OLEA.EED. \V I.oti ett, Crosby, Liverpool, E A Soudor Nediak, Peterson, Boston, captain. iv., Reinhart, Peterson, Pot t Royal, Hunter, fon & Co, tz..)ht Rallies, Carrigan, Boston, L Auden- Scull, Scull, Beaufort, NO, A G Cattell s.unit Oullon, Cullen, New York, Hammett, & Lockman. Sltriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, BY TEBEGRAVIE Nmw Yourc, Dee 15. ahip ()olden Gate,' from Amoy; barks m.,11,,.;mne, from Mirogoone; Emma F Chase, from. • ()lions; Morava!, from Port nu Spain; brigs ..;nichez, from Dolzazo; Beni Carver, from romi , • r,lonas; (Jordon, from Now Bedfod; sehrs james from St Marc; E A De Hart, from Jnemel; Poi , from Mirogoone; John Williams, from ) 1 Franklin Bell, from Rio. " MEMORANDA., s steam transpsrt Niagara, one of General ''' ~ ise i epedit regiment of ionary vessels, infantry on ew Y boar ork, d with ', x ttim etts, it i e navy yard hist evening. The soldiers to proceed south in her, she being, in their ';' SiitioAmn, unseaworthy. erican, Christian, for Philadelphia in 12 is at Miragoane 24t ult. waiting, p r i g Virg n n arc ay, h as at-Rio telli Oct. .".. ; ;.1 0 - Silver Star, Holt, hence, at"Kingston,.Ta; and sailed 27th on her return. E Brown, Warner, hence, at Kingston, .Tri, Libei at or, Porter, hence, at Yarmouth, NS, 1, 1 ,-; Moderator, Letts, and 0 Anderson, Bowker, st New York yesterday far Newcastle, Dei, Ironsides, Yanderveer, and Concord, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. CITY ITEMS. (:pii(M'S LAST--LECTURE.-Our readers plrottlL— rot forget that to-night Mr. John B. Gough rrA the last lecture of his present popular series fliibdelphia, and those who wish to see "Lon . hundred fold more thoroughly, in many than by visiting it—ought not fail to at- We understand that there has been almost 11041 1 tielfets sold to fill the :leadenly of Music, 3rd IS hot few desirable seats remain will doubtless 1, 0 early` to.day. By . all who have heard the i,rlurc NVhiCh is to be given to-night, it is pro m-awed .0 Mulch's greatest effort. A limited num, lwr .41:.n.iin4 scats will, if needed, be sold for the 1 0 1.. r part of the house. i'llinpitAlTS OF GEORGE AND .11ARTLIA It A.l I (11 . 0 N A. Barlow publishes a card in fTlumn of our paper. this morning, offering op ipi of Stuart's portraits of George and Martha. AvAlington, done in oil, in beautiful style, by Mr. r. Middleton, of Cincinnati, formerly of this o r , The process by which they are produced is en new and rapid, and: the specimens which we V pleasure of examining evince a high dezree merit. As a Ohristmas gift we can it t , v nothing mo re beautiful than a pair of these plc hw:.• UTIFUL STOCK" OF GOODS FOR CHRIST- PnIISENTS.—Mr. Cr, A Herrman; proprietor or ti• e irW Mtablished Gentlemen's Furnishing 'Goode, VI . ; Arch street (formerly W. W. Knight's), has ,;,,i,•irstore, of his own manufacture, a magnifi cmsurtinont of gents! dressing gowns, especially. 3,!3pted fur Christmas presents. Ladies will please iemr li,is in mind in making their purchases. Mr. )I,ll:Asn's general stock is also very rich, and coin te in ;dl its departments, containing many novel- Lot found elsewhere, LADIES' FANCY Funs.—Messrs. Charles s. Son, Nos. 83.1 and 835 Chestnut street, rider the Continental Hotel; have now in store a I,agniticent stock of Ladies' Fancy - furs, of their ,rn imini r I t ion and manufacture, which..wo reeom_ wrn.l to our readers who are in wani of these ele, ~,, nudes of gracefulness and comfort. They magnificent, Wortmont • of aentlentell'q • 1 -, u 351 /Ing (1 " )(1Fs .; that they arc prepared pre- Km,initly to suit both sexes in choice goods for the QUALITY CHEESE.—Mr. C. H. Matt dealer in fine Family Groceries, Arch and high streets, has now in store a choice assortment t: the hest quality of Pine Apple, Sapsago, and ledri;•head Cheese, together with everything else in da.ty of fine imported and domestic groceries. FINE MILITARY FURNISHING GOODS for Aim). and Navy Officers can be found in greatest %stagy at Onkford & Seo 3 , under the Continental. 11.40. mAERIED ➢[EN who would live haPPY .eh their better halves, should make them a Christ or New Year Present of a Grover & Baker ..10ors Sowing Machine, office 730 Chestnut street. 4.10-tu sst totasTsrAs.—E. IV. Carry Co,, 715 olAtuut street, have a large emollient of Plated 11',To, Vine Cutlery, Tea Trays, Willow Work x.uals, Le., suitable for Holiday Presents, at mode t Irprieee• del6-3t CaIIISTMAS PRESENTS !—Get ,a beautiful NeA; Piano of J. E. Gould, corner of Seventh and antnut stroets. deA-tf TII(*F. Imo would have the TVEST Scwiug Yirlit:e should call at Grover Fr Baker's, '73u i;rtuut street. del6-2t Pl.F.ltin Or GOLD.—Mr. &Veldt, Assayer Mint, reports the result of several examine -1., hick shows that go'd is widely diffused. Trilerneath the city of Philadelphia lies a bed . of shout fifteen feet deep. A portion of this clay, :lon from n depth of fourteen feet and assayed, ;witted onc.eightli of a mill gramme of gold to one io:,.k.astutunies of Clay,' or three aenfts' worth tic sold he emit euhto foot. At this rate a bed of clay three stiles square contains $126,000,000 worth of gold. The :glace of ground covered by the Con ttnentil liotel contains enough gold to buy all the iteady-made (nothing offered for sale at I Stokes' One-price, located within the tudding. ll'our,o You BE HAPPY ?—Tlien call at (~!:\ r & Baker's, 730 Chestnut street, and buy one e?,:vir "noiseless" Sewing Machines, of either `11!..b." with the privilege of exchanging if not 6..ted. ' dels.2t I. E. GouLD, corner of Seventh and clot n u t streets, is the only one in Philadelphia who ittps the popular and truly beautiful Geo. Steck F4ofortes. det-tf TURRE A TFUSDAND, father, or brother, Ste will permit the drudgery of hand-sewing, when szetuilw "OrOver & Baker" Sewing Machine can hlanchased for $4Ol '730 Chestnut street. th s at NINItEIt OF WORDS IN ACTUAL USE.— ltisr.tirious thing that, with some 120,000 English Work pople onn get on with very few. D'Orsay, 3 PhaileOgilit of ability, records that a county clergy -1101: in England told him that some of the parts had Si llac' hundred words in their vocabulary. On tic mane, the children of persons with ordinary teuration do not use more than two hundred words, UM the age of ten, The great fact that the best, 1?r most comfortable, and the most elegant garments loan err those made at the Brown Stone Clothing 11 , 11 of Rocklin be Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chest tlt Street, above Sixth, can be stated in so few %tob form conclusive evidence of the flexibility of h Eindish language. PURCHASERS OF SEWING MACHINES Will ettmit their own interest by selecting where they (In Lase their choice of either glitch, with the Pliiilrgr or exchanging if not suited with their first toiler, This can only be done at arover & Baker's, I v)(l.mtnut street. dels4st lir, PRINCE OF ASTI:NIA, heir to the Crown, has just been formally re. efiriA Into the Spanish army as " first soldier Li the first regiment," the King's Own. lila al o is four years and ten months. After the iltule, the young gentleman handed a purse L!: of coins to the sergeant majorlof his company, e , order that his new comrades might drink his bath. The youngPrinco, it is said, has determined / 4 procure his first uuiform at the 0 nc-pr ice Clothing thmorlitm of :Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut meet, Philadelphia, where the cheapest garments Attie latest styles and fashions are kept constantly to baud. InE No. O—A new "Lock-stitch" Ma thine of great speed, capacity, simplicity, and dura tiiily, made especially for Army Clothing and l 'ilone use. It is greatly superior to any other ` lo rl-slitch” machine in use. Price $4O. Grover linker S. M. Co., 730 Chestnut street. dels-2t ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, 11P TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. font itteitl n 1 Hotel--Ninth and Chestnut. Kunkel, Harrisburg J Young, Middletown 1: K Pratt, Harrisburg H ltock - efellow, N Y llockefellow, N Y G M Colburn, Cinn J N Hoot, Hartford Hon A H. Reeder, Easton 4, Randolph, Newark 1) S in, H azleton Burton ic la, Chicago 1) Hl Marsh &. la,N York EP holm Buffalo Mrs Prince, Buffalo t 11 Paranna, Washington S 13 Kendrick, Indiana 11 111 c 1 :ft1;e, Tamaqua J H Bracken & la, Pa ) . ir.l 11 once, Pottsville J Glen & lady Johnston, Maryland W Tson_, Maine Ew Leavenworth, N Y Mrs Ball, N Jersey Rogers, U N S'A Schilling t Sinclair, Hanover H Fairbank, Hanover Irc II T Yeatam, Kwlng, Trenton W Butler, 'W Chester Tura)-, N Jersey C 0 Adams, U S N X A Torrey, N Jersey Lt Col Cooper, Montreal I' Mellonkey, Entwisle, Virginia ~IHIUTeso nney, Georget'n ld AI Sm i ith, N lork C G Donnell, Pittsburg. .; 11 bean, Pittsburg Mrs Col Gibson & 4 ch Knowles, Ai r ash,D 0 A W • Vogdee, Wastn,D 41 0. Wentz, New Jersey A. S Sturtevant, N Y A l iTemple Louisville \V 11 Prentice, S N UHL Boston Henry M Booth N Y 7 nd:wit, New York Mr Abreo, New , York t W Brigham oston L W ard, Y ,In I.:herr/trill, B Jr, Ohio John A Led Sh y errard N , Ohio s Robinson, California F W Robinson, N Y lAi l Inl I Sialth New York R H Brubaker, Lane co Welsh,New Jersey j G Stevens, N ) 1 1-01 & la, New York J A Lowry, 'New York Alexander New York B Williamson ki, ' Harrisburg Julius (lerson, N Y la I I tierr_ i a New York 0 F Bacon, New York i 'mrkr 3"i New York Sarni Lewis c ll tantlolph, Easton Forbes Parker, USN an iainea Senott N Y Howard U 0 lily, Y la It ze & son Wash G W Cass, Pittsburg x li tl ulattigh &I, Pittsb'g P Hoagland, Indiana It Ohio di Mt:Kelly, Ohio tit P oineroy B:.e, New York J. Vanalto,Nerc Jersey or A rinsirong,N Jersey W Bond, N Newton, New'York DM Whitn e e l y v , N York V' e " l l N D L Rose, .Neiv York J j"eerpoel, New York D D Badger, New York - } Hatcher, U S A G Clark, Wash, D C WI/Ignite, New Gill Dusenberry & la, NY I . Wataon New York Eliyile & wf, N York l ', earett &Ia,NY Miss Chase, Wash, D 0 • piiilar Leary, New York .Dr M Cornelison, N J It•ri l , n ,neks,lNew York L Valentine, Boston , fv",elA. ew York L A Jacquelin, New ork ' '' e ller„lr, New York A Kuhn, New York New York M Cohn, New lOrlc % . ,r• /New York A N Bensselear, N York .11 . 1 . "" 11 3', Portland, Me .7 .13 Ward, New York Wash, l) (3 LE Kellogg, New York i i,il arrlngton, N Y Alex Smith,Now York Ae ! l ginith, New York Capt D N evens, Mass 'ip A W entworth,Mitssli Soutliwyik, Y IN New York A S Black, N ew York 1,4, Kew York Penna Chu Crane, Baltimore p ( lonian, Mass LtUol (J G Colgate, Wash 1 . 11 ; Perry, WWI AdJ 0 1 0 . Place, Wash (nu i i • • cillou--Seenzul street, above Arch. 4 ill'hylnr, Pitilaaelliltia Geo IV Hubbell, Penna ieldn, Permit Merchants—Fourth street, below Arch. Wm Lilly, Penn Haven N Lautrian, Xenia, Q Miss E Lauman, Xenia J Seit, Easton D W Henstine, Penns Henry Twait,NeW York Chas Hampshire, Jeanesv Mr Dickson, New Jersey A H Strickler, N Jersey liobt S Wherry, N O J Kunkel, N Jersey 0 MeOullough, N J .1 W Patterson, N Jersey W S Abert, 'Washington L E Mathers, N Jersey 'W S Milligan, N Jersey J - R Miller, New Jersey J 0 D Lilly, Reading Mrs Dickey, Ohio Miss Dickey, Ohio W Reifanyder, Pottsville J J Crawford, Newville John Brannan, Baltimore Miss Brannan, Baltimore Gee M Riddel S P LongsJreet, Penns H E Foster, Washington A Pardee, Hazleton, Pa American—Chestnut street, above Ptah. John H. Bradley, Ind Lieut Col J Clark Mrs Clarkolmesburg Master Goo S Clark, Pa WallaceW ,Ernest C J L Dußois, Doylestown John Mitchell,Salem,NJ WM Shakespearkwf,Del S G Itlnul, Baltimore Miss Maul, Baltimore H LaWson, Norristown J J Speed New York W Smith A W Friel( Jos Cortns , N Hoppen John T Annudown, Bait Miss Clark, Holmesburg Louis Northouse; N Y Seth P Venavils J Sutherlaud,E Hampton Wm Verner, Glen Carbon J L Messenia en, Pa AS Rester, :Conn BMW Sharpe, Eckly, Pa B Barber Alex Weiss; Easton, Pa C Grigg; Pittsburg P F Causey,r, Delaware Jos S Lottand, Delaware Justus Lowrey, Delaware John T Parvin, Delaware W D Savin, Smyrna, Del & L Stradley; Delaware D Mariner, Delaware J H Smith, Delaware W F Seymour, George?wn H Wolcott, Delaware B H Adkins; Salisbury;Md W McKee, Salisbury, Md James B McCamant, Pa Mlt Carlisle & lady, Del W Tharp, Milford; Del: L T Moore, Delaware C Johnson and lady, PR T V Crane and Indy, Pa F Foster and lady, Pa Hugh Shaw & lady, Pa S Tomb and lady, Pa L Raymond; Delaware M Thompson, N Jos L Presbrey; Taunton B Peel, Phillipsburg B W J ewett, Wash, D () St. Louis Hotel-Chestnut street, nb. C DI Heally, Maine GllHeally,NHampshire G E Boyden, Mass . H M Harrington, Mass jne'Finch New York John (Jolson, New York John Linn, New jersey - H Pope, Brooklyn D J Seely, St John, NB JG lonterjj S N A MePhereon, New York - BF (look, Qnstleton T (_) Masten, USN - H B linwinfin, Reading J B Faknain The Union--Arch street, aboye Third. , G 0 Platt,Natigatuek S Sanders - C H "Vokeler, Baltimore • Tiobt Ramsay & la N James 8 Beach, N G V Seklemmdge, N ' Y Mrs C Way. New Ydrk Mrs E W Shaw, Cal Notionnl—Race street, silmrre Third. FII Weidner, Allentown A. S Kline, Pottsville Jefl'T Miller & la, Philo, Miss Blanch Miller,Phila Master E H Miller, Fight Miss]Salhe Warner,Phila M Krebs, Ringtown '1) 0 Siegrist; Lebanon ()has Kriegh, Catawissii 11 A Whitaker, 'Hazleton Neal Brlsban Hazleton Commerelnl—Sixtb. street, below Market. Jos B Jordatt S. wf, Aid Davis Kimble, Chester co Jos Coburn, Chester co Win H Hanipton, N H C liillingsworth, Mil Jos S Ely, Newt Own, Pa J B Champion, Pliila J H Vanhorn, Doylesta W Warlord, Penna Jacob B Rook,Newtown E Potts, Bridgeport, Pa E H Tarring, Maryland J P Speer, Strasburg, Pa St John George, Md J C Hopkins,Warren co,o Win McClellan, bid Bartey Sheaf—Second street, below Vine. Sergt Masters, N jersey Cleat S Haw 4, N Jersey: G G Hough, Boston P J Hawk; New Jersey E Eastburn, Pennk N Good,.Lahaska 1 Dungan, Penns 11F Seheetz, DoylestOwn .T Markley Hatboro • 0 Watson, Hatboro J Linton, Newtown H Harding, .N.Jersey H B Ely, Lambertsville,Paß ivt Coach, New Hope CH Rose, Lambertsville Mrs W Stuckert, Penns, Miss D Childs, Penna . .T Tyson, Montgomery E MileS, Davisville ;G Geddis, Bucks Wni Wood, Sehuyl Haven J Seekel, Riverton, N J C Reeves, Mt Laurel, N J T White, Frenehtown J IT Terry, Tennessee 0 Reading; Hatboro E W Worstall, Newtown :R J 'Janney New Hope W .T Alex German; Newton Kaler, Trenton Jos E Subers, N Jersey Prank Fay, N Jersey J Yanartsdale_m Bucks S Heston, Newtqem C Roberts; NewtoWn • Madison liouse—Seeond Nt ar k e t, DAD 0 N Jersey b young, N Jersey Barber, N„ew john (Homan N Jersey H Whitaker, .yelaware WI, Cannon wife, Del James Andrews, N J W B Tomlinson, Del O D 'Van Horn, Yardleyv T A Van Horn, Yardteyv JF Booze r, Lambeth, N J Bald. Engle-"Third st., above Ca W B Barris, Montgoy co F Berkemyer,Sellerswille J Markle, Seldersville 'John Tice Seiderswille Win Butz, Seldersville John Ball, Quakertown Elias Deemer, Bucks co H Williams, Penns J L Farr Allentown S Boyer, Port Clinton E Boyer, ' Pennsyl rants States Ulll4lll-Sixth anti Market streets. John Maxwell, N York 0 W King t N York Lewis Irwin, Chester co Capt H d bcheetz ('apt J Zulick B Wickersham, Chcs co H Lang, Chester co S M Boyd, Princeton,NJ W F Lloyd, Columbia, Ps , Black Beer—Third street, above CalleyWhill. A Buckman, Mechanics - D 21. Harper, Olney Jesse 0 Dismay, Penna- S Seligman, St Olair W B Drake, Ashland F B Drake, Cresson, Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT lIAS BEEN FOR thirty years the standard remedy for ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, IHIONCHITIS PLEURISY, 'WHOOPING &Walt, CROUP, CI OH'S AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL PULMONARY COMPLAINTS liu better evidence of the great carat' ve powers of this Expectorant can be offered than the grateful testimony of those who have been restored to health by its use, and the wide-spread popularity which, for so long period, it has maintained, in the face of all competition and which has created a constnntly-increasing damn-J -eer it in all parts of the world. gem ~..,...-vornon of the - test in on y lately A SETTLED COLD AND COUGH CURED % CHARLES EDGINTON, of Garden Grove, lowa, writes• I have used your EXPECTORANT in a case of SET TIED COLD,tattentled with a COUGH. After employing It/1,-4'cm best physicians and receiving no benefit, I tried T Ft before I had consumed one bottle of it. I have since used it in my family for common Colds, mid other 'complaints for which it is recommended, with the same success. "ONCE MORE LIKE M FORMER SELF." Mr. SAMUEL C. DAWSON, of No. 1217 Clarion street, Philadelphia, writes: Some time ago I was tiltacked with that most fatal dis ease, BRONCHITIS, and finding that it was making sad havoc with my constitution, 1 sought the advice of a physician, and while under his treatment I must say that I seemed to regain my wonted strength almost as quickly as I lost it. After an interval of some months' however, / was again prostrated, and, of cour,m, sought ray former remedy; but this time with no good mutts although I gave it a long and patient trial. I next tried Cod-liver Oil, and this occasionally afforded great relief, but made no apparent cure. From the Oil I went to, per- Lapp, a dozen other specifics, warranted to core, dtc., bat_ all failed. I was at last advised by a friend to try Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, and the result, I Mit happy to say, has been most astonishing, and I am once more like my former self. It will give me great pleasure to recommend your justly-celebrated Expectorant to any one afflicted with a Bronchial Complaint. BEST COUGH MEDICINE BEFORE ME PUBLIC Bev. B. F. HEDDEN, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Camden, N. J., writes: A few weeks since, while tutibring from a very severe Cold, I became so hoarse that it was with great difficulty I could speak so as to be understood. While in this condition your Expectorant not only gave me Immo diate relief, but In throe or four days completely cured my Cold and removed My hoarseness. I therefore take pleasure is recommending the Expectorant as being, In my judgment, the best Cough Medicine before the public. SPITTING OP BLOOD, WITH HECTIC FEVER Rev. A. WIBERG, writiug from Wlctingeu, (Ifamovor,) says: Shortly before Christmas last, I gave. two bettleS of your Expectorant to a man who was troubled with a very obstinate Cough, accompanied by Spitting of Blood and Beetle Fever, from the combined effects of which be was becoming rapidly reduced. .He had, in compli ance with the advice of a physician in his neighborhood' tried various medicines, without relief, and was 110Ciir. ennell to look with any favor on the Expectorant. How ever, having persuaded him to take the two bottles home With him, I was much pleased to hear, after the lapse of a week or ten days, that my friend had entirely recovered , and I have since received a visit from him, during which he speke f inphatically in praise of the Expectorant, and returned his thanks for my exertions in musing him to give it a trial. IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT RELIEF. Mrs. J. B. FISHER, of St: Johnsville, Montgomery Co., New York, writes: My little daughter, aged 10 year., has always been subject to Cold, producing Croup, Congestion, Inftammi tion of the Lungs, or a soiere, protracted Cough. Your Expectorant is the only medicine that ever gave her im mediate and permanent relief. I have tried other Lung Remedies, but they proved useless, and a relort to your Expectorant was the only means of cure. THOUGHT lIN COULD NOT LEVI: Mr. T. ROBINSON, of Utica, Clark county, Indiana. writes: I have been afflicted for fifteen years with an obstinate and severe Cough, which prevented me from doing any work that required much exertion. I was so reduced that my friends thought I could not live. I tried many medicines, but stopped taking them through despair of being any better. Fortunately, I commenced using Dr. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, two bottles of which rid me of my Cough, I am in my fifty-ninth year, and during the past harvest did a good day's work in the A VIOLENT COUGH, OF LONG CONTINUANCE Mr. ALFRED A. FORD, of Milton, Nova Scotia, writes:. During the winter of 186041 I contracted a violent Cough, which, from its long continuance, was tltought by many of my friends to indicate Consumption. While in this condition 1 obtained, through the persuasion of Mrs. 1). 0. Caskill, of this place, a bottle of your Expec_ torant, and, having taken the same according to your directions, I was soon greatly relieved, and eventually cured, and my health has been excellent ever since. From my own experience, therefore, I cheerfully recom mend it to nil sufferers from Pulmonary Consumption. VALUABLE TESTIMONY FROM CHINA Rev. 1. J. ROBERTS, the well-known Chinese mis sionary, writing from Canton, under date of June 25, 1E02; saYa : 1 find the Expectorant a very valuable medicine—in deed, I cannot do without it. on account of a chronic Brent Complaint whicli hunt troubled me more or less for royerod years most, and which originated from my preaching too loud and long in the open air. The EX PECTORANT always easels the Pahl and quiets the symptoms, and, were It not for the requirements of my vocatiou, I believe would have, ere this, effected a per influent IT. Prepnred toy Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 242 CHESTNUT Street. dcl,•tufr9t S-T---1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. : They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidotolto change of water and diet. .•••• They overcome effects of dissipation and late honrS..• They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. Thor prevent miasmatic and intermittent feverA. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarritutha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbae. They cure Liver Complatut and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in tho world. They make the weak man strung, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are m.tde of pure St. Croix Rum, the eels. crated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure et n beverage, without regard to ago or time of dny. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drag. ftisia. Hotels. and Salooni. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 20% BROADWAY. New York. se247em 13PIIAM'S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A BOR.— Three loxes for ; the tolmt. in une. Try It- 'Sold only at UPHAM'S. 403 CIIES'TNUT Street. 5e2.7-3in* - 4F'O3 GEORGE STEM'S ? FrWl INIMITABLE PIANO FORTES, Grands and Sinares, are rapidly taking precedence of all others for their Power, evenness of touch, and pure quality atone. None should purchase without examining thorn Moab'. The most eminent teachers are almost daily selecting them. Prices to suit the times. J. E. GOULD, ocll-s ta th 40t SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, Pd., DECENSER.n. 1862. Messrs. EVANS Sc. WATSON. Philadelphia; ENTLEMEN : I went to Lock Haven yesterday, to ex amine the different Fire Proof Safes Which had passed through the great Fire. I found three of your Safes, which had preserved the BookS, Papers, dm, &c., in a perfect condition, hearing not thOlonst mark of the great conflagration. The certificate of ono I ferward to you, the certificate of the other two I will forward by - to-morrow's mail, Messrs. Ames & Beadle had in their store one of Lillic's make of Safe, which was ,burnt up. I send YOU by Express part of the charred remains of the wood work. Very respectfully yours, •LOCK IIAvEN, Pa., December 10, 1302. Messrs. EVANS 84 WATSON, Philadelphia, CiItn*LEMEN: My Salamander Safe, nnide at Your blialunent., has passed through the groat fire, which nearly destroyed this town, on the Sib inst., and pre served its contents to my entire satisfaction. : The Safe was exposed to au. intense heat, so much so as, to melt. the outer plates and knobs, yet after being opened, ing twedN'e hours in the rains; not .a paper was found to be ResPerfully yours. ORIN T. NOBLE, • delS-St Attorney at Law, SINGER & CO.'S LETTER A FAMILY bEVi , MG MACHINE, is the most beautiful, best, and cheapest of all Sewing MachlueS. It •embodies the principles of Singer & Co.'s well-knoWnr Manitfactuting Machines makes the interlocked stitch vwill sow on all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tnek—in fact, will do ALL RINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and .surpasses every.other Machine for tlfe great range and excellence of its work,. Send fora pamphlet; I. M. SINGER & No: 458 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE; oc7-tu ths tdeSl No. 8.1.0 CHESTNUT STREET. BATCHELOR'S HAIR Drall THE BEST IN THE WORCD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces, a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least .i.:retnedies the ill effects of bad dyes, end Invigorates the Heir for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or 'Brown, leaving the Hair gift and. beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, &e. ACP The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BAVCRE. LOR, on 4 1 1 4 four sides of each. box. ' . PACTORY, No. Si BARCLAY Street , (Late 233 Broadway and 16 BOnd street,) Iny2S-ly New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING Or THE LATEST sYriss, made in the Best lifanaer, expressly- for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices : : : marked. in Plain Pi-- gureS.- All Goods Made to Ordei• warranted satisfactory. Our Osa-firer; Sisrag is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES St C0.,,004 .MARHET: Street. M.E 2 s.EtTLI.E3I:). WOOD—SHIVERS.-oMthe 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by--Friends'' ()ere,. mony, John- B. Wood, of Philadelphia, to Sue Shivers, of Camden county, N. J. No cards sent. * ADAMS—C,WYNN.—On _the 9th instant, by tir, Rev. Thomas - Foley, Lieutenant Auana Miss Virginia_Gri nn : * U. S. - A . ,. to the lith instant, by the l e / 1 8 11.. et CLICKER — S? L' Hutton, Fred. Dellieker; Esq., of Morristown, N. T., to Jessie Helen Fell; of New York city. -" " ' ,* DIED. lIICKS.—On the morning .of the 15th instant, Catharine M., eldest daughter of Mr. Sohn Hicks. Her friends, and those of the family, are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from her tither's residence, 233 Dean street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 otclock. SCOT.—On the 14th instant, Robert Scot, in the 10th year of his age. The relatives and friends, and members of Lodge No. 121 A. Y. Masons, are respetfully invited to at end his funeral, from his late residence, N0..309 North Ninth street, on Wednesday, 17th instant, at 1 o'clock P. M. - Al* EDDY.—At Wilmington, Del., on Friday, Dec. 12th, Mr. George P. Eddy, aged 37 years. • OLF.—On the morning of the 13th instant, Ed ward B. Wolf, in the 32d year of his age. His friends are invited to call to-day (Tuesday), the 16th instant, from 10 to 12 o'clock A. M., at the residence of his uncle, No. 542 North Sixth street. Remains to be taken to Coopersburg, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. • BEDENBE110,—(10 the 13th instant, Sergeant Charles Wilson Hedenberg, of Captain' Wrigley's Independent Corps of Engineers, P. / V., son of Charles J. Ifedenberg, aged 19 years. The relatives and friends are respectfully 'invited to attend h Is funeral, from the r esidence of his father, Thirty-second and 'Hamilton streets, Mantua, this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 16th instant, at 2 o'clock. ARMSTRONG.—On the 13th instant, Thomas P. son of Sallie A. and the late Joseph Armstrong. BARRY.—On the 14th instant, Ann Eliza, 'daughter of William and Catharine Barry, aged 5 years and 5 months. BlTillEAD.—On the 13th instant, Mary, wife of Mr. Joseph Thrkhead, aged 28 years. • BROTHERS.—On the 13th inst., Mary Brothers, aged 80 years. • BESSON & SON HAVE_Now___INT_. —Di,tremictii.l2l4 . to SI.So. • Do. do. Vol our Reps, *1,37i to $1.50. Do. do. Ottoman Poplins. 873 i to 441. Do. do. Cashmere, eiLl23i' to $.1.50. Do. Tlngpsh Reps, 2o to 37)0. • • Do. Turin Cloths, 50 , e. Do. Paramettas, 5134 to 50e.; Aimless, 2Sc. to $l. Do. Drap d'Alioas,s)e. Do.• Bomb:mines, Mousseline, Tainises. MOURNING STORE, 018 CHESTNUT Street, N. B.—Samples post free. dels-1t EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS. • Have a large stock of Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade. Bilks for Pennsylvania Trade. ' Dress Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. n 027.0 GOOD QUALITY BALMORAL SKIETS.—These Skirts are full four yards wide and one and a quarter long. Colors all-wool, and styles are adapted to genteel trade. n027-ti EYRE & LANDELL. IMPS 0N S OF NEW ENGLAND IN PENNSYLVANIA.—The annual meeting of the Society for the election of 01Beers will be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENINGAtho 16th lust, at 7/4' o'clock, at the Rooms, S. E. corner THIRTEENTH and CH ES TNUT Sts. JAMES B. ALVORD, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE BLIND.— ..the Anneal Meeting of the Corporators of this Institution will be held at the Institution Building. RACE and TWENTIETR Streets, on THURSDAY, December 18, 1882, at 4 o'clock P. M. del64ntlt2t ROBERT P. KANE, Secretary. M. CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMIS SION.—Notice i 8 hereby given, that applications for bounty to thin Commission must be made on or before the 27th inst., as the Commission will close on that day. JOHN C. KNOX. JOH NRO BNS, EDWARD OL BI MSTED. EDWARD ORATZ. WILLIAM BRADFORD, de16427 Commission. OFFICE OF TH' RELIANCE INS. CO. OP PHILADELPHIA, December 15, 185. t. At an election for Directors of this Company, hold THIS DAY, in pursuance of the Charter. the following named gentlemen wore elected to serve for the ensuing Year, viz: Clem Tingley, Robert Tole ud, Win. R. Thompson, .1. Johnson Brown, Saml. Itisphrim, Marshall Hill, Robert Steen, H. S. Carson, Wm. Stevenson, Chas. Leland, Benj, W. Tingley, John Bissell, Pittsburg, William Musser. A meeting of the Board will be held at the office of the Company on WEDNESDAY next, the lith inst., to elect a President. B. Bt. KINCHMAN, deltiZt Secretary. NOTICE.—TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the QUICKSILVER Mt. 11W will be held at' the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadelphia, on MOisiDAY, the day of Jaunary, ISG3, at 1134 o'clock A M. dels-6t* WILLIAM BOND, Secretary. M. THE DONALDSON IMPROVE MENT AND RAILROAD COMPANY -Office, No. 276 South THIRD Street, Washington Building. PuiLIDELPHIA, DecemberlB62 Owners of the Seven Per Cent. Mortgage Bonds of this Compariv are requested to present all Coupons now due to this taco for settlement, in accordance with proposi tion of the Company. dels-6I ALBERT B. ECKEL, Treasurer. AVIS AVX ELEGANT& M. PAUL ANDRIOT, Goland de la 1/111.15011 de Tat!lours de M. GRANDVILLE STOKES, 609 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia a Phonneur do prevenir see nombreux ands et conniussances qiti l'ont dem favorise de leer elientelle, Waal qne los etrangers,) qu'il %lent de reeevoir de Paris et Londres les modes lee plus reeeutes et les mieux portees pour la, saloon d'hiver. M. Grandville Stokes a mis a siedispositionies etoffes les plus belles, et les meilleures quail tes, des premieres inituu fac tures d'Europe. Les militaires, ainsi quo lee officiers de tons grades trouverons lee meillenres qualites .d'etoffes, a des prix tree moderes. L'elegance de so. coupe, Must que to cachet de distinction qui la =actor's() est deia trop counu du Public pour en renouvetlos lawn inerites. del:3-1m THE — DISTRESS IN ENGLAND.— The Committee to receive Subscriptions to aid In the relief of the DISTRESSED OPERATIVES in Eng land. will sit daily in INDEPENDENCE HALL from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOSEPH WM. MILLER, JAMES A. WRIGHT, GEORGE A. MCKINSTRY. TIitRBDAY, Dec. 11,1863 dol2-tf r. HOIVICEOPATMC HOSPITAL, 1116 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution Is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in• the most comfortable' Manner lree of charge.. B. F. GLENN, no'ati Secretary of Board of Managers. M. , UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTAIENT ON ARTS).—The Examination. of the College •Classes, at the close of the First Term, will be held in the followin• order: . THURSDAY, 11th. From to 11,Juniors, by Prof. Ken dall, (Analytical Geometry,) and Sophomore., by Prof. Frazer, (Somatology,) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by the Provost, (Moral Philosophv). FRIDAY 12th. From 9 to 11; Sophomores, (Geornotry,)' and Freshmen, (Algebra,) by Prof. Kendall, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by the Provost, (Intellectual Phi losophy). MONDAY, 15th. From 9to 11, Seniors, by Prof Allen, (Xenophon de re equestri). From 11 to 1, Juniors. by Prof. Frazer, (Statics). TUESDAY,IBth. From 9to 11, Juniors. by Prof. Allen, (Thoocritus). From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prof Frazer, (Astronomy). WEDNESDAY, 17th Prom 9 to 11, Seniors, by. Prof. Jackson, (Cicero's Tucculantc). From 11 to 1, Sopho mores, by Prof. Copree. (Logic). THURSDAY, 1&h. From sto 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Allen (Polybins). From 11 to 1, Sento rs4by Prof. Con Pee. (English Literature). FI{IDAY,I9th. From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prot Allen, (Xeucplion's Helleuica). From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson, (Juvenal). - MONDAY, 22d. From 9 to 11, Sophomoires, by Prof. Jackson, (Tacitos' History). From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee, (History). TUESDAY,Z3d. From 9to 11,Fresiirrien, by Prof. Jack son, (itivy). GEORGE ALLEN, delo-at •fincrntary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT "FRE COMMERCIAL HANK OF PENNSI - 1,. VANIA " intend to apply to the Legielature of PentiBl-1- %udo, at their next seemion, for a renewal of their char ter. Said Bank la located in the city of Philadelphia, With an authorized capital of one million of dollars; a renewal of which will he asked for, with the usual hank lug privileges. .By order of the Board. S. C. PALMER, je.Otitem Cashier. NOTICE IS HEREBY STEN, that itn application will be made to the Legiala • cure of Pennsylvania. al their next eoeelon. for a renewal of the Charter of the BANK ON THE NORTHERN LIBERTI KS. The said Bank being located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorised capital of live hundred 'thousand dollars. • : By - order of the Board.. - W. GUAIMERE, Cashier. • • Philadelphia, June 23.181152. . ie?A-tolhn. IM.OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AIL ...'.TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PUILAM rirtA. October 24,1962. Wounded &Oilers and Sailors desirous of availing them selves of the National Appropriation fo'r supplying Artin• cis.' Limbs, should apply immediately at the (Alice of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 C &SW( UT Street. ff. FRANK PALMER, oc2B-tf Government Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE MINEHILL AND SCHUVI, • KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. mkneid‘a lA, December laili,lBll A atated Annual Meeting or the Stockholders will he held at their Office. in the HALL of the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE. No. 15 South SEVENTH. Street, oit the ltth ,day of find month, (January) 1863 at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time a'report of the proceetilno of the BJard of :d im wit; will be presented. and an Election will 1/.3 hold for a. Proshlont and ten Nonagon+, to conduct the affairA of the Company for the_year ensuing. de-Id/Ay& IVILLIAM BIDDLE Socrellry, TF[E PRESS.-PHILADELPIHA, - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1861 M - COVAMI°OI' , IPsiTIA Ovimmur A--0111 re, ,Commenwea t Build lug, No. 61.3 WIEST , NUT Street. TIIIT,ATIMPITTA, December 6, 1862. A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will he held, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 5, 1563, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en toning year, wilt be held at the same place, and on the same day, between the hours of 12 and 2 P. M. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. MOFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN. - SURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,. December 1, 1662. The Board of have this day-declared a Cash Dividend of TEN PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, cud MX PER CENT. interest on-the outstanding Scrip of the' Company, for the ELEVEN MONTHS ending on. the 30th ult., pay-able on and after theloth iust., free from' United States and State taxes. Also,: a Scrip Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the premiums earned on risks determined during the said term of eleven months, and that Scrip Certificates, in the usual form; be delivered to the assured entitled to receive the same on and after the 15th inst, - " B. M. HINCHMAN, de2-tuths 1m Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. AND READING II Z 7RAILROAD CO3-oFriel; 227 SOUTH FOURTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, December 8, IStit —NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the' Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six Mana gers, Treasurer • and Secretory, will take place on the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY neat, at 12 o'clock M. „ 11., WEBB, 'de9-tjal3 . Secretary. C. D. EMERT EZ:.OFFICE MOUNT CARBON AND -PORT CARBON RAILROAD COMPANY: _ - - PIITLADIMPFISA - , December 8,1852, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com- Pany will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 401 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December '29th, at half Past ten o'clock A. M.,: at which time an election for of:: Seers, to serve the ensuing year, take place.. den td29 P. C HOLLl L i. tce r' dais% NOTICE.-0 R N )(CHANGE stik",BAl K PRILADELPIIIAr :10Vernber 4, 18G3--The following resolution was this day adopted by , the Board of Directors and ordered to he published: . Resolved That the unsold porn.- of the Std of this Dana Lie present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking a pro rata share, according - to a scale adopted by the Board, pro vided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, 1563. - nol4-tial. J. W. TORREY, Cashier. 11ZCORN E ..ICC PHILADELPHIA, Nov. held November 17th, 1362, Were elected Directors of tht Alexander G. Cattell, Dell Noblit, Jr., George L. Buzby, Edward C. Knight, William L. Maddock, James Steel, Charles E. And at 'the meeting of 1 ANDER G. CATTELL, Esq., President ; ALEX. WHILL' and JORN W. TORREY. CI n02.5-tf !HEADQUARTERS PIIJLADELPHLI When mustered. in, cash When the Company is full At the end of the term of service" AND A SUPERIOR GIJM BLANKET. The nay of the recruit commences from the time he is {, mustered hi; he will also at once be fully clothed au4 equipped, and sent to Fort belnival'e,in condortable liar- racks, abundant rations, anti ov'ei..Y attention paid to his health and comfort By strict attoutiou to his duty, a soldier in this roe- meat will receive rapid promotion By orders of the Secretary of War, this regiment luts boor ordered on duty to POrt PolawarO For ftralter information, call at Imatbinartors N. B.—Thero is room for one PULL COMPANY in the regiment, and such will be accepted, with all Its officers. Immediate application must be made at headquartersi.. dela-a VOLUNTEERS WANTED COMPANY A. Captain SAMUEL HAZARD, JR, Late First Pientenant 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry. ROBERTS' HEAVY ARTILLERY Is a battalion of Six Companies to he raleed for the special .„ Purpose of garrisoning - FORT MONRom -- A part of the Battalion is sow on duty there, and each company is sent off as fast as- completed without a regard to the others. COMPANY A is pearly full, and .is now in camp in iNettlntittrf*Ti,lifdletati torcliirpriffitTiiirgP...La ly for the Fort. EVERY DIAN MUSTERED IN:PHILADELPIIIA WILL RECEIVE BOUNTY • AS FOLLOWS: Advance United States Bounty . $25 00 Pay and Premium . 10 00 Citizens' Bounty Fund on arrival at Fort Monroe... 50.00 Bounty from United States at tho end of enlistmon). 75 00, Making a total Bounty of Plcitei 00 As this is to be a picked corps none but sober and order ly men need apply. - Apply at the Camp, DEWEY'S LANE, above Church, Germantown. The cars run every: hour within quarter 'of a mile of it. ,c .*- n 022,4 coNnbrE isrriL.•• CAVALRY. . " Camp . Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD. N. J. —MEIN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mastered into the service of the United States: • • < • • Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, and who have seen service. .owyvyNoti•evyvv,n.MM,stv.wAnnn. , Mii IT A, to 1 Y.....CY : MILITARY FURNISHERS, A complete assortment of General, Field, and Line O- cers' {Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passant', Epaulettos,'Can- teens, Haversacks, Field Glasses, Spurs, Candlesticks, Chapeaus, Hats, Caps, Drums, Silk and Banting Flags, Camp knives and Forks. Baldrics, Gnm•cloth Over- coats, &c Also, a full line of PRESENTATION SWORDS, Sashes, Belts, etc., and everything requisite for, the Complete Outfit of Army and Navy Officers, WHOLESALE etl . RETAIL. delS-tal • : . CCHRISTMAS TIMES. -A FINE Or portunity to got good-and true likenesses at mode rate cbarjo...• REIMER'S life-size • Photographs in oiL colors. A. splendid chance. Go—SECOND Street, above Green. lIRM.LY. ESTABLISHED' IN, POP= -a- LAU FAVOR,—REIMER'S colored'Pheetograplis for el arc a publie . necossity. Their cheapness and accurital .render 'the* indispensable. SECOND Street, above Green. at POLEITR DE ROSE :N- 1 CARTES DE VISITE. THE •NEW FRENCH STYLE TAKEN IN SUPERB STYLE AT TURNER'S New Ground-Floor Skylight Ivorytype. Autbrotype, and. Photoph Gallery, SOS CHESTNUT. Street, The most Extensive and Elegant in the United States. Our Skylight Reception-Room and Sales-Room are all on the Ground-Floor, so that none of our patrons are required to go up even a single flight of stairs. Also on hand, at LOW PRICES, A Splendid Assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. TURNER, . . SOS CHESTNUT Street.. deb-12t HOLIDAY PRESENTS.—NOTHING 'more appropriate titan a picture of such line quail amuse REIMER'S life-size Photographs in oil, at war 'prices:. SECOND Street, above Green. PRETTY PICTURE AND A A fkithful likeness, so say those who see REIMER'S Colored Photographs for $l, always executed with - rare ability. SECOND Street, above Creel. • . it' • STU.A.RTSTORTRATTS . GEOIIIIIE.:A.N.D. .MARTHA WASHINGTON, COPIED IN OIL, COLORS BY E. C. MthikETON,.. Of Cincinnati, (formerly of this city.) These Portraits are produced by an enttreW New P1"0- CeBB, and are more beautiful and life-like than the finest brush paintings, and are furnished to Subscribers only, at• a remarkably low. price. ' What can he more appropriate for • • • CHRISTMAS PRESENT +. Than a pair of these Paintings? They must be seen•to be appreciated, and the subscriber will call and exhibit them to any in this city who will address him, through the Yost (Mice. 13A.RLO W. . • : .delG•tf MATERIALS FOR MINOE . PIES: BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON, CURRANTS. SPICES. , • &c. ' ALBERT. O.:ROBERTS; ' * DEALER IN FINE ; GROCERIES delS4f If •' : CORNS ELEVENTII AND VINE STS. IVORIrriTYPES:,--BEAUT.T.FUL SP EC I mous of art. ItifIBIEWS claborately-coloru.l awl finely4thislied pictures coutntaud tiro admiration of alt . ..lovont of the beautiful.. SECOND Stroot,abovo,Grorii. •It ; Q. -- • TOB' 40 . CONIS'I'S:-A FINE •• •A 8_ iTobaZD'lT'Y'rrii)es, Druyere, Meergehattm,.&e. for moo low t i veoiand great w r . iVi . - .} ?i t. or l i n er ' - 32 South FOlrlair Street. d113.3t Open of oveuingn HANGE BANK, 24, 1862.—At the oloctiou the following Stockholdere s Bank: Christian J. Hoffman, 0 fre, tvien, W. tE Cath or wood, William P. Cox. , Edmund A. Souder, Samuel T. CanbY, Wit kins. I tirectors, this day, ALEC was unanimously re.olected IN . , Esq.., Vico Presidait , shi J. NV. TOMMY, Cashier MILITARY. CI T Y GUARD, 157th REGIMENT, P, V COL. WILLIAM A. GRAY. PRILADEMPULA. December : l6, 1862. 6175 • 67-5 75 1301.5NTY WILLIAM A. GRAI, COLONE.I.IS7th, REGIMENT, P. V • -® MILITARY GOODS. EVANS' - lIA.SSALL; 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPIUA PHOTOGRAPHS. OM DAY PRESENTS 'Are 110 W prepared with their usual. stock of very superior VERY SUITABLE FOR'PRBSEDirIS del3-tt ESTABLISECED 1812. : . 'PTE. AND CIIERRY STEEETS.: Avery 3arge assortment of Eltin and Flinoy, SILVER 'GLISH, FRENCH, 'del 3a I: OLIDAY PRESENTS. An assortnient of MITI: AND FANCY GOODS Now open att ' WILLIAM YARNALL'S i OUSE-FURNISHING STORE, ' ,del3tfe3 ' No. 1020 CHESTNUT - STREET. APPROPRIATE GIFTS FOR , TIEIE SEASON.—GoId Spectacles, Gold Eye Glasses, Stere oscopes and Stereoscopic Viewn,Photograph Albums, Card Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, Kaleid oscopet, Mathematical , Instruments, Mantel Thermome-j ters, and a great variety of other articles, appropriate gifts for the approaching holidays. t. fdoALLISTER & BROTHER, (Established iai1796,) delS-St 728 CHESTNUT Street, IlvlPo • TANT NOTICE -A- . 30 ALL WHOlf IT MAX CONCERN. 1 ... ' SUITABLI FOR . • - CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.. . -' GUNS I IINS! GUNS! For sale, a lot 'of fine, English Double-bar el Shot Guns, Laminated Steel, Stubb and fi ll Steel Twist. Also, two Steel Twist Guns fur boys. These guns were t e samples of an importing house, and are offered for to very low. Call early and make your se lection as tl43y cannot be duplicated. TROTTER & DAWSON, Nine Hun red and Nineteen MARKET Street (919). del2-6t*, , HOLID Y PRESENTS. ._. . . CI es.RLES DUMMIG, NOI. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, PITILADBLPRIA, '.4 , Begs leave tinform Ms customers that his stock of newly importe goods, suitable "for PRESENTS, sur- Basielt this - yelp m elegance, .variety and cheapness of Prices, anythingbefore seen in this oh- , f-. --- -- Please call andexammo his goods before buying else- Where. • . ' FANCY GOODS. Pocket Books,\ Work Boxes and Cahas, ' Purses, Portemdimaies, Writing Desks and Cases, : Cigar Cases and Boxes, Bronze and Gilt Goods, Ladies' Bags, China &Parian Ornaments, Papier Mache Goods, Bohotni an Glass and Terra Fine Cutlery, ; Cotta Ware. ' • DRESSING . CASES. ' Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Tubes. Games of every kind known." Cricket, Archery, and Gymnastie'lmplements. Walking Canes, Paris FancY Goods generally.' Musical Instruments otall kinds: r- - ' 1 ,' • = - TOYS, In every variety known, in thousands of different kinds and styles. ‘. dell-12t if ipIIOTOGRAPHIC .A_LBIBIS- A , A• large vatietyrfor s ey t itWgtakat . oo;. 'OO4 CTIESTN 'l' Street. I de/34f ff ,I . ICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND 12ET-GLl.not.,fer Prenggtvea r a N.B, co.. .. d Ag.i f ff. • ; 924 CawrENTIT Street. .pERdi: GLASgES, OPERA Gy4SgES. For sale 17 J2l W. QUEEN 8c CO.is 024 CHESTNUT Street.:: FM/ lIHRISTMAg BALLS,' : SIZES, dazzliug color* • Vt: TILLER, Ini.porter, • i!elSqtr: 32 South FOURTH Street. !..13.RISTlitAS PRESENTS. .. . •••• litht,Boxes, Photograph Albums, • :2C—Wtglag i talim a pra.wing Albums, trF - A , 11..1.21i1y ... . ~.. Ca r t es de Visite comes from Engravings, Pictures for Children , Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for tr., , ing, g' v Fancy . Papers, Gilt Borders... Also, Boxes :with Faney ••Letterr irtu s and Enve lopes SCHOLZ &;.J 7wv 13.2 South BIG • T °Y S. -CHRISTMAS TOYS Ai .u. Fancy. Goods, in all varieties, at lowest possible rates. . W..TILLER, Importer, delX.lt 32 Smith FOURTH Street. HARVEY THOMAS, 4.TQCK AND:I3MT., BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN NENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. • Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Eathan'Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq.. John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., .A*32E4 Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. 1011' • . OHN O. CAPP" & SON; TOCK & NOTE BROKERS, EEC= OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK. STOCKS AND BONDS * - BOIGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THIS !MONEY INVESTED AN, NOTES AND LOANS OTaOTIATED ON THE OOLD, QUJETERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED, DRN:XEL,- I au) instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURYito receive eubscriptioue for the above Inteied will commenee from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION:and le PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or'any Sub-Trasury or Depository of the United States, on the first dales of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM ON GOLD, these Bonds yield about EIGHT,per cont. per annum. A full supply always on hand. . JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, no6-U 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 6171 A R CH HSTRZEM • • d. - Nave on baud a flue assortment of CHANDELIERS 'AND 0111E1 GAS 71. X.. TURES. AIR°, French Bronze Illgitrassiadtirnainente. Porcelain and Mizi, Simian and h•varleir Of: : • FI O 4NCIE: • G:')OPS SIJI IC TABLE•PO ; . • IHCO,I'DtLY'GIktS. • • •• • dank will sell at reasonable prices. . . Please mil and examine goods. " del3-tt • LOST 7 , 7 A, CER'PIPIOVE OP THE • 5 Pot cent. Philadelphia county Loau, under au act of. Assciably.dated the 10th day of Aprll,lBll, for Eighty seven Dollars, payallielo Richard Wedeln, executer of Stanch; Kroeson, deceased, or Mabel rA or itisigns. The finder will be rewarded by , returning it to • . • BENJ AM IN • ' delB4U3nt" No.;IO2 , DANA Street.. STOLEN -ON SATURDAY MORN lug, u PORTE DIONNA) it containing various Hotta of hand, two of lilichnel Andress, one amounting to live hundred nud •tifty or sixty dolltint; true of three httutired and thirty odd'; one of Autirem & Unroll. dated January .3. iSSB„ for .821.51; one of Thomas Unroll. August il,18"4, for lltigl; three shares of Consolidation Book; ton share; United Fire Ansociation, and; various other pipers. All• porsons nre forbid negotiating for thetn;as payment has Keen stopped. • . ... ... LOST-ORRTYFIC - .A.TE OF - CITY , . . .. ' LOAN, litCll4, dated '.Tinnary 25th, 1800,1 n the name of .Tohn Perry and Maria Moore, in trust fur Maria Moore, for WOO. Application lts; been made for renewal of Certificate. Coc`l3-tb3m9 JOHN PSItItY. HOLIDAY GOODS. WM. A. .DROWN- .& 00., 2.10 MARKET. STRUT, UM , BR,ELLAS, 'ti‘TILLIAM WILSON & S(1„ IKANUFACTI.IRERS OF SILVER IyA.RE . IV. coßxim or WARE ou hand, suitable for OLIDAY PRESENTS, OF OUR OWN MINUFACTEITS. ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DEAIERS IN AND AMERICAN PLATED WARES FINANCIAL. No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BOARD OF BROKERS BEST TERMS SILVER. DEMAND NOTES. CHECKS ON WASHINGTON, and 7 3-10 }TOTES FOR SALE. gcsovni ErrusT. FIVE-TWENTIES, i'WENTY-YEAR SIX FEE CENT. BONDS. W' LE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. LOAN AT PAR. .- • RETAIL DRY GOODS. BA L M O. R ALS-. Jnst received, per last Steamer, ELEGANT NEW STYLES KID GrEovEs. JOUVIN'S KID GLOVES, $1.15. INDIA SCARFS. A FULL AS§ORTMEDTT N'fLo IE FS ivt. LADIES, NEW STYLES, SUITABLE ZOE. PRESENTS. • - CLOAKSS, IN 4110 Th SILK, AND VEIXE,T, REDUCED IN PRICES. VEILS. LACE VEILS, IN GREAT .VARIEI"r. DRESS VOODS, AT OREATLy ii,F,TITTotp 3 moEs, CHRISTMAS , PTTESEPPPS, J. IVL I - lAFLEIGH; (Successor to L. J. 1,14 . VY & C 0.,) del6-tu«•t hst u 11014 DAY PRESENTS. JOHN W. THOMAS, No. 405 AND 407 NORTH SECOND STREET, Would coil attention to his LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK, (*NPRIa I Ni, EVERY VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. ALSO, LACE BMUS., COLLARS, AND . EMBROIDERIES Of every description, suited for CHRISTMAS. AND NEW YEAR d PRE.SENTS. ele,l2t • , • HOLIDAY PRESENTS. -Delaines—large assortment, at 2.5 c. • ' -,Balmoral Skirts—large size. 3lerihoes—ail shades and prices. Hosiery and Gloves in great variety. 60 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerehiefs; $1.6211 dos, Silk Handkerehiefinice assortment. Suspenders, and Blabk Silk Neck liandkerchiefs..- : Cassuneres and Arestings, 'Square and:Long - Shawls. • ; Double and Single width Poplins', at . - JOHN. STORES'; 702 ARCH street. H. 11.—,Tatk Straws and Solitaire's madeby and sold for an invalid, at - ,1-. IL , S. , WATCHES AND JEWELRY. LIOLIDAY . PRESENTS. THOMAS O. GARRETT, 112 CIIESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TILE AIA:SONIQ A-31 __PIULADELPRIA, Ilasjust received an assortment of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, Of the newest styles, and of very superior quality, as well as those adapted to men's and, bays' wear. He is manufacturing, extensively a great variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES OF SILVER, And gives special attention to getting up things suitable for BRIDAL AND . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. PLATED WARE, Got up under the proprietor own inspection, in a •eat variety of styles, Will be warranted HEAVILY PLATED with pure silver, iii a way to insure its wear ; ing well. Much of his JEWELRY Is manufactured on the premises, andlhis stock will he round to comprise a great variety *of - fashionable goods, from the sin:West articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. These are bit!Ta*iiiiiße - af---. - • PRICES 'ADAPTED TO TTIE And persons are invited.to call and examine them del2-it AHO Y PRESENTS. ATCIIES, JEWELRY, AND. Sip.niNt.W4RE, No. 622 'MARKET STREET, PRILADELPIII. Persons wishing to purchase good G OLD or SILVER WATCHES, Fine Gold Jewelry, SOlidAillyer tiiihrOY= Plated Ware, suitable for HOLIDAY•PIiItMT% - iiill find a large and desirable stock to selectfrom:o7, , • STATJFFARA No. 62 MARKET it., Philadelphia 0-,T0L1D...„ -PRESENTS. ebase / / ' *'-ii hand a SPLarnym 'ASSORTMENT WATCHES, DIAMOEDS: Sal^mar.w ARE, jEWELItY,'. OP ALL RINDS AND PRICES; . ' SUITABLE FOR • CHRISTMAS - AND NEW TEAR PRESENTS. We invite special attention to the mor,lerate Dricea* our DIAMONDS. • LEW.IS•LADOMUS LK: C 0.,.. delltial No. SO2 CHESTNUT STREET AMEgICAN 'CUT:CHES. 4. - "s ‘ I. B. MAILT..mR, AGENT FORITIIE "AMERICAN WATCH 'COMPANY," lOW OFFERS, EXPRESiLT ADAPTED FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AIMAGNIFICENT STOCK OF AMERICAN WATCHES, rox LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT MODERATE PRICES. No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET,, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE-MASONIC HALL. HOLIDAY: PRESENTS. G:.RUpSELL . , . No. 22 . )10811.4 SEMI STREET. Offers a choice assortment of• . WATottr.43; DIAMONDS;* ••••'..• • • . • • • FINE JF 4 *EL - RY,.. • STANDARD SILVERWARE, thatable Ibr Ifolfday.Presezis; at the . • . • LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.` • - • ELI ItOLDEI,T,_ De.sler in fine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WITCHES, JEWELRY. AND CLOCKS • 0c51.41n* • 108 MAKET Street. i s AMERICAN WATCHES, IN - GOLD AND SILVER CASES.:, ,JOS IL WATSON, U 3 M " , . . gb WATCHES, JEWELRY, 4to. A FICESIt ASSORTMENT AT Lilig . THAN - FORMER PRICES. PARR & BROTHER, Importers, inh24tf 324 IiESTNUT Street, below Fourth. COMMISSION- HOUSES. HILADELPHIA BAG MANUFAO- P TORY. BURLAP BAGS OP ALL SIZES, For Corn, Oats, Coffee, Bone Dust, &c. ALSO, • • SEAMLESS BAGS OF. ALL STANDARD BRANDS, For sale at low figures for net cash on delivery, by GEO. GRIGG, No• 210 CHURCH ALLEY; dell PHILADELPHIA ARMY GOODS. DARR-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAR CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. , BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FRO'ITOINGIE./M & WELLS. gIiATERS' HEADQUARTERS. 1(E AND PARLOR SKATES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SKATES FOR LAP lES. SKATES FOR. GENTS. • • SKATES FOR BOYS.. PARLOR SKATES. OF ALL SIZES. SKATES of every dereription. for sale low, by. PHILIP WILSON ' (..C.l CO., • . • ..w CHESTNUT STREET, delli•l2t ••• : '''''.'OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE. • NEW. CU-RRENCY. • MAGIC POCKET BOOKS. . A large assortment for the holidays at wholesale. J. R. DlLLONSolo:Manufacturer. No. 17 A NN Street, (upstairs) iltl/16t • . • • • bow-York . . . GUTEICTINST,. THE GREAT HAIR torn, 'FOURTH aad BRANCH, is call upon 111m.young ant : handsome. • ' • del3-tf If DEPUQUARtERMASTER GENE- kA S OFF ICE, L F Z , • Pal i,Awat.PutA,lsth December, Mt PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATUR DAY, the 21.1 th inst.' at 12 o'clock 1h for the delivery in this city, on or befre the 51.4 t hist, of FIFTY PORTABLE FORCILS, No. 2, "Queen," with anvil and touts com plete. ' ; : - • . Also r TWO THOUSAND WAGON COVERS, to.iiewell made, material te'be cut fifteen feet lung, four breadths wide, of WI Incli,lo ounce army - standard cotton duck: subject to inspection, Proposals will bn endorsed "Pro m:sale for Forges," Cr "Proposals fur Wagon. Covers" az the case may be. The right is reserved to reject all bids ilecnied too high. ' C. IL CROSMAN. del6.lit Dep. Qr. M. Gen. 723 CHESTNUT STREET NEW PUBLICATIONS. B00&8• SUITABLE FOE • HOLIDAY . 'PRESENTS, ~... .•. -• • pot CHIL D REN. .. • • • . . .. •-.- FOR nuns • . FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS. FOR_ • CLERGYMEN. , . . . , AND FOR FRIENDS. . .. All the new Books of the seam ore to be found on our shelves, together with a large well-selected stock of later dates. BIBLES IN FINE BINDINGS, various OXFORD and other ENGLISH editions. - - " PRAYER BOOKS. : . The BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, from the smallest 4Smo. published to the largest folio for desk. 4 Smo. Prayer.. Turkey Morocco, gilt edge 81 25 4 5m0. do. do. , .do. ribbon edge 150 4Smo. do. do. -- do. with clasP roe 48cao. do. rims and clasps 250 48m0.. do. velvet rims and clams 300 18nio. do. Turkey-11ex 225 idmo. do. .bovelled boards - 380 32m0. Prayer. (best edition miblillied for children,) arabesque.... • • ' ' • . 40 32m0 Prayer, Turkey Morocco - - 1 75' 32m0. do. do. rims and clasps • • 28 0 32m0: do. velvet 3 BO And a variety of styles not mentioned, besides all the different English editions of PRAYER "GOOKS and atithdli Mlinfien,". Also. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. - A large stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, as Laud-. some and as cheap as can be found in the city. FOR SALE AT THE. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK. SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT STREET. N. B. For the accommodation of : Sunday-Schoel Tenchens Hint may not be able to Make their selections through the day, the Depository will be kept open in the evening during the week preceding Christmas. deLstf ~ TRH LIFE AND WORKS .: R FU S C I - I 0 A "X'•Ei THIS DAY PHDLISIIHD. MED LITTLE, BROWN, CO., 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. THE 'WORKS OF RUFUS CHOATE, • A MEMOIR OF HIS LIFE, BY SAMUEL OILMAN BROWN, Professor in Dartmouth College To. two vols. Bvo. With pOytralt. Price $5 del3-11 th 3tif • , • • • Ail FN'S HOLIDAY BOOKS. - • I. FRUITS AND FLOWERS OF PALESTINE. IL EL- KILUDS; .THE HOLY ;:.OR, GLIMPSES - I N TIIE 111. PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. IV. CITY OF THE GREAT KING. The above are bound in cloth, fun gilt, Turkey gilt, and antitille, and are the_. . MOST SUPERB HOLIDAY BOOKS. JUVENILE BOOKS. ' IiAD.TI IN. SYRIA: Cloth. Mc. LITTLE PILGRIMS IN THE HOLY LAND. 'WM, • 75ctgilt.;$1. • • • • BIBLE STORIES IN VERSE FOR THE LITTLE ONES AT HOME. Cloth, Me: CHILDREN'S BOOKS, GAMES, Ste.; in _,great variety, at CI ALLEN'S, dels,& • ' 1308 CHESI'NUT Street. NEW 'PUELIOA.TIONS.--TOM TEA - 'CY, OF BRIER 'HILL; or, Whose la the victory? ISMo,_cloth,so amts. THE SCHOOL-GIRLS OF QUEEN'S MAY. Showing the influence of a meek and quiet spirit. lSzno, cloth. 5u cents. Published and for sate by the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNJ0N,N0..1122 CIIESTNUT Street, Phila delphia. • del6-21 AIRS. S.IGOITRNEIr'SJILUSTRATED POEMS-AN ELEGANT PRESENTATION VO LIME, printed ou eretun-tinted paper. with illustrations, designed -by Darley.• and engraved by various artists. Beautit(tlly bound .in various styles, suitable for pre sentation.. • • • ' • Au atotortinent of HOLIDAY-1100HS, illuetratekstamt ! and and Juvenile -; •25 South SIXTH Street. above CH ESTA I T. USTATE- DORE •—• ILLUSTRATIONS • READY' ON THE - 18th OF DECEMBER. DANTE ALBUM, Photographs from fifteen select Illustrations to Dante's Inferno, by. GUSTAVE DORE, in Portfolio, Cloth, WM. In Turkey Morocco, $lO. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOOD, by CHAS. PERRAULT, E with Photographs from .the Illustrations by USTAV DORE. 1 vol., 4 to. • Bound in cloth, gilt edges, $3.70. Turkey Morocco, $6.50. i Also. Photographs of the latest Portrait of ALFRED TENNYSO, I I_, painted F. WATTS, engraved by JAMES ST.bl ENSON. Size of the orignal, $l. Card size, 25 cents, F. LEYPOLDT, Bookseller and Importer, 1323 .CHESTNEIT Street. HOL.T.D.AY _BOOKS. -lIOLIDAit BOOKS. The subscribers hare on hand-an assortment of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOOKS, guitable for Holiday. Presentst:iLhio, JUVENILE BOOKS in great variety, and all the • • .NEW BOOKS Of the (ley . . . : • • ; ~..tarDSAT- e r- D watterotir- Pnbliebere and 8001e.r.0n0re..... 25 South Street, above Chestnut. • • VIE A RMY THE BY.PRTiCE DE 10INVILLE. L. l o rILLIAX HENRY RURLBERT. • W 3 u l .vui a Map. Bvo. Pam:. 88 - cons... "Thiir , -Ar_is written in the-grand which every and every sentence appears, studied in form and irrefuta-0., in fact, and it will stand as one•ef the best written aluipterenuibstorical events extant.' Neu, York Times' Paria-pnntierlt-'-' For sale by WILLIAM Si ALFRED' MARTIEN, 006 CHESTNUT Street. SPEdIA.I, . N AV1N . 44.6 OLD Cl 4 MeliT t Cr k eet f ll7lll%,, J l.l. if fillA c e:lol2 this date. • . • - All business litters and orders for Books, with or with out Gifts; should be addressed. to G: W:PiTCHE,R, • hiy facilities for filling Book-orders are ocpial to any house iu the United States. . G. W. prrionx, _ DEcn.mnint 10, 1962.7,-,delB-3t* : . , •.. Philadelphia. LECTURE- • •FOW•XOUNG - I,LEN.- -.--‘- Just published, price 6 cents, a' neie edition of the late Dr. CULVERINT,LL'S , CELEBRATED. LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &e. The radical mode of treatment, without medians, 1s fully explained, so as to enable every one to be his _own physician at the least possible axtiense. A BOON Tat THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-mild, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CH. J. C. Puma & co., 127 BOWERY, New York, _ Post (Mee Box 4,585.. • no4-3m if READY-MADE CLOTHING'.. GENTLEMEN'S WINTER CLOTHING, VERY DESIRABLE IN STYLE AND PRICE. Suitable for the season. OVERCOATS AND . BUSINILSS SUITS. In great variety. xxr A isT AM kiCER & BROWN, POPIMAR C O I.OXIINGimouss, • - 8. Z. CORNER SIXTH AND , MARKET STRE IN. B.) SPEUTILL DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMER WORE nob-~ialif. FINE. READY,DLiiik CLOTHING. - :SOMERS & SON, STREET, UNDER JAYNE Have now made up for sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING. 418 e, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES;and VESTINGS, which they respectfully invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere- • ee27-bi3l • BOYS'.CLOTHING. -A FULL AS 'SORTMENT of BOYS' CLOTHING always on hand at MATLACK'S, No. 004 MAE KBT Street. . . ,d.e1.3,3t* D R. STOEVER'S • CELEBRATED S T . O . M Q H TUT T E'R 5 : A CaelAlli RIMED]. FOR DYSPEPSIA. . • DIAREIKEA, • FEVER AND AGUE. LOSS OP,APPETITE, CHOLER,k MORBUS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND. ALL" DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISEASED ' AND DISORGANIZED STOMACH. They are the best Bitters in the world, being pleasant to the taste, and may be administered with safe ty to the and debilitated. They invigorate the system and purify the blood ; create a healthy appetite; Permanently strengthens and removes all flatulency or heaviness from the stomach, and purities and restores the gastric secretions. Price 75cents per bottle. Prepared y CHAS. It MISTER, Lancaster. Pa., and for sale by all DRUGGISTS,BOTEL KEEPERS. GROCERS, AND RESPECTABLE RESTAURANTS. PRINCIPAL PHILADELPHIA DEPOT, 236 SOUTH SECOND STREET. Call for samples and examine certificates and recom mendations. del6-tuthsl2t* Ell SKY! OLD WHISKY! . • •. • From our own anCother celebrated Distilleries. We are constantly receiving . • OLD RYE, WHEAT, AND BOURBON WHISKIES.With 'which, for prico audguality, • WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Our Whickies, for purit4,' mellowness, and dolicacy.are, EMINENTLY 'ME BEST IN TFIE WOELD, Aud we sell them at about HALF PRICE. • • OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT MIA already become a considerable feature In our bust-. netts, and to continue it In its presoutstato, and to enlarge it,.we shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as oheap ly ever.. CONSIDER THESE PRICES! - - Monongahela Whisky. BO cents per Old Bourbon Whisky, 75 conts per gallon. Old Bye Whisky, $ per gallon. Extra Old Bye Whisky, 11,L50 per gallon. Very . Choice Old Rye Whisky, $2 per gallon. N. VAN BEM 118 North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. deg-11111f • • TVORYTYPES--SI'LENDID GIFTS. FOR CHRISTMAS.—REIBIER'S lyoryWpos aro per fections inthe of art miniature painting; sonatantl and lire-like in coloring and appoarance. SECOND Street,- aboveoroon. l ab' MRS: D. FERRIS, 1087 CHEST NUT. Street, has now open n large assortment of Black. White. and Gray Ostrich Feathers. grotto' 'With Ladies' and Children's Winter MIL LI In AY.. (1.4-12 !TOYS ! TOYS 1 TOYS I In even'•voiletF. Aow, 3 Seittli FOURTH Streot rilel33t - .. W. TILLER, Importer Vyk) Als. l l),Euttlt—PßOF.. J. ISAACS, -ILA OCULIST 'and AttRIST. from Leyden, Holland. is permanently located at, No. 511 PINE Street. where he treats all (Ili:oases of the eye or ear sclentifical/y, and Mires, if curable. Artificial eyes inserted without pain . N. B.—No charges made for examination. doll-lut" SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VikrtrE OF a writ of VondltionlExponas, to me directed, will be expOsed to public Sale or vendee. ou MONDAY Evening, January b,1883, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street AU that tbree-story brick house and lot situate on the west side of Twenty-third street (formerly Ashten street). at the distance of one hundred and four feet southward from Walnut street, In the city of Philadelphia, contain ing in front or breadth on said Twenty-third street eighteen feet, more or less, and in depth westward eighty feet, more or lees together with the 11b0 of an alloy on the north side thereof. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Cor n:lick Dugan, and to he sold by JOH THOMPSON. S Philadelphia; Sheriff's M N e, December 8, S heriff. ES: C-. 42 ; J.. 'at] Debt. WO. H. E. Wallace. del6-3t AMEITEIOAIst.:AOADEMY. OP MUSIO. DiRECTOL- J GRAD. THE OPERA, . ..OPERINO MOUTON WEDNESDAY'. DEC. 17. Mr. GRAD respectfully infOrMS the Public of PhilA delphht. t h at he has completed his arrungemnats for as •' Comm ancing OPERA SEASON OF SIX NIGHTS. • • . WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, MO . 001 7 Onestat he is abl rent ede, the Academy ot Music having been previously lifter December 24. • It, will be distinguished by the rapid succession of the • debot of the 1 - • • • • :Four Young and talented Prime Donne, ' Siftiont OURIGLAI3ELLA, Signora LOItINI, . M IIoCORDIEIt, Signorina MORENSI. Who all of' them have met with such great success New York, and the. production of Meyerbeer's new and - lateptiOpem, lIINOIIAII, • • •- • • be Pardon de Ploermel,) Wlilcb Is ntit4 the leading event in the musical world. Ito care nor expense will be spared to render the of acceptable to the highly cultivated taste cie Philadelphia audiences ; and spcwal attention has been paid to the organization of a full, complete, and efficient Orchestra and Clionts,which has beenexpresslybrought front New York. ' The Mitle.parts are in the en puble hands of 'Signors. DRIONOLI, bIAUCAVERRI, AMODIO, SUSINI, DARILL • tOnduclor andltiosical Director Sig. MUZIO. • The want of suitable patronage has prevented a reit-It ler and complete season during the Inst two years, but Mr. Onto trusts that the immense attraction which he is compelled to crowd into the single week that he could obtain The. Academy of Music will command such sue. gess. that he encouraged in his future attempts to • give the Opera that standing It formerly enjoyed in Phi.- lade] hia. 10-liIORROW (WEDNESDAY ,• DECEMBER 17, SIGNORA OINEVRA OVERRABBLLA • Who can only appear in TRAVIATA and IL BaLLO IN MASCHERA, will make her debut in Philadelphia in her highly cele brated character of Violetta in LA TRAVIATA. ON THURSDAY; DECEMBER lgr SIGNORA LORIN'. (who will appear in LUCRBZIA 3201101 A and the SICILIAN VESPERS) and SIGNORINA MORENSI will make thoir clebnt in LUCREZIA BORGIA. ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER MLLE*. ANOIOLINA CORDIER • will make her debut In Morcuheer's latest Opera of ' DINORAH, • • be Pardon de Ploormel,) • Which will be given with the M7lO new miss en seen OS in New York, a rrangements having been mado fur the transportation .of the requisite scenery and accessories to Pluladeiribia. ON EA'rIIDAY, GRAND OALA NIORT. IL 'BALLO IN MASCIIERA AND THE SICILIAN YES . Will he _positively given o P tithe remaining' nights. . MUMS OF ADMISSION $l. RESERVED SEATS S CENTS .EXTRA. .. • • ... .••• • • • Family Circle 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. The sale of Seats rill commence THIS 111.01{NING at' the Box (Alecto( the Academy of Music, and at Conld'a Music Store, Chestnut and Seventh streets, del3-t[ MRS..JOHNTREW'S AROH-STREET A. , -na • TIFEA TEE.' • ' '' • " • • '' ' Business Agent and Treasurer. .. '' JOS. D. MURPHYEIGHTH WEEK. OF ........ • . CLARKE IN TWO GREAT CHARACTERS. THIS. TUESDA_D_EVENING, Dec. 16, 1802, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Amt Trenchard Mr. J. S. Clarks. Florence Trenchard.. Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with the Comedy of • • MADE/ED LIFE. Ben ry_ Dove .1' S. Clarke, Mn': Henry Dove - ' ' Hrs. John Drew. WEDNESDAY, BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. • THE OCTOROON. THE OCTOROON. Doors open at 6.4 ; to commence at Seats secured Rix days in advance. wA T NUT -STREET .• THEATRE..z_ Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. OARRETTSON. Business Agent Sir. JOHN I'. DONNELLY. SEVENTH AND LAST WEEK .01' MILS. AND. MR. H. L: DAVENPORT. THIS (TUESDAT) EVENING, Dec. 10, 1892. Will Le presented.J. H. Payee's Tragedy.. in 0 acts, of BRUTUS: OBs.TRE FA . ALL OP - TARQUIN. Lucius Junius Brutus Hr. B. L. Davenport. . Targuiesa Mrs. Anna Cowell. To conclude with the Ziariag Fart* of • • THE TWOHUZZARDS... CONVERT ITALL -L E C Tl 7 R E ROOM—CRESTNUT Street; above Twelfth. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' - . GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Every Evening at 74_0'clock. And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock, This splendid Entertainment drew crowded houses for 260 nights in New York ; will remain open a few weeks longer in Philadelphia. Every family should witness Capt.. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage before its dew ture. Liberal arrangements -will be made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 25 cts., or Ave for W. del-lm fIERAULNIA 'ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS_ ererr SATURDAY AFTICR NOON at 334 o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Carl Souls, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of tickets, sl—to be bad of Andre, St Co., 1104 Chestnut street ; J. E. Gould, .Serenth and Chestnut, and at the hall door. • ": no274' IJ-&SSLER'S ORCHESTRA -214 South SL.°bletoix?rtirstunt. D.ENACSMLV-ANT.A____A.C-.A4D-k.1141r c • •••-• THE PLITE - iftll, . • . 10_,5 CHESTNUT STREET - , •- - - - Is alien • daily (Sundays excepted) from 9A: IL I P. M. Admission 2- cents. Children half price. Shares of stock, S. • ' --_ I cANTS. A = YOUN'or AtA i N' DESIRES . 11‘111,-- • -.Anent boi r di n „i i • i • • •ii . there' arc ..m) other 0ur.e......._,1 i et Y. P ‘ Vat , o family'.....:sumc v 4 comforts of a home. LocalAT prererrett norm ot cheat...-. nut, and above Tliirteeuth street. The best of reference given. Address, stating terms, So. . 'Edward Payso n Weston, Box 111 [ . Philadelphia P. o'' \lt* TO BOX MANTIPAOTURERS— wANTED.—zOOO sprue.e. lain, Poplar, or Desch "Boxea per flay , ,-at- C United States Bakery, 'Nos. 5 and 7 DOCK Street. delß-61.* AA BUSINESS . ifAaN, WITH A GOOD neer Trude, wishes a Partner in the WHOLESALE S 1101: BUSINESS, with. 810,050 to $15,000. A Business Man, who would attend tAkthe Books, preferred:" Capital guaroutied. Address .7! Johnson," with real name, at this oftice, - ror a week; 'Stating where a confidential inter view may be had_ . • del3-stu2t* • • PARTNER IVANTED.-AN OLD ES tablisbNl Fancy Dry GobdsEodse, new doing a bust ness of $100.009, on a cash and short time basis,. desires a partner having frOm $lO,OOO to SIAM to invest, in place of a member of the firm about -to retire. Address " hf.," at the calico of The Press. Communications will be considered confidential. 1)&15-fit N/ NJM~N%~INVNV A • SINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD *AA- like to engage a comfortably furnisked roonilor the wit' Am. within ten minutes' walk of TAB Prose Mee. Addrmoi "Russell:' at this oat*. -•' dell-tto MUSTER '.AND TAY ROLLS, AND Governineht claims of all kinds cashed or col lected. at reasonable rates, by JAMES FULTON. 424 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. noti-tf • • PENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay Drocured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased., at reasonable and satisfaCtory rates. Claims cashed or advanced noon • br JAWS FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants. 424 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dia• tance. " • • 001134 f -TO BE LBTSTORE . .NO. 1617 DiAItKET street. - Fixtures for sale. Aiiply to - • (1015-tit! • ItI,PATTON..2O South EIGHTENSTR FOR. BALE •OR TO LET-STORE .m."l. No: 11 North THIRD Street. Inquire at No. lA, opposite.. i WSW' TO LET-THE . . DESIRABLE BU- AraISINESS STAND,.No..I.T North THIRD Street, corner of Church alley: Apply.en the premises. del3st* WELL IMPROVED sli I‘,l NJ • GROUND. RENTS, of this amount, for Ente at a disixtent ; Irredeemable Grow/Went of fall per annum ; a number.of Ground Rent*, from S6IX) to *l,OOO. Apply to E. PETTIT, (1(.13 ' No. 309 WALNUT Street. -.FIRE AND • MARINE OFFICE, 41.5 WALNUT STREET, PEILLADELPECLL This Company continues to take risks on -the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed and we respeCtruili solicit its :Scot! in the future ' DIRECTORS. JERRY WALKER. CHAS. DUP°3I. 6 • RNLEY. JOHN W. CLAIM RN, JOHN THO C. E. HEAELITT, ABRAHAM HART. DAVID BOYD Ju... PETER S. HOE, of N.Y.i 3".. PIIRDIAN SHEPPARD. WM. C. RUDMA • THOMAS CRAVEN, President ' A. E. GILLETT, Vice President, JAS.. ALVORD, Secretary. . ap26-Iftf FAME INSITRAN • He CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INL. DIRE F. N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, • Henry Lewis, Jr., • Alex. Whilldirq Geo. A. West, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. BU CHARLES RICH WILLIAMS - 1. BLANCH . . NW: ALTH • FIRE INSII- C STATE OF PENZISYIe 43 .Er t ricE ° COMPANY OF TES VASIL . DIRECTORS. DtpridiTayne. M. D.. Charles H. Rogers, John M. W !titan, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, • Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, • Henry Lewis, Jr., • Elijah Jones. DAVID JA E, M. D. President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building. 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. - se4if tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM.- PANY.—Authorized Capital S4OO,OI:IO—CITARTER PERPETUAL.. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street. between • Third and. Fourth streets. Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings,• Furniture, and Merchandise gene. rally. Also. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes. and. Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. EC ! TORS, William Esher, IX Luther, Lewis Audeuried. John R. Blackiston, Joseph Maxfield, WIL WM. . W. M. Burin, Biffmatnay. 1MM331 -• . Rel--: LITZiTITS • SATE DEPOT RE MOVES:* to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street. near ianklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and Beim[ determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegantand convenient store, and has now on hand a. largo assortment of Lillle's - Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and.Surglar Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made). Also, Lillie 's< Unequalled Batik Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. ' Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice.. This is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. , Also, particular attention Is called to Lillie 'a New Cabinet Safe. for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, and le the only one that Is strictly firevnild burglar proof... have now on hand say twenty of SFECIAL N OTICE. Farrel, Herring, k Co.'s Safes,-most of t liem nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising x complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They, will be sold at very prices. Please call and exammo. . lo is —' . M. CI SADLRR. Aesee CRANBERRIES. -CAPE COD AND Jersey Crsuberries for Kaki b i r RHO 103 & MILT AMR, No: 101Routh WATER Slroet. SHERIFF'S SALES. AMUSEMENTS. BOARDING. PERSONAL. FOR SALE AND TO LET. t1;1=ii~;1,l ('3 EKi)„l :t1 'Eff£IITRANCS CON?ANY CAPITAL $200,000. 500,000. DOLLARS. E COMPANY, NO. D lIISITRANCE ORS. . E. D. Woodruff John Kessler, Jr., P. S. Justice. Washington Jones, Chas. Stokes, John W. Evermart, '.K Prwident. • b SON, Vice President, D. Elecretarr. Cnabl.4-iftf Davis Pearson, Peter Seiger, m . . 1. B. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, John .Ketcham. LAM ESHER, President. P. DEAN, Vice President. • • ap3-tf
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