hpmtofor* 00-operated. lam i ,-Sk W |U be displayed amongst you. I ' lem 6 f ?w evening, »*‘he meetings which were dUOTDiof Philadelphia, fur the W»’’Lihig probation* *° n-mtnate the usual f rf4» of 'fall election. a large nnmber of Democrats ’Sffu iindly participated with the Bepnhll- At*»'S o ?7 in forming a now organiasthm. "?/ St" l A °wt this is th« tone that alone can save the t ’‘"“in fer ns to expect onr gallant men W- ? «, lighting bravely there when we are idle <0 b n is in vain for a man who sends his fit) «. to assist those sons by contributing 'iu»' tf „Sthe men who are opposed to the Ad- TOie to s ff 51r. Liucoln, for yon cannot separate from the Government. Mark you: d» ,0,1 " r eot peace times. On ordinary occasions, ;,»r« wa fr i Mir attack the Bepnblloan National or PM» w f ~u#tion. and the Bepnblloan may attack I* Adrt file National or State Administration, and iluno; we can live happily under either «i, c° id” jjnE now, every attempt to weaken the jt |,!r * !m ‘of Mr. Linools weakens to that extent the MleW r ?T[ho United States and destroys your cause. „(*»»• .non rho are now working, sympathizing, *ll of IW ,Y» clandestinely and openly, to elect what members of Congress—’what tatheir • e>U ,m#un i« to send men to the Honse of Ml who will ▼«!« prrelsely as their prede pprf,el ’ urecklnrldge party—snoh men as Mr. Jots l«i‘J* Ancm a, and others—have voted, ilandl|”*ff,' ..iiirmrt that tbmooraoy which is now 1 Tt and which, I repeat, Is tolling to inst tbe con A( | m j o iKt ati .n. If yon deprive Mr. rak House of Ropres ntatlves, he will belike ,t(rfn <d ' to rim on three logs; he will have no bein' y. eWtioiable, disgraceful, and humiliating vM, W?" ( , l)|]Sl ,iuoßce. We are alauthtored by onr ,<* 1* ‘ ami we are made t 8 prey not sftnply of ,n s, but of those with whom they sym »lhW lo . f fSn (Ins great cause Via arousing, while it ThUF’, 1 re w son to. day, will be ten times stronger rj tt f* *|[" ‘J in one month from thls time you will Use rtl portion of » onr city who will dare jujams l, st tho war [Cheers.] The feeling •WfWwd yesterday, in Delaware, is best mani !rb loutsell ink »f the sentiments prevalent Id kTulers ot (he various religious denominations. Paver. Delaware, upon the stand erected for (peed Mg. . B gathering, clergymen of almost s*l""?,, «sraiis9loi!?, and I heard that in the city of II idlpM” ,j 1( , giorlmts Catholic priest was in tbe (Vllo'.rS 1 ™ nvery Sunday, patriotism from his JdMt "i jHiiirg upon his ohoir : lo sing the Star jwijdh | Loner. When this feeling gets abroad; gfM* 1 ™ ‘ [T „,! C( ,, as It must pervade, all classes; vMß'jjittilizes and soddlttes, the Northern men trM 1 11 calling you to meet in Independence ,M wilt x° mound trying to get oertillcatcs HJ* th»= they have alwaye been patriotic. ' ] Von will not need then to send for them inni their lings, as yott did when Sumpter foil: 1,11 iii h«ns them out tbepiselvee, and be only too glad iff »* tlioy"have always been right; and our friend ! I "n!f e hor, who nan taken upon himself the sobritjnst iJciest Brpr under, will have ample time to vetlre ™iyfield»s»political physician and attend to his ~Li of Irilog to deprive the heirs of Stephen Girard / lEerwlncl* of that great estate.. These heirs, un reruitid, d, are yon wi o are before me—the ‘.Hu children who ato enjoying the benefit* of si liberality of that prlnooly and muoifloent ffrenob- M Yes, my countrymen, that day is coming, and < a ri f t()0 , BC d I implore yon now to believe me when I t>tv ?k.t never, at any period in the world’s history,were WJ. retards held cut to men if they but do their duty— Sfarf, cot simply on the battle field, but reward in pri life—the reward of having done all they conld to their country—the reward of saving the OonsHtu . I n{ ] t ed, oi saving the Union that was made before «?» Ifeortitutioo, and of protecting mankind from the *. mHUtfau Ot tbe overthrow of w* only free Government nnttsfaceof'hee.ith, (DroatapmanTO.)^ ttr B Bhehai! Baoheniie was now mtrodnoed. Ho hats that, slier five > p ars of adopted oitiaenship, he for lh» flrtt tlmo heard bis own voice at a public meeting. It to as the chairman said, the pride of the country that It lire* canal crlvlligcs to the cttlseas, native or adopt ./ 7hs Irishmen of America have done their duty to thslr adopted country, and the Government has ac ksawledged Ibeli value. ■ , , , Yls speaker ollmlK) to Colonel Corcoran, who is to be hue fo-doy, and landed the Prealdent. for promoting him. Any Unn> within fifty years past we might have taken Mexico. The French tried'it, but found their inisrs horned, H e could take Cuba if we wanted It, joS Canada also, but we do not want them. We make vm causeless wnr Now we arc Battling for freedom, for onr eonntry, for a Government tbe best the World ever hut. that must endure when the sovereignties of Earope ■have trembled Into dust. To the President the speaker paid a high tribute, and declared that lie Bbonld doubt the wisdom of God If ho doolilM that liincoln was raised up by Providence to tirics the nation out of its troubles. fAopiause.J R*v. J. Walker Ja r kson closed the 1 t of speakers with S characteristic speech, and the meeting dispersed with p,nch enthusiasm. Passage of Regiments.— Tlie 16th Jlaluo Beglmrat passed tbrongh this city, after being re jfotliod at tlio Washington- street saloons, about eleven o'clock Met evenis?, , The 113th Hew Fork Regiment was expected to paw through aboulllro o'clock this morning During thin evening the Roohe.ter regiment (the 108th Jicw York, r -nl. Paltoor ) will go on to Baltimore, if not Jelajfdby tmfore ee,i circi.nat luces. A detachment of 800 men, ot the 2d Battalion of the 18th Regulars, left Fort Hamilton yesterday morniug, and passed car Befraahmesit Saloons at four P. M, They Will join the regiment in Virginia, where It is now sta tioned, junior commnul of General Pupe. The 12th Ee gnlar Iterlraent coni in, ■, with tele reinforcement, twelve companies. aud two others are nearlr full. The jet Battalion is toll, and Imß been tn the field for some fiats. The 2d Battalion will be completed as soon as the men at the different stations can b« c fleeted at heud- Cttsrten. 2.400 men will constitute the regiment Ties regiments from the State of Uaine will go on le Washington this week. . Fotfr regiments of Oonneoticnt troops are now ready to start for the war, Great Pedestrian Feat at ME DIA.—Mr, Edward Paison Weston, ftho walked from Boston, Massachusetts, to Washington, in ten cousecu five data to witness the lnangu'fttfon of President Bin ciln, will repeat tils great teat at Media, commencing on Monday, September 1. ..A large and shady field near tbs depot has bretr selected, upon wh>ch to perform the task, Mr. Weston is a youug man, about twenty-three jwb of ago, and a resident of Boston. Hole to walk tie enliredistance (f„nr hundred and eighty miles) ln- Slde eight coeseentiro days, wit boot walking on bnnday, thereby gitieg him only seven da) s’ time to aoeompllah the task, The following is the plan laid out as his time-table, to Commence Monday, rabor 1; Starting at 3;,' P. SI., aud walk 40 mtlas to 12 P. hi. Tuesday, Seaemlier 2, •tatting at 1% A Id,, and to Walk lOf milts in imnty-f our consecutive hours to A. M. on Wednesday Wednesday, Sept-mber 3, starting at 3% P. M., and Mtk3sniUeßtoll)i p M. . Thursday September 4, starting at 6 A. M., and walk B miles to 8 I*. It. Friday, 6ep'tinber 8, starting at 5 A. M. r and walk i: miles to 0 P. M. Saturday, Peptemberv.6, starting at 4 A,"M., and walk B tnild to 9P. a, . . - . Sunday, September 7 not to walk between 12 Saturday Sight and 12 bur-day ciaht. liotday, September 8, starting at 1 A. M., and walk SO tulles to 10 P. If \ Tuesday, Septituber 9, starting at 6 A, M., and walk S 3 miles to 3J< V lit Tola!, four hundred and eighty mills. Fire,—Yesterday afternoon, about 8 c*c!ock, ft tire broko out hi the loft of ft ttftble, at Ridge Meant and Willow streets. The stable was a one story btiok bonding, with a frame loft, and belonged to the Eegts Ice Company, H,B-re, pornell A Headrya proprte tore. The upper p »rt of the building and the contents of the loft were ilostroi ed. At the time of the fire all the bone* were oat of the stable except one, and that waa rescued with nmeh difficulty, .Admit half a ton of M? and slot of geara were burned. A large frame shed connecting wiVli the stable waa demdiahed. The shed wtd roof of the ioe-huuee took fire, and was partially de* I’eilioiie Of two cargoes of Boston Ice, valued bB ’ ily ID -' llrf<i bf water. . The damage to , 5 . 819 ert "n*ted to be 81,600, which Is partially cowed hf igaui ance, Awning (he etelile on the south Is a two-story brick bnMmg,owned hi John Gray, end occupied by Cnrlstian laenrer as slsger-fceer saloon and dwelling-house The Building was slightly Injured, and the lumlture con- SlCerftMr damaged by water. : The ire is believed to have been occasioned by the WtohievonEnesa of bo»t. Two boys, who were seen stoat the prtmlfes jn*t bft'ore tne alarm of fire was given, were arrested and locked ap In the Fonrteenth iftoil elation,honsu to await an investigation, 1 Owing the Are a serious disturbance among the fire men occnrred, ooviuiontd by several companies playing water upon each other. The disturbance was. however, gremplty chocked by the active exertions of Assistant Engine* r Downey, aided by the police. Some half a dozen of the firemen were arreßted, taken before magis trates and held to bail Chief Engineer r,yla was pot present, being oonflned to els bed by sickness. The whole charge of the fire upon Assistant Engineer Downey, who ac» •anltted himself in a highly praiseworthy manner. Personal —General W. W. Burns arrlred at the St Lawrence Hotel last evening, and was serenaded by the baod ot Baxter’s Fire Zouaves. Gen. cares made a brief and appropriate speoch, thanking tin band tor ditconridng snob sweet music, and hoping to nave jnst sncn a band to play for Me brigade a» tt »h .old enter Richmond at some fntnreday, when it shall fall— to It surely will—into the hands of our Government. Ben. Burns' brigade is composed ot Cot. Baxter'sFlro Zouaves, Col. Moo-chead’a regiment, Oel, Wistar’s Cali fornia regiment, and Ooi. Owen’s Irishf9th Regiment, to gallant a brigade as ever eet foot in the field. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Pbii.4oHl.psia, August 20,1802 Th» proposition of the Secretary of the Treasury to tnee thirty- five millions of notes of lets denominations than fire dollars, which at first was looked noon with hltt little favor, 1. likely to become one of the most useful hid popular inovi s of that able and sagacious financier. The targe quantities of the issues of neighboring States that flooded out chy several months since, with the issue) t>f our interior banks, bave nearly disappeared, and our *Hy banks are scarcely able to supply the wants of onr trading eemmueity. t White the demand is steadily In • ottßalng, and as soon as the contractors for army clothing hod e<inlpage are fully under way, which will be In a few Jays, the amount necessary for thefr use' alone will be Immense, Ih« stock market was very much depressed, and a tumble In prior s, the bears having things very ftach their owe way. Outsiders will no doubt be anxious to realize, which will have a tendency to lower prices, baited Blales coupon sixes, ’Bl, said down to 100#, and “» T,30 Loan at 103ml03#—a decline of #to #, State Jites were heavy at 89#, and the coupons at 91#—a teaceerton of X . City loans sold at 102# for the new for the old lßsnes. Pennsylvania Railroad •“•roe declined X, and the bonds were weak. In the “notes generally the “ bears ” enjoyed a marked odvaa «ge, and Beading Railroad fell off from 29# to 29# o a decline of #. The tendency In most of the Wnei flctttlcns securities wob downward. In Bank Wtatsi and Passenger Railway securities there was no “»ng* worthy of Dotloe. „ opened this morning at 14 and sold up to IS, and Bnbsequenuy foil toll#, at which figure It closed doll. •' interest Is being paid at the Mint oa the seven* ™me* of Angnst 18 ; the amount paid out yesterday *na to-day must have been large, judging from the num* Mr of persons in waiting. OH demand-no tes are In demand at about yesterday’s sflcsij hot must necessarily advance'to within two or « r * percent, of gold. Drexel jfc Co. quote ; : bSLT"? .parel-10 dis. 80 parol 10 pin. mtlmorellxchango....... ..para # dis. n-ij ~...—B-1004.i0 dis. glißemand N01e5,...,.. 7.707# Wasneonastcrs l Certificates ...I«3# dis. 4 BickB(i ll Inform us that a counterfeit teu-dol. Bote °n the Bank op Montgomery county, Pa., is now ng circulated. Vignette—Goddess of Liberty re "f i seaport on right end ; 10 above and X below : owal boat on lelt end; 10 above. Tbs New York tinning Pott of to-day says; through Mr. Cisco, the Assistant Is port, appeared In the market to-day for «L nwSL® n •*>'**■ *thlity treasury notes. The negoHatlnn ttoneh HCM 8n car *f hour this morning, and the go««l™»wanted, did not exoeel S 3 000,000, * t «Son thTm, Mree * wry easily crested the Im w“a mMDg bwera forat,mu B *S?lsrt?J* •“bsorlhers embraces the names of several Tho mp*onß™tw»* r ll Oovef ““>eat secnrltlss, lnclurting two Son, H!f si f t r ? nB “ ,lllon dolla «' The other di - , t rll> ui<id la lots or 8250,000 anil W6r ° th°e » fi r ’ ti CLft t i 6 i r^? nß, ' ion early h the day, tlm Weo oflh *S Pwpwlnsf te tell a large amonnfc the ~® Government,** ® ,O1 > I* la nnderstood that »*ssnt, and «,sf tlfif tee H to 1,880 80 ® ore notes o' “a that this sum Is needed simply to pay bounties and other obligations which cannot bo deferred till the new Treasury notes are ready. ", Tbo etock market opened with a tendency to reaction from tbo high prlcee rnling yesterday, and the decline wae accelerated hy the weakness of the Government Hat; hnt afterwards there was a better feeling wltn more dis position to buy. The deoline averages Jfffll per cent., and la meet marked on the Eries, these having risen ra pidly cf late Bmnors have also gained currency that affair* In the Bhenandoah Valley were nol progressing favorably, and after the sharp advance of thß past week, operators are naturally sensitive to disquieting report*. Money is without quotable ohange. 411 the large banking homes are offering money at 3# o 4 cent, on good collaterals. Goldie X«3i V cent, higher to da». The sales at tbe Board were small, chiefly at The brokers are buying a! 116 and selling at 116#. “ Dutiable demand noteß are firm at 107)<®10TV. fils per cent, certificates sold at Exchange on London is quiet but firm at1270127)f. Tbe Arabia, for Liverpool from Boston, takes ont only $lB,OOO in specie, Messrs. Thompson Bros! to-day as follows; . .. Discount. New England..l.s New Tork 5tate....... % East Bew Jersey 1-5 West New Jersey H Pennajltanta. % Philadelphia 1-5 Baltimore,... % Virginia, Wheeling.... 3 SI'BCIK TABLE. silver Mexican d011ar5....... .113 Spanish d011ar5........ 113 Five Frano pieces 103 French crowns.HO Prussian tha1er.. 5...... 73 English 5i1ver........,520 Species .....113 Old Amer, ba!tdollars..ll3 ** quarter d0..11l Bpan.ciuarters. per m ) Spanish and 1-IS . ] Jl,B i Hew Am. Bilvsr.;. 109®1U The exports (exclusive of specie) from Hew York to foreign ports for the week ending August 19th were #2 619.401, making s io'al. since January Ist of 380,382,736, against $81,716,273 the same period of last year. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Aug. 20. IBeported by 8. ®. SElymakbb, Fhila. Exchange.} FIBST BOABD. 60 Elmira 15 .. 13 15 Morris Cana1.,,.,42# 2S Mechanics’ 8ank..26 50 Girard 0018.0aeh.24 147 I’cnna. 8... .lota.4B# 1600 IJ 88» ’Bl .......100# 17 d 0.... 40 ii 800GS7.30TN,ond.l03# 1000 SchuylNav 8«,’82 68# 2uUO do do end.lo3 1270 American Gold. ..114 If 2000 Penna. coup. 5a.. .01# 2700 City Cs ..10t5.97 x 20 Harrisburgll 66 8000 do B, var ctfs 97# 3000 Penna B, lstmtg.lo4K 1000 North Penna 85...78 25 N. Penna. B 9# 3COO Penna. 5a.,.......39# BETWEEJ 37 Oatawissa pref... .11 6000 B 8 6s, ’81....M00# SECOND 3000 Penna B Ist mtg. 104 V 4000 do do 10 4 J# 22 Parma 2000 Beading Ob, ’BO,. .87 4000 Snnbnry A Erie 7» 95 30(0 d 0.... ...96 100 Beading 8... .M0.29X AFTER 2100 Penna 6b,........ SOB 75 N Penna B. 9K , CLOSING PBIC Bid. diked. a 805’81......100 101 I7STr7 8.10N.1038 104* Philada 08 97 V 97* Philada 6a ncnv.,lo2 102 V Penns 65....... 89 89 V Beading B 29U 2954 Bead m65’80’43.101 .. Beading bda *7O. 96# 96 Bead mt 6s >BO.. 86j|£ 87 ! Penna B ex div. 49X 4 9U Penna Him 6b. .104 104* Pennaß2m 6a..100 100* ! Morris On] Con.. 478 48 Morris Cnl Pref.ll6 .. ichNav Stock.. 4 % SV 3oh Nav Prof... 14* 16b Sob N 6s ! B2exint 67 % 68 * Elmira 8...... IS 13* Elmira R Fref.,23 26 Sam7a’7B.exint B6* Philadelphia Markets. August 20,1862 —Evening. There is very little demand for Flour, either for export or homo lisa. The city sales rep. rted are 4<J600 bbis at »S tor superfine, $5 60 tor extras, and #6.76 for extrafa mily. Oho sales to the trade range at from our lowest figures up to ®6 60»7 bbl for fancy lots, as to quality. Eye Flour is selling at S 3 50 W bid. Cora Meal is sailing at83.32#®3.254Fbb1. Wheat,—There is a good demand at former quota tions 5 sales reach ahotit 7*nQo bushels prim© and Western red, at 328®131 V bushel ; 3,000 bushels choice Pcnn’a do at 134 c ,; and some Sou them do at 135 c, and fair fa choice white at135»160c, 'Bye iB lower, with small sales at 80c bushel Corn is not so active, and prituo is felling at 64c, and Inferior at 60 c l-*' bushel. Oats are scarce ; new Delaware are selling at 33ff140c W bushel. Bahk.—First Ho. 1 Quercitron is selling at $33.60 .V, ton. Cotton.—The market continues vary dull and prices are rather lower. Gnocßnißs and Pjiotisions There is very little doing in either. 60 casks Hams selling at SolOifo, and 200 bids acd tierces Lard at 9><c lb, cash. OOOhhds Suear told at B®BJ(c fb for refining. Whisky is steady; sales of Ohio hbls at 32c; Pennsyl vania a! 30®31c, and Drudge at 25®290 <&■ gallon. CITY ITEMS. Messrs. Broadbbst & Co,, tlie celebrated Photographers of this ciir, have just added to their su perb collection for the Album floe Caries de Visile of Hon, Judge SXcUatidleas, of Pittsburg; Commodore Mc- Kean ; Lieutenant Colonel Starr, (who has just been re leased from the Richmond prison ;) the Rov. It A. Car den; Cap*. Gillies, of Delaware; Right Bev* Bishop Wood, of this Catholic diocese; Rev, William p. Breed; John Hunt, a noted preacher in the Society of Friends j Mr, Healy, the artist, and the Union General Jackson, of Kentucky, The elegant and spacious now galleries ef this lirm, Nos, 912 and 914 Chestnut street, are daily crowded with visitors. New Salmon.— -Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries. Arch and Tenth Btreets, has now in store a fresh supply of new Salmon, smoked and spiced, put up in cans. They are of very superior duality. AH other goods in the way of fine Groceries can also always be found at this store, at fair prices. Continental Hotel Saloons.—Mr. Ste vens Heemß determined to render his saloons for ladies and gentlemen as renowned for elegance and comfort as his hotel, with which they are in connection, and form a part of a complete whole. The success of those ealeons, which was doubted by a few of those who were wedded to the old restaurant system, is un fait aecompU., The public have realized and understand the difference be tween an establishment where refinement, elegance, and good taste art synonymous with economy, and the oid methods that have so long prevailed. It was asserted that the proprietor of the Continental was in ad ranee,of the times, and his endeavor to engraft the elegant Pari sian Cafe system on tho American structure, bnt the re sult proves the fallacy of the assertion. The patronage of the public is the true verdict of success. Hr. Stevens’ latest introduction, the patent temperature equaliser unseen, yet doing its work with the charm of magic, is a perfect boon. In future there can be no such thing as excessive beat or cold in these saloons. The thermome ter is the guide, and by it the temperature mOBt agreea ble to the human frame is regulated. The annoyance of flies and other seasonable luxuries of the insect tribe-is unknown in these Baloons. Dr. J. R.-Newton, late of New York, baa taken roomß at 1202 Chestnut street. The Doctor has been very successful in the treatment of various diseases, and has had crowds of patients wherever he has gone See his advertisement. The New Call for Troops.— Listen, young heroes! your country is calling ; Time strikes the hour for the brave and the true! How while the ioremost are fighting and falling, Fill up the ranks that have opened for you 1 Stay not for questions when Freedom stands gaping! Wait not till Honor lies wrapped in its pall i Brief the lips’meeting fee, swift the hands clasping— “ Off forthewars”—is eneughfor them all. Break from the arms that would fondly caress you i Hark! ’tis the bugle blast! sabres are drawn ! Mothers will pray for you, fathers will bless you, Maidens shall weep for you when you are gone. Uniforms ready made at Charles Btokea’, under the “ Continental.” Colonel Corcoran Coming to Town.—- The gallant Colonel Michael Corcoran, of the Invincible New York 09th Regiment, is coming to town. Ho will have a grand public reception, and the civil and military aulbortties will vie whh each other-in doing honor to a chieftain who did so much towards retrieving the dis grace of the bloody fio'd of BollJßun, and who baa since snffeted so severely for his bravery. Itisonder stood that Colonel 0. is going back to BixiaAt the head Of a brigade; ami that, while ia town, he will procure for himself a full outfit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & {Wilson, Bos, : 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. FiiiJros, applied steam to tlie great practical uses of the age; Morse has brought galvanism to be the daily servant of millions of men ; Newton unravelled the mazes of the stars, and made their motion the mari ner’s guide on the trackless ocean. What these men have done in their department, Granville Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, at No. 609 Chestnut street, has also accom plithod In bis branch. He has al ways been ihe first to place at the disposal of the public the latest styles of sessonable garments, at pilots twenty-fire per cent, below those of other establishments. SPECIAL NOTICES. Batchelor's Hair Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHHLOB’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be dlßtlngnisbed from nature— warranted not to lnjnretbe Hair In the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIB Instantly tarns a splendid Blacker Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by all Druggists, Ac. tlTThe Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE hOB, on tilt four tide* of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 238 Broadway and 16 Bond street), my2B-ly New York. One-Prior Clothing, of the latest Srrus, mode in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ©nh-Phioh StsAim Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22.ly JONES A 00.. 604 MARKET Street MARRIED. , BONSALL—MABSH.—On Wednesday, August 20th, by Bev. Mr. Embrfe, Dr. Wm. B. Bonsai!, TJ. 8. N., of Philadelphia, to Miss Haggle, daughter of Dr. S. N. Marsh, of Rahway, N. J. * DIED. MARTIN.—'The 20th Inst., Michael Martin, in his 60th year. 7 ■■■ ;■; The relatives andVrtends of the family are respectfnlly Invited-to attend the funeral service, at hlßlate resi dence. 1008 South Eighteenth street, below Carpenter, this .(Thursday) evening, at 9 o’clock. Interment at Peqnea, Lancaster county. i» BOBER—On the of the loth, af the real, deuce of Mr. Albert Borer, Boxborougb, Mary Anna, wife of James B Borer. Dne notice will be given of the fnneral. * LAFFRBTY,—On the 17th last., James C. Lafforty, aged 68 years. .. . The relatives and friends of the family, also, the mem bere of Meridian Bnn Lodge 168, A. Y. M., are respect folly invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Point Breeze Betel, banks of Schuylkill, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 8 o’clock. To proofed to Lutheran Onurch. PEDDLE —On Tuesday evening, Angpst 10th, Wil liam A. Peddle, in the 76th year of his age. His relatives and friends, and those of Ihs family, are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from hia late residence, No. 623. Marshall street, ou Friday afteroo in, at 8 o’clock.. [Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Lock Haven papers please copy.] . . 7 quote currency and specie Discount. Ohio and State Bk Ind, X Kentucky X Illinois and Wlscon..!* 060 Missouri 1020 Michigan......... % Canada, premium...... 10 Demand netea, 7X ®T * Victoria sovereigns.. 645 Old sovereigns 615 Twenty francs....... 435 Ten-thaler pieces..,. 850 Ten-guilder pieces.... 440 ; Spanish doubloons. .. 1760 Patriot d 0... .1680 Chid, Am. old ...118 Gold, Ami new. 115;V sol 15* Bank of England notes 545 BOABDS. 40 Elmira B ~..13 BOARD. 25 Arch-st 8..2dy5.25 10 Lehigh Nav..... 51X 10 000 Pbiia & Erie 65,.93¥ 25,000 U BOs,’Bl 100* ' 60 Snso Canal.. 5 6 Commercial 8k,.46 2 Harrisburg 8,. .66K BOABDS. 25 Penna B 49* IBS—STEADY. Bid. diked. L Island 8..... 17X 18 LehGlAN.x-dTiblX 62 LoCl ANavßCp, 29 29X N Penna 8...,. 9V 10 NPaß6s 77X 78 NPa 8105...,. 100 101 CatawßCon... 3X 3X Catawissa Prf.. 10i 11X Sec A Third St B 70 Raced: Vlne-stß 10X 10* W Phils B . . 63 Spruce & Pine.. 12X 13 Or £ Ooarer exd 32 34 OhestA Waiexd 38 40 Arch' Stexdiv. 25 25V Thir A Fift’nth. 17 18 Jov’h A Nine’ll. .. 7 Oirard College.. 28X 24V Tenth A Elev’tb.Sl 32 BUBLEY—On third day mornlng.TOth inst, after a lingering illness, which sb» bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, Mary Phipps, wife of Aaron A. Hurley, eged 50years. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, on sixth day afternoon, 22d inst, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. GRANT,—On the 19th inst,, William Grant, aged 33 years. ' ■ ' *• ‘ HOLLAND.—On the 19th inst. John, son of Patrick J. and Amelia J. Holland, aged 18 months and 7 days. * FOSTER.—On the 19th inst., Arthur Foster, In the 78th year of Ms age. * MoHALE.—Ou the 19th teat., Peter MoHala, aged 36 years. • >* MALONE. —On the 19th lent., Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Malone* aged 10months. * DE FELON.— Suddenly. on the 13th inet., at the Mili tary Hospital, Barrison’s Landing, in the 28th year of bis ege, Michael Dcvolon, of .Co. I, list Pennsylvania Volunteers. *■ O’MiDDIN —On the 19tu inst., Mrs. Isabella O’Mad din, daughter of the late Matthias J. O’Uonway, in the 60th year of her sge. * t ; BONHAM,—On the 19th inst, of typhoid fever, Isaiah P. Bonham. ■* >-, LARGE.—On the 19th inst., Win. O. Large, in his 21st year. . * OBITUARY. HAMILTON—?n. B. Hamilton, Ewj., formerly o re sident of this till, died at bis farm, in Baltimore county, Maryland, on Tocsdar, 11th inst.; eged 83 years. , ■ Mr. Hamilton removed to, Maryland some fifteen years since, and , has been devoting all his energies, mentally and .physically, to the agricultural interests of the State. He was en uncompromising friend of the Union, and an silent supporter of the Administration in their efforts to put down this unholy rebellion. In his death Mary land and the country loses a friend. Mourning store.—besson& SON, Sol 918 CHESTNUT Street. . Black Monsseline de Laines, double widths. Black Tamisos. Black Summer Bombazines. Black English Bombazines. Black Alpacas, bombaziue finish. Black Gros Grain and Poult de Solo SUkS. Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. , - Black Barege Barnaul. Black Bilk Grenadines. Black and White Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. jy2B tYW* TO THE CITIZENS OF PHIfcA LLJ DELPHIAr The Deputy United States Marshals, appointed for the City of Philadelphia, to make an enrollment of citizens subject to military duty, will enter upon their duties at 12 o’clock M., this day. All citizens are respectfully re quested to afford evr ry facility to these officers to enable them to discharge faithfully the duties of their appoint ment, and see that responsible members of their families are present to furnish Buch information as may bo re quired by them in the discharge of their duties. WILLIAM MILLWABD, August 21,1862. United States Marshal. United States Marshal's Office,; Rasters Dis trict of Fbskstlvasia, August 20,1862. The following-named citizens are hereby appointed Deputy United States Marshals for the County of Phila delphia, for the purpose of making an enrollment of the citizens subject to military duty, in accordance with the order of the President of the United States, dated August 9,1862, and will report to this Office on Thursday, 21st Instant, at 12 o'clock, M. : WILLIAM MILLWABD, United States Marshal, FI BBT WARD. First Precinct—Thomas Lewer. Second Precinct—John P. Bouvier. Third Precinct—John Patrick. Fourth Precinct—Stephen Hamilton, Fifth Precinct—lfaac Shuster. Sixth Preoinct—Frank G. Saxton. Seventh Precinct—Edward Wore. Eighth Precinct—David Hamilton. Ninth Precinct—James De Gong. Tenth Preoinct—John D. Beers, Eleventh Preeinm—Samuel Smith. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—James Zimmerman, Becond Precinct—Andrew Boebler. Third Precinot—Marcus A. Davis. Fourth Precinct—Andrew P Gluley. Fifth Precinct George M. Orap, Sixth Precinct—B. O. Tit tone ary. Seventh Precinct—James M, Gibson. Fighth Precinct—Samuel Sweeney. Ninth Precinct—William Duffy. Tenth Precinct—Edmund Hopner. Eleventh Precinct—Oliver p. Waite. THIRD WARD. First Precinct- Second Preciact—James W, Thompson. Third Precinct—George F. Tost. Fourth Precinct—John 8. Hiskey. Fifth Precinct—A Bedstreake, Sixth Precinct—William Davis. Seventh Precinct—J M. Fletcher. Eighth Precinct—John Davis- FOURTH WARD. Firet Precinct— Second Precinct—Samuel Murphy. . Third Precinct—Joseph J. Heilaoa, Fourth Precinct—-—-—. —. Fitth Precinct—John Whitehead. Sixth Precinct—Edward Walker. Seventh Precinct— John Whiteatono. Eighth Precinct—Richard George. Hinth Precinct—Joseph O. Nichols. Tenth Precinct—William Watson. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Samuel B. Savin. Second Precinct—Wiiliam T. Pisrco. Third Precinct—T W. Chandler. Fourth Precinct—lt 8. Gilbert Fifth Precinct Isaac S. Atkinson Sixth Prccir ct—W G. Gilbert Seventh Precinct—John Gibbs. Eight Precinct—John 8. Warner. SIXTH WARD. Eighth Precinct—Adam Edenbaum, SBV*NTH WARD. First Precinct—Joseph flfirkie. Second Precinct—Caleb Walker. Tbird Precinct—George R. Mason. Fourth Proeinet—John Morrow. Fifth Precinct—William Budd. Sixth Precinct—W. W. Watt, Seventh Precinct—Daniel Vincent Eighth Precinct—Samuel Graham. EIGHTH WARD. Firet Precinct—E. E Smith, Second Precinct—Frederick Scheldt. Thiid Precinct—Frank Johnson. Fourth Precinct—Harry Mclntyre. Fifth Precinct—James B Keyset. Sixth Precinct—William Hindus. NINTH WARD. First Precinct—Thomaß Grant. Second Precinct—Samuel Price, Third Precinct—Cyrus Horne. Fourth Precinct—John Bosler. Fifth Precinct—Morris J. Parker. Sixth Precinct—John Whilden. Seventh Precinct—Charles Young, Eighth Precinct—James Kelly. TENTH WARD. First Precinct—Thomas Lawrence. Second Precinct—Theodore Street Third Precinct—George Pflipps. Fourth Precinct—Thomas Massey. Fifth Precinct—John Bollock. Sixth Precinct —A. Bartholomew. Seventh Precinct—Paul J. Eesicfc. Eighth Precinct—George L. Miller. . • ELEVENTH WARD.' First PrecinGt— Jcsrph Benham. : Second Precinct—Palmer Bursa. Third Precinct—Godfrey Haines. ' Fourth Precinct— Nathan Barrett. Fifth Precinct—John Lucie!. Sixth Precinct—George K. Wise. Seventh Precinct—Jacob J Gumper.. Eighth Precinct—Obariee Webster- TWELFTH WARD. First Precinct—Brock Watson. Second Precinct—William Andrea*. Third Precinct—Samuel Z. ’Brock. Fourth Precinct—Nathan Sparing. Fifth Precinot—Char-es Oake. Sixth Precinct—David B. Sharpe. Seventh Precinct—Edward Johnson. tbibteekthwabd.- First Precinct—lsaiah P Fitter. Second Precinct—Joseph Sibbs. Third Precinot—Morris AfHiok. Fourth Precinct—Joseph Hemphill. Fifth Precinct—George W. Gamble. Bixth Precinct—Thomas € Jonee. Seventh Precinct—Jonathan BoUoek. Eighth Precinct—James Harper. FOURTEEN ru WARD. First Precinct—Thomas M. Hall. Third Precinct— W, H. Joneß, He. 683 H. Eleventh at. Fourth Precim t—Robert Watson. Fifth Precinct—Jacob T. Fish. Sixth Precinct—Jesse Keeler. Seventh Precinot—John W., Middleton. Eighth Preoinot—Morris Dunbar. FIFTEENTH WARD. First Precinct—Samuel Spear. Second Precinct—E. G. Belknap. Thiid Precinot—Alex. H. Freepan. Fourth Precinct—Robert x. McCurdy. Fiith Precinct—Martin Lamport. Sixth Precinct—William Gurry. Seventh Precinct—Francis Clark. Eighth Precinct—Aaron Josephs. Ninth Precinct—Charles J.Wolbert.- . Tenth Precinct—Samuel L. Olement. SIXTEENTH WARD. First Precinct—James D. Alburger. Second Precinct—Obailea Eager. Third PreelDCt—Christian Hubbard. Fourth Precinct—Ellis Ewell. Fifth Precinct—Charles Hardnock. Sixth Precinct—Jos Cox 7 Seventh Precinct—Jos. Ash. Eighlh Precinct—Washington Hagerraatu ' SEVENTEENTH WARD. First Precinct—John ) Allen. Second Preelncl—Wiiiiam Lawson. Thud Precinct—John T. Finletter. Fourth Precinct—ThsmasWeßt. Fifth l’rtcine t~Tboma» Knnz. Sixth Precinct—Robert Beatty. Seventh Precinct—John Hoggs. Eighth Precinct—James Rowe. • Ninth Precinct—A Jobneou. Tenth Precinct—Samuel Bingham. EIGHTEENTH NABD. Flrtt Precinct—Hugh Thompson. Second Precinct—David Gnyant. Third Precinct—Thomas Stafford. Fourth Precinct—Thomas Ferguson. Filth Precinct—Henry Vanduaen. . ... - ..... Sixth Precinct—Henry M Faunce. Seventh Precinct—Ahab Hunter. Eighlh Precinct—George Smith. NINETEENTH WARD. First Precinct—Edward Collins. , Second Precicct—Fliaa Hogan. Third Precinct—William P. Bennett. Fourth Precinct—John W. Young. Fifth Precinct—E. J. Megooigab ; Sixlh Precinct—James Milligan, Jr. Seventh Precinct—Joseph Dean. Eighth Precinct—George B. Diegg. Ninih Precinct—Andrew McGill. TWENTIETH WARD- First Precinct—William Bowers. Second Precinct Williams. Third Precinct—Englebert Miutzer. . , Fourth Precinct—William T. Doyle. Filth Precinct—John W. Damson. , Sixth Precinct—John Gregory. Seventh Preoinct—Henry Robinson, Ninth Precinct—Samuel P. Welsh. , Tenth Precinct—William II: Lane. 7 Eleven! Precinct—Thomas Evans. TWENTY-FIRST WABD. First Precinct—John Knapp. Second Precinct—Samuel Sntcllff. Third Precinct—John Adams. Fourth Precinct—Wm. B: Fleming. Filth Precinct—Wm. Adams. Sixth Precinct—John Sailor. Seventh Precinct—John A. flarkley. Eighth Precinct—Wm. Bose TWENTY-SECOND WABD. First precinct—Daniel R Jlarper. Second Precinct—Charles D Meats. Third Precinct—Jameß Waterhouse, Fourth Precinct—William 0. Johnson. Fifth B. Eastbum. Sixth Precinct—Sylvester Wunder. Seventh Precinct—Charles Berger. Eighth Precinct—Christian Donat. Ninth Precinct—Charles E. Tdell TWENTY-THIRD WARD. First Precinct—George 8. Fox. Second Precinct—George Hart; Third Precinct—Philip Baraed. Fourth Precinct—William Abrams. * Fifth Precinct—Thomas P. Holmes. Sixth Precinct—Charles Williams. Seventh Precinct—lobn Gray. Eighth rrecl net—William Taylor. Ninth Precinct—John L. Waxier. TWENTY-FOURTH WABD. First Precinct—Robert M. Lampson. Second Precinet—Lsonard Hayes. Third Precinct—Willfam A. Frederick*. Fourth Precinct -Samuel Haworth. Fifth Precinct—Charles Githens. Sixth Precinct—Joseph 8. Williams. Seventh Pjrecinct—William Patterson, . Eighth Precinct—Joseph Freas. Ninth Precinct—James Allen. „ J „ TWENTY-FIFTH WABD. Second Precinct— Thomas Dicksan. Third rrecinct—Oliver Brownell. .Fourth Precinct—William B. Lentz. Fifth Preoinct—George A Reese. Sfxth Preclnct—William B. Tnstin. THE TRESS-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. .AUGUST 2), 1862. rvr==» BAST TEN fill SSEE-HERB,BOKU «, il_3 .'rereoilj frr ni 'Eaat Venntetee, will .address the ptdple of GERMANTOWN. THIS EVENING, at LANGSTROTB’S HiLL, atB o’clock ' .!**■• COMPANY H. Captain, Tbtm&s Ford. * First Lieutenant, Samuel D.. Allen, Second Lieutenant, Aag H. Saurman, ji NO BOUNTY OB ADVANCE PAT AFTER THE 22d INBT,—T dE ISIS f JBEGI WMFN’T PENNSYLVANIA VOLONTEBB3, OOL. CHAPMAN BIDDLE, ficcepted’oy tne State as one of the regiments to be raised in Philadelphia. Recruits for this regiment are entitled until the 23d of August to the United States bonntv of §lOO, to the City of Philadelphia bout, ty ofsso, and to an extra bounty of slo—in all $l6O. besides a premium of $2 at the time of muster, and onemomh’s pay in advance (Kl 3 ) Recruits are immediately mustered into service, uniformed, and sent by oars on the same day to the healthy camp at Edgewood, near Chestnut Hill. For the several recruit ing stations see the general advertisement in thia'paper, orapply at6o6 VISE Stieet. 728 ZANEStreet.229North SECOND Street, 43 North THIRD Street, 821 MARKET Street, Ac. Ac. , . „ au!6dt23 U HEAD QUARTERS CaDWALA- Hdeß REGIMENT, 120th P. V., OOL. WM.jF. JjjSOHBEIREB, S. W, Corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Recruits wanted to fill up the above Begi meet. Voluntersfrom the country will receive the oit7 of Philadelphia Bounty, making altogether $165. Apply by mail, or in person, as above WM. F. SOHRHSIBEB, Bu2o-61f ... Col.l2oth Beg. JP. V. jy AVOID THE DRAffT!—f 160 B Bounty, one month’B pay In advance, and $2 - pre- W mium, until the 23d inst. Patriotic Yonng Men wanted at once to 611 qp Company F, 121 at Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 001. CHAPMAN BID DLE. Men will bo mustered in, immediately uniformed, and sent the eame day to the healthy camp at Edgewood, near Ohestnnt Hill. Pay and rations front date of mus ter. Apply to J. ALFRED KAY, or . HARRISON LAMB DIN, \ Lieutenants, M120.31* ■ BRUNER’S HOTEL,, Gerinantown.: - 4| BUCKTAIL BaiGADE, f 165 HBOUNTT-SIO FXTBAFOB FIEST FIFTEEN Ilf MSB ENKOLLID—Don’t Wait to be Drafted,- thereby losing ail bounties: Men mustered oh enlist ment. Pay and rations to commence at once. ' CHARLES ». BpYD, (Formerly.of Commonwealth Artillery,) Second Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer, aul9.6t# Ho 72T MARKET Street. jy THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V„ m accepted for three years, are-now -nearly ready for Ilf the field. Fractions of companies will be accepted “ from the country. Recrnits from the ctnntry coming Into this regiment will receive $56 bounty in addition to the bounty paid by their county and General Government. Transportation will be fnrni»bed on application to these Headquarters, 624 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or to .Major G. H. 13 AKOWELL, at “Herr’s Hotel,”. Harria t>urg. i tv; D.EEKNAN, anll-12t Col. Oommanding 116th Regiment,' P. V. J|. city bounty fund com- H mission. ]j| NOTION TO VOLUNTtUßS.—Official informs. ttonhaebeengiven io the Oity Bounty Fund Gom tnieeion; that the following Darned rectmonts have been accepted by the Governor of Pennsylvania,, on account of the quota of Volunteers required froui the city of Philadelphia,'ate: Zouave d’Afriqoe, Col Collie. Regiment No. 116, Col. Heenan. “ •< 111, Col. A. B. Tippin, Scott Legion. “ “ 118, Col. O.M. PrevostjOrnm Exchange. “ “ 119, 001. P.O. RUmaker. Gray Reserves. “ “ 121, 001. Chapman Biddle. The Commies'on are ready to pay the bounty to volun teers In said regiments under tlio ruloa and regulations heretofore published aulS-Ht „ JOHN 0. KNOX' Chairman. # 12Ist REGIMENT P. V.—RE- RoBUITS wanted for Company D, of the 23d Philadel lHphla Bight Infantry, dolonel Chapman Biddle. Apply atlbe ANDERSON HOUSE, 1619 SOUTHstreet, op posite the Rater Mai ket. - Bounty Sl6O. Mustered In at once. - , -CHARLES E. ETTING, ■ aulß-Gt . . Second Lieutenant. JJ 121st REGIMENT PENNBYL- R VOLUNTEERS, Colonel CHAPMAN * RECRUITS WANTED FOR THE WAR. A premium of @2 will be paid to each recruit at the time of muster. ' One monlL’s pay in advance, and #l6O Bounty, to wit: 925 United btates Bounty in cash. , 850 City of Philadelphia Bounty. - 810 Extra Bounty, and 875 United States Bounty at the end of the war. Recruits will be mustered immediately into service. Pay and rations from date of muster. Apply at any .of the following recruiting stations: ALEXANDER LAWBIE, Captain Co. B, No. 603 Btrofit CHARLES F. HULSE, 2d Lieutenant Co. B, N. W. corner of Franklin Square. J. FEINK STERLING, Captain Co. 0, N. E. corner Sixth and Minor streets. GEORGE WM. POWELL, 2d Lieutenant Co. 0, N. E. comer Twelfth and Spring Garden streets. CHARLES E. ETTING. 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No. 1629 Booth street. M. W. 0. BARCLAY, 2d Lioutenant Go. E, No. 715 Girard avenue. J. ALFRED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Bruner's Hotel, Main street. Germantown.* WM. SMITH HOBART, 2d Lieutenant Oo.G, Potts town, Montgomery county. '-*■ EDWARD GBA!) 55, Jr., 2d Lieutenant 00. H, S.E. corner ot Tenth and Thompson streets. JOHN DUBBOROW, 2d Lieutenant Co. I, N0.,229 North Second aireet. JOSHUA GARBED, 2d Lieutenant 00. K, Maingtroet, FraDkferd. JOHN lUNGERICH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Third afreet SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain 00. E, No. 728 Zane Street. .*■..• HARRY HERTZ uEB, Lieutenant, No. 821 Market Street. JAMES ASHWORTH, Captain 00. X, Frankford. JAMES MAGNKB, Lieutenant, N. E. comer Sixth and Minor streets. WILLIAM W. DORR, Lieutenant, 338 North Thir teenth*street and 405 Walnut street. SAMUEL. 0. THOMAS, Sergeant Co. D, No. 431 Chestnut street. T. E. ZELL, No, 42 South Tilth street Mfl«2B THOMAS M. HALL, Adjutant. -v—» DR. J 1 R. BEWTUNi HAS TAKEN (XJ ROOMS at 1202 CHESTNUT Streot, where be i, prepend to geo patients dally from 8 A. M to 4 T. M.« ao2l 3t* NOT ICE -THE PENNSYLVANIA LLS BIBE INSURANCE COMPANY Auobst 21st, 3862. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company .will bo held at their, office on MONO AY, the first day of September next,:at 10 o’clock, A. M.» when on election wilt be held for-nme, lirectors. to serve.for the ensuing year; . X v i ankl teel WM. G.CROWELL. Secretary. . RECEPTION OP GEAEBAh BOB UJ COBAN.-—The membersj-bf the Select and opm tnou. Connells, of- the City of PhllaiMphia, will meet In their respective Chambers, at ten -o’etoelt a. M-. THIS DAY, to participate in the reception of Brizadier,,f}eae rsl MICEAEL OOIiOORAN. The Reads of the various MuhicipalDppartraents;anS also invited to-be present. By order of the Committee.; : ; ALKN. T. DICKSON, Chairman. HohiCE M. MAivrnt Secre’ary. ' -;lt : > OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, IkJ. PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY, AND BAN, O ASTER RAILROAD COM PANT —Pan, AMtLPHIi- Attßnßt2o,lB62 ■ o ■ '. ; A The'annuol meeting of the. Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on FRIOAY, the 6th day of September next, 'at. 11 o’clock, a. M, at No. 3 ffILLING'B.AL LEYi at which time an election will be held for Thirteen Directors, to serve for the eneuing veer. an2M2l* GEO ROE TABER, Secretary. A MEETING OF THE'LOYAL,CI TI- Uot ZENS'f the 'twentieth Ward was held on Tues aay evening:(l9th,iißt.);l»et, at the Hall of the South Penn Hose Company, pursuant te s eal! for the purpose of organizing a “ National Union A«s-ssi»tion,” in said Ward, when Mr. EDWARD GRATZ was called to the chair, and Mr. T. (L BOBBINS appointed Secretary pro tom. The 'following named gentlemen were elected as per manent officers of the *' National Union Association” of said Ward, viz: President— F.MAROER. Vico Presidents—MATTHlAS JHYERS, JAMES LOWRIE. , * Secretaries—ELPßßEY HEBITAGE, OHAB. It EVANS. Treasurer—GEO. WEIDENEB, ' Committee of Superintendence—JAß. J. ALLISON. By order ot Association E. HERITAGE, C. M. EVANS, See’s. It* Htßfw. RECEPTION OF GENERAL COR. its COBAN. ; HE AD QUARTER a 116XH REGIMENT, ’ : ' 824 MARKET Street ORDERS.—I. The Escort for the Reception of GKNE BAIi MICHAEL CORCORAN, Will parade THIS DAY, 21st instant. 2. The line will form on Washington street, the right resting on Broad street, facing South, precisely at 10# o’clock. ORDER OF FORMATION. 1 Army and Navy Officers 2. Volunteer Officers without commands, according to rank. - . . 3. Regiments, Battalions, and Companies, according to atm and rank. 4. G-'uctbl Corcoran and Suite. 6. Mayor of the City, and Committee or Arrange ments, Judges of the Federal and State Courts, City Councils, and Heads of Departments. • 6. Civic Societies, under the direction of Chief Marshal James Gibbous. • 7. Fire Companies, according to date of organization. 8. Citizens on foot. 9. Citizens in carriages. , 10. Citizens on horseback. By order of D . HEENAN, It ~ - Colonel Commanding Escort; MILITAR V. H 119th BIGIMENT* COL. P. Q. H BLLMAKKR —8167 ! 81671 8107! Attention! Ilf Atteulion!' Attention! 81*2 Bounty, -85 Extra, on Deine sworn in, A FEW MORE MEN WAITED FOR COMPANY 0, OF THIS BEGIMENT. Apply : at the Recruiting office, northeast corner of BROAD and RACE Streets. FRANK. LOGO, Recruiting Officer. Capt. A. T. GOODMAN. Lieut. Bfs.u.min Saylor. an2l-3t* U HEADQUARTERS PHILADEL- H PHIA LIGHT GUARD. «[ COL. B W DAVI?, ; Commanding 146th Regiment P; V. . The feliowii gie the official list of the seventh regiment accepted by Governor A. G Onrtint and No. 146 Begimeht P. Y., as the guota of Philadelphia: - The men mustered in, clothed, full bounty paid, and rations. Sent 10 came immcdiat.iy. Camp opposite Odd Fellows’ Ctmetery, Twentieth Ward BEGINICtiTAL OFFICEBS. Colonel, E. \V. DAVIS. Lieutenant Colonel,. Adjutant, J. ALLAN BaMPAY. Major, JOSIAtI OANFJKLD. tfcnarterma-ter, JOHN OBaIG. ■ Burgeon,——■— Assistant Surgeon, CHAS. K. CADY, ' ■ COMPANY -A'. Captain*——•— . First LieTjteDßut, Samuel Arrfson. Second Lieutenant, Joseph Barton. COMP ANT F. Captain* William Di; Wooldridge. Fjrat Lieutenant, James H Carman, Second Lieutenant, J. H. Towae Ja:kßoa, COMPANY L Captaic, John W, Sbepberd, First Lieutenant, —— Seoond Lieutenant, ■—-——■—. COMPANY D." Captain* Cbrhtian Iteiiier. First Lieutenant, Gustavus Fisher, Second Lieutenant, Edward Thiele. . COMPANY 0. Captain* Chfxles F- Robertson. First Lieutenant, J. M. Burrows. Second Lieutenant, W. W. Watia COMPANY E. Captain, Samuel Wrlgley, Tr First LUuleranf, Jacob ffeiding*r. Second Lieutenant, Theodore 'Nixon. COMPANY G. Captain* Henry Snyder. First Lieutenant; Wm K. Sioanaker. Second Lieutenant, West Funk. COMPANY B. Captain, Geo. E. Ridgeway. First Lieutenant, Goo. Bric&ley.. Second Lieutenant, Geo. Platuer. By order: • OoL E. W I)AVIS, Commanding. J. ALLAN BAMSAt , Adjutant It* j THEN OUT! TURN OUT! ® 121 ft REGIMENT P. V., Col. 0. BIDDLE. TEN iff MEN. WANTED for Company'B.. Apply at.No 506 “ YlNEStreet. Ist Lieut. MAX HEIN, Oapt. A. LAWRIE. 2d Lieut CBAS. F HULSE, au2o4t* _ MILITARY. jgUCKTAILt BRIGADE. A FEW PICKED MEN WANTED IM DIATELY, For a Company.in Colonel L. Wieier*s (143 d)' Regiment of this celebrated Brigade. Si2o IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES WILL BE PAID, APPLY IMMEDIATELY AT 7»3 7 MARKET STREET an2o-4t g GYMNAST ZO U AYES.—iSecruits S WANTEOi to fill tbis Company—SCompany A, W MSB CHANTS’ REGIMENT, Colonel JOHNSON, -Bounty seme as other regiments.: Apply at 31 South THIRD Street. an2o.lt* P. V. SMITH, Oaptein. M ATTENTION, GAY ALR Y!— * 8162 .BOUNTY.—Wanted able-bodied men to fill a sanadron in a battalion tTor spe cial service, under JAMES A-SOHOONMAKER, by order of Secretary of War. Apply to Cftpt. J. W. HALL, Oapf. H. N. HARRISON, Ist Lieut. 0, W. MORRIS, Jn., Ist L'eut. J G. MORRIS. au2l-Bt* 826 WALNUT Street, third story. BECEtJITINO OB'I'IOJJJ OF Jfßw THE ANDERSON TOOQP, Ground Floor of *rew thA Pennsylvania Railroad . Office, oorner of THIRD fitreet and WILLING’S Alley." Capt. WM J. PALMER, Bergt ALFRED VEZIN, anie-61* ■ • Private NORMAN M SMITH. POLITICAL. T7OR CITY CONTROLLER, 1862, I? - GEO. W. HUFTV, FOUR! EENTH WARD. au7-tn COMMISSION HOUSES. 25 000 ydS ‘ 12 ° Z ‘ U - S A. DUCKS. 20,000 YARDS 10-ox. U. B. A. DUCKS. IT,OOO X DOMKT ARMY FLANNELS. 50 GABES ARMY STANDARD COTTON FLANNELS. 150 BALES ARMY STANDARD COTTON DRILLS. SEAMLESS BAGS of the following brands LEWISTON, “A,” ANDROSCOGGIN, “A,” CANADA, *<A," PREMIUM, "A,” HENSALAEB, “A." For Sale by DB COURSBY & HAMILTON, an2l-tbatudt# 23T CHESTNUT Street. Q.EORGE D. PARRISH / Offers for sale, now in store, 50,000 YARDS 25-27-INCH ALL-LINEN DRILLS. Also, ■■■ ■ _,■■ • GO,OOO AMBBIOAN AND FOREIGN ARMY ST \NDARD BLANKETS, Beady for immediate delivery.-: au2L-Gt JgED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HQSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND SLATE. ALSO, 3-4 and 0-4 INDIGS BLUE FLANNELS. For sale by FJROTHJNGHAM & WELLS, jylO-Sm 84. N. FRONT and 36 LETITIA STREET. gHXPUEY. ■ "HAZARD, ! HUTCHINSON,. Ho. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, 09 MHI 8 SION MERCHANT? ? TH» BALI. 0» PHILADELPHIA-MADE HOODS. ■ rabSS-Ozn MILITARY GOODS. T. SNOjDGeRASS, CIVIL & MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE, NO. 34 SOUTH SEOPND STREET. We give spatial attention to Officers’ materials, and have now in store a very select and extensive stock of all shades and grades for suits and overcoats.; Also, a great variety of WOOLENS, adapted to La dies’, Gentlemen’s and Children's wear. aulB>6t Tent buttons and slips, u. S. Patterns, far sale at J- P. BElliO’3 manufac tory, corner of THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets. au2l-llßtt r’’ . 3 ■■ DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. m£' * Ai ‘ L - m JOHNES. BERRY. & Co., (Successors toAbhott, Johnßß, & C 0.,) 827 MARKET, AND 034 COMMERCE STREETS, , IMPORTERS AND JOBBEBB OF SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have now opened tn entirely NEW AND [ATTRACTIVE STOCK, IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a foil assortment in . WHITE GOODS,RTBBONS,GLOVES, SHAWLS, &c., Which they, offer at'tbe very Lowest Market Prices, and soHcitjtha attention of the Trade. an!6.3m & 6o^ Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets, Have now open their FALL IMPORTATION ■■■*'* ; *.* *. '■*,;** *'*>■ , . *;: * - .*** OF SILK AND FANCY l ‘ DRESS GOOES, SHAWLS, WHITE 300DS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE Olp THE FIRM. To which the attention of the trade is particularly in vited. *’• . .v- : * \; aull-3m PHOTOGK AfllS. "UTTAR PRICES.—DeIay no longer H . in securing yourself a splendid picture at a re duced rate, REIMER’3 Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors. Gallery, SECOND Street, ab. Green. It* Elegant colored photo graphs —Cartes de Visile, and other Photo graphs, may be colored in the most elegant manner, by any person of taste, by tbe use of NE WTON’S AL BUMEN COLORS. For circulars of information, ad dress J.'E. TILTON & 00., Boston, Sole Agents for the United States. ; BOHOLZ & JANENTZKY, 112 South RIGHTS St., Agents for this city and'State. anl9-tuths3t "WAR TlMES.—Remember that . w * now, In view of; the times, REXMER’S finest pictures, life- size oil-colored PHOTOGRAPHS, are be ing made at war prices. Go at once to Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. It# TVORY TYPES.—Ivory types are now X executed at REIMER’S, SECOND Street, above Green, in a masterly style. The close imitations of all details of the original are themes of universal praise. BECOND Street, above Green. It# The scientific hair-dyer of this oily is L, GUTEKUNST, FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. an2o-iftf “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION And curers of the celebrated “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAM S, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Btlwetn Arch and Bate streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated i<EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co., (In a style peculiar to ihem selves,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious Savor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior 'to any now offered for sale. | IySS-lm AMOSKEAG, “ O,” NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. JJEW YORK AUTUMN IMPORT. • BRITISH GOODS, SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39-AND PLACE, Have now open, and are by each steamer- receiving ad. ditions of FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS, BROWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND COLORED ALAAOAS,' BLACK AND COLORED COBURGS, BLACK AND COLOR £D DE LAINES, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN GOODS, DEBEGKK, LAVELLAS, PLAID'AND FANCY LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, To an examination and purchase of which they respect fully invite buyers;- SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, UUI9-121* NEW YORK. implements of war. rpHE PROOF GUN OF LONG RANGE. - Means are urgently needed for bringing out the “ PROOF GUN” of tbe long-range capacity, and pro ving, by repeated, actual work, the full powers possessed. Will men of earnestness, in (he National cause, and pride in PbUadeipbia enterprise, respond to the needs of the case, and etch furnish a portion of tbe amount re (luißite fer producing tho 11 PROOF GUN '!’’ Now is thotinioto act. Shalt the money bo famished either as an investment or contribution linker will meet the needs of the case. Will any man cr any men come forward and take the actual step)—furnish means for tills purpose? A. Mi DENSSIGBB, At tomes far the Inventor, 132)$ South TOIBl) Street. ; au2l-2t FINANCIAL. ■XL S. FITE TWENTIES; 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVKBN MENT AFTEB FITE YEABS,. / ~ I Ml - instructed hy tlia SSOBXTABY Of THE TREASURY to receive subscription.? Sor the above - LOAN AT PAR. THE INTEBEST TO COMMENCE FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT,' Thus avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by regrrfring payment in GOLD of the interest from May last.' A full supply ef those Bonds always on hand. JAY COOKE, subscription aoent, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. jy2SMf \jn- A N TE D—GOLD, SILVER, W» PENNIES, and OLD DEMAND NOTES,, at the highest premium* J. W. DEBRICKSO SJ, . It# 21 South THIRD Street. KOO AND SEVERAL BMALL tpTiyUv*. EB Bums, to loan on first mortgages of City Property/ \ JOHN B. OOLAHXN, »nW-3t» 142 South EIGHTH Street. J»stKS n/WAWOS, THOMAS W. TOST. 1 WALTON & YOST, IT BANKERS, BROKERS, , AHD GENERAL COLLECTORS, No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Jay Cooke * Co., Hon. James Pollock, James, Kent, Santee, & Co., Hon.-H. D. Foster, Esberick, Black, & Co., Hon. A. H. Reeder, : C.-McKlbbin & Son, Hon. Asa Packer, E. P. Middleton,& Bro , Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, V. L. Bradford, Esa. ou7-3tn . -v . M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • to No* 10 South THIRD Street, where they will attend to the pttrchaee and sale of Foreism and Domestic Exchange, Gold and Silver, Old Demand, Soles, .and other Securities. aul*lm# RETAIL'DRY GOODS. THANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS JL} Just opened, a few cases of French Shirting Flan nels, In neat Stripes, Checks, anl Plaidß, of desirable styles and qualities. ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Bine Flannels. an 12 SHARPLESS BttOTHEBB. "CIA LL DE LAINES, ALL NEW A 1 PATTERNS.—HamiIton De Laines. .Pacific De Laines. Manchester De Laines. EYRE & LiNDEIrL, FOURTH and ARCH. TpGLISH STILES. Opening of British Frinta. 4-4 Frenoh styles. , EYBE & LANDEDD, aoS FOUaTa and A BOH. T ININS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIE AJ BY, EMBROIDERIES—The subscribers, in ad dition to the House Furnishing and Curtain Departments of the Dry Goode Business, give special', attention to and have always on hand a freßh stock of the best Sheeting Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, and Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respeccfnHy reauested. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEB & ARRISON, au6-18t ' ; 1008 CHESTNUT Street. The last change for bar : GAINS. 3 .. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES. We are determined to close out the balance of our Som mer Stock before the first of September. In order to do se we will offer eur entire stock of FANOY SILKS. ‘ DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS, LAuE MANTLES AND POINTES, SILK COATS AND SACQUES, .At lower, prmes than those of any other Retail House In the city. OUR BLACK SILKS can’t be matched In prices and gnaiin'es, as they were all bought before the last rise, and we are able to sell them at our.. >■ OLD LOW PRICES. One lot cheapest Black'Figured Silks ever offered. Also, a good aworfinput of DOMESTIC GOODS. B STEEL & SON, an4-tf • No. 718 North TENTH St, above Coates. •DAEGAINB IN DEY GOODS. JIM The following lots will bo sold at a groat sacrifice to close them out—riz: ; Two tots Black Silk and Wool OhaJlies at 18 Vc, worth Five pieces Barege Anglo at 4c, worth 10c. Five pieces plain Barege atl2>£c. Also, a large lot of Shetland Shawls, at very low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. At JOHK H. STOKES’, 702 ABO 3 Streot. 1024 CHESTNUT Si'SEiST “ OS' SPECIAL INTEREST TO LADIES.” E.M.NEEDLES Hasjitst openedNEW GOODSasfollows:Broad hem-stitchedQdhfß.,2,2X, and 3 inch hom; hem stitched Hdtfs.(MlThieDl, 13c.;"0r 51.60 perddz.; oew ntjlea narrow Tftl. edgings and headings; new styles points lace and ether collars and setts, ill FOB SAL® AT OLD PRICES. k)\ fancy made-up goods, site! as lace and other set's, collars,’ sleeves, veils, hdkfi.. &c. &c., will be cloßed ont, FOB THIS HOSTS ONLY, prepara tory to laving in Fa'l Stock, AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PER CENT. “Remnants'' of all kinds of Linens, White Goods, Edgings, Inserting*, Ac. Ac, will also be closed ont at a HEAVY DISCOUNT, As all of the above goods have recently advanced rtom2o to 26 per cent. 1 from the increased rates of exchange and tariff, the above great reduction from our old prices should prove a great induce ment for purchasers of these articles to buy daring this month. an 9 tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, .A LLWOOL FRENCH FLANNELS, JTjL Fancy styles, for Gents’ Shirts. EYBE & LANDELL, anS FOOBTH and ABOH. .A LL-WOOL CHECKED C ASH- XjL ME B E S.—4o-Inch Black and White Checks finecnreXaine Cashmeres. Imported and for sale by % ' BHABFLESB BROTHERS, ahl2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. mWEEDS AND CASSIMERES JL 1,600 yards heavy Cassimeres, jnst opened. Also, 1,000 yards all-wool Tweeds, 62 to 75 cents. Summer and Fall Cassimeres, a fnll stock. Hen’s and Boys’ wear, our stock Is complete. DOMESTICS. Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleached and Brown Shootings. Cotton Flannels, Domet, all wool, and Baoine do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. HONEY-CO MB QUILTS. Marseilles and Lancaster Qnilta. . Bathing Flannels,' Mosgnito Nets. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. Cheap lots of 4-4 heavy Irish Linens. CLOSING OUT. • Bilk Mantles, Thin Bnstors, Lace Goods, Boys’ Snmmer Clothing. Thin Dress Goods, Black Tamartines. Challies, Mohairs. Mozambianoß, Ac. ' COOPER & CONABD, JyW-tf B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET stg. |*v TO VOLUNTEERS. ABMY WATCHES. “ Wo have last received an assortment of Gold and Sil ver Watches, made expresrly to onr order, and pecn liarly adapted to those in the Army, oh account of their extra strength and simplicity of constrncti in, which we wili sell very low. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO;, an2l-6tif No. 802 CHESTS UT Street. pURRANTS AND RAISINS—SO n-J bble choice new and old Zante entrants ; also, Va lencia Bunch Lai era and Keg Busins, for sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS; au2l. , 107 South WATER Street PANADA PEAS—SO bbls. Canada W Peas, of very choice quality, for sale by RHODES 4 WILLIAMS, RU2I .107 Sonth WATER Street QPLIT PEAS —Of prime quality, for kJ ealehy RHODES & WILLIAMS. ftnZl 107 South WATER Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ■' The most ably condo 'ted, spirited, fresh up to the Unite Periodical of the laud,!’—[Christian Secretary, Hartford, Conn. ' , IJIHE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY JOB SEPTEMBER, NOW READY, Contains the following articles, viz: NATIONAL UNITY. , BY HORACE GREELEY, - ' , Who will hereafter contj-ibute an article-toeaeli number. A MERCHANT’S: STORY DESCRIPTIVE OF SOUTHERN LIKE AMD , SOCIETY- . BY EDMUND KiRKE; Author of that “remarkably interesting and life like work,'’' ■ -'v - «* AMONG THE PINES.” WAS HE BUUOK3SFUL'! BY RICHARD B. KIHB ILL, Author of “ Under-currents of Wall Street, ” u _St, Leger,” Ac. SHOULDER STRAPS. BY HENRY MORFOSD, Author of “ Rhymes of Twenty Years ” This will be a sparkling, commentary on Men, Man ners, and Motives in 1862., It will depict some prominent characters, whose love for the Union is shown in a de cided penchant for “ Shoulder Sirups’’ Together with the following .I/I : 7 “LIVEARUCLEV” Henry Thomas Buckle—The Molly O’Molly Papers— Hopeful Tackett, His Mark; by Biohard Wolcott—John Bull to Jonathan—Jonathan to John Bull—American ■Student Lifo—Go in and Win—John Meal—Tne Soldier and Civilian—Author Borrowing—lntervention—Maeca roni and Canvass—Anthony Trollope on America—Up and Act—Reminiscences of Andrew Jackson—Shaks speare’s Caricature of Richard lll.—The Negro .ini the Bevolution—The Children in the Wood—Literary No tices— Editor’s Tabic.- TERMS, Sf 3 A TI 18, ' . ■ 25 CENTS A NUMBER. For Glnb prices, &0., address the Publisher, J. B. GILMORE, No. 532 BROADWAY, N. Y, C. T. RYANS, General Agent. In the August number wag commenced the now story by the author of “ Among the Pines.” Parfioi remitting $1.30.wi1l receive the Continental Mon thly from tlis July number (commencement of second volume) for 6 months,- snd ft'ccpy of “Among the Pines,” in paper cover. Tiie Nvrfolk County Journal of Boxbury, Mass, thus notices the ‘Merchant’s Story:” •;« It has all the thrilling dramatic powers of its prede ces6or,'aad stamps its author as one of the ablest and most effective writers of the day,” ... . 7 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CONTINENTAL It , MONTHLY. v TI)ST PUBLISHED. “ CHOICE U HYMNS ” a companion to the “ Silent. Comforter” and “Green Pastures,” for use in hospitals, the sick chamber, &c. Printed in large type, and intended to be bung upon the wall or near ;thb bed of invalids, so that the Hymns can be easily read. Folio, Price 60 cents. Published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUN DAY-SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and at 599 BROADWAY, New York. nn2l2t ' ' « maß BBPI}BLIGAN.’’----a’iie first Number of a Campaign Paperi devoted, to the Ur ion, the Constitution, land .the election of AMOS BBIGGS, Esq., to the Mayorally, and tbo entireßepub lican Ticket, will be issued about the 15th of September. au2i-6t# WfEW GYMNASTICS—New Gjm ■A.* nasties for Men, Women, and; ;Ohildren. By Dio Lewis, M. I>. With 300 illustrations, SI. Poems of Arthur Hugh 01ongh L blne and gold, 75 cents.- Volume 9 Lockhart's Life of Bcott, Boston edition, 76 cents..; V ... Portrait of Major Genoral Pope. 63 cents. For sale by r - WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MAR MEN, au!2 006 CHESTNUT Sa-oet. EDUCATIONAL. TXiTOLSIEFFER BROTHER?’ MU TT SIOAL ACADEMY,'No. .Q 7 MAE9HALL St, Terms 825 per year. Clashes now forming auil-ltn* MME. MAEBE AND MLLE. MO RIN’S FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LAuIES, No. 11l South THIRTEENTH Street, will re-open on WED NESDAY, September lOtb, Philadelphia. For Circu lars; apply at the above number. au2l.2m /N EEMANTOWN INSTITUTE.—- V/T The duties of this School will be resumed on MON DAT, Sept* mber Ist. 1862. For further particulars, apply to ' V; W'M. H. McFADDEN. Principal, Residence, Sopth side of BITTEN HOUSE Street fifth house west of GREEN. _ au2l-tf English and classical feOHOOL —The School of the subscriber, in Simes 5 Building, TWELFTH and CH4:JTBUT Strests, will reopen on MONDAY, the Sfch of au2Uf • CHABLBS SUOBIV A. M. FOR SALE AND TO LET TO MILITARY BOARD CON TBACTOBS —Two French Swivel Loom? for eals— S6OO ca&h for both, 8350 for oi,e. EUady harnessed. Nnßnger make. Address P. 0. 80x12r,?7. . aa2i-3t 'jjft': FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE Rat for a good city PBOPISBTY, a FAB \f and OOUSf- TBY BFAT, containing 120 acres. 90 under cultivation, in Snequehanna county. Pa., 1 mile from the State line, 8, miles from Binghamton, on the New York and Brio Bafiroad, and 8 -uilea from Great Bend. The building? are all that can be desired There is alao_ a beautiful lake on one side of the place, one mile in length, afford ing splendid boating and fishing. Par further particu lars it quire of J. B. BEttf 80 euSl- 3t* No. 436 WALNUT 8t«-eeV WANTS. TT ALUABLI PARENTS NOW T BEADY—Partner Wanted—Sure tliing—C'ftean— Address, or call on Patentee,” No. 133 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. au‘2l -7t#r XTILIS’ REGISTE R,—WANTED— X. v Vole. 72, 73, and 75 of Niles' Register. Apply at the office of the Philadelphia Press. au!9-3t ■WANTED.—A GERMAN LADY, ‘ v V ixperiencfd In teaching the Piano, "the German and French Languages, Grecian Painting, and fine Needlework,, desfies a situation in a Boarding School, Addreeß P. M., No. 905 North TiSNTK street,-Phila delphia. :-aul9-3t*f WANTED TO RENT—For a **■ small family, a Furnished House. Address G. H. OBOSMAN, Box 327, Pott Office. aul3-6t WANT® D —2OO Wagon-makers, T f Blacksmiths, and Wood-workers, to fill vacan. cies for Enlistments in the United States Army. Apply to HENRT SIMONS. . United States National Wagon Works, Comer SECOND and CUMBERLAND Streets, BUI6-6l* .. ; Philadelphia. Pa. BOARDING. A GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD •XX for his WIFE and TWO CHILDREN, in a respectable private family, in the suburbs of the city. Address “ VOLUNTEER,” Office of Tks Press, stating locality, terms, &c. an2l-3t# COPARTNERSHIPS. ■\TOTICE.—It is hereby “certified that -L v - the undersigned have formed a Limited Partner* ship, agreeably to the provisions of the acts of .Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, to wit: * 1. The name or firm under which the said partnership is to be conducted is BUSH & KURTZ. 2. TUo general nature of the business intended to be transacted ia the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goodain the City of Philadelphia. 3 The general in the arid firm are VAN CAMP BUSH and WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ, both residing at No. 1937 VINE Street, in said City of Philadelphia; and the special partner is THEIDORE W BAKES, residing at No. 227 North TWENTIETH Street,in said city. _r 4. The amount of caplial contributed by the said spe cial partner to the common stock is the sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, in cash. 6. The said partnership ia to commence on the NINE TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1882, and will terminate on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, AD. 1864. ■ ... F- Made and seyerallysigned by the said partners, at the City of Philadelphia, the Ninetwuth, day of August, A. D. Ods Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-two. TAN CAMP BUSH, ' WILLIAM WESLEY KCItTZ, General Partners, THEODORE W. BAKER, Sp.ciafPartner. ao2l* 6w CABINET TORHITIIRB. fIABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOGEE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of : BILLIARD TABLES, And have no v oh hand a full supply, finished with the MOORE & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all.who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and finfeh of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerr ns patrons throughout the Union, who are'famlliar with the character of thqjr work. fe2B-ftn CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, HEW TORE. An attempt has been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call “ Ooseraitss Watb»” from fountains, and at the price of six (6) cents per glass. The viholetalt price of the genuine Congress Water, ai New York, being about cents per glass, the imposi tion of protending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water Into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents.;''... We haveSKTßs gold Congress Water In lonntalns, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary-sized glass bottles. The oork or every bottle of the genuine is branded, And any without ——-—: — those words and let- CONGBESS ten on the cork ta O. AW. 100 out I«1 ii I. 1 WATEB. 1 whether from loon-! ' tains or bottles. OLARKE& WHITE. Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen are supplied by 00 regularij with genuine Congress Water, In bottle*) &*»& &•» ttl Congressßpring: FBED’K BEOWN, cor. Fifth end Oheetaut St*. 0. S v HTOBEM, 1410 Chestnut street OHAB. EXililS & GO., Markotstreet E. J STEVENS A CO., Continental Hotel. AMBEOSB BMITH, Chestnut etaet’ J. O. TBBNPKNNV& CO,, 041 Bprnoe street : . THOB. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third end Sprnoe st*. "WVBTH Bros., Walnut street ■■■■'■ & WHITE; jeBO-amlf , TZTECKEII’S AND FAHNESTOCK’S -U- JTABIHA conjtaatly receivedfroßh by BHODBS & WILLIAMS, Ho. 107 Bontb WATEE Stmt BA.RATOOA, July 1,1881, auction sales. r - A UGTION NOTICE. JIV. BALE OF, FRESH BRITISH DRY GOODS. JOHN B. MYERS & GO., Nos. 283 and 234; MARKET Btroet, Mdladelphift, Will sell, THIS MORNING, August 21, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, on tour months’ credit, the following fresh Imported D,y Qoodst 30 cases i i Irish Shirting Linens. Caseß Bley Liuene. .. Pieces white,'black, brown, and Bley Hollands. Pieces white and brown Damasks and Cloths. ‘ rieces Barnsley Damasks and Huckg. Pieces Elastic Canvass. Dozens Buck and Diaptr Towels. ■ Dozens Ceuta’ and Ladies’ Linen Cambric Hdkfa Cases Prints and Debeges. :■■■ Cases fine Mohairs. • • Oases black Orleans. 7',: , * Cases black Italian Cloths. Caßes black Satin de Ohene. , Pieceß black Repellant Cloths. Pieces black silk finish Velvets. Also, 1,500 Army Blankets and Shirts, Cloths, Caaalt mercs, Hid Gloves, Hoop'Skirts, Hosiery, &a. au2o-2t- JOHN B. MYERS & CO., Auctioneers- ‘ MARSHAL’S SALE. By virtue of ft Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN GADWALADKB, Judge of the Distriot Court of the United Siafc s, in and lor the Eastern District of Pou- Bjlvania. In Admiralty, , to me directed,' will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, FOR GASH, at SAMUEL 0. COOK’S AUCTION STORE, N*. 184 SOUTH FRONT STREET, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 1882, AT 10)4 O’CLOCK, A large assortment of DRY GOODS, comprising IRISH LINE ITS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, WRITS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, IWKFS, <£-c., tie. Coeds arranged for examination with catalogues, one day previous to'sale. WILLIAM MILLIARD, U. S. Marsha! E. D. of Pa. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. T>Y W. L. WALL & CO., AUO - tioneers. GOVERNMENT SALE OF CONDEMNED ANIMALS. V ill be sold at public auction, at the CORRAL, near the E aval Observatory, ON MONDAY, August 25th, 1862, commencing atTO o’clock, A. St., ft. number of HORSES AND MULES, Condemned as unfit for public service. Terms, cash, in GoTernmentfhnds. J. J. DANA. Captain A. Q. M. U. 8. A. W. L. WALL & CO., Auctioneers. mil 9-125 AMUSEMENTS, PENNSYLVANIA \CADEMY OW THE FINE ARTS, . ; ' 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, Is opes daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. HR g P. M. Admission 25 cents.' Gbitdren half price. Shares of Stock, 830. jyß CIRCULATING LIBRARY. WBROTHERHEAD’S OIRCU e LATINO LIRBART.—AII the SEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite, ratnre. This is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOK 6 that arc not REPRINTED here. Terms 86 per year; 6 months S 3; three months 81.66, or S cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street jyT-2m* EXCURSIONS. r HO! FOR THE OAPES! GRAND EXCURSION TO 0 IPS MAT. •the tine steamer WILLIAM KENT, Oapt. J. T Brett, will make an EXCURSION TO GAPE May. on TUES DAY, Augnßt 26, leaving Arch-sireet wharf at 9 ob J -' , k, A M., stopping at Ghester., Marcns Hook, anJ-orew Gas tie. Returning leave Cape Stay at Wednes day Tickets tor the excon.mu, including carriaeu hies, $250, ar,2l-61# IiEXOURSION TO ATTANITO (Jr Y EY THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION,. THURMAN, /kunst 28.•1882. Fifty Fick and wounded soldiers will accompany th 6, excursion; under the 0313 of the Army Committee. Boats leave Vine-stieet Wharf at 6 o'clock A. IC Trains leave Atha:4Jc City at 5 35 o'clock P. M. Tickets. $1 25. Children. 65 cents. an21...6t* al ,, r. •'614},,..ir EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CTTY. The Bmployeeß of O A. Yankvrk & Co., (Frank ford;, wSH Eoafeo ibeirfir?t Grand Excursion to Atlantic City on FBIDAY, 22d inst. Tickets $1.25. Children under ten ytars of ago 63 c- ote; to be had from Cona mitfre on Wh«»rf on tnormogof hxcnrßion. Train leaves TIES- STREET WHARF at 6 A. BL It* EXTRA NOTICE. foe the sea shore. MAIL TRAIN, ON SUNDAY NEXT, AUGUST 24% FOR ATLANTIC C3ITY. Leaves YINE-BTBEET FEBEYatT.SO A.-M. Ketuining, leaves ATLANTIC! 4.40 P. M. This Train will stop at ALL Stations going and rotom ing. Fare to ATLANTIC and back, for this dap ant this train, only SI 25. n JOHN Gh BRYANT, IMPORTANT TO PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLYANIA BAILED AD COMPAOTt 2s prepared to issoe, during the Sommer, tickets at greatly reduced rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA EAHBOAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at vary - low rates, for the accommodation of persons living ant of town, or located on or near the line of the road daring the summer. From and after July 1,1862, a still great** reduction has been made on these tickets. ’ COUPON TICKETS For twenty-six trips between any two«o!ntS at about two cents per mile. These tickets ore intended for the nse of families traveling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persons making occasioned trips. SCHOOL TICKETS- For one of three months, for the nee of scholars at tending school in the city. Living on or near the line of the road, and baring occasion to use the road frequently in their clericed capacity, are famished with certlflcatoe entitling then to travel at half faro. Applications to be made only to Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. EXCURSION TICKETS lashed at half fare to parties of over torty, good tor any reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS during the Sommer are sold at greatly reduced rates, for the benefit of those seek ingrecreimon-rronr'miranesaror in’pursuit of Health. These tickots ore geod for ten days, and are issued to ORKSSON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), Ain. TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPHBATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards of the rood. For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets... JAMES COWDEH, Agent. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent jy!s-t»el . NOTICE—NORTH PENNSYLVANIA BAIL- mm. REMOVAL OF PASSENGER DEPOT from FRONT and WILLOW Streets to THE NEW DEPOT, THIRD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET. On and after MONDAY, September Ist, 1862, ths Pas senger Trains on this road will leave THE NEW DSP IT, THIRD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET, instead of FRONT and WILLOW Streets, as at present. All Trains will stop at BERKS Street, as usual. White Cars of Third-Street City Passenger Jin# ran directly to the now Depot. ELLIS CLARK, a02012t Agent. ■< fSSSaaai i i, m NOTICE—PHILA !W'3SgBE!SIMEg'P»IiIPHXA. GERHASrOWST, AND NORBXHTOWN BAXDROID. The destruction of the WIS9AHIOKON BBITJGK doeß not interfere with the regular shipment of Freight to and from any point on the Boad. JOHN H. LEWABS, Genera! Freight Agents TRUSS AND BRACE DE- H HEEDtiKS, Corner TWELFTH and SACK Street*. Philadelphia. Hernial Trasses and mechanical appliances corrootll adjusted by 0. H. NEEDLES. Finn French and approved American, adapted to ever* form of rupture, In adults and children, English and. American Supporters and Bella, Shoolder Braces, Sus pensories, Elastic Stockings, and Syringes in great va riety. ladle*' Department, TWELFTH Street, first door below Bace. Oondncted by competent ladies. jy2B>3mif Bounty, pensions, and back PAY, Claims on the United States Ooverament for the SlOO Bounty, Pensions, and Back Pay promptly Collected. „ . A charge ot $5 only will be made. No commlMloa» whatever. A. McKLiiOi, anlS.St.if# 27 South SIXTB Street. A NTI-FEICTION METAL, Soperior anality, Tor Bate by JAMBS TOCOM.JB., CITY BBASB FOOHDBY, DBINKBB’S AIiXiKY, Between Front and Second, Baca and Aroh at*. aaß-3m* t>amphlet PRINTING, Befit and JL cheapest In the City, at BING WALT A BROWJPB, U 1 South rOTOTH Street |)U AGENT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers