v " abbivbb. o M rie«i», Jones, lT daya fro “ Poland, wilh /S’ ! h s j Hill”ffhildon,' 4 dnys from Providence, In f^'?ach'Snco, 1 da? from Brandywine, Del, with JrW ? virden, Chambers, 1 day from Port De « A tow to J*> h Bewl °y ® Oo - , Qi™n, H i , l« , ,3 day« from New York, houts from New York, :< 9l fwPOiyde. _ ' CLEARED. punlel Keloafi Steelman, New Orleans, A Heron, Cn ußMim bi Lsgcayra, Van Horn, Wood ,tt!tk J i '“L, nl , Hopkins, Ponee, PB, John Mason A 00. Stbf phdIII, Hendrickson, Hilton Head, Tyler, geitf ** Jiost * ‘»j tr ghrnb, Eskridge, Washington, Penn Gas aid 05 , Der, Baltimore, AOroveß, Jr. gir B I* 5? yieroe, New York, W P Clyde. jjjj iUVfP) ■ nniidesoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.) (Oo"*’’ BEAUFORT, NO, Oct'i'j, 1863, , vessels from Philadelphia are la pert.: " !,L > w Bell, Osin; Alliance, Ireland; J Ireland. ; ‘ i :i ' Uiaet Dopont, Herring; Chrysolite, Smith, iff K«f Ireland; Mary 4 Elizabeth, Retd, and Har eH muting order*>., . MEMORANDA. , iltn9 l Welsh, Almeida, for Philadelphia, olearod : ‘ ■ rl: i estetday. ; Vii Dnulley, Nickerson, Tryphonla, Nickerson, i Hanson, J Clark, Scott, Volta, Brooks, and £ B ‘ i.igers, cleared at New York yesterday for Phl .* ■'[■'!" ~,r . sroise, Andrews, cleared at New York yah ‘ 1 , , 'nilla-irfphla. „ not schr Pennsylvania, recently abandoned at ' ; ! p*«d into Quarantine, New York,R93 been i! M cyt.'and the hull was found in good order, and %\ Y Y rTE;M £. [; ;l [,H.ABTEBS FOE GENTS’ FURNISHING .. \ve simply assert a trntsm in saying that in her ~ .j .r.m, Philadelphia ie Tar in adranoo of every . -i„ the Union. And in no department is this ( .rare triumphantly established than in that of r /.i j Furnishing Goods. Tho annual operations . .i,; ol» tingle house here would warrant this as- w: refer to the lending establishment, in this f-j.-btfenr industrial interests, of Mr. George Grant, i;j bb;eSnut street. Mr. Grantis not only one of '.end most successful manufacturers in this ho Is also one of the most extenside importers ; T listen the two wings of his business It is not diffl* v- to P< rcoive that his advantages are peculiar. His ’i'fl'rcm oil accessible parts of the Union within the days hove exceeded those of any other Gsnti’ cjc diets Hon* 6 extant, and the taste, talent, and Vjrjijrlsrsdhy him in meeting the demand fnrnish •libfetsd proof that the leading position he has as l„ij *'U bo folly sustained. His present stock, in Jds, Jravtrt, gloves, and, in short, everything em \ ? (be head of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, 1b J rich and worthy the attention of buyers, ml lis fstrsordlnsry advantages and long experience ilesilo? fhiladelphla merchant, enable him to offer , in petat of prices which buyers wIU appre islo,' IVc ffisy slate that Mr. John F, Taggart, (for jrrtynf,“ jSrm of Olde&bnrg A/Taggart,) who has the jljlijo ofbeing the best shirt cutter in’America, and lbs shirt that took the only premium ever *,v the Franklin Institute to that branch of our jjiE.Wres, is connected with this house. We bear iu rjlnicß expressed on all hands that the shirts of ('ifilyyisbrnent are unequalled by any others, and Jr Grid! Jjnces, being one of tbje largest .manufae jjj-i wad Importers In Mb line In the country, are moderate. iUsiuuE Establishmeni.— TTe have al- , s ,,t*S cciasion to refer to (he wholesale and retail i',,..;;! Bestfß. 0.. ® Sou, No, 025 Chestnut ■/ Jayne’a Hsli, for ilie sale of reaiy-made ; ( , ■ d all kind* of goods for gentlemen's wear, by lt 7 i-.i s pJeoe, as being substantially different from . ; -.!.iiilisbment in Philadelphia in. the facilities .'. u purchasers to titber select made-up gar- Jf ,, ; ,-rder them from one of the largest and beet * ,r.- jAs of doth goods in this city. JTe have now aapMs'ete Hestrs. Somers 4 Son on the success of ‘j.’r I.'*' enterprise. Hundreds are visiting their wire ■saiisi Ji and satisfying themselves that, of all others, i, : n Ij the piece to buy fall and winter clothing, rtifr rradf-ntade or made to order. We advise all ■ •radii? to site them an early cal!. jls, F. GriEKUNST’s; New Photographic Situs:? ■>. Hot. -704 and 706 Areh street, by lovers of j.l era ;ts»led to acd admired as tba Photographio SHfjssti'a ot PhiiadolphU. Scarcely a day passes tffiMltrfcffWf* Mf- G.’s rooms some distinguished k:jt, aiih a view lo obtaining the beet piotnre of hlm- Sa'flst can to made, and we have yet to hear or a single lijtMt* In which the hope of obtaining It has been dis sjpvlated. Bis specimens, of all sizes, in overy branch j!ia at!, arc acknowledged to be roai gems, and we are u. 1 ; in sajin.v that, fino as they are, they are fufiy colled by ail the piotnres that are allowed to pass out d ta ssiaMUnnent. Old Boskets Made New.—We invite at. iMlioa So the graceful new bonnet shapes which have ;sst bees brooght ont by Messrs. Wood 4 Gary, No; 725 ClssMt street. They are the most beantifn! ont, and stiMhtnsllj admired. They are now having name-. a::!.: (does to remodel■ aad renovate old Velvet S»m to this new style, and scores of bonnets ars thus wa: av ay daily from'their establishment, looking fnily r,til is mw ones. Their entire stock of Bennets, both i rdiki and misses, Is unequalled by any other in the til?. ' Liwe=' Furs.— Messrs. Charles Oakford & &:,fti.S34 and 838 Ohesinut atreet, under the Oonti «»; Hotel, have now open their new etoak of Hudson fi; Sable, Mink Sable, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, stidksr elegant Plus for Ladies and Children, to which nlavito the attention of onr readers., iPi ; BE Artiom op Brandt for Medioi ?.t Praroszs,—Mr. 0, H. Mattson, dealer in fine family pteerisi, Arch and Tenth streets, has now In store a “ilSrot pars old brandy, the finest aitiole imported, tsyss'ilidaplcd for medicinal purposes. Our first phy. ddin«»’c«tmmsndiag It to invalids with the utmost twSSisM.« Hat the'Seauineness of the article may he Kill] UPCU. ■/. - F;,vr ImrAP.Y Trappings.— Messrs. Charles Ofiki'i t Son. under the Continental Hotel, have how, hhiiiijt to their BuperSlitock of Purs, Hats, and Bents’ feiilag Goods, a splendid assortment of Military Fur uLi,uj Goods, of the finest quality, at reasonable prices. ! have just seen a superb Card Pho tiiitlH,’ Ike late Professor McNjstLL, of the Central s:*i kccrcl, taken two weeks before his death, by '" :;s The operating room at Hippie’s Nailery, 820 m-t, is on tip rinßT floor, and his Cartes de ’is sts ut surf ass* for their fineness and beauty. PER.-OSS WHO iriSH.TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE EaS alof General McClellan, should call at »-Sonu lonrth street, between 10 and : 3 o’clock to *>?. i( C » AIItci i! ' V WENS i manufacturer, No. hi up Btair< » always baa-on hand j aiatlßg, calf jewed and pegged men’s shoes and noTd.dt# - On.uu.Bs H. Owens. . Gbeat Sale of a Substitute’s Effects. B being an able-bodied person, nnder ' Si of the Hebrew persuasion, not subject to draft, El 8 * “ 8 " substitute ” fora gentleman from Ta ,*u m Sf 9w days dispose of his ? uperfluyus per- t *,.|, tup f rly ' Dub notice will be given of the plaos Wfiii Atlicies: °u* set of ladies’ furs,/three gold barrel of eweepinga from a jewelry Bhop, doll* (colored), one complete entt of summer a,, -1 ® 1 rc,E4 by fhs celebrated house of Oharlrj 4r ft!' lll£ and two white hats, worn Esq., late style. ISRAEL Mosks 'bM , t Ki,rEE Trove.—A valuable treasure yjf In the palace of the Marquis del Place / !s£tn "F died at Palermo. In a seoret hiding. Cloths wall of his study, there has been tin the greatest disorder,a vaslquantlty ' iE{ | P ‘ af o, candelabras, oandleetiokß, 60,0Cb‘ ducatß • ilk? of the old sovereigns of Iha Bourbon dy- Vi «M 9 considerable number of old colas, bearing of Charles 111. A portion of the gold coin will i!at !» this country, and alter being sold at 30 per £l telam, the proceeds will b 9 invested in elegant [ "i , 'sht!iWe garments (for the presetit Marquis) at Stone Clothing Hall of Eoehtiiil 4 Wilson, !1 led 80S Oheßtnut street, above Sixth. R n.,9 the Prince of Wales Dresses.— idea afioat that his Boyai Highaess, . ,l . spysrent to the British throne, alwtys dresses • “l nil of regimentals with brass buttons, spurs a «, *l*' sni! .a feather a yard and ebalfhigh stuck in hfs , ~bfef4ct is, that the young gentlemau dresses very *? and with great taste, affording one the* idea of a • gisHemanly appearanoe. This is attributed to "titih •*’ counBf F* be has invariably Clsii i '‘ ,saal 9tjl6 ot B arn>eat a made at the one-price E “P=fb«n of Granville Stokes, No. 809 Ohsst- kj *b*ta the latest fall and winter styles arenow arrivals at the hotels w* tg u o'clock last kisht. HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. ; J A Bush, Peoria, IU tl ®ohaiS B Freaks!, OJno'unatl .... Ulni ri »’ Ba> l° n i 0 B Ullilnn, Lewtaburg, Pa ' J r ' Ijewlabnrfi J B Eaitman, Bilttmora «stij*Vr te* lD JS’ V» W J Murtaugh & wf, Wash' QB srr<„ m ' Pittsburg B H Cowles, Hew Jersey 5» Shw l ' M E dd * o J B Ingham, Boston ?®bK - •h* w York J J Flanagan, Kingston Wnah, 1J 0 L Linooln, Boston . 8 ® fe”.! a B ®himoie A Lilly, Baltimore 2C ’ 805t5n J Ataslia, New York «n a« M ,, „ _ B J Halde-uan, Harrisburg itfal, !?' “ 6W York 0 Bllrer, Pottavllle ? M ‘ '« Furbish A wf, Ohicaos ?B‘S' [; t l 8s W B Waiter A la, Wash * ‘ 0 t teveua, Olndnnati l Mi*!* “t N«W York N Peters, Delaware ’ 6 CSl’ *f e 5 00 D K«iil*ton, Wash { A <su»w' lDd ,na L Deane. Maine i >mZ?* York Miss M 8 Ourtin, Baltimore E’C'K. 00 ™ JYOheaaan, Boston ?' I Ke*!™w bwg J H Newton, Newport. BX 8 :t , 'i Newjort, BI Miaa Newt.n. Newport, BI l°KiioL,, 6 W t * E 1 JB DobnliJMarrland • fBnJ‘ w S l Oolumbla, Pa J H MeUorjPfttaburg i c C Wca K° H Brben, U S N J S P Ely. Bale Superior yK&ai»,ii Oapt B H D/% Chester, Pa * P «!U, i 'ft New York G W Blmoasot New York Wl 1 "' New York M B Moore, Rffalo Glui, ? York E Chamberlin,Riston Boston D E Small, You, Fa t° SriEV! 8 N 1 Perham > ® K B>v° e . l,^ em L MatißOo, Portyarbon *ki ha,!, 1 MB “aaohuBeUs E Lyon, Panna \ B C ra y -Peima Y s Oozzens, Ne«nf o rk i 3 Bij7,,. Pa J? Ba J lietsenring, PenW 0 jtorra, New Bon S®«sn„'York N Gladding. New irk i! i " .\- ftw , Y °r k B L Merrlfteld, Ne\ York n n i 6rs ® 7 Jno Lion, New Jerk , Y Armstrong & wf.Tdtm’e >S™ )f! W ,York B 0 Meldrutn, India* rS°'iTOoM w 6 V 0 L Drink water, N Y\ r» llf 'St’F 3 '! Y° rt J 0 Atwater, New Yo\ v* «s“sl r k J* f i 0re B°n H T Peatoe, Kentuokl J? i >CClti,r^' )1 Pa „ 8 BHarsb, York,, \ S u 1 ?' 1 Pa Mr* Watts, Carlisle, P \ l2®WEke«°?o„ LBbotweU,Maryland \ *gtws,,?®g.UBN IB Dorr, New tork A o ? fov , ’; B " T ? rk 8 X Pendleton, New York I i Wnu*r t<‘ °, !dcl “> 0 ■John H Johnson, N Y ortf Bn Boston Si,° ®Ua e 's.ffooiilrn B B Springer, Cinola, 0 c " 4A1 '“ab,m.” 0 5,„ ALKnightSwf, Balt \ SlZf’Be'Hmore Mlea Bailey, Baltimore j ,* KemitS!' S** York Mr Marrlson, England }J ?*"*• W D Cable, New York iß,ti n Bhlcago8 hlcag0 H 0 Spencer, Pros, BI i L U ««v k 1 S 0r ' M 1» HSlyf.r j OMoago ® BKerBhaw / MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Art*. John H Blends, New York M Sheets, Grandvtlle, Ohio ff'hcs J Bnrohfield, Pittsburg Wm H Forsyth. Pittsburg E Grcelxmyer, Pittsburg B M Sterrate, Mifflintown L T Boyse and lady, Pa W P Schell & dan, Bedford Mrs M Eayes, Milesburg.Pa Mrs A K Wright, Pa Miss Bertha, Clearfield, Pa J P Kratzer, Clearfield, Pa Miss E Bose, Pittsburg J W Jarboe, New York Thos P Simpson, M Chuuk H F Haas, Bohnv’U 00, Pa Lafayette Lentz, M Chunk 0 Swartz & la, M Chunk . John E Jones, Williamsport W D Loutber, Williamsport A Parker and dan, Pa Benj Ball, New Albany E Tucker, Hartford, Ot E Hotter. Bethlehem Ur E W Barney, Bath, Pa WOMoNnlty.MoConnelab’g B MoDawell, Slatingtou Mies Wade, Lancaster Mlbs Kedseoker. Lancaster J Sample and lady, Pa Hr EG Baker, DBA Samuel Sandt, U S A A G Brodhead, Jr. MOhunk Chas MoFadden, Down'g’n J°p Wily & Wf, Beading F P Howe, Mew York v Lewis M Nlxderff, Md Jnoß Sherreff & la, Pitts'g H Morgan, Pittsburg B 0 MMer, Liberty John Smith, Bmlthville Hon A K Wright, Clearfield Ohas Hampshire, JeanesvUteM Barfey,Lancaster P J Baney, Lancatter Bavid Trebam, M Chunk Bon A Paoker, M Chunk David W Howeil, Easton Wm N Peters, Pa Baml 9 Peters, Bashkill,Pa Wm A WoUace, Pa B Gemmffl, York, Pa T MoCarroll, Newark, N J L A Jacaueline, N York AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth.' Geo Gibson. Baltimore J L Dunn, U S A: J W Feltle, New Jersey MrWdker N P Bose, Doylestown W H Box, Mapleton, Pa Geo P Baucker,.Boston J W V Marshall, Boston F Borland, Wash, D C Miss M Borland, Wash, DO Miss E Borland, Wash, D 0 Jos Smyser & la, York, Pa Miss Smyser, York, Fa Israel Lancks & la,York,Pa P F Wilt, York, Pa Mrs V McCoy, Ohambersb’g Mr SbimrfmeisBer,Wash, DO J M Frick, Mineravilie Semne] Yohe, Easion Wm Baruett.;Easton B F Pouchrr, Portland, Me Geo Bacon, Baltimore J Henry, Baltimore James Lynch • Tbos Nngcnt D H Cariord, Smlthfield Geo W Leedom, Besding H A Hoff .Beading J A Onderdunk, Wash, D 0 J Satterfield, Harrington Tbeo Ladd, Now York T K Silgravei, Easton H Boardman, Lancaster T W Seabresse, Maryland B F Page Alex T Smith, New York J T UnnnsOnd, Maryland M L Powell, Maryland S W Lane, Maryland O F Jarman, Berlin, Md T W Pitts, Berlir, Md L Marshall, Maryland A L Marshall, Berlin, Md E G Buckinham, N Y G L Bichardson, N Y WB Hail, USA - Jas Murray, Baltimore D Oookley, Baltimore T Hopkins, Maryland J L Hopkins, Maryland ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestunt street, above Third. J 0 Huylman, Penna Bobert Mercer Bnfus Joslln, Penua ' A M Kinsey, New Jersey G W Field W Montelius, Snnbnry J W Edwards, Alton, 111 >B P Bobinson. Cincinnati Mrs Stone & fam, Kentucky Miss A Warden, Kentuoky L H Bit hop, Boston Oapt O Oblanis. N Y M T Ludwig 4 la, Tanmano L Womelsdorf, PottsviUe E P Howlett, Spracose E Simmons, Wash. D 0 J Baas, Carlisle T H Taylor, Now York T D Rivan, Brooklyn S Buggies A wf, Conn B P Gladding 4 wf, Prov, BI Miss J Gladding, Michigan H Whitney 4!a, Vermont J Saul, Baltimore J AMcNall, New York II Patterson, Penna J G Hamburg, New York Col Jack, Brooklyn I G Seed, Fhiia THE UNION—Aroh street, above Third. 80l Derford, Baltimore Edw Seibert,’ Baltimore Daniel Fay, Washington B H Lukar, Allegheny J A Beebe, Akron,' Ohio H Hennlnger, Eastan J Orewfotd A la, Pittsburg B F Mott & wf, S Jersey J M -Kelker, Harrisburg S S Fleming, Virginia B D Dnun Sandnsky, 0 J A Krnm, Lebanon oo,Pa S Galbreath, Oovingion,lnd 8 B Boher, Hagerstown John Harrold ' NATIONAL HOTEL—Bace street, Above Third. E Taylor, Wilkeshare W Leh. Allontown Psnl Balliet, Allentown J M Hawley, Scranton E T Ochs, Qnakertown HH Fetter, 0 M K nftU3?, Bethlehem John Hntcblngson. L VEp Tbos W L-eeb, Penn’a Thos W Metzger, Penn’a’ Lieut Caleb Pervin B M Dycert.'Lancaster P P Simpson, Dauphin bo ' P H Trangler, Penn’a J H Thompson, Harrisburg Geo Knanse. Lebanon Wath Bruce, Lebanon J H Boebnok, Dauphin, Pa P J Boebnck, Dauphin, Pa M Hacks, Dauphin, Pa H Swartz, Beading G Angelmyer, Strondsburg Geo Levan, Lancaster John F Herr, Lancaster J M Frantz, Lancaster! 0 N Herr, Lancaster D S Bare Bnd lady, Penn’a D H Freese, Lebanon M A Tobia, BlcomsbnrgV ■; Thos McDowall, Ponn’a W G Tbomas, Cleveland, 0 BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowhlll. W 0 Bcff, Lehigh 00, Pa W D Scholl & la, Penna John Albright, Lehigh co Mrs Scholl, Pennsylvania Frank Miller, Lehigh co S H Trailer, Zionavilte Thee 3 Fnrray, Zionsvllle W B Smith, Zionevlllo Ber j Gerncrd, Tresleriown H J Schwartz, Trexlertown Henry Smith, Lehigh co, Pa D Boyer, Lehigh co, Pa Tobies Beibert, Lehigh co Paul Miller, Lehigh co, Pa Tjlghroan ’Wilder, Lehigh co C V Frederick, Bethlehem B L Mc'Jluro,Clarion co, Pa N Kerr, Clarion co, Pa- Mervle Kozey. Clarion co BSi Kurtz, Lehigh co,JPa P Shelley, Bucks co Jos Cole, Bethlehem D Miller, Lehigh co, Pa W H Neff, Lehigh co, Pa W H Hauser, Northampton T Wertt, Northampton co 0 Bachman, Northampton 0 Forher, Northampton co M Mook, Northampton,co Wm Dick, Northampton co M I reberling, Lehigh co J B Benner, Bucks co, Pa Wm Heckman, Penna Alf Voder, Pennsylvania E G Antrim, Bucks co, Pa M Hahn, Pennsylvania H Bachman, Northampton J Neakey, Northampton co 0 Miller, Norflismpton co J Beniogerv Northampton Wm Koehler, Northampton S Miidenberger, Northamp J Shale, Northampton co G Kunkel, Northampton 00 J Anthony, Northampton co H Bundermati, Horthamp’n S D Best, Northsmpton co A Anthem.'Nortbampton co O O Bowman, Pennsylvania D Stronp, Pennsylvania H M Heffner, Pennsylvania J Hclntzelman, Penna N Weaver, Lehigh co, Pa J P Hiliegaes, Montgomery H Dircmig, Penneburg : E Orth, Pernßborg G Dinmiip. Penrsbnrg J Orth, Pennabnrg J Eupp, Washington co, Pa D Stein. Pennsylvania W Warters, Bucks co, Pa G T Ellis E Bchrelver, Lehigh co, Pa E Illig, Berks co G W Bunyeon, Beading Mrs Eunyeon, Beading BLACK BEAB—Third street, above Cnllowhlß. TbhosLltzeifcerß, Lehigh co Wm Fosjbiier, Lehigh co Julius Holstein. Lehigh co Dff Snyder, Lehigh co D 8 Fensterm P S Fenstermacher, Penna J. hn S Saul, Miltaratown Stephen Smith, Penna J W Dickenßhied, Lehigh co Geo Kemble, Lehigh co D Brewer, Centre Valley Jonas D Knorr, Snow HIU Jacob Medler, Lehigh co W L Schmolo, Lehigh co Jos Dengler, Lehigh co ' Geo Knebßi, Lehigh co Geo W Fooring, Lehigh co Geo Schaffer, Coo pershurgj Peter Weaver,Locnst Valley)James D Bobb, Penna; J Long, Allentown B Efsenhard, Allentown Allen Troxel, Allentown Levi F Storn, Oiausss7iUe John Berry, Batter, Pa F Weiss, Lehigh co Henry German, Lehigh co H J Schwartz & son, Pa Jacob Cooper, Cooperebnrg Bobt Steckel, Allentown H I Clemens, 11 1), Penna A Buckman, Pennsylvania A K Jones, Feasiervllle Chas Harper, Jehktntown Geo M Garner, Doyles town E Roads, Somerton J Hersh, Pennsbnrg T Litztnbnrg, Lshlghco L H Trnber, Lehigh co B Eisenhart, Lehigh o s F Jordan, Pennsylvania Wm Johnson, Penna M Sullivan, Pennsylvania H S Marstrtter, Ooopsrsb J J Miller, Macnngie - E Lambach, Lehigh co Sol Dorney, Pennsylvania L Overholizer, Penna John M Walp, Pennsylvania Bev M Helfrloh & la, Pa Walter Chur, Middleton A M Knight, Attleboro MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market Geo Huffman, Smithfleld Jacob Borer, Smlthfield Wm Gane, Strondsbmrg 0 Deitrich, Strondsourg Thos W Johnson, Maryland J H Williams, Maryland Ber j Shepperd, Man land Chas Bosler, Pennsylvania W H Murray, New Hope A S Oadwallader, Vafdieyv J A Van Horn, Yerdleyv 8 Stokes & la, Stroudsburg T E Swan, Brooklyn F H Harper, New York D S Sanford. New Jersey D Jackson, New Jersey J Bowman, New Hope S Gearhart, Monroe eo F Passingee, Monroe 00 J Kirchker, Monroe ce Wm B Buff, Monroe 00 D B Maronn, Monroe co F Shnpp, Monrce co H Gerhart, Monroe co G S Altemos, Monroe co J Meninger, Monroe 00 Danl Bonser, Monroe co J Hanser, Monroe co Capt W Magill, Pennsylvania . BABLET SHEAF—Second atreet, below Vine. C Anld, Pennsylvania Liut J M Oatver, 10 i P V JasLee, Trenton , ME Hall, Oarversville W 0 Sbsw, Doylestown G H Hallowell, Penna T Ely, Pennsylvania W Samuel, Bucks M thaw, Books 0 F Bobb, Booksville E Borlieu 4 la, Penna W Thornton, Brownsburg D Merrick, Pennsylvania J M Ely Bucks L Oomly, Montgomery I B Lownea, Penna T Betts, Pennsylvania O L Worthington, Bucks T Boberts, Backs 0 Magill, Pennsylvania J B Williams, Penna Miss J Price, New Jersey JOBicb, Backs W Baker, Hammonton, N J E E Watpon, Penna M Jarrett & la; Montgom’y A B W Knight, Penna T Oliver, Eaaton G Miles Backs J Wildman, Penna A P Scbnrtz, Annapolis, Md A Stont, Fauna STATES UNION HOTEL-Market, above Sixth, Geo W Thompson, Penna S M Eldrldge J 0 McKee J Burnham, Hartford A G Sutton, Lancaster co H A McGonagle, Penna W M Boss, Mt Vernon, Pa W J Steel, Hnnttngdon J T Bsrncs, Damascus, Pa L A Curry, New Vork M Hickman, Mcadville J 0 Bunting, CoateßviUe S H JenkfnsrOoatesville J P Heaton, Huntingdon co S G Morrison, Wmsport N K Van Hnsen, N Vork C B Mots, New York N Hover, Selingsgrove L W Weidey, Glen Hope,-Pa J B Leidig, Penna A T Moorhead, Jr, Penna OOMMEBOIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. I B Heatd, Chester co, Fa E B Piankinton, Chester eo Capt W Nipper, New Jersey J L Snydam, Downingtown A J Bnsfoll, Hagersville J A Freeman, Penna • H T Darlington, Doyleßtown Mrs Shell, Penna ; Milton Sneed, Cheater co, Pa 0 H Hartsborn, Chester co S J Hanway, Lane co, Pa P J Nickols, Oxford, Fa J Potts, Lane co, Pa David Eamsey, Oxford, Fa E C Hickman, West Chester 0 E Iddings, Phila J Hoopoe, Penna S M Bunting, Pottstown E W Staples, Flkton, Md 3 3 Broomed 4 eon, Pa O W Jones, Cecil co, hid . F Heaid, Chester co Pa S Harlan, Chester co, 'Pa ' J Jackson, Chester co, Pa G Jehnson, Smlthfield, BI A Holman, Smlthfield, BI MOUNT VEBNOH—Second street, - above Arch. John Price and lady, Fenn’a W Mathews, Eqninnok H Matthews, Eqnlnnnk B Cole, Eqninunk Mr Quimby, New Hope S Man/., Stroudsburg J G Brennan, Wayne 00 L Lilly, Wayne co., Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. The Pensive Youth. BY THE BiBD OF TOWER HALL. <> H; friend,” I said and clasped his hand, “ That face did nature form The index of affections bland, And feeling* high and warm. “ And jet the sparkle of thine eye, Seems dlaimed by Badness now, And dark forebodings overlie, ' Like clouds, thy clasaio brow. Tell me what grief these looks denote ? Thfn thus my friend replied, “ The moths have spoiUd thst overcoat Which was my last year’s i»ide.’ ! “Since keen and chilly grows the atr, Another I must buy, ButT have Utile cash to Bpare, And clothes, alas! are high.''. # : , “ Have done with sadness, then,” I cried, •, >' Fcr at a ccßt (mite smill, . _ A better coat yon may provide At Bennett's Tower Hall. “ Although the Tower ascends so high, The prices there are low, * And all who Bennett’a clotbing bay, Can testify ‘ that’s so.’ ” We offer the largest and most'complete assortment of Beady Made Clothing in Philadelphia, comprising every style, size, quality, and price. Our purchases for this aeaioh Swere made before the recent great advance in prices; this, wills our system of haying and selling for cash only, tnablee ns to offsr nneqnalled inducements to purchasers. TOWEB HALL, No. 518 BLABKET Street, Philadelphia. * It . • . BENNETT &,Co. B—T— lB6o —X." " .. DBAKE’S PLANTATION BITTEBB. ‘ They pnrify, strengthen, and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite'. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. . They overcome effects of dissipation and late hour*. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. " : They' prevent mlasmatio and Intermittent-fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They enre Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BIT TEBS In the world. They make the weak min strong, and are exhausted nature’* great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Bum, the celebrated Calteaya Bark, root*, and herb*, and are taken with the pleaenre of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to dril /ate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all ' Biocers, Druggist*, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DBAEI A 00., 20S BBOADWAY. New York. se34-6m Uphah’s Haie Dti, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for $i ; the boat in use. Try it. Bold Only at OPHAM’3,4O3 CHESTNUT St. »e3T-3m* Groveb & Bakeb’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST machine In the market, and is sold for FORTY DOLLARS. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold eo rapidly or given enoh universal satisfaction. Do not fail to call and examine it before purchasing else* where. Office, 780 CHESTNUT etroet noS-tf Batchelor’s Haib Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLI AH A. BATGHELOS’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the leaßt; remedies the ill effeots of bad dyes, and invigorates the ;Halr for Ufe. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY BAIR Instantly turns a splendid Blaofe or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bean* Uful. Sold by all Druggists, &o. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHB LOB, on the fmer tides of each boa. FAOTOBY No. 81 BABOLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bend street,) my2B-ly New York. MARRIED. BACON—THOMAS,—On the 4th inst., at Friends’ Meettog-bouse, on Sixth street, Bichard W. Bacon to Elizabeth O. Thumas, daughter of the late Wm. Thomas.* ANDEBSON—HAOKCBT.—At St. Peter’s Ohurob, Quebec, Canada, Sept 27,1882, by Bev. J. 8. Sykes, Mr. John Henry Anderson, Jr., of M anchester, Eng land, to Mbs Emily O’Brian Hacknrt, of Philadelphia, only daughter of Mrs. Cal hsrine Hacknrt. [New York and Boston papers please copy.] : * HUTOHINcON—DWYEJL—On the 2d inst . by the Bev, A. Atwood, Mr. Matthew Hutoblnson, of Hoboken, N. J., to Mies Mary Frances Dwyer, of New York! * BUMMI—BAKER—On the 2d inst., by the Bev. W. Oalhcart, Mr, William Bnmm to Miss Catharine M,, only dangbier of Mr. Wm. Baker, all of Philadelphia # DIED. SMITH—On Sunday, the 2d inst., Hobart Smith, in the 87ib year of his age. The relatives end friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his mother’s residence, Ararat street. Germantown, this day, the sth instant, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. * HBKDEBSON.—On Monday: afternoon, the 34 inst., Mary E., wife of Oharlee Henderson, in the 28th year of her age. _ The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited io attend the fnneral from the ; reßidenoe of her husband, in Upper Merlon township, Montgomery county, on Thursday, the Bth instant, at 11 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Swedes’ Church. # . BIOKEBTON.—On Monday, the 3d instant, after a lingering illneßS, Elizabeth F. B Bickerton. Her friends are invited to attend her fnneral, from the retidenco of her sister, Leah Sander, No. 943 Button wood street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. ** TOY —Oh' the 2d tost., at Palmyra, New Jersey, Isalab Toy, Eeu„ to the 74th year of his ego. : • The fnneral will take place from his late residence in Palmyra, oh Thursday, 6th inst., at II o’olook A. M. His friends and the Griends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fhneral without farther notice. Carriages will be in waiting at the Federal-street ferry, to Camden, at 9 o’clock A. M. ; ** SlMMONS.—Suddenly, on the Ist inst., Edward Sim mons, in his 75th year. His toner el will take place from his late residence, 1819 Filbert street, this (Fourth-day, Wednesday) morn tog, at9o’clcck. The relatives and Mends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. . * ALBURSEB.—On the 24 tost., Liza, daughter of Geo. and Hester Albnrger, aged 8 months and 2 days. * DAYlB.—Killed, near Sharpabnrg, on the 20th'of Sep tember, Wm.B. H.Davis, in the 40ihyearofbigage,.a member of the Corn Exchange (118th) Regiment, P. V.* DEPPE— Suddenly, on the 2d inst., of palsy, Mrs. Anna Lonisa, wife of Ohae.Deppe, aged 54 years. # FRENCH —Oh the Sd toßt., Mary Ann French. * JOHNSTON—On the 21 tost., Margaret Jane, daugh ter of Bobert W. and Margaret Johnson, aged 5 r ears.* KEHBUM.—Suddenly, on the 34inst, Mrs. Elizibeth Kehium, widow of the lateWm.Kehrnm, in the 73d year of her age. * Blags dress goods.—blagk Veloor Bepa, Velour Ottomans, Grain do Pondtes, BpfDglines, Popelineu, French Meriaos, French Oash toeree, cheap Oasbmeres, all-wool Monsaeline da liainelf, single and double widths; cheap Be Balnea; Tamisea, Baratheas, Brep d*Almas; English and French Bomba sines; Silk-warp Cashmeres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Batin de Chines. Bombazine Alpacas, &c. Also, Black Silks and Shawls of every description. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, ocs9*tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TpYRE & LANDEIiL, JLU FOURTH and ABOH STBEETfI. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magnifioent Silks. , Magnificent Shawls, Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Bichest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Staples. seZO-H KAA BOXES TOBACCO.—We gua yl)U ranteo to sell Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, at lower prices than any other .house in the city. A bargain in Havana Cigara, purchased at Marshal’s Sale. WOOD WAP.D A 00.. « South FOURTH Street. 008 Im# «<==. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR lljj : PROMOTING AGaiCOLTUBE.—^NOVEM BER MEETING on WEDNESDAY, 6th instant, at 11 o’clock A. M. * ■ 'no4.2t ry*™=* SOHT H W ARK HOSE CO MPANY, Lkjs No, 9—A Special Meeting THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7« o’clock. ■*» It# , JOHN KBIIEB, Jr . Secretary. CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—PHILA-, U 3 DBLPHtA, November 4, 1862 —The Diroe ore have declared a dividend of FOUB PEB CENT., cloar of all taxes, payable on demand. toD 6c J. W. TOBBET, Cashier. • wsa- FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ Us!s BANK.—PEILaDELPHI4, November 4,1862. -—Tte Board of - Directors have.this day declared a divi dend of THBEE AND OSB-HALF PER CENT-, payable on demaLd, dear of United StateH and 3tate taxes. ncs-6t W, BUSH HON, Jr., Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK OY PENNSYL LLS VANIA.—PHILADELFHIA, November i, JS62 —The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of THBEE PEB OEN f., payable to the S 00k holoere, free of State and National taxeß, on and after Friday, the 14th inet. nos-dt!4 8. 0 PALMEB, Cashier. y/xr=- BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP PHI IO LADKLPHiA, November 4,1862. —The Direct ors have this day declared a dividend of FOUB PEB CENT, on the capital stock for the last six months, pay able on demand, clear'of United States and State tax. n 0512: JAME 3 BUSSELL, Cashier, fyes=> GIRARD BANK. —PHILADELPHIA, I j Nov. -1, )B6'2—Tho Uirectora have this day 'de claied a Dividend of FOUR PEB CENT, out of the pre fits of the last Bix months, payable on and after the 14th Instant, free of taxes. 1 nos 6t W. L. SOHAFFEB, Cashier. • iy«=p» CONSOLIDATION BANK. —PHIL A UL§ DELPHI*, Nov. 4,1862—The Board of Direc'- tors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PEB CENT:, clear of United States and State tax, payable on and after 11th instant. r nos wfmSt ' JOS. N. PEIRBOL, Cashier. IT=» TRADESMEN’S BANK—PHILADEL PHIA, Nov. 4, 1862—The Board or-Directors have this day. declared a Dividend of FOUB PEB CENT; for the peat six months, free of taxation, payable on demand, noßSt# JOHN OASTNEB, Cashier. Mp SOUTHWARK BANK—PHILADEL PHIA, November 4. 1864—The Directors have declared a dividend of SEVEN FEB CENT.,;payab]e on demand . r ' nos-3t F'. P. STEEL, Oashler. mbb MECHANICS’ BANK.—PHILADEL VS3S PHIA, November- 4, 1862—The Board of Di rectors of this Bank have declared a dividend ot FIVE FEB CENT, on the business of the last six months, pay able to the Stockholders, on and after the I4th instant, free of all taxation. no6-dtl4 J. WIEGAND, Jr , Cashier. nr==. BANK OF COMMERCE.—FHILADEL- U.J PHIA, November 4, 1882—The Board ol Di rectors have THIS DAY declared a dividend, whioh, after payments of National and State tax, will yield to the Stockholders FOUB PEB CENT.,net, payable on demand. [nos 3t] J. A. LEWIS, Oaahier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA,’ November 4 1862—The Dlreclors of this Bank have THIS DAY declared a dividend of FOUB PEB CENT., (payable on demand, clear of National and State taxes. n06.4t G. M. TBOUTMAN, Cashier. MSa THE PHILADELPHIA B ANK.— UkS November 4,1862. —The Directors have declared a Dividend of FOUB FEB CENT, for the last six months, payable on demand. no 6 6t B B. COMEGYS, Cashier. KENSINGTON BANK. —PHILADEL llj PHI 4, Nov. 4, 1862—The Directors have thiß day declared a Dividend ot FIVE PEB CENT., payable on demand, clear of State and United states taxes. nos 8t OT. YEBKE3, Cashier. miBJ OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST Its TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadelphia, Oet. 24th. 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FBANK PALMEB, oc26tf Government Surgeon-Artist. eeegs* FARM E R S » AND MECHANICS’ Its BANK— Philadelphia, October 6,1862. The Annual Eieotton for Directors will he hold at the Banking House on MOND AY, the 17th day of November next, between the bours of 9 o’clock A. M and 3 o’clock Pi M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o’clock P. a., agreeably to the charter. W. BUSHTON, Jr , oc7-tno!7 Cashier. rv*=» MECHANICS’ BANK—PHILADEL phia, October 7,1862 The Annual Election for Directors will bo held at tha Banking House on MONDAY. November 17, between the bonis of 10 A. M. and 2PM. ocB-tnolT J. WIEGAND, Jr . Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK. PniBABELPHiA, October 7,1862 The ANNUAL ELECTION fur DIBBOTOBS willbe held at the Banking Honee on MONDAY, the I7th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. fil. and 2 o'clock P.M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the seme piece on TUESDAY, the 4;h day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. ocB wfmtnol7 E. P. STEEL, Cashier. n«F“ GIRARiJg BANK—PHILADELPHIA, October 9,1882. • The Annual-Election for Directors will be held at the '-Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ; her, between the hours of 10 A. M and 2P.M. A General Meeting of tbe Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the Ith of November, at 12 o’clock M. V , W. L. SCHAFFER, 0010-lmw- tno!7 Cashier. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. IkS PHIhADBcYBU, Oct. 11,1862. An election fo» thirteen Directors wiU bo held at the Banking Honsr, on MONDAY, the 17th day or Novem ber next, between 10 o’clock A. M. and S o’clock P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will bo held at tho Banking Honee, on, TUESD AY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 10 o’clock A. M. '~N, ocl9-mwftnl7 ' J’AMES BUSSELL, Cashier. mb* THE PHILADELPHIA BANK— kkjg PHII.iDkJ.PHIA, October 6, 1861. 1 he annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, November 4,1862, at 12 o’clock M. - : The annual election for - Directors will be held at the Banking Hsnse on MONDAY, November 17,1862, be tween tbe hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P M. ' ocB wimtnolT B B. COMEGYS, Oashler. wsp> COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL- UkS VANIA. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 13,1882. A general meeting of the Stockboiders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 12 M. The animal election for Directors will be held at the ■rßanking House, on MONDAY, the 17lh day of Novem ber next, between the hourß ot 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. ocl3-rowftl7 8. C,PALMER Cashier. ry==* CONSOLIDATION BA N.K.—.PHILA UJI DEL ?HIA, October 9, 1882. . Tbe Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking Honee on MOND aY, the 17th day of No vember next, between the homes of 10 A. M. and 2 P M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4 h day of November, at 12 M. [oolQ.fmwtnl7] JOS: N. PBXB3OL, Oashler. |TS=* TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT, LLS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Ph.ladklphia October 17,1862. ' ' ’ I The BOARD OF DIBECTOB3 have this day de clared a Seml-Annnal Dividend of FOUB PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, dear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November lfitb, 1862.: Powers.of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be had on application at this office. . THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, octlB'lm No. 288 South Third street^ THE PRESS-—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER £, 1862. mc> SPRING GAR»EN SOUP SOCIETY, [l_§ BUTTONWOOD Street, east of Broad—The An nual Election tor MANAGERS will be held on MON DAY EVENING next, November 10th, between 7 and 8 o’clock, at the Soup House. nos 6t JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, Secretary. TABERNACLE BAFTJST CHURCH, CHESTNUT Street, above Eighteenth—Theia etaUaiion services of the Bev. DANIELO. EDDY, D D., as pastor, will take place on THURSDAY EVENING," November 6,1362, commencing at 1% o’cipck precisely. The Bev. Wm F. Hansoll, D.D., will preside. The ser mon will be preached by the Rev, George K Ide, D.D 1 . Prayer of Becognliion by the Bbv. P. 8. Henebn. Hand' oft Fellowship by the Bev, J. H. Kenhatd, KB; Ad dress to the Ohnrch by the Bev. J. Wheaton Smith; D.D: The JSev, J. H. Castle, theßev. James Cooper, tbs Rav. James Bartow Simmops, and others, are expeoted to p tr- Ucipate in the services. nos-Sl* ytrep- THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY.-* (USE Col. ROBERT" O. ANDVSB3ON, who was im. pressed into the Rebrt: Army, sixteon months ago. having just reached bis family,fa this city, will deliver a Lecture, in WASHINGTON HALL, SPRING GABDiON Street, above Eighth, on THURSDAY EVENING, Nov, 6th, on “ The Causes of the Rebellion, and the present Po litical and Social Condition of the Sooth.” As Uoloael ANDEBSON has spent twenty, five years of aotive life in the Southern States, he will seeak of the People and their Institutions, from personal knowledge, and repre sent matter? just as they ate. Admission 26 cents, for the benefit of our Blok Sol diers ia the Hospitals. Doors open at 7 o'clock, com mence at.B o’olook. ■ nos-2t* ■ CITY BOUNTY FUND s COM*HSSION. UoE —Whereas, the Draft Commissioners for the city ana county of Philadelphia have ascertained that thß quota for the said city and county, under the oallfor volunteers and drafted men, has been entirely filled by volunteer en listment, notioe is, therefore, hereby given, that no bounties will be paid to enlistments hereafter made. Novembers, 1862. no4-2t .POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE—WINTER (US fteSSION,IB62-63.—The tViaier Oonreeof Lec tures and Practical Instruction will begin on-MOND AY, November 3d, and continue four months. Applicants for admission to the TECHNICAL SCHOOLS will pre sent themselves for examieatioo at 9 A. M . on that day; for admission to toe SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL preliminary examination is not required. osSl'gt* rrs=» GRAND CONCERT ON THURSDAY Us EVENING, Nov. 6th. at the FIFTH BAPTIST CJLUBOH, corner EIGHTEENTH and SPRING GAR DEN;—This Concert is given to aid the Ladies of the Congregation in Furnishing tho Kew Ohnrch Edifice now,nearly completed.- Some of the best muaioal talent in the city have volunteered their services, and the Pro gramme, as pubfitbed below, will' speak, lor . itself—■ Tiokets, 60 oents each, may be had of G. W. REED. No. 240 n: SECOND Street, WM. MANN, No. 1711 GBEEN Street, or any of toe Ledies. Also, at the door. PROGRAMME. PART FIRST. 1. Solo— Piano,,.,.. ........ ....Prof. A. Bookman. 2. 11 Come every pious heart.”.... Choir. 3. Solo— “ I know that my Redeemer liveth.”...Soprano. 4. Quartbtts “Ootno, thou f0unt.”...... 6, Bold— >< Where are toe friends of my youth?” : ; Niiprano. 6. Duet—Plano. Prof. Bochum and Pupil. PART SECOND, 1. Piano— ll Home, sweet Home.” Thalbero. Master Jds, WiUian. 2. Quartette—”Beat, spirit, re5t.”:..".,,.,,,...,,..., 8. Solo—” Maniac.” 4 Duet— -1 Merrily o’er toe calm bins eea." ; * Soprano and- Alto. 6. Solo—” I have listened in dreams.”..., ....Soprano. 6. Duet—“ Meet me by moonlight.” 1 S-prcno and Tenor. PART THIRD 1. PtANO—Polka de Concert.... Wallace'. Mastir Jas. WUlian. 2. Quartette—** Bock of ages,” (byde5ire)........... 3. fiono—* e John Anderson.” . *’. .... Tenors. 4. Quintette—** Lurltoe.”... 6. Trio— ** Protect ns ttro’toe night.” Soprano, Alto, and Tenore. 6, Quartette— **God ire mercifni. 7. A Natiokai, Quartette—« Eighty years ag0.”.... n'ol-3tswto fyrspw UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COM lk2 ' OPENIKG OF BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Boobs of Subscription to the Capital Stock of the Union Pariflo Bailroed Company will be opened on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of November, A D. 1882, at noon,on the terms and conditions therein set forth, at the places and with the persons following, at their re spective places of business: Albany, New York—Thomas W. Olcott. Baltimore, Maryland—Thomas Swan. Buffalo, New York—Dean BEohmond. Boston, Massachusetts—Samuel T, Dana. Burlington, lowa—Lymou Cook. Cincinnati, Ohio—S. 8. L’Hommedleu. Colnmbns, Ohio—William Denison. Chicago, Illinois—William B. Ogden. Cleveland, Ohio—Amasa Btone. Concord, New Hampshire^-Joseph A Gilmore. Carson Oity, Nevada Territory—Wells, Fargo, & Co. Detroit, Michigan—Charles A, Trowbridge. Dnbuqno, lowa—Platt Smith. Denver CitF, W. Clayton. Hartford, Connecticut—G. P. Bi»B?ll & 06. Indianapolis, Indiana—James M. Kay. Louisville, Kentucky—James Gnthrie. Leavcnworib, Kansas—Gen. J 0. Stone. Milwaukee; Whcontin—Ed. D. Holton. New York city, New York—Office of Secretary. Omaha, Nebraska Territory—Alvin Saunders. Portland, Maine—Charles Ei Barrett, Poriland, Oregon—Weils, Fargo, & 00. Providence, Rhode Island—Walter S; Burgess. Philedelpbia, Pennsylvania—Jay CBoke & 00, PHtsbnrg. Pennsylvania—ThomasM. Howe. Rutland, Vermont—Henry H. Baxter. St Louis, Missouri—Wm M. McPherson. St Paul, Minnesota—Parker Paine. Belt Lake City , Btah—Brigham Young. Ban Francisco, California—Weils, Fargo, & do. Trenton, New Jersey—Philemon Dickerson. ■ Wilmington, Delaware—D. R. Robinson & Co. Wheeling, Vi-ginia—S. Brady. Washington City, District'Ooinmbia—B W. Latham. Said Books of Subscription will r e ri> ii a open oaths terms aforesaid, for Vat least two weeks;from and after neon of said 6th day of November, at the plaoes and with the persons above set forth. Bv order of the Board of Commissioners of the Union Pacific Bailroad Company. , • t WILII AM B. OGDEN, President • ' HESBY T/POOR; Secretary. ’ *- THOMAS W, Ob’OOTT, Treasurer. Dated at New York, this 26th day of Ootobor, 1862. nc4- 2t . .. MILITARY. CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. Jpg} GAMP METCALF,:Hsd3onfi9Id,:N. J. Re ■ gimental Headqn&rters4o3 WALNUTiStraat. Ah v-bo wish to attach themselveeto a Cavalry Begiment, will meet with bo eanal opportunity, as this isfcbeonly authorized Cavalry Begime&t beiog'iraiaed in the,State.* The line and staff officers axe men of character and ex perience. ~ . JESSE E. PSyTOH, RUSH’S LANCERS.—Young Whiles wanted to fill the ranks of this regiment. JE3bLTwo new companies to be rafssd immediately. Principal Bendezvoiw No. 800 CHESTNUT Streec. ■ oc2l'Sw* LEGAL. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DI3- U TEXOT OF PEYNBYLVAUH, SOT, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WE EREAS, The District Oonrtof tbo United States In and for the Eastern District of Pemwlvanto, rightly and dnly proceeding on a Libel, filed in Abb name of the United States of America, hath decreed all p.raoas in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in 182 barrels Tnrpentine and 10 barrels Rosin, cargo of the schooner DaVID SROOKECT, captured by the United States schooner America; Acting Master J Bsker commanding, shipped per brig Abbey Ellen to this port, to be monished, oiled, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so .reantring).' Yon are therefore charged, and strictly enjolhed.and commanded, that yon omit not, bnt that by publishing these presents in at leaet two of the daily newspapers priuted and pub lit bed in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In iOUgeneer, yon do' monish and cite, or cause to be mo nished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said 182 barrels Turpentine and 10 barrels Rosin, cargo of the schooner DAVID OBOOKETT, to appear beforethe Honorable JOHN CaDWaLAUEB, the Judge of the said Court,'at the District Gonrt room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the Twentieth day after publication of there presents, if It be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, If any they have, Why the said 162 barrels Turpentine and 10 barrels Bosin, cargo of the schooner DAVID OROOKE VT, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the Bame, to;the enemies.of the United States, aed as goods of their enemies; or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawfnl prizes; and farther to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons afore said, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to tbo contrary, then said District Court doth intend, and will proceed to ad judication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said 162 barrels Turpentine and 10 barrels Rosin, cargo of the schooner DAVID CROCKETT, did belong", at the time of the capture of the Bame, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their ene mies, cr otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that yon dnty certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN OADWALABEE, Judge "of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this fourth day of NOVEMBER, A.. D. 1862, and in the eighty- Beventh year o! the Independence of the said United States. ■ no6-3t G R. FOX’, Clerk District Court. TYAMOND3 AND OTHER PEE. JIJ OIOUS STORES purchased, for cash, at -LB #l3 LADOMU3 A Co.’s, 802 CHESTNUT Streat. [no4-4t* . Eye AND EAR.—PROFESSOR J. ISAACS, OCULIST AND AUBIST, from Ley den, Holland, has located himself at Ho. 611 PI SB Street, wi ere persons afflicted »ith diseases of the EX® and EAR, will be. scientifically treated, and cared, if cmsble The Professor has nameroas testimonials in h!a poa>ession ol bis remarkable cnrei which he has per fonntd throughout the United States, from the highest sources, which he will Bhow to aeyono who may call. ABTItTICIAU EYES inserted without pain. N. B Ho charges made for examination. nos 6t* Beauty, tbutheijlne*s, and r taste, are exemplified in BEIMEB’S Ivorytypes Ho pictures compare with them in freshneßS and warmth of coloring, or faithfulness of likeness SECOND Street, above Green. : It* ®THE PHRENOLOGICAL GA SI NET AND BOOK STORE is open day and evening for tho sale of books oh Phrenology, Phy siology .[Hygiene, and'Phonography, and for Phre nological examinations. Orders by mail should be ad- dressed to JOHN 1,. OAPEN, 0(22 rpwstnlw 922 CHESTNUT Street, Phtla (too AAA —THIS AMOUNT TO APOOyVVV. HO AN In sums of 83.000 to 86,T00 on Mortgages or G. Bents Apply to E. PETTIT, Ho 309 WALNUT Street. ,np3 HENRY’S REPEATING RIFLE— The greatest Arm of the age; will shoot fifteen times, in as many seconds, 1000 yards. For Bale a matrofactmera’ prices by PHILIP WILSON & CO., ocSl-lm 416 CHESTNUT Street.. aw. BL AKIBTON , NO. 22 s South WATEB Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer in Ohio and Illinois BROOM CORN, HAN DLES, WIRE, TWINE, Ac.* ocll-8m m SA U 8 AGI CUTTERS AND «*»STUPFEBS, Corn Shelters, Hay, Straw, and Fod der Cotters, for isle by D. LANDEETH & SON; It* 21 and 23 Sonib BIXTH-street, m FRUIT TREES FOR BALE.- ““ 60,000 Peach Trees, of extra quality; step, Apple, Cherry, and Pears (Dwarf ,and Standard), In'largeor small quantities. All orders attended to.' Catalogues gratis. Address JOHN PERKINS, ' no3-3i# Mooreitown, N. J. ' PARLOR SKATE 3- Siißenor Par- X. lor Skates, o 5 improved pattern, neat and light, for Bale by PHILIP WILSON & CO., oc2B-lm 416 OHEBNUT St, opposite Custom Houbs, POW3SN & GO., LIT HOGRAPHE&3 JJ ANS 6 PBINT COLORISTS, southwest comer of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared to **e<raV* any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural Hivtosr, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Ll t’aography, in the most superior manner, and the most &&M>D&ble terms. / . ' Photographs, Portraits, Hatnral History, and Medical i Plates, Maps, and any other description of Plates, colored ! In the best style, and warranted to givefisatlefoction. )Par ! tJpnlar ’attesNou to Coloring Photographs. \ 7 Colonel Commanding. RETAIL DRY ROODS. FALL AND WINTER ' DSIESS GOODS! AT MEDYUM AND LOW PRICES! CURWEN STGHDAKT & BROTHER Have jnst received from Auction a large lot of "WOVEN SAXONY DRESS GOODS ; Banging freas 25 TO 35 OENTS PBR YARD ! In daily receipt of cheap lots, 450, 452, dS-t NORTH SECOND ST., ABOYE WILLOW. JjI&NCY FLANNELS FOR SHIRTING, NEW AND DEMISABLE STYLES. ; AND WHITE FLANNELS,I Of all grades and widths. YELLOW FLANNELS, Fine, Medium, and low Grades. •' SCARLET FLANNELS, Twilled and Plain, of all desirable qualities. GBAY T WILLEB, and BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS. CUR WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and : 4s4|N. SECOND 6T ; , AB. WILLOW. "DALMORAL SKIRTS, JIJ OF ALL SALEABLE DESCRIPTIONS. OUBWEN STOOD ART 4 BBOTEEB. 450,? 452, and 454 N. SECOND ST , AD. WILLOW. ■ ‘ ' nos-3t WOOL! NS. Ladies' Cloakings of every description. Black Beavers and Tticois. Frosted Bearers from 82 t 0453.60 Union Beavers, good weight and cheap ... Fine Black Oiolhß, Extra fine heavy Olotos. Low-priced Oloiskings and Overcoattugs. , FANCY OAB3IMEBES And Black from 87 cents to $2. Oasaimeres, extra fine stock, from $1 to 33. Boys’Cassimeres, low-priced goods. BALMORALS. - . Large lots at wholeaaioand retail. CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM. Fine Cloaks, ready-made or made to order; Seasonable Shawls for Ladies and Misses: BOYS’ CLOTHING. Overcoats, Jackets, Pants, Salts made to order. COOPER & COWARD, no 6 tf S. E. corner NINTH snd MARKET Streets. TTDRNISHING DRY 900 08^ J? Fine Marseilles Quilts in Pink, Blue, aud White. Dimity, Allendale, and Haney Comb Counterpanes. Blankets for Beds, Cribs, and servants’ use. Sheetings and'Pillow case M-nsltos. ail widths. Flannelo, both Ooioied and White, of all makes. Woolen Floor Druggets, Ac. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, 4 ABRTBON, no4-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street IT7ABHIONABLB POPLINS AND JD REPS.—Just opened, ' New Shade Violet De Alps. - New Shade Claire Blue.; Sew Shade Fasbi-arGreen. NewßhadeWtoeOolor. i. Browns and fine Blacks EYRE & LANDELL, no4-tf FOURTH end AROH Streets. Silks and merinoss from New York Auctions; Fashionable Dress Silks. Moire Antiques, very rich. • Fine Purple Merinoes, now shades. Fin© Bine Meriaoes, new shades. Mode-colored French Merinoes. EYRE & LANDELL, ;ns4.tf : FOURTH and ABOH Streets. TjLDWIN HALL & BRO., 26 SOUTH ■Fi • SECOND Street, havs jnat received two cases of very desirable Poplins or Beps. One case Bair Cord, all colors. One case Heavy Corded, do. Also, two lots fine quality Figured-Poplins, in Bine, Brown, Humboldt, Green, &c. - Brown, Blue, and Green Irish Poplins. Fine quality double-width French Poplins, Biob Printed Poulins and Cashmeres. Bicb Printed Meriuoes and Ds LaineS. ‘ Midium priced Dress Goods In great variety, Boiferino, Brown Mode, and Black Deliints. no 4 GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. john~g7~arrison, Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN’S FINE FURNISHING GOODS, Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIBST BTOBE ABOVE MARKET ST. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE’S.) The well known reputation of this establishment for selling Fine "Goods at Moderate Pbioes will be fully sustained. P, B.—The celebrated Improved Pattbbh Shirts, bo justly popular, oan be supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. ocll-tf QEORGKE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Ho. 610 CHEBTNUT STREET. gelB-3m ’ ' Fine shirt manufactory. ■The subscriber would Invite attention to his : IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVILTIEB FOB GENTLEMEN’B WEAR. J. M. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, m:~m cassTimr stbbs% * ja9- tf • Fotir doors below tbe OoptfoentaL FINANCIAL. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. RONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OSTION OF THE GOVEBN- KENT AFTER FIVE YEARS, I am instructed by the SEORETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT, Thus avoiding 1 the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May A full supply of theße Bonds always on hahd. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St jy29.tfV ■ : V - ri MARSHAL’S- SALES. MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, Judgeofthe District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will bo Bold at public sale, to the highest andbest bidder, for cash, at MIOHENEB’dStore, No. 142 North FBONT Strest, on TUESDAY, November 18th, 1862. at 12 o’clock SC, the cargo of the schooner DEFI ANCE, consisting of ladies’ leather and gaiter boots, 231 sackß ground salt, cheese, oiled coatß, tin, shoe thread, bcop-skirte, coal oil, muriatic, nitric, and sulphuric acids, soda ash, sal soda, opium, soap,Krugs, spool cotton, cali coes, muslin, Ac. Catalogues will be issued five days prior to the sale, and’the goods opened for examination. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4,1862. nos 6t Tli* ARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of i.VX a Writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge oi the District Court of the UnitedStateß, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sate, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at JJEBBVSHIBE’B Btore, No. 107'North WATEB Street, on WEDNES DAY, November 19th, 1862; at 12 o’clock M., 5.470 bu shels of fine salf,,6.2oo>bushels of ground salt, 100: cases of chicory, and 39, zinc cans of preserved vegetables. Immediately after the above eale, at LAFFEBTY’S Btore, DELAWABE AVENUE, below Vine street, will be told, 2,060 bushels of ground salt: a portion of the cargo of the brie FANNIE L4UBIE. . WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PhilADEiißHri, November 4,1862. nos 6t TI/TARSHAL’S. SALE.—By virtue of ixl-B Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHNOAD WALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United- Slates, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at pnblio sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MIOHE BBS'S Store, No. 142 North FBONT Street, on MON DAY, November 17th, 1862, at 12 o’elook M:, the cargo of ihe tohooner JOSEPHINE, consisting of 321 bales of cotton, 1‘373 bdds staves, and 21 fire bricks. The cot ten csin he teen and samples obtained two davs previous to day of sale WILLIAM MILLWABD. U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4,1882. noa.et TIifABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a IYL Writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN O ADWALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the Unlted-Stetes, in and for ihe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest .and best bidder, for cash, at MIOttENER’S-Store, No. 142 North FBONT Street, on TUESDAY, November 18, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, the cargo of the schooner NELLY, consisting of 76 Backs of salt, 10 boxes of soap, ? barrete of salts, 8 barrels atom a bbls copperas, S.bbla soda ash, 5 bble salts, 10 bags coffee, 23.caseB claret wine, 8 eases Champagne wine. Catalogues mill be issued five days prior to the sale, and the goods open for. examination. - At the same time and place will be sold 29 cases ef Obsmpegne wine, 1 large turtle shell, 61 coach shells, 1 hide, 3 bolts of canvass. Is keg of- piokles, 1 zinc box, and 1 coil of rope, a portion of the cargo of the bark Fanny Larie. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal E. D, of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 4; 1862.; ’ noe-6t WILLIAM H. YEATON & GO., YV No. 2)1 South FRONT Street, Agents for the 8«le of the Original Hsidsiock A Go. Champagne, offer that desirable wine to the trade. Also, 1,0)9 cases fine and medinm’grade Bordeaux Cla rets. ■ i ■■■■ 160 oases “ Brandsnberg Frerea” Cognac Brandy, vin tage 3548, bottled In France. -69 oases flneti Tuscan Oil, In flasks, 2 dozen is ease. “ SO bbls finest quality Monongahela Whisky. M,BOO Havana Segars, extra fine. Moat & Ohandon Grand Yin Imperial Green Beal” Champagne. Together with a fine assortment Cj Madeira, Sherry, Per*, 4c. s°Ußss PRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. Q.EO. X>. PARRISH, Si 2 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Offers for sale 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS, Five pounds each, , 6 feet 6 inohea wide, by 7 feet long. Also, BBOWN-GBAY AND BLUE GRAY BLANKETS, .4 lb., 6 lb., 6 lb., and 7 lb., tbs pair, Of various sices. Also, LOW PLAID HORSE BLANKETS. HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN DRILLS, BLACK BILEBIAB, ALPACAS, In ail qualifies, and other LININGS, adapted to the wants of the Trade. - -- ’ V TERMS C3ASH; Also, Fine, heavy OFFICERS’ BLANKETS. ‘ 12.000 YARDS X£.4 SHEETINGS, FOB HOSPITAL USE, And the usual assortment of British STAPLE and GOODS. oc2Fmwflm j No. 240 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for sale a full assortment of LINEN GaO Consisting of 4-4 BHIBTING and FRONTING LINENS. %, and 4-4 BLAY and BBOWN DO. 10-4,11-4, and 12-4 BABNBLEY SHEETINGS. Jf and 44 BBOWN, BLACK, & BLAY HOLLANDS. - LINEN HDEFS., LAWNS, DAMASKS, &c , &c. ... Also, ■ PAPER MUSLINS, Ml Oolftw. oct!M*fm‘v6t, COMMISSION HOUSES. HOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FANCY PBINTB. ■; BBOWN DBILLS, ARMY STANDARD. 4-4 LAWRENCE DRILLS. STANDARD BBOWN DRILLS. HEAVY PLAIN KEB3EYB. ABMY BLUE TWILLED FLANNEL. FABMEB’SLINEN DBILLS. LEWISTON A. SEAMLESS BAGS, 2, ?•(, & 3 Bcs. AMOSKEAGC. do. do. 2 Bus. PREMIUM A. do. do. 2 % Bus. For sale low for not cash by GEOtGRIGG, £YA RPE TINGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOEFE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. *y'A full assortment of Phlladelphia-madA Carpets always in Store. 002 2m STANDARD CANTON. FLANNEL. FOB SALE LOW, NET CASH, BY GEO. GKRIGO, nol-tf No. 219 OHUROF Allay. SILK AND DRESS GOODS. g\AEE STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & OOh se2s-2m No. 326 MARKET ST. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. T. SNODGRASS, ARMY, NAYY, AND CIVIL CLOTH HOUSE, No. Si SOUTH SECOND STREET, and No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. I am fully prepared for the FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN, Having jußt received a complete assortment of TRUE BLUES, Of all Bhadeß and grades bom.. ... 81.12 to 88 00. Blues, Blacks, and Fancy Beavers, from 200 to 7.50: Blueaudßlack Pi10t5................. 150 to 6.00. Moscow 8eaver5...................... 3:75" to 7.00, Chinchillas... 2.75 to ; 6fO. Velvet Beavers 300 to 6;00. Esauimaux Beavsrs. 5575 to 800: Tricot 8eaver5....................... 2.00 to 5.00: 175 to 6:00: CLOTHS, all odors and prides. Also! a heavy stock of splendid CASSIMERES, PLAIN and FANCY VEL VETS, Ac., Ac. oct24lm# LADIES’FURS. A DIE S’ FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFAC TUBER OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Jnst opened, a large and handsome Stock of LADIES* A2H> CHILBBEITB FANOT FTTBB, of every deacrlp tfon and in the newest and most approved styles, at the Lowest Cash Prices. oc7-3m FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER LADIES’ FANCY FURS. My Assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers’ prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call oc3-4mlf CUTLERY. & ELY, Ho. 130 PEGS STREET, PHILADELPHIA, kasdpaoioekbs op PATENT CAST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY; Also, the BEST and CHEAPEST ABMT KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON IN THE MARKET. Warranted ! n a gT.a’iiL' ti»T pnmra zc24-wfm3m ££ FpHE BIG GUN ” JtEHOYED FROM 432 TO 415 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE. PHILIP WILSON & CO. Hare removed their: Guns,’ Pistols, Bifles, Fishing Tackle, Skates, Cricket and Base Ball Implements, Cadet Muskets and Equipments to OtSOlm . 415 CHESTNUT BTBEET. rpHl RAILWAY TIMI-REEPIR, X especially adapted for Army sales. Good imitation gold; will run and keep excellent time!; have fancy colored hands and beautifully-engraved dials, the letters standing, in relief. This is one of the most taking novelties of the day, and should retail at prices from twenty-five to eighty dollars each They are fur nished by the case, containing eix of dlfferentdesigns, as follows: Engraved, per case of half dozen,. S3B. En graved and etoofao- gilded, per oase of half doaen, assort ed, *36. Engraved, superior, per caseof half dozen, as sorted, 539.- Engraved,superior,andetectrofine gilded, having all-the improvements of the foregoing; per case halt dozen, assorted, $42. Engine-turned, same material esate, over which is good silver, heavily plated, per oase of half dozen, 836. Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, and one each of the others, making a case of hair dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, $36,50. . Terms cash: Will be sent toany partof the loyal States, witb blllforcoHectioh on delivery. Bayers in the army will have to isnipayment in advanee, as the exvress compaaios refuso making eoitectfons south of the Poto mac.' This is one of the most saleable articles of ihe times, and just the thing fox those inoilned to make money among the soldiers. Sendin your orders early. GAIUS F. WHEATON, Sole Importer, Cor. NASSAU and JOHN Streets, New. York. P. O. Box 4365. oc2S-tSt* POTTON, WOOL, AND CARPET \J MAHUfAdTCBERS, Hardware Merchants, Lamp Manufacturers, Plumbers, Ac., TAKE NOTICE, that every description of Tin Work, Brass Castings, Stamp ing (including all military work), of superior manufac ture, can be obtained on '.order, of JOSEPH LENNfu, Manufacturer, 1615, 181 T, and 1619 UndßipSE AYanue, 0090-M”.* No. 219 CHUJBOH Alley. STEW PUBLICATIONS. KTBWB<SOKS, JL.V From the Press of J. B LIPPINUOTT & 00. I. T. BcorfANAK Bead’s New Poem, THK WAGONEE OP THE ALLEGHENIES, A POEM OF THK DATS OP SEVENTY-SIX. By Thomas Buchanan Beal. 12mo. $l, IX. BONOSO OORTEB ON CATHOLICISM. , Essay on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism, con sidered in their Fundamental Principles. By Don Joan Donoso Cortds, Martinis of Valdegamas—from the origi nal Spanish. To which is prefixed n sketch of (ho Life and Works of the author. Prom the Italian of Q. E. De Cmtro, Translated by Mrs. Madeline Tinton Goddard. I2mo. SI. . ... PARSONS OH HOTE3 AND BIDES. A Treatise on the Daw of Promissory Notts and Bills of Exchange, togother with an Appendix, containing an accurate reprfnt of the provisions of the Statute in'rela tion to Bills, Notes, Let ters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Oheoas; with an examination of the Questions which the Statute suggests: and the English authorities‘ noon those questions v.hicn have arisen. undor the £ngilsh. Stamp- Acts and may arise under our own. By Theophilus Parsons, LL. D., Professor of Daw in Cambridge Univprrlfy, author of Treatises ou the Law of Contracts, Ac., &c. 2 vols,, Bvo. (Inafew days.) . ' IT. ■ v. THE CLOSES WALK; THE BELIKVEE’B SANCTIFICATION. Second Edition. By Henry Darling, D- D. 60 cents. J. B. LIPPINOOTT & 00., Publishers, oc6-4t Nos. 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. jq-OW READY, . : A NEW POEM, .. Bf the Author of l( Angel in the House,” etc, ' ■■ THE ' , VICTORIES OF LOVE, BY COVENTRY PATMOBE, Author of “Angel in the House,” “Faithfal Forevsr, !r etc, One Volume, IBino. cloth.,,,,.,Price 50 cents. T. O. H. P. BURNHAM, Publisher, 143 WASHINGTON Btreot, Boston'. Sent by mail, postpaid, on ; receipt of the ptice nol, 6 2t TVFEW VOLUME OF SPURGEON’S : Jt'i SERMONS—VoIume7 jostpublished, priceonly 80 cents. FITUHBB’S Cheap- Bookstore, 439’CHEST NUT Street. HO6-36 TIMILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS. ill MEDICAL AND SUBGIOAL BOOKS. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS OF ALL KINDS'. The subscribers keep constantly on hand o large 03- soriment of Books in every branch" of fccienoe.' They alio teoeive ae published . THE; NEW. BOOKS OF THE DAY, Including all books of a stand srd character. Books not on hand procured promptly to order. / Complete Catalogue* of Mtdictl Books furnished gratis upon application, or sent free by mail. All Books sold allow prises. LINDSAY & BLAKtSTON, Publishers and Booksellers, nol- tf 25-South oixr H St., above Chestnut. ip w B-00 R S.—Vesper. By Ma i-' dame the Countess Be Gasparin, author of the “ Near and Heavenly Horizons.” 16mo, 75 cents. Ned Mareton ; or, The Cottage by the Stream. By A. L. 0-E. 18mo. 50-cuts. ■ Little Walter ofWyalusing. By a Guest in “The Old Castle." ISmo. 25 cents. WM. S. A ALFRED MAHTIEN, nol : 606 CHESTNUT Street. The united states tax l aw. —Burinees men desiring to know how this law af fects them shonld prosore a conr of the EX POSITION. Price 25 cents. Published and for sate by ' KING & B K IBD, oc3o 8t 607 SANSOM’Streei: A LEGTUBE FOE TOONS MSN*. Jest published, price 6 casts- a new edition of the late Dr. oULVBBWBIiL’S CELEBBATBD DBOTTTBS on the abuse of tbeßoproductlvo Powers, indaclag De bility s Gozißumptian, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical liicapacitF» &e, 'l'be radical mode of treat mcnr, without medicine , iB fully explained* so as to en able every one to be his own pbjßician at the least pos sible expense. « A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF BTJFFEBEK3 ” imder seal* in a plain envelope* to any address* pof*t-paid v on receipt of eix cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publisher*. CH. J. 0. KLINE & 00., . 127 BOWBBY, New York, . Post Office Box, 4 886, no4-3rolf PHOTOGRAPHS. mHExBEEGBT OF BEESONS IN it'seatch of beautiful and cheap.Picturoi—-REIMBB’B Galiery, SECOND Street, above Green. His colored Photographs are cheap, popular, and pleating, and only SI. I/.* rpHEY HATE NO EQUAL ;BET JL TEB than any portraits, BE'IMER’S life-size Pho tographs to oil-colors, correct and natural Ukenesseß. At war prioes: SECOND st.i above Green. It* mo COLOB CA ED PHOT O- A GBAPHB in an elegant manner, and not affect the fine surface in the least, is an easy process tj) any person, though not an artist, by the use of NEWTON’S PREPARED OOLOBS FOB ALBUMEN PICTOBES. Price per box, $3; with large bottle Of reducing liquid, 58.25. Sole Agents for the United States, J. E. TILTON & GO , Boston. In tbiß city and State, SOKOLZ & JANENTZKYj 112 Sonth EIGHTH Street. CAUTION—The great popularity already acquired by this valuable discovery has induced some dishonest persons to offer a worthless article in imitation. FIFTY DOIiIi ABS will be paid for the conviction of any party selling their stuff for Newton’s Albumen Colors. ocll-swlm EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA M ILI TAB Y A ACADEMY, at West Chester, (for boarders only}. This Academy will be opened on THDBSDAY, Septem ber 4th, 1862- :It \was chartered by the Legislature, at its last session, with full collegiate powers. In ita capacious buildings, which were erected and fur nished at a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are ar rangement, of the highest order for the comfortable quar tering and subsisting of one-huudredand fifty cadets. A corps -of competent; apd experienced teaoherg will give their undivided attentibn-to the .educational depart* meet, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practical. The department of; studies embraces the fol lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. A graduate of the Hutted States Military Academy, of'high standing in his cias3, and of experience in the field, devotes his exclusive attention to the Mathematics and Engineering The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to JA9. H OKNE, Eiq., No. 628 CHEITNUT 3t„ or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Colonel THEODOBE HYATT, President Penn sylvania Military Academy. no 4 In COPARTNERSHIPS. SHIP.—Tie undersign vJ ed have this day formed a copartnership under the name and firm of ANDRE WS, WILKINS, & CO., for the transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing business, at No. 803-MABKET Street ■ JOSIAH B. ANDBEW3, ABEL B. WILKINS. ED WARD J. ALTEMU3. WILLIAM N. 8 HI. EH. Pbiladclihla. Nov. 3 1862. no 4 6t* HOT 3 SE-FURNISHING GOODS. YAFJNALIo, DEALER IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, No. 1020 Cliestmxfc Street, Agent for the Bale of HALEY, MOUSE, & BOYDEN’3 PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING-: : CLOTHES-T7EINGEE,: Believed to be the best CLOTHES-WRINGEB in use. It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or smallest Hand kerchief drier than can possibly be done by hand, in very much less time. N. B—A liberal discount will be made to dealers, • nc3 3m COOKING RANGES, FURNACES, &c. QOOKING RANGES. ELEVATED DOTJBLE-OVEN COOKING : ranges. This Range has offorded more satisfaction than any yet cfftrtd to the public. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street •WARM-AIR FURNACES, YY Of the most approved and economical pattern, SUITED TO ALL CLAESES OF BUILDINGS ARNOLD & WILSON, ■gNAMELED %LATE MANTELS. A large variety of these beautiful Mantels at VERY LOW PRICES. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. JUW-DQWN AND COMM ON PARLOR GRATES. For Heating Parlors, Chambers, Offices, &o. ADAPTED FOB EITHER HARD OB SOFT 00AD. Hot-air Registers and Ventilators—a large assortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, ooU-sw2mif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. WE INVITE THE ATTEN LLM TION of the public to onr large and very snpe- T~rL'rlor stock of , STOVES, HEATERS, AND RANGES, which are pnt at price* to suit all. We have the Large Oven Cooking Stoves, Royal and Prince Boyal; to gether with the Wellington, a new cook stove, with large fire-bos and spacious oven. The Fuel-Saver Cook, with warm cloeet, tin roaster, and a reservoir for hot water. Cook Stove* with water backs, .affording an am ple snpply of hot water for the bath-room and other pur pose*, both for city and country _jieo. The Amazon Cook, with capacity for cooking for one hundred per sons : Parlor Cook, for wood or coal. A great variety At improved and beautiful patterns of Parlor Stoves, for both wood and coal; among which will be fonnd the Fiery Star, Silver's Air-Tight, Gas-Bnrning Bases, (an sizes, from 9 to 1« Inches,) Vesper, Violet, open and,close front; FrankHn Stoves, Portable Grates, for anthracite end bituminous coal, New Egg, Golden Egg. las addi tion to these wBl be fonnd, Thomson’a London Kitchener, or European Bange: Philadelphia and Fire-Sidj-Banges; Looomotive, Torrid and Egg Heaters; Sow,Down Grates, Fire-Board and Illuminating Stoves, by which the parlors are made pleasant and cheerful. NORTH, CJBASE, & NORTH, 0c22-wfm lm ' 209 Norih fIBOOND Street. , Champagne.— i**® cham- L/ pagne, In qprirts andpintojteitside by __ _ " ?■ . CHARLES 8. QABSTATBS, oc9o ' Bole Agent, Nu 12S WALNUT Street. CIDER,.- —New CSarified Champagne Older, of extra anallty, by the barrel or hogshead. For sap, by .EMIL MATHIEO, ocg-,.12t iGr Nos. 12D, 122, and 124 LOMBARD St. - LmENCH MUBTARD. Purrey X? Blame’s Imported Mustard, tor sale in store and to arrive, by the sole agent, ' OHABLEB 8. OABBTAIBB, 0i29 No, 128 WALNUT Stosat 1010 CHESTNUT Street. AMUSEMENTS. Lfil. QOTTSGHALK—CONCERT • ball,. SATUBDa V EVENING, Nov. 8, at 8 o’clook. LAST OOb'OEBT. LAST OONOBBT. m’lliJ oablotta Patti, The celebrated Prim's Donna, and the prinoipalitar of atw York and Boston Academies of Music, will appear. „ .88. GOTTSOHAL'fi and M’LLE PATH __ Will perform «n entirely Lmw programme. Music Director and Conductor.... Mr. BEHRENS. Admission 60 cents. Reserved seats 26 cents extra. _ The sale of tiokato commeneo,' THURSDAY MDBS laBj at 9 o clock, afc J. B. GouJd’a' Music Store.. ao&»4t M E8 * JOHN DREW’S AKOH- JjA BTBEET THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer...,..JOß. is; MHBPHIr. OVEBFLOWING HOUSES' SECOND WEEK OF J. S. CLABSe! .Clarke in two glorious parts. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY) Nov. ft THE SCHOOL OF BEFOBM. Boh Tyke,,...... ....J. Si tflhrfee- Mrs. Ferment........................ Mrs. JohiPßrew. To conclude with the serio-comic Drama of JONATHAN BRADFORD; Or, The Murder of the Boadaide Gun. Caleb Scrimmidge ~..J. 8. ClcrkO. Ann Bradford... ~,., ..Mrs. John Drswi Doors open at 6% —To commence at TH o’clock. VSTALNUT-STREET THEATRE.—r Vf Sole Lessee...... Mrs. M. A. GABRHTTSOH. (Business Agent........ ..Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. ENGAGEMENT of Mr, end Mrs E.L.DAVENPOBT. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nov. 5. Will be pei formed fciakspeare’s play in five aots. of HAMLET. ’ Ham1et.,,,.....Mr. E. L, Davenport. Ophelia.,...Mrs E L. Davenport. To conduce with the laurhtbls Farce of _ ICI ON PABLE Fbasoaise. Doom open at 7—Performance ootaimahoeß at 7%. A BEL &(JO.’S sTEREOPTiCON— ■IJ- EXHIBITING AT THE ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Street*, ; ■ evert evening This week. The reeonrees of the Bteieopticon are endless, end It gives a - VARIED PEOGBAMME EACH EVENING. As an educational and refining influence, THIS EXHIBITION 13 WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Admission 25 cents. Commence at 8 o’clock. MATINEE on BATUBPAT, at no3-@t TNSTITUTIQN FOR THE' BLIND. A —EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY, at 3<s P. 51. Conductor of Instrumental Music, Oari.Sentz. (Jon dneter ol Vocal Music. Mr. A. R. Taylor! Tickets; TSU CENTS. Store.~No. II South ElGHTffSSreet; It PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY QW A THE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Isopen daily (Bundayg excepted) from 9 A. H. HSS P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half jirioe. Shares of Stock, $3O. jyg WANTS. TYIBABLED SOLDIERS WMTIO A/ to act as AGENTS for the sale of the MttOLEL LAN MEDALS. Call between 10 and; 3, at 28'Sooth FOURTH Street, up stairs. It# HOARDING. At PRIVATE FAMILY ON WAfr JCL NUT Street, near BBOAD. will BENT *a Se cond siory front or back BOOM, ‘ with BOAt.E/ Terms moderate. References exchanged. ‘ Addrosir*' Li 0. a.” Prtn office. nos-2t# PERSONAL PENSIONS.— $100 Bounty and -Pa^-- pr<S;ured and. collected for soldiers, sailers, and thh relatives of such aa are deceased, at reasonable and gat!**, factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424- WALNUT Streot, PhilsddpMa. Pijyticnlar attention given to parties living at a dis tance ocISW LOST AMD FOUND. Lost oe stolen—the public are cautioned against negotiating the following UNITED STATES CERTIFICATES OF INDEBT- EDNESS, >-*Tha game having been lost or stolen from the sub scribers : ISSUED TO D. & O. KELLY, No: 21,391, dated Sept. 26th, 1882......; sl,ODff No. 24,392 do. do. I,SO* No. 24 593 do. do. 1,000 No. 24,394 do. do. 1,009 No. 7,098 do. do. 6,00 S ISEUED TO B. F. LOPEB. No. 25.090, dated October 2d. 1862 31,00$ ALL PAYABLE TO BEABEB. BLAKE, BROS., & Of)., 28 Wall street. New York, Oct I 3„ 1882 0c22-Sf FOR SALE AND TO LET. ■J3 ACK OFFICE, lit FLOOB, TO AJ rent low, on FOURTH Street, near Library street. Algo, 2d and 3d story Booms and Offices in earns build, tog. Bentsvery low: Apply to EDMUND WEIGLEYj Conveyancer 134 Sonth FOURTH Street. no 4 3t*=-> EE BSEI S } &o. Complete Machinery for fulling and finishing Biauhefe, Komis. &c. For sale cheap. Addross Box No. 1002 p, 0 A T PRIVATE SALS—A very eli .-tX- glUe and handsomely-situated property in Oheeter count?. one mile toutb. of Phcenizville, on Nutt's road* store bo use 5 6 rooms, ball and kitchen, Btvn*> barn, car-” rioge house, well of ’water with pump at the be&Ubyand pleasant neighborhood. Immediate poaaea* Bion can be given. Title good. Terms, &o , annlv to E. F. PENHYPACEJSB, Seal Estate Agent, Pboenirvflle, A T PEIYATE SALE—A first-class Ji 3l property of 19 sore* 116 perches, In Cheater County, on the road from Pheenixyille to Chester Springs; well.shaded stone house, ten rooms and two kitchens, stone barn, carriage house, ice house, milte hoose, io.; 108 -choice apple, 32 cherry, 8 pear, If Qnince, and 12-plnm-trees, 146 bearing grape yines, and abundance c f berries. In a healthy neighborhood, ae— cessible to the city fonr times daily by railroad. 32,009 can remain secured. Title good. A farm of 60- acres 249 perches adjoining, and part of ihe same estate. Is also for sale. Terms, &c , andy to E. V. PEHNYPAOKEB, Beal Estate Agent, FhoeuixriHe. 4g A FACTORY TO RENT—Oar fiSi Willow street,, below New Market gtreet, with on in let into the culyert. Apply to JAMES S. MASON St <JO„ 138 and 140 North FROHT St. 0c2312t m T O LI T—A COMMODIOUS *& DWELLING, No. 132 North EBONT Street Beat moderate. Apply to WETHEBILL & BRQ., ot27.tr 47 and 49 North 6EOOND Street CV- FOE. SALE—A good driving Mare, Begers Carriage and Harness. Price $125. Address “80x2,291,” Post Office. no&-2» INSURANCE COMPANIES. The girard life insurance COMPANY. OFFICE, 408 OHE3NUT BTBEET, CHARTERED IN 1836, ASSETS 81,543,360.24. H&b INBUBANOE3 on 111 YES on the most reason able terms Bocoivo and exeonto Trtuts, and act as Executors and Administrators. 5 hoy declare a BONUS on PBOFITS every five year*, to the insured for life, and pay in the interval at thede ceaee of the insured up to the year of death, in the sacra ratio as the lart bonce. The following are a few examples from the Register.; Sam Bonus or Insured. addition. fntnre additions. No. 89 No. 132 No. 199 No. 833 $2,500 $BB7 51 3,000 1,050 00 1,000 400 00 5,000 1,875 00 Policies for whole life by one preminm. or in TEN ANNUAL PBEHtIUMS. And no more premiums to be paid wilt be issned to per sons desiring them. Pamphlets and forms of application and farther Infor mation can be had at the Office THOMAS BIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. 0c22-wfmfit*. QIEARD FIRE AND MARINBi INSURANCE COMPANY. Oines «S WALNUT BTBEET, PHILADaSPHIS. CAPITAL *200,000. : This oompany continues to tike risks en the MlStSv sl«B»Bs of Property at low rates. J The public can roly upon its responsibility, and. sftEfev ty to pay tosses promptly. Its disbursements for ttS). bene&t or the pnblic, during the iart nine years, e noeei, ® 50 0.000. and we respectfully scilcit its favcrin the future. DIRECTORS. OKAS. I. DUPONT, JEBBV WALNE3, JOHN W.OLAGHOBK, JOHN TKORBLHE, 0. T. HEAZLITT, ABBAHAit HABT, DATED BOFD, Jr., PETEB.B. HOE,, ofß.,ft WM. Rf. SWAIN, FUBMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. H. B. LA.WBENOB, WH. 0. BUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CBAVBN. FreridaaL A. S. GILLBTT, Vice Preddant. JAB. B, ALVOBD, Secretary. ep2o,iftft TjIAME insura. X? Ko. 406 CHESTNUT FIBE AND TNLA MEEf F N. Bock, Obaa. liicbsrdson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whmdin, Geo.A.Weat, O W. Davis, FBAHOXS H BHO CHABXiHS BI n II WILLIAMS i. BLAHOI riOMMOSWEAL. KJ KANOE.G3BIPANT 0] BTIiVAKIA. ; BXEEOTOBS. ' David Jayne, M. D.,. ‘ Charles EC Eogera, John M-. Whitall, John T 5. Walker, Edward-0. Eoight, Brbert Shoemaker, Thowaß Stewart, William Strothers, ■! Henry Lewis, Jr., Eliiah Jones. ~ DAVID JAYNE, M. D,, President. JOHN M. WHITABL, Vim President. - BAHTJEL 8. MOON, Secretary. OlBce, Commonwealth Bnßdliss* 61® ultioxinwj Streep Philadelphia, > " • _ -**''*■ insubanob XjL COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHABTBH pBBPETUAIi. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Tirirdi *Hsiringahwge paid-np gaidM steok and Semins,' in vested in sonnd and e.-saijaMe Seenritiee, continues to insane on Dwellings, Stares, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Pononai Property- Ail lossc-i liberally and promptly adjasted. DIBBOTOHB. * Thomas B. Haris, 1 James B. Campbell, •John Welsh, Edmnnd O. Dntflh, • Samuel O. Merten, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John I. Lewis, THOMAS B. HABIS, Preridait. Am*** 0. L. CaiWFOSD, Secretary. • feaa-a. < A -BMY DESKS.-A capital article for JLX. camp and field nse. Safefrom wet, compact, and. convenient to carry In pocket. dadmUN, 104 NOBTH DE t-AWABE|Avenoe, PhitadelphilL AGENTB WANTED to seU them in FhUa ?Sg* , 1 * S'* Vicinity. - ocaa-lmw i?IE 'anTiAß.-D». JAMES tiltpwbOODMST and AT3BIBT, has again re- SSedfrem towA-JW* «« nantlv located at Ho. 837 North SIXTH Street. yS« l2 A. M.. and ato 4 P.M. sell*. Pratt* —NGIIShI)AIRY CHEESE. 350 Boses Ohoica English Dairy,CHE BaS. inst r*- «dved and for eale by BHODEB ft WILLIAMS, NO. 107 891 th W4?sB«te!^ ocSl-12t* Amount of Policy and : 80. nus to he increased by $3,387 50 4 050 00, 1400 00 6 875 00 NOE GOMBANX* Street. STB IIfSBRAN-OH. JTOBB. E. D. Woodruff, Joint Kessler, Jr-i P.S. Jnstice, Washington Jones, , Obas. Stefees, I John W. Eyanaan. IS, President. SJ3D.SOH,'Vtoe President, .1 AiiD, Secretary, fmhliAtf it Sr" H EIRE INBU f-THE STATS OK EHBR*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers