HfiABXNB U*TJSIXI®ENCK.. UJT gBB FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. u „, „ Frank Boult, Morae, from Liverpool Bert SO, with , io Peter Wright & Bone. 13 ship Western Ocran, Baretow, from Liverpool Oot 2, iu ui(lse to Ifftno Jennes A 00. ' nrl* Bcio, Wooaier, from Lageayra 26th nit, via Bo- Biro let lust, with salt to John Dallett & Oo—vessel to '(? a yonder A 00. Lott at Latnayra brigs Los Ainigos, •olmsoti, Irvin New Fork, waiting; Hannah, Allen, do John Giddings, Johnson, from New York, dtsobg, Cant Tnro, from Now York. j«t arr Below «J. W oastle. eaw Bbip Constitution, from Liverpool, and -u, Adalonu. from Licata, coming up. Brig Kofliefc, Petersbn, 24 days from Olonruegos, with and honey to S * W Weish-vessoi to J E Bassiey I'flo Bh don board, Nov X, Mrs Kendall, or Philadel ?,,:a and Nov 2d, Daniel Watti, second mate. ? 4(bt amt Wooster, Wooster, 10 dayß iron Calais, with ,J »a to K A Bonder &Co Mlir'l’r.nmaa Borden, Wrfghtington, 8 days from Bali r,j Te r, in ballast to captain. g c hr Bel Norte, Dlnsmore, 10 days from Lnbec, with in K A Bonder & 00, 5(1,r X B Cotter, Mattson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, ...A- oiiis to Jns Sarralt Sc Son. ? o.|!t Bailie Veavia, Blexaotn, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, dllb rorn to Jas Barratt A Bon. »chr John Cooper, Taylor, 3 days from Nantlcoko u{ ff n with limber to J W Baoon. , gchr Liberty, Johnson, 2 days from Indian Elver, Del, a, - ,!; tom 10 Jss L Bewley A 00, Brbr Chsa Atkinson, Atkiie, 1 day from Mliton, Del, „tth com to JasL Bewley 4 00. Bi i(i Triad, MiioheU, Boston, K A Bonder & Oo—second ntojrsnoe, having repaired. Schr Porto Btco, Tyler, Washington, B Jones. Schr 3titan Jene, Bees, Nertulfr, captain Scbr B S Potter, Potter, Turtle Harbor, Tyler, Btone ft 00. MirMattha Moore, Bennett, Port Bnyal, Navy Agent. Bchr Ontario, Adams, Baltimore, J W Bacon, 3;;,r Horizon, Steelman. Chincoteague, captain. Btr Farmer, MoOne, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, life Philadelphia, Allen, Washington, W P C yle. BT TLBaxAPS. (Oorrespondxce of The Press,) ' Nkw Youk, Nov 20. Act'd, ship Hamlet, from Portsmouth,)!!; bark Cente nary, from Newrex; brig Shamrock, from Malaga; brig Oojlon, fromOuracoa; brig Ada,fromTarks Island; brig [4 A Fisher, from Para. MEMORANDA. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, cleared at New York yeaier day for Liverpool, ~... - ■ _. . . Sehr Join Jones, Corson, cleared at New York.yeater day for Wilmington, Del. Schr Princess, Hopkins, cleared at Bangor 18th inßt. rot Philadelphia. Bchr 4delino,(Br) Gibbons, cleared at Naasnn 31 inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Banna Tnttle, Carver, for Philadelphia, cleared at Nasmn f.d Inat. - . ( grbr Ne|UoD, Btudama, cleared at New York 19th lust, for Philadelphia. Schr L HBnticott, Leeds, saited from Provldenoe 18th inst. for PMlftd eipbia. . Sehr Ddphin, De Haan, sailod from Bremerhaven SOih alt. for Philadelphia, and paseed Deal 3d inst, Scbr Lion, Creighton, hence, arrived at Havana 11th instant, Scbr J H Stroup, Foster, cleared at Portland 17th inst. fov Cardenas. NOTICE TO MABINHBS. •11» Coast Snrvey Office has received a notioe to marl in that tho Btesmer Baltic, Captain Comstock, is re fn,t«l to hove tun aground, drawing 18# feet water, on A focal spot situated about 2% miles due E from Winter Qnsrti r Shoal, on the coast of Maryland, and about 11 from the shore. This shoal is not laid down on ths ■iorfr, and a survey of the ground will be made at the earliest practicable moment. Q FTY ITEMS. TriE Young Men’s Christian Association Annrybhsary Postponed —The eighth anniversary of she Young Men’s Christian Association of this city, which was announced to be held at Concert Hall last evening, was postponed, on account of the weather, until Monday evening, the 24th inst. The speakers were ail ■n attendance atihe appointed hour, Including the Rev. ,t. T, Duryea, of New York, end there was the nuoleus c? an audience in the hall, but not a sufficient numbir to warrant the progress of the (exercises After a brief aosenrf singing and prayer tho few that were gathered were dismissed with a benediction. Find Stock of Fens.—Wo invite the at i-ntion i f onr readers to the magnificent stock of fanoy ?ara for iadtea and misses now offered) of their own mann factors and importation, by Meaari, Charles Qakford & Son, Kos, 834 and SSC Chestnut street) under the Conti nental Hotel. Their refutation for making and selling the boat furs in the market, for the price, IsestalUihed b rend a doubt, Giya than a call. Fine Assortment op Chocolate for Table yuroBES Sir. 0.0, Mattson, dealer in fine family Ok corks. Arch and Tenth streets, has now in store a ?rr?b assortment of French Chocolate, the finest duality -3oeoa : Brown, and Cocoa Shells, to which we invite the atranton of onr readers who may wish a sojeiior and v.a'iMul table heyorago. Fob the most elegant and fashionable vseoauissT nr Gentlemen’s Fl'rnishjsg Goods onr ■rtbdtrs are respectfully referred to Chas. Oakford & joe. ttder tlie Oontinentnl Hotel. nrjTOEE and Freedman’s Meeting.— Artat-y’s Tmiii.i.iso Sronv ! Lockwood's Ms. ,'Kiuespk ! —On Friday evening, Slat instant, in Com tnlstiaiars' Hull, Corner of Thirteenth and Spring Gar t‘U elrteie, Ray. Mr. Anghey, whose thrilling narrative jmfinred a great Bensation in a large audience ia. New lock city, will «< telllhe e’er ttue tale” to the friends if loyally In Philadelphia* He twice made a *’ halr ireadtb escape ” from Imprisonment and execution in .Mississippi for Union sentiments, boldly avowed with at. Hid fidelity. Rtv.L.O. Lockwood, chaplain of the contraband! or Freedman at Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, anil vicinity, will also totecest the audience with a year’s experience, A collection .wilt be taken up for the mission to the Freedu-an, •- . Wot. 8. Peirce, E,q., 823 Walnut street, is the treasurer of the American Missionary Ajbrotation for itis < t, in carrying on the work among the Freedman. AH ctoibiug may be sent to Fortress Monroe free of , ebargf, through the quartermaster, corner Twelfth and Girard avenue, Address 0. B. Wilder, superintendent, Forfre'a Monroe, Ya. A Military Calculation.—-A Freneli sta-. Me tan has calculated that the oivllized world spends my twenty-four hours in royal and military salutes, md polite exchanges of volleys, in wharf and citadel limaUiles, In the dally morning and evening guns in all ibtlresiee and men.of. war, all over the globe, a hundred and fifty thousand useless shots. Estimating the oost of the charge at six francs, this'would produce a dally sum of ch e hundred thousand francs, or three.miliions of itanoa ($800,000) annually, which thus go off in smoke. 8y thi same calonlafion one might easily asceit&in how couch it would oost to equip a certain number of military uificers, provided the uulforms were purchased at the one trice clothing establishment of Granvillo Stokes, No. 609 Ohesteut street, where the cheapest garments in .the country are manufactured. Gm.iUL McClellan—His Serenade and itv, fc'esvou.—-The General, at au ovation ia Trenton, rs- B.irie a speeoh in which be said he hid a bit of advice to iivi —itwas this: 11 While the army is fighting, roe, as citizens, see that the war Is prosecuted for the .re».-n»tlon of the Union and the Constitution ” As 3if General has preserved his own constitution during -he war, he knows how to value a good constitution, ami everybody knows that for a thing to be perfect ns a whole it must be perfect in its parts; therefore, if we as a nation wonld preserve onr ; Constitution, we must do it as individuals, and that is beet done by wearing warm winter clothing, such a* Is sold at Charles Stokes’ Men acd Boys' Beady-made Clothing Store, under the OfratSmntal. Strict Discipline.—A sub-lieutenant, on b)srd of her Majesty’s ship Beals'asce, has been court amriislled and reprimanded for disrespect to his captain, !n speaking to him with bis left hand in his pocket. In Svciasla. (ffisers are occasionally court.msrtialled for ’ppvaiing before their superiors without either panta hotstr pockets into which to thrust their hands. In '•Mi latitude, military men are deemed worthy of a repri- mid when they shew so little good taste and regard for interests of the tervide as not to procure tbei? uui ■ formit at tbe Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Noe. 663 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth.: ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut *t». ‘a Hf man, Cincinnati A D 'Willson <fc la, S J 3 L Want at S’, la, JS Jersey W H Archer & la, S York LA 04i;nn, Hew York ’ F Waterman, Boston HrsW H Bockfellow, N Y P Mora, Hew York 11 L fi' , ' t >rook, Hew York W T Holbrook, Hew York " W Woodruff Hew Jer.ey J Myers & wf, Columbia,Pa •J O B apt r & la, Lancaster Mrs Blair & so, Wash, D 0 Miss Bio tr & B ( 9 , Wflsh, D 0 B Walter, Baltimore w d 0 Itaket is la, Balt 8 T Williams, New. York 4 B Lamaon, U 8 N ‘ H E Leman, Lancaster A Q p, oley, Toledo Mrs J McCormick, Penns 2,13 WI am j>ball, Illinois H W Tracy A la, Penna W ThitnpeoD, PotSsyille Mrs H B Stone, New York Mi»aS,„ UPI 2tew York , K Hunt, Vermont ars j Hunt, Vermont Mrs H Borrows, Vermont "It Allen, New York AG Oro by, Danbury, Ot MreLmd, New Yotk JM Crowning, Wtsoonsin B T Martin, Mass if bj.Kdell, Mate J E AdamsrNew Jersey M-Ibs h e Huntsmen, S.T T 0 Hdrlbnt 0 A Lnce, New York W A Shephard, New York «r Fienlatjil. Hew Jersey A Doper, New Fora 41, *l'f";r> St Itonls M Weld, Boston a ti « / Eotioa B A Loner, Penns ». u Bsliorck, figohester. Fa D B Martin, New Jersey mIA m ‘ a k la > B Island Capt W Ames, B Maud ®hode Island EH Oastie & W. Chicago Sf H »|<« & Is, New York J Purdy & wi; Wash, D 0 MS Ptirdy, Wash, DO JK Armstrong. New York “ Bryan & la, Brooklyn J T Mansfield, Wash, 0 0 urm?,. Hew Jersey GD Norton tSA 5 J' ,|fr *li & lft| Ndwark Miss Badd, Newark n n "•'.‘J* 1 : PHtsbnrg N A Baldwin & la, ST York ~ o Jp* « la, WrightsTille Hon G Farnsworth, Mass w B *,Honesdale ill Howland A wf. N Y 2, * Oabot. Boston SB Putnam, New Yore W BFdle, OSi, J W Kitllnger, Lebsno.i J B Weeks, Newark, N J u L M Moore, Newark, BJ H Watson, New York a Waaviu W lB T ? lk »I> Ward, Boston Sr™ rtvf ll ’. Wash > D 0 J H Kidder. Baltimore Jnte.aw der i Baltimore J L Fairchild k wf, Buffalo M,™ 2u" M *WE Geo Tyler *wf . fau r ,, , T Goodwin, Baltimore J ov,r ,chUß «’ OMo , M K Jesstip, New York IJ'i", 1 "Oil-Now York Thos Morrell *da u7n,?, n ’ New Jersey A 3 Keeler, New Haven - air Mortimer &.1», Newark O Beardtley, Oska.oosa THK UNION—Arch street, above Third ■Si* V L Cowan, Baltimore Mrs Dr Lynoh, Ba’itnore , i “ 11 B (lia'ke, Baltimore Mies J O Oowan, Baltimore Went Ohm a Hamm W G Miller " Boltir. Hew York S G Hill, Pittsburg Mies R Mill, Pittsburg , A H English, Allegheny ,V B Bkafftr, Plitsbnrg Miss B, B Shaff r, Pitisb’g i V.-f? o 'Bancaettr J H Bstua, OtnctonaU n Wiles Ohio J Hnb6r, Lancaster co if Bolcomb, New Jersey Miss 0 [Hole,•'mb, N Jersey ®i»» A Bolcomb. H Jersey H S Kerns, Lancaster c: i Jitnesou, Washington P Olipliant, Harrisburg '•lent 1 ate, Chester co \ . mstJOHANTt.’ HOTEL—Fourth St. , below Aims. n v Bi Juhnig J 0 Oorinell, Baltimore ;™>' Itdlanajolie mb Stork, Boyer,Del Newport,-Pa • Geo H Barry,-Maine nm, f' Alleutoa n Mrs M Corcoran, Peons ,1 » e, -'Wen, Dowoto?iown Went T Fishier, Penns i B nS" K "-* {on v Somerset “Bat or, Ponna S Thwnas, Oatasauhna Ohas Tt!. i Oatasanw* W W Ward, Pittsburg 7 M| ; Lancaster T J Clark. Ohloago « Lot rade, Zanesville 0 F Bldgway, Penna ’* J R ? < '' TN ' r YBEHON—Second street, above Arch. 3 • Un P ons >N¥ h H.Buell, New Fork John a vW ’ 11 J "™ r HN Burroughs Trenton Jo« n T? r,O ”8 hs ' Trenton Wm Bicker, New York S Vfnit aTJHj 6BTia MLr Stinson, Penua Witn sT 1 ' Be " er >J? Wright Oox, G.inueotioat a M sat Vetl ® OTer > Del Tho * B 0aU > Boston, Md m Skleuey, Damssons . J b^ j,si ®BOIAL—BJgih street above Chestnut. lei Ww d "' ?' e9 * 6r co '' Wm T Bye, Obesterob Wm n« n, '. Che “ t6r ct >' D N Be Won h, Chester co Jesse Brtioke Delco 'b'l | i wS Ja "l 801, < M | l J THits,’Freehold. N J *■«'Et.Ue, Biktonl Ma W‘F J Henry, Bikton, «d BABLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second, betow.Ylno. 0 Oomly, BybM'ry J Watson, Bucks county -W Mr.gill, Books county E Webster, Maine W Bakor, New Jersey J' 8 Walton, Bucks oo W-Johnson, Now Jerney G J Healing. Now Jersey B C Troon, Montgomery to. JT Boulder,"New Jersey S W Berry, Maine G Merriok, Bocks county 0 K Goodwioh, Wojßo.oti Captain Anderson, N J C Bpaugenberg, Way ae co B F Twitoheli, New York Wise L 0 Twitchell, NY B W Moore, Wafcno co T Kitchen, Bucks county E Johnson, Lumberville L Simons,.Wayne county Oapt Hubbell, Wayne co Edw Doyle, Atlantic City J Oadwallader, Penna E Ear,thorn,Penna J Connor, Indianapolis W Oomly, Ponua 0 K Goodwin, Wavne co J Buokmas, Penna 0 Tomlinßon, Byberry, Pa 0 Walmsby, Byberry, Pa ' J Walmsby, Byberry, Pa J Engart, Hsrtsvflle, Pa W Penrose, Penna W. Jewell, Bucks county , A Longshore, Newtown D Fill, Penna 8 H Bice, Penna Moj J B Boberte, Camp Phila D Boon, Bucks county B W Moore. Wayne county YW Thomson, Bucks county E Morris, Doylestewn “G W Bunderland, Newtown O Wertz, Now Hope J Lee, Camden C Spangonberg, Wayne co M Pioraon, Bnoks county BLACK BEAlt—Third street, above OaUowhlO. Geo Nagle, Newtown T L Fehn, Bucks 00, Pa Obas Fehn, Bucks co P Sterner, Bucks co D Stahl, Bucks co J Bernhard, Lehigh 00, Pa Peter Bchmeyer, Lehigh co N Adams, Lehigh co E Wi.nor, Lehigh co H Bnckbalter, Hamburg M Bichards, Hamburg Jacob Werly, Lehigh co Mceos Houser. Lehigh co Nathan Houser, Lehigh co Levi B Lrntst, Ponna j J H LicUtenwaliaer, Penna D Peters, Penna I Oh as Hay, Milton, Pa Franklin Hoy, Milton, Pa I B Melzger, Allentown Geo T Grose, Allentown A 8 Boade, Somerton . John Eckert, Hanover D Biekenbach, Chester Yal W Miller, Milleieldwn D J Harper, Olnoy, Pa Jacob Bitter, Galesburg John Keck, Balesbnrg Wei Dielz, Milford Moses Houser, Lehigh co Sami W Bean, Bucks co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above QaUowhkl, 0 Bitter, Bittersviiie S Kidd, Bittersville 0 Ktmmerc-r, Bittersviiie J J Paul, Pennsylvania J H Lirch, Bethlehem J H.Lerch, Bethlehem H J Boyer, Penneylvania J Emery, Buivtowa H Jarrett, Lehigh co B Danbes, Lehigh co J H Houseman, Lehigh co J O Beltzsr, Lebanon co L Kuhns, Allentown ® Bex, Penn lylvaoia 0 Balde.eten, Bocks co J W Balderßton, Buoks co 8 Hocb, Pennsylvania A J He s, Bnoksco B Bockel, Lehigh co B Mattz, Korlh Whitehall B Sines, North Whitehall J Cole, North Whitehall w Booh, Pi nneyivanla J K Traugsr, Bnoks co J H Gorr, Lehigh co W Best, Pennsylvania J Beiminge, Pennsylvania T Bermings,Penna 8 Smilh, North Whitehall T Buch, Oarbon co J Miller, Carbon co AMEBlOAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. J N Paice, Ooiumhus, O J J McGrath, Chicago N Yalitr, lowa E H Sprague, Boston H A Ohemhers Gto Oarietan, New York A T Bail, Delaware D Scott, Eikton, Md A Kline, Maryland J Thompion & la, Brooklyn W J Lyon, Williamsport J A Serverson, Delaware Miss 8 B Sorverßon, Dela Jas Terry & son, Conn DWHeietina J H Edwards Tbos Qreni, New York M A Long, Maryland 8 Newell, New York Mrs Weldman & chn.Penna P Ludlom & la, New Jersey D T Sluart, Dover, Dei 8 Btot, A la, Waihington Jas Sullivan, Baltimore H Fadersboy,Harpet’s Ferry James Tower, New York Julius Fmltb, New York E Gifford, Illinois B J Henry, Maryland F B Morris, New York M B Nichols, Pottsvitle NATIONAL HOTEL—Baos street, above Third, Mrs M Williams, Scranton Peter XJhler, Penna MyersHoHander,Uiiiontowa John Moll, Penna 8 ; mi Laird, Catawissa Ohaj Miller, Penna MlBsMKDavls,Doyiestown H W Davis, Doylestown N Wegener, FhoonixviUe Job Karch, Lebanon Miss M E Taylor, Hazleton Thos 0 Grim, Canton, Pa T Bravatenger, Montgomiry co ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Ohestnut street, above Third. B H McKinley, Petersburg Dr D G Brunton, USA A B Taj lor, Now York J W Hawly, Syracuse, N Y L N Gibson, Syracuse, N Y E Whitney, New Jersey W A Wallop, Waterbary Jas Power, New York Joiins Smith. Ntw Yoik Miss Manner, New Yark Misa Foster, New York MissMortimer,Now#rk,N J STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. S Patterson, Lancaster Jas F Davis, Penn’a Thos B Bichards, Beading P W Ash, Cheater co J H Dysart Ala, Altoona . E McHellon, Lane co Wm Dnnn, Terra Haute • Jamea Dongheriy, Penn’a Dr F Anderson, Blair co W E Williams, Penn’a MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market Lieut L Smith, Stroudsburg W H Betts, Gnmbero, He J M Rogers, Doylestown 0 Shrive, Elmira, N Y E Garritaon, Elmira, NY A McNaro A W Loder, Jr, Strrniisburg J D Poateu, Stroudsburg E Watson, Milford, Del O S Colbert SPECIAL NOTICES. B—T—l-860—X. DBAKE’B PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite, , They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours, They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatlo and intermittent fevers. They parity the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cute Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They ours Liver Complaint and Nervous Headaohe. They are the beat -BITTERS la the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are made of pore St. Croix Bum, the celebrated Galiaaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to dell Bate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons, P. H. DRAKE VOO., 3PS BROADWAY. New York. seSt-fim ffrsma GREAT TRIUMPH ! fTTTT’SOHOMAOKER it CO. have made a new and grand discovery in the manufacture of the Piano Forte, By a peculiar construction of the scale and bridge on the sounding board, they are enabled to give nearly double the ordinary length of the string, from the bridge to where the hammer strikes the string, which produces most extraordinary effects. The power is greatly increased, and the fcarruoiiy produced la truly vxmdcrful, giving an entire new quality of tone, which is deep, rich, sweet, and melodious, with a singing peculiarity to each note, unlike to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The music-loving public are respectfully Invited to call at onr Warerooms, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, where they can examine this great improvement in the Piano Forte. ' SOHO HACKER & Co., no!3-lm 1021 CHESTNUT Btreet, Qboveb & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BESTmaehine in the market, and is sold for FOBTY DOLLARS. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly or given snch universal satisfaction. Do not fail to call and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, TBO CHESTNUT street. no3.tf/ Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by ail Druggists, So. W The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on the four tides of each bon. FACTORY No. 81 BARCLAY Btreet, {hate 333 Broadway and IS Bond street,) myS3-ly New York. Upham’s Hair Dye, 38 cents atox. —Three boxes for $1; the best in nse. Try It. Bold Only at UPHAM’S, 403 CHESTNUT St 5027-3m* MARRIED CABMAN—LE LIEYRE —At the residence of the Hon. 3. E Small, London, G. W , November 12, by the Rev, John McLean, Mr. George A. Carman, of the Bank of Upper Canada, Sarnia, to Harriet EUza, second daugh ter of Henry Le Llevre, Esq , of Nilestown, O, W„ late of tke Quartermaster General’s Department. ; # MILLEB—WILKINSON—On Thursday evening, Nov 6tb, by Rev, James Cooper, David P. Miller and Sarah A. Wilkinson, all of this city, ' # SUHAFFEB—6 KITH.—On the 13th Inst., by Rev. N. B. Baldwin, Ur. William Bchaffer to Miss Elizabeth Smith, both of thin city. * BELL—WATEBS.-On the 18th tost, by Rev. W. P, Breed, Mr. John Bell to Mies Jane Waters, both of this city, ■ ■ . * Jt’HNEON—HILDRETH —On the 16th inat.. by Rev. J. Wheat til Smith, D.D., Mr. John B. Johnson to Miss Annie V, HHdceih * DIED. ANDBFWB —At Boston, November 12, Sarah, widow of the late Jemeß Andrews, B«q , of Boston, in the 84th y ear of her age. This lady was a lineal descendant from John Winthrop, an eminent professor at Otmbrldgc be foie the BbToluiion and from John Wimhroprthe first Governor of Maasschnsetts. She inherited from these ancestors Governor’s Island, in Boston Harbor, and It patted from her to the United States after remaining in the family for two centuries. This venerable lady, after a long end ueefnl life, during which she raised a large family, and won the eff.clions of an extensive circle by her bmefictnce and self-sacrificing {spirit, has passed eway in a rise old age. # DEBBIOKSON.—On the 20th inst, Sa nnel; son of Abram H. and MsygLe Derrickebn, aged 18 months The friends of the family are respectfully invited to allend the funeral, from the residence of hi t parents, 1633 North Thirteenth street, on Batnrday, 2Jd inst:,.at l P. M. ** W;*THEBII,L —On the IBth Inst., Joseph WetheriU, son tf John A. IVetherill. Tlie-relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his residence. No. 118 South Twentieth street, on Monday, Nov 24, at 10 o’clock A M. ***- BEDHIFFKB—On the 19lh Inst, George W. 35., eldest sen of Charles and Sophia Bedblffer, aged 8 years, 4 months, and 2 days. -Funeral from the residence of his - father, 615 Ooateß street, on Sunday afternoon, 234 lost., at So’olock, with out further notice. ** DaVaIiIiBTTE —On Tuesday evening, at 11* P. M, at ihe residence of his son-in-law, W. W. Wade, Bear Admiral H. A F. tavellelte, in the 734 year of his age. His friendß, and those of the family j are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, on Saturday morning, No vember 22, at 11 o’clock A, Mi, from the Church of the Intercessor, Sprlnß Garden street, below Broad. BABIN —On the 19th Inst., of congestion of the brain, Bobert Clayton, infant ton ot William B andSaliie A. Hahn, aged 13 months. * [Norristown and Doylettown papers please copy.] ABMSTBOKG.—On the 18th inat., Mr. Joseph Arm strong, aged 38 yearß. # ABHMOUE.—On the 18th Inst, Fraak Morris, son Of Mordecai V. and Amanda B. Ashmore, aged 7 months and 23days. * BE' KEL —On the 19th Inst., James Franklin, son of George W. and Lizzie A; Btckel, aged 21 months. * BUTLHB—At Washington, D. 0., on the 17th Inst., Lye)! L. Butler, 119th Beg , P. V., in the 19th year of bis afe ' ■ * OAFFBEY.—Ontf e l9th Inst., William L., eldest son of Jsmesand Mary Geffrey, in the 19th year of his age. CANNON.—On the 19tb inst., Catharine Oannon, in Ihe 80th year of her age * OOOHBAN.— On the. 18th fast., Edward Alexander, son of Alexander and Mary A. Cochran, aged 18 months. COLL.—On the 19th test, Mrs. Jane, wife of William Coll, aged 61 j ears. HAMILTON —On the 18ih test., Hugh Peoples, sou of Nancy and the late John Hamilton, aged 3 years and 4 months i HODGES.—On the 19th inst., Jane Hodges, aged 73 yean. , # JOHNSON.—On the 18th irst, Mary Ann, wife of George Jobnßon, aged 33 years. - MIHTZEB,—On ths 18th test., Lavinia, wife Of Jo lepbF.'Minlzer. aged43ysars. # ' SPAHIEB.—On the 19th inst., Babette, widow of the late Mordeoai Spanier, In the efith year other age. # BIj'ACK all-wool velour BEPS.—Just opened, a full assortment of— Black All-wool Velour Beps. Do. do. Empress Cloths. ; Do. do. Ottoman Poplins. • Do. do. Epinglines. ' Do. do. Oasbmeres. Do. do. Merinbes. Do." do. Tatriises. - Do. ' do Mosseline-Delalnes. ‘ BESSON & BON, Mourning Store, nolS-tf ' '- No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. T7YRE & LANDELL, XL- FOUBTH* and ABOH STB3BTB. OPENING FOB FALL BALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Bbawltl ' Magnlfioent Poplteii; GoodßlaNrSlikn. Blofioat Printed Ooofkt GoodßtookofSt«p>OH. - |YS*» OISAa MAKEHS.-iAI. IHeeUrig' of ' the Uof Ti-ade will bo bold THIS EVENING, at FRANK LIN'HALL, at 7 ji o’clock. Punctual ottonlanos Is riaoeetcd. ■ ' ..WILLIAM MoSAHEY, - It# On behalf of Committee. MARION BUIIiIOING AND 5.0 AM lIS ABEOOI aTIOW, HO. 2.—An adj turned nieetlog will bo held THU EVENING, at tbe Hell, 903 North BBOaD, above Poplar streets, at 7% o’clock. D h.» By- Laws will be eubmitted for adoption, and the officers elected. All those desirous ot subscribing for stock, and thoao wbo have subscribed, are lavtted to bo present, MANUEL TBlOLfPresidantpro tern, JAMES 0. BCOTT, Secretary pro tem. ' It# fweg=» BEV. GEORGE W. SMILEY, BY liYf, requestor numeronsfriohds, will repeat his eoorae of Sermons upon “ Marriage and tk» MilcMve Duties of Husbands ar.d Wives," forming the tbllowlng eeparate discourses: Ist. “ To Young Ladies.” 2nd. « To Young Men." 3rd. “ Tho Institution of Marriage.” 4th, (t The Duties of Wives.” , 6lb. “Tbe Duties of Husbands.” Crmmenoing with the first on SUNDAY EVENING NEXT, SSd instant, ot 1% o’clock, and continuing them iu the above order upon the encceeding Sundays at the seme hour. Church in Handel and Haydn Hall, corner of SH JHTH and GBEIN Streets. Service In the mornings at 10* o’clock. no2l-2t# fyrs=». NATAL ORBEK.—THE CQ.IUUND LLS ING CFeiOEßannouncoj with deep regret the otetb cfßinr admiral B. A. LAVALLEITE, of the U. S Navy.' In iho death of Admiral Lavaliette the navy has lost one of ilo most dlslioguiehed membors—one who had served long and faithfully, and who was particularly dia tiugulbhed in the battle of 11th September, 1814, bet wean the fleets of tiro United States and Groat Britain, on Lake Champlain. . ‘ The officers of the Array, Navy, and Marine Corps on this station are requested to attend ths funeral of tho late Admiral, from the residence of his son-in-law, No. 1624 Wallace street, at 11 o’clock A. M. on SATURDAY, tho 22j inßt. "The officers of the Navy and Marine Corps will attend in undress ari’orm, opauletß, Bwords and caps. Commandsnt’s Office U. 8. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Nov. 20lb, 1862. C. B STBIBLISG. n0212t : Commandant, ry-5=- ACADEMY OF i>ICSIC—CITIZIESiS’ (O YOLUNTEBK HOSPITAL—Lecture bj Mias KM.MA HABDINGK, on WEDNESPAY EYESING, November 26, at 8 o’clock. Subject—'' l Ancient and Modern Etpublicu.” Proceeds for the Benefitbl tbe Oltl zena’ Volunteer Hoepital, Broad stfoot and Washington avenue. The Mmnnerehsr Vocal Society, under ihe direction of Mr. P. M. WoUieffer, have kindly volunteered their services, and will sing some of their select cbornfes. Tickets, 26 cents; for sale at the principal Book and Muete Stored and Hoßpiials, and at the Academy on that evening. - no2o 6t# THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE Sts NINTH SECTION, by authority of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, will hold a FAIR for the benefit'd the SOLDIERS’ LIBRARY AND BEADING-BOOM, at OONOBBT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth, from WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26, to December 2, inclusive. Single Tickets, 10 cents; Sea3on Tickets, 25 cents, A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music eaoh evening. ' • : nol9-7t# ry==. NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, LL3 PniLerEj.cm*, November!, 1862 —The following liesolulion was this day adopted by the Board of Dlreo tors and ordoied to be published: ' Hesolved, That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking a pro rata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board, pro vided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, 1863. ,nol4tjal J. W. TOBBEY, Cashier. «w==» NOTICE.—I HAVE APPOINTED GUS UJ TAV GUMPEBT, No. 1619 MABKET Street, As diaiant Assesnor, under the Internal Revenue Tax Law, for Division No 6j{, which ia comprised within the li mits of the west side of Broad street to the Sehuylkiil river, eno from the north side of Chestnut street to the south Bide of Arch street THOMAS W. BWENEY, United States Assessor Second Collection District of Pennsylvania. noll-wfmSt ME=> .OFFICE GIRARD F &M. INS. CO., 41S iikS WALNUT 11, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 10,1862. —The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR DOLL ABB per share for the last Bix months, pay able to the Stockholders on and after this date. no!2.wfm9t ME> OFHCE OF THK bURGUUH-AUXIST [l3 TO THE ARMY AND NAYY, PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24th, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors de,irons of availing tbcmselvos of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the offioe j> f the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No 1600 CHESTNUT Street. B j FRANK PALMER, ; 0c26 tf Government Surgeon-Artist. MILITARY. Jj RECRUITS FOR THE RE3U ® LAB ABMY OF THE UNITED STATESMAN T ED!!—$2 will be paid to any person bringing an acceptable reernit - - . _. For further information apply at the Rendezvous, No. 419 WALNUT Street THOS. O. WILLIAMS, no!7-l3t# Capt ISthlnf.U. 8.A., Recruiting Officer. Jj 100 SUBSTITUTES WANTE D.— @ 8176 PREMIUM in hand when mustered to. $166 I||BOUNTY besides Apply at No. 633 CHE3TNUT “ Street at 10 o’clock TO-DAY. nolfi-tf . J. A ESHLEMAN, Lieutenant. SaA CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. MjgSSk —WANTED—Two Oompauies to fill the Re aiment of CONTINES CAL LIGHT CA- YaIRY, low to “ Camp Metcalfe,” HADDONFIELD, N.J- Officers who have had experience preferred. col 7 J E. PEYTON, 001. Commanding. SIARSHAL’S SAMS. 9 MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue*bf a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OAD WALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad mffajty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest end best bidder, for ca--h, at OALLOWHILL STBEET WHARF,on MONDAY, December Ist. 1882, at 12 M.. tbe cargo of the eibooner DATIN' CROCK ETTY ''consisting of 162 barrels of Turpentine and ID barrels of Botin. WILLIAM MILL WARD, - U. 8. Marsha! E..D. of Pennsylvania. PHiLAniiLPBrA, November 20,1862. no2l-St MARSHAL’S SALE.—By yirtae of a Writ of Sale, by: the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of the Diatrict Court of the United States, to and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miialty, to mb direoted, will be sold at putolo sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at No. 124 South ,FRONT Btreet, on TUESDAY MOBNIKG, Nov. 25, 1862, at lOo’dock A. M„ the residue of the cwgo of the Bteamer LADONA, consisting of Dry Goode, Stationery, Reedy-made Olethteg, Shoes, Hoalery, Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Under, clothing, Spool-cotton, Bar-iron,. Tin notionß. Paints, Pepper, Starch, 1,094 hags of Salt, 201 boxes Soap, and a number of other artioiea of merchan dise. Catalogues will be issued five days prior to the day of sale, when the goodß can be examined WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. 9. Marshal E. D.'of Pennsylvania. Philaohlphu, November 14,1862. nol6 6t PIANOS. (gags THE FINEST ASSORT* 11 •F D MENT of new, modern, and durable PI ANOS from 8160 to 8400. Also, PRINCE’S World-renowned HXLODKOHB ant HARMONIUMS, tor cash, at a great reduction, or in small monthly installments. JAMES BELL AH, 279 and *3l South FIFTH Street, above Spruce. «eS-Sm* JJ o- K IST IQHT & 00., WHOLESALE GROCERS, S. B. COB. WATE B AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Agents for the sale of the Products of the SOUTHWARK SUGAR REFINERY ASI> the GROCERS* BUGAB HOUSE n021.2t* OF PHILADELPHIA. QIDE B VINE G AR 500 GALLONS CIDER VINEGAR, Known to be the PURE ARTICLE, Four Yeati,Old,” For Sale by tbe Barrel and Gallon, at the EASTEIIN MAKKF.T CHEESE STAND. also, . r FINE GOSHEN BUT TElt , And a Fine Assortment cf CHEE3E, including the Celebrated “JAOKSON” DAIRY. W. H. SLOOOMB nr2l-fmw3t EEIMIR’S IVORITIPEB AR E the elaborate efforts of Artists of great ability. Head finely modeled, coloring fresh, warm, and im pressive, light and shade naturally arranged. SE COND Street, above Green. It# TT-MTEi) STATES REVE N U E v_/ TAX—The uuderiigned, United States Assessor fjr the Seventh division of the First district, is en gaged daily in makir-g Assessments for the above Tax; but as many Business Firms and others are de sirous to pay the same immediately, or before he-can possibly teach (ham, he hereby Informs all such in : his division that an opportunity to be assessed at ones will be afforded them by calling at Ms Office, No. 303 South THIBD Street, between the hours of 8 and 9 A. M., and alto from 2 to 4 P. M., daily. THOMASEDWABD WIT.L3, -U. S. Assistant Assessor 7th Division, First District. nolS-0; . - . ■VrOTIOE OF COPARTNEHSHiP.— At The undersigned have this day formed a,Copart nership for the transaction of a General B ink Note, Specie, and Collection Business, under the name and firm of Palmer A Huey, at No. 64 South TBIBD Street. 0 ALBEBT PALMES, WILLIAM G. HUKY PiunaiJA, Nov. 17,1862. • - : noM 3,* Q A" U T I O N- The well-earned reputation oi FAIKBANKS’ SOAF.ES Has Induced the makers or Imperfect balances too He them as <‘TAIBBANKB’ SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby, in many inßtanoes,, been subjected to fraud and imposition. Fairbanks’ Scales are manufac tured only by the original Inventors, E. A T. FAIB BANKB A CO., and are adapted to every branoh of the buriness, where a correct and durable Scales Is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agenta, aplO-tf MASONIC HAMi, 715 CHESTNUT BT. f-lITRON.—S cases prime Legliora V-/ Oitron« y 60 casks prime Zantz.^Currants. In store and for sale by BHODE3 & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATEB Street. ; ' no2o O.OSHEN GLADES, WESTERN, • VA and Pennsylvania Butter, of choice qualitv. con stantly received and for sale by BHODEB & WIL LIAMS, 107 South WATEB Street. : ne2o EYE AND EAR.—PROFESSOR 3. ISAACS, OCULIST AND AUBIST, from Ley den, Holland, is permanently located at No, 511 PINE Street,. where persons afflicted with. diseases of the EYE or EAB will be scientifically treated, and a cure guarantied, if cmable. ARTIFICIAL EYES in serted .without pain., N. B—No charges made for ex aminatlen. . •: .C- nol9-12t# BiE AND EAR. —Da. JAMES • LEWIS, OCULIST and AUBIST, haa agate re turned from his professional tow in lßnrope, and perma* neatly located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street Office hours from 9t013 A. M., and 3to4P. BL ee3*«amlfll EARLOR SKATES.— Superior Par lorßkates, of improved pattern, neat and light, few PHILIP WILSON & 00., oc2B-lm 416 OHKSNTJT Bt, opsosite Cttfrtom Honas SCOTCH WHISKY.—2S puncheons Jamas Stewart's fine PAISLEY HALT, Imported direst. In bond and tot aria by 080. WHIKBLay, oots-aia ‘ 'l3l BonSi mm'?.: TBS- rEESB /FRIDAY^. $0 YEMBEK %h 1« ALFBED S. GILLBTT, Treasurer. ILADIESf-OTRS. J'URSI GEORGE F. WOMBATH, NOS. 415 AND 41 7 ABOH STREET, HAS HOW OPEN ;■ A FULL ASSORTMENT : or vEabies’ ■ f'tr-ifcs, !I!owlilohthe attention ofthepublic is Invited.! nol9 2oa JVADI'BS» - SANOir FSRB^S! ': JOHN A. STAMBACH, . ‘ . SMPOBTEB AND MAHOFAOrOBKB OF LADIES’ FANCY. FURS,, No. 826 ARCH STKEIT, ; - BM.OWHIHXH. Justopeaed,a large and handsome Stock or &ADIIES* &m> OHIXBBFN’S FANCY FUE9, of every deaorip* Hon and in the newest and most approved atflevat taa lowest Cash Prices. .. , ooT»8m ; RADIES 3 FANCY FURS. ; JpHN' : FAREIRA, No. 718 AEOH ST., BELOW- EIGHTH', BIPOBTICE AnV MANUFAGTUBEB ' -.V' ©S' , LADIES’ . FANCY FURS. Bfy iMWortaeiii of faney Tim for Bate MsS’OtiUaiwn is now complete, and embracingevery variety that wfll he fashionable dnrica the present season. All sold at the mannfactnrers’prioes, for oaah. Ladies, please give me a call. ‘ “ oc3-4mif DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. 'Q:EO. ID.' PAEEISH, / 313 CHESTNUT STREET, Offers for gala 10,000 ARMY; BLANKETS, Five pounds eaoh, 6 feet 8 ineheslwldo, by 7 Feet tons.. BBOWN-GRAY AND BLUE-GRAY BLANKETS, i* lb., 6 lb,. S lb., and 7-1 b.,, foe pair, OF various sized. LOW PLAID HORSI BLANKETS. HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN DBILLS; BLACK SILESIAS, ALPACAS, In all ouaUlies, and other LININGS, adapted to the wants of the Trade.. TERMS GASH. Alee, Fine, heavy OFFICERS' BLANKETS. 12,000 VABD3 11-.4 SHEETINGS, FOB HOSPITAL USB, And the usual assortment of British BTAPBE and GOODS. 0c29 mwflm CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. T. SNODGRASS, A KMT, NAT T, AI D CIT I L i CLOTH HOUSE, " No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, and No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. I am folly prepared for the FALL AND WINTEB CAMPAIGN, Having just received a complete arsortment of ■C, r ,. TEUE 3JLUES, _ 01 all shades and grades fr0m..........81.12 53.00. Blues, Blacks, and Fanoy Beayerß, from 200 to 7,60. Bine and Black Pilots... 150 to 6 00. Moscow 8eaver5.;............. 8.76 to 7.00. 0hinchf11a8............................ 3.75 to 6 60. Velvet 8eaver5........................ 8.00 to 6.00. Esijoiiaanxßeavsrs..B,76 to 8 00. Tricot Beavers ....;' 2.00 to 6.00. Fancy Coatings 1.76 to 6.00. CBOTHS, all colors and prlcss. Also, a heavy stock of splendid OASSIMEBES, PLAIN and FANCY VEL YETS,&o., &o. , octal-lm# "WATCHES ARB JEWELRY. l_>. T. PRA T T, (SUCOESSOa 10 PEAT* * REATfI,) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and Qualities, to suit all classes of buyers. nolS-lmlf PROPOSALS. QEALEI) PROPOSALS ARE IN- K? vited till the 2d day of December,l362, at 12 o’clock hi. for furoitbiog the Subsistence Department with TWENTY THOUBAND BABBEBS OF FLQUB. Bills will be received tor what is known as No; I, No. 2,'and No. S, and for any portion leie than the 20,000 barrels. Bids for the different grades should be upon se parate t beets ofpaper. No bit will be entertained nnltss the bidder is present to respond to his bid. The quantity of- Flourjrrqnlred will be about 600 bar rels daily, delivered either at the Government Ware houses in Georgetown or at the Railroad Depot at'Wash. itigton, D. C. The usual Government inspection will be made j uat be fore the Flour Is received. Tbe barrels to be bead lined. Bids will be accompanied with an oath of allegiance, and be directed to 001. A. Beckwitb, A. D. O. and 0. S., U. S A, Washington, D. 0., end endorsed “Proposals for Floor.” no2l-0t BEPOTY QUARTERMASTER GE NEBAD’S OF FIOB, Philadelphia, 18th No. Yenrl)tr,lBe2. \ . PBOPOSATaS will be received at ‘this office until FRI DA. Y, 2Sth inst, at !2 o’clock M./ for the delivery* in this city, at any poict that ma> be repaired, of Five Hundred Army Transportation Wagons, to be made of the best material; according to specifications to be In this Office, aiid subject to inspection. All to be com pleted erd ready for. delivery on or before the 31st De cember. 1862 The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed. t»o high, A. BOYD, nbl9 9t Capfc. and A Q M. U. 8. A. PROPOSALS for coal. JL Philadelphia, November 15,1882. PBOPOSAL3 will be received by the Trustees of the City Ice Boat nnt'l the 21 day of DECEMBER next,' at 12 o deck M., for famishing from tom hundred to a oven hundred tons, at their option (2.2401bs each); of: best quality BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN, lnmp or run''of mints COAL, during the winter of, 1862-1363. Said Coal to be delivered on board of the Ice Boat, at any whatf on the Delaware front of the City, of Philadelphia, between the Navy Yard and Vine street, free of -wharf age. in snob quantities and at such times as the Trustees may designate. Proposals may also state at what price a part of said Coal can be furnished, as above, at Port Richmond. Tl e Coal la to ,be weighed at the times of d( livery on board of the tost, at the expense of the party furnishing She same. The Contiact will be awardwf to the lowtst and. best bidder, and payments will be made- TT.fn'lily in City Warrants. Send Proposals to JOHN DiViGREUX. President Trustees of City lor Boa VNo. Rf 6 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia nol9 3t . Navy agent >s office Washinutos,D. 0., Novembor 15.1862 Proposals will be received at this office until Monday,' the Ist December. next, at 3 o'clock P. M., lor Two Hun dred and Ten Thousand (210 000) Yarils of WHITE CARTRIDGE CLOTH; in width and proportions as fol lows, via: * 10,000 yards, 19 inches wide. ' 10 COO yards, 22 Inches wide. 20,f00 yards, Inches wide. 30,000 yards, 26 Jj.inchea wide. IO.CCO yards,*2B# Inches wide. 90,000 yen’;- 30 Inches wide. • 10,000 ya%jk3t inches wide.v 60,000 yat3"Sja> inches wide. \ 210,000 ' To be deilvered at the Navy Yard in this city, free of cost to the Government for freight or transportation.® tiolT 13t ■ * B. P. BBQWSV Navy Agent. 1 IJ A RRA N T*S ErPERVESOENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the Mndioal Pkoprsbioh and the publio as the most ErriOIXKT AND AOKENABM ■ SALINE APERIENT. : It may be used with the beat effect In Bilious and Febrile Diseases, CosHveness, Siok Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appelate, Indiges tion, Aoidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Bheumatio ; Affeotions, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL OOMFLAWIS WHK*N A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OR PUH GATSYB IS BEQUpED. It Is particularly adapted to the wants of Traveller* by Sea and Land, Residents In Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits. Invallds, and* Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will And it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. : " ' y . 5 \ It Is In the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep In any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it toproduoe a de lightful effervescing beverage. , Numerons testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen or the highest standing throughout the conn try, and Its steadily Increasing popularity for a series of years, -strongly guaranty Its efflcaoy and valuable character, and commend it to tbe favorable nouoe of an Intelligent pttblio. SLanulaotured only by _ . TARRANT & GO., No. 279 GREENWICH Street, oomesrotWarren stq... -■ . NEW YORK, ap2l.ly. And foe, sala.by DCTgatJte.gansraliy. JJRESS GOODS " FURS! DOUBLE - WIDTH BBOOHE 8EP3.,; CURWEN7STODDART & BROTHER, 450,457, 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow. no2o-3t . JVADIES’- "OLOASINCJ- CLOTH. E. & Ifc , TURraEPOI’LmS,. GREEN POPLINS, . BLUES, BROWNS, BLACKS, ~, MODE MERINOES, BLUBS, PURPLES, BROWNS, RICH MOIRE ANTIQUES, , PINE SHAWLS, CLOAKS, Ao., " : 4-4 LYONS VELVETS, - WOOLEN SHAWLS, v ! : BROCHA SHAWLS, GOOD BLANKETS, - VELVET CLOTHS, ' WELSH FLANNELS, - cloak; CLOTHS. no7-tf PHILADELPHIA, .QLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! THE ONLY GENUINE WATEB-PBOOFS IN THE CITY. . ; :OUR; NEW: STYXJSS; ' ■; ‘..'ABE - TliE OSBORNE, 'THE OELEBBATED' OABTILIAN,.- . : WEE LB GILET AND PBINOESA . These are beautiful and erniuisite Btylss, and can only be found in perfection at ' ■ IVENS & CO., .■=- . ocBo ■. ■ ' 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. pLOARS! _ CLOAKS! V/ An Immense Stock of NEW & FASHIONABLE STYLES. Our Garments in style, quality, and manufacture ... Are guarantied equal to any in the City. Irtsdiea will please examine before purchasing. . PARIS STORE, EIGHTH AND WADNDT STBEETS. MISSIS AND OHI L D REN'S ODOAKS! The largest Assortment, - . Latest and Most Approved Styles, At Exceedingly Low Prices. No. 187 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. oc3o-lm .. ■ CLOAK STORE, No, 818 ARCH STREET. : Efcill continue their full and handßomo assortment of no2o*tf LADIES’ AND OHILDBBtTS CLOAKS^ OO.TO HUNTER’S NEW STORE, No. 37 NORTH EIGHTH STBEET, FOB BADDES 1 , AND- MISSES’ ODOAKS, Manufactured of the best matorisla. in themost stylish manner: and will be ; sold CHEAPER THAN CAN BE FOUND elsewhere: noZOtt No; 37 North-EIGHTH Street. SEAL SKIN LEAVER CLOTHS, for liadice’ Cloaks, 1 Velvet Olosk OlotbSi ■ - Frosted Beavers, Black Boaver Cloakings. GYBES & LANDKIiIi, FOURTH and AROH Streets. A_A LYONS GLQAK VELVETS, TC Tl Wide Velvets, sl3'per yftid. - 4*4 Velvets, $6 aw*®B-,=ancf $10: - EYRK&LA.NBKLL, TOUEXH and A.BOB Streets. - 1024 OSEiTNBT* STREET. -E. M,;NEEPEES. ■■, | LACEB, 12 . WHITE GOODS, *. l ■ LINENS, S EMBROIDERIES. «4. GO . _ '• . ■ 8. : • » ■ - © •• ■■ - - < A foil assortment of the above on hand atliG W © PRICES, to whlob additions are made of all ■ NOVELTIES. *e26-tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. WOOLENS. Ladles’ Cloaking: of every description. Black Bearers and Tricots. Frosted Beavers from S 2 to ®3.60 r Union Beavers, good weight and cheap Fine Black Cloths, Extra fine heavy Cloths. Low-priced Closkingß and Overcoatings. FANCY CASSIHERES And Black from 87 cents to S 3. , oaBßimeres, extra fine stock, from.Bl to Sli3A Boys’Casstoereg, low-priced goods. . BALMORALS. Large lots at wholesale and retail. CLOAK ANI) SHAWL BOOM. , Fine Cloaks, ready-made or made to order. Seasonable Shawls for Ladies and Misses. " BOYS’ CLOTHING-. Overcoals, Jackets, Bants, Suits made to order. . COOPER &CONAIID, noli-tf 8. S. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. TYRY GOODS FOE WINTER. . JIJ Bep. Poptins, FrencbMerinos, Colored Monsselinea, Poult Be Soles, Foulard Bilks, Blanket Shawls, '; Balmoral Bkirts, Black Bilks, Fancy Bilks, Black Bombastlnes, Worsted Plaids, Cheap de Baines, French Ohintaos, Shirting Flannels, 1 Broche Shawls, Fine Blankets, . , Crib Blankets. SHkBI’bBSS BBOTHKBS, enSSTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. 11/r USL IN B AT THIS BIGHT XY_L PRICES —I am now Belling all kinds of Cotton goods at lefs.tban-they are being generally sold at: . -One lot gopd bUacboil-at 14 cu, . Ono ease,-good: bleached at 16 ots. Two cases 31 inches wide, at 18 cts. f Ouu oase very heavy and good, at 18 =!£ cts. Two cases fine end clone, nearly yard wide, at 29 ots. Two caseß, foil yard wide, soft finish, 21 cts. One case, frill yard wide, finer, at 22 ots. One case heavy water ! wist, at 28 ots. Four cases extra fine, at 2fi ots. One ease extra heavy, 25 ct*. Two caßea-WiUiamsviUfc’s. best Quality. Two caßes Wamsntta’s, soft finish. One case pillow-casing, 28 ots. Two cases, Ijf yards wide, good anality T 26 cts. One case Utica Sheeting, foil width, 50 cts. Brown Muslin at 14,15,1« X. arid 18’(. Two bales at 20 cts, nearly yard wide. . One bale fine, at 22 ots. One bale very heavy, at 22ots. One hale, fnll yard wide, at 22 ots. One bale Pocasset’s, at 25 cts. Two bales extra heavy, at 25 ots. One bale of the very best made, at 28 cts. Twenty-five pieces heavy, 2)f wide, at 60 cts. One ease good Canton Flannel, ot 25 ots. One case heavier and finer, at 81% ots. , . Two oases Hamilton Bleached. One ease Bamiitori Brown. One case Hamilton Brown, nearly yard wide. , Fifty pieces heavy lead-colored, very cheap. All the above gooda are less than thoy can be bought at wholesale. * SBANVILLE B. HAINES, nols 6t No. 1013 MABKET Streep ab. Tenth. TfUiANNELS, ALL WOOL WHITE, JO at 28, 31*, and 35c. One lot fine pink edge, all wool, at 87}< c. One bale heavy Union at ;87 j(c. One lot very heavy at 40c; wide do. at 45 o'. One lot all wool, yard wldei at 450. 10 f pieces fine Balardvale, fall yard wide, at 500., worth62l4. Balardvale at 40o,; finer do., y, wide. 45c.. . Jnst opened, a fresh lot of these goods, that are war ranted nnshrinkable,! very heavy, and full yard wide, which makeß ihew very desirable for skirts; Welsh Flannels, and. I suppose, the - best assortment of Gray Flannels in the city, both plain and twltlod; Bed Flan nel at 30 cents, all wool; from that rip; Bed Twilled at 37X and 40c ; very fine at 50; Blue Twilled at 60. Fancy Striped Flannels; for shirting, in large variety. All theße Flannels are very cheap : muoh lower- than I can buy them now. . GRANVILLE 1; HAINES, . nolS 6t No. 1013'MABKET Street, above Tenth. RET ATf DRY GOODS. A 3 CHEAP AS ICY SR. Additional Aooßon iota of SAXONY WOVEN GOODS, 2Se per yard SAXONY do. Slo d»„. SAXOHY - - Ao. do. STJfe .do. ’ DOUBLE-WIDTH YELONIE BKPS. FSOSTED ; BKAYEBB. FJBOBTED SEAL BRINK.. BLACK BLOWN MIXED LIGHT TWILLED BEAVER CLOTHS. PLAIN UNION BBOAD. CLOTHS, ALL GRADES,. UNION OLOTHS, DO, FBOM: LATE • AUOIION BALES, Several lot? at lose than usual prfOM. .OUR WEN 3TODDART &' BRO., 450, 4.13, and 454 NOBTH SBOOND STBBKT, FOURTH AND ARCH, POPLINS FROM .AIfOTION.; SHAKER ELANNILB. mo WBOLEsale healers, A STOREKEEPERS, AND FAMILIES, who buy by the piece, we will, sell a fair Quantity ot Calico for 10X cents. Good ditto, 14 cents; extra' good ditto, 16# cents. Almost every make made of bleached and un bleached Muslins, In every duality and width,-at loss than wholesale stores will’sell them, (unbleached as low as 12X,cents.) BestNol 1 WilUamaville and Wamantta for 25 cents; Red Flannel as low as 28 cents; white, 28 cents; ‘Gray Flannel, twilled, and:plain, under prices; white and lead Drillings and colored Muslins;; Blankets from $1.61 to $l5 per pair, of every duality and size, all tmder.price; Orashand large striokof Linen goods; la short, almost every article usually kept In dry. goods storeß, allof whlch wlll be sold for cssh., As these goods are all 'pdvancingin price very fast, we cah onlyeell at these prices for a few days. : - B D. & W.iE. PENNELL, - nsl7 6t l»a MABKETBteeet, below Eleventh. •jjjCKVr OPEN. Superb ,Lyons Velvet Gioi^W,, India Bilk Cloaks, Velvet Pile Cloaks, Mohair Plusb Cloaks, ' -Woolen Plush Cloaks, : Castor Beaver Cloaks, , Diagonal Plush Cloaks, • : French Doeskin Cloaks, French Beaver Cloaks, Magnificent Oroa de Paris Cloaks. j. W. . PROCTOR & ' CO., JILOAKINO- CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, * FINE OASSIMBRES, VELOUR REPS, BALMORALS, BLANKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, . BOYS' CLOTHING. : COOPER & CONARD, m23-h a. e. gob. ninth and market sts. ABOVE WILLOW: JAS.R. CAMPBELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN " ; JDRY - GK>C>X>S, v;'-,’; AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, T 37! CHESTNUT STREET, Hava M meived, and are new offering, magnifloeat Sines 07. . , SILKS, SHAWLS, 4 DRUBS GOODB, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS SEASON. ®bB-ar _ ■ ; "TOTEAVY CORD AND FINE HAIR Ax COED POPLINS or HEPS, all colors. Fine French Merinoes, do. Black and Oolored Poult de Boie Silks. . 810 ck and Colored Corded Bllka. Rich Lustre Black Bilks, Black Merinoes, Cathmeres, Beys, and Poplins. Rich Printed Merinoes, Cashmeres, and De Laines. Medium-priced Dress Goods. ' Low -price Be Latees, Prints, Ac. Stripe and Figured French Ohintzes. EDWIN HALL & 880., . 26 South SECOND Street, N.B.—Several additional lots of Quine Laine or All wool Long Broohe Shawls, just received from Auction; For Sale Cheap. ■ no2l H STEEL & SON HAVE JUST • received, from Hew York, a few choice lots of FINK IMPORTED DRESS GOODS. Wide fancy Silks, very rich styles. , • Rich figured Brown Silks, a great variety of these very scarce and desirable Silks. A great variety of Fancy Silks, at low prices. Rich figured Black Silks, from ®1 to $2. Yard-wide Plain Black Stlkß, at $l. Black Silks, all widths and onalities, at VERY LOW PRICES. Rich shades, Brown, Bine and Green.- • PLAIN IRISH POPLINS. Silk and wool and all-wool French Popline. A'ohoice lot of new Plaid Alpacas. RICH PRINTED MBBINOES. RICH PRINTED M AGENTA CLOTH. Rich printed all-wool Delaines, at 64}fc. worth 870. SHAWLS. SOARFB, AND CLOAKS. ' Broche and Plaid Blanket Shawls. Rich Obaine Lain® Broohe Shawls. ... Btriped Shawls of every variety. Merino Scarfs, Broche and Ohaine Lalne Borders. ’ Habit and Water-proef Cloth Cloaks. 800 SHEPHERD PLAID LONG SHAWLS, at 54.25, . worth 86, 0c25. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. 080108 DKY GOODS—Just re- Brown Poplins, Plain and Figured, Brown'Wool Poplin*) Double Width. Mcrinocs of all Shades. Wool D'Daines, Plain and Figured. Cotton and Wool D’liaines—a nloo Un» Figured Morinoee. A full line of Plain Shawls. A full line of Gay Shawls. One lot of Blaok Figured Mohairs, at ®o. Bin lots of Brown AlpaoaS) ohotoe. : A full line of Oaasiroeree. A full line of Testing. OH ILADELPHIAB AG MANUF AG- X TOBY. ■/ BURLAP BAGrS, . BURLAP BASS, BURLAP BASS; ' Of all sizes, nett cash>o&. delivery, by /. ; '2^:;qeo..qbigq p 219 OHUBCH ALLEY. oclS.tr BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! 6,000 Androscoggin, 2 bug,, IT oss., cotton. 13,000 Ozark, do,, do. 4,000 Yeoman, do., do. . 3,000 Gentreville, do., do. 2,000 Prince Albert, do., do. 6,000 Hanover, do., do. 3,000 .Union, A, flax and cotton. Ganny and Burlap aizea, for Bale by JOHN T. BAXLEY & 00., 8010-lm* 113 North FRONT Street; Q ARP ETINGS, V OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLEE J CO.i O OHM ISB I ON ME BOH ANT B, Ho. 139 CHESTNUT STBIfET, PHILADELPHIA. #sr A fall assortment of Phlladelpbla-made Garpeti always in Store. 1 . .".."■.-.Av-'oo2'3nt gOTTG N Y A RNi SUPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 10, rOK SALE BY FBOTHINGHAJK & WELLS. *. 003-tt GOODS. DABK-BLUE BOAT CLOTHS. DABK-BLUE. OAP OLOTHB. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS JOB OPPIOHBS. ; ABUT BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNOB DUCK. - DBILLB, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DBILLB AND DHOK. BBOWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND BHIBTINGS. ‘ Eoraala by FKOTHINGHAM *. WELLS. Ml-lftt COFFIN, & 00., HO. 830 CHESTNUT BTBMT, an prepared to CONTRACT FOB THE DELIVERY OF ARMY WOOiEN AND COTTON GOODS, ■ «f STANDARD QUALITY. *u37-Snr • gELtPUEY, HAZARD. & HUTCHINSON, No- U 2 CHESTNUT STREET. COMMISSION MEBOHANTS . ■ »o* *h» ■■ sxna or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ae29-6m Estate of Hubert sgh warz, DEOEAsED —FOB SALK—The good will fix tures and entire stock of STATIONERY, PRINTS, &)., of the Store, No . M 3 South NINTH Street, in the Con tinental Hotel Bull ling. A first-rate opportunity for an enterprising man. ’ G E. BAUBMANN, 1104 CHESTNUT Street.. JULIUS SUHOLZ/, . : . . 112 South EIGHTH Street. , noI9 6t*.. Administrators. KETAIJL DKY-GOODS. NEW CLOAKS OPENING- EVERY MORNING. No. 935) CHESTNUT STREET, uo'M'mwlm COMMISSION HOUSES. LEGAL. WHEREAS, LETTERS OF AD YT 'MINISTRATION, cum tetizmenio anntzo, upon the estate of OH ABLES Y BAKER, deceased, have-been-granted to the undersigned, all persona In debted to the said eetate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims upon the same to present them to W- A. DO BETS, - . 615 CHESTNUT Street, - oc3lfr6t* Administrator, O T: A. Estate of sahah woods, a«-‘ ceased.—AU-Fersons Indebted to tie above Estate will make payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement to • - WH. H... WOODS, Executor, oCl7.f6t* No. 1003 Race Street. Bowen ago., lithographers c AND PRINT COLORISTS, sonthwest comer of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared to execute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Li thography, in the most superior manner, and the most reasonable terms. - Photographs, Portrait*, Natural History, and Medical Plates, Maps, and any other description of Plates, colored In the beet style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular attention to OolorlncFhotegrapbii. : 0e23-tf : riIERRA CQTTA MANUFACTORY. -L : H&pgtfig Tasea. v Flowei'Pol*. ' •Jiangs Pols. Tern Y&eefl. Ivy Vaw», ' ■ Garden Vases. Jasmin Oonp**. Oassoietts Benatesanci. Oassolefta liouls XVI. Xavn Va®es Antique. Pedestals, »U[sizes. Oonsolß&ndCfoilatftdift* . Parian Busts. Mftrhla Pftdfegtali* . For Sri* Mat , «d to the HABBIBOH, 0018 1010 CHESTNUT Stmt J AMAICA BUM.—I 3 Puncheons just received and for Bale* In bond, by CHARLES B. OABSTAIB9, .i>m v» walnutmanWQßMsyrSßt. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN H. STOKES, TOT ABOH Street. KW PUBLICATIONS. TUST PUBLISHED, ft/ PARBONB OH NOTES AND BILES'. A TREATI9E ON THE LAW OF PBOMIBBOBY HOIBB AKD BILLS OF EXCHANGE, With an APPENDIX, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions of the statute In relation to B(H», Notes, -Letters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Chocks, together with ah examination of the anestion which the statute suggests, and 6t a English authorities upon those attentions which hare arisen under the -English Stamp Acts, and may ariße under onr own. .... ' By THEOPHILUB PARSONS, LL. D., Professor Of Law in Cambridge University, &c , &o. 2 vole., Bvo. Porsale by BooSeellers gensraHy S B. LIPPINCOTT A 00,, no2Q-8t ’ Publishers, Philadelphia, "ftJEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS. X." TH* SLAYE POWER, by 3E. Gairnes, U, A. , THE TAX- PAYERS’ MANUAL, complete. PARRISH’S PHANTOM BOUQUET. LIGHHILL’S POPULAR TREATISE ON DEAF NESS. LONGFELLOW’S POEMS, Cabinet Edition. AMONG THE PINES; or, the South in Secession Times. . MIBIAM, by Marion Harlend. AU NEW BOORS supplied as soon as published, by LINDSAY b BL&KISTON, "Publishers and Booksellers} no!9 2,5 South SlXTH.Sireet- above Chestaut* TVTO AD YAK CE IN PR ICES. -L/V PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. CARD POETSAIT3. FRAMES FOR PORTRAITi. A new lot just received and will be sold at onr former LOW PRIORS. eol9 3t PITCHER. 439 CHESTNUT Street. COLLAR BOOKS FOR 25 GTS.!!! JL/ —PITCHER’S 489'CHESTNUT Street no!9-3t mBl SIEGE OF RICHMOND—A JL Narrative of Military Operations of 'Gen McClel lan daring May and June, 1862.' By Joel Cook. 81.25. The Wagoner of the AUeghanles. A Poem of the Days of Seventy-Six. By T. Buchanan Bead, Sl.' The Torn Bible. By Alice Somaiton. 18tno, 60 ets. The Last Day of onr Lord’s Passion. By Rev. Wm- Henna, LL.D. $l. For sale by v WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MABTIEN, noIB ‘ ~ No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. A LECTURE FOR YOUNQf. MEN. JljL Just published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CULVERWELL’S CELEBRATED LEOTURB on the abuse of the'Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &o. The radical mode op treat ment, witkmt. taediaine, is fully explained, so as to en able every one to be his own physician at the least pos sible expense. ' ' . « A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS”. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poßt-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps* Addresa the pnbiisheFß- OH. J. 0. KLINI & 00., 127 BOWERY, New York, no4-3niif ' Post Office Box, 4,680. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. TXT BRGTHERHEAD’S CIRCU -71 » LATINO LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of Lite rature. . This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes ail the NEW ENGLISH BOOHS that are not REPRINTED here. Terms 86 per year; six months 83; three months 81.60 ; one month 76 cent!!, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. ■„ soS.3m T?NGLISH AND FRENCH FAMILY JU OIBOULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET D 1 LEOTUBE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnkhed gratis. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies’ French Li brary. . ' .. ; “ Catalogue it la Biblibthigut dot Barnet et dtt B»- tmisellet.” H. M. MO NAOHESI, Agent, Si)B-4m 1323 CHESTNUT Street. FINANCIAL. old , SILVER» QUAETERMABTEES >" VOUCHEES, CHECKS ON WASHINGTON, and CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. 7 3-10 NOTES FOR SALE. DREXEL & 00, no2l-lm g 10, 25, and 50 CENT NOTES OF CITY OF WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, REDEEMED without OHABOE. DeHAVEN & BRQ., no2C-4t No. 20 SOUTH THIRD, STREET. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; •' ■ 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERN MENT AFTEB; MV® YEARS., I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TBEABUEY to receive subscriptionsfor thB abovs Interest will commence from BATE OF SUB BCBXPTION, and Is PAYABLE IN GODD at the Mint, Mptfoy Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and Bovember of each . year. At' the present pekmiom os cold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, '.".-V SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 334 SOUTH THIRD St. • - tf •. : ..... ... . ceo AAA —this Amount to WC/UjUv V . DOAN in som3 of $3,000 t 055,000 on Mortgagee or O. Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. : no 3 CUTLERY. ’ ELY, NO. 130 PEGS STEEET, PHILADELPHIA, IJ4HUyAOTI7KBB3 0» PATENT CAST-STfBL TABLE GDTLEBY; Also, the BEST and CHEAPEST ARMY KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON I* THE MAP.KET. Warranted OAST-STEEL FORES »24-wfm3m . ' COOKING RANGES,- FURNACES, &fc. jE3| TION/oftbe public to onr large and very aupe- TcSbDrior stoi k of , STOVES. BEATERS, AND BASSES, " which are put at prices to suit all. We have the Large.. Oven Cooking Stoves, Royal and Prince Royal; to gether with the Wellington, a new cook stove, with large fire-box and spacious oven. The Pool-Savor (look, with warm closet, tin roaster, and a reservoir for, hot water. Cook Stoves with water backs, affordirgan am, 1 4e snpply of hot water for the bath-room add other pur poses, both for city and country use. The'Amaxon Ocoh, with capacity for cooking for one hundred per sons ; Parlor Cook, for wood or coal. A great variety of improved and beautiful patterns of Parlor Stoves, for both.wood and coal; among which will be found the Fiery Star, Silver’s Air-Tight, Gas-Burning Basea, (all sixes, from 9.t0 14 inches,) Vesper, Violet, open and close front; Franklin Stoves, Portable Crates, for, anthracite and bituminous coal. Hew Egg, Golden Egg. -In addi tion to these will he found, Tkomsonhy London Kitchener, or European Bange: Philadelphia and Fire-Side Banges; Locomotive, Torrid and Egg Heaters; Low-Down States,- Fire-Board and Illuminating Stoves, by which the'parlors are made pleasant and cheerful. NORTH, CHASE, ft NORTH, ' 7 0c22-wfmlm 209 North SECOND Street. SAFES. LLLLTE’S SAFE DEPOT B*- SBmMOYEB. to Ho. II South SEVENTH Street, neat the Ersnhiln Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and bsfitt determined to'merit future patronage, has secured w elegant end convenient stops, and has now oh bend i large assortment of LiUie’a Celebrated Wrought ret Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the on-! strictly fire and burglar proof sefei made.) Also, LHlle'i Uneoualled Bank Vault, Safe, and Beak Looks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Loess and Locks will he furnlshd to order on short noth*. This is the strangest, heat pro tected, and cheapest Boos and Leek yet offered. Also, particuiar , attention is called to Lillie’s Bet Cabinet Bale, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safa is com ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet et feed tor this purpose, and Is the only one that Is atrteHj fire and burglar proof. . ■ ■ - f L Brsoiii. Mono*.—l have bow ou band say twenty a Farrel, Herring, St Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a oompistr Assortment as to sires, and «B lately exchanged for lit now celebrated LiUle Sale. . They will be acid at Tan low price*. Pfoase otU and examine. „ jagg-lyg . M. 0- BADLBB, Agent B EYANS * WATSON’S BALAMANDkB SAW KOBE, 16 BODTH yOTJBTH STREET, . V PHILADELPHIA, PA, . .. : A large variety or FIBK-PBOOF SAFES always o* .hind:'’ "v• . m :: f. i. a. ® " - 33N0, ABMF, AND TOILET MIBBOB*, The best in the world for finish and durability. B. M. 8. The bertbrand Bilk-finished velvet bibbonb. .®ole Agent, BENJAMIN M. SMITH, 15i DUANE Btreet, near West Broadway, SeSo-Sro l WAwVnrk. BiFL- E-1-I.' The greatest Arm of the age; will shoot fifteen times, in as. many seconds, 1,000 yards. "For-sale w manufacturers’ nrto&a by PHILIP WTLBOST a 00., OdOtlm : QHEBIHET Btreet DEMAND NOTES, 34 Simth THIRD Street. ABTOSEMEBITS, ■fXT"ALNUT-STREET THEATRB.^- Sole Lessee,..,..Mrs. BY A. GABRETTSOB. Business Agent. Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY - ,. THIS {FRIDAY) EVENING, November 21, The performances will commence with A HUSBAND’S REVENGE—Or, Life for Life. Rodolpkde Mornac... Mr. E. L, Tlltoil. After which, the favorite comedietta, entftloi ' NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS Admiral Kmgston .Mr. Ei N. THAYEB. Concluding with tbs extravaganza of JUMBO JUM. Jnmto o. Hsmste. Poors open at o#—Performance obmmeooea at 1, MSB, JOHN DREW ? B AEOii- STBEET THEAT3N. Business Agent and Treasurer,..,, .JOB. D. MORPHY, BENEFIT OF J. S. CLARKE. THIS (FBIDAY) EVENING. November 21,1882. . PETER WAXEM—The Gentleman of Nawvo. Peter J. B. Otarfo, Marvin Woodville Mrs. JohaDraw, To conclude with 808 NETTLES. Weddilove.*.Mr» J. 9,Oiarilo. The performance to commence with. COUSIN CHBBBY. Cctißin Cherry..,. Mri 0. Heart*, . An Afternoon Performance on Thanksgiving Day. Doom open at 6%—To commenoe at 7 % o’clocfc. TpISST PUBLIC REHEARSAL JD OF THU . . • • GERMANIA OKOHEBTBA. A GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL To be given at the MU3IUAL FUND HALL, For the Benefit of the GREAT OOOPEB-BHOP VOLUNTEEB REFRESH. MENS SALOON, ‘ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, HOY. 22, _ Commencing at 3# o’clock. On this occasion the Germania Orchestra will perform t a variety of choice popular pieces, Operatic and Nft timnl. The proceeds of the entertainment will be pa triotically appropriated as above stated. Cards of ad mission twenty.five cents; to be had of any member of the Cooper Shop Committee, or at the Ticket Office o? the Mneical Fond Hail. no2o-3t OONCERT HALL . LECTURE ROOM, 1219 CHESTNUT Streak. REOPENING, THIS EVENING, OF CAPTAIN WILLIAMS’ SOUTH SEA WHALING VOYAGE. EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o'clock. SATURDAY AFTEBNOONB at 3 o’clock. Admieeion 25 cents. Children 13 cents. rwl'l-Ofe /GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN V/T WILL LECTURE AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21st, OH “ALL ROUND THE WORLD." TICKETS, FIFTY CENTS. For sale at the office of “THE DIAL," 712 Cheated!: etreetj at CtOTkD’S Music Store; and the HALL, on w»7 6a \n.eetc?a " ”... Doors open at 7} commence at 8 o'clock. flo!84t . ■A BEL & CO.’S 6TEREOPTIOON— Jtl EXHIBITING AT THE ASSEMBLY BUttB INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Sweets, : EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, Admieeion 26 cents. Commenoe at 8 o’olook. MATINEE on SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock. no!7-6t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Off JL THE FIN* ARTS, ; X 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted} from 9 A. M. B 8 9 V. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, $3O. . WANTS. WANTED— Jn a mamifacturiag bouse, an experienced Book-keeper of not less than 30 years of age. Befereuces musk be most satisfac tory as to character and ability. Address “ Iron,” at this office, no2Q-3i* PARTNER WANTED.—A respecta ble Jobbing firm in Market street, of twenty years* standing, whose capital has been serioußly Impaired by the late ctmmerciai revulsions, is.desirous of finding cither a Special or General Partner—some respectable gentleman having from 810. COO to $15,000 to invest. The busineer, being now conductor jrip-ni an exclusively each and short time basis, is at present in the best possi ble shape, and can be proven* by this year’s experience 0B being capable, by aid of additional meanß, to ba made a very safe and lucrative'cne. Commonications, with real name and address, (others oonM notbe noticed,) which will be held strictly csmft dentin’, will be addressed through Box No. 1908 Phila delphia Poet Office. no2B-3t# A YOUNG LADY, QUALIFIED TO uLjL instruct in Music, French, and ail the Ornatnsnta! 1 brancbes,*desires a Situation as Teacher, tehere her ad vices will be equivalent to lior board. None but families of the highest respectability need answer. Referosßa exchanged. Address “W. L.,” Press Office, no!9 3t*= VA/ANTED.—A Lady wishes a 81- H i TUATIOST as housekeeper in a respectable fami ly—-would be willing to make herself generally useful* The bret of leferences given. Apply at OHARUSS GBIiIiFH'S, 252 S.MXTH St. v aboye Sprnce [do!9 3W£ BOARBINB. 13 OAK, DING.—To Kent, witl Boards JL> a large second-story front and back, also a thlvd ttory frent Boom, in a Private Family on WALNUT Street, near Broad, at very moderate terms. Address “Walnut street,” Press office. «. It# EDUCATIONAL. Ij'Oß SALE AT A DISCOUNT—A Jj Forty. Dollar Scholarship in BBY ANT & STBAT TOK’S COMMBROIdL COLLEGE. Address “ Dis count.” at this office. no2l-t£ PHOTOGRAPHS. A ;KBPU T ATI ON BASED -LA-npon true- merit is imperishable SEIMER'B Colored Photographs for $1 are widely known, as most? naiursl and beautiful pictures. SECOND Street, above Green. - . * It# ATOW, THE IMPORTANT PRif~ JLv SENT,if yon would seize a bargain, go at once to RTJMEK’B and get a Life-size” Fhotbgraph tn OK Colors, at reduced prices. SECOND Sueet, above Green, It# 1 PERSONAL. "JIyfUSTEK AND PAY ROLLS, and iSJL Government claims of all kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates by JABXEBFUJhTONy 4SA WAIiHUT Street--Philadelphia. noJM* PENSIONS.— 9100 Bounty and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satis factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 4-24 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. o®lS-«f LOST AND FOUND. Lost— a cit y warrant, drawn in favor of M. HALE, No. 9519, for $4247, dated Or-, Blst, 1862. As n&ymeot has been stopped, tile finder will p ease retina it to Tele iraph Office, S. W. oor ner FIFTH and OHEbTNUT Streets.” no!93t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. (YAK TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. The tubfcriher will sell in fee (or on acutnpage abont 1.800 acres of Timber Lavd, situate on the nort Bide of Muncy mountain, in Bald Eagle Valley, and most of it bounded by the Bald Eagle creek, west of Union vil'e, or Fleming- The timber is chiefly white oak, largo and tel!, and the average distance from th 9 Tyrore and ■ Lcck Hsven Bailrcad (now in ure from Tyrone to these lands) will not exceed one fouith of a mile from the beat part of the raw timber. This is probably the best lot of oak timber on anj railroad in Pennsylvania. He will also sell five tracts, in Clinton county, of TIM BER end STONE COAL 4 LANDS, laying on the south side of the Tangascootach creek, beginning about three miles from the Smouebanna river, and extending up said creek. . For terms apply to nc2o 6i# - TO BENT—Germsntown Residence, BI’TTKl’f HOUSE Street, above Green , lei 44 by 175. Barge, bath, aefi fine well of water ; Bent 815 pec month. Apply to W. F. SMITH, at Depot no!9 St* e FOB SALE OB TO LET—A splendid large Stone COTTAGE, near- OHEiTHOT HILL - at a' Station on the Railroad, .with, eight acres of ground, beautifully situated. Farm-house, Carriaga houae. Stable, Ac. Everything most substantial and complete. Terms very easy. B. F.,GLENN, nc6-tf 123 South FOUBTH Street. & T O L E T—A COMMODIOUS ■3- DWELLING, No. 132 North FBONT Street Beil moderate. Apply, to w KTHB811/L & BBO.» 0c27 tf 4T and 49 Horth SECOND as TO BENT-A THBEE-STOBY Bti. BBIGK DWELLING, on B4.CE Street one dm* above Twelfth, north side Bent low to a good tenant. Apply to WETHEBILL A BEOTHBB, je!2 47 and 49 North SECOND Street.. *R BOR SALE—CHESTER VAL -3CIET FABM, 80 acres, 12 fine timber, the balwtoe in a high state of cultivation, situate halt a miio from railroad station, >8 miles from the city First- class Im provements ; handnsmely shaded lawn: fine fraite, &o. Also, a number sf FAESIS in Delaware and Chester counties. Apply to 0c25-tf 808, SALE OS TO LET— Foot H. BOUSES, on the west side of BBOAD Street, be&nr Colombia avenue. Apply at the soothweat. corner of NINTH and SANSOM B«reet«- mh3B.tr INSURANCE COMPANIES. QiRARB EIRE AND MAMSS INSURANCE COMPANY. GEWECE 41f WAIiNUT STBEKT, FHHiADE&PMU. CAPITAL (304,000. ;Th» couiyecy .coatlnntt to take rink* »a the Mt daweaof Property at low ratea. Tfc* public ecu rely tuonitoM*sen»lHHty : J*d ab9l> ty to pay losses promptly. Its tot tte fjtntft itf the pnhlie, doring the last nine tttsa exaae# and we resjectfdly kcHcJS It* isvor in the f^tore. dieectobs. OHAg. I. HTJPOHT, JERBT W-hiflIEK, JOHN W. CItAGBOKH, JOHN O.E.HHA2BITT, ABBAHA3S4HABT, DAYID B.OT®, Jr., PBTEB S. 30E, ol ». T. WBL M. SWAIN, rUBMAH^.SHpPPABD JOSEPH EiAPP, M. D. N. S. BAISEBKOE, WV. O. BUSMAN, JOHN SOPi’iN*. THOMAS OBA'Kgg, PmdßraS. A. S. QILItK'hTj Visa FnstSnd. JAB. B. ADTOBD, Secretary. - ap2B tf« TT’AME INSURANCE “GsQMPAMX, JJ No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. EIRE UNO INLANH •• DIBEOT9BB. ' ' V. N.Bnck, 1 aD. Woodruff, Oliae. Bichardaon, ~ Jo£nHeeelor, Jr„ Henry I*ewls, Jr,, . P. S Jastioe,, Alei.„whiliain, 1 Weahiogton Jones, Geo. A. West; 1 Obos. Stokes,* 0. W. Davie, , • Johiß W. Nvennan.. EBANOIB N , 1 CHABLES PJUaABDEtON, Vice Vmjjg&t. , viXjIIAMS X. Bit ASOB-.ABPy georetar 1 ?. Cffioa 6; SYDYANIA. f DIXEOTOBB David:Ja>V», M. D., Charles H John John K. Wiilser, •XdwarX HI. Knlght, Bibert Sluomakar* TboSaVa S; St«j*aw, William Sbra&afa* “.HaarteSiawißi Jr-) • JSlliah ionaa. y DAVID JAYNE, M. R, FraSfoaS. ~ r.... . JOH*T M..WHITAI*) Visa Dmaltfaa*. ' SIbSUBD B. MOOH> Secrete?. ,4>lEoo, Oommonwaaith Bjjjdma, 3\S OEiWIWy? WM. A. THOMAS, BELLEFO STE.Pa. E. PETTIT, 80. 800 WALHCT Street. IKS- O BXATa ss.E*aau
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers