rrsiASTio Ward Meeting!.—ln Ji ‘ NT ? 1 »c#ll UwciM*miB "f Hie Nineteenth ward, party ersrmlved l»»te™nlDB at thecorner J?'W',dS5S «fl<l Ysiik street, to form a National BmS *“ elect'd temporary chairman, 1 jjr one from e» Jt preoinot appointed to J'rdr “ !0 [J,™ absenort” b« meeting was addressed by V : Id Mr J emir ah BHrldge, and other w. u ‘ ,l “ l bl,re, Vi ho, in «n eiouuatit and forcible manner, jotrl ,pe ,uhe rise and Bregma* of the present inidnltona UtrW 11 ’ ij n «t the Government, and pledged the re* ft' « 1 011 ,/L ward to trie lest man, and to the last dot ‘'oppression. Their remarks were received jar. (<’ r fjpmonstratlon of apel*u«o. silt 'TfLint, the committee on officers returned, and y u n WMi upon their recommendation, Mr- rraan of tbs nssootation. tl<d utl mo“ t» k ' UK tho ohl ' ,r > reic.rnei thsnks for Mr. „,nfcrred upon him. In a neat and patriotic ppoch „ H „gwas, by alloddl. thelargestnnd most enthu «^bfineeOTB rd , n tjJ)l W(tr(l , Bat one sentiment niaetlc If r ™ nlle me assemblage, that of sustaining the iemed to ~ hazards lu all its mo as ares for the of the rebellion.- The old Nineteenth is on —__ ; miiitary Items.— A portion of the ** IW _ mthe And.rion Cavalry have gone Into mop l ;n0 p“ .up, pa. The men hare been -enlisted in* esaf » number remaining bore left yesterday nines, where they will remain until ready jot It* * Miiistch , (w 0 hundred and twenty-six reerniti for Aw o»at» n wr »,ce pained through our city last m Hew York They were the red planti oi a ,-vi'ih'K lr “ , he (, 0 n ( or Shop Saloon, The two commit telWle" ?; jl ce have m»d« an arrangement by which j t e> »t thie p BW ), or companies alternately. In oase 16b) vrrt* ®P. f a regiment, they labor oonjointlf in their s nw |U, i' B ‘ *■* joed' ® r< * g» chat) go Regimert has now over nine huu- Tiis iar" ' Rl bid* lair to be the first completed drill®«“'“b new rrsmieets, Every offloer has received ,„r bbv 1,1 ln , , 6 . or t at the osmo immediately, and none jnatruotiope * , HIV 4 without a written pass from the HmniMid. The extra bounty is awarded to the (jfliror Is | h, Warn, Era . treasurer of tho fund, rts’s m „*ler Addicks supplies the necessary rations. • PnoWHED. —About seven o’clock last \ * ll ,„iin Moors, aged ten years, was drowned at t T "Wi V Schuylkill, The deceased was a son of ye n Moore, at Fourth and Shippon streets. Person At-.—President Bober ts, of ,r f ‘ nM ,6d through the city yesterday, and is now Slog at Attautie (Jlty. He will return In a few daje. Tip boro of Citoho, Arkansas, Gen. Alvin P. -I X jj as bad another oonfliot with Hindman’s ie! army. near Clarendon, Arkansas, in which the traitors and took seven hundred pri xbe ba M ' e 1“ reported to have been a very Swone. but Hovey was victorious. His is the 'r. tonw Pirision 1 ' of Curtis’ army. . FINANCIAL AND commercial. TUB MONEY MARKET. Pnn.Ansi.i'niA., August 19, 1862. Some disappointment.!* bting manifested at the non nnwaruice of the sow postage stamps for circulation, SIMI» being nailer tl>« Impremlon that they would be read, at the time the law was to go Into effect. From whet we can learn they will be delivered In targe amount* within the nest ten date, or about the first of September, fthej will no ioubt make their appearance In Bmatl lota In a day or two. W U understood that the Poat Office Department will receive and immediately turn them over ,t 0 the Treasury, which wilt distribute them only through the regular Treasury Depositaries. At first, It Is said, ®, orders will be filled except tor email amounts, so as to the® them into as general circulation as possible at once, rriwf will he deliver* cl to the publlo In wheels. A sheet of Uve-cont notes will be one dollar j a sheet of ten-cant, jclte will be two dollars; a sheet of twenty.flve-eent jutes will bo four dollars; a sheet of flfty-oontnoies will Do eight dollars. the above plan of distribution -will be objsotlonabie, ,Bless the Department Is ready to furnish the notes of I,fs denomination than five dollars if they require them to it tjcbangcd only for treasury notes, as there Is a ,„j severe penalty against selling them at a premium. Its plan to be adopted Is entirely unnecessary, and will ■BPtde rather than facilitate their general and speedy Ircnlatlon, as every one havin'! fifty er one hundred; Hunt u them becomes a depositary for their diatri- Tlie slock marks! was again active, and prices well ■mslniaiDid, closing very Arm; and, with a favorable report from oar army In Virginia, wbiohmay be rocolvid , any moment, wonld caiiso a very general advance, ea jedallr among tho fancies, 101% was bid for United 'taUsconpon elves, ’SI. and the 7-30 loan closed at 104% Id, Mid 106 (liked. State fiveß were very firm at 00, and ,e coupons rose jy , City loans were very stiff at yea -lay', figures. Tbe shares of the Pennsylvania Bail nod wrote active reauest at an advance of jf, and the Ponds were held higher. All the better class of secnri -j [8 wero offered very sparingly. Reading Railroad rose s linction at the opening) but this wbb afterwards lost. •ii» other fancies were without essentia! change. Bank woi sere steady at 130 for North America; llofor MbnitlpWa; 50 for Farmers' and Mechanics’4s for amerciall 00 for Northern Liberties; 25 for Me- liWjlcs' ;00 for Kensington ; 23/j- for Manufacturers’ !.a Becbsnlca' ; 34110? 1 radestnen'a j 41 for Olty ; 32 for iismonveelth; 25X for Consolidation ; and 28 for Oorn icltatge, In passenger railway seoutitieathe only tala »>, » lot of Arch-street at 25— % more’ban was bid tderdoy, Gold Bttclaated bntlltllo to-day, opening at with irse sates, and closing dull at 14, Silyer is la more de uid, at better ratsa tban yesterday. There was mote inquiry from outßide parties for de- iuid cotes, tmt little change in prioe. Lressl k Co nuote.: '■* Ytrk Kiobtmge.,.......parol-10 dig. Mod Exoljaugo.,,,,, .parol 10 pin. timoroltxebaDge.. % dis. jolt I funds. .............. ..3- 1001-lO dis. Id IdolS pm. Idlißumud.Notes 6J,'o7X pm. uitenuustefaCorlifloatea Io3X dig. Tints is extraordinary activity on the Block IvX'Tutogs ■hr. Tbs absence of unfavorttole news from the sift umber with the rapld;%ecruUmg of the near jives the operators 'for the rise a deeded advan r, aai tie ordeiß to tony this morning are larger than t»r since the buoyant marketjnst previous to tlia les before fiicbmond. The large earnings of the roxij (Uni the great abnndauce of money enables nil Mora to run prices itp very rapidly, and with good i»rs novts the intprovcmenMnav become permanent., Iran tact lona in stoeks, it wig be eeen npon refer t« to the printed liet, are larger than for a long time t. SteculßtionrnnsßtrODgeßt'Upon the railway BhaißS, irelsrt; on the two Bries, Michigan Southern and tfo, i!ur Ihe board prices Aid not maintain the fnU prices the morning, b«t on the wl>olt>> the market retains Its aiifss wish a tendency to lurthor Improvement In Brie Mich'iean Sontbe*n. 'letatltnad hoed# are very strong, especially the o of the Ntchigati Bcuthnrn, Brie, Michigan Oeu- Toledo end Wabash, and Cleveland -and Toledo jnici, Michigan Southern seconds jumped 5 , tilting at 91, Chicago and Northwestern firsts 1 1 tP cent. !he tealure ot the Government list la the rise of 1 W tin 130 treasnry notes, sales making at 105j<. The ’on Ores of 1574 rose to 80 J£ 001, the ooupons of 1881 km; la sery easy to-day at 3®4 per cent, on first : collaterals. >!d was steady early in the day at 118, but after the rt there were sellers at 114-lf. The fresh snooty on market from (he sab- treasury ■ induces the brokers to w their tajJog rates. iliable demand notes are selling to-day at 107)80 i' fertiflcstea of Indebtedness sold freely at 99>8, that was bid for more. itadelpbia Stock Kxohanga Sales, Aug. 19. “Ported by B, B, Blatmaxb*, Phlla, Exchange.] PIBBT BOARD. RtadJng E..., .801-18 117 N. Penns, 8,..b5,10 .do b 6.30 i-10 60 Long Island 8.... 18 - ’do lots. B- 70 Penn. B. cash 10ta.49)8 10 do b 6.30 -89 do. 49)8 do 10t5.30 4000 hehigh Yal. 65...103 d 0... 30 . 60 Areh-5t.8........25 do.. 30 1000 Benoa. coup. 65...92)8 ..d0,,..,,,.,..,89 170 (abt) Penns. 5a...90 lily Oj,new.lots. 10! t II Mechanics 8ank..25 „ do. do 102)8 20 Morris Canal..b6.42* - North Penns, 8... 10 SBQOHI jo Elmira H ....13 to Ostawlisa pref... .11 w' do 11 'Jlty 6a, new...., 102)8 do. 98 ltU,PtW,*oh2mBo .ornEichangeßk.27 ■ CLOSING PI Bid, Atktd. i *1......10ij/ ioi« 7 3-10 N.104)8 106),' l» As, 97)8 88 a Os new.. 102)8 102),' 6s 89)8 90 *BB .30 80)8 »65W48.101 .. i? Ida 70. 98 at Ssm. 86)8 ... Bex dlt. 49)8 49)8 31 m 6s. .104 104)8 3 2 tn 65..100 100)8 jOblOod.. 42)8 48 las Stock., 4)8 6)8 >as Pref... 16 16)8 •WBHedat 89 tTO "B 13 ! « B Pref.. 23 W73.exint 86)8 W BOARD. 1.0 N Penna B Oh Sop 61 60 Lehigh Nav...,..51* 60 Reaaing B. , b 5.301-10 3000 Long Maudß 7s, 100 , 100 Race & Yine...bslo* 100 Long Island 8,.. .18 1000 Harrisburgß6s..lCi3 tIOES-FIRM. j Bid. AIM. Llsiandß 18 18* LebOl&N.x-dv 61* 61 & Le 01A Not scp. 20 30 N Penna 8..... 9* 10 8PaU0a...... 17* 78 N Pa B 10«..... ..101* Oativw B Con... 3* 4 Oatavrissa Frf., 11 11* Frank ABo 8.. .. 47 Sec A Third St B 05 .. Race* Vino-st B 10* 11 WPhilaß,.... .. 63 Spruce* Pine.. 12* .. Or tc Coates exd 33* 31* Arch Btexdiv. 26 26* Thlr * Flft’nth. 16* „ Sev'b ANine’h. .. ' 8* Girard College,. 23* 24* Teath * Elev’th.3l .. Philadelphia Market*. Adocst 19,1882.— Syening. "Is Fleur market continues rery quiet; the only sale* Ikm of sr* 200 bbla. Western extra at $5 80 V bbt; Lancaster county extra family at $8 78, and >r toandi at 99 bbl. The (idee to the trade at from $5 bbl. for euperflne opto our ?6 quotation for extra. Extra family and fanoy hM to quality. Bye Flour to seltini in a small way 6003,?dV b’bl. Corn Steal is doll at *303.12X »!. ter fttmejlvania. Heat,—Theta j g s goo d demand, and It is coming in 'irwlr, Sales comptiee about 8,000 bn* good and ™o») l?anla and Western red at 12901310 V 1000 bus Southern do. at 133ff1135c, and 1,000 bus ;“*J Wbtts at 132 c, and 1,800 bns Southern do. at has, By* is selling on arrival at 80o; 2 p<i ? c »ylvaula sold at this figure. Corn la in fair '; Sales of 2,000 bua prime yellow at 84c, and in- O' bDs, Oats are in fair demand, and 2,000 “Mlumsold at88«40o W bus- : No. 1 Quercitron la offered at $33.50 V 8 “«ar of no aales, mu I°? lin nea dull, there being very little stork to are not so (Urn. JL** 8 Pnovisross.—The markets for both are it' i. 1 „?'* rather more doing in the latter. Mess d . 'u R ! lln * « SUoU.6O W bbl. 400 bble and tea ut sHc> oaah and 90 days. Sugar and Coffee i. seo £?' ® nt i we bear of no s»i«B worthy of njtico ] "-There is rather more drniaiid for Oloveraeed; “ w »t from $4.780 525 W bns. New Timothy 'W‘/' 4? hue Flaxseed is worth uK* !i rs *ber firmer i sales of 200 bbls Ohio are re li« 8 ! J,“ c ' Pennsylvania at 31c; hhds Sle, and , Se»lSBo29o V galloD. Harrisburg Lire Stock Market. T Hibbisbohu, Aagost 16,1863. "*! t(, «'ista of Live Stook of all kind* during the '■ v Harriaburg Stock Yards, 1,661 Beef Cattle, 3168 SS, 686 Sheep, and 462 Horaea. The aalM on Friday Oi.f 1008 ,oW 139 Beef Cattle at ®S,7O VlOO Jba U J Dihbock, 44 toad »t »3,90 “S S!1 «-.18hB»dat JS4IO. ü bend ats39B. • Mrobster, 29 head at 83 60. Vi ; 44 head at 84.20. Otn 1 v^, olf ' 32 boat »t *4 20 (w.'n“ W *i ® bead at 84«4 30. KSMBopitW. Haii' 108 Hogt at 84 16, , S| ‘WB total sale, this weak 310 Beef Cattle and 243 droTes of Boot Oattlo wore in market this E ,r '®>»ker.... 80htad. L ,;>W 18 « fcf 33 <■ P& ! *>n li » nscher . in lt :«8 .< 0, “3 “ J n D w , l ac i‘-""<« « « Me. F. Gctkkgnst, Nos. 704 and 700 Arch street, has just executed at bis gallery floe cartes de visile of the following w.ll-known clergymen. oopHfa of wbtoh can be had at hi* counters: the Her. Robert Bale Owen; Professor William Morris, M, D.; Bor. Mr. Jef frey, piEtor of the Fourth Baptist Church; Rev. W. H. Bobench, of the Presbjtori&n Board of Publication, and But. Dr. Plummer (Seeesh), of Pittsburg; also a superb picture of Mrs. Backhouse, a preacher to the. Society of Friends. Pickles, Catsups, and Sauces.— Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealt r in Fine Family Groceries, Arch aud Tenth street#, has constantly on hand a supply of Orosse A Blackwell's English Pickli s; also the celebrated Oatsnps of this firm, together with Worcestershire and other farorlte sauces, to which we ‘ Invite tbs attention of our renders. Soldiers who' are accustomed to Homoeo pathic treatment, can have Pocket Oases with the prin- cipal Homoeopathic remedies j weight two ounces. Price #1 (mailable.) Homccopathic Pharmacy, 635 Arch street. A Modern Scenb.— ’Tls eve! the midnight houris hastening on, ‘Kind lady, are you thus oompeUed,” wo said, To labor late to gain your daily breed Bhesmilingly replied, “Ob, dear me, no! I’m working me a skirt—tiejfr’e all the go t" What a pity that the daughters of Eve cannot be pro vided as the eons are, with ready-made clothing es tablishments similar to Charles Stokes’ “ One price,” under the Continental. , Reception of General Corcoran.— -This brave Irish hero, who haß just been released' from"a Southern prison, !b expected to arrive in town to-day. Ample arrangements have been made for bis reception, end be is to be received In a style becomtng-a patriot aud a veteran. The Gtneral will tarry but a Bhorttima North, as he Intends immediately to organize a brigade of the brave sons ol the Emerald Isle, and return to more active Bconeß. It is to be hoped that while he is among us he will have an opportunity of visiting the renowned Mammoth Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, Ho, 609 Oheßtnut, where the finest summer garments in the country are manufactured. General McClellan Retires from ETar bison’s Banwko. —General McClellan hasohanged his base of operations, and vacated Harrison’s Landing, on the James rlvtr It is not unite clear what his next step will he; but there is a whisper that he is ooming North to Philadelphia. We cannot vouch lor the correctness of this rumor; but we will venture to guess that if he oomes hithtr, he will take advantage of the opportunity to pro-, cure for himself a new ontSt at tho Brown stone Cloth ing Hall of BockhlU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. BKnot, Louisville J H Wilson, Peoria, 111 Uapt BO Walker J Herntr A 2 oh, Pittsburg Mis Shea, Pittsburg V Harding, Wash, D 0 Wm Smith, Wash, D O J E Moors A w, Kentuoky W U Keller, Altoona J Thompson James F Oatlln, Alex, Ya AO Hartou,Pittsburg John L O’Neill, Pittsburg John J Hoffman, Pittsburg L A Peirce, Ohio . Sami M Allison, Ohio Mott C Allison, Ohio W Fairchild & da. Kansas L Hope, England M Kean, Lonisville, Ky Obaa Albright A w,M Chunk W H Strob & la, M Ohunk P Keilo & la, St Louis Benj L Mavbew, Mass Jacob Smell A vr. York, Pa Mri J H Baw, York, Pa F £ Archer, Salem, N J J V Craven, Salem, N J J M Hunt, Abington \ J A WiBB, Washington Bobt Wetcolt, MD, N J Mrs Bookwell, New York BL Avery, Mansfield, O J f Gass, Denver, O T L D Brayn, New York • W Hanna & la, Baltimore T 0 Fisher & la, Pottsville T B Fitoh, New York E W Wood ward £fam, Ohio J 61 Harrison, Newark \V J Barrie, Btliefonte, Pa W M Furiilo A la, N Y HrConnill, Baltimore J Ackerman, New York Hies E Ackerman, N Y Mrs Sarzsr, Long Island Mrs Grande, Long Island Geo A Shaw, Boston B D Jay « la, Illinois J O Stimpson, Boston, P 8 Sanderson A la, Wash E D Hall, Salem,N J J O MulFord, Salem, N J J W Nesmith A wf, Oregon Miss Wilson S P Franklin * 1, Wash D II Sargent, Vermont WB Butterworth, N York Dr Duvall, U S N Mr O'Hara, Pitt,burg Lewis V Beers, U S A Horatio Pain, USA J Bigler, New Yotk b B Naugui A wife A Pardee, Hazleton S W Bozeustock, California M J Webb A la, N J W N Marcus, Now York W H Trego, Baltimore H Baton, Baltimore B E Stinemetz, Wash Sami Stinemetz, Wash's C T Smith, Wash’n Miles Pratt, Boston J T War bem, Vo Elias B Kennedy Maj Gen Wool, U S A Col Crane, USA Capt Christianson, D.S A Mrs ilhristianson AO lijester,'Harrisburg W.Bartlett, Virginia Dept Gamble, B S Nary H B Robinson, U S Nary Bateman Goe, CoßneiiaviUe Eugene Ford, New York Mrs J B Young, New York Alex J Frey, York, Pa J D PShcost, New Jersey Miss E Looser, Pottsville O W Brown,'Hartford Mias 8 Loeaer, Pottsrille A L&udon, Pennsylvania W 9 Vernon, iionisville E H Terr on, Louisville J B Galo A la, Troy, N Y H Downs, Seneca Fails Misa Gale, Troy, NY Thos H Dnnham, Boston J R Baskoll, New York Mrs T T Bowe, Boston John Q Thaxter, Boston A H Van Alttme, New York J Vatr AlHtyne, New York M H Stevens A la,Wash’gton G T McFarland, Newark Mias Stevrns, Washington Bon J D Stiles, Allentown G co B Scball, Allentown S A Bridges, Allentown Q M Jacobs Alady Geo P Smith LtGoi Kritichmer A lady Richard Hartshorne, N J John Black, jr, New Jersey Alt L Black New Jersey OhnsN Black, New Jersey BE A Orofton, 1/ SArmy E Kellogg, Hartford G Merrett, New York G W Phillips, Jr, A wf, O W Chamberlain, Ohio E B Pennington, . Ooi Murphy, New York O Wright, New York Mr Marshall, New York JB Comings, New York S W Gibbs, Albany J O Palmer Ala, Hartford L F Jnda, Conn J Wynne A wf, Ohio D W Skinner, New York JE Beatty, New York A Btumentbal, New York J B Lawrence, New York JR Cox A ia, New York T 8 Draper, New York J T Cochran, Pittsburg Slits Cochran, Pittsburg Jno Buzby. Now York T B filatworthy, New York Jas G Moffet, New York Msj Israel A la Mias McOann Lieut Kratz H Symons, St Louis Slits Lycos MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st., below Aroh. L 0 Voorheea, Easton H B McCauley, Virginia Wm Fritz, Bethlehem B L Thomas, Maryland D Denton, New York J P Kratzer, Oleartkhl J Stembaugh, Mifflin Geo A Endley, Wasb’ton, O JK Caldwell, Wash ton, O O B Armstrong, Ohio O G Bupp, Bucyruß, Ohio Col Jos G MoKibben, Miss Csnstant Williams, Pinna CbaaL Umbstaetter, Pittsb A B McKibben, Plitaborg John W Pittock, Pittsburg Sami C Shimer, Bethlehem Ohas Brodhead, Bethlehem L D Goldsbnry, Indiana ON Sanders, Pittsburg O H Wilson, Ooiineotiont Mrs E Dupont, Belaware John Elliott, Tipton, Pa Miss A Dnpont, Delaware Ohas Mather, Monig 00, Pa J G Mnstin, Pittsburg Ttaas J Moore, Hoffldayebg JD Brown, Penna Nicoll Halsey, New York Ohas Maginnls, Penna Ohas Hampshire, Joanesve Mrs K Slaginnis, Penna I D Griggs, Wateibnry, Ct'Mrs WetheriLl Ach, Penna PHuie, Cincinnati, Ohio A Eppley, Cincinnati, O' AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. S B Griffith, Wash, D O J W Craven, West Chester J Miller, Columbus, O Theo F Beck H W. Morgan Jas L Grover, Stockton, Pa G F Shepherd, New York 8 F Minnick, Pa H Williams, Pa -• J D Marshbank, Lano, Pa Mrs Getting, Wash, D O Hiss Jennie Getting, Wash Jeremiah Bauman, Laacaat Geo Lear. Doyiestown J H Biinton, Cheater co Geo Brtnton, Jr, Chest co Gto E Herrison, Md Capt C E Foster, Pa WHB Williamson, Wash, DO Jas M Stewart, Troy, N Y G W McPbail, Easton ' J Benedict A son, Easton P Bmdy, Penna T Lynch, New York Peter Miller, Penna ■ ST. LOOTS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. y A McDowell, Cincinnati, O 8 StieglltZi N Y James Day A wife, Wilm, D J Husgen,'Baltimore L Clerk, Baltimore L D Grove, Baltimore JHB arlan, Wilmington, D Sidney Hall, CBN Mr Wheeler A ladyt Barling Alex Dick, Buffalo J Fuseell, Washington, D O G W Morgan, N Y W P Cole,’Baltimore Miss Cole, Baltimore LirdseyL Pierce, Wilm,Dei Miss File. Wilmington. D J Bigler, NY Walter W Ferdon, NY B B Moore, Delaware W H Mathews, NY F V Hayden, Washington J F Dalian, Washington , ’Time Jones, Newark, N J B HWoolman, Chester oo J B Livingston* ESS AM Clark,. M D, NY . W N Walker, Chester co ,W Walsh, Wilmington, D FW Billing, NY ISI Blrk A lady, N Y H H Meacham, N Y J B Farnum. N Y B E Hilliard, Conn T W Dnell,,Salem, NJ 8 8 Corbin, F Patterson, Pottavlle J B Beatty, Pottsville lE. Stons,. .......130head Crane it Young... 33 >* W Daw50n....... IS) “ Jerry L0ng.........78 “ Geo. 1tad011fr...... 45 “ Geo, K»saner ~,,, 31 “ G Welsner 18 « H. Meredith 61 u J. ILctor... j. 7 it W. Webster 29 n G Gordon, 48 « Geo. Fab1e........113 d M. Williams ...... IQS “ J. J. Hnob t e0n,...108 *> W Gregg 32 ii G Wttion.,3l *> CITY ITE MS. The clock wilt scon announce the night half gone; Why dteken then the light from that low cot, While others sweetly sleep, their care forgot I A fragile form sits bending by the light, Flying her needle on the mnalin white: Wearied her looks and weak her straining eye, Pet still ehe stops not e’en to heave a sigh. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 o’clock last night. THE UNION—Arch rtceeV above Third. W Semple, Allegheny City L W Perkins V H Case, Ohio F Glum. Attantio City J A Leslie, Poland, Ohio Mrs L W Leslie, Phils O H Gert, Ohio ‘ Lt J H Saylor, Scblk Hav’n f J Shaffer, Pittsbnrg Mrs A O Shaffer, Pittsburg J H Poole, New Jersey J-W Garvey, Jr, Baltimore G G Evans, Delaware D N MinahaU, New Yoik M)bs Kendall, Penna BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Ylne. ' W W H Headley, Newtown WmBhattock, Troy, N Y Mrs Bhattock, Troy, HI E Paiat, Backs county li W Plainly, Atlantic City T B JHoif, Atlantic City M Gray, New Hope B ttarple, Chicago 3 B Harple, Chicago Silas,H Beans, Doylestown Joshua Beans, Los lestown AT Hampton, Doylestown B Wiggina * la, Bocks co A McKee, Hew York Capt Feasler, Hewtown JHeston, Newtown H 0 Austin A fam, Bucks co Bergt 0 Toy, Montgomery yf Cox, Doylestown R Kenderdine, Camp N P J Hewlin Bell, Camp HP Banka Banka Dr Hellyer, Backs co P Mclntee, Doylestown J JusUs, Wayne county 0 Bittenhouue, Moreland J W Wood, Hunterdon eo A P Schultz, Annapolis, Md H Harrison, Hulmevllle B Price, Wingoheckin JR Hampton, Doylestown Jaa Lambert. Doylestown Jo* Stemple, Buoka co B Miles, Northampton Geo FloweTß, Attleboro Smith Bnckman, Newtown Bdward Atkinson, Pa , Oha* Horner, Hartavllle ‘ Lieut Ritchie, Newtown A R McHnight, Feaaterv’e B W Simpson, Buck* co 8 Wallace, Lycoming county NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, abore Third. Mrs Worth, Lebanon G Rapp, Lebanon co P Gingrich. Annville W G Stein netz, Reading B Betot, Lexington, Pa B O Oadip, Harrisburg 0 C Dittrioh J Kemmerer, Allentown J M Harley,Bucks co G Bothehili, Williamaporl L B Ruler, Pbcfinlxvllls EL Yandllng, Cheater co J W Gay, Cheater co J Bargett, Hanoter LBargett, Hanorer J Hantz, Lebanon T T Jenklna, MinersviUe • COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. James Bailey, Indiana co Hiss A HoOoy, Indiana co L J Kirk, Lancaster co Robt Baldwin, Lancaster W Duels,Lancaster co J H Valentine, Chester eo Cyrus Hoopes, Chester co H T Darlington, Doylest’n J B Jordan, Elkton, Md Capt Auohenbaoh, Pottst’n Wm McDowell, Cheater co Jesse Orowl, Pennsylvania Wm H Eder, Elkton, Md E 0 Robertson, New Jersey Miss Dickson, Chester Yalley Mis* Jones, Chester Talley STATES UNlON—Market street, ahoy* Sixth. B McCollum, Washington G W Driver, Washington N Hautcb, Carlisle : G Z Bentz, Carlisle L H Perkins B f Wiokersham, Chester H Lang, Oneeter oo John Allison, Blair co Janies D Scott, Pennsylvania A C Bowman, Lancaster PWatsoe, Middletown John Yannort, Maryland Wm Llndly, Duncaunon L B Mathers, Pennstlvanla IB Parker, Mimin B B Rockey, Penningtony W W Sayers, Waynesburg Jaoob Bener, Middletown John X Burton, Atlantic City BLACK BEAR—Third Btreet, above CallowhtU. Jacob K Bill, Earlvillo D Gilbert, Potlstbwn 0 H Warner, BI D,?P«nna W Richards, Hamburg J S Ditlinger, Allentown Chaa Harper, Jenkintown Wm Earner, Penuaburg John Harsh, Penns ourg Sami Stout,' Doylestown J 0 John 8 Cornell, Penna 8 H Stillwell,Southampton J Yahardsdalen. Southampt Jos Bernvilie . Miss Conrad, Bernvllie ' B H Moore, Reading BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowhili. John Hess, Cherry vilte ' Milton Ohl, OherryvWe Barclay Brown, Byberry, Fa V Hoffman, Allentown 0 F Huber, Allentown P Fenstermaeber, AUentn Henry Gabriel, Allentown J B Ely, Kutztown Mfss Baker, Lehigh co, Pa Sami Hayden, Easton HT. VERNON —SecomPstreet above Arch. E Edwards, Chester co WAWilllsmson, AtlantClty Dr Llojd, Burks co. Pa B Bowln, Bordwtowa D L Hall. Bordcntown J B Heylla Joshua Down, Bucks co ■ • ’ A G Angsli, Providence J A Snyder A wf, D S A ■ MADIEON HOUSE—Seoond street, above Market. J 8 Corbar T 8 Johnson, Delaware! P A J elite, Feit'n, Del Oh B Hill, N J Jas Williams, Krwinna L Thomas, Lumbervilie A Quinsy, WHmidgtn, Del J B Moon, Books Oo Thee O Fountain, Illinois Jnu Tucker, Norristown Mr Stewart, Pennsylvania Thos 8. Murray, New. Hops A b Oedwellader, Yaro’.tlle W p Megill, Bucks Co MARINE INTEIiJLICrENCE. RVBEH FOURTH PAGE ABBIVBD. Scbr Cameo, rmdletou, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A O'dllns. Pcbr Ada, Ames, 4 days from New Haven, in baliaet to captain. Schr John B Mather, Nickerson, 3 days from Boston, wlih ndse to Crowell A 00-ilus.* fiohr 8 L Stevtns, B<udley, 4 days from Boston, with Ice to captain. ■ - ' . CLEARED. BrigLoango, Evans, Havana. 6 W Bernadou & Bro. Scbr Caleb Stetson, Bvbinson, Braintree, Castner, Stick ney & Wellington. Scbr Alliance, LeUnd, Fortress Monroe, 1 Boyd. Scbr L B Myera, tomers, do do Sobr W Penn, Phillips. Norfolk, Navy Agent. Sir B Willing, Olay prole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Etr Bristol, Charles, New York, W P Clyde. MEMORANDA Barks Young America, OolliDß, and J Godfrey, Clark, chared at New York yesterday for Sew Orleans A bark Irum Philadelphia was eeen 2d inst. off Port au Prince, b;ui>d in. Brig Olive, Maiefield, hence, arrived at Portsmouth I6th inst. • f-chr Fanny Mitchell, Hamilton, cleared at PorUand 16th Imt tor Philadelphia A Schrs N Holmes, Hewitt, Bailed from Providence 16th imt. for Philadelphia . Schr JM Betts, Vaughn, sailed from Providence 16th inst. for Wilmington, Del. , Bchr Isabel, Taylor, hence, arrived at Pawtucket 16tb instant. Schr Black Diamond, Young, henca, arrived at Dan vers 13th ixifit. SPECIAL NOTICES. No Runaway, nr THE BABO OF TOWER BALL. When that order was sent From Uncle Sam, t’other day, Timid wights to prevent From running away, An officer mpied * A gent with a bundle, And toward. Delaware’s side Did he rapidly trundle. The officer popped 'Bound the corner right soon. And the gentquicklystopped. As a dbg would a coon. “ Don’t fly from the draft, And your country forsake!” Then the gentleman laughed At tho funny mistake. “ Don’t eeppose,” did he say, ' “ That I mean far to roam, For in Camden, a. J., Is my permanent home, And this bundle holds nothing Like baggage at ail— - But a Cheap suit cf Clothing Bought at famed Tower Hall.” Balance of Summer Stock selling at reduced prices. TOWER HALL, No. EIS MARKET St , Philada. BENNB CT A CO. ' Batchelor's Haib Dye ! 'THE BEST IN THE WOBLD. WILLIAM A BATOHELOB'B celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the 01 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by aU Druggists, Ac. tar The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on the four tides qf task he®. ' FAOTOBY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 238 Broadway omit 16 Bond street), my2S-ly New York. Finger & Co/s jLettbb “A” Fa mily SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL THE RE CENT IMPROVEMENTS, is the BUST, and oiieapest, and HOST beautiful, of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the runsing of a tuck In Tarletan to the making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its werk to per fection, It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, Q-uilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, bnt it will do so better than any other Ma chine The Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine-may be had In a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming s» popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beantifu?; substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The oases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well'’supplied with siik twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best duality. Bend for a eopy of “ Singer A Oo.’S'Gazettb.” • I. M. SINGBB A 00., 468 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 OHESINUr ST. jy!2-mwftf ©ne-Peioe Clothing, op the latest 6TVLBB, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST * Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ott-s-Paicm Stbtem is striofly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ie22-ly JONES A GO., 604 StABKET Street Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at HI South FOURTH Street. - MARRIED. WAGNER—BRADLEY—On the evening of the 18th lntt., f by Bev. J. O Clay,.D. D , Mr. Joseph Wagner to Miss Bailie B. Bradlas-ioJ I —^ DIED. SMITH In the Ohesapeske Hospital, Fortress Mon tee, Angnst 11th, of consumption,. S Griffltts Smith; 00. A, Sjth Pennsylvania Volunteers, In the 21st year of his age, son of .the late Wn. Alexander and. Sarah Q. Smith. HURLEY.—Oh third day morning, 19th inat., after a lingering illness, which sb« bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, Mary Phipps, wife of Aaron A. Hurley, aged 68 years. The relative* and friends of the family are Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, on sixth day afternoon, 22d inst, at 2 o’clock, wlthoat further notice. *** ATKIN SON. —At 0 o’clock, on the evening of the I 8 th lest., Mr. Charles Atkinson, of this city,. * BKOOK3 On Monday, tho lSth inst., Susan Brooks, aged 06 years. * SHAFFER. —On the 18th inst., Thomas, infant son of Adam and Anna’J. Shaffer, aged-16 months and 11 .days. WHITE.—On the 18th inst., Sarah White, aged,sT 'years' '■ * MoOALL.—On the 16th inst., E izabeth, youngest daughter of Archey and Elizabeth McCall. ... *: KIBKPATBICK On the IBth inst., Mary Wilson, daughter of James T, and Emma B Kirkpatrick, aged 6 . FOX.—On the 18th inst, Miss Juliana Fox; * - HOE.—On the 18th inst, Robert Boe, In-the 79th year of his age. " -U-- * ■ ' WARNER.—On the 18th inst., George W. Warner, eon; of Penrose and Margaret Warner, in the 26th year of his age. * MILLER.—On the morning of the 18th inst., Tobias Hiller, in the SOtli year of his age. * DAVIS.—On the evening of the 18th inst.,- Samuel Davis, in the 72d year of bis age. - * J.GEE—On the 18th iußt, Sirs. Rebecca Egee, aged 88 years, 11 months, and 4 days. * - JOHNBON,—On the 16th inst,, Wm. Tolbert John son, in the 35th year of bis age. #. . DIE6INGBB.—On the 18th inst., Edward W., son of Peter W. and Annie H Divsinger, aged & months. * . COOPER.—James S. Cooper, Jr., in the 31st year of his age. * KEFFE S On the 17th inst, Sir. John Keffer, in the 61st year of bisage. * MABSH.—On the 18th inst, Sir. George W. Marsh, In the 28th year of his age. * GRAHAM.—On the 18th inst., George W. Graham, aged 26 yeare. ■ - ' :i : * LINDSY.—On theilSth iait., Elizabeth, youngest daughter ot the late Sylvester and Margaret Lindsy, in the 24tb year of her age. . . * LAFFEBTY.—On the 17th inst., James O. Lafforty, aged 63 years. „ „ „ * . 'CONNER—On the 17th inst., at Cape May, Margaret Corner. . * ASSON.—At Norristown, Pa, on the 17th inst., Kate Dale, only child of W. T. and Sidney Dale Asaon, aged 10 years. * OABBU THKRS —AtOambridge, Mass ,thel4th inst, Martha W., wife of Bov. William Uarrathers, aged 23 years. : . ‘ . - * COLHOUN.— At her residence, August 18, 1862, Ann, daughter ot the late Guetavus Colhoun. * BOBER On the 19th lost,, at the residence of Albert Borer, at Boxborougb, Mary Ann, wife of James B. Borer, h .. - '• -Hi. Mourning store.—besson & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Black Mooeßeline da Laines, doable widths. Black Tamisea. Black Summer Bombazines. - ■ Black English Bombasines.; Black Alpacas, bombazioe finish. Black Groa Grain and Poult de Sole Silks. Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. Black Barege Eernaoi. Black Bilk Grenadines. Black and White Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. •ygsi RECEPTION OF GEN. CORCORAN - IL3 The various civio societies of the city, desiring to participate in the reception of Brigadier General SII OHABIi OOBOORAN, are invited to report as early as possible to the Chairman of the Committee of Arrange, meets, at the office of the Olerke of Council* at the southwest corner of* Fifth and Chestnut streets, ALEX. T. DICKSON, Chairman BOBAOE M MABTIN, Secretary. 11 SIXTEENTH WARD.—AT A MEET OTiNG Of the BKPDBIifOAN ASSOCIATION of tneSixteenth Wardi' held August 18tb, the following re solution was unanimously adopted: _ Se solved, That as an evidence of the desire of the Be pubUeausof this ward to form a thorough and hearty union of the friends of the National Government, in ac cordance with the recommendation of the Committees of the Republican and People's patties, our organization now disband, and adjourn sine die. ISAAC A. SHEPPABD, President Attest—A. W. WEIGHT, Secretary. It* ry-==» HEADQUARTERS PENRSYtYAMIA Mn ; IT gpßOios GENBBAL’S OFFICE, i. Habusbdbo. Angnit 18,1882. STATE MEDIO All BOAED OF PENNSYLVANIA. 9he State Medical Board will meet in the HalAol 1A« Home of Bepresentatives, Harrisburg, on THUBSDAi, September 11,1802. and nit one day, for the examination of candidates for the post of Assistant Surgeon In Penn sylvania Begiments. ■■. ■-„ . „ Candidates will register their names at the Halt at 8 A. M.* and none but those present punctually at ? A. M. will be examined. - ' ''.. • . ~ Citizens of Pemwlvania, of good health, and capable or active service in the field, can alone be received. By order of A. G. OUBTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania. HENBY H. SMITH, Surgeon General of Pennsylvania. AtiSo-tseii rv-ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT [ls “THE OOHttEBaXA.ti BANK OS' PENN- SiXVAKIA” Intend to apply to the Legislature of Penn ■Tlvasla. as thetr next Beseion, for a renewal of their charter Said Bank i» located In the city of Philadel phia,with an authorized capital of one million of dol lar»; a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual backing privileges. By order of the Board* ie2S-tu6m ( Kp TlO E I* HEREBY GIVEN, lkJ> that an application will be made to the uegtsla- ; tore of Pennsylvania, at their next tesßion, for » renewal of the Charier of tho BANK OB' TUB NOBTHBB.N ÜBBBTIEB. The Bald Bank being located in the city I of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital-of live hua- [ dred thousand dollars. By order of the BoarA • " I- W. GXTMMKBS, Cashier. , PhHftdelpoia, Jane 23,1582. js24 tuQca J THE PRESS —PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1862. 8,0. BXIiMBB, Cashier. ATTENTION!—TO THE LOYAL 113 THE PATRIOTIC, AND THE BRVVH. 3bo Gommitte* appointed Co procure Fnu»<B for Premium end 13-uumy to t*U who may j ;iu lfeDt i PHILiDFLPHIA BKQTMEST3 IN TH* FIELD, Call on their fellow-citizens to be olive to th.' premnt ctiwß. Mcv iuoimperniWely needed. The wasted raosß of our gL ri us regiments—tb© her.its of* DrauevviKe, Wincbeenr, Fair Oah», of the Ohickahominy, Maiyero Hill, ai:d Cedar Mountain MOST BE B&INFOROED. ... Oor oouotry call* for succor as eh? never called before; The < rbfs t* upon us, and wo zuust.be caual to it. Gaue-> rals of Bilpades. of Divisions, and the Chief, ali declare that one recruit for a regiment in the. ftilu is vonb t’? his country, at the present time, several fur new They n*go, aud the War-Do-; parfment ufgte, tho instivntauwus reinforcement of the breve regiments now before the enemy to their original; full fighting complement.' Our fathers, our brotaers, ana our sods iu tboe regiments say— | ‘♦COalfiS AND JOIN C 3. M Tried tolditrtfrom the artuiesiu the field have beea dej tailed to recruit be* e. and appeal to us to fill up the!: decimated ranks Premium aud bounty, such as IUTs befoi© weiepaid, aro ready fordiatrihution,but LO OF COUNTRY And devotion to tho Flag that has waved fa glory fro \ 1776 to the preßcctbour, are the incentives that are relit i upon. PfiEMIDM AKD BOTJHTV ABU GIVEN’ FRBHL T To coiDccn-ate, in part,,the citizen for the immaiiias sacrifices makes in leaving bis business, hii familt, and hia hume at bis country’s call, in thiß her hour trial. The consciousness of having done thoir duty, and a grab ful countr>’s praite rewarded tho Araerioan pa; triois of tJie Bevelutlon—their deijeendauts ef, this remember with pride the sacrifices and devotion of thei* 81165. '• ' * ■ .■ . - HBAFTIHG HAS BBBN OBDKBBD. I 6C0,000 more men are to be put luto the field, in ordir ? thbt the .wicked rebellion against the best Government evor vouchsafed to man may be speedily crushed and oi> terminated. But our brave Generals must h*vd 100,010 of theße men now—at once. The trae patriot has the przvliege of hastening, voluntarily, to his countrys aid, and being enrolled In tho battle*stained regimentiof onr city ' - JPHILiBELPBTA CALLS ON HER SOS7S tosustßin her fair fame. Fathers. Sous, aud .Brothe s, ask us to come to their aid without delay. Let os do )t. Let ur keep bright our city’s glory, and. do our ,hest Lr our beloved country. * By order of the Onmmitfee: ) ALBXANDBR HBSfBV, Ohairman, f THOMAS WKB3TBSB, Vice Ohtfirmanl v LOBIN BLOBGBT, Secretary. HA MBS OF OFFICE BS DETAILED FOB HE OBDITING SEBVIOB, LOCATION OF BENDBZ YOCZ, Ac. ' . • ■ Captoin Thomae J. Town, Lieutenant Patrick Egan,; 96th Regiment, 202 Dock street, above Secoiid ' *■ LieutenantO. B.Griffiih, Lieutenant A J.Kuorr,3lst BegimentJ h’o. 138 North Ninth Btreet. Captain Wm. J. Uhler, Captain Adam Schnh, 99th Begiment. . ;. i. ■; Lieuteinant John S. Biehl, Lieutenant George W. Tom- Hdbod, 26th Begiment, corner Sixth and Carpenter, aud, 114 North Tuird street- Captain P. McDonough, Lieutenant John Curley, 2d Bererves Oaptain Matthew Beilly, 116th Begiment, 1219 Market; street. ' Captain'Wm. Wilson, 81st Regiraont, 1118 Market febeet. • I Captain Sthob, Sletßegiment. j : Lientenast Thomaa K: fiogga, 23d Begiment,northeast corner Sixth and Oheetrmt, third story. i Liouienant George W. Wilson, 81st Begiment, No. 5 South Fifth street. : : William M. Duncan, 61stBegiment. ' A; , Lieutenant Samnel Larkin, Lieutenant John Stanton, 3d Receives. : i ' : Lieutenant Charles Been, Lieutenant Edward Honlh, 9Sth Regiment 532 North Third street. [ Lieutenant James B: Hadley, 28th Begiment, 419 Cki lowhili streeb 7] ' ' Captain Christian H. Winter, 75th Begiment, <B3 North Third etreet. j Capthin William Jatho, Lientenant Walter 8. Briggs, 2Tth Pennsylvania. . * i Lientenant William Lotford, 29th Regiment, 718 Market ■'street. , • • : Lieutenant John Boche, 13th Cavalry, 104 South Biith street. - ■ ■ , ? ' Lieutenant Daniel B. Meany, 13th Cavalry, 44 South Seventh etreet .. : ■ Lieutenant J. A. Gregory,.9lst Regiment, 820 Ohesluut street. ; I Captain H. A. Sheetz, of Pennsylvania Reserves, (620 Cheeinutetreet . - Lientenant Co!. E. H. Wood, Major James H. Brady, Ist Pennsylvania Artillery. Lieutehaht Daniel F. Linn, 58th Regiment; Lieutenant Joseph 81. Abbey, 112th. Besides a private from each company of each regi ment- au2o-10t gNMfeTI ENLIST I TEN BOLLARD WILL BE GIVEN, IN ANMTIGn TO ALL OTHJBR BOUNTIES! To reend te for the 45TH REGIMENT Pennsylvania Volunteers, (001. THOMAS WELSH,) bow at JSewport Hews. OKE HBHPBED MEN, of the first class, are wanted immedintelj'for this regiment. Apply at EVANS & HASSALt’B, JTO. 4XB ABOH Street . an7-tt J! ITJRN OUT! TURN OUTs< f) ISlit EJidIMXNT P. V., Col, 0. BIDDLE. TEN W MEN WANTED for Cempsoy B. Apply alNo 506 ■“vine Street. Ist Lieut MAX HEIN, 3d Lieut CHAS. E HDLSE ; K ttYMNAbJ; aOU AVJSS lOR AG @ T2YE SEIiYIOK.—Bea Bootable yotrag men desiron? J]/ of joining this fine organisation, will apply at the Ar mory, Mo. 37 touth Third street. It* , P. V. SMITH, Captain. I AVOID TaS v DBAB'T!— II6O 0 Bonnty, one month’s} payin advance, and 82 pro uj micm,- until the 23d inat. Patriotic Young Men wanted at once, to #H up Qompany If, 121st Begi ment Pennsylvania Volunteera-, Col, OSAPM.AN BID DLE. Mia will be mUßtorod 'in, immediately miiforsned, and rent the- fame day to the healthy camp at Kdgewooi, near Chestnot Hill. Fay and rations from date of mas ter. Apply to J. ABYBED KAY, or HA»BIfiOJS LAMBDIN, lileuientnta, BKUNHK’B HOTEL, Germantown, 8020.3t# i . POPS ON THE AD VANCE TO l|. : RICHMOND.-?UNION GUARDS REGIMENT tered more men Ran any other regiment now mas tering into the service, A few more able-bodied men are wanting to fill this regiment. . ; $l6O Bounty Mastered' and e<joippod at once.. This regiment will move positively on Head- Quarters of the re&hnent {southeast corner of FRONT andMASTßß'Streets. , , Officers* Quarters at room No* 2F £fc Louis Hotel, Chestnut street, above Third, north side, r,v v A meeting of the Board ef Officers every day at four o’clock. J'* Bi AWsM9, au!B-2t* Oolonfl Oommohding Regiment, U BUCKTAIL BRIGADE, §165 HBOUNTY—*IO. EXTRA FOB FIBOT FIFTEEN ill MEN ENBOLLED— Dok!t Wait to BEiDaiFTBD, -thereby losing »H bounties. Men mnstered on enlist ment. Bay and rations to commence at once. OHAII-LE3 S. BOYB, (Formerly of Commonwealth Artillery,) Second Lieutenant and Beoruttfng Officer, aul9-ol*. No 727 MABEBT Btreet. ji §162 BOUNTY —119feh. BEGI ® MfcNT, COt,. P. 0. ELIiMA-KHB. A tew good llf men warited in CompanyO. of this Regiment. Pay • and rations immediately. $-100* before going into service Recruiting Office 204- WALNUCStreet Captain, A. T. <3oo*o fit AN", First Lieutenant BBfifJv BAY LO®, .. aulB- 31* Second Lieutenant JAMBS Wi LATTA. * ji NO BOUNTY OB ADVANCE R PAY AFTER THE 224XN8T.—THE 121ST BBGI- W HFNT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, COL. “ CHAPMAN BIDDLE, accepted by thß State as one Of the regiments to be raised in Philadelphia. Becmita for thiß regiment are entitled until the 23d of : August to the United States bounty of. *lOO, to the City of Philadelphia' bounty of *5O, and-toan erstra bounty of slo—in all $l6O, besides a premium of *2 at the time of muster, and one month’s pay in advance(sl3 ) Becrnits are immediately mastered into service, uniformed, and sent by oars on the same day to the healthy camp at Edgewood, near Chestnut Hill. For the several recrulty, ing stations see the general advertisement In tbte paper; or apply at 606 VINK Street, 728EANB Street, 229 North SECOND Street, 43 North THIRD Street, 821 KABBET Street, Ac. So. 1 - ~ " . anls dt23 u THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V., R accepted for three years, are now nearly ready for ll? the field. Fractions. of companies will be accepted from the country. Beornlta from She country coming Into tbia regiment’wilt receive bounty in Mdition to the bounty paid by their county and General Government. Transportation will be furnished on application to these Headquarters, 624 MARKKT Street, Philadelphia, or to Major G. H. B ABDWKLL, at “Herr’s Hotel,” Harris burg. D. UKKNAX, auil>l2t Gol. Commanding 116th Regimen’, P. V. i! CITY BOUNTY FUND CQM- R MISsIOH. I|J NOTIOETO VOIiHHTBHBS.—OfficiaI informs "• Hon has been given to the Oity Bounty ‘ Fund Com mission; that the following named regiments have been accepted by the Governor of Pennsylvania, on account of the .quota of Volunteers required from the city of Philadelphia, vi*; Zouave d’Afriqne, Col Collis. . Regiment No. 116, Col. Heenan. . ■■■■■>» *« 117, Col. A. H- Tippin, Scott Legion. « “ 118, Col. C.M.Frevost,Corn Exchange. “ ■« 119, Col. P.C. EUmaker, Gray Beaerves. “ “ 121,; Col. Chapman Biddle. The Commission are ready to pay the bounty to volun teers In said regiments nndor the rules and regulations heretofore: published . anl6-13t JOBN O. KNOX, Chairman. « 121st REGIMENT P. V.—RE- R CEBITS wanted for Company D, of the 23d Philadel phia Bight Infantry! Colonel Chapman Biddle.' Apply w at ihe AHDBBSON HOCBB. 1619 SOUTH street, op-; posite the Hater Market. Bounty 8160. Mnstered In at osce>’ CHABLES S. ETTING) ; *rilB«6fc Second Irfentenant. if 1215 t... REGIMENT PENNSYL ■ VANIA VOLUNTKKBS, Colonel CHAPMAN W BIDDLE. BEOEUITS WANTED FOB THE'WAN. Ap'remiumot $2 will be paid to each recruit at the time of mutter. . • OnVmontb’a par in adyanea, and $l6O Bounty; to wit: $25 United States Bounty tn cash. $6O City of Philadelphia Bounty. #lO Extra Bounty, and $75 United States Bounty at the end of the war. Beeruita will be muttered immediately Into eerrloe, Pay and rations from date of master. Apply at anyof the following recruiting station*: ALEXANDEB LAWBIE, Captain Co. B, No. 506 Vine street. _ •_ OHABLES F. HULSH, 2d Lieutenant Co B, H. W. corner of Franklin Square. J. FB ANK STEELING, Captain Co. 0, N. B. corner Sixth and Minor etreete. .GE6BGE WM. POWELL, 2d Lieutenant . Co. O, N. E. comer Twelfth and Spring Garden etreete. OHABLEB E. BITING. 2d Lieutenant Co. D, Ho. 1629 South street. M. W. 0. BABOLAT, 2d Lieutenant Co. B, No. 716 Girard avenue. _■ . . _ - J. ALFBED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Bruner’s Hotel, Main street. Germantown. WM. SMITH HOBABT, 2d Lieutenant Co. G, Potto town, Montgomery county.. , „ 0 « EDWABD GBA7 Z, Jr., 2d Lieutenant Co. H, S. B. corner oi Tenth and Thompson street* „ JOHN DUBBOBOW, 2d Lieutenant Co. I, No. 229 North Second street. _ , . JOBHUA GABBED, 2d Lieutenant Co.K, Main street, Frankferd. _ .. .... JOHN lUNGEBIOH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Third street/ _ SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Co. B, No. 72* Zane Btrcat. ... . HABBY HBBTZIiEB, Liontenant, Ho. 821 Market itr«efc. > - JAMES A3HWOBTH, Captain,Co. I, Frankford. JAMES MAGNEB, Lieutenant, N. K. ooroer Sixth and Minor streets.: WILLIAM W. DOBR* Lieutenant, 336 North Thir teenth Btreet and 405 Walnut street. . . ■ SAMUEL 0. THOMAS, Sergeant Co. D, No. 481 Chestnut street. . T.E ZELL, Ne.4&Bonth Filth street. , anl6t23 , THOMAS M- HALL. Adjutant. * RECRUITING- OFFICE Of THE ANDEESOK TOOOP, Ground Floor of th. Pennsylvania Bailroad Offloo. corner of Thlb» fctreet and WIIiIiING’B Alley.. . - , . »**oapt; WH. J. PALHEB. 1 - Sergt. ALFBEO VEZIN, 0018-6t* Private NORMAN M- SMITB, igUCKTAXD BRIGADE. ijA FEW PICKED MEN WANTED IM- Ff r a Company in Colonel li. Wister's (143 d) Regiment of ibis celebratedßrigade. TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES WILL BE PAID! AT 737 MARKET.STREET. M)2O-« * HEADQUARTERS CADWALA MBBB REGIMENT, 120th P. T., COL. WM. JF. f IMSOBHEIBKB, B. W. Corner NINTH and WAtNOT -Street*. Recruitß wanted to till up the above Regi ment. Tolnnttrafrom the country will receive the City of Philadelphia Bounty, making altogether 5165. Apply by mail, or lu person, as above M T. SOHRSIBEB, BuSO-et# Cul lSOih Beg. P. Y, f£IO 33 USIKE 8 S MEN ' The condition of circumstances regarding the produc tion of the NEW LONG-RANGE CANNON, and the position of the Inventor, call for action in a pecuniary way to advance its progress to completion and, readiness for use. . - Subscriptions or contributions will be received, and are urgently needed for a fund or capital for producing it as speedily as possible. No time should be lost. It is of importance to the lives of our men id the field that such weapons of unequalled range should be In use as soon as possible. * Receipts will .be given for all; subscriptions, and these receipts will be exobanged whenever desired for certificates of membership or partnership interest in the proceeds of the buainessofmanufacturlng these guns add fnrnißhing them to Government. Hence, ail Bams con tributed will be invested profitably, and the needs of opr armies and the demand of patriotism will at the same time be met. - ■ ■- .. Shall this bo done at once 1 Shall Pbiladelplians have the honor cf promptly doing this work as a popular movement in aid of the Union cause 1 The vital time to act is now. Shall there be an earnest response? " TiTANCY SffIRTING FLANNELS.— JL' Just opened, a few eases of Frenoh Shirting Flan nels, in neat Stripes, Checks, and Plaids, of desirable styles end uualltlee. ALSO-—Gray,’ Soarlet, and Bine Flannels. an!2 : BHABPLESS BROTHERS. T?NGLISH PKINTB, FALL STYLEB. I'J Opening of British Prints. 4-4 Frenoh styles. ETBE&LANDRLL, nnS FOURTH and ABOH. T INBNS, WHIT® GOODS, HO3IE- U BT, EMBROIDERIES.—’The 'subscribers, in ad dition to the House Fornishing and,@urtain Departments of the Dry Good- Business, give special attention to and have always on hand a fresh stock of the best Sheeting Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, and, Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respectfully rednested. SHEPPARD, VAN HARBINGER * ARRISON, au6-18t - 1088,CHESTNUT Street. THE LAST CHANGE 808 Bar gains. FURTHER BEDUOTtON IN PRICES. We ere determined to closeout the balance of oar Bum mer Stock before the first of September. In order to do ee w© wHI offer ear entire stock of FANOT SILKS, . ' ' DFSIR4BM DRESS GOODS* LAu£ MAbTLES AND POIimS, S2BK COATS AND SAOQUE'S, , At lower prices than those of any other Retail House In the city. Capt. A. LA WEIR. aa2o 4t* OUB BLACK SILKS % . can’t be matched in prices and Qualifies, as they were all bought before the last rise, and we are able tn-sell them at our - -DABGAINB in dry goods. J 3 Thefoliowipg lota wiiibe soidata great sacrifice to close them oat—vi 2?: ' 7 Two lota Black Silk an* Wool ChalHes at 18 *o, worth 87*0. Five pieceg Barege Anglfc at do, worth 10c, ""Five pieces plain Barege at 12* c. Also, a largo lot of Shetland Shawls, at Ter r low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. At - JOHN R. STOKBS',- 703 ABOH Street., Hesjuat opened KE-V GOOD 3 aa follows '. Broad iH hem-stitched ad£fs:,2, and 3‘inch hem ;.hem stitched Hdkfs. (all linen), 13c-, dr J9l 60 per doit.; g new styles narrow -cal. edgings and beddings; new £ styles solute lace and ether collars and Betts,' - . £ ALL 808 SALE AT OLD PBIOB3. All fancy made-up goods, such as lace and other q setts, collars, sleeves. veils, hdkfs.. Ac. Ac., will bo 55 closed ent, 808 THIS MOUTH OHIiY, prepara- H tory to laying in Pal Stock, g AT A BEDTJOTIOS OB 20.PE8 CENT. D “.Remnants”, of all kinds:of Z/inens, White Z) Goods* Edgings. Inztrlings, Ac. Ac, will also be dosed outat a HEAVY DISOOHKT. TS As all of the above goods have recently advanced 3 from 20 to 25 per cent., from the, increased rates of exchange and tariff, the above great rsductiaji from our old prices should prove a great induce ment for purchasers of these articles to bny during this month. ‘ ■ 1 an9 - tf A LLWOOL FRBNGH JB'LA.NNELS a\ fancy styles! for Gents’Shirts. - EYBE A LAKBELL, bo B BOUBTH and ABOH. A LL-WOOL CHEOKED OABH :'Jr\" MSBE S.—JO-inch Black and White Check* fine pure Laine Caahmeres. Imported and-for sale by SH&BPLEBB BBOTHKRS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Tweeds and c&ssimeres. . 1,6(X) yards heavy Gassimeres; just opened. Also, 1,000 yards all-wool Tweeds, 62 to 75 conta. Sommer and Fall Casmmereß, a full stock. . Hen’s and Boys’ wear, onr stock is complete. ; •DOHESTIOS. Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleaohtd and Brown Sheetings. , : Cotton Flannels, Domet, all wool, and Baoiae do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. HONEY-COMB QUILTS. Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, t BathiDg Flannels, Mosunito Nets. Linen Table.Damasks.and Napkins. Cheap lots of 4-4 heavy Irißh Linens.' CLOSING OUT. Silk Mantles, Thin Boaters, Lace Goods. Boyß’ Bnmmer Clothing. Thin Dress Goods, Black Tamartine*. Challies, Mohairs, Mozamhiqnea, Ac. COOPER A OONABD, jy3l.tr 8. B. corner NINTH and MARKET sta. TVoRITSPES—RI IMER’S have won it golden opinions from all admirers of fin® arts j fresh, vann, and impiesßive. coloring flesh tints subdued and natural Gallery sECoBBS;reet, above Green. It* We have sets* gold Congresa Water in tonntaina, hoc ln vesseliiof any other description than ordinary-sized glass bottle*. The.Wrk of every bottle of the genuine!! branded, ■ ' And any without!, ———— thoee words and let ' fOONGBKSfI ten on the ceth ill 0. & W, I WATKB. / | whether from foun-j. MILITARy. DIATELT, $2O IN ADDITION APPLY IMMEDIATE liY IMPLEMENTS OF WAR. AND OTHERS 0 F E N TER PR IS E i EARNEST PATRIOTISM. A. M. DENSMOBE, Attorney for the Inventor, 132# Sonth THIRD Street RETAIL DRP GOODS. 'ALL HE LAINES, ALL NEW PATTERNS.—HamiIton D# Lalnea. Pacific De Lames. Maacbeeter 3)e liases. BYRE A LANDEbL, . FOURTH and ARCH. OLD LOW PBIOE3. One tot cheapest Black Figured Silks ever oflbred, Also, a good aoM-rimcnt of DOMESTIC GOODS. H. STEEL A SON, an4-tf No. 718 North TENTH Bt, above Obetoa. STREET <‘ OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO LADIES. 1 ’ E., M.NEEDLES 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. SPRING . WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, r HSW TOES An attempt bee been mode to deceive the public bi persons o{faring whet they ceß “ Oosqbbsb Wate» ” from fountains, and at the price of ali(6) cento per glaaa. The wioltiaU prioe of the genuine Confess Water, at Hew York, being about 7# cento per glass, the impod tion of pretending to sell at retail at leas than coat, and without allowance for freight, oartage, or breakage, U ,apparent; bnt their probable coarse baa been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water Into «| fountain filled with their traah, end thereby chriatenlng lta total contento. CLABHB A WHITB, Proprietors of Congress Speing. The following gentlemen are supplied by asregulsrlj with genuine Congress Water, in bottles, fresh ffsm fe* Congress Spring: FBBD’K BBOWH, oor. Fifth and Cheatnnt it*. O. 8. HTOBKLL, 1410 Chestnut street DBAS. BLLIB A 00.. Market street. B . 3 STBVBHS ft 00., Sonfinental Hotel. AKBBOSB SMITH, Chestnut street JP. O; TBBNPB HHY A 00;, 941 Sprnee street THOB. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third end Spruce B*». ITTBTH Broe., Walnnt street GLARKE & WHITE. toSO-fcalf rjp h e —• “EXCELSIOR’* HAMS ARB THE BEST IN THE WOULD, J. H. MICHENER & 00., ©BNBBAL BBOYXSIOH DBAIBBSj And eorerii of the eeiebrated > “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Hoe. 14S and 144 Horth FBONT Street, Settees* AreAoad Race streets, FMla&filpte*. The' instly- celebrated “ EXOKLBIOB 1 ’ HAMS ere onred hr J.'H.M. A 00., (in * etple peenlier to thent eeWee,) expressly for FAMILY USB; are of deiicione flayor; free from the nnpleesant teste of Balt and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for cede. • if2B-lm_ T OST OR MISLAID.—Scrip Certifi "'•Jli cates of the Penn MutualMe Insurance Company, HO. 878, of 1850, BHS; Ho. 628f0f l8Sl,;B». AppUea tlon bas been made for. iha tone of-now 9? * Q place thereof. JAS. B. AI.VOBD.r_ August 12, 1868. enWwflt* Saratoga, July 1, 1883. getitimit, >r bottles. MILITARY GOODS. QEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., manufacturing jewellers, SANBOM-STBKKT HALL, BAN SOM STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, (Bp Stairs.) SWORDS! INFANTRY, OATALEY, MEDIO Air. Etc. BELTS ANI) SASHES, SWORD-KNOTS AND COVERS, SHOULDER BTBAPS AND MILITARY BADGES PRESENTATION SWORDS MADE TO ORDER. au9-sw Bm T. SNODGRASS. CIVIL & MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE, ' NO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STBEE T.. We give special attention to Officers’ materials, and hare now in store a very select and, extensive stock of aH shades and grades for suits and overcoats. Also, a great variety of WOOLENS, adapted to La dies*, Gentlemen’s and Obildreu’a wear. BulB-6t DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. JOHNES, BERRY. & Co., (Bncceasors to Abbott, Jobnes, Ic Oo.,) 527 MARKET, AND 524 COMMERCE STREETS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF s i lI ■ ; AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have dow opened on entirely NSW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK, IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND " * - AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a full assortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, shawls, &p., Which they offer at the very Lowest Market Pricoß, and solicit the attention of the Trade. aulB-3m , YARD.GILLMORE, &Co., Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets, Hare now open their FALL" IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FIRM. To which the attention of the trade is particularly in vited. • ... . suU-3m COMMISSION HOUSES. gEAMLESS BAGS. “LEWISTON” and “PREMIUM” “A.” FOR SALE BY ' WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., jy2l.mwflm ... No. 220 CHESTNUT Street. jyiNNELL . ■■ asd GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S v 3? BIN T 8- 400 Cases NEW FALL STYLES. ; FOR SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO.,^ ... .em-OTtim- - ■ - -m». 000-qmiiBTNUT Street/ jgED'-QTJILTS, SUITABLE EOS HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND SLATE. •ALSO, !L4 and' 0-4TNDIG9 'BLUE FliAt,riSii,S. - : For sale by ■ FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, jyl«.2m 34 H. FRONT and 3B LETITIA STREET. gHIFLEY. HAZARD. & V HUTCHINSON, Ho. 119 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANT!! yon Tin salb of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh3B-6m ...■■i,'. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. T?INE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. JJ The subscriber woold invito attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which be makes a speciality in his boldness. Also, eon *to*HOTKLTIEB FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. w. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, UTo. 814 CHESTNUT STRBBT-, ia9-tf • Fonr.doorg below the OontlnentaL FINANCIAL. u.-s. FIVE TWENTIES; 20-TEAR SIX PER CENT. RONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE OOVEBN- MKNT AFTER FIVE TEARS, I am instructed by the SEOBETABY OF THB TBHASUBY to reoelTe subscriptions for the abore LOAN AT PAR, TUB IHTBBJSBT TO OOMMBHOH FBOM DATS OF DEPOSIT, Thus SToiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by nailing payment in GOLD of the Interest from May A fall supply of these Bond* always on hand. JAY OOOKE, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. jy29-tt ■ yv"; W-: ‘ "•>' <?A JTAA AND SEVERAL SMALIc IUT.Uv V* SB Brans, to loan on first mortgagee of City Property. JOBS B.OOLAHAN, i : aul9-St* : 142 South EIGHTH Street. •TAMBB H. WALTOB, . TTTALTON & TGBT, Y V BAB EBBS, BBOKBBS, " ASD GBNEBAIi OOBIiBOTOBS, Ho. 26 Booth THIBD Street, Philadolphla, BHFEBENOEB. Jay Oooke A Co., Hon. James Pollook, James, Kent, Santoe, A Co., Hon. H.D. Foster, Eeberlck, Black, A Co., Hon. A. H. Boeder, O.McKibbin A Son, Hon. Asa Packer, BP, Middleton A Bro., Hon. Warren J. Woodward; Hon. Wm. Wilkins, V. Xi. Bradford, Bm. ■■ an7.3m . . ■ M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • to No. 16 South THIBD Street; where they will attend to the purchase and sale of Forelm and Domestio Exchange, Gold and Silyer, Old Demand Holes and other Securities. . aul-lm* THE. SCIENTIFIC HAIR-DYER of this city is i. GUTEKDNBT, FOURTH : and BBANOH Streets. : • . ;■/;! .. "... au2j)-iftf AyfILLER’S ARMY BALSAM.—A XVA most tillable, remedy, tor the prevention and enre of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, tod Bowel Oomplalntß. Pre pared especially for army use, and adapted to camp dysentery. Imitations * being, offered, buy none without the propnetor's bignature la on each bottle. _ _ • FBED’K A. miiliEU, No. 824 North .THIBD Street, . Corner of Brauch, PliUsdolphia. Also tor sale*at No. 133 T RIHGE Avenue, and by GEORGE 0, BOW KB, N. K, corner fllsth tod Vine. aulS-wsmCt* SOBBOBIPTION AGENT, IHOHAB W. TOST. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. YORK AUTUMN IMPORT. - u. BRITISH GOODS. SAMUEL MoLEAN & Go.. 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, Have now open, and we by each sioatnir receiving ad ditions of FANCY DBESS GOODS, : BLACK AND WHITE FEINTS, , BROWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND COLORED ALAACAB, BLACK AN® COLORED 0080803, BLACK AND CO LOB-CD DE LAINES, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN GOODS, DKBEGKS, LAVBLLAB, PlyilD AND FANCY LONG AND SQUARE SH AWBS, To aa examination and purchase of which they respect full}' invito buj ora. SAMUEL McLEAN & Go., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, aulP-121# NEW YORK. NEW PUBLICATIONS. .JJ..E W 800 K S 3. JUST BEADY. LISMISERABLEB—MARIUS. The third part of Victor Hugo’s great French novel, which is creating such a literary sensation. Uniform m price and style with part first, “ Fantine,” and part se* cond, “Oosette.” Taper covers, price 60 cents, and doth booed, $l. THE FLY-INC DUTCHMAN. An entirely new, humorous poem of the funniest cha racter, by John G. Saxb : with sixteen irresistibly comlo liiusTatiotis, on timed paper. Cloth, bound in style of “Nothing to Wear,” price 50 cents. A regular hit. OUT OF HIS HEAD. . A strange and eccentric romance, by T B. Anns ion, (author of “ Babie Bell.”} Paper covers, price 50 cents, and cloth beuhd, on superior paper, SI. *** fold by all Booksellers, and sent by mail free, on receipt of prloe, by .' CARLETON, Publisher, (LATE RUDD & OARLETON,) 413 BBOADWAY, cor. Lispenard street,. ; auS-wstf , NEW YORK. NEW GYMNASTICS.—New %m t'naßtlcß for Men, Women,-and Children. By Dio Lewis, M. D. With 300 illufttrations,-sl. Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough, bine and gold, 75 cents. Volume 9 Lockhart’s Life of Scott, Boston edition, 76 oentp. r ; Portraltof Major General Pope, 63 centa. For sale by > WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MAR TIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Street, * PHOTOGRAPHS. -TVTOT BING LIKE THEM HAVE lix. yet been seen. BEIMBR’S Colored Photograph* are still the favorite* of a discerning publics fine anality and accurately colored, for #l. SECOND Street, above A TRUTH worth noting.— The present is the time to obtain an -elaborately colored faithful portrait at ieduced prices BEIMEB’3 life-fiize oil colored Pbotogrftp' B at SBOONO Street, above Green. circulating library TXT BROTHERHJB AD’S Cl R OU f Y • LATINO LIBBABY- All the NEW English and American Boohs, including ALL CLASSES of Lite ratnre. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that aronoi BEPBINTED here. ■ Terms JB6 per year j 6 months S3l three months $1.50, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street jyT-2ra* EDU CATION AX. A RACHMANN, TBACHJER Of XJL the PIANO. ORGAN, HELODEOS, and VIO LIN, will resume the duties of his profession SEPTEM. BEE- Ist, NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE,’ «2i North ELEVENTH.Street.i au2o.lm* ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACA BBMT, liOCUST, west of Sixteenth, reopens SEP* TKMisEElst, Bt» A. M J. AUDEEWS HABBIS, A. M , Principal. au!o 32t* fi ERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI VX NARY, GEEKS' Street, south of Walnut lane, will reopen WEDNESDAY. September 3d. . Circulars setting forth Terms, Oonrse of Instruction, Ac., may bo obtained of Prof. WALTER S. FORTKSOUE, A. M., an2o tf * Principal. PENNSYLVANIA MIL IT ARY ' ACADEMY at West Chester, (for boarders only). This Academy; wiil be opened on THURSDAY, Beptem tember 4tb» 1862. It was chartered by the Legislature at its last bPßsion with lull collegiate powers. ..... . Ib its capacious building?, which were erected and furcißbed at 'a castof Orer sixty thousand dollars, are arrangements of the highest order for the 'comfortable quartering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to. the educational depart ment, and aiia lo'make. their instruction thorough and practical. The department of studies'embraces the fol lowing courses: Primary,vCommeroi&l, and Scientific, OoUegiate and Military. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James H. Orue, Esq., No. 626 Oheetnut tuo book stand of Continental Hotel, to. : , au2o-24t Col. THEO.HYATT, .Presid*** A. lOPOSAIoS.-' Proposals - acid, coal, AMD . Qp TI!E xjajTnn Siatss, _ : ;' pHiLADRLPUtA, August 20,186-. SEALED peOPOSADS for supplying tbs Mint of the bEALED B anch Hint, if required, with Acids, United State B- aon n firßt p rOX - imni 0.-in be received by o’dMh, noon ot the 30th lust. TbeTiltncj-or partißg aiciui~wr;;i>ft of the eUoQgth of S 9 Beahme'&ndthe Sulphuric Acid 66 Beanme. Said aotds to be deUvered. in tub, carboy s, atgeuch tunes add ta «euch quantities as 'may be required. The; proposals must ho endorsed,.‘fPropcßals.for Acids” Propoaals sealed) for supplying the Sllat with Lehigh and. Schuylkill GOAIq-of the best; varieties, from the Ist September, 1862, to the Ist April, 1863, and for ; HICK ORY and PINE WOOD, for .one year. from the Ist Sep tember, 1862, wilt also be received up to the time above stated. The Lehigh Coal roust be from the Buck Slonu tain vein, and of size suitable for the melting fnrnaoes, and the Schuylkill of sizes suitable for boiler purpose?. Each ton to contain 2240 pounds, ai»d the Coal to be de livered at the Mint at such limes and in Bach quantities as may bercquired. Bids to be endorsed Proposalsf#r -Coal.” Tbe Wood mußt be of the best quality, aud de livered as required. Proposals therefor to be endorsed, ‘ Proposals for Wood.'’ • , auSO lOt JAMES POLI.OOK, Director. cabinet furniture. GABINET FURNITURE AMD BHr LIARD TABLES. ' MOOBE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are how manufacturing a superior article ot BILLIARD TABLES,. And have no#; on hand a fall supply, finished with the MOOR* A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by ail who have used them to be superior to all others-^ For the qu&ity and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer 10 their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with, the character of their work. >. ; re2e-6m INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIBI AND MAEINB QIRAKD INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 41$ WALNUT STBEET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL *BOO,OOO. : This company continues to take risks en toe Batw cteMMorPropertyat low wtes.: : ,f ' :’ . The public can rely npon ita and_ebHr ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursement! for, tte beueat of the publfoduring the last nine years, exceed m boo,ooo* •ad we respeotfnlly solicit Its favor to toe fotar*. DIEEOTOBB, OHAB. I. DUPONT, JKBBY WALKED, JOHNW.OLAGHOKN, JOHN THOBNLET, C.J.HBAELITT, .ABBAHAM HAST, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PBTEBB. HOE, oIH. I WE U. SWAIN, FUBHAN SHHPPAKP JOSEPH KLAPF, M. D. H. 8. LAWBENOM, Wtf. O. BUDMAN, JOHN BUPPLKB. THOMAS OEAVEN, President. A. B. QILLKTT, Tie* PresMant JAS. B. AIiVOBP, Secretary. • ap26-tf THAME INSUBA JD Ho. 406 CHESTNUT jfibb and inl. MSB F.H.Bnok, Chai. Biohantoon, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whilldln, Ceo.'A. West, O.W. Davis, _ FBANOIB H. BU< OHABLBSBHJHj WILLIAMS I. BLAHOB Commonwealth fiee insh 1 ! WAWON OOMPAHT. OF THE STATE 01 Pennsylvania. rjuusniu DEBEOTOBB. Osyid Jayne, M. D., Oharlee H. Bogs**, johnM. Whltall, John K .Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Bobert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Strothers, Henry Lewis, Jr., EHjab Jones. a ’ DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. JOHN M. WH3TALL, Vice PresKUr* . SAMUEL a MOON, Secretary. _ „ ■ OBee;", Commonwealth Bnlldlm, SIS OBISTfIOi Btreet.PhUadelphia. ■■ LILLIE’B SAFE DEPOT BB PPmOVEI) to No. Sl South SEVENTH Street, new toeFrankUh Institute. ‘ The ondendgned, thankful for peat favor*, and beta! determined to’merit ftitore patronage, hae seenrad as elegant, and couYeulMil rtow> Mid w bow (® Mad l large assortment of Lillie’i OelebratedWronght acl ,Cbillodlron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (toe mill strictly firo and bcrglar proof safes made.) Also, Innisi Unequalled Bank Vault,- Safe, and Bank Looks. - , Mile's,Bank Vanlt Doors and Looks will be faratsbei to order on short notlcet'" Thle is the strongest, best J« tested, and cheapestiDoof and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to LBB»’* r *** Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ao.: ThlsSad* M 000 ceded to enrpaae to stylo and eteganeo feredfor this purpose, and i« the only ono that Is atrteH} MUte *» »ia *wi ““ Agent EVANS & WATSON’S ' ___ __BALAJ4ANDXB S&.FK STORE, • / 16 SOUTH FOURTH BTBEET, PHIIiABFIrPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIBE-PBOOF 8&73S always on hand. JCDS OOMPAMSj Street. nd mamjuiroa. Tons. ' X. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P.S. Justice, Washington Jones, Chaa. Stokes, , John W. Zrenuto. K, President. . .BDBON, Vlce PrwMant. « ABD, Secretary. £mhl»-B* SAFES. AUCTION SALES. RUCTION NOTICE. BALE OF FBESH BRITISH DRY GOODS. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., Ho*. 232 and 234 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Wilt sell, ON THURSDAY MORNING, August 21, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, on four month*' credit, the following fresh imported D.y (Joeis: 30 cages 4 4 Irish Shirting Linens. Cases Bley Linen A Pieces white, black, brown, and Bley Hollands. ' Pieces white and brown Damasks and Gloths. Pieces Barnsley Damasks and Huckg. ' Pieces Elantio Canvass.: Doztns Huok and Diapsr.Towels.' * Dozens Gents’ and Ladies* Linen Cambric Qdhfs Cases Prints and Debeges. Oases fine JUobairs. Cases black Orleans. Oases black Italian Cloths. Cases black Satin doUheno. Pieces black Bepellant Ciotbß. Piece* black silk finish Velvets. Also, 1,600 Army Blanket* and 3birt», Cloths, Cassf meres, Kid Gloves, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Ac. au2o-2t JOHN S. HIKES & 00., Auctioneers. jyjABSHAL’S SALE. By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CADWALADKB, Judge of the District Court of the United Btat. 8, in and lor the Eastern District of Penn sylvania.. in Admiralty,' to me direoted, will be sold at publio sale, to the highest and best bidder; FOB OABH, at BABUBL C. COOK’S AUCTION STOBB, He; 124 SOUTH FBONT STREET, OS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 1882, • /: ■■■■ '■ ’' : AT O’CLOCK, A large assortment of DBY GOODS, comprising IRISH LINENS, MUSLIN'S, PRINTS, WHIPS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, lIDKFS., tSe., dec. Goods arranged for examination with catalogues; oa« , day previous to sale. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E.D.of.Pa. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. ,DT W. L. WALL & CO. ; AUO- D TIONKKRS. x ------ GOVEKNM BAT SALE OF CONDEMNED ANIMALS. V V ill be sold at public auction, at the CORRAL, near the E aval Observatory, - ' ON MONDAY, August 25tb, 1862, commencing at 10 o’clock, A.M., a number of BOSSES AND MOLES, Condemned as unfit for public service. Terms, cash, in Government funds. . J. J. DANA, Captain A. Q M. U. S A. au3£M2s W. L.’ WALL k CO., Auctioneers. AMUSEMENTS, PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OV THE FINE ARTS, • 3026 OHESTNUT STREET, Is open dally (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. HR f P, M. Admission 26 cents, Children half price. ■ Shares of Stock, $3O. - jy9 WANTS. Nile s j register—wanted— Vole. 72, 73, and 75 of Niles' Register.- Analyst the office of the Philadelphia Press. au!9-5t IX7 ANTED—lmmediate employment, * with a moderate salary, by a young lady wh# has received a fine English and Mathematical education, and has had gome years’experience as Teacber. Unex ceptionable reference given. Address * 6 ELM A,” No. 1116 OALLOWHILL Street. Is willing to JaaTd the city. < aul9 2t* TXT - ANTED—By a Lady competent T Y to teach English, French, ami muaio, a SITU ATION AS TEAGHEB,; either in a private family or achcol. or vißiiing teacher. Address “Teacher,” Ho. 1720 £ ACE street, stating terrua,'&c. No objection to leaving the city. anlBmwf3t*' ■WANTED—A BOY, about 1.5 years f r of age, to help in a store; mn a t write wel\ and with good reference. Address if ,G. t at this nfft -e.19 2# WANTED.— A GERMAN LADY, experienced in teaching the Piaifo, the German aud. French Languages, Grecian Painting, and fin# Needlework, desiiea a situation in a Boarding School. Address -P. fit., No. 90S North TKNTH street, Ph&£ dtlphia. .... aul9-3t* . WANTED TO RENT—For a So*. Bmall family, a Furnished House. Address G H. GROSMAN,3BO*327, Post Office. auls 6t TT7>A N T E D .—2OO Wagon-makers, .V"? Blacksmiths, and Wood-workers, to fid vacaa cies for Eilistmentßin the United States Army. Apply to HENBY SIMONS. -: ..., United States National Wagnn Works, Comer SECOND and OOMBBBLAND Streets, aul6-6f# Philadelphia. Pa, EXCURSIONS. FLEASUEE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPA3ST ; Is prepared to issue, during the Bnmmsr, Uckete at greatly redneed rates »g fellows: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMP ANT. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, threo, six, nine, dr twelve months, at till low rates, for tho accommodation of persons living oeR town, ordocated on or uear the line- of the road during the summer.-’ From and after Joly 1, 3862, a still greater reduotlon has been made on these tickets. COUPON TICKETS Far twenty-six trips between any two points at abonfi two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for &# end of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persons making occasional trips. BOHOOL TICKETS For one or three months, for the nse of scholars at tending school in the city. CLERGYMEN Living on or near the line of , the road, and having occasion to use the road frequently in their dlarteaP capacity, are famished with certificates entitling them to travel at half fare. Applications to be made only to Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. EXCURSION TICKETS Issued at half fare to parties of otot forty, good faf. any;reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS flitting the Sommer are *>» at greaUp reduced rates, for the benefit of those teak' • toR recreation from business, or in pursuit of health. These Tickets are good for ten flays, and are issued tO' ’ OBEBBON (top of the AHegheny Mountains), AL TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB-; LING GAP,*SaifIEPHBATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and eards oT' the road. ■ For Through Tickets apply at the office of th» Ooai panr, Southeast corner of BIiBVENTB. and KiSKIT'' Streets. ‘ '' JAMES GOWDEK, Agent MTWIB 1.. HOTJPT, General Ticket Agent jjlß-teol- \ ■■ '' j .. WEST CHBSTEB PHILADELPHIA BAH»> CHEAP AFTERNOON EX CURSIONS ON. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYa, Throogh the finest Country and_tbe most boauttml Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS sad FBtDAYS of each-we* Tm« fitrtJisr notice ah Extra Train will leave "Weat Cheater hi* 0.65 P-M. for Philadelphia. Passer wrs buyins: Excursion Tickets can take onhvf the 2 or 4.30 P M. Train from Philadelphia, andtheA or 8.65 P. M. Train from West Cheater. BOUND-TBIP TICKETS FBOMPHTLADEIjPHUL to all Stationa east of Weat ObSter, good on any of (ha> above Trains, ont or in, may be had on these days ONIiI, at KXODBSIOK BATES, good only on the days isened. For farther information, apply at the Ticket Office, ft the Depot, N. B. comer of EIGHTEENTH and MAB KET Streets. ■ MASrvDw,tOHTini.l.oaAmosß po» BdkmbkßoawwM OK THB XnHI OP THB BOAD. HENBT WOOD, Superintendent. je?i-t«wfß tr NOTICE.—NORTtt PENNSYLVANIA B A IB- BEMOYAB OF PASS SKGER DEPOT from FRONT and WILLOW Street* to ... „ THE HEW DEPOT, THIRD BTB*ET, ABOVE THOMPSON STBBBT. Oh and after MONDAY, September Ist, 1862, the Pas senger Train* Oh this road will leaTO THE NEW DIP iT, TBIBD STREET, ABOVE THOMP3ON STBBBT. instead of FRONT and WIBOOW Street*, as at present- All Trains will »to» at BERKS Street, aatwmU. ■White .Cars -of Third-Street City. Pasaenser Sine rtuv directly to the new Depot. EDDXS Oh ABK., a02012t - . .. .. .... ■ Agent. . i inn'll i i NOTICE- —PHILA- :fi9SKS DISDPHIA, GERMANTOWN. AND NORRISTOWN BAIDBOAD. BSITMIW . The destrnction of lhe WISSAHIOKON BBtDGB does not interfere -with the regUar shipment of Freight to snd from any point on thJOHN*H LBWARS, General Freight Agent TBUBS AND BRACE DE-. . 0. H. HBBDKEB, . , Corner TWBIiTrTH. and BAOB Streeis,PHladelpV>. Hernial. Tmaaes and mechanical appliances ooroJpitp adjusted by • <v dl H- NEBD3UI&B. Fine French and approyed American, adapted,to.fcTS*?- form of rapture, in adults ani cbUdren, Xsgliib American* Supporters and Bate, Sbonlder Peaces* So** jpensories, Elastic Stockings* and Syringes, m riety. Lpdies 1 Department,. TWEIjFTS door below Ba'ceT Oou&sted by eompcteoa taOM jy£B*3mif ' • ' BOUNTY; PENSIONS,' AND BACK PAY, Claianon the TJniUA States Government for tbe $lOO Bounty, Pensions, wJ Buck Pay BiomeUy of"ss only wW ’Sw* - 27 Sooth SIXTH Street rNQOT COPPER—FROM : THB L AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY, of LakO Superior, •«-..«» 1* to ili ABOKB&SSi. j»iB-ira3aa*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers