CITY ITEMS. C PITAL CARD PICTURES OF GENER 4L F. Gutekunst, the celebrated photographer of this city, Nos. '704 and '7043 Arch street, has found it next to impossible to meet the drinand for the excellent caries de visite recently made 1„ ) him of General : George B. McClellan. The !Witty of these pictures to life is singularly striking, t og the only ones ever made, from life, in Philadel „hip, The beautiful vignette of the General Is a ' per f e ct gem, although the greatest demand is for the /gird containing the General and his lady in the same pic ture. We are authorized to state, also, that the fifesize crayon pictures of this popular officer will or ready at Mr. Gutekunst's gallery in a few days. TILE LATE FRESHET IN TIIS LEHIGH, which did considerable damage In the vicinity of 31aurli Chunk, and to some extent injured the La. h igh Valley railroad, has caused a good deal of fear with some people that it would tend to advance the price of Coal. We are happy to be able to state, however, this morning, that such fears are ground leis, so far as it relates to the supply of Coal at the popular yard of Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth street, ocve Poplar. Par, Alter is supplying the public with the best Coal at the lowest prices, and will continue so to do. TEAS AND COFFEES AT REASONABLE paies.-111r. O. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family °weerles, Arch and Tenth streets, and one of the lope importers of the best Teas and Coffees in this market, has a large supply of these indispensa ble beverages constantly on hand, and is consequent ly enabled to Bell them lower than those who buy in !calier quantities, who have to pay the advance constantly as it occurs. For fine Groceries of every dtscriptlon this house offers extraordinary induce pleats to consumers. FINE FANCY FURS POll LADIES are now Ming sold at Charles Oakford & Son's, No. 834 and 316 Chestnut street, under the Continental Hotel, s t wilily reduced prices, and the same is true of their (tent's Furnishing Goods, and everything else in their several departments. In Hats and Caps their stock deserves attention as be:ng unequalled bti auy other in the city, both in styles and variety of riterns , • A l MODEL PHOTOGRAPHIC BSTAItLTSn r,,,:'I•,—The ground-floor Photographic Gallery of )Ir, Nipple, No. MO Arch street, is a model of con venience, neatness, order, and taste in the elem.. lion of pictures. All who apply to him for pictures receive them promptly, and in the highest style of the art, at moderate cost, Suwon, BLITZ gives his usual afternoon oral evening exhibitions to-day, at the Assembly Building, commencing at 3 and 7ji o'clock. The at tactions will be novel and numerous, including the ('Weary Birds and Bobby. • Tot net proceeds of .the Fair held at NO. North Third street, Philadelphia, during Christ. no week, for the benefit of the Mob and wounded soldiers, amounted to the snug sum of awe. LACE AND JACQUARD CURTAINS from $5 to $5O a widow, Kasonie Hall, 719 Chestnut street, W. H. OARRYL. ANY FORM OF CHRONIC DISEASES Sue. cessfully treated for the past six years hi Now York b) Dr. wolf, a French physician, Sa2 Broadway, New York. Those afflicted with any kind of Chronic DAM'S should read Dr. Wolf's essay on the sub. lest, to be hs. gratis, Sent by mail. Dr. Wolf may it consulted personally or by letter. Worst oases of ail affections of the nervous system have been radi cally cured, suoh as Itheumatism, Neuralgia, Epi lepsy, At., Sco., ac, jale.lot 1111iDOW SUADES, all sizes, colors, and Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut street. lalMf W. H. OARRYL. Vic Toll Iluao's CHARITY CHILDREN.— Victor Hugo is pursuing a system of practical cha rity. of which he writes as follows : "Every week the mothers of these poor children do me the honor to bring them to dine at my house. At first I had Mt of them, :then fifteen ; now I have twenty. Wee. All these children dine together—English, Pesch, Irish, Catholics Protestants—all are min ;!N together, without distinction of religion or na tion. I invite them that they may be happy and merry. I say to theni, cße free.' " Some of these children are very sweet and beautiful., They would le store sweet and beautiful were they all dressed ghat Is, the boys) in garments from the One-Price • clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, No.' 64 64 Chestnut streqt, Philadelphia. 3[OqIJETTE, 80 inches wide, 719 Chestnut street, Masonic Hall. J 4 14.91 W. H. UARRYL. TiIOSE INTERCEPTED DESPATCHES.- I'i;clv Sam has intercepted a lot of despatches from tie Ink.' Government, to their emissaries abroad. r.ry contain queer disclosures as to the wants and ;mottles of Secessio, and the straits to which Se- (ith Is reduced to supply them. Secretary of State fojamin, in a' letter to Agent Slidell, at Paris, redo in heartobroken terms of the scarcity of cloth- In the revolted States, and in a private note to int distinguished traitor, he reminds the latter of Ite glorious days gone by, when all men could go tfet} - to the North for.stippliee, and procure for lr , niselves elegant, comfortable, and serviceable _,lts at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above \lll, "BOY 1 ." (RUSHING ur VIE STREET, Shouting like a greased mechanic), "Tell me, is it well and quiet All along the Rappahannockllo lie stopped hie ahouts, held out his hand, And, looking up with grin-satanic, "'Era's an extra that will-tell you All about the Rappahannock." I !ought the sheet, and o'er its form No news I gleaned to stop the panic, Sat that Stokes & Co., )neath the Continental, Are selling clothes that must content all Ateoine or on the Rappahannock. . FAMILY SEWING IVIACIIINES.-50 \nth Fifth street. G. B. Jones & Co., Agents. IT-et To CABINET MAKERS. Green Plush, welce pieces, just received, to sell front $2.25 to 3175 per yard, Masonic Hall, 119 Chestnut street. W. H. /DARRYL. GgORGE Steak's Inimitable Piano Fortes, J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut. Ustb-thettm ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental Hotel— L f t,xton. Chicago 1-1 Port Royal I .i i li Wallace, P Royal. ••- • W Wein*, ciumnuaa :.r-lwwrouee, New York :••• L Ilowsrd, Dartford XT Glucintiatt i'W (late , A: lit, Chicago • Nadu-Mud & wf,Towanda L Ward, Towanda 51rVt;i1411, West Cheater :lnlntile, Elkton, Did Baler, Po tad . Walker S wf, Indiana Illyeester, Boston 11 dims, Pittsiinrg • W Hero, Pittsburg Frilleadon St Louie 1. • latle iii,'Cincinnatl and Cleveland kraal C & In ogglii, N ewY , N York •• /IL Cooper, New York Sitnn New York • Subblus 4aMorris, Chester co New York It Ilernhill, Harrisburg I .' , S 2 thernierhoru, N York ' ... seherinorhorn, NYoKlt A arliermerhorn, N York( tauutars, New York "'arm Brock, New York rVas Yorhis,New York "'"vcY, New York It• It brown, Newark 31 Iliester, Penn& 1 Livingston, New York .I"att, New York strea..oti, Boston Perkin., Boston Arni.t rot' Penna New Jersey w Cooke, .Ir, New Jer s e y It Xer,bi l w, New York 1 1 Hitter, New 'York Rllrllllth P S N &snit, Fall River Boston /Barker wf, N York Boston ea ; _ stir, EiNt Hampton 4- Cater, ilititiinoro %sham, ll'im loll Aytes, Connecticut Celeord, Boston graves, Albany C Thomas, Boston t•Lier irhlPr r ounright. New York . !Yhavoge, Itahwax, N e abordson. New York Itkiswn & la, Boston A Faller.llassachnsetts at Staab & wf, N Y 4 1. weld, New York " S 'tig ;ail htHartfo rd N Y , 14 `'HileY. NOW:York itsrd Rouse—Cite' Pittsburg • ' 1 4 , , friaryluta ll MK:afire, ~,kt•ri Bosto n , t ,ottett.. Tennessee , Norwich W Johnson, Norwich 1 r4... Norwich 4 -1, Norwich 4 & In, Ohio ohto 4.iiietin nect lent ' ls, New Jersey a so. New t?ll l ati L tiew Jersey. "r•at Aew Jersey O t 'kßßradford, IJ ntdrot 0 , dJr a 1 enno tand i r Orr, Cannel:Meat i rou, Bellefonte, Pa 3 ik le l Penns b ithrnr, 1 enna r t ati, :New Jersey 'bike, New Jentey I. Tit. Washington I.)* a: la, New York ma. ut, New Jersey it " . t hants'—Fourtb 2..tatwt, Maryland hr.ler, Blair co, Pa ' lirterr, Bethlehem r E VI Locke LeNrishUrg i.wisburg !g'iltod, Marriott(' hgliPrialit, Penn - fir,(latid, v enni , 4 ' :e' l l t ta,, New York ; b. l2sf.n, Wayne co N vor n Rey, Ohto rAston A4,". l th, Baltimore mitnon, Conn 1,147,. , 13, Ohio d,ee.,Whoeling. Va mci nnitt i & la, Newport, " 4,, Montreal • • ittt. Plttaton Pa Brldes)mrß • • & WI , Easton "'.N York wf,• n J •;., •••• 1 1. &dem, 3J r • W Port, 3fiton 5-tr Jena .1 1t I. ernon—Seco Poona •••(..'• Nou' York Maryland Inth and Chestnut. Miss Mary Scott,..New York C H Scott, New '1 ork S Denthner, New Mexico Miss 130110111er, Now York L Heap, Washington, D C Mrs Looser & dn. Pottsville John T Look &Nil, N Y Miss Condert, Now York Ceo W Taylor, New York Edw T Morris, Baltimore Miss Morris, Baltimore Mrs Lorenz, - Lebanon I ' H Adams, Boston. B F Farmer, oston C C Holbrook, Boston L M Stoughton, Mew York A M Bradshaw & la, N Y \V H Rocktellow„ N York W B Haselti no, St Louis I A D Bel look, Fall River At Robertson, Fall River C Holmes, Fall River, Maas 3 9 R Hodges, Fall River Seth Bryant, Boston H L Maury, New York W L Unary, New York N Hooper, Boston 8 Van Wlckle, N BrunstyPk. AT Stout, New Brunswick Mrs A %V Prick, Penns, H Burr, Boston W E Everett & la, New York A W Cooke New Jersey .1 8 Cooke, kow Jersey F Bickel*, Freohold,X J J U Sickols, Freehold, N J Jas Stoke's; Freehold, X J A N Foster, New Yurk B S Felt, Now York A Horton Boston C C Want,New York W E Rivl, New York J P Thompson, Boston I W S Citlliertso 0, NewA I bany Chas \V Copeland, N York C Drenthe'', New York A J Emmons& In, Mass N Pindly, Now York 11 1) Hooch; U S A Mrs Austin, Portland Copt Lot & la, Wash, D C Julio C Gehring, Bait .1 N Lightner, Baltimore J N Bradley, Now York W C Morey, Boston I}larrlson Loring. Becton W P 'tutting, Nnw York den Day, New York W S'Patten &la, Nor Win Stuart & wf; N York 1.1 Thompson & la, N York MCoryell ,k la; New York A W Porter, iliessaehnsetts Capt Hnson Now York Arnold Goodwin, New York J L Brace, Boston W Robinson, Mass L Belroze Joe L Richards, Boston J C Plume, New York E 1' Ross, Auburn, N Y tnut g below Ninth. A L Mellen & iv& Wash,DC I) Connell, Penne 0 Timelier, New York 0 Bennet, New York 0 W Rector, Lockport R Borger, New Jersey Limn C W Melds, Penn% .1 W Niolds, W Chester .1 11 Do in berger, larrlstnul F Field, Williamsport A .1 Fostor, Erie, Pa R Hitch, Portland, N Y Rohl Reiter, Now York Judge Donaldon, Pottorille Cfl 3forrill. MD, N Rayon C M Saxton, Ontnue, N J W McGonegal & wt, Phila 3f r Manhattan, Philadelphia W M LntWheri Ohio TeN ilebron, Ohio II L Stewart, New York O W It , tirore, Connecticut Solent Patibus, New York W Blanchard, New York Chas Williams, Conuectionit Williams, Connecticut A Stephens, \Vivi'', D C Jas Scott, M Chunk street, below Arch. W II lowan, Easton I A -Eyster, Chatubersbor L Boardroom, Connecticut J N'Ooff. Connecticut H L Boor, Somerset, Pa W DI Bortrotri, Penna Henry Merford. Now York E Porks, Clearfield cC D I Mann. Penn 8 Strickland, Reading Nathan Worley, Pouna 8 0 Tognu. Indiana - 'Miss L Lorinn, Indiana . MISP4 L B Loring 'Florida I Buchanaa, St Louts , , J Wonnan, Now Jersey P Woman. Penns. Philip F Fuller. Peon AIY Pratt A McCre, M C a, MChunkhuok N I) Cortright,M Chu olc Islakeelor & lo,Pouil Julio Torliuße, Now York M Swndariou, New York Patrick Howe, A4hland, P It 3) Crowfor.l, Mlffilutclwa K L Blood, Perm d street, above Arob John 'Dawson, Maryland Win T Jowls. 