-- ito utfas AT THE HOTELS llr •I'o 12 O'CLOCK LAST nu m. rotrirAL BOTELPilinth and Oirestunt stg. 00$ 1. "1, Ohio James Archer, St Louis yokeaelic d, i ca rdton , lii J Speirnan, Covington, Haute I'd ° D ying r ins,liy 'Mrs T B Johne,Terre Haute J 0 lainAdhiegon, Pa .1 B Sears" it ads Pittabig I' NO° Boston Eben Bacon, Boston /3 0 Elltiithwaian J Knox, Pittsburg J,,cc,'",jo,;ij Nor hooey Mies Mulford, New Jersey Jr It ~,,„40, N N ersey' MISS II TORIIIIIBOII, N J 110 o,,.'"„„,Thusas, Jersey S M Frierson, Columbue,Te Oil 13 ,, tripirdaps BM Niabet & wf, St Louis 0 lloil''' It Iv EISTerl H e Lewis, New Efaren P Outlet, 01 0J T Bryant, Boston J 1.1 ,, 1n ,,i' Il r ar°nrencerillo B Blake an JA 0 - a ' - 6 d Geo 10 Omollis ~ a . A s slew b 4 ', 44 Be" Roan) al, Vo II A Yonog, Boston '" - - rl Boston & wt, 01,10 0 0 Simpson, New Jersey 11 $ ° nu j owt go, N T 011 Rockwood & Wt . , Newark s 0 Peep T i gi i -i s 0 Geo J Hughes, Chester co j,,bu Uolbouu u P 11 W Tilley, Washington 1 1 u ra aa , i iv iier; Now Jersy, N Juror' @apt El B Penningtun,U 8 A „ e V, sa r " au dale, 13creutou G Lam:oars & wf, Beading doge, Jr, N 37 $ Swain , Jr, New York J A Prim ~ et ill 11 Weymak,N York ' n II uclo"ffielip'ol3crlsewu York T W Abbot, New York lf• i t isciakfrilioar, New York W El Phillips, Taunton 7 - r 0 d wo, 13 8 A 'P V Kellogg, Utica 1 , 1 11 P r , • J . 111 Dromeller & le t Bait 'll sAiler, Now 1 ar k • , aar d o re, London 0 8 Pennell, Maine - 1 Broc, Wisatlngion /Ira Capt Wilkins, Warden P" e A Jr A: of, Coon air Akers 3s la, N York I p rasa, ~ , , it o a rd, haw Ye , ic 0 B Bruce, New York II , yowl) , Nos 1 ork IV' Howe, Boston IF I'' ' j Ledger , N York Bov Be F Portor, Albany ORO H Nelda, Pottstown ii , r 0 0 Tailor, Goan Belt , Mias til E Perry, St Louts ,/ A " 4"i(uewl 13 Hemphill, Ripley, 0 Wu Dickinson 0 commings, N Y If Friend Mrs Adolphus, N Y J S :p n i r rl i ßt l Yi Aj 111 odsd Pe Bon, Al'on, WAI Gambler ':I4, A RI lloore, N J J Pettibone,Wash, D 0 ",,, lc Rachel!, 1.1 8 N Mr AlcKini& fam, Dalt !i,mpe prk shington S W Isarraber, Karoo ,A s gentb, Jr J r , Mar y laud T Noviturni Taunton pyr jonfon, Wocilstock WB 13 Smith, Woodetook :st li Brown, Wriodritock H L Ba ll ots, Wooistook j,,j, Brown, iYood,tock 13 B Bartholomew, do ~.. i jorr, Ithoda Island W/I Jordan, York, Pa •;, ,t6 pou ts, York, PA J D Cameron, Harrisburg gni Cawanni, lisiYorkrlaburg Uo in Tan Brunt G eo s Benedic u s 0 0 80 ,,,,,,, Noy t, , U S N ABolin k Ali Mal Cleveland Il W Clark & la, Cleveland %Mack 311 . Wash W W Oakd & la, Zisnray 4 , , , 0 Br g, New York Miss Bussell,'New York I F p Mosta, New Yor k I Y Crayon, Salem, N J 111 MC eglernt Spear, Boston CLOS T i"`' wo, Cbloogo 0 B Roddin, Boston 10 c Milth, Baltimore Geo W Beers, Now York 8I Achluary, New York B W Bate, pr tiSMDCPILI k wi, Wash in 0 B Thomas, West Chester 0 g fiar,h, )ink, PA H B Woods,_lndiana t Pa a ;ark, Verb, P ol i d d De Lanoey ALane, N Y vi IN Peck, Peens F W Smith, Boston j Now, New York U Burr, Boston 551 kobirvii , 3 lA, Mil J A Rrinchan New York lc pia es , New I ork 0 L Gale, St Paul guidbirias, Now York J B Gaddls, Jersey Oily il , ,kagEdip, Jersey City J/3 Gilman, Baltimore A inner, JurSey City JEI Roker, New York A Murphy B B Hama, England j S Alma tt Louis A Ili Napier, New York lir J 10, Brooklyn w Griswold, Hart/ord A 6! 04110. 11081013 D 0 14151 J S Bort, Ne F York B P Bruff, New York Jll Cionsulairs , 80 110 e F W Cummings', Boston c A l a r m, A iv, Coon A Smith Es la. New York )1 S Fairbanks, TlValliOn Madam Da Barry, Penna ~ i r , i ou , ,Borry, Pace' Mrs JDu Barry 3; c, Pa . 11 ENCHANTS' HOTEL, —Wourth Fit, below &rola, J A Forum, St Lot W N Forman, St Louis J Scidilior sr, Ohio Mtn M 111, Smith, Allegheny PUrarron F 'Weirlek, Selinsgrove Love, PittsburgStreet , Salem, Ohio • T Versiih, Penne D O Morris, Johnstown Minnirb, New Pblll, 0 0 Kenenly, New Ptilla, 0 0 Dr B Wilson A la, PODIA y orsy, ileum+ co, Pa J Garrard, Ohio Beast, Wisconsin D G Owens it la ikbalg, Ebensburg M Stilllnger, Blalraville v Eva . , Washington Pa T Boyd, Washington co, Pa i,lcCaoce. Pittiburg Mre Baker, Wilkesbarre , 'Miami, bkesharre T M Bomgardner, Penne ' p nr y,, Willlamsport D Stolen, Lock Haven licelesry. Milton, Pa T Hardy, Lebanon, 0 us ilbeitenbtrgr, Harrleg -W A Zollenger, Harrisburg +Pr, Lancaster Rhos Donohoe, Greensburg 1 , WOlO, .N2l James Dean, Pennsylvania Sul et Teuutslvanis J 8 Sargent erattsnS'al'ef, Wash, DO BMus & Griden, Betbleh'm Beni S. Web nnover R ummy a wt, Ohio Obanilsts. Mal yland L M !BUY Brooklyn IT JII GActslt Ca N Gen Wm Lilly, M Chunk W Prigs, Can, J D Delaplane, Circleville 0 ~, worm, Blair ro, Pa J M. lienports, Hollidayeg Of bri,ren , ilo!lu'aya ) ,6o F W Hunt, Maryland Uhlman. Ye Oept J W Abraham G Pt ninn iyania W D alcHinstry, Mero'brg G Foie, Buniintion J Tuttle, Stroudsburg Peuenbaugh, Mill Creek A Woodworth Waterer Mre C H Irvin, Hollidars'E rt G Hollidayieg Mrs 3 Moore, Hollidaystg lit&ai, Ii rklatid J H Merrell, New York AUlollo.l.N—Oheetnnt street, above Fifth. .arc Holloway. Flushing, 0 N Holloway, Flushing, 0 D 11cOshb. Penns 1) Shupe, Penns sal Grill, Blairsville H C England, Lock Haven t, Boise, Plettimarg .1 W Stew, Columbia ter 9 Sider, Providence Thos Slaughter, Dover, Del Laptop, Princeton, N J Thoe W Acton, Salem, N J 0 Champion W T Itloharde, St (Lair, Pa I 11 Mamboll, Philabs Dr Elmer ck Is, N J rho Drake, Barton C Et Markin, Maryland mai U Qithens, N J W B itiondeohall, Pa 3u J U barker, Dclawaro Capt W B Dorrell, Del ' ScNals, Oallforola J T Ganger, Milton, Pa ihry Rowland, N J b W Howland, N J ie Philbuck, Tannh,n, Mass J D Pancost, Salem, N J Bracken, New York blra Parker, New Jamey 11 llo,d ,t la, Wathinplon Marcus Carroll, York I: 'Pieter, York Bar Boardman, Lancaster L tOddard, New York W Moulton, New York ileahuoh, New York J C Moore, Delaware P Fran, Delaware J F Brown, Baltimoro 1111111, Now York E Haines, West Cheater hurls U Apple C hi Mnlony :butcher, Poona SI. LOUIS ElOTlM—Onestaut street. above Third. Vas Umn, U 8 A Geo Burnt, Washington Gabon Baltimore O W Moore, Indianapolis ll:gotta New York A Uambletoo, Maryland • torr New York J St Legator' A hew Bew Took STI Hoy t New York Ihbatr, Balk Haven W 00100, nUatingdOn 'DOM), Briton - H N Oobb, Diessaolnisetts 11 Meer, Baltimore B H. bleed, New Jersey (I Dour, U 8 N J B Barry, Delaware City Gatti, alleetown J B Bayne, Penne tit Claris (Mats .... J B Houghton _. kal Nam, New York D V Zeller, New York Nlk::afferty, Womb, D 0 Sill UNION—Arch street, above Third. Rah, Ohio Win flerran, Unionport, 0 mord Moe, &unpile, 0 J A Grove, lieluaont, 0 kel Orals, Catubridge, U Mies L Craig, Cambridge,o IDIUTt, MUinlYatai J Louden, AltOona4 Pa Nall, ?figure Ii 01 Itice,licranton, Pa %Phillip, Pierson, Pa J G Unkefer, Itlinerva, 0 Darr, ere Thos Cleaver & wf, Del Berea - ice, Leparter co Mrs Scott & children liorrpeod Sr Is. De , aware Capt T ravers, New York 9118 Fever, NOW York Idles N Pavere, New York Beaten, ilarlington,NJ J A Fisher, Maryland 13 Potter, Marrelllre Chao Mahon, Dunkirk Pentasivabia Jli floors, Altoona, Pa 9 Sharp, New Jersey likflOtiAL HOTEL—Bane street, above Third. IBoner, Ban Mors 0 0 Ohilses //‘ wife, Pe .0 Boort% Pit Jonathan dwao, Berryburg IT Gilbert, Beading Mrs Orth, Lebanon ,Illeb,rt, Lebanon T B Browser, Milford boo Deno. Milford Thos Coleman, Lancaster 31 filo, Cal bondale henry Barr. Mt Joy. PM Waiilloger, Mlnersvil P Latimer, Minersville .ifirsy ,Ir ate, Puttryll Jonas Lord, Minersville lie Lord, blinerbvl•ls Wm E Boyer, Pottsville hi Bober. Pettsviile P F BoOsnlayiwt,Lebanon BBiNII. Pine Drove J 0 Garner, Ashland P Arnold L , benon J Wise, Lebanon Whitaker, hit Blare J B Harley, Bucks co irllletts, Ontr,berlard Ed Shissler, Minersville n Biondi, lo beton E Y Woodbury ' Pa rash Puna, Lebanon Miss Rntoell , Dttville - cols Ostbeert,Wssbingtony Mies BarkleY, Btoomburg lbouras, Pottsville Max Mooth, Pa otitantine hicetb, Pa 0011111 )0101AL--Sixth street, above Oheetnnt to A ?ripple, Safe Barber Jno Larkin, Jr, Obester,Pa ones %anon, (Abider co Isaac Jackson, Cheater co id tochllna Witianamort W H Ricketts, Elkton Ike Awn% York co, Ps Amos K Hanna, Piffle W Doughman, Del W K Lookwood, Delaware bobbhia Lancaeter co G Wood, Pennsylvania flslUrer, West Cluster J F Longenecker, Lano co lientedy, Lancaster co W J Smedley, Penns I yentinen ODlo Joshua Taylor, Penna Iro Toad, trewark, Del ... ram UNION 11011m—Market, above Sixth. Bender, jock, Pa 13 B Bweely, W'mePOrt Alcorn, Bel !burg J Moore, Battening . Perkor, ?ammo F. W Patterson & la, Pa A Thompson. (114!o J W George, Ohio 13 Bosh, Farrlnvon B 0 Thomas, Maryland • .eeder, Lence/nrr W P Gerber,Lanoestor Lieber. (Vol els J M Cummings A Mewing, Tork co, Pa W H WYHe, Penna li shlebley, Penns D Eagle, Marietta Awry, Muershory Mies Lindsay, Penni -argeON 1101:113111-13eomid ;treat, aboYe Market. 0 abotalaker, Puma II Brown, Delaware W H'Wheelie?. Delaware Delaware - T.B Stratton, hlllhllle 'mew. Delaware T Ludlam, MiDallle 81idbam uelawara J T Wilde, Chester co ezvea, New Jamey W 0 Hamilton, New_Jeraer ` 441 0r, Fax York SR EA.B--13ecend street, below Vine. lowa J Limb & la, Wilmington r t:„ .. 0411 1. YYllullostoo, Del A Dove:, Now Joreor WIT, P 8 7111. J Ewards, Backe co Itrdee, Bucks co GriMth Milos, Penns ito maa,Latzbervtile'O. Jones, Montgomery . tie* 13 Yaidiey, Yardleil Slit Pa Vol Heed Salvias, Slat Pa Vold 1 0 Alkluitn, Peueviille J Watson, Bnoks co Ifirmkis, Noon 0 Magill, Pollna " I? rott.. Montgomery co J filrkbrlde, II S MOAPIIIII kmix nic a l k g_Tbi ri i iltrect, aboye 0410whfil. 41 , 11 hrler, Jeekinbwu W Berner, Pena burg ' lo rnell, Penne Ohmlea Smith, Penns 1 1, .. ‘lt Levan, Bead us 31 M Woodward, &foreland ( 6 14 Boadii&omerton MT B Vanaradaleu, Penns ultacll6ll, Parma Isaac P Howland, Penne, I . ll lec Flack, Bucks co Isaac Flack, Bucka county * Doll, WLlketharre Cl D Fowler, Berwick A Vie Caakirk, II D, Pa Samuel Boyar, 'Potts 'own MARRIED. V °O Z- B CLOUGH —On Tuesday, September 80tb, the Ur. Mrto, A, Smith, D. Mr, Hartwell lthe, Weoldegten 011 y, D. QS M11"1111,6 U. lough, 01erel 0. 1 011 [OleTeland PoPeri P' e**/ 111'.] 8111111—L /LADNER —On Tuesday September 80th, the st , Rev. Lr Vire B. Bteveno, jeasc Starr, Jr., to 1.7 , daughter at the late Alexander Lardner, both PIII,D—IV EATEVILY.—OnWedneedar, 17th nit., ik 11 ". Cl• 0. D , Sir. Themes Field to Mu mtllee WehthellF, both of Philadelphia * DIED. PEDDLI.—O Sunday, September Mat, from the ef 'cif; ti a annual ri CChr&li at the loattle of Antietam, ()or - P it V1141 "El k Pfd , l', of Oompeny H, 90th Beginient otalfllaula Voluatoore, son of the lots Wm. A. Ped... 110, tl this oify. f tenant Attila Woodlands Ibis (Wednesday) after bes, ht 4 o'cliicit precise)/ ' , ' ARD ELL —Du the morn. * morning of the lath ult., Martha ; . 91fe of e rr a nt Llea2 data A. Landoll, and daughter Ibe lala Wilt tddan. Ils relativea and friends of the family We respactfullY . 1 6,t 1,1 1.0 aWnst the fuueral, from the resident's of Dr. it "• // ail , 806 Worth Front streot i on Tnuraday morn imast at 10 o'dotitl;9th .I,l4Tis.9,_ol.Litp, nit, Theodore Kinsey, :if of i,. end Philemon alter, aged 9 months, " iharalatlvea at fi IFnda of the family' are respect- J I LL I /viled to slth il the funeral, from the residence of 1 , I . '*, 42T Ric and street, Ibis (Vourth) day at 7 - i ii '„,„k P. M. lido eat at Laurel Hill. * ." ul2ll LY.—litll In the battliof Antietam Creek, ;O t ticttr /Tth Our . 181 l In 27th year 1, his ige. , ra John , f er Y) the * , , 114A.0K, SECOND MOURN- Dreei ill.jort Opened • olsci Oros Grelos nd Poult de Boles. Tannins and roe do -Minim 414 irnittred Mitt ou Ottomotlonues. • BBlack Oros d'Ecorr .r ans. ~Black sod White .in li m lick sod White Va , viernied. ''ack road White neat tripe( and Obookr. .• BIIBBON 41'80819 918 OHD3TNIPT Street, "" ffiouratg store, EYRE & LANDA FOURTH and °P . RNIN G FOR TraLL A an Magnificent 01116 Magnificent Shwa Magnificent Pupil Good Black Bilks. /tithed Printed 0 Ood Stook of Still THE TROUBLES AT THE CHESTER lir HOSPITAL —When this !looping was establish ed it was a subject of universal congratulation. Situated In a lovely country, in the midst of a rich and"beuevoleat people, it wee thought that the comforts of the Inmates would he made to surpass those of tiny other; but red tape and the .ineolence of office have canoed mutiny among the soldiers and the dismissal of the noble women who were laboring in the holy cause of mitigating the sufferings of our gallant soldiers. We are furnished with the following account of the troubles: _ [Prem the Delaware County Republican.] ASTONISHING PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOSPITAL—The Ladies' Aid Society of this county received the following communication from the Surgeon in charge of the United States Hospital, near this borough, on Wednesday last. We do not understand the real motives which prompted this extraordinary proceeding, and we learn that the members of the Society are equally ignorant of tee cause of their expulsion from a sphere of duty in which they have acted with commendable zeal and untiring energy for the Leneflt of the sick and wounded soldiers. We for bear further comment until the Surgeon in charge, Dr. J. L. LeConte, has had time to offer to the Society, and an indignant community, some explanation and justlfica `ion of hle conduct. This, the ladies of the Society authorize us to &mind at hie hands. Our eolnams are open to any communication he may desire to make to the - public on the subject: UNITED STATES ARMY GENERAL HOSPITAL, CHESTER, Pa, Sept. 24,1882. ORDER NO. 20. There belt g a sufficient number of ladies permanently connected with the hospital, for the performance of such duties to the patients as are required of women nurser, the temporary services previously performed by mem bers of the Ladies' Aid Society can now be dispensed wide. The Surgeon commanding desires to thank the mem bers of the Society for the services heretorore rendered to the patients under his charge, and trusts that they will continue their liberal donations for the benefit of the soldier of the Union,, though the administering of sup pliea will not involva,sin future, any personal sacrifice of convenience on the part of the contributors. Materials for the use of the soldiers will, in future, be received by persons detailed by Sister Tyler for the pur pose, and will . be dispensed in the different wards by the direction or permission, as circumstances require, of the snrpeone of the wards. Members of the Ladies' Aid Society who desire tempo rary duty in the wards, will furnish their names to Sister Tyler, and upon her requisition the necessary passes for entrance into the wards will be issued by the Surgeon Commanding. By order, JOHN L. LsOONTM. Surgeon Oommandinp Hospital. To the President and Managers of the Ladies' Aid Society: LAnius : Having seen in the public prints Order No. 20," dated k U. S. Army General Hospital, Chester, Sept. 24th," signed John L. LeOonte, Surgeon commanding Hospital," and having learned that in answer to your request to be Informed of the grounds on which the said older was issued. Dr. LeConte declines to give any ex tistation. We, contributors to the Society, for ourselves and in behalf of others, very restootfully ask from von a stattment of your proceedings under your organiza tion, which. whilst it will no doubt be exceedingly in ter( sting to the contributors generally, may afford us the explanation sought for. With very great respect, JON P. GBOZER, WILLIAM kYBE, .111,EDEBICK HINKSOR. CHESTER, 5ept.'.27,1862. ... At a meeting of the Soldiers' Relief Aseoctation. Dela ware, beld on the afternoon of Monday, Sept. 29th, the following report was presented and adopted, and ordered to be published, together with the correepondenoe in rela tion to the articles belonging to the Seciety remaining in the hospital : To the Contributors to the Soldiers' Rail Association of Delaware County, Pennsylvania: • In vle V; of the present embarrassments connected with tLe distribution of your OHS for the sick and wounded at Obeater Hospital, the following statement of the manner In which the Society has conducted Its 'operations is re spectfully submitted : On the 19th of June last, the Soldier's , Belief AS.1001,11• lion woe organized, and at the - first meeting a committee wee appointed to wait upon the surgeon then in charge, (Dr. Wood), to know if the eervicee of the Sooiety would be acceptable. They were courteously received, their services accepted, and rooms were provided in the I-103• piled for storing their supplies. Dr. Wood furnished a list of articles that were needed, which was pitbliehed by his consent for your guidance, and the promptness and generosity by which they have been supplied by your in dustry and benevolence has been abundantly attested by the every-dm experience at the Hospital. The Society has expended from its fund, iriclothing t furniture, &co, nearly eight hundred dollars. (This does cot include several large donations made through pri vate Ineividnale.) - The wards have been supplied with shades, clocks, re frigerators, rocking chairs, dishes of all needful descrip tions, &c. (Three wards have been furnished by private contribution.) The main building was' supplied with window abodes at a cost of one hundred dollars. Tke first arrival of 239 men was on the 20th J'aly, They came without needful clothing and comforts, and had it not been for the quantity of drawers, shirts, &c., that had been stored by the Society, the gallant sufferers would have been without proper care. Since that time additions have been constantly made to the number of patients, till they now count nearly one thousand, Each ward bas been attended by ladies ap pointed by the Society, under regulations authorized by the present Surgeon in, charge, Dr. John I. Lei/onto, and the reward of our labors, _as your representatives, has been found in the cheerful compliance with a duty we owe to our country and our afflicted fellow•nren, and in the rich recompense of their gratitude and esteem. We have acted with a conecientious regard to the au thority of the snrgebn in charge, and in all respects have endeavored to carry out the wishes of the surgeons of the wards in which wo have respectively labored, and have bad frennent assurances from the surgeons in charge of their hearty appreciation of our services. Miss D. L. Dix, the well•bnown philanthropleti hems visited the hospital, and highly approved the course pur sued by us. end we were accepted by her ea a portion of her volunteer corps in August, and both she and Dr. Le- Conte, as late as September lf.th, agreed that we were profitably and acceptably employed, and encouraged ns in our labors We need not say bow ram% retitled we have been that both the Surgeon in charge and Hiss Dix have jointly approved the course we have pursued. But we have been pained to learn that, notwithstand ing these assurances, on the let of September a corms • PonCrisco was opened With a lady in Baltimore, to COM on With a corps of nurses and take charge of fin wards. Wby this has been done in direct violation of the rules of the service, as expressed in Circular No. i from the Surgeon General's office, we do noc know. Wo lonic both upon our past labors with satisfaction, and are grat, ful to you for your liberal contribution, but are now compelled to announce that we have been summarily diapered without any valid reason being assigned for such an voluted. for DroceEding• Dr. ,T.ltn L. Leconte, Surgeon ET. S. f",: Having received Order 20, that the Ladies of the Aid Poolety of Delaware county are not any longer needed at tbe Hospital of said county, we would respntfully ask to be permitted to remove all the articles pieced in the building by Bald Society, as we hear the said Hospital can bo supplied with everything nezessary, and we would wish to appropriate them to others less highly, favored. • All the Curtains in the Wards, the Rocking Chairs, and all Eatables in the Aid Room, the Ladies present to the soldiers Signed by the Committee of the. Aid. H. B ARMY GENERAL HOSPITAL, - 021 ESTER, Pe., Sept. 28 itte. LADIES: I ant in receipt of your communication of 26th that. Order No. 20, issued by me, a copy of which was sent to ft a President of the Ladies' Aid Society, seems to have been strangely misrepresented. On renewed examination of the phraseology of the, order I rind it to express gratitude for the oharity pre vionely given to the soldiers unrier my charge, and a wish that the liberal donations may be continued. Should this liberality fail, it is certainly my intention not to per mit the soldiers to stiffer from the caprice of such per sons as choose to be offended with a slight change of the usage of the hospital, in virtue of which entrance tell. be obtained through a person responsible to me, instead of through officers of the Aid Society. I will at any time permit private property to be re moved from the hospital, on tho demand of the owner of the property ; but in regard to that contributed! by the Lidice , Aid Society, I am informed that much of it was bought for the nee of the soldiers, with money contributed for the purpose by portions who are not members of the Society Such property I will not permit to leave the Hospital, as it would thus be diverted from its proper use, I trust that the books of the Society have been kept in such manner as to enable the property to be divided in au equitable manner into the portions above indicated. I regret that an organization which is really capable, if properly directed, of being of service to the soldiers, should thus endeavor to embarrass the working of the limited, for the reason that the Society is relieved from the performance of onerous duties now performed by persons permanently attached to the Hospital for the rutpme, who will devote their whole time to the care of the patients, and who are competent to dispense properly any materill contributed for the use of the soldiers in the Hospital. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, ' JOHN L. LIMONTI, Burgeon Command of Hospital. To .ffilee: Martha Secretary or Committee Indira' Aid Scciety of Delaware county, Pa. It PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS are made day and evening at NZ ORE3TISEIT Street, by JOHN. L. CAPER, Biaceeasor to PO WIER, WELLB, A 00. se2B-Btitoct,4 PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PRO MOTING ACIIHOUL CUBE —October meeting on WED SISDAT, the let, at II o'clock A. M. Rooms 828 WALNUT street. 6,30.2 i [ TO THE OLD CLAY W RIGS 0 F PHILADELPHIA—The nameofWN.B.QIAHR is now presented before the citizens of our oily for , the office of District Attorney. He has fulfilled the duties of that office already with credit to himself and with fidelity to the people. lie is again a candidate, and I, as one of the old standard. bearers when Henry Clay,wet a candi date for the highest offico in the gift of the people can not forbear making an appeal to you to rally to the sup port of Mr. Mann, who was always faithful to our cause. He is favorably known to the community as an active, energetic, and influential member of the Union party ; a gentleman, too, whose heart and house have always been open to the friends of that party. Let U 4, then, not forget the man who was our friend in days of yore, and who has ever been remindful of them. lt ' All OLD CLAY WHIG OF THE 17TH W ABA. FRUIT DISPL 4 AX, BY THE 'PEWIT GROWERS' SOCIETY, at HORTICULTURAL HALL, southwest corner of - BROAD and WALNUT Streets, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and VMS DAY EVENINGS, from 7 to 10 o'clock. AU the cow varieties of GRAPES, PEARS, APPLES, PEACHES; kO, JEDDO (Japanese) GRAPE 'Virtu &Own for the first time; BANATAWNEY and other NEW GRAPES. Tidele, 25 conic Idembemof the Pennsylvania Hor ticultural Society admitted free, on showing their tiokets at the docr. • ' ee30.3.* OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, S. W. Comer SIXTH esrid SA tISOM Streets. PHIL6b2LPHIA, Sept. 270862. NOTIOI —Whereas, rellabie information has boon re ceiv(d that the Yellow Fever continues to prevail at Key Wed, and in several of the ports In the West Indies Therefore it is Ordered, That from and after October let, Quarantine be continued until otherwise directed by this Board. Fnbllehed by order of the Board of Health Pes9 3t WILLIAM BEAD, Health Officer. ErrPHILADELPHIA, SEPT. 290.862. At a meeting of the 130ARD OF MANAGERS Or THE COOPER SHOP" BOLTMERS' HOME, hold tl:fe evening, the following preamble and reaolntion vela unanimously adopted: Whrrens, This Board has learned that a 'Fair is now being held at Concert Hall for' A SOLDIE BB' HOSTS," and whereas, the idoa has gone abroad and has been dPeemineted in this community that this Fair is held for the benefit of the '‘ Cooper Shop" Soldiers' Home, and whereas, the parties conducting, as well as the object of acid mr.verrent, are unknown to this Board : therefore, Rc?olv , d, Tbat the Board of Hanagars of the Cooper Shop Soldiere' Hemel are in nowise connected with the Fair aboreireferred to. • ELLERSLIE WALLACE, Proeidoct. E. S. 'HALL, Secretary. ee3o 3t ca- AVIS A'UX ELIOANTS. M. PAUL ANDBIOT. Gerand de la maison on reinsure de MR. GRANDVILLE SPOKES, 609 OUESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a l'hotneUr de Dre 'emir cos nombreux amts et connaissauede gni Pont deja favorite de 'term clientelle, (OW QUO lee etrangers,) grill Tient de req 'volr de Paris et Londres lea Modes lea plus! roreotee etes Lisieux nodule pour la Nilson d'hiver. Mr. itrandville Stokes amts 'a as disposition lea etoffee l ee pl u s poles, et lee meilleures gualites, des premieres 'norm faetnres &Europe. Lee milllaires, alma gue lee Milder' de tour grades trouverons l ee melifenree goalltee d'etoffes a dee prin. lynx moderes. Veleganoe de ea coupe, Mod gue le cachet de dlttluction gni la earacterise est deja trop couna do onb- Ile, pour en renouvelles lour =ernes: ea2T hut trys. GIB ARD COLLEGE.—THE DIREC. TORS of the Girard College give notice that they are yrs pared to BIND OUT, in the State of Pennsylva nia, TIIIATY ORPHANS, in accordance with the Will of Etephert Girard, to suitable Occupations, sachet Ageb• culture, Navigation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, and Mann. lecturer. The master will be rennired to teach his. up- Prentice his respective art, and to furnish him with suit able board and lodging in his own place of residence, (ex cept where. for 'special reasons, the apprentice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) The mastexmill be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not,exceeding one month, aid the apprentice; when bound, will be furnished by the Institution with a .snitabie:,outfit. -Persons de sirous of obtaining en apprentice can apply at, the Col lege, between the hours of 3 and 6, P. M: . ; or, if not citi 'gm; of Philadelphia, can address the undersigeol in IsSiting, giving name, residence, occupation, and, refer et ce—tbe latter, whenever, possible. to,be, residents Of Philadelphia, - HENRI' W. ABBY, ; se29 6t Senn:star/ of Girard Gellage. tirFIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. -00113EBPONDENOE.-PHILADELPiIiA, Sept. 2 ,1882 EDWARD 0. WEBB, Ese.—DßAn Bea The under eigned, Democratio Citizens of the First Congressional District, impressed with the grsve impertance of the coming election, respectfully ask you to allow the um of your name ea an Independent Candidate for Congress In that District. Regarding you as a representative man of the true Democracy of the older and better days of the Republic, when devotion to principle wee paramount to selfish and treasonable design—as wholly and heartily identified with a vigorous prosecution of the war for the maintenance of the Constitution and the restoration of the trelon—sa boldly hostile to all sympathizers with Trreaon—as alwaye fearleas in the utterance of your optnione—aa peculiarly conversant with the inter:fete and feelings of the District In which yen were bora—ea the constant adversary of all fraud and violence .at , eleetlons —we feel convinced that if you ehonid agree to stand as a Candidate, you would, ralif to your standard all the unconditional Union men of the Diatrlct,and be elected by a triumphant majority A. Nebinger, M. D., Philip Fitzpatrick, James H. Clew, Tbornes Fitzgerald, David R 111. , Letin, B.njamin L. Berry, John G. Sticker, Merles Tiekall. James Campbell, 2d Ward, P. J Hughes, Francis L. Blair. Wm J Reed. Thomas Handeifield, John J. Heaney, Tames Magner, Philip Dougherty, Michael DS 'Ginnie, F. J. Brannan, Hugh A. lil'Oann, 'Felix Mulholland, Thomas WiIEOLI, And many others. GENTLEMEN The flattering invitation that yon have given n e to become the independent Democratic Union candidate for Cougreas in the First district has changed my determination never again to be a candidate for pub lic favor. Ina Republic like our own, no man cap always justly be the meter of his political actions: His country has a right to his eervitee, whether for military or civil affairs, and in a crisis like the present he must be either a coward or a traitor who fails lu an affirms. tree response to her call. I kad hoped that some yousger and abler friend than myeelf of the patriotic and la. mented Douglas would have been induced to accept the independent nomination, in order that the spirit of vio lence which demands the control of public affairs, and will be eatistled only with a candidate-oe its own choice, might be the more readily rebuked. To this end I have striven with more than ordinary zeal. and I regret to say, without the anticipated success. You have, there fore, called upon me to perform my duty as a good citi. zen, and with the help of God and your assistance, I will neither be deterred by the slanders of the infamous, nor the threatti of the abandoned, from doing pry whole duty to my fellow-citizens and our suffering countrY. At my time of life, ambition, like the blood, lies lost much dile. vigor, but were I to plead this as an excuse for not ac ceding to your invitation, I ahould be entitled to wear forever only the badge of infamy. Let as look for a moment at the conditionaour coun try, as reared by our fathers, before a sy atemteithich had . been regarded as an unfortunate necessity, 'Was sudden ly-exalted into a ine institution. Prosperity, happi ness, and fraternity, held their equal sway over the ex tended domain of the Union, and encouraged the oppress ed nations of Europe to imitate our example. The free North, impelled by the nobler emAions of- humanity, encouraged schools of learning, in which ler youth could acquire the wisdom to govern well, while, churches and ci reeds in profusion disciplined the heart to motives of religion and charity. Throughout her wide expanse benevolent societies abounded, to heal the sick and shelter the unfortunate. Equality was secured by edu cation and a virtuous training. A laudable ambition was stimulated by the life-giving principle of liberty, and the beads and hearts of our people approached that perfect lion which has been promised to all the race of Adam. The oppressed inhabitants of Europe, finding the door is wealth and position open wide to all who would honorably seek their acquirement, caught the enlivening impulee, encountered the dangers of- the ocean, and aided greatly to'. the strength and magnificence of our country. Both North and South grew in wealth and population, mutual in their advantages, under the fos tering-care of the National Government. Europe re spected us through the dread of our power and the en ergy of our people. How stands the matter now? The Southern mind, more acute but teed profound and practi cal ttan the Northern, installed slavery in the churches and institutions of learning in the South as a Divinity. end worshipped it with' as much reverence as the Pa gers do their statues of Buddha and Brahma. By. slavery -alone were all offices of honor and profit made attainable. Such an incentive to preferment secured every educated Southern man as a zealous propegan diet for the spread of the institution. Cotton and - the negro were tot only to govern the Republic, anchal lerged, but were also to subject Europe to, the Paladins of the cotton fields. Desolation and death now stand sponsor for this Utopian lam In the North, the civil avocations of life are changed into the pursuits of destruction ; and in the South, ruin and famine stalk with hendleh glare upon all the blesings of cielltzation. Onr holy religion is invoked to fetter the mind and enslave the body of the poor white man, and nought is deemed respectable but that which springs from a perverted morality, based - upon the bowie- - knife and the revolver, Can such a system prevail I Certainly not, while progress records the world's his tory. What then remains for us to do I Educated as we have been, in the love of liberty and the free in stitutions of the North, whose protecting shadows in vigorate her sous, we must stand faithfully by the Go. vernment in the prosecution of the war for the suppres- Eton of a wicked rebellion, until the Union is restored, and the Constitution, in all its integrity, acknowledged and respected over every foot of territory embraced by the Mailed Staten. Such is my determination, and if elected, every effort, of both mind and body, shall be de. voted to that end. We should never permit a dissevered Union to be tho prize of contending European despots. In ancient daye, Samoa and Oorcyra threw themselves first upon Athens and then upon Sparta for protection, Lied after being desolated by each, fell eventually Tinder the crushing power of the Persian King. The Italian Republics of the Middle Ages imitated this evil example, and their condition for centuries has been' that of pau per and slave to the great mass of the people, while the titled tyranny of the few lnxurlated in the most horrible exactions. God grant that our great Nation may never react so ignoble a condition-! Upon our exertions rests the resale. Accepting your invitation to be the inde pendent Douglas Democratic Union candidate for Con gress, I eball endeavor to enter upcn the canvass with a zeal equal to the occasion. . With great reaped, I remain yours, EDWARD . G. WEBB orTO THE CITIZENS OF THE FIFTIL CONGRESSIONAL DiSTßlOT.—Having beon nominated for Congress by tho National Union Conven tion, held at Doylstown, on the 234 September, I will have the pleasure of addressing the citizens of the District as fcliows : Tuesday, Sept Ember 30, Rising Bun, I hilatelphla county, at 7,14 o'clock P. M Wednesday, October 1, Hulmerville, Bucks county, at :Tx o'clock P. M. , Thursday, October 2, Newtown, Bucks county, at 7X o'clock P. M. Friday, October 3, Black Horae, Books county, at 7X o'clock P. IC Saturday, October 4, New Hops, Bucks county, at 7) o'clock P. X. Monday, October 8, Bust Mon, Philadelphia county, at 7X o'clock P. M. Tuesday, October 7, Brideeburg, Philadelphia county, at 734 o'clock P. M. Wedneeday, October 8, Germantown, Philadelphia county, at 7x o'clock P. M. Thursday, October 9, Quakertown, Bucks county, at 7X o'clock P. M. Friday, October 10, Richmond, Philadelphia county, at 7% o'clock P. M. Saturday, October 11, Bristol, Bucks county, at 7% o'clock P. M. Monday, October 13, Frankford. Phllaielplita county, at 7,,k6 o'clock P. M. iffr PHILADELPHIA. POST OFFICE. Ocrroass 1,1862. MAIL FOB PORT ROYAL, per 11. S. steamer QUARRB CITY, will dose at this office THIS MORN ING, at eleven (11) o'clock. it C A. WA.LBOIII7, P. M. crr PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, 30, 1862. """ ' • ' Yoder the authority of the Act creating ibe "EX CISE TAX," the undersigned would Inform the public that he bee made arrangements whereby he will receive and be enabled - to furnish, on and after. October let, . 4 THE INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS," of all kinds and denominations, at Government prices, in amounts not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. • O. A. W.S.LBORN, Postmaster. N. B.—Orders solicited and prompt attention given. All orders meet be accompanied with par fonds, and if to to sent by mail, the postage will be deducted from the Waag; ordered.ae3o-3t • MILITARY. lARMORY COMPANY A, FIRST LICTILLIEBY, H. G.—PnILADELrnre., Sept. 29, 1882. —The members of this Company, and all others who were attached to it during the recent tour of servies; in the Army of Pennsylvania, will assemble at the AR MORY, on WEDNESDAY, October 1, at 8 o'clock P.M. By order of HENRY D. LANDIS, Captain. E. 0. BULLARD. First Sergeant. 8e30.2t* 152 d PENNSYLVANIA VOLUN TXEII.B.—Good Men are wanted for BATTERY L, of this Regiment. For particulars, inquire at Head onarters of Battery L. 336 HARMONY greet, Phila delphia, and 441 BT. JOHN street. Captain—JOSEPH W. BANDRUSON. let Lientenant—AßSOLD ANGERO PH. 2d Lieutenant—BßßVETEß HAWK. se23-12t* wAR TAx.l WAR TAX I Buy one of the Cards headed STAMP DUTIES, AND SEE HOW THE TAX AFFEO3B YOUR DAILY BUSINESS. PRICE TEN CENTS. DEALERS SUPPLIED. Published by BIND & BAIRD, WHAT'THE PUBLIC WANT. A POPULAR +:3OMPENDIUN. OF THE NEW TAX LAW. • 'MB PHIL ADE faPRIA. INQUI SCR ' 1 of .this morning contains a -valuable condensed abstract of the Itenv'Tax'Near. It embraces: List of Stamp Duties. ' Penalties for avoiding them. Under what circumstances their use may be postponed. Commindoner Bantwell's special instruction' to the Committee of New York Bankers and Merchants. Bow the tax is to be assessed and collected. How manufacturers are to make returns. Who mutt obtain licenses. How they are to be obtained and at what rates. A complete list of the Collectors and . Ammon, with the boundaties of their respective districts. The names, precincts, and residences of all the Assist antlasessors of the first five Congressional districts of, nnsylvanfa. The whole forming a valuable mass of information not hcretofore collected, ILLUEITBATZD WITH ENGRAITILD BPEOISIENS OF THE STAMPS THE PHILADELPHIA. INQUIRER/PRICE TWO CENTS, for sale by all Agents and News Boys. Served to anbscribers in any part of the city, ot 'Ascent towns, at twelve cents per week, payable to the carrier. . MAIL trUBBOEIBEER One Dollar for TWO MONTHS, or Six Dollars per annum Office, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, it Valladolid:it& %Ai HAT THE PUBLIC WANT. • A POPULAR. COMPENDIUM OF Taxi HEW TAX LAW. "TEE PHILADELPHIA' INQUIRER" of this morning contains a valuable condensed abstract of the Blew Tax Law. it embraces: A List of Stamp Duties. Penalties for aye - icing them. Under what circumstances their use may be postponed. Commissioner Bontwell's special instructions to the Committee of New York Bankers and 'Merchants. • How the Tax IS to be assessed and collected. Bow manufacturers are to make returns. - Who mnst obtain licenses. - .A • Bow they are to be obtained and at what rates- A complete list of the Collectors and Assessors, with the boundaries of their respective district...: • The names, prednctr, and residences of all the Assist ant Assessors of the first five Congreredonal districts of Pennsylvania. - • • • The whole forming a valuable mass of information not heretofore collected, ILLUSTRATED WITHEN(IiIftIiED SPECIMENS OF 'IHE STA.III.PB. THE PHILADELPHIA. INQUIRER, PRIDE TWO ONNTB, tor sale by all Agents and Hews Boys.- 13erved to subscribers in any part offfhe city; or adjacent towns - , at twelve cents per week.'payabls to. the carrier. MAIL SUBSCRIBERS One Dollar far TWO MONTHS, or Eli Dollars per annum Office, No. 111 SOUTH THIRD ST &BHT,- lt Philadelphia. BLIND AND .DEAF— Conlult. JAMBIEVLEWIS, whose unresoitthig - stICCOBe fig meeting' with the entire approbation ot - hislltients in Philadelphia. Office 1137 North SIXTH 'Bt: , : LADIES' AND GENTS' Hair _Dyed , and,Shamponed at !he Bathing Saloon; FOURTH and. BBANOIL - • 001•ittr THE PIMS.-PHILADELPHIA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1862. George W. Thorn, S. H. Contrail, hi D. William B. Lehman John Gegan, Jr., H.! D. James Wilson, F. H. Lewis, W. Ballade. James 111.'00Y, N. 111789 ELL TH&YER. 607 SAN3olll.l3trest RETAIL DRY GODDS EDWIN HALL JIRO, 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ARE NOW PREPARED TO MOW THEIR USUAL SUPPLY OP sir.Trs, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Fancy Bilk's, Plain Wilke, rich shades, Black Figured Bilks, Plain Bhp* Silks, Plain Poplins, rich shades Figured Poplins and Reps, 2 Figured. Casimeres and MerinoeS, Medium-price DresB Goeds, Stripe Brooke Shawls, - Blanket and Stella Shawb, Balmoral Eikixts. N. 13.—A good stock of Maple goods. N. B.—A good assortment of Plain Black Goods. N. B.—Retail and Wholesale. ee22 27 in/ at OFENINGr OP FALL AND WINTER CLOASS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER'Ist, ET. M. 1-IAFTAI IGI-1, (SUCCESSOR TO L. T. LEVY & CO,) 723 CHESTNUT STREET. 0e30.3t EYRE & LANDFALL, E. & FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. OPENING FOR FALL; BALMORAL SKIRTS, GOOD BLACK SILKS, STAPLE LINEN GOODS, BLACK STELLA SHAWLS, NEW WOOLEN SHAWLS, MUSLINS BY THE PIECE, REPS, ORDERED COLORS, FRENCH PLAID FLANNELS, FULL STOOK OF WOOLENS, RICHEST RICHEST PRINTED GOODS, NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, GOOD COLD POULT. DE SOTFI, MAGNIFICENT DRESS SILKS, MAGNIFICENT PRINTED GOODS. selo-mwstf CURTAIN STORE. CHEAP CURTAIN GOODS - AND FURNITURE 'COVERINGS. Brocatelles, Bens, Damasks, Tapestries, Satins, Flushes, Bich Imo and Muslin Curtains, Bioh Lace and Muslin Draperies, • - Furniture Chintzes, Dimities, Morena, Bands, Loom Tassels, Cornices. SHEPPARD, VAN - HARLINGEN, • & ARRISON 1008 CHESTNUT Street, Importer's of Curtains and Furnishing Goods. sa2A-wlmat W T. S NODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, NO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. ARMY AND NAVY GOODS. PLAIN WEAR FOR FRIENDS. " A FULL STOCK OF FANCIES. se3o:l2t FANCYY CASSIMERES. Blaok Cassimeres. Union Cassimeres. Boys' Cassimeres. Blaok Cloths, Blaok Beavers. Ladies' Cloakings &o. °Old - PRISING THE LARGEST STOCK WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. COOPER '.& CONARD, se3o-3m- S. E. cor, NINTH end M.LIIKET Ste. CHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES.—V. B. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open this morning, from Auotion, Ingrain Garyete at 37, 46, 60, 62, and 760 ; Entry and Stair Carpets., 16 to 05c,; Rag Carpets, 31, 37, and 45c.; Floor. 011 Glottis ' 37 to 500.,• Gilt bordered Window Shades:6oo. to $166; Buff and Green Window Holland, 16 to 26c.; Flannels. 25 to 50o.; Dress Goode in great variety*, from 16 to 600 ; Clanton Flannels, 25 to 310. , se24.wfml2t , , FIN&NCIAL. Ur Sr rex v TWENTIES: as, 20-YEAR SIX PER OENT. BONDS , PAYABLE AT TER OPTION 07 VIZ GOVIIIIN MINT AFTlit SIVII inpate.3 . em instructed by the BZORITABY ON TIER TIDCASUBT to receive irabsoriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, TEI INTICIBUIT TO 00HHENU'l IRON DATE 07 DEPOSIT, Thu STOWillg the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May . - A full supply of these Bonds always on hand. - JAY 000iZE., SUBSCRIPTION AGINT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. JE.1178 L WALTON, TROICAS TORT. 10 1 11TrALTON 8 YOBT, 3ANEBBB, BROKEBB, - 4ZN-1111{A1.1 , 4TOLLEOTORBi No. 26 Booth THIRD tiltxoet, Thiladelphia. BEFERENOZS. .Tay Cooke 8 Eton. 3 - antes Pollock, Jinn% Kent, Santee, & 00., Ron. H.D. Foster, `ilkoberiok) Blank, a Co., Hon. A.R. Roadie, o.'MoNibbin & Boni . Hon; Ann Packer, - P.:-IdAddleton & pro., Hon. Warren J.. Woodward. Aon. - Wni. - " Naito, Nr, L.'Bradford, lob RETAA, r]? LT JAS. B. CAMEiRELL & 'CO., - IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN ` f DRY . . AT WiiOLESALE AND RETAIL, UT CRESTNUT STREET, Are now exhibiting nordlien in* SILKS. SifAWLS ) :I6 DRESS G6ODS, EBPEOIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS !MASON, BLACK QUARE &- LONG- SHAWLS BROCIIR Square and Long Shaw PLAID Fquare and Long, Shawls.. FANCY Sti.AWLS„ in great variety, JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.'S, oct-tr- 727 ORESTNIIT STREE r. A/LEHI - NOES AND REPS, SELEOT Ba&DEB. PRINTED MERINOES AND. REPS, choice styles, .DREss GOODS, in clearable fabrics AT :JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00. 7 5, 001.13 727:,0E1E81NET STREET. BONNETS, BLACK TAFFETAS. ELK. POULT D I SOIEI and Gros Grains. COL'D POULT IVSOIE and Otto mans; very choice., RICH FIU'D 8114158, in' new stvlea paa oolorins, JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO.'S; ocl-tf 727 CHESTNUT STREET. STAPLE DRY GOODS. Damasks, Linens, Towelling' s L. C. Halcfs., Hosiery, Gloves. Flannels, Blankets, .Bleaelted. Cottom WHITE GrOODS, ETC., ALL AT LOW PRICES. JAS R. CAMPBELL & CO 727 CHESTNUT STREET. MILITARY GOODS, GEO. W. SIMONS Sc MANUFACTURING JE w ELLERS RANSOM-STREET HALL,' SANS DM STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, (Ep Stairs.) SWORDS I INFANTRY CAVALRY, MEDICAL. Etc. BELTS AND SASHES, SWORD-KNOTS AND COVERS, SHOULDER STRAPS AND MILITARY BADGES. PRESENTATION SWORDS MADE TO ORDER. stakm 8m MILITARY: TRIMMINGS BRASS KNAPSACK TRIMMINGS, U. S. Regula tion, with Buckles, in complete sets. ROLLER NUOKLES, -inch, for Haversacks. BRASS INFANTRY ACCOUTREMENT MOUNT= INGS, in complete sets. BRASS RAT ORNAMENTS, Eagles, Bulges, Trum pets, °reseed Sabres, and Crossed Cannon. - BRASS LETTERS and NUMBERS. BRASS CAVALRY BELT MOUNTINGS. BRASS INFANTRY do. do. BLUED CAVALRY MOUNTINGS, U. S. Regula- Ron, in sets, complete, including Saddle Tree, Picket Pin, Lariat Rope, Curry Comb, Rome Brush, and Spurs..: BRASS. BRASS. SCREW and STRAP SPURS, for Officers.. BLUE, SCARLET, and GRAY BLANKETS, for Officers and Privates. For Bale in quantifier, and of the best quality, by W. P. IiVII.I-:_TACH & Co., 3S NORTH THIRD STREET, se23-Im* Philadelphia. ITENTLITUTTONS AND BLIPS, U. S. Standard] manufactured and for sale bY • J. P. BRED, Clorrtrr of THIBTEENTIraed NOBLE Strada, se26!mo* Philadelphia. iptRASE GROMMETS - for Army Blan kets 'and Leggings, maul:declared and for sale in any qusntity at SIXTH and COLUMBIA; ~E26.lm* E. IVENS. MILITARY CLOTHXNG IDE•SPREAD REPUTATION: There is no house in the United Stites that s P . “ has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITARY CLOTHING as ROCKIIILL & WIL . SON'S, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. Besides being thoroughly 'acquainted with - _ the business, they are prompt, to fill all orders at moderate prices, and always have a LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY GOOI/3 ON• HAND. 8e30.1.11f , MILLINERY GOODS. BON NET OPENING FOB FALL AND WINTER, ' TEIUBSDAY,- OCT. 2;.1862. 'WOOD & OARY No. 725 OHESTNIES Street. LATE LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. ee3o.st * MISSES O'BRYAN, 1107- WAL NUT Street. wilt apthl PARIS MILLINBBY for t a Fail on THURSDAY, October 2, 1862. 061-18t* t o MILLINERYOPENING;:-Miss . IL T. MORGAN, 408 AROH Street, will croon a Eiglendid Stock of FALL MILLINERY, for the Whole sale and Retail Trade, on THURSDAY, October 2d. - N. B —Wantedot Pint Olaee Milliner and Trimmer to go to Lancaster, Pa. Liberal Wages. ar2o-2t* t da- BONNET AND BAT - FRAMES, PATTERN BONNETS, AND DRESS OAPS.— The best place to buy a Full Assortment, at Wholesale Cash Prices, is at MORGAN'S MANI:MAI:MORT, 408 .os ROB Stn. et. ' Ben: lm* FALL MILLINERY GOODS. ROSENHEIM, - BROOKS, & 004 431 M.ARKET STREET, . NORTE. SIDE, Have now open for their FALL SALES . A LARGE AND RANDSONE Eprooz or FALL MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING OP RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, LND MILLINERY. GOODS GENERALLY, To which the attention of the trade le RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. re2A4m 1862 - FALL. 1862 WOOD GARY; IMOODSBOBS TO LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, Have now in store a COMPLETE STOCK MILLINERY GOODS, 001(§ISTING OF Silk, Velvet and Colored Straw BONNETS> AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &0., To which they respectfully invite the attention of the former patrons of the Howe, and the trade generally, HOS.IKENNEDY & BRO 729 WIESTNIIT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH HAVE NOW READY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS' OP FRENCH FLOWERS.' FEATHERS AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. dott.am 110tEIMER'S WORYIYPES ' EVINCE " great study and oarefullalnting. the fresh warm, and impiendve coloring of these, Planrea is: the theme of praise. Go to Gallery BZOOND Street, above .Green, and OXIMAUO tbanu - MMISSION HOUSES c o 35;000 YDS. -ARMY-STANDARD,. ' ; C3440 , 1T4-,N FL ANNEL Cases Slatorville do. Do• Hamilton do., - 81-inch. Army Domet Flannels. 5 Cases White - .Rook Chameleon Linseys. 6 Bales Heal - Printed B.erseys. 6 Cases do. do. 12 Do. Extra Plain do. do. do. do. do. 80 Bales' 2 Do. Plaid Osnaburgs. 42 Point Blankets for Hospitals. Pepperel, Salmon Falls,, agffullt, Lawrenee, Massachusetts, And Massabetic A. Brown Drills. Standard Brown ShqetingB, Cotton Duck, &c. For Sale NET CASH on delivery, by GEO. GRIGG, Qt No. 219 CHURCH Alley. BUNNELL . , AIID GREENE MANUFACTURING Co.", 400 Oases NEW ?ALL tintriVlL FOB BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., iiia-mwfam No. 22A CHESTNUT Street. EAMLESS BAGS. lc LI►WISTON" and " PREMIUM" " A" FOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., iy2l.-mwfBm No. 220 CHESTNUT Stmt. QEAMLESS BAGS. 3-Bushel Bags. - • 12,000 Androscoggin 2-Bnshel. Stark A. Lewiston A. Canada A. Amoskeag G. Ozark. Premium A. Union A. into, &c., atc. ~ Tor sale, net cash on delivery, by _ GEO GIIIGEI, se3o.tf 219 °RUBOR Alley A RMY GOODS. DARK;BLUN COAT diOTHIL DARK-BLUE CAP OLOTHI3. `''ARMY CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10.0IINCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND . DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETING'S AND SEILUTINGS. For sale by •••• FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. set-ti ARMY BLANKETS. GOVERNMENT - STANDARD, FOR SALE BY FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. AGENTS. an2B4 WELLING., COFFIN, & 00. ) WO. 220 CHESTNUT 13'111ERT, are prewed to % CONTRACT FOR TEE DELIVERY tea OF A R M .X. WOOLEN AND 001 TON GOODS , STANDARD QUALITY. - HAZARD, & 1 , ) • • HUTCHTICSON, No. 112 CHESTNET STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; FOB THE BALE OE PRILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. , " sea era O 0 Li 60,000 LBS. MEDIUM WOOL, For oaf. by • DECOUItSEY & HAMILTON `237 Chestnut street. oc 3.3 t CUTLERY. WORMA - N & ELY. No. 130 P QG STREET, PHIL&DELPNLit "''. MANUFACTURERS OP PATENT CAST-STEEL TABLE C U PEERY ; Also, the DEBT and OHEA.PBSTi:: • Y.; .F.; ARMY KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON IN. THE MAB,ICET. CAST-STEEL FORKS. PAPER HANGINGS PAPER -- A'T T A JOHN H. LONGSTRETH, No. 12 North TJEtLitn Street ee3o-6 CARPETINGS. ARCH -STREET CARPETWARE ROUSE. OLDDEN & BICKNER. No. 832 ARCH STREET, - TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH STREET, SOUTH SIDE, are now receiving their a PALL uirouTa.noris OP _ FOREIGN AND DOMESTLO CARPETING'S. embracing all the new etrlee, which they are offering at LOW PRIORS 5e27.2M .FOl GASH. READY-MADE CLOTHINq. SINE READY-MADE CLOTHING . C: SOMERS 8a SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET UNDER JAYNE'S HALL , Have now made up for We an entire new stock of FINE CLOTHING. Also, a fall assortreent of CLOTHS, OASSIMICHEi3, and VESTINGS, which they respectfully invite the public . to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se27tde3l INTERNAL REVENUE , . COLLEOTION OFF,IOII MST DISTRIOT, 304 ORESTNIIT STREET. STAMPS FOB ORBOKS AltD SIGHT DRAFTS, PROPSIETABY S'TAXPE3 FOB, FOR BALE AT T-WEI OFFICE, ON AND MIR TEM' • Ist of October, 1862. JZSPER HARDIN% Collector. OBDEBS FOR STABIPS Will be teethed and delivered u fast as . leaned by the Government. ' se29-3t I 0 ZING, A agrdY, AND !TOILET - MIRRORS, Tke beet In the world for Ilnith and durability The beat brand Silk-entatted ' 'VELVET RIBBONS.' Bole 'Agent, BF.N.IANIN M SMITH, 166 DIU:NM Street, near West Broadway, WILL BE CLOTHING CLOTHING -CHEAP FOR_ CASH! The beet p.aoe in Philadelphia to obtain ' wellinade, goad• fitting, durable - ' . 'CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. - " AT REASONABLE PRICES, AT _REASONABLE. PRIOES, . AT. REASON ABLVI PRICES, '- AT - 'REASONABLE PRICKS, IBAT WA NAMARER & .BROWN'S WANA.MAKER ' & BROWN'S WANAM AKER & BROWN'S WANAM AKER & BROWN'S WANA MAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, 9A aiLt, SOTITEEAfiT CORNER .SIXTH ANP HARTLE t; SOT7TBEAST CORNER SIXTH AS ) MARKET, OUTHEABT CORNZIt SIXT a MO ATAEK ET. . . )37' P B.—Wananisker4 trowrh Oak 'nail ClOthf. n g Establialment, at Sixth and Illarket streets, is - norED for teat made, good; ftaltvg, durable Clothing, at ans.. HONABLE prices. lit .7 - Wanarnsker & Brown have an Immense stock of Fall and Winter Ganda, bought early in the season at low prices FOR OAIII, which will be Sell. nonausroteninG: X CHEAP. _ 'VW CUSTOMER WORK WELL DONE AT EXTRA. LOW TRICEH. 001..tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. .T . t, 0 E'S NEW NOVEL, THIRD. THOUSAND JUST BEADY SECOND THOUSAND SOLD OUT ON PUBLIOA- TIOIT DAY LIKE AND UNLIKE. ANEW BOVBIs BY A. s. Rom, Anther of s , I've Been Thinking," “Long Look Ahead," "Trtie.to the Last," &o. One large, handsome 12ru0.; cloth bound. Price 5125. • - "There is no writer of tho prennt day who excels this author in pure simplicity of style, and natural interest and truthfulness of narrative. In thousands of families his books era read and reread with nrvfit, and ever in ert Sting delight." " LIKE -AND -17Nfdlill is, we think, superior to any other of Mr. Roe's works; it is one'ef those natural do - - tnestic stories which appeal-directly to the heart, and while it involves all the charms of a dramatic narrative, It has the further merit of conveying instruction AN to conduct in life." It is a healthy, sterling bcok, worth its weight in gold. Every seeker of a novel with onapproscbably Dare tendencies!, will be dharmed with LIKE AND UNLIKE." CARLETON, Publisher, 'NEW YORK. 2 .svatf HT.I OSPITAL STEWARD'S MAN- UAL, for the Instruction of Hoepital Stewards, Ward Mastery, and Attendants. Br J. J. Woodward, M. D. 12mo. 81.25. THE PATIENCE OF HOPE. With an Introdution, by John G. Whittier. 76 cta. COUNTRY LIVING AND COUNTRY THINKING. By Gail Hamilton. 81.25. HEALTH; ITS IrBIBIiDB AND ITS FOBS, ET B. D. Mmisey, ➢L D. NEW GYMBAsTIOS for Men, Women, and Chil dren. al. For Pare by '0721. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, Kea . 608 CHESTNUT Street. $1.75. PHOITLOstrGRAPH $1.75, A new lot bound in TURKEY MOBOOOO, FULL SIZE, with clasp, reduced to $11.75, LESS THAN COST TO M.ANUFAUTURE. Other styles proportionately low! PITCHER'S Cheap Bookstore, seCtecl 439 CHESTNUT Street. . Nicr A R TELEGRAM MARRING MAP OF VIRGINIA. • SIZE 26 BY 2s. PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold in all Periodical and Book Stores, also sent to any address on receipt of price. For partienlara era savor tiaement in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PRANG 3 CO., Publishers, 109 Washington street, Beaton, Man. an2B-1m CIRtiVLATING LIBRARIES "NVBROTHERHEAD'S CIRCU . LILTING LIBEARY.—AII the PEW English end American Boots, including ALL OLA.SSE 3 of Lite rature. Thia le the ONLY Library in the country that Inc/tides all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. . Terms $5 per year; aix menthe 83; three months 81.501 one mouth 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. • eeB.3m TINGLItig AND FRENCH FAMILY OERGULATTNG LIBRARY AND CABINET DJ PIOTTIRE, 1317 ORESPNIIT STREET.. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. 'General catalogue just published, furnished gratis. .;' In Press, Catalogue, of the Young Ladies' French Li brary. u Catalogue de /a Bibliothegue du Dames et des Ds- M. M. fdORAORESI, Agent, se6-Im • 1317 ORESTRU r Street. EDUCATIONAL. CYFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, XFORD, CHESTER COUNTY, PA —Thenext sefibiOll of ibis Institution will open on WEDNESDAY, fitoyernber 6. Per Oirculars, addre ss . ocVlm 'MISS BAKER, Principal. pOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PENN QUARE, for the Professional Education of En gineers, Architects, Practical Chemists, and Geologists. The coons on military Engineering kcludee Field For tifications, Siege Operations, Strategy, and Tactics. Catalogues on application to ALFRED L. KENNEDY, 111. D., selB.l2t President of Faculty. MAFiME EGERIE JULES-MAR- MODERN OALISTHINICIS, or, Course of • PHYSICAL SIMCATION; Approved by the Clergy, Burgeons, and Physicians of Philadelphia, as well as by the Principal. of our best Schools. Madame Martin begsteave to return her sincere thanks to Parente . who have entrusted their children to her care, and inform thorn and. the public that she will re open at her residence, in SPRUCE Street, No. 1346. her classee in modern Calisthenic°, intended for those young persons of both sexes whose constitutions are so delicate as to render such exercises needful and salutary. -The new system has been authorized and approved by Bishop Beane, at St. Mary's &shoot, Burlington, on the 4th of Augnst, 11156, and has been continued since that time with marked success and the happiest results. Clauses will be attended at Boirding Schools. , BIeFEIVINCE S. Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., (Bishop of Penneyl. vania ; Bight Rev. W. H. Odenheimer l (Bishop of New Jenny ;) Bev. John A. Vaughan, Rev.J.B. Clemson, D. D., Bev. O. H. Wheeler. D. D., Rev. W. A. Faroe* Pref. B. JaCkson, Drs.-Thomaa Hodge, P. B .Goddard, J. Pancoaat, U W. Morris, A. Stile, John Neill, R. La Roche, Caspar Morris, John Bell, G. Maehring, W. V. Heating. J. V. Pattersch, Francis West Convent of the Sacred Heart, (Eden Hall, Pa. ;) Rev. Elvin K. Smith, (Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Burlington;) Misses Anable, Miss C. Bayard, Mesdames Chegaray & D'Her villr, Mines Casey, Mimes Brooks & Hall, Misses Burk, Mrs. Clement, Germantown; Kies' Carr, Linwood Hall. ae29 meat MA DAME EGERIE JULES MAE TIN will reopen, et her realdence, No. 1346 SPRUCE Street, her PRIVATE DANCING SCHOOL, On MONDAY, October Btb, 1882 CLASSES, DAYS, AND HOURS For Young Ladies and Masters, on blondays,Wodnes days, sod Fridays, from 33 omit 153( o'clock PM. - 2 he Quarter will commence on the day of the first les son of the pupil: No deduction made for those who leave before the end of the quarter. Private Practising Parties for those who know how to dance, every Thursday evening. Ono Quarter of 24 leesone, beginning November 6th. " The Music for tho L 0660131) will be that of the Piano. All Dances will be taught In the moat approved and ftuiblonable style, and particular attention, will be paid to cultivating grace, ease, and elegance of deportment. Indepetdently of her classes, Mrs. Martin will give lessons in Private Families and a all the Schools where Mr. Martin bad the honor to teach. Should Ladle's with parents or friends like to learn any new dance separately, Mme. Martin will make ar rangements for them. ' MUM. Martin takes this opportunity to tender her sincere thanks to the friends, patrons, and scholars who have for so many years extended to her and id. Martin their Patronage, and hopes to receive a continuation of their favors. For particulars apply at the residence of lijadsme J. Martin. sa2o.minf et PERSONAL THE RELATIVES OF THE LA MENTED DEAD at the recent battle in Mary land, desirous of availing themselves quickly of the benefits provided by laws of Congress and of the several States, should make an early application to the MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY, NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN (427) WALT STREET. JOSEPH E. DEVITT k CO. Correspondence promptly attended to. se27 WI DOW B AND MOTHERS.- Pensions! Pensions! • Pensions! Widows, Orphans, Mothers, Discharged Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, entitled to Pensions, ehooki call at once on JOSEPH E. DEVITT A 00., Military and Naval Agency, se27 N 0.427 WALNUT Street. BOUNTY AND BACK PAY ! BOUNTY AND BACK PAY !—BOIINVY AND BACK PAY !—BOUNTY AND BASK PAY I—Wises, Children, Fathers, Molhera, Brothers, and Sisters are entitled to BOUNTY AND BACK PAY, and should wake early application to JO6BPH B. DBVITT & 00., Military and Naval Agenos 5e27411t No. 427 WALNUT Street. B Y A DECISION OF THE ATTOR NET GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, any Mother of a Soldier, Sailor, or Marine, can obtain a PENSION, if married or not, if he wee killed or died in the service. Armly.at once to JOSEPH E. DEVITT & 00 1 APANY. Remember the number, FOUB HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN, ' '• [427] WALNUT STREET, • • MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. sir Remember.tbe name, ile27-6t JOSEPH B. D BVITT 3 COMPANY. • - PENSIONS; ... $lOO BOUNTY, AND PAY procured and` collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such II are daceased, by -- JAMES FULTON, - ATTOENE -AT MS L 4.W AND 08LLEOTION. OFFICE, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. For business done in this line charges will be se fol. lows : For collecting Soldiers' and Sailors' Pay less than 800 In amount, $I ; when over $5O In• amount, 23( per cent. on the excel's. For collecting arrears of Pay and $lOO Bounty for relotives of deceased solo:11'6re, 2X-Pef cen t. For procuring Pensions, the Glolutpunent fee, For collecting and proonrinisuch for celativos of der. ceased 'soldiers that have 'volunteered nce the 25th August, 1652, from this city, no °bar an previously proposed. JAME FULTON, se2o-tf if 424 WALNUT Str.• Philadelphia. pAIIPIILET PRINIING, Beet and 1 1- Crheajonn In the. City, at BINNWAIIT & BROWN'', • to BOW& TOIIRTH 13 ;vet. 1110 VXTENSIVE PERE NI PTOBY SALE —EXTRA. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TRONAS & SONS, Anctioneers. • ' ON TUESDAY, gist October. 1802, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ei change, the following described property, viz: ' No 1. AN :IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT. c4or • I a year, secured on a brick dwelling MA lot, Lombard street, 102 feet went of Tenth street. No. 2. TRACT OF veiurmar, 00 AL LAND. Situate in float Township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, E2l) acres and 24 verdant, known as the "Valentine Brobet float Tract." TRACT DF.TA.LUABLE COAL LAND, Situate in Coal Township. Northumberland county, Penneylvania,l47 acres and 120 perches, adj)ining lande of Ja nes Dundee, Fel and others, known as the 4+ , Robert Cant plain Coal Tract." N0..4. VALUABLE LOT. 24 ACRES, FORNDELY P hat- SYIINK, NOW FIRST WARD, OITY, A dmining lands of Martha Thomas, Wm Harmer. Stephen Falters% George Morton, and others, with fronts on the Baltimore railroad, a fifty feet street, the river Schuylkill, &c Subject to a mortgage of $16,000. No. 6. ILLEGAIiT UNBIDNNON, STREET," "N. W. corner of Thirteenth street, 25-feet front ort. Arch, avd,l2B feet on Thirteenth street ,• built and. finished in [the boot manner, and replete with alt modern improvements and conveniences. Subject to a mortgage of $lOlOOO. IHE EXTENSIVE AND 'VALUABLE SUGAR RIG . FINERY, No. 22 t TINE STREET, Lately occupied by MESSRS. EAST WICK, : , ciAil those brick messusgee; steam sugar refinery. atom, /to., and lot of ground therptinto' belonging, situate on the north aide of Vine street, between ' Second and Third streets Philadelphia ; containing. in fait on Vine street (1 , 3 feet to inches, and ex.tendiug . 49:tiltorthwera OT Umir7.l.lv: ( 2 • , 12 " ^ then v,.llteniog on the west side thereof (to a 10 feet wide alley) fo the breadth of 97 feet 4 inches, and extending thence furlbck ,northward, of the last mentioned breadth, Ttl feet 2N, inches along tbe said 10 feet alley to Wood street, havir.g three fr;tnts; and the entire depth front Vine to Wood street 146 feet. The boildings are nix dories high, built of brick in the most enbotential manner, and heated through Out by means of cog:iron steam pipe 3. They contain a large vacuum pan, 4 steam engines, improved boilers, blow up pens, Legend Deroone filters, tanks, improved syrup purepl;trua'aing and pulverizing mile, screens, bone black furatictai 144 Witfitterai platform ecales, and. other machinery, of the moss aPpirOie, the following number of iron monldo and polo-viz: 5896 80 Its Moulds. 4740 80 ibe Pots. 2013 16 do. 2006 16 do. 5 23':. , d0 1502 8 do. The whole comprising An bsiablisiZ l ent capable of refining from 45,000 to 50,000 lbo 00 to 3512titir) 01 sugar per day. 112" The Refinery to ready for 13/mediate doeration. The fitorehouse 'is of a capacity to hold COO Inds of raw auger, and 8,000 bble refined sneer. Foil details will be furnished upon a mlicatiou tar A.. M. Eastwiek, by letter, or on the premltes, (which, will be open for inspection daily, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. IC, until the day of salo,) or of tho Auctioneers. oar abject to a mortgage of 820,000. MP' BALE ABSOLUTE, of the whole of the above six properties{ without any reservo tor limitation, what ever Aati - Full desoriptions of each may bo had in handbill/1 at tbe auction roorca. ' M. THOMAS ct SODS, Anctioneem, 130 end 141 South FOURTH &root. 'Rep2ooctl 13A281 AMUSEMENTS UrALNUT—STREET THE A.TRE.--- /v y _Bole Lessee-- . Aire. Itt. A GAIDEETTSON, Beelneee Agent 3YEr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIRD NIGHT OF MR E EGI7Y. THIp (WEDNESDA.V) EVENING, (YOT. Vl7l b 6 presented JEAN REM Jean Remy Hr. t EDDY. To conclude with tho Farce of ICI ON PABLE FRANCA:I3. . Mr. Sprigging Hr. VINING-BOWERS. Doors open at 7—Performance commences at 7X. S. JOHN DREW'S AROR AIRTBICET THEATEZ. Acting and Stage Manager ' W. S. FREDEBICIRO Business Agent and Treasurer • JOB. B. BIIIBPLEB. UNQUALIFIED .81:100E88. iISS BATEAU B.N, - The great Tragio Artist. Who will crpprar Every Night as - JULIA, IN THE BITNOHBA.OIC. Supported by JAMES WKELAO3I, Jr., • and the excellent Stock (lomvEmY Doors open at 7—To commence at 7X o'clock. Prices as usual. paste secured in advance. BEL & CO.'S STEMPTIOOT. A —ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CE E STEIN STREETS. COLOSSAL STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, DISPLAYED FOI7I3I.IIIINDRED sclu kIRIC FEET, EVERY EVENING THIS WAVE . A CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY . ' Admlaeion 25 cents—Obildren 10 cents: A package cf twenty-four ticket:, for 03. Doors open at 73(; commence at 8 o'clock. Math ea on Saturday al 8 o'clock. GR FE A a Ii Ti D v4L I , .?L in Oaißd of A a L AND'FRUIT SOLDIERS' HOIIE, Commencing MONDAY EVENING, September 28; and continuir g dining the week, at CONCERT HALL. Tbo Ladies baying it in charge intend making it the most imposing Pair ever held. in this city. Arrangement: .have bran made with the PITYLADELEBIA (BECK'S) BAND, No 1, For every evening during the wook. Donatiene of Smite end Flowete will be thankfully received at the. HAM • TICKETS 10 cents. For sale at the usual places, and at Cho Tickot EfOco of the Hall. ce24.-10t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 TIM FINE ANTS, CNESTIN tJ i WFBEIVF, Ta open daily . (Amviaye exoopte4) from 9 A. IL P. M. Admisslou 21; contr.. Children half prico Shares of Stock, S3O . INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. —EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY, at P. M. Conductor, Oar! Bentz. Vocal. Instructor, A. K. Taylor.. TEN CENTS. Libre, No. 11 Soatt EIGHTH Street.. lt PFIOTOGRAPHS. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. . . PINE PORTRAITS AT WAR PRIOES.—REd- MIR'S Life•size Oil colored Photographs are now axe cured at reduced prices, in view of the Notes. A Picture of decii ed SECOND Street, above Green Ito NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL IN -LI the eetabliebment SEOOND Street, above Green. SEEKER'S Colored Photographs for 81 ix evidence e( the trothof_thle assertion. They aro the efforts of eta. fol artier'. , It* WANTS. WANTED- A. JOB COMPOSITOR MIMI/SON% No. 2 North SIXTNot. 11* ANTED-A n energetic Young ' Woman, who can have all the advantages of good school by rendering some assistance in instructing the smaller children. Apply at the SCIRODL, OSLSS Avenue, North cf Noble, below Sixth street. se27.dt WANTE ?-A FRENCH L &DI", to give lessons in Trench and Music. No one need apply unless she has had experience in teaching and can furnish satisfactory references. Address 0 P. Q.. 424 south ELEVENTH Street. Philadelphia. se22-tt 910 PAPER MAKERS.—WANTED to tee charge of aII in San Francieca, one who is well acquainted with the proem of manufacturing 'PAPER from bTRA.W. none need apply unless they are practically acquainted with the working of this stock, and can give the hest of references. Addrewi Box 4732, Boston Poet Office. ; • se3o.3t. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED MIL Immediately for the Winter, or longer, by a mai family, without children ; must be in a. good neighbor hood, and well furnished • Address. stating location and rent, Box 1946, Philadelphia Post Moe. se3o 3t* 'WANTED IMMEDIATELY—A LARGE FURNISHED 1101152. west of NINTH and cast .of SEVENTEENTH, between PINE and 0111VsTNUT. A liberal rent will be paid. Adreas Of," Press Office. se3o-St BOAltDitll4. youNG- MEN'S HOBEE, 1831 FILBERT Street; opposite Penn Snare.— BOARD and Washing, two deDirs per week. - All who desire a comfortable boom will do well to cell and ex. amine this house. ALEXANDER BLOAN, 'eel9-12t Superintendent. jJLEABANT. SECOND-STORY roineerieith'boar4st 4•wiThlta • t 301 South THIRD Street. FOE43ILE AND TO LET. • • A: - FITHNIi3HED MODERN minim* moikiftiited; viu be rented oboe,. AA& tee io immiligelY. it H. J." at thin office. ; 11*. 'PROPOSALS. rp T O CONTRACTORS AND I- BUILDERS—SeaIed Proposals. endorsed 4, Pro posals for. Building a Public School House In the Twenty second ward," wilibe received by the undersigned at the office, sonthwfit corner SIXTH and ADELPHT Streets, until MONDAY, the sixth day of October, 1862, at 13 o'clock El ,lor building a Public School House on the southeast side of Church lane, and op the northeast side of Musgrove street. Said flobool Eouse to bo built in accordance with the plans of IS H PIERSON, Architect, to be seen at the office of the Board. By order of the Committee on Property. . . . JAMES D. CAMPBELL, Secretary, ocl.wr t. .1 . ' Controllers of Public Schools. INSIJR&NCE COMPANIES. VANE INFURA. No. 406 OUISTICUT I . FIRE AND INLA. TILBEC F N. Buck, RlcheTdso.n t Henry Lewis, Jr , Alex. Wbilldin, Oeo. A. Week, ! O. W. Davie,' FRANCIS N BUG ] • OHABLIDS BIOTIA WILLIAM§ I. BLANOB O "I4ONWEAL BENCE COMPANY STLITANLI. HIHBOTOBS. Doza Jayne, Y. D., - Charles R Rogers, John N. Whiten, ' John K. Walker, Id ward 0. Knight, It )bert Shoemaker, ' * Thomas S. Stewart, ' William Strutters, • Henry Leriv, Jr., I Elijah Jones. - DAVID .7 &YRS, N. D., President. ' ,JOHN N. WHITA.LL, 1 71:e Preside.* . . .. SAtdIIICV S. MOOR, Sooretarp. - OffietrOlommonwealth Building, 818 ORE AINOT Streeti--philedelyhia. set. if .f ---...„ 41. TE PRESERVING BRANDY. • :-'.:,-;;;;.unif CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. ' P WO GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, srias, &c., &O. Attifievilaifra for Preserving and PtokNol Parpoaea. ABET 0 RO BERTH, ...:DX&I.JEVIR FINE GEOGENDra, seb•lf CONNIE NVEVNNTH AND WWII. ESE AND . EAR. --- DB. JA.M.EB LEWIS, OCULIST and &lIBIST, taw &Rain "carped frem hiß profeesional- tour in Iturope. nod perma nently located at No. 387 North BIX H Street Office boars (tom ato 12 tt. and 2to4P. 4. eeVel EDWIN ADAMS 7 OW COMPANY, sayer . :ND INSURANCE. ITOBB. X. D. Woodruff, Jobn Keeelor, Jr., P. 9 Justice. Washi•.gton Jones, (Inns. Stokes, John W. Evermsn. 1. , President. . TowN, Vice Preoident. Ali D , Secretary, (mhl9•if it FIRE INSII IT TEM STATE OF PENN•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers