PITIZENS’ BotJNTT FITND —The BE „M)U) cmtieo** Bounty Fuad, ou Butnrdwr. V'b'w.W. »»<>, £»*te:::::: « JSJSafe::: 1 i# fS BoeMo. 8. Si 1! ui<*®'y« r * i m Tlioiripsou- An* y ftova< = * j 2 ** c * 1 "" most Fir’ - .„h ti. Foster S5O 6 <kf s ', a OlcOill « J1t ,, "“:::::::: ■ S &-&v - 2 : •K, 10 |sgE=;s u?m A. tiHlttWH* »*!•/*• 10 8. UtitcMa- »• gPS.»M‘* tij.Wjitfl ** | « # Vif* £‘«rtiiiV* B» r ? n •■:■ 60 "face. White •>« K.llt ainUle, 11, H. Otinm^rlem, pj Jordan W MO"- M |!«. GW' ■ ?'“«' i f, FoosseU* '*• ,w -rtHbort. F- Mjerl^ s££m Wbud, Mr Burnoo, Thoms" 0. n» s i|iwtt, J.J- l!,r „r,BiehwST;'bl''.J.. 1,, Huibwie.! n»r- B»tlun.r,McWckla., _ n Ctecbidii e So e«;h 125 t JUtMvi.H <ipn, s ,n, ®*s,W, a Miuphr, flfftliftro Butcb*r, @o tach (Jikdmß ...8100 jKiiwtn King ®0 IST WARD J nines Lianrlo, I. T. 80- Turnon. Juo 0. Nortu, LeOTJirrt, J. W. Barnior, Bnbert inirmnn, H. Parker, Jobe Triokett, Hoary Green, John Ansitin, J*cob M-inre, Bow. Hauler, Mra. Bears detl, Abraham Dehart, , Jacob Anton, Alex ander Kay. James Thomc«>n. 85 each.. 90 Or- Hodgeon, Mrs. Gal lagher, 1), 8. Bowen, *3 each............. 9 I*. A. ,10 Jacob Myers, J. Fer ralt. Mr- Matthew^ S>l e*0b.............. 6 0a51i,.... 9 "W WaBU, J E. Bass'ey A C 0...... 830 J. a. J. A 00,........,100 n*sb,. .100 8. T. ESrtridge.......... 10 J Oakfnrd A) Jtlio H0we...... 10 Frank Oonway..., 50 Jot P. Irolaouo 10 Hn'eemao A Berry..... 20 1 B. Slouch A G0.,....100 « i>,..,........25 John Lambartt......... 10 BV M. Ad am*2s John 8arnard,,,....... 25 Wm, Gampbe11......... 10 f W Pomruer A 8.0... 10 Inn Gambletim......... 1q Joseph Fri00ia......... lo J 0............. 50 .1, Uawstw. A, J Dare, J, Heel. George Jackal, w. Gliliigbatn, Dr. J. Davidson, Dr Wm. . H. lilai'K, D. A. Phil lip*, 82 each 1G B. G hj.,n O Milligan, Henry Baknr, N. Jor eei , HawkinsB»WTor, Mary Hill. H. Har v,*y, J, Gaener, Heitol Bros , 8. B.Hnrlonk, I, Fewbert, Sirs. M, A.Oartnr, Sl.Londer back, 81. Flebhen, Mra Gobbell.p Boyle, H. Holler, f. Pond, P. Mltton. .0. Hell.!- na'd, <5, jntmson, J, Marcus, each.... 21 Cashfrom sundry per-- iv .n 5,,.. ~,,.,.,120 John McGi11...... 10 •*-tu wan, vPni Baker. Mr, Bird, Wm H-twig, J, 0. VUOM TWHL ji»WM.?ox •» Ttter Bowirtt W i,l, Blclianleon..,-.- W S. atrauss ..•••• Chwlffl Tionug I" TiSPP... » Henry I'ni.iim.. «' fyunttl Funk...*..** 3, Jeba Hoflta>™ i" S. B, ~ H. A. Pciomcn Ornii " Jolrn H. Tnykr i 8, Oppcwbdfliof.«..*.* 2” JteßQto W00r*0>........ Jj Jobs 0. 10 t’Mb— aniidry perwin*. 3j White—lSs each S2O !, arth—soiidf? parsons. 140 R.uera & MeKecver.., 160 fhos R. Bitting..,,.. 100 G. H, CaudU...... ... 60 R. & J. Humes... 60 H. Mover 100 Frederick SboOer 26 fhos. Rara ~,,,. 50 Jutin 9. H«yl, ■ 25 l, B. Engle*..,., : 25 l, Goo Smith 100 4m. ttwnop, H. Oonklo, 1 1, Hebht—each *lO. 30 Mis* M. B. 0„ Sirs. A. V. 8., M. Mansfield, ; H. T.—each $6..,.. SO. IBUTB TT.VttD. MOM TIIItTB DltvM S. flarriso"..,. .81011) j>, D.* P* Thm11,... SO John 0. Tenser 2S| J), B. Miller..* 2'<| Chides Ta1v0fa,...... 25* Henry WlrrtnwjlS JraeiNanlty'..,. .... M| ■\?|lll»mBa<ilPr.,.,V... 2S On if. Ornwby; IS Jo»flb liMtertf JO genus! Fitubour r— 10 Inn., Philip,AJ.Wright $ll Gilbert Oi«t be,,., „,,. 10 I Wen. R. Manser 10 .1 Wolf ..... ........ 10 ' J Tremltay, M. D...... 10 Phan T'umtne 51.0... 10 |KIIih FrseMand. .*5 linnia SnnmWt 5 Mrs J, G. G0u1d...... 5 Sundry par50n5........ IS IXTII WARD. fcf./.,,10 H*iiy & Kftk;;.lo IJeory Graham.,....... 30 t»w*o P0tt5.,.,.,.....,. 10 I W leUj 10 0, Luts, M. Fro©, J. W» Bcv-rett, Wo. Harvey, T Liffgi©«< J, Frcme flfild, J Wiar, fl. /VTaa?, atr. Wendell, James Bobin*on, J. tJ. But ' ton. Prfcd. StlltK, «5 FROjf SiXTS (JtMmcn 4 Kill* Becty Henning 24 •«,.w»n» 1( B, BUta, A «. SI""" mkkcr, 4 Tn 1 Klin, Campbell, 0. B. Letter, J. lifirtlcy. 4. B»W> c*ch S 6 ....... 36 Bokillm eum» 41 jf, Berger 5 Jtolpta Bfmpton 5 JatuM AltemUfi, 2,50 ♦wh 60 Thames &Ulr. ... 3 J J%*0br...2,50 J. W, Kearney. J, tiudy, F. T>. Shiftier, G. Bippler, ftl-ifthfisr 7 l/6Si dfc*. V nnaven» George Coo n<*r. 2 each.......... 14 A. K; Fenner........... 1 Vnnj*»mns contributions 43 SilBP»OD,10 ■XbomAaOalJ 4 Scow Hntitiua and . WilltaiiliHUe...;,... 2 Cart' 60 William 5EK1ft,....... 6 jtoftiaa Finley... , 6 3mn(« Niebil.... 10 levlsKrpMl 10 Jlhenas Campbell,. 10 vnoii TWRimjmi ward. si eel, D. Conrad,. J. nswdiM. G W r .'l>b mk, 8. T. T. Elenkols, J. Sto itlnnamy, S, J?. Balk* 1-r, .«!«, L. 0. Bai- Isj, *5 r»0h..... 70 Snnitn (mill earns...... 28 FROM TS'V.STT-TIUBD WARD. Btaien Of ate.......... 820 J.K. Miller ... 1" Jfetblas Him 1- Samuel T. Hebert*...... 10 If, 0. Hftloee; T. Ash. Km, G. H Imwle,'l. 0. Stewart, E, linnx. *. KJaaper IF. M0rri5......#1.0 S 0. Taylor., 20 Bale* 4 Kllis 20 Mrs. Sarah A. Brown... <fHi lll*eo, M00re.,.,..,... 20 J. Tatltnac 20 '£. F.Crispin 10 B. F&tttaoii 10 ifIPBXDftXOB uau,, [IICKIVKii AT - mb' a. t.............. .....F3O Join Feltlbcmel ■J, W. AO A. Kohler... 60 Cdhcneocd A IVinehre. ner I'M) Becra L. AT.U;I:t l“n MemeosH. I’Ullip 60 jMtM Bltohte ~20 Receipts on Balnritay, Total to close of 'ii»tn r <i I/Mitei) Ftatkh ."anxtabt Costsns -olOS.—Caleb Cope, trp.»«nri>r «' ti e Uuited States Sanl t(€T Commission, mki oalni.ea the receipt of tits billow ing OOntribuHOLi, (iiicelji-trepirt: fl»lh (afldiilOtibl ...SIOO 00 Thrmtte Wattson A Sms ~ 25 60 3. Bdwarl Farttnm 60 00 3ohs M. Maris & C 0....,,.;..., 100 00 "W. P, Tatbarn................................. "260 00 B. A j.M. Flansgau.. 50 00 Mrs. Ann Hertcop (*d<iftb4Mt).................. 100 00 JohaT, teirlsA 8.-01bei5...................... 100 00 Mrs. E P. Tailor... ........ 5 00 <3b*,per 8 Wallin, (additional) .............. .. 60 00 ■WilliamT. Snndgmis...... 100 CO 3sdksB Maeon 25 00 '•lbankUr,Firelt.-nr'ince Company (additional).. 100 00 Misses *. A A SI hex., . .............. *lO 00 8. W.3.(a-idmon-l).60 00 Miss (.‘atearine 1eni*.......................... 23 00 Joba McOren. 300 00 GeorgeF.Womralb 60 00 "William 3 Stewart & (Jo. 50 00 Jew/ B.Gllbm. .......... 25 00 Cask (M. 100 00 Proceeds of a Gymnastic Bxhlbt ioa and Con- cert glren by the Phtla Tarnera Society 85 41 Cask (W. M.)...... ti 6o 00 Pecosylraiila Baiu-nud 00. (additional).,,,. 600 00 Delaware Mutual sBfoty Ins Oo (additional),., 100 00 A. M.Kimber (additi0na1).,................... 100 00 3oha B. White (additional) 40 00 Cocbraa A 8u5501t..... 25 00 5. Shoemaker & C 0.,,, 25 00 «»nb(8.H.U)..., 60 00 Humy,Collins, A C 0.,............,,..,...,.,. 60 00 Cash(B, K. W.. 10 00 Casfcftt. 8.),..., 6 00 "W. 3, Outer.', i 25 00 Total for werfc, ...,7,iv*'....52,7t0 41 Previously rep0rted.....,,,,..... 23,489 49 Gband Pkili, op ihb Cobk Ex- DHIJTGII BEOlMknt,—iln Saturday afternoon last ace of the most U tt-rasting drill* we ever witnessed took Jiso* at the camp gromioaof this lately-formed regiment* vw. Prevost was pre-war and witnessed the ceremony, «ong with a largu number o- t ffleers of the regular and Toicatwr wrvic*. Mhjui* Herring drilled them ia the toamiM of regimenal drill end the precision and nicety of step and inarch they eihibhed won encomiums from the large mimbcsr of mftiiar> critics and ladles and gsn- Jlemen present The favorite coaipjiny in developing tho **ws of the macnai we* of Obtain f »Jom* jjanjr Bh commauded l»y Idem. Hnoterdon on this ocoa JiO«. This com i*ny te Idtruely composed of typo? t and the wll they e?fnc«d on thim ioterenting is only another evidence of the opinion that we have long eater-' Is fried, that our co iabon>rn make the ▼ucy'best soldtora Ifi the world. This oodpuny is comppued of pa iedt, persevering men, who art* d-iennin«d to master the iatri cscicsof tha and sftfve the country to which they have devoted their lives uud servSr.es. Oaptaln 3s a devoted, faithful espooeui of the services in which all services are endued and he le partlcttiarly fortunate in securing ilio fex vfei's of sti f xcffUent a dpll- master na Xieat. Hunterdon, aud his nuaUble conipanioo, Liaut £«&r< Wo confess the oompanie- are iwirticnlorlf favored in the eectring of those taiihfnli dovoted men, and we nopgratniftte them on the eurcesa which wilt surely follow tkeir labors. Sergeant.file Jart is a ready, bii ready nnve in <he commands of Lieut. Huut«r* don, elicited applante and praise. The day was a due jone, and tbetnm-unt on the. occa ion exoeeriingty largo. We noticed ladfr s on hornebnek. lu baronohea, and on foot; gentlemen cf leisure, who came by ovary imigl* ttable eonveyanco. and democrats, like our- who pationiae the popnint convey once to Samp Tnion, who twk for the . A Correction.- In alluding on Si to Ihe provision dealer win *e patriotic genero •it? has dote so notch fur lbs relief of tho etok ami wosnded at the (Jhtls'iau strfet hospital, wo inadvsr tonUy gave a wrong name. The gentleman who ought to have been ttc.i,tinned is Mr. WilUam K Richardson, ’.Ho, 24f south Ninth street; and In vi«w of bis distnto- Meted kindness so Knunfetnisly exhibited, ire can only bay new what we said thru: : “This gontlemau, prompted by nothing but : his own byergowing grnert My, has, pot once or twice only, but eoniintiotty, from early snmmer, ftlkd his wagon with •very vegetarian delicapv, as well aa every choice morsel of animal diet which his admirable orovision store could furnish, and given them to tne snfferere at the ’above hospital, We do not wish to intrude upua Mr. Richard-. ton's privacy as a gentleman, opt we must eay that o oonnteousncss so. full and ungrudging should meet ita Mvard i tt the patronage of patriotic citizens. antl.bi nsid up as an example fc, others engaged in Mr, Richirrt *» a business. Ifbiilf our provision dealers would Tel tow Mr, Richsrd»oo’« lead, what suffering wna'.d they »ve to Ihe sick, at'd what military duty to the Oorern toeatl" Heally a Hark (Jhanob.— When so J“hy brave fellows ere combining In companies and re l™*uts, it aeema almost invidious to particularize. Bnt ,*• *s*» Is one regiment tmcniUrly stout-handed it is the »tot(£<«ten; and one company specialty light-hearted, it «1> of ttat organization. Tt wants now but six men to r* Up fully to the maximum standard, and whoover want* to oonsttit his military weiiare mast look with long tots longing eye at D, of tne Scott Legion, Captain fieorgew. MoLoam. Thr Andersww Cavalry —Import fcNT N&TIOK —lt hu finally dooldad that thia •orp* shall remlezvooa at CarHule Barraikn* Tftw man «or* all parts of iho fetate already raiaed will wfately be sent to Uid garrfdOD, where they wIU remain *n<l;drUl for a.cim&la of weeks until organized aui vitilpped, when thny yvHI proceed to- General ttuiU's SMdiiarters fa Alabama 411 thoae llviag in Puila- Qelyhia, or the adjnl jhiK oomitiM. who hare been awura to sad sms&ed the surMerm’s exemiaation, will report at Captain Palmer 1 ® office, this mornlQJh to toceiye transportation to (JwlUte* A Subject rob General Pope.— J* i>to come to our knowledge that a oantain in the “•so“7 service him. by some process, held his position Jhtte actually residing 4n this city. Occasionally he ««* honor to Washington; by*a vtai;. This hero, it is l““i MsMes in Wood street, west of Tnlrteentb, and his fftolrito has none too Curious a character. On Saturday night, about 9 o’clock, the provost marshal visited this nsMt and arrested twelve deserter*, and took them to tot guard house, where thsv trill have time to acquaint wa marshal of the character of this house and its occu* *tols'business relations. Th* Health Report. —The number lor the week ending Aagtut 10, wd fli whloh 273 were adulte, and 2«8 ohUdren, number ordeatba. oetnp*rad with the correa of,lB6l ».*?* * Mk > w « »»follows Weekending August 17, 1861, »« ending Aujunt 9,1862 tra»4‘i9, nilei, 235; Female*. 207 ; ««.». 140; (Jitli, 120. f IB ' ~ '**~A firo. which occurred jester- 1 at No 403 Oommttrca otrwt, was extin- - ■won DMoro much damage lied been don*. i t»rHOi)( Zlm- 'Verge F0e.,,......... 10 0. .'J* 0 »rter. W, H. Snjtth, F Bockluf, W, *. Patterson. W. &Ic- MnUrn* 0. Roberts, G. J FTotT, $5 ©*01i...... -malier sums,B Vv»t«rihiu & C 0........ 500 .r*n»*A 8r0wn....... 50 D*H>n PF Jonot J. &A, Emu par........ 100 tanan* 15va08........... 60 George A. Cottar ..150 rt D. ....10 ,T. H. A..., 5 .................sss.sis .......3411,485 828,199 90 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. the MPHai market. raibADßLrau, August 16,1862. the market for geld was eomewhat excited to-day, opening at HKi, with considerable sales, and dosing firm at IS bid, with an onward tendency. Demand notes wars active at about the same rates as yesterday, and, from present appearances, will condderably ad vance, as they ate being rapidly absorbed in payment of dniies. the stock market was quite firm, with considerable sales and an improvement in the mors reliable soonritioa. ’United States coupon sixes, ’Bl, sold at 100 —the same asyestetdas —and tho 730 loan and certificates of In* dolt, dr.eea were wlihoot change. State loans were firm. City loans, of the new Issues, were in actlvo requeet, and advanced 1% from the lowest point. Camden and Am boy Railroad shareaatd bonds were held higher.: Penn sylvania Ballroad shares rose % and the bends Jf — dosing at 104 for the first mortgages and 100# for the second mortgages. Reading radroad was dull, and foil off >f, but for the other fancies there was an improved feeling. Dong Island Railroad advanced #, gLitile felmylklll Railroad #, Elmira Ballroad Preferred #. North Pennsjlvania Railroad sixes #, and gohuyikill Navigation sixes #. Bank shares wore not offered to any extent. Passenger Railway soonrilios wore held firmly, end tho only sale was of Tenth and Elavsulh strots at 31. Ihtre la but little doing in mercantile matters, there being but few buyers in the city, and the very high prices at which domestli gorda are held prevents trans actions to any extent. Tbe Government has innod pro posals for a very largo amount of army clothing and equipments for the now levy ,> which will ernse very great activity stßong our manufacturing establishments, fur nishing employment for a large amount of capital and labor. Drexel ft Company quote: Now York exohange... par<*l-10 dls. Boston exehange.. purffl # pm. Baltimoreexchange .................... par® # dig Country .fund 5.....:.. 4*10«3-10 dls. American g01d.,,,...,.,...,............ 14j<©15 pm. Old Demands..: 0#«» 7# pm Quartermasters’ certificates 1 ®3# ttis. The New York Evening Post says: Tbe Btock market is almost at a stand still, ,nd the fluctuations in most of: tbe epeouialive shares scarcely exceed per cut. : Thera vis a general dlvpnsitlen among bur era to bold off till something positive is known in regard to the future designs and movements of the Peninsular army, while sellers, on the other haud, show no inclination to offer their stocks, the rapid accumula tion of capital enabling then) to hold without inconve nience. Tho Western stocks, however, are loss firm to day, influenced by the diminished movement of grain into Chicago. - After the Board stocks were steady but very quiet. The speculators are doing little or noth Tig, and prices will probably remain without much change till further news from tbe seat of war is received. New York Cen tral is <b9J#. Pacific Mail is in strong demand. The stock was largely oversold on'he loss of the Golden Gate.: The closing sales are at 110 ! liajircad bonds continue very firm, and the printed sales slow a further improTemoat in the low-priced kinds, Chicago and Northwestern and Terre Haute and Alton bonds are again better. Port Wayne and Chicago seconds rose lif per cent > t : The Government list is Btrong, and 7.30 notes eloso with polos at 104. Oa Tuesday next a coupon matures, and those holders who have complied with the request of tho Assismnt Treasurer wilt receive their checks at the close of bneiness on tbe 18ih luatani. The coupon sixes of 3881 dpenea at l«0#ot0fl&, but close with pur-, chases at 100#. The fives of 18T-1 are scarcsly go firm as yesterday. The money market pro-enta no new feature. The sup ply is largely in excess of the demand, and on good col laterals tho rale is 3k s»4 per cent. The market is almost bn.ro of prime mercantile paper. Cold is lower, bat there is Only a moderate supply on ibe market. The lowest price of ths day is 114%, closing at 114%. 1 ntiable demand notes are quiet ntlo7®lo7#. The six per cent, certificates are firmer, selllag at 99#® 89%. ■ ■ * ; Exchange on London closed quiet at125#®127 for first class bids. Tito export of gold to-day fa very light, the Oity of Mechtstertaiiiigon #2BB 385, tiro British Qaeon #33,870, mailing a total of $327 236, The weekly bank state non t making uj today-will show another large Increase fn deposit-, the line running up to 8141 800 000. The epocie reeerye ha 3 also increased to abont 835,600,000. ' : ’ Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Aug. 16. fßeportod by 9, E. dLayauxßa, Phils. Bxchange.l FIRST BOARD. 13000 Petsua coup 65.. 91Jj 30000 Lone Mil B 7a.100 1010 Oity Oacoopon. .102 2000 <Jo New.Kswn.U;2J t ' 1000 Fenna B 20 mt.loo 1600".''.d0 ' d0....1P0 2000 D 8 os, 1861 V ..100X SOOQ d0....ca5h..100)^ 500 Tioga B 15..... 95* 2000 do.. 95H 2VCata»is«aß prf. UK £0 ... d 0.... ;H)j £0 Elmira B nref.. 2d 100 Beading B. .30 . 20 M 10 do: 29* OCO tong laid 8;.b5 18 AFTER 10,000 Elmira 8anda....... Philadelphia Alnrkets. August IS—Evening. The Flour'ioßTfeet-ifl verydull; very liui»i do main! lor export or home iwe, about 500 bbls at 35 for saperßri** 56.Z7%&5 50 for extra?, 55.75 for extra fwmilj, end SB 6007 bol for fancy lots, ac cordlrg to qualisy* Bye Floor ia selllog iu a small way at $5.50 DM. Com Meal—very little doiag uud pries? nncr-Bngfd. Wnnaf—Tbe dmiurad for Wheat is moderate: sales rfocli about 7,C00 bush at 129a100a for xood old and* bow Fezma, red, J83i2»134c for Southern do, 1,000 ba? Kentucky red sold at 335, and 6*lH>o.tins white oa term? kept’private.') wblta ranges at 140©i50c 4P* bo* Bye spl'sob arrival at 80s-82c. Oor>* is le** active * t sale? of 3,000 bus yellow at 040 for prime and CD®6tc for iofrrlbr. Oats are scarce: Bales of new iteUwttro at 42c, old Penaa. iUflK—Quercitron has declined HO ? V* ton ; sales of 82 bbdß Ist No. 1 are reported at 1532 too. ; Corroar.—lhere isvory Httle Uotcon hereto operate in, and the market conliptmwlirm and prices ancliaeged. Groceries akd Protisions—There is very little doing, add we hear of »o sale- worthy of notice.. ■Whißet is Qui«t; sat*s of Pennsylvania bble at 30a»; Sic ; Ohio at 31®32c; bhd« at29c, and drudge at 2So. CITY I T E M S. Bakkr’s Cocoa, Fisk Bkoma, akd Cocoa Shells either of which rnnkes a delightful and whole some beverage, much rccomtuer.dtd for invalids, can be had in superior quality, at Mr. O B. Mattson's, dealer iu Ssa Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. At a Special Meeting of the Athenian liJTßnenv- Association or Philadblphia, ‘held Friday evening, August 15tb, 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimousl? adopted: TPAcreae, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to re movefrom onr midst our late friend and fellow member, 0 arbt L, Zsukbe, a member of Go. G, 90th Beg. JRatioaal Guard: therefore, be it dissolved, That in the-death of Harry L. Zelner we have lost a warm friend and hind associate. Amongst the first to volunteer in defence of bia country, he fell an early sacrifice at the shrine of Liberty. Nesoitied, That while we bow id hnmbie anbmimdon t« the will of Divine Providence in the removal of onr late fellow-member, wo mast lament bis early death, as one of tbe most sincere and devoted of friends. Retained, That we sincerely condole with bis bereaved family, and hone that they, in their sad affliction, may find in the God whom they have trusted that consolation which He alone can give, aid be resigned to His, dispen sation. • • Beselved, That, as a last faint mark of respect, we at tend tbe innerat in a body. ■Retained, That a eopy of the above resolutions be transmitted to the family of thedeceased. H. m. srrsF, WM.OOOK, T. THORN, T.DEK.LYNK, WM. H. 610R3AN, Oommlttee. JThb Drafting.— September the first is the time fixed when the names of all able-bodied citizens, who are between eighteen and forty-five, and able to shoulder a musket, will be pot into a wheel, and, after a good shaking up, the arbiter of the fate of nnwiiliog con scripts In tbe shape of a blindfolded gentleman who has bis coat sleeve rolled tip, will draw ont tbe names of those who are appointed to go on a pilgrimage to Dixie. Those who wo drawn will enjoy the privilege of wearing ele gant uniforms made at the Brown Stone Clothihg'HaU of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth,while those who escape tho draft wirt consult comfort, : elegance; and economy, by purchasing their citizens’ suits at tbe same papular establishment. - This Scmmkii.— • Thesniamcrweir* her coronal . As proudly as before; . ' God's gifts of beauty to the earth.. Are lavish as of yore. Yet never radiant summer days Were half so sad and lons ; . A mournful music Alls our souls, . A dirge, hut not a eong ffor low on yonder Betds of Wood,, How many a friend is lying ! 1 ’■ For truth and right thoy bravely stood, And sealed it with their dying. We think ef that dear Flag tf Btars, - Borne down in Battle’s tide: Oar shattered Union bows her head, . While hostile bands decide. Uniforms ready made at Charles Stokes’, under the Continental. Thb Latest fkoh China.— Le 28 mai, un corps d’environ 600 homines, dSmmando par leiSeneral Staveiey, reeut l’orde d’accompagnor nn cdnvdi devivres destine a Ift garuison de Kah- Ding; tt fut eurpri* ft Ha itian par un6 division de I’armee robelle, forte d’onviron 30,000 bommeg. qn’ll parrint a repouster enorgiquement. Mats do lendemain, les troupsßrebeUesrevinrent en nom bre double Le general, en presence d’une pareiile sitna. tion, lit ovaceur Kah-Dlng, et rontra a Shanghai avec ecu petit corps de tronpes, sans avair ete inqnlete. The ilr.eet and cheapest summer garments over mooufastufel can be obtained at the one price palatial Clothing Em porium'cf CranvHlo Btokee, No. 6U) Chestnut street, Philadelphia, whore pticea are twenty-five per cent, lower than elsewhere. :■;■;. MARINE lINTEIaLKxEINCE. at r SEE FOUBTH PAGE ABBITBO. Bchr D B Boane, Coombs, S days from Boston, in bal last to. Tyler, Btrne ft Co. Sehr Wanderer, Knowlton, 1 day trora New York, with mdse to W BI Baird ft Co. . Bchr Marietta, Gray, 8 days from Baltimore, in ballast to K A Bonder ft Co. „ i Bcbr Alien Downing, Bice, 4 days from Fall River, in ballast to captain. ; Bchr B L Condon, Gott, 6 days fro n Brook-rille, with stono to captain. Steamer Oneida, Trent, 24 hours fram Hew York, with mdse to W M Baird 4 Co Steamer Alida, Boblasen, 23 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLBABED. Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, Barbadooß,W Cum nungaftßon.' - . . v \ • ’ , Brig Jndgo Blaney, Coombs, Boston, E A Bonder * Co. • Bchr O Fantanzzi, Wooster, Cardenas, H Daliett ft Bob. : „ „ - Bohr D HBoane, Coombs, Boston, Tyler, Stone ft Co. “ooper, Al&xandrl». v do Bohr D B Bayhs, Jayne, Boston, L Audenried ftOo. Bchr Hiawatha, Dime,, Boston, do ~ Schr T Lifts Doughty, Fortress Monroe, A Boyd. Bchr Bowena, Landia, Fortresa Monroe, D B Stetson . Sclir Isaac Bich, Crowell-Boston, Binnickson ft Glover. Bchr Water Witch, Hull, Charlestown, Osataer, Stick hey ft Wellington. memoranda. , . Bark Sophia, Jacobs, cleared at Hew York 16th inat. f °flehr Godfrey, cleared at New York 16-.li inst. for Ndw Orleans. " "* ’ • ... i . Eohrs Eta, Chamberlain, and Carr oh, Orooker, cleared at New York 18th inst. for Philadelphia. . . ' Penan Beach. Ang- IS—The wrick of a vessel drifted ssboro:ceT Biiu&iißo&cii this ftftcrnocnt c*p4zid, and sunß. Shts teema iobftve bet-aon fltu. 3m; 25 bblfl at , aour.bavedfifted aahoro from her, some oftbenr partly burned. . 600 Long Island B ... 18 ‘46 Penna R. 49 1000 <’AA 6s ’B9.*swn. R 2 2uOQ®mira B Ts..bs. 85 4000 Panca 5s 89 - .'4 Farm & Bk 52 It Tenth 4 Blev’th 31 •2000 North Penua 6a . 77 V 6000 Penna R Ist OK.. 104 100 Lehighffav...... SIV 100 Elmira B. . .13 lit 00 Phila A Brio 0... 93j£ tOQO Uiev'Jt Slali’ns T* 94* 12000 Sebl Nav 0s ’B2,clt 09V \ ,000 Pitts Ft Wayne fc | tih 24 raort 78 BOARDS. bs 85 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS bp fo U o’clock laky hiqky. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. E P Williams, Chicago OaptL Wistor D McLeod, Jersey City D B Cobb, Jersey City Rowland Cox Illiacig w Bruyer ft niece, fit York Miss MoUnUey, Pittsburg - J 8 Kendall, New York J Garreteon, Harrisburg W A Krlss, Pemra J 8 Jenkins, Jr, Louisville T O’Oallahan, Louisville J Lilly. Louisville, Ky J Goldstein, Warren, O W K Foote. Bt Louis W H Forman, Cincinnati Mrs Lawrence, Cincinnati A H Silvester, Boston A Knight, New York J Parker J P Johnston, lidlarapolii B Biddle A-Lilly, Jr,Baltimore GJao<hjr. Wash, DO M C Cohen. Wash, D O W W Olayden, China MreSchencki Baltimore ; Zi Boars, Boston Sir Whitney, Now'Yoric . W,Thaw. Pittsburg-. - H B.Webber, New Albany T B Ooddlttgton. New York Oscar Frtebie, New York Adit O L Pleraon, Man , C»et O F Cabot, Maes J D Defrees, Wash, D O: J J Taylor ft wife, Balt , W 8 Baird U G Stark ft la. Sew York ,'Jas McOlnro, Illinois F H Swan, Breton J W- Jonos, Cincinnati Msj L Price, U 8 A -A F Goadnow, Now York T 61 Simpson, Phlla K J B»k»r, New York Isaac Coule, Jr, Baltimore John F Seymour, N York W Bejmour, New Jerioy Kinly Briggs A B Bsrringer. New York g E Hall, Now York L FiiKgH aM, New York ADLa , New York John Trakty, Boston: ~ S G Bogart, New York , J W| MoMiltan, Indiana F K Atidersoe. Now York A B Auderron, New York . R N KitCiing, Now York E Khnerdorf, Jr, N Y W Blanchard. New York John L Sieavene, Mass . .. F Stiles, Jr, M*as JSI Armsirong.Louisvilie G. A Johnson, Mass. J Rogers, Wash, Bf . FA-Eliot . Dr Charles P Morse, Mass. If O-mi U. H J Storrs, New York J T Bailey W A Huitrighr ftia. Dacotah Mvj T M Hulinas A la, D 0 >’ O Farms & wifo- Kan-as Dr B W Gross, USA ■ Mrs H Adams, Washington J L Gray, Baltimore R T AnoWnuiy, New York J Kayser. New York t Cd H J Staiuronk ft wf. Pa J Hanson, West Cheater Wtn Colsuian, Pittsbnrg J J Yonug, Michigan T A Trihieg, New York J B Bust, New York O O Lurtard. Cincinnati N C Ljod, Evansville, Ind U Nichols, Jr, U S A ! MERCHANTS' HOTBL-Jrourth st„ below Arch, B-Fflgely, Shamokin B J Mecoekey, W Chester John Steirett, Lewistown J'F Day, Pittsburg J Stambangli, MilHin, Pa P F Ed-nbergor, Easton O B Lowell, Tioga, Pa B Hariahore, Camp Curtin 8 8 Black, Ohio D M Mcfford, Cincinnati J Bieakley, Yenango co, Pa 8 T Kennedy, Venango co R 8 HfeCoj', Venango c« 14r MoOo,'. Yenango 00 * A Lcnchheim, Goahen, led O H Orossier, Shippensburg M Malone, Lancaster Lieut D T Morgaa. Yt Wm Beam, Sit iTernoii, O Mrs Knight, New York H McClarkan, Pitishnrg P Btanehard, Lnck Haven J A;Cole, Lock Haven ■ S:H Newhouse, Phils A Salinger. Philadelphia R Trlsolt. New York J Sieger, Obicego F Leach, o*wego, N Y W B Darts, Brookit n N Stahl, Galena, ill J Freodick ft la. Galena, 111 B A Davison, 8t Louis Wm* A Allen, Boston 1 E W Ohepen, Milton, Pa E GroetzlDger, Afieg’y City L D Ooldsberry, Indiana W J Amndio, Staten Island Mrs A Amodio, Stat Island Mfsa M Amodio. Stat Island Master H Amodio, 8 Island 8 Erownold. Harrlshnrg J Sirouse, Harrisburg C Kcmberland, Virgiuia 8 Fleishman AMERICAN—Chesmnt street, above Fifth. S Lhubacb, Beiiilrhem W P Carrol ft lady,At City A Cobb A lady, Cleveland, 0 C Hazard, N J S H Yailder, NY . . Cbas Hirris, Bethlehem, A Stout, MD, Bethlehem J P Cox ft lady, Bethlehem Mrs A L Weils, Jersey Shore F B Reeves ; .. LM Bend P II Pressor, Pa B T Mathews, Georgetown Wm H Oasim!s,Nowark,NJ Chas WaaoK, Va Lieut E O Nichols, Va D W Chambers, Saratoga * B E Hendrickson, N Y : E Price, Baltimoro J A McOawley, llaltimora W O Shinn, N J W P RockbiU. Jr, N J Mrs Green, N J JB Palmer ' A Kline, Md ' , J V Lawrence, Wilmington T H Snyder, N J G Palmer. NY ..'*..*. * JSDunosn Owen Duffy, Leavenworth J C Biriings, Moorstown W H Bart, Boston 1 BT. LODXS HOI K t.—Uneamnt stroer. above Third, JBobmson, Allentown Alex Campfieid, New York 8,8 Carter, Rochester, N Y W B Applegate ft fa, Yt B''BBeltering, Pa . IH M Hosting, Boston Mrs L E Allen A fa. Me Miss G wdiuer, Maine Miss Yinton Poitland, Mo H H Qallot, Buffalo B F-Duncan,* Pittsburg Frtdk Medge. New York MisEfuiSall & 2 cb, N Y Julius W Kraft, Wash, D 0 G E Kenntdy, Wash, DO- U Rodney, Delaware John J Qalusha G J Woolery STATES ONlON—Market street, above Sixth. John Alison, Altoona 6 61 Kulc, Paierson Panl Somell. Pa Goo Rogers. Chester co John F.Williams St wf, Del Henry Johnson & wf, Del Boht frvine, Jr, Oarlißlo D W Fuller, o,>nn J D Hftuelioy, Maryland ,; Jas B HaseaU, Conn J tt Wright T E Watt. Pittsburg DI Anderson, Blair Co : John Thompmn. Pa Smith Shipley, N J Geo Dungliaon. lowa Elliott Thomson, lowa ~ . Samuel Cummings, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. ,3 J McOawley. Illinois John M Yost, FraepaVvltl J O Olay ton. Freeport, 111 T M Close, Freoport, Id A B Baris, Freeport, 111 B F Kline. Gahna’; III 1 O B Knaus, Bdthlehein JamosE Wilson; SehHaven Jos Lowery, Lebanon,’Pa J B Bitting A: !a, Beading J W Paul. Pa A E Fisher, Pa Gto W Buckman, Beading W F Voute, Pottavillo OOTAMEROIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. John W Woodside, Pa Jas K Jackson, Oxford Geo DHodgron, Oxford K B John.oo, ilaryland J O Orowell, New Je sey Louis S Imbrie. Pa - W Jchnson ... W H Wright, Pa Geo Pnltbn, W'iirrineton O H Gritteuden, Michigan M A Dunbsm, Michigan Ohas O Ourrlor, Michigan E D Florence, New York . THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. „ W'illiam P West, Ohio A Burger! ft wf, Ohio D G Yatee. Mount Airy B Schloss, Pbila 8 8 Flejshmwi, Phila : A H'ffolcoinb. N J Miss Begg«; Atiehepy Oity D Amlersoa, Toledo, Ohio Morris Bacon, New Jersey B H OUdfant, Phils J B Hay, New Jersey A J vhiteley, Delaware ,T Swinuertor, Jr. N J S Bloominedate, Phil* Z L Eisner, Pittsburg Christian Has*, Pittsburg W W Heaton. Salem I K BUoada. Minorsville Col K Batclitf, Tanwqua J Balsten, Mauch Chunk T J Blown, Cadiz, Ohio * BARLEY SHEAF—-Second street, boiow Tine. Capt w. Blackwell, Class S C Penrose, Doyiestoom J M Lewie. f,amb,rteviUe H M &:»itsgh<>r,’ Lamhertav J E Mar-n, lioi lei town John: Oroseby, .New .Ttrsoy N L Willard A !a -A-Jersey J B Boilieu, Pennsylvania Abm I'iuek- New Jerepy J Y Sanl, Pennsylvania Lieut F A Hill. Ytrginia A T Onffleld, Oavtsviiie Pa Geo Beedfr, Larntrertsville TF Skillman.LambertsvlUe A tiaiTi’.OD, Frencbtowu T H~ff. PennsylTauia GW Oomly. Peonsylvania C A Heist, Huntingdon _ W Could, Ohio A Handera, Ohio G Sinijson, Delaware G Hemencr, Luzerne MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market Mrs Hill, Safe Harbor ' J Bowen, New Jersey Miss Qnimby, Wfim, Del Chad BoshT. Pa ’ll W Step V-r, Pennaylvatda Parrlok.Guinau Ala, Dal N T Wolf. Srrondsbnre , Lnkens Tbomts,Lu-nberTl» W H Hlvee, Pet nsyWauta A A Costa, New York ' Jas J Wilson, New York O O Slanbarger, Lewistown Sami McOtue, Pittsburg MT. VERNON—Second etreet. above Arch. Jas 13 Beane, Bocks co John Jones, Wilkesbarre Barton Atgeil, New York Iff Morton, Pennsylvania BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Canowhfll. Miss E Jones,.Beading, .. Miss H Wiillania, Beading SPEOIAIz NOTICES. y Bur tour Bathing Bobes, for La dibs and Gontlecaen, at SLOAN'd, 808 MA.BKKT Street, Philadelphia- . anlG-3t* Jayne’s Alteratiyb.— is an es tablished fact that * very large class of dlsoases can only be cnied by snch remedies as will enter Into the blood and circulate with it through every portion Of the body, for only by this means can the remedy be brought into immediate contact with the disease. To obtaiu this de&ira&le end, co preparation has’ever been so uniformly successful as DE. D. JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE. BCBOFULA, SKIS DISEASES, . OANOKB, EBYhIPEoAS, GOITRE, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, - EPILEPSY, OANOFBi’UB TUMOBH, WHITE SWELLINGS, GOUT; LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, OLOER3, BI.IALD BEAD, ,%0 , AO., Have ail been effectually enred by ihis ALTEBATIYH. It is, besides, one of-tbe: moat pleasant articles,that can be.tsken into the" stomach, operating os a tonic, and re mbving'ajspeptio and nervoos affections. It Is prepared only by DB. D JAYNE A SON. No. 242 CHESTNUT street, and may be bad of Agents tliroughout the coun try. ’ ' anlB*2t Batchelor’s Hair Dye! THE BEST IN THIS WORLD. VULLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S oelobratod Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nuture— warranted hot to injure the Hair in the least; remedios the ill effects of biid dyea, and invigbratee the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY BALB instantly tarns a apiondid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bt.att tifui. Sold by ail Drnggists;’&o. Hr The Genuine ta signod WILLIAM A.. BATOHB LOB, m (ke four rides o$ each boa. FACTORY, 1 No. 81 BAECLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street), my2B-ly New York. Singer & Co.’s Letter “A” Fa mily sewing MACHINE, WITH ADD THB RE CENT IMPROVEMENTS, la the BE3T, and OHBArnST, and MOST BBAOT1FPI.) of all Sewing Machine!. This Machine will eew. any thicg, from the running of a tuck ■ to Tarletan to the making of .an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauzoor Gossamer Tissne, and ia ever ready to do ita work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, took, quilt, and haa capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. Tilts is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind,’ and so forth, but it will do so better than any other Ms-,; chine. The Letter “A ” Family Sewing Machine may be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is how becoming so popular, is, as its name Implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, whon opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. sThe cases ara of; every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in itB ? .native force*, or as ■ ei-borately fluished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Bend for a copy of “firsOEa ft Oo.’s Gazette.” I. M. BINGEB S CO., i ■ ■ ■ ■ 468 BROADWAYS. T. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHKSTNU E ST. . jyl2-mwftf One-Pkiob Clothing, ofthblatest Bryues, mado in tW Bert Manner, expressly for ; BE TAIL SALES. LOW BBT Selling Prices markedin Piein Fignres. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory., Otir obe-P*ioe Ststeh :1a strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ge22-lr JONES ft CO., 604 MABKET Street. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 111 South FOUBTH Street. OABD PBINTIHG, best and cheapest in the City, at 111 Booth FOUBTH SUeet. , MABRIED. TBAYIS—BBOOKS—On the 14th inst., by Bev. J. H Bonnard, Mr. Joseph Travis to Mis* Eleanor Brooks, both of ibis city. .• *• ■ GILLIABD—LOWE.—On Wednesday evening, Aug. 13th,. by the Bev. John H; Castle, Mr. John P. Gtlliird to Miss Mary Q Lovre. both of Wcst Ptxilalelphta. . CONEY—MALONE.—By Aldermim O. Brazer.onthe 16th in«t„ Mr Jamoa Coney to MLa Mary Malone, both of this city. , * ■ DIED. BOBEKTB.— Suddenly, on the morning of thelSth inßt., Mary E., wife of Edward Boberts. Therelatives and male ft fends of tbe family are invited to attend her funeral this (Monday). the IBth Inst, at 10 o’clock A. 31., from her law residence, No. 1035 Spruce | ■street.*- - . FLANAGAN.—On tho 16th Inßt, Edward Flanagan, J In tl>« 39tn year of his age ... - ■ O’NEIL'.—On the 16th Inst.j John O’Nell ln the 501ft year or Ms age. {. * OBB—On the 18th Instvßobert Francis Orr, aged 4. .years, 20 months, and IS days. ' ' ' * ]' BHIELDB.—On rhe 16|hinsb, Mary, daughter of John > and.Eßen:McGttnn,,aged 34'years. ' 4= - j - ' BMYLIE —On Saturday, the lOttf tost., John flmylie, i Sr., fged7B years. , *r< THE PRESS -PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY. AUGUST 18. 1862. E ARRINGTON; - On Fr iday, the 15*h, at Oiey- Berks county, Mrs. Elisa Harrington, relict of the late David Harrington, and daughter of Mrs, Mary Small, of this city. , - . 1 Her friftds and relaHvp* are' invited te ostena nor ftmmJ al tbo lions© of her brother-tn-l&w, /amea d’leri dftn. No. l<f Brovm street, ut 3 tovmorrow (Tueed»>) morrtixig: To proceed to Laurel ETUI. ** MIDILETON—On the 16th inst, Kate A, wlfeof Alien MidiUoten, Jr ♦in th© Stth year of her *g©. * The Tvliitlvcf* wh! friends of tho famHy lire resp&ctfnny Invhed to ottenfl the fnneral from the realdeoco of . her hneband, No 645 North Twelfth street, o« third day rooming, the lOih inat., at 10 o’clock. - • . COOMBS—At Bristol on the mwiilnff of the iotu, Jn?t* of disease contracted at SandsoD’B fjandiag* V»Y Jacob Ckomb-u of <L.emp&nx I, 3d R-?ginaent F. It. 0 , in *thf 3S»h j ear of btsage, - , r. • ; **■ GItIFFITHS-r-Oa the 15th tost., Charles Henry, eon ol E. E. 'and Soaan B. Griffiths, aged IS months and 21 days.' - . , - BAT —On tbo lStlv lnat, Aim Jane, daughter of dobt. •and 0or« thy Bay, ag*d 8 mciithe and 8 dayif.... # - f- MKSCOLE.—Oh the IGth inst, David Meacole, a«ed 78 years. a v. MOURJSINW STUftE.—BESSON & SOB, 80. 018 OHESTBUT Street. Black MoiTßeelino de^'• Lalnetfi'doable width*. Black Tnialses. * Black Smamer Bombazines, Black English Bombazines. Black Alpaca*, bomfoazio© finiah* Black Gros Grain, and Pontt de Sol© Silks. Black Crape Marat* and Barege*. Black Parca© Harnani. Black Silk Grenadine©. Black and White Ii»wob« Ginghams. Ac. *, ryrz =* CITY BOUNTY-FUND COMMISSION. 11. —Tbe following-named Regim-nta bavs nesn ac cepted by lhfi Governor of Pennsylvania as part of the Knots from Philadelphia: BeniroViiPl4s; Col Davig. Bcgimcnt 34-4, Col. Adeina. fo'giment 143, Col Wlstar, Regiment 120, Col. Sohreiber. Aiderson Troop. anlB 0t .TOTIN 0. KNOX, Chairman. CAPTAIN JAWE* TAGGART, OF CO. [l3 B, 6th Pennsylvania Reserves, was first roported killed on the evening of Jane 30*, and afterwards classed among Ibe wonndod to the efflcial reports of Gen, Sey mour aid Gen. Fits John Porter.: Anv information of biro, Bring or deed, will be most gratefully appreciated by his tlistivos and friends. JOAN TAGGART, Northurobortind, Pa. .DAVID TAGGART, Paymaster B. 3 A., : auM-'tf Philadelphia. ryri==>'NATIONAI, UNION—THE CITIZENS (JJ? of the Ttt’EN l'V-FOURTH WaP.D, who hare no sympathy with Treason or Traitors—who give the Administration a cordial support in alt-its efforto to nut down tbo Kebellioo, ami who loTe their country better than its offices, will meet at the Commissioner«’ Hall, TRIRTY.SEVENTH and MARKET arrests, on TUBS DAT EVENING next, J9ih' into, at 8 o'clock, tor the pnroet f forming a “ National Baton Association.” Jamca'Til iller, j R®berti3teen, James Phosds, Henry A. Dreer, Jonathan Bonsall, John Hunter, J. M. Linnard, Isaao Heaton. - James Allen, B. Andrews Knight, Peter,Lone, Samuel Field, Thomas A. Andrews, - E. Spencer Miller. aulS-at* , NOTICE.i-THE SUBSCRIBERS TO UJ? THE CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, to aid Re cruiting, are hereby notlßed that the Treasurer of the Fund, SINGLETON Ai ME ROBB. Esj., will receive the smonnts of their aubscriptlons, daily, at the Farm ers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, and furnish them with printed receipts for the seme; or their subscriptions may be paid to the member of the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer’s receipt will be sent to the donor. By order oi tho Committee. - ••'. jrSB-tt THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. ryT==» NATIONAL UNION.—THE CITIZENS Uor of Philadelphia, who desire to unitB in rurtaiuinj tbe Notions! Admi.iistration, are requested to‘ inset on TUESDAY EVENING, the 19ih instant, in the several Wards, at (he places designated, to organize 9A-: TICSAL UNION ASSOCIATIONS: -: 1 " , Fitst Ward—At tbe Frauklin Hose Hall. Second—B, uthv ark Engine Hat! \ Third—S. E. corner Fifth and Queen streets. Fourth—S. E coraer Shipped and Eleyenth streets. Fifth—New Market Holt, Second add Pino streets. Sixth—Golden Fieice Hotel. Cherry, above Third. Seventh—O’Nt ill’s Dali, Lombard, below Broad. Eighth—Scbmikiil Hose House. 4 KiDtb—S,.W ouraer Twelfth and TPJlbortatreoU* ’Teeth—s. W. corner Eleventh aod Vine. ‘ North Penns> I vaaia Hotel, Third and Wil low sheds. Tvrdfth-~N. Ei,cniVer Fourth and Green stfceta. Thirteenth—*S. E. corner -Ninth and Spring Garien streets Fourteenth-' Spring Garden Hall. Fifteenth—N.E. corner Ooareß aud West streets. Sixteenth-—House of B. Ward©}!, Second, above Boaver street, • . Seventeenth—B. R. corner Front and Master. Bigbtcemh—N. W. corner, Marlborough and Jlicli x&ond streets. . , - Nineteenth—Franbford road and York street. • Tweuthth—South P«ujd Hose House. . Twenty* fiifsi—Temperance Jdanayunk. TwcntyrSfcocd—‘Lougstjeth Halt. ■ Twenty-third—Seven Stars HoteL Tweat>-fotirth—West Philadelphia Hall. ; After their organization* each association shall pro ceed to elect a Judgeand two Inspectorsfor each Elec tion Division to conduct the election hereinafter provi ded for* such product officers to bo selected by the ciH zens of tbavurioaB precincts'presentat said and also to elect dbep rson as a member of a General Committee of Superiotendence, Thatbn the evening of TUESDAY, tho 26th of August, thecitizens shall; neefc in th« 3? rcveral precincts and elect as follows : One per son from each precinct as Delegate to a City .Convention to nommate city and county officers; ooe poraori from each precinct as Delegate-to a Congressional Conven tion, rxcept tueb precincts as'- are within the limits of the Eiith Cohgressiomil District l ode peraon irora each preemet of tucb Senafcrrittl Districts as are repaired to ehctaSfcna'or to a Senatorial Convention .to nominate car-didoteefor Senator* oneperbonfrom each product be Dtlai'ftfd to a Tleprawwiffttlve OonvOoiion .Cfmdid&toe- for .Ropiescnbttiye; two persons from each prfcir-ct to a Ward Convention to nominate members of Ccuncil and other Ward officers. On Thmsday following the election, the Delegates elected to the City ConvoDlion shall meet at Sansobi-street t B all. a* 10 oxiock A. fil-.to enter o pon thbir d a ties, and, meet from da? to day, untiUheir nomioatioas are com pleted. . .v ■. The DeJegnfes tb tne other OonvoviUons shall meet Of their several districts Ts tbe first Thursday subsequent to theit'eHciion. atS o’clock, P, M, and' shall pro-: ceed to tbe discharge of their duties f excepuhe Delegate* in the Fourth fSenatodal District,, who shall meet at S\ o’ciotfc V. ftl .'J£esotve.d That , upon the election and organization the Committee of Superintendence oPths National Union A 5 tbisConvouUcm, and the two Committees cf ; which it la composed, shall each adiouro sine die. ; T. S. DARLING, ; Chairman Peopled Committee of Superintendence. GEOBGE H; MQOBB, Chairman Republican Gomirdtleo or Superintendence. JOHN J. FRANKLIN, FJ. H. lUERBIOK, Secretaries People’s Committee of Buherintendonce. . . . JOBE W; DOBBEE. . BBNBYJ ; GARDNER, Secretaries republican Ooiumittec of Superintendence. * sulB 2t IY“» PHI LAfiEh Pill A, AUGUST 12, 186-2* LkJj —At a meeting held at the house of GEO&i-B B. MiLLEB, SsQ.|Cbaimao of tbs Citizens* Bounty Fund for Second waid, the following gentlemen were consti tuted a Committee to canvass the aaid ward to make col lections, to be appropriated by the General Committee of the oity-ln securing the for tho prompt inereunft of the armies of the United States : ; Jcha Mc Carthy, Tboa.‘&; GosheU, A- KeWnger. M- D , Jos. lßmie, . J. H. Cantrell, M. D., Jas Si. Gibson, Edward G Webb, Isaiah Pas cos, John Kingston, J. Greenfield, Edw. G. Newlin, B Dauby. Wm. Leugblm, Bichard Sharps L. W. Duffel, Philip Powell, 8. M. Foster, F. Hortsman, Eiiab Ward, M. D., Henry Watkins, Paul J. Field, Ohas. Peterßon, . John W. By an, ' Tnos. Motts, „ Wm. F. Hughes, Thos 8. Barger, JasT Eirbpson, - J. McGettigan, Bobh Clatk, Jrr, Goo. Lee, , Oscar Th»*np*?op, 8. B. Erven, Gpo, W. Ksbmger, M.D., Kfdcb, Wni. 8.-Knowles, . John Hetzeli, J. Banholomew, Thos. ftl Femmgton, Hugh Cassidy, Jos Megary, I. A. liaweu ’ * 0. B Kammerly, H.D., Airx.'Oasely,. Jas. HooSey*, " • Geo. W; ; Martin, E: J: Weaver, Tbot; Dalv, Wm. Ulrick. Arthur Hughes, • \ Contributions can belefcwiih thofoHswinggontlo men. orwith any uusmbor of the Oommiltee’: Bobi Hebingcr, 8. K. corner Mary and Second streets. ;Daly. A Porter. ‘ Ttoa. McMauamy, N._W. cor. of Marriott street and Pa&yunk road. . Simpson & Noah ■Marine Bailway. . Gf-o. W. Nobiuger, M.D., S. E. car.Passy tmkrowland Washington. • John A.: Gantrril, S. W. cor. of Carpenter and Second' streets. ' ‘ Jas. M. Gibson, 022 Pasyunk road. ' Geo. Cnrlty, Second street, below Wharton. / GEO B. MILDER, Chairman. Ti. W.DorPBL, Secretary.; aulfi-3t , ry—=. A MEETIS6 0F THE REPCBCtCANS LkJJ of th« Foiirteeurh Ward -will boh«ld at tbsir fcad, N. E . cornerot uTDfJE Avenue and WAtibAOS Streets, at 8 o’clock on TUESDAY- NISH P. Auenst 19,' 1862. ' • - - DAN. W. CLARK, It# , , ” Secretary. ryr=z» NINTH WARD THE LOYAL CIT t -11,3 ZBNtioftfce Xioth Ward, iuaepandout of' party, are requested to mset at the Halt, Twelfth atill Filbert Y 6veniL*g, AngUHt.lO, ISG2, at eight o’clock, fcr tbepnrpoee of forming a National Union As sociation for said ward as recommended by the Execuv tiye Committees of the Pcoplo’a and Bepablican parties of tbo city of Philadelphia. JolmlTorri, Wm. 8. StoHey, ; nenry-O, Thompson, John L. Hill, WiUiem M. Bnll, . lutid Beitler ■ .. . Morris S Parker, atis;lS.2t And. many others rr==* A MEETING OF THE SIXTEENTH O Ward Bapnblicao Association,-will be beta THI S (M ONDAY) BVUNrH}. *o a oet 18tti, at 8 o’clock, at No. 1006 NORTIT SECOND Street, above Beaver. By. order of I3AAO A.SHEPPARD, . fit* .' .V" f *f "ff f President. m«s» JiINETEENTH WAKIt, ATTENTION.. lAS —All citizen* of ihb-iNiheteenth .Wardy who re cognize tbe responsibility of; citizen* at borne as bolfig only second to'that of citizen: fbtdierg in the .field, and wbo desire to prove by their acts that they prefer the welfare of their country to that of any party,.and thus encourage the united rfTorts of our National Administra tion and bur noble army in their admirable struggle to euppiess the present unholy rebellion, are cordially in yltid to join the undersigned in the selection or delegates too Convention for the purpose of nominating candi dates to be voted for at the ensuing election. Tlio preliminary arrangements will be male on Tnes day'eveningneyt, August 19cU, nt7>s o’clock,at I’rank ford road and Tork strfet. Lt-vi Dnflleld. George Allrich, John J; atigler, Geo..W. Gransback, Dawlol Fosbemier, Alfred Megnrsee, Cbas. Hobghtun, M.'D , Gbotltfi M, Fay, Thomas Harrison, Samuel P. Hall, ■ ■■'■■ . John Bley, James Milligan, Br., Marcna S: Bulbley, George Pe Haven, Sr., NINETEENTH WARDU’EOFLK’S AS tk_3 SOOIATIOS.-j-At a meeting of said Association, held on TUESDAY evening, August 12th, 1862, at the honro ofJNO. PoERR. oor .AMBER and ELLA Sts... it was. on mot’on, Reeoleed, That: inasmuch as we be lievethe time has come ior allloyal citizens at this pre sent time, to drop all party lines, smd make an effort in the coming Fall Kl-ctioD,to eupportthe National Admini stration in their efforts to crush the unholy Rebellion now, going on, we adjourn this Association until the BKUONO TUESDAY of August, A. D. 1863. - i f ■ ■ JAMBS TAGBBT, Frost JAMES WORK, Secretary. . anlB 2t* our country: to arms: thk 113 COMMITTB'B appointed to race to Subscriptions in Bid of the CITIZENS’ BOUNTY ffUND, for pro viding tfco proportion of Pbiledelphia’s quota of nion to increase thoAntoy of tbo liepnblic, sit daily at ISBBPiNDKHOE ttAI.Ii, • , Tront JO A. Hvto S’P.' M. By order of the Committee, 1 Jj29tSl' - THOMAS WBBSTEB, Chairman. ry-~=- RECRUITS BOR PHILADELPHIA ILj: • EEGIMKHTS J 'rS'’<THßs FIBUD—I The ©lB - AGENCY OF THE OIT'ZENS’ BOUNTY FUND ODroirace to all: Becroiting oBoars for PhUa delpbio Beglratnta in the .field, that ther sit, DAILY, between 9 A M. and 12 M , at.th*ir Office, in' front of the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, and are ■prepared to pay / 1 86 Premium to each Becralt, and - , 830 Bounty to each Becruit, upon oomplianoe with tlio forma they haro adopted. Information in detail givcnon-eppllcationtothe. undersigned. Becrnlting Officers will please present their credentials for enliatiag. * - ■ • MICHAEL "Y. B AKER, GBOBGB? WHITNEY, SINGLETON A. HXBOEB. Jolm H. Myers, John Thompson, Ed ward. H. Williamson, \V. D. Potts, Joseph B. Alycra, Eli Holden, 1 Wra. ScbollenVerger, Joseph Harvey, i A.dam ftlyera, j Nicholas Shane, i John IVOarran, fcl. I) , i Joel fibthermel, . J ’McJXmgal, Godfrey Eittenhouse, J E. Eldridgo, : J«ba D. Bavne, i William Bittennotiae, Joseph Horn, WilUfttn Katz, Jacob Hath, kBB-tael fvr=» CITY BOUNTY FDTO. U 3 TO TDK VOLUNiEEBS* Notice is hereby given, that the Co amission appoint ed by the Mayor, under an Ordinance entitled: *• An Ordinance to make an appropriation to aid the enlist ment of volunteers,” approved .Tulv 26th, 1862, will be in tcsaldn at its Office, No. 412 PRUNE Street, DAILY, beiween the hour* of 12 o’clock M. and 3 o’clock P. M., (Sundays excepted,) for the purpose of receiving appli cations from, and grunting certifloates to, the Volunteers entitled to receive Bounty Money from the City of Phi ladelphia,' under said ordinance and the supplomenta thereto For the pre ent, applications wrill bereoetved only from thoto who have been enlisted la the City of Philadelphia, on account of itoquila, under the call'of the Governor, and have been mustered for rervtce tn the new Regiments, as the bounty to tbe recruits for the Old Regimcntß is peid turn tbe tuud raised by private sub scription; arid which payment, by a Supplementary Or dinance., approved,August Itli, 1862,* excludes such ro cruitsftom patOcliAHng in tbe City 'Bouaty'Fnnd. • The euros payable to all who have, thus volnhtei red in tbe city of Philadelphia; and have boen so mustered into tbo new Companies and Regiments raised (whether resi dents of ihe city or olsewhere) since tho call of the Pee sident • f*r 300,000 additional ■ volunteers, or who shall hereafter volunteer, and be so mustered under'said call, , areaafollows: *• 9 months recruits? .$2O 00 12-months do .................30 00 . 3 y'osre or the war.,.. 60 00 The Bounty is payable ono-half when the Company to which the nlsimaßt belong, is full, and thecaptain thereof tB musttred into service, and tho remainder when the Re giment is completed, and the commanding officer thereof shell have been roustertd into the service. r < Tbe evidence required tor the certificate for the Erst instalment will be: let A copy of the muster roll of the company, duly certified by the United States musteriog officer. 2d. Satisfactory evidence that the applicant was on listed in the city of PnUadolphia for the purposes afore said."". For tbe rtmaining instalment, It must be shown that the claimant Is still a member of the company, aad that the regiment to which tho company has haen attache d ise*mplete. ‘ Blank forms of application will be furnished at the office of the commission, 412 Prune street, ‘ JOHN O. KNOX, Chairman.}® Philadelphia, Angnst 11,1862, anl2-12tjj| |vr==* OUR COUNTRY! TO ARSIS 1-iPAS [_!_? TBIOTIO Citizens who desire to subscribe to*thV CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, to aid the recruiting of thePhilodelphia quota of the President’s call for throe hundred thousand; nien, are respectfully informed that the Ocnunlttee will sit dally to receive subscriptions from ten A. M. to two P. M, at INDEPENDENCE HALL. Pubfcriptlona may likewise be sent to either of the un dersigned: ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor’s Office. ' CHARLES GIBBONS, Secrotary, 262 Sofith Third street ■ • ;.OHABLES D. FREEMAN, Secretary, 601 Sansom treet. ■ ■ . - ■,. “ .. , JAMES McULINrOOK, City Treasurer, Girard lank. . . ••y - HENRY D. MOORE, State Treasurer, 661 North Eleventh street., . SINGLETON A.. MERGER,' Treasurer or Fund, Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank. THOMAS WEBSTER, i 4 North Delaware avonue. WILLIAM WILSH,2IB South Delawate avouuc. J. BOrS SNOWDEN; Independence Hall. ADOLPH E. BORIS, 153 Dock street. B-W. DB COURSEY, 631 Chestnut stroot GEORGE H STUART, IS.Bauk street : MICH ASI V. 8 AKER, ludependeDce Hall. GEORGE WHITNEY, office of A. Whitney A Sons. RICHaBD O, DALE, 621 Market street. LOBIN BLPDGBT,-Board of Trade Booms. ' JOHN E. ADDIOKB, Independence Hal! “ JOHN D. WATSON, office of North Amerioan. • JAMES MILLIKEN, 410 Walnnt etreet. committees will bo appointed to proonxo Bub sotiptions in every word in the city, due notice of Which will shortly'appear. . All subscriptions will be acknowledged dolly in the papers, unless otherwise requested. By order of the: Committee, .jy29, THOMAB WEBSTER, Chairman. ry~» THE UNITED STATKS SANITARY U? 3 COMMISSION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY. No. 3235 CHESTNUT STREET —The foUpwingTepom mendation, by tbo President of the-United Statosi safß clently authenticates the Commission to the ptjblic: The Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great humanity and direst pt action! Value to the nation' in this timo of Us trial. It is entitled to the grittltnde and oon ■ Adenco of the p: ople, and I trust it will be. gsooronjly supported. Ttoroiano.fiwncy.tbrougfc which voluntary ofletinss of patriotism can he more effectively made.” “ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” The undersigned will'receive, and forward to places where they muy be most needed, all contributions for the sick and wounded. • .• The article most required are Muslin Shirts and Drawers (both r ld and now), woollen Undershirts, Panta loons, ana Stockings, and for which there le an incessant ‘demand. , W* PLATT, Jb ,* | .; anl-18t Puperintondent. ryro* OFFICE MINE HILL AND SCHUYL- Lks KILL HAYEN RAILROAD CO.—PhiUdel j'liiA,‘B£b month IHb, 18C2. - ‘ At a stated meeting of . the Board oLMahagers,-held •THI3 DAY, a semi'annuar dividend of FOUR PER CEN T, (equal to >Jwo dollars per share) was declared, payable to tho StocHiolders or thoirlegal represeuta tivef,? on or after the 2lnt lust. . Tha;transfer book wiU he closed nntU the 2Z*t ingL J au!3-wfoi3t (•’ WILLIAM BIDDLE, Secretary. i; THlClUfWtlJi PACIFIC RAILROAD lO COMPANY. ' . ; .NOTICE Off MEETING OF COMMT3STONEB9, . • The undersigned Oomnrfftsioiiers named'in the act of the Thlrty-eevtnth Cotigresß of the United States of America* entitled “ ArL Actto aid in the Construction of aKajlroad *nd Telegraph Liue from tho Miseonri River to the Pacific Ocean, audio Secure to tho Governmedt the wo »:f the same for Postal, Military and other ‘ Pur poses,s 5 in pursuflnce of the provisions dfsaid Act, and of tbo Act of *aid TKirty*eevfcnth Congress, supplementary to aud amendatory .of said firßtVorontioiuMi Act, U«roby givo uotico that.tho first meetiog of the Board of Com missioners jjientfctued in said firat-meutioned Act will be held at Bryan Hall* in the City of Chicago,'and State oT Illinois, CD th'a first Tuesday of September next at 12 oN’.ioek atnoom ' - " Jaims Donning, John M. AVood, Edwin Noyes, Jo* *eph Eaton,, of-■ Affine /. Joseph A. Gilmore, Oharlea,-W. Wcodman, of New Hampshire ;;■ Henry •H. Baxter, George W; Collenier, Henry KeyeB, Tnomaa H. Canfield, of WVlUtnlL: Bwirt,Samnel T. D.-*oa,: John Bertratrii Frar.klin Si Stevens, Edward ,B. Tinker, of Massachusetts ; Burgess. William P. Biol gf t* Ber>js*ii»ih fi. Cheever, Charles Fosdick Fletoher, of jthode Island; Augm*!uft Brewster, Henry P. Haveu, ; Cornelius S. Bu&bueli, Ht-nry HacaToond, of Connecticut; Isaac gberm&n^-Dia.n—— Henry A.; Piiddbck,- Lewis Sonor, Bamurl B. 'Jamobeli, Aiffed E/ John Azariah Boody, Jwhn 8. Kohnerty, n. Carver, Joseph Field. Benjumin F.’Oainp, Orville W. Uhildp, Alexander J.. Bergen, Ben. HolUdiy, D. N; Barr ney. B*JDe Wiitßloodgcod. Williainil,; Grant* Thomas rW. Olcoft; Sadmel B Riit/gies, James B; Wilson, of F'-w York ;;EDhratm Marsli, Ohasles M Harker, of mio Jersey;. John Thompson, Beidimin Baywo-wj, Joseph H. Scranton, Joseph Harrisoni George W.- Oass, : Join* H. Bryant. Daniel J Moreli. Thomas M. Howe, Wdliaiii F. Johnson. Bobert Finney, Jobn x A. Green E. , B* Myre* Oharlea F. 'Wdils, Jauior, of Pennsylvania ; Tbomss Swan, Ohanncey , Brocks, Edward Wilkins, of Maryland j . Wilson. Stonb, WdltHnj H. Clohfeht.S. LD’HoihtnedlHn.JohbßroTrsh. William Den bl§op, Jacob Blicktuaderfer. of Ohio / * Charles Paine, Thomaa A. Morris, David O. Branham, Samuel Hanna, Jenes Votaw, Jeee« L, Williams, O. Efsioa, of JnfiiafJA/ William B 1 Ogden, 'Charioß G. Hammond, Henry Farmim, Amos C Babcock,-W, Weldon Gale, No- Bvu»l,h**li. Lorenzo 8011, of Illinois; John D. B.'N. i ßlce»-Oharlei»:A. ; -Trowbridge, Ransom Gardner. Chb.rieB W. Poni)y, Ch*tr}es' TJ Gorham, Wil liam McCkinheU. of Michigan ; William Barm. Jr.; John Oatlin, Stirling, John Thompson, Elihu L. Philips, Waller B. McTndoe, fS. B‘; Soddard, E K: Brodhead, A, H. Yirgen, of Wisconsin; A' T). Seward,; Henry A. Swiff, Wiioanurv, John , MoOnrick. John R. Jcneei ef William F; Oo.ilbaugh, Lupins H. Laugworthy, :Hngh T.jßeid, Hoyt SbcrmKn, .Lymin Cook, Samuel R. ! Jurti«, Lewis A; Thomas, Platt Smith, of lowa ; William M McPhersonj R-: :Wj Wells. Willa.d V. Ball, Armatrong Beatty* John Oorbsv o/ Missouri; Fianklin Gorin, Laban J.; John T, Levis, of Kentucky ; W. H. Grimes, if. C >Stone, Tfaoniar, Jehu Kerr, W'ortorß/ Davis, Luther 0, Challis, J6si»h Miller, o/Aon«as y Gilbert 0. Monell, Angastas Konniz, M. Marquette. William H. Tavlor. Alvin BHueders, of Nebraska; John Evans, of Colorado ; John Atchleorij John D, Winters, of fric TtrriUrry of Nevada; .P, J. Hensley, Peter Donahue, C. P. Hunting ton, T.D. Judah. James Bailey, Jaraoß V Rvaa, Oh rides BoemeivCharles Mareh, D 0. Mil:BvS.*nme) B<dl; Louis McLanr, George W. Mowe, McLaushtio, Timo thy Dome, John R. : Robinson, of California,; Widiatu ' 6. Ladd* A. M. Brrry, BoojamiQ F. Harding, of Oregon. Dated July 16, 1562. ■ jy2l rn6t-• MILITARY. IJ ?162 BOHISTV—II9th BEiJl fi MffNTi COL, P. 0. ELLHAKEB. A Tow good W men wanted; m Company 0. of this Regiment. Pay acd rations' immrflialely. SIOO before going into service lU-crnitiEg Ofiicr- 204 Street. Captain. A. T. GOODMAN, . Fi-st Lieutenant BENJ; SAYLOR, au!B 3t# Second Liautenant JAME 3 W. L ATTA. S CAPTAINS U9LEE and BCHUH,. with ten non. commissioned officers of the SINE rY- IfIMTH BEOIMEHT. are in town to BECttIHT. Oaice, 204 DOCK stf'-et. This ttegiment is eom manded by. Ooloher ASHES 8. LEIDF, in wVom both' cffietts and men have confidence to follow wherever he Hade. We are attached to General BirDoy’a Brigade, General Kearney’s Division, and General Qeintzletnaa’a Corps. ■ . ■■ . , ' It#' W GRAY USSEi Sj —’The BobocripUcus toAbi Iff finely; already v over. £I2,C 'following additional Bnbsi terd&y to the Finance Gomra o*iBU Company k, ...... £5 Nickerson A'Mosoly... .100 W-Winebrennon>..... .100 J acofc tianffman........ 2d N. Hay5...............5 6. B.» Market Btrofct..’.. 60 .Company 1L...,........ 6 D Eva1abd.............. 5| .. Errata—H. reported in Company®, Bubscrlp tion SiO ebotiW bo £lOO. _ > _ CoIIVC. - BUxriskerV' Gray Resets© Resiraflat.-** IV T., hvping BeVectod a camp in: tbo -ntfgttborimd. of rifftt'r’sXaue Station, Norik Pennsylvania Railroad, to ba called CAMP BAUBKGK, Col. IT. B. Kneft'e, smlother members of ths finance Commutes, will attend'onTFESD AT Alt' CK ItNOO M and pay to each recruit-the additional Gray Bosorve Bounty of Ton Dollar's (®10). t A meeting ef the Finance Committee will ba held on ■'WEDHEBDAT’AFTK&KOOS next, at 5 o’clock, at ths FBAIiKLIN INSTITUTE BUILDING ABBX; P. 00LE8BUBT, Secrotary. • 1|..,|160 BOUNTY AND ONE (§ HONTITS PAY IN ADVANGB;—Bocrnits wanted 111 to fl.ll tho racks o( the9lst Kogiment, r. Y , 001. K. fit. ■“CEF.GOBT, now in tins field. Booruitiug Station 620 CHESTS DX 6t>-a«t. Lieut. JAMES 11. OLOSSOff, Lieut. J. A. GRKGOKY, BeorxttEjug Officers. nula-St* jj NO BOUNTY OR ADVANCE SS PAT AFTER TUK 224 INST—THE 1219T.KEGI- I|mFNT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, COE., . CHAPMAN BIDDLE.-aoceptedJiy the State a«one of tho regiments to be raised in Philadelphia, i " ' Recruits for this regiment are entitled until the 234 of August to the United States bounty of $!00, to the Oity of PliilodelpWa bouhty of $BO, and toan oxrta bounty of @10 —in all $l6O.- besides a primmed of $2 at the time of muster, and 6ne nioDth’s pay in advance(Bl3 ) Recrultß aro immediately mustered into: service, uniformed, and sent by cars on the- same dayito.l the healthy oamp at Edgewocd, near Chestnut HilL For the several recruit ing stations see the general advertisement hi this paper, or apply at £OO VINE Street. 728 Z ANE Street, 22Q North SECOND Street, 43 North THIRD Street, 821 MARS El Bticot, Ao Ac. aulO dt2B ■■ jj, THE 116th REGIMENT, p. Y., El accepted for thrro years, are now 1 neatly ready for All the fit-W, Fractions of companies will be-accepted from the country. tteoiuft* from the country coining info tbie regiment will receive $56 bounty in addition to tho bounty paid hy thdr county and General Government Transportation wiU ho fnrnished on aoplication to these Hecdqnarters, 624 MABKET SfrrotV'PhUadflphia- or to. Major G. H. BABDWELJj, at »< Herr’e Harris burg. V * aull-12fe 001. Doromandlng llStbjß&gimenV P- T. j[ CITY BOUNTY FUND UOM n mission. . • ill NOTION -TO VOLUNTEERS—OfficiaI informa ■‘■“ tibn baa booupiven to the City Bounty Fund Com mission, that tho following named regiments have been accepted by the Governor of Pennsylvania, :on' account of tbe, uuota- of Voinnteerß required from tbo city of Pbiiadelphja, viz: '■ ..■■■■ Zooave d’Afiique, Col Collia. Regiment No. 118, del. Heenan. it - u in, Col. A. H: Tippin, Scott Region. “ n 118, Col.O.MiPrevost,Oornßscbange. «. « 119, OoL P.C. EUmaker.Grayßosorvea. “ *«;121, Cot. Chapman‘Biddle. Tbe Commission are ready to pay the bounty to votau teera in said regimoutß under the rules and'regulations heretofore published. "■ , , anlS-m JOHN O. KNOX, Chairman. jj 121st . REGIMENT P. V—Re* D cruiig wanted for Company D, of the 28d Fblla ill delpbia Light Infijutrr, Colonel Chapman Biddle Apidy at the ANDEBSON H0U5E,1529 SOUTH Street, opposite Die Eater Market. Bounty $lOO. Has tered In at onco. OHARLE3 B. ETTING,’ - aollOt ' \ . Becond Lieutenant. .IVE REGIMENT. lie Regiment are progressing 000 haviag boon raised. The scriptions were reported yes litteo: 8; H.Bibiglmusc. y 10 Corn Exchange Associa . tion 100 A. S. & 15. Bob-rts 100 Metniftra and friends of Company D.... 830 H. 5im0n5....... 80 MILITARY. gNLIST I ENJLISTI TEN TOLLA-RB WILL 815 GIVEN, IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES t - To recruits for the 45TH REGipENT Peunaylvanto Volunteers, (Col. THOMAS WELSH,) now at Newport Hows. ONF, BUNDBED MEN, of tUo first class, ara wanted immediately for this regiment. Apply at EVANS & HASSALL’S, § 321st RECIMEiST R. V.—;RE CRUITS wanted fi r Oempany D, of tUo2Sd Philadel phia Light Infantry, Colonel Obapma-i Bulifi.r. Apply ““ at ite ANDKE9ON HOUSE. 1519 SOUTH «t-eet, op pot ite the Kater Market. Bounty 8160. Mastered in at once. CHARLES K. ETtING, enlB-6t Second Lieutenant. J 121st REGIMENT PENNSYIi- H VANIa VOLUNTEERS, Colonel CHAPMAN ili BIDDLB. ; :' , * BECKUITS WANTED FOP. THU WAR. A premium of 82 will be paid to enoh raerhit at tire time of muster. One month’s pay In advance, and . ' 1 Sl6O Bounty, to wit: f $25 United States Bounty in crsll , $5O City faf Philadelphia Bounty. $lO Extra Bounty, and $76 United States Bounty at the end of the war. ' Recruits wiU be mustered immediately into service. Fay and rations from date of master. Apply at any of the following recruiting stations: ALEXANDER LAWEIE, Captain Co. B, No. 600 Vine street. ' ' CHARLES F. BUL9K, 2d Lioutenant Co. B, N. IT. corner of Franklin Square J. FRANK STERLING, Captain Co. C, N.E. corner Sixth and Minor ttreets. GEORGE WM. POWELL, 2d Lieutenant 00. 0, N. E. corner Twelfth arid Spring Garden streets. OHARLES E. ETTING. 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No. 1629 South street. M. W. ,0. BAEOLAV, 2d Lieutenant Co, E,No. 715 Girard avenne. J. ALFRED lIAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Brnner’s BoioVMninelrcet..Germantown. * WB. SMITH HOBATTr,"2d Lientenant Co. G, Potts town, Montgomery county. Eli WARD GB A". Z, Jr,, 2d Lientenant 00.11, N. w. corner of Tbirtesnib and Girard avenue, JO HSi I) UEBOIIO W,, 2d Lieutenant Co. I, No. 229 North Second street. JOSHUA OABSED, 2d Lieutenant Co. K, Main street, Frank fiird JOHN. lUNGEEIOH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Third street. . ‘ • . SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Co. B, No. 728 Za.ao afreet ;BABEY HEBTZ *BIV Lieutenant, No. 821 Market street.' ... , . ... - ’ JAMES ASHWORTH, Captain 00. I, Frankford. JAMES MAGNEB, Lieutenant, N. K. corner Sixth and Minor streets. WILLIAM IV. DOBB, Lieutenant, BSG Nrn-th Thir teenth street erd 406 Walnut street. - SAMUEL 0. THOMAS, Sergeant Co. D, No. 481 Chrstnuc street. _ J H. HOLMAN, - Frankford road and York streoj. ' ■ arlG’23 THOMAS M HALL, Adjutant. RicagiTiNG OMitm q? Jmgl TIIE ANDERSON TOOOP, Ground Floor of . C'.iS. the Pennsylvania -Btilpjad Office, corner: of TiilßD Ltroet'and WILLING’S Alley! " dipt. WM. J, PALMER, :r Sergt. ALFKBD'VEZIN; . aulß-Ot* Private NObMAN M. SMITH. •' RETAIL DRY GOODS. Fancy shirting flannels Just opened, afew cases of French Shirting Flan nels, in neat Stripes, Chocks, anl Plaids,-of desirable styles and qualifies. . • ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Blue Flannels. aiil2 SHABPLES9 BROTHERS. Tj>ALL Dili LAtNES, ALL NEW Jj PATTERNS dJsmiDon De Haines. Pacific DeTnvihes. Manchester Be LaineS. -HYKK A: J/ANOKlilr, TOCKTH and AKOH. TjiNGLISE PBINTg, FALL STYLES. Hi Opening of British Prints. ~ 4-4Erench styles. \ EYEE S.DANDBIiD, anß FOURTH and aFifJH. T INENS, WHITE GOODS,, HOSIE XJ HY, EHBBOIDEEIBS —Tho aubsorihers, in ad dition to the Honsa ForniBhing and OnrtainDepsrtments of tbo Dry Good. Business, giro special attention to and have always on hand, a fresh stock of the host Shooting tiinena. White Goods, Hosiery, and Embroideries, to iwhich the attention of Unyerß is respoetfutly twmeated. SHEPPABD, YAK Hißi-INGEE A AEEISON,; anS lSt 100S-CHKSTSUT Street THE LAST CHANCE FOE. Bar gains. FURTHER SEDUCTION IN PRICES. We nro determined to closeout the balance of ourSutn mer Siock beforo the first of September. In order to da s» we'wiJl offer our entire stock of FANCY SICKS, . : BESIR ABM DRESS GOODS, HAM- MANT'MS AND POINT! S, :■> BIM COATS AND SACQUES, At lower prices than those of any other Retail House in the city. OTJK BLACK BILKS can’t be matched in prices and qualities, aatboy wore all bought before the last rise, and wo are able to sell them at onr OLD LOW PKIOE3. One lot cheapest Black f igured Silks ever offered. _d.-Alan, a.«dmd_niu,f»*4nM«it of.-.. DOMESTIC GOODS. , ' ' ' /EI~BTKEITtt' SON, ‘ au4-tf No. ?13 North TSNTB Bt, &oove Coates. BARGAINS IN PRY <JOOi>B.- ™ The following lots will be sold at a great sacrifice to clceo them out—via: „ - Two lets Black Silk and Wool Challies at worth S 7 .. Five pieces Barege Anglb at 4c,. worth 100. Five pieces plain Barege at l£){o. Also, a large lot of Shetland:Shawls, at very low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. At JOHN 8 STORKS’, Jy3o ' 70S ABOH Street.. Tweeds and c&ssimerss; lieoo .vanJß heavy Oapteimercs, jnst opetiedl. Alao. 1,000 yards all-wco] Tweeds. 62 to 75 oobU. Bimmor arid Fall Caesimeres, a fall Block. Htn’a end Boys l wear- oar stock in complete. DOMESTI3S. ' Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleach* d and Brown Sheetings. Cotton FlsnceM, Domet, all wool, and Sac me do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rales. HONSY-COSB QUILTS. Marseille# and Qnllts. . Bathing FlwaneUyMosquito Nets. - . . , Liutn Table Damasks aud Napkins. Cheap lots of 4-4 heavy. Irish liinsns. ' CLOSING OUT. SHk Mantles, Thin Busters, Lace Goods. \ " Boys* Summer Clothing. TbiD Dress Goods, Black Tamnvtinos. ■. K ■ Obftllies, Mohairs, Mozambinnon, &o. CO.oPBB A OONABD, i- |yBUtr ~l S.E.,corner NINTH .and att. IMPLEMENTS OF WAR.. rjlO EARNEST PATRIOTS A HEW CANNON. An invention of remarkably destructivepower, and, at the same lime, sdf-protectivo advantage* In . warfare awaits In this city the pecuniary means of Being proren by actual work, in its valuable capacity of throwing forty-pound shot a distance of oner eight mil&t, with precision, and retaining at that enormous range great force and. destructive power, .varied. according to the nature or material of the shot., More than thisGnns.of heavier calibre will throw proporttonably farther. ..It ..is easy, perhaps, to smile at claims.like these, yet, after careful examiuation of the model, there are but few. persons conversant with the true laws of gunnery who would care to deny or oven to'ccntcstthom. Striking adventsges can at once be seen to have.: been gained in construction of both the cannon and the shat; and the more closely an investigation la pursued, the more tlioi roughly may be perceived the application of means used to obtain effects dosirod. _ The matter is now at astago whore a moderate sum of money would complete every reoniaito for aotual work. Aroong'the hosts of people earnestly interested in onr notional struggles and speedy triumph, with as little loss of life to ourselves as possible, Burely tbero ato many who con opare, either as a business investment or other wise, their proportion' of the little cost requisite to test this most important claim. The Inventor is in very limited c’roumetencos, having danced attendance upon the War and Navy Departments at Washington, and other high authorities, nmil obliged to break up a costly model, and sell it for the price of old metal to meet,expense*. Art tnere" any per sons in this city or vicinity WBo will do any tbTfig Material to now-aai: vsisce the development of this Invention, and bring into action Its’latent power of yiotory, and of saving life in tho Onion armies ? It is useless for each individual to seek to throw the duty of action in this matter upSn: others, or upon au tlicrltles, whether Oity, State, or National. If each anfl all were to do so, nothing but continuous delay would result. Are any persons willing to net as the case demands ? Investments «f any amount will be reoeivod, entitling the persons investing to their proportions of thpjiroceoda from manufacturing and furnishing the cannon to Go-' • vernment j or any sums will be received and interest paid therefor until returned. Will the publio allow this matter to He dormant for want of means to cast the rcauisito guns for proof before. the world that wo can defy all p assailants, and, while our selves out of their range', out ax kssht to riacsis by OUR SUrBRIOB OAKXON 1 Aid, without regard to foreign foes, we have now those to.idefe&t sufficient to make tho value of this long range capacity in this new cannon a thousand times re pay its coat. ' Hence, as an hivestmeut, it will be a judicious act to furnish monoy for this purpose, and, os an act of patriot ism, it wonid be the duty of each person to do something, even if the investment wore not to be returned with profit. - For other information, inquire of ->- ■ A. M. DENSMORK, Attorney for tho Inventor, on!6 2t IS2X Sor.th THIRD Street. POLITICAL T?OR OITY CONTROLLER, 1862, JJ GEO: W. HUFTY, FOURTEENTH WARD. auT-tn TYRAETJNG U THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCECOMPANY, . . Office,.4oo WaLNUf Street. . • CASH ASSETS, Junuary 31,1832, $8,086 260.60. This Company will -issue War Permits to all who aro Inanred in said company Tsefort they are drafted, 1 not AFTamyARD. .. . Persons will he waited upon at their residenceor place of briefness, by addressing a note to H. A. CHAMBERS, 400 WALNUT Btreet.j ' aqlBtf T YORYTY PES—MadeatREIM ER’Sj JL excel ail pictures of tho kind wo have yet as an: ihoy are the most natural and life like pictures to be bad,;. Go to Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. . It* HAZLETONAND DIAMOND (LE , HIGH) COAL—We have now on hand a large stock of thoße celebrated Coats* prepared with much care for family use, and aellihg at’the lowest market price. Consumers are respeclfnlly invited;, to call and examine beforepnrehasing. _ ' B. P..GILLINGHAM, ; ■ v anlB.'l4t# ■ ’ N. S. cor. FRONT, and POPLAR Bts.,. NO. 41S ABOH Street. MILITARY GOODS. T. SNODGRASS. . CIVIL & MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE, SO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STBBBT. We give Bpe'slet attention'to Officers’ materials, and have now bi 6tojo a Tory select and extensile stock of ail abodes and grades for Baits and overcoats. ' / Also, a great yariety of WOOLENS, adopted to La (Hes’, Gebtlemeri’e and ObiMren’g wear. 01114 DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. \ 1862.' * 4 L ’ i ’ : 'w>. JOHNES, BERRY. & Go , (Successors to Abbott,' Jolrnes, A Co.,} AfiT MARKET, AND 524 COMMERCE STREETS, IMPORTERS AND, JOBBERS OF - SI L K AMD .. FANCY DRY GOODS, Haro cow opened an entirely BBW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK, IN ENGLISH. FRENCH; GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a full aesertmeut in WHITE GOODS,RIBBONS,GLOVES, BHAWLH, &c., ” Which they offer at the very lowest Market Prices, and eclicit tho attention of tho Trade. aalG-Soi Y ARD; G3LLMORE, & Co., Nos. BIT CHESTNUT and 014 JAYNE Slrcota, Have now open their FALL IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LIKENS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac. ■* BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FIRM. To which the attention of the trade is parti orderly in cited. anti -3m CIRCULATING LIBRARY. WBRQTHERHEAD’B GIRO II • LATINO LIBBAEY.—AII the NEW English WmJ American Books, including AIL CLASSES of Lite rature. This in the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that aronoi BEPBINTED here. Terms 35 per year j 6 months S 3; three months 51.50, or S cents per day- .213 Rontb EIGHT HRtreefc jyT-2ci® EDUCATIONAL. I) T. RUGS MAN WILE REOPEN b. her 3OBOOL FOB GIRLS, 1030 SPRING GAltDBb Str-rt, on E'TCPTEMO'RR Ist aulB-Ut# Bristol boarding school for Glrla will open its Fall session ok Seccnd day, Niatb mo., Ist. ' ; Boferecces: James Mott, Philadelphia: Anae Ohnrchman. SOB Franklin street, Philadelphia; 0. Ef. Peirce, SQI North. Saveath street, W. Bidgway, Crosswicks, TfkwJle rmf; David X- Grlsccm, Woodbury. Hew Jersey. For circulars, apply to BUTH A.SKA FKCROB, Pribcipal, B rlstol, Pa/ jy23*2m* Holmesburg seminary rob YQT?N<I LADIES,- located on tho Bristol T turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2from Tacony.. Th« : first term of; the scholastic year begins the first MON* DAT in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. . A circular, containing terms, reforencos, &c., can be obtained by application to the jjTdSm* l MjesesOHAPMArl* Principals. PROPOSALS. OFFICE, * _Wxa«T3OTO!i, Ang, 12, 1862. FBOPOSAXtS will be received by this Department til 6 I*. M »on tbe 20t.h .mi 2 ., '1 852 . for tho tfoHvcry at the -js'twYork Arsenal* Governor's Is land* New York, of th<- fodowinginfantry Bccontrements, viz: 42 GOQ Shoulder .and Waist Belts, with plates, for- non coiDnnsiioiied officers . „ -- Waist Belts, with plates, for inn* Brians. •..-•r- These accoutrements are to be made in strict conform ity with the regulation patterns, samples of which can c-e examined at *«he above Arsenal, and ate to be subject to inspection at that Arwnal before being received by the Govc-rnment. None to be accepted dr paid for,but such as *r© approved on impectioh.t These belts are to be of bvff teatfttr, blacked, as heretofore made. • jjeiiveriea must bo made In lota of not less than 1,600 eels per week. Tor all contracts; of 10,000 or tmdor; not less than 2 000 per week, on all contracts from 10,000 to 20.000; AOCO per*w*eki for'coutract*from2l,ooo fcoSOj* 000; and 4,000 pt-r week for all above that number— couuicg from tho date ofthe;contract. ■ ; Failure to deliver at a epocified time will subject the cotiiraotor to. a forfenureof the amount due at that time.. - Tbe accoutrements must be boxed in the enstom ary manner, tbe boxes to be.charged at cost, to bo de termimd bv the Inspector. : No bid will be considered which does not state expli citly iho place, timei and quantity of each delivery. Each party ontaihing a contract will !>» required to en ter into bonds, with proper suieties, for the faithful ful filment of tbe same Bids of pemme who are not manufacturers or regular dealers in leather work will not be considered; and the , Department reserves the right to rejeot nay or all bids, which may be made. ' Upon'the award being made, roccosafu l bidders will be notified ; will be fmuhbed with forms ofthe ccnfcract and of the bond required of them. ! Proposals will be to “General' James \Y. Blplcy, t hief ofdrdnauce. "Washington, D. aod will be endorsed ‘ Proposals for noa-commisaioaedofficers’ and musicians' beirs.’* JAMES W, BIPLEY, Brig. Geu. and Chief oi Ordnance. solB-mw2t A RMY CLOT BING and EQUIPAGE XX OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GlBARDStraeta. pHitAMsiFBIA, A n?u-tl-lth, 1862 PKOVO-SALS K<Ot CAMP HITOHETB. '„SEAIKD PIIOPOSALB, endorsed ** Proposals for .Camp Hatchoie,’’ will be reCFjyed by tho onSeraigned, at this Office: until 12 o’clock M. on MONDAY. 17th inst., for fmnifhing and delivering at the SCHUYLKILL AB» BBNAL: ; 10,000 Camp Hatchets. Bidders nil! state explicitly the time and amount of each delivery.' Proposals will be received for any part ofthe above articles. ... “The right is reserved by the Deputy? General to accept any part or the whole of a bid offered, or toxeject the bids, in whole or in p <rt, as the interest of the Government, In his Opinion, may demand.” Each proposal rnnst be signed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guar antee that the-bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient : bond, if bis bid is accepted. Proposals unaccompanied with guarantee will not bo considered; and contracts will be awarded only reestablished manu facturers of, or dealers id? the articles.' Tbe law requires the name of every contractor on each or.ids delivered by him. G. H. GROSMAN, &nl6 26 Deputy Quartermaster General U. 8. A, ARMY CLOTH TNG 'AND EQCJT jCL PAGE OFJXOB— PHILADBI.PBIA Augtlst 30tl\, 1862. ' PBOrOSALS are incited for fnrnifchingTTaiforia Re gulation Clothing and Camp and Garrison Equipage for the new levies olvolunteers and militia qt'jJjalTuiiu'i Statesi The' Clothiag andJiauioeKeT* the different arm! bf:th» eeriirOTd'cortesrond ia tuako and material to that heretofore used, and to conform to the patterns in the Office of Clothing and Eqoipago in this cilv, where specifications and samples may be inspected . Proposals should state the article which it is proposed to form's!), the .quantity which can be supplied weekly, Iho earlisit period at which ihe delivery will bocommonced, the total .-nw.rt. -,id thn mice fsr each article. All ar ticles delivered by contractors arc rf : ijanw,-bv I v-. ... he legibly marked with'the contractor I *)name. The fol lowing list embraces the principal supplier heeded'; ARTICLES Off OI.OTirtSG., ! Uniform Coats, consisting of Engineers, Ordnance, Ar tillery. and Infantry, Unifotm Jackets, consisting of Cavalry, Artillery, In fantry, Zonave. and knit. Uniform Trowsers, consisting of foetaicnj-horEOmen, Zouave, and knit. ; Cotton Dm ks, Overalls. Brawers, flannel and knit. f hirte, fiAnnol and knit. " : Great Coats, footmen and horsemen. Btraps for Gtcat Coals. Blankets, Woolen and Rubber. Bonchos and Telmas Pack Coats. Harm 1, lined and nhliuod. Boots. Bootees, Beggings. Stockings, leather Stocks, Wax npner leather, Sole leather and Brlddle leather, Uniform Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniform Caps, light Artillery, Forage Gaps, ’ Stable Frocks, Sashes. Haversacks, Knap sac* a, Canteens. AR HOBBS OF EQUIPAGE Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, Sibley Tents, common tents. B'Abri Tents. Hospital Tent Pins, largo. Wall l ent Pins, large and small. Wall Tent- Bins, small. ■ Common Tent Bins. Mosquito Bars, double and stogie. Regimental Colors. Camp do. Rational do. Regimental Standards. Storm Flags. Garrison do. . Becrnittog do. Gnidons. Felling Axes and Handles ■ Spades. : Hatchets and Handles. . Mees Bans. Camp Kettles. Hick Axes and handles. Bugles.» Trumpets.' ' Drums. Fifes, BOOHS. Company Order. Cloth!"* Acoount. Descriptive. Horning Report. Regimental General Ordor. ■ : Letter. Descriptive. Index. ■ • Order. Poet Order.. ■■■■■. . . " ■ >• Morning Iteport. . . -Letter-. ' Guard. Target Practice. _ . . Consolidated Morning Report. Inspection Bopert- . 1 , geehritp win be required for the fulfltmsnt of every C °AU p'roposete, re-eived br noon of the tenth day from the date of thie advertisement, will be opened at noon of that day, and the articles immediately needed will be awarded to the loweet responsible bidder* present ■ Coptr&ctafor farther supplies will be awarded- firom time to time, as favorable bids are received, alwar* to the lowest responsible bid) receirsd, np ts the time of mating the contract. - By order ortho Quartermaster Genera'. G, H. OBOSMAN, -.anlS, Deputy Quartermaster General, NEW PUBLICATIONS. Tm PRIED BLACKS OP SOUTH CAROLINA.—Tho Address and Letter of J. M. McKlm on this subject, in handsome pamphlet form* published trod for sale by W- P. HAZARD, T 24 CHEBTKUT Sticet. Price 10 eentg. Proceeds to en to the fonda of the Port Boyal Belief CJommltcpe. oalfi 8t "KTEW GYMNASTICS.—New Gym ■*-' nasties for Mon. Women, and Children. By Dt® lewis, K D. With 800 Illustrations, SI. Poe ms of Arthur Hash Olough. blue and gold. 75 cants. Volume 9 Lockhart's Life of Scott, Boston cdltioa, T 6 cent*. • r Portrait of Major General Pops. S 3 oents. For ml® by ’WILLIAM S. & AHfBElt MABIWBH. 606 OHKSTNiir.Street. .SUMMER RESORTS. TXJSITED STATES HOTEIi 0: ATI, ANTIO CITY, Ac oust 18, If SI. • Betlrohle JRorms can now he had at this poentat first class Hotel, as there are a number or departures daily. JAMKS K. BOBIBON, H. A. B. BROWN, Sanerinterdfnts. au3B-3.2t&* pDWBWS' HALL, ATLANTIC V. On Y —As there ate departures daily, couforta bio rooms can now he had at this eligibly located Houses The accommodatioiiß ace unsurpassed, by any Hotuo ea the Island. GKO. W. HINKLE, auls-?2t Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPHS. VTTAR TIMES.—Go to KEIMER’S v V Galipry, BKOONX) Street, above Grepn, and ea geso «llfe-Bizo photograph fn oil colors, now made at war prices, a velneble arid durable portrait. ltfe OF INTRINSIC WORTH.—RBI- Midi’S colored photographs for St*. are alt that is desired in a likeness, accurately colored, and finished with ektJl and taste. 6B r JO v B street, above Grom It* EDUCATIONAL. H P. GREGORY. A. M,,will reopen • his Classical and English SCIIOOIi, Wo. 1101 MAjiKET street, on MONDAY, Sept. 1. anlBlm* private- easily . instruo- JL TlON.—*lbe subpcriher wishes to devote a portion of her time, each day. to the irutnioticn of a focc .voong persons ix> the usual branches of a Thorough ENGLISH FPIIOATION. xfrionaMd reLreucea given Ap~ plyby letter,Vo “E , 8,.” at th* Drug Store, north east of A ftGfl and TENTH 6tre‘‘t« , - AMUSEMENTS. PENNSYLVANIA Aca&IMI 0» THE FINE ARTS, ' 7025 OJTKSTNOT STREET, la open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A.SLHO? P. M.' Admission 25 centa. Children half price. Sharps of Stock, StSO jy9 WANT'S. ■WANTED—By a Lady competent V V 1o teach Euelish. French, and *Mu'io, a BITET ATION A 8 TEACHER, ebher in a private family or school, or as visiting teacher, Address'‘Teacher,” No. 1720 BACK street, stating terms, Ac. No otyVctirm to leaving the;city. r; aulSmwf St# T*TANT-ED-Fan<lß to make Drawers, f i Shirts, Overalls. Tenia, Hawrascks, &o. Pre ference jives to the families of those who are and haTe been in the United Stales service. • A. OFPEVHEtMTO, . 231 .CHURCH Alter, Second Slottr. an!B-2t# "07" ANT E D - 200 Wagon- makers, f. ißlacfeemitbSi and Wood-workers, to flit Yscan cita for Utliotnicnta in tho Uoitfd States Array. Apply to HENRY SIMONS. . UriteS States Ufottona! Wagon Works, ' Corner 6EOOHD and CUMBERLAND atil6-6t* Philadelphia, Fa. \\f ANTED—A competent person i» V.V obtain contributions or subscriptions to a fond or capital for producing the new long-range canpou. m that they may be- at once proceeded with, furuisßed to Government, and put in the field. A suitable person of character.''ability,'and earnestness in this matter, Bad acquaintance with people, is desired, and the ‘tervlec will be welt paid. Sn os of, any amount will be received as'investments; and repaid with tbeir proportional profits from the proceeds of manufacture, or any Bums will be received.: to bo repaid with simple interest ' ' Apply to „ ■ A. at. DEUrdWORB, : Attorney for the Inventor, 132 X South THIfiD street- FOR SALE AND TO LET. THOR BALE—The Stock and Fixtures, X 1 or Fixtures without Stock, of the Grocery Star* northeast, corner SIXTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. -Incmiie oh the premistg. Fixtures entirely new and of lfce moet approved style. ' aul6 7rt ' WANTED TO RENT—For a, *BOl. tmall family, a Furnished Hoaia. Address G n. CUOSSI AN. Bos 327, Pott Office. auli 6t jg|! FOR SALS—A;beautiful OOT SSi , TAQB, ftß3 Bix acres of Ground, in .tlw Snterjjp of Pecnsyivania, de&iiiiOly-eiioated and arranged far an acsdtmj cr. firfft-cJavs school, near a thriving vfiiago, and in ahoalthy locHtion.'- • Al&o adoiinible DWELLING ant] Lot, m ?few Bldtifc, fieM, Peny county, Peuna....' Also, a large number of cottages, lots, and other pr»- pirheF, for fule rr exchange. \ . • B. F. GLENN, 123 Streep &nl6 and S, W. cor. SEVENTEEN.!E and GREEN. LET—That eligible Store, k BM. one of the beet fqoarns/No 80S OBK3TNO' C St. Also, 140 South SIXTE Street, suitable “form profoeeional btmn<-A». Alto, a gcod Stable, PRCJNE, below Sixth street. XcQTiireof P. D. DIVERS, Swaim'aLaboratorv, fculo 3t* : 6EYANTH, belowCflEiTNlTt St. -m- FOR SALE-A desirable Farm, containing 327 acre?, two miiesfrom Railroad Sta tion, twenty, mlks from the Hty, in Mtmrgoatery.coaatyi. Also, atine 74 acre?, five minutes watfe froaißiil road Station, and n»ar Meamboat Landing, !6loaiie» ahoyo the city. \ Also/a Pumte r of fine Fruit Farm*?, in the State H of Delaware and Biar>iand, on! the most ac commodating tei ms. Apply to E PST rjp, au!6 No 309 WALNUT. Surest. ;<Sj FOR: SALE—Store Properties, ,9m,im BO'S improvements. having a few acres oflarut gtt&cfett, In Bacfc 0 and Obc-iter coiiude*. Terras eaajr* Aho, lease and Furniture of a number of Hotels io the city and AIpo, amunbsrof Fnmis in the ad iacfht counties. Apply to B. PE MrtO 809 WALNUC fetwet. £ FOR RENT,—No. 1605 TINS Street, a superior FOITB-STGRY DWELIIB& with double three-story back boil-Jtnan and modern oJ -YCDiHiCoa- Ii Quiro at No. 200 MARKET St. AulSJi* •\TTFBBIFG LOOMS FOR ?Ai.f V V The Fixtures, liachioery, and liO£“ 3 o t, bing Manufactory, including Spao'or, B>Dbiu% Ac., are offered for sale. Fart are uew* 'all* iron frame, and in good order* ** «J*® immediate operation, with a brisk for tb^good#. ‘lrasirc or: ■ O/A.' WOOWPf. -aul43t - HfVABK. S«r*nw. I|)A ACHENES WITH • UU Doublers and for sals cheap for eask. All iu good mining order. Apply to , O H. BIBNiED, Empire Work*, foot of Twenty-fifth street, ■«•* East River. New York.; . a °lB ®t EXCURSIONS. IMPORTANT TO PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAB COMPANYT Is prepared to Issue, during the Bummer, tickets *f greatly reduced rates »8 fellow*: PENNSYLVANIA BAHiBOAD COMP ANT. COMMUTATION TICKETS Tor one, three, she, nine, or twelve months, at very low r&tca, for the accommodafionof persona living out of town4or located on or near the Hue of the road daring the summer. ■ From and after July 1,1802, a still greeter reduction has becn made on these tickets. ’ COUPON TXOKKTB Pot twenty-six trips between any two point* at abont two cents per mile. These’tickets are intended for She ’iso of ftadliw irsveiiing freuuen'ly, and ! are orgSOSt-**-- vantage to poraoiiii massjas_occe-» 1^^J *- , src. , SCHOOL TICKETS ' ■ Per one or three months, for the rise , of scholars at tending cchoot in the city. , OIiEEGyMSN Living on or near the line of the road, and having occasion to use the road frequently tn their clerical conacitr. are fnmiehod wttb certificates entitling them to travel at half tare: AorifCHtT-iiiK Oj in. madosrjle Ca Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. B XCTJEBION 'TIOKTSTS Issned at half faro to parties of over forty, goad ter. any reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS daring the Sommer are sold at greatly reduced ratesi for the benefit of those r?*3k ing recreation from business, or to pnrsnit of beaWfc These tiekete ape good for ten days, and are Issued ts CREBBON (top of tho Alleghany Mountains), At- TOON A (foot of the mountains). BEDFORD, BOOB LING GAP, and EPHBATA BPP.INGB. For time of departure, of train) see bills and card* o£ the road. For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com* cany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Street*. ■^ JAMES 00WHEN, Agent, LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent. jylfi-teel ■■ ■ 1 . REMOVALS. __ SiTwM. S. WILKINSON. DiN 'SjXTD TIST, has rlmovod his Office to No. 110 North ELEVENTH Street, above Arch street. aold fit* TV/TiLLER’S ARSSY RALBAM—A jLVA most reliable remedy for tbe prevention and onra of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and Bowel Complaints. Pie •pared especially for at my nsts &W* adapted to camp dysentora. Imitations being offered, buy none without the prorriotor-s rignatnra «mhhot«e. i .^ B) No. 224 North THIRD Street, ~ Corner of Branch, Philadelphia. Also for sale at No. 1337 NIDGE Avenue, and by GEORGE O BOWER, N.E.corner Sixth and Vina. an!3-wem6t* ' , : TKUb'S AND BRACE DB tfSs^PABTMKKT. 0. H. NKEDTjES, Cotnor TWELFTH and BAOi: Btrests, Phlt&delphtt. Heraial Trasses and mechanloaJ appliances correotly adjusted by 0. H» 3HSEDLISS. Fine French and ap prayed American, adapted to every frra of rnptareTtin adults and children, Enguan an*. American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Sna« pensotlee, Klaatie Stocking, and Syringes rietr. Ladle#’ Department, TWELFTH. Streat, flirt door How Race. Conducted by competent ladies. jjSB*Smlf : . : •• • • /"IASTILE Pure W Soap to 107 Sonth WATER Street. P<REEN GING&B.- 35 bbls. choice IT ■ GINQUB. nc&red direct from Onbs; oni for «al» w 1 BHOOBBA WILLI A HB, 187 South WATB& Street T ADIEB’ AND GENTS’ HAltt J_i DIBD in Paris stria, at FOBBTH an 4 BB&.HO*. anlS-Utr ' ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers