~.- t, 70n,. ~,,A, Godfrey, Providence, 3 Maas AUNER.-..0n .Saturday, 3d inst., Theodore Ammer, in the 32d year et'his age, Lao's, NI , W York, Noble, Caidwoll .0 Co. Doe notice of the funeral will be given. t , :...(1 , '":" .r ' !tato - , New Nik, Castner, Stiekney & WEBER. -Al)ottsville, Janinti7 I, 111i3, W. A Weber, v ;•aarn , only son of lleury and Susan. Weber, aged 17 years mull .; Somers Newborn, Tyler, Stone & Co. month, * v , .",t, it Mt ° ~! % I li.. Boston, Twells & Co. wEsT,-On the 3d inst., of diptheria, Harold Gilbert, ', 1 ,1 10, I (all, PrOVEiNtee, CroWoll & Collins. eon or tho late William M. West, in his 4th year. ';rJ " n iljitt, Tit utensil n. Newborn, Navy Agent. , Funeral front the residence of his grandfather, Joseph It l''q 4 Hart, flat•dv, New York., ,T E Bailey & Co, ' Harvey, No. 2109 Green street, this day .." 6"'" e ,'" Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves,o'clock. . 1 s shr,vet , (Monday), at 2 - , IIUITY.-On Saturday m,-ening, 3d. inst., Hetty A ~:. •A. -: , Jadeite° of the Philadelphia. Exchange.) wife of George W . HOT, iu the 54th year of her age. pool LEWI,S, Doi, Jan 3. *The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully , ,d, kid totem, front Philadelphia for liosten,iadoo inv it e d to attend the funeral, from her late residence. r , '''''', - 'Melt has hem, ash o re n e ar Cape Bonlopea , No. 1207 "A alluce street, :on Tnesday afternoon. at 2 1 14 ',, w ho• 4, was got off yesterday, and is - now at o'elock, without further notice. „4.4, ~. 'U Breakwater. The ship Tuscarora, for Li-14DELY.-At the military hospital, Washinoten . t!':i' e r la ve,,,, brigs went to sea toolay. The brig in- C., Ed word Mihaly, son of Capt. Jacob 'lithely: . of t'tis c‘,4•'" l't -- k Island,loaded with salt and tobacco, city, from injuries received at the battle of Fredericks 4 ~ ~,,,to r s burg. - ... F. 1 1" this morning. Wind south. ;;;'! , , , ig - 1, &., AARON MARSHALL Due notiee will he given of the funeral. * - . C.LIFTON.-On the 2d hist,. Mr. Daniel. Clifton, sou of MEMORANDA. '. - Mr. Robert D. Cliftomin the 33d year of his age. a m Wigs, (U 3 transport) Watson, hence, at ]The relatives and friends of the amity are respectfully 11 2.1 invited. to attend his funeral from his father s residence, l .:. ,„1 0 ea, Hussey, hence, was at Port Spain oth tilt, No. 525 Catharine street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 , v4',',,, d a y for New Yerk.: o'clock. . ** ".:''''' . r Pah w hence, via Stirrup Noy,where " ----- '''''' 'l.oth anchors, was at hey Vest 25th nit, to die- 7 Weekly Report of Interenents. i '., 1 ,,„ e rgo of coal for the ft 3 Government, and . HaAran OITIC.F4 Jan: 3. 1863. ..."`' ' i n ; f, 8 74 . w Vork ;thing fith hst; --, - - C..." . 11,,„,'. ay e, Townsend, hence for New Orleans, Death* and Interments In the City of Philadelphia ',• lll 'l', ; ;,Tatli ell, oft TOrtngas. ' ! from the 27th qt . December, 1862, to the 3d of January, p;iiirs",illlt .1 Aiken, Godfrey, from 'New nick, at New . 11363 . '4th alt. - - cl eryi A Shindler, Ireland, cleared at New Orleans , , ~.., 1., .3 ' .., . 1- 1 1 f o r 'Amy York, . piss:Assts. 5 DISEASES. 1 0 ' ' H D NV 13 y Osen. SCIIII, anti Alliance. Ireland, IColn :, . : , 4 -z 'n - , - • ::: tG' :Z I ' l ' l w PIT belOW NOW Orleans 24th. • va - • i h , c Coil ,l bilg e d „, hip nAmon il, as tote on mpe ms,, ',l".'care is worliing on tof her, The C was Tattled Abscess.. ;.... . '....... 2 Hernia 1 ~.,.'o i ..t"l „ a nd Insured in Eurelm; cargo Insured on this Asphyxia:...... ... 1 1 Hooping Cough 1 ;,..Ht" Anginarectori . ; .. 1 Inflammation Brain,. 1 3 - t i '' ilarriet Lewis, (of Newport) Steadman, from New ,Aneurism 2 , " Breast.- 1 - 1 :,,,, i " . f ur Newport; bolero repnrtntl ashore in Little Apoplexy 2 1 0 - Bronchi- 2 3 00 ' t„lr has been abandoned, No insurance, , B ums o „ d 5 c0 i d0, ,... 1 " Heart.- he . rl l Cantor of 0 varies., ... . 4 1 7 " . Lungs.... 7 -Casualties.. " Stem &B. 3 ,1 1 - ------- IHRIVALS AT THE HOTELS S m Croup ' . 2• 7 Inanitibn 1 ' Coestion of Brain.. 5l intemperance 4 Imams-. 1 1 Irate up. and Exp.... 1 Up TO 12 o'cLoox LAST NIGHT, - " Liver 1 Mania-a-Potu 1 _____..... Consumption, Lungs. 34 0 brarnamns Convulsions, 3 10 Measles 1 contlDelt4ol Rotel--; Diptliettin 5 Mathis 1 A siboluts,ll S isl . Diarrhant 12 3 Obstruction Bowels.. 1 nilttter Pittsburg Dropsy 4 3 Ossification of Aortic ,'*,l' non:Bost en • " Brain ' 3 valve- 1 :11\ , LanCaster CO - " - Heart 1 Old Age 5i ::, , .,';',, r , lialtildere ~, .. , Disease Brain 1 2 Palsy 5 ill'i.:,.';aeinan, New 1 or,: '." heart - 3 Poisoning . ' ' 1 ~,''„e r, Pesten -" :- Liver - 2 Softening of Brain.., ' 3 4, 1 ',":;,1;, Brooklyn .., . "'.. Spine 1 Small-Pox ' :2 ;A''1,..4.1ad, La nen stet' Dyisentery ~...:. 4 1 Still-burn - , 10 Ihlll;uniett, St L o ok Debility 5 4 Teething 1 ii,iti't, r i e n, Cincinnati Effusion on Brin.... t 1 Tetanus " 1 f i -."; ii,,,anti Erysipelas : 1 Ulceration Bowels. . 1 1 1;1; 1 ; 1 !` , Pennsylvania Fever - 1 Unknown 1 '' 6 r ''' "' :y Wash, D Puerperal ' 1 Wounds 1 1 0 He t "' •.' Wash, D C " Scarlet ' 4 " Gunshot....l, 4 4 " ; '' ) " wish D C " Typhoid....• • • 6 2 11 , v i,, Her , o • , " . . I ward .v la, liteelu Gangrene.... ... ..... 1 1 1 : Total .132 103 . 11 1 ' i. r 4n & la, N ,f ork 4 ..... - OF TIM AtOVE TIMES WERE- ' l'i , ,, l' r " r i . ' k ' Milford, N Y NOnder 1 year, - 40 From 40 to 50 - ' 19 V . ' s'' - '• '4 , lev. Cincinnati Ih , I A: s'N From Ito 2 ' 13 " 60 to 60. ,15 " 2 ,to i 21 " 00 to 70. 11 I 1' 4 " 1 ',,', 0 4, Wash ,D C " ',5 to 10 3 , ".711 to 80 15 4 1, i,` , Nltimere , -.- " 10 to lii " 4 " 80 to 90 3 f 0 4 , ,,,,k, Philadelphia. " 15 to 20 . 16 " 90 to 100 ' 3 '," . „ I W 0 ...wait, Boston " 20 to 33 - 42 -",".ciletatue, Wilm, Del " 60 to 40 23 Total " In ..it i rrew, BallfOrnin ' WARDS, . I .WARDS. : 1 " WARDS. 'lC,l; twith, Ching° First. 17 Tenth. ....... -.13 Nineteenth 15 ~,, " dion, New York ' Second - 21 Eleventh 6 Twentieth. 7 ~ ir4Ellsin & laDostan ' Third 6 Twelfth 6 Twenty-first 6 '''' •k M iulturti ,1 me) ; , < Fourth 11 Thirteenth 5 Twenty-second., 4 WE °team all & WI, Cal Fifth 6 Fourteenth 9 Twenty-third.... 3 t: , eit Sixth --...... 3 Fifteenth ' 10Twenty-fourth-30 s'.; A:len, Delaware'. 'Seventh... ...... 13 Sixteenth "1 Twenty-fifth.... 5 idley, Providence Eighth 4 Seventeenth.-- 5 Unknown. 5 ' I ,Y ; Wheeler, Worcester , - Ninth . .... 71Eighteenth 41 —l 7 , 'lr. la, Portl'd JO' Total 9 34 NCCITCI4II, New York ' Deduct deaths from the Conntry . 5 ',Anatol' , New York ithay, New York ' Net deaths in the city tq pirjalge, Boston Nativity-United States, 157; Foreign, 47; Unknown, 11, 4, Po Now 'i',‘ottsville :Ninth and Chestnut. It Ross, Cherokee Nation W P Ross Cherokee Nation M'l' Wilkinson, Witskl) C 'r 11 Valli:M ine, Now York J Knight, New York 31 H Lowrie, Erie, Pa .1 1' Grove & wr, Danville Miss L Groves, Bowfin°, Pa• I) fl Cox, Tersey City' .1 .1 Hurlbut Sr, In, N York A Whiteside, Champlain 0 A Tanner, Wash, D A L McDonald, Now York R Froward, Manchester, Rug 0 A Stair, New York L Steavens, Boston L Albartson R D Noss &2 s, Cher Nation S 8 Seward :TB Smith, Chicago K RUM, C H TUMOR, Now York W Paterson, New York New York C K Uroen, NOW NitlttpAlliro . 1) Brown, Warren, Pa Mrs Whitney, New Haven Whltnoy, NOW Baron Blanchard, Boston S C nold, Rhode Island A Wolcott, Baltimore J 0 Vonto, Now York Gee P Strong, St Louis Major II B Walley, U S A Stirgeon 0 Siteklcy, U S N Mfrs I Van Horn, Hadley R W Shelbur, Wash, 1) C M Fox I N R Myer Charles Ef No J Duck & wf, New York Dr 0 W Holmos, Boston .1 H Hutchison, Loulsvlllo 001/E Pugh, Cincinnati Chas P inmes,_Clnclnuatl M MeCook, IJ 8 A Miss Me :look, ttuebenvil, 0 A Taft, Cincinnati .Ins King Harrisbitta • ..1` A Morris, New York rMHolmes, Wash, D Nestor C Raiment, Memphis rs A R Vance E P Mnhlenborg, U S A wlzglus, Boston M Brace 10 13 Smith & la, Now York Wm Keyser, Baltimore F Morgan gFV.W BNornri silniting k .6 Kelley , New York P,Mclntire , Penult I•••YrAtt, Norwich !neNUS ofhatnotalt, U S A Evans, New York Note Clov.e, 1), ,DDC en,' Clin , e, 'Wu C i!•0 Utile Pomona, \VIO 4t if rarmtss, Ohio u N it York. Girard house—Clies %%litmus, PhHada Dr 1,4011, Ph Hada, Damhem WWash 1) C :111c Weld, Ohio .1 Helmick. OD JO 'hole: , A Keller, P$ Emanuel Ney,ll,llfinda, .I!Prennou, E St Lords, 11l i'llgoereher & la, Potts'lle liTliaingelt, New Jersey I !Newell, Schuylkill co 1.1 hay. Baltimore i.sl,,,lourlng,lloll I dayb'g cq l'Atherw °ed. l'a 11 Wood, New Jerse n. D FAVILIIA. Now cork J): Dolman, Philmla 6101sy, Peonsylvaula !Arad, Newark ItEDnylonOl'ash'u, D el I tholugton, Del ;Naller.llllmiugtou, Herelinuts'—Fourth. V;WiiPure, Easton lehr. New York E ult.lin b Dawson, Penner Ili Wormy:Ali yi Wu— broil uer, York ir: Fount:lla, Delaware Chester it Orr, Claimbersburg H lievure, Pittsburg 3Prubnr, I' S Holbrook, N Illimushire ir I; Hunter, Will lit Disport ol'nuuiult, Malvin) en,ht I.IV Palmer, Venue, is roilltor, JI Yllll llavcn A t eerican—Chestnut street, above Firth. 'Me, Philadelphia. ros I, Moxloy, Baltimore ; S Andrews, New Torii L Baltimore 11 Anixandor.Witsli,l) C Miss V E Wolff, Penns if Thompson, Wash, D C WII Fairbanks, New York • • S i'Kry Ma sentr, Wgonsei, D CU S A Ro M Blood Warden, New York r. Perkins, Abiesncliusetts Alexander Wilson •ti Norse, Minyincliusette I) W Riddle %ally, Philadelphia S S peeves, Now El 13 I Jersey Derirkson, Philadelphia: Lippencott, New Jersey AS Du Bois, Doylestown J .1 Speed St. Louis Hotel-011es VHa milt on, Bitltitnote 'o.iones, Washington hWhitney, Now York PDottner, :Vow York Fl Litchfield, Brooklyn Itu Outside. SR Wilcox, Matelll3/111, Trenton, X .1 thigickell, Washington :4 , 1' en, Ninon., /do V ildiderson, o'llArradt Thelht ion—Arch s Irilltauls 2 Cumb'd cu J-bn Mon omit I"feinplin, naston Nmer, Mansfield, 0 ) }II qnl, Bridgetun ;:..t, N IA Slates Union—Sixth Long, Lew hitow •:a Jnke. Tenon Peel & Clacinuati liolines, Romani Wrailllngton bunk:tin, Lapurtr,Pa 'Tr...lo,ll(lga & In, N lurk ommercial—Sixth street, below Market. tareseed, Delaware J WebAter, Lancaster co, PA .i Bullard, 'Aladin, Pa J E Dark, Fuller, Mass Jesse Snow, .! Fuller, Mass A 11 Bennett, Delaware iturm, William , cport I:olit G Parry, Delaware C' , .l!Wilson, Ohio (lee L Kirk, Ponna .' Morehend, New York .le,4e Kirk, New Jersey el Shona?, Pa Louis S bade, Pitt:tharg ~.I;aiici, Virginia I ational—Rano sti PLowrenee, 1111 uer.o." v. Villhmiv, 3llnernr 11 le t 11. Innierm ft u, Lebanon Rate Doyle, j'enun OHM APW York f,niT, New York Wyoming t•o, l'll,wry, Wyoming en, PH IkeillitliCBblAl7 I Barley Sheaf—Second street, below Vine. Dingle, Easton I A W Tomkins, Pa Stroud:4lmm! W Neva', Pa d}l Cmlwallader. Pa W CloAson, Point Pleasant Atid,Cerversville, Pa It Kentlertline, 114 P V /..N Farrell, Boston E Kelly, Norristown i'mzith,flobuko I, N IS Kelly, iN'orristown J Connecticut Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arch. , . , rane-, Baltimore 1.1 Mott & la, I , llllad'a ::.p. Smith, N I ork IR K Chariton, Philiula !:-...e, Penni' IS Mils, Plillad'a t ) LI: oW 11, Willa, Del _ - RaM Engle—Th3rd st"above Callowhlll. Mack, Easton Saml Hammond, Allentown (hatch, Easton Mo4es L Schad, Penna )lertz. Allentown 11 .1 Dreher, Pottsville . • Lviteurjug, rittAllE% Edwin GeStlier, Philu Stadium House—Sevond St., above Market: & son, De IT 11 Brown, Delaware I,werd Ihwt , Now Jersey 1.1 'l' !tendon, Newark, N J LLnß,ltsrtsrllle lies Villiers, Toronto, Ca Black Bear—Third street, above CaUowhUL Ell But? Allentown !John Hunted, Easton ('has blekenelifed. Po SPECIAL' NOTICES. DISEASES OF THE EYE. OR EAR SCTENTIFI tAI i treated by Prof. J. ISAACS, No. 511 PINE Street. 13 . — X0 charges made for examination. ia36t• BATCHELOR'S E.AIR DYE, I THE BEST IN THE WORLD. • WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Nieces a color not to hn distinguished from nature; ►srraated not to injure the hair in the least; remedies Le 11l effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for 1 ' GRAY, RED, or, RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a titedid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and 4 intifnl. Sold by all Druggists, etc. The Hemline is signed WILLIAM A, BATOHB "'I L on ATheigur tides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street. (Late 233 Brofulway and 16 Bond street,) New York. tS—T-1860X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTER/1. Thel purify, strengthen, and invigorate. they create a healthy appetite. Ther are an antidote to change of water and diet. hey overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. Titer strengthen the system and enliven the mind. • 'WI' prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. ~..1 . 1 ,t t Purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. ••ttuY cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They' cure Diarrhiaba, Cholera, and Cholera Morbug. %eV cure Liver Complaint and Nervous. Headache. rte are the best BITTERS to the world. They make tze weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great tfuorer. They are made of pdre St. Croix Rum, the cele. 114 '4 Canaan Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with hepleasnre of a beverage, without regard to age or time °day Particularly recommended to delicate persons 14441 Ang a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drag rr'„,.. Hotels, and Saloons. P. 13. DRAKE & CO., 20f11 QADWAY. New York. se244m ONE-PRIOR CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST : :I .D. made la the Beg uner, expressly for RETAIL 41 '4 LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Ple t * , . All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. a: nr O'sr.Patca Surma is strictly adhered t 0... All 8014 '*rebr treated alike. JONES St CO.. GO4 MARKET Street. MARRIED:). • ::otittrilay. January 30861, aN . : 4 ,4,441N ( 1 / 1 111.11. hr . Ht. Her. Bishop Potter, Capi. k I "' W. Williams U. S. 'Vols.. to Sarah b., dattgliter s of liE yyglt — llrlllltY,—Ou rho Keyser of Iftitimorc. voning of the 24th nit., itev. W. KOIIIIV, logrolorirk . A. Keifer to Jennie t- ! : ° !' 14 •gl 'lnfighter , of Charles [lardy, Esq., allot tide 011 in. payers PIPItH" 26th ult., by Rey, 3. 11. C. ;Nil. Mr. (liprg.. Writ; ht, of Egg Harbor. N. 41.. pannith iit this city. 1 . 14 Al V-1:1 Eli 1.1.11:.--On the Ist lad., by the 31 r. W. It. Moittgom o'Y to Miss Emily Fiedler, all • 1 •• tit y. . - XTOP O it, A.—At Chantilly, en the of December, 1644, has ',coved at 1144..1E1MM, Virginia, Limit. Thu- Snyder, or thy 211 Peusutylvania Cavalry, in the te:•or of Ilia o, • bt t , n rel.otlyei mid friend.. are reenectfnlly invited to t o l d ea inneral. lento tint roildunro of his father, firoy:e Line. licit; the Baltimore turn -o(loticilotiritttinlitaril.i.:rn ;%e e t e lnueday, January /. 1 41 1 d .1) .Eli. — SOl v denlv, i the ll 4 l lll Of January, 180 Ili: alder, Sr., In the 711 i year of hie nee. I,;,rehttivelt Mend+ tire reApectfully invited to k.,ht foorrol, from hit late residence, Bray's lane, 11 , 4, 11, e Baltimore turnpike, Twouty-fourth ward, on hni:' ,ll nr, January 7, Doil. 1 o'clock P. M., without D A polle *so .Fs—At Pool, llione4otit, on the 30th in‘t.. Wll - Davbi, ikon of a;e late 'Jot:J.l=ln T. Davis, of J,. in the 811 rear of his.ago. notice of the funeral will be given. ** , tekot t below Ninth. W Gamin Chug Spear and lady, Began Tbo.l3Oakley,USA A nutty, Philadelphia lower, Boston It A Morgan, Now London John Conlin 11 A Williams, N Y lien Ii Raymond & la, Del Miss Cummins, Del W P Jointing, Brooklyn T. 'l7 Rutter, Bel co, Pa Shepard, New York .1 C Brown, Waterbury W P Wilder, Waterbury E Camblos C Washing n, D C P Murphy, Wash (meg, 1) C INN rogue, Pittsburg 'M .lours II Williams, New York I S Winchester, Philada street, below Arch. T F Walter, Penn HaYea L Wrecker, Altoona 3IrA Sarah Solo, York Miss E Suln, Yak Samuel Arnold, Carlisle Philip Arnold, Carlisle W F Cumin St ill, Wash,lD C Thus C Atkinson, California field Evans. Cincinnati 31i.s 31 Whitton, Pittsburg .1 13 Herron & la, Pittsburg C Hallowell, Ohio JOA Merino, Philada lion S J Ancona, Reading nut street, ab. Third. T Jones & In, N Jersey 0 14 EdmondA, U S N I,V It Thompson,Trenton .1 L De T.ott, Jr Wilmingt'u James Welsh, k York R C Storms IT N Kates W D Itnnk,Berks co, Pa A .1 Bncknor, Jr, It Harrold, Philacht F T Fisher, N York reet, above Third. E K Solliday, retina S %V Williams Miss Thompson, WaslOn F B Sni rt.] y, Pa 4 B Sly, New York Mrs Butler, New York W 11 Die Owen, Zauesv, 0 and Market streets. F C Robinson & la, N York .1 tl Taylor, W Chester, Pa Williams, Lauc co, Pa Jobit Potts, Conte:3olle IA Thompson, Princeton Goo L Plitt, Harrisburg .reet, above Third. . 'M .1 Knauss, Anuville, Pat 1.1 A Alden, Paterson, N J W C Andrews, Peoria, ill Henry K Davis, Harrisburg W P McCaw, Jerseytown,Pa B K Dubois, Birmanglutm,o H S Whitman, Reading W A Corman, Minnesota Mrs Jones, New Turk Front the Almshouse, 13; People of Color, 8; from the country, G. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1962 and of last week. wits as follows: Week ending :January 4th, 1562. was '278. Week ending December 28th, 1962. was 20.3. 11ta1es,130 ; Females. ; Boys. 53 Girls, 411. • Deaths and interments or soldiers in the city, 10.. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, health pacer. RESSON & _SON* HAVE JUST A -.RE CEIVED : MUSLIN AlVb REVIERE BOWS ; Linen, Mull, Tarla tan, and Lace Collars and Sleeves': wide Hatted Handitts ; English Crapes and Veils; REAL MOHAIRS or Glossy Alpacas; Poult de Sole or Mourning Silks; Black and Purple de Laines ; All-wool Black Cashmeres, Merinoes, OTTOMAN POPLINS, Velour Reps, Tatnises, Mousse- Thibet and Blanket Long Shawls, So. deN MOURNING STORE. 018 CHESTNUT Street, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS. . Have a largo stock of Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade. Silks for Pennsylvania Trade. Dress Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. n027-if GOOD QUALITY BALM ORAL SKIRTS.—Tbese Skirts are full four yards wide and one and a quarter long. Colors all-wool, and styles are adapted to genteel trade. pn27-11 SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCE MENT OF CHRISTIANITY IN PENNSYLYA- NlA.—The Annual Meeting of the Society for businese will be held in the Vestry Room of ST. JAMES' CHURCH, on the Evening of the Epiphany, TUESDAY, Jonnery 6, ISA el 7% o'clock. ja6-2t GEORGE W. HUNTER, Secretary. THE CITIZENS' LUNTEER "" C' 1105: E'ITA L ASSOCIATION t ake n easnre in ac knowledging the following donations for the week end ing .1 an. 2a : From Crissy & Markley, 513, (printing ;1 G. D. Wetherell, 510; Samuel O. Morton, it'2,s; Miss Addle Thompson, s.i; Mrs. M. W. %V. P., 53; Mrs. Berrop, 31 ; Mies Thomas, IR; Mrs. Burnham, *1; IV. T., 51: Mrs. Thompson, 60 cents; Mrs Furman, 60 cents. Also, from Soldiers' Aid Society of Now Britain, 7 quilted comfortebles, 13 toil flannel shirts, 6 wrappers, 23 pairs wool socks, Fry linen towels, pads, pillow cakes. slippers. lo puts apple-butter, apple-aelly, and preserved apples, hotter, dried fruit, wine, &e.; General Warren Lodge. No. —, 1. 0. 0. F., 7 bushels potatoes and 23‘ bushels beets ; Philadelphia Bible Society, Testaments; Dr. A. .5. Smiley, largo handsome pyramid • pound cake; Mr 4. Stewart.. 2 boxes of crac tore and moan biscuit: Mrs. Edwin Greble, 7 pairs chickens and 1 goose ; Mrs. Seeger, flannel shirts, drawers. and preserves; Drs. Edwards, lot chewing tobacco; Mrs. Roberts, mitten • end roast apples ; Mrs. Burn ham, cans of peaches ; Mrs. Erskine, books, corn a Larch, drawers &c. ; Mrs. Tonrison, 6 pairs di were, drtteh cakes, and biscuit; and Mrs. —,13 pairs slippers sad wine. • U. CALEB COPE, TREASURER OP the United States Sanitary Commission, north east corner of MINOR and SIXTH Streets, acknow ledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last report : Mordecai J. Dawson, ........... From a Lady of St. Peter's Church 513 Joseph D. Brown, additional 60 Mary 0. Brown, do. From u member of Si. Peter's Church, addit.l.... Cash, per J. XT., additional Previously reported The Sanitary Commission, No. 27 South SIXTH Street, also acknowledges the receipt of the following donations in hospital supplies since lust report: West Soldiers' Aid, I pkge, S. H..Cloddard, Secretary. Lebanon Soldiers' Aid, 2 pkges; Miss M. H. (Henninger, Secretary, Rev. C. U. Duane, Wool shirts. The Misses R., clothing. A Lady." stockings. Miss Cordoba Weaver, Colobrookdalo Iron Works, lot of line lemons. It 11.> SIX PUBLIC LECTURES TO GEN TLEMEN ONLY—B 33• Professor W. PAINE, M. 1.1. et the ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. RACE Street, below Fifth, to commence on WEDNESDAY Evening, January rth, and continue on THURSDAY, FRIDAI, SATURDAY. MONDAY, and TUESDAY Evenings at 7 o'clock. Tickets to single Lectnre, Twenty-five dents; to the whole course. For sale at the Doctor's Office, No. 931 ARCII StreeL•at the Eclectic Medicine Store, No. 837 ARCII Street, aud, on the evenings of the Lectures, nt the College. in.s-6t5 11Z., AT A MEETS TRI HUMUS to the s: boll!' SOCIETY, held FILM. MI, the following named g e gers for the ensuing year: Edward W. Gorga.., . Robert M. Coleman, George W. Vaughan, Hugh J. Worrell, John Robbins. • ThomasD. Stites, Abraham P. Eyre, William Coleman, Jacob Jones, • Alex. McFadden, Charles M. Lukens, George J. Hamilton, William W. Taxis, .T. H. NVainwright,, George Storkham, Joseph E. Gillingham, David human, Henry Kessler, Samuel H. Meentchen, Andrew Zane, William Albertson, Edwin Eyrc Eli Garrison, Joseph Lippincott. Contributions in money in aid of the Society, or Flour, Meat, and Vegetables, will be thankfully received by any of the Managers. Mr. JOHN G. HOPKINS, No. 321 North .Ninth street, is the duly authorized agent of the Society for soliciting and receiving contributions. By order of the Managers. ABRAHAM PSYRE, President. CIIA ItLEF M. Mitt:Ng, Secretary. P FETHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE EXCH E INSURANCE COMPANY are here tted that an Election for Officers and Directors to serve for the ensitiust year, will he held at the Office, No. 218 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the sth instant, at three o'clock MHOMCEOPATHIO HOSPITAL, 1116 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open (or the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the moat comfortable manner, nee of charge. B. F. GLENN, non-tf Secretary of Board of Dfanaenre. COUPONS OF THE ALLEGHENY CI Y DoNDS, payable in Philadelphia, dne . Ist inst., will be paid by WORK, McCOUCH & CO., No. 36 South THIRD Street. NOTICE.—THE COUPONS DUE JA NUARY L DM ) of the. Registered Mortgage Bonds of the ELMIRA. AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY, will be paid on presentation a tho Office of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, on anti rafter the 2d instant. By order of the Board of Manners. WM. C. LONOSTRETH, Treamrer. Philadelphia, Ist mo. ULM. jannw:lt r i .M. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP the "CORPORATION FOR THE RELIEF OF THE WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF (ZERO:IIEN in the communion of the Protostnnt Episcopal Church in the Connnonwealth or Pennsylvania" will be hold in the YeAry Room of ST. PETER'S CHURCH. on TUES DAY, the oth of January, at /5 o'clock P. 31. ial 0t JAMES 3f. AERTSEN, Secretary. PITITA.DELPIRA. JAR. 1, 1863. The Spring garden Soup Home, BUTTONWOOD Street, east of Droad, will ho opened for distriluttion of Soup to the Poor of their District, on TUESDAY Morning, 6th instant, rum 101; to 12'4 o'clock, and continue daily (except Sundays) during the Winter. Contributions arc respectfully solicited. JOSEPH. J. WILLIAMS, Secretary. M. A MEETING OF THE CONTRI BU CODS to the NoIt.THERN DISPENSARY OP PHILADELPHIA will lo held at the Hall of the Insti tution, No. 603 SPRING GARDEN Street, on TUESDAY, the 6th of J 4 anuarv,latt, between the hours of 2 and o'clock I'. M., to elect twelve Managers for the ea ruing rear. 4011.1 Y KEsSLEII. Jet.. &Set* • • • . Secretary. PIIILADELPHIIII, DEC. 31, 1663. At a moetlutt . or WOOLEN DYERS, held at the house of WM. DUMAN% the following reiolution WIL.4 nuanitnouslv adopted: Ranked, Tina, in consequence of the large advance in Dyestuffs. we are tinder the neceasity of advancing the Prices of Dyeing Woolen Yarn ONE CENT per pound. JOHN KITCHENMAN, Pre-41dent. COMA:O.IIImi, Secretary, ja!!-:it* Failiett AVIS AUX ELEGANT& " M. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerand de la maison do rs do M. GRANDVILLE STOKES, 609 CHEST NUT Street, Philudelphie, a Phounenr de provonir see nosnbreux ands et conuaissances qui Pont dela fe.vorise de leur clientolle, (atuel qua les etrausterej quit vieut de recevoir de Paris of Londree les modes lee plus recentes et Iee BIIX portees pour la salsou'd'hiver. M. Grandville Stokes a mis a sa disposition les etotTes les plus belles, ethos rueilleures qualites, des premieres manu factures .P.Kiirope. Lee militalres, ainet quo lee °feelers de tons grades y trouverone les meilleures qualitee d'etoffes, a des priX tree modems. L'olegance de sa coupe, ainsi quo le cachet de distinction qui la caracterise est dojo trop conun du public pour en renouvelles tears nierites. deft-Int OFFICE OF THE NESQ,UERONING VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27. MI The •Annual Mseting or the Stockholders of this Coin pany will be held on MONDAY, the 12th of.Taanary next, at Au. 122 South SECOND Street. at 12 o'clock awn. at Width Onto au election will So held for a President and twelve Directors to servo the ensuing year ilc2lmSt JAMES S. COX Secretary. FPI C E PHILADELPHIA: AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, Purtaihtb.. PH lA. DOCeIitIHT iati - The anneal meeting of the .Steekholdtire, will held at the Cotoiran3 o ,4 Office, No. 224 Sonth DELAWARE Avenue on MONDAY, the 12th Jai:nary, 1801, -at ono o'clock I '. M., at which time au election will be hold for DIRECTORS for the ensuing year. .• ' . de22-inw(6l2 MORRELL,litakitari. M. OFFICE OF THE BROAD TOP IMPEOV }WANT COMPAN Y, No. 22 WALNUT t‘treet. lee. 31 IFo2.—The Annual Afeeting of the Stoc kholders :of the allure Company wilt be held.. at thole. Ogle.° on 71.71:..1DAY, January 601 1 1. , at 11 chick:A. M. ,jil•thrtita JA3IES Al PLEXON, Secretary... ~" OFFICE OP THE ENTERPRISE nv slit/A:WE COMPANY. No. 400 WALNUT Street. nrs 1/EIMI iA; JAR ttary 2,1,63. INOTICE.—Tho Annual 3lectl ng of the stockholders of the ENTERPRI:W. INSURANCE DO3IDANY will be held un MON: 11.1 the 12th instant, at 100 clock A. M., at the Office 4.1 t 01111 TM ll y. An election for Twelve Directors to serve the eusuing year, will I e held ou the game day, at the saute place. between t? c hours ono o'clock A... and 2 o'clock I'. 31. .itia•St • CHARLES W. COXE. ifecrotstry. OFI'WE OF THE FRANKFORD 11116:- . 7 - -• ADM SOLITIIIVABK I'HULADELPIIIA (.;11 . 17 "PASSENGER RAILROAD CO3IPANY, 13ERli$ Street, 1431..‘r Folirtio.-4'IIILIIIIMPHIA, January 2d. 1861.—The Board of Director% hare this daT declared a Dividend of FOUR (:ENT. on the Capita Stock of the Calcine y out of the earnings of the pn..4t six months. Parable to the Stockholders. or their loxtl representatives, on and 8 Her 15th inst.. went. of . all Maws. • 'rho Tran<er Hooks will ho closed until 15th inst. jai:WM CHAS. H. ABBOTT, Secretary. BYRE & TANDEM: 310 47,054 55 $17,394 55 ING OF THE CON. nptwr t of the KENSINGTON All EVENING, January 2d, :litleinen were elected Nana,- RICHARD COE, Secretary. 11M. THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF -THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TILE .sPRING HARDEN *LOAN ASSOCIATION will lie hold on TUES DAY Evening, 6th inst., at the Office of the Secretary. jab-2i* fre" , SOCIETY POE SUPPLYING THE POOR WITH SOUP. GRISCOM Streot, second door north of Pine street, will continence the . distriblition of SOUP to worthy applicants on Second day (MON DAY), Lth instant. mill o'clock A. M. As this Society has no Collector, Contributions in aid of the Charity will be gratefully recolvod by either of the under-named officers and mombers JACOB T. BUNTING. President. No. 28 South Delaware avenue. JOBN J. THOMPSON, Secretary, No. 239 North .Ninth strcot. • WM. EVANS, Jr., Treasurer, No. 252 South Front street.. .TERE'I I 1I ACKER, No. 316 South Fourth street. JOHN HORTON, No. 320 Smith Fourth street. JOSEPH S. LEWIS, No. 11l Walnut street. . THOMAS J. HUSBAND, • N. W. corner Third and Spruce. JOSEPH C. TURNPENNY, An3-').l* . N. E. corner Tenth suit Spruce Mr , OFFICE OF • THE • HOSPITAL OF THE P. E. CHURCH IN PHILAD.ELPHIA— st-Anv•24l, Min —The —The Annual Meeting of the contribu tors to the OSPITAL of the PROTESTANT EPISCO PAL CHURCH in Philadelphia will be held at the Office,' 708 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, Mt, at P 1 o'clock M. The report of the Board of hfanagers will be presented, together with the annual statements and accounts, and eight Members of the Board elected to serre for the en suing three years. 3113-21• • ..TOTIN A. CHILDS, Secretary. • FEILAXIELFHIA.. - JAN. 2. 1863. NOTICEr.A semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Mock of the BEAVER MEADOW RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY has bean declared this day. payable at their Office on am! after MONDAY, Janu ar). rith. L. CHAMBERLAIN, Preasuror. JitS•Gt4' • AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TR.TheT COAIPA NY.—ProrAusr,Pitt Jann. ary 1, IS63.—The Trustees have this day declared a divi dend of Four per cent. out of the profits of the last six months, payable to tho stockholders on demand clear of all taxes. JOHN S. IVILSON, jal3t Secretary. MOFFICE OF PRE INSURA.NCE COMPANY OF NORTJEI AMERICA, Puit.ADEL PNIA, DCCONIber 31,18G2. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will he hold at the'oftleo of the Company, No. V 2 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, January 19, at 12 o'clock M. and on TUESDAY, the day following, January 13, 1853, an Election will be held for Directors, to servo the ensuing year. CHARLES PLATT, • Secretary. IMP PHILADELPHIA AN D DARDY RAILROAD CO.—NOTICS.—The Annual Mooting of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Darby Rail road Company will be held at the Company's Depot,' on DARBY Avenue, between Portmetinth and Fiftieth Streets, at 43 , 1 o'clock P. M., on MONDAY the nth day of JANUARI P ,1863, when an election for a resident and six Directors, to serve the ensuing year. will take place. de3o-tjal2 TiaomAs SPARKS, Secretary. IMOFFICE OF FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. Pat I.thELPHIA t December 29th, 1662. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdera of the F'tme Insurance Company will be held at the office, on MON DAY, January 12th, DM at 10 o'clock k M. An Election for TWELVE DIRECTORS, to serve for the ensuing year, will be hold on the same day at the same place, between the hours of 10 and 2 P. M. do3Otjal2 W. I. BLANCHARD Secretary. IMINSURANCE COMPANY OF.TILE STATE: OF PENNSYLVANIA. l'im,ADEt.enrA, December 31, 1862. AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the Company, to serve for one year, will be held at the Com- Panv'a Office, Noe. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, oa MOIsMAY, January 12, 1863, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P.M. d e23-titjal2 WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. PRILAIMPRiA, Dec. 27, 1562.—The Annual Mooting of the Seriph°biers of the UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Phila delphia will be held - at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, Jannary 12,191, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time en election for Eight Directora will be held to aerie for the ensuing three years. JOS. COLLISON, dcs-12t Secretary. OFFICE OF THE 119E1A.NIC.POILH Cry AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CUT PAS:ENOER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS Street., below Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 26, 1961. • The Annual Meetin , • of Ow Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their Office, on MONDAY, January 12th, 1863, at 12 M., at which time and place an election will be held for President and twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year de27-tiall2 PIULADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO.—OFFMR 227 Semi FOURTH Sr., Prrtr,AnctrgrA, December 8, 1862.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six Mana gers, Treasurer and Secretary, will take place on the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next at 12 o'clock M. W. E. WEbB, de9-tia.l3 NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., No. 107 WALNUT Street, ni/LADELPHIA, December 26,1869. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will he held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, the 12th day of Ja nnarY,lB63, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of electing, a President and ten Directors to serve the ensuing year. de27-tial2 EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Sec'y. MOFFICE OF TEE WESTAIOICE- LAND COAL COMPANY, (No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's Alley.) PHILADELPHIA. De cember 17,1862. At a ineetiu. of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share, on the Capital Stock was de clared ont of the profits of the past year; payable on and aker JANUARY 2d, 1863. The Transfer Books will be. closed until January sth next. F. IL. JACKSON, delB-tias • . Treasurer.' OFFICE HUNTINGDWN AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, 258 South THIRD Street—Pnu,AneraquA, Dec. 22, 1861 NOTICK—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their office on TUESDAY, the 13th day of January, 1863, at II onlock , when an election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. de?..3-tjal3 J. P. AERTSEN, Secretary. MOFFICE OF THE WESTHORE LAND COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPIIIA, De cember 17, 19.32. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their office, No. 210 South THIRD Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th of January,l36l, at 12 o'clock lif.; st which time an election will be held for ELEVEN DIRECTORS, and a SECRETARY, and TREA SURER, to serve for the ensuing year. F. H. JACKSON, .Secretary. delB-tja7 r• TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the office, No. 3 FORREST Place, 123 14 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, January 12,1563, for the purpose of electing a President, Vice President, and Twelve Directors, to servo the en suing. year, and., transacting such: other business as may come before the meeting. H. H. SHILLINGFORD, deM-mstjal.2r • .Secretary. CORN EXCI PHILADELPHIA, NOV. Mrl November Mb, M., were elected Directors ofthi Alexander G. Cattell, Dell Noblit, Jr., George L. Bruhn Edward C. Knight, William L. Maddock, James Steer, Charfos E And at the meeting of ANDER G. CATTELL, Esq., President; ALEX. WRILL and JOHN W. TORREY C. n021.-tf MCOMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—Office, Commonwealth Building, No. 013 CHEST NUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, December 6, 1862. A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMNION WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will be held, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 5, 1663, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing year, will be held at the same place, and on tho same day. between the hours of 12 and 2 P.M . . dell-tjas SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. OFFICE OF TILE ASSESSOR OF THE SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pat- LAORLPHIA. December V. NOTICE.—GUSTAY GUMPERT has been transferred front Division known formerly as 63:: (now 3) to Divi sion No 6, vice Constant W. Newkirk, resigned. JAMES SWEENEY has been appointed to 811 the post formerly occupied by. Gustav Comport, known as Divi sitm No. 6X, now Division No. S. THOMAS W. SWEENEY, U. S. Assessor Second District, la. MILITARY. BOUNTY. $175 $175 I PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD, 157Trt REGIMENT P. V. COL. WM. A. GRAY. A few good men wanted for Company A. $2.5 paid on enlistment: $75 when company is full: $75 at end of war. This fine Regiment is now in good winter quar ters at Fort Delaware. $5 paid to any person Present ing an accepted rem uit for this Company. A good Bugler and Drummer wanted. Apply at . No. 716 VINE Street, or No. 627 CHEST NUT Street. RICHARD YOUNG, poAßipv.• oF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT. 156th REOIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY RECRUITS WANTED for tho above fine regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and in camp in Philadelphia.) Alen joining ,this regiment -will receive the following bounties: Cash In hand on being mustered in $25 when the company is full 'SO " when the regiment is full 25 At the expiration of service 75 Total $175 None bnt men of good character received. Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN. Colonel. W. A. HA.3IILL, Adjutant. . . de2.l-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. fg.ok "Camp Metcalfe." near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEI, wanted to complete Companies now nearly fall, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, and who have seen service. dell-tf REMOVAL. • • A. WINCH HAS REMOVED. TO 5O CHESTNUT STREET: jai -6t • O FFICE. ASSESSOR OF-Pnitl SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT, PHILADA., Jan. 3, IX2,—FRANCIS P. HALLO WELL has been appointed ARISTANT ASSESSOR for the Ninth Division of my District. Said Division is comprised within the limits of that portion of the Ninth ward commencing at the west side of Seventh street, extending to and including the east side of Broad street, and from the north side of Mar ket street to the south side of Arch street. inclusive. THOMAS W. U S. Aescee‘or, Second District. P(tnna IDATENT RUBB ER OVERSHOES -a- FIRMLY REPAIRED.—Ladies pure India Rubber Overshoe., at 924. ARCH Street. 105.3t* WM. RENTON, .TR. ÜBLIC SALE OF DAMAGED CORN. P —Will be offered for sale, at Public Auction. at the GOVERNMENT DEPOTS, in this city . on THURSDAY, January 15th, ISM, an amount of GRAIN, condemned by a Board of Survey. The backs to be sold separate from the Grain, at a price to be Axed by the Quartermaster, or retained if deemed desirable by him: Terms, cash in Treasury note!, on delivery. JAS. BELGER, Colonel and Quartermaster. QUAltrEnnAsrea's OFFICE. I • • BALTIMORE, January I, kita ja2ellt • 5 CASES 30-INCH BLACKSTONE UMBRELLA CLOTHS. i'or bY 101,1TIREW BINNEY'S SONS. BOSTON, Maze. MAGIC POCKET-BOOK, FOR THE NEW CUARENCY, • • . • Sent by Mall, for TWEETT.VIVE CENTS. . • : • • - • : .1. R. DILLON, Nano titter, jilt Bt ll ANN Street, New York. lIADIES -TAKE THEIR CHILDREN, for HAIR CUTTING. to L. OUTIIKUNST'S, 1 GUM and BRANCH. ' CK E L, HERRING, • SHAD, Am -a- /h. Ste. 2,600 Mils Mass. Nos. 1,9, and 8 Mackerel, late-caught fat fish, in assorted puckages. 2,000 Bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herrin2,oo Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 Bbls. new Mess Shad. WO Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, Stn in store and for sale by jal4-tf THE ,PRESS.-PIIILADELPIITA., MONDAY. JANUARY 5. '1863. CHAS. R. AI3VOTi', Secretary Secretaiy. II .A. - 11FG E . 24. 1862.-,At the election the following Stockholders s Bank Christian J. Hoffman, Robert Ervien, R. W. Catherwood, William P. Cox, Edmund A. Sonder, Samuel T. Canby, Wilkins. Directors, this day, ALEX was unanimously re-elected DIN, Esq., Vice President, hler. J. W. TORREY. Cashier. Captain Company A. MURPHY & No. 146 North WILLILVEIL RETAIL DRY GOODS. UP STAIRS DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CLOTHING LADIES' CLOAKS, READY. MADE OR MADE TO ORDER COOPER & OONARD, jas-tfel • S. E. COR. NINTH and MARKET SW. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. • Caasimeres for Bosioesli Suits. Cassimoros for Dress Suits. Cassimeres for Boys' wear. • •Cloths adapted to every use. de Boys' Clothing, ready made. Men's and Boys' Suits made to order. " BL A NhMTS. • • A tiptop lot at $5. .• Damaged Gray Blankets at $250 and $3.50. Horse Blankets—Army Blankets. Domestic OootlB at lowest prices. TABLE LINENS. - - Pine Table Damasks and Cloths. The famous power-loom Table Linens. ' • Bargains in Napkins, kc., &c, DRESS GOODS. 2,631 yards newest styles Delaittes at Me, - Bine peps, Blue Poplins, Blue Paramattas. Brown Rept , , Brown Poplins, Brown Coburgs Balmorals at $2.75, $3, $3.25, au & d $3.50. COOPER jab-tf S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. DRY GOODS UNDER USUAL PRlCES.—Muslins haio taken another great rise, but we will still sell ourlarge stock at the prices of last mouth, viz : Bleached Mullins at 1236,15, le, 20, 22, 22, and Vi cents poi yard; JX yards wide, ?A cents; ?X do, 110 cts. All tho best makes will be found in this stock, such as New York Mills, Williamsville, Wanisutta, Torrosdate, &e. Canton Flannels at the lowest prices. • • Blankets of every quality, many at last year'slow prices, from *1.50 to *ln per pair. Some bargains. Table Linens, 7-4 wide, for 50 cents; do., 62, 75,37, and $1.25 per yard. Many-Of these were imported under the old tariff, and are much under present prices, • • Also, Napkins and Towels in great variety, much less than they can now he bought. Dorcas Societies sold to at reductions from regular' pr . lees. R. D. & It. PENNELL. 3a5-3t 1021 MARKET Street, below Eleventh. HOLIDAY GOODS. i t HOLIDAY :PRESENTS WM. A. DROWN & 004 246 MARETT STREET; Are now prepared with their usual stock of ♦ery superior UMBRELLAS, VERY SUITABLE FOR PRESEBTTS PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS- A large variety for sale at low prices. by NAMES W. QUEEN & CO., del3-If if 924 CHESTNUT Street. MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASSES, for promote, for sale by • JAMES W. QUEEN St deli-tf if 921- CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GL ASS.ES , OPERA GLASSES. For eale by ' JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. del3-tf if 924 CHESTNUT Street. LADIES' FURS. NMVN LADIES' FURS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, No. no ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. HAS NOW OPEN A splendid stock of Russian. and Hudson. Bay and Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel; and other styles of FURS, suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. ' l / 4 dels-tja7 LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAItEIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every . variety that will -be fashionable during the Present season: - All'sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash, Ladies, please give me a call. oc34mif FURS! • FURS! GEORGE F. WOMR,ATII, Nos. 41.6 AND 417 ARCH STREET, • HAS NOW OPEN • A FULL ASSORTMEN'r OF LADIES' PURS, To 'which the attention of.the poblie is inirited., itol94re ISINANCIAM. COITPONSijwi JAN:UAAY, OF THE UNITED STATES, WANTED AMERICAN GOLD WANTED DREXEL & CO. HARVEYTHOMAS, O. . . STOOK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVNBN MENT SECURITIESbought and sold on Commission, ex:. elusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negoelated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq, John B. Myers & Co ; , , Samuel. B. Thomas, Esq., Furness,ir. - Co., John Thomas, dole-Sulf . • JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOOK ifc NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, - DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MIICHARIOr BAYS. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT - THZ BOARD OF BROKERS MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS iNEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. U. S• • . . FIYE-TWENTIES; • OR. • TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA'z BURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the Tutted States, orf the first days of May and November of each year. At .the present PREMIUM ON GOLD, 'those Bonds yield about . EIGHT per cent, per annum. A fall supply always on hand. JAY COOICE, • SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, • noll 7 tmhl ill 4 SOUTH THIRD STREET; $260'000...T L 0 A N, . . IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTTS, O' . . . DIAMONDS; SILT/014SL TR...WATCHES, JEWELRY. GOODS OP, EVERY DkaOrrititzr, AT ISAAC OLD ESTABLISRIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE; N. E. - CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS. (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances made at the lowest rates. deSlnt* AND OTHER SUES OF $lO, 000 MONEY to loan on Mortgage. Apply to LEWIS- H. REIMER. Iti 152 South FOURTH Street. U. S. REVENUE.. STAMPS. A GENOTZ THE SALE OF UNI-TED• STATES TAX • .:..STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by the Governmentior akin Quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on 'amounts of $5O and up wards. Orders by. Mail promptly attended to. JACOB. B. RIDGWAY, deft-8m No. 87 Smith THIRD Street. IVORYTYPES,'EXEOUTED. AT REE MEWS GALLERY. are of inestimable value V, the roAges , 44-.-Thetrwondrotti accuracy oflikenessundeolor tug has never been excelled. SECOND Street, o.hove' Grecti. It COPARTNERSHIPS. TIISSOLITTION OF • COPARTNER, siiir.— : The firm of WILSON, ANDERSON,- & CERNEA is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of said firm will be settled bY. either Partners, at their place of business, No. 415 MARKET Street. OLIVER HOWARD WILSON. SAMUEL M. ANDERSON, • EDWARD DE CERNEA. Philadelphia, January], 18e3. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER SHIP.'-The subscribers heroby . give notice that they have entered into limited pn.rtnet•sinp, agreeably to the provision of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvenia relating to limited partnership. • • That the n ame of the firm under which said partner ship is 'to be conducted is WILSON, ANDERSON, &' CERNEA. That- the general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said firm, or partnership, is the Job bing of Dry Goods, and the same will be trausacted in the city sof Philadelphia. • That the names of the general partner's of said firm are OLIVER HOWARD WILSON. SAMUEL ilt. ANDER SON. and EDWARD. DE CERNEA, all .of whom reside in the city of Philadejobia. The name of the.BPCCial partner is WILLIAM' W. HOLLOWAY, who resides at BriligePOrf, Belmont 0011114 y, Maio; that the capital con tributed by the said William W. HolloWay, special part ner, to the common stock of Itlik fi rlo, is twenty thou sand dollars in cash. • . • That the said partnership is to commence on the first day of :Tannery, A. D. 1863, and is to terminate on the ; ftrSt day of January, A. D. 1866. ' . s O A Li ni VE E R L li m ..S A V N II6Se t 4 OI3 I EDWARD DE CERNEA, V General Partners. ~ • WILLIAM W. HOLLOWAY% •-k, jal.dlDt—Or4t , SpeCial.Partner: NOTICE E UNDERSIGNED .hereby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they formed on the 24 day Of February, MI, to terminate on the 31st day of December, 1562, and which they have THIS DAY renewed, In compliance with the Laws of Pennsyl name of the firm :under which the said Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARI'LE. 2. The general nature of the business transacted is the buying and vending of VARIETIES and FANCY DRY GOODS at No. 63 North THIRD Street, in the city of Phi ladelphia, State of •Pennsylvania. • 3. The name of the General Partner of said firm is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. residing at No. 1220 COATES Street, iu the city of Phihuielphia, and of the Special Partner of said firm GEORGE• GORDON, residing at 510 North FOURTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia 4. The amount of capital contributed by said George Gordon, the Special Partner, to the common stock at the time said partnership was formed—to wit, on the 2d day of February .1861, was TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. . . 6. The said partnership is now renewed, and is to con . Unite until, and to terminate on, the 31st Bay of Ddeem ber 1661. . P tiladelphla, December M 31,1A86TH2. lAS M. MARPLE, General Pastuer. .G SORGEGORDON. jal-431v • - Special Partner. THE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVING RE- Iluguisbed the wholesale dry-goods buthiess, and disposed of their stock of goods to DAVIS, KEMI'TON, & CO., resrectfally recommend their friends and cus tomers to the new firm. as their successors in trade: We will remain at the old stand, No. 217 Tdmiz, - E i T. Street, for the purpose or settlincw q t tilkkin:gg, • . D. ,YONES & CO. Philadelphia, January 1,1883. ito-3.3t* . - THE UNDERSIGNED; THOMAS W. -a- DAVIS, late of T. W. Davis & Co., and WILLIAM B. REMPTON and DAVID THOMPSON, late with Wil liam D. Jones & Co., have this day formed , a copartner shirt), under, ,the name and firm of DAVIS, KEIfPTON & CO., and having purchased the large and well-assorted stock of W. D. Jones & Co., will continue as successors the Wholesale Dry-Goods business, at the old store, No. 217 MARKET Street and No. 200 CHURCH Alley. THOMAS W. DAVIS WM. B. KEMPTON. DAVID THOMPSON. Philadelphia, fst me: 1et,1583. itt:3l2t* THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -a- FORE existing under the firm of LIPPINCOTT & PARRY is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Joshua Lippincott retiring:. The business will be settled by either partner, at No, 200 MARKET Street: JOSHUA LIPPINCOTT. - • SAMOS', PARRY. ' Philadelphia, First month, Ist, ISO 3. SAMUEL PARRY has this day associated with him' ELLWOOD JOHNSON and JOSHUA W. LIPPINCOTT, who will continue the Wholesale Cloth busine6s, under the dim of LIPPINCOTT & PARRY, at the old stand, No. 200 MARKET Street and No. 6 South SECOND Street, SAMUEL PARRY, • ELLWOOD JOHNSON, JOSHUA W. LIPPINCOTT. Philadelphia, First month, Ist, IStU. DAVID T. BURR retains the position held with the former• firm. ja32.o` CHAS. HILL HAS TIIIS DAY BEEN '—' Admitted tutu our Firm ; the name of the Firm will lie JAMESLONG, BROTHER, & CO., 2r3 CHURCH Al ley. JAMES LONG OLIVER LOW/ CHARLES HILL. Philadelphia, January 2, ISM. Ja.3.3t* Ti 0 E.-THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the subscrlbers is this day dissolved by mutual consent. January 1 4 IST3. A. D. CASH, ' • L. 11. RED.NER. A. D: CASH, Conveyancer, No. 150 South. FOURTH St. LEWIS 11. REDNER, Conveyancer, No. 152 South FOURTH Street. T HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO fore existing •in the name of MEGARG BRO THERS, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. J. N. MEOARGEB, S. J. MEGARG.,BE,. TREODORE i1110.4110.EE. Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1362 The business will be continued as heretofore: ff4e er the style of. THEODORE MEOAROBR St CO:. THEODORE MEG ARO , ES, - ja2.43t* Nos. 3 and 5 DECATUR Street. CHARLES ELLIS AND • HIS- SON Ey.AN T. ELIA S,of.the late firm erCHARLES I ELL IS & CO.. have associated with them WILLIAM M: ELLI COTT, Jx., under the firm of • • : t • CHARLES ELLIS, SON & And havinV taken the Warehouse on MARKET Street, northeast corner of Seventh street, will - condone the DRUG BUSINESS cud the manufacture of Chemical and Ph a rinacenden I preparations in, heretofore. • They respectfully ask of their friends a share of their' trade, and a continuance of the business relations which they have so long enjoyed with them. • criARLEs ELLIS, SON, & CO.,' ja2-1% Corner of MARKET suId.SEVENTH Streets. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day enteredinto copartnership for the transaction of the general Jobbing Dry Goods business, under d the IMMO or style of ADA MS , ATKINSON, dc CO, at No. 33 North THIRD Street. EDWARD A. ADAMS, HENRY P. ATKINSON, . . JAMES M. WHITBY. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1869. ja2,3t* NTO'IIOE.-I HAVE THIS • DAY. AS .4-1 sedated . with me EDWARD. T. TAYLOR and WILLIAM STOKES. under the former name .of CUARLES WOKE& & Co. to carry on the business of Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. • CHARLES STO RES , E SR* C H ESTWJT Street. CHARLES STOKES, . - EDWARD T. TAYLOR, WILLIAM J. STOKES. ' • • .1.12-6 t .ELLIS & HARROP HAVE THIS day associated with them WII. R. ELLIS. and will continue the Cloth 'trade, at No. 225 MARKET litreetonider qui firm of ELLIS RARROP L & Co. , . CHARLES J. ELLIS. • • J. THOMAS RARROP. WILLIAM R. ELLIS. `Philadelphia, Ist mo. Ist BEN. ht2-.3t* COPARTNERSEEE'•-THE IT N D E R signed have this day entered into copartnership for the transaction of a General Commission and linportiu business, under the Arm of CHARLES S. & JAMNS CA STAIRS. -CHAS. S. CAIISTAIRS. JAS. CARSTAIRS,. Jr. January 1,1963. jal.43t NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—THE partnership heretofore existing between HUGH HARK OLD and EDWARD J WILLIAMS. under the tyle of HAROLD, win:rams, & co., Bankers and Exchange Dealers, is this day dissolved, by mutual con sent. HUGH HARROLD • EDWARD J. WILLIAMS. Philadelphia, Jan. 1,1563. TEE DEATH OF PETER L. FERGII •-•: SON. on - the 25th of June last, dissolved the firm of P. L. FERGUSON & CO. Thebusiness will he continued by the surviving Partner, under the name and style of de3l-6r* . . . . . • CHAS. FERGUSON. NOTICE.—THE ratiTED PARTNER -a- GRIP beretofornex-isting between the undersigned, tinder the firm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER,expires this day_Lby its own limitation. Philadelphia,. Decem ber EL lea J. THEOPII. PLATE, .3 ' CARL C. SCEOTTLER, General Part tiers. . . can. F. PLATE, Special Partner. By his Attorney,' J. THEOPH. PLATE. .The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission Business, under the firm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER, for their own acconnt. 7. TITEOPIL PLATS • CARL C. scgormiß. Philadelphia, January 1, 1863. . iiil-Ber... COPA.RTNERSEIIP NOTIOE:-4. THE subscribers have entered into Copartnership as Su gar Refiners, under the firm of HARRISON, NEWHALL, WELSH, and will conduct their business at the FRANKLIN REFINERY* No. 221 VINE Street. WALTER S. NEWHALL, SAML. WELSH Ja., • CHAS. C. HARAISON: Philadelphia, January 1,15ta ial-Gt • DISSOLUTION . OF COPARTNER -81-1 IP. —The copartnership heretofore existing under the name of SMITH..WILLIAMS, & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, and the business of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 513 BLA.RKET Street. V. JENKS SMITH, . . . . . . H. PRATT SMITH, JNO. H. WILT.IAMS, WM. P. . SMITH, Jr. phikui . aphist:iie. sit __.... • - I ' m ' : - ' ' • ialif COPAitTi'ERSEIP.--THE U N D E s u ir m ie e d a l L ar i foi674il a t z tr i ntet : t o ria fo u r ni t tg e r the transaction ollbc i'mporiing and Jobbing Dr_y Goods. business at No. ?27 LUt KM' Street, and \o.2I6(IRURCIi ALLLY. • . 'IL C. TRUNICK, WAI: R. GREGG,. ". FELIX BARR: January L ]Se'3.ial-6t • COPARTNERS= NOTIOE.T.II E undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm of J. S. 'YOUNG St ALTEMUS, for the purpose of transacting the Dry Goods Jobbing business, and have taken the warehouse No. 420 MARKET'Street. ' JAMES S. YOUNG, • THOMAS ALTEDIUS. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1863. jal-12t* COPARTNERSHIP. -- THE.. IINDER, signed have thisfday entered into a Copartnership, under the name of W. D. SMITH & CO., for the transac tion of the BIZEIVING business, at the old stand, N. W. corner of FIFTH and MINOR Streets, formerly occupied by their rather, Robert Smith. jal.dt fIOP.A.RTNERSHIP.-THE BERS hat . .e this day associated thernselveelor;the transaction of the Wholesale Boot and. Shoe business, at No. 501 MARKET Street, under the flrolof MONROE & SALUTE. JAMES MONROE, JOSEPH E. SMA GTE. Philadelphia, January 1,1553. ial43t. 1 1 11 E PARTNERSHIP .-OF B 0D- A- HEAD & BRO. is hereby extended for a further term. They . will continue the WHOLESALE. BOOT AND SHOE BUoINESS, at their 03d.Stand, No. Sp North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. _ jal-at• • . BRODITNAD a&BRO.' . . . . THE. • TINDIMSIPNED - :IIIiLVE , DAY (.7itn; Ist) termed e• CottOrtiteiehflOulder the style of .701• IN C. HOPKINS IMO., Or the trausaction of the Wholesale • . GLASS, and QUEENSWARE Bushiess, at Op MAIIKET Street. ••• :JOHN C. HOPKINS, jal-6t• . . • JOHN IIfeELVENEY'. THE . COPARTNERSHIP HERE'rO FORE oxiq - unde r name of SHIJLTZ, PEE PER, Sr CO., is T H IS ng Dived byThe business will be settled at. .ortli , THIRD .Erreet. MICHAEL '0„ PEWEE. December 31,1682 THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI NUE the DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the OH Stand, No. 72.4 MARKET. Street. ' . & CO., Dni_ggists - jal-tf .11/14 MARKET Street. NOTICE.—THE STYLE AND TITLE of the firm of WEAVER., FITLER, & CO., Is this day changed to ESTER , WEAVER, & co. . • EDWIN 11. RITLER MICHAEL WEAVE* CONRAD F. CLOTHIER.. JANUARY 1.1663. MATERIALS FOR . MINCE FIFA. 4BljNello LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON. RRANTS, SPICES, &c. AtiBEIRT: c. ROBERTS; • DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES, ,&445411L CORNTa 1.17 H AND VINE WILLOW SLEIGH BODIES.—A ifirst ! lot just reeelred. For low.. wsr i nt, ki3-31" • • 157 and 150 North THIRD Street. SitELLBARKS AND' BLACK WAL :iTTITS.-+ACOnelsrunent. of New El!ellbirlui and Wal riut. of prime quality, for sala es i r _. &_ 'WILLIAMS den tio.lol South WATER S:raiit, NOTIC E.--THE .00PA.RTNERSIIIE of BAST & PEARSON: at Ashland, &guylidtt. County, and of DAVIS PEAIISON & CO., at Phi'add-- ph in, have .Levu changed by the ivitloirawal of Gideon: Bast 'from said firms, on the first day of January, MI The remaining partners continue the hosinemil of mining, selling, and shipping Col, under the same Arm names at said places respectiveli . . • DAVIS PEARSON,.. • • IthIaNUEL - BAST; • • GIDEON BAST. • •-; . 'January 2, no.. * jas-8• NOTICE.-T E COPARTNERSTIrR - 1 - 1 ! heretofore existing under the mine and style of - 'MAW:MYERS & CO., is this da di by mutual consent: The bUsiuess of the. ii r rm s i s elli re lle ere so o ttled by COENELIUS B. SELLERS No. 1i N I' BANKs Philadelphia, 31'6111.17 . 3,18n• ISAAC MAY NI 11. ATTERLER . AND ROBE RT: HOWARD, trading tiuder tho firm of BUEHLER & HOWARD; have this day associated 'with thorn GEORGE BORBRIORT and cirAuus.r. RUIRSEROTT. The name and style of • the firm' will be 'BUEHLER, HOWARD, & CO., who will continue the Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE BUSINESS, at the Old Stand, 441 MARKET Strect,•below I'ltiladolrldn, January 10864. • , : . . 3115-Gi* • commissFw:Housts.: NVELTAINT.O, - •CogrOL.: PRINTS.DROWN AND BLEACHED SHEET ING S AND SUIRTINUS. • . • •., DRILLS, CANTON. FLANNELS. • COTT:WADES,RsET J EAN S . SILESTAS, - COLORED CAMBRICS, SEAMLESS BAGS. • • BLACK DOESKINS AND p. A ssig- BRE s, UNION CLOTHS, SATINETS. 'PLAIDiLINSEYS. NEGRO KEltargys . _ KENTUCKY JEANS. COTTON YARN. ~r73I_PL Y, I3AZARD, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREST,' . COMMISSION BiEiLDHANii FOR THE SALE OF " PHIL ADELPHI A-M A.D E GOODS. se2e4m ARMY do OD S. • DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. . SKY-BLITZ CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD' WIOGHT. • 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. ' BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND'SHIRT INGS. For B$lC by FROTHINGHAM 4k WELLS. AMERICAR WATCHES. 7. 1 . I . B M,At. R EA , 151, AMERIOA.N wATcErE/3, IN D. T. PRATT; le constantly in receipt of AMERICAN .W.A.TCHES, Of deilrablo styles and Qualities, • to . mdt all cisme of a HOLIDAY PRESENTS. G. RUSSELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH MEAT, Offers a choice assortment of PPutPIIDS, EL-I - HOLD EN, Dealer in Sue AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND eLocic s • 70S MARKET Street. AMERICAN WATCHES, ' CIODDIAIID SILVER CASES. at WATCHES, JEWELRY,AO. A. FRESH ASSOWFURRT pROPOSALS .FOR 'BEEF CATTLE. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until the 15th day of January,l663. for tarnishing to .the Subsistence Depart ment 2,01 X) head of BEEF CATTLE. The Cattle to be delivered at WASHINGTON, D. C.. and each, animal to average 1,300 pounds, gross, and no Cattle acimitted.that weighs less than .1,000 pounds, gross. The first delivery, to be made about January 26,1863, or as soon thereafter as Government may direct; One hundred head of Cattle per day will be regutied tote delivered under this contract. . . A bond, with good and sufficient security, will be re quired. • Proposals from contractors who have provionely failed to comply with , their bids, front disloyal persons, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, will not be considered, The names of firms should' be stated in fall, with the Precise address of each member of the firm. • -- Payment to be made in certificates of indebtedness, or Stich other funds as Government may have for disburse ment. All bids to be accompanied by. two gnarantees: and directed to Colonel A. BECK WITH, A. D. C. and C. S. U. S. A., Washington, 1). C., and endorsed "Proposals for Beef Cattle " We, -, of the county of -. and State of -, do hereby guarantee that-- is able to fulfil the con tract in accordance with the terms of his' proposition and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become his securities. - (This guarantee must be appended to each bid.) The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court or of the-United States District Attorney. Bids which 'do not comply iottla the above will be re ji,Cied. ' • • jas-9t. GIILUID• FIRE AND MARINE OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Company continues to take risks on the safes classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 "DOLLARS anclisve respectfully solicitits favor in the future DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. E. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOY)) Ja., PETER S. HOB, of N. Y.l WM. M. SWAIN "FURMAN SHEPPARD. JOSEPH KLA_ _ • _PP' M.D.. N. S LAWRENCE, WM. C. HURMAN;' JOHN SUPPLER - THOMAS CRAVEN, President.' . . A. S. G ILLETT, Vice President. . JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. Ap2B-iftt W. D. SMITH L ROBERT P. SALT 'UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS, President. • .JOIIN EADlE,Secretary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 8900,000. .The business of this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash principle, which is now fully recognized as the only correct prizeiple. • :The law tinder which Chi's Company is chartered pro vides that, if the capital should, from any cause, become impaired to the extent of $25,003, or more, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make good such deficiency. This is the only cash Company In America which affords this safeguard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three years, the next on March 4th,lSfra. Rates of premium charged by this Company are as low as TO years' experience and the probable future rate of interest Wlll'justify. ' • ' 0. BARDENWERPER, Agent, No. 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.' Joseph Patterson. Es4 RE .. P r za re g s .v id on e s n . . . tlvextern Bank. Ron. Archibald Mclntyre, Treasurer U. S. Mint. Messrs Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers. - Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co., Bankers. .Mesera. Stuart & Brother, Bank street.. deldwftiSm FAME INSURA_Ni -•-• as CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. _ _ ATLANTIC COTTON MILLS. SHEETINGS ANO;SEIIIITINGS. CHARLES AMORY, Jit.,&, CO., AGICSTS, 205 CHURCH ALLEY. • IMILADELPTI r A. bur SAL SODA.-150 SMALL CASKS NEW CASTLE Sal Soda nst received, and for sale by ' RHODES k WILLIAMS. N0..1.07 South WATER Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. RAO CLIESTNUT.stRitirr, offer.lor sale, by tbe,Package— ' Also. SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, INFANTRY CLOIst . /4/31Y FLANNELS. 10 and 12-ounce DUCK. cL, :8 10 deß-mwf Sm . • STPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 10, FOR BALE BY FROTHINGHAIC as WELLS. , • WATCHEI4 AND JEWELRY. "AMERICAN WATOH COMPANY," 110VrOFFERS, EXPRESSLY , ADAPTED FOB ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS; • A ALIGKIYICEDIT STOCK OF , FOR LADIES AND GENTLRMM, AT MODERATE PRICES. No. '712 CHESTNUT-STREET, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL deg-lm (8170CFASOS TOPRAITA rnTa,) '6o'7 CHESTNUT STREET, Exams' SWISS.% AND FINE. J-EWELRY, ST.AND.ASD SILVER WARE, Suitable Sir Holiday Presents, at the • . • LOWHIMPOSSI4)LE PRICES. deSam 0031.6 m• JOS H. WA'TSON, • No. 326 CHESTNUT AT LESS THAN FORDIER. PRICE: FARR & BROTHER, Impoitere. mh2o-tt 314 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth PitOPOSALIS. FORM OF GUARANTEE. INSURANCE. COMPANIES. RfSIIIIA.NCE COMPANY. CAPITAL V 200,000. F. N. Bnck, • N. D. Woodrnff. ' Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr.. kienty Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Whilldin. • Washington Jones, Geo. Ablest, Chas. Stokes, - O. W. Davis, John W. Everman, .FRANCIS N. BC K,President. CIiARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President.. WILLUMS I. - BLANCHARD, Secretary. 210164mff E COMPANY, NO. Fi'EW.,PUBLICATIONS. MAGAZINES PROMPTLY DELIVER ED TO SUBSCRIBERS THE. DAY RECEIVED, ALL THE 'NEW BOOKS. • CARDS WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED. Parse-Paxtont Frames made any size. Large and Card Photographs. • Photograph Albums, Portfolios, &c. Fine A ute Paper and Envelopes, with Initials Stamped 'gratis. • • Stationery of all kinds very cheap. • jal-6t CHALLEN,I3OB.CHESTNUT Street. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS, IN. • -J-1 elegant hindlnge. LYRA CCELESIIS, HYMNS OF HEAVEN. THE IMITATION'. OF CHRIST. A new and elegant edition. THE EXCELLENT WOMAN. By Mr. A. Spra:Pie• RomA PRESENT HEAVEN. By the uuthor of Patience of • GRAVER THOUGHTS OF A COUNruy PARSON. HACKETT'S SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS.. LINDSAY St BLAKISTON, Publishers, 25 South SIXTH Street. above Cheannt. R. STILLE'S PAMPHLET. READY M TIRS MORNING:—IIOW RIME PEOPLE CON DUCT A LONG WAR. Bvo Pamphlet. Pricer, cents. Published and for Non by • 'WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, de9o No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS !-THE STORY OF THE OHARD: A Chronicle of the War. By Mrs. Jessie B. Fremont. Rmo. $1.26. SPRINGS OF ACTION. By Mrs. C. H. B. Richards. 16mo. El. MEMOIRS OF THE REV. NICHOLAS MURRAY, D. D. (Kirwan.) By Samuel I. Prime. ltmo. El-25. 6IBMOIRS OF MRS. JOANNA BETHUNE. By Rev. George W. Bethunc, D. D. 12mo. $1.2.5. BROADCAST. By Rev. Nehemhth Adams.l6mo. $l. For salehy . WILLIAM S. St ALFRED MRTIEN, . deli° No. 606 CHEiTNUT Street. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG KEN.- Just published, price B cents, a new edition of the late Dr.. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing Do bility, nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment, without medicine, is fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address tb e. publishers, CH. J. C. RIINE'St CO., 127 BOWERY, New York, no4-3m Post Office Box 4.568. PHOTOGRAPHS. IPLTDAYS.—MAKE YOUR FAMILY or fr,i ds happy b l y presenting_ .. them with a fine o e p ol c o e r . ed sE l G l oi irliglela s ! e , E c lat t . Si only $l. Go at It . DEL- hicI.N.U,DIENT.---.A.....-VERY G fine CARD P11010(44,11 "`ono 'MONUMENT Inte ly ri;cted to the memory' ek -.Cate MpaLSIAIADEL .:" ."-.11."' '',,TETI: & B. hit 5-4 ' No• 756 iitaiTNUT Street. IREADRES, WHEN YOU WANT A -a- , good picture go to REIMER'S - nonnla.:.illery. Ms coloretrPbotograpbs for St will give you elm--FAtigfate tion. SECOND Street, above Green. . • It TUST-OREN.F_II i • A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 906 ARCH STREET, Where the _ . . FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, OM THE CARTE DE VISITE FR TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Arc produced by the most • EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those Nv!shing first-class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A clioice selection of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand. F. A. 0. KNIPE. del7-3m . CIRCULATING. LIBRARIES. W BROTHERR.EAD'S CIRGULA • TING LIBRARY.—AII the. NEW English and American Books including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY . Library in the country that includei all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms $5 per year ; six months $3; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. seB-6m 'NGLISH •AND FRENCH FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LECTURE,I323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. Catalogues furnished gratis on application. hrary. Just ready, Catalogue of tho Young Ladies' French .LI• "Catalogue de la Iltbliothegue Maisie des Dames et des Demoiselles." M. M. MONACHESI. Agent. sc64rn 1323 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATION. VILLAGE GREEN • SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, &c. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, &a verts's. and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages. and are received at any time. .. Boarding per week, $2.Z.. Tuition per quarter, $6.00. For catalogues or informition'address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pa. oclo4l WINES AND LIQUORS. VITAS. S. & JAS. OA:RSTAIRS NOS. I.`i6 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Sweets Offer for sale the following goods in bond their own importation, viz: Cognac and Rochelle Brandies, in half pipes, quarters, and octaves. Burgundy gortt., in quarters and octaves. Oporto Port", in octaves. Triple-Anchor Gin, in pipes and Three-quarter pipes. Jamaica Ruin, in puncheons. Buy Rum, in puncheons and barrels. Claret, in casks and cases. Also, the following, for which we are the Role agents : CIIAMPAGIE.The celebrated brands of "Gold Lac' and "Gloria.' Furey & BiArnes' Frtnch Mustard. Olives. 11 • 0 • Capers. - "Carstairii'" pure Salad Oil. Also for sale, to arrive, 193 casks Marseilles Madeira. 200 baskets Olive Oil. n!) cases French Mustard. 500 cases Claret. 117 quarter casks Burgundy Port. WHISKY! OLD WHISKY! From our own and other celebrated Distilleries :We areconstautl zeceivinE OLDKFH t WHEAT, AND. BOURBON WHISKIES, With which for price and WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Our Whiskies, for purity, mellowness, and delicacy, are EMINENTLY THE BEST IN THE WORLD, And we sell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT . Has already become a considerable feature in our busi ness-, and to continue it in its present state, and to enlarge it,•we shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as cheap ly as ever. CONSIDER THESE PRICES! Monongahela Whisky, 60 cents per Old Bourbon Whisky, 75 cents per gallon. • Old Rye Whisky $1 per gallon. Extra Old Rye Whisky, $1.50 per gallon. Very Choice Old Bye Whisky, $2 per gallon. N. VAN BRIE, I.IS North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. WANTS. WANTED-A BOY: IN A: WHOLE SALE Dry Goods House in MARKET Street. Ad dress S. G. It., Prem Office. ' jai -3i ATANTED-AN ENTRY CLERK IN a Dry Goods Jobbing House; ono who writes rapidly, and is correct and quick at figures, Address, with references, " BELMONT," ar rhis Office. lto AN TiNEM.PLOYED BOOKEEPER, OF experience, having a few" boars leisure daily, is willing to devote that time in posting. closing, or set tling the books of Merchants, Manufacturers, or Trades men, for a small compensation. Unexceptionable re ferences given. Adtlrws Box 2269 Post Office. ias-12t* WANTED - A SALESMAN. IN A Hat House, - who can influence Pennsylvania and Ohio trade. Apply to JOS.. & T. H. SAUNDERS, de36a.* No. 34 North FOURTH Street. WANTED-A SPECIAL PARTNER T V with $15,1'30X), in a manufacturing business already established. 'Twenty per cent. realized on a business of onehundred thousand dollars. Seventy-five per cent. of the sales are for cash. Address, with real name, as no other will be recognised, G. J. L.. Box =Post-Of fice. de9ll-6t* TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS.- • . 3 ' An experienced SALES3IAII, having an influential and valnable acquaintance, (to whom he has sold goods for a Itumber of years past. in Baltimore.) will be open to an engagementafter the Ist January next: For inter view and reference, please address " X. Y. Z.," care Sun oßlee, Baltimore. Maryland. . de2.5-9t. IN WANTED IN CASH, AND $3,500 ..ACTIVE' BUSINESS MAN, as Seam . - tary,and Treasurer of a Manufacturing Company, where, with salary and profits he can realize the investment the first year certain. 'Undoubted t references .required. For full particulars, address lilannfacturing Co.,:' Pre hit office, with full name, to insure an interview. 3113-2z* BOARDING. ABIITOLE GENTLEMANWOULD like to engage a comfortably furnished room for the winter, within ten minutes' walk of The Press office. Address "Russell," at this office. .lei]-tf* PERSONAL. HIGHEST PRICE • PAID FOR OLD GOLD, SILVER, and DIAMONDS. at SOUTH'S. 31G FIFTH Street. below spruce: ]xa-'?t' MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, AN]) Government claims of all kinds cashed or co). laded, at reasonable .rates, by JAMES' FULTON, 4A4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. nol3-tf P ENSIONS:_ $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldieri, Minors and the relatives of mach as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced two' by ' JAMES 'FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, • • 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a es tante. • • 0c1.34f FOB SALE AND TO LET: TO LET - STORE . NO:..II NORTH Wa.THIND -Street-4404d business lo c ation. Inquire aelgo.42 . Nortb THIRD Street. • • • : • q • FOR RE.IsTTDIA.RKETSTREET—L; `mg' Prole January Ist, the second, third s and . (mirth floors of Nos. 426 and 428 Market street,.*3 by 117 feet, now occupied by Leon - Berg & Co. Apply, between IS 'and 2 o'clock, at 320 WALNUT Street, Office No; 21, up stairs. : nol3-thzatf AL' FOR . SALE.OR .TO LET-FOI7R . -1 41013SES. on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue- Apply, at the southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM streets. • mWM-tt de TO LET-,A COMMODIOUS MatIMBLLING, N 0.132 North "FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to •. WETHERILL St BRO., 0e27-t[ -47 and 49 North SECOND Street. GERMANTOWN COTTAGE FOR SALE VERY LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LEHMAN Streets, with stable and carriage house ; lot 71 by. 171 feet. . Also ' The Philadelphia House," at Cape May. with or without the furniture. The house contains 31: cham bers, large parlor,.d.lning room and kitchen, withbake house, wadi house, &c., &c. Lot 68 by 700 feet and stabling forl4 horses—pleasantly situated, and wilt be sold very cheap. A large variety of Cottages, Farms, and city properties, for sale or exchange Also, 9 Grist Mills, with lands and houses attached - B. F. GLENIi,I.23 South FOURTH Street, delS-tf or S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE, situate() two miles southwest of West Chester, near the Brandywine known as OSBORNE'S BILL, contain ing Ert acres of Land, of good quality: improvements, good Double House, good Barn, hnd other Out Buildings. The health of this neighborhood is proverbially good, and the view from theproperty is considered unequalled. For furtherparticulars, inquire of the owner s residing thereon. Wei-wheat') WILLIAM P. OSBORNE. F &RAI FOR SALE.-LOOATED ON +IL+ the North Peuusrlvanta Railroad,. one and a half miles from the North Wales Station, Montgomery county, containing ISO acres in a state of good cultivation t all the necessary buildings in good order. Nover-failing spring of water, large apple'orehtird„, &R Part :payment iu city property. apply to JOHN AIMMERM . ou the premises, or Northwest corner MOYAMNIchING Avenue and MAHRIOIT Street. Vi,COO can remain ou mortgage. ia?-I.3t* gla FOR SALE-DESIRABLE FARE, containing tei acres, 23‘ miles from Bristol Station or Steamboat Landing, or the same distance from Rail- Nra y Station, 20 miles north of the city. Also fine farm. of 217 acres, on the banks of the Delaware. Railroad Station upon the place, half mile from the Steamboat Landing. First-ninon farm improvements, bath, hot and cold water, Sm. Apply to E. PETTIT, de3o No. 309 WALNUT Streak. s tk . FOR SALE.—THREE-EIGHTHS of the , brig Thos. Wall E. k JAS: CARSTAIRS, Jr., • jal-tf I.96.WALNUTStxdtet. G.E N • 0 R:E , .E, A . CARD. MR: CARL ANSCIIIITZ. • • The wen-known. Musical Director, organized - f•Ome lI Te mouths ago a GERMAN OPERA. COMPANY NEW YORK, Which has already given upwards of Sixty Consecutive Operstic Performances. and attained a degree oflperibe- Doti in a large repertoire of Operas almost unprecedented in this country. The Orchestra and Chorus never be fore Were brought to such perfection in America: It is the intention of the subscriber to induce Mr. An- Schutz to give a birdied number of Operas with theaboee_ Company Philadelphia, tho ACADEMY. OF MUSH,. and he bas'consented to act as their Agent. The necessity of twinging the" EISTIRN O.IICIiES'TRA, ClioltUS, AND ALL ATTEN DANTS, (Who, with the artists, number eiglity•six persons) t• Philadelphia, will involve Eli. Anschutz in an enormous outlay, Which ho thinks should be, at least, partly gust, ranter 1. For this purpose, a number of subscription lists have been.prepared, ready to be placed in the hands of gentlemen who may desire to aid in the movement.. Subscriptions will also ho received at J. R. GOULD'S, corner of sEvENTII and CILESTIsiUT, and at the ACA DEMY OF MUM.. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR SIX OPERAS. Reaerved feat in Balcony, Parquet, of Parquet Circle iiss (X) Admission, without Re, ervett Seat, in Balcony, Parquet, or Parquet Circle x 4 00 PRICES OF ADMISSION. Single Admission tollialcony, Parquet, or Par quet Circle Ono Dollar Si nee Admission toFarnily Circle 50 cents Single Admission to Amphitheatre 26 center The Fix ()Perm; to be produced will be MARTHA. DER WILDSCHUTE (The Poacher), MASON AND LOCI:SMITH, and THE MAGIC FLUTE, or DER FREISCHIIT7 4 Mating a different Opera for each night. The reason will continence on the THIRTEENTH OP JANUARY, and no more than four performances will be given any one week. •In presenting the above Prospectus to the publlc, the fubseriber scarcely considers it necessary to say that While under his management every part of it will be carried out precisely as stated. AMERICAN .ACADEMY OF MUSIC. EDWARD PAYSON WESTON Max &GM. ORPHEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S El EST GRAND CONCERT! MONDAY EVENING, January 6.1843. Doors open at 7. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets to. others than subscribers, Parquet (including reserved seat). 60 cents. Family CirclO . (entrance on Locust street), 25 cents. it* IVIRS. JOHN DIUM'S ARCII-STREET . 1 -v-a- THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer..., .... JOS. D. littirE.PHX, puma DELPIIIA'S FAVORITE V cy:4,llsl, yin .t Night of th , ..; L' t ,..amaiL; it t - o f )SASS CARii - LIN E RICTIIN - GS ANI) NIL PET R?SINGS, .ided by a full Chorus and Ball 6 Dansouse 'ince Katri na . TO-NIGHT, (MONDAY), January 5, 18&I, THE ~ D AUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. ric !dim C. Richings. Du.. Peter Riciiings. o conclude with the SAILOR OF FRANCE. Seats secured six days in advance.. W A EISTUT-STREET- TiIEATRE.- 7 . Lessee Mrs. M. A." tiAßßnuereoix. Business .04,4 Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. SECOND WEEK. 'PHIS (Mehl EVENING, January 5, HiSi, Will be presented- comedy N O P ' ES "OR THB•WICKSD. • lirme Fernand • t • Mons. Genet Miss Laura Keene. Mr. W. It. Blak Moos. Fernand .• . • Mr. C. Walcott,. Jrr Mo»s.Poinatra ' • ' - '43Jr. C. Wheatleig Antoine ' ' .. ' rEE Mr. C. Peters To conclude with; A MODEL OF Pygmalion Bonneted Mr. " Wheatleigh. Tom :.C. Peters ei C ONCERT HALL, CH - ES,ui'7l - : - :ff STREET:above TWELFT[L. PEARSON'S HISTORIC dI7RROR OF THE WAR, showing all the interesting objects and incidents con nected with the rise and 'progress of the war, illustrated with startling Dioramic Accompaniments, every EVEN INO at 7g. o'clock. Tickets 2.5 cents; packages of six, SI. Exhibition every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tickets and Seats may be secured at the Halt during the day. jazi-St. THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY. -IL At .A 8., LIZZY C., ABBY, FREDDY, and LITTLE BENNETT, will give their FIRST CONCER.T at the 'tall of SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, corner of BROAD, on THURSDAY Evening, January S. Cards of Admission 23 cents. Child rents cents. Doors °Ten at 6%; Commencing at 73i. ja6-31* ASSEMBLY WOOD ROFFE'S ORIGINAL BORMAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOViERS, EVERY EVENING. and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, the Sploudid Low-pressure Glass Steam-Engino "..MONITOR" will bo 104ull operation at eaeb entertainment ANOTHER GItEAT FEATURE. .BED - All . the Bril4,mificent Works of Art manufactured by the Company are Distributed Gratuitously among the Visitors. A -valuable collection will be distributed every Evening at 0 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Sa turday afternoons nt 4 o'clock. .To ho distributed by corrm.prandingssumberi. which gives every one as equal. chance of obtaining St valuable present. The: first pro scut for each exhibition wi11.,l e a magnificent Case of Work. Admission 15 cents. No half price. PARTICULAR FOTICE.—This is the first appearance/ of the Troupe in this city- Ja:3•L2tJ woLFSOBN'S CLASSICAL SO • REES. . . • Seeonil Soiree of the Season DO sArrnmuy EVENING, January - It, 18&t FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF 51.0510. .143 CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREA_ WHALING 'VOYAGE, AT 'LECTURE ROO - , CONCERT HALL, • , ' Every Evenittg it 734 o'clock. I • And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. • This entertainment has a Real Boat, Si reel long. with HI crew, and was exhibited 250 successive nights in New York. Tickets 2.1 cents, or Ace for el. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. ADIUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOU 0.. SIGNOR BLITZ; Thegreat MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and Runnier Entertainments EVERY IEVENING during, the Week, commencing at 7g o'clock : and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will he marvellous: "expeements in Magic• wonderful powers in. Ventriloquists. and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters, • Admi:sion 55 coats: Children IS cents. de9.l-t1 WHISKY C.I,ERRANIA ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY A.FTER. NOON at 3E o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL Carl Sent& conductor. Tickets '2.5 cents. Pacta.ges of tickets, *l—to be had of Andre Sr. Co., HO Chestnut street ; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Che.Annt, awl at the hall door. ri.27-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA- DrEw OFFICE, 214 South EIGHTH St., below Walnut. deloBln PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINS ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. Is open daily' (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. WI P. N. Admission 25 cents.. Children half price. Shares of stock. S3O. 808 EDWARDS' GAIETY MUSIC' HALL, HARRISBURG.—This popular place of amusement continues to attract large audiences. Hr. Edwards is familiar with the wishes of the plemure going people of Harrisburg, and is constantly producing new attractions. de3o-8t MANGEMENTS OF 1863. NEW YORK. LINES. 1863. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S • LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. PROS WAT.NOT-STREET WHARF AND KENSINGTON DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: PARE. At 6A. M. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation *2 25 At 6A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J. Ac commodation) 2 25 At 8 A. N., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 03 At 6A. 31:, via Kensington and Jersey City 2tl Class Ticket 2 :5 At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex -press • 03 At 12 M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. 3 Accommodation 2 26 At 2P. Al_ via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 CO . At 3Pi M., via Kensington' and Jersey City, Wash. and New York Express 3 00 At 6)4 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve ning Midi 3 00 1.134 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, South ern Mail - 3 (Kt At I'3,c (Ni ht), Kensington and Jersey City, Southern Express. 3 00 At 61'. N., via. Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket... . 2 25 Do. • do. 2d•Class do 156 For Water Gap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend; Binghamton, Syracuse, &c., at 6 A. 31. from Walnut-street Wharf, via Delaware, Lacka wanna, and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, [Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 6 A. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, and 'IX P. M. from Kensington De pot (the BA. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Mooch Chunk at 3.22 P. 3L) For Mount Holly, Evansville, and Pemberton, at 6A. N. and 43!, P. IL For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton, Sic., at 11 A. M., 2g, and 5 P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton. Del anco, Beverly, Burlington. Florence, Bordeutown, &c., at B A. M.. 12 M., I, 2,4 g, and 8 P. Id. i• !W . :. For. ..4m York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot,take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and .on the arrival of each train ran from the De t. P[OT Pounds of Baagage on] y allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. Alt baggage. over fifty Pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $10), except by special contract. m 5 WM. H. GATT:3IER, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. WILL LEAVE, PROP FOOT OF CORTLANDT STREET, At 12 id:, and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10-A. M., 6,73 k, and Mg P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2T. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No.l North river, at 1 and SP. X. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. /115-tt azinva PHILADELPHIA, AND TRENTON AND CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD COMPANIES. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK LINES. CHANGE OF HOURS, AND PLACE OF DEP.UrrIIRS On and after 'Monday, January 5. ISM, the lines for New York willreave followg, viz: FROM WALNUT STREET WHARF, VIA CAMDEN AND AMBOY, At6-A. M., and 2P. M, stopping at all maxi Way Stat tions. CIA CAMDEN AND JEW Et cirr, At 63. M., and 9 A. M., stopping at all usual Way Sta.... lions. . PEW! KENSINGTON DEPOT, VIA JERSEY CITY. /AUL M., idopping at asnat Stations. At 3 P. N. _Washington and New York Express. At. 6.13 P. L. Washington and New York Express. At P : Washington and New York Mail. At MO (night) Washington and New York Express. January 11563. WN. 11. GATEMEN, Agent Beteinikg . from New York, Barclay Street. at 6 A. 3L, and 2 P. Al via Amboy aud Camden at 12 AI.; and 91.. P. N. via Jersey City and Camden, and at 7 A. at:. 10 M., and ft, 7.3D,1] . 30 P. M., via Jersey City awl Ken sington DePot. • • •• CI It: . BLA.B.ISTON, No. 22 SOUTH ..Noc• WATER Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer hi Ohio and Illinois BROOM CORN, HANDLES. WIRE, TWINE, &c. ocll,'"im THE PRRENOLOGICA_L.CA_BI, Wilf NET AND ROOK STORE is open day and even. ling for the sale of books on PhrenoloEr, Physic)... logy, Hygine, Phonography, and for Phrentoal cal examinations. Orders by. mall shoo ba addressed to JOHN L. CAPE: , ocV-wronSmit 9251 CHESTNUT Street; Phila. fa--n LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE. 11-- MOVED to No. a South SEVZNIIII Street, near e ranktia Institute. The undersigned,tlaankful for past favprs, and beings determined to . men: future patronage. 'has soured an elegant and concen,?ant store, and haa. nor on hand large assortment at Cedebrated Wrought an*, Chilled Iron Firs and Burglar Proof Safes (tith'only, strictly fire and kArglar proof safes made). Also, LillLe'n Unequalled Bank "Vault, Safeoutd Bank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Becks will be.fuytilskfyi to order on short notice . T.Ws is theetropgest, Vest pro. tected, and clamped Door owl 4oak_yet offered. • Also, parilonlar attention is called to Li lie's Cabinet Sate, for Plate, Jewelry. din This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elen%noe anything yet offered- for this purpose, and is the only one that Lt strictly fire and buniter proof. SPECIAL Norics.--.1 have now op hand say twenty 0 Ferrol, Herring. - 4 Co.'s Safes, most of them Immix. new, end some forty at other makers, comprising A coma:dep. assortment ai glees, and all lately exahanged far the r now celebra SAL They will ha sold at very low prices , lease call and exami O. M. O. SIDLSR. Anent'" CARD PRINTING, NRAT AND Cheap, it BINGWAIN TROWN't /11 tatk. lotrnEt Stmot. %%sr OhaatZ a t- Dm• FIDELIO, A. BIRGFELD, Agent. Office, 130 S. SEVENTH St., corner Walnut RAILROAD LINES. ~-""~ STRAMELL A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers