, fo als)chlors and Igo for hairs The Lard market Adt; j r lower; sales of 200 bble at 10X 0110. Batter ei in Islc demand and prices are supported; intim at 1 6 0 ; 11 for ( ) hi°, Western. and eennsylvants, the latter price ; ° c ow ; 2002 1 0 for fah to good State, and 230240 do. Ullothe h a'eo very fi rm at 009,1i0 for i', l ; c hoice v tie, end 30eo110 for good to choice State. pi:11101T BRE&DSTUSE3 IitARKET, 00num; I , /Le JC. —The demand continues ve at last quota oloptrs being anxious to get their stooks forward It,' the dose of navigation. The reported salve this P7, ( *i. t o wt re: GOO bble superior at SG; a lot of high r''';"at $6.65 ; a lot of extra at $5.40 ; and 100 bbl. at $4 P 5. r —The market opened heavy, and closed nom!• oil so lower. White woo oomparatlvely firmer than 6 to ds tithing place or four care at 121 c, Saturday's tmt it would have been somewhat difficult to have of more at the same figure, nod, so far tie a large woo concerned, Impossible. But the offerings of :count g as were limited. There was only a small amount olbb f red clerlvg. but there were more sellers than buyers ;Tv, tulY transaction was two oars No. red at 1080, ••• ` 66 1 to 105 c for So. 1. There wee aloe a sale of two I:',6'to 1; hue at 1170, but no buyers for that grade at . 1,5 , 1 , 00 the same figure. On the street 1080 Is paid 3 rd. Extra white twinge 1180 ; No. Ido MSc ; r s , t6 t;tlsii- • 1001510105 COFFEE MUM Ootobsr 30. ~ dasy tomPrisEd 1,700 bass plain Rio, taken for taarket, at 25X o, and 100 bags falr do. at 26o4iiv oat "0, The market closed firm at our (notational, c oprnon to fair Rio at 25X 0200, and good to prime 1 1 ,'• a27c 4€r lb ; Lagnayra at 2.80, and Java at 32a 1,21 , 0 t a Rio 8,500 bags. 'IX IdONTEILII REVIEW, Sept. , J.tha sps: uo&R.—We have already received afew ;rags i„r0; to the new crop (commencing let October) ; ! La weather hart been very favorable for the grow c,,to, tad as it le generally reported that the crop Gen (alga one, fair supplies may be expected t 0.;,, .;,, riddle of next month. In consequence of ; Kilr oy of d/awers,tand high prices rang for cotton, lord:mem have been made as remittances, and NO p .0 • 11.4.4 t•K te U Homo copeilthm, full pricer have born ~ r ;se ta: rteall quantities of yellowr and browns that have ; in Poe market. 1,000 bags of New Iffuscovadoes br,s.:o) have been received, and purchased by the p..ld , et rum 18400a18500 4fr errothr a.—Prices have gradually advanced, and in con. oin(o of the demand for &smash account 1088004 1 -,,,nu ;17 strobe was paid on the spot for fine quality ; ,;are the arrival of the Gulenno 188600 4Fr arroba I :if :140, r 1 11,4;ments during the mouth hsve been 1,268 bag rboli 120 do to Philadelphia, and 101) do to Rio ...wt.; making the total shipments, eines let Julys, Gaya; against 3.861 do to fart year r,a s;aa AND MADEIO COTTON —'.bout 1,00 bags c ,s ,;;1;. ware void at 158300a183000 41Y arroba, f. 0. b., ; "Nuoli biv,Lier rates are now asked --Tl'e price of dry Baited has ruled at 166470 1 , 3 of which rates about 8,000 were purchased; and t. • Ali LieDta have been 3,328 to Philadelphia. pa'ATE4 AND 114P0ET2.--The following are • n ,a of :ha principal articles extorted from this port to LI, from October 28d to Nth, 1802: GREAT BRIT &IN. ;f1)!T,!:/,13.. 1,457 $11,687 20tH!, lb.". 3,847 8462 Vitra, bit ..50,618 87,7101011 (Jake, bB2B 2,538 12 746 , ur .„ ~, 8,003 6,oo2loloverneed, bu. 618 3,237 t , N3., 1,250 2,444188ga 600 100 33177871 NORTH AMORIOA. our 76 $560 03°11 107 838 BRITISH WEST INDIES, tow, 2 107 $15,603 Cheese, lbs.,. 2,086 $209 •• 1,275 • 4,824 Pandit a, "11,300 1,600 Cnrn 1, 1 ,3 ~ 1,500 1,275 Lamps. etc...— 80 Te „,, „. 195 390 Tobacco, hde. 6. 1,653 630 1,859 Ale, galls__ 860, 100 co R e m pip 150 2,200 Vinegar, galls 600 54 11.11, (Vs. „ , 125 0 700 Aleilichses..,. ~ 144 330 d, „ 60 78 Perfumery 98 c. ,„ , 291 3,796 Furniture, Broome, Belo, lbs. .18,519 1,670 and thickets .. 827 „ 19,875 2,046 Slioaks. ago . MO 1,315 itvatet " ... 3,125 453 Bhirg os, m... 15 128 BRAMSII WEST . 26 s327llVhito Lead, _ TA, 1...12.230 1,406 Lard, ...70 590 7,143 1 35.10 w," .., 3,636 339 ;nap. 0 —.22,020 1,651 Cat.l.:M " 3,000 KO Cnrie Wit•kat 13..4,993 2,247 1,260 270 lb ! Kerosene Oil, gallons. 1,120 475 telt, sacks... 300 246 Paper, reams, 1,500 407 Rope 215 Lumber..." 1,595 Furniture and Coen, " 1,041 180 Bicz," • .89,427 2,090 1101.•tithor, Be 001111.•. 913 F hoot; a 4.250 8,205 Hoop .... . .. .. 800 lg 22 4,603 1,360 Oat Jeri...". 51achluery • MRIIIOI. Blacking, doz. 1,051 $262 Paper, reame . 1,000 260 Hutton Flan. net.. yards 30 12 Dagnarraory pe material.. .. 101 andlea at Philadelphia for 1862, were as foltowa IMPTION, Stoneware, pkge 6 $l9B Logweed, tons.. 131 1,628 Itaiaine, .. trails.. 300 8,905 Gemoas, bas... 260 602 Cotton, pkgs... 20 849 61 n Aida, bas.. 50 310 gold .. 20,409 Lead, pito . 50 822 Goatak'e, bales. 20 691 Herring, Nola-1,721 .. ba5..2,253 +Janet, bdia... 44 .. flackerel, bhls. 20 4,242 SOUTH C,c)o '••. 10 : 'B2 . 400 400 3 art i!r!... .• 5,950 655 500 no at foreign mere ti ?rolltrg October so OR CON 30 $2,468 tine, 12 156 6,44 ....4;630 " 315 I; oncka Bdo 2,603 Thdr4 1,560 6,112 11,,ga kW a... 100 656 C.; ;Y:l2, „ . „ 261 C+cara. 7 261 6:Mote st Nita. bhq. . 1 1,441 15 1,280 ca, 4 409 tiffne .131 CITY-ITEMS. .11E , i113. CHARLES OARPOILD & SON, UNDER 7310:*7;sr,NTAL HOTEL, have now open their maygnifi. coasted,. t 4 Ladies' Fancy Fore, In which will be found every T.cwity of the season, and at prices much below Dm char, oby lose extensive dealers. Every article they tither of their own manufacture or impor lobs. Urn:ll'l'L STOOK OF )111.1.58K8 7 AND CHILD -Messrs. Woods Cary, No. 725 Chestnut 12st, hiv% now ready all the chola new styles of Child ut'i llcedgear of the season Their stook of these goods lithe most exlemi4o In the city, and It 10 universally conceded Ihitt, for teete and elegance, their new fall and Hater et; lea of Hate for Misses and Children are tin tivailed toy where. They 'should be examined by t rlboay imforo purahAdog. LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES.— NT. C El, Mattson, dealer In fine Family Grocericc, Arch eLl'Llra 9t: Bete, has now in attire a supply of fine, pure \'; 1 , 3 for medicinal purpocee—Port, Sherry, and 114::, Ow the finest quality of Brandy, wtioh can be e lei 'with lately for the tam of Invalids. :;• STILES.—The latest styles of Hats and -•! ,. .:?...1.*t'; men bavejnet, been brought on. by Menonr. 3.. t it Nos. 884 and 83J Chestnut greet, rtader •etnt Hotel. ‘.ND SHOES at prices to suit the times. ',% , 1,f men's ()aviary /toots. U. D. blot/lees Sr 5. Third street, et i Philadelphia. oc3l-tne6t* T !';', Is a young man in the army, who • ,„„1, 4, at 4 o'clook, P. N., at No. 44, in s I.:tc: 11J'it,a,, 1844, a 4th child, ti as 4 names, .enlisted Y company which hes jolnol the 4th bat , raiment, 4th company, and--on the 4th of , i h. appointed 4th con and le now going 'fork t 1 ',Ld bill country, and enrobe himself in a lano,-.:1 , L! of clothes from the Palatial glothing t 01611 a OtanTille Stokes, No. 600 °bailout street, I' ll l:edripieil•-• where garments of the latest styles and Irelion FJP :old at unprecedented low Prices A , SM. , IVO illAcnlNE.—There is on exhibi th is PuG an instrument which imitates the human Vohs a.) a ! to be mistaken for It. It represents a female him& sad !be larynx is conetruoted on physiological riscisies ti construction, The voice has the compass of tWOCCI.I7FF, and sings any air with the tone of the t•issis r..lee, We should like to hear this musical an hubs tits the praises of the elegant, garments for st,l civilians made at the Brown stone Clothing flail of liocl hill it Wilson, NOs. (03 and CO6 Chestnut nett, shove Sixth. 7sF Srocx lithaucxx.-- (Reported expressly I°' mt, yetef )—U the first board in front of the desk at tiattn Si,, eh', under the Omitlnental, Build Proof likll4 '"" , Ltd ,firnt ; ae a general thing, however, stock/ ;we dw, , many' preferring the simple neck-tle, of Which 8! !t.ll establishment there is a great variety. VreoliJ ore easy at $18e25, and Paletots went off (end DJ; It the r ame rate as yeeterday At the second Lcard, t ear he front window, Pantaloons were down, Sl tpd 4.54 bid, Wo asked. Nothing doing in linen dueters, iota October 20th. Sales, 82,680. ARlti VALE AT Tilt HOTELS ‘7P TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST many 1 : P.M MENTAL HOTEL--Ninth and Chestnut Its. l W ht. New York JDO A Most And, Lancaster lux:n R :Maim J It Smith, Atchison, lion Jcivd,l. Atchison Kan Elt Lyon, Baltimore W trot.: u. Boatort J P Comae, Boston "u b eton 0 II Wheeler & wf,Ohicago Jibs IIL A übott & ch,Waids /11 El Abbott, Boston rr A „ f i to, / Geo W ifa to, Albany ' Lorick, D 8 A John 8 'Keyes, Boston Wth Bermuda A V Lyrike, Boston Ja4 alo JAI otittl, New York .M A. Large, Baltimore W rpr, Lebanon Mrs Killtuger, Lebanon N et li A t.sn , lierton,'Pa P B .Treeng, Toledo bail iv, Cincinnati J. a Corse , Baltimore listen, New York W II ilolmeS, Ptttsburg 316 J (Wert, Pittsburg Shielos,'Pittsburg 11 Sltkb., Pittsbur J J Pelt, California h ` k. " u mi New York P . A Drown,Sprlagfieli,litas tart Dr U r Smith, Mane S t Grigg*, agog° hits T At,',Albany Mr Austin .36 Is, Alb toy. lilts J J orlon & wf, J Pettengill Jr la, 111 " /I "' • P !'lladeltrbitt Dani 3 Bair, Lancaster Coma Cen'2bhr4, Waahington WII Baldwin. Washington' DL JW W Cheater TIT arr•s, New York 0 L Washington B Oar,ing la, New York 111 ,„1.1 Ini Davis. Baltimore Mica J A McConkey, Pa NV krY, Pentaa W V Strickland Jr la, Wash 8 illeath,ttr, II A "N 11. Sherwood, 0S A VW Wrier, Maine Mrs it 31 Worcester, N J otk 7,N Newark, i J L sawyar, Portland, Are Purdand, Me T Portland, Me Porilabd, Me it Ball, Portland, hie Portland, Me N G toes, Portland, Me BMA,. Portland, Me J Heruert, Portland, Me p ED Re/ Baltimore IlAdes Watt Chester i°,14,7t0T, V 1111 i vet., Franklin DC,,"'''. P ennsylvania W o , tock, Poona a nf, lierrisb'g EY . nuk, o PknOlvmala "" 4 "liwinkee W NoTes la, N York 11,,11 how York They Donaidann, Balmrtl't, r ; o i T Loraidikk Baito Z 0 mild Sr. wf, St Louis j L i oilic a Wed Chester bla3 31cfilure, W Cheater I)7'`un 'olio. west Chester Sims, West Chester ~ 7 1 : - ie.W York Jahn IC Bogard, Batton 4W'• ir, Lancaster Chas A B-yan, O,laware 6 p 14, Harrisburg S Tucker, New York gh,`p. ll ‘ , o B o yer nobarts, New York ,j; ,Hamilton If s We ks & la, Mtiwaukee Ple•ft,u, Boston B Nine Al wf, Washington A New York W Diabolic, New York J New York is T Dickinson. Hartland utimore H ;1 Southwick, Is Jersey , uol,bs P` " Fl, 31 100M 1 J9 Jr la, Boston Dtyt Dub= W Moore Boston 3d pj , $ 'Agree Delaware T Piarrit, New York 0 11 l ion N York L ii , leineoell. Washington D i I W h rslttle, Vermont Ire N Y CI Le tlsin, New York Now York John E Willlnms,New York ii,( 1 ., 0, 1 1 •, New Jersey Col PeTtou 1 .10 1 ), I V Now York Millr W W Wood Willa. New York Hiss Brady, New York (4, 4 wi. L Island A JO!. u. New York D Boston T j Ga-paat or, Brooklyn New York IN, a3ll4l.o AN—Ohealmat moot., %hove Filth. J .i''' 8 " , IVaathD 0 W S Jook, ()hooter' j-44 0 rot ' ooi &If W 'Eliot. Dolaware I WI' l ' I Wiro, l , l. `"ln r Maryland Jai tiorrlutt, Wash, D 0 liart,j,,l E Allen, Now York J lit,' ' 4 ' r '• now York j r ittartlintr, Waah, D 0 • ie.•V Jhi , •r! rr,st N Foliar :IP 11,,,,'ri 41. ~,v, Delaware PLI.i krraitrong. Delaware 2 ilar4r, ii• 4 41 1 W Cheater Dell , e Itiove, Now Jamey rIl ,s, ' - '"itufi • N ; 11 Flawlers, PolladelPhla rl,, • my emery it j ,%. err. I.,,tanon J J Mooed. iodlou% , Q 1: , 4,14..11 lmilatie TA 0 iltillf ogitqau. Realm os AB ' a'• New York D p ?Aye, Now York p,°Q, we abington,D 0 J W Jadano, Oswego, N Y p • ii i.rrore. Beading j n Ogertoh, Hnotinsdon 1111.1 t O •r • Bbitreaburg PA r fan'a & Jar Shore 7j Jirl- ;A-iaitrti,Jer Shore Mrs] Dr Boar. Je r i y Shore 11 11 `el t r ' ''''' , q .0 , NJ Ed K r•tior, Baltimore ( orn,:;! , 11. w York El CI GI sted. Brooklyn ota'rer. Brookins Thr.posat UM, Baltimore rri. r. Nor YOrk ' . 1,600 $533 .• • .• . . ..... $6,882 Aaron Creasman, Shcleraville WH Harper, ilortbaint'aco Jacob Scholl, Nordic:up' to co 0 Miller, Nerthampton co Thos Hoffman, Gatbsyllle Aaron Belsel, - Gutheville, AWE(' Moyer, Catherine, Samuel Huett, Doyleetowa A Smith, Allentown S K SWIM. Pa 8 Trumbower, Doylestown D Fry. Weisenburg 741 Jonathan Fry, Weisenbary Lewis Bieng i Pa A Knorr, Monroe co Aaron Knorr, Monroe to BARLEY SHBAY--Becond street, below Vine. J Burton, Bristol B Price, Pennsylvania 0 S Atkinson, Pennsylvania B Smith, Roam Dr Joe Foulke, Penne W J Jewell & la., Bucks co A A Daubert, Keeton, Pa G M Ohamberlin,Monroe co B W tamith, Barton, Pa J Bickel, Newtown B Foabenner. Pennsylvania N Wetherill, Doylestown NreWetherill&dau,Donestn A Carver, Bucks county H Boderock, Pennsylvania BlHaldermsn,Pennsylvania Tient J N Jamison, Penns - J Wildman, Pennsylvania Joseph Ott, New Jersey A Borliew, Morrisville H 0 Case, New Hope W W Trego, New Hope B F Leedon Bucks county N Oomly, Pennsylvania .7 Menningtrin, Penns H Yeager, Permanent% BJ B 5 od, Beaton Lt J Carver, Doylestown H B Ilhoade,Willisineport,Pa J 9 11110$4, 4 lo r Penna J Smith & la, Delaware Wm Thompeon,Doyleetown Capt O W Dyer. Doyleetown 3 Barnes, Easton M Piereen, Backe county SAID BACll,ll—Third street, above Oal Jonas Wietuid, MonteY co Clhai Schweitzer, Montg co Henry Kraft, Montg'y co Jacob Bohelly, Backe co H Groan, Lehigh co John Belhl, Marta Munk M B Snyder, Bethlehem B Y Stranseberger, Penns J Bartholomew, Bath, Pa Samuel Butz, Easton, Pa S P Blohllne, Allentown W 0 Bat; Lehigh co W Houser, Hanover, Pa Pater Miller,Minover, Pa A *Hetzler, Penns J Schott, Radon GM H Wagner, 'Monroe co Mee May Story, Phoenix, Jobn Heinselman, Penna Bliss Deinner, Parma • W Olapton, °heater co Beni Gamed, Treitertown Jacob H Rower, Penns Jacob Leith, Palma Ship Zered, McGonagle, 27 days from Londonderry, with nuke and passengers to Bobt Taylor & Bark Albertina, Olmstead, 3 days from New York, in ballast to D 8 Stetson & Co. Behr Henry Wolfe, Atkbas, day from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian & 00. VlSchr. Jarlan, Norton, from Boston, in ballad to J E Bazley & Co Barge Young America, Houghton, from Albany, with mdse to D McCarthy. Brig Wended, Miller, Demsrara, JE Barley Sr. Co. Brig Marshall Butch, Burgess, Bostouji Ardourled & Co. MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at.. befog? Am& Louis Strayer, York, Pa 3 Jones N Polishlath 0 A Luckenback, Pa W 6 Young, Allentown Thoe Stern, Pittston W Gorden, New York Dr J Leaman & la, Pa S Landis, Halifax, Pa Joe B Landis, Halifax, Pa A Johnston, Indiana co, Pa J J Conner, Ashland J 0 Conner, Ashland Mrs H A Wade & Son, Pa Miss E Flynn, Lancaster Miss Flynn, Lancaster Jae White, Pittsburg H 0 Clinton, lowa W L Jones, Allentown Mrs M C Dickson, N Fort Rev. Dickson, New York Nathan Fuller, Pa T Myer, Pittelon N Peters, Delaware 11 B Walter, Delaware H Colmar, New York N White, Boston J Actionbach, Plainfield Jonathan Hahn, Plainfield A J Van,inwegen, blewloo Joe Bonier, blatamoros it F Uhl, Somerset, Pa P L Corley, Williamsport A Armstrong, Hagerstown Semi Seibert, ohatuberehig Geo Slate, Williamsport P Eldredge, St Louie Rev J Kurtz & lei, Pa 0 Nash, Jr, Williamsport OE3 Dlatmock, Pike no, Pa Mrs L F Barnes, billiard Oliver Chace, Fall River John S Brown. Erie, Pa II Stamm, Pittsburg Mrs Hilliard, Williesbarre Mrs Barnum, Wilkosbarre Hon H Si Mott, Milford, Pa Jacob Kleinhans G r Hallett J W Andrews, Now York W A Fritoby. Maryland E R Taggart .1 0 D Lilly, Reading Geo W Billings, New York Miss Barnum, Wlltiesbarro J 0 Schooner, US A BT. LOUIE , HOTEL—Ctiteetnnt 'treat. Molt* Third. E Ci Scott. U S A A Vogeler, Baltimore H Lauer, Baltimore H 0 Bortman, Ky Barney, Kentucky Mrs 0 May, Delaware 1) A Schermerborn, N Y Ohne Manning, N York Dr E A Pierson, U B A Barone] Charts _ . J B Beatty, Portland J W Spencer, oh!cage J W Beady. New York L Pritchard, Oenn R 0 Jarrett, Baltimore J M Barr & la, Delaware 8 L Primrose, Maryland E P Howlett, Syraltem D Q Fouler, Baltimore J L Spencer, Jr, N J THZ UNION—Arch 'Meet, above Third. W T Baker, Stroudsburg Whi Burnet, Stroudsburg Marks Brown, Stroudsburg B Davis &la, Lancaster Wm W Walkin, New York J L Edwards, Penne Col W Mayer, Now York Samuel Oahn, New York B F Underwood, Caledonia J W Stein Adamville Wm B Sheffer, Pittsburg Geo Spu rrier, Lancaster John Shaffer, Beading J Williman, Smithillle, 0 L Malmo, Ohio J•Twittcbey, Mt Bethel, Pa Dr Gray & wf, Flemington 0 L Gibbon, Salem, N Me J L Tracey. Penna W A Peck, Parma J H Barton, Delaware co J D Laverty, Chester co OGNMERVIAL—EIIxth street, above Chestnut. J A Gilleland, Pennsylvania B Henry, Mifflin co, Pa A R Pennington, Delaware G McLaughlin, Penn's Jamee Groff', Harrisburg James Watson, Penn's B C Johnson, Pittsburg B P Greenleaf, Chester co T Massey, West Chester J C Mattson, Phoenixville $ A Baseman, New Hope J A Reynolds, Penn's &rafter S Smith 0 E Allen, Burlington Wm Et Eder, Maryland E C Roberts, Newark, N J JII Robinson, B S Mosses, Chester co, Pa J D Hendzie, Doylestown MT. VERNON —Second street, above Areh.c!, B Storm, Paradise, Pa J Haskins, Paradise, Pa 8 Stimfy,!Paradise 0 Featherman, Paradise E Knauss. Paradise H Herder, Paradise H Boknm, Emit Tennessee F Beed, Stroudsburg N E Braun, Stroudsburg T Fay, Stroudsburg B Mason, Monroe co, Pa , J Storm,Penns T r, Heller, Stroudsburg H Smith Stroudsburg P Frank, Strondeburg H Kerston, Stroudsburg T H Bedlow, New Jereey MADISON 11017811.-13eoond street, above Market. Wm F Baker, Stroudsburg Mhi Burnett, Stroudsburg W W Trego, New Hope H 0 Oase, New Hope Jas Malony, hew Hope Ohas S Detrick, New Hope Bawl S Dreher, New Hope 0 H Metzger, Monroe co S ti Brown, Henryville B Hughes, New Jersey O Patohkle, New . York T H Bedloe, Atlantic City Chas B Chose, Strowlsburg A J Ooolbaugh, Monree co H H Winn, Illinois Chas Stratford, Lewistown L B Scott, Ohmmeter Pt, Ye Wm Miller, Harrisburg J B Transier, Pennsylvania Geo Potter, Pennsylvania L Geiser, Dover, Del N Lotion& Delaware :01,11 Mho Mary Hale, N J hi G Bisbee, New Jersey J V Williams, Monroe co A Weaver, Monroe co J Burson, New jersey F Whitlock, New Jersey W E Sigler, Pennsylvania Julio flair, Pennsylvania S Brown, Pennsylvania NATIONAL ROTEL—Ram street, above Third, 0 Meilen% Penna J Batt, Radon, Pa G,MlLubaker, Millersburg 0 M Knauss ' Bethlehem Geo Levan, Lanc co, Pa Jae M Frank, Lane co, Pa H 13 Ball, Quakertown J ilI Delhi, Bucks co, Pa M Gurie, Bucke co, Pa L Wagner, Bucks co, Pa John Hinkel, Buck e co, Pa R'Flunk, Bucks co, Pa W J Wood, Wash, D 0 Me 8 Freed, Allentown Mrs Ellen Ohriet, Allentown B II Kramer, B Hanover J Saeger, Allentown, Pa FII Weidner, Allentown Jonathan Reichard, Allentn P S Reiser, Pa Jonas Schmeyeer, Lehigh co Moses Holman, Lehigh co Geo Gkim, Lebanon John H Neff, Baltimore H J Robereon, Hilltown W H ‘Veaver, Bucks co M Grimm, Bucks co Geo Frick, Bucke co David Master, Miilville W J Jones, Bucks co A Bechtold, Mt Toy, Pa Ohee Gross, Allentown A V Smith, Pittsburg John L Hankey, Allentown Eeagreave, Allentown Henry Bitting, Allentown STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth, J W Elllott, E Tennessee W W Painter, Norristown W 7, Sheffer, Pbcenixvitle T A Hicks, Penne I Homer, West Chester J Davie, Norristown H Isaacs, Bainbridge II Glazier, Huntingdon J H Glazier, Huntingdon J McAyeal, t'enua J Balaton, Penns It Strode ,k la. Coatesville T B Young, Jr, Coatesville 3 ‘'lollbag, New Jersey J T Nimble, Penns D illondei, Penne C Kimble, Penns J Bennel, Penne F Morris, Penns D Grason, Penna Mr Hackett son, Norfolk, Va BLACK BEAL—Third street, above Oallowhill. John Mann, Washington Joseph Kessler, Waetetri Goo Beggs, Weehinglou Henry 8 Cops, hellereville Edw Siegfried, Easton W J Sabers, Reading i has Morrieon, Huntingdon 0 W Faust, Pa John R kchall, Pa ht F Freeman, Bethlehem Jacob Cooper, Ooopersburg Daniel J Harper t Olney Joe Straub, Lehigh co If Id Fetter, Betidehf:to Jacob Huth, sr, Cumneytown Jacob Huth, ir, Sumneyrn R Helfrich, Ova field A W . Jacob, Maleretown Wm Mullin, Milli' stown S Fell, Pa A 8 Crolemen, Pa D Weaver, Mount Bethel Jacob Weaver, Mount Bethel Id Bother, Mount Bethel Jacob K Hill, Pa J J Fogel, Pa' Ohm T Snyder, Kingeton,Pa J H Endrean, Pa H Yobst, Pa W Vesbenne!, Pa _ MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Irir SSE FOURTH Plikal AUEIVJD OLEARED Behr Flying Bond, Cannlen, Nassau, NP, W James & Co. - Bohr Trojan, Nickelson, Ship 'lsland, DS Stetson & 00. Bohr Alexander, Noal, New Haven, 'J B Henry.' Bohr Onkahl, Bradley, Baltimore, Thos Webster, Jr. Bohr George Franklin, Tyler, Washington, 0 H Oura minas, Bohr W 13 Baker, Hamilton, Boston, Noble, Dahlman & Str J S Maher, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. DT TELEGRAPH (Oorreepondenee of the Philadelphia lixehange.) LEWES,DeI, Oct. 80. The bark Isaac B Davis from New Orleans, and brig I Rodgers Da :Bed in this morning. The ship Chas Bill, for Literpool, :went to sea. Yours, &o. JOHN P. MARSHALL. 11If TRLIGILIPZ. (Correspondence or The Press.) BOSTON, Oct. 30. The bark Acacia, partially dismasted in a hurricane, put into Portland yesterday. Arrived, ship Golconda, from Ban Trudge°, rdEMOSANDA Bark Warren Harett, Hallett, cleared at New York yesterday for BM de Janeiro. Brig Emma, hence for Demerara, was spoken %think, Ist 34 15, long 71 21 Bohm Evergren. Potter, Naiad Queen, Edge, C Car roll, Pratt, and (has. Moore, Ingersoll, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Bohr Vermilion, Will ie, clearol at New York yester day for Wilmington, Del. SPECIAL, NOTICES. GRFAT TRIIIMPIL.—STEINWAY & BONS were awarded the FIRSt MEDAL at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and eixty nine Piano, from all parte of the world, entered for competition. Wareroomil at EILASIUS BROTHERS, 1006 HISEST NUT Street. 001-lm BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIA Ed A. B ATOHELO WS celebrated Hair Dye 'reduces a color not to be dlstirgnisbed from nature' warranted not to injure the Hair in the leaet ; memedles the ill effects of bad dYee, and invigorates the Hair for GRAY, BED, or BUSTY aAiR instantly turns a iplendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, So. SW' The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, ea the four Ji4143 of each bow. FAOTOBY No. 81 BARC/LAY Street, (Late 23.3 Broadway and 10 Bora street,) my:B.ly , New York. 8-T-1.860-X: DRAKE'S PLAtiTATION BITTERS. They Purify, etrengthea, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Clonntipation. They cure Diarrbota, Cholera, andOholera'aforbuS. They cure Liam* Comp'zint and ITervona Heattache. They ore the best SIT NCJill in the world. They am !, e th e week m sn stroux. and are exhausted nature'e great restorer. They aro made of pare St Croix:llum; the celebrated Clelisaya.Berk, mote, and herbs, and are taken witlithe pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli sate persons rehiring a .gentle stimulant : Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DBARIII & 00., 907 BROADWAY. Naw York. ee94.Bm DEAF. MADE TO HEAR.—IriStrUMOIM to mist the hearinv, in every variety and of the meet Theerovcd conetrnotlon, at P. 61ADEISA. 7 3, 116 South TENTH Street, below Cheetout. oc3o-3t PHAM'Sflaia D a ns, Bs bents a, box. —Three boxea for $1; the beat In nye, Try It. Sad 01117 &t 17P111,Nrit, as Vlll3 MUT It: ee3l.3ta* Ostovra & Bitucza's Nam Snurrui INIAOHINE—PRIOE, PO. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the use of a feat and durable look-stitch maohini, Is directed to our No. 9. This Is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a great favorite with manufacturers. It Is a ant-class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introdheed In this city has sold so rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It Is very simple kilts construction, easily learned, not Liable to get out of order, works with flue cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low prioe at which it is sold plaoes It within the reach of all who desire a tellable, service able marldne. GEOVEE a BAKER S. H. 00 4 780 CHESTNUT Street. MARRIED. (JO OH R &N--GIBBO .--On the 18th inst., by the Rey. E. W. Rutter, Mr. Joseph 8. Cochran to Miss Susanna Wham, both of Highland township, Chester county, Pa. [West (Mester papers please copy.) * DIIER--KAIJDAIN.-4n the 29th inst., at Calvary Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John Jenkins, D. D., Edward L. Deer, M. D., and Clara J. Mandela, all of this city. GMIBB--TURNER —At Janesville Wisconsin, on Monday, October 27th, 1862, by the Rev. EL W. 'Spald ing, Samuel B. Grubb, of Wilmington, Del., to BlizabAh T. Tracer, daughter of Prof. R. J. Turner, of Janes ville, Wisconsin. * LEYBTgR—J7EFFRA.S.—Itt New Yorlr, on the 281 lost, by the Rev. David H. Rlddloy, at the residence of the bride's sister, P. Luster, or Long lalartd, to Lizzie Jttfres of Jersey City, youngest daughter of John lef fres. Bro. BARRIB—EohIULLIN.—On the 28th inst., by the Bev. H. S. Spackman, Dr. B. Harris, of Illinois, to Kato' McMullin, of this city. * TEARER—LE WALLEN.—On the Slat ult., by 'rebut G. Wilson, V. 1). H., Alfred O. Tomer and Mite Mary Lewallen, daughter of Joseph Lewallen, Esq I both of this city. _ * DIED. WI BIN bIETS.—On the 29th inst., Jacob Stelnmate, in the 834 year of his age. The relatives and hiends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, from his late residence, York road, above Nicetown lane, on Monday morning, November 3d, at 10 o'clock. *** ROBERTS—On the evening of the 29:h Mat., Clinton, youngest eon of Spencer and Louisa J. Roberts. Funeral to take place on Sixth•day afternoon, 31st hist, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of his father, 424 Borth Sixth street, Philadelphia. * MOORE.—On the 28th inst., Mrs. Sarah F. Moore, relict of the late Charles Moore, aged 02 year& The relatives and friends are respeotfollY invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her eon-In-law, Edward Simpson, No. 142 Coates street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To pro• reed to Monument Cemetery. ** ALLEN.-On the 26 th ine!., Alias Bailie 0./Allen, daugh• ter of the late - Capt. John and Hannah Allen, of ()ape nfaY, N. J, * OAMPBELL—On the 28th inst Susan, wife of Thos. Campbell, aged 27 years. * DAYII.—On the 28th inst , Harry U , son of John H. and Amanda B Davis. aged 2 years. * HoLAUGHLIN.—On the 29th Inst., Catharine, relict of the late John McLaughlin, aged 72 years. * McNABIER —On the 29th inet , JOHN, son of James and Bridget HoNatnee, aged 6 years. * MOONEY—On the 4th inst., of yellow fever, at the Key West Hospital, John Weeley BlooneY, aged 3 6 Years, of the frigate Sr. Lawrence. * STEEL.—On the 28th inst., Alexander Steel, in the 22d peer of his age. * TODD.—At Suffolk, Ye , on the 28th inst., Robert S. Todd, Jr ' son of Robert S. and Elizabeth P. Todd, aged 2 year' and 6 months, * WILCOX.—On the 29th it et., Mrs. Amelia Wilcox, wife of John Wilcox, aged 39 years. * DUKE—In Washington City, at the residence of his cousin, Brigadier 04110114 John Buford. on the 28th inst., First Lieutenant James Duke, eon of Dr. John W. Duke, of Mayeville, Ky.. aged 19 pears and 7 months * FA UNE STOOK-1n Lancaster, en the 26th inst., Mrs. Barbara Fahnestock, wife of Dr. Samuel Fahnestook, de ceased, aged 92 years and 27 days. * SOLIS:B.-0n tbe 29th that.. Sarah daughter of the late Jaccb Beck, Esq., sad wile of John B. BelMe, aged 37 years. * TILACK. DRESS GOODS.--BLAOK -LA Velour Beps,VeWits Ottomans, Grain de Ponlres, EpingHoses, Popelines, Frenoh Itlerluos, French °ash mere's, cheap Cashmeres, all. wool Mousseline de L'Aillos, aingle and double widths; cheap Be Laines; Tamises, Baratheao, Dray d'Almas ; English and French, Bomba zines ; warp Cashmeres, Turin Oaths, Crape Oloths, Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Satin de Chines, Bombazine Alpacas, &e. Also, Black Silks and Shawls of every description. BESSON & SON, lifourning Store, ocril.tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. VYRE & LANDELL. r? iriaA 131.44. epErnGiirpATL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shaw Ls. ldagniticent Popihus. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods. Good Stook of Stspies. se2o-t( 500 B ran O t. XE t. S . T B ° To ß bacco C° l3n ° ll A i and e oigars, a a; lower prices tban any other house in the oily. A bargain in aa'rana Cigars, purchased at Marshal's Sale. WOOD. -WARD 8 00., 41 South FOURTH Street. ocB.lm* A. P. A.—THE MEMBERS OF LIE ER. 1,k3 TY LODGE NO 9 will be nunctnal in their at tendance THIS EVE ',RING, it being quarterly night, and election for officers 11.* JOHN DE VINE , Recording Secretary. ErrPENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE-0E DENTAL SURGERY, No. 528 AIINI. Street-- LW - one to the Coarse commence on MONDAY, No 3d, at 4 o'clock P. M. Clinic open for pitlento daily, from :9 toll A, M., and 2 to 4.P. Li. C. N. Plan, Doan. 501 North SKVEN PS Street Oc t ErrOFFICE OF THE DEL&WARE(T. TUAL SAFETY INBII3ANJE 00IIPANY FnminsramrA, October 30, 1832 a speclil meeting of the Board of Directors, bald this day, THOM A. 3 C. HAND, BEGL., wee unanimously elected' President of the Company, in place or William Martin, Eon ! , dsosased, and JOHN. C. DATIS, Ertl , was unanimously elected Vice President, • It HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. wPOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE--WINTER SESSION, 7862 63.—Tbe Winter Uourse of Lec tures and Practical Instruction will begin on MONDAY, November 3d, and continue four months. Applicante fcr admission to the TEOHIVIOAL SCHOOLS will pre sent themeelvee for examination at 9 A. M , on that day; for admission to the 130111NTIVIO 801100 L preliminary examination is not required. uardtak r y••• S I" I FL ITNALI EMMA NA-RDINGE, et New York, will lecture at BANSOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY next, at 10% A. AL, and 7% P. M. Admission, JOHN , ESHLEMAN -11.5 would -hereby inform his friends that he is no longer connected with the Cravat Store at Eighth' wad Chestnut streets, having WITHDR&WN FllOlll THE SAME. He will give due notice to hit former Patrons WHEN and WHERE he will again appear amonget the Oravabh Soar% and lieek•Ties. 0c30,3t* THE B 0 fliDlt 01. DER S OF THE . 11,3 WYOMING CANAL COMPANY are notified that on presentation of Coupon No. 8, due July 15, 1831, at the Office of DAVIS de WICKERSHAM, No. 37" South THIRD Street, they will receive Fifteen Dollars and Ninety-two cents on account of such Coupon, in ac cordance with the decree of the Supreme Court confirm ing the report of Garrick Mallory, ESQ the master ap polvted to make distribution of Elegance in the hands of the Receiver. CHARLES PARRISH; ocBo.Bt Receiver. ,S T. A NDR E W ' S SOCIETY.— A meeting of this Sooiety, for the purports of eleot- Ing officers, to afrve for the year, commencing 30thlio vember,18132, will be held on FSID&Y BVIONING, filet inetent, in the UGHTINENT &L ifOrlif., at 7X o'clock. Members are rectuseted to attend without farther notice. cre3o. 2t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. BYOFFISH OF THE LOCUST DIOUN.. TA,AIi COAL AND IRON COMPANY, IiuLADELpHm 4 Octobßr 30, 1862 The semi. annual interest on the mortgage loan of this Company will be paid at the office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on and after the let of November prom. 0c30•3t JOSEPH O. OOPPIICK, Treasurer. LTREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PRILADELMA October 17, 1882. The BOARD 01P DIREOTORS have this day de clared a Berri-Armnal Dividend of FOUR PIM CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November /6th, 1862. Powers of.. attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be haircut application at this °Mem. TROTS. T. FIRTH,. Treasurer, act 18-1 m No. 238 South Third etreet. noW-... OFFICE.* OF THE F-HILA.DELPHIA, IKE GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, October 13,.1862. -The annual meeting of the Stock and Loanhoiders will be held et the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of NINTH and GREEN Streets, on MONDAY, the 8d day of NOVEMBER next, Ist_ 10 o'clock A.. M. An Election to choose four Manageri, to serve three years, will be held the same day immediately after the Stock holders' meeting, and close at 3 P. ocl3. tn 3 W. S. WILSON, Secretary. irrFARMERS , AND MECHANICS , BANK--PitaanaLrari, October 6, 1862. The Annual. Election for Directore will be held at the Barking Home on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. W and 8 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November neat, a general meeting of the Stookholders will bo held at the Banking Home, at 4 o'clock P. agreeably to the charter. W. BUSIETbN, JR , oc7-tool7 Cashier. MECHANIC S' B 1.1.A.DE 113 PHIA, October 7, 1862. general mrotiig of the Stookholdeiv will be held at the Banking Home on TIIE6DAY, 4th day t..f Novem ha,•at 12 M. ocB-tno4 The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MOND&Y. November 17, between the how It or la A. M. and 2 P. hi ocB-teol7 J. WIEGAND, Cashier. ,ry• - • SOUTHWARK BANK. -IL3 - y PHIL A DBLPITI.B., October 7.1682 The MINH Ai, ELUTION for D'lRll.ol'oll2 will be tide at the Banking Honee on MOND kY, tho 17th day :of November, between the haute of 10 o'clock A. IC and 2 o'clock P. Id. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Berne place on TUESDAY, tbe 4th day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. odi-wfmtnol7 F. P. STEEL, Cashier. ry?Likr.- GIRARD BANE. —PHILADELPHIA, October 9, 1882. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Howie, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber, between the hours of 10 A. AL and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the came plate on TUESDAY, the 4th of Noicruher, at 12 o'clock Al. W. li. SCHAFFER, oc10.1mw•• tnol7 °ashler. trr RANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP.. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11,1367: An election fet thirteen Threetore will be held at the Banking Nome, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. K. The Prnunl meeting of the Stockholders Willbe hold at tho Benlsiog Home, on TUESDaY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 10 o'clock A. M. ocle.mwftur JAMES KIMBELL, Cashier. tryTHE PHILADELPHIA BANK.— PEILADALPHIA, October 6, 1862. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home on TUESDAY, Novernb,sr 4, 1862, at 12 o'clock IT. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Hansa on MONDAY, November 17,1862, be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P ooB•wfmtnol7 grCOMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL YAWLS.. • - PitiLenvmpirre, Oct. 13, 1862. &general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Benklog Home, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 12 M. The annual election for Director!! will be held at the Banking Rome, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the home of 10 S. M. end 2 P. M. oclil•tnwf tl7 S. O. PALMER, Cashier. rylro CONSOLIDATION B A NAL —,PHILA. 113 DEL ?ETA, October 9, 1882. The heranal Election for DIREOTORS willbe held'at the Banking House on EIONDaT, the 17th day of vember next, between the howl of &. Id. and 2P. ra. A General Nesting of the Stockholders will be held at the same glace on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, at 12 N. (oclo.finvtal73 SOB. N. PITIESOL, Cashier. carOFFICE OF THE SITEGEON.ARTIST TO THE ABET AND NAVY, POILADELPIILS., Oat 24th. 1882. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for eaPPirlul Artificial Limbs.. Should apply immediately at, the offros of the Surgeon, Artist to the Goveniment, No 1801 CEIRSTNUT Street. 13. FRANK FATALE*, oo'M tf Government Surgeon-Artiest. Tilt ' PRESS.- - PHILADELI- - -:': tiltitp4. ' y e , : -_ 00 i T0i3Elk .31.., . 1: ' 2, B B. 0011tEGYS, 'Cashier [c r . THE DRA.ET IN PHILADIPIII.A. If the Citizens of any Division of any Ward "biota proof that their Division is entitled to credit fo &treater number of Volunteers enlisted in the servit i tiof the United States, in Pennsylvania Regiments or co. , Wes; than it has received from the returns of the epnti Marshals, and from the additions made thee'. by the Oommisedonere for Drafting, the undersigned, give them a hearing, at the Nisi Prins Court Room ~ 11 to I o'ciock during the present week and will mak he cor rections which are just. R. GERHARD, • WILLIAM H. AL N, Chief Gommiselonere for I MO.; Philadelphia, October 28,1662. - c29.4t oz. A. MICR COMPLIMENT T IS TH 19TH INDIANA REGIMENT. COL ItlisitEDlTH. BRAIAOARTMRS ARMY OF 1 2 0TOM10; - 00t. ; 1862. Oovnemin: I would beg leave moot respe tinily to urge, in tha strongest terms, that Gen. ffibbone may meet with your immediate attention. Chalons el has been thi record of Indiana in this war, yon slli . pa r. , don me for saying that the career of the 19 Indiana boa been such as to add, stiil higher lustre to the repute.- tion of your state. I have watched this regiment, with its Wisconsin comrades, under the hotteeffire and in the' most dangoroas positions, and I am glad is say - thine is no better regiment in this or any other a y . Task of you, as en official and personal favor, that y will take the most prompt 'means to fill the ranks of t s nokle regi ment. Very resPetEullY• (ffigned)' GEO. B. Moo EG&G, Major General .0 standing. His Excellency Governor Moaron, Indiana lis. WASHINGTON, vCI O „ er l sc, 188 2 . , Mr. Joseph Short, Salem, Mau.: 1 , ' Pm: Our regiment (19th Indiana, GentlGibbens' brigade) purchased , in She month of Hero list, eight hundred of your knapsacks ;we did this in &trance to l drawing the Government ones, for which we d requisi tion. We tied need knapsacks airing hi the diway du-' ring eight months' service, and have used y es for six) months. We say for ourselves, and we believe very men in the regiment, were he living, would cane e with us, that we should prefer purchasing your knap acks with our own means rather than suffer, as we did, with the old way of carrying them No soldier who ha seen ser vice with the old one wilt regret having purchased yours with his private money, if he can have his no other way. (Signed) , ‘,.' A. R. ELLENWODD, CO. R. 1 , JAS. M. XI CORE [IL, CO. A• , • ADAIVGISSE, Orderly Ser., Co Ai THOU ItS MoKlrd, Co.-E. - i JEFFERSON KISDER, Co. B. i ' JACOB ANDSICK, C0...D. , JAMES X. COOPER, Co. D. WIC M BASS, Co. O. ' RICHARD RAY, ..0o: D - :- . ^ JOHN GILMORE,' GO- A: ' S. K. SOHLAGLE, Orderly Bar., Co. K. - SHORT'S Patent Knapsacks for sale by Go Agent, ELI GOLDEN, Jeweller, 706 MAMIE U St. 0081-Stiti CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMIISSION t i cr.r —By virtue of the power givehlolliiiOommlesio by the ordinance approved October 28th, 1862,'eutitled "An ordinance to promote enlistments and to ' , obviate the necessity of a draft for soldiers in the city of Phila delphia," orrthicates will be granted, in Abe sum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS eaoh, to every'resident of the city of Philadelphia who has enlisted since the 23d day of October hut., or shall enlist previoas to the . sth day of November next, and has been or 'ehall be within the said time mustered Into the militau Barrio° of the United States, and has been or shall hereafter be credited to the said city to make up any deficiency that may exist in the quota of volunteers and drafted men which said city is required to furnish. Before said certificates are granted, evidence will be required to establish— Ist. That the applicant, a the time of the otilletmenk aforesaid, wee a reehient of the city of Philadelphia. 2d. That he has been mustered into the Military ear- Nice rf the United Staten. 3d. That babas been accredited to the city on account of the deficiency of ber quota. The certificate of a mustering officer of the United States will be received as evidence that the applicant h&c been duly mustered, and the certificate Of thedraft cons• MillldOnOtS will be required that the applicant has been received on account of the deficiency of the city qaota. JOHN 0 KNOX, ) EDWARD OLMSTED, JOHN BOBBINS,- } Commission. WILLIAM BRADFORD, I EDWARD GRATZ, FilnAuntrirta, Oct. 29, 1882. 0e20.6t evs-k—s. THIRD PRECINCT, FOURTH WARD. uk:g —A meeting of the citizenewril he held TRH EVNNING, at 7J o'clock, at the Armory of the Soutli 'Nark Guards, SECOND Street, below Shipper, to 't hear the report of the Committee appointed to Removals the Precir ct, and to take ouch further action ae.miybe neeceeary.WM. F. JOHNSON, Ohairmsoi.:: JAMES. 11, .O.AMPIiELL. Secretary. ft*. MILITAR Y . VOLUNTEERS WANTE 42 VOLUNTEERS WANTED, FOR 9th PREDINOT OF 15th WARD. $2OO Bounty will be paid. to eaeh Vo exam: by the Citizens of the Preoine‘ $2OO by the City Councils. $2OO from the Citizens' 13ounty Funid. $lO4 by the U. S. Government. Making $704, all of whido will be paid in Cash, except , $75 of United States Bounty. Amplicattan can be made to WILLIAM' MANN, 43' Booth FOURTH Street, Chairman. BARTON HOOPER, 624 t North EIGHTEENTH Street, Treasurer. JOSEPH TOHLINSON, 2394241 North THIRD St. ; N. M. PERNAT , D,I II -SEIREEY, Street; EDWARD T. STEEL, 4 & tYretortzriDifCClED4Freet ; a. A. REIORERT, Jr., 208 CHURCH, Alley, Eintmee Committee. oe3L.Bt HEADQUARTERS, NO. 627 CHESTNUT STREET, - -rinVALLEEPRIA.--CITY 157TH REGIMEN; COLON.II4 WILLIAM A. GRAVY. BOUNTY TO EA„011 4 1i:i0BUIT . CITY BOUNTY - ......$2OO UNITED STATES 100 ADITANCE PAY AND 15 TOTAL . .. .$315 In addition, each recruit will receive a superior GUM BLANKET ; Which le invaluable in the field. As soon as the recruit is mustered in, he will at once be equipped in the beet manner, and sent to OATCP PULESTON, on Indian Qoseort lane, where every atten tion will be paid to ishi comfort. The pay of the recruit commences from the day he is enlisted into the service. The (Moms of this regiment leave seen service, and are all able to perform their duty. The regime:l4ln every respect, will be egraa to, any that has left our MO for the field. Ward and Division Ooramittees are respeatfallY quested to call for further information at Headquarters. Young men of Philadelphia, will you volunteer in honor of your gag, or subject yourselves to be drafted Yon have but a few days to decide. J WILLIAM A. GRAY,. 0c30.2t COLONEL COMMANDING. IPH/LADELPHIA. CITY . GUARD, .1112 TEr REGIMENT P. V.—REORUITS WANTED FOB CO. A.—s3ls BOUNTY, $315 —Clothing, Pa 7, and Rwions from dated enlistment, also a good Gam Blanket. Regiment now in camp Apply at Recruiting &atone, 716 Vane street, 527 Chestnut street, and 526 Prune street. RICHARD YOUNG., Captain. First Lieut. WM B. PEDDLE. Second Lieut. ALEX. GRAY. oc3l 21* INOTICE TO RECRUITING OBTI OEREI FOR TILE OLD REGIMENTS.—Tenta have been erected for their accommodation in enlisting draft.d men offering at the' Draft Vamp, corner of SIXTIETH (80th) aad TINW. Streets, Ileatmville. A meeting of the Executive Connell of Recruiting Offi cers will be convereti at the American gOtel l precisely at 9,4 i o'clock THIS FORENOON. JAMES BRADY. Major let Light Artillery P. II 0. • ltd Presiding Officer. CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, COL. C. M. PREVOST. RECRUITS WASTED for this popular Regiment. BOUNTY $lBO, and ONE fiLONTIPS PAY IN A DV ANCE. RECRUITING STATIONS : 138 WALNUT STREET. and 808 MARKET Street. ' Oapt. DENDY BRARWOOD, oc9.ff Recruiting Officer. CONTINENT-AL CAVALRY. --Young Nen wanted for Company' C. $315 Bounty' given. Gum Blankets: Call at BIUHARDS Bol7Bl{, EIGHTH Strcet, below Spring Garden. W. H. WORDERLY, Captain. H. 0. DAVIS, Second Lieutenant 70111 REGIMKNT P. V. (RUSH'S L&NOERS.) Good Ilecrutte want ed at JONES , Rotel, oaRSTNUT dtred-: 0c29 6t* RUSH'S LANCERS.—Young 1 Men wanted to fill the ranks of this regiment. flab Two now companies to be raised immediately. Principal Rendezvous No. SOO CHEST.NIIC Street. oc2l-3wit -)15,70TH REGIMENT P. V. (BUSH'S LANCERS.) A few .more men wanted, of good charactor,'corner of RIGHTS and ORESTNUI Streeta. 0c29 fg* _A RUSH'S LANCERS V (70th Regiment P. V.) Recruits wanted, corner of EIGHTH and OITEEITNITT Ste• cto29 6t* HENRY'S REPEATING RIFLE— The grestest A= or the age; will shoot Mem times, in as many seconds, 1,000 'yards. For. sale at manufacturers' prices by • - • - PHILIP WILSON & 00.9 ocSl-lm ' 415 OHSTNI7.I` Street. T YOB YTY PBS E I HER'S are the J- fined at their hind. Those who want a fine, natu ral, and pleasing - lactate will find theta marvellously true end beautiful. BR 00 DID Street, above Green. lt* pROFESSOR J. ISAACS, OCULIST and AUBIST, from Leyden, Holland, has perma nently footed himself at No. 611 PINE Streetorbere persons afflicted with diseases of the Eye and Bar will be scientifically treated; alsd - cured, if curable. B —No charge made for examination. 0029 6t* is TO PLANTERS, NURSERY ...a.= MEN, AND DE &LEES --Eyn RABE ENS' and other Ornamental Truett must be removed to clear the ground this fall or next spring, and will be sold below the cost of growing: Fine specimens of Norway Firs, Balms, Bliver Pines, and Arborvi.to *, from aix to ten feet high, at twenty. dye cents sad., the - purchaser selecting and dig ging them, ' Ash and Maples, twelve to Woos feet WO, at fifteen cents. 40,000 Apple Trees, best quality, six to sight fest high ; Pears Cherries, Plums,'.Peso'ttes, Grapes, Ourratts, Gooseberries, !Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Asparague Roots, and Rhubarb Plants. at low =prices No charge for delivering' in Philadelphia Catalogues ; - gratis.:• WIL Lla.al. PA.Ralr, or3o st* 011tiNADEINSON, New JersoY. LADIES' FURS, • A.DIEBL >PANQY FITASI .JOHN A. STAMBAOII, IMPORTER AND MANUFACIEURER or - • - LADIES' FANCY FURS, • .- • - No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened;a large and handsome Stook of LADIES' 'AND, CHILDREN'S FANCY'FURS, of every deserip- Don and in the newest and most approved styles, at the Lowest Cash Prices. oc7.Bra LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ;'ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND DIANDTADTURBB LADIES' FANCY FURS. Afy aseortment of Fancy run for Ladles and Children id now complete, and embraffing every variety that will be- firehionable during the present season. All hold at We - manufacturer& prima; for cash: Ladier, please give me a call - - or3,4mif DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. EO. D. PARRLSI.--1; • • 312 .CHESTNUT STREET,. • - • - •P HILADELPHIA, Offers for sale r k • - .• • 10 ) 000: - ARMY --BLANKETS, . - Ftre pounds sash,' .• - 5 feet 6 inoheiwido, by 7 feet long. • BROWN-GRAY ANEi -.BIATE4III.A.1 7 • - • BLANKETS; 4 lb., 5 lb., 6 lb.,:and 7 lb., the pair,' • Of various etcee. 1 •;', Also, • • , • • • LOW PLAID -ItORSE BLANKETS, , . HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN DRILLS; BLAME ALFAOAS, ln, all tanalithie, and other LININGS, adapted to the wonkier the Trade. r • TERMS CASEI. • .- • • Also, Fine, heavy: . _ • . , • • OFFICERS' . .BLANKETS, - • • • 12,000 YA R DS • • 11.4 , SHEETINGS, FOR HOSPITAL USE, • And - the usual 'assortment:of British STOLE and GOODS. • 0c29 anwflna COMMISSION HOUSES. AVM. IWHEE & 00;. -* No. 240 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for sale a fell assortment of . LINEN GOODS tionslsling of 4-4 BROMINE , and FRONTING LINENS. X, 74, and 4.4 EL&Y and. BROWN DO. 10-4,.11.4, and 124 BARNSLEY SHEETING& X and 4.4 BROWN, BLADE, & BLAY ROLL&NDS LINEN JOKES., LAWNS, DAPILSICS, &c., &c. Algo t FABER MUSLINS, All Colors ' oct24-fm ea, 160 DOZ. STAY BINDING, No. 3. 1,850 doz. STAY BINDING, Nos. 4 and '4 P 4 2,800 doz. STAY BINDING, No. 5. For sale yeti low, net Cash, by GEO. GrRIG-Gr, ARmY GOODS. DARK-BLUR COAT (MOTHS. DARK:BLUBI OAP . CLOTHS. __M IX-BLUR CLOTHS POR on:writs. Azz irLANEETs, STANDARD WRIGHT. 10-01INOR DOOR.. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. lINANT LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEAOHRD SHERTINGS AND SKIRTINGS. For sale by eel -if u • _ S - FIVE TWENTIES; OR, 20 YEAR six PER CENT. EQNDS, PAYARLE AT THE ORTION OF THE 'GOVERN . MENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. rr i ttm instructed by the szORSTART OF. THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT, Th s avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced: by rabdrint payment in GOLD of the interest from May let. A fa sup ai of these Donde aims on bah/ JAY COOKS, SURSORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. jy29-tf JAMB I. WALTON, TALTON & YOST, T T BANKER% BROILBRI4 AND GIONERA.II 001sLIOT01315, Ro. 25 South THIRD Street, Phitadelphis. BIIFEEMNOMS. Jay (k)oke & Slo., Hon. Jarmo Pollock, James, sent, Lianift, 0o. ) Hon. H. D. Porter, Maberick, Black, & 00., Hon. A. H. Boedar, 0. MoKibbhf & Son, Hon. Asa Packer, N. r. Middleton & Bro., Hon. WarrenJ. Woodward Hoxi Wit. an74lm toHARVEY THOMAS, . STOOK AND BILL BBORNB, • • No. 312 WALNUT STREET. Stooks stud Banda bought and sold on oommladon. Promissory Notes and Loans negotiated. 004-13nif NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN-- That JAHNS WILLITE., late of the firm of L. ATEINEON .t 00., having disposed of his interest in said firm, the business in future will be continued by the remaining partners, who are authorized to settle the business of the late firm. October 25, 1862. COPARTNER SHIP.—The undersign ed have this day formed a copartnership under the name and firra ef ANDREWS, WILKINS, R ALTE MU& for the transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods Jibbing business, at No, 503 MARKET !Brea. JOHAN IL ANDREWS, ABEL B. 'WILKINS, ED WARD J. AMENDS. Philadelphia, Oct. 20,1852. 0c30.6t* 0c304t T HE COPARTNERSHIP OF LIP . PINOOTT, HUNTER, doSOOTT having been dis solved by mutual consent, the business of the firm wilt be settled by Whf. HUNTER, In , and GEO. 8. SOOTY, at 2063 WALNUT Street, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement. - (Signed) B &ROL AY LIP PINOO TT, VAL HUNTER. In , GEO. S. SCOTT. October 24,1862 ste27.6tis p THOROUGH. SALE OF THOROUG A. BRED DURHAM OATTLE.--Wo wilt offer at Public Bale ' at 1 o'clock P. Al., on FRIDAY , October 81, on the Fair Grounds of the York Oonutv Agrioul. Dual Boctety, York, Pa , a large and select lot of TRollOtiOrll-BRED DURHAM CATTLE, embracing animals of both sexes, from three months to four years of age, and all of the BEST - BLOOD; Full information and pedigree will be given on appli cation, or can be obtaiu - ed On the grounds at the time of sale ElINVI) J. EVANS & 00., 0c29 St = YORIE, Pa. fIOAL OIL ! COMA OIL !-1.50 bbls. 4 14.1 Slemmer's (Norristown) OIL for sale by ZIEGLER it' SNIT% Drug, Pant, and Glass Dealers, oop st . * Corner SECOND and GRESS' Streets. COAL OIL! 00 AL OIL !-125 bbls. NATRONA for sale by ZIEGLER & SHIM Wholesale Druggists, ot : 28-5t* Corner SECOND and GREEN Streets. CIOAL' OIL t COAL OIL!-150bbls. praitorirrE for sale by _ ZIEGLER. dr tTH, Wholesale Druggists, on2S-st* Corner SECOND and W VICN Street,. 001110.011 , ! COAL OIL 'kJ Arden() and'Lucesoo'for sale by ZIEGLER 84 SMITH, - ' , Wholesale Praggisti, 00'18.6t* Corner SECOND and MIEN' Streets No. 219 OMIROH Alloy FROI'HOVIIAX & vaus. -- rirtANCIAL. MMUS R. TOM COPARTNERSHIPS. LEWIS ATKINSON, JOSEPH B ATKISSON, JAMES WILLITS. MILLINERY GOODS. •BEENIIEIM, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now in store, mat resolved from 2.00T10N, a large and cboice stook of RIBBONS, of all widths and oolong. • • FLOWERS, all the new shades. FEATHERS, do. do. - do. VELVETS, do. do. do. S/LEB, do. do. do. BLACK 'ENGLISH GRAPES, at ea - priced, and MOURNING RIBBONS to anit, and all °O?r artioloo telonglog in U Millinery Lino. . Be is now selling off-his entire stook at GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS FOR CARS, end would call the attention of the trade to this fact. Don't forget, • Ito. 726 CRESTIVUT STREET. N. .13.—ireivete cut hiss. oc2B•tf 1862 if AL L 1862 wooD & C3ARY, BUOIDZSIIOI3S TO LINOOLIi, WOOD, & N 101101,3, Have now In store a COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. OONISISTIITO or Bilk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &0., To.which they nopeotray invite the attention of the former patrons of the Howe, and the trade generally. eeB.3xn THOS.K.ENNEDY &BRO. 729_, earanwir STREET, BELOW MILTS. BANE NOW BEADY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. nee-$m FALL MILLINERY GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & 431 MARKET STREET, NORTH 51D211,, Rare now open for their FALL SALES A DARPA AND HANDSOME STOOK ON FALL MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING or RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILLS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, AND MILLINERY 300 . W 11ENIMALLY, To which the attention of the trade b RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Ile2o-20t MILITARY CLOTHING. WIDE -SPREAD REPUTATION. There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up KarrART CLOTHING as ROOKRILL & WIL SON'S, Nos. 608 and 605 Chestnut street. Besides being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to till all orders at moderate prices, and always have a LARGE STOOK. OF MILITAILT GOOD?, ON HAND. ee3O•iftt READY-MADE CLOTHING. CLOTHING CHEAP FOIL..OASH! The beet pia** in Philadelphia to obtalz well-made, good-fittlac durable AT REASONABLE PRICES, AT REASONABLE PRICES, ----ALT-R33IIOOITELISLE PRICES, AT REASONABLE PRICES, WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL) OAK HALL, OAR HALL; OAK HALL, OAK HALL, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND MARENT, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET. E—Wanameker & Brown's Oak Hall Clothing Establishment, at Sixth and Market streets, is NOTBD for toebb-mads, good- f itting, durabSe Clothing; at zi&. BONAlttill prices. M r Wartionaker & Brown have an Immense eta* of ran and Winter Goods, bought early la the season at low prices Pox CAM, which will be sold OoRINSPONDING LY CHEAP. Irir Ottsstomin. WORE 'WELL DONE Al multi Lint INE READY-MADE OLOTHINC+ F • C."SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET,` UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made up for sale an entire new stook of FINE CLOTHING_ Also, a full assortment of OLOTHS, (IASSINGEBES,and VESTIEffild, which they respeciftdly invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. serltdolli TATMTE PRESERVING. BRANDY. V V PURE CIDER AND WINE-v.Ermatta. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS ; SPICES, SE.c., &C. All the requisitesfor Preserving and Pickling Pcurpom ALBERT 0 ROBERTS. DISALEP. IN FINN GROODEINS, • ms 6-0 04311NN11 NTAVNWTH AND VINN. - 111ZOWEN & CO., Lig HOGRAPHERS 1-1 AND PRINT COLORISTS, southwest corner of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared to execute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural BiljprY, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Li lhogtaphy, in the moat superior manner, and the most resbonable terms. Photographs, Portraits, Natural History, and Medical Plates, Maps, and any other description of Plates, colored in the best style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular attention to Coloring Photographs. 0u9841 HERMETIOALLY Sealed Goods, for Sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 eolith WATER Street, oOrtelating o f Fresh Peaches, Fresh Biaokberriee, gi Tomatoes, I , Pine Apple, cc Corn, II Apple,' " Pees, Meats of all kinds, a quinces, _ Poultry " 44 „ Pears, Soups " I' Plums, Mushrooms, Strawberries, Sardinee. oc3l-%* Also, Grosse & BlaukwelPs Pickles, American Pickles and Banos, Gahm*, Jellies, Fruit brags, French Mus tards, English Mustards. ad-if 1 * RNLI' DESICS.—A capita, article for xi. camp and field nee. Safe from wet, compact, and convenient to carry in pocket. For sale bi W. H. DADHUN, 104 NORTH DELAWAREiAvenne, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED to eell them in Philadelphia and vicinity. 0c23-Im9k- 141 YE AND EAR. -- Dz. JAMES .EA LEWIS, 0011 LIST and AIJEST, ham itgain rtr. turned from hie profemdonal tour in Haropo. and perma. neatly located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Moo hours from 9t019 A. H.. and 9to4P. N. 5024-2mlf* fIIDER.-- New Clarified Champagne .4,-11 Older, of extra, quality, by the barrel or hogshead. For Bale by MIL MATHISO 9 0c27.12t ilk. Nos. 120, 122, and 124 LOMBARD St. `/yam'. W. BLAKISTON, NO. 22 1 ,..)1 • South WATER Street, Philadelptda, Comudeelou Dealer is Ohio and Intros BROOK CORN, 'UN DLES,.WINE, TWINE, So. oell-3to. CHAMPAGNE.— Gad Lao Cham nave, in quarts and 'Ante, for aide bi ONABLES 8. OANSTAIRS, eaci Hobe Agent, No, 128 WALNUT Street. NGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. 350 E Boxes Choice English 'Dairy (MEESE, inat re ceived and for pale by ItIiODES & 002-tf No. 107 South WATIni Street. MACKEREL, IiERRINO, SHAD, &a. 2,500 Bids Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, lat4l. caught fat fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 Bids New 'Eastport, Tartan* Bay, and mamas Nerrhtg. 2.500 Boxes Lubec, Sealed and 3dc.l Barring. 150 Bbhi New Mess Shad. 150 Box.es Markham. °aunty Mame, M. In store and for isle.b7 altrarynr a zoom, 3a14-tf No. 146 North WEICARY*6. DINE APPLE SAP 13A(0 011-NESE) for naie by iraoples `& WILLIAMS, oca.ti I4S eolith Stzaal. IVILLINERY GOODS. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, I 8 AT NEW PUBLICAVIONS. 25 OTS DOLLAR 9 . 5 UTB BOOKS. 14 6.060 VOLUMES ittet marked down and will be 'old tit 26 (11INTS fora few dere. 0c.2043t PITORBB, 422 OffESTBUT Street triftE UNITED tiTATES TAXLAN. _L. —Beldam men desiring to know how this Law af fects thorn should prosure a copy of the EXPOSITION. Price 25 cents. Published and for sale by RING dr E AIRD4 oca tit 607 SANSOISI Street. B EECILER'S NEW" BOOK.—Eyes and Ears. By Henry Ward' Be;eoher. $1.25. The Origin and History of the English Language, and of the Early Literature it' embodies, By. G. P. Minh. The Rebellion Record, Part XXIII, with portraits of 'Major Gen. Kearney and Stonewall Jackson. 50 cents. The Poems of Oliver Wendell Hoban, with a portrait of the anther. Bine and gold.' 88 cents. For sale by Via. 8. 86 . ALFRED DIAB,TIED, 0021 808 OHIMITHUT Street. CIRIDULA'rING LIBRARIES. TV- BROTHERHEAD'EI CIRCU- T • LATINO LIBEARY.—AII the NEW HogMb an d annerfnan Books; !nohiding ALL CLASSES of Lite rature. This le the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOORS that are not REPRINTED here. Terme $5 per year; six months $3; three months 151.!50; one month 76 cents, or . 8 cents yer day. 61.8 Boat, NIGHTS street. seB-3in ENGLIAH AND,FRENCEI FAMILY ' CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET.. DI LECTURE, 1817 CHESTNUT STREET. anbecriptiona per year, month, and day. General catalogue knit publiehed, Immtshed prune. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li brary.- ;; Oafasfue ae /a BiaiiBt/iique der Denies a des De 'noise/Les.'Al, Al. AIONAOHESI, Agent, seB.4m 1817 CH &STRUT Street. PHOTOGRAPHS. WE ADVISE ALL WHO WANT V good pictures to engage a Oolored Photograph of REIMER. Their fine quality and artistic coloring never fail to please. SECOND Street, above Green. It* T WAR PRICES NOW , AND until further notice, REIMER'S celebrated life like Portraits, life-size Photographs In oil colors. Go and engage one at SHOOND Street, above Green. it* PROPOSALS. TIEPUTY QUARTERMASTER 1./ GENERAL'S OFFIOE. Pananurau, October 80,1802 PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until THURSDAY, 6th November, at 12 o'clock N., for the delivery, In this city, of all the STOVE required for Hospital purposes ; to be 12. 14, and 16-inch Air-tight, beet. American, emooth Sheet-iron Stoves. Bidders will state the number tbey can deliver . within sixty days; also, the price per Stove, BEd the price per fopt or pound for Stove Pipe. Stoves to be delivered at any point in this city that may be required. . A. BOYD, Cant. and A. Q.lll. U. a Al [Signed] 0c31.6t ARIMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE ORSICIE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD ST REET B-P HILA D LPII IA , 0 Ot. 30, 1852 Open PROPOSALS are invited at this office for furnieh ing the Mowing articles for the army: SHIRTS, either of white domet or gray twilled dm nel or knit. BOOTS AND BOOTEES, either tg pegged" or 14 sewed," of Army standard, quality and pattern SACK COATS OR BLOUSES, of blue twilled flan nel, Indigo. dyed, blue or knit, of dark colors. Indigo blue preferred, bTOLKINGS, to weigh 3 pounds to the dozen, all wool. Propagate will state how soon the articles can be deli vend at the Schuylkill Arsenal. G. IL °ROMAN, tf Dep Q. M. Gen. LEGAL. IN TEE: ' COURT . OF COMMON FLEAS FOE:THE CITY AND pouarr, or PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Assigned Estate of PERBOSE R. HOOPES The Auditor appointed by the @mart to audit, Bettie, and adjust the first account of Joseph W. Caskell. as signee of Penrose R. Hoopes, and to report distribution of the balance remaining in hie bands, will meet the partiee intereeted for the purposes of his appointment en TUESDAY, the 11th day of November, A. It 1862, at 4 o'clock P.M., at hie office,Np- South FOURTH Sheet, opposite Library, i n the city of Philadelphia. oc3l.fmwst JOHN HANNA, Pinditor. WTJIEREAS, LETTERS OF AD miNIBTRATION, CUM, testament° annexo, upon the estate or CHA.BLES V BAKER, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims upon the same to present them to - W. A. DOBBYN, 616 CHESTNUT Street, oc3l•fidt Administrator, 0 T. A. Q l ,, INTERNAL REVENUE.- OFFIOE OF THE CIOLLTIOTOR OF THE FIFTH COLLECTIO N DISTRICT, P ramsyL YAMA, DOYLESTO WN,. BOOKS COUNTY. NOTICE TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, RE FINERS OF COAL OIL, AND BREWERS —The at of parties resident of said District, comprising tbe County of BUOAS, and the TWENTY-SE /ONO, TWENTY-THIRD, and TWENTY-FIFE W &RIM of the City of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above-named occupations, is called to Sections 39, 41, 47. 50, and Si of the EXCISE LA W . of July 1, 1862, wherein they are required to 'rusk.° monthly and tri monthly rebirth' and payments to the Collector of the District. NOTICE 38 HEREBY GIVEN, That the under signed is prepare'd to receive daily at hie office, inDoyiea town, betwesn the hours of 9A. Id. anifi P. M. (Sun days excepted), the returns and payments above speci fied for the County of Bucks. ADDITIONAL NOTICE. The tax-payers of _the -District are informed that I have appointed THEODORE S. WILLI& D., Deputy Collector for the T wenty•second and Twenty fifth. Wards, whose office Is in Langeroth's Building, corner of OHELTON AVENUE and IITAIN Street, thrum:town ; and DANIEL W. GUSH ST, Deputy Col lector of the. Tvienty. third Ward, whose office is on FRAME-FORD Street, below Church, Frankford. They are, in, their respective Divisions, empowered by law equally with the Collector, to receive and collect the Na tional Taxes accruing therein, and to whom the monthly and tri• monthly returns above mentioned must be made tor the wards they respectively represent. JOHN W. COWELL, oe2o-6t Collector Fifth District. IT I S INTERNAL REVENIT E -Or PICM - -THE COLLECTOR OF 'THIRD COLLECTION DISTRICT COLLECTOR ETA, S. W. OORNER THIRD AND WILLOW STREETS. NOTICE TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRI re, RE FINERS OF COAL OIL, .AND BRE WERS.—The at tention of parties resident of Third District, comprising the. Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh teenth, and Nineteenth Wards of the Oily of Philadel phia, who are engaged in either of the above-named oc cupations, is called to Sections 39, 11, 47, 50, and 51 of the EXCISE LAW of July 1, 1862, wherein they are required to make monthly and tri-monthly retnrms and payments to the Collector of the District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the under signed is prepared to receive daily at We office. between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., (Sundays excepted,) the returns and pal ments above specified. ADDITIONAL NOTION The tax-payers of the District are informed that I have pal ti:loned it into two divisions—viz : The Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Sixteenth Wards constitute the First Division; to receive and collect the taxes and duties ac cruing wherein, I have appointed HORA.CE C. PECK the Deputy Collector. Tho Second Division is composed of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nine teenth Wards ; to receive and col lect the taxes and duties accruing wherein, I have, in like manner, appointed GEOROE F. KEYSER the De puty Collector. The Deputy Collectors will, jointly, with the Collector. occupy the office, S. W. corner THIRD and WILLOW Streets, where they may be daily consulted, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. NI, (Sundays excepted ) They are, in their respective divisions, empowered by law, equally with the Collector, to receive and collect the National Taxes accruing therein. WILLIAM. J WAINWRIGHT, 0c99 , 6t • - Colle,ctor Third District. INTERNAL REVENUE.— ..Us kJ. OFFICE OF OOLLEOTOR 01' FIRST 'COLLECTION DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA, No. 304 °HEUSI:7T STREET. NOTION TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, RE FINERS OF 00 AL OIL, AND BREWERS.—The attention of parties resident of First District, com prising the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Wards of the city of Philadelphia, who are en gaged in either of the above named occupations, is belled to. Sections 39.41, 47, 50, and 51 of the Excise Law of July 1, 1862, wherein they are required to make monthly and trimonthly returns and payments to the Oollector of the Dietrict. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is prepared to receive daily, at hie office, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P , (Sundays , excepted,) the returns and payments above specified. JESPEB, Collector of First District, N 0.304 OffESTNIIT Street 6029. 6t TT Q, INTERNAL REVENUE. 4—, • ps..y. OFFIOE OF THE COLLECTOR OF SECOED COLLECTION DISTRICT OF PENNSYL VARLA, S. W. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. - _ NOTICE TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, Itit- FINFRS OF cocas OIL, AND B ILE WERS.—The attention of parties resident of Second District, compri sing the. First Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Wards of the city of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above. named occupations, is called to sections 86, 41, 47, 50, and 51 of the Excise Law of July 1,184 wherein they are required to make monthly and trimonthly re. turns and payments to the Collector of the District. Notice is hereby given that the underirigned is prepared to receive, daily, at his office, between the hours of 9 A. Id. and 3 P. M. (Sundays excepted), the returns and payments above specified. .T`IHN H. DIERL, 0e29 St Collector Second District. TT Q, INTERNAL REVENUE.- A.) * KJ • • OFFICE OP THE. COLLECTOR OF FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT PENESYLVA. NIA, No. 42 OHESTBUT Street. NOTICE TO DISTILLERS OF SPIRITS, REFINERS OF COAL OIL, AND BREWERS. The &Mutton of parties resident of the Fortrth Dis trict, comprising the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, and Twenty.fourth Wards, of the City of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of the above named occupations, is called to Sections 39, 41, 47, 60, and 51 of the EXCISE LAW of July 1,1862, wherein they are I.v:inked to make monthly and tri-monibly re turns and payments to the. Collector of the District. NOTICE> Its HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned is prepared to receive, daily, at his office, between, the hours of 9'A. Id and 3P. N. (Sundays excepted), the returns and payments above specified. JOHN M. RILEY, 0c29 St Collector of Fourth District. THE RAILWAY TIME-KEEPER ) especially adapted for Army sales. Good imitation gold; will run and keep excellent time ; have fancy colored hands and beautifuily-enpraved dials, the letters standing in relief. This is one of the most taking novelties of the day, and should retail at prices fronstmenty•five to eighty dollars each They are fur nished by the case, containing six different designs, as follows: Engraved, per case of half dozen, $33. En :graved and elects°. gilded, per case of half dozen, assort ed, $36. Angraved, superior, per coma half dozen. as sorted, $39. Yngraved, superior, and electro line gilded, having all the improvements of the foregoing, per oats halt dozen, assorted, $42. Bogine-turned, same material caw e, over which is geed silver, heavily plated, per case of hall dczon, $36. Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, end one each 'of the others, making a case of half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, $36.50. Terms cash Will be sent to any part of the loyal States, with bilifor collection on delivery.. Buyers in the army will have to sendpayment in advance, as the express companies refuge making collections south of the Poto mac. This 111 one of, the most saleable'articles of the times, and just the thing for- show inclined to make money among the soldiers.' Send in your orders early. GAWS Y. WHEA.TON, Me Importer, Oor. NASSAU and JOHN Streets, New York. P.:0: Box 4355- , oc3B-18tit .IQUEURS.-50 oases assorted Li. .. LA vent's, )net reactive& pin- ship Vsadalls, from Nor loony, tad for sate by - JAYTIIITOH2I & tat to d & 204 SonthlPßOlVi. street SCOTOH WHISKY.-25 puncheons James Stewsrt's fine Peasizarr NTAT,T, imported 4irtot. Za bond snd lor sale by 0015- fat i 37 Sqr.tb, vßen. AMUSEMENTS. 6 70111 q" DREW'S • ARCM- M i s tB Thmer S THEATBII. Bud gi e s! Agent and Treasurer 105. D. PIHUPPET. Bens t; of 1. 8. CLARK.. A GLo.:lit/0178 BILL. Clarke In 'Eworiomedy Parts. THIB (FRIDAYJ .EVENING, Oet. 31, THE POORGENTLEMAN. . Dr. 011eirlod 5 (narks, Frederick Barton IDYL Emily Worthington. ....Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with MABBIED LIFE. Henry , Dove I 5. 01arica; • Mrs. Henry'Dove Mrs. John Drew: Mrs. Young-husband Mrs, 0, Henri's. Doors open at 6%—To commence at 'Tif o'clook. WA:MUT-STREET THEATRE.-.. "i o i e Lemma Aim K. A GAIIRETTSON. BUNIDOIS Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Oct. 31, THE HUNCHBACK. Sults. lgiss Charlotte Thompson. Master.. . Mr. E. L. Tilton. Sh Thou as Clifford ' Lawrence Bsrratt. To conclude with THE. LITTLE TREASURY,. Gertrude . ;Kies Charlotte Thompson. .... Capt. Walter Etaidenblueh Mr J. B. Wright. Doore open at 7--Yerformanoo ootmenoes at 73(. T .M. GOTTSCLIALK. THIRD CONCERT AT CONCERT HALL,_ MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 3, at 8 o'clock * M.'LLE. CARLOTTA PATTI, The principal Priina Donna of New York and Buttes Academy . of Music, will appear jointly ' MR. GOTTSCHALK, who will play s on this °cession, some of his latest coo Pmitions. which have created two great a sensation in New York and Boston. Admisslon 50 cente--Reserved Seats 25 cents extra. The sale of tickets commences SATURDAY molusr— IN°, at 9 o'clock, at J. B. Gotald's Music Store:. 0020 44 CONCERT HALL. , WONDERFUL ISUOUEf3B I CAPTAIN WILLIAMS* WHALING VOYAGE, ANOTHER WEEK. EVERY EVENING at to 8 o'clock. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 3 o'clock. Ad:Winton, 25 cents; Children half price. ABEL & CO.'S STEREOPTICON, ABBEMBLY BUILDINGS, Tenth and Ohestnat ate, Exhibiting Every Evening This Week. FOR THE BENRFIT OF THE LADIES PENN AID SOCIETY. Admission 25 cents. Oommenoe at 8 o'clock. 0021-itt 13ENNSYLVANIA AOADERY Off THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till I P. M. 'Admission 26 cents. OMRlren half price. Shares of Stock. 830. i 79 WANTS. SUBSTITUTES WANTED AT THE Philadelphia City Rotel, WOOD Street, -corner Fourth Street. _ ocBl-2t* U STITUT ES WANTED.—Tvre Subatitntee wanted. Apply at UNITED BUTES HOTEL, Market and Eleventh !streets. • WANTED—AiI. experienced youag man ' who Lee trlarge acquaietance with the city Jothers, as Ealeeman in a Package Dry Goode ROllBB. With a competent person a liberal arrangement- will be made. Address, with reference. Box 716 Poet Ot floe. 0c31.81 WANTE D.—A young lady, graduate of Fort Edward Institute, New York, wishee a eittuttion se GOVEBNES3 or TEACHER in a Soho in the city or country ; can teach French and some Latin. Beet reference given. Addreite "Ida 0.," Press aloe. 0c29.3t* D EPU T Y QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFIOE, PHILADELPHIA, 00. 28, 1862. SEVENTY-FIVE CARPENTERS WANTED 182- DIEDIATELY to work upon Government Hospitals kr Washington, D. O. Wages, Two Dollars per day. Each Carpenter to furnish his own tools, to consist or Hatchet, two Saws, one Square, one fierew.drtver, and a few Chisels. Anal, to E CAMP, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, Washington, D. 0. PERSONAL PENSlONS.—slool3otaity and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors. and ME relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and aatis factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON,. Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. "articular attention given to parties living at a Ay , tance. oalft tl LOST AND FOUND. T ,OST OR STOLEN.----THE PUBLIC) J_4ll are can Honed against negotiating the following UNITED STATES CERTIFICATES OF INDERT EDNE3S, The same having boon loot or stolen from the sub- Beriberi]: ISSUED TO D. & U. KELLY No 24.301, dated Sept. 25th, 1802 8.1..00% No. 24,392 do. do. ... 1.000 No. 24 293 do. do. a ... 1.007 No. 24,394 do. do. 1,00% No. 7,098 do. do. Eyatte ISFORD TO R. F. LOPER. lib. 25.090, dated October 26, 1862 ELM ALL PAYABLE TO BEAKER. BLAKE, BROS., &I (10., 29 Watt street. New Toxic, Oct. 18,1862. 0c2241 TOR SALE AND TO LET. VERSEYS, IA- Complete Machinery for fulling and finishing Blankets, Iferseys, &c. For sale cheap. Address Box No. 1062 P. 0 AT PRIVATE BALE— A very eli gible and handeetnely-situated property in cheater county, one mile Eonth of Phcenizyille, on Nutt's road. stone honee,;.6 roome,"hall and kitchen, stone barn, car riage, house, well of water with pump at the door. healthy and pleasant neighborhood. Immediate posses sion can be given. Title good. Terms, &o.,Mb , is E. F. PIENNYPCICKE, Real Estate Agent, Phoenix-ville. AT PRIVATE SALE—A first-class property of 19 acres 115 perches, in Chester County, on the road from Phoenixville to Chester Springs ; well shaded stone house, ten rooms and two kitchens, stone barn, carriage house, ice house, milk. boe - se, "&c.; 108 choice apple, 32 cherry, - 8 Pear. 1& 9mm , s.andl2 plum treee,l4s bearing grape lime, and. abundance orDern..—i. ,, , ,, _bnaltliy peighbayhnad. se ceesible - to the city roar. times daily loy - rattroad. $2,0011 can remain secured. Title good_ A - farm of 60 acres 149 perches adjoining, and Dirk of the same estate, is also for sale. Terms, )0., apply to E. F. PENNYTAOKES, Real estate Agent, Phcenlxville. INSURANCE COMPANIES, HE GIRARD IlTi'E INSURANCE T COMPANY. OFFICE, 408 011105brIIT STREET, CHARTERED IN 1836, ASSETS 81,543,360.24. Make INISTIRANORS on LIVES on the most reasen able terms. Receive and execute Trude, and act as Executors Rod Administrators. • They declare a BONUS on PROFITS every five years, to the Wowed for life,tind pay in the interval. at the de cegee of the 'neared up to the year of death, in the same ratio as the last bonus. The following area few exaimples from the Register: II Amount of Policy and Ito- Policy. Pum I Bonus or nus to be increaned by Insured. addition. future additions. 1 No. 89 $2,500 $BB7 51 $3,387 50 N 0.182 3,000 1,050 00 4 050 00 N 0.199 1,900 400 00 1 400 00 N 0.833 5,000 1,875 00 0.875 00 Policies for whole life by one premium, or in TEN ANNUAL PREfdIUES. And no more premiums to be paid will be issued to par. stone desiring them. Pamphlets and forms of application and further furor 'nation can be bad at the Office. THOhIAS BIDOWAY, President. JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. 0c.22-wfmetts 'DAME INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. EIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. L F. N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Roesler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilidin, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, ()hos. Stokes, 0 W. Davis, John W. Everusa. FRANCIS 'ft BUD , President • CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS I BLANCHARD, Fecretary. [mhl9.llo (lOMMONWEAL RANCE COMPANY 0 OYLY.ANIA. DIREOTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charlo3 EC Rogers, Jobn N. Whitell, Solon K. Walker. Edward O. Knight, E ibert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, dr., I Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M. D.. President. JOHN M. WHITALL, The President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 OHESTITU'E Street. Philadelphia. - se4-if tt WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ,-\ ELI HOLDEN, Dealer In fine AmEmAx AND IMPORTS)) WATOIIES, JNWELAY, AND ()LOOKS, ee3l•sm ICS MARKET Street. „at AMERICAN WATCHES, g IN GOLD AND SILVER OAST. JOIS. H. WATSON. aul-em No. 326 OHNEITNIPS eats*. WATCHES, JEWELRY, fah, I A FRESH ASSORTMENT at LESS A.l. THAN FORMER PRICES, FARR k BROTHER Importerg' tilh2o-tf 52 4 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth , SAFES. gb a LTLLTE I B SAFE DEPOT mumovia.e to No. SI South 13.1173a1T8 SOW, =lf the Franklin Inetitate. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, mg helag . .determlnal to merit future patronage, het loom - 45 4 m elegant and convenient store, and has wzw.on.handi large assortment of Li Celebrated Wrought gal Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Ssjas, (the oral? strictly lire And burglar proof safes made.) A 150,7.8110 Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Banta hooks. - 41111e 7 s Bards Vault Doors and Look.twill be Darakitet to order on short notice. This to the.xtrongeots but' Pm , tooted, and oheapest Door and Dock yetolfored. Also; pardoular attention is to IMO! We Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry. Joe. This We lo- tea ,ceded to surpass in etyle and elo,garme erecting rat alp rered for this purpose ' and la tNe...ouly one twit is strfatls Are and burglar proof. -.SPROUL Ifonci.—l haveareg on hand sal sweaty et, Ferrel, Herring, & Oo.'e thee, most of mem nearly amts. and some forty bf other where, oonwilinZ aOCRAVArIa 414- " t t ment So to duos saileal lately exchanged for tbst.. now celebrated They will bo told al very ow prices. Rem caDaroo examine. je,2547-11 ffi. C. SADIAB, AIM& - -EVAItEIa WATSON'S • r SALAZIANDIII SU% BTOEZ, 15 titOtrill rovErau STREW., PHIGADNLPHIA, PL A larg variety of 11311-PROOF SAFES *brays of *mond. - - siLuorozw , OIL WORKS. JLA 100 bbli im Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We amarmatee the ail to be non-explosive, to burn ad ne oil In the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without matins the wick, and but slowly'. Barrels tined with, lass anemaL wuneT # PiII&ESALL, 01110 did NATIMIT %twit. E. EVANS oc -1 t - H FIRE IN-St:l -TEM STATE OF PENN
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