oited w ithout opening the stove at all, or allowing the mope of a particle of dust. The stove, as It now is, we are bound to admit, is a decided improvement upon the stove we eulogized In 1601.3 We hazard nothing in staying find it will more than pay for itself before it Is half worn out, in actual saving of fuel. We might quote scores of lettere received by Mr. ever within the het three months, in confirmation of the opinion we have here expressed, but as our allusion to the subject is already lengthy, we will merely intro dace a few linen fsom the following : Loony ] LI Will SGDON, Sept. 20, 1862. I JAB. OrsAn, Est/ pear Sir ; I have ben,ght stoves from you before, and now went for my own nee a Lehigh Antlduator, No. 8, et me know by return a all the lowest you will send me one for, flrclures, de. Iteenectfully, was fooled bud epilog by an adverttsernsnt in the praising AL— le celebrated Air Tight Gas co,,,ormuki Cook Stove, into buying one, and I do say it je the gtentett humbug that ever came ont in the shape of lgWest. For the purpose of preventing others from bo la chested in the purchase of this you may make suc h m e of the above as you see proper. I have actually thTOWti the stove away, and em now cooking on a ten plate oki stow) until I can get another, ** [AxorriErt.l fluNturaoolv, October 6, 1882. JANE; EirsAlti rsa : pear Your Lehigh Antldneter was received in good ordor, and I am so well pleasedit that tboogh a letter of act nowkdgement was duo you. I Wire used a great many hinds of cook !nova, and I am certain tblo ono is the beet by far. The draft is complete, at.d no stove could bake better than it does, or do the work with loan fuel Iteepectfully, ** 1. WELL•DESERVED THIBUTE—ThO follow ing extract from a letter addressed by the lady of one of th e most popular °Metre in the United Statoe Navy, to Dir. Gntekunot, the eminent Photographer of Ole city, bee just been received at hie onetime, Nos. 704 and WO Arch street, and kint.ly handed to us for publication WILMINGTON, Del., Oct.—,'62. Rl'. F. &Waning, Phi/adelphia MAP. Sllt : You will please accept my thanks for your kind attention in sending me the photograph of my hus band, of Imperial size. I consider it the beet likeness ever taken of him, not even excepting your excellent carte de visite of him; whilst, as a work of art, I here not sten anything to equal It. I am mush gratified with it,. Twill ask on to have a copy made for me of this Imperial size, which 'I wish to present to a friend. Please direct to tue as follows : also another dozen of the caries de virile, face, and encicso bill. Yours, truly, *** B.—We may state that the above is but one of scores Of letter, of a similarly Satiating character that are daily finding their way through the mail to our celebrated ar dobtownsman, Mr. GutrAnnet. INSTALLATION SERVICES OF THE COATES- Sant PEESDTTERIAN Onunorc.—By reference to an announcement in another colamn It will be seen that the installation services of the Rev. James Y. Mitchell, as pastor of the Preohy teflon Church, Coates street, below Forth (late Bev. George Duffield's), will take place at that ohnrch to.morrow evening. Rev. Dr. Adair roil preside, the Bev. Dr, Brainerd will preach the sermon, BeT. T, J. Sheppard will deliver the charge to the pastor and the Rey. B. B. Adams, D. D., will deliver the charge to the congregation. FAIR IN AID OF THE SOLDIERS.—We take pleasure in calling attention to the fact that a fair is now being held at the Booms over Shoemaker's Piano Store, Be, 1011 Chestnut street, for the aid of the sick and wounded soldiers in our hospitals. This is a worthy ob ject, and ought to be patronized liberally, " --- ASIY AND NAVY CLOTH HOUSE.—AS 1110 article of materials for Army Clothing is now the most prominent item of trade and traffic, and as it is of the utmost importance to the Government that such goods should be obtained from competent, honest,' and reliable sources, we have plc:azure in calling attention to the card of Mr. William T. Snodgrass, No. 34 South Second street, which appears In another column of oar paper tmdaY. Mr. Snodgrass has long occupied a prominent position in his department of trade, and his superb, iscilitlea for obtaining goods and the fact that he is depot ug epeciel attention to this branch, all combine te give him advantages which, we are sure, will be ap preciated. In many respects his stock is certainly no walied by any other in Philadelphia. FINE CONFECTIONS FOR THE SEASON.— Messrs, E. 0, Whitman tt, Co., Chestnut street, below Fourth, next door to Adams & oo.'s Express, has now reedy their latest and choicest fresh Confections, adapt el for the lab Reason. They use only the purest ma terials in manufacturing, make all the choicest goods in lbetr line that ingenuity could invent, treat their ono tonierS with kindseor, liberality, and respect, and sell at priors to suit the 111836e13. No one should think of re turning to his home this evening without carrying with him a budget of E. G. Whitman a: Co.'s Confections to make wife and children happy. Try it on our recom mendation. It will pay._ POOTOORAPIIT IN Pmr,t.DELNTIA.—To de monstrate that Philadelphia hes outstripped every other city in tho Union in the photographic art, nothing more ' is necemary than a visit to the splendid exhibition and oreatinr galleries of hissers Broadbent & Co., Ro. 912 and 911 Obeetnut street. The beauty, perfection and genera: excellence to which these gentlemen have carried this invaluable art of preserving in an imperishable way the form and festuteo of the living and the dead, are worthy of all petite, nod well deserve the substantial recognition they ere reed %log at the bands of the public. WHERE TO BUT YOUR NEW FALL SUIT.— After a general survey of the ready.mado clothing field, we are fully warranted in saying that all who are about seedling themselves with fall and winter clothing will do wisely' _new clothing emporium of lifessrs. C. Somers 4: - Son, ea. use greet, louder Jayne's Hell. Their stook of ready made goods is trash nod get no in shelled style both in materials and character of wolimmehip, whilst their stock of fashionable piece g; 015 to sleet from is unsurpassed in this city. SPLENDID STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHTL- Dttla's Faso: Fres —Messrs. Charles Oakford & Son, Nos. 834 and 836 ChestLut street, under the Continental ifOtel, has now in atom the largest and most desirable stock of Ladies' Furs io select from in the city, and, being their own importers and manufacturers, they are gabled to compete with the world In prices. Their *scent assortment in iniescribably rich in all the choicest Tore known to the trade. • YREBIE CORN A.ND TOILA.TOES 1 , 13 T 11P FOR VVISTER USE —Air. U. R. 'Mattson, dealer in fi ne family groceriee, Arch and Tenth streets, has now in store a good supply of fresh Corn and Tomatoes, put up in cans, usder his own direction, with the greatest care, in or der to insure their eott perfect preservation. Persona wishing good !mita, pieaerved In this excellent way, will always find them in beat Quality at this store. WHAT KIND DO YOU UNE 7—From the nu merous accidents daily occurring from the nee or aware portable lights, wo feel that we have a right to ask the reader, Whet kird of 141:t do you use '1 If you have not yet done to, be ad vie (1, and go Immtdiately to Mantra. 'itten & 00., To 55 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert, and enhatitiva. their great Lamp for burning 'Kerosene 011 in preferer co to any other light, It 1e per fectly este, ornamental, closnly, and convenient. MES.OP,S. OAKTORD Sox, under the Conti nental Hotel, have now in stock a splendid line of Gen tlemen'a Furnishing Goode of every deecrip;lon, ape dolly adapted [or the season, at low prices. CURTAIN BIATERINIS. Wide French Betica. Wide French Brocatelles. Wide French . Satin de Lain°. Wide Wonted Damask. Wide Union Damask. Wide Drunask Table Cloth, per yard. Wide Moquette, far E./Broad Oars. French Plnalus, f. r Bailroad Oars. Gilt Cornices and Bands. Cords, Gimps, and Fringes. Tassels and Loops. Hooks, Flings, and Brackets. Furniture Coverings. Everything complete for Curtains made, trimmed, and tat op for parlors, 4ining-rooms, sleeping-rooms, and pnbiie bnifdld i. - Gilt Bordered Window Chades, all colors. Fresco, Gothic, and Landscape Shades. U. B. Officevel Bilk f asboo. Tl,l3,Bunting Flags. ittABONIO 73.9 Chestnut street, SENSATION AND A 3truTATION.—A. German, of the Second 111 . 1cblgau Regiment, in the ho.pital at Washington, had hie arm amputated. Ills deecription or the sensation ho Pale from Ida fingers, which lately be. longed to his arm, cowed frequent bursts of merriment from the other patients He Bald, "I veels der tinge mit mine ringers veu I Loans Ice got no vingeri dare, no It makes me mat von I vetle der tinge all de time mit mine tingers ain't dare any more dare shall." People may smile at the mystified Garman, but he stated the truth. /it this delusion is not kept up in all things. man svho bas been wearing a warm overcoat =urn it re worn out, can't imagine, wirsi cold days come, that he has his royorito coat on, but win find that the only way to make the imagmatiou complete will be to go to Ohas. Stokes', ander the Cent:metal, or BDMO other place, and buy one. A HUGE HORTICULTURAL SPEOIMEN.—There IA a plant in the Land uf Sumatra, the circumference of 'whose fully ezpauded flower is nine feet; its nectarium ii caloalated to hold ntce pi uts ; the pistils areas large as cow's horns, and the whole weight of the blossom is Computed lo be fillet u pounds This gorgeous arrange meat would be rather too much of a good thing 3f worn in the buttton-hole, and It would be in particularly bad teats, especially if the snit of clothes eclipsed by it was made at the Brown •Stone Cirthing Hall of Bock bill and Wilson, Nos, 603 aid 606 Chestnut street, above Filth. This Sorel gitnt might come In good play to con ceal a shabby coat made by some inferior Schneider. "SOME MEN ENVELOPE THEMSELVES in Bach en 'mistrst:able cloak of silence, that the tongue will afford us no 'symptom of the temperament of the mind. Such taciturnity, indeed, is else if they are foolish, bat foolish If they are wise, The best cloak for a man to envelope himself in, is one that is purchased at the Pala tial Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No, 609 Otiesinurstreet, where garments of the latest styles and fashion can be obtained ..kt remarkably toe prices. MAIIINb' /NT FILLIGENCB. or BEE T. °mail FAG', A ff.lll l llBD. Bark Antietam, (new) Farnsworth, from Rockland lath inst. with granite to S A Bonder & 00. Brig Ida, Morrison, ld day 9 from Porto Cabello, with Coffee and hides to John Dalian & Co--vessel to Son. der it 00. Brig Marshall Dutch. Burgess, 8 days from Washing ton, DO, in ballast to J L Braley & (Jo. Behr Liberty Jobus , n. 2 days from ;abut River, Del, With corn to Jas L Be eley & Co. Bohr Freemason, Furman, 2 days from Indian River, Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & (Jo. Bohr Leader, Adams, 1 day !rota Salem NJ, with wheat Jae L Bewley & Oo Sear Telegraph, Ootnor, I day from Leipetc, Del, wivh. Cods° to Jae Barratt & Behr T P McOolles, (Jortor, I. day front Smyrna, Del, Kith wheat to Jas Barro.t & B.n. Steamer Fanny (, aer. HUGO, 22 honws Iron New York, with mdte to NV P (Hyde. Behr pd Ke n nedy, l‘r.ron. Wosbington, Navy Agent. Bohr B E !Sharp. Keonely, Fortreal Monroe, Tyler, Mona & Co, Bohr John McLeilo, Ilsr4ato, Washington, W Hamm. &brill:aub, Holm., Geo. gotewn. Penn Gas Coal Co. Behr A L !dames , . Bountily, Washington do Bohr Ida L, Adorns. \ V IA: La g n, John leWhlte. Bohr Golden Bile, Phil yet, Fortran Itlonroe, captain. Boar /Lonnie, Chance, ilalhooro, J W Bacon. 13chr Bobt Kuwaitis, (inlay, do do Ott H L Gaw, Iler,' Bellmore, A Groves; Jr. Btr 0 0 m ser , F e nton, Washington, T Webster, Jr. Elk Hope, Bowen ; Now York, W P Olyds. W. EL. 0/AMYL EABiID ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS UP 111 1.2 (Away LAier CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Obestnut W J Coopsr, Lancaster J L Beaverns S wf, ffiaaa E Steinbach, Akron, 0 J Henshsw, Boston Captain B B Ring, Pa O L Anthony & wf, N Y 11 0 Southwick, Now York Dr D DlcHnrtree,l3 8 N W Banton ' Del co, Pa A W Adams, Wheeling A L Holgate,New York W Hilton, Boston Hugh bloEitti ids, St Louie H J Wynne, Pittsburg E Symms% Olnotnnsti, 0 H Crete, Detroit W Terry, U S N Mr Welling, Wash'n, D . 0 S lisymoktl, Now York B H (lades, New York F H Macy, Jr Josiah H Abbott, N Y Alonzo Lilly, Baltimore W H Rockfollow, N Y Obaa S Abercrinnbio, N-Y Jdw Meyer, Harrisburg 1111 Killer, Now York Kira W Richmond, Wasien H Dunmore, Mentrose,Pa A Gage, Newborn, N 0 F 11 Archer, Salem, N. J . H G Williams & la, ODEIn Inoac.H Southwick, B I Miss to kJ Southwick, B D 0 Jones, Beaton ' H P Hitch & la.. Brazil D Flint 011 8 Williams, Jr, & wf, J 0 Holly do wf, Connecticut New York A Schuyler Halsor' B H Combs, New Jersey W G Scovell, Pennsylvania John V Graven, Salem,N J H amen, Pennsylvania F Scheiter, New Jersey J Hatton, Hagerstown, Bid W Paxton & la, Wheeling Jos Coles, New York L F Coles, New York Joe 11 Collins & la, Wash's J U flutobing, N Brunsw'k N Headden & wf, Now York II Headden, New York B wheton, Massachusetts B F Howitz P C Harman & N York A G Harman & wf, N - York B J kids's, New York Jno N Bleeper, Haverhill P Gilman, Haverhill H Sanford, New York W E Van Bred, U S A Miss Tan Reed, Beading A R Dunton, Boston ' F R Joseelyn, Mass S Churchill, New York H IT Schwartz, Germany J . Eldredge, New York General Totten, Washington W T Phelps, Trenton, NJ J F Bateman& la,Aspiuwall Geo Waterhouse, Maine J Leisenring, Penns J Johnson, Ohio B F Mason, New York W S Goodell, Prov, B I W S Strickland & wf, Conn C Herecketrode, Dayton, 0 0 C Ward, Now York L Lincoln, Boston Dr H Lyon, Charlestown Coortright, Erie Dr F A. Nichols & wf, N J Peter Neff, Jr. Ohio 0 T Boot, New York J Taylor, Baltimore J Burns, Wash, D 0 W B Larmour, New York Kr Routh & la, Hamilton W H Grepecon, Boston Limit Jamee Ellie Jae flutchirg, N Brunswick . INEBOHANT.S' HOTEL--Yourth et., below Areb. FE Smith, Salem, Mass J E Bathbone, New Haven AN B Newton,MD, II S A A J Glosebreuner, York J Soog, Jr, S: la, Mt Ho:ly Geo W Shelton, Conn Bev 0 Earle, Osinsannua D Master, Maryland 0 Dewitt, New York M 0 Stirk, Clearfiold co,Pa John Stein, Lewistown A B Leggett, Ohio J Oondron, Pa M Jr,Nechaniesbg Geo Coining, St Louis, Mo bI H Thomas, Milwaukee W Beate, Mt Vorron, 0 Jas Paul, Ohio T 0 Brtdford, Xenia, Ohio John Irwin, Clarksbutg,Ya D Dillinger, Limo, 0 Mrs J E Boblits, Pa A Q Lawrence, Wash, 0 0 Warman, Fronchtwn,NJ J Thomas Jr au,Oanniarcitia BobtllcOutcheon, Pittsbg L A Anderman la, Ohio Miss Carrie Croxton, Ohio Allen Malty, Pa L N Miller, Altoona. Pa John A Jonce. Delaware Chas B Lloyd, Roxbriry,P4 Mrs Brown, Salim, N J ars Whiter, Salem, N J Vr J W Briebin, alifilln co A B Cramer, Bedford C Lewis Jr. la, Ohio W B (lroxton, Wash, D 0 Mrs Gregg. Clinton, 0 Mrs Wilson. Clinton, 0 F Ashton, Jr, Lima 0 F H Bowen! lo,New York F B Picking, Getty sburg A J Cover, Gettysburg Ceo Arnold, Gett; sburg Jae Salgrove, Indianapolis AP 0 Boute, Cincinnati John Terhenn, New Y)rk NATIONAL HOTEL—Raw street, above Third. J H Pile, Ringgold 0 P Kopetzoth, Pottaville Goo Ross Sz la, Lebanon B P Shannon, pehll Haven Wm L Billman, Penns P Arnold, Pennsylvania H Baber, Lebanon Jos Wise, Lebanon A Q Briggs, Lazerne B S Levan, Lehigh cm John Williams Chas Both, Wilkesbarre Joe Whitaker, St ()lair John 0 Andrews, lowa A 0 Peters, lowa P Goodman, Maryland STATES UNION BOTBL—Market, above Birth. Bev YE GOB, Pa L Dellett, Columbia, Pa O tuitb, Ohio 0 Long, Eihippeamburg D Welty, Penneylve,nia Joe 0111, Pennsylvania B Mercer, Cheater co C D Whitney, Carlisle, Pa B Saltzbach, Marietta, Fa G W Saltzbach, Mariet:a A Fleming saltsburg, Pa Wm Bovrera 7 • Baltimore Oro L Plitt, Pittsburg CODDIEROIAL—SixtIa street, above Ohestnut. C Bufflingtoo, Chester co L B Platt, Delaware P C Hemphill, Detaware co J N Patterson, Oil City, Pa ?it Watson & oh, Chest co J Larkin, Chester cs Hairy Larkin, Chester co W J Smedley, Delaware co T Darlington, Doylestown T Smith A W Smith, Prov, B I J Dreamer, Franklin co Jae G Caner A Primrose, Virginia BLACK MAR—Third Irtreet, above Oanewhili. George. W Wolff, Pa Mrs 0 Roads and da, Pa A Jllmith, Doylestown Itl Haldeman ' Danboro J M Cadwallader, Pa A Backman, Pa Oben Harper. JeLklutown W Kline, Douglasville B. Pad", YardleyNille Thos Milo, Fox Otnnte Lindford Roads. Byberry John Lukens, jr, Byberry Clasper Beads, Byborry I S Trexler, Yard!eyville Nathan White, Yardleyville S A Noeld, Yardloyvtlle Fl M. Woodward, Moreland W Eddowa, Moreland Philip Bruner, Doylestown Geo $OBll3, Southampton Frank Amide ' Southampton A E. JoneY, Syuthampton 0 Blinfght, Ft aeterville F W Meckley, MD,II S N F Ttlienne, Yardloyville S Hogelaudi B 5 berry A Lukens, 8,1 berry B Tomlinson, Byborry J Williard, Northampton . W W Weaver, Berke co, Pa O Glemen, Cheete‘co, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third etreet,:above Joe Martin, Penunlvania Joe Therese, Montreal Wm 13. Kistler, Schuylkill co F 0 Butz, Beading R T Linton Bucks co Samuel Smith ; Bucks co G T Ellis, Philadelphia Joe le Snyder, Philadelphia LI Gondar D Longenecker, Penna John Smith, Cape May, N J Joaeph Tray W Dolan David T Blair, Berke co Chasßeans, Bucks co Beni W Smith, Backe co Id Beeder, Bucks co Ell "Fisher, Bucks co ()has Pennypacker, Penna Geo Erig, Pennsylvania Jim Krig, Pennsylvania Jacob Freeman, Parma David ReManyder,Penna Lewitt Peifer, Pennsylvania MADISON H01D31,--Second street, above Market. G Bisbee, New Jersey John 0 Drake, New York C T Price, Monroe co, Px Rev J bicNair,Clinton, N J Mrs 9 A McNair, N Jersey P K Turner, flarterille Georgeßichardson Philip Randall, N J W D Large, Taylorsville 9 Baker, Taylorsville T Thomson, New Sereey Mrs E Kirk, Snake co, Pa L E Will', New Jersey W J Poole, New York J Beane, Doylestown, Pa — PIT; D C HoMcker, Dever, Del liiiPKirlreyi - nfiercder L Hodges J L Taylor . A Ridge, Bensalem, Pa Thus Buckman, Wash, D 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. OCTOI3.IIt , lizesoNs. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. no seines of October ' To spectators sober, Will lessons of Table impart; And your hearing and eight, If you use them aright, Win improve both your brain and your heart. As each green leaf grows brown, And comes flattering down, Until the proud tree is left bare, So, one by one, perish The hopes that we cherish, Till earth can no longer look fair. Thus many may be On the top of the tree, Who soon May be torn down by fate, And be trodden on then, BY the pitiless men, Who admired and praised them eo late. blow, too, breezes chilly Call out tows Shrilly To clothe en:selves snugly for Fall, And not shake, like the leaf, At each wind, but be brief, And seek comfort at famed Totorn BALL Where may be found the largest and most complete as sortment of seasonable ready-made Clothing in Phila delphia, comprising all qualities, styles, sizes• and prices. Every one can be suited. 'Raving made onr purchases before the recent advance in prices, and buying and selling for cask only, we are enabled to offer un equalled inducements to purchasers. Tower Ball, No. 818 Market street, Philadelphia. GROVER BAICBR'S NEW SEWING PIAONINE.--PIII O E, $4O• The attention of tailors and other mannfaotttrere re quiring tho use of a fast and durable lock.stitch machine, is directed to our. No. 9. This is anew and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a great favorite with manufacturer& It is a firet-olass machine, at a low Price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or given each universal satisfaction. It Is very Simple in its commotion, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equal , sell; end the low price at which it is sold places it within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able machine. OBOVEB fii BABES S. H. CO., 730 OHBSTNIIT Street. SINGER & Co.'i LETTER A FAMILY SEWING 111A0IIINE le the most beautiful, best, and cheapest of all Sewing Machines. It embodies the prin. dries of Singer it Co.'s well•known Idannfactnring Ma chines ; makes the interlocked stitch; will sow on all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tuck—in fact, will do ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and surpasees every other Machine for the great range and excellence of its work. Send for a pamphlet. No. 458 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, oc7 Antheldt3l . No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. BATCHZLOR'S HAM DUI ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Produces a color not to be distinguished from, nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life, GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly tunas a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. sold by all Druggists, &x. IR - The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHIC. LOB, on the four sides of each box. FA.OTORY No. Si BABOLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bold street,) my2B-1y New York. GEORGE STKOK'S INIMITABLE PIANO FORTES, Grande and Squares, are rapidly taking precedence of all others for their pow er, evenness of touch, awl pure quality , of tone. Norio should purchase ithout examining them closely. The Most eminent teachers ere almost daily selecting Prices to snit the times. them. J. E. GOULD, ocll-stuth4Ot SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. galtrOM 1 3 /OAT TRIUMPH.—STEINWAY 84 SONS were awarded the FIRST MEDAL at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and rlxty.nine Plano, from all parte of the world, enter, d for competition. War orooms at BLASIUS BROTHERS, 1006 011EBT RUT Street. oolam DAM:C.7JB PLA.ST.S.T.ION BITTIIBB. Ybey purify, strengthen, end invigorate. They create a henitby appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effecte of diseripation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the Mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the otooraoh. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhcraa, Cholera, and Choleraldortnta. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the brat 81TTEB8 in the world. They. make the weak m strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Burn, the celebrated Oallaaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day.' Particularly recommended to dell Pale Persons requiring et gentle stimulant. Sold by eii Grocers, Druggists, Etotels„,vmd Saloom. P. 15.. DESICS CO., 202 BROADWAY. New York. se24.Bhn • REINFORCED JUST IN TIME.—The Druggists of this and other States, having received large supplies of MdltfitiALLlS PINE-TREE TAY, DROPS, (neatly lint op in sliding cases for the • pocket ' ) are recommending them to persons afflicted with asthma bronchitia, coughs, cold, tickling or eereneent of the throat, AS the oteciaantest and moat effectual remedy extant. Try them, and our word for it, you will not re gret It. oc23•tbetu3t UPHAWO HAIR DTA; 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for $1; the beet In um. Try It. Bob" only at umems, 403 ORES NU Bt. be27.3m* HALL—TAILIT&LL.-4)a the 234. by Friends' cere • moat', to the presence of Alderman tallier, John of nestortville, to Sarah S. Yarnell, Formerly of Meeker county. ALBERTSOILi—GILLAhI.—On the 21st inst., by Encode' ceremony, Wm. Albertson to Nary W., daugh ter of Harvey 011lamy all of this city. [Bucks County Intelligencerideose copy.] REALD—PEPPRB.---On the 23d inst., by the Rev. E. I. D. Pepper, Edward Heald to friary, daughter of the to Henry J. Pepper. [Wilmington papers Please copy I \VARREN—LE 00IINTN.-0a the 23d, at the Arch. street Rouse, by Rev. W. 0. Robinson David Warren and Sarah Jane Le Donate, of New Castle, Del. SIBLEY—SMITH.—Con June 19th, by the Rey. J. R. Crouch, at 2C5 Catharine street, John H. Sibley, to Mist Margatet Smith, all of this city. fillAY-FAIROBILD..--On Monday evening, Octo ber 20th, by Rev. Abel 0. Thomas, Mr. George Gray, of Philadelphia, to Mies Mary Fairchild, daughter of the late Wm. B. Fairchild, of Camden. lOLA/M.—On Wednesday morning, October 22 Su sanna A. Clark, wife of Richard Clark, In the 2fith year of her age. The friends, of the family are invited to attend leer fu neral from the residence of her husband, on the Welch Road, near Efolmetborg, on Saturday, October 25th, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at All Saints'. * GOLLINS.—On the 23d heat , Kra. Kary Collins, aged Years. COLLINS.—At Richmond, from wounds received at the battle cf Gaines Hill, on the 27th June. 1862, Jesse Collins, of Company E, 4th Regiment P.B. V. U., eon of the late Robert Collins. in the 36th year 01 his age. DUB:)18.—On the 23d instant, Thomas P.• son of Ro bert and Fanny Dnhois, aged 3 years and 1 month. * PARLEY.—On the 23d inst., Thomas J. Parley, eon cf Thomas and Catharine Farley, in the 29th year of his age.* FERRAL.—On the 2211 inst., Mrs. Isabella Ferrel, aged 89 years. * MoC4ETTICHAM.—On the 23.1 inst., Patrick lifellet• Cgham, aged 88 years. PINE —On the 23d inst., Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Pine, aged 14 months. TANLOR.--On the 22d, Mrs. Ehzabetti Taylor, wife of the 1 de John Taylor. WALTON —On the 224 inst., Sarah, wife of Wells Walton, in the 64th year of her age. * TIEBSON Jr, S A- , STORNI' No, 918 O: Pole a full asaortmont of Thibot Long. Do. do., extra size. Do. kurtare. Do. do., crane bound Do. do., silk do. oEl9bn:tare Long, Do. Solara. Velour Reps. Velour Ottomeny. Grain de Poudree. Bpanglines. Popetines. Ft snob Merinoes. French Cashmeres Cheap Cashmeres. All. wool Monislines. DJ. do. double widths Cheap Delaines. 'random Baratheas. Brap d'Alma. Poult de Soles. Pock de Soie Mat. Lyons Poult de Soles Gros GraineS. Gros Grainettes. Gros des ludes. Ottomans. Badzamir. English Oropeg and Veils. English Crapes on'rolls. Alexandre and Jouvin's Kid Gloves Winter Hesiery and Gloves. Erglieli Or ape Collars and Sets. And all other goods requisite for Mourning Attire, in cluding a large stock of SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, Of the Fated styles and at reasonable prices. N. 8.7- 4 TEE OA SH SYSTEM," both in buying and selling. 0c23-thetxt3t YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS. OPENING FOR FAIL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods. Good Stook of Staples. se2o-tf 500 EPZEST° 3 ? °2. e ra— riT toeellTobaccSl and Cigts at lower prices than any other house in the city. A bargain in Hai aria Cigars, purchased at Marshal's Sale. WOOD WARD it CO., 41 South FOURTH Street. oat lm* HE ASSOCIATION for the relief of the Sick and 'Wounded Soldiers will oven on ISIONDAN, 27th last, at S.W. corner FRONT and GREEN Streets, at 4 P. and will continue open through the week. It* DrIS LOUIS NAPOLEON THE ANTI OHRIST, doomed to perish at Ohrist's descent, about 2870? Bev. M. BAXTER will lecture am this subject at the Ball, B. E. corner SPRING GARDEN and NINTH Streets, SUN DAYGIVENING, ati7X o'clock. Ideating at Eamo place at 10% Morning. I tilt 'cresol - TERI.S.ht ORTIRGE TO-MORROMicW.T 4 .4 o'clock. Subject—". The infolonce. of Religion upon the fatally, circle.' it THE MODEL MEN OF THE BIBLE. CCr—The next Her mon in this conreetvill be preached in the oEitlEtt/II OF THE SPIP3 &NY TO-HOREOW EVENING. Elery ice at ball pest seven. - Young wen are cordially invited to attend. it* arARCH -STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH --The Rev. J. HALWI'ILD CARROLL, &I New Haven, Conn., will preach TO. MORRO W, at log O'clock A. IL, awl at 7% o'clock P. 1. it* INSTALL4TION SE B.VICE.S.--THE Rev. James Y. Kitchell will be installed Pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Northern Liberty (Coates, belOw Fourth), TO-MORROW EVE ;TING. Bev. B. Adair wig preside, Rev. Ir. Brainerd will preach the sermon, Rev. P. t 3. P.heneerd will deliver the charge to the Pastor, and the Rev. E. E. Adams, D. D., will deliver the charge to the Congregation. lttc iner T A BEKNAC LAE M. E. cnuacti, 113 ELEVIIIITII Street, above Jefferam.— Bev. JADES NEILL will preach 'IO.ItIORSOW IIIOI3N -LNG, 2erth WI., at I.og o'clock. ra- THE FIFTY - FOURTH MEETING for supplying the Soldiers with reading, and' to relleve the sick and wounded, will be held in the N&ZA. RETH CHURCH, T RIETEEN PH Street, above Bane, TO.MOBBOW Evening, October 26th. The mooting will be addressed by the Pastor, BST; J. H. Al fay, Bev. Mr. AlcCallough, of Past Front-street Sletbodist Cb.nrch ; Rev. P. R. Mowry, r of the Presbyterian Church corner of Twelfth and Lombard, and Goarge H. Stuart, EN., President of Christian Commitsion. These meet ings are increasing In intertet and importance. In tereating letters from Ohsplaina and others will be read. gy - • TWELFTH WARD CITIZENS' 113 BOUNTY FUND COE • TEE —The under signed appointed by the chairman of the Twelfth Ward Bounty Futd Committee, to examine the collection books end subscriptions received in the several precincts of esid ward; hereby report: That there hut-been collected and paid over to George M. Snowdon, the Tresearer,.as follows: By the comralt tee of the Fir precinht. $B2B 25; Second precinct, $779; Third precinct, 81,232; Fourth precinct, $1.387.50; Fifth precinct, $69155; Sixth precinct, $368 46; Seventh Precinct. $6 75.- amounting in all to the sum of (5,888.51) five '24 thoueand eight hundred and eighty-eight Collars and fifty-one cents; and that the said George 111. Snowdon has paid over to S. A. Mercer, Eec., the Tres curer cf the General Fund, the Intl amount thug collect. ed, and has produced to this committee hie receipts, and vouchers for the same. .11 was, on motion, Resolved, That ,the thanks of the committee be ten dered to Peter Bouvoudt, Eeq , Preaident, and George hl. Snowdon, Treasurer, for the faithful manner in which they have discharged the duties and trust confided to them, and that the committee adjourn sine die. OII4BLES WAGNER BENNETT do Co PI3II,ADELFHI I , October 10,1862 pvt-p—o. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST 1,L3 TO TEM AMU AND NAVY, PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24th, 1E62. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the offoo of the Surgoon•Artist to tho Government, No.= Na. 1609 Ufa STNUT Street. B. FBANIi. PALMIER, 0c26 Government Surgeon-Artist. SPIRITUALTSIVI..—A CONTER.ENCE will be bald nt BANSON.-STRIFE HALL, on SUNDAY idOBNUSG, at log o'clock. In the Eve ning, at 73{ o'clock, Km WILHELM will Lecture on the "Philosophy of Death." °nal:IND/a, Nov. 2, the regular conree .will be opened by Mies EMI& HAD MIME. Admittance five,cente Er. COURSE Or LECTURES, la Aid a the P. B. CHURCH OF ST. BUTT HUB, To be delivered at CONCERT HALL. 'This coarse of Lectures embraces the names of some of the prominent bishops and clergy of the P. B. Church, and as the subjects are not strictly of a Church chase. ter, the 'PUBLIC Patronage is earnestly solicited in be half of a worthy object—TEE PAYING OF A DEBT DUE UPON THE ODUROII. BUILDING. Tickets for the Course of Six Lectures, El, May be procured at C. M. Burns', 911 Chestnut street; The Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 Chestnut street; and Wyeth A Br° 'a Drug Store, 1412 Walnut street. The Lecturers are: Novsmber 18th—Right Reverend ino. IL Hopkins, D. D., of Vermont. hovember 25th—Right Reverend Thomas Clark, D. D., of Rhode Island. December 9th—Bev. F. D. Huntingdon, D. D., of Boa- ton December nth—Eight Reverend 3)10. Williams, D. D., of Connectmot January 20th—Rev. J. Cotton Smith, D. D., of New York. drutuaty 27th—Bev. Edwin Harwood, D. of New Haven. The eubjects of the Lectures wid be given in 'Mare advertiseineuts, oclB tuths tnlB WESTERN BANK OF PHILABA., October 16,1882. The Annual Election for Directors or this Bank will be held at the banking bouse, on 'MONDAY. tbe 17th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. It. and 2 o'clock P M. G. M. TROUTMAN, ooltl•thatutnl7 °adder. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1862. MARRIED.' DIED. ON MOURNING :E3IIIUT Btreet, have for :EI&WLS. Woolen Long. Do. Square. D. Mourning Long. Do. do. Square Shepherd Plaid Long. Do do "Square. Purple Plaid Long. ' 85 GOODS. English Bombazines, French Bombazines.. Silk-warp Oaahmorog, BL AUK BLr &OK DB or Henrietta Cloths. Turin Cloths Crape Cloths. Paramattas. Reps il.mglais• Figured Lustrea. Irish Poplins. Satin de Chines. Bombazine Alpena. ?Tishah. Lustros, &o. SILKS. Lyons Taffetas. Glossy Gros de Shines. Armpros. Venotiennes. Tains. ; Velour Mazarin. Ohainette. j Lining Bilks, &o. &LSO, BLACK THE FAIR OF THE TRANSIT AID JOHN O. JA.mas, THOS: H. CONNELL, Committee co• COMMONWEALTH 13ANK--FHILA.- DELPIBA, October 6, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Bowe on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of 'No vember next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Honae, at 10 o'clock A. M. tio.7-tuthatnol7 H. 0. YOUNG, Cashier. TRE ASUILE It S DEPARTMENT, PIiNNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY, FIIILADELPIIIL October 17, 1882 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November 15th, 1802. Powers of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be had on application at this office. THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, No. 238 South Third street. e t 18.1 m AVIS AUX 'ELEGANTS. OT KR. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerard de la maims de Tallionre de MB. GRA.N - DVILLE Eiroxics, 609 OHESTIiUT Street, Philadelphia, a Phonneur de pre ventr sos nombreux ands et connaissancee and Pont deja favorise de lent clientelle, (Masi quo los etrangers,) vient de reeevoir de Paris et Londres las modes los plus reroutes et les miens. oortees pour la salmon d'alv6r. Mr. Grandville Stokes a mils a ea disposition les etoffes les phis belles, et lee rseilleures qualitee, des premieres manufactures drEurope. .1 Les militaires, Mod qua lee alders de taus grades y trouverons lea meilleuree qualltes d'etoffes a des brit tress modems- L'elvgance de ea coupe, Masi quo la cachet do distinction put la caracterise est deja trop canna du nib , _ licy poor en renouvelles lour meritee. • Sel7-/M orFOR THE NICK AND WOUNDED.— Under an order from the President of the Catel that. s, a national system has been established by the SANITARY COMIIIiSMON for the age tranamittion and judicious distribution of articles contributed be the people, for the sick and wounded of the Army and. Navy. The system, atter being welt tried, bee been fornielly ap prove] and recommended by the 'President, the General 111.C/bier, and the Surgeon General. The security it effete against misappropriation is practically perfect, until the contributions are delivered in the hospitals, where they necesearilk pass from the control of the Com mission. Of more than a million articles sent through one of the largest of its channels of supply, it has been as. cetiained that not one hundred have miscarried, or been digital:welly used. Discreet and' trustworthy agents are constantly employed in visiting all divisions of the army, including them 011 the Southern coast, the Muds , gout, and the Western frontier, to observe their wants, to direct etipplies where they are most needed, and to secure as far as pracHcable, their honest nse. The Commission diet not undertake to deliver articles to in dividuals, and declines to receive , contributions with any reelriotion as to their deetination, within the limits of the force employed in the service of the Nation, it being one of Re secondary objects to strengthen the sentiment. of National unity wherever it can come' in antagonism with State or local pride. The dletribution of hospital stipplies is but a branch of the work of the Commission. It employe the beet professional talent which can be ob tained in the country, to aid its larger purpose, to do all that is p0E8149 for' tbe health and vigor of our fighting men, to lighten their burdens, and to sustain their spirits under the privations and halphips which are an essen tial part of successful warlife. For tbis purpose, ton t] ibutions to Be treasury are solicited. They may be directed to CALEB COPE, Tea., Treasurer of the Phila delphia Agency, No. 5(.3 MARKET Street, or to WIL LIAM-PLATT, SR , General Superintendent, at the Depository, no. 1235 CHESTNUT Street. Montributione of the following articles are earnestly solicited, at the Depository, viz : Woolen Pantaloons, (partly l Slippers, worn,) Socks, Woolen Drawers, Farinaceous Food, Woolen Shirts, Brandy and Wine. Blankets, ocl23thstulm TrAT A 11 , IEETING OF THE CLTIZENS' BOUNTY FUND, held this day; the fcilowing resolution-was agreed to : , Whereas. It Is announced that the draft will take Place in this city on Tuesday, October 23d," and that credit will be given for all recruits until that dai:be it Resolved, That thls committee will discontinue the payment of premiums and bounties for recruits for old, regiments in the field that enlist after Monday, 27th instant. THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Ohairmitt. Philadelphia, October 20. oc2l-6e SPECIAL NOTICE.—YOHNG MEN'S 113 OH BISTLAN A.B SO UI ATlON.—Annual Election of Officers on 31.0 ND AY next, 27th inst., at the Rooms, from BA. IC to BP. ltl. Every member IS expected to do hie duty. - The regular - monthly meeting of the Association will -be held in the Lecture Room of the FIaST INDEPEN DENT CHUEOH, BROAD and SARBOId. btreets, in the EVENING, at 7,4 i o'clock. The result or the °lee tion will be announced. 0c25.21.* GEORGE H. STUART, Pretident, WESTERN BANK OF PIIILADEL LK3 PHU October 6,1862. The Annual. Meeting of the stookhoiders of this Bank will be held ou TUESDAY, the 4th day.of November next, at 12 o'clock M. G. M. TBOUTAIAIst, net-Whatnot Cashier. ErrFARMERS , AND MECHANICS , BANK—PatrenELmitx, October 6, 1862, The Annual Election for Directora will be held at the Banking }lOll6O on MONDAY, the rth day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. n and 8 o'olook F. M. and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stookholders will beheld at the Banking House, at / o'clock P. N., agreeably to the charter. W. DUBEITON, Ja , ocT-tnolT Cashier— ()TMECHANICS' BANK—FHILADEL rete, Octobor 7, 1662. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home on TUBSDAY,.4th day of Novem ber, at 12 3L. 008-tno4 The Annual Election for Directors will bo held at the Barad)* House on MONDAY. November 17, between the borne of 10 A. H. andl P. itt ocB-tnol7 • J. WIEGAND, Ja, ()ashler. OrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, OE BMANTO WN, AND NO BRIM WN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PLEILADELPIIIA. October 13, 1862. The annual meeting of the Stock end Loanholders will be held at the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of NINTH. and GBEEN Streets, on MONDAY, the 3d day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clock A. IL An Election to choose four Managers, to serve three years, will be held the same day immediately after the Stock holders' meeting, and close at 2 P. IL 0c13.tn3 W. 8. WILSON, Secretary. pyr . • BANK OF COMMERCE—PHILADEL. 113 - - PHIA, October 6,1662. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at tbe Banking House on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A M. and 2 P.-M. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TIIES.DAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. J: A. LE WIS, oc7.tuthstnolfl Cashier. rier.. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. 113 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Open Day and Evening. Lake' Determent now open RETAIL DRY GOODS. H & SON HAVE JUST . received, frcm New York, a few choice lots of FINE IMPORTED DRESS GOODS. Wide fancy Silks, very ash styles. Rich egnred Brown Silks, a great variety of these very scarce and &mixable Silks. - A great variety of Fancy Bilks, at low prices. Rich figured Black Silks, from SI to S 2. Yard - wide Plain Black . Bilks, at $l. Black Silks, all widths and qualities, at VERY LOW PRICES. Rich shades, Brown, Blue and Green. PLAIN IRISH. POPLINS,. Bilk and wool and all-wool French Poplins. A choice lot of new Plaid Alpacas. RI:1H. PRINTED MERINOES. RICH PRINTED MAGENTA. OLOTEL Rich printed all-wool Delainee at 62X c. worth Ka SHAWLS, soeßrs, Z.ND ULOA.KS. 1 . Brooke and Plaid Blanket Shawls. Rich Ohaine Laine Broche Shawls. Striped Shawls of every variety. . Merino Scarfs, Broche and Chains Laine - Borders ---uallitand Water-proof Cloth Cloaks. 0c25 L S L L,.._it $4 25, N EW STYLE CLOTH. SACQUEI, NEW, STILE CLOTH BASQUES, $O.OO. 151EW KYLE SLOTH SAOQUES. 7.00. NEW STYLE (SLOTH BACQUES, 8 CO. NEW STYLE OLOTH SAOQUEBi 9•00. NEW STYLE °LOTH SAUQUES, 10.00. Jast opened at leas than Initial pricer. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER", 450, 422, and 454 NorthSICOOND ,Street, cc24-2t Above Willow. NEW STYLE CASSINERES AND COATINGS. Now opening, choice and dealrable styles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, for MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, and, CLOTHS FOR LADIES' OLOARING3. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North BECIOND Etreet, 0c24.2t Above Willow. EAL 13 ARGAIN 8 IN HOSIERY. -EU —Just opened, 175 dozen Ladies' Heavy English Hosiery, full regular make, in 8, ,9, and. 93( inches, at old prices. SHEPP 3.111), VAN HAELINGEN, & AREISON, ocls.lotrp 1048 CHESTNUT Street. DEAL B ARGAINB IN RICH LACE A.%) OURTADIS.--Stist opened, SOO Bich Tamb'd and Applique Lace Curtains, at old prices. Also, ErGO yards Etch Tainb'd Muslin Draperies. BREPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRIBON, acls. 10trp 1008 OIIESTNUT StreeL p EA L BARGAINS IN LINEN .1-1) RIIORABA.CII.—. I nat opened, 2,000 lards of good quality beavy bleached Linen Ilookabactr, at old pricee, SUEPPARD, VAN BABL/NGEN, & &UNISON, oel4.lotrp 1008 (JHESTNUE Street. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BB OTHERHEAD'EI . OIRCII v • LASTING LIBBAICY.---All the TIBW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES or Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the cormtry that includes all the NEW ENGI3BII BOOKS that are not BBPRIIT D here. Terms es per year; six months $3 three months 81.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents, per day. 218 South YAIGHTII Street. seB.Bm VNGLISH AND FB,ENoa FAMILY OIROULD.TING LIBRARY AND CABINET BE LECTURE, 1317 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just yubliehed, furnished gratig. In Preea, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French LI. brery. ,‘ Catalogue de is Bibliothique des Dames et des De. moi-sellet." M. 1. MONACHESI, Agent, eel3.4na .1317 CHESTNUT Street.' E A B --Extra fine-and cheap, fol. family nee. Try them. At INGBAX'S ttmerlcan Bank Tea Warehonse, 43 South SE,OOI.ID Street, below Market, le the place for choice Teas. Its ADECIDED TRIUMPH OF ART. . —REIMER'S Ivorytyyes are real gems; fres4, warm, and expressive in color, bead finely modeled, dra pery tasteful in arrangement and coloring. 6EOO irD Street, above Green. . it* sis HYACINTHS, TULIPS, Ofto - GUS, Polyanthus, Narcisins, Iris, Snow Drop!, &0., for sale by T. WALTER, 230 OHI3IIOII Alley. It* riIE6TTMONY OF REV. BENJ. PBILIPS BEYBOLDS.—I have great pleaanre in bearing testimony that I have just witnessed one of the moat delicate f.urgical Operations, performed rI2 the most *kilted and ecientific manner by Dr. JAS. LEWIS, at his BYE and EAR lIIFIRITADY, North filEXTli• Street, on the eon of kir. J. T. Yank - irk, Arch street. The Doc tor is evidently a gentleman of fine professional ability, in whore all persons who are afflicted with diseases pecu liar to the Eye and Ear may safely confide. 0c24 St* Yours, truly, B. P. REYNOLDS. e irN QUFATION.----Where can you - 1147 get TBERATIN ANSWER,.—Lt P.KO,BSEB.'I3, 808 BIAIIKIrr Street. oda Ot WILLIAM EL YEATON & CO., No. 201 South FItONT Street, Agents for the sale of the Original fleirlsieck & Champagne, otter that desirable wine to the trade. /Liao, 1,000 cases tine and medirtm:grade Bordeatokella refs. 100 cases " Brandenberg Freres" Cognao Brandy, vin tage 1848, bottled In France. 50 cages finest Tuscan Oil, in fluke, 2 dozen in case. SObbls. finest qualityldononsabela Whisky 50,000 Havana Bogart, extra due. Moat & Ohandon Grand Tin Imperial ti Green Seal" Ohampagne. Together with a due assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port, &c. oclll.lm THE PLIBENOLOGIOAL OA /4. BiNET 'AND BOOK STORE is open day and evening for the sale of books on Phrenology, PhY siology4l3yglene, and Phonography, and for Phre notogical examinations. Orders by mail should be ad-. dressed to JOHN L. ()ANON', oc22.rpwsra 922 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. BLIND AND DEAF—Congult Dr. JAMES LICWII3, whOso unremitting ere:item Is meeting with the enUre approbation of patients in Philadelphia. Office Sal North SIXTH Bt. lds Banco* YE AND EAR. - DR. JAMES E LEWIS, 001JLIST and AHIIIST, has again re turned froth Die professional tour In Europe.' and perma nently located at No. 827 North SIXTH Street. Office hours from 9t012 A. M., and 2to4P. M. se24.2unfle - pkow EN &CO. LE HOGRAPHE Air AND PRINT COLORISTS, southwest corner of ORESTNIIT and 'EL - EVE NT a Street), are prepared to Execute any description of 'Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, nap, or other Li thography, in the most superior manner, and the most reasonable term. Photographs, Portraits, NaturarHistorr, and Medical Plates, blow, and any other doscription of Plates, ociored in the best style, end warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular.attention to Coloying Photographi, 0c2.3.tf Terms reduced 25 per cent ocrl-stnth6t* MILITARY. MASS MEETING! AVOID THE DRAFT! CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA, RALLY IN YOUR MIGHT!! • Assemble in INDEPENDENCE SQ UARE, on SATURDAY EVENING, Oot 25, And adopt means to *mote enlistments in the Path REGIMENT PRIMA VOLUNTEERS, PIKLADELPIIIA CITY GUARD, Colonel WILLIAM A. GRAY. Let every citizen unite in the endeavor to dl this Re girnent, and thus avoid a draft in the birth-place of city of Philadelphia. Liberty, our time-honored CONE ONE ! ,OOME ALL !! Merchants, hianufactarers, Artisans, Mechanics, the patriotic of all classes, trades, and professions, and show the world that Philadelphia br her efforts OANAVOID A DRAFT. Make one grand and final effort and the work will be done The following eminent speakers will address the meet ing: Hon. ALEXANDER HENRY, Hon. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, , DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ESQ., • MORTON liloSITull&EL, Eon Rev: J. WALKER JAOKSOII, And others. GEO. BULLOOK, Chairman. 13. O. Kmomni, Secretary. ost24 2t I. MAE'S MEETING TO AVOID THE DRAFT!—Oitizeds of Philadelphia,rally in yourmight, assemble in IND EPESDE NOE SQUARE, TUTS (Eaturday)EVENlNG, Oct. 25th, and adopt measures to PROMOTE EttLIFYPME NTH in the 157th Regiment P. , PHILADELPHIA CITY tfill ARDS, Col. WSL A.. GRAY. Let-every citizen unite in the endeavor to Ell this Regiment, and thus avoid a draft in the Birth place of LibertY—our time-honored city of Philadelphia. Come one, come all ! Merchants, manufacturers, arti sans, mechanics! the patriotic or all clams, trades and professions, and show the world that Philadelphia, by her eft'orte, can avoid the draf I. We one grand and. final effort and the work will be done. The following eminent speakers will address the meeting: Hon Alex ander Henry, Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Daniel Dougherty, En., Morton McMichael, Ere., Rev. J. Walker Jack son. and others. GEORGIC BULLOCK, Chairman. H. 0. KENNEDY, Sscretary. It THREE H UN -3'32.530 . DRED AND TWO DOLLARS. By authority or the OITY 0017NOILS, EVERY HAN WHO ENLISTS 'ROBERTS' ARTILLERY, FOE FORT MONROE, BEFORE TIIEBDAY , NEXT, will receive, THREE HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS BOUNTY, As follows Bounty from the city, in advance 's2oo Bounty 'from the United States, in advance .... 25 Premium from the United States, in advance 2 One month's pay, in advance, .. 13 Making a total advance of. $240 and 575 at the expiration of time of enlistment. Apply to CAPTAIN SANCEE, HAZARD, Jr.. COISPANT N. E. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 0c26.3t Up-stairs. 11. ASSEMBLE! ASSEMBLE! !-- Let eiery Citizen meet in INDEPENDENCE EQUAItr, at 8 o'clock, to take measnrea to do away with the draft in this city. Eminent speakers will addrma the meeting. it -MASS MEETINGININDE PENDENCE EQUARE TONIGHT. • Come from your Precincts ! lour _Factories Your phis W c L T ' k d e o h ° a l :4 a;idtbl4°)ewlrrat4e, world that Philatilial, IPHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD ! 157th RR GINTENT PENNSYLVANIA. VOLUN TEEBS.—Philadelphians, Awake! If you would avoid the Draft on the 28th, enlist or sand recruits to the 1571 h Regiment. One effort your part and the work is done. All the Bounties, One Iffonth's Pay in advance, and a Gum Blanket to each men. It DRAFT ! DRAFT ! ! DRAFT ! ! Why have a Draft In this city, when every citizeir can and should exert himself to bring a recruit to fill up the 157th REGIMENT, Colonel Wlll. A. GRAY? DT to doing you will avoid. the Draft. It PHILADELPB IA CITY GUARD. —Enlist in this Begiment and secure all the Bounties and a Gum Blanket. Drafted men get no Bounties and have to furnish their own Blankets Oall before it is teo late. • Headolarters, 627 CHESTNUT STB3ET. it AVOID TIIE DRAFT !—Join the 167th REGIMENT, Col. Whi. A. GRAN. Complete outfit, ono Month's Pay in advance, all the Bounties, and a Gum Blanket. Call at 627 CHESTNUT Street. It tiAVOID 'IIIE DRAFT !—Every Precinct in this City could exoid the Draft, by send ing their quota to the 157th REGIMENT Before the 28th Met. Now le the time let every man wolf ! work ! ! work !!! it PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD, 15717 REOIMANT, Colonel WM. A. ORA.Y. EXTRA BOUNTIES TO THIS REGIMENT. This Regiment is to be the crack itegimett of thie. city, said unda the patronage of the principal men of thie city. This is the lalt chance to unite youraelf to a good Regiment nr.der officers who have seen service. Beadquarters 827 CHEETIMT Street. BOUNTY! DOIT.DITY! BOUNTY! All remnite entering this Company will receive the abovo amount. Calf at BICE A.B. DO HOUSE, VT Gri TT-I St/Vat,±ZOTAApsipg Garden." i. PHILADELYBIN UiT iriERTARD - , Shalrit be said we had a Draft in Philadelphia, when you have a chance of enlisting in the above Regiment and securing all the Bounties and a Gum Blanket, and serving with of who have seen service. CALL AT 627 ORESTNET STREET. it ISILADELPHIA CITY GUARD I, Enlisi in the One Hundred and Fiftpleventh giment, Oolonel WIT., A. GRA.Y, now in Oamp Fuleston, ear Fells of Schui Do not bc”Drafted, but join this Regiment and receive the Bounty - . tiHEADQUARTERS BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT, 156TH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA. VOLUNTEERS. Wanted, competent officers, with tr.6n, to ioin the above fine corps. Apply at Headquarters, 533 USEST NUT Street. 0c24 fit BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIRE4T,ISOIhI'. Ir.—Twouty man - wanted to fill up Co. G--$lO5 bounty. Apply at 505 BOUM Street. GEORGE B. 3.,AIRD, Captain. JAt.ESON 3). COOK.E, let Lieut. .0c24.6t* • f i GENERAL ORDERS,NO• 3 --- HELEQUA.P.TERS PHILADELPHIA., PA., Onto. ber 19, 1862. I. Pursuant to instructions from Headquarters Bth Army corps, officers of .the Army arriving in this city will report In person at these Headquarters, and state the authority by which they are absent from their posts or regiments. IL Those absent without proper authority are, and will be required to join their respective commands with out delay. Their attention le directed to General Orders Nos., 92, 109, and 102, N ar Department. By command of Brigadier General 01.011TGOILERY. oc2o. 6t 3. H. LIVINGSTON, Aid de.Oamp. I CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, OOL. 0. H. PREVOST. RECRUITS WANTED for this popular Regiment. BOUNTY $lOO, and ONE MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCE. RECRUITING STATIONS, 138 WALNUT STREET. and 808 ELAREET Street. Oapt. DENDY SHADWOOD, oc9•tE Recruiting Officer. CONTINENTAL CAVALRY ) Col. J. E. PEYTON Commanding.--ftegi mental Headquarter', 4031WMACT Street. Mustering orders baying beenremived, recruits join ing this Regiment will be mastered into the service of the 'United States immtdiately, end sent to Casio Metcalfe For instruction, after which. the Regiment will be trans ferral for service in the Southwest. 0c2.1.3t RUSH'SLANCERS.-Young Men wanted. to fill the ranks of this regiment. Two new companies to be raised immediately. Principal Bendersons No. 800 CHESTNUT Street. 0c21.3w1i, COMMISSION HOUSES. HAMILTON COTTON FL ANNEL3 laconia Cotton Flannels, Salmon Falls Cotton Flannels, Standard Sheetinas and Drills, For Bale by De COURSEY & HAMILTON, 0c25-etnth-12t 237 OHIEBTNUT Street. ARMY GOODS. DARR-BLITZ VOLT OLOTES. DARK-BLUE OAP OLOTINK SKY-BLUE OLOTER FOR OFFIONRS. ARMY BLANK - NTS, STANDARD WRIORT. 1.0-01)NOIS DOOR. DRILLS, STANDARD WRIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DOOR. DROWN AND BLIADRED SHENTINGS AND BP-ISTINGS. For sale by FROTHINGHA-BE & WELLS. ael.iftf PHOTOGRAPHS. THE IMPRESS OF SKILFUL AR 7ISTS Is seen on REIMER'S Oolorod Photograph& A fino Moneta, truthfully colored and finely flultbed for SECOND Strict, above Green; lA* EMEMBERTHIS IS A RARE 2 GRANGE —881111P.8 , E 3 11Te.size Photographs In oil colore, are now made at war prim. A splendid pic ture, freehly colored. SEOOND St., above Green. 11* MO COLOR CARD PHOTO -1 GRAPHS in an elegant manner, and not affect the fine surface in the least, is an easy process to any person, thankh not an artist, by the roe of NEWTOlil>d EILEPABBO COLORS FOR ALBUMEN PIOTUtIES. Price per, box, $3 i with large bottle of reducing llauld, 63.25. Sole Agents for the United States, J. E. TILTON St CO , Boston. In this city and State, SONOLZ Sr JANENTZKY, 112 South BIGHTII Street. 'OAUI lON.—The great popularity already acquired by this valoable discovery has induced some dishonest Persons to offer a worthless article in imitation. FIFTY . DOLLARS will be paid for the conviction of any party selling their stuff for Newton's ••Albumen Oolork 0011-sw N IC- PALMER, B. 'FRA Burgeon &Vet to the Government Inetitotions, Wadi. Lotion. Limo, to en of the biedicest Goßeges and floe- Wale. The it PALTillat 'LMBS," adopted by the Anal sad Pla ~7 Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. Mdress, B. STUNS. PAL 1113713, No. 1609 (lIIRSTITUT Street. P 1111144,4 - nAy RIIM—In Ptmeheons and Wine Barrels, for wale L o Y tt&BIAB B. olust tuts, 126 WALNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALEX. DUMAS' ,GREATEST WORK! WILL BE PUBLISHED ON 00TOOEB 22. ANDREE DE TAVERNEY ; THE DOWNFALL FRENCH MONARCHY. BEING THE FINAL CONCLUSION OF THE “COUNTESS.-DE CHARNY," BIESIOIRS OF . A PHYSICIAN," "QUEEN'S NECKLACE," AND sg SIX YEARS LATER."' ' BY ALEXANDER DIIMA.S,. Author of ""The Iron Mask," Louise La VaWere," "Countess de Charni," The Queen's Necklace," Biz Years Later," ci Memoirs of a Phyti clan," it Genevieve," " Isabel of Bavaria," . " Edmond Dantes," "Diana of Kul.- dor," &c. /cc. COMPLETE IN TWO L &ROE OCTAVO VOLUMES. IN PAPER COVER, PRICE 50 CENTS S. VO LUME, OE IN ONE VOLUME, CLOTEI, FOE $1.25. Reuel the Translator's Notice of the Work ANDEEE. DE TAVERNEY" is the fit conclusion of the great series to which it belongs, Nona few otheiwriters have taken incidents from the reign of the Sixteenth Louis, and wrought books upon them, but this work of Alexander Dumas alone has comprised the whole drama of the downfall of French monarchy, whose last scene beheld the fogs of passion roll away from before it to re veal the unknown form of the guillotine, All is wonder how the throne of the beautiful Maria. Antoinette could ever have crumbled, till one here sees the motive thoughts of the revolutienists. When some of them acted through love of liberty, many, like Elliot, by a thirst of revenge for injury, a still greater number from bate, poverty, and evil instincts, how could royalists— though every one a °balmy or an Andrea de Tavernel— koie to maintain it? We form the acquaintance of how many in this book The King, the Queen; Oliver de Charity, dying beneath the axes and the pikes of the sans-culottes, gasping : "For the Queen I'm dying, as fall my brothers!" Then An dree, his wife, who would . not save her life with silence, when that silence might cast doubt on her opinions ; the repentant Gilbert; Catharine Billet, widoie without having been wife;" the good, simple Piton, whom all must like, and Billet, the inflexible Patriot. Then, the country scenes form that repose for the mind, which may be over excited by the bloody scenes of city riots. Oae turns*gladly from the storming of the Tuileries by the mob, to the quiet, natural pictures of provincial life; from the gory-streaming locks of heads borne amid yells on pikes, to the seas of verdure of the forest, where a sweet• smelling breeze murmurs aim pity; from the spirit ed speeches from the rostrum: through which winds 'Robespierre's ti hush !" like a serpent's hiss—to the're. volution in miniature at Villers Cotterets. Andrea de Taverney will prove to be Dumas' greatest book, and must have a tale unparalleled in the annals of literature Copies of 1g Andre° de Taverney will be sent at once to any one, free of postage, on remitting One Dollar to the Publishers, to a let .or. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please send on their orders at once, for what they want of this book, as it will prove to be the most popular book pub, Belied for years. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 OPERSTNUP 6t., Philadelphia, To whom all oxders must come addressed, and they will receive iromEdiate attention. T. B. PETERSON & BROTRERS have also just is Sued new and fine editione of the preceding works of this series, 1111 of which will be supplied to the trade at. the same'low rates of discount as "Andree de Taverney ;" for any or all of which 'we solicit orders. The following are the names of the series: THE 'MEMOIRS OE A PELYEICIAN. Beautifull7ll 'Two volumes, paper cover, priee One Del ua rated lar or one volume, cloth i 1 25. THE QUEEN'S 'NECKLACE. A growl to and con tinnetion of" The , Memoirs of a Physician." Two vole. paper cover s price One Dollar or one vol.. cloth, $1.35 111. SIX YEARS LATER; or, the Taking of the Rutile. A continuation of $ 4 The Queen's Necklace." Two vole., paps cover, price One Dollar; or one vol., cloth, SI 25. IV. TIIE OOLF.TESS OF OEtAItIIY. A sequel to i; llls Years Later." Two, Volumes, paper coNer, price One Dollar; or one volume, cloth, SL2S V. ADMIRE DE TAVERNEY i or, The Downfall of French Monarchy. The Sequel to and End of "The Oounteee of Oharny," and of the . 1 11.1tmoire of a Ph* eician" eerie& Two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar; or one volume, cloth, 51.25. Booksellers, 'Hews Agents ' and all others will please send in their orders at once for what they want of them, books, as they will piece to be the moat popular ones published for years. Published and for sale by T. B. PUTERSOki & BROTHEL S, 306 01.11f.STNUT Street, Philadelphia. To whom all cadets must come addressed, and they will receive immediate attention. It?`"Editare of newspapers throughout tho country, on copying the above advertisement, in their papers, and mailing a copy of the piper to na with advertisement in, shell have a copy of ANDREE DE TAVERNIVI rent to them at once, per mail, free of postage. it ERVEITS ARE 50 ruNIlyE °describeedin PETERSON'S COUNTER FEIT DETECTOR, and DREXEL'S BANK NOTE LIST for NOVEMBER, which is ready this morning, at the publication office, at T. B. PETERSON & BROTEIER 5 , , No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Pbiladeiphia. TERMS.-- One dollar a year monthly; or, two dollars a year soni.monthly ; or. ten canto a Lumber. rzTE,Bsoys COUNTED:Y= , —DEP,F„onott.--4, corrected by DR EXE L & C ANICER_St at once, to the office of, publication, at the CHEAP. BOOKiTORE of T. B. PETERSON & BROTHE No. 306 CEVE.STNUT Street, Philadelphia. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED. As an advertising medium for advertising all branches of business, and .to reach Country Storekeepers every where, PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT' DETEOPOR is one of the best in the country, as it circulates every where. Advertisements will be inserted init at very low rates. We ask all that advertise to examine its - pages. [lt PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TEOTOR for NOYEKBEIt is now ready. with FIFTY new counterfeits. For sale at PETEBSON'3, 308 011ESTNUT Street. lt fBrERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TROTOR for NOVSAIBEIt ie inhlishod this morning. PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TEOTOR for If OVESIRER is Published this morning. • PUBLISHED THIS DAY. Ih ige I. LES IVIISERABLES—VALJEAIT. The Fifth and last part of VICTOR 1113 GO'S immor tal French novel, "Les hliserables." The whole of this magnificent series is now ready. All parts uniform in annearance and price. THE SERIES COUPRISES— Part L—FANTINE, Part III.—MARIUS. Part 11.--COSETTE. Part IY.—ST. . Part 1 7.—VALJEA.N. Paper covered, price 50 cents, and cloth-bound, (on superior paper,) $l. * * *lt would be useless to urge any one to purchase this superbyork. Its reputation has become so fixed, and its splendid character so, perfectly admitted every where, that . the simple announcement of its completion will produce thousands and thousands of readers. THE SLAVE:POWER. Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs; being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the Ame rican conteet By J. E. o,iiayss, M. A., Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy, England. One large octavo, cloth bound, price SI. This remarkable volume has already created the most intense excitement in London, where it has been just honed, and it will be found to be for this country the most candid and impartial hand-book for every class and shade of political and social opinion ever published. * A .* Copies of any of these books will be sent by mail, POSTAGE FREE, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, New York, 413 BROADWAY, cor. LISPENARD Street. ocll-ewtf INTENSELY INTERESTING! Just Published. TES OLD NERORANTS OF NEW YORK. By WALTER BARRETT. Clerk. One large duodecimo volume," elegantly printed, and bound in: cloth. Price 461.50. An entertaining and interesting volume of Reminis cences, Anecdotes, and bite of Biography, Embracing eketchee of the Origin and Oareer, together with descrip tive recollections and incidents, personal and public, - of nearly every leading merchant and prominent oltizen and family of Bow York city. Among the many well-known families Ban names men- I rioted in the work, are the following: Astor, Davis, Jay, Post, Aspinwall; De Peyster, King, itotbschilds, Anthon, De Itham, Kearney, 'Roosevelt, Anderron, Dalai:lad, Lenox, Bobbins, Belmont, Eno, Livingston, Russel, Burr, Embary, Le Boy, Sands, Barclay, Irish, Lawrence, Smith, Brady, Fox, 'Little, Stewart, Barnum, Goodhue, Low, etuyvesant, 3311:1113ger, Grinnell, Leggett, Tucker, Bar ker Girard, Lorrillard, Tappan, Barker, Girard, Marshall, Thorburn, Brooks, Griswold, &intim Townsend, Bleecker, Goelet, Murray, Thompson, Corder,Howland, Moore, Vanderbilt, Chaffin, Hoffman, Niblo, Vanderpool, Collins, Hone, Ob phant, Ward, Cutting, Harper, Ogden. Whitney, Clinton, Hicks, Prime, Wood, Come, Haggerty, Perit, Walton, Cooper, Harmony, Phelps, Whitlock, Depean, Irving. Parish, Wolfe. Besides many hundreds of others, t,o numerous to mention. The Index, alone, of the volune temples over twenty pages of Ant print. Oopies of this Book will be sent by mall, Postage FrEe, on receipt of the price, $1 50, by OABLETO Publisher, 41.3* BROADWAY, corner Lispenard street, New York. 0018-wleBt 11)0.MBEY & SON. mEsSRS. SHELDON S. COMPANY, No. 335 BROADWAY, CORNER OF WORTH ST., PUBLISH THIS DIY, DOMBEY & SON. Four Tole., lemo. Prise 76 cents per volume. Elegant Household Edition of the Works of Charles Dickens, Kith Dliabtrations from designs by Earley anti Chlbext. Neeisre SHELDON & COMPANY would call the at tention attire public to the exquisite illustrations in each volume, surpassing in design and execution anything ever before attempted in this country. The next in the series, DAVID OORPERFIELD," will be issued very soon. ocal,gt NEW MU BlO.—Marylancl, Fair Mary 'Ewa, answer to Maryland, My Maryland ; Union words. 25 cents. L. CARLETON, 116 North EIGHTH, ana all other dealers. 0c24 3f BBECHER'S- NEW BOOK.- Eyq and Zara. By Henry. Ward Beecher. $1.25. - The Origin and History or the English Language. and of the Early Literature it embediea. By G. P. drarsh. SIL The Bebellion Record, Part XXIII, with portraits of Major Gen. Rearr.er and Stonewall Jackeon. 50 acute. The POEMS of Oliver Wendell Holmes, with a portrait of the author. Blue and gold. 88 cents. For sale by WH. &Alaritimri td&JITIEN, 0021 606 MIESTNUT Street. NEW. PUBLICATIONS T HE MEDICAL AND BIIRGIO&L HISTORY OF THE REBBLGION, Prevezed under the direction of flurgeonGentral William A. Hammond, 11. B. A. By Dra. BURTON' and WOODWARD, Assistant Burgeons U. B. Army [ln Press.] This work will be issued in a convenient and appro priate deo, and amply illuetrated with euperior engra vings. MAUNDERS' OPERATIVE SURGERY. OPERATIVE SURGERY . , ADAPTED TO - THE DEAD AND LIVING ) By O. F. Maunders. Al3347l"mtrated. EPr ,;;P J -B. 1 INOOTT dc. 00:, ecW.mtuthe 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street FOR: SCH 0 0 L'S ACADEXTES AND JUVENILE CLASSES —Songs of Gather ir g, Songs of Welcome, Songs of Meeting and of Parting, Songs of Brothers and Sisters and Home, Songs of the School. Boom, Songs of Study, Songs of Play, Songs of the Woods, the Fields, and the Flowers. Songs of. Union, Songs of Freedom and of our beloved Fatherland, Songs of Exercise and of various Trades, and Occupations, Songs "en. SILVER, LUTE r7 ' Songs Serious, Bongs for the Concert Ream, end Songs for the Chapel. The Silver Lute contains, in addition to the above, a clear and concise system of ifusical Not Won. and one hundred and seventeen Progressive Soap Lessons, em bracing all things necessary to a practical knowledge of Singing, by GEORGE F. ROOT, Author of Academy Vocalist, Flower (Men, The Saver Chirac, and other works. Price, single copy, 35 cents par dozen. 53. Single copies, for examination, sent by mail on receipt of retail price. Pahl' bed by ROOT & CADY, Chicago. MASON BROTHERS, New rk. E. TOLUAR & CO., Bosto o. For sale generally. " 0020 61 CLOTHS' AND C ASK AIE:RES. WILLIAM T. ENODORAES, ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL CLOTH HOUSE, No, 84 SOUTH SECOND STREET, awl No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET lam fully prepared for the , FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN, Having just received a complete maortment of TRUE BLUES, Of all shades and grades from 51.12 X to S 8 00. Blues, Blacks, and Fancy Bearers, from 200 to 7.50. Blue and Black Pilote.. .. .... . 150 to 500 Moscow Beavers 3.75 to 7.00. Chinchillas .... 2.75 to 650. Velvet Beavers 300 to 0.00. BECILIiMaIIX Beavers . 375 to 8 00. Tricot Beavers 2.00 to 5.00. Fancy Coatings - 175 to 6.00. CLOTHS, all colors and prime. Also. a heavy stook of splendid CASSINI:RES, PLAIN and FANCY VEL VETS, &c.. Ac. oct24 Im* SILK AND DRESS GOODS. FALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE 80 Co.. a025-2m No. 325 MAP.IINT BT. MILITARY CLOTHING. IDE-SPREAD REPUTATION., W There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up hirmAny CLOTIIING as ROCKHILL & WIL SON'S, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. Besides being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to fill all orders at moderate pricea, and always have a LA.ROZ STOCK OF MILITARY GOODS ON HAND. se3O•ifif GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. LANNEL AND CLOTH OVER . SH/BTEI FINE LINEN AND MUSLIN SHMT3, On hand or made to order s of the moat approved cut, and warranted to at. GENTLEMAN'S WRAPPERS, The largc et and best assortment in the city lIHDEROLOTHIIcG, HOSIERY, GLOVE'rS, TIES, .to WHOLESALE AND BET ocl-tttthe3m JOHN O. ARRISON„ Importer /arid Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS, Nos. 1 it 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIRST STORE ABOVE - MARKET Si. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE'S.) The - well:known reputation of this establishment for meting Fine Goods at MODERATE PRIORS will be fully sustained. P. s.—The celebrated IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRTS, SO justly popular, can be supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. ocll.-tf GEORGE GRANT,, MANITFMITUBER OT &ND DEALER IN. GENTS , FURNLSIIDIG GOODS, No. MO CHESTNUT STREET. soAS-Sm 'WINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVE]) OUT OF litilitTA, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, jag-tf Four doors below the OontinentaL COOKING RANGES, FURNACES., &e. COOKING RANGES. ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGES. Ttde "Range hai offorded more eatitfootion than any Yet offend to the yublio. ARNOLD & WILSON, lino °ass rtiuT street. NSTARM-AIR FURNACES, Of the moat approved and economical Volterra', BUITED TO ALL GLASSES OF BUILDINGS ARNOLD & WILSO, 1010 OTIBSTNUr Str Neet. ENAMELED SLATE MANTELS. A large variety of these beautiful Atantals at VERY LOW 'PRICES. ARNOLD &I WILSON, 1010 01115STITUT Stmt. LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES. For Heating Parlors, Chambers, Offices, &c. ADAPTED FOR RIMER HARD OR SOFT 00AIA. Hot-air Registers and Ventilators—a large assortaient. ARNOLD & WILSON, ocll-ea2mif 1010 CHRSTRUT Street. VINE CARRIAGE LAP RUGS, VINE NEW STYLES. HORSE COVERS, FANCY TRIMMED AND PLAIN, A fine awe:meat at E. P. MOYER & IMO'S HARNESS STORE, et23-3t* 720 MARKET STREET. ciTHE BIG GUN " REMOVED PROM 432 TO 415 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM. HOUSE. PHILIP WILSON 8c CO. Have removed their Guns,. Piwtols, Rifles, Fisuing Tackle, Skates, Cricket and Bane Ball Implements, Cadet Iluskets and Equipments to 1r . oc2o lm 415 CHESTNUT STREET. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINS Vim'WAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS; SPICES, ac.c., &c. Alikko rennlaites for 'Preserving an Pickling Psalm's ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, 'mama IN FINN EiBOUNEINS, etS•tf DORN= NIANVNNTII AND VIES. DESKS.--- A capital. article for XX. camp and field nee. Safe from wet, compact, and convenient to carry in pocket. For sale by W. H. D &11411 M, 104 NORTH DE L AWMII,I Avenue, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED to sell them in Philadelphia and vicinity. oc23.lmtrs C OTTON BAIL DUCK AND • OAN. , yes, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Dusk awning Twills, of all descriptions, for tents, Awnings, Trnnk and Wagon Covers, l'aper lidnurifacturerf Drier Felts, from / to 7tet wide, Targtanibig, Belting, Bail Twine, &o. JOHN W, ISVICRAIAI4 R 00 4 107 J01(10 Alloy. Conforislog a large and very clearable assortment or rich and fasbionable BLACK BILK VELVET RIBBONS, Including other MILLINERY GOODS, and nrokor. AND COLORED ETLES, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS: HID CLOVES, EMBROIDERIES, HOOP SHIRTS • &c. °c23-4t IVIB. JOHN DREW'S ARUH TREET THEATRE.. liminess Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. LAST NIGHT OE KISS B ATED.A.N, aided. by W. WALLACE AND EDWIN ADAM. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY) EVENING, Oat. 25, ROSA. GREGOEIO. 606 ARCH STREET AUCTION SALE. UCTION NOTICE. LMIGE AND IMPORTANT BALE BONNET RIBBONS. 13.1,8,1YERS & Co., AIIOTIONEI I / 1 8. No:. 232 AND 234 MARKET STREET, Will sell by catalogue, on four irtontha' oredit. ON MONDAY MORNING, 00TORNE, 24th, 1864 1200 OABTONS, PARIS BONNET RIBBONS, JUST LLITZED AlEa, a large an oomoloto assortment of AMUSEMENTS. ROSA GILEGORIO MISS D A.TE ALBERT J W. WA.GLAOK. ANTONIO EDWIN AD&M.S. CREEP°. FRANK DREW. To covclude with / 4 ROBERT IKAOA/RE." ROBERT MAOAIRE BARTON HILL. JACK STROP FRANK DREW. ON MONDAY, J. S. CLARK at Home. Doors oven at 7—To commenco at 7X o'clock. WALNUT -STREET THE dTRE.— 8010 Leaaee Mrs. GABRETTSON. Bnainetia Agent. Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Oct. 25, Will be perfcrmad the New Play in 5 Acta, entitled LIT rLE FADE rrit. FANCEION ..... 'HISS THOMPSON. LANDRY B IRBEABD MB. 13A2RETT. To conclude with the Thrilling Drama of THE COINER'S GIVE. MABK BEDL AND.. MR. E. L. TILTON. ROSE REDL &RD •MES. ANNA CO WELL. More open at 7—Performance commences at 7X. T . M. QOPTSCIIALK. • GRAND CONCERT AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, MONDAY EVENING, Oct 27. at 8 o'clock, On this occasion Mr. GOTTSCHALK will be assisted by the young and talented vocalist, MISS FANNIE srooKTox, Ard the new asd successful Tenor, MB. 'WILLIAM CASTLE, Mr. BEHRENS ....... The programme will be enitrell new , Admission 60 cents—Reserved Seats 25 cents extra, The sale of tickets commences THIS (Friday) MORN ING, at 9 o'clock, at J. B. Gould's Music Store. 0c23 4t CONCERT HALL. CAPTAIN WILLIAM' 'WHALING VOYAGE, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK at ;`,e to 8 o'clock. ALSO, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Admission; 25 cents: Children half price A BEL & CO.'S bTEREOPTICON, ASSEMBLY Exhibiting Every Evening Tide Week, Admiseion 25 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. ec29-04 ENNSYLVANIA AOA.DERY OF ~ ;.ELHE FINE ARTS, 1055 011E5TNUF STREET, In open daily .(Bandaya excepted) from 9 A. hi. till I P. N. Admieeion 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Steck, 830. iy9 WANTS. riIIBSTITUTES FOR THE DRAFT. • FOUR TO gIIG DIEN, malady discharged from the United States army, desire to rzo ai SUBS FIT II DES. Apply to WWI. HANN' 3, ST. LOUIS HOTEL. It* QUBSTITUTES WANTED AT THE PHILADELPHIA. CITY HOTEL, corner or FOURTH end WOOD Streets. • SUB -- STITUTEB.PRAFTED I4EN in want cf BUBSTITCTES can be accorananiatet at the POILADELPHI& CITY HOTEL, 0c2.4-2s* 1 7 . E. corner cf FOURTH and WOOD Sts. BOARDING. A LADY FROM PARIS is desirous of obtaining BOARDING in a private familre where lemons in French will be considered ac equivalent for her board... The highest reference given and required. Addreee B. Y., P. O. .2.52 la - n - 0 - ZOO -1 31 B—k FOR SALE AND TO LET. di RENTS REDUCED —De•Arable lEaDwellings. All conveniences. $l4 to $2l. Apply 1109 WANES Street. 0e2.5 3014 ei g FOR SALE-CHESTER VAL LEY FARM, 80 acres, 12 finetimber, the balanoa in a high state of cultivation_ sitnate half a mile from railroad station, 3.6 miles from the city Firet-clasi im provements : handsomely rhaded lawn ; fine frnit9., &c. Mao, a nuinber et F.A.RDIEI in Delaware and Chester counties. Apply to 0c25-tf FOR SALE-BE AUTIF L 5.5 acres, 2,4 miles from Bristol, or She moray station, 20 miles frcm the city, with improve ments. Also, a large number of FI3.IJIT FLBAB,Pe. the States of Delaware and Hem land. Also, a number to exchange in the adjoining counties, 'Sew JerseY, Apply to 0c25-t` LOST AND FOUND. MINT RECEIPT LOST. A Mint Receipt No (1768) seventeen hundred and sixty eight, dated Fhiladolptia , Sept 26, 1862, for aixteen ounces Gcld Bullion, payable to E. F. Wilson or order, has teen lost. The public are cautioned not to receive or negotiate the ssme, as payment ha s. a stopped at the hint. E. F. WILSON. Rochester, October 21, 1862. 0c2,6•1'.t. OST OR STOLEN.-THE PUBLIO , ere cantioT c 3 egainst negotiating the following UNITED STATES OitIiTIFICA.TES OF INDEBT EDICE3S, The ems haying been lmt or stolen from the sub scribers ISSUED TO D. & C. KELLY. No. 24,391, dated Sept. 26th, 1862 ... .81,000 No. 24,392 do. " do. 1,000 No. 24 393 do. do. .. I,poo No. 24,304 do. • do. 3,000 No. 7,696 do. do. 5,008. ISSUED TO R. F. LOPES. No. 25 C9O. dated October 2d, 1882 ck 1,009, ALL PAYABLE TO BEARER. . • BLAKE, 8R05.,& CO., 29 Wail street. NEW York, Oct 18. 1E62 0c22- ti ST 011 MISLAID-OERTIFI CA.TE No. 243, dated October 29tb, Me, in our name, for forty•two eberee Preferred Stook of the Cala 'FlFO% BaiirOad Company. Notice is hereby .;icon, that we have applied for a Certificate to be issued in lien of above. (oe9 i o 4w] DREXEL_ 00. PERSONAL pEN6IONS.-- $l.OO Bounty and Pi Procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and ts 4 rtiattves of such ae are deceased, at reasonable and oaths factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Mammas, 424 WAIN - UP street, PbDadelphia. „.• Particular attention given to parties living at a dia. tance. TN THE MATTER OF TSE ES -1: TATE OF DAVID MELIOE., DEOZA.SED.—By a -: provision in the last Will and Testament of DAVID ISIELIOH, deceased, late cf Geneva, New York, his exe cutor is directed to advertise for information as to the whereabouts of bit wife and children. Tido notice is published in - pursuance of that direction, , std the subscriber desiree any one having knowledge of their ichereabonisilo infoim him, by manor otherwise. - OBAS. J. FOLGE B, Erg, Geneva, Ontario county, N. Y. 0c25 Bet September 13,1862 AND QUEENSWARE:_ B° & STROUD, No. se. NORTH FOURTH STREET, ES'ire , now oven a lane new steak of CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE: a 2 lm 13 ava cv r l se : I ail DI T HE W ILLOOX & GD3BEI FAMILY SEWING hIACraIIsTES have been greatly Improved, Ca Elkins it ENTIRELY NOIBNLEBB, and with Belf-ettljtuiting Hemmers, are Delq rerollr for ar.►e by FAIRBANKS & EWING, ee27-tf 715 CHESTNUT Btreet ' WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, sel6.Bra PHILADELPHIA,. CAUTION. 'The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has induced the makers of imperfect balances too if. them as “FAINXIANHS' SCALES," and purchaser.* have thereby . , in many instances, been =talented to fraud and Imposition. rairbankit Scales are manufac tured on ly by the original Inventors, 111 & T. FAIR. BANKS & 00., and are adapted to every branch of the baguets, where a correct and durable Scales la required. FAIRBANKS & ENUNG I General Agents, arlo-tf. MASONIC HALL, 715 CHESTNUT ST. RENCH ItITJ ST AR D. -- Purrey F Biarne'e Imported Mustard, for eels in store and to arrive, by the solo &put, CU/OMM S. °AMMO.% Ne. 128 WALNUT Street. Conductor E. PETIIT, No 309 WALNUT Street E. PTCCTIT, No. 309 W&LNUT EAreet LEGAL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers