NOTICES. NV:EWINated G OF meetin g TE the B OA R D o f tOF ttt H ot' mbe he bo bol at thoir rooms 605 CHEST , -t CM MONDAY, d Deceinbor 22d: inst., at LORIN RLODOET, • Secretary, - DI F. IL IC AN LIFE INSURANCE ANT TRUST COMPANY, PnicAnsixurA, f,61 i anneal inreting of the Stockholder: for the vlectiotk of THIRTEEN TRUE l‘jtsultig yonr,.w . lll be held at the office, I'T Street, S. E. voruor ol OURTH, on MONDAY, 00.. lit;Ili Iwtiveon hence of 70 A. M. and IS M. 1,;0130 • . .101iN S. WILSON, Secretary. OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND TRBNTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADEIL , 211. 18132. 1.111111/%1 'nettling of the Stockholders, will' be 11'; rolitictuY's Wilco, No, 22.1 South DELAWARE I ‘, 0 1 MONDAY, the nth .le unary, 1863, at 0110 )111, 1 ,‘ et which time on election will be hold fur , '" , TorS for the ensuing yvits. • ,1,..2?.u0ri I) ,l, MORRELL, Secretary. SOUP HOUSES.—THE FOLLOW -0 110 List einbratTA the corporate titles .of all the ~,,.: Droll kelt in this city for supplying the Poor ~., : i'',6o P. wltli the limits of each, the localities of the pli'hi soul' HOUSES, anti the names of those atitho 10'iT, te reive coutributions to their funds. It- is pub. •;,,1 Or the islormation el'such as are aspesed to Rid i" fir' u nawet of this useful 'it'd economical Charity, - and An ~ iv. benevolent In directing the Poor to th proper t ''„*. for tholr supply,. A ppl IMO ts should with li p r t:'°, , ,, , r ecommendation td a responsible part , and, tf til t ' v ,,, , ,hv, will lie tarnished regularly w th near. l' ill t il,r theinsel yes and families 111', 1 , 1 . 1i ,hia Socictv for Supplying the Poor with l'''''''biraits—From Wel mit to Stillman street, river 1. , ' 01 ' . 7. re to Eleventh street. Soup Benno No. SAS O riscom 11. -1,0 ",!. 01 , 1 spruce to Pine, shove Fou rth, -Treasurer , , '"' t 'i l ll thicker, No. Sethi, Fourth street. ' 1, '.1,1, 1 .01,..,•11 Soup Society of Phil atio.phin.—North from 'r:iildli sil'N't, hum the river Thilawttre to Eighth' e. , .'` .1 eNc oll the portion east of Front street, -uppro ''''' •:1 to the oy Soup Mouse, North t,r: ,, ; , 1 1 1 .i,,1 ri .ei, shove Brown, Treasnrer, T. Morris Perot, ..1 inirliel 4. l''':llllnriirlr Soup Society—South from South street, ~ 7 ,', thee Belawnre to Plissynith. road and Broad street. ,1 House, 1 1 therinnd street, below Queen. Treasurer, '''' la Morton, No. 12:( Caton rim , Street. 'p.16 1,1 " , 4,,,,ttonpSooletr—Soittli from Shippen vane , ii. ....... road e rc r p a ,i...ytin a to I limo St trot. SOUP IIOIAOO, N. Ir . orller of Eighth and Marriott streets. Treasurer i'l, r i ti reics, N 0.1187 Vine si 10 4, ' ''l4...lirrn Sour , Society-81'11th from liftwkot street, west , 1 ,,,,,,0, 11 1;0 trots Eleventh to Brood, Walnut to Ship. "'„ re , t. Seim Ilmoie, 1115 South street. Treasurer. p... :a,•volts, Soap Al eh street-. (I '",',"l . l ;gt (Israeli Soup Sorlety—North of D alleWhill, west ;iglali street, (cunt Race to Cal t ow hill,..El even th to ~,. .',l,,tret`t, AIM north ir Market street, west of• Broad. ~ l ow: ., Buttonwood street,bolow Broad. Tr e as u r e r P'' ' ' ' l ' i'll 11. 14 ncrt, No. 711 l Green street. • , 1 ,, 0 ,, a -teo Soup Soclety—Front Laurel to Norris street, „.i % '- . r ni•lowtire to Front street. Soup House, No. 203 -.,‘, ` 2111 ,‘ 1 ,1 . 1 •t Treasurer,. George ,T. Hamilton, Common. IT I:ellirill ;...0.) Society of Plillndelphia—,From Walnut to onoirl/1116treets, river Delaware te BkOVOUth Treasurer ri rota to Broad, Walnut -to Noce street, ii,cont N. Biddle, No, 131 Market street. ' Ceiddliations tt money intended to be divided oqually bin,, Gym above-earned Societies mey also he handed to 1 ,,2.40] BIM' 4.111) PARRISH, 8:00 ARCH Street, 1,,-tiver appointed by3th e jot lit Board of Soup Societies. __. c. , ;.. CALEB COPE, rfBEASUB.EB OP THE UNITED STATES SANITARY 00.51311S :„.ps,tforthengt corner of MINOR and .SIXTII :Streets, rlir Int tietas( report : 1 4„" Kvcbantto Dank • J 00 In 0 Budd (third conteibutlutt)..... i 100 Oft e ; . pid & Reelunle - 60 00 ~,,,,c Starr (additional) 100 00 iinelhet (additional) • 60 00 ,c,,,n Wood 8/ Co, (tulditionitl) 20 00 if. P. Jenks 0 00 N : ,.y, (lolling, 8.1 Cu. (additional) 50 00 paned for error lo bill of purchase - .20 02 * l ,, , Wiliam:li (additional) , .... • ~. o .14 ..... • 100 00 y t ,,i'n p s friend ' 100 00 50 00 filhi.rwis 20 00 1 i 0 ,...- N., 0. Shorpless 25 00 i„.,11: A. GottaY (additional) 10 00 fiiii(o. & A. 81, 1.. additional) 2 00 00 limied Coles (additional) ' 0 i';,.1.1 10 00 p i iininen and Empire Otieves, IT, A. 0., por J. 0 Medium - 10 10 701,ert 11.1101 ms 60 00 fo r u , l , , O , w ei S aFliihsaliter S C l o c h ol it o lo f n th a e l. L P bAn o • n Farnacos,6o 00 pa . Mrs. (t, Dow:Kin Coleman, superintendent., ' 25 00 !, :,:, Willie, 0(11 Arch street. (additional) 100 00 ..e.,rge B. Parrish (additional) 100 00 1. ii (triaa mdflitiona I) 50 00 mt ,,, E. T 1., , wk (ntliiitiontill 50 00 s m Thder: Lewis Ottlititionalt........ ............. . 60 00 ,fbli if. Lewis (additionnt) 50 00 Total $ 46 ,270 01 The monitary RISO iteknowledges the re i,ll,l I'ololollg .thdlittiotth, in hospital supplies, afe lit-I report I j., Lnen' Aid,l pkero., Amanda Stllmnn, See'y. l'lllindelphla du., 1 picke., S. 11. (Judder& Seretury. Arlie:llcldlDellnrua'erintucy,.l'a,)Ladles' Aid, 1 pkge., )1..r0 rot B. l'anreitsr, see n•te ry. h,1.c5 of St. l'eter s Chu re] 1, '2 r e, ghennoge (Crew Ibril cu.) Ladies' A Id,l pkge., Mice g, hl (llinpuuin , Troese my. o.koir,sburp.r Lucite Aid, Ipk ire,C leo, V y . Lewis, Jr., Sec', .5. , . , ,10 , b0rt.) (N. J.) Lod . Aid, 1 pkgo„ Mary B. Pam. ticcrettiry, nrifints anti Cabot, stockings, iltssitt field 111,torti, st,,elii rigs. tistidtis, stocklitLN. tit, Dr. Italian, stockt Church Sul tters' Aid, clothing, 311 , . A. P. Ju.suti, shirt. , , • s Wicr Nitrite' I. bin trkets. tacit, fi Ilrutlwr, 'brut' ux.tract, Vu, 1; Tenth section, Seventeenth and 22-1 t gY7-= THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN IVP , ASSOCIATION OF PI LILADELPIIIA.—The Rego.- frvathl y. Meetlex, or thk4A4moelatlon. be held at Simr , ouis, No, 1031 CI rEsT.NuT Street, oiIMONDAY ErEsixii lire. 22.1, st 73:1.0000r. As this will be the trievting iu thim near, it is hoped hid- the wilibris Trill try and be rowent. 1.1)-2t* (LEO.COOKMAN. President. SORIPTUDA.I. KNOWLEDGE SO CIETV, ClINC0111) - HALL, TENTH. and ARCH. t , treelc—Tlris Society is compolioll of Christians, and IN lts 'object •ls , MUTUAL STUDY OF TIIIiWORD OF 00D. Ali nue.tlnes are put to the In. wirier In Biblical Resm , cb, and are answered by him c.lfegned bellevecs in ,T *WS', "the Christ, the Soh Of the Living Ood"—TRUS 000 aud-REAL MAN—are invited Nerticipate in the ilistreetiom do4lred. The Meetings ace iuld on. MONDAY ByENINGS, at a (warier to eight de'APAt U. S. ARMY GENERAL RO PITAL, Comrst'T 11 Lid., Dvvember 18 1802.—A1l Nurses acted. nt this Hospital will report with their contracts wale 01'110E, No, 000 SANSOM Street, without delay, By order of J. HOPKINSON, If, S. Vol, Sorgi , on Cooul'g hospital, NOTIO E.—TIIE UNDERSIGNED will he in NEW (ORLEANS daring the three rauths next ensulatf, where he will be happy 'to take tkatte of nay consignments eutrasted to his Care. He 1 ,1 ill( .•t Thos. Richardson & Co., " Alex, 0. Cattell & " 1.. A: Sondor & Co. Philadelphia, " 'Jamb T. Alba mar & Co., J MT.Cnorge A, MeKinstry, ' ' &Philip Nathan, New York, del- A. F. HOPPEL. , Fry' OFFICE OP TIIE WESTNIORE. LAND COAL COM ['ANY, (No. 2311 Sooth THIRD ,:re•el, cornet or Willlng'4 Alley.) PHILJARELAPHIA, De rather 17, lts42. iiirethig of Directors;lbeld this day, a Dividend of f'NF, DOLI,AII per share, on the Capital Stock was de• fared ant of Cie profits of the past year; payable on and. iftPr JANUARY 2d, ISei. The Transfer Books will ba - closed until January sth F. 11. JACKSON, lel&tias Treasurer. BENEVOLENT.—MORE u,,,fit,o thou two in TO E tm s have associated t hem- Kvesonider the num of the PENN RELIEF AM (I.ITION Wll SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, and r•iirveting One OTCOrilooli and evening of each week, at Spring (WAN) Institute, Corner of. BROAD and. :lan °ARDEN Streets, in making Up such articles ire most ureihni lly our sick soldiers. Leunittees of those hullos visit every hospital in the 1, 110 thtt ~,, c o,dtt. a the larpatos, and, es ;rthem.possible, to supply them. They are also forward t,) distant points such supplies as are most wanted, responsible parties are to be found who will re t,vi.sech, and make a propsr distribution of them. Lae these things large Moans are rdrilllced, and this . made .to tlio benevolent to assist them by dOlia- L L , nfiatillOy or goods. 1• : , llluwinu-utwn~l gentlemen have consented to re ?Omit* of this assioqatlon, any Munitions that 1•• loath , : Ala/INF/RR HENRY, Fifth and Chestnut streets. TiIoMAS T. TASEEIt, 10T.3 South Fifth street. _ j.OIES, KENT, SAN'rgE,'Co., 2.1) and' 41 North Third. unsT, EIINVIN, 47 North Third street. 1, 41 S ('. SAVER], &IT Market streot, STOKES, 2:f7 Cliestnnt st. de17.17,t* RELIEF FOR TIIE DISTRESSED OITIZA'I'IV.ES OF it ktKAT 13R1TAIN.—At a inedt ii.l of the International ItelleiCommittee of Philadelphia, b•l'i on Ilerrother 15it was unanimously • 1 :` 0 /0 4 /, That the'Rall mad Companies, Banking Insti olwo, 111Seellflee Fereleril, Manufacturers, kriainics, Merchant..', Haul Citizens generally of Phila.. tkiphilt, mai of our own and other Stated, are Invited to tP'Nrntewith the above,. Committee in I urnishing pro -11',1,a fur the thinishing operatives 4)f Great Britain. That the Churches and Congregations of this '4. end of our own and ether Statue ore- requeoletl I, l[o,ltt toilet:flues for Vag object ou theitirst Sunday in , leaftfry, or at such time MA limy ho more convenient. 1 T) 10,1 , That the Pii Cominittee tenders its ":sine to the cities nod t wits of the West in the trans. t. of their bounty to tile su ire rl ng poor of England. ~ ? oir, q l, That in Nlow or the urgent necessities of the r4t hatierer,.., it Is expedient to make arrangements immediate charter oft ves4ol, on the most favor ''';,:•rms, to convey such Mild as the Philadelphia Com vre,. are prepared to pu rciewn end ship, ; .111111 11eitatielle WILY be 1111111'essett to either of the nn useniheis of the Committee. All NZO Pt) I'TElt, Chairman. ALEX:kJ...EBBE' II EN RV, Vice Chairman. E011(1 F, L. 13 11%.1) V, Secretary,- ALFA. Cl. 4.; [TELL, Treasurer. r, '''age IL. Stoat P. Crozier, James A. Wright, Jame:, ill. L. IiaW4OII,C.LI elf Cope, George WhituoY, A. (fogy W. Ifeltltoni' C. J. Roffman, A. 3 T , Kiffslrr, .I:fsepit w. t! Miller, John Gibson, " (11 n , E. C. .Tay Cooke, Francis R. De. . dell-wfm 3t OFFICE M 0 U N T CARBON AND von CARBON RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, DeCeMbOr 8, 1962, TIA. Annual Meeting, et' the Stockholders of this Com vO• will he held at the Mien or OM Company, No. 41/7 b1:AllY Street, on MONDAY, December tRA, at half 1; , 11 .'eleck A. M„ at which time an election for of *rye the ennui nyear will take place. " 1 ' 124 " C. lIOLLIS, Secretary. Te-. OFFICE OP .4' HANCE co3n , AN 1862. a , dectiott by itto Stool '• 9 pursuance of the el usm were electe'd to se ar--viZ • Ttngley, I: Thompson, -.; onson, w, John Dissrd meeting of the Do ' • Esq., Was minutia It 'SI. CRITTENDEN , NI PRILAIDELPHILA. t;r } MMEItCLAL CO I,t,l:Citi Northeast Corner and (IIIESPNUT streets, 1544 Incorporated tollts brattrites, as practised by t I , reentita Ills Penmanship, Plain and Ornamen t "Ironorchil Law, 3tereit MN Forms,. and , Citicula, 7 "ld.instrucb.4 separ:tb,dy, and can enter at any study at such hmirs ms may be most cony°. .1. '‘l'lldve areonttnettai ions, faithful attention to the ' orb. t..tittleitts, and practical advantages to bu,- ,7 1 " 11 1, this Institution Is itumrptissed. I) hi and. Evening, Twenty-live per cont. off re dein-4e RELIANCE 1.1 , G. Y OF PHILADELPHIA, De. Ithohlora held on the 15th hailer, the following-named rye as Direetor3 for the eu• Wm, Messer , Robert Toland, . T. Johnson Drown; Marshall Hill, 11, M. Carmen, Chas. Leland, Pittsbum. ard, hold THIS DAY, CLEM. 'mod re-elected President. . HISTAIMAN, Secretary. LT- OFFICE VIP THE Bn Ortf SURGEON-.Alt TlB dirr 94 THE ARMY AND NAVY, PHILADE , ,1882. Sere Lers and Sailors (lest roils of availing thepe c'h!,t the National Apilropriation for attimlyk i ig Artlfl t;,!;Llthhg. ILPilly lat°l7 1 4 111:46-1014 ? NuT ...e , tibt to the I/oval:11Di 01111 `FRANK Oovernment Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.-C R N ExcHANcip 1 :1' ,HANK, PIIILAIMLPIf lA, November 4,§ 8 2.... - ,1:n9 t; resuintloll thIS daT adopted by the Board 1. 11 :oN and orderod bo cm )11Shed: T 1 a t hie ul,l portion of the Stock of this F. ,- ",. 4 , 1 ' 4 offer t t th e t Stockholders at par, each t e e Ill o tve t ho ß privilege of taking_a pro rata r wil''ll.r.eerdlng to cc seeld adopte wade the " d lb , eripti o n cud pkylneut be heroe ' 4,4 ' 4l ll:err • • .1. W. TORREY, Cashier. F.XOI.I..A.NGE BANK, th election ' ioaorcA, Nov. 24, 1862.-At e „ _ era o,4Yeullier nth, thlto following Stocknold hectorsD of this Bank: Ahlender C ttt 111 - Christian J. Hoffman, oblit„Tr. t , Robert Ervten, 1 6 ``Ige L. Buncy H. W. Catheramod, C, William P. Cox , )I"illient fil li at i fil l o'ek, 'Edmund A.Sonder, 41,1 e, Steel, Second Canby, Ar. 4 Charles E, A4 L ,,,ltt the meeting of kirec unanimously d I ted 9. eArrrELL Es,ifirvitan e-,3 ea kc,',J O. W1114,1,1)111, Esq., Vice President, t.,4,,74 TORBBY Cashier. .T. W, TORREY, Cashier. Vt . ' CITY 'BOUNTY FUND COMMIS fr, Sl uZi.-Notlen Is bombs' given, that aplications 1,....;;'hi!i• to this Commission ioust•be made on or before %,14 no,t„ as the Commission will close o u that day. .101 IN C. KNOX, TOON ROBBINS, I:I)WARD OLMSTED, ► EDWARD GRATZ, WILLIAM BRADFORD, Commission. r (*C"' J,At o r c iC o E OF TIM WESTMORE. istit A!, COMVASY, FICILADELPHIA, s''l,ockliolderg of tiiim Com , t their office, No, 230 South , TEEIRD PIS DAV, the 7th 'of January, 1801, at 12 ILA 0010011 )0 be held frir Ll'. nod it SECRETARY mail TREA the L-,o '• 1 • 11, 'S year. F. JACKSON.' ,Socrotary. THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CENTRAL HOME MIS SION, laboring in Bedford and Baker streets, intend giving their usual CHRISTMAS DINNER to the poor children of their schools on Christmas Day, at Sansom street. Hall. Donations in money or provisions thank fully received by the missionary, Rev.. 1, H. BECKWITH, at the Mission House, No. 619 Bedford street, or either o f the undersigned, on behalf of the committee of arrange ments. E. S. YARD, 209 Spruce Street. .1. IL BURDSALL, fag Chestnut Street. .1. MILLIKEN, S2B Arch Street. D. H. LOUDENSLAOER, 926 Race Street. Dinner at 12 o'clock. The public respectfully invited to be present. de 20-6 t PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO.—OFFICE 227 Sown{ FOURTH Sr., PHILADELPHIA, December 8, 18,62.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of thin Company, that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six Mena germ, Treasurer and Secretary, will take place on the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next, at 12 o'clock M. W. H; WEBB, de9-tinl3 Secretary. AVIS AUX ELEGA.NTS. PAUL ANDRIOT, Oerand de la malson de 'ailleUrs de M. GRANDVILLE STOKES, 009 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia a, Phonneur de provenir see nombreux ands of COMIaIf4HELSICBB qui Font dela faverise de leer Ocelot le, (Masi quo los etramrers,) qu i ll vimit tie reeevoir do Parrs et Londros lee modes Ms pins recoutes et les rnioux portees pear In 73M8011 ndville Stokes a mis a ea dispositionles ore ffes les plus hellos et les meilleures qualites, des premieres manu factures d'Europe. Les militaircs, ainsi quo les officiers do tons grades y trouverons lee meillenres qualitos d'etoffes, a 'des prix ties moderes. L'eleguate do se coupe, ninsi que le cachet de distinction qhi la caracterise est deja trop cotton du public pour en renouvelles lours merites. deli lm COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE 111 COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—Office, Commonwealth Building, No. pl 3 CHEST- 7 NUT Street. • PHILADELPHIA, December 0, 1862. A meeting of the Stockholders of th e . COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will be held, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 6,1863, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing year, will be held at the same place, and on the same day, between the hours of 12 Bud 2 P. M. dell-tjab SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. " Camp bletcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. —MEN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizen' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men ofgood re ferences, and who have seen service. dell-tf , TO LOAN, $250,00u_ IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SIIXER-PLiTk, WATCHES,'JEWELRY, AND GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; AT ISAAC NATHAN'S. OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. -E CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, (Only ono square below the Exchange.) Advances made nt the lowest rates S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates.' Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & C 0.,. Geo. D. Parrish, Esq.. John B. Myers &amuel B. Thomas, E . ,sq., Furness, Brinley, C0., d0., John Thomas, Esq. dol6-Smif JOHN C. GAIT & SON, STOCK do NOTE BROKERS, *1,f03 12 41,766 92 No. *UTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE. MECHANICS! BANS. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE MONEY,INVMSTED AND NOTES AND LOANS ;NEGOTIATED ON TEE BEST TERMS. TT. S. FIVE-TWENTIES, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE , AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present rasmium ox nOLD, these Bonds. yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A full supply always on hand no•t • I 'u• r , Xll5OO - ' THIS SOO'. Zornon age' UT T mortg O orarourid Ben O t • would be divided. Apply to . E. PETTIT, del?) No. 309 WALNUT Street. $lO,OOO, t s',ooo, $3,000, AND $2,000 ,st upon first Mortgage. Apply to ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, del74t* O. 51 North SIXTH Street. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS. REVENUE STAMPS. • - • • EVERY STAMP has been issued by the-Government, and I have them now for sale JOHN M. RILEY, EARNERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK BUILDING, 427 CIIESNTUT STREET, de2o.lw AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS,: No. 5'7 South. THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds‘of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by the Government for sale in quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $5O and up.. wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, defi-6m No. 57 South THIRD Street. 517 ARCM STREET: : . C. A. VANKII*I Have on band a fine assortment of CHANDELIE,RS AND OTHER GAS FIXTURES: Aleo French Bronze FigareS and Ornaments,. Porcelain and Mica Shades, and a variety of FANCY GOODS SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS:; Which Oiey:will sell at reasonable prices: Please call and examine goods SKATERS' HEADQUARTERS. ICE AND PARLOR SKATES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SKATES FOR LADIES. SKATES FOR GENTS. SKATES FOR BOYS. PARLOR SKATES, OP ALL SIZES. SKATES of every description, for sale low, by PHILIP WILSON & CO; 413 CHESTNUT STREET, • del6l2t - OPPOSITE CUSTOM' HOUSE. M.A.TERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCIT, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, . CITRON, CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDER WINE, Sic,; ALBERT C. ROBERTS, .DEALER- IN FINE CMOCERIES, del6-If If CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS FOR CHRISTMAS-A GIFT, -a- worthy the giver and receiver, a charming Life-like ivoityrrypE from REIMER'S, SECOND Street, above Green, Go in time, and secure one. • it INGRAM'S CHEAP BLACK TEA, 33 cents per 11); Green, 65; Coffee, 25 and 35. Try them. 43 South SECOND Street, below _Market. de242t* B ARRELS. -FROM :TWO TO POUR hundred FLOUR BARRELS, for sale daily, at. C. ALBE BAIT & CO,' S United. States Bakery, Nos. ,y mud 7 BOCK Strvot. de2o-6t* TO SECURE THE MOST APPROVED HOLIDAY TOILET, go to the celebrated Hair Dyer and Cutter, FOURTH and BRAIsiCH : de2D-Iftf IXTHISKY ! • T T OLD WHISKY! WHISKY! Front our own and other celebrated Distilleries. We are constantly receiving , OLD AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Wlth whic 1, for price and quality WE CHALLENGE comPARIsoN. pur 'Whiskies, Mr purity A mellowness, and delicacy, are EMINENTLY THE BEST IN THE WORLD, 'And We sell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Has 'already become a considerable feature in our busi ness/ and to continue it in its presentstate, and to enlarge it,.we shall sell, notwithstaudingthe Tax, about ascheak y as ever: CONSIDER THESE PRICES! Ittonnngehola Whisky, 80 cents per gallon, Old Bourbon.Whisky, 75 cents per gallon. Old llyc WhlakV, St Per Extra Old Rye Whisky, %1.80 Per gallon. Very- Choice Old Rye Whisky, $2, per gallon. - N. VAN — BEIL, 11R North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. .- 40. 1m i t . PAY. RUM PITgoHEONS Wine Barrels, for sale by 0420 CHAR LI 2E S6 BioACLARATTAIRStree,..t.. NOTICES. MILITARY. FINANCIAL. BOARD OP BROKERS AFTER FIVE YEARS JAY COORE.i, SUBSORFPTION AGENT, RETAIL DRY GOODS. ANKET DEPARTMENT. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BLANKETS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COWP.ERTHWAIT & CO., N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND MART 'EMBERS del-mwf-tf JR'CASSELBERRY 45 N. EIGHTH • Street, bag oti band an immense stock of fine DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Also. Staple Goods of every kind. Staples bought before the great, rise; and Dress Goods. and Shawls from the recent large French auction sales. • " This stock comprises many useful goods for : , HOLIDAY GIFTS:7 70 French Blanket Shawls,s6.7o,,worth.slo. Broehe Long Shawls fdr doliday Gifts. French Blankot Shawls for Holiday Gifts. Black Thibet Shawls, $7 to $l2. S.—Will open on Monday next 5 :cases heavy un, bleached Canton Flannels, from: the New. York sato, at 22 and 25 cents • by the piece, to Aid or Dorcas Societies,' 20 and 23 cents. , CASSELBERRY, Open Centro Brodie Shawls, $22 to $.50 for Holiday Gifts. 2 lots Camels' Hair Groche Shawls. $5O and $7O. . I lot Scotch:Himalaya Shawls for 1 roliday GUM, : 4-4 Poplin Reps, $l, for Holiday Gifts, , ' 4-4 do. ,$1,12 do. • - : , 700 ps. figured De:Mines; 24 cents, for Holiday Gifts. „ Mips. Dress Goods, at 25 cents, for Holiday Gifts. 20 ps. Magenta Dclaiues, 50 cents, for Misses' Holiday Gifts. 20 ps. rich figured Merlimes, $l, for Holiday Gifts. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. Black and Fancy Silks in great variety,2o par cent. less than importation cost at this time; handsome styleS for Holiday Gifts. , , ' . . FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. • • full line of every kind of-Gloves, Brimho Scarfs; Handkerchiefs, Silk and _Linen; Boys' Colored Border Ildkfs., Gents' Colored Border -Ladies` Em broidered Ildkts., fine Embroidered Collars: -Gents' Driving Gloves. --- PERFUMERY. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. 10 gross Luidn's Extracts, 12,4, An immense variety Of.Perfemery at old prices. FOR MOL DAY - GIFTS. Linen Damask Table Cloths; Damask Napkins, Damask Doylies. Damask Table Linen; by the yard. Also, fine PM Blankets. Fine Marseilles Counterpanes, Hushes, Marines, Balmoral Skirts, largest size, woolen tops; $3.50. Balmoral Skirts, for Misses, gay colors, V, &e., at J. H. CASSELBERRY'S • - Mammoth Dry Goods House; de22-2t 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch: DRESS. GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ONLY 25 CENTS PIR YARD. In /consequence of large stocks of SAXONY DRESS GOODS being forced at auction, we have been enabled to oiler to our customers desirable Styles of Dress GOods at but a small advance on the price of Calicoes. And a fall line of SUPERIOR GOODS at 31, 37g, 41, and 50 cents. FRENCH BIERINOES, choice shades, from-recent MM• tion sales. ,• PARIS REPS in desirable colors. PARIS:POPLINS in desirable Styles. FANCY DRESS SILKS,VS, 8714, CURWEN STODDART & 'BROTHER, 450,'452, and 454 North SECOND Street, de2o-St 11130V13 Willow. 102- ta RICH BROCHE LONG. SHAWLS, NEW DESIGNS AND COLORINGS, only $B. A MOST ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY GIFT. . ' CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450,-,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, .de2o-3t - above WHIM. CLOAKING CLOTHS FOR LADIES' WEAR, AT REDUCED PRICES. We are closing out our stock, comprising Black, Colored, and Mixed Sealskins. Frosted Velvet Cloths. French Black Tricots. Union do. do, All-wool Broadcloths. Union do. c AT REDUCED PRICES. ' CURWEN STODDART Sc BROTHER; 150, 452, and 15* North SECOND Street, do2l l -3t Above Willow. LADIES' FURS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBACII, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY. FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, RELaW NINTH. HAS NOW OPEN f:1. A splendid stook of Russian and Hudson Bay gild Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other styles of FURS; suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. dels-tja7 FURS!' "FURS! GEORGE . WOMRATI3,' NOS. - 41.5 AND 417 ARCH VREET, HAS NOW OPEN A: FULL ASSORIKENT, LADIES'; FURS, To which the attention of the public is invited LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN F'AREIRA., No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present seasom All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give roe a call. oc3-4raif MIILITARY GOODS.: EVANS ec lIASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA A complete assortment of General, Field, and tine O- sers' /Swards, Sashes, Belts, Passante, Bpauleites, Can, teens, Haversacks, Field Glasses, Spurs, Candlesticks, Chapeaus, Hats, Caps, Drums, Silk and Bunting Flags, Crimp Knives and Forks, Bacdries, Gura-clotk . Oyer- coats; &c Also, a full line of PRESENTATION SWORDS, Sashes, Bells, etc., and , everything requisite': for, the Complete Outfit of Army and. Navy Oflleers, WHOLESALE it RETAIL. delMal "WORIVIAN & ELY, NO. 130 PEGG STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PATENT CAST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY; Also, the BEST and CHEAPEST RNY KNIFE, PORIC,AND SPOON Warranted CAST-STEEL FORKS. se24-wfm3llll READY—MADE CLOTHING., . • , • - • , •N TLEM E N •-r WINTER CLOTHING, VERY DESIRABLE IN STYLE AND PRICE, Suitable forthe 543118011. • 0 v ERCOATS AND BUSINESS SUITS, • In grea,t variety. WANAMAKER & BR97N, T POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK•HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. (N B . ) SPECIAL DEPARTMENT • FOR CUSTOMER WORK. • aoS• "al FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING. C. SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, ,lINDER JAYNE'S HALL, HEM now made up for sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING,. Also, a full assortment of CLOTI!IS , CASSIMERES, and.. VESTINGS, which they respectfully invite , the public to lxamtue before purchasing eisewhere. .ae27ld3i.. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1862.. IN PHILADELPSIA. LADIES' FURS. MILITARY GOODS. CUTLERY. MANUFACTURERS OF IN THE MARKET WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ip CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND. SILVER-PLATED WARE A fine assortnieut of Goods in the aheye line, seiti bic for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CASSIDY tit BAAL, NO. 12 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ii tt) HOLIDAY PREENTS. THOMAS C. GARRETT, 71.2 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HALL. PHILADELPHIA, • Hasiust received an assortment of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES,....i, Of the newest styles, and of imry. superior qualitY, ae well as those adapted, to men's and boys' wear. He is manufacturing extensively a great variety of - USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES OF SILVER, And gives special attention to getting uri things suitable BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS: PLATED WARE,• Got up under the proprietor own inspection, in a great variety of styles, Will be warranted. HEAVILY PLATED with pure silver, in a way to insure its wear . lug well. Much of his JEWELRY . . Is manufactured on the premises; and his stock will ; be found to comprise a great variety of fashionaide goods, fr'orn the smallest articles to • SETS:'OF DIAMONDS. These are offered for sale at. PRICES inucEs ADAPTED TO THE TIMES And persons are invited 'to call aq eXaraille them.' del2-tf . _ SIEVER, CUP'S; FANCY AND PLAIN SIVITE.R• WARE, • WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND PLATED GC 4 ODS,.. AT HENRY HAEPER ; S, AelS-St* 6.20 :ARCH Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS_ " ATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, -' No. €42, MARKET. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Persons wishing , to purcliase good GOLD or SILVER WATCHES, Eine Gold Jewelry, 'Solid Silver or Silver- Plated Ware, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, will find a large and desirable stock to select from at STAUFFER & HARLEY'S, del2-I2t No. 622 MARKET st 4 Philadelphia. HOLIDAY PRESENTS . 7 We have now on head a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT • ;_ oP. , . WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, IMITABLE POE •' CHRISTMAS — AND NEW TEAR PRESENTS::.: We invite special attention to the modeinte Prices of our DLiMONDS. . LEWIS LADOMITS del2-tial No. 1102 CHESTNUT STREET l ilt AMERICAN WATCHES. t. B. MARTER, AGENT FOR THE "AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY," . NOW OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOR• .HOLIDAY PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCICOF. M EICAN WA 1 1, 0:11 EIS; FOR LADIES AND GENT.T;thriIN, AT MODERATE PRICES. • No: 712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND, FLOOR, OPPOSITEMASONIC HALL. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. -.• G. RUSSELL, No. 22 11014ss " SLIPp# 13T1418T,, Offers a choice assortment of • WATCHES, DI - AbIONDS, FINE JEWELRY, STANDARD SILVER - V,VARFif onlioiefor.Hollilay Presents, at the • ZOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. de2-Im D. T. PRA T.l` , (317CC8EROR TO PRATT at REATR,) 60'7 CHESTNUT STREET, Is 'constantly in receipt of • SIFGLISH, SWISS, AND _ AMERICAN WAT'CIII-ES, Of desirable Arles and Qualities, to f east all elasees of noleamit. adt ELI HOLDEN, Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WA.TCRES, JEWELRY, AND CLOC_ES, • 0i,31-Sm* • 70S_MARKET Street. AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER CASES. J.OS H. WATSON, - No. 326 CHESTNUT Street. d el WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES PARR & BROTIIER, Importers, SEWING-. MACHINES. THE -WILCOX & GEBBS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES have been greatinpr9yed, making it ENTIRELY NOISELESS. • and with Self-adjusting . Hemmers, are now ready for sale by FAIRBANKS & EWING, se27-tf . • • • '11.5 CHESTNUT Street. INSURANCE ,'COMPANIES. G_TRARD . FIRE AND MARINE INMLUICE COMPANY Ny •: .t. • CAPITAL 5200,000. This Company continues to take risks nn the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely.umni its responsibility. and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the boleti of the public, during the last nine years, exceed . 500,000 DOLLARS. and we respectfully ' solicit its favor in the' uture. • DIRECTORS. ' • CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKM JOHN W. CLAGHORN; JOHN THOHNLEY, C. E. HEAZIPPT . • ABRAHAM HART, J DAVID BOYD, R., PETER & HOE, of N. Ti WM. H. SWAIN FURMAN SIIEPPARD. JOSEPH KLAPP' M. D; H.S LAWRENCE,' WM. c. Ruimult, JOHN SUPPLE THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. imarrr, Vico President, J.& S. B. ALVORD, Secretary. • : apTt•iftf U NITE STATES LIFE INSURANC E 'COMPANY OF NEW. YORK. JOSEPH N. COLLINS, President. • • JOHN SADIE, Secretary. • CAPITAL AND SURPLUS • 49000,00 s The business of this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash principle,, which is now fully recognized as the only correct principle. - The law under which this Company is chartered prp. vides that, if the capital should, from any cause, become impaired to the extent of . 0 .0,000, or more, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make good such deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which affords this safeguard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three years, the next on March 4th; 1136.5. Rates of premium charged by this Company areas lovr as MO years' experience and the probable fut\fre rate of interest will justify. 0. 13ARDENWERPHR, Agent, No. 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ItIiFERENCE3. Joseph Patterson Esq., Prosident 'Western Bank, • Hon. Archibald - gel lityre Treasurer U. S. Mint: Messrs Jay Cooke & Cu., Bankers. Messrs. Baker, Wostcott, & Co., Bankers. Messrs. Stuart & Brother, Bank street. dolD-wfmSni • . F AME INSURANCE 004PANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, FINE AND INLA: . . DIEEC' • .ND INSURANCE. ".TORS. ' r N. Buck, E: D. Woodruff . Alas. Richardson: . John Kessler, Jr., ••:.'Henry Lewis, Jr., • P. S. Justice, , Washington Jones, Geo. A..West,;:'• Chas. Stokes, ' 0. W. Davis, ' John W. Everman, • • .FRANCIS N. Bu R,Presment.• . • CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President, .ItriLLWIIS L BLANCHARD. Secretary. trahl9-11H iptEmoVAI:—THE..TTNITETY: STATES SANITARY COMMISSION has ronuOied Its Dace& tory from NO: 1235 Chestnut street to No: . ST:llonth SIXTH Street, where contributions are now: received' for Sick and Wounded Soldiers.' . WYE AND EAR."-PROF..J..D3AA;OI3; -•-..OOULIST and AURIST, from Leyden, Holland, is permanently located at No. 511 FINK Street, where he treats all diseases of the eye or ear scientifically, and cures, if curable. Artificial eyes inserted without pain, . N. B —No charges made for examination, dm3-imo MEDICINAL COD-LIVER OIL.- BAKER & Co., Druggists, No. 154 North THIRD Street are now receiving their supplies fresh from the fisheries. The superiority of their. 011 in every respect has gained for it a reputation and sale beyond any other brand in the market. To maintain it, they are 'determined to supply an article that may . be entirely relied on for fresh ness and purity. See testimonials of Dra..Mutter. Jack son, Darrach. and others. no2D-amwlm if ;:e.=-% THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABI. it Fu7role a ß Se!i z i fb S o T oiron is id n io d etrklit: logy, Hygine, Phonography, and for cal examinations.• Orders by 'mail should. be addressed to . , JOHN L. CAPE N 0c22-wsmSmit 9251 CHESTNUT Street. Puna. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOL3DAY , PRE,SENTS UMBRELLAS FOR LADLES. UMBRELLAS FOR ,GENTLEMEN. UMBRELLAS FOR MISSES. UMBRELLAS FOR LADS. , UMBRELLAS Beautifully;Finished. . • _ 'UMBRELLAS Of Superior Make. SiLK AND GINGHAM UMBREL'LA'S. For sale by WM. A. DROWN, & CO., 216 MARKET STREET gtt i , HOLIDAY PRESENTS WM. A. DROWN & CO., 240 MARKET- STREET. s e . - • Ara iiowpiepated with their usual stook of very.surerior .- . . . - - UMBRELLAS, VERY SUITABLE TOR PRESENTS: del.34f • YOU `ARE . INVITED 'FO THE, assortment of all-grades of :11MBEELLAS, so ad mirkibly adapted -for' HolidayTreaentsi at the Ma, , flitfactory . of SLEEPER " & 1002 MARKET Stkeet; oue door aboitT Philadohinia. doWt* GRAND EXHIBITION OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! G.. A. SCHWARZ, 1006 CHESTNUT* §TREET, • Avon Tenth, PhilOelphiar ' Respectfully informs his customers and the public in general, that he has opened now all his NEW IMPORTATIONS Of German. French, and English FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. Having visited all the largest European Manufactories generally, I am confident that the VARIETY • Ate. 1 CHEAPNESS OF GOODS • Cannot be surpassed in this country. . The public are invited: to visit the store, Whetberithey purchase or otherwise:. : •• : - • . • : G. A. SCHWARZ, inniorter and Wholeiale and 86tnil Dealer de111722-.3t' ESTABLISHED_ 1812 WILLIAM . WILSON (1; SON, MMWPACTURERS OF - SILVER WARE, 8. COR&F.* (5P PIPTirAND CHERRY' STREETS. A very large assortment .of Plain and Fancy SILVER WARE oxihand; suitable for HOLIDAY PI!,7ASENTS, OF OUR OWN MANUFAOT I T ALNO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS" IN ENOLIBH,-:FREICCH, • ;AMERICAN PLATED WARES del&kial PRESENTS. An assortment of 'USEFUL AND PINOT GOODS. • . . Now open at, • • • . STOkB,' 'delS•tfeß• 'No. .1020 CHESTNUT STREET. • •1311 OLIDAY Pit:MEN - TS.- A BEAU TIFUL Assortment of Hanging Baskets, Fancy Flower Pots, Croons Pots, Fish Stands, Ferneries, Ilya eintbs in Glasses, Bulbous Roots and Winter Flowering Plants, Bouquets and Moss Baskets of Natural FlONVerti. taittefully . arranged';at H. A. DUEER'S, 327 CHESTNUT Street. . de2o4t* BR ITAN N I A WARE OF BEST quality, oonsiating of • ' TEA SETS. CASTORS. • MODEM, LADLES, 'CIGAR LAMPS, SPOONS, , MOLASSES PITCHERS, • ''. CUPS; • JULEP MUGS, dm,' t v connieleinn a Ana assortment, v lp iT s or ta s ar c Lor sale "E; .. 35 North EIGHTH Street, ' del7-9t • • , Corner Flitted. • - - •M • - SEETO IT.=-NOW IS EI-TIME:TO BUY - YOUR "CHRISTMAS PRESENTS," berore The throng commences. - WITTERS s ac CO. offer a begutiful lino of goods in SILVER-PLATED WARE, of every virlety. • 44 6 BRITANNIA WARE, . KEROSENE-LAMPS. 64 66 • Clocks, Fancy Goods, Gas Shades, &c., the whole form ing a complete assortment of the above goods, from which to select a "Useful and Appropriate Present. " Call early by all means. WITTERS & CO., •• 35 North EIGHTH Street, • delEt* . 'Corner Filbert. • RILVERPLATED WARE OP BEST P.& DUALITY; couslstins of •• ' - SPLENDID TEA. SETS, • • CAKE BASKETS, . •• • • . • TOAST RACKS' ..• .. • BUTTER DIMS • MOLASSES PITCH& RUBY` AND PLATED BERRPbISKES, RUBY- AND PLATED SALTS, NAPKIN RINGS. LADLES,' SPOO NS, C A LL BELLS, FORKS, KNIVES, &c. .&0., Comprising a fine assortment, in store and for sale by WITTERS & CO., . No. 35 North EIGHTH Street, • del7-9t Corner of Filbert. nOI.*AT _ PRESENTS.' - • CHARLES DUMMIG-, NO. SIH CHESTNUT STREET, ' PgILADELPRIA, Begs leave to inform his customers that his stock of newly imported goods, suitable for PRESENTS, sur passes this year in elegance, variety, and Cheapness of prices, anything before seen in this city. - Please call and examine his gooits before buying else- Where. FANCY GOODS. Pocket Books, WorkDoites and Cabas, Purses,Porte-monuales, . Writing Desks and Cases, Cigar Cages and Boxes, Bronze and Gilt Goods, Ladies' Bags, China & Parian Ornaments, Papier Blaehe Goods, BoliemiaW Glass and Terra Fine Cutlery, • . Cotta Ware. DRESSING CASES. Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Tubes. Games of every kind known., Cricket, Archery, And Gynknas Implements . Walking Canes, Paris Fancy Goods generally. Musical Instruments of all kinds. • TOYS, •. • • lisi.every 'variety known, in thousands , of different kinds and styles. . dell-121 if • 'GOLD. ... SPECTACLES, . GOLD EYE • GLASSES, 'Field Glaccw,' for: Army and Navy use, Neeideseope.s Microscopes, Stereoscopes, and Storoosco pie Views, and a variety .of other:artieles,, appropriate gifts for the SCLSOII. : - .McALLISTER , del9-71 • '428 .CILESTNUT Strdet. . o HOTOGRA PEI° . A large variety for paces by VV. QlfE y N & CO., 024 CHESTNUT Street. Ncl3-tf it MICROSCOPES: SPEC`r.A.CLES,. AND • pric-GLAssEs, ror pregents, for:sale by. • ' • JAMES W. QUEEN &C. • if 924- CgESTNUT Street: . OPERA GLASSES i.,.:0r-BRA GLASSES. For sale bv • JAMES W. auggri CO., 024 CHESTNUT Street. de.l3-tf if .(I,HRISTICA.S PRESENTS. . .': Paint Boxes, Photograph Albums, Writing Albums, Drawing Albums, Picture Albums, Toy Albums, Cartes de Visite copies from Engravings, Pictures for Children, Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for framing, Fancy Papers, Gilt Borders. Also, Boxes with Fancy Letter Papers and Romp . SCHOLZ St .TANENTZKY, • del-lm . . 112 South. EIOHTH Street: . COMMISSION MOUSES. ELLING, COFFIN, it CO., 220 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for sale, by the Package— PRINTS, BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. DRILLS, CANTON FLANNELS. 441 COTTONADES, CORSET JEANS. SILESIAS, NANKEENS. • COLORED CAMBRICS, SEAMLESS BAGS. BLACK DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. UNION CLOTHS, SATINETS; PLAID LINSEYS, NEGRO KERSEYS. KENTUCKY JEANS. • ' ALSO; SKY-BLIM RERSEYS, INFANTRY CLOTHS. ARMY FLANNELS, 10 and 12-ounce DUCK, &a., &a. de6:unrf If • • • ARMY poops. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK•BLUE 'CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK.' • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. • HEAVY LINP.N.Dnus AND. DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHRD.SHEETINGS AND SHIHT DIGS. For saletby . • • - • , FEOTHrNGRAM & WELLS: solktf . E'EN OH- Di U. TA R BIARICE'S Imported. Mislaid, for sale in Wore aad to arrive, by the sole agent.. CHARLES S. CA_RSTAntEt. No. 11.20 WALNUT NtraeL O'ITON SAIL DUCK. AND CANVAS,C K. o r all number's and brand's. Raven's Duck Awning Twills; of all desoriptione for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from lto feet Wide• • Tarpaulin, Boltinr. Sail Twine &c. • . JOIN W. lIVAMAN dr co., ' • 102 JONES' Alley. - pARED PEACHES.-3;000 ALBS. choice New Pared Peaches, in white bags far . sale RHODSS•k WILLIAMS. No. 107 South WATER Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY JANUARY. 1863. IS READY TO-DAT. The JANUARY .NIJMBER is now ready; bentoning NEW VOLUME. In order to make 'room for a rich variety of timely and intere s ting 'artrclos, the publishers have given Stir S[XTEEN PAVES AbDITION&L. Spccial latent ion is called to the following extraordinorY LIST OF CONTENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS MP' HAPPIEST DAYS. By .0 AiLlitoutirox., THE PROMISE OF THE DAWN. A Christmas Story. By the Author oe "Life in the Iron Mills." Jar LN THE HALF-WAY 'HOUSE. By JAmcs RE'S SELL LOWELL. gar MR. BUCKLE AS A THINKER. BY D. A WnesoN. AlEili - RECOLLECTIONS OF A GIFTED WOMAN.. By NATHANIEL HAWTHOUNY. Mr- . 14.1tXTELL. Coxa.rotoN. , • sOe*Fik LEOE D 01' RABBI BEN LBYI. By• -• /TENET W. Lonalim.ow. • • Sr MY FRIEND THE WATCH. By GROUGE WIL LIAM CURTIS. •-• AO - BENJAMIN BANNEKER, THE NEGRO ASTRO NOMER., BY. M.D. CotiwAY.. . . "Or THE SLEEPING SENTINEL. • • - 4er IRON-CLAD HEAYT ORDNANCE.: By AIMASDER L. : • • SP ANDREW , RltlibtAirS -PRAYER.. • By JOHN 0. . . . . . WHITTIHR. • lacir THE STRATHSAYS. By Mum= R Passcorr. ASEE; THE . FINE LADY. By. JCI.I.t WARD HOWE. iffir A'REPLY. ADDRESSED TO THE*OliblEic OF ENGLAND. By HARRIET BAitorEA STOWE. Jar THE SOLDIERS' RALLY. By ELDRIDEE JEF FERSON CUTLER. . far OVERTURES FROM: RICHMOND. By Professor FRANCIS J. Cahn. 4cir REVIEW . S . AWIMI4EY NOTICES. THE STAPP OF WRITERS, •: • regularly contributing - to 'the:ATLANTIC MONTHLY, embraces all the best-known authoriin American litera ture, and warrants the Publishers in proruising to its readers ' ' THE BEST ESSAYS, 'PI[E•BE6'P STORIES, • - THE BEST POEMS, which American talent can Arroish Tlit../tTLANTIC is for• sale by all Book and Periodical Dealers. Price T.lcentsm. number. Subscriptions for the year E 3, postage paid. Yearly subscriptions received, or single numbers supplied by any dealer the Pub lishers: Specimen number's sent &idle' on application to the Publishers. • . Club rates furnished on application to the Pubhikers. Send for a Circtilar -with Crake (Vinton& & FIELDS, It • 138 WASHINGTON &vet, Boston, Mass MESSt4S, , ,T.DUN.OR. & FIELDS, BT 0 N L.]\ o . .ir READY GRAVER THOUGHTS - or A COUN By Roy. A.-1G li. Bo rn " author of -"rho Recreations Of a Country Parton; :''heimuro Itonm," &T. : 1 volume, uniform with Ow ` l .llecreatitins." $1.150. A new volnMe, lift h e "Counta Parson," needs no in troduction to American readers. Isis "Recreations" have been sold by thousands of copies; and have passed into gaining a place in the estimation of the literary world beside the essays of Goldsmith, Lamb, and Ilazlitt. The new volume, " Gpitver Thoughts." has met with a great success in England ; having poked rapidly through SEvitx RDITIONS. A PRESF,NT'HEAVEN: . . By the autlioiof "The :Patience of NOM" volume, llhuo: Trice $l. • "The'irriter is at her hest—her poetry at i Er; highest— her vision at its clearest—hi her religious writings. 'She seems to be peculiarly flied with natural gifts for enter ing into the. hearts of the poor, the suffering, the op prest4ed, and to the tOrinualy endowed to walk there with 'brightening nittnence, cheering, soothing, exalt ing, with words of contort and looks of love, a kind of FIOTVIIICe :Nightingale, walking the hospital of ailing Athenaum. • iftei- for sale by all Booksellers, or soli!, ritoitipaift, to any address, on receipt of price by the publishora. . . • lt .135.*.0111111VT0N PQR . HOLIDAY PRESENTS , • • • FOR ; C LDREN PARENTS • - POR. SUNDAY-SCHOOL mogires, • FOR CLER G YMEN,:. ; AND,FOR•RRDENDS. • • All the near. Books of the season are to be Eked ontlas shelves, together with a largewelt-selpoted sheik of later . dates. BIBLES IN FINE BINDINGS,,varIeue.O.XFORD. * : and other ENGLISH editions, . • . PRAYER" Boggs. The BOOK OF COMMON PRAT ER, from the smallest, 4Smo. published to the largest folio for desk. 4Smo. Prayer, Turkey Morocco, gilt edge $175 48mo. do. do. do. ribbon edge 150 4Smo. do. do. do. with clasp 150 48mo. do. rims and clasps 2 50 48mo. do. velvet rims and clasps •• . ........ 300 16mo. do. Turkey-flex 225 16mo. do. bevelled boards '3 50 32m0. Prayer, (best edition published for children,) • arabesque. 50 • 82mo Prayer, Turkey Morocco I 75 7 32m0. do. do. rims and clasps 2SO 32m0, do. velvet , 350 And a variety of styles not mentioned, besides all the different English editions of PRAYER BOOKS and CHURCH. SERVICES. Also, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A large stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, as hand some and as cheap as can be louin:bin the city. FOR SALE AT THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT STREET. N. B. For the accommodation of Sunday-School Teachers that may not be able to make their selections through the day, the Depository will be kept open in the evening during the 'week preceding Christmas. delStf BOOKS 'OF REAL VALUE .. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. • APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN ;CYCLOPEDIA; in 15 vols. Various styles of binding. APPLETON'S ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA FOR 1861: A Register of•lmportant Events in History, Science, and. Art. Ivol. Sy°. • • PUTNAM'S RECORD.OF THE. „REBELLION. The most valuable work üblished on. the .prcheut war. 4 vols.; SVO: ' DICKIES' COMPLETE WORKS. Household edition. InVpl9 , B __COL,PLETyq N,ALQRISIS.,-14 vols.._ , • • OF WASHINGTON. volb. LIFE AND • LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING: 2 vols. • • ___ • • • BAY ARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. Oviton edition. S cols: COOPER'S NOVELS. Darloy's illustrated edition: 32 vols. . WAVERLY NOVELS.' Household edition.' ` 6O vols. • BANCROFT'S• HISTORY OF . THE UNITED:STATES; Svols. • • • GEMS FROM THE DUSSELDOR F GALLERY. ' Photo-. graphed by Turner, to'embraco St copies of maSter-picces by German artists. •• • • : . • It GRANT WHITE'S SHAKSPE.kRA, hi 11 Volt. ' HEROES AND MARTYIIS—NOTABLRMEN. By Prank Moore. 40 Illustrations. „ . BRITISH POETS. PM • vols. Little, Brown, &Co.'s edition. • BRITISH FASAYISTS. 33 vols. ' MODERN BRITISH ESSAYISTS. vols. HOOD'S COMPLETE WORKS. 0 vols. • • PLUTARCH'S LIVES BY CLOIJGH. • 5 vols. WORKS OF BACON. LAMB, &c. SHAKSPLUIES WORKS. By Mary Corydon Clarke. 2 vols., illustrated. For ettrie, at the lowest prices l at the Office of • AI'PLE'rON'S CYCLOPEDIA:and • • • . • ' ; AtEIIELLION RECORD.. , de2o;t 33 Soutli SIXTII St, above Chestnut. , . . . - . , - • • ILLUSTRATIONS READY ON TliE IStli OF DECEMBER. ' DANTE ALBUM. Photographs from thlrtPen select Illustrations to Dante's Inferno, by GUSTAVE. DOHS, in Portfolio, Cloth, $7.50. In Turkey Morocco, $lO. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOOD, by CHAS. PERRAULT, with Photographs from the Illustrations by GUSTAVE DORE. 1 vol. 4 to. Bound in cloth, gilt edges, $4. • Turkey Morocco, Also Photographs of thelatest Portrait of ALFRED TENNYSON, painted by G. E. WATTS, engraved by JAMES STEVENSON. hize of the original. $L Card size, 2 cents. - • F. LEYPOLDT; Bookseller and Importer, delS-12t • . . 1323 .CHESTNUT Street. TIR: BOARDMAN'S THANKSOIVING DISCOURSE.—This -morning will be rerrdY THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY, a Thanksgiving Discourse,. by Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D. D. Pamphlet Svo. Twen ty-live cents, or five copies for One Dollar. Pnblished by WILLIAM S. dr ALFRED MARTIRN, de2o 000 CIL iSTNUT Street. LYEA i_ELE STI 9---HYMNS ON HEAVEN. Selected by A. C. Thompson, D. D. 12mo. SIM. On large paper ridges $2. Gilt edges ir34o: SPECTACLES FOR YOUNG EYES. 2 vols. i 31.30. MARGARET WARNER; or, The Young Wife at the Farm 0:1 cents. THE RESULTS OF, EMANCIPATION. • By Augustin Cochin. 12mo. $1.59 • OUR COMPANIONS IN GLORY; or, Society in lie wen Contemplated. By Rev. J. M. Killen. 51.50. Gilt, SL7S. For • _2 WILLIAMS. & ALFRED MARTIEN, de2o . • • 006 CHESTNUT Street THE -.AmEEHJA.N . 1 suNDAY SCHOOL UNION have pro . ifided their usual beautiful and bountiful stock or • • BOONS FOR .THE'IOLiDAY SEASON, In every variety k of size, .style, and price. Catalogues furnished gratuitously. on amilication at tlio DEPOSITO RY, N 0.11221 CIIESTIWT &mot, Philadelphia. N.• B.—Store open in the delDAh RS; BIGOURNEY'S ILLUSTRATED . M PORBISAN ELEGANT PRESENTATION VO LUME, printed on cream-tinted paper, with illustrations, designed by Barley, and engraved by various artists. Beautifully bound in various styles, suitable for pre sentation. ALSO, • An assortment of HOLIDAY-BOOKS, illustrated_,_stAnd ard and juvenile. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers & Booksellers, dell 25 South SIXTH Stroet, above CHESTNUT. HOLIDAY BOOKS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. The subscribers have on band an assortment of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOOKS, suitable for Holiday Presents; also, JUYESILEHOOKS in great variety, and all the NEW BOOKS Of the day LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Pnhttah2s South SIXTH Stlai,ilitiblolgg:Ttit A LECTIrRE FOR YOUNG MEN.- Just published, mice 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CIILVERWEEL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the ReprodUctive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption. Epilepsy, Mental and Phyakal Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment, toithout 'medicine, is fully explained, so as to enable every ono to be his' own physician at the least possible expense. A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, post-paiti, on reeoipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers. CR. J. C. KLINE St CO., ' kV BOWERY; New York, no4-in tf • Post Office Box 4.588. ICI~a 1 THE PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE, N 0.1884. CHESTNUT ST., • • (opposite United States Mint,) Have now ready • .FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS A fine assortment of BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, A VARIETY OF GIFT BOOKS, . POETICAL WORKS, ' • CHILDREN'S BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPHS (10 cents each). And a large and beautiful assortment of - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, In ell the various styles of binding, including Turkey Morocco, carved • Oak and :Walnut Sides, Electrotype Landscapes, White Porcelain with Cilt.Mountings, Sze., Bte., holding from 12 to 200 Photographs each. Having purchased most of these before the late great 'rise in coat of ma nub nitre, we will continue to sell at the OLD: PRICES. We have also always on hand a great variety of Books selected expressly fur Sabbath Schools at low prices. dei2.3t • • • . PUBLISHED ` - TOW ULPROM THE AD- Tx VANCE SHEETS. • '• ' By Special. Arremieinent with the Anther, „. • • •• • . • . . MRS.." . .H.A.LLLBUBTON'S•IROUBLES, . . A DOMESTIC - NOVEL. • BY HENRY . WOOD, : iuthorof "Bast Lynne," etc. • CLOTH;'IS CENTS .. PAPER: . 50 CEXllT'§'Publoehed by DICK ee' FITZGERAtti,' • • No. 18 ANN STREET, N. Y.: Also for ESAIe by all Booksellers in this place: CoMea of the aboN - e book sent by mail, to any adtlioss. free' of postage; on receipt of the price. . dell-trftriitt I;lalWiM STOART'S :PORTRAITS • • • OP _ - • GEORGE AND • . • • WASHINGTON • COPIED IN OIL COLORS BY E. C. 141.DDLBTON. ' • Of Cincinnati, (formerly of this city.) ' These Portraits are produced by an entirely Neto iro eeee, sad are more beautiful and life-like than the finest brush paintings, and are furnished to. Subscribers only, at a remarkably low price. What'can be more appropriate fora. • CHRISTMAS PRESENT Than a pair of these Paintings? They must be seen to be appreciated, and the subscriber will call and exhibit them to any in this city who will address him. through the Post Othee. • RISTMAS .• *- . .••• . - • 41iMES S.• EARLE - & SON, • : • HAW NOW OPEN - THEIS NEWBST IMPORTATIONS or:* ENGRAVINGS, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS : • • NOR CHRISTOBB SALES. 'OIL PAR‘TINGS. PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH • , LOOKING GLASSES • IN GREAT VARIETY. A: It E S - GALL:pRIES, ikriAr 816 °minim simian. PIIIIIADEtNILL PitOtoadP liS : CCTEI2EOSCOPIC.='VIEWS, COLORED of the London Exhibition. A:choice se .l.o.!iOnlof these admirable !atm for Vir . 4 ' 1 1 1141 & CO., : : de2eitr - No:ORe& CHESTNUT Street, CHRISTMAS --HOLIDAYS.— TREA'r yoilmelf to a - tine, faithful LIKENESS—a life-size Photograph in . oil colors by REIMER, now at reduced Prices. SECOND Street, above Green.- It CIARD - PHOTOGRAPHS.-WE HAVE N-/ wit-based from' James S. Earle & Son their entire collection of CARD Pllirl'OGßAl'llS, and hose now the largest collection in. the city. . ••• • • delo4l McALLISTER & BRO., 7558 CHESTNUT Street. 'EIBISTMAS 1$ OOMINGIARE G iotrEottiglo ItEIBIEWS ?' Yon szhontil If xon want a iti6d . Pletitte. COLOREDVII.O.TOORAPH are trititable.prOeuto. SECOND titritet..ilmtco Grros. lt jum cip.. - w p i . . • . • • A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 906 ARCH STREET, Where the . . . ' • FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, . • FROM TEE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most .LXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wishing first-class pictures are invited to call and examino specimens. A choice selection of Albums, casm, end franc., on hand. . F. A. 0. KNIPE. deli-Sru CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. NVBROTHERHEAD'S CIROULA.- . TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library , in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH. BOOK that are not REPRINT ED here. • Terms $5 per year ; six months $3; three months $1.50 one month 75 ceab4 or. 3 cents per day. 218 Sonth EIORTH Street. se,Sem ENGLISH AND FRENCH ' FAIHLY _ _APICULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LAIUTURE.I323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per month, and diy. Catalogues furnished gratis on application. brary.Just ready, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li- Catalogue de la BOliotheque ehoiele des. Dames et des Dourneelleo." M. M. MONACHESI,_Agent, ‘• aeCtAlm 1323 CFIESTNUT Street. WANTS. IarANTED—A SPECIAL PARTNER; T T with from 835.00) to e 20,000, •in the Dry.l3Mods Jobbing business., The• advertiser has a good trade, which can be greatly increased by having =additional capital. ; Reference can be given to all the prominent im porting and conun Wien houses in this city. Address "Dry Goods." The Prem. office. All commu nications strictly confidential. • ' ' . deMit BET • WANTED -A. COMPLETE . BET:OF • T FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CHINA, &c., by one going to 'Houpekeepiug. Auy giving up, and having an elegant lock, nearly new, please address !' M. IL Con fillenoo,' Pm* Office. t1et.1..3,* VITANTED-A YOUN G MAN AS T' Entry Clerk; must be a good peiman. Address Box 1209 Post Office. del9--3ts To BOX MANITFAOTTIMERS WANTED.-2,000. Splice., Linn, Poplar, or Beach Boxes per day, at C. ALBRIGHT & CO.'S United States Bakery, Nom. 5 and 7 DOCK Street. . del6-6t* • .• • ' '" ' %BOARDING. ...vvvvvvvv.sno,wwww. SINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD like to woke a comfortably furnished room for the winter, with br ten minutes' walk of The Press office. Address." Russell," at this office. : PERSOPIAL. WSTER AND. .PAY. ROLLS, ,AND Government claim's of all 'Maths cashed 'or. eat tested, at reasonable rates. by . .JA3IBB . I7V.TON. 420 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.- - - 1.••• . • • : "11084 r IDENSIONS.- $l9O BOUNTY AND • Pay procured and collected for soldiers, 'Milers and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, PhiladelPhia. Particular attention given to parties living t a dli tance. a oclB-tf LOST AND FOUND. T. D. BART AT . TIVENTY: '.:4lnyts'liiiiit,...drairi by 'Seittnel .W. 11.111, Agent; on .S. M. Day, Secretark renusylimitia - Mining Company of Michiga 11, to the order of Ann aD. ralwants, iininhered 9.06, for One. Hundred and 'ren 27-SitiMollars. The above described do fahaving. been.: mailed toll"; Septentber and having failed .to - reach us, all persons aro cautioned H wit ust negotiating it, sit payment lian been stopped. . tia2-3t* • ' • ' 31; THO3IAS & SONS. ,OST UST-A. • FOR . 18 Agirea in the Capital Stoclicif the Hazleton Coal Com. pid3y i ' l in' the name of T. Frank Walter. dated' March Notice ishereby given that application has been made to the Company for a renewal of aitidaertificate. T. /RANK W- TFH 'Penn Haven, September. In; - sett -121.1;n4 T OST-A CERTIFICATE FOR, 15 shares in the Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow Railroad apd Coal Company, in the name of P. Frank Vatter, diTP.I April22, - 1661, - No:S,(TA . Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Company for a renewal of said certificate. • • T. FRANK. WALTER. Penn Haven, September, 113 E. . se22-m Sm* FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR; SALE-LA. STEAM PROPELLER . - TUG ;length, 91feet ; 'beam, 19 feet ; depth, 5 feet, 5 itt.t has two direct-acting-vertical high-pressure &glues, 14-inch- - cylinders, 2(l , inth Stroke. .Apply at No. 304 South Dff.tiAWARE Avenue. delsqnwitlt • I_ll IL L AND, FACTORY FOR SALE. thal. valuable Mill Property, Water Power, and about •Fifteen Acres of Land, situate in Bucks.eounty. Penna., about 33; miles 'from ShammyP h Station, an the iladelphia and Trenton Rail road 5 utiles from Bristol, and 3 miles front city line. Thebuildings are a stone factory, 45 by 65feet, 33 stories high, With staircase in stone, tower, wheel house, &c., stone flouring mill, with two run of stones, now rented, Saw mill, and large barn.. It Is the best water power on McMullin)* creek, and htu; a head anti fall of 9 feet. Price $12,e00. uu CALEB N. TAYLOR, (1022-ets BRISTOL, Bucks County, Penna. itt • FOR RENTI-MARKETSTREET JCR:From January Ist, the second, third and fOurth floors of Nos. 426 and 428 Market street . 3t by 117 feet, now occupied by Leon , EMT', Co. Apply, between 12 and 2 o'clock, at 320 WA.LNOT Street, Office No. 2, up stairs. nol6.thintf MEDICAL. 'COLLEGE. OR SUIT- Ara'ABLE FOR' 'ANY LARGE MANUFACTURING uusnass—crtio largo building, with three Lecture Rooms, and :LH the appliances fur a Medical College, on NINTH, below Locust street. For sale by ANTHONY P. k IL MORRIS, de2o.'tt• • • • • No. 916 ARCH- St rept. n i FOR SALE-MONTGOMERY •••• COUNTY FARM, Si Acres.tuear Norristonru„lmb. manila' STONE IMPROVEMENTS, nicety 'NI-M*lW, .Ito. Also, a large number of farms for sale or exchange, in the adjoining counties. Apply to .E.,PETTIT, delS . .1 • !: . 309 WALNUT Street. - Torr.LTE'S SAFE DEPOT MOVED to No. M. South SEVENTH Street, neat tra mnkltu Institute. - The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and betel determined to merit future patronage, has assured an elegant and convenient- store, and has now on hand s large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made. Also, Lillie t Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is tbo strongest, best pro tested, and cheapest Door and Lookot offered. Also, particnlar attention la cubed to Lillie's Nee Cabinet Safe, for Plato, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is csmt, ceded to surpass in 'style and elegance anythiwg Tel offered for 'this - purpose. and is the only one that it strictly Are and burglar proof. SPECIAL NOTICE.—I have now on .hand say Wird)? Of 'Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most;of them ntorly new. and some forty of other itiakert, comprising a oon plet. assortment as to sizes,, Ind all lately exchanged • for th' now celebrated Lillie safe. They will be' sold at veil lowprices. Please call and examine. t A ia2a-lvir • • M. fl. SATILSR;le,vint ARD PRINTING, NEAT AND C ;Ohm. at RINGWALT & lIROWEIs ILL sottl TOMITEI StreaL Otieattat, 00.3. A. BARLOW. kv;Liki A;104 01 A MERICAIT ACADEMY OF MITBIO. 4 .-a- DIRECTOR J GRAD. TONIGHT, LAST NIGHT 01? DINORAHI TIIIS ( MONDAY) EVENING. DEC. 224, LAST NIGHT RUT ONE OF THE OPERA SEASON . f CARD.—Mr. GRAU respectfnily announces that in consequence of the brilliant success of this last and ro mantic work aMoyerbeer's. which has been received by the public, and the Intelligent portion of the press o Philadelphia, with as much enthusiasm as in Pari London. and throughout Germany, and in compliance with a very unanimous demand for Its repetition. it w 1/ .be given, positively for the last time, this evening, with its new and splendid scenery and costuniff, fnU chortu. Mid truly grand orchostra of forty performers. • ' - THE UNPRECEDENT - • coBDIER;..IIS. •,binorah. MORENSI :as ; .Ist Go it herd S Go :therd ;AM0D10.......a5. Moe!. . . ... 11 ter. To gis•eillic effect to the Epismlc of the third a et, S zuor Brignoli has kindly consenteil to Sing THE FAMOUS ltliA PER'S SONG. which can only be.effeetively given by an : rti of su perior merit. The perforrnitncowill commence with tb. GRAND SYMPHONIC AND CIIOII.AL OVERTURE, TIIE PILGRIMAGE TO PLOERM being a musical (le , klerirtiott : of the events that Ire suer posed to hare talreii place prior to the commence vent of the Retain. It Will he performed by • ' • ' THE'GRANDHECIIESTRA OF FORTY ' • ANA . THE INVISIBLE oonus. Musical vireetor and CciuduCtor ; • Signor MU In. Stage Director • Signor SCOLA. TO-41011110W (TUESDAY) EVENING. December 23. LAST NIGHT OF • THE OI'EIIA.SE &SON. • And only night of VertlPs immortal work. THE SICILIAN VESPERS; With IP:gorgeous mdse en scene and all unpreceient.4l cast. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. ' CLOSING AND GRAND GALA NIGHT. -When the entire Company will appear. Ticket Offices at the Academy- and Gould's Mud Store. Kn. 039 Chestnut street. de?! _ . AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC DIRECTOR '• '' J. ORAN. LAST NIGHT. . Or TUE . . OPERA SEASON. TUESD.AT EVENIWG, December 13. • On this occasion Will he produced, for the fnit and only time this motion, Verdi's immortal work, THE SICILIAN- VESPERS. • with its renowned cud gorgeous ?nise en scene, and the following superb cast: MADAME LORINI In the celebrated 'role of lIELENE. The. other' leading characters will , be sustained br Signora , ' • - BRIGNOLL AMODIO, jind.• • . SUSIE'. Ticketat the Academy, - and . .Gonttlis Made Store; No: 632 CHESTNUT Street: • ••• ; • Ilea -2t AMERICAI — I AO - 4DIAIitt:OF . . • CLOSING AND GRAND GALA *MAT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 24, Ma -ALL THE FAVORITE 'ARTISTS ENGAGED APPEAR. ffy , FAVORITA. ' • 1 - 1/INORAII. • NORMA. .• Mr. Gram has tholuntor to announce that, in compliance With a generally •victirolmed.desire, that *ler to the de parture of his •Compitur, he wou ld: one of these ()rand Gala niehts, which• attracted such immiinse and fashionable audiences In New'York, that ho will present the following • • • . pßlLLiamx-ATTRAcTrirE PROGRAMME, . Tl<o entire of Donizettra m era oP FAvourrA; • BTADAmb iI,II.IR.A.BELLAAS-LEOhtoki. lii announcing the appearance of Madame Guermbella. in this eidebrated role, Mr. Gran would specially refer to the enthusiastic reception sho received from both pro a and. public in her rendition of it .iu New York, patticu her performance of the last act,-in which oho nary instly claim to be without a' rival on the lyiic stage in that role. • SIGNOR BRIGNOLI In his great rote of FERN.V.iDO. • The king SIGNOR AMODIO. Balthazar " SIGNOR SUSINI. Berircee the second and third acts, MLLE. CORDIEt . will perform the celebrated SHADOW DANCE and ARIA FROM MORAN. Between the third and fourth acts, SIGNORINA MORENSI will appear in the celebrated 'Brindisi Scene." from ••• • • 'lncrezia The performance will commence with the fir6t act of NORMA. MADAME LORINI • Appearing in the grand tragic role of __ • SIGNOR MACCAFERRI,N ORMA. Who has recently achieved so great a success in. New York, sustaining the part of ' POLLIO. .OROVESO SIGNOR SUSINI. Ticket offices at the Academy and Gould's Music Store, 032 CHESTNUT Street. AMERICAN' 40ADEAfT . OF MUSIC. . HOOD & SHELDON` LESS c ,F. 130 • GRAND HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENTS. ' ••• : . -:- GRANDROLIDAY ENTERTAINMENTS. ' . • - - CHRISTMAS DAT -at g o clock. ' • . .... CIIHIST3IAS DAY ' at 2 o'clock. . - CHRISTMASI 89111. at '1 3 ,/ .°. cl ei al js . 'FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAy . icx l 4 . c ..wON AND . NiGHV. • • • 200 200 200 200 2OO f,yriss CHILDREN WILL APPEAR IN ~ "ItAND FAIRY $ PECTACLE. . ... . &HAM P 4/ 4.1. §.1,74C.T. AS "Vf§icTN FAIRY LAND GRAND MARCH OF TIM 7. 4 LRY LIGHT GUARD. Also, the lleautiful Nursery Tale et rantomime u( CINDERELLA, CINDERELLA, • CINDERELLA, • • CINDERELLA, OR THE GOOD FAIRY AND /Wilt LITTLE GLASS _ SLIPPEIL' "' • . • - Felix, Prince of Salerua ---- ' La Belle Louise. AIM.' era, Tutor - .La Belle Laura., . Dantlinst, - Valet • La Belle Maggie. Baron l'onlpolino - - . • - Ta Bello Sask.. Thirbe { . Th . errnitia eaten ,. —La Bello Eliza. Clorinda • -.La Belle Katie. Cinderella ' ..' ' ... Lt Belle - Fannie. Fairy Queen • • • • La Belle Oua. l'edro, Ciuderellsee friend- -' •' ' ••• Master Frani:. Letts, Lodies...Bervaiste, Foolinen. Geurtiers, &e. .-• The beatitiful helloed notlatt.l Ponies, . - • LITTLE MAC AND DITIINSIIIE. . ' • %LITTLE MAC AND BMW:ADE. : , LITT.L.E . BAC AND•IiURNSIDE. • : • ,•;• . • '• - - ••• .:-.Attarbed to their _, ' ,''.- • ELEGANT GOLDEN CHARIOT. •• ' ' ; ELEGANT.GOLDEN CHARIOT. - • .' •"7 :ILEGANT GOLDEN CHARIOT. • . .. ELE.GANT GOLDEN cLuniter, • Will foritytt'prolnibetit'realure. . . - yousetuince or the inimonse•preseure at the Box: Office. at the twerions.:entertiiimiients, and to avoid n ii beeo64l, Y . " dela Y. • Messrs.. Mood . Sheldon would rc -BDcfitimil- - suggest to their ••patrons duet; f6r their owe. convenience; • they Aiken Id sedum Tickets. and IN RCP% diaring•• the • Atty, for. which there is NO IiXTR ..• • • I Price Of admissi , ato on: cents rdall part); of the Mouse. •-: No .E.litnt Charge. for Secured Seats; which may be had the , Aesidemy and Gould's Music. Store, for any per fermancejliree Days in Advance. • • • • Proscenium Boxes (10 scuts each), Fire DoUaitt 210 gears witlba Speculator& --deVAL C A E 9 T ER'r HALL, OHF001:11' POSITIVELYFOR FOUR WEEKS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER ta. AND CONTINUING EVERY EVENINO: DITEINO' TR • • WEEK ALSO ON WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, AND P CIIRISTALAS AFTERNOONS, THE Glt EAT .HISTORIC' ]UPEOR OF THE WAR, ralite4 bT Messrs. ROBERT Sc WM. PEAR , SON, or Neu• York City. The only complete artistic to of the kind in exist ence, being a complete history of the great contest, Illus trating all the principal Battles, Battles, Battles, . Naval Engagements, val Engagements, Naval Engagement., Parades, Sieges, Parades, Sieg es , Parades, Sieg e s, . Camp Life, Camp Life, Camp Life. Not only eh owing all the principal Fortifications, Toms. and Cities, BM Mao following onr brave troops through their carious position and evolutions, the whole form ing a series of • • ARTIWIC AND BEAuTwur, SCENES, IthvrelieN, )ltarcLcs, Min chee, • Collected at =rat expense and trouble by Mr. Pearson. 4DMISSION CENTS ; PACKAG ES OF SIX TICKETS. ► ONE DOLLAR. GRAND MATINF-,E, • WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, ands AFTER NOONS, for the accommodation of SchooLs find *hinnies. Doors iaien at 2 0 cluck. To continence at ' • ' Evn:vistie—liutertainment to commence at 7X.' Doori open ono hour previous. • Persons desirous of emuming tickets will please apply at the Hall every day, between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. MRSMRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH- STREET . • THEATRE. • • Eneiness Agent and Treasure...... i... .... JOS.. D. MURPHY NINTH WEEK OE CLARKE. 'First' night of THE' NAIAD QUEEN. MONDAY and every EVENING,. • SUDDEN THOUGHTS. Jack Cabbage..:., ...:,,. After 'winch, the grand spectacle of THE RAIAD QUEEN. . . Schnapps \ . I q Clarke. Sir Rupert ....... Barton Rill. Lull i n 0... ... Mro. John Drew. CHRISTMAS, TWO GRA'N.I I .I PERFORMANCES, • Afternoon and Evening—See Bills. Box Sheet now open VALNIIT-STREET • THEATRE.— Sole Lessee • • Mrs. M. A. GARRSTTSON Business Agent . . • • Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY THIS (AIONDAY) EITIVINO. Deo. 2 . 2. Ifet. Will be performed Shorblan s Comody. entitled THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Charles Surface...* Mr. B. L. Dumont* Sir Peter Teazel B. N. Thayer. Ludy Teazel ... ' " E. L. , Dacoupor To conclude with tho.Earce of ' • . ICI. ON,PARIE ritA c.uSE. 3fr. • • • • 0 5. Herniae A BBL & 00!S • STERFARVICON. ASSRMDLYRUILDINGS,TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.', • CHRISTMAS' HOLIDAY. • Last'week, bnt one. of thin wonderful EXplunnkx OF SUN FAINTING, _L• Displarng Pbotmrap_hic -.VOYAGE AR O UND TH4. WORLD. C Every Binning, and Christmas and .Stitn rd:ly Afternoons. . AdultSidon Si ets, COMIIIMICCat.3 owl 8 o'clock. deVAlt S F Ail lilt BUILDINGS TENTH 11 AND CHESTNUT. • MUSTMAS AMUSE VENTS FM OLD AND YOUNG, CTOYS AND SIFTS POR THE . LITTLE ONES. SIGNOR BLITZ, • The meat NAOMI AN and :VENTRILOQUIST, with hie LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will commence hie new and popular Entertainments for the Sensou on MONDAY ErMisa, Dec.. 22.1, at 7 - 34, and on CHRISTMAS DAY three Grand Performances at II A. M... 3, and 734 P. and every AFTERNOON and EVENING during the Tlolidayk , . Tim attractions will ha marvolloust expert- MOUS in Magic ; wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned. Canary 'Birds in their new characters. Admission 2.5 cents. Children ti cents. delS-tf CONCERT HAIL -LECTURE ROOM—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth- - CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT NAUTICAL ENT.ERTAINKENT, Every Evening at 7}Co'clock. And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at S o'clock, This splendid Entestaininent drew crowded houses fee 260 nights in New York ; will remain open a few weskit longer in Philadelphia. Every family should witness Capt. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage before its depar ture. Liberal arnasgements will no made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 25 cis., Cir Sve for del-lin • . 11. A. NI) • SCOTTISJI BALL.-I'a „Nat 'FOURTH ANNUAL BALL of the CALBDONIA CLUB will take place at tho MUSICAL FUND HALL u oa., IDIRISTMAS Liao 24th instant. Tickets out dollar.. No tickets admitted ualoss prelatid. .4044.3t*. , (I...ERMANIA - -•• ORCHESTRA. LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER NOON at '3l‘ o'clock, at the MUSICAL PIINA,HAT.g. Carl Seats, conductor. Tlckets2s cents. Packages of $ tickets, o—to be bad of Andro St Co., 11C041 Cbesturtt street; J. E. ()Quid, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the ball door. Eto27-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA--: 214 South ElGHTlLlVt..°lll:irtitilanL PENNSYLVANIA ACM:4W" 44 - THE FWE ARTS KM.CHEETNUT snosT. Is open daily .03nudaye oxceptodd% from S A. M. Will P. M. M411881°3125 cents. Children half Drice. Shares of stock, "M. LATOUR.: .BASKETS LA. tourouye on, just received per ehiroTradel*frout Bordeaux: for sale bY _ XLETUELI64 LAVERGNE, 202 Red 201 South FRONT Street. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD. tic.. &c. 2,500 Bbls Mass. 1.(03. 1,3, and S Mustang, bite-Cangh4 fit t 48h , n assorted rock - ages. . •• 2.000 SUL New Nastport. Yu:lane Bay. and Idalitaz R 2 1 ,500 -rin ß g. oxe ' s !Alec ' , Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 150 Bhlsolew Mess Shad. 25. 0 Boxesfferkiroar Connty Cheosa, in store'az4 foT salo by 13ornbardmeuts. Bombardments.. Bombardments. Reviews, Reviews, Reviews, J. S. Clarke. . DIURPHY & 7.00NR. !c o , 144; North NVI-1/Val.
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