01111 110 Warman'AT THE HOTELS to 11 SART 11111111 T. 00 01, NOTEL— Ninth sad Uheittrint OM I 0 11 , c ,,,t Chester W 0 Bookfellow, N York A Ng , '" '„ - „ s Boverley Jae Poilligo & Is; Boston j os 0 11 , ° „',1,11ig N Fork Samuel folio Elston bsilt.,o%con, Penns E Bangs Baltimore jests , Pcrfoielson, Prov John J Ladd, Providence cyst '', olesgo Jae N filmier & eon, Balt Itivret"oSford ,t ti, Md T__X e Norwood, Baltic:mop GO O re, Poitinaore Id Gettlogi, &Slim tre I,Col l ii r ipos , 0 11 ve r B PR MI" ti erlsous Silver Nrig 00 11 _ D, t itect spring Klee E Anderlon, 811, Spit js/ 44dr .,Ta Sea Yolk S D Oaten. Illinois prat i- j e 'r,oo nits , Ali et M Marsh, Jersey City ger. pi t m a I' " te. mere AII Oilitesie, Boston Nil - 40 New York J A Ititt(lool, II 8 A 0 °mac r o . 2,_,,,, v ar k J P Burley New York - ix r4te w r ritr , burg John Gilion: New York feternele, Seattlatt W a Watson,. Bedford Ps s. -. o c ctc, 0 8 Huhn, Cincinnati 0 1 , 0 0. t ettorPrt ti A W 8 Bilecll Pittsb urg i c, -, 3 pi , D tii,,e l enitexr li kraid r ti t c ri E tter, , ti ,.l c L i ! E w 111 0 Si ß o r i y e e ld u s:, til l a n d e i i 4n u A it I ._, ramccr ic M.j Bodge. Worthington 0 m u rgso. +r yok E A Brown, Lancaster 10 ,, i c y., New Dr J tiMcOlure, Pa E T ouch & wf . N Haven so 431uutic.s,i,60obbloirago s! n ; In dy. Nen , Voris Mims Gottioge milt co yld A. 141,10,4,5, Baltimore Jla Eaton, Jr,' & w r,'N y 90., A sim p s cs : N y Joan A. °More**, b e t - )trodoboctin, Now York ". J Giddeon & la, itro c h,E, 0 0 Lao , o r, Vineb, Dti N Alttohell, Oloolnneti . Tr4l 7 b „ on k tit Blass Jr. J Moore, N J Wa'' W 8 'Hanford. Ohio 4. 11,11.enfortl. Ohio ' .. kwort Buotlosion co Mrs 11 J 'Aloore, Bosto n .i' .. I. it lolly, NA' SIP Hunt' Sr B N"Moe Wilson 1,0 it D . " Cncriberiand JSt t•ord,Otdo ,t ,, Nowt , s v p diey, U 0 A BEI Flseryer, Etoston '-1/iptrick N Y AI Clark, Begot' , ; 1 0,0s, Port Oat bon J 0 Barnes, N York ig A is , N York J W Clapp, 8 0 0 0 c, 0 nflliber 0 0 0 B D 01,00 x, N York re pin. T nton a Abrilog N York I s tterad, ieB7lllo, 0 are Gideon Welles, Wash Ifiltor s Mill et I J 1 Peirce, At is, 111 J D Davie, N York Cal Betriat f , r c ran Is, Mrs VY, Starr & gen, 0 c 0 , il , ors Nlo rk Mr Dash NI, „Boston t I Weer, V . , Boh St Herrington N Y .riis o c iph, h 'A. Ohas W elaanne 1 , 1 1 .,Y ' of , v i E & Strong, N Y;' 0 1‘. itiotP.lolitt Balt , . Biles °swami, Phi aria' it irio l, f‘ci',4,_ __ . Silas( .. Oast, New &than)! 0 ,:olsor YoNuwara Ja' Whitehead, Newark ~ , ori , 80on It P Plower & wife N Y . I ,'; ii 0,1001 k wife. N Y Miss Babcock & sis ter ' w Wright, Washing on Evan Rogers, Balt ,0 Dig er, L'notister 0 M TAILIIOf, New York jmgetltewe, 1 Irginto Llf Carta o p Alton, London J W Mohler, Baltimore 1 yet, Paltiroute Ft J 11.41315013, Penns ` 0 a Coast , Newport W I I Cal) , Tt_ Newport i llyryg, Fiow York L Dakota, Jr, Now York J Anderson, New York . L r Dor, Now York A 3 yolk, Buffalo PI Leyte, Now York r tLoye?,t "Ft Springfield Mr Goon, New York 1,, Setter, Hartford 0 W D Long, By acv Talon New York 9 Si:tether et wf N Y 0 ~a t ioe, Now York ECI riders, B New York s A iounicnse .t . • IT. Vona G Sanders, altimore 11.ot Site I ly, Esse w L Gannon A wt. Dal yi,!go °Sono% Del G Crandall & ly, •Avoch Wm Modell, Waehington oteouatiTS' BOTBL—fotirth ra., below Arch. Li Hagerstown Mrs W P Weller, N Jersey Nc IP Palettar, Muterllk, NJ (./ W Johnston, Bcorcurrille Mrs Brnet., Ratite Allan Barnet's, Banton .blest ftroei, Won W Oberman, Bath, Pa 0 A ti r oorty, Mince, l'a M Biker, Johnstown jp wow. Ice (*der CO 0 landhols, Denver Ofty JO./ MooD, recce B Bentley Ordain We Penne J lho John, Yongstown, 0 Ara Wirer, Alllaccr, 0 J Mauer, Altoona A west& Mkt natty H Wells, U N blUitr ,t dn, Btr.ick, Pa W Hoore, Ke.ton, 0 jape Ilickloron, Ohio D Hess & la, Centre 00, Pa w w a g& le, Contra co, Pa Hiss Whltmer, Centre co,Pa trltriaile, tIOIIR (P H Stant:tonne, Waynesboro tai DWI? retina U D flortright, ()flunk c Bob a bin), n obin vi'm Karr, et J F Romeo, tinw York W D Bronn, Heston, Pa 181'1)1111n N Y Wm Y ttoul-y, Del Pll Arnold, N Y W J TurrAl & la, Pa DOA, 110cton A Parch e,Hasletnn W Ldly. Pm Doyen It & Neal, Bouthlngton ,1 11 ibrapon, New York A Waterman ; NeR York AMlSlOAli—Olientrint meet, (Wove Elslow .1: lady JO Dade/ Leer, Pnlolown 0 13 Oran ti" le ' W Chester TT 13 (ABU, hroey Shore hi (3 Prove & eon. Penne J V Seor, J tit a T W Bold, New Jersey 15' Soother, Thiltinwee J Price, Penner 13 /1 Latrobe, llailltuore W A Orbleri, Pentair feeelogbin. Fermi Aire Wiley dc den, Penns I' S SteniTer, 111101nd R B outing, deiTort J p Senile, Deldmore H A Bwoon, Connecticut, y prom, Jowl Ohoto W 0 Miter, DAuylile. Pa 1 0 bditllli,Jerery Shore Jacob Bull, Jones , Shore 3174 Bell, Jt.r. , ..L9. Shore' X Colson & la, Woodasown L Britton & la, Prone 31 Dote, 561416111 Haven .11 C Vonte, penna SI Bad, T B Siterwsves, Esoton,ra S T,l;egl la, New Jersey 0 (mirk, Virginia dLori,,tone, 1141 , 1;110re S P Simpson p et !tray, Marylaul B B alien, Delaware B i lifier L none, blaseschueetta .•.:7,1,01118 HOTEL-4Jbestnut etreet. above Third. li. faith, ,',I W MU J 'A, Nigeria, Balt JC Bt 1, raltanore . A Walatior. N Y Pry Trip and la, ;Saratoga baso Woraley, Baton Ell DIMS, N J J &Bien, Ohio ,ft hatcher, Ohlo J Hecht, California ill BritA. Baltimore E Goaorv, N Y Itil L Dunn, Broulslyn Illia Glare, Ls Y ,1 l Devoe. Btatin lelaul W MP «/B N Y 1G Boat, Bailing, Pa Jno A Baal', Smyrna, Del : I 'Pomace li Y A Lowoosohn ' N Y 1i , ..... , ,'1 Neill atJulm'a NB Jno a. NMI. StJohn's, NB TELE UNION—Arch street, above Third. .11,,elzer, FelWorm Thom Murphy Jr wt . , Del • slistpbes, Drl Mies Solder Boater ::cJ Curly ly Mre Rich. Washington, DU hoamen, lireesuule, Pa J Eineh fi 11, Peonegrove Cb)mbera. Oluchmati* GI F Uuo, Oineinnatl hku D heeghr, Ohio J M s Bonnet:Mlle fuelegbem, OW . P Remy, anstleM PIA Oreir, Mlurrel Paint A EL Itlachillooti, Penns r:f J iu Euer Odep.a, 14l Mrs J I risen in, Odessa Tv titer, Ism York Marl 51,-lot, Fleet wood W Las et,d wile A. O BrieiNeer, Allentown rininlura, Aurora, lr 1 l u. v, Gef4yette I IDomou, Lideaaa, Del J W huller, Waynesboro . MTIDEAIi ROTEL—Rooe .treat, above Third. 1 , :lo/wolt, Allentown JOB WOW)! IV J tlanfor, , 1 - IrAletou, Pa II E Rohr, A.Mantown IBSEN Allentoon S 0 P•nchorton, Poona IT Faith, Poona J I Schwenk, Penns Blrberly., LOocaster J Reinhold, Llano Co IBBarolop, Lone co BIN, II trammel, Penns , lAI 7ertel' &wf Permit J M Kaufman. Puma' BUtroglaN Penoa A J Shamtne, Penns, r Bolinger, trufftnn3rg OEt aseeenplog, 814, Ilitutaio, Nona W r,nx. Umivitle J V Ember, Peons J 8 Dilemmatic', Penns "gc,,f,ll7or,llariletoo. STATES UNION LIOZIEL—Market, above Math. T Hem, WPACbreler J f Hudson, attester co ill Whtea, Ly cowing co JDL Barley, Backe co ' 1. Boyd, Wrighter,llo Jacob leeger, Baltimore t 0 Dwell (* A Heaton, Penna c , lacCcene!l, Pitteburg B Dlokerman, Jr, Boston 10 Weitala, Pa* Jobre brourer, Penne V Btitei'l Stolstowniya J ey nbli cy, UMW, Pa 'Prq 4cdrott,lY Otieelor J P Kativrains Lau C 3 ACollaint _ N if A &IR Lancaster Haab, Perry co, Pa Geo Ernest, Perry co, Pa !lame:, Perry ro, Pa Obag 8 Filson, Peoria J Sol ;den, Nei Derry, Pa J Boblden, Derry, Pa 4 P Sew, Coalale Mrs Danner, Lancaster "n ecUer, Lancaster 00111 dEROLkl,-9txtb street, above Chestnut. B Made & fe, %tater co W IlrOWl/ & wfi lowa B Mackey, Chester co bE aladooey wf, Del II Tonle, Ttekerton R Lamborn, °baster co W C Walker, Harriet - meg J B Jordon Elkton, kid IB P.abicsoe. Lancaster co ee ort, Delaware JGllfillan, Cheater co r Gllfillan, °beater co L tlmbrie, Petrtsbore J W Swift, Lancsetar'eo J , 4 Swift, Jr, Lancaster co J W Tbompaon, Lancaster J rvonnings, Lancaster co UIIIBON HOUSN—Elecond /treat above Markel. jot W ficider, htooroe co A Crofter, Monroe cO Hari, I)o7lestowa Hips C) Seasby, N J MN tizzy I(Faiby, N J 'Jag Burson, N JergeT t 7 H Vernt), NOW Jere. y B M Matlord, Lancaster l'lteblooo, $ lam , N J W Dildine, N Jersey BALD EAGLE—Third meet, shore Oallowb.lll. Feailermacher & la Penns &Bee Fenetermacher, Pa Xe, M Raeltel, Pea= P Gilbert, adocroe co J bans, NM& P Weeding, Penna liieberde, Perms R Snyder d: eon, Penne w, Penes W Londe=kb, Pena wl T CietLeneb, Ptnna D Bleck. Lebanon co /I.lt I Leder, Dmnimy co H Getz, Bethlehem It; P l t reedvnic's• Penes N 11 11;014 —Second street, above Arch. 5)! A 0 Wed end lady, N J 0 Wilbur, N J 2 / b tri N J .H Miller, HarrieburFlra Ji 0 Bedford Bordsliurg,Pa J Fairchild, N J yD-zo,Nst J W Beek worth, N V,Pben Yerßtlon Pa J Herzendorf, Easton BLIC:CIi CO, Pa BARLEY RHEAY—llecond 'street, below Vine. A l I ulFel9 , Peon Dr Collins, Books co bkleltiouPs, 818 Bun El Md W esker, etmonton, NJ IR A Rittenhouse, do. J D flendrle. Doylestown 'so Ilittinhense, do 0 Watson. Hatborongla,Pa He Pact house, do Dept D V Peaster,Newtown 'r Wet &co and ladyN J E nroesdale, Bucks co tic d Penn Pa P K Rrowo and lady, PA igh Rtt, Pa Win M Lar .5 1 st.etreet N Y X Williftine, ge, Doylestown P. illard, Newtown Mrs Joe Ely, Newtown ass BLICIE BEAR—Third straw above Caliovrhtil. ' ,- il'Ecmgnson, 13! berry ahem Harper, Jenkinatown Rappsr!, Pox Ohms rt H Saciat , 4, Pennsylvania y'ldE Hamburg A Wagner, Hamburg Rickahaugh, Pima Joel 11, Leidy, Penne!lima& lnarm'c Eahrelhar, Satiny' co E Schmnoker, Schuylkill co ';',:x; Park, Halifax, Pa Obas Harden, Pennsylvania •Bor9r, Pennsylvania fd V Vanardsdale, Penn R 04 41, Pennsylvania J B Fisher, Spring hillic,Pa 45111 Fisher, Penns MARINE ELLIGENC •lii TOIIIITII PAW& &Baffin D. ' 14 11 , 1 11 Ann Elizabeth. Norgrar 0, from Grand Turk, 3 n , With salt and to' acco to Wm Cummings & Bon. .'Ol.ll la company wI th pair Ward, for Now Haven. LBtu ttl lid Almoner, —, from Bermuda, loading -for York, ll r Blitodaapta wa inyi Atherton , 2 days from Now York, In. lig to c .i tkkir a Gila Swlth, 4 days from lilawbnryaort, to Ci p a rtible`icot, with Sabrli GrAdi Idge, 6 days from Boston, In What to L Atilt mita eft %. O. • - D w t b r Nils Vel tie, hi rtrom,l day from Magnolia,el, Sr tors to Jas Barran & Son. r Briele °Mules, 24 hours from New York, with die 4, p cij el"hr ULEARED. aellPerklus, Goodridge, liewburyport, L Auden - !thr J Vir!lliannos, Wlnsmore, -Washington, Hunter, l,lto I CI Bpl Rorizco, Plunk Rawburn, Tyler, Stone, & do. Hom, Ward Wavbington, R Jones_ .. Schr annetiitt D ' 1 tr Burka Port Royal, Tyler, -q ui , ct 00, an e . ) i t i s . hr 011 ).3.. net, Miller. Washington, .7 H. Conrad. ,t - C o 4 X Clark, Clark, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone iit: t j ß I Ps'ilaney, Briatow, Washington, T Web- B trli L (4 11Iler. Bililmore, A Grovel!, Jr. r hlissoad State risulk Washington, A GNUS, Jr. 6lr Bt lefir, Ph rue', Nrw ' York, W P C lyde' S PECIAL NOTICES. aOVEIt BAJCICIt'S NEW, SEIUTISI PAWING bI&OffINE —PRIOR, $4O. T4%14 181°11 of tailors and other Mitauradurtni ra h ri ell the oeta of a feet and ("citable look atitch machine, mktl liNted to onr po 9. This is anew and admirable eteraling with the greatest ease, and with but It although hut lately put Into the market, t rit agreat favorite with manufacturer.. It is a ,:"141 machine, at • low price , heoo4lMschine ever it.troduced in this city hem sold so sk i pr Siren such universal satisfaction. It is very nl. t Mile c ons:ruction, easily learned, not liable to get 1 11 1"ter. works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, 4 ,Z ; and the _ow price at which it is sold placed Imi t . "" El th e reach of all who desire a reliable, service. w4tithte, GROVER, & BASER S. 11.130., 780 ORESTIUIT street. i,.. '4114 / 0 8 HAIR Dis ,88 cents a box. , I , -74110 boxes for 81' the beet ill us. 1 TIT IL Bold pi 4I k 11 P11411. ' 27.3101 1 • B ) 403 01188 rauT St.: doe . _ ART GIORGI STXOIO3 INIMITABLE PIANO TORTEN, tirade and Square% are reiddly tilting precedence of all Obeli for their pow. er, evenness of tonob, and Pure quality of tone. None should puttees without examining them dewily. The most eminent teaoheta are almost daily selecting Prices to snit thrums. them. E. GOULD, ocli-stuth4Ot "SEVENT an , CHESTNUT. GILEARIITKPIT.-- S DEINWAT '. x ..r f 'l4 ' to \ ~, ff I " dt. BONS were away th e El I' BIED&L at the late great Internet! al E Won, Lo don, Over two hundred and 0120 DIM rAno rrom all p aof the world, entered for.comnutition• \ Waierooms at BLASIUS 'MOT It 8, 1000 HEST NUT Street ' 001-lrn FINGER 455 LRTTER A FAMILY • SEWING IdADRINE le' the moat beautiful, beet, and cheapest of all Bowing Machin'. `lt emoodiee the pain °inlet of ginger & well.known Manufacturing Ma ohines ; makes the interlooked stitch; will "sew on ail kinds of cloth, and with all kindenf thread; will Bind and Braid, (lather and guilt, Pell, Rao, and Tack—in fact, will do ALL KINDS DE. 1111[1101' SEWING' and surnames every other Machine for the great range and excellence of its work. Send for a I namphiet. M. BINGER & 00., No. 458 BROA.DWdY, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OPPIOE t oaf tuthstde3l No. 810 OfIESTRUT STREIT. 8-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S FLA STATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. • They are , an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the eystem and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent revere They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach They cure Dyspepla and.Oonatipation. They, cure Diarrhoea, 'Cholera, and Cholera ltlorbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beet BITTERS In the world. They maks the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's peat restorer. They are made of pure St OroLilliun:, the celebrated (Minya Bark, roots, andlierbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to ago or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli tate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all aroma, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H DRAKE & 00., 202 BROADWAY. NeW York. sePi Sm BATMELOR I S HAIR DYE ! TEIE BEST IR THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATORELO WS celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to bo distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the flair in the least; remedies the ill effeots of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hail , for life. GRAY, RED, or B.IISTY HAIR Instantly turna a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, &v. *f" The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATORE. LOB, on the four sides of each. /mai. PLOTORY No. 81 BAROLLY Streei t (Late 239 Broadway and 16 Bond street,) my9.B•ly NEM York. BLACK UtIBH PO PL UN S.—Just received, one case of Pim's celebrated plain black Irish Poplins. BESSON & SON, Hann3ing Store ' oc6 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. p,NGLIBB. CRAPES ON ROLLS-- LL Just received, English Trimming and Veil Or pee, on rolls. , Englisb Crape Volts. Englith Crapes, ah widths and qualities. Large Crimp grapes and Veils... - BESSON fit SON, Mourning Store, oce No. 918 OEIESTNUT Street. VYRE & LANDELL,, FOUEVI and AEON. STREETS. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magnificent Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Etched Printed Goode. Good Stock of Staples. se2o-13 simi BOXES TOBACOO.—We gua.- vu rantee to sell Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, at lower prices than any other house in the city bargain in Havana Cigars. purchased at Plarsbal's dale. WOOD WARD & 00., 41 South FOURTH Street oc8;lm* ry-- • ME AD QUA RTERS.—tiATIONA.4 UNION CITY EXR.OI3 ICE nonvir urn will met TEN (Tbureday) AF IMINOON, October 16 at 3 o'clock, on boalnege of importance. It WII,LIA.H H. KERN. PreMent, QUARTERLY SESSION OF TUE arState flonectl of Penneylvanii 0 U. A. ex Mil be held on FRIDAY, October 17, at 10 o'clock A. M the usual p'ace. Attest - WM. M. WEORESLY, S. 0. Beerb ta. CARD.—.MESSRS. WREGLIT, smt7 Er, PEALISALL have need cwo barrels of your itLUDITER " GAS OIL, in the nconufacture of Illuminating Gee, and Sod it quite satisfactory, both as to the quantity and quality of the . gas. There is less de. nosit in the retorts. and the number of cubic feet pro cured yer barrel is larger than we have formerly had from otter oil. Yours truly, JOBEPHP& autsa, tatIPET 'Wet dent.Petmsylvanitt Training dcnool for Feeble. Blinded Children, in cilia, October 10tb,182, ry• - • SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY.- 1,3 The Ordination ,aud 'lnstallation of WIIMAR coIIAFFIR as Pastor of tbls Society will take oboe on PRIDAY EVENING next, at 7 n'clock, at WA.SR INGTON HALL, SPRING GARDEN, above Eighth street. The sermon by Dr. H W. Bellows BevererdsDrs. W. 11, Furness, Clarke, Staples, and Chaney, with VIM others, will lake pert in the eervicee. 0c.1.8-2t* TrTWENTIETH WAR.II).—A. MEETING of thaN TION AL lINIO fkl EX EMIT' VE Bin TEE will be held THIS EVENING. et the Head quartete. Southwest career of ELEVENTH Street and GILLS RD:A:vertue, at 7,4 o'clock I" BANGUI HOOD, - President. REARLES E. RISTINE, Secretary. It*. Tr WESTERN BANK OF PHILADA . October 15,1862, The Annual Electio for Threctore of this Bank will be held at the banking house, on ; MONDAY, the 17th day of November nest, between th hours of lo o'clock A. fit. and 2 o'clock P -G. K. TROUCNIAN, oold•thAntnl7 °ashler. ' OFFICE OF THE DIAMOND COAL CORPANY.--NOTIOE.--At a meeting or the Directors, held on the let instant, a Dividend of FIE 'CY CENTS per Share was declared, neyahle on and after the 116 instant, at the Office, 718 MAGIC ET Street. (101 l et* S. ALTER, Secretary. TrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRIS W3l RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, October 13, 1862 The annual meeting of the Stook and Loenboldera will be bald at the office of the Company, northeast cor ner of NINTH and GREEN Streets, on MONDAY, the 3d day of NOYEISIBER next, at 10 o'clock A. 31. An Election to choose tow Martagers, to serve three years, will be held the same day immediately after the Stock holders' woofing, and close at 2 P. oclB tn 3 W. 8. WILSON, Secretary. oTe nz O s tlitir dt oX o lNlEJßANKLlfti FIB E I'ou.A.DHLParA, October, 13, 1862 At a meeting of the Stockholders, held pennant to charter. on the 6th inst., the following named, gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing sear Mum. N. Bancker, Davld S. Brown, Tobias Wainer, Isaac Lea. Suet Grant, Edward 0. Dale, Jacob R Smith. • Geo. rates. Geo. W. Riobtrrde, And at a meeting of the IS day, OHO?, N BANGICES, dent. and 'EDWARD 9. DL 3t J. W. lac/ OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE LL3 I NSURAIiaI COMPAITY—PitiLADELPIiii, Oc tober th 1802. - , The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after the Itith instant, exclusive of taxes ' ALBERT O. OBS WFOSO, 067 lit* • Secretary. orTHE ,FHANKLIN' INS T ITUTEILEC. TURIN will commence on THURSDAY EVEN ING-, 16h instant; at 8 o'clock; and be continued, on Tuesday and Thursday . Evenings for twenty weeks: The first course of ten weeks will consist of-- Tuesday Evening—On Gslyinlsm and Magnetism, by Professor John F. Fraser. Thursday Everting—On Chemistry, by Professor B If Band. The arrangement for the aoudad course will be 'pub lished in due time. • Each 'member, on paying his annual contribution, atd each life manner, will receive a seat= ticket for him. self and a lady ; mho iichets for hie children, wards. and apprentices under 21 years of age, on the payment of one dollar foneach minor. • TRIMS OF ra EMBER P.— knnu al GAntrihritione. $5 ; Lie Membership, 825, with an additional charge or . $I the first y ear for a certificate of membership.' Stock inembtra pay $2 per year. Price of stock, 1O per share. Gentlemen wisbiror to become members will please ap ply at IN, Hall, in SEVENTH Street, above 3hestant, ocl6-8t WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actirirr. try taVir COMMISSIONEft,s , OFFEOE, PHILADELPHIA, October /4, 1802 IiOTIGE TO OFFIOEIIB OF EGEOTI3N —The Otty Commissioners will furnish WABBSNCS due to the Officers of Election, as follows On WELNESDAY, 'October 15th-LThe let, 2d, 84, 4tb, stb.ard tith Wards. On TbUESDAT, October 10th—The 7th, 8111, flth, 10tb, 11th. and 12th Wards • On FRIDAY. October Itth—The 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th,' 17th, and 18th Wards. On SATURDAY, October 18th—The 1902, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, and 25th Wards. ocl4'ot JANES Sia&W, +Clerk. ry-^ CHIT'S% ND EN'S PHILADELPHIA 11.3 001151EROIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SIaVEN TH and CRESTBUT Streets. Open Day and, Evening. Terme reduced 25 per cent. Ladles' Deparment now open. locll-atnth6t* TrUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.— ISIDDIO4S DEPAR MERL—The regular Lee tures will begin MEDAL October 13th. B. B. BOGUS% oteonwl2w Dean of Radical Vacuity. NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE, No. 824 North ELEVENTH Street. —MOM CLASSES Day and Evening. SATURDAY Afterdoon for Boye and Girls. Class in ELOCUTION, taught by Irene White Bradley, on MONDAY Evenings. Onr Institute is a success, and we invite all Interested to call esti see us. . JOUR BOWER, 0cd1.51.* Principal. cryb A COURSE OF TWELVE LEC LURES ON GEOLOGY, theoretical and practical, illus trated with many thousand sneolmens of rooks and fossil remains of plants and animals, and by two excursions among the strata around Fblladelphia, to ladles and gen- Omen , in the Scientific and Classical Institute, OfIEiT NUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth street, beginning 5 o'clock P. liL, OCTOBER 16th. Introductory free, by 00/o.ot I. satire, Priucivai. COMM ONWEALTH BANK-PHILA. Eir VELMA. October 8,1662. The Annual Election for Directors will be hold at the Banking Bono on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem. ber next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. Id. and 2 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of-No vember next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home, at 10 o'clock A, 51. on7.tntheitol7 I. O. YOUNG, Cashier. >: DT•MECHANIC 3 , BANK—PR ILA DEL. PUtd, October 7, ISM A general meting of the Stockholders will he held at Th e Basking Bosse on TUESDA.V, 4th day cf Novem ber; at 12-M:... ' ocB-tact4 The Animal Election for. Director/swill be bald at the Emitting House on. MONDAY. November 17, between tbe bon s of 10 N. M. and 2 P. H oca-trol7 J. WIZGAND, JR. Cashier.. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANE—PitiLAnzLritiA, October 6,1862 The Annual Election for Director" will be held at the Barking Douse on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the hour" 019 o'clock Yr. it and 3 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the ; 4tit'day Of November belt, a moral meeting otthe Stockholders will be held et the Ranting Rouse, at 4 o'cloCk P. N., agreeably to the otartf,r, W. uusaroN. oc7-tool7 ; ()ashler. rse- - WESTERN BANK OF • PRILABEL -113 AIIIA, October 5,1862. , . : The Aut cal Resting or the StonkbolCerti of tble B sck Will be bed on TUESDAY . ,:,the , AIIIStri Novem ber next. at 12 o'circk M. -0 M. TROUTKA.N, Lo7 , totheino4 , , enthier.' Alfred Elder. 4eard of rdrectore, held this , Eq., wa3 re-elected Prod .LE, Ere , Vice Pre.ileeet. ,LLISTER, Sec' y pro tem. TrTHE. PENNSYLVANIA. MILITARY MAMMY AND ITS PRINDIPAL. WEST CHESTER. October 14,1462. TO THE LOYAL PUBLIC. Oolon - el Hyatt, Preeident of the • Penudylvanis 41111tary Academy, directs me to sAbruit for ;our Inspection the following testlnabniale, as We loyalty bss been C Illed in Question. - JAMES U. RICE, ' Adjutant Y. 81. A. Wfx,wrenrox, October 10,1802. CO?. Theo. Hyatt : MY linen if MEND: / have just heard (het a newepaper in ”ur vicinity has thrown out Imputations against your loyalty. To those of us who have known 7013 lomt and ,wt il:—eho have convened with you so often on the ex. Citing topico of the day, and found yot , symeathizing with us to the full in everything that related to our Government and This wicked-rebellion—who have heard I our yoke in the drill room in the early days orate wet. and when we knew that each hour given to the voltinteers was an hour of Dentine° of health, then _tool much, ITU• paired for the discharge of your duties in ,yeiur school. room—who kriewrof yonr desire to go personally into the fleld—who have talked with you but a few due since, and found you' abreast with the foremost supporters of the Government, the charge is pimply absurd. blo one here would have ventured. or even thought of making it ; but if this note from sow- late neater will be of any service to you in Wes: Chester,where em kaia k had no , opportunity to make yoUrself known; you are more than weliome to it." • ' Yours, mort truly, WILLIAM &TIE 61,A.N. Bey. Wrn Aikmati is Pastor of panover.street Preeby terian Church. Cot Theodore Hyatt: kir Dpan eta: I have been a• touuded at hearing that' Your los ally has been called in queetion by some of the residents of West Cheater. I had supposed you harl suf fered loerseoution sufficient during the past year at the bends of the Secession eympa•htzere in this State, to hare placed you far above the reach of 'suspicion of belonging to that hateful band of bad men. I never had toe honor of y our acquaintance till those persecutions' brought us together. I cannot "imagine how any, the slightest, ant• Pinion ehould attach to You, for I am ewe that I and all who, know )on in Delaware can bear testimony that you have always been held by our people as a man of no blemished patriotism and integrity. I also barn that James Rice, Esq , has also been sus pected or charged with disloyalty. I have known him well for erne nine past. He was one of my warmest, boldest, and most reliable eupportere in the memory ble campaign of I SW. If i, can be possible that either you or he is didorel, then I confess I shall not know where to And one true man. I shall, indeed,. begin to doubt of my own loyalty, when I come to question that of either of you. I hope the community where you reside may do you justice, to correct any Misapprehension upon the subject. Yours tray, GEO. P, FIBRES The Hon. Cie°. P. Fisher is the Ilepresentative la Con grers Dom Delaware. • WILMighTON, October 10, 1832.4 r Colonel THEODORE iiYATI who has lately removed from this city to West bhaster, :Mae, many years, the Principal of a school here to which scholars were in structen in the higher 'English branches, the classics, and mathematics. He was very successful no a teacher ; discerning and competent jaigell, from their own -obser vation, attested his ability, and commenced his method His school tiourinhed, and was'as prosperous at the lima of his removal' as it had ever been. His removing was much regretted. Colonel Hyatt was a professor of religion when he came among us. During his residence here he. mole, Joined a consistent profession. He was active and useful in the church, confided In as a sincere, and sympatttiz:d with as a growing Christian We have been surprised to hear that a suspicion has been intimated of his loyalty. There was among us no more titre and coLetant suppotter of.the DI lon than Colonel Hiatt—he was loyal from , prlnclple, and we be lieve he continues steadfast, unwaveringly attached to the Government and institutions of the thited Ideates. WILLaRE/Ilt'LL, d. Districtti age. The Hon and venerable Willard Hall Is District Judge for 'Delaware. COL. T. ILLIIT My, Dear Sir: I have moderator:ld that your loyalty to the 'Union end our Government bee been called in question , since you have been in ,Clhestei county. I have to a ate that if there le any foundation for an imputation BO base, the, you must, have changed wonderfully since you left here. I cannot look into your heart, hut I have the most thorough conviction, from your uniform language and conduct, that no more loyal man liven Peonmivania ndeed, I should have as soon trusted the education of two of my goon to a burglar or profaned gambler, se to .one who sympathized with Sect pion If ytott want testimony to support your loy alty, you can have any amount of it from the place of year former residence, If / can be of any aervice to yon in repelling tbi3 Tile toperelon of your character, you can nee, me to any ex. tent. and in any manner. Very truly your friend, EDWARD O. BRADFORD --.- - October 10,1862 - - Edward G. Bradford, Bea , 19 United States District &ttorney.ot Delaware, under the present A.dministration. WILMINGTON, October 10,-1882, ,. Having, for many yews, had a personal acinsintanee With Colonel 113ats, I cheettally Entity to hie loyalty. At the commencement of 'ails witted robe lion, he took a decided slam. in favor of itif forcible suppression, and was active, even to the detriment of his health, in orga nizing the militia of the State, It is to us oho know I im a matter of surprise:that hie loyalty should have, ever. been called in' qnsition, as in tbis latitude his character as an honest, high-minded, std thovokoh/y lolal man is far above suipioinn C. GILPIN, Mayor. I most heartily. concur in the forgegoleg statement in reapect to the loyalty of Colonel Hyatt. and his genera good character. It is matter of aureriaa to three who know him here that bid loyalty ahonld have been called in .nneation. E. W. GIL P October rt, 1882. Chief Jnetice of Delaware. Eon, E. W. Gilpin is' Chief Justice of Delaware. The above gentlemen are well and publicly known at unconditional Union men. PHILAIELPIM, October 14, 1802 To the Loyal Public: %e aro abundantly satisfied of the uncompromising ioralty of Col. Hyatt and the Acadendc Staff of the Penns) ivania Military Academt, and take plemnre in recommending to the .public this Institution, which is not surpassed by any in the country for tie facilities for imparting a thorough scientific.'classical, and military education. • JAMES POLLOCK, Filial of Board of-Tru,tees of P M. A. JAMES H. ORME, Chairman Mil'y Oom., P. M. A. oclfi St . °Tti..N.K OF COMMERCE--PIIIIJADET, rate, October 6,1862. The 'A.untial Election for: Directors will be held at the Banking House on ftION Ddir, the 17th day of mem ber next, between the boom of 10 A. K. and 2 P. fif. A general meeting of the Stocitholdere will be held at the same piano on TIIF4DAY, the 4th day of November nest, at 12o'clock M. J. A. LE WIS, Da. tnth Ono 18 , Cashier. [cr. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE 00.-RP-k NT, PntIaDJILPHIA, OC.t. 6,1862: At a meeting of tbe Directors, held this day, a semi- annual dividend of SIX PER CIES P.. and an extra divi dend of TEN PER CENT., were declared on the capital Mock, payable - to the or their legal mere sentativvs, on and after the 16th inst. 0c3.10t J. W. BIoALLI3TER, Secretary. ore AT A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS' BUUNTY FOND COMMIT TIM held the l3th 40y of October, 1862, the [(Mowing resolution' were passed ; Resolved; That this Committee will pay to each Non commissioned Officer and Private in each of the first two Regiments of Infantry for NINE MONTHS, to be here after organized and raised in this city, with the sanction of the proper authorities, or such portion thereof of each of said regiments as may be received by the ieveroor as part of the quota of Philadelphia, the slim of T WRIT TY-FIVE DOLLABS'on said regiment of nine hundred and eights' men, as hereinbefore mentioned, being mustered into the service, and the following terns corralled with: The ne cessary evidence required will be certified copies of the mutter rolls, or copies thereof, with the originals, for ex amination, also a certificate of the proper authority at Harrisburg eat all the members of said regiments. or the part thereof entitled to receive. are credited to the Philadelphia Quota p and, providedfurther; the recruits relinquish any claim to any and all bounties except such as may bo Dodd by the United States. - - Resolved, A sum equal to TWO DOLL ABS for each such man be paid to the Captains thereof to remunerate him for expenses incurred In reining hie Company, to be paid him on complying with preceding requirements . THOM etI3,WERSTIIII, Tice Ottatrmen, Loan; Ritmo ET, Secretary. - ocl4-12t DTAV IS AUX ELI GANT& MR. PAUL ANDRIOT, - Gerund de la malson de Tallinn; de MR. GRANDVILLE SrOEES, 609 OFIEWIN UT Street, Philadelphia, a Phonneur do pre-. venir see nombreux amis et .connalpsances qal Pont deja favorite de leur clientelle, (abet que leo 'etrangere,) qu'll vient de regevoir de Paris et Londres lea modes les plus recentes et let mionx portees pour la liaison Waiver. Mr. Grandville Btokes a mis k ea dispoeition les atolls' lea plus belles, et les meinetues qualitee, des premieres manufactoreEid'Etirope. Les militaires, ainsi quo lee ceders de tons grades y trouverons lea meilleures qualites d'etotres odes prix tree moderato. Veleganoe de so coupe, &Mei qua le cachet-de distinction qui la caracterise est deja troy connn du Dub. lie, pour on renonvelles lout moritee. lien-15) MILITARY . IBOUNTY ! BOUNTY ! BOUN TY !--Company A, Capt. SAMUTIL HAZARD: Roberta' Artillery, for Fortress Monroe, Pan Boun ty as follows: ' Government Bounty $25 1 001 M rnment Premium 2 Governmtnt Advance Pay IS City Bounty 50 Making Advance Pay ' 1690 and also $75 on expiration of term of enlistment. A few more able.bodied men wanted to fill up this Company. REASONS WHY men should outfit in this battalion in preference to any other : It is composed of picked men. ' They wilt not be disgraced by being drafted. They have good quarters in Fortress 5f onroe, in the largest and most pleseantly situated fort in the country ; are commanded by experienced hod able officere ; are not exposed to the hardships of field service, and, tieing well it struoted in all the duties al the infantry and artillery eoldier, will be fitted to MVO as officers in any arm of the ' service They draw pay and rationsfrora the day they are mus tered in, arttsent Immediately to camp, and <receive their clothes, made exprhsly to fit them. HEADQUARTERS,- R. R. Om EIGHTH and CHES NUT Streets, UP STAIRS', ocle-Iot I. FORT DELAWARE. Reedits Wanted for BATTERY «R" The fall Bounties' , raid, $9O cash, Ea at discharge—trial]. $165. Pay Rations, and Uniform from late of -muster. Inquire at 409 OHESTBUT Street. . JOHN A. BLARE, captain , commanding. FEED% W. BEERS, let lieutenant, • S. J. POWSION, 24 hentenant. . ocl.o.otit BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE RE GIMENT, 150th P. 'V.—Twenty men wanted to fill up Co. 0—5165 bounty. Andy at 505 Sonta street. - GEORGE B. LAIRD, Captain: • JACKSON D. COOKE, let Lieut. oell-6t* CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, COL. 0. M. PREVOST. RECRUITS WANTED for ibis nopatar Regiment BOUNTY *l6O, and ONE MUTH'S PAY IN A DV &NOE. 'RECRUITING STATION, 188 WALNUB STREET. Oapt. DERRY SHARWOOD, ce9-tf Recruiting Officer. NEN WANTED FOR A 0031- pary Jr, the Board of Trade Ride Regiment, 158th Regiment P. V. This regiment will go into camp immediately, near the city Bou Ay, 8185. Apply early, tolLient. ONO. O. BENSZBV, No. 833 MARKET T fttrest, below Ninth street. ns7 12t CAVALRY ! CA.VAI4 it ! OA.VALIVY I—OURTIN DRAGOONS, OR MOUNTED GUARD—A. few more good MEN a anted for this organization, now in camp at Bar rizburg. All Government and State Bounties, and $5 1111 train= Apply Immediately at No. 304 DI iRKET Stzeet; or LANGSTROTH BUILDING, Germantown. , •T, WATIIitB Eli BEE, commanding ottloOr., ist lieutenant, N.O POTTER, Ed lieutenant, O. N. STOKES ocls D LowrTUES SSOO DAY,. Eleyted -t. er 9,hr - 5: 1 7 ° . 11 30 TREA SURY NOTES, coupons attached, Numbers 81.568, 81.569, 81,570._ All parties are forbid negotiating said Notes, at notice has been given, and payment stopped at the Treasury and au Sub- Treasury Departments. $5OO IN GOLD! Witt be paid by the undersigned for the return of the Notes. B. F. GALL&G111111, Biwa. No. 281 North THIRD Street. u btr 2. 1262. oc2.lBt* GET -IVORYTYPES OF REIMER, ff you would have picturep of doe character, per• fed gems of , tointaturapaintiog. Saida tints life-like and r Mural. SECOND Street, above VATILLIIIM H. ELISEO O_OD,. 13001': iitt,KEN, N 0... 9 tn 38 North EIGHTH Streettler etly SIXTU arid WALNI7r .treetv. ocl6 artr THE PRE ,PHILADELPHIA, _ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1862. • - - RETAIL DRY GOODS. - BROCRE lON - 4 SHAWLS, FROM A LATE AUCTION SALE. Revered Lois SUPERB MAINE LAINE SHA WLS, of Faris Fabrics, hi entire now designs mid colorings. OURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND ST., ABOTE, WILLOW. ocl6-3t EYRE 4fe LANDELL, BALMORAL SKIRTS; 9-00 D BLACK SILKS, STAPLE LINEN GOODS, BLACK. STELLA SHAWLS, NEW WOOLEN SHAWLS, MUSLINS BY THE PIECE, REPS, ORDERED COLORS, FRENCH PLAID FLANNELS, FULL STOOK OF WOOLENS, RICHEST PRINTED GOODS, NEW STYLE DREES GOODS, GOOD COL'D POULT DE SOIE, MAGNIFICENT DRESS SILKS, MAGNIFICENT PRINTED GOODS. selo.mwatf Doi - En, Oct. 10, 1882. ITP STAIRS DEPARTMENT.- Fall and Winter Cloaks: - - Black Thibet Shawls. Striped Broche do. Broche Bordered do. - Woollen do. BOYS' CLOTHING.. Jackets and Pants. Sacks, Overcoats, &c. -4110 Suits made to order. COOPER & CONARD, ae3o.3m 8. E. car. NINTH and MARKET Sta. E. `CliLr' 1J FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTEI &ND ARCS. FOURTH AND ARCH. OPENING FOR FALL. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND CASH, DEALERS IN. DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave just received, and are now offering, magnificent lines of SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS, ESPEDIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS BEASON, 1021 .CHESTNUT • STREET E. M. NEEDLES. LACES, WHITE GOODS, LINENS EMBROIDERIES. A full assortment of the above on hand at LOW PRICKS, to which additions are made of all NOVELTIES. se2s-tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET TEE t( NEW MOURNING- STORE' No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET, EVERY VAR,IErg OF DEEP MOURNING MOURNING BONNETS 11QEAL B BRGAINS IN sosaßy. „—Jurt- open/d, /75 dozet/Ladlea , Heave English Hosiery, full regular make, in 8, 83(, 9, and OX inches, at old pritea. SHE PE ...RD, VAN HARLINGEN, ar A.HRTHON. oels.l4tre 1908 CHESTNUT Street. EAL BARGAINS IN BICH LACE JLU OURTAINS.--,inet opened, 500 Rich Tambid and, Applique Lace Ourtairs, at old prices, Aloe, SGO yards Rich Tarob'd DIT)Blirl Draperies. SHEPPARD, YAN HARDiNGEN, & ARMOR, 005 Huy 1008 CHESTNUT Street. REAL BAROAIIsIB MT LINEN 1111011.KBACK —Just opened, 2.000 s side of good quality heavy bleached Liven Huckaback,•at old prices, SHEPS6III), VAN HARLINGEN, dc &REM% oel4.lotrp :HOS 0 OMNI' C Street. SILK FACED 'PO PLINS. _ . Dark fine colors in French Poplins. Wool Poplins. double fold. Plain colors Mousseline de nines. French Merinos, assorted qualities. Obeltp Wool Poplins, Broche figures. tiff ARPLEMS Rain HEBB, CHESTNUT and ElGHTH'Streabt, .ATEST NOVELTY.—Just °pelted, a large stock of Ribbons, Flowers, Straw and Bill; liner" Goods, at JOSE PII'HAMBU ROE WS, 0013.5t* 11n. 3t South SEOOND, ab. Oftestuut. NORD —Rich Autumn , colorings in,Toile, Poll de Chevres and Worsted Dress Stuffs. Fine all wool Plaid Cashmere* Lama Plaids and serviceable Drees Goy ds for Obildree's wear. oclo- if S B&B P LESS & B ROTHE RS. VASHIONABLE bTRIPED Broche Long Shawls. ~ Palslev•Long Shawls. • Paisley Sonars Shawls. Vienna Long Shawls. Paris Long Shawls. Empress Woolen _ Long Black Thibet Shawls. Full lino of Woolen Shawls. Sheppard's PlaidlLong and eanare Shawls. School Girls' Woolen Shawls.. EYRE A LANDELL. FOURTO and ABGEI Streets. fIROWE DRY GOODS—Just re" calved: ' Brown Poplins, Plain and Figured. Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width. hierinoce of all Shades. ti Wool IPLaines, Plain and Figctred. Cotton and Wool D'Laines—tinice line. Figured Nerinaes. A full line of Plain Shawls. A full line of Gay Shawls. One lot of Black Figured Mohalrs, at 250. Six lots of Brown Alpaca's, choice. A full line of Oaseimeres. A full line of Vesting. 1.)11/IN EL: STOIESS, oc3 702 ARM Street. VALL CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. JP: New Fall Cloaks opened daily. Winter Cloaks in preparation. -- Striped all. wool Brocbe Shawls, $ll. Fall and Winter Woollen Shawbi. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. BOYS' OLO VRING. Fine Beady-made Clothing for boys. Suits made to order. CLOTHS, CASSIKERES, VESTING& Just opened, several large lots °maniere& Boys' wear of every grade and style._ 11,000 yards Black and Fancy Oanalmeres, Mo. to $2. 6.4 Blue Flannels; Black, Blue and Brown cloths. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths for Fail and. Winter. DRESS GOODS. Bap. Poplins, Froncicliferinoes, Helaine& dm. Black: Bress.Stuffs at reasonable tato& AWRY BL&NEETB. COOPER & CON &, se2o S. B. cor. NINRH and MARKET Streets. EDWIN HALL -.4V.8R0'l HER, .NO. 20 Bonth SECOND Street, will oven this morning— Brown, Bine, Green, and Bieck Irish Poplins. French Plain Poplini. 811018 colors. Bich Figured and Piald.Pophins and Bens, Plain Poplins anillteps, rich colors. Rich all wool Csahmeres and De Lathes. Figured Merinoes end Yetench's. Fine French Merinoes. choice colors. Strived and Figured French Chintnee. • Cloth and Oaabmare Plaids for Children. 008 TT !STEEL 'aSON; ..E.-Le • No. 718 North TENTH St., above Coates, Have now open a choice assortment of . NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Bich Fancy Silks. New Shades Plain Silks. Figured Black Silks. Plain Black Silks at Low Prices. .. Bich Figured and Plaid French Bassi. Plain French Bees, all shades. Plain French 'Merinos", all shades. • PLAIN ALPACAS, In Black, Brown, Mode, Blue, and Scarlet. Poll De Chews!, Poldins) Detainee, And every variety of New and Choice seasonable Drees Goods. 'Also, a largo assortment of BLACK STELLA SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, fell-tf AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES. • CHEAPHEAP DRY GOODS,' CARPETS, 'CLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES —V. E. ABCHAMBLULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MABKET Streets, will open this morning, from Auction, Ingrain Carpets at 87, 45, 60, 62, and 760 ; Entry and Stair Carpets, 16 to 650.; Rag Carpets, 31, 87, and 46c.; Floor Oil Clothe, 37 to 60c •, Gilt bordered Window Shades. 500. to $1 18; Buff and Green Window Holland, 18 to 20,c.; Flume's. 25 to 50c.; Dregs Goods in great variety, train 16 t0,60c Canton Flannels, 26 to 310. sp24- vital% kIOBEAT HOBRE EXHIBITION AND AG OULI URAL FAIR. AT NORRI 8• 'TOWN, for it Penney!mita, OCTOBER 21,:33, sad 22.18132. GRAND TRIAL OF SPICED; trot in harness; Six Premiums are offered . lat, $lOO ; 2d, g5O ; 34, $4O ; 4th, $3O ; sth, $2O; 6th, 510 For pacing. Three Premiums ; let. $25; 20, $10; Bd, $5. For stallions. brood mares, colts, matched, aid gaited horses, Nine Premiums, vary ing from $25 to $6. Liberal Premiums in the home, floral and fruit departments are also offered. All persons re• quested to exhibit free of charge. Agricultural imple ments, machinery, and article, of every description. The track is one of the best half mile in the Steve. Excursion tickets front Philadelphia to Norristown will be hotted on'alt the regolar trains for 50.coota, good for thee days: also, on Reading road, from Reading to Nor. ristown, $1,25 ;.Pottstown, po cents Phcenixville, 40 cents ; Dowingtown, Mentor Valley "Branch, 65* cents; and at reduced fares from intermediate stations • . Single admission tickets, good for the' day, 26 cents. Fnr patticnlars set large bills, or address Becretary.for circulars • Dr. WC WETHRIBILL E President. .d.B.:LONGKBER, Bec , Norristown; Pa. - ocl6 4t WILLICA. H. IiEei.TON (JO., v v No 201 South FRONT Street,'Ageriti for the a le of the Original Eteidalok & 0,. Champagne, offer that desirable wino to the trade, Mao, 1,000 Cans fine and medium:grade Bordeaux Mo retti ", „ • 100 isiies'Gethrindenberii Frertal' Oognae Brandy, Tin tape 1848, bottled In France... f.O cases Buell Tuscan Oil, in fluke, 2 dozen in case.. 30 bbla.fineat quality lillonongahela Whisky. 50.000 Havana Segue, extra fine. , bloat Oharidon Grand -Yin -Imperial ci Green Beal" Champagne. - , ToLettier with s flue sarortoient of 3tadelre4 Sherry, Port, &c. 0018..ni THE ARMY! " SWORDS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, BASHES, BELTS, &o. o. 18 NORTH' SIXTH STREET. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0.37 MILITARY TRIMMINGS BRASS KNAPSACK TRIMININ4B, U.- S. Regula tion, with' 'Maim. in complete sets. ROLL ER BUCKLES, % inch, for Haversacks, BRASS INFANTRY ACUOUTREIMNIST MOUNT , INGS,in'eamplete eels. BRASS HAT ORNA.MEATTS, Eagles, Bugles, Tram , Pets, Crossed Sabres, and Crossed Cannon. BRASS LETTERS and NUMBERS. BRASS CAVALRY BELT MOUNTING'S. BRASS INFANTRY do. do. BLUED OAVALRY MOUNTINGS, U. S. Regula tion, in sets, complete, including. Saddle Tree, 'Picket Pin e . Lariat Blips, Curry Comb, Horse Break, Ltd Spurs. BRASS BOREW and STRAP SPURS, for °Moors. BLUE, BC/ABLE T, and GRAY BLANKETS, for Officers and Privates. For sale in-quantities, and of the beet quality, by W. P. WIIISTAOH & 3S NORTH . ' THIRD STREET, se2B.lmer • Philadelphia. B"85 GROMMETS for Army Blan - frets and Leggings, manufactured and for sale in any quantity at - SISTLI and OOLUMBIA. 8 0 5 -bn* I.VINB. • rpENT-BUTTONS AND BLIPS, 11. S. Standard, manufactured and for tole by ' ' ' ' • J'. P. SEED, &tenni or TitTRTNERTH and NOBLE Street", oe2il•liao* • -: • • Philadelphia.' • MILITARY CLOTHING. WIDE -SPREAD REPUTATION. There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITARY _ CLOTHING ks,ROCKHILL & WIL- SON'S,Ist as. 008 and . po Cliestnut street Besides being thoVoughly acquainted with the business, thek'are prompt to:fill all orders • at moderate prices, and always have a TARGIV STOOK OF MILITARY.GOODS ON NA.ND. LL.. S. MVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER - CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT -THE OBTION OF THE GOVERN. I am instructed by the SECRETARY . OF . TRBABITRY.to receive.subacriptions for the above oc2-thAut3t LOAN AT PAR, TEE INTEREST TO COMIUENVE FROM . DATE Thus 'avoiding th4 , !dffficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May fullsupplv. of these Bonds always on halid. ' 114 SOUTH. THIRD St. iy29 tf $lO 000 TO ; INVEST IN MORT 3 GACiEt3 and Ground Rants; in sum of $4OOO to $5,006. P. WAGNER, 614 spairra GARDEN street. It*" JAMINS = WAiTON, ISOIII.B W. 708/. NXTALTON & YOST, v v BANEZEB, BltakEßS, GINNICEAL HOLLNOTONS,. No. 26 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. ANDEBENONB. Jay Cooke& Co. Hon. James Po ll ock, 'James, Kent, Barite., & 00., Hon. H. D. Poster, Esherick,& Co., _ Hon. A. H. Reader, 0. MoKibbin & Son, . Hon. Asa Packer, Z. P. Middleton & 8r0.,: Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wnt. Willdns, V. L. Dradiord, an7-tan . uHARVEY THOMAS, . STOOK AND BROKER, No: 312 WALNUT !STREET. ' Stooks and Ronda bought and acid on oommimdon. Promissory Rotes and Loans negotiated. 001-Imii TRYING - ROUSE, .1. _ NEW YORK, _ _, BROADWAY AND TWELFTH STREET, BNITNABON ON TWELFTH . OMEN, • . Conducted on the NIIBOPEAN PLAN. • This Lowe is now open for the accommodation of ramifies and transient Guest:. 4 ORO. W. HUNT . Late of the Brevoortflouse, Proprietoll. CHAS. W. NAM, _ - • :. - , J347-thstnent .0 ) - A SEVEN-OCTAVE $4OO I 1. , ROSEWOOD PIANO FOB s2oo—Fayable fa .easy sumo of Three Dollars per month., The The public will pleas* take notice that the books of the . PEILADELPRIA. 3113SIOAL SAVIEGS AffEE LOAN SOOIETY, -axe:now 'open to receive subectibkno te _a Fourth.Series.> The Vat dietribution'ot Selma-octave Doeesiood Pianos for this eeries will take plows at the Office N 0.1.021 OHESTEUT Street, on - TUESDAY, October 7th, 1862. at 3 o'clock. Oirciairs,Tiving - the full 'plan of- operations of this` highly_ beneficial institu tion, can• be had by applying to the" Secretary of the Society. oc4 tf THE FINEST 'ASSORT. 111 - 111 A . ! NENT new, modern, and durable PI ANOS front MI to 15490. : ' Also, Plt11101111World•renowned MMLODZONS aid 11ABMON11711113, for ()ash, at 'a great vedaotlon, or fa (mall monthly lostaltments. JAMES EIZLLAB, 279 an! 281 Booth FIFTH Street, above Samos. set-Bml9 WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE, VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES, &c., &c. All the requisites !or Preserving and Pickling Pnrposes • - ALBERT O ROBERTS. 'mu* IN GROONtII43 ) eeb-tf . 0081111111 ZLZVENTH AHD VIM". I. G. . • • ZINO, ARMY, AND TOILET mimosa, The beat in the world for thileh and durability. B. 111. 8. The beet brand Silk-finished VELVET RIBBONS. dole Agent, BENJAMIN M. EIMITII I , Ufa DUANE Street, near West Broadway, ae2o.llei New Yorlt. BLIND AND DEAF— Consult Dr. JAMES LEWIS, who unremitting oneness le meeting .with' the entire approbation of hie patients in Philadelphia. °Mee an North SIXTH Bt. se3o-italr 'CIE AND EAR.-DR. JAMES _L II • LEWIS, OCULIST and AMIDST, has again re turned from hie profeeeional tour in Europe. and perma nently located : • , at. No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Offloe home from 9t012 A. DI., and 2to4P. H. se 24•Imif* BLAKE'S PATENT ARGAND GAi MIAS= for sale by the eubecrtbera, sole agents therefor. Alt venous are cautioned 'against infringing said patent. EIEttRY 11. HOOPES & 00,, E 8 0011HEROIAL Street, BosroN, October 10, 1862. ooll•1m G•Y. BLAKI ST ON , NO. 22 • Eolith WATER Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer in Ohio and Illinois EROO4I CORN, HAN DLES., WIRE, TWINE, &c. ooll4so PATAPSCO DUOK Tor sale by • ocll•8t* SCCITCIt WHISKY.-25 puncheons James Stewart's Sae PAISLEY SALT, imported direct.. In bond and 1m sale by , • oclB-2= 'Flit*BA COTTA MANUBAOTORY. Hinging Vases Fancy Flower Pots. • Os at3ge Pole. Fern Vases. Ivy Vases., .garden Vales. Jatantn (Jonpre. Cassolette Ilenalesance. Oseeoletts Lonie XVL Lava Vases Antique. Pedestals, sll sizes. Console end cartatadee. Paean Baste.. Marble Pedestals For Bale Beta), and to the Trade. B. A. neiiatsox, ocls 1010 13111MTNUT Street.- GKN)DS -14ER:„NT AFTER FIVE YEARS aP DEPOSIT, JAY COOKE, stisbhirricaf AGENT; ItOICELS* PIANOS. H. NV GB i.Y. EleoreterY, °Mee, 1021 CHESTNUT Street C. 11 IWILLIBR, 2.X South 8/100.ND Street! xlatlibiath FRONT. .014111ISSION I A HOUSES A It VETT OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTILIGO. . _ WO.LFF: & 00:, 00 11 NIBOION MEBAHA•NTB t No. 132 OHESTNITT EMMET, PHILADELPHIL. • 117• A fait assortment of Philadelphisaatte Carpets always.in Store. 002 2m QEANILESS B A ("x 'S . Lewiston 3 Eu.hel. • ' Lewiston 23( -Bushel. • - • Lewbton 2.Basbel. and , Androscoggin 2-Enebel.' For sale, net cash on delivery, by . • • • GEO. GRIGG, . , ocl3 tf • - 2EI 01113E0E Ailey ARivry - GOODS. BARK-BLUR GOAT CLOTHS. DARE-BLUE OAP moms. SKr-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ABBY BLANKETS, S'I'ANI!ARD WEIGHT. Ito-ouz4oz DUOK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINES DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEAOHRD SHEETINGS AND SHIBTLNDS. - For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. sol-if WELLING„ COFFIN, 85 CO., NO. 220 OFEEBTIPITT STREW, are prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELiySay OF ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, OF STANDARD QUALITI. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MARINA° rurtme OP LADTP,S' FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCTI.STREET, BELOW NINTH Just evened; a large and handsome Stock or LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY, PUBS, of every descrip tion and in tbe newest and most approved styles, at the Dewed Cash Prime. ' oe'laos LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN. FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, MiI'ORTER exr, 14,ANI:MA.PrI7REB LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for adies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladles, please give me a call. cc3.4raif • SILK AND DRESS MOODS. FALL. STOOK SILK AND FANCY DREss GOODS. . . A -LITTLE ik Co.. se2s; 2m : No. 326 - MARKET BT. MILLINERY GOODS. 1862 FALL. 1 862 WOOD A CARY, WOOESSOBB TO LINCOLN, WOOD, & xionor,s,4 Have now In store a COMPLETE 81.00 K OF MILLINERY GOODS, O . OIISISTEsTG OF Silk, Velvet 2 and Oolored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons; &0., - To which they reepectfuni invite the attention of the former patrons of the House, and the trade generally. seB.2m KENNEDY &BRO. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW MONTH. HAVE NOW READY THEIR TALL IMPORTATIONS OE FRENOR FLOW.piRS. FEATHERS AND GENEBAI, lIMLIZTERY GOOD% seB-8m . FALL MILLINERY GOODS. KO SENHEIM, ICS,BRO 431 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, Haw) now open for their FALL BALES A LARHE AND HANDSOME STOOK OF FALL.MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING 07 RIBBONS, ~VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, AND MILLINERY: GOODS GENERALLY, To which the attention of the trade is RESPECTFULLY OOLWITED. se2o.2m BONNET AND BAT FRAMES, PATTERN BONNETS, AND DRESS CAPS.— he beat 'place to buy a Full Assortment, at Wholesale Cash Priam, is at EiORGAN'S MANUFACTORY. 40S AWE • Str. et. 640.1m* geip- MISSES OTRYAN, 1107 WAL NUT Street, will open FAZIO naLLumar for Fall on THUBSD&Y, October 2,1862.',001-18t* GENTS' FURNISHING• . GOODS. FLANNEL,. AND CLOTH OVER . SHIRTS FINE LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, On hand or made to order, of the moot approved cnt,, and warranted to fit. GENTLEMAN S WRAPPERS, The large et and beat aaaortment in the city. UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, I:FLOTES, TIES, dm. . .•.• WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL. G-. A. HOFFMANN, ed-tutho3m 600 AEOR• itiREET. JOHN C. ARRISON, Importer ;and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S. FINE FURNISHI.Ne GOODS' Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH 'STREET: FIRST STORE ABOVE MARlCBitifi..:. (FORMERLY J. BURR •MOORIPB.). -- The well known reputation of thiq eatablistOnent for selling Fine Goods at MODERATE PRICES will be fully enetained. P. S.—The celebrated IMPROTED PATTERN SHIRTS, co just's , popular, can be supplied at abort notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH' OVERSHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. ocll-ff GEORGE GRANT, ItIANDFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 OHICBTNITT BTBRIT. selS.3m FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The 'subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHItsTB, Which he makes a specialty in hie business. Ales), eon receiving 'NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S' FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, jag- tf Four doom below the Oontinentel. fit HYACINTHS, TULIPS,. ORO OUS, and all other 4arieties o 1 German Bulbs, for Pail planting, imported and for sale at low rates by . ROBERT BUNT & SON, itortienitund and Agricultural Warehouse, 922 and 924 MARKET Street, above Ninth. 0c16•6t - 4:llN.—Just received, per Brigantine NA NITA, from Rotterdam, an Invoice of Treble An chor Oln. D i or sale from-the Wharf, or from Custom house Store, by OHA& 8. Otatf3TAIRS, Bole Agent, Nos. 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITI Street'. sell .W.NGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. '350 ..1:1%. Boxes Choice English Dairy ORE ESE, bet re otivetrand for sale by ERODES R WILLIAMS, - No: 107 South WATER Street. IafERNETIOALLY Sealed Goode, for .II 1 Sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 South WATIS Street, consisting of /* Trash Peaches, Fresh Blackberries, • 44 Tomatoes, ~ Pine Apple, " Oorn, 44 Ample, " Peas, Meats of all kinds, . " Quinces, Poultry ." 64 44 Pears, soups 66 4t " Plums, Mushrooms, " Strawberries, Sardines. • Also; Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, American Pickles and Sauces, Camps, Jellies, Trult Syrups, French Mos. Lards; ICuslish Mustards, ~. ', 2 . - , - -. -. oc2-tf IYEW YIUBLICATIONS 7r)R. BOARDMAN'S SERMON.- Thie morning Will-be The Seuereigwy of God the Sure and Only Stay of the Christian' Patriot in Our Plalienest Frehhiei. A hermou preached fo the Tenth Preebyteilan Church, -Pbiti del pole, Reptembr r 14. and in the West Spruce-street oburch,September 28, 1882 . By the Rev. 11 CRAY A. -BOARDMAN, D.D. Price Ten Conte, or Twelve Copies for One Dollar. Publiqted by WAL $. & ALFRED KARTIEN, CIRCULATING LIBRARIES , . BROTH ERRE AD'S MOTT 1-LAtENG LIB BABY.—AII the SEW English and American dodo, including ALL (MASSE 3 of Lite ratnre. This is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all. the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTE here. Tema ea per year ; six months $3; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street, sett-3m 12NGLI ill AND - FREDIC E -FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DB LECTURE, 1317 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptlone per year, month, and day. General catalogue just publfehed, furnished gratis. In Frees, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Ll• brary:q - " Catalogue de is Bibtathdque des Dames et des Di. winner." M. M. WONICHESI, Agent, latt-Sun 1317 OH CSTNU T Street PHOTOGRAPHS. REMEMBER I TRAT REIMER .now offers. during war times, his sptendid .00r. trails, life-size P ILO TOGR&P ElSinoilcolon,totbe pub. lie, at reduced prices - BROOND Street, above Gl`rZeu. T I.IIE AND LE &RN 18 AN OLD 4 eating, but It you live forever, you will find no' better picrnres.or finer likeneeeee then RN 11.151t'd Co lored ETOTOGIStaPHS for SECOND dcreet, auleo Green - • it* (IHEAPEST - PLACE IN THE CITY IL". to buy PHOTOGRAPH &LRCMS, UMW POR TRAITS, and CARD FRAMES: & large lot of NE W STYLIMS,,juat reef Wed from AUCTION, and will be sold at a great reduction from klanufacfurers' prices Every Album warranted perfect. ' rrrOEFER, 0c11.6t 439 0 EIR MN'S T Street. TO COLOR CARD PH 0T °- GRAPHS in an elf pant manner, and not affect the fine surface in the least, is an easy process to any person, though not an artist by the use of lINWTOLti'd PREFARRO COLORS FOR ALBUIIER PIUTU BES Price per box, $3; with large bottle of redocleg lifittid, $3 25. Sole Agents for. the Bated States, ,T. E. TRITON & 00 , Boston. In this city gud State, SOHOLZ & JANENTZKY, 112 St nth 'EIGHTH Street, • OA I / 9 10N—The great popularity &rawly acquired by tbis valuable discovery has induced some dishonest persons to offer a" worthless article in Imitation. FIFTY DOLL &li will be psid for the conviction of any party selling their stuff- for Newton's Albumen Oolorf, ocll-sw los LEGAL. QBERIFIPB NOTICE E rinTranT COURT FOB THE our min COUNTY OF PHILLDELPHIA., City and Catinty' Philadelphia; au. THE CODIRIONWEALTA. OF PENNSYLVANIA TO THE SHILRIFF Ol ramaDELPEue COUNTY, GBE BTIL G ' If B HUNT make you secure of prosecuting his claim, then we command yon, -that you summon, by good and lawful sumer one, The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annnitier, True. tees under thelast will and testament of P CTEd L FE d- Gla()N, deceaeed, and aLEX thiDER C. FE RGl7doa, late Of yellr so that they bs and appear beiureour . Judges at Philadelphia, et-onr D strict Court for the City end County of Phimdelphia, there to be held the first 1110N . Ir ki or, December next, to show wherefore whereas they, tbe , Laid, dentandent and the _said defenpnt. gether and udivided, do held toll that certain nitesilige or tenement tavern end lot or- piece of land, situate in the late township of I3lockh4, now In the Twenty-fourth ward of the City of ,Phtladelphia, beginning et the !tenth west corner of HIM rforil street aad Thirty-ninth strain, thence extending westward along the south side of the said Haverford street, five and fifteen feet three and five. eighths inches, to , a point the intersection of the south side of the said Haverford street and the northeast sic e of the L anceleter Turnpike roan ,thence southwestward eleven feet and seven-eighths of an inch to the northeast side of the said Lancaster Tu'nplke road, thence south eastesard along the same two hundred and eighty feet, to the rorthweed side, of Garden street, thence northeastward along the Fa'd Garden street fifty-eight feet nine and five• eighths inches to an angle in the same, thence eastward along the north side of ,the -flail Garden street two hun dred and seventy -six feet ons Milt and seven-eighths of an. inch to the wrst side of the said. Thirty-ninth street, thence northaerd along the west sida of the said Thirty ninth street one hundred and fifty-three feet three inches, to the place of beginning—the tams defendant partition thereof between them to be made (according to the laws and customs of this Commonwealth, in such case made and.provided,) de gainsay, and the same to be done do not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and cus toms, (as it is said,) Sac. . and bane you then there the,nathes of those snrnmon ere Blld'ible wrt ' Win:ices, the Honorable GEnitGE 8 Q itHSWOOD, Doctor cf Lew, ['readout cf our Bad Court at Philadelphia, the Truth day of October, in the 3e tr. of our Lord one tboneand eista bundred mod e(xty•two. 006- tb St B E FLE LORE a, proProthonotary. UNITED STATES. EASTERN TRICSOF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF FENNBILI'AIiIA I GREETING:• WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Penn Sylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, flied in' the name of the United States of America; Leath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner 14 NEL LI It," 'whereof Rich ard 13. Eccles is n aster, her tackle,' soparel, - and farnie true, and the goods, wares, and 'merchandise laden thereon, captured as prize by the United States ste emu . ' "AL CB ittlA," Lieutenant Clotntateding •Wlll-doa F. Tltixten, to be monished, cited, land ceded to judgment, at the time and place underwriden, and to the effec there after expressed, (justice so requiring ) You are there fore charged, and strictly enjoined' and commanded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at loast two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal. InteirVencer, you do monish' and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all 'persons in general who have, or pretend' to have, any' right, title, or interest - in the said schooner • NE LLIE." her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares. and m rchandise," to 'appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALA.DEIt, • the *Judge •of • the said Court, at the District Ofeurt-room; in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reaumible and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner "NELLIE," her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise should not be prononneed to belong, at. the time of the cap. tare of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies, — or otherwise" lie. ble and subject to condemnation,- to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawtul 'prizes; and •farther to do and receive in this behalf . 'as to justice shall appertain. And that yon duly intimate.' or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above Mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said 'District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjndication'on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner NELLIE," her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States •of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned . as lawful prize,. the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding; and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. • • . Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia; this fifteenth day of OCTOBER, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty seventh year of the Independence of the said United States. • • ocle-3t G. B. 70X. Clerk District Court. PROPOSALS. NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN, that PLANS. and SPECIFIC/L[IOSE. for a SOB 00L-HOUSE will be received by the undersigned, at the office of the Board of Controllers, southeast cor ner of PIXTH and aDIBLPHI Streets, until MONDAY, the 90th inet , at 12 &clock EL The School. house to be erected on a lot of ground at tuate at the southwest < corner of Twentieth and Oaths rine streets, 100 feet front by 72 feet deep. Tbe building to be two stories in height, and not to coat over thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500), including cost of plans and superintendence., Ily order of Committee on Property.. JAMES D. O&M PBE i.L. oc10:3t Secretary Oontrollers Public tichools. pROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOR 18e3. • - QUARIbIRMASTER'S OFFICE, IT S. M. o.‘ WASIMIGTOIN, October 14, 1862. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until 3 o'clock P. 81 of the 18th day of NOVN 118 CR next, for furnisling RATIONS tolhe United States &La tinos, at the following Stations, doting the 1863, Portsmouth, New Hampshire:- Charlento IND, iffassachusetts. Brooklyn, -Long Istand, New York. •.. - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . :Washington,.District of Columbia. • Gosport, near N orfolk. Virginia. Each Ration to consist of three. quartero of a pound of mete pork or baton, or one and a fourth ponnde of fresh or salt beef; tiventy.two ounces of breed, made of extra superfine flour, or in lien thereof twenty-two ontices of extra superfine Hour, or one nomad hard bread, at the option of the Government; and at the.rate of eight quarts best white beans, or in Hen thereof ten pounds of rice ; ten pounds of good coffee, or in lieu thereof one and a half pounds of tea; fifteen pounds of. good New Orleans sugar; four quarts of vinegar; one pound of sperm can dles, or one and a fourth pounds of, adamantine candles, or one , end -a half pounds of good, hard.dipped tallow candles; four Pounds of good, hard, brown soap; two quarts of salt, and one hundred ponds of potatoes, to each hundred refloat. The increased allowance of four ounces of flour or bead, end the allowance of potatoes; as above provided, will cease at the termination of the present insurrection, and the ration •be as provided by law , and regulations on the let of /lily, 1861. , The beef shall be delivered on the order of the ,com manding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration; and' shall consist of the best and most choice pieces of the carcass; the pork to be No. 1 prime Wen pork; and the groceries to fe) of the best quality of kinds named. , All subject to Inspection. All bids must be, accompatied by the following gua rantee: Form, of, Guarantee. The undersigned, —, of —, in the. State of —, and —, of —, in the State 'of —, hereby guaranty that In' case the foregoing bid of --, for rations, as above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days alter the receipt of the contract at the poet office tamed, execute the contract for the ewe, with good and sufficient sureties; and, in case,the said ---- shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, we gnarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said and that which may be accepted. 'Witness: E 1862. I hereby certify that the above-named -- are known to me as men of property,"and able to make good their guarintee. (To be signed by 'the United States District Judge, Unit.el States District 'Attorney, or eoliector.) b.ro proposal wilt be considered unless accompanied by the abate guarantee. ' - (liewspapers authorized to publish the above will bend the paper contaiiiinglhe first insertion, to this of for amination ) • Proposals to be endorsed' " Proposals for Bottoms for 1868," and addressed to the undersigned. -- • - W. B. &AOK I oclO th it Major and Quartermaster.. AND 4 . irt , TRUSS AND BRAZE P41311 ' O. H: NICHOL:11B, Conker TW.HLITH sad R&M Streets, Philadebbit. Herrdal Tramp gold mechanical anftanzes c or room adjnated 13 .. . H. ITEEDLIBEI. line Trench and approved American, adapted to ever f a rm of rupture, in adults - end children, Iluglisb American Supper*" and `Belts,• Shoulder. Braced, SwF pensories,'Xlastio Stocidnirs,'and •Syrinxes in greet va riety. Ladies' Derinitment, — TWlLETH Street, - dry door below Boos. Ootidneted by ootapetent ladles; 606 OHIBSTNTIT Street. A. 8., Guarantor. O. D., Guarantor. AUCTION SALE AUCTION 'NOTICE. LARGE SPECIAL SALE SHAWLS, Of the Importation of • MESSRS. H. lIENNEQUIN dc CO., OF IQEW YdEK. 'JOHN B. MYERS & CO. Auctioneers Vlll sell OR ittOkiIjA.Y.NOBNItiG, OCITOBEB 20th, , . By catalogue, on FOUR (38,1D1,T, atoll Aseortment of SHAWLS, &0., Compriehig ' • • EQUARK:AND LPlsicc a EIi&WLS, VIENNA BROOILE*SHAWLS, Of but make!, and in SPECIALsaIsa& PHILADELPHIA MABEE "1"Ilta' e". VERY RICH SUPERIOR QUALITIES OP OHAISTE LdCDIi SHAWLS A-line of very elegant &L OAeIIBIGRE LONG sgAwLse OF Fatis make for be city trafle SQUARE AND LONIT MAINE LAI9E PARIS RATE Bala JOE SHAWLS, In New and ologaut . Patterne. A complete assortment of Square and Long BLACK THIBET MERINO SHAWLS, Wool fringes, fine to extra s extra qualities A choice line of BLAO)LBROORE DODDERED STELLA BRAWLS, : Including some very rich goods. A full assortment of 11ILATY ALL-WOOL PLAID SHAWLS. An invoke of fine to extra rich all-wool PANOI AND fittIrPHERD PL&ID SHAWLS The above of the Importation of S.•HFNNEQUIN dcCO.,' Includid in the sale of MOND'S V, 20th October. will be found 'a large fiSaoiiMent of P &RIR RED GLOVES,. Also, black and Fancy Groa de Rbines, Poult de Bolos, Ribbons, &o. JOHN B. MYERS &G/3. P oclB-4t • AUOTIONESTO AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Lessee and Manager.. Wlli WHEA.TLEE. POSITIVELY. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF GABRIEL -RAVEL AND TROUPE, AND YuUNG a lIIERDIA. • THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, OUT. 16, ' TUE REt) GNORE, (Gast Time.) GABRIEL RAVEL as the Ftaiogs w&grac t it, Touktet AIIEBIG4 as the. - BED GNOME, TEE BRIGANDS, (Last Time) . GABRIEL RAVEL AND TROUPE. YOUNG SiSERIIA in a flatter's Hornpipe ' TWO GREG 'RIES VAUDEVILLE 005IPANT. A7' For full particulirs are vine!! 20.11108R0W, BENEFIT OF . GABBIEL RAVEL. Admission 50 and 25 cents. Doors open girl; com mence at 7%. Seats secured three dale in advanoe, without extra charge. 'UR& _ DREW' S LEW. sTRZET THEATZ,B.- Business - Aiterd and Treasurer" Mal). Anwar. . THIRD. WEEK. OF 111138 13,51Fritta.vd. TO•NIGHT (TIIIIELSDA.T);I.I3T Gisdat.Disre; - 011,i - LOYE'S TI.CTORY, MIES EAT '.MAIL sa GER %LOIRE. J. W..WALliaoE!aa .AN -Er, afo . 'MMUS ApAbff• p er ,auscaT. A L RATER/LA aa ./aLrip. To corclads wIth.AN OBJEOT OF INTEBE if. FRIDAT. Benefit of Mtaa BATEMAN. AfAuftETA, walks great rant Doors open at . 7 --to coadaenee at 'TX o'cloa. Eeatat:ecured etx Jape in Mamma: WALNUT -STREET THEATRE7 Sole Lessee Dire. M. A GABBETTSOS Rosiness Agent • Dir. JOHN T. DONNELL , FOUBTII4IIO HT of Mini OIItBL )TTE TEIO HON. THIS (TOUR 3DaY) EVENING, 00T. ; 16 , Will be pelf, rmed Bhekspeare'a T agr4y, in Ade, of ROUE() AND JULIE r. JULIET Mee TOO t1P.3.. , 0N. To conclude with the Farce of POOR PILLICODDY., Jobn Peter .Pilu a ddy Mr Vining Bowery. Doom open at 7—Performance commence! at 73i. A BEL &CO.'S bTEREOPTIOON, -.L SSE 111 OLT BUILDINGS, Tenth and Chestnut etst. Exhibiting Every Evening Thie Week. Admieeion 25 cents. Commence'ar 8 o'clock 0c18.64 QT. GEORGE'S CRIPSET GROUND, THIRTEENTH. Street, eheve EU Avenue. GREAT PELIC3TRIAN FEAT,. AND GRAND CONCERT, • THIS. DAY. Feats reserved for Ladies and Children. A d minden to the Ground sad Seas, 10 Gents. 0e14.60n N C.E R FALL=LEOTUBN V ROOK ; • OAPTAIN:WILLIAMS , SOUTH BEE. • WHALING VOYAGE!. EVICENIEVENING, al quarter to 8 0 , 1;look. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 8 o'clock. Admhafoo, 26 cents: Uttlklten half price. oc9•tf pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE RIMS ARTS, . . 10k5 OBESTNtIr EITRIRT, Is open daily (Sunda's excepted) froin ft A: IVE: itti a P. M. Admiesion 26 cents. Children half price. • Shares of Stock, $3O. i 99 WARTS. • et 'WANTED: TO • PBOEFABII, Ma- for mak lint class BESIDENID,an firab r ghe4 nut, or Walnut... Rear, west of Broad. Address W. T. Box 1879 Philadelphia Post Office. . • *ell& Mk* NVrAN TED—A FRENC &DY, to give lessons in French and Music. No OILIC need apply unless she hut had experience in teaching and can furnish satisfactory references. Address 0 P. Q... 424 South ELZVZNTH Street. Philadelphia. se22-tf PARTNER WANTED, WITS: A6S,COO capital, to take one department of a paying businem in the beet location in the city, the twolepart-- meals being too mach for one canon to attend to. Ad dress "M,"Box 2281 Poet Office. stattog when% a-con fidential meeting (an be bad. Probably some wawa meat can be made if a partnership is objectionable. ocliMmw 3t* AND SOMEBMALLEIt s3,sovy same, Trust Funds, to Loan on (Sect gage JOH4 B. flolittaka, oell.etutkit* No. 142 South MOTH Street. BOARDING: PLEASANT SECOND:. STORY rooms, with board, et sel7.lm PERSONAL ARREARS OF PAY, BOUNTIES', PENSIONS, procured. Claims cashed or advanced uoon: JAMES FULTON, - Solicitor for Claimants, No. 424 r Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dia. tains. 0616 tf 1:711 iJ:I SAFE DEPOT RE MOVED to No. 41 south SIMON= street, Emit the Institute. The undertdgned, thankful for past favors, and Meg. determined to 'merit future patronage, bee secured ast elegant and convenient store. and hoe now on hand t, large assortment of belebrated Wrought sad Milled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Was, (the OE4- Aridly fire and burglar proof safes mode.) iB _Also, Llass. Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looms. Lillie'' Bank Vault Doors and Looks win be furnished. to order on short notice. Tide is the strongest, beet Yew tooted, and-oheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular- attention ie coned to Lfille's New, Cabinet date, for Plate, Jewelry, dye. This Safe is *Gu arded to surpass ,to style and elegant* anything yet fared for this purport., and is the only one that Is striotts - Ore and burglar proof, firm:nal. Norida.—l have now on hand Pay twenty 4, Farrel, Honing, & Co.'s Wee, most of them nearly nets, and some forty of other makers, comprising a comstalet assortment as to pines, and all lately exchanged for tk*: now celebrated Ulla Bate. They will be sold r 4 wrs low. prices:. Please call and examine. ja2s-Iylf M. O. BABLI4, Ageas IbEVANS. & WATSON'S . SALADIARDZIL SAloa STORE, 18 8017TH FOIMTH STREET, • P 1 4A.DTLPHIA, PA. A large _viriety of 7111E-PBOOT SAFES always o► band. INSURANCE tX/M'AeNIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINI. INSITRANCE COMPANY. 40.11103 415 WALNIIT MOOT, PEEILADIMMEILL OAPPE&L 0200,000 Thla ,company contirtrus to take rieke en the• eeiu Idiom of Property at low mass. The patio can rely upon its reeponsibßity, and, &b . ty to pay lessee promptly. Its diebunieutentt for ttFdY Benefit of the public, dtualos the last nine years, ssoesio 50 O.0&0. and we respeotfully solSeit its favor lithe Mars. DIBIOTOILS. CHAS L DUPONT, 'KILEY WAT.wirrit, JO= W.OLAGEMBIN, JOHN THORNWIIIr, O. 7. KELZLITT, ABBARA.II. HAS, DAVID BOYD, Jet., MOYNE Et 808, 0t511.14,, WIS. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SEIBBPADa JOSZPII KLAPP, M. D. S. ILAWBBNOB, WIA. O. RIMMLN, JOHN SIIITIABB. THOMAS CBAVBX, Pte . A. S. 6111.LITT, Vice Preleira.... JAS. B. LLITODD, Secretary. aree-*/ VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, Jl.! No. 406 ONESTIMT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INEURANCA. DIRROPORS. F. N. Bnck, B. R. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, jr, - P. S Juatlef l , Alex. Whilldin, Washington &Inca, , Oeo. A. West, Mum Stokes, 'O: W. Davie, John W. Beeman. 2.8314(38 N BIiQUIE, President. - CHARLES RIORARDSON, Vice President XILLIAMS.II. RIANORARD, Fecretary, (inhl9-If tt nommONWEAL BANON COMPANY 0 SYLVANIA. David Jayne, M. D., John M. Whitall, Xdward C. Knight, Thomas S. Stewart, Henry Lewis, Jr: DAVID JAY JOHN M. W SAMUEL S. NOON, Sec Office, Commonwealth Street, Philadelphia. UOTTON BAIL DUCK AND OAS. MSS, of all numbers and brand f. llavan , a Duck Awning Twills, cg all damodptkonk fair t e nth Awnings, 7'l=km:id Wagon Oman. papa Manntantatone Drier Felts, lion 1 %IA 'act widc Tarenilits, Belting, Ball Twine, dro. 50111 N ' l 6; IIVIIBMAN• a de:, Ante twxy. 307 South THIRD Street. H FLUE INSU THRBTATIA OF PENN. l Charles B Rogers, dolm E. Walker, B )hert Shoemaker, William Struthers,. Elijah .TOllBl3. NE, Al. D.. Prask l 66 3, t: ITALL, Vise lengths& rotary. :radius . , 613 47111031111 Err ee4•£[
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