rn TT T? fi T r P V 11 JCu 1.. JL Jl • The Then NOVEMBER 7, 1861. NOVEMBER 7, 1662. CAM. .... 12 H 3 M. 6A. M.; ... 12 M 3F. M. 62 S 3 36 30*.. 30# WIND WIN'S. WNW...WNW..W by N. NNE....N W.. ~N by W. Death of Commodore Pendergrast. —Oorrmodore Garrett J. Pcndorgraßt, oftlioUnited States Savy, 6ltd at bis reaidonco, Twelfth and Walnut streets, yesterday morning, at four o'clock. The oauss of his death was a stroke of paralysis, with which the deceased was afflicted on Tuesday last. Ho was a native of Ken tucky, and bad boon in the naval service for nearly fifty cneytars, having entered it on the Ist of January, 1812, Twenty-one years of his life were spent in sea service. His age was about sixty two yews. Before the present war brokeout he was to command of the West India squodron. More than a year since he was appointed commandant of the Philadelphia navy yard, whloh posi tion beheld at tho time of his death. Under the new organization of the navy he held a commission as com modore on the retired list, being twelfth on the list. He was an efficient and faffhful officer, a gentleman of high tone and sterling integrity, possessing the cbnftdenoe of nil with whom he was associated.-" He leaves a widow, tint no children. In respeot to bis memory the flags at the navy yard were display ed at half-mast yesterday, and minute gnns will be fired to-day. An instance which occurred in the early days of the war wilLJUjustrate the intrepid ebaraoter of the de ceased dwl&pdore. Before the surrender of Norfolk.to the rebels/-fn& authorities of Virginia endeavored to cap ture the .United States ships-of-war, then lying at the docks of that city, by sinking schooners and other craft laden with stone, in the month of the channel, in order to prevent their egress. Among other vessels thu3 blockaded was the Cumberland, then under the command of Commodore Fendergrast. The gallant officer, findiog himself in danger of being hemmed in, sent word to the Norfolk authorities that if the obstructions were not re moved within a sptcified time he would open Are on the City. This inenaco had the desired effect, and the chan nel being cleared, the Unmberland and other vessels were hronghtont in safety. At the time of the attack upon the Cumberland, by the rebel Merrlmac, the Commodore was absent from the ship, having been temporarily re lieved from duty. The funerel of the deceased will take place on Monday, at 2 o’clock P. H , and will be attended.by the officers of the navy and marine corps on duty at this station. By an order issued yesterday by the commanding of ficer at the navy yard, alt officers of the army and navy at this station are invited to 'participate in tho funeral cert monies. Officers of the navy will wear undress nni fcime, epanletf, swords (with crape), and caps. 7 Game and Gunning.—We yesterday s»w seme fine apt cimens for the season in the-shape of snipe, woodcock; and pheasants. We were told that these were as fine specimens as we could see, and we pre sume they were. Although the weather has not been the most favorable to gunning, set the sport has been pur sued with pretty ranch the usual avidity.- Those who see &c sport at ail in the matter are inclined to think that, with the exception of a very few enthnsiastlo cases, the game Is brGnght down mere by the use of « silver ” shot than leaden, and that silver-haired epicures who affect moßtaohes of raven Ine, and trowsers particularly ca pacious at the kneis and something contracted at the ankles, are more eager to order “that pair” to be sent rap “to the home” than to go themselves in guest of game. ■. lhe difference et price in birds, between this season »nd last, is ho way remarkable. The different kfnd3 vary in their demands from twenty-five to fifty or seventy-five cents a pair. Black-head ducks come to from twenty-five to fifty cents a pair; red-heads fro® thirty, seven and a half to sixty-two and a half, and carivass-baok fiom seventy-five to one dollar and a quai ter. These varieties ore obtained principally Jrom tfco Chesapeake. Quails are from two dollars ♦o two dollars and " a half per dozen; woodcocks from slxty-twj to seventy.five cents a pair, and pheasants from seventy-five cents to one doiiar a pair. In convection with these wo might state that gait water terrapins are exceedingly scarce and come to from twenty to thirty dollars a dozen, The market is supplied principally from Now Jersey and Delaware, and pheasants, in pfeticnlar, from Jereoy. Boyers of sweet morsels will lament that the time of reed bird is over, the regular season ending on the 10th of October. Now that the warm weather is pretty well over, the shooting season will be more propitious. The rail, reed, and blackbird season was somewhat barren, and it was emußicg to see how artfully blackbirds were passed off for reed-birds by interested parties, upon sundry raw youths, blooming with ** beauty-spots,” and par ticularly green. - The cause of the lack of birds during the past season will not operate in the present one. Par tridges have been particularly plnmpy, and ducks will prove more plentiful this season than they have for years. The first of October, tho time fixed by law for the commencement of the shooting season, is thought by many to bo rather early. Most of the birds are not suffi ciently grown, and not worth the trouble of bringing down. In Maryland, the twentieth of October is the date designated, and perhaps this arrangement would he found better to Pennsylvania aiso. California Joe, of Berdan’s Sharp -BHOOTEBB.—We were yesterday visited by Mr. Tru man Head, known in the army as « California Joe,” of Berdan’s Boginieni, Ist United States Sharpshooters. Shis gentleman rendered himself famous at the siege of Yorktown by hia nnfailiag accuracy in bringing down the enemy. He is a native of Burlington, Otsego county, New York, and an old hunter of much experience; hia Irapplnga haring extended over the States of Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, and California. His experience in the southwestern section ot the Uniin dates through a period of over twelve years, during which time ho en joyed the freedom of the forest, and underwent the trials and dangers inseparable from the life of a hunter. The nickname of California Joe was 'applied to him by a newspaper correspondent, and since obtained universal sanction among his feUow-BOldiers, At Yorktown, the regiment to which he was attached ap proached within eight or nine hundred yards of the ene my ’« breastworks, and concealed behind brash and fo liage, rendered essential service in scaring the rebels' from their cannon. On one occasion the enemy was com pelled to desist irom loading a thirty-two-ponnder for up waids of half an hour. Every attempt to load the gun result! d in tie Bhooiiog of one or more of theoannoniers. The subject of onr Bketch generaiiy used Sharp’s rifle, and was sometimes materially aided by the addition of a telescopic sight to his piece. In consequence of the too f rtquent use of tWs magnifying glass in discerning the movements of the opposing force, his sight became ma terially affected. The symptoms of this becoming alarm ing, he applied to tho propsr authority, and was honor ably discharged from the service. He was well known throughout the Southern and Western country, and for the last twenty years has maintained his reputation as a dead shot. In appt arance he is a determined, courageous man; end though fifty- three years old, ho appears to possess the strength and agility of a man of twenty. He has always been noted for temperate habits, and never tasted liquor until he entered Ihe army, and very seldom partook of either tea or coffee before his thirtieth year. Tobacco and all other minor excitements were totaliy di.undid by him, and he is now what may be emphati cally termed a man of nerve. Mr. Head will visit the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons to-morrow afternoon, When he will doubtless be entertained in that generously hospitable msnt er for s hlch the establishment has always been noted. It is hia intention to return to California within a Bbort lime, there to spend the remainder of his days in pursuits congeua! to bis natural taste. The Pbafted Militia.—-The diffi culty existirg in regard to the disposal of the drafted men, whetbor tboy shall bo allowed to maintain their own organization, or whether they be tahen.indivldaaily and scattered throughout the regiments already in the field, ii one which is now exciting much attention. The law which calls Ihete men into service, expressly yields to them the choice of t fliserß, and the power of company and regimental orgenizations. An important order la re ference to the subject has been promulgated from the War Department. Id the *< order,” it is stated that, “in cases where regiments require one or more oompaniea to complete them, organized companies may be taken; also, as far as practical)! e, regiments will he filled with men taken from the sections of country in which they were originally raised.” It is officially stated that Gen. McClellan has requested that the drafted men be reserved ior the protection of the boiderß of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and also for the occupation of the forts in the vicinity of Washington city, while the men now in occupancy of snob forts be moved forward for active operations with the army. The Initial Snow- storm. —The snow season was fairly inaugurated yesterday, and the blasts of winter were anticipated by those of autuma, In the year 1860, the tot snow-fall occurred on the 2d of De cember ; In tho year 1861, no sno n fell until the 6th of December. The 7th of November marie the snowing era of 1862,-and a very good specimen we have had of it. Daylight, yesterday morning, ushered in the , descent of the starry-fisielets, snfl suntet beheld thoroughfares and alleys eoaied ard'slnshy with those specimens of nature’s ermine. AH the wintry epithets which could possibly be brought together v ere need on this occasion. Everybody remarked that it was a disagreeable day, and everybody alee said <*.Yes, if was a disagreeable day.” Cloaks and fnts were displayed in fancifnlsprofuaion; gnm-shoes were at a premium; coot-collars were put up, and so were umbrellas. The slippery pavements were sources of infinite trouble to rfrelght-backod pedestrians, and of infinite amusement to the newsboys on Third street, who appear alway s (o know where the laugh comos in. Bosy cheeks and -purple hoses glowed delightfully along the various aye Cues, and people shovelling pavements, and boys behind sigt-hosrds, added to the snow-drift, by pelting parsers by, whether intentionally or other wit e, we cannot tay, Narrow Escape.— Yesterday after noon, a young man residing in the northern section of the city accidentally di charged a pistol which he was examining, and unaware that it contained a load. ;The ball from the weapon: grazed the head of a child about threey'eaw.old, carrying with it a considerable Quantity of tho hair. No serious Injury was sustained, however. It teems that accidents of this kind, growing out of the too careless use and htndling of firearms, are of almost daily occurrence., Fath-rB shoot children—friends malm friends—casual a'quaiutaaces dreadfully wound each other, or the careless handling of a pistol, rifle, or musket, results in death or dreadful mangling of the person thus thoughtless. People will learn after they have Buffered, and then the lesson becomes salutary . ■ The careless handling of firearms is as criminal as inju dicious, and if an example were made of some one thus carelessly dealing In these matters, much suffering ooulfl be avoided. FoilOfi Intelligence.—Two youths, jasmed John Hollis and Whitney MlUward, were before Alderman Fisher yesterday, oharged yrlth stealing goods from varionß stores in the upper part or.,tha city, among Others, that of Sirs, Schuyler, on the,Germantown road. Above Chatham street. They were held in *l,OOO hail to answer. • -■ - - - ; Daniel Dcnley was b.fore AltMrman Gibson, at Mans, afternoon, on fMcharge of selling Banor to inebriates. ,He was held in tne aum of *3OO to answer. Mary Morgan, oharged whh keeping a disorderly house on Cresson 'strcot. Manaynnk, was bound over by Alderman Glbion In the sum of *6OO to answer. ‘ Win," Walsh, charged with interfering with an officer in the discharge ot hiß duty, end also with carrying con cealed dosdlyy capons, had a hearing yesterday morning before Alderman Moore. W alahwas arrested bn Third street, below Beuili, for Interfering upon bohalf of a man arrested for disorderly eond act, and a heavily*loaded re volver was found upon bis person. He was committed. moiueter. Monthly Beport of Hospitals.— The following tabular statement will fnriiish a synopsis of the reports of various hospitals for the:tnon£h of Oc tober: “ j Bcapitals. Eet.todnty. Disch’d. Died. Total. Catharine street. ,£ i .S? Episcopal ff f® J North Fifth Btroet 36 43 4 199 Germantown :••••„“ 'i Fourth and Georgo sis.. .46 42 S' 212 Christian street. 14 , 36 3 173 Gen. Hosp., 22d ft Wood. 35 12 1 ,1 88 Turner’s Lt<ms 74 8 4 144 Gen. Hosp 16. h A Filbert 70 22 3 304 Chester..'.. ~..,..130 103 . 2 620 St Joseph’s...2s 23 ‘ 109 South street. 38 26; 3 189 Promotions in the 104th P. V.— Col. W. W. U. Davis, or the 104tli P.Y., has mido the following promotions for gallant conduct and military merit in that regiment: first lieutenant and adjutant, T. D. Hart, has been promoted and appointed lieutenant colcucl for long and faithful service, and gallantry on the field at Fair Oaks. Sergean'.-mßjor Edmund A. Wal- Ibzz, of Philadelphia, has been appointed first lieutenant and adjutant of the regiment, vice T. D. Hart promoted. Deaths at the Army Hospitals.— The deaths repotted up to yesterday are as follows. Broad and Prime—Bosewell H. Hoyt, 00.0,11 th Mains, and Edward Sogers, 00. D. 40th New York. West Phi ladelphia—Valentine McSherry, Go O, 31 Vermont. Fifth-street—John Garter, 00. A, Bth Pennsylvania Oa valry. Sixteenth and Filbert—Joseph Fountain, 00. A, 98th New York, and W. E. Vansciver, Co. F, isth Mas sachusetts South-street—Corporal Charles S. State, 00. E, 4:h Vermont. - The Pirate Alabama.—We under stand that a move is on foot among a few merchants to endeavor ta call the attention of our business men gene rally, to the propriety of seouring, at an early day, a fast sailing vessel to scour the seas in search of the pirate “ Alabama.” The movement thus far, we learn, has not met with much encouragement, although it has not yet been brought publicly to the notice of ait those who would he likely to take an interest in the matter. The Proceeds.—A fair was held, a few evenings since, at No. 929 New Market street; which realized SlO3 50. The sum was divided between the two Volunteer Refreshment faloons and the Citizens’ Volunteer Despite! Two young ladies, Miss Clara S. Bruner end Miss M L. Hoyer, deserve the credit of the success which attended this patriotic effort. A Respite.-—Tlie courts wore a quiet and nndisturbed aspect yesterday, and even-handed justice had no opportunity to display itself. In the Quarter Sessions, the morning was conanmed with evi dence in a case of assault and battery, and also in a coonterfeit-note suit, in both of which a verdict of “ not guilty” was rendered. Launch of a Tug.— An underwriter’s tug, named the Oharleß Pearson, will.be launched to-day from tlie Penn Iron Works, should the weatherand tide prove favorable. The vessel is intended for a Boston company, aid, ! remits substantial build and sterling ma chinery, will; when completed, prove quite serviceable in rescuing shipwrecked vessels; Completed.—The Brazilian corvette, wbicb has been at the Navy Yard for about six months undergoiDg repairs, has been completed) and will take her departure at fin early day. She haa seen consider able service in the South American iwaters. To Be Investigated —The difficulty cxißliug in tho Chester Army Hospital will be investi gated next week, by the military commission recently ap pointed in tho Harper’s Ferry case. Postage f übrbncy.—Ve need only lo give the reminder that to-day postage currency will he delivered at the Mint. The delivery will be made to adults only. On the Lookout.—-The New Iron sides, which sailed from this port a few days ago, is still at Newport News, awaiting a favorable opportunity to make her power felt. : . PERSONAL ITEMS. Judge Sample Orr, arrested at Jefferson City by order cf General Loan, has been released on his parole. The brother of General Pillow, the same to whom the letter of that gentleman, counseling ' the securing of his Arkansas,negroes, was written, has been captured by a Federal scouting party. It is said that General MoOiellan has written a let ter to Governor Curtin, regretting his Inability to far ther protect the Pennsylvania border, of his advance into Virginia. He is of the opinion that the rebels may make another raid into that Slate, now that there is no opposing force between them and the State line. —lt is announced in Louisville that General Jeff 0. Davis has been assigned an important comßsqud in Gen. Bosecrans’ department. " General Garfield, as was Jong since determined, will , accompany General Hunter South —Jnan Feodor Schepeler has been recognized by Presi dent Lincoln as consul general of Balvador for the United States. Gen. Thomas A. Morris, of Indiana, will not accept the msjor generalship tendered by the President, nnti satisfied that he will be assigned to active duty with a force sufficient for effective operations. —A military commission has been appointed, and wQI scon he commenced, to investigate certain alleged acts of Gen. Curtis while in Arkansas, r The commission will meet at Memphis or St. Louis. —Assistant Surgeonß. A. Clemens has beenordersd to report for dnty immediately at the headqnarterß of the Army of the Potomac. There is in hospital No. Tin Louisville, Ky., a soldier, named James ,D. Cameron, whose homo is in Illinois. He is seventy years of age, and has been with the 80th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers through the entire present campaign. Ho has been on the sick list, lint his health has so rar improved as to be able to rejoin his regiment in a few days. This old soldier had nine tons in the same regiment, four of whom were-killed in the late battle at Chaplin Hills. Theotherfive sons were in the bailie, bnt escaped unhurt, and are, now with the gallant 80th on the march. It is believed by those who are in positions to know, that the President has definitely determined that Cassius M. Olay Bhall return as minister to Russia. Gen. Hooker considers himself able to take the field. The condition of his foot would not probably admit of severe exercise on horseback f>r a few days to come, hut he is able to walk and ride. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, THOMAS KIMBEB, Jr., 1 AUGUSTUS HE \TON. S COMMirTEZOr The Mosts. EDWARD O. KNIGHT, V . .. LETTER BAGS ;i : At the Merchants’ Sxcfiangt,-Philadelphia. Ship Lancaster, Decan.... ....Liverpool, soon Ship Ellen Btewart, Coffin. Rotterdam, soon Bark Alberiina, 01matead............. .Rotterdam, soon Brig Ella Beed, Jarman.......,.„......;Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov, S, 1863. BUN R15E5...........6 39-SUN 5ET5..........4 50 HIGH WATER....... .............3 13 , ' .ARRIVED. :: , Pchr Mary, Rogers, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D Coorer. : : - - Schr Mary Hersbon, Brigbtmsn, 5 days from Albany - ,' with grain to 0 H Cummings. Behr I P Pharo, Oranmer, from Boston. Schr E T Allen, Allen, from Boston, . - Schr S M Broomail, Douglass, from Boston. Schr Sea Witch, Tyler, from Providence. Schr J O Baxter, Price, from Providence. Schr Lady Ellen, Godfrey, from Providence. Schr H A Weekß, Ketcbam, Horn Baltimore. Schr Flyaway, Davis, from Sag Harbor. Bchr Thos Potter, Backett,'from Salem. CLEARED. Bohr L P Pharo, Crannjer, Jersey City, Reppiier ft Bro. Schr C Williams, Golding, N York. Tyler, Stone &;00,- Schr 8 F. Abbott, Lndlam, New York, Oaatnor, stick, ney & Wellington. - Schr H A Weeks, Ketcbum, Greonport, do Schr M B Carlisle, Ryder, Danversjort, do Schr Lady Ellen, Corson, Boston, do Schr E T Allen, Alien, Bsaton, C A Heckscher <fc Co. Bohr LeesbuTg, Swift, Boston, L Bothermel. Bchr P Hcilner, Grace, Providence, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr J M Broomail, Douglass, Providenoe, do' fehr Flyaway, Davis, Providence, John R White. Schr T Potter. Backett, Newport, do Schr John C Baxter, Price, Boxbury, Hammett, Van Dnßen & Locbmau. Scbr O A Hecksoher, Stubbs, Portsmouth, I< AuUeu ried & Co. - : . ■■Scbr IvyyHendewoni Wareham,Noble, Caldwell &00. Echr fea Witch, Tyler, New Bedford, J B Blaklstdn. (Correspondence of the Press.) The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bonud to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: E S Crawford, grain to A Oattell & (Jo: Mount Ararat, pig iron to E J Etting A Bro; S H Trump, lumber to M Trump St Son; Schuylkill Navigation scow, timber to Bchl Navigation Co. (Correspondence of the Press.! HAYBB DE GBAOE, Nov 6. , The steamer wyoming lett here this morning, with the .following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Mery Louisa, lumber to M Trump & Son; Johnßeed, do te John Craig; A T Goodman and Experiment, coal to Delawarer-Foreet Flower, railroad iron to D Beeves & son/j L Stickier, light to Philadelphia. ■ MEMORANDA. Bsrk Fleetwing, Jayne, hence 15th Aug, touched at Pernambuco 29th Sept, and sailed next day for Bio ae Janeiro. Bark Ella Virginia, White, from Buenos Ayres, at New York 61b Inet. , Bcbrs C H Booth, Burger, S Godfrey, Bussell, W D Cargill, HaWkins, and Colorado, Shepherd, for Philadel phia: Vesta. Tomlin; for Cape May, and Eliza Jane, Ed wards, for Wilmington, cleared at New York 6thinst- Schr Wave, Salisbury, from Delaware City, at Fall Biver 6th Inst. * . Scbr Emetine Haight, Beebe, hence, arrived at Provi dence sth in: t. Scbr Amelia, Falkenburg, sailed from Provadence 6tb inst. fer Philadelphia Schrs Sallie B, Bateman, and E W Pratt, Nickerson, hence, errived at Boston 6th Inst Sehr Sarah E Jones, Jones, hence for New Bedford, at New London 6tb Inst. Scbr Albert Field, Phillips, sailed from Newport 51h inst. for Philadelphia. Sohra John McAdam. Willard, F Nelson, Wiley, and Leoneea, Hnpper, from Boston for Philadelphia, and Eu gene, Hunt, from Wellllset for do, were at Newport 4th inst. ■ Scbr B L Berry, (before reported capsized off Cape Poge) together with anchors and chains, has been pur chased ■ at auction by Oapt Benj Chase, of Onttyhunk, and others of Now Bedford, for *5BO. They will imme diately proceed to raise her, and take'her to N Bedford. COPARTNERSHIPS. fIOPARTNEE SHIP.—The undersiga a_/ ed have this day formed a copartnership under the name and firm ef ANDBEWSr WILKINS, & 00., for the transaction of -the Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing business, at No. 603 MARKET Street. * - 1 ' , JOBIAHB: ANDREWS, • ABEL B. WILKINS. BDWABD J. ALTEMU3. WILLIAM N. SMITH. PhiladeLhla. Nov. 3 1862.- nod 6t* pARLOR SKATES.- Superior Par -“r lor Skates, ofimproved pattern, neat and light, for Ba, ® b 7 PHILIP WILSON A 00., 0c28.1m 416 OHEBNUT Bt, opposite.Onatom House. TpRENCH MUSTARD. Purrey Bl “ rn «* a Imported Mustard, tor-sale in store and to arrive, by the sole agent,- --an OHABLES 8. OABBTAIRB, — oeiW 1 No. 126. WALNUT Street pnras APPLE SAP SAGO CHEESE, l# Rhodes a Williams, oo3 ' tf 19T South WATEBBtreet. K.IBBILS, &o.:' Complete Maobinory for foiling and finishing Btaokete, Eertej e, fto For sate cheap. Address Box No. 1062 P. O 7 . ocBl-12t* For sale— " A FIRST-OLASS RETAIL DRUG'RTO3K, ESTABLISHED I S’ 1823 The subscriber,, wi hing to retire from business, will dispose of bis STO HE It is i United on the Northeast corner of BALTIMORE and GAY Streets, two of the principal thoroughfares of tbeclte.iaia full operation, and doing n large PEKSCBIPTIOH AND .RETAIL Business. with a patronage of the highest r, speotability. The stand comprises a Front Store and Back Room; two large Rooms in second story; a large Cellar, Ragged; • neat! Yard, with Hydrant, &c., Bent moderate. Fixtures of the first quality, with a complete stock of GENUINE DRUGS. OBEHIOALS. and FANCY AR TICLES, with all the EEOIPEB for the PROPRIE TARY ARTOLEB. As good an opportunity for business is seldom offered to the trade. Address . ' THOS. G. MACKENZIE, Northeast comer BALTIMORE and GAY Sts., noG tbsto9t Baltimore, Md. FOR SALE OR TO LET—A Ea splendid large Stone OOTTAGE, near OHE STNUT HILL at a Station on the Railroad, with eight acres of ground, beautifully situated. Farm-house, Oarriage house, Stable, Ac. Everything mott substantial and complete. Terms very easy. B. F.'GLENN, no6-tf ,123 South FOURTH Steßsj- m T O L I T—A COMMODIOUS ■si DWELLING, No. 182 North FRONT Street. Bent moderate. - Apply to WETHERILL & BRO., 0c27- tf 4T and 49 North SECOND Street. « ¥OR SALE OR TO LET—Four ■B. HOUSES, on the west side of BRO AD Streetehelow Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BANBOM Streets. mh23-H A. FOR SALE—A splendid, large ■“Chestnut Hill OOTTAGE, with every possible con venience. and eight acres of ground, carriage borne, Ac., complete. On very easy terms. B. F. GLENN, 0018 No. 123 South FOURTH Street, gb TO RENT- A THREE-STORY ■l3- BRIOK DWELLING, on B ACE Sheet, one door above Twelfth, north side Bent low to a good tenant Apply to WETHERILL A BROTHER, jel2 47 and 46 North SECOND Street. gg| FO R SALE—A good Jersey iSt-FABM OF NINETY ACRES, on tiie Baricooas, half mile from Deienco, twelve miles from Camden, Twenty acres excellent Meadow, a great abundance ol Fruit, good Buildings. Ac., or will Exchange for good City Property. " " B. F. GLENN, cclB No. 123 South FOURTH Street. m FOR SALE—CHESTER VAL -3LLEY FARM, 80 acres, 12 fine timber,’ the haiauoe in a high state of cultivation, situate half a mile from railroad Btation, 16 miles from the city .r Fitet-class im provements; handsemely shaded lawn; fine fruits, Ab. Also, a number ®f FARMS in Delaware and Chester counties. Apply to 0c25-tf.- FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL -2-. FARM, 55 aores, miles from Bristol, or Sha* mony Btation, '2o miles from the city, with fine improve ments Also, a large number of FBUIT.FABMS, in the States of Delaware and Maryland .- Also, a number to exchange in the adjoining counties, New Jersey, Ac. Apply to E. PETTIT, 0c26-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. pENNSY LVANIA M I L I T ARY JL ACADEMY, at West Chester, (for boarders only). This Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, Septem ber 4th, 71862. It was chartered by the Legtsiatnre, at ita last session, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erected and fur nished at a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are ar rangements of the highest order forthe comfortable quar tering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make th6ir instructions thorough and practical. The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Coiiegiaie and Military. A grad note of the United States Military Academy, of high standing in his class, and of experience in the field, devotes his exclusive attention to' the Mathematics and Engineering The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to JAB. H OBNE, Esq;. No. 628 CHESTNUT Sc., or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Colonel THEODORE HYATT, President Pehn eyivania Military Academy. 7 no4lm \TILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V A select Boarding School, near MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, Ac. Military Tactics taught. Olasies in Book-keeping, Surveying, and Civil Ei gincering. Pupils taken or all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, S 2 25. Tuition per quarter, $B.OO. For catalogues or infoimationaddressßev.J.HEß- VEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Fa. oclO-tf T INDEN HALL MORAVIAN FE- J-J MALE SEMINARY, at LITIZ, Lancaster county, Fenna., founded 1794, affords snperior advantages for thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu lars and information, apply to Messrs. JORDAN ft BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or to Rev. W- O. BEfOHEL, Principal au29-3m T3OAEPIN& SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. JLA REMOVAL. The Sixth Session of the BOARDING BOHOOL FOB GIRLS, heretofore oonductod by the Subscribers, near Darby, Pet, under the name of « SHARON FEMALE SEMINARY,” : WIU open loth mo., Ist, 1882, at Attleboro, Bnok* county, Pa., under the name of BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. Every facility will be afforded whereby a thorough and finished course of instruction in all the elementary and higher branohes of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, and MATHEMATICAL Education may be obtained. Circulars, embracing full details of the Institution, may be had on application to the Principals, Attleboro, Bucks county. Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. . TERMS. i The charge for tuition In English branohes, with board, washing, feel, and lights, including pens and ink, and the rue of the library, is at the rate of $l6O for the school-year. - . - Latin/Greek, Frenoh, German, and Drawing, eaoh extra. ISRAEL J. GRAHAMS,, JANE P. GRAHAMS, seB-3m Principals. Estate of John maBt,deo’d. —Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN MAST, dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to; ELIZABETH D MIST, 113 BROWN Street. FRANCIS L LEVERING, ‘ : 707 POPLAR Sheet,; ' .Administrators. Or their Attorney, oclieOt* rf THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE is hereby given that the widow of said de cedent ban filed In said Court her petition and appraise ment, claiming to retain personal property in the said appraisement mentioned to the value of $3OO, under the act of Assembly of April 14,1851, and supplement there to. and that the same will be approved by the Courton FRIDAY, Not. 21, 1862, unless exceptions.are filed thereto. JOHN L. BHOEMAKEB,. -,cc3o-tba-4t# . ...' sfr’Attomey for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JL THE CITY AND COUNIY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PHILIP B SOHUSLER, Ben’r, deceased. ■ The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ALOENIA SOHUYLBB, Exe cutrix of PHILIP B. SCHUYLER, Jun’t deceased, who was acting Executor of PHILIP R sfeUYLBB, Sen’r, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the partios.in terested for the-pnrpbses-of his appointment on MON DAY, November 24th,'1882, at 4 o’clock F. M , at his Office, No- 131 South FIFTH-Street, ,in the city of Philadelphia. uos tbstnSt GEORGE M. OONARBOE, Auditor. TN TBE MATTER OF THE ES- X TATE OF DAVID MELIOK, DECEASED—By a provision in the last. Will and. Testament of DAVID MELIOK, deceased, late cf Geneva, New York, hia exe cutor is directed to advertise - for, information 'as to .the whereabouts of his wife and children. ' This notice is published in pursuance of that direction, and the subscriber desires any one having knowledge of their whereaboutfito Inform him, by mailer otherwise. OHA3. J. FOLGEB, Esq., Geneva, Ontario county. N. Y. September 13.1862 0c25 »6t T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON J-j the Last Will and Testament of ELIZABETH ELLA GBASBY, late of tho City of Philadelphia, de • ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to the estate of the said deoedent are re quired to meke payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same to make them known without delay to GEO. L. BABMSON, Executor,; , o 4 s6t • 409 RACE Street. Estate of gornelia rhoa% DECEASED—Lettersof Administration to said estate haying been granted the undersigned, ail parsena' indebted thereto are requested to mahe and those having claims to present them to BAMUE£» RHOADS, - Administrator, i oclB t6t# Twenty-third ward, Philadelphia. BEADING, Nov 5. Estate of william s. bue- BIS. deceased. NoTlOE.—Letters of Administration upon the Estate Of WILLIAM 8. BUBBIS, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all personß indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to make them known without delay to 8. H. JABDEN, cclB-tBt# - 1907 COATES Street, Philadelphia.; QBERIFIf’S SALE.—-By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Circuit Court for Cecil county, at the suit of the Philadelphia, Wil mington,. and Baltimore Saliroad Company, against Albert Brown, and to me directed, I have seized aad taken in execution all the rid lit, title, interest, and claim, at law and equity, of the said Albert Brown, in and to one hundred KOAD WAGONS. And I hereby give notice that on MONDAY, the 17th Inst, at PEBKYVILLB, Cecil county, Maryland, I will offer for sale said pro perty so seized and taken into execution'to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said writ and costs. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P M. ' - ELI OO3GBOVE, not- Q 7 - Sheriff of Cecil County. mHE RAILWAY TIME-KEEPER, X especially adapted for Army sales. Good imitation gold; will run and keep excellent time ; have ftncqj colored hands and beautifully-engraved dials, the Utters standing in relief. This is one of the most taking novelties of the day, and should retail at prices from twenty-five to eighty dollars each. They are fur nished by tbe case, containing six of different designs, as Engraved, per cose of half dozen, *33. En graved and electro-gilded, per case of half dozen, assort ed, $36. Engraved, superior, per ca«e of half dozen, as. sorted, *39. Engraved, superior; and electro fine gilded, having all the Improvements of the foregoing, per case halt dozen, assorted, $42. Engine-turned, eame material cases, over which is good silver, heavily plated, per case of half dozen, *36. Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, and one eaoh of the others, makings cate of half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, *36.60. Termsicash Will be sent to any part of the loyal States, : with bill for collection on delivery. Buyers in tbe army will have to send payment in advance, as the express companies refuse making collections south of the Poto mac. This is one of the most saleable articles of tho tides, and jnst the thing for those inolined to make money among the soldiers. Send in your orders early. GAIUS F. WHEATON, Sole Importer, „ Oor. NASSAU and JOHN Streets, New York,, P. O. Box 4355. . ■ 0028-18t* A RMY DISKS.—A capital article for AA camp and field use. Safefrom wet,'compact, and convenient to carry i n pocket. For sale by = ■ W. Hi DADMUN, 104 NOBTH DE LAW ABE) Avenue. Philadelphia. ; AGENTS WANTED to sell them in Philadelphia and vicinity." »■** 0028-lm* T ATOIJR OIL.-—492 baskets Latour J-4 Olive (Oil, just received per (trip Vandalia, froa Bordeaux, tor sale by JAUBETOHI*LAVEBGNI. ~ en2B-w ®W and 204 South FBONT gtrfL /"'IARD PRINTING, Neat and Cheap. V;.? atBINGWALT * BROWN’S, UlB. FOURTH gtnet, below Oheatnnt - - m 3 THE J’BESS.^PHDiAPEBPHJA-; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .8. 1862. FOR SAI.E AND TO LET. E. PETTIT, No 309 WALNUT-Street, EDUCATIONAL. .LEGAL, JOHN L. BHOEMAKE B, : - 325 North SIXTH Street Estate of JOHN MOST, deceased. INSURANCECOMPANIES. |mE INSURANCE BY THE. RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OP 'PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OK FKBrKTUAL, MEBOHANDISE, FUBNITURE, &o„ IN TOWN OB OOUNTBF. OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL 8248,000— ASSETS 330,178 io Invested In the following Securities, via First Mortgage on City "Property, worth double the am0unt,.;...............,.*171,100 00 Pennsylvania Kallrbad Company's 8 percent. j Ist Mortgage 80nd5.................... 0,000-00 Do; do. 2d do; (880,000) 29,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top T per cent. Bonds 4,600 00 Ground Bent, well secured. 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, well secured. 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Loan. 46,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 83,000,000 6 per cent. L0an..!.,...... ..... 6,000 00; United States 7 3-10 per cent. L0an.......... 10,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per ot. Ponna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company’s 6 peroent. Loan (86,000),............. 4,710 00 Camden and Amboy Bailroad Company’s fl !■ pereoct,Loan (86,000).............,., 4,800 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Company’s Stock.., , 4,000 GO Bsliancelnsurance Oompahy’sStock...,..,. 8,860 00 Commercial Bank 5t0ck;................... 5,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank Stock. 2,812 60 County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t00k..,, , 1,060 00 nelawaro M. S. Insurance Company’s Stock..' ; 700 00 Union M. Insurance Company’s Scrip 380 00 Bills Beceivable.. 1,06184 Accrued Interest. 6,604 81 Cash in bank and on hand...,;........ 7,010 96 Bosses promptly adjusted and paid, DIBEOSOBS. Clem Tingley, Samuel Biapham, ■William it. Thompson, Bobert Steen, Broderick Brown, William Hussar, William Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, 'Marshall Hill, H. Xi. Oarsoh, J Johnson Brown, Bobert Toland,, Oharlea Belaud, . G. D, Bosengarten, Jacob T, Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Plitebnrg, OBBH tINGLEY, President. B. M. HUfOHMAN, Secretary. lf . jyll-tf Delaware mutual safety INBUBANOE COMPANY, IHOOBPOBATKD BY THE LLGISLATUEE OB' PEHKSYLVAHIA, 1835. OFFICE S. E. COBNEB THIBD AND WALHOT STBEETS, PHILADELPHIA. . MAEIKE INSURANCE. OH VESSELS.) OABGO, 5 To all parte of tho World. FBEIGHT, ; ) ’ INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by Bivor, Canal, jbakejind Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. RISE INSURANCES On Merchandiso generally, On Stores, Dwelling Bonnes, &c. •ASSETS OF THE COMPANY,.HOY. 1,1801. FAK. • COST. *lOO,OOO United State* Five per ct. Loan... *100,250 00 60,000 U. States 6 per ct. Treasury Notea 49,995 37 26,000 United States Seven and Three tenths per ct. Treasury Noteß... 26,000 00 100,000 State of Penna, Five per-ctMoah, 89,581 26 64.000 . do. do. Six do. do. 54.151 60 123.060 Philo. City Six per cent. 10an..'.. 119,448 17 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. 10an.... 20,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad. Ist Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5,;..,,. 20,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad, 2dMort gage Six per cant. 80nd5....... 46,130 83 16,000 800 shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. Principal and Interest guarantied by the city ot Phtla. 5,000 100 Shares Stock form. B. R. Co.. Bills Beceivable, for Insurances made., 00.730 0T Bonds and mortgages. 75.000 00 Baal E5tate........... 01,303 35 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rino Policies, Interest, and other debts due tbeCompany... 48,131 97 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 811,843, estimated value. 4,088 00 Cash on hand—in 8anka........ 851,093 03 in Drawer. 617 33 DIBEOTOBS. Samuel E. Stofeesj ■ J. F. Feniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer McHvaine, Thomas 0, Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P . Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg D, T. Morgan, « A. B, Berger, « AS 0 HAND, President. . . DAYIS, Vice President, retary. del6-ly Thomas 0. Hand, Edmund A. Bouder, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Penrose, John O. Davis, James Tra/juair, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seed, Dr. B. M. Hnalon, George CL Leiper, Hugh Oralg, Charles Kelly, JOHN 0. HENRY LYLBtJBN, Seci X7URE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE- X? BY—The PENNSYLVANIA EIBE INSUBANOE COMPANY. Incorporated 1826. 'OHABTEB PEEPS* TUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Btreet, opposite Independ-. enceSunare. . This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to inaure against Losb or Da mage by Fire on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods; or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. - ••• Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, Is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. . DIBSOTOBB. Jonathan Patterson, . Thomas Eoblns, Quihtin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Doverenx, William Montelins,. Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehurst, v _ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William 0. Cbowbll, Secretary. apd TNSURANCE COMPANY OP THE X STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. A and 8 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. ■■■■■■ . INCORPORATED in 1784—OHABTEB PEBPETUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. PBOPEETIEB OF THE COMPANY, FEBEUAEY 1 1,1881, *607,094.61. MARINE, JBTBE, AND INLAND T&ANSPOBTA TION INSURANCE. DIBSSOTOBS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Charles Macalestdr, ' William S. Smith, John B. Austin, William B. White, George H. Biuart, . Edward 0, HENRY D. William Haepes, Secretai rpHE ENTERPRISE ■!- INBUBANOB COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. .: 7 ' (FIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY;) COMPANY’S BUILDING, S. W; CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT BTBEBTB. : DIRECTORS. i, ; * F. Batchferd Starr, i ffiordecal L. Dawson, William McKee, I j. Goo. H. Stuart, ' Helbro Frazier, JohnH. Brown, Jehn M. Atwood, >B; A. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. . F. BATOHFOBD STABB, President. Cha*lms W. Ooxm. Secretary. ' feli American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTEB PERPETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia* Having alarge paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus* in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Tessels in port and -their: Cargoes,' and other Personal Property; AUlosaesHberaHy and'promptly adjusted; . DIBEOTOBS, James B. Campbell, Edmtrnd <3. DntiSh, Charles W. Foultnoy, Israel Korria, Thomas B. Marls, John Welsh, 1 Samnel O. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, , THOMAS B. HABIB, President. Alb**t 0. li. Orawfoid, Secretary. fe23-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE -AS-' -OOM PANY.—Authorized Capital $400,600 OHABTEB PERPETUAL. Office No. SIX WALNUT Street, between Third and Tonrth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure' against loss or damage by lire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise goner 'rally/" -.v'" . : '. Also, Marine Insurances on Teasels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to alliparts of tlio Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, . ‘Lewis-Audenried, J. E. Baum, John B. Blakiaton, Wm. F. Dean, . Joseph Maxfield, John Ketoham. 15 WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vico President W. M- Smith, Secretary. ... ap3-tf COAX,. fIOAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED bog leave to inform their friends and’ the pnblis that.they, have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT iron NOBLE-STREET WH ABF, on - idle’ Delaware, to their Yard, northwest comer of EIGHTHand .WILLOW Streets, whero they intend to Keep the beat duality crt . LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at ih< lowest prioM. Your patronage Is respectfnJlr-'selioiisd. i JOS. WALTON ft CO., ,■ Office, 112 Bonth SECOND Street Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf SAFES. :/£ a— -■ Sfca LILLIE’S BAFEDEPOT ; SS IffiPMOYEB hi No. a South SEVENTH Street mb; tboFrftnklic Institute. ' ■ ‘ The undersigned, thankful lor put favors; dud fcetefs determined to merit future patronage, has secured' as elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand ( large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought an! Chilled ilrpn Fire; and Burglar 'Proof JSafes, (the onh strictly fire and burglar proof safes made:)" Also, Lillie-' Uneanalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be fornisfca to order on short notice. This is the strongest,-best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention Is oafied to Lillie’s M*t Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &e. : . This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet el fered for this purpose, and hi the only one that is stristS fire and bnrglar proof. Sworn. Notiob.—l have now on hand say twenty S Farrel, Herring, A Oo.’a Safes, most of them nearly new. and some forty of other makers, comprising a compfob | assortment .u to shses, and *0 lately exchanged for Sts j now celebrated Lillie Baft. They will be sold at van ■ low prices. Please call and examine. I Ja2S-lylf ; M. O. SAPLBB, Agent. Bb EVANS A WATSON’S IStB SALAMANDER SAM 1# SOUTH FOUBTH BTBBET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIBE-PBOOF SAFES always Cl nsiid. fiOTTONy WOOL AND CARPET MANUFACTURERS, Hardware Merchants, Lamp Manufacturers,-Planters, So., TAKE NOTICE, that every deoorlption of Tin Work, Brass Castings, Stamp lug (including all military work), of superior manufac ture, can be obtained on '.order, of JOSEPH LENNIG, Manufacturer, 1816, 1617, and 1619 FRANCIS'Street and RIDGE Avenue. 0020 lm* ■ G GOTOH WHISKY—2S puncheons James Stewart’s fine PAISLEY MALT, /Imported direct. In bond and for sale by i, ■ oc!8-2m BAY RUM—In Puncheons arid Wine Barrels,for sale by OHABLES S. OABSTATBS, 0020 126 WALNUT Street. TTOLISH DAIRY CHEESE. 350 XU Boxes Choice English Dairy CHEESE, just re ceived and for sale by RHODES * WILLIAMS, 008-tf . No. 107 South WATER Street T IQUEURS. —50 oases assorted Li- XX onenrs, just received per ship Vandalla, from Bor deaux, and for sale by JAPBXTOHE E LAVBBGNB, mi SOS ft 20i Bouth FBOHT Street. % 8330,176 10 £4,075 00 14,587 50 5,000 00 61,015 35 *809,129 3T Samuel Grant, JTr., i Tobias Wagrierj Thomas B. Wattson, Henry G. Freeman, Charles S. Lewis, George 0. Carson, light. IHEBBERD, President. r. jy29-tf GEO. WHITELBY, . 137 South FRONT. PROPOSALS. Depu TY QUARTERMASTER GESEBAL’i OFFICE, Philaoslpbia, 3d Hov, 1862 PROPO3 will be received at thi* office nacH BA TXJBD&Y, Bihiuat,, at I*2 o’clock &X<* for the immediate delivery, in this city, at any point that may be reiairei, of two thonsand Wagon Ooveref ten-ouace dock, Army standard, subject to inspection. The tight is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high A.; BOYD, no 4 5t . , Captain and A. Q. 51. U. 8. A. Depute quartermaster GENERAL'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, sth November, 1862,0 , * : ■ PBOVOJALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY, Bth Inst, at 32 o’clock M ..for the im mediate delivery in. this cit 7 of SEVENTY-FIVE PAULINS, Samples of pack Ifauirfit. The right is reserved to reject ail bids,deemed too high. - A. BOYD, nDfl-3t Oapt. and Assistant Q M U 8. A. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP jOL age offio®, twelfth and gibabd BTBEETB— Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1882 Open PROPOSALS are invited at this office for furnish Ing the following articles for the army: , SHIRTS, either of white domet or gray twilled, flan nel or knit. BOOTS AND BOOTEES, either “ pegged” or “ sewed,” of Army standard, quality and pattern SACK OOATS'OB BLOUSES, of blue twillod flan nel, Indigo-dycd, blue or knit, of flark colors. Indigo bine preferred, .. , : : ; STOCKINGS, to weigh 3 pounds to the dozen, ail wooi: - : t; . ■ Proposals will state how soon the articles oan be deli vered at the Schuylkill Arsenal. G. H. ORO3MAN, oc3l-tf - - Dep. Q. 51. Goa. T\IPUTY QUARTERMASTER JL/ GENERAL'S OFFICE, Phihbm.phu, 6th Nov., 3862. ; PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MON DAY, 10th inst., at 12 o’clock M., for the erection and completion of additionalHOSPlTAL SHEDDING on the grounds of the present U. 8. Military Hospital at West Philadelphia, the plans.and specifications of which Jnay be seen at the Office of Jf'HN Me ARTHUR, Jr., Architect, Ho. 209 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, where all necessary information npon the subject can be obtained. Bidders will state the shortest time required to complete the oontract,. and the names of competent securities to the whole amount For its prompt and faith ful performance. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed top high, G. H CBO3MAN, Deputy Q. St. General TJ. 8. A. Proposals for twine.— POST OFFDE' DEPABTMENT, 3d Hot., 1862. BE A LED PBOFOSALS will bo received at this De portment until the 25th day of November, 1862, for fur nishing one year’s supply of TWINE, estimated at Rbont 35 000 pounds, to be de!iver:d at tbo BLANK AGEN CIES at Washington, D. 0., New York City, and Buffa lo, Hew York, free from all cost of transportation, in such quantities at each Agency as may, from time to time, be ordered by the Department. - . . The Twine must be of three strands, well twis'ed, and capableof sustaining the weight of 25 ! pounds on a string six feet in length; it must be put up in balls of one pou-sd weight each, and packed suitably for transporta tion In packages of one hundred pounds weight each. Tfce'Twine must be rmbotb- and flexiblo, and measure about 530 yards to the pound. As no specific material has been determined upon, bidders trill send samples of such Twine as tbey propose to furnish with their bids. The contract will be awarded to the lowest and beat bidder. He best bid to be: determined after a careful ex amination, for the purpose of ascertaining which bid will, in its practical results, bo most adran'.ageons'to the Department. This the Postmaster General reserves to himself the right of deciding. No proposals will be considered which may be made by persons net engaged in tbe manufacture of twine. Each bidder must furnish, with Ms proposals, evidence of his ability to comply with his bid. Two sufficient securities will be required to a contract. Failures to fhrr lsh the artie’e contracted for promptly, or furnishing on article inferior to that contracted for, will be considered a sufficient cause for the forfeiture of the contract. .Bids not made in accordance with these proposals will not be considered. Proposals must be marked on She outside of the enve lope with the name of the article proposed for, and the letter containing them addressed te the First Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. O. nc6 thstn6t M. BL4IE, Postmaster General. QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN KJ vited until the 15th day of NOVEMBER, 1862, for supplying the tfaiteS States Bnbsisten©© Department with 6,000 head of Beef Cattle oh the hoof.- i The Cattle to be delivered at Washington, D. C., and each animal to 'average 1,300 pounds gross. No cattle admitted that weigh lobs than 1,000 pounds gross. Hei fera, Stags, asd Bulls not wanted. j 2 The first delivery ol Cattle to be made on the Ist day of December, or soon thereafter as the Grovernment may direct. 6€o head of Cattle per week will be required to be delivered under this contract. it bond with good asd sufficient security will be re- Quired. Twenty psr cent, of the purchase-money wilt bo retained until the completion of the contract Proposals from contractors who have previously failed to comply with their bids, from disloyal persons, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, will not be considered. The names of firms should be stated in full, with the precise address of each member of the firm. ' All bids must be accompanied by two guarantees. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A D. O. and 0 S U. 8. A , Washington, D. C., and endorsed «Proposals for Beef Cattle,” , ' , Form of Guarantee. We, —- —, of the county of -—and State of -—do hereby guarantee that ia able to fulfil the contract in accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contractin accordance therewith. * Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become bis securities. - (This guarantee must.b© appended to each bid.) The responeibility of tbo guarantors must be shown by the official certificates, of the Clerk of the nearnost Dis trict Court, or of the United States district Attorney. Bids which do mt comply with flit al>ovc will be re - Qectid- no6-tl4 TAEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE XJ NEBAL’S OFFICE, ; : Philadelphia* October 31,1802 Proposals will be received at this office until MON DAY, 10th November, at 12 o'clock K„ for the delivery Its this city, at any point that may bo required, of Five hundred Army Transportation Wagons. Two hundred four-wheeled "Ambulances, « Wheeling pattern.” " Five hundred sets six-mule Wagon. Harness. ■ ■ Two hundred seta twot horse "Ambulance Harness, The whole to be completed sad ready-lor delivery on or before the 15th of December noxi The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. _ A. BOYD, nol-8t Captain and Asst. Quartermsster U. S. A. EROPO SALS FOR head boards FOB GRAVE 3. Depot Qcsrtku.mastkk’s Office, ) CORNER EIGHTEENTH AND G STREETS, > Hovember 1,1802. y SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MOB DAY, Hovember 10,1892; at 2 o’clock P. M., for furnishing to the United Btates two thousand (2,000) head ; boards or tablets for graves, of the following de scription?—via: Ail to be of good black walnut, clear of knots and splits, four (4) feet in length, ten (10) inches wide and "one and three eighths (1%) of an inch thick, with five eighths (fi) of an inch groove twenty (20) inches in length, and in ail respects to correspond with a sample to bo seen at this office.' . : Allot said boards to be delivered at such point or points in the cltv or county of Washington, D. 0., as the iDepot .Quartermaster may direct, wlEbin thirty days alter the awarding of the contract. Proposals from di: loyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance to (he Doited States Govern ment imst accompany each proposition. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should It be awarded, to him, must he. guarantied by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, .and said guarantee must accompany the bid. die responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clark of the nearest District Court or of the United States District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. The full name and post office address of the bidder must apeear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as ;the individual proposal of the party signing it. ' : Bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars," signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be rc quiredofthe successful bidder upon signing the contract. . The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high ir reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. Informal proposals will be rejected. Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hartz, Assistant Quartermaster U. 8 Army, at Wash ington, D. 0.. and should he. plainly marked “ Proposals for furnishing Head-boards for Graves.” Form of Guarantee. • We, -——, of the county of ———and State of ■■■—, and ,of the county ofand State of -I do hereby guarantee that - —— is able to fulfil the contract, in accordance with the: terms of his proposition, and that, should his Proposition be ac cepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contraot be awarded him we are prepared to become his sureties. :. (To this guarantee must he appended the officlaV certi ficate above mentioned ) EDWARD L. HARTZ, nc;i-7t Captain and Ass’t Quartermaster U. S. A. PIANOS. &Ssgga A SEVEN- OCTAVE $4OO M rS fI ’ ROSEWOOD PIANO FOB *2oo—Payable In easy same of Three Dollars per month. The public -will please take notice that the books of the PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL SAVINGS AND LOAN 800IETY aro now open to receive subscribers te i Fourth Series. .The first distribution ot Soven-ootavt Eosewood Pianos for this series will take place at the Office, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY, October 7th, 1862, at 3 o’clock. Circulars, giving the full plan of operations of this highly beneficial inatltu tlon, can be had by applying to the Secrotary of the Society. H. W OKAY, Secretaij, Office, 1021 CHESTNUT Street, %oc4-tf jtfggfca THE FINEST ASSORT IT* *"*! > MINT of now, modern, and dorable PI ANOB from 8160 to JI4OO. . Also, PBESGB’S World-renowned MELODEGN3 and HAEMONIUMS, for cash, at & (treat rednotion, or lx small monthly iußtallmenta. JAMBS BELLAS, ST9 an* SSI South FIFTH Street, above Sprnoe. eeS-Sm* ’ EXPRESS COMPANIES. BRaewß THE ADAMS EX fiSSiBBSs® : PEBSS COMPANY, Offloe m OBBBTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packagee, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in comieotion with other Express Ormpanies, to all tbci principal Towns and Olties of the United Stale*. ' ' B. B SANDFOBD, . fel9: ; General Superintendent. QADTION. The well-earned reputation of MRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of lmperfeot balances toe S* them as '‘FAIBBANKB’ 80ALBS,” and purchasers have thereby, in many instances, been subjected te fraud and imposition, ' Fairbanks’ Scales are manufac tured only by the original inventors, E. 3c T. FAIR BANKS & CO., and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable Scales is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, apld-tf MASONIO HALL, 715 OHKSTNPT BT. ® F. I. G. ® ZING, ABMY, *AND TOILET MIEBOBB, The befit In the world for finish and durability.. B. M. 8. Tbe best brand Bilk-fluisbed t VELVET RIBBONS. Sole Agent, BENJAMIN M. SMITH, 166 DUANE Street, near West Broadway, IeSO-Sta New York-- KENRY’S REPEATING RIFLE— Tbs greatest Arm Of the age; will shoot fifteen times, in as many seconds, 1,000-yards.; For sale a mannractnrers’ prices.by : ' „ 1 PHILIP WILSON Sc GO., ocBl-lm 1 416 CHESTNUT Street. CHAMPAGNE.—- Gold Lao Cham pagne, in quarts bud pints, for sale by ' OHABLBS S. OABSTAIBS, Oq2o. Bole Agent, No. 128 WALNUT Street.* eOTTON SAIL DUOK AND CAN YAB, of all numbers aud brands. * ‘ - Seven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings. Trunk, end Wagon Covers. ; ' Also, FaperManufaeturorß’ Drier Felts, from 1 to feet wide. Tarpaulteß, • I . JOHN W, EYEBKAN. A GO., ■ I myt-tr s 102 JOSHS’ alley. MEDICINAL. D AS PROF. BOLLES’ DISCOVERY JJL in the application of GALVANI3M, MAGNE TISM, and otln r modlocations or ELECT EIOITY, re ceived general favor among the most liberal Medical Men of the Old Schools, aad is Prof. B.’s system now being brought rapidly into public iavor 2 Yes, verily, and if you doubt it, read carefully the.following extracts of letters, aad also opinions of some of tbe most eminent Medical Men of this and other States, who have been traveling and lecturing, teaching and applying the differ ent modifications of Electricity, as taught them by Prof, BOLLES:. BEAD TEE FOLLOWING FF.OM EMINENT M. D.’s ■ The testimony ot a Medical Man of tbe Oid 'Schools, thirty years—fifteen years In the Allopathic . School and fifteen In the Homoeopathic—and has for two years since, being qualified by Prof. 8., made Electricity a_»pociaUy, has cured thousands neyor benefited by modtoinos: Some five months ago I was attracted. by a c ird of Profeseor Bolles, Ho 1220 Walnnt street, Philadelphia; claiming a discovery that he had made In the uso and ap plication of the various forms and modifications of Elec tricity for the cure of ail e-srabto diseases, I called on this gentlemen, and after listening to his theory of the Electrical laws governing life, health and disease, and his discovery In the application of Electricity in accord ance with the polarities of the brain and nervous system, I was impressed that he had something new, sad at once applied for instructions on the subject. I now speak from experience, as I have remained la his office for two months, watching the result of kiaoperatlons and having myseb the charge ot one of the treatingrooms for nearly the wide time, and treated from twelve to fifteen cases daily, comprising n< i rly every kind and grade of chronic disease. Although my expectations were high. I must oonfess they hays been fully realized. I have aeon a great number of patients who had availed themselves of the best medical skill and remedial agents for years— cases I well knew to be incurable by all other known remedies—permanently cured by a few applications of Electricity; and what has surprised me most, was the rapid improvement and cure ef many cases pronounced pulmonary consumption by their physicians, because I bad been instructed by Dr. Paige to avoid ail such oases, as tha treatment tended to injure. I feel impelled by a sense »r duly to caution the public against the indisori ruinate use of Electricity, as I have known injury to re sult Srom its Use, in tho tends of tha Ignorant. £ would here remark that I have never in my whole experience, or observation Bom books, pamphlets,, or intercourse with men, road or heard of the general or special appli cation of Electricity to the cure o! diieasa, as taught by Professor BoUes, and, therefore, conclude it is original -with him. . I would say to those tampering with this mighty agent of life and death to beware lest you strike, a blow at the citadel of lift, and never think of applying it-to the living organism until you understand its nature, and when, where, and how to apply It. , " • I would here take occasion to recommend my profes sional brethren throughout the country to turn their at tention to this important t gent as taught by Professor Holies, who has certainly, In my optnlos, discovered the only reliable mode of its, application, and thus rendered an important service to the healing art, and a lasting blessing to suffering and diseased humanity,, ' ' JAMES P. GKEVES, 81. D., 206 Pine street, Philadelphia. Since then Dr. Greves has been qualifying hie brethren In the medical profession, whs, to a man, endorse the discovery of Professor Bolloa ‘ W. B. Wells, M. D., Buffalo, H. Y,, after a. year’s practice, writes to Prof. B. as follows: - I think my faith fully comprehends the fact that Elec tricity, correctly applied,-according to your discovery, is abundantly competent to cure all onrabla diseases. My ; experience and success;'after extensive practice, fully warrant this assertion. Were I sick with a fatal disease, I would far sooner trust my life in the hands of a skilful Electrician than all the “ nathies” on earth bcaldeg- Buffalo, N. Y. . W. B. WELLS, M. D. ' Prof. Bolles : I am fnlly satisfied that Electricity, when understood according to its polarities and their re lations to the fixed laws of the vita! eocnomy, as taught by you, is ! the niOßt powerful, manageable, and efficient agent known to man for the relief of pata and cure of disease.; I would further state that there for the past few weeks used Electricity in my practice, to the exclu sion of nearly all other remedies, and have been emi nently successful, and consider it a universal therapeutic. : Davtojj, Ohio. D. MoGABTHY. M. D. Prof. Bolles : For thelast nine months Ihave made Electricity a specialty, and my faith is daily increasing in its therapeutic effects, and I believe, when applied’ac cording to your discovery, it will cure ail curabledis eases, among which ate numerous cates never benefited by medicine; Buffalo, N. Y. ■ P. W. MANSKELD, M. D. What I have now to say is from actual observation, as I have spentrooßt of my time for the last two months with Prof. Bollee, and have witnessed the effectaof the Eleo trical agent on from fifteen to twenty-five patients a day, suffering from almost every form of chronic disease; and as strange as it may appear, in a majority of cases a per fect cure was effected in from five to fifteen days. And I wiU here remark that most of his patients were afflicted with long-standing complaints, considered incurable by all other known remedies. H. G.KIRBY, M. D. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prop. Bolles: I believe your discovery to be a re liable therapeutio agent, and feel it my duty to recom mend it. Since I have received instruction fromyou,! have applied it in cases of Aphony, Bronchitis, Oarea, Amenorrboea, Asthma,and Congestion, and find thatl have the same snccesa that you had when T was under your instruction. I invariably recommend medicatmea to avail themselves of an opportunity of beocmlng ac quainted with your new method of applying Electricity. Detroit, Michigan. DAYID THUBSPON, M. D. Pros'. Bolles : A groat revolution in my mind and practice has taken place since I became acquainted with your new discovery of applying Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications of Electricity as a curative agent. I have found by man 7 experiments that Electricity is a safe therapeutic agent in all acute and chronic cases when applied according to your discovery. I desire that medi cal men should become conversant with your discovery. Cleveland, Ohio. MAEYIH GODDARD, M. D. Rochester, N. Y., September 10, 1859. Prop. Bolles—Dear Sir: The more I investigate this system of practice, the moreconfident I am that it is all-powerful to meet the ten thousand diseases to which flesh Is heir. Yon, who first discovered Electricity to be a reliable therapeutio agent, should be considered a great benefac tor of the race, for it is the only reliable syssem of cure for the woes and ills of suffering humanity. It is strange that physicians have become so wedded to their several systems, brought up from the darkness of past ages, that they will close their eyes against the light now beaming forth through this system of practise. AH other systems I regard as tho morning star to the rising snn. i P. BHEDD, M. D. Prop. Bolles : The nearer I conform to your system of application, the more successful I am, and as I have examined all the guides and works published npon the subject, and seen nothing in reference to your theory, I do not hesitate to say I believe it to be original with you, and the only reliable system extant for curing dißeasa. Respectfully yours, Toronto. ohas.BANBALL, m. D. The opinion of a medical man, after thirty years’ practice,-fifteen in Allopathy and fifteen In Homes patby: - . . ■ ; ’ Prop. Bolles—Dear Sir : I never have, since yon gave me Instruction in your new discovery of applying Electricity,And God forgive me if Untho future ever do, practice either Homoeopathy or Allopathy, iPhave been strictly govfrced by tho philosophy you laid down, and for the best of reason’—namely: That I am gene rally successful, and I frankly say to yon that I am done with medicine forever. My success has been great since I have been In New ark, N. 1. JAMES P. GBEVE3, M D., 206 Pine street, Philadelphia. N. B.—ln addition to the above extracts, Prof. B. could furnish ovor ono thousand, fuiiy Bhowing that he is well known to the medical and scientific world as the discoverer of ail that is reliable in the therapeutic admin istration or Electricity, .and that all otaer operators now In the different cities (except those qualified by him) are using Electricity at hazard, aDd Prof. 3. takes this occa sion to caution the community against charlatans. Office 1220 WALNUTStreet, Philadelphia. N. B.—Medical men and others whe desire a know ledge of my discovery can enter for a full course of lec tures at any time. ocl3-tf WARRANT’S E FF EBVESGENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the Medical Profession and the public as the b most EFFICIENT AND AOREEABLB V. SALINE APERIENT. It may he used with the best effect in . Bilious and Febrile Diseases, , Costiveness, Biok Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHERE A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OB PUB GATWE IS BEQUIBS 0. It Is particularly adapted to .the wants of Travellers by Bea and Laud, Residents in Hot Climates, Parsons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to lioop in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to prcdnce a de lightful efftrvescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional' and other gentlemen of tne highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of-years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by # TAERAjSTT & 00., No. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner ot Warren cl., NEW YORK, ap2l-ly And for sale by Druggists generally. WINCHESTER’S specific pill * v Is a radical and prompt remedy for Spermator rheaorSeminal Weakness. From one to three boxes will effect a cnre in the most aggravated cases, whether 'constitutional or arising from abuses or excesses. Pries $1 per box, by mail, or six for 85. Address S. 0. DPH AM, 403 CHESTNUT Street, Agent for Philadelphia. se27-3m* ftARB. JAMES BETTS’ GELEBEA ASJ. TED eUPPOETEES FOB LADIES, and the only Supporters tinder eminent medtcsl patronage. La- Das and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use hsr appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, ani also on tbs Supporters, with testimonials. ocl6-tuthxtf T3OWEN & CO;, LIIHOGBAPHE RS JJ AND FEINT COLORISTS, southwest corner of CHESTNUT Bud ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared to execute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Li thography, in the most superior manner, and the most reasonable terms. Photographs, Portraits, Natural Hiatory, and Medical Plates, Maps, and any other description of Plates, colored in the best style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular attention to Coloring -Photographs. 0028-tf WILLIAM H. YEATON & CO., ¥ f No 201 South FRONT Street, Agents for the a le of tho Original Ileid&iack. & 03. Champagne, offer; that desirable wine to the trade. Also, 1,000 cases fine and medinm'grade Bordeaux Cla rets. _ • . 100 cbscs “ Braudenberg Freres” Coguao Brandy, vin tage 1848, bottled In France. „ , 60 cases finest Tuscan Oil, in ffasks, 2 dozen In cane. 80bbls. finest quality Monongahela Whisky, 50,000 Havana Segars, extra fine. Moot St Ohandon Grand Vin Imperial “Greenßeal” Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port, Ao. \ ooia-lm Mackerel, herring, shah, Ac., Ac. ; : • ... 2600 Bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,3, and 3 Mackerel, late caught fst fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 Bbls. New Eagtport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,600 Boxes Lnbec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 150 Bbls. new Mess Shad. ; • 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, Ao, ' In store and for sale by / MURPHY A KOONB, jel4 tf No. 146 North WHABVKS. TVRAIN PlPE.— Vitrified Drain and JLJ Water PIPE, from 2 inches boro up, with_ every. variety of Bends,Branches, Traps, Ao., warranted equal to any in the market, and at less rates. Thennder stgned being interested in one of the largest and bait beds of Fire Olay in this country tor. the manufacture of the above and other artiolee, defies competition, both in Quality and price. PETEB B. MELXOK, f ;■> - Office and Store T2IOHEBTNUT Street. .... ' Manufactory oor. Thompson and Anthracite streets, .Philadelphia. ■ „ agg-tf : B LAKES PATENT ARGAND GAS BUBNEB for sale by the snbscribers, sole agents therefor. All persons are cautioned against infringing said patent. HENRY N. HOOPEB A OOi, 58 OOMMEBOIAL Street, 0011-lm Bostox, Ootobor 10,1802: • SALES BY AITCTIOK JOHN. B. MYERS ft 00., AUO fcl TIONEEBB, Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Street BAM OF FEEiIOH DRY <3OOPS. 05 MONDAY MORNING. November 10, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 Juanita’ iredit— • ■ TOO paokages and lots of French and otter European dry goods, comprising a general assortment of staple and fancy sriiols*. BALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, jk*. ON TUESDAY MORNING. November 11, on &ar months’ unsafe , WHW packages Boots, Shoes, Carpet Bags, So. 6408 OF BH! KWISK, - ON THURSDAY MORNING, i November 13, a? 10 o'oiook, by ostaiogao, 3* S sasate* credit. . ’ 700 packages and lota of staple aad fancy dry goodsi BALE OF.CARPETINGS 05 FRIDAY SLOBS ISO, l November 14, at 10X o’clock- oc 4 nscsihe’ or*3jt— Pieces YelveVßrusssta, Ingrain, ana Ysasdsnoar gctlns- cocoa mattings, Ac, Ftjrkess; brinley, ft 00., , No. 429 MARKET 3TRSST. SAM OF FRENCH, BRITISH, AND SAXONY DRY GOODS ON TUESDAY MORNING, November 11, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue on 4 mouths’ era dit— ■ gjjdGG lofcs of fancy and staple dry goods. Banco ast & warnock, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street. LABOR POSITIVE SAX.® OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED D BY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, &c., by citslogae, ON WEDNESDAY MOBSING, _ : November 12, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. ' . Comprising a general assortment of seasonable staple and fancy goods. , ' rOHrLIP YORD & CO.. ATJCTION JL KNEES, 625 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE St* BARB OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND 830 : ' v \'gans. . .. OX? MONDAY MORNING, November i 0; at HO o’clock preoisoly, vrill be sold,, by oatalogne, 1,300 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick coots, brogans, gaiters, Balmorals, &c. Women’s, misses, and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamoiitd heeled boots and shoes, gaitare, Balmorals, &o. Also; city-made goods. SBT Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sain. SALTS OF 1,000 . UABBS ROOTS, SHOES,; 3SC - GANS, &0. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Nov. 13, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be wldj by cata logue, 1,000 bases men's, boys’, and yonths’ calf, Sip, grain boots: calf and kip brogsms, Balmorals, gaiters, Ac.; wttuen’s, misses’, and ohiidren’r calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco, heeled boots and sheet. gaitera, Balmorals, Ac. Also, city-made goods. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on fit* morning of sale. . ' • . - MARSHAL’S SALES. MARSHAL’S SALE. —By virtue of a Writof Sale, br the Hon. JOHN OADWALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER’3 Store, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on 2 UEHDAY, November 18th, 1882, at 12 o’clock H , the cargo of the schooner DEFI ANCE, constating of ladies’ leather and gaiter boots, 234 Backs ground salt, cheese, oiled coats, tin, shoe thread, hoop-skirts, coal oil, muriatic, nitric, and sulphuric acids, soda ash, sal soda, opium, soap, diugs, spool cotton, cali coes, muslin, Ac. Catalogues will be issued five days prior to the sale, and the goods opened for examination. WILLIAM HILL WARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4,1862. nos Ot Tt/TABBHAL’S SALE,—By virtue of ixJL a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, lodge o! the District Oonrt of the Doited Statos, to and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to mo directed, will be acid at pnblio sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at DEBBYSHIBE’3 Btore, Ho. 107 North WATBE Street, on WEDNES DAY, November I9tb, 1862, at 12 o’clock HI.. 3,470 bu ehelfl of fire salt, 6,200 bushels of ground salt, 100 cases of chicory, and 39 zinc cans of preserved vegetebies. Immediately after the above sale, atLAFFEBTY’S Btore, DELA WARE AVENUE, below Vine street, will be fold, 2,060 bushels of ground salt, a portion of the cargo of the brig FANNIE LAIIBIE. WILLIAM MILLWABD, ; U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4,1862. non 6t MABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a' Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN OAD WAIADEB, Judge of the District Court of tha United States, to and for the Eastern Diotriot of Pennsylvania, to Admiralty, to me directed, wiE be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MIOHB NEB’S Store, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MON DAY, November 17th, 1862, at 12 o’clock il, the cargo of the schooner JOSEPHINE, consisting of 321 bales of cotton, 1,373 bdds staves, and 21 fire bricks. The cot ton can be seen and samples obtained two days previous to day of sale WILLIAM MILLWARD. U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4,1862. nos Bt MABSHAL’3 SALE.—By virtue cf a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, Jndgaof the District Oonrt of the United States, fa and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at MIOHE NEB’S Btore, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY, November 18, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the cargo of the schooner NE uL Y, consisting of 76 sacks of salt, 10 boxes of soap, 7 barrels Of saltß, 3 barrels atom. 5 bbls copperas, 6 bbls soda ash, 5 bbls Balts, 10 begs coffee, 23 cases claret wine, 5 cases Champagne wine. Catalogues will be issued five' days prior to the sale, and the goods open for examination.; At the same time and place will bo sold 29 cases of Champagne wine, 1 large turtle shell, 81 conch shells, 1 hide, 3 bolts of canvass, 1 teg of pickles, 1 zino box, and 1 coil of rope, a portion of the cargo of the hark ■Fanny Dario. WILLIAM HiLLWAKD, ; U. 3. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, November 4,1862. nos-6t TI/TAESHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a JXL Writ of Sate, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, Judge of the District Oonrt of the United States ia aud for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be soli at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at G&.LLO WKILIi-STBEST WHABF, on TUESDAY, Noyember 11th, 1882, at !2 o’clock M., the schooner NELLY, her tackle apparel, and furniture, aa she now lie* at said wharf WlLLlllil MILLWABD, H. S.'Marshal E. D of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 1.1862.- . no3-6t MABSHAL’S SALE.—-By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Jndge of the District Oonrt of tbs United States in and for th».Eaßtem District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL BTBEET WHABF, on TUESDAY, November 11th. 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the bark FANNY LAUBE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as ehe now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM SIiLLWABD, U 8 Marshal E. D. ol Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 1, 1802. no3-8t IVTABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of .IvJL a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OABWALA DEB, Judge of the District Oonrt of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to tbe highest and best bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHILL -BTBEET WHABF, on TUESDAY, November Ufa, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner DEFIANCE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLW J.BD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsyivania. Philadelphia, November 1,1862. no 3 6t l/rAESHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of IVJL a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to Ad miralty, to me directed will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at OALLOWHIUL BTBBET WHABF, on TUESDAY, November lltb, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the schooner LOUISA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said Wharf, WILLIAM MILLWABD, ; U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. -Philadelphia, November 1, 1862 no 3 0t MACHIMiSHY AND IHOR. pENN’A WORKS, On ths Delaware Ever, below FUlaiSelphie, CH3STEB, DESAWABS 00., PENSBXI.TASR6. REANEY, SON, & AECHBOLB, Snginsara and Iron Ship Builders, KAKtrFACTCRICStg OF ALIt KINDS OF CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING NNSINBSj Iron Teasels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tacks, Propellers, &0., &o. PEOO- RBANBT, W. B. R3A.NET. BAKU. ARCHBOSB. Date of Reaney, Neafle, Jt Co., Date Engtoser-fs- Penn’a Works, Fhiiad’a. Chief, U. S. Navy. ' jyaa-iy J, 7ADOIAB BrtJUtlCir, WIII.IAH K. MB3EISH, goitsm. com. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, O • BIBTH AND WASHINGTON BTRBNSt ran.Aoas.fHia. MEBBIOE & SONS, i msnmsss and maosinists, Manufactory High and Low Pressure Steam Bag!**; for tofl, river, and mariiiQ Borric®. Boilers, Gasometercs Tanks, Irou Boate, &c.: Gt£2> Sags of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Hoofs for Qaa Work*, Workshops, Ba» road Stations, &o. Betorts and Om MacMnery of 6ia latest and,. fmyroved constraclion. irvory description, of Plantation Machinery , sneh 0? Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, ©pen B»a* Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engine*, &o. Sole Agents for N. Bilile.as’s Patent Sugar Apparatus; Hosmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, ana Afr ptowall ft Wolsey’B Patent OentrHnga! Snesr Drda&j Machine . .euB-ti PENN STEAM ENGINS sSsm&Sb AND BOILEB WORKS.—NEABIE { DEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL 3HSI SEEKS, HAOHINIBTS,EOILHII-MASEES, BLAGS SMITHS, anil .BOCNDEBS, haying, Tor many y®*Bt peon in successful operation, and been exclusively gaged in building and repairing Marine and Hirer Sa ginoa, bigb'and low pressnre, Iron Boilers, Water Tenia. Propellers, *c., Ao., respectfully offer their irerrlc&s hi tbepnbllo, as boms fully prepared *» eontraot for En gines or all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, haviaj rate of pattern! of different sizes, are prepared to ass ents ordera with anick despatch. Every description d pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and how-iresanro, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, d the best Pennsylvania charcoal! Iron. Borglnga, of Bi shies and kinds; Iron and Brass Cartings, of all desert®. Sons; Boil Turning, Sorew-Ontttog, and cl! other west aonsected with the above business. Drawing! and Specifications for all work done at iket establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie to perfect safety, oaf are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., No., for nil to* heavy or light weights. JAOQB 0 —^ JOHN P. LEW, SslS-« BEACH and PALMEB-Strsat*. MORGAN, ORE, & CO-, STEAM ENGINE BUILDERB, Iron Bounders, and Ge neral Macbiilats and Boiler Makera, No. 1210 OALLOW HIDL street, Philadelphia. . felSly rnEBRA COTTA MANUFACTORY. JL Hanging Yaaea. Fancy Blower Pots. Orange Pots. ■ Bern Vases. Ivy Vases. Garden Vases. Jasmin Coupes. Cassolette Renaissance. Cassolette Louis XVI. Lava Vases Anti me. Pedestals, all sizes, Conßoiaand Cartatadea. Parian Busts. Marble Pedestals. Bor Sale Befall, and to the Trade. B. A. HARRISON. eelS 1010 CHESTNUT Street *‘T UOIFER” OIL WORKS. JLI 100 bbls “Lndfer” Burning Oil on hand. ; We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive, .to bum ill the oil to the lamp with a steady, brtlUantflame, without inurttagthe wlek,and but slowly. Barrelaltaed wttk sUssenameL WRIGHT, SMITH, ft PEARSALL, MQ-tf Office Ri MASKSTBtrset. SAJLa£B SV M THOMAS'I' Sf w « Koi. 133 5=4 X4i g, K ,. a Ji 8^ STOCKS AH» B2CAL E3XAT? Pamphlet e&tategt» 9 now r« B Jr , - !J ®iDAr aerirtions of cill SUe aen&sr+v ,17’ C: >atnt»»! - «*s> lift inst., with vember, compneiog a Ua** «~T* ot valuable properly, b 7 older of fwV'4 ®,f !! cutors, and others, to be cold $' BSAXi SSTA’X'K iT ®9 r " A Urge smeant oL r>l T , t „ V*,'"- Sit. dcwrisSoß of city aafi couatr, ! <x%i may &ahad at thean^oodtors ° f9c,J K XI I ..OUT O It ' S 3A jl Ed-_£■’ r. ..- ON TUESDAY s'Lo4v, 5 ' L 0 4v, Kov. Jl. at 12o’clocr, r,eon7»> ». H. Estate of Charles Hariau. de~,'i,‘ a , Sc in:n. 1 share Point Breeze Park ■ fi shares Academy of Hush- wits * v" 40 shares Florence and Johafo** t et 40 shares McKean and Elk “ rr >Pi'ce c, Co., par sso—each stare rep; 2acm f“ S! « W $24 loan do do eas . 8100 loan or Philadelphia g)„|, 00 do Executor’s Sale—Eaiale of D 810,000 six psr cent, Second Mor'« SS! ’di, vania Kailroed 00. * »?' 85,000 First Mortgage Bonds ;6 K . „ s ' ley Bailroad Co »**<*«) 83,000 six per cent. Morigags Bond, I *’' road Co. “ 3 Ihi a *. 81,000 Mortgage Bonds of the Bis v ' . meat Co. b UQU a!ai 0 $l,OOO Mortgage Loan of the Ke« r. ■ BANK AND OTHEE Vat* <fc> 5 shares preferred stock Academy rr?® 3 - 5 <f common do ' ' *®St 17 « Reliance. Mntnai i a ,, lra <h si 1 “ Point Breeze Park asso^.,? 0 - .2 Continental Dote! 0o ' ca 56 “ Harrisburg, Port, moots . -Bancaater Brilroaj 0 ’ r 50 Girard Bank, <Uo -100 “ Pennsylvania Ballroaii r, 50 Corn Excaasgs Saak 6' “ gchrador Band Comnaw 1000 “ Big Mountain Coal 1000 “ Kew Creek Company sWr ' SSI “ Shamokia and v a ri„ „ 15 .« -.Barclay Bailroao E y fi n 3 0 M 0* $l4 scrip Bealiance Mntail Iranraacs Go' Also, by order of Executors ef - ICO shares Westmoreland K -Ti - For accoimt whom it a,..’ „ 3 bonds {B5OO caoh) Lrg aa o»Mty^ 5 - n, ~ factoring 00, of Virginia. ' ?iu 60 shares Delaware Wetsr Can sk,., ~, By order of the Execntor’a of n:i . foroihsrow^®^ 635 Bbareg Clinton Coal and Inn % 2 shares ELaTre ce Grace SCeam *?«•*» n 1 share Philadelphia Library Cornu*-,, k 2 shares Mercantile Library ' 100 shares Hew York and MiddilcSW ——— —_ BEA.Ii ESTATE SALS—NGyrm.r. Orphans’ Court Perempto-y s*i- » Hiller, dec'd.-BRICK SCOisS, " « street, north of Baee etreet. J ' ”* a «tb Orphans’ Court Peremptory Ba!e_i lane, dec’d.—2 LOTS OP G SOU SiD I'/“* «!< of Pop’ftr ft reel. I ‘ ia hfs;r^ Same Estate—4 /EHBEE STOS7 INGS, Sixteenth street north of . K Some Estate—2 THESE- BTO2Y ifimi*- ISGS, Thompson street, west 0 f i ßl > . B’, Same Estate—3 TRACTS OP Lim, ? 1 ' Penna. 4BU > e, - Orphans’ Court Peremetorr ? a i- . Bundle, dee’d—VAIUABLE Lot, L 5l s ’ Emerald street, 23d warS. 1 'fd; Same Estate—THßEE- ERtor IN i^il ,lBaa f f r “ t; I>t!t "' cen 3 wacs and Iw s .*) and 16!h streets. *> hi SsmeEstac— I THREE-STORY BSIOE Bier- York street, between Second and ar Ll Sprnco, near the Exchange. ’ "»a! . Same Estate—2 YARD ABLE LOTS. jw,, and Yenango street, 2bd ward. ' ‘ ■'“** Orpbaß& r Court Sale-—Estate of Troth*h«. - 8108 ABCH.fcTSEET £B*lD£ffC£. alt mcdt rn improvements- 23 fae? troet, 175 i to Qmhbert attest, formerly tko rsaldst^Vt Thimaa. Esa-j deceased. ” /l * J? Orphans’ Court Sals—Estate of John v.w, , 2 VALUABLE MILLS, wim omiutoa, wt* barn, *c., near Haddington, formerly sold ssparateljr, each with 18 acres of ls s j 'k, s were used for manufacturing woolen , 0 .. army purposes. 51 HANDSOME §MOD3BN BESIDESCK Green street, yresfc of Thirteenth Btr«t. ul J dein improtements and eoiiveifecsg.* cnGjfcraßce. " 1 TWO STOBY BB Clv SWELLING ivn r„ 10T, N..E. corac-r, WElnnt s n u thirtstElh >■, 1 ward. liot lCO by 220 feet, sviEh jJme &ocb '‘ J Sole at The Franklin Iron Farh VALUABLE MAOHIBEKY, STTA2 v“, V S» : OH MOHBAT MOBXIge ! November 10th. at .IS o'clock, by caisirm , worts, Girard eveime, between Front iP' streets,.Kensington, valnable ai'.chinsrr. fe" ~v .steam engine, twenty- horse power: laris p’aning machines, large slotlisg machine." cnttrrs, steam pomp, large cranes, ires s~» carriages, beidag, bar iron, bolts and ho-jT tools, ‘to. ; #S?“ Fell particulars la catabgnsa tea dara to Bala. GJ. WOLBEET, AUCHOS M • Ho. 16 SOUTH SIXTH HTISS'-X ■ Betwesn Market r-nd Chestnc!, The subscriber wilt give his attention to sale, estate, merchandise, honseheM furniture, paintings, objects of art and Tirtoa, ic/ailr shell have ilia personal aad prompt atta&tj ■which he solicits the favors oi hia frisssi HYACINTHS, TUMPS. VBCIITEEES S2IR VINES, 4c. THIS JEG2KING, November 8. afcll o’clock, at IS SonLh s*s« In lots to suit purchasers, Hyacinths, tulips, croons, stiaiisri sniiSirsi trees, new variety of hardy grass vines, 4c.. ail finest hinds. CHOICE OIjT) WISES, B£ANDIE3, to fcPEOIAL AUOTIOft SALE ON TUESDAY Ko2Slb'3, _November 11, si precisely II o’shok. at Ea.li Sixth street; between Harkei ml Ciestanteireßtj, 600 cases and dendjofcssMgS.gritds pare acd as terated Martells imperial pole brandies: Malefraj.' ries, and port wines, of utioabted brails; Hollaa mm : finest Monbngahela ztA Bombas whiskies; rets, wild- cherry brandy, ic. . '.py“ A large partion of those- l:>vso« was k& Übndon several ;ear.-, -sicce, are of the ::: warranted as represented, at d are specially kei to private gentlemen. Catalogues now rsadr, and will bo forsirddp-r to gentlemen sending their address to TyOSES NATHANS, AUCTION) ixJL ASS) COK3SIBSIOH MSBOHSBS corner of BXXIE and EACS Streets. GUEAT BABSAISS. WATCHES AHB JBWH&BT AS mimt Fine gold and diver fever, lepins, EsgfeMra French weiahaa fer las tkaa half St «si; pri a, Weteiiea from om dcttzr tsatksMt each. Bold ohalaa from 40 to oOcsntajsrdn cheap. TAK3 KOTIOE. -The highestpossible price ia loaned cbis-^ 1 - thuns 1 FrimipaH southeaex ccna Sixth and Bace streets. As least ma-iMrZ asie*' any other establishment is Ms ait 7. KATEANB’ BBIKOEPAL KONST EMi KENT. MONKY TO LOA.?. In large or small amounts, from w.Mtr f ; 3 on diamonds, gold and silver plate, j merchandise, clothing, fnraltare, bw.V.'t- llw 1 - goods of every description. ~ LOANS MADE AT THB LOWEST HABSSIB! This establishment has large sre sod thie;-pro for the safety of valuable roods, together wii watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THi? LAST THISTT V VET All large loans mate at- Otis He Printifi blishment. HSy; Charges greatly reduced AT PBIYATS SAjuß One superior brilliant taned piSßO'fortS' plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only SBJ- One very fine toned pisno-ferte, price ©dj ?» SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PH& SSniSja. BELPHIA STEiMSBI? from each port on SATURG ATS below SPBTTOE street, on SATUBPAR ■ The steamship SOBHAN, Cart £*“>"■", Philadelphia for Boston, on 8 ATB3B k\ A.M.; and steamship SAXON, Oapi Boston for Philadelphia, BATBBPAr, aw '■ O’cl^CfcP.M. Insurance one-half that by sail resesis- • at fair rates. , T Shippers will please send their bills el iref gOOfiS. . For freight or passage, haring &£* apply to HUBBY S i E TJt j ? 30 352 SOETHJ^iL—- TVJ'OTIOK —The RestrictionswJJ ±A having been removed bj order of tbe • ment, passengers about to visit Surop? ‘ required to provide themselves vritli i3 A JOBK . STEAK -WSLEKST Sa|®s&teaching at QaeensSown. i. < -' or S,-C* The Mverpool, New York, ae l -, Steamship Company intend despatching ' Clyde bnilt Iron steamships as follows: . EDINBUEQE Satnrfar ETHA...... .Satßrder. W* And every sncceoding Saturday at noon, 44 Horfh Biver. BATES OF PISS AGE. FIBST CA81N.... .SlOO OOfSTEEBAGE. do to London.. .-105 QOf do toLoc^3“ do to Paris IIOOOj do toParia-f do to Hamburg..llo 00} do Passengers also forwarded to Havre, 1 dam, Antwerp, &c , at equally row rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let $lO5, $125. Steerage from Liverpool, Queenaown, $4O. Those who wish to send ■' friends can boy tickets hero at these rates. » These steamers have superior accommodate sengera; are strongly built in water-tight * and carry Patent Fire Annihii&tors. Expert geons are attached to each Steamer. . ~ For further information apply in Liver?®" LIAM. INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street: ffl/ ALEXMALOOM, 5 Bt. Enoch Sanare; to O. &W. L. SEYMOUR & 00.: in hoodoo &MAOEY,6I King WilliamStreet; inP» nJ ‘, ( DECOTJE, 48 Bne Notre Dame dee Vicioirej r» Bourse; in Hew York to J>HN G. DAW. way, or at the Company’s Office. JOHN G DAI Ocl 311 Walnut Street. FhiW«^ THE BRITISH ANPIWj' SiTSSSA AMERICAN ROTAIi HAli » SHIPS ' BETWEBN’NBW YORK AND LIVEBPGO!- AOTBETWEENBTOTOIfAIfDHVBBPOO^ ‘ ING AT HALIFAX AND OOBK.HA»» u AUSTRAL ASIAN, Cook, leaves Now Tori,« Novemtor. 5. . v c < ARABIA, Stone, leaves Boston. Wednesday> * Se , BOOTIA, JMkirs,leaves New York. WrtnM"»' Sil EUROPA, Hoodie, leaves Boston, V PEEBIA, Lott, leaves New Tort. WedneWJ”!^ ~ v FROM NEW YOBK TO LIVEBP 1 -^ Chief Cabin Passage... Second Cabin Passage ■v^ionr FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPO' Chief Cabin Passage. ... Second Cabin Passage. Berths not secnred nntii paid for. An Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will no> Gold, Sil7er, Bnllion. Specie, Je T or Metals, nniess bills of lading * the Tfthie thereof therein expre r For freight or passage, appl 4 BO Will! r ,«np h ¥QB LINEB—VIADK, Steamers of tt andßP. M. For freight, terms, apply' ’2i-tr daily lins, i** ® Barftan Canal. _ . Sie*® 1 Philadelphia Mid New York B*^® 2 p. S *a»y receive freight™* 4 f ' anl-tt Piera 14 “3 15 skST BIVB ‘ 0. J, WOIBEET, Aadasa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers