ffijyjTEMS. s bkt Dr- Garden to Zion already announced ttao fact that the n ii. D„ now In charge of th-(l’rntee ?! j. A Cs , r f(Zrih of tholl tore***” - - s P rt " B 0ar(l8n P has been called to til* reo'orah'p or i L wr of EUhih street and Columbia mi !>»« w>‘ lot b <>™’ ' l,ongh “ w!U , " rjbv K* TIP Dr. Garden's connection with hla pre- marked with harmony, and osrtain indication of atieeeas, . Hla congroga f#" < l cm atantly Inoreasing, and there la pro ’ l,|a«o ,B American pnlpit to day who has, In B ° w 1 jtiiulrfd more celebrity aa a hold nn f“lacber of . the Goep-I. The attach f _ (jjg present congregation, it la Ljtt ll " n tt iwriler in the way of hie aroeptlng Hie UkW" 1 "’ r . though there are, we believe, cer (Mrf' #! j wholly of a pecuniary character, which uLieparaUon. In faot.lt la alleged that f(|f wll:1 ’ prraent church odlflco la the only rea. M “ jjiciag with a moment'e coueidoration JjSirH l l' o„ Hi* other hand, the greatest oon- JtjjKi |e * w , h? the people of Zion Church that the jjtice i» ptipu | ur a rector aa Dr, Harden would jijildlW” 0 ‘ | , never been heretofore, a aelf-atu jruo’roOßArH of God. John K. ‘, , ,ris of admirers of thta gallant jurat ’' ~| er w nl he glad to loam that a capita jtiidtlf 1 h !l(m been m(M i e by Sutekunet, fd P tct,,, 1 p r ,|! a .Llei chla photographer, Nos. 701 ami lldt* lir “ l 8 ( wbl( .j Uim behad at his counter. Mr I c ..,r,i ploture, of the “ Now Ironeidee,’ jit*®* 18 » with her late commander, Oapt. *fbe To" with the public, Hu has also MU'* tc . a i ui( card of General Dana, of Min pl(>t ca,N #,SW ’. IvOKTTfPS AND WENDBROTYPE liir trlmnpha of the photographic art the 1 ,i llI!( i i, wmilern type,”—produced In so muoh iilwiDf 0 iieaars. Broadbent &o*. at tbnlr gallo- 914 ohoatnut atroot—are thu moat .0 jpiy are both Inventlotiß of Mr, Wonderoth, (jchbio. ciiturprlslug firm, who davotea his t ß|: g 'taos lurively to this department. Hr. Wen- J ,9,l * hf) ] I j,imj'.i3 oBfiOf the moat original and ta-, 4<**b jidscotintry. The-epeolmena executed 'jjuinrorsttihltrd ln their galleries, are perfect i' 0| , w (who yot to hear of a single Instance In i l# * iJetnrfs, executed to order, ln theae atylse, £S^ tire act. faction. - ||S f KYt Season. — Wo liavo already had 9 j 0 eo i c gi4ii (ho establishment of Mr. A, 1,. *iit center of Ninth and Chestnut etrsets, as the »ed Cot fectionery establishment in Ame- : gsW jj 1( p rf , ( ,|,i display of elegant frulti, dotlcbus I, * il grapet, Peaches. hud all the troploal prodrfotlons, beyond'doectiDtton. In Fine Oonfeotioas, alao, faltuuA dote the largest business of any houte In jjdysonntry. _ _ Hssrsosui Bair tniiiA.—Messrs. Wittei'3 *. r Ho 3S Hmib street, corner or Filbert, pro ifetcrßoUbc Portable Lamp,for buroioi? Keroalce Oil h»»eP“» ln BtorB “ handflomB of R Ilennla Ware, »'• murli below the prices tisuvlly charged for the same uuallty of Homb pyii TUB People.—Messrs. E. G. mitoao A Co, Ctaintlt airaet, below Fourth, next doWicAdO'e* A Go's Exere.n, have won the alfootloua oSe people by Dretiufsctitmig the purest, finest,aud most Ltidtlt Coat,ctlciifc mid st'lling them at law priett' Rurjhedy thet ctit-rs their store, Trom the aimitleat ..jtliwr to ttih merchant who buy a hla bill of thou- Si, li Ireeled po U’ly, end auitod to a nicely, no mat p,r how fastidious way ho hla taatce, fiss Saices and Pickles—" Mr. C. H. Jlltice, desler 1-, #ee family groceries, corner of Arch M d Tenth streets, bus now in store a snpp yr.l orotes 5 Blackwell s Scow* and Tick los ; also a Tull 11,10 or Spins, need for pickling purposes, to which we Invite U attention of our leaden. "j nB pgACETrii Bitnfi OF Manassas.—By Member of the <•«." Its BiflrcbJr.' <ve ere far M««‘93as,” sarß Pater, iiToolaceant ihe n lie’s as ciane ai can bB| ll'iflamHb 111 be murdered all over, lnanra if I live I'H be ehooted," says he. liflo altf, mr boj t. says our gentleman captain, . in'iSoaeci jour honittfnt mugs, if ye plase; [li jtit for » nlo; Ml of tactics wore thryln’, ‘ jo gfrs the Swollen a tight tittle squtwe. . #in' shea w reacted ould Manassas in person,, Bid lock till ‘lie jarou—’twas a desert we found, P cirsr a rebel In light hot was abasnt, in' plenty of nothing to ooTor the ground, - Ij a[!) Piter," EOJO captain,« now what's the matter 1” Kffby, this l,Ute matter,'tis pbin to espy, , lot watting for Mac’s anaconda to bolt ’em, ftejtpiw themselvii , that’s the matter,” siyal. talforras rondi-made, and tt Ballet-proof Vests,*' Cbirtu SblttH, tinder the Continents!. Tbs TTabb o? thb Eoshs, asd the Cmr, [fii or 1862—During the fleros o-mlilois, in England, tttrHS the rival roeos, there were no aucb facilities for attllsi disputed points, by sea and by land, as those in polo 1562. The possession of a single iron-clad would tire given either 5 ark or Lancaster naval supremacy, Pin few rifled cannon would hare "settled the hash” t( Mwird or tUrguet of Anjou, The Duke of Giosler hiked, In tboee dm s, of employing “ a score or two of hilors to etuSj fruitions to adorn hl« body," At the present day KocMiUI A Wilson, Nos 603 and 605 (Jhrs;- ;tt street, akove ristli, get up garments that them St [Mtldiom persons in the-world oould find nothing hi »ttl it, k SfniwsY Calculation,— A' Frenchsta ktMialiu calculated that-the'civilised world spends B«i Imntj.fcur boors, in royal tod military aaltitea hi polite escheuges of volleys, in wharf aad citadel tcrciiiiies, in the dally nurnkg and evening guns in all ftrltmn end men-of-war, all over the globe, a hundred Aftl fifty thonasrd nsoless shots. Estimating th, cost of Ikeeharge at tit fraper, this would prod nos a dally sum If tine hnndrtd thousand francs, or ; three millions of inset ($6(0,060) amiually, which thns go OS’ in smoke. h Ike same es'cuLtlun one might easily ascertain how 6scb it would cut! to tqulp a certain number of mill* try officers, p'orlded the uniforms were purchaser at fed Oneprice olothiug estehliehmont of Granville Stokes, So, 809 Chestnut itreet, where the oheapest garments in the country sr* nwmifsotnred, SPECIAL NOTICES. Bm Ana an 08d and Cheapest Mos bttf jSEjj In tain, at W, Henry Patten’s new Store, W (fatal tlmi, Att lai’UKmEb and Moths Db irkrin, Beds fumigated by the new process are rea , fails end sweet .XTpholstering of every desorip •faPAlTEh’S, 1408 Ohestnnt street. 1W) Pieces o? Cotton Damask.— wkttof Oriosan, Bine, Green, Drab, White, and Light "4 lot Curtains, Linings, Coverings, So., wholesale .I!?' W ‘ n. OABBYL A BBOTHEBS, "sHuiWlt Mai onto Ffeii. 718 CHESTNUT St. IOBQciTo Nets, all sizes and styles, .wlf 1 8001 W,H ’ OAHEYL a BROTHERS, «Hutba3t 119 CFIRHTN UX St, Masonio Hail. Bbinges, all widths, Bullion Worsted Curtfi!!' rs< ' c ‘ Te< ‘> Orlmson, Bine, Green, Ac., for v«n»ln». Lounges, Ohatrs, Draperies, So, !«SIU W ' H ’ OABBYL * 880., bias onto Hall, 718 CHESTNUT St. Jayne ’ 8 A-WERATITE.—It is an it-the Lrei 0 )’ ttM a,w yl»rge class of diseases loan (w. ~i i' y , MK ' h »* will inter into the hfl form ti,rt ' ngl ' every portion of the toL-Xf >y thk mmm ““o tbe remedy be brought taZtf ° oBiaC{ mh ,!l6 diaaa “* "btaln this htttinini ' t . no f rop!lr “ ,ion fa* ever bean so uniformly "fatiul as D r , D JAYNE’S ALTEBATIYB, Bcnomi, SKIN DISEASES, OANCEK, : BRY9IPELAS, OOmtß, ; RHEUMATISM, .t („.» BiiOPBY, EPILEPSY, Ao. czaous Ttmoisa, Wditi SwktLisoa, Gout, Liver Bans * l “ T ‘ IITSPB! ' S! '‘i UtOERS, Boald Head, bto., 11,1?“ cured by this ALTEBATIYB. It 4,,, * , 0 “ , of ts >® moat pleasant artiotes that can be % it, ™ operating as a tonic, and rema u^r* 10 0l " ) Nervnns affections. It, has been e '™l»!llcttlutly beneiiclal in hj® 1 AN '> CANOE BOUS APPBOTIONS of aU a of the oaies in whioh it haa been p' C Uim,:S R - tbo failnre of other remedies. J"®,® SWELLED NECK,—In Innumerable *™ S l, ' wlra "> !t » which Jayna’a Alterative has used, it has never been known to fail. Is,,, curtli who have oontinned its use acoord it! 1 AHD ImoralOA -U SWELLINGS,—Many hltto '-»fafafe need Ihe Alterative in diseases of kt»n i consider this a specific, so great has been its false a*? ‘ncreesing the powers of digestion, ab,ll,l,eßt »into healthy exereisß, whereby klirttr,, f r calc ’ i,cooa depositions and all unnatnrai reduced. 11 C8 ’ OONVULSIOSB, are usually that th. , * c *raLls, and yet experience has proved TnitMii 6tMiT[, i in conjunction with the Sanative ''"Wore p lO # °( eases i it should be tried, Siclloy 1 “ r ““who are subject to these terrible af. "1111,8 this disease, whether Joint, r? U&! ' the flesh or Bones, Enlargement h “ M ‘’ Swe!U ng«, Eruptions, Tumors, eib., (i Wten inia ** lllCll fQnn( ‘ Pro,eminently anocesefni. * ts !kg the ’ aDl! clrcnl » teil with, the blood, thus de (fahißu. T,r ! ll or Wlsonoui principle from which SKij; ri6,nßte - ’ E lll Bktto cf bU klnd «i Scald Head, Tetter, 6 *.. cg Boils, Pimples, Blotobea, 0 Bktn, etc., are readily oared by the ASD .NEURALGIA.-In chronle lat **«rini j tßlirf1 ’ if Porsaverlngly used, lag.nerally Jayne’s Liniment ** B oolin «® t to»i according to dlreotl ms; many affections pe 8| “ the i,.?' “ffinily when arriving at maturity, fasedby« ““«• of life,” the Alterative is unsur i 1 ihegularif " rom ' ay - In Oholoroei# er Beten “’itlws,. * td Deueorrh&i, the best results sWllVl? 64 ** Mml “ l, ‘ ,rtlon ' r Cs Ai'fKnTrL A , ND MIXED DISEASES, NEB ,!!P*MU T /vW IBBABM 01 ' IBH HEiBT > COMPLAINT, Constitutional state an orikiuatlugfrom a depraved or im pi‘4,8 I »M w W| Blo ? d ’"® &11 C ’ 3r * d bj -fame's Al h ? Ike ) am tH B 8 * finlt ta mM Y “odieiues that, S»ftepatj 6 “° h '' ,o «‘fa ,ll “ , we ‘her are aieo prts ? '«tk ar 9 wb”!v 67 ? rtcortr f< “>• Altefative has Whtl * nwtralli,lo 8 «>« virus of •S ““faia* fhe strength or the Vt tr „“ '“ loK °f VuinTtetant Tonit, and De- li'!*” 4 n W “ 0nl0,1 * lr ln “* 0 J«- 7’ U tth r » m » u o‘far similar prepara ,Tin A , oDlioted give it atrial. li! fi * A SON A « IV1 ? ’’ * r *» w#d only by Dr, D Street, Inaiu'uord ft, ■ — au3o-2t k^%,«iuI INa ’ Best and Cheapest 111 Scqth FOOBTH Btreet. Hebsl Feat at 'Warrenton. nr tus iiAiiii or tows a hall. The rebels did a deed or note; , To Warrenton they came And captured Gen. Pope's best coat, And carried off the same. The trophy had been more sublime If fate had let them win it, And take possession at a time Whon General Pope was in it. We hope that long they wilt not dote Upon their dar.zliDg feat, Before Pope sires them for that coat A dressing moat complete. Oor army enre will be mere dull Than sheep beneath the shears, ir "deify's'' wool they do notjpali, Eor this, ab.ut his ears, The coat, thongh good, as we are told, Is no great lore at all, lor others j ust as good are sold At Rhnkktt's Townu Hall, Where the balance of Summer Stock is being closed oul at greatly reduced prices. Tower Hall, No. 618 Market street, Philadelphia, BENNETT A‘CO. One-Prigs Clothing, op thh latest IfTUS) made In tha Boss Manner, expressly for Btt- TAXXj SALKS, LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted -satisfactory; Our ©XH-Pxrox Bysteii is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. *©22-ly JONES A OO a , 6ft4 MABSBT Street Grover & Baker’s New Shuttle SEWING MACHINE—PBIOE, S4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the use of a fast and durable lock-stitch machine, Is directed to our No. 9. This i's a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although bnt lately put into tho market, Is already a groat favorite with manufacturers. It is a first class machine, at a low price. No machine evsr introduced in this oity has sold so rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It is very ample in its construction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works wjih floe cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well; and the low price at which it is sold placeß it within the reach »£ all who desire a reliable, serviceable ntachino, GROVER A BAKER 9. M. 00., au2Mf 730 UHKSTSUT Street. ' Curtain Materials, Furniture Co verings, R. B. OAR TRIMMINGS, Ac.—A full sneply Plushes, Brooatelles, and French Satin Be Lalnes, Unmasks, Reps, Lastings, Terrey, Turkey Red, Ac. Gilt Cornice, Tassels, Gimp, Loops, Cords, Ac , to maioh. Wholesale and retail, 719 CHESTNUT Stieot, Maeonio Hall. an 26 tntbeSt W. H. CABBYL A 880. Batchelor's .Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOB’S celebrated Hair Dya produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to injnro the Hair in ths least; remedies tho til effects of had dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turns a mlendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by all Druggists, Ao. Iff The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on Ota four sides qf each boa. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, {Late 338 Broadway and 16 Bond street), mv2B-Iv New York. MARRIED. 1 KWTON.—EYaNS—On : Thursday evening, the 28tb ioet., by tbn Bcv. Rickard Newton, D. D, In the Oburch ef the Holy Trinity, West Oheeter, the Rev. William Newton, Hector of the Ohnrcb, to Hies Sarah Evans, ot Went Oheeter. #■■■■■ WARRINGTON.< —STARK—At WibnfDgton, T)ol., on the 2151., !>y the Rev. Mr. Dickerson, Joseph H. War rington to Louisa 8., daughter of Moses Starr, Esu. # PRICE.— the 15tli inst., by the Rev, J, 0. Olay, Mr, John Price to Mary 0. Ayres, both of Philadelphia, * DIED. BOOT—On the morning of tbo 291 h inst., Robert Scot, Jr., in the 24th year of his ago. His relatives and friends are invited to attend the fu neral on Monday afternoon, September Ist, at 8 o’clock, from his father’s re,ldence, No. 800 North Ninth street. To procci d to Mount Vernon Cemetery. ■** SLOAN.—On Wednesday, tne 27th instant, John Sloan, in the 83d year ot his ago. 1 he relatives and male friends are invited lo attend his funeral. at 3 o’clook this (Saturday } afternoon, from nis Into residence, No. 0 North Eighteenth street. To pro ceed to T,enrol Hill. * BROWN—At Pottstown, Penna, on the 2Tsh inst , Theodore McOlintockßrown, son of Joslah B. and Mary 0 Brown, only grandson of Dr. Jurnes McOlintortc, and great-grandeon of Deacon Jo-iah Bnmstead, of Boston, M ass., aged 7 months and 13 days. * BAUEB3AGHS.—SuddenIy, on the 27tli inst., Sabine G\, wife of John B. Banersachs, aged 72 years. * COLIN—On tho 28th iost., of typhus fever, Prank, only son of Geo. F. and Martha Onlin, aged 6 years. # DONOHUE.—On the. 28th ihßt, William, Son of Wm. and Ellen Donohne, aged 17 months. s* BURGAN.—On the 28lh lost., Lonisa A. Pnrgan, daughter of John E. and Margaretta Durgan, aged 5 sears # FLYNN.—On tho 28th inst., Elisabeth Matilda, daughter of Thomas and the late Elisabeth M. Flynn, aged 8 months and 10 days. # FODLON.—Suddenly, on the 28th inst, of hsmor rbsge. B. J. Fonlon, in the 48th year of bis age. * Mourning store.—besson & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Black Monssuline do Haines, doable widths. Black Tamises. Black Sommer Bombazines. • Black English Bombazines. Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Gros Grain and Poult do Solo Silks. Black Crape Marchs and Bareges. Black Barego Hernanl. Black Silk Grenadines. Black and White Hawns, Ginghams, So. Jy23 ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN LL? OHUROH, NEW Street, below Fourth, between Race and Vine, Rev. E. W. BUTTER, pastor. Services will be returned on TO-MORROW MORNING, 10* o’clock. Evening service commences at * before eight o’clock, It* rv-==. REV. W. E. BOARDMAN WILL LL3 proaih in the Rev, S'r. Wjlm’s Church, BROAD belowKpmee, TO-MORROWf Sabbath) AFTERNOON, at 4 o’clock. Suljout—“ Voice of God To-day.” Hewilll aho preach in the same place at 10* A. M. It# SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Lk_? SEVENTH Streel, near Arch. Divine service win be resumed next SUNDAY at half past ten o’clook A M., and at four o’clook F. M., by the Pastor, Rev. 0. W. SHIELDS. It# iy==» THIRD REFORMED DUTCH LLS OHUROH. UOR.TENCH AND FILBERT STd —i bis Church will be reopened TO-MO BROW. Ser vice at 10* in tho Morning, and 4 o’clock in the After noon. Rev. Dr. FISHERwitI Preaoh. It# rv-jp- CIIURt.H OF THE EPIPHANY— ILS, This Church will be opened for Divine Ssrvica TO MORROW EVE NING, at * before 8 o’clock. Dr. NKW'ION resumes bis duties To-morrow. It# SECOND REFORMED DUTCH lUf OHUROH, 61V EN T H STREET, ABOVE BROWN—Rev. T DE WITT TAHMAGE. Pastor, will preaoh on SABBATH, at 10* A. M. Bnd 7* P, M. Sabbath School at 9 and 2 o’clock. It COHTINEKTAL HO TEL CO THE ICS OODPONS fine September Ist, 1862, npon the EIGHT per oent. MOBTGAGa, BOND i of the Oontinen tal Hotel Go,, will be payable on and after that date, upon presentation of tbe same at the office of ths Treasurer, No. 813 ABOH street, Philadelphia. an 30 6t the BONDHOLDERS OF THE LAS BWATABA BAILBOAD OOM PANYare hereby infoimed that proceedings have been taken in the Court of Common Pleas of Schnytkill county, by which their interests will materially suffer, if not attended Jo imme diately. . Those who are willing to take action to protect their intvrests are invited to attend a meeting at the office of DAVIS A WICB.EBHHAM, No. 37 Sonth THIRD street. Philadelpnia, on TUESDAY morning, September 2d, 1862, at 11 A. M. By order of a majority of the Trustees under Third- Mortgage - ; an3o-2t ’nr=* interesting meeting for the. Lk3. SOLDIEKS—On TiiSSDAY EVENING next, at Pi’. Wylie’a Ohnreb, BBOAD, below Spruce street, an sdiourned Monthly Meeting of the YODNG MEN’S CBBtBTIAN ASSOOfA'iION ie to.be held for the be nefit ol the Soldiers in Cam p, and Honpitalt in and around Philadelphia, commencing at 8 o’clock. The chaplaioß are invited to be present, and are expected to make statements about the soldiers, and give incidents of their work,. Soldiers from tbe Hospitals are also expected. Hetri bere of tbe Association, willing to work for the Soldier, are specially urged to be there. an3o-*tu2t# GF.OBGE H. STUART, President, A CARD—-WE, THE UNDERSIGN ED LkJf Brewers of Philadelphia, on and after the Ist day oi SEPTEMBER, 1862, will advance our prices One D( liar, per barrel on Ate and Porter sold by ns after that date, in consequence of a tax of same amount to be paid by .us to the General Government, in accordance with, the act of Congress passed during the last searion. Philadelphia, August 80, 1862. [Signed] MASSEY, COLLINS A CO; GEORGE W GRAY. ■ LEEDS A GUAY. NEWLIN. ZELL. A ABBOTT. DITUMAB A ttUTZ. JAMES MOOBE. anBo-6t WILLIAM GAUL. ■rw=» NATIONAL UNION CONVENTION- Lgjtf ’ The Delegates to : the Twelfth-ward Convention,, pursuant to call, convened at tho honso of Bernard Tlsber, on Tbariday, 28th instant, at 8 o’clock, l’: M, John G. Wolf, Esq., w*s called to the chair, and-Thomas. Bradfieid chosen secretary. Tbe following-*»“ed oanlidatea were unanimonslz nominated for Ward Officers: BSLBOI OODKOIL, . .. JOHN L. SHOEMAKER. COMMON COUNCIL, JOSEPH MOOBE. ASSESSOR, WILLIAM ANDRESS. School Dibbotobs—Obarles M. Wagner, Aaron Walters, and Charles Bli d, for three years; John H. Gltlicna for two years, and William S. Franck for ene year. t OSSTAELHS—George Barger and John A. Johnson. If* . , EDUCATIONAL. TT'EIENDS 5 SOH O OLB—GIRLS’ ,JD Grammar, Secondary, aad Primary, for girle and boys, situate on meeting.house premises, 8. E, corner of FOURTH and GREEN 'streeie, wilt reopen Ninth month Ist. The patronage of Friends and the public is tolleited. an3o-10rit ' QAT3NDERB’ INSTITT3TE, MAR- O KET and THIBTY-NINTH Streets—English, C!ftiiJcal t at3d Militarj Day and Boarding-—will reopen September 2. “ THE SAUNDERS CADETS” will, »« heretofore, receive, the best of Military In struction one hour daily. Addrees . anSO-lm Prof. E. D. SAUNDERS. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE of the XT o P PHNNBY I.YANIA,—-The BOIKNII FIO BOBOOL begins MONDAY. Sapteutber Bth. The. Technical Schools, comprising the School of Mines, the School of .Mechanical, Engineering,Yhe School.of Civil Engineering, the Bohool of Ghemietry, the Architectural School, and the course of Military Instruction, wiU open on TUESDAY, September 16tb. Applirations for admisslonfto be made at COLLEGE BUILDING, MARKET Street and WEST PENN Square, personally or by letter to ALFRED L. KENNBBY, M.D., auSo.6t r Prwldent of Faculty.. DELECT SCHOOL AND PRIYATE >3 Instrnctten, H. W. corner TEN fH; and AROH Streets. Dutiu resumed MONDAY, Septenker 8. j- an3o-12t* B, STEWABT, Principal. VOCES’MUSIC INSTITUTE, No'. V 253 North TE STH Sfewt ' Thb; MMidti * will commence SEPTEMBER Sth. -Apply between 8 end 6 P. M. . . SDWABD W. VOGDES,. »u3O-4t* . ProfawwotJHosfof^ J. SBBGHANT PBIOB, * Treasurer. nfqF* THE CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT. Us 3 Tr-e tallow.ng is alit of the sub-orlptions to the CORN EXCHANGE REGIME NT FUND- ' Corn rxontnge Association. ,’.*2,000 JacobT. Albnrger A Co too Thomas RiJmrdtot, & (k, j 690 Edmund A.Smder ACo 700 Humphrife, Hoffman, & Wright 600 Alix, G Cnttrli A Co .. 609 Craig A Bellas 500 Massey, Ooilins, & Oo . 600 W >U<am B. Thomas A Co ; 600 Riddle A Leech * ' '6OO P. Wright A Sous 600 Bistr Win Hr.... - 600 Miller A ttroflinr 600 Btoi*ai*k«*r A livneii 603 John Giheon, Hons, & . , 500 Bnztiy A 00,.. ...................... 400 Frerd, Waul. A Freed 800 William S, smith A 0p,!., , .... 250 Jobx, Mama* & Co 260 Cummings A Son ~/••• 250 John B P*-nr«‘Se 250 G*«>rgo A. MuKinetry ....... 2>o PiUchett, ttAngh. A 00.. 250 U. & 11, W. Cafherwotid ..... 250 John & oo .;# 250 & & J M. Flanagan ........... 250 Pt»r.ci‘Ck, 55*11, & H'.nchtzian 200 Jnsiab Bryan A Oo ..... 200 Jamr-p Steele A Co 200 J "H & B L. Perot 200 Bowland A Er*in. 200 Xjh(!h « Omy 200 Cochran A Rusi*e]l..» ...................• • 200 H»i.ry Stump. ;■ 200 Benjsmin Bulb oil A 200 B S Jaunty, Jr , A Oo 200 3>irb*r & fclllff .... 200 Jap. Jr., 109 P. B. Mingle* C 0............ ICO. Shipper A Dotwiler... 100 J S Ivhi* , * 100 W Puke Murpuy... 100 Ch.irlen W. Churchman 100 Jamf‘9 Aliderdice...... 100 George Keu&. 100 W. I>. Potts A C 0...... 100 Bned A Coaly 100 JaintaL. Belief & Oo 100 Brown A Jmnre 100 Ne*t>it 100 Brook A Pngb 100 Chaa II CoQjioings ~100 Richard ML. Let 100 D. B. Kf-rsf»ow A Co.. 100 T. banx'M A Son .. 100 O’Npiß Btop 100 Obavlth Raynor..... 100 T, Garrick A o** 100 J, T. Wdcr-x A C 0.... .. 100 Tbeodire Wilhon 100 Tripler A Coombs.. 100 8. L. Winner 1... 100 Bayno'd Thnnmp,. * XQ-P • Jarors Gt-ddes, Jr. 100; J. A, Dougherty A bona... 100 Wa s lnceA Bjowti.... lo<l L. O. A) niuper A (J 0,,,,,,,,., 100 H. H Murtre & ton.. 100 DelwiUr A Hartmnft. 300 William Brice A C 0.... 100 Mackey A H0gg..;... 100 i W.O. Push A C 0..., 100 [ Thomas lrnith...... 100 f A Wenger 100 i 8 J. Christian. 100 1 Graff A Graham... 100 Alexander Heron, Jr........ 100 I Parker A Tolaod 100 ! J H-Sff?**Dß A Co 100 Georyo Cnohmen A Co 100 Thomas Watwon A Sons.. ~ 100 A. B McHenry A Co. 100 John Hartxuftn... ... 103 J Tan Brunt A Co 100 Toftiin A Bhewell. . , 100 William lJumna.. 100 Workman A Co. ~,. 100 John T. Ricketts 100 Cash ICO Malone & Oo 100 Grove & 8i0....,....,,, 100 Mrs. Mary E. Na«le... 100 Mark Devine A Co. 100 AdiiniMuff1t..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;.,; 100 Mtcbail McGuinepe 100 Ternali A Trimble 100 i G. W. Bmnadou&Oo 100 Alexander Kerr..,..;........................... 300 " ■P- Bushong & 50n5........100 : K Lincoln 100 Uftrh .... 100 Coke, Boulden, A Co 100 J. 11. Ifticbencr A Co. . 300 O'Uos. Snatks 100 W. Taylor 100 Andrew O. Craig A Co 100 Robert E. Nt ff.............. 100 Ballet A 80ti..................., 100 G. lOO Calbcnu A Cowion 100 McCuichton A ColHns:... 100 W. Duke THurphy, for W. 8...100 Charles W. Cushman 100 Micbliner A Morris, per W. I): M 1 ..100 Cede, Hopper, * Co log- OharloH W. Poultney,.loo Alex. Young.. 100 N. B, Graham ' 7-5 James W. Hammerslay...' 60 8 Matlock... 60 A. F. Ilendorhon. 60 Mmphy A-Knona.. - gg IVnhrook A Brothers,.,.. 60 John C. Stixkrou. 60 J. Dun«oody A 8ra..... ......................... 60 F A. Godwin..,. ....... 50 Henry X, Beyman 50 Jc»*oph D. Wagner. 60 8. P. Pcdricfr & Oo 50 B. T. McUaner-...........,.,gg J. O. ClendiiDiel ".J...,, 60 James D, Gjht)s.... 60 W. JFL'CooMnan, 60 Charles Xerniig... 60 W. Ai Bilger. 50 H. 0. Lancaster........ 50 Janus McUutjher........ 60 Fitln A 5O Jaureiche & Laverse... 60 Oaeh 60 B Delbert go O. W. Locke A Co 60 Thomas McGuire 60 J. M. Smith A Co 50 Kirkpatrick A Brother 60 Vioh r A. Sanori Employees of J. Lawer A 8r0... J. Lawer A 8r0..... O. W. Herstine Ah xauder, McElroy Regers A Geer JtfKucn Graham A C 0......... Bavatd Siie*- 25 W. H Stillwell. Captain sm;w W A. Jfttnee A C 0.... B Hun>irker Alfred Roberts Cabot A Pemberton...... W. P: toanien Gk'trge P. Laugbead,. 25 G. Edwatd Bhtwi.ll,.. Siinmtl X. Shohi-r................. W. M J. Jackson.... W*m. D. Sherrwl/... Bumm A 8r0ther................ Ca5h........ Benner a Draper... Augiwtuft Merino. Cttfclu e. to.. J..S. Seller?.... J F. Mar5ha11.,..,,.,, 20 Jcbn Maitland 20» E. W. Hftgam«n ...... 20- Stephen N Win510w............. so John 8utcher.,,............ 20* Dytr A .Keen....; . io W. B Valleau,... 10. Oha»l*s Xor«>iv TO F. Hi Pmdleton A Oo 10: J. C. Leeds,,,,, ■_ 10 E«.Btßhop,. . xo- OauL JO- B. B. Cray craft A Oo 10’ George AUin«. John Fnlti-n N< Petiey Catb Tbeo. T. Parker.., 10> John Bauee 10 Snuiuel M; Mecutcheon 10. Captuiri Thompson 6. John GmbHm 6< Patrick llcGulgan 6 Cash T. B. 1r..,. 6 Cash... 1 It ■. ■ ■■■■•■ : Total ~S 2 * ; RiETMIi, DRY GOODS. CA-CI«T DAiEK. OMSIJIBEESs C/v Desirables stylee for ibye’ wear, CUBWEN STODDABT A BE ’THEE, . 460,462, and 464 North SECOND .Street, auSO 2t above Wiitow.. 1 ADIBS’ GLOAKIN& OLOTBSk JLJ In black, m«dium, aud light colors, CDKWEN STODDA-BT A BBOTHEB, 460, 452, and4s4-North SEOGND Street, an3o-2t abive Willow; STELLA SHAW 3. Sj., $2.00. STELLA SHAWLS, *2 50 STELLA SHaWI,B, 3 00 STELLA, SHAWLS, 360 SOIL La. BUaWLS, 400 With alarge end S alien stook of mperlor aoodi. CDRWF.N STODDABT & BBOI’HBB, 46t>:452,.and 454NorthSE JO SDi Street;. ar.3o- 2t - above Willem G 0 O mi— MOOBLIN 81-L -L V lainee ; . new styles omit Pla'rd Qlaoo Pi>plin9 ; Plain Beps, Blue, ti,-sen, and Browo; Figured Oa-htneres; btantiln! neat Figured Eep Poplins; BiueaudSoiferl no Dtlaiuesj.new Calicora, choice patternsneat Plaid Fiiwenel for Gents’ Shirts, yery desirable and scarce; .also a nice assort bent of Casiimerea for Men and Boys, at | ' ’ JOHN H STOKES’, au3o 702 ARCH Street.' HANDiLQQiM TABLE LINEN.— 0 di 7-d, and 8> 4 widths, in various grades, at low prices . CDEWSS BTODDABT A BItOPaER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOMI O Street, au3o*2f above Willow, I ALL STILES MOUSSE LIN E DE lainbs. ■ .V''.;, . Manchester Honsselir e Detaiasa, Pacific Mohsseiioe Delaines, Hamilton McU’sselineDeiaiaeß, In choice styles’ ' CBRWKN BTODDABT * BROTHER, , 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, an SO-2t ' . abovo Willow. Black silks, Superior grades of Black Silks, at our nsnal lor;. Piices. ■'-"■■■ CTJRWEN STODBART, & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, sr,3o 2t above WiUoi*k fUANCY DRESS SILKS, 62 1-2. JP FANCY BBESS SILKS. 75. fancy DBisss silks, ai. Closing out cteap lot oS Silks. ODRWKN 830DDART & BROTHER - 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, anSO-21 adova-WUlow. P)EK>TOGRAPHS. XXTAR PRICES.—Now is, your time ! ! v l 'fo ee&a&d a valuable picture, ai el reduced pats. BEI&ISB’S celebrated life-size Photo gg«»,pbs, In oileo lora. how being made at war pUcea to/Buit the times. bXCO&D Street, above Green. ; . .... It* The apex of v populmiity and fame has been attained kjyKKIMEB’S Cota* ed Photographs, for *l. A low {figurefor so valoaole a. picture. Bee for jourselves, at Gaijery, SECOND Street,, above Green. ltjk rU THE COUTT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR Tfl» CITY AND OOUitITX OF PHILADELPHIA Jt. „ l Notice is hereby given to all peraons 3ate { “”5 rested, that the- Honorable the Judgesof the Court of Common Pitas.aforetaid, have appointed MON DAY, the 16th d»y of September, A, D. 1853, at 10 o’clock A. 51, for hearing application nfosthe following charters of ineovporatiOß, and, unless exceptions be filed thereto, the same Vfiß bo approved,-risp:- The Men’s Sarmanr Beneficial AeaooiaUon—Amend ment.” - ■ ” The pyeventh Jefferson Building and Loan Aeeocia. tien of Rhltadelphia.” OHAS. D. KNIGHT, auss S 4-13 st Prothonotary. Fatal soo and Toledo duck, for sale by 0. B. MILLER, 237 Santh SECOND Sgeet. an3o-St* mflE SCIENTIFIC HAIR. DYE OF jL this cityfor- Ladles and Gentlemen, is GHFK. KUNST'B,- FOU&TS and BRANCH. ’ THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 18(12. ~ - ■ - - - - - nll !■ 111 mil —W Imi in mm i hwiiiHT>iiiuhim - —— - ~ • • ..J || TBS 121st KEGIiVJENT OF 8 PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNT.EBB3, UOLONEL CHApMAN BtlYl>l/K—Accepted by the State au thorities, and tinm for recriutxng extended;- Recruitswii! he mastered fa and uniformed atonoe, and sent on the same day to tae heßlthy o«mp at Edgowood, 013 the Chestnut H!ll 11 »i fro ad P*y and rations from day of muster. Apply at ofiy of thw following Recruiting Station** of ' AIKXANDEB LAWME. Oaptftin Co. B, No. 503 VIlvE .Street. JOHN TOaNGERIOIT, Ko. 43* North THIRD Street, Second-Lirotem»nt. - BOW A Hl> GRATZ, Jr , 0* B corner of TENTH and THOMPSON SiSoconfi OH AS, P. HULBE, JNf. c&roor FRANKLIN Sqnzrr<v SrcoDd Liemf.nnr.t, GEO. WM. POWELL. N. B. corner TWELFTH and Si > IsiNG.GABDEN Strcot3, Sdcond Lien maun. W , w. 0. JSARCLaY, 716 GI SAM*. Aveane, Second Liontemiat. GJBaS. E. 35TTING, No. 1529 Ssath-Street, Second Litutonttr-ti J. ALFZHSD KAY, Bruner’s Hoteh, MAIN Street, GornioDtowD, Setfofid Lieutenant, wm. SMJT3 BOBARf, Pottstown,- Montgomery countr. St-fond Mrutenaut. JOS&.UA GAFFED, Second Lieutenant-Oo; E, MAIN- Stret-L Franfaloril.- ' ? JAMES-A&HWOSTH, Captain Oomptny lyFrank .ford. JOHN PTTBBOBRfO'W, 229 North SECOND 1 Street, Second TjH'UmN»»jt. J. FBANK STERLING* Captain Company C, N.E. cori*er SIXI'H and AITNOIi bttouta, SAMUEL T. LLC2D, Oaptain Company 728 ZAh-E Street, DABBY HEBTZLEIDy Lieutenant, B2A BTARKET Street, SAMUEL 0. TIIOMA 1 ?, Sergeant Company D;4st CHESTNUT Street. . T. F ZELL. No 42 Sou«l FIFTH Street. . JAMES MaGp EB-, Lieutenunt, N. £ corner SiXTH and MIBCB S-re-tB. WM. W. DORR, Liontenanfc, 836 North THIR TEENTH Sire©** and 405 WALEUT Street HAr-BISoN LaM&DIN, Bruntr’d Hotel, town. ■ ■ anV7-4t T«OMAS M. HALL, Adjutant* jU TEE ROLLS OF HONOR. ifi . NOTICE TO VOLUSTEHISB.—AU Pammylvania Stutee from the commencement of the war, are enti tled to have their names izi-cnbed on r.he ROLLS uF •HOBOS, to be deposited in INDEPENDENCE HALL* The committee ro arrange-the Bolts, propararory to their engroßrCuent in the parchment buolis, have pre-* partd the ctcotfary blanks fur d.ohvory to , officern, cHplains of companies, and* officers recruiting for old regiments now in the field, who are requested to have them filled, and returned to the committee as aeon as* practicable. The Bolls will contain tho name, age, birth-place, ro- BideiiCCvucoQpbUO't, and term of enlistment of every offi cer and private, with the letter of the company add number of the regiment in which ho enlists A large number of the volnuters have tauiiiies dependent upon them, to whomii may bo the dory of the publics to ex tend such aid hereafter as ciicuinstances require. Xu every case. therefore, where tbo soldier leaves a wife and children, or either, the fact will be noted, and the imnvher and sexes of hi* children entered on the 8011, tcgeiber with the range of their ages. If a soldier dies, or is wounded in the service, or is honorably or othorwiße discharged, the fact, as it may hereafter appear tri m tho ofiicial report, will be ontered on the Bods opposite his name. The Bolls are intended to present a faithful record of tho carter of every volanteer from PeunsyLvania during his term of service; and it is hopea thnt regimeotal and line officers will facilitate, the object, and that the name of no man who serves hin country in the present war will be omitted from its history. . The blanks will be delivered on application at the rooms of.the Board of Trade, No, 605 Ohentout street, on and atter.Thurgday,lhe 28;h of August, 1862,1 OJHAB-Ed GIBdONA ) GEf)UGK WIUTNEY, > Committee. . J. BOSS SNOWDEN, ) Philadelphia, AugUßt 26.1862, au26»tSol n HEADQUARTERS 116TH RE -OGIMENT P. Y.v August 25,1862 BOTIOE 18 UFBjEBY GIVEN to all recruits now in the country, reeruited in 001. BEENAN’S Rggi mept, to repair to Philadelphia heforo the l>t of TKMBEB, to ho mustered into the eervioo of the United States, in order to complete the roll*, that they may be sent to W ashington and the men receive their first month’s par; ■■ By order of Gol. D. HEBNAN, Commanding* J-. B. MILES, Ajt. This Regiment to be attached to Gen. MICHAEL GOBCOBAN’S Brigade. au26 6t RECPuIIITs FOR RHILAHSL- W PHIA. UEGI'MRNTB IN ACTIVE SRRmiR TN THE FIELD.— wanted- for the Old Bo?i -roents from Philadelphia— CAVALRY, ARTILLE RY, and INFANTRY. Bounties f.tr oU other regiments havecf»r.cd. The following “bounties” are now paid, cash in hand, before the recruit leavea tho city : By’tbo Goyerumeot—Bounty *•••s2s and a for each recruit offering;.,,;* 4 The Oitizeii’d Blmity Fund paid to each-recruit.,..v, 60 and an additional kt premium 7 ’’0f..,,. 6 i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : $B5 These liberal« bounties” atd’ “ promiiKng” will be paid at one* tor all able* bodied effeetife men between the agea of 13a&d45. - Tlm'dt aft will enrely fake place on September 3d. 1862; there remains then but one secure these bounties. Your* fellow-citizens appeal to yen ?r<<m- the battle-field to reinforce tbeee veteran- and well-officered regiments. Sbail they appeal in y»in?'; v ; Come forward and‘select not only the ragiment in wbicteyon winb to server bat the particular company la wbiclr your comrades aw, instead’ of waiting to be drafted without these privileges. * - For/farther particulars apply at the following recruit ing stations now open: Gapt. Thonoaß J. Town,,9sth Begiment. 202:80ck street, Lieut. Patrick Egan,.9-sth EU-gimeut, 202? Dock street. lifeut :0,8. Griffith, Begiment-, £l6 Vine street. Lieut. A. J. F.norr,B2d 7IS Vino Mreet; J* 99th B«giment, 284*I>ock at. ’ • Capt. A6sm,Schnlx-.99ih.3toaimeut. _ Lieut, John S. Biehlj 26« h ‘Regiment’, TLim* and corner Carpenter and Sixth streets. v Lieut. George W. Tomlinsbn, 26th Begiment, and 114 North Third; and corner Carpenter and Bistfr streets. Capt. P. McDonough, 2d Beserves, 108*.South Sixth street. I ';'' Lieut, John Gurley, 2dßeserves, 108-South Sixth street. Gapt. MaUhew Beiby, llbth .Regiment, 1219 Market street.; "V ; .v - Gapt. William Wilson, 81et &egiment,llia Market street. Lieut W. L,'Sio(:fr,.29sh ftesiment. Lieut. Thomaa K. Ilf»ggBr 23d Regiment,- N. B. corner Sixtl? and Ghestnui story. Lieut, George W« Wilson* 61st Begiment, 8-South Fifth street? ? ■ • ■ ’■■■ • Lieut. William M. Lawson, 61st Begiment, 8 South Fiflb street. ■ • ■. r Zdeut. Samuel Larne, 3d Pennsylvania Infantry Be-: ‘s«vfi Corps, 40 South Third street. Lieut. John Stanton, .3d Pennsylvania Infantry Beserve Corps, 40 South Third street. ' Lieut. Gharlea Beeny &dth Begimenti 632 North Third Liiut. Edward Hough, SSthßogiraent, 632 North Third street. Lieut. James E. Hadley, 26th Regiment, 1030 Filbert street . - t-.‘ Gapt. Christian H. Winter, 75th Regiment, 488 North Third elreet. : -■ ■ Capt William Jatho, 2?th Regiment, CahowhlU, above Fifth street. -Lient. Walter S. Brings, 27th Beglm-nt. L<etit. Wm Letford, 29th Regiment, aStSouth Fifth st. Lieut J olin Roche, 117th Regiment, lOfc Sooth Sixth 'street..;: ' i Lieut. Daniel B. M-eany, 117th Regiment, 44 Sonlh Seventh street. ■ Lieut. Justus A. Gregory, 01st Regiment, 620 Chestnut street. , Lient. Colonel K. H. Flood, 43d Regiment, Ist Pennsyl vania Artillery, 150 North Second street' M Bjor James H Brady i lst Pennsylvania Artillery, 150 North Second and &WkNortfi Second street.' ■' Lient. Daniel F. Lion, 58th Regiment, 620 Chestnut Lient.! Joseph N. Abbey, 112th Begiment, 138 South Fourth street. Lieut. J. tf. Alien, 72d Regiment, 827 Chestnut street. Lieut. J. W. Sunderland, 72d Begiment, 527 Chestnut street, Cant Bamnel Bnlick, 29th Regiment. Captain'William Moore, 73d Begiment, 457 North Third • street \ ' • : : '■ Lient.'Cbristian Goebel,' 73d Begiment, N. B. 'comer- Fourth and Cherry streets. Lient NicholesJßnags, 112th Regiment.-• Capt Christian Eleints, 65th Itegiment, 232 Norths Fourth street. Lient. Philip Yorhees, 29th Regiment. Capt. Joseph O. Hess, 66th Regiment, 333 Chestnut street. Lient Benjamin B. Ejre, 91st Begiment, 620 Chestnut, Street. Or to O. F, BUFF, Lient. Colonel Third Ganalry, D. 8: Army, Superintendent Recruiting Service, an2s-t3O UO&Oirard street, Ptnlada. 29' , 25 ... 25 25 .... 10 U CM BOUNTY FUND - OOM i MiseJOHV • ■ ■ - \J2 HOmOK TO VOLUNTEERS.—OfficiaI infamis ““ tion haa been given to the Oity Bounty Putid.l Cota thefoHowing niiaoed regiments haro»-' been accepted by the GoYornoiy G? Penasylvania, onasccvnt of tbe qpota of Volunteers required from the, oi&y. of Philadelphia, yis,: . Zoiiwre Ool* Collie. ' BegimeJrtvHol 116, Beenan. , «- - « XIT- t ODlv A. H. Tipirfn, Scott/TfeosJpn. u it B%Gofc O. M. Pro lJxcbange. 1 » •« UO4 noKP.C.EUmaker.Grayß»3erTes. it « 121 V Gbl, Chapman Biddle. Tbe Commission are ready to pay the bonnty to volun teerain said regimoote- sudor the rules and i«gc!ationa heretofore published- : auisait JOHN 0. KNOX* Ofeairman. BECaiJITINa OffflOE OF jM£n THE AK®BB9ON TBGOP, Ground Floor of * y v' l the Panneylvatrtft' Railroad Office, corner of THIRD Street-anti WILLING’B Alloy, i . -v- Oapt. WM J. PALWRR, ~1 Seret. ALFRED V-BMN, ■ 1 an 26 6t* : Private NORMaN: M. SMITH. StA ATTENTION! BO OTTY. jSyfefl, -The danger of being drafted or consolidated - < ii'to aTioilier regiment avoided by'joining the WASHiRBiteS SQUADRON &F CAVALRY now forming, by order of the Secretsjiy of War. under the command, o£ Major JAMES M. SEfiGON MAKER. ' ' , Appjy at -■ _ 200 Soath Fourth Street FArmer’e Maiket MarXstA above Eleventh. Bay Market, Seventh and Oxford. Oft Kt. Jv.W. HAbL, Oa>t. H. N, HARRISON,. Dient. OifMn W. Morris, -• Lieut Jacod J. Morris. an26-3t ' ’ - TTVSPUTY QUABTEBMABTEE @E MS EEBAL’S OFFIOS, • . JBOPOBALB 'will a» received at this office until TijTirßbDAY NBXT*vth September, at 12 O’tlOun HI,, for the delivery iu Bhiladeiphia of ope tboosapd Utv. ARBY HORSES and Five Hundred AlYfTI,.t,GiiY HORSES. They most be sound, free from blemish, and from five to eight years of age. The Horses moat be not [lets than 16 heeds high, and the Artillery Horses not less than lh% hands high.- Tip.former most be well trained to.saddle and the latter welitaained to har ness ; all to be sabject to a ligid inspection, and no horse will be tahen thatia not considered by ttadnspector as fit for the service intended. Bomaree wily be taken ; and all horses to be cfa dark color. HalSo&tbe abov e nnm«, her to be delivered on or before the Stfh September next, and the balanee on or before the 1»S. Somber. No bids, .will be received fi omany one peraqn for more than one. hundred horses. Security repaired for the faithful par formanes of the contract, the natiea of whom mnsh' ac company the proposals. (Signed) an 2& fit fIHEGK feTOLES—A Check drawn by KBATJSB & MXLX.EB toD EOOHT.i B&0. Jor 82,000 All persons, are cautioned against negotla-. ting the tame. ' - ' It* PUBE BOURBON WHISKY,—A* JL small lot of <t|*nre Old Bonrbon,’ 1 made hy Oolon* liconidßß Metcalfe, bow Oolonel of Ztb Keotacky Oaral ry, emd wamnted made from beat .duality Kentnoky. Corn and Eye, la the old-fashionad, cojper-distilled man etr, lu store, and for sale by - UHiIiBB 4 BROTHEB, 244 North THIBD Street. MILITARY. u COMPANJ K, 121st KEGM.MEMT HP. V., Colonel CHAPMAN BIDDLE—SIO CASH, Hf in addition to the City and Extra B unty, will be given to RECRUITS V'-lttnteerine at once, fn Com pany K. Apply to W. W. DORR, Lieutenant, Nil. 406 W.iLNUT Street. J. GARRET), Lieutenant, au2B 3t* . ' Mullen's Hotel, FRANKFORD. fc COMPANY D, I‘2lst REGIMENT, H 001. OHAPMuN BIDDLE.—AII the JJouuties, City,. jli Reginnn'al. Ac. Recruiting Stations, 1519 SOUTH - street; 42 South FIFTH street: Phi'adessuiu Engine House, S3TEN2EENXH street, be'ow Oheetruit. T. ELWOOD ZtftiL, . -J. G,,RdSKNUaRC*:N, OHAB. E ETI ING, ar,2B-8t Bemiiiiog Officers. PROPOS^LS. Fn;tADBT,PHii. 28th August, 1882, A. BOYD, fiany & Af«’t Q. m.. tr. a a. eo2&-et* CXIiABET.'■' 172 oases St. Julien Me- OlareVfar Bale by - AHABIiVB S. OABSTA.IHS, Ho. 13* WAIiHIIT Street, COMMISSION HOUSES. <s BI^ANKiSTS. GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FOR SALE BY FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, AGENTS. ' «029-tr gEOWN 3DHI LIIS, • OF • STANDARD QUALITY, FOB SALE BV WELLING, COFFIN, & Go. jj 19-»lnlfc3m S2O OHEBNUT ST BEET. jQLOTELS, OASSIMERSS, %. DOESKINS, SATINETS, 'KENTUCKY JEANS, LINSEYS, TWEEDS, KERSEYS, , ' FLANNELS, and ARMY WOOLENS. >For*sale by the package, by WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. nn2B-*hstntocX9 230 OHE3TSUT Strsat: 25 000 jds ‘ l4 oz ' u * s ' a *!i>uoks - - 20,000 TABDS 10-ox. U. ». A. BUCKS. 17,000 % DOUBT A&MV FLANHBL3. 50 OABE3 ABMT STAEBABD OOTTOH FLAH»EIiS. 150 BALES AEMV BTAHBABB OOTTOE DfiILLS; SEAMLESS B AGS or thofollowinff branda: LB WIST ON, “A,” AMOSEEAG, (* o,’» ANDBOSCOGGIN, “A,” CANADA 1 , *< A,’ r PBBMrUM, La,*.- BEffSABAEB, “ A." Forßalebr , DE COURSEY & HA*TON, - an2l< ttiatuOt* 237 CHESTNUT Street. REELING, COFFIN, & 00., NO. 220 CHESTNUT STREET, are prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY . ■■ OF ARMY WOODEN AND COTTON GOODS GF * STANDARD QUALITY.’ au27‘3m Q.EO. W. SIMONS & BEG., MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, SANSOM-3TBKKT HALL, SANSOM- BTBBBT, - ABOYE SIXTH, (Up Stairs.) SWORDS!- INFANTRY, CAVALRY, MEDICAL. Etc. BELTS AND SASHES, BWOED-KNWTB AND COVERS,- SHOULDER STRAPS AND MIHTABV-BADGES. PRESENTATION SWORDS MADE TO ORDER. au9*pw3m’ QURTMNS FOR HOSPITALS; 20,-00 0 YARDS BLUE AND GREEN'WIDE COTTON DAMASKS; GEORGE D. PARRISH!. au2s*tee2l * JgED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUH AND WHITE AND SLATE. -ALSO, E-i ana 6-4 lITDIGO‘ BLUB -FLANNELS. - -Tor-sals-br - FROTHINGHAM-&-WEL-L3j JyM-2m, 84 N. FRONT and 36 LETITIA STREET. gHIBLEY. HAZARD. & HUTCHINSON, No. US CHESTNUT STREET, ‘ COMMISSION MEBOHAHTS POISSX B4I.« or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, snhSS-fim MILITARY GOODS. GOODS 1 fcky Blue Kerseys. Sky Blue Cassimeresy (for OffioeEs’-' : Pauls.) ' , . . Dark Blue Uniform. Cloths,. . Park Blue Cap Cloths. Park Blue Blouse .Flannels-. ■ "White Pomet Flannels- . . Tvrilled Gray Mixed Flannels* | U. S. Regulation Blankets- . ALSO 10-ounce and,l2-oun(!e. Standard, TENT PUCK. In store and for sale by SLADE, SMITH; NO. 39 LETITIA, AND 49 SOUTH FBOST -BTSi. ■ an27—lm PHILADELPHIA. GOOD- S-I Q OSOOO • Y£ARDS LIGHT,BLUE- E-.E-R'S-B'S'Sj, 27. AIH> .64 INCHES .W-IDE, ' FULL-ABMY PATXSKN,- . FOB BAB? BY • JOSEPH- LEA,. au27-Cfc. 12* and 13Q OHEST-NCT Street. TIIfT- BOTTOMS AND SLIPS;, U. i S. Patterns, for sale at J..Pp BSUBD’-a mooafao iory, corner of THXKTAESTH and liOßLidfc treeta. ; au2l-l»*. . . ,OJL QLOaCHS. , GBRMiUKBftWN, PA. McOAILLLJM & GO-, CO9.CHE.STNoiT 87BIIT, (Opppslte IntlepeudeuseHall,) MANTJFACXHBEBS, iaaOBXBBS, AND DK IM|B GARFETINGS, OIL.CLOTHS, &e., Have now. on, hand an extensive &ock of Carge tings, of-oar- »wn and other makes, to ; which we call the attention of cash,and short?, time buyers. jy2S3a ITEHE LATENT AUPOMATIC, ©ft A BK.L*.ACTING, NQIbEBKSS FAN AND.FbY BBTJBB MACHINES, patented 3oth,, IS3I, are now for Uw first time introduces! ta.Sha public, .and .may be sren ct tbs store of Messrs Wajaer, &fiskey K A Mer rill, manufacturer* of Oag Fixtures, Chandeliers, Ac., No. m Chestnut strwV Fhiiaddlpbia, The Fan is designed for tbokplplesa invalid, sleeping, child, and thote whocan appreciate relief Jirom.tne boat of summer, without exertion, Price #7.62, The Fly ; Brush, or diapers#*, 5i iotenieii.for keeping flics away from eatableß on,table, and fcom pastry and meat*' in the kitchen; alscsfrom Bleeping children, and those who indulge in tbe-afternoon nap,' Brice OS 50, Hither machine will rtip about an’hpnr without wind ing up ; and with reasonable care, will last a Me-timo. Circulars at the stoan " aia2B-8t A UTEB’S JET-BLACK H AIR XJL DTB—ahoxsoz3box6a for ona dollar. au29-2t 63 THIBja Btr*et, ab®Y« Ohesnat. f r baskets Lntour JLi Olive Oil, jpst reosived per ship V andalift, front Bordeaux, to sale by , ■*• JABBKTOHK & LAVBBGNE, au2s-i! Strand 204 South FBONT Street. ■. pVANADA PEAfc—so Ibis. Canada V#' Feas,oJ VWJfllSCta duality, for sale by .. , . Monas n winniANß,.;. MSI 1 ■ 107 Sonth'WATßß MEDIGINAIi. QON {SUMPTION I CONSUMPTION I Db. ITishart’s Pike Tbeb Tab Cordial. NAIDRe’S' fIREAT REMEDY FOR AM, DISEASES OF .TEE THROAT AND IUNQS. , Have jon a CoigS 1 Have jou Bore Throat 7 Have yon any of tho prou;£."!»itt>''ry symptoms of that moat fatal disease, Consumption • Those who should bo vrarfisd by Ulnae symptoms gone rally think lightly of thorn Niktil it isolate. From this fact, perhaps more than any other, swines the gad pre- valence- and-fatality of a disousa'whictf sweope to the grave at least one-sixth of Death»» victinw. What are its symptoms? It nsnally begins with a short, dry cough, whUsh' soon becomes habitual, but for some time nothings is raised except a frothy mucus. The breathing is-somewhat dif ficult;'atid upon slight exercise much hurried. A sense of tightness and oppression at the chest is often felt-. Aa the disease advances the patient becomes thin in-flesh, is afflicted with loss of appetite, great languor, indolonce, and dejection of spirits; and may continue in this' slate' for a considerable length of time, bnt is very readily af- fected by slight exposure or fatigue. If these occur; the cough becomes more troublesome, and 1s attended with expectoration, which is most copious and free very early in the morning. It is- sometimes streaked with blocd; At this stago night;sweats: usually set. in, and in somo cases . a profuse bleeding of the lungs may also occur. Pain in some psrt of the chest is felt, and often a diffi- culty of lyiDg upon one or the other side, without severe fits of coughing or a sense of fullness or suffocation, is ex- perienced. Tho pulse becomes full, hard, and the hectic flush tinges tho cheeks, and the dire maladyds feat hastening to its close. You Eowaek, “Is there a cure?*’ Consumption has been and can be cured by the übo of my Tar Cordial, oven in apparently hopeless oases. This assertiwi I make with ability to present the most complete evidence of its truth. Space will not admit of my giving the contents of- tho many thousands of testi monials to its value, which I have been and am receiving frem men and women of unauoationablo worth and repu tation. I have had a number of these certificates printed in circular form, which I will send you free on applica tion. 'Whether yon now determine to try the medicine or not, send for the circular. After years or study and ex periment, I offer this medicine, belioying it to be the best remedy for til pulmonary and bronchial diseases. If you cannot be benefited by the use of the Tar Cordial. I believo you are beyond all oarthly aid. Tot if there ore better ourative agents, I earnestly advise their use. The beet remedies, the best care, are needed by thoso afiiioted with this disease. Because I believe thia to- bo the best, I ask you to try it: Many, not only of the people, but physicians.of every school andpraotice, are daily asking: me, « What is tbe principle or cause of. your- great success-in the treatment er Pulmonary Consumption ?” My answer is this: The mvigoration ef the digestive organs—the strength ening of the debilitated system—the purification and en- richment of the bioed, must expel from the system the corruption which-scrofula broods. While this is effected by the-powerful 5 alterative (changing: from disoase to health jiprdperties or the Tar Cordial, ila healing and re noyating.prißeiplais-also -acting-upon- the irritated’ sur- faces of 1 the lungs- and throat,-penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving the pain, subduing inflammation, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and - the strengthening, oontinne to-act in conjunction- with Nature's constant recuperative ton deucy, and-tha patient is-saved; if'he bas-not too long de- layed a resort to the means of-enre. The Pine- Tree Tar Cordial' will’ oure Coughs, Bore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup,.Hooping Cough, .Diptheria, and is- also an- excellent-remedy for diseases of the-kidneys, and female complaints. Bold wholesale and retail at my Medicinal' Depot, No 1 - 10-North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE-OF COUNTERFEITS,. Ac. The gennino-has the name of the-proprietor and-a pine tree blown in the bottle. All othera-arc spurious imita tions. - ■ Prepared-only by the proprietor.- i : ’ Dr, L. Qi a.- WIBHAR-T, No. 16 North SECOND Philadelphia, Fa. Bold by.-Druggists and.Storskeopsrs.generally. A POSITIVE .GURE-.FOft. DYSPEPSIA. THE GREAT:-AMERICAN- DYSPEPSIA PILL. A* Gere warranted • for- $-1 j .or ■ the - money ro fuaded. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA'?- Dyspepsia has the following symptoms r Ist. A constant pa.in -.or v.neaiincszat<tfiepiiof the '■ stoniach, which is cansed’by a permanent- contraction of | tbe stomach upon undigiSted.foodj It generally begins •- iscmediately,'or a short time after eating;.is often, very , severe and obstinate. . . j 2d. Flatulence ond-.riflfdiiii..—These symptoms- arise Ifrom the indigestion-of food, which ferments iastead of 'digesting, , ; ■ 3d. Costiveness oKd.iec-s of. Appetite*—Those-syrap : toms aro the effects of tho-nnnatural condition- of food i in the stomach, and the want of pure bilo-and: gastric ! juice. Tbe stomach is.often painfully- distonded-by wind; 1 tho appetite is somotimes voracious. 4th. Gloom, and ,Dopres*ionofr Spirits. — This state unfits many for the enjoymen-of lire,.andds causedby the impure blood furnished by-imporfoct digestion. la this stage of the disesuo many persons commit suicide, Thio ls a conßtantforeboding.of evil, and an indifference and positive inability to perform, the offices of life. sth. being, at first, costive,, the suf ferer is affllctsd.with diarrK®a,.vrbich .is owing to-a dis eased condition-of the. bowels, produced; by the; undi gested food, whichiis evacuated in tiie mimo condition as when eaten,, and, of,course, gives, no 'strength, to the system. flth. Fain? fa &«<S3*9l«!n.Mlßefronith» action of impure blood npon.the-nerves. They are felt chiefly in.tha, head, sides, and* breast, and in the as tremitiec- In many cases there is. an. uneasiness in the throat) with a sense oL choking, on snlSocatlon. The mouth is.often clammy,, with, a. bail taste and furred tongue. 7th. Consumptive. JTrari*~zlS.»ny persons. pronounced as having these diseaseq have, infect,.nothing- but Dyspepsia, the lung and heart disease being, only aympioms. 3th. Cough,—This ia.a.vaoy frequent symptom of Dys- Ptps.ia, and leads very, often into confirmed consump tion, ■ „ 9th. Want: of Slctv.—A wy distressing symptom, fvresuUing often In mental derangement. loth, o} internal relation —The pa tient ift. affected, painfully by cold and heat, which Is owing to unnatural dryness of shin, and the shin is often affected, b* emotions and totters. The gloom j avoids society as much as possible. 11th. Vomiting,.—A frequent and distressing syrup* X)m> It relieves the pain, but emaciates and wears or .. 4 j patient. .■■?-:■ •■j- ISsh. Dix&asis,-dimness of vision, heada- onl j staggering,'in walking . —Those are very alarm flag symp. 1 toms, which are speedily removed by our a eaioine, but t if neglected, are onfckly followed by n ombnoss and 1 sudden death. * ( lath. Jt is impossible, for us to give i the symptom* of Dyspepsia in so email! a space, but t' Aa a hove are con ' uidered sufficient—ir we add that lijie patient loses his memory and attention to surround' Jng objocte, and fre quently becomes morose and in disposition. We ' should say, however, that pains _j Q the joints and stiff, nees of the limbs, which go b ythonameor rheumatism and neuralgia, are very of ((m produced by Dyspepsia. Also, a hardness of the m .oaoles of the abdomen, which become contracted and, hard; and in some cases the I belly sinks, Instead of, being gently prominent. DC?" In oases of , general debility, use WISHABT’B PINE TEE* T/ A it CORDIAL with the FILL. - B.—orders promptly attended to on receipt of . the money. / .... .e. ......... Bold Wholesale and Betail by the proprietor, It. Q. C. WISHART, ' No. 10 North SECOND Street, 'Philadelphia^ ; HSTALIi PEBBONB BEWAEB OP, OOUNIBB FBITB. . . • BSfThe above Pill* are pttrelj Vesotablo. , Beat bjjnall, frso of charge, OB receipt of price. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORT. BRITISH HOODS. SAMUEL McLEAN & 00.. 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, Hay® now open, and are by each atanner receiving ad ditions of ■■ FANOT DBFSB GOODS, ’ BLACK AMD WHITE FEINTS, BBOWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND OOLOBED ALAAOAB, BLACK AND COLORED OOBUBGB, BLACK AND COLOR«D DE LAINHS, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN - DEBEGEb, LAVBLLAS, PLAID AND FANOY LONG AND SQUARE SHAW’SfIV To an examination and purchase of which they respect ftdly invito buyers. SAMUEL McLEAN & 00, 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, • aulß-M* NEW YORK. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 3 . NEARLY NEW BOOKS HS- R'E A D I , LES MISJ3BABLES—ST. DENIS. The fourth part of Victor Huao’a famous French novel, “ Lea Miseratbies.” tJoitorm in style and price with partX, “ Fantiae,” part 11, Cosette,” and part HI,« Marins.” Paper covers, price So cents, and sloth bonnd elegant (on superior paper), $l. LIKE AND UNLIKE. A charming new novel 1 ,; by A. S. Hoe, author of «* I’ve Been Thinking,” “A Long Look Ahead,” “To Love and to be Loved,” “ True to the Latt,” &o. One largedoth bound volume. Price $125. in. ALFIO BALZANI; Or, The Diary of a Proscribes Sicilian. A powerful and dramatic picture of life aud adventure in Italy dnringthe Revolution. Deoicated to Garibaldi. Price $1.25. *Kt*. These books are sold everywhere, and sent by mail/ree, on receipt of price, by ; ‘ CARLETON, Publisher, 413 BBOADWAY, con Lispenard Btreet, ■tuse-an-tf _ . NEW YORK. •p EBELLICN BEOOKD— paivt- J-U XXl.—Jiebeliion Kecord, with fine steel portraits ■; ; of Ooionel Baker and Secretary Stan tori. Price 50 cents. Parson Brownlow’a Adventures among tha Rebels. $1.25; -Prison Life in the Tobacco Warehouse, at Bichmond. By’a Ball’s Bluff prisoner. 78 cents. Uprising of a Great People. By Count do Gasparin, 75 cents. America bofore Europe. By Count-de Gasparin. $126.-' For-tale by WI. S. & ALFRED IK4BTIEN, au3o - 608 CHESTNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIFE POLICIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. F. S. WINSTON, President. .ASSETS OVER EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. F. HATCH FORD STARR, AGENT, 400 Walnut Street, Phila. This Company baa decided to issue policies, with war risks, to those who volunteer or are drafted into the Army tinder the recent proclamation of the President. The premium, and extra premium, may be paid quar terly, half-yearly, or yearly, at the option of the assnred. Blank forms of application, and every information, may be had on application, by letter or otherwise, to F, RATCHFORD STARR, PHILABELI’HI. Thomas Boltins, M'. li. Lawton; George M. Stroud, Jshn B. Myers, Jcreph. Patterson, John M. Atwood, Tbomßß H. Powers, William McKee, ouSO.fJt Q.IRARD FIRE AND MARINS INSURANCE! COMPANY. OFFICB4IB WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 8200,000. This' company eontlnnes.to take risks en tha / ga£H classes or Property at tow rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility; ’and abilh ty to pay 'tones promptly. Its disbursements lor @« benefit ol the public, during the last nine years, exceed $50.0,000, and we respectfully solicit Its favor, lnthe futerc- DIBSOTOEB. OH AS. I. DUPONT, JEKBY WALKER, , JOHN W. OLAGHOSH, JOHN THOBHLBP, M O. ». HBAZLITT, . .. ABBAHAM HABT. DATED BOYD, Jr., PETBBS HOS, olir.Y WH. M. BWAIN, rUBMAN SBBPPAB9 JOSEPH KLAPP, K.D. Ht'S. LAWBENCB, WM. 0. BUSMAN, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAS OBAVBH, President. A. B. GILLBTT, Tiee President. JAB. B. ALTOBD. Secretary. / : ap*S-t* FINANCIAL. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER C&NT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION 09 THE GOYHBN- MKNT AFTER FIFB YEARS. ] I am Instructed by the 'dXOBKTAB'S OIT THX . TBBABUBY to receive But iseriptiona fas' the above LOAN AT FAB, THE INTEREST .TO GOMMEBOH BBOfl 8A33 or •jßßPosra, Thta avoiding the d JScul'.y heretofore experiences by muirinj payment 'jaSO LD of the Interest Erase May laof *■ A full eappiy efiStsefj Bonds always on band. JAY COOKE, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. nrS9-tf ■ .*■ . - vH-WHJM, r - VSCUAQ W. YOST* TKf ALTON & YOST, * * BAHKEBS, BBOKEBB, Ann .... fl JNIISAI .0 OLB EOT OB 8, "Ho. 25 South THIBD Street, Philadelphia. To BEFEBKNOBS. j r Cooke ft Co.) : Hon. James Pollock, 7 ernes, Kent, Santee, ft Co., Hon. B. P, Poster, Asberick, Black, ft 00., Hon. A. H. Boeder, 0. McKibbin A Bon, Hon. Asa Packer, B. P. Middleton ft Bro., Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm, Wilkin*, Y. L. Bradford, Esa. '■ anT-Sm M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • to No, 16 South THIBB Street; where theywill attend to the purchase and sale of Vorelfn and Domestic Exchange, Gold and /Sliver, Old Demand. Notes and other Securities. anl-lm# TVOBI TYPE3—AII admit tLe per- JL fectness of BXIMEB’S Ivorytypos. All the charac teristics that, constitute a true picture are .combined in them. Eeeand judge. Gallery, SECOND Street above Green. . . .11#' S§g PORTABLE CIDER , MILLS, ■*= Wine'Preescs, Apple Paring and Goring Maohinss, Grain Pans, Wheat Drills, Com Shells™, ftc., for sale by iDr LASDEKTH ft SON, It# SI and 32 South Sixth stresl -2T5 truss And braoe de. #®SbSPABTMHHT, 0. H. HBBDLE6, Corner TWBLFTH and EACH Streets, Philadelphia. Hernial Trasses and mechanical appliances eorrectlj adjusted bp C. H. NEEDLES. Tine Trench and approved American, adapted to even form of rapture, in adults and children, English anc American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Bas« penaories, Elastic Stockings, and Springes In # r ® a v®' iriety. Ladies* Department, TWELFTH Street, firs? door "below B&ce. Conducted by oompetant laalos. ’ I' jy£B-8m if ■■ •. . POTTON SAIL PUCK AND CAN \J YAB, of all numbers and brand*. . Biwa’* Dnok Awnin* Tw«!*> of ““ ?W*ri»Hon«, for Tents, Awnings, Tronk and Wagon Covers, , Alse, Faeer Manofactoers’Drler Pelts, from Ito t feet wide.. larpeoling. Bemng, Bafljwine, .& 0 . JOHH W; PVBBMAN * OO.; 102 JONBB ADer. SPLIT PEAS—Of prime quality, for »!ebr BHODE3 * WILLIAMS, 10T-South WATEtt Street PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best’ and I Cheapeetintie City, at BINQWALT & BBOWH’f, m South SOUBTH Street* ‘ apM BEFEBENOES. John Welsh. , George H ’ Stuart, K 8 Whelen, J. Fisher Learning, William.o. Lndwig, Arthur G. OoiTm, ThomasWattsoo’, William 8. Boyd. SDBSOBIPTION AGENT, AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-BTEEET THEATRE.— V f 6ol« lies=«e..-.. v .j4 r a, M A GASHST TAOS. Bosinwa Agnu .-.Mr. JOHN P. DOSS (SLOT. OBEHIBG BIGHT, BSTtBDs.?, Angnst W, lBoi, First Appeuracco of thu emineit nrists, , MB. AND BBS. ft .t. DAVENPOET. , : . w^ThfrßesirtiJii* PJuynf 'W i i.ft K;-' 1 " - AMOU ASD' P?Tttt/C«l. ...Mr. S', su. njtr&weotff; OUwthfc .....; Hra. E. E. D\VBS POST.* i'jtblwi,.,,. B. Ci *lf|TOH‘* ~ Copdodirg with «< TBAT BABY.* 5 * Mbs. john A&ciak BTETET THEATBB. Acting ana Stage Manager..... .W. S. BBKnBBt r ’KS> Business Agent and Treasurer,.....JQS; I),„HUHPHT ■ ‘ --NEW SEASON AND NBVf POAfhr NEW Faces AND NEW FEiVERBS ,_ ; ,A.eaAND STOCK; OO Of capable acdreliable Artiata, engaged rog{erd!o33 of expense. During the fall and winter the choieesfof thetimSing, Stars having been .securid,,will appear in rapid sion. FIRST NIGHT OF THE 815 ASOU, SATURDAY, August 30,-1852, ; Will be, presented Bcla-erie Comedy of ■ • : - MOJSET! ’ MOUSY! . MOUSY! I NOTE THE DISTRIBUTION - ', : Slara Tfffvglass* . .. Mrs. John Drawl; Dad} Frank1in............ ..Mra Janoliawfc GfcorgemßYesey !Bi*s K. Price. Alftfed Eve?) n.-.-..., . . ..Barron® l ?* Jiilin Ye*y .. .- - ~ Mr, Albert: Bradieyi LprA.GJoßitiurc.v,*.‘.'.. ■. ...... ...Mr. Frank .Lawler. Sir Frederick. UlodiV.,., , •... »-1 I' .B;a|^ild. Capt.SnffieySartotti.. ...........Mr, VraSg. , A' saw national c?yebi'uab, ™ . By O. B<jflwor» and Orchestra, To corsfade win* a licaar oYa- loyeb.. - Gertrude, aith sang* „ v..-..... Mrff.,ol Hetet *.r ~ **..., r.-.-.-.-.. .•.v.vFrank Drew, pn MoijOW, first cfelit of t&e char ruing auiiftcoonfr phebed American C6tntri\nn: Wbv will appear' in her world-rsnowaod character of “Faßcnoa. FESOES'Oi? ADMISSION. Drees Circle. ~, 37jf center F9rQ.Q6t* ««a■• •• a • w<*waV> » • •*•• • « « • aV*, ■ i '- Fenuly Circle ...... >.25’ - « Private Boxes „•. ..,.. .IKritad SJ each. Bingle seats in Orebrnttrs and Private ;Bo3rss,.;;Tscenter Bex Office open fr.ibilOl A'lii*,l.o 3 P. M , No;rxtra charge f i'*iecufeerseaii. TNSTITUIBiN ifOßl TJBl! BLINP. X —The tfnn win comojsijco on 10S»H£AT,' September’ S% EX MB3WOH; on WJtBJSJKSWAT, at' Store No. 11 South EIGi&B Street T A DIES’ FAIR SOK TSB FIMB JLJ-iIT OS’ TH® SICK -AND BIKES at the Hell, mirttu'aat-'roriier of 8- Pil fN GO R IIE N ami NINTH Streets, to* be open all wdelrfroni MON DAT, the 25th 'lnst,' Thyticbnts are plsVed'at tile !o# price of 6 cents.' Pet the petriotlo come’fnr‘w ! ir<r anil assist the noble defenders of ou r country’s flag ‘in this their honr of suffering and dfetrea. anJSet*’ PEMSfLYONIA ACADEMY 1 Off- JL , THE FINK ABTS, , ; .1026 CHESTNUT BT3KET, Is open daily (Stmdayc excepted) rrom BA. 117481*' -AJniiesion 2*. cents. Children half price. . Shares or ntet.it, «so jy».' : BOARDING. poxjNmi.B o aj£i) rN^.i-T^o: V-/OHO.TCB BOOMS, atMrs.Bfooke’a Sit; Aiirl r ? au 30-61# -• '• •• -• i QBVER AL EOOMS VACANT AT M No. 232 Sbnth FdPIiTH Sfreet. an2B.6t '• WANTS. :—^WANTE : J?\TO FIND At .Nr- "W,V* PART IT with this amount to engage in en EXTRA PJtOB’IIABI.EtJBUSINE.-iS that will re*- ! lizess,ooo per.aimjxm, as will be "shewn upon an inter view. Address WELDS & 00.',- Office of the Frvsr, ' with name, Ac. . aaSIRSe*- TX7?ANTED A ■ SITUATION^®?! : y a young man from the country in a wholesale :; or refail dry store/ Has had three years*' rieoce. Can furnish a reenmmeridatibn from last ea- ' ployer. Address “Box As Montgomeryville ' Pa.’* \&n3o^3^' FOR SALE AND TO LET. ONE OF TBE MOST FASHIOIfA- [ BLE DRESSMAKERS,. doing a targe, profitable . business, about.to retire and leave the city, offers the in- j .tercets of her establishment, for sale. Address “O Bi- M. - ,” Press office. n«- * HI A STOBE AND DWELLING^: ■“!» * eoci neighborhood, 1130 VISE Sireet, TO-; EKT.. Apply to ■ - do3o-6t* KIjT, DILLIK, 1218 Gfreen street. SUMMER RESORTS. SEA BATHING.— United Statos Ho-' tel, Long Branch, N.* J , will re mein open: fop the reception of visitors nhtii Ist of OCTOBER-..! Train® - will leave foot of VINK Street doily at 7.30 A. M., an* ' Long Branch at 2.5(hP. SI; . ,an3o-6t SEA BA T HIN G.—CONGRESS ? HALL,' LONG BRANCH, N. J., will 'remain open for the reception of visitors nntii October Ist. • Th» ' Earitan and Deiawareißay Kail road connecting With tho Camden and Atlantic' wilt land passengers within SO® i yardsof Congresß Hail.- Trains will leave foot of Vino " Btreet, doily at 7.30 ■A. M., and Bong Branch at‘2.s* P. M. WOOLMANSTOK.ES, ' ac3o-Bl*' Proprietor. SHIPPING. T< -> S All*; TUESDAY, SEP t TEMBEB 2. POB'Sjff ORt,EA'N3 »I BECT.—Tbo steamer Slii-W AN BE, Washington Symracs commander* will sail as above. . > • . Eor freight or passage*apply to WILSEA.M A. JAMI 9 i 00., I 0& W AhTvUT Street.. EXCURSIONS. 'fig-aia pyw l .nOUBSIO-N TO ATHtfU# , CITS'.—tfUSUt/S WS«!OE ASIHJ&& MOONI.I9H® , EXODRSION TO ATliANrli] OfTV will take plaoe on. BA.TUBWAT: BYSNISG, 6eptemi)«r.6. liaet boat . leaves VVCkIB-atrcofc ■w harf at 730 P. BC. Betaming,' leaves Atlantic GiSy o» MO&DAY>at 4 A, M-. v '... Bonnd*Trip Tickets* &li5Q; Office open at the FeiTy one-llonr Starting. ■ D. B MONDT. ‘ N.B.—Small parties attacked"to machine shop*,Facto* ' riesj and operatives* generaHy,. are invited to join th» - above* as tbey can-apend one day and two,Eights at the ■ sea side* with smalbexpenße; and‘no loss e$ tune*. au3o-7t* ~ ——a* mxcuß&LOSh to B BANOHI VIA OAK. I(KN AJSD ATLAS I’ll! B&TLEOA.D. . On SA-TIJBDAS> August 30th,1862.. A Special Tjoia wili leaye Vlne-atreet Ferry *at ‘6.46 A M. for stopping at HaddonStkJ, White Hornn and . V ' Fare return, $2: . ‘ * BxctJrßioniate have tba-prfviluge ofromainiog aiLong Bwmch aftwnbon. - ' i"’ N B.—o3*«Bd-*»ft©p ,l ff©Dday next- Bepterffberlat, a regular train- .for ko»||.\Branch wilt leave Vina- street Ferry Mi. dally! Sunday exceot-d. ' an2B-3l> HO! 108 A S AIL TO> CAP S M AY. ~ Th? eIpo&SXPBESS' Slid, yacht NYHPH wiH “; s sail.'on as Excnfj&Atrip to PHHiAT)>B.tiPBTA,' by the way of Cara- leave' ATLAKT EG GIT Y od *«%';■ DAY, Septcmbsp It. stop at Gape May that night, next : morning leave fo» PbiladGtlia. ShonMl the day jwov* • nrifovorable,; the- next fair morning. Ticketg fw the'* trip'cBs>be.obtßia*rtof Oajtain J; BA SEIJi, prise **tr 4 or Gaptalna-HiA WKINS and ODQOK. au2A3t*" fgg ‘ WEST OHESTEB PHiHtADiIiPHii BAIli- eoad; vpa media. PL3JkB£&3?£NJO> VWBJ& AFTSBNmN 'MB i omaioirs on and Fridays, : Through He finest Country and the meat foeantif Sesaery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and PBIDAYB of each week iragg further notice an Extra T»a» will leave West CheetefcSi? 6JS P. JB. for Philadelphia. ' ; j&aeswgers'bnying ExsweSdn Tlokets can tsfce ejSjSg." the 2 <nr4So‘ ; P M. TreSa Srbm' Phlladelpana, en&fifiP.M. Train front West Chester, ' BODND-TBIP TICKETS FBOM PHXLABELgHXSi,- to ali Stations east of Vfert; Chester; good on au,Apffi§»t - &s>evo Trains, ont or nl.rnay dr had on these daycißNLY,' ’ st EXCUBSION BATES; good only on ttoeidant-ialMc’' For further information; apply at the Ticket .Omce, fet • the Depot, If. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH Aid MAN KET Street*. " ; ’ v . MAsrEKLiaHs?oi looiTiosa pox BoMME»,3eAaBni OSTHnXISH OP*Ba BOAS. : ; r i r-f. ■ ■. . ]e2l-tnwfa tf IMPORT^IE PLEAStIKE-SEMKEBS^ THE PENNSYLVANIA EACLBOAD OOltfPAinr ’ Is prepared to issme, during the Bummer, iicfcota at; l greatly reduced rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA BAXLBOAH OOKPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living ont of town, or located on or near the line of the road dnrts£: the snmmer. . From and after July 1,1862, a still greater! reduction has been made on these tickets. ; - ’ COUPON TICKETS For twenty, six trips Between any two points at abeflp two cents per mile. These tiokets are intended for the..; use of families travelling frequently, and are of great afe. vantage to persons making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS For one or three months, for the use of scholar# St tending school in the city. . ■ Living on or new the line of the road, and havfng occasion to nse the road' frequently In their clerioal capacity, are fumiehed with certificates entitling thMB to travel at half fare. . Applications to be made only (#■- Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. , • EXCUBSION TICKETS Issued at half fare to parties of over forty, f°od fog-- any reasonable time. 1 * EXCUBSION TICKETS daring the Summer are aolC at greatly reduced redes, for the benefitof, those;, seek*, izig recreation from business* or‘in pursuit of'healtk.' ' These tickets are geod for ten days, and are Issued ts ■, OEESSON (top Of the, Allegheny Mountains), Ale TOONA (foot of the mountains), BBDFOBDyDQUB-, EINO GAP, and BPHBATA SPBINGS. For time of .departure of, trains see bills and oardaoE 1 ' the road. ■ ‘ For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast Corner of ELEVENTH. and MAEKMT Streets. . . JAMBS COWDEN, Agent. LBWIB L. HOTJPT, General~Ti°ket Agent. iyls-tgel FOR TIIE SEA SHORE. .. CAMDEN AND AT- ; IASTIIO BAIIEOiD.- OBANGK OF HOUBS On and after MONDAY, Sept, let, 1862, _ .. " Mail Train leavesVine-stroct Ferrr at 7.30 A.m. ; HXprOEfl H V ; *<. .** 5.45 P. ;fila ,; • Accommo4ati6n train, for Abseeom only, 4,40 JP. tt. , Eotqrniug,iewe*Atlwatio-rrMaQ;4 P. M., Sxpreg% : 6- le»Ve« . At)Becom at 3 46 A. M. Passenger* for IjOßg Brancn and intermediate eta* - tlons:will.tafe6 tbeT.3o A.':M. train. - FA BE 81.60. Bonnd-TripTiokota, ffooa onlyfarike , Day and Train for;which Vug art issued, ®2 60. : Ex- - cureion Tickets, .good for three days, $3. Hotels are, > now open.;. ' - , . cm2B'tf JOHN 6. BBYA-NT, Agent* Mm\ e«30.2t > MOONLIGHT . EX- HENBT W.GQI), - '■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers