ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. continental Hotel—. A Bradford, Et Louis (3 IA McCabe, Tamagna J I.4OWiS,_WPFit. Chester T o wn ,, oud, West Chester r rhitchiuson.o S Army tV proomell & la, Media hiwrett, Now York Fawcett, New York yP II II Newman, Buf f alo: s Shelley, New York tt y Shelley, New York 2 Watson & le. P Amboy neon & la, Njork :oirs s . wen, Delaward Swan, Delaware ltw.ling&la,Nßrunaw'k .r • It Carpenter 3: Sootier, New York • ri Moller, Jr, Baltimore 3, II Si sown & la, St Louis r. PllllllO, New York (I Lockwood, N Y BoughtonTNew York 3111 Robertson, New York' T Phelps, New York loone y, Troy, N C A Maitland, New York .3,Nv linkage'', Lebanon Kllllnaer, Lebanon (' Oliver & la, Pottsville ;E: y & la, Chicago .1.; A Larkin. Boston • E Foster, New York A (lanin, Mexico 1 I , Anderson, jr, Brooklyn 3' Robby, Brooklyn Volt Terbune, New York P Leo & 'Now York J Losslng, New York Elias Tltas, New York Otis, Titas, New York Miss bwret, Nest York A E Shaw, New York .1 S Silver, Jr New JerSeY Verk, New York 31 11 Pork, New Ydrk La WlldoryJr, New York N Mier. hew York I) ros Br ß w r e ower, B er, Nowoston York O po, New York J 8r00k)... N ew y olk E Boston 71i W Olcott, Albany plain Barney, New I ork C Soulliwlck,Now York as,. o hvoch, Boston - .1 , , a (lurk, Meniphis,Tenn ,Ths M Raymond & wh N Y Vll Bra Isted, New York ' F 3 SpolgolbergNeW Yotir y ICMurffoldt,'Savana glrand. House—Chez bales E Black, Delaware Min Wood • A C Stimers, New York A Jarouto' Now York Ms,i S Allison, Trenton Sure D P Smith, U S A , C 0 Merrill, MD, N Haven p B Kershaw Phu Blair, Now York 'rums Born aril; New York • Mr Shepard & la, N Jersey Miss Shepard, New Jersey jas Young, Middletown S Futhey, West Chester W W Holmes, Boston Mrs Gee Dufour, Now Pon J W Wall, Now Jersey S McPherson, New Jersey Theo Giles; New Jersey C Wagoner, M D,ll J • J M.Cerpenter, Salem, N J lI D Has, Salem, N J 31 Wlisen, New York E Ferman, New York W K Thomas, New York Andrew Sampson, N Y pl lee Sampson, New York James Moore & wf, N Y w Thornton, N York Chas D Porter, N York bfeCreary, M Chunk I II meKee, Hazleton - A Stllimau, Hazeltou W 'Wort, littzeiton Stephen Mixon, Penna {'otter, M Chunk Leisenrlng & la, Ponna lire A A Douglass, Penne, bli,s Douglass, Penna. Mr Walker & la, Conn 116 e Walker, Conn 1,11 , A Cole, Conn fi:mute, Burlington Yferehotnts'—Folurt q Hummel, Bethlehem ,i Comfort, Maryland Jews , E Power, WaSh, D 0 S Tharin, Wash, 'D Len Limey, Baltimore F Stewart 11 kayo, Pa E Perks, Clearfield' l O'Neill, Chicago 8 Lilly g wf, New Jersey Nichol Butz ' Easton 13 Barr, New York Melebens, Lancaster Jelin Copp, Massillon, 0 .Eil J Saeger, Allentown C S Palmer, Backe co, Po, An erican—Chestnu L D Smith, Berks co, Pa W Darlington, W Chester Cl Briuton, West Chester .S Wright, Delaware . Wright, Delaware M Elder, Baltimore I Cooke's., Baltimore 1) Wrist, Baltimore ay, Port Deposit ,Vii). Port Deposit W Steno) , & wf, Penna. Mei Irian, Lancaster co SEMoilvain,Lancastor 1 1 1 ii Mount, New York P Alt:Laughlin, Baltimore W Bretton MI, Starr, Slinderson B W Jones, New Jersey F Alison, Massachusetts - Alfred Win., Troy 11 11111oliels, W Parsons, Salisbury St. Louis Hotel—Ohes J B Fluky, Newark 0 MOW: New York t She ki 11, IVash, D C V Waite% Jr, N J j D Pearson k In, N Y 3 J (Inloshn, Phila V k" I:nyder, Phila John Peek, Boston Bh • 0 W onlren, Wash.]) C The Union—Arch J Do:0 , 11, lirw York Ti.. C:ofts, New York Plttaburg J fit 4. B,ston 71winpsou,New Jersey Pr orrlirist b: , m) I? Mt etc, Ephrata. Pa n M :I , rsoucer, Baltimore National—Race at Ben' Swartz, Lane co, Pa. B Elluener, Pottsville H Gref-song & son, Pa GroShoeuer, Orwlgaburg Rev D Heitz, 'Ephrata, Pa J DI Haber, Lebanon T Rhoads, Allentown 14 Heilman, Lebanon John All wain, Lebanon ("ATHA Pa Eli Klopp, Berks co • 31r$ S K 'Wkichler, Pa • 11144 ht Brunner, Is John Branner, Jonestown Lenbart, Leesport, Pa T It (lerberd. Pennsylvania John Wily, Lebanon • States Union—Sixth Js H Poprock, Ne' York T .9pwrer, Lana co Pa Alh.s Al A Park, Line co, Pal John Pro rieT, Jr, 'Union! A If Johnson, HoUldayshe 1) II Sanders, Latrobe W 1) jambs. Westmoreland Liw Blessing. York co, Pa John Kissinger. York co Pa 1.4 Hallman, Wash, C E Peterson, Chichmati Commercial Hotel—S Selover, Auburn ,N Y .T H Graham Sr. Wt. :her, co T liarrVburg Jacob Flt, nery.Douglasvllle John Rolling , , Penne, E Torbert, Elkton, Md Win P Derbert Bald Eagle—Third s () F 1111lif l'. Allentown 'w Stein, Cherryvillo 2 11 Long, Carbon co, Pa, Granville Olanss,Lehighton V 11,4ninif, Allentown T Hendricks, Allentown itenben Kemmerer, Ponna :Reuben Walls, Pouna J Hoffman, Puma Jacob Dreistatch, Penns •Ismos Osmond. Penns S Holmninn, 'Kutztown canal Her,l, Lancaster Barley Sheaf—Secon Ow A Craven, Centreville Nelms Pennsylvania 3 W Ilia:Docks co PBucks Co • W Bucks co 3 H North, New Jersey E Prey, PenneyLvania 3 S He ton, Newtown M Bute, Pennsylvania Madison House—Sec II Jelinaw..Cheeter D B Janney EVIIIIN Deposit, N 11 B Nelvin, Dover IV U Posner. Dover E R Lew 6, Delaware E Simmons, Wihningln,Del :Harrison Carver, N Jersey Blount Vernon—Seco I ) 4.wnlog &Is t New York J J MrUltrtrY. 11ew Jersey s Niel', 'New Jen Vi'ill &swim, Now Yor A S Trenton Aleck Bear—Third street, above CallowhM. A Dish, lierlinvtlie 1 Brion, Lancaster co. Pa. Miss Gish, Derlinville J D Warner, Kutztown S Cres , trnan, Seltomvillo W Yeager, Dauphin co, Pa J Frazer:Lancaster co SPECIAL NOTICES. HARD TIMES ARE UPON US ! !—ECONOMY, therefore, should be practised by everybody, in all hinge. Ono Dollar expended nolo is pnrchasiug a bottle of JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT by those troubled with a alight cough or Hoarseness, or a Sore Throat, may cave the expense of a doctor's bill. A neglected cough often ends In Consumption. A slight Inflammation of the lining of the }rind tubes, the usual symptoms of which area sore throat and a pain In the breast, will soon lead. through want of attention, to Bronchitis. A day's delay slay entail months °taunting. Let the afflicted try at once JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, It Is a standard re rnedY,':.nd its curative powers have been tested by thou utb, of persons who have boon restored to health by its it , e. Prepared and sold st No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTER& 'They Purify, strengthen, and invigorate. 'They create a healthy appetite. They are art antidote to change of water and diet. 'They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. "They Prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevors. 11137 purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. `They cure Diarrhceha, Cholera, and Chelan'. Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's gram kaeorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rain, the eels. breed Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with Pleaeure of a beverage, without regard to axe or time ' 24 liar. Particularly recommended to delicate persons le:Wring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug. rAlh, Hotels, and Saloon's. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 20* B ROADWAY, New York. • self-8m ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST "*LES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fl• 1 5: 24 1. All Goode made to Order warranted satiefactom `. ll ONa-Pazcz SrEast( is strictly adhered to. All are thareby treated alike. de1241 JONES & CO.. 004 M ARSIST Street: lIATCHFILOR'S HAIR DYE! ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD:, WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; * Minted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the 11l elects of had dyes, and invigorates the Hair for 1 4 GRA I% RED, or RUSTY HAIR in•Witly tarn* a. euleedld Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and b ' a blitols Sold by all Druggists, dal' „ The Genuine Is signed WILLIAH A. BATCH'S t 'olt, an the four sides of each hoz FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late MS Broadway and 16 Bond street.) Naw TitAr • • 11011110EOPATHIC HOSPITA.I., /118 t it4b C , UTFISERT Street —This institution lb now open r the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers. who will I. reTeirsd and provided for In the most comfortable s, • caner uee of charge. B. P. GLENN. 502241 Secretary of Board of Managers.. I inth and Chestnut. Thos Watkinsonßaltimore fork Stephen J Steelo, New Stephen Hyatt, New York E D C Harrington, N York A Seeley, New York N C Clark, New Hampshire F W Boley, Washington I Coale, Jr, Baltimore • G F,isksteat, Virginia 0 0 Presbury & la; Mar'yPd H J Ibbotson, Now York W 0 Gunnell, Washington G M Woodruff & la, Cone A.O Bigelow & la, Boston Miss Bigelow, Boston II A King, New York 1 W Randall, New York W Thatcher, Wilmington A Lent, Now York o W Lockwood & son, N Y. M C Ferris, Boston W A Galbraeth & don, Brie Miss T Davenport P J Fords, New York John Hayes, Lancaster J W Douglass, Erie, Pa C M Reed, Jr, Erie, Pa W II Edwards, New 'York 13 F Libby, New York II T Judson & son, Isi Y ii R N Peterson, New York R W Comstock, Providence J P Lewis, Virginia F D Lockwood, New York B B White, Now York D D Badger, New York Samuel Donner, Boston A Pardee, Hazleton • Martin Coryell, Hazleton Mr Patten & la, New York D Halides, Washington IF. ,T Granger, New. York H Rohorts_,_ Maryland.__Maryland D Vickers. Maryland D Willes & In, New York Mies Janes, Brooklyn .Tos'o Whitney, Baltimore .1 N Osborn, Boston N J,Hoope, Maryland Geo W PIITBOIOI, New York Robt Fullerton, Baltimore D Mcitay Sc wf, Boston S Brownell, Providende, R I' 0 J Christie, New Jersey H S Winton, Delaware N J Gilbert, Washington lIoiA II McClure & wf, Pa Mrs" Grey, Chambersburg j Hancock & wf, Illinois Mr Green, New York H Brnuson & wf A A Foster, Now York tnut, below Ninth. Jll . Erri tiger, Jr, & wf, Pa Mrs J W New Jersey Miss Wall, Now Jersey ll L Lyman, Vermont Li W L Wheaton, II S A Thos J Danott, U S N A G Enos, Philo • W Bryce, Burlington John H Brenton, W_Chest H P Hallstead, Scranton, Pa Thos Boman, New York W E Mitchell, Boston J'S Steele,,Waishingtoa, D James Welsh, New York Rev P Maher, Harrisburg J P Wickersham, Lane co. T W Roseborry & wf, Pottsv Miss Roseberry, Pot taville Miss DouglaSs, Potteville C G G Merrill - - - John Bannan,Pottaville .Miss M Bannau,Pottsville W K Smith, Pottsville Seth W Geer, B Lildore, Prow York QHanneld • Robert P Nrown, Baltimore P Caughy. Baltimore Wm Call, U 8 A Frazer, U 9 A BAlDabollUSA Mr Smith, U S Chas Leroy N York Jas Jones, Lockport Hon T Jones Yorke, N 3 W Hubbard, N York W Corp - enter, Lancaster Miss M Katiag,a,N Kingston Miss M Moore ,N Kingston A Piableti, N hingston A Irvin, Cumberland co Miss Mary Irvin, Comb 00 M II Paul, N Jersey street, below Arch. T W Jackson t Kentucky Benj May, Maryland Lewis Lyon, Maryland P L Gliugan, Lewisburg W H Davis, Easton A Bedell, Athens NY Ira Haynes, Cincinnati, 0 W F Spencer, Cincinnati, 0 E Lane, Oxford, 0 Saml Arnold, Carlisle Jas J Moore, Pa J K Klink, Newyille, Pa Shlppensbnrg Hon M Strouse, G 1I Rowland, Pike IOWD Romer, Pike street, above Fifth. D Coakley, Baltimore P Brady, Philadelphia W J Martin, New York A It Allen, Washington J SWorthington A l‘Vashlng'n H Robinson, Washington J Cronise, Washington . W Enhior, Washington W Ladd & in, blaryland F S Bowen, Pennsylvania F Davis, Milford Ci Abbott, Milford 0 A Griffith, Milford W L Gill, Lancaster W Bullock, Pittsburg N Glidersieve, Delaware Win Shaw, Delaware R Powell, Delaware Win 0 Snilerfleld A J Baldwin, Now York Chas DeHaven, New Jersey nut street, ab. Third. W W Davis, Boston L Holmes, New Jersey J B Floyd la, New JersoY .f S Dovey, Pottsville P Pardee, New flatten J B Lane, New Haven James Elliott, New York J Noble, New York IC Eldridge, New York treet, above Third. Widlnce & wf, Lane 00 J Wilson, Jr, Lam co. Pa Win I.oe, Pennsylvania D W Gross, Harrisburg John Ilessun. Maryland J L Kauffman, Pa Mr Geo Cook, Upton, Pa John B Cook & la., Pa eet, above Third. Mra I? Beck, Orwlgsburg Mrs ,T H. Cleaver, &Aland Mrs E IC Hay, Lebanon Mrs Jos Karcb, Lebanon Miss Mary S Bowman, Pa W D Enna, Lebanon 11 Stump, Slouch burg A W!zee,. Harrisburg Peter Heckert, Pa A Maslen, Pee neYlvania Master Schaffner, Pa Thos H Leinback, Myerst'n Coo D Heilman, Lebanon A E Norton, Delaware .703 Wilson & son, Heading E M Keefer and Market streets. 1H 0 Hendenson,Dayton, 0 11l Small it wf,Schtil Haven I Mae A Small„Sehl Haven Miss K Levau„schnl Haven John Hollinger, Lillie CO,Pit "Miss Piper, Peun.sylvania 11 Jump, Ohio John H rearsol, Lancaster John P Bertram, Pottsville W W Holmes Si wf, Vt xth st., ab. Chestnut. I jag Feist, Montgomery co Stephan O Baker - John James, Chester co . L Ii Wilson, Oxford, Pa Jecoh A Hazen, Pottsville Aug Wheoler above Callowhill. T Otto. Easton DavidNiutzl e, Myerstowa Henry 'rice, Myerstown Isaac Beecher, Myerstown Peter Spangler, Myerstown Levi .1 Groli, Myerstown Cyrus Spangler. Myeratown Wln Beep, Bucks co, Pit Moron hoop, Bucks co, Pa S Sutton, Jr • T H Spencer F Kerus, Lehigh co, Pa 1 street, below Vine. C H Roberts, Newtown B .1 Wilson, Hemp Ruff, N S Meredith & ls, Doylest'n k West, Centreville J A Bowdon, Lambertsyllle F Betts, Pennsylvania John Bette, Pennsylvania A S Sly, Pennsylvania ad St.. above Market. B Chamberlin Jas A Deaver, Baltimore Wm Neigh, Atlantic: City R M Hopkins, Delay are Wm J Lank, Delaware J H George, Delaware C Killen, Dover, Del d street, above Arab. B Anderson, New Jersey I' Palmer, New York Jae Richards, Chester co J d Williams, Boston II Thorms, Boston 4 , 4-11=0i0 ;Ai • DINANT—DOONER.—On the 15th inst.. by the. Rev. Father Toner, str. Nicholls T. Dinant to Miss Emma Dooner, both of this city.• McEIVEN—GORDON.—ApriI Ist, 1881, by Rev. James R. Kinnard, Wm. Matron to Lizzie Gordon, both of this • CARTER.—On Monday morning, the 19th inst., Francis Carter, in the 35th year of his age. His friends are respectfully invited to attend the funo. ntl from 'the 'residence of his stepfather, Henry Minton, 204 South Twelfth street, on Wednesday next, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Olive Cemetery. * DOWEN.—The Amaral services of Lieutenant William Bowen, 75th P. 1r... who fell in the battle of Bull Run, August 30th, 1892, will be held in the chapel, at Laurel Hl H, this (Tuesday) morning, 20th inst.; at 11 o'clock, precisely. DATISS.—On Sunday night, 18th init.. Herbert Stinm son, infant son of Peter A. and Sarah H. Davies, aged 3 Mouths. - WRI6HT.—On Saturday morning, the 17th inst.; Mrs, Georgiana M, wife of Henry Wriht. The...relatives and friends of, the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), the 20th inst„ at 2 o'clock P. M. from the residence of Mr. George Downing, No, 266 South Fourth street. • DANIBLS.-Ou the morning of the 18th instant, Mr. Joshua Daniels ' Sr., aged 64 years. BAIRD.--On Saturday morning,l7th inst., B, Baird, aged 29 years. ALLEN.—On the 18th Inst., Robert Allen, soil. of •Wm. and amity Allen, aged 2_years and 3 months. • ANDERSON.—At the Harwood Hospital, Washington, D. C.. on the 17th inst., from wounds received at the bat tle of Fredericksburg William G., only son of Thomas Anderson, No. 1217 South street, in the 17th year of his age. a member of Co. G. Collis' Zonaves. BLACK AND WHITE BALMORA.L. gSKIRTINGS.—BIack and purple Balmoral Skirts. Gray and Black Balmoral Skirts. Muslin and Revere Bows. Lace Sleeves trimmed purple or black. Crape Trimmings. - English Crapes and Veils. Bound Grenadine and Crape Veils. Black all-wool Ottoman Poplins, 87X cents.. Black and English Reps, 25 to 313' cents. Just received by I3ESSON & SON, ,lal2 MOURNING STORE, 918 CHESTNUT Street. VYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have a fine assortment of Good Glossy Black Silks, Widows' Silks without gloss. FYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND Anon, always keep a fine stock of Staple Household Goods. Best Muslins, Linens, and Flannels. PYRE & LANDELL i FOURTH AND. ARCH. always keep a full line of Mourning Shawls. Jam -Fashionable Shawls. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD i rob 3. AN.EI WALNUT STREETS.—Stated meeting THIS NENING. AT. THE. NORTH BAPTIST CHURCH, in EIGHTH. Street; above liIATER. The Rev. THOMAS ARMITAGE. 1). D., of New York. Will deliver his great Lecture on "The Past the Pre sent, and the Future of the United States," THIS (Tues day) EVENING, January 20th. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture nt BP. M. Tickets at the door :25 cents; chil dren 12 cents. . Ir." - • DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS.— ory:cis OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUR VEYOR, PHILADELPHIA, January 19, 1853.—NOTICE.— Duplicate plans of the line and grade regulations of Ocean street, between Green and. Duke streets, in the Eleventh ward, are now prepared and. deposited for pub lic inspection at the office of JOHN F. WOLF, Surveyor and Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, No; 906 North THIRD Street and- at the office of 'this-Depart ment, City Building, FIFTH Street,below Walnut ; and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MONDAY, the 2d day, of February, 1553, at 11 o'clock A. DI., to consider' any objections that rug) , be urged thereto by_any citizen interested therein, STRICKLAND KNEASS, Ja20,21,31-3t - Chief Engineer and Surveyor. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. ear. ,SEVEN'T.H. and CHESTNUT Streets. - • Instruction in Book-keeping in its differentbranches, as practised by the best accountants; Penmanship, plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mercantile Forms, and Calculations, &a. Day- and Evening. Individual Instruction, ja2o.3t* MAT THE. 139th ANNUAL MEET ING of the Carpenters' Company of the City and County of Philadelphia, held at their Hall, on the 19th of day of January,l663, the officers of the Company were elected—viz: MICHAEL ERRICKSON. President. JOHN WILLIAMS, Vice President. CHARLES CONARD, Secretary. JAMES HUTCHINSON,Treasurer. Managing Committee. EDWARD KELLEY, RICHARD K. BETTS, • SAMUEL RAIN. Warden. HENRY PHILLIPPI. - CHARLES CONARD, Secretary. IMP MERCHANTS , ,--.THE AN. anal Meeting of the 'YTS' FUND SO CIETY, will be held on TUESDt • • FTERNOON, the 20th inst., at 4 o'clock. at their •Ro" , Ile,' northwest corner I,EVENTH and SANSOM Streets. The Annual Report will be aubmitted, and an election held for Officers. • . THOS. F. BRADY. Jal4Bt Secretary. VOFFICE OP THE BROAD TOP 228 IMPROVEMEN T COMPANY. No. WALNUT et :PH ILADRLPHIA, January 19,1869.—An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of the above Company will be held their office on MONDAY, the 26th instant, at which time an election for Directors for the coming year will be held. JAMES A PPL ETON, ja2o-tuths St Treasurer and Secretary. !TOFFICE OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND NINETEENTH STREET RAILROAD COM r, PHILADELPHIA, January 19, At the annual meeting of the stockholders of this Com. pang, held January 15th, 3863, the following gentlemen were elected directors for the ensuing year: JOS. E. GILLINGHAM—President. Directors. F. M. DREXEL, B LEACH, JAMES WATT, • H. W. GRAY, CHAS. T. YERKES, Jr. OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL, HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD LOMPANY, PHILADELPHIA (Ist month), January 19,1563. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Schnyiklli, Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company will be held at their office, No 15 Beath Seventh street, on the third day of (Id month) February, 1563. at 12 o'clock, for the ; •• .ose of considering the propriety of Increasing the ?,..) . .tol Stock of the Company. jot . sa-dt ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, Presl. TH E FOURTEENTH ANNUAL Commenceur ent of the Regular Eclectic Medical College, will occur at CONCERT HAIL, on WEDNES DAY, January 21, at:3 o'clock P. M. Valedictory address by Professor E. 0. DALTON. A. H., H. D. Music by Beck's Band. The public are invited. W. PAINS, M. D.. Dean of the Faculty, 031 ARCH Street. jalll-215 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIZE Corporatora of THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, January 26, LW, at 12 o'clock it, at the Hotel. jal2-6t J. SERGEANT PRICE. Secretary. IM• THE, FOURTIFI LECTURE OF THE Course, in aid of the " Church of St. Matthias." will be delivered at CONCERT HALL,. on TUESDAY EVENING, 20th inst., by the Rev. JOHN COTTON SMITH, of NOW 'York. Subject—" The Monuments of Egypt " Tickets, 25 cents each. For sale at C. Si. Burns'. 911 Chestnut street ; Episcopal Book 5t0re,1224 Chestnut street, and at the hall. • NOTICE.—AN ADJOURNETP MEET- . p lug of the t•tockholders of the Masouto Hall, Mane ink, will be held on WEDNESDAY BVENING,Janunry 2Lst, 1863, for the election of seven Trustees, Polls open one hour, from .7 to SP. M. Persons voting by proxy will be required to produce properly authenticated vouchers for their authority. THOMAS PERGIISON,Secretary. AT A MEETING OF TIM CONTRI— BUTORS to the HOSEMPAL OF THE PRO TESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Philadelphia. held TUESDAY, January 6th.1863, the following-named gen tlemen were duly elected members of the Board' of Mana gers to serve for the en.ning Ouse years, vu Rev. M. A. DeWOLFE HOWEM. D. Rev. RICHARD NEWTON, D. D. Right Rev. WILLIAM BACON STEVENS, D. D. JOHN BOHLEN. WILSON C. SWANN, M. D. CLAYTON T. PLATT. EDWARD HARTSHORNE, M. D. • JOHN WELSH. Attest EPHRAIM CLARK, Jr., Chairman. JNO. A. CHILDS, Secretary. ja7-U 117 OFFIC E MINEIIILI. & SCHUTL.! KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY, Parra- DRIMBIA, Ist Month,loth, 1863. At-a meeting of the BOARD 01' MANAGERS, held this day, a Semi-annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., (equal to Two Dollars per share ) , was declared, payable to the Stockholders. or their legal representatives, on or after the :oth inst. • The Transfer Book will-be elOsed 'until the '3)th inst. jalS•tuths6t WILLIAM BIDDLE, Secretary. —OFFICE :BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL CO., PHILADELPHIA, January Ist, 1863. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY will be held at the Office albs Company. No. 320 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, February...4th. 1863, ist o'clock A. M. Au election for Wren Direetors to serve the ensuing rear be held on the same day, between the hours of 1.1 A. wi l end 2 o'clock P. M. Sal-thtutYP Whl. P. JENKS, President. OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD . COMFANY.—Pnti.A. DELPH lA, January 16,1563. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. from the profits of the Company for six months, payable to the Stock holders on and after the 21st instant. clear of all taxes. jal7-dt2.4 ' J. MORRELL, Secretary; OFFICE OF TILE SURGEON-AR TI-T TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PHILADEL PHIA, October 24, 1562. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the 'Government, No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street. • B. PRANK PALMER. jail-t3rn Government Surgeon-Artist. r:;:::3=1• UNION CANAL COMPANY, PHILA DELPHIA, January 14, 1663.—The Annual Meet ing of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at ISo 228 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February &lOW, at 11 o'clock A. M. • • jals-tfe3 0. THollllW.Seeretary. M , OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, PntLADELpits, January 1.1., NICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company 'wilt be held on MONDAY, the second day of February, 1563, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the SANSOM-STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Directors will= be held on MONDAY, the second day of March, 1813 , at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. jal3-tfe2 EDMUND Slit 111, Secretary. r:::3;;I• OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY.—PutLa: DELPHIA, January 16,1363. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a dividend of ORB DOLL AR AND FIFTY CENTS (*IA) Per share of the Capital Stock of the Company was de clared payable to the Stock holders. or their legal repre sentatives, on and after the 27th inst. jal7-dt27 JOSEPH C. COM:MK, Treasurer. M. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 4CO WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, January 15,1911. At the Annual hfeetiug of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 12th day of January, 1863, the fol. lowing gentlemen were elected DIRECTORS for the en suing year P. Ratchford Starr, William McKee, Nalbro Frazier, John M. Atwood, Beni. T. Tredick, Mordecai L. Dawson, At a meeting of the Board o: T. RATCHFORD STARR war 3a17-6t if ,THOS. 11. MONTOOMiIti, Secretary,- THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COM. MENCED BUSINESS on hi% own account as INSU RANCE AGENT and BROKER. Office 213 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES W..C0X.8, PAILADELPRIA, 16th January, 1 r 3. . INSURANCE COMPANY OF. THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, JANUARY 14, UM- The following gentlemen have been. duly elected' as Directors of the Company for theyrmr 1853- DIRECTORS FOR YEAR ISM • . ' HENRY D. SHERRERD, CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH. WILLIAM R. WHITE, • GEORGE H. STUART, ' • • SAMUEL GRANT, Ja., • TOBIAS WAGNER. • THOMAS B. WATTSON, • HENRY G. FREEMAN, CHARLES S. LEWIS. ' GEORGE C. CARSON EDWARD C. KNIGHT. JOHN B. AUSTIN. At a meeting of the Directors, held thiA day, HENRY D. SHERRERD. Esq., wa. unanimously re-elected Presi dent of the Company. jal.s-6t WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. MNOTICE. -'-AT MEETINGS OF THE CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTER, held .on -the 6th and 9th instant, the following resolutions were passed and ordered to be published : • Resolved; That notice be given that the Citizens' . Bounty Fund Committee Will dticontinne the Paynfeut of bounties and compensation to captains after.the 31st January instant, except in such cases as they may have already obligated themselYo4 to pay•after that date. • Re-solved, That the Committee will, ,as soon Impracti cable, after the Ist of February next, snake a report to the ffilbSClibors to the Fund. , • Resolved. That the Committee will pay. Fifty Dollars bounty to each recruit mustered in in hecity of Pails-. dolphin, on or before the 31st January iastant, (except ing deserters, substitutes, and absentees, and those who have received any bounty from the city of Chiladelphis,) for the followleg—viz : • - Scgebarth's Artillery. Peyton's Cavairr, Roberts' Artillery, V. S. Regulars, U B. Marines, Old Philadelphia Volunteer Regiments. Said paymegt to he made whenever the recruit is de finitively in service in the lipid, or iu a fort, garrison, nary yard, or chip of the United States. Resolved, That all payments under the foregoing reso lutions be made in accordance with the forms adopted by the Disbursing Agency THOMAS WEBSTER, Vioe Chairman. LORIN BLODORT, Secretary,Jal. o 4.M 3l . . . Geo. H. Stuart, John H. Brown, J. L. Erringer, Geo. W. Fahnestock, James L. Claghorn, William G. Bonlton. f Directors held this day, re-electei President. CUM MILITARY. a l BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT. 156th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS BOITNTY. RECRUITS WANTED for the above fine regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and in camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this, regiment will receive the following bounties Cash in hand on being mustered in " 575 " when the company is t llll " when the regiment is full 25 At the expiration of service 75 Total $175 None but men of good character. received, Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN, Colonel. W. A. HAMILL, Adjutant. de24-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. Cam_ p Metcalfe," near FIADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty fund awirded to the And Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. .Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences. and who have seen service. dell-tf FINANCIAL. JOHN 0. CAPP & SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIMECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK. STOOKS. AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OF BROKER& MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS INEGOTIATEP ON:1112 BEST TERMS. iJ• FIVE-TWENTIES. OR. TWENTY-YEAR lux PER CENT. BONDS,r PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. lam instructed by the SECRETARY OP THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above - LOAN AT PAR. • Interest will commence from the DATE OP SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or ally Sub-Treasury or. Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM" ON now, these Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent. per annum. A fall supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, noe-tmhl 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOOK AND BILL BROKER, 14). 312 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq. John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness, Brinley, Co., John Thomas, Esq. del6-Bmif $250,000 TO LOAN , . IN . LARGE OR SMALL AMOIINTTS,-OM DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY. AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHANS' OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. B CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances made at the lowest rates $2OOOO, $lO,OOO, $B,OOO. $5,000, , and other BUMS to loan on MorU.sge on Panne or City Property by JOSEPH B. BARRY, jal7-31.* _ 430 WALNUT btreee, SB,OOOTHIS e C AM O UN T T WANTED 3aB .on B. PE rr A B e tß r A ra T tpa . o EDUCATION. • CLASSICAL AND. ENOtISH SCHOOL •OF H. D. GREGORY, A. K.llOB MARKET Street. jal9.lm* . • . • SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, ^-A - 1.334- CHRSTNIIT STREET.—The next Session of this Institution commeners February Ist. Charge 814 for the Session of Fire Months. DIRECTORS.—Joseph Harrison, Esq., President ; Wil liam Bracknell, Esq., Vice President • P.P. Morris, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer ; Joseph Jeans,' Redwood. F. Warner, James L. Claghorn, David S. Brown, William sellers, William J. Horstman, MIK Price:and Charles Gibbons. iasmt • VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, dm. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Sur veying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, 1 1 2. W. Tuition per quarter, 56.00. For catalogues or information address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON. A. M. Village Green. Pa. oCIO•tf COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day associated together under the name of PEIPER AND. MARKLEY, for the trampactiou of the WHOLESALEBOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, At No. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA_ MICHAEL • HENRY HM AR KLEY. January 19,15&9. • ial9-2t4 THE COPARTNERSHIP OF CHAF --L FEEL, STOUT, Si CO. is this day, by mutual con sent, dissolved. Settlements will be made by either of the partners, the Books remaining, for the present, at the once of STOUT St AfrxiNsorr, 523 MARKET Street. WILLIAM CHAFFEE, JAMES CHAFFEE, JACOB W. aTOUT, P. T. ATKINSON. • Philadelphia, January 17 , 1863. itS43t* NOTICNOTICE .—T H E UNDERSIGNED E.—THE hereby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they formed on the 2d day of February, 1861, to terminate on the 31st day of December, 1862, and 'which they have THIS DAY renewed, in compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. 1. The name of the firm under which the said Part nership Is conducted , is MATHIAS IL MARPLB. 2. The general nature of the business transacted Is the buying . and. vending. of VARIETIES and FANCY DRY GOODS at No. 63 North THIRD Street, in the city of Phi ladelphia,.State of Pennsylvania. 3. The name of the General Partner of said firm is MATHIAS AL MARPLE, residing at No. 1220 COATBS Street, in. the city. of Philadelphia, and of the Special. Partner of said firm HEDEctB GCRDU t resitling at 540 North +OURTH Street, in the city of Philadel hia. 4. The amount or capital contributed by said George Gordon, the Special Partner, to the common stock at the time said partnership was formed—to wit, on the 2d day of February,. 1561,. was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. S. The said.partnership is now renewed, and is to con tinue until, and to terminate on, the Rat day of Decem ber. 1861. Philadelphia, December &MN. NATHIAS M. MARPLE, General Partner. GEORGE GORDO N, jabew Special Partner. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.-LTHE undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of HAGEN, BOYD, & CO., for the trans action of a Wholesale Tobacco business, at the Northeast • corner FRONT and ARCH Streets. The said partnership to commence from date, and terminate on the Met day of December, 3865. • •ARTHUR HAGEN, JAMES DI BOYD WILLIAM C. PEASE. Ph i ladelpishi; January 8, M. NOTICE. -L- THE LIMITED :PARTNER SHIP heretofore existlrig_between the undersigned, under the Arm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER, expires this day, by its own limitation. Philadelphia. Decem ber Si. IM2. J. TEMPEL PLATE, CARL C. SCH.TTLEE, • General Partners. CDR- F. PLATE, Special Partner. By hie Attorney, J. THEOPH. PLATE. The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission Business, under the Arm of J. T. PLATE' & SCHOTTLER, for their own account.. J. THEOPFL PLATE CARL C. SCHOTTLER. Philadelphia, January 1, 1683. jal-8w j HAVE .THIS DAY ASSOCIATED I with me JOHN E. OR AEFF, of Pine Grove, Schuyl kill county, and my eon, JOHN BLAKISTON, and will continue the Coil Business as heretofore, under the firm of BLAKISTON. GRAIFF, Sr. CO. • JOHN R. BLAKISTON. 3.18 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. January 15.1.463. DISSOLUTIONOF OOPARTNER SHrP.—The copartnership heretoforeexistlng under the name of SMITH. WILLIAMS, & CO., is this - day dis solved by mutual consent, and the business 'of the late Arm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 1513 MARKET Street. P. ,TENKS SMITH, ' H. PRATT SMITH • JNO. H. WILLIAMS. • WM. P. SMITH, j r. Philadelphia, D se. 31 , 1882 ft alif THE. SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI. NUB the DRUG BUSINESS, ae heretofore, at the Old Stand. No. 724 MARKET Street. WIII. ELLIS . 00. Dnt_g_gtete, jal-tf 724 MARKET Street. NOTICE.-TriE STy A_ND TITLE of the . tirm of WEAVER, PULER, ..1; CO., is this day changed to FITLER. WEAVER;•& CO. EDWIN.H. TIMER, MICHAEL WEAVER, CONRAD F. CLOTHIER. JANUARY lAN& ial-lm CARSON'S . PATENT RILVSR-CLEANING POWDER, Warrinted free from acid, and the same as used In the houses of the nobility and genttrof.Scotland. It is un mutated for cleaning Gold and 'Silver' Plate. Looking Glasses, etc. Prepared by A.H. CARSON, waiter, from a recipe given me by the head butler to the Duke of Athol. For sale by • • HAZARD 8: CO. Twelfth and Chestnut streets. ; I. TOWNSEND, Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, F: BLACK, Broad and Chestnut streets,' W. H. NAULT.Y. 1.800 Chestnut street.' ' J. CLARK; Fifth and Prnnr streets, • -- And wholesale by'WLLLIAM PARVIN, 1201 NUT Street • C d ' a A n SaVELLAWACK, & Fifth-Avenue Hotel, New Yordc,. • And Thames street, Newport, R. I. An orderteaddressed A. H. CARSON. Western, Sub Post Olitcti. Philadelphia. isaAtnths 2:ru JAMES 11.. SOOTRL; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Master and Examiner in ObAncery. 7a&Ym• . - 113 PLUM Street Camden. N. .T MAGNIFICENT . JTWILRY.. FOB AL. MOST nothing. Cheap Trimming StOrs 21110 MLR HET Street. •••• • islit•Ot*. TOPEZ 811Fitt,RL,A.N,u l yuroF, IN bond. for Y ellki. S. diRiT&T 17 'axe VrAisOUT,S;. and:XIABANITIt THE PRESS.---11TTLA I ELPHIA. TUESDAY. _JANUARY 20. 1263. de22-Im* UTTER:.db..PATTESCSN E, • • • • •.., , orgoix,s4l.,.E GROCERS, . , : pß o Nrp STREET, • • PHILADELPFILS, . Call the attention of the trade' to their fresh sad fqi: aseortmeut of &liars, COMMINION HOUSES. 'MU - BERTON DUCK., IN STORF.. 225,060 YARDS U. S. ARMY 10 OUNCE -DUCK, .And for sale by FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & GO., . iaL9.4tif* No. 230 - CEIESTIfIi,7 ST4Er, , ARMY . GOODS. • • DARK-BLUE COAT . CLOTHS. ' DARK-BLUE , CAP CLOTHS. SHY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS:: ARMY BLANKETS, - STANDARD - WEIGHT.- IDOUNCE DUCK. .DRILLE, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS'AND SHIRT. INGE. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. eel-lf tf RETAIL DRY- GOODS. F,MI3ROLDERIES; WHITE GOODS, *- 1 - a and HOSIERY, it Wholesale Prices. , The subscribers offer one of the best selected and largest assortments of White Goods, Hosiery, and Staple Embroideries, Trimmings, &c., to be found in the city to which they re_spectfully invite the attention of the ladies.' SHF,PPARD; YAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, jahs-12trp .1008 CHESTNUT Street. CHINA AND - 'GLASSWARE. KERII'S FURNISHING. CHINA GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA TIALL, HOTELS AND SUPPLIED. J. & K.. KERR, HOLIDAY GOODS. pHOTOGRAPHI . O, ALBUMS A -A-_ large - variety for Bale at low prices by 51. MES QuEtli & del34f if 924 CHESTNUT Street. MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-OLMBEE., for presents for sale by JAM& W. QUEEN & CO.. dell& if 92116 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA. GL ASSES OPERA. GLASSES. For sale by , JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., del3-tf if 924 CHESTNUT Street. MILITARY GOODS. a W. SIMONS.& BROTHER, SANSOELSTREET- HALL, -PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, .FINE .SWORDS, • •.. AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. laPeif4m LADIES' FURS. LFURS.DIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN. FAREIRA,, No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES' FANCY- FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the preeent season. All sold' at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. oc3-4mif FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMR4Tii, NOS. 415 AND 411 ARCH STREET, - HAS NOW OPEN A . FULL ASSORTMENT OF LA.DIES' FURS, " To which the attention of the public le invited. nolaara WATCHES AND JEWELRY. a AMERICAN WATCHES ja FOR SOLDIERS AT 'REDUCED PRICES. AMERICAN WATCHES FOR AMERICANS! TAB AMERICAN WATCH COMPAICY give notice _that they. have lately issued a of Watch, ertpresstly' &or signed for Soldiers and others who desire a good Watch at a moderate price. These Watches are intended to din- . place the worthless, cheap Watches of British and Swiss manuilwrare, with which. the country is . flooded, and' which were never expected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufactures sent to this country because unsaleable at home, and used here only for jockeying and swindling purposes. We offer to sell our Watch, which is. of THE MOST sus- STAZiTUCL MAYUPACTITRE, AN ACCURATE AND DURABLE TIMEKEEPER, said in Sterling Silver cases, .Hunting pat tern, at as low a price as is asked for the trashy Ancreit and Lepines of foreign make already referred to. • We have named the new series of Watches, Wm. Einsar,•Boston, Mass., which , name will be found on the plate of every watch of this manufacture, and is one of our trade-marks. - Sold, by all respectable Watch• Dealers in the loyal' States.. Wholesale ordere should be addressed to BOBBINS ec APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, Jalo4 tn. thlitif* MICROSCOPIC) PHOTOGR APHIC CHARMS. . • G. W. SIMONS . 8o BROTHER,—.- MANITFACTITBINCi JEWELERS AND IMPORTERS. SANSOM-STREET HALL, • • Have just received, direct from -Paris, a large assort: ment of the above novel and beautifUl articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and public men-of this city and State, together with officers of the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings.. FOR SALE TO THE TRADE, and to be had at all the principaljewelersf opticians and fancy stores in the city. jaB-iilm . .. D. T. PRATT, - (1111COESSO1 TO PRATT & BEATH,) . 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of ENGLISH. SWISS, AND AMERIIPAN WAT€JIIES, Of desirable styles and qualities. to suit all dames of buyers. . nolEgimit ELI HOLDEN, 42 Dealer in fine • _ AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS, oe3l-11m* 708 MARKET Street. AMERICAN IN WA r raiTES, GOLD AND SILVER CASES. • , JOS WATSON, No. 326 CHESTNUT Street. . . g i WATCHES, JENSTE.LRY;4I3O, A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICE: FARR & BROTEER, Importer*. • rohlibtf 324 CIPSTITUT Street, below Fourth • - • . • TITEALTH.. 13E.ALTII . ! HEALTH / 41-4- HEALTH! HEALTH! HEALTH! Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild ChertY . , Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, The Great Remedy for The Great Remedy for The Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, • Coughs, Colds, CrouP, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma,Broncbitis, Coughs, Colds, eronp, . Asthma, Bronchitis, Blood. spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Blood-spitting, Bore Throat, Hoarseness, Blood-spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, • Blood-spitting, Bore Throat, Hoarseness, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, • Consumption, Consumption, ' All affections Throat, Lu.ngs,and Breast. All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, • 'All affections Throat, Lungs.and Breast. Swayne's Wild Cherry, Swayne's Wild Cherry, Swayne's Wild Cherry, Has done more good than Any Medicine ever Discovered. Any Medicine ever Discovered. Any Medicine ever Discovered. THE VAST NUMBER OF DEATHS which OtOLIF annually from Consumption and Diseases of the Lungs and Liver is truly appaliing. Nearly all this dread waste of life might besavei by a timely use of Dr.' Bwayne's Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Even where the lungs have become very much disordered, no remedy is so ef fectual. We have certificates of wonderful cures per . formed after patients had been. given up to die byphy sicians and friends.. Prepared only A b Dr. SWAYNB & SON,. 330 SIXTH Street, above NE. Sold by all Druggists and dealers in . Medicine. jal7-iftf 'RARE C H .A. L NVEt,ICO E MONET.-7.a now ASH 'SIFTER': can.retall tit sl_,Lo' and'pay 100' per cent. Rights ^ for sale; :Box 2108t•Phila, delpilia Post Office. t • • ]al9-6t` NM • DE EIITE,.-PRACIICAL: DEN wisT for the last twenty Tear_e,,929 , VMS St., below Third, inserts the most beautilla TEETH of the Age, mounted on Ono Gold, ?tattoo, Silver,lioaelmito, Co ratite,, Amber A.c., at prices, , for neat and matodantlal work„more relwonable than any dent c ist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. ArtiEtatal Teeth re paired to suit. no pain in. extrattigg. No charges un tit satisfied, all is right- .Betererkee, best farallles. jalft•ank EVANS & WATSON'S . . • -- STO - - BAI4MANDEP. VIM °•?' RK, 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, • PHIVLD_ELP.E.4 x Ifti..__ A large variety et Flat - rtwyPE bAzaS o.lWayi pik large 529 CHESTNUT Street 182 BROADWAY, N. Y NEW IPUBLICATIONS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Of every variety of SIZE, STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE TEE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! CARTES DE visrrE: • in-endless ireriety, together with an immense stook' or STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS OLD.- PRICES A HANDSOME PRESENT Acrompeies every Book sold! • Laers of. Choice_ floods, at Low Bates, Fair Dealing, and Polite Attentio, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK p AMPHLET S THE AMERICAN -A- WAR. By Newman Ilan. LL. D. A Lecture de livered in London, October 18 0 2. 15 cents. Lix Letters on a National Currency. By E. Lord. 25 cents. fialleck's Report Reviewed in the Light of Facts. 15 . ._ . . The Future of the Colored Race in America. By Wm. Aikman. 20 cents, - ~ Operations of the United States Sanitary Commission during the Campaign in Maryland.' •15 cents. Conditions of Peace, a; Thanksgiving Discourse, by Rev. Albert Barnes. 20 cents. . ~ , For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, jal9 _ 606 CFIESTNUT Street. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS.--; HELLAS, her Monuments and Scenery. By Thos. Chase, M. A. MEMOIRS OF MRS. BETHUNE. BROADCAST. By Nehemiah Adams, D. D. . MRS. FREIdONT'S'STORY OF .THE GUAR*. THE STUDENT'S HISTORY OF FRANCE. SPRINGS OF ACTION. By Mrs. Richards. 1.. OLIPHANT'S LIFE OF EDWARD IRVING. ' . LIVES LEFT OUT. By the author of " Peep 'o' Day." ALL NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS received as soon. as published, by LINDSAY .11r BLAKISTON, - Publishers and Booksellers, . jaiS '- No. 25 SOUTH' SIXTH St., above Chestnut. TE RISEN REDEEMER. -- THE GOSPEL HISTORY FROM THE= RESURRECTION TO THE DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W. Krummacher, D. D. $l. • THE THOUGHTS OF GOD. By Rev. J. R. Maeduff. larno. '5O cents. ' A YEAR WITH ST. PAUL; OR, FIFTY-TWO LES SONS FOR THE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR. 'By Chas. E. Knox. St HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories ta Girls. 40 cents. HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Boys 40 cents. For saiEsbY WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MAR'PIEN, No. 606 CHESTNUT Street FOR.GRATUITOUS CIRCULATION. HAND-BOOK OR INFORMATION FOR SOLDIERS, SAILORS, MARINES, &0.. Their Relatives and Heirs. TO OBTAIN PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, &c, Sent Free on Application. Address, enclosing one cent stamp to pay return postage, BOMBS & BROWN, Solicitors of Claims, Nos. 2 PARK Place, New York, and 476 SEVENTH Street, Washington, D. C. jar-et A. LECTURE , pFrO R UNG MEN. late D ust CU u LVEWELLS 6 C e ELEBRAT w D i LF,CTUR E on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing' De. bility, Nervousness, Consumpticie, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. - The radical mode of treatment, witlaout medicine, is "frilly explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. ' A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal, in a' plain 'envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents; or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CH. s. C. KLINE aibo., .127 BOWERY, New York, Er4-31n if Post Office Box 4.686. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BROTHERHEAD'S °IBM:MA- T + • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and. American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms $5 per year ; air months $3 ; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 aunts per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. • . se&6m PHOTOGRAPIIS. RIGHTIf_AN IN - - THE 'RIGHT • PLACE—The Artist who colors REIMER'S Life-size Photographs in Oil. The most accurate and artistic Portraits. War prices. SECOND St., above Green. it OFFICERS :OF OUR 'ARMY.- CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of Officers of our Minx._ McALLISTER dr• BRO., 7%8 CHESTNUT Street. • al94t 114EIMER'S CO LOR E D PHOTO -A-w:griphs for $1 are the most popular style of Pictures Made. Their accuracy of coloring and.linness and mo derate charge, satisfy all. SECOND St., above Orson. It • JUST 017 t NED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 906-ARCH STREET, • • Where the , FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE. Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing first-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand. F. A. 0. KNIPE. P4INITNGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. JAEN S. RA - 11T , R.4c SON, - INFORTEESIAND ' IIIITUFACTIIRERS ' OF LOOKING GLASSES. =I:E3 OIL PAINTINGS, • ENGRAVINOB; • . porrßeri.. : . • • t • • :1 . . P1(01'06.111PEL.M13188. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE 1 .o9gparG-...ittiess WAREROODIS AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, de3l-tf 816 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE. OF aWrit of Pluries Iktuditioni Exponas. to me directed. Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 2,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street :Hall, • -All that certain yearly ground rent, or sum of sixty dollars.. gold or silver, lawful money, charged on half yearly issuing, ancl payable by Henry Graham, his heirs and.assigns, on the trot days of the months of April and October, clear of taxes, dm., out of and for all that certain lot or piece of ground , with the brick messuage or tene ment thereon, erected,. situate on the east side of Wash ington street, at the distance of one hundred and ninety two feet southward from the south side of Jefferson street, in the Seventeenth ward of the said citof Philadelphia: containing in front or Breadth on said Washington street thirty-two feeti including to the north and south sides thereof the moieties of an alley two feet ten inches wide, for the use of said lot and lots adjoining to the north and south, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width sixty-five feet (66).nitie inches. CD. C.. 662; U..'62.] Debt. $650. Gutllon. . Seized.and taken in execution as the property of Jere- Neal Bonsai", and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ' • Philadelphia, Sheriff's-Office. January 19,1801 je2o-3t SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or ventlue, on MONDAY Evening, - February 2,186'3. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected.situate, on.the west side of slarshs4l street at the distance of six' hundred and eighty-nine feet and five-eighths of an inch northward front the north side of Poplar street, as now , widened to the width of Ilfty:feet, in the late district of- Penn, now in the city of. Philadelphia ; front or breadth on the said Marshall street sixteen feet,in cluding.en the north side thereof the southern moiety of. an alley. two feet six inches wide in the clear, extending from the said Marshall street the whole length of the hereby granted lot, and extending in length or depth westward of that width at right angles with said Mar shall street seventy-four feet. ten_inches to ground grant— ed to James V. Watson. Bounded:northward by a mes-. snage and lot of Thomas Lippincott, eastward by the said Marshall street, southward by ground formerly of Joseph H. Collins, since of Richard Christie, and west-. ward by ground of James V. Watson. Together with • the free use and privilege of the said two feet six inches wide alley as a passage way and water course at all•times hereafter forever, with the right of building over the said alley to the middle thereopeaving. the same clear and' unmolested to the height of nine feet above the level of • the curbstone. (Being the same* premises which Amos Philips and wife by indenture dated the twenty-third of. February, one thousand eight.hundred and fifty-seven,. recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., lib. 127, page 3, &c., granted and conveyed to James Armstrong in fee.) Cll. CI, 684 ; D.,'62.) Debt,.52,903.27. Fallon & Seized and taken in execution as the property of James- Armstrong, and to be sold by: JOHN: THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otlice,.Jan 19, 136.3. ja2o-3t HERIFF'S SALE.BY VIRTUE. OF.• a of Levert FaciaS,•to me directed, will be• exposed to public sale or venclhe, on MONDAY Evening, . February 2.1663. at 4 o' Sansom-street . All that certain stone met.suage or tenement and lot or siddabfgrouid situate on the southeasterly side of Ear-- , vey street and northeasterly side of Green street, in. Ge r, nutntown (aforesaid); containing in front or breadth on: the said Green street sixty-tour feet. ana extending,in length or depth northeasterly between lines running pa-. rallel with said Harvey street, one hundred and seventy-. five feet,' Bounded northeasterly by ground granted .to Humphrey Atherton, southeasterly by ground granted. to Edward Clarkson, southwesterly by said Green street, and northwesterly by the said Harvey street. (Being the same lot of ground which James W. Harvey-and others, by Indenture datedithe second day of July, anuo. •Domini ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, re corded in Deed Book T. Ht; No. 2S pa 321, &c.,.gmnted- Anto the said Henry P. Atherton in fee.) Subject-to the restrictions that no building shall ever be erected on the, kaid lot within twenty-five feet of the northeasterly line of said Green street, and reserving thereont the yearly? rent of thirty-eight dollars and forty cents, which.yearly rent the saidiJantws W. Harvey and others, by-au en dorsed indenture dated' the thirty-first day of January last past (1854), intended to be recorded, granted. and re leased, and extinguished unto the said Henry P: Ather ton, his heirs and assigns,..forever. N. B.—The improvements upon the above property are a two-and-a-half-story stone dwelling, twenty-two feet front brtwenty-eight feet deep, with. piazza. in. frout ; two-story stone back-building, twenty-eightfeetiong by fourteen feet in width, with piazza at side on, Harvey street ; and one-story: frame kitchen back, fourteen, feet by twelve feet, P. S,—Henry P. Atherton has no interest in,the Pre• raises. • - [D. C.. 628 Debt, $1,91.3.85. W. RotehMUter. Seized and taken 1111 eXeelltioll as the property of Henry P. Atherton, and to. be sold by JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office, Jannary•l9:3l4l .ia2o-3t SHERIF.E'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE- OF a writ of Ventlitioni .Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pubbe sale or vendue, on,MONDAY Even.: ing 4 February 2.1263; at 4 o'clock. at Sansamostaaet Hall, All that certain lot or piece of groundocith the three story brick messmage or tenement now: thereon erected; situate on this north side of Huntingdon street, at the ins tance of thirty-two feet eastward from. the east side of Clinton street,. in the Nineteenth wa.rtitofili e City of Phi ladelphia, containing in front or breadthh, on the said. Huntingdon sin et sixteen feet, and' extending of that width in,itingth or depth; northward - ,.between parallel lines, at right angles with the said? Huntingdon street, sixty feet. Bounded northward bY imon.nd now or late of George Buierick, eastward by trrotuult granted by the said Thontton Conrow and Isaac Barbecand wives to the . said Henry bicShaffry, southwaraliby thei said Hunting, don street and westward partly,' by ground granted by, the said Thornton Conrow and. Isaae- Barber and wives._ to the said Henry McSliaffryapdlpartly by the head of a, three-fhet wide alley leading, westward into Clinton, stneeLparttliel with and at- the. distance of rift - -seven, feetmorthward from the north sid.o• of the said Hunting don street. (Which said /ottointleogof ground aboved*:.. scribed is the same which. Theenison Conrow and wife and Isaac Barber and wife, by. indenture dated the :wen,. by-first day ,of May,. Anao: Domind one thousand eight hundred and tifty.srx,.regx•rdett fa Deed Book R. Ito. TS, page 380, &c., &wt.:kW:wet conveyed unto the said.. Benry lus helm :sod assigns.] Reserving ; . thereout nnto.the saidlThorntsee Conrow and Isaac Bar-: her, their heirs and assigns,. the yearly rent chergaatore... of -fifty-four &Jima.. as. thcere . m expressed.. al. C. ,66.5; D. '62tl Debt...lo3Uß. Gp lion:_ Seized and taken,in.exeeotrion as the propeaty of Henk4- McShatfry, and tadte.solsl Ithy • JOHN: THOBIT'SON: Sherifl&" PhiladelPhia,.Sherins Office. January It 1863.•jeW,5. • MATE' lAT,R BMW!, LATIIIK*iIIILTANA =Box .ctimorrs, sincEs, • &tart WINE. &c., &c. . . ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FLICE GROOKRM, dels-1f tt COENTA IiNIEVENTSI AND VIN STS. UMBRELLAS.-_THE BEST ARE, made, and cht4pegt sold;at TENTH and lifklt- NET. • • (jal74r] SLEEPEIVS: . friggo i WILLIAM' N. ATTWQOD, UNDIRTAXER;I ' No. 119 N. EIGHTH STREET,, Arch, east aide, - •• jal24tif • EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street INSVSANGE' ES=IIUMAENi UNION MUTUAL •INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Intonfotriniti with a provision of its Charter Premiums undetermined. Jan. 1, 1862.... .. . $13,94713 Written from Jan. 1,1862, to Jan. 1, 1863 137,415 37 Premiums earned during the year ending as Received from interest on Investments Losses, Return Premiums, Re-insumnces, U. S. Taxes, Expenses, and commissions, paid ' during the same ... . . .....:..',130,36 co Balance remaining with the Company ASSETS OF TIIP, COMPANY JAN. 1, 1863: 810,089 Pennsylvania State tis $10,000.00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad 6s '4,50080 7,000 City of Pittsburg ss• .... .. .• • 5,900 00 7,000 " " 65.. . .. 6,300 00 14,610 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 85"... 14,006 00 10,000 City of Philadelphia 6s 10,300 00 41,620 Camden and Amboy Railroad 6x•.......,,42,800 00 5,000 Pennsylvania Coupon Gs 5,300 00 425 Certificates of Interest of NorthPatinsyl varda Railroad Company... . . ........ 300 00 68 shares Philadelphia 8ank.......... .. . 8,709 00 100 " North Pennsylvania Railroad Company •• . ••.. 1,200 00 45 " Delaware Railroad Company.... 2,200 00 88 Delaware Mutual Insurance - Company. • • .. • . .• . 2,600 00 .220 " Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany 13,200 00 25,017 Scrip of .sundry Mutual Insurance Com panies ' 15,800 00 $141,100 OD Bills receivable for premiums 40,660 06 Cash in Bank 26,75270 " ,depciited with the United States 5,000 00 Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, . Pages, and other accounts THE. BOARD OF. DIRECTORS have declared An Inte rest of SIX PER CENT. on the outstanding scrip, to be paid to the scripbolders without deduction for taxes, Pay able on demand. At a meeting of the Scripholders of this Company, held at their office January 12,1863, the following gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing three S. DESTOUET, SAMUEL C. COON, E. A. BORIE, EDWARD L. CLARK', WM. C. RENT, " H. P. ROBINSON, HENRY LEWIS, Jr., NORRIS S. CUMMINGS, who, with RICHARD S. SMITH, JAS: R: CAMPBELL, FRANCIS TETE, DAVID SALOMON, JOHN H. IRWIN, CHAS. WHEELER, NEWBERRY A. SMITH, G. W. BERNADOU, CHARLES YEZIN, HENRY SAMUEL, J. P. STEINER, WM. S. BAIRD, GEORGE LEWIS, GILB'T H. NEWEIALL, ELLIS YARNALL, THOMAS DALLETT, Constitute the Board. of Directors. RICHARD S. SMITH • • - PRESIDENT. JOHN . MOSS, • SECIiETARY. ialt-dlit-thstuSt lIIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE NO. 921 CHESTNUT STREET. PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER. RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, 1062. For Life Premiums for term of 371 38 For L imited Premiums tor short $137, terms 758 78 For War and Extra Risks 7,48107 For Interest received on Invest ments and Policy Fees . 96,982 19 42 For Scrip Dividends received . $215,493 from Policies purchased 18,390 00 Amount $213,863 42 LOSSES AND EXPEN!•Es Di:MING THE SAME PERIOD. FOr Losses 27, amounting to 4164,000 00 For Expenses, Salaries, Adver tising, Medical Examtnat'n, &c. 13,117 16 For Rent, State and City Taxes, &c. 4,972 02 For Commissions to Agents, Taxes, Advertising, &c 8,964 47 **LTA 65 77 DISBURSEMENTS. ' $142,826 For Return Premiums, Purchase of Policies, &c V 32,438 60 For Reinsurance, Interest, &c.... 6,679 99 For Volunteer Aid Fund 1,400 00 _ . $40,518 59 Added to Capital in 1862 • $102,311) 18 Accumulated Capital,Dec.3l,lB6L $1,091,409 32 Deduct Scrip of 1850, '5l, and '52, received in Payment of Pre =dams 41,930 00 $1,049,479 32 Accumulated Capital, December 91, 1962 81,151,789 50 'ASSET° OF. THE COMPANY LIABLE FOR LOSSES JANUARY 1, 1863 . $20,000 11. S. 7 310 Treasury Notes $20,00000 20.000 U. S. 8 per cont. Certifi cates ofindebted ness..- 19,742 08 24,00011. Et. 5 per cent. Loan of 1865,. Coupons ' 23,471 25 ICO,OOO U. S. 5 per cent. Loan of 1871, Transferable.. ..... • 100,212 50 54,712 06 'Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan.- • • 48,74+11 20,000 Pennsylvania 6r cent. - Loan, Coupon Bonds.. • . 13,535 00 ' 31,500 Philadelphia &per cent. Loan, taxed ... . ............. :26;91676. • a - 37,60/ Philadelphia fK per cent. • ' Loan, exempt 38;194 60 - 59,400 Philadelphia 6 per cent. - • Loan, no tax. • 18,0.94 CO 21.500 Phlladelphia 6 p r cent. Loan, taxed • • • 17,6%5.00 . 10,000 Pittsburg Bond 5•.•....... 8,325 . 01 26,000 Allegheny county Bonds.. 19,895 , 00. 10.000 Washington c ounty Bds 7,525' 00 21,0001'ennsylvania Railroad 'AV Mortgage 6. per cent. • Bends . . .... . ... 20.990 00 • 15,000Penasylvarda 2d Mortgage 6 per cent. • Bonds 1106 . 25 - 16,000 Lehigh Valley 6 per cent. Be CO 10,000 Harrisburg . Railroad 6' per cent. Bonds ..• ' 10,700 00 10,000 Louisville City 6 per cent. Bonds • 7,141 40 MO shares Pennsylvania. Railroad • • Stock • 26,442 77 150 " Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company Stock. 7:817 26 • 120 ". Lehigh Coal and: Navi gation Company Scrip.. 4;193 13 2a2: "• Girard Life Ins. Ann. and Trust Co.'s Stock.... 5,575 38 100. " Western Bank Stock.... 0,862 50 202" ". Commercial Bank Stock.: 11,035 25 76. '" ' Bank •of North Ameri ca Stock 10,168 00 100 • " ' Manias' and Mechanics'' • Bank Stock 2,784 00 60• Mechanics' Bank Stobk, • " St. Louis" '9,950 50 250 Delaware Mutual Intm - ranee Co. Stock 6,2.50 00 • 60• "' Girard Bank Stock 2,000 00 - 35" Farmers' and Mechanics' Beak Stock 1,3X1 00 299' - Corn Exchange Bank Stock 8,970 00. 524,725.63. Real Estdte held by the Company... 105,480'04 • 296;049 66 Bonds and Mortgages, all Atst liens. 287,37770- 12,716 67 Ground Rents, all tirstliens 11,955'00 Premium Notes, secured by Policies. 97,652:76. Loans on Coilaterals 19.684 04. Balances in hands of Agents ..... . 12,500 41 Quarterly paments due the Company 9,958.14. Cash in band y and in Bank 14,103 2T Office.7nrniture 2,4.52 733 Scrip Dividends purchased by the Company... 585.3892: Life Interest and Annuity goo 2G Interest on Stocks and Loans accrued to 31st • ' December 16,361 .22 1,181,799 50 Deduct two losses due in 1963 10,030 00 181.151,789 50 • PHILADELPHIA. January 14, 1863. At an election held at the office of the Company, on Monday, sth instant, .the following-named gentlemen • were duly elected Trustees: • For Three Years.—Rodolphns Kent, Ellis S. Archer, , New York; Samuel J. Christian, James 0. Pease, War— ner M. READ, Pierre V. Dutton, .New,York ; Samuel Wil liams, Frederick A. Hoyt, Christiana. Hoffman. For Two Years.—Elliston Perot. For One Pear.—Edward M. Needles At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on the-13th*. instant. the following officers were elected: President--JAMES TRAQUAIR-. Vice President—SAMUEL .R. STOKES. A. Y. P. and Actuary—JOHN W. HORNOR. Secretary—HOßATlO S. STEPHENS. ' • The Board have declarets Scrip Dividend of FORTY. PER CENT. upon the. Cash Premiums paid in 1892, and have decided to -receive, after this date, the Scrip Divi dends of 1853,1864, 1856,.and.1856,:in payment of Preseituus from those who pay their premiums In cash and :to • credit .those indebted -for- Premium Notes, or loans on Policies, with. the amount of their Scrip for those years, . on their Notes or Loans, onfath instant. • JAMES-TffiAQUA IR. President. • SAML:.EISTOKES, Vice Piettid en JOHN W. ILORIKOR, A.V. 3'. and Actuary. H. S. STEPHENS, Secretary: jals 17 9:12411 SI Rif ANNUAL: ST.A.T.IMENT, GIRAP.3) FIBE•AND MARINE INSURANCE CO., 'Boy the year ending Deo. 31st, 1862. Office 415 WALNUT btreM. Schuylkill NNT.: Buildin g~_ CAPITAL. $200,000. NO 1111EINF,. RiSKS-.DIKEN. Premiums received during the year. • • $86,311 32. Amount reeeived for interest during the gear— 8,605 AI Total ... .......,.....174,817;t3- Premiums determined,: .46.5,927 88 ' DISIiIRSEMENTS. • Paid for losses, occurring during the year. 60407' 6 8 Paid for reinsurance. and returned premiums.,, _. A. 2,411414 - Paid cotrunisbions. $6,532 70—ex penses, sl3s37:B67.4mcluding taxes > , salaries, office =ruses, and com,.. trEautions ...- ..,. 2c5,170 65 643,942 32 - • $43,9•12 32 ASSERiIuOrD SECURPEPES. -- Cashinbankitezi-ast hand.. 59155) 62 Cush at Pittaburmand other • aggncies., . .........: WKS 00 Temporary and call loans: • 6i7 15 1624,2123 77 onds.and.; -mortgages ------.'" 110,90 49 11 - S. lososs,, Camden' and Ambc_oY, . . 'Phila. City loans, Penns. R. X_ , Itorth.renna.R.•R.,Delaware RR.- •bonds... and bank stocks- . 29430.00 Rills Daceivable, and other securities held, as collateral—. - --................... 140,190 00 366,084 99 00 i 9 .parative Statement of Premiums —.--$ 111 4 d Losses for Nisi! ]setts: ' Premiums received. Losses paid. T, .IfW - 4 920,041 36 $52.45.3 81 39.873 lii 62,754 73 ' WA 40,094 29' 29,873 04 1657 , t 2,723 39 1658 46,407 06 1 22, 8,878197 10 10 ISE 30,194 51 49,048 47 1860 98,452 66 62,525 83 1601 70,074 49 60,738 64 18e2 66,311 37 21,357 63 6563,772 31 $369,828 62 -- -$193,943 79 'The premiums exceedlosses $193,943.79. Out of this balance the - current expenses and divi dends have been paid by the Company.. During this period changes have taken place, making it necessary to limit our lousiness in certain districts. • The Directors have managed the - Company with a view of making it entirely safe for the insuring public, Its success speaks for itself. Numercus companies have withdrawn from business in consequence of the vicissitudes of the times. DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT. . PETER S. HOE. of N. Y.. JERRY WALKER, WM M. SWAIN, • - JOHN W.ICLAGHORN. PTIRMIN SHEPPARD. JOHN THORNLEY. TllO6. DRAKE, C. P. HEAZLITT, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., ABRAHAM HA.ET, N. S. LAWRENCE. DAVID BOYD; Jr., JOHN SUPPLE& THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT. Vibe President. JAMES B. Atvonn. Secretary. '.• ialo-9t .. Total HSIR DYEING FOR `;LA.DIES: AND Gentlemen, done to the beet gee , of the art, at FOIIIITS and BRANC.II. . „i3V-df tt ADIES' R BRAIDS, WIGS; Curls, Prizetta, Gossamer Ventilated Wigs, Vegans, ted scalps of Superior Manufacture. Prices are loiwer than those of au Other establishment. BAKER'S, Jae-Inn' No. KW CHESTNUT Street. .FIRE ASSOCIATION, INCORPO .4- RATED MARCH 27 1820. Office, No. 34 North FIFTH Street, Insure from loss or damage by fire, in the city of Phila delphia 6nly, Buildings, Household Furniture, and Mere chendise generally. 6 . Z: 4 4=7 , NT OF THE T lON, ASSETS OF THE ASSOC(A- January 1, 1863, • Published •eonformitv With the provisions of the Act 0 1 - ,l4o . embly . of Apill 6,1812: Boaz and Mettga ges "ourroperty in the clty_of Phial:Z.sl4)llla eitiy ' $703494 66 ground Refits on Propertylu the city of Phila ' dolphin, only. 28;139 67 Real Estate (ottiee•Fifth and No.rthstril)ts) 14,806 13 Cash in the Western '. ank 17,172 33. Cash in the Bank of NO, '.....hern Liberties . .16,288 67 Cash on hand - 000 34 Total . $735,082 I.lZ' TRUSTEES. GEORGE W.. TRYON, rmgid".t. William H. Hamilton, John Catro3v,- , .. John Sender, George,J "tonne, Peter. Fritz, Joseph Re "t onne, Peter A. "Keiser, Levi P, Cot is Phiann, Samuel Spall'awk, John Craig, Charles P. EolYer. — ILLIAM T. BUTLER, Smtettary, $llB ,383 46 ja2o-tuths r GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE Nat . INSURANCE COMPANY. " OFFICE, .415 WALNUT, STREET-, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL Bgoo,ooo. This Company continues to take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. - The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly, Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS andlwe respectfully solicit its favor in the future. • DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. R ILF.AZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Ja., PETER S. HOE; of N. Ti WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M D., N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, • JOHN SUPPLER -THOMAS CRAVEN, President. B. Al S. GILLETT, Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. apt iftf sl3r,. 89 7.139 05 144,65 94 $14,288 85 FAME INEURAn 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADi FIRE AND MLA DLREC! - - - Francis N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, Henry Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, Sr., John W. Eyerman, Chas:Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. Rosonbeim, 0. W. Davis, Tosep D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHA.RD. Secretary. Cjals4ftf 57;467 06 $A70,599 81 FOR- SALE-THE STOCK, GOOD. WILL, and FIXTURES in -a wholesale Dr:ag Store and Laboratory. Apply at No. 410 MARKET Street. be tween 10 and 1 o'clock. jal4-12t* JAITARY 5,1863 FOE, SALE CHEAP-A: W ,ALL-LO TED LOT OF GROUND within two squares of Fair mount Park, suitable for building lots, bounded by Girard avenue, Cambridge street, and Twenty-seventh and - Twentyeighth streets, baying a front on Girard avenue of ail feet by 20d feet in depth, covered with gravel. Apply at 429 ARCH Street. jal9-6t* TO RENT CHEAP-$2OO-.A: large Two and a ludf story Stone Dwelling, Stable, Fruit, and Flower Garden, one square from Hestonville Depot. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO., S. W. corner NINTH and 'FILBERT Streets. - - ja2o.2t* ea STORE TO LET.—THE SPLEN ma-- DID upper Rooms, No. 237 CHESTNUT Street. Ap. ply to Cia&ttl LITTLE, STOKES, & CO. fi FOR RENT—MARKETSTREET-- •caTrom January Ist, the second, third, and fourth floors of Nos. 426 and 428 Market street, 33 byll7 feet, now occupied by Leon Berg & Co. Apply, between 12 and 2 o'clock, at 320 WALNUT Street, Office No. 2, up stairs. nolB-thmtf • 1 - 11 FOR BMX OR TO !I.:MX=4I.OUB. MaHOllB3B. on the *omit' side of BROAD Street; below Columbia avenue..,ApplT at the. etrathawd. corner of . NINTH and SANSOM streets. , • 4 . •mldlt•tf • el TO LET-A CIOMMO.DIOUS maLDWELLING, No. 1321 North FRONT Street.. Real moderate. Apply to WETHERILL BRO., 0c27-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. GERMANTOWN. - 00TTA.GE *FOB -mad. SALE VERY LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LEHMAN Streets, with stable and carriage house ;:lot 71 by 171 feet. ' Also, The Philadelphia House," at Cape May, with' or without the furniture. The house contains 31 chttmL berg, large parlor, dining room and kitchen with bake house, wash house, &c., &c. Lot 66 by 7 do feet, and stabling for 14 horses—pleasantly situated, and will be sold very cheap. A large variety of. Cottages, Farms, and city properties. for sale or exchange Also, 3 Grist Mills, with' lands and houses attached. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH Street. del3-tf or S. W. corner Seventeenth andlgreen. MaPRIVATE SALE.-A SUBSTAN tiaI two and-a-hal '-siory atone DWELLING HOUSE, containing 12 rooms, with largo hall and open stairway, aid lot of land of about two acres, e in Newport ville, Bucks county, about two miles from the Nas h amony Station, on the Trenton Railroad, and 3X miles from BristoL • There are a carriage-nonse, 'stable, And ice-house, a See garden containing some eh , ice fruit; and the build ings and grt ends are in excellent condition. The trains on the Trenton railroad render this place easy of accer4, and it won d therefore be found a de sirable residence to any one desirous of daily visiting the city. Terms moderate. Apply to CHARLES S. BOUTCILER, on the premises, or to jaßastelm at FOR SALE -AND k large number in the adjoining Counties to suit• any person wishing to purchase a good Farm. Also, a number of Fruit Farms in the neighborhood of Dover, State of Delaware. Call and examine Register. Apply to K. PETTIT, jal7 No. 309 WALNUT Street. Alp FOR SALE-CHESTER COUNTY . FARM, containing 200 acres. Convenient to Rail road Station. First-class improvements. Said to be one of the very best in that county. Apply to very best PEWIT, - No. 309 WALNUT Street. sa FOR S .-THE ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE property of the late Wm. li. Ellis, situate on the Bordentown and Crosswickis turnpike, three miles from Bordentown. The house was built in the best manner, expressly for the late owner: with all the modern improvements. The grounds are handsomely laid out, with trees, shrubbery, and flue lawn to the road. Stabling for font horses ; carriage, house, ice-house: and other buildings, with twenty-one acres of land attached. A good opportunity to procure a handsome "Country Residence low, on accommodating terms. Apply to CHARLES S. ELLIS,• No. 223 MARKET Street; or, HENRY 11 ELLIS, .Fari4 adjoining Premises. $lOOO 9REWARD.-LOWINGTHE were stolen in I" W "D ALL StrOet, NEW YORK. on SATURDAY, 17th instant viz : One United States Six Per Cent. Two-year' Certificate, With Coupons, $5OO. Be. Four Bonds Ohio Licking County. Kos. 4?, 57. SLOOD each ; 40 and 63, $5OO each. Fifteen do Detroit, Monroe, and Toledo-Railroad. Kos. 359 to 371, 651, and one number not known, $ . 1„000 each. All above have Coupons. Nine do Erie and • Kalamazoo Railroad; no Coupons ; Bonds past due. Nos. —. Bond and Mortgage of Fred. W00d,.54,000; favor of A. N. Sewell. • $0,600 United States Six'Per Cent. rwo-year Certilicatee favor of Henry Delafield ; not endorsed • A-056 to 55) $l,OOO eac h.. .... C- 4 13C6 to 1311, lob each6oo Bond Central Ohio Railroad,.sl,ooo. No. TlidtEE: . . . Coupons. . . . . . . . The above reward will he paid.bY HENRY DST:4II7:EL]). .NEW FORK $4OOl,tRhE- W st. A t R 6 Dl-1,. OST . ; ON Tat. c our Stor e: to Bnk of Penn 'Alva s 1 p Y ,I n o tg:si front/tclig amounting to W;652.61. The above reward will be•paicr for its recovery. The public are hereby. cautioned against.reeeiving the foll ow ma checks, included'irrabore amount; as payment: lies been stopped: Edward. Troth's check, date January. 14, lass. on.Ren.- eington Bank for $116.2T: Joel Millers endorsement on. Lancaster County Bank for s26:B9q:Lodge, PfielsardlAN Co.'s check ate New Lisbon; Ohio, January 10,' 0 the order of Brigke St Burns,and , by , them endbrsed, en Read, Dreael,.& Co., New York; for 3:l 9b.• JOS: S. ZiLEDARA: 80:30 . 4. jal9-3t•• N0..113 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, • . L .- 0S T THE. FOLLOWING- .DE scribed Drafts. mailed ' last Sopteraber to tb:emader signed, having' failed to come to .hand; app . licatiOn will be made to the respectiTe-compadea for the ustaroPnew Drafte: Draft drawn by. S. Dill, agent of Penn •Allulog Co., upon Samuel M. D Secretary,_ Phil adelphia,, dated A u gust 30th, 1562. I.l6,•tothe coder Of U. Davis, for Draft drawn by S. 37; Dill, agent of. Penn: Xining Co. upon Samuel X. Day. Secretary, .Pbiladelphia, dated; Sept. 10th, L562,.N0. 9.6300 thoorar . Ausel . E.EdWards, for 81061 Draft drawn by 'Petrie, .agent.of Cemtral Mining Co., upon. James M. Mills, .Treuurerr, New:Yortr.. dated Sept: hit;lB62, lib. It' to. the order a Oeorgsaitiaes. for $9.0. Drati drawn by John Vrer..agent. of Copper Falls lilinina.Co, upon 714)11am H. Osgood; Treasurer,-.l3oaton, No, 1136, to the order of R. J. Judd,for SRA:. Six, drafts draws by A. C. lleoris,..agent of Attygdaloid Mining Co., upon - 2;IW Drexel; Treasurer .Philadelphia, numbered respecitively , l2.3k , JBll; ISM IOM ; aid;and eachfor $5: THEVDORE DAMS& CO., del9-Bi*. • 113 :Nort NM( .RD Street. GERTIRIOATE. OF.' THE 5 per cent. Bhiladelphic,cotuaty Lcan.. ender an act of Astembly dated the 10th day. of:AprllarlSB4; fin. 'Eighty eeren- Dollarsi. payable to.Richard.TWemi.elcecutor of 3i7ancis Krouse, deceasekor.hts heirs•onassigna. The - Ander will bearewarded ha returninelt to • • • BENJAMS - N1 TURNER, No. 1013 DANA Street. del64u3rri•• WANTED GOOD, SALESMAN _ ia•• a Hat House. Address. "'Boa 1519," Phila delphia Post Office, with name add' Deference. jarA):l2ts • A GENTLEMAN OF lIISINESS EX •A-L- PERIENCE and CAPITAL, who is desirous of start ing a COAL COMMISSION ROUSE. in this city, wow:ad like to secure a good and reliable- EOM who fully under 'Amid s the bugloss's either as &A...LIMAN' or PARTIRISFL Address "I'Vr: P. ,' with reference, Philadelphia Post OYce•. • 014-43t4 :WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE trei..o4 - .Lien next, a moderateadiet threaatoi4 BRICK. DWBI.LItiG DOUSE, In a ;central' locality.. It i must have - :141 'the modern mmucements. *kraal. "Rent,!!e at tbia office, stating loeahty and price. jald-tt BOARDING: -ONE SUITE OFROOMS and Single ROOMS, at N. E. corner SIXTEENTH and LOCUST Street*. • . . jal7-St P ENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims csehed_or advanced floor by.- JA.W.S FULTON. Solicitor for Claimants 424 WALNUT St-,set, Philadelphia. • ~.P artictilar attention given to parties living at a dls Lance: . oolitat ,no . y.NWlLAW"."."..wW" , now,"AlVNlVWS......neys.ev ,, novw THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF 'PHILA DELPHIA. AUGUSTUS HAEDRICIC vs. JANE RAEDRICK ; • Stine T., 11362, No. 21, alias September. T., 1562, No. r. In Divorce. To the Respondent above namediadam: You will please take nolice that the Court has granted a rule in. the above case on you - to show cause, if any you have, why a divorce. a.m. ui., should not be decreed, return able on SATURDAY, .7annary 31,1603. at 10 o'clock A.M.. J. ALEXANDER 61.XfSON, • ja2o-tath 4t* • ; Sol. tbr.Libellant. - ESTATE. OP WM. H. M. D., DECEASED.— Letters testamentary nom the estate of said decedent having been granted, to the undersigned, all persons indebted to, the said estate are requested to make payment, anck those haying cid= aCaia st the same to present them to HANNAH S. 4 SILLAGRAM, X•ceente No 127 North THIBREENTH Street Or to bee attorney, NATHAN H. S } Al ja2o-tnat*. • No. 22:Na th SEVEISTH Street., ITORTTYPES.,-IN BEAUTY 'OF coloring naturaanwPres.sion, nadliffhliknaPPee ranee. REIMER'S Ivorytxpee have no ennerior. Go to SAco:vD Street, abore GM:3.l'O be convinced of the fad,. It OPERA GLASSES IN GREAT VA- Rum,MOAIe ICT R & !MOTHER.. jarA Tie aIBSTIiCIT *WA INSURANCE COMPANIES. E COMPANY, NO ELPH lA. IND IPTSITRANCE, _ _ FOR SALE AND TO LET. JAMES H. CASTLE, 709 LOCUST Street LOST AND FOUND. WA:BITS9 BOARDING. PERSONAL. LEGAL. AMUSEMENTS. AMEMCAN ACADEMY OF MUM. C. AtiscurrE ADOLPH B/RGFELe DIRECTOR RUSLNESS AGENT GERMAN OPERA% SIXTH AND LAST NIGHT OF THE 'EMT SEASON. TUFZDAY, JANUARY JD, 10. THE MAGIC FLUTE. (deautt Opera, in four parts, by Mozart Etrbors open. at 1 O''clock ; Opera commences atB PRiCED OP ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR Seats re:serred without extra charge mil3r iqrele, 60' bents Amphitheatre, 26 cents TURSDAY EVENING, JamiarY 22, ^ GRAND VOCAL AND ORCHESTRAL C CvN CE , AT THE hitSICA.L FUND HALL, ARTISTES, CITOtitS,- AND ORCHESTRA, OP TN GERMAN Oilffit, it TROUPE TICKETS..: CONDUCTOR,: ja2o 0, ONCERT HALL -LARGO LOON. ROBER't THE UNEQUALLED ILLUSIONIST, INVENTOR OF "MODERN . mtrlntrEs, ORIGINATOR OF SECOND AND GREATEST PIANIST IN AMERICA. Will have the honor of appealing as above'orr WEDNESDAY EVEN;NG, JaallArr 21. When. will be produced efre:As STRA4GE, STARTLING, AWD INCItEDIBEZ. Including phases of the great marvel, SECOND Mgt, of an almost preternatural character. A PIANO FORTE M.I3O'LANOE; Consisting of classic and original compositions, wall interlard this decidedly original amPrecherchesoireer. Admission"-25 cents. Reierved Seats 50"-centa,- Can kik secured on and after, WEDNESDAY,.from..I.O A.'141 tult til 3P. M. ja2o-ftr- AMERIC A N ACADEMY OF' MUSIO. ORPHEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S {GRAND CONCERTS. CARL SENTZ (,'ONIMOTOR. POSTPONEMENT. . In.cornpliance with the wishes of nurnereti• subscri bers; and in consequence of the presence of the 'German Opera Troupe, I have been induced to postpone' the Se cond Concert of the series; announced to take place on the 22d inst., to THURSDAY EVENING, February 5th,1863.. EDWARD PAYSON WESTON, Mahager. Philadelphia, Jan. 17,1851. iYl32t WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee • Mrs. M. A. GARRETTBDII: Business Age Mr. JOHN T. DONNBLIM, MR. A ND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. January 20, DM ' Performance will commence with . ALL HALLOW EVE. Body O'Connor Mr. Barney Williams. Kitty Killeen Mrs. Banter Williams. To be followed with the Comedy of the CUSTOMS OF THE COUNTRY. Mrs. Barney Williams. To conclude frith the Farce of .Tl-.IE HAPPY MAN. Paddy Murphy • Mr. Barney Williams, Doors open at o.ti t Curtain will rise at T. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. • Business Agent and Treasurer—. D. MURPHY. • TRIUMPH UPON TRIUMPH_ • THIRD WEEK. THIRD WEEK, OF MR. AND MISS CAROLINE RICHINGS TO-NIGHT, and EVERY NIGHT, THE ENCHANTRESS. . . . . ._ . . Stellp, the Enchantress Miss C. Richings. Ram?. the Pirate Chief - Mr. Peter Riehiegs. For full particulars of - MUSIC, SCENERY, &c., &c., see she BILLS. .FRIDAY EVENING FIRST BENEFIT OF _ MR. PETER. BACKINGS. Aar Prices as usual. Beats secured six days in advance. THE SECOND SOIREE OF CLASSI ...- CAL MUSIC,' lir MESSRS. CROSS AND JARVIS. will take place at the FOYER of the ACADEMY of MUSIC. SATURDAY EVENING. the 24th. E Tickets at GOULD'S, ANDRE'S, and LEE & WALK ia2O ASSEMBLY A OUS SUCCESS OP.. WOODRIIFF'S ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN TROUPE OP GLASS BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING, and on WEDNESDAY and' SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. The great Glass Steam-Engine "MONI TOR" will be .in fall operation at each entertainment. The greatest 'wonder of the world. Ali the splendid par lor ornaments, made by the Bohemians, will be distri butes among the audience. Every one will have a chance of obtaining a unique and valuable present .Admission 15 cents. No half price- On FRIDAY EVENING, January tad, a splendid CASH OF WORK will be given to the author of the best POEN on the GLASS STEAM-ENGINE. jal9-6t• • T UB • "TRrBE OF ASA," • Will eve theirHUTCHINSON FAMILY, FOURTH CONCERT AT HANDEL & HAYDN HALL, Corner EIGHTH and GREEN Streets, On THURSDAY, Jan. V., Asa, Lizzie, Abbey, Freedy, and 'Little Dennett." Singing the Songs of Union and Freedom. Particulars in Programmes and at the Concert. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents, Doors open at 7. Concert at 8 o'clock, precisely. jaii3.4t% HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH AID SPRING GARDEN STREETS. wILLIAx C. swum A GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY ETENI4, January 20, BM, HANDEL AED a HAYDN HALL, - Commencing at eight o'clock, When will be performed selections from the Oratorios , of the " 'CREATION," and "JUDAS DIACCAB lEUS,_" By a powerful CHORUS, conducted by Prof. J. H. WILLARD, Assisted with accompaniments on ORGAN and GRAND PIANO, by Prof J. A. GETZ'S. Ilia solos will be sustained by artists who are favors. bly known to the musical public. Auber's Grand. Overture. "ZANETTA." will be _MP. formed on the 01-gan. and Herz's Grand Duo, "LE PH•It. TRE," on the Grand Piano, BY MESSRS: GITZE and WARNER. Proceeds for the beneht of CHRIST (Evangelical Re. fbrrned) CHURCH!. Tickets of admission Fifty Center Can be had at-the Music Stores, and at the Hall. jai/.s't CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT WHALING. VeY.AGE, AT LECTURE ROOM CONCERT HALE, Every Evening at 7X o'clock, And SATURDAYAFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. This entertainment has a Real Boat, 27 feet long,...With full crew, aud• 'WU exhibited 250 successive nig=ta in New York. Tickets 5.5 cents, or fire for $l. ial-7/14* ASSEMBLY BUILDING6S---TIMM AND (311ESTNVE AMVSBAIENTS FOR OLD AID YOUR°. SIO.NOR BLITZ. The areat-MAGICIADI and VENTRIL9QUIST,,InhIde LEARNED CANARY , BIRDS, will mve his• new and popular Entertainments EVERY atvENING during the Week, commencing. at 7% o'clock ; and WED,kIatiDAY and SATURDAY afternoon/int 3. TM., attractions will be marvellous; expeilmenW in 'Magic; wonderfal.powers in Venttirocinism and'rhe-Learned C anary Bitds in ChM! new characters. • - Admission 9.-5 cents. Children 3.3 c )nts. fI,ERMANIA. REHEA_RSILS everyS LTITF..IIAY AFTER NOON at 334.0'010e15, at the NIFFICALJUND HALL. Carl Bents, conduotor. Tleaets 26 cents. Pookagen of It tickets,.sl , --to be had' of Andre 4; Co., 13.01, Chestnut street ;.J. E. Gould, Sevestb and Chtstnut, and at the hall door. 'nal& HASSLEIVS • ORCHESTB Nam 214 South EIGHTH Sk.belot wrlnnt. - PENNSYLY_AITIA. .lA.C4js:gir OF THE FINE GMT& itab ImsTrurr . sawr. Ie , open daily. (Illuidays ens optell.FrOm 9 M. till I P. AP. Admission 25 cents. Ch ildnut hat price. Shares of stock, SSO. pedtaitt • _ g e k. • • -- TFIREE-EIGHTHS of , tko4rtacks:Cif Appl t o Ft 4. J.t.a..C.A.M.STAtIRS, Jr.. N 0.126 MALNWStreet. • ITNTMT :rithaiTSPOß -5.--;rATIoN iccimParsi; aso. W. CASS & CO., PROPEL - Yr:Tali 4 :HThe : aiteAtion. of Mer chants and Shippersof Philielphia is directed to the opening of a NEW F . REIGLii .LlNS•betaboont this city and New York. • - - . We are prepared te. offer 71xongh Receiphrfor Freights between the cities of PhiptOlphia. ankligri York and points last thereat, via •• ealip.ElT ,A.VAr PORT ifOiC MOTYPH." All Goods entrnated to, our charge,. inset with. Prorept despatch arid carchil handling. Freight received in PHIJADRLPHLECyIathe CornPallra Fier, third Wharf abo - re ARCH &seat,. and in N h,W 'CORK at Pier No. 25 North Hirer, foot of HURRAY Street. Freight received in Ililladelpbia 2erare.4 P. M. will be delivered at the Pier New the. following day, 'and Freight received York:before 4 P. M. will be delivered at the Pier in Fhillidelala. the following day. For further particultiO, rates of...teivh.t, ko. apply to GEO. P 4; kcCULtOid (formerly of Bishop, Simons..V..4.4.).Freight Agent, Oncepe. N: %Philadelphia. •••• W GeRIFFITTS, Jr., ia.ll.lm (fonnelly.with . Leecik4Na.) General Manager. AMILT, "343 M, COLORS) LIST ox,..qoAfias; BLAC SALMON. DARK B„ ' BROWN SCARLET. sNuvikaatowat DARK DRAB, LIGV: BROWB„ LIGHT DRAB, DAB BLUE YELLOW, LIGHT. BLUt. LIGHT YELLOW. . D K ORE_ .Eze ORANGE, • LIGHT GREW MAGENTA, PINK; SOLFERINO, BURPLE, FRENCH BUTS_ • SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON. 'VIOLET. • FAMILY' D.YE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Waolen and Mixed Goode, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribboss,Gloves,Bonnets,H i Weathers, Rid Gloves, Children ,'S Clothing, and IC- of Wear ing Appa.r; witb.pezfect fast colors. • A SAVING OF SO PER CElrt... These Dyes are mixed in: the form of re , wclers concen trated arelhornagbly tested. and put i• 111 heat pack ages. 3or tweuty-five cents you can craS Many goods as d otherglie coat five times th- sum. The Pro cess is sinlys.„ and arty o'ne can use yes Filth perfect success. Direetiona inside. ManufactnredrhY tows, a, STEVENS, -915 S BBR:A,DWAY, Bilston. For salt Ii; Dm/gists and Deala.7„in every City and Town. / de3 . o-triths-Sm if fLELLTFi gAra DEPOT RE. MOVED to No. s 21. South EIWENTH neat 9 Frirnklin Institute. Theiandersigned, thankfaltor Rest favors, and being deter mined to merit' future 33itronage, has secured as elegs.nt and convenient stare, and has nn on hand a larr,e assortment of Lillie% Celebrated ought and Ck. Wed Iron Fire and dander Proof es (the only dziotly Are and burgleasomor Wet made). Also, Lillis 's ~J neglialled Bank 1711.0 t, Rafe, and Itivalt Locke. Li m's Bank Vault Vora and Looks WM be. furnished to order on short notice. This is the arca*, beet pro tected, and cheapeol Door and Loak let oq Also, particular_ attention is . called to illie's New Cabinet Safe. for Plate, Jewelry. &c. This Sara' is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, arid is the 1 ohe that la Aridly fire and hurgjar proa. SPECIAL NOTICE.—/ hava lOW on hand say twenty of Farrel; Herring, & C 0.% Safes, utostT.of them nearly new, end some forty of other makers, coMPrisluti a complete Issortment ae to silos, and all/atalY sOliartgod for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will he sold at YOU *onr_prices.. Maw and azaalre• JaW-lylf v, • sainata, Azeit. 50 CENTS EAOIL CARL ANSCHErTg. DIRECTOR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers