CLOSING PBII Bid. diked. 2 S Tr7S-10N.103x 104 FbiledH 8. 97 97 % Idled. 6« now, .102 102% yenna 5x—•••• 89 89R lead Ins B 29,( 29 % SadmB.'Bo> .. Seadtog M»’7o. 9«X 97 Mead m* 87* 88 Tennaßexdlv. 49* «8v Jenna Rim6a,,104 104ia y«msß2m 6s. .100 100 v BlorrieOnlOon., 43 46 Morris Cnl PrstUO BohNavStock.. 4 V % »»*gy.gwi»-i *Q is BebN6s>BSe*int e» Ww 18 14 Pwf.. 28 24 *1“ U’n.tOL lat 86)4 8* Philadelphia Markets* August 21,1862.—Evening, There is very little ehipplug demand for Floor, and the OurkMlsdall, with tales or shont 600 hblt at $5 for m tferOne, 06 60 tor extras, 06.7606 ter extra family, and *6.6007 W 661 for tanojr brands, as to quality. The Oslee to the trade are limited- at our above quotations. 3570 Floor Is telling slowly at S 3 6003.7 S V bbl. Corn Meal is dull at 53.12 X o 8 26 for Pennsylvania. Wheat.—-There is a fair demand, and price. are well tnalntallied, wl.h sale. of 6,000 bus fair and prime Penn, •yivaaie red at 130ol38c; S 000 bus a lint hern do. at 1860, 6' , S ri S r .S t } 18o ’.fS? wMt * a * IB6OUOO & but. Bye it dull at 800 for oldvPenntylvanla, and 75c V but for new ■Corn it in steady demand, with sal* aof 6 000 bna eHm, yellow at Mouflcat, and (3.000 b“at Mo iTttoS! *oS •re Steady, with sues of 8100 nut new Delaware at sjta flOc. Old Patnar lvania are quoted at 520 V bus. * *** SO hbds let Ho. 1 Quercitron sold at *32.60 Oonrosr b'Vtry dull and prices aredaoUnlng: the stock ecnUnms very Baht, and we hear of no Sworihfof rS4 S T6 1 05 25 t W' T hr a jc.??“ , ? g in elowly and .rilingat K üßUOol.’fdTbu 8816 ’ 01 " eW Ttaothy ar ° more doing ; sales of Si? tV! 01 bw * Bwnfl ** Boloc, Sides .p«po> and Shoulders iMaiko W ft. is very little doing; Coffee— S®“i22?*® making at former qujtations; 1,000 bags Pernembnoo Sugars tola at 80 V ft. WHistr I* rather Quiet; sales of Ohio bbls at 82o; Tenna do at 81o; hhda 300. and drudge 28®290 gall. CITY ITEMS. Superior Teas and Coffees at Moderate Talons—Mr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer In fine family gro ceries, Arch and Tenth streets, hss now tn store a nup *ly of the best Oolong. Young Hyson, and other favorite Teas j alto, a pure article of Old Government Java and Ent Mocha Coffees at moderate prices, to wbtoh we Invite *hs attention of these of onr readers who prefer to use the best Quality of table beverages. Health Observances 1. To eat when yon do not fed like it It brutal—nay, this la a dander on the lower animals, they do sot bo debase themselves. 2. Do not enter a rick chamber on an empty stomach, nor remain as a watcher or nurse until yon feel almost exhausted, nor eat or drink anything after being in a « s®" Mtil 70n haverinsed yonr month thoroughly. 8. Do not deep In any garment worn during the day. 4e Wear none other than the garments manufactured ftfc tbs OnS-price Clothing Emporium of Granville Stores, Ko. 669 Chestnut street, whose recent styles are exciting unusual admiration. Shocking Mortality.— For a period of ihrse hundred years there was scarcely one of the an cient emperors of Borne who died quietly and decently In his bsd. Boms haul their throats out, others wore pol lened J while not a few of them committed suicide la disgust. Buoh Is life; a sceptre, the toga, and a dose of Strychnine for the undent Omsar. For the modern high Drivate, plenty of good oheer, a long and happy life, and Megant and comfortable garments made at the Brown- Btone (nothing Bell of Boekhfll St Wilson, No. 603 and 806 Obestnut street, above Sixth. On the whole, we prefer the letter arrangement. Charles Stokes’ celebrated.. Clothing Souse, under the Continental, la now dosing out Its ex tensive and well-selected stock of men and boys' Snm tner dothing at reduced prices. Persona in town or country, now In wont of first-class Summer clothing, made in the host manner and of the most desirable ■netsriels, can he suited at a price that inferior goods tee sold for at other plaoes. The public are invited to examine our goods. Chads* Stokes’ first-elets ready-made Clothing Bouse, under the “ Continental,” No. 824 Chestnut Street. ABKIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO U O'CLOCK LAST SHOUT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth end Ohestnnt its Kenworthy,Biobmond,ln Geo B Taylor,Wheeling,Ya ThosP Sargent, Allentown 0 B Williams, St Louis C X StormAwf, Milwaukee Miss Oahoone, New York Bam’l Harrison, Fottsvillo J 8 Kendall, New York John-M Moore, New Jersey James Barney, Penns J D Cameron. Pennsylvania Wa H Woods, Wheeling i!5S I#r 4.^ he6BD * B New York * Biddle, Philadelphia A G Brady, Philadelphia " Mrs Bioknell Mias Bioknelt IS W Hope, Wash, D O Lonle F Georgee. N York Chee 0 Young. Old Point J 0 McKee, USA Dr Draper, USA ON Watts, Carlisle Bob’! A Taylor, Maryland Mrs Taylor A 8 chfld’n, Md Alonxo Emery, Boston Wm Waleb. New York Henry Smith, New Yo*k T Stevenson, New York H B Livermore, Newport,Bl L*V Bens, 0 8 A ¥ lm „ B ? T £? T .' OW Snyder St wf.PottevMe Bem'l A Welsh, New York L,D Tavlor, Baltimore J T Henry, New York Aid P Mitchell, New York ® L Gary , S 8 Boyle, Oinclnnatl MdwDodd, MD, New York MB Sherwood,jr, Atchison iTFS?, B *.® 0 ’ Providence H O Benaett, Providence ? ?* GeiiaMit, 'Washington Wm H Maraten, jr, N York John J Pusey, New York H King. New- York Col M Corcoran, Now York Oapt J B Ktrker, Now York Mew Tork Lieut Connolly, Now York Bloh'd O’Goiman, New York John Savage, New York y? l s*-S 8 A B6w , Tork Wm h ctolS > New No* Judge H D Connolly, N Y Frank Leelie, New York Capt Niehdaon, C S Navy J Shaw, Virginia BfrsJMcholMn Isaao Stebbins St la, Boston Mejer Whltall, TIS Army Miss SlebMns, Boston Chss B Canfield. Hertford M faylor, Washington, D 0 O S Hetfentlan,Pennsylvania B 5 Smithy y 8 Bell, St Loots B A Oorwtne, Connecticut - B M Bodocanaekl, Boston Geo H HOI, Boston L Cdsrnan, Boston J u Dodge, Boston E L Andrews, New Orleans G H Alexander St la T G Brown, Hew York D B Hyde, New York Mr Bussell, New York Thos Drew, New York 3B T Mead, Memphis G W Lentz, Baltimore 6 Moore, Baltimore Bobt B Lear, Albany John T Henry, New York Peter Mitchell, New York W M Wade, Hew York Ira Allen, Hew York Geo M Bird A wf, Boston Miss Ourtis, Boston L D Brayn, Hew Jersey F Barrows, New Jersey John Waddle, Ohio Burttn Evens. Pa Ghee Webb, Memphis J S Harsh. Chisago X Gumeey, Hlssonri J G Smith Sc wf, Ohio Ches Steel, Hew York S X Stevens, Maine Miss B Howard, Wash J M Stoetesbnry MEBOHANTg’ HOTEL—Fourth «fc, below Aroh. W Speer, Lake City E 7 Hitler, Altoona, Fa A S Evans, Fort Wayne L A Hiller, Altoona W 0 Smythe, Fittabnrg J K Koch, Ohio VI Arm strong, Ohio G A Oralg, Ohio Jlobt McOoobeon, Pittsburg W S Rutherford, HarriaVg Jas A Folk, Maooh Ohtmk .Mel W 8 Wallace, IlUnoia B 0 Armatrong, lowA J T Bechler, Litlz, Pa C McKadden, Downingtown J G Fuller A la, Yermont B S Black, Ohio 0 B Wilder, Bolton J B Bailey, Boston B 0 Allison, Trenton, H J Zt 0 Bear, Mahonoy City „ AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above FifSl. James Wilson, New York J M Hears, Cincinnati C H Volt, Milwaukee R H Hodgson, U Joe Smyaer, York, Fa ORE Smyaor, York, Pa Hiss E 8 Smjeer, Yotk, Fa Wn Better 8 Boss, Potto co. Fa F W Bicord, Newark, N J i, Crowl Capt 8 Otter, West ohooter Jiient Pf Smith, Fenna Bergt J HBeener,Fenna J B Potter, HD. N Jersey Henry B Lee, New Jersey X Taylor, Hew Jersey 8 B Dorian, Chester co pr. Hayes, West Chester ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. JC B Wataoa, Wilra, Del Gov Webb,Wash, B 0 J F Marshall, USA Gao L Mesd.JSew York Chat Malta, Fa H 8 Blanchard j, x Brown B W Leary. Baltimore 8 0 Smith, US N W A Field, SohHaven GM Fallen, USN ‘ W H Pierson 21D Benjamin, Pa W Bryant A la, N J H G Lelsenrlng J 8 MltoheU, Bridgeton 1 Newnmyer, New York J B Jones, Wash, B 0 B F Byer A la, Boston T B Newman, Yermont THE UNION—Aroh street, above Third. 3 Hughes, Virginia Geo Johnston, Zanetv, 0 3) Llebstadter, lowa « Miss A Lawrence, lowa L S Weaver, Ohio F B-MoOonneU, Fltlsbnrg J B Shaeffer, Reading -BFeenberger NATIONAL HOTEL—Baee street, above Third. C E Hawthorn, Indianapolis Jno B Killer, Fort Boyal Wm B Henry. Fort Boyal A A Fntnam, HHleravitle C Slinglair, Onlpeper 0 8 McDaniels, Onlpeper - Wm J Feger, Onlpeper Wm H Gore, Onlpoper Jno 8 Hays, Onlpeper Jno Ornloken. Oolpeper A F Bowen, Colo**per Jas N Garrett. Onlpeper Thcs Severn, Onlpeper H Mo Arthur, Onlpeper Jas Aik man, Onlpeper John Aikman, Onlpeper Wm B Bodgser, Onlpeper J B Oleaver, Ashland 2? Keller, Ashland J Whitaker, Mt Clare Sami Hanek. Lebanon.' H L Acker A fa, Ft Oarbon Miss MO Boseiler.FtCsrbon 0 Nogants, Philadelphia - J J Greer, Boyleetown Sol Hoover A son,Fottsvlllt X) E Miller, Lebanon - STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. A S Klnzer, Lancaster co WH H Klnser, Lane eo W Hoops, Fonsa U Boss,rt, Latroho H L Horner, Lewisbnrg E B Goodwin, Newyille X B Groff, Books co 8 W Winters, Dauphin eo W H Semple,Union co. Wm LintDey, Ferry co Wm Bropps, Chester co W H Ward, Fenna X J Boaton Wm A Ahl. Petersburg: Van Y Aorick, York co 8 Troxel, McYeytown Miss Troxei, McYeytown OOMKXBOIAL—Sixth street, above Uhestant. 3 Williams. Cheater co J F Henry, Chest r co I® J Darlington, Chester eo Geo Mead, Wilm, Del » VanderSco, Lewtsbnrg F McOsbe. Oheeter oo |«sml Moses, PbcenlxviUe J M Way. ChMterco X W Mm Cheater oo He, York I* G Parko,Elktor, Md B w Hfleutn Oreier.Fenna Lieut GBOlarke, Fenna |j V&ndenUMf ptccnixvme WABSohrelber, Fa |e a Hickman, W Chester J Devoe, West Oheeter P> R Baldwin, Ooateevllls 0 0 Dewey, Virginia B b Hockenbery, Conoord, Pa BABLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. PUas U Morris, New York 8 Wallace, Lycoming eo feßeading, Nmr Jersey Min M Swallow, Lumbers [W Baker, New Jersey Mrs N L Willard, N Jersey [tT W Dnell, Burlington,N JLt J B Roberts, Baltimore te Bloc, Trenton, N J Wm Thom peon. Boyleetown P W Bohnltz, Kansas Wm Be Bree, Boyleetown J S Heston, Newtown E Blttenhonse, Maryland J Blttenhonse, Maryland J F Iredell, Montgomery 131 Yetfces, Hatboro. a Snyder, Oheeter eo HI Beading, New Jersey HANBO* HOT73B—Second atreet, obo-re Market E G Bogera, Bidgway J O Weeden A la, H J B Sutfin Al*. New Jersey 8 Woodruff, Mew Jeraey - - Abiogron James Piper . New Jersey * H Bobblni, Salem, S J Hew&rt, N J W Arthur, Delaware , Mai yl old J Bartley, Hew Hope New Hop* BKAR— ThW rtroet, »boro OallowMU. fmrtflwa J L Small, York, Fa AjSSZm rg»r, Sohjl co, P* . VlBNOM—Beoond above Aroh. loffalo H Bran* Balttmora isleln St fa, Fa Mr ttoMon, HOT Hope _ wf, Virginia «AGLK— Third ftreet, aboratMlowMH. lueuttt Jacob If ywHita* XitnMiWf tow* % N 6mitb| Hamburg. sr, Hamburg jAdblphia. boabd or *ba»* >5 OODBtlT,) ' band, > oowoMaa of taa Mom. 'incott, J UStm BAM "Lerc^Mnt3 , Exchange , Philadelphia. *2™’DDBlwy LWerpooi, Aug 26 *“«* ... Liverpool, *>°n KEf .Liverpool, *OOO, Mn’ Boraer »- Liverpool. *00? ’al m Z Thom**, toon .........Herane, earn IXB—STEADY. L Island LeholAN.x.avbt* 52 Le Cl 4 Nav sop 29 30 NPennaß 9K 9* N PaßSs 77 775 NPa810e.,.,.100 101* Oataw B Con... 8)2 8* Oatawissa Prf.. 105 ll* frankfdASouth.l6* 47 Beo St Third St 868 79 Baoe* Ylno-stß 16 11 W Phlla B 62 68 Spruce A Pine.. 12* 13 Gr A Coates exd.33 34 Ghestft Walexd 38 40 Arob St ex dlv. 24)f 25 Thir A Fifl’nth. 16)f .. ?ev'h A Nine'll. .« 7 - Girard College.. 23)4 34 Tenth A Elev’th.3l 32 INTELLI6ENCI. PORT OF FHILADRLPHIA, Aug. 92, 1869. BUN BISEB 5 19-SC* BETS g 4; HIGH WATEB. tteM«tegf|sgg| t || t| |2 J AB&IVBD. Brig Andrew Peters, Wall, 13 days from Matanzs*. with sugar end molasses to John Mason A Co loM&»te’ 10 tro “ ber r tl g Q ß «SSi a A’te“' B *«h Inm toX AISdS *ct ®** BMtport '«»&* mdse’to o'tF ***“ ** SaS ™* «•«. with lesUo captedn. Btron5 ’ I '* ke ' 8 8478 from Boston, In bal lc* B to r oaSriT“ BOn ’ B “*“' 6 d * T 9 ** »tth to' Wo^sTß^ 6 day. from Boston, with ice icetoceptsn? hamb * I * ,l “’ 8 4,78 ft ““ Portland,with 1 ’ ar “ na ’ 7 4 * 7Bt ™P> With rr6i6rl o*' M ' Wltb oaum J^SSattilS 1 d * rft °“ Smyn “' nel ’ Wlth wia l ®atoto J , WB^!"“’ B <Uyafro “ Ylenn8 * *gn®? ir w.9 iar,ea Adarou, Sicbardwm 3 days fr*n Kow towa, Md, with grala to J W Baoon. Nrir Leader, Adeuns, 3 days from Salisbury, Md, to J W Bacon. Scbr lowa, HUyardp 1 day from Newport, floor to K MLea. Bda* Packet, Bneksoo, I day from laetpsta, Bel. with wheat to Jas L Bewley & Co. Scbr T P HcCelley, Garter, 1 day from Camden, Bel. with coin to las Barrett is Son. Bohr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Bel, with grain to Christian & Co. Scbr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 dayfrom Odessa, Bel. with grain to Obrfetfen & Go. Sohr Lizzie W. Dyeiv MeDnffle, T days from Portland, with mdse to E A Bonder & Go. Scbr Himrlet Byan, Staples, 8 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells A Co. 1 Scbr G W Bawley, Bawley, from Bangor. Sohr W Jones, Jones, from St George, He. Sohr Spray, Price, from Boston; Sohr W G Bartlett, Connelly, from Boston. Scbr Union, Libby, from Boston. Sohr Mary Xllen, Case, from Nantucket Sohr Flyaway, Davis, from Sag Harbor. Scbr 0 A Greiner, Young, from Boxbnry. I°n r BBB » 8o L!*' from Providence. Sato M Collins, Shourds, from Providence. Scbr Boaenn. Bose, Bnrges, from New Havta. f°J r 7 ® Allen, Allen, from Newport. • Bchr L H Endioott, Leeds, from Newjort. Beta Island Belle, Butler, from New Bedford. Seta Diadem, Black, from New Bedford. .Beta Cartbagena, Kellg, from New Bedford. with K ttw'p ra»^° n ’ 24 Loara fro ” Y “ k * m^m I W^ York, with Berge Jae-Hend, Shellhorn, 24 hours from Hew York, wlthmdsetoWP Clyde. ’ GZiBABBD . Brig Breeze, Onterbridge, Bio do Janeiro, Welisford. B&nken St Go. Scbr Island Bello, Batler, New Bedford. Noble* Geld* wen & Go. Sohr Certhagena, Kelly,'New Bedford, Osstner, Stlok ney A Wellington. Seta Martha Collins, Shourds, Provldsnpe, do - . Sohr Mary ZOlen, Case, Providence, InAudenried A Co. Seta Wm Jones, Jones, Portland, , ' do Schr O A Gniser, Toniig, Bozborr, do .Beta G W Bowie?, Rowley, Boston. do Beta Union, Libby, Boston, do ' Sohr R Rote, Burgees, Boston, Wm H Johns A Co. Scbr Spray, Price, Boston. Shmlokaon A Glover. Beta Flyaway. Davis, Bag Harbor, dd - Sohr W G Bartlett, Connelly, Fortress Monroe, D S Stetson A Go. Scbr F F Randolph, BWey, Providence, J Milnss A Co. Bohr L H Endioott, Leeds, Providence, J R White* Beta J B Allen, Alien, X Greenwich, J R Blaktston. Beta Jas Garcelon, Andereon, HaveridU, do. Seta Diadem, Blew, Bath, Geoifee Stockham. Beta B E Condon, Lake, Alexandria, Penn Gas Co. Bata Maria. Whitney. Grindell. Washington, do Sohr Harriet Byan, Staples, Bridgeport, Twells A Co. Beta W Donnell], Hunter,Alexandria, Tyler, Stone A Co. Seta Sarah A -Louisa, Woodruff, Alexandria, do Seta Poßy Price, Adams, Fortress Monroe, A Boyd. Sohr -Fair Play, Dare, Hew York. J B McCreary 4 00. Str Fanny Garner, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. - Str B L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, by nueuw. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) _. . . _ LEWES. Del. Aug 21. The barks Thos Killam, from Liverpool, via Halifax; Imperador, from Philadelphia for Pernambuco; and Phi lena, do for Pensacola, an at the Breakwater: also, sohr John A Griffon, from New Orleans, with sugar, hound to New York. Wind SB. Yours, Ac. JOHN P. MARSHALL. (Correspondence or the Press.l „ , „ HAVRE DB GRACE, Aug 20 The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with 6 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: _W F Counter, with lumber to Noroross A Sheets; Gen B Fleming, lumber to J Jenney; J M Brin, and anthra cite coal to Hammett, Yan Dnsen ALochman; Union Burner, do to do; F Fidler, do to Delaware City; Clara Hopper, do Chesapeake City. (Correspondence of the Press.) -v-.. BEaDING, Angl9. Tao following boats from the Union Ganai passed into tboSchnjlkiH Ganai to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows; Blias, bark to captainjForeßt Flower, do to Tine •street wharir Pilot, lumber, Ac. to Mr Fitzpatrick: Wifcman & grain to Captain. M3CMOBAJNDA. Steamship Colombia, Barton, from Havana, at New Yoik jesferday. ?** Ship Victoria Heed, Preble, for Philadelphia, entered out at London flth fast. ' Ship Kate Prince, Uterrish, for Philadelphia, catered for loading at Liverpool Bth Inst Brig Samuel Churchman, Goody, from Sierra Leone, at New # York vesterdas. Brig Celestina, Fickett, hence, arrived at Boston yes terday. Scbr Harbinger, Byder, cleared at Boston 20th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Black Diemond. Tonng, cleared at New York 20th icet for Philadelphia. • Scbr Wm Loper. Sobloson, hence for Lynn, sailed from Dutch Island Harbor 1 9tq ihst. - Bchr Joseph Toraer, Crowell, cleared at Boston 20 th inst frr Philadelphia.. SScfare Saonh Lavinia, Fqri, mid B Frink, gngti<*i» hecce, arrived at Salem 20th inst SPECIAL NOTICES. Verandah Awnings—The improved style and cut, and of the beet goods, only to bo bad at W. HENBY PATTEN’S New West-End Curtain Store, 1408 CHESTNUT Street. an22-3t# Cabpets—Made up and laid by care ful workmen, at W. HENRY PATTEN’S New Wert- End Upholstery Store, 1408 CHESTNUT St au22-St* Window Shades.—The old manufac turer, W. HEBBY FATTEN, has removed to hla new store, 1408 CHESTNUT Street, CHE APE 3T SHADE establishment In town. . au22-3t* Mosquito Nbtb Made and Put Up, all Stiles, Qualities, and Prices. A Good Mosquito Net as low as Pour Dollars at PATTEN’S Hew West-End Upholster; Store, 1408 OHEBTNUT Street. a022-3t* Piseases op the Skin.—Though the remote or primer; causes of Skin Diseases ma; be rad ons, as Impurity of the Blood, Direr Complaint, Bcrefola, Ac, Ac,, yet the Immediate cause Is always the same, and that is an obstruction In the cores of the Skin, by which the perspiration, In Its passage bom the body, is arrested and confined in and under the skin, causing am intolerable itching, or an eruption of Pimples, Pustules, Ringworm, Tetter, Salt Bhenm, Ac, Ac.' ■' For all thoBS affections, JAYNE’S ALTEBATIVE has-been found an inralnahle remedy, as it remores both the primary as well as the Immediate causes—purifying -the Bicoid, curing the Direr Complaint, and effectually eradicating Scrofula from the system, while at the same time it frees the pores of their obstructing matters, and heals the diseased surface. Prepared only by Dr.D. JAYNE A 80N,242 CHEST NUT Street au222t Batohelob’s Haib Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. PtLLDIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated H&irDyt jmdueea a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and InTigorates the Hair tor lib. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB Instantly turns • splendid Black or Brown, leasing the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by all Druggists, Ao . %F‘ The Genuine Is signed WIIiTiTAH A. BATOHH LOB, cm file four side* qf esc* Bcm. FACTORY, Ho. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Eats 233 Hroadwap aad 18 Boni street), my2B-ly - , ; Hew York. Singer & Co.’s Letter “A ” Fa mily SEWING MACHINE, WITH ADD . THE KB OENT IMPEOYEMENTS, til the BUST, and CHEAPEST, and most beautiful, of ah Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarietan to the making of an Orercoat—anything from Pilot or Bearer Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ereryeadyto do it* work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capacity tor a great rariety of ornamental work. This la not the only*Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and bo forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma chine TheDettor “A” FemflySewing Machtnemay be had in a great rariety of eabinet'cases. The Polling Case which is now becoming so popular, la, as Us name implies, one that can be folded into a box or ease which, when opened, makes a beantifhi, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of erery Imaginable design—plain as tbs wood grew in Its nature forest, or as elaborately finished ao art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, eto., of the Tory beet quality, Send for a copy of “ Stsoaa A Co.’s Gazstth.” L H. SINGES A CO., ' 4*B BBOADWAF, N. T. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST.' iyl2-mwftf One-Fbiob CJDOTHHNG, OP THH LATEST SffLES, made lu the Beet Manner, expressly for BE rpATT, SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Plgnres. AH Goods grade to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Bex-Pxiob Ststem is strictly ad heredto. Ail art thereby treated alike. JOSES A 00.. 604 MARKET Street. married. NOYES—BOYLE—On toe Mth jnstont, by Jhe BeT. J. H. Kennard, Lnman A. Noyee, M. D., of Massachu setts, to MlesLonise B. Boyle, of this riw* . . . MABKLEW—HUNTER —On th ® the Rot. George A. Dnrborow, Edward .MarUow, E»q. to Miss Bose E. Hunter, of Oochranville, Chester conn ty, Feirna. DIED- BOBEB—On the morning of the 19th, at the resi dence of Mr. Albert Borer, Boxborough, Mary Anna, wife of James B. Borer, in the 48th year or her age. The relatives and Mends of the family are invited to fttti nd the funeral from the residence of her hoahaad, 608 Wood street, on Saturday afternoon, August 23d, at 3 o’clock, without further notice. . ." ** PEDDLE —On Tuesday evening, August 19th, Wil liam A. Peddle, in the 76th year of his age. His relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend bis funeral, from bis late residence, No. 623 Marshall street, this (Friday) after noon, at 8 o’clock. [Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Doric Haven papers jpleaae copy.] * BURLEY.—On third day morning, 19th Inst, after a lingering illness, which she bare with Christian fortitude and resignation, Mary Phipps, wife of Aaron A. Hurley, and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from bar late residence, on (this) sixth day afternoon,22d Inst., at 2 o’clock, without further D °BTBAHO —On the 19th instant, Mr. William Strang, Br MILLEB-sonffi»l*^tiKaat, HenryMffler,In the ■ 48*h yecr IM , daughter of Tho«. .... BEAL.-Qg 16lays. # iffiLat, John Hearn years •$* TtfpjWP - ' " 2 eg 6 . fDlt “ t - Mr ' Jooath “ J ‘ U»™K oIS |^, 19th inßU,lt - Jeho»».‘“ «. ,a —On the 20th nit, in Darlington CO j D w' 1 ?; J 7 BU*a KL, daughter of the late John F. Lamarzelle, in the 16th year of her age. # O’NHELL.—On the 20th instant, William Joseph O’Neill, aged 19 years. # Mourning store—besson & SON, No. MB CHESTNUT Street Black Mousseline do Lainea, double widths. , Black Tamises. Black Bummer Bombarinea. Black BngUsh Bombarines. Blade Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Gros Grain and Poult de Sole Bilks* Black Crape Marefas and BaregM. Black Barege HemanL Black 611 k Grenadines. Black and White Lawns, Ginghams, fro* jy2B rws» EIGHTEENTH WAR® NATIONAL Iks UNION ABBOOI \TloN.—an »6joum«l m«««- Ing of tb* Above Anoctatlon will be held on THIS (Frl 6»y) BYBNING, ri half pari 7 o'clock. Pancturi attendance reqneried. HENRY BUJOI, Fn*t JOS ALLBN, WM. BTBUNK, Secty'a. - It* rrs=* »R. J. R. NEWTON HAS TAKEN UJ? ROOMS at 1202 OHBSTNUT Street, where bo 1. prepared to see patient, daily from 8 A. M to 4 P. M. auM-St* Eat a regular meeting of the Army Committee of. the Y. M. 0 A., held on ay, August 2lbt, 1862, the following recolnticns were Bdopted: Rciolvui, That the thankeof thie Committee are hereby extended to the proprietors of the White House, light house Cottage, Congress JBalt, Alhambra, and Oottaga Retreat, at Atlantic City, for their kindbeas in tarnishing dinner withont charge to the tick and wounded aoldier* who accompanied na on our Bxcnreion on Thursday last, .Retolvta, , That, the foregoing reeolnUon be published in the Inquirer and Prut. , P. B. BIMONS, Chairman. It* T. Tolmak, Secretary. nfI“^JL4J aEEI,!,B 0T THE CITIZENS’ IkS COMMITTEE OH BOUNTY FUND, hell this day, it vm unanimously resolved: „ Whereas* It ia both right and proper to preserve a record of the names* and thereby perpetuate the liberali ty and patriotism of all those citterns of Philadelphia* who, In the hoar of oounty’cs trial* made voluntary contributions to a Fund to be used for the payment of premiums and bounties to all who would volunteer as soldiers in the army now fighting to preserve our Go vernment inviolate 5 therefore, be it Retolvtd* That a complete list of the names of alt the contributors, together with the amonot contributed by each, be published in bock or pamphlet form, and that a copy be furnished to each contributor. iZesofred, That, to this end, the Treasurer of THE CITIZENS* BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, the Ward Committee*, and all others duly authorized to re ceive subscriptions* be requested to procure and furnish to this Committee the full name of each person, firm, or company* who has, or may hereafter, contribute to said Fund. THOMAS WEBSTER, Yioe Chairman. Losxn Blodqet, Seo’y. It IV® EIGHTH WARD-NATIONAL UNION LK3 PART?.—At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the loyal citizens of the Eighth ward, held on the 19th insb, atthe fc'chuylkiU Hose bouse, the following named persons wero elected officers of the organization for the ensuing year: President—ALEXANDER J. HARPER. Vice President*—Jos, M. Wilson, Daniel Dougherty. Secretary—J* Lowrie Bell. , Assistant Secretary—W. 2*. Kintzing, Jr. Treasurer—H. O. CorfieJd. Committee of Sujwrintendeocc—Samuel Bel* Jr. Tim folio wing were elected officers or the precinct* elections to be held on TUESDAY EVENING next, between the hours of 6 and 8 o’clock: First Precinct—Judge, Williams Ogle. Inspectors* 3, O. Martin, B. P. Johnson*. At Alderman Swift’s office, 914 Locußt street - . * . : . Second Precinct—Judge* Jefferson Hunt Inspectors, Wm. G. Flanigan, J. B. hi. Deßuist Election* 1224 Locust street Third Precinct—Judge* Wm. White Sngtb. Inspec tors, Wm. Adams* John McOienaghan. Election, Lau ghs’, Broad, above Locust street. •v Fourth Precinct—Judge, A. W, Palmer. Inspectors* F. S. Johnson, W* P. Rudolph. Election, Lafferty’s, Eleventh and Sansom streets. Fifth Precinct—Judge, H. Harasteai. Inspectors, J. G. Colesbery, W. H. Wilson. Election, Brown’s* Twenty-first and Locust streets. Sixth Precinct—Judge* Geo. Fow. Inspectors, Uhas. Summers, Wm. King. Election, Nell McOoy’s, Sansom, above Twentieth street. The following resolutions, expensive of the views of themeeting, were passed unanimous^ : Whereas, In consequence of the late developments of tiie views and objects of the Bricktnridge Democracy harboring in onr midst, it has become necessary that all loyal citizens Bhottld combine for the purpose of main taining the Union and supporting the Administration and the laws: therefore, resolved, 1. That tiie publfo exigencies demand of every patri otic citizen the mo 4 direct mad effective political action inhis power, for the single purpose of the preservation of the National Union. 2. That as the basis of an Association for this purpose we require only an earnest and active loyalty to tho Go vernment, an unyielding determination to urge this war until every trace of tbe rebellion is crushed out, and a readiness to mutate, without hesitation or qualification, tbe Administration by which this war is conducted. 8. That we welcome to this Association men of all former political parties who now lay aside all other distinctions, and devote themselves unreservedly to this great, patriotic, and overwhelmingly important purpose. 4. That we have unlimited confidence in the conduct of tiie war, in all its relations*' by the present National Administration* and will give that Administration, in all itß effort* to suppress the rebellion, a firm and unqualified support. 5. That we earnestly recommend to the various Ward Associations the selection of honest, intelligent, and ca pable men to fill the offices at the coming election. Adjourned. . au2*2 : TO THE LOYAL CITIZENS OF PHI \kS LADELPHIA.—The Republican voters of the city of Philadelphia sincerely desire a cordial co-opera tion of aU loyal citizens in this hour of peril to the Union, in opposition to the so* called Democratic party. The candidate of a portion of that party for the Preridency-at the last election, is now a commanding General in tiie slaveholders* rebel army, and Its members, with scarcely an exception, ia the elaveholding States, are nowin the rebel ranks, sympathized with by their political brethren in the North, whose open hostility to the war and opposi tion to the efforts of the Federal anthorities to suppress tiie rebellion is only restrained by tbe strong arm of. military power* jnitified asd-supported by the.sentiment of the loyal people of tbe entire country. : The Repub lican voters of this city, desiring such co-operation, do nominate and present for the consideration and support of tbe people of Philadelphia, atthe October election, a portion of the ticket then to be elected. The officers to be elected on that occasion are Mayor, District Attorney, City Solicitor. Receivtr of Taxes, City Controller, Pro* thonotary of the Court of . Common Pleas, and City Oom mhsioner. Of three ' the Be publican Convention, representing the Republican citizens of , Philadel phia, have nominated for tbe office of' Mavor, Amos Briggs* Esq , and respectfully urge npoa our friends be longing to other political organizations, and opposed with us to the Breckinridge Democracy (but calling them selves by other party names) to meet in conventions or otherwise and propose the names of geutlemenof un questioned ley alt 5 for the other offices to bo filled, and to all such we pledge the undivided support of the Republi cans of Philadelphia, whose time, talents and means, will be used in all honorable ways to secure the success of the entire ticket. FeUow-diizeue, when our cotratryig in peril'—when treason, open and avowed at the and repressed at. the North only by the bolr patriotism.of the masses,— when secret traitors, more dangerous even than open fees, are lying In wait, seeking the destruction of this beneficent and Republican Government, which has given plenty and peace to its citizen*—at Bnch a time it does not become the loyal citizen to refuse a hearty co-opera-. tion with his brother, having the same grand purpose with himself, because he happens to be called by another political name. Let ns not, then, Quarrel about names; let ns agree to treat each other as equals, requiring -no abandonment of It Let those whose hearts are with a PI OPUS’S organization labor zealously in that organiza tion to save the country ; Jet that ever-to-be honored band of patriots, the B0UGL&8 DMOOBiOT, who have striven eo nobly to redeem the taliamauic name of their party from the odium which the Slave Power has cast upon it, rally their loyal band, in their owu'way, to the coming conflict against an Aristocracy—a Despotism. Let the Republican who can proudly bout that through out tbe entire land no one of their mighty host is found in rebellion against the Government, bring up their di vision in support of a ticket acceptable to all. If In the future old organizations are to be abandoned, and new ones formed, Jet the perplexing excitements consequent upon such a transition take place after we have defeated the enemies of the Union at the pods, and defended our country against traitors in the field. Our candidate for Mayor, Amos Briggs, Esq * hi one of the most popular of our citizens, a thorough read lawyer, mid moat success* fd practitioner; he has risen from comparatively humble origin by the orce of his genius and excellence of his character, to a foremost position at the Philadelphia bar. Sympathizing with the masses, he has attained a degree of popularity which can only be reached by one who 1b of the people, and who sympathizes with all their feelings, aspirations, and principles. The confidence of the masses in Mr. Briggs made him their nominee for the office of Judge of the District GourVat thelart judicial election, which he magnanimously declined in coder to relieve the canvass ef embarrassment, Judge Stroud having been elected on the generous withdrawal of Mr. Briggs. This act of Mr. Briggs establishes for him a very strong claim nvdn ns for support. But the consideration which, above all others, entitles him to the auppoltof the citizens of Philadelphia, is hie integrity, his devotion to Republican principles, and fafs undoubted loyalty. No act of his life has cast tbe shadow of suspicion upon his devotion to the free principles of the country He has been the consis tent and unswerving champion of therightof free speech, even In thedarkest days of slaveholding political despot ism. in this city, and has always maintained that ourpub lic halls should not be closed against our citizens. He has smtained the right of tbe people freely to assemble and discuss all subjects in the very spirit and letter of the Constitution. Hr. Briggs was audio the open and able advocate of the rights of -the people, believing with Jefferson, that “errors of opinion may safely be tole rated as long as reason is left-free to combat It.*’ He has never been willing that the inestimable privilege of free speech (a privilege obnoxious only to tyrants) should be prohibited, or even restricted. Mr. Briggs was also the able and eloquent advocate of the election of Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency, and equally decided in his opposition to the election of the traitors Bell and Breck inridge, now fighting for sad serving the rebels in arms against our Government. We have hedged to our nominee our abiding support, through “sunshine and storm, through good and through evil repori. ,, As we know him to be a good and true man, we still support Mm to the last, and we hope and believe that he wilt be acceptable to our patriotic co • workers. Onr j Convention has adjourned to the 30th Inst., with Ihe hope that our friends will supply the balance of tbe ticket. Should this not be done, we hope to complete thenominatious on that d%y by presenting such names as wifi be acceptable to the people. Regarding ourrelves as entitled to a due proportion of 'the other nominations to be made, it wQI fall upon the Convention, meeting as aforesaid on the 30th instant, to decide whether any other, and If so, what additional names shall be tendered in our behalf to the public, for their support at the polls. The following address net having hems prepared in time to be presented to tbe Republican Nominating Con vention previous to its adjournment, we, the undersigned members of said Convention, most heartily recommend It to the consideration of tbe citizens of Philadelphia. James H. BilUngton, Wm. Gregs, M. D., John G. Adair, 0. W. McOlintodk, Peter Fasel, Benjamin Malone, James Lawns, George IT. Keyser, James Alcorn, J. J. Bochey, Charles Humphreys, George W. Hoffman, George W. Wentling, John RGrilcom* Amo* Hillboru, Thomas Pearson, . John Kessler, William Torrode, Mark Low, J. Mills, B. M Staunton, J. Greely Ellison, George H. Earle, Themas Wood, Abraham Myers, Samuel Zaae, William Johnston, John BveralL John O. Snowdon, ' It* rys» NOTICE—TUB PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Auqust 2tat, 1863. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company will be held at their office on MONDAY, the first day of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when an election will be held for sine I tree tore, to serve for the ensuing year. auSl* tsel WM. G» CROWELL, Secretary. »>-=» OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, nrrPORTSMOUTH, moust and lan, OAnTER RAILROAD COMPANY.—PHJtAUBLraiA- the Stockholders of this Com- DEY a* which time an election -1H *>« held tor Thirteen Till n rVnTri tA Mflß fni SSStUCg JW. ' GEORGE TAPER, Secretary. 10 VOLUNTEERS. m abmy WATCHES. SrJdSSd to au2LetiT No-BOaOHEaTNOTatreri. mH* SOJENTIFIGi HAIRrDYER «fi 1 this dtyUL. GUTEKUNST, YOUBTH «ri j BRANCH Streets. an2o-Btt i THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1862. jgUOKTAIL BRIGADE. A FEW PICKED MBIT WANTED IM DIATHLY, For * Comnanria Coioael L. Wi.tor*»tl43d) Regiment of this oelebnited Brigs! 0. TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES WILL BE PAID. AT 73 7 MARKET STREET. »0204 t 8 POPE ON THE ADVANCE.— The UNION GU&RD3 Regiment, Colonel J. B. ADAMS Commanding, haring proenred their Tents, Clothing, and Commissary Stores, hare now entered Camp, on Jones’Farm, West Philadelphia, to which place reernits are sent as soon as mastered in. The bonnty siren in thin regiment Is folly as mnch as that offered by any other now organizing in this city. A meeting of the Regimental Officers will be held at tbe Headquarters, ST, LOUIS HOTEL, THIS EVER. ING, at d o’clock. By order of J. B. ADAMS, . It Colonel Commanding Regiment. « ATTENTION! 5160 BOUNTY. HeADMABTHRS PHILADELPHIA LIQHT GUARD, Col. S. W- Dayis, Commanding, 145 til Beg. P, V, The following is the official list of the seventh regiment regiment Accepted *)? Governor &. G. Onrttn, and Ho. 145th Regiment, P. V„ as the. quota of Philadelphia. The men are mustered in, clothei, full botraty paid, aad rations; sent to. camp immediately. Camp opposite Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, Twentieth ward. Colonel* ELISHA W~ L AYIB. , Lieutenant Colonel, Adjutant, J. ALLAN BtMSAY. Major, JOBIAH DANFIBLD. Quartermaster, JOHN OBAIG. Surgeon, ■' ■ . First Assistant Surgeon, CHARLES X, CADY. Company A—Captain —.. First Lieutenant Samuel Arriion. Second Lieutenant, Joseph Barton. Company F—Captain William M. Woolridge. First Lieutenant, James H. Carman. Second Lieutenant, J. H. Towns Jackson. Company I—Captain John W. Shepherd. First Lieutenant, . Second Lieutenant, . Company D—Captain* Chrietian Keiner. First Lieutenant, Gustavos Fisher. Second Lieutenant, Edward Thiele. Company C—Captain Charles F. Robertson. First Lieutenant, J. M. Burrows. ' fcecond Lieutenant, W. W. Wate. Company H—Captain Thomas Font .. First Lieutenant, Samuel D, Allen. t Second Lieutenant, Ang. H. Sanrman. 1 Company E—Captain, Samuel Wrigley, Jr. First LieGteaunt, Jacob Heidinger. Second Lieutenant, Theodore Nixon. Company K—Uaptain Benjamin H. Pipplt. . Flret lieutenant, John B. 0. Thompson. Second Lieutenant, Edward L. BandalL - Company o—Captain Henry Snyder. First Lieutenant, William H. Sloanttker. Second Lieutenant, We*t Funk. Company B—Captain George E. Ridgeway. First Lieutenant, George Briekley, Second Lieutenant, GWje Plnnier. Col. H. W. DAVIS, Commanding. J. ALLAH BAMBAY, Adjutant * It* II 119th REGIMENT. COL. P. 0. |R -ELLHAKHR.—SHOT! *167! *181!' Attention! M Attention! Attention! 8182 Bounty, 85 Extra, on oeing sworn in. ' • A FEW MORE MEN WANTED FOB COMPANY 0, • OF THIS SEGMENT/ •' Apply at the Bacrniting Office, northeast comor of- BB#AD and BACE Streets. ' FRANK. LOGO, Recruiting Officer. . Oapt. A.T. GOODMAN. Lieut. BBNJiStra Baylor. au2l-Bt* Ij TURN OUT! TURN OUT! M 121st REGIMENT P. V., 001. 0. BIDDLE. TEN til MEN‘WANTED for Company B. Apply at No 806 VINE Street. fflrt Llent. MAX HEIN, Capt. A. LAWBIE. 2d Lieut OHAB. F. HDLBE. au2o 4t* jy NO BOUNTY OR ADYANGE PfIPAY AFTER THE 22dINST.—TSE ISISTRSOI WMFNT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, OOL. CHATMAN BIDDLE, accepted by the Slate as on© of tbs regiments to be raised in Philadelphia* Recruits for this regiment are entitled uadi the 23d of August to the United States bounty of $lOO, to the Oily of Philadelphia bounty of $5O, and to an extra bounty ef slo—in all $l6O, besides a premium of $2 at the time of muster, and one month’s pay in advance ($l3 ) Recruits are immediately mustered into service, uniformed, and sen! by ears on the same day to tbs healthy camp at Edgewood, near Chestnut Hill. For the several recruit ing stations see the general advertisement In this paper, or apply at 606 VlftE Street, 728 ZANB Street. 229 North SECOND Street, 43 North THIRD Street, 821 MARE ET Street, Ac Ac. sul6 dt23 8 HEADQUARTERS CADWALA DEB REGIMENT, 120th P. V., OOL. WM. |F. SOOBBIBEB, S. W. Corner NINTH and WALlrfjT Streets. Recruits "wanted to fill up the above Regi ment. Voluntere from the country will recaive tba Oity of Philadelphia Bounty, making altogether $165. Apply by mail, cr in person, as above war. y. sohbeibbr, au2o*6t# * Oul 120th Reg. P. V. II AVOID THE DRAFT i—$160 8 Bounty, one month’s pay in advance, and $2 pre ll/ mium, until the 23d fast. Patriotic Young Men wanted at once to fillup Company BVISlat Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunfeers; Col? O HAPfiSAeTBID DLE. Men will be mustered iu, immediately uniformed, and sent the game day to the healthy camp at Sdgewopd, near Chestnut Hill.' Pay and rations from date of mus* .ter. Apply to J. ALFRED KAY, or HARRISON LAMBDIN, . Lieutenants, au2o-3t# BRUNER’S HOTEL, Germantown. SBUCKTAIL BRIGADE, $165 BOUNTY—BIO JSXTBA FOB 7IBST FIFTEEN MEN ENROLLED.—Dos’*. WAIT to be Drifted, thereby losing all bounties. Men mustered on enlist ment. Pay and rations to commence at once. CHARLES S. BOYD, (Formerly of Commonwealth Artillery,) _ Second Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer, anl9-6t* No 727 MARKET Street. Ij THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V-, 19 accepted tor three years, are now nearly ready for Vf the field. Fractions of companies will be accepted from the country; Recruits from tbe country coming into this regiment will receive $56 bounty In addition to the bounty paid by their conn ty and General Government. Transportation will be throbbed on application to these Headquarters, 624 MABEET Street, Philadelphia, or to Major G. H. BABDWELL, at« Herr’e Hotel,” Harris burg. D. HEENAN, ; anU-12t GoL Commanding 116th Regiment, P. Y. If CITY BOUNTY' FUND COM -19 MISSION. . ill NOTICE TO VoLUNTBEBB—Official informa tion has been given to the Oitjr Bounty Fund Com miseton, that .tbe following named regiments have been accepted by the Governor of Penoßylvania, on of tbe quote of Volunteers required from &s city of Philadelphia, viz; Zouave d’Afrique, Col Col Us. Begimeut No. 116, Col. Heeuttn. “ 117, 001. A. H. Tippin, Scott Legion. <c “ 118, CoL O.M.Prevoßt,Of»rnExchange. « M , P, OoL P.C. EUmaker,Grey Reserves. “ “ 121, OoL Chapman Biddle; The Commission are ready to pay the bounty to volun teers in said regiments under the rules and regulations heretofore published. aolB*l2fc JOBN 0. KNOX, Chairman. S 121st REGIMENT P. V ,RE CRUlTS_wanted for Company D, of the 23d Philadel phia Light Infantry, Colonel Chapman Biddle. Apply attbe ANDERSON HOCBE, 1519 SOUTH streetj Op posite.the Hater Market. Bounty #l6O. Hostondrin atones. OHABLES E.ETTING, snlB-6t SecondLlentanant . S 121st pennsil- Colonel CHAPMAN BBCRUITB WANTED FOB THE WAR. ■ A premium of $2 will bepaid to each recruit at tire time of muster. •ne months pay in advance, and ■ $l6O Bounty, to wit: $26 United States Bounty In cash. $5O City ef Philadelphia Bounty. . $lO Extra Bounty, and > $75 United States Bounty at the end of the war. - -Recrnitfl will bo mustered immediately Into service. Pay and rations from date of muster. Apply at apy of the following recruiting st&tionß: ALEXANDER^LAWBIE, Captain Co. B, No. 80S Vine street. CHARLES V. Lieutenant Co. B, N.W. corner of Franklin Square. J- FRANK STERLING, Captain Co. 0, N. S. comer Sixth and Minor streets. .. - GEORGE WM. POWSLL, 2d Lleutenant Co. C, N. ■ E. ccrne/Twelfth and;Spiing Garden streets. OHABLES B. ETTING, 2d Lieutenant :00. D, No.- 1629 South street. M. W. 0. BARCLAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. E, No. 715 Girard avenue. J. ALFRED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Bruner’s Hotel, Main street, Germantown. WM. SMITH HOBART, 2d Lieutenant Co. G, Potts town, Montgomery county. EDWARD Jr., 2d Lieutenant Co. H, S.E. corner of Tenth and Thompson streets. JOJR» DU&BOBOW, 2d Lieutenant Go. X, No. 229 North Second street. JOSHUA GABBED, 21 Lieutenant Co. K, Main street, Frankferd. JOHN lUNGERIOH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Third street. SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Co. S, No. 728 Zaire Street. , • HARRY HERTZ bER, Lieutenant, No. 821 Market street. JAMES ASHWORTH, Captain Co. I, Frankferd. JAMES HAGNEB, Lieutenant, N. B. oorner Sixth snd Minor stz-eets. WILLIAM W. DORR, Lieutenant, 886 Nortti Thir teesth street and 405 Walimt street. SAMUEL O. THOMAS, Sergeant Co. D, No. 431 Chestnut street. T. E ZELL, No. 42 South Fifth street. , aulSt2B THOMAS M BALL, Adjutant NA ATTENTION, CAVALRY!— J9»> $162 BOUNTY.—-Wanted able-bodied men 1* If to fill a squadron in a battalion dor spe cial service, under JAMES A. SOHOON MAKER, by order of Sscrelary of War. Apply to i < •; ■ Oapt. J. W. HADD, ; Ospt. H. N. HARRISON; let Dient. 0. W. MORRIS. Jb., Ist Llent. J G. MORRIS, an2l-Bt* 826 WALNDT Street, third story. RECRUITING OFFICE Of iflcn THE ANDERSON TOOOP, Ground Floor of «.tEv, the Pennsylvania Railroad Office, oorner of THIRD Street and WILLING’S Alley. . Oapt. WM. J. PALMER, Bergt. ALFRED YEZIN, an!6-6l* Private KOBMAN M. SMITH. rpHE PROOF GUN OF LONG A RANGE. : Means are urgently needed for bringing out the ‘•PROOF GDN” of tbe long-range capacity, and pro ving, byrepeated, actual work, the foil powers possessed. Will mm of earnestness in ibe’National cause, aqd pride in Philadelphia enterprise, respond to tbs needsof tbe case, and esch furnish a portion of tbe amount re qnlsite for prodnelng tbe » PROOF GUN 1” Now Is the time to act. Sball tbe money be furnished either as an investment or contribution ? Either will meet tbe needa of tbe case. Will any man or any men come forward and take the actnel step,—furnish mean. for this purpose? A. M. DENSHOBE, Attorney for the Inventor, ang-2t 182)4 Booth THIRD Street. -ETOR GUY CONTROLLER, 1862, J} GEO. W. HUFTT, FOUBIEENTH WABD. an7-tn MIUTAKV. $2O IN ADDITION APFLY IMMEDIATELY RBGrMMTAL OFFICERS. IMPLEMENTS OF WAR. FOUTICaIi. RETAIL DRV GOODS. T?ANCY DRESS SILKS, 56 CENTS.— A Fancy Dress Bilks, 62 cents. Fancy Dress Bilks] 75 o , B ts. Fancy Dress Silks, 87 oents. „ CUB WEN BTODDIBT tc 880., Nos. 460,462, and 46* North SECOND Street, a022-3t abors Willow. Rich black bilks.-au widths and Grades, at onr usual low prices, OUBRWEN BTODDABD & 880., „»«• m 462, and 454 North SECOND Street, au22-3t above Wffiow. STELLA SHAWLS, $2.50. SteHa Shawls, 88 00. SteHa Shawls, 83.60. Stella Shawls, 84 00. Stella fthawla, 84.60. . SleßaShiwla, 86.00. Comprising sit colore*fece&trefl, and. desirable border i°g»- „ OUBWEN STODDABT A 880., ' Noe. 460, «.* mjd «i North SBOOND Street, . at22-3t • above Willow. "DLANKETS. H Blankets for ’ Family and Hotel purposes. 8-1 Twilled Blanket*. 10.4 Twilled Blanket*. 11- Twilled Blankets. 12- Twilled Blankets. 134 Twilled Blankets. Of approved makes. - ... ?WBWKN IBTODDARD ft 880., Nos. 460,452, and 464 North SECOND Street, au22-3t ' above Willow. Fancy shirting flannels.— Jnst opened, a few oases of Frenoh Shirting Flan nels, ta neat Stripes, Checks, and Plaids, of desirable styles and dualities. ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, andßlno Flannels. an!2. SHA-BPLES3 BROTHERS. Fall de lmnes, all nev PATTERNS.—HamiIton Da Lalne&r Pacific De Lainear * Mauchegter De LaBneg.t BYRE & LANDELL, auB - FOURTH rad AROHa WGLISH PRINTS,FALL STYLES. Hi Opening of British Prints. . 4-4 French styles. . EYBE ft. LANDELL, a? 8 ... FOURTH and ABOH. T INENS, WHITE GOODS, HOBIE JLi BY, EMBROIDERIES.—The subscribers, in ad dition to the, House Furnishing rad Curtain Departments of the Dry Good. Business, give special attention to and have always on hand a fresh stock of the best Sheeting .Linens, White Goods, .Hosiery, and Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respeotfuily reauested. SHEPPARD, VAN HABLINGEB 44.88150 N, aus.lBt 1008 CHESTNUT Street. fPHB LAST OHANCI FOR BAR- X GAINS. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES. We are determined to closeout the balance of onr Bum mer Stock before the first of September. In order to do Be we will offer ear entire stock of FANCY. SILKS, DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS, CAuE MANTLES AND POINTIS. SILK COATS AND SAOQUES, At lower prices than those of any other Retail House in the city* OUR BLACK SILKS can’t be matehed In prioes and qualities, as they .were all bougbtbefore the last rise, and we are able to sell them at our. : OLD LOW PRICES. One lot cheapest Black Figured Silks evenpffered. Also, a good assortment of DOMESTIC GOODB. H. STEEL & SON, aui-tf No. 718 North TENTH St j above Coates. ■BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. A# The following lota will be sold at a great sacrifice to dose them out—viz: Two lata Black Silk and Wool ChaDles at 18 Vc, worth BTEO.' Five piacea Barege Angl6 at 4c, worth 10c. . Five pieces plain Barege at 12)4c. Alao. a large lot of Shetland Shawls, at vary low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. At JOHN H. STOKES’, jyBO - TOfi ABOH Street :102ft OHEBTHCT BIBEBT. “OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO LADIES.” E. M. NEEDYiES Has jnet opened HE W GOODS as follow.: Bread I hem-stitched’ Udkf5.,2,254, and 3 Inch hem : ham \ stitched Hdkfs. (all linen), 13m, or 81:50 per doz.; new styles narrow vaL edgings and headings ; new styles pointe iece and ether collars and setts, ALL FOB SALE AT OLD FBIORB. Ail/ancjr made-up goods, such as lace and other set*B, collars, sleeves, veils, hdkfa.', fto. fto., wllibc dosed ent, FOB THIS MONTH ONLY, prepara tory to laying in Fa'l Stock, : t AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PEB OBNT. “Xemnantt" of all kinds of Linens, White Good*, Bigingt, Intertings, fto. ftc, will also be dosed out at a HEAVY DISCOUNT. As all of the above goods have recently advanced from 20 to 26 per cent, from the. increased rates of exchange and tariff, the above great reduction from our old prices should prove a great iadneo ment for purchasers of these arttoies to buy during this month, ' an9-tf - 102 ft OHBBTSUT STBEBT. A LLWOOL FRENOH FLANNELS. XL. Fancy aivlee. for Gents’ Shirts. EYRE A LANDELL, auB FOURTH and ABOH. A LL-WOOL CHECKED OAS H ■X3L HUESB.—«Hnolt Black and White Ohecka fine pure liaise Cashmeres. Imported and tor sale by SH4BPMiSB BKOTHEBB, CHESTNUT and BtOHTK street*. fIIWEEDS AND G A.S3IME&EB. JL 1,000 yards heavy Gaisimeres, jnst opened. Also, 1,000 yards all-wool Tweeds, 62 to 75 cents. Stuumer and Vail Oassimeres, a foil stock. Ken's and Boys* wear, our stock is oomplete# DOMEBTIOS. Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleached and Brown Sheetings. ' Ooctoin irinraale, Bomet, attwooVend Baoinedo. * Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. HONBY-qOMB QUILTS. Maxseffles and Lancaster Qoilts. • Bathing Flannels,* Mosquito Nets. x Linen-TableDamasks and Napkins. Cheap lots of heavy Irish Linens. CLOSING OUT. Silk Mantles, Thin Posters, Laoe Goods. Boys’ Summer Clothing. . Thin Dress Goods, B!ack Tamartineg. ' ' Ghallies, Mohairs. Mozambique*, &o. < COOPBB & OONABD, B. B. comer UINTH and MABKBT sts. FINANCIAL. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 1 _ " 08, -- ; _■ 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PATABBE AT THE OPTION 07 THE GOYEBN MENT AFTBB FIVE YEABB.! I am instrncted by foe KEOBBTABY 07 THE TBBASBBY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. c : : THEIHTEBBBT TO COMMENCE 7BOM DATE 07 DEPOSIT, That avoiding foe difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment In GOLD of foe interest bom Hay task A foil supply ef these Bonds always on hand. JAY COOKE, , SOBSOBIFTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH-THIRD ST. ■ ‘ :V. . JAHXSn. VAI.TOK, TSOHAS V. TOST.* WALTON & YOST, BANKEBS,. BBOKEBB, - Asia ■ GENERAL OOLLEOTOBS, 80, 26 Sooth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. BE7EBBHOES. ■ Jay Cooke ft Co., Hon. James Pollock, James, Kent, Santee, A 00., Hon. H. .D. Foster, Kflbeiick, Black, A 00., Hon. A. H. Boeder, 0. MoKibbin A Son, Hon. Aaa Paoker, E. P. Middleton A Bro, Hon. Warren J.Woodward, Hon. Wm. Wilkins, T. li. Bradford, Ess. an7-Sm =;■- M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed •' to N 0.1- Booth tFHIBD Street, wherethey will attend to the purchase and sale ofTorelmaad Domestic Exchange, Gold and Bflver, Old Demand Notes, and other aul-lm# i PHOTOGRAPHS. WHY IS IT SO MANY PEBSONS throng BNIBISB'S-Rooms, if net for t&e fine analiJies of bit pictures? Colored Photographs for 81 are theattraction there. Go there. SECOND Street, above Green* - It* THAR TlMES—Prepare to act in YY obedience to the calL For those who would have an elegant picture at war prices, go to BEIUEB, get life size on- colored PHOTOGRAPHS. SECOND street, above,Green. .. . .. : It* - COPAR’ "VTOTICE.—It is hereby certified that X* the undersigned have formed a Limited Partner ship* agreeably to the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the terms .hereinafter set forth, to wit: 1. The seme or Arm under which the Bald partnership is to be conducted la BUSH & KUBTZ. 2. The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goode in the Oity of Philadelphia. 3. The general (partners in the said Arm are VAN CAMP BUSH and WILLI AH WESLEY KUBTZ, both residing at Ho. 1237 YIHK Street, in said City of Philadelphia: and the special partner is THEODORE w BiKER, residing at Ho. 227 North TWENTIETH Street, in said city. A The amount of capital contributed by thejrid'epe cial partner to the common stock is the Bum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, in cash. A.' The said partnership is to commence on the NINE-: TEEHTH DAY OP AUGUST, A. D. 1892, and wiU terminete on the PIBST DAY OP JANUARY, A. D. .we*. . , .... - Made and severally signed by the said partners, at the City of pMlsdeipbia. the Nineteenth day of, August, A. D. One Thonsand light Hundred and Sixty-two, . YAN CAMP m WILLIAM WESLEY KUBTZ, General Partners* TEEODOBBW.BA.EIR, *. Specie Partner. REIMER’S IVORTTYPEB are more natural and lifa-Hke than any pictnree made In the city. Hone equal them in beauty and faitbfdlneM or co loring. See eyedmena. SKOONB Street, above Green. PANADA PEAS—SO... bbis.' Canada Ay P«Mi of Tory choice quality, for gale hr BHODIB » WILIIIAHB, ;MT South W&nS Sbeel. SPLIT FEASr’-Gf prune' quality," for 1 Miebr erode* *, •nSI 1«7 South WATEB Street COMMISSION HOUSES. <AAAAaAMwSmwvwu QJEORGE D. PARRISH Offeri for nle, now In etore, 50,000 YARDS 25-27-INCH ALL-LINEN DRILLS. Also, 60,000 AHEBIOAH AHD ?OBEISH ARMY STANDARD BLANKETS, MZL-lm . gEAMUisa BAGS. ~~“ Beady for immediate delivery. “LEWISTON” and “PREMIUM” «A” FOB BABB BF WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., Jy2l-mwflm So; 129 CHESTNUT Street. J)UNNELL GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S PRINTS. 400 Oates NSW FALL STYLES. FOB BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., Jy2l-mwflm No. 220 CHESTNUT Street. gID-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 wares and blue ass whits and SIiATS. ALSO, 8-* end 6-4 INDIO© BLUE FLANNELS. For mle by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, jne-am 84 N. FBONT and 38 letitia street. gHIPLEY. HAZARD. 0, HUTCHINSON. Ho. X*S CHESTNUT STREET, ' . COMMISSION HI EO HA 911 vos ran balm op PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. - mhss-em MILITARY GOODS. gVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITARY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T. SNODGRASS. CIVIL & MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE, NO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. We give spedal attention to Officers’ materials, and have now in store a Tory select and extensive stock of all shadee and grade* for suite and overcoats. Also, a great variety of WOOLENS, adapted to La dles’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s wear. an!B-6t Tent buttons and sups, u. ‘B. Patterns, for tala at J. P. BESD’S manufac tory, corner of XHXBTKSJJTH and NOBLE Streets.. an2l-liE* DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. ri 11 -1862. JOHNES. BERRY. & Co., (Successors to Abbott, Johnoa, & C 0.,) 527 MARKET, AND SBA-COSMSBOB STREETS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBEBB OE SILK _ " ‘ ■ _ . s- . .. AFD ' . . FANCY DRY GOODS, Have bow opened an entirely NEW AND, ATTRACTIVE STOCK, IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a foil assortment In - WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, SHAWLS, &p., Which they offer at the very lowest Market Pricee, and solicit the attention of the Trade. anl6.3m YAKD.GILLMOIIE, & Oa, Bo*. Sir CHESTNUT end 614 JAYNE Streets, ' Have now open thalr FAT.Ti IMPORTATION OF BILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &o. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF TELE FIRM. To which the attention of the trade la parUcuiarlr In ti ted. . anil 4m GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. TFINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. JP The subscriber wouMfavite attention to hi* ' IMPROVED OUT OFSHIBTS, Which he makes,. speciality in hie twudnew. 41*0,000- . rtssfly rocoivlttie -> ■ NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WHAB. T- W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FUBNIBHING STORE,, No. 814 OBMSTNUT STREET, laS-tf - Four door* below the Continental INSURANCE COMPANIES. QI&ARD FIRE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE4I6 WALNUT BTBFET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL $200,000. Thi* company oonttoue* to take ride* en the eatoe cleeaosof Propertyat low rates. The public can rdyapon its roapcqajdbfflty, and abBX. ty to per lone* promptly. Xto dtobunamsmts far the benefit of the pubHo, daring the last nine rears, exoael 8500,000, and we respectfuny solicit Itotavorlntoefutura. ' DIRECTORS. OHAB. I. DUPONT, JEBBY WALKED, JOHN W.OLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBNLBY, O.F.KEAELITT, ABBAHAM HAST, DAYID BOYD, Jr., PBTXBB. HOB, of M. 1 WM. ML BWAIN, FURMAN BHBPPABB JOSEPH KLAPP, H.B. H. 8. LAWBENOE, VU. O. BUDHAN, JOHN SUPPLES. THOHAB OBAYEN, "President. A. S. GILLBTT, Vine President JAB. B. ALYOBD, Beeretarr. . ap3s-t! ID AMI INSURANCE COMPANY, J? 80. 40fi CHESTNUT Street. k nSM AND INLAND INSVRANOM. DUtSOTOBS. _ F.N.Buck, B. B. WoodrafL Chas. Richardson, John Kesder, Jr* Henry Lewia, Jr., " P. 8. Justice, Alex. WhUldln, Washington Jocea, Geo. A. West, „ Ohaa. Stokes, O.W. Davis, John W. Brennan. FBANOIB H. BUCK, President, CHABLES BKIHABDBON, Yloe PnaMrnt yTT.T.TAMB I. BLANOHABD, Beeretarr. [mhlF-gtf /COMMONWEALTH BIKE INBU- V; BANGS COMPANY, OF THN BTATB 0* PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayna,M.D., Charles H. Bofiers, JohnU. WhitaD, John K, Walker, Edward O. Knight, Bobert Shoemaker, • Thomas S, Stewart, Wlllism Strutter*, ■ Eearr Lewis, Jn, Elijah Jone*. DAVID JAYNE, M D., Preddent . JOHN M. WHrtAMi, Yloe TreeWenf UXUUi B.MOON, Secretary. - ‘ ■: ■ Offloo, Commonwealth Bulling, VIS OHBBTHUX Btroet, Philadelphia. «a4-Kif- truss and brace de #faO*4B™*NT, Corner TWELFTH Si RACE Streets, Pbfl&MjHa. adjustedby. c h. NEEDLES. . . ... ■ - Fine Fpeawhand approvedAmerieaiijadaptooMloervanr fofm of raptafe, la ;adntte_mtd ohfldren, gngttftjnd - Ameiteea Supporter* and. Belle, Shoulder Braoee,Bn*- »nM, Htaatto Blocking*, and Syringe* to gnat Ya rSrty/Lodiee’ Depertoent, TWELFTH Street, first door below Baoe. Conducted hr competent ladies. ' jySS-Smlf NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. -NTEW YORK AUTUMN IMPORT. BRITISH GOODS. SAMUEL McLEAN St 00.. 38 AND 41 PARK PLACE, AKtom o? o# “’ * nd *” by owh *»»« resolving ad fancy dbfb&goods, BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS, BBOWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND COLORED ALAAOAB, BLACK AND COLORED OOBTJBBa, BLACK AND COLORED DB LAINBS, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN GOODS, DBBBGEB. LAV ELL AS, PLAID AND FANCY LONG AND BQUABB SHAWLS, To an examination and purchase of which they respect* felly fcnrite buyers. - SAMUEL McLEAN & 00, - 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, % &ul9-12i* NEW YOBK. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TUBT PUBLISHED. « CHOICE HYMNS ” a companion to the “ Silent Comforter" ™ ‘‘Green Pastures,” for w In hospitals, theaiclt chamber, Ac, Printed in large type,'and intended to be mmg upon the waller near the bed of invalid,, so that the Hymns oanbe.earily read. Folio. Price 60 cents. Published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUN DAY-SCHOOL UNION. No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, and at 689 BROADWAY, New York. au2L2t « FTlflE REPUBLICAN.”—The first .L Number of a Campaign Paper, devoted to the Union, the Constitution, and the election of A BIOS BRIGGS, Beg., to the Mayoralty, and the entire Bepob- Hearn Ticket, will be issued about the 15th of September. au2l-6t* MEW GYMNASTICS.—New Gym- XY naatic# for Men, Women, and Children; By Dio Bewis, lL D. With 300 ffluitrations, 81- Foams of Arihur Hugh Clough, blue and gold, 75 cents. Volume 9 Lockhart’s Life of Scott, Boston edition, 75 cents. ~ Portrait of Major General Pope, 68 cents. For sale by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MABOTN, »nl2 606 CHESTNUT Street EDUCATIONAL. "■ doabding school for young AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lancaster Oo , Pn. PnpHs admitted at any time. Addreea the Principal, «0221W# E.L. MOO BE. rpBOY FEMALE SEMINARY.— A This Institution offers the accnmnlated advantages of nearly fifty years of successful operation. Every .facility is provided foraJhororxgh eonrae of nse. fnl and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teachers. For Circulars, apply to sn22-2m JOHN H, WILLARD, Troy, N. Y. QPRING GARDEN ACADIMI FOR KJ YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. N. E. cor. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets.—The NINTH Scholastic Year begins MONDAY,-September Bth. Pupils pre pared for College and business. Circulars may bo found' at the Academy. Rev. A. B. BULLIONS, a022.1m* . - . Principal. FOR SALE AND TO LET. A part of a furnished HOUSE WANTED by a email family, In central location. Address Box 1395, Post Office. nn22-tf To military board con- TBAOTOBS—Two Trench Swivel Looms for sole— -8600 cash for both, 8850 for 010. Beady harnessed. Nulingar make. Address P. O. Box 1207. au2l*Bt fg FOB SALE, -OR EXCHANGE Kl for a good city PROPERTY, a FARM end COUN TRY SEAT, containing 120 acres, 90 under cultivatipn, in Susquehanna oonnty, Pa.,l mile from the State line, 8 mite* from Binghamton, on the New York and Brie Railroad, and 8 miles from Great Bend. The bnEldiogs are ail that can be desired. There is also a beautiful lake on one aide of the Diace, one mile in length, afford* ing splendid boating and fishing. For further particu lars inquire of J. D/REINBOTiI, au2l-St*. No. 436 WkLNUT Street. T?OR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures, JL- or Fixtures without Stock, of the Grocery Store northeast corner SIXTH and BUTTONWOOU Street*. Inanire on the premises. Fixtures entirely; new and of the most approved stylo. aulo-7t* TO LET—The new STORES and ■cS-DWELLINGS Not. 108 end 110 South ELEVENTH Street, replete with modern conveniences Inquire of THOMAS S. STBWABT, S. E. comer SIXTH and WALNUT, or 623 South TENTH Streets. anl9-st* gg' FOR SALE— A leautiful COT ■BL- TAGE, and six acres of Ground, in the interior of Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged for ax academy or first-class school, near a thriving village, ftad-in a healthy ‘ ; Also- admirable DWELLING and Lot, In New Bloom field, Perry county, Penna. Also, a large number of cottages, lots, and other pro* parties, for sale or exchange. B. F. GLENN, 128 South FOURTH Street, * aulfl and 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. *£ FOR RALE —A desirable Farm, containing 127 acres, two mites from Railroad Sta tion, twenty mitee from the city, in Montgomery county. Also, a fine Farm, itaorea, five minute* walk from fidl. road-Station?" and near Steamboat Landing, 16 mile* above the city. Also, a number of fine Fruit Farms, in the State* of Delaware and Maryland, on the most ac commodating terms. Apply to B. PETTIT, ' aul6 - l No. 809 WALNUT Street dft FOR SALE—Store Properties, nviih good improyements, having afew acre* ofl&nd attached, in Buck* and Chester counties. Term* eoey. Alto, Lease and Furniture of a number of Hotel* in the city and country. Also, a number of Farms in tlfe ad jacent counties. Apply to E. PE tTIT, able 809 WALNUT Btreet. TO LET—The STORE Mud FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, next to new post office. REMOVAL. The GUN and FISHING TACKLE Store will be re moved to 415 CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER Ist Inanire of PHILIP WILSON A 00., Jy2S*tf 432 CHESTNUT Street S FOR SALE OR TO LlT—Four Bouse*, on the west ride of BBOA£ Street, below Colombia avenue. Apply at the southwest comer of NINTH and SANSOM Street*. mhSe-tf eta TO LET—Dwelling No. 24 South ■» SEVENTEENTH Street Apply to ' WETHEMLL A BROTHER, No. 47 North SECOND Street TO RENT—A THREE-STORY ■H BRICK —"hiinOTM Street near Seventeenth, north aide. Apply to" ■ - WXTHBBILL * BROTHER, jel2 47 end 49 North SECOND Street eTO KENT—A THBEE-3TOBY BBIOK DWELLIHG, on BACK Street, one door eboYs,Twelfth, riae. Bent lew to a good tenant. Applrto WETHJBBIIiL & BBOTHXB, 47 told 49 North SECOND Street. mo DISTILLERS. The DISTILLEBY known as the “PHOENIX” ftsd formerly owned acd occanied by SAKIi. SMfTH« situated,on TWENTY.THEBD, between BAGS and YH?X Shreelß, PMladdpMa, Capacity 800 bushels per day, Is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating tenns. Is in good running order, and has all file modern improvements. An Artesian welt on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. X.OQKB & Go, 80. 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. &22dtf WANTS. VALUABLE PATENTS NOW BEADY—FABTKEB WANTED—Sure thing— CHEAP—Address or call on “ Patentee,” DambertviUe, N. J. au23.-7t* TXTANTED—By a Lady competent V v to teach EnaUsh, French, and 'Music, a SITU ATION AS TEACHES, either in a private family or school, er as visiting teacher. Address “Teacher,” No. 1720 BAGS street, Btatlng No objection to living the. city. anlBmwf r Bt* WANTE D .—2OO Wagon-makers, Blacksmiths, and Wood-worker*, to fld vacan* cies for SLlistments in the United States Army.; Apply to HENRY SIMONS. £ United States National Wagon Works, Corner SECOND and GUMBEBLaND Streets, anie. at* : Pliflsdeiphta, Pa. BOARDING. A GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD 21. for hi* WIFB mg TWO CHILDREN, to a iwyectobto hrivate family, fa fhe anburha of the city. Address “ YOLNNTEBB,” Office of The Prat, ctatlng locality, tones, &fl. ao2l4£# CIRCULATING LIBRARY. WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRGU • LATINO LIBRARY.—AiI iha NEW KsgiUh and American Boohs, including ALL GLASSES of Lite rature. This la file ONLY Library In the country that. Includes nil the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not SEPBINTSD here. Terms $6 per year ; 8 months 88; three months SIA9, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street jy7-to* CABINET FURNITURE. PABINET FURNITURE AND RIL KJ liabd tables. MOORE & CAMPION. No. 261 South. BEOONB Street, to oonnoction with their extonalye Cabinet Bajtoeaa, an now nuomtoctortog a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a M supply, finished with the MOOSE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to aE others. v , For the auAity and finish of Tables the manu- Jhotorers refer to their numerous patrons throughout The Union, who are familiar with the oharmeter of their work. feSft-fim SAFES. ■to LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RM SbMhOVEB to No. 21 Booth SEVENTH Street, o*. the Franklin Inetitnte. _ . _ _ _ The undersigned, thankful tor past teregs, and bMaf determined to'merit future patrons** bMi seomed at .elegant and convenlmit h*“» x&w on ajua. « V Lmie’* Bank Y«at Doom and Loeki win bo funthtef > toordoronabortntotoe. Thtol*toe attonjfant,he«t pfe Door and Look yet offered. attentton to aa* to Lfllie’. Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Sato to cow- ‘ oededtoeurpa— to ftytoand eleganoaanythtoi bred tor ttto jnrpoas, and to the sol, one toatto •toieUj fire and burglar .root Bnoui.Ho*n».—ltamsowoß hand pay twenty oi Parrel, Herring, * Oo.’« Safea, moat of them nearly naw : and tone forty of other maknt*, oomyrtofag a oomptotl aaaoriment ae to itoe*, and all lately exchanged for toe bow celebrated Lfflto Safa. They win ba nfidatnw lownrioea. Plaaaa can and examine. J»»-fa1f M. 0. SADLEB, Afant. BSa EVANS S WATSON’S £319 SALAMANDER SAFE BTOBE, . 16 SOUTH FOURTH BTBEBT, PHILADELPHIA, FA. A torn Tariety of FIBE-PBOOF BAFHS alwayj os hand. AUCTION SAUIBS. MARSHAL’S BALE. By virtne or a writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the Dletrict Oonrt of the United States, in and for the Eastern Dish Jot of Fean- Sjlvanitt, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, FOB n dPTT, at SAMUEL 0. COOK’S AUCTION STORE, Ne. 184 wSOUTH FBONT STREET, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, USE, AT 10K O’OLOOK, A toygnaMoriment of DRY GOODS, eompriring IRISH LINENS, MUSLINS, FEINTS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIBERIES, HOSIERY. BESTS., <*«-, Jx. Goods arranged for examination with catalogues, one day previous to sale. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. 8. Marshal R. D. of Pa. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BY W. L. WALL & GO., auc tioneers. > the Save! Observatory. w»baL, near ON MONDAY, August 25th, 1862, conunencing at 100’dock, AM. number of - HORSES AND MULES,- Condemned Be unilt for public service. Texma, cash, in Government fund a. Captain A. Q M. U. S. A. nnlS-125 W. L. WALL A 00., Auctioneers. AMUSEMENTS. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Hi Open daily (Sundays excepted) trout A. M.tSl § P- M. Admission 26 cents. Ohffdron half price. Bbarea ef Stock, 830. Jyo SUMMER RESORTS. CONGRESS HALL. . ATLANTIC CITY. REDUCTION OF FARE. On and Mter Monday. Angust 28th, the boarding at UODgreesHall will be greatly reduced. Persona intending to flat the eea shore in the latter part of the tmarm. being the most pleasant menth,) should stop at Gopgree* Hall, a* it te conveniently near to the beaetu and every comfort of Hie guest* ii prompdy attended to. Xhope, by reducing the price of board, to meet with such encouragement a* will enable me to keep the horn* open until the first of October, guaranteeing that the house shall be kept a* well in every respect a* it ha* been heretofore under the management of the present proprietor/ STOP AT CONGRESS HALL. an22-tf O. W. HINKLB. EXCURSIONS, m HO! FOR THE CAPES! f IMHI-BJs GRAND EXCURSION TO CAPE MAT. The fine steamer WILLIAM KENT, Oapt. J. T Bmtt, will make an EXCURSION TO GAPE MAY, on TNni- DAY, August 26, leaving Arch-street wharf at 9 o'clock, A M., stopping at Cheater, Marcus Hook, and New Ou tie; Returning leaveOape May at 8 o’clock on Wednw day. Tickets tor the excursion, including carriage bin, S 2-60. anZl-O* ST——B EXCURSION TO ■,M. l „,ll!.J!,!bw=3BEg . ATLANTIC CI*Y BY TH» YOUNG CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. TBUBSDAY, August 28.1882. - Fifty sick and wounded soldier* will accompany th* excursion, under the care of the Army Committee. Boats leave Tine-street Wharf at 6 o’clock A. M. Trains leave Atlantic City id 5 85o’clock P. iff. Tfckets, $l-25. Children, 65 cent*. au2l-(tt* ISinß EXTRA NOTICE. FOR THE SEA-SHORE. MAIL TRAIN, ON BUNBAY NEXT, AUGUST SGb, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. 'Leaves VINE-STREET FERRY at 7.30 A. M. Returning, leaves ATLANTIC 4.40 P. W. This Train will stop at ALL Stations going and lit is n log. Fare to ATLANTIC and back, for this day aad thfe train, only 8125. tTOHN Gh BRYANT, auSl.St - AGENT. J3«»faesg3 WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA bax&~ BOAD, VIA MEDIA. . PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND Through the finest Country, and the most bewdM Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week unfifi further notice an Extra Train will leave West Chester «t 6.55 P. M. tor Philadelphia. Passengers buying Excursion Tickets can take etthav the 2 or A3O P. M. Train from Philadelphia, and that, or 6.55 P. M. Train from West Chester. BOUND-TRIP TICKETS FROM PHILADELPHIA, to all Stations east of West Cheater, good on any of Hat above Trains, out or in. may be had on these days OHLIn at EXCURSION BATES, good only on the day* issued* For further information, apply at the Ticket OffloeTfig the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH aad MAR KET Street*. JUffTDHiiGHTiBJL LooATiotra rom StnariK Boixrane ox thii Lam or in* Bold. jda-fawfs if IMPORTANT TO RLE AS TIRE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPANK Ib prepared to leene, during the Bummer, iktoh greatly redneed rates as fellows: _ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKBTB For one, three, efx, nine, or twelve montha, at nay tow rate*, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the Itoe of toe road during the summer.. From and after Jnly 1,1842, a still greato* reduction ha* been made on these ticket*. COUPON TICKETS For twenty-air tripe between any two point, at abowt two cento per mile.. These tickets are intended tor ton n»BoflEffiiSwAm'^lh'gffeioently,and areoTgnatafi. vantage to person* maStog oocagonal tripe. SCHOOL TICKETS " . For one or three months, for the use of acbolv* at tending school to toe dtp. Living on or near toe, One of toe road, and havtofi oooeodon to use toe road freunentiy in their (deatoai capacity, are fnmlahed with oertidcates entitling (baa to travel at half fare. Applications to be made ootr to Enoch Lewie, General Superintendent, at Altoona. KXCtIBSIOH TICKETS leaned at half fare to partiee of over, forty, good fax any reaeonabto time. EXCURSION TICKETS during toe Summer an *oli at greatly reduced rates, for toe benefit of those seek ing recreation from business, or to pursuit of habßk. These tickets are gMd for ten days, and are issued IQ OBEBSON (top of toe Allegheny Mosntatoa}, AL TOONA (fbot of toe mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPHBATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and oard* oi the road. For Through Ticket* apply at the office or theOna* pany, Southeast comer of ELETEZITH and Iff A till MX Btmete, JAMES COWDEN, Afent. I.KWIB t HOUPT, General Ti°kot Agent JylS-teal ; notice.—north; BS9S3 PENNSYLVANIA R AIR- REMOVAL OB PABBENGER DEPOT from FRONT and WILLOW Streets to THE HEW DEPOT, TfilED BTSEET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET. On and after MONDAY, September Ist, 1862, as Pas senger Trains on tbin road will leave THENEWDSPrT, THIRD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET, instead of FRONT and WILLOW Streets, aa at vteewß. AU Trains will atop at BERKS Street, aa runaL Wbite Cars of Third-Street City Passenger ?iae m directly to the new Depot. KIRIS CLARK, anSo>l2t Agent. ’ NOTICE. —PHlLA- *eg<re«4Mr>< Ll I* nm.TBTH. GEBMAKTOWTT. AND KOBEXSTOWH RAILROAD. _____ The destruction of the WIS9ASIOKQN BBIPOK does sot interfere with the regular shipment ox Ireubs t.^taßwvfcrto.ftoßgg-^ General freight Agent. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. ■CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, KBIT lOBK SuAMSIf July 1* 18«1. An attempt has been made to deoelre the public by penona offering whet they caff “Cosomss Wat«*» bom fonntelne, and at the price of six (8) cento pergiaae. The wholesale price of the penuiße Oongreea Water, at Hew York, being about 7# oenta per glaae, the tapoet «on of pretending to aril at retail at leen than coat, anfe wtthoot allowance fcr bright, cartage, or breakage, la apparent; but their probable oonree baa been to empty one bottle of genuine Oongreea Water Into afirantata filled with their trash, ana thereby ohrfatening «• total oonteats. Wahneiwm Hold Oongrera Water In tonnialu, no* InTeodiol nr otter description th&n ordlnur-etart thegemiiMftl traded, And snr Without - theme mod* aodM OONOBEBS ten on the cork b O. *W. WATBB. whether born tarn- —— ' OBABK* * WHITM, Proprietor* of Congress Spria*. 5 gentlemen are milled by tu regnlarfp Goagnaa Wafer, la bottlea, freeh Brsm tka "OongriaeSßrin*: . frKKP'K BBOWH, cor. glfth and Ohaataat at*. 0. B. HUBBELL, 141O0tiastant street fcrHAB. HiUB * 00.. Market street. B.J BTBVENB & CO- Sontinsntsl HoteL AHBBOSE SMITH, Cheatant street . J. 0. TDBHPBHHX * 00., #« Brow* THOB. J. HUSBAND, oor. Third andS»raofl» WTMH Bros., Walnut a***- OItAKKE & WHITE; jagO-totf /CURRANTS ANI> RAISINS—SO L/ bbta choice new enioU Zante Current.; *1», y«- 107 South WAT*B Shoot. J. J. DANA. HENRY WOODs Superintendent nouiinnus
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers