TOR DRAFT PHILADELPITIA TO BE bY GRADITED FOR ALL 'I FIN TROOP. 3 iitegi'viSßED.—The fact that Philadelphia had boon rotlittd according to the returns of the ourolle re, with c 20 , 000 men for the war. hag en rowing Only about - pea t led cuusideraine dlesauefaction. The fault hos been attributed to the enrollees. when, we are aaaured, the toplethrtartiVea Iva much to blame. We know of where the fema a le lf T °cepa(' of homes poiltively rinsed to answer any questions proaanded them hy tire reetellerbot even an to the number of Ineuatee that bad ereeleutly eulisted. Again, we know of two instances ;,ttere the manners neglected their duty by not making .Chit n a wry. In one of these cases two members of the welly bed shonldered the musket; and in another, .our ot the IMMO were away tihtlog tor their o 'nary. Tot no allowatwe or credit wa s elven far thin. be the c ow whose duty it was to obtain all such information. Dom errors of tin kind have, no doubt imintantionelli -b e ep made, and meeting of the Draft, Commie ilwere, re e n dey, the subiect was thoreu,thly considered. The 6riardssiourre rondo a caionlati Tin of the number of men on'itted frcm Pniladel phin, who are now eerving to Pann e, halite o t 30,0 regimen te, entheir figurer' were In the neighbor. 00, Upload sf 20,000. This treeing t o ba nearer the truth A epecial oemtvitteowaa then &painted to pro • tied immediately to flare iithurg. to urge upon the authors glo the Decessity of adopting this etatecuout a. the quota "toed by the city. If we art. credited with what 301 ,,,,ty helms to vie, and which can be defintely estertaie4 by a reference to the rooter in the A i d.M. tout General's 013100, then. instead of a draft having to h e made for nearly 16,000 additional woo, only 0,000 v ie be &mended. The special committee cella have left for flarrisbure will peeve upon the Governor the toot tot the draft should be made for no wore thee this ; other. A entre et list of the Dumber required from op eh word and prectore will bo matte public on i n n ext, rifler 16 committee report the result of their 'pm gowned publithed in The Press of yesterday .. . o wed on the gerund that a draft would be wade for l o w m ot,, which will have to be rime, in order to fur von row wow of 31 .114. If the returns of the °Droners, as token by them, are . adopted. As it dote not, Treece imeiy that thin will be the cane, of metros the number (weirtid flotu each ward und prealtwc will be nearly one. third lees if, however, wt Bra to ne credited with . e elog firthlehrd nob more th an 20,000 men,.then the aapportionment m publi-hed, will be made when toe draft okra phice. If, on the other baud, only 6.000 Men are to be raised by Craft, the number required from each premed and ward will be prooationately lees. From the t a ble, radiant' in The Press of •yeeterday, may coldly be ascertained the quota required from any divi . e l o o, provided the number to be drafted hi also known. 'hero lea feet lu Cann( anon with those who have arcane leered since the enrollment has Wen made whlah it in Roportant should be announced. Those enrolled who blue tottered in compinies accepted by the State wiles, U 1 and =stated foto the ser v i ce of the United States, will not, of come, be Baled to the draft;.and it is lea - portent that Oh' en should notify the tommiesioner, whore ;to poosible, of this fact. Thom who have puttered is c alumnies whore grallua will not be filled up, . anti who tuto r eomerthoutly he accepted by the State, or inns • tend lobo the Gutted States army, as enoh companies, by :be 20th of the present rirmth, will be subject to the re onitemoute et the draft In to also impartipt to know Red companies formed for nthe•monthe sort/Ice will be remind in lien of draft, if they are metered Into the Mike prior to the .drert, which, according to the fol. wring diemdeli rec t e ed yesterday morning by Win. H. Ant a, chief draft conirnineit tier for Philsdel Oita county, has been postponed until the 20th feet.: NARISIIORG Snet. 10.—There Ic no appeal front your asthenia. corteulitsititter s to you, pelf they simply report (pawl deportment ibi ought you. The postpouectowt un til the 20th Is approved. A. G GIIRTIN • The Ind that nine.monthe men will be accepted in Ilene lie draft are not seem to he generally knowa. A umber of the motif:tattoo now forming will otTer their settices to the State for the v lue. months service, while others will go 11 in for the war." TEE Fran' UONTBSTED ELUTION 8 1 ..g‘c:-TlE9.'d ARGUMENT OGN MX DID —The ears of noniron vs. Ewing le now ao• proactlog a tera ivation, the counsel oa ooth sides being Waged fu etnnudrig up the evitleno6. At tho opening of the count yeti( remi morning Mr. Breweter continued hie ousrunett. commenced on Monday 'sat. Hie initiatory re melts were ma (Mews: Elan it please your Honors: I come now, in order, to lbe Met end the nucceeding epecidcatlo-ie of the re spondent's (Mr. Being} answer, to too tooth, excludlvo Of the 105'h linear which no proof woe otfured, and the 194. h, Oki: wee eirtiolt nut by the court I dtaonaa, 11:11 con deilon, the 1410, 192 d, 193 d, and 1 Ocith e cad ficettone. 'Wettd% than have reached the end of this catechism. I 'mutt them. in the first place, together, though i Allah dhows Mem std the evioepeo under each of them seem. cutely, for the reason that they preempt obieettons to the newton of the whole polls'. Under no one of them has troy eeldires here enbteitted of a fraudulent vote hay. fog been offered or r, edited Under no one of those ape oilicteleat has them been an attempt to show that a wrong w ig fi nerept.d or practiced. There hoe not been the elfghtest reel t to show that tho people were woes, oi that the result as certified by the offi cers was an untrue tenth, or that Mr. Ealing wen &handed of any right or To :es in any of the precium tanned. t3o far ate the proof of inure of the Fprodicalionl id cot:teemed, thorn is ,dot even an al Notion that there was a mi duke resulting from any thing charged In the epscifications. Is would appear, therefore that the remit has not been attached or changed, ad it seem to me that the eimple statement of that p a pesition ought. under the well settled principles which gems this /mart la she deeleton or etectioa oases, to aide the whole of theta mutations, and to spare all dis t:melee of them; fur tiptoes there be somithing material ehown—uniemsomething bas been done which affects, or wee 'Dirty to effect, the mutt. I cannot pretend to ask your twigs to coneider the gnestion. Mite ,your at potion to these two propositions: in the grit piece, that there •is no elicitation of frand, or attempt to chow fraud, under any ono of those spent/t -rattoria fecondly that there is no //Meg Won or attempt to show that the result wee changed or affected by reason of anything In the said specifications. Now, havloß Meted those two pointe, which will not be disputed by my learned frierde, all t` , lsy are not susueptible of dispn tation, I will cell lour Atientfou. to order,to the evidence ander each of 1116 speciecatlons. I shal then refer th caret to the autborluft, and then my remarks will have closed. Br. 'Brewster contir ned at length, fnlly nuivertti it the positions &Itemised to he seentrott by the sonnet for the respondent. file emending rotnarke were at tithwe t And now, I believe that every specification of this an taw, (very item or toodf, every ;mkt that the 'earplug end ingeonits of nit the opponents conld suggaar, has Gam noticed, awl, I treat, ancomfully anew end. I feel that the Menke of all parties are emineudy dna to the court for the patience with which we have bee', listened to er.l.ot •Ho, to the oxcluefon of other and preatiog orPtimeldt awl 0. the BACritiCO of your comfort and beeith h, o u utter try tog ammo of the year. I tat granda,u the court. moat heartily, upon the near approach of the termination of its labors. I congistelate the p• 'Wooers upon the success which mud stet dily /Town their efforts. I woven tare Alderman John Thompson, that estimable man 31.(1 honorable c..iv/n, that even the malignity of hla toes hall not be.. o able to prove against him a .ingie VW. And, above alt, I cousrarnlato the I,lw, that though the may be for a time baffled, the shell at led tritemb over wrurg end fraud, and thus entitle horned to clean as her home Clio brown' of the G xi who gave her firth. In pre it humili y, but earnest faith, I snpo!icate that Crest Ileirk that tho judgment which, as bit minis ters, you tball here pronounce may prove the vindication 01 the lurid The tweed for Mr Erving then commenced Mate. Tbe CS* he reanuseti Mit" morning, at ten and a belt • RAILROAD PRESIDBNTS IN 1./017Nane. tnin Boort of Fre•fdepts of the City Passenger Ralivra7 C:mpenine met en Tneeday afternoon, for the purpose of rOuiderillg ho ell4kit Infringement on the rule which bed beeo advaril tor the ter/Motion of the exchange ticket axiom comt taint was against the Fairmount ant LH) street rood, and the Oallowhill and tleitonville ammo. It wee alleged that theta roads, rtnanto it m ead, see exchanging, In °pupation to the rule, and at Wet ttliot flit 4e provided for. After twaider .ble rl teoneelan on the charge, the attend• note being 'mai it was, on motion s resolved to postpone the heresy cat.:iitleration of the enhj.ot nntll the waked tnat tg In tastier No other hueinette being presented, the B3rd edintroed until that time. THE REMAINS OF BRIGADIER GENERAL AOLILEIi.—The body of Brigadier General Bohlen has hue Weird( rred, end vitt be brought to this city thts silting, by ,Mr. Zlight, The meatus were oh tattier! on Seamier hat, by o party who went to the field under a It e tf truce. The burial will tak.. place . to-morrow Menton, from the Lutheran Ohuroh on Race street, eters Fifth. The body will probably remain In Lido. peedence Hall thti evening The family of the deceased ere ell it Amp, and tire. Bohlen Ites probably not yet received Worm ion of the death other hoeband. CLOSING TILE STOUS•—A suggestion het been mode vary generally ) and is now being carried Into r Dot, to onside the able. b Idled men employed In the Mercantile business to form MO competes, and drill themaeltes lot any minter, exigency. We are told that nomad oar toercisatits hesitate to cement to close their Morey Idiom in the alteration, whicn Is the hour dealg• noted They toevr. many reasons for th sir refusal : the fall trade, eager en touters. necessities of buslnesi, and a desire to ecamom••dato all who may wish to buy and Sell. Wocan Latdl) think it possible that thou) .gentle• Man would serhou•lp obj e ct to a measure so neoratarY to the Wan welfare aa his The highest duty the citizen Can porkpies is to a .ve the State, and it can only be per forrord by Leine prepared, at all times, to resist the Lava der, or crush tbr rein!. THE ENROLLMENT.—There has been tome cornolatot among realty of our citizens in relation to the of the enrollment, ea resorted in the tohlitioe or The Frees. We desi re to sae to.thoso or our tu ldells who hare otntpleinte to make, that Hershel Mitt- Revd le reeds , to receive cod consider them; in other °NI If nor citizen should know of another citizen tiring avoided the eorollmeot by flilde representations, or obsmee from the city, he hay only to present the name and residence GP the pine to the Marshal, and be wilt See lbet It goer upon the Het Flan —An alarm of fire wax caused, heterening, by the burning of a shed attaohed to the lod winks of .y. T Lewitt 8c Brother, loeatod on Gun• net's ran, at 'Mtteson and York strict% Nineteenth Weld, The lest is intimated at about WOO. thorny atter the Warm of fire in the Nineteenth ward, 4 artu tree otrattd the burning of indow our t In a dwelling haute situated la Fifteenth street, be ha TUB ANDERSON OAVALRY—TWO bun- Ib_td pleked moo from this famous regiment, under Cap ,41,.1 Palmer, left Carnal° Barracks on Tuesd ay night .9t ou the State border. and 110 a, acre actively r I PICITtd at the front The remaining companies will f4t 9lt a few dap. Since the announcement that the ter the present, has boon detailed for duty to Comberland Valley. the doeire of mpny first.clase moll to Join their friends, already enrolled; has rel et o , anit, portone making application to-day will be mut With but little daisy to Oamp Alabama, Carlisle. I .u 4 ID, sEßirs BaTGADE DRILL.—The offic tet,, , •petneey A, 2d Regiment of Reserve Brigade. wit' In etteedence at their armor 7, No. 605 Obestaut street, :tnerrow ettnrnn.ln and events', to drill all persona 00 hive r 1 ,4 sow., t, ocittntly at heart and who !krt. to become rrottcteet in the manual of arms. A _uat o etuttuuttr h here offered to an who with to be in. Finland to minim) doles. AE RTVAL OP THE CfNITIID STATER TII&N8POIIT 1 111NRY WURDAN —The Goverorilent Itt4en treimport henry Barden, from Washington and ertrem ?dilate, %Is Fort Delaware. in charge of Lieut. ttelesel John 8 Stevenson, of the Penuselvania rdarios ptr ille rfi has twrived at tills port. She yes one of 'tbe r„lliners which recently carried the robed prisoners to it Y Pula, to be 02 ehangai for the Union prisoners at Del shire ar °hhi and Is connected with the service at Fort trl3 asTrNo op A. WATER - MAW.-- The ark male at Broad aod BPrfog L . Garden greet/ burst u t . •"u Putt len o'olook last evening. and the result atom extravag linlplint 9' ant and iniudicloas waste of the element"_ to coin a phrase The authorities 114, Promptly notified by telegraph. and ttOP have been taken to repair the damage. RDBBELL TROOP.—Capt, W. H. FrY, tr his b oo cite. fs rapidly filling up iris comosny. This t ur p Rotten op ender the auspices of OUT lag WM g!ti Men, in a servicesit will be fall. Those wish .. to twist in the should not fall to jola this MI LITAR'r. —ln obodienee to the pro • ez at 2o of the Governor, the employees of the miters] dt c uulbanlee have organized opany for ho roof Um city and State. The a c o m b y witi_ r be e the El prees Guards. w°l‘' G/N141t01:1B Spiess, ~,-1 4 1 No etreb!, has given to . llesp4Alo :, Moore, of the 78d P. V., the earn of fifty dot. It : be divided se an extra bond/ among ten re' 1 1 1 , 4 4 ,: 4 F/PTR WARD ASSESSORS' RE -1-1•„-2 --The OrAu(l Jury have found a true bit tdaard D .ugherty, assessor of the Filth ward. "Mkt false returns the charge befog inlederatauor ;1.. °CAUL INBANIC --It le elat+d that Captain Hart. tl . l ° I Acetic) no has become lame, ;.41Pir counted in u lunette Whim in 14."t1"n1 4 4 ". The caws tr his Insanity is stated to be tbe te d estruction or hte plantation In Booth Carolina c 't!hetile of hi. own partisans, ciaptain H. being en `, in the Celli dilate strike. To Arms—To Arms! To the Editor of the Press : Fin: Action is necessary to-day. Let all able bodied men assemble at suitable places most con venient, provided with horses and suoti equipments as they may be able to bring with them, consist ing, as far as possible, of rifles, muskets, or shot guns, and ammunition to suit their pieces, also provisions suitable for a journey of a few days. Let the clothing be moderato in quantity, includ ing an overcoat and blankoffor wet weather sod at night. Those who are suitable men fur the service, and who are without horses, can no doubt ho sup plied by their neighbors. Horses in large numbers Insist be had in this emergency ; the purpose of this call being to organize a force of not lop than ten thousand to harass'the enemy ip all possible ways. •Let the enemy have no rest, day or night, while on our soil. '.ibis force should assemble at—say Har risburg—at once, where suitable commanders can b a selected, and instrue ions given for combined Movements. Let all prepare TO-DAY. FRANKLIN. Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1802. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADIMPIIIA, September 10,1802 A fate amount of buslnesa wee done on the street, end at the Stock Exchange to-day. Money continues to flaw in unreservedly, and the market is again becom clogged. Cell loans are numerous at 404 X per cent. There was all manner. of rumors floating nhont to-day. 7 he moat noticeable was that Generals atoOlnlian and Sigel were badly cut up, and our Governor's procla mation, ooming in about noon. caused some'excitement, until the terms of it sere folly underat:od. According totntsiders, the stock market was to have a great decline, but the %eta are working largely in favor of the bulls, for not only have;tbe prices of yesterday been maintained, but Governments, along with some other impurities, have actually advanced. This shows that the long faces of the bears, and the depresiing influence of their ominous weeds, are keying very little. effect. The continuation of the high price of gold is smatter of IMMO Burp:ls6,ml can only be accounted for on the ground that parties are buying having in view • deplorable condition' of our future finances. At the Stock Board rather lees business was done than on the day previous. Government seven-thirties advanced X and closed firmly; sixes, 1881, also rose X. Certifi cates of indebtedness brought osg. City sites were freely bought—the now issue at 1013 f, the old at 97X— both the same as yesterday. Pennsylvania fives Con tinued firm at 8/ Philadelphia and Erie sixes at 93 . Elmira chattel tens brought 87. Reading sixes improve,' —the issue of 1886 rising X. Lehigh Navigation sixes fur ther improved 34. Pennsylvania Rallro:ad second mort gage rose ; first do, was in demand at yesterday's figures. Allegheny county sixes brought 33 Allegheny Valley Railroad sixes 73x. Reading Railroad shares rose X, bat declined 3( at the close; Beaver Meadow was firm at 67X ; Long Is land rose ; Camden and Amboy rose 1 ; North Penn sylvania ; Pennsylvania advanced 13.( on yesterday's figure, but dropped X at the close; Catawlees preferred sold at 10; Elmira at 13; Morris Canal preferred stock advanced 1. Passenger railways were more active; Spruce and Pine sold X better; Arch Street % ; West Philadelphia I. There wean° change in the others. A small lot of Western Bank brought 60, which wee the ooly transaction in bank shares. The following is a statement of the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week ending September 6, 1862: 'Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Hazleton 6 060 03 96,036 13 101,147 01 East Sugar Loaf 4,403 01 74.678 10 73,981 11 Council Ridge 2,166 13 50,662 04 52.830 17 Mount Pleasant 518 18 4 000 03 4,215 01 Spring mountain 1,872 03 04 688 14 68,459 09 Coleraine 1,113 11 22 850 00 _3,96311 Beaver Meadow. New York and Leblgb.. 1,671 N. Spring Mountain.— 4,502 8. Spring .... Seddo 2,660 arleigh 1,652 German Penna.... 6.. 1,719 Ebervale..... ..... 999 blithesville .1,032 Other Shippers Total 28,884 03 672,548 17 801,483 00 Oorreepondiag week last year 14,800 03 537,827 07 (53,127 10 Increase /3.68 , Philadelphia Stock EXC [Reported by b. B. But FIRST I 2000 IT S 7.30 T N.... 101% 100 Waver Meadow.. 07% 10 Long Itiond ILO 17% 2100 Uity Or 91A 3200 do New.... 101% act do N. 8 10.. 07% 1000 do New 101 10 Cam St Am 8....128 4 Noith Pena 8.. 9.3 f 80 Ppruce & Pineli. 13m 90 Penns It 47m 11 do cash 48% 4 do 4filt DIOTWIL 89 Penns B 48% 600 II 8 6e 7 81...e5eb.100 SIOUX 15 Weetern R00k... 60 21000 Penoall..2dmt 102 N 1000 Mira Co as 38 3:Went Philo R.... 52X 22 • do .53 9 Penns 31 48 CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked. U @ de. 09% 100 U 8 Tr 7 8-2 . 0N.103 Minds 08. 97X ...t- Pbiladata n0w..101 101 X Patina 66. 80 81,4 Reading it 291 f 20X Read m 608 0 148.108 .. - Reading bde '70.100 101 Read mt 08 '86.. 90X Penns Rea div. 47% 48 Penns al m 02..108' IG7 Penns It 2m 65..102% Morris Ord Con.. 42 47 blorrie Pref.llsX 118)4 Soh thy Stock.. 4 4% Sob Nay Prof,... 13 14 Sob)/ 86 , 32... tat -05 -- brmlrs B 18 Iro4 Elmira B Pref.. 22% 23X Philadelphia Markets. Flour was firm, but dull,, with but little in• quiry for export, and only about 900 bbla found buyers, at $5 for superflue, $5 25 far extra, and 85.7566.15 for extra family—the latter for choice Ohio. The stiles to the trade are moderate, within the same figures, and high grades at from $6.25 to $7 # O. bbl, as in quality, and the receipts and stock light. Rye Flour is steady at $3.50 bbl. Corn Meal is quiet, but a sale of 400 bbLs Pennsylvania is reportod at $3.12 4ify bbl. • Wheat is moning off quite freely, and commands pre vious quotations, with sales of 869,000 bus to note at $1 2861 31 for Western and PennsylvaniaLeds, chiefly at P 1 SO, in store ; $1.35 for prime Delaware,.afisat; and $13561 45 for white Rro is' unsettled, and selling at 686700 for new, and 730740 for oid. Corn is firm, and 2,500 bus yellow cold, mostly at 70e, afloat. Oats were unchanged, and 263.000 bun sold at 86e for Southern and 376380 for new Pennsylvania. BARE is more lognirefl for, and about 20 blab Ist No.l Qom citron told at $32 4P ton. COSION.—The market Is excited, but there is very little c ffering, and buyers are not dispoaed to pay the ad vance generally demat ded. GROCERISS continue at a stand-still, and without' any alteration to note. Pitonstogs —The market is Orin, but quiet, and the salts confined to bbl Pork and Lard at steady rates. Wxlimy is dull; bbla gelling in a small way at 33e 33)(c, and drudge at 31. c. CITY ITEMS. MISSES' FAIR FOR 'TILE BENEFIT OF. THE SOLDIERB.—It is gratifying, amid "these wars and ru- MOYI cf wars," to Bee the ac'ive spirit of benevolence the crisis is eliciting. There is not a day passim that does not bring to onr notice some practical movement for the aid andnomfort of our brave soldiers, and not a few of three are wholly conducted by the ladies, and some few even by the children of our city. One of the most sno crtiefal efforts of this class la now In progress at Handel and Haydn Ran, Eighth and Spring Garden streets. We elude to the Fair that is now being held in that ball by the ldireee—from thirteen to sixteen years of age—of the Second Reformed Dutch Church of this city. Every ar rangement has been made by these patriotic young ladles and their friends to render this effort profitable to the good cause and, from the number of visitors yesterday, they are sore to succeed. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Hospital Sixth and Hader itreets. The Fair will continue open all of to-day and to-morrow. Lot the young ladies be liberally encouraged. SWORDS, SASHES, GLOVES, ETC., FOR °M oans 18 min /Lamy AND NAVY, can be found In the most elegant style, and greatest variety, at the splendid store of Meters. Chas. Oakford & Son, Nos 884 and 880 Chest nut. street, under HI) Continental Hotel, together with every description of fine Military trappings. Officers now making purchases alionld not fail to examine this magnificent stock. ct Tnz OSBORNE" is the name of a now water proof cloak for ladles. It is made very amnia in the skirt, and with large sleeves, either hanging loosely, or by mums of a cord and tassels, drawn tightly around the wrists, in plaits. It has a very pretty expanding hood, which can be worn so as completely to protict the bonnet, and is perfectly water-proof. When enveloped intim " Osborne," no lady need fear any portion of her attire Wog in the least eogres injured, even by long. continued rain. For sale by. J. W. Proctor it Co., No. 920 Chestnut street. WINES AND PURE IMPORTED MALT LI- QuosS, for medicinal purposes, can elwai e be had at Mr. C. li. Mattson's, dealer in line family groceries, B. W. Omer Arch and Tenth streets. We would call special attention to-day to his fresh supply Of LoSgworth's Still and Snathling Catawba Wines, direct from the vine , yards," near Cincinnati; real Piper Heidsleck Chun eiti pure old Port, Sherry, and Madeira Wines , alio the beat brands cf Scotch Ale and London Erma SR tit, imported for hie own sales A Fula, REQUISITION for a regichent calls for the following articles of clothing and equipments : 1015 ip eat coatis, 1016 trowaers, 1015 blouses, 1015 16 bullet. ;Toot veate,"n 1016 bootees, 1015 oaps, 2030 shirts, 4000 4ockinge, 2030 great coat strove, 1015 knapsacks, 1015 haveroacke, 1015 canteens, 539 privates' cook, 343 move. pauy, 68 Sibley tents, 28 wall tents, 170 common tout., 1 hospital tent, 162 axes, 161 ; hatohets, 136 pick.axes, 136 'nodes, 130 comp kettles, 20 bugles, 10 drums, 10 fifes, 10 camp colote; I national color. * The " bullet. proof Paste," la 'this State, are only pr( cured at the fdtlltary and Citizens' Clothing noose of %at lee Stokes, No. 824 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. THE CITY OP LONDON.—There' are 2,800 streeta in London, which, if they were paced in a straight Hi, would extend 3,000 miles, or twice the distance from Calais to Constantinople. If a person should undertake io - irata throUgh all these streets, and should go ten miles a day, - each work-day, it would require a whole year, and . milintehile be would find no business establishment there lo compare with the Brown Stone Clothing hell of Rock hit St. Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut ev., above sixth, either in the splendor of the structure or the elegance and excellenceof the suits for soldiers end civilians gotten up therein. THREE STAGES OF BEM:PTY.—Beauty .hIS three stages—the coy, the dignified, and the Intellectual. The first exists until about twenty, the second until twenty five, and the last until beauty heis made itself wings and flown away. The young Miss has a priutness, a staid ness, and miniature /severity of aspect at Variance from her years. In the case of man, however, this is different. .411 men appear beautiful who array, thenteelveiin fash ionable garments, procnred at the Palatial Clothing Em- . nosh= of Glanville Blokes, No. 001ILOhestnat street, where can also be obtained military uniforms of the finest quality, at greatly reduced 'prices X l4 28.944 16 25,516 68 74;806 16 70,811 01 845 17 845 17 05 58,864 02 .61,423 07 19 37,851 12 39,594 88 (7 23,163 11 24,877 03 08 19,679 15 20,679 03 02 49 815 10 2),84712 .. 762 05 762 05 (10 34,721 10 48,305 10 thlange . Sales, Sept. 10. TAICSiI, Phila. Szelienige.j 1000 Phila .C• Erie tb.. 98 1000 Elmira 041 10i eh IT 50 Resdiog 13, 29% 6 do ..... ..0441 3U 60 Clo ..nswndr. int 29% 3000 Bealing fie o 85 .. cog 200 Catawisse li Pref 10 13 storrleOsual Prefll6 1000 U 31 Year Ger... 9S. 2i Elmira it 13 2 Arch St R 24 U 2100 Lehigh Nay 63.. 106 X BOARDS. 6000 U S 7.30 T N.... 103 BOARD 1000 nlle Val 75..2d1 a 73 3 i 1600 tif 9 63'81........100 1000 Peonu 89 1100 d0...........89 100 lleadiug R 29 89 WES—STE S.DY. Bid. Asked Sim 7573.4tx hit 86 87 1, UMW 8..... 17% 17% Leh al & N.x.dr BO 61) Lia GI &Nee op. 28 29 'l3 Penn 5 8..... 9 9% N Pr.B. tie -76 77 N Pa a 10e.....100,1 .. ()Maw B 00n... 3 3,' Catawba Pr[.. 10 10% Fr . & South'k 8.. 40 47 Sec & Third St B 68 69 Race& Vine-et B 10 10% W Pi n% 8..... 63 53% Spruce & Pine ..448g 14% Gr & noutna exd 32 83 Meet& lAT ov..dv BO ' 4t • Arch St ex div. 24 25 iThir St Fifth:lth. 17 20 !Tenth & Elev'th 81 82 SI PT RN 61411 10-1 VEXING SPECIAL NOTICES. PLiNOB AND DINLO DECKS AT AUCTION . PILICES.—To be fulls prepared to roapond to tho re commends Hon of Clovernor Curtin, and for the exigen cies of the Val', I will sell my entire stook of elegant Pianos and Melodeon'', now and little wed, as above. It embraces 12 of the inimitable Steck Pintos, besides others (Swell-establish' d reputation. Melodeons of ,faaon & Hamlin and Treat & Linsler's make. ailwarranted for Svc years, and kept in tune, in this city. for one year. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and 'CHESTNUT. BeB.l2tift- DROVER & 13AKER'8 NEW SHUTTLE SEWING EMCIIINE.-PRIOE, S4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re• gulling the mat of a fast and d arable lock-stitch maohluo, is directed to our No. 9. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a groat favorite 'with manufacturers. It is a first. class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city bee sold so rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It is very simple In its construction s easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with line cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low price at which it is sold places it within the reach If all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine. GROVER & BAKER B.X. CO., 730 OLLE8T81:31 Street. ONIC-PP.icfN CLOVIDTG, 0)1' Tl.lB TATtErI *MA3, trade ln the Best Manner, expressly for Itlfi um seLrk. LOWPST Bolling Prices marked In Plain Figures. AII Goode made to Ordor warranted intialeotory. Our .esnr-Paton 81 , 13T3K fi striotli trd tiered to. All are thereby treated alike. next-1y JOICHS & 00,. 004 lIJARKNT Ettrmt. MARRIED STE , EVER-8110EIKARER.—On Wednesday morn ing, 10th September ' "by Alesauder Henry,. Mayor, George W. titcever to Lydia, daughter of the late Joseph Shoemaker, of this city. lAD ITELSWEET.—On the 10th ultimo, by the Rev. J. 8. While, Mr. John R. White to Miss Lizzie D. Sweet, both of this citY. ik LEHMAN—RIIFTY.—On the 9th instant, by the Rev. Robtre Matlack, John A. Lehman to Yirgsnia Rutty, both of this city. DOLLETT—FARRINGTON.—Ou the Gth instant, by Rev. J. D. Dobbins, Mr. Charles Collett toMisivEliza beth Farrington, both of Oamden, N. J. * DIED. GII.OFF.—On the 70th instant, Jeremiah R"Groff.. llbe relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funernal from his late residence, No. 18A8 Mount Vernon street, on Bntnrday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. . it**. SMITE( —On the evening of the 10th instant, Miss Stewart, rolict of James Smith, K. D., formerly of Chest nut Bill, in the 66th year of her age. The rdativee and friends of the family are invited to attend the (mere!, from the residence of her eon, Dr. Soren& S. 9 Smith, Brookfield. Dfontgornory county, on Saturday morair.•g next, at 10 o'clock. Interment at &Mb Lame] 11111 at 1 o'clock. ***- BIG A.LOW.—On the 9th Ind , !Satinet S., daughter of Eterhen O. and Ellen Bigelow, aged four yearn and nix months. Funeral from 'the'residence of her parents, ffo. 1312 Coates streol, on Thursday afternoon, 11th inst., at 3 o'clock, svithout further notice. RI RK.—On the Bth instant, Robert W., son of Mary Ann and the late Nathan W. Byre. • The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral, from the residence of his mother, 870 Marshall rtreet. this (Thnraday) morning. MR o'clock * BROADBENT —On the 6th inatant r aites Broadbent, in tho 40th jeer of hie ago. BUOWN.—ekt. Washington, D C., on the sth inatant, of typhoid fawn, Charles Loring Brown, in the 65th sear of hie ans. CtilliY.—On the Bth inetant, Thomas Oaeey, aged 0 )(IMO. • 00IITEATI.—Oa the 9th inetant,la L0T11134, daugh ter of James and Hannah Contemn, in the ad year of her age. COX.—On the 9ch instant% Caroline, . wife of Samuel Qox, and youngest daughter of Peter Riker, in the 26. h year of ber age. DI:VIA—On the 9th indent, Alre. Ann Devir, wife of Edward Derir. iK Diltrik—On the Bth instant, George W. Diehl, on of Michael and Elizabeth Diehl, in the 24th, year of his age 41! BLACK AND SECOND MOURN ING Dress t ilke, just opened I Bled. Oroe Grains and Poolt de Soles. Slat k Taffetas and Gros de Baines. Black Armores and Venetieunes. Black Gros d'Ecosse or Ottomane. Black and White Taffeta Latice.- Bleck and White Varsoviennes. Black and White neat Stripes and Ohecks. BES'iON & SON, eel-tf Mourning Store, No. 918 011NSTNII l Street. PHILADELPHIA., SEPTEMBER 10, 18132.—During the present e nergetmy. we agree to C1(.4.3 our storesat FOUR O'CLOCK P. 81., in order that enrselves and those in our employ may have the oppor tunity of becoming skilled ie military exercises: Wm. 8. & Alfred Hartien, 606 Chestnut street. Ohsrles G. Ilarknees, 608 Chestnut street. Bytwell & Brother, 622 tthestunt street. George W. Childs 629 Chestnut street. JILMEB Burk, Jr , 628 Chestnut street. Kelly & Co., 660 Chestnut street. J. B. Gould, 632 Chestnut street. . . J. Albert Badman, 701 Chestnut street. Tyndale & 91Patell, 707 Chestnut street, Pah-banks ,k awing, 716 Chasten! street. B. W. Carryl & Co., 716 Chestnut street. • W. B. Carry I dc Co., 719 Chestnut street. kerrniento & McGrath, 720 Ohs tent street. Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street. : • Willis P.'llszsrd, 724 fbostont street. M. Blenheim, 728 Chestnut street.. Mod Iliater & Brnther, 728 Chestnut street. • Grover, Baker. & Co ' 730 Chestnut street. Charles Pntrunig. 812 Chestnut street 'James W. Scott, 814 Chestnut street. Batley & Co., 819 Chestnut street. • 'Jifnee B. Caldwell it. Co., 822 Chestnut street, Mason Jr Clo., 907 Chestnut street, A r d TODDY others. lt* IirFOURTH WARD NATIONAL 'UNION A 880016.710 H—A meeting of the Association win be belt THIS THORSDo.T Evening, at TX o'clock, .mt GAMPHOIOB. Election of Ward SCx. Committee.] S. B. REIIPRT, Bee. ' KENNEDY MC OA AT, • lt* . President. ErrLAW DEPARTMENITt.UNIVERSITY OF FENIsSYLVANIA.—& Term wiil com thehce on WEDNiikIDAY, October Ist. The Laredo:- terY Lecture will be delivered by Professor E. tiPltri- ONE DULLER, in the =nal Lecture Room, at 8 o'clock P. M of that day. eepB-tool try. THE CITIZENS OF NINTH WARD, in epptclive of party or age, are requested to meet on H CRS DAY, llth inet ;at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at National Ball, No. 1224 MARK ET Street, for the purpose of determining a course of action in reference to the defence of the City, State, and Nation. ()Wants will pleaeo come prepared to enettest a course of action. Philadelphia, September 10, ]862. Jobn M. Redid. Henry G. Freeman, Joseph Waterman, Matthew 'Newkirk, Charles Dilworth, James B. F. G. Fraser. George W. Henry, John eparhawk, George Harp, Jr., James Abbott, William Struthers, . John Hollins, Joseph Maple'', Dr. William Musgrave, John Kane, (it] A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF u,:s the Eighth Legislative District of Penanylvanta wr.o held'on TUESDAY EVENING, Sepleinber 9, 1882, when the following reeolutione were noanimonsly adopt id, viz : Resolved, That, at this fearful crisia, with a civil war In piogrese, our State threatened, and our city menaced, we have no disposition to engage in party strife, nor to try experiments in legislation or with higielators. Resolved, That Wm. L. Dennis, Este , has proved him self a faithful and able Representative, and we hereby tender him a nomination, and pledge onreelves to use all honerable means to secure his election. Resolved, That a meeting of the friends of Win. L. Leon's, 'Esq., be called at the house of Charles Over beck, southwest coiner of ELEVENTH and VINE Ste on FRIDAY EVENING next, the 12th fnet , at 8 o'clock P. M., for the - . purpose of adopting measures to secure his clection. 'ALGERNON S ROBERTS, President. Aitest, JAS. R. GAERIGIIIIS, Secretary. I'IIILADELPEI lA. Sept. 10, 1862.- CAUTION—S2OO REWARD -4,0;41, 'Tuesday evening, three $6OO 7-30 TitEA.BuftY l OTEB, wi.h coupons attached Three of the fot , owing numbers : 31,168, 31,569, 31,670, 31,673, 31,674, 31676. All parties are forbid negotiating the same, as payment has been stopped. B. F. G .i.LetiGHE 0, 11* 281 North THIRD Street. og. SEVENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ABBOOIATION will 'meet this THURSDAY EvittattO, at 8 o'clock, at the house of John Patterson, corner 2CLERTBSRTH and SOUTH Streets. Punctual attendance le requested. WILLIAM. B. RA.DARA, President JAMES DICK, Becretari. eell•lt* ErrTHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVE NOTIOE,that they have been the Go vernor of Pennsylvania 00 ittdl.BBlo tit ER TO SUPER INTEND THE DRAFTING OF MILITIA. IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and 'Pennsyl vania, and in obe:ience to General (War No. 99 from the War Department. at Waebington. lichee is hereby given that on the2Oth DAY OF SEP.' TEMBE Il i 1882, we will proceed to draft for each of the Wards and Precincts within the bounds of our appoint ment the number of men necessary to fill their respec tive quotas, unless the several Wards and Precincts obeli furnish the men as volunteers on or before that day. Each Ward and. Precinct can offer velum - d.Bl its quota on or before the day-sae - craft is to be made, and thus obviate the siren thereto. Teo Vitlzens of each Ward will be notified by hand bills, to be hereafter posted in their respective Wards, of the time and place where the' Commissioners will sit to bear and decide noon claims for exemption. WM. a. ALLEN, B. GERHARD, Fifth and Sixth Wards, Chief Commits:loners. THOMAS DAILAS, First and Fourth Wards, EDWARD G. WEBB, , Second and Third Wards, SAMUEL BELL, Jr, Seventh and Eighth Wards, JOS. B. TOWNSEND, Ninth and Tenth Wards, • LUDLAM. MATTHEWS, Eleventh and Sixteenth Wards, : CONRAD S. DROVE. Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards, THOMAS W. PRICE, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Ward* • • JAMES BELL, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, SIMI:M."1. LLOYD, Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, BENJAMIN R. MEARS, Twenty-first and Twenty.second Wards, AMOS A. GREGG, • Twenty-thicd and Twenty.fifth Wards, • Wlt. STOKES, Twenty-fourth Ward, selo.3t' Commissioners. . , TrAPPLICATION WILL DE MADE TO THE kW:MORES of the MERCANTILE LI \EBARY COMPANY for renewal of Oertifloste of one share of stock, No. 3,758, standing in the name of JOHN MorARLAN, the same having been boat or nitelaid. ae9-3r* [ITPOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, OF STATE c PenneTiviuds, MARKET Street, and ViESP F 1 NN Square. The 801ENTXICIO SCHOOL, for the student of gene. ral Science, begins Monday,'September Bth. The TEOHNIOAL SOHOOLtI, for professional educe- Dna in Civil, Mechanical, and Mine Engineering, prac tical Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Architecture, open Tuesday, September 16th The course of Hillery Engineering, comprising !liege Operations,' Field Fortifications, Strategy, Tactics, and Drill, will be enlarged, and continued. Theknowtedge and means of instruction aonalred by_ the president, who has visited,' daring the past Beason, the principal military and industrial institutione of Eu rope, win be made available by the facultyin keeping the college fully unto the European standard. For admission, apply at College Building. or address ALFRED L. H.ENN ED L M. D., et6.l3t President of Faculty. Err. THE PENI,iSYLVANIA, FIRE ,INSII - 00 &MANY, EEPTEMu!aI, 1882. • The Directors have this day deolared a dividend of FIFTEEN DOLLARS per Share on the Stock of the -Company for the last et monthe, which will be weld to the fitochltolders, or their legal repreeentatlveg, after the inet. WK. G. CllO WE GL, ee2•lot Secretary. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMMBER 11, 1862. John B: Myers, John Horn, William M. Harwell. O. McNeal, Z. Locke, Edward McGovern, Daniel aeration, W. 13. Carver, J. Karelian, L. A. Godey, John V. Buck, George L. EnzbSri Washington L. Attee, MD Charles C. Lex, Philip flonwaY, Dr. William Darrah. ca--, AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF. TILE Filth nreBioct t•f the tilatteoth ward tan be tea tat. tienry Poore, No 930 North THISO St., to forma military company, for drilling, and election of after& on TBIB (Tbursilas i leV6NfNli, at 8 o'clock. NV NI Q DI(DL/LBZON, Freed Mt. FREDERIOK DITHMAR, SOClretaa. • it* TICE.-OWING JO AOCILIONTS 6121 ovo. MON, the Fourth Ward le not organized as a Collection leistrict. The citizens cf said ward aro earnestly requested to meet TO•tdORROW. the 11th at 'TX P at the BOPP. ENGINE. HO un, in SIXTH, above Vitzwater street, for the purpose of or ganizing a committee to collect funds for the (Wizens' Boners* Fund Committee. • e010.2t ' TROWAS fYSB9TER Ohoiirm‘n. MILITARY. CO. B, 2d REGIMENT R. B.— BECRITIFB WANTED FOB STATE SEBVIOE. few more moo wanted to fill the 6-uneany, to march at the call of tbo Governor, nudor hle re. one proclemstiom Borruttlos efficesi BOARD OP' TBADE BUILDING and SeRANAII. HALL, Eighth. and Oadowhill streets. By order of • " GBO. W.; GRIP, tlept. JOHN 8A70.191, O. B. -..• CO 'B,IST REWE'INF.• P.. IL Gh t Arniori...N...w; corner SPRING GARIMS bid TAIKTBENTII Streets, open EVE NY EN - BSI/ 4 1G. et 8 O'clock, for the reception of recrotte and drid. sell 3;* L C PRICE, Oaptatn. ATTENTION ! UNION LERIT GII&RD.— %. special meeting wfll be held TEAS (Thursday) EVENING, at B o'clock. at the' Armory, 883 Bonth )3E041) Street, when the Goni. piny will be fully 'reorganized, and offi.lere elected. - Pereone wlablog to connect *nasal vta with an orgard. zstiott already armed are invited to attend. ltd D3A.S.O STAHR, Gaititein. IiTWENTY-FOURTH WARD.--Citi'" %EMS ' of forly.five sears of age, and other's. W/16 , 38 &afro will not permit them to leave the city et inia time, way be organlztil for drill for bome defence by attending e mevtlna. Tate et triEltt4o.lN, at the West Phtiadelphia Saunders institute, to ha hild from 4 to 6' o'clock, or by tor.ding their names and roeidenoes to the tinderaigned. JOHN B. 0 , 91,4114,N, • 080. A. war Gar, B. B. OONEGYS, • s . wm:sroxes. ' . ll* JOBB PatbsyN. SOLDIEBS OF WAR OF 1812, A riENTION I .—& meeting of the Soldiers of the War of 1812 will he held at the Supreme Court Boom, TII IS AFTERNOON, at 4.0'0100r, on bud nee. of inip •riance. Geneial attendance ielinetteti. Ex- ecntiye and Special Committee on optimization meet at 11.4 o'clock. By order: PETER 'HAT, Prealdent. • Jou)! H. Taut,--Secretary. , • • ' It* GYMNAST ZOIIAVES, ATTEN- . from . !. Recruits. !silted immediately for the 'De. fame of State Apply at the Armory, 97 Beath THIRD &net, up mire, from 1 1011/ o'clock P. DI. By order cf P. V. SMITH, - it* . .. i - 7Coptain. Ta.THE LOYAL , OINZENS OF PHILADELPHIA ATTIIII9IIONIIn once with' the angeettion of his Excellency the Cr vernor of Peons Ivenia, the Officerir of Company A, id Regiment. RE3BRVE B3LIADE,wiII he in attend ance, en intIDAY A FTBRNODN'and - 11 1 701ING, at the Regimental Armory,No. 150.5 oriEsrsur Street, :(over Board of Trade oomato those persons wbn have the welfare of-tbeir State and Oonntry beertv ord who wish to become proficient in the manual of arms. as the moat effectual means for their protection. Ae self:motection makes it an imperative DUTY for all good eitikene-to availtbetneelwa 'of ihe , present opp DIV, it ie to ho hoped there, will be a good attendance. OR &BIAS 'PAO% Uaptain. G1&o.I. N.A.L011,.2d Lieut. W S. FLEILLEIMMI, Lieut. HE A. DQUARTERS ' 'RESERVE ` BRIGA Di; lliif' DIVISTOiT, ii: . if.-piii.;.Du.- . re re. BF Ptembor 9,1462.. . . ,_. 1- , r. 011.DzEts 1 , 10. 11.--A Meeting of all the Field a n d Staff Officers of tbe Reserve Brigade will take place on THURSDAY, the "11.1 h inst., at 12 o'ololr M., at the Office of Qaartermaater R. 0. Lowry, 226 NY ii.DNUr Stied. By order 0. M. RISKIN, ." Colonel 3d'Regiment'Oom'g Brigade.. JOHN B. kW) IMES, A.A.A.General 8810- 2t IGYMNAST,ZOIJAYES.—Aratory open for PRISA, from 7 to log P. M. ACTIVE YOUNG MEN WAN rED to join thin orgatiiia. Don. Public invited. Armory 37 South THIRD Street. P. T. SKIM Oaptain. E. OSBOURNE. ISt Lieut. .. .. .. 0. Hatroocx;2d Lieut. - " 8810.244 . LL . ..- . ATTENTIONFALL , UP . THE 011GANIZVD COMPANIES —Coinpany E t 'Ed Re &Ant, B. B. (a company which was organized at the brealdrg out of the llebeition), will asemble for drill on THURSDAY at llg.and 7% P. M.. at 'their Armor's, Board of Trade Poileing. 'clambers and thoir friends urged to be present. Recruits wanted to fill up to the' nonired standard. Arms and accoutrements already provided.,GEO. iIf...GRIOE, Capt. JOHN Ben. 0. S. . ... -:, - !' r.4. .. eel° :2! 1 TO -THE PATRIOTIEJ:- , — , Tht' Offi— cers in charge of CAMP INDICPESMia NCR wit' keep their ttnta open until 9 P.' M. 'EVERY EVE NING this week, for the purpose of Enlisting .Re crnits 'for the Regiments now to the field. Come and get your bounty, and %void the draft.' H. A. SHREVE, Captain, Re 9. 0 .5 ' • . Officer of We Day. , .O.A3Ik , DIDEPERDENd.g...—:-OUR COII.SITBY,TO .101118!--; , THZ :VETERAN ILL OTIBINTB.::—The gallant officers and brave eoldiers dißailed from the Old Philadelphia rliesiments, now tit the geld, bays pitched tents in IN DE PH WEN OE IiqUABB, , and will vembite - for their glorious battalions on that sacred grcund; • - • in attendance everadar .after 3P M. • • •. , • TO TO ARMSI~I TO ! ! .' :By order of the Citizens , Bounty Pond Coinmiiteri. JOHN AI:MI.OE4 o . • ee9.Bt . Chairman of OlimMittee on Biterniting. FLEADQUARTEBS RIFLES, Peptember . 641, )8112 - 11 - pursuanie of the proclamation of Governor CURTIN, calling upon the citizens to organize. Volunteer Companies, for the purpose of general deftnco, the armory of the Hamilton Rifles ,at the 0011111ISSiOtTERS' HALL, West Philadelpbl; be open EVERY AITTERDTOOK, at sod niter. 3 o'clock, for the purpose. of recruiting the Company up to ono hundred men. The citizens of the TWEN CY-FOURTH WARD are invited to come for ward at once for enrollment:. . . By order of AN KNIGHT, Captain. J. R. at o t-UADT. Orderly glargsant.: • A. C. WASHINGTON GRAYS.- ATTENTION !—Those perilous 'who have enrolled their names inthis'Oorw will 4 attend et the Armory punctually. at five and eight oNdook P.ll , for Drill. Any Wench; who desire to enroll their names for instruc tion, can do so at those hours. By order of ALEX AIIISPHY, Commanding. JACOB T. HOFFMAN, Secretary. Ibiladelphia, Sept Bth. 1862. • se9 5t OUR COUNTRY ! TO AR518.! 711 E VETERAN •BEGIOIENTS.—The gallant officers and brave soldiers detailed from the old Phila-: delphia 'Regiments, now in the field, have pitched Lento in INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, and will enlist recruits for .their glorious INDEPENDENCE_ on that sacred ground. A full Militair Bard will be in attendance every day eikr.3 P. M TO ABMS ! TO ABffili ! TO ABMS By order of the Committee. JOHN 111., AMICK'S, ea 12# , Marian of. Committee on Bean:dal:lg. I TEE ATTENTION • OF ABLE- . , sosIER MEN : fa - aged' .to . the 'recruiting... of BATTERY G, 2624 Pennsylvania Volunteers, or Sd Pennsylvania Artillery;' at the Realquarters. No 838 HARMONY street, between Chestnut and Walnut, below Fourth. - also, 8013 VINE street, and below Com missioners' Hall, WestEbiladelphis. . Bounty 85178, with advanced nay. JAMES MARTIN, Jr., 5e6.121*- Contain Battery G. BRIAN BORDIEINIE' UNITED IRISH LIIGICH-LTD; itHIN 001100.1 t 6.1i'13 BB l uADE. , Men of go od character, fiom all parte of the city or State, bringing from 16 to 25 effective men, 'will bo com missioned Second and First Lientenants; 40 men, a Cap tain. Form companies and squads amongst yourselves; secure the government and City Bounties of 8165. Dou l t be Drafted. Telegraphic despatches or letters attended to promptly. Free transportation from all parts of the Siam to three Headquartors, CONNOLLT , S HOTEL, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia Apply to GEORGE 0800K88. . tre6.6t* Colonel Commanding.' 3D REGIMENT, RESERVE BR:1::- GhDll. COL. 0. 151 EARlN.—Recrnits wanted, to 4111 the various 'COmpanies. Apply immedistriir;: at any of tile followingisrmeriee. Open daring tho hours named for recruiting end drill : .Gompany A—Lieut. John 8. Wilson, commanding, corner Ttitteenth and Filbert streete, at-7,i o'clock P. M. Company B —Captain Jobn F. Leak, rat:mount Mar ket, Twenty • second and Spring Garden streets, at 7 to 10 P. M. • Company C,-Capt. 4. D. Sowers, at Sand - ere' Institute, Thitty.nintb street, above Market, Weet Philadelphia. Company D-Captain B. Andrews Knight, Comtnis stoners' Hall. Thirty-seventh and Market, after 3 P.M Company B--Capt. Benjamin F. Harvey, Beed street, below Fourth, every evening. Company F—Lient. Andrew J. BakerZcommanding; 810 Market street, fourth story, at 4 and 8 o'clock P. M. ComnanY G—Capt G. West Blake, 803 Locnet street, 8 and 8 o?clock. P. Nt. ielo 41 ATTENTION, AL L - PA:t • " AZA Le.BLE•I3ODIED Ara. Chormann!e Independent flegiment o! . Kona. ed Ilangera havitig been accepted, by the War Department for !pedal eervice. apply immediately at thp Read Quariert. 4,RD OUSE. Phila. , sell- Dcw FIRST TROOP PITTLADEL , rule- CITY. CAVALRY-FOR THE DE FIGNOII OF THE iOtTr: 7.he active'arid_sies , kruo — citizens Of Philadelphia are iit t a_t., enroll themselves in a Cavalry Regiment, under tEe aniptiew of the above Company. • A rare opportunity. ' -Ali who are dteirous of. sething their Oity and• State, When their eervices are required, should be instructed in the School of ttie Trooper. The officers of the Regiment have had experience in the Field, having served in the campaign of 1861. .The prefect bas been approved by the authorities, and all thote who are desirous of enrolling tbomselvesin snob an organization are invited to attend at the ARMORY of the TrOop. TWELFTH streiet, below Chestnut, which will be open EVERY AFPER9OON, from 4 until 7 o'clock, for that purpose. Men will be drilled dismount ed, at the Armory, every eyeolog; , lt* 'RUSSELL T . R 0 P.-This ... G , Troop le filling up rapidly, with the very beet cleat of young men. The following additional subscriptions have been received :" . Frothinghstri AG Wells $2B di) Welling, Collin, .& Co 25 00 Robert Crees Well • 10 00 George I) Parrish 26 00 • T. }Bohm deov 25 CO Southwick, bhsble. & Oo 10 00 Contributions for, the Trope will be received by WELLING, COFFIN & CO., 216 Chestnut street. GBIIIIILL & ORMWBILL, 611 Market street. ' Sala. B. FRY & %SON, 2,3 Chestnut street. None but rcepectable, steady young men aced apply, *it being the intention to make this ei'crack Corps. These Bounties will be paid : $5O, City Bounty. $25, Government Bounty in advance. $l3, 1 month's pay in advance. $4, Premium. $75 when mustered out. RECRUITING STATIONS. • 219 DOCK Street. Great Western Hotel, litLitllET, shrive Thirteenth • WIGLI&H. H. FRY, 11* Osiotoin: Commending OFFIPE.. . , ", TRE:4II4DRILSOM TROOP, Oround, ' ebb. • the Pennsylvania, Railroad Office, corner of Rtrettand WI4LING'B Alley.' • OW WILLIAM . J. PALMER. tlergt. ALFRED ' Private NOll.3lAli M. 8311E11 The Secretary of War has ordered that-the Anderson illavalry be detailed, for the present, for duty lu the State of Pennsylvtinia They will be at ono actively ern..: *eyed in vc.utiam'Ac., in the Cumberland Valley. t aelo 4i* • t. ' Ji,UESELL..TROOP OF PHI LA.DItibiIA° LIGHT-111010E. —CHANGE OF. • oar TOBI.—The Recruiting • Mee of this Vane has been changed from bio 213 OEIRST PI Li Street to 219 DOCK Street: A few more Young, active, and reepectteAe men wanted. This troop will be organized on the same principle ae .th2 o Anderson• Troop:, Aloung, Mee, the moat efficient Home Gtiaid to he who nobly vo-, lanteere to po and meet the enemy ere we have to Oght him on our own ground. Do not let the rebels get upon the sacred coil of .I" , nneylvanla. To ail of you I extend an invitation, eome and join me. -We will be brothers in acme for the defence of our glade= country. seB-Bt* OLPI. WBl. EL TRY. JLMOPLEMENTS OF, WAR. SABRFA3AYONEt RIFLES AND 1. •• J RIFLED MUSKETS, - WILL BI BOLD TO CITIZESS ARMING THEM SELVES, • ' • ' - 4:1 1 • 081 1 'PRICES, BY i • PHILIP B . JUSTIOE, ..9631.61*1 Ho. 14 NORTH FIFTH STREET: MILITARY GOODS. ARN.LIC 'GOODIS I • Eky ]llue Sky. Cniliiim,res, (for Offtoprs' . . Pants.) • Darki3luit Uniform Clothe. -Dolt;Blue Cap Cloths. Dirk Blne Blouse Flannels. Whit :JYouietFliinnels. TwilSd Gray )14ced Flannels. 11. 6.:Rigulads* Blankets. 10- ounce and 12-ounce Standard TENT DUCK. In store and for sale by SLADE, SMITTI;,4O4). NO: 39 LETITiA, iliD4ol3ol7ii PHILMIIIsPIILL au27-1m nptrleEttE3' MILITARY EQUIY MSNTS, Baddl4, Bridles, 'Haversacks, Elkclston Knapsack., ato. aisoitamint •at 720* IitiRKST Btrcbt, belong:4olth. • 8.9401.' rpo- cc TIONT" OCINTRAOTORS.—Be _, viral !Thotigand SIB:LEY T5141:15, • " Tripod Oen iieihn of beet Quality malleable Iron, ready . .msde and an nealed, can be bad on reasonable terms. Addros " Box 278; P. 0., Pottsville, Schuylkill comity, Pa." seS•fit* TENT BUTTONS ANDALIPS, U. 11 B. Patterne. for oak at Z. P. BEND'S manufao- - tory, corns of ,TIIIBTY.BNTS and NOBLE titreota. ' RETAIL DRY GOODS. WAITE 'GOODS, LINENS, L. C. HDKFS, . BARNBLETDAMASICS AND MEETINGS, HOSIERY AND, GLOVES, , AT POPULAR PRIORS, BY J.R. CAMPBELL & CO., • 727 CHESTNUT STREET. :NOVELTIES IN SILIiS, SHAWLS, AM) FANCY DRESS G-OODS, Just landing, and for sale by JAS.ILOAMPBELL &CO., sellzat 727 CHESTNUT STIti7OT: WIII'rE GOODS, • EMBAOIDERIES, HOSIERY, MERINO UNDERSHIRTS, • • •:VESTS;.:: • • AT THZ LOWEST CASH- Pfgops. SBEiPAID, VAN HARLINGE*, (IC ARRISON, - . 10010 , 8 ti p. loos orua•vrinir BT. 110. US E. FURNISHING: A large 4lailettinient of . DRY GOODS AT LOW PRICES. • - . 4IIIIEBIOAN AND ENGLISH BLANKETS.• Welch,Shaker, and -Patent Flannels. Berm Linen Shootings and PillOw' Linens. Bichardron'e and Dunbar Dickson's Shirting Linens. E'avy Table Damasks, in Neat Patterns. Deal° Darner Table Cloths, Napkins, and Doylies. . Buck and Diaper Towels and Towelinga. Turkey Bed Table Coverings and Doylies. Quilts, Counterpanes, and Dimities. Furniture Chinless and Carriage Linings, Bich Lace and' Muslin Curtains. . Curtain Materials, fronton°, Damasks, ite. Window Bollands and Gold DOrder Shades. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, selo.,Btrp 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. FLANNELS, .1.! BIJATK.EITS, ,1,...4 . -- AND BLe-F4 OOHED GOODS, • qa variaty, at low picee. JAS. H. AMPBELL & 00 4 - • oseB-8t • 1 747 OEZEIMIT STREET. BARGA IN DRY, GOODS. PUR lIV chased. at 'Le U. S. 'Marshal's site, pa . trig part of the cargo cf the prize veast•l " tiumbrfa,” Leta of LinenDambric Rade. • 44 44 BMW. Mae. , ' (, 6, s w i m I (4 . I t ti It gu n( ~ ‘• . • 64 66 train Ice: - - - • • -- 4 4 'I Thid antbrios. - • . Black paces. • - - 66 - eoburge. . Regan, Shawls. ' • Blue Knife) e, he. law , . CDEWEE STODDAT h DROVER% 450, 452, end 454 North SEOOND Street, above Wdtow. STEEL & SON, . No. na Norte TENTH Bt., above Goatee, Rave now open a eboice awartanant of • , NEW Ea LL AND WINTER baasss GOODS. , Bich Fancy - Now 13badee Pllin Silk& %Figured Black SAL .• 'Plain Black Sllki•at Low Price.. Blobßiob Icnred aad,Plaid Preach Bowl: Platn.French Bode) all *bailee. • Plain' , French Merioleac all shades. PL &Jr ALPACAS. . In ,Black, Brown, , Mode,ißlueiand Scarlet • .- oil De ()berm, Poplins, Delainevi — And aVegy vartetir of. New and phoice epasonable• Dress egos. - also, a large aseortal o nt • " SHAWL& LONG' AND SQUARE- OLTINNHAWL9 I sell4f ; AT LAST'YEAVe PRICE& • • '• ir.ARGE ETOOK OF SHAWLS.- JAI 'bill Line of• Black Shanil Full Line of Mode Shaw*: ' : Full Line of Blank Ste Full Line ofWoolen Sti • 111.. Full Line of 'Broche Sh Full Line of Lorg" Anti le. • Shawls Wholesale and tail: • • LANDMLL . „ se9 = • • OUBTII and La.OH. NNEW-.FALL AND. " INTER Clothe and CasalmeresJ Desirable Mixtures ,Plaills. Solid Worn, hibbed., -Black. • Plain, Striped. Nast, a d Fancy CaseLmeroll, &1 11 FINE BLACKPO,2'OB. Union Castimeres and'llfreads. ogrinots and low. priced anode. FL fillfgki. New Shaker Ilennai. I . . Fine and low priced White Flannell.• : _ Sa N crum and Shirtity'etionels. fill A LS, New Woollen Shaw . ' • Black 'lbibet Shawli, . , ..,. ~..,'.!. , ..... - A 1,40, ' . • : ... .• Balmoral and Hoop lkirt& .... ... , :,..,••,,,, . Bargains In Black Ossetia. - " .-- ... • .... Daily opening new *da. . )0 PER .11 CON&RD, Taint lI&RHICX Sta. tt6 B. E. corner IT pwoJi , OR $4;O 0"TO LO&N,ON $3,000 Mortgage, 1. erne or tweldiaie. et t ooo . to invest in Ground Bent. 0 KIWI) tiItIONTGOIKS. BY, 103EuBBAOB St., above we,. ' eelll4oo. CIO:MONS, DUE at OCTOBER, on IL/ the 7.80 LOAN, will oseitgl at per. Althea If 3. n BOX 1744, Philadel •a P. ettB . AMIE; H. WALTON, THOMAS W. TOOT. NVALTON & YO , BANKERS, 13 °KEES ' , Ax . • GSNIDSAL 00 LEOTOSS• No. 26 South TIMID B et., Philadelphia. RZFEEZIEB. & Cl Jay Cooke do II . James Pollock, Jamee, Kent, Santee, & 00., II H. D. Vaster, Rebertek, Bleak, & Co., Hi A. K. Reeder, 0. Ineirabbins & Bon, H Asa Packer, Z. P. Ididdleton d: 8r0" . . - i • H Warfel:kJ:Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, - V. Bradkiftli:Zsa. att7.ltm CHAMPAGNE.—A cent Champagne, nnarts • per 4 g Ina Buesel," for gaiety , ORABLI No. 128 weiarn, PORT WINE.--Tarr , Port for We, In bond, OIbyLS& THOS. MELLOR & ENGLISH AND GERMAN IMPORTERS, 40 AND 42 NORTH' THIRD STREET. 1-I.OSIERY, GLOVES. shirts and Drawers, 4-4 Linens. Fancy Woolens, Linen C. lidkfs. Manufacturers of Shirt Fronts. se3l.Bm Grio. D. PARRISH OFFERS FOB SALE 70,000 yards MEDIUM ALPACAS, 38,000 yards FARMERS' DRILLS. 35 2 000 STANDARD BLANKETS. seB-14t NIT CASR ON DELIVERY. pIEaLADA., SEPT. 8,1862.. Canton Flannels—heavy, Army Standard Drills, 4-4 Standard Sheetings, Crawford Denims, for Overalls, Bley Linens, for linings, 12 oz. 28-1-ineh Duek, For sate by DECOURSEY HAMILTON, seB•Bt 237 OHESTiTIIT 8111:011t, ATLANTIC DELAINE COMPANY. MOURNING PRINTS, Black :arid White, Black and Purple, Black and Gray, Black and Lavender, NEW STANDARO STYLES, BEINTBD BY WIT-LIAM SIMPSON. NEW. FALL STYLES OP ErADDER PRINTS, -FSOt2 - SAMUEL SLATER 4t SONS, SUTTON NANUFACTURINCO FOR SALE EY JOSEPH. LEA, 128 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET. str27-int BROWN rom - BrA. . - OF STANDARD QUALITY, FOB BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & i919-strah3m 220 OHICSNUT EMMET. CLOTHS, OASSIME RES, DOESKINS, SATINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, • LINSEYS, TWEEDS, KERSEYS, FLANNELS, and ARMY WOOLENS. For Bale by the 'package, by WELLING, OOFFIN, & 00.. en2B•tbatntool9 220 OHESTRUT Street. T° U=M ' , Bales Canvas, all widths. FOR SALE IN STORE AND DAILY ARMY GOODS. DARK.BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE OAP CLOTHS. OKY•BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ABBY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OCNOK DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS ViD DUCK. . BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETENGS AND SHIRTINGS. . For sale by FROTHINGSAM & WEWAS. eel-ff tt ARMY BLANKETS.- FROTHINGHAM &I B ED- Q M:Up, SUITABLE• .FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8;000 104 WHITE AND SLUE AND WHITE AIM KATE. ALSO, Br-4 and 0-4 INDIGO BLUE PLANNICLE. Tor dale by FROTHING/IAM & WELLS, 13 , 18-2 m 84 E. PBONT and 85 LSTITIA MINIM WELLINO„ COFFIN, & CO., NO. 220 CHESTNUT STEER% Ore vrepared to - CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OF ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, 61-11FTLEY, HAZARD. de a • HUTCHENSON; • No. 119 OIMJ3TNIIT MUM. ooknaissioN /011. Val BALI ON PHILADELPHIA-MADE .000 DEL ' eutdEt-em ADVISEDLY E. SPEAK. D WHEN W -we wiser° the ntiblio that there ate no bettor portrait" than REIMER'S Life-size Oil-colored Photo graphs. Coloring fresh, warm, and impreseive. Exe cuted at war prime. SECOND St., above Green; it* WHEN YOU CONSIDER THE fine -qualities and moderato charge of BEI NEST Volored Photographs, you will not wonder they are - aci extensively. patronized. Only SI. GALLERY, EZCONP Street. above.Orean. • it* A DELICIOUS BATH,. HOT AND COLD, can be had at the great •Ha Dlelatt Sa loon, ItOIT.RTH bad .BILUSOH Streets. 0010- tf ti rigAMPAGN B —An invoice of 4: Gold ILJ,Lici" 'CHAMPAGNE, net received per " Ina Rue. tell." For sale by •. OHAL: OilittiTAlNS, Bole &gent, • 8910 . N 0.128 WALNUT and 2t GUAND Streets. Voice Of, Ores . 41- pinta, pat receded ,OAVISTAIRS, 21 GRA.NITIC Rh LIQUEURS. -50 oases assorted Li (Mears, just received per ship Vandals, from Bor damn, sad for male by - JALIBICTORE k L iVERGNE, 202 (4 204 South FRONT Street.' na and Oport . O&REITA1118. •*ALIATT and. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. COMMISSION HOUSES. CONTRACTORS. LINENS FOR ARMY PURPOSES. Bales Farmers' Drills. Bales Light and Heavy Duck. ALL FLAX TENT • CLOTH. ARBWING, BY CONRAD & SE RRILL, 206 CHESTNUT STREET GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FOR SAL BY STANDARD QUALITY. PHOTOGRAPHS. MILITAM BOOKS. G.ILMAM'f; MANUAL. . COMPEEELENBITE, COMPLETE, AND RELIABLE. (ULU AM'S MANUAL, For Volunteers and Militia, by Major WlMind Gaup, U.N. A., of Indiana. 743 pp.. 200 lEustra done. Prior reduced from 82:50 to 82 00. Comprising an Introduction, containing a Glossary of the terms in 116 e among Military men; Army Organiza tion; tftganization of Infantry, Cavalry, Bivld Artillery, and the staff; Arms and Ammunition; Schools of the Soldier ; Company Instruction in Zousve Skirmish Drill; Battalion, Trooper, Troep. and Squadron; Evolutions of the Regiment; Light Artillery Tactics; Honors paid by . Troops; Duties ot Captains; Companies; Duties in Camp and Garrison ; The Staff ;.Battles; Court Mania's; Mu sic, and the Arlicles of War. • Thu most complete Military Manual published, contain ing as much of the sYstems of Cooper, Scott, and Hardee, as Is recognized In the United States Army. Having received 'repeated applications from many ()di cers of the United States Army, and of the Volunteers, for the lune of those Portions of GILH.M'S MANUAL comprising Infantry Tactics, Cavaly Tactics, and Light Artillery Tactics, in separate vsturnes, the Publisher now presents the se distinct volumes, feeling confident that they will meet the wants of those arms of the service. .Price for each volume, in neat flexible mo rocco birding, SLSO. CILIUM'S CAVALRY TACTlCS—Flexible Cloth Gilt Blnoing, price, 1 voL, $1.60. GILHAR'S INFANTRY TACTlCS—Flexible Cloth Gilt Binding, 1 vol.. price $1.60. The above works have been ordered in onentities by our State Government, for the tISO of our volunteers, are alto in extensive use throughout the United litatea, have been adopted by many of onr Military Schools, and are fully endorsed by Major Geneial George B. MoUledan, Own mandenia•Uhiel of United States Army, Major General Georpo A. McCall, Brigadier General John W. Geary, Major E. Johnton, U. S. A., Mawr Bully, U. B. A.. Bri gadior General J einem 13. Negloy, Brigadier General E. O. Williams, Adjutant General J. Meredith Bead. of State of New 'York, and many other distinguished officers. Extract of letter from the late gallant and lamented Major General Philip Bearney WASHINGTON, D. C., From Major Gen. P. Kearney, U. S. A. Permit me to add my testimony to that of all other military men, that tie publication of Gilham's Menu oi ls moot useful to the conutry. It in neefal for all, but par ticularly for our Volunteer forces. It id docupreheneive, complete, and reliable. I regard it the best Military Work that exists. There is no duty either of the Staff or of the Line, that is not thoroughly explained. P. KEARNEY, ' Major General U. B. A. COOPER'S TACTICS. REVISED BY CAPT. hfIROB ' • KNOW.I.TON, U. &A. • MILITIA. At D VOLUNTEERS OF THE UNITED tiTATES, Comprehending the Exercises and Movements of the Infantry of tLe Lino, Light Infantry, and Rit3OalcO, as eetabliehed by author its for the Government of the Regu lar Army, together with Manual for ion•Commisafonod Officers of the Infantry and Rifles. United States Army, by Captain Alfred Bully; United States Army, prepared and arranged from Cooper's, Scott's, Githam's, and Her dee's Tactics. and other authorities, by Captain Iftgatt KNOWLTON. 'United States Army, 1017110(13 , Instructor of Tac:ice at the United ;Rates Military Academy at West Point. Price, in neat cloth, gilt, WM; in illuminated paper, 75 mute. MAISUAL FOB lON•COMMISSIONICD OFFIOEII3 OF TIAN INFANTRY AN D. RIFLEMEN OF TR E UNITED svaits ARMY, BY CAPT. ALFRED SULLY, U. S A. Obedience to Orders; Arrests; Baniltif Zion. Commis sicned Officars; Duties of First Sergeants; bailee Of First Bergeante Garrison • Ditties of First Sergeants hi Field; Dunes. of Sergeants ; !Duties of Sergeants in Garrison; Duties of eergernts In (lamp •, Duties of Corporals; Ditties of. Guards; GounterMor ; Honors paid to Officers; The Picket ; Grand Grand Gniuds ; Saluting ;tA ram ; Plans for Osimp (lamp Kitchen, and tlatcp Oven ; Article aof War; Glossary, eta' PRIOR, in morocco, flexible, gilt sides, 50 cents; paper, 88 cents. Published by Off &BLEB DEBILVE 4,1229 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, and far sale by Booksellers generally throughout the United States and the °anodes. Descriptive Ottalogtire furnished on application, and any book will be sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the advertieid price. tKi O- 013ABLEtA DEBILVEB has on band, and can:fur nish the publications of all other houses, on the mottle- Yorable terms. 4111 Full supply . of Military Books, of altdescriptlons, con stantly on hand; Military Maps. &o. OR ARLE3 DESILVEB; • .eelob3t 1219 OBEST.NUT Street. TTHORIZ-ED A~ MILITARY BOOKS! UNITED STATES-INFANTRY AND RIFLE TAO. TlCS,—Prepared under the direction of the War Dee partment. One vol. 81.25. 11. McCLELLAN'S BAYONET EXERCISES—Published by order of the War Department. ene vol. 81.25. 111. CAVALRY TAOTlOS—Publishrd by order of the War Department. Three vols. $8 15. IV. MANUAL EVOLUTIONS OF THE LlNE—Arranged in tabular form for the use of the Army ( , 111cers. A Sequel to the U. S. Infantry Tactics. 50 cents. MANUAL OF BATTALION DRILL—For the use of Army Officers. Arranged in tabular form and pro perly explained. 50 cents. • VI. SOLDIER'S HANDY BOOK—Containing a complete systeth of instruction for the Soldier on coming into the service. 25 cents. . VII. BEVISED ASHY REGULATIONS—PubIiaheIf by au thority of the War Department. Se°. $l.Th. • VIII. INBTBUOTION INFIELD'ARTILLIMIT—Prepared by &Board of Artillery Officers. P. 50. MANUAL OF TAUGHT PBADTION—For the United States Army.. By Major G. L. Willard, U. S. A. 20 cents.. DUFFIELVE SCHOOL OF VIE BRIGADE AND EVOLUTIONS OF THE LINE By Col Wm. V. Duffield, Ninth Michigan Infantry. 75. rental. 1116 P" Will be sent by mail on receipt of the price by the PubHeber& • • J. 13::_141TINOOTT . & 00., selo•Gt 22 and:24 North VIIBTII street $1.75. PHO A T L O Bu G u It s. AP . H . $ L 75. • A now lot bound In 7IIRK EY MOIIOOOO, FULL SIZE, with clasp, reinced to $175, LESS THAN OOST TO IItIABIJFA.OTUII . E. Other styles. proportionately low ! PITORBB'S Cheep Bookstore, rpfl St if 439 0138STNUT. Street. THE BATTLES IN .VIRGINIA.- 11 We shall have ready TODAY, ANOTHER FULL SUPPLY of Blunt's Lap of Virginia, giving clear and excoriate information concerning ALL THE BATTLE-FIELDS now engaging attention in Virginia. Price, 60 contg. Ala°, cOlellav'e mar flap of the • Middle and South ern Stater, upon which are marked &lithe Battle-fields, ac companied by the dates. Price St. For sale by Whf. S. & ALFRED frItatTIEN, ae2 • 600 OHESYNUT Street. IV A R TELEGRAM M AIMING NAP OF VIRGINIA. SIZE 26 BY 20. • PRIOR 25 CENTS. Sold in all Periridical and Book Stores, also Bent to any address on receipt of price. For particulars see adver tisement in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PRANG & CO., Publishers, 109 Washington street, Boston. Mats. an2S-lm BROTHERHEAD'S LATINO LIBBAAY.III the. NEW English and American. Books, inoludinu ALL GLASSE iof Lite— .rittire. 'This is the ONLY Library in tho country that Includes all the NEW EtIOLIBR. BOOKS that are not "REPRINTED here. Terme $6 per year ; six months 83 ; three monthe 81.60 ; one month 76 cente r or 3 cents per day. 2LB South NIG LITEI Street. eeB-3m RNOLIiH r AND.FRENC H FAMILY J.:41 onctitairilicitnißitiy AIM CABINET DE LECTURE, 1317 onssnillT STREET. ' Subscriptions per tear, month, and day. General catalogne.jnat imbliabed, furntibed gratis. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li brary. Catalogue de la Biblittheque des Dames et des Da mofselles., M. M. MONAOFIESI. Agnot, ' ee6.lm ' " 1317 OH ICST.NU 1' Street. WELLS. 1862 eirav-u WOOD 43c CATCI -- ; 13IICIO.ESSOBS 10 Incorar, WOOD, & ND:311014 ' Have now in store a - .. COMPLETE STOCK . Silk, Velvet s 'itad Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., To which they respectfully invite the attention of the former patrons of the House, and the trade generally. sell• 2m 14308. }KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BATS II O.W MILADY TEMA Plat IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, MILIMMY GOODS. 1e8.3m ' • .ter-am EPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE- D OFTION, PHILADELPECIA) nth SO- U w ber, 1862. • `PIIOPOiSALB well be received at this office until. THURSDAY next, 18th Just, at 12 o'olock M. for ieugh:ceeting the exterior of the following United elates Military . Hospitals : 'Hospital at Chester. " West Philadelphia. ' 44 4, Best , nville. " Germantown. 44 a , Tenth and Ohlistian streets, Philadelphia. It al Twisty-fourth and South - anal " 4,4, fixth and Master streets, " 44 Sixteenth and Filbert streets, ~ " Fourth and George Streets, " Twentieth coo Norrii stre.ta, The buildings to to taken as they now stand, with the full understanding that all nueteriala and itosnr necessary to oon:plete the rough.coettng Alan be furnished by the contractor, end included in. his proposal. The.whrk to be done in two full coats of good lime, aud•olean, sharp wind o n o,,,,t er ing lath secured to the battens. The first coat must be well haired :with solurd,4langhtered hair; and the second Boated to a hard rough-meet surface. 'loch• bid must 13a11119 the full amount for each Hospital, including a baseboard of 12 inches wide around each building at the ground, and any other work or materials necessary for a perfect finish. Any further information required can be obtained from John McArthur, Jr., Ar chitect, No. 2C9 booth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. A: DO YD, sell.llB Captain and Assistant Q M. U. 8. A. TVORYTYPES.—A fac kimile of - the origioal la found In REMES'S "Itrorytypel. The asttual expression. complexion, and all that characterizes a true Meat:teas, is faithfully rendered. SEOOND Street, above Green. it* NEW PUBLICATIONS. INSTRUCTIONS AND REGULATIONS FOS THS CO TENTS PUBLISRED- BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. CIRUIILATING LIBRARIES XELLINEEIT- GOODS.. YKLZ MILLINERY, GOODS, CONSISTING or' PROPOSALS. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. RYJ.. C. MaiitliftE & CO. ) _ ifoosont. GOVERNMENT SALE 01 , TENTS, BNILPBA.OKII. B ATERBACIES. P ONOIIOB, emD LEON, 8110VE1.5. 15PADE8, A XXS, &o. 011 MONDAY MORNING. foptember 16th, tit 10 o'clock, at the GOVERNMENT WAREHOUSE, foot of 0 street, may the ~.1 034 Worke,.we then sell the following articles, oordompea" unfit for public etreice: 5,847 old Yenta eud nee. 10,80 Rnapeache. 4.668 Haversacks. 3,788 Canteens. • 1,983 Ponchos. Axes. Spades, Shovels, Picks, Camp Rattles, Stoves, Moss Pans, Drums, Engles, Flags. Bedsacks, Lot of Iron, Tent Poles, &c. Terme cash, in United Sates Treasury notes. By ordor of Capt. DANIEL G. TROE td. 8. K., U B.A. JAS. O.B.(cGUIRE & 00 , Analoneers. LEARNERS OF FRENCH, WHO . have been disappointed in the effect or the me tric: ening mitbode, will dnd Mr. DEIAOROIX'S TriO. 1101IGH COTIRSIa EXPLANATORY 61134.14ti1.A.11 the most ratiotal practice for acquiring to speak and write the larguege in a reasonable time, Mr. DILACROIX has every reason to believe tbst deliberate lA-action of hie statem of exercisel throughout gradually tmarefecs the ready rawer more of the langosge than is usually the result of double the number of hoard devoted to the Frady of the books in common ase. It TIIE irStsl:ll. STUDY, 907 FILBERT St Nkr ALNUT-STREET THE ti.TRE, Bole Lessee...... atm M. A. OtalitiilTTElON. 'Rosiness Agent. Mr. J OHN T. 'DON NbILLY ELEVENTH AND ?&O ±T POSITIVELY LAST AP PNABANOIE BUT TWO Of thoee favorite and popular artists, MR. AND MRS. E.'L. DAVENPORT. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, MACBETH! Macbeth Mr. E. L. DAVENPORT. Lady Macbeth Mrs. E. D &YEN PORT. To conclude with "TO OBLIGE BENSON." MBS. JOHN DREW'S .AROR STESET TT:MAYBE. Acting and Stage 'Manager .W. B. PrionEtzma. Emblem Agent and Trentrurer 19S. D. MITKPIZE. MISS MAGGIE MITCHELL POSITIVELY LAST TWO STOTTS of uY &NOHON." WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENING& FANORON," "FAIWEICIEW OR TER ORIORICT. Win' new 13cenery, Dream, &c. .. .. . ....2r1133 MACAW& Iii.I ; VOTIVILIE. FRIDAY, BICNIDFIT of MISS MAGGIE MIITEI3I.Is. PerfOrmattoosomotenceo 3( to 8. 50-21 • A ROR-STREIIT TEEMIME. FAREWELL. BENEFIT or • blIBB BIAGGI'S miroamz. Tintair EVENING, Bopronibar 12, 1862, MARGOT, THE POULTRY DEALER. To conclude with • RATTY 0 7 51.1818. L. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of her per formance. . • . • It* TORNNESYLV - ANIA ACAD EMY Or 'EBB rrsz - tams, . . 3028 OR ESTNITT STREET, is open daily (Ekmdays excepted) from 9 A. N. till It P. N. Admission S cents. Ohlldren hell pries. Shame of Stock, po. 531 ‘ll 6 WANTED-2' "Buireri(.6r: the lell Troop of Philadelphia Light Rom. No. 219 ROOK direct. lid Captain WM. IL FRY. ALADY, well qualified' to teach the French far grve. and the mina! English branches. desires an engagement as GOVRENE SS, in a family of young children. Address a Education." at this of fice. se9•ttasozl4 WANTED—By a Young .Married Man of fifteen years' experience in the Horn were Businees, a situation in a mannfactntiog establish ment or Hardsvero' store. Andress "Itardirsre," at this office. " • • selo.2Ve . . A.N E D—ln a Commission . . V. V Bouiti . Tivass man who bad bad some exoe riencia hsndUaj,.woolen goods. Address box 2,11; P. 3 . 888.8 t sir / sf i t i.-4flis amount wanted on a v V Soo improved property. Torpetuel In— surance to cover the same. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. sre PART OF A FURNISHED 'Mt HOLIES WANTED by a small family, In central location. Addronana. 7226, peat Offlce. au22-tf SEVERAL, ROOMS VACANT . AT lklo. 232 South FOUNTS Strees. eeket GENTLEMAN .AND - TWO LA -1)T desire BOARD ins Genteel Private, in the vicinity of Tenth aan Walnut streets. Tionße ad dress fic B ." at this office. nes 12th FOR SALE AND TO. LET. TO RENTIOUSE • No. 1711 may - INN, Street ;:24 Spins, with modern conveniences. Apply to • .' W. G.. BEDFORD,' . 6010-3t* atotoo.i,towaibb street. To : .BENT , ---HOUSE 'No. '.608 Rat North TWIENTY.TrilStStriet; 8 rooms. gas, &o. Bent X 10.61. ' Apply to • • • W. O. BSCVORD, grelll .81.* . • 1913 OALB OWltllpli Streit. desira P RE SID ENTI LE OR. SALK OR TO T: , --The inlia ble three-stot7 brick N No. 725 North PBOF T Street, below Brown. It is in stood order thronghont, and bee a fine Garden 'attached. Possession given October 1,.1&62, : and it may be examined wiser time.• 'Apply to ALBERT A. OUTRELBBIDGE, :relo-41* 217 Sandi SIX 111 Street. .$9l g $800; AND $633.- 7: I34QU.ND J_V• BENTS of these timotultitfoT sitte at a al& muta t entrt6oo to Wrest in Mortgage; • tOIL 2 1.3 1 7.1.01 C, No. 331 N. SIXTR. Street. ttelo.2t* FOR SALE--Two High-Pressure Ex bawling Condensing ENGINIDS, (nbright beam). oylinder 18 inches bore, 34- inches Woke, connected at rigbt angles on fly wheel shaft: otherwise entirely inde pendent; each Engine having a strong and heavy bog bed plate cart ID one piece, supporting massive equate pedestals on columns carrying beam pillow blocks. There Engines 'are modern In style and finish; strong and substantially .bnilt, having only been in use a row months, will be found en examinwien equal to any in the market. Also, two Cylinder Flue BOILERS, 89 feet 10ng,.42 Inches diameter, with two 'l5 incrt fines in each, with whole fire front, and other appurtenances' need while in operation. Also, a Friction HOISTING DRUM, with ehaft. driving, and revereing soar complete. Will raise a t dinary epeed five tons, with single chain direct acting. Also, the CHAIN belonging thereto. MEG, one pair BLOWING CYLINDERS. Cylindee 80 inches diameter. 30 inches stroke. Horizontal, with neat iron bed plates, all properly connected, with abouk 175 feet lOinch Blast Pipe, in 16 feet lengths, Tho Cylinders are modern in 'tile, and enbstantlally built. Also, two pairs CRUSHERS, with gear bettaY need for crashing ores . ;with Driving Gear, Shafts,' Pre leye, Hangers, &c. Also, SHAFTING, from 7 inches diameter down to CI Inches, with Pedestals, Hangers, Wheels, bevel and spur. Pulleys, Ac. Also, CORNISH PUMP, with necessary corineetlon& Rod, Shears, Chain and Bucket Shelties, Pulleys, Std., Barrel, Shaft, Pedestal, Wheel, &c. All the above having been used hut a short thric;ab the Cbattem CoValt Minee, Middle Haddam, Conn. Persons desiring to examine them will.please call on GEORGE H. BISHOP, Middletown, Conn. near the premises; or apply to C. H. sitatil, KS if 222 WALNUT Street,. Philadelphia. ar, FOR . BALE-DELAWARE COUNTY FARM, 96 acres of Ilret•rato lan& Price only *9,000. Terms easy. A leo, Bveks.county Farm ; good laud; DU. acres; only $75 per acro. Farm ono mile from Medi, ;: 96 agree Delaware county ; 696 per acre. Farm, 8C- acres, near. Norrietown, Alontgeniery county; $95 per sore. For further particulars, apply to N. INVTIT, (146 No. 809 wAtaarr Street. $350 . --TO RENT—NOUSE No. 9.12.7 ANON Streot has ell As modern- improve ments, and is in complete order. Apply to W. M. surwitt, ees 6t* No. 40 North FOUBT B Street. t-4- TO BE SOLl4Large Modern HOUSW3--No. 1825 GREEN Street, fonr•storteel, 2), feet front; and No 1902 dtreet, three.storted, doable front; both decollate. 330N3ALL BROTHERS; 115 North NI STIJ Street. ises-181 maA STORE AND DWELLING, in a good noighborkood, 1030 TINE direct, TO LET. Apply to an3o-12t* 1862 gN OW ALL MEN *BY THESE J--1- PEI BUN T 8 : That I, EBENEZER GATE, of Franklin. in the county of Merrimac; and State of New Hampshire, do hereby revoke, annul, and forever cancel, any and all Powers of Attorney heretofore granted by - me to one CLIFTON BIDE; of the city and county of New York, State of New York, to act for me in any mattefor trans action whatever; and this is to give due notice and warzt• leg to the public and all concerned, that froth this der henceforth I shall utterly disregard and repudiate any further act of said Rice made under or by reason of any power of attorney which I have heretofore given him ; and especially do I hereby revoke, annul, apd withdraw the power of attorney which I have heretofore granted to said Rice to sell and dispose of certain Patents or Bights under certain Detente granted to me for-Imprnve; meat in Horse Shoes,-Process for making Iron for same, and the Iron whOn so made se new article of Manufac— ture, or anything relating to the same. No further astignment, transfer, or conveys - ice what— ever, made by the . B ra id Rico in my name, or for me rinder any alleged authority as aforesaid, will, after this date, be recognized by me as valid or binding on me or my legal representatives. . In witness whereof,l have hereunto set my hand sad seal this fourth day of September, ]BO2. BEIIiNEZ 0413. Witness t ANDREW BOYD, B. T.B.iyaci. FOR TUE SEA SHORE. Fes CAMNW.AND . te.NTTo.: klai o • D ; CHARON OP HOUR3.--git and aim . ,ItION)DAT,, 1882, • Dian Train leaves Vine-striei Ferry at 7.30 A. X.• Express; 44 '. 46 8.45 P. Accommodation train, for Absocom only, 4.40 P. K. Returning, leaves Atlantic—Mall, 4 P. AL ; Express, 8.06 A. 11. AccommOdation leaves Abseooin at 346 A. M. Passengers for -Long Branch and intermediate sta tions will take the 7.80 A. M. train. • FARR 61.80: Bound-Trip Tickets, good on Ty for th 4 Day and Train for which they are issued, $2 60. Xi ourston Tickets., goad tor three days, $3. Hotels ara now open. • an2B- tf• •IrEFE FINES T ASSORT; 1 . 40 I .',.MENT :Of now, modern, and durable Pi: ANOS from $l6O to SOO- Also, PIM OE'S World.renowned MELODEONS ate HABSIONIIIBI.B,..for cash, at a great reduction, or la mall monthly instal menus JAAfES °ELL AK; 279 alit 281 South 1111711 Street, shove Spruce. . . se2,4mie IEI . TRUES AND BRACE DE. - 0. H. ITEHDLZS,' Corner TwsLrrs and II&ON Etteesta;Pi lierolal Trusses and naeohanloal applianoai atirraier &Warted by . , Cl. H. NEEDLES,.. Fine Frebehead approve' American, adapted to every (ono of rupture, 'tu odulte and children, ErTHAL and American Supporteri and Belts, Sbcraldwr Braces, Sca oeneoriee, Elastic Stockings, and Syringes In great is lety. Ladles' Department, TWELFTH Street, flume loor below nevi. Conducted by otocivebant ladb3a. Jyo3-31a EDUCATIONAL AMUSEMEteria. WANTS. BOARDING. ELI DILLIN.I.2IB Green street. LEGAL JOHII G. BRYANT, Agent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers