BELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The New Catholic University of Ireland. One of the most imposing and significant events of* modern times, in the history of the Roman Catholic Churoh, occurred in Dublin, Ireland, on the 20th of July, and is recorded extenso in the Dublin Freeman’s Journal , of the' 26th ult., and repub lished in the Boston Pilot of this date, in which it occupies some twelve columns, solid. We refer to the ceremony of laying the foundation of the Ca tholic University. The demonstration was one of the'grandest ever witnessed in the Emerald Isle, and is regarded by Catholies as marking an epoeh in their educational history. That the haughty Premier of England should withhold a charter from this new national institution of learning is elioiting the" bitterest comment of Catholics all over the world, and, from present indiuations, the astute Rrqmiei may yet find it expedient to yield the point. He has been told that by right and juatioe the Catholics of Ireland are entitled to the enjoy ment of educational equality with their Protestant fellotf•countrymep, and in the imposing demon stration on the 20th ult. not less than thirty thou- Sand of their number turned out formally, practi cally, and emphatically to assert that this demand shall be respected by the British Minister. Thirty-three prelates, representing millions of Catholics all over the globe, participated in the so lemnlUes of the oooaslon. The honor of-preaching the sermon devolved upon Archbishop Hughes, of New York, of whom it is said in the report, “ Every eye was bent on the great and venerable ecclesias tic, of whose splendid virtues and exalted genius as a Christian orator all had heard so much. In a olear and musical voice he delivered a discourse, which was heard with deepest admiration and interest to its o|9fe.” ; ‘ The words upon which his sermon was - foundedwere from Luke xtfs2: “Woo to youi ( lawyers, for you have take® away the key of know ledge; you yourselves have not entered in; and those that were entering in you have hindered.” At the close of the sermon the prelates and clergy! —of .themselves a vast concourse—retired from the edifice in which these preliminary services were bold, together with the professors and officers of the Univenity, in order to prepare to * join in the great procession, which had commenced to move in dense masses through Marlborough and Talbot streets, extending over four miles in length. The van of the/procession was led by eight thousand hoys, from the parochial schools of the oily and suburbs of Dublin, bearing aloft a perfect maze of various colored bannerettes. In the procession all the irfides,designated by appropriate devices, were re presented: As the latter affords a graphic idea of' the industrial interests of the oo.untry, we may name them, as follows: Slaters, smiths, saddlers,, stone-cutters, marble masons, decorative-painters, ehandlers, cork cutters; tobacconists, bakers, . sawyers, coopers, bfitohers, .brioklayers, shoemakers, carpenters, tailors, plasterers, tanners, stonemasons, horse ehoers, chimney-cleaners, cabinet-makers, basket makera, poulterers, plate-workers, ooaoh-makers, letter-press = printers, silk-weavers, brogue-makers, brioklayers, laborers, the ancient order of foresters, the DiAlin shop-and«warehonse men, drapers’as fiistants, grocers and vinters, pawnbrokers’assist ants, law clerks, commercial clerks, together with the following fraternities, corporations, et cetera: The Tontine societies, yonng men’s sooieties, the National Brotherhood of St. Patrick, the Religious Confraternities, Corporation of Dublin, provincial deputations, (under which head thirty-two different towns were represented,) the magistrates, xnem bersof Parliament, benefactors of the University, the Academic bodies, ecolesiastioal bodies, (inoiud- Ing a vast number of the reverendclergy, together with three lord archbishops, at the head of whom Was the Rev. Dr. Dixon, the mueh-esteemed and liberal-minded Archbishop of Armagh and Primate ofall Ireland,) and twenty eight bishops from all parts of the old world and new. Tho site of the prospective university is said to be one of the most boautifhl and desirable, for auoh a purpose, in the entire kingdom, being apart of What were formerly known as the Mount Joy estates. It contains thirty-three aares, exaoHy the same amount of spaoe as that occupied by Trinity College, inoluding the park and provost’s garden. As many of our readers, who fool an interest in this great educational enterprise, are personally familiar With the site, it may not be improper to give its exaot 'boundaries. The ground is bounded on the west by the “ Bishop's fields,” which are divided from it by a long line of thorn hedges, stretching out Southwest to the grounds adjaoent to the North Union Workhouse auxiliary sheds; on the south by the northern hank of the Royal Canal and Bur nett place; on the east by Drumeondra road, and on the nortti by Mr. Jameson’s demesne, evtouding to the Tolka rivejr. Thefoundation atone was laid in the presence of nearly one hnndred thousand people, at about six o’olookin the evening. The honor of the chair, on arriving at the site where the'grand ceremony was to take pla.oe, was also assigned to the Archbishop of Hew York.: The officiating prelate in laying the first stone was the Rev. Dr, Dixon, the primate already referred to. The psalms and hymns pre- Bcribed by the ritual for the occasion, were chanted by a ohoir .consisting wholly of clergymen. Rev. Dr. Murray was master of the ceremonies, at the conclusion of which, brief addresses were de livered to the people by Major O’Reilly, M. P., and Arohbishop Hughes. The Whole was folio ved by a grand banquet, at which w;ere sumptuously entertained a large num ber of prelates, clergy, members of the municipal bodies, members of Parliament, professors, offioers of trades, and others. The Rev. Dr. Woodlook, President of the University, presided, who, when the doth was removed, and. thanks returned, rose and proposed the health of his Holiness Pope Pius IX, which was received with cheers. The next toast proposed by the chairman was, “the health of her gracious Majesty the Queen,” which was also duly drank and cheered. “ The memory of Daniel O’Connlll,” constituted the third’toast, and wb*i by request, responded to; by “the” O’Donoghue, M. P., who, in opening, re ferred to the fact that he was “a very humble relative” of the great O’Connell. The health of the Most Rev. Dr. Hughes ” was next proposed and drank amid enthusiastio cheers. Tho Archbishop's acknowledgment of this courtesy was a characteristic: effort, abounding in wit, sarcasm,. and peasant-Irish reminiscences. The next toast was “The healths of the illustrious prelates.who have attended tho ceremonial,” and was responded to by the Rev. Dr MoCloskoy, Bishop of Albany, N. Y. Speeches were also made by the Lord Pri mate, Dr. Dixon, and tne mayors of Cork and Limerick.:.-'.' .V\ .--'v On the day following this imposing ceremonial, July 21st, a public conference of members of Par liament, mayors, ohairmen of towns, commission «rs, municipal representatives, magistrates, gentry, Ac., who have joined in tho national demand fora charter to the Catholio University, was held in the Round Room, Rotundo," to deliberate upon the course to be adopted with reference to’future pub lic aclion. The meeting was densely crowded, and the greatest enthusiasm characterized the pro ceedings. The chair was occupied by Mr. M. R. Ryan, mayor of Limerick. Resolutions were unanimously adopted condemnatory of the refusal by Lord Palmerston to grant the charter, and ex pressing the determination of the meeting to com bine in continued efforts for its attainment. „Ttlsv.. D«.. Hasdk, of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York city, has resigned the pastoral oharge of the church on account of ill health. Tub Drainer® Presbyterian Church, of Eas, ton, Pennsylvania, has given a call to Alfred H. Kellogg, a licentiate of the Central Presbytery of Philadelphia.... ?'■ Remains or Dr. Bethunb.— The remains of the Rev. Dr. Bethune, forwarded to this country by the baTk Undine, which left Leghorn on the 27th of May, are how daily expected. The funeral will take place in New York, in accordance with minute-direotions left by the deceased. ' A New Pastor.— The Bev. Robert Taylor, pas tor elect of the Second Presbyterian Churoh, Ger mantown, has accepted; the call of the ehurob, and Will enter upon his new duties to-morrow (Sunday) morning, 17th inst. We are glad that this churoh hah so soon secured an acceptable pastor, and hope that it will flourish under his ministry. Amherst College, in the Army.— The follow ing is a correct list of those who have gone into the army from college: Brigadier'general, 1; colonels, 2; lieutenant colonel, 1; majors, 3; captains, 11; assistant adju tant general, 1.; first lieutenants,-16; adjutants, 2; second-lieutenants, 9brigade surgeon, 1; bui; geons, ’4; chaplains, 9 j hospital steward, I,* sei? scants, 7; privates, 5; rank not ascertained, 7 Total, '3o. : ‘ • „ PA.-Rev. Wm. R. MoNeill, of Schuylkill _ Falla, has accepted the pastoral care of the Baptist church at Wiiliamspfet, and will enter upon his labors there the Ist of September. A Long Pastorate —On Sabbath, August 33, Dr.‘Spring preached his fifty second annual ser mon in the Brick Presbyterian Church, Now York. In the course of the sermon, he stated that, in pas toral labors',-including Sabbath and weekly lectures, he had preached something more than 7,000 dis courses; writtep one sermon eaoh week during the whole period of my ministry; married 800'couples; baptized 1,420 children, and reoeiyed into the com °f the ohuroh* 3,306-' Of funeral, services "?■ P ros<) rved any record, and, though called on In innumerable cases to perform these services not connected with this congregation had never refused to attend that of a strong*. AsmxAKT-fM -.u r is Mia mt : While {on ! jhia S* .Everett was pre- P ll .^ io wo . r ®bip on the Lord’s day, T„ h l ““gwshea visitors were announced. In a few mem-nts, he frankly informed them that he was.a ohureh golng man, and they accompany bun, or excuse him for bidding them good day. A gentle rebuke. 6 &0m A New Religious Enterprise.—a number of prominent residents la the old district of Kensington have formedthemselves Into ‘a reUglonior ganization known as tbeFlrst CeugregaUonaliatChurch of Fhiledelpbia. They deßfgn securing the services of Mineable expounder of the Scriptures who will assume the pastoral care of, the congregation. A toaoher’s as sociation and a Sabbath ‘school have also been organized. A hall has been fitted up in Thompson street, between Front end Fraukford road,'where religious services will be held every Sunday morning and evening. Religious.— The Rev. Dr. Carden Ztsabeen c&Ufd to the rectorship of Zion Church. >Tho •callbfls not yet besnaccepted. Patriotic Hose Company. The Nlagura Hose Company, at their last -elated meeting, •greed to purchsso $6OO worth of the United States trea nary bonds. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. " Philadblpuix, August 15. The markets generally have been quiet this week, but without any material variation to note in the'price'or ilimantl of the leading articles. Bark is Btoady; Bread-: atuffs are firm; Fleur, Wheat, and'Corn, the receipts are light; Candles are unchanged; Coat is in fairdemand. Coffee, Sugar, and Molsseesaraleasactive; Cotton is un settled ; Drugs and Dyes move slowly; in Fruits there is more activity; no change'in Hemp or Hides; the Iron market is firm wilha moderate itquiry; Naval Stores are very scares; Oils—there is ho change; Provisions—the demand is limited;- Rica is unchanged; Salt Is held firmly; Seeds—there Ib.very little doing; Tallow, Teas, and Tobacco are firm; Woot iS active at higher rates; Lumber meets a lair inquiry. ’ ‘ - . i There is a Inti In the Dry Goode market, and prices are nominal. The Flour market continues dull, there being very little demand either for shipment or home use.. The only Sates reported reach about 6,0c0 bbts, in small tots, mostly to the trade, ranging at,frc.m;ss to $5 bbl for superfine, $5.44®5.75 for extras, 85.81 K®6 25 for extra family, and 5G.6007.26 W bbl for fancy lots, ac cording to quality, including City Mills, partly private, and part at the latter figure lor Jenny Lind. Bye Flora and Core Meal are quiet. Small sales of the former at $3 50 w bbl; the latter Is quoted: at $312)403.25 & bbl for Pennaylvania Meal. :■ >- ■> < , ■: WHEAT— There, is a fair amount-coming-forward, but the demand is less active, and prices are 2®30, lower; sales of. 35,000 bus. fair to prime old and new Pennsylva nia, Western, and Southern red at 126®185c.‘ and white at • 140®X65c W bus. Bye it steady at 81®82c. Corn— there is a food demand, and prices are well maintained,. but the offerings light. Sales of 25,000 bus. yellow at Mo, afloat and In the cam. Oats are in fair demand, with sales ofSO 000 bus. Pennsylvania and Dolavvare at-48®52c 4P’ bushel, and Delaware at 38®42c, which is an. advance. Barley and Malt are inlet.' • 5 -- ’ PROYISIONSare inactive. Saks of Western and oltr pacbed Mess Pork at*10.75®11.50, chiefly'at -511®U.25, and prime at $8»9; SCQ bbls city-packed Mess Beef, for Government supplies, sold on, private terms, and in . a small way at sl3® 15, and country at $l2 ty barrel. Bacon—There has been A good demand for Hama, tho stock being reduced very low and prices higher; sales at B®B)<e for plain and B®loc for canvassed do; Sides are nominal at 5®60 for Western, and Shoulderß at 3X ® c, cash and 60 days. Hard—The stock has mostly gone into record hands; sales oftes and bbls at 9> s '®9Ji o, csßh, now held higher, and kegs butter is dull; sales ef solid-packed at and roll at 10® 12c.. Cheese is held firmly-; sales of Hew York at 814® Bc. Eggs are worth SffllOc dost. METALS—The market for Pig'lron has undergone no change, and there la a steady inaniry with sales of 1,000 tons Anthracite at $24®26 4 mes, for .No. J and: $23 for So. 2. including some of the former at $23 cash.! A lot of Ho. 3 sold at $22, 4 moa. Prices of Bar and Boiler Iron are steady, and the demand good. Bead.— There in very little Inquiry for ' Pig Bead ;i t .Is held at 87 cash, without sales. Copper—Prices are steady for both Sheathing and Yellow Metal, but the sales are very .limited. ■ . , . * BABE.—The receipts and sfoekß of Quercitron are email. Bales of, Ist ,No, 1, .at, $33 tan. 'Prices of Tanners’ Bark are unchanged, and it is taken on ar rival atfnllrates.. , BEES.WAX ris scarce and; selling at 36c V ft for prime. :■■■■■■ DANDLES—Prioes remain without change for Ada mantine, Sperm, and Tallow, with small sales: -COAL.—There is more activity in the demand/and the late advance baß been well maintained; the receipts are large, but there in no accnmulation of stock eithor at Richmond or any of the .Coal depots. ! COFFEE —There ibave been nb arrivals’of any con sequence since last Week; the market is tdnlt bnt prices, are unchanged ; sries of 500 bags, including Bio at 21k® 213(0, and Lagnayra at.23J(c, mostly gash. ■ * COTTON.—The stock here is nearly exhausted-;and held firmly at the. late advance; sales of 250 bales Up lands at 49®52c for low to good middling quality, and 136 bales, by auction, at 19®42c cash. , " * DRUGS AHD DIES.—'Tho cedes have been moderate but without change in priceß, and mostly confine! to chemicals and Indigo.,— FEATHIEB are bnt little inquired after'; sales of good Western at 37e42c V lb. . FIBH—The demand for Mackerel is mostly confined to store lots, bnt the.stock bore much reduced, and holders are firm in their demands ; ,a lot of new Ho.l Bold at $9.75; old No. 1, from store, at SS®B.25; No. 2 $6®6,25; and new No. 3s $6, and new N 0,2» at $7.75. Prices of Shad and Salmon are entirely nominal. Pickled Herring range from $1.60 to 280 bbl, according to quality. . . FBUIT—A cargo of Palermo Oranges and Lemons sold, from the. wharf, at $2 50 up to $5 60 W box, a* to condition. Domestic Fruit of all kinds is quiet; Green Apples are arriving, and selling fieely at »I®2#'bbl. Peaches are more abundant, and sell at 500®51.60 # basket. Prices of Dritd Peaches and Apples are entirely nominal. , FREIGHTS to Liverpool are dull at 8s 6d for flour, ®l3d for grain;- and 33®37d for heavy'goods I The last engagement to Ireland was 12jfd for grain. Several small vessels have been chartered to the-West Indies at former rates; A schooner was token to and for Barba doesat 90c out, and 9cwith salt return cargo. To New Orleans we quote at $1.25 V bbl and 25c V foot. The Boston paokets are getting 25c for flonr and 6c for grain. Colliers continue in demand at full rates. GINSENG continues scarce, and there have been sales of Grude on terms kept private. - GUANO—Peruvian is held firmly at S7IV ton, cash, for largelots. ; In other descriptions there is nothing do ing. ' "" ..... HEMP is very (inlet. The last Bale of dew rot was at 8100 & ton, on time. "" ' ' HOPS are bold firmly at the advance noted last week. Bales of first eort Eastern and Western at 170220 #" :fi». HIDES continue in good demand with farther sales of Brazil at 17c, and Caraccas at 23c V lb, on time, leaving the market bare. LEATHEB is aotive and commands fall prices. LUMBEB—There is a fair trade doing for the season. A cargo of Yellow Pine Sap Boards sold at SIS M. Baths range from 81.25 to 81.35 for large and small lots. MOLABSES—The market is very quiet, and prices are IeES-film. Sales of Clayed Cuba at 27aS0c; Musco vado at 29ff185c, and Porto Bice at 35c, on the usual .credit. . NAVAL STORKS.—Tho stocks of all kinds are ex tremely light. Small- gales -, of medium .grades Rosin at $14016, and fine at SIS. Spirits Turpentine is less act ive, and prices have declined ; small sales at $2.35 gallon, cash. Nothing,doing in Tar and Pitch. OlLS.—Linseed is in fair leanest and selling at 90c, weight, and 92e03e, measure. No. 1 Lard Oil is gene rally held at 80c, on time. For Fish Oils prices are stead y, with limited sales from store. : PLASTER.—There is bat little coming forward, and a cargo soft told at $2.75 d? ton. BlOE.—There is bnt little Carolina here. S&lea of East Indiaat6J<o7cV'ft. ; SALT.—Therehave been no further arrivals or sales ef Liverpool; several cargoes of Turks Island sold on pri vate terms ' SEELS.—There is very litHe Oloferieed offering, and it relUrat $5®5.25 bushel. Por Timothy prices are steady at $1.7503f0r new crup. - Flaxseed, is beginning to come in, and prices are drooping; sales at $202.10 bushel. - . . . ” i SPIRITS^—B. E. Bum is selling at 45047 c. 'Whisky, is held firmly; Bales of Ohio bbis. at 31®320 5 Pennsylvania at 30o3Ic; hhde. at 29c, and drudge at 2SaWeW gallon.' No change in Brasdy and Clin. SUGAR ii dull and unsettled, with a small business to note «t So9c Tor Cuba and,New Orleans, cash and time. TALLOW—A sale of country was made at 9% c. City rendered is quoted at & lb. TOBACCO continues to rule very high for both Leaf and manufactured; 100 cases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf sold last week on-private terms. WOoL.—lhere is no falling off In the activity noted for some time past, and we again advance our quotations for sit kinds; the receipts are liberal, but the manufac turers continue to purchase : freely; sales reach 200,000 mixed grades atSs®6sc for common, medium, and tub-washed, cash. , - . PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRAD*. BAM. W. DE 00UR8EY, 1 - ’ JAMES 0. HAND, I OoKKiirau or Tiin Most*. J. B. LIPPINOOTT, ) LETTER BAGS At tA$ Merehamtt' Esictomgt, Philadtlphi* , Ship Tuacarora, Danle-ry. Liverpool, Aug 25 Ship Argo, 8a11ard,,................... Liverpool, soon Bark Czarina, Treat...... Montevideo and B Ayres, soon ißark A MoNisl, 50mer5.................Liverp001, soon : Bark Ann Elizabeth, N0rgrave......... Barbadoes, soon Brig Anna, Morrow. .............St Thomas, soon BrigLoango, Evans. ......Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16, 186 S. BOH R15E5...........5 BETS..... 6 65 HIGH WATKB .....7 0 ARRIVED. Schr F H Abbott, Smith, 3 days from Hew York, with ice to captain. ’ - .3. Schr Liberty, Johnson, 2 days from Indian Elver, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley & 00. ScbrStar, Smith,.l day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Jas L Bewley & Co. ' . , Schr Young America, Lawrence, I day from Port De posit, Md, with wheat to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr Cora, Hasten, I day from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to RMLea. : 'J i > Schr J D McCarthy, Simpson, from Boston.' • • Bchr Wm Wall ace, Bculi, from Boston. Schr P M Wheaton, Wheaton, from Boston, Schr, Pearl, Brown, from Boston. | Schr Excelsior, Riley, from Boston. ' Scbr D Gifford, Gilford, from Boston. Schr B E Sharp, Jerrold, from Boston. Scbr 0 S Edwards, dandy; from Boston. Schr Mary Haley, from Boston. Schr Maria Roxana, Palmer, from Boston. ' bchr H R Coggshall, Tiiton. from Boston, a Bohr Pathway, Compton, from Boston. Schr-A Cordery. Babcock, fronTßoston. Schr M B Mahony, Poster, from Boston. :&cbrßicbaicd:Hill; Smith, from Boston. Schr M A Shropshire, Shropshire; from Boston. Schr J Compton, Yates, from New Bedford. Scbr W 0 Kelson, Smith, from Providence. Schr J II Bounce, Dodge, from Providence, ‘ Schr Forrest City, LcweU, from Portress Monroe. Schr DP, Matthews, from Portsmouth.- . Schr Empire, Smith, from Pawtucket. ' Schr J Beatty, Henderßon, from Pawtucket. Scbr Clara Merrick, Montgomery, from Norfolk. . Steamer Mars, Nichols, 24 hours from Ntw York, with mdse to W M Baird Sc Co. - ■ CLEARED- Brig E P Stewart, Cain, New Orleans, A Heron, Jr. &-Co. . - Brig Julia Ford, Paine, Fortress Monroe, Bishop, Si mons & Co. Schr PM Wheaton, Wheaton, do do ■ Schr Core, Scull, Harrison’s Landing, ; do Schr Pathway, Compton, Boston, Binnickson & Glover. Schr II It Coggsllu\l, Tiltori, Boston, " do Schr M M Freeman, Howes, Bob ton, Twolls & Co. Eohr J D McCarthy, Simpson, Boston, L Audenried & Co- ~ ..... . . . Schr Pearl, Brown, Boaton; Noble, Caldwell & Co. ' Scbr D Gifford, Gifford, Boston, do ' Scbr D P, Matthews, Boston, do Schr Wm Wallace, Scull, Boston, JBBlakiston, Schr M B Mahony, Foster, Boston, do Schr Marla Boxana.JPalmer, Bangus, do : Schr J Compton, Yates, Providence, do Scbr Empire, Smith, Providence, John B White, Scbrß Hili, Smith, Providence, do Schr lieesbnrg, Swift, Boston, Hammett, Van Dusen A Locbman. Schr B E Sharp, Jerrold, Boston, do Schr Excelsior, Biley, Bouton, O A Ileckscher A Co. Bchr Fessenden, Hooper, Boston, do Schr J H. Couuco,'Bodge, Portsmouth, do Schr Ambassador, Eaton, Boston, Wm H Johns A Co. Bohr Mary Haley, Boston, do Bchr A Cordery, Babcock, Boetan, ' do Schr Forrest City, Lovell, Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr C 8 Edwaids, Gandy, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. ' Scar M A Shropshire, Shropshire, Boston, do Schr Ann Turner, Ayres, Lynn, do Schr W O Nelson,'Smith, Lynn, Beppller A Bro. Bclir John Beatty; Henderson, Boston, do Schr Clara Merrick, Montgemery, Norwich, J Milnee A Co. ■. ■ (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del,, Aug. 141 Two steamers went to aea at two o’clock this afternoon. There are abont twenty schooners at unohor at the Break water. Wind east. Yours, &o. _ AABON MABSHALL. - - (Correspondence of tho Press.) ' BEADING, Aug 13. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia; laden and consigned as follows: - Witman A Canrad, blooms to H A A S Seyfert, and rye to B Btisbong A Bone; Forest Flower, railroad sills to Al bert’Hine; Elias Beber, lime to EUas Beber; D A Al brigbt; do to Mr Finfrnck. -■ . (Correspondence or tho Press.) . .. HAVBE DE GBAOB, Aug 14, i The steamer Wyoming left here this morning, with 8 ! boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows;- Minnehaha, with wheat, com, and barkto Jas Barratt; Bevln andCnioß, corn.o'ats, Ac.toHamphreys, Hoffman Wright; 5* .H Hugg, lumber to B ,Wb)vertdn; Obi W * W 1111 b, bituminous coal to New Oastle; Saratoga, do; Fio ren, pig metal, Oamaren and Sarah Edith,'anthracite coal to Delaware City.. ~ ■-■1 _ _ MEMOBANDA. J ' GihraftodWh'nß; 7 ’ bbS ’ f ° r ’***•s&&”* el, ” ea « Scbri Nanigansett, Hall, O M Neal, Henderson, and L A May, Baker, hence, arrived at Salem 13th inat Bchr D G Floyd, Baokett, at Salem lSthS. from De laware City. ' bm “““ v- r *. ■ '',i ! :i P :• } ! •? - * *' ,'{ b e ■ ' IBchr B M Browning, Risley, hence, arrived at Provi dence 13th!inst •' ' 5 : .' . ' „ _ BchVs T Benedict, Goldsmith, and Elizabeth, Brown, Bailed from Providence 13th test, for Philadelphia. Sehr Sydney Price, Godfrey, sailed front Buenos Ayres previous to 23d June for New York. RETAIL DKV GOODS. I?ANCY SHIKTING FLANNELB JD Just opened, afew caseeof French Shirting Flan nels, in neat Stripes, Checks, anl Plaids, of desirable Styles and qualities.' , - ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Blue Flannels. a«I2. :/ :: / SHARPLESS BROTHERS. A UrWOOL CHECKED 0A S H-, ■£y.. MEB E S 10-inch Black and White Ohectu ana pnre liable Cashmeres.. Importedand far Bale by BHABEIIEBB BBOTHEBB, OHEBTHOT and HIGHTH fltraata. COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND OTHIES TAKE HOTIOE—That we will open twenty bales more of New Market, Stark, Oabbott, Po caßßßtt, Great Fall M, Hyman D, Amory, Lowelly Massa chusetts, Everett, Conestoga, and other makes of. MUS LIN, all of which, having been bonght previous to the' great rise, we will sell. lower than they.canbebjught in any wholesale honse In the city. 'Also,'Bleached! Goods, . anoh as Williamsville, Warrsotta, Bartlet, Androscoggin, Forrest<3ale, Pembroke,' Walthins,! Hope, Blackatone, CbestorCoimty, Mt.,Vernon, andother makes, lower than elsewhere. 4 A large assortment Of Calico, Drillings, Flannels,. Tickings, Men’s and Boys’ Wear, Ac, Jtc. "We still continne'to retatl onr vast'stock of LinenGooda at the old prices. Have on hand, in great variety, Union Table Linen, 37% c per yard. Call and examine for your selves, after getting posted in prices ’ ' ' BD&W. H. PESNELL. ■ anll-6t . 1021 MABKET Street, below Eleventh. 1024 CHESTNUT STBEKC “ OF SPECIAL IBTBBEST TO LADIES.” E. M. NEEDLES Haß just opened SEW GOOD 3 a 3 follows: Broad: hem-stitched Hdtfa.,2,2%, and S Inch hem; hem-: stitched Hdkfg. (alllinen), 18c., or,SI,SO per doz.j; new atjlea narrow, val. edgings and'b'eadings: newl style* potnte lace and ether*collarajand seta, ‘ /;j Alii. FOB BALE AT OLD PRICES Ml'fancy made-up goods, such as lace and other set's, collars, sleoTes. Telle, > hdkfe..{&o.-Ac., will be closed ebt, FOB THIS MOUTH ONLY, prepara tory to laying in Fa'l Stock, , AT, A BBDUOTIO SI OF 20 PEB CENT., t “ Jlemnand ” of. all kinds of Itintnt, While Goods, Edgings, Inserting:, See. Ac, will also be closed out at a HEAVY •DISCOUNT. Ai all of the above geode have recently advanced from 20 to 25 per cent, from the increased rates or exchange and tariff, the abovo great' rtduclion from our old prices should prove a great induce ment for purchasers of thete articles to buy daring this month. .... - , auStf 1024 CHESTNUT BTBKET. A LIiWOOL FRENCH FLANNELS. JLJL Fancy etvlea, for Gents’ Shirts. ' JSYBEIA HANBBII,;,:;* *"< , auB FOUBTfI and ABOH. . PALL DE LAMs; 1 ALL. NEW JD PATTEBNS.—HamiitonDeliaines. fUNQLISH PRINTS, PALL STYLES. JLii Opening of British-Prints. 4-4 French styles. -' ' . EVBB & IANDELL, anB , FOUBTHand ABOH. Linens, white goods, hosie- BT, EMBBOIDEBIES.—The subscribers, in'ad dition to the House Famishing and Curtain Departments of the Dry, Good. Business, give special attention to and hate always onhand a fresh stock of the best Sheeting linens, White, Goods, Hosiery, and Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respectfntly requested. BHEPPABD, VAN HABLINGEB A ABBISON, anS-18t - 1008 CHESTNUT Street. THE LAST CHANCE FOR BAR GAINS. ■ , FUBTHEB BEDOOTION IN PEIOES. We are determined to close out the balance of onr Sum mer Stock before the drat of September; 5 In order to do is we will offer eur entire stock of • FANCY SILKS, DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS, LAOE MAh TEES AND POINTES. SHiK GOATS AND SACQDESy At lower prices than those of any other Betail House in the city. OCR BLACK BILKS can’t be matched in prices and qualities, as they were all bought before the last rise, and we are able to sell them at our .... OLD LOW PBIOES. One lot cheapest Black figured Silks ever offered. Also, a good assortment of . DOMESTIC GOODS. H. STEEL & SON, au4-tf Ho. TlB North TENTH St, above Ooatos. Bargains in dey goods. The following lota will he sold at a gnat sacrifice to close them ont—viz : / . Two lets Black Silk ana Wool OhaUlos at 18 Kc, worth 87 X c«' ■ s .. Fire pieces Barege Anglfe at 4c, worth 10c. • Five pieces (lain Barege atl2){c. ' Also, a large lot of Shetland Shawla, at vers'low prices, iplendid for travelllng or at watering places. At JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ABOH Street. Tweeds and cassimeres. 1,600 yards heavy Cagsimerea, just opened. Also, 1,000 yards all-wool Tweeds, 62 to 75 cents. Summer and Fall Oasaimeres, a fnllstock. Men’aand Eoys’ wear.' onr stock is complete. ' ’ ' DOMESTIC®. . Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleached and Brown Sheetings. ; Cotton Flannels, Domet, all .wool, and Baoiue do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. HONKY-COMB QUILTS. Marseilles and Lancaster Qnilte. Bathing Flannels, Mosanlto Bets. ■ Linen Table Damaskß and Napkins. Cheap lots of 4.4 heavy Irish Linens. -CLOSING OCT. Bilk Mantles, Thin Dusters, lace Goods. Boys’Summer Clothing. » Thin Dress Goods, BlackTamartines. Chollies, Mohairs, Hozambiaues, *o. ’ OOOFBB & GONABD, 8. E. corner HINTS and MARKET its. EDUCATIONAL. /GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D. 0., VJT August, 1862. ■ The exercises of this College will be reaamed on the Ist of SEPTEMBER. .Terms for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable half-yearly in advance. - : For farther information apply to the President of the .College. [anB-ftnth2m] ; JOHN EARLY, S. J. TXTEBLEIAN FEMALE COLLEGE, T T WILMINGTON, Delaware. Rev. JOHN WItiSON, A. M, President. : Assisted by a fall board of Profeseora and Teaoherft. ■ The next session will commence on HOBDAY, the Ist of September, and continne ten months. ; Tbis Institution offers to Young Radies superior ad vantages for acquiring a thorough and complete educa tion at a reasonable expense. For Catalogues, address the President. ■■■'■ jy3l-tatbstBel - Tl/riSS MARYE. THROPP WILL JILL reopen her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, for Young Radies, 1841 OHBBTNUT Street, Philadelphia, SEPTEMBER Bth, anl2-toel* mflE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. Erench’and English Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No; 1703 WABNUTSfcreet, will re-open on "WEDNESDAY, September 10th. anil2m '-IT Female college, BOBDENTOWN, N.J., . This well-established and flourishing. Institution Is pleasantly located on the Camden and Amboy. Railroad, IX honra’ ride from Philadelphia.' Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of English, Ind superior advantages furnished In Yecal and Instrumental Music. French is taught by a native and spoken in the family. For catalogues, address . .-V ? , , - , BeyrJOHN H.; BBAEEREY, A. Mi, at>B.2m President. /COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR V YOONG L ABIES, 1530 Arch street, Rev. Charles A. Smith, D. D., principal. The eighth year will begin September 16th. Address Post-office Box 1839. 1 nnl-lm* PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY at West Chester, (for boarders only). This Academy wiii be opened on THTJBSDAY, Sep tember 4th, 1562. In its capacious buildings are ar rangements of the ldghest order'for the comfortable Quar tering and subsisting one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of. competent r and. experienced teachers will give their nndivided attrntion to the educational depart ment, and aim to make ‘their instruction thorough ami’ practical, 1 The department of studiesembraces: the fol lowing courses: Primary,: Commercial, and Scientific,: Collegiate and-Military.The-moral, training, of ; cadets will bo carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James H. Oruo, Eeq., No. 626 Chestnut street,-'bir at the book stand of Continental Hotel,. Philadelphia, or to aul-43t Col THEO. HYATT, President P. M. A. Mr. WINTHROP TAPPAN’S Boarding and Day School for Young Radies, No. 1815 SPRUCE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17th. >■ jyl9-8m •\7LLLAGE-GREEN SEMINARY.— V A select BOABDING SCHOOL, near MEDIA, Pennsylvania. Thorough course in Mathematics,' Clas sics, English Studies. Ac. Book-keeping and, Civil-En gineering taught... Exercises in Military Tactics. Seventh year begins September let. : ' Boarding, per $2 25 ' Tuition, per Quarter.. . 6.00 For information; address Bev. J. HKRVEY .BABTON, A. M., jy 28.9 m VILLAGE GBEEN, Penn’a. Bristol boarding school for Girls will open its Fall session on Beocnd day, Ninth ino„ Ist. Befetences; James Mott, Philadelphia; Anne Churchman, 008 Franklin" street, Philadelphia; O. N. Peirce, 601 North Seventh streot, Philadelphia; Henry < W. Biagway, Orosewicks, New Jersey; David J. Griscom, Woodbury, New Jersey.. For cfrcnlara, apply, to, BOTH ANNA PEIBOE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23-2m# Holmebburg seminary for 'TOUNG L ABIES, located bn the Bristol Torn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastic year, begins the first MON DAY In September; second term tbo Ist day of Feb ruary. ... .. ... - A circular, containing terms, references, &0,, c&h be obtained by application to the jyl4- 3m* Misses CHAPM AN, Principals. fWIC® OF THE PHILADELPHIA \J AND BEADING BAILROAD COMPANY. Fhilaoelphia, Jnne 28, 1862. The BATES of FBKIGHT and TOLLS’on ANTHRA CITE COAL transported: by this Company will be ha fol lows during the month of JULY, 1862: From , . To Blchm’d. To PhUada. Port Carbon. . $1.78 $1.48 Mount Carbon';.;/..; '177 14T Bchnylklll Haven;. - ; 1.70 1.40 Auburn............. 1.60 Y. 30 Port OUnton 1.65 1.25 ' ’ _ During the month of AUGDST, 1802, the rates wilt b« as follows: . . >. •_ ~~ - From • , •To Biohm’d. To Phllada. 1 . ' ... . *• »> > Port Carbon r $1.98 -V. $1.68 - Mount Carbon.... 1.97 1,67 Bohnylkfil Haven........... - 1,90 \ 1.60 Anbum.. 1.80 . 1.60 Port Clinton 1.76'' 1.46' ;On and after SEPTBMBEB 1,1863, the' rates will b« as follows‘ y, •, ~ * ■■*'FYom' : To Bichm’d To Phllada. Port Carb0n........ ,$2lB ", $l,BB Mount Carb0n..,.,......... ■ .2.17 „ 1.87 Schuylkill Haves. 2.10 ' 1.80 Auburn........ .......... • 2.00' 1.70 Port OUnton... 1.95 - 1.66 By.brder.bfthBßohrd of Managors. JeSO-t0..: , 5 ; 1., , .W, H. WEBB,'Secretary. nOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN# SC&.YAB, of.hU'nhmbers and brands: n\f t * ■ Baven’s DuckAwnliig Tvrills,>f /aB! descriptions.'’ tor Tents, Awnings,•.Trtmk.andsV's«on'Obvers. *» /’ T Alse, Paper , Manufacturers’ Drlwr Felts, rroml to '3 foet ,wide. 'Tarpaullng, Belting, Bail Twine, Ao. . JOHN W.EVEBMAN'AoOti ayd-tf ■ ’ 102 JONEB-AUey. T>AY RUM.—AN INVOICE Q Jl# very superior BAY BUM, in Quarter casks, it received and for sale by /JHAB. S. OABBTAIBB, m U 6 WAUNCT imd 21 QBANITE Btreeti. THE K^SS;—MHiADELPMA;,;SATURDAY; AUGUST lfi, Ji-62. Pacific Us Haines. Manchester De Loines. S7BE A IiIEOEIiL) POUBTH and ABOH. FOR SALE AND TO LET. m FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE ■sir A Co:tage, above Ildtitesburg, beautifully sifcuatod, well bdllt, and neatlyarranned.-with every convenience, with near six acres of Broiled,' % of a mile from “ Pence pack Station,'.’'on the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road. *■ •' Alto', a fine House and large Lot on Germantown avenue, near the dopot. .- -Also, every variety of City Property, improved and tmlmproved. B.T. BMHB, ’ 123 SohthXOUBTH Street, and aulB R jr. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. ’ A PHYSICIAN’S PROPERTY TO JOL EXCHANGE FOR DRUGS —Desirable village property, , physician’s . location, neat improvements, wealthy neighborheod, iarge gronnds, nioely shaded, a few miles northeast of the city. Apply to . .. a«2 ’-’"■-E.'PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. ; STO LET—The eligible. STOEE and FIXTURES, 132 CHESTNUT Street, next to new post office. REMOVAL. The GUN and FIBHING TACKLE Store will be re moved to 415 CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER Ist. Inonire of PHILIP WILSON * CO., Jy2B-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street «T 0 BENT, WITH OB WITHOUT FURNITURE, Beveral heat Country Places, with i few acres of ground, convenient to railroad stations hear the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, io3o • No. 309 WALNUT Street. ffc; TO BXCH : AJS[(GfE---Fme FARM; ■*i~situate on the backs of the Delaware' river, con taining 217 acres of excellent land, 22 miles above; the city; railroad station on the place; within half mile of steamboat landing; excellent iaiprovementa, &c. Also,' a valuable,'Farm in. Chester, county valley, 73 acres. Another near Darby, eight miles from the city;'7s acres. Apply to E. PETTIT, FO R SAL B—Large Delaware ■“FARM, containing'622 acres;4oo under a first-rate State of cultivation, the balance good timber land: situ ate west of Harrington Station, Delaware Railroad.- Large brick Man-ion, targe and commodious Bam, Car riage Home, and many other.out,buildings. Lawn, con taining six acres, fruits, &c. For further particulars, apply to EPECTIT, 1 jy2B , No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET—Font Houses, on the west side of BROAD-Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BANBOM Streets. . mh26-tf fgg TO No. 24 South fEs. SEVENTEENTH Street. Apply to V , WETHERILL & BROTHER, H0;47 North SECOND Street. i A „ FQ» 8 ALE .« 0 H E AF” CHEAP.”—Perry County FARM, containing 188 acres, 20 woodland, the balance raider a high state of. cultivation; ilrst-rato* foncing, nicely watered,, excellent bnprovemests, 10 miles from: Harrisburg. Price only •0,600. Terms easy. 1 Also,-a .FRUIT FARM, hear Royer, State >of Dela ware, 107 acres. Price only 86,500. i Apply to '* S. PETTIT, s j«2O No. 309 WALNUT street. (A FOR SALE—Delaware-couuty 3Z Farm, containing OO acresoffirst-rate land, situ ate near Marcus Hook, Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large and- substantial stone imprxvomont*. nicely watered, good fruits, Ac. Price 89,000. 'Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the-State of Delaware, near Bovet, 13d acres, immediate possession. Price only 87,000. >■' ■ Apply to B. PETTIT, je2o-tf .N 0.309 WALNUT Street. M TO RENT—A THREE-STQRY BRIOK DWiCLLINGy on BA6B Street, one door ftboT© Twelfth, north aide. Bent low to a good tenant, Apply to , WETHBBUiL & BBOTHBB, 1 iel2 47 and 4S North SEOOTO Street, - A TO RENT—A THREE-STORY A BRICK DWELLING, lon r FINE Street, near Seyenteenth, north side. Apply to " * WETHERILL A BROTHER, iel2 ■ 47 and *49 North BECOND; Street. A FOR SALE—A first-rate Mont “ gomery-oounty Farm, containing 89 acres, with large and substantial stone improvements, on the Ridge. Turnpike, near Norristown. /Price only 896 per acre. ' Apply to * E. PETTIT, ; : je2o tf v ■ No; 809 WALNUT Street. mO DISTILLERS. -L The DISTILLERY known as-the '• 7 “PHOENIX," > * and formerly owned and . occupied by SAHL. SMITH, ■*«., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RACE andVINE Capacity 600 bnshsis per. day, is now offered tor saie on reasonable and aooom modatlng torma. Is in good running order, smd has.sfl. the modem Improvements. ;An Artesian well on the pro raises furnishes an unfaiHng supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCKE A GO., Ho, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. : fe22-dtf LEGAL. TpBTATE OF ROBERT CONRAD, ■ill late of Norriton township, Montgomery county, deceased.—Notice is hereby given that’Letters of Admi nistration upon said estate baye been granted . to the Un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payinenti and those'having claim, or demands against the Bams may present thorn, duly authenticated for settlement, to ■ JOHN CONRAD, Norriton, WM. ROSSITEB, Norristown, ao2-B6t# Administrators. ■■ Tk/TAESHAL’B SALE.—By virtue of JLrJL aWrit of . Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United State!, , in and for the EaaternDistrict of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public Bale, to the highest and best bidder, for eash, at CALLOWHILL BTBEET WHABF, on THURSDAY, August 28,1862, at 12 o’clock, M., the schooner OAT ALIN A, her tackle, dx., and-the cargo laden oh hoard, eonsiatingnf 32hale! Of cotton. WILLIAM MILLWABD, ;M Vf IT. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penns. . Phidadelmiia,' Aug. 8,1862. ’ au9-0t Tk/f ARSHAL’S SALE.—Dy virtue of a, ItJL Writ of Sale, by the Hon JOHNO AD WAL ADEB, Judgeof the District Court oftbe/UnitedStates, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to;the!highest and .best, bidder, for Cash, .at OALLOvvttIIjL STEEET WHABF,, on TUESDAY, August 19th, IBa2, at 12 o’clock M,’, the schooner YOLANT, her tackle, Ac , and the cargo laden on .board, consisting’ of 200 sacks of salt, SO barrels of mackerel, and 500 boxes of herring. WILLIAM MILLWABD, ;U. 8. Marshal K. D. of Pennsylvania. PbiupbLfkia, Ang. 8,1862. au9-9t 'Tk/TARSIIAL’S SALE.—By virtue of JLIjL a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the DistrictSffmrt of the United 'States, in and for the Eastern Distriot of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at pubiicsaie, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at GALLOWHILL -BTBEET WHABF, on TUESDAY, August 19th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M„ the schooner MOBNINS STAB, her tackle, &c,, and the cargo laden on board, .consisting of 676 sacks of salt, 4 carboys of acid/2; barrels copperas,’3 kegs soda ash, 1 box cigars,' 1 package of ribbons. WILLIAM MILLWABD, TJ. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia. Ang. 8,1862. au9-9t Tk/r AKSHAL’S SALE,- —By virtue' of JLtJ- a Writof-Bale, by the Hon.\jsHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern DJsfrlct of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be Bold, at pnblio sale, to the: highest and best bidder, for* cash,. at OALLOWHILL STBEET WHABE, on THURSDAY, August 28,1882, at 12 o’clock M., the taig NAPIER, her tackle. Ac., and the cargo'laden on board. The'cargo consists of salt in bulk. ' 'WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. , ‘Philadelphia, Angust 14,1862. * • auls-6t li/TARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of Li A a Writ ofiSale, by ihe Hon. JOHN! CADW ALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in ana for the -Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me'directed, will be sold at pnblib sale, to the highest and best, bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHILL STBEET WHABF, oh THURSDAY; Angnst 28, 1802, at 12 o’clock M'., the schooner EMMAi.her tackle, ap parel, and furniture, asshe now Ilea at said wharf.' ; .WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. 8. Marshal District of Penna. Philadelphia, AngnstM, 1862. ~ auls-6t ■ SALE.—By virtue of :JXJL a Writof Sale by the Hon. JOHN CADWiLA DHB, Judge oUthe District Oonrt of the United States, in' and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, ttf me directed,will be sold, at Public Sale, ti> the highest and .best bidder, fori cash, at: CALLO W HILL- STBEET WHABF, on THURSDAY, Angnst 28th, 1852, at 12 o’clock. M.,iliaSchooner CHANGE, bertackle, apparel, and furniture, as she nowlles at said wharf.. WILLIAM MILLWABD, - .U S. Marshal, Eastern District of Penn. Philadelphia, August 14,1862. - >aul6 6t - ■jl/TARSHAPS SALE.—By virtue of J.TX a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN OAD-' WALADEB, Jodge of the District Court ofthe United States in and for th® Eastern District of Pennsylvania, :in Admiralty to me directed, wiil be sold at. Public Sale, fo ihe highest and beat bidder, for Cash,' atGALLO W HILL-STBEET WHABP, on THUBSDAY, August' 28,1802, at 12 o’clock M., the Schooner ALEBT, her. tackle, apparel, and furnitore, as she. sow lies at said wharf. .. WILLIAM MILLWAED. . U. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penn. Pmi.ADM.rHU, August 14,1802. . auls-6t . TTNITED STATES,-EASTERN DIB - PEHNSYLVAHiA, -SOT. “ THE PBESIDEHT OP THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OP THE EASTEBN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING : ' WHEBE AS, The District Court of the United States ,in .and for the Eastern District of PennsylTahia,-rightly land duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America; hath decreed- all. per-'. soiiß in general who have; or protend to have, any right, titlo,or interest in tho steamer LODONA, hortackio, ap parel, andfurriiture, and the'goods, wares; and merchan dise laden oh board thereof, of which Charles Edward brickie was master, captured by the United States steamer TJNADILLA, nnder command of Commander S,‘Collins, said steamer then and there being one of tho South At ■ laptie blockading sohadron, under command of Bear i : Admiral s. E.Dnpont, blockading the ports and coast of Georgia, .to be monished, cited, and called to judranent, at I thetime and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ! expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are, therefore, ! charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yon omit not, hnt that, by publishing those presents in at ; least two of the daily newspapers printed and published :in the city of Philadelphia, and inthe Legal Intelligent etr, yon doymonish and cite, or cause to,be monished and 'cited, peremptorily, all peraons ih generai who have, or pretend to have, any * right, title, or interest In the said 1 steamer ;LOBON Ay‘.her tackle, .-apparel, and fnr , nitrire, and the goods, merchandise laden •on board thereof, to appear before:the Hon.:JOHN ; CADWALADBB, the Judge of the said court, at : the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next 'court day follow ing, between the usual hours of hearing cauieg/ then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a rdasduable iand. lawful excuse,Mif any "‘they have, why the said-, steamer LODONA,. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the • goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not .bo . prondririced to belong, at tho time of the capture of the Same, to' the enemies of,the United-States, and as goods of-their ene mies, or otherwise, liabio arid subject to condemnation, to.b» a4judged_and condemned as good and lawful prises j arid further to do arid receive in this behalf as to jusHctf Bhali appertain. And that youduly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto -ail persons aforesaid generally, (to whom, by the,tenor of these presents, it is also; intima ted,) that if> they shall riot.appear at the time and plaoe above, mentioned, or appear-and shall not show a rqi spnable and lawful cause tri the 1 contrary; then said Dfe: trict Court doth intend &nd witt proceedto adjudication op the onid, capture;,and-may,pronounce that.the .said steamer LODONA, her tackle, 'apparel;*and furniture, and the "goods; ,;wares t : and merchandise laden) "on board thereof; did belong, -at tho time of- the Capture of the Barite, tothe enemies of the United States of Ame rica, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiacatldriAnd'coriderimation, to be ad judge arid edridemriea as lawful prize, the absence,-or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in Bnywiße.notwithßtandingi arid ,that yotf duly eertifytto the said District Qourtwhat youshaU do in the prerifißes, together with these presents, ; • ' • - • Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWAIiADEB, Judgeofthe said court,* at Philadelphia, (Ms fourteenth day, ofAUCiCST, A- D. 1862, and in the eiglity-seventir lndependence of the said United States. , anls : 3t , District Court.§ piAUTlON.—Haying seen a spurious oi Oil branded *< J*lDat6nr,” we o&nttos tbt janbße against purchasing the game, as the genuine J. Hiatonr OU esc be pro<nirod onlr from ru. P ' * bayeson* jßtarß-tr 80S and 204 Booth FKONT Street No. 809 WALNUT Street. RAII.ROAI) LINES. WEST - . CHESTER TRAINS, via the PENNSYLVANIA RaILBOAD. ’ , iravk rns Dsrot,' ; ' Corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Btreeta, First Train at... ............7.15 A. M. Second Tratnat..,..,...',. .......8.45 A. M. Third Train at..... .12.00 Noon. Fourth Train at... ..4.00'P. M. Fifth Train'at.. ...646 P. M. LEAVE WEST CHESTER, At 6.25,7.45, and 10.86. A.’ M., 3.10 and 4.15 P. M. „ * ON SUNDAY. ; Leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A; M., - and' West- Ohestor at4P. M. - ' ■Freight delivered at.the Freight Station, comer MAR KET and JUNIPER, rbefore 1130 A. M., will be de livered at West Ghester at 2 P.M. For tickets andfarthtrlnformation, apply to JAMES OOWBKN, Passenger Agent. LBWISL. HOUPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l-tf mHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A . RAILROAD. THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. 1862. ®*a™ 1862. THE OAPAOITY OFjT'HB BOADIB NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. , ; THE GREAT BHQBT LINE TO THE'WEST. . Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and fromPittsburg,Cincinnati; Ohioago.Bt. Louis, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis; New Orleans, and all.other town*' In the West, Northwest,' and Southwest,' are unsurpassed for speed and oomfort by any other mats. Bleeping and smoking oars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY; Mail and Fast Idne Sundays excepted. Mail Train, leaves Philadelphia at. • tdMlltl** T» 15 A. M. Fast Line « « .....11.80 A.M. Through Express «< ............10.80 P.M. Harrisburg.Aooommodation leaves Fbila. at.. 2.80 P. M. Lancaater ,«..«■ <■ „ 4.00P.8L West Ohestor Accommo’n No. I<> « .. 8.45 A. M . « “ No. 2“' « ..12.00 noon. Parkesbnrg . « « « .. 5.45 P. M. . West Chester passengers .will take the trains leaving at 7.16 and 8 45 A. SL, 12 noon, and at 4 Rnd 6.45 P. M., • i Pasaengera for Sunbnry, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf fido, Niagara Fails, Ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A.iM. iand 10.80 P., M.’, go. directly through. . i For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, B. B. comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets.' / ~e . : By.thlsroutefreights of aU dDßorlptions oan be for warded to and Lorn any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Hiinoifl, Wisconsini Ljwa, or Mis souri,' by raftrood direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the Westfby Bteamers from Pittsbnr*. The rates of freight to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are,: at aU timea, as fa vorable -as . are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportatfon of thefr: freight to this Company,.can redy with:ooufldence on its speedy transit. ; For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to of address the Agents of: the: Company. :r ■ 8. B.KINGBTON,J»., Philadelphia. D. A: STEWART, Pittsburg. lIXiASKS & 0Oi’« OtdCßffo. f : MBOH * Co. t Ko. 1 Astor House, or Ho. 1 Boufch William street, New Tork. LEECH A 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. ‘ MAGBAW A KOONB, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H.H. HOUSTON,'GehT Freight Agent, Philo. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, PWls. BNOOH LEWIS. Gen’l Snp’i, Altoona. jyLtt 1862. srnmmm' 1862. ARBANGSMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TBEHTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. »*OK WILSCT-STJOISV WHAM XSD UgaiXOTOB BXPOf. - WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VB! , ■ V. famw. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ac . n0nyn0dat10n.......... 81 SB AK A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) - Ac00mm0daH0n................................ ■ SB At _8 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Blemtog Mail 8 qq ; At 11A. M., vfa Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express ;.... 8 00 At 1214 P; M., via Camden andAmboy,Aooommo- : m dation.,,2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- ■- Prose,...,g 09 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jwaev Bitv, Evening g 00 At4P. M., via Camden and Jerßey Oity, 2d olass . TickfiteesesseiseeitßeaetsaMisseiieefassseiiiii 1 34 At 014 ?■ M., via Kensington and Jersey City, - Evening Mail... .*,. .f.*.. ...... 800 At IIYP. M., and Jersey City. South ern Mail 8 00 At 5 P. M-, via Camden and Amboy, Acoommoda- Oon, (Freight and Passenger)—lit Class Ticket.. SSB Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 160 ■ The 11E P.M. Bonthern Mail runs daily; all others Sundays excepted. For. Water Gap, StrbwUbnrg, Scranton, Wilkesbame, Montrose, Great Bend,, Binghampton, Syracuse, &0.,. at 6 A. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, via-Delawaro, Lackawanna, and: Western Railroad. For.Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lamhertville, Flemington, Ac., at 0 A. M. and 4P.M.,from Walnut-street Wharf; (the 6 A.M.Lins oonnecte with train leaving Easton lor Mauoh Chunk at 8.20 P.M.) ■ For Monut-Holly, at 0 A. M.,2 and 4P. M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M... and SF.H. , ■ . . WAY LIIwSS. ... For Bristol, fronton, &e., at 8 andll A. H., B and 6M) F. M. from Kensington, and 214 P. M. from Walnut- Streetwharf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11E A. M. from Kensington Depot. . -For Palmyra, Bivorton, Delanoo, Beverly, Burlington, Florence,'Bordentown,Ac.,'at 10 A. M. and 12V, 4, S, 6x and 6.30 P. M. ’ Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and interme diate stations at2!4 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. . 119* For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the Cars on Filth street, above Walnnt, half an hpnr before departure. The can run Into the Depot, and on : the arrival of eaeh train , ran from the Depot. Eifty Pounds of-Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking Anything as bag gage but their wearing appareL AH baggage over fifty ppnnds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount boyond SlfiO, exoept by special contract. - . , - ’ WH.H.GATZMBB'; Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK EOB PHILADELPHIA • WILL LEAVE, P BOX BOOT 08. OOBTLAJTD STRBHr, : At 10 A; M., 12 M., and 6 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7A. >M., and 4 and 11P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. Erom foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. : From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 6P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ; jeS-tf gsssa philadelphia, BISTOWN BAILBOAD. TIME TABLE. Ji;*' On and after Monday, May 26th, 1662, until'further notice, . - ■ ' ' FOB GERMANTOWN. > Leave Philadelphia, 8,7, 8,9,10,11, 12, A. M.,1, 2. 8.10, 4,5, 6)4, 6,7, 8, o#, 10X, 11*. P. M. . Leave Germantown,'6, 7,7.35,8,8 ft: 9)4, 10if, 11V, A. M., 1,2, 3, 4,6, 6,7, 8, 9,10.10 11, P. M. * , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 8.10 A. M„ 2,8, 6, 7)4, 10)4, P. M. "■ Leave .Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,4, 6)4, 9jf, P. M CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD. ■ *■ 8 > I°> I*. A. M., 2,4, 6,6, 8, *vj|2 ■ Leave Chostnnt Hill, 7.10, 7.86, 9.10, 11.10, A. M.. 1.40, 3.40, 6.40,6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M, ’ '• ; ON SUNDAYS. Leave Fbiladelpbia, 9.10 A. M., 2,6, TV, P. M. Leave Chestnut BOB; 7.50 A! M.> 18.40, 6.10, 9.10, P. M. . EOB CONSHOHOCKEN AND HOBBISTOWH. Leave FMladelphiß, 8, 9.05,11.05, A. M., ltf, 3, 414, 6.10, 8.06,11 V, P. M. r- lea ve Norristown, 6,7, 7.60, 9,11, A. H., 8)4, P. M. .■■■■' ■ ON SUNDAYS. ■ Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M , U 34, i%, p, fit. Leave Norristown, 7 A. M., 1,6, P. M. .EOB MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6,9,11.05, A. M., IV, 3,4 U, 6.10, 8.05. lIJ4. P. M. ' Leave Manayunk, 6)4, 7)4, 8.20, 914, 11)4, A. M., 2, 8,7, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. if., 2)4, 4V, 8, P. M. Leave Hapaynnk, 734 A. M., l)f, 6>4, 9, P. M. H, K. SMITH, General Superintendent. iny2B-tf Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. iflHl'WMfL. EffiSaH VANIA BAXLKOAD. FOB BETHLEHEM, . DOYLESTOWN, M A UO H CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, WILKES .' BABBEj &c. SPBINQ ABBANGBMENT. THBEE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY; MAY 5, 1862, Passen wr Train* will leave EBONT and WILLOW Street*. ? At^WA^’i 81 * 13^8 ! Maoch Chunk,l^a^letoll,Wilkesbarre;^t I,A ' , *^* o,ra, P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, *e. .This train- reaches Easton at 6 P, M., and makes a goec oonneoEon with the New Jereer Central for New York.. H, » lor Bethlehem, Allentown, Hsuch vDQ&Xf Ac. ... . At 9 A. M. and 4 p. M., for Doplestown. At « F. H., for Fort Washington. The 8.40 A. M.Exprees Train make, oioee wmneotloa With the Lehigh Valley Bailroad at Bethlehem, beta* the' shortest and most desirable rout* to all points in ' tb. lohigh ooal region. • TBAINS JOB PHILADELPHIA, liear« Bethlehem at 5.40 A. M., A. M., and I.CB y. h< , . Leave Dbyiestowa at 7.86 A. H. and B.W P. H. heave Tort ‘Washington at 6.50 A. M. ' - 08, SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A. M. 4 " ■ ' - Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.46 P.BL ' Doylestown Tor Philadelphia at 5.30 A. H. • Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 P. M. ffare to BetMehem....*l.Bo I ParetoMauoh 0hunk.82.60 *a™ Ea5t0n..V.,.1.60 j Wilkesbare. 4.50 .Throngs-: Tickets • mast •ha prooored at the Tioket Offloes, at \ViijliOW Street, oi; BEBKB Street, in order to seouretheabove rates or fare. ' .- All Passenger Trains (exoeptSunday Trains) oonnect at Berke street withtha Fifth and Sixth streets, and So aond ahd Third-etreeto Passenger BaUroads, twenty ml. antes afterlesviniWfllow street. - - myB HliXilß. OIiABK, Agent .. ITITIIII ] ■PHIIIM I PHILADELPHIA ■ragfl— ELSIIBAB.B.Lnn!. 180* SUMMER, ABEAK&BMENT.IB9* Tor WIBBIAMSPOBT, SOBANTON, BLSOBA, and dl points iuthe WV, and N. W. Passenger .Trains leave Deirtorphila.,ais,Beading B. 8., Oort Broad and Oal towhffl streets, at 8 A.. M., and 3.15 P. M. dally, except Sundays. >~. >.v- ,■ .... ~f . * „QOI°K-K-8T BOUT* from Philadelphia to points in northern and Weatern Pennsylvania, Western Hew Tork, Ao„ &o. -Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Hlagara Palls, or Intermediate points. ’ Through Epress: Freight Train for aU polnts aboya, leaves dally at 8 P.M., ' Por fnrther'infermatlon apply to, JOHN 8. SILLES, General Agent' THIRTEENTH and CABLOWHILL, and ST. W. oor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Btreets. jaBl-tf kSmsi ■iihiiWi I WEST CHESTER ™r"AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL. BOAD. VIA MEDIA. , ■ - BUMMEB ABBANGEMBHT. On and after MONDAY, Jnne oth, 1802, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot N. 3. oor nw- of EIGHTEENTH; and MABKBT Streets, at 7.45 and 10.80 A.M., and 2, 4.80, and 7 P.M., and on Tues days and Fridays at 914 P. M., and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIBTY-FIBST and MABKBT Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time from Blgh eenth and Market streets. . I--.,-. -: ON. SUNDAYS, leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A M., and 2 P. M. leave WEST CHESTER at B A. M.,,and 5.00 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. M., and 4SO P. M., connect at Penneltonwith trains on the Phi ladelphia-and Baltimore Central Bailroa* for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, ho. HENBY WOOD, : je9-tf ~ ' - - . Superintendent , REOPENINGOF THE BALTIMOBB AND OHIO BAILROAD:—This road.belngfolly BBPADSBDand effeotnaßy GUABDED,Is now open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to a]] points in the GBBAT, WEST. For through tickets and al] ether In formation apply at the Company’s Office, comer BBOAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. - ViAatilßlTOH, - -■ ,»pB-tf . PresidenfP.W; and 8.8.8.G0. express companies. StIMBMB - THE ADAMS EX PBEBS COMPANY, Office 828 CHESTNUT^Street,’forwards Parcels,'Packages, Bins, chsndfee, Bank Notes, and' Specie, 4 eltherbyitaown lines or In connection nlth other Express Ojmpanles, to aUineprincipnl Townsand Oitles of the United Stated .. l-*®**' 1 - - - '■'! ■•-"■f-- BrS'.’BANDPOBDfitt - fe!9 General Superintendent Pamphlet printing, Best and Cheapest in the City,at BINGW AITS BBOWNS, 111 South FOUBTH Street s. aplO MEDICINAL. WONFEBFUL SOIRNTIfIC DlS '* COVEBV OF PROF. O. H. 80LL85.1220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ■ BEAD THBTFoLIiCWING CAREFULLY. . The flifferenc6 between/actanS/iotion, of parmanontly caring the sick end sufferingof their dieeaees, or adver tising to cure, and showing but little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated the anxious innuirera ■ after health, upon attentively reading the following ay. nopals of certificates from seme of the most reliable, gen tleuien In Philadolphiai who were permanently cured by Prof. BOi.EEB, 1220. WALNUT street, and after Jhey had been given up as incurable bv the most eminent me dical men of this city: 1 fclhe following is' a statement of facts in reference to my; conditiun and asiorf&hino cure of Epilepsy : _ For flvey ears previous to my koowledge of Prof. 0. - 5 . - ' discovery of the . therapeutic administration of Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications ‘of . Electricity lor,the cute of all acute and chronic diseases, I had been severely aillicced with Eniiepb'e Fits of the . most obstinate,character, and had abandoned ail hopes of ever being cured, as I had; for years tried; the treat . ment; and received the counsel of the most eminent Madi : cal Men of the State,‘with a view of obtaining relief If •any cenld bo found among the Old Schools ; bat i all my .efforts were unavailing, and, therefore, all hopes wore abandoned, as I then knew of .no greater skill for the cure of obstinate cates, than in the Old Schools. About six monthsago my mind was turned to inves'igate the new discovery of Prof. 0. H.‘ Bolles, 1210 Walnut street, and, after noticing several eertifleates of'cures which were published, and some from persons with whom I was acquainted and know them reliable men, 1 wab in duced to call on the Professor and obtain his opinion of my case. After he had examined, me about ten minutes, he frankly informed me that he could cure me. and offered to give me a written warrantee of a complete cure, and, in case of.o failure, to charge me nothing. This at first seemed an impossibility ; bnt the" frankness . and earnestness; of the Professor convinced me of his ’ scientific accuracy in the diagnosis of my case: He dla-; closed all my‘sufferings and symptoms for. five .years past as well as I knew them inj self. I will here state, for the good of .humanity, and especially those suffering as 1 was, that I am, perfectly cured. I further would state that .. mere than four months have elapsed since ‘.my cure, and X have had no symptoms, and, therefore, feet confident; , that Ism cured. 1 shall take pleasure in being referred ot at anytime by any one suffering as X was, and any in formation of my condition previous to my cure will bo freely' given to any one at 1642 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. FREED. ; Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front street.. ■ . ' Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dya pepsia of long standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1638 Helmut It street. . ; Alexander Adaire. Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long standing, 1312 Savery. street, Eighteenth ward, Kensington. f William H. Sliaino, Paralysis of the lowerv limbs (Ba raplegy). and Epilepsy, publisher of the Ntßional Mer chant, 126 South Second street. ; • i Tbofods' Owbnsi Congestion of the Brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Dlabetlsi American Hotel, Philadelphia. 1 Charles L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch Btrett. i'-:- -:■;■■■; ; James, Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets: t -George C. Presfiury, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard House. - ; * Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetia, Bose. Mills, West Philadelphia.-’-- . i George Grant, Rheumatic Gent, long standing, 610 Chestnut street. _ ~ :i , H. T. Be Silver, Ohronio Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1*36 Chestnut street. 0. H. Oarmich, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. < Hugh HarrOld, Bronchitis and Disease of the Kidneys, 49 South Third street. v> S. P. M. Tasker, Ohronio Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 3622 South Fifth street.; ... . 1 James P. Groves, M. DV, long standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine street. y. Edward McMahon, Conßumptlon,.l22T Front street. I M. Galloway, Chronic Dyspepsia, Allen’s Lane, Twen ty-eecond waid. ‘ • Charles D. Cuahney, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Pararlegy) and .Dyspepsia, Western Hotel, i J. Bicket, Chronic Rronchitiß, Constipation, and Con gestion of the Brain, 618 Caliowhill street, i Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. . Bev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. " M. M, Banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbtrry ave nue. ~ ; J. 8, Bitter, Catarrhal Consumption, 333 Richmond .street, . ; N. B.—ln addition to the above cases cured, Prof. O. H. BOLLES has cured two thousaudDhronic and Aoute ewes within less than three yearn in Philadelphia, all of Which cases had resisted the treatment of the most emL ncntmcdica! men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any . certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. , _Pro£ B. has established himself for life in this city; and bis success in trealirg the sick is a sufficient guaranty that he claims nothing but scientific facts in his disco very in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapentio agent. .. ■ . ‘ N. B—lt will bs wett for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. ha* given a word’of cantion in his pamphlet, to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming; to treat diseases according to his discovery.* This caution may seem severs on thoße using Electricity at hasard, but it is the severity of truth, and designed for the good of humanity. • See ad vertisement in another column. Gamvltation i'ret. PBOE. O. H. BOLLE9, anls-tf 1220 WALNUT Street,-Philada. EF.EEBVESOENT ’ SELTZEB APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the moat favorable recommendations of the Mhdical Pbofbssioh and the PnbUo as the moat BypiaiiKT ahd ao&kbabl* SALINE APERIENT. It may be tißed with the beet effect in BUisus and Febrile Diseases, Costivouess, Biok Headaohe, Nausea; Loss of Appetite, Indigei tion, Aoidity of the Stomach, of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatio ASeotiona, Gravel, Piles, *. AHD ALL COMPLIIttTS WHHXH A GENTLE AND OOOLINH AFEBIBHT OB PUB ■■ GATIVE IS BECIUIBED. It ie partleularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea. and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is In the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottieg to keep in any climate, and merely renuire* . water ponrod Upon it to prodnee a de lightful effervescing beverage. 1 Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notioe of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & GO., No. 9TB GREENWICH Street, corner Warren st. . NEW YORK, apM-Iy . And for sale by Druggists generally. QLUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-LIVER OIE-^ The :repugnance of most patients to COD-LIYEB OIL, and the inability of many to take It at all, has in duced various forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the nsnal effect of the Oil, proving finite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. . The repug nance, nausea, Ac-, to invalids, induced by disgust of the. OS, is entirely obviated by the use of onr CAPSULES. OOD-LIVEB OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re snits from their use In both hospital and private praetice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant onr claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their nse will result in benefit and deserved favor.; Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. de9-tf 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. fTSO THE DISEASED OP ALLW r JL CLAESES.—AII acute and chronic diseases J vScnred, by special -guarantee, at 1220 Walnut street,rw ’Philadelphia, and in case df a failure no charge iai made. .. j. Professor BOLLES, th* founder of this newprac-i W'tice, is iU mperiniend the treatment of all caseß IWm-vh A, pamphlet containing a nudtitnde of ceitifi- J 'locates, of thoße cured, also letters and resolntiors from medical men and others, will be r given to any person free. ‘ A : Lectures are constantly given, at 1220, to medicalk pffiien and others who desire a knowledge of my dia-vfl (kco very, in. applying Electricity ns a reliable thora-J agent Consnitationfree. ap26-6m (Jv ■jk/TANY EFFORTS HAYE BEEN -Lv-L made to preserve the 'fc«m and features of the dead, without the usual mode, se repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good’s air-tight PATENT BEOEIYE 8. Cold the medium used—acting as a preservative—is the warmest weather, and for an; length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfoot safety, and in a good Btate of preservation. JOHN GOOD; Undertaker, No. 921SPBUOB Street. Ai B—JioM) Metallloand other oofflni/ furnished at the Bnorteat Botfce. Hearsed and carriages of tke test quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different ceme teries; one superior lot in Mount Moriah Cemetery; one, two, three, or four hundred feet, can be had oheap tor cash, or trade, ■ Biyxsaitons—Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, -224 South EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. B. MoOLELLAN, 1029 WALNUT; Street. _ myB-thstu3m g FRANK. PARMER. Burgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to all of the Medical Colleges and Hoi pitals. - ■ The “PAIiMEB HUBS,” adopted by the Army and Navy Surgeons. . Pamphlets Bent gratis. Address, B. FBANif. PAIMBB, 3y2-8m No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street, Phllad’a. QAUTION. The well-earned repntaHon or FAIRBANKS* SOAUSS - Hm Indmoed the makers of Imperfect balances to offer Sbem aa ,« V AIBBANKB’ 8OAI1H8,” and pnrchaeers have thereby, in many Instances, been frnbjootod totraol and imposition. TAIBBANKB’ SOAIrES are mannfao tnred only by the original inventors, K. & T. JTAIB -BAKKS * 00., and are adapted ti every branoh of the bturinese, where a correot and dnrabie Scales Is reonlred. . IfAIRBANKS *OTIN&, , Genera! Agouti nlo-tt - MASOHIO HALL, VIM OHJCSTNHT 8T rVRAIN PIPE.-—Btona Ware Drain U , Piie from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-inoh bore, 250 per rard; 3-lnch bore,SOoper yard; 4-inoh bore, 40oper rani; 6-luchbore; 600 per ; yard; 0-lnch bore,: 650 per rard. Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are not? prepared to furnish pipe in any luantity, and on liberal terms to dealers and those par* shoeing in large quantities.: OBNAMKHTAL CHIMNEY TOPS—Vitrified Terra Ootta Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the action of ooalgasor the weather In my climate. GABDEN VASEB.—A great variety of ornamenta fardeh Vases, in .Terra Cotta classical., designs, all sizes, •nd~ warranted to: stand the weather. ~ ~ ’ Philadelphia Terra Cotta' Works, Ofßcer-and-Wart Booms >. ■ . low CHESTNUT Street,? 7 J ’ iel7-tf . BA. HAREISON. TIBAIN PlPE.—Vitrified Drain and JL/ Water .PIPE, from 2 inches bore np,; with every, variety of Bonds, Branches, Traps, .Ac., warranted equal to any- in tie market, .and at: less rates. *. The under* signed being interested Is one of; the .largest and best bedaof Fire Clay in this country for the .manufacture oftbo above and other. articles, defies composition,, both in quality and price. _ PETEK B. JIELIOK, Office and Btore BJ7 CHESTNUT Street.. Manufactory cor, Thompson and Anthracite Btreeta, Philadelphia. • ‘ . , < i' WOBMAN: & ELY, No. 130 PEGG • Btroet,'mannfaotur6rs of patent .CAST-BITHEL fARIiE CUT MRY: a!so, a lately-patented ,00 MBX. SATIOHe BaSIFEi i FOBK, , BPOOH, 'eepedaUf tdapted for Camp iuse, tor fithcrmen, ScaJaringMs*. Mechanict, Minen, Aumiemen, and ali Workmen car. tying their dirmeri. W. A. E.’a Ootlery is.warranted to t>9,ot the best Qoallty of ENGLISH OAST-STEEL. and ietotetfdod'togrijwfsede,'byitaexcellence and oheajmeea, ;he inferior QnalitJeaof Cntlery now In the'market,ar3 to which they reepeetfully barite the attention of the ffardyar* dealer* generally- , mrtS-Sin TI-ERICTION METAI.:. > ■XA; Superior analltyj ‘ > -f For gale by „„ „ JAMBS YOCOM, Ja„ oitt brass, foundby, dbinkkb’b alley, „ ■ Between Front and Second, Bace and Arch eta. a«8-&n* x ; ■ - > SAXES BY ABCTIOR. • TQHN B. MYERS & C 6., AUC- O , TIONEEEB, Nos. 232 and 284 MARKET Street. SAL® OP BOOTS AND SHOES, &0. ON TUESDAY MORNING. August 19, on four months’- ; 1000 packages Boots and Shoes, &o, SAX,® OP BBT GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, . . August 21, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on . 4 months’ Wwit '* BHILIP FORD & do., AUCTION EERS, 625 MARKET and 522 OOMMEBOE Sts; - SAiiE of-1,000 oases boots, shoes, and beo .w. GANS. . ON MONDAY StOBNING, August 18, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue,, T„000: cases men’s, boys’, and yontbs’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Balmoral boots, Ac.- women’s, mieses, and children’s ealfrkip,goat, kid, morocco, and -enamelled heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, bns kins, Ac: Also, a'largo assortment of first-class city, made goods. ' • ' ■ST Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. : SAXE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BBO GANB, Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING, August 21, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s, toys’, and youths’ calf, kip, and gralm boots; calf and kip brogans; gaiters, ties, Ac.; women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and esamelled-heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, Balmorals, Ac. Also, a large assortment of firet-claes city-made goods. ‘ •ST Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. < - AT PRIVATE SAXE. ; : 5,000 gross gilt army coat and 2,000 army vest.but tons. - aul6-6t PANCOAST & WAKNOCK, auc tioneers, Noa 218 MARKET Street. . LARGE POSITIVE SALE OFAMERIOAN. AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS,’. Ac., by catalogue; a f , : ■ ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 20, commencing at 10 o’clock. > a general assortment of goods adapted to fall sales. -, ■ Included will be found, via— . , i EMBROIDERIES AND WHITE GOODS. ‘ An Invoice of new Style embroidered collars, sets, flouncing, bands, - Ac.: ladles’ and gents’ 5-8 and 3-4 plain and hemstitched handkerchiefs- : ; ' , - Also, a full line of gents’. Union and linen shirt fronts. „ HOOP SKIRTS. - 250 dozen single and double-tic and woven tape hoop Skirts, a full line for ladies, misses, and children.’ TRURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO.; X? No. m MARKET STREET. PROPOSALS. Deputy quartermaster GENERAL’S OFFICE. ' ’ PHiLAbgLPHiA, August 11, 1802. PROPOSALS will. bo' received at this - office until TUESDAY, 19th Inst-,- at 12 o’clock M., for one thou sand (1,000) ARMY WAGONS. ; Bidders will state the shortest time of delivery. Pro posals will be received for any portion or the above hum her. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed un reasonable; and those proposing 1 to deliver them in the shortest time will have the preference.' Security will be required for the faithful performance of the contracts. The whole to be delivered in Philadelphia, subject to in spection. (Signed), G. 11. CKOSMAN, oul2-G9 Deputy, Quartermaster General U. S. A. TRON VESSELS FOR BTVEB AND 1 i HARBOR DEFENCE.—The -NAVY DEPART MEN T will, receive proposals for the construction. and completion inevery‘ resjiiet, except gnus, - ordnance stores, provisions, fuel, and nanttcal Instruments, for vessels of-iron for river and harbor defence, similar to those building in New York, having a single revolving turret. The draught of water not to exceed ten feet, and the vessels to he provided with a surface condenser for Supplying the boilers with pure water. On personal ap plication to the Department parties* intending to offer can see the plans and specifications, which will be fur nished to the contractor by the Department. No offer will be considered unless from parties'who aro fuliy prepared to execute work of this kind, having In theirjown name at the present time suitable shops and tools.; ' 1 , - The act of Corgross approved July 17th, 1802, pro hibits the transferor any contract, or order, or interest therein.' . T . ... ■ : The bidders will state the .price and the least time In which they will agree to complete the vessel, and the re duced price for each : succeeding month. Propositions .Will be received until the 21at ol August, bnt will be ex tended to the ‘2Bth‘of Angnst for parties west of the mountains. . . "* v The proposals most be endorsed “ Proposal! for Iron Vessels for River and Harbor Defence,'' to distinguish them Irom other business letters., aul4-4t ' A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUI jCX. PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRAED BIBEETd, Philadelphia, Ang.12,1862. ' PROPOSALS FOB ARMY SUPPLIES. SEALED PROPOSALS, - endorsed i “ Proposals for Army-Blankets, Half Stockings, Cavalry Boots, Bootees, Storm and Garrison Flag HaUiards, Leather Stock?, and Forage Caps,” ,will be received by the undersigned, at this office, until 12 o’clock M, on SATURDAY, 18th tost., for fnmishlng and delivering, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, at the: EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME, 126,000 ARMY BLANKETS, all wool, gray, the tetters U. B,:in black, 4 inches long, In the centre, to be 7 feet loEg and 5% feet in width, and weighing 5 ponnds, army dandard. Bidders will please send samples of any good wool Blankets they may have on hand, with prices. 20,000‘Cavalry Boots, namely: 5,000 No. 7s; 10,000 No. 8«; 6,000 No. 9s. 80,000-pairs Bootees, namely: 6,000 No 7s; 50,000N0. 8s; 15,000N0, 9s; 5,000N0. 10s; 5,000, No. 11s. 200,000 pairs Stockings, gray, 3 sizes, properly made, of fleecei wool, with double and twisted yars, to weigh 3 ponnds per dozen pairs 100 Storm and Garrison Flag Halliards. 60,000 Leather Stocks. 50,000 Forage Caps. Bidders wfll state explicitly the time and amount of each delivery,. Proposals Will be received for any part of the above articles. “ The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole of a bid offered, or to reject the bids, in whole or in part, as the interest of the Government, in bis opinion, may demand.” Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and ■’ be accompanied by a satisfactory- gua rantee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient bond, if his bid is accepted. Proposals unaccompanied with guarantee will not be considered; and contracts will be awarded only to established manu facturers of, or defers in, the articles. I The law requires the name of every contractor-on each article delivered by him. , G. H. GROSMAN, v anisitf Dap. Qr. Mr. Gen. U.S.A. A RMY CLOTHING AND SQUI LL PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets.— Philadelphia. August 11,1862. “ PROPOSALS FOB ARMY SUPPLIES.” Separate'sealed Proposals, endorsed; Proposals for “ Great Goat Straps!” “Gray Twilled Mixed and Knit Shirts,” Wall Tent Poles, common Tent Poles, and Hos pital Ten| Poles, Pick Axes and: Handles, Felling Axes and r Handles, Spades! Drums Infantry, Sift Flags, and Flannel Sack Coats, will be received by. the undersigned, at this'Office, until 12 o'clock Mj, on.-FRIDAY,Tsth test; for furnishing and delivering at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, at the earliest possible time: 150,000 Great Coat Straps. ; : 50,000 Gray Twiilsd Mixed or Knit Shirts, to measure 38 to 42 inches over the breast, and 16 to 18 around the neck, samples to he accompanied with" the proposal, 20,000 Flannel Sack Goats; unlined. > 10,000 sets common Tont<Polea. 2,000 “ Hospital « “ 10.0C0 “ Wall “ « 5,000 Felling Axes and Handles, 6,000 Pick Axes and Handles. 6,000 Spades. ■ 1,000 Infantry Drum?, complete. - 50 Regimental Flags, Infantry. 60 Rational Colors, '*< . Bidders wiilistate, explicitly the time and amount of each delivery- Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. “Theright is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole of a bid offered, or ts reject the bids, in whole or in part, as the interest of the Government, in hia opinion, may demand.” Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guaran tee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient. bond; if hia bid'is accepted. Proposals unac companied wito guarantee will not be considered; and contracta’wiil Be awarded only to established marmfso turors of, or dealers in, the articles. The law requires the name of every contractor on each article delivered by him. G. H. GROSMAN, : aul2 4t : . Deputy Quarterma iter General U-S A. ILLDMIHATIfre OILS. OIL>WORKE|. JL-J IDO bbls i‘ Lucifer” Burning OH on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive, to hunt all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant dame, without crusting the wick, and bnt slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel. WBIGHT„SMITH, A PEARSALL, fe2l-tf , Office 618 MARKET Street CABINET FURNITURE. ; nABINET FURNITURE ANDBIL liIABD, TABXiIS. .MOORE & C AREPIONi , No. 201 South SECOND Street, ; lit connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now mannfactnring a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And hare no if .on band a full supply, finished with the MOOBJT & CAMPION’S IMPBOYED CUSHIONS,- which ere pronounced by ail who have need them to be superior to all othere. For the duality and finish of these Tables the mann factnrero refer to their numerous .patrons, throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. ■ • ' ’ -i fe2B-6tn COAL. rtOAL.—THE UNDERS IGNE D Ll beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed- their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHABF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest comer of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they , intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the. most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Pour patronage is respectfully solicited.' JOS; WALTON & CO., „ ' Office, 112 South SECOND Street Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf GROCERIES And provisions. T° FAMILIES RESIDING Vf THE . RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretoforoyto supply Families at their country residences with every description of FINE GBOCEBIES, TEAS, AO., AtJ. ALBERT CL ROBERTS, OOBNSB ELEVENTH AND VINE STS; TJIRENCH PEAS.—Aninvoice.of su- JJ perior « Pols an Bourne” for sale by OHAS. 8. OARSTAIBS,- ' 138 WALNUT -Street PORT WINE. —Tarragona and Oporto Port forsale,ln bond j by- •' ' OHAS. 8. OARBTAIRB, . .No. li» WALNUT Street. MACKEREL.' 1" “150: Bbls New Large No. 8 Mackerel. * 160 Half Bbls - •:««,■! « « In store and and for sale by , . MURPHY & KOOKS, . jeM-tf c.f - ■ No. 146 North WHABYEB. MAGIOBBEL, HERBING, SHAD, A*-*- &0., &o: * ’ ® ; : : Bblß 'lleus. Noe.-. 1, 2, 'and 3 Mackerel, fete oauglit fftt fish, in aßaorted packag®B. : Bbla New Eaßtport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. ■ : 1 i*" ! ' g,SOO Boxes Imbeo, Seeded, an 3 Nb.*l Herrin*. 160 Bble New;Meea ', SfiO Boiea Herkimer’OoTmtr Cheeeer'&o. - Instoreantifor'saleby r ___ _ • ."-Tv"*. MTTBPHI *ttl KOONB, •; je!4-tf- > ■ ■■ JSTo. 149 Horfh IWHAKVES O.REIN GINGBB.- 85 bMs. choice VT GINGEE, received direct from Cuba, and for sale by. BBODES A WILLIAMS, 6u6 <4.07 South WATEB Street SAXES BV AtTCTIOR M T H O-MAS A So¥iT -A.Vjl.eßoß. iaa and in Booth FOURTH Sheet BlicKS ANDBeXIESTITeIaUGU6T sn A large sale at .the Exchange. Part of thaa' Hons now ready in handbills, including the Ffu £?Wl>- IRON WOBKS; with machinery. 6c! in one w Executors’ Bale—Estate ot Wm. Pinctn'n a , • - MACHINERY,. ibU TOOLs ’ ON MONDAY,MORNING, 25th instant, at IO ojdoek, at No. 120 Jacohx . .between Cherry and Race, and Twelfth and tw J f?ef , ,streets, the entire machinery for manuracturinV !!-!> l '' articles;: comprising lathes, bntton rollers rdri- t * t t chtae, screw, presses, drop presses, anvils,’drat i vices, laps, dies, tinmen’s slakes, tools, &c ’*"4, j Full particufare in catalogue. Sale No 524, Walnut Street. BTOOK OF ELEGANT CABINET W*u» ' ON TUESDAY MORNING S> , 26th fasten*, at 10 to’cleck, at No. 524 Wal™,.. will bo sold by catalogue, without reserve, the . stock of George J. Her! els, (who has removed m te*’ 811 Chestnut street,) comprising a large as-.n?,™ ,o<l rosewood and watant dining-room, library, chamh«- atoE parlor-furniture, all manufactured in the end of best material. “ s »ner „*T May examined the day previous to ssi e catalognsa. . . . j «ith TI/TOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONBrS JjA . AND COMMISSION MERCHANT confer of BIXTH and RACE Streets. ’ GREAT BARGAINS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PBIYATB Bar, Fine gold and: silverlever, leplne. English French watehes for Un than half vricct. Watches from mt dollar tomehiwdrZiJfjn* each Gold chains from 40 to 50 cents peTdwt cheap. ' ', v " ”*• "*o^ TAKE NOTICE. ■ The highest pomible price is lodned on goods ar sa. than,' PrinHpal EstablUhment, Sixth and Race streets. At least me-third more tw 1 any other establishment in this city. awit t NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH • - *250,000 TOLOAN, In large or small amounts,’ from; one dollar to thousamt. on i diamonds,' gold. and silver plate, watches, jew<S? merchandise, : clothing, fnrnitnre, bedding, pianos, iS goods of every description. i LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET IU Tl , - This establishment has large fire and thief-proof «£ for the safety of valuable goods, together with a privS watchman on the premises. ‘ ' * ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEAS* f&~ All large lorn* made at thit ih,t Prindpalß^. Kt~ Charfftt greatly reduced. AT, PRIVATE SALE. - One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with mettßi ate, eoft.and loud pedals- Price only $9O. __Oite very fine toned pland-forte, price only $5O, SHIFFWG, BRITISH AND NO RTH &**&&*> AMBBIOAK BOYAIi HAIL STBAB. BETWEEN NEW YOIiK AND LIVERPOOL, OAM. ING AT CORK HARBOB BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL CALLING AT HALIFAX AND OOBK HABBOB.*' 800 TIA, Capt. Judkins. IGKINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA] Capt. Lott.’ j ASIA.' Capt. Cook. ARABIA, Capt. Stone. : . EUROPE, Capt. J.Leß* AFRICA, Capt Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Hnlr. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. | NIAGARA, Capt. A. By* AUSTRALASIAN- Thesetorbblb carry aclear whitelight at mast beat green on starboard bow; red oc port bow. ' FBOM HEW YOBK TO litVEBPOOIr. • Chief Cabin Pa55age............. gyjQ Becond Cabin PM5wge..................... gg fBOJTBOBTOH TO iIFEBPOOIi. .Chief Cabin Pa55age...,.......,,5125 Second Cabin Pa55age......... TO AUSTBABASIAN.-leayes N. York, Wednesday, Aug. is. ABA.BIA**••*•••• a do. Boston, Wednesday, Am, 2Q 55rKv5i"......... do. H.York,Wednesday,A*i*l ft. 5H52?A ■*••• dp- Boston,‘Wednesday, Sept 8. f bt¥ IA - ?°* ■ Forfc, Wednesday, Sept. 10. •dy- 4 ,........ do. Boston, Wednesday, Sept If. , Berths not secured until paid for. P T An experienced snrgeon on board. _ ;i ■ _ Tte owdere of these shita will not he accountable for Gold, Silver, BulHon, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or ““***>.b?* B "biUs'ot Jading are sighed therefor,and flu yalne thereof therein expressed. -• For freight or passace apply to K. OWABB, 4 BOWLING GBEEN, New Tot* E. 0. & T, G. BATES, M 3 STATE Street, BoeSn, Or, to jyl4 STEAM WEEKLY TO U a I i lim. TEBPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Harbor.J New York.and Phiit delptiia Btewnship Company intend despatching tfeb foU-powered Clyde-bnilt iron Bteatnships as follows: OITY OFHALTIHOrI 8 "" ‘‘ W vmi N„ Ve S, * H °° D ' BATES OF PASSAGE. FXBBT CABIN......$85.00 STEERAGE........Dm S° 5° £ °“ <ion 6000 do to L0nd0n....86.05 do to Par15..;..,.,95 00 . do to Paris .48.00 do to Hamburg;... 95.00 do to Hamburg. .40 M . Pkssengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter, dmi, Antwerp Ac, at equally low rates. Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, Steerage from Liverpool, fS.S. From Queenßtown, £6.6. Tickets are sold here at tbs their fri ds of exchange »-enabling people to serf for ■ These steamers have superior accommodations &r peg. gengers; are strongly bnilt te water-tight iron sections, and carry Patent Fire Annihliators. Experienced teS geons are attached to each Steamer. (“Jteer taformation, apply in Liverpool to WIL -22 Water Street; in Glasgow to ALEX.MALCOLM, 58t. Enoch Square; in Queen*. & SYMorrR &00 < taLondonto tStwh nvmm’,? King William Street; ip Paris to JULES DEOOUE, 48 Sue Notre Dame Des Victoiree, Placed* la Bourse; in New York to JOHN G. DALE 16 Broadway, or at the Company's Office. . JOHN G. DALE, Agent, Stfll-t3O 111 WALNUT-Stveet. Philadetefala, nets** BOSTON AND PHILA vTiMITI*. DEL PHI A STEAMSHIP LlNE—Saline from each port on SATURDAYS The Steamship NORMAN, (new,) Captain Baker, wfll Ss«^?™ PhUaile,pWo for Boston, on SATURDAY A ’>*’ lBt I 6 ' o’clock; and steamer SAXON, Matthews, from Boston fer Phils iefohia. on SATURDAY, Angnst 16, at 4 P. M. . Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. : • Shippers will please send their bills of Lading via goods. For freight or passage, having fine accommodatku, apply to r HENRY WINSOB & 00., 1?30 .. . 832 SOUTH WHARVES. fcdßv FOR NEW YORK—THIS s^J^® E9PATCH and swnwras LINES—YIA DELAW ARE AND RARITAN OAK Alt Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, si II and 5 F. M. ’ . gor freight,, which will be taken on accommoJ«!Ss terms, apply to WK. M. BAIRD & 00.. myzl-tf ’ IS2 South DELAWARE Aveaaa. FOR NEW YORK. HEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware trf Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express steamboat 0e»- pauy receive freight and leave dally at 2 P. H., deßva tog their cargoes to New York the following day. Freights takes at reasonable rates. / „ . WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHABYES, PhiladelpM*. • JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 and 16 HAST RIPER, New Tort, machinery and ikoit. .pENN’A;^WORKS I : Oe the Delalntte Mver, below Ehfladelphla, CHESTER,. DELAW ABE-CO., PENNSYLTAHIA. REANEY, ..SON, & ARCHBOID, - Engineers and Iron Ship Bnilders, hajjufacttjeebs of alt* kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EHGISM, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanta, Propellers, &0., Ac. THOH. REANEY, W. B. REANEY. SAMI;. ABOHBOLP, Late of Beaney, Neafie, A Co., Late Enginear-ls* Penn’a Worki, Phiiad’a. Chief, U. 8. Kavf. jy22-ly . V:I:Y.".V,"■ 8. SMITH, .. Jim#, QTEAM FITTING. 13 SAMUEL SMITH A OG., STEAM AND GAS FITTERS AND PLUMBSBJi No. 616 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independent* Hall, Philadelphia, are prepared to introduce Appetita for heating Manufactories, Stores, Ohurehes, DwefihWi Greenhouses, Ao.. Ac., by Steam. ' - Apparatus for. Soap and Candle Manufectoriea. Drying Booms for Hotels, Dye Houses; Ao., fitted U a superior manner , l Awning Posts and Frames furnished and put np. Water introduced through Galvanized Tubes. Plumbing in ail its branches. ¥ Galvanized Tubes for Cemetery Lots. AH kinds of work connected with Steam, Water, (f ■Gas.. - , > Have for sale.Yalvei Ctmta, Tubes, Fittings, Ae. Agents for Worthtegton’s’Steath Pomps..: jy4-2m i- Ti.UBH.Ur HK**ICX, WttMAM H. VIUZOK. [! " JOB* H. OOP*. ■ QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, KJ m FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBISTIt , rHILADKLPHIA. :' MEBBIOK A SONS, SNGINBEBS AND MAOBimSTS, Manufacture High end Lew Pressure Steam Engirtl! for land, river, and marine service. ? Betters, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boat®, Ao.; Olfr Inge of ailklnde, either. Iron or broas. - i Iron-Frame. Bco& for Gas Works, Workshops, EaS road Stations, &o. Betortaand. Gas Machinery of the lstesi and ooe improved oonEtrnctioo. ’ . Every description of Plantation Machinery, guth M Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open St* l * Trains,Defecators, Patera, Pumping Hagtaes, ‘Ac.’ Bole Agent# for N. Billiani’s Patent Sugar Be®« Apparatus: Heamyth’s Patent' Steam Hammer, and AS* plnwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Bratob* Machine • • V - -anS-H -PESnsr:steam engihi -SaSSigS. AND BOXLEB WOBK3.—NEAFIB * LEVY,; PBAOTIOAL AND THEORETICAL ESSL NB3EBB, MACHINISTS,BOILEB-MAKEBS, BLAOR BMETHSi and FOUNDEBB, having, for. many ye««i been in successful operation, and bean exdnrivelf so* gaged in' building and repairing Marino and JUver Be gins®, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water TanSh Propellers, Ac;, Ac., respectfully offer their taarvteM t® the public, as being fully. prepared teeentraot for So*, gines of all sizes, Marine, Biver, and Stationary, horinS sets'of.patternsjjf different'sizes, are*prepared toert* onto orderswith anick deapatoh. Evfery■ description pattern-making made At the 'shortest notice., High *»* Low-pressure, Blue, Tabular, and Cylinder Betters, » fee best Pennsylvania charcoal iron; Forgings, of » sizes hod kinds; Iron ahdi Brass Castings, of sdl descrip Sons;'Boll Turning, Screw-Ofittin*. and attother woi* connected with the'above bhslneas. • TV- Drawings and Specifications for att work done at tb# establlahmehb'freeef charge, and work guarantied. - The’ subscribers Have ample wharf-dock room for W" P&irsof boats; where they can lie In perfect safety, «* are provided with shears, Mocks, falls, Ae., As., for rew tag heavy er light weights. ‘ ■ - ■ • JACOB C. MRAJT*, JOHN P. LEVY, Jel4-tf -BEACH and PALMKB Streets-^. MORGAN,! ? GO., STEAM* VtNGINE i BTULDEBS, Iron Founders, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 OAIr LOWHILL Street. Philadelphia- MB-W tjjH ‘‘T B? 0 MS O N’S lONPOS Si KITOHBNEH-”—We are now mannfootmW “THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER % EUBGPEAN - BANGE,suitable for large and families, hotels, hospitals, and other : pnbllo instittin 0 ” In great variety.-. Alio,'Portable Bangee, the ‘‘ phla BahgV’ Gas 'OvenSjßath Boilers, and Oast-W® Sinks, together with o'great variety of small and Ur»\ sized. Hot-air -Furnace*,’ Portable Heaters, Flre-W*" Stoves, Low-down Grates, &o. Wholesale and Betail om,r at onr Warerooms. 4 . HOBTHyOHASB, A NOBTH, N0.’ 209 North SECOND Street, leß-8m • ' four doors above BaomsS**n ■prEOKEB’S AND FAHNESTOCK’S JL-L FABINA constantly received fresh by .il:-. :• BHODES A WILLIAMS, 3ylB .. r-.;'.- ‘ No. 107 Booth WATER Strega ■YfU T S . Aliffids,? GreaßLNuMl JLV Grenoble Nuts, Bordeaux Walnuts, Pea Nuts, * berte, Pecan Nnts, In *qgt**m* wW*L. jylt 101 South WATEB Stf® 8 ”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers