ftrTITJE M 8. ~ gknkbai Patterson, abb Gen. TllE I ,A Slr p/On'otuost, the woil-known Pho , sJ s? S'®* 1, 7al BB d 706 Atoh Street, has done the sorTlce in the promptness with which he accurate and reliable photographic pio t>» fnr “ lß ii the more prominent pnblle servants in who n is"' rf ore interested. The capital cartt dt visit! It* r “”*o.«8 foritmote enough to seouro, from lire, or *ldct> be „ )„odior General Frank Pattorton, is finding jte l ,v „r purchasers ; and the same may be said of ictore-alto frem ilfe-of General Frauss Slgel. ;,|i f* n)so i n ,(te attention in this oonneolion to Mr. iidsom® assortment ol Photographs, of various ® ! |jr framing. C OP.Sam over the New ST|lAt boad.—A correspondent from Buffalo jr"' ,*at two hundred tons of foreign salt are being re **• (a that cKy, over the Hew Vork omitral td" 1 * f r the supply of that market and those farmer St®* 1, ° rge Qaantlties are being shipped to Detroit by i 8 (ltd so great-la the rnsh that a large sail ves- I chartered to bring up a cargo. It is possl- K 1 vnl (,r odds, that a glut may thus ba created la M* 1 Bftr gct. However this may be, we are very cor tW ,'ipi. such glut oon ooourin the wat market of i>l° t y| Q tl]o present immense demand oentlnues at tW jtl 'L r Turd of William W. Alter, Hinth strest, $£m w<° MteUe tl'iiPhP T 0 Buy Winter Cjc.othing op the (jVAt.WY AT MODS RATE PlUCUS.—tteasr*. O. ® F ‘Pon, Ho. 626 Chestnut street, uader Jayne’s -* 1 ® of j,|g to the fact that they imported a vary heavy , k of cleihSi ca‘simeres, vestings, &o„ bofore the pre !'1 1 tar iT and ths high rates of exchan go, ire enabled to Letter germents for the prices charged than one house !( * indeed. Their present stock ot ready-made cloth ** "lien# °f the largest and most fashionable in the oity, '’ stlcy are probably making up more fine suits to order other house in the trade. Swiitioß Specimens/in, Photography.— -hire ate few more attractive repositories of art than is * aifUtid at tho splendid ground-floor Photograph gal- Zr ot Mr. Hippie, Ho 820 Arch street. His Bpeoitneps g, e otsurpassed, and his style of pictures, no less than jit moderato prices, are attracting general attention. Fine Confections and Choice Fruits.— m gicds in this line we need hardly Bay the first place I, Ibis clip is Mr. A. li. Yansaut’a, Ninth and Chestnut Lets. Hlsdeliiious Bonbons in all flavors, fine Oho !,|gte and Cream preparations, French and American gtttures (at 25 and 60 cents per pound), swost Jordan Lstodand Vanilla Almonds, French Naiiget, and a gjnssnd other good .things, are unequalled in the world; 1 4 t |, e s sme may be said of his fine sweet grapsa, pears, *,J Other fruits. Indies’.- Furs.— Messrs. Charles Oakford & Sji t! Nos 834 and 836 Chestnut street, under the Oonti jiitsl Hotel, have beyond doubt one ol tne most ex ten ■ve, varied, desirable, and in all respects oompleta' Ltiof Lsdlea 1 Fancy Furs offered,.in this country, La, being their own’importers and manufacturers, their „)cL can safely defy competition. They are doing an suottuoua business in these elegant articles of dress and Addles.” These apples hare tm selected from the flaoßt orchards in New York ■si,te, end w» think that for color and shape, exoeed any tutb&ve ever bean offered In , this market. Hr. 0. H. hlattfoc i:a! Wken groat oara to hava all hid fruits pick ed, omi ecnfhUy packed ior his sa!e«, as may be seen by tire choics varieties at his store, Arch and Tenth jtretfs. The Medicated Safeguard is rapidly win jUl its way to popular favor. When suob high autbo „tr os He Surgeon General of the United States Army, j r j. Warp, Bellows, Mott, Hal), of Sail's Journal of ’UcWi; Generals HoOUllan, Bonuije, and Banks speak in its favor threa need be no question as to its salts. Bead the advertisement on our ftrst page. It Grams akdi-Fasct Fruits jtor the Sba s Hlr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Aroh S td Tenth itreets, has now instore a fresh invoice of the delicious- “ Almeria” grape, so highly prized by jtimll connolsseors, -which he is selling at the low price t l iiiy cents per pound. He has also a freeh supply of jjtft.iiarorsd Oatawbas#nt up In convenient oases, di rKlfnan the vtneysrds of Cleveland, Ohio; also, Havana crust*, almonds, and new raisins of the ‘‘Grown’ brand, the finest ever Imported. As EIEGANT-StQOK OP MILITARY FtJRNISH ;SS Goods cstn bo found at Oakford A' boil’s, under the Continental Hotel; also, fine Ladies’ Shoes at unusually fcw prices. The Currency Troubles.— -Government dot'i give us the “ Postage Currency,” and yet it depre dates other email currency, Even so respectable a city at Wilmington has tronble to beep its 1 0 U's a going. Pilrito individuals are told they will be prosecuted if ;k-j issue email change, and even our milkman, from whom v.e have taken the sky blue article for many years, aw refutes Sunday sohool tickets. What are we going jo do 1 Foitege stamps stick now better than they ever did before; the olty railways going to charge six cents, nuking it necessary to have more charge; the news* psvtti solcg to charge three cents, more change Btill ro* ouhtd; tie weather, getting colder, change wanted la jctir clciblrg. (especially in the pockets); and Charles itciw, otdtr the Continental, celling cliches ae usual, oltbcui any change, -What shall we do for a change? A Weed suggests, “ Take .Blob mend.”.. Change op .‘Fortune.— Nick Biddle’s part ctr, Baron Sttioberger, died in St. Louis on the 14th nit, In reduced ciroutnslsnces, With ! Biddle he once dt- Tided three m!lli»nB*of dollars In a cotton spsoutation. He taed to give dinners which cost gHO OCO finally, tower, ho took to speculating, lost his money, bogau to thick, and at test “threw np his hand," poor and friendless. ’Whet a contrast between Buch men and the em who praollses economy by purchasing hfscletbing it the palatial establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 009 ttntnut street, where the oheepsst fall and winter gar gets In the country are on hand. Tub March ito .Richmond.— Soma zealous people tency that General Burnside and his gallant troops will est their Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pts In. Bfchmond, on Thursday next. The General himself Is tot so coefldrnt- in respect to'time; but be bas uo doubt ofhlireJcMpg the rebel capital-in good season. It will be s very decided change to the Jeff Davlsltes to witneig the advent of our army of well-fed and well .clad loyal Kites, wearing anch uniforms as those that are made tube Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bookhill & Wil ma. Si!. SO3 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Fon sale, -ata-great sacriflca, a fine dark Bed son’s Bay Sable Cloak, made to order expressly, and toil $lOO. Thai lady for whom it was made going South itu no use for It, and will dispose of It. A great bargain. Apply for three days to J. W. Proctor St Co., the Haris Cloak and fur Emporium, 920 Chestnut sheet, n 026 2c The success -attending Messrs. Gardner & Beaming's amphitheatre, at National Hall, has fully walled the expectations of Its proprietors, and It is probable that the okena wiU now become a permanent ‘msUtmton, There is to be an extxa performance to nornw, " AMIVAbS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO *l2 O*CLOOIC ZiisST NIGHT. OOKTIITKNTAIj HOCTli—Nintb and Oheetant eta. WE Morpbey,*Pittsburg John H Dlcbewom Oiacia 3 ! Bwj F Shack* Lancaster. W,W Hoyt, Hew York W H Peeples, Plttvbnrg Mrs H WUtlauis, Ohio ilestM Wbliams,* Ohio MiiaT slKrerh*rfc,\Y Ohest Everhart,Y/Oheit Robt Maater, Prov, Bl Jolts Duponcy, Hew York A W lieieenrfog, fit Ohank J Backs, Beading Miaa J P Backs. Beadlog Miss Kate L Banks, Bead’g H Jones, Hast Boston 0 P EJce,'Boston D W Hey wood & wf,H York Miss Beywood, New York <3 Wright, Jacksonville, NY Wm Mills, Hew York Mias Mills, New York . 1 RcbtSfllnrglr&fain Ii 8 Goble, Newark, Nf S Jco B Pierce & wf,-Boston B B Badeer, Hew York MiihUHdi Jtrasy OHy Mr Edwards * 0 KlUte & fa, San Franc’o Miss Bcowaiog <& si s* N Y Max Qlater, Cincinnati J L Swarta. Oiocinnatl •Jacob Kronse, Cincinnati W Richards, Ohio € 0 Culver, Penna Bobt MrKafghe, Pittabnrg MnMeKulfcbb&ch, Pittab’g Gates dtrawn, Jacksonv, 111 *.B Booth, Chicago Mrs I) W Ooat>, Ohioago * M Hutchinson, Tittßhnrg H A Fost' r; Boston 'New Jersey J W Chamber in, Boston York : A J Shields, p tat<a -7® AGnstiurPenna J EiHe*,Jr» Maryland « f HcdgrHew York G T Wldman, Cincinnati " 2 Wanking THBoohester,Bichester JisaAO BochPSter, Stoch*f James Hacks & wf ?bOBM:Eey«CBA GliSchnvier Ala, H York Miss Hamilton* Now Yoik J Hooper, BMtlaore SBoohleday, Baltimore * H Eshury, USA 1 B Sonthwick & la, Provide G Twaddle A wf, N York Dr Bo»e t *-Kipgston f O W J Hampaon, Toronto, O W Jos Leonard, Boston S Jacobson, Ohio J H Haskell, Baltimore O Bathgate, Hew York C W Henderson, Hancock J F Shep»»r i, New York r Levl Kline* Lebanon Miss B H EUne, Lebanon 'Mils T D'filine, Lebanon J M Baris, Baltimore Gariyßaleinioro A Smith, Baleimore ? Wilson, Baltimore SB Oozzooß, New York 2 J Thomss. Boston DA Vnnderrer, Freehold J' P Small, Bani>burg T A Fiulayson* London *3 B Stetson, Boston W B Tolle &U t Oloclnnali J W Bonglaa ft la, N York B J Leggat & i», N York SJ Gold, New York M L tit John, Chicago A J Albertson, Penna U B Brewster, New York John Bej noWs, Wash, D O B A Watkinson & wf, N Y J bkontgoncsry, US A B Pendleton Chfts H Murray, Jersey Olty John F Spangler, York, Pa AOomirigbt, New York 6 W Ynnug Baltimore HOBuCcl, Montgomery co Hon F Watts, Carlisle JB Kennedy,Obsmbsrsbg Josß Coles, Chicago,lll MYalwller, Toledo, O Com Bowso USN J H IhMm, Cincln, O 1 M Biddle A wf, Penna « W Cass, Pittsburg JMrs B N McKey, Naples _ MHWHAHTB’ HOTXlr—ronrth M.) below Arch. JLS Piltsbnrg ‘ MG Kina tola, Harrisburg mi? ™„i Johnstown HJBoberts Jubastowu 5? 1 ?, D “*»!sgi Penn a ' Mlaa A. Thornburg, P* Pa J W Haver. Penna Mfnl T Pl.hler, Pens* Oapt £ J Adams, Md • fwebt, California C Sohnedlker, New York Prinoetbn Hiss H A Saafre, Ohio i 8 niriipatriok,'N Brans Mrs Br Ho w, N Brunswick J*P* bshUlenger, Easton W D Spreober & wf, Pa reisr Brtscer, Lancaster J Terheun, Wash. DO Sf» Porch, Newark, Del Miss Ooocß. Newark, Del MW. Newark, Del D Small, York, Pa sllDMr, Btadijg J Hoffman »(s wf, Carlisle i l ® " 8 Blaek, York, Pa 6 W Oaufl-ld. Hew Jersey mi <l A < ! 0 ? lB8ton > Ky 0 Dlmtok, N Hampshire ° Belchel, Pa Major 0 Glance, Va k w.i!’ P#an * 0 Uolbntb, N Hampshire 1 Jp S i.C U S et9 ’ ,!!l8 T B Harluober, York, Pa W * tSI . ‘S,,? O5 * 3 8 Wilson. New Jersey n.; n o”u 0 Hampshire a la, Pa . OP Melt. Pike oo Ml. ». T S? K ™l»n» Mrs T Fishier, Krwinna nits F|»bl, ri Erffinns A DaviH, Eaatou, P* vre ,®> flhippensbnrg W H Miller 3s la wt New Ytrk Henry Paxton A la, Oarllsle T u i* l ,D r> N Y • J W Andreas, New York 1 « McCord, New Brighton Oscar Seebasa, New York AMlSllloA.N—OBtetnut nreet, above Fifth. MI), M*m 00l A 0 Eddy, Prov, E t 5,® All xandria, Va Sami W Ball, ffredrioa, Dal n? 0 * Bun ter BWB Trader. Maryland J no? Scliyl Horen T J Shinn, Sow Jersey •» t. 7 , aa > How Jersey 0 J Cooper, Mauoh Chunk Wdl®!* I *' Hanch Chunk fl B Sanderson r/OfMaon& la,Hunting’ll Mlm A E Oorleery Trenton “ Ul!t-y, Now Jersey CJapt E S Oman " J nMnfogham, Baltimore I H Sprague, Boston J > 5 0 ™ ea , Hew Jersey W J Hlcodemns e, m oB ' Boston DavldMoffaW, Now York 0 n v?l' Tan > a< W» Jaa A Williams S la, Md y £ Hlired A la. Montrose O D Beman, Montrose £8 Barton, New York Mass . . **B Wood, Jr, Hew Jem? BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut etreut, above Third. 0 Beid, Baltimore Geo W Kefir, Wlloi’n. Dal To. f*’ 01e »eland, 0 H Teaabarger, B.ltlmofo A,”*"« l «>'‘.' p ottsTil!a , ... :J L Bradford, Albany H iik«n aßt « r ".. 'lt J H Rowland, US H Ml.?us Baltimore BHixaon. Syraonio, NT A» a* ®*UlnM>re - Mr Bleat & la. Baltimore A £2*[ lle *- Bt Louis H Lip** Wash. D 0 f piJJ?Bapgor# Mo .... Jai BtockabiUi Darton; O •W-RiSi?K X W Howell, s*w\Tersay 0 »«*« ’ ■JwwF - A L O-irer, Cincinnati. 0 8 Sew YcA*' “ 3 Wel ? M ’ N ° w Tor * J K Barnltt. Delaware 0 B Jewell, Georgetown,!^ BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CellowhiJL B Hunsioker. Lehigh 00, Pa L Greenawald, Lehigh oo D Bistler, Lehigh 00, Pa O Mertz, Abeoiown - H B Fluter, Rutztcwn Geo Weaver, Ku xtown Jap Kurt,, Pennsylvania D G Puroy, Hawley, Pa D Patterson, Wayneoo, Pa Lt L Smith, Monroe 00, Pa J Albert, Pennsylvania 0 Sohloyer, Bucks oo T Btraun, Quakertown Mlse Metzger, Allentown 7, H Long, Oerbou co Pa G Gore, Lehigh co, Pa Wa Gore, L.hlgb co, Pa J Snmestone, Bucks oo P Bpargler, Myerstown F Kauffman, Allentown 0 Graves, Lei igh Gap 0 Kern, Lehigh co, Pa Edw Bey, Lehigh co, Pa B W Smith, Bucks co, Pa J Luckenbach, Bethlehem B Y Linton, Bucks o’, Pa T Boor,Carbon 00, Pa J K Hartman, Lehigh oo Edw Koenig, Lehigh co, Pa M 8 Behler, Lehigh 00, Pa W Morgen, Northampton L Bice, Northampton oo G Suable, Lehigh co, Pa Alf George, Lehigh co, Pa John Karnp, Lehigh co, Pa Leonard Seiphori, Penna BLACK BKAB—Third street, above OallowhllL W Mellzler, Greenwich B Cline, Salßburg A Keck, White B all J Baldeman, Doylestown Jos Swartz Doylestown J Miller. S Bethlehem L Jecoby, 8 Bethlehem John Johnson, 8 Both’m Sol'mon Fatinger. Pa WmFariager, Penn’ft D Kessohuer, Lehigh co Geo Moyer, Montg oo J B Haldeman, Bucks co A Kemmerer, Lehigh co Wm Kerr, Lehigh co Jacob Wetley, Lehigh co F 0 Ballet, Allentown Conrad Wolf, Bethlehem 0 Harper. Jenhtntown Wm Harmer, Pennsburg G Wolf. Danboro D Books, Allentown John Berg, Bntler, Pa S Garner, Doylestown Dr J 8 Beading Sc la, Penn’a W Steokel, Easton, Pa 8 Hades, Easton, Pa Lindford Roads, Pean’a Edward Boads, Penn’a B Bnrrough, Yardleyville John Hersh,*Pemiabnrg A B Boads, Bouthampt m A Keiler. Northampton C Morrison, Huntingdon Jas TomliDßon, Byberry S Garner, Doyloatowa Jacob Pheffcor, Penn’a O L Sohrelber, Pena’a Jaoob Bretz, i'l Clair Miss DiUman, St Clair OOMMEBOIAL—Sixth sweet, above Chestnut J Blley, Beading J A Growl, Chester oo T M aban, Chester co MJ Wilson, Chester co A H girlckler, Penna D Walton & da, Pauna D B Bowdin, Chester co W B MoHon y, Chester co lbeo Kiik, Chester oo T A Burt, Mass J Hayes, Oboster oo G W Price, Ooatesvilie A Commons, Delaware B Crest, St Paul 8 A Ssssnman, New Hope F Winslow, Del oo , G F Barton, Chester co W Pyle, Chester oo A Darlington. Chester co 0 J Reese, Harrisburg D E Wbary, Chester co STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth, J-E Collins, N York W M Phillips, Alex, Vo J B Bheads, Marpleton - W H Moffet H K Kiliiam A w, Lancaster H B Hsmell, Penna M Dusengal, Penna : J McPhoil, Penna J Biuner, Penna S B McCruea, Altoona A Dnnean. Ohambersburg Mrs J Stone & son, Pa W E Watt, Pittsburg THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. E J Stone, Wheeling W M Patterson . 0 emt-nt Jaggard, Altoona G W Herrie Jas Brown, Salem, N J 8 Ermsntrout, Beading David Garis, Easton Miss Garis, Easton J B Ferguson, Bridgep’t, N J P Stetler, Lycoming co, Pa A P Fowler, Espy, Pa J Pollock, 3t Clair, Pa M BWeece, Trout Bun J B Hurst, Pennsylvania MOUNT TEBNON—Second street, above Aroh. Jos Smith, Sullivan co, N Y B Parting, N York D W Sterns, Demsrons, Pa A Graham. N York W Giiswold, N York Cart J M Jamison, Pa 1 Bandail, Pa 1 G Furguson, Illinois Ohas McClain, N York W Grouse, Penn’a John Latimore, Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. Thanksgiving Day.— 11Y VUE BARS OF TOWER BALL. Let gloomy thoughts no more prevail, Cast all despondency away, And let onr sorrows tempered be By grateful memories, while we hall Another great Thanksgiving Day— For still onr gtorions land is free ; And if onr lot aright we view, For my blessings praise is due. ' While seated round the social hoard, Spread with the best you can afford, Let love and oheerfulness abound; For ttsteless is the festive fare If these two sauces be not there; And penury himself is crowned Wtih blits, if mirth and love combine Upon his homely feast to sbine. The soldier’s ihonghts upon that day, Will wander far from war’s alarms, And paint, with all its matchless oharms, The home that now is far away. Nor shall the absent soldier irs Forgotten in the feßtal glee. Of ccuree, to grace the honored treat All then will wear their best array; For who, upon Thanksgiving Day, In rnde ettire his friends would meet 1 ! To Towes Hail at once repair. And choose the proper raiment there, from the largest and best assortment of Beady-made Clothing In Philadelphia, comprising every aua’fty, style, size, and price, made In the best and most fashionable manner. Having purchased for cask,early in the season, before the recent great advanoe in prices, a heavy stook ofgocda. eeieefed with great care from the entire market, which we sell for cash only,-me are enabled, by the ad vantages thereby secured, to offer Inducements to pur chasers which cannot be BUtpssHed. Tower Hall, No 61S MABKET Street, Philadelphia. . '. BENNETT & 00. s— T— lB6o—X. DBAKE’S PLANTATION BITTEBS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They oreate a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effocta of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatio and intermittent fevers. ' They purify the breath and acidity of thestomaoh. They enre Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbns. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTEBS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Bum, the celebrated Oallsaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to dell cate persons, requiring g gentle stimulant. Sold by all Srpcem, Drnggiste, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE fc 00., 302 BBOADWAY. New York. »e24-6m GBBAT TRIUMPH!— n * TT'sOHOMAOKEB a 00. have made a new and grand dt'jcoeery in the manufacture of the Piano Forte. By a peculiar construction of the scale and bridge on the soundinp board, they are enabled to give nearly doubts the ordinary length of the ttring,from the bridge to where the hammer ttriket the string, which produces most extraordinary effects. The power is greatly increased, and the harmony produced is truly wonderful, giving an entire new quality of tone, which is deep, rich, sweet, and melodious, with a singing peculiarity to each note, unlike to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The music-loving publio are respectfully Invited to call at our Warerooms, No. 1021 OHESTNDT Street, where they can examine this great ,improvement in the Piano Forte. 80H0MA0KEB & Oo„ nol3-lm 1021 CHESTNUT Street. Batohslob’s Haib Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WOBLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOB’S oelebrated Hair Dy« produece a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair In the, leaßt ; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair fos life. GUAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tlfnl. Sold by all Druggists, &o. 10- The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHS LOB, oh the four sides of each bon. FAOTOBY No. 81 BABOLAY Street, (Bats 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street,) my23-ly Now York. Gboyeb * Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MAOHINB, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST machine in the market, and is sold for FOBTY DOLLABS. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly or given suoh universal satisfaction. Do not fall to call and examine it before purchasing else-, where. Office, 730 OHESTNUT street. no3-if Updam’S HAm Dro, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for #1; tbe best in use. Try it. Sold Only at UPHAM’S, 403 CHESTNUT St. ae27-3m* MARRIED OBAYEN—POLE—Noyember 25, 1881, by Rev. E. De Walt, Mr. John Graven to Miss Margaret Pole, both of ibis city. ■* MITOHELL—GILBERT.—On the 231 inst, iu Bur lington, N. J , by Bev. S. Vantant, William B. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, to Kate, daughter of the late Timothy Gllbt-rt. of Burlington, N. J, * POGUE—FOBBING—On the 23d inst., by Bev. L. H Christian, Mr Joseph T. Pogue, of Brooklyn N. Y.,' to Bits Susie M., only daughter of Abraham Foering, Esq., of this city. # JOOfIOCK—BLAESS August 3d, by Bey. G. A, Wentzrll, John George Schock to Miss Emma C. Biases, both of this citr. * ‘ CONWAY—ELDBIDGB.—On the 20ih inst., by Bot. W. Ostbcart,Mr. John H. Conway, of Boston, Mass, to Misß Snsan 3. Eldridge. of this city. # SHABPLEBS—WATTS,—On the 20th inst., by-Bev. Daniel Gaston, .William G. Bharpless to Miss Ellen Jane, eldest dangbter of Bichard Watts, all of this city. * FBAMBES—STKVENA—JuIy 1,1882, by Bev. John Thompson, Mr Elva T, Frambes to Miss Belle J. Ste vens, both of this city. * LEAR—OAMPBELL — On the 10th inst., by Bev. W. S Magee, Samuel Lear to Sallnda Campbell, both of this olty.- r. * BTOKEB-FOUGKRAY ,-Oa the 20th inst, by Bey. A. W. Mi!by, Mr. Thomas N. Stokes to Miss Virginia Fengeiay, of this city. * DIED. MILLJKEN —On the 2oth lost., William Robert, youngest eon of George and Susanna Mllliken, aged 2 years aid 5 months. Therelatiyes v and friends of the family, are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis parents, 3711 Monnt Veroon street, on Thursday afternoon. at Z o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Wood* land Oemetfry. , ** PATIERSON—At camp, near Occoqnan. Va.< on the 22dintt., General Francis Engle Patterson, V 8. Volun teere, In the 420 year of his age. Bis mate friends, and these of the family, are respbct fully invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, from the home of his father, 1300 Loomt street, this dsy (Wednesday), 28ih Inst., at 1 o’clock. * WILT —On Salnrday, the 22d Inst., Abraham Wilt, in the 78tb year of his age. Bis relatives and male friends are respectfully Invited to attend bis funtral, from the residence of his sister, Mis Elizabeth Baker No. 703 Aroh street, this (Wed nesday) morning, at 10 o’clock, without further no tice.' - ■ ' . * DUBOIS.—On the 23d inst, William Dubois, only son of John Dubois, in the 42d j ear of his age. Bis friends, and those of the family: also the members of the Templar Lodge, I. O. of O F., So. 260; also Mount Zion Encampment, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1321 Booth Second street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, November 2Sih, at 2 o’clock. ■ ■ - (Bridgeton, N. J., papers please ©opy.) - * ANDXBBON.—On the 23d inst j Washington Ander son, In the 86th year cf his age, * BAKER.—On the 23d inst, Daniel. Baker, aged 01 years. ■ ■ * ! BENJAMIN.—Of wounds received near Shepherds town, Va , Obanceilor Brnjsmir, on the' 20th of Septem ber. Co F, 118th Beat. P. V., aged 19 years ... CODY—On the 23d Inst, Mr James Cody, in the fts'll year of bisase * DOWNS.—On the 24th Inst., Mrs Martba : J , wife of Robert,S.'Downe, of New York, and daughter of John and Margaret Wesley, aged 23 years and 8 months. * .»< ENGLISH.—On tbe 24ih fast, Alfred B , son of Mi zeal and Mary English, aged 2 years. •; #' GB AYES.—In Lancaster city, on the 221 inst., Alice G.i daughter of J. i. and M. F. Graves -ft BILLER.—On the 24th inst, Blchard B. Hiller, aged 40 years ] ‘ * ■■ BOPKXH8 —At Helena, Ark., September 13« ii E. M. G Hopkins, in the 23d;ye*r of his age.:, / .* . JOHNSON —On the 24ih inst v Annie T., daughter of John and Wllhelmina Johnson, aged 8 years, 0 months, “IuOAS—On the 23d inst,, William 8., son of Thomas B. Lotas, in tbd2Bd year of his age, * MULGREW -On the 24th iUBt., Catharine, wife of the late Patrick Mtdgrew. sged 50 years. . ■ * , NFL 40 N. On tha 23d Inst, Carolln* M., Wife of Henry SelgbnV»«e4 SI >h»M. * EBDMAN.—On the 21st inst, hear Frsderloksburg, Va., Daniel B. Erdmann, 00, D, lUtli Begt. P. V.. sn the 22d year of his age. . # GAFNEY—On the 23d inßi,, James Gafnoy, in the 41at year of bis age. . # GIBSON —On the 22d1n8t., James B. Gibson. C-BitSS —Oo the 28d test, George Cress, Sr., a soliler of 1612, in the 78th year of his age. * GUENTHER —On the 21:1 inst., Oscar, only child ef John and Louisa Guenther, aged 2 years, S months, and 19 days. HABETNB —On the 23d inst., Susan, wife of the late Edward Batkins, aged 63 years. * . BEY.—On the 2Sd inst, Mrs. Nancy Hey, aged 61 years' * « BOLDENS—On the 21bI inst.. Charlotte Annsttee, daughter of Jehn and Anna M. Holdecs, aged 1 year and , 8 months. MoUONAMY.—On Ihe 22d lust,, Mr. Samuel, MoOo namy, aged SO years. ’ SKNDtISLING —On the 22d Inst., Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Dr, Michael K. and Elizabeth Sendcriing, in the 21st year cf her ago. # NORM AN—On the 23d test, Mrs. Mary Norman, in the 69ih year of her age. * OTTINGXB.—On the 21th inst., Alexander Ottißger, Sr; asfd 77 years. * BOBEN0 —On the 23d inst , Francis H. Bobeno, aged 48 years. # 80BEBTZ —On the 24th inßt., Samuel Scbeetz, in the 62d year of his age. # Black all-w 00l velour BEPS.—Just opened, a full assortment of— Black All-wool Velour Beps Do. do. Empress Cloths. 80. do. Ottoman Poplins. Do. do. Epinglines. • Do. do. Oashmeree. Do. do. Merinoes. Do. do. Taroises. - 1 Do. do . Mosseline, Delaines. . ' BESSON & 80S, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street I7YRE & LANBELL, • Pi FOUBTH and ABOH STBEETB. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shawlß. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods. Good Stook of Btaples. nsep- ARCH-STREU PRESBYTERIAN LL§ CBURUH—THANKdGiVIHG.DAY —The Itav, Dr. HENBT DABLING wiU preach TO-MOBBOW at 11 o’clock A..M. It# jvr==> OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI IJJj G ATI ON COMPANY, Pbiladelphu, Not 25, 1862 —4 DIVIDEND of THREE PER CENT., eaoa! to ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share, on the Capital Stock of the Company, has this day been de clared by the Board of Managers, payable on demand, nr26 3t EDWiN WALTER, Treamrer. fWIKw NOTICE.—THE MEMBERS OFKEN UJ? SINGTON (COUNCIL. No. 9, 0. of U. A. M„ ‘are reonested to attend the meeting of the "Council, Oft THURSDAY EVENING, the 27th inst, for the purposo of adepting the new By-Laws D* 0. GILDNEU, B S. •»«s> A MEETING TO ORGANIZE A PHO US TOGBAPHIO SOCIETY, to adopt a Ceostitn tuin and el,ct officers,-wid be held on. WEDNESDAY-’ EYENING. November 26th, at 8, o’olook P. Mi, in the HALL of the H OBTIOUL'i URAL BUOIETY, South west corner of BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Those interested ere cordially invited to attend. It# m=s» THANKSGIVING—RELIGIOUS AND U 3 PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES, with National and Cbristien Union Hymns. Ac , at the Ohuroh of the New Testament, ELEVBNTa and WOOD Streets, THU RSI DaY NIGHT, at ,734 o’olook. "Addresses' by Bey. Mestrs. Ad an b, Kevin, Krauth, and Stockton Sisgtag led by Professor ‘Bower. .Thank-Offering; for ths New Church Ministers and members of alt denominations, with the public generally, heartily invited.' . n 026 2t# fvr==. CITIZENS’ VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL. -t —The LADIES’ FAIR which opened last week, at the southeast cornier of FIFTEENTH and MARKET streets, over Yarnall’a drug Store, will, owing to ths previous inclemency of the weather, be continued THIS WEEK, until Thanksgiving night. Admission 10 cents. n026-2t# ME=» ARMORY CO. A, FIRST REGIMENT KS AUTILLEBY, H. G, Nov 26.1882.—1 n obedi ence to Special Order No 84. this Company will assemble at the Armory THIS MOBNING, at II o’clock, in full uniform, to particloato in the fnneral honors to be paid the late Brigadier General FRANCIS E PATTERSUN. By order of Captain H. D. LANDES B. L. Willing, Acting Ist Bergt, It# MBS- POST OFFICE NOTICE. —THURS- U 3 DAY next, 27th inst, being designated by the Governor of the Commonwealth as a DAY 0 F TH ANK i- GIVING, this office will be open untii 9)4 o'clock A. M., end between the hours of 4 and 6 o’clock P. M The snb-postofficfs wii! be open »t-the ssmo hours. Tbe Carriers will make their usual morning delivery, and will be in attendance at the office in the aiternoon to answer calls. The Ut ited States Penny Mall will make the usual P. M. delivery, aha the 7 A M, and 6 P: M. collections, C. A. WALBO.BN, Postmaster. PUladelpbia, Nov. 20, 1862. n023-2t RIDGE TCRNPiKE COMPAWY.— IKjS Agreeably to the provisions of an act of Assembly ot (his Ocmmonweahb, approved on the first day of May, A. D. 1881, a Special meeting of the Stockholders of the Binge Turnpike Company will be held at' the - Ofiice of'the Company. No. 131 South FIFTH Srreet, (second story.) in tbe. Oily'of,Philadelphia,'on MON DAY, the Bth day of December, A D. 1862, at 12 o’btcck, M., for the purpose of signifying to the Governor, in writing, their intention to be and become subject to the provisions of the 14tb, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th sections of the ant ot Assembly, approved on tht 26th day of Ja nuary, 1839, entitled “An Act regelating Turnpike and Pisnk-Boad Compacies," or to declare so to do. By order of the Board of Managers JOSEPH A. OLA?, Secretary Bidge Tnrnpfke Company. Philßdelphia, Not 26,1862( n026-wfmst fv=3. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD,’ lAS Citt op Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1862. bPBOIAL OBDEB3, NO. 85.—THE COMMIS SION ED OFFICERS of the HOME GUARD haying been toviled to attend tbe funeral of the late Brigadier Geneial FBANOIS E PATTERSON, of the U. S. Vo lunteers. ibey are requested to appear in uniform,- with crape on the left arm and on the sword-hilt, at I P. M., THIS DAY. tbe 26th instant, at the residence of his fa ther, Major General Robert Patterson, at the southwest corner of THIRTEENTH and LOOUBT Streets, to par ticipate in the last ri'ee to the gallant dead. By order of A. J, PLEASONTON, Brigadier General Commanding Home Guard. WM. BBADFOKD, It Assistant Adjntant General. rjr==. HEADQUARTERS PHILADELPHIA lA3 01TY GUARD— I67th BEGIMENT, P. Y. OBDEB NO. 1. Companies A and B will assemble at Oainp Pnleston at 10 o’olock A. M.,,Novembtr 26th, for the purpose of participating in the funeral ceremonies of the slate BE!GADIEB GENEBAL FBAJK_JL.PATTEBSON, D.B.Ar- — ~ By order of WILLIAM A. GRAY,” Colonel 167,h Regiment, P. Y. A. STIMMEL. Adjutant. n026-2t HEADQUARTEBS FIRST REGIMENT iki? INFANTRY. BESEBYE BRIGADE, Phila- DBLI'HtA, Nov. 25, 1862 ORDERS NO. 28. In pursuance of Brigade Orders. No. 15, the Beglment will parade on WEDNESDAY, 26th instant, at 1 o clock P. M% to attend the fnnerat of the late Brigadier Gene ral FBANOIs E. PATTEB9ON. The Bi giment will form on Broad Btreet, right resting on Obmtnut striet, facing west. Fatigue uniform, evercoats,' and gloves. By command of OB ABLES 8. SMlTH,Captain, Commanding.. Gborge 8. Bbtbell, Acting Adjutant, n026-2t •ws=* HEADQUARTERS RESERVE BRI- U-3 GADE, FIRST DIVISION P. M.,. Philadel phia, November 24,1862 • GENERAL OBDEBS, No 15. I. The funeral of the late Brig <dier General FBANOIS E. PATTERSON, U, ti. A., and late Brigadier General of the Beßerve Brigade, will take place on WEDNES DAY next, the 26th instant. 11. The let Beglment of Infantry, B 8., wilt be the escort. The WaisbiDgton Grays’Company and the City Troop are invited to join the escort. Brigadier General A. J. Plea-onton, Commanding Home Guardi is invited to detail a section of artillery. The tender of two companies of Infantry, loTth regi ment, P. Y , Col. Will«m A Gray, is accepted. - 111. Colonel Alfred Day. 2d Beglment Infantry, B/B, will take ccmmacd ; the troops will report to him at l - o’clock P M , at Broad and Chestnut streets. : The escort will parade on north side of Looust street, facing south, left resting on Thirteenth street,, at half past one o’clock F. M. - Tbe Field, Staff, and Company Officers of tha Reserve Brigade, not on dnty, will report at the residence of Ma jor General Patterson, at ha f past' one O’clock P. M.— full drsss uniform, left arm and sword craped. IY. The Office) b of the United Stateß Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, the Pennsylvania Volunteers, and the Phi ladelphia Home Guard, are respectfully invited to report as above, and participate in the funeral ceremonies,. Y. The route of the procession will be down Locust alroet, up Twelfth Btreet, up -Spring Garden street, up Broad street, np Girard avenue to Bidge avenue, where the troops will be dismissed. At Bidge avenue cars will be in readlneßß to convey, the officers above named to Laurel Hill Cemetery. By order of C. M E AKIN, OoloDel Commanding Beserve Brigade. : JOHN E. ADDIOES. Acting A. A General. n026.2t in accordance: with the cus- TOM of former jeai-s, a UNION PBATE3- MaETING: will be held on THAN KBGJVING. DAY, (November 27tb,) at 3 o’clock, P. M., in the UNION M. E. CHUBOH, FOUBTH Street, below ABOH, at which Christians of all denominations are invited to bo present. ■ William O. Robinton, St: George’s M. E. Church. J. H. A. Bomberger, First German Reformed Ohnrch, . E. W. Butter, New-street Lutheran Church. C. D Oooper, Protestant Episcopal Church. J. Wheaton Smith, Baptist Ohuroh. T. J. Bhcpberd, Presbyterian Church. Joseph H. Eenoard. Tenth Baptist Ohnrch, James M. Crowell, Seventh Presbyterian Ohnrch. John Chambers, First Independent Ohnrch. Bev: ANTHONY AT WOOD, E J. yard, . SAMUEL CHUBBi no2B 2t# Committee of Arrangement. MB the public schools of the. Its NINTH SECTION, by authority of tie BOARD OF DIBBCTOBS, wIU hold a FAIR for the benefit of the SOLDIERS’ LIBBABY AND BEADING-BOOM, at CONGEST HALL, CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth, from WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26, to December 2; inclusive. Single Tickets, 10 cents; Season Tickets, 23- cents. A Concert of Yocal and Instrumental Hnslc each evening. nol9-7t* MM> OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST B 2 TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadelphia, Oot. 24th, 1883, Wounded Soldiers and Bailors desirous of availing, themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply Immediately at the office of the Snrgeon- Artist to the Government, No. 1609- OHE6TNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, , oc26tf . Government Surgeon-Artist. ,w==» HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 111 JA3 OUTBBEBT blreet-—ThißinstitnHon isnowopen for the reception of sick and wounded soldiers, who will he received and provided for In the moßt comfortable manner, free of charge,. B F, GLENN, ' n022-tf ' Sec’y of Board of Managers. ewe==» ACADEMY OF MUSIC—CITIZENS? Its VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL—Lecfnre by Miss EMMA BABDINGE, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, November 28, at 8 o’clock. Bobject—“Ancient and Modern Republics.” Proceeds for the Benefit of the Citi zen s’ Volunteer Hospital, Broad street and Washington -avenue. The Mannerohsr Vocal Society, under the direction of Hr. P. M, WoUieffer, have kindly vdnhteered their services, and will sing some of their select choruses. Tickets, 25 cents; for sale at the principal Book and Music Stores and Hospitals, and at the Academy on that evening. . no2o dt* 6 «==, PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COM- Ll 3 FANY, Noyhmbee 24,1862. A general meeting of the stockholders of the Philadel phia Exchange Company will beheld on MONDAYns-xt, Di ctmber Ist, at 12 o’clock, at the EXCHANGE, (room No. 30 third floor,) for the purpose of etesdog nine ma nagers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. W. :S GRANT,: n024-6t Secretary. nmgaw OFFICE GIRARD F &Mil NS CO., 415 Its WALNUT 11, PBILADELPHIA, Nov 10,1862. —Tbe Direciors have this day declared a dividend of FO.UR DOLLARS per share for the last six months, pay-, able to the Stockholders on aud.aftqr.thts da'ep> : ' ALFRED S. GILLETT,’V nol2-wfm9t - Treasurer.:, OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE! INS. lt§ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov 22, . 1862.—A GENERAL MEETING OF THE: STOCK HOLDERS of this Company will be held, in pursuance of »he charter, on MONDAY, the lßth day of .December next, at 12 o’clock M., to hear the report of the Board of- Diiec ore Rribe elevsn montbs ending with the 30th day., of tbe prtsent month, and also to consider and determine upon tbo fxpedleucy of.iucroaring the OABH.OAPICAL ’of lb® Oempaisy to the snai of THREE HUNDRED TBOUBANO DOLLARS, “according to BuohruleSHud Kgulath ns as may be adopted at a general meeting oon* vened for that purpose.’’ NOTICE f 8 ALSO GIVEN that an ELECTION for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to n auage the affairs of the Company for the. ensuing year, will be held at the same time and: place, between the bourß of 12 o’clock M. and 2 o’dcck P M. SC23twmtDl6 B. M.. HISOHMAN, Secretary, THE PBESS.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1862. * -AND MECHANICS* PIIIA, November 24, 1862 LTm of November, - 1882, the lers were eleoted Dbreotors of FARMERS UJj BAKK, Pho/ai>blp At an election held on the 1 foMowing-named Stookhoid this Back: is. A. Mercer* Edwin M.. Dewis* Isaac 8. Waterman, Dtodley Smylb, Bicbard 0. i;ale, Joseph 0. Grubb, John Ashhurst, And at a meeting of the Directors this day, 8. A. MEB* CEB, Beq , was unanimously re-ejected President; ED WTJN M DEWIS, EfQ , Vice President*, andWlblilAfil BDfeRTOh?. Jr., Cashier. ■■' c 025 ' W. BTJSHIDON, Jr., Cashier, w-==- MECHANICS’ lUr PHIa. Mot. 24.1862 Directors, held Hot, 17tb, II were chosen for the ensuing Joseph B. Mitchell, ' , George H, Stuart, / . Davis Peareon, William A. Drown, John Woodtido, William B. Thompson, Ebebezer Maxwell. At the meeting cf the Board of Directors, held Hot. 24th, 1862, J. B. MIT DHDIiI/waß elected President. J, G. MITOHBDti, Vioe President. n 025 3t J. WIBGAHD, Jr., Cashier. fl*=|=* TBAIJJESMKN’S U 3 PHIA, Not, 24,1862. l?ih inst for Directors, the elected to serve the ensuing y, George 0. Thomas, It. I>. Gaw, J. B. Baxter, Jr , Jacob M At B meeting or tbe Board, O. H.BOGKBS w JOHN OABTNEJ HANGE BANK, 24,1882 —it the election . tbe following stockholder!! la Bank: . Christian J, Hoffman, Hubert Ervien. H. W. Oatherwood, William P. Cox, i-Edmtrod A. Soader* Samuel I. Ganby, Charles E. Wilkins. CORN. £X < PHILADELPHIA) Nov bold Eovember l!th, 1862, were elected Directors ot tb: Alexander G. Oattell, Dj)l Xfobiit. Jr., Qeorge-1; BiiAby, Edward 0. Koight, William £. NaCdock, James Steel, And at the meetfng of Directors, this dor, ALEX ANDER G. O&TTKLL. Beg., was unatimously re elected President; AbSX. WHtLLDIN,. Vice President, and JOHN W. TORRE Y Oa-hter. .. . n025-tf J. W. TOBRE 7, Cashier.. »» THE P 111 b ADE bf lI IA BANK, yLig Nov. 24, 1862 —At the annual election held on 17 ih Inst., the following gentlemen were duly elected Directora of this Bank: THOMAS ROBINS, LEWIS R. ASHHURST, FREDERICK BEN NIG, RI.IHARD D WOOD, JOHN WELSH, AUG. BEATON, > 3. li. EBRISGER. JAMES L. OL IGHOBN, S. W. He COURSE Y, HENRY PREAUT, GEORGE WHITNEY, BEN J: G: GODFREY, ISAAC STARE. ; And at the mooting of the Board held this day THOMAS ROBINS, Esg, was unanimously re-elected President. n025-3t B B. 00ME5YS, Oashior. rw=» NOTICE—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, LLS Philadelphia, Novembers 1862 —The folio wing Resolution was this dayadoptedbytheßoardofDireo torß and ordeied to be publlahed: ■ ■ ..Resolved, That the unsold portion ot the Stock of this Bank be offered to the present. Stockholders at par, each Stockholder tohave the privilege ot taking a prorata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board,-pro vided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, 1863. - noMtjal J. W. TOBBEY, Cashier. wbb THE UNION BENEVOLENT ASSO -115 CIATION. AN INSTITUTION TOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF INDUSTRY AND SUP PRESSION OF PAUPERISM, AND THE RELIEF OF BUFFERING AMONG THE WORTHY POOR. At the annual meeting of the Association, held Tues day evening, October 21st, the following gentlemen were elected officers and Managers for the ensuing year, viz: : PbBSIBENT—SAMUEL :H. PERKINS; VicePrrsidekts— RlCHAßDD. WOOD, J. FISHER BEAMING. . . Treasurer— E. WILCOX, 404- Chestnut street. .. COBBESPONBma Secret akt—L. fiXOSIGOSIEBY BOND. , BBOORDISG SECRETARY— JOHN H. ATWOOD. , ■ managers. ... BetJjsminCoatfa, William M Collins, Thomas Latimer, John Bdblen, (WilUam-PnrTes, A. G. Coffin, Benjamin Orne, John W.Olagborn, Thomas Wattson, John T. Taylor, Edward B. Wood. At a Subsequent meeting of the Board of Managers, 8. 0. COOPER and TBOS.IDVAb S were reappointed Col lectors,; In view of the probable heavy demands upon the. Association the coming -winter, by the superseded labors for the sick and wounded Boldiers, and their fami lies, the managers wouid jrspectfnll7 ask the co-opera tion of the charitable, and'aU that feel an interest—and who does pqt ?—in this high Christian objsct. Contri butions of money may b"e sent to the Treasurer, E. WIIi- COX. Beqi, 404 Chestnut alreei.- Provisions, new and partially worn clothing, blankets, shoes, &c„ or money, ■will be rectlvid by the Agent, at the office of the So ciety, and are earnestly solicited, .Corn meal, beans, and potatoes are acceptable articles, and, can be stored on the pr emises' until wanted SAMUEL H. PEKKfNS, President. Joroi-H. Atwood, Secretary. 1. . Fa>MUND Wilcox'; Treasurer, 401 Chestnut street. . ' John BtCKS, Agent, 118'Bouth Seventh Btfeat. ; toB swl2t A UTER’B B AIB DYE, 25 and 38 X 5. cents a Box. Ho. 63 THIBD Street, above Chestnut. It* T’VGBT-TIPES.—The eye never saw,■ A cor Imagination conceived, finer or more beaatital FJctmes than the fresh aßd cataraUy’ colored Ivory trns Of BEIME‘S, at his Gallery, SEJOND Street, above Green.. . It*, TVTOTICE.—-Tlie subscriber, who has Jhiv ;been appointed by the Orphans’ Ooart of Cheater ccuntyg Auditor to distribute $534 X l in the hand*;of Matthew Stanley, executor of Samuel 0 Stanley, late of Hoaeybrook towimhip, deceased, and trustee of the said fund held for the use ofWiUiam Stanley foy life, and afrer bis death,for his children, will sit for that purpose, ,at bia cffioe, in WEST CHESTER, BEOE iIBEB 27th, 1862. at ten o’clock A. M , aty?hich time and place the children of said William Stanley, and ill others in terested, will please attend if tbey ree proper. 7“15026-w4t .WM. HARtitEiaTON..Auditor. WTAYY AGE ST’S OFFICE, WASH XV INGTON, D. 0., Novembeb 13, 1662 —« COP PEE SCALE ” —There will be sold st public suction, in the UNITED STATEi NAVY VAED, Washington, D. 0 , on THURSDAY, the 27th fast., at 12 o’clock M, slot of OOPPEE SCALE, consisting of about fifty tous. It can be examined at any time previous to the day of sale upon application to the Commandant of the Navy .Yard.. * ■ The sate will be subject to ratification by the Depart ment. S. P. BBOWN, Navy Agent. The above sale is postponed until DECEMBER 4th. at the same hour. n 026 wstDl PERSONS IN WANT OF BRI- I TANNIA or SILVER PLATED WARE can find a superior article at . n026-lm m,H E PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- J 'bOAD, MAOHINEBY, AND WHEEL GEE ASK. —Wo would invite your attention to the above Grease,' manufactured by us, ofmatertMifexaotly suited for the purposes designed. We -believe-it' to be .surpassed by none in cheapness or lubricating propertlesf'in, which be lief we are sup,oiled by its steady solo and the perfect t satisfectioh that it giveß. Those that have used it-WILL - HAVE NONE ELSE. , - Put np In tin cans, kegs, and barrels, of weight to suit - purchaser.. . - . : ZEIGLEB & SMITH, W bolesale Drug. Paint, eud Glass Dealers, corner of SECOND and Gt EKN Streets. . n 025 st* ZIEGLER & SMITH, DRUG, PAINT; and GL ASS DEALERS, 8 W. corner of SECOND and GREEN.;Streets, Philadelphia, have in store, and offer for sale, via: 6 casks Sal Ammoniac. 10 half cases Rhubarb Boot. 5 cask, Irish Glue. 20 barrels Beßned Borax. 25 cases *• “ o bales Carriage Spinge, cheap. 50 cases (100 lbs each) Antimony. 6 barrels Antimony. ' 50 bags Canary Setd. a cases Mace 200 lbs Conrad’s lodide Potash. 10 cases Polizza Liquorice. 6 bales Alex, Senna. 10 boxes (SO Ibi each) Powd’d Tartaric Acid. 25 barrels Neats’- Foot Oil. 5 barrels Sweet Oil. 100 cates Pt Olivo Oil. 20 oans Balsam Oopalva. , Also, a general assortment of Drogs, Paints, &c., In large or email quantities. n025-st* rpERRA COTTA MANUFACTORY. JL Hanging Vases. Haney Flower Pots. Orange Pots. Fem Yasea. Ivy Yasea. Garden Vases. Jasmin Coupes. Jjassoletta Renalasanea. Oasaoletts Louis XVL Lava Vases Antiiue. Pedestalß, all sizes. - Console and Oor iatadsa... Parian Busts. Marble Pedestals. For Sale Retail, and to the Trade. S. X HARRISON, WHS - 1010 CHESTNUT Street. TYEAMONDS ! DIAMONDS! DIA JL-T MONDB! and all Precious Stones,‘bought for 'cub, 'by LEWIS LADOMU3 A 00., Diamond dealers, 'BO2 CHESTNUT street, n024-3t BINZINE, BENZINE.—IOOO gal lons for sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH, wholesale Drns, Paint, and Glass dealers,, oorner SEOOND and GBEEN Streets, Philadelphia. n025.5t* T7IYB AND EAR.—PROFESSOR «J. JCi ISAACS, OCULIST AHD AUBIST, from lie;, dec, Holland, ie permanently located at Ho. oil PINK Street, wlere persons afflicted with disease* of the EYE or EAB will be scientifically treated, and a core guarantied, If cniable. ABTIFICIAL BYES In serted without pain. N. B.—Ho charges madt far ex atnlnatlon. : - no!9-12t* /ZHKOBGB T. RILEY, Ho 115 BACK BTEBET, " Invltta the attention of all to Ms superior quality lOE OBEAMB, WATEB lOES, : JELLIES, FANCY AND PLAT* OAKES, ' OOXFEOTIONEBY. &c. .. n025-2t S"N. WARFEL, PHOTOGRAPH • COLOBIST.—Orders solicited and satisfactory, likenesses guarantied. InquireTOl OSJSS'PHUT Street, Philadelphia no2B*BamwfrBt . A RMY DESKS.—A capita} article for XA. camp and field hse. i3afe from net, compact, and convenient to carry In pocket. For sale by . ; W. 8.-DADMUH, 104 NOBTH BE BAW ABB I Avenue, Philadelphia. AGENTS WASTED to sell Aem la Philadelphia and vicinity. •_ 0023-lm* lITAOKERELrHERRING, SHAD; IVJUcvdc. 2 500 Bbls. Mass. TJos, 1,3, aod 8 Maokersl,l*te caoght let fi,h, in assorted packages. . 2,000 Bbls Few Eastport, 1 ForWne Bay, acJ Halifax Herring. • •• 2,500 Boxes Xnbec, Sealed, and No. 1 Her^ii. 150 Bbis. new Mess Shad. - .. ! 260 Box»b Herkimer Oonnty Oheese, St*, . ■- ‘ In store and for sale by MTJBPHY & SOOtJS, No. U 6 Norti WH\BVEB. /GOSHEN GLADES, WESTERN, VDT and Betmaylvaxtia Bntter,of obolce Quality. can suntiy receive t and forsalebx.BHODES WfL* XiIAMS, 10? So?th WATJSR Bfawat. • n«%> ' 'I AMA3GA Punbheoiss just if recetied and for sale, la bond, by QBABLKB 8. OARBTAIB3, .uiM 126 W&ItKBT Stand!!! OB(VNIT« Bt. , PINE APPLE gAP BAGQCHEEBE, X TOrsalab? ' BHODEB ft.WILLIAMS, «s£4? 10? Booth WAT*a Btr»t Anthony J Antolc, William H. Woodward, Joseph S. £io7«riag, Jr., BeojtmiE A- Farnbam, ? Joahnaß Uppinootfc, James B. Campbell. BANK, PHILABEL b—At the annual election for 862, tho following gentlemen year: John O. Daviß, Charles Leland, L 0. luogerich, Benjamin. W. Tingley, G D, Rosengarten, Isaac F, Baker, $ BANK, PHIIADEL. .—at an election held cm the following gentlemen were ear: John Carrow, James McOann, Bobert Ooaoe, | John Hartman, , held the 24th inat,’ *aa elected President* and !R, Cadiier. - n025-3t* S. Morris Wain, Joseph H. Dulles, John Asbhurst, Thomas A. Budd, Chari* s Rhoads, Bichard Wood, Charles 8, Wnrfz, M. D,, Horace Binhey, Jr., Thomas T. Tasker, WM. VAN DYKE’3, 633 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, MILITARY | PHILADELPHIA OITY GUARD, • 157TH REQIMENT P. V,, COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY. ■H E A D Q U A R T E R S, V No. 627 CHESTNUT STREET. •; ■ B OdSII: UNITED STATES 80UNTY,............., ,$lOO ADVANCE PAY AND PREM1UM......... 15 SPECIAL 80UNTY........................ 50 COMPANY PREM1UM.................... 5 T0TAL............................. ALSO, A SUPERIOR GUM BLANKE T. The pay of the Beornit commences from the day he la mastered into the service. Aieoon bb the Becruit is mustered In, he will at once be fnlly equipped with superior Clothing, and sent to CAMP FTJLE3TON, od Indian Queen lane, where every attention will be paid to his comfort. For farther information, apply to Headquarters. COLONEL WILLIAM, A. GRAY, n 022 ft 15TTH BEGHMENI P. Y. « ALL ZOUAVES d’AFRIQUE © belonging to the Old Company and 11.4 th Begicneat ]|fP. Yij are ordered to report tbemselvea TO-DAY, vcornerof FIFTH and PBCNH streets, atSo’clock, to join the Regiment, with Lieut HELMAOH and Lieut. ASLSBSQN. By older of S. A. BABTHOIJLOT* It* Captain Commanding. ll RECRUITS FOR THE REGU- Rj LAB ABMY OF THE IfNIIEO STATES WANT- Jlf- ED! !-S2 will be paid to any person bringing an “ acceptable recruit For farther information apply at the Rendezvous, No. 419WALNOT Street. TUOS. O. WILLIAMS, nolf-lSi* Oapt 19th Inf. U. 8. A., Becrnlting Officer. S*. ■ CON TIN ENTAti CAVALRY. jßft —WANTED.—Two Companies to fill the Bs elment of CONTINENTAL LIGHT CA VA r,iiV. row in a Camp Metcalfe,’’ H ADDONFIELD, N. J. Officers who have had experience preferred. - J E. O6l. Commanding, y FHHANCIAL. (JOLD, SILVER, QUABTEBMABTEE8 > VOUCHEES, CHECKS ON WASHINGTON, Ofid OEBTIFIOATEB OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. 7 3-10. NOTES FOR SALE DREXEL & 00, no2l-Im u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; - 08, ■ 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOYEBN ■ MENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THS THE ABUBY to receive suhsoriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. 1 Interest will commence• from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION', and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Snb-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the firet days of May and November of eaoh - year. At the present premium oh gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply, always on hand. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. nofitf ■ ' -' \ ■ QQO AAA —THIS AMOUNT TO gJJtJOiV v”» LOAN in sums of 83.000 to 86,000 on Mortgages or G. Renta Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. , no 3 \V ATCIIJESAJSBJEWELRY. D. T. PRATT, (successor to pratt a eeatii,) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES. Of desirable styles and qualities, to atilt all classes of buyers. nolfi-lraif CUTLERY. WORMAN & ELY. HO. 130 PEGS STREET, PHILADELPHIA, . MASOPACTURERB OP PATENT CAST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY; Also, the BEBT and CHEAPEST ARMY KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON IN THE MARKET. - Warranted OAST-STEEL FORES. se24-wfbe3m TJREIGHT STATION, PENNSYL- X: VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, COBNER THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. Philadelphia, November 21,1882. THE OHIO RIVER IS HOW IN GOOD BOATING ORDER, AND WE ABE PBBFABKU TO GIVE THROUGH RATES , _ * ./S’’ ' . ' TO ANT POINT . . . BETWEEN r PITTSBURG A. N D r ST. UOUIS. ■ S, Bi KINGSTON, Jn., n052.6t* Freight Agent. 0 11>ER V IN EG A ll. 500 GALLONS CIDER VINEGAR, Known; to be tbeJPDRE ARTICLE, *»nr Tear* Old, For Bale by the Barrel'and Gallon, at the EASTERN MARKET CHEESE STAND. • 1 ALSO, PIKE G.O BRISK. BUTTER, And a Fine Assortment of OHKE3E, Including the Celebrated »JAOKBON” DAIBT. W.K. SLOGOMB. nc2l,fmw3t - -v: ' PRESERVING BRANDY. FURS CIDER AND WINS VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SF2GES, All the requisites far Preaerrfng and Purposst ALBERT G. ROBERTS, dsalxs m Tims groceries, COBHUB XX.XVEBTH AHD YIH*. CIRCULATING CIBRAKMS. TXT BROTHE2HEAD’B GIRCTJ eLAIIHG tt* and American Books, invading ALI* 4JLASSSS3 of Lite rature. Thlsia the At the ooantrj tliat inclodes all tho HEW JHSGLISH AOGKS.that are net JtKPKINTED hero. r* t - ' Termß 85 per y eaj jai* monthaB3.v three months SI.W; one month fiiCeaMjor'S cwh nor day. 218 South EIGHTH Street ■ wsB.Bm NGLISHAND PRENOHEAMILX -CIKCDLATisO XJBBABX AHD CABINET9I LECTUBB, 1323 OHftSTOTJT STREET. ’ ■ Bnbscriittons yet y*»r, month, and day. , General oatalognajnst mrhlished,fnroishatl jhaWt. - In Pmh, Oatoiejoa c? the YoongLcdio*’ French Li brary. ... '- , .. ‘ <i ftatalogvn & ii SibUsthigue <*« Dome* et Atf tH noUeOe*.” ' W. H. MOSAOHEBI, Agent, seB.«ffl’ ■ p\ IaaS.OBBSTgOXBtrHt. DEMAND NOTES, 34 South THIBD Street. LADIES’ FURS, jUJRS! GEORGE P. WOMRA.TH, HOS. 415 AND 41T ABOH BTBBET, HAS HOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT L A DIE S * FURS, To which the attention of the pnblic is Invited, nol9-2m FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPOBTEB AND MANTJFAOrURBB OB' LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No.> 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Jmt evened, a large rail handsome Block or liADIXB’ AND OHIIiBBIN’B FANCY FTJEB, of every descrip tion and in the newest and most approved styles, at the liowest Cash Prices. 007-3 m FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMFOBTJCB AND MANTJFAOTUBBB ■v'v.- ■ 0* LADIES* FANCY FURS. S£y assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children Is now complete, and embracing ©wry variety that will be fashionable during the present season. Ail sold at the manniractarera’ prices, for cash. Ladles, give me a call. ocS*4mif RETAIL DRY «OODS. O W OPE N . Super!) Lyons Velvet Cloaks, India Silk Cloaks, Velvet Pile Cloaks, Mohair Plush Cloaks, Woolen Plush Cloaks, Castor Beaver Cloaks, Diagonal Plush Cloaks, French Doeskin Cloaks, French Reaver Cloaks, Magnificent Qros de Paris Cloaks. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVERY MORNING. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 930 CHESTNUT STREET, noT-fmwlm OLQAKING CLOTHS. F BOSTBD BEAVERS, FINE CASSIMERES, VELOUR REPS, BALMORALS, BLANKETS, LADIES’ CLOAKS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BOYS’ CLOTHING). COOPER & CONARD,, 0028-tf S. E. COB. NINTH and MABEEr BtS. CLOAK STORE, No. 818 ARCH: STREET. EtM continue their full and handsome assortment of no2o-tf ItAPIEB’ ASP QHIXPBTBN’a ClifiAKßj T B. CASSELBERRY, 45 NORTH* H. EIGHTH Street, has now in store an immense Block cf FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Bought at the recent French sales, and Staples before the great rise. . 1 cai e Shepherd’s Plaid best Delaines, 22c. 300 pieces new styles figured Delaines, 26c. 40 pieces small Plaid all wobi Delaines - 25 and 310., The above forty pieces are gay colors, for ohildren. 1 case French Merinoes, all shades, SI 15.'01d price. 10 pieces black and white Wool Delaines, c. 1 case black and white Check Mohairs. 35c. 100 pieces black Alpacas, from 25’to 883. Black Paramattas and Cashmeres, two yards wide, 81c. 1 case rich figured 4 4 .Poplins, 50c l ease figured and plain Manorcas, 28c. 1 case rich brown figured and striped Mohairs, 31%c. SILKS! 'SILK'S! ■ 16 pieces small Check Silks, extra heavy, 75 to 88c. 2 do . Queen’s Gray Silks. 85c. Black Mourning Silks, SI 10 to SI 62. Black Sliks, 90c. to SI 88, old prices. GLOYES, GLOVES—LADIBB’ AND GENTS’. Over 500 dozen Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents’, Kid, Back, Silk, with and without Gauntlets. - Also, Gents’ Driving Gloves. One counter exclusively for Gloves. . SHAWLS! SHAWLS! ' 8 lots open black cehtrerßrocho Shawls, S3B to S5O. The above good, worth 566 to 575.- -- - Brocbe Shawls, from $7 to S7O. - Largestand best Gentßt Shawls, at all prices. J B GASSELBSBRY’a Mam noth Dry Goads Hoase, 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. ■ P S —Nowon htnd over 40 cases of every description of Staple Goods; Muslins, Flannels, Oahton Flannels, &c., less by 16 per cent, than the present caee prices. n025-3t OASSELBBRRY; T AOE CURTAINS AND MUSLIN Ili DRAPERIES.—The subscribers have the finast assortment pf rich Lace Cnrtains and Embroidered Mua lleb !o be found in the city, at last seaebn’s pricea. Also, a large assortment of Onrtain and Fnrniture materials, of the most desirable styles. - SHEPHARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARBISOS7,- no2o- 12trp - ' - ' 1005 CHESTNUT Street ; Q.O TO' HUNTER’S NEW STOREi No. 37 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, FOB LADIES’ ASD MI3BES’ CLOAKS, Manufactured of tbe best materials, in the most stylish manner, and will be sold OHEAPEK THAN OAJi BE FOUND BIiSBWHBJBEi' no2o tf No. 37 Nerth EIGHTH Street. TJLANNE LB,. BLANKETS; &c.— I; A good assortment of all the approved makes of Winter Flannels and English and American Blankets at the lowest prices - " SBEPHARD, VAN HABLINHEN. & ARBIBON, uo2sl2irp 1088-OHEITNUT Street. DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. Q.EO- 13- PARRISH; 313;-CHBSTNUiT STREET, PHILADELPHIA,. Offers for sale 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS}. v '■ Five pounds each, 6 feet 6’inches wide, by 7 feet long. Also, , BROWN -GRAY AND BLUE-GBAY BLANKETS,. 4 Ib., ,5-lb., 6 -lb., and 7 1b , the pair, Of various sizes. Also, LOW PLAID HORSE BLANKETS.. HEAYY COTTON AND LINEN DRILLS; BLACK SILESIAB, ALPACAS, in all qualities, and other LININGS, adapted to the wante of the Trade. TBRMS GAS-H. Also, Fine, heavy OFFIGBRB’ BLANKETS, 12,000 YARDS 11.4 SHEETINGS, FOB HOSPITAL USE, And the usual assortment or British STAPLE and GOODS. : 0c29 mwffm COOKING RANGES. FURNACES, &c.. OQOKINO RANGES. ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGES. Tide Bangs hsi offorded more sotißfaction than any yet offered to the public. ARNOLD & WILSON,. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. TXTARM-AI3 FURNACES, VV Of themoet approved and economical patterns, SOTTED TO ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS ARNOLD & WILSON* 1010 CHESTNUT Street, JgNAMELED SLATE MANTELS. A large v Arlety of these beautiful IdaoleSs at VERT, LOW PRICES. ARNOLD. Sq WILSON, _ . 1010 OaESTSPT Street AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES. . For Keating Parlors, Chambers, -Offices, &ct. ADAPTED FOB EITHER HASH. OR SOFT COAL. Hot-air Registers and Ventilators—a. large assortment ARNOLD # .WILSON, , oell-swSaiif . 1010 CHESTNUT Street. QCOTGH WHISKY.—2S puncheons (O-Jmbm Stanrt’i fin« PAIPIjEY MAIiT,. Imported dlrwt. In hpad to *#l« t»y • ... CEO. WHITELBT, : {£T Scetb XBOHT. cu>l&2a EURSI PHILADELPHIA. NEW PUBLICATIONS. OOMMBN CEMENT OF TR® TWENTY’SIXTH YOLUME, HABPEB’3 NEW MONTHLY Mi.QA.ZINE. No.Ow.] CONTENTS. [Bso., 1882, WAITING 808 THE OHILDEEN. ■ With Three Illustrations, by Goateb. POLAND OVEB GBOUND AND UNDEB GBOUN t>. 11. UN DEE. GBOULD. With Ten Illustrations, by Stephens, Perkins, and . , Chapin, from Sketches by the Author. THE WITHEBED FLO WEB. GAS iND GAS-MAKING. With Seventeen Illustrations, from Drawings by the AMAN’SLIFE. . THE STAMP-ACT OONGBESS. With Three lilastratians. love by mishap. BOLL. CALL. BOMOLA. With Three Illustrations. BANDOM BEOOLLEOTIONS OP A LIFE. OBLE Y If A K5l. ( Concluded ) With Two Itluetrations by MiLlais. A CAMP MEETING IN TENNESSEE, ' MI6TBEBB AND MAID. A HOUSEHOLD STOKY, AFAIEY IN BEAKOH OF A PLAGE. THE SMALL BOU3E AT ALDINGTON. With Two Illustrations. MY FIBBT SERMON. „ MONTHLY BECOBD OF OUBEENI E VENTS. LITEBABY NOTICES. EDITOB’S: EASY OHAIE. EEITOBS DBA WEB. With Twe Illustrations by Bbrlew, FASHIONS FOE DEOEMBEB. With Three Iliaatratious by Yohjt. Mr. Tkollops’b •» Orley Firm ” is concluded in this Number, aid Mias Mulock’s “ Mistreas and Maid n will be completed in tbe next. In ibe- January Number-will be commenced a series of psjers, bs Mr. J. Boss Baowsa. describing a Journey 10 Iceland, to be profusely illustrated with Sketches of Oharecter. Incident, and Scenery, from Original Draw ings by the Author. The December Number contains contributions from 3.j Boss Browne, Caroline Ohesbbro, Edward H. House, Marian 0, Evans, J. H Siddons, Samuel I. Prime, Dinah Maria Mulook, Geo. William Cur tis, Louise a handler Moulton, J. W. Watson, Mary E. Bradley, Louise Furniss, Ast-hony Trollope, Peknat Etbwabt, Alfred d. . Guernsey, Arthur Thomas, N. G. Shepherd, Benson J. LossiNtt. TEEMS, One cop? for one year. ...$3 0 0 Two oopieefor one year......... 5 00- Ibree or more copies for otie year (each),......... 2 GO Arid an Extra Copy gratis for entry Olub- of 2Vn Subscribers Harper's Magazixk and Harper’s Weekly together one year, $4 The Demand Notts of the United States will be re ceived for subscriptions Onr dietaut triends are re- OLaeeted to remit tliem In preference to bank notes,. It 25000 COPIE3 NOW aBA-°Y ,! LES MISERABLES. '' The only Translation into English authorized by YIOTOB HTTSO—The translation by HASOELLES WBAXAM and H. ESQOIBOS. > BXTBAQT OF LETTER FROM YIOTOB HUGO TO MB. WEAXALL. “ From the moment when M. Esaniros is your friend; as mine, you cannot fail to produce ah excellent work, having for guide and counselor that great and noble mind. ’ (signed) YIOTOB HU 30;” John Forster; the ablest critic in England—the Lite rery Editor of the London Examiner —in spanking oE /the authorized trahseatios, by Wraxall and Esani ros, Bays: . . . “On the publication of thin celebrated Hove!, in its original for m, we entered' very minutely into the story. It only now remains for ns to say that WE OAH' CON SCIENTIOUSLYRECOMMEND IT TO THE PUB LIO AS A PERFECTLY PAITHPUL retaining, as nearly as tha characteristic difference be tween the languages admits of, all the spirit aod point of the original. IN ITS PRESENT FORM, <Les' Miserableß* standß a very fair chance of haring as wide • a sale as the French edition.” THE AUTHORIZED EDITION, Complete in One Voiame, with Portraits and Biographi cal Sketch, is published for One Dollar, in Paper; or, Okb Doelab Ann A Half, in Muslin. NOW BEADY-, and all orders filled from this day without delay. W. I. POOLED &■ CO;, No. SSI FRANKLIN SQUARE, (Harper’s Building,) New Y orfei For sale in Philadelphia by I’BTEUSON & BEOS. W. P. HAZARD. J. B. tIPPINOOTT &> 00. G. W. PITCHER. SMITH & ENGLISH. E. H; BUTLER &■ CO" • & LIS MIS B B’ABLJSS. ■ ■ TO THE TRADE. In consfQuence of'the appearance of a catch-penny edition of “ CBS' MISEUABLES,” reprinted from a pirated liondon copy, thß publisher of thegennine copy right translation is compelled himself; to i3*ne a LO W PBIOED EDITION, which is j ost ready, the fire parts complete in one volume, doth bound, 81.50) and paper covers @l. The well-known favorite: five-volume edition Will nob bo changed in style or price. By ordering “OAELETON'B EIITION," the pub lic will obtain, at the same price, a superior translation, fa much larger and clearer 'type, and Booksellers will discourage and condemn the most unjustifiable and dis honorable case or reprint that has ever disgraced the annals of the* "American book trade. nolS-watf. POEMS AN D AUTOBIOGEAPB Yj by T. H. STOCKTON, Chaplain to Congress. For sale at M ABTJEN ’B, 606 Chestnut; SUNDAY S JHOOL UNION; ZIEBEB’S, Third! below-Chestnut: :RiN TOUL’S, 25 North Sixth street, and by Booksellers generally. , *> There are passages or sentiment which have great beauty, and passages of description which striae ns as eminently original N’ i Y: Evening tPost. :n026-3t* •jIIfAGAZINIS I?OE DICEMBIE. -A.V-JL Harper, 15 cents. Atiantio, 20 cents. - liodey, 20 cents. Peterson, 15 cents. , n026-3t PITCHER'S, 439 CHESTNUT Street.- El D U 01D PEI 018—NEW BOOKS :■-, ‘ les Miserabler, complete in one v01ume..........80 cents; Osnoe and Saddle, by Winthrop. .80 oents: Poets’ Journal, by Bayard Taylor.... ..,.80 cents. Thirty, nine Men ior One W0man....... 40 oents; All new Books at a discount. It < PITCHER'S, 439.CHE3TNUT Street SEW B O 0 K-S-.—TAB- CANOE ABB. THE SADDLE—Adventures Among the hwestera Bivere and Forests, and Isthmiana: By. Major Winthrop 12mo. 81. The P.oet’a-Jonrnol, by Bayard-Taylcr, 12mo. $l. Margaret at Home ; or, The Leaven Still Working, Ifimo. 75 cts- Margaret Warner; .or, The Young Wife at the Farm,. 18mo. 60 cis. : Tennyson’s Poetical Works, cabinet odition, 2 vola, *2 50. . The Becrc-ation of a Coontry Parson. 2 tols., 12mo. SI 56, For es!e by ‘ ■WILMiM S, &-AX.FBBD MABTIBIT, 696.€HE8TNBr Street TSANA’S MANUAL Off GEOLOGY. JLx Published ibis day- MANUAL OF. GEOLO 1Y: Treating of tho principles of the Science, with, special reference to American'Geo logical History. By Jamas-D. Dana, Mi. A., LL. D., Prof of Geology in Tale College. The valams forms an octavo ef 822 p*goe, and is illnstrated by a chart of the ■ world and,, over, ohetihomaod figures. Price in beveled mnslin, 84: half Turkey morocco, marble edge, Si 50. THBODOKiS BLI-8 4 00 , 113 North TJIBD Street. We a as publish— Prof.'SiHtoaß’g Principles ef Fh? sics, $2.25; Prof. SfiU m*n 3 a Principles of Chemistry, $1.60* na2s-2t%'y TOHE HISTOBY OB DEHA.WABE X COUNTY, Beautifully Illnsirsted with MAPS, with AUTOGBAPJ3B, Views of Prominent Bondings, &c. &o, in one yolome, Ootavo: Also, the ATLANTIC MONTHLY;for December. - THEODORE WINTHROP’S Now Book, THE! OA NOE AND THE SADDLE. 1 volnms. BAYARD- TAYLOR’S Life Story, THE POET’S JOURNAL. 1 volume. ALL NEW BOORS supplied as soon as pablished, by LINUSaY *. BLARIiTOS, ' n 024 SSrPonlh SIXTH Striet, above Chestnut. T U ST- EU BLI SHE o—The History fey-' of Delaware County, Penha., from the diseoyery:of the territory inr.lnded within its limits to the present limp, with a notice, of the Geology of “the Ooirnty, and catalogues of its Minerals,.Plants, Qnadrnpeds, and Birds, written under the direotlon and'appointment of the Delaware County Institute -of Science; by George Smith, M. D ' ; Bor-Bale by,Lindsay & BlaKUton, 25 Sonth SIXTH Sneet; E. B.HaMer &.Co ,137'South FOURTH Street ; John Penington &,Son. 127* Sonth oE-VKNTH Street; Joseph.Potis, ISSL North ’j ENTH.Street; Jacob Stned cy, Jr,. 304 AROII Street; and 0. S. Davis, 17. and 19 South SIXTH Street. n022-St#- TUST PUBLISHED; tj' PAESOSB ON NOTES AHD BILLS: A TREATISE ON THB LAW '■ OF, P8.0H158.085 NO.IB. S' .-ASIA.'- Bins OP EXCHANGE, With an APPENDIX, containing an acoorate reprint of rhe provisions of the statute in relation to Bills, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Checks, together,with an examination of the question which the statute suggests, and the Siglish authorities upon those questions which have arisen under the English Stam£ Acte, and may arise under our own. By THBOPBIL33 PABSONS, LL D, Professor of. Law in.Osmbridge University, 4*., &o». . Srvols., Sro. For sale by Booksellers generally J' B. LIPP.INOOTT &. 00„. : Publishers, Philadelphia, dtf®oKS, NEW BOOKS JIH TH* BLAV.E POWEB, by J E. Cairne* K.A. THE TAX-PA SEES* B A.BUAT,, complete. . PABBI3H’S.PBAjm>M BOUQUET. POPULAR TREATISE, OKvBBAE NKBB. LONGPEVBQW’S POEKS, Cabinet lidtttan. AMONG THE PIKES; or, the S&eeusioo Times, MIJI AM, by Marion Harland AU HEW BOOKS supplied as soon awrablifAed. by iIHDSAT A Pobliabers and BpohoeHers, 1 nc3&. So Sonih SIXTH Sireit- abova Obentnnt. A IECTUBE FOB XOUNG MEN. Jri sa»t published, price 6 coots. a.njso edition of the iSTn, i ■miV.BRWBI.Ib’B 0»&BBHA?XD LEOTUK* on'tbe abase of the Beprodn.cAlr# Eowsra, inducing Ba bility, nervousness, ConsmaatUm, Epilepsy, Menial and Physical Incapacity, Ac. The radical mode of traat ment, vAthnut vudioiiit, isfaUy Kisiained, 90 aa loan able apery one to be his>*s), p&yiieiaa at the least noe *Bk*XßoBh' TO TBpDSAIJPS op SUB'FJSBKRS.” Sent tinder seal, £ a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on remiptof six cents, or two jcetage stamps. Addressthe pubU*—^. Q j : IST BOWES - ?, Hew Pork, no4-'Smif *” “"' ' “■ ' ’ Poat oace Bos, 4,686. C ITBOH. 5 Bases prime leghorn Citron ■ ■ ■. 60 oaaks prime Zantz Currants. In Store Slid tor sale by RKimKIS ,S WILLIAMS, 10? South WATER SirtoX : IIOSO ■JUTES. JOHN DBSW’S AROE -IVX BTBEHT THEATBB. , „ „ . Business A*ent and Treamrar*»»*«JOS. D. HUBPHT, 27TH N*GHT OP J. 8. OLA.BK’K. THIB (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nov. 26, 186*, . PETES WAXES!, The Gentleman of Nature. Pettr 'Vaifm, Marion •'JOocdvllle To conclude with the comedy of „ MA.EBIJGD LIFE. Henry Dove., Hr. J»S. Clarke. An Afternoon Performance on Thanksgiving Dftfj Oommebclne at 2 o’clock. CLABHB IS THESE OK SAT PABTB. Doors open at 6%-—To commence at T3f o’clock. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.— " » Solo Lessee Mrs. at. A. aAGSETT-OST. Bnsineaa Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. FOURTH WEEK OF MR. AND MRS DAVENPORT. IHIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nov. 25 1882. The performances will commonoo with THE WIFE, A Tale ot Mamoa Julian St. Pierre,,................ Hr. E. L Dwenport. Maiianne.. Sirs E.L Davenport. To conclnde with WALLACE, The Hrroo' Scoilaad. Wallace. Mr. E. L, Tilton. Doom open at 6JJ —Performance commences at 7. /NARDNER & HEMMING’S AM VA P aiTBEATBE, MARKET Street, above Twelfth. Admmion 25 eta. Private boxes and Balcony seats, fiOcta. Gallery, 16cts. Door* Ooen at half past 6 o’clock; to commence at a quarter paßt 7. OR. (THIS) WEDNESDAY EVENING, Soy. 26, The entertainments wit> cummence with a grand MILITARY OAVALOADE. After a variety of performances the whole to conclude With the comical antics of THE EDUCATED MULE 3. Performances on Thanksgiving Day. On Wednesday and Saturday afternoons Grand Family Entertainments. r\ RAND CONCERT AND FAIR— vA THIS (Wednesday) KYENINS, at C.NOEBT B ALL, by the Ladies of Zane-slreet School and Blrg fieid’B Band. . It* A CONCERT—IN AID OB’ TAB LADIES’ LIQUIDATION fcO JlETY—will be given in the Tabernacle M. E Obnrch. ELEVENTH Street, above Jefferson, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, November 26; commencing at o’clock, on which occasion Mrs. Behrens, Mrs. Davies, Mr. Date tier, Mr, Briscoe, Mr. Peace, and o'herg, assisted by a competent ohornj, will siEg acme choice solos, dnets. trios, qnartettes, and cbornses. Prof Cisrk will preside at the ptaoo an J harmonium. Tickets-25 cts., to bo had' at iha door. n 026 2t» CONCERT JBALL-L ICTU RB \J BOOM, 1219 OHEStNITT Street. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS’: WHALING VOTA9H, Every Evening at 7X o’clock, TUANKSOIVING and .SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. Obildren 13 cents. * ni.24*6t . :.i A BEL’S WONDERFUL BTEREOP- TIOQN—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT.Sweets. SPLENDID PHOTOGRA PHIC VIEWS of the BATTLES 0F THE REBEL LION. Every afternoon and:evening ibis week at 3 and' 8 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. n024-6t , PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, . 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open dally (Sundays excepted) ftom 9 A. M. till 5 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Obildren half price. Bhares of Stock, S3O. rf& TNSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. JL EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY, at S% T M. OoßclDCtoi- of Instrumental Music. Mr. Oarl 3entz, floa dnetor of Yocal Mosic, Mr. A.. B Taylor. Admission 7SK CENTS. Store, No. 11 Sontt EIGHTH Street. 1* WANTS. TWO FIRST-GLASS TOFSTG MBIT, To Bell Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods; by tbe pack age. None need- apply unless Well recommended as t* moral character and business qualifications. To each • liberal salary will be given. Apply between lands o’clock, to GEO. GBIGG, - no2l-St 219 OHUBOH Alley. ■pARTSER' WANTED.—A respecta- Ji.' ble JobbiogiTiim In Market street, of twenty j ears’ s-andisy,whore capita! has been seriously impaired by tbo J*te commercial revulsions, is desirous of finding either a Special or General PARTNEB—some respecta ble Gentleman having'from Sto,OOG'to'Bls,OGO to invest* ' ‘The business, beings now conducted upon an exclu sively cash and short-time basts, is at present in the best poß&ible shape, and can be proven by this year's ex pari cnce'as being capable, by aid of additional means, to be made a very safe and lucrative one. Oumnunications, wirhrerl name and address, (others could not bn noticed,):which will be held strictly confi dential* will he addressed through BOX So. 1938 Phila .de'pbla Post Office n 025 6t A- 10 UN O Grl RL WANTS A FLAGS, to do Housework or Chamberwork. Be ftrtjace given. Apply at So. J MASSINGER Ave nue, JDNIPEB, above Atch It* A, MAN Off EXPERIENCE IN Xl fhe CLOTH EIiSIKEfcS as a buyer and salesman ia open for an engagement: Oan influence a good trade. Weuld prefer an interest in a new house. Addr?B*J\. W. i Press Office. no2S-SS* WANTED— $'800; or v ia?re, upon a fiist class Patent. The party investing can 'control a large paying isterest- Address A.H. TREGO* Patentee, L&mbertviHe, New Jersey. no r 24 4t# ■<£s.. WANTED—TO RENT FOR BIX .Halmontbs or more, a Furnished HOUSE in ths West ern part of the city, for which a liberal rent will be given. Address «< MEBOHANT,” Box 1819, Tost Offlca. ; pr. 24 3-* FOR SALE AND TO LET. m TO LET—TEE STORE NORTH- Hli. WEST Corner of FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. APPLY TO THOMAS B. WOOD, On the Premises, or JOSEPH WOOD,' Ho. 8 NORTH SECOND STREET. n 023 Bi* e TO■■ BENT— I Two--neat five-rooia COTT&GBB, Yards back and front; -Hydrant iu yard. Near 6EOO&D and THIBD-Streefi Depot Bent 87# per month. Apply 315.FRANB.LI>* at. It* BOARDING. TjYTELL-EUB NIBHED ROOMS IN V¥ • a bouse with Modem Conveniences, near SEVEN TEENTH and WALNUT, with a private family, for Gentleman and Wife, or a single Gcmleman, with or -without Board. For address inantre at this OFPi dE. n 026 2i#, ; FERSOMaL. MUSTER AND PAY-ROLLS, and Government claims of all kinds cashed or col lected. at reasonable rates by JAMES FULTON, 434 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. noB-tf PENSIONS;—SIOO Bomty and Pay JL ; procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and tt» relatives of snoh as are deceased, at reasonable and Haw factory rates. Claims cashed or,advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, - Solicitor for Claimant*, 424--WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. . oelS-ti EDUCATIONAL. mO MEDICAL STUDENTS JOHN JL : Ml FOX 80. 134 Sonth ELEVENTH Street; will give Instructions in FRENCH and GER MAN, at place desired, to gentlemen fishing a know ledge of these laognages, with a view ts the medical profession. n 036 3t* TN DEPENDENCE- OiTS CADE TS! -L —The Academy of the -subscriber. for the Military Instruction of Youth being -now in Bnccessfnl operation at the ARMORY, northeast corner of UGH rEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, he solicits a call from-those interested in-tbis branch the days of DRILL, Monday Band Thursdays, at 4 o’elooh P. Iff. A Class is proposed of lads from the age of 10 upward, and a list is open for For fur her particulars apply to PHOTOGRAPHS. A. GOOD AND CHEAP- LIKE XX NBSB—BEIMSR’S colored Photographs for 81, baYe IODg been fcnawß as fine Zik-enesses, s&Hfnlly co lored and tastefully finished. EEC O.B D Street, aboea -©reeu. It# mME MUST POPDLABr PICTURES JL made are HEIMEE’B colored Photograph?. for SI. Tbeir continued and unexampled success ia a true test of -tbelr meri*s- 81SOOffI> street, above ©seep It* v INSURANCE- COMUANWES. QIKARD EIRE * AND MARIN ig INSURANCE COMEANT. OmOK4l* .WALNUT STREET, PHILAjDELPBm. CAPITAL 8200,00#. This, company to tabs, risks on the ***«• clams of Property at low rates. The publlo can'rely hpon It* responsibility, and nt>U»- ty to pay losses promptly. Its-disonrsemenSs foe IM bsneflt oftoe public, drain* thaiast nine years, exaea* ®SGO*P©O. and we respectfully soiieit !ti,,fisscr in the future. t : X DBMP(?EOBB, 0HA9.1. DUPONT, JS3BT WAIiOBS, -- -JOHN W.OLAGHOBS, lOJJN THOBNLBS, O. W. HISAELJTT, HART, fDATZD BOTH, Jr., P3TER 8. HOB, o!». *. . m M. BWAIH, KJRHAB SHBPPABB JOSEPH KBAPT, 5,.3.. H. 8. LAWBBHOB, , WH. 0. BUDMAB, JOHN SUPPLEB. TSJPKAS CRAVEN, Prestoaoi. A, 8. GILLXTT, Yioe PresMcsA. . JAB. B. ALY-OND, Bwatoary. «<* TPAMR JXfSW’RA J? Ho. 4Q6 CHESTNUT I FJS3 £m>, lis3>A. - . msso 3Mf. Btwk, s. B. Woc^buß, Ohaa. BiotarAjon, John Keajet, Jr., Henry iewjn, Jr., P. S Jmi&a, Alex. TTnilldln, WasUosJan Jone», Geo. A. West, Ohaa. Sfckes* O W. 85358, Jphn W. Byprman. EBAIIO.IB B BTJOE., Eres&jeaL OHAB&BS BIOHABDBO3, Vic* Preetdent •ffniMAMS I. BIi&tiOHABD igeareiary, [mMB-B> FuSffilßl WEALTH "UIRB IMSU bancs company or.Tsa stats or PENN SYLVANIA. "-■ MBBOSESSS. DasidJayne, M./D., I etarlos H Bogan, •w-Jdhi) M. TVbitall, L Jphnß Walkor, TOwara 0. JCnl&ljt, S S.iberf ShoeraahK, Tbo®u S. Btewsrt, !* TOlUam StrntM&B, Hssry Lewis, Jr., | " Elijah Jones: DAVID .4AX8.8, M. . JOHN 14 WHITAX.I.,. YiJ»i«MsM«jit 9AMOBL 8. aopa, Secretary. Office, OommontGsaltli BnffiHn*. ®I3 OHBBTBOT Street. Philadelphia. '' so*- f EIANOS. fineW ISSOET fxITTi*Itf®»T, modern, and• dnrabte Pt moo*,™ PAbSoNICMB, for cash, At agreat redaction, or «* toWWttQS. ..JUffB 3BLLAIt,2fB aog eTssoft mm toa«s*B» ....J. 8. Clarks. Mrs, John Drew. G SaKKNDOBFF, No. ISI2 00ATB8 .Street 0E COiM’PANT, Street .nix. iTone.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers