THE POLICE. Cl;erero Mr. Alderman Welding Alleged Robbery. John Robinson and William Way were arraigned yeatcrday morning, having been arrested at the New York Saloon on the charge of highway robbery, by Reserve Officer Wilson. The evidence against the accused is that, on New Year's eve, a Mr. Higgins, belonging to Pittsburg, Pa., having placed his bag gage in readiness at the Pennsylvania Railroad de pot, to start for Pittsburg,Thought he would take a stroll abotft town, he having several hours spare time. On mingling with the crowd on Chestnut street, he fell in with the company of the defendants, who seemed!tO be very clever and inclined .to'be social. Mr. Higgins was not insensible to the gen tlemanly deportment of the strangers, and kindly inriled them to take a social drink with him. They did not refuse. The New York Saloon being handy, the three men entered therein, and the refreshments were called for. Mr. Higgins tendered a $lO Treasury note in payment, and put the change in his 'pocket-book. After a while he started to go away, and the defend ants accompanied him into the street. He alleges they knocked him down, and robbed him of all the money he had, being the change that he had received from the ten-dollar note. The two men escaped. The loser remained in town, and on Thursday night N he saw the two men in the ew York Saloon, and, calling the aid of Officer Wilson, they were at once taken into custody. We have quite a number of strangers in Philadelphia at the present time. The fate of pH% Higgins may warn them to look out for clever, gentlemanly, social. strangers. The defend ants were committed to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman McMullin.] A Trio of Professionals.. Bernard 111cI!bonny, Richard Potter, and Prank Morris, filitts.Tom Mullin, were arraigned yesterday morning, on the. charge of picking pockets at the Musical Fund Hall on New Year's afternoon and eve ning. The bread bakers of Philadelphia gave their an nual ball on Thursday afternoon and evening; this time being necessary to afford the day and night hands an opportunity to indulge in the festivity of such an occasion. As a general thing, the bakors belong to a class of citizens who well know how to enjoy themselves. At the ball three persons lost their watches, and this information was given to the police. On ook ing around. the officers discovered the three defend ants, whom they regard as professional thieves. There Was nothing found upon their persons, and the ease went over for another hearing, to atibrd the losers of the watches a chance to appear and iden tify, if possible, the accused. It may be that they cannot be held on the present charge, in the event of which they will probably be committed under the ninety-dav law. The prisoners are well known to the 4)1(1 detectives. • [Berme Mr. Alaerman Doutleriy.] Pig-Catching Extraordinary. A case was preliminarily investigated yesterday morning, by the recently elected alderman of the Fifth ward, W. W. Dougherty, that forcibly re minded us of the old nursery couplet, that— " John, John the piper's son, Stole a pig and away he run." It seems that a man giving the name of Arthur Briggs, was attracted by the fine appearance of a pig, hanging at the doorway of a public house at Fourth and Cherry streets, on Thursday evening. It was intended for raffling. Briggs, however, thought that he might as well take a chance at it as anybody else, and put himself upon the!' hazard of the die," lifted it from the hook, and started down the street as fast as he well could, under the weight of pork. He was observed—the alarm was given— stop thief was shouted—the proprietor of the tavern caught the fugitive, and with the aid of the officers, took him to the Cherry-street station-house. The evidence was positive against hint He had nothing to say - in his own defence. After a hearing the de fendint was committed in defaut of vice (Before Mr. Alaerman Alleged Larceny. Three persons, doing business, as a firm, on Arch street, were arraigned before the alderman, at the Central Station,yesterday afternoon, on the charge of the larceny of some army clothing, the property of Mr. :I. F. Rosenberg. The recovery of these goods, on Wednesday night,,was duly chronicled in The Press on the following morning. The evidence, so. Mr, is slightly circumstantial. is is stated the de fendants can make a good defence. The case went over for another hearing. [Before Mr. 11. S. Cominii;sioner lloazlett.3 Encouraging Deserters. John Rockey was arraigned before the U. S. Com missioner yesterday afternoon on the charge of en ticing John Keyser and John Harris, and others, to desert from the army in which they had enlisted. The accused was simly put under bonds to appear at a future time. It is said that the "substitute business" has.been carried on by "sharpers" to so great an extent that desertion is the result. The developments in this case will prove to be of more than usual interest. [Before Mr. Aldermanllen3 An Assault with a Pitchfork. Francis Keller, who resides somewhere on the Baltimore pike, in the southern part of the Twenty fourth ward, was arraigned, yesterday, on the charge of assaulting, with a pitchforlc, a-neighbor named McCue. The testimony elicited the following facts : month or two ago Mr. McCue traded a cow to the defendant, and was to receive from him four bushels of white potatoes, to balance the account. Mr Me., not being in any want of potatoes at the time, per mitted them to remain until New Year's day. He then proceeded to the farm of Mr. Keller and ask - ed for them. Mr. Keller asked him why he did not call for them before. " Simply because I didn't want them at the time," he replied. " Well," rejoined Mr. IC., "potatoes have riz since then, and are worth twice as much now; I can only give you two bushels, and thus we'll square the ac count." " I won't take two bushels." "Then you'll take none." " We'll see about that." Finally, an angry discussion arose between the two men, and it is alleged that Keller seized a pitch fork and made a dash at McCue. The latter, being afraid of the fork thus disposed of, sought safety in flight, and was soon upon the public highway. Kel ler was held to bail in the sum of $4OO, to answer at the Court of Quarter Sessions. FOREIGN Stotemeut of the Exports II PortN, from the 16th to the 31t EN.;LAND. 1 ?lour, 1ib15.... 5,460,637 , U73 Lard, ! b s 114,W.N $1.1,5a) Wheat, .bu5h..66,620 1113.6•22 Tallow, 1b5..317,293 36, - 52 Clovers'd, bush 3,426 16,611 Hags, fbs 18,905 1;121 Corn. bush-- 16 9 Batter. lbs 339 4 Beef, pkg. 241 625 Lard Oil, Os-136,673 14,463 Des us. pkgs.... o.i 650 Kerosene OH, Oil Cake, pkgs. 2,48.1 14,3 alls 170,841 54,203 er-zad5e...,...--____: • 31113115, lbs 34,050 3, BRIT IRH W Flour, bids.... 8,018 410,500 Apples, ltbis • 100 23 1 lUdian hi., bltls ?in 2,491 Potatoes, Muth.. :SO 7:30 Corn, bush • • ... SSO 312 /leans bush.... 116 V? Lard, lbs ...... ..46.770 4.389 Otnd les. 1h5..„32,R10 4.520 Jlarns, lbs •• • • ~.44,773 4,128 Butter, lbs 10,250 2,287 Cheese, lbs 2,011 •240 MEL 131101 S, $12,./S5 Apple,. bbls: 2:3 - ago ltosi a, 1.1.45. Vi 2:x5 l'utatoes, bush SOO 787 Poet, pkg, ISO 1,275 Jiineuir, pkge 127 - '3).1 Pork, pkgs 79 1,066 Vinegstr. galls SCO ' S 6 lieroa'e Oil. Ra11...1000 147 Sots. Ttirp., ga11x..124 3 19, (:Geese. 1t.,.• 61U 93; :Lard, !Gs 57,150 5,(k,1 Dater. it 5........ 1,705 254 Nails, lbs .23,700 1,2,35 Hams, IN. 9 5195 959 roirro Flour. bbls 7S 32.51 . 56 1621 Con' Broil, .95 393 Port t0c,4,1 , w , 11 1 4 5 30t) Dread, . ..... 93 665 I Lard, ft,. 5,2;6 6081 LisnoN ]'lour,,, lIbls,• • • .1.5C0 310,411 Coal, tons 1 657 ;4,4301 Iron Lighter, 10n5..w7 S5OO 13RA •13 640,6N1 ZIRJ7 23;4441 II~It ICY. 159 it 1,0041 101 1,0101 530 2001 11l .....1,763 iO,F. IX) I Foreign In Fur the week ,eudiu FOR CONS Locomoti re Flour, .. Flour, Mils Rear, . Corn. bush (;onl. tbn, :,7.1t 1 / 4 ;ir llcrcc " bitis I)uxes sacks —.4,000 888,584 31ulasses, pan ....274 7,437 S,alk. Ash, eks... 402 14,2441 131'g Pow •r. ck 3-106 1,842 Caustic Buda, bls. 20 349 :Drags, pks ....... 18 748 Wood, casks 4 163 0 lass w a re. ca M.S. 3 7:1 llilles, CilEo 1 60 Hardware and Chains, cks 38 1,815 Steel, bars 30 743 Iron Nuts, ek5....13 218 Chandeliers,cm—. 5 2,454 Chinn Claypke.l72 13.17 Rosin, bbls I,WO I Coffe6,ll bgs 1 box 200 Cigark, box 1 Tow S ara, LAlei.lU 1,586 tall, sacks 1,1)00 IV grain, bags... .8,887 1,042 WAnB Slgar,/ibds... —Ol5 tierces 45 • bbls ...... 0474 rJuffee, bags.• —1,169 17,014 Pimento, bags. ..258 .1,967 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISRAEL MORRIS, JOSEPH C. ORUBB,_ IComxtTrEs OP Tait Morr. EDMUND A. SOUDY,a, LETTER BAGS ' AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Brig Junlab', 801 l Liverpool, soon MARINE INTELLIG ENCE. PORT. OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 3,1803.1 7 27-SIIK SETS BUN RISEki. HIGH WATER ARRIVED Brig Planet, (Br) •Lamb, 113 day 3 from Halifax, with /1/011thbeS and Ash to J H Atwood, Solar 10%1.1111yard, 1 day from Newport, Del, with flour to R Lea. Schr "Mary l Smitb,Smith 7 days from Port Royal, in initlaM to Vary Agent. CLEARED Brig Conquest, (Br) Minniss, St John, NB, Van Born, Woodworth & Co. Sulu M P. Smith, Smith, Port Royal, Navy Agent. Sir E Chamberlain, Broughton, NVashington, Thomas Webster, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEW.F.i§, Del, Jan 1. There are at the Breakwater this morning two harks, three brigs, about twenty schooners, and the revenue cutter -, Lieut. Travers, commanding, from Now London. bound to Beaufort, NC. The ship Kate Prince, for Acapulco, went to sea yesterday morning. Wind north, with a heavy sea. Yours, &c. AAROX MARSHALL. MEMORANDA Ship 3farihtt, Small, cleared at Boston Id Inst. for Cape T.iwri, CUM. kites mship Continental, (U S transport) 31arshman, from New York, at New Orleition 20th nit. Bark Aaron I Harvey, Miler, for Philadelphia in 15 de r, was at Sierra Leone :Mk Nov. Brig C C Van More, Mariana, Or Bahia and a market, 'lnured ut Boston Ist inst. . . • . Hein. Frank Herbert, Parker, cleared at Boston let last f,ir Philadelphia. The U et gunboat Alabama sailed from Boston on Thurs day forenoon. Thu marine losses for the past month show an aggre gate of forty-three vessels. Of this number two Wero steamers, eleven were ships, four wore barks, thirteen were brigs, fifteen were schooners, and one a sloop. Two the above were capturedand burned; one foundered; one sunk utter collision; seven are missing, supposed lost, and nine were abandoned at sea. The total vslue of the properly lust and Inhaling is estimated at 411,491, 000. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Spar Bttoy placed to mark lioward Ledges and the entrance to lidgetnoggin . Reach, Me, has broken from its moorings and gone adrift. It will be replaced al soon as Posifible. OF VRASELog AT THE PORT OF NEW ORLEA.3 tin. 25, 1862, winteatimbipy—Nortb frigates Washington ? City of Bath, Empire City; U S Hartford, Mississippi, aad Posse col x. Shim—Gen Shepley, John Henry, Esther, J P Whitney, Courier, Catena, lied Pacific. ]larks—Artltur Pickering Fanny Eater, Hannibal, Ade line Ade ins, Garibaldi, Geniis's Sterritt Silent old, Hobert, W 'rat W Wl, Reindeer, Elf, Courser, Hannah Thornton, E 'Wright, Jr, Urchins, E A Cochran, J A Hazard, Har mon, Revolution, J on, and H Hicks. Brig,—Bello Barnard, Lizabel, EP Stewart. Daniel MR lnuy, Woodland, E 11 Jordan, T Nif Howland, E H Fitter. Alice Lee, Sarah, Richmond, .1 A.Jordan, Laurette, J W Spencer, Bradshaw, Jelin 11 Jones, and Belle. Schooners—J X Parsons, Mobile, Ned, United States, Eveline, Alexander, Gallatin, John Walker, J W Wilder, 31 A Shied ir r, Okoinuti, and John. 91. ere trete several IJ 8. transports, two British, two •FrPf!(.ll, and ono Spanish vessels of war lying et 'anchor in the si reit in, EXPORTS. 'rem Philadelphia to Foreign :st of December. 4T TNDIE4 T° . :Pkgs.. 114 $4,300 Buell, pkgs..-- 43 59.1 Bread, pkgs.... 574 2,138 Oil Cake, pkgs.. 56 1,000 Keros'e 011, gls 2,373 1,750 Lard Oil, galls. 560 416 Vinegar, galls.. 3.52:1 327 Ale, galls 300 90 Shooks 767 1.172 Lumber .••• . 1,169 Other mdat , .• • • ' : . M AND. Timothy I.3CA 91,575 tionl3. lbs "'AU 192 "l'obacco, pkgs - tY) 1,a3 t Onions 223 Brooms 227 Lumbrr. • - •• Oil Shooks 24,S Ii Hoops 14,5-18 Machinery ..• • • • 3,6 ).) Iron, mann(' 1,17 S Pitmentrer RR ca- 2,:X/1 3fanpr. Brass ' D)) Spreie ........ . ... 500 Other mdse 750 I: WI). Ch.eMe, ttm.. Candle: It3s Bntter, fbs• Snap. lbs... 1,169 4146 6,000 101 .2,157 X 7 .1,600 70 ...... 177 . 211 mdse 1=! Tubacco, pkgi Lard, ILS 9.10,514 1,704 Butter, It), Ilanm, !Di (1 fit., lb .1,V1) MI 3,500 2.51 9,100 1,103 Iron CastingA, cwt.7o 2,500 tportntions g Di:ember 31,158:. Clothi tig, box ..., 1 • $l . l Silt, tons.. • • .2.464% 5,5 , 31 plcs..Ml 13,002 Iron, tons 24S 0,641 Goal, tons 0 70 3:10 Hides 3,076 9.6i0 Brimstone, e'5....640 .4,430 Mackerel, bbls, .414 1;102 'Potatoes, hu5...4,5E0 1,401 Logwood, t0n5...116 Toys, eases • • • . 13 73u Linens, cases. 94 2,554 Cotton Hos y, cc,. SI 2,764 d Wool Wars d, bs 101 4,115 Wool Jackets, c5..5 Ayi Worst'd Yarn, Mel 610 Beaids, eases Y Wit Books, cases 7 1,002 Matte, bale 1 11 Whisky, pun 1 132 Wino, casks 6M 204 Laths —560,000 4 1 10 Total $151,576 Rice, bags 160 57.1 Fig'd Cottons, cs. 2 414 RAILROAD. LINES. PENNSYLVANIA • crs coCENTR AL RAILROAD. • 11 =- Ek • -r • • A•Wil:'!" THE GREAT DOUBLE-TRACK SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST, NORTHWEST, .AND SOUTHWEST. Eanipments and facilities for the safe, speedy,' and comfortable transportation of passengers unsurpassed by any route in the country. 1 leare the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, its follows : Mail Train at • 8.00 A. K • Fast Line at • 11.30 A. 'M: Through Express at 10.40 P. M. Parkesburg Train at 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at .. 2.30 P. K Lancaster at 4.00 P. M. Through passengers, by the Fast Line, roach Altoona for supper, Where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at the Logan House. and may take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for ail Paints.A. daylight view is thus afforded of the entire line and its magnificent scenery. The Through Express train runs daily—all the other trains daily, exceM Sunday. FOR PMSBURG AND THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains mall the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes; West to the Mississippi and Dfissouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, 'Leavenworth, Kansas, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and all other principal points and baggage checked through. INDIANA'BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through -Express, leaving at 10.40 P. M. connects, at Blairsville Intersection, with a train on this road for Blairsville. Indiana. &c. EBENSBURG & CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. - - - - - - - The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.40 P. M., connects at Cresson, at 10.33 A. M., witha train on this road for Ebensbnrg. Trains also leave Cresson. for Ebensburg at 2.15 and 8,45 P. M HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 8.00 A. M. and Through Express, at 10.40 P. bi.. connect at Altoona with trains for Hollidays burg at 7.40 P. bt. and 5.28 A. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train leaving at 10.40 P. M. connects at Tyrone with a train for Sandy Ridge and Philipsburgg. And by Bald Eagle Valley R. R. for Port Matilda. Milesbarg, and Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.40 P, connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at 7.:Xl A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA. A; ERIE RAILROADS, For. Srmitta. WILLIAMSPORT, LOCK HAVEN, ELMIRA,- ROCIIMTER, BCPYALO and NIAOARA FALL s, Pas'wagers taking the Mall Train, at 5.00 A. M., and the Through Express, at 10.40 P. M.. go directly through without change of cars between Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trams ]raring at 8.00 A. M. and 2:101'. M. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central R. R. CUMBERLAND VALT,EY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 5.00 A. M., and Through Express, at 10.40 P. M., connect at liarrisbarg with trains for Carlisle, Chatnhersburg, and Hagerstown. WAYNESBUL BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaning at 5.00 A: M. and 23) P. M. connect at Downingtown with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER. Passengem for West Chester taking thn trains laming at 8.00 A. M. and 12.30 and 4.00 P. M. go directly through wit hout change of cars. For further information apply at the Passenger Station, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agent WESTERN EMIGRATION. Au Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves olio. 137 Duck street daily (Sundays Excepted), at. 3 o!clocl. P. M., offering a comfortable mode of travel to families going Weft, at one-half the usual rates of tare. Particular at tention 18 paid to Damao; for which checks are given. and baggage forwarded by came train with the passen ger. For fall information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, !..3 I' DOCK Street. COMMUTATION TICKETS. For 3, 3,c, P, or 12 mouths, at very low rates, for the ac commodation Of persons living oat or town, or located NI or near the line of the road. COUPON TICKETS. • For 26 trips, between any two points, at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of thnt Hies travelling frequently,and are of great advantage to persons making Occasional SCHOOL TicKETs For 1 or 3 mouths, for the use of scholars attending . school in the city.- FREIGHTS. By this route-freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa., or Mis souri, by railroad direct, onto any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. • The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. are. at all times. es favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. Merchants and shiimers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company . : S. 8.-KINGSTON, Jit., Philadelphia. B. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago, LEECH & Co., No. I Astor House, or No. 1 South Wll liam street. New York. Co. ; No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM. BRIEIWIN, No. SO North street, Baltimore, Agent Northern Central Railway. • .H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticnet Agent Philadelphia. ENOCH' LEWIS, . General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa., WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA MI • CENTRAL RAILROAD. a. Passengers for West Chester leave the depot corner of WITHOUT CHANGE and Market streets, and go through CHANGE OF CARS. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Leaverat 8.00 A. Id Arrive West Chester 10.00 A. M. 12.30 P. M. 2.25 P. M. 4.00 4. 6.00 P. M. FIIbM WEST CHESTP.R. Leave at 7.00 A...... Arrive West Phila. • 9.40 A. M. 10.54 A. M 14 12.15 P. M. •• " " 4.53 P. M. 6.30 P. M. Passengers for Western points from West Chester., con nect at the Intersection with the Hail Train at 9.17 A. M., the Harrisbnrg Accommodation at 3.45 P. 31., and the Lancaster Train at 5.25 P M Freight delivered at the depot, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12 .M., will be forwarded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Chester at 2.35 P. M. For tickets and further information,_ apply to JAMES COWDEN,_ Ticket Agent, itt2 tf ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets: - 1862. • ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD.. COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. PROM WALNUT-STREET WHARF AND KENSINGTON DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: antuen - an - anitroy, C. C and A. Ac hiri lgal:n 7 cr 812 25 At 6A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (If. J.) Ac- a commodation 2 25 Al; 8 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At II A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, West ern Express 3 00 At 12)'; P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommoda- - tion 2 26 At 2P. M., Camdenrand Amboy, C. and A. Ex press At 4 P. M., via Camden Ind 00 Express • At 4. via Camden and Jersey City, 21 Class Ticket 2 2i) At 6,V, P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve -3 00 _ - At 12% vilibLens ington and Jersey City, South ern Mail 3 00 At 6P. K., via 'Camden and AmhoY, Ansommoil , .- tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. ,l . - .. 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class do.. . ... 160 Meng A. M. Southern Mall runs daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghamton, Syracuse, Sic., at 6 A. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, via Delaware, Lacks, vranna, and Western Railroad. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem Belvidere, Poston, [Lambertville, Flemington, & c., at dA. M. from WalmA-street Wharf, and 3P. from Kensington Da. Rot : (the 6 A.4[. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Mauch Chnnk at 3.20 P. M. For Mount Holly at 6 A. M., 2 and 4X P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. • WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ste., at b and 11 A. M., 3,5, and 6.30 P. M. from Kensington. For Bristol and intermediate stations at DM A. M., from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, &c.. at 19g 1. 4K, and 6 P. M. W For New York and ay Linea leaving Kensing• ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arnval of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage onlyallowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. • de:: • • WM. H. GATZMEA, Agent. LINES FROSI NEW YORK FOR PHILAIDELPIIIA. WILL LEAVE, PROM FOOT OF CORTLANDT STREET, At 10 A. M. and 12 M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 A. M., and 4,6, and 11 P. M. via Jersey City and Ken sington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 T. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. I North river, at 1 and SP. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. PHILADELPHIA, -.-Aa.6' l- • GERMANTOWN, AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TA_DLE. On and after Monday, October 20, 1562, until bather notice. FOR GERMAINTTOWN. Leave Philadelphia., 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, A. M., 1, 2. 3.10, 4.5. 5 3 4, 6,7, 9Yi, 1034, 11/i P.M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.83, 8,8%. 934, 10%, 1134 A. L. /, 2. 3. 4,5, 6,10, 7, 1.10. 8, 9. 10.10..11 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. .. _ Leave Philadelphi;.llll,af,V7, 1.1 1 3 i P. M. , Leave Germantown . 8.10 A. M.. 9' P. t M . CHESTNUT HILL RAIL AD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10. 12 A. M.. 2, 4. 5,6, 8 and 10 P. 31. Leave Chestnut 31111, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10,1110 A- 31,1.49, 3.40, 3.40, d's. 6,34, 7.40, and 9.50 P. M. ' ON SUNDAYS. _ . Leave Philadelphia. 9.10 A. M., 2,7, P. M. Leave cimt . l32ttiviafio 4. 4. 2 12.49,0.40, and 9.10 P. M. FOR UCii§iiOHO'dkEN A\l) N RR srowrt. • Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05, 11.05 A. M., 1%, 3,4%. 6.05. 8.05,11% P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9. 11 A. M., 135, 4X, and OP. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., audig P. M. Leave Norristown 73( A. M.. and 5 P. M. FoR MAN.AY UNA". Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.06, 11.0.3 A. M., 1%. 3,4%, 6.06, 1105, and 1134: P. M. Leave 31anaynnk, 6%. 7%, UAL 9%, 11% A. M., 2,5, 6% F.M. ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Philadelphia, 9 A, M. 21" and fiX P. M. Leave Maneyunk, 7N A. M. 't3g and Si. M. H. K. SMITH. General Superintendent. oclS.t.f ' Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets MummyNORTH PENNSYL AMA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEDI, DOYLESTOWN. MAUCH CHUNK, HAMA- Toll, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, &o. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. • -• On and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1E62, Passengel Trains will leave the now Depot, TRIED Street, above Thomr , eon street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted.) an follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Sce. The 7 A. M. Train makes close connection with the Le high Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh Coal region. P. 31. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, 510. This Train reaches Easton at 6.40 PM., and makes close connection with the New Jersey Central for New York. At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4.19 P. M. For Fort Washington at 6.19 P. 51. White cars of the Second and Third-streets line City Passenger Cara run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 7 A. M., 9.30• A. M., and 6.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. Ti!. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.•10 A. M. ON SUNDAYS. __ Philadelphia for Do}ieWoWn -- ialo A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2 P. K Fare to Bethlehem ......... . .. sue Fare to Easton 1 50 Pare to Mauch Chunk 2.60 Throe h tickets must ho procured at the Ticket Offices, at :THIRD Street or BERKS Street, in order to secure the rates of fare.. , _ . ... . _ . . All senkerTr . ains (eicept Sunday Trains) P connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth-streets assenger Railroad, Eve minutes after leaving Third street. nol7 EL I 8 CLARK, Agent. REOPENING OF THE BALTIMURE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This mad, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open , for the transpor tation ofpassangers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. „ .For through tickets and all other information apply at the Company's Office, corner of BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. H. FELTON, President P. W. and B. R. R. Co. aItWEST CHESTER EggSAND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Dec. Bth. 1662, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the depot, N. E. corner of IGHEENTH and MARKET Streets, at corner of M. and 2, 4 and 6.4 d, P. M., and will leave the corner of THIRTY FIRST. and MAIIKST Streets West Philadelphia, seven teen minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. • O S UNDAYS' Leave PHILADELPH N IA at 8 A. M. and 2 P; M. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A_ M..and 4 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 4 P. M. connect at P.estuaelton with trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord,"Keartatt, Oxford, &c. li. WOOD, Saperindondont. RB.ERIFF'S SALE.---BY VIRTUE OF writ of Alias Lovari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public I,alo or ventine, on I'.I.ONDAY January 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Kansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick melomage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northwest cornerof Girard avenue and Nineteenth street. In the city of Phlladelph in, containing in front or breadth on said,Cirard avenue fifty feet two ruches, and extend ing in length or depth northward along the west side of said Nineteenth street eighteen feet. N. 13.---On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story brick dwelling. 2d N. 13.—The writ by virtue 'of which the above Pro perty will be ,sold lets been issued on a pidgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Whom Conrad, owner, or- reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1.8%,. No. 659, for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for water-pipe laid in front of said lot. . , , Seized end taken In execution as the property of Osborn Conrad, and to be sold by .TOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Merlin; 01lice, December 24, 18C2. CC. P.. 138; D..'62.] Debt. •M. 22. Lex. deAM-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex pelled to public sale or voudue, on MONDAY Evening, January er, lt3et, at 4 o'clock, at Sansozn-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the build ings: and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Lex street, Itt the distance of two hundred and sixty.' - -nine feet ten inches westward from the .west side of Fifteenth street, iu the Twentieth ward of the city - of Philadelph in;contnining in front or breadth on the said Lex street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width, at right angles, to the said Lex street, one hundred feet to Stiles street. N. B.—On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story brick dwelling, with a one-story frame kitchen.. 2d N. , l3.—The writ by virtue of which the above pro perty will be sold has been issued on :tint's:runt ob tained in the case of the City of Ph i iiithliph in vs. James D. Shaw, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term,. 1359, No. 699, for work done in front of said lot, to wit : for water pipe Jaid in front of said lot. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James D. Shaw, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philtulelph in, Sheriff's Office, December 24,1869. [C P.,143 D., '62.] Debt, 416.30. Lex. de~3 3t SHERIFF'S ,SALE.—BY VIRTUE ...OF a writ of Alias Levari FACia.5, to me directed, will be exposed to MIMIC NaIC or vcrolue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, 1q63, at 4 o'clock, et Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of. ground, with the three story brick zuessuage . or teuement thereon erected, situate on the south side of Haines street in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, at a distance of one hundred and seventeen feet westward from the west Side of Twelfth street, containing in front or breadth twelve feet. and extending in length or depth southward of that width sixty feet one inch and three quarters of an inch to a three-fret-wide alley. communicating with another three-feet-wide alley which . leads from said Haines street to Carroll street; bounded northward by said Haines street. southward by said first-mentioned three feet-wide and eastward and westwaM by ground now or late of Wzn. K. Deacon. together with the free nse„&c., of the said alleys. Seized and taken in execution as the property of .Toltn D. Perkins and Mary A., his wife, and to be sold by JOHN Tllompsox, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. December 24 liii.. - CD. C., 511' '6'2.1 Debt, 35418.79. Petit. de2s-3t • QIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 1 .-/ a writ of Levari Fitch's; to me directed. will be ex: POsed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, Jamul ry 606 , 3'3, at 4 o'cleck, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or niece of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the east side of highteenth street, tit the distance of unclean feet southward from the south side of Stiles street, in the Twentieth.ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Eighteenth street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width, at right angles to the said Eighteenth street, eighty-fon r feet to a three-feet wide alloy. • .N, B. On the above-described lot is erected a three story brick • dwelling-house, with frame .kitchen and bath-room. . . • • P. S. The writ by virtue of which thi nhove property will be sold has been ii:sued on n judgment obtained in the ease of a 13/10111 of the City of Philadelphin to the use of Michael Barry, plaintiff, vs. Moses If. Emery, owner, or reputed owner, defendant, filed in the Court of Com loon Piens of Philadelphia, of December term, 18'n, 2:52. for work done in front of said lot, to wit: paving and curbing. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Moses H. Emery, and to be sold by .TOTIN TIKIIPSON. Sheri-it Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. December 22,1201. [C. r.. ; 1).,'62.) Debt, WO.Ol. Bonsai]. (1015-3 t • gB MUFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE - OF ^- 1 a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed' will be Or posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY' Evening, January 5, ISG3 at 4 o'clock, nt Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three- Story brick messunge or tenement thereon erected, situate on the south side of Addison street. at the distance of eighteen feet westward from the west side of Eighteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Addison street fourteen feet, and ex tending in length or depth southward, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Addison street, forty feet to a three-feet-wide alley leading eastward into the said Eighteenth street. Bounded on the eastward and westward by ground now or Into of John McCrea, north ward by the Paid Addison street, and southward by the rapid three-feet-wide alley. [Being the same premises which John Dougherty and wife by indenture bearing date the twenty-sixth day of March, Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-live. granted and con veyed unto James Doherty in fee tender, and subject to the payment of a certain venrly rent charge or ground rent of fifty dollars Its therein expressed:7 belted and taken in execution as the property of James Doherty, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 24, 1562. • CD. 0., 472; D., '62.) Debt, $l,OOO. Lynd: de2s-3t SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF IC writ. of Levari Yachts, to me directed, will he E.Z. posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY livening, January 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at &mem-street Hall, All that certain lot or _piece of ground with the brick messuagc or tenement thereon erected, situate in for merly the district of West Philadelphia, now in the Twenty-fourthiward of the city of Philadelphia afore said, on the northwardly side of a certain forty-feet wide street called. Oak street, at the distance of twenty feet westwaray of the eastwardly line of lot numbered thirty-live on the plan of Hamilton village; containing in front or breadth on said Oak street eighteen feet, and extending in length or !depth northwardly between parallel lines at right angles with said Oak street one hundreil and seven feet three inches. Bounded on the north byground former] y'of Charles Stokes, on the west by ground of James M. Linnard, on the south by said Oak street, and on the east by ground of George Johnson. [Being the same premises which James M. Linnard and wife by indenture dated the twenty-fourth day of Au gust, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and recorded. in Deed Book O. W. C., No. 31, page 92, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John Dewees in fee.] Seized and taken in execution as the property of John DCWCCS. and to be sold by JOHN TIIO3IPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Wilco, December 24,1862. [D. C., 462 ; D., '62.] Debt, $764.53. Dechert. de2.53t. 1862. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed; will be ex posed to-public sale r rouble, on MO.hDAY Evening, January 5, ISE3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on west -side All. Broad street, at the distance of-one hundred and ten feet southward from the south side of Ellsworth street; in the First ward Of the. city-of Philadelphia; con -toiuing -in-fssoit — or - nrelidtli On the ipdd _Bread street - twelify:twe feet, and extendhig in length or depth west ward of that width at right angles to the said Broad street one hundred and seventy-eight feet to a forty-feet wide street called Tiernati street. Bounded northward by other part of the larger lot of ground of which the hereby granted jot is part ; Southward by ground or the said Elon Dunbar, eastward by the said Broad street and westward by Tiernan street nfore , .:nid. (Being part of the larger lot of ground which the said Eton Dunbar and wife by indenture bearing even date with a certain. in denture of mortgage, viz: March 2i, Ml, but executed Med iatol iefore th, - ecution_ofjiaaluileuture • and hid - 1161f y BE - Blriek7iTree. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry M. Black, and to be sold bv :lOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0111 c.-. December 24,1862. f.D. C., 50S; 1). '62.1 Debt, 61.31).3. M. Smith. deT-i-' . RH EMITS_ SALE. -BY ..V.IRT i& OF t*--' a writ of LCV3Iri Facies, to be dilPected, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY BVoning, January ft, UAL at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick mess - nue or teneMent thereon erected, situate on the westwardly side of the Frankftmd road, at the dis tance of eighteen feet southwardly front the southwardly side of Wood street, in the Nineteenth, ward, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Franlcford road thirty eight tet, and extending of that breadth westwardly in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles with said Frankford road sixty-eight feet; bounded northwardly by ground now or late of the estate of Jacob Bustin, deceased, south wardly by ground now or late of Peter R. Jordan, west wardly partly by ground now or late of Samuel Clymer, and partly by a three-feet-wide alley running north wardly into said Wood street, and eastwardly. by Frank ford road aforesaid. (Being the same premises which John C. Uhle and wife, by indenture bearing date the 11th day of September, Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. page 144, &c., grunted and conveyed unto the said James L. Barton, in feet) together with thefree use and privilege of the aforesaid three-feet-wide alley. N. B.—On the above-described lot is erected a three storied briek divelling house. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jathes L. Barron, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriffs Office, December 24, 1862. D. MB: Debt,•51,207.73. de2.5-31 p„BERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE,,OF a writ of Detail Fitchts, to me directed; WilVirelex posed to public sale r vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, IStt3, lit 4 o'clock, at Sausom-stroet All that certain lot or piece of ground situate. on. the west side of Broad street,- at the distance of_eighty,eigh,C feet southward from the south side of Ellswertlr...stheti° in the First ward of the said city of Philo:Male., con;‘ . in front or breadth on said' Broad street twenty, two feet, and extending in length or depth , weStward of that width, at right angles to the said Broad atiiiet;.oitb hundred and seventy-eight feet to a forty-feet:widerstreet. called Tiernan street: bounded northward , antr South ward by other parts of the larger lot of ground of which the hereby-granted lcit is part, eastward by the said Broad street, and westward by Tiernan street aforesaid, being part era larger lot of ground which the said Eton Dunbar and wife; by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: March 26, 1861, but executed immediately before the t xecittion of the said indenture, and intended to be recorded,granted and conveyed unto the said Henry H. Black in too. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry M. Black, and to be sold by • • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff'. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 24, 1862. CD. C., 607; D.,'62.1 Debt, $7.305. W. M. Smith. d0?:3.3t sIIERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF *writ of Lerari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or Tendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, ISai t at 4 0 clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that certain lot or piece of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Columbia avenue, and on the west side of Cadbury'avenue, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Co lumbia avenue sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width, along the west side of the said Cadbury avenue, sixtrone feet to a two-teet-wide alley. . N. B.—On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story single brick dwelling with two-story _brick buck buildings. 2d N. B —The writs by virtue of which the above pro perty will be sold has been issued on aindginent obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Anna R. John; eon, owner, or reputed 'owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term, 186'?, No. no, for work done in front of said lot, towit for water-pipe laid in front of said lot. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Anna R. Johnson, and to be sold'bv - ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, December 21, 1&t [C. P., 181; D., '62..]. Debt, $35.60. Ley. deZ,WI t . . SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendtte, on MONDAY Yenning, January 0, 7563, at 4 o'clock, clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Tweuty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, late in BlockleY ToWnship"in the county of Philadelphia, be ginning at the northwesterly- corner of Logan street and Clarion street, thence extending northward along the side of Logan street two hundred feet, to the south side of a street thirty. feet in width laid out and opened by Jesse M. Williams iand extending west to ground of " The Contributors to the Pennsylvania llospitalt" thence westward of the fall width of two hundred feet on the south line two hundred and eighty-live feet, and on the north line about two hundred and ninety-flve fact to ground of "The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hos pital." Bounded north by said thirty-feet-wide street, south by said Clarion street. east by said Logan street, and west h 1 said ground of "l'he Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital.''' Being the samcpreintses which Jesse M. Williams and Marietta, his wile, by indenture dated the ninth day of -October, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and recorded in Deed Book 0. W. C., No. :41, page 431, &c„ granted and conveyed unto Jacob Bart holomew in fee. -Reserving therefor and thereout, unto the said Jesse M. Williams, his hoira and assigns the yearly gr round rent or sum of oue hundred and thirty dollars in half-yearly payments, on alto first day of the months of October-and April, in every year forever, clear of taxes, &c., for. arrears of . said ground rent, the indgment was obtained upon whicirthis execu tion issued. Nete.—lt is due to Mr. Bartlioloinew to state that he has parted with his interest in said property, subject to the ground rent under which the same is now sold. Seized a ed. taken in execution as the property of Jacob Bartholomew, and sold by THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's 011 ire, December 22, 1802 [1). C., 510 1f2.3 Debt, az271.90. Wagner. de:At SHERIFF'S :SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facias, to me directed, will lie ex posed . to public sale or veudue. on MONDAY Evening, January 5,186'3; at 4 o . clurk,at Sansora-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of gronnd•sittutto in the First Ivard of the cliv of Philadelphiai.beginning at. the southwest corner di Broad and Ellsworth streets- thence extending westward along the south Side of the said Ellsworth street one hundred and seventy-eight feet three inches an 4 tive-eig,hoo, ,of an inch to a fortv-fect-wide street called Tiernan street; thence southward along the east side of the said Tiernan street thlety-two feet nine inches and three-eighths of an inch ; thence eastward at right angles to the said Broad street one hundred and seventpeight (17S) feet to the said Broad street. and thence northward along the west side of the said Broad street twenty-two feet to the place of beginning. (Being 7:art of a larger int of ground which tho said Elon Dttu-• bar and wife, by indenture bearing even date with a =- Min indenture of mortgage, viz: March W 7,1861, but duly executed and ticknowledged prior to the execution of said indeuture.and intended to lie recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Henry M. Black In fee.] • Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry M. Black,' and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff.: 'Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee, December '24; 1362, 71r, C., %I; 'ff.t 1 DOA, $1,:,415. Wm, M. Smith, dell-St THE HIESS.-PIIILADELPH , SATURDAY, JANUARY': 3, 1863: SELERIFFPS' SALES, SHERIFF'S .SALESo WavwsAnet." , ,, , A4AA,Awn. , , , ,"^",.".","" SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRT e a writ of Alias Vend Muni Exponas, to mo will be exposed to public saJo or vondue, on A: Evening, January 6, 1863, at 4 o!clook, at Suns. All that certain lot or piece of ground shunt •; north side of Federal street, at the distance o feet westward from the west side of Twelfth s liloyumensing, in the county aforesaid; coma front or breadth ou said Federal street sixteen extending in length or depth northward seve Bounded northward, eastward, and Wustward ground now or formerly of the said Stephen Si southward by said Federal Stteet Being Part o lot or Piece of ground which Henry Sales and 1 Wife, by indenture bearing data the seventeen, July, A. D. 1816, recorded in Deed Book A. W. At Page :317, &c., granted and conveyed unto. Stephen Smith in fee; and being the same which the said Stephen Smith and Harriet t his indenture bearing date the fourth day 01 Se A. B. 1819, and recorded in Deed Beek G. W. . pan h7O. (c., granted and conveyed unto the an McCarthy - , reserving a yearly ground rent of fifty payable semi- annually - . Tog ether with the free a mon use and privilege of a three4cet-wide alley eastward into the said Twelfth street. Sulij said yearly ground rent of VA N. B.—On the said lot there is erected alb brick building or dwelling house, sixteen feetfr, twenty-eight feet deep. The defendant, John McCarthy, has no Intel ct Premises. Seized and taken in execution as the proper 111CCarthy, and to be sold by TORN THOMPSON Philadelphia, Shdritrs o . lllce, December 24, 1 [D. C.. M]: D.. '63,] Debt. :•:(.16 - 2.93. Gibbons. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRT it writ of Lertirl Facial, to me directed, icill ed to pnhlie saloor vendue, on MONDAY Event, nry nt 4 o'clock, at Sans - em-street Hall, All that lot or piece of ground; situate on t side of Howard street, in the Nineteenth ward city, at the distance of sixty feet southwardll south wa rdl y side or York street. Containingi breadth on the said Howard street, three lin eighty feet, and extending - in length and depti' or that width, between. lines parallel to the. street, one hundred and six feet six inches, mot to Hope street. Seized end taken in execntion as the propert Min Coleman, nod to be sold by. JOHN THOMPSON; S Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oflice:Tecember 22, , CC. P. 193. ; .6•2 j Debt, $232,51. Thorn. F'S • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIM ,-, a Writ of Levert Fatins, to me dtrectdd, W . i posed to public sale or veittlue, car BIONDAY• January 8, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at &install-street lt 1 , Ali that certain tot or piece of ground, with 'e four story, brick messuage or tenement thereon peened. situate on the south side of Rime street, at the dittnce of seventy-nine feet eastward from the oast side i Twen tieth street, in the city of Philadelphia, cent t tug in front or breadth on the said Race street twenty .t, and extending that breadth in length or depth s ward i one hundred and twenty-nine feet to a certa hirty feet-wide street, mlled Poland street. Bounded twa rd by ground late of Samuel Jarden, southward by le said Tol ;Ind street, westward by ground Intend( to' be granted 'to Thomas M. Zell on. ground rent, a north wai d by Race street aforesaid. [Being the same remised . which Samuel Jarden and wife, by deed bearin ate the twenty-ninth day of June, Anuo Domini one imsattd eight hundred and fifty-three, and intended t • forth with recorded, granted and conveyed unto th id Ro bert bert J arde n iu fee, reserving thereout the year' round rent or sum of one hundred and forty dotiaes, .arable as therein mentioned; and which said yearlygretutd rent the said Sninuel Jarden and wire,.bY i 'Meier.° en dorsed on the said last-mentioned deed; tiled the day of January, Anne Domini one thousa &eight hundred and flfty-flve, and' intended to be forth-Rh re corded, granted and conveyed to the said itober Jarden in fee, whereby 'the same became merged an .extin-• guislied.] . it. B.—Robert Jarden has parted with.his itr the above-described premised. . ' • Seized an d taken in execution .anthe propert' Bert Jardeu, ;ix., and to be old by Jonis_ THOMPSON ,. , . Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0 lllW'December 24,- [D. C., 479; D., V.] Debt, $6.450. H. C.Thompso SHERIFF'S' SALT...BY VIRTL a writ of Levari Ptichmto me directed ;irifl posed to public sale or vendee, on P,IONDAr E' January 5, ISGi, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetall All that certain lot or piece of ground. wit that i ‘ .l ings thereon erected, situate on the south si o of street, beginning at tho • distance of one 1 indr, seventeen feet westward froin the west:,sid of 'l' second street, iu the Eighth ward of the city f Pl. phis, containing in front or breadth on !MI ACILS thirty-two feet, and extending of that wldt in let depth one hundred feet (100) feet) to G str .• N. D.—On the above described lot there is orectod a three-story brick dwelling, With two-Stor back build e ings. 2d N. B.—The writ by virtue of which the - yells will be sold has been issued on a judgi t cd in the case of the City of Philadelphia .. Mulvaney, owner, or reputed owner on th Common Pleas of Philadelphia, March ter , 446; for work done in front or said lot, to wit : i pipe laid in front of said lot. Seized and taken in execution as" the 10. Thomas Mulvaney, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 22,1 '2. CC. 1'.,134; D.,'62.1 Debt, 603. Lox. de2l-3t Sl'mur F'S • SALE.-41Y VIRIUE OF. a writ of Levari Facie, to me directed o 11 be ex posed to, public or vondue, on MONDAY Evening, January's, HiGi MN o'clock, at Sansom-Street 11, All that certain lot or piece of ground situ e ou the west side of Eighth street, between Whirton and Reed streets, i» the late district of 'Southutirk, now in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, begin-. fling at the southwest corner of .the s 1 Eighth. street, and a thirty-five-feet-wide-eirect, c Bed Lin nerd street, and extending, thence WeAW rd. along the south side of the said Liunard street rty-eight feet eight inches, thence southward at ri it angles to -said Linnard street ninety-nine feet to to north side of a thirty-feet-wide-street called E . p street, thence eastward along:the said Earp street ixty-three feet three inches and one-quarter to the west . de of the said Eighth street, and .thence northward Rion the same one hundred feet to the place of beginning bounded northward by said Liunard street; wostwardlly ground of which this was part heretofore released to Samuel Powell ;*southward by -said Earp street, ant eastward by Eighth street aforesaid ; incl tulin g on the tear end of said lot a certain threg-feet•wide-ulley leatlit4 from Lin nerd street to Earp street; laid out by Samnet,Powell for the use of this and the promises adjOinin.olt the west. Being the seine premises 'which William buknell, Jr., and Harriet M., his wife, by indenture bearin even date with, and executed before the indenture o mortgage upon which thisawitwasbrought,judgment ei erect , and execution issued, to wit: the first day of Ma ch, A. D. i t 11119. and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C.; yo. 10, Page 11, Sm., for the consideration money therein nentioned, the whole of which was by said mortga smeared, ~..[anted, and conveyed inter alia unto the sail Samuel . Powell, in fee ; together with the free and commn use and privilege of said three-feet-wide alloy way at tall -times forever and the right and privilege of building over and under the same forever, always leaving suffic e ilmt head way in the clear from the level or surface of the pave ment. . . Seized and taken in, execution as the property of Samuel Powell, and to be sold by 111 JOHN THOMPSON . , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 22,156'. CD. C. - , 514 ; D., 'GI] Debt, t 2,871.94- Wagner. Ide2s-St• - QHERIFF'S VIRTITE7OF ^-". a 'writ of Levari-Facias, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, en MONDAY Evening, January 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at hansom street Hail, Al! that certain lot or piece of ground situate on-the west side of Broad 'street, at the distance of G 6 feet south ward from the south side of Ellsworth street,' in the First ward of the said city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Broad street twenty-two that; and extending in length or depth' westward of that width, at right angles to the said Broad street; ono hun dred and seventy-eight feet to a forty feet wide street called Tiernan street, bounded northward and south ward by other parts of the larger lot of ground whereof the hereby granted lot is part, eastward by the said Broad street, and westward by Tiernan street aforesaid, "being Part of..a lergar-kot ofground.whichgthirlatid-Elot• 'Dunbar and wife, 17 indenture bearing even date with a a certain indenture of mortgage. viz : , Afarek 25,1661, but exeentedjuimediateybefare the execution_of the Ladd - vejed-unto 0 7.7 - 1. Seized and taken in execution as the property on BI y M. Black, and to be sold by . - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Slieriff's Office, DE , comber.24. M. C. 566; D. '62.) 'Debt, 67.310. W. M. Smith. d SEERIFF'S'S'ALE:=BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levaii 'Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee,on 'MONDAY Evening, January 5, 3865, at 4 o'clock, at Snsoin-stroot All that certain stone Messuage or tenement and- let or piece of ground situate on the northeaSterly 'side 'of thiS kin in street; it tut on the northwesterly side of 'Price street, formerly in the borough of Gennantown,now in the Twen ty-second ward of the said city of Philadelphia, begin ning at a corner on the side of the said Main street, theiros along the said Price street north sixty-four degrees and one minute, east one hundred and twenty-four feet and; three inches and one-eighth of an inch to a corner -stone; thence north forty-throe degrees and fi ve minutes, east sixty , :one feet eight inches to a corner -stone; thence by ground late of said . Enos Reeder north forty-six degrees and fifty-five minutes, west ninety feet and four inches to a corner; thence by ground late of Josiah Evans, de ceased, the Oro following courses and distances, to wit; south forty-three degrees and thirty minutes, west one hundred and twenty-two feet eleven, inches to a corner; thence south fifty-one degrees and thirty minutes, west thirty-five feet eleven inches to the side of the said Maiu street; thence along, the same south,twenty-six degrees and forty-five minutes, cast fifty-seven feet six inches to the Moen of beginning. [Being part of the same.prerriises which Eli K. Price and wife, by indenture bearing, date the first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and filly-tour, recorded in .Decd Book. T.ll. itumber one hundred and forty-two; page four hundred and eight, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Enos Reeder in fee, subject to the payment of five thousand dollars, part of the mortgage of seven thousand dollars reduced to five thousand dollars, executed by the said Eli K. Price on said premises.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of Enos Reeder, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 24,1 5;62. ED; C., 510; D., '62.1 Debt, $5,0:34.35. 'McAllister '• SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE, OF . a 'writ of Levan Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, 1861, at 4 o'clock, at Sansomstreet Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or. tene ment, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Washington street, at the distance of eighty-six , feet westward from the west aide of Eleventh street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front - or breadth. on . the said Washington street sixteen feet and in length or depth souhward of that width sixty feet; "bounded eastward by'ground now or late of John Lind say, southward by ground left open for , an alley, west ward by ground granted or intended to lave been grant• ed to Joshua on ground rent, and northward,br Washington street aforesaid.' Being the "saine'prenuses which Mary Edwards, by. deed dated the twenty seventh day of April, A. D. 1850,:recorded at Phila delphia, in Deed Book 0, W. C., No. 40, page 528, grunted and convoyed unto the said Isaac Wester, in fee. Together with the free and common use and privi lege of the aforesaid alley, tour feet in width, at all times forever. • Seized and taken in execution as the property of Isaac Wester, and to be sold by . JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Elliniff's Office, December 240E51. [D. C., 527 ; D., .62.3 Debt; $487.83: Blackburnet de2.54t :kJ. SALE.-BY 7 vißTtrE FO' :kJ- writ of .Levari Facies, to me . 'directed will be • exposed to pnblic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 15,18g3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoin-street Hall, Anthat ot o f ground situated on the,southoast corner of SiXth and Minor streets, in the Sixth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front. seventeen feet six inches, and in depth thirty-four feet. Three-story brick house erected thereon. . N. IL—On do above-described there is erected one three-story brick building, with store. , 2d N. 11.—The writ by virtue of 'which the above pro perty will Le sold has been issued or aludgmeut obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. A. 31: Wilkin son, Owner; or reputed owner, in the Court. of Common Pleas of .Philadelphia, of September Term, ISfi2, No. Si, for taxes against said property. Seized and taken in execution as the property of A. 3L Wilkinson, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 24, 180. [C. P., 212; D., .62.1 Debt, $197.20. Poulson. de2.5-9t SHEREFF'S .. SALE.BY:. - vrxruk' OF ft.writ of Levari Faeias,.to'fire-directed, will be exposed to public sale or Vendmi, on MONDAY Evening, January 6y16G3, at 4 o'clock, at Sausem.street Ila 11; All that certain three-story brick, messuage or tenement and lot ofpiece of ground situate on the south side of Pratt street, at the distance of one hundred and seven feet eight inches eastward from the east side of Nixon street, in the Fifteenth ward of the eityof Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Pratt street thirteen feet !four inches, and extending southward at right angles therewith in length or depth forty feet six inches, including, at the southwest corner thereof, part of the head lira four-feet-wide alley, which extends from a point one hundred and nine feet eastward from said Nixon street, in length Westward sixty-four feet,- and thence at right angles of the same width, comminute:ding with Chtytoristreet at the distance of tufty-five feet eitst ward from the said Nixon street, (as the said alloy has been laid out by Parry. & Randolph,) Midway between the said Clayton and Pratt streets, for the continua Use and privilege of this and other lets of ground hounding thereon. [Being "the same premises which Samuel G. Coniston and Jonathan Bordner and their Wives, by in denture dated the twenty - ninth day of September, Anne lit mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three,:and intended to be forthwith recorded,granted and conveyed unto the said John C. Reisuer in fee, subject to a certain yearly ground rent or stun of forty-two dollarA, payabl n half restrly, on the first day of the mouths of January and auly ut every year, to Oliver Parry and Nathaniel Jtandolph; their heirs and assigns.) . T9sether with the `free' andcolitinen right, use, liberty, and - privirego of the said four-feet-wide-alley at all times hereafter for ever, -Seized and taken in executionas the property of 'John C..llehmer, :411E1 to be gold by jifirx Tirompsolv, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheri fra Office. December 24;1.,.62. CD. C.. rde); D.. '62..) Debt, Paul. de?.-1-13t QUEI{IFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE • OF k? a writ of LavaKi Facing, to me directed, will be exp . :natal to POD& sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening, Jo nua ry 5,1%1, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All - that certain lot or pike of . gronnd, situate on the itiefaLaide of Kerr street, at the distance of eighty feet south of Pine street; in the Seventh ward of the city of containing in front or breadth on said Kerr street thirty-two feet, and extending of that width in length or depth westerly at right angles to said Kerr Eirreet °hell ti tal red and twenty feet to Tweuty-third street. 11". - 13.—On the above-described lot the . fellowing 'build ngs are " erected, to wit : three nit ti nisged '01.21N -story ,brick d Wel lings, fronting on Kerr street. T. 2d N. I.3,—Tie writ by virtue of which- the above.Pre perty will be sold has'been issued on nifalgrueitt obtain ed in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Mr. trice, owner, or reputed owner, in the Cintrt of Common Pleas of Philadelphid, March Tenn, 1862 No. -hlB, fat work done In frout of said lot, to wit: for footway grading and paving done in front of said lot. • • Seized end token in execution as the property , of My. Once, and to be sold by • . • • . • JOU N THOMPSON, Sheriff. • • Slieritrg O ir.. Dec:Amber 21,183'2. [C: 183; D., '63.] Debt. $16.58. - I,nx. deB3-31 SHERIFF'S SALES. N. , ?..k"AnwnnnevN,".""N0vw , "^A",;,""..""n",•,, , , , ,, ,, A, SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Januar IEX33, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall; All that certain lot or piece of ground, and two-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the west aide ofFront street, in the late district of Ken sington, now Nineteenth ward of the city of .Philadel phia, commencing nt the distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet southward from the south side of Norris street, containing in front orbreadth on said Frontatreet sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that width westward at right un los with said Front street .one hundred and ten foot to Hope street. Being the same lot of ground Witch Charles Noble, M. D., and wife, by intim tire dated the sth dal' of December, A. D. 1555, and', recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. D. S , No. 90. page 5, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Joseph Hodgson, in fee, reserving thereout a certain yearly ground rent or Bum of fifty-night dollars,payable half yearly on the first day of the months of January - and •July, in each and every year, without deduction • for taxes, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Hodgson, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • • Pliiiadc4phia, Sheriff's Office. December 34,1&32. (D. C., 523; D., '64 1 Debt, WV. W. J. Budd. de2s-3t • . SHERIFJWS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Exponits, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Rveniug, January 618;33, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hall, , No. 1..A1l that certain lot or piece of grdund, with the Ahree-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northwest corner of Monroe or Norris street, and a thirty-feet-wide street called Orchard street at the distance of eighty-nine feet seven and sae hal t inches east from Fifth street, containing iu front or breadth, on the said Monroe or Norris street, fourteen feet seven and one half inches, nud extending in depth • northward of that width, between lines at right angles with said Monroe or Norris street. sixty-three feet live and three-quarter inches to a three feet six inch wide al ley lending eastward to said Orchard street, and being the same premises which Abraham Swartz and wife, by indenture dated the— day of December, one thou Sand • eight hundred and fifty-eight, and l•ntonded to be record ed, panted, and conveyed to said Jacob Serrill in fee, sublect to a yearlv ground rent of seventy dollars, pay-. able half-yearly, &c. No. A. All that certain lot or piece of ground arid three-story brick messuage - or tenement thereon erected, situato on the north side of Monroe or Norris street, in the City of Philadelphia, at the distance of sixty feet eastward from the oast side of Fifth street, containing in front or breadth on said Monroe or Norris street fiffeett • feet, and extending in depth northward of that width, between lines sit right angles with said Monroe or Nor street sixty-three feet five and three-quarter inches to -'three feet wide alley, leading eastward to said. Orchard Street, and being the slime premises which Abra ham Swartz and wife, by deed dated the day of December, one thousand eight handredand fifty-eight,' anti' intended to be recorded, granted ' and conveyed to • the said Jacob Serrill in fee, subject nevertheless to vearly ground rent of sixty dollars, payable half-year s ly, Ste. No. 3.5-All that certain lot or piece of ground and the three-story - brick inestmage or tenement threw' erected,' situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the north side of Monroe or Norris street, at the distance of forty-live feet eastward from the east side of Fifth street; containing in: • front un said NeDV(IO or Norris street fifteen feet, and ex * kindlier in depth northward of that width, between lines at right angles :with said -Monroe street. slxty-six feet - eleven and 'three-quarter inches. No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick meeseinge thereon erected, situate on the north side of Monroe or Norris street, at the distance. of thirty feet east eel from the east side of Fifth street.. containiug in front or breadth on said Monroe street fifteen feet, and extending in depth northward of that width, between lines at right angles with said Monroe street, Sixty-six feet eleven and three quarter inches 'No. 6. Allthat certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick mommage thereon erected, situate inn he city, ef Philadelphia, on the north side of Monroe or Nor rib street, nt the distance of fifteen feet eastward from the east side of Fifth street; containing in front on said Mon roe or Norris sire t fifteen feet, and extending iu depth northward df that width, between lines at right angles with said Monroe street, sixty-three feet five and three quarter inches to a three feet wide alley leading west ward into said Fifth street. No-6. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-storY brisk tenement thereon erected, situate at the 'northeast corner of Fifth and Monroe or Norris street; containing in trout on said Monroe street fifteen feet, and extending in depth along the east side of said Fifth street sixty three feet five and to ree quarter incheS to a, three feet six inch wide alley leading westward into said Filth' street. , ' No. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the • three- story brick mossuase or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Fifth street, in the City of Phi . ladeiphia, at the distance of sixty-six feet eleven and three quarter incites northward from the north side of said Monroe or Norris Street; containing in front on said Fifth street sixteen foot, and extending in depth east ward of that width, between lines at; right angles with said Fifth street eighty-nine het seven and one half inches' to Orchard street; being the same premises which Abraham[ Swartz and wife, by deed dated the day of December, one thousand eight Muni red and fifty-eight, granted to said Jacob Serrill in fee, subject to a yearly ground rent Of seventy-eight dollars, payable ludf yearly, • No. 8. All that certain lot or piece 'of ground, and the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of eighty two feet eleven and three quarter inches northward from the north side of said Monroe or Norris street; containing in front on said Fifth aired sixteen feet, and extending in depth eastward of that width, between linos at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine feet seven and one half inches to Orchard street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of soveuty-eight dollars, payable half yearly, c. • . No. 9. All that certain Jot or piece of ground, and the Csree-story brick messuage or tenement thereon enacted, situate on the east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of ninety-eight Piet eleven and three quarter inches northward from the north side of said Monroe or Norris street; containing iii front en Satil, rad StreSt aixteOu feet, and extending in length eastward of that width, be twee.wlines at right angles s with•snid•Fifth street ' eighty nine feet, seven and three quarter inches to Orchard Street; being the same promises which Abraham Swartz and wife, by deed dated the day of December, one thdursind eight hundred and fifty-eight, conveyed; to Jacob Seri-ill in fee; subject to a yearly ground rent of seventyyolehit dollars, passble half yearly; &c. • No. 10. All that certain lot or piece of ground, and the _three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the - east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of one hundred-and fourteen feet eleven and three quarter inches northward from the north side of Monroe or Nor ris Street ; containing in front on said Fifth street sixteen feet, and extending in length eastward of that width, at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine feet seven and one half inches to Orchard street. No.ll. All that certain lot or pieceof ground, and the three-story brick messuage thereon'erected, situate ou the east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of one hundred and thirty feet eleven and three quarter inches 'northward ftom the north side of Monroe or Norris street; containing in front on said Fifth street sixteen feet, and extending in length eastward of that width, at right elegies with the said, Fifth street, eighty-nine feet seven and one half inches to Orchard street, No. 12. All that certain lot or piece of ground, and the three-story brick inessuage thereon erected, situate en the east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of one hundred and forty-six feet eleven and three quarter inches northward front the northside of Monroe or Nor- • ris street ; containing in trout on said Fifth street sixteen -fret, and extending eastward of that widths at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine feet seven and one half thews to Orchard street. „ No. 13. All that certain lot or piece of ground, and the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on said Fifth street, at the distance of -one hundred and sixty-two feet eleven and three quarter inches northward . from the northeside of Monroe or Norrisatreete • contain , pig iu front on saidTifth street sixteen feet, and extend ing eastward of that width, at right angles with said • 'Fifth - street; eighty-nine feet seven and one half inches to - Orchard street •, being the same premises which Abraleun Swartz and wife conveyed to Jacob Serrill, subject to a • yearly- ground- rent of seventy-eight dollars, payable ' half 'yearly &c. 0.14. All that certain let or piece of ground, and the three-story brick measuage or toneinent thereon erected,. situate on the east side of ssid Fifth street, at the distancetm , one hundred and seventy-eight feet eleven and three quarter inches northward from the north side of said :Monroe or Norris Street; containing in front on said Fifth street sixteen-lees timid extending in length east ward-of that width, between lines at right angles with . said-Fiftle street; eighty-seven feet. severs and one half inehen to Orchard street.- Subject to a ground rent of • .• 15 .., `, Z, '‘1'r 1,0 7.4 : A l4 t i l L t il ita °l t ia c r e e rtat r n a. f i o n t ulu .r idee'egigynnesattratteNffi stilftwt-mutr-drssamsdeitth Street, afrne. dietance of One hundred and ninety-four feet eleven and threesouarter inches from the north side of said llonisie or Norris street; con coining in front on said Fifth street sixteen feet, • ansi s e x teudingin length eastwardef that width, between - lines at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine fent eleven and three quarter inches to Orchard street, Subject to a ,yearly ground rent of seventy-eight dollars. No. 16. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick messnage thereon eructed; situate on the . east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of two hun dred and ten feet eleven and three-quarter inches north ward from the north side of Monroe or Norris street; con tniuing in front on . said Fifth streetsixteen feet,and extend ing in length eastward of that width, at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine feet seven and one-half inches • to' Orchard street. Subject to a yearly -ground rent of • Seventy-eight dollars. No. 17. All that certain lot or piece of ground and the three-story brick inestmage thereon erected, situate on We east side of said Fifth street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty-six feet eleven and three-quarter inches northward from the north side of said Monroe or Norris street; containing in front on said Fifth street sixteen feet, sold extending in length, eastward of that width, at right angles with said Fifth street, eighty-nine ftet seven and one-half inches to Orchkrd street.. Subject to is ground remit of seventy-eight dollars per annum: No. IS All that certain lot or piece of ground and the three-story brick me.simage thereon erected. situate on the east side of Fifth streets at the distance of two hundred , tied forty-two.feet eleven and three-quarter inches north , Ward from the north side of Monroe or Norris street; con staining in front on said Fifth street sixteen feet, and ex :lending length or depth eastward of that width; at 'right angles with said Fifth street, oighty-nine feet seven • and one-half inches to Orchard street. Subject to a ground rent of seventy-eight dollars per annum. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacob Serrill, end to be sold by . JOHN THOII - F.iON Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's °Mee, Decembers 4; [D. C., 4SO; D., 'O2J Debt, 8617.03. Byers & Dobson. dell-It tsterly n said om the rout or led n ad ,isterl3 I York O build- Locust •cad and wenty dladet- t street ugtlt or cut obtain :. Th 01113.8 Court or .1838, No. for Amcor: Oreity of SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Yenditioni Expenas, to no directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, 'January- .5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoin-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the, three-story brick messnage or tenement erected thereon, situated at the southwest corner of Parrish and Nine teenth streets, in the city of Philadelphia, in front or breadth on the said Nineteenth street eighteen feet six inches, and extending in length or depth westward of that width,' between parallel lines at right angles with the said Nineteenth street, seventy feet to a three-feet wide al MY leading northward into said .Parrish street. Bounded northward by said Parrish street, southward by the next-described lot, eastward by Nineteenth street, tad westward by the said three-feet alley. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, With the three-story brick Messuage or tenement thereon erected, situated at the distance of sixteen feet three inches southward from the south side of Parrish street, do the said city, containing in front or breadth on the said Nineteenth street eighteen feet six inches, and extending in length or depth westward of that width, between pa rallel lines at right angles with the said Nineteenth street, seventy feet to the above-mentioned three-feet-wide alley. Bounded northward by lot last mentioned, south ward by lot next described, eastward ), said Nineteenth street, and westward by the said three-tent-wide No. S. Also, all that certain lot or piece of gfound, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situated on the west side of Nineteenth street, at the distance of thirty-four feet nine inches southward from the south side of Parrish street, in the said city, containing in front or breadth on the said Nineteenth street sixteen feet three inches; and ,extending in length or depth of that width; between parallel lines at right angles - with said Nineteenth street, seventy feet to the slthf - three-Teet-wide alloy. Bounded northward by the last-above described lot, southward by the next-described lot, eastward by. the said 'Nineteenth street, and west ward by the said three-feet-wide No. 4: also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick inessuage or tenement thereon erected, situated en the west side of Nineteenth street, at the distance of flfty-one feet southward. front the south side of Parrish street, in Die said city, containing in front -or breadth on the said Nineteenth street sixteen feet three inches, and extending in length or depth westward of that width, between parallel lines as right angles with said Nineteenth street; seventy feet to the said three-feet wide :alley. Bounded northward by the last-above de scribed: lot; southward by other ground now..or late of the t;add Elam P. Witmer, eastward by the, said Nine teenth street, and' westward by the said. three-Met-wide alley. Together with the free and common use of the said three-feet-wide alley. . Seized'and taken in execution as the property of Elam P.Witxuer,' and to be sold by • • JOHN THOMPSON , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otlice, December 22, CD. C., 400 ; -Debt, 1554.4:E3. S. G. Thompson.. , Ac2s-' t S. LET'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE .OF a writ of Levert Faciae, to ale directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5,15&i at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroet Hull All that lot of ground situate on the south side of .Tames or Cheidnut street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city . of Philadelphia; the said property is in the village of Hamilton; marked and described on. the said plan of Hamilton, as Nos. 30 and 32,mnd recorded hi Deed Book B. P., No. 31.), page 575. Bounded on, the east by lot No. 34, unlit° west by lot No..tS, on the south by York street, and on the north by Junto>: or Chestnut street, containing in front or breadth 100 feet, each lot 50 feet, and in depth to York street 9.1.5 feet. Y. 5. , --The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold, has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the' City of Philadelphia vs. Bicknell & TuAsa; owners or reputed owners, iu the Common Pleas Court. of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1862, No. 47, for taxes against said property Seized and taken m execution as the yroporty of Bick nell & Tassel), and to ho Kohl by • JOIN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 24,1.932. [C. P„ 2fi7; D., 'GU Debt; W. 25.36, Poulson. de?..5-3t siIIAUFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OP • a writ of Levari FaCiag, to me directed, will be ex posed to •publ lc sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, Januari-5, - 1863, at •I o'clock, at Sausem-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Sixth street , . at the distance of sixteen feet ,oven an d three-eighths mulles northward from the north • side - vr . Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia, con taining in front or breadth on the said Sixth 'Street'Six- • teen feet, and extending. in length or derail weatwstrd of that width ninety feet. Bounded northward and south ward by gNonnd granted to Alexander Dubois, eastward by Sixth street, and westward by a four-foot-wido alley lending into Oxford street. Together with the free and commonuse and privilege of the said four-feet-wide alloy as and for alaumge-way and wider-eourso at all times hereafter. [Wing the same premises which Charles J. Stille and wife, by indenture bearing even date.with a . certain indenture of mortgage, viz., December third; one thousand eight hundred and fifty-Eve; but duty executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said Wen hire, for the consideration therein expressed, the whole of • which was intended to be thereby secured, and port whereof, to wit: eight hundred dollars, the said Charles Stifle,J. by an Instrument of writing bearing eveil tints therewith, viz., December third, A nuo Domini ono thou..' sand eight hundred and fifty-five, has covenanted with' the said Alexander Dubois to advance and pay to him to• aid in the erection of a dwelling on saldbat, g r a n t e d and conveyed unto the said•Alexanaer Dubois in tie.] Seized and taken in execution as the property•of Alex antler Dubois, and to be sold by . • . • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff* Office, December 24.11362. CD. C., 476; D., '62.1 ...Debt, $2,45.65. Thorn. d027.8t SHERIFF'S SALES. WIERTIT'S SALE.-BY VIRTVE:DF ki a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to miblin sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, January fi t 1563, at 4 O'clock, at Sanaom-qreet All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three 'story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected. situ ate on the north side of Master street at the distance of sixty (iv) feet eastward from the east side of Franklin, street in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front or breadth on the said Master street, fourteen teet, and ex tending"in- length or depth northward of that width at right.augles to the said blaster street fifty feet, inure or im , s. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Geo. Dowell, eastward by other ground of the said Sarah A. - Dickerson, westward by ground now or late of the said John Dickerson, and southward by Master street afore id.(Being part of a certain lot or piece °fgt.(' und which George Magee, Esq., high sheriff off and for the city county of Fbillidelphia by deed poll under his hand and seal,datod the second day of May, maw Domini 1537. duly 'acknowledged the same day in open District Court for the said city and county and entered among the records thereof: in Sheriffs Deed Book K, No. '2, page 4 . 38, granted and conveyed unto the s:t id Sarah A. Dicker Sou, in fee.) Seized and taken In execution as the property of .Tohn Dickerson and Sarah Ann Dickey-son. and to be sold by . Plpiladelphie, Sheriff's Office, December 24, MI CD. C., 40ff ; 1)., '62.3 Debt, $72.4.90. Erety. .SITERIFF'S SALE.BY:TIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Fades, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or veudue. on MONDAY Evening. Jo nnary 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All [that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Hamilton street, at the distance of one hun dred and seventy-four feet six inches cast from the east side of Twenty-fourth street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city oflthiladelphia ; containing in front or breadth on said Hamilton street sixteen feet, and extending of that width in length or d-pth northward , . between lines parallel with said Twenty-fourth street, one hundred feet to Ralston street. N. B.—The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold linx been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Margaret Reilly, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1858, No. 757 for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for water-pipe laid in front of said lot. • Seized and taken in execution as the property of Mar garet Reilly, and to be sold by .701 IN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 4,1562. CC. P.,152: D., 62.1 Debt, $l5 75. Lex. dc2.543t SHERIFF'S SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, tome directed, will be ex- Posed to public sale or 'yendue, on MONDAY Evening, Ja Dun ry-r 181 D; at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street No. L All that certain lot or piece of ground situate us the district of Penn, in the county- I. of Philadelphia, be ginning at northwest. corner of bclutylkill Front or wenty-second street and Thompson street; thence ex tending- north - weirdly along the - west side of the said Schuylkill Front or Twenty-second street four hundred and eighteen feet to the south side of Master street, thence extending westwardly along the south sideof said Master street four hundred feet to the east side of Nixon or Twenty-third street, thence along the east side of said Nixon or Twenty-third street four hundred and eighteen feet to the north side of Thompson street. and thence ex tending along the north side of said Thompson street eastwardly four hundred feet to the place of begiuning. No. 2. -Also, all that certain triangular lot or piece of ground, situate in the district aforesaid, beginning at the southeast corner of Nixon or Twenty-third and Thompson street, thence extending eastwardly along the south side of said Thompson street two hundred and ninety-three feet and five-eighths of an inch to a point, thence ex tending westwardly along the north side - of College avenue three hundred and seven feet - ono inch and oue eighth of an inch to a corner of said Nixon or Twenty-- third street, and thence extending north wa ritty along the east side of said Nixon or Twenty-third street ninety feet eleven inches and seven-eighths of en inch to the place of beginning. - . No. X. 'Abio, all'thateertain lot or piece of ground, situ ate on rite south side of said Thompson street, extending front Nixon or Twenty-third street to William or l' wenty fourth street, in the district aforesaid, containing- in front on the said Thompson street four hundred feet three inches, and extending of that width southward along the west side ot" said Nixon or. Twenty-third street one limited feet SIX - Inches mid ''ono-eighth ighth of au inch• and along"the east: line of said .William or Twenty-fourth street two hundred and thirty feet eight inches and one eighth of an inch to the north " sideof said Col logo avenue, NV 11 ere it contains in front extending from the said Nixon Or TWenty-third to'William or Twenty-fourth street four hundred and nineteen feet and seven-eighths of an inch; bounded ou the, east by the said Nixon orTwenty-third street, ou the north by the said Thompson street, on the west by the said William or Twenty-fourth street, and on the south by College avenue aforesaid. No. 4. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situ ate on the north side of the said Thompson street, ex tending from the said Nixon or Twenty-third street to William or Twenty-fourth street, in-the district afore said; containing in front on the said Thompson street burr hundred feet and three inches, and extending in length or depth along the said Nixon or Twenty-third street, and William or Twenty-fourth street, respec tively, three hundred and seventeen feet six incites to middle of a certain twenty-five-feet-wide-street lately laid out for public lute, mulling from tire said Nixon or Twenty-third street to William or Twenty-fourth street: bounded on the east by the said Nixon or Twenty-third 'street, on the north by the other half of the said twenty five-feet-wide-street, on the west by the said William or Twenty-lourth street. and on the south by Thompson street aforesaid. ' No. 5. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situ ate in the district aforesaid, beginning at the north westerly corner of College avenue and William or - Twenty-fourth street, and thence extending uorthwardly along the west side of the said William or Twenty-fourth street-two hundrekand forty-six feet two inches and three-eighths of an - the south side of Thompson street; thenCie W,cs„, haultCW4d 1 84'4 1 t lit , of 012 said Thompson street ourrea met nine incheS anti, on half to the cast side of Fairmouut or Twenty-fifth street; ththce southward along the east side of the said Fair ntelifilt or Twenty-fifth street three hundred and seventy Met six inches and three-eighths of an inch to the north easterly corner of the said Fairmount or Twenty-filth. street and College avenue, and thence northeastwardly along the northwestwardly side of the said College ave nue four hundred and nineteen feet seven inches and ti - c -eighths of an inch, to the place el beginning. ' No. 5. Also, all that certain lot or piece or ground, situ ate in the district aforesaid, beginning at the north westwardly corner of College avenue and Fairmouut or Twenty-fifth street; and thence extending uorthward along the west side of the said Fairmount or Twenty -1 fifth street three hundred and eighty-six feet and five eighths of an inch to the south side of Thompson street; thence westward along the south side of the said Thomp son street two hundred and twenty-nine feet two incites and one-eitarter (including the easternmost twenty feet of a set min fifty feet wide street lately laid out for public use) to the easternmost line of ground formerly of Conrad S. Esher and John Birch; thence by the same southeasterly four hundred and fifty-two feet eight inches and flve-eighths of an inch to the northwesterly Meteor the said College aventfe, and thence northeasterly along the uorthwestwardly side of the said College ave nue one hundred and eighty-seven feet and one-half of an inch, to thud:ice of Aeginniing. , all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the district aforesaid, beginning at the northwesterly corner of the said Wi lin tn - or Twenty-fourth street and Thompmn street, and thence extending northward along the west side of the said William or Twenty-fourth street one hundred and seventy-seven feet nine inches and three eighths of an inch to the middle of a certain new street twenty-five feet wide, laid out for public use, ex-, tending from the said William or Twenty-fourth street to Fairmount or Twenty-fifth street, thence westward along the middle' of the 'said twenty-five-feet-wide street four hundred feet nine inches and a half to the east side of the said Fairmount or Tweuty-fittlitstrect, one hundred and -seventy-Severi Sea nine Masa and three-eighths of an inch to the northeasterly corner of the said Fairmount or Twenty-fifth street and Thompson street, thence eaSt ward along the north side of the said ThompSon street four hundred feet nine and a. half inches to the place of beginning; and also all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in .the district afore Said, beginning at the north westerly corner of the mid Fairmount or Twenty-filth street and Thompson street; mid thence extending north ward along the west. side of the said Twenty-fifth or Vahmouut tutreet seventy-one feet three inches to ground of William Sharswood and others, thence by the same westward on ;Ohio parallel with the said Thompson street two hundred feet tai ground of the Spring Garden Water Works, thence by the same 50uthwata,v,......,,, feet four and one-quarto inches to a peint,thencestildt the same senthwestwnyilly thrty-one feet three and a . ha inchesrch, 1 t b e i glu o n , d a of. B C o o l ll it l h lt eara d S: : Biter and /1. AortiCsidexff the iiifallonipson street two hundred and' thirty4ive feet -eleven inches3o. the place of beginning. (Which said several - lots bi• pieces Of ground above described aro the . same which the said William Bucknell, Jr., by laden cure bearing even date herewith, but duly executed and • delivered the instant next immediately preceding these presents, and intending forthwith to be recorded for the consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof is hereby secured, granted and convoyed uuto the, said " Gis aril-Laud •Building Association," their !sucees tiers and assigns forever.) . N. 13 —The premises above described Wore divided into lots marked and numbered on a certain lithographic plan thereof made by the'Girard Land and Building Associa tion defendantsa copy of winch is now, and may be examined, in the office of the Sheriff of Philadelphia— :and the trhole of said 'premises will be sold as above de - scribed except the lots 'numbered on said Mau as fol lows, viz: Lots Nos. 21 to 64 inclusive; Nos, 63 and 66; No. 71; Nos. 84, 85, and 86; Nos. 114, 116, and 118; Nos. 1'211,110, and. 182;. No. 217; Nos. 247 and 248; Nos. 2.55, 256, 2117,'218, and'2s9. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Girard Land and Building Association, and to be sold by • . , • .1011 N 1110,NEMON, Sheriff. -Philadelphia, Sheriff's Nice, December 12,186? deli-3t ID. C., KB; '62.5 Debt, $ J. F. Johnston. LEGAL. IN THE • ORPHANS' COURT TOR -A• THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Beate of JAMES C. McILVAINE, a Minor. The Auditor. appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of EDWARD GARRETS, Guar dian of the person and estate of James C. /Relivable, a minor, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, January. 7th 1833,14 S o'clock P. M., at his office, 8. E. corner of SIkTH and WALNUT Streets. in the city of Philadelphia. D. W. O'BRIEN, de2s-th s tu-6t Auditor. TN: :THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -a- THE Qp'l" . AND COUNTY 44,..PHILA DELPHIA. ksist - teof The Auditor appointed by the court to audit. settle, and adjust the account tiled by AARON THOMPSON, Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. to the estate of CONRAD HAWSE deceased, and to mat e distribution of the balance in!the handset' the accountant, Rill' meet all parties in terested in said estate, to outer upon the discharge of his duties, on SATURDAY, January 10th, A. D.IK at 3 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 109 North SIXTH Street, in the city of rhiladelphia. je.l.-tlistitst TN THE ORPHANS' OOLIRT FOR THE -A- CITY ACID - _ • Estate of JOAN SMITH, deteased. ' The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of MARY SMITH and WIL LIAM JOHN FERGUSON, Executors of the last will and testament of John Smith, late of the city of Philadelphia, liquor dealer, deceased, and make distribution. 01 the ba lance in-tbe hands of the accountants will meet the ties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on "WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of January, 1913, at 4 I'. 11., at his office, at the southeast corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. • • jal thlituSt* ' O. W. DAVIS, Auditor. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE. -BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale by the Honorable John Cadwala der, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern' District of Pennsylvania, iu Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Micheuer's store, 112 N. 'FRONT Street, on MONDAY, January 12th, 1883, at 11 o'cloc'r A. M., the following articles of merchan dise, to wit: BO boxes Tin. 9 cases Howard St Son's Quinine. 6 cases Foolscap, Letter, and Note Paper. 2 bales Union Twilled Cassimere Suits. I small case Shoes.. 2 pipes Port Wine. 2 half pipes Brandy. 3 casks Claret (sour.) . • 13 eases Burgundy Port. : ' 4 " Sherry Sack: 4 " Claret. . - 3 " Whisky. . • 8 empty Caret Casks. • - , '1 " Whisky Quarter Pipe. ' Catalogues will be issued five days prior to the sale, and the goods examined at said store. WILLIAM MILLWARD,- . • United States Marshal E. D. of Pa. .Philadelphia.; December 31, 1863. . jal-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Honorable John Cadwalz der, Judge'ef the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at pnblic sale, to the highest and best bidder.lor cash, at Cal lowhill-street wharf, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th.1Sli, at 12 o'clock M., the Canal Barge N0..21. as she now lies at said wharf. • . WILLIAM MILL WARD, United States Marshal E. D. of Pa. Philadelphia. Dec. 31,1862. jal-St TO THE (-DLSEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases 'cured; by special guarantee, at 1:23 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and, in case of a fail ure, no charge is made. . • Prof. C. B. BOLLES. the founder of this new practice, has associated with him Dr. M GALLO WAY. A pamphlet containing a multitude of cer tificates of those cured ; also, letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and others, tvill'be given to any person free. If. B.—Medical. men .and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a fall course of lectures at any time. Consultation free. • . DES. BOLLES & GALLOWAY, de9-Sm 1220 WALNUT Street. MI EVANS ft WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAYE "SQ"". STORK, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PHILADELPII,IA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PEOOF SAFES - always ox hand. COTTON SAIL DUCK , AND CANVAS of all numberi and brands. ' ' ; - Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all desariptions for Tents. Avrainge, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito feet Wide. Tarpaulin, Boltin Sail Twine, &c. JOnN W. EVERMAN & CO., 102 SHELLBA_RKS AND .BLACK NOTS. — A Cousignment of New Shellbarks and Wal nuts, of prime quality, for sale by RHODZS & WILLIAMS, No. 107 South WAITS Street. JjAM.AICA RUM. 13 PUNCHEONS Just received and for sale, tn bond, 133 CHARLES S. cAIiSTAIRS, nolD 1716 WALNUT St. and 21. Bt: JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. AUCT3OI4I SALES. _TORN B. MYERS & CO., .A.UOTION nu, Nos. 232 and 23* MAIMST Stmt. PEREMPTORY SALE OP FRENCH. INDIA. GERMAN AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. January 8. at 10 olclock. will be gold by catalogue. on four months' credit, about 350 PACILGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry gocda, &c., embracing a large and choice nuottment of faun,' and staple articles in silk. worsted. woolen, linen: and cotton labl Jct. • POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, &o: ON TUESDAY MORNING. January 13, at 10 o'clock, will be sold without reserve. on 4 months' credit— About 7130 packages boots, Owes. brogans. cavalr7 boots, &c.. embracing a genera/ assortment of prime goods, of City and Eastern manutotare. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 429 MARKET STREET . SALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING. January 9 at 10 o'clock, will-be gold by catalogue. on 4 montbs' credit -400 lots of fancy and staple imported dr y goods. Samples and catalogues early on morning of sale. PHILIP FORD &CO, AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and . 522. COMMERCE Streets. . . SAES OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SEIORS. BRO GANS; &c. • • ON MONDAY MORNING. January 5, at. 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by ea,. talogue,l,CCO ea:sea men's, boy's, and youths' calf, kip, and thick grain boots, calf and kip brogann, Balmorals, &c.; women's, misses', and children's cnif, kip. goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, 1311- morals. &c. Goods will be open for examination, with cata logues, on Saturday. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS. &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. _. . , January S. at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by car Cologne, 1000 cases men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and thick grain boots, calf and kip brogans. Balmoral!. &c.; Women's, misses', and children's calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco, heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, Bal morals. Ri- Goods open for examination. with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. FOR-: SALE , AND TO LET.- M.".O,, , ,, , ..WAA:VVVVVV,VVVWWW.AAAINAAJVVVVVW FOR SALE OR TO 'LET-FOUR HOUSES, on the west side of BROAD Street; below Columbia avenue. Apply • at , the, southwest corner of 11111TH and SANSOM stmts. mli2S4f TO LET A COMMODIOUS .m&DWELLING; No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. .Apply to WETHERILL & BRO.. 0c27-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Streak FOR SALE-THE OLD AND ••• well-known Ilotel-Prooerty at MOUNT EPURAI:if, four miles from Camden, New Jersey. Good Buildings, extensive Stabling, Hay-Scales, Fine healthy loca tion. A good business Stand. Apply to B. P. MI untirrow & BRO., de29-6t . • 5 North FRONT Street. GERMANTOWN COTTAGE FOR SALE PERT LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LEHMAN Streets, with stable and carriage house; lot 71 by 171 feet. Also, " The Philadelphia House," at. Cape May, with or without the furniture. The house contains 31 cham bers, large parlor, dining room and kitchen, with bake house, wash house, &c., &c. Lot 66 by 700 feet, and stabling for 14 horses—pleasantly situated, and will be sold very cheap. A large 'variety of Cottages, Farms, and city properties. for sale or exchange Also, 3 Grist Mills, with lands and houses attached.. B. F. GLENN. 12.3 South FOURTH Street, - del3-tf or S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- Near WOODBURY, N. J. 222 acres, Would be di vided, if desired. Inquire of E. P. MIDDLETON, No. 5 North, FRONT Street, or L. LIVERMORE, on the pre , mises. de2o-a#." FARM. FOR SALE.-LOOATED ON the North Pennsylvania Railroad, one and a half miles from the North Wales Station, Montgomery county, containing 126 acres in a state of good cultivation the necessary buildings in good order. Never-failing spring of water, large apple orchard, &c. Part payment, in city 'property. Apply to JOHN ZIAIMEHMAN, on the premises, or Northwest corner MOYAMENSING Avenue and MARRIOTT Street., $5,01X) can remain on mortgage. jag -13t'" op FOR SALE-AN EXCELLDNT FARM, of 50 acres, two miles northeast of Norris town, on the Germantown Turnpike, with moderate Buildings. good Fences large Lawn, Apple . Orchard.„ and other improvements. Inquire on the premises. de3-I.m* S. L. STYR'S. HOTELS: A/N.N. RILANDRETH .HOUSE, Corner Of BROADWAT CANAL and LISPEELIM • . STRUTS NEW Y12.4Z. botelleino OR ma huisttrEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway. and can be reached by omnibus or city care, front all the steamboat landings and railroad depots.. The rooms are elegantly fnrnish ed. Many of them are constricted in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling together. • Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to SI per day. Double Rooms from $1 to $2.00 per day. de2-Om JOS. CURTIS do CO. DIEDICAZ.. T A: : R. XtA N T.' B 7 .• w~Yy ~;~~~~:.~,a;~w~] SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re• ceived the most favorable recommendations of the . MEDICAL Paovassrou and the public as the most EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE • SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, . Nausea, Lose of Appetite, Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections ,Gravel, Files, AliD ALL COMPLAINTS WHERE A:GENTLE AND COOLING APERlEistr' OR PURGA . TIVE IS REQUIRED. • It is partienhirly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land s Residents in Hot Climates; Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will And it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires • water poured upon it to produce a de- - I ightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials,-from professional and other gentlemen of the highest - standing throughout the coup.- ' try, and its steadily. increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable charac ter. and;commend It to the favorable notice of an intelli gent Imblic. • . finammadtawl.j.L..... , I rski4i-Lt1.14 1 1.145 . . No. 2PYS GREENWICHStreet, corner o f( Warren at,; • . NEW YORK. att2.l l lY And for eale hi Druggists generally. DR; STOBVEIt'S • • CELEBRATED A r s o pv- R pITTERS: ED FOR • DYSPEPSIA, . DIARRIMRA, _ • FEVER AND - AGUE, " ' LOSS OF APPETITE, • • 'CHOLERA AIORBUS. • GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING PROM A DISEASED AND DISORGANIZED STOMACH. • They are the best Bitters in the world, being pleasant 'to the taste, and may be administered with safe ty to the weak and debilitated. They invigorate the system and purify the blood ; create a. healthy appetite ; permanently strengthens and removes all flatulency or heaviness from the stomach, and purifies and restores the gastric secretions : Price 75 cents per bottle. Prepared by CHAS. H. KRYDER,Lancaster,Pa.., and for snle by all • DRUGGISTS. HOTKL KEEPERS, GROCERS. AND• RESPECTABLE RESTAURANTS. PRINCIPALTRILADELPHIA DEPOT, ' 256 SOUTH SECOND STREET. Call for samples and examine certificates and recom mendations; .. • . ' del6-tnthsl9ts TIBA.Lns* . .PCNirERS 'OP ELECTRI- Z"L CITY TENONSTRATRD ON OVER FOUR THOU SAND INVALIDS, AT .12. N) W4LNDT STREET, PHI LADELPHIA. . . The object of the folbrwing certificates is to show that cures at IMO WALNUT Street are permanent and re liable. The first care Was performed nearly three years ago, the second was performed nearly one year ago, the third about one year, and hundreds more of like cases might be shown. READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. About twelve months ago I bad a severe attack of Diabetes, attended .with other difficulties too numerous to mention. My desire for drink was constant, and al though I drank gallons per day,.ray thirst was never allayed; I was only able to sleep at short intervals, Which seemed like a trance. The mucous surface of my month and throat had - become so parched and feverish, that I was in constant misery. I was also snffering from all the horrors of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, Nau sea, and frequent and severe attacks of vomiting; and so prostrated was my general system, that .I was scarcely able to move about. I had availed myself of the science • and skill of distinguished medical men, both of the Alla pathic and Homeopathic school, and exhausted their catalogue of remedies, but found only temporary . relief. In this condition, when every ray of hope seemed para lyzed, I heard of the discovery of Professor Bolles in the use of Electricity, and the wonders he was performing in curingdisease, and placed 'myself under his. treatment; and, to the astonishment of myself and friends, in two operations my Diabetes was controlled, and other diffi culties soon disappeared ; my appetite has returned, sleep undisturbed, and, in fact, I feel like one made anew.. I would further state that I have seen other . remark able cures performed by Prof. Bolles, and would advise the diseased to cell at I:33:lWelnixt street, and be restored to health. I shall be glad to give any one information calling on me. THomAs HARROP, • • Rose Mill, West Philadelphia. Philadelphia, May let, ISM. Read the following from a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, No. ltee3 Flelmuth street, Philadel phia: In attempting a definition of my disease, I can only give some of the many symptoms which, taken altoge ther, were the most horrid ; and even medical mon did not know my disease from pathological symptoms. How ever, Professor C. H. Bolles, by whom I was cured, lo cated my disease in the pelvic viscera, in five minutes after I entered his office, and offered to warrant a perfect cure in eight applications. And I frankly admit that in eight applications of Electricity. administered by Pro fessor Boeers nee Walnut street, Philadelphia, I. am perfectly cured: and to me this is most astonishing, for I had exhausted the catalogue of old-school remedies, and grew worse all the time. 1 had , long believed that in Electricity resided a potent agent for the curd of disease, if a right application could be made: sad now I can comnrehend, from its powerful effects on me, tera speedy eurteedthough no shocks were given. All was pleasant, and accomplialssa esa_ifesy_ magic. I will give most of my symptoms, for the benefit of suffering humanity. I had dyspepsia, bad tuarasmus. or wasting of the tissues of the whole body; at times a difficulty of breathing some palpitation of the heart, much bronchitis, trembling of the limbs after exercise, aversion to business and company; at times gloomy, ina bility to collect my thonghts vigorously on any subject. a lose of memory, nein In various parts of the body; int fered mach from lumbago, deranged secretions of the kidneys and other glands of the system, constant drag ging pains in the lumbar region, and severe nervous dire siness. believe it is my duty, as a lover of humanity, to re commend this discovery of Professor BOLLES to 'the afflicted of all classes. There seems to be no guesswork, no confusion, no matter of doubt in his treatment. lie proceeds on faxed principles,and according to lined laws, which seem to see infallible and harmonious. He war rants, by special contract, the most obstinate, chronic and acute cases, and charges nothing, if he fails. I ad vise all of the diseased to try his treatment. • EDWARD T. E'VANS, Preacher in M. R Church, . Ifflel HELMUTH Street, Philadelphia. ANOTHER CURE OF PARALYSIS OF - THIS LOWER LIMBS (Paraplegia) AND APOPLEXY COMBINED. Read the following: PirILADELPHIS, March 31:1SCEL * PROFESSOR Somata:l22o Walnut street: The remarka ble cure which I have derived from your method of ap plying Electricity compels me to thus acknowledge the great obligations I am under to you for snatching me, as it Were, front immediate death. About two years ago, while a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, I watt visited with an attack of paralysis of the lower extremities, which rendered me almost entirely unable to stand upon my , limbs. I employed some of the most celebrated physi cians to be found in that section, but received no appa rent benefit, and after a lapse of about eighteen months was taken with a spasm, which one of my physicians pronounced alt of apoplexy. Two weeks elapsed from that time before I became the least conscious of anything that had transpired, nor could I concentrate my mind or converse upon any . subject without becoming very Vi sionary and excited, until. I placed myself under your valuable treatment. After my arrival in Philadelphia my attention was called to your treatment by a pamphlet handed me by my father, 'which contained the names of some gentlemen whom I had bean formerly acquainted with, and whose statements I could rely upon. I imme diately made up my mind to place myself under your treatment. I have now been • the recipient of four treat ments, and I now feel perfectly satisfied that I am re stored toasound cOndition, and- thefore feel it my duty to gratefully acknowledge the benefits which I have re ceived through your treatment. Very respectfully > .ours • • VFILLIAM H. SHAM Publisher of the National Iderehant, oaks IN South SECOND Street, Philadelphia. N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city °lifting to treat diseases according to his discovery. This cannon may seem severe on those using Electricity at heard, but it is the severity of trnth, and designed for the good of humanity. See advertise ment in another column. Constaftetion Pres. PROF. C. IL:BOLLES, n024-tf 1.420 :WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. (91.AMPAGNE-GOLD LAO '•OHAIII PAGNS. 111 qua& anti pinta, for Bale bir_ CaARLES CAMTAIRS. oori Sole Lout. Itio. 1%5 WALNUT fteet ==iN ...„ ..... .. .. . . 3A-• TROIKAS & .L.R.L. swims *41141 Rent P•Jr..;,,ii STOCICS iffiD RZA E. : MATZ—Tr . pain ph le t malogneloaow ;:. floes of all the property- to he,,1e1 eth inst., with a fiat of oatEa Pth, %iv- • !r*..ii i * hill g a groat varfetr to. f'• of Orphans' Coftrt,aud •••"*Lr.... • •P - -- PUBLIC SALES OF STOCKS AI:3 On TUESDAY. 6th. lath. 24111, awl 4 ss i • ) 7l • 'REAL ESTATE SALEtvat, To Cuoitadi.ts,Worm, on,l 0th.,,21. VALUABLE LOT, 3.51 fiet frn. (111.vitt.% feet on Randolph sheet. betwon 114„; 'c sheet& A TO CAPITALTXTS. HUI LUt;Rs . f. A . 4 „ EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATt,"P4 4. Cur Sale or TUEeDAT next, dila t , or s iin va‘lunble lot 851 feet front on hixth 244:Z. V :il . 1; t 1 on Race t tow, large lot Rake stroqi late mud . Brock, Arch greet: Vai,",;YS . itulfunnle: • a Country Pli:ee, nu- -q, s el linnN. e. nartmulari r Pamphlet catalogues ' Sir A large amount of Real Eqe— . ' ~ 1 Sale N 4.1118 Chostwo .... SUPERIOR VIIRVITUR.R. 11116146-' OAItPL - 1 4 4 •- 1 . pi e , ON .9...1:FE5-DAY MORSINO " January Gth, at 10 o'clock, II la:.._ CLebtntxt street, tile Nupnrior parir,r, .A3'l.-411'1 chamber furniture, mirrors. fin,-t ; ,,,„ r. •:! 1t, by Reichenhock. French meatalltoo ..lai i ": . 4 • ." • &.c. Also. the kitchen furnitutx. 4iy- May t.t examined at 8 0 ehu.k ~ ! i... the sale. Ad ad n Istria...rt. tip l e LIBRARY OF TEIE LATH, E. A. ~ .T.r.i ON I'IIESDAY AND WISDNViAV.Atf.a.t jnm.ry 6tb ard 7th. commend:l2 w ~',Q.i... sold the private library of the Into R. i:' 4 l.; Which includes many fire. inkrtqj .. ooti, a ... works on various subjects. ". .../ i. ATAO, For other accounts— A choice selection of heitutiftst•, nglibh and French langnaxp,. Also, splendid diamond riag.bef,k ty „ .. 8e ififir For particulars .Fee eatia, p ANC OAST 4 WAR:goe: TIONEERS, No. 213 ILIEtEZI S:re " 4 LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF ERITA4 AND IRISH STAPLE AND PA:n:y Just Lauded from Steaunr • ON MONDAY 11411:7;•;n1. Jan. 5, commencing at 10 o'clock in part of— BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIRV t r ; r i cans full 74 medium to rmy e a „ w,:. black cloths. atm, super. qualitl black Fre4ch merN cksee extra quality ail -Roe; f.tacy . p 43, ENGLISH PRINTS, BLACK' AND f'l LPACC —bales super. full 9 SEaglith 1') AS. Ws% cases black alpacas. cases fancy check alpacas. cases invdonaa cloths. BLACK GROS DE RHINE. GLACE. AND x)! Ii. TIQUE MKS. pieces black gros do rhino. pieces black glace. pieces black fancy moire a ntigg.. pieces :ones dress silhs. 1.000 DOZ. KID AND WOOl. .1..,74 Also, a full lino or Indies' and cent . Ilie ; 2.1 Colors, plain and embroidered kid gi4 . ""' . high cost goods, for best city sales. ~. a It Also, fancy glove boxes. EMBROIDERIES, LACE COLLAR'UPI rlk )(ANDREI:UIna . , "• •, l Also, a line of French tmbr oidsrdint-E s ' • brie collars and setts. 4.1; Also, a full hue of new styles 3 hitteselia c - • klisi setts. Also, a full line of Paris black lace eil, Also, a foil line of ladi, , , , and rents'4 . ii r 4 hemstitched, end mourning linen cambric iiia' s . , kOO CARTONS VLA ET RIBBOSS. DAVI IRONE, & e. velvet Also ribbo ful ns. , a l line of very superior flatly. t,: di Also, rich shaded and colored relvat rlbins, Also, a line of rich broche and all black bissitay FLOVirERS, RUCHES, AND 1111,1,1YEitY04 Also. SCO cartons imported artificial llovre... b:, ruches, An. blonde Also, , aikc. full lino of black silk lac , . eLT. jo Comprising a very fall and rittraetirt a•,:a1.,4 Perfectly fresh goods, adapted to r.: . „ cm sales, and will im found Well trot:by thetatiatinia jobbing and city retail trade. C. J. WOLBERT, Aarriox NiiegeViriknrieVera The subscriber W ill Brve h u attention to saN t &state, Merchandise, Household Furoittre, Fat ti* Paintings; objects of Art and Virtue, 4.; ail Irak shall have his personal and proms: at:rat:Ant which he solicits the femora o his friaads. 0 a MOSES NATRAA:Q. 41CCT/ON AND COMMISSION HISRL'INZ4244 nor of SIXTH aad.J Streets. :ax ETA; CIrRISTMAS PRESENTS TOIL SIMI) fl AT NATHANS' LOAN OFFICE S E t.)1", SIXTH AND RACE 5 7ItEErs AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS Tlfilltizr THE USUAL SELIIIIIB PRICES. Fine gold hunting-ease Ruglise of the most ap.,roved and best unxet -; op.e.,? ea ladies fine gold hunting-case Red opt t,., lepine watches; elegant fine gold disaissl bit elled hunting case lever watches, full iew,'o4: enamelled lever and lepine watches: vest, and chatlein chains; fine gold braceLi4 breastpins, finger-rings, pencil Lases atd pital* medallions, cbarms t specks, buckled.; sant-% sleeve buttons, and Jewelry of every destku-.. FOWLIIs 13 PIECES. 20 very superior double-barrel Eaglist its pieces, with bar locks and ha ck-arti, - .31,?-4 4 . duck guns, rifles, revolvers, haethet vii i fancy articles, tine old violins, &c. Call soon, and solect bargains. SRIPPING. AEI • BOSTON AND PHIA STRinisurp LINE, tailatfrm , port on SATTIRDAYS, from second wharf s.:4e, Street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Balm The steamship NORMAN Capt. Bak-n. Philadelphia for Boston. on SATURDAY. Jaz: :7: ac 10 A. k. and steamer SAXOiY Capt. KIM M Boston, on the SAE DAY, at 41 3 . M. These new and substantial steamship, - 'km ass sailing from each port punctnaily on Sat; ;in Insurancee effected at one half the Prang= thud sail Tenses. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to 58111 Rsrepis Lading with their goods. For Freght or Passage, thavlae foe moral:ma:dm apply_ to HENRY WlXiOit no r 33`2, South DELAWARE Aeo 4 -4 01 ,, STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll\ POOL, touching at CloPeaibralifiNitl bor). The Liverpool, New York, and t Steamship Company intenU deepatchia4 their ialli erPc Clyde-built Iron steamnhipi its Miffs's: GLASGOW Seurday..lhrna ETNA Saturday.3437X? And every succeeding Saturday al was, i7l: fie — - 2. - - , - ...4.0 ir; FIRST CABIN, SEG 00;ETElilk a Do. to London, 145 00 Do. t. . .s, Do. to Paris, no el Do. is Para Do. to . Hamburg, 110 GO Do. to Nazi Passengers also forwarded to Haro.d.YreaSot dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rat*. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown:l4AV $100.8125. Steerage from Liverpoel,l4l Irfan town, $4O. Those who wish to send (arid:WM buy tickets here at these rates. These steamers have superior atoms:dr:orb!! sengers; are stron r ilv built in wateriiibti:.:4: and carry Patent Flre Annihilators. 'Weevil geons arc attached to each steamer. Per further information. apply in Lirer, , Pliii LIAM INMAN, Agent. 22 Water streettil 'PIO ALEX: .BLALCOL3f, 6 St. Enoch Square: ir.Qr.6 , :voin C. & W. D. SEYMOUR & Co.; in Lon'iont s t' MACEY, 61 King William street: in Ps.rlf ti.r.lid COUE, 48 Rue Notre Dame des rietniror, 7:st Bonne ; in New York to JOHN G. DALE.laii or at the Company's Office. JOHN O. DAT, 1 3, : 1 11 . , del 11l WALNUT f•Areee:ll:!,.. g d tg= s 4 FOR . NEW YORE— , DAY—DESPATCH AP) Linos—VlA DELAWARE AND DAKITAN CIAA Steamers. of the above' Lines will hare DID. OI and 6 P. N. - • For freight, which will be taken ea soaps.* terms, apply to W3l. 31. BAIRD $-••)• my2l-tf 132 South DELAWAn FOR YEW YORE.-N 1 DAILY LINE, Tia Delaware Canal. • ',' • Philadelphia and :Kew York Express Stft s vir pany receive freight and leave daily ai 2 P.I,Je! - . l e. their cargoes in I , Zetv York the fellewing Freights taken at reasonable rem& 11 7 2,1. P. CLYDE, Aelt No. 24 SOUTH'VES. JAMES FIAND. Plata 14 and 1 LOT Nea- , EXPRESS COMPANI 'EffE ADAMS - KXPE 1031PA2iY, Ogles 321 Cie% Street, forwards. Parcels, Pactsg.i, Mereharlf,'• Notes, and Specie; either by its oyil liv.4 or va. C . J2 ion with Other Express Conipanti , s, to all the Pe owns and Cities in the United hates. . frig E. S. &LEDFORD. General COAL. • • C °lll. —11:108 UNDERSIGS O hive. to inform their friends ant the 5) 7 : they have removed their LEHIGH COAL P NOBLE-STREET WHARF, On the Del:tant_. Yard, liorthwest corner of EIGHTH tel *2'4" Strees, where they intend to keep the he , -“f1 LEHIGH COAL from the most approved most lowest pricee. Your patronage is reVectthil%r JOS. WALTON Yard, EIGHT Hand L I3.2 LOW S H onto SECOA O tr EI e MACHINERY AND IRO& "AA"ArNAAA/WvNi^l.7!ONlSNAiyysevv ,, pErrisr A WORKS, ....... On the Delaware Rhin', below Phlba ,lo , CHESTER, DELAWARE Co.. PESSLITV" REANEY, SON, & ARCHBO IA Nlichieers and Iron Ship Builder; MASurAOTTYBERI3 Or ALL ECSPi°,,, CONDENSING AND . NON-COIDESSING 153' Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, ISA:S4, Propellers, dm, Sc. w. BwiT y, 3.11 V— - Late of Rertney, Liao ViVisoo4.l4 Penn's Works, Phila. MS...V/Ir. 3922-1 y J. VAUGHAN MERRIOL wiLusi &SO JOHN 8. COP& SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY , 741}1 AND WASNINGTOS --.- - PHILADELPHIA. • MERRICK & SONS' ENGINEERS AND .11ACill2itSTh.._,,01 Manufacture High and Low Pressure Stems Das land, river, and marine service< • CA- 4 Boilers, Gasometers, lanks, Iron Iloati. ie•• of all kinds, either iron Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works. WorkAoPi• Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the lateet sad 0* Proved construction. sad. -Every description of Plantation Msehnerf. Sugar, Saw, and. Grist Mills, Vacuum Pan , Li;:: Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Foam. 'r Solo .Agents for N. Milieux's Patent zu ~ ..2 1 Apparatus Neismyth's Patent steam dt•Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal bad es.' bfitchine.• ~....___-----------"'" . ti I , 's SM . PENN . - .STEM F AND BOILETe.WORKS.-46.016 trki PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ESKartift CHINISTS, BOILER-111frligirta BLA,_,C s— t a sos, POUNDERS, haying for many years or.`,. ;„ ;7,44; operation, and been exelnalvely ellPV ° ~'" 'ale , ' repairing Marine and Eivar Engines. MO ' 4 ll St , sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, ProPellet 6 ' 'ale!. spectfully offer their services to tha public.?'.----pp prepared to contract for Engines of all 5i0i...,,a5 A iver, and Stationary; h ay i ng , et , s ni rlane rvtar.:4 sizes, are prepared to execute orders With older' Every description of pattern-making utga.'" l 43'..o. notice. High and Low-pressure, Eine, Tn. „of Cylinder Boilers, of the best Peunayiraulacbss:o Forgings, of all sizes aud Wads ; Iron and 80k" ,,t ..„.p of MI descriptions: Roll-Parnlny. ScreO,Cutlik."- other work connected with the above batineo• ~ps Drawings and Specifications for all Woes det s i establishment free of charge. and work aair' 3 4lY The subscribers have ample wharf-dal 0::,41 pairs of boats, where they can lie in Peru v i: - ar , are pror:ded with shears blocks, Wis. .)....• raising heavy or light weig hts.• vt3 JACOB a sl":' ~t rait...L.7 BEACH Enni_ . JOHN Y. 1./.910 1 M.CiR4A.N, 'ORB, & .ri.:. EMINEDUILDERS. Iran Pounder:4 reditl Machinists and Boiler „Makers, N 0.7.1110 CALL 04, Street, Philadelphia. • - CO., tf , 0 - --. --- .1 MR S. JAMES BETTS' CELII3Ii 1 '4" SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES. ani tac.!ste;3 porters under eminent medical patronage. ,il-''o,l;e• . Bett sphysician are respectfully regorged to C. 4 Mr s, at her residence, Rt;9l'"AhEll t...t,•40 lad'elphia, (t 1 avoid counterfeits.) Thittrth.:ll'...o valids have boen advised by their pirpicit";jel• , appliances. Those only are goanina Dr 4r l .7 o o ' ; States copyright , labels on tbe, boa-, and tl, also on the curowtrrs. wit` boditnaniale4 1 :-- - ", d ---1-2--;-- - ...t.---- , -------. JP ARE . • rP,11,_•4.0.11-Fa--3.0"' re. ,•.,, b 0... . !. -a- chain USW Pll3.(Patehas. il&lcillu IA • ; RifOnr-s x ...e ... . Ira. 107 5,i::.. ll`3. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers