,---- ~., Oar Navy as it Is Th . i ory Register for 1862 fe out It to dated 11 ......tober 1, but, having brett at peen some tbne ti p t° ;li a , inAcorolk, sinnascd id a orief analysts oeti l • " .--------0280ere,---- 18133. Actin' Itet'd. Active. 11 t'd 4 9 9 pot edeerale isoltro ............. .••.. 18 tr .. .. 00 iierolcs". ..... 40 81 iil ii 04109911°.: od ADI lemma era 91 111 114 13 144 000 . ....... im Liflll,9‘'3 ....... '•• ' - ii eil ii, ~„„?..,.... ............... .. 80 25 Ap il • $llllllllll bUr gCOVP. 118, .. 4-1 ,i,w4 Allligialt ',iltStOue..... 2 . ''.. • • rtlreeikri .................. 82 13 64 isompi reipipav, St 0,05108... ............... . 18 P 101.6015 of Itiotltemoticit..... 12 leities ul In eof 'remotion... .. mulere not it,llue t f promotion ~ rod tdt4.blrale o 111oeblpteeu .................. 64 , ..... 03 ...... .828 p0e 1ean1ne............ Glowers... . . ot,rperilell ............. ... •.. eo pellmaterr, ...... .. ........ 10108 Lleurenenie ........ ... 10 alus Volllloo' Liouttneuts. 29 Acting /Pester. .............. .646 .Acilear ICrielsplt,„ „ ......... .., Attlog aloet ere' r AtrA„ .......ta 4614 looiatnut E,Mtgeong.... 94 ,toles nest tent 063enuetilre . st ,d Ole (b. 1.4 •••• • • ..... 141 y 195 Satin ors ...... .. 0-10 - • iai ~. ..... . ... ..3 090 161 2,08 L 7o To • .... 1. L 096 1400801 r 1802 _ hero wtro n „ f oul nil ior cammodores‘ Draper!) , so . 0 1 0 1 f u ISO, of captains In command oi squadrons '''''' ' Igo otTicern wes n"' ' - ma veaseLs b.dit ond building up to September 1 are 0 kilo's' _ Number, Gnus. Tonnage. ~.,,,mlgnebeate• ~• .. 13 3,26 • 1 1 701 10 w e e d on iinatf I,loktlng,,, 40 336 6 1,47 8 00n , . 72 1111 •de erel: it s ; t 0 ; 8 ,,,,, t . rd . 1 8 03 0 840 550 41.793 rurof tee. Ver 0 604 11 . ' 109 Penfrizetro. 4 180 13 201 134 10 ''''''''''' "' " 6 292 138th 31,10„ ~, 01 '''''''' 0. ''' .'. 21 .4 A 17,784 &rre sterpe 26 282 83 724 %eV, 18 230 13,603 90, % r trhomerd ''''' .. '''' ... 20 66 4,696 800 a d d aebostd...... ..... . 12 23 8,000 A ..,,, )(IV" ..... /1100 .2 Av 998 3/130 100 " • . ' " ' 8 1 2 1,164 .. . .... . 884 8,092 310,084 The Milolivimirt 23d—A ed Whole. COM... pauy Captur. fLe f e b w lng Is en extract from it letter dated tea 00 „„ipte Frederick, Ald,, Sept. 19th our Jilition erersed the ?otutnac to the Viegirda tic OnT IngH TTT 'TT wee detAelled from ft for the inicle• trot dniya inuiding the river. We halm dangerous s o t hey to PdlfOrat Cho old OoMeitur' Of Qv Mnast y,,tsirs, of aeIIATO,T; 11100 rand, was sent to &limy so m e obil annuusitlou lmt the lire thing we know' we were retreeuJai by a large rebel force, and the whale cam rnT „„ erf , t r out 01.olifle Only 1113.1.51 i Slid two celestes W cse lng, The cseisle Intl led us "luring the 14,e y o ar d u ou r tognuttaa , te, till lately, wee not with as, ma h e in fbilsthiele v. ring frotha recent "round," FINANCIAL ALL cummERVIAL. T at notiCY NIA.REET. PUlLADiff.Patd, Sept. 25;1852 sod money Eirelde were In a finer to day, belle frets U.o taTOfts'A odylces from our arniles, the tramming rlkrcie of rte President's recent proclamation, cr the Estraerilleitri owe In the money arket, is hard todeleralva. Ferro I , i) e the ground that the advanoe ;0 1 10. der in netts is the beginning of a season of nn- oroie w jomi oo , wing to the large issnee of 'paper mo w. Thil a+on Can hardly huid good, it we eon older that currency f all Linde is short of the demand. Otters, el late orders for legal tenders and State currency , bironmsind Info' filled for several days. Tito wants of the ;eerie pop ore stutter than ever. and financiers forget that rolln - tai are now ip the hands of a class of voila who beforo scarcely knew what money Was. The SIMIPUOti Ufswear; for army purposes is immense, eel hoe crown oosroity in the coo moralist centres. be people ttlil ueo'l it. and it Is the large amounts of capital awaiting taro meat that MIMS the present ad act, not u ( paper money. We have looked . or MIN at the Duni hi U':1; t of blocking up the financial cFtaneh a mp :sr !ern, unable to bear the press, is rotes down. Jt. rn , h of money must have vent ; if MIED04111(e dull, tvirmereial investments won't pity. The tort woolly Gnu been. and la, the stock and money .oirteta. Cold parrok of the general Joy, opening at drirg 2 ror crbt. during the forenoon falling to mx, end clogrc rather firm. Some predict that spLcie id! anon track. 12, cl2b. Tb i Now York tThala phloem the advance In the pro. , Trr light, mat Frio .A coke from th.Suh-Treeenry Worm the pone nt deriltr of g xlll tereafter be received at he at Timmy on tin Miele t9lllll AEI deposits of currency bto may, on roll otter ten days, and that on all of width rao,tin is the Sub •rreascry over thirty days we n 5 1 the ri,h, of four per cent. per annum will be .'loved. The object of tole new regulation F, of course, inpply the (4 , :verctnent during the next font or live :,ttha with fcld t, pit Interest on the pulllc debt, -grit ohligitg it to voter the market se a buyer. Its i•ri cull to to elSilie the 0/Utility-mai from hank of the prii dortsit• of entll n ttr clam' there for sesurie v . ,Aibtir 414)51,1 4 ,, the t nolressary, where they will .±stinteregt. At omega noldere of gold on . speoulation r i,l LTEE t rucl a h.ve to pair three or four cent. to I It writ& floret. the new regulation, Instead of ,•ijipt leer pir coot, thq will receive fum percent. :n the Govnnrtint for the temporary use of it Them the hut little Ounl,r, ant w+w revelation will have elect of Istgily Outwitting purchases of weld.'? Std detuesde Win ativmcie X per cent., closing firmly !111 We, Rolls of u 4 Lim! ! advanced, tbe most notable ad. antsttirgoo;6lda of ihe fancies. Beeline shares qeDyi Bt. 2:; RI, eed up lo 8&) ,-sod closed at 59'55. 11444(430t 1°79 sdraoced K i Jages roes , Oats. Jim ino wilt. opening at advance on Yntitordaf ~ ore. ind another at tit° Second Board i the Pre. !red tcld up to 12S —au adswooe or . North Pena . Muir. iol,l fluids 10; the sizes rose IN ; the tensl,. Eqrol , t , end Delfmare Conel brought 26. 'Elmira I:110 Y:efttrttl entouthanna Canal Hold well SV, Wog never/ca. ch 11)11;111 Navigation rose f: the Prtlorred ; the else!, 1882, 2X. Lehigh ilp two the Oared . Morrie Canal remained OCTEITIA., i IfCllll , 'Bl ere somewhat nolo Icitd ; the site , et 10IX, and the eeven.thirtles at 14, 1 , 3 1 11 t turply. Philaselphia and Erie itt tole et tar change- Eunbury and Erie sevens let ‘;.; tertatt •oad 21 martgagee , the let 4, lingo at 130 and iolditp to 21 .;kit tarn LOll Island sixes sold at par. Olt/ c 1!, r 0 q) The new X. Penneylvanla Railroad ea told truly it LI ; Htmisburg at 67. Long Island Ind LSEr rallweys WOlO In renneet, and • suits v in: (1, ; , ined. Thirteenth and Fifteenth tit 22; eroid a; 23X —an advance of 2X On ids ,'s Nitre, Arch Went war, steady at 26; a alight Sixt rico erd Pine rose M, and firm. West teitlptol rce 1; Green and Coates also 1; Girard eff ,V; end Third . At the close a de- Wag totilo e was reawlested. Sales altogether, ddaiiy of tut Sleek Exchange, amounted to over ilatto erd 8(2.0t0 in horde; a larger business At Len toted for a long lime. at; S Co. quote fist ..sh a m;. .... . ~„., ....... parcel-10 disot. o Exchang. petal 10 prem. .ort. Exchange.. „ X 0 X dia. .......... die .. . lox 020 X pm 16016 X om. 0 0001 De te ernee a description of a counter iTt dollar note nu the Mifflin County Bank, of Low" .Ptena)ivania. The vignette le a Reread eagle, l!Mold, tic, On right end is a statue of Wash ot lift rlNlito of Liberty. The Detector' for the le out, vlth a lit ef forty-three new couotertelts. )i thuotil rq.l7 last night, describes a five on entedie Dank, of Troy; New York. follcxiog in the ecal tonnage of the Shamokin Val li Pottrille 11,11rond Company: • Week. Tear: e wetk audit int, %0 Tone. Tons. ....0,143 10 1084318 08 bogus 4. ..:5,712 10 153,00 02 TO% 14, 99 • ............. Ilpyila block Exc by b biat, rlfietT ..1.193; da •••.3.: , 47 ,, 7. do . „ do do ,rnsh 13 do bs.tirit 1 9 33X .... , do 33 33 , d° ?(GIP.I ..... . 15. n is fah /, 15 , 1, at It. 21 1 ..118.1. / 0 R,,,, .. ...... IV A Erie 151;1 11 .15..? 1111.71)tr;li !;‘)4 131 1WEEI t tEPfd. „ 5 :.el4 et it ~ 2 , a;. ..... 1234 , 2 dyg e 3,.% BECO/s.i' iPhildß,„ 4 kn • to P ..... .31 /41 14 31 Pfd ..e. d o. .". iii; ...... , 71, 418 /: ........ 33 12X ul t 4 • 83% „ , , 16 .4 , br, 26,4 3 61, Arfle.({, 1 OUR ' " _ rut / .. „15kr.,1.1 1.10.20T* ""; 'L1614 '402 1 " .0111001 9i 2 It " • ../3 141 110.103 x '' }BO.. its ma, • 52 a07)4 . 44 ,. 1(.4 •• •• I:tv C 1.4 15 clamp, Sale*, Sept. 25. Phila. Azobange.l BOARD. 3000 ()hes & Del 78 7 Osta R 41( 200 do . 4% 50 do ~ 333 North Penns U.. 10 5000 North Penns 61... 7034 Sroo do 80 2600 Schur' Nov 63 '74 mg 6090 props P. 2d tnort.lt3% 453 Penns 5;..3 ode. 90 276 Oata,B pfd..... .. 60 d 0... 05 12,4( 200 Loug lel 861...100 500 do 98 200 do 100 900 do 102 000 do .100 2 Weat PhDs ./1 ... 53% 40 Or & (Joatee 24, 200 (My 6i R. .. ... 931( 7800 do ..New.l.ol 48 Spr & Pine 8.... UK 4 Ulm & Del ()ana 25 BOARDS. 213 Archsnt .62 Oita B . . 4% 3200 U SOotipan 6i 1 81.101% lJ BOARD. izo oat& B 4X 15 do 4g 4 droh• ot 1000 Bow 81'88 Bday 94 'IWO 13 6 8i 'Bl 7513'.h It lEith , et B , 23g 31 81.164 Osued..B.ly6, 100 do ....cash 5g 1000 Bohl Nov 8.1'82.. OD 6000 Penns 6a b 8 91X LIQ &RD& 109 Long Islhnd R.... 20 CS-9TBOSG. Bid. Asked. L Island B ex-di 19% 20 Leh 01 As N 61% .. Le 0144 Nay sop, 81, 84 N Poona 10 10 % N Pa R 68 80% Nana II 108.103 104 clataw B Ron... 4% 4% l eatawiasa Prt.. 12X 12 % Fr & Boutlek R.. Soo & Third St 8 70 73 Race& Vine-slell 10 lOg Phil& R..... 64 55 Spruce tt Pine.. 15 16,1( i Or it Chador.— 8311( 84% I I Cheat .1$ NV Mont ,40 Arch•9t 25 25N Thin 8 Ylft'nth, 2,4 N Ofrard Ooliege.. 2IN 28 Tenth & Elevith 81 .. : ......... . iff :: 1.. - 26 X .. '... 02 P hilldelphia Markets., tour EltP11)111 05-11110nIng. 41.1 4114 is firmer, and rather more active; *. it for the better grades, which are scarce; l i p T io about ;1 , 0 bbls Ohio family at 868 12)i W ' II 7 bormis' extra ; 800 bbls Broad street • bblo Dalt. Mills, all on private term. Tile It°4llcoatlnue very light, and the demand 04 nodere.tc at 5bn5.12% for caper; 35•50 s orb's. i2aB 25 ray family, and 38 • 5001 bbl triode, al to quality. Bye Flour bbl .s is oaroo,ooni lip nionall way at $3 15008.412,4 t woolredl r, and Pomona is Inactive at sBl2}` Vs 4 it 113 ar ter, s n ud more active, and some holders advaoce ; shout 8,090 bus sold at $ 1 .250 1 7, 0 E14 aril Penna , reds, t n store, the latter lor It .. lot itnnlowe do aoat, acid lit 4001.60 for L 4 ti nolriored a n d s setting fa a small way at 4 7 I fttler Icr old Penns, porn is very eoaroe , ifi.„" I D LC rape ern reputed at 88 retoo. 0 star are .."g, aDd 2 3CO bus Southern sold at 8103 So. "• 4 4.1 and 1t If 1 Queroltron rather 'carol' ~,, I b o. tq tl ,, n 'T, cal holders are asking an advance ni ts ":„.. 1 1.. with a limited business to note. i ts , 8 P R ( . rietioNe are arm, sod more aotirlt7 tii2Llii large attire of Sugar at fall arises. ib,III/I ocaree; Ibis are Qrloted at 83000 X CI " "I t V gallon. DOINGS OF TILE CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.--- We publish below two letters from gentlemen well known i n this community, addreeseri to Kr. George H. Stow, of this oily, which afford an idea of the great and hu mane work LOT being performed by the Christian Corn- Minton, and are worthy of perusal. We desire also to elate, in this connection, that contributions in money towards the support of this noble enterprise may be sent to Joseph Patterson, EQ., president of the Western Bank, or donations in norm; to the chairman of the IlOenemlseion, o George IL Stuart, En., No. 10 Bank street. • HOSPITAL IiDAR EiIIARPZDDRO, Sept 22, 1882. Bir DEAR Yon have no doubt been apprised of the. diFaster that betel the Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th P.V., at about 12 o'clock on Saturday test, no the opposite Fide of tile Potnnac, one mile distant fr.un my present writing. I sent a line or two on Satnrday, and addressed a note to Solomon frolth, Int , and rrquested him to have you peruse it I would now state that yeetereay I spout the day OD tho field of battle, neasohing the dead' hodlee of Huse poor fellows as they lay scattered upon the field of elom,hte•r, for the purpose of identifying them. In all wises tbo pockets were titled and turned Inside out, awl the boom taken from their feet. As the result of oven hours' labor there are copious memoranda made. - I have In my peseession numerous metueutoS taken from those I lave been able to Identify, with the inten tion of giving them to their relatives at home. Several were found Mill living, severely wounded, who wero broughtbver late ip the afternoon. Two hours more, perhaps, would have completed my inveuligatione. but omit rs came from General Porter to vacate the field with all possible haste as they were about to shell the woods In the 11 ar of us, where the rebels were encamped. .There is a movement now on loot cr several divisions of the army. They:amber of dead and wounded cannot now be positively vescertalced. Among the bodies I round yesterday you - will grieve to learn was the eon of brother Simone and Hr. Atlas also the ton of Prof. Saunders, of West Philadelphia, and Cant. Ricketts, or Pine or Spruce West, near Sixth The brdles of the three tliet-unwed were brought over last evening. Dlr. Oonerroe and McMichael, or , ehliadel shim, rite here to take home the body. of , the latter, it a flag of Wire can possibly be obtained, which .I think is thin otful fn the , present moving (or about to move) con. dition of the army. Bow often yesterday I had to suppress my tears in 7 84 1 36 8 .. 2 2 .. 290 .. 43 view of the touching scenes presented at ovary et/ May God sustain our brother Slmund The bodies named were burled last night at Saaroburg. Brother Simons owes a debt of lasting gratitude to Lieutenant Crocker, whose family reside neer m Bro. Cher Simons. I found his son at the base of a ravine where the regiment ascended the bluff. He was wounded in tbe near, I have made a reaordot numerous tact. deai sof these Doer fellows, asd did it alone. Oar other brethren were otherwiee engaged, and that assiduously. Should tbe committee of the Oorn Exchange &hire a statt moat of facts connected with this disaster, as well as the topography of the fold, it might be throbbed them. We are now going to Sharpsburg, were we have about soventi , of oar mei:weed. Colonel Prero.t rooms with one. I have had oherge of him, under direction of the burgeon. Dr. Kingsbury leaves to-day, in charge ef Colonel Prevoet. Dr. James and Myself may return In two or three days, in charge of such wounded as may te ablate leave the hospital, if other arrangements at Fre. derick and Middletown should not interfere. have much more to any, but defer for the present. Yours in Christian love, . J. 8. CIIMS.ING3. P. S —The official account has just been handed In 95 killed, as far as known; 121 wounded, as far ae known. Mr. C. H. Stuart : Insert din: I will append a few lines to kfr.Octtemings` letter. Inasmuch ae I promised to write, but have not seen a favorable opportunity since I reached here. Oar Christian Commission at this point have boon more than busy ever since our arrival, and a great work still remains open to do for several date yet. We lave just returned from Sher psbarg, having anent a portion of.the afternoon in the hospitals there, and on the battleground Wefound membersof theCommlasion laboring 'admit - lonely in all the hospitals that we bad time to visit. Having tendered our fever t . ) convoy Col. Prevost over to Hagerstown, we were obliged to return before getting ail around to the boepitale on the field. Wo all bare our heads, hands, and hearts fall in this work of mercy. NEW FLOUR MADE FROX NEW WHEAT,' Of the thest,brands, can now be had at 1dr.0.11 Matto:l'Bi dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streetk All goods bought at this store are delivered in Ern part of the city, or carefully racked, and sent to any of the railroad depots, free of charge. *. Tux following wo fake from the Kalamazoo Gazette: t' Err Aire Ei.n.—Dr. Lewis is having astonishing success in his professional services in our oily. Many cases of the diseases of the Eye and Ear, when sight and hearing were almost entirely gone, have already been sa thfactorily cured by his new and painless remedies. We have many creditable testimonials from respectable citi zens in our city and vicinity, that Dr. Lewis is no empi ric, but a thoroughly well qualified physician, as well as an accomplished Scholar in the most scientific branches of literature. We sincerely hope that our patrons and friends, who are in need of his services, will be found in the crowd of patients who are filling his office, con. Venally increasing in numbers from day to day. We eau cheerfully recommend Dr. Lewis to be all that he as surces—a physician eminently skilled in the treatnii s utt of all diseases pertaining to the Eye and Ear." Moe, 33T North Sixth street, Philadelphia. OUT AND FIGHT Out and fight ! The time is over Por all truce and coMpromitie, Words of calm are words of folly, Peaceful dreams are painted lies; Stlmpter'e flames in touthern waters, Was the first mild beacon light, And on Northern hills reflected, Gave the signal for the fight. - Out and fight! Endure no longer Goading insult, brazen guilt ; Be the battle to the knife-blade, And the knife-blede to the hilt, 'Tilt the sacred zone of Freedom Glide the, whole Atlantic strand, And the braggart and the traitor Be extinguished in the land. uniforms ready made, and "Bullet-proof Vests," at Charles Winces', under the "Continental." TIM RETURNED VOLUNTEER. He had a feather In his cap, A blossom on his nose, And on the curbstone took a nap; Been drinking, I suppose. No sound (except, donne, the cars), Through all the square did pass, And all the sky was bright with stars, And all the street with gas. With nary lodging or a lunch, He &en forfot his'" gash," Which came, I thought, from whisky "punch,' Or else a brandy 14 smash." One thing about him I admired ; Like all clear- headed folks, he garments that his limbs attired Were bought of Granville Stokes, Whose well. krown one-price establishment is at No. 6C9 Obeemut street, where the greatest variety of season able garments, at reduced prices, is alive son hand. _ MARTIAL LAW FOR TRAITORS.—The Presi dent has belied a Proclamation, declaring that all traitors in our midst shall have martial law meted out to them. The general verdict in all, such cares will be “Eterved them right 1" Thu verdict of the great mass or the loyal men of the country is decidedly in favor of the elegant military and civilian suits made at the Brown S:one Clothing flat of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chenut street, above Sixth. MAGNIFICENT $575 ROSEWOOD 7-00rAvE PIANO, carved legs, extra carved mouldings, round contra, Grand Action Overstrung Bass, sweet and powerful tone, made to order by the best maker, only mut five months, will be sold for $225, as the owner leaves the city in a few days. This is the greatest bar gain in the city. Call and see it at 717 Arch street. KO. Bt* ' • WINDOW SHADES, LACE AND MUSLIN CUR TIN.% Gilt Canines and Curti& Ornainsmits, at Patten'e original cheap Curtain Store, 1408 • Obestant street. BEDS RENOVATED AND FIIMLQATED_ by _ : a 118 W process, will return a better bed than when new.. All !in put Wee in Feathers and Hair destroyed'at W. Wenn , Fatten a New West End Upholstery-Store, 1498'0Itest. Lut street. se24-4t* 4,860 18 , 664 - 00 CARPETS CRT, ALTERED, AND LAID,. by eotuptoy . 3t workmen, and at the lowest possible prices, at Patten's West End Upholstery Store, -1408 Obestnnt street. ' se24:4t* CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut AL S Bailey, Pittsburg. B Straw, Pittsburg D Lemz, New York O D Elden, Portsmouth, 0 T R Ven Reid Wm McKnight, Pittsburg J T Mason & son, Maryland B B Miles Huntingdon, Pa 0 L Tiffany, New York F J Bancroft, ^M D • J Dunham, Boston A R Stout Mie A L Stout, Brooklyn Mlee la Meyer,ew brae/ ei Wenner, Ohio H Ba.re & f, Brooklyn J D Cobb, Geneva, N "ir O B Coleman & wf, Etd Miss Coniblarn, Maryland J B Norris, Maryland Beck, Bow York 0 A Mills at la, Baltimore J B Di I, Baltimore E Harrington, Jr. Bait B Sande, Wilmington, Del Mise Jane Lowe, Del Ni4.lL HaFaeey, Delaware Miss Sallie Haganey, Del GI retdell & wf, Wash, D C Mira °model], Wash, D 0 H Purfen, Tenn T W L Lewis, Bolton H Stanton, Baltimore Admiral Smith, U S N S A Walsh . Miss Smith, Washiogton McKenney & wf, Ohio D 0 Cook & wf, Uses Wm A. Jackson, Newark Lient V B 'Ronan Tos A Biopics & la, Boston N Savoyer, Madison B 0 Parker, Boston L L Wadsworth, tde Jobe Johnson, Cincinnati, 0 Albert Kuntz, U 9 N A L Peabody and la, Boston Mrs Bancroft, Boston 0 J Dobbins, Pottsville JL Marshall, Pottsville J B Berryhill, Harrisburg Hfd North, Columbia HA Hamilton, Ohio - F F Daggett and la, Win Br W F Lacy, Conn W F Lacy, Jr, Conn A N ;Ribeirao, Conn B A Ward, N Y 0 T Barclay, Rd L G ,i4ealy, Mid Mettles A Leech, N Y Robert Earl, Washington A Hogan, N Y J A Perrin, N J .1 hi Easton, Baltimore - idEROHAIITIP ROTEL—Fourth it, below Arch. D Anderson, Ohio T F Atkinson, Urbana, 0 Jag Dielmin, Pittsburg F A Tull, Maryland Beni Evans, Otnoinnati Joe Haddam, Pennsylvania J S Symonds, Denver, 0 T Miss Wickes, Maryland Mrs 0 A Ramsey, Oblo B G Worrls ' Boston Wm Chapman, Bath B J Berger, St Paul Mrs Bette & daughter J P Wetherill, Bethlehem E Dennison, Fort `Arsine W D Sprecher, Lsneaster J 0 D Lilly, Beading N.Barry, Launder H Levels, San Haven N B Pedrick, Boston Wits Brown, Boston Ohms H Stone, Boston W Werd, Pittsburg D P Baer, Ohombersburg J Btatubsager, Mifflin A B Copeland, Pittsburg P J Deterson, Bath S Strickland, Beading - AMERICAR--Ohestorrt eet, above Fifth. • M B Carlisle, Milford, Del W Tharp, Milford, Del Cul 0 4 Watuoa,Milford,Del R Y Watson, Milton], Del Der! Mirror, Milford, Del J 'l' Moore, Delaware 01, Shcouer, Tamaqua Jas Anderson, Thliawara W liouston ' Maryland John Ti Du BM A L Lewis, Delaware Sas A Williarroon. Pa J r Cunningham, Del D 0 Bush, Bellefonte Sayro dan, Pa J Wilson & wf, Chicago Miss Wilson & bro, Prhicago BB Brown, D U BT. LOT/IB HOTEL—Aheatant street, above Third. PticklY, New York B Price, New York 0 B Boone Joa Lomax, Hal smarm Blre lisnerofr,Boatort B 0 MaOanloy d ly, Wath A Turner, Wheeling Wm a. Hawes, Boston 1r 11 Freeman, Boston J D Randolph, Penna . L 11 Fletcher, 01mr,.0 Marlin klolony, Provldenoe Jews Barnes, New York • THE UNION-Arch street, above Third. E Swift. Edaton II Pratt, Allegheny J Ullman, Ohio 0 P Dietrich, Canton, 0 W Timated, Ohio Mrs 8 Fromala, Pa H ion Tinsmith, Pa James Wolf, Uniontown, 0 N R Feather, Canton, 0 J J Wagner, Akron, 0 0 Il Heillr, Akron, 0 Thos S-nn•dy, Pittsburg O F. June*, Maims A G Rentoger,-Pa Sch wa•tz, ittar3land John Fahtmatock, Pa Oto Hein er, Lancaster Geo L Smith, U 8 N A Stone, Massachusetts N 9 Grove, Barks no !dila Grove, Berke on F 111 &Lively, Ohio BALD ZAOLZ—Third kraal above Ca ll °w/int A Bereaw, Seaton, Pa Philip Bow+, N 3 T E. Leilenring, Plttaburg CITY ITEMS. In baste, 'sours, &c., B. W. JAM - BS, M. D ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS up TO 12 VOLOOK'LA.HT NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. ,1 Campbell, Greentbuig Charles Good, Pa P H Lien, Bwarluville 8 ri Beim, Booneboro, Md J H Airs,up, Rending X Wilton, New Bean', P 4 Y 8 Loft, Niw Berlin, Pa X Bweineford, New Berlin G W Butbfor, New Wein J Duncan, J.kuttown JO, In Yeger Pottsville F Q Epritz Pot lB ' lll ° • Rtv A Prior. Potting e °bowie* H Bugg, Hasn Gto Groan, New Berlin N J Bomberger, Lebanon 0 D Jenkins, Pottaville BABLICY SHlCA.r—Second street, below Vine. Bending, Hatboro' J Van Pelt. Pa B a Barley. Alexandria, Va O M Henry, Doylestown T Puirliugton.Doyteetown 0 80-zet, Doylestown Deo Newborn, Pa A Swartztander,Daylettown J Poite!), Pa Militia W K etnglemity, Daylestwn W Scarbero, Pa Millis 'Jos Thomas, ea Militia B Dastbiarn. Pa Militia 13 K Kuhn, Doylestown A J Larne, Pa T 0 Enright, Ohi W Ferran Massachusetts J ftlowd, Doylestown J Heaton, B Rnssi Wyoming J Brown, Bethlehem W Llabarg, Bethlehem .STATES UNION ROTEL—Market, above G W James, PenllS 3 ' A Coleman, Tyrone iSharptem Mercer, Chester co W Gladden Dne.cannsn A M Alan & ly, W Oheker M N Unita:a, Ohio Thoe 8 Richards fi eon, Pa J K Robinson.* sv, - Penns' Levi D Katz, et w : Pena COMNFIRO/AL--6tzth street, above (Yaestnnt, Wm B Reed J L Lead:4low Jersey A Prmoroy Thos Armstrong. rad Juno, West Chester R. W Levis, Weet Obester MADISON FLOITSE—Second street, above Market. Saml P..nrose. N I 0 NSeranway, New Raven Lase Willis, Deltware J P Otraway, Delaware 4 00 Sminbarger, Lewistown Simi Warren, Delaware MT. VBENGB—Beeand ' , treat, abate ArCh. MiesNlA Gill, Del Water Gap Mies V Barry, Del Wat Gap' Mien 0 Davis, Del Wat Gap Mtge A M Trust, B.lltheturo' BLACK BEAB--Thirti street, above OsilowhilL P Brusar, Doylestown Louis Buo Doxisitwn, J J Jobvson, Do3iestoint Lewin Ulennie, Dayleatown 13 P 111tue, Coopers )urg J b Small, Pa „IL 0 liagle, Pa Jag Tonna, - Allentown , MARINE . INTELLIVrENCE. mF= SEE WOURTH peez ABETTED. - Bohr Enquirer, 'Mayo, 40 days from Rinterdsm, with wine. zinc, &o. to J E Brudey & oo.' Schr Exclnm. Montgomery, 21days from St John EB, with 600,000 laths to B 1 Trams & Sort. Behr Itanoocart, Bunter, 1 day from .gew Castle, Dal, with wheat to Joe Borratt & Son. Behr Vondolia, Hillyard, Iday from Smyrna, Dr', with wheat to Jae Barratt* Sou.. - Schr Tolegraphi Oonnor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jan Batratt &Son. Solar C°hiyeolite,•Smith, from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. ' Mohr Searsiort, Sears, from Wilmington, Pekin bal last to captain. Brig Moonlight, Wooster. Boston, L Audenried Go. Bel r Panthea. Clark, Providence, '.do fichr deereville, Bears, Boston, Noble, Caldwell ' dc Co. Bohr Alliance, Ireland, Beaufort, Navy Agent. Bohr 8 B Ashmead, Young, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Sane & Co - Bohr W tlßartlett. Loveland, do do Bohr Greyhound, Wallow, - Washington, do Behr Beams Viminla, Donoho, Washington, JE Whits. Schr I) Gannon; Norris Washington, Wallace &Brawn. Bohr Ocean Bird, Qmilin, do da Eir R Willing, Claypool°, Baltimore, & Groves, Jr. Btr Octorara, McLoughlin, Washington, do Barge Buster. McGonagle, Alexandria, J B Williams. Barge I Hamilton, Dade, do do Barge L B Linderman, Carey, Washington, C H Cum. minas. (Correspondence of The Press.) HATBB DE GR&B, Sept. 23. The steamer Wyoming left bete this morning ' sdth the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Plargaret Williamson, with lumber to..Wm 0 Lloyd; Old t petd, d Ito S B PI Dolby; hionamahoning, do to El Croshey; i4l Al Shuman, wheat, oats, km.to Perot Bra there; lra Medley. lumber to M Trump k Bon; Gen G B McClellan, do to II Ormkey. Fox WEST COAST or Axato.i.—The bark Aaron Hervey, Capt Miller, for Worn Coast of Africa, will leave Pine-etreet wharf on Thuraday, Oct 2. All lettere and nevepapers kneaded for the African Equadron„ &a. will be forwarded, If left at the ffireiga Letter Office, Phila delphia Exchange, on or before the above data. NOIMOBANDA. , 13blp Atlantic, Dinsmore, from Diverimel for Philade phia, was eimkPn 81st ins*, tat 40 30, long GT. - Ehip Golden Fleece, Maroon, cleared at New York yea terday ftr Philadelphia, Bark /Snails, Kerlin, hence for Pernambuco, was lino ken 30tb nit, lat 6 JO 8, long 3430. Brig Reporter, Ginn, cleared at Boston ii4th Kist. for Philadelphia. - ' Behr Julia E Pratt, Pratt, hence, arrived-st New Ha ven 24th bud. Sohn' D G Flord. Rackett, and,War Steed, Smith, hence, arrived at New Bedford 24th inst. Bchrs nlive NE Pettit. Clark, J G Babcock, Babcock, Trade Wind gill, Albert, Parker, Mayflower, Elart, Jos Turner, °rowel!, 8 H Sharp, Mayo, and Alert, Chain. pion, hence ' arrived at Boston 24th inst. WPfeanfer Anthracite, Jonas, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. JAYNI'S EXPECTORANT.—Thirty Years' experience has demonstrated beyond the shadew of a doubt that JAYNN'S BXPROTOB&N'T excel§ every other remedy in the care of ASEITIMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMP PION, COUGHS 4ND COLDS. • INIOUT AND HOOPIND COMM, SPIITTING OF BLOOD. In all ocmplante of the Pu/monary Organeceven when netwe seems to be making no effort to throw off the este, Jaloste's expectorant imparts vigor to the nsachinery of respiration, and enables them to disenonmber them selves of the obstructions which had impeded their free operation It needs only e. trial to prove its efficacy. The following are a few`of the certificates lately received: JAMES L. WILLIAMSON, Landleburir, Perry COATI. ty, Pa., writes "Same two years eiso I was greally afflicted with a very violent COUGH, which appeared to have taken such deep bold of me that I woe assured hy Physicians that I had the Constimptior, and that there was bat little pros peat of medicine curing me. While in this condition I was induced to try 4 JANNH'S EXPECTORANT,' and I am bappy to say, by tho faithful use of this medicine, I soon recovered good health, and to this day continue to enjoy it." Bev. B. F. RIDDEN, Pastor of the First Baptist Chard), ()Kaden, N. J., writes: • "A few weeks since,- white suffering from s very severe cold, I became so hoarse Mat it was with great difficulty I could speak so as to be unders'ood. While in this con dition your ItXPKOTOltillit not only gave me imme diate relkf, but in three or four days comp tely cured my cold, and removed the hoarseness. I,ftherefore, take pleasure in recommerdirg the EXPEOTOBILN'T -as being, in my judgment, the best cough medicine before the public." RHADQUARTERS 88TEr (tiOLILAN'S) REGIMENT, P. Co. D I &LSXANDRIA., YA : MESSRS D. .14 1 71iR & SON—Geritleaten : Doriog all the time we have been in th 3 service—nearly four mortths— but or.e of on, company has been sick enough to be place.d in.the hoipital. Onr surieoru3 have often spoken of thie, and attribr.ted the ununsally healthy condition of the MOD to the nee of Dr. D. JAYNE'S AINDIOINES. The IEXPBOTORANT has been mach sought after in cesea 'of COLDS, OOUGIIS, &c , and has always afforded rellaf, while the Carminative Balsam has operated like a charm in all cages of Lootenest of the Bowels, Diar- Km, Sm.—diseases to which soldiers are particularly expcged frcm the frequent changes of water. We are convinced, therefore, that much suffering would be prevented and many lives saved if every company In the array was provided with a small eupply of your medicines, similar to the one furnished us. On behalf df the company, I remain, ece. 5e24.4 DANIEL it. LEE; of Tackahoo, Cape May 00. N. J ., 4‘ For the last nineteen years I have been more or less aftlieted with a 00LiCI II and. DIFFIOULTY 0 BREATHING. About five years ago my cough . became 50 severe that I gave up P.ll bows of ever getting well, as everything I need aficrdeel no ease. gi Your agent Imre sent me a bottle of your BXPEO TORAITT, which gave meimmediate relief. By the time I had used the second bottle I was BO much restored as to be able to attend to my daily labor, and withmare ease than before. We have noel 3 eur other Medicines is the family with complete success." Hector of the Proteetant Episcopal Church of St. Berth o . lomew, Philadelphia, writes DRAB SIR I. In all macs resembling consumption, I recommend. your BX PEOTORA.NT, having in so many instances Witnessed itebeneficial effects: lam pleased to inform you that the laeftwo - cases which came miler ray notice have been greaill helped by your Eg..PROTO. kir. W. C. Fit HER, cf W.sten Spalding, Lincoln shire, England, writes : - a A little mphow of mine, give yeirs old, was, a few months since, suffering from the,. HOOPING COUGH. and I never saw a more disiressitig case I immediately gave him EXPEOTORdIi r i according to di. rectiona. and vary soon began to see fan improvement The cough became easier, end expectoration much freer, in a few :days, and in two weeks the maladY was so en. tirely overcome that it riquired no farther 'attention " The 4EXPEOTOR.S.NT" is prepared only by Dr. D. JATI'II Jc BON,lib. 242 CHESTNUT Street. mad 2t FINGER & C 0 . 28 larran «A" FA ITILY BICWINO MAOBINE, WITH ALL TER RE CENT TMPBOYEMBNTS, is the BIM?, and °miasmal., Sad MOST BEAUTIFUL, of !Ili flawing Machines. This Machine will sew anythiug,'from" the running of a tuck In Tarietem to the making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and hi ever ready to do its work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tack, gain, and has capacity for - • great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma opine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may be had in a groat variety of cabinet cage. The Folding Case which Is now bOCOMIDIE so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, imbstantial. and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, on, etc., of the very beet quality. Send for a copy of 4, 871101 M & 003.'s GAzgailt.)) - I. M. BINDER A 00., 438 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CIENTNITT ST. • iyl4.-mwBl tiIIOVE , R it BAKER'S NRW 81117TTIM BINVING• MAOSINII.—PRIOII, $4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the use of a feat end durable look-stitch machine, Is directed to our No. 9:, This is a new and admirable machine, operating with tho greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a great favorite with manufacturers. It Is a diet class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or given each universal satisfaction. It is very simple In Its construction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with tine cottonotillt, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low price at which it Is sold places it within the reach 41 all who desire a reliable, serviceable machina.• GBOTIII t BAKE 8. M. 00., 130 011118TIVIT: Street FRIDAY,'.iSEPTEMB 26 862; E - TEES PRESS.-PIIILADELPHIA. It OLX,A.UBD. NAVAL LOUIS WAGNER, First Lieutenant Company D 3 REV. N. M. JONES, *9l an LT TRIIImpat, — SrEINWAY If • i , kon were ewerted a ',"ret•clana medal et the late Greet ktercetionel Lood9n, over the 269 Pianos from all puts of the world onterod for competition. - The special correspondent of the New Yon: , Time: Oa, " Mews: Steinway's endorsement by the,jurors Is emphatic, and stronger and 'more to the point AI" that of any European maker." ' Warerooms at EL &SIMI ee2o.6t 1006 CHESTNUT Street. 8-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S FLA STA.TION BITTERS. They pnrify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late home, Theyjstrengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They Purify the breath and iteirlity of the stomach. They cure. Dyspepsia sod Oonstipatiou. They .eure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morhus. They yore Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They aro the beet BIT rxits , in the world. They make the weak min strong, and are exhausted natare , a great restorer....-Tbey are made of pure St Croix Rum. the celebrated. Oaliso.ya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, withoutregsrd to age or time .of day. Particularly rem:iron:tended to deli rate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Betels, and Saloons. P. II DRAH.E (X)., 202 BROADWAY. New York. --- se24-6ra BATCH:SLOWS Drx 1- • THE BEST IN THE WORLD,. BATCHELOR'S oelebrided Rair Dye produces a Color not to -be distinguished from nature— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least rontedies 210111 effects of. bad. dyes, and inviionitas the Hair tot Hie. 'GRIT, BED, or RUSTY RAIN druitantly' tarns a splendid Mack or.ftroarn, leaving the Hair soft artd. beau tiful. Bold by all . Ornggists, de. 51" Tim Genuine is signed wurxrAil L BATCHE. LOB, on Th four sides of each boo. = . FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (bats 288 Broadway cad 16 Bond street), nrss;B4.? • zu w yon,. MARRIED. mocoos.--strvErEELlssiv.in Steubenville, Ohio, on the 23& hint.. by the Rev.J. B Patterson, Lieutenant R. S. McCook. U. S. Navy to Lizzle A., daughter of the late Flan J. K Sutherland, of thAt place. orarn A.SON..—On- Tuesday evening, Seat. 23d. by Rev. B. J. Noakes. Mr. Reuben Griffith to Annie, daughter of Alva Mason, Efq , of Philadelphia. , * DIED. 3IYER9.=-On the 24th inst. Howard Q, son of Mr George W. ar.d Jane D. Myers, aged 4 years, 6. months and 6 days. • . The relatives and friends of the family are reisectfully invited to attend his funeral, Lem his parents' 'residence, Twentieth strata, above Montgomery, on Smiley morn• ink,' 28tb test ,at 9 o'olook, without further notice To proceed to i 4 outh Laurel Hill. , PEABODY.—BiIIed, at the battle of Sharpsburg, fird on the Ilthinst Lientmaut A. W. Peabody, of the 72d Begituent Pennsylvania Volunteers. His remains will he interred. in Laurel Hill Ciemeterr. this ("Friday 1 afternoon. Services at 3 o'clock precisely,* Fourth.day, the 24th inst., Sarah Ann Rudolph. friencla, and those of the family, are respecttnily invittd to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband,. Abratp P. Rudolph, WoodbarY t N. 1., on Sixth-day, the 29th inst. et 10 o'cliick A.. If. N. B.—The cars for Woodbury leave Walnut-strept wharf at 9 o'clock. , *' LOONILY—On the 2 . 3 d inst., Mrs. Eiss, wife of Bo bErt Looney. - The rdatives and friends are respectfully invited to atter d the funeral from the residence of her husband, -No, 246 North Eleventh street. on Saturday afternoon, the kith bet ,at 3 o'clock. To proceed to the Wnd. %res. ** . _ TAYLOR —On Third-day. 9th month 23d, HITT, widow of the late Anthony Taylor, in the 83d year of her *B O - - The relativoland friends of the fatuity are Invited to attend her femoral from her bite residence, Bucke counts , . Pa ,on reventh•day, the 27th et., at 11 o'clock &. 81. Ommeyances will meet the S A.:31. train from Kermit:lg 'LOA at £hamony Ration. • ** BB ITTAIN. - -Ktlled, at the battle of Antietam, Wil liam J. Brittein, of Trenton, N. J., in the 27. h year of hie age. A member of the 3d Pennsylvania Reserves. * 0A D WALLA DE II —Was killed at the battle of White Oak Swamps, Jane nth, buried on the field, Bd. wand Y. Cadwallader, Orderly sergeant of Company D, 4thl Be. me Regiment, P. V., aged 28 years. * CO TTWELL —Billed, at the battle of Antietam, Bent. 17th, Edwin 0. Clottwell..Company I, 72d Regiment P. V., in the 22d year of bie age. - EA BREST.—On the 234 Mei., at the Rospital, York; Pa., George W. Earnest, of the 71st (Pint Oatifor. nit') Regiment. in the 234 year of hie age. iF HEEL —On the 2 tth inst., of wounds' received near Bbargeburg, Thema, Ralson Neel, Company B. 118:h Re giment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the 29:h year of hie ago- VANDYKE —Billed, at the battle of Antletan, Sept, 17th, William Harrison Vandyke. of the Bl.st . Regiment P. YV. aged 22 years. - ' it BLACK-. A.ND' BECOND MOURN ING Dress fOka, just opened! . Blacb Gros Grains and Poult do Soles. k Taffetas and Gros de' Rhinos.' • - Bieck Armnrea and Venottennes.• 'Mack Gros ilvEcoarn or Ottomans. Blot* and White Taffeta Lance. ' Bleck and White Varsoviennes. Black and White neat Striped and °beam- BffSiON ifs SON, set- tf Mourning Store, No. 918 ORNSTNII C. Street. EYRE & LANIDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL EILL,KS: - • iliagniticimit Silks. Blognifiount Shawls. kitigoide>snt Poplins. Goad Eipok Mo. . Gods. Good Printed • Good Stock of Sissies. ' se2o4f IMPORTANT • MitaETING PORT TTNG'--LA yittblin meeting wiU be bed next TOBSD 6.Y- BYRN I NG, the 301 , in Na- Mont I Ball, MARKET Street, above'Tlifirteenth, to In maim the efficiency • and promote the. interests of the Governirient'e Free Labor movement at Port Royal ddrr 1594 will be delivered on the occasion by Rev. Dr. Tyne, of New York. Bev. Minefield French, of General Sexton's omit and Rcbert Sntatl , the hero or the 4 g Min ter." Admittance free. s-26 3t ar'FIRST. WARD NATIONAL. UNION EXHOUTIVR MITTEL—A meeting will be beid et the home of Marled Dougherty. P S.S.3YONK Road, below WHARTON Street, THIS (Friday) EVE N INO, Rev.:oilier 28, 1862, at Tx c'cloek. N. B —The lit, Bth, and Bth Divieions are requested to send their delegates. • JOHN H. DUBEEE, Drolllent. JOHN O'DONNEL, Seoretery. lt* arUNION AND LIBERTY, NOW AND POREVER, ONE • AND INSEPARABLE.— Thr• National Limon Associations and the citizens of Philadelphia favorable to the success of the National union Ticket at the coming electh.n, and all who desire to enetain the Government at the lath!, in its efforts to suppress rebellion and maintain this integrity of the American Union, are repteseted to meet in their various wards, at their reepeotive plumes of mooting, on TUES DAY BVENIbTO next, at 73( o'clock, to act upon bast nese of vital importance. which - will be submitted to thEm. By order of Melons! Cohn Oar Xxecutive Committee. WILLIAM KEEN. President TOOII A 8 8. DARLING, Vice President. 301 IN J. FRA.NICLIN 9 Socretexte„ BBNRY B. 0 t ' • se2B.4t ' orr HATING SEEN IN THE P gILADEL - - PRI& Papers, from Harrisburg and Williams.: post .Correspondence, that THIS PHILADELPHIA BLUE RESERVES were not half fed, and received but five rations in the nine days they were'absent, the ttn dereogned can testify that lull rations were furnished to my Ootopany every day they were absent; and if the men. did not receive it, it was the fault of the. Com pony ,officers. Masers. Mason and Dolby did all men could do, dayand night, in getting not only the rations, but delicaties for the men; and we are sure that no Regi ment ever entered the field better provided with food, than' the 2d Regiment of Blue Reserves. • R K. SHORKAKER, Capt. Co. R, Blue Reserves. War. S. Wang, lst Llent Co. H. . STBPBEN A La BARTII, Quartermaster CO. Wm H. ETOELBY, Full Private. I. T. ANDRRBB, 6 ' " se26-10.• MILITARY . OFFICE OF THE • ANDERSON TROOP, P. V. • 'around floor of the Penimyleazia Railroad Office, - Corner of THIRD St. and WILLING'S Alley, below WALNUT. • .• • . Captain WILLIAM J. PALMER. The ARDERSON CAVALRY (Major General Briell'e eeoort) hae been recruited for special service in the De parMent of the Ohio, and will be permanently attached to Headcoattei sel9-Stili HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD. Orrr Pitinsinthrms, September 23, 1862. GENERAL ORDER, NO. 14. The troops eent from this City to 'Harrisburg, under the recent orders of the Ooverniir of the Commonwealth, bavirg been, by him ordered to return to their homes and to be eqecharged from further service under the said or der,, it is hereby, directed : • _ 1. That the commanding Officers of regiments, or of compel lee, who have received from the city of Philadel phia arms. accoutrements, mndcal instruments, over ccats, blankets, knapsacks, haversacks, canteens, knives, fork, ' spoons, plates, camp kettles, Melle pans, ammuni tion, or supplies of any kind for theme of their reipec. tire COMIC/611d ?, do forthwith return the same to the Quer terinakter'a Department of the Home Guard, at the City Arsenal, in Race street, below Broad street. 2 The arms, accoutrements, end musical instruments that have been leaned to the companies of the Home Guard are txcepted from the above order, and wlll be ro talood by the said companies fur their use H. The uniforms of the Home Guard, hereafter, will bo shriller to the uniforms adopted for the regular army of the Brited States, the regiments of each arm conform ing therein to the uniform of the corresponoing arm in the said regular army. It will cooelet of the army hat, a dark blue blouse, and light-blue pantaloons. with the proper trimmings to designate corps and grades of rank. 4 The companies that have been formed in the ward, and precincts, and which are not component parts of ex tstirg military organizations in this city, are respectfully invit.d to attach themselves to the Horne Guard, in which they will be orp.anized as regiments, or incorporated with the old regiments thereof, as they may pref,r. By melee of A. J. BLit ASONTON, Brigadier Genera] Commanding Home Guard. W 3( 113P6D.T mu), Aee't &dj. Gen. sef4,st I• INDEPENDENCE . - 01TY °KOMI'S —The undersigned having opened his School for the Military Instruction of Youth, will drill on Monday and Thureday afternoons of each week, at 4 o'clock, et the Armory, N. B. corner of zrOHTILENTEE and CHESTNUT dtreets ._ For twine and circulars apply to HOYT & Bao , 8. W. coml. Tenth and Chestnut streets, at the Armory on the afternoons of the drills, or at the residence of G BOK YNDORIfF, No. 19 i 2 COAT S 8 Street. Et23-5L 1152 d PENVSYLVANIA. ITOLUN TEERS.—Good Men are wanted for B&TFERY L, of lids Regiment. For particulars, inquire at Head _ nuerters or Battery L. =HARMONY street, Ptille owl phis, and 441 ST. JOHN street. Oaptain—JOSEPH W. S&NDICRSON. lot Lientenant—SEVOLD eNGERO TH. 2d Lieutenant —SERVETHEi a028.1.2t* PHRENOLOGICAL El X A MIN Ae ere made day and eventuirit NUT Street, by JOHN L. OAFEN, Successor to 110 Lilt. !YELLS, & 00. sale-3t*4014 IY:O,A Y T Y .P E S- LIFE-LIKE, WANDS, AND DIPRES3IVE PIOTIISE3.—They. are executed with rare still, as a glance will show s is ibe;rolcriog of complexion, bair, eyes, spa drapery. BUNN ws Gallery, SECOND St, aboTe • • .ATOUR OIL.-492 biskets - Lattiar Olive Ott, just received per ably Vendellel from flordeaux, for side b 7 JAUBEITOIIII & ULTIMO/TA eiu2S-tf 202 and 204 South FRONT Strom. T.ELE FINEST ASSORT -17171.1 MONT of new, modem, and durable Pi; ANOS from 5160 to s,t(x). j i t iri f lVo ouh rldq wiled MELODZO - 411 sod at s great tedoe.thn, or In niontbli instalanenta. JANE= SIMIAN, 27P and Stal floi!tb, MYTH etzest, extori epraoe, se2_3me RETAIL PUY GOODS. RT.A.WSTORE. CligtAP CURTAIN , GOODS FURNITURE 06VERINGS. Brassielles, Baps, Damasks, Tavestri4s, dating* elusive, ' Rich Lace aid °attains., Rick Lace and Muslin Draperies, Furniture Chintzes, Dimities, - Mareens, Binds, Loops, Tassels, Cornices. . SHEPPAIID, VAN HARLINGEN, ABBISON loos ortisntur Street, Importers of 011111Z:is and 'ffaiiiabingGooxls. se24-witiBt 10241 CHESTNUT STREET. E. NEE DLES. LACES WHITE GOODS, LINENS EMBROIDERIES. A full assortment of the above on hand at. LOW to which additions are made of all NOVELTIES._ 102 t >CHJ STNUT STREET. ---"" VDWIN- HALL &,-B110; • 26 BOUTS Jua SBOOND Street,' will old, this morniag Beautiful Shades of Sop as. Plain and Fancy Silks.' Bich..Printed:Cashmeres and Reps. • Fine finality, French Me: noes. A. great variety of new et Tleo of ,Dress Goodis. N. W—!.Taw'ilkwdsopening ise2s-0 , MEW MOURNLYG STO.R;E : i d L.! . 926 ORESTNU STREET. The above eetablielnuent will be opened.on Or about the let 00T9B . Elt, where, in dition - to a Tory select stock of - . •i ',..";;• 0 . . f . r • . .DRE6B . GO DS, , Ludiea can procures • I , 'FULL aulr or nouaii ,4ti IN . 4. !Far HOURS' Our extensive i 4 MILLINERY D AILTHENTa will altiays be round to contain he latest styles. EVERY - AETIOLN FOR :MST AND SECOND &MTN including'a very celebrated ma o of " ENGLES-II BO s BAZINE," imported and , manufactured EXPRESSLY FOR TU' ESTABLISHMENT, which will be carried on to su the taste of the - L ADISS OF PHYLA Goods sent out on approval. ' M. & A. MYERS & Importers. sel7.wfmilt FALLCLOAKS' AND SHAWLS; New Fall Cloaks opened daily. Winter Cloaks in preparation. Striped all. wool Brooke Shawls, $B. Fall and Winter Woollkt lahawbs. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. BOYS , OLO CHINA. Fine Reedy-made Clothing for boll. Snits made to order. t. °GOTHS, CASSIDIF.RES, VESTING'. Just opened, several , large lots Oasslmeres. -Boys' wear of every grade and style. 11,060 3 , ards Black and Fancy- theasimeres, 760. to O. 6.4 Blue Flannels; Bieck, Bine, tild Brown Cloths. I e &flee Oloaltin - g Cloths for Bali and Winter. DRESS GOODS. Rep. Poplins; French Aferinoes,Delaines, do. Black Dret3s Staffs el reasetwable rates. ARMY DIA NIEETS: • COOPER de. (1014kR15. se2o 5. E. tor. NIN3.K. and MARKET Streets. GOODS FOR AUTUMN. • '• • Auttomi Saks, dark colored Checks. Black, Plain, and Figured Silks. New designs Fancy Do Baines. Bich Do Latnes of lower grades. Foil du Norde and Long Chatere. Handsome and new Plaid OasMacros. Plaid Vitlenclas and 'Worsted. Poplins and Figured Drogneta. French Ohintzes of new styles New assortments of French Eferisos. Stella Shemin and Striped Brodie. Fancy Shirting Flannels. . . Embroidered Teb:e Cloven. ' SCI AB PLEBS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. CORAP • • DRY GOODS, CA RP ETS, IL CLOTHO, AND • WINDOW -1311&D tl.3.—T. E. •AECHANIBAULT, N., E.'corner //LEVEL/Tit and MABEET etrceta, will open ill , . morning, from ttnotion e Ingrain Cercele at 37. 45, 60; ea, and 760; Entry and Stair •Carpete, ]6 to 65c.; hag Carpet!, 31, 3T, and 450.; Floor Oil Clothe, - 37 to 60c ; 'Gilt bordered Window Shake. 60e. to $1 56; Buff and Green Window flollaod, 16 to 2Cc.; Flannels, 26 to 60c.; Drees Goode In great variety, from 160> 50c; Canton Flannele, 25 to Sic. ile24.wfml2t tr: STEEL & SON, • NO. 11S North TENTH Bt.; above Goatee, Have now open a °bolo° rusertment of NEW FELL AND - WINTER DRESS GOODS. Etch Fancy Stilts. - New Shades In Bilks. • Figured Black Silks. Plain Black Bilks at. Low Prices. Bich Floured and Plaid French EOM _ Plain French Rept; . 1111 ahadee. Plain French flerlooird. all shades. - PLAIN ALPACAS, . , In Black, Brown, Mode, Blue, and Scarlet. Poll De Cherves, Lelaines, And ovary variety of Now and Choice seasonable Dress Goode. Also, a large assortment of ' BLACK STIOLLii SHAWLS, • • , LONG AND SQUARE WOOLEN SHAWLS, • ''sell-tf AT LAST TRAP'S zPRIOICS. MEW_ GOO DS.-IVIOUBLIN DE lainee • new styles nest Plaid Glace Poplins; Min m He Bine, Green, and Brow-a Figured Cashmeres; beantiftil neat Figured Bap Pop lins; Blue and Seifert; • no Detainee; new Calicoes, choice patterns; neat Plaid Flannel for Gents' Shirts, very desirable and scarce; also a nice assortment of Casedmeres for Mon and Boys, at JOHN H. STOKES', 10120 702 ARCH Street. 2 OASES SOLID F4G'D SILKS- Solid Brown Figured, Folid Blue Figured, - Bond Green Figured. - . VINE /BLUE AND.BRO W NOES— - Humboldt 'Purple Mc rinoee, .;. • • New Shade Blue fderinoes,:" • ...-• Light and Dark Brown ilderhioes:' BYRN it LA.NDELI., -i- FOURTH . and AROH. n FOR PENYLVANIA S HAWLS ?BABB— . • - Full Line of Blaok Shawls, Fnll Line of Black &allay; Line of Woollen BYRE & L &NDICLL, TO OR FLA.NNEL. SKIRTINGS, STRIPED ADID PLAIDS good quality and desirable atyles, mat reealvcd.• :• SHEPPARD, YAIIIIABLINGEN. k ALRRISON, • 'l'looB OHErYNJIT street. AR" BLANKETS; ARMY BLAN- For sale **low vrteelieiby t'. • BBEPPABD; VAN HARLINGEN, di ANIIIO2I, se2o4trp . • . -.IOO9iOBII3TNIIT SILK AND DRESS GOODS. VALEstpc,K, • SILK AND FANCY DRESS - GOODS. 1f . A. W. LITTLE & et2s-2m No. 325 311:11,83T BT, GENTS' FTREISILING GOODS. GEORGE -GRANT, DIANNFAOTIIBER:OP AND DEALNE IN GENTS' •FURIqI.I3Ip,G 0-00DS, NO. 610 .011ISTNIIT BURIN relkem , si FI"'SHIRT MANUFIKOTORY. The subeetiber would Iniate to bit _ IMPBOYST) our or saran, 'lnlet' he makes a erufalty In hls hilliness. Akio, ocn tinnily receiving NOVIILTINS FOB 4INTLIIIIEWI3 WHAR. J. W. SOOTT. 6RNTLEGIRN , I3 FURNISHING BTOBI, . No. 514 affaanfur sr:Luz , 1041 Your Snore below the Continental. ==a . • WCO ll * . .Fl-T4 .. • . • • r • No. 130 P 5944 BralsT, PHILADELPHIA, . , marrorionrans or • PATENT . OAST-STEEL'` . • • TABLE CUTLERY; Also, the BEST and CHEAPEST ARMY KNIFE, ,FORK, and SPOON IN ?LIR MARKET. Warranted , CAST-STEEL -FORKS. re24.reftsBm LOOKING GLASSES. J AMES S. A R 313 4 & SON, NANUFACTURIBB AID IMPORTERS ov LOOKING GLASSES. OTh PAINTIFOR, FINB ENGRAVINGS, FIOTIIRR AND PORTRAIT MAXIM PHOTOGRAPH inuarzes, PIJDTOGRAPR.A.LBUINN I . GARTZB-DB!VIEIPPI PORTRAITS EARLE'S GALLERIES, ine ollinNuT mart sag .I.IIIILADIIIAMUL TR 188 AND' BRAM DB. PART/fa/RT. • 0. H. 1111.DL7.8, Corner TWELTIR and &fan Stradda, pbilndelptda. .Bengal Trams and meolusulcsi apidlnnoes normal, dieted by 0. 11. NXBDLICS. Tine French end aaProTed American, adapted to eYea7 farm of rupture, In adults end 'children, English and, American Supporters , and Solna Shoulder Braces, 60. renaories, Itlentie Stooklngs, and tn'.great w , riety. Ladies , .Department, street, 17 4 4 dooebelow.Baoe, Oiniducteid by cionipeteat Ldlea. 1121-8 m U' LANDFILL, , FOURTH and AZOIL COMXISSION "HCMSES W iNNELL GREENE - MA. i I JFACTURINGV 00.1 Rl - 14 T 400 .thigsei -wow. Irma,- STELIES:' • • . • , . ion SALE NE. :'• VELLIN6 COFFIN, 00 -no. 220 CHESTNUT Street. SEA.MirMSS- BAGS. "LEWISTON" and "PREMIUM" " A." TOE BALE BY WhILINta, COFFIN, & 00., jy2l-mwt2ra No. 220 CHESTNUT Sizreet, QBAMLESS _BAGS. Sterk's 16,000 Androscoggin'. :Lewiston - A._ Prince Albert. Answkeag 0. Ozark. Premium A. Tinton A. Jute, &a. .ko For Bate, net,eash on delivery, by fe'23-3m ATLANTIC DRLAINR COMPANY: MOURNING PRINTS , Black and White, Black and Purple, Black and Gray, Black and Lavender, NEW STANDARD STYLES WILLIAM SIMPSON NEW FALL STYLES OP MADDER FEINTS, ' PEON SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA, 128 AND 130 CHESTNUT STRRET. an27-lm A RMY GOODS. - DARK.BLEZ COAT ovYrEts. DARK-BLIIE OAP OLOTBS. SKI -BLOB OLOTELS FOB ,OWEIGERS. ABET BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OIINOR DUOK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND_DOOK. BROWN AND BLEAORDD SKEEI'INOK AND SKIRTINGS. • . FROTEUNGITAIw & WELLS. !sal- ff ARMY BLANKETS. 11 ' • GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FON, SALB BY 1 FROTHINGrHAM - WELLS. AGENTS. an29-tt WELLING, COFFIN, & NO. 220 OIINSTNIIT STREW, ore prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OY AMM - Y WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, OF STANDARD QUALITY. atar.au, SHIJPILEY. HAZARD. & krtyrokriNsoic, No. 112 OHEBTNIJT BT3IIIIT, C9IIMIBBION MZEOlit &DMZ', 901 TELIE BALI OF FEILADELPHIA-MADE GOODB. MILLINERY GOODS. - FALL MILLINERY GOODS. , Ito SENHEI . M4:. .. •• . BROOK, & 004 431 MARKET STRERT, . . - NOR TH . BIDE , • . HIM now open for their • . . . FA . -L . .L SALES A. LA.ROR • AND HAM:II3OMR , STOOK Or FALL -14 IL LINERY GO.O DS, • • oonstsTrtio ow • .itiWNS, VELVETS, SILKS, • EVRAW AND FANCY .' BONNETS MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which the attention of the trade is DESPEOTICILY SOLICITED. 1862 FALL. 1 862 WOOD lc - CA.RY, SIICONSBOBS TO lilkicet.74:wooD, & StIOHOLIS, Have now In More a . . • •- COMPLETE:STOOK - MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING} OP Silk, Velvet, and Colored Straw . BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &e., To which they respectfully Invite the attention of the former patrons of the Holm% and the trade generally. TETOS. KENNEDY 8c BRO. • .• . • • . 729 . 011116717 T, ,BDLO W EIGIITH. HAY~4O* *ADY THEER regi-ritivwrierroNs o.i.piz*: • FLONVERK - ' . FEATHERS „. . ••• :AND GIOREMILTi” XIIILINERY . OOODIL sear : -• • • : • FINANCIAL: U. S. MIMI FIVE TWENTIES: 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THICOPTION •OF THE GOVERN- MEET AETNA FIVE YEABB.I I am [flatmate , / by the BECV/TABY or TEM TINABITEIT to receive rabootipttoom for the Above LOAN AT PAR. Tax INTEREST TO CKIIIIMENOM YBON DAT.'" OF DEPOSIT, Titus •voiding the difficulty heretofore exporkmoed by' feanfring payment In GOLD of the Interest from ilay A la ImPOly of thaw Boil& lihreil on hind. JAY 00_01KE, SUBSCRIPTIONUm, 114 SOUTH THIRD„ ly7S-tt JAMB I. WALTON, f 7 .0.1“0 W. TOM, - NITALTON & YOST, y shairaus, BROKirlia, LSD GENERAL OOLI-/NoToßa, No. 46 Bourh THIRD Btr 484 Philadelphia. RETERV A ncrig. - Jar looks &Hon. .1PM4311 POliOeke IMO', Kent, Bantle, a 00A, , Hon. H. D. Foster, Liberia; Black, k go., Hon. A. H. Reeder, O. NoKibbin & Bon, Hon. Asa Packer I. P. Middleton & 'ire, ' Hon.-Warren J. Woodward. Ron. Wrn• Wil&ir 4 an7-8m , V. L. Bradford, Red. Ett --Just , received, per Brigan t ine 'I lir' A, &an Rotterdam, an Invoice of Treble An nor. - 814, 'For sale from the Wharf, or from Ouskan ‘uvr 7.Ags Store, by 011A8. 8. ()ABSTAINS, bole Agent, Abs. 121 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE! Streets.' self LADIES: AND . GENTLEMEN hafe , GENTLE ME their looki beauty greatly frairoved by Ylidling the femoral Hati-ayeing Baleen, liratrftTlitetal B HANG El 61treeti. Best tfti -GEO, QUIGG,' 219 OHIIIIOII-Alley Z . ..pr - 1ie104.........8 4 11i.gp r 7 ama iln4kvuoilLToii W.P. WILSTACH - As -- Co.; . 38 NORTH TUIRD STILE IT, Philadelphia. WM. T. SW, ODGRAES, No. 34 SOUTH' SECOND STREET. ARMY AND NAVY . . .11-CY H H 0 . 11 SE. 6 4.Dark Blue, from to $B.OO 8.4 Light Bluelyfrom.. . 1.50 to 2.00 6 4 Light Blues, froM 8.50 to 6.00 6.4 Bilotti end Beavers, from 1.50 to 7.00 8-4 end 6-4 Indigo Flannels. 60 to 2.50 4-4 and 6 .4 Stripe and. Phtin,Woolen Shirt ' ing 62 to 2.00 eel6-12t - • - ARMY GOODS I Bky Blue Kereeys. Blq Blue eassimeres, (for Officers' Pants.) Dark Blue Uniform Cloths. White Domet Flannels. Twilled Gray Mixed Flannels. U. S. Regulation Blankets. ALSO 10- ounce and 12-maw Standard TENT DUCK. In store and for sale by SLADE, SMITH, & Co. NO. 89 LETITIA, AHD 40 SOUTH IrBONT STS.. su27—lm PHILADELPHIA. TENT -BUTTONS AND BLIPS, 11. S. Standard, manufactured and for sale by J. P. REED, Corner of THIRTEXSTII and NOBLE Streets, se264mo* . Philadelphia. Bums IaROMMETS for Army Blan ...keti' and Leggingi, manufactured end for orao in any gwnttty at BIS= and OOLUELB ' ser2s-lts*' • N. IYINS. • FROM. 40 (ANTS TO ;25 . .PHOTOORAPEI ALBUMS TEE. L &ROES V STOOK! THE BEST ASSOETKEET ! . THE LOWEST PRICES!" . All Albums warranted perfect la every 'respect, and the prices gearenteed to be LOWER than at any other Store in Philadelphia. One call will Battery any one that wefulthe the letter everything we advertise. All new Books sold at a d'avonnt. • PITOHER'S Neap Bookstore, se26.Bt 4.9 CHESTNUT. NEW .00IINTERFMS -PETEEL BON'S IS THE ONLY ERLI&BLE DETEOTOR PUBLISHED! 56,000 CIRCULATION PEDIRBON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR FOR CORRECTED BY DREZEL b 00. , BANNERS AND BROHERS, PHILADELPHIA. It fa published monthly antrakel.motithly.(on the let and lsth of every mouth), in. a.large quarto page, and, coutaics from 40 to 48 pages in number, and It is the Mc:et Complete, It is the Most Relish's, It is the Host Perfect, lt is the Lareeet, And is the BEST avd only RELIABLE DE TitOPOR of Counterfeit and Altered Bank Notes ever published. - Single Copies Ten Cents, or One Dollar a rear. For sale at T. B PETERSON A BROTHERS.' It 305 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ROMETBING NEW ! ! SOMETHING • P...) NEW!!! • FAMILY BIBLES, arranged for PHOTOGBAPIIIO PORTSAITS of FAMILIES; Several ethos now reedy. PR AYES-BOOKS and 'spun, in great variety, ranging from 25 cents WSW; PITCHES'B Bookstore ee 3t 4119.0HEST NUT Street. $1.75. PHOATLOnuGaAPH $1.75. A new lot bound in TURKEY ?tf.oltoooo, FULL 1312 E, with clasp, reduced to 81.76, LESS Taaff COST TO MANUF/LOTURE. Other styles proportionately low ! PITCHER'S Cheap . Bookstore, et. 6 tool ' 489 CHESTNUT Street. HE BATTLES -IN L. 'We Shall have ready TO•DA,Y. _ ANOTHER FULL SUPPLY of Blunt's Map of Virginia, giving clear and accurate information concerning ALL THE BATTLE-FIELDS now engaging attention In. Virginia. Price, 50 cents. Also, )tcOleUan'a War Map of the Middle and South- On States, upon which are marked all the Battle-flelds, ata , compelled by the dates. Prfoe For sale by WM. S. A. ALFRED MARTIEN, set 606 CHESTNUT Street. WA R TELEGRAM MARKING MAP OF VIRGINIA.• SIZE 2.6 BY 28. PRIG& 26 CENTS. Sold in all Periodical and Book Stores, also sent to ..vsy address on receipt of price. For particulars see adver tisement in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. -- L. PRANG & 00., Publishers, 109 Washington street s Boston, Mem. ". '".- BROMEREEMYB' .011 0111- I W. LAMING Lisa,Katim the NEW. itaglish and American Books, including-ALL GLASSE d of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not raPEINTE O here. - Terms e 5 per year; six months $3.; three , menthe 111.66; one month 76 cents,' or At, mute for 1387. - 31 8 - 121 ..41- BIGHTS Street. • seMss .MINGLI 3H -AND PR,N NO 11 FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY ANI);.OA.RINIIT LI LECTURE, 1317 CHXBITTUT STRRUT. . • . Subscriptions per year,, month, and SAX. • General catalogue just published, famished Me n& In Press,' Catalogue a the Young Ladies' ;Franck LI. bran'. " Catalogue de 14 Ba3liBt4iquedits palms al deii DS moiseUes ." M. M. DlONAcarEst, Ageat, ' se6-1m 1317 CUSS:MUT Street. SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND DRAW IMF SCHOOL.—FM of One Gertnais.l3iivar Infra mente—price 24„. The instramenta of these seta are epe cislly arohltectnral and mechanical drawinse, or fancy deelgning Nerve:Land for eabi. by & 00 , Illatharoxical Inatanment Maker, ec213.12tr . 924 OfiltfiTNUT Street. PROF. HIRAM CORSON'S SE cast' Annual et twee of Lectntee on Raga* Po etry, Literary Art, and Orttiottun, will comma:lce on nr.r.49)AY, Octobar,l4 4 1862. 3for particular& NM Cir. value at Leypelitim foreitra Book' Store, Fo. 1323 ClEftfillfTlT Street. . . • ee23 7t MIRY VOII NEVER TIRE-OF.LOOKINO -Z. at a hved one's iace, and to have Atmt pitman al troy e son abould bats a picture llke B' (Wpred Photographs. - They are most Itfo litre. *Only IL SE OONI) Street, above Green. - it* TEOW BEAUTIFUL! HOW NATU -11.±.L ! and other erelemstione of nudes, burst from ell who Bff REIMER'S truthful Port:natal Life elite 011. colored Photogrsphe now being made et War prices et SECOND Street,'above Green. • it* WHITE PRESERVING . BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GRFIN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES, &c., &c. All the *requisites for Preserving and Pjcialut / s lalom ALBERT ROBRTS, • • • ••.:. DILIANS IN FINN asocnanne, sed-ti CIOSITNit ELEYNNTH AND WNW. EYE AND Da. JAMES LBWIB, 00IIGHT and AUBIST, has again re turn,' f rom his professional tour - iniCurope. and perma nently located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Office hottre from 9t012 A. M., and 9to4P. M. se 24.bniffe etHAMPAGNE.—An irivoioe of " Gold V Leo" OHAMTAG.RII, loot reoeiyed per 14 Lis Bun. sell." For sale by OHAB. B OA.B.STAIBB, Bole taunt, $4lO No. 138 WALNUT said 21 OW= &reek MILITARY GOODS. MILITAR,Y GOODS. 10-oz . U. Eg• A. DUCK• 1~-O►Z... DO. y DO. STANDAMD ;DRILLS•_ HEAVY COTTON FLANNELS. THE ABOVE. IN STORE: FOB BALE BY DE COTTEBEY &,- lIAMILTON, A. B.—We are prepared to rye contracts for fah , tore del( verieg of ' STANDARD GOOD'S. 0(24. et MILITARY TRILMIIINerS BRASS lEN.APSACK, TRIMMINGS, U. U. Regula tion, with 'Buckles, in complete 80111. - ROLL rat BUOKLES, %-incb, for Haversack& BRASS INFANTRY ACCOUTREMENT MOUNT INGS, in complete sets. BRASS 'HAT ORNAMENTS, Eagles, Bugles, Trum pets, Crossed Sabres, and Crossed Cannon. BRASS LETTERS and NUMBERS. BRASS CAVALRY BELT ItIOURTINGS. BRASS INFANTRY do. do. BLUED CAVALRY MOUNTINGS, U. S. Regula tion, in setr, complete, including Saddle Tree, Picket Pin, Lariat Rope, Curry Comb, Horse l3rrielt, and Storrs. BRASS; SCREW and STRAP: SPURS, for offica l s BLUE, SCARLET, and GRAY BLANKETS, for °Ulcers and Privates. pe2B-1m Dark Blue Cap Cloths. Dark Blue Blouse Flannels. NEW PUBLW.A.TIONS. 00TO BE El CIaCTILATING LIBRARIES EIIIICATIONAL. PHOTOaItAPHS, AUCTION 6.4ttt'g. 5 / BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN. SOB STREETS. AUOTiON 841.1 C or IrossiEl: - On SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 .o'clook, at the BAZAAR. - lucictded in the catalogue, will be riesiil FORTY HORSE •, A large collection of desirable new S, and' seoond.hand Oarriages, Wagons, Remote, de., with which the sale will comrneoce. $l7 .- No postponement on account of the weather. FALL TRADE OF, OA111M:ill3, • ' - • ON WNDNZSDAY NONN/illO, • October let. at 10 o'clock. compriellig over ONNIZUNDBED OAREtIa4EB. Kir Opeiffor eimeehtatlon, with catalogues, on: Moo. day next- ec.25.2t ALFRIM M. NT RICNESS, Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. S. JOHN. - DitEW.l3 STBEZT'THEATBN. •• Acting and Stage Manager • W.S.PINDMIMOJEtE. Business agent ato Treasurer. MURPRT, FARE WELL BENTIFIT bM.Mrfe.B 'COOMMIL TCLISIGFIT (FRIDAY}. 13:iteT. 2Entis 'rum LADY OF LIMNS. Pat:dine' Miss JA.MM.OO . 0M133. To conclude with isE HONEY MOM*. • Prices as, venal. Doors open at 7,V--dOwlaiti rhea at 7% o'clock, WALNUT-STREET THEATR.B.-- fteie Lessee Arm M. A GAEIiETTEOR Engineer Agent 3Tr. JOHN T. OONNELLIF., BENEFI'F SltD LAST NTGN r OF .5185 N. WALLER. THIS fERTDAY)- EVENING, WT. 25' Will be reerented the Ist WI, aiid sth sets of ttoTrage- , trl pr MAGNET/L. 1•1;d7' Macbetb., • • Eitiffg - wAtLEIre Atter *ilia tbe f'.4 act of OTIV6IAO Ia - • • • •-•• ,• • • E klhri WALLING Tete;nebide wits THE DORE BELLE. Doom trpen nt 7---Ferrennance commences arni. noßdui itND Fuvrift FI'STIVATI, in aid of & SOLDT2IIS' HONE, Corernene:.. 4 PrOkiDe.7 NVENING-, September 29; and' continulintifig'the week. at COSOWAT HAVEN The Lad having it zf eliarge intend - awaking it ther most imposing Fair ever holdlit this city. Aitrangenielite have been' mare with the (Tginflati.,4 'VECITESTAA. For every evening during , the week, - Directions er Bruits and Fiirivetrwill be Ihhek'telly receVred DA' Haiti - CRETSl.o ' 'ern T ts: For add'at the usual pleere. andit at the Ticket f‘iika of the Ilan! sett-10f NTH' &NEP , 9WHASTN UT! - 4 Anew ForiOß f • these • ' Gia:AsTio WTZTVE9:SOOPIO Coraprising - PlietegrapbioTiews of thif most noted doeneff nod Objects et,lrtstorical literest in tite Old World ant' Yew; DISPLAYED - FOUR InINDE SQUABS ENT, • WM be exhibited Er ETYW TENT, EVENficri. MIA weeks A CHAtIGIC .08"PROGBARKE Adraiselon - 2te ciente—Children 3.oEcenta: A package re twinty-fOur-ticketa for 88: 4 Doors open , at 73C1 cotamencwat 8 b'clecir. Matinee oirBatnrday at..2p'eleck. pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY fair THE TINE ARTS, 3025 CHESTEIST STREET, Is open daily (Stuidays excepted" from9A. IL till 1 1 1 P. H. Admission 26 cents. Children kidf • Sham of Stock, S6O. WANTS; MO H A.PrrE-R WANTED; IMMEDIATELV; TWENTY SIZ'ER4O, D. P. OUBBERLErk COM: NM. 2t* MILLINERS . WA NT to' make Moner:Ont e Bonsai, at the . New Mourning Store, 926 OBESTNWT Street. [it] M. &A. MYERS & WANTED-TW 0 'INTELLIGENT ' find active Bien. to Polka boldness fora Life Irenrance Company. Addeele i giying reference ea to • character end ability, Itdxll.2, Pbilada. P. 0. sP26 2tir ANTF,D—A Situation-as- Assiagit Book=keeper, or in a Opal Office. Good re. forenoon given. Address "J. W.," Press offioe. ee23. (It* WANTED -A FRENCHL tDY. to give 'reasons in Prencla sod Music No 'one a need apply unlese she has had experience in teaching end can furnish satisfactory references. Address 0 P. 124 424 Pontb ELNVENTIT Street. a.% ee22-11 • BOARDING: pLE A 8 AN T ROOMS, SINGLE AND Commaniciting t with BOA.BIYINS, No. 198, CHESTNUT Street. • -25 51* youic G PrE WS :SOME; ... • . • ltdil FILBERT Utreet. oppoidte Penn Secoro:-= BOARD and setting, tiro . d.tlars per week. Aft who desire a comfortable hasie will do well 'to call and ex amine tbts house. ALEXANDER BLO . eel9-12t Superintendent. . PLEASANT• BEOOND - STORY' imam with boaid, at Ger lm REMOVALS. R EMOVAL. --oT ROM AS MARTIN S . Real Estate spent and Collector. would re:Maitliths inform bin friends and the public that he has removed bit' office from the Northwest corner of Third and teinharit streets to bin dwelling, Northwest corner. of FOURTEr and TINE Btreets where he hopes to receive the cme tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon him In former rears. sel9.7tss . PERSON AL • .IpI9OSI3IONSi- .$lOO .BOUNTY - AND - PATlproanred..And collecied for Soldiers, Sams., and the *datives of such as are deceased. by - FULTON, .A.I . TORNII7. AT RIS LAW 'AND OOLLBOI.ION OFFIGE, 4111. A WALNUT. Street, Philadelphia. For business done in this line charges ten be as fol lows: For collecting Soldiers' and Sailors' Pay loss thew $5O in amount, In i when over 860 in amount ) 23i• per cent. on the excess. For collecting arrears of Pay SA 8100 Bounty for relatives of deceased soldiers. 21cper • cent. For procuring Pensions, tho Government fee, s6' For collecting and procuring such for relatives of de ceased soldiers that have volunteered Ritmo the August, 1832, from this city, no charge, as previously proposed. ' JA3tFI3 FULTONt Pe2o , If if 424' WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALEARD 'TO LET. sAyetzfi see.ondrhapd. GERMANTOWN OARRIAGIL in Brat-rate onentifon. for safe low:" A tedv to LEWIS WATSON. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. 5e213.211e LET--SEOOND STORY ROW, _a_ • 30 by 60, eitlebditliy•lbthted. Inquire on promisee, N 0.12 'North THIRD .Streot, . se7s.3t* - DENTS BEDUCgD .1 1 1 0 IWO AND sirs a year. Modern conyerdenoee. Apply 11101, COATES t treet. se26.3tlV MK• FOR BALE - OR - TO RENT- A large Porter, Ale4and Lager• Beer .BRIG OVERT, In gOod_ order, &cod ette`om. foods.) of GEORGR -4 RRIOR, Igo. 188 RICHMOND Sire* Nimitoontk . ward. 0825.6t* . is . . FOB, SALVOR EXCHANGE .ars. A FINN FARM, containing 217 acres; situated on the banks of the. Delaware, 25 miiiiiisbase ; the city;.convenient to steamboat lauding, and railitopit station on the place. Also. a large mother In the' Joining counties of all sizes in acres. A only to ' gen lag TO EXCHANGE- —VALITABLO eau.. FARM, containing 64 acres near railroad station.. in Ducks county, large stone buillinggi, large apple or chard, and other fruits. Also, sesswal fruit Damao:par. Dover, State of Delaware. Apply to se2o ADENTAL FRAOTIVE FOR•EIALIC:. —To a Dentist who wisbos a good location, cau bear of one by addressing Donlist,' Press Moo. 8616.1m' FOR. BALE --K beautiful .001 C. Mg. TAGIL and six acres ois:Orcand, in the interior Pennsylvania, desirably itSAated and arranged for sm,. academy or firet-class scheal, war a thriving vibe - and In a healthy location. Also. admirable DW1CL241;503 and Let, In,2few Bon Held, Perry county, Penr.at Also, a large number a kw:adages, lots, cod other pro-- portlee, for sale or exchnngs. B. F. OLBNif,-IMILSouth FOLTFITH Street, _ . . _ Bald and 8. W. car. LAINIINTEICITTF.P sad GREW. • TO RENT:-:-A THICLE-8TOIcr: . BBIGIEoxt 71/103 Ertreet„ one deot above Twelftl4 n s ort e. Bent low be a rood tenant. ANA , to WRIBEBILL 4 BROTEiXEI, jell 4 and - 49 North 81CgOND ta TO RIAT-A TREE-13TORT BEIDE. DWELLING, on PM Street, nee:: Seventeenth, norittrae. Apoly to UNIDO/MIL di 8801117.31, 41 end 49 Iti.rede SECOND Street. FOR mix 'Oll TO LET—FourZ Roues, pkthe west eldest BROAD Shwet, Mow • %humble swum Apply sir the pouthweet corner of NINTH and SANSOM. Streets. . nab 26.11 LPL. NONCE.—LEFEERS..T I ESTAMENrI TART on ihe Relate of BIM/A MIN A. FAUNS. STOONs.decessed. late.ot. the city oft Pbaadsloblay ing bee? panted to as, undersigned by the Register off Wills at said city, aiipersone indebted are reques!ed to ; make psyment, awl, those baying daims or fkanfzidr. agelu3t said estate,to,nresent the-same without delay by G. W. IAIINE.STOOK. 40/1 MARKET Street. A. Xi, PAHNESMEK, 1804. AROSE Street (Jr to their Attorney ' ERAS, B. LEX, se2bifit 51 North SIX rff Street. INSIIR&NCX: COMPANIES. VAlitiri INStfitANCE 00111PANyi JIL: No. 406 OFEEMPUT Street • WEI AND .7101 SAND 814TURA2P0.1. • ' VD3NOTOZ#S. N. W. Buck, 4 6 D. WoodrILIT, Ohm. Bioluirtiato, .Bobo Ressler, Jr, Near, Lewis, Jr, P. 13. Jralloo, ' Alm WialatiA, - - Wuoixtriatan Zorki, Geo. A. Wee k , Ma& Epogoe, 0. W. Davie, J,ohaW. reierzola. 111A31018 N. EVCX, Prepiemet. MARINO BIOHAILDBON, Vice Pr,&c..,%P.. WILLIAM L BI4NCI!IALIID, Eilenratriry. Dik.bl9-lelit - - VOBBIONWEALTH Hilik INS ‘J P IRU /11kNIA. M 0012PAIY, 01 TEEM MTN 03 • Xl/ • . Duld Jane, M.D., Charier 8 Beaora,• • John ht. WhjtIFIK • John K. Walker, 'Award 0. arum, B o N u t ha m imaktir, Thomas B. Mewl" William thrniben, • Koury Lewis, Jr. =oh Jones. • DSPLD JATKS, M D., 1 . 114W6AL ta.wurria4i'T`W 4 cli VLAREMIL EL MOON', fitocrotor7. Moe, OomnionwoonhUlm , 4 1 12 OHNBIWIN etreet. Philadelphia. • set-11 tl. ZINO, ARMY, AND TOILET MIRRORS. The beet in the world for flub& and durability. B. M. EL . • The beet brand Stik-iintetted VRINIIT RIBBONS. Pole Agent, BENJAMIN M. BMITIL'' 166 DUANE s treet, near lip* 13ro3diarer, ? l e 01 se29-3al WI South THIRD Street • •B. PIITTIT, No 309 111141ANNT A•treet. Z. NETTIT, No. 83i) , WALNUT Street,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers