OAril: LE 1-r9irl ov CLEMENT ~B. , u f . ~ , Flo AsTi/RoplAT --The hosts of Mende cci"i i,„ roti o f O R D DoreIRYI E., who has labored _nch donor awl disinterested devotion in be 01:_,A oed wounded toldiere, p ic tu re g l a d to .0,1",—,t00g and life like card of him 0 11 , W. ..0, orclit«l by Gutelcunet, Nos. 704 and 706 4 i tlftl e Ite ! , in b y Irht Style This picture ehonid, and ;a ..,. , h ip will, plum every private album In the 1 1 " 0 Gotaunsi boo oleo juirt brought out ad rb o r ideal. Col. Clark and Commldoro , 14:14..0 G oo CONV:CTIONNUT ESTABLISCIENT.- 0 oda of Nemo S. G. Whitman & Co., (the fosnufactcrora of fine confections in floc cab) is .-„,,e. Their loran warerooms, now ted on r" i areo Fourth, next door to Adams & iivu're, in a measure the Confectionery lead r Its or t i , tio vuloo. Ti l es now manotao , nre every :r i f of eantectionn imown to the art, and some Tony S f Mods cot Mod elreetere, which they N u to on purest gni the world. Vioy we only the finest and lisitil in manufacturing. and doing business for the asss their Piaw aro lii low es ere charged by others ~idelor sued li. 0)0 I itClll ti call, everybody. ad tal t : en t t h: osi,strigitnittivilaNsectO:d nAunin'itrii.-0--ftilijirot. firmWeollfd801;00 , so, Pit and 014 . t oa on street, has wrought a ‘rolatiou io no al t ot portratt•making, which is likely t oo Verisowt "11 ochtiltig. The magnificent „mum ectilllted It; this inn, ot lite•edze pictures c. or ven j os mii . ; pencil, are universally. admired; 4 arom a logtootog to grace the parlore ot our first duos In preNcence t I no old oil paintings.. In every wont of On l'llotographic art Messrs. Broadbent & t the head of their profession in the United os sow a olion SuilsTiTurs FOR GA.9.--The best mit f o rpa: ever Invented, in the way of a Portable I, ll t , ~ insertions awl ornamental la np for burning. oco 00 etanartured and sold by !dotter& Wittars lie. 33 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert. toe w e ndy added to their elegant isid extensive r t ', a mps II largo seaortment of Britannia Ware, ro w oil tudium nuptia l and at greatite below 101 priCet. 31p nn Fisu.—Mr. C. li, 14fatt- Wirr in line faintly groceries!, Arch and Tenth . 0 toy now in store the beet quality of Hama, ~a Toots, Dried Beef,-new Salmon, smoked and goblets, epice4 Waterer, et cetera, ,tyg LEGGE:ICI, of every description bictared whclesale and retail at 903 Obestunt street, s of Ninth. itIaegLDIRYBR, Agent. YOnK, lilc our,own city, is a stirring loshrie war tOnra. No hotter view of the regi. o w goer 'cetera from the Seat of war can be h p tom Powers , Bond, Park Row, opposite the House. AO3IIIIOENT AOBBWOOD I.OOTAVE p, Oiled 'egg, C.XtrA carved mouldings!, ronai Oracd Action 0 verstrang Bass, .sweet and • trial tone, male t order by the beat Maker, only gyp months, wit. lir rDid for $226, as the owner Tbis Is the greatest bar ea the clty its few days , to the city, tall it at 717 Arch street. 026.8 its Tumor Sis.snm LACE AND MUSLIN CUR 01It Omelet/ nril ft:slain Orgestenta, a t Patton'a 04ica l o hrtep tannin :tare, 1408 Obeatnut street. se24-4t* Bps 11.*tovAnn AND FUMIGATED by a new Nag a i will retina aid. tte:m bed than when new. All hn.. ulllrt la Fotcra and Hair destroyed at W. Henry site New W e t Uptsoletery Store, 1400 Chest, it grad. , ae24•4t* CAaPETS CUT, —ALTERED, AND LA.Tp ) by Aperst watlnen, erd et the lowest possible prices, at islies's Nget , t 'Fad Upholstery Store, 1465 Obesintit petit se24l-1:* Soon AND VIM VETERAN. old and or ippl f id vttoran to the War Department emu; :fle Wight liteObtaill.o lc d him on many a field of fame— Chltf who ihrulPi: • forward 1 1 i where'er hie banner roto, ,led bore Ita Star, olumohant behind the flying' foce. tiagri roa forgotten, General," the battered soldier cried, ilia dies of eighteen hundred twelve, when I was at roar elde7 Um ion forgotten Johnson, that fought at Lundy , a Lent 'lntros I'm old and per eloned, but want to fight again iou we I'm lead?, General, ea let a post be given Vilna Wathitigion cito Roe me, an be look' from lathes beg Yea, kJ say to Pato= ni hi talk., or may be General Wayne, , There garde. old Bill, Johnson, that fought at Lundy'a " adtt-proof Vesta and Uniform*, ready-made, at Chas a•ate, =ter the 1,/oet,erntat. • EvrittltiES Oil TEmPERATURII.—In India, the 'penury in the thermometer tine been obsorvcd to stand m 146 drgrees in tho direct sinlight and at 120 degrees lathe *bade. In high Is ltudee the temperature in some times as low as 100 de‘t eta below sere. A Russian army, jr, en exycdtiou to (lice in 1930, was ex pawl for seve ral mcctesire days too remperetvre of 42 degrees below WO. We haven lit st all sorts of weather In our own Istiltde; but the Judicious can generally be comfortable, tare by procuring stn.c•r a -.le garments at the Brown Emile Clothing Hell of P.ochhill & Wilson, Noe. 603 and Chte;rntetnct, above tilith. whore both soldiers and erldser can prccure better gusts than the, coo got else- , whm. MARINP: WrELLIWINCE. lir US MTh= PAM) big Abbott Lomen It. ; roger, 7 days from Boston, sin I. to captain. sctr Lacy, sips co, cla., from Braadywioe : Del, with fiatto It It hoc < eera, Marten, I ea, from Brandywine, with Einar kit X tea. MIT P Meer.boy Cuter, 1 day from Oamden, Del, lab oats to 3m Bat tett 4t fore.. rthr Sotnors, from Roy Wost, In ballast k Met g Y,:110?;. Mr (I A Utritecta ! Stnbbe, from Boston, with toe to captain. dchr A Bunting, roams, from Alexandria ) with Wee to PE Hippie. Bean Brlrol, °bales, 24 hours from New York, sith mkt W Undo. OLZARKD. !lAA Clef gatle, Borten, Pernambuco and a market, 'Follmso & Fehr hoontalo Kett?. Amen,'St 70bn. NB, captalu. :chi B 0 Tenho% Wethete Washington. J t Whit°. Ichr Jotathen Mry. Cobb, BoAtoo, 6 .tudenried tt Co. ktr C A Arekseher, Ptubh", Boman. do F'delloroe, Woad. Gorr eetown. Nohlo. Cold woll 83 Co. 41, 1 Emma, Mauer, 11'411 Rivor, captain. Schr arpolta . Ka , x, Washington, captain. ,__ Jeray Liod, 11,31rm0, Now Woefmoro- 13 3t1Coal Co. Ah Beverly, Pierce, Wew York, W P Clyde. Str 11 L Claw, Ver. B dtluroe. A. Grovel, Jr. Barg% Catbatios Ann. Mrhaffoy, Washlngton, captain. Fehr Kate Aioyer, Moor, do do Barge Heron Brag Bunn, do do SPECIAL NOTICES. A QuasTiorr. DV 7BE BIRD OV TOW= UAT.L Dose, schoolboy% sit, your skill to try. 111 give you on Ennstical l'ot bard enough to mobs yon sigh With troublo or vexation. Two gentlemen. named smith and Brown, To Tower Ural came lately, To see the finest stock In town; and.they admired it greatly. F arah get meta bougbt, but Smith bought more Thee Broso—tote potut remember; (The clonal wire excelleet, I'm me t Abd ealto to teptember.) The number each one bought, from kw Sobstracted, 'elves a stun Which, moltiplied by the number's ssif. To beenty. one does come. /tow many gannet la, now declare, Did lir. Smith obtain 1 new many, too, dill Mr. Brown, At moderate Prices gain 1 l`ttr, lido, if yon, theme things to Poem the skill and power, Your parents ebntild reward you well With suite from Oennettre Tower. Orr stock of read y -fox da Clothing for Fall and Winter, 6 lbe largest in Pbflario-iehla, and to being in almond each /tr. SFr buy and sell for cosh may. t h erefore, at the "ttt totals pricee. HALL. No 518 RUA • a RI Street ? PLiladeltrida. MON [ITT & 00. 13 Aromoir8 titut Dry ! THE BEST tN THE WORLD. BATCHELOR'S oelebrated Haft Bps Nittoei a color not to be dtstiugatehed from nature— 'lmolai sot to Injure tho Hair In the least; remodieo I:4 I/1 °Ws of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Haft for BIt• ORA!, RED, or 14179 TY BALE instantly terns %mild Bleck or Ernes, toasting the Hair soft and bun ffhl. Bold by all Drt,4lstv, Sm. Sr The Gentiles to likritea WILLLAM A. BATOII3I. tel the four sides of each bor. YACTOBE, No. 81 BARCLAY Streets slate 288 Broadtea•.• attet 16 Bond street), . tor/6-1/ Nen, Yost. B - -T-1860 —X. DRAMS'S FLA sTATION BITTBRIL They Partly, ehengthou, and invigorate. 'They create II healthy appetite. The , ere an actklute to change of water and diet. : Th ey overcools effects of dissipation and Into boars, ett eoliiben the system and enliven the mind. They prevent inlastowilo and intermittent fevers. They Purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They oats Dyspepsia and Oonetipatton, They etre Diarrtre4, Cholera, and Cholera Morin& They tote Liver Comp' Blot and Nervous Headache. They are the he 1-4Tritts in the world. The/ lash the Weak min strong, and are exhausted nature's [ Nei ?wearer. They - are made of pure Bt Croix Bans, the celebrated Oaliipt o Bark, roots, and herbs, and are Oaken with the pietware of a beverage, without regard to 1 41 e or time of day. Particularly recommended to dell cap Orlon/ requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all T e e< ll , Druggist', Hetets, and Baloons. P. DIMES e o s 202 BROADWAY. New York. se24.6hrs Ci ftoirlat & litaCtlt's Niw BHUTTL.I ZITITIRO 11 4 3 011Ilitt $4O. 'o mention of tailors and other manufacturer's re esur the tree of a fast ind d arable look-stitch machines -- -Nted to our No. O. This is a now and admirable ,r e „ ta " operating with the greatest ease, and with bat t .""" 1101 :10, aro, althonzh but lately put into the market, 1 111144 7 s great favoriZe with manufacturers. It is a -",N uamiaohloe, at a low price. mlrs machine ever inirodnoed la thls oily has sold " 144 47, or given mob universal satistactlon. It Le very 1444 In ( lot tenstructtuu, easily learned, not liable to 41 of order, works wish fine Cotton, Mit, or linen '4° si e44l l equally well t and the low price at which lt L sold it within the reach of all who desire a atrnosable machine. (MOVES BLEND. 8. M. 00., mastt 780 oRESToTTIT Street. UPTIAXPS HAIR DYE ) 38. cents a box. zT rbtv4 berm for 131 • the best in use. Try it. Sold tilt at lIPLIAIPS, 403 ORES t.'NITE St. se2T-3m* s. °AIM PRINTING, 41 . BEST AND ORZAPZBT 164 "tit 14 111 Booth FOURTH Streit. ARRIVED MARRIED GREY—POTTS —At Christ Char* In thiccity, on the L'Eurg inst., by the Bev. &Timln Dorr, D. D., Mr. Pamurt B. Grey to Miss Jniia Ef. Potts, daughtor of Clinks Potts, , of Philadelphia. JOB/n-610K KIC.--Trily Bth, DM, by UM Dinial Gaston, Mr. Charles' F. Jones to Mies Mlle Ann, elicit daughter of Mr. William McKee, both of Ptilladelphia * BARRE—MILLBIL—In Lancaster, Pa.. on Thurs. day morning. 25th inst., by the Be,. B. W. Schram*, Mr, George R. Barre, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Mary B. Miller. of Lancaster, Pa. BUTLER—TURNER —On the 24th hmt., by Rev. G. W. Showman, Mr. Joseph Butler to NIBS Albin% Tnr nor, both of Marsha:lton, Chester county, Pa. tk LEPL I —UBIL.—By Rev. G F. Xrotel, March 6ih 1862, Charles Lops and Jane Matrlna Übil, both of Phi ladelphia. dt DIED. FlBllllll.—On Fourth-day, the 24th lust , William Logan Bieber, in the 81st year, of his age The Nueva will tate place from Wakefield, his late re sideece, on Second-day. the 29th inst. To meet et 11 o'clock. end proceed to Laurel Hill. ** LOONEY.—On the 234 that., elm. Ellen, wife of Ro bert Looney. The rslatives and Mende are respectfully invited, to atterti the fmteral from the residence of hoe lmbered, No, 246 North Eleverals street, this (Batarday) efternoon, the 27th lest, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to the Wood lands. TAYLOR —On Third.'day, 9th month 23d, Mary, widow of the late Anthony Taylor, in the 834 year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, Bucks county, Pa , ou Seventh day, the 27th it et., at ll'o'clock A. 111. Conveyances will meet the .8 A. M. train from Kensing toe at Ehemouy Station, * MYERS.—On the 24th inst. Howard 0., eon of Mr. George W and'Jane D. Myers, aged 4 years, 6 months, and h 6 o d re t' 1 3 ali T vets end friende of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his parents' residence, Twentieth street, above Montgomery, on Sunday team ing, 28th lost, at 9 o'olook, without further notice To proceed to Polak Laurel 13111. * RICIS.ETTS.—At the battle near. Shepherdeiewnt Vsa on the Upper Potomac, on the 20th last, Captain Jo reel' W. Ricketts, 118th,Penneylvenia Regiment, 8011 of John T. Itiolsette, of this city, in the 26th year of We age. the lady wee interred in the burial grounder the Eplecorel Church at Elharpshurg, Md, * (FAUN, , On the 28th inst., Francis Bookies, son of George T. and Mary Anu Gaup, aged 9 months and 23 days. The r elatives are respectfully invited to attend the tu ners', from the residence of his parents, 803 North Sc.. coed rtreet, above Brown, on Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. Lll/s A.Y.—At the Ucion Volunteer 'Refreshment Committee Rospital, H. J. Lunday, aged 21 years, of Crake . Station. Washington county, Ohio, belonging to Commis 1) 87th Regiment Ohio Volunteers. Frieeds of the stranger Soldier are invited b attend his funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 61s'olOck. OBITUARY. ''lltere scents but little lett tons of langunge which the kancrors of this war hove not already called into me to express the noble Impulses, the self.sacrfflelog devotion, the unflinching bravery, of those who hove yielded all, even life itself, to the service of their country. How few ate Ile hearts in,our midst who, In addition to the gene rat sorrow, have not been called to staffer indivldual grief. for those near and dear to thorn, fallen in this terrible' struggle. When the loss of SO many good and brave hag been, and Is to to, chronicled, it seems invidious to give pro minence to any particular case.. But to the father, the mother, the brothers, and &toren one name Da that dread list etande forth In letters of crimson, bringing to them sorrow aril grief. desolating their Into happy home, pros trating the bright hopes which the manifested bravery of the loved one, so suddenly oalled from hts bright career, Lad relied, making all dark sad desolate, crashing out all tor. - Be was celled, to be sure, whilst In the path of dray, taken in the exercise of these powers and attribatea which cm:Wit:rite the brave soldier, and which render his death gimlet's before the world. Ent will that glory as• lunge the mother's grief? Will it compensate for the lons or the. devoted non, the darling brother 7 It will be a source of pride in after yearn, but the present affliction IS be , cud the consolations of pride. To ihoiU uncls who read over the list cf the.klllel in the battles In Maryland, the nameofLientenant A. W. PEA. BODY, Company A, 72d 'Regiment P. V., will bring no particular care. Yet, whilst I tithe, many near and dear relatives are mourning in him the loss 01 a brave, htbrted young patriot, a kind. affectionate son and brother: ore who. although be had not arrival at man hood's ear, laid his best gifts upon the altar of his norm. try. * Letorgivg to a regiment noted for its daring bravery, Lieutenant Peabody verticipated and made his mark in most of the principal battles of Virginia daring this war. A. brief eickoees, cauecd by injuries and exhaustion, kept him a few weeks from his command. but he has'ened heck to aid in driving the invaders from the borders of tar native State. Part of the price of nooses was his life. Ho dJed far hie country. Let ne cease mourning for him Mayon surely re. wards the brave and tho true. Oar sympathies' belong to thoso who have lost htm, the bleeding hearts which mourn * LACK AND BKOOND • MOURN _LP ' IND Dress Ellks, just opened ! Mc& Oros Orains and Poult de Soles. k Taffetas and Gros de Rhinos. Black Armuree and Venetieunea. Black Gros d'Ncosse or Ottomans. Black and White Taffeta Lance. Mack and White Varsoviennes. Black and White neat Stripes and Meek*. • BIiSRON .9 SON, se2.tt 'Mourning Store, No. 918 OHNSTNII ittrcet. EYRE R LANDELL t FOURTH EA ABOH STREET& OPICBING TOR. FALL SALES: Magnificent • Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplin's. • good Block Mks. Richest Printrd Goods. good Stock of &soles. • ae!)•t! 13:r THE NATIONAL lINION ASSOGIA TION of rourteintb Ward will moot at SPILT NO GARDEN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, nth Ind . at 8 &clock. ae27. 31* N. Z. SLAYILIAKEB, Oberman. thwa TILE MODEL MEN OF THE BIBLE. —Dr. Nh WTON will root at his Uoare. of• der mone on ibis onhjeet, et the 011IIR(71-1 OF THE E Pl- PLlANY,.connrencing TO. MORROW EVENING, and continuing on the. evening of the last Sunday in each month. Service at boll past 7. Young men are cordially invited to attend. Its: FOURTEENTH WARD.—The Execn: LL3 Urn Committee of the foutteenth Ward will meet THIS.ETLNIFL 27th lost., at 8 n'olock, at BP SING GARDTX lIALL. Punctual attendance Is reques'el, as there will be (Justness of importance transactrd at this meeting. [ltir) L. It. IfLICTOriEft. Onairman. TrYOUNG MEWS CHRISTIAN ASSO- C] ATION.—The reorder Monthly Meeting will 1 , 0 held on MONDAY EVENING next, 29th inat , at 7N o'cic.ck, at Rev. Dr. WYLIE'S Church, BROAD Sireot, below Spruce. The Ray. George Bringnurit, Captain William A. Duff, and other delegates !rem lie Christian Commission, will make a report of their vl,lt to the Hartland battle.flelds. A. meeting Of unmual interest may be expected. Young man willing to work among the sick and wounded in the hosPitele aro esrrestly urged to be present. 5e.7.7.20;: GEO. A STUAST, President. DrGIRLS' HIGH AND NORMAL SOH OL.—Au examination of those who have applied for the patties of Teacher in the Deputmeet of Latin, Hia►cry, and Geography, in the Girls' High and Normal School, will commence on PRIDAY, October a, - St 2 P. R., at the School building. The examination will be upon tLe following subject° Latin Grammar, History of the Unittd States, Local and Physical Geo graphy. and Constitution of the United States. Applicants must be graduates of the dcbool. By otdt:r of the Committee on Girls' Biel and Normal &boor. GEORGE W. VAllalLiN. ee27-3t Chairmen. arINTERESTING SOLDIERS' bi E E T IN G.—The fiftieth public meeting under the aus pices of the Army Committee of the Young eferea Chris tian Ailccintion, in connection with the Christian Com mission, will be bold TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVE. NINO. at 754 o'clock; Ingle 011aton.street Presbyterian Church, corner of Tenth and Clinton streote, At' dr, *see will be delivered br the pastor, the Rev. Daniel March, Ceo. Li Stuart, Eau , and alao by the Ray. Archibald Beatty, and Mr. James Grant, delegates from the Christian Commission, who have just returned from the Illoryliind baltle-fields and who were instrumniel In mintatotiog to the tvenrided heroes of the Corn Ex change, and other Pennsylvania regiments. Time brethren have been eye-witnesses of the most thrilling cot es, and the meeting will doubticia be one of unusual interact. It* ErAV IS AUX ELIEGANITS. MR. PAU ANDRIOT. Gbrand de la matson de faillenrs de MR. GRANDVILLE SfOKg3, 609 CITE STN UT Street, (Philadelphia, a Monsieur de pre venir ice doubted: ands of connaissances qui l'ont dej I favor's° de ltur clientelte, Wool qua les etrangers,) vieut de rrtevoir de Piiris et Londres les modes les pine recentee et les miens portees pour la saisomd'ltiver. Mr. Grandvi le Stokes a mil a sa disposition lee °tons lee plus bents, et les meillenres qualltes, des premieres meuniacteres mope. Lee niilltaires, steel que let Alders de tons grades y trouveions les melllenres qualites d'etoffes a doe prix IT it I moderets. L'elegence do sa coupe, ainsi qua to cachet de dietinctlde qui la ceracterise est dais trop Gomm dursub pt nr en renonvelles lour =mites. ee27 lm . srCOOPER SHOP :VOLUNTEER E P.Etqlet XN T Bea) oN, September 2e. 4662 —TO TELE PUBLIC—In order to disabuse the vomiter mind, in mord to a subject of some importance to the public we deem it our duty to state that the report, in. duetriously and teemiogly systematically circutated by intermeddlore, that the Union Volunteer Committee furnlebta er.festitnente to two.thleda of the soldiers DIRS. ing (brooch our city, either to or from the scene of war, Hi BAIA): 19. EVERY PSETICULAB. Wo have hitherto fed fully one-half the soldiers, and hold ourselves to readiness to continue to do to promptly and at ALL TlldEi. Inasmnch as, in a number of instances, liberally• dim:sod paella, through voluntary misracets... sentation, have contributed one.thied only of certain lulus cf money to the Cooree.ehop Salaam and two. thirds to the °Slur, we think it 'simply an act or Justice to onrselvea ard to the public, to suggest that, as the labors of both Committeen are equally divided, the dona done should also be equal, as the public no donbt desire. Respectfully, • WK. lE. COOPER, President of Committee. Attest, HALL, Acting Secretary. • It mr ni. rIiW&uELPIuL HOMEOLU. W. 17 TBIO HOSPITAL, located a No. 1118 CUM BERT Street, is now open for the reception of patient!. A pplica.ion for admieeiOn mar be made at the lloxpltat i daily, flora 10 toll A. in Casco of aocident will be ad mitted at any time, if application be made within forty eight hours after they have occurred: All sick or wounded Soldiers will be cordially adtpit• ted to t 1 a privileges of the Hospital free of charge The l'hy skims hi charge wtll be as follows : COnIILTING PRYSICIANS. 0. BELING, M.. D ,112 North Twelfth street. W. WILLIAMSON, M. D., Element and Filbert sta J. KI CAIRN, M. D, 716 Struoe street. O.- NNIDS &RD, 31. D ,1020 Arch street. B OARDINEIt, 117. D , 626 Spruce street. JOS TIE LOMB, M. D., 518 North Birth street. A. d'Ll P PTv, M. D.,1204 Welaut street. w. M. WILLIA.hitiON, M. D , Eleventh and Filbert 8.8. B SOOK 8, hi D,,1320 Vine street 0. B. 0 aUSE, hi. D , corner Twelfth Cud Arch streets hi. BATCH, M. D., 112 North Sixteenth street. J. G. rio WARP, EL D., 762 Pine street. J. N. TAN, 01. D., Thirty-eighth awl Ohestnu), W. P U. O. K EL P., 1200 Sue street. 0111111/ sr:reason. FRANCIS SIMS, 111.. D., 709 Pine street. •ATTBNDiAO SURGEOrS. A. B. ASHTON, K. D., 737 South Ninth street. J. 11. }: tuna]: ts,. t 3. D., 123 North Seventeenth rt. 11. N. GUERNSEY. H. D 1431 Arch etreet. P. B. HITOEIENS, M. D., 943 Worth T wei(th street. D. JA int% K. D,1013 Green atreet . G. It..S:ARJLEY. 1334 Somme street. A. YAM ZINGER, 83'2 South Eleventh street. Donations and Contributions may be heft at the IIoapi• tat, or with either of the above named rontlemen, or with env member tf till Board of Manages ; who are as fol lows : 8 1131,1.1N0 It KV, 734 Arch street. 11E 110 ABS, 1305 Worth Broad 'knot : JACO bte WAL'PER 2110 Green street. •- • 8108 8110 a. LIM IS, 151 North Fifteenth street• - ' B. R N I I.LER. West Philadelphia. [lt* D. F.'GPF.Ner S W. corner Seventeenth sad Green. CITIZENS' VOLIINTEERAIOS ASSOCIATION, BROAD and PRIM!, dtreets. —To cally out the entire objeots of this Aelociation we mod more moray, bußding materials, and mechanics. We aunt the co.operation of the ladle* in prosari mi d e . tieC All Impolite Bent to the hareicafter-umnsd gentlemen will be Boknowledged weekly through the da•iy paver' Call and ice the institution, and eve quloklr. 13)3N8Y - M. WATTS, Southwest corner of limsd and Federal slt eels J01:1 r.Lr. taw. 834 South Seoond street. JOB W I,I,TADIS, Wftling's alley, at , )96 Third at. . DEN) Y J. FOX, No. 1283 Filbert street. 0. P. PEROT, Southeast oorner of Broad and Ohris • than stn., , JOSEPH 4OFF, 533 South Thirteenth street. T S 'Arc ADAMS. No 123 South Sixteenth strset. HENRY D.' BENNER, X. D., Third street, above Christine. &LYN ANDEL!. SITAVES, No. 818 South Fourth et', Or to the Committee, at the Hospital. gw2i. 31 IP 02r. ABM-STREET PRESBYTERTA.N OEM 808 —Service on SAB6STH KO NMI NG et 16% o'clock; bed et 7 o'clock in the EVENING. The Bev. J. B. FLTTEBSON. of Steubenville, Ohio, fa expected to offielide • its: rerSECOND REFORMED DUTCH. ONlTRlDl.—Preachteg at 1O A PC and TX I' M., b 7 the Ralf. T. De Witt Talmage. TO. btOR• ROW EVENING, the Paittor will imam the that of a soles of 6korions on the " Women of the lt* WEST SPRIICE•STREET PRES 13T- U,3 ?EWAN EPRUJE AND NEVE ti- TEEWTH ETREETS.--By request. the Rev. HENRY A. BOARDMAN, D. D., will repeat his sermon, from the text, i 4 The Lord Beigueth." &a , Palm 97, verses 1 and 2, in thin church 7 0-111011110 sr (Sabbath) HYM NING, 'services commencing at 7)( o'clock. lt* wei-tca. SPIRITUALOOR CONFERENCES AT LLV S Oak's() 57-sT atzT HALT; onSUNDAY, 010}i A IR and 7g P. M. Subject: gi Healing Media." dd.• mdtemee 8 couts. ltt iply TENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION P ARM—The following gentlemen have been: ilPlPointed the finance committee for the ward; and are :;• tho ONLY persons authorized to make collections in the ward : - I lat Free., Joseph Biblett. sth Pratt., John Gi Millar. 2d do Jae, Y. Stokes. 6th do • Geo -W. Briggs. Ed do Ch. 0 Ovorbeek . 7th do James Stewart : • 4th do Beni.B. Jenkins. Eth do IL St. Batturs. , By order of the Bxeentive Committee. • ' • ' Wit. P. HAMM, Chairman.' WM. B. LIINDS, Secretary. ''",.... - ' itiV wisp. PERSONALLY APPEARED B E FORE too, the subscriber. Chief OmA intoner to sneeriniegd drafting, CRADLE'S SNYDER, of Second pre cinct of Tv enty.thlrd ward, who, haying been exempt from draft, doth depose and gay, that he revokes and (tennis the oath taken by him in regard to bearing arms in self. defence, or in defence of hie country, and, that hie name hes been placed on the roll liable to militia duty. Affirmed before melba 22d day of. Eeptember.lB62. B. Oh:RBARD, Chief Commlstdoner. e435Z-tullt* pir'7 IMPORTANT MEETING —'PORT LLB" ROYAL—DR. TYNG public meeting will bis bold next TITESDA:I - EVENING, the 3041 hist , io Na- Monet Ball, MARKET Street, above Thirteenth, to in crease the efficiency and promote the interests of the Government's Free Labor movement at Port Royal. ddresses will be delivered on the occasion by Roy. Dr. Trim, or New York. Bev. Mansfield French, or , General Sexton's staff, and Rebert Small, the hero of the ( 6 Plan ter.” ,Admittance free. irt26 31 UNION`; AND !..IBERTY, NOW AND U,3 FOILEATER, — ORE AND INSILIPA.BAULE The NaHonal Union - Associations and the citizenis 'of Philadelphia favorable to the , BUCCf EIS of the:Rational Union Ticket at the coming clef:Alen, acd all who desire to metal° the Government at the polio, in itt efforts to eupprees .rebellion and' maintain the integrity of the' American Union, are requested to meet in their various wards, at their respective places of meeting, on TITEI.- DAY EVENING next, at 7K o'clock, to act open busi ness of vital importance, which will be submitted to them. - ' - By order of National TNIon Oita Executive ilointnittee WILLIAM M FAUN, President THOMAS B. I:IMAGING, Vico President., JOHN 7. ra.A.Ntriaw, rr secretaries. HENRY B. la SDI NEN. , se26-4t 1:1:rA FAIR IN AID OF SICK AND WOHNDED SOLDTSILS will be held-by.the ImiLE•ORRLITIAN SUNDAY S ;HOOD, in their ROOM. THIRD Street, above Girard avenue, on every AFTERNOON and 'EVENING this week. Useful and . Fancy Articles for sale. • se24-4t* 07. LAW DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY o.lr PENNSYLVANIA.-"-E. Term will com mence on VBDNEBDAY, October Ist. The Introduc. tore Lecture will be delivered by Professor Z. BPEN -0311t MILLER, in the tumid Leetnre Boom, at 8 o'clock P. DS, of that day. serB-tool - PHILADELPHIA AND READING 112 RAILROAD COMPANY, 0 TF1081•227 SWIM HUD73TU STlVlET.—PnmennLrare, Sept. 20, 1862. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Com pany, dtte on the let proximo, are requested to leave them at this office: on or before the 80th Met, when re ceipts will be given, deducting 8 par cont. for United States tax, and cheeks will be ready for delivery on the let proximo, in exchange for said receipts. st-22-81 8. /3 RAD FORD, Treasurer. arOFFICE OF. THE FRANKLIN .F 1 IRE lEBUIMEOE COMPANY, ' PHILLIINLPIHAi Sept. 24, 1862. An election for TEN DINBOTOII . 4 for the ensuing year, will be held, oareeohly to cbertor, et a genoral intetlng climate titockholders for that names. at the Office of the Company, No. 935 and 437 0 lIKEI I I9I3T Facet, on 'MONDAY, OotobPr 0:11,1802. at 10 o'clock A. M. J. W. MoALLISTKII, ee2s-10t Secretary pro tern. frr. AT A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS', BOUNTY IfUND 001i1MITTNE, held the 17th day of September, the following preamble and resolu tions were adopted: Whereas, It is neoeseery to take farther action in order that soldiers may be raised, and the draft in the Oily avoided : Be it Resolved, That this (lournaittre will agree to pay, is peel', to each non-commlesloped officer and private, in each of the first ten companies of infantry, for three years or the war, to be hereafter organized and raised in this city, with the sanction of the proper authorities, or such portion thereof of each of said Companies its may be received by the Governor as a part of the Quota of Phi ladelphia. the sum of Fifty Dollars, on said Company of nicety-eight men, exclusive of Captain and Lleutenints, being mustered into the service. and fallowing terms comylied with: The necessary evidence required will bo a certified copy of the muster roll, or a copy thereof with the origi nal for examination; also, a certificate of the proper authority at Harrisburg, that all the members of said Companies, or the port thereof, entitled to receive, are credited to the Philadelphia quota; and provided fur ther, the recruits relinquish any claim to any and all other bounties except such as may be paid by the United States. /zero/toed, A enm coital to Five Dollars for each such man he paid to the Captain thereof, to remunerate him for expenses incurred in raising his Company, to ho paid him on complying with preceding reentrements. THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman.. Loan ELODOET, Secretary. . eelll-12t EtrNATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. 6, 110 PARTY BUT 078 COUNTRY." • STATE OFFICERS. • Auditor General. THOMAS E. 000 ERAN. Eurveyor General. WILLIAM S. ROSS. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICERS. Mayor. • - ALEXANDER HENRY-- • District Attorney. • . • . WILLIAM B. MANN. ' City Solicitor. F. CARROLL BREWSTER. • City Controllor. JOSEPH R. LYNDALL. - Itecei.ver of Taxes ' JAMES 0. BELCH. Prettionotary of Court of Common Pleas. FREDERICK G. WOLBERT. City commissioner. JOHN GIVEN. CONGRESS. First District— - second District—OßAßLES O'NEILL. ?bird District—LEONAßD MYERS. ?swab District—WlLLlAM D. KELLEY. Fifth District—M. RUSSELL TBAYE& SENATOR. Second Dtstriet--JACIOB E. ItIDOWLY. Fourth Distriot—GEOßGE CONNELL. ASSEMBLY. First District—WM. B. FOSTER Second DIstriot—ELOBTON A. EVENLY. Third District—TßO AB T. WILLS. Fourth District—SAMUEL J. REA.. Fifth District--JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth District—OH &BLISS 11.110LISIGHAR. Seventh District—THOMAS 000HBAN. Eighth District—JAMES N. KERNS. . Ninth District—JOHN A. BURTON. ' Tenth District—B. B. PANOOAST.' • Eleventh District—IPRANIILIN D STERNER. Twelfth District—LlME V. RI:MPHIL Thirteenth DistrictsJAMES HOLG&TE. Fourteenth District—ALEXANDER' CUNNINGS. Fifteenth District—WlLLlAM F. SMITH. Sixteenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Seventeenth District—OHAßLES F. ABBOTT. 'elate CGNOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—AT A. meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMIITEE, bold on TUESDAY, the 16th instant, the following resolution wee unanimously adopted Resolved, That the namea of the various organized ccropaniee of Home Guards, Reserves, and an other local military bodies, be published, with the names of their officers and the location of their armories, ISO that the etilmilemair have an opportunity to enrol their name'', and that they be earnestly exhorted to do so. J iIIN D. WATSON wee appointed an agent to carry this resolution into effect. Captains, - Lieutenants, and other efficera of oompanise for city service are requeeted to send tboir names; locations, etc, to the Hall of/the Board of Trade, or to the office of the Barth American and United States Gazette. • CITY A.BMOBIE,S Jayne Bides, No. 823 Chestnut street. _ Gymnast Zonavea, Po. 37 south Third street. Philadelphia Grays, No. no Market street. City Guards, northwest corner Sixth and Chestnut Its. Niagara State Guard. No. 240 Monroe street. Kearney Guards, Tenth and South streets. Drill Carve, Broad, below Walnut, Natatorium. Revenue Guards, D. S. Custom Home. Flom Exchange Guard, Second and Gold streets. Wteshington Grays, Franklin Hall, Sixth street, below Arch. National Guards, Race street, below Sixth. Ellsworth• Zonases, Captain -, N. B. corner of Eighth sod Callowhill streets. let Artillery Horne Guards, Co. A, 1733 Market at. Cadwelader Troop, No. 820 Chestnut st. State Guard, No. 1733 Market et. 'Capstone Battery, No 808 ?Mart at. Independent Buoktall Pace, N. W. corner of Illeventki pad Oxford ate. Ne v Company; No. 1547 Germantown avenue. Bltmmer Guards, Front and &faster ea State Tenciblo, No, 505 Chestnut a. itegerve Brigade, .let Regiment—Company A, Market street, above Eighth, south aide. Company B, 8. E corner Eighteenth and 'Market eta. Company 0, Market street, above Eighth. Company I), N. E. cor Eighteertli and Chestnut eta. Ocropeny 7C, 8. cor. Eighth and Oillawhill streets. Company F, N. E. cor. Second and Rene streets. Company 0, Chestnut street, above Eighth, south side. Company H, Third and Willow streets. Company I, Broad street, above Pine. Company B, Eighth and Callowhill streets. Second Beement—Regimental Armory, 505 Chestnut street. Company A, Captain E. B. Davie. do. B, do, W. hi. brain. do. 0, do, J. A.udenreid. do. E, do. Geo. W. arice. do. D, do. Charles Page. • do. F. ' do. Charles Connelly. do. 0, do. -- Third Regiment—Company A—Lient. Cobb, Filbert and Thirteenth streets. Company B—Lieut. Brown, Twenty-second and Spring Garden streets. Company o.—Lieut. Rowan Saunders, West Philadel phia Institute. Company E—Lient Krider, Reed street, below Fourth. Company F—Lieut. Baker,. Diligent Engine, Tenth and Filbert streets. '• Company G—Lient. Mills. Locust at., above Eighth. Company 11—Captain Driver, Commissioners' Hall, West Philadelphia. Fourth Regiment—Col - W.-11. Yeston. Keystone Guard, Capt. Reynolds, Elbert street, above Eighth. Borne Guard Infantry, First Regiment, Company A, Saranac Nall, Eighth and Callowhill streets. Company B, Spring Garden Ball, Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets. Company 0, N. W. smiler Thirteenth street and Gi rard avenue. Company D, S. W. corner Sixth street and Girard avenue. • • . Company B, N. B. corner Third and Willow &treats. Company F, Spring Garden Hall. • Company 11., Nos: 110 and 112 Pegg &treat. . . Company I. Kensington Water Works. • . Company K, Spring Garden Hall. Second Regiment , armory, Broad and Bate strosto. Company B, Captain Barons. Opmpany 0, Captain Wilson . Company 1/, Marton Grays, Captain Grant. • • • Company F, Captain Kern. • '. • Company G. Captain Flynn. 'Company K, Captain Smith. • Third Regiment—Company A, Captain Wynn, Me 'enth and Anita streets. Company C, Captain W. Cochran, 330 Walnut street. Company B, Captain J. L. Wilson, Southwark Hall, Second street, shore Christian. Company G, Lieutenant Moo sely, commanding, Front and Master streets. By order of the Citizens Bonn* Fund Committee, se2o.lot JOHN D.W.a.TSON, Agent. TVORYTYPES.--' Striking likotietisOs, life. like, 'and natural, Ft I'VOETTYPAIS cannot be moaned by any Plcturee in reseatbianea to the original in features or natural coloring. fIaCIOND Street, tibiae Green. , . li* BOSTON BROWN BELEAD-Frak dally_at the Bakery. qxo T. Brows, • !It '2T-2t* 1115 It LO I Street.. ZINO . , ARMY, " LW . L TOILET 111111,11 .1.4 OR& The bat In the world for finieh and durability. B. M. B. • The beet brand Silk- .. finished VELVBT ,RIBBONS • • Sole Agent BINJAIIIN M. SbnTat - Di DUAril Street, near West Broadway, -n liewTorlt. ae2o . THE PRESS.-PHILADELPiIIA., SATeßait SEPTEMBER T. 1862. RETAIL DRY GOODS, TBE "t NEW MOURNING STOW' .wrEd. OPEN ON MONDAY. the 29th, AT ,No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET. It rd. & A. MYERS & 00. EDWIN HALT, 86 26 SOBTH SECOND STREET, ARE NOW TO . 9110* THEIR 1:7511&L ...SUPPLY SILKS - , DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Fancy Silks, Plain, ; _iikej rich shades , Black Fiffured Bilks, Plain Black SilkB, Plain Poplins, rich shades, Figured Poplins and Reps, Figured Cashmeres and Merinoest Medium : price Dress Goods, Stripe Enolae Shaw's, Blanket and Stella Shawls, Balmoral Skirts. N. B.—A good stock of Maple. Goods. N. good assortment of Plain Black Goods. N. B.—Retail and Wholesale. se22 27 ea 2t RE cc NEW MOURNING' STORE" 'SWILL OPEN ON MONDAY the -29th, AT Nn. oes OELESTNUT STREET. it c X. A. MYERS A CO: EYICM LANDELIA, E. & Le FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND'ARCH. FOURTH,AND. ARM. OPENING FOR FALL; 'BALMORAL: SHIRTS, poop BLACK. SILKS , STAPLE, LIRRN GOODS, BLACK STELLA SHAWLS, : ; • NEW IvoO4N, -4lih t .ww,, . SUSIaNS RtTHE .PIECE, REPS, ORDERED COLORS, • • - FRENCH PLAID FLANNELS, • • FULL STOOK OF:WOOLENS; RICHES''' PRINTED GOODS, NEW STYLE: DREES GOODS, GOOD OOL'D TOUL'II • DE • SOO, MAGNIFICENT 'DRESS snag, MAGNIFICENT PRINTED GOODS. Beio.nrystr :. • -•••, . "NEW M°IIRNING : STORE." WILL opzu bkIIttsPIRRY MONDAY:, .Sept,,,a9th. & 936 OFIBSTEUT•STREETP•':-;; VVE POR.ONE • WIUM (it our previa stock Wets oolong) oar entire Stock of COTTON GOOD 3, by the. piece, for oath, at the following,extremely low prices: Goad -X , bleached Mnelin.l2% eta.; extra heavy ditto,l3 OIL ; better, 14; full 32-inch wlde, 14% eta.; very hasYY, eta, ; full 37-inch wide, 153 cte.; New fork Mu le, 22% cts.; Wamsutta, and all the beet Shirts Inge; full 2 yards wide, 37%; 2% yards wide, 46 eta ; 3 yards wide, 50 eta ; unbleached for 12% ctg ; nearly yard, 17 eta.; full yard nide, 18 eta; yards wide, 37% eta.; good unbleached Canton Flannel, 25 eta. •, gore white ditto, 25 ols.; good lead, drab, and brown ditto, 25 eta. ; Calicoee, 10 cli.; good Calicoes, 12% cte.• first-rats ditto, 13 etc ; good' bleached Jean, 18 eta.; ;ed, white; blue, and gray Flannels. in plain and twilled, at nearly old pricer ; heavy mariners'. drives, 20 eta. Aids anti Charitable Associations sold to at reductions' . - We would advise pervious in want of those goods to give us an early call, as the quantity of many kinds to limited, and cannot - be rettlecoi. For this reason we cannot sell over thirty piecea to any one person. IL H. & W. H. PENNELL, se2.7.St 1021 IHABEET Streit, below eleventh. 1021 PHICISTItIIT 11TEMIT. E. AL NEEDLES. .LACES, • WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES. A fall amortment of the above - on hand at LO W PRICES, to•idichidditlone are made of all NOVELTIES. re26•tf EDWIN At BRO., 26 SOUTH SECOND kiiieep will open, the morning— Beautiful Sheba of Poplins. Plain and Fancy Silks. Bich Printed Oftsbageres and Repo. Fine Quality French klerinoes. A great variety of new styles of Dress Goods. N. B —New Goods opening daily. se26-tf IALL CLOAKS .AND SHAWLS. New Fall Cloaks opened daily. Winter °Wake in preparation. Striped all-wool Brodie Shawls, $B. Fall and Winter Woollen Shawls. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. •BOTS I CLOraiNG. Fine Ready-made Clothing for boys. Snits made to order. (MOTHS, OAI33IMERES, VESTINGS. Just opened, severallarge lots Coes/mere& Boys' wear of every grade and'otyle. 11,800 yards Black and Fancy Cateimeres, 780. to $2. 8.4 Blue Flannels; Black, Blue, and Brown Clothe. Ladies' Cloaking (Hotta' for Fall and Winter. DRESS GOODS. Rep. Poylins, French Merinoea, Detainee, do. Black Drees Stuffs at reasonable rates. AIM E BLAIGERTA. :COOPER it CONARD, se2o &At or. 'NINTH and MARKET Streets. 1 FOR. AUTUMN. . Autumn Silks, dark colored Checks. Black, Plain, and Figured Silks. New designs Fancy Da Leine& Bich De Laines of lower grades. Foil do Norde and Long Champs. Handsome and new Plaid Cashmeres. Plaid Valencias and Worsted. Poplins and Figured Drogueta. French Chintzes of new styles - ' New assortments of French Merinos. Stella Shay . ,le and Striped Broche. • Fancy Shirdng Flannels. Embroidered Tab;e Corms. SSARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. IT & SON, • No. North TENTH St., above Goatee, Have now open a choice assortment of NEW PALL AND WINTBB DBBSB GOODS. • Bich Fancy; Silks. New labiate' Plain Silks. Figured Black Silks. _ Plain Black Silks at Low Priem. • Bich Figured and Plaid French Bops. - " • • Plain French Rope, all shades. Plain French Herb:oar, all atiadea. PLAIN ALPAO&S, In Black, Brown, Hods, Blue, and Scarlet. Poll De Obevres, Poplins, Detainee And every variety of New and Choice seasonable Drees Goods. Alec, a large assortment of BLACK STRLLA SHAWLS. - LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, sell-ti AT LAST YEAR'S PRIDES. E.W.'M , 0 . 0 0 D 8 -1610IISLLN DE -4.1 %ince ; new styles seat Plaid Glace Poplins; Plain Reps, Blue, Green, and' Brown ; Fignred Cashmeres; beantifnl neat Fignred Rep Poplins; Dine and Solfoll no Detainee; new Qaticoee, choice patterns; neat Plaid Flannel for Gents' Shirts, very desirablo and scarce also a nice sasortment of Cassitnores for Mon and Bo's, at JOHN H. STORES', soli° 702 &ROII Street. 9 CASES SOLID FIG'D SILKS— #Q Solid Solid Brown Figured, Fetid Blue Figured, Bond Green Blamed. BYRII dt:LINDILL, • pa 4 and.ABOIL FINE .BLUE AND:BROWN MERI- Hamlinldt Purple Neyinota,' New Shade Blue Slerineel, • Light and Dork Bror cy /f i eir t n a ola i • -NOURTIVitiid QH.AWLS B PEWIEIicIATANIA: ,ABADIC— Wall leiniof Meek Shawls,' • , r • Full Line of Black Full Line of W oolleu 8boolii• ; EYRE & LISAMCILL, . • FOI7I3TE sod 4.1011. re 24 pHrt ENOLO GIO AL ExAm IN A; TIONB Iwo made day and evening at 922 CHEST.' PUP Street, by JOHN L. °AMBIT, Successor to PO f t . Lin, 'WELLS, Sc 00. iercB-3tScortri COMMISSION fIOTTSE,S RIDGWAY, . BEUSS.NEB 43 & 9.; NO. 206 ONESTEITT 'STREET.' IMPORT-FAB OF - WOOLENS, (Sole Agents - f.ir JOHANN?, • FRED. EIIO4.ENS, GENRES & SCIfIIIDT, ELMBONA TOE= HIES -& PP., NA - other celebrated manuiseturere,) hare noir in store a LABGEETOCK of COATINGS_ {: . 0 _ K. IN as - ea 0 - .. ARMY AND WAVY BLUE OLOTHS, bOhtK.INS;. AND -BEAVERS. • se2T-edetiel2t2• fiIIARLES JEIBUSSNERA CO., ; . - 104 and 107 READE Street; NEW YORK, HAVE THIS DAY ESTABLISHED AN IMPORTING HOUSE OF WOOLENS, Eer the Bale or the celebrated CLOTHS, &0., of JOHANNY, FRED EROKENS,. t And several other Manufacturers. September 15,180. so27.stuthet BROWN DIULLS, OF; STANDARD QICIALITY, - FOB Bail BY WELLING, POFFIN„ &,00. -3919-stuth3tzt = 820 ORBSNUT STREET. OTIIS;f C3ASSIMERES, "DOESKINS, SATINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, LINSEYS, TWEEDS, - KERSEYS, FLANNELS, and ARMY WOOT.TINS.. . . , For We by the package, by • WELLING, COFFIN; iYC3o., eti2B-thstetoel9 220 011ESTNUT Strad. BAG}S;''' ki. , 'Stark's 8-Bushel. 15,099 Androscoggin'. Lewiston d. Prince ta - bert., Antoskesg O. Premium- A • - • Union A. :141 ' 'Jute we* Fornste; net.eash on delivery, by' GXO. GRIGG, se23-3hr:- 219 OROBOR Alley ARmY GooDs- DARI•BLIIN COAT CLOTHS. ' , -• DARK-BLIIII OAP CLOTHS. IDET I BIIHZ, (MOTHS FOR ortiozßa. ' ABUT BLANKETS, STANDARD .10.0 O 2 DUCH. , DRILLS,' STANDARD WEIGHT. • HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCH. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHRETINGS AND EN.LRTINGS. For Bale by . raoisixelwa 54 WELLS. sol•if tf ARAY BIA4NKETS. ( GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FOR SALE BY . • FROTHING - 11AX( .& WELLS, AQI-ENI I I3. ati22-tt 'WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., ITO. 220 OHESTNU CONTRACT FOR • Tll DELIVERY ARMY. WOOLEN AND COTTON gOODS, QVAAITY. 13C4:1E4F47it 114.Z"tpli ititibEITIVA CAL e . 110.'.1171'GaiRMATT 70113Lrin/01/ VISEOHL32O , . "VA 1113 SALE OS AtetkaA-mAms. Mite CLOTHING. FINE Rg4DIE-MA.O* . OLOTHING. • 0. SOME, P4ci'OIIEPTITITT STREET, • UNDER JAYNE'S HALL; • Have now : nide isploi eaie an entire new stook of - FINE CLOTHING. lae, a foil assortment of OLOiliti t liti3Bl MIRES, and YESTINGB, which they reapeelfidli invite the public to examine be!ore.purchasing elsewhere. - se7it4e3l re:5222=1 A RCH -STREET O.KRRET WARE-. • HOUBIL' " ' • OLDDEN 8a RIOIKNER, ' No.' 532. ABOH snow, Two DOORS BELOW ItINTEUSTBEEt.. • BOOTIE SIDS, are now receiving their. FALL IMPOBTATIONS OB FOBILION . AND DOMESTIC CARPE TINOS , embracing all the new Write, which they are offering at LOW PENES sat 2m FOE OASH. SEWING MAC IVES. ITEWILCOX & GIBBS .-. ,! -E • VAttiLY , SEWING MACHINES • hsTe been greatly Improved. waking It ENTIRELY NOISELESS, and.with Self•adjusting Hein nem, are now ready for sale by FAIRBANKS .# EWING, ee27.tf• 716 CHESTNUT Street.' WI-LEELER & WILSON. SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, pe.ls-3m FINANCIAL. 'IT. S. . • F IVE TWENTIEI3; -20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, i PAYABLZ AT THZ OPTION OF TUN eorzaur- ItZNT AFTZE FIN'S YIABB.I L aril Instructed by the SNOWMAN"! Of THI TRIANON! to receive atthsoriptiona for the above LOAN AT PAR. .THIC /NTIBIST TO OOKKIMION ruoid DATZ or onrasit, . . Thus avoldits the diffloulty heretofore * experienced by requiems payment in GOLD of the Interest from May last. A full supply of these Roads always on haml. a - AN - 43001 E. suzsorinioli.4.ollr2, 114 SOUTH THIRD EON JAVLEB K. WALTON, MMUS W. Tally NVALTON &...YOST, - . :11414Kii88, - .BBOILZUPI, • GINNZA:L .:COLLNOTOBS, No. 26 Soo& THIRD Street, Philade/phia. • • , AIIIII'IIOLDNOIB. Jay Dock° , Hon. James Pollock, James, Kent, Santos; & Co., Don. H. D. Foster, • gebertek, 131aok, h•Oo., Hon.•.a. H. Ileederi C. IdoKibbln Bon, Hon. 'Asa Packer, D. P. Middleton k Bro., ' Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilitha, , V. L. Bradford, INA an7.Bak EYE AND .EAR.— Da. JAMES LEWIS, OtTdlfin, and AIIBIST, hes again re. turned from hie nroteselomd to in Europe. and perm. nontly located it No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Moe honn from 9 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. 61. 6624.1ea1t* GIN. --Just received, per Brigantine NIVA, from Rotterdam, an Invoke or Treble An chor 01n..„ /ont!le from the Wbarf, or from Onstons bottle Store, by OH AS. S. °ABSTAINS, Polo Agent, Noe. 1.26 WALNUT end 21 ON.V.TITS Streets. sel7 E'S -11+6 ' ' • NEW NOVEL, - • - • THIRD .TpoxisairD JUST 13,EtDY ONOOND THOUSAND NOLO OUT ON PUBLICIA .. • • TION DAY. LIKE ' biIFUNLIKE. . A IiVir,..3O.TBL BY A. 8. 808, A Mime of Gorris-tßion Thinking," "Long Leak Ahead," " Trite tO the kit. One large, handsome 12m0.; cloth bound. 'Price 3125. - - . - it Tlikre.is no writer Cr the present day xio exce's thls author in pure simplicity of style. and natural interest and truthfulness of narrative..,, In tloonaanda of families his bboks are read and rercad Itritkyrk:fit, and over. in ert iniing . delight." • '••••'-' ' • • LIKR 11IlffinfiM is."we think, superior to any other of Mr. Boa's works: ft is ono ^f those natural do.' waft atm les witch appeal directly to the heart, and while it invoices all the charms of a dramatic narrative, it bee the !lather rectit of. conveying instruction as to othidnet In - 4, It Is a healthy, sterling book, worth its weight in gold. Every reeker of a novel with unapproachably onre tendencies, will be charmed with LIKE AND UNLIKE." GARLETON,..rublishoz, i< 24 •weif NNW Tars EMITAL STEWARD'S 9.E0 , .. UkL, for tho Instruction of Hospital Stewards, Ward Masters, and Attendants. BY J. J. Woodward, X. D. 12mo. SI 25. . • . TRZ PATIENCE OF HOPS With an Tatrodution by . J'obn G. WhOtior. 75 eta. COUNTRY LIVING AND COUNTRY TRINEING. Ry Ofkil 61.25:' • ITt3 F Alsgp§ AND ITS FOBS. By R. D. Mutoey, H. D. • NEW GYALNASTICS for Mon, Women, and OW &an. NI. • !or lab by WM. S. dr. ALFRED MA.RTIEN, a 027 6043 ORRBTNUT Street. FROM 40 CENTS TO $25. PHOTOGRAPH A.LBIIIIS THE I, ARONST STOOK ! • THE BEST ASSORTAIRNT ! ------ •THE LOWEDT PRIORS! Album warranted perfect in every respect, and the prices gnaranteed to be LOWER than at any other store in' Philadelphia. One call wilt satisfy any one that wefurfit to the letter everythisv we advertise. " - All new Books NOM at a irsoonnt. • ' - ?ITOREV 3(4cap Booke to te • ee2llt - ,, pausreuT. $1.75. pnoTI L GRApH,,, SI7S. ..A new :lot bound in TURKEY HOBOOOO, FULL . SIZE, with olaepy reduced to $1.76, LESS THAN OOST TO BLidiIIFACTURB. Other styloa• proportionately low PITOHEIL'ES Cheap Bookstore tocl 489 OHEsTNUT Street. I v A R TELEGRAM MARKING MAP OF VIRGINIA. SIZE 26 BY 28. • • PRICE :36 GENTS. Sold in , all Periodical and Book Stores' olso.sent to any address receipt of price. For pinticidarti see adver tisement in Fronk Leslie's Pictorial. • L. PRANG & CO., Publishers, lODWashington street, Boston, NW. . aa2B-1m CIRCULATING!, LIBRAFAES W BROTHERTIEAD'S CIRCU • LATINO LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Smite, including ALL (MASSE 3 of Lilo ratnro. Thie is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all tho NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED hero. Termo $6 per year; slx months 83; three months 81.80; one month 16 cents, or 3 Oats. per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. eoB-30 - EsidLl ill AND FRENCH. ILA 1.11 CIRCULATING LIBRARY AIniOAISINET DA LECTURE, 1317 OELESITUT STREET. • Subscriptions per you:, month, and day. Generaleetaingue just published, furnished gratis. In Press, Cateiogne of the Young Ladies'.Erencb • Catalogue de la .13Gaidtherie des Dames et des De moiselles." H. 31. 3IONACEIESI, Agent, see-1m 1317 011.0STNT.f r Street. EDUCA'IIOIIAI4. gOR I L FOR. YOUNG LA OIES. 1 1 .../ ;MISS, X,ll. tfAYMIL follmorarnd to receive ono or twOdaiwo of Young Ladles, at 1037 WALNUT street, eommeaolnig September 15th. Maulers may be ob tained,yreyieus to tho 15th, et 1020 11A0/1 street. peBlmtk, Qo.llooli OF .DESIGN AND -DRAW !kJ SOBOOt —Eot of Sri& German Silver Inairn mental-I:skill& The inetrnments of these seta are spe cially adapted for architectural ar.d mechanical drawing, or . fpnor dtsignirg Prepared and for eale by JAKES W. QUETS,N , htathema iced Instrument Raker, i5:26.32t 924 OFIRSTNUT Street.. PROF. AIR Al CORSON'S SE GOND• Annual Course. 61 Lectut ea on English Po errs: "Literary art, and. Oriticiwn, will cornir.occo on TUBSDAL October 14, Eor particulars see Cir. Calera 'at: 'Leypoldt's Foreign Book Store, No. 1823 011f8TErr Street. • e.? 23 ACADEMY OF THE .P ROTE 3- 1.31. T T,EPIBOOPAL OIIIIROH, LOOUST AlsID JUYIPRIt B i rENETS.—The Autumnal &Won opened on the let of SEPTEMBER.. Fol-thstolzu U CATION AL.-PRO I?. RIR &M aJORSON Riven inetrnetio 3 in Schools end ramtltes s and at ids resideroo, No. 122 North NTNETEENIII sheet, above Arch, in Latin, Greek. Zuglisb and General Grammar, Ithstorio, Elocution, ling4sli Literature, and" Mathematics. Instruction given by Mml. 0. ROLLIN COBEION, in the French and Getman Languages and Literatures, Ens tory and Dra9dEg Evening Classes formed for French Conversation, and for irstruction in Eloctitlon, English Literature; and History. The litter branch is tanght acvit.ding to the mrst approved mr Mods pursued iu the Normal Schools of Fr &DOA- • r - • Applications for instruction can be mule either person ally Or by--fetter; to Prof. 001130 N; No. 122 North NINETEENTH street; or. if left at the Libretto E gale; No. 1823 011.68TNUT street, they will. receive prompt attention.: -•.-.• t . .6017-6ttethettitbs... PEILSOMA L rpHE REIATIVES . OF THE 'LA IIIENTED DUD at the recent battle in blar7. land, ' desirone of availing themseivea Quickly of the benefits provided by laws of Oovgrees and of :he several States, should melee an early application to the ISIELITARY.'AND ZMYAL ' irrmszn FOUR HMS DIOID - :.:46 . 7 :::IIVENT Y-SEVEN (.27) WLL&UT STRttler • • .. - JOSEPH E. DEVIrr CO. Correeamdetten prompt/ attended to. ' ee2T Icyl DOW B AND MOT lIERS. • rowdons Pensions! Penaions! Widows,. Orphans, Mothers, Discharged • Soldiers. Sailors, and Marines, entitled to Passions, ehould call at once on JOSRPH E. DEVITT tt 00., Military and Vaal &senor, 5027 No. 427 WALNIIT Street. BOUNTY. AND BAOK fAY BOUNTY AND BACK PAY !—BOUN cy &ND BACK PAY !—BOUNTY AND DiOE. PAY !—Wiree, Children, Fathers. Honiara, Brothers. and Slaters ara entitled to BOUNTY AND BAGS PAY, and should make early applibation to JOSEPTE B. DEVITT & 00., Elilliary and Nerial Agency, 8E27• St 4. No. 427 WALNUT. Street. iptyA DICODIION - OF THE ATVOR, NET HENBRAL•Or THR TINT TED 'STATES, ah,y'Mother of a Sadler, Sailor. or Marine, can obtain a PENSION, if untitled or not, if he wee killed or died in the Bet-lice. Apply at once to JOSEPH 12 DEVITT t OOMPARY. Rimember the number, SOUR ft'UNDEEM AND TWENTY-SEVEN, • [427] WALNUT STREET, MILITARY AND NATAL AGESOY. IS?" Remember the name, se2T-8t ' JOSEPH E. DEVITT A 020 KPAN T. ENSIONS, •IO BOUNTY, ANPD W PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives or such as are deceased, by JAMES FULTON, ATTORNE AT HIS L&W AND o%Lusorrulf OFFICE, 424 WALtIIIT Street, Philadelphia. For business done in this line charges be as H. lows: For collecting Soldiers' and Sailors' Pay lees thee $5O amount, $l. ; when over $5O in amount, 2% pee Gent. on the excess. For collecting arrears of Pay aid $lOO Bounty for relatives of deceased soldiers, 2% pee c.ent, For procuring Pensions, the Government fee, $6. For collecting and procuring snob for relatives of ceased soldiers that have volunteered since the 25th August, 1862, from this city, no charge, as previously proposed, - JAMES VULTOt7,. ee2o tf if 424 WAlNllT'Street,"Philitslelphie. MILITARY. OBTICE OP THE ANDERSON TROOP, P. P V • Ground floor of the Pennsylvania Railroad Office, Corner of THIRD St. and wmtaNcps Alley, • below WALNUT. Captain WILLIAM J. PAL OMR. The ARDNRSON CAVALRY (111rjor Ganeral Baal!' escort) has been recruited fur special service in the Di• partmeot of the Ohio, and will be permanently attached to Readquartet sel9 Bt* !HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD: CITY DP PIIILADELPHIL. September 23,1382. GENERAL ORDER, NO. 14. • The troops sent from thie city to Harrlebure, under the recent orderi of the Governor of the *Gommonwealth, hexing been by him ordered to return to their homes awl to be discharged from further service under the said or.. dere, it le hereby directed : . 1. That the commanding officers of regiments, or of companies, who have received from the city of Philadel phia arms, accoutrements, muting! instruments, over coats, blankets, knapsecks, haversacks, canteens, knives, fork', spoons, plates, camp kettles, mess pans, ammuni tion, or supplies of any hind for the use of their r - espec. , live commando, do for thwithreturn the gamete the Q oar termatter's Department of the Homo Guard, at the Olty Arsenal, in Race street, below . Broad street. 2. The arms, accoutrements, and musical instruments that have been issued to the companies of the Home Guard are excepted from the above order, add will be re; twined by the said companies for their use. a. Tho uniforms of the Home Guard, hereafter, will be similar to tho uniforms adopted for the regular army of the Baited States, the regiments of each arm conform. lug therein to the nniforM of the corresponding arm In the said regular army. It will consist of the army hat,. a dark. bluo . blonte, and light-blue pantaloons, with the Proper trimmings to designate corps and grades of ran k.... 4 'The companies that have been formed in the wards and precincts, and which are not component parts of ex- - . !stirs military organizations in this city, are resentfully invited to attach themselves to the Home Gnarl, in whisk they will be organized as regiments, or incorporated with the old regiments thereof, as they may pref,r; - By older - ta. J. PLR &SON rOT, Bripadier (leveret Commanding Home Guard. , Wm BRAblialtD. 4110 &di. Gen. , sem 5c INDEPENDENCE OTT.Y CADMITS —I be -undersigned having osened . hie Sohool for the Military Inehraction of Youth, will drill on Monday- and Thursday affornoone of each week: -at 4 - o'clock, et the Armory, N. E. corner of ZIGHTERSTN and CHESTNUT Streets For toms and eh-ceders apply to HOYT I ORO 8. W. corner Tenth and Chestnut streets, at the Armory on -the afternoons of the drills, or et the residence of NOHINDOE,FF, • te23-ftt No. 19.L3 . 00ATIDS Street. f152(1 PENNSYLVANIA VOLITNi-. • TER/IS.--Good Men are wanted for RAT YRRY L, of this Regiment. For yartionlarit, inquire at Head quarters of Battery L. 33.6 HARMONY street, Mae,- delphia. and 441 ST. JOHN street. , Captain—) °SEMI W. BANDERBON. - - ,- . , ; • ~... 'lst Lieutenant—AßNOLD ABORROra. ~ 23 Lieutenant-83RVETRB luivnt: • 5e22.12t4t .' ' HArtvikyPirtia,_ pulTINe; , AND :813AMPiKiING, for in - nogail of-,both grim, at FarlEtTH and BIIANOEL _aelf•ittf . JAMES W. B)BINB, Reed alaster MEDICINAL. dETNi" . .uNprzorr. DR. SOH NCK.I3 PU1410111.0 AMP FOR .TRE VITAE OF COUGHS, COLDS, AND . CONSUMPIION: DR. SCHENCK'S SE A.WEED TONIC; FOB THB OUBB OF DTBPVPSIA, AND ALL DIV BALITATBD CONDITIONS OF TUB STORM.. ' DR. SCIIENCK'6 MANDRAKE PILLS, FOR DISKASEEI OF. THE LIVER, OR TO AUT AS A GERM.; PURGATIVE. Ail of these threat's( dickies are often required le oaring Consernptien, tbongb the Pelmonto 'Syrup atone h , l9cnrod many deeperate cases. • The Seaweed Tonle and -Alan drab e Pills stela in regulating the stomach and liver,' and help the Puirsonlc Syrup to digest mad search through the blood vexels, by which means a cure is soon effected.. Thetis medicines an conscientiously offered to the pub lic at the only safe. crotch', and reliable remedies for Pulmonary Goneumpttoe and for all those norbid con ditions of the body widctitead to that fatal disease. Liver. Complaint and Dyepspeia aro often forerunners of Oon animation, and when they emptiest themselves they re quire the moat prompt attention. The Pulmonie Syrup Is a medicine which has, had a. long Probalkui before the public. Its 'taw has been, proved by the thousands of cures it bw, wade through a Petted of more than twenty yeara, iii, all of which time its reputation has constantly increased) and the most ob • etinate skepticism can no longer douhi l fi„at it is CI remedy whit-h may be need with confidence p. tialel which 'admit of a•cure. . - • If the patient will peraisve;lopky follow the directions which accompany each b.catie, ho will certainly be cured, if his lunge are not too much wasted to make a cure Dos Bible. Even in csaes ipapposwl to be incurable, when friends and itpicim, have despaired, the use of this medicine he, eared •the life the patient and restored hips to ssitlctit health. P - Dr. Schtnck himself was cared in precisely such dr.:sun:Osamu; and many others have been equally for tunate by iudicionely making a timely use of Dr : Eichenck'e remeoira. / Dr, Schenck dcoe rot say that all cases of Puttnotr:y: Coneomption are within the reach of medicine, but be Emphatically asserts that often, whet' patients have the moat alarming symptoms, each as a violent cough; creep. log chills, night sweats, and general debility, 617011 to, such a degree that they are oeliged to Ito in bed, and when they are given up by their physicians, thty may stilt be cured. No medical treatment can create new Lungs, but when the lungs are very sadly dlseaged, and to some extent destroyed, a cure may be effected by Schenck's d icines. Alpo, in Ecrefnkrris dimacen Him medicine@ arc. equally. efficient. Dr. Echenck has photographs of a number of perione who have been nearly covered with running sores and now all healed up.,This /Mows its purifying pro vertieo, which must be one to heal cavities in the luoge. - In the treatment of Cow nmption it is of the utmost Thaportance to give vigor and a healthy tone to the eye tem. Hence, it is neceessry to etrongthen the appetite of the patient and to Improve the digestion Proper nour ishment le reenired, together with such moans as will make the food easily digettible. The articles most &Re ale for the diet of coisentnptive patients ai e designated in Dr. Schenck's pamphlets, which aro distributed gra tuitously. In general, the most highly nutritious oracles aro to be preferred, but the digestive organs mu.t be strengthened in order to make either fool or medicine serviceable. This requirement is met by the ilea Weed Tonic, and for this purpose it was designed. When the digestive powers are put in good order, the food has its proper effect, the system of the patient. is in v!gorated, and the lunge begin to exercise their functions in a normal and heelthimanner. Then the hosting pow ers of the Pnlmonle Syrup will complete the cure.. Pulmonary Consumption is almost always complicated with Dyspepsia and liver complaint fichouck's lien drake Pills aro intended:se remove obstructions from the liver and to restore its healthy notion. They have all the efficiency which is ascribed to calomel or blue mese," and are warranted not to contain a particle of any mineral poison. These pills curb the must ebAinate costiveness, sick head. sche, piles, bilious uffecione. and all other diseases which arise fro a a torpid or obstructed condition of the liver. One box of these pills, valuated at 25 cents, will prove the efficacy of the medicine. In Oonanmptlon, the flea 'Weed Tonic and Mandrake Mare inValueble auelliary medienee. They yellers the sufferings of the - patient, and tusist 'the • Praetor& Syrup in effecting a cure. They have bean found use. ful in advanced stages of Consumption, where the lungs vete almost entirely destroyed. and all symptoms, ac cording to the jufgment of the physicians. indicated speedy death.' The • lives of patients who were actually in a dying condition have been preserved for months by the tin of Dr Schenck s three great remedies. Dr. Schenck pledges himself to effect a ours if the pa tient wilt 'apply ro him before his case is altogether doe- Male; that is to say, before the vital organs are too far gone to admit of any cure; except by a miracle. Dr J. H. Schanck is the Inventor of that celebrated instrument, called ,4 Schenck'e Itapitometer," with which he makes examinations of the lungs, with the oer • Minty of discovering their true condition. The charge for au examination with the Ilespirometer is three dollars. - As stated above. Dr.' Schenck. himself, was oared of Consumption, in one of its most hopeless stages, by the use of the Pulmonic 89 rue. Experienced physicians de • dared that he could not live a weak; yet now, after a lapse et tweaty•five yearn, he is in perfect health, end weighs more than 200 pounds. Satisfactory evidence of all these statements is Bahl.. bited seDr. Schenck's Office, in Philadelphia, No. 39 N. Sixth street. For particulars, see . the pamphlet, which is eurplied, without charge, to all applicants, at Dr. Schenck'e offics. Days where Dr. J. 11. Shane& will bo professionally is October, November. and December: Ivor} Saturday at bit principal office., No. 39 North Sixth - street, Philadelphia, from 9 until 6 Every Monday . at his offico, 32 Bond st - oot, Noe• York, from 11:n2011'4. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7th and Bth, at 10i. • Ketaor?s. 140 Wood atreet. Pittsburg. Pa Thursday, October 9th, at Ma l On Koch's, near Utiity; Ontornb'ana county. Ohio. niday r October let t, at •Salem, Colrunblana countyi Ohio.- , Wednesday, Oct,ber 15th, at 444 Eighth street, Wash. baton, D. 0. . . . Thursday, Octobor 16th. at 108 Baltimore street, 811- tircei e, Md. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 2let, 22d, and 23d, at Marlboro Hotel, Boeton, Kam Wednesday, October 29th, at 441 Eighth street, Weill. !neon, D. O. Tbtreday, October 30th, at 103 Baltimore street, 13,11- th:floret-MA, NOVEMBER. Every Saturday, in Philettelphis. Every Mnnday.3n Hew York: ' On the 12th and 20th, 3a Washington, B. 0. On the 13th and 271 h in Ra!thnore, Md. , - On the 18th, 191 h and 20th, In Boston. Misr DEOEBIBER. Every Saturday, in nitwitlphis. Every Monday, in Hew Vort.. On the 2d and 3d. hi Pittsburg. On the 4th and fah, In Ohio, es above. On the 10th, in Wishingten. D. O. On the 11th. in Balihnore, Md. On the 16th, 17th and 18th. in Boston, Mess. Dr. Schenck's Principal Office is 19 North SIXTH Strict, Philedel phis, Pa., where letters for advice shoal always be directed.. WEOLE 4 A LE AGENTS. New York City. Conrad Fox, No. St Barclay street. Botton, Haig , Geo. C. Goodwin Sr Go., No.l t Marshall street. . • Portland, Me., W P. ?tailing, No. 149 !fiddle street. Pittsburg, Pa., Dr. Geo H. Keyser, IV o. 140 Wood pt. Martin Koch, Unity, Golumbiana county, Ohio. R. Louis, h 0., Heury Illakeley, corner Second and Vine streets. Balt:liner°, Md., Seth S. Nance, 1011 Baltimore street. Waratingtm, D. 0., Samuel B. Waite, corner Seventh street and Lonisians avenue. Chicago, Itl.,"Lord k Smith, No 23 Lake street. And sold by Druggists Eeaerally. PRICKS. Fttlnnate Eyra p,SI r battle, $5 half dozer'. flea Weed Tonic, $1 p•r bottle, $5 halt doze Mar drake Pillr, 25 rents per box. .' MINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL VY is 'a radical and pr inapt remedy tar Spermator rhea, rr Semilial Weakneas. From one to three boxes will effect a cure in tha meet oggrasateel cases, whether constitutional or aching from anuses or memos. Price $1 per box, by mail, or six for $5. Aadress S. J. UPElard,.4o3 OHSSrsur Street, Agent for Philadelphia. ee27 Binfe LEGAL. rittESTER COUNTY, S. S. At an Orphans , ()mitt held and kept at Woat Ries- ter, for said Cemity, on the eighth day of Reptant (L. ber, A. D. 1862, before the Honorable Wu. Burton, _President, and his Associates, Judges of the said Court, Upon the petition cf ALMA H. MARSHALL, sue of the heirs and legal representatives of ABBARASI JAMES, late of the township of Weer!town in said county, deceased, a title is granted upon all the heirs and legal representatives, and-all persons interested in the estate of said decedent, requiring them to be and appear at au Or- Pimps' °Mut, to be held at the Court House, in the bo rough of West Chester, in said county, on the twenty seventh day of October next. then and there to accept or refuse tte estate of said sicced , nt at the valuation thereof; and In case the heirs and Legal Representatives, and all persona interested in the estate of the bard decedent, neglect or refuse to take the same, then to show cause, it any they bare, why the same shon!d not be sold accord ing to law. By the Court: • eel -eat TUOMAS P EVANS, Clerk. COPARTNERSHIPS. raPARTNERSHIP.—The nn. dorsigned have this day associated themselves to gether, under the name and style of HEN BY a ANDY d. CO., for the 'purpose of telling Wrought Iron Tubes, Eittincs, de , manufactured at the Cumberland Tribe and Iron Works, and for transacting a general iron commis sion businets... • I' EMIT HAND.Y, • F REDERIC I. GOOD W t • . Phllathiphis, Int 1, 16e2. NOTICE. -It is hereby certified that the undersigned have .formed a Limited Partner 'ship, agreeably to the provisions of the ante of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the ternis hereinafter set forth, to wit : 1. The name or firm under which the bald partnership le to be conducted is BUSH .t KUBTZ. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted le the Imparthig and Jobbing of Dry Goodtin the City of Philadelphia_ 8. The general partnere In the said firm are FAN ()AMP BUSH and WILLIAM. WESLEY KURTZ, both residing at No. 1937 FIND Street, in said Otty of Philadelphia; and the 'medal partner is THEODORE W BAKER; residing at No. 927 North TWENTIETH Street, in sold city. 4. The amount of capital contributed by the said 11 9 0- idal partner to the common stock is the own of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, 1n cash. b.. The told partnership is to commence on the RIND TENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1862, and will terminate on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1864. Made and severally signed by the said partners, at the Oily of Philadelphia,' the Nineteenth day of August, A. D. One Thousand right hundred and Sixty-two. VAN RAMP BUSH, WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ, General Partners. TRZODORIC W. BAILEE, Special Partner. GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS. . GEORGE GRANT, N.ANIINAOTILBER OP AND DNAXABR IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 010 OHISTEIT STRUM klB-8m VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The suheoriber would Invite attention to his -IMPBOVILD OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his bugloss!. Also, eon eaufty receiving TiOVIL'ITEB FOB OZWThlitdElti'S 3. W. SCOTT, OBBITLIIKI6IIII FITRITIBHING STOBIt, No. til•_ CHESTNUT 0rRA.4.7, leo- a Four doors below the ()online-obi. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES, &c., &c. All tim requisites for Preser►tng sus Tickling TurPONI. ALBERT .0 ROBERTS, MULL= IN irrlpt GROODIUMB, es is.tf CORNER ICLINVIIINTR AND VITA. THE FINEST ASSORT- MeNT of new, modern, and durable PI. &Nos from KM to €4OO. • Also, PRINCE'S World-renowned MBLODXOI4B and HARMONIUMS, for cash, at a great reduction. or IL =toll monthly (natal MOMS JAMBS aIETA:43. 2 79 181 South MYTH Street, above Spruce: ac3.3.1.* WALNAJT-STREET THEA.TRE.- Bole Lessee...... Ors. M. e. OARBETTSON. Budnefla Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELIZI. LAST NIGItr OP MBB NOM& WALLER THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, SEPT, RI, 'Will be nertormed the Tregedv.of BERTRAM; Or, THE Sfu/LIAN PIRATES. Imogene • EMMA. WALLER, To conclude with the Comedy of • . • TICE GOT2SNOR'S if:rils • The Governor Mr. 41: JOHNSON. Doors open at 7—Performiuce commences at T). • IVES: JOHN DRE'S'S OTBSET TREAT - MC Acting and Stage Manager W. 3. 111BDIBIOKB.: Business Agent and Treasurer JOB. I). 1111JIIPIEIT.. • " 'LAST BIGITT OF ItITSS. COOnIM • • TO.VIGHT (kIATURDAY). WEPT. 27th, • ADA IIIItTOESS OF LOIABABOY. • Ails, rho Princess ...... Mar COOSISS.. To concJudo . with the 4 . MAID OF OROISIrif " Theresa ...... .;.' tails 51A.ILY HILL; (her first apSesrance ) On Monday—Xi a BATE 111. the arrat Tragic Artist, enoloxtErl by J. W. WADL ACK and 'EDWIN ADAMS. Ricca as natal. Doors open at 7X--Curfain rises it TX o'clock.' GRAND FLORAL AND FRUIT., FESTIVAL. in aid of a SOLDIERS' R 051.11, Commencing MONDAY EVENING, Septeinbar 29, and, continnirg during tho week, at • CONCIERT HALL. . The Ladies having It in charge intend making ft tho; moat imposing Fair ever held in thie city. Arrangement": Inv° been made with the GERBIANIA. ORCHESTRA. 'For every evtning during the week. Donations o Emits and FIOWBTO will be thankfully received at the: Dail. • TICKETS 10 coati. For aide at the usual places, end. at the Ticket f‘ Rico or the Hall. seat-let A BEL & CO.'S STEREOPTIION. —A.SSE WEL Y 'BUILDINGS, TENTH ANN CrIEiTNIIT STREETS. • • A Yew reriee of then. GIGANTIC STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, • • (kmotision Pbotcoranhic Views of the most noted &aid and Objects of. Historical Intireet iu the Old World ano.. , F- ' • DISPLAYED FOTIR HUNDRED SQUARE be exhibited EVERY 'EVENING this week. A cEI,OIQm 9y PROGE VINE NIGE(II4Ir. lamisgon 21 ceite—Children 10 cents. A. package ot tirintil-four Sokoto for Doors open at 7X ; commence at 8 o'clock. Natives on Saturday at 2 o'clock. 1110ENNSYLVANIA • ACADEMY OY Tux F/Nla MITS, NM CHESTNUT STRUT, ' IQ anti daily (Bendeyn excepted) from 96. H. Cl 2 e ~,A ahnission 2 cents. Children heit Wide ., abates of litock; 7530. }y3 WANTS. TO HATTERS. WANTED, IIedEDIATELYi TWENTY" SIZEBB, D. P. PUBBERIAY se26 2t* NV ANTED—An • energetic Young who Can have all the advantage/ of a' good ;chord by rendering some agetetarce in itteltinotinge the smaller children. Apply at the scaoaL, (vitals , .avegme. worth of Noble, below Sixth street. : 02144- virANTED-- A Sniart Active Boy in *tore, to make hie:melt generally ngs•faT. Oa. with a trecbonical taste preferred. Addcosi Box 1464 Philadolebia Post Office. • ' se2T-St ,' ANTED-T.WO INTELLIA4ENII'. and active 1 4 4 en, to iolicit business for a Life:. Insurance Oompani. Ad&oes, giving reference as to cbarocter and ability; Box 112: Mind*. P. O. ss26 2tW' TED--.k. Situation as listietanti Booli-keeper, or in a Coal Office Good foronceo g iro!). Address " 5 . W.," Press ofoo. „ • oeff3.ot*•, ANTE D-A FRENCH •L iDY,„ to Five iMODEI in Wrench and Music' No one need apply unless olio has bed experience in teaching and ., can furnish satisfactory references. Address 0 P. 421 Foutb SLIVENTH Stead. Philad.debl4. eP22:tf BOARDING. prz MAN T ROOMP, SINGLE 'AND Communicating, - with BOARDING, No. VJU CHESTNUT Street. • ee2s.st* yourna MEWS: HOME, 1331 Priaurarr Street. ()posits Penn Square,— BO MID end Washing, two dallara per week. All whe desire a comfortable how will do well to veil and ex amine this home. ALEXLVDER ael9-12t Saperirrtendent LEASANT FECOND- STORY • rooms, with board, at esZba 807 South TIMID Street. P,IRYTOGRAPHS. • WITHOUT PAItALI:. - .EVIN. , • •• .. :.. their line—we consider them, and many colsedde in onr 'opinion, judging by their suorAm—nre - Glit dui OS' Life;size OS-colored PROTOGS&PHS. A fine Poitimit Sit seer prices. SNOOND Street, above Green. . ISIP. • WBEN YOU CONTEMPLATI having your PIOTtrICIC takes, go to liraillat'a, cxhneive, 'completely•arranged Gallery, hIGOOND above Green The competency of all engaged there in.: sum you entire eatisfavdon. Colored Photographs $l. only. . . lit KQVALS., R)III.9iTAL. .—ZTRDMAS 'MARTIN; . Baia 'Estate Agent end Collector, would respectfully inform bia friends end the public that be has removed hit office from the Northwest corner of Third and 'Lombard !greets to his dwelling, Northwest corner of 'FOURTH and PINE Streets, where he hopes to receive the coo tinuaree of the liberal patronage bestowed upon him tc former Tears. . selg; ISt LOST42ID FOUND. LOST:j-A9.111:1A11 VALKER, Dick seldier. loet.his llovenoilent disebente., A itio ward will be gterals: . MADIIBA, 11* 115' Bondi TENTH Street, below Mew*: • FOR SALE AND - TO LET: VOR SAIN,The Stock and .Fixtures of a liftall HAIIDWATCE STORA, 'With la MA . dwelling. Bent low. Invin aof J. P. BOWLER, Ito. 609 GIRARD Avenue. OP GAN- A GREAT B A. small organ, suitable for a smell cburcb, feature norm or cbembor, of harmovion shape, with sweet tone, and In perfect order, will be aold for 8135, about one third of Its original cost may: be even from 1 to O'clock at No. 1114 SPRING GARDEN Street. If* TO REN H E CEEM 11PdaZD BREWERY of the isle William SI Rud man, deceased, with all literatures, Vats, Tube, Veolm, The known rrautatiou of the said Brewery is sufficient recommondatioo to insure a very londsome outlay on a small capital. It la in complete working order, and wilt be ranted on very favorable terms to a coed tenant. on the armless. to SILAS TEASES, Jr., se37• et*. 311 GUINN Bt . Eleventh ward, Philada. rILDING -LOT ON CHESTNUT B STRBET.--s3greet on north Ride, west of Nineteenth street s 78 feet in depth, with 20 feet wide outlet is Nineteenth street. For sato by HENRY B. OHEW, No. 204 South FOURTH Street. 6622 mwellt* FOR BALE—One of those de- Nimble two story 110138 - ES, with Side recd, IS IBABSHALL Street, below But onwood, No. 480. The beck building is tbree story. Inquire at No. 480 North FIFTH street. below Buttonwood. eeliS-tutheStetif ral-T FOR, W.—A. second-hand GERMANTOWN . CARRIAGE. in 'first-intio aossition, for pale low. Apply to LEWIS WATSON, EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. ae26.2t* 910 LET-SECOND STORY ROOM, 1. 30 by 00. splerAldly lighted. Inquire on premises. No. 12 North THIRD Street. ' ee'ls-3t* 14FSTS BED.T.TOED TO $250 AND JAI 9168 a year. Modern conveniences. Aopts , 1109 t.O,STEeI t treat. ee2b•3t( . a l FOR SALE OR TO RItNT- Mg A large Porter, Ale. , :and Lagar•Beer BR& WICH.Y. la good orders grod cas'oak Ingnire of (ITORGIE RBRMI, No. 135 BIOHNO 5D Street, lilaeteentla ward. • ea2s•dt* is FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE a.m. A FILM a OHL containing 217 acres, beautifally situated on the bents of the Delaware, 25 miles above the city ; convenient to steamboat lauding, and railroad station on tho place. Also, a large number in the ad joining counties of all BIM in tames. Apply to se2o ag TO EXCHANGE -VALUABLE! . • •= 2, .. Piing, containing 64 acres near railroad station, In Ducks county, large stone buildings, large apple or chard, and oitor fruits. Also, several fruit farms, neer Dover, Stato of Delaware. Apply to ee2o A DENTAL PRACTICE FOR BALE za..—To a Dentist who wishes a good loeidion, Pak brae of one by addressing Dentist," Press Office. sides ' AI YOB, SALE--A beautiful COT TAGS, and six acres of Ormond, in the interior oR• Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged for ANL academy or first-claw school, near a thriving village, and in a healthy location. Also. a desirable DWELLING and Lot, In New Bloom • told, Perry county, Penna. Also, a large number of cottages, lots, and other pro. parties, for sale or exchange. B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Strad, aunt and B. W. oar. SEVENTEENTH and GRIME. a TO BST--A TIMER-STORY BRIQH DWILLIEG, WYE Stroot, one knot above Twelfth, nor th gds. Rent lOw to a good toast*. &DPIY to WETHERELL lc BROTHRTI, )alit 4T and 49 North SZOOND Street TO RENT-A THREE-STORY' ma BRICK DWELLING, on PINE' Street, nest- SoYentesnth, north aide. Arrpl7 to WETHERELL .0 BROTRER, 47 end 49 North SECOND Street. owBOB SALE OR TO LET- . :-1022 Homes, on the wed side d BROAD Btaed, below Uointabla TH BA N D ON ApW atn .41r Itall sonthweet come ot 3fiti sod Mr eeb • mb96 B VRANIL . PALIVIER, Burgeon Artlst to the Governmeut,lnetitradons, Wash-. noon. Also, to all of the Meth as Oollettre I=ul HOe: , pita& • The , c PALMICB 1,131118,) , adopted by the Arras. and NM' Burgeons. Pamphlets seat gratis. Address, 8.1416101. PALMAS, jrlarn N 0.1609 CIBIZSTNIIT street. Philad-'s• 111 TRUSS AND BRAOR PABVILICZirr. •0. B. ISMICALItii, • Corner TWBINTH and BAOB Streets, .Palladeitbite Hernial Truism and median:foal appliances oorreoth adjusted by,. a. R. isrsargim. Fine trench and approved American, edePted to emir form or mita* in .dohs and ohlldrren, Samlieie American &Mortars and Bette, Shoulder Timms SUS" Tummies, rutin Stockings, and Syringes in sesai Ta. r imy, Ladies , Devi:m=4, TWXGFTH Stseets Arai doortelow Race: ekemisseted b 7 compsheat iMCit-Stn it LATOUR basking Lamp Olive Oil, juot reishiorlor - ablD Vandal* Ems .a r dessix, tor wilt JAbY Ularroll3l & LAVNIZGLYZ, 202 wd 243 Sautb. F 2,031 E. PETTIT, No WEI W&LIIIIT etreet E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers