Pltlbalelpfaia Markets. .lAttnalti' 14, E venin g. r• more inquiry for Flour, both for export and holders SEA firmer in their demands; 1•0 14 . bbh. super sold at 06(1 .2i 320 oxtra at VI 75 I oro. 4 1 .1,L Northwestern extr a faintly at $8.87%; 1,000 bbis 40.. a ; ,t.. 7 (07.2 d; .100 choice do. at $7.50; 400 fancy at ; about 2,000 bbisonostly high-grade fatuity, on L ; ; ;,. ; ,,,m terms. The sales to the retailers and bakers and same rar ge of prices, according to brand ntit"!. R T e Fleur is steady at $5.2511 bbl. Corn Meal O'Vr • • t 0.75 bbl. inquiry for shipment and !,: - . - t ie better; sales roach about 12,000 bns at 150@)152c including 2,f00 Ints do, and 8,011) bus white, on r i v - ste terms. Rye is steady, with sales of 800 bus f,.uus at 044tR 5 0 ba. Corn is firmer ; about 2,500 at ,6c for uetr; old Corn IS scarce. Oats 0 , „„ el ang (I, end about. 10 000 fins Penna. sold at 0* fi l for:01 lb., mostly at tho former rate. F og contluttes null: About "Al ululs first No. 1 Quer ?Noe sell at *AV ton. gfrlTON.—The demand is limited, and the market firm :o r 8 ih for mutating's, . I 'O,OOOOEB. -111 e market is firm, The sales of Cof v :dui Sugar -Ho l de r s itgoVISIONS. are firm. Sales of 1,002 bbis .0 and Beef ou private terms. Lard is firm, with sales "dotes at 10e. 011 :4 E I):;—There 114 a good demand for Clover. 1,200 bus ij at ea 62h@ft.110, the latter for choice, whi Is s t eed nad Nothlug &dna in Timothy or Fla We lath r at 113 71 l u te. "itilllSla Is unchanged. Bbla are firm at 43@41c, and w ogs 42c it gallon. • v s . foltowmg Ste the receipts of dour and grain at thli r ti }lour 4,000 bbls. Wheat 11,500 bus. Corn 15.000 " 0,115 7,500 " Now York Markets of Yesterday. AM/N.—Pots aro stoutly at erg.:37.3i@5.50. . Pearls are walnu gaiLti t nerurs.4.—The marker for State and Western PO it , I , olllollllltUlMittlftl by Ito further rise in gold as lexchange , but prices are axe hlgOrne higher, with a rtei mlorste business for export and the home trade. • FRIPS RIO 11,000 bbls lit einft6.oo for superfine ver, $0.7fE 9 7.10 for extra State, 0. wig no f or Bum _ Ilse Michigan, Indiana, town, Ohio, etc .,: $6 90 © 9.15 for c:::1 do. including shipping brands nf round hoop Ohio 5 . 4 , 7:07.3.1, noel trade brands do at Pr:46OSM Puthern Hour is firmer and in moderate request: the piirt are 1,200 bbls at t;47,11e7.711 fur superfine Baltimore, tied $7.0009.1 0 for extra o. Canadian Flour is 5.5010 emits higher, with a fair in ; sales 700 bids at tiql 0407.10 for common to good, A'os/05 30 for extra brands paFolur Is inactive at $4.00@3.30 for the range of fine trol mortine. Darn Keel firm. W oleoat .Tarsey at it3.90@4, Bram , w i n o a m t 04.56, and panors ?qt. Wheat bt irregular mid ausettled, but the market is bgi 2. higher, wit saleserat inquiry far expert and local nlluis. The aro 75,00 P bus, at $1,30@1.00 for Chi ta° spring ; $1.4001.40 for Milwaukee club_l 1.1.470i4e faramner Iowa; fii for winter red Western, nod 6rkM.67 for amber Michigan. Bye is quiet at P7eokl for State. Harley is firm Si $1.4001.60. Oats prefirm tied in fair demand at 680360 c for Jersey, p d made for Canadian. Western, and State. Cora ls ose rent better, and the anarkrt is rather quiet ; wilco; fad MIA tit d do Male for sound Western mixed, and 7119 V. for soun. HAT continues to rule verr:Arm, with a fair demand at 0•04;$1 for ..h i pping, acid $lOl. 10 fur retail ',AA, - Siddis.--014WOr -is higher and lu good demand sales .44) hap at lIMIN 0. WmoltT--IN inbettor demand and decidedly higher; PIN LOOP bblo a t 430. CITY ITEMS. NOVELTIES IN Funs,—Messrs. Charles Vskford lwr. Son, Nos. 834 and 836 Chestnut street, under the Continental Hotel, have, in addition to the ordinary style of fur garments usually found in Stet-class furrier establishments, a . number of choice Pretties foe ladies and children, exclusively con bed to their own sales. Melt stook is unquestion ably the best in the country in' this particular, and their trade le very large on this account. SUPERIOR LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PUR- T ons,—Mr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has constantly on hAnd, for the accommodation of his customers, a etipply of pure, genuine Liquors, such as can be airily recommended and used for medicinal, pur -1,001 His rare •old Port, Sherry, and Madeira Wines, and flrst•quality old Brandy, are of absolute purity,. and , are highly approved by our first physi .ciscs for the use of invalids. ANY FORM OF CHRONIC DISEASES SUC ectifully treated for the past six years in New York Dr. Wolf, a French physician, 832 Broadway, New York. Those /Meted with any kind of 15 hro i o pleases should read Dr. Wolf's essay on the sub ject, to be had gratis. Sent by mail. ])r. Wolf may lv consulted personally or by letter. Worst cases of all affections of the nervous system have been radi cally cured, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Epi lepsy, &thaw, &c. jalo-10t " A SIAGHT 'COLD," Ceuerts.—Few are en•vre of the 'importance .Of checking a Cough or 4, Slight Cold" in its first stage; that which in the beginning woufd yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the lungs. Brown's Bronchial Troches , ' give sure and almost Immediate relief. Military Of leers and Soldiers should have them, as they can be ear !led in the pocket. and taken as occasion requires. j.tto-thstu3t GEORGE • Steck's Inimitable Plano Fortes, J.E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut. jal&thetulm Ova ATTAOK ON ENGLAND.—On Tues -414 morning there sailed from New York the good Mill) George -Griestold, with a full complement of men, and heavily armed, and it is believed and ex• reulted that-she will anchor off that Secession sym pathizing oily, Liverpool, open her ports and dis charge a broadside of bread for the suffering poor of ;England; it is hoped she will bomoard the town With barrels of flour, and show how Americana re taliate on their worst enemy, With the arrival of the, last steamer came a letter of encouragement to our President, from the suffering poor of Manches ter, to hold on his course for the cause of humanity. We, here at the North, feel neither the evils of poverty nor war. The clothing sold this past year at Charles Stokes & Co.'s one-price, under the Conti vr.tal, surpasses in amount all previous years. WOMAN'S INSTINCT.—Woinen are best hi LAking short, common-sense cuts. They don't risen—pardon Inc, I am not rude. They do not end it necessary to set that machinery of judgment in operation of Which man is so vain. They have a Fay of their own—an instinct peculiar to their sex gift whioh:elevates them. Within certain limits, and on certain subjects, they pounce with unerring aim upon truth. They can't give reasons for their conoltudons, They arc at least very silly if they try to do so, and not improbably disturb the successful Impression of their impromptu sentence. We re peat, they do best in making short, common- Dense cuts. Talking of cols, however, reminds us that the only place to obtain perfect ones is at the One-price Clothing Emporium of Gran- Ville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut. street, Philadelphia, IcE PALACE.—A magnificent skating lake is about to be opened at Montreal. A Berlin architect who constructed many of the far-famed Ice Palaces of St. Petersburg, proposes constructing an ice palace on the river opposite the city. The build ing will be forty feet high, one hundred and forty lour feet long, and flfty•six feet deep, and will be Surrounded by a colonnade, and topped with a dome, ell, with the exception of the windows and doors, to be built of ice. A few hours's sunshine would make the frigid fabric melt away in tears like an architeo turd Niobe. We prefer a structure which will alike bear the extremes of heat and cold, and that is de- Voted to eminently practical and useful purposes, as for instance the Brown-Stone Clothing Ha ll of Pockhill k Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, Above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Couthiental Hotel—. 3 Richars, Chicago W Bows re, St Paul Chas ti Shaw. Clacianati . 1 McKenzie, Milwaukee R blandly, Pittshnrg h Cutler. Hannibal A J Hopper, Memphis L -rome Bradley, St Lad+ wm Dickinson, Chleng 5 1 u, Little Sr Pittsburg l K.. Little, Pittsburg Russell, Keen, ty II I,A Lane, New York (; I.4.ure, New York W Denison 'Wm B IVilliemson, Bos.tun Shepard, Now York ilsnoldge,Mew York blocle, KeptUckY Coid well, Charlestown yeres E Young ) E Boston I:.Ca r shast. Jr, JersoT City A^nt Cobid Hopkins, U S N A Vo!ek, New lurk •TC Kultkel, Ilw rlaburg AAnno,U lllino NditOn. is Ind F I 'am:els, St Louis )1 War bold, lialtinioro I . 2 McNeil y & wr, Balt Vkaae, Washlnutou p!:.. Este Chase, Waistlora l !tette Chase, Wi AI is. rjudnian, Watthililsorn C W LF Morrow. New 1 urk A Witthans 6: )11, N York Miss Witt haus, A ew York lieu L Ronald, ow V.lrk lienthaer, New Mexico litl , s Bentliuer, New 31. , ,x`c,) Pall Adams, bituootchsetts Meat D Arego, Mass Capt Williamson. Mau Saud A Walsh, New York F Smith & ly, Chicago J Marshall & al: New Yo k • Deo B Basswood, N dernr pr 0 S Hoot & 11, Plitilvld y Di (i Rathborn, New York Girard House—Cho l; t . W Corundum, Below are 1.,,,v id J Murphy, Deliin are N 1:1 Fiddetnan, 1)01w:ire 1)r ].attend , Delaware t'r Bayard, New JeroY ' F Folsom 0 W 0 leen, Delaware 'r ti Collins, Berlin !td Ny H Minn' •&s C It Darrow., Conn :Yron 'l' 'Webster r'ki Becker, Buffalo ' t V Hogan, Wiish'n, B C 34 Witylan, N York &lintel Christ, L 11111.400 1. A 3 Huh Potriken, Lock liar 3., Ji Fulton, Pittsburg o‘ts McGiunms & la, N Yo k .r. ti .ril Wrnger Ii t C ol by, Bost ol on by, Boston Vit"wart & lady, N York s,, Stewart, New York Ilk Eliy, ilnrriAlltrg irAtiriee C ELI - , liarri:lntrii 14 " X Nlllll4Oll, New York io Munson, New York ail Jacob M Kunkel, Mil L Tilton, NEW 'York • ~Tiwin New Norwich, Ct v twill, York Merchants . —Fo•arti 3 i STel, Blairsville I! Law..oa, I udlanu reonaborg r BYers. Beaton' L (Hazier &la.lluntluilll on f• • 31ebil eel:, Otte wisea Jelin Ellin's, Penal' lin..ett, Belnlrn re Siteete, Brady'. Bend Buritess. New York Sehoehtnaker. Kea tnc y T Cutitlitl; 01110 FS , initk Flanagan, litnoton, Pa Dudes, New Yerk American—Chestu us C‘Pt Stanwood. New York Bramble, Delaware E Ladd, Jr MAgon, New York 81 Henry Fall RI ver C Eddy& wf. Prey, R I H TraPfter. 8eM110114.111 Steven's. New York Ourdea,_New York at's4l l M Roberto, SideAtt A Veraur, Petmi The Union—Arch. et Hman, Mune) , it 1 Zo ar ller. New York I M'ralbott. ludittptipotts I C Talbott. itulhumpolho I.leo Thompslanon MeLetd,clittmlocrAl iiclAllll /a, CilftittlterslOg JAIL S Wellece,tenc b,Wellece. LithoWellnce , co Karr lath and Chestnut. Mrs Ebbs, West Chester 'bliss Ebbs, West Chester Miss H Ebbs, West Cbester ii C Cleveland, New York R C Hurd & w t, Ohio Jas S Smith & wf, N York W II Wallace, New York johu S Case lk ly, Maine , II Hoyt. Haverhill, Mass I.los L Beeves, New Jersey Mr Ludovioi 3: ly, N York Coo II C Niel,BaltimOre E M Skinner, Boston th• )rxe Hutchinson Boston 3 it HaMilton, Baltimore T,ouis Henry,NCW York Win Henry, New York S A Allen, 1% ew Jersey • W Yelluud, Baltimore .1 Wileford, New York Charles Spatford, Conn .1 Duffy, Marietta t Pa liobt S Sal/neer, Now York J D Fraser, New York John Anness, New Jersey ill Hung. Now York Mrs Hoag. New York t", II Hail,Buston Richard Church, Belvidere l'has E Coy:, New York N Hobart, Boston • Mr Alexander, Now York, id W Torrey & wt,Jorsay city A bi blerriam,New York C Bennett b: ly Jr Hewes,. Boston J .1 Blair, .New Jersey 'Mont Aug Belknap, N York Mai H I. Yea Ness, N York 'W .i Carr, New York bl 0 Burkeley, Brooklyn W II Burkeley, Btooklya John Ruston & wf, N Jersey E T Sherman, New York T A Cunningham Balt 'Mrs Wright, Baltimore S P Bray to ty, New York Ers ,1 Rice, New York I ,I il Berryhill tnnt. below Ninth. 1: Stockton, New York Mann, New York C Torres, Wilmington, Del Mr G rune & lady. Philada Copt C II /isle. U S A Sirs Parsons, Wash'n, D C )11s% Par:math Watilt'n, 1) C 11W rillerWitt,Gratton, Yr ' Win C linnington, Sfd ca n t 3 P Brown, Aleg'a, Va C Knapfer, Chicago Thus Martin & wf. Cia 0 E . , Welch, Pennsylvania .1 11 Rutherford, Harrisburg Soltzinger, Tamaqua Cake, Pottsville n Bell, Alex, Pa f; NS' I'elr & la, Wm N Y C W Keaing, New York 1 A S Sturtevant, N York ' Ii 1) Faulkner, New York Mr Williams and wf. N Y Miss Williams. New York [no Forbes&fam, Millersifg las White, Pennsylvania Goo Willson, Pennsylvania Goodyear & wife, 11 York II Wash, Pennsylvania John U Wilson, New York Geo \V Smith, New Jersey "tweet. below Arch. .1 Cote, Easton Pa W vern Jreld, I tqy n es, C I net nun ti W F Spencer, Cincinnati S I,Pwis, Harrisbuag II)Blair, Lancaster C W Ellis, Poulin J B Creinar, Hanover. Pa R. Cathcart, Millerdown W Fitch, New York M Guinn. New York 13 Slater, St Louis f Berger, Wheeling, - Va 1' Billmoyor, Lewisburg, Pa .1 Morris, Wash, D C street, above Fifth. J Baru, New Haven T Spear, Wash. D C J L Bald email, Penult .1 E Wiley, Lancaster co (1 Lu udon, Bradford co J Bunion, Potter en A 1 I Slope, Salem. N Ur L TreEler. Berke co IC B Yardley, New York V L Williams. Nana E Teague, Port Clinton trent. above' Third. itoltzwortli A Lewixtown Thoq Fur us. Elizabeth . .1 F Harris, Poth , vllle Jeqq. haue. Wilin'n; Del A M Allen, Pottsville J It CuAwn, Maryland , Itephoja Kroh, Marylaud ,itenhett Junes, l'amanna T !Witte% Tarn:tuna I Johutichellly, Tamaqua St. touts Hotel--Ches W W Young, Baltimore Robt Davis, Baltimore N Johnson , S Bar P Jones, Scranton 1 T Spear, Washington II Carpenter, Chicago • 0 Waterman, Trenton 11 11 Lawrence, St Louts \V B Rosenbaum, N Jersey. R Bare, Baltimore Commercial Iloitcl—S JagWilttamr N.w Jersey P Brower, Doylestown TJ idilcx, Harrisburg • Iv A Atwood. Cl ester co, Pa MrsliPrlzer & son,Doylest'n Chas Peacock, Maryland Madison House—See .T T Simpson. Doylestown Chas Price, Doylestown John Bowman, Now Hope Oen Closson, Penna. A S Cadwallader, Yardley's JfISI K Il l.Ls, Pineville T S Cadwallador,Pcnua \V Cadwallader, Jr, Penna. Trott°, Ale ehttolov ill e H Evans. Deposit, N Y States Union—Sixth D Smote, Newvillo E L Doner, Danville Oro rinneh L Perry CO H Jones, Pennsylvania MiFFI 8 P Doyle, Pstin a 3 H , Payler. \Vest Chester H K Killian, Lat caster Mount Vernon—Scco W F Martz, JentieeTille J Price, Elkton, R I. JOIIPM IR, BRItIll101 . 0" C B Lowrey - , Bailin' we Black Benr—Third str W Stein, Lehigh co, Pa H rileiler. Lehigh co, Pa John Hersh, PenusburY Sutzbech son, Penne Eli Bechtel,Hcchteleville W Mutter, Bechtelsville snia Eagle—Third s O . J Scholl, BL D, Ileck town MN A Baker, Berks co, I't Miss E Baker, BPrks co, Pa Tas Macy. Illinois Jas Lowrigll t, Pa National—Race street, above Third. II Pile. Ringgold II K Davis, Scranton, Pa W whitinen, Union co, Pa Moses Boyer, Selinsgrove Andrew Kreider, Pa D Wostcott W H 14tack;$ Easton PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE L. 1117ZDY1„ • if E. G. DIDDLE, 40111:1U27211 OH THE moms. JNO, E. ADD tCKE. LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCIIANGB, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Westmoreland, Decan .. --Liverpool, soon Bark American, Christian Port au Prince, soon Bark Sea Eagle, Howes Port Spain, soon Brig Mary, Le Blanc Port Spain, soon Brig Frederick Douse, Furness London, soon Brig Wig H Harris, (Br) Coaltieet.. Cienfuegos, soon Brig Intended, Miller Havana, soon Brig Amanda Jour, Almedia Barbadoes, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF . P.IIIIILADELEIFCLI.; Jan. 15,1863. SUN RISES.... HIGH WATER 7 SL-SUN SETS AERMED. Bark Comot, Morrison. 4 days from New York, with ugar, molasses, Ste, to Workman & Co; Bark Frank, (Br) Stanwood, 4 days from New York, n tallast to B A Souder (t... Co. - - - Brig A Bradshaw, Fish, 20 days from New Orleans, rah molasses, &g, to S Morris Wain & Co. Schr James I.dgan, Smith, 3 days from New York, in allast to John R. White. . . Scbr MaIT, Tict, 4 days from New York, with mdso to Cooper. Behr Bl vire, Britain, 3 days from New. York, with mdse o s D o C r oop Mary Anna, Gibbs,6 days from New Bedford, ith oil to Crowell & Collins. Saw Neptune, Mudge, 3 days from New York, with tano to Allen & Needles. Schr W G Bartlett, Connelly, from Washington, in bal -1 ast to Navy Agent. Behr Convoy, Morrill, from Portland, with heading to ohu Mason & Co—vessel to Twells & Co. • Schr ltobt Knowles, Insley, 3 days from Laurel, Del, .Ith lumber to .TIN Bacon. Sloop Sullivan, Ludlam. 2 days from Ludlam's Inlet, with mdse from scltr Hannah Grunt (ashore on Town send's Inlet Bur) to Beo B Kerfoot. CLEARED. • Schr Jae Logan, Smith New York, J R White. Schr R E Drown , Fleming, Key West and hurtle Ray , D S Stetpon & Co. Sch r W O Andeuried, Hewitt; Hampton Roads, Hunter, ter, Norton k Co. Sat . W Rnark, Hooker, Washington, W C Griffin. hcbr N 3 Brayton. Milliken, New York, J Street & Co &Ur Neptune,'llotlan, Alexandria, Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr Mary Haley. Haley, Fortress Monroe, do Str H Burden. Loper, Alexandria, do Str Novelty, Shaw, do do Str E Chamberlain, Broughton, Alexandria, Thomas Webster, Jr. MEMORANDA. Barks Frank, General Warren, and Leland, all from New York for Philadelphia, came in the Capes or the De lmar° ou the night of the 12th inst, and stood up the bay, in company with brig A Bradshaw, from New Or leans. At the 'Breakwater 13th lust, one bark and one brig, from sea, names unknown.—Reported by Mr. Ed ward 111:utll pilot. Ship Harrisburg, Wiswell, cleared at Boston 13th inst, for llueno:‘ Ayres. Ship Anna F Schmidt, Twombley, cleared at Boston 13th ill Bl. fur San Francisco. Brig Yew Era, Usher, at Key West oth inst. for Now ork, to Fail about the lOth. Schr L A May, Baker, hence, arrived at Now York 13ih k stunt. Seta .T Crockford, Jones, hence for Providence, at Now York 13th inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. A fl AL REMEDY. BRANDRETEI'S PILLS These Pills expel the principle of disease and increase the priuciple of life. Dr. Lull, of Potsdam, who has used them twenty years in his practice, says, "They are a Vegetable compound, which invigorate, cleanse, and purify . the blood,correet and regulate all the secretions; and, by purgation, discharge the whole mass of morbid matter from the system without reducing the strength." They are admitted to be the best purgative and anti bilious medicine; and have not their equar for rhenma-, tism, colds, coughs, asthma, etc., etc., and as purifiers and sweeteners of thoblood they are without a rivaL STATEMENT OF CAPTAIN BULDIER, This December 4,1863 United States Marine Artillery, at Newborn, N.C., says that his second lieutenant, Charles R. Doane, was at tacked with typhoid fever; that he continued to grow worse, and was given ri) by the doctors, who had been unable to open his bowels. Captain Balmer concluded to try a dose of Brandreth's Pills, a medicine which he had used from his childhood. He gave seven over night, and requested the nurse to give seven more in tho morning. The effect was thorough; the delirium passed Off, and the young lieutenant was easy, and evi dently much bettor; in the evening he was able to get up. Ile took the pills a few days, continuing to Im prove, and the typhoid fever was cured. He was then attacked with fever and ague, Again the pills were re lied upon, and they cared his fever and agae also. In a few days he was fully restored to health. I call noon the surgeon general to see to it that a sup of Brandreth's Pills are among the medicinal stores. B. BRANDRETH, 31. D. Principal Office, 294 CANAL Street, New York. For sale in Philadelphia by Mrs. SCHAEFFER, N 0.14 North EIGIITH Street, and T. W. DrOTT & SON, No. M.North SECOND Street. jalO•s to that' DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTBRS They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and lata.honye. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhceba, Cholera, and Cholera Horbtua They . cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cede. orated Censer' Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. PartiCularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a.gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug. gtsts..Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 20X BROADWAY. New York. seZlSin ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly . for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pt. rare& All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ORE-PRICE STSTEX is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR BYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color det to be distinguished from . natnre; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the ill *Wean of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, &c. Ilfir The Gennine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOB, on thefour "Nee of each box. . FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street,) mylklY New York M.EiRR=ED. RICRARDS—THOMPSON.—On the Sth inst., by Rev. J. D. D..htdus, Mr. Lancelot Iticliardr:, of Phuadotphia, to ftlis!. Elizabeth, daughter of J. B. Thotuoiou, &M.. of Coniclen. FITTON—LUFFMAN.—On the 11th of January, 1543, by the Rev. Fannie! frweedale. Mr. James Fitton, of Franktord, to Mrs. Mary Lithium of Wilmington, Dela ware. 3DIED. MORRISON.—In Broad Top City,Pa.. January 7, after a I/ ogeriug Emma Jolla Canner, daughter ofJopti and Hannah Marlton, aged 5 years, 3 months and 1S days. She was a child of remarkable intelligence for one of her years, of a sweet, amiable, and happy &spondee, winning the affections of all who knew her. She bore her sufferings with meekness and patience worthy the example of a Cbristlau more advanced in years. But the opening bud was blasted by the rude monster: she faded and dted. To the bereaved parents and friends we otter our deepest sympathy, and knowing she Ls safe with the redeemed spirits may they yield 'submissively this summoned jewel to t'ho "Lord who gave and hath taken tlArn W. H RIIINO. — KIIIPti, on the 30th nit., in the battle of Murfreesboro Sergeant S. F. Herring, of the Anderson Troop, in the `22th year of his age. Ills Metals and the members of Co. B, Blue Reserves, and Cu. 1), Grey Reserves, aro invited to attend his.fune rat tit - 2 P. M. today (Thursday), from 1105 Girard street, without Molter notice. • ROSENG A I:TEX.—Killed in action near Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 29th, 1f62, Major Adolph G. Rosengnr ten, aged 24. Ills male friends and those of the family are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, Na. Ifild Chestnut street, on Friday, January Mith, at lo A.. ss PIEHSON.—On Tuesday evening, the 13th inst.. Joseph- S. Piersom, in the 26th year of his age. His relatives and friends, and those of the family, also Mount Moriali Lodge, No. 155 A. Y. M., Girard ;dark Lodge, No. 214 A. Y. M., and the order generally, are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the resi dence of his father-in-law, Andrew Dennissou, on Friday afmrnoon, the 113th inst., at 2 o'clock, without further notice ss JEFFRIES.—On the 12th inst... James Jeffries, in the 72d year of his age. The relatives end friende le r invited to attend his fune rnl on Friday next, at 1 o ea, from his late residence, near Thum Station; cars start from Ninth and Green at 1 o'clock P. M. interment at Mount Vernon Ceme tery. •• JAMES.—On Tuesday morning, January 13,1353. CoL Thomas C. James, 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, in the Slot year of his nue. W ITN.—The funeral of Lieutenant J. Endhall White (11Sth Corn Exchnine Regiment, Pennsylvania Volttn teers), who was killed September 20th, 1862, near Shell herdstown, Va , will take place from the residence Of his grandfather, Ambrose WM e, No. 921. Arch street; this (Thursday) afternoon, 15th inst., to leave at 2 o'clock pre cise/ r . His noes friends and fellow-members of the 118th Regi ment are le''* cifully invited to attend, without further notice. CRESSON.—On Tuesday morning, Mary Cresson, In the SSth year of her age. Her friends are respectfully invited to attend her fune ral, Without further notice, from her late residence, 7:10 Sanborn Ft., Iri tlity (Thursday), 1511 k inst., at 11 A. M.' • 31cOUIRE.—Ou 11th lust., Anna M., wife of Henry Gt. McGuire. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral n 1 A. , Fifth-day (Thursdayl, from tile re-hirers of ti e rbusband,l.lo4Parrisli rd. • . . gLgE.P LONG ESTA)X. LISIIRIiIIfAIiIfFACTORY of light. neat. service*: hie edIRREGLA I 3, 104/Smuts:Kr Street, one door obovP ?KWH tztretit.• Phibuleiphig. • ' • Its IMER'S 11'ORYTYPES ARE THE" RE -LA , mord perfect eeptdo toroth!raj natural, ea 47 IR ;Kik: Von.. nr erimptelttozi.ltusir. eyett. and tharterY. tp sun SECO DSt ieet;aboire (tree% lt.". nut street. ab. W 1' Cole. Baltimore E Whitney, New Jersey W Chesney, Delaware co W ills or Pottsville s Hutchinson, Auburn Mrs Griswold. New Tor& It Uhlmann, New York 1 %Peyton W S Corr, New York D Frazer, New York xth st.. 'kb. Chestnut. Jas McCrory. Maryland L S I mbrie, Pittsburg Wm H Cheynoy, Chester co I J Mar Ali, Medford, Pa Mrs A Baker, Delaware co W B Sill, Chester co, Pa nd St., above Market. Chas K Bowers, Pittsburg I; Simmons, Wilmington Chas Bottler, Pennsylvania 113ttker, Pennsylvania • . on Penney W B Calloway, Delaware H Bearn., Smyrna, Del E Pray, Philadelphia li Newbold, New Jersey C K Palmer, Elkton, 31d and Market streets. IL Kirk Pennsylvania .ii E ?ti Kline, Lancaster. Pa H A Zug Lanoastorr l'a. '' F E Marine, Baltimore D. ChartillerWf St Chaster Taylor, Wog Chaster .T II Taylor, West Chester d street, above Arab. E Dickson H Earnest, Pennsylvania Jas Swath, Now York Jae S Prindle, ifow York eet, above Callowhill. E B Derr, Hamburg Isaac Plank Gen Werner, Maiden Creek H J Carter, Brooklyn D Lehr, Gratztown, Pa, t., above. Callowhlll. Tolku E Lowright, Pa W Sohn G ank,. Lehigh co V. '1" Strawburger, Pa Simon Woidonheimer, Pa Edw Illig, Berko co, Pa BLACK AND wlirrE BALMORAL SKIRTINGS.—BIack and purple Balmoral Skirts. Gray and Black Balmoral Skirts. Muslin and Revere Bows. Lace Sleeves trimmed purple or black. Crape Trimmings. • English Crapes and Veils. - Bound Grenadine and Crape Veils, Black all-wool Ottoman Poplins, Sig cents. • Black and English Reps, Bto 31N coots. Just received by I3ESSON St SON. jal2 MOURNING STORE, 918 CHESTNUT Street. 'PYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ' 2 " ARCH, have a fine assortment of Good Glossy Black Silks. 3alo IVidows' Silks without gloss. RYRE & LiNDELL; FOURTH AND " 4-4 ARCIf, always keep a fine stock of Staple Rougeliold Goods. 300 Best Muslins, Linens, and Flannels. rcYRE & LANDELL, FOITATH AND ARCH, always keep a MR line oP • Mourning Shawls. . jalo Fashionable Shawls. REV. BENJAMIN WATSON,D. - D. will deliver the next (trop) Lecture, at LION P. E. CI3ITRCH, EIGHTH' 'and ' COLUMBIA'Avenno, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at .7% o'clock. Subject, "Mina Earnestness."' Mr• SPECIAL ORDER.—COMPANY. Ay FIRST REGIMENT A ItTILLEUY' H.Jan. Ei, IS63.—This Company will electable at the ARMORY, on FRIDAY MORN IRO, 10th lust., at 814 o'clock, in full uni form, to attend the funeral of their late fellow-member, Major lt OUR GARTEN. By order: If. D. LANDIS, Captain. A. L. Wii.t.i:co, Acting First Sergeant. It M. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 14 1863. :warm, ORDERS, I.—The remains of tiao late ADOLPHE G. ROSENOARTEN, Major of the Anderson Cavalry, have been brought to this, his native city, for interment. Major Resent arten et mmeneed his military career as a Sergeant of Company A - of the Ist Regiment of Artil lery of this force, in the spring of the year 1861, from which he entered the service of the United States, and served a term of three months with the Commonwealth. Artillery, at Fort Delaware. Subsequently he enlisted in the Anderson Troop of Cavalry, organized originally an a body-guard of General Anderson, of Fort Sumpter. fame, but afterwards assigned to that duty with General Buell. Tho Anderson Troop was so well composed and its services were so highly appreciated, that the War De partment directed that it should be increased to a full re-,' giment. a hich was speedily done, and, in the assign ment of officers to its command, Adolphe Rosengarteu, already distinguished for military qualities of a high order, was appointed one of its Majors. •. The regiment was ordered into service with General •Roseerans, in Tennessee. and much was expected from it, in the character of those who composed it. These ex pectations were not realized. On the eve of battle, when ordered to the front, it is alleged that the regiment re fused to obeyits orders, and disgraced those colors which they had' worn to uphold and defend. Major ]tosengarten, being in command of the regiment, used every effort and made every appeal to induce the refractory men to return to theirAuty. Re was but par tially successful. Gathering some two hundred men only, from his entire command, he reported for dray, ad. 'winced to the front, and was immediately engaged in battle. Leading a victorious charge upon lbo• enemy's cavalry, in the early cmllict at 31urfroesboro, in Tonnes see, he fell gloriously, covered with wounds, at the head . of his command, a martyr to insubordination. Yet in his early youth at the time of his death, the country be a to deplore the loss of an officer of the highest promise. It is ordered, That an escort suitable to the rank of the deceased pa rade at the City Arsenal, on Friday next, the kith inst., 010 o'clock A. M. Colonel Newkomet, of the 2d Regiment of Infantry, Will detail two companies from his regiment as a part thereof. Companies A and C of theist Regiment of Artillery are detailed also for this service. . . . _ . Major Lewis A. Scott, of the 2d Infantry, will command the Escort. By o ß de ig adi er General. Comm A. a nd PLBAS m NT G O u N r , d . WX. BRADFORD; General. .M.LS-2t , N 0"r C37e: , -.T.11E MEMBERS OF MOUNT MORTAR LODGE, No. 115" , A. Y. M.; and the Order generally, ern ' requested, td- at the MA SONIC 'TALL, CHESTNUT Streat, ea :FRIDAY AFTER NOON, ]lath instant, at . 2 cre/ocir; to attend the funeral of onr late brother, JOSEPH S. FIERSON:.' By order of the W. M. [jals-2t 5 ) - AARON WATERS, Secretary, M'UNION CANAL COMPANY, PHIL di- DELPHI A, January. 14,1861—The Annual Meet-. ingot the Uoion Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at No 228 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February &], 1863, at 11 o'clock A. IL 0. THOIIPSON. Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, JA:ctraar Sl, 1563. The following gentlemen have been duly elerSed an Directors of the Company for theyear Mt: DIRECTORS FOR YEAR ISGt. - HENRY D. SHERRERD, ' . • CHARLES MAC &LESTER, ' WILLIAM S. SMITH. . • .• . • • WILLIAM R.. WHITE, . GEORGE 11. STUART, . • 'SAMUEL GRANT, JR., • ' • ' ' TORUS WAGNER, . ' • THOMAS B. WATTSON, • : •' HENRY G. FREEMAN, CHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON, 'EDWARD C. KNIGHT, JOBN B. AUSTIN. At a mretine of the Directors, held this day, HENRY D. SHERRERD, Esq., was nuantmously re-elected Presi dent of the Company. in 1661. . WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. MAT A MEETING OF THE CONTRI BUTORS to the House of Refuge, held pursuant to public notice, on WEDNESDAY the 14th of Janus ry, ISW3, at 4 o'clock P. M., at N0...109 north TENTH. Street, the following named gentlemen were duly elected as Officers and Managers for the ensuing year: President—THOMAS EARP. __J: J. BARCLAY S Vico Presidents ISAAC COLLINS. • Treasurer—GEOßGE W. POSES, SecrelaryALEX. HENRY. -- MANAGERS: WM. M. COLLINS, . JOHN PARIM3I, ISO. W. CLAGHORN. ' HENRY PERKINS, • JOHN AL'OODEN. - ... WM. SHIPPEN, M. D: , JOHN 'ROBBINS ALEX. FULLEittON. CASPER WISTEIt, M. D..' OEO. M. TROUTMAN, .. WM. S. PEROT, ARTHUR G COFFIN, THOMAS L. RASE, N. B. BROWN E, THOMAS A. BUDD, F A. PACKARD ISAAC R. SMITH, DANIEL L. COLLIER, JACOB P. TOWEL', • 0. H. WOODWARD CHARLES WHEELER. • . N. B. BROWNE, —lt : , • Secretary pro tem, MOFFICE •OF THE DELAWARE . MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CO., PHILA DELPHIA., January 14, ISR3. _ At an Slectiou Tor Directors, held at this office, on the Atli inst., the-following gentlemen were elected to serve the enduingyear: • - THOMAS D. RAND, . - r ~ ~. • JOHN C. DAVIS.--' • EDMUND A. SOLIDER, • JOSEPH H. SEAL, ROBERT BURTON, Ja., .TOHN R. PENROSE; : e.' • GEORGE G. LEIPER„ . EDWA4tD DARLINGTON. • • .- H. JONES BROOKE, • • JOSHUA P EYRE, , . JAMES C. HAND, ' • • • - THEOPHILUS PAULDING, DR: R.' M. 'EUSTON, • • . . HUGH CRAIG . SPENCER McItVAIN, •. . • • - . CHARMS KELLY.' . SAMUEL E. STOKES. ; • - ' . - • HENRY- SLOAN, JAMES TRAQUAIR. ' ' • • • ' WILLIAM EYRE, JR.. - J. F. PENISTOK_ , . JACOB P. JONES, WILLIAM C. .LTDIVIO., ' . JAMES B..M9FARLAND WILLIAM G. BOULTON', HENRY C. HALLETT, ht., • JOHN B SEMPLE, A. B. BERGER, • • • and at the animal meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day. THOMAS C. HAND ,Esq., was unani mously elected president, and JOSHUA C DAVIS, Esq., vice president, HENRY LYLBURN, It . • Secretary. . . . . MILITARY. v..n.n."nes . • •,: kriowy4k.tnisesnovs,"nfv\evvvv," T T::#:.FrrT - t :N le ROBERTS' ARTILLERY; • • FOR FORTRESS MIRO ' HEADQUARTERS COMPANY ADEWEY'S LANE, GERMANTOWN All men who have enlisted in this Company will report immediately to Camp, in order that they may receive their Bounty, and proceed with the Company, on SATURDAY, tO Fortress AfonrOe. Any such man not reporting by that time will forfeit his Bounty, and, if apprehended, will be tried and punished as a deserter. SAM'L HAZARD, JR., j al4-3t Captain Company A. I t BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE • REGIMENT. • .150th REGIIIRNT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. •••• $175 . . BOUNTY. $175 RECRUITS WANTED for the above line regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and In camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this regiment will receive the following bonnties! Caeh in hand on being nitietered in SIA when the company is full 50 " wheu the regiment is full 25 At the expiration of service 75 Total $175 None but men of good character received. Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN, Colonel. W. A. HAMILL, Adjutant. dell-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEPI wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, and who have seen service." • ' : MILITARY .GOODS• w 7 simoNs & p*OtHER, sAlsom-suParr •MANUFACTORP ! RS 01? FINE - SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY IRS-116m HOLIDAY GOODS. pHOTOGRAPHIO ALBUMS =A -5- large variety for sale at low =ices bv .I.earTs vVelisgx & 'co., del3-tf if 924 C HESTNUT Street. MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASSES: for presents, for sale by • • JAM S W. QUEEN & CO., del.S•tf if 924 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GLASSES , OPERA GLASSES. For sale by JAMS W.I4ITEEN & CO., deld-tt it 924 CEIESTNirr Street. LADLES' FURS. FANCY: FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ABM STREET, BELOW BIORTIL INTOB7/01 AND MANUFACTUBBII .. • Or . LADIES' FANCY FURS. assortment of Panay Fars for Ladies and Children is now complete and embracing every vsirlety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers• prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. - "ocUmif FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRA.TH, NOS. 418 AND 41F Aiwa ermusT. ' ius NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FURS, r 4 which tb.*ttantinn nr th. nenblin 1. invite...l n 4641311 RIBBEPER'S --LONG _ ESTABLISHED maiurAcroxy or-li g ht iesit;:fiet.:icailiist UM. BR El. LAS, 10051 MARKET three,'one deer above ENTH Street, Philadelphia. .. . "11* THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA. Till SD AY. JANUARY ;15.1863. •• RETAIL DRY GOODS. WILLIAMSVILLE AND wAmsuT !.... TA MITSLINS. -" • 4-4 Foreatdale Bleached. 4-4 Edward Harris Bleached. • 4-4 York Premiums. : 4-4 New Market Extra Heavy Bleached. 10-4 Utica Sheeting )0-4 Waltham and - PePPorell Sheeting -12-4 A nnoakeag Sheeting. Good Linens for first-class Shirts. Pillow Case Linens and linslins. POWER LOOM. Table Damasks. Plains; Figures, and. Spots. Fine Table Linens and Napkins. FLANNELS. White all-wool and Domet, from 33c. to $L " Colored &sena° Flannels. Gray Twilled Flannels. Striped and Fancy Shirting Flannels. Shaker, Welsh, and Ballard vale Flannels. BAL MORALS. First-rate full length and width, at $2.75. - Finer grades at Sti, $3.2% and $3.50. amidCLOSING OUT. Cloaks, Shawls, d Dress Goods, at nominal prices. N. 13.—Our stock of Bleached 'and" Brown Goods is worthy of buyers' attention, being mach, under toann facturers' prices. COOPER & CONRAD. • jals-2tif • S. E corner NINTH and MARKET. 174 MBROIDERIES. WRITE GOODS, :tad HOSIERY, at Wholesale Prices. The subscribera offer ono of the beat selected and largest 11MortmcntA of White Goods, Hosiery, and Staple Embroideries, Trimmings, &c., to be found In the city, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. ,• 611EPPAIND, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, ... : JalA-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. COMMISSION.' HOUSES.. . ARMY' GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. ' HEAVY LINEN. DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIIRTINGS AND SHIRT ING& For sale by • Fll,OaN - GUAM. & WELLS. WATCHES AND, JETvEldity. .AKERIOAN WATCHES • • FOR SOLDIERS AT. REDUCED PRICES, AMERICAN WATCHES FOR AMERICANS! THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY give notice that they have lately issued a new style of Watch, expressly de signed for Soldiers and others who desire a good Watch at a moderate price. These Watches are intended to dis place the worthless, cheap Watches of British and Swiss manufacture, with which the country is flooded, and which were never expected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufactures sent to thie country because unsaleable at home, and used bore only for jockeying and ancind/ing purposes. We offer to sell our Watch, which Is of THE MOST SUB STANTIAL MANUFACTURE, AN ACCURATE AND DURABLE TIMEKEEPER, and in Sterling Silver cases, Hunting pat tern, at as low a price as is asked for the trashy nacres and Lepine.B of foreign make already referred to. We have named the new series of Watches, Wm. Emainr, Boston, Mass., which name will be found on the plate of every Watch of this manufacture, and is one of our trade-marks. - • Sold by all respeelable Watch Deafeys in theloyal States. • . Wholesale orders should be addressed to ROBBINS. & APPLET!DIsT, Ageuts for the American Wptch Company, inlo-s tu th ISt it" MICROSCOPIC PtIOTO4RAPHIC G. W. SIMONS & MANUFACTURING JEWELERS ARO . IMPORTERS; ' SANSOM•STREET HALL. . • - Ravejust received, direct from Paris, a large assort ment of the above novel and beautiful articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and Public men of this city and State, together with officers of the army and navy, Presented in a variety of fancy Mountings. FOR SALE TO THE TRADE, and to be had at all the principal jewelers, opticians, and fancy stores in the city. jaS-iflm D. T. PRATT, (BUOCEPEOE TO PRATT k REAM) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is concicatly in receipt of ENGLISH. SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities. to suit all classes of buyers. nol6-3mif ELI HOLDEN, • 'Dealer inlne AMERICAN. AND IMPORTED WATCH:BB, .TEMZI4II%..AMD CLOCKS, oal-15m* • •• • - 708 MARKET Street.. AKERiCAN - WATCHES, -GOLD AND EGLVEE,OAB3B. JOS H. WATSON, an 1 Bin . No. 328 OILBSTNOT Wed. WATpI:I73, JEWELRY, &O. - i.PRESB ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. YAM & BROTHER, Importers, taliSMI 324 CHESTNUT,Street, below Fourth. FINANCIAL. JOHN O. OAPP & SON, STOOK & NOTE BROKERS, 23 SOUTH TS/RD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS'. BANK. STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BOARD OR BROKERS, MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS - U. - s. FIVE-TWENTIES,,, OR, • TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER, FIVE YEARS. • lam instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the rat days of May and November of each year. At the Present. PREMIUM ON GOLD. these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, noS.tmhl 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 5... HARVEY TH9MAS, • • STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 wALNIrr STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought. and sold on Commisnion, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., • John B . Myers St Co.. Samuel B. Thomas, ESQ., urneds. Brinier, & Co., John Thomas, _ $250,000 T O LOAN, IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, /AND GOODS OF EVERY . DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHANS' OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. B. CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, . (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances made at the lowest rates. de`alm* 2_0u051,600, • 4 '4600. —T H TE S amounts to invest in good :MORTGAGE SECURITIES. LUKENS St MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, itil4-Sto• 1035 BEACH Street.. • $2,600 TO ° for thre 'T; ixii tf ili O ve N por .N c l e O nt ß . re TGA..G um E TRACKIIRA & r S a ON, ' • • • : . 244 South THIRD Street. 8 .000 ARO TINT WANTED *on a Chester county. Apply to jaS E. PETTI'r, 309 WALNUT Street. S2O 000 .n<l o, seveti. s 0 2t 0 her suing, to • Invest upon Mortgitim, APPlrto • A. FITLF.R. 1 118-60 ' COutrePtlteer, 51 North SIXTH Street. COPARTNER'SIIIPS. NOTICE 18 - BEBEBY GrvEN THAT the Limited Partnership heretofore formed between the undersigned, JACOB MINER, and ARMAII NOM, on the sth day of January. 1861, fur the transastlon of the WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL BUSl itt No. 413 MARKET 3treet, Philadelphia, under. the Ann name or" J. MINER,' to terminate on the Mut day of January. A. D. 1.666, has been this day dissolved, by mutual consent.. JACOB MINER, ARMAR YOUNG. J.LWART IS. iabtltß• FROMISSORY N CTE STAMP! A•FULL SUPPLY ON HAND AT THE PRINCIPAL DEPOT, - NO 304 CHESTNUT STR E ET, ialsa) _S. E. Cor. of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Ste. • • SVEEP ER' S tONG — ESTAB LISITIth MANUFACTORY of ilia. aeit.,,lnervieela • We UMBRELLAS. 1002 MARKET StreetZtine door above TENTU Street, Philadelphia. I' . US BROADWAY, N. Y. NEW PUE3PCATIONS." WV% AURORA FLOYD, tROM " TEMPLE BAR." PUBLISHED TEIEBAY. BY MISS M. E. BRADDON A.URORA •FLOYD! . • AURORA FLOYD! AURORA. :FLOYD! . RISS M. 11."BRADDinii. • .0 AURORA: PL011), A TALE OF D93IEI3TIC LIFE... BP Miss M. B: Baannwc; author of ',John Karehmont's Ls gacy," "Lady. Liide,". and . ."Lady4Aud tieciet7÷,la this. day Published, in a large: : .ootavo 0f.300 Pages, large type, double column, ;tarp - rinted:orc the finest and best of white paper. rrtee Siiventi-ElyoCente in paper cover, or One Dollar in cloth. s: • • • 7 • itEAD TBE FOLLOWING*.iiOT/CES OF : • • " Aurora Floyd is destined' to exelbi..a.iensntion not inferior to that created by East Lynne.': 'MSS Draddono: indeed, is • much more cultivated. than - Mrs.., and, therefore, her novel will be liked; by persois Of filament, even more than was` East .Lynne.' 'the tercet is absorbing. It is a sensation novol, in fact, di-. vested of all clap-trap: The reader pities and admires ' the heroine by turns ; for she is with all her faults, a. noble creature. John Mellish too, is a first-rake chars°. : ter, a thousand nines greater than the proud laver,,who• casts Aurora .off, and whose selfishness 'is shamed by John's trust and generosity. We commend H a ve - n om as altogether the best of 'the year."---Ladieso Natkinfa Magazine. • -"Anront Floyd has taken the WWII by slorm."—Lon don Illzislraltd New,a le the World.' " We predict for Miss Braddon's powerful novel, Au rora Floyd, a great;and highly-merited `success) Ph iladelph fa PreBB. "We regard it as one of the very best nouvellettes we have ever read, It is crammed full -of incident and in-' terest, andlS different from anything we have ever seen." -Germanfoion Telegraph, • , Published by T. B. PBTEBSON BRQT.IMIS, 306 cmisTrivr STREET, Philadelphia Single t opies of Aurora Floyd will be sent at once, free of postage, per first mail, ori remitting seventy-flye cents to the publishers ilia letter; or a copy bound in cloth will be sent for One Dollar. Booksellers, News Agents, and all otherd, will •ploase send ou their orders at once for what they•want of this book, which Iriii•preve to be one of the most popular books published forzetp, . AtlfterellllollUM .:Io ihd publishers, • IN, T. B. PETERSON- BROTHERS, . . It No. 300 CHESTNUT' STREET, Philadelphia. • • • AURORA .FLOYD 1. AURORA. FLOYD! • AURORA FLOYD! A NEW: NOVEL OF DOMESTIC LIFE, By MISS'ItI. E. BRADDON, Is published this day, complete in one large octavo vo-. tome of threeduandred pages; priceeeventy-five cords. in paper cover, or .01 3 .8 ollar in cloth. It is published and. for T. PETERSON'& BROTHERS', It No. 36 • QUESTEHT Street, Philadelphia. AURORA F.L t OYDI AURORA FL A O u li t D on ! A FLOYD! A NE*.I4OTEL OF DOMESTIC LIFE By MISS M. E. MADDOX, Is published this day, complete iu ono large octavo vo lume of threg hundred pages - ; price seventy-five cents, in paper cover, or One Dollar in cloth. It •is published and for sale at T. 13. PETERSON & BROTHERS', It No. 306 CRESTNOT.Stmet,l'htladelphia. AURORA FLOYD! •• AURORA FLOYD! • AURORA FLOYD! A ICEN.NOVEL OF DOMESTIC LIP By MISS M. E. BRADDON, Is published this day, complete in one• large octavo vo lume of three hundred pages ; price, seventy-five cents, in paper cover, or One Dollar in cloth. It is published and for sale at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', It No. 300 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. INB. gni .r: • .To be pntili4iit a few da y s, •Russg.T.Ns OBBAT 1300IC ON AMERICA. • NI Y. D.I„A R Y •:AND • •. ..• • . • : W. R. RUSSELI,, LL. D. One Volnme, I2mo. Clop'. Price 31.9.1 T. O. H. P. BURNHAM, • PUBLISHER, .143 WASHINGTON,STREET, BOSTON. Early orders from the trade solicited.' jatithet pHoToGRAPH ALBUMS Or eveiT variety of SIZE, STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE THE CHEATES7 ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! CARTES t)E VISITE in endless varietT;together with an immense stock of STANDARD AIcD4IISCELLA.NEOUS LfTERATURE, ' AT TBR OLD. PRICES ! A HANDSOME.I,I6IiENT Accompanies every Book sold! Lovers of Choice Goods, at Low Rate's, Fair Dealing, and Polite Attention, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK THE 'CONDITIONS . OF-PEACE. ••". . •' A K 51314-V. IN G DIS COURSE; BY ALBERT BARNES. - PRICE, 20 CENTS. .nirialeat.the • PRISETTERLAN BOOESTORE,If 1344 cuistErr Street,'. 3a14.3c , • .(OVliiisite 11. S. idint3 :RUFUS CHOATE., _ ;•-• MST PUBLISHED ' IN TWO VOLUMES 8vo.: The LIFE AND WRITINGS OF RUFUS CHOATE. by Professor S. G. BROWN. • Just issued and sold by subscription. Orders received at the Agency Office of Appleton's Clyclopegia, 33 South SIXTH Street. • jall-3t NEW MILITARY AND NAVAL BOONe. THE AUTOMATON REGIMENT, in boxes. • ANDREWS' HINTS TO COMPANY OFFICERS. SIEGE AND REDUCTION OF FORT PULASKI. MURPHY'S AND JEFFREY'S NAUTICAL ROUTINE. BARRETT'S . NAVAL GUNNERY INSTRUC rumars. GREENER'S GUNNERY IN 1858. BUTTERFIELD'S CAMP AND OUT-POST DUTY. ALL NEW AND STANDARD MILITARY, NAVAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, on hand and for sale at low prices. • .LINDSAY k BLAKISTON. _ Publishers and Booksellers, • jal~No. 25 SOUTH SIXTH St:, above Chestnnt. ARMY AND NAVY GAZETTE, . JUST OPT. • . • .. -ritynclPAL CONTENTS : • Military SChOolti; Education of Officers; Submarine Armament itary Regulations ;army Orders ,• Ap pointments and "• Promotions • Naval Orders ; Resig nations Officers Killed at Fredericksburg; Naval Expe riments; Sanitary Commission ; Revolving Towers Pen- Mon Decisions; Penn Military Academy;. The Openteg Year; Surgeon General's Report; List- of Advertisers; Blilitary Patents ; Patent Breech-loading Rifles; The Im perial City; Naval Depot Question ; Business Notices. Subscriptions 82, in advance. - WM: R. DYER & CO., PUBLISHERS, jall-3t* ' • Hew York and Philadelphia. PHYSIOGNOMY,. .OR SIGNS 0 F -a- character ; PHYSIOLOGY, and the Bodily Func tions. PHRENOLOGY, or the Brain' and Nervous Sys tem PSYCHOLOGY, the Science of the Soul : ETHNO LOGY, or the Natural History of Man with instructions in the Choice of Pursuits, Personal- Improvement, etc , are some of the topics elucidated in the PHRENOLOGI CAL JOURNAL AND . LIFE ILLUSTRATED for 1863. Only $1 a year. January No. 10 cents. Address FOW LER & WELLS., 308 BROAD WAY New York, or J. L. CAPER. 9712• CH &STRUT Street, Philadelphia. inl33t MR..STILLE'S PAMPHLET, READY ." -1 - THIS kloarrixo.—HOW A FREE PEOPLE CON DUCT A LONG WAR. Sro Pamphlet, Price 15 cents. Published and for sale by WALIAX S. & A.LPRED MARTIEN, deSO - ' No. aos cursrx UT Street. NEW N 13 . EW OOKS NEW BOOKS !—THE stoßr OP THE GUARD: A Chronicle of the War. B Mrs. Jessie B. Fremont. 16mo. $1.25. SPRINGS.OF ACTION. By Mrs. C. H. B. Richards. 16mo. U_ - MEMOIRS - OF THE. REV. NICHOLAS MURRAY, D. D. (Kirwan.) BY Samuel I. Prime. 12mo. $1.25. - George OF MRS. JOANNA BETEIUNE. By Rev. George-W. Bethnde, 7). D. 12ino. 51.25. BR_OADCAST. Rev. Nehemiah Adams. 16mo. $l. saltlffAMAißOf *S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. d i a 5 ; No. 806 CHESTNUT Street. LEO...itg YOUNG MEN.— FOR YOUN MEN.— Just publi~,'prlce 6 cente,_a new edition of the late Dr. cm,vowEr...vs CBLEBRATRD LECTITHI on the Abuse of-44. , &,teproductive,Powers, inducing De btliry. ConstuiptSoncHpilepsy, Mental and Physical I ncapvity tlke.sf The radical rop_de of treatment, i toff/uruf medicine,' s . tally explained.o as to enable every one to be' ideLosin physician atlgsi-least possible eXpe,nse. • A BOON TO .THOUSANDS OP ECOPFKRICRS." Bent under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address, poet-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamPe- Address the publishers. CH. J. C. MINI k CO., • ' , •`p"' • '127 BOWBRY, - New York no , Post Ogee Box 4.566. CIRCULAirING LIBRARIES. NIirBIIOTIEBBJEUEAD'S • OIROULA.- . TING LIBRARY.—.LB . the NEW Ruttish and American Books; hicluding ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY. Library in the country that includes all the NSW =GUSH BOOKS that are not IIEaIIINT ED here.. s, Terms $6 pet; year; Az months $3; three months $1.55; one month 75 cards, or cents Pm:day. IS 2 South EIGHTH Street . . seStint PIibIrbGRAPISS. p EIMER'S GALLERY SHOULD BE - 2 - 4 ' visited 14 all who have tante for tine arts. Die Life—size Photographs in oil eolors have no equals. Gal lery. SECOND *rent; above Green. - . It j - trsir A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 006 ARCH STREET. Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERI4J. SIZE. Are produced by the most I.X.FERIBNCED ARTISTS. Those wishing first-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection. of Albums, cases, and frames, on band. .t • F. A. 0. SNIPS. del7-Sin _ a•, A GOOD PIOT . URE AND ACCURATE LikeneWis obtainable for 81 only, at REIDEIt'S. Colored Photograplutor fineetyle and natural appear ance. _Gallery SECOND Street, above Green. It ,• . • E n FRANRLIiITE • IRON -DRILLED fFrOM New Yoiit Journal of COmmerce, of Jan. 3,1863.3 THE UNDMIGNED were present at an expiriment for the purpose of testing the drill-proof (mantles of a sample otIFRANKLINITE or CRYSTALIZED IRON, left With the Manhattan Rank of New York, by S. C. HER RING & CO., aedrill-proof. The Iron was tested with a bind-drill. five-eighths OD inches in diameter, and was drilled readily In our presence. BrooklYi. ?am 7, riG."3 . SLEEPEIR'S': . LONO . ESTAW LISHED MANUFACTORY of neat, services b4llßWsll:2MA rT Street, one door 'aliiri44lSollel rist 1 JA Fk . 4 8," S 0 0' T r i,E la , LWOIINIST 5T LkW • ' 'Nast* ' Maim (Air in . jaII-2m , -113 PLUM I Street Chance ry.' N. J EI4IPOI{IIIDI, 439 CHESTNUT Street WM. L. JACOBS, - EDWARD BURNS. GILBERT LANG. . Jal3tuths..6t INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIFTEENTH:; ' ANNUAL REPORT • TH.& • ' PENN MUTUAL LT OF ES INSURANCE COMPAAT 01/ PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE NO. 021 CHESTNUT STREET. PIIBLISHED INCONFORMITY WIT 4 THE CHARTER. RECEIYI'S FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, Mt. For•Lit's Premiums for term of • . life. 8137,371 38 For Limited Premiums for short . forme - 7 . 58 78 Foxr.Wdr and Extra Risks 7,481 07 - Forinterefit received on lIIVC3t. • meats and Policy Fees 6;1,882 • -tra54.13 42 ' For .Serif - Dividends 'received :freru Penchi' purchaeod • • • 18,390.00 • . Amount $2l3$M4 . LOSSES; AND. EXPENI•ES DURING THE - . . • " PERIOD. - - --' - - For T,os„.se . s '27. amountingot to $64,000 00 , • .. For; ExpOnsea.' Salaries, Adver- ' ' t ...: • • tieing, Medical Examinarn, &c. • 13,117 16- For. .Rent„ State and City Taxes, • •'": • ..... , ... &c -4,97242 • . - For Commissions to Agents. • Taxes,. Advertising. &c . 8,966 47 . - • ' ' ' • • 1 P1,034 63 DISBURSEMENTS For Betiarn Prerniumg, l'arcliase of Policies, 8:e $32,418 60 Foriteineurance, Interest, &e.... 6,67)1)3 ' ' For Volunteer Aid Fund 1,400 00 •• - $10,518 09 Ad led to Capital in 1802 $102,310 18 A ccumula ted Cardra1,Vec.3 1 ,18 6 1..8 1 , 0 01,4a9 32 Deduct Scrip'ofle6o, .51, and '52. , received in Payment of Pre- ' . miurns ' • 41.030 00 1,049,4;03? . . AcCumnlated Capital. December 31, 1861" • $1,151,78) 50 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY LIABLE .FOR, LOSSES JANUARY 1, 1663 , *20,000 U. S. 7 310 Treasury 00 ' • Netes VA:I,O 00 20,000. U. S. 6 Per cent. Certifl mites of Indebtedness.- 19,742 08 240,C00 1.1. S. 5 per cent. Loan of ' 1695, - Coupons, 23,471 25 100,000 U. S . 5 'per cent. Loan of 1671, Transferable-. ..... 100,212 110 54,712 06 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Loan 48,744 11 20.000 PennsylVania sper cent. Loan, Coupon Bonds- • . 18,531 00. 31,500 Philadelphia 6 per cent. • Loan. taxed 4,915 75 . 37,600 Philadelphia G per cent. Loan, exempt 86,194 50 19,400 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, no tax. 18,024 00 21.600 Philadelphia 5 p r cent. Loan. taxed 17,6:45'00 . 10,000 Pittsburg Bonds .. . . 8,325.00 • . , 26,000 Allegheny county Bcirfds, • 19,895 00 lii.lloo 'Washington c ountv Bds 7,64 00 21,000 PinimyiVantli RailrOacT ' • B o let Mortgage 6 per cent. nds 20.990 50 15,000 PennsylVania Railroad 2d Mortgage 6 per. cent. ' Bonds 11,296 Si 10,000 Lehigh Valley 6 per cent. Bonds • 9,250 25 10,000 Harrisburg Railroad 6' per cent. Bonds 10,700 . 2,5 30,000 Louisville City' 6 per cent. 80nd5,7,141 40 OM shares Pennsylvania Railroad Stock • • ' ' 26,442 77 100 • " Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company Stock. 120 " I,ehigh. Coal and Navi gation Company Scrip.. 212 " Girard Life Ins. Ann. and Trust Co.'s Stock... 5,571 38 100 " Western Bank Stock... . 6,662 50 2119 " Commerrialßank Stock • 11,035 25 .76 " Bank of North Ameri ca Stock 10.168 25 100 ." Minnie' and Mechanics' Bank Stock , 2,784 25 50 " Mechanics' Bank Stock, - "St. Louis" 4,950 50 250' " Delaware Mutual Insu -rance Co. Stock 50 " Girard Bank Stock 35 " Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Stock ' 1,820 50 299 " Corn Exchange Bank • • Stock 8,970 50 524,721 63 Real Estate held by the Company... 31)3,4,90 04 296,043 66 Bonds and Mortgages - , all-tirst liens. 287,.377 59 12.716 67 Ground Rents, all first liens 11,955 59 Premium Notes, secured by. Policies 97,352 76 Loans on• Collatereds 19,684 01 Balances in kends of Agents * • 12,100 41 Quarterly payments due the Company' 9,958 14 Cash in hand and in Bank 14,103 27 Office •Furniture 2,452 23 'ScriP Dividends purchased. by the Company.• • 58 53392 Life Interest and Annuity goo 25 Interest on' Stocks and Loans acerned to 31st December 16,361 22 Deduct two losses due in 1833 $1.151,789 50 'nail:m.l*nm, January 14, 1861' At an election held at the office of the Company, on Monday. sth instant, the following-named gentlemen Were duly elected Trustees : For Three Yeare.—Rodolphus Kent, Ellis S. Archer, New York i Samuel J. Christian, James 0. Pease, War ner M.-Rasin, Pierre V. Dutton. New York; Samuel Wil liams,Frederick A. Hoyt, Christian J. Hoffman. For Two rears.—Elliaton • Perot. For One Year.—Edward M. Needles At a meeting . ofthe Board of Trustees. held on the 13th Instant, the following officer.= were elected: President—JAMES TRAQUA IR. Vice President—SAMUEL E. STOKES. A. V. P and Actuary—JOHN W. HOWNOR. Secretary—HOßATlO S. STEPHENS. The Board have declared a Scrip Dividend of FORTY PER CENT. upon the Cash Premiums paid i n 1864 and have decided to receive, after this date, the Scrip Divi dends of 1553, 1554, 1555, and 13:36, in payment of premiums from those who pay their premiums in , mtsh, and to credit those indebted for Premium Notes, or Loans on Policies, with the amount of their Scrip for those years. on their Notes or Loans. on 15th instant. ' JAMES THAQUAIR, President . SAML...E STOKES, ViceT'resident. JOHN - W. MANOR. A. T. P. and Actuary. . H. S. STEPHENS, Secretary. ' 3a1317 3324 27 31 SU -LA-A NNUAL STATEMENT,. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO., For the year ending Dec. 515t,1832. • Office 413 WALNUT i•treet, Schuylkill Nay. Building. CAPITAL, $530,000. • . NO MARINE RISKS TAKEN. Premiums received during the year $06.311 37 Amount received for interest during the year.. 8,90.1 81 Total Premiums determined $66.927 gS • DISBURSEIEENTS. Paid for losses, occuni lig during the year ,&17 69 Paid for reinsurance and returned 64M premintn 2,414 14 Paid for commissions, $6,362 70—ex- Pensm, $13337 83—including taxes, salaries, ofticc expeaaes,.. and con tributions. ASSETS AIM SECURITIES. Cash inhank and•on hand. 49,550 62 Cash at Pittsburg and other agencies • 6,500 00 Temporary and call loans.. 8,7t3 15 $11,773 77 110,890 43 Bonds and mortgages U. S. loant, Camden and Amboy, Phila. City loans, Penna. R. R., North Penna. R. R.,Delaware R.R: bonds, and bank stock's ' 29,230 00 Bills receivable, and other securities held as collateral 140,190 00 --$3C6,064 26 Comparative Statement of Premiums and Losses for NINE YEARS: Premiums received. Losses paid. In 1653-4 - *70,841 ..:T $52,4:13 81 1826 39.67315 62,754 73 1656 40,034 29 29,373 04 1817 • 42,733 39 22,197 32 1858 46,407 06 18,278 10 1659 . 59,194 n 49,048 47 1560 96,452 66 61,595 83 ran 70.U74 42 50,731 61 1864 66,311 37 21,357 66 Total 4563,772 31 8369,9 S 6?. $193,913 79 The premiums exceed losses 8193,943.79. Out of this balance •the current' expenses and divi dends have been paid by the Company. Daring this period changes have taken place, making it necessary to limit our business in certain districts. The Directors have managed the Company with a view of making it entirely safe for the insuring public, Its success speaks for itself. Nl:menus companies have withdrawn from business in consequence of the vicissitudes of the times. DIRECTORS. • . CHAS, I. DTTPONT. PETER S. HOE of N. Y., JERRY 'WALKER, WM. M. SWAIN, JOHN W.ICLAGHORN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOHN THORNLEY, THOS. DRAKE, C. F. HEAZLITT. JOSEPH KLAPP,M. D., ABRAHAM HART, ' N. S. LAWRENCE, - I AVID BO . YD,',Jr., JOHN SUPPLBE. ' . ' • • THOMAS CRAVEN, President. . ' • A. S. GILLETT, Vibe President. JAMES B. Aminul, Secretary. ' THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN - -suitAtics COMPANY. In conformity with the Act o f Assembly of April sth, 1962 this Company publish the following list of their as set*, viz: Mortgages, being all first mortgages in the city of Philadelphia $464,300 Mortgage In the city of Pittsburg 8,000 Mortgage in Bucks county 0,000 8477,300 00 38,000 00 30,000 00 0,319 36 24,403 55 3,61Y2 50 Bills Receivable Real Rotate Schuylkill Navigation Company Loan.. Camden and Amboy Company .Loan Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Loan Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Loan 17,670 50 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Loan. 21,60() 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Loan 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 200 shares.. 9,169 75 Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Mount Joy Rail road United States Loan, 7.90 United Slates Loan, 5.20, 6 per cent. Pennsylvania State L0an..... • Phils . eiphia City. Sixes 41,332 00 Philadelphia City Fives 4,998 73 Cincinnati City Fives 5,672 50 Pittsburg City Sixes 5,533.00 Philadelphia Bank, 234 shares 24,940 26 Bank of North America; 100 shares . - 10,000 00 Western Bank, 220 shares 11,000 00 Girard Bank,,aZ shares 6,600 00 Franklin Fireinscintiace Company, 30 shares. 2,307 73 Alanayunk Gas Company, al , shares 998 88 Cash on hand 40,373 33 $932.948 W3l. G. CROWELL; S e cretary. , JANUARY L LIGS. iaB4t GERARD, - FIE! AND`MARi NB INMHM'OB comEpAßlr OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL $200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed .. 500,000 DOLLARS andiwe respectfully solleiiits favor In the future DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, • JERRY WALKER. JOHN .W. CLAOHOHN,' JOHN THORNLEY, C. R. HEAZLITT_,' ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD,._JE., PETER S. HOE,_ of N.' Y.I WM. M. SWAIN • FURMAN SHEPPARD, • • JOSEPH KLAPP * *M. D., - N: 3 LAWRENCE, WM. C. auDmait JOHN SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN:President. A. S. GILLETT, Vlce president, JAS. B. ALFORD. Secretary. ap26-iftt F AME ns TSURANOE - OOMPANY, NO 406 CHESTNUT Street. • • PHILADELPHIA.. FIRE. AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: - • .13. D. Woodruff.. 0e0..A. West. John Kessler. Jr., Chas. Stokes, ••• A. • 11.-Rosenbeim, Josef D. Ellis. 'CK, President. :ARDSON, Vice President, Secretary, Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson. - Henrowis, Jr.. John W. Bverman, Philip S. Justice , c 0. W. Davis, - - FRANCIS N. BU CHARLES-RICH WILLIAMS I. BLANCH* PROPOSALS.- A-1114Y CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE. TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. l'utz.Anatrins. January 1.5,1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Office until 12 o'clock M. on WADNESD AY, 21st inst.. for delivery at the S.chnylkill Arsenal, of ' ---- BOOTEES, sizes (*.llk. is, and . Sc. - BOOT'S sizes 6s and is. • ' • Pegged and Sewed in. the ordinary way, or made by machinery, with double , or treble seams -on the POleS , screwed by brass screws; or India Rubber or Gutta .Percha.F,oles. Bidders will also state the price of double initedßoots end' Bootees. All the. ordinary sewed ,or ; pegged Boots, or Bootees. must - conform, in nil respects; to the army standard., sealed patterns of which can be seen at this office, and all, of any other.description, should be referred to in the proposal, as according to samples already sent to this Mace for examination ; or, if not sent here, a sample of the proposed article should accompany the bid. All the Boots and Bobtees must be made of the best. Quality Oak-tanned Leather. The number bid for, the' price, and the. ilia.° of cfefirery, must be stated. leach proposal must give the names of two sufficient sureties that the contract will be faithfully executed if-awarded. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids.• 0. H. OROS3IAN, jas Deputy Q. M. General U. S. A. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BIINCH, LAYER, AND. SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES, • ' CIDER WINE. &a. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER - IN FINE : CORNER ELBV NTR AND VINICBTS. dals-if tt S T • - A E : -NE E N er MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF In conformity with a provision of its Charter Prerninms"nndetermined, Jim. 1, 1862 • $13,947 49 Written from Jan. 1,1502, to Jan. I, - • , 1863 137,415'97 $142,52 , 77 r!remiums , earned during the 3 - ear ,onding as aboi .$137,513 ER) Received from interest on investments 7,13) 0.5 144,052 94 LOSROS, ItetainPreiniums, Re-insurances, U. S. Taxes, Ixpenses, and Commissions, paid' during the same period ' 136,361 to • Balance remaining w ith th e Company .... . $14;288 85 ASSETS OF THE COMPA—NY 18617. 80.0,000 Penzsylvania State • • •••• •.• •• • • . • ... 510,000 OD 0,003 North Pennsylvania. Railroad 6s 4,003 00 7,000 City ofPittsburg . 5,00000 7,00) " 6,:P.)0 00 '14,610 Chesapeake and DolaWare Canal 65..„.• 14,610 00 10,000 City of Philadelphia: 6s , 10,200 00 41,620 Camden and Ainboy -Railroad 42,800 00 - 5,000 PertimylvaVi Coupon Os . 425 Certiiicateof Interest of Northpennsyl vania Railroad Company 306'1 00 58shares Philadelphia Bank 6,700 00 103 " North . Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1,•0.00 4 Delaware Railroad Company.... 2,200 00 88 7" Dehrware iNtatual insurance Company • 2,600 00 220 ". -,Pmmaylvania Com- PanY 13,200 00 26,017 Scrip of sundry'antnal Insurance Cora parties. .... .. • 16' ....... ••ii... 1 • 15.800 00 Bills receivable for Prelaiurns Ca.l). in Bank 26,752 70 deposited with the United States 5,000 00 Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, Sal :-Vages, and other aneounts : 57 ; 0 06 . THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS have declared an Inte reA of SIX PER CENT. on the outstanding scrip, to be Paid to the scripholdt rs NVithont deduction for taxes; pay. able on demand. ' • At ti meeting of the Seriph°lders of this Company, held at their office January 12,1563, the following gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing three years; . S. DESTOUET, SAMUEL C. COOK, E. A. BORIE, EDWARD L. CLARK. WM. C. KENT.. HENRY LEWIS, Jr., 7110, with „RICHARD S. SMITH, JAS. R;CAMPBELL, FRANCIS TETE, DAVID SALOMON, JOHN H.IRWIN, CHAS. WHEELER, NEWBERRY .A.'SMITH, G. W. BERNADOU, CHARLES VEZIN, HENRY SAMUEL, • J. P. STEINER, WM. S. BAIRD, GEORGE GILB'T H. NEWHALL, ELLIS YARNALL, - THOMAS DALLETT, Constitute the Board of Directors. JOHN MOSS, SECRETARY. jall-416t-thstu3t 1,161,789 60 . 10,000 00 SALE OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE BY PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. . • • ON FRIDAY, The 13th day of February. ISM, I will sell at the Auc tion Rooms N 0.10% MARKET Street, for account of where ft may concern, the following descnimt • PACKAGES AND PARCELS . 0P MERCHANDISE AND BAGGAGE The same having been left unclaimed at the Passenger Station of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, corner of Eleventh and Market streets. Philadelphia, for more than ninety dayg preceding the date r f this advertisement: No. 1. Trunk, marked Wm. R. Thomson, Philadelphia. 2. Box, no mark. 3. do do 4. do marked Chas. Stewart. Mill House. 5. do do. J. R. Denney, Alexandria. 6. do do George Tooms, Jersey Shore. 7. do do J. Peters, Harrisburg. 8. do no mark. 9. do marked Emily B. Longatreth, Fort WaYne. 10. do do 7th Regiment, Co. D, Poolesvil le. H. do do Geo. O'Brien, 61st Reg., Alexandria. 12. do do Canora Shay, N. Y. City. • II do do • Miss A. Hoffman, Lancaster. 14. do do .I S. Lovering, Cresson Springs. do do Wm. Thompson, Camp Curtin. . 16. do do G. Walters, Lockwood's Battery, Washington, D. C. 17. do do Lit nt. 0. Wenke, Washington, D, C. IS. do do Peter Seradon, Lebanon. Pa. 19. Blue chest, no mark. 31 Trunk, marked Mrs. Groenwald, Chicago. 21. Large box, no mark. V_ Trunk, marked Bowlin, Newark. N. J., checked No. 3,677. 2.3. Fair leather trunk, checked No. 2,5.56. 24. Box, niark'cd lIS P. V. ES. Trunk, In:- rked Pine Grove. Schuylkill co. 26 Trunk.m•srked Mrs Catharine Williams, Philtt delphit., checked No. 4,107. 27. Bbl. Mdzc. 28. Edle. bedding, no mark. Z. Box, no mark. SO. Bdle bedding, marked Lewistown. :31 Bag of Ht. mesa • - BagZof Tools. Sic. M. Tub of Sundries. 34. Sheet iron stove, &c. 35. Box of ropes. 66. Basket chair. 37. Small basket. SS. Basket chair. 31. Bag of feathers. 40. Bag of bedding. . -11. /idle. of bedding. 42 Bdle. of bedding. 43. Pillow. 44. Bag of clothing. 45. Bag of saddles. 40. Oil cloth bag, checked No. 67. 47. do, do do do 1,781. 47, 1 /. Bag of saddles and Bridles. 48. 2 .138.11 of FTlnd ries. 44. Bag of I'latiter castingi. 50. Box of sundries. - One oil cloth bag, marked J. IL M. do do do do do V'm. Eager, Penne co, O. do do do do do Thos. McClensy, Wash- Rides. do .do do do do Dr. G. Houston. Camp Curtin. $74,91718 20,170 55 $43,942 37 - 313,342 37 Lot 36. 14 Carpet bags. 1 do do marked G. C. Keneke 3 Knapsacks. 4 Haversacks. 1 Radd le. - 9 Canteens. 1 Garden hoe. 1 Pair hames. 3 Wooden buckets. 2 Wash boards. 1 Basket till boxes. 5 Chairs. . • ialiS4ll4t RHERIFF'S ,SALE.--EY VIRTUE OF a writ of Muriel; Levari Facies; to me, directed, will bee imed' to publickale or residue, on mosDAY Even in February ; at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street Hall, : • All that certain four-story brick inessuage or tenement and lot'or piece of ground therennto belonging, situate 'en the west wide of Delaware Ninth greet, between Lo cust and Spruce streets, in the city of Philadelphia.; con taining in front or breadth on the said Ninth street (in cluding a three-feet wide alley now closed up, of which' it for merly had the sole and exclusive right) nineteen feet, and extending in length or depth westward one hun dred feet ; bounded southward and westward by ground of Chandler Price, northward by ground belonging to estate - of Joseph Skertirt, deceased, and eastward by Ninth street aforesaid. (Being the same premises which Edward Taylor Randolph and wife, by indenture bear ing date fifteenth day of May, anno Domini one thousand eight lin nd rs d and fifty-one, did grant and convey unto the said Robert Vincent in fee-] N. B.—The improvements on the above lot are a four story brick house, with three-story brick piazza and back buildings, the main body of the house being nineteen feet front by thirty-two feet in depth, the piazza seven feet nine ix cbes by eleven feet, and back building.; twelve feet six inches by tweuty-three feet. There is also a one story back 'building twelve feet six inches by fifteen feet. Over part of this building is a one-story frame bath bonne, about ten feet by twelve feet: [D. C., OS; D., Vl] -Debt, 31,291.72. M'Call. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of „Robert Vincent and terre tenant, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sherirl Office, January 14,1343. 9,425 00 23,000 00 .. 10,090 I 16,0:10 00 SHERIFF'S. SALE.--BY 'TIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioril Exponns, to me diiected, will be exposed to 'public sale or vezidne. on MONDAY Eve ning. February 2, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, Allthat certain lot or piece of ground, whit the two three-story brick messuages or tenements thereon creel e& situate on the south side of Ogden street at the d6:- lance of two . hundred and twenty-six feet the inches westward from the west side of Eleventh street in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid,. conta'ning in front or breadth on the raid Ogden street sixteen feet, and ex tending in length or depth southward between parallel lines-at right angles with the said Ogden street seventy eight feet to Myrtle street ; bounded on the east by ground formerly :of - Charles Harlan, on the w e st by ground :granted or intended to. have been granted to Thomas Sheyman, on the north by said Ogden street, and on the south - by Myrtle Street aforesaid. [Being the same pre mises which Samuel Derr and wife, by indenture ing date the tv euty-ninth day of November, anno nttnr onethouiand eight hundred and fiftv-tive, recorded in tile office for recording deeds, &c., at Philadelphia, in Ned gook R. D. W., No:49,page hfi'i Ste., granted -and conveyed onto the said Nicholas K. 'Shoemaker in fee./ Under and subiect to - the payment of a certain yearly ground rent •of fifty -ono' dollars lawful money on the S rot days of the months of January and July in every year, without any deduction for taxes, ikc., as therein vs pressed t together with the appurtenances. CD. C., 648 1123 Debt.,S2 040. J. R. Fudges. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nicholas, K. Shoemaker, and to be sold _by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 14,1EISt jalsSt SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be ex - posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, I ebruary 1.863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street All that certain lot or piece of ground, situated on the east side of Tenth street at the distance of thirty...l - oar feet southward from•the south side of Christian street, in the late township of MoYamensing; containing in front or breadth on the said Tenth street sixteen feet, and tending eastward of that width in length or depth be tween lines parallel with Christian street seventy feet to a certain twenty-feet-wide street called Stewart street. [Being the same premises which Coleman Fisher by deed dated June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and forty- . six, recorded in Deed Book T.: IL, ho. 17, mge 121., grant= ed and conveyed unto the said James McQuillanj N, 8.-On the abeve-descithed premises there are -erected two dwelling houses, one a four-story brick house fronting on a small street called Stewart street in the rear of said lot. . . ED. C., 650 and 65]; D., 'el) Debt. "YAM. T. J. Clarton. Seized and taken in execution. as the property of David W. Chambers, adm'r,' &c., of James McQuillan, deceased; and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSO ; P Shenk Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 13.166. jals-3t t• SLEEPER'S LONG. ESTAB LISHED MANUFACTORY of light. neat, servicea ble UMBRELLAS, _lOO2 MARKET Street, one door above TENTH Street, Philadelphia. . its (1 LE ANLINES - 4 STRICTLY O: SERVED F O URTHIR-DYENG AND SHAM PO IRCI SALOON,and BRANCH. Anil' tf FAMILY DYE COLORS 1 For dyeing Silk. Woolen and Mixed GOods. Shawls Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers,' Kid Gloves. Children ' s Clothing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel, with perfect fait c olors. • These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders CODC43II• traced, are thoroughly tested, and put up in, neat pack ages. For twenty-five cents you can color as many goods is would otherwise cost five amen that sum. The pro cess is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect buccces. Directions inside. Manufactured by nowit & STEVE'S, 258 BROADWAY, Roston. . For sale by Drnagists and Dealers In every airy and Town. de3o-tutliVlM if INSURANCE. COMPANIES, UNION PHILADELPHIA, H. F. ROBINSON, NORRIS S. CUM-MEWS, RICHARD S. SMITH, AtranoN SALE. T. A. BAILEY, Auctioneer, 11:r2.3 MARKET Street SHERIFF'S. SALES. LIST OF COLORS BLACK,. ' SALMON .." DARK BROWN. scARLEt, swuFF BROWN, DARK Du_ _,AB LIGHT BROWN. • LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUE TatirrLOWT ALLOW, mom. BLlllt, DARK 011__ ,ERN ORANGE, LIGHT GRKSN, AIAGENTA, PINK: • SOLFERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BEIM SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON, VIOLET. FAMILY DYE COLORS, A SAYING OF 90 PER CENT ,newati,e' AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. C. ILIN7SCFII3Tz MASON "ct LOCKSMITH, Beata hr. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S OPERA. can be bad TO:DNY, , , •thie, ACADEMY and GOULD'S, corner of • Sr,venth 'an'd 'Clie'stuut streets. Seats secured with- out extra charge .151,433 41 AMERICAN ACADEMY* OF 191USIO. EDWARD PAYSON WESTON •,MaLsoes. . • ORTITEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S SECOND GRAND-CONCERT. Full Military Baud and Giand Orchestra, Comprising.forty. of the best musicians, under the di. rection of CARL SENTZ ' EDWARD PAYSON WESTON would respectfully in form the .subscribers to, the above-named Concerts, and the public, that the Second Concert of the series will be given on - THURSDAY - EVENING, January 22, 1863, WITH AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. A limited number of SUBSCRIBERS' TICKETS will he sold at. ONE DOLLAR EACH, admitting one person to the three Concerts, and one extra ticket will be given for the next Concert. Those desiring to become subscri bers will please leave their address at the }ELENDER' EXPRESS OFFICE, No. 607 CHESTNUT Street, or send their name to Box 11.04.4 Philadelphia Post Office, pre vious to January 22d.1863. The whole of the Parquet Circle, Balcony, Balcony Boxes, and the brilliant Foyer promenade, is reserved for subscribers and those holding subscribers' extra tickets. Single tickets to others than subscribers. : Parquet (in cluding,reserved seats( 50 cents. Family Circle (en trance o Locust street) 25 cents. jalo-7t MRS::JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. , 'EnsineSs Agent anciTi-ettenter SOS. D. MURPHY. • , HOUSES PACKED NIGHTLY. Second Week or r%lr. and. Miss C. RICHINGS. TO-NIGHT, (THURSDAY)), Jan, 11, 1883, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. Marie Miss C. Richings. Cartbuche - Mr. Peter Richings To conclude with the Comedietta of the COMICAL COUNTESS. The Comical Countess Miss C, Richings. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MISS In rehearsal the ENCHANTRESS, far Prices as, usual. Seats secured six days in advan6o. X 141,100 0J 40, Or WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.— Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DOIMELLY $A70,899 81 ,TAIGVA lir 5,-1863. MR. AND MRS. BiIiNhYWILLIAMS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, January hi, 1863, Performance will commence with _ - ALL HALLOW EYE. Roddy O'Connor Mr. Barney Williams. Kitty Killeen Mrs. Barney Williams, To be followed by the Barletta of IN . AND OUT OF PLACE. Mrs. Barney - Williams in six characters. To conclude with the Farce of TIIE IRISH TUTOR. Paddy O'Rourke Mr Barney Williams. Doors open at 6%; Curtin will rise ail. E HUTCHINSON FAMILY. TB -A- THIRD NIGHT IN PHILADELPHIA. WILL GI UI CT P R ZAT HANDEL IDUP,OR. • EIGHTH AND GREEN, On 'FRIDAY EVENING, January 16: All of the 'Tribe" will appear: Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Etield e T iy attl i :; , lll.tit . D A T m or s t s t,' ziji s g e i e ng ts t . lBi h r il lo re ngs n oj der twelve L; cts. Doors open, al ° 7. Concert at 8 precisely, jal-1-st. CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT • STREET, ROVE TWELFTH. LAST WEEK OF PEARSON'S HISTORIC MIRROR OF THE WA It. Open every EVENING THIS WEEK at 73 o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3 o'clock. Tickets H cents; packages of six one dollar. Seats and Tick ett. may be secured at the Hall during the day. . sial2-6t* PRESIDENT M USICAL FUND HALL-LOCUST STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. • MASTER JAMBS .WILLIAN, The Youthful Pianist, 14 years of age, intends to give one grand VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, *AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, ON THURSDAY EVENING. Jan. 15th, on which occasion he will perform soma pieces from such masters as Thalberg, Gottschalk, - Herz, and others. His!astonishing performances have airetuly at tracted the attention of BOMB of our ablest musicians in this city. He - will be assisted by some of our best talent. For particulars, see programmes at the music stores. • • • jalo-5' ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. - WOOD ROFFE'S ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN TROUPE OP GLASS BLOWER.% EVERY EVENING. and on WED. NESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, the Splendid Low-pressure Glass Steam-Engine "MONITOR" will be in full operation ateaFhAnteEtainment • • 46,Fr- All the Magnificent Works of Art manufactured Vthe Company are Distributed Gratuitously among the sitors. A valuable collection will be distributed. every Evening at 9 o'clock. and on Wednesday and Ege turday afternoons at 4 o'clock. To be distributed by corresponding numberi. which gives every one an equal chance of obtaining a valuable present. The first pre. sent for each exhibition will be a magnificent Cabe of Work. Admission 15 cents. No half price. PARTICULAR NOTICE.-This is the first appearance of the Troupe in this city. ja.s-12t C A, PTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT WHALING VOYAGE, AT LECTURE ROM CONCERT HALL, This entertainment has a Real Boat, 27 feet long, wits full crew, and was exhibited 250 successive niz,hts lc New York. Tickets cents, or five for id. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ. The great-MAGICIAN and VENTRILDQUISZ with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, willgive his new and popular Entertainments EVERY ;EVENING dnrine the Week, commencing at 7.3 , 1' o'clock and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be marvellous: erpstments in Magic • wonderful xiowers in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. fI.. r .ARM_A_NIA: - ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS every SATUNDAY AFT/131. NOON at 3X o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Carl Sent; conductor. Ticketa 25 cents. Packages of tickets, ffil—to be had of Andre & Co.. 1104 Ghardaia stree Goa. S. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall . noff4ll TNSTITIPI'ION - FOR THE BLIND,: EXIIIBITION every WEDNESDAY at sg P. K. mission TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South B [OWN. Street. del7mtt HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA NEW OFFICE, 214 South EIGHTH St., below Walnut. delo4 P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 5 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock. 830. kALE9MAN. WANTED, ' . WHO THO ►.roughlk nioe r itanils the Moth and Cassimere job bing. bu t einess, and Is aesnainted with the city trade. AddrOsi with name, ,tc.. . Box 906," Post Office. jal4-3to A GENTLEMAN OF BUSINESS Eg- PERIE\CE and.CAPITAL, who is desirous of start ing a COAL COMMISSION HOUSE in this city. would like rtismittre a good and reliable man, who rally under stands thobrisiness, either as SALESMAN or PARTNER. Address '`.T. W. P.," with reference, Philadelphia Post Office- .. TANTED -TWO . DTTELLIGENT BOYS from 15 to 16 years of age. in a Silk Jobbing Rouse, cn 3L.BRET Street. Address Box 351 Post Office. anSts ANA N UNEMPLOYED BOOKEEPER, OF experience, having a few hours leisure daily, is willing to devote that time in posting, closing, or set tling the books of Merchants. Manufacturers, or Trades. men, for a small compensation. Unexceptionable re ferences given. Address Box 2269 Post Office. ias-12to ASINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD like to engage a comfortably furnished room for the winter, within ten minutes' walk of The Press aloe. Address "Russell." at this office. el WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE JIMiIL first of April next, a moderate-zized three-story BRICK DWELLI SG HOUSE, in s'eentral locality. It most have all the modern improvements. address, "Rent," at this office,. stating locality and price. jal3-tf I)ENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay Procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced lIPO2 by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants 424 WAIMT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dia. lance. ocIEW "Are/WWW. FOR CHOICE . FURNISHED ROOMS, A- inqui r re at 209 South SIXTH' Street. (third story.) Affl.3;3t• . . 1 . • • . FR SALE-THE STOOK:, GOOD : SPILL; and FIXTURES In a wholeotle. Drug Store and Laboratory. Apply at No. 414) MARKET Street. be. tween 10 and I o'clock. .19.14410.' •A: • CHOICE CHANCE FOH, ADVER TISERS.—A few PANELS on the new and magnifi cent DROP CURTAIN of the Arch-street. Theatre TO RENT at moderate rates. The terms. and all particulars, can be had of J. VIENISOT, Petry Rouse. 307 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE,A NEW POINTED STONE ROUSE, situated in Germantow.n, contain ing Mx Chambers, Parlor, Dining-room, Library, Kitch en, and Bath-room, hot and cold water, and gas. There is also a Spring.) onse and large Garden attached. Ap ply at 509 COBDIERCE Street. sa . FOR SALE.-THREE-EIGHTHS of the brig Thos. Walter. Apply to CHAS. S. & JAS. CA.KSTAIRS, etSLEEPER'S LONG ESTAB LISHED MAEIIPAOTORT of light neat, sallow • ble UMBRELLAS 1002 MARIisT Stree, one door above IBETH Street. ratladelphia. otimm WILLIAM. N. ATT WOOD, • " tINIVERTAKIOI, 'No. 119 11.. EIGHTH STREET. •. ' - Above Arab. easceide. LADIES''. HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, - Curls, Frietts: Clommer Ventilated Wigs, Ventili, red 'Scalps' of Superior Manufacture_ Prince are lower than those of any other establishment BAKER'S, jaftlm• • No. 909 CHESTNUT Street. V,ST.ABLISHED OVER A QUARTER -a-a OF A CENTURY. DR. SWAYS WS COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. • NO TRBAT/WENT Olt REailtplES have ever been so sneee,:sful in ef fectually curing disease as "1)r. Swayne a raluable Medici nee," prepared with the greatest care, under the immediate supervision of a thoroughly educated Physician. We have certifl cates of extraor ' dinars cures of diticased Lungs performed by " Dr. &mune Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry," eases where the Lungs were very much disordered, giv en up_tddle by Physicians and friends. If the bowels are costive, Or not sufficiently free, use in connection ,:ituune's 6crrsa_pa. and Tar a great purify. ing purgative. The two will cleanse out all dia ofdered humors, enrich and purify the Wood, remove all unhealthy bilious secretions of the stomach and bowels, caning perfect healthy state of the Liver. .If yon , have cough, awhlna, hemorrhage or spitting of - blood, sore throat, ob structions of the . soleen or liver, short breath pain in the urinary organs, night streets, nervous debility, restless nights, any simPtoms of KTL- MuNARY CoNSUNPTION, do not delay, bat p rocure the above remedlc' at 0nee....11 Tears' N.cperienee proves to the world that they cannot be excelled, "Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," "Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," " Swayue's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry." " Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," Cures all complaints of a Tmlnionary nature, stimulates the Secretions of the Skin; Kidneys. and Bronchial Mu cus .I:imp:Wane, has great iMiuence Over the nervous "system. Prepared only by DR. &WAYNE 4 sow, 330 North SIXTH, above Vino. iiiMmlf AMUSEMENTS. GERMAN OPERA THIRD OPERA OF THE SEASOWs FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16, 1663 COMIC OPERA, BY. AL•BER A. I3IROFELD. Agent - - Assisted by MISS SOSEPEINE O'CONNELL, A NATIVE OP PIMADELPITTA. ANOTHER GREAT FEiTOR : - - Every Evening . at 7X o'clock, And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock WANTS. PERSONAL. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. No. 126 WALNUT Street. ..DIRECTOR. • • :CONDUCTOR. ial2-&if
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