'rennwee .I.obliison,NOW York . 1 E LnrreY• Baltimore J T kleadon, Newark, N IllAinericazt—O t hestnut B M 4‘endry, Wash'n. D C Cart E 8 Ulman,tiow Jersey E Ladd, Providence, It '1 W Roopper & la, Bethlehem B E Lehman Bethlehem John B Sue. Detroit • A T Sehropp, Bethlehem P If Fithian, Bridgeton J R Whitaker, Maryland A Dale, Mercer co, l'a Cat W E Bryan, N.Jersey. C Bond, Newtown, Pa • 11 Diirycl, D Somerset SSi ver, elaware • Cent Royer, US A A J Marsh M Danterbiteli, N Y J H SOYITIOUri• Hagerstown Jos McArdel, New York Mrs Evans at 2 eh n , Trenton I W EhILW, Lock /111 YOU B F Carter, New Jersey 1 St. Louis Hotel—Clkm Quillnlan, Norristown At T Grossman, Norristown Win II Itonlnan.-Maryland 0 F Hotchkiss, Washington E Reynolds, Washington B Richmond, N Jersey F W Baron, Now York B F Hawley, 13uiralo Mrs W P Canbw, Prow, R I Miss Jackson, Prow, R Miss Howard, Prow. It I Cot .1 Martin, Jr, N Jersey The Unlon—Arch A K Denteler, Lancaster W H Gardner, Ohto Je.qsn Lane Wil in, Del R Ratelift Tamaqua Oco Spurrier,'Lancaster C Gart, Lancasstor J C Bucher, Miffiinsirarg A Mar. Lancaster co Bins D - Gross, Harrisburg States Union—Sixth M . ,Nulp, Patterson, Pa W Kulp r ratterson Pa F ilyle , Blair 00 D N ROW, Lancaster co Miss A E M Taylor, Pa Miss Lizzie Andress, Pa Andrew Walker, N J L(43, N W W Warner, Baltimore W Spotlit, Baltimore C Jones, Pa National—Race et W W Myers, Scranton L Tamaqua • Jacob Fah enstock,Tamaqua Col T T Worth & ly, Pa J Ferguson, Halifax, Pa Bev IQ B 'Bressler, Halifax J Wright, Pottsville S j Miller, Allentown W C Johns, Sullivan co, Pa SP Bliss, Allentown W L Scharf Womoledorf P - W Kintner St wf, Pa. Madison House.-Seco John Fisher, Bucks co, Pa John H Broadhead, Mulford F Taylor, Pa 'Peter lkfartin, Delaware C C Stockley. Delaware W l( Wheatley. Delaware Beni 841)11(.1[1:J11d John S Parry, Pa • \V Bond, Baltimore Cleo Middletown, N J Commercial notel—S A Pomeroy, New York J E Oldham, Elkton, Md C Powlor, ?Tow York W Wollerton, W Chester. E R Plankington, Cheisterco J P Seeley, New York Barley Sheaf- - -Secon 'l' Pink°, Carvoreville, Pa B J Burton, Ponna Lt B Walton, Falmouth, Va J Rogers, New Jersey O Vaneant. Penna. .1 Walton, Lumberrillo W Barnsley. Newtown J Bne.kman, Pembia,.D T B Buckman, Newtown SEI Bucks co J lI Worstall. Lumberville E Mires, Davisville (1 H Hallowell, Penne, • H Fmith, Panne J Wildman, Newtown Black Bear—Third atr. Briner & la, Norristown (3 Krainer, Dauphin co B Holfriok, Long Swamp H Haas, atercer co G 11Colliflovver, Peuna T J Sniple, Penne. F C Bets, Reading G 11 Levan, Reading C Harper, Jenkintown W Berner, Pennsburg 0 Shutt, Doylestown J S Cornell,Feasterville D Y Urffer, Ponnsbarg D Brendle, Bethlehem Paul Wald, Allentown Bald Eagle—Third s E Camp, Lehigh co, Pa J F Weida, Lehigh co, Pa 3 C Huber, Allentown Y. Erdman, Peuna T Oberley, Peuna A Eisenbard, Lehigh co, Pa SPECIAT NOTICES. CHOOSING A PROFESSION. ET THE HARD OF TOWER HALE " Oh ! what shall I be?" Said Ichabod White; (Quite a genius was he, And his mother's delight.) "Shall I be a physician?" Young Ichabod said, "Or a keeu politician, With less heart than head? " Or a lawyer, devoted To rather dry reading ? Or a parson, black-coated, Yolks heave*leadiug ? Oranew sprtpe 'ter, 1110,i'"Pulting not slOw ? ishall I turn fighter, - And to battle-golds go ? " I am still undecided How to choose a vocation. But I'll be well provided, (Whatever my station.) With a suit of good clothing From BENNETT'S Bazaar; Then certainly nothing 0 My fortunes can mar." The largest assortment of Ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia on hand, and selling below market rates. TOWER II ALL, No. 518 BURNET Street. It . BENNETT & CO. Do YOU . EXPECTORATE BLOOD ? Have you a Cough ? Have you Sore Throat? Have you Croup or Hives ? Have you Bronchitis? . Have you Consumption? Have yon Asthma? Have you pains in your Breast or Skles? . Have you Whooping Cough? Have yen Pleurisy Pains? Have you any Petitionary Affection? If so, ycu will and JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT an ef fectual and an entailing remedy for all Pulmonary Dis eases. Prepared only at 242 CHESTNUT Street, and sold by Agents everywhere. la2l-21 • DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITT2RS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They axe an antidote to change of water and diet... They overcome effects of dissipation and late howl. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They preventmlasmatlc and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Dtarrho3ha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbria. They care Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cele• Prated Calieaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug. gists, Hotels, and Saloons. P: H. DRAKE 11 CO., 2058 BROADWAY. New York. se24Bna ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE IMES, 6TYLEB, made in the Best Manner. expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pi rates. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfaotor7. Our Oga-Pnica &VEX is strictly adhered to. All aro thereby treated alike. deals , JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE 1' THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nattiro; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, itc. ier The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHN LOR. on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. Si BARCLAY Street. (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street.) m39l±-1y New York. XVIII.MUtiEIp. SELLBRS—BUNTING.—On the 13th inst., by Friends' ceremony, at the rerttlence of Samuel Bunting, in the Presence of the Mayor, Joseph J. Sellers to Mary B. Bunting, both of Delaware county. Pa. STINSON—LAIRD.—On Tuesday, January the Rev. Joseph T. Cooper, Thomas Stinson, E.sq., to Sarah J. Laird, both of this city. • CONARROR—HAMM.—On the evening of thel9th inst., by the Rev. Joseph A. Selec, D. D., John L. Conarroe to Miss Maggie, daughter of John D. Hamm, all of Phila delphia. N R —No cards sent. DICRERSCN—POWILL.—By the Rev. P. Coombe, Jar nuaryl9, Mr. Alfr2d Dickerson and Miss Lizzie J. Powell, both of this city._ • SHAW—TROUT.—On the 15th inst., by the Rev. S. W. Thomas, Mr. Wm. R. Shaw, of Lower Merlon, Mont gomery county, to Miss Mary, youngest daughter ofsfr. John Trout, formerly of Limerick, Montgomery Co. • 7Z O .EM7 J. JONES.—Yesterday morning, 20th inst., of scarlet re vet'. Su his 6th year, John C., son of Joseph L. and Eliza beth C. Jones. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, on Sixth-day morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, 6-11 North Eighth street. ALBRICIIT.—On the 90th inst , 'Henry W. Albright, aged 7 months, son of Theodore and Anna Dubosq At bright. BUNTING.—On the 30th hut. Anna G. Bunting. Her friends and those of the family are relpecanii9 In vited to attend her funeral. on Fifth-day afternoon the 22d. at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her brother, Wm. H. Bunting, Darby, Delaware county. BItADES.—On the 20th inst.. Mr. Arthur Brades, in his 65th year. Bis relative; end friends. also. members of M./utiromery Lodge, \O. 19 A. Y. M., are invited• to attend his funeral, from his into residence. 1119 Callowhill street, on 'Friday, the_2.2o i_n!t., at 10 A. M. • ifirS ' in::eli the evening of Second-day, the 19th inst., Alexander Elnislie, in the 91st year of his age. lilt. male relatives and friends and those of his family aro respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. South Front street, on Fifth-day morning, the 22d just., at 11 o'clock, without further notice. CARTER.—Ou Monday morning, the 19th inst.. Francis IL Carter, in the 36th year or his age. His friends are respectfully invited to attend the fune ral from the residence of his step 7 father, Henry Minton, '204 South Twelfth street, to-day (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Olive CemeterY. • CUNNING H A3l.—On Sabliath evening, 19th inst., Mr. James Cunningham, of the county Londonderry, Ire land. in the bath year of his ago. UPJOHN.—KiIIed, December 13, 1632, at the battle of Fredericksburg. Ja rano) George Upjohn, in the 26th ye; ; lr of his age, Co. H,lo6th Regiment, I'. V. KNOX.—On the 19th lust , Mrs. Martha Knox. in the • tilstyear of her age. EPLEY. — Ou Sunday, the 18th inst. Joseph Epley, in the 4.3 d year of his age. :BLAOK . AND . WRITtil BALMORAL SKIRTINGS.--Black and purple Balmoral Skirts. Gray and Black Balinnet' Skirts. ~Diuslin and Revere Bows.. Lace Sleeve - strimmed purple or black. • Crape Trimmings. English Crapes and Veils. :Bound Grenadlne and Crape Veils, Ottornen Poplins, 87% cents. Black and English Reps, 2:5 to 31M cents. r Just received by BESSON & SON, jal2 MOURNING STORE, 918 CHESTNUT Street. IRTRE:.•& LANDELL, FOURTH AND 111011jlave a fine assortment of Good Glossy Black Silks .11110 Widows' Bilks without gloss... . - PYRE & LA.NDELL, FOURTH. AND -a-A ARCH. Alw airit keeP floe Mock of Staple Household Goode. isle Beat Mtudirvy.Lthens, and Flannels. -- • • VTR & LANDELt, .FOURTH - AND . 3 ' 4 ARCS always full lini of #ourning Shawls._ jaw othlonaolo ISbayrit" _ , yee , a . ye Fifth. A E Ostrander W C Abell, Now. Jersey D J Boner, New Jersey J Oeney, New Jersey al Campbell • H Howland, Loug. Brandt 11W Howland,Long Branch J.H Phelps Vermont 0 Howar&j, Vermont Saml Hughlott, Salem, N J Jas Jameson, Beading !Mrs .Brattan - W T Fairbank S H Buttrick, Now York Miss R Bell, New York I C Herrick, New York 10 1? Sheppard, New York C Reeves, New Jersey, John 0 Whitall, N J W Dalzell, New York John Bryan T S Collins; Maryland ut street, Kb. TPktird,. Copt J W Sanderson, N Thomas F Jones, Penns, Isaac Maker, New York Ii WI Bates Mr Morrie 3: la, Now York J S Thompson, N Jersey C Johnson, Jr, Lynu, Mass M H Hood, Lynn, Mass T Oarretson, Pottsville Dr Moore Now JerseY Dr J R Slekler, Now Jorsey treet, above Third. Mrs Prof T C Porter, Lano Miss Kate Kunkek Harrisbg J A Woodward,Wmsport John Hoebner. Pottsville Chas Nelms, Mlnersville John F Babcock. N E Page, Burlington,'NJ Geo B. Thompson & la, N Y and Market streets. H F Haines, Columbus, 0 S E Fairer, Cleeland, 0 Geo W.Gehr, Perry co John Newton, England . Wm Murdock, Mass B D Whituy, Mass Peter Coo r . Bellefonte C Smith, Be pe llefonte A B Kaufman,Lancaster D Neff, Reading G Shissler. Lancaster eet, above Third. P Y Brendlinger, Berks CO John Buckley, Pottsville Thom Quick, Pottsville B Martin, Lancaster, pit •1 Sherk, Lebanon, Pa E I tar' ran ft, Pottstown' Jos Whitakar, Mt Clair C Bart lette, Mulford, N J 1) Rambolt, Newport, Pa P Leaver, Wilkesbarro W C Swetzer,WashigtQuv'le S D,Sivetzer, Wasik'gionvtle ud St., above Market. A Blake & ly, Newtown P P Parry, Attleboro G R King, Baltimoro Miss A M littchner, N J Miss P M Hltchner, N J Robt Beaus, Bucks co, Pa Win L Mann, Black's Eddy WVCaee.NS John Hull, N L B Laßar, Pa zitli st., nb. Chestnut. Jas 'McCrory, Maryland B Westlock, Now York A Tripple, Safe Harbor J B Habeeker, Safe Harbor J Graham & wf, Chester co J S Christie, Maryland d street, below Vine. B P Brown, Bucks co 4 Coinly, Penne S T Buckman, Newtown .' W Somerdike, Brldesburg W Penrose, ByherrY II Rice, Centreville Major, Lumberville A Brittain, Penns, Dr Collins, Penn's Park C Magill, Bucks co N Needham, Centrehitl J Doyle, Yardle yville • • W Hitchin, Penna T.Vanhorn , Penna 13 P Lapstone, Centreville eetosbuve Callowklll. D Boyer, Bethlehem D B Richards, Bethlehem W Steckel, Easton A Hine, Bertiville S Loftier S Garuert, Doylestown P Albright, Orwtgeburg S Broadhurst, Bucks co J Hersh, Pennsburg M Painter, New .Tersey erville J Vanarsdalen,Feaste r 01 1: C Vanarsds ;Feasterville J Fenton ;; terville H H Rinle ,Vmnsburg ~ above Oallowhlll. A Roberts, East Berliu B B Jones, Bucks co J Roberts, Bucks co R Good, Doylestown 1' C }luck, Bucks co - THE . PRESS.-:P irkii . , '.e Matt& ' , 7470.*.t . ::5110:4,. : 00.1:1Attir::. ._24,':•..lgfaf ARCH-ST. M. E. °HURON. N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH Streets.—Preaching THIS EVENING by the Rey. 080. W. SMILEY. D. D. Also, on Thursday and Friday evenings. • le" PMLAMELPRIA, JAM. 15, 11. 1 353. The Male Members of the METHODIST EPISCO PAL CHUROH. in the City of Philadelphia. friendly to a representation of tho Laity in the General Conference, are invited to attend a Meiling at TRINITY K. E. CHURCH, .EIGHTH Street, above Race, on THURSDAY EVENING, TM 'nat., at 73( o'clock, for the purpose. of consulting upon the measures proper to be adopted for tho furtherance of the lay movement. It is expocled that important facts and suggestions will be laid before the meeting. A general attendance Is re /I:Pleated. .... .. W. IL Allen, J. W. Hicks, Thos. T. Tasker, • Hiram Miller, Johh Whiteman, J. W. Clarke, C. Hieskell. John M. Mar la, T. K. Collins, ~. G. Cookman, J. Reynolds, A. W. Rand, B. W. Barnard, ' , Win. Brown, A. Cummings, .. C. E. Willis,- 0.1. Hamilton, F. Get;'.: J. U. Dm re. J. Senior. GRAND MASS MEETING OF TILE COLORED PEOPLE OP PHILADELPHIA. /Messrs. John C. Dowers. Wm. Nicholson, Mr. gunday, A. M. Green, and others will address the . Great Mass of the Colored People. at-St. Mary-street Presby- terian Church. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Admission free. • A collection will be lifted to defray the expenses. • By order of the Committee of Arrangements. It' iriV l-I .PRILADELPHIA AND ERIE 'MK? RAILROAD.— ho Anneal Meeting of the •Stook holders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company . will be held at the °thee. No. 2130 WALNUT Street, on Monday, the Oth day of Pebrnary next, at 10 o'clock,zA: M. At this meeting an election will be held for 'Ten Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. o The polls will close at 2 'clock, P. of. .1421.wfm fen W. EDWARD SPOFFORD, SeCretarY. M. NOTION. TO PASTORS OF CHURCHES AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—TIio Philadelphia City awl County Sabbath School Convention will hold an Adjourned ~I leeting on WEDNESDAY Evening. February 9th; at iX o'clock, at the First Baptist Church, N. W. corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets. Important business will be brought up for considera tion. Each Sabbath School is expected to send one or more delegates. Certificates of appointment should be seat to WM. GETTY, 4A5 CHESTNUT Street, on or before the 7th of February. The different Sabbath Schools should appoint theirimmediately. friends of the Sabbath School are invited to sit in ?1 - IC ' Convention as corresporiding members. WILLIAM GETTY. /IMP CRITTENDSN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. cot% .SRVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Instruction in Bookkeeping in its different branches, as practised by the best accountants; Penmanship, plain and ornamental; Commercial Law,' Mercantile Forms. and. Calculations, km Day and Evening. Individual Instruction. • . ta2o-3t* MAT THE 139th ANNUAL HIGHT ING of the Carpenters'. Company of the City and COnnty of Philadelphia, held at their Hall, on the 19th of day of January, 1863, the officers of the Company were elected—viz: . MICHAEL EIIRICKSON, President. JOHN WILLIAMS, Vice President. CHARLES CONARD, Secretary. JAMES HUTCHINSON, Treasurer. Managing Committee. EDWARD KELLEY, RICHARD K. BETTS, SAMUEL RA , N. Warden. HENRY PH ILLIPPI. CHARLES CONARD. Secretary M. MERCILANTS , FUND.—THE - AN nual Meeting of the MERCHANTS' 'FORD SO CIETY, will be held on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 2(kb inst.. at 4 o'clock. at their Room, northwest'eorner SEVENTH and SALISOM Streets. . The Annual Report will be submitted, and an election bald prOlUcers. THOS. F. BRADY, _ MHOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1118 CBTRBERT Street —This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, iree of charge. • • B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. THE ANNUAL. MEETING OF THE ...Corporators of THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPIPY will be held on MONDAY, January 26,1863, at 12 o'clock M., at the Hotel. jal9-6t J. SERGEANT PRICE, Secretary. NOTICE.—AN ADJOURNED MEET ing of the r tockbolders of the Masonic Hall, Diana y unk, will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING. January list, 1863, for the election of seven Trustees. Polls open one hour, from 7 to S P. M. Persons voting by proxy will be required to produce properly. authenticated vouchers for their authority. 3alB-3..* t THOMAS FERGUSON, Secretary. MAT A MEETING OF THE CONTRI BUTORS to the HOSPITAL OF THE 'PRO TESTANT BBJSCOPAL CHURCH in Philadelphia, held TUESDAY, January 6th 1863, the following-named gen tlemen were duly elected members of the Beard of Mana gers to semte for the ensuing three years, viz: • Rev. M.A.. .DeWOLFE HOWE, D. D. Rev. RICHARD NEWTON, D D. Right Rev. WILLIAM BACON STEVENS, D.'D. JOHN BOFILEN. WILSON C. SWANN. M. D. ' CLAYTON T. PLATT. EDWARD HARTSHORNE, Pit D. JOHN WELSH. Attest EPHRAIM CLARK, Jr., Chairman. JNO. A. CHILDS. Secretary. jai-tf OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD iCOMPANY.Pirms- Diti,eare, January 16,1883. The Board. of Directors havethis day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. from the profits of the Company for six months, payable to the Stock holders on and after the Met instant, clear of all taxes. 3a17-d t 24 J. MORRELL, Secretary, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR •T TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHILADEL. A. October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government. No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANWI'ALMER. ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. Mo UNION CANAL COMPANY, PHILL DELPHIA, January 14,1869.—The Annual Meet ing of Um Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at No 298 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY. .Feignaty 5d.1663, at 11 o'clock A. M. .006-tfe3 - 0. THOMPSON. Secretary. IMOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, ParLe.DELPHIA., January U, laa 1. • NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-The Annual Meetirig of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the second day of February, 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M., M tie SAIISOM•STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the second day of March, 1863, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. jala•tfe2 EDMUND SHIM. Secretary. M , OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAL AND' IRON COMFANY.—FamA MUMMA, January 18,1889. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a dividend of ONE DOLL AR AND FIFTY CENTS (ELM) Per share of the Capital Stock of the Company was de clared, payable to the Stock holders, or their legal repre sentatives, on and after -the27th inst. • jal7-dt27 JOSEPH C. COPPUCK, Treasurer. r.„3. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA,, 1668. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 12th day of January, 1803, the fol lowing gentlemen were elected DIRECTORS for the en suing year F. Ratchford Starr, Geo. H. Stuart, William McKee, John H. Brown; • Nalbro Frazier, .1. L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, • Gee. W. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, James L. Claghorn, Mordecai L. Dawson. William G. Boutton. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, T. RATCHFO'RD STARR was re-electe 1 President. Jal7-6t if .THOS. H. MONTGOMARY, Secretary. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COM MENCED BUSINESS :on his own account as INSU RANCE AGENT and BROKER. Office 213 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES W. COXE. PHILADELPHIA, I6th January, 1863. 11 M. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE . STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, JANUARY 14, 1863. The following gentlemen have been duly elected as Directors of the Company e year 1888 : DIRECTORS FOR MAR 1883. HENRY D. SHERRERD, CHARLES MAC ALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGE H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT ,J 5., TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, HENRY G. FREEMAN, • CHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON. EDWARD C.. KNIGHT, JOHN B..AUSTIN. . At a meeting of the Directors, held this 'day, HENRY D. SHERRERD, ESQ., was unanimously re-elected Presi dent of the Company. isls-6t • WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. NOTICE.—AT MEETINGS OF THE CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held on the 6th and 9th Instant, the following resolution''. Were passed and ordered to be published : Resolved, That notice be given that the Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee will discontinue the payment of bounties and compensation to captains after the 31st January instant, except in ench cases as they may have already obligated themselves to pay after that date. Resolved, That the Committee will, as soon as practi cable, after the lot of February next, make a report to the subscribers to the Fund. • Resolved, That the Committee will pay Fifty Dollars bounty to each recruit mustered in in the city of Phila delphia, on or before the 31st January instant, (except ing deserters, substitutes, and absentees, and those who have received any bounty from the city of Philadelphia,) for the followir g—viz: Segeyton's ebarth Cavalry's Artillery. P, Roberts' Artillery, U. S. Regulars, U. S. Marines, Old Philadelphia Volunteer Regiments. Said payment to be made whenever the recruit is de finitively In service in the field, or.iu a tort, garrison, navy yard, or ship of the United States. Resolved, That all payments under the foregoing reso lutions be made in accordance with the forms adopted by the Disbursing Agency THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. LORIN BLODGET, Secretary..' jail-0131 • PROPOSALS. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFF! 011—P11 TLADELPITEA. 20th January, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received. at this office until SATURDAY, the 24th inst., at 12 o'clock . for the de livery in this city, on or before the 10th day of February next, of the following articles, viz Two thousand Wagon Tongues, (Ironed.) One thousand Double Trees. One thousand Wagon Wheels, (forward.) One thousand Fifth Chains, to weigh not less than eighteen pohnds each. One thousand Spreader Chains, to weigh not, less than 1 , 1; t pounds each. inks to be of standard length and size. to right is reserved to reject all bids deeinNl too high. A. BOYD 3a21-it Captain and A. Q. IL TiEPIITY QUA.RTERMASTER GENE RALEOFFICE—PitmAnat.rifIA, 20th January, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY the 23d inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the de livery in Washington, D. C. on or before the 20th of February next, ci , two thousand tone of good,imerchanta ble TIMOTHY HAY, in bales, to be delivered to Captain S. L. BROWN, A. Q; M., Washington, D. C., and to be subject to inspection at that place. The right is reserved to Tenet all bids deemed too high. G. H. CROSMAN, ja2l-3t Deputy Q. M. General. PERSONAL PnisTsioNs.tioo BOUNTY AND -.Psi...Procured and collected for soldiers, sailore. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reaeonabli and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dip Lance. • oelB4l To HAVE YOUR HAIR REArvE nated, and yourself beautified, co to FOURTH arid BRANCH. . ja2.lHtf UMBRELLAS.-THE BEST .ARE made, and cheapest sold, at TENTH. and MAR 7 RET. cjal74l. 4 1 SLEEPER'S. A RARE - CHANCE. TO MAKE ~tONET—A new .ASH Sinn; can retail at WO. end pay lOU per cent. Bights for sale. Box 233.11.3. Phila delphia Poet 0 Ince. Jal9.6t* LADIES.'. HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS; Curls, Friretts, GoeFamer Ventilated Wigs, yentilso ted Scalps of Supnlor Manufacture. Prices are lower than those of any ocher establishnient. lo 4MS'S; : to* .. No. 900 CH 111' Street; WALL. PAPERS —W ALL . PAPERS. wilouts*LE AND DETAIL. ' • • •• NEW DESIONE • • -Are beinfr flatly mbeivell from Factory, to which M oi ction, is 'wiled. JOHN H. LONOSTRETH; •• . No. 12 NOrth TIHED Street: Ithogis papered by good workmen: • je.i.wringts REBIERIS: BEAUTIFUL AND AOOU HATE IVorytypes command the admiration of all bwers of tine rts •Abe moat pleaatnnand lifailko Weenies made. SECOND Street, above Green. It TAMES M. SCIOVEL,• " ArtORNSY AT LAW. : Master and Examiner in Chancery. . jaB-2tc* 113 PLUM Street Camden. IL MAGNIFICENT JFWELRY FOR AL. M.. , -T+MOST nothing. Cheap Trimming Store 21,16 MAR RS? Street. ittlB4lt. OPERA GLASSES IN GREAT . VA . .RIErY. blo/LLISTER -& BROTHER, jel9-3t . 728 CHESTNUT Street.. S. F .THOMAS:' A. M. SPAN,GLER, .Committee Secretary. r7i7 - 7rT/4 BOARD'' - OF TRADE RIFLE o:Aptol`eo4o4 . . . 156tb. ItParlaNT Pionwrivins..vomarrEns. 147, BOUNTY RECRUITS WANTED for the above line rogiment(tha only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing_and in camp in Philadelphia.).. • ~ Men joining this regiment will receive the folloWittg bounties: .t. Cash in hand on being mustered in ilia when the company is full ' 60 ~.. - " when the regiment is full. " At the expiration of service Total $176 None but. men.of good character received, Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES WitNENWEIN, Colonel.. W. A. HADIILL, Adjutant. de24-tf ACONTINENTAL CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mastered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young mon of good re ferences. and who have seen. service. dell-tf FDTANCLUG. GOLD AND SILVER, CITY: WARRANTS, OLD DEMAND TREASURY NOTES, BOUGHT AND SOLD BY PALMER & EY, Nor 51 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ial4-wfm 6t• JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BAWL STOOKS AND BONDS SOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION AT THZ BOARD OF BRORBRS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS INEGOTIA.TED ON TH3 U.S. • • FIVE-TWEICTIES. o • • ••• • •• TWENTY-YEAR SIX/PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TRU.- BURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the. present Ram mer ox GOLD. these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent. per mum= A. fall supply always on band. . JAY. COOKE, P SUBSRiPTI - ON AGENT. nett -tugs' 111 SOVTIK S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL. BROKER, No. 319 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral swim:kited at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq. John B. Myers & co, thipnel, B. Thomas, Esq. Furness, 13'6Uti. Thomas, Fon del6-amif • $250,000 TP• IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTTS; ON • DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHANS' OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. E. CORNER THIRD AND SPRDCISTREETS. (Only one square below the Exchange.) • Advances made at the loweit rates. de22-Im* . $2, 500 —14 FIRST-CLASS Oltirr. • GAGE. on Market street, Camden. For saje by S.- H., OART GE Y, Ja2l-2t* 3.29 South FOURTH Street. --THIS AMOUNT WANTED $B, 000. on a Farm in Chester 1301:131tlL Apply to jab E. PETIIT, 309 WALNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. rp3E'DOPARTNERSHIF OF CHAF FEE, STOW & CO. is this day, by mutual eon quint; dissolved. Settlements will be made by either of the partners, the Books remaining for the present, at the office of STOUT & ATKINSON, 5L 3 MARKET-Street. WILLIAM. CHAFFEE, JAMES CHAFFEE, JACOB W. bTOUT, F. T. A.TKINSON. Philadelphia, January 17, HS& 3a23430, NN O,T I C E.-THE UNDERSIGNED I hereby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they formed on the 2d day of February, 1861, to terminate on the 81st day of December, 1562, and which they have THIS DAY renewed, in compliance with tile Laws of Pennsylvania. 1. The name of the firm under which the said Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. 2. The general nature of the business transacted is the buying and vending of VARIETIES and FANCY DRY GOODS, at No. 53 North THIRD Street, in the city - of Phi ladelphia, State of Pennsylvania. S. The name of the General Partner .of said firm is MATHIAS M. MARPLE, residing at No. 1220 COATES Street, in the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Partner of said firm GEORGE GORDON residing at 540 North FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. 4. The amount of -capital. contributed by said George Gordon, the Special Partner, to the common stocic at the time said partnership was formed—to wit, on the 2d day of February, DM, was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. 6. The said partnership is now renewed, and is to con tinue until, and to terminate on, the list day of Decem ber, 1861. Philadelphia, December 31, IEB2. MATHIAS M. MARPLB, General Partner. GEORGE GORDON, Special Partner. NOTICE.—THE LIMITED PARTNER. N SHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER, expires this day, by its own limitation. Philadelphia, Decem ber 31, 1362. J. THEOPII. PLATE CARL C. scsoTTLA, General -Part tiers. ORR. F. PLATS, Special Padden By his Attorney, J. TREOPH. PLATE, The undersigned continue the ImportingAtifdteneral Commission Businelis, under the firm of PLATE & SCHOTTLER, for their own account. J. THEOPIL;PLATE CARL C. scHormk. jal-6w Philadelphia, January 1,1583. IHAVE THIS DAY . ASSOCIATED with me JOHN B. '.CIRAEST, of Pine Grime, Schuyl kill county, and my son, JOHN BLAHISTON, and will continue tbo Goal Business as heretofore, under the firm of BLAKISTOIL gRAEPP, & CO. • • • JOHN R. BLARISTON, 318 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, January 10,1863. 4 • . jari•fit DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER -81:11P.-:The ec4 artnership_beretotore existing under tie mune of SMITH,WILLIANS 2 & CO,, is this dis solved by mutual consent, and the bitsiness of the late Srm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 513 libiliKET Street P. JENKS SMITH 11. PRATT SMITH, JNO. H. WILLIAMS, WM. P. SMITH, Jr. Philadelphia. Dec. 81,1862. THE SIJBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI NUE - the DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand. No. 724 MARKET Street. WM. ELLIS ac CO., _Druggists, TIM MARKET - Street. NOTICE.;-Tin sTyrt-Agti TITLE .of the Arm of WEAVER, FITLER, & CO., is this day changed to FITLER, WEAVER, & CO. EDWIN R FITLER, MICHAEL WEAVER . CONE= F:CLOTHIUR. Jail/Aar 1, 11163. • IT. S, INTERNAL REVENUE. ITNITE to STATES INTERNAL REVE NUE —THIBD COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pennsyl. vania,comprising Twel ft h, Thirteenth , Sixteenth, Seven-. Phtalih, Eighteenth p_ , and Nineteenth wards of the city of delhia: StiTlCE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District, of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and-Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all *persons required to take out Licenses, baying been completed, notice is heleby given that the taxes aforesaid will be received ,daily by 'the undersigned, between the horns of 9 A. M:.and SP.M. t (Sundays excep_ted,) at his o ffi ce, ronthwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and aft , r MONDAY, February 2d, 1663, and until and including SATURDAY, the 2lst day of the same month. PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21st of Febru ayy, 1663, will incur a penalty of ten per - octal= addi tional of the amount thereof, and costs as provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July. 1, Mt. All persons who. in like manner, shall fail to take out their Licenses. as required by law, on or before the 91st of February, 1563 , will incur a ytenalty of THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, In accordance with the provisions of the 69th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. ,ta,- Money of the United States only received. ice No further notice will be given. WILLIAM J. WAINWRIGHT. Collector, jal7-titf S. W. cor. THIRD and WILLOW Stir.- a L likm UNION TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY, GEO. W. CASS &.CO. PROPRIETORS.—The attention of Mer chants and Shlmers of Philadelphia is directed to the opening of a NEW FREIGHT LINE between this city and New York. We are prepared to offer Through Receipts for Freights between the cities of Philadelphia. and New York, and • points East thereof, " CAMDEN AND PORT MON- M OUTH." All Goods entrusted to onr charge will meet. with Prompt despatch and careful handling. Freight received in PHILADELPHIA at the Company's Pier, third Wharf above ARCH Street, and in NEW YORK at Pier. No. 2S North River, toot of MURRAY Street. • . freight received in Philadelphia berm 4 P. M. will be delivered at the Pier In New lork the folloWing day, an ivreiht received in New York before 4 P. M. will be dered at the Pier in Philadelphia the following day. For further particulars, rates of freight. &c. apply to GEO. B. McCHLtOH, • ; (formerly of Bishop. Simons. &Co.) Freight Anitt. Offlce.l36 . N WHARVES lade hia. WM. T. GRATITTS Phi . r., ia%lm (formerly with Leech & Co.) General Manager. Ogg DR FINE, PRACTICAL' DEN , TIST for the last twenty, wiiii.sj9 TINE •St., . below Third, inserts •the most, berm:awe nom of the age, nounted on line Gold, Platift,Silrer,Vulcanite,Co . ratite,. Amber, &c., at *noes, fro nest and enbstantial work. niore reasonable than way dentist•in title city or State. Teeth . plugged to last,ft:orlife.• Artificial Teeth re :. paire.d to suit. No_pain.ln, extracting. No charges um satiated all Is sled. .teienoe, best fatuities, 3419-3 m • - CASgS MADDER' PRINTS • Cases Bleached PORTLAND MU IN NS • Do. de, 1i HANOVER Do. do. 3.; WARINOTON do. Do. do. *inch WARWICK do. Do. Standard Brown CANTON FLANNELS. • Do. Farmers' LINSN - DRILLS,• all 'males. • DO. Bookield cold CORSET JEANS. • ' Do. Black CAMBRICS, Bales 4-4Fooplo's Brown SREETINOS. Do. Standard Brown DRILLS, &c., &c. Tor sale at lo* figures net cash on deliverT. GEO. GRIGG. 219 and 221 CHURCH ALLEY. ia2l-w&e2t , - HEAVY MIXED MIMED SHIRTS. 300. DOZEN • . • -HEAVY MIXED PLAIN SHIRTS. Assorted qualities, for army purposes. : . :45 Casea.leM repPeroll Brown Sheeiimeps. CELP6f , 10-4 Heavy White Blanket.. For sale at lea; figures, for :net eash on delimit GEO. GRIGG. 219 and 221 CHURCH ALLEY. Jaw:64qt pEMBERTON. DUCK. • IN STORE. 995,000 YARDS U. S. ARMY . 10 OUNCE DUCK, And for sale by • FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., jal9•Stif• • - No 930.CIE8EMIT STREET. ARMY GPODS. DABS-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLITE OAF CLOTHS. St!-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. •- 111111" BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 109IINCR DUCK. • Dpus.• STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED MEETINGS AND SHIRT ING. For sale by FROTHINGEWit & WELLS. PHILADELPHIA. DID STOOK ON 'HAND.- best makes of Calicoes. Ist makes of Muslims. ist makes of Linens. ist makes of Sheetings. Tkiiliegis t d i th a tw a 'e o l f s, N giNlt a biaper 'Huckaback..Blrd. 13 4Va u e r i l D a a p n'till . e 8L a c rd Jaconot, full line. • r d.Plaid Dlnslins, frill line. Winter Goods closing out. Shawls, Morinoes, closing out. Balmoral Skirts, all prices. Mk arid Linen Hdkfa, nice assej o bnit if. AA,..., , 7021 ARCH Street. PRIIROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, -L- 1 aid HOSIERY, at Wholesale Prices. The subscribers offer one of - the best selected and largest!assortments of White Goods, Hosiery, and Staple Embroideries, Trimming s , & a; to be found in tb e city, to which they respectfully Invite theattention of the ladies. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN_, & ARRISON, jalli•rdtrp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. CHINA AND .GIaSSWARE. GLASS ESTABLISHM-ENT, pHOTOGRA.PHIO ALBUMS -.,A A largo variety for sale,atllATxt AM og a i r i, w.' St_ ...C0... -VW -1 924 C NUT amt. MICROSOOPES, SPECTACLES, . AND 404 L4PY-GL'ASSES, for prr A leAstAti N 924 C . RESTIOT Street. delS4f If OPERA GLASSES, OPERA OLASSEL For sale by JAMBS W. QUEEN & CO., 024 CHESTNUT Street. del3-tf if G. "W.:KIVIONS db BROTHER; MILITARY GOODS, IDT EVBEY VARIETY intOffcm. ‘•-• LAVIES' FANCY FURS. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER , • - LADIES' FANOY. FIIRS. lussortmeit of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children 111:31Wir complete, and embracing every variety that will be 'fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, Pletille give rue a call. oci4mif FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRA.TiI, isms. fuis AND 417 Alt9l 13Th: o /Gll3 NOW OP= a. , A FULVASSONMERNT LADIES" FURS, Viwhieh the attention of the yOll4lB invited ; . . non-2m MICROSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHIC CHARM& . • G. W. SIMONS & BROTHER,. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND IMPORTERS, .SANSOM-STREET.HALL, Ifavejost received, direct from Paris, a large assort ment of the above novel and beautiful articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and public men of this city and State, together with officers of the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings. • FOR•SALE TO. THE TRAME,•..' and to be bad at all tho princinaliewelerO, Optician.,, and fancy stores in the city. . 3 aS-itlrn a D. T. P T•T , «EultaikUrbt mftt of A M --W A.r2 43 . 11 E S , Of desirable atria and sitialitlei. to ante ell Classes of ELI HOLDEN, Dealer In tine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND- CLOCKS oeSl-sre 708 MAIM Skeet. AMERICAN . WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CABE& JOS H. WATSON; No. 326 OffitratlT Strike WATCHES, JEWELRY, MD- A-PRBOR ABIIOIITMENT UNITED STATES4OTEL„HAARIS BIIRO PA—REFITTED AND RENOVATED—LW. TEN EYCK, Proprietor.—This_pular andeommodigas ; as° Hotel has been newly refitted a d furnished throughout its parlors. and chambers, and s now ready for the re ception of guests for the winter n. - The travelling public will- fin the UNITED STATES HOTEL the most convenient, in all particulars, of any Dote' in the State Capital, on account of its access to the railroad, being immediately beTeen the two great de pots in this city. HAnitlimono,Jan.F,DMa 10tRANDRETII HOITS , • -,'-' Corner Of BROADWAY, CA AL, and LISPENARD - STREETS NEW • ORE. CONDUCTED ON l'az EU R OPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in t e most central put of Broadway. and can be reached b omnibus or stay cars, from all the steamboat landings a d railroaddetti am. i. The rooms are elegantly furnisted. Many or t Are constructed in suits of communicating parlors sad c bars, suitable for families and walks travelling together. Meals served at all hours. • 1 Stogie Roorns from 60 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from *lto $2.60 pl. day. deS-8m .. • • . . - ICS. CURTIS & CO. -- • ! H r E<H I HEALTH HEALTH !? Swayde's Compound Syrup of Wild Cheri*, Swayntr's Compound Syrup ofuWild A:awry. Swayne's , Compound Syrup oP Wild Cherry, Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, The Great Remedy, for••••:- • .• The Great Remedy for ••• • The Great Remedy for • •' • Coughs, Colds. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, colds, Croup, Astlima, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, 'Blood-spitting, Sore Throat.; Hoarseness, Blood-spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Blood...spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Blool• *iting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, consumption. Consumption, consumption, Consumption, • . Consumptinn, Consumption, All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, • All affections Throat, Lungs, and-Breast. , , Swayne's Wild Cherry, Swayne's Wild Cherry. • Swayne's Wild Cherry, • Has done more good than . . Any Medicine ever Discovered. Any Medicine ever Discovered. • • Any Medicine ever Discovered. THE VAST NUMBER OP DEATHS which occur annually from Consumption andDheases of the. Lungs and Liver , is truly appalling. Nearly - all this dread waste of life might ba saved by a thriely use of Dr. Swayne's Com pound Syrup- of Wild Cherry. Even where the lungs have become very much disordered, no remedy is so ef fectual. We have certificates of wonderful cures per formed after patients had been given up to die by_pity slcians and friends. Prepared only by Dr. BWAYNE dt SON. 330 SIXTH Street, above VINE. 'Sold .by all M Druggists and dealers in edicine. COMMISSION MOUSES. RETAIL DRY. GOODS. FURNISHINGS CHINA ,• • • CHINA' M:ittGS.Mi SUPPLIED. J. & J. K. KERR, .. 529 CHESTNUT Street HOLIDAY GOODS. simrrlmT-GOOD. SAM3OII-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHUt. MANOyACTURERS or JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, LADIES' FURS. JOHN F'AREIRA., 911.13 ABCH STREIT. BELOW WORM, WATCHES AND-JEWELRY. (arcipeace! TO PRATT & REAM) 601. CHESTNUT STREET, JINOLNE. POW .12110 IT - LESS THAI( FORMER PRICES. • ~PARR 13ROTHER, Importers, 3`A4 CESETOT Street; below Fourth. wiTEks. c". ' . ~ .~ THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABI-. ArNET AND. BOOK STORE le open day and eyes• ing for the sale of eeks on Phrenology. Physte• logy, HyginPhonography, and for • P' hrenologt• cal exansW.tterta. Orders bmatl should tit addressed to • .7011 N L. CAPRI, _ oa9Paremgml; 92% CHESTNUT StrestaPhlia:. NEW 111310.1.GAITONS. IkHOTOGFRAPH ALBUMS Of eve' *leer of SIZE, STYLE, QUALITY, AND DEICE. THE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE cirri GARTES DE VISITE •in endless varlet'', together with an immense *oak od STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT THE OLD PRICES A HANDSOME PRESENT Accompaniesi every Book eoldt • , • Lovers of Choice Goods, ut Low Rates, Fair Dealing, and Polite Attention, patronize the . GREAT ORIGINAL THE NEW "AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. SUITABLE 'GIFT. Igo more appropriaAe Gift can be selected for a Present than the NEW AMERICAN'CYCLOP/EDIA. • IT WILL BE COMPLETED IN ONE MORE VOLUME, Making 16 in all, PRICE: In Cloth $3 00 eachiln Half Mor $4OO each In Sheep . 360 each lin Half Russia... 450 each After the publication of the 16th volume, which very early in the present year, the price will be increased 00 cents on each volume, so that one purchasing now will save $B. NEAT BLACK WALNUT BOOKCASES '.' ENTIREen prepared t •••• THE SET OF THECY C LOPEDIA: : PRICE $8.50. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN CYCLOP/EDIA, isl4-wirmBt 38 8. SIXTH St., above Chestnut. • 0 .. HUGO'S 2 . LES MISERABLES. • .1 - A NEW LIBRARY! EDITION. In five elegant duodecimo volume; clearly printed with large type, on fine white papdr, beautifUlly bound in cloth, price one dollar per volume. • FART I —PANTIES. • • . . Published this day. ' The • four re maining volumed; to follow immediately. • livery reader and admirer of "Les Miserables" (and who has not read and admired this the grandest work of fiction over penned), will be charmed with this New Edition, so convenient to hold, so pleasant to read, and so ornamental to the library. . The thousands and tens of thousands who have read andlth row n aside the cheaper editions, have now an op portunity for rereading and preserving in a more attrac tive and valuablii form this superb .novel, and the pub lisher believes that in thus presenting so handsome an edition of a work that has already become a classic, he will merit the approbation of every lover of fine books. 4 4 4 Copies sent by mail free on receipt of price, $l, by • CARLETON Publieher, New York, lalo.ewtr. 413 BROADWAY, cor. LISPENAIID st. • • PAMPHLETS. -THE AMERICAN WAR. By Newman Hall; U. D. A Lecture de livered in London, October. 1862. 15 cents. Lix Letters on a National Currency. By B. Lord. 25 cents. EIiM;MiiZMME= The Future of the Colored Bace in America. By Wm Alkman. 20 cents Operations . of t.e United States Sanitary Comthission during the Campaign in Mai yland. •16 cents. • Conditions of Peace, a! Thanksgiving Discourse, by. Rev. Albert Barnes. 20 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED M ARTIER, Jal9 • 806 CHESTNUT Street. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE HELLAS, her Monuments and. ScenerY. By Thos. MEMOIRS OF MRS. BETHUNK • • • BROADCAST. By Nehemiah Adams, D. D_ MRS. FREMONT'S STORY OF THE GUARD. THE STUDENT'S HISTORY" OF FRANCE. SPRINGS OF ACTION. B Mrs. Richards, OLIPHANT'S LIFE OF EDWARD IRVING. • LIVES' LEFT OUT. By the author of " Peep o' Day." ALL NEW AND STANDARDHOOKS received as soon as published, by LINDSAY .& BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 25 SOUTH SIXTH St., above Chestnut. . . T.. 1 1 E`'. • RISEN .REDEEMER:.._ THE GOSPEL HISTORY FROM THE RESURRECTION TO THE DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W. grummacher, D. D. SI. • 'TUB 'THOUGHTS OF GOD. By Ray. J. R. Blaoduff. Smo. 50 cents. A. YEAR WITH . ST. PAUL; OR, FFFTY-TWO.L ES SONS FOR TIIE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR, By Chas. E. Knox. $l. . HELPS OVER HARD. PLACES. Stories for Giriti. 40 cents. • HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Boys 40 cents. For sale br F OR GRATUITOUS OIROULATION. HAND-BOOK OF INF'OTiMATION FOR . SOLDIERS, SAILORS, MARINES, Scc-, Their Relatives and Heirs, • TO OBTAIN PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, &c, Sent Free on Application_, Address, enclosing one cent stampto pay return postage, SOlifES & BROWN, Solicitors of Claims Nos. 2 • PARK Place, New York, and 476 SEVENTH Street: - Washington, D. C.: • . . • .• . 30.6-6 t A" LECTURE FOR . YOUNG MEN.— Justpublished, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CBLVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, Inducing De bility, Nervousness, consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Phßica] Incapacity, .tc. The radical mode of treatment, totfleout medicine, is fully eFplained; so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense . • "A BOON TO TBOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Bent tinder seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address We publishers, CH. J. C. ELME -& CO., . 127 BOWERY, New York,' Post Office Box 4.686. ilo4-3m if ••Tir .BROTHERJIEAD'S.' • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW:In/018h and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature.. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS, that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms $6 per year; six months $3; three months $150; one .month 75 cents, or 3 - cents per day. 11S South EIGHTH Street. seB-em THEY GLOW. WITH- LIFE. -T.13 - 2 -A- peuell of the artist Who eolite REIMER'S Life4iLse Photographs in Oil is as a magician's wand, they are so perfect. SECOND Street, above Green. . it OFFICERS OF OUR. ARMY.— CARD . PHOTOGRAPHS of Officers of our Army. • McALLISTER dt pRia.,,728 GRIM NUT Street. TM . PARTIAL JUDGES, THE PUBLIC, IM pronounce; by 'Thera' patronage, that REIMER'S Co lored Photographs for Riese satisiactory likenesses, and the style that pleases. 'SEC OND Street, above Green. It JUST' OPENED, • • A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. • No. 906 incri STREET, Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. PROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing Arst-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand. • . P. A.. O. KNIPE. . :EDUCATION. \ CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL OF. H. D. GREGORY, A. M., 1108 MARKET Etreee„ . jal9-1m• SCM OL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN,- 1334 CHESTNUT STREET.—The next Session of this Institution commences February Ist. Charge $l4 for the Session of Five lionth.s. • .Thalicroas.Joseph Harrison, Esq., President; Bucknell, Esq., Vice President; 'P. P. Morris, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer ; Joseph Jeans,' Redwood F. Warner. James Claghorn, David 8. Brown, William Vellere, William J. Horstman, Eli IL Price, and Charles Gibbons. ia9J3-11.t VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, &c. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Sur veying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at an t ime. Boarding per . week, 26. Tuition per quarter, .00. For catalogues orinformation address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. oellAt .nolitSmit PAINTINGS;.ENGRAVINGS;.&c. JAMES S. EARLE it, IMPORTERS AND , MANIIt*OTURERS OF LOOKING GiJASSES. mum IH OIL PAINTINGS, .. - - ENGRAVINGS, . . , - 4 , PORTRAIT.::, • • . PROTGeRAPII FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH 'ALIAA.JII4 - S. EXTS.NSIVE ,LOOKING GLASS westßooms AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, de3l-tf CHASTNIPP Street. Philadelphia. NOTIOE.-TO HENRY M. GERMAN, -A. 1 late of the county of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of Publication tome directed, you are hereby noticed to he and appear in the' Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Phila delphia, on the FIRST MONDAY of MARCH next, to show cause, if any you hays, why your wife„ MARY H. OEHMAN, should not be divorced from the bonds of Matrimony entered into with you, according to the prayer of her petition tiled in said court. JOHN THO MPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Philadelphia, Jan. 6th, 1663, ja7-nr4t ESTATE. OP CATHARINE MURRAY, —heenViIigNT;MIX§ELVLSVarEN TA-EX hulitUg or demands against the estate of the sala decedent are requested to make known the same without delay to SAMUEL A. MURRAY, Executor de.3l-wtit*. n 0 : ../111.1-COATBS - Street. Philadelphia. • • Pt THE DISTRICT -00trliT_;;FOrt . THE: - IL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. BENIAIi S. HUNT vs. THE PENNSYLVANIA COM PANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, Trustees under the last will and testament of Peter L: Ferguson; decessediend Alexander C. Fergu son. Breve de partitionilacienda, D. 61,46 . 1. 2'o the shove-named defendant* : You will please take notice that an inquisition will be held on the premises described in , said writ for the put!, Poses therein mentioned, to wit: On 'all thateertain messuage or tenement, tavern, and lot or piece of land situate in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phila delphia, benning at the southwest corner of Haverford street alon g Trty-ninth street, thence extending west ward the south side of the said Haverford street five hundred and fifteen feet throe and five-eighths incites to a point the intersection of the sonfliside of the said Haverford street and the northeast side of the Lan caster turnpike road, thence southwestward eleven feat and seven-eighths of an inch to the northeast side of the said Lancaster turnpike road : thence southeastward along the same two hundred and eighty foot to the north west side of Garden street; thence northeastward along. • said Garden street fifty-eight feet nine and five-eighths Inches to an angle in the same; thence eastward along the north' side of the said Garden street two'hundred and, seventy-six feet one inch and seven-eighths of an inch to the west side of e said Thirty-Muth street thence northward along th e west side of the said Thirty-ninth street one hundred anti fifty-three feet three inches to the place of beginning, on Friday, the thirtieth day of Jann hen and where 3•_tttlyattend if - , a. l i frrik i" nr p ope . I rn v . JOHN THOAON, Sheriff . PhUadelphia, Dec. 23.196:1. dpi-wilt M.ATERIAWTOR MINCE PIES. $ H LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON MUNI% SPICES, &c. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DE►LER IN FINE GROCRRISS, VOKINER ELEVENTH AND VINE sTs delf.if tf LtIAM. N. AtTWOOD UNDERTAKER. 11o.•119 N. EIGHTH STREET, Above /Hob, eau aide. lal2-EGI GIFT-BOOR EMPORIUM, 439 CIIBSTNUT Street WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, No. 606 CRESTNUT Street PHOTOGRAPHS. LEGAL. INSURANCE ICODIPANIES. R"A LI N fIRE INSURANCE COMPANT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nos. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET, '„, ... $400.000 Oi? .... 47,148 66 625,86168 Unexpired Temporary Premiums.. 196,554 05 - Less - for the portion of. - time ex- A lilted on Policies over ono year.. 15',058 . 40 171,526 65 924,766.0 Capital PerOtual. Premiums Less, Five Per Cent—. EZZ Tofal. , , , ~,,,, ~ , .... 39 OTAT*ENT,OF, THE ASSETS OF THE CONROY ON SAM:FAR:IA 1863 1 4 hblighed oonfoitofti with: the p'royiefotts of the ffixthoection of ;lie Act of Astiembly of April 3th 184 Z: MORTGAGES Olt property valued at ovef 64;000,000, first Mortgages on Rea} Estate in. the City and ' County of Philadelphia eXtept 044,629.92 in tlte neighboring Counties • • 51,1.;%01:473 , Rlratll ESTATE, Forel, ased at Sheriff` ffades.under Mortgage claims viz.; . - Eight lionses and lot, S. W corner Chestnut • and Seventeenth. streets . . ... A house and lot, north side of Spruce' street, west of Eleventh .. ... . Two houses and lots, southside Spruce streel.. near. Sixteenth street ....... . . . .. Five 'houses and lots, Nos_ 521,52:3,. 525. 527, and 529 DilTwyn street - Three houses and lot, east side Seventeenth street, south of Pine. ... .... - Hotel and lot,- S. E.'corner Chestnut and Five houses and lot, north side of George street, west of Ashton - Seven houses and lot, east sido of Beach street; . south of Chestnut street • A house and - lot, Fitzwater street, east of Ninth street - - A ground rent of $3O on lot north side Otter' street, west of Leopard street ....:;,,+:,,;t 87 lots (aground on Buckley street and Quer-- vette, avenue, 8ri5t01...... A. house and lot, south'side Stiledstreet, east of Sixteenth street ' A honse and lot, east side Front street, north of Cherry, street, Kensington Two houses and lots, north side Filbert street, west of. Eighth street - Five houses and lot, north . side Dauphin st.,. east of Coral street A house and lot, east side SiXteenth street, south of Chestnut street . ' A house and lot, west side Bread street, south of Face street - A. house and-lot, north side Penn street, west of Ilay, street, Pittsburg- • 'A bons° and lot, south side .Filhert street. _west of Sixteenth street Two houses and lots - on corner of Frankford road and Auburn street, fronting on Frank - ford road Total, snrieyed and valuett at 322.47, - cast 77 Temporary Loans on Stocks as collateral se curity (valued at $148,385) ' *84.625 77 STOCKS. $lO,OOO Almshouse' Loan ;5 per cent . .. 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky 14 _" Northern Bank of Kentucky 100 " Union Bank of:Tennessee 13 " insurance. Company of the. State of Pennsylvania 200 • " Southwark Railroad C 0.... .. . 57 ' " Commercial and Railroad Ban . k. Vicksburg ' 300, " Pennsylvania Railroad Co. .... " Franklin Fire Insurance C 0...... .24" -!' Union Canal Company 2." ,Continental Rotel Company...—. - $3,100 Continental Rotel Bonds $lO,OOO Pennsylvania State six-per -cent. Loan • of Itlayi , ls6l • $lO,OOO North Pennsylvaniaßailroad Bonds.. $OOO North Pennsylvania, Railroad cou pon Scrip $7OO Philadelphia City Loan st 96 Philadelphia City Warrants Total market'value. $118,375.16, cost. Notes and Bills receivable.. Cash on band Cash in the hands of agents REAL ESTATE. Market value... Cot, as above.. Advance in value..... STOCKS, Market value. Cost, as above Ad art ce in va I ue..... LOSSES BY FIRE LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR LW, MOS 11 By order of the Board. CHAS: N. BANCKER, President Attest—l As. W. fifoALmerEst, Secretary pro. tem. DIRECTORS. David S. Brown. Isaac Lea, Edward C. Dale, George Pales, . Alfred Fitler. 3ANCKER, President. C. DALE, Vice President. dery pro tem. ja2l-wfmtit Chas. N. Bancker, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant ' Jacob R. Smith Geo, W. Richards, CHAS. N. EDWARD JAs. W. McAl.lawnit, Secr GIR&RD ?IRE'. : AND MARINE nisunentrz COMPABY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the safer daises of Property at low rates. The.public can rely upOn its responsibility;and ability to pay lossei promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed. 500,000 DOLLARS' . . andlwe respectfully solicit its favor in the future. • ' DIRECTORS. • CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER., • JOHN W. CLAOHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. E. HEARLITT ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD in., PETER S. HOE, of N. Y.l WIT. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLEE. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. • A. S. HILLSTT,,V.IOe President; • - ;..../A l 4. B. ALVORD. &deters: aaatiftf . . UNITED STATES LIFE XNEURA.NOE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. ' ' ,TOMPIL R. COLLINS, President. : JOHN EADIE, Secretary. 4. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 8900,000. The business of this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash principle, which is. now folly recognized as the only correct principle. The law under which this Company is chartered pro vides that, lithe capital should, from any cause, become impaired to the extent of $25,000, or more, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make kood such deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which affords this safeguard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three , years, the next on March 4th, LTA Bates of premium charged by this Company are as low as 200 years' experience and the probable future rate of interest will justify. 0. BARDENWEEPER, Agent, No. 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Joseph Patterson. Esq., President Western Bank, Eon. Archibald Mclntyre, Treasurer U. S. Mint. Messrs Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers. Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co., Bankers. Messrs. Stuart & Brother, Bank street. deilllwfmfint FAME INSITRAIi I ' A " , 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILAD PERE AND ENL lELPH S.ND INSURANCE. ;TORS. Francis N. Buck, i E. D. Woodruff. Chas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, Henry Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, Jr., John W. Eyermau. . Chas. Stokes. Philip S. Justice,.A. H. Rosenheim, 0. W. Davis,Josep D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BITCH, President. CHARLES 'RICHARDSON, Vice President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Ijals-ift! FOR SALE AND TO LET: NR 0 N FOITNDRY.-THE LARGE Iron Foundry now occupied by Cox, :Whiteman, & Cox to rent. rosseselonlst April. Inquire 520 ARCH Street, second story: • inl9-mtvffit OR R SALE-=THE STOCK, GOOD -a- V• O WILL, and FIXTURES in a. wholesale Drug Store and Laboratory. -.Andy at No. 410 MARKET Street. be. tweeg 10 andip t clocX. jal4.l2t* FOR. SALE CHEAP-A .WELL-LOCA -.- TED LOT .01 4 ` GROIIiID within two squares of Pair. mount Park, suitable for building lots, bounded by Girard avenue, Cambridge street, and Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets, having a Pout on Girard avenue, of 551 feet by 205 feet in depth, covered with gravel. Apply at 4 29 ARCH Street. ml9-61* F 0 R SALE-THE, GOODWILL and Fixtures of one of tbe Most convenient and commodious Hotels on Market street, between two of the finest market houses in Philadelphia ; doing a splendid. business ; rooms for ]3ll customers ; stabling for kV horses. Apply to 1500 MARKET Street. . 11 FOR .SALE-STOCK, GOODWILL, and Fixtures of an old-established Watch and Jewelry Store, on a main street, doing a good city and country trade. Plenty of repairing. For particulars, address W. C. HARVEY, Philadelphia Post Office. 1t - 41 - 1 T 0 RENT. •OHEA_P-$2OO--A MA large Two and a half 'story Stone Dwelling, Stable, Fruit, and Flower Garden., ono square from llestonvillo Dep_ot. Apply to A. B. CARVER 43: CO., S. W. corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets. • ja2o-2t* STORE TO LET.-THE SPLEN , /LID upper Rooms, No. 237 CHESTNUT Street. Ap• ply to Cja&4l3 LITTLE; STOKES, & CO. • in FOR SALE OR rker2 4 , LET-c•urt ma-HOUSES, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BANDON streets. mhntf • GERMA.NTOWN COTTAGE FOR -Ima- SALE VERY LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LERMAN Streets, With stable and carriage house; lot 71 byl7l fwd. - Also, " The Philadelphia House," at Cape May, with or without .the furniture. The house contains 31 cham bers, large parlor, dining room and kitchen,.with bake house, wash house, &c., &c. Lot 66 by 700 feet, and stabling for 14 horses—pleasantly situated, acid will be sold very cheap. A large variety of Cottages,-Farme, and city Properties. for sale or exchange Also, 3 Grist Mills, with lands and houses attached. B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, del3-tf • or S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. e FOR SALE AND EXOELLINIGE.,- A large number in the adjoining counties to suit any person wishing to purchase a good Farm, Also,.a number of Fruit Farms in the neighborhood , of Doer, State of Delaware. Call and examine Register. ApPlx to rErrir,, jar? No. 309 WALNUT Street. al FOR SALE--CHESTER: O.OII.NarY FARM, containing WO norm Convenient toanil road Station. First-class improvetnerts. Said•tote•ome of 'the very best in that county. Appirto L , FETTIT No. 309 WALNUT Street. - M - tiiirißß l ?" - liketallEE - pr r Ae l Trk - oFtIMPVE" :H. Ellis, situate on the Bordentown and Crosswicits turnpike, three miles from Bordontown. The hews was built in the best manner, expressly for the late owner. with all the modern improvements. The• grobods are handsomely laid out, with trees, shrubber.y,. SIMI fine lawn to the road. Stabling; for , four- horses:- carriage,. house, ice-house, and otber.buildings,.with4avanty-one • acres of land attached. A g ood oportunity to procuye. handsome Country Residencelow, on accogunodating terms. Apply to CHA - RLES J. BILIS, No. 2R.O.DCARKEr Street; or, HENRY 'G. ERLIS, Farm adjoining premises. WANTS. A Y.O :U Nfs lit A N,. THOROUGHLY: acquainted: with .the• Domestic• and Fancy tDrr Goode business,.wishas a. SE,TU3TI4) Z. to•take charge of a stock, examine, ortbaß Goods. Beet of city- reference. Address "Si!' rio. 8831'iarth.F.I.FM Street. ja2l.-3t* sl , l.lficv .. AND; 4, 'PARTNER . WA 13 . T. - wl. uf ElX—An.excelleatt opraFtunity to swage In a beautiful ape extensive bar:finest in the Westi will yield the investerone to two th.ousand dollars first year. One Laving a practical kno i zee of Steam &wines and, Pdacbinery preferred. Must uce unexceptionable re fereace. Forlarther Wor • address - `Pest," this cat*. • - .ia2l-60‘. - - - • WANTED -A. GOOD . SATXSMik . in a Hat . licanick. Address "Box. 1.319? Phila iolphia Poet Office, with name and reference. ja29.121.*- GENTLIMAN. L OF:LBUSIgga PERIENCE and CAPITAL who is desirous oS swa ins. A COAI, COMMISSION BOUSItin, thin ctlyosoald Ms to secure a good and reUablefa l ia t tho.fnlkstmder• stands thl, business. either as SA or P MOIL Address •J. W. P.,' with referenne, 'Wade' is Poet Office. WANTED. TO. RFgT, FROM *THE wa. and. of April next„Arooderate-Sizod three-story BRICK DWRGLIIIG SCRIBE, is a 'central too:slily. II must• have all. Alio saixlern Improvements. Address, P"Rent," Mails oft% stating locality and prlce.-jals-tf 411: nelt SALE.—TEEREE-EIGHTHS 4i(dia brit Thos. Waiter . Apgz to CHAR. S. & JAS. CARbTAIR.4. r •• No. W ALWirr, az**. 81;901 50 1. 50 $5-1,7:3 . 10,603 60 75.30 03 $2,369,2'.1.1fr3 $138,.329 47 125,970 77 898,375 18 &3;90150 13.473 66 :2,392,U6 39 E COMPANY, NO. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NUM. C. ANSCHUTZ, .ADOLPH BIRO VET.M. DIRECTOR BUS [HESS AGENT GERMAN OPERA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, LSO, DER WILDSOHUTZ, (The Poaeher.) Comic Opera. by Lortzing,„ brAPkIVIE <IOIIANNSEL tiC'EIA 1 - IERIt (415IfiT, Doors opor 34'1 o'doccri:;: Opera coIIS Rife meta at a PRICE* OF ADMTSiii, /ON; 02i& DOLLAR Seats" veserved Odra charge' Funnily Circle, Mcents Awaiitliebtre. 26Vezitt THURSDAY" ituatialy 2t0983: GRAND IreiCAL AND ORtIIBTRAT.;• - C 014 0 E AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL; By the ,SETISTES, CHORZSI , AN•D ORCRZTAIA: of TIM GERMAN OPBRA TROUPE • ottsiltuicit CARL ANSCHUTZ. TICKETS.-- CONDUCI'OIt ja2o G ERRA 4.4 . OPERA SUBSCRIPTION. SUBSCRIBERS' To the -FIRST SEAEON, who with to retain their 'seats for the ISTEWSEASON of StX.- C.4 7 ERAS, , and a.lletheis who wish to subscribe, will obligety leaving the* name at the BOX OFPFCE "OF THE AC.A.IS.T.+4.V . OP . MUSIE t Or S. Gould'a blaßic Store, corner of Seventh and Coast. iit streets, elrly*THlS DAY. 16 ADOLEII BYRGPEDEt; Agent. NEW CROBTNUT-STItEMT: Tifakt- TRE. Lessee and Manager, WtEATLEIir. Alsoot Niblo's Garden, New York. SPECIAL iCOTICE. Owing to the - almost unprecedented reqUest for tho choice of MIN on the OPEN/Na- hICLt f 01 ,- THIS TEPEATRE MONDAY- EVEMAG, January - On which occasion EDWIT.T. 70.11R.t ST' Will make his • FIRST AMEARAITI:32 - THIS 'SEA.SO2I.S ' • - " .VIRGWIIIS; , and the utler impussibility;with the limitedl . spate is Mr. Wheatley's power, of sattrifying the numeroua per chasers, or even the special• rewests of personal friends, with any justice to the general public, he wcUld leave to announce that it has Been decided nponto Pities the - • D/SPOSALr OF , SEATS. 30R. THE FIRST MORTi, • in the hands of . _ . EV- THOMAS C MN. They will mart ingly be offerei fdr purchase billiosA gentlemen, in the secondstory oP their • AUCTION ROOMS ,• Was. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street; THIS (WEDNESDAY) JABBABY 21st, At 12 o'clock, noon. The Box Office for the sale'of seats which may notlst then disposed of, will 'be opened to the public. in that Theatre, on SATURDAY MORNING, Jalmary 2-4tb, • At 9 o'clock A. M. PRICES OF ADMISSION, Family Cire1e........ - cents.- Dress Cire1e......... —. • - 50 cents.: Parguette and Secured Seats in Dress Circle.... 75 . cents. Seats in Private Boxes, each. lt• W A LNUT-STREET THEATRE.- I I Sole Leg5ee............Mr5. KA. GARRETTEOL. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF • MR. AND AIRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, January 21,124 Performance will commence with the Drama o£ BORN TO GOOD LIIOIC. Paudeeu O'Rafferty Mr. Barney Williams; To be followed by the new Burlesque, entitled THE 11A01C- JOKE.. Prince Doloroso • --Mrs. Barney Williams. To conclude with the Farce of THE.TWO BUZZARDS. ' . Benjamin Buzzard ' Mr; o.4ohnson,- Doors open at fig; Curtain will, rite at 7. CONCE B, T . 1:1 A T.T,LARGE- ROBERT HELLER, THE: PITEQUALLED ILLUSIONIST, IN 1 fiTOll OE - WODERN MBIAOLES. ORIGINATOR O , F SECOND•SIGfIT, AND GREATEST PIANIST 'IN AMERICA. Will have the honor of appearing as• alxive 'on WEDNESDAY , EITENING, .Takmary - 21. When will be producid effedts STRANGE, STARTLING.; AID INCREDIBLE,. Including phases of the great marvel; SECOND SIGHT. of au - almost preternatural character. • A PIANO. FORTE .AIELANOE, Consisting of classic and original compositions. Wilt. interlard this decidedly original and recherche soiree. • Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats_ i 0 cents, Can b*- secured on and after WEDNESDAY, from .10 A. M. un— til SP. M. ja2o.2t• MRS. JOHN DREVT.S ALR,CIiSTICEET THEATRE. Stallings Agent and Treasurer— —.. • —.TOIL D.3111811i1. TRIUMPH. UPON TRIUMPH. THIRD WEEK. THIRD WEEK,. OF MR. AND HAS - CAROLINE RICHINGS. TO-NIGHT; and EVERY NIGHT, • ' • THE ENCHANTRESS. • St ells, , the Enchantress Miss C. Richings. Ramir, the Pirate Chief. Mr. Peter Riehings. For inn- particu..lare , of MUSIC, SCEYERY[Ste., Sc., see the BILLS. FRIDAY EVENING FIRST BENEFIT OP MR. 'PETER RICHINGS. • ir Prices as usual. Seats secured six days in advance. THE SECOND. SOIREE OR - OLASSL CAL MUSIC. by MESSRS. CROSS AND JARVIS, will take place at thOYER of the ACADEMY of ' MUSIC, SATURDAY KMIIN_G, the 24th. Tickets at GOULD'S, ANDRE'S, and LEE & WALE ER'S. ja2o-5t ASSEMBLY BUILDDIGS.—GLORL OUS SUCCESS OF WOODRUFF'S •ORIOINAL BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. Ev.say EVENING, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. The great Glass Steam-Engine "MOM. • TOR" will le in fall operation at each• entertainment.. The greatest wonder of the world. All ,the.splendid par. • for ornaments, made by the Bohemians, will bedistri- • butes among the audience. Every one will have a . chance of obtaining a unique and valuable present. Admission 15 cents. No half price. On FRIDAY EVENING, January 23d, a splendid CASE OF WORK Will be given to the author of the best POEM on the GLASS STEAM-ENGINE. jali)•St "TRIBE 'OF T HE . HUTOHINSON FAMILY.I. Will give their FOURTH CONCERT. AT HANDEL & HAYDN HALL,._ Corner EIGHTH and GREEN Streets, .. On THURSDAY, Jan. 22, ABA Lizzie, Abbey, Freedy, and 'Little Howlett." Singing the Songs or Union and Freedom.., Parculars in Programmes and at the Concert. Admission 2.5 cents. Children 16 cents; Doors open at 7. Concert ab S o'clock. preciseiY. AS SEM BLY BUILDDIGS--TENTE AND CRESTS - UT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD -kITD YOUNG: SIGNOR BLITZ, The great MAGICI_4II and VENTRILORIGST., withhie LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will and . popular Entertal , •ments EVERY !EVENING, the Week, commending at 7W, o'clock ; and WEDNESDAY" and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be - marvellous experl ments in Magic ; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism. and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters.: Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents aBRMANIA.. _ORO :I STRA. - PUB. LIC REHEARSALS every_SATURDAY NOON at 3% o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND A M Carl Santa, conductor. Ticketa 25 cents. Package' of f. tickets, el—to be had of Andre & Co., 1104 Cheetagt street ; J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the ball door. n0274S - - INSTITUTION . .FOR : . EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at NT. d4l7+wtf =Str e lesion TEN- CENTS. • Store No. 11— Soatli IGHTIS : et. - • 11TASSLER'S ORCHESTRA. • BMW OFBICB MA South morns St., below Walnut. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE phts ARTS 1025 CHESTNIJI STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 5 P. M: - Admission 29 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock,eSO. • LOST AND FOUND. tll,OOO REWA D r TR E FOL- . OWTNGse" ll s l st irii •Streeti..NE* YORK on siEay.l: instant— -2 viz: Soo United siatefi 6 Per Cent. ia&.1481, for .8500, .COUPOUS.. attached. No. 4144. Font. .13onds Ohio Licking.Portuf.T. Nos. 4 2 , each ; 40 and IA WO each. Fifteen do Detroit, Monroe, and Toledo Bailrbad. Nos. _ Re to 371, 681, and one number ,not known, *l,OOO math- Allabove.haveConpous. . Nine Eno aud . Kabutuazoo Railroad Bonds, $l,OOO each. Nos. 98, 97, 98, 99. 100,110, 111; lyei 113, and, believed. to be dated March Ist, 18,52. Bond and Mortgage of Fred. Wk00d,.44,000 ;.favor of A. N. Sewell. 68,600 United States Six Per Cent. -Two-year Certificates favor of Henry not endoried: A , ;-11513 to &11, *l,OO O j- . ft4.(1 0 ,3 B--664, $l,OOO . C-1806 to 1:311, 100 Bond Central Ohio I.34lrotillimi,ooo. No. US.. TIT US Coupons. • • —. The abovveivara ITM be 101 by lIIVII:YIAELAFLE,TA: 6,Wits4I.I.ORTSENtEt Street,. NE7.4.1-ORIC $4OO TELFie, 15tia instani,Ar, our Boy, in go2ng„,fronk,the... Store to Bata: of Penn 'tranship, Botc,*. act, pliecks , amounting to. $2,652.61. Tile above rewattd,W i l. be for its recovery. The publicare hereby-cautioned againO.receiying. the , following decks, incLudeatin above amsent,es,payment: ‘ , has been stopped: Lar!castoz, County . Br.ok for tr 26.; 1.4 - dge . Co.'s clic*, date Nevo4abon, Ohio, Janne:ll'lo, 1h53, to . the order, of Brig p & Burns, and by tetern, endorsed, on Read, Drexel; &41ils,York, for l -. — JOS. S. co ial9-le No. IB•ZFOrth THIRD Street; Phil adelPhis. 5T1 1 ,.---7hlrE FOLIO VINO DZ . L scribed Dialle,,mailed last Ssritomber to und er-. siguid, haying Wiest to come to ,bainfl.UPPY.OtAldrtletk be :wade to the rualieetive comps liana of new„ Drate: 3.rafi drastn lw S. W. Hill, tige r at of Pol* lan Co., upon Samuel - 1d; Day, Secretro, dittedi 1).14.1 , 1o. 136, to tl*oriler'ef ;Davis; for, 41. 7 . i Draft drassAby S. W. Hill, apg,,,of.Patt,,,MitliFig CA., upon Eitronal , lilt Day.- Sect a;} P1a11e4c1214,, dated,„ . Sept. 10th;'1i2,..No. 3:4, to th.e.rder of .Ai.s*l.ki4V,ltrde,. for $l6O, Draft &Awn by C. B. reinie„ agent, (.:4•Central . llintp upon, James M. Mills,. Trekurerj. 24011,:roxt,da Sept: IA,,DiS2, N 0.161,1, to, -alf. fA e order of. HAries, ors $ - 20. Draft drawn by Jol s o,. 'Urea, &rant of - Cow r_ Fatni Mining , upon WM4=4,11; 08 g 0 611Trensu5er, Beoton a No, the order 3udt 4 4,10r,361:4f S 1 •irafts drawn tz.4t, C. Davis, agent of Amygdaloidi fdiutnaeo., upon F. Bt Drexel, Ilreita liver, ilailelphia, numbered respeetimat 12.58, 1612:10q1; Wa s a 143,12 FA, ; each for $5. - TH 60,30 R BUSS & d :113 North 'THIRD Street. PUWE'SSAVE DEPOT RE MOVE?, to. No. South SRVIIItiTH Street, near Framkliztowlitige. 21 . , . The undemptsed,.theAW, for Teat faVate, 4 1 P36 foetal s O st determin to. me ri t' flaw& pa sage. rata senntal an elegant oonveniend store, and has now on and a large a ettt of lidillat'a Celebrated NE`ro,naht and Chilled XO4l Rae sand litang'w* woo' slow. tthe only s, saintly.Aro and barx7 proof safes to.taiek ir Doom a n. Lillie's, Cr nelitiablea Bank Vasil, Saila and Itsi.k , LWIWa Sank Yana and hocks WI be farnielitA to order. on ahoropolice. This is the atzelgOat, best pm, tented, and cheapest B4Dor. and I v Owed. Also, partionlar attention is salted to Lillia'a New Cabinet Safe, far Plats, Jewelry, , This Safe la cop. m d e d t o surf in style and elegan as anything yea mfered for thlf. PATT.O69. • anti la the only one that la strictly Are and burglar proof. -, SPECIAI 1 , 10T1i31•.-1 have now on hand say twenty al Farrel, Harripg, dt Co.'s Safes, niJaVof there nearly new, sad some Ibrry of other make*',, comprising a 0412Pleta assortment as to sixes, and er. lately onehanged for the now balehrated Lillie Safe. They will be gold at vent. '.rfer price*. Plow WI P'ad eita=ine. !a2A./yit X. C. HADLI3.. Una. ifeatß GRAFF, 1-I}:r'Zß WDINLICHEI. delolm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers