (Saturday) morning, at o'clock. Interment et Cathedral Cemetery. MAITSON.—Ou the evening of the 26th last., Charles Henry Mattson, iu the 30th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, uorthwest corner of Sixteenth and Tine streets, on Eevsntli-dny morning, at 10 o clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. METCALFE.—On the 30th inst., Joseph C.. Metcalfe, in the 43th year of his age. Due notice of the funeral will lie eiveu, ESTLACK. —On the 20th inst., Israel Estlack, in the 03111 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his son-in-law, Charles Yeller Thirty-eighth Street, below Warren, West Philadelphia, on Ftra-day afternoon, theist inst., tut 2 o'clock P. I. STILES.—On the 30th Inst., Henry. Stiles, aged 6S. His relatives and male friends are invited to attend his funeral, ou Tuesday, the 3d of February, at 10 o'clock To proceed to . putret . . Po pro BURR.—,N NtUMville,enu. of brain fever, William C. Burr. son of M. L. and R. Al.ll Burr, of this city. Due notice will be given of the funeral. I/ . LACK SILKS.,BESSON "W . " - "SON, Mourning Store, 110.918 CIISSITIUT Street, hive pencil a new stock of BLACK SILKS. Including ell the desirable makes and styles, from $1 o $8•00 a yard. Black Alpacas, 25 to 9+3n cents. Black glossy Mohairs,lo cents to $l. Black all wool Monsselines, 33 to 50 cents. Do do do double widths, 75 cents to $1.75. Do English and 'French Bombazines. Do Empress Cloths, Dora th eas nod Titrins. Do Thibet Loug and Square Shawls. Sc. jaSi pYRE &-, LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have a fine assortment of Good Glossy Black Silks. iall) Widows' Silks without gloss. PYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND " A-A ARCH. always keep a due stook of ape Household Goods. is3o • Bat Muslim, Linens, and numb- • "PYRE & LANDELL,.FOURTH AND . A . l ARCH, always keep a fall line of Mourning Shawls. Jalo Paahionabl e Shawls.' WESTON M. E. CM:MOM—EMI". John Field will preach VO-31011ROW, at 10% . o'clock A.M., and Rev. John Chambers at 734 P.M. le' irrREV. DR. HARE WILL PREACH in the UNCON VOLUNTEER REFRESIMIINT SALOON ou SUNDAY EVENING next, at o'clock. u* r."•. THE JEWISH TABERNACLE ANT) ITS FURNITURE IN THEIR TYPICAL TEacti- INUS.--The next Sermon in thi,toonree will be Preached in the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, TO-MORROW AP rERNOOI4. Service at half pit. 4 three. lc* M. , CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTA MEET, corner of .131,E.VEZiTH and WOOD Sts.— Communion Services at IU3 A. M., by theßoy. Dr. KRAUT.H. :No service at night quell further notice. It* ii'FIRST REFORMED liITTCH. CHI3ItCII, SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Strcet.—Rev. John H. Suydam, Pastor, will (D. V. ) Preach TO-MORROW. Service in the morning at 10)t o'clock, in the evening at 7)4 o'clock. M'PROP. C. F. HUDSON WILL IvREACH TO-MORROW, at the MU southeast corner SPRING GARDEN and NINTH hireeta, at 10).4 o'clock, morning, aid quarter after 7, evening. Sub ject—Morning', "Work not Toil;" Evening, "The Re surrection.a Ramat." lt• ims, DARK DAYS.—DI_SCOURSE IN ST. MAITREW'S' LUTHERAN CHURCH, NEW St.. bet ipw FOURTH. between Rice and Vine, by the Pa-tor, Rev, E. W. FLUTTER, TO-MORROW EVENING, at 7)!, o'clock. Morning service commences ac 10S. IM.FIRST CONGREGA:TIONAL CIIIIRUH, THOMPSON Street, below Front. Preaching by the Bev.1:: L. Oear,on Sabbath Morning,ah 10.4' o'clock. Subject: The Blossom on the Fig Tree: also, in the evening, at 7 o'clock; subject:. Christ% Baptism." It . • VEGETARIA.NISH.— The BIBLE CHRISTIAN CFIURCH, North THIRD Street, above G IR AHD Avenue. —Service TO-MORROW MORN ING, at 10)4 o'clock. Subject, " The Appointed Diet of Man. " Afternoon at 3 o'clock. "The Resurrection." A Religious Tea Meeting will commence at 3 o'clock, at which addressee will be delivered. "POWER WAS GIVEN HIM (Louis Napoleon, the Antichrist and Headed head from LEO 6 to 1870) over all kindreds. and tongues, and nations, and all that dwelt on the earth shall wor ship him," 7) Rev. U. BAXTER Lectures on this SUNDAY AFTERA 00N; also, ru the 'Heavenly Jerusalem iu 1870," SUNDAY EVENING, at Diligent Hall, TENTH AND FILBERT. • its MCHURCH - OF THE INTERCES. : , SOR, SPRING GARDEN, below Broad street.— Nev. Dr. CARDErN Trill (D. V.) preach the Monthly Bunton to Young Men TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVE NING, at 734 o'clock. Subject—:Permanent Peace: How May it be had ? Young men are cordially invited. "Ito r NOTICE.—TO ,P A SIT OILS OF* CHURCHES AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF SABBATH SCHOOLS.— The Philadelphia: City and Conutv SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION will hold an Adjourned Meeting on MONDAY EVENING, Febru ary 9th, at half past seven o'clock, in the First Baptist Church, N. W. corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets. WILLIAM GETTY, S.W. TllO3l IS, }Committee. It A. M.. SPANGLER, • ORDINATION.—TIIE PRESBYTE RY 01? PHILAUELPHIA, will meet in the SEVENTH PRESBYTERIAN•CHURCH, BROAD Street, No; th of CHESTNUT, on Sabbath Evening,February 1, at 734 o'clock , for the purpose of ordaining (sine titule) Prol. Henry C. Cameron, of the College ofNew Jersey. The Moderator. the Rev. M. B.' (crier, will preelie; the Rev. Dr. Boardtnan will preactl the sermon, and Rev. J. M. Crowell deliver the charge. THE SIXTY-SEVENTH MEETING BEHALF OF THE SOLDIERS, will be held TO-MORROW EVENING in theßeformed Dutch Church. SEVENTH and BROWN, Rev. ',De Witt Talmadge, Pa 44- tor. Addresses wit be delivered by the 'Pastor, Rev. A. G. Thonias, Chaplain of Fifth and Buttonwood and Fotirth and George-streets hospitals, and by POW. David Stites. pastor Presbyterian Church, Kater Hall. These meetings arc full of life and interest, and all will be interested In the proceedings, • le 'M'THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SABBATH SCHOOLS OF THE ALEXAN DER PRE:MI:TEI{IAX CHURCH wilt take place at 2.;i" o clock on SUNDAY AFTRRNOON, February Ist. in the Lecture Room, NINETEENTH 'and GREEN Streets: Ito - . Dr. PLUMER. of the Arch-street Presbyterian Church: Rev. GEORGE W. SMILEY, of the Evangelical Reformed Church; Rev. T. M. CUNNINGH AM, Pastor of the Alexauder Church, audCol. LEWIS L. HOUPT, Su perintendent of St. Mark's Sabbath Schools, will deliver addresses. ISMI=I The friends of the Schools and the public are reipeet tally invited to participate in anniversary exer clsee. Children residing in the noighborhood, who are not attached to and regula, attendants of other Saihath Schools, will be warmly welc-nned in the Alexander Schools, which meet at 2, 1 4 o'clock every Sunday af ternoon. WARREN CHASE, OP DIICHI GAN. will imam on the CONDITION OF OUR COUNTRY, at SANSOM-STRLET EIALL, on SATUR DAS, the Met last, at 7 F. N. Admission Scams. ja29-3C DEPARTMENT OP RECEIVER OF TAXES — Putt.som.Puts, Janson , 30, 1961 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.—The Tax duplicates for IST3 will be epee for the payment of City and State Texas on MONDAY, February 9 , 1 5 64, instead of the 15th inst. (Signed.) JAMES C.. KELM Receiver of Taxes. ANNUAL MEETING OP. THE BOARD OF TRADE.—The Amnia Meeting of the members of the Association of the Board of Trade vrill be held at the Rooms of the Board, 505.0nESTNUT. Street, on MONDAY EVENING next, •Febrnary 2, at 7N o'clock. • A President, three Vice President-•, Secretary, Trea surer, and twenty-one members of the Executive Conn cil, are to be elected to serve one year. taSI-sm2t LORE( BLODOET, Secretary. MTHE EMBERS OF THE +7 BREW MRS' ASSOC I ATIONIO w PEN NSY MA" are requested to meet at the Wethertlt Houle. SANSOM Street, THIS DAY, at 1 o'clock P.M., to at tend the funeral of our lato member.. CHARLES M. SMITH. [lt9 WILSON ABBOTT,. Secretary. IMs CHRISTIAN 1001131.ISSION.—CASIFI Acknowledgments to January 28, 1953. JOB. PATTBRbON,-Tretsurer. Army Corn. Y. M. C. A.,Boston,per Jos. story, Treakiner *O5OO 00 Army Com.l" 31 C A Butralo.Per F. P. Wood, Treasurer .2'.. 90 A. S. Roberts'srandcitildren and their associates 1.50 00 Army Corn. 1 .M.C.A., Philadelphia, par P. B. Sharma - ' Treasurer L5O 00 John Garrett 'HO OJ Alex. Elmalte, per P. B.Simonk,Treasuret.. ..... 100 OJ J. P. Williston, Northampton, Mas..,per Whit all, Tatum, &Co ' 73 25 Eldersridge and Olivet Congregation, Indiana conety, Pa., per Hiss M. 1.• Donaldson 54 00 N. Chauncey. (additional) • 50 0) blite F. W. B tevenson..Colia, (. Y„ (add')).... 50 CO David Milne • • • ' ' 5O 0.1 A. O. Cattell & Co 60 al W. Hogg, Jr ... . .... . ..... r 50 0) Proceeds of Ladies' Atte Ksiti to Green street... 40 0.) Isaac Shaticross,_Frankkrd JO 00 )3. S. lst Pre,s. Clanrch. (Hey ; Dr. &mated), Troy) N. Y 25 CO Ladies Aid Society, Bloouksburn, Columbia county, Pa C 25 00 , P. Bayard ................. J. C., (3 , contribution) , 25 0) . ...... vJ 0) *I.W. Jalinaoa, Middletown ?did, ji.J 20 01 W. O. Spencer, Germantown,, • • . . 2100 W. R. 31urphy, Pittsburg ' .„'I Proceeds of a fair held by arali J. Hogg" (a child) 18 7.5 Chaplain Brown, 160th Regiment, P, '5 , Pi ro Milner-Stmet Mission B. S. BOltalo, N. Y 10 00 Alkert renter, Barren 11111, Ventg'y co„ Pa .... 10 CO Freight and Ora) age paid by Hey. Mr. Beck—. 691 C:".T. 7 -Milne 50 Indies' Soldiers Aid, Mast MauricNown, Cum- 5 berland county, N. J 5 00 Jos. York es, 122 Laurel street it 00 Mr, Taylor. 113 'Walnut street.; 5 00 A Lady . 0) A Lady i 5 6 0) Dr. A, B, I.Ttasbore, llnair - ' ;-.• • —...„......4 bluzletori, 5 (X/ A re. .Chae. Oran' • ~' 60) Rust Claverneic Soldiers' 1te144 Society to ynti Irri ght • • 3 03 liallitle Aid Society, Allen stuff; East Allen, Pa., to my freight ; . A *Friend, Winsted, Conn t. I'/ 1 1 II I A tette to help the nick and urlunded 1 01 Ladies' Soldiers'' Aid Socha . Pros . Church outh Salem , N. Y., for freli ht 100 A Soldier, Washington 20 LaPt acknowledgmqut 1,913 03 Acknowlodged by vrevlaax Treaxurer. but /1"169 67 oznitMil t" ' (, brought forward ' 130 Z $20.091 fil GIR. L 8' 74 I 0 II AND NORMAL IK.. SCHOOL.—Tbe Selui•annnal Examination of Can dniates for admisslion as Pupils of the GIRLS' Fllotl AND NORMAL SCHOOL will be commenced on Monday. February 2d lStri, at a o'clock A. N. To be admitted, the Candidate mut be at least fourteenyears of age, end paska satisfactory examination in Or .thography. Dee nltion of Words, Reading, Epidlih Gram mar, Constitution of the United States, Mensaratkon, Arithmetic and Penmanship. All the Candidates must hare ItsAn pupils of the Pantie Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania tar the term of one year. The order of the examination will be u follows!. viz; B lONDAY.—Principles of Arithmetic and Constitution of the United States. TUESDAY —Practical Arithmetic and English Gram. mar. WED NESDAY.—Paraing a nd Definition of Word[. TRURSD AY. -2 densuration and Orthography, Hy order of he Committee, • . • P. A. ORMAN.. a Principal, W NOTIOE.A.T MEE:MINOS OP TIM. CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTSE, - held on the 6th and 9th instant, tne tollowin,g resolutions were passed and ordered to be published : /Reetattrt, That notice be riven that the Citizens' Bounty Fund Comminee discontinne the payment of bounties and compensation to mtptains after the 31st January instant. except in such mums as they may have already- obligated thenuielvee to pay after that date. Reaofved, That the Committee will. as soon as practi cable, after the let of February next, make a report to the sabre, there tome Fond. Rego:mild, That the Committee will pay Fifty Dollars bounty - tq each recruit mustered in in the City of Phila delphia, on or bettre the flee January instant, (except ing deserters. substitutes, and absentees, - and those who have received any bounty from the City of Philadelphia,) foShbarhwAt—vlerY: • Peyton's Cavalry, Roberts' iirtillery. U. S.ltegular s . U. S. Marines, Old Philadelphia Volunteer Regiments. Said payment to be made whenever the recruit is de finitively in service in the field, or in a fort, garrison, navy yard, or Phip of the United States. Res° feed, That all uayments under the foregoing reso lutions be made in accordance with the forms adopted by the Disbursing. Agency LORIN BLODGE TH OMAS - WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. T. Secretary. jal6-tia3l IMPIIILADELPMAs Javivtary 29 1 1E63. At a meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held this day, tho following preamble and resolutions were adopted, and ordered to be pub lished Whereas, The : Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee have advortited -that they will dinontinue the payment of bounties and .premiums after January 31, instant; and whereas, there are changes - to be made in military mat-, tern by the United - States and State authorities, to obVi ato evils which past experience has shown to exist in the resent mode of recruiting and sending men into the field•• therefore. Rein/yid, That this Committee will not resume Pay ment, under the present system, alter the Met i s Recurred, Theta committee of grebe appointed hy ballot to confer 'with-the United States and State authorities on the subject of pitying bounties for , recruits, and for the purrose of Perfecting and reporti n g such a syitem as will enable the Committee to aid more effectually the Go vernment by, its funds than it is possible to do at Pre sent./ Resolved, That the Treasurer is hereby requested b deposit tho balance of the funds with the Assistant Trea surer of the United States in this city, at short call on interest, until Uis required. • •, . THOSIAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. LORIN BLODGET, Secretary. ja36-6t DEPARTMENT OF SUR V.EYS.— OFF CE OF. CHIEF ENG i NEER AND SUR VEYOR, PHILADELPHIA, January - 119 9 ,, M. — NOTICE.— Duplicate plains of the lino anti gade regulations of Ocean street, between Green and Linke streets, in the Eleventh ward, tire now prepared and d_pposited for pub lic inspection at the office of JOHN F. WOLF, Surveyor and Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, No. 906 North THIRD Street. and at- the office of this Depart ment, City Building, FIFTH Street, below Walunt t and the Board of Surveyors have appointed 1110NDAY, the 2d day of February, ISfikat 11 o'clock A. IC, to consider any objections that may be urgssi thereto by any citizen interested therein. sTRIGKLAND RNEASS. ja20,24,31-3t Chief Engineer and Surveyor.- . _ Or -I • " SYLVANIA: RAIL_ .. ROAD • COaErANY, Pau.A.DRLPRIA, January 12, ... 1263. (stockholdersNOT KHOLDERS..,-The AnnttaL ing of the of this Company will be hold L o on MONDAY. the second day . of February, 1863, at 10 o'clokk 'A. M., at the SANSOM-STREET HALL. The Annual Election •for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the second day of March, 1863, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. 9a1.3-tfe2 EDMUND SMI CH, Secretary. I : IOMCEOPATMC 110SPITA_1., 1118 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who aril) be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner. iree of charge. B. P. GLENN; noM-tf Socratary of Board of MR.II RAMS. M.OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLK.ILLJ HAVEN AND LSIIIGH MITER RAILROAD LOAIPANY, PHILADELPHIA (Ist month), Jantiary 19,1988 A special meeting of the stockholders of the Schusgitin. haven and . Lehigh River Railroad Company will held at their office. No 15 South Seventh street, on the. third day of (2d month) February,l2ls3.-at 12 o'clock. for the purpose of considering the propriety of increasing the Capital Stock of the Company • • ja2ointhsa-et ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE. ?resit. rx. • UNION . 0 A.NA.L COMPANY, Pm LA DELPHIA. January 14, IS&l.—The Annual Meet ing of the Union Canal Company or Pennsylvania will be held at - No 228.. W ALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, pebroary.,3oB63, at o 'clock A. M. jals-tfe3 - • 0. THOMPSON, Secretary. OFFICE OF CITIZENS' COIILIVIIT -110 T 1,13 ON BOUNTY - FUND, No. 50 . 5 CliliarkfUT Street - PHILADELPHIA, January 45, 11113. All parties having any claim or charge against this Committee will present their account on or beforethe Ist of FEBRUARY next to the Auditing Committee. ja26-6t JOHN B. ADDICES. kihairman, OFFICE OF THE FULTON COAL: COMPANY, No. 30 South THIRD Street.-'-Atk Annual bfeeting o , the Stockholders, and an Eleotion:of Sce Directors to serve the ensuing year, will .be held at . the Office of the Company on the 2d proximo, at 'eleven o'clock A. M. • - GRAS. S...FOLWELL, ja2S-15t . Secretary. - MOFFICE OF rriiia SURGEON-Alt. TI•oT TO THE ARMY A.ND bAVY, Purrazez,- . PillA, October St,' 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National. Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Stageon-Artist to the Government, No. 11609 CHESTNUT Street..• . B. FRANK PALMER. ja9-6m . Government Surgeon-Artist: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—JAN. 26th 1863. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Company's OfSce, Nos. 4 and 5 EXC H &NOE BUILD. MG. on MONDAY, February 2.1863, at 12 o'clock loon. ' ja2645t, 'WM. HARPER, Secretary, M! HUNTINGDON" - OFFICE HUNTINGDON" A N D Ib BROAD TOP MOUtiT4IN - .RAILROAD - COM 4 PAINY, 258 South THIRD Street—PatiADlMPßlA, Janu ary 95,. 1863.. . The Coupons due February Ist. 1863, on the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company. will be paid on presen tation at their office, on and after that date. ja26-6t J. P. ARRTSEIf, Treasurer. r•-• - • OFFICE OF TILE FIER RANCE COMPANY OF THE COUNTY OF PHI LAD n'f. Y. 13 I A.—Js scent 24,19 a At a Meeting of the Stockholders of the said Company, held on MONDAY, the 19th inst., the following gentle men were duly electel Directors for the ensuing yeas to wit: Charles J. Sutter, Henry Crilly, Frederick Schober, George Menke. - Andrew H. Miller, And at a Meetingf the ea! CHARLES J. S ,Esq. ed President • BEM Ja2B et , . . MILITARY. CONTDIENTAL_IMIVALIMI "Capp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIRIAIIta. —FIN wanted. to complete. Companies • now nearly- fall, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIMITENAANTS are vacant. which will be assigned to young men of good re• Terence., and .who have seen service. . - • dell-Ef 11, $; INTERNAL ROVENUE. A GE NOY: FOR; THE: ; OF UNITED', STAT ; AS. TAX STAMPS; No. 57 South TKI/U) Street, first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of RN711171:7B STAMPS that have been issued by the Government for sale in quantities to emit. " A. liberal discount allowed on amounts of $6O and up. wards. (Mee Roars from 9 9.3 f.: to 6 P.M. Orders by 1141 promptly attended JACOB. E. RIDGWAY, Ro. 57 South THlAD .' Btroe '. UNITED STATES -INVEtii4AL 'EVENTJE.R FIFTIL .COLLECTION DISTRICT. PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above: named District of all persons tiablo to a Tax on Car riages,Pleasure Yacbts,•Billiard,Tables and Gold . and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out LICENSES, having been completed, NOTICE IA HERE BY GIVEN' that the Taxes aforesaid will be received, for the TWENTY-SECOND and TWENTY-FIFTH WARDS of the City of Philadelphia, by WILLIAM H. MILLER and THEODORE S. WILLIAMS, Deputy Collectors; at the oftice, Langstroth's Building, GERMANTOWN, and for the TWEN tIY-TEfiRD WARD of said city hyDA NIEL W. GILBERT, Deputy. .Collector, at 'the Wilco of the Collector, Frankford street, Frankford, daily, be tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. ' • PENALTIES. Ali persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure yachts, Billiard Tables, and,Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the . twenty-first day of Fobrcary, 1863, will incur a.penalty -of ten per cent= additional of the amount thereof and costs, as provided. for in tbel9th section of the Exe-se Law of July . l, 1931 AU persons who, in like manner,.shall fail to take out their LICENSES, as required by law, on' or before the 21st of February next, will incur a penalty of ten per centnm additional on - the amount thereof, and THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID .LICENSES, in accord ance with the provisionsef the 19th and 59th sections of the Excise Law aforesaid. Money of the united States only receireed.. No further notße wW bo given • ' • JOHN W. COWELL, Collector. Gerniantown (Philadelphia), Jan. 30, 1333. ja3o-0#2.1 INTERNAL - SEVEN lIE.-OFFICE AS BESSOE -FOURTH DISTRICT, No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, (Farmers and Mechanics' Bank Building. )—Put- . LADELPIIIA, January 80, 18E3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That all that portion of. the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, comprised in thel imam of the Fourteenth Ward of the City of has been divided into Two Divisions. All that portion of the ward lying east of and including the east side of Twelfth Street is constituted Division-No:1, JOSEPH G. RITTENHOUSE, Assistant Assessor, resi dence, No. 663 North ELEVENTH Street. The remain der, lying west gaud including the west side of Twelfth Street, is Division No. 134, JAMES R. GARRIGUES, Assistant Assessor,. residence, 624 North TWELFTH St. D P. SOU'fHWORTEL ja3l43trd . • Assessor Fourth District. OFF] CE OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT.—PiraAngt , PHIS, January 17, 18(13. A INTERNAL — REVENUE, T UNITED STATES EXCISE AX. Waite is hereby given to all persons, firms, associa tions ofpersons, or corporations, doing business In the SECOND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, comprising the Ist, 7tb,Sth. 9th, and 10th wards, who have not made register with the Assistant Aseeseor of the Division in which their business is carried on, or with the Assessor of this office, that the penalty affixed by the law is three.ttmes the amount of the License.' - And to all persons, firms, associations of persons, or at thg e s of thehAssistant s teeesems,tetrhiatlithelsAssese ment is Increased by the addition of one-half the sum charged for License, or fifty per cent., collectable with other fines anti penaltfr.s in the District Court of the United States. Immediate application to the Assistant Assessor, or to the 4585880 r, will avoid Pena penalties. • THOMAS W. MENET,' • " - -U. 13: Assessor,^2dTistrict. Penn's. Oppics-4..19 CHESTNUT Street, Oast room:Philadel phia Bank. ; • • . • ,jalS-stuttlat UNITED:Rpm INTERNAL REVE- Nurwra COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pennsyl- Tanis, comprising Twelfth Thirteenth", Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the city of Ph I elph la NOTICE.--The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above. named intrwriet, of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables and • Gold • and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out Licenses, having been completed, notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the boats of 9 A. M. and SP. M. (Sundays exeptivd,) at his office, bonthweat corner of TB L 11.1) and WILLOW. Streets, on and aft' r MONDAY, February 2d, IMO, and until and including SATURDAY, the net day of the same month. PENALTIES. Allipersons who hill to)" pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21itt of Febrn arY, 191r4 will incur penalty of ten per centom addi tional of the amount thereof, and alga, an provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July 1, 1962 All persons who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their Lieenses,as required hi law, on or before the PIA of February, Ism", will lnenr penalty of THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. 4 • s only received. Allir - Money of the United State Air No farther notice will be en. ve • WILLIAM' WAINWRIGHT, Collector, jal7-dtf S. W. cos. THIRD and WILLOW Ste. TF YOU ARE IN DOM. • AS. TO _L where to get a aupeilqt: Oda* if* AiiAINZE IL e Hie vorytrpee_ so -the se pips . ultra sabattrr Painting, SECOND Streetismoneen ELEOI -- F — r - M l6 " AND PRIVATE ,I INSTRI7CTION—N. W. corner TENTH and ARCM Streets. $, STEWART, ja31420 . jAM. E 5 :0 . 0 O'V E L - , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Master and EzstalAsi In Chancery. isilYroo 113 ?Lusa Street .oarasen. N. J. O to SILVER WANTED— IN LARGE OR $ HALL GAYArrITIES. Highest wise always droll. BECHTEL & ENO. V CarILADIES' 11.A.T8 BBA.TDS, WIGS, a, gleam, downs: 'eal's*. WleAVenni*. 1 49 4 8{419e.0f say oz M ,Bt s , Prieas t ir• Crlget twin hose crusty ,other estaliehmt, , Joh ral 909 en truck PR ESS. - PHILADELPII7A . ; SATTIOAY. JANUARY 31. 1863. Robert V. Massey, John lions, Joseph 11foore, - Henry Bndd, I James N. Stone. yid Directors, held This Day, was unanimonslyi re-elect fAMlN F. DOECEY. Secretary. MILITARY GOODS. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY PIIRWIFIVERS. No. 414 ARCH STRUT. SWORDS, SASHES, BEUrk Ltd., And everything necessary for the complete o • t of . . ARMY AND NASY OFFICE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL in27-1m G . W. SIMONS' & BROTHER, SANSOM.STREET BALL,. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY.. - FINE SWORDS, AaD mirxrelty GOODS, IN EVERY:Ir ABINIT. Jaittsin ' • • •••• ' U.S. FIVE-TWENTIES, TWENTY-TEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GO ' . ' AFTER FIVE . YEAR& Jun Instructed by the BECRETAEY OF TEN Wain SUET to receive eabeertpttorts for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will coranienee from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and Niorember of each year. At the present PRENION ON GOLD, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. - A full supply always on hand. • JAY p0494:13, 60118911,11T0N MEET. 114 Emma Timm jonN 0. cApp & SON, STOOK & NOTE BROKERS, NO. 28 SOUTH THIEF) STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK. STOOKS AND . BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THB BOARD OF BROIERRB. MONEY IN-VESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS '.NEGOTIATED ON TEN ~.;HARVEY tHOMAS, STOCK AND BILL .BROKER; No. 312 WALNUT STRUT. STOCKS and BONDS; and all kinds of 11. S. GOVRRN MENT SECURITIES bonglkt and sold on Commission, ex etnei.vely. BtlaillesB Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. • Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co.. Geo. D. Parrish, Rso, L John B. Myers & Co.; Samuel B. Thomas, ma., do 'do4 O HIO AND -PENNSYLVANIA B. R. COMPANY BRIDOR . BONDS. —Sealed Proposals will be•received until THURSDAY next, FEB. bth, at noon, for selling to the Trustees, for the use of the Sinking Fund,, Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) of the bonds known -as • the Bridge Bonds. Proposals will be di rected to the undersigned, and will be opened. at the time named inpresence of those parties inwho may be inte rested the bids.- The Trustees reserve the rightlo de cline any bids which they may consider incompatible with the interest of th 6 trust. - ' C. MACALESTER, • R. MILLER., , Trustees, No. 205 Sourth'SlXTll Stree ja`4:l-61 RY TO LNVEST.-PERSONS •A• N - 1 - . Wirobillg to make safe investments of money on the security of Beal Estate in'the State of Delaweare, can ob tain all the necessary information In relation thereto •by addressing. B. B. COMEGYS:' , . • ja2.4-w&a3m At the Philadelphia Beek.i- VIKA 7 LA: WEILSEOURED„„"NORT w • ,vAii•GYAGIE of - this iniointAir 'sib; • • • ''• :" LUKENS tc• MONTGOMERY: Conveyancers. .Ate -!. •• • • . 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. A . -GROUND-RENT OF T sB2.!4;:irnou A t'll k r . diem • i•.':' , :"LIIICENSItMONTUOMIXY, ConvOiancers, its .1035.-BRAOH:Street, above Laurel. $2;0(0: 0,0:0;;;:.$ 5:0 THESE ••. )- •isubounts•to 4nvest tn. lliirtgage LIIgENS &MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers,. 10. . • • •• • • ;40015 BEAOH•Street,. above Laurel. OA ei`f = 4ls;ooo f --$2 - ,JOO, $3,500, AND *or 7 , 9 LOAN on City Morifivis. Ap- Ja3l.• -* : ' Na 309 WALNUT- Street. ,113 000 11EnsiAVYITNT WANTED ~ ica.ll, , Farm_,ln - Chester Collltty. Apply to jail • • . PETTIT.. 309. WALNUT Street. . PERSONAL. IEIRS. OF DECEASED 'OFFICERS AND BOLDIERS.—We• collect' and pnrchise the Treasury Certificates for arrears of Pay and Bounty, for ONE PER CENT. in addition to the exchange. Also, collect and cash Ldtscharged officers' and soldiers' ac counts, at low rates. 'Bankers' references. BOWES & BROWN, Solicitors of Claims, ja29-6t. . 2 PARK Place, New York. .• P ENSIONS. $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailor& and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonablo and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced apes by • • . JAMES FULTON, 'Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a MI lance. . • nola•tr PHOTOGRAPHS• . . , - :P.M:EMBER . REIME.R'S GALLERY you eontemtlate baring your likeness taken. His". Colored Photograp hs for $1 are true and beautiful. SECOND Street, above Green. . It UST .O.PENE I , ' A N!IW PHDTOGRAPH'OALLEEY. No. 906 ARCH STREET, Where the FINEST PAOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM . THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE. Are produced b il4h l i 2 PrlcCED ARTISTS. Those wishing first-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. - • A choice selection of Albums, cases, and-frames on hand. F. A. 0. KNIPII. del7-3m . , -011-:WANT. A PORTRAIT THAT - -a-.11 as. it should , be, life:like and-natural. get. REI NUM life-size Photographs in oil colors:you will be :Pleased with it. :•111ECOND,Street, above Green. It intOUD4iit ..GOODS., . . PgOTO . G.RA.PHIC , ALBPILT-;# .Isis e '*arrety for sale at loWp_r_lees,_by . - e' Lta2wC HESTENIfU TE Str e et: ' "deISSmIt MICROSCOPES, gREOTAOLES, AND . SPY-014139138, for Presents' for sale IT • • • • • • . -J W. Q..BN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street del mit (IP'E'R A GL ASSEC OPERA ‘j GLASSES ' • For sale , ! Lae NV:: ouniutt b.*: 924 OE(7I . )3TIMT Street. , del.l-3mif GROYEI:t' & . BAKER'S CELEBRATED :NOISELESS SEWING _M•ACH;INES, EVBRYWHERE TRIUMPHANT 'nese MACHINES have taken the First Premium at the State "Fairs last held'in • NEW YORK, riissourl It sly JERS E Y KENTUCKY, 01110, • - TENNESSEE, INDIANA, " VIRGINIA, g. ILLIAOIR.- NORTH CAROLINA, ittIOFIiGAN: ALABAMA. lOWA, CALIFORNIA. INCLUDING EVERY_ STATE FAIR WHERE EX- NI BITED. IN 1861 ~Op-. The Work made npon the GROVER , BAKER; MACHINE has. taken the every Bair in the United States where it has been exhibited to this date. MACHINES furniehed of the same patterns and at the g ame price, making either the GROVER St BAKER Stitch r the Shuttle Stitch, as customers prefer. 6ROVER & BAKEWS. M. CO., 730 CIIESTDIUT STRUT Jal-tt4f - DYE COLORS FAMMY, LIST OF COLORS. . . BLACK, . SALMON, DARK BROWN, SCARLET, SNUFF BROWN, PARK DRAB, LIGHT BROWN, LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUE„ YELLOW, LIGHT. BLUE, • LIGHT YELLOW. DARK GREEN, ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA; PINK SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLUE, SLATE. ROYAL PURPLE • CRIMSON. VIOLET. FAMILY DYE 'COLORS, For dyeing Silk Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dressesilllbbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Bid gloves, Children ' s Clothing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel, with perfect fast colors. , • , A SAVING OP SO PER CENT. „These Dyes are mixed in the form of ers concen trated, are thoroughlly tested, and put pin neat pack ages. For twenty-dve cents you can color as many goods airwould.otherwtse cost five times that sum. The pro cess is simple, and any one can use the Dyes witlsperfeci suc cess, pirections inside. Manufactured by BOWE & STEVENS, ' .U5B .BROADWAY,•Boston. Town For sale bi Druggists and Dealers in edolo-Isttliaam If very City a n d . . '.. C4RA.Y AND, DISCOLORED ;HAIR BYBD a beautiful Black or. Rrowu; al:POUBT11 end BE HiKraut& ja l,iftr THE ::BEST ARE • Crik . BRELWC iiid 7 mAltiprE ypii SLESPNII 5, 30 OASES MADDER .PRINTS, Various fifll6l6. 10 Cases Sisi!ts Ginghams, choice Do. Poplin De Bens. Do. 34, N. 4-:1 Bleach Cottons. Do. 4'4 May Linens. Do. 4-4 Spanish Linens. Do. 4-4 Chinese do. Do. Army Standard Canton Flannels. Do. 'do. do. Domet do. Do. do. do. Blue Blouse Flannels. \ • Do. do.' do: Drills. • \ Bales 4-4 Brown Sheettngs. Do. .31 do. do. • • Also. 3CO dozen HEAVY MIXED RIBBED SHIRTS.— PHILADELPHIA. • for net cash on delivery, by . . , GEO. CjEltreiG, 'it • X / Noe. 0.9 aid 221;011IIRCHIliff SEAMLESS • LEWI6TON A, OZARK. 4 IagATTAII, HOUSATONIC, DEN E, HAMPDEN B, For & HARMSTEAD, : No.'2ISTEAWBERRY Street My assortment of Fancy Fare for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufaitarers' prices, for cash. Ladles, please give itaka - HFaLIN.G . POWERS. . '. RS . O F - • ELEC. RICITY DEMONSTRATED, at 1,221) WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. -. • • - The following report is noebaied on rumors or hear says; neither is it the result of casual observation or some tar-off reference to some unknown persons ; but from reliable business and professional men of this city, in our Very midst, and was arrived at after a careful oh seryatisfripf facts; transpiring from. day 'to day,".in ; the 7presinteofflie — nditeretgwed; witneisingrthe results "of - Professorl3. a sneeesstut treat ment, at the SI reeti where he has cured over four thousand acute and chronic:diseases which had resisted the - skili of the medical profession" in this and other ' Alexander ire, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long standing, Savoy; street, . Eighteenth ward, Xensington: • ' - • . William H. Shame, Paralysis cif—the lower limbs (Paraplegy) land Epilepsy; publislier - of -the .National Merchant, 126 South Second street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of tbe Brain and severe :Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetis, American Ho, tel '.Philadelphia. • Charles. L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, Arch ..etreet.- James Nugent, Deafness for six years. and ringing and roaring:in the head, Fifteenth and. Bedford streets. William 3forgan, General Debility, 401 Spruce street. Thomas ..Harrep,- severe Diabetes, Rose Mills, West PhiladelP7. ia.- George Grant, Rhenmatie. Gout, long: 4tanding, 610 Cbeetnntstreet. ' • • • B. T. De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1736 Chestnut street. -O. -11.-Carmich,:Chronic Dmepsis and Inflammation of the kitlneys. Chestnut and Fortieth streets. - • . George W. Freed, Epilepsy, .1492 North Thirteenth street. ' . N. B.7Prefessor C. H. BOLLES' will publish, from time to time, certificates of the care chronic. cases which bed resisted the treatment of the 'mist .eminent medical men for pears. . ,• lease take notice that Prof. B. does not'sdvertise any certificates of 'cures, except those cared in this city lie.haa established himself for life in thige ity, and his success in treating the sick WI sutlicient guaranty_ that be claims nothing but scientific facts to hii discovery in -the use of Electricity as a reliable thematic agent. N. B. —lt will tie wt 11 for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. has given sword of caution in his 'pamphlet, to gnard thE m against trusting theirhealth in the hands lot those it this city claiming to.treat diseases according to , hir.discoverp. This caution may.seem severe. on those using Electricity at hazard,.but it is the . severity. - oftruth, and designed for the good of humanity. See: advertise-. meat in snafu r column. . • . • ' . COMMISSION HOUSES. do. PLAIN do ARstislod qualities, for army imrpoges, for sale cheap. 9 134P11 (31"s \ STOOK IS NOW AB,— :- 4S: \, 4xosn. . . . 0 0 , 00 IDO N H 0 ' 8 I 'E . R Y, AT, LOWENt-PRICES .THAN: ENT Nob. l i t _ • • - IVRTATIOILN ~,:. THOS. MELLOR & C 0.,.. ' i • 40 AND 4 2 NORTH THIRD STREik \ - . - PiIIiA.DELPRIA. ;INNI-3in A RMY -GOO Ds. • ..DARK-BLOE COAT CLOTHE. ..DARK-BEIIE CAP CLOTHS. 38KT-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ABMT;BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-013NCS - -;:DRLELS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HRAVY.IINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. ' .BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AND.SEU4T WEL . . . PROTIIINGHAM & WELLS. 7 : - .:; - ;. 7.-7;,•.':LAiinas0.• FURS.' .7 LADIES' F#PTOY FURS JOHN FARErRA, No.llB ARCH STREET,,.BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND BILITUFACTITRER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. MEDICAL. lir.' e-i*.kilt:NE7B ' "':;'..-.::::. :-. - :..1: .:. .-:::::..., COMPOUND SYRUP_.; OF WILD. CHERRY_ THIRTYYEARS! EXPERIENCE HAS:. TROViti ITS GREAT SVPERIORITY OVER ALL .pnir.4. •. - • TEE ORTGLItAI AND' GENUIIIE PIEPABATION reputation ' ' this_meth sine is • • now so well eats- • 1 bliShed that liberal • i s minded the meth- ' • cal profession, throughout the Union recommnded it to cheif _ • patients as the very best •of ail ran edies for Pulmonary Complaints and fsGelseral. Debility; and in curing Coughs, Cada, Consumption,. Asthma, Bronchitis • Spit- • ring of Blood Whooping Cough, Pain- in the Side or 'Breast Sore Throat, Difficulty in Ereath-_ lug,. :Palpitation • or s . disease of the Heart, . . • ~ , Te h roat, Breast, • ' - • or Lungs. NO M - EDICMIONRHDES EVROBRTE A P I U N T E A D lONI!GHEROR. IN PULhIONARS DISEASEd of the most alarming character, ."Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry" einats permanent cures. A stubborn Cough,. Sore Throat, Night Sweats, Bronchial Affections are Quickly euri , d. Declining years of aged persons will be greatly benefited; it acts as a strengthening alterative. For disturbed, restless nights, keep it by the bed-side; its use will give repose. if the bowels are active take an occasional dose of. "SWAY NE'S 'PILLS.' Pre red only by Dr. SWAYER Mr, SON, 330 North SIXTH' Street. above Vine. Sold by ail Druggists throughout the United States. - • • Jai _ READ' THE FOLLO OF PHWING IL 'FROM ADELPHI A FE A W RELIABLE MEN . ihermdersigned, having been treated for obstinate diseases by Professor Bolle.s, at 1. 9 2) Walnut street, Phi ladelphia, which bad resisted for a long time the treat rile= of the most eminent medical men in this city; and also. haVingWitnessed the results of his treatment on a great number of our acquaintances and friends, for acute and chronic diseases, do therefore take great pleasure in recommending to the public the important discover of Professor C. H. Bolles, located at 1220 Walnut street, .where he has been located. oventhree years, testing his treatment on many thousands of our most reliable citi zens, by :his new- discovery Of applying. Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications of Electricity, and having 'watched his success in the speedy and perma nent mires of. hundreds of our friends, as well as our selves, and especially that class of diseases never hens tied by medicines;. therefore, • Beßotred, That we, the undersigned, regard the great success we have witnessed for months in the treatment of Consumption, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Insanity, Diabeb , s, *Bronchitis, all Nervous Diseases, Catarrh, Amaurosis, aphony, Asthma, Ague .Chills, Contraction of Limbs, St. Vitus . Dance, Coldness sf Feet, Hands, or Head. Desfasss_, Tlyspepsia,. all forms Epilepsy, .He morrhage, White Swelling, :Mental Depression, Neural gla, :Withered Limhe, Convulsions,,Palpitation of the Heart, and Lockjaw, as-indubitable evidence of Profes sor B.'s scientific application of Electricitzfor thispeedy cure of all curable diseases: • At • E. A. Steele, M. D., No. 6 South Twelfth street. W. B. Brown, Merchants Hotel. ' Wm. H. Shriver, Haines street, Germantown. S. C. Stockton, 216 'Market street, Philadelphia. Thomas Allen, Fortieth and Chestnut, West Phila delphia. John McCormick, 1220 Ridge avenue. - Charles 11. Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley. Emanuel Rey, 707 hansom street: . Isaac D. Guyer, 2 Woodland Terrace. W. B. Reaney, Chester, Delaware county. H. Craig, 1725 Arch street, 113 Broad street. Robert D. Work. 51 North Third street. _ . . A. G. Croll , N. E. corner Tenth and Market streets. N. B.—Professor. Bolles takes pleasure in referring the sick to the above names. and the following whose certi ficates have been or will be given in full fOr the good of humanity: . Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, Sl7 South Frog: street. . Edward T. Evans, preacher of the ?l;$. Church, Dys pepsia of long standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago;- Helmuth street. • Anthony Carney, Consumption, 1217 Market street. James P. Groves, M. I).; long standing and severe Lumbago, 216 Pine street. Edward McMahon, Consumption,. 1227 Front street. Charles B. Grigg, Dyspepsia and Constipation,' Tenth. and Arch streets. Charles D. Cushney, Paralysis Of the lower limbs (ParaplegY).and Dyspepsia, Western 'Howl. "J. Hiatt, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Con gestion pf the Brain, - 118 Callowrhitl street. ' Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. IL Lanning,Nervous Prostration, Cadbnu avenue. Anthony Carney, Pulmonary Consumption,' 1217 Mar ket street. • . , Conirultation free. PROF. C. It BOLLEj; • .1220 WALNUT Street, Phil , • • . . BRO'WN'S' BRONCHI A L. • TR OC HES for Coughs, Gilds, and Irritated Throats, are offered vtith.the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They have been thoroughly tested, and maintain the good reputa tion- they .have justly !acquired.' - As' there rifre time , . be sure to eirrai.N. the genuine at FERDERICK. BROWN'S Drug and Cheinical Stored:4. 4 E. cor. CHEST NUT and FIFTH streets. Also,Mntter's Cough STrag,. Wis.tar's Cough Lozenges, prepared from original prescriptions. Ja.3o-Im•if V,YE AND EAR.PROF. J. - ISAACS, Oculist and Aurist, frout• Leyden, Holland; is per ntanently located-at No. 611 PINE Street, where he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and ource— if curable. Artificial Eyes.inserted without pain. N. 11.—No charges made for examination. Office hours from Bto II o'clock A.M. and 2to7P. M. • ja3-3m. . MATRRI As-T l 3: R.04 - 14NOE ,11 74?? BtrSeq.,LAYßE.llir ( Sn s WARM/FRS. • - CITRON • 4 e- CLIIIIR WIN; &et, ate. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • - ' MOIR IN PINE OM:I6MM del64f if • . COBNBB raarnirm AND Vila Sri. • • • ,LILLIES . ttAFE DEPOT Aita; 2 - 4 - 1 MOVED to No. mt. south simarmi streiC near e ranklin Institute. 'he undersigned, thanlcfal for past favors, and being' determined to merit future patronage, has , secured an elegant and convenient store, and bag now on - hand ff large assortment of- Lilite's Celebrated Wrought as Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (th e _ strictly fire and burglafproof safes model Also. LWle'le Unequalled - Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be to order on abort nooks. This is the.strongesk t = Meted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to LIJIM's Now Cabinet bale, for Plate, Jewelry, dm. This safe is um. ceded to Carcass is style and elegance anything yet offered for this =pose. and Is the only one that to strictly-S» and burglar proof. _ SPECIAL Norma. —I have now on hand say twenty 01 Farrel, Barring. dr Co.'s Safest, moetloP them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, c rising a completeassortment as to sizes, and all' y exchanged for tht low oelebratedDillie Safe. They will be aold at yen ow liens. , Phew call art. 4 examine. 3aitalyu. - M. O. BADIABR. Utak IWATCRES AND JEWELRY. AMERICAN WATCHES FOR SOLDIERS „AT REDUCED PRICES. AMERICAN WATCHES FOR AMERICANS! ,TAE Aarsignos_x WATCH COMPANY give notice that they have lately issued a new style of Watch, expressly de signed for Soldiers aid others who desire a good Watch at a moderate price. These Watches are intended to die pyace tho worthless, cheap Watches of British and Swiss manufacture, With which .the country is flooded, and whiCh were never expected to keep time when they were Made, being refuse manufactures sent to this country because unsslea•lyle'at home, and used heie •only for jockevingr and sintnelZing purposes. We offer to sell our Watch, which is of Tim most' SUB STANTIAL MANITPACTURE, AN. ACCURATE AID DURABLE TIMEKEEPER, and in Sterling Silver cases, Hunting pat tern, at as low a priceras is asked for the trashy Ancres and Lepines of foreign make already referred to. ' We 'have named the new` series of Watches, 'W5r. ELLEar, Boston; Mass., which' name will be found on the plate of every watch of this mafinfacture, and is one of our trade-marks. . ' Sold by all respectable Watch Dealers in the loyal States. Wholesale ordbre should be addressed to ROBBINS 457 AI?PLETON-, Agents for the i:Amerlan Wateh'-CoMpanni 7iilo-s thl3t if• tai FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, ja23-6m 22 North SIXTH Street. FINE AMER IC' A N AND %IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry, and Sil very* at the lowest possible priceii. G. RUSSELL Jazdan. Rorth SIXTH Street. D ' I 4T . PRATT, itsuouvou to PRATT di \ 507 .CETESTNVT STREET, oonsiattly iliceiptOt . , rsoLinx eino A M I CIS, A-T 0 E S Of desirable styles anek.ltaill , asaitiallcbusee of buyers.'' aoYB3mif' ET.I 8 9 Lb.F:a a db x .111411.1ef in ins AMERICAN AND IMPORTED JEWELRY, AND CLOMP , - „em ir ,* , TOS , AMERICAN. WATCHES; IN GOLIYAND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON, JEWELRY, (T 60.. ~, A FRESH ASSORTMENT 4.T LESS TRA'N FORMER. , PRICES. , §!. , PARR & BROTHER, irtiPorteli - i;: foh2o-ti ' ' 324: CHESTNUT , Street beloNiFottrtk. - - itinoßo.sporm; - rnotocalOraa: ' 'CHARMS. •, cfc .BROTHER; MANITPACTDRIN - G JEWELERS AND Iffit9ETElo4 l SANSOM:STEBET'HALL, . Have just received, direct from Paris, a large assort- . ment of the above novel and 'beautiful articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and Public men of this city and State, together with officers of, the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings. FOR *SALE TO THE TRADE, and to be had at all the principal jewelers, iipticians, and fancy etoreuin the city. jab-ifim P!.'(i!a;a;`ds IKI) I FIFTERNTE ANNUAL • FERN minim. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA' _ OFFICE NO. 921 CHESTNUT STREET. PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER; RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, 1882. For Life Premiums for term of 81137,371 38 For Limited Premiums for short terms 7U 78 For War and Extra Risks 7,481 07 For Interest recel red on Invest- • ments - and Policy Fees 89,882 19 $215,493 42 For Scrip Dividends received from Folicit s purchased Amount S7:t3.SS3 42 LOSSES AND EXPENt ES DURING THE SAME PERIOD. For Losses 27, amounting to $64,000 00 For Expenses, Salaries, Adver tising, Medical Examinat'n, &c. 13,117 16 For Rent, state•and=City Taxes, &c For Commissions to • Agents, . Taxes, Advertising, &c . 8,965 47 7 591,054 65 • DISBURSEMENTS, For Return Prerninms, Purchase of Policies, &c $32,498 80 For Reinsurance Interest, &c.... .6,679 99 For Volunteer Aid Fund ; .1,400.00 $40,518 59 Ad led to Capital in 1862 ' .102,310 18 Accumulated Capital,Dec. 91,1861.10,091,4C° - Deduct Scrip of 1850, '5l, and '52. received in :Payment- of Pre mium*: Accumulated Capital.. December - .31.1562 JANUARY - 1, 3933. 621,00 U. S. 7 310 Treasury Notes 523,01:0 00 20,000 U. S. 6 per cent. Certifi- Cates of Indebtedness—. 19,742 08 24,0110 U. S.'s per cent. Loan of 1565, Coupons 23,471 26 100,000 U. S . 6 per cent. Loan of 1671, Transferable -.....t. . 100,212 50 64,712 06 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Loan' ._ 48,744 11 20,000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. - Loan, Coupon 80nd5.... 18,635 CO 81,500 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, taxed 26,916 76 37,600'Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, exempt 36,194 50 19,400 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, no tax. ' 18,061 00 2:L500 Philadelphia 5 p r cent. Loan; taxed 17,635 00 10,000 Pittsburg Bonds 8,325 00 26,000 Allegheny county Bonds. 19#19.5 (X) 10.000 Washington c ounty Bds 7,0 Z 00 21,000 Pennsylvania Railroad let Mortgage 6 per cent. • • Bonds . 20,990 00 15,000 Pennsylvania Railroad - 2d Mortgage 6 per cent. .. Bonds 11,896 25 10,000 Lehigh Valley 6 per cent. • Bonds • '• 9,680 00 10,000-11arrisbun " Railroad 6 per cent: Bonds ' 10,700 00 10,000 Louisville City 6 percent. _. Bonds .. ... 7,141 40 MO shares Pennsylvania Railroad - Stock 26,442 77 760 •"• Lehigh Coal and- Navi gation Company Stock. 120 " Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company Scrirb•• 219 Girard Life Ins. Ann. and Trust Co.'s Stock... 6,675 38 100 " • Western Bank Stock... 6,931 50 209 •" • Commercial Bank Stock • 11,535 25 78 " Bank of North Ameni- • ca Stock .. 100 " Manufs' and Mechanics' Bank Stock 2,784 00 03 " Mechanics' Bank Stock, "St. Louis" • 4,950 50 250 " Delaware Mutuallneu - , rance Co. Stock 6,250 00 80 " Girard Bank Stock 2,000 00 :86- `‘' Farmers' and Mechanics' Baokßtock 1,8%3 00 299 " Corn Exchange Bank - Stock •8,970 00 . . . . . 62,4,725 019 Real Estate held by the Company... 105;480 01 2 0 6,043 68 Bonds and. Mortgages, all first liens. 287,377 59 • 12,716 87 Ground Rents, bll first liens 11,955 00 Premium Notes secured by. Policies 97,252 78 Loans.on Colla(erals 19,684 GI Balances In hands of Agents ' - 12,500 41 Quarterly payments duo the ConiMany 9,958 14 Cash in hand and in Bank. 14,103 77 Office -Furniture . 2,452 23 Scrip Dividends purchased by the Company.:. 59.52892 Life Interest and Annuity . -- ;k0 25 Interest on Stocks and Loans accrued to 31st December 16,361 22 Deduct two losses due in ISt33 $1.151,78'! 50 PHILADELPHIA, January 14,.1863. • At an • election held at the office of the Company, on lifonday, sth instant, the ' following-named gentlemen were duly elected" Trustees : - • For Three Years.—Rodolane Kent, Ellis S. Archer, New York Samuel J. Christian - James 0. Pease, War ner M. Resin, Pierre V. Duflon, New York; ..Samuel Wil liams, Frederick A. Hoyt, Christian J. Haman: . For Two Yeare.—Elliston Perot. 'For ana Year.—Edward M. Needles . At a meeting of the Board of Trustees. held on the 13th instant., the following officers; were eledted: President—JAMES TRAQUAIR. 'Vice President—SAMUEL E. STOKES. A. V.l' and Actuary—JOHN W. 11ORNOR. Secretary—HOßATlO S. STEPHENS. - The Board have declared a Scrip Dividend of FORTY PER CENT: upon the Cash Premiums paid. in.lB62,_and have decided to receive, afterthis date, the Scrip Divi derfils of 1553, 1854, MA and 1856, in payment of premiums from those who pay their premiums in cash,' and to credit those indebted. for Premium. Notes, or . Loans on Policies, with the amount of their Scrip for those years, on. their Notfm or Loans. on 15th It:infant • JAMES TRAQUAIR, President. ' • • _ SAMI. E STOKES, Vice President. • JOHN W. HORROR. A. V. P. and ActuarT. H. s: STEPHENS. S ec re t r y. ials 17 XI 211731601 GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSITRANCE COMPANY. MICE, 415 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPRLI. CAPITAL sump,ooo. • !fhb] ComPany continues to, take rishs on :the Saks - Glasses of Property at low rates. • _ The public can rely upon Its and ability to PLY losses promptly: Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 50 9,0 00 DOLLARS azaLwe ree - pectally solicit. its favor in the future. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER. JOHN W. CLAGHORN,. • JOHN THORNLEY. C. ITEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART.. DAVID BOYD, JR., PETER S.- HOE of N. T.l WM. M. SWAIN, PURITAN SHEPPARD. • JOSEPH KLAPP, N. A, N. S LAWRENCE. THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLER • TMOMAs CRAVEN, Provident • • A. S. OLLLETT. Vlce*Preekleak. • . JAS,- B. ALVORD. Secretary. ' . 1026.1111 . . , . . VAME INSUBAINCE COMPANY,'NO -a- 406 CIEESTSITT Street. 'EMADELPHIAL • MS' • INLAND INSITEANCS. • DntECTORS. -B. D. liSloodra% Geo. A. West, John Kessler, . 3r.. Cbaa. Stokes, A., Hi kosextbeba, Josep D. Ellis. - 'CB, ' , resident: EDsON, vice Presides& :D. Secretary.. Cialtlint Francis N.. Briar, Chas. Riohardson, Henry I.iewis, Jr.. . ' John W. Dm - man. ' Philip S. Justice. O. W. Davie, FRANCIS N: 811 CHARLES RIC: WILLIAMS I. BLANC: CIRCULATING . .. _ N v BROTHERHEADS CIROTTLA . . • TING LIB All t kas iritt English and American Bookajnoludinar ALA ES of Literature. This is the ONLYAiltrary iti_the country that includes all the NEW FLN3I.ISH• BOOMS that are not .11)1PILIWP. • RD here. . . Terms 36 per 'sear ; sin months 113; three months MA; one -month 76 cant o, or 3 cents per day. %18 South )1161HTH great . • % .6m WALL PAPERS-WALL TAPERS. WHOLESALE-MID RETAIL. NEW . DRBIGNS ' tit ge ol ft s ii&par . , rt , oalTed from FaotorT, to which at- .TORN H. LONGS'I'RIiTiI, No. 12 North THIRD Street. Rooms papered br gooa workstuiti. 9aVAsfra6t* 182 BROADWAY, N. Y No. 326 CRESTNETT Street 18,390 00 $142,M 77 41,930 00 - $1,019,479 32 . . $1,151,759 ISO 10,168 00 1,161,789 50 • 10,000 00 NEW PUBLICATIONS. vwv-, ITERNER'S PRIDE f, VERNEWS FitiD6l FEB &EN'S PRIM SECOWV EDITION NOW REfeDY. ,VERNER'S BY Mrs. HENRY WOOD. an , &l)r T h e" Earl's Hpirs_," "Ea.d Lynne," "*Channings," ystery," 'The Castle'slle,irs," "The "Runaway Match." " A Life's Secret," etc. It is aback that every body should read. for all are admiring and praising it, and it has already passed to a Second Miaow; which is Published this day, complete in two large octav aye' limes, of four hundred pages. Price Fifty Cents a volume paper cover. or One Dollar and Twenty-five CenteiWOlOth , it iapubtlshed and for sale by T. B. BETBICSON & BROTH Nit No. 306 CHESTNUT' :Street, Philadeiptia, is T el THE GREAT SUCCESSES ‘ ll •"'"W" PUBLISTAI ZIMSEASON: VICTOR IiTIGO'S LES MISERABIkIi. Catleton's edition of this- magnificent novel is the only complete unabridged tranNiation. (ialth thousand. y -AMONG TED, PINES_ That mare on: picture of life in the :calla daring Seces.ion times. 4:3-4th thou sand.) ARTEMPE WARD. The richest-book of fon oat, profusely ustrate.4. (l4th thousand. ) ----- THE OLD ISIERCH ANTS OF NEW FOLK. In cidents and sketches in the lives of ourmetehttnt priuces. (6th edition.} THE SUTHERLAND& The new novel bT the author of "Rutledge."' ElOth thousand. ) CLOISTER AND. THE HEARTH. Chas. 11.0.sal's` best novel. A masterpiece: (9th thousand.) IN PRESS MY. SOUTHERN FRIENDS:. A new work by the author of 'Among the Pines." ORPHEUS C. E.ERR PAPERS.. A second series of these . . humorous sketches. IttABIAN GIB'S% A capital new novel by the author of Lena Rivers. " • . BRULAII. A new edition of this superb novel. DRIFTING ABOUT. By Stephen C. Masselt (3eemes Pipes ) Comically illustrated. VINCEUZO. A new novel by the author of "Doctor Antonio." (From advance sheets.) "C ARLETON Publisher, .New York. jaM-thaf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Of every variety of • , ETA; STYLE, =AMY Y, AND PRICE TEE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE COT! CARTES DE ;VISITE in endless variety, together with an immense stock of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT THE - • OLD PRICES t A HANDSOME PRESENT Accompanies every Book soldi Lovers of Choice Goods, at Low Rates, fair Dealing; and Polite Attention, patronize the' GREAT ORIGINAL GIRT-BOOK . , AVID _OOPPEBFIE WI-HOUSE HOLT Edition is now ready. This is much the handsomest edition published of Dickens' works. printed on laid raper, with Darley's flea .steel-plate illastra-' Lions. English and American'style of binding. Gout- Piete sets, as far a.spablished, for saleat Agency Office ofAPPLETON'S _ New American Cyclopedia, jal9-3t 33 Sonth SIXTH, above Chestnut: Im 3 'THE—" BRITISH AND_ FO. * REIGN MEDICO-CRIRURGICAL REVIEW, erly Journal of Practical. Medicine and Sar ge • *"°• for January, 1E63. NDON.EDITION NOW READY. Terms 56 P - Vnura, payable strictly in advance. THE IsTITI*O LIST. Pablis" hed an.: nuauy, various siz • - MEDICAL ANTrirati-esripre BOOKS - Always on baud at low rript, , .. ` l . - ELLITISTON, 2 11 . 6 Tsa , dBooksellers, No. 25 Smit_ h SI _ move Chestnut. JUST RECEIVED - UP Wl s:RN , OF 12,(XX) rare and valuable PRINTS, cO-Apr,..-ino rare collection of Portraits of early American.,offr u l l i. ties; also a complete setof Portraits of the Officer o f Legion of Ronor, contaAning. over 100 . fine eng..ravl nf , 3 l, also views of celebrated Country Seats , and Cities merica, nftv years ago. Also, many flue from,the 01a Masters. • • We have also received a few choice copies (very fine impressions) of Heath's celebrated line Engraving from Stuart's Washington. All of which we are enabled to offer at very reduced prices, at • • F. GABBTLEWITZE GALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS, a9O-3t* • N 0.1305 CHESTNUT Street. • 'VALENTINES - : . .VALENTINES !- Now is the time for. dealers to get a supply of MAGEE'S new style VALENTINES, all entirely new. Send your orders to Headquarters. THOMAS MACES . Valentin', Manufacturer, Ja3173t... Cor. SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets. VALEN TINES —FISHER &• BRO.— our splendid assortment - of Valentines are offered to the trade on liberal terms. - lits, $lO, $l5, AgD $2O VALENTINE LOTS. Each lot a full retail assortment, FISHER & BROTHER. Ja2S3t*lf • 12 - North SIXTH Street H E RISEN • REDEEMER. - THE AL- GOSPEL HISTORY FROM THE • RESITRRECTION TO THE DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W. Ercunmacher, D. D. $L THE THOUGHTS OF GOD. By Rev. J. R. Macinfl. Itkno. .60 cents. A TEAR WITH ST. 'PATLI.- OR. FIFTY-TWO LES SONS FOR THE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR. By Chas. E. Knox. ist HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Girls. 40 cents. HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Boys 40 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTON, j&IS . No. 608 CHESTNUT Street. MIIBT TEE WAR GO' ON ?-AN QUIET whether the Union can be restored by any other means, and whether Peace upon any other basis safe or durable. By Henry Flanders. Pamph let Bvo. Price 15 cents. Published by • WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. jam .606 CIIESTNUT Street. • • • •A LECTURE' FOR YOUNG4tEN._. .."' L Just published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late'Dr. CULTERWML'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment, without medicine, is fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. . - ABOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal. in a plain envelope, to any addwast, post-paid, on receipt of aiz Genie, or two poetage stamps. Address the publinhere. CH. J. C. XLINE k CO., W 112.. —New_lo& .no4 ! ..onkif "' HO Post Office Eon WANTS. . . . ANTED , - , A.• SITUATION IN A T T Orain and Produce Commission House, by a Young Man with a fair knowledge of the business. Best of reference ghen.-. Salary no object. Address " Com mission, "Ibis office. ja.3l-2tl. WANTEWANTED -BY A PERSON OF D-BY business habits ' experience , and some capital, an interest in some established Mercantile or Manufacturing Business. Address "'Franklin,'" Press Office. ja3o-60 W -.--- ANTED A GOOD SALESMAN ti W in a Hat House. Address "Box 1.319,” Phila delphia Post Office, with name and reference. ja9ll2V A LADY COMPETENT TO TEACH 1- 1 --the ENGLISH Branches and MUSIC desires a Situa tion as GOVERNESS. . . ,Address 1d.." Press office. 3a27-tuths3t* CARPENTERS WILL FIND THEY eak get better Clottilkg,__at lower prlcei at OAK HALL, southeast. corner SIXTY' and MARKET'Streete. GASFITTERS, • T.AXE .N ()TIC E. - Clotbeyourselves nicely and. economically. at WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. Oak Ball, southeast corner SIXTII and MARKET Streeta.. • MACHIN] sTs, TAKE NOME; AND •L' ,l - consult your interests in purchasing your Clothing ac the good cheap place,. OAK HALL, corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. WANAMAKER & BROWN. p.LioR SAUTES 11910 . ABB. , "HAR D -8-P on the* clothes," can supply themselves with smod articles, and at reasonable prim . . at WANAMAKER BROWN'S; 'Oak Hall, S.E. corner SIXTH and MARKET CABINETMAKERS -OAN. SAVE MO= NET by getting their Clotting at WiNiIIIAKER &- MOWN'S, Oak Hall, .southt ast corner of SIXTH . and* 'MARKET. RHOEM.AKERS _WHO: W ANT THEIR. . k;) shoes to fit ought to:wear. good-fitting clothe s _, - get , them at thepopular OAK HALL, southeast corner SI - XTH., and .31.AlthET Streets. . RIC KM AKERS • BARN • Tau& B Money too hai4 to waste it.. See that you buy Yonr • Clothes where on can get. them cheapest .. Try WA NA ER & BROWN'S, oak Hall,southeast coraerSIXTIV and MARKET Streets. •• : • , ... • • • . • COOPERS • MAY .SATISFY" TREK SELVES that the chespeiti 'as well as the best,Rlatte to purchase Clothing- IdaLL,..coriter &MM., and MARKET Streets. ••• . • pAINTERS . VTLL "IND 01103 Has suited exactly to their wants, in style, fit, and Prices,. at Oak Hall, WANSAIAKER & BROWN'S,. corner of. SIXTH and MARKET Streets. P APER HANGERS WILL BE. SUBE to have plenty of vi ork if they are tastily dressed. This they can do at little eost at the famous OAHHA4.II.. S.'S. corner SIXTH and MARKET. WANAMAKER . .k BROWX:' PLUMBERS,_ ARE EIEREBY led that they can do better in bnyinie their cloth ing et 011 K BALL, S.- E. corner SIXTH and MARKET, thaii elsewhere: • . .WAN.9.SIAKEItJr:BROWN—. pittINTERS.SAY VERY DArTHAa' • the best place in ell the city to buy , good4 durable, and cheap clothingje WAN AIEAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, S. E. ceruerSlXTll and ALLItKET. ' ' TBADEEPABN;s . GENERAIZA; -WHO are not: odges of clothing can buy just as cheap! IA-thoogb t h ey' were all Cloth Merehluits t ! , at 0 . • WALL; cor..B!:=ll,4lkd MARKET Strew,. U • • ' WANAMAKERA BROWN. de STORE WANTED.—WANTED.TO, JON-ELENT, between. now-arid• the Ist April..s Store On. CHESTNUT. Street, between Seventh sad Twelfth. Ad-. drew''"•D: W:;" Press Office: itt3o-Sts- • WANTED TO' 1 5 1J.RCHASE.-A; moderate sized three-storyßrick..HPUSE, in a.cen lial location. Mus t bavettle the modern improvements, Address "House,' , at passtating.priee,, arid location. • . • • . ter Mt- WANTED TO . RENT, FROM TSB Ega ilist of'APril 'next moderate-sized three-story BRICK DWELLISIG R OSE, in a "central locality- It must bitve*: , modern improvements. Address. Rent.' . this office, stating looaltty and price. jalf-tt sia W cal S T EILIE BA.R.GE,— WautP.d tOPorchitse, e, xmaII'PROPEL LEIt WI lAM BARGE, iron preferred. 7d to 90. tons, or lese. - .end'uot dntring over five feet of water. Address. . funparticsilers.." James;'.' Press Office. *- 'EDE! SALE AND, T.Q.. LET. VOlt.fgALE--vciiiilfAßLE. STORE JraiPROPERTY„No. 27:?7orth THIRD. Street.' .I*4 leg by SO. Aso, a brictit-sheet; reasidemcp, .N.D. 95 /forth H Street, below Poplar %three stories,. with two story double back bitildi4s. Mt the convortieucet. lot IS by 90., APPIT'W. •No. 409 WALNUTS treet. - . ••• • FOR , SALE- . -AN ELE.GAINT maIMO DERN 'RESIDENCE, aorniantown.„nia'GßEEN Street: abaci, Chelton avenue. ' }louse. ingOotrorder. with all 'the Modern. convenience: also, a new . fitable and Coach Holm attached. -Vol- to.CHIAS: RHOADS. Conyarancer,. tin. , *36 WALNUT . Sts.,,Ph4ade,., Cht.ll-60 OSBOB,NE'S HILL FARM THE Subscriber offeraskpublicfrale, 011. SATURDAY. Fe bruary...M.,. MM. his well-known; farm. OSBORNE'S RILL, situate in. the , township of Birmingham. county of Chtlar, abont 2gmilas south aired Chester: bonus?, ed by lands of Avon Sharpies% Joseph R. Osboine; and others.. This. farm 'contains about S 3 acres, is in a good state of ouitivation„ and is well watered.' .. The improvements consist-of' a two-storied storm man 'seta) porch in limit and back large double -deceard burn, with straw •house and sheading.aronnd'Ase barn. . farm is in a beautiful neighborhood cind,is.. well worthy the attention of PhiLsielphians. 'Vila sale will be positive,. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock pa said day, when conditions will be made known by • in29.-tbni6t• WILLIAM. P. 'OSBORNE. TO LET ON GROUND RENT—SEVE raI eligible BUILDING .LOTS,- 4 situated between Thirty-second and Thirty-fourth street", and Powel ton and lancet/ter avenues. Advances will be made to re sponsible parties tNn 3 Fir k ria..9o4itiwSt.* - .104 WALNUT Si reel. • BOAIRDIENG. ' • A SECOND:STORY FRONT ROOM-IS to be vacated tlia:di i t at No. 415 South TkENTLI, Scree „ Also, oge ule room; • Ja27-7ts EMPORIUM, 439. CHESTNIITStreat.i AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN . ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GE R rvr AN OPERA. GRAM) GALS NIGHT, En Aid of title' CITCSMAT' VOLUNTEEff, Comer of WA.911174:11'0N Arentie ay.+ ELVID meta, (SATURDAI) E1 7 ,EtiLisiG, J'a=itty:3ist CZAR AND eIti3TE,NTER, GRAND COMIC OPERA, 1N THREE ACTS; Ifl A. roarti Peter the Great, Czar of. Ru.ssia....:HEßß HARTMANN Ivanow, Carpenter • HERR QUINT' Van Reit, .Burgomaster of Gardam- HERR GRAFF' Marie his Niece - : • MADAME ROTTBR Mrs. Brown • MAD ' AXE SCH AGM BERO Cbateauneuf, -French Amhareador - HERR LOWY Lord Lyn dham,English Ambassador-HERR WEINUOTI Admiral Lefort, Russian Ambassador..' HERR BEFIRINGRIV Doors open at 7 o'clock. Ctper.s commences ata: PRICES OF ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. Seats reserved without extra charge. Family Circle - 50 cents: Amphitheatre - • " - ' 25 cents Seats can be secured AT ONCE at the Acwiemy..of Music. and Gould's Music_Store, -corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. _ AMERICAN AOADETSIY OF MUSIC'. EDWARD PAYSON WESTON" MANAO-ER. ORPHEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S' SECOND GRAN D' CONCERT; TUESDAY EVENIN4, - , February Id, 1861. Full 'Military - Band and Grand Orchestra; comprising^ FORTY of the best Musicians, under the direction:oC CARL SENT'S - CONDUCTOR' Assisted by - MISS JOSEPHINE O'CONNELL, A Native of Philadelphia. A limited noulbet of SUBSCRIBERS' TICKETS wily be sold at ONE-DOLLAR each, admitting one person-toe the three Concerts, and one extra ticket will be given -for the next Concert. Those desiring to become Subscribers will please leave their address, ether at Gould's Moab? . Store, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; the liarndervEx Press Office. 607 UHESTNUT Street, or send their names' to Box 1194 Philadelphia Post Office. ja:1)-3t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC JAMES E. AIURDOC.4 WILL /YR A It B it I N (I; MMCMI POETRY AND PATRIOTISM, , . , THE SICK AN]) WOUNDED SOLDIERS - AND THEIR FAMILIES, On !IHIIEISDAY EVENING' Folittiary b, ISt3 A SHORT. PREFACE, stating.thiobiect of the Read ing,,.will be. delivered by Bfr.i MURDOCH: and each. selection will be introduced by brief .redections Raien , the ant) or and hif subject, together with charactertstic anecdotes of the war. PROGRAMITE Poetry and Patriotism - Anonymous — The Fight at the Ford, or the Battle of . Brandywine -a. B. Read,' The American Flag... ... . ...... Drelro On Board the Cumberland - Geo. IL Soiree' The Sleeping Sentinel Anonymous' The Oath i B. Read 'Marco Bocarris - Fitz Greene Ilallec.k • Count Candespina's Standard-bearer -Geo. la: Bolter' Peroration of Robert Hall'F great Ser• inon on the Threate nof England by Prance, in,the time of the First Napoleon. Our Defenders, (a War Lyrl67. • Tickets 25 c nts. > To be had at all the Hospitals, Soldiers' Reading Rooms, and Volunteer Refreshment Saloons. Also, at J. E. Gould's Mnsic Store,- SEVENTH and CHESTIVUT;Vhere aecured seats may be had hy paying 25 cents additional, and at the Academy on Me day and evening of Reading. ja3o-fswth4t W CHEST/NUT-STREET TH. Lessee ailkN, Smatter • ' Mr. W.% WHEATLEY: or Nitdo's Garden, Hew Tors.) S.k - TURT) Evsmo; .January SI,. 1563, SEC AffiLlarzcs OF • • • • • •• •• • M R. , . 13:1 15:•E :T. T . ,- •• • - • Who will, or this occasion;:ike /i.k.Cadmikable per formance of FAL • STAFF OTITWITTgD BY WOicEN, In Shaksneare's great ComedY, TILE HERAT WIVES OF WIHDSOR, • For the Ent time In this Theatre. He will be supported by Messrs.. L. B. Stamen, J. Op noll. G. Becks. 3. Martin. Holmes. Taylor, German. J. W. Collier, C. Kingsland, Hess, Cerise& Matthew, Master Fisher, Miss Mary Wells, Miss J.: Henry.-pnd Madame Ponisi and Mrs. J H. Allen as the Merry Wives_ Orchestral Conductor Mr. MARK .Etessidia.. ON : MONDAY NEXT, . •TAE FIRST TIME, Bulwer's Powerful PIA, - of RICHELIEU, With entirely new Scenery, as well as Nkc Dresses and APpointruents, in which EDWIN FORREST. , Will sustain his greet character of the CARDINAL DUBE. • PRICES OF ADMISSION Family Circle , 25 cants• Dress Circle ' 50 cents- Parquet and Secured Seats in Dress Circle ......1E cants.. - Seats in Priiate Boxes, each Si Doors open at a. Cur rises at 7g. " 0 -sx. Office f- SleketiMiyitiProCured at the Box 0 ii . ce from 9 A. id till 5P.. M. for. the whole of the Present week. RS. 'JOAN DREW'S. ARCH-STR.EET M Taitims. . . Thinness Agent and Treasurer SOS. DIRIRPHY.' TRIUMPH UPON TRIUMPH. • HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY NIGHTLY. FOURTH 'WEEK. • FOURTH. WEEK. OF. MR. AND MISS CAROLINE RICHING& TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY .fat.. 31, ISH, . Twelfth and Last 'Pike; THE ENCHANTRESS. Stella. the Enchantress liamir, the Pirate Chief Per fall particulars. see Bills. MONDAY, SATA NELL A. alir Prices as usuaL • Seats secured Mx days in advance. WALNIISSTREET THEATRE.— Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GASERTTSON.- 13nalneiss Agent Itr. JOHN T. toroursuar. • • •,Ti.sliT NIGHT OF R. 'l. Ilibe — IV toarde presentee Scli THE .ItOMBERS. Charles De-Moor Mr. J. B. .:Roberts Roller Mr. J. S. •Wfight - Francis . . Mr. B.:I - wing : Amelia Mrs. Anna Cowell To conclude with'the Irish - Drama of ROBERT EMMETT. Robert Emmett ...:]tr. E. L. Tilton.. Marla -Nits Johnson Doors open at 7 .I:Curtain will ASO all X- CONCERT ItAtie-L ARGE -S&- v LOON.—CHESTNIIT Si. above Twelfth."- ROBERT • ELLER. THIS AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WYEL NEW MIRACLES. PROGRESSIVE PHASES OF SECOND SIGHT, And abrilliant PIANO-FORTE. MELANGE - 'Admission. DI cents. First Illusion at 8 o'clock. A Grand Matinee on SATURDAY, at SP. M. Admission for (I lid ren, IS cents. RS. BEECH'S 'QUADRILLE PAP,. _ • TT will take Lace TEITMSDAY, February sth, at her Room, S. E. Goner of BROAD and !WRING" GARDEN Streets. • Days of Tuition, TUESDAY AIUTMUItSDA.Y,• at. 3 - P. M. • • ' ia`34-3tt A.SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. :---GLORI OUS SUCCESS OF WOODROI FE'S BOHEMIAN) TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY. EVENING. AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ASTER NOONS.—At each Entertainment, the. celebrated low-- pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR will be in full • operation. A Valuable Collection will be distributed Every Evening at 9 o'clock, and on Wednesday . and Sa hirday Afternoons at 4 o'clock. On FRIDAY. livening., Jannary.SOtb, a Spleni id Case of Work will be•given the author of the bast Conundrnm on the Glass Steam En . e.asi 'First Present, each evening. a Splendid Case of WWork. Admlssion,l6 cents. No half price. POSITIVELY -THE LAST WEEK OF -Az - CAPTAIN WYMAN'S' GREAT WELLING VOY AGE, AT LEC'PERB ROOM OF CONCERT HALL, Tickets 25 cents, or five for *L . . - • : REISIEMBKR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. RCM' A SSEMBLY BM:MpT(4B—TENM. /aiD CHESTNUT. - AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG• SIGNOR BLITZ. The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. will give his new.,and: popular Entertainments EVERY )EVENING daring the Week, commencing at '7% o'clock ; and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions wilt be marvellous: experiments in Magic; wonderful powers. in. Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds in their - new characters. Admission Si cents.. Children Deents_ (-4ERMA_NIA. ORCHESTRA. PUB fic REHEARSALS every SATURDAY NOON at 3X o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL.. 'Carl Santa, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages 8 of , tlckets,t2l—to be had of Andre & 1104 Cht - stnnt, street.; J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and atdhat hall door. ' non,tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRAL -214 South 81GHT 1 137.. belonraintit. - - 'ACADEMY OR TEE PINE ARTS, • 10 6 CHESTNET STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 5k P. M. Admission monis. Children half price. Shares Of stock. $3O. RA_LE OF RAILROAD, &—. . c.YII TIIE.of authority contained in thc alartgage.ot the . Pittsburg and East Liberty Passenger' ilailirte Com pany, r HI expose 'at PUBLIC SUMS, to the highest:and best bidder, the Railway of said Corupany lying be tween. Ferry street, in the city of Pitts,burg, and Emit. Liberty, with that part of said Railway extending to Minerstille, together with the Cars, Horses, .11arnesli,.. Tools, Office Furniture, including Safes, &c., together. with, the corporate franchise, anti all tither prop&ry, real or personal, covered by said Atortrage, at tht9ffige. • of said Company, No. 51 FOClRTELbtieet;Fittsbusg.. cui the SECOND DAY OF MARCH v at teclock AIX; • • -- ` . TERMS—Cash, par fluids. ja3l-slit Wy.a. DlENNY,%Traagee- • -PER'S SARSA.PARILTAA.M.4,OOK. -Lb centrated extract of Para Samaparilla, so corebined: with other substances of still greater alterative power. as to afford an effective antidote for diseases Sarsaparilla s is reputed to cure.. Such &remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from &rumpus coMPlainta, aUdj.hati onewhich will accomplish their cure mast prove of Im mense service to this large class of oar afflicted fellow ' , citizens. How - completely. this comppuird Will do it has, been proven by experiment 'On many of the worst cases to be found in the following com_plaints : (I SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS ONPL.AINTS, ERlypTioNa t AND ERUPTIVE INSEAM, ULCERS; PPIFPLRS, BIrOTOFIRS.. TUMORS, SALT EIYEITX, -- SCA.L.D. Haan,SYPEELIS SI, mum° ApPEcTiona, BlEacvarai. DISEA§E,Spur NEURALGIA OR TIC DOLOREITX IL BYSPF!:3I4 AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, *Oa 08. 'ST. .B..TTGASPIS' EIRE. and indeed the whole class of complaints arising. from ImPurtirr oP THE BLOOD. This compound will be found, a. great promo:gm, of , health when token in the spring.. to expel the:feul hut: morn which fester in the blood c. 4 that sea,son. of Alsaypar. By the timel4 expulsion. of thca, magi ranklitti 080 r. tiers are 'timed in the bud. *altitudes can; by. the aid. of this rerne.., spare themaellos from the er.dttrance.oft foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through witch . the. system wig strive to rid itseW , of , cortuptiore- if not as. elated to do this through _Skit natural chigults of tho body bg an alterativa,mosicine. Oleanspont. be vine• ted blood whenever yon Ant its. ImpnAltias_ bursting throteah the skin inpimp?as, eruptions, cost/Tee: lesslso it when you find it is c.,..wetructed and• sluggish in. the veiny; cleanse it whenezer It is foul, and.Yionr feelings wile tell you when. Inen where no =.rticalar disosftr is 3elt., people enjoy tater health, a. - .ld live tenger, for cleansing the blood. Xrep the bloodrheaithy; and all to well: but with the ahadum. of life.iAsopiered, there owe be no lasting htnlith. Sooner or Lahrr something inust go Wrong, and the post machinery-pit• life is disordered or overthrown. . • During late y . glit'thaptiblic hive }teen nlisl . extba , large bottles, pretending to give a •queA of. Extmeet of'Sarsa. paring for one. ar. Most of have been frauds upon the sielt e Los they not ora - 4COntain if 1341 Y. BarssparWa. sat often no sire properticei whatever. Hence, bitter aka painful di4ppointineat has followed • the use of the canons exitracts of• Socsoparilla which flood the market, until the same itself is justly despised, and has become synonymenz with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as sball rescue the name from the load of obloquy which v.% ts upon It. And we think we have g round for be li eving it has virtues which are irre sistibre by the ordinary run of the diseases it le intended to cure. Prepared by Da. J. C. AITA . .9 , CO., Lowell. Massa chusetts. Price $1 per bottle; bi g Bottles in one pact age, $5. - Sold by J. - M. MARIS & CO., at wholesale, and b 7 PRRDERICK BROWN. dele-wfra2ee LOST -A CERTIFICATE OF THE 5 +- 4 per cent. Ihiladelphis. county Loan, nuclei an act of 'Assembly dated the 10th day. of April, IRI4, for Eighty_ seven Dollars, payable to Richard Teadoin, exeentor of Francis KToeson, deceased, or his beim or assigns. The finder will be rewarded by returning it to • 13ENJAX1N H. TlRlXitit. de*.t am* 159: 104 DANA &met. T. B. - Rea 4 31Cis C. 'Etchings • .Mr. Peter Riabingrgs dell). tka
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers