THE CITY. The Thermometer SEPTEMBER 19, 1861. ISE P TEM nr.B. 19, 1862. 6 A M 12 H . Br. Y. 6A. K. 12 Y. Br. 64 • 75 76X 68x 81 82 WIND: ' • VV. E NZ. '1 W. by N. WNW. W SOMP.THING MORN A BOUT EXEMPTS.— To rbronicle ell the features which give variety to the adieus of exempts, or those who would fain be so, would , tire the patience of the reader as much as the pen of the reporter. Some moat Omni rumors are extent in gard to the doings In the several wards and precinct',. rumors which are as humorous •as they are fictitious.; • We would riot wield the judgment of a censor upon the; large clas s of stay - at-homes which surrounds tie. Nail • we will go tar as to say that there are those who more 'truly perform their duty by remaining at their firesides: 'than they Would byrinarchiog into the cannon's mouth,: Nevertheless, there are not a few scenes, in deseribing 'which a satirist might be satirical, if not in a part tattler .Ly good.natured mood. A selection of Mtifilaftteedi youths, of debilitated bodily aspects, who have beset cer. fain offices, end who, if their actions are an lades to' their intellects, grove that nature has not shown her usual abhorrence to a vacuum, by filling these ari— a selection like this constitutes a highly edifying class, and one on which charity should be exercised to the utmost. Briefness, proteselonal, and laboring men are • seized with a sadden affection for the "good book," and exemplify their devotion by the ardor with which they kiss the cover while they 'alma)? "swear or affirm " Their bps, doehtless, discover an electric attially In the calfskin intensely gratifying at a time when so much sympathy is misspent. Green politicians, who intend to shuffle beautifully their political cards, aspire to sitting on the bench rather than digging to the trench, and want nothing to do with the "ace of spades." Aliens, who have never voted, who have never been naturalized, make gratuitous dernoestratioes of good will. A few elim specimens of humanity might be named whose muscles seem good for nought but to twist the moustache to a tenderer twirl, to gloss the chapeau with a shinier nap, to fillip the ashes from the end of a cigar, or to oil over the cracks 'of dilapidated patent-leathers. These claret', indeed, may be few and far. between. Mean while, let us.bestow our attention on' that glorions cern my which is living and dying for us on the fled. Every case of kleMPlioll is duly, inquired into, and the plea of no claimant is neglected. With proper officers to sift the chaff from the wheat, no chicanery can be exercised, and the result will be one of the purest justice. To give accurately the aggregate number of exempts, in every district, would form an interesting item lu mili tary statistic/. /Some of the Commissioners report an jaunt nee rush, and seven or eight a.-breast has been the stile with applicants in not a few offices. Bore will sot long be deferred in auticipatiog some most interesting in cidents,.both from the press and the public Stories in regard 10 those who have become, by law. exempt, from exemption, circulate freely in private life, and might we claim publication, were not fact stranger than fic- Bop, and consequently some romantic developments more . acceptable than the trite truth.. In a word, exemall number by Ste hundred, and their picas by the thousand. ' Donbtleee there are many attractions caboose—who shall say there are not ? Morning, noon, a. d night, are much pleasanter In city than in camp, (we employ the vooabrt lery of exempla.) It le much pleasanter to lie on feather beds than on mother earth, to use forks than to charge bay ocote, to cut with knives than to ant with sabres. The soldier's rations are not remarkably palatable to epicurean ethics. Pore and bread,. and muddy water, bear no crmparition with reed. birds or spring chickens; bears boiled to too much density to be eatable are no pleasant reminders of " anckertash," and the fond re membrance oflrosst lamb and "oysters on the half shell," of Scotch ale and London Brown stout, of lager beer and Limburger cheese, only make the months of vol unteers water in vain I But while such conviettione make us mourn, other facts constrain us to be glad. Tho recom pense of valor is glorious acid sure "Is the reward of virtue bread 1" The reward which virtue gives to patriotism is touch more than bread. All classes BM- Datbize and sacrifice for soldiers at home and abroad. The sourest old onside, and the sweetest young ones, charge bayonets infancy, whilst they nimbly ply their needles. Finger and toe, mind and muscle, soul and body, all are combined in one consecrated work. Youths and maidens of tender year., hot to the ear-tips with great thumps of heart," devote their undeveloped talents, through the season of their springtime, to the service of the - country. Little girls beseech the benevolent for pennies for their fair - ( 4 6 only one cent, if you plasm, sir 1") and little boys, when not engaged in the patriotic pursuit of groaning exempts, or bran dishing sabres, .(supposed to be pokers purloined ' from the Ocrnestic hearth,) or devastating each other's ranks with shot and shell, alias peach-atones ' small brick bats, and apples in a dilapidated condition, bring them selves to the task of manufacturing lint, and please mam mas by shredding old shirts. From sad experience we ate acquainted with one little fellow who, when we would fain take a "snooze," punctnally tweeds to his apart ment and beats his drum in the dark, doubtless to accus tom himself to the time when, with "darkness and with compassed round," he shall ant the part of the bold soldier boy. Drilling Is the order of the day. Sol diers' walking shores, and army boots. are in request, I end, verily, this is the time that tries men's soles. Our hospitals, generally, are attended by most careful Curses, male and female. Many of the leading ladies of the city have devoted their attention to the service of the sick and wounded. To the dying they administer, in tones which no man could employ, the, infinitely sweet consolations of religion; to the convalescent they speak of home and,happiness; to the young boys they bring back memories of their families and firesides ; and to the Old men they rehearse the heroic deeds of wives, and eons, and daughters The present is the hour not only of feeling, but also of action. The most invincible of widows, the most inveterate of old maids, whilst she knits the yarn into the souk or stocking, knits the ties of veneration more closely than ever she did when she ca. holed her husband or bamboozled her lover Every sex, every age, every condition becomes one—all.are united to the claims of true and everlasting liberty. To the soldier, particularly, to languish upon the inva lid's bed, is hard, indeed. To listen, far want of aught else, to the jingling of the tambourine , girl, and the melody of the organ-grinder, as the music echoes from theestreet through the ward, exam pilfhing the "harmony of discord," is one of the inevits• hie ‘l , llll afflicting the sick and wounded. Bat kind hearts feel for them, and kind hands work for them, and in this city, at least, no efforts are spared to make re cruits in health, es welt as In regiments. The brave who have refereed to us, enjoy many of the luxuries, as well as comforts, of life. They are invited so the houses of our most refined and respectable families; books— the Bible the history, the romance—are given therriand loaned them; refreshing perfume is sprinkled by tender bands upon their death-damp brows; cordials and tempt ing 'dainties entice their palates. Charity, like .the Palace of Art, is " royal., ich and wide." All that can besdone, is done, and when we congratulate onreeires upon our splendid successes, and brood over the de tel mul titude who have dons their duty, and the living, who live but to do it, we may apostrophize Liberty, as one of the most passionate of poets alluded to a being as near to trim : In the desert a fountain to springing. In the wide waste there still is a tree, And a bird in the solitude sit git g, Which tipealie to my spirit or thee 1" E PRZETDEti VS . COLONIZATION 0111412.—Wri learn that a movement is on foot in this city, in regard to the Preeident'e Oolonizetkon scheme. The colored people atom to be growled to the importance of the subject, and are interested in the selling of the ex pedition, which will probably take place about the 6th of October, and COMarkert re hundred individuals. The expedition will land at Otdriqui, on the Isthuine, two hundred mites north of Aspinwall and the Panama railroad. If no objection is made by the Ohlrkul Go vernment on arrival, a landing will be made in Ohirietal Lagoon. If objection la made, or if the mining and agri cultural prospects are not good, the' colony will go else where and settle; in the language of the paper of per mission from this Government, .• at any point within the nettles " Senator Pomeroy bee a letter from the Presi dent, charging him to "maintain the honor of the Ile public abrosa. , ' To every unmarried adult man will be granted twenty aerie ; to every family of five, forty scree ; to every family of over five, eighty acres. Large quantities of coal are now carried from Penn sylvania to Aspinwall, and any amount of It which mty be discovered must prove valuable. The country is the right one for corn and cotton, coffee and cocoa, rice and fruits, and plenty of potatoes grow wild there., 'through all the North anxious parties, making In quiries or offers, have addieseed Secretary Pomeroy, that gentleman having received more than a thousand Leticia. DEPUTATION TO HAOBILSTOWN.—In addition to the large deputation already sent by the Obrletlan Commission to Frederick, to look after the woni.ded of the recent battles in Maryland, they despatched last night the Bev. Dr. Bomberger, the Bev. Wee. G. Robinson, the Bev. S. W. Thomas, and Messrs. W. A. Duff and Thomas T. Mason, and some twenty vitals, to Bageretown, taking with them a large amount c f hospital MOM, to be personally distributed by theist to our sniffling heroes. The commission have now over fifty ministers and lijmen laboring on the battle field, without charge, save their expenses. There is the greatest mid of stores and money. All stores should be addressed to Gee. B. Stuart, Esq., chairmen, 13 Bank street, and money should be sent to• Joseph Patterson, Beg treasti• iron at Western Bank. A despatch was reoeived last evening from the deputation at Frederick, Baying that there is the greatest need for shirts, drawers, and sheets, in addition to other hospital stores. CIT) Z ENS' VOLII NTP.ER HOSPITAL, BROAD AND PRIME BTRZET.S—The managers of this institution have received face mattock that 2,000 sick and woutded soldkre from the late scene of action will be eent here on Tuesday. The Building Committee are in teed of about 20 carpenters, for which thty are wil ling to pay the regular days' wages, and ask tk, master carpenters to lend them, for three or four days, sdme of their hands, eo as to have the • building' reedy fn time. The ladles, a number of whoa have,. and are ezertiog themeeivie In behalf of thin n3ble institution, invite the co-operation of their female Wends, to make and pro vide shgete, shirts, stockings, bandages, lint, slippers, ac., and *mod the same to the Committee op Supplies, or any of the officers. THE DRAFT.— The report which we yu4llehed yesterday In reference to the number of volun teers who have °Waled from Philadelphia, as calculated by a committee of City Councils in conjunction with Colonel Ruff, will be forwarded to•day to Governor Cur. tin. Piet ident Allen, whose clerks made a similar Inves tigation of the facts of the case. will also send a report to the Governor, which, we understand, Is essentially the came. It Is likely, therefore, that, justice will be done Philadelphia, and that our patriot') city will be credited with en excess of about twelve thousand volunteers over her quota. In addition to those submitted to Councils, we leans that Philadelphia will be credited as follows: Anderson Troop 500 men. Austell Light Horse 37 . 4 Them were not counted in the official report publiehed in the journals yeeterday. • CREDITAIIVE AND GENEROUS.—At . a meeting of the managers of the Edgely Cemetery Com pany, held yesterday morning, it wee 'resolved that On. emotion of their ground. coal 6 — ivho may lose their life etioP of letr country during the present rebellion. The grounds of this company are located In the Twenty first ward, on the eastern side of the Schuyikill, and south of Laurel Hill, It comprises about forty nom near the Point road and Ridge avenue, and is elevated about one hundred and fifty feet above Fairmount dam. DEATHS AT THE ARMY HesPITALS.—;- The following were the deaths reported yesterday at the •rray hospitols : W2B? PHILADHLYSIIA. HOSPITAL —J. Minot Farrar, D, sth WhICOII9IO • Eli lambent, K, 6th Vermont. BROAD•STRREIT ' HOSPITAL —Peter Peto, 6th Ver mont. The number of deaths reported daily at our army hos pitals is comparatively small. This speaks well for the surgeons in charge. OPENING OF A CHURCH —The' Saint Pard , s (E. 0.) (Minch, In Ohrhitlan street, above Ninth, Mill open on to-morrow for religious services. This church woe almost totally destroyed by tire about a year since. The interior has been handsomely fitted np, the vide windows being ornamented with stained gluts, and the ceiling and walls frescoed. •" SAVAGE. Assalm.r.On •Wednesday, an individual by the nerve of Dr. Lewis Wrighter was committed to prison in default of f 5 2,0 00 ball, on the t heme of having committed en assault upon an nom. , tected female, with a two. pound weight. The affeir oe cnrred in a tiger beer saloon. In the eillageof klanayunk. The victim did not recover from the insensibility pro-, tinted by the blows for nearly five hours. TIIZ FOURTH PISTRICT . POLICIL— Stearn, Wm. 0. Gordon, city telegraph overator, Peter B Ktine, and Ohm. B. Smith, of the. Fourth &harlot police, affixed their names, Yeaterday morning, to the muster roll of Col. Bexter's FM) 20136,0 Regiment, The reinforcement of three will leave ebortlr;for the Doane of contort, the ZOLISVOB being now in hlcOlellan's army. HoN. THOMAS COCHRAN, of the Thir tentb ward, the representative of the Seventh district, "Pennsylvania Legislature has leis for the battle-teld, as a private in Compass% X, Gray •Iteservee—thns proving that be it willing to serve hie city In the army, as Weil as the councils of his State. SECOND UNITARIAN SOOIETY, who have consked the WT. William L. Obattiri3o:,heeorhe their sailor, will resume tbelr pabllo services (si•in'orrow. Mr. ( boffin u ettortly to be regaJarly Installed. , . . CORRECTION.—An unfounded rumor prevails to the effect that the War Department, at the euggeetion of the Citizens Bounty Fend Committee, are about to undertake the refreetunent of aoldleie on their march to Washington, as they pass through our city. We are requested to contradict the 'rumor, la most ohm); 11210 terms. Permanent barraoki, of en extensive °ha, rector, will probably be erected In the neighborhood of the city, but they will not Interfere, in the least, with the noble institutions provided voluntarily by oar (Atli zene, for the purpose of offering the beet means of re, flashing gallant soldiers, parsing through our city to the • feat of war. , ''" ''''' • • ttild. Our liberal cltizens, , who sustain the Cooper Shop Union Refreshment Saloons, the energetic committe oB who have charge of them, end the self-sacrificing , de toted women who personally superintend them, and the kospttsjs eitiched:to them, will not be interfered with, In be leak in their labor of love, THE QUARTER SASSIONS. — A. sess i on of the Criminal Court was to have been held yesterday, morning, but sowing to. the absence of Judge Allison, who has gone to Harrisburg, not much business was, transacted. Judge:Ludlow appeared upon the benob, and a writ of habeas corpus wee board in a hail case,' growing out of an assault and battery, alleged to have taken place at tdasaynnk, in which a matt was beaten so' badly that hie life is despaired of. The court room was pretty well crowded with parties anxious to hate their cases adjudicated, bet they bad to undergo an additional infliction of the law's delay. There lea large amount of business on hand to be, trans acted. • MURDEROUS- ASSAULT. -- resterday afternoon, at the Central Police Station, before Alderman .Ogle, fonr• men, named PatriolettUDontiongh, Thomas Peter Hagan, and Cornelia. IlloDonnongb, were charged with committing, a murderous swami on John Bleff.osker.' The affair grew out of a difficulty about the non-payment of rent due the prosecutor from - one Qf the defendants. McKoeker was met by the party ate beer saloon in the Fifteenth' ward, and so badly beaten by them that hie life was teepaired of. file jaw awl several ribs were broken. The ant was committed on the 6th bet., but owing to the severe 'Diaries of liloKo3ker, he was nnab'e to appear until yesterday. Be osnuot yel be considered out of danger. The alderman held the ded ferdants each in the sum of $2,000 bail to answer at court. PROBABLE ATTEiik AT DASICILTION.— A sailor on board tho New Ironeidee, named Aleiander Gibbs, was nearly drowned while trying to escape from durance vile. Two bladders, which he buoyed himself up with, giving away after his jumping \ overboard, he be.. gan to sink, and was only saved by shouting loudly, and by the harbor police barge No.l receiving him The corvette Jamettown finally afforded him refuge. We hope his next approach to death will be by fire, and not by water. UNITED STATIS HOSPITAL AT GEER MANTOWN.—Tbis hospital is being enlarged to accom modate one thousand patients. It is admirably located for the rapid recovery of the Invalid, as the past few weehe abundantly wove. The hospital acknowledges donations from the Soldiers' Aid:Society, the Ladies' Aid of the Heine Ilethodiet Church, and a host of patriotic ladies, WAR MEETING IN THE TWENTY FOURTH WARD.--Last evening a war meeting of the citizens of the Twenty-fourth ward was held at Oommis a'oners' Hall, 'Thirty seventh and Market streets, for the purpose of encouraging enlistments. Mr. Theo. Wilt berger was called upon to preside. Speeches wore made by Judge Ludlow and Major Miller, after which the meeting adjourned until this evening, at 8 o'clock. • /I PPEAL TO THE GEEMANEL—We acknowledge the receipt cf a German pamphlet, by Rev. Hermann Hokum, of East Tennessee. is a patriotic *Dotal to the Germans of the 'United States to set aside party ditrtrences and snetain the Administration. He relies upon God for dual 'success, and his pamphlet breathes the purest principles of love of country. • LIE AL REWARD.—w e airect the .at tention of our readers to an advertisement in another eoloron offering a reward of $5OO in gold for three $5OO 7 30 treasury notes, lost on the 9th inst. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. —The Se venth ward Du:peerage ticket has been completed by the following additional nominatione: Common Council, Charles Stuart; School Director, James Maguire. .APPOINTBINNT.—At the late meeting of the Board of Trig* of the Theological Seminary and Kenyon College, tie name of the Rev. Dr. Goodwin, of this city, was pnt in nomination for President of Kenyon College. The Board unanimously confirmed the appoint ment. MR. C. H. MATTSON aelnowledges the receipt of five boxes, containing clothing. preserves, pickles ' wine, &c , and one barrel of onions, from the la dies of Port Carbon and Palo Alto, directed to the Penn Be MI Association, in his charge. CAPTAIN WM. H. FRY'S TROOP leave for the seat of war to-day. R Is a fine 1,30 of youag men, and will give a good account of itself as won as it meota the enemy. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. PAILADIMPLUA, September 19, 1862. The exciting news from the seat of waihas operated unfavorably on business. eUlid the markets for most of the leading articles have been inactive, but without any material change to note. Bark Is unchanged, and firm. Brtadetuffs are firmly held, but prices favor the sellers. Cotton bee declined. Coal.and Iron are steady, and manufactured Iron in request at fall rates. Groceries have been quiet. Fish meets with a moderate demand. Fruit is active, avd the sales mostly confined to domestic green fruit at low prises. Provisions are more inquired for, and holder. are realizing better prices. NavalStoree and Oils remain quiet. Bice; Salt, and Seedi are steady. Tobacco, Tallow, and Teas are firm. Wcoi is unsettled, and rather lower. In Dry Gocds tbere is not much doing, but the market generally is firm, and advancing. The Breedetnffs market is inactive, and pricis generally without Sny material change, with a limited inquiry for Flour both for shipment and home use, and only about 5,000 bbla found bayonet s,scss 12% for superfine, $5.25 ee6 623 for extras, $5.7506.25 for extra family, awl $61007 bbl for fancy brands, se In quality, and the receipts and stocks Might Bye Flour li scarce, with mall sales at $8 62303.75 bbl. flora Heal is quiet at $3 12X for • Pennsylvania and $3 60 bbl for Brandywine. WIFIC&T —The demand has fallen off, and prices are hardly maintained ; sales of 60,000 bias. at $1.25e1 80 for good and prime Penne, and Western rod in store, and 61.3001.15 for Southern do, the latter afloat ; 61 35es 1.50 for white. live—email sales of new are making at 66008 c, and old, 70874 c per bus; a lot of new Dela ware sold at 85c. Oorn is dull and lower; bnyere are holding off with sides; of yellow at 68885 c, the lstter rate afloat. Oats are steady . at 85n38c for new Delaware, and 38040 c for heavy new Penne; old Osts are scarce at 58$800. Barley and. Malt remain quiet- PBOYISION6—T here is a better feeling In tbo market generally, with rather more activity in the demand ; sales of 600 WAN Mesa Pork, in lots. at Sll 50012, and prime at 68.60010. City-packed Mess Beef Is held at 612016. and sells in small lots ; country mesa is worth 612. Baton is in' steady demand ; sales of 400 teaks plain and fancy canvassed Hams at 8% esl3c, Sides at 08%0, and Shoulders at 53f i ofic; cash and abort time now generally held at our hiebest figures. Breen Meats meet a fair inquiry, but the stock here is light; salsa of HOMO in salt at 808%0, Sides at 534 c, slid Shoulders at sc. - Lard meets a steady inquiry, and prices are arm; sales of bbis and ice at 93{09Xe, and kegs at 10c, cash. Butter—There is a good demand for prime lots; sales of 400 kegs Western-packed at 11011%c, 85.003 lbs solld packed at 10X es!2c, and Western dairy at laXialfic. Fogs are worth 14c. 'UEDA LS.—There has been more doing in Pig Iron, and holders are arm in their views. Sales of 2,000 tons No 1 Anthraciteat 625. 4 months, and $24 oesh, includ ing LOCO tons Forge at $21022 cash. Nothing doing in kcotch Pig. For Blooms . , Bars • and. Boller plates, there Is a steady inquiry at full rates? Lead.—Tho stock here is extremely light, and it is held with increased firmness. Oopper is dull, and the'aales of bolt Sheathing and Yellow Metal ate unimportant; the latter is now held at 240, month.. BARI:C.—The receipts are light, and the demand steady. SAABS of IA No.l gitercitron M 632 per ton. Pribee of Termer's Berk remain ee last quoted, With limited slam BEESWAX is ecerce swell mks of Yellow at alono 4P . ' Th. cash. , CANDLES are very dull, and the pairs of adamantine, sperm s and tallow only in a small way, at previous rates. COAL. —There is more activity in the market, and the shipments, both East and for the supply of the Southern flo ills, aro large, but the scarcity of suitable 'vessels and the high rates of freight restricte operations.. ' COFFEE.—The market is dull, t ut there have been no further arrivals, and prices realn as last quoted. Sales of 600 bags, mostly Rio, at 22022 X c, and Lagnayra at 28023)4c cash and time. COTTON.:—The upward movement noted lathe article has been checked, and prices are unsettled and -lower. There is very little stock here Sales of 180 bales up land', at 52%058c cash—the latter rate for good middling quality, closing at esto 56c 4s' lb. DRUGS , AND DYES are without much change, and Sales limited, among which we notice Soda Ash at 2X 0 83, $1 25, and Rhubarb at $l, on the usual credit ; Indigo is firmly held.- . FISH —The Mackerel coming forward are hold 'firmly, with further Wes from the wharf of large new No. 1s at 8/4 medium do at $10.50, medium 2s $B, and 3s at $l. Small sales from store at $l4 50015 for large Is, $ll 50m . 812 for medium do, $8 5009 for new 2s, and $606 25 for 80. U. Herring are dull and neglected, and Codfish 'educe and high. FEATHERS attract but little attention ; sales of good Western at 860400 V' lb, cash and short time. RlllT.—Thers is no movement in foreign, owing to the want of supplies. The market le bare of Oranges end Lemons) There Is no falling off in the supply of Green Peaches and they ere selling in large quantities, at 250750 .8 0 ' b asket. Green Apples sell at 75a0111.75 bbl FRItIGHTS to Liverpool are firm. We quote Flour at 3s 9d045; Grain at 140156, and Heavy Goods, at 400 45s 41 0 too. To London no engagements have been re ported. Small vessels, suitable for the West Indies, are scarce. From the sou th side of Cuba two engagements were made at 42c far Sugar, and all foreign port.chargerY paid. Coal freights are active, and the rates by the Reston packets aro fair. GINSENG is held firmly, with further small sales of crude at 62c 41 3 ' lb, cash. GUANO is in fair request for the season, and Peru• Ilan is firm at $71075, cash, and Sombrero at 825 41Y ton. BIDES are firm but dull, without any large sales of either foreign or domestic. HOPS are steady; a lot of new sold at 20022 c. Old, of prime quality, are held at the same figures. LIIMBER.—There is a moderate business doing, and prices remain stalionary ; sales of 100,000 feet white Pine shipping Boards on terms not made public. Lath, range from $1.25 to $1.30 rip M. LEATHER is in goodilelkiand—ant"' ✓ ..-esenses• , ....eeso-sm - racts - Very tittle attention, and inferior eoticare neglected and drooping. By auction, 850 bble New Orleans sold at 42X o, cast, and some Cuba on terms kept prliate. NAVAL STORES.—The auction sales have absorbed most of the attention of the dealers, and there is very little doing. An invoice of Pitch was offered under the suvereision of the United States Marshal, with sales of 850 bbls, at 810.60 cash, and 17 casks do. at 813 cash. Tar is very scarce. Spirits Turpentine range from 81 30 to I.BBe per gallon cash. 1.500 bbis Rosin, also sold by auction, at $lOOl4 00 4s' bbl cash. OlLS.—There is very little doing in Fish Oil, and prices are arm. Linseed Oil is dull, eta farther decline. Seer, in a small way, at 83085 c, exclusive of the .packages. Lard 011 is firm, at 80c cash for Winter. Tbe receipts of Petroleum have somewhat fallen off, And prices are unchanged. Sales of Refined at 30035 c, cash. PLASTER collies forward slowly, and meets fair in quiry at $3 We ton, for soft. RICE —There le very little here. Sales of Rangoon at f3X a 6% o cash. SALT.—Prices are without change. A cargo of Tarte Island sold last week at 27c, on the usual credit, and 12,000 sacks Liverpool ground and line, jolt received," trwet of which remains unsold. SEEDS —Some lots of new Cloverseed have been re-,' mired. and sold at $ 5 rip '. bush , and old at $4 78 08: Timothy is in steady demand at $1.87X 02.25, and Flax seed at 81.8561.90 c V' bush. SPIRITS.—Brandy and Gin aro firm but quiet. N. E. Rum le steady at 450470. Whisky is In better de- reard... Large wales of Ohio bbl. at 83o; Pennsylvania at bads at 32e, and drudge at 31e. SUGAR —TheMarket is ,motiv e, and Prices are' un changed.' Sales of 250 hhde Cuba at sk osxc, on time. By auction 500 hhde New Orleans sold at 8%0101(c, and clarified et 10%c, cash -' TALLOW is unchanged. Steel of city-rendered' at 14); ifo' lb cosh: - . • . TEAB are held very firmly, and the *aloof both Black and Green are limitaL TOBAOCO.—The market is nearly bare of mantas°. lured, and prices continue very high, Or Kentucky leaf there is very little or none left in ant handa. WOOL.—There 111 leak activity -in the mallet,' and the manufacturers Prirchitse sparingly, holding off in antici gallon of sem* further decline in price.. Sales of com • mon at 7ee72e ; medium lots , at 5605 Tc; and, flue at 57080 c net cash. ARTIFICIAL ICE—A letter from Bombay, ssYs • Dont:4lou, ere the receipt of this, you will have heard of the entire success or-the ice manufactory at - nits place. The machine is now in motive operation, and turning out 26 tons daily of beautiful Ice. I have per scnally tried it, and And it u pure and tasteless as Ame rican Ice. It is void at forty per.cent: chestier than the American, and ail that is produced Is quickly disposed of." PHILADELPHIA BOABD'OF :.Or • I BAN. W. DE 000E13E34 JAMES 0. HAND, 003CMITIIIM Walla MOl/78. : J. B. LIPPINOOTT, i •: ~ • . 1 . • LETTER BAGS ..,...,. . At the' Merchants' Efiei' 111,744, Pia latielith;., 1 81110 Tonewarda, Julian_ Liverpool, gest2ls WAD Adelaide Bell. Robertson .....Ltveriool, soon' Bark Aaron I Harvey, Miller ..... ..... Port Spain, lax*, Bi r k Jaw Bayeon,Terry - ' Havana, • • MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, ..,161091.1 SUN RISES. 6 47-617 N BITS 6 HIGH WATER - 31 27' ARRIVED. • • Bark Memento, (Br) ,Lyall, 54 days from Licata, with brimstone to oft Lennig. • . • - Bark Floretce Obipman, (Br) Jones, 47 days from Li verpool, with mdse to J B Penrose. / Bark Tawny, Mundt'', from Soigne Avg Ist made the Capes Aug Bth, and Quarantine 9th, where she wie dis charged atd detained until Sept 17th, July 18,,h M Oat !igen. of Mach*, aged 28 years, first Officer, and Lewie Celeff, of Prussia, eeaman, aged 21 years. died .of fever. Brig J W.Woodruff,l3Pregg; from St `Johns, PR, with • •sugar and morasses to John Mason Jr 00. Bohr Dolphin, (Br) Kellar, 14 days from Mt John, NB, with lathe. and pickets to Wm 0 Lloyd--vessel to E A. Bonder & Co. ' Behr Elizabeth Headley, Boweni 5 days f r om ad er s6. • dria, with old iron_to order. _ lactic a .114twoul, Bich, ti days from Boston, with ice to Time E Cahill. • OLEARBD. - Seim 8 L Stevens, Studley, Boston, Sitmickaon &WM, Behr Maryland, Enigkt, ,Portland, OsetnerralckneY . . : & Wellington. ‘ - - " ' :• ; Echr 0 P Stickmen Garwood, Boston, do " ''.- BAILED Bbip George Green; Leactgor Liveirpool, left Shlppon street wharf at 8 o'clock - Yeeterthif morning, in tow or tug America, with the following Cirgii: 1860 bbls floor, 16.421 busbels wheat in bulk, 15,941 do In bags, 518 bags oil cake, 125 bags oloverseed, 60. oinks queccltron bark. 76 emits tallow. 12 hbds tobacco. 2T tea lard, 91 toe beef, 50 bbls beef, 260 firkins batter, 2 boles PeDnermint, 6 l'mt cheese, and 1 bbl bacon. ,'(Cforrespondence of the Press.) HA.VRI DR G 161.011. BeptlB, The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Übas B Davie, with wheat and corn to W S Smith £ On; B McConkey, pig iron to Cooper's Point; do to New York; Mary Aoti kfcoOukey, do to Delaware City; J P Finley, lumber to New Brunswick. / (Correspondence of BEADthe PreslNs.) G, Sept 1 The following boats from the Union Usual passed into the Bohm Mill Canal today, bound to Philadelphia, - laden and consigned as follows: George Seibers and ()apt Porter, with lumber, and Di L VaLdling, hoards .to John Ognig; Monitor, 'grain to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright; Aberdeen, do to Budd cottaTi -Tour& Henry, Iwn tr to Jtis Lintel; Behencs Pieher, do to J H • Deyshor; G M Long, do to Jolting, Keeley; (_'lineman, do to Yr 0 Lloyd; Star, grain to captain MINOBANDA. Ebip Esther, Leslie, hence for Now Orleans, was spo— ken (no date) off the Bole In the Well, by the Ocean Eagle, et New Orliians. ' • iihip Western Ocean, Barstow , for Philadelphia, en. tend for loading at Liverpool &bast. Bark American, Christian, for Philadelphia in 6 data, was at kliragoane 2d 'lnt. Brig Daniel Mame, Steelman, hence, arrival at New. Orleave 2d Met. Brig E P Stewart, Oak, ben6.e, arrived at New Orleatti 6tb het. Brig Julia, Smith, hosce,Nis Ship Islartd,Atliew Or. leans Bth inst. ~‘ • • Brigs Keilve3y, Gerer L aud 0 H liter, hence, were below ' New Oilesne Bth QUICK PASSAGES OF MISSY 811IPS --ArAfed:nerkinu . , the 2d Esptember, ship Zered, McGonagle, - )xlieferarein Philadelphia, after a splendid passage of 'eighteen days, with general cargo tied one cabin atellb second cabin and stet rape passengers—all well. Arrived 2d SepOnn • brr, ship Mint ebaha McGrath, mater, after a splendid pwliage or nineteen days, with genenal cargo of broad_ stuffscud fifteen teoond cabin passengers—ail well.— Lontor derry Standard. NOTICES. • - ErrNATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS “ NO PARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY." STATE OFFICERS. Auditor General. THOMAS E. COCHRAN. Surveyor General. WILLIAM 8. ROSS. • OLTY AND COUNTY OFFICERS. Mayor. ALEXANDER BERRY. District Attorney. WILLIAM B. MANN. City Solicitor. F. CARROLL RREWBTER. City Controller. JOSEPH R. LYNDALL. • • Receiver of Tante JAMES 'O. BELCH. Prothonotary of Court of Common Pleas. , FREDERICK G. WOLBERT. City Dotnmisaioner. JOHN GIVEN. CONGRESS. First District— - Pecood District—OHAßLES O'NEILL. ?bird District—LEONAßD MYEati. Fourth District—WlLLlAß D. KELLEY Fifth District— SENATOR. Second District—JACOß E. RIDGWAY. . Fourth DU:strict—GEOßGE DONNELL. • • • ASSEMBLY. First District—WM. B. FOSTER. Second District—MOßTON A. EVERLY. Third Distriot—THONLART. WILLS. Fourth District—SAKTlEL J. RBA ; Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth District—OHAßLlS . M. OLT ROAN. Seventh District—THOMAS COOEIRAN. Eighth District—JAMES N. KERN. Ninth Dirtrict—JOHN . A. - BURTON. Tenth District—S. S. PANCOAST. Eleventh District—TßAEßLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUßE V.B JUTPIII9. Thirteenth District—JAMES ROLGATE. Fourteenth District—ALEXANDER CUMMINGS. Fifteenth District—WlLLlAM F. SMITH. Sixteenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Sevinteenth District—CHAßLES F. ABBOTT. sedate [T. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—AT„A meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held on Tneedey, the 18th instant, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Nero/red, That the names of the various organized • companies of Borne Guards, liieseryes, and all other local military bottles, be published, with the nsmes of theiroticers and the location of their armories, iso that the citizens may have en, opportunity to enroll their nOmes, and, that tbey be earneetlsr exhorted to do so. JOHN D WATSON was appointed an agent to carry this revolution inth effect. Captains, lieutenants, and other officers of companits for city service, are requested to eel d their names. locations, eta.. to the Hall of the Board of Trade, or to the office of the North American and United States Gazette, ho. 182 South Third street. The following is published for general information REGIMENTAL ARMORY, SECOND REGIMENT RESERVE BRIGADE, 505 CHESTNUT Street, PIIILADF.T.PIITA, September 16, 188 J. D. WiTdON, Eno —Dear fir: In reply to your kind mmumnication of this date, I would state seven companies are recruiting at the Regimental Armory, 606 Chestnut greet, se follows : CompanyA, Captain R. B. Davis.' do. B, do. W. M. Main. do 0, do 3. Audenreid. do. B, do. Geo. W Grice. do. D, ado. Charlet§ Page. do. F, do. Charles Ocunelly. do. 0, do. Ablest as men are recruited, they will be forwarded to their companies. 'From companies baying more than 101 men new companies will be f srmed. It is the intention of our field officers to have fifteen or twenty-four com panies in the regiment. I have been detached by the Colonel to carry out this order, and beg leave to offer my tlitkoka to your Committee and to yourself for your kind offer. I am, dear sir, yours rospectfnlly. W. H. 13211.ETHURIT, Recruit:bag Officer. In accordance with the above resolution, the under; signed hereby gives notice that the fallowing companies are recruiting at the places named, to proceed to Harris burg for the defence of the State : Jayne Rifles, No. 623 Chestnut street. Gymnast Zonavee, No. 3T south Third street. Seventeenth-ward Home Guards, Front and Master streets. Philadelphia Grays, No. 810 Market street City. Guard's, northwest corner Sixth and Chestnut et& Niagara State Guard, No. 240 Monroe street. Kearney Guards, Tenth and South streets. Drill Corps, Broad, below Walnut, Natatorium. Blue Beserves, No 508 Obsetent street. Bayonne Guards. 'ODRA States Custom House. Corn Xxchanne &nerd, Second and Go* streets. • .Washington Grays, Franklin Hall, Sixth street, below Arch. National Guard, Bfite street, below Sixth. let Regiment home Guard, Oomparq A, Beranek Hall, Eighth and Cello whin streets. • Company B, Spring Garden Hall, Thirteenth and Spring• Garden streets. Company 0, N. W. corner Thirteenth street and Gl rard avenue. Company D, S. W. corner Sixth street and Girard avenue. Company )1, N. E. corner Third and Willow streets. • Company F, Spring Gl'ldea Hall. company H. Wm. 110 and 112 Peag street. Company I, Remington Water Works. Company K., Spring Garden Hall - Gray Reserves, Company A, Market street, above • Eighth, south side. Company B, S. E. corner Eight( enth and Market sta. Company 0. Market street, above Eighth. Company D, N E. cor. Eighteenth and Chestnut ste. Company IC, S. E. cor Eighth and Oallowhitl streets. Company F, N. E. cor. Second and Race streets. Company 0, Chestnut street. above Eighth : south side. Company H, Third and Willow streets. Company I, Broad street, above Pine. Ellsworth Zeneves, Captain -, N. B. corner of Eighth and Clallowhill streets. let Artillery Home Grisrd, Co. A, 1783 Market street. • Cadwalader Troop, 820 Chestnut street. State Guard, N0..1733 Market street. Keystone Battery, No.BoB Filbert street. Independent Bricktall Hideo, .N. W. corner Eleventh and Oxford streets. New Company, 1547 Germantown avenue.- Slemmer Guards, Trout and Master streets.. • • Ist B•giment Infantry, Borne Guard, ten compani: • Broad and Race streets . • • •• venbiaruiTO company has already marched from any armory, citirnns are invited to organize new com panies until the quota of the city celled for by the Go vernor shall be Sued. . By order of the Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee. selB-12t •JOHN . D. WATSON, Agent. ra. AT A MEETING OF 'THE CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND 00?dMITTNIC, held the 17th nay of September,the "fo ll owing preamble and resolu tions worn adopte: Whereat, It is necessary . ta fake farther action in order that soldiers may be raised, and the draft in the city avoided : Be it Resolved. Tbat this Committee will agree to bar, is cub, to: each non-commissioned officer and private, in each of the first ten companies of infantry, for three sears or the war, to be hereafter organized and raised in this city, with the ienction of the proper authorities, or such portion thereof of each of Bald Companies as rnawbe received by the Governor as a part of the quota of Phi ladelphia, the sum of Fifty Dollars, en said Company of ninety- eight toen 'exclusive of Captain and Lieutenants, being mustered into the service, and following terms compiled with': • ' • The necessary evidence redmired will be a certified Copy of the muster roll; or a copy thereof with the origi nal for examination; also, a certificate of the proper authority at Harrisburg, that all the members of said Companies, or the part thereof, entitled to receive, are 'credited to the-Philadelphia' quota; and provided fur ther, the recruits relinquish any claim to any and all other bounties except snob as may be paid by the United States. Resolved, A mum equal to Five Dollars for each such man be paid to the Claptain thereof, to remunerate him for expenses incurred in raisiog Ids Company, to be paid him on compiling with preceding requirements. TROMAS.WEBSTER,'Fice Chairman. Lou BLODOWT, Secretary. •• • • LAW DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY -1 Oy PENNST Tana willZeom. menoq;•oa WRIDEizeDAY, octoberlet; The Introdne. -torn LecturttwilV,be delivered •by Pidesaor B. SPEN ORR' MILLER,•fn the lIIRUII Leotarlflkoom, et 9 o'clock P. N. of that day. Z. • ••:' seog.tool ECLECTIC MEDICAL 'COLLEGE •OF 11:3••• PHILADELPHIA, RACE STREET, BELOW FlFTH.—Preliminary Lectures will commence on WEDNESDAY, October 1, at 7% o'clock P. M., and 'the regular seadon wilt commence on WEDNESDAY, October 8, at 9 o'clock A.M. Tickets to the session 880. For 'further knowledge of the College, apply to W. PAINE, H. D., Dean or the Faculty, No. 931 ABOH Benet, Philadelphia, Pa. sel7.Bt* ErA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE . LA. RDA DIES will be held at CONCERT HALL on BA- Y AFT lIRROON, at 4 o'clock, 20th Justin t, for,, the Dor pote — of =Meg arranementa for the FLOR AL .FAllt e •in aid of the Soldiers' Home. Ladies hitereeted .hi patrfottc effort are baited to attend. ee19.26* THE PRESS.-PH ;ELM& SATURDAY, ,SEPTEMBER 20,, 1,868, =MN 1111 EN . , tirt, 'BUJ LDI ...' , ' PluLaxLrs . ...ho7lolr..—All B. mat be repaired .. Inspectors. 7 .. ae19.21, 11 ! , t INSPECTORS , OFFICE, iept. 18,1862, - digs detested by the recent Flood rMe supervision of the Bolding " , ,,Jogrl D. TAILOR, Clerk '; Tat . CO.YAMPEISSIONER AO NTH AND FIFTEENTH OAVand SPRING GARDEN . 06 FOURTEENTH WARD.' Aimth-Ward, who claim exeme l!md:whoee 01%301 have not been peent themselves before the NBX C, Sept. 224, between lock A. M ; 3 to 6, and 7 to 9 THOMAS W. PRIOR, Commissioner.. TrOFFICE FOR 8011 RDB, N. E. cern. Streets ; NOTICE TO OITTt All Citizens. of.lra tion from Military Du beard, are notified 1. Commissioner on MO • the bonre of 9'and',l o'clock P. M. eel& 4t DEPA.R.TiM T OF I•SUILVEYS, OF. FLOE' OF Tli • CHIRP-ENGIN ENH, AND SURVEYOR, Puti.sost. lA, Soptember 2, 1862. NOTlOE.—Duplicate sttal. , ol: the Line and Ourb Regulations of the Firslfecond, Third ; and Fourth sections of the Twenty- Mt ward, lying between West moreland street and Fr ford creek, and Frankford 'road and. the Delawar sriver,,, are now prepared 'and 'deposited kr Publ. inspection at. the of-ISAAO fiIIALLOBO4 Surveyor and Regulator of - the Tenth ,i3urvey -Dialut, LYCEUM BUILDING, FBARKFORD, and at Of officel of this department, CITY BUILDING, RIFT I treeNbelow Walnut street; and the !Mani of Surveyors eve appointed MONDAY, October 6th, 3802; at 11 . o••• IVAI Id, to consider any objections that may bo urge • heron by any citizen into reeled therein . . • .4' i95.20,cic4 St fri . NOV I C-E:. AVING• BEEN AP POINTED by the PBent of the United Statue ' ti A ww os for the Fourth ' - Co Sod District of Penosyl vsnia—under ." An; sotto vide internal,- revenue to support the GOvnionierit an to -pay the interest on the pithile debt,” approved Jul let.-1862—which District comprises the 14th, 15th, 9.0 ;2111. and 24th Wards of the City and County of Phi el shift, I have made the following Alsoesnient Divisi ', 'and appointed the As. sist ant heeeesere therein : First Assessment Divisio Fourteenth Ward.—Ae eistent Assessor, JOSEPH. IT ERN HOUSE. Reel. dance 863 North Eleventh Mr • . Second Assessment Division All of 15th Ward south of end including the south tide f Hamilton street —A.s.; Want Aseettior, JOSEPH MARTIN. Residence 2104 Callowhill areet. Third Asseesment Division 11 of 15th Ward north of and including the 'mirth aide f liwniiton 'street —As sistant Assessor, EDWARD II &WHIRS. Residence 2145 Mount V. rnon street. •- ' • . Fourth Assessment DIVIAOSI 11 of 20th Ward east of add including the eaist-side of road street.— tkosistant Assessor, JAMES LAWRIE. Residence 1248 North Eleventh - street. Fifth Assessment Division— 1 and including the west side of .. 'assessor, JOHN G. ADAIR. - L. teenth street . Sixth Assessment DiTietett—A of 21st Ward sculpt ised In the hit, 2d, 7th and Bth Picchi .—Aisistant Assessor, JOHN 51... FREE- Residence icatown. Seventh Atiastltteent Divielon 11 of 21st Ward com prised in the 3d, 4th, sth; end 8 Precincts —Assistant Assessor, JOHN F. PRESTON, Residence Marmyunk. 'Eighth beseseriebt Division—Al of 24tliWard north of and including the north side of 3l rket street.—Assistant. Assessor, CHARLES (WREN Residence SI mertuft i street, above Efaverford street'. ' ' Ninth Assessment Division—. and including the south side of al Assessor, WILLIAM A. ANDER ohalville. , DELOS P. 5 Unit Fourth Collection Di• • selfl-st.fystha . las: PUBLIC NiDTICE...2ey,.. - :,s . ASSES SOR'S OFFICE; 3d Collection Dieter% Penn's. p .Pi uttaiDELniti, Sept:lB, 1862. In pursuance of the .eviefons of the act of Congress entitled "An act to provide internal'-revenue to support the Government, and to pay interest on the public debt," approved July 1, 1862,'• the undersigned bee been com miesioned by his EtCellenoy tbe President as Assessor of the Third Collectfon Distriot of the. State of Pennell- • vanis ccirlPtlfilifiCthdi d Elelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Sevenieenth, Eightreitt4 and Nineteenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. The undersigned has divided the District and appointed assistant follows: • , No. 1 comprises all that portion of the Thin teenth ward lying west of Eighth street 4 ' , CHARLES ratstniura, No. 614 North Eighth st.,lts*dant assessor let Div. Dtvision No. 2 dtsn'torises all that portion of -the Thir teenth ward I) ing east of Eighth street. '' •••• ROBERT G. MARCH, N0‘2626 Franktiniik, assistant assessor Div. No. 2. DiVISIoN No:-8-comprises all that portion of the' Twelfth ward lyinisonth and west of a line beginning at the intersecticn of Sixth and Green streets, thence ex tending along Green street to Fourth street, thence south along Fourth street to 'Noble street, thence east along Noble street to Third street. ‘•- • PETER A. KEYSER, . • No. 610 North Fourth et., ass ' s. 314114111110? Div. No. 3. DIVISION,, No. 4 comprises that Portion of the Twelfth ward lying north and east of a line beginning at the intersection of Sixth , and Green streets, thence ex tending along Green street to FOurth street, thence south along Fourth street to slxeet, thence east along- Noble street to Third street. . GABRIEL WOLF, No. 871 Lawrence at.; aas't. assessor Div. No. 4. Diet - Sion No. 6 connives all that portion of the Six teenth ward lying west of a line beginning- at the inter motion of .Bt.'John stred anti Poplar street', thence north along St. John street to its termination at Germantown road, thence along Germantown road to Girard avenue. ABRAHAM MYERS, No. 1012 Randolph at,, asel. assessor Div. No.l. Divisron No. 6 comprises all that of the Six teenth ward lying east of St. John street and south of a Ilse beginning at the junction of Canal etreet'and St. John street, thence east along Canal" street to Front street, thence along Front to Malden street, thence emit along Maiden street to the river Delaware. • LEWIS M. GREEN, • No. 62 Laurel st., aes't. assesso . rDiv. No. 6 Division No. 7.. oomprieee ail that 'pillion of the Sixteenth ward bounded by a linedrawn as follows—viz : Beginning at the junction of Canal street and, St John street, thence along St. John street to its tirmiaation at Germantown road, thence along Cierroaritiwn road to Girard avenue, thence east along Ohara avenue to Frankford road, theree south along Frankiord road to Maiden street, thence west along Maiden skeet to Front street, therms along Front street to . Canal greet, thence west aleug Canal street to the place of baglirang. EDWARD A. FOODS, No. 124 Edward st., Assistant Assessor Dv. No 7. Division No 8 comprises all that portion is; the Seven teenth ward lying west of Cadwalader . street/ SAMUEL BINGE AM, No. 216 Girard ay., Assistant Assessor Div. No 8. - Division No. 9 comprises all that portion of the Seven teenth ward ly Lug east of Cadwalader. street. ', • • JOHN lUDD, No. 12b3 Manlier st , Assistant Assessor Div. No. 9. Division No. 10 ocmprlsea all-that Dolton of the Eighteenth ward lying southwest of Columbia avenue.. WILLIAM SPRUNE. No. 112 Alien sto Assistant Assessor Div. No. 10. Division No. .11 comprises- all- that portion`or the Eighteenth ward lying northeast of Colombia avenue. AHAB HUNTER, No. 1163 Vienna st., Assietest Assessor Div. No. IL Division No. 12 comprises all that portion of the Nine ,temith ward lying west of . Front street. CHARLES SUEEMiDT, „ Diamond, bet. Apple, Ain't Assessor of Div. No. 12. • Division No. 13 comprises all that portion of the Ntint teenth ward lying east of Front street. MONTGOMERY JOHN lON, - Frankford rd. and Norris at., Asti't Amer Dlv. No. 13. It le earnestly recommended that , citizens study the provisidns of 'the law with particular ref°. Elamite their respective intermits and liabilities. to the end that need less disputes may be avoided and the operations of the Xepartment facilitated.. Particular attention is called to the fact that all art! cies cf manufacture coming under the provisions of the 'above act arid not remould from the place of manufac tura priav to September Ist, 1862, art habit to taxation; and all mice articles manufactured on or after that date ate liable to taxation,:whether removed or not. , S. FLETCHER BUDD, • United States Assessor, Office 924 North THIRD Street. eel7•vethat rv.:77 THE UNDERSIGNED .HAVING `• been appointed by ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Pre-• . Indent of the United Stater, to the Asseetorship of the First-Congressional Dietrict, in the State of Pennsylva nia, under the Act approved Ist or July, 1862, to provide Internal. Revenue to Support the Government, itc., does beret.; divide the Wards composing said District into twelve Assessment Divisions, and appoint the following named gentlemen to act as Assistant Assessors in said Ihstrict, via: First Division, Second ,Ward-L7 W. FRAZER, As sistant Assessor, residence, No. 919 S. Sixth street. All that portion of the Second Ward of the city of Yhilsdel- Thlti lying east of and including the east side of Sixth sheet, to the vises Delatiare - Second Division, Second Ward—ROBERT 0. TIT- - TIMIS &RV, Amistsnt Assessor, residence No. 1017 S. Sixth street. All that portion of the Second Ward of the pity of Philadelphia lying west of Sixth street, and in: eluding the west side of said street to theseast side of Broad. street,- moth of Christian street, including the south side of said shed, and north of Wharton and-Ells worth streets, including the north side of said streets. Third Divieion, Third Ward—JOHN ELLE) 7T, As 'intent Assailer, residence N0:525 Queen street.. All that portion of the Third Ward, of the city of Philadel *phis lying end included between the north side of Chris tian facet, the east side of Sixth street, the south side of Fitzwater strset, south ride of German street and Mead' street, west side 'of Swanson street, and south side of Catharine street, to the river Delaware. Fourth Division, Third Ward—PETER GLASGOW, Assistant Assessor, residence No '822 •Fitzwater street. All that portion of the Third Ward of the city . of Phila delphia lying and included between the east side of Broad street, the west side of Sixth street, the south side of news' er'street, and the north side of _Christian street. Fifth' Division, Fourth Ward—JAMES A. BOWIE, Assistant Assessor, rash:Tomos No. 624 S. Second street. All that 'portion of the Fourth Ward of thecity of Phila.. delphis lying end included between the south side of South street, rest side of Sixth street, north Bide of Fitz water street, north side 'of German street, north side of Read etreet, east side of Swanson street, the north side of 'Catharine street. and the river-Delaware. Eixth Division, Fourth Ward—RICEIAR ) GEORGE, Assistant Assessor, reeklence No. 728 Erie street. All that portion of the Fourth Ward of the city of Philsdel phis, commencing at the southwest corner of Sixth and South streets, down the west side of said Sixth street to Fitzwater street, along the north side of Fitzwater street to Broad street, along the east side of Broad street to South street, along the south side of South street to the Vacs of beginning. Seventh Division, Filth Ward—THO bf AS E. WILLI, Assistant Assessor, residence No. 3038. 'rhird street. All that portion of the Fifth Ward of the city of Philadel phia lying between and Including the south side of Chest nut street, the north side of South street, the east side of Ihird street, and the river Delaware. - lighth Divisim, Fifth Ward—TIIORAS FLTAGF I ,4- BALD, 4.peutirep t ire--14,1%—* --- ill, t h e c it y 01rY'6ii.ei4hio lying and included between the.wett Side of Third street,. the south side ofthestnut street, the east side of Seventh street, and the north side of South street. Bluth Division, Sixth Ward—Assistant Assessor, WILLIAM H. SLOANABIH, residence Commercial 'Hotel, Sixth street, above Chestnut. Ail that portion of the Sixth Ward of ibe'city.of Philadelphia, commencing at Obestnut street and the river Delaware, along said river to Vine street, along the south side of Vine street to Third sheet, and down the east side of Third street to Chestnut street, to the place of beginning. Tenth Division, Sixth Ward—Assistant Assessor, 0. B. PHILLIPS, resident* No. 838 Chestnut street. AU that portion of the Sixth Ward of the icily of Philadel phia, lying between and including the north aide of Cheetnnt street, the east side •of Seventh street, the South side of Vine street, and the west side of Third street. • Eleventh Division, Eleventh Ward—Assistant Assessor, FARMER BURN, residence No: 402 North Front street. That portion of the Eleventh Ward of the city of Phila delphia lying and included between the north side of Vine street, the east side of New Market street, the south side of Poplar street, and the river Delaware. Twelfth Division, Eleventh Wird—Assistant A ssessor. JAMES S. FRANCIS, North Pennsylvania Hotel, Third above Willow. All that portion of the Eleventh Ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing at the southwest corner of Nei , Market and Poplar streets, along the south side of Poptar street to Third street, along the east side Of Third street to Vine street, along the north side of Vine street to New Market, and along the west side of New Market street to the place of beginning. WASEIDIGITpN Hirt% - ,Aseotior First Distriot. • . selB-thsatitSt- Wilco No: . 841. WALNUT . Street. SIIIIMER RESORTS. QTAB, HOTEL,- ( Ne4u4, 0 n ,c,.i1. u.died Stake' itotei,) ATLANTIC orry, .• semi:rim ADAMS; Proprietor. Witter SO cents Aloe, Carrie/gee to Hire. 11W - Boarders sooommodeted on the moat reasonable form • te2S-thlt •AN °MALL AN CHATELPA6NE.--By the Bavaria. at New ;York from Havre. we have received an involoe , of 100 BASKETS SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE which we ordered under the style and title of hIoOLELLAN:in honor of the young funerloan general, the Labels bearing his fao simile. The wine will be received in about teu days. lODERT DONNELL it 80N, 808 WALNUT stroeL • BelB•tnthe-Bt* ',;;Epl RUM.-10 quartercasks Saint Martin 13 a 71 Runi reteiTed Per 'schooner MA -1.132110ad for sale by JAITILITOIII & LAVlrdlablit 492 . 101104119101147h015T1treat. : tel OKTiAND ENE &SS, ; coat:leer and Surveyor II 9f 20th-Ward west of troad street.-6.selotatit -Nonce, Cal North Fif - .f 'l4th Ward south of ket street --issistant ON. Residence Pas ; UTHWO/1T ff, • States Clamor, A 6 t of Pennsylvania, EDUCATIONAL.. TI,NO:LIS34:OLASSICAL - , AND MA TRIMATIOALci3HOOL, to. 1008 . OHIDMitT Street. The FA Term will commence en MONDAY, September S. • , 5112.5-Im* WILLIAM FEWSMITH, M. TIE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. ENNUI'S French and Nuffilidt Boarding and Day School for Young Lailles_itio . . - 1103 WALNUT West, will re-open on WND . S,pAT t. 10Niq • • : QOHOOL :BOW :YOUNGLAOLES. L B. MAYER leprepared to receive one or two Owes of York 'Ladies, at 1037•WALNITT street, commencing September 16th. Circulars may be ob tained, previous to the 15th, at 1020 IMAM street. sot) lm EN GLISE AND.. CLASSICAL 801i0OL,The School of the subscriber, in Simee' TWITLYTH end 01188THUT Streets, will mopenon MONDAY, the Bth of September. anll4f CHARLES SHOAT, A. M. AADEMY OF THE PROTES TANT EPISCOPAL OHUROH, LOCUST AND JUNIPER STEEETS.—The Autumnal 13s:olden opened on-the let of SEPTEMBER. JAMES W. II)BINS, Head Heater. II)4-tbstnlm PIIROY FEMALESEMINARY.= . 11 Thie Institution offers the iecuMelatat advantages of nearly fifty years of raccessful oPeretion. E'en , facility is provides' fora thorough course of un to' and ornamental education, ender the direction of a writs of more than twenty professore and teacher'. For Circulars, apply to eadtt-2m JOHN H. WILLARD, Troy, N. Y. BISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL 4..1 for Girls will open its Fall session on Second day, Ninth mo., let. References: James Mott, Philadelphia; Anne Churchman, 908 Franklin etroet, Philadelphia; 0. N. Peirce, 501 North Seventh street, Philadelphia *, Henry W. Bidgway, Orosswicks, New Jersey ; David J. Griscom, Woodbury, New Jersey. For circulars, apply to RUTH Lame PED3OII, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jr23-2m* fIX.FORD FEMALE SEMINARY, N.— , OXFORD, ORISTIR COUNTY,. Pa. 'thenext Session will open on WEDNESDAY, Nov. sth. For °imams, address ' eel& lm MISS BAKER, Mao(pg. 11DI - • • OLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PENN SQUARE, for the Profeasionst Education of En:. Omen!, Architects, Practical Übtmiste, and Geologist& The course onlinitary Engineering ir eludes Field For tifications, Siege Operations, Strategy, and Tulles. Catalogues on application to ALFRED L. KENNEDY. fit . President of eoldt#.. selBa2k PPLIC.a.TIONB FOR TH SITUA A .6 . TIOI9 of reinOiret of the ireyetto Gre)Feir School, btlirusTurrotr, win be received at the Pof Donee, ea - SATURDAY ' , the 20th from 1 ..12 o'cloCk A. M. GEO. W. RHA.WN, J. W. BARNES. NIIIVILLI, BelB St* - Lireotore HOME STUDY -FORLADIES ' The subscriber toroioess- to form an advanced claee in Philology, History, !dental Philosophy, and English Literature, to meet twice a week, commencing October 6th. Circulars at 9035 CLINTON Street. eeB.lm PLINY ltittisE CHASE. HOLMESBURG SEMINARY FOR . YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristc;l Torn: pike, 13 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. Thr first term of- the scholastic year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the 1e 'day of Ireb , =my. A cironlar, containing terms, references, Ere., can be Obtained by application to the ' jyl4-litots Misses OHAPMAN, Principals. MBE BEST 'PROVIDED SCHOOL IN'THE UNITED STATES.—The Scientific and Classical Institute, ORESINTIT Street, N: W. - c,r. of Twelfth st ; re.opens on lIIONDAY r Sept. 6th. In no Other school of our country have so great pains been taken to provide everything requisite for the complete and thorough education of boys and young men In all de partments of learning. Entrance ou Twelfth st, au2S. tf ' I. ENNIS, Principal. SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, MAR KET and THTIITT-NINTH Streets—El:TSAl, Cialeical, and Military Day and Boarding—will reopen September 1. . . cc fIpHE SATINDERSIOAIi r ETS" ./L. se heretofore, reoeive the beet of Military 4- mi:ruction one hour daily. Address • ori3o-3m Prof. K. D. B.S.IINDEBB. FEMAL E COLLEGE, • BOBDENTOWN, H. J. • Thin well-established and flourishing •Institntion Pleasantly located on the Haddon and Amboy Railroad, l.)( hours' ride from Philadelphia. Special attention it Paid to the common and higher branched of Nnglish, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and instrumental !dual°. French is taught by a native and spoken in the family. For catalog - nee. address Bev. JOHN H. BRAHRLEY, A. rd., President. ati6-2i..;e IfrILLAGE-GREEN SEM:CRARY.- A select BOARDING ft:MOOD, near fdEDIA, Pennsylvania. Thorough course in Blathematioe, Olas sice,-Englieb Btudies, .to. Book-keeping and Givil Ku glneering taught. Zgereisea in Military 'Notice. Seventh year begins September Ist. Boarding, per week 522$ Tuition, per quarter 0.00 !or information, addrees Bev. J. RERVBT BARTON, AT M., IT 28-Pm VILL/1911 ORIGEN, Penn's. CHEGABAY INSTITUTE, • BOARDING AND DAY BOHOOD FOR YOUNG -LADIES, No. 162 T told 1629 BPRISOZ Street, Philadei phis. The regniar course of instruction embraces tho English and French Languages and Literatures—Latin if re quired—and all the branches which constitute a thorough Zngliah Education; especial attention being paid to the letter by the Principal, assisted by the beet Professors. French is the language of the family, and Is constantly spoken in the Institute. The Scholastic year commences September 16th, and 0105e5.71117 let. For circulars and particulars, apply to at,l6.2m* - PLADAIIIII D'HERVILLY, Principal. . RENCR AND ENGLISH 'DAY .. SCHOOL 808 HOTS; Prof. E. M&B3E, A. H., :Principe' —Thhr new Institute receives' Boys between ;eight and fourteen years of. age. While French le the langnage.oi the Institute, the, greatest_ attention -will ;be paid to' the English studies. Competent teachers are engaged for all the ordinary branchee of a good Englielt education. Latin taught without extra charges. The academical year begins on the 17th of September, and ends on the 28tb of , June, Frirther information can be obtained at the residence of the Principal, No. 111 South THIBTBENTEI Street. BBYEexeces.—Blebop W. B. Stevens Prof. 11. Ooppfor of Penn's University, Prof. 0. D. Cleveland, Hon W. H. Seward ' sel7-Inr • LINWOOD. HALL, ON CHELTON Avenue, York • Road Station, N. P. B. 8., siren ranee from Philadtlptda. The Third Ter& of Idiom GARB'S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at the above beautiful and healthy location, will commence on the seoond HOLIDAY of September, The number of pupils being limited to fifteen, the es tablishment bait as mach of the freedom of a home as . consistent with mental improvement. Exercthee in the Gymnasium and open air are promoted, for which the extenelve grounds afford full opportunity • Circulars cin be obtained at the since of Jay Cooke & Co., bankers, 114 South Third street. or by addressing the Principal, Eihoemakertown poet office, Montgomery . county, Pa. an2s-2m MME. MASSE AND MLLE. MO BIN'S FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB WOIING LADIES, No. 111 South THIRTEENTH Street. will re-open on WED NESDAY, September 10th, Philadelphia. For Circu lars, apply at the above number. tun .Jut LINDEN HALL MORAVIAN FE .MALEIN_KitY, at LlTlS,Lanca rt er county, Penna., founded 1794; affords imperior advantages for thorough and accomplished Female education. For dm lare and information, apply to Hews. JORDAN 4 BROTHRRS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or to Rev. W. O. RR WHIM, Principal. au29-3m FRENCH LANGUAGE.- PROF:. HASSE is now forming a class, of between twelve and twenty boys, to receive instruction in FRENCH, by the oral method. The course will consist of sixteen lee-, sons, of an hour and a half each, four lessons a week, and in the afternoon. Terms, 84 00 for the course. He will constantly converse with his classes, and afford every facility for attaining a thorough collolnial. knowledge of the language. Prof M. has matured his new system by which those having a slight knowledge of the French language may make rapid Improvement, without devo ting to the study an) other time than the hour passed with the teacher. References: Bev. Bishop W. B. Stevens, B. D , Prof. H. Coopbe, of Penna. University, Charles Short, Elie: Apply at ;his residence, 111 South TH.TRTZICNTH *sot . .• .. • sell-2m BOARDING' SOffoor. FOR . ..GIRLS. , OAR DING ImaroyAL. . . • ...... - -.-„.. ,The Sixth &salon Cf the•BOABDING SOBOOL 'on GIRLS, heretofore conducted by the Subsoribers, near Darby, Pa under the nurse of • "SHARON FEMALE SEIII81.811Y," Will open 10th mo , let, 1882, at Attleboro, Bloke county, Pa.i.under the naine - of _ z P:}:iftflitli:ll:o:,Vl.ln.e;,l3o6(tiji 4:4 Every fedi* will be afforded whereby a thorough and finished course of [instruction in all the elemeniary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, OLASSIO&L; and MATHEMATICAL Education may be obtained. Oirculars, embracing full details of the Institution, msy be bad on application to the Attleboro, Bucks county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. The charge for tuition in English branches,. with board, washing, fuel, and lights, including pens and ink, and the use of the library, is at the rate of $l6O foi the school•year. Latin, Greek, French, German, and Drawing, each extra. XBReEL J. GIII/LIX4ME, pparao--- IiIIiMSYLVANIA MILITARY ...-AOADBMW, at West °boater, (for boarders only.) :ibis Academy will be opened on Thursday, September 4tie,•1882. 'lt was chartered by the Legislature, at its last session; with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erected and fur nisbcd at a cost of over sixty thousand 'dollars, aro ar rangements of the highest order for .the comfortable quartering and subsisting of one hundred and Arty cadets. A corps of :competent and experienced teachers /will glve their undivided attention to the educational depart moat, and elm to make their instructions thorough and practical. The department of studies embraces the fol• lowing courses :—Primary. Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and MilitarYst A graduate of the 'Halted States Military Academy, of high standing in his class, and of rexperience in the field, devotes his exclusive attention to the Mathematics and Engineering. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For cirouiars, apply to JAMES H. CEEB, Esq., En. 628 Chestnut street, or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Phila delphia, or to Colonel THEODORE ll l ATT,,President Pennsylvania Military Adademy. ael9 .lm EDUCATIONAL.--PROV. HIRAM GGEHON gives instruction in Schools and families; and M bis residence,' No. 122 North NINETEENTH street, above &rob, in Latin, Greek, English and General Grammar, Rhetoric, Elocution, English Literature, and Mathematics. • Instruction given by Hats. 0. BOLLIN CORSON, In the French and Getman Languages and Literature., His tory and Praying , Evening Pleases Termed for French Hoiiversation, and fur hetraction in Elocution, English Literature, and History. The latter branch ,is taught according to the most approved nuthods - alarmed in the Normal Schools of France. Xpplicatiene for instruction can be made either poem. ally or by leiter, to Prof. OORSQX, No. 122 North NINETEENTH street; or, if left at'the Llbrarle Etratt ger,o, No. 1323 CHESTNUT street, they will receive 'Preterit attention:' trHEVEST CIFEBTERAZOKAIY, AND .. MILITABF; CRESTFR, • PENNSYLVANIA; wit..ooinmeace • the. Winter term of five calendar months "oktite let of Novena- - Aber Aext. The course of instriaCtions bi - thorough and , designed : and arranged,to.. prePare boys and iarneti . iien for business or college: The.Princlpal, who 'devotes all Mistreat° the interests If hie school and its pu pih, IS assisted by eight gentlemen of :aidUtyand experi ence. The Gsrnsan, French; and.Sparsighlingnagee are, taught by native realdent teachers, an advantage which will be readily appreciated by the patrons of. the Institu tion.. The 'Xi/Vary Department Is under the charge of Major G. Rckendord, of :Philadelphia, whose qualifications for the position are extensively known. Its duties and re- Oulretnanh do not, in • any way, interfere with the Lite ral y departmenasoshibtenrollment among.tha cadet 'e'en* h left °viler:fol. For cataLogaNkuiaPrY to' ' • • ' , VAL. F. WYEILS, A. a6-atuth2va TERMS JANE P. GRAHAME, Principals. EDUCATIONAL. ivvroLsommt .imorn .. „.,_Eß_,B2,_.Mll T V STOLL AOADlftile. Ni No: $O7 A E H A LL St. Terns WS Per Year. Climes nowlonelaii. stiff-lmle • fILASSIOAL INSTITUTt.-DEAN ILI Street, above SPRUCE. The Claeslea! Institute will BS-OPEN ENPTE AIDED. let. . • au2B-2m*'•• J. W . FAIBES, D. D., Principal. MSS M. %W. HOWES' YOUNG( LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY 80110 Ob, 1625 CHESTNUT Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, 10th September. . . au2B.ld ST. MARK'S -EPISCOPAL ACA DENY, LOW7BT Street,.'weat of BLxtoeuth, hss reorevea for the. Eleventh Session. J. ANDREWS RABBISOLAC.PrineIeaI. . ee6-tf, 91110 S. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH AND OLASIBOAL SCHOOL for Boys, N. E. corner of BBOAD and ABOH . streets, "VIII reopen September Ist. au26.lm* MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL reopen her BOARDING and DAY SOHOOL, for Young Ladlea, 1841 OHERTNOT Street, Phfladviptaa, SRPTEMBIR•Bth. . • • .••. *. anl2-tocl* THE. ENGLIBH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL will reopen at 1112 MARKET Street, on THURSDAY, 4th SePtomber• • 51128-1113* 'WM. B. 000LRY. A. 151. VAIRVIEW-BOARDING SCHOOL ' ? AL! NORRISTOWN; Po, for Young Men and Bops will commence SEPTEMBER 29. se4-22t*' GEORGE A. NEWBOLD, Principal. MR. 'WINTHROP TAPPAN'S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1616 13PRUCZ Street, will reopen on WIDNESDAY, September 17th. MISS BROW. S AND MRS. J. E. BALL will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1218 WALNUT Street, on NOE DAY, September 8. seZ2m EOLISH, FRENCH, AND LATIN SCHOOL —Miss BURGIN'S School for Young ladies Will sewn IMPTEMBiIIt lbth,'at 1087 WAL-. HUT Street.. - • sel2-Im* INSTRUCTION THROUGH'BOOKS, -IL Objects, Pictures, and such Endowments a: have been, or may be given, to the Teacher and the Taught. ANNE DICKSON', iu27-1m 108 South SIGHTIIIINTH Street. Bth September. rILE NWOOD ACADEMY FOR 1 4.)1 BOYS.—The above Institution will re-open on the loth of 9th mo. (September.) For particulare, apply to ALBOP, Principal, • 50284 m Del. Water Gap, Monroe county, Pa. • . . •FEDIALE. SEMINARY .1 1 / 4 .1 Located within one mile of the village of Darby, ao 'oesslble hail hourly from the city, will open on the 29th of fetb mo. (September.) For circulars, address an2B-Im* JOSIAH WILSON, Derby, Pa. ITIHE ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL INSTITVTE—A SeloctSohooi for Boys—No. 2 S. WEST PENN SQUARE, REOPENS SEPTEMBER Ist. JOBEYR DAVISON, 1i026.1m* Principal SPRING GARDEN_ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. N. cor. ICI3EITEE and •BLITTONWOOD Streets.—The NINTH Scholastic Tear begins MONDAY, September Sth.' Pupils pre pared for College and businees. Oftenlare may be found at the Academy. Bev. A. B. MILLIONS, an22.lmit • Principe& NEW PUBLICATIONS. 3 e A . NOW NEW BOOKS 4 ' -W. READY. LES MISERABLES-ST. DENIS. Tbo fourth part of VICTOR 111100 8 famous French novel, . 6 Les Miserables." sniformin style and price Vitb part L, Fantine," part IL, Coaette," and part 111., " Marina." Paper covers, price 60 cents, and sloth bound elegant (on superior paper), $L LIKE AND UNLIKE. A charming new novel, by A. S. Roe, author of to I've Been Thinking," " A Long Look Ahead," " To Love and to be Loved," rr True to the Lae t," &o. One large cloth bound volume. Price $1 25. ni. ALFIO BALZANI ; Or, The Diary of a Proacribed Sicilian. A powerful and dramatic picture of life and adventure in Italy during the Revolution. Dedicated to Garibaldi. Price $1.25. These books are sold everywhere, and sent by maiifree, on receipt of price, by • CARLETON, Publisher, 413 BBOADWAY, cor. Lisponard street, aaBo-swtf• NEW YORK. fICTOBER • MAGAZINES ! ! Mar . Der, 15 ob.; Godey, 20 ctn. ;Peterson, 15 eta. ; At inntlo Monthly, 20 ctn. •• PITOIIEB'S Cheat, Bookstore, 439 CIBBSTNIIT r 7 PHO TOGRAPH . 1 41-1-• lU. ALBUMS. $l. I Us A new lot boned in TURKEY MOROOOO,:FUIeTi SIZE, with olaep, reduced to Si 75, LESS THAN COST TO MANUFACTURE, Other styles proportionately low! r/TOEIER'S Cheap Bookstore,' . se6 tett 439 CREtTNUT Street. : TEIHE BATTLES IN VERGINIA.- _i_. We eirtil have ready TO-DAY, ANOTHER FULL SUPPLY of illtint's Map of Virginia, giving clear and accurate Information concerning • ALL THE BATTLE-FIELDS now engaging attention in Virginia. Price, 60 cents. Also, licOlellan's War Map of the Middle and South ern States, upon which ere marked &lithe Battlelelde, ac companied by the dates. Price Si. For attisi by WM. S. ALFRED MARTIEN, , 606 CHESTNUT Street. TELEGRAM MARRING it 84.P: , .01r VIRGINIA. • • SIZE 28 BY•28. PRICE 25, CENTS. • Sold in Betlidical and Book Stores, also sent to any address on reieipt of price. For particulars see adver• tisement in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PRANG 84'00., Publishers, 109 Washington street, BgatQD3 Maf au22.-Int CthUULATIN* IMBILA.RIES. BEOTHERHEADIi -1 ,0131,01T , • LATINO .IISBABY ~; Altttis NEW Mulish and American Boolui,linairding ALL GLASSE 3 of Lite. ratnre. Tbis in'the ORLY:Library in the country that includes all the NEW. ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. Terms $5 per year; six months S 3; three months SL6O ; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 2LB South BIGHTEI Street sea-3m VNGLI3H AND FRENCH FAMILY OIROUL&TING LIBRARY AND CABINET Di LECTURE, 1317 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just publlehed, furnished profit. In Frees, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li brary. Catalogue de fa Bibliathique - des Dames et des De moisetles.' EL X. ffOSAHRESI, Agent, eeB lm 1817 OBES - TEM' Street. COPARTMiMMUIPS. NOTICE.—It is hereby certified that the undersigned have formed a Limited Partner -11/11D• agreeably to the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, to wit: 1. The name or firm under which the said partnership Is to be conducted is BUSH 45c KURTZ. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Gloods in the City of Philadelphia. 8. The general partners In the said firm are VAN 'OA6IP BUSH...and WILLIAM. WESLEY KURTZ, both residinglit- No. 1937 VINE Street, in said City of `Philadelphia; and the special partner Is THEODORE W • BAKER, residing at No. 227 North TWENTIETH *Street, in said city. 4. The amount of capital contributed by the said spe cial partner to the common stook Lathe sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, In cash: 6. The said partnership is to commence on the NINE TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1862, and will terminate on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1864. ' Made and severally signed by the eald partners, at the Oity of Philadelphia, the Nineteenth day' of August, AL D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-two. VAN CAKE` BUSH; WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ, General Partners. THEODOILE W. BARER, Special Partner. atall-6w COAL. C"1" -THE ,UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beet Quality of etalllGH 00AL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prioes. Your patronage is reopeatfully .elicited. JOS. WALTON & 00., , Offloe, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard. EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf SHIPPING BOSTON. flE114; ,rorr,raze from midi port on EiIiTURDAYB. Brom Pin Wharf, SATURDAY. Septeinber 20. • RASON, n ..`statthoiessrilLsail swts Philadelphia for Boston, SATUBDAI•IIIOE.HIfiG, Sep tember 2O, at 10 o'clook and steamship NOBECAB 4 (nesi,) Oapt. Baker, from Boston for Philalelphia, oa I:I2.TI7BDAY, September 244 at 4P. I. Inanrance one-halt that by mall vessels. 'freight kakis at fair rates. Shippers will 'please send their bills of Lading wig Yor freight or omega, having fine nooorantat Mc toplr to HENRY WINNE at 00., 1780,8112 80t1Tft-WHABirNS. Ea r eu t FOR NEW YORK—TIED DAY—DESPATCH AND BWINTODZIN LINER—VIA DELAWAIIN , AND RARITAN CANAL Steamers of the above - Lines will leave DAMN,' et 111 and 6 P. M. For freight, which will be taken on acoommodttlin Serum, apply to WM. M. BAIR) &Ott., tayla-tf 11t2 South DELAWARE Aveauk A dr i a FOR NEW YORK.. HEW DAILY LINZ, via Delemma sib. ,Barnan Canal. • Philadelphia and New York Express Eiteantboat .00a• pany receive freight and leave dolly' at 2P. Iff darer trig their cargoes In New York the following . • Freighte taken at reasonable raise. WM. No. 14 BOOTH WHARVES, rhiladei/Pitii ' - P. CILYDM Agent, -,• JAHNS NANDi Agana, ant-tf Piers 14 and 16 MiLST MY= OFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD OOMPANT. • . - POILADILPH/A, 31111 e 28, 1861. The BATS o f - WRIDIORT and TOLLS on'ARTHIW OM trR GOAL 11 by thin OompaH7 will be aa owe during the month of SERTRINDER, 1882: Port SUB IRAS •, unroon: - ... - ...».,• - • 1 7.7: 7.1.7• - " - -7 Schuylkill Haireit.,•••• ***** .2.10 , LBO Anbatzt SAO 1.70 Port 011 . ntoo; 1.96 • Leo foram of ibo Board of Mangan. jefla-fta •:. =' • 'r• W. H.- WBBB, 800re$1117, PORT WINE, Tarragona 'and Oporto Pon for Pale, in bo1:104 CHAS. 8. oeserrama, No.llll WALNUT Eared. 7 • . aulil . LIQUEURS. --50 calms assorted Li Quern!, part received. per ship Vandal* from Dor dram, and for rale by JA2l7Bo2lM4lll6"kmattLyekuVollitinreel, (1181A_MPAONE.--42 ( Wroioe of . Ores ti cent Champagne, , suet ?pawed per " Ina liusael, ll for no•AClTAbior.p4tt ORABL2B4:OiiSTAI3J: owius . - - _TORN B. .NYEBB .&170- e, MONISM, Nor: 233 and 04 VAILKIIT Stint: BALI or DRY GOOD& ON THURSDAY MORNING. September 26, at totocitootr, by catalogue, va 4tocittke oteatt. Beetemb,cr lOyi o'clock, on 4 months' credit -800 plecee Velvet. Braseels, Ingrain, and Varieties cor seting, cocoa matting., . BRINLEY, Jr, 00., No. 429 MARKET MUM- - 1301 COAST & WARNOCK, AUO- . ..11.. - nornais. Nos. 218 EMMET eitreel. GOODGO bil di WaOA/SR:IE AND IMPORTED DRY l A enl/IDES, MILLINERY GOODS, &o by catelegue 'ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, . September 24, commencing at 10 o'clock, prod/tell , . Comprising a general assortment of seaeonable- Roods. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT .POR . 11113 CITY AND COUNTY or PHILADNLPIILL In the matter of the Estate of LYDIA POLON, deed: The Auditor appointed by the . court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBTRT S. PASCHALL, Administrator, drc , of LYDIA PRICE, deceased, and to reportdistribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at his Office, 8 E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, on MONDAY, September 16th, 1862, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon BE6. stnthSt DANIEL DOIIGIHEHTY, Auditor. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESTNTS: That. I, EBENEZER GATE, of Franklin, in the county of Merrimac, and State of New Hampshire ' do hereby revoke, annul, and forever cancel, any and all Powers of Attorney heretofore granted by me to one CLINTON RICE, of the city and county of New York, State of New York, to act for me in any matter or trans action whatever; and this Is to give duo notice and warn ing to the public and all concerned, that from this day henceforth I shall utterly disregard and repudiatiany further act of said Bice made under or by reason of any power of attorney which I have neretofore given him; and especially do I hereby revoke, annul, and withdraw the power of attorney which I have heretofore granted -to . :said Bice to sell and dispose of certain ratente or ,Bights tinder certain patents granted to me for Improve- Meet in Horse Shoes, Precees for making Iron for same, and the Iron when so made as new article of klanufao .ture, or anything relating to the same. 'No further assignment, transfer, or conveyance what. eser i made by the said Rice in my naitto, or for Ms uader any alleged authority as aforesaid, will, after this date, be recognized by me as valid or binding on me or my legal representatives. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Neal this fourth day of September, 1882. [SEAL] EBENEZER GATE. Viltneaa : uorosAi.s. - P- • OFFIOIIVOL, WILMINGTON, September 13. 1882. Preridid a will be received at Nilo office, until SATUR DAY nekt, the 20th of September, at 12 o'clock N., for the &livery, In Wilmington, of FOUR RUNDRED CAVALRY HoRSICS,I and ONE RUN DRICD AND TEN ARTILLERY. HORSES. - - _ They must be round, free from blemish, and from fire to eight years of age. The Olivalry Heroes must not be less thew 16 hands higbond the Artillery Horses not less then 15,4 hands high. The former must be well trained to saddle, and the latter well trained to harness, all to be subject to a' rigid inspection, and no .Horso will bo taken that is not con sidered as tit for the service Intended. No Mares will be taken, and ati Hones to be of a dark color. - The Attlllery Horses, and two hundred of the OavalrY Horses, to be delivered on or before the 25th instant, and the balance on or before the let of October. Security rot quircd for the faithful 'performance of the contract, the names of whom must accompany the Pro posals. 0. H. GALL &GHEE, ' Captain and A Q. H. Vol. DEPUM QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S 0111011; . Pitmanzi.ente, Ssersst ssit 12, 1862. PROPOSALS will be readied at this °Mee until Sa.- lURDAY, 20th inst., at 12 eidoek fit , for the erection and ccrupletion of a Military Hospital for the use of the United States upon a lot of ground situated at Chestnut Rill, between 3ldgewood Statido, on the Chestnut hill Railroad, and' Township line. Each proposal mut state the shortest time rt (mired to complete the contract, and also the names of competent securities to the whole amount of the contract for its prompt and faithrui per formance. The plans and specifications can be seen at the office of John McArthur Jr., Architect, No. .209 Routh SlXTR'Street, every day between the hours of 10 A. AL and 4 P. R. until the bids are closed. A. BOYD, • Captain and Asst.,Q. H. U. S. A. To : fobm'd. To Plailado. int : ' l ► lF M9 /q- GALE OF bOOTh 32nD GROW* Asa OF TUESDAY MORNING, 12 , entrAnber 23. on four moinha' 1,040 pisokagb, Boots and Woes, &no BALE OF OARPETINGB. ON' FRIDA.Y MORNING, LEGAL. ANDREW BOYD, ',B. T. tievAan. PROPOSALS. D EPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OBFIOR —Pati.Juisr.iii4 Sep .. teruber.6, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this . officenntil SATURDAY, 20th inst , at 12 o'clock M., for supplying and aelivering to the tollowing United States Military Hospitals, Offices, - Storehouses. An. ' a il the Coal and Wood required for the use of such buildings, from Ist October next to May Ist 1863. Hospital at Broad and Cherry streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Sixth and Master streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Fifth and Buttonwood . streets, Philadeb phis. Hospital at Twenty. aensnd and Wood streets, Philes deiphia. Hospital at Twenty-fourth and South streets, Phila. delphis. fleapits! at Fourth and George streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Twentieth and Norris streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Sixteenth and Filbertstreets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Tenth and Christian streets, Philadelphia. Hospital on Race, below Sixth street, 4, National Guard Hall.' Heepitsl on Darby road, .‘ Summit Honse. ,, Hospital at West Philadelphia. Hospital at Hestonville, Horpital at Ommantovrn. • Hospital near Chester, Pa. Hospital about being erected on I , Hunting Park Course,' , Philadelphia, and on property of "Mr. Charles Hubner, at Chestnut Hill, and any other Hospitals which may be'diected or rented within the City limits, during the time above mg cifted. Offices of the Quartermasters, and Clothing and Equi page Departments, at Twelfth and Girard streets, Phila delphia. Offices of the Pay. Commissary, and blustering De partments, No. 1102 Girard street, Philadelphia. Offices of the Military Headquarters, No. 403 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Office of the Medical Purveyor, No. 7 North Fifth street, Philadelphia. Offices of the Medical Director, and 'Medical Director of Tranaportation, Noe. 422 and 424 Walnut street, Phi lad obi a. , MigNOMORM;I Sioreboutte at Twenty-third and Filoert streets, Phi latelphia. Storehouse at Twenty-first and Spruce streeta, delpbia. btorebonse at Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia. Schuylkill kraenal, on Gray'a Ferry road, and build ings connected therewith. Coals to be of the best quality, Stove, Egg, or broken, as may be cleaned, and aubject to inspection. Proposals will be endorsed , 1 Proposals for supplying Hospitals, &c , with Coal,"” and addressed to A. BOYD, Capt. and Aea't Quartermaster U. S. A. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFloE—Panammpau August 16th, PROPOSALS are invited for furnishing Uniform Re gulation Plotting and Camp and Garrison Eqnlpage for the new levied orvolunteors and militia of the United States. The Clothing and Equipage for the different arms of the Betides to correspond in make and material to that heretofore used, and to conform to the patterns in the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city, whore apecifications and samples may be inspected. Proposals should'state the article which it is proposed to furnish, the quantity which can be supplied weekly, the earliest period at which the delivery will becommeneed, the total quantity offered, and the price for each article. AU ar- tides" delivered by contractors are required, by law, to be legibly marked with the contractor's name. The fol lowing list embraces the principal supplies needed : ' ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. Uniform Coate, consisting of Engineers, Ordnance, Ax 'Mary, and Infantry. Uniform Jackets, consisting of Taislry, 'Artillery, In fantry, Zonave, and knit. Uniform Trowsers, consisting of todtasen, horsemen, Zonave, and knit. Cotton Ducks, Overalls. Drawers, flannel and knit. Ehirts, flannel and knit. Great Coats, footmen and horsemen. Straps for Great Coats. • Blankets, Woolen and Rubber. Ponchos and Telma& Back ()oats, flannel, Uned and unlined. , Boots, Bootees, Leggings, Stockings. -Leather Stocks, Wax upper Leather, Sole Leather and Briddle Leather, Uniform Hate, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniform Cape, Light Artillery, Forage Caps, Stable J'rocks,•Saahes, Haversacks, Knapsacks, Cadsoccii, ARTICLES OF EQUIPAGE. Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, Sibley Tents, common tents, D'Abri Tents. • Hospital Tent Pins, largC Wall Tent Pine, large and mall. Wall Tent Pins, small. • Common Tent Pins. • • Eforquito Bare, double sad malts. Regimental Colors. Camp • do. Rational de. Regimental Standards. Storm Flags, Garrison do. 10. Recruiting do. Guidons. Felling Axes and Hiales. Spades. Hatchets and Handles. Mess Pans. • _Curve Yolklee - - Pick Axes and handbill. Bugles. • . Trumpet& Drums. Fifes. BOOKS. Oompani, Order. • Clothing Aocomti; -Descriptive. Morning Report. Regimental General Order. ' Letter. Descriptive. • Index. Order. Pest Order. Morning Report. Lotter -Grand.. Target Practice. Consolidated Morning Deport. Inspection Report. Security ddikbe reetdred for the htlfilment of efetT contract All proposals, received by noon of the tenth day from the date of this advertisement, will be opened et noon of that day, and the articles immediately needed will be awarded to the loweet reepontble bidders present. Contracts for further sap liee will be awarded trot° time to time, as faverabie bids are received, always to Dm kissed reeporisibTe - joide received, up to the time of making the contract. "- By order of the Quartermaster Genera/. $ G. B. OROSIKAIN, • aultttf Deputy Quartermaster GeneraL HOTELS. IRVING HOUSE, NEW YORK, BROADWAY AND TWEL FTH BTRERT, ' . - MI TRAMS ON Twinava avizirr, Conducted on the . IRLTL.XLI3_II-IE—IL aii___RJr. a 1.7 ' _ This house' is now open for the itooonnnodeßon of Amities and transient , Guests.' _I; ~- .. ... GEO. W. WITRIT,.. I ••• • .._ • .-:-. - Late of the Brevoort Sri", ( rrorsoonl ages. w. twitt,' . . j 7 Tabstuein B FRANIC PALMIER, Burgeon Artlet to the Government Institutions, Weigi. tngton. Also, to all of the Medical Colleges and Eloa. pilule: - / The gi PALISIZE LIMBS," adopted by the Pup and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis.' Adam% B. FItANIL. PA.LMILS, bit= N 0.1602 0111t8THIIT Bireet, Pbllad'it G".—Just receive :per: Brigantme • NIQA , from Rotterdam, an involoe of grab% An. ohor 01n. For sale from Ulm Wharf, or from Oflatom , botie More, byCRAB. OARSTAIRS, sole Agent, Nov. 126 WALISItfi ad '4l Strestis: tel 7 BALM ,b A 411i-rnOP 'RN TRomA - 8 .- 4. Bokl 6 _ ttoa. no and 141".8ovigt, kovrft 2tv.. BEAL IZTATE AT PRIVATE BaL gar A large scoot= at Private Elale, it 41,,,, .4 eleeerly:tion of city and country propertr . 1,1/. may be had at the suction stare. -rir..4 Bun descriptions In hindbflia now riad : eatidogues on entarday next P. BEIM ESTATES BALE—SEP 'PE EIGHTH ;ST.— Feat tn,Xern dwelling, ': 4. Eighth Week Immediate poelea.ion • at;, THIRTRENT LI ST.—Two neat reo,s ra sap. 1934 ma Ins north Thirteen th sleet., Fiin. Immolate ooteseeelon . d 1939 nth: • ELEVENTH ST —Four store dwa north•llevestb street. math t . :•! Rene I , l „ ct e ate poreendow.. . " CiCIATZS ST —troderu four-rtory.brick dR 190 S etrtreA, between 19i6 sad 20,61rftt,..°.• Cleve boseestioll. PINE !ST.--GentEd tbree-atory bri:k 4,14 le i? l. Pine street . , osl between Thirtnalth and 4 1 . 4. " 11 4. partlarain handbills. 1 %a: Bele Nn. 2:30 north Mernnth gtr, qt ' 'BENT HOEIblf101.1) 11 ' 1113 ITL - 211, BE, OAENITS, N •s a t il ON TUESDAY MORNING, 2341 !net., at 10 10 o'clock, at No 250 torn) E t &rear, by cArAleßne, the neat matioaaay 'room ' and chart:bar fornitorE.. 11, , u,A e ar , d 7 d 4. pet!, ,tn., of a antilonian !eating the city. 0, MP Mai be ozatnitiod at 8 o'clock o n r b c , the able. - —4444 s Pale No. 3.619 Chestnut Slreet 613PIRIOR FITRNITIIRE, tun, UARPETS. &c. oott ON. WEDNESDAY MORNIN, • 24th lust at 10 o'clock, at No. 1619 r..hutott by catalogue, the honzebold furniture, Ace octave piano. forte, made by E i cbomecker & mirror, Sue canasta, droill2 room told chaubit lute. &c. law May be examined at 8 o'clock on the 1 33 , sale. PHELIP. FORD & CO., ATICTR z3)18, 525 hIABINT and 622 U0M.X22i.1 SAMP OF 1,000 CAPES BOOTS, SHOES, AN D GANS. Olv IiTONDAY MORNISO, • Sept. 22, at 10 o'clock pp:cinch', will he talogue. 1,000 cases men's, boys', and 7flutbr . , Frain and thick boots, 'calf and kip brogue u , gaiters Balmorais, &c.; women's, robes., i 4 calf. kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamslid boots and ohmic, gaiters, E•HIPPera,, a barge assortment of brat. dace rdt) nrlie l Goode 'VOA for examination, with cavA xin, on the morning of-sale. BALI 'ON , liooo • OA GANSSES BOOTS, Sao.. • , Aso. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Sept. 25, at 10 o'clock . PrOthelY, will 1, 42 , lope, 1,000 Mel men's; bnYll'. and grain, and thick boots; calf and kip hrop k ,, ( 7 4 zithers, Oxford des, &c.: w , men's, roisme, calf, kip, goat, kid, keeled boota and shoe ! , suppers,busk:lna, Balmorals, tko. Also, a Iv"' moat orlirst-class city-made goods. Kr more Open or forßO examination, with mm lo l l l4l, sa lt the ing IL MOSES NATHANB, AUCTION AND 00MfdISSION MERDHAST, corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. GREAT BARGAINS. WATOIIRS 'AND JBWRLRY AT PRIVATI, Flue gold and silver lever, !opine, Regfiat, French watches for less than half Ote anal prices. Watabee from one donor to one htorirgd. each: Gold chains from 40 to 60 outs per !let cheap. . TARE NOTICE. The highest possible price le loaned on som a , theme Principal Esirsblishatent, soathesa co n , Sixth and Race streets. At least ene-third any other establishment in this city. 45FATRANS' FRINUIPAL MONEY zrodu, •i MEET. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or small &mounts, from one dollar to on diamond& gold end "firer plate, wacch , .., merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding. Vac. goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT TILE LOWEST IifABILET Thiseetablishment has large fire and ttilef-pr for the safety of valuable goods, together with c watchmen on the preraiaas. ESTABLISHED FOB TRH LAST THIRTY Tillik• MT All large loans made at oar tAe Priusirs; blisltment. MP Marge: preath; reduced. AT PRIVATE HALL One raperior brilliant toned piano-fort" wilt n i ta, Sea. soft and load Pedals_ Prins only WO. One very Ana toned piano -forte, pries only pp: FOR SALE AND TO LET BENT ONLY Drria. Mt Dwelling 926 No-tb 'Eleventh, above Pooh:. .4 both, range, hot water. 80. FOR SALE—The modern mi story Burcic with twu.shav e.7;1 back Indidings, with side yard and all the *Lim t . • Irravernenta. Apply at 834 MARSHALL 5h4 4 ..-44 Parrish. ETO RENT—The ce!ebriti BBEWERY of tbo late William O. Rolm:, 4. ceseed, with all the Flitting, Yates, Tubs. Vete.M..t:. The known reputation of the eall Brewery it fLtsvt... reormmendation to inenre a Very bauth.orst Why (t small caviled. It is in complete working order. ATI Fi be rented en very favorable terms to a god ter.sct rsly on the pretnisee, to ISESKEi. Jr„ 8.816 61* 311 Green et., Eleventh Ward. Pbihit • FOR SALE.—A Black Stall* well trained for miliary service, accer,wrie the sound of cannon and musketry. Be ir path:. the desirable pits, and would be very useful tent rt. csr &bent to join the army. Address L,' Pse rill is LiDENTAL kRAOTICE FOR EAU —To a Dentist who wishes a good McCall,* bray of ono by addressing "Dentist," Press o.Tce. eel 6 lm* TO BE SOLD—Large &den HOUBES--No . . 1825 GREEN Street, for.ettiet 21 teetfront ; and No 1202 GREEN Street, three•sterid doable front ; both deep lots. BONSALL 13BOTEIRRS, .6 North NI eTEI Srmet se6-1131* 411 - HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOI SALE —Elegant Brown Rune Rood and tome Furniture Walnut etreot, between Berentied and Nigh teen th etreets. Apply to O. EL MIIIRECID, 203 South SIXTH Str..4 an26-1m FOR SALE—A beautiful CO. EMI. 'PAGE, and six acres of Ground, in the inteithi Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged la a academy or fast-class school, near a thariag rasp and in a healthy location. Also. a desirable DWELLING and Lot, In New Dui field, Perry county, Penna. Also, a large number of sottages, lots, and (Abuse . parties, for sale or exchangE. B. E. GLENN, 19.3 South YOURTH Sum Wall and 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and ORYIS TO RENT- 1 A THREE-STOW Ma BRICK DWELLING, on RADE &rod, out 1 above Twelfth, north aide. Rent low to a goiA tatS Apply to WETRNRILL & BROTUM jel2 47 and 49 North 13E00159 Eq*et gh TO RENT-A THREE-STRI BRIM DWELLING, on PEN; etrwt, eat Deventeentb, north Me. Arply to WBTREEILL 8 BROTEM 47 and 49 North BEOOND Eaett. FOR SALE Oh TO LET—Yom Houeee, on the west side of SBOAII iSttfal. to 1 SoJumble avenue. Apply at Ma soutt,weet cone 4 NINTH and SANSON Streets. afrlA MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, PHILILIALPIIIA, Sept 15.11 r. The Marshal's Sale of that partici:l of them; the steamer BERMUDA advertised to be sold oeITE , DAY, Slid: 2f). at the ()astern House Storrs. 'FRONT and LOMB/LED streets, wilt be s,.id •-:.- O. Cooke Auction Store, No. 124 South FRONT; at 12 o'clock M , on that day. WILLIAM 11ILLVT&P.D. G. S. Ssmr•li • PIIMADZI.PfItA, September 15, 1862. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue ef Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CADWAIAM Judge of the District Court of the United State: k 3 - 4 for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiral. to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the :z'.s and best bidder, (or cash, at MICHENEWS No. 342 Borth FRONT Street, on TUESDAY. it tember 30, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., the rosidoe et cargo of the brig HERALD, consisting of 30 drums, and 90 boxes of Tobacco. • .WILLI4M rifILLWA IO . D. S. Marshal B. 1). of PeansYlcO s ' PITILAIMLPICIA, September 15. 1869. k 0.6 MARSHAL'S SALE.--By virtue tf a Writ of Bale by the Hon JOHN CADIVO DEB, Judge of the District Court of the Unitell o ! in and for the &astern District of Pennsylvania, b .°. mirelty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, le* highest and. beet bidder, for cash, at CALLOWEiL i f STREET INHABF, on WEDNESDAY, Oct , l‘ei l4 1882, at 12 o'clock M., the schooner JOSEPBIiE tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now 1 e 9 sti 4 wharf. WILLIAM. MILLWAID. U.S. Marshal Eastern District of Penitsfßol PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 16, 1882. selB B MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADif.iii• DNB, Judge of,,the District Court of the United 8: 1 .:it in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, MOP raity, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, i , e a highest and beet bidder, for cash, at CA LLOWRiI I• STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY. Octoteri 1862, at 12 o'clock M ,the schooner P &Nis Y, her wi'e• apparel, and lumitare and the cargo laden on WIT:- the cargo consists of silt in sacks. WILLIAM MILLWAED , U. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Peat PHILLDELPHIA, September 15, 1862. MARS HALT SALE.—By virtue g i V'tit of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OLD WAIS.P S t Judge of the District Oonrt of the United State% s for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Ad rs: :.; to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the and beet bidder, for cash, at OALLOWBfLL - Sl tEg l t i WHARF, on WEDNESDAX, October 1, MI • o'clock M., the' schooner MABY tackle:shwa - el, and furniture, and the cargo Dirt board—the cargo consists of salt in sacks. WILLIAM LLIVATID. , • U.S. Marshal E D. of Penns/ 105 ' ~43 6 PHItiIiBLPHIA, September /5,1551 F _ Aitt3HATA'S by sALE.—By 'USW virtue 0 , Writ the Hon. JOHN Drit, Judge of the Districtt Court of the United iii and for the Rainern District of Pennayirem4, in' ralty, to me directed, will be eat at public sala highest and beet bidder, lhr cash, at CALLOWI T 'I STREET. WIIARB, on WHIMS/WAY, 00,W.,r 1882, at 12 o'clock M., the schsoner IC LIZ tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laida boatd—the cargo consists of salt in sacks. WILLIAM MIL Ora ItA • D. S. Marshal Eastern District ofPt,peats.c.F_.- PHITAIMPRIA., Sept. 16, 1882. ILL]) ATINS ow; "' L UCIFER" OIL WORKS. 100 bbls Lucifer" Burning Oil on Ws guarantee the oil to be twa.explosive, to ° - 0 the oil In the lima with et siteady, brilliant Ow , orcaling the wkk and but slowly. Barrels that 61111334 SMITH, & PIiABSAIL, • . . • ont".. gis isAilicirr au— . . aPtack TBE DIBEASED OF Al -a- OLABEEE.-Lill ants and chronic ed. by spacial guarantee, at 1220 'Walnut • badAPhia, and in case of a failure no Glo"" • =do. Professor BOLLES, thofounder of at: new P s rs give, will supsrintsiul th e treatment oral coe 6 ^l: saAf. AS. pamphlet containing a =deltaic of der. a, of those cured, also letters and c0mp: 102 ,% , . solutions from medical men and o th ers, ''''' given to arifphrson free— t• Lectures are constantly given, at MO, to t e l l men and others who, desire a Imowle s g o af: 13 ; 00 . 4 A coven', in applying Electricity as a ran" ' ' • -.- tientio agent. Cons u ltation free. 5r213.61" RANTS AND AND BAISIN, bble choice new and old Zarte Onrrant 3 ; ate ' tents Bunch LA; Na l'nd Keg P.alstna, for NO bf SHOPIS WILLJAMB;x4 . 107 Bondi wags 6 ;~- '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers