.----- po' P l y A AT UNION COURSII VOIL , waffle OF WIC AND DISIBIAD 80L. TIP' V,dteratly ',clog fine attracted la largo con vir.lP i o w, se tvitr ma the snort. The firat race , o rir 0 v i ten , wore 11144,en" and ii Dntener Bo ii ,t 1'1,.. sorted after several nlencomarni atter)] . p y te, Tv i i, , , ,,, : n0 j o g .oi , we , announce] front the jw.toess' o eJ ;',,, wyner, having won three ettraight heats. After pad 1 ,,,, la witch came off between two cel.brated 11 ,i, ri " A , Thr hereto ere in fine conditlerit end ior so; ',wide? able attention. Th..) started with ,titor T. ` l ,ooy, Young Articas was the favorite hor ° 2 l e t c l aire c r tir / „ 0 Peals with ease; ,tit tiooe one hilt a . lie po;. i min 1,9 Words. It should b , romaneared Toliol!;;*roces are unattended with anything ' ln th iiiAllwollpg, Th'y , arD pimple trial!' of epees! be e f o r: , 0-,11,j,,,,,, Klimek; that arenj the stint. io:Tv'tirr pruceedeof the admittance given to the 01111teri hospitals, _______......._ To STAUNTON ARTILLERY.—Copt. p W fifuderson, of the Staunton Artillery of CO I ired in this city on daturday last, with a . cne to Et tut -' of turn tnr Battery " Cl." of thn 3•1 Penneylvaols 7 ' l , i ll, Pt' COI, II FTILIB9II Oegebarth's, now in camp at :-:,.. 0 . 4, I', Idl," Ogaden, N• J. 4MI. CITY ITEMS. e; TTILI.CTirE NEW FUR STORE.—In an: (damn this mornin n'e pnbliai the card of Hr. eht li r ,posmoac y, importer g end manufacturer of Ladle& r Firs, announclog that he his joAt opened a lomiSome stock c.f Ladles' and Ohildren'e Vora, r .,"! s'o Arch tweet, Mr, Sternbach is well and fe el . our oltlzene as cure ti our nicer I ellab.e T.iislits CPVIti pod 01111 faders. and from the exteneive-p-eparatianit to rehder his now store a^ ohieet of attreo 3po !POI" g Lll/' r? ire predict for him a splendbe fall trade. uF FitorormAnuo A ni.---Tbe pub is is in il,t.to BroDebeet uo, No, 912 and 914 L.OllO rhos obehly more than to any other thr„for the rare ptrfe•tion to Newel several t,;o;erei of the photographic art have attained. Their peGr I:1 Ivor yty pee) Wenderlife W , 41 lo pictures l'fRY and India Ink, 1111 W , 41 al their .„, retouched photographs, of all sizes and descrip. 70 0 E.r.. shrivelled by any other establishment in the Pori , Thit4 I•tott s CILOPONE AND CIGARS.—Ms. C. 11. Matt eior In the family groceries, Tenth nod Arch oe t,, Pi pow in store a fresh invoice of real Piper DiNtet elottupegne; also the purest ou Jilts , of Port, berrsohil Aladrira Wines, for IDNIICIDIII purposes and Qr thot Weds of Havana Cigar's, of the rarest and trmle,..l.salt, gams. VII TSRY bollOOL.— Major EekendDrfl'S . ,fir ismy le now In enccwerul operation. Major it t o bighly competent to the teak he has an ,rltteV, oral we would advise our citizens to give him 0.10r -ergo he Is !ugly entitled to WIN TElt CAMPAIGIN,—The question of a or crwpiign is exciting attention, and people are at Otto knave whether active hostilities will be prose a rd „tb. thee of the Potomac, or whether both armless lir t,iricont daring the winter for the purpose , of re g The rebels are In a bad fix for either reetlog daring the cold weather, as they need liatels, shoes, clothirg , end all other necoessries. The aeon the other band, le well providod, and ,e grit I, slobs at the men sewer elegant and warm oBr own..ilone (Nothing Hall of Bockhill ivir ,„„ Nee , eO3 sad 605 Ohestunt street, above bah 710 robin arms can be heat perfeotly comfort. I le at le , IJIS (amens establishment with its immense re rtq. tiLlle6in operation. ;; It ;; p,=,—Life is a continual struggle after ,to cssnot take with ; which seem i v 11 .3 E, the unree givte the child a pretty ornament Iron) the mantel• piece, to keep It (inlet until it fills ~ uh.qt it drops from its helpless hands, and is re ,:cd. 1.1 , age other babies in their turn. No man 01.11 h, I. , Hied with the late fashionable styles of fail w 1i.1,1 ctothlog just introduced by %ranyille Blokes, t , t•er sect clothier at No. 609 Ohestunc street, aud be :)3e cheapest of any establishment in the olty. CV39 VIE WAY. .ymis the way there Mande a dwelling, ino gloomy, grand, nor gay ; mttuate, not repelling— "; \l wo yeseed it many a day. t n note of joy or se LIZIONI T o my hearing over flowed, 6,rr09 's plaint pr mu to'd glauness, Yra thin pule!, calm abode. tho window over, gabillg t orening, rsiu ex shine, rou there otta with paper by him, Efeding STOnnS' ti %doers" Gina by Una 6, , ,kts' Men and Boys Fall and Mutat Oloth doinis ttady made, Agenoy for tee famous wof Vest," No, b 24 Ohoetnut stroot t under the ;Jit.IVALS AT THE iitITELS :P TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MOUT .;;;::I..NTAL MAU,- Ninth and tinestpUt ate. • J Playas, Foil Oa L•ac,Wis ~ c o.lerilond Mos J Puss). Fauna Pntebarg J G Forreeror, Pittsburg ' :r.. Now York SW A Ludlow, Nowark 1 L Lathrop DieW York I 7: er, Newiirk, NJ !sirs NJ Dons sri.i.t Newark '• 1: it : swan, Buffalo. Bev Y 011-4303 Nd ,!,u0 City Ids J a; su.stroug, 'Stanton ;„ &2 r r,Yr.; , r,tost Joo W N Wide, W Unee.or Tien`. W Covert/ os da ilarrlat4 Willis Dapi. T W Ferree, 1.1 3 A. ',oBllorrlostons 14, Bost Or A Lrato., No 4 York & . .o,l , olloaut Miaa 1 , -.;*. Maryland al se Dr 5.1.. z. in, Baltimore 1 0,4 4 ;, is. New - Yolk .traVai kl oil. N . Y o rk ,Lt Jn. P Milli J A Fluvtiligtou, doss .ts.,ck, lows N F Gall, kt,al43hueette ' i is W;guer .1 Ely Lieut. rt P 3lomo Tamaqua B P Lieber U b. V urtena tioorge W isurc, Ir r : Lt JJenea,.R caster We'! !SI It J YAM Stanton Ciocinnati Wm Auto tiy,,llotron Lep'sv, Balt John Voiks, .lovinkt m, KY b Line. (Jovingin,Ky tdise U LattiOu & derv , c,NY :1. Lancaster W ,loin 1, Barrisourg ' Edits, Y AEI lOwler, Pa - - I.RFIOII,Ii. ILd (Alas Aortouti N Y el lider 111 W Beaua. Wistits woo, D _0 limiter, Bonding W Limner, Newport 11.1.,,,0.tr. Newport J Wastrmg'n, DO • Willemaptrt Mrs U Loner, P;;lts, tile If. I'o:4mila Alma S L es,r, Pottsville Job. R W Torresdale 1 1. 1' , ;;1AC. 1 4 J tI Bracken. YottsVille biogo H G Mich. N Y A 1111!:; , —/ vire, I, y p Is jaolidpio k lady, Balt Fret:. Sacitbridge L Bisatolt, Nasevilie t. 19 . ,, Mrs E Wafers, N Y WO, N-Y J 211 , :irrla at wise. Del ,k could, N Y Brigas. Now York er , m Alt Wut flUlytner. Barks 0..) !•;..w York J U Weloh, Newburg a! 11 it';',l“ , w York W B Perdue. New York L I) d A R N gischvit 4 wife B P troe, & fumy Few York Oar R Mtiomo, S y,Ei.glftud 0 0 Jottoson, Nov York T J Wu! Wyek. No 4 , York !kr V , 70, PU11'00644 M , s 11 Pa. kir. enßa .1; Es/.... t, NO. yolk A W Rel+ey U 8 N ' la. Balt more B B HMV! & 14, Pittsburg • , ;• ,1 *.1. , ,N , 5s Raven WLt KILN, Newport .G 07044 , ti , A, York B A Willard, Wails, D ssa ti Liy4. New York Mr, c a Lyon, N-W York s. 'servo { kla, New 'York A. Ronert.oe, New 14.11. k v, , 140. A, Baltimore J 03Ib , Now York 7" dirty, New Jersey E -s. W 011oster C Finil, New Yeer N I ;.= gcry No 0 York Clifford its wit 0 Perrin. NOY York 80T.Ltli—ruartti at., below Arch. ; ,, rousc Ilerrioborg Abet 'lli hite, tisverbilt 3i6ior ttn , 146.1, Pittsburg Ullmann, New Turk hgeLeir naannore A. B PitkigG diegtaudrls Et balbmace W Arattr, toner, iJutrtherrei . 4, A lane, '1 twat, pa John Ward, Berlin, Onto J i, ciNc 3 irn,Petintylvania litre cullwell, Pa J tea-, , r ) •Kon Jas Maritsa ge, Pittsburg In 6 sgsoglet, Yolk, Pa rd 8 attitg..,,,'44,9kt,7sP,arg— ,h.lt zeic ,, lor, Dover, Pa .Prerligaugler nOriturra git r, 13,rlirt, Pa` HA Barna York , - J 3)41, D Bon. Lancaster G PLit, o, Colombia --- -Xi.), L J Patton. Pa G bsoasin, Blgsresburg J 0 A lAD dt - ,vf, Beading \ J Matter, PIA Henry W 3tento, New York M. courting , Won Lilly, Oarbon 00, Pa 3111,1.51 i 1, t, Ilse/York Mrs hitilsr, New York rri ro, D t h m are HB, altiri, thdawlire 'foul t I ..l , tiestaun S Id. Stndc, Digt l • ll4 own (tamer, Lttilistown A Brower, Lisburn, Pa D 13e, itnith Ote3doL, Pa T 8 001111'0th 11 - 0,1,1 °1 81'4 Otoffe 1 1 " Clisilant, Pa A NBrandt, Mechaniosb'g Eitßti, Mechanicsburg Jit Oolbroolt,HolllUDO'd J D C., ~' unttol,styl,,buyg Mies Ir B'rine, Milton litil , i,iriittavglonville ltli‘s ti W Lowrie, Pa P i alrtgs,Booneboro,Md k" Ziegler, Petersburg Farctl, uninnotteb'n D 131.1 r. tqlitmeattmrg jri UM' !!, Cambria, Ps lie ii •Frytuire, tlfton, Pa f)rrstowri W A. Ong; Snip itinsourg L 4l ' ll gA is Danville B B iinlliben itt to 4 3 It rot rt , Milton 'Thus Wood s , Danville J Danville Jae A Brown. Huntingdon Pe Etv & tan Pottsville B McD,,trsil, '4,atington, Pa 111 Moat), Allentown Edw Bunn. Allentown it Mit IBA, isl Obunk Peter ikon, °entre co:Pa Baltimere Henry L LOUOttiVito), Pa ...ss 1 fitlll4e W itictLean, Solepenebarg herow. ebleyinneb'g H Fleveineer, Sid ovenated Fo %Olt Sitippenebtirg Mrs M 0 Oro , * a, Pa libis 11 McCollum. Pa 8 BabcocitrHeat Haven natikltHAN—Oluentuut street, aoove Fifth. * PrifJo Woodcock, N Y 8 4 Hall, Bel tmnre Gr, ;Goy, Wash, 1) 0 Jubu t 7 t orris. Week., D 0 o , N ovo Sc o tia F Wino an, Mary laud 11 ) 1 11141m Mato() John hoes, New York L Pleb:qui Taunton Min Lizzie Mahe, Pa Bethlehem JOlll3 opt 3/", 0 "'" &Bon, Ennton James Waten & lady LAtTlriAok New York Wri Bright. nentaud, Pa Jet F WU], di Reen W Verner, Schriikill co Hazleton g N B Nichols, Pottsille I CP Latoll r, New York E B Elmer, New Jersey Best) Leciog, New Jersey Ilarllele, New Fork Sisy, G Weatoott Maryland Betnon, Beadles/ W B Shoed, Wisenington 1 4 11 1110 w a Adams, N Y I -.Tercel Shore Weddell, W Ohester El Downingtown 11J ?IF et?, Hanover, Pa 0 B Wlri, Hanover, Pe B A.llOl. Bending Geo Hoff, Beading nll7lO, J 611141 More Henri Linelooott 81 aure, Eckley, Pa Ttion B Starr,. New York G ktislwr d: wife, Pa L Blogg, New York. Ce.nt at Md J .11 Mean:l, hewtown J Ytldtmett, Maryland LIE uNwN_A ro h 'greet, above Third. L kb, et, Pliteborg Jacob Fend, lohuetown t akti llitOwletbitrg W,Smish. &m lab Ohm* ' 4Pida, Itendltig John 'V Jane, Oftaidett, 001 11.81lrehulter, Lancsster oo E t3rdoka S la, Lancaster I ift A t !hetan, Penne B Bailin, Reading Pottsville r Spencer, Pottsville %ogler 3 le , hew Jer•ey D Bpplat, B arrbibar g 1 4 Ilarrhborg A Rummel, ilarriebarg „C T ' " Bagers,own Kelm rdecnenicebarg Joke Mohler, Pottsville 0 t).:baro. Towauda „I C n c " % Yr, Prima Win E erdivatn.ll,sading „•;.", klotdon,Ta 0 Dolsonl Pottsville w,`Thulutt Clooinuad, 0 Teo Slick A " 4 mm' alleghtny, PA B Wagner, Circleville, 0 lic ebenisker, Circleville, 0 We. LtlUll3 HOTBL—Ohoetent teat, SDOVe Tllll4. er,%, Ritz, Tamarnat Thos Fa •er, Tamaqua . o a llaaton. Ohio B A Sterling, Baode 'Blend 4 "ee, Weebh, ton, D 0 .1 B Donty, elbsinoltln Powell g !dock. Schuylkill Co t 0 . 1.1 "Qum, Baltimore J P B"tigh, Dowelogran iibehaw, Peetatt leant& i• Obad,wy, Noir York P e H n Ackerman, New , o r;& At worn. Alberti o e Wright, York `0 a 1 01 IP Derland, penny zoorlort AL HOTEL---Bace meet. above Third. , „ Bth ith, Plinientlt W 10 Young. B" I liug , tiding MKaber, - Lebanon, Pa S, te h "liel.t. " din g diem 8 8 Ela J ht, Lee, Halle John L Lee, Mice Mite Lao, Hese ''tltvl¢ e (o., le, Macs Sera if W*. Bless E WU? lam W Wethernold, !leading o' t ,„ 'Nth Reeding Jao,t , 'Meta, minerevllie . ‘a",,,l" . " llo rB‘ , ll.llllaven lho ICAlfrolau. doh Haven :3,;;;, J H Pile, Ringgold, Pa 5 1 — " novnitla t Lebanon D Thad, LehAnon r T r o ebt lieln. Lebanon Idre BURS. Zia/ 5 41a t rr ocvntiiiii, Penne, L Newman, Oaaton IN ' 144 '1 Millersville Bobt RAMS' Sbolike, Lancaster eo Warh Kirk, York ON Pa N Trtrler, Bender CiS,Pa IT 17 111.t.nour, W.ah, D ru " ( P ,Ptilret NSW Berlin D Slon, tlotombA P4l. penna w a win...94ft I, J R n ar r Jacob Bakers wlltseemarre Dostestown To W Saw., Den, Pa Rinero, oat,, w t s " K Elnerelte+, U. ivt.ee j tr: Pi g P llnier,Hartleton Pi ti tulle m &la 1 14ruvion h l' o u Begeril, Pa D. 7 Boger & le, Illlddlet'a ESTATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. A p frhamberlain, N York 0 B Norris. Permailvaula 0 W Fosiok, Pennsylvania If Wallin, Jobnetown, Pa ()Part, Johnstown, Pa J Eloock, York co, Pa J Metzger, York 00, Pa J Balrton, Armstrong co ii Z Van Bard, Beading Afro Kind, Williamsport ' J T Dever, Landisbnrg Mim L N Africa, Itookl'n Mier Newport N McLaughlin, Durit'n Mies E Forayth, OODIMZE,OIAL—axth street, above Oheetnut. J B RemMa, Penneylvania J B Broomall, Ooa.eivllle L J Kirk, Lancaster co Mrs Armstrong & n, 07h co N Vanderslice, Pbcenixville Kra Vanderslice Phcenitit'e Miss Vanderslice, Pr CO Illrett Mrs 0 bertwerzer Phcenvie Sirs Merger), Phoeeixville B Person, Obentor co P W Silver & 2 d, Maryland J Shannrean, Beading D Rupp, Shiremanstown J H Billy, West Chester' S Grove, Columbia,Pa J Strawbridge, Ohm co .1 It Ramsey &a, xford David Straubb, Oiferd Rohl Ile,dgeon, Oxford 0 R Maynard. Strasburg .1 Bully, 'leaning John Rough, Lancaster 0 D Cheney, West Chester W Sheratons Cheater no Lilac Slack, Pennsylvania J P Sheer, 31ranburit, Pa BLACK BEMS—Third street, above Gal I' I' l Deo - Inger. Penns W Wetzel, Penns J Hine, Lehigh co, Pa G II Kanter Easton, Pa 0 Butz Beadlug P L Gain, Heading K steward. Peuna D D Soboener, Ii D Rentschler, Sherllesv'e J Hillegas, - Pouttsburg Lient WI/ Gilbert, Penla P.l Hoffman, Indiana i A Eleirel, PPLIDS J G Clolemtn, Beink no, Pa J Le!ser do la, Boblk co, Pa A Ilan's, Derrysburg lira DUMB ke, Berrysbnrg BALD DAGLB—Thirci, street, above OallowhllL A Patinkam Penns J Wendel, Bethlehem 0 P Bober, 'Allentown L J Llalitcape, eummitHill G V Snyder, Penns A Meyer, Penne hchertz, Bethlehem Mrs Trelchler, Bethlehem J Billegas, Ptmneturg, Pa Mrs Keely, Norristown J L Farr, Allentown J Housman, al , thtg co, Pa D B Hamaher, Harrisburg W T Rover, Kutztown P Bpandkr,.Myerstoan F B Huber, Bethlehem A larly ! Dauphin co, Pa MADISON HOUS/A—Beeond street, above Market. D Dow, Albany G A Vanlone, Albany .1 Bart & la, Del Ebert Deana, Johueavlle Miee B tmith, Milton, Pa TBRBOli—Second street', above Aroh. BF Ctocker. NEW York DI Grier A Lambert, Penns B F 811111gatt SPECIAL NOTICES. SINGER & CO.'S LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MAOIJINE is the moat beautiful, beat, and cheapeat of all Sewing Machines. It emu odies the prin• Malan of Singer dt (100 well.known Manufacturing Ma ohines; makes the interlocked atitoh; will sew on all kle,ds of cloth, end with all kinds of thread; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tuot—in fact, will do ALL RINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and aurpastoe every other Machine for the great range and exctlience of its work. Send for a plimkttlet. L M. SINGZB (lc 00., No. 458 BROADWAY, NOW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, cc 7 AMIN tf No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. 600,000 MALE OR FEMEiLI AGENTS TO SEL LLOYD'S NEW STEEL-PLA.TIO OCTUNTY °LOBED MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, OA rADAS, AND NEW BILUNSWIOK From recent surveys. completed Augustlo, 18&2; cost $20.000 to engrave it and one bar 3 ll OM. Superior to any $lO map aver made by Oolton - or Mitchell, and sells at the low price or fifty cents • 370,000 names are engraved on this map. It is not only a County dim but it is also a , 00131iTY AS.I) 11.A.I&R,OAD &TAP of the United States; and Oenadas combined in one, giving BVBET RAILS 'AD SCATION and dittancee between. Guaranty any woman or man $I to SE, per day, and will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Rend for $1 worn to try. Ptinted instructions bow to canvass well, furnished all our agents. WANTED—Wholesale Agents for our Maps in every State, Oallfornla, Oanada, England, France, and Cuba. A fortune may be made with a few hundrtd dollars c'apt• tal. No Competition. J. T. LLOYD, No. I&4 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses our Map of Virginia Maryland, and Pennsylvania, coat $lOO,OOO, on which is marked Antietam Oreek t Sharpeburg, Maryland flights, Williamsport Ferry, Rohreraville, Nolan's Ford, and al others on the Potomac, and every other place in nary landt Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL aIAP OF KENTUCKY; 0810, 'INDIANA, and ILLINOI3, Is tbo only authority for Gen. Buell and the War Depart. meat.- Mor,ey refunded to any one finding on error in it. Pike GO cents. [From the Tribune, August 2.] itLLOYD'S MAP OF VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, AbiD PENNSYLVANIA—Thff Map Is very large; its coat ie but 25 cents, and it is the best which can be pur ehased.” LLOYD'S GREAT MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI TVEB.—From actual Surveys by °apts. Bart and Wm. Bowen, Mississippi Biver note, of St.Loute. Mo., shows every man'a plantation and owner'e name from dt. Louis to the Gull of Mat:o-1,350 miles—every sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back from the river—colored in conotieh and States. Price, $1 in sbeeto, $2, pocktt form, and $2.60 on linen, with rollers. Beady September 20. NAVY DEPATITMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 1882. J. T. LLOTO—SNY Send me your Disp of the Minds , . step! Slyer, with price per hundred copies. Bear M. miral Charles H. Davie, commanding the llississlopi Squadron, le authorized to purchase as many as are re quired for use of that Squadron. 8- T- 1860-X.. DRAKE'S FLA STATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. The r.are,an_fmt.tdotectouhmkge of,_water,and diet. They overcome effects of - dissipation andlate_houra. .Yrtestr Artrangthon-tho oysteM - atHrennven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent levers They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrheea,.Chotera, and Cholcirallorbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervoue fleaeache. They are the best BIT MRS in the world. They make the weak ram strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Bum, the celebrated Oalisaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli ante persons- requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drngelate, Hotels, and Saloons. P. Dil&KB Ott CO., 202 BBOADWA.Y. New York. ee24 dm BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! THE BEST I 7 THE WORLD. WILLIA el A. B ATOHELO celebrated Halr Dye Prodocre a color not to be distirguished from nature; warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least; remedloe the ill effects of bad dyes. nod Invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turns a eolvcdid ialack or Brown,leaying the Hair soft and bean. tiftd. Sold by all Druggiets, &0., far The (leonine is signed WILLIAM L. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each bon. FACTORY No, 8L BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and le Bond street o ) myll-ly New York. GREAT TRIUMPH.—STEINWAY " " & SONS were awarded the FIRS V MAD AL at the late great International Exhibition, London, Over two hundred and 6 hay nine Planoe, from all parts of the world, entered for competition. - Wareroome at BLASIUS BROTHERS, 1006 (MST. NllT4Street. 001-Ixa UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for $1; the best in num. Try it; Sold only at ITTB AM'S, 403 CIIIXS MUT St. 5e2,7.3m* MARRIED GREGG—SHEAF'S' —4t Bt. Thomas' Church, White. marsh, on the 6th 'natant, by the Rev. F. Dillon rwan, D. Mold. Gregg, U. fi. A., to Ellen Frances, daughter of the late Wm. T. Bheaff. * PRIOR—JENNINGI3.—On the 6th !patent, by Rev. J 0. Clay, Mr. George W Price to Miss Lizzie Jennings, both of Philadelphia. VERDE 1,--10101.a.--On the 2a instant, by. Rev. N. Ostrow well, Wihlem K. Bendel, of Trenton, N. J., to Mies Lizzie Felt, of Philadelphia. 011ATTIN—MORGRIDGE —On the 27th ultl no, by the Rev. Charles H. Whitecar, Joseph A. Ohattio, of New Monmouth, N. J., to Mies Anna if., daughter of Di. John Morgridge, of Bridgton, N. J. * DIED. . 13,411V1Y.—0n the evening of sth indent, Mary M., *ifs of Lewis P. Harvey. The relatives and frimds of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her bushel:id, at Oliadn'e Ford, Four;teday morning next, at 11 'clock. * BIMIBIS —On the 4th instant, Wm. B. Barris, in the 33d year of his age The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend hie faneral front his late residence, No. 145 North Twentieth street, on Wednesday miming, Bth !intent, at 10 o'clock, without farther notice. Also, Guar dian Lodge, No 962, of L 0. 0. F. To proceed to ilduaut Yemen Cemetery. * Washington city, on Sunday evening, sth Instant, of dysentery, Captain J. Latta, of the Bth Penneylvanla Cavalry. His body can be seen by his friends of this city this day. (Tuesday ) ) at the residence of Dr. A. Nevin, No. 2200 Green street. On Wednesday morning his remains will be conveyed to the residence of D. O. Lee, Esq.. of Cheater Valley, and from thence, at 11 o'clock, borne to the cemetery of the Chester Valley Presbyterian Church, where his rale tives are interred. - COGOINS.—On Second dew, 6th instant, from wounds received at the battle of Antietam, Edward Heston Oen ere, Company P. 28th Regiment, P. V. Hie Bleeds and the friends otitis family are invited to attend his funerel. from the -residence of Anna E. Mar bech, No. 809 Filbert street, on 'Fourth day, Bth instant, ed. 2 o'clock. - Interment at Woodland Cemetery. 0* HART.—On the 4th inetant, James H. Hart, in the 52d year of his age. His male friends are respectfully invited to attend his funei al froni Ms late residence, No 2027 Wallace street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without fur tber notice. STBICEEB.—On the 4th instant, Frederick Stricker, in the 37th year of his age CONBELLY —On the 4th instant, Mrs. Anna Connel ly, wife of Edward Connelly, aged 66 years. * 110 P 8 RE.-Ou the 4 h must., Thomas, eon of Michael and Bridget McPake, aged 1 year, 7 months, and 11 days YBITOT.—On the 4th instant, Mr. Alfouao Fritot, in the 30th - year of his age. * THOMPSON.—On the 4th instant, Nils, daughter of Beury, and Engine Thompson, in the sth year of her age. IIdoGIJI2II —On the 4th instant, Susan Clark, infant denehter of Samuel and Sarah Motinrk, aged 1 year and 12 days. * UPLLASAN.—On the sth instant, Ellen, wife of Jas. Oalieban, aged 51 Tears. McCINIIIS —On the 4th Instant, Richard McGinnis, in the 85th year of his age. * 141111TH.—On the sth Instant, Willie St. George, son of John and Elizabeth Smith, aged 4 years, 1 month, and 26 days OaBNET.—On the 3d instant, Henry (Jamey, egad 20 years. of Co. P, Callforela Regiment. . A CHE9TEII.—On the 3d instant, Mr. Leonard Cheater, in the 03d year of his age. D 10/113.—0n the 4th instant, Anna Mary, daughter of Balk and Elizabeth A, Davis, aged 1 year, 10 mouths, and 22 dem ' * GOOD.—At Jenkintown, on the 4th 'meant, Mre. 'Ann Good, aged 63 yews. * GBAY.-On the 4th Indent, Cetharine Gray, relict of the late James D. Gray. in the 636 of her ago * 'SENILE, —On the sth instant, Mrs. Mary Ebner, wife of Jaerh Ebner, In the 50th 'Oar of her age 'it SBIELOBI.-00 the 341 instant, Michael Shields, in the 28th roar.of his ago. labllTEL—On the 2d instant, Charles B. tlitritth, aged 44 years.. DEAL.—Oaths 4th instant, Olera Virginia, daughter of Marie, sod Anna IC Del. In the 7th year a of Ann her age. TiliNTLßy.—Ktiled in a ction, at the battle e. tern, on the 17th nldrno- le.ttil D. Huntlev. in the 2d i ear of bta age, 12d Dogiatent, Co. E, Baxter's Fire Z navea pe h ar g. s. NDEY.—On the 4th instant, John LandeY, aged*6s GIDEON WELLS, 13eoretery of the Nee37 TeItLACK IRISH POPLINS.—Just received, one ease of Pineaoelebrated plain black Irish Poplins. BESSON & SON. nonrnins Stare. No. 818 CHESTNUT ,Street. NiaiLltll CRAPES ON ROJ LS. Jobt received, English Trimming and Veil Crapes, rolls. English ()rape Veils. English ()raper, al; widths and qualities. • Large Crimp ()rapes and Vella. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, oc+3 No. 918 OBESTNUT Stmt. EYRE & LANDELL, rotrivre end AEON STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL BALMS: Munificent Silks. Alegnificent Shawls, Magnideent Poplins. Good Blank Bilks. - Richest Printed Goods. Goad Wok of Steele.. se2o-tf L.ATio,,,AL "NO PARTY RUT OIR 00CINTRY." STATE OFFICERS. Auditor General. TROM.AS E. 00011.1tAIL f•urveyor General. WILLIAM S. ROSS. CONGRESS. First Dtstalct -Beoond District—CHAßLES owEnd. Third Dietriot—LEONAßD MYERS. Fourth District--WILLIAM D. KELLEY. Fifth District—M. RUSSELL T HAFER. SENA TOR. Second District—JACO B E. RIDGWAY. Fourth District—GEOßGE CONNELL. ASSEKBLY. First District—WEl. FOSTER. Second Ihstriot--MOBTON A. EVERLY. Third District—THOMAS T. WILLS. Fourth Dbitriot—tiMetrrEL J. BEA. Fifth District—JD:6SF9 MOORE. . Sixth Distria---CHARLES OLINGAN. Seventh District- - T H 0 Aii 000 EiRAN. Eighth District—JANES N- KEENS. Ninth District—JOHN A. BURTON. Tenth Pterrict—tit. S. PaNOOAST. Eleventh District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUßE ' V. SIJTPHIN. Thirteenth District—JAMES HOLGATE. Fourteenth District--ALEXANDER CUMMINGS. Fifteenth District—WlLLlAM F. SMITH. it• hixteenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Seventeenth Dlstrict---CHARLES F. ABBOTT. COUNTY OFFICERS. District Attorney. WILLIAM 13. MANN. Prothonotary of Court of Common Pleat FREDERICK G. WOLBERT CITY OFFICER 3. Mayor. ALEXANDER HENRY City Solicitor. F. CARROLL BREWSTER. City Controller. JOSEPH R. LYNDALL Receiver of Taxes. JAMES 0. KELCHEI. City flommissioner. JOHN GIVEN. 07. PENNSYLVANI A 11 - 10K.TIVULTUFLAL SOCIIITY —Sui•ject for discussion this evening Green Lome Planta—Kinds and ()are It B: FOURTH WARD NATIONAL UNION L 1,3 ASSOJIATION —A, meeibm will be held Ttl[9 3.1 VE tile G at Gmnpboros; PA.SBYETNK Bowl, below bhippen. F. Uarron Brewster and other promirent gentlemen will a-Ai elm the meettog.. KENNEDY McDAVT, President. SAMUEL B. MURPEY, Secretary. [cr. TwEril'Y-FOURTH. WARD fIA.- tionedl Union Association. ?Ninth precinct, will hold a meeting THIN (Tdeedal) EVENING, at 7X o'clock, at the Piecinct Rouse, 013 EST NUT, east of Till street. The Friends of the Government are earnestly wpm:sited to be present. lt* AO PARTY BUT THE UNION.—THE u... 3 National Oniin Association cf Thirteenth WaTd ain meet TBIS (Tuesdav) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the Pouthesst corner 'of NINTH and SPRING OA.R -DEN-Strects. F CARROLL BREWSTER and WM LIald B. MAX N will address the reeetiog. AU loyal to their country are invited to attend. JONA CHAN BULLOOK, President. DRAYTON 8 LEIVI3, a • OttoauE PIERIE, , Acroisneg. it* WESTERN BANK OF PEIILADEL -113 ruts, October 8, 1862 The Aurae] Mtetioh of - the Stockbollers of this Bank will -be bold on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November neat. at /2 o'clock At. G M. TROUTMAN, ho7.tnthetne4 Cashier. DrBANK OF COMMERCE—FMLADEL• PHIL, Octk ber 6, 1662. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Fonee on tdON DAN, the 17th day of Nsvem. bar next, between the hours of 10 A fd. and 2 P. kit. A peneral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same elate on ViE6DAY, the 4th day of November neat, at 12 &clack M. J. A. LE.ving, oel•tuthottolg Cashier. [CrFAR MER S 1 AND MECHANICS , BARK—PEEILADELPHIA, October 6,1862. 'Tim !tonna]. Election for Directors will be held at the Rai king House on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novembts xt, between the boors of 9 o'clock A. and 3 o'clock P. H. i• end on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November reit, e gent-ral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. ff. agreeably to the charter. W. HUSEIiON , . 7- uol7 Errlri"gcNtolvel.'fing BANK-PHILA. Al.nnai Election for Directors will be held at the Dunkivg Donee on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novell]. ber r•ext, between the hoar!. of 10 o'clock A. td. and 2 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th ds.y of No. vtneber next. a antral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at toe Banking Howie, at 10 o'clock A. H. oa•tnthateol7 H. O. YOUNG, Mohler. arOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INoUli&DicE OlYANlC—Plinanst.entA, Oc toorT 6, Ibo 2. The Diructers have this day declared a dividend of 1r) VE DOIAAR i per share for the last six mouthe, tebicti la 61 be paid to tho 6tockhelders, or their lege] seutativra, on and after the 16th instant. exclueive of taxes ALOES!' 0. L. OR.A.WFO oe7 9t* Secretary. r OFFICE OF TIRE FRANKLIN FERE PRILADKLPaIe., Oct. 602 . At a meeting of the Oirectors, held this day, al mast divldetal of SIX PEE OEN T.. nuo art ...Ara thiNi of TE.N. PER OE were declereroo the eeh ital. ! ° °l ' . ;, :"1' 143-4-614 ' * 4 - the :ti0.0./.laeo--...-rosi•ittekr legal repre-. e„ and'efter the eth test,: ocer-ltt J. W. la A 4tfltEE, Seentary. HEADQUARTJERS 7 NA.,Joe4aL twos orrY COMMITTEE, i_JNIAIONViEALTE BUILDING, oumarturT, ABOVE BIRTH sTalgwr— 'orfn at all Imam , ac 6 tf TOE PROGRESS OF THE WAR. AND -THE WIEST .11 . ENTRE OF AIIORIO L—Ttie At-V. Dr J&Rt.EN will deliver a Lecture on this one • ject on the evening of THURSDAY. October 9th at half vast 7 o'clock, la the NATIONAL HALL, OHE 3• 1 ER. Tickets. 25 cents—to bo had at the door on the evening of. the Leanne. no° 41,* HOiIICEOPATELIC nosetTAL, Mali BLit c street —We institution le no w open lot the leek num. of tick and wounded eoldicrei who will be received end provided for in the 'root comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F GLENN . , 0c4.1; Sec's , of Board of nonagon. CONCERT IE3LL—SI7 EDNESDAY OT EV Etil NU; OUTOBER , 8. ReV. JOHN W ALE kat JACES'' , OI bcturec by public mince,. Subj,)cr— i- Onr Dlntiub sits Peril. The President's erooiamation the Patlyed Honor, of Big,ht, and of Safety" Tickets 25 cents For sale at T. B. PIT 4RS, corner SIXTII bud 0024TINF,hTA.L, and at the Ttolret Office of the Sail riB lab STATE BANK AT CAAIDEN, OCT. 3, 1862. 1 Re Dirtctore lave this day declared a Dividend of ME Pr D OED T. for the last six months, payable on &roam,. clear of plated statea tax orA•3l.* THO. ACKLEY', Cashier. PiOTICE IS tiEREBY TWIT Err "THE COMALEINIAL, BANK OF PENS t.VANIA" intend to apply to the liegislatureof Penn. sylvamia, a: their next session, for a renewal of their charter. Bald Bank is located in the city of Philadel phia, with an authorized capital of one million of dol tars; a renewal of which will be &eked for, with the usual banking privilege& By order of the Board. S. (3. PALKER, Cashier. Je • oem 0 T t; E IS HEREBY GIVEN, 0: 3:' that an application will be made to the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, at their next tession, fora renewal of the Charter of the` OF THE NQIITHERN LIBERTIES. The said Bank being located in the city Of Philadelphia, with en authorized capital of live hun dred thousand dollars. By order of the Board. W. 013AUKERE, Oaghiet. Philadelphia, June 23,1882. le/A-them ry•TAVIS AUX EIAGANTS, .111 R• PAUL ANDRIOT, Gorand de la maleon • 00 Tattlenre de MR. GRANDVILLE S fOKES, 609 CHEnTNIIT Street, Philadelphia, a Phouneur de pre venir see nombreux omit, et connatetances qui Pont deja favorite de lour clienrelle, (sling quo lee etrangere,) qu'll Tient de rcsevoir ee Peril, et Lor.dres les modes lee pine recentes et lee mieux porteee pour la godson d'ltiver. Mr. Grandville atokera We b. ea etepoeidon les °toffee lee plus belles, et lee moldering qualltee, dee premieres man u lecture d n rope. Les militntree, aloe' quo lee &Haters de tons grades 7 trouverone les reeilleuree qualites d'etoffee odes prix tree moderea Velegance de ea coupe, ainei qua le cachet de dielinotton qui la caracteriee est deja trop Gonna du pub lic, pour en renotivellee lour meritee. gen Ica PROPOSALS. DE P T QUARTERMASTER A./ GENERAL'S OFFIOE, P.amenst..parA., October 6, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TRUE SDAY. 16th instant, at 12 o'clock M., for the shipment and delivery of all the ANTREMOITE lAEA iIIER GOAL required by the War Department, front the wharves at Richmond, Philadelphia, to the fol. lowing ports: Fortress Monroe, Va. Washington, D. O. Alezio.dria. Va. Flatteries Met, N. C. Newborn, N. 0. Beaufort, N. O. Port Royal, S. 0. Hilton Read, 8. 0. Ship Island. New Orleans, Li. Key West, Ma. New Yolk. Boston. Contract to commence immediately after it is awarded, and to continue until 80th September, 1863. The con tractor will be required to make prompt shipments, as soon as the orders are furnished him by the War . De paitroent or its proper agent, from time to time, aa re gutted. Lay days, at the rate of forty tens par day, will be rev:find for unloading; if detained longer, by proper authority (which in all eases must be endorsed on the bills of lading), the bidders will state the lowest rate for demurrage per ton per day. orlonCo to boardnload at the wharves at the different ports, sels, as may be directed by the proper authority, the con signee I I:welshing the tools, to., necessary for that pur pose. Security will be required tar the faithful perform s+ ce of the contract. The War Department reeerves the right to reject ill bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, Captain and Asst. Q. M. U.S. A. TkpElMElt'd IVORITYP.S3 are the gratfet triumphs of the art of fine painting. The ability evinced in them is of the highest order, the per fection of coloring: SIGOOND Street', above Green. .I.oe $5OO Deiril7gAegtemnbelr g, l4 2 9 A, S e ' l e • 17 7 3 FII TE S E T: bllla NOTES, coupoue attached, Numbers 31.668, 31.t.09, 31.1519. All parties are forbid negotiating said Nat s, as notice Ms been given, and payment slopped at the Treasury and att Sub.. Treasury .Dspartments. 6800 GOLD! be paid by the nat. erslgned for the ratarn or the Notes. B. f. GALL &GELB% No. 231 North THIBD Street. ladelettia. October 2. 1882. 0c.2-180S WHITE iILESERVING BRANDY. PURE cpiyma,. AND WINE YitiEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD ISEEDIZIi SPICES; Mt the reardiltot for Presorting and Purposes. " , . . ALBERT 0 ROBERTS. DIIMINN , IN FINN GROONMNEI, 00101311 R DIAITINTH AND TM& N GI. ISH DAIRY HE SS S.-350 %.1 Boxes Obotoe Bite's& 'Dairy, OFIBINE, last so. ot reed and for sale by 8430D193 & 002-tf lic!. 107 Booth WAIIE Street. ' : --a : 4 'ILIA,' TUESDAY, OCTOBER T. 186. GREAT VOTERS OF PHILADELPHIA, OUR NATIONAL UNION. The citizens of Philadelphia, who are is favor or the in dirsoluble pers.( tufty . of the Union of our thirty-four States, and of maintaining the Cenatltution as our fathers framed it; who are reit Arita) , determined to over throw and or ush the treason of Secession straits in tie field, and of Bebt I alders and abettors in our midst; wh) will sustain, with fraternal Unity and stern every e ffort'of the National Administration to defend our free homes sud our free ll:Mitt:dime against the swage assaults of a brutal, bloody, and barbarous Re beilien, will assemble in NATIONAL HALL, MATMET BTBEET, BELOW THIRTEENTH, IVEDBESDAY EVENING, OCTO BER Bth, 1862, • At 7K o'clock, TO .RATIFY THE CITY AND bTATE NOMINATIONS NATIONAL UNION! FELLow.OirizENs : Your bleedirg Corintry.calls you! Your sons am] your brothers aro marching, striking, and dying on the field of battle While they bear your country's banner, come from your peaceful homes and rebuke the cowardly poltrcions who speak end plot Ela tion end treason everywhere in our midst. Show by your prt since and voices, to your brother patriots every where, that yon will SANE THE UNION, though rivers of blood continue to now, and every barkariern and every chain be ground to powder beneath the tri umphant march of American 'UNION and Amerliart LIBERTY ' The following eminent eptalters will a drew the meet. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Hon. ALEXANDER K. MoOLURE, Hon. JAMES POLLOCK, Hon. HENRY D. MOORE, Hon. MORTON MoMIOHAEL, Hon. JOHN W. FORNEY, F. 0 BEIGHTLY. Hon. CHARLES' GIBBONS, EDWARD G. WEBB, EsQ. Eon. WILLIAM E. LEHMAN, Dr. GEORGE W. NEBINGER, Hon.' on.A.RLEs oq:BILL, LEONARD RYER% EsQ Don. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, M. RUSSELL THAYER Esq., Ron. GEO.BAE A. COFFEY, Hon. A. J. HAMILTON, of Texat. By order National Union Oirp Executive Committee.. CAV ALICY -C AV AL U.-- J., AD A few more good men wanted to MI a gompanY of Cavalry: now 'I ecretiting to Germantown, for ytere or the war. Apply imiradiadely, at. Lang etroth's Balding, GBRICANTOWN. Commapoirg Officer—T. W &T 9 FERREE. H. C. POTTER, First Lieutenant. O.H.PTOILES, pecond Lieutenant... oc7-2.* N. B.—To report immediately at Harrisburg. MEN WANTED FOR A 00X . pary in tbe Tioaid of Trade lt,fie ilegirnent, , 158:h Regimen t P. V. This regimmt will g , , tato camp Immediately, tear the city. Ben ,ty. t 516 - A l3 O 1 1' early. V - plant. GEO 0. HENSZEY, N 833 df VRICE r atreet, below Muth street. ocT 121 fiA :MEETING O THE BOARD or Officers of tho 'llegtment (001 Alfred Day coromandine) tic t oe bold. T a(4 (-Tuesday) EVEN. MG. at 7j v clock, In the Regimental Armory, No. 546 GEF.SI TX\ 1"-Street. it* RAMC. G. THOHPSON, Adjutant. WILLIAM f CA TAIL WI H. FRY'S Etr' , situ, TNOOP —A. few young men wilt - be ac cepted by applying before TUE 4Thalir -No9N, at No. 213 OHlCSTstr'r dtrt 7 eil Ail mernheis or thei Troop still in the city will report at 01:109...nr_f. , ..f-""'- ---- oct3-2t brlanty and bc.treot.a —....--......-.: AitMORY 00.. A, isT REGIMENT a. G. ARTILLERY- October 3, 188e—This COM.. osny will Of Pemble at the Armory, 1733 31.3.11K14V1 street, on TUESDAY EVD SING next, 7th inet., at 8 o'clock, In full uniform, forinerention and Dy °Mex. of H. D. LANDIS, Ociptaln. E. 0. BOLLARD, let Sergeant. 0c6.21.*. .BOABD OF TRADE RIFLE BYGI NICHT, 156th Pennsrlyaala Volunteers, (Mt" °HARLIN Ia:RNENWEIN. Headquarters, 533 CEIPATIMT Street Ibis is the only new regiment that to accepted by the War and State Depart :cent, and has mitering order& It will go in camp at once in the neighborhood of the city ; camp equipage, &c, has already been fnrnithed. 0c4.614,"' tFORT DELA WARE.—Wanted, 10 more recruit° for Battery F, 3d Artillery (heavy). SIM Bounty ; SOO cash before leaving the city, Puy, ration!, and uniform from date of mueter. Inquire at 409 OREM ITT Street, (no stairs ) J. A - . BLAKE, Oaptain ClommAnding. FREDF.B.ICK W. BEERS, let Lieut. o 3 6th CAMP FBANKLIN, Oar. 3,1862.--• The gallant officere and brave eoldiere detailed front the old Philadelvhia regiments now in the OA i to re. emit for their gloriona battalions, have removed their tens from Osnln Independence to F RANK LIN SQUARE, d have called their nreeent camp the same as, the sposre, in honor of the noble Revolutionary patriot of our city. A. foil cones of t wentydrurnmere and fifers, - under commend of a drum , major and fife major, will be in Clnily attendance. Young men of Philadelphia; reflect upon the duty that you owe your couttry, in this her hour of peril. Go to 0016MIP FR - A:NKLIN, and Voce your name upon the inflater roll of yew breve eansfanione to arms. By ogler of the Oommittee. • JOHN E. &CRICKS, Chairman of Committee on Recruiting . The following officers have tents in Camp Franklin, besides their recruiting stations as mentioned : Capt. Themae J, Town. 95th neat , 202 Dock street. Lieut. P Began, 96th Begt, 202 Dock street Lisut. Thomas K. Boggs, 234 Regt., c frner Sixth and Mordent streets. Limit 3. A. Gregory. 91st neat , 620 Chestnut street. Lieut. B B. Byre, 91st Beat., 620 Ohestunt street. Capt. William 'Wilson. 81st Regt., 1110 Market street. /Lieut. George W. O'Malley, 115th Begt , 230 B. Fourth street. Lieut. Geo. W. Wilson, 61st Bsgt., 8 S. Fourth, street. Lieut. Wni W. Dawson. 61st Begt, 8 B. Fourth street. Limit. 0 B. Gtiffith. 824 Begt.. Franislin Square. Lieut. A. J Knorr, 824 Regt., Franklin %Ignore. tient Joseph Abbey. 112 tn Regt., 138 B. Fonrthstreet. Capt. 0 Eleit,tz, 65th _Regt, Dougherty's hotel, Twenty , fifth and Wood. Capt Joseph C. Bees. 66th Bert . 853 Chsstnut street. Lient. S. B. Allen, 72d Beet 527 Chaste It street. Lient 3. W. Burderland, 724 Best , 627 Chestnut st. Lieut. Ittchard Young, 169th Regt „ Franklin Square: Lieut. Owen Sheridan, 69th Regc, Jones' Hotel, Chest nut street. Capt. William Jatho, 27th Regt, 520 Callowbill street. Limit Jobn Stanton, 3d Reserves, 40 b. Third street. Lieut. S. J. Towson, 1524 Regt., Artillery, 409 Chest nut street. Capt. Blake, 1624 Rest Artillery, 409 Chestnut street. Cant .P. McDonough, 2d Reserves, Globe Hotel, Sixth street, below tihestnut. Lieut. J Curley. 2d Reseives, Globe Hotel, Sixth street, below Chestnut. Vent. J. K. ,Brown, POIII3a. Reserves, Jones' Hotel, Chestnut street - . Capt. S. M Zeal*. 29th Begt, 24 S Fifth street. Lient. D. F. Linn, 58th Regt., Franklin Square. Capt. George W Tomlinson, 26th Regt., Sixth and Jayne streets. Lirut. H. A. Hall, 26th Regt . Sixth and Jane streets. Lient. John H. }Meal, 26th Refit., Barracks, Washing- ton street. Capt. John T. Dnrang, 90th Begt., Franklin Square. Capt .William Moore, WM Beat., 124 N. Fourth street. Capt. William 'Uhler, 99th Regt , 204 Dock street. Capt. Henry A. &beets, for all Pennsylvania red. Meets in the field, Jones' Hotel. oc6-6t POLITICAL. MASS MEETING OF TIAE IN BEHALF OF TOWN MEETING, , AT OF EIE FRIENDS . OF THE HIS EXOELLENOY WILLIAM H. KERN, NfILITAR MILITARY CLOTHING. WIDE -SPREAD REPUTATION. There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITANT CLOTHING as RocKturiL & WIL . SON'S, Nos. 608 and 605 Chestnut street. Besides being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to fill all orders at moderate prices, and always have a uenou '1 STOCK OP MILITARY GOODS ON HAND. ui ifii • F. I. G. zr2lo, ARMY, AND TOILET MlDDOltid,' The beet In the 'world for flnieh and dnrabidt7. 13. M. B. The beet brand Mk-flubbed ' VNLVEIT RIBBONS- Pole Agent, BENJABIItT IL SMITH, 166 DUABE Street. near West Broadway, New York LIN , AND DWAI3 I -- Cobsult - Dr. I-, JAMES LEWIS, tahose' unremitting STeicess is nwilting actla the entire approbation of his pattonta Phimulbis_ Office 47 North WITS St his YE'` AND EAR.- DA. JAMESE - LEWIS, OOUGIAT and MIDIST, has ageli turned tram his professional tour in Europe. and perms stonily located at No. 8117 North SIX Ca Strsst. Moe hours from 9to 19 L.'11., and 4to4P. )t ;"se24 hug"' LADIES , FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUVAD (URDU OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH- STREET, Jett rrened. a large and handsome Stook or LA.TYLIES' AND C I3 ILDREN'3 FANCY FIII:01, or every descrip tion and is the newest and Moat approved soles, et the Le west dash Prices. . 007- 3m LADIES' FANCY FURS. No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, DIIPORTNE AND MANI:MAO MIME. LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fiwhionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, Please give me a call. 0c3.40i1f 1 862 FALL. 1862 WOOD 8c CARY, BUOCESSOBB TO LINCOLN, WOOD, as NIOROLS, Have now In store a COMPLETE STOCK OF. MILLINERY GOODS, OONSISTING OF Silk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, iSze., To which they respeolfully invite the attention of, the former patrons of the Hottee, and the trade generally. THOS. KENNEDY & B RO. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW MOUTH. FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS AI D 11ENERA.L MILLINERY GOODE, seB.am \ FALL MILLINERY GOODS 7E C 7 BROOKS, Cc Co., 431 MARKET STREET, Have now open for their • FALL SALES A LARGE. AND HANDSOIGE STOOK OE FALL', MILLINERY GOODS, CONSIOTIN(3 OP RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAIN') AND FANCY BONNETS, AND --7.11i - LIANERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which 'the attention of the trade Is Eit3iIgOTFULLY SOLIOITIPD. xe2o-2m MM. IL WREGHT, lar PINE open F /OHIO , t - &SLR MILLINERY on TrilißW A I,',Octob or 9:11, 1.862. oc7-3t* OEULIRIUN. t ia MISSES O'BRIAN, 1107 OPAL- NUT Street. will open PARIS MILLINERY for the Fall on TN INISDAY, October 2,1882. ocl.lBt* BONNETAND BAT F_RANIES PATTERN BONNETS, AND DRESd OAFS.--= 'e beet pike to buy a Full Assortment; at Wholeaale Guth Piices, lie at 3110.11LGA.N'D MANUFAGTONY. 408 Aiwa Sty et. ao3o ha* - FURNISHING GOODS, FLANNEL ANA? r CLOTH OVER FINE LINEN AND DRISLIN SHIRT 3, On bard or made to order, of the Moat approved cut, and ma-ranted to At. GENTLEMAN WRA.PPERS, The larguit acd beet aoportment is the city. UND)pOLQM3INg L.. IIOBIEI3, 7 K. GLOVES;_TUAS..4te =MD oa-t ntitarn It 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET,. JOHN-C. J. B. - --- Importer and manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Consisting or Gears , ' Wrappers,. Genre Genre Bilk Undershirts, Gents' Merino Undershirts, Gents' Aerino Pants, tittaker Flannel Ehnrt3 and Buckskin Shirts and Draw Improved Pattern .lairts, sattElaction. GEORGE GRANT, KANDFACITURER OF AND DEALER IN • ONTS' FURNISHING GOODS 2 No. 610 011165THIIT STDRET. neles-am VINE SHIRT .MANUFACTORY. The subscriber venrild invite attention to his IMPROVED CET OP SR tnTS, Which be mates a epeaiaity in bis business. Aiso, con- Stantly receiving NOVELTIES POE GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. 4.:W. SCC.)TT, GENTLEMEN'S PURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ! Roar dears below the Ciontinente. Ting - AB,MI! SWORDS, RIFLES, lISTOLW- SASHES BELTS, ite. No. 13 NORTH SIXTH STREET. WHOLESALE AND RETAJ,L. TILITARY AND NAVAL GOODS. GOLD LACE, PASSANTS AND CAP DEVICES. IMPROVED PATENT FILTERERS OFFICERS' dum CLOTH OVER ' 4 COATS. BRASS, STEEL, AND SILT SPURS, • Asp Military and. Naval Equipments • GENERAL. EVANS & HASSALL, No. 418 ARCH I STREET, PHILADELPHIA °of, et MILITARY TRI MINDS BRASS R.NAPSAOH TRIMMINGS, U. B. Regale- Son, with Bnekles, in complete eels ROLL gra BUCKLES, % -inch, for Ravens*. BRASS - INPANTIIT ACOOD'TREMIDNT MOUNT INGS, in comitete sere. BRASS. RAT 01111AMINTS, Saglee, Bugles, Trum pets, Crossed Eishres, and Crossed Cannon. BRASS IMPTHRBi and IiTIMBEIRS. BRASS CA.VALSYRRLT MOUNTINGS. BRASS INFANT BT do. do. BLIIRD'CAVALIVI MOUNTINGS, IL B. Regula tion, in sets, oomplete, including Saddle Tree, Picket Pin, Lahat Rope, Curry Comb, Rome Brush, and &pule. BRASS BORNW nth STRAP 131'11i/8, for Officers. BLUR, BOARLIOT, and GRAY BLANERTS, for *Officer' and 'Privates. For We in quatitillei, and of the best quality, by W. P. Wit...4A. TCH & 00., SS ORTH THIRD STRIINT, . u_ OFFICERS' iaILITARY EQUIP . MIGNTS.—BaddIst, Bridles Valises, Haversacks, Ell=eleteni Knapsacks, it rdOYEB. & BRIM.; 7.241 AK-, KET Street. i 1 04 40 rrENT-BUTT I ONS AND SLIPS, U. S Standard;trisnultietured stita for We by J. P. BRED, Corner of THIBUIERTEL and NOBLE Streets, 1162kinrof pirtleaelehte, BRAIIE3 O, I UMMETS for Army Ulan keit and leggings, manufactured and for sale in anf.onantito%44 BucVE,sraIpOLCAIS LA. 1:42 VMS: LADIES' FURS. BELOW FUNTH JOHN FAREIRA, IVIILLINERY GOODS, HAVE NOW BEADY THEIR NORTH BIDE, a. A. HOFFMANN, 606 AllOll sradur. =MEI Linen and Silk Neck-Ties, Steaks, 1:11:0118TY, Gloves, ,inspendere, .Ece , &a. Drawers. era. warranted to ftt and give ont-Ser hiII;ITARY GOODS. sallm* EN. NEE ULES 1024 CHESTNUT . Street, offers noveltteu ati follows Real Pointe Lace Colton', $4 26 up; Seat Valeacleune. 600. up,. French Guipure, 600. up; Real Thread. 500 up; mote in all of the above at proportionably low rates, Real Thread Veils. large size, $2 up ; Real Thread Barbee, 750 up; ell Linen Ttendkerchiefi, 10c. up; Broad Hein do. 25c. up ; Si t alifsat erne, 600 up; end a complete is eortment of Linens, Laces. White Goode, and Embrolde. ri.e, at very low prices. Prircheeere will tied it to their advantage to call at 8.111 NEEDLES', 1024 ORES ENUT Street. N. B --Made up eels Sleeves and nu dkerchiere in new gdylee. 003.6 t ARMY GOODS! Sky Blue Kerseys. Sky Blue Cassimeres .for Officers' Pants). Dark Blue Uniform Cloths. Dark Blue Cap Cloths. Park Blue Blouse Flannels. White Domet Flannels. Twilled Gray Mixed Flannels. U. S. Regulation Blankets. 10-ounce and 12 ounce Standard TENT 1)110K. In store and for lisle by SLADE, SMITH, & 00" No. 39 LEIPPIA, AND 40 kOUTH FRONT EMS., au27 2m PHILADELPHIA. BROWN DRILLS, OP STANDARD QUALITY, FOB BALM BY WELLING, COFFIN, Om jyl9-stoth3m 920 OHESNUT STURM CLOTHS, OASSIMERES„ DOESKINS, SATINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, LINSEYS, TWEEDS, -KERSEYS, FLANNELS, and ARMY WOOLENS. ror sale by the package, by WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. rtn2B-tbstutocl9 220 CHESTNUT . Street. CHARLES SEUESNER & CO., 105 and 107 READE Street, NEW YORK, HATE THIS DAY ESTABLISHED AN IMPORTING ROUSE OF WOOLENS, For the sale of the celebrated CLOTHS, Am, or JOHANNY, FRED, ERCKENS, And several other Manufacturers September 15,1883. se37-stuthat C ARPI ' 'TINGrS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1.32. CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Rar A full assortment of Philadelphia.made Carpets always in Store. od 2m COTTON YARN. SUPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 10, FOR BALE BY YROTIIINGRAM & WELLS. oa-ti_. 'aEABILESS BAGS: - 3Btiabc•l Bags. 3.2 1 000 Androseoggiff2-Bushel. ptail A. Lewiston A. Canada A. Atnoskeog 0. • Ozark. Premium A. Union A. Juts, &0., &a. Tor sale, net cash on delivery, by GEO. GRIGG, 21.9 OBECTROEI Artm - 3( GOD!. DARK-BLUE BOA.T CLOTHS. _ DARK-BLUE OAP (MOTES. SKY-BLUE DLOTHS_JEcaz- - . 2 nire: -.--- RTANTABD --- stl-OXINCIE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK: BROWN AND BLEAOMID SBEETINGS AND 6117wrin For sale by FROTEINGHAM 84 WELLS. wg_ir Et =:=EEMEM 13LANW . F1178, OVERNMENT STANDARD, FOR SALE BY - FROTITINGHAM & VTELLS,, AGENTS. sn29-11 WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., NO. 00 ONESTNITT STBNET, ore prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OF • ARMY. WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, OF BTANI)ARD QUALITIZ. ataT—tim SHIPT , EY, .HAZARD, HUTCHINSON, • No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION . MERCHANTS `s FOR TIM BALK OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ee29 6m s. FIVE TWENTIES: es, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. ECIDTDB, . DATABLR AT THE OPTION OP THN GOMM ILINT All TER TIVZ YNABX.I I am insienoted by the 01103INTART OT TBNAIRTRY to receive entawniitiona for the above LOAN AT PAR, TIN INTERNST TO CONNING& IRON DATE OF DNPOINT, Thue aVolding the diffioulty heretofore experienced by reathicir Payment in GOLD of the interact from Nay bat. • hill =May ef then Bonds always on hand. JAY 000K;+ , ERIBSORLPTION AGINT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. 1722-11 RETAIL DRY GOODS, COMMISSION HOUSES VIN JAMB*. WALLTOX, NXTALTON do YOST, v itiANEN.Es, namoras, Axas. 01111N1CRAL OOLLIIOIIIOIII3, Wog % South THIRD Street, Phi:tidolOW BNIPBBBNOBS. Joy Oooke a Clo., Ron. Swot Raba, .jaraci, gent, Santee, & Co., Hon. E. D. router, Miberiok, Block, A Co., Rca. A. H. Raeder, 0., McHibbin A Bon, Bon. Aso Pooker, B: P. Middleton'a Bro., Mon. WarrenJ. Woodenrd. Hon:Win. Wilkins, V. B. Brodforta, B. inrf.ilen Q _ Y YEIMAS, STOOK AND BILL B 11010118; No 312. WA.11413T STREET. Stocks and Bonds bought and add on 00011313881011. Prowissory 'Botta and Loans negotiated. 064.1.n5it $7 000 $5,000, $2 500, $2,000, 3 'awl 41.500 to inveat - ota Murigege. &pat to isL FRED FITLER, OottvoYoucer, No. 61 North 131 . 1iTfl Fitreet. 0.2-6 to LADIES' AND GENTS' Hair Dyed JI.J and Shampooed. St the BatidPs Saloon, TOUSTR laud BBAIIOII. 001.110 E W BOOKS AT REDUC2V LI PRICES!! %aide Ont. 1W a Singular Mimi .431, 00 Lewis' Eh mimetic& .12ine" 80 eta. flonntri.Lirktk and Tiling ing ' 80 oUi. Patience el Hope 80 eta. Olphects O. Zert Papers 80 et!.. Arteinue Waal!, .80 etc • Eft.* Atothereoft 80 cts. Like tad ................... ..... el 00 Among the . ....... . . .o.es.. 40 chi. The Ilyateiy. By Tara. !f ood 40 eta. Harrying for ...... . .... e4O eta. PITOBBB'S Book store and ................ Album De. Tiot, 439 CBIhTfItT Street; Q.ATE DRAWING 13001i.5, IN SIX K., carte. entirety Desi.: and just the tWitlEt.. amuse ark lbstt net the latie.4.ittkrat helm. Price .12.x7nts 1 7 1813 P a. l3ttertllEß, It* 12 North Allti:PPl Street. D ON THE .E;ltilifteE - .FIELD. —Jost pnblishzd b . ; ?CAUSE?. TIN OIfIMNUI Et compeEeo by 11. L Uotford; Tabs ix one of tbe moat beautitm hollads in iriiit (both music' slid pootrr.) Price 25 ante. oe3^.&* ,I.IOBIITAL bTEWARTYB NI& . • UAL, for the Instruct:l.sn of ttoeldtarStewards, Ward tdafitera, arid Attendant,. Br J. J Vo"oodward, M. D. 12mo. $1.26. THE PATIENCE OP HOPE. With am Introdutioni. by John G. Wldater. 76 ote. COUNTRY LIVING AND COUNTRY By Gail Hamibon. $1.2.5. lISALTH; ITB FRIA SII/8 ANY ITS FOES. By B. D. Illtlf4F6Y, K. D. NEW GYMNAaTIOB for Men, Women, and OM. drab. For`sale by WM. 8. & ALFRED 'et/ART-INN, meTT . 608 CR rf,WP - NHT B!reet. JET HAVE HIS PIOTURE."—Me tunch happiness lain that assurance, of the abseat oT asaaral. All should get a iikeuess while they can, at REIMER'S. ()aloud PhotagraPhs fur $l. tIIOCOAD street, above . Green. fiLEMENT BAROL &Y.—We pub s-1 Hal, We morning, a Teri fine JABD BROW GRATE( of Clement B. Barclay. IttoALLISTER & Bll.otHEit, 728 OHMSVIIBT Street. RIBA DER U. DO YOU KNOW THAT REIMER'S elegant and faithful likenesses, Life-size Photographs hi Oil Color a, are made at war priootr, to suit the times? SECOND Street, above %Teen. It* CIRt;IILATING LIBRARIES BROTBERHEAD'S CIROU T Y • ,LETTING L. 161 11111.—All the NEW Eagilah and American hooks, including ALL CLASIIS3 of Lttc raturo. 'This is the ONLY Library iu the conutry that !minden all the NEW ENtiLLISU DOORS thDt are not REPRINTED here. Terms eb pc.• year; six months es three mouths $1.50; one month 75 oente, or 8' onto per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. seS-Srn VNGLI:3II AND FRE4OII FAMILY OIROULATING LIBRARY A.NEGA.EINET I}3l LiiOTURE, 1817 ORESTEUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, auctdap. General catalogue just published, furniched gratis. In Press, Oatalosuo of the Young LEWES& French. Li. brary. • - Catalogue de La Bibliathegue des. Dames et der: .1)1; • istoiselles." 510e1AOHESI, &gout, ef.6.4m 33E7 OR 41.9 r NIT 5' Street. A TTENSION g INDEPEN:DENCE". ...L3L - °FPI CADETS:--The subscriber having opened , hie Atatlemy for the Military Itiefraction of mouth, bt. the winery, northeast corner DIG fIITIVITEE , and , 0111 , 1STNI) r Strretsv , will have regular driiis on hipti. PAYS Dud TPUBSDAYS onesch-weelri lit4 4 o'clock P.. M., at which times and -place be wi,l be glad to see his friends. Fer terms <to apply at the Armory on the days o(. drill, or et the rtaideute.of G• E.')KEVIDO UT; ecBo 9;* No 1912' , I;0 kTE - StrOet. \VE THE UNDERSIGNED Lave. Ibis day formed a OUPARTNEHSHIP, trader the firm of MAGEE it ftlilES, foe theitreueaction of the tiliOTEt )3138114E55, at NO 255 51.A.eisz.tr 6trubt.- CHARLES :M AGE, J, SOLLIIAti BRIM. - PHILADELPHIA, October 4,1862.' oc6-8t fri4E LATE FIRM OF WARTELNIAN , . BAIIRON -has been dissolved, and A.dem Warthtuan to authorized to settle the bushaeas of the fine. All per Pone indebted will make payment to•WIL LIAM. W. JIITIENA.L, JAI:MAIM 'Strebt, below Fifth.. 8E4241160= T AV I N :THE .ORPHA. S . ? . COURT FOR _A_ THE CITY AND COUNTY' OP PaILADE4- PflIA. Estate of SAItGH KLETT. Decensed The Auditor appointed 'by the Vourt to audit; settle. and adjust ,the account of Jacob ethriatit, Executor of Sea:AIX IILE Vl\ deceased, and to make dimribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will racetthe parties interebted, for the purposes of bia app , inttnaut t an MONDAY. October 20th, 1802, 'at 4 o'clock P trl., at hi 3. office S E corner 61.X.113. and 'WALNUT Streets, in the oily of Philadelptia. - oc7• totl3st,' (), BRIE ff, Auditor. -L.N THE ORPIIANS tIOUIt e FOR TDB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL&DEL• Estate of HENRY MARTIN, Deoeased 'The - auditor appointed by the Ormrt to audit, settle, and aejast the account of Peter Patartin, Administrator O. T. A. of HENRY deceased, and to make distribution or the balance in the -hands of the account ant, will num. the patties Interested, for the purposes of his aroointaleat, on TUESDAY, October 21st, 1862 , at 4 &clerk P M., at his i.ffice, S. E. corner SIXTH and WALX Streets, in the city or Philadei phis. oc7• tnth tst D. W. O' BRIEN, Auditor. ATIBVINIA .rtIoCALVEY, . by, her JOSEP a IitoOAL VEY_, Divorce. Seotemoer, 1861. No 49. Vo JOSEPHrdatDA [NEL' lkstiondent —Eon. will take notice of a rule to show cause why a Di vnrcs a yin. mat. should net be granied, returnable SAT DO .4.Y1 Dauber 18. 1862. JOnEPH P. LOUGaZ ort3 rutu4,* - Attorney for Libellant.. TIITO na , crTiviz. CLOTHING OHEAY - FOR Volk-btri The beet p.ace in Philadelphia to obtain welt•made, gocd.fltting, durable AT REAF ONAB LE PRICES; , AT RE /i.e ONAI LE PIIIO AT REASON AUL PR:10E1 1 AT REA EON ABLE PRIGS; W.A NAMAKER, • & BROWN'S- W ANAM AK F. & RHO WWS WANAMAKER & B t ) VMS , WANG MAKER & BB OW-WS WAN/. MAKER & 13110 80IITHEAST OOBSER SIXTH AND. MAR&Br, SprTuNAST CORNER , SIXTH AND. MARKETi.. SOUTHEAST CORNER , SEX-TH , AND HAIII-El.. P B.—Wanamaker & :Brown's Oak Hall Clothing- Retabliatimult, at titxth and Market etriets, to NOTO.D. for ipetl•tnadt, good-Atting,.durabie C6itilikh it mu,- IiONABLE prices,. ►C' Wanamaker & Brown have an Immense stook of Fall and Winter Goode,- bought early in the semi. at low prices Pon oean, which will be.aold oonamaromumo- LT 0111 UP. IrrCOSTDNIBIt- WORk• ' WELL DONS, XSTIII. LOW. PR)0B13. , Oa . ; a FIISE REAVIEMADE OLOTECING, O. SOMERS & SON„ • N 0.625. CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JiAsYNE'S HALL, Have now made up foi sale an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING_ Also, a foil assortment of CLOTHS, 0 &INHERES, sad VIESTINfM, which they reppectfolly invite tho pubbio to examine before oorchseffig elsewhere. Reli7tde3l JAMES S. EARLE SON, aUIrIFACTIIRABBA D rwoxtrauk rx•cut - Ner si,Assm3; 037. PAIS TIN (313, BIND slsefteYlNGat . ?}MIMI tt7rD I:4MM AIT FART GAIALEI3,..ILEK, INSURANCE cOmPAFaEs. mu t adE INEUR No. 406 OMBEITNUT • FIER AND INLA N—Buck, ' iticharthon, Benr7 Lewis, Jr , Alex Whiliatu, Oeo. A. Wklit. G. W. Davie, FklaNCli N 8140 oBARLSI3 111.1 0 11 WILLIalli I 111..e.N0 1110X&8lf.Yoff. ON NV BAL. OOMPANY 0 SYLVAN lA. DLIZZOTORS.. , David Jayne, M. D., . .. Charles Ei Engem , ' John M. Whitall, : John .Ir.,liVaarer,, ~ . /Coward 0. Haight, • .11.,tmli tahoemnantr, Tborual S. Stewart, Wollasititttabare, • Binary /ARID, Jr.. i Xli.:;,,latt•Jonea.. DAVID JAYNX, Jiire.D., Praatdent. JulIN M. NC HITAItLi Tiia - Prealdent. SA MUM S. MOON; Seoierarj. . Office. Oommonwealth 11(41dIng, 613 0.11i5T5137. Rtresa, Phitadalphi / • Betl•if ti s. .. 1Q ) TRUSEtI.AND...AtiIt Mt ".. :CI, ff. Follialigia, Oonier TWELFI 'mud ILO) struts, Ph:Webb:la Benda: Tim,Few tad oladoldtal ant: wawa coma •djnsted Flue Fre,ooh end approved !Lutecium, acuipted to even c or m of euptore, In atinitn and children, !welsh Ate tinertrAtu Idumrters and Belts, ahoy,ldol . Brno" Bat oeurAito, Ethel° Blocking!, Sylinge3 In groat rle 4. Lading , Department, TWILITII Street. !kw • Aior below Race. Conducted by coloPeteal ledie tydlB.l3ut V NEW PUBLICATIONS. PHOTOGRAPH'S. EDUCAIIIOBAIL,. COPARTNERSHIPS: LEGAL: CLOTI3 CU( 1 -I IN cam. CEO TH. ING - ; CA-0 Ili INC*, OAK.• HALL, OAK. HALL, OAK; HALL, °A.m. HALL, OAR HALL, LO~KINO GLASSES. P liOIOOZA.PIi rsAhrZE, P.'IIOTOGRAPH 4kLßtriati, CART EB-11Z-VIEITS POLTRAIIII 310 ONESTITUT 9TREEIII PirmALDRLPRLI 6 Cr CJOSIPAN3I I , street. ND IN.TURANCE. TOltd. B. IX Woodruff, Joh& Kessler, Jr., P:S.:.Justico ' Wastriagron Jonor, , Ohm. Blokes, John. W. Evermul. ;11 , Prerklent. &RD9021; Vice . Plmident aeßich. tiool emu. [llll3llOlll -• •- Tli FMB INSU- TICE 13TA15..08 ri. s- o. B. fIICICDLID.I. Tar, rtritp. - VAIL MEETING Off'THE JAMES ' DITIta AB4OOIATIOir. ouroßta Sweelilf.thes ter two Veer aide, one mile one; 0100 entrance ;•• or more entries to nit the take; threi to start. BAllg DAY. Match race; !till) fiesta particulars lif tid 131111. Aeeociatlonprefir",: t 43l ) OtTel3Bil 8: Zweepatakes for tittle )oar olds, nine atati $lO4 entreirco, $24 forfett six' or more to fill the Be,tA three to start. ss D Sweetintal.es ?Or tbree-peat olds that liars rir been t ra i ne d_ or r i m this Spring ens wilts oat , $6O entkltYoj" piny or poi. , SAME iii . Ase6Ciation deliffhle,ag - , , 00TOBif.1 ABElteittlioll premium, $3 0; alfemeeire beefs Be-ME De. 7. ilaneicaps for all Imaten borser:rat this raoefiag , or,:tf nihr ant; alieociation premium sl3 , St'oittre.i,ce of a'& to! to go to the secorld The following horses are already on t groom!: " Idlewi O." .; Melly Jackson." "*L 4 U III : " Nadi c• Bettie Ware." " " mph," 611t0n," Jena " Butishibe;" Writ Roxbury," ‘. Avalanche," "'i Bevenge," .s and three colts of the n.lebrated wrashlonr--;'“ Trove. tote," Bine Ribbon," "A , ptolite," " hodgere," 'Elastic," " White 04k." "'Verge." Races to commence at 1 P. Al. nreci ely. Jarvesburg beirg a elation on the thundentifid Isanbeit Railroad, peseengers leaving Philadelphia by thii line, foot of Walnut street, can return by the l iecee in the afternoon. ISAAC) BER/KteLEIV; oe4 31* Blieretaric AMUSEMENTS. A OADIMY OF MUBIO, BROAD and LOOM Streets. Lessee and Elseager WAT- WrIEA.II/111, P.lB (TIIENDAY) EVENING, UO2. 7, i3r4 Becoed appeereace in three years of the world teated" OAIIIILEL PAITItt, AND PROUP2. FogOnd hphearahca of tha World's Wonder, TOIJNO bIaBBIOA 101:rtia. ANlElttti, Whose incornproborolble fent of tho TBRZE PLYING TRAPEZE, (Ala I.4eolatd,) Dee create el the wont THIIILLE2G ASTOI4IhHHENT 3.1.11 Ut4BOUI% DEG DELIGHT: THE HELGIO TGUSTEr. 0101X71.: To conclude with the TEBBE FLYING 13APEZE, A L& LEOL &RD By YOUNG zi.M.8810A... Tha performanees will commence with the Farce of THE WRITES AND BROWNS. In whicit btr. T. Placide, Mrs J. G. Barrett, Hr. F. Ke.nt, Dirs. Plane, btrs. Bherrett, and others, will appear., - Mr- Wheatley wand• beg leave to inform the inUlio that the eugegtaent of the IakVEL TROUPE in Wit city is POSITIVELY NOE TWELVE NIGHTS ONLY, Axd cannot possibly I , e prolonged, as Gabriel Ravel is soiriptikelqo leave for Europe early in the coming montb. and engagements fu other cities will hb;olacoty preclu4e his remaining any Saeger at the Philadelphia naderog of Mesta. With the emceprion of the Wrath - no Free List. ral unnte, Pmquetti Circle, ene Balczon7 50 cents. Family circle and Aniphitheaoze 25 cents.. Box 0111 e even ire= 9 A XL till 4P. 91., when create can 'be notated three dal= in ad - rance, witeout extra . °barge. • Poona open at 7 o'olo)k. Petlorra anca win commence at half past 7 It WALINUT-81211,RET fiE &Pith, Bola Lessee Mrs. M. A OkitIiETTBOE Etusineas A.gent Mr. .3.0P111 T. DeNWELVE. TBlb (TEIRDAN) EVEITING, VOT. 7, Will be p.esented the great Vremi., emitled BAG•PD,EBB OF PABI3. Oegr, a Bag Pieter. . ...... fiEr. E. EDDY. To couch/de with the local dc.rneetie Drama, eauded .10:51.1sA In MEAD.Wa, THE TILLAGE a AP'. eadowi . L TILTON'. Realm , Nre..b.ti NA DO WELL. Doom ()per, at 7—Performanee commenced at 85. .3 OHli DBEW'S ii..KOR sTR - RET TrizA`Tim. Acting and Stage Manager-- .. W. 8: FEEDBRICIRS - BiCriateita Agent ar Tretwarer JOS. 1). ta.UOTB.T. IjNEXA.DICIAD 5II•00213. P.F.cOND WE'BB.5 TIIR•SDA - 1, and WEDIiEzDAY, .e.O.6IFYA-ND JULIBT. BIBS BATE &IC t 4 ADAMS. JULIET +ilDl3u37[O , .3 . 4„ IV...WALLA - OK To co.nclinie'vliiti IP' TO-TEM -WARS. ON T 3 las LIMY. L0...:14.9c basuuswaz. iflrlutilt, EDWIN 6.D116.9 ,- PrENE FIT. Pfices 7113 ueunl. 800.13 B , ?coree six days in Wynne. Doors opcn at 7—To commence at 7% o'cloea. oc6 8k As seam tiLY .UUT}➢O Os.— Messrs. & CO 's WON; EitfUL STEBEOPTI- Exhibiting every evening ilia , week, with a ehaoge of rrcgrimiltgtirly. AomißEiou 2f) cents—Obildrett 10 center. A package at twenty-four tickets for $3:: . Deere cyan st commons at &o'cloek. Slatin on Saturday at ,To'clock. U RIVAL FUNDtRP: L-GOTTS .IIX UDA.LIC —The Imbite t@ informed that the OltibY GE eND OONGEAT rf the eelebtet Ed Piabist, D. a GO .f.`TORALII, wilt 'tette place-vie W.I6DN.ES.IIeIt , EVIENIZIO, Ottober 8, et MUST /AL FOND HALL. Mr. Hotra:rha k. will bo arriated on thi4 ooension by M.llB JENNY MICHTTON. The American contralto, who will make her &eat appear- abce in •Philacelphio. Kr. 811.1011 , 1311B.I.E.R.: SA) ave--. 1111. £3IAIiL - E - 4 ISOM2III3', Eolo• Vilon cellis% • The vice of admission is fired at 53 cents. erveAd seats 25 eel _a-extra. The Sale of - dusts to commemoe et J. R: Gimitda-Music Store, Chestnut street, corner of 'U- W.ll h, en"-Monosy rooming; Ct 9j &Cinch. Doors oven st 7MI; Connert commence s at 8: cod dt LYNN LVANLA. AUADEMY O TRW ini.EXI 025 CEEnzie'T la orb dally (dmtadisy.s excepted) from 6 A. 11. P. N. A8.7-1.60M0 3G cents. Children hat price. Sharee of Stock, 830. ' jyB pEatsoN-AL EN H3Nss 00 , Ilaunty an& Pay protbred and collected for noldiera, Bailors, and the. relatives oftench as are deceased, at reasonable and satin. factory ;Mee, by. 3Ps Kl Ji 3 =RIMTO.Ai, BM/altar for etairoanta, 494.WAL NUT' Street. Philadelphia. __P_rirtioniar... attention given to partles itvitg at a die- TTFICATBS and other (Maims sashed by '3A.. , 49E3 FU, fO-3', . lallibtry and Naval Agent, 421. WM,N Street, Phile4s. WANTS. XV A NTED—lmmediately, 500 , rw ligerit, energetic, pereevernig saleorrr7n, for RSADLEY'S , .HISTORY OP TEE GREAT REBELLION, In 2 - : - .7als. /at neatly ready. Bold oaly by actmoriptioa. For p.uticulara.angdsy to araddreaa WILT2.OIS. & 148. ASYUT/1 S;reat, Eitattord, Goan., tD. 0 BOY - WANTED .--Between„. `tath the aken- of , 14, and 16 wart, to learn ;he Des* Gocae busihess , tt'iraication to no made in the hatid., wr 3 ttyg of the- aiiilannant.' Addreas t 1 ,1)," as this arta°. Oct-St - IXT.AINTEV A ISI LOUEON, for:, ca)mbh. b.darees Box 1289, rhuattoplib% Office, staling. Pie e. size, QUAllt?, Lkc. oc2-?.4# .IVIV Mali D—A... YRKNO fl li kDX. - . : Ir * 'to aim& ' Imens lit 2 r.nch anti tilusic ITO of deed &IVY- Untie .48 she has had experience in teaching and I can furnioh, Isf4 siefactory references. A.d.creos O• P. (1., 424 South BM .VENTH Street., Philadelphia, lisea-tr BOARDIN iG7 .pkwo ANI - ROOMS FUR OE NILE mi,-,31 ad wife. and a few aiagle gentlemen, at 1121- t 0 / 3 /CWAM T eareet. It* ESOlt E 005111111 N ICAM IN G r x. D w B A INV i r . 118.0tr,0e7 Itt.3. with Brat-case B kIID- EASANT tECo.ND-STOII 2 'imam, with board, at . solai 307 Ecuth TIMID Street. rim/4 FOR SALE AND TO LET. BABE CHANCE —FOR. BALE - -A- Stoat arcoowid, Fixturee, and Lease of an old (14 Detail Dry Goons Swre 2 in one of the boat lig sante, by a poison about declining busimeaa. dtoc kgitall, atd well belect, d. Direct to a. Jv B 0.." "Min atl)63 Inc TabideDCl3, at tbia cffiza. ocT-tutheadt4t ga TO LET-3-Story Double Baiok Wia Dwelling, with back buildfog. 10 Roam s % hack out let on Szetrr street le good older. Bent SlB 61oar iDocik. AVM) 619 VIE E Street. It* 02-1 FOR BILE OR EX.cliek.NGE— A large 4 story Real.lence, with 4 story double Sack Buildings ; St. We atqUpoach Bones in the rear of same; rephyo with all the modern conveniences; aed for completemilb of fit.ieh TN:4 to far eurpssetd ID en , Ensnaium in this city. Situated at 80.blorth 13110 AD St, above Brown. The whole will be &Imre, 41.12-.003. 54,000 can remain, and the balance sash. or a corner More will be taken in nart, .or Li? the amount. ADM) at = delta 'rill PO) Street, above 'Fine. 007 3.* A SEVEN OOTAVE 154.00 ffiPF.l4 BOhNWOOD Ple NO SOH. s2oo—Payable in 6113) rows of Three Doilara per nuaidtt. The public will pIeKBP take notice that the books of the PON. a OKLPfilis c , AVINGIS AND LOAN. SO(.lElit are now oven to receive anbactitiers to a riyarth Serie , . The drat dietribttrion of Seven-ootave. Tio.twood Pianos for this tortes will take'-plane at the Office. No. 1011 OHEETNIIT Street, on TUMSD SY, October 7th, 3861 at 3: o'clock. Otrzeirp. giving the lull glen of opkratione of this highly , beneacixi *notice- Tien, can be had by applying to the Settreta , y cf ti :e Sudety. H. NV GB i‘eoregairc, ere. u Oaks, lon OIEFMSTNUT Street - , _wow THE FINIc 8 T .1680T MUM of new, tandem. .a.w durably &NOB tram 51.60 to SOMA . Mao, P-111h02,43 World•rtilowbea Allia.uingoars.athi CIAIIMUNIIJ2IB, for cash, at a greut redaction, oe 1. >maumonply hifftelmento JAHDO dZILL&K, 2T and 281.8anth "(Mel% Street. etym. Norn‘w 074-Ehre fal,Liwiss . SAFE DEPOT alee. • - • kheAttlitee• na d i a l ikwood, tboadatil lot wok favors, man nest .tatermittei to merit fr.tnre ritrountgo, tat, eeval pa, - ' cad *wawa:low ouzo, and ha o now as hont , : polo ....4.sco-Onont of Llllia's Oelobrated Wrv~rL cad, :setml bon lice end . Burglar Proof see k . (up .rrfrtly ere and burglar proof asfea maths) 1.40, ~ n essaltoi 360, Yaslt, Bate, and Bank.l4ske. tale's Bank - Vanil Doom and Looks W - V,bo Ittnlaor.A otticx an start notice. This le the etrcoNngt, the: *ate, sad cbealest, Door and Look yet, eared. • also• sarticslar attention is_ oallak. to Lilllr; 4 • :abini4 Bate, for Plate, Jewelry, Ao; TI - do tkoto . .. 'Wad to =ream in style and aloe, anytk.lcs •-•••• fend Tao ;hie Puriook r.n:.l 10 ttm . cagy_ nop war , a ,- .0•41% olre r iud burglar proof. , 131 , 1C111. N 07101.-1. balm D. GL 040,6 4 :srrel, Herring, .1 Uo.'s bstny.Agra, of ttw-u actual Xt -nd some forty of other mat 00 f ,art3kwg a '6,=. 3 :••• , •*- -xwortznent tio to 1428 , 11. 11,1 A ~k ll WAY al'alkas;ir. )l f.-- u.' colobrite4 . 90 4 .. • Thar ' win .""*"" Pigmies* 'Alai ps exAcwings• oak-) yir .il. O. ,eaDltP.. ar...NITATEIONPS delisaatiPell 4IAvI. volts; lfi 50CrT13 TOPUTP . PSILAIVIrLPRIL; Aber Teoety of TlBlil-PilOtr 96=iU t ve . . 5 1 ,, tot .. . . . Gabriel Ravel: °nag Au.eriea. , Had. Kamera:- rx,wos., SAFES.
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