, . , ..... 111,117-- :-........--- II igldef Paroles of the story While we put V 1 °,,. iV, tilighes. [lcomenee SOPlkkie I We f rr c H g o es to tell us that ho will drag thie Stale rcl.'' o n, and join it !c) the cursed Confederacy: . 11-' pa il him out !' J Yes, we will drive him ir—,. No to it that all his friends go with him 0 410 I vo w en here who is entitled to a vote on . IVO I;et w hy does vet deposit ic for the uncoutfl• .0 v'' ,'iket, or the whole of that ticket, I sa it I:slleat tied. who will not have perform d Y til O' p pew who heeltstes now Oen be re! doll'orre, a true, a loyal man. [ &volatile.] dp3 fi , ect ivu a the ticket I might probablY hallo dui iil";;iwet emcee', but Me le no dine fur par. pee 4 10 0. 1 DOW recognize no right in myeeif re l.„coon, to do that which Tear endanger on; o 11:1; y Nenrry, [applause] I am bound to ','' f ir fur Me Union ticket, and being en bon d ,',or'ellordlo cast it against all who associate with n 0- 4 h i, peg. proinense applause and cheers.] 1,,P111111 honor la It, that when I got up I did !.. j to I ily a word. [Uausbter, and cries of c• Go 1 1, ri Ord, niy friends, this le hot work; but if . I(' , - 'OO a furnace Oven times heated I would to Wire then toad as follows, each 009 r-,ercilegred)llo' with Jowl and entheelastic cheers: r TILE RESOLOTIONS. ~g f That We have entireinc te onfidence in the able 1p r „towh ee grity, and the pelt. bralism Lincoln. President 1 Or trr l$ od of the' eminent citizens whom he nbr ' rr e°eseitutional advisers. -:l'"Thet, throwing aside all preconceived ,d port) pretillec.love. we will we every efOrt, j„d, n cheer W and ools strengthen the Oin 3 ore of I,l4 ' l , e rti I their eudeavors to save our om the dangers ahich envelope it, and '''''; v ile 1 3,e vile rebellion which tills our land with Ol ,e‘l t gly M the too of ever That, inas tor the ova throw deelring of the rebeLion, we y ti ro" oe President's proclamation of emonolpa ettivrO'h,e3,o3 that, more than almost any other, 'Virtu, rt . tom ve Cl the enemy. hot we are Inspired with Wormed love tdrtre towards our patrietto Uenerai Antei c Ore er No. 103 Just Joined. whioh he ha of the army to carry into effect the P" t tae enclootion proclamation , and all other ,Irteo,hgol nem by the etc `authorities for of rebellion The whole country will -j ' ierible telling rebuke of those sympathizers illori who have been lesion %Nog toat there teas gr a ,g ()AMOY Bed cordiality between him and alloottall on 1 ,4 That while it la natural that we each should riclol favorites, it le our duty, as loyal cid asd encourage all the generals and other r . . how. our Government, in the exercias of ;,,trom gll,eretieu, maintain in command. 1 4, Ttnt Governor Om tin, and tne 311 obi) , ouswered his call. deserve the grati ,tat loyal inhabitant of Pennsylvania, for their eiertiono to nave her soil from the Maori d ol Olen" of a rebel invasion. p i. T o p sail citizens, whether of native or of 0110, nod whatever may have been their past „A 8 101110301 being equally interested in the trottoo of our Union 93 one nation, and in the lowa of our republican iostitutions, owe it to , tt ,t nu sod to God, to do t 4 it best to stature the is of of trust and power of suoh men only t: plea% mend our Government in its eff)rts , c ,,h peen-ration. for the suppression of rebellion, g me Vailshmnit of treason r. 1141 'That no one nominated by itheme in ayrn , t on t traitors, or clamorous for 90 Ignoble peace, le RIP hoer of our country's I mm i n e n t peril, be I..l,eitpd eith the monatement of public affairs. That we cordially recommend the citizens of i 3 0, 14 to vote, nt the ensuing election for the 13. t a:est, the tickets nominated by the National pt teemed of true and loyal men of riaa. sp i t ad, 7hlit a sileceniful attempt to overthrow onr icsa litlou would menu more, far more, than the it nt.liAuteci of Iwo prest confederacies instead of it You'd or an di•oste.r end disruption clntloned, (Aril irate should be disnnited from all others, and eriL•rel in welt; It would mean confasiou and •,-r; a would wen anarchy first, and despotism wo uld wean petty tyrants everywhere, ; dukes of New York, counts of New igu princes of Pennsylvania; it would v t.tn - t r the rich and degradation far the poor. 1. , :• , a nut every hotierable man TIOWs w ith ii sod detestation the insincerity of those tiny ,t w ist rbeetvtince Of the ijonstitatlou, whim twit pt, , r, vitt rebels mitring to destroy the whale rho chimer for the .* Mahn as it, suit f tends would leave Ala no Union at all; and r u in: and !pined over the snspenslono' the hab, as ILl34l , gtment of Indives eel liber , v, while I,:dlwlwn they are in league era ttrivlog to de h tabertv and to establish an aristocracy arum tr)rt al. piteto. - toird That Ito venerate the memory of the glo dt.!l who hose 'alien in defence of our Onion; that Vo a 0 di.tent owe will honor them; and that 11Wttit btoi our childrein's children, to the remotest sill Men them, es we now bless our Itevoin ?ave. si‘ficli OF !lON. VILLTATI D. KELLEY. t,,; ;:,0 NATIONAL UNTON PARTY femnoihere to vonc dire 1 thank you for the cot dial recap• h ive trim me, but I am here to plead for our tr, buerty, for conathutional freedom, for go. law ad order, and peace. lam bore to plead rpri of Abraham Lhioolit, and his pltrtotio rauetion, which to to-day the p4tadinm of freedom I. Give way to toe Yenceys of &labami, and it r• 11 of Pallueutplillb—[epplaust I—the Masons soi the Reeds of Pennsylvania; give way ,:‘ c.a oho have signalized their treason to their r.--1 care cot whether the traitor livee North or , t Potomac; I care not whether the treasou be the tine or the Ito/Moue tongue, he fa DODO the lead a trot larb aim among oa. Our Sag has not only urea, but our brothers and When have been 4 , euthirn tillex, Thousands of bur fellow -. 'DV6 whiled Iu defence of our fteg, cud yet is n,en—act Ye partisans In what la celled the De. Yq party, some of whom, in my own ward, who r.l , idly said that ft a ruddier wad hungry, they • film with a crust of bread. The men PAI.A . I beie declaration@ were °Maw holders under • It:ctenen'e odretestradou—associates of Floyd, a'..d the other traitors who filled the Southern ern P and ammunition, and made bankrupt ODD trr usury. en party. I have been addressing two or three art , l , h,fore t came hero, aud, a, I seconded to r;l. I thanked God to see Ms chairman here. [A.p. F r thirty Irma we hive been personal friende, :.!CV tor the find time in my life, I welcome him t:cc.er ii the political :amp p plan. se ] I know at , I 14;1010 on the flog or my couutry thirty boor DIN it shall wave in 16 Supreme majesty over f,,ut ctnui I shall belong to no party. lam with .4 he will fight for that deg. He in my politi e. -.01 , cptcces it. [App'ause ] I behold on abe plat :l'. P:4.0100 townsman, Honest John Otivode. ...II A cord about my own canvass, Look at my [ , :q I vote for an Administration Speaker? Did 7 ;t Otinntatration organization of the [Tome 1 r ewry • Mt aFIUTO recommended by Abraham b.* Calcined If I dli, anti I bulleve I did, 11.. i? Administration. I voted with the Ad. iv; the honie.tead hill, I voted with the tho' Pacific liallroaa bill, that great -Mean the Beet and the Went. And, what 1- VI, I voted for tite bill to punish polygamy in pplatr vl to no: went Pfiiindekbia to send a man to o - Ain move for the repeal of the polygamy 1 Lac„ Lotlatg 1 nay egelnat the reepectacitttr of wt-riot : he in. for eneht. I know, a worthy man,.' iii.! int, however, are conetrtoted on cliff rent le. I hove been ripable to Mealier any bi.iher or 'shoo the that contained to the New Testi- alicbmymolhrr taught my Wiping Hee the 'F .'ll.ler tied the beautlludes. I bold In equal con- the Horan ;Indite; book of Mormon ; eo, too, to, I rtilotophy, /have been •able to nod no instrn. nor ILitintt alit; bletelugi to mien, or more hod prop putty to the oeopiP, than 11, 1 ,-, ;4Biverance•held out In'the iJonttitntion to ;", • ' Ober lands, Cittrderate Oonatttution, trench a thing there be, atfintd contempt—Re - mach so at I do the tTNomor, and In that, it seems I differ with my 0 7 I,oreat endowed If you think he can grp. lb!Ritauge, vote fur him ; I ant the enemy of every vto cdu,a to sustain Abraham Lincoln. I wit ao;lnrt to the Ad miniotration. If you wan' o , y ,;; to go allainpt trio Administration, vote against t'.;; fa e ere for the Administration, I claim your ;;;tlla; thEu retiTad amid. Krout oPplause. The tr.iashAttiuttd lion John °wroth), who ohohe .11:E1.11 OF HON, JOHN 00VODE. time I spoke in this house I followed Humph- Ylr Illumphrey Marshall Is now a leader In 16 .- army. I sty now left horn with you to dlsonss :ha day, I scarcely know how to la k to hair !W . ( lord to able orators this evening, bat C. nevertheless, interest you and treat on to 'oust) I think I know more about the influences 14 , 1:414t on this wicked rebellion than the most of vv. , 5,01re in punt life. was on the Oommittee tltiort of the War. and in my service there I tin e deplorable condition of the country at the tr Iluo-In care Into power. It was my. bosiness Om Influences had been used, ATI d pirticu 1' cut who TVIO the ' I /WOO 91 the clattlea Le!' -re I found oct the moot of them. I sent an "tot.e them, who came back and reported that w 33 to tine neatest the Goverriumt winder of Gee. itteullongh. Their schemes were aid w ell 15111. Their principal design was to pre notch. re from peeing through Baltimore, , ir'hu7 Io vitilleste the national authority. Al - 'o,,tt rse to roim ndirhief in our very midst, by tt,tirp 'volts:tier:4 trim joining the army Have r, r 11.4104 of the core Man of the Government at e, ul thoc.prioripal army end naval offictsro in the int 01 the retn.i!on I our ahipti on foreign station, su. , y way oil in New fdexicol When we for protection, we found that we were d eien) al men—scarcely an army or a eat lift to oust An the Government. In that " hsd to do .something; we resolved to call This was a signal to the traitors to rise I:1P) resolved to strike in Baltimore. And Wi-c , We then had only about two hundred and surrounding the President True, ~ f ponds and the soldiers of the regn'ar us In our trouble; and it 35 a remarkableLAl lloonshout the whole history of that dark Y"' l % 110 of the rank and file of the United 13tatee , known lo betray the Governmeat, [A.p. 4 ' l litf no all night to give you anything like a t too; but I wish to calf your attention to licte de' pare a our condition wee, and our concealed from the PelPie• It was did to no one la due No much praise in aid -14, r,,,1 srment at tide time ee to Colonel Thomas A.. *ifrurta to transport the soliiere were unre 'u. I,i this deplorable condition did air. Lincoln Its tou , try when be came into power. and ;': laud sympathizers no here tell you Black Republican War I" v , as commenced In the Charleston Convention, w,rible man knows that. The war gained yoeugh the sympathy of the NO called Demo men must be pueikbed. Now, I Ray to vcrh, in earnest in support of the Union boteed upon it, that If they be elected, they %nod in Congreea cooperating with Voltam ,'.Vccrliree. or Ben Wood. [ek voice, if How about 1 Well, i once thought that Biddle war a good tt (1,1 be soon went over to the rebels. [Laughter.] 1. ". 1 2, I will not detain you longer so I bid you I'vmAßgs or Wit. 11, MANX, EN. hisna, &ed., wee the last speaker.Ete field 411 it !Ow words to be added to those Out had t ' r " said. Ile had observed that there was CI . E i.wamn et the meeting, and bo thought It was 11,1),PtAtAt for a set of men like those assembled r " Inimplcd down. There Was never any ir that bold fillet a intellOg ae this that could be wltltcsi t ' 16 " 1,1 ). He observed before him men of creocle, besides 'numerous new faces never r ILa . "4 " 11 gathering of tbis kind, Re also missed handier ones, and these tonight were engaged in for their country under the brave Mo@lellan. hkib fl ' a "Y of them have also fell, and sleeP s " t !Or ght l 3l3 they have fought, We would RZumis. Martfore, If we did not tight the foe at r g il lhbilY tie our brothers and eons are doing 1 3 :, r4 to decide et the coming election between the Lf 4,6 bi of Jeffereor Davis and that of Abraham f' l Wenn+ I There are but two parties noci— tee'''''bte9 and those against it. The MEUE4OO ~10 ith,l3l Dreckinridge party really wish Stonewall 45s to room into Penosylvenia, and set up their 61,Gosernment. It seemed strange to the speaker 0, 41 1 L1 '"n4 evinpaihY could be for the rebellion .and A country. He had no patience with snob men. Ctr,"od th ey never came near him. He only heard tr : brid ev. r em them ;if be did; he would tear ILond to In concluding, he tme, :q , m them all to do their duty at the polls on ' ;Va. and am sus Linco i n nt . a, by their votes, the Govern "uati "ling then adJournid with loud cheers for the ' lll. tteS of the Natlonar Union party. L"Git SALE'OIO 'FOREIGN AND DoUßlrrio DRY 1 ' 4 4 " SHAWLe, •Ec.—We invite the early atten , I l arebatiers to th large and. desirable as- Eat of foreign and e domestic dry goods, em kior. ° 4 4 L 011 l NO packages and lots of staple and lirti c loB l bousekeepiog linen goods, shawls, goods, velvet vestin, &a, ' including full 141:f vesting e, goods, to be peremptorily sold, by if 14x14 fresh on a oredit of four months, commencing ii,r l'4 ' :. ' 47l ,g, at ten o'olook, to b continued Jut la terrnission, all day, by John e B, Myers , tueti " (lsl ll, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street. Trig 1 p, CANT FURNITURE to be sold to..raorrow , Walnut street, may be examined to. 10 to 2 o'clock. Bee. Thomas & Sons -1 0.0 Esul advertisements. THE CITY. TOE ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS BEE TOIIRTH NM.] LAD DROWNED WHILE BATHING IN THE DELAWARE OAU nos TO PARENTS.— About two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Master Wash ington at. Flood, a lad, about twelve years of age, eon of William IL Hood, Era member of the Philadelphia Bar, residing at 268 South Fourth street, lost his life under the following sad circumstances : The lad was a pupil in the Front-etreet School, and during recess pro ceeded, with a number of his eohool-fellows, to the first slip above Pine street, (Delaware river,) to bathe. -Be lts unable to swim, the lad entered the water holding on to the painter" rope of a scow, which was moored in the dock. While in this posttion another boy jumped into the water and struck therope;knocklng the deceased from his hold, who sank immediately and was drowned. Flood tide was in at she tame, and it is supposed that the =fortunate little Bellow was forced under the scow. The dock has been dragged, but the body has not yet been found. The river and harbor police are still seaming for it. As it is impossible for tne police to prevent this System of bathing, still extensively resorted to by boys, along the hue of our river front, it is desirable on all hands that parents and guardians should exercise ~more vigilance over their children in order to prevent them from thus daily pealing their lives. It is a sad duty that we have to perform in recording these accidents, but what a calamity it must be to kind and indulgent parents thus to have a favorite child maidenly anatohed from them through reprehensible conduct. CONVICTED OF IiONSE Yesterday morning, In the Criminal Court, Jeremiah hoffy, alias Dorsey, was put on trial charged with horse stealing. The evidence wee, the horse was taken from the stable of the owner by the defendant, who offered re tell the animal to the captain of a boat on the dchuylkil canal. The owner discovered his horse towing the beet up the canal, near Phoenixville. The defendant wet on board the boat. Be bald that he did not intend to steal the horse. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner woe sentenced to an imprisonment of eighteen months. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR iSIOIC AND WOUNp. ED HOLDIER3.—Lodges Noe. 16, 28, .16, and CT. of the American Protestant Astociation have made the folio w ivg very generoue contributions for the benefit of diar sick and wounded soldiers: To the Christian Commission $lOO 00 To the Hospital, Fourth and George streets.. 50 00 To the Hoepital, Filth and Matter streets.::. 50 00 To the Hoepttal, Broad and Cherry streete.. 50 00 To the Hospital, Race street 50 00 To the German Hospital, Turner's lane 50 00 To the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, 50 00 The above amount was the proceeds of a recent exour- FlOl3 given by these societies to Atlantic City. Bleesre. J. McCracken, J. McCain, Thoa . Conn, and the otner members of th committee, deserve great credit for their exertions in raieing the above creditable contributions : Yesterday morning Mayor Henry received from Al fred T. Jones, yresident, and H. Pollock, and H. M. Boer, committee of the Hebrew Society for visiting the sick and wounded soldiers, a •contribution of $lOO, to be distributed among the army hospitals la this city, or for the benefit of al) ll.' S. Sanitary Commission, an the Mat or may think proper. ANOTHER MASS MERTING.— A G erman mass meeting of the friends of the National Administra tion was held, last evening. in Girard avenue, above Ele‘vecth street. The meeting Wee presided over by Di, fenbsch, who, upon taking the chair, made an addreas in German. Re was (allowed by Judge Kelley, Frederick Dittman, and others. Much enthusiasm and good feeling ptevalled. ASTRAY.--A little girl named Eliza both Green, late from Norfolk, Va., lute lost herself or got separated from hi r parents. She le now at the Second district Mine Station. The names of her parents are Robert H- and Mary Green Information of the parents' whereabouts will be thankfully received at the Central Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph Station. SAD IS COIDEIM About 8 o'clock las miring a daughter of Mr. Petty, aged five years, fel from the tl trd•ttory wiudow of her father's residence, a Ntheteenth nod Oilve streets, and broke her neck. Coidlagration m the Ott Region—lleavy Loaf es OIL CITY, Pa., Oct. 8, 9 P. 111.—A. terrific fire is aging' on Oil creek, on the Blood & Tarr farms. The oil wells and several refineries are in flames, and a large amom. t of oil has been consumed. The flames extend over half a mile. The loss is estimated at from $100,900 to $200,000. The Plowing wells are still on fire. 30,000 Morris of oil have been destroyed, besides a great many buildings. CITY ITEMS. THE THIRTY-FOUR HOSPITALS AT FEEDE max, .11/O.—A gentleman from New England writes to Joseph Story, Ern, President of the Young Men's Christian Amt.:teflon, Benton, a letter from Frederick, 111 d , abeut the wounded there, and Mr. Story limas it to George H. F. tunrt, Etg , of the Ohrietian Commission. We gather frcm it the following fuels: Semkaries, thurehes, houses, barns, and sheds are in use as hospitals, thirty four in all, and all full. Between 6,000 and 6,000 men, wounded in all conceiva ble forms, are Mill there. 7 hey are brave and uncom plaining, but In peed of many things. Strange to say,- they come and go, many of them, in shirts and drawers; they have not even pants to put on. Although the Go vernment has thousands of pants to give them, yet the routine of obtaining them is too long and too slow to re lieve the poor fellows,,and nakeduesti, as well as perils by shot, shell, and balls. seems to be entailed upon them as Fart of their noble martyrdom for Liberty and Union. They greatly need crutches, too; all have to hobble and hop, If they can, when moved. Some use crab sticks, others pieces of boards, or whatever other extempore canes they can pick np, to help them to and from hospi tals, depots, Am. They greatly need, also, wines, cor dials, jellies, shoes, and slippers. He concludes by saying: 41 Send somethinp to my ad dress, and quickly. Hundreds are going to their graves for went of these things. Make the case known. I ern driven day and night." Articles sent in to George H. Stuart, Eat ,-Chairman Christian Mission, 13 Bank street, will be promptly for warded. MESSRS. BROADBENT & CO., THE EMINENT TlTOTOGneruince, - Nos.^ 912 and 914 oheetnitt -atm.:Aram now daily making pictures for persons of distinction, both hole and from abroad, in every style of the art, and all Who examine their pictures aro tmanimons in pronouncing them the lineal ever produced, in every particular. A, vleit to their beautiful speoimen galleries is worthy a lhousand miles' journey, and no stranger should visit Philadelphia without spending an hour at Raoarmaut,s. THE OSBORNE, the ne plus Tatra of water proof garments, introduced by J. W. Proctor & Co., continues to be the favorite fall garment of the ladies. It is sufficiently diem for the promenade, except for fall costume ; and, from its shape, is a perfect protection from the pluvial storms incidental to the Equinox. Colors, Blacks, Grays, and Browns. The genuine can be obtained only of J. W. Proctor & Co., No. 920 @lnstant street. TEE FINEST QUALITY OF NEW FLOUR, MADE FROM Nnw WHEAT, can now be had at Hr. 0. H. Matt. eon's, dealer in Fine Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth a'reela, logelber with the beet quality or groceriesof every deacription, alwa) a at reasonable prices. CURTAIN MATERIALS. Vide French Satins. Wide French BrocateUes. Wide French Satin de Lathe. Wide Worsted Damask. Wide Union Damask. Wide Damask Table Cloth, per yard. Wide Moquette for Railroad Oars. French Flushes for Railroad Cars. Opt Cornices and Bands, Cords, Gimpe, na.d Fringes. Tenets and Loops. Rookr, Rings, and Brackets. Furniture Covering& B3IBROIDERED LACK CURTAINS Lace Curtains, $ 9.00 a pair. Lace Curt atne, $ .4.00 a pair. Lace Muratori, 450 a pair. Lace Curtains, 5.00 a pair. Lace Curtains $ 6.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 8 7.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $ 7.60 a pair. Lace Curtains, ffi 8.00 a pair. Lace Mutation, $ 8.10 a pair. Lace Curtains, 5 9 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $ 9.50 a pair. Lace Curtains, $lO.OO a pair. Lace Curtains, $12.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $l4 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $16.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $l6 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $1.8.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $20.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $25 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $3O 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $4O 00 a pair. WINDOW SHAM Painted and Gold Borders, in store and for sale at the following prim, with good Fixtures eomp'ete for -each shade, retail : Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $l.OO. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $1.25. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $1 50. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $1 75. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures; $2 00. Gold. bordered Shades and Fixturee, $5.00. Gold—bordered Shades and Fixtures, $4 00. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $4.50. Gold-bordered Shades and Fixtures, $5.00. Gold-bordered &Erodes and Fixtures, $6 00. Gold. bordered Shades and Fixtures, $9 00. Gold bordered Shades made to order, any style or shape Unlttd States Flags on hand and made to order, a! sues. W. 11. Carryl, wholesale and retail Curtain Store, Ma sonic Hall, No 719 Chestnut street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. • THE PROGRESS OP THE WAR AND THE GREAT FUTURE OE AMERICA —We beg to call the atten tion of our many readers in Oheeter to our notice of the Rev. Dr. Carden's lecture ttere, this evening. Of the lecturer it would be superfluous to say anything. His power end originality are ae fully appreciated in Chester (where he is well known) neje Philadelphia. Of the lea tare, however, which Dr. Carden delivered, on the above sutject, in tbi• city, we may remark Ihst It was enthusi astically received by a numerous, intelligent, and, let us not forget to add. /oyes/ anditrice. We tong athlete our friends of Cheater on the prospect of an evening of rare intellectual es joyment. FLAGS Or TRUCE.—It is suggested that Brigadier Geaeral Freak Spinola will find it necessary to abate some portion of his mammoth shirt collar on 'going into battle, otherwise with such an immense display of wkite linen he will be mistaken for a it flag of trace." Daring the retreat of the rebels from Antietam, our men refused to fire becamse each retreating rebel seemed to display the white flag. but it was kfterwards ascertained lo he an Optical illusion, owing to their defective panto, Icons ; another reason why everybody should buy their clothing at Oharlee Stokes', under the Continental. GEN.. MCcLELL AN'S LATEST ORDER,—Gen. blenelifill hat lasutd a general order to the army en the subject of the, emancipation proclamation of the Pres'. dent. He tato a very commoo-sense view of the matter, and informs the troops that it is their dbty to Rapport the civil anthoritlee, and not to ab pto argue the point" when an order ie . given or a proclamation is issued. Getierel McClellan gives very sensible orders generally, among which are the orders which be senile to tt eßrOwn- Btone Clothing Hall of Bockbill .& Wilson, Noe. 003 and 606 Oheetnut street, above Eilath, where he pro cures his own garments, and where moat of the nnirerme worn by the soldiers of hie command are obtained MAGNIFICENT $6OO ROSEWOOD /VOTAVE Pleno,carvtd legs, extra carved mouldings, round corners, Eland action, Overstrring Bass, sweet and powerfailmie, made to order by one (1 the best New York makers-- only need five months—will be sold for $250; the owner leaves the city in a few days.. This is the greatest barialn In thetity. Oall at 717 Arch" etreet. SPE f3--T- 1860-X. MAKI'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomaoh. They cure Dyspepsia and Oonstipation. They cure Dlarrbcea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Heasache. They are the beet BIT EBBS in the world. They, maks the weak in in strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St Oroix Bum, the celebrated Oalisaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage,.withent regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli oats persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by, all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. IL .DBABE & 00., 202 BfIOADWAY. New York. ti 024.601 GROVER & BAKER'S NEW SHUTTLE SEWING MACIIIISE.—FRE)E, S4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re• quiring the nee of feet and durable lock...stitch machine, is directed to our No. 9. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest eaae, and with but little noise, and, altbotigh but lately put Into the marker, is already a great favorite with manufactnrera. It is a first-class madame, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold ao rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It is very simple in its cons;ruction, easily learned, not lisble to get out of order, works with tine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low price at which it is sold places it within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able machine. SINGER & CO.'S LIZTTBII, A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is the most beautiful, beet, and cheapest of ell Sewing Machines. It emtiodies the prin. elides of Singer k Co.'s well.known Manniticturing Ma chines; makes the interlocked stitch; will sew on all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread i will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tuck—in fact, will - do ALL RINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and surpasees every other Machine for the great range and excellence of its work. Send for a pamphlet. 51. SINGER & CO., No. 458 BROADWAY, WEW YOSK, PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, oc7.tutherlde33. No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. $ 00 00 BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE BEST IS TUB WORLD. WILLIAM. A. BATCHELO VS celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to - be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the tll effects of bad dyes• and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RII3TY HAIR instantly turns a splex;did Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau. Wei. Sold by all Druggists, &o. - 07- The Gentdne is signed WILLIAM A. BATOR - R. DOR, on the four sides of each ban. _ FACTORY No. 81. BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street,) mysB.ly - blew York. (}TREAT ntriIIEPH.—brEINWAY " r & SONS were awarded the FIRSC [DAL at theists great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and sixty nine Pianos, from all parts of the world, entered for competition. Wateraams at BLASIUS BROTHERS, 1006 WIEST BUT Street. oul-lm UrEem'gl. HALE DYE, 38 cents a bOx. —Three boxes for $1; the best in use. Try it. Bold only at UPB A 1113,403 ORES 'NUT St. se27.3m* AIIDENBIED—YOUNG --Tuesday, October 7th, by the Rev. Retmen Jeffrey, RD., J. Thomas Andonried to lima:daughter of Charles Young ILEETWOOD—TAYLOE -13 - n the 6th inst.; hi the Bev. li.; B. Gilroy, et blo residence, in this city, .111 r. John Plootivood to Miss Oatharine Taylor, both of Delaware. REIPS—FORTNER —On the 6th bet, by the Bev J. R. Kennard, Mr. Philip .Krips to Miss Maggie C. Fortner, both of this city DIED. . JONES.-On the 7th inst., at his residence in Kennett Square, Benjamin O. Jones. Funeral at Longwood Cemetery on the 9th Instant; at 11 A.M.' BALL.—On Monday morning, Oct 6th, after a short and severe illness, Mrs. Rebecca E. Ball, wife of John Bell, end daugbter of Catharine and /Daniel Gelwloka. 57th year of her age. JUL WELL —October 7th, O. Virginia Folwelhdaugh ter of- James M. and the late Laura 0. Folwoll, and grand•daughter of the late Catharine Brady. * 51ABREB.—At the residence of . file father, William Zdartrer, in ryper Parby, bi,t infant eon, Harry E ,in hie Bth year. * EGAN.—On the Bth instant, Mary, infant daughter of Thomas A. and Rate M. Egan. * CONNOR —On the 7th inst.. Lizzie Connor, daughter of Patrick and Ann E. Connor, aged 2 years, 9 months, and 26 days. * WILSON.—At newbern, N. a, Capt. - J. S. Wilson. of the steam tue J. P. Levy. CARLIN —On the battle field of Antietam, Sept. 17th, Bernatd Carlin, of 7211 Regiment, Baxter's Fire ZOURVE9f Ce P. SYNER.7—On the 6 7 th inet., Mre. Sarah Bluer, in the 96th year of her OM (MA MBERS —On Monday evening, the Sib instant, Mre. Elizabeth, wife of &cargo Chambers, in the. 50th year of ber age. * ROBBINd.—On the 6th-inlet', Elizabeth Robbins, wife Patrick Robbins, aged 27 years. * LONGE AR.-Ora Saturday, the 4th inst., at the Heald= tel, at Frederick, Md., p from wounds received in the battle of the 17th alt., Enet"Longear, of Baxter's Fire. Zotiaves. in the 2lat year of hie age. IdtrAFEE —Snodenly. on Wednesday, Sept. 17th. at Antietam Creek, in the 28th year of hid age, Corp Wm. N. McAfee. Co. F. Baxter's Piro Zonaves. * CHAMBERS =liillyd instantly, in a gallant Charge at the battle of _Antietam, Jo_sealf babert Chambers, in the - .l9th year of hia age, a member of On- B, 106th P. Y. it' CALDWELL —Suddenly, of dtptheria, on the 7th inst., Margaret Jane, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Oablwell, in the 15th year of her age. *- BIDET.— On the 6th inst., Deborah Ann Ridgy, wife of Wm. S. Bidey, in the 26th year of her age. * GRUBB —Sept 24th, at Canton, Otrio, Wm. L. Grubb, late of Philadelphia, aged 45 years"and 10 days * 1110KM/tn.—On the morning of the 7th hist Camden, N. J., Mary A.. Hiokman, in the 2 tat year of her age. WILLIAMS.—HiIIed at the battle of Antietam ' Sept. 17th, Nathan S. Williams, of Co. 0, 4th Regiment P. R. Y., in the 24th year or ble age, the youngest eon of Thos. and the late Amy Wilßatne. h oe. and MILEY —On the 6th inst., Christian Markleyrin the 52d year of his age. PAUL.—tinddertly, on the morning of the sth. instant, Jas. Peel. In the 65th year_of his age. 5' PATTERSON —On the 7th Inst . John Patterson, eon of Walter and Elizabeth Patterson, aged 11 months. * GILLEN.—On the 27th ultimo, from wounds received at the battle of Antietam, Sergeant Neal Gillen,. of Co. I, 69th Regiment. P. V., in the 21st year of his- age. * BLACK IRISH POPLINS.-Jult received, one case of Pirnie celebrated plain black Irish Poplins. DEMON St SON, Mourning Store, oc6 No. 918 CIDISTIWT Street. 141N&LIEH CRAPES ON ROLLS,- ''A Just received, English Trimming and Veil Crapes, on rolls. English Crape Veils. English Crapes, alt widths and qualities. Large Crimp Crapes and Yells. BESSON & SONOlRourning Store ' oc6 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and KROH STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Papilla. otxll3lo,ok Silk% Eichent Printed (toed& Good Stock of Staples. 500 BOXE S TOBACCO.—We gua rantee to eoll Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, at lower prince tban any other house in the oity. A bargain in Hal ana Clgare. purchased at Illarehare Sale. WOOD WARD & CO., 41 South FOURTH Street: ocB.lmit THE PROGRESS OF THE WAR AND AND THE GREAT FUTURE OE AKERIOA The Rev. Dr. GARDEN wif deliver a Leann on thie subject OH THE EVENING Or THURSDAY, O.T. 9TH, IN THE NATIONAL HALL, CHESTER. Tickets 26 cents—to be lied ` at the door on the evening of the Lecture. lt* trr4i WE KNOW NO PARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY—OUR WHOLE COUNTRY." NINETEENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION TICKET. Common Council. NICHOLAS SHANE, DANIEL W. STOOKHAIN Assessors. Eastern Division—EDWAßD J. MEGONEG &L. Western Division—GEOßGE DaIIA.VEN, Jr. School Directors. WWI B. HINES, G. B. °LEGG, JOHN R. DEHANRN, Co JOST B Ert i rilS. Assembly. JAMES HO LGATE ,FIFTEEN7 : II : :WrARD Of all LOYAL CITIZENS in favor of sustaining tho National and State Administrations in the prosecution of the War with vigor, and to crush out the present unnatu ral Rebellion, will be held on FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 10; . 1862, AT 734 O'CLOCK, At the corner of EIGHTEENTH and GREEN Streets; The following epeakere will address the meeting: JOHN W. FORNEY, Ron. HENRY D. MOORE, Hon. W. D. KELLEY, Cant ISAAC J. NEALE., Ron WM B MANN, GEO. F. GO aoori, EHQ . 0. F. BREWSTER, Esq. 009.20 WARD.—NATIONAL s UNION TICKET. Congress CHARLES O'NELLL. itessmbly. JOSEPH MOOSE. Select Council. G. INMAN RICHE. Common Council. JAMES BARRATT, Alderman. HENRY TIINISON. Assessor. JOSEPH• GOVETT. School Directors. CHARLES WILLIAMS, JOHN NOBLE, PENROSE FELL. Constables. WILLIAM. ROBIIII3OI7 1 SAMUEL GRAHAM.. ocil.thmar,t ger FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNBTLVANIA, North COLLEGE Amite, near Girard College. The General Introductory, will be Riven on WEDNES BAIN the 15th inst., at 4 P. 51, by Prof. A. G. Kerr. oc9-6hit GT: OUR COUNTRY l—A MASSIVIEETING of the Citizens of the EIGSTEENT tf WARD win be held 'on THIS ?TRITIUM ) EVENING, at ball pad 7, o'clock' , at -KING'S EXCELSIOR .HALL, • wasjil o TRIIES AND BRAGE DE. Flankrord'EocolvolMoiltel Master street. hal true and . loyal men, opposed to, the rebellion and Its sympathizers, PABTEENT. are invited to be present." The meeting will be addressed ' (L H. 'EIIICHLES, by the . Governor, AG. Curtin. Alex. McClure, Leonard Corner TWELFTH. and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. biers, Esq., Wm. B. Mann,,Ext.; Fred. Carroll Brew- Hernial Truism and mechanical apidianoes correctly der; Esc., and other eminent speakere. . adjusted by O. H. NEEDLES. soff—rs. THE PROGRESS OF. THE WAR AND Fins Wren& and approved Aniettcall, tdellted yin 11,5 THE GREAT FUTURE OF ASIERLOS..--The form of rupture, hi adults and children, =film anti nay. Dr. OARDEN will deliver a Lectrite on this sub. , American Supporters and 'Bella, Shoulder Bream, Sus. ject oft the evening of ,THIIESDAE‹ October ,9th. at pinwales, Elastic Stookinite, sad Syringes. In great vft4 half past . To'clock, in the ELTIONOAL HAIL, ORES. rlety. Ladles' Impartment, TWELFTH Street, lER. Tickets, 25 dente—to be WA at the door on the'door below /WOO. Gondtiottti by 0010PetlettibblVat evening of the Lecture. - 0eb.40 ly2s.lbitH THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA,'{ THURSDAY, - OCTOBER u 9. 1862.1 OES GROPER do BAKES, 8. M CO., 730 CHESTNUT Street MARRIED AT 7) O'CLOCK, A GRAND MASS MEETING DrNA.IITIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS ‘4O PARTY OUT drat ociElkinno, STATE OFFICERS. Auditor General. THOMAS E. 00011RA1 Purveyor General. WILLIAM. S. ROSS. (*INGRESS. rind District-- Becond District—OßAßLES O'NEILL. Third District—LEONAßD BITERB. Pow th District—WlLLlAM D. KELLEY. Fifth District—M. RUSSELL T HATER. RENAMR. Second Distriot—JA,ooB E. EIOGW&Y Fourth District—GEOßGE COANELL. ASSE MBLY. Tint District—WM , FOSTER. Second District—MOßTON A. ICVERLF. Third District—THOMAS T. WILLS. Fourth District--SattirEL J. REA. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth District—CHAßLlS M. OLINGAN. Seventh District—T HO AlAti 000 BRAN, Eighth District---jAKES N. KEENS. Ninth District—JOHN A. BURTON. Tenth Dietrict—S, S. PANCOAST„ Eleventh District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUßE V, SUTPHIN. Thirteenth District—JAMES HOLGATE, Fourteenth District—ALEXANDER OOMMINGEL FifteenthDistrict—WlLLlAM F. SMITH. Sixteenth District•--•EDW &BD G. LEE. Seventeenth District—CHAßLES F. ABBOTT. COUNTY OFFICERS District Attorney. WILLIAM B. MANN. Prothonotary of Court of Common PIM& FREDERIOK G. WOLBERT. CITY OFFIOEBS. Mayor. ALEXANDER HENRY Day Solicitor. B. CIABROLL BREWSTER. City Controller. • JOSEPH R. LINDALL Receiver of Taxes, JAMES O. BELCH • City Oomurisidoner; JOHN GIVEN. A STARTLING DISCLOSURE RELA- U,..3 TIVE Tu GI CIRCE GErz AND TiIOSIC THREE iIUNDBED DOLLARS. To appreciate the responsibility of the office of CITY CONTROLLER, it must be remembered that all bilis payable from the City Treasury must be examined by that official, and receive his approbadon before payment Inasmuch as it .is impossible for one man to examine the multitude of bills presented; he appoints a number of sworn aids, upon whose judgment and integrity he is compelled to lean. The clerk, then, examines each bill laid before him,. and, if correct, signifies the fact by endorsing it with his name, whereupon it is sent to the City Commissioners, who ascertain whether there is left a sufficient balance to pay the same, in the appropriation for thatches of expetditure. If so, they draw a warrant for the amount. Te City Controller, in person, then comparee the war rant with the amount of the bill, as attested by his clerk, and if the amounts carreipond he countersigns the war rant, and the City Treamarer oaehee the same. Row, supposicga creditor of the city should present or , connive at it - dishoneet bill, and suegest.to a•dishonest clerk the policy of sharing the difference between the sum really due and that demanded, (technically called a Divvy,") it will be at once perceived that the extent of fleece, of which the city is shorn, will be exactly com mensurate with the boldneer and depravity cf the ope rators. - In December, 18513, a bilt of items for Sheriff's feee, amounting to $563, to which six dollars was added In pencil, making, altogether, top sum of $589, was pre tented at the Controller's office for examination. George Getz, then a clerk, had charge of the desk to whisk it was referred. Getz folded the bill, and on its back wrote that it was a bill for $BB9, being $3OO more than the aura really due. Be • then fabricated en alleged copy of the original, which he made In his own handwriting. It is now preserved in the Controller's office and the follow ing is an exact copy I . PHILADELPHIA, December 30th, 1836. City of Philadelphia, To George 'Magee ; Sberiff, Amount of fees for October Term, 1856, for the Court of Quarter Sessions .....$389 Copy of bill audited iu City Controller's office, Decem ber iffitb, 1856. GEO. GETZ, Work. Approved Dec. al, 1856. 0. Z. DILL, J. M. LEDDY, Cit " °Ml / 1 / ' It will thus be seen that no attempt wag made to item ize: the fabricated bill, nor to account in any way for the mysteric us addition of the. WOO. The Oity Commtalon ere, ending the bill certified by a sworn clerk. and the appropriation for the item of sheriff 'a fees sufficient to cover the amount, of course approved the bill. The City Oontroller himself unsuspectingly foil owed the usual . course, countersigned the warrant, (No. &118 ,) and the treasury of the city wee made to pay the additional amount of 133(0. In corroboration of this statement we refer to page 318 of the Journal of Common Coricii, onding . bu y, 1858. There may be found a letter from the Controller to the Sheriff, itlrtive to certain overpaid fees, do., from which we take the followit g extract: " I also find that you were paid December 81st, 1858, 8589, under an appropriation made December 30th, 1858, whilst your bill for October term of that year by the Court calla for only 8580. making a difference of 8300. •' Why the Clerk then in charge of your account with the city allowed this difference does not appear upon his books, and the error of it is one that was accidentally discovered by the present Clerk only a few days since." Since Getz hes been a candidate for Controller, be has issurd a r oirculer boasting of his ' , experience, thorough kcowlee'go, confidence," etc , and I übscribiog himself as "Truly your friend." The amount of his ' , experience" will be known when we state that he was appointed in July, 18 8, and discharged is kitty. 1867, by the same Controller wbo bad appointed Lim. His Li thorough knowledge" of a certain kind we heartily confess, and' point to "our s arratlye for support. Hie confidence" in himself no one acquainted with - him will for a msment dlipute, bud the ayeerilen that he fa " Truly your friend" wruld - be lotaily undeniable were the circular only ad dreeird to himself. Tax•payeres of Philadelphia, enamlne for yonre , lvee and judge whether he in a fit marrfor City Controller. oc9 tbin 21* irrHEADQUARTERS,. • NATIONAL_ UNION OILY OOHNITTEI 0011HONWEHLTH BUILDING, OHNEITNIIT, ABOYN HIXTH BT BEET Opel) still boors. • oc6 tt irr A SPECIAL- MEETING' 0F THE LA DIES' 4ESOCIATION of the 1(E0P&TH IO Ef HOSPITAL will he held on FBID t.Y, Oaober /0 at 4 P M., in the Homceopathio College Building, 1118 FILBERT Stteet. et B.2t* la. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— The General Introductory to the flows° of Lec tures will be delivered bv Professor airroasr,L, on Id ON DAY, October 13, at 7 P M. The Reviler Lee three will been the day after. otlo o'clock. 5t ROBLEY DEINGLISON, Dean. NOM CEOPATHIC HOS PITJEL,, 1118 Ij.;:3•MOTH BERT street —This institution le now open for the reception of sick end wounded soldlon, who will be received end provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. )I' . GLENN, oc4- tf Sec'y of Board of Kennon,. 07. HEADQUARTERS OF THE NA.TION AL• UNION ()ITT EXEOUTPTE 00 NI NIT VET:, IJOHNONWRALTH BUILDING, CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. October 7, 1682. 8500 SHWA It O.—A rewatd of 8500 , will be paid by the Committee for finch evidence as will lead to the nrreBt and conviction of pereone who are engaged in TEASING DOWN and MUTILATING ibe BILLS leaned by tile Committee. WM. 11. BEng, President. JOHN J. FRANKLIN, 2 Secretaries. HENRY B. GARDINER, sr* THE SOLDIERS , CENTR&E.RBLIEF ASSOOISTIOS • OF THE ENSOOPAL OHURCTII, Meet every FRIDAY, et 10 o'clock A. It, fn the Ves tibule Boom of Orace Mina, corner of Twiturra and °BEERY Streets. • All persons, irrespective of denomination, interested in the work ofreliering the sick, wounded, and otherwise suf fering men, who are periling their lives to protect us in our proper ty and homes, are earnestly Solicited for con tributions in money, material.. &o. Mrs Wm. Buddeerds, First Directress, 119' North Twelfth street ; hire. James L. Olaghorn, Beaond Di rectress, 1504 Arch street; Miss Louisa. °bighorn, Treasurer, 1009 Arch street. All donations sent to any of the above eddresses, or to the Church on the morning of the meeting, will be most thankfully received. ( 4 Understanding that the ladies of Grace Church and others have ass 'dated for the purpose of ministering to the wants of soldiers in Camp, and especially to those sick and wounded who may be confined In the Hospital, I would express my cordial hope that they may be cheered in their work by the co-operation of Christian sisters, and by generous gifts from members of our Churches. [ocB-2t*] A GO NZO POTTIER," MECHANIC S+ BANK—PIIILADEL PRIA, October 7, 1882. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Hones on TUESDAY, 4th day of Novem ber, at 12 N. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking UMW on MONDAY. November 17, between the home of 10 A. 111. and 2 P. M ocB-tnol7 J. WIEGAND, JR Cashier. TrFAR MER S' AND MECHANICS' BA N K—PHILADELPHIA, October 6,18&Z. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Rouse on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the boars of 9 o'clock A. 61 and 3 o'clock P. N. and on TUESDAY. the 4th day of November - next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. N., agreeably to the charter. W. RUSHTON. cc7-tno]7 Cashier. NVESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, October 6,3662. . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November neat. at 72 o'clock H. G TROUT 11l AN, .tof•tothsino4 Cashier. BLINK OF COMMERCE-FHILADEL• PEta, Oottiber 6, lf 62. . The Al3llllOl Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Bowe on MONDAY, the 17th day of N ivem her next,' between the hours of 10 A M. and 2 P. M. A Eeneral meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the same place on TUE tiDAY, the 4th day of November next. at 12 o'clock fiL • J. A. LE WIS, oc7- tothelnol 8 - Cashier. [ COMMONWEALTH BANK—PHILA. .n.m.rm,A. October 8, 1882. he Apnea! Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY; the 17th day of Novem ber next, be‘weert the honer. of 10 o'clock A. N. and 2 o'clock' P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th dar of No vember 'next, a general meetiog'of the Stockholders Will ha lleld at the Banking House; at 10 o'clock A. EL 0...7.1.nthen017 - H. O. YOU ',1•4 G., Cashier, oc9- t OTOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE * lt SUBARU; COM.YANY—Phmengtrnta., Oc tober 6, 1162. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE *BOLLSR3 per share for the last, six maths, v,bich aill be paid to the StoCkholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and alter the 16th instant, exclusive of taxes. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, oc7 , th* Secretary. rv •-•..- OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN •FIRE 115 INSURANCE OOkPANY, PHILADIMPECIA, Oat. 0, 1862 • - At a meeting of the Directors, held tide day, a semi annual dividend of SIX PER ()ENT., and an extra divi dend of TEN PER CENT., were declared on the capital eetoolt, - payable to the Stockholders, or their legal repre eentatives, on and after the 16th Met. 0c6.10t J. W. MoALLISTER, Secretary. AV ISAUX IELIEGANTS. 11,3 MR. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerard de la maison 00 Tailleure de RR. GRANDVILLE srosEs, 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a Phonneur 'de pre venir see norabreux tn% et connaiseancee oui Pont (leis favorise de leer clientele, (steal quo lee etrangers, ) Tient di regevair de Feria et Londree lea rnodeS lee plus recentee et les miens porteee pour la eaimon d'aiver. lir. Grandville Stokes a mis n SR dispoeitian les etoffed lee plus belles, et lee ineillenrea qualltes; des premieree manufactures d'Europe. Lee militalres, alma qua IsB officlere de tone grades trouverone lee monism es (it:unites d'etoffes a dee prix moderee. L'elegance de ea coupe, ainel one le cachet de distinction qui la caracterise eat deja trop come du pub lic, pour en renouyenes leur meritee. ise27.lm "IVORY TYPE any Pioturto de . A_ serve sumo% BEIRER'IS IT.ORYTYPEB are those. - Artisticatin arrangement: and coloring, natural and lite-llke In appearance. SECOND. Street. above Green, its lIIHE - ONLY -BOIENTIIIIO HAIR * IL DYBR.nPhiladeliala.isGUTEliSlNST. IMAM and MUNCH 841*bl. ooiL St L. A. DU 130170117,1", Secretary THE FRIENDS THE UNION, exn TR ADMINISTRATION, OF THE FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL r 'STRICT, ANN INVITED. TO ASSENBLE IN MASS MEETING, BROAD STREET, BELOW CD&TES BT., THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, OCT. 1862,, AT 7+ O'CLOCK THE MEETING WILL BE ADDRESSED BY HON. BENET D. MOQUE, WILLIAM. D. KELLEY, F. CARROLL BREWSTER, Rag WM. B. MANN ) NsQy MORTON IaMIONAEL, Ise COL. PHILIP B. WHITE, CHARLES GILPIN; ESQ 011ABLEB GIBBONS, ESQ., find other distinguished speakers. LET EVERY. LOVER 'or HIS COUNTRY AND TUE • CONSTITUTION ATTEND. MILITARY . • A n CAVALRY CAVALRY CA _ VALRY.—Pbßadolnhisno, enlist in the CUR TIN DRAGOONS or MOUNTED GII&RO. *A- lew more good men wanted to fill thie Oomoany. Five Dollars Premium and all Government and State Bountiee given: 'Apply immediately at N 0.104 MARKET eet, or LAEGSTROTR'S BUILDING, Germantown. Commanding Officer, T. WATERS FERREE, let Diem O..POTTEE, 2d Lieut. C. H. BTOREr ATTENTION Co. E BLUE RE.. NERVES--A FULL COMPANY DRILL TO with muskets. Roll call at Xto 8. Every member ' , eepecially the Non-Commieeioned Officere, to he in line. By order of GEORGE W. GRIM, Captain. JOHN BACON, O. S. It* CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT , COL. 0. M. PREVOST. RECRUITS 'WANTED for this - popular Regiment. BOUNTY 5160, and ONE MONTH'S PAY IN DVANOE. RECRUITING STATION, 128 WALNUT STREET. Cent. DENDY SHAESWOOD, rat. it - Recruiting Officer. MEN WANTED FOR A 00K rary in the Board at Trade Rifle Regiment. 156 sh Regime! t P. V. This regiment will go into camp Immediately. near the city Bei:City. *t6s. Apply early, topLient. GEO 0. BRIC.IZEIT, No. 833 NES.RKET Street t elow Ninth street.. . oc7 BOAII OF - TRADE RIFLE UGI SENT, 166th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Col OHABIAti -litattEliiirElN. Headquarters, 633 tlilitilTßlPP Street 'This is the only new regiment that is accepted by the War and State Phpartment, and has muttering orders. . It will go in can at once in the neighborhood of the city ; camp equipags, has already been furnished. och. et* iCAMP F.BANKLI.N,_Ocr. 3,1862. Tbe gallant officera and brave soldiers detailed from the old Philadelphia-regiments now in the dal to re. fruit for their glorious battalions, have removed their tonms from Camp Independence to F EL &NHL' ig SQUARE, at d have called their present camp the same as the Sonars, in honor of the noble Revolutionary patriot or our city. A full torte of tenuty drummers and fifers. ns der command of a drum major and tile mtjor, will be in dolly attendance. Young men of Philadolpidarreflect upon the duty that yon owe lone country in Gila ber hour or peril. Co to CAM FRAMCLIN, and plate your name upon the muster rot[ of your brave col:ow/bane in arms. By order of the Committee. MIN R. aDDICKS, Chairman of Committee on Recruiting. The following officers have tents he Oamp Franklin, besides theirrenrniting stations as mentioned : Capt. Thomas J. Town. 95th Rest . 202 Dock street. Lieut. P Eagan, 95th Regt , 202 Lock street. Lieut. Thomas• K. Boggs, 234 Regt., crner Sixth and Chestnut streets. Lieut. J. A Giegot y. 91st Rest , 620 Chestnut street. Lieut. B B. Eyre, 91st Rest., 620 Chestnut street. Capt. William Wilson, 81st Rest.; Intl Market street. Lieut. George W. 115th Bee 230 B. Fourth street. Lieut. Geo. W. Wition, 61st Befit., 8 R. Fourth street Lieut. Wan. W..Dawrou, 61. et Bee., 88. Fourth street Lieut. 0. B. Griffith. 82d Regt., Franklin &mare. Lieut. A. J. Knorr, 32d Begt., Franklin 6Quare. Vent. Joseph Abbey. 112th Regt., 13813. Fourth street Cant. Cl. Kleintz 66th Begt., Dougherty's Hotel Twenty. fifth and W ood. Copt Joseph C. Bess, 85th Beet , 333 Chestnut street Lieut. IL B Allen, 72d Beat., 527 Chestn [lt street. Lieut. J. W. Sunderland, 72d Reat., 527 Chestnut et. Lieut. Blchard Young, 189th Begt , Franklin Square Lieut. Owen Sheriden,69th Regt., JoneerFlotel, Cheat, nut street. Capt. William Jatho, 2Tth Regt., b2O Oallowhill street Lieut. John Stanton, 3d Reserves, 40 b. Third street. Lieut. B. J. Towson, 1624 Regt., Artillery, 409 Chest nut Arcot. Capt. Blake,ls2d Beat , Artillery,4o9 - 13bestnnt street. Cleat. P. hdconongh, 2d Reserves, Globe-Hotel, Sixth street, below Gheetnat. Lieut. J. Gurley. 2d Reserves, Globe Hotel, Sixth street. below Chestnut. Lieut. J. K. Brown, Penna. Reservent Jones' Hotel, Ob et tura street. Capt. S. M. Zulick, 29th Begt., 24 S. Fifth street. Lient. D. F. Linn, 68th Begt., Franklin Square. Capt. George W. Tomlinson, 28th Begt., Sixth and 'Jayne streets. Mink H. A. Hall, 26th Begt . Sixth and Jayne streets. Lient. John H. Bheal, 20th Begt., Barracks, Washing ton street. Cart. John T. Dnrang. 9011 flegt., Franklin Square. OW William Moore, 734 Bee., 124 N. Fourth scree Capt. William Uhler, 99th Regt , 20i Dock erect. Capt. Henry A. Behests, for all Pennsylvania reg meat. in the field, Jones' Hotel. oe6-6t PROPOSALS: EPUTY QUARTERMASTER ..1-J GENERAL'S °MOE. PHILADELPHIA, October . 6, 1862 PROPOSALS will be received at this office until THURSDAY. 16th instant, at 12 o'clock td., for the shipment and delivery of all the MiTEURAOITS STRAKER COAL required by the War Department, from the wharves at Richmond, Philadelphia, to the fol lowing ports: Fortress Nonroe, Ye. Waebington,D: O. ' . Melte; driaVa. • • Hatteras Inlet, N. C. Newbern, O. Beaufort, N. 0: - Port Royal, 8:C. Hilton Read, 8. C: Ship Island: . . New Orleans, La. Rey West, Fla. New York. Boston. Contract to commence immediately after it le awarded, and to continue until fOth Septtntber, 1883. The con tractor will be required to make prompt shipments. as SOOD 89 the orders are hirDialOd biro by the War De pattment or its proper agent, from time to Inns, as re toil ed.— Lay days, at the rate of forty tens per day, will be rennin d for unloading; if - detained longer, by proper authority (which in all eases meat be endorsed on the bills of lading), the bidders will state the lowest rate for demurrage per to per day. Coal to be nal aded at the wharves it the different ports, or on board of other vas- Pets, as may be directed by the proper authority, the con. Blame furnishing the tools. &c, necessary for that 1m- M/ea. Security will be reaniredfor the faithful perform er ce of tlie contract The War Department reserves the right to reject all bids deemed too high. a. BOYD, Captain and Mat. Q 31. 11. 8. A. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. OF BEAL ESTATE—In pursuance of an order of the Orpheus' Court of Delaware County, Pa., will be bold on the premises, on DIONDAY, ()Gleba 27, 1862, tie following described property, belonging to the estate of BEULAH DAVIS, deceased, late of the township of MARPLE, and county aforesaid All that blessuege or Treat of Land, containing 127 ACBEf, S ROODS. and 33. PEROHES, about 20 acres of which is a oodland.. The farming land is conveniently div,ded into fields, with good fencing, and in a good state of cultivation, being well watered by never•faiiing springs and running streams The improvements consist of a unbetautial STONE DWELLING, two and a.hatf stories high, with portico in front, containing 7 rooms, 3 rims and hall cn the first floor kitchen, with pump in• the same, attacb t d. A MODERN BUILT STONE AND FRAME BARN. Biby 48 feet, with Stabling for. 30 cows and 6 herpes; Overshot and Wagon House at tached. A STONE SPRING HOUSE, two etc ries high, over a never falling wing of excellent water, situated about. 100. feet from the dwelling. There is'a YOUNG APPLE ORMARD, in thrifty bearing, and a variety of other fitiit trees on the premises. The property is •pleasantly situated on the Serie gfield and Darby 'Male, adjoioleg lands of Joseph. Rhoads, George Allen, and others, about 10 miles west from Phi ladelphia, within 2 miles of Clifton Station, on the Phila delphia and West Chesser (direct) Railroad; and 23 miles east tf Media, the county Heat of Deltware county, within, mile of Springfield Friends' Resting Hones, and convenient to other places of worship, schools, mills, ,kc. The above described property is worthy the attention of farmers and persons desiring . a pletneutt.home of easy access to the city. • Those wishing further inform stion may call on PETER H. BILL, residing on the premises ' or on the under signed, at Ws residence, No: 543. North SZVEN7H Street,. Philadelphia. Isle to commence at 1 o'clook P. bl, when conditions will be made known by WM. H. VOODES, oc9 vat* Trustee to. lake Sale. $5OO DAY, RBW A er it tem p be t . r - 9, 14 2 9 hr 5 6 1 , , 7 o n 3 O TU TR E E S: . BURY NOTES, coupons attached, Numbers 31,583, 31169, 31,570. MI partied are forbid negotiating astd Notre,' u notice has bees given, andpayment stopped; at the Treasury and all .3ab.Treasury Depareintnta. 85001 N GOL,DI 'Will be paid by the uatieraligneti for the return of :eta /Totem. B. V: GALLAGELBB, - No.. 281 North TRIAD Street. Philadelphia, October 2, 1828. " • • ..:6c2-3Ett* BLINI) AND DEAF— Consult Dr. JAMES LEWIS, sehoie InrenLitting eneeeee le Meeting • With the entire approbation of hia 'patients in pliliedelehlsk. Office 331 North SIXTI3 St se3ollolo IR. AM 145916;;VgInalet ATTBIST, hoe again sommilfreebbilifOtteldrAl6l.tOrM in Europe. and Perm - moray located' a t No, '4ST North SIXTH Street. OM. • loom from 9,t0 12 ont2 to 4.,P.,91.. to94;l.mito 1 • IQUEIIIIB.-50 oases assorted .1A rs-a Wa ( " 1 "., Nun received:per .ebboYandalls, from Bur. &MU , ar ; :4l for silo by JAURIITOBX & L 31'111101AL -1102 1 204 South If R91. 1 :1' Street. atd WHOLESALE HOUSES. LINEN C. HDICFS. We have in store an Invoice of Dun bar) Dickson; & Co.'s LINEN CAMBRIC HANDICERCHIEFS, Of our own imptrtation ; ordered last Fpring, at old prices As We intend to give our exclusive attention to DRESS GOOPS AND SHAWLS, ?hese < Foods . will be closed out Cheap for Cash. DAWEON, BRANSON, & Co , N. W. C 10.13. MAIIKET AND FIFTH. NTS. D4 WSON, BRANSON, & Co., , N. W. CORNER OF MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers to their entire New Stock of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, &c. oc9. ID* RETAIL DRY GOODS. N EW STYLES FANCY CASSIMERES NEW STYLES FANCY COATINGS. CASSIMERES FOR SUITS. ENGLISH MELTONS. FROSTED BEAVERS. BROADCLOTH., UNION CASSIMERES, DOE SKINS, &e., &e. All kinds of desirable goods far MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. CIURINEN STODDART & BRO., 450 4,52 end 454 "MAU 51g4014TD Btrest, oto-4t . Above Willow. j .AS.R. CAMPBELL CO , IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have Put received, and are now °Miring, magnificent lines of SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS SEASON. ocB-tf W T. S NODGRASS' CLOTH lIQUSE, NO. 84 SOUTH SECOND STREET. ARMY AND NAVY GOODS. PLAIN WEAR FOR FRIENDS. A FULL STOCK OF FANCIES. 5e30.12t FANCY OASSIMERES. Black Cassimeres. Union Cassimeres. Boys' Cassimeres. Black Cloths. Black Beavers. . Ladies' Cloakings, &a. COMPRISING TER \ LARGEWSTOCR WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. COOPER & CONARD, B. E. cor. NINTH and Ill&EICHT seBo-8m " NEW MOURNING STORE" T . NOW OPEN AT No. 926 ORESTNIIT STRUM EVERY VARIETY OF DEEP . MOURNING AND MOURNING BONNETS. oc2-thetnet 1024 011ESTN1IT 8.1111221 T E. M. NEEDLES. LACES, _ WRITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES. A fall assortment of the above on hand at LO Fir PItIORB, to WiliCal additions are made of all NOVELTIES ee2S.tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. CIIOICE DRY GOODS—Just re eeived. Brown Poplino, Plain and Figured. Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width. Iderinoes of all Shades . Wool D'Laines, Plain and Figured: Cotten and Wool D'Laines—a nice line. Figured Merinoes. A lull line of Plain Shawls. . A full line of Gay Shawls. One lot of Black Figured Mohatra, at 250. Six lots of Brown Alpacas, choice. • A full line of Oassimeres. • A full line of Vesting. [JOHN H. STOKES Str , 702 ARCH eet. VALI. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. 1! Flew Fall Cloaks opened daily. Winter Cloaks in preparation. Striped all-wool Broche Shawls, SS. Fall and Winter Woollen Shawls. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. BOYS' OLO CHINO. Flue Beady-made Clothing for boys. Snits made to order. CLOTHS, OASSIMEIIIOB, VESTINOS. gust opened, several large lots Oassimeree. Boys' wear of every grade and style. 11,000 yards Black and Fancy Gasslmeres, no. to $2. 6.41 Blue Flannels; Black, Blue, and. Brown Clothe. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths for Fall and Winter. DRESS GOODS. Bop. Poplins, French Merinoes, Detainee, &o. Black Dress Stuffs at reason able rates. ARMY BLANKETS. COOPER & CONARD, ee2o S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets. 9 CASES SOLID FIG'D SILKS /4 Solid Brown Figured, Bond Blue Figured, !Solid Green Figured. EYRE & LKNDELL, FOURTH. and ABOIL FINE BLUE AND . BROWN MERI HORS— Humboldt Purple Merinoea, New Shade Blue Morinoee, Light and Dark Brown Merinoes. BYRE & LANDELD, FOURTH' and ABOH. GOODS FOR AUTUMN. Autumn Silks, dark colored Checks. • Black, Plain, and Figured Silks. New designs Fancy De Ladner,. Bich De Lainea of lower grades. Foil do Nerds and Long Champs. • Handaome and now Plaid Cashmeres. Plaid Valentine and Worsted. , Poplins and Figured Drognete. French Ohintzea of new styles New assortments of French Mari 003. Stella Shawl! and Striped Brooke. Fancy !Shirting Flannels. Embroidered Talna Clovers. SHARPLESS BROTHEBB, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. LINENS. LINEN G OOD S. .QULT.kTS, - BLANKETS —The subscribers have the lava sod beet assortment of-Hones-furbishing Dry Goods. Ourtains, Curtain Materials, &o , to bo found, all of which thoy offer at the lowest cash prices. SHEPPARD, 'VAN HARLINGEN, & AREISON, 100 S OBESTNIIT Street, Importers and dealers , in Linens, Ourtains, and Fur nishing Dry Goods. ocB. 6trp EDWIN BALL 85 BROTEIER, .NO 26 South SECOND Street, will open, this morning New Fancy Silks. Now Black Filmed Silks. Plain Black Poult de Soles. Etch Purple, Green, Brown, ,tc., do * Heavy Blank Corded Silks. Plain Black Silks, &so. ocB y . NEEDLEB,IO24 CHESTNUT a Street, offers novelties as follows: Beal Pointe Lace Collars, Si 96 up; Real Valencleune, 50c. up; French Guipure, 50c. up ; Real Thread, 60c np ; sets in all of the above at proportionably low rates. Real Thread Veils, large size. 52 up; Real Thread Barbee, 76c rip; all Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c. up; Broad Hem do. 26c. up; Theakfast seta, 600 up, and a complete as sortment otLinens, Laces, White Goods, and Embroldo rif s, at very low prices. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to mast E. M. NEEDLES', 1024 CHESTNUT Street. N. B —Made upsets Sleeves and Handkerchiefs in new styles. . ocS-6t TOr STEEL & SON, No. 718 North TENTH St., above Coates, Nevi now oven a choice assortment of NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Bich Fancy Silks. New Shades Plain Silks. Figured Black Bilks. Plain Black Silks at Low Price*. Bich Figured and Plaid French Rem. Plain French Reps, all shades. Plain French Merinoes, all shades. PLAIN ALPACAS, In Black, Brown BeCheMode, Blue, and Scarlet. Poll yres, Poplins, Doloines, And every variety of New and Choke setusonable. 'Drees Groh,. A BLACK assortment of STELLA SHAWLS, • • LONG AND•SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, • sell-tf AT LAST YEAR'S PRIOEB. SHAWLS FOR PENNSYLTANIA TBADZ— Pull Line of Black Shawls, • Pell Line of Black Stern's, • roll Line of Woollen Shawls:.EYßE at LANTittLL; 'FOURTH sal &EOH: WHITE FRES]qtV.INGIt BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS ; SPICES, aic., All the rednieltee tar Preering and Pickling Ptitgoebe ALBERT. 0 RO BERTS, DI&L3EN IN PINE GBOONRI2B, •• NOM 13013,11g11 ELEVINTII .41;71) LADIES' FURS. • LADIES' FANCY FIJRS! • JOHN A. STAMBACH, Ird.POBTEE AND MAIIIIWAOLTEEE 'OE LADIES' FANCY FURS, , No. 826 ARCH STREET, • BELOW NINTH. Jtnt ripened. a large and handsome Kock or LADIES' AND OBILDBEN'S FANCY FURS, of every descrip tion and the newest and most approed styles, at the Lmeat Cash Prices. ocI•Sal ADTTS' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, Tmpo4Tima ANp MANUF,WrITREB LADIES' FANCY FURS. llfy assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Ohildren IS now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. ' oc3.4mif COMMISSION HOUSES. CAR_PETINGS, OIL CLOTHS. AND MATTINGS. WOI_JFE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHtLNTS, No. 132 CE.ESTNIIT STREET, PIIILADELPHIA. A full assortment of Philadelphia-made Carpeln always in Store. oc2 LEGAL UNYTED STATES, EASTERN MS TRIM OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOP THE PRESIDENT OF TIIE UNITED STATES, TO THE - MARSHAL OF TIEE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING WHEREAS, The District Court of the limited States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all per eons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the bark-FANtLY L/LU RE, whereof Atcene Lemievx is master, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the, geode, wares, and merchandise laden ihereon, captured by the United States acme SH E PHA R RE APP, under command of. Acting Volunteer Lieut. H. S. Eytinge, said sloop being one of the Atlantic Li dT*l Squadron, under command of Bear Admiral S F Dupont, to be ntionished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten. and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring.) You are, therefore, charged and strictly - enjoined and commanded, that you omit-not;" but that, by publishing, these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the..Legd Intel/igen. Ger, you do impish and cite, or can e to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general,who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said bark FANNY LAHRE, her takle, apparel, and furni ture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise, to appear before the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTI ETH day after publication of thee° presents, if it be -a court day, or else on the next court day folloving, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show,or-allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said bark FANNY La.URE, her tackle, ,apparel, and furniture and the said goods, wares, and merehandiee, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the 'capture of, the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies ' or. otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as, to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cameo to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents, it is also intima ted,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a rea sonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court cloth intend and will proceed to adjudi cation on the said capture, ,and may pronounce that :tbe said bark FANNY Li &ULM, her tackle, apparel, and inflaters, and the said goods. wares, and merchan dise, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and BB goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and sub ject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of, the persons so cited and intimated In any wise notwithetanding and that You duly certify to the said Distriet Court what you shall do in the premises, to gether with these present& Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEB, Judge (tithe said court, at Philadelphia, this sevento day of OCTOBER, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence of the said United State& ee9-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District oourt. SITED STATES 4 ':EASTERN TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, 80T, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF TED-HASTERIti DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner DEFIANCE, whereof W. B Oladding is caster, Ip.r tackle, apparel, and turei• ture, and the goods, warts, and merchandise la den .on board thereof, captured by United States bark had ZILERA, tinder command of W. T. Onleaple,., to be nionished, cited, land called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect here after expressed, (justice so requiring ) Yon are there fore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the begat byteltioenoer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be montehed and cited,, peremptorily, all persons in general who have ' or pretend to hwve, any right, title, or interest in the said schooner DEFIANCE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares. end tre rehandle°, to appear before the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner DEFIANCE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United Statee, and as goods of their. enemies, or other wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as good and faiths' prized; and further to do and receive in this behalf ae to justice shall appertain. And that you hilly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aibresaid, generally, (to' whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication oli the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner DE- I. F APIA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, end merchandise did belong,. as. the time of the capture of.. the same,to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and. subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the perscins so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding; and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEIt, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this seventh day of OCTOBER,. A. D. 1862, and in the eighty— seventh year 'of the Independence of the sald'Unitel States. 04-at . O. B. FOX, Clerk District Court. IrN THE DIENRIOT COURT' FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIIteuDEL. PHI A. ROBERT W. PEORIN vo.ORARLES.RAILER. Jane Term, )862 No. 470. Tonditioni Exponsa. The undersigned bee been appointed by-said ()earl Au ditor to distribute the fund arising from the Shorans eat:, tinder said writ, of the following. properties : Alt that certain lot or piece of around situate on the eaet aide cf Front etreet, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-five feet .from , Poplar street, containing, in front forty feet, and in depth one hiandred• and seventy two feet, se follows :• . • No. 1. All that certain three.story Brick aortae and Lot of Ground- situate on theeriet side of front street, No. 915, at the distance of. one hundred and twenty-five feet from Potter street, containing, in front, twenty feet, and in depth, eastward, eoventy. two feet. ' No. 9. Alt that certain tbree.atory Brick Bowman& lot of Ground eituale on the. east eide of Fkont street. No. 917, at the dietanced rite hundred and fort7-tinte feet front Poplar etreet, containing, in front, twenty het, and in depth, eastward. seventy two feet 80. Z. All that frame Factory or Tannery (one , of the. buildings two. story, theeiher of them four-story) and Lot or piece of Groued situate on the west aide of.oohocksink creek, at the distance of one hundred and fifteen lot film. Poplar street, containing, in front, forty feet, and In, depth, westward, about one hundred feet, more or less. Notice is hereby glvon, that the Auditor will meet the parties interested in geld fund on AIONDA3, the 20th day of October, 1862; at.4o'clook P. AI., at his office, No. 109 North bIXTH Street, Philadelphia, when and where all parties having claims upon Ins saidlund,or any part thereof, are required , to present• them, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. oeB 101 01, 1 12-YOBD P. NACU/ALLA,. Auditor. IN THE PI STRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Jacob T. Williams, Assignees &c , vs. Sabina Gaul, Christiana Zook, Christian Johns, and Fannv Johns, his ',kith. Alias Lavari Facies. September Term, 1862: No. 119. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court arising frenstimeale by the Sheriff, of all that certain brick messuage or 'tenement and-lot , of ground, situate On the west side of. Ninth. Street, at the distance of eighty feet northward from Cherry Street, in the city of Philtidelbble, containing in bread* twenty feet, and in length or depth ninety. lire feet, will , meet the parties In terested for the Pinola of his appointment, on TRIMS DAY, October I.6th, 3 , 962, at four o'clock P. M., at his Office, Zia. 184 South SIXTH , Street, in the city of Phi ladelph% when and where all persona are required to present their clahns, or else be debarred from Doming in upon said fund. ED WIN T. OBASE, se3o.lot . • . Auditor. Li THE ORFSAYS"..OOIIRT FOR THE CITY AND GOEETT , Of MaILADEL PE lA. Estate of SARAH KLETT, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust .the account of Jacob Albright, Executor of S &DA IS ILE vr, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the aocountant, will 'meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hie appointment, on • MON DAY. October 20th, 3862, at 4 o'clock P. K., at his, office, S r- corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets in, the city of Philadelphia. ed. tuthetit D. W. O'BRIEN, Auditor%.. IN. THE ORPBANS' court. e FOR, TUE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL 3,8E1.a• Estate of DENBY MARTIN, Decease& The Auditor appointed by the Court to aullt, settle, and adjust the account of. Peter Elartio, Administrator O. T. A of DENBY MARTIN, decealed, and. to idete distribntion of the balance in the hands of the.acconnt ant. will ant et the parties Interested, for Ile burosiee of bleftpixdntment, on TUESDAY, October atat, IBIKI et 4 o'clock P. at his office, 8. E. conter SIX,PEI and WALNUT Streets, in the city of Philedolobie. ed. tuth 'Et D. W. O'DIVINN, auditor: .A SBIGNED ESTATE OF WILLIAM w. RIOHARDS.. 'NOTICE is hereby given tliatWiliiani B. Richards and Wife Dave made an assizeisent of certain REAL ES TATE for the tame& of his creditors ' to Louis L. Pauly, to whom all telsons INDEBTED to said estate are replicated to nirAlie payment; and those having OLAIMS against the same to present them to LOIIIS L. PAULY, No. 9 BANK etreett.:Phpa. stkl& Met • 10F, , P. GILL .& CO., No. 720 :1:BOB Stieet, will open on THURSDAY. Oct 9th, 14 ',data aelortnient of Fall and White* BONNE TS, dIIII.,DBE N'S GOODS, dto , to which the attention 01 the ladles is solicited. ILit QAVE FROM fi.o TO 50 PER CENT. ! —Great Reduction in Prices of Photograph albums. Photograph Bibles. Card Portraits. PITVIBER'S Photograph Album Depot, 439 OBE iT. BUT Street. 0c8.3t OSPIT AL STEWARD'S hi AN II&L, for the Instruction of Hospital Steward% Ward Mestere, end Attendants. Br 3. J. Woodward, N D. 12mo. $I 25. THE PATIBNOE OF TiOrli. With an Introdultion, by John G. Whittier. 75 eta. COUNTRY LIVING AND COUNTRY TRINKLNa. By Gun HamiDon. 61.25. HEALTH; ITS FRIB!IDS AND ITS FOES. BF B. D. Itittaffy, AI D. NEW 4Y,11NA311.03 for bleu, Women, and On{(. dram $2.. For Rale by WM. E. & ALFRED riLdirtl.EN, Ee27 6043 NSTNUT Street. AMUSEMENTS. IVEBS. JOHN DREW'S AROlt STENST THEATBD. Acting and &age Manager W. IeBEDERDNED. Business Agent and Treasurer JOB. D. 111.II.EtrillE, UNEX&FII'LED SUOCES3. FECORD WEEK OF MI.:18 BATEMS,N. TWITSIGS CEO *WED FROM PIP TO DOME 0-NIGHT, TIIt4RSDAY, October 9, 1862 7 LON"ON ASSURANOE. LADY GAY SPANKER GRACE HABIZAW.A.Y.- .. . .. DA ZZ L 8..... ..' . ... ... J W A.L LAME . OB ARLES COVRTLET 'EDWIN ADAMS— To conclude with TUE SWISS SWAINS. ON liItIOAT. EDWIN ADArtIS , BE,NF4IT. Doors open at 7—To commence at, o'clook. ALN UT-STREET THE - Role Lessee Are. 21. A. GARRETTBON. Eneinese Agent ..Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. TBIB (THURSDAY) EVENING, OCT. 9, Will be presented the new French Drama of. TI3E COURIER OF LYONS. Lemuel:le, Z . Itlr. E. ED DY. Duboec, To conclude with THE GLADIATOR Lydon. . ........... .. .. . 111 r. E. EDDL. Doors open at 7---Performance commences at X. A A CADEMY OF MUSIC. Lessee and Manager. Wftl. 'WHEATLEY., Fourth appearance in three year of the world .famed GA/OED RAYED AND TROUPE. Fourth appearance of the World"s Wonder, YOUNG AMERIOA, - 'YOUNG AMERIOA. PRO WDED 'EMUS ES Attest the admiration of the public for the inimitable re presentation of the celebrated GABRIEL RAVEL and his unapproachable TROUPE OF ARTISTS. YOUNG AMERICA., THE CHILD WONDER, Every evening in his terrifically - • LINO FEAT OF THE THE THREE FLYING TRAPEZE. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, 00T. 9, 1802, The toromningOomio Pantomime of SIMON'S MISHAPS. • SIMON ...'....GA.BRIEL• RAVEL. M. U. Menotti, Axel, Lehman, Tophoff, Toledo, Ma dame Maize tf, &c, . THE IPAIHAH.BRIOANOS GAB aiEL RA.VETs. Jik CUES—. .. . . The glorious farce of 'TWAS It Mr. 'P Plaeide, Miss Wells:and Commlay. To conclude with she astonudieg feats of the THERE FLYING T PEZB. LA LEOTARD,) The Ptielic is respectfully informed that tue engage ment of the werld.f RAVEL TROUPE Is Positively For Twelve Nights only, With the exception of the ProsEh no Free List. Pargnetto, Parquette Circle, and Balcony 50 cents. Family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 cants. Proscenium Boxei, bolding eight per,onm BO ' Box Offl open from 9A. 91 till 4P. at., when nests can be secured three Ca) s in advance, witnour extra charge. Doors open at 7 o'cloik. Performance will commence quarter before 8 'lnconsequence of the immense pressure at the Box office In the evening. aed so avoid unnecessary do ay, MB. WHF,ATLET would respectfully suggest to his patrons that, for their own convenience, they should secure their tickets and places during the day; for which there It Id NO EXTRA 011.00341, ONCERT HALL -LEOTU N... 1 ROOM °ATTAIN WILLIAMS' SOUTH BRA. WHALING VOYA.GI3 EVERY EVENING, at quarter to S o'dook BiITUBDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock Atlmiebioo, 25 calla: Children Imif price QT. GEORGE'S CRICKET kJ GROUND, THIRTBENTEL street, above COLIISI - Avtnue. GEEAT PEIESTI:USN FEAT GREAT TEST OF SIAN'S PJWER OF ENDU RANCE, WALEING 105 MILES INSIDE OF T WE FTY•FOUB COI SEI:131 IVE HOURS, and 480 MILES IN. t IDE OF EIGHT OuNSEOUTIVE DAY 3, WITHOUT WALKING oa dUN PAY (SEVEN DAYd' BETWEEN OuTOHEB 13th AND 214, 1883. GRAND CONCERT EAOH DAY, From 1 to 6X P. H., by BECK'S BRASS BAND. Strict decorum will be preserved, and seats reserved for Ladies and Children. Admission to the Ground and Seat, .10 Gents. 0c9.-4.* A SSEDI BLY BIIILDIN GS.— Messrs. -40k. ABEL de CO 'a WONI EBFIIL dTEREOPIII CON. Exhibiting every evening thin week, with a change or programme nightly. /Ambition 26 cents--4bBdren 10 cents. A racksSe o twenty-four tickets for $3. Doors open at 7)( ; commence at 8 o'clock. klatinhe on Saturday at 8 o'clock pENNefYLVANIA ACAREAY OF THE FINE ARTS. 1.(h5 CHESTNUT S TREET, Is open daily (Bundase excepted) from 9 A.. till 6 P. ht. Adznis►ion 21 cents. Obildren half price. Sharee s of Stock, $3O. ; 'lO ; • • ORED PHOTOGRAPH - 8— N— , owi None exceed in beauty or trutbfalneaft tbGte made byItEPIER, at his Galio', SESI) ID St., above Green. All aho purcl rise will be please•! with them. it* r R NCOMPAABLE.—The most aeon ..i- rate portraits ever made : 8Y1M111 5 3 Life. size t'ho— togrephs, in..o Colors. They combine the exacinear of the photograph with the beantr of an oil pain ing. War prices. SE001.1) Street, shore Green. 1 * WANTS. WNTED—lmmediately, 500 Intel-- ligent, energetic, Deroevering oeleemen, for HEADLEY'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION, In 2 vols. Ist nearly ready. Bold only by subscription. For partierdars apply to or address 1111111,1313 T, WILLI&1118. & CO., 148• ASYLIIII Stmt., Hartford, Conn. WANTED -50 SOBER MEN, or pood address, to Canvass for McICIAROVTA CITY DIRECTORY for 18631 Apply 27 Routh SIXTH Street ltit WANTED -A .FRENCH L &DX, to give tenons in French and Music. No one need apply unless she bee bad experience in teaching and can furnish satisfactory references. Address O. P. Q., 414 Bonth ELEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. tie22-tt 20,000;GT 0 E1 _ 1 _ jIGOI bAe r ivided O . N A. M o,l o ,to ttT7 JOS: 1B: 430 WALNUrStreet. ool6Bt BOARDING. TIIII EASANT EBOOPID- EITORI -I. rooms. _with baud, at - telt: bn , • SOT. /loath • Itlf1311.1) Street. , FOR' SWE AND; TO. EAT. ABABB CHANCE L-•-FOR BAIR - Stock, Goodwidi Fixtures, and Lease of an old— established Betail.D27 Gooda Store, in one of the beat. locations, by a yenta about declining bueleese. Bton SUlfill, and well select,d. Direct to s , J , it 0 . ." stattn name and residence, at this offiz.e. oc7-tntin..3rifie -u-7 FOR SALE— A. nio • H &OK, pair of 110E8E8, with businesa; to he eold at a reasonable price.. Islay be seen at Stable, 1227 LOCUST St , between 8- and 12. A. EL, and Sto 6 P. Id. oc9 2.t PERSONAL P E si — vriim - Trred " afd . collec S te l d ° fet e ß ol o di t ' l t ik a t lallots a ati P d atf rOittivfs-otruch as are deceased, at reasongble and mita factory rates, by 3&4111 , 13 FULTON. Micitot for Ci4imacta, 4'24 WA.Lti7J' Street, Pttittuttl ptii a. Particular attention girea to parties }tetra at a dia-. tatce. . ..... . . . oc7 - ti DISCS BGE SOL DINES' OE B, T741 . 0A7119 • anti other Claims castled by • J&IHRS lrUti . ..Mitterrand Nava Meat, 4414- WJailtlirr Street, Phileda. HT HIGHEST -PRICE PAID , FOIL T asconlyatian, puswEvms. (ARPEICS.. tiToVZO, BEDDING &b . Ooll' or eddrees.WlLWAW LISVIP, No. 981 - NINGII Avenue. oc9 6t* LOST AND. WIND: 4:$.T . 43 - 1- MIBL A ID—OE ELT [ OTic No. 243; dated October 29thi18N, in our name, for forty. tvo shares Preferred Stock of the Oats vitae Railroad Company Notice is hereby glwn. that: vs have applied for a Uercificate to be issued iu lien or above. too 9 th s disk DR WIZ & CO. PJE&NOS: .1. - 211101+11111 . : SEVEN —OCTAVE; 1 1 /100 , - ii TA , 24oF3EINV ODD P I all D•ro R c'6o—Parable in. easy eitiaof Three Do;lare per month. The;:peldlo will races° take notice that the books of the, hA.VIttICIS 'NOMETTe ere now open to receive eute.cithert e. Fourth. Beets The Bret distribution or Seven-onto:et No. mood Pianos for tills feriae will tako ar the. Office. No. low OBESTNDT Stsi-eti ott. 7ltitC.3o.tT,, .-Octoher 7th, 72163, at 3" o'clock. fl •-iring the. full ylan of. crerstlona of Ibis hiably bene.acimi instate tioa. oen be. bad by optative to the N..caetary of thee Seeietp. H. W GRAY, 14ecretarv, 0c4.11 Office, 1201, 011111S7ICIIT Street. THE FIN EBT • ASSORT, riffitil RENT of nay?, u2cdarn, and dareAs &NOB Isom 5150 to SIM Also, PSlllO3'B Woald•ronowned IiZIODSONS 024. ammoNirms, for ea*, at a great radaction, !g% emW month), instaltradanta. JAMES 311/.IIJOS, Al 9 itz3, 282 Synth TIFTH. Shrest. shoos Finrciod; •a9-3rno 10 - b IE-APVLES ..... AND PEACHES, IN BARRELS AND BACKS, FOR ARMY AND HOSPITAL USE, FOR BALE BY TUSTIN & SHEWELL., r t 9-3 t Fn. 206 fil.kicur sore.gt. ATOUR 01L.-492 basket* Waa l OUee 011. just raceived Der Ai* :Clizmielis, bee 4ordean2,,for sale by JrarsTrorna 4 Itik e u o stet Aeoe . h ww.gpr ,4tr•ot EN G 1 ISR DAY .,: CHEFS . 35% Boxes 060*AbRn i; ivnd and .for ate by 11 6 !ODZ J.% Wp % xi TA.ec NO L Walk Will& ..11153 BSTE3I&I . H_ JOHN DBISW.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers