„„ j,. r.tVi Vermont fc j jjliM’ A- y,, r ,„riiit. j .ufu*- A « “•'’ r f.,,, Perniont. a II f J, h V rm nt. g-'.T’p'iKwY.k. ?.C | « ,I, i wu, N** * •Ik *■ 1f,,; b. 4i»i> No »’ ~rk: A, Sn'*’. i a»i V«rmo r t# *?«?&* •**"■* > l,s ' h-IS W V-tUHint. C. Bul ‘^’.„ r , H, 3' Vwtnont. I. o ,ll ' , 'ii j 31. t Ne* Turk. J u „‘ s if r VE. 3l#t N«*w Yurfc. 31. , ji a, Vorm uf. |t ioiilin, a, St N. w/. rwf. rr»M> A lit fc e*/‘ r *r (Wfl 6 a, 2d (*•■<* Jfli«*r «. v *° ■£* A -1"* M*r»l*uil B.tterjr. M llli""' b “, u, 0,, Nt** 1 r IW 7',\, t-t Mar> »nd Buttery, 9 i m iu!oK- K '' Al *"*? - «, at tie* ■lil't' . * ,n rifA«. r. 2 l»ew Jt*r*r. ■■ ?,))•* u. 2d New t P , T r 'l“ ee ' lst whw(ii.«l„ B.ttory, A' D ', 'r 2J Uul <*> »«»««• T, , n, &i llunert S« •'«- lulantrr. {I a 1" 1 ’ “u, 2.' UniM «»t , luU.t, y. A. 1* 2, Uuitr.d »t»'cA I 'milry, J. 1-iN.w J r»u Bn'Ui-y. i W U«Wf7. A. i, ;* ",’ (, lrt N"* JmW" HAtwry. 0*• ®"‘.JJI O, 1-1 Nt.w J>TB* y B-» twy. Vm- c ‘vL ~ lft wJ- bw B.itiery. F Blfft' u 2l re. l-« > Battery. J»S\- a i-t Wirciusiu Battery* Ir sell, M>« V ' T,M ’'"SV?,tbi.u, U, 6'* l Vnm-mt f R Bol'lt)’*™' *• * York. rri " U6 .. hV " r " i * n Witter, 0 40th Pfßimyl**ai». J- K'V>, <l, *< Ve.tum.t, , . S'i" Vhukiil , f'll, BuitirfirW. L *• VrrmoDt ■ A K. liHrrloulon. 0, 2.. Vrrin.mfc , ,'a Htr-rr. B,'((i V-raiotit. y B IVKOH. 0 ' 2 ” Vb u,u, t o H Oilman B. 2« Yann-.nfc ?' proaiou. K- dflth Now York. ■ 1 iepIM.B. 2- Viruimu., P rolsnn. B, 2i Ye.n.on* ff 8 flumptroy, 8,20 Vermont. A B. Uuitnr. I 2d v«ru.m.t S A.MWHU. Vh.to ne, Mo'fiosf- c ' Blh Voruioat. AJfna.A.tiUiVe.mool n R (lie- It. 2n Ve,ul I,c H 11.".c0n, B, 2i Veimout. y' n Cbbff, ll i2d ' 0 o-UUt. i y Blurdtoa, A, 0 U Y raiodt, ti 0 d, »,U n Y-rmout. j I, Buiko, 1 'tli Mttn o. t H Uirnbfr, 11 2d Yormoiit. u- II Dotcai . A Fdi B. T,t\y (jiifvHvtcS. fit, 7tn ue. 1 Bhoe. K, 33d Nt« Vo k. T Batch, H-ntenaut, 0,3 MioW*»n. j,E Bum U.H. O' l Vrrmuut. n Dbto*. 1 1 . 6'h Vrr.noi.t. t),'Menll,l.Ot i Yeimout. ; W t JJrneiJ’ 11 Veftoont. . 0 W Berßom, atru-ntit, B, let N»w Jerwy. o,'Bell, l',t»tN.tr *r««y. _■■ ■ B. F.TBO 11 B, Ift * u 3 "rß«y. O Pftyna, It. 6 h Vermont B, SkMe, H lat New Joraey. ,J Elltingham. sirtaKit, «■ l" 1 Now Jersey. I. J. Foster, B, lat <r Jermy A, H. Beath, E, 6'.n M*i'« /. Henry Heaton, G. G.ti 1 eruiont. p, Liebrlih J, »«> be- J reoy. TTw. Bible*, I. ®h «»!'<■ Lorenzo 1 n«nII 0 S H.*me. D. Hariz, D, 2Uto Hew Vink . a.Bl»3eiigan, K. 2(lm hew Vork. J B, Horn, sergeant, I, 49ih PnmuylVOllia, / L Peahoey- B ‘ ®'b dnine. Ed. Pffon, P, 6m Verromit. Frtd, Hutu. t’i 2dth Ntw York. A.S»«b.V^i“ wY ', rR j,, H.<' »■ G. “ h Yerun ot O.Fanda, wew, BS, 33d Vow York. j.ub.M' E.*3.1 New Vo k JriA VEIUa, F 33d New York. J. oii.es, B Blit Matno E H'leelcr. 0, Oth Mai"o Ytiiuotye. . y. PBttr«, Di Kow Tork. x L. Bictiasdion* B. 6*-h V*»mou«» A. Berry, E 6tli V^iuou*. J.O. BttVif, H.etii V*rtuont . C, Dwlingtti E» 20th York. OeLatiwip, P.‘2o«hK S. Cooper, f, 2d New / •C. Browt-r. I- wt H»-w Jen>ey« . * D, iJ. 2d TJ» iud S »hi Artiuerr, C, H. OaiufltM, 0,2 d N** J-rnjy. Ij* I>, tJiiiieit Stu.ew J.A. Buri»f» D, United Bt«t*-rt It.U'ltrr. J,B, Knigh j corporal. \\ 3d New J-.ts, j* H. Lftngley- A, lat Wmco* bu 11 »»*+•*s« J, lat Wiawntfn lSaiury. H, ChtntL'h ct.rpora>, / , lat Aleiryftitid Battery* 0, A s Ist MT>laad Batirry- J W, 0, l*t Ntw Jersey. W. Cbarba'-b, oorporal 0, let New Jersey. T. BoUi C, Ist Nt-w Jt-rEU^r F. Anderann, B f 2* New J-raey* G. B, lat New Jrr»ey. 1 HowelJ, B, 2a New Jnr>o*. % DctUd, pt-p* ri»l,-ll 1 t New Jersey* *r*s g. Xmk B, Ist Ne» Jhb»v, A, Ist NrW Jersey Battery* L, Paris, B. 3-t Yeraioi't C. CU«u>r ■, F, Ist N» w Jetsey. J.F Kfetl>, i\ si Ve tuuiit B. Flergo* *, DO Vtra.oat. H. Darner, *, 3d VeTtnent. J,H,Howard, A, lnt ftt*’yl*nd. j 81. Djckt ru au* Q, 3d Vtricout* H Lecxo, B f 8d Vermopt. H, Laptop, hi 3d Ne* J rg^y, B. Bui ivfto, A,-3 j New Jersey. J, A. MUcbell. A. 10tl» New York. •D t Boulitun G 16th New Y«»rA. G. White, A. 16« b New Yo*k* G.A.BpriDg t c'irptirtt',G 27tb NttwTork. h, Loyerii.g, 1) 16th New Y‘»»k. W, H. Coe, G, 27ih New y<irh A. W. Tompkluu, D. 16rb New York. C, O’B&r.dy, coreor»l. If 27 b New York. J, B. D 27t0 N»*w York* •W. Borke, JB, 26« h New Y-rk. W. B- Bails, l- t 2*th New Y rk. K- ff. Bml, D, 27 tn New York* ¥. Sbatnpisae, E, 16 h fc ew Yoik, S. Mytr, K, Ifkb New Yoib. J.Bigelow, **,loth New Y*nk B, Uorhla, lieuteuant. 0, 16 h New York. G Oorblu, sergt tint, 0* New York* B. A, 16»h Yoik S. M BobineoUi 1,10!b NtwYork. Wm.Cox,K,-f6'h N*w Toik. J. Taylor, K 72d Nm? Y. m. S. Thom, B. 2-76 h Ntw Yo k G. Ma*on. K, 27ti New York. C. C. 27*b New Yoik Wm McDonald, T. 27tb York. J. Dotfy, F, 27th New York* B, 0. Jenny* B, Uth Vertno^t. D. H, Coon, 1, 6ih Verimmt, B. W.K»w,fh 6th Vennoat* A* Cbapm, C, 6 b Vermopt A. HoHrOdk, t,\ fi'h Vermont. J. Can, R, 6tb Y^rroor't J, H, Sieiawtnt, C, 6th Vermont. J. Y. Gaoeot', G- sth Ye»moiit. * •B B.YYolfe, A, 2d Vermont.'' W W. WifVb*m, B, 6»h Y'ermont. W. O. Guddel}, A. fob Vtr mint* C. W. B’ocdrtnM, D, 6th Y f eriaioiit. - J. W. Sleeper, P sfhYVnuout, R H TbOPi<». B, sth Vermont* L. Plankey, F, o*li Vt rmotjt. D. 1 laeonelt, K. 5 h Vermont* J. W. Wade. K, orh Verniout* 'J Tlbbetla, o,s’h Yermoat. D. B. Hoar, B 7th Maine L L Lanborn, B. flt»i Vermont* 8. D Bdtier, A,-6th Yeiinoofe. J. PriDdln, B, 49 h New York. H. M, Fr)fia’d, B, 6tb Vermont. J. D. Parnienfei, G, stb Vermont J. M, Ocmafi rd. 11. 6tb Vermont* 8. H. Piogi, A. 49'h New York* 0, A. White, K, 21 Vermont. L. A. Biowe. &, 2 ‘ Vermont. B. WlHett, A, 6 ? h Vermont. J. Murphy, B, 6tn Vernumt O. Montgomery, 8. sth Vermont, M. F Hood, E 2 i Vermont. H. Silver, B. 6th Vermont. A.YV Tirnli, G, *2d Vermos t. L W Br.stol K, 2d Vermont. y* H Calmer. K. 2i Vermont, t J V’rigb*, K, 2 s Veruiout. J.B. Mor at, K* 2.1 V*rra«nt. J. Hoveudon, E, 2 r i Vermont* i?* ?n* UB^u » 2d Vermont, EHmouAHorg l am, E, lot New Jeriey* * ajiliMm. . P. Woolbridge, 0. 33d Haw Yoik, J. 8, Cauly, G. lat Now Jersey. A. D. Field, B, 6tb Maine. E, Page, F, Ivt New Jtraey. L, Nelsbner, I 20tb New York. ft.Barbgeme, K* 2Uib New Yi.rk, B. Downto, F, 6tb Vermont. B. F* Eoslow, 1,49 ch PeuDHylvanin. 2* “6«er, H. 20th Now York, Sayward, A, 6tb Maine. B. McCabe, O r Otb Maine. S. G Sergeant, corp .m), A, 6th Vermont. J* Quigley* 0, lot New Jersey. f. C’osser, F, 20th New Yorb. H. Satorion, E. 20:b New York. -J.TueU, V, Btti ttaine. S? A BlhrbiTi, tJ, ath Maine. | A. F*. French*-K 5 h Vermont. I D, Lime, 0, 6 h Vermont. Nelson Prior, I 6tb Vermont. JLlLKluibaU K, 6fch Vermont. W, Beusnr, 0, 6th Vermont. J. Borland, K 6;b Vermont. H. W, Ciih y, H. 6tb Vermoot M, 0, Marlin, B, G»h Vermont. V. Myer, corporal, B, 20*b New York. E. 8. Dale#, I, nth Vermont. B. W. Bogera, K, 6th Vermont. L, E Sergeant, G, ‘3d Vermont* A* Fork, K, 3J Vermot-t. v, A. Barker. G* 3d Vermont, •J. Giaea, Q, n t | Vermont J. Percill, B, 49th New York* ■v. 8. VabderhofT, ft, 2d Vermont. D. B. Dorlon, A. &tli Vtrmont. a. Geierd, A, slb Vermont, J. Yracy, A, 6th Vermont, v. K, Young, F, sth Vermont. D. Sprsgne, B, 2d Vermont. G. HUI, K, I9ih Now York. J. Cbobert, G, 49th New York, Oi W. Mcore. H, 2d Vermont. A, W, Paris, £l, 2d Vermont. D. D. Campbell, G, 6th Vermont. B* L. Maun, lifut, F, 7*b Maine* J, G Butler* iieut, A, 7th Maine. F» Wile d, G, fith Vermont. •w* 8. Ouubiaon. corporal, F, 2d Vermont. .y, VT Thatcher, Bv 33d New York, C* P. Lr pra, F, 2d New York. V; Wade, F, lo New York. M. Boberta, 0,33 d New York* i’ Webb, K* 16th New York. 1 ; Bhank, K, 16th New York. H. Leet®, u, 10 b New York. L* G Mark, K, 16rfa New York, g* W, Strong, If, 16th Now York. T, Hurd, B,i6thNßw York. A. Hide, G, 16th New York* 0. Bldridgo, H* 16th New York. J. Goodrich* B, 16th New York. ■ A L. fltewait, I lflth New York* J. A. Coop, H, 16ih New York E. B. Smith, B, 16th New York, A. Jordanoii, K.ldth New York. 1} Ketchom, K, 16»h New York, f* W Bertore, B, 16th New York. M. Mlizier, 0, 20th New York. W. Aldrich, K. 3d Vermont. J»B Putnam, B, 16th New York. 0. F. o alter, A, 33d New York. Sibley, K. 2d Vermont* . A. Severt, B, New York* Wright 0, 4fith New York. £*B. BUiott, K., 6th Vermont* 8. Mt'ler, D. 33d New York. . _ . _ B-|BiehaidßOD, band, 33d New York. ' Total 852. Dr. M. Buer, brigade surgeon, was In charge of the YHK FOItLOWIKG IS THE LIST OY SICK ON BOARD THU STKAMBR STATH OF UAINg, P. Mosley, A, 32d Now York. Michael Kenedy, I, 32d New York. George Benuon, A, 32d New York. Patrick Loona* K, 32d Hew York. James F. Gallon* B, 95th ) ennsylvanla. S.D,Bntfl«, K,B2d New Tork. W- a. Murphy, 0,85 th Fennajlrunla. IhoiuH f. Dunham, H, 95th Penna)lT.niBL Oorjor*! J, F.'Qaller, H, 85th Peanaylrunla. Chwleg Butler, A, «th PenmylTUulfc M.°n‘ D .°S: ?• 6,h Hampshire. ®lch«l Moh.D, F, isth Poun.ylTania, ui a Vj®* l /’ 96,11 p< u>n*ylT»nlfc w. B ohrutlun, X, 13th H.w fork. to«oQore Blgbtenhouu, 1,95 th FonniylTtualo. fc* ?°£ obi, ' u ' a > 96‘h P»»n«i™X awj.min E. Wldd«, B, 96th P»un.yWsul». c ' 98Ul P«>nByl.»nlfc Winters, 0.981 h PBim>yWsnl.. .!??' Mo °r, Q, 95th Penn.rlTunl*. if B *rrlghan. E, 96th PeosaylTanlu, “ u ' B »*ker, C, 95th Penneylrnaia, Geo Loon, D, 82d New Turk, j IX. Hell, V, 32rt N<*w York. 3, w, Waldorf, D, 32d New York* W. F. Freeman, B. 32a He* York, p McFlu, D 32d New \ork. G. Gogoitu K 32d New York. 8, Sconton, E, 18 1 h New York. WilHau Williams. F, 95th Pennsylvania. j\ Martin, F, 32d New fork. E, Cardrv. K, 32d New York Jos. V. Petermau, band, 95 h Pennsylvania. •" Go-rge Pypher, H.32* New Yo k. B, Gaidt. I«, frStb Pet ns* Jvania. M. Carl, E, 96th Pennsylvaaa 0. Flsh+r, K, 95th Pt-uus) Iraida* N Pobbioe, ll* 18ib New Y rk. K. Biddinger, G, 31st New York. J. Tbomysoij, A, S 3 Kt New York J. Welsh, D, Slat Ne v York. J. B. uenditcfe F. 49th Pennsylvania, J. FraS‘l E. 49-h Pent aytvama. James Wilson, G, 49th Penusylvauia, Tlucdore Rico, 1, 49rb Penu-ylvaoia. Stephen Snider, D, 49th PeunßyEv«n(a, Thomas Foss, A. 49th Pennsylvania. J 11. Binder, 1,49 b, Pennsvlvuuia. 0 rporal Q, G. Beder, 1, 49 h BeutisfWaiilii At. li. Kmdzicly I, 49iii Penns) Ivaula. L. Blnfoul, O, 49tn Pennsylvania. II Uersohil, K, 49th PttittM lmuia> H. O’Btitn, E, 434 New York. J. B. liameu, D 49ih Pfiiuaylvsnia. Thomas Whitehead. K, 49h Pennsylvania. Jffteplißobius, H, 49ih Ptunfylvauia. Martin Williams. «, 43d New York. Milo Batts, B, 43d hew Yo<k. James Maguire, A, 48rt Now York. J, Van Duien, B» *3d New Yo>k. E Campbell, <l, 434 N«-w York. William Ddacej, B. 43d New York. Charles Castle, A, 43i New York. J. Mcßormot, D, 43d New York. W. Thompson, E 43d New York, WiillaiD Bally, B, 43d New York. Charles Irons, 0,43 d New Yoik. Geo. A.Browneb, l>. 3d Vermont A. Bake, D, sth Pennsylvania Reserves, Thos. Bobs, E, stb Pennsylvania Reserves. W. S. Megt&rgv, C. 6ih Penn*>lvaoU Re-^rvAS. Anderson Stuart. G. sth Peunsylvanla Rrsorves. J< hn Marroit. B, sth PtmutMvaoiA jtq* «rves. John Pall. K, 6th PenusyWiu.ift Reserves* DanielSodit gar, A, 95th PeDnH>ivftaia. Thomas Oa>nea. A, 95 h Penns:. Ivama. Leonard Kecbum, G, 31*t New York. Wm. Van Patton, H» Slat New .York. Harris Coleman, C, Slit No* York. John Contain*, D, Slat New York, Morgan Mann B Slsi N«w fork. F. Crwiar, F, Slßt New Yoik. . Patrick.Gobner, B, 3Ut New York. James Batterer* D, 31st New York. John GloOfOD, D, 31« t Now Y.-rk, John Mentor, D, 31st Now York. Adolph Cook, F, 8m New York Patrick Fancy, B, 3ist New York. Wm Smith, B 31st New York. Edward Carotber, B. Slbt New York. Tbos, Mftbr, B, Slst New lorfc Patrick Tranny, B, 3lat.New York. Jas. Johnson, A. 3*st New York. Thos. MaMaunuß, A, 31s*. Now York. Dan!, Funtftßsal, 0,31&t New York. Clayton B&niop, 0,3 let New York. George Watson, G. 3«st Ne»» York, James Mohan, R. 3lst New York. Jamcß Boosy, G, 31at New fork, James Murphy, sergeant, G 31st New York. John Brooker, G, Slst New York. FrcdericbßutaS'eta. E, 31*t New York. Harry Leioy, A, 430 New 1 ork. Carloß Miller, E, 43d New York. G. W. Hallau, A, Ist Pennsylvania Reserves. Lewis Harrj, F, 49th Peuns\ Ivania, B* B. Brown, F, 49th Pennsylvania. John Nellly, C, 4Sd New York Passmore Hoops, A t Ist Pennsylvania Reserves* Fdtrick Oarlile, D, 43d New Yo k. Daniel Greenlow. F, 1-t Peuusvivania Reserves. L. Brautou, A, Ist Fennsuvania R-srivet). Jas* Backet, E> Pflansylvanla Reserves. Geo. M Gordon, K, 18 h New Yore. Perry Fault, K, 18th New York. Snrnutl HodgeMnp. K., 18th Now York. Dauiel Pcarcy, E 7tb Maine. Geo. Gero, E, 7th Maine Derius Greeolow, I, 7th Maine. John F. Fohn, 0, ftn M^iue. 8. 8. Kimball, A, 7tn Maine* A- J. Kimball, A, 7th Maine. A. JWbitmoon, R* 7th Maine. Thomas Regers. B, 7th Maine. F. 0. Hancock, 0, 7th Maine. Capin Jobnßon, A# 7th *taine. Marlin Dunlap, D. 7tn Maine. 8 8. Racklie, A, 7th Maiue. Wanvn Gray, C» 7th Mame Ramnel B. YVcbster, E, 7th Maine. J, W. Alien, Maiue N. H. Thompson, F. 7>b Maine. S. H. F.ick, D, 7th M*i»*e G. M. Maxwell, D. 7th Maine. G. H. Grover, C, 7to Mu no. E. A. Emery, E. 7-b Maine, N. 8. Sbepbtnl, E, 7th Maine. J. K. Proctor, G, 7th Maine Lieut. 8 M. Btiolz, F. 7m Maine. B. T. Vanan 1 * B, 7ih Maine.. C. H. Docbert, 0, 7ih Maine. H H. Small, D,7ib Maiue. E. P. Hines, I-7th Maine.x W. G. Lyneman, D, 7th Maine. • Bernard Acddy. 0, 95th Pt-nuaylvania. gergt. M»j. H. B. St*li, C.lBtn New York. • Cbts. Lecompt, D. 18th New York, M. F. Gammon, D, 3i»tN«w York. 8. 0. Wereel, G, 31st York. H. Cowen. 0, 31st New York. Jaa Mad ill, K, 18ih New York. David Henueusee I,lBth New York. Bernard Foy.T, 28th New York. J Obrion, G,lBfb New York Henry Dnmar, B. 3Ut Now York. Wm. Grafz. I, 31et New York. Ohas. R. Wtber, G, 31st New York. Thos. H Mamtn. B. 31st New York. Henry Goldbamer. F, 31st New York. Patrick Harvey, D 81st New York. Fredorick 11ie.% E, Slat New York. H. Weber, 0, 31tt New York. . Ilberfc Oldland, E, 31bt New York. Stephen WHteman. C, Slat Ntw York. Samuel Taylcr I. sth Pennsylvania Reaeryes. James Jackson, C, stb Pennsylvania R« y-rves. Geo. Hawthorne, B, sth Pe. nsylv/nla Reserves. F. A Potts, IC, 6th Poensylvauia Reserves. Peter FlixenhiseD, Cooper’s Battery, Pa. Barnet Gunars, A, 28th New lork. L B. Kimball. B, 2d New Jersey. • Stephen Cochrane; K. 2d New Jersey, Jas. A. Thayer, G. 2d New Jersey. Thos. J. Gouts, A. 2d New Jeraey. Geo. Stu’s, B, 2d New Jorwy Wm. Macdeiinit, 0 2d New Jersey. Henry Mushing. D 2d New Jersey, M*rk li. Roe, D, 2d New Jersey. Chester Dexter, fl, 6lb ftlaioo. Ch&s. Sheppard, H, 6th Maine. Chas. Eammon, F, 6th Maine. J a. Bolaneber,, C, 6th Maine. Samuel 51«ddox, D. 6th Maine, Daniel H&koweU, K, 6th Maine. Samuel Mulholl&nd, K, Cth Maine. Geo. Country, B, 2d New Bampsbire. Jaa. Eibbtri- F, 6 ( h Maine Pnrml £. Moor. B, 6th Maine, W. Miller, D, 4&th Pennt>>lv«nfa. J. A. Brown, G, 49th Pennsilvania. Wm Rubol, I, SOrfa New York. Frank Campbell, G, 6ih Maiue. J. E. Hathaway, 0,6 sh Mulno. Frederick Mast, T. 20ih New York. Frederick iVeissj G, 20th New fork. Sergt Jas Filiald, E 20th New York; John Well. I, ,20th N»w York. Adolphus Smith, P. 20th New York. Ohristian Emmerweller, F, 20th New York. L Hegdmaer, K, 20th New York. Wm. Kimball, F, 3d Vermont. Daniel Webster, D, 31 Vermont. Wm. Cokell, D, Vermont. Peter Borger £L 3d Vermont. Valentine Weartz, 0,3 d Vermont. Thos. Sawyer, au&’t surgeon, 43d New York. A. Watte, B, 95th Pennsylvania. Joßephßnrts, I, 43d New York. C.Ventasel, H, 32d New York. W. Leroy, E,32J New York. F. Bmnol, A, 321 New York. C. D. Moibairoy, D, 18th Now York. F. Carman, H» 18th New York. J. M. Brown, D,lBth New York. D. Cssey, A, 31st New York. A. Bass, E, 32d New York. George Vetter, B. 32d New York. B. 8. Acker, E, 18th New York. *' H. F. Fisher, F, 18tb New York. J. 0. Vist. F, 31st New York. J. Fox, F, 3let Now York. John Foxon, I,lBth New York. \ F. Gillen, 0,32 d New York. Charles Nactir, C, 31st New York. M, Harsh, 0,31 at New York. Robert Bnson, A, 18th Now York. Thomas Galbraith, A, 95tn Pennsylvania. Thomas Harrigan, I,lBtb New York. O Woodruff, K, 95th P'nnaytvanla* Wm. BnlkJoy, B, 3lst New York. • G. Issse, sergeant, G, 18th New York. L. Krsnor, G, 18th New York A. Groom, corporal G, 18th New York. James Moody, F* 18 h New York. Charles Snyder, I,lBth New York. Daniel Mackintoe. I,lBtb New York. William Hokirk,’!, 18th New York. Jacob Tacy, B, 95th Ponzjpilvama, W. Stewart, H, 18th New York. J. McAllister, o,lBth New fork. Wm. Snell, H, 18th New York. Wm. Boat, G, 95th Pemisylvania. J. Silmo, K, 18tb New York. Patrick Hyland. G 31st New York. Samuel Harris,'H, 3lst New York. Henry Campbell, A, Slat New York. i Ariest Neiland, F, Slst New York. Henry Barrirg, E, Slst New York. Hammond Horner, F, 31st New York. John Meon, 0, 31st New York. Jacob Fulmer. F, 31st New York. James Whit ock, B, Ist New Jersey. A. Hull, G. Slat Now York. John Neßbitt, B, 3lvt New York. James Whitson, I, 3tat New York.' 8. Ricker, corporal, D, Ist New Jersey. 8. W. StebbiDf*. D, Ist New Jersey. E. Donnelly, H, Ist New Jersey. Geo. Fawkes, I,lst New Jersey. G. J. Kipp, X, lrt New Jersey. A. Straderman, K, Ist New Jersey. "W. W. Allen, cm-porti, a. Ist New Jersey. . G Seibert, G, Ist New Jenor. Wm. Morrow, B- Ist New Jersey. James Balt), A, Ist New Jersey. W. D. Borhoss- B, Ist New Jersey. George Bwan, F, Ist New Jersey. James McLaughlin, A-Ist New Jersey. 8. Wbiltonberg, o,lst New Jersey. Henry Delong, C Ist New Jersey. W. 8. Morrill, D, Ist New Jersey. Jas B. Vaudike, I,lst New Jersey. John B. Sims, I,lst New Jersey. James During, E, 32d New York. W 8. Davis, G. Ist New Jersey. Jami-B Prince, B, Ist New Jersey. G. M. Bice, oorpdrai, K 3d Vermont. F. D. Sturdevant, B, 2d Now Jersey. John Coliborn, K, 2d New Jersey. William Platt B, 95th Pennrylvanla. Charles Borland, D, 961 b Pennsylvania. Thomas M. Rankin. F, 18th New York* Victor Snyder, o,lBth New York. P. C. G Icon, K, 2d New Jersey. Daniel McNaire, G, 2d New Jersey, Thomas E'wig. 2d New Jersey. Jacob Shaffer, D, 2d N« w Jersey. frank Spitz; D, 2-1 N«w Jersey dward McCr.rroack. 0,2 d New Jersey. A. Norcroea, H, 21 N«w Jersey. W. B Fonrorc, G. 2d New Jersey. James Ftidback. B. 24 New Jersey, J. B. aters, A. 2d New Jersey. John Arbogast. E, 49th Pennsylvania. ; W. F. Boyer, H. 6tli Maine. I John WatfciPf, E. 49ih Pennsylvania, l Emannol Otto, K, 49. h Poansylvania. | Sergt. Thomas McDonnald, E, 49th Pennsylvania. | NUMBER OK DEATHS ONBOARD STEAMXIt STATB OF UAlttK, 7TII AUGUST,. A. D Heoric MeisUmj. D, 2d New Jersey. Newark. Jorah Bices, I» 2d Maine, Gardner, Mas?. The State of Maine left Philadelphia Thnrwlay, Au gust 2; at Fcrtr* ml* onroo took on board 1 040 prison ers from the sUarmhtp Merrimac from Fort Delaware) carried them up *o Aifeen’s Bandiog, twelve nill-s below Bicbmond, ana brought down a thousand Union pri soners (part of thiriy*flve hundred exchanged) to Har rison's Landing; then took her present load of 802 Bick and wounded Tor Philadelphia. ■ ■ ' The officers of the'EUteof Maine are H. li. w:-Bur rilt, surgeon in charge: W. B. Bantee, cadet, assistant 5 Henry P. Oook, hospital Bteward. Three very efficient female nprse b, Uiu H. Preston, Miss M. Syder, MiasO. P. Jones, with twenty male nurses. Boat Bade on the Schuylkill.— The boßt race to come off on the Schuylkill on Wednos day la beginning to attract con elder able attention. The .partial pitted mshinet each other are Joshna Ward, of Now York, and Jamrs Hammlli, of Pitbibnrg. The first race will he three miles on Wednesday* and five miles on .Tlratldayy for a trareoof §5OO. To-day arrangements will be undo to place boars in the river, above the Oo lumbil Bridge- The boats are thirty feet. long, fifteen inches wide, and wiigh forty nounds eaob. This race will be a great novelty to onr cutietra, and many will no doubt crowd tbo banka of the rtver to witness it. Patriotic Invitation.—The Union Volunteer Brireebment Committee have extended an ' Invitation to aU ibe roldiera who, may leavexhta city for the eeatof war to taka a parting meal At their »»lonn, toot of Washington Btroet. The new extenriong tothu ■aloon enable the eommitteo toaccommodateawnote regiment at odo time, and, a* the new regiments from the Rest will noon begin to arrive, it ie expected that the committee will arcn be bn«y at ite good workageinin : giving foe brave defenders of onr Sag a real Philadelphia welcome. \ ' FINANCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL. THE MONfcY MAHKET. PHILADKLrntA, L ugast S, 1862 The Bupp'y of money is getting to be exc~s*ire, end capitalists at eat a lore bow to invert it The leading bonwe ere re'neing money at even 4 tier cm on call Tbo Government must be the recipient *f a large portion of this money; to support the. Goveroroeut ia to enpp rt tbe institutions dependent noon it. Theae aie many and various; and there ia no hatter way of invetting motioy than putting it into the 1881 Bines. Gold op ned at an advance this rooming, hut noon declined to 112, at which figure it remained during the day. The market was inactive and rather weak. . ilver was in de nunil at IL7||*loB bid. Old demands were very active at ad vanctd prices; Ks)ecrlOe); wai'freely pud, wiihayerv short marly. There was bnt one «es don of the Board of Brokers to-day, at which prices were well euetslned, and considerable activity was manifest. (Jolted States seven-thirties brought 103 k ; 9f>% was bid for sixes of 1881. State fives c osod at 87JJ; nncbange City sixre, ttrw, brought 101; old. 96. Lehigh Valley sixes brought 103Jf. North Pennsylvania sixes 17 ;at advance of t. lending sixes of 1888 were firm V 84 X ; an advance. Schuylkill Navigation sixes of a 862 declined )£. Long Island Railroad was firm at 17. north Pennsylvania at 9)4.; an advance of %. Little Schnyfkill broughtl6)4. Penns] Ivania 47. ftp* nee and Pine 12)4 ; an advance of H- Green and Coates 34Second and Third 64; an advance of 1. Broxel & Co. quote: • - New York exchang0...................Par to 1-10 pre. Boston exchange., “ to 1-10 era, Baltimore exchange.. par to % d'S, Oonntry fnnds.. % to J( dts. G01d..... 12)4 to 15j; pre. Olddemand Treasury n0te5. ......v.. .105)4 to 108 One-j ear certificates....... 99 to 9 i)( Tire-following is a cotnpwatlve statrmeat of the im ports of foreign dry gnodß at New York for the week ending August 7 and sine- January 1: For the week. 1860. JB6l. 1862.'’ Entered at the port. ..$2,627,569 5"4 567 2,020 046. Thi own on market... 2,771.676 388,760 1,767,216 Since Jan. 1. • . Entered at tbe p0rt...65.900.248 32 070,113 .82 205.810 Thrown on market...6s 816,463 29.808.067 36 876 312 The statements of the banks of the three principal cities of the Union to Jttly 27th compare with the previons one, and.the corresponding time of 1861, as follows: Loans. ' Deposits specie Civcnlat'n. N. Y. .$150,517,814 $137,112,997 $3 t. 032 490 #9.3 4 863 Boston. 86 856,729 27.305 402 7,<“66.702 A 633.82 < Phila.. 53,g17.900 24.658.289 6.660.187 5.026 WO T0ta1.5250,872.473 80 806,924 47,«49 379 20,975 660 Lgtwk. 249,320,462 83.890.284 46 208.059 2n,«13.050 L,yeßr. 197,233,895 V. 5,373.409 69, ,86,124 7:161.763 The following are tbo receipts of the Bnciuehanna Cenai to Augu-r3,1862 ,$76.f81 82 game time in 1861., ..32 337 69 Increase to date....,,. ...,....$44,347 13 Philadelphia Steele Exchange Salsa, Aug,' 9. (Deported by S. E. Bi,ArMAKB*. Phil a. Exchange.! FIBST BOARD 900 Oity 6s New...lot 1000 % 651886.2iya...8i!< 300 do 96 1000 do do ..8454 100 L. Taland R 17 400 Penna 65..,,.,.87 SON. Pa B. bswn. ..9}( 600 do .........87 50 8. A P. It.. 12)4 12 000 do VfiJJ 16 L. Bcuyl. R......16)4 1001 S.N 6s 1882... 6 2(00 L. Yal. 65......103)4 | 2100 do do ..es* 80(0 North Pa 6s 77 - 9 G. & O. R...,..34« 2060 do .. cash. 77 160 U S 730 Troas. 4 Penna. R ..47 Notes Blunt ... ..103 7600 B. 6a 1886 84)4 11 2d A 3d B 64 FhiiadeJplua AlarK^ts* AnonsT 9—EYoniug ■ There is no Quotable change in Floor, bat the market Is dull under the news from abroad, and the tales It cited to a few small lots superfine at $5 12)jffi5 25 ; 300 obis good Ohio extra at 55'75, and 200 bhls family at $6 per' bbl. The sales to the trade ranee at Ihe abive figures for superfine and extras, and $6 50a>7 for high grade lanev, and the demand, both for shipment and homu use, It uitod. The receipts and stock continue light, ltye Flier Is scarce and in demand at $3.50 per bbl. Corn Huai, if here, would readily command $3 bbl for Penn sylvania. Wire at.—There is not much offer fDg, but the demand has fatten off, and only 5,000 bushels found tmyf-rg nt 120 el36cfor common and orimo red- and 1400t550 for white, iDclntfine 1,000 bushels prime ttentncKy at the latter figures. Bye is waited, and Ponnsvlraniaisscarce at 80«S2c. Gore is unchanged, and 4.000 binheh yellow brought 64c, afloat and in > ton • On's continu'd in dcniatrf, with further sains of 3 000 baabels olil at 4Gc, Weight; dsw are worth 35<b37c, uma ure. Bark.—There is a steady demand for Quercitron, with flutter sales of about 30 hhdf, mostly at $33 W ton for Ist No. 1. Cotton.—The market ia very aulet, and prices without any alteration. Grocbktbs —The market is dull, and for Sugar and Molucca prices are unsettled and lower. Provisions.—-There is nuher more doing, and pricoß ore folly maintained and firm. Y msxv moves off as wanted at 30a31cfor Pena’a and Ohio barrels, and 23029. J for drndge. CITY I T E M S. Goods for the Cash's.-—Mr. C. H. M*tt eon, dealer in Fino Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets,make#it a rnle to deliver all goods bought at his B tore, to any part of the city, or pack them neatly and send them to any of the depots, free of charge. Goods purchased for the Army are also forwarded to any of the Camps, and. receipts taken. Tbe greatest care is taken, in forwarding goods to soldiers, that they roach their proper destination. # English Pictorials.—The attentive kind nesaof Mr. Upbam, No. 403 Chestnut street, has given us tbe Illustrated Hews of the World and Illustrated London News, of July 26. They contain the average number of first-class engravings. To Jane. (90 deg* in the shade!) 1 sez to jane, “jane, tbe wethar’B might hot And Bho »z, ** lteuben. that’s a sartiafoct” And jane side like a bilen Coffy pat, And her sole seemed in hard panes rackt. Sez i, “jane, spore a mad kSbrcot beast should rnu At me, and ope his mouth and put his pizen teeth upon roe savagely, at least 6inches just above my patent boot— and tear my new wite pants i botfrom stokes, beneath the ■ ‘Kontiueutal” in Cheatnut street ?” Bez jane, “weed getanuther pair, likeotherfolk*, and did 1 ketch the dog, i wood him surely beat.'” iane Jookt.pt me so sweefe.ji and we felt both considerably non-plugged; we was both happy enough to go insane. and wo set there for a short time and bused. No Esoaping the Draft.—Gentlemen who contemplated leaving tbe country to escape the draft suddenly, find themselves headed off. - Orders from head quarters forbid the leaving the county, State, or country of any person liable to militia duty until after the draft is made,' and tbo skulkers will find themselves stopped at all points. Those who purposed making the tour of Canada must forego the descent of tne St. Lawrence, unless they are on the sunuy side of eighteen or toe shady Bide of forty-five. What can’t be cured must be endured, and we recommend these stay at homes upro coercion to make themselves cheerful and comfortable by procuring their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ' Hot ! Hotter !! Hottest !!!—Speaking in an ißolian sense, there was no difficulty in escaping the draft yesterday. The stm poured down rays of ths fiercest description; the atmosphere waa'as hot as though it came from a baker's oven; brut see there was none; and in short, as Mr, Mica vber would say, “ it was hot—very hot.” Timid people and lukewarm patriots, who have only been anxious to escape tbe drnft, sought eagarly for drafts Borean, and, in some ensoa, for drafts alcoholic, malt and vinous. Wo know of but one wav, however, in which to avoid the extreme heat, when tbe thermometer la up among the 90'g—wear the cool and ..comfortable summer garments gotten up at the Princely Temple of Fashion of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, where tbo cheapest clothing in the city can be obtained at all times SPECIAL NOTICES. Buy Tour Bathing Kobes, fur La dies and Gentlemen, at SLOAN'S, 80S MARKET.Street, Philadelphia. an9-3t* Batchelor's Hair Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORD'D. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Bye produces a color not to bo distinguished from nature— warranted not to injure tbo Hair In the lewd; remedies the ill effects of baa dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY H AIB instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by all Druggists, Ac. Bty The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four side* of each boa. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 283 Broadway and 16 Bond street), mjr£&-ly New York. One-Price Clothing, of ths latest Snrnns, made in the Bast Manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods mode to Order warranted satisfactory. Onr Osz-Pbiob System is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ss22-lr JOHn&fi & 00., 604 MARKET Street MARRIED. MCCLELLAND—PHILLIPS—On the 7th Inst., by the Bov. Philip H. Mowry, Mr. Joseph 8. McClelland to Miss Mary A. Phillips. * SHELHOBN—BBttNNBB—On the 3d of August, at 1215 Hancock afreet, by the Bev. T. B. Miller, Mr. John Shelhorn to Mies Emetia Brenner, all of this city, it DIED. PENNOOK —Of typhoid fever, on Monday, August 4th, at Harrison’s Lauding, Horatio B. Pent,ock, Cap tain Co. A, 72d Regiment, N. Y. S. Y., Excelsior nrigade, aged 32 years. • The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his brother-in law, William B. Johns, Manheim street, Germantown,, this afternoon, at 4 o’clock. * NE ALlB—Onthe Bth Inst, Mrs Keziah Nealis, wife of Mr. James Nealis, Sr., in the 66th year oFber age -. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 726 Florida street, this (Monday) after noon, the 11th inst., at 4 o’clock. Interment at Lafa yette Winetery. ’ # GABBETT. —On the 4th inst., at the Hamond Geue rsl Hospital, Point Lookout, St Mary’s county, Md., James A. Garrett, of Co. G, 95th Regiment P. V. (late Colonel Gosllne), son of Sarah A. and the liite .John E, Garrett, aged 21 years and 3 months. r --c;- * GREW—In this city, on Friday, the Sth ln»t,‘ Henry Grew, aged 60 years. ".‘> . Bis funeral will take place trom No. 116 North E'eventh street, on Tuesday, the 12th lust., at 9 o’clock'A. M. Hia friends and those of his family are invited to attend *# ALLEN—Suddonly, on the 91b iD»t, Mary B, infant daughter of Richard J. and Mary D. Alien, aged 4 months and 4 days. • . ”... i. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her Innerai, from the roaidence of hsr father, In Baddonaold, N. J., on Third-day morning, the 12th inet., at 10 o’clock, without further notice. . ** WAGNER—On the 7th inst., Mrs Margaret Wagner, relict of tbe late Jacob Wagner, aged 75 years. The relatives and friends of the family ate respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late reiideoce, No 814 North Front street, this (Monday)afternoon, at 3 o’clock. -i * 4 DEAL—On the Bth Inst., Jacob Deal, ha the 78th year of his ate. * BECK—On Thursday, 7th inst, Geosgs Beck, in the 84th year of hia age. * BBELBFOBD On Sixth day, Sth instant, Bebsco* Breleford, aged 63 years. CARB—On tbe 7th inst, Michael Carr, aged 80 yrs- *= FBOWEBT— On the morning of tbs Bth Inst., Lewis H , son of Lewis H. and Mary Frowert, aged 1 year and 8 months. * COOK - On Friday, August Bth, Olara Oooh, yonagest daughter of Charles and Mary Cook, aged a years and 6 months' * ■ •' W DBIBKHOUSE —Suddenly, on the4th inst . Miss H. Addle, youngest daughter of JacoUhnd Mary M- Drink house. ' . ■ ” ” ■ * ! THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1862. ESBAOH —On tle'Sth inst, at Davisop’s Hand, J*s : Eshi on, of Company I.Blst Pennsylvania Ytiinuteers.io, tbo3l-tyearot ni.age - * FaKLEY—On the 8h lost., Flien Prisoslla, twin, duisatm r of Froiiciii and Jane Farley, tu<el 6 monthß FLSHBB. —OU the Bta lust., after * abort b«it sorere illness Mr. J&roe-* F sher, agt-d 63 ve«rs. 7 B&GIB Oa the Bih insratt Iltinaah Kasw, ageB 72 yfttTße. ; . * BAGEBMAN.*~Ob tbe Bt,h inst, Mary Ann, wif-of Bubtrr &1 Huxeimau, axed 63 >ears * C-BAVEB—On tbeTthlt-st., Margaret, fid eat dangti ter * t Aifdrew aid Marla Giavar, Li bor 2l«b * GBaUBjL.—On the aimoit,g of the 7tn inat., Sarry Giand, ton of. Joseph ana Susanna Grau?!, agfd B ClOt'lhK ... . -v- * * B&NLBT —On the Istin*t ,of typhoid fever^at Har ris w’« Lnnf in#, Patrick Bade*, In tow 18th y<w. * BFT-—<)d the Sth iaat.. Fanny MorUy, iuf rot dangh tor of David and Soiena Hey, aged 16 rooatha aua U das el .* ' , - # on the 7th lost, Jaroea Bfitumey. Ron of'Jamre and Mary Jane ae*-i 7 y* htb aid 6 mouths, * KENNE Y —July 2d, at Neleon’s Farm. Va, W, Lieut Gtorgi- W. Kenney, of the CaUftirnla liHgiEDß'Jt, eor» of E. J Betiuey. KILPaTRIOK.—Oa the Bihlost, James Kilpatrick, 252 Nt rth Fifteenth srret-t. * LaBE -Oo tbe,sth lust., Mr. Joseph Lare. in 'he 67t0 jiarof Ms ago. * LI-TLB On the 7th inst, Mary Anna, Infant dautta tei of Alfred A. a, d Martha K Listor.and sranddansh ttrof Mo»ri» W. He.ioh, aged l y«»r and l ds7. . * LYONS—On the 7th inst., Mtobasl Lyons, aged 6 yesrs.’soD of John and Margaret Lyons. # GAIN RB —On tbo 6th inet., ElisaOeth, wife of James G a m v. sped 63 years. * M ASTEItS ■ O 3—On the Sth inst., Peter Masterst m, Aged 43 jours.-- * MOORE—On the 7th inst., Mrs! Catharine Moore, agon 27 j cars \ ■* MoKINLKY.-AOn the 7tb inst,; David McKinley, of Co H, Clat begunt-tit P. V , aged 19 veers, ot tyolrilj itver Bnrt wot»)d« r«sdved at Turkey Bead. * Mo* OMBB—Oa Thmeduy* 7th in*t, Jotro a merobtr of Ooloael lKoorehead’a regiment, ia the 23d 3»arot hi* &ke, * NO * TS the Sth inst. Jehu Notts, agef 37 yrs. * AicFNIGHT.—Wn the 6rh tost.; Sira. Oathurine A in the 48th year <*f herage/ # TWINING —On the 7th inet*njt,;E!ias B. Twi aiog. ia Ibe 30t- y*»r of Mb Bite. ■ - : * PBTFItSQN.—Oa the 7th iost, Charles R., eon of Iroanuel and Oatharioe Peiorsoa, aged 2 yrara au>* 2 ir.onthß; * S* DDON\—Od theSth last., Mrs. Sarah Ann Sedflou, in the 6Ut year of her age. ' ;> ■ * THOMAS —Mi.ideuly, uu the Sthiflst, Mrs. Henrietta Thomas. aged 49 josrs. * RITCHIE.—On tho Bth inst., Jamesßitchie, age <Ol }eats * SiilTF —On ibeStb last., Hugh, son of the late Geo. at d Margate* Smith, aged 19 months. - ] S HlTH—Suddenly; on the tth mat, John Smith, aged 30 > ears. _ . # SMITH—On the 6tb inst, Jane Ctroline Smith, wife of Henry 8 »itth. aged 80 yea Ts. ; V * - WIHTBES.—On the evenimrof the Bth imt., Wm. WiF teiß. voh of the late Clans Winters, aged 32 pans. * WEMMEB.-—On <he 8»h in«t, Btfojaimu Neinon, enn of Ga*. W, and Margaret Wemmer, ag«rt 3 months, * V WILKBY —On the 6th inst., Sarah Wilkey. # f LOUDEEBACK —On theTthinat, Sir* Mary Bon-ier bar k, in.fb« 62«* year of her age /' . ; ' v SIPE.—On Friday morning, at 8# o’clockt WiUUm Hoe r. * ; MOURNING STORE —BESSON & SOH> Ho. 918 OHES CHUt* Street;—, Black MLonsseiine de Lainea,doable widths. Black Tamisefl. ; Black Snmuior Bombazines. • Black English Bomoazines. Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Groa Grain and Ponlt de Soto Silk* Black Crape Mar*r*s and Bareges. - Black Bareeo Bern ft ni. Black Silk Grenadines. Black and White Bawns, Ginghams* Ac. s . jy23 STATK CfATRAL COMMITTtF- Lkjf 'fho President of the Union Oourention.com* jx.eed of loyal citizens of PcntHyiratua, which nblod at BABBISBURG on the 17th day of Jut/ la t an nounces the following SL’A/EJfi OEtfTBAIj GJiIiHC TFE: ® CYBTJB P. MABKIj®, Westmore land co.> Chairman Peter tißmb, Morton McMichael, dahii" W- Forney, Geo/'Wfißammfrrfloy^, P. FrassorSmith...*,.West Chester. Gfo<“N. Courson.* ... ..Norristown., Etn Bprb.er .Burks county. W. H. Aimy..., .Allentown. Diihr Luther , * Reading.,. Charlemagne T0wer......... Schuylkill county. F. B. pi-nniraan.............H0ne5d&1e. B, F F0we'1................T0wauda. . D H.Coahlin.. .Scranton. 3E. Cowan.... Warren. Stephen Gould.. Williamsport. Jobn YouDgman... Rimtmryi ■' Alexander B. Anderson......P*rry county. David Fleming,.............Harrisburg. Lancaster county. D. Wilson Grove. LowerOhanceford, Yorkco. KoboU G. Harder. Gettysburg. M. A. Banner. Somerset. Samuel McCam0nt..........81air county. J K. Meredith. Kittanuing. George V. Lawrence,.,.... ..Washington county. Robert B Carnahan.) x, :ft J.W. F White, J - ..Piftjburg. B. P Roberts.,, ...Beaver. J. U.R0bin50n..............Mercer. James Sill flue. Amos Myers ...........Clarion. Tbe Oommitte will meet at the call of the Chairman, .anil JOHN 0. KNOX; President. gray RESERVE REGIMENT.— aD lk3 DiTiOtfAL SUBSCRIPTIONS reported by tho i! ibaucn Committee: douthwick, Sbebley, & C 0.... ....$25 00 lOO 00 David b. Brown, A U0.Tr.*r..r.»«^.... a ...... 25-00 Watvamutb A 8ft1eieb....25 00 Tredirk. Stokes, ACo s’> 00 Weliing, CofHc, A Co 50 00 Gro. W. Carr A C 0... 50 00 B. A F 20 00 F. B; Meigs..,.. . 20 00 Cash..., 25 00 Jobn Peters.. ~10 00 Ghas. W. Amy 10 00 Robert Lindsay.. 10 00 JohnS. Wood 10 00 Ca5h...... 5 00 Gath....... 20 00 Cush..., 10 00 P. S. Hutchinson 10 00 A. A. 8ut1er..... 10 00 Christian 6 White * 10 00 Rhodes A Freeman..,. 10 00 BuphCrighton, 10 00 Ca5h........ 10 00 Geo. Elton.. 5 00 John Deenier A 50n.................. •••••• 500 Beggs ASon.. 5 00 John A. Lewis. ,s*oo Edward Turner.... . 5 00 Wm. Fry..,. 6 00 Job. T0m1in50n.............................. 50 00 , J. Weshington Mi11er........................ 2d 00 J.K,Giubb.. 10 00 Oliphant & DeU... 25 00 Catherwood A 00,... 5 00 J. Harding... --^> —-——— —io oq 5 oo H. H. Graham., 25 00 X).. O McCamman... 5 09 W. T. Abbott .............r 5 00 S. C. Palmer 5 00 D rex el A G 0..... 50 00 Sundry O&Bh 11 00. Pbconix Hose Company .100 00 - Account Company A, Gray Reserves., ..100 00 T. W. Baker A Co 100 00 , Ziegler A Smith 25 00 Hielman A Rank 25 00 Hirscb A Gerstloy.. 25 00 Tbeo. Bliss 25 00 ‘ A. U. Fnller 25 00 Daniel Bobler 10 00 Samuel Cooke 10 00 C.H. Elias... 10 00 E. A. Hendry... 10 00 R. J. Mflginnis 10 00 Ciwb, S. W. A....... 10 00 Casn, sundry peisons 15 00 M. M. Marp1e......... 50 00 iLHeJllngs A 8r0... 25 00 R.P. Deliver : 100 00 W. E. lLrstmann A Boob.. ...100 00 Code, Popper, A C 0...., 100 00 A- M. F Watson.., ..,*25 00 Gat-b| T. M P. ACo 25 00 Jerry Kir-g....... .. 20 00 C. A. Rubicuro. .. 10 00 Cbas. .fceiiere 10 00 Cash. A. H. M 5 00 San.utl F. Prince , 5 00 •Oayh, W. L G. 5 00 Gush, Third 5treet..................... 5 00 At a meeting of tbo Finance Committeo the following resolution was passed Restlved, That the Treasurer is hereby directed to pay out of the fund collected by this Committee the sura of ten dollars ($10) to each Recruit for the 119th Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. F. C. Ellmuker, as soon as they go into camp.. The Committee of Finance will meet at the Franklitf Institute Building on Wednesday affo»noon, t at 5 o’clock. It ALEX. P. OOLFSBUBY, Secretary. nrp» NOTICE.- THE COM PAN IBS-OF THE LLS FIRBT REGIMENT GRAY RESERVES wi’i report tne amount of th< ir Subscriptions to the Ra gimental Fund, by WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at 5 6 o’clock, at the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE BUILD IKG, SEVENTH Street. abo«e Cbettout By order of tie Committee. It ALEX. P, COLESBU&Y, Sec**. A MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN tl_3 CLUB OF THE FOURTEENTH WARD will buLt-ldat tbeir'Bftll, RIDGE AVENUE and.WALLAOfi Btieets, at 8 o’clock on TUESDAY NIGHT, August 12. It# D W. CLaRK, Secretary. |V-=a aotice.-thk subscribers to [L3 the CITIZENS 1 BOUNTY FUND, to aid Re cruiting, are" hereby notified that the Treasurer of tbe Fried, SINGLETON A. MERGER. Ebi., will receive tbe amounts of their subscriptions, daily, at the Farm ers 1 and Mechanics 1 Bank, and furnish them with printed xecf-ipts tor the same; or their subscriptions maybe paid to tbemomberof the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer 1 * receipt will be sent to the donor. By order oi the Committee. ji 26-tf THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. NINTH WARD PEOPLE’S ASSOCIA tkj? TION.—The regular monthly meeting of this As sociation will be held at tbe hall, TWELFTH and FIL BERT Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, August 12, 1802, at 8 o’clock. JOHN THOMPSON, President. David Beitler, Secretary. aull-2i* ry-=* EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, LLj by the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI ATION, on THURSDAY. AngUBtl4tb. A new and interesting feature — L :o.stcfc and youndtd soldiers will accompany the Excursion, under the care of the Army Committee. An interesting meeting will b&held in the afternoon, at i o’clock, in the Pmbi terian Church. Rev. Dr. EL Goddard, Rev. Dr- Boatberger, Bov. Dr.: Quick, add ethers, will address the meeting. A chance for a pleasant visit to tbe Sea Shore. Fcienls, make use of it. Ticketß, $1.25. au9-*nnw3t* OEFICE OF THE HAZLETON COAC. tk_3 COMPANY, PHiLADBLpmA, Augußt7,lBs2. At a meeting of the Board of Directors,, held THIS DAT, a dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share was de clared, payable to the Stockholders or their legal reoro sentativee, at the office c f the Company,.in Philadelphia, on and after tho 18th imt. The Transfer Books will be clowd until tbo 18th inst., auB 3t ALEX. Or. GAW, Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OP TIIE LL3 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIa-PHILADKL PHIA, August 4, 1862.—The Directors have thleday de clared a dividend of SIX PER CENT or Twelvo Dol lars per share, payable to the stockholders or-their legal represmtativee, on demand. aus-10t WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. ....Philadelphia. * . ry-*= CITIZENS’ RDUNTY FUND, IftVH TUTED to aid the prompt increase of tho armies ot tbe United States.—Tbe Gommitteo-on Oorrenppndeuce, to whom has been entrusted the doty of addressing tbe wealthy and patriotic ctti&ens who may bo absent from tbo city, will thankfully- rective,. at the Independence Ball, .by mail or otherwise, the names, and present po*t« office address cJ all such- citizens as may be absent from the city, and any suggestions that thehr feilow>citlzens rimy deem proper to communicate to them. By order of acSet COMMITTEE ON CORRESPONDENCE. .THE UNITED S-YATKS SANITARY LK3 COMMISSION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY. No. 328LCB59TNUT STREET—Thefollowlug recom mendation,.by tbo President of the United States, suffix ciently authenticates the Comißieaion to the pubifo : “.Tie Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great humanity and ttroet practise! value to the nation ki this tim» of-its trial. It ta o&titled to the gratitude aadicou fidtnoe of People, and Xtrust it will be generously supported Thfreia no agency through which wilantary oJfoiings of patriotism can be more effectively made. 11 HHOOLN.” The undersigned will receive, and forward: to places whore they may be most needed, all contribQtioDß.for the flick and wounded. ' The articles most rrauired ere - Muslin Shirts and Drawers fboth old and new), woollen Undershirt*; Paata, loons, ana fftockingß, and for which there is an incessant demand.: W. PLATT, Ja, eul-16t Superintendent. NOTICE-—ON AND AFTER AUGUST IJJj llib," offic ® of the ADAMS EXPRESS COM PANY will be open for the reception of packages, at 7 o’cUck A. M., and will qIQ4Q raoMPTLT at 7 o’clock P. M. JOHN BINGHAM, aud-7t Baperintendeat> rv-==» OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS!!—THE IL \ - COM npjwlntw! to toco vh Sub.criptijus ii, -id of tbe OXTIZtfNd BOCHI'Y f'UND, for pra ndfofr tbe proportion' of - Pbiladelpbi'.tß qnota of men to Increase the Armr ol the Republic, ait daily at IN t<K i»lt NDK W(JK iitb, From IOvM. totiPftl. - By order of the Ot.mmftTee. : ' , . » ' jj29t?l TBOYI.AB ChMrman. nr?* RECRUITS FOR. PHILADELPHIA LhJJ RKGiSHCNTn IN TRW FIELD To. Dll- I UfilNG AGENCY OF THE Oi.T'ZG'tS' BOUNTY FUND ant. ounce to a >l Becnjitihg Officer* for Phila delphia Begiments In the fl* Id. that th *v ait, D\ 1L Y, totwop 9 a fti, si dl2 St, at th tr Office, la front of the FAUMEn-i-aND MEOBAbtIOS BANK, and are prepan d to pay - - - ■ ■ S 6 F*. miura to each Eerruit, and *SO Bonntj to-each Recrnlt, naon compliance with the forms they -have* adopted. '' 'lnformation in detail pie.fh on application to the Recruiting Officers will please present their credentials for enlisting. ’ MICHAEL N. BAKER, GEORGE Will CNR Y, SINGLETON A MERGER. ft'pSMpei oua msunthvi to Aansi-PA IK3 »to Hitizeua who desire to aubacrine to the vITIZENS* BOUNTY FUND, to Bid the recruiting cII the Phtlarttlphia quota of the PreafcUnt’B cail for three but died thousand men, are respectfully fu formed that the C».iumUt»e will t sit daily to receive aohscrlotioua from ten A M to tso P. M, at INDEPENDENCE HALL. ?üb*criptioiia may likewise ._be seat to either, of the'un dernipu-d: : " ■ ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayors Office. CHARLES GIBBON V Secretary, 252 South Third 'street OB ARLES D. FREEMAN,. Secretary, 601. Sansoci street JAMES McCLINTOOK, Oity Treasurer, Girard Barh. . .. ... BENRY D. MOOBE, .State Treasurer, 664 North EJevn.-tb *»reet. ,* SINGLETON A MFBOEB, Treasurer of Fund, and Mechanic* 1 Bask. TBOMAB WEBSTER, U North Delaware avenue. WVLLI\M Wi LSH, 218 South Delaware avenue. J. BO S SAOWD* N, ladepeudence HaU. ADOLPH E. B0RIE,1&3 Dock street. 6 W T>E BBl ObßHtaut street. GEORGE B STUART, 13 Rank street.'v AITOBaEL V BAEEB, ItiddDe&dence Halt GEORGE WHITNEY, office of. A Whitney A Sons. RIGHaBD O DALE. 62V Market street. LOBIN BLODGETt Board ofTrade booms. JOB N E. A DDIOK9, Independence Hail. JOHN D. WATS**N; officeof North Amerloan. JAMES WILLIKESL 410 Walnut street. Ward committees will bo appointed to crocure sub* scriptiousiu ev«-ry ward In the city, due notice of which will shortly appear. - AH sofeecriptinna will be acknowledged daily in the papers, unless otherwise requested* By order of the Committee, jy2& THOMAS WEBSTER, .Chairman. ry-s=* THE UNION PACIFIC RaILKOaO LLf COMPANY. NOTICE OF MEETING .OF COMMISSIONERS. The undersigned Commissioners named in the act of the, Thirty-teventh Congress oi the United States of America* entitled “ An Act to aid In the Construction of . & Railroad and Telegraph Line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to Secure to the Govern meot thh u*eof tbeesme for Postal, Military asd other Par* poses,” in pursuance ©ftfce provisions of said Aot, and of itie Act of *aid Thirty-seventh Congress, supplementary to and amendatory of said firßt-o e&tiooedAct, hereby i give notice that the first meeting of the Board of Com- Act will be v held at Bry an Ball, in the City of Chicago, and State of Iljhnoit-, < n the first Tuesday of September next at 12 oh iooic at noon. JaiofS DuDnu»**,..JohnJfiwWood l Edwin Noyes, Jo seph Ebton, of Maine ; Joaepn A. cmmoreruu*ne»-Tr,- i Woodman, of New Hampshire; Henry H. Btxtar, i Gt'orge W. Collamer, Henry Kevee, Thomas H Canfield, of Vermont; Wlli»m H Swift, Samuel T. Dipa, John Bertram Fravklin S. Stevens, Edwurd B. Tinker,. of Massachusetts ; Waiter S Burgess* William P. Bio i gtt. Bet j»u>in 11. Gbeever, Charles Fosdick Fletcher, of Rhode Island; Auaustus Browser, Henry P. Haven, Cornelms S. BunbneSl, Henry Hammond, of Connecticut; Isaac Sherman, Dtan Blcbmond, Royal Phelps, Wu- I3am H. Ferry, Henry A. Paddock, Lewis J StoucltfF, ♦ Charles A. Samuel B. Gampheil, Alfred E Tilton, John A> derton, Azariah Boody, John rt. Kennedy, H. Carver, Joseph Field. Benjamin F> Camp, Orville W. Childs* Alexander J. Bergen, Ben. Holliday, D, N. Bir ney, S De Wiit William H. Grant, Thomas W, Oicott* Samuel B. Btutgres, James B, Wilson, of New York; Epbtaiin Marsh. Charles M Harker, of New Jersey; Jonn Edgar Thompson, Benjamin Bay worn?, Joseph H. Scranton, Joseph Harrison, George W. Oais, Jiilit* H. Rtyaot. Daniel J Morel!* Thomas M. Howe, William F. Johnson .Robert Fiuuey, John A. Green E. I?. My re. Obatles F Welle, Junior, of Pennsylvania ; Thomss Swan, Ohauncey Bro* ks, Edward Wilfctaß, of Maryland ;.-Noah L. Wilson. Amasa Stone William H. Clemen** S. L‘ L’flommediHU, John Brough. William Den nieon, Jacob Blickenaderfer* of Ohio; Charles Fame, Thomas A. Morris* David C Branham, Samuel Haana* Jorias Votaw, Jesse L, Williams, Isaac C. Elston, of Indiana; William B Ogden* Charleß G. Hammond, Benry Farpuixw Amos C. Babcock, W, Gale, Ne bt zniiib Buftkneil. Lorenzo Bull, qf Illinois ; John D. Campbell, R. N. Bice, Charles A. Trowbridge* Ransom Garoner. Charlfs. W Penny, Charles T. Gorham, Wi -. .liam McConnell, of Michigan; William Bunn, Jr.. John ratlin, Levi Sterling, John Thompson, Ehhu L. Philips, Wat H-r D. McTndoe, T. B. Boddard, E H. Brodhead, A. H. Yirpon, of Wisconsin; A D. Seward, Henry A. Swift, Dwieht Wnoaoury, John McCunick* John B. Jones, of Minnesota; William F. Coolbaugh, Lucius H. Langwortby, uugh T. Reid, Hoyt Sherman, Lyman Cock, Samuel R. -Jurlip* Lewis A.'ThomaH, Platt Smith, of Iowa ; W illiam M McPherson, B. W Wellß.'Willard P. Hall, Armstrong Seatty. John Corby, of Missouri ; Fjnnklio Gorin, Laban J. Bradford, John T. Levis, of Kentucky ; W. H. Grimes, J. C Stone, Chester T hf.insp, Johi- Iforr, Werter R Davis, Lutber 0 Challls Josiah KUll*-iv of Kansas / Gilbert 0. Moneli, \ugnstas Knuntz* T M Marquette- WJUiam H. Taylor. Alvid Betinders.^ of Nfhraska ; John Evans, of Colorado ; Jo> n Atchison, John D. Winters, of the Territory of Nevada ; *•. J. Hensley, Peter DonaHu**, C. P. HnoLiu«- ton, T. D.. Jndah. James Bailey, James T Rvan, Oh tries Hosmer* Charles Marub, D- 0. Mil s. B*«Tjnet Bril, Louis McLhup, Geoigo W. Mowe, Gharios McLanteh iri, Timo thy Dame, John It. Robtußnn, of California ; Wi-liam 8. Lndd, A. M. B^-rry,’Beujauiin F. Harding, of Oregon, Dated Jnlv 18, 1862. jy2l mOt MILITARY. JJNLIbT! ENJLIST! TEN DOLLARS ■Will be given, in addition to all other Bounties, to Re cruits for the BUOKTAIL BRIGADE. FORTY FIRST- CLASS MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply at f - 409 RACE STREET. C. C. WIDDIS, First Ll«utorkftT>t and Recruiting Officer. gNJLIST! ENJLISTI TEN lOLLA.BB WILL BE GIVEN, IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER BOUNTIES! To recruits for the 45TH REGIMENT PennsylvaDia Volunteers, {Col. THOMAS WELSH,) tow at Newport News. 4 • ONE HUNDRED MEN, of the first Mass, are wanted immediate]] for this-regiment. s Apply at EVANS & LI ASS ALL’S, suT-tt NO. 418 ABOH Street. Ij GOBN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, HOol. OH as. M. PiVKVOST. Becrnlting Offlceof \|f Company E, Capt, LEWIS PASSMORE, at Girard ■ Honsa, CHESTNUT Street, below Ninth. United States bounty, City bounty, and Com Exchange. Extra premiums are secured to men enlisting in this Company. ano.6L* ... « 119 TS REGIMENT OF GRAY « BBSKBVES —slB2 Bonntr—»l9o la cash before uf leaving for the seat of war-~$7 < & on-being. mustered outof Fervice. . Wanted—steady men at Headquar ters, No. 305 Arch street. auR fit Captain HENRY P. TRUEFITT,. Jr. u 121st REGIMENT P. V—Re h cruDs wanted for Company D, of the 23d Fhlla \! dclphia .Lisbt Infautrr, Colonel Chapman Biddle Apply at the ANDERSON HOUSE* 15*29 SOUTH Btroet. opposite the^Kater Market. Bounty Sift). Mus (md in at once. CHA&LE-d E. ETCING, Mnll Ot Second Lieutenant. §THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V., accepted for thne years, are now; nearly reaiy for the field. Fractions of companies will be accepted from the country. Recruits from tho c untry coming info this regiment will receive 566- bounty in addition to the bonr.ty paid by their county and General Government. Transportotion will be furnished on application to'these Headquarters. 624 MARKET Street, PhiladfJphi*. or to Major G. H. BARDWELL, at » Herr’s burg. D. HRENAN, &ull-12t Col. Commanding llfiih Begimen% PV. TWENTY-THIRR PHILADEL- InFHIA I.IGHT INFANTRY, (Oho Hand rad and Ur Twenty* first RcKluient Pennsylvania Volunteers,) Col. *“■ CHAP&IaN BIDDLE. RECRUITS WANTED FGR THE WAR. A premium of 92 will bo paid to each recruit at the time of muster.' One month’s pay in advance, and .$l6O Bounty, to wit: 925*United States Bounty in cash. . 950 City of Philadelphia Bounty. *’ 910 Extra Bounty; atd -975 United Elates Bounty at the end of the war. < Recruits ail] be muotered* iumediately into service.' Pay and rationsirom date of muster. Apply at any of tbe following recruiting stations : ALEXANDER LAWRIE, Captain Co. B, No. 506 Vine street- CHARLES F. HULSE, 2d Lieutenant 00. B, 8. W., cornerof Seventeenth and CaliowbHl. J. FRANK uTERIiING, Gapfraia'Oo. 0, N. E. corner Sixth and Minor ttreets. GEORGE WM. ld Lieutenant Co. C, N E. corner of Twelfth and Spring Garden streets. CHARLES E. HTTING* 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No. 1529 soctb street. M. W. C. BARCLAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. E, No. 715 Girard avenne. ' j. ALFRED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Go. F, Bruner’s Bote), Main street, Germantown. WM. SMITH HOBART, Lieutenant Oo* G, Potts town, Montgomery county. EDWARD GBATZ, Jn Lieutenant Co. H, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Girard avenue. JOHN DDBBOBO>wy 2d Lieutenant Co. I, Ne. 239 N ortb Serond street. JOSHUA GaRQBD, Lieutenant Co. K, Mala street* Frankford. JOHN lUNGERICH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North Third street.-’ ■ ___ SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Cempany E, £<&*. 728 Zone- street. HARRY BKRTZLBB, Lieutenant, No. 82k Market street. - SAMTJBi. 0. THOUA.S, Sergeant Compaq S, No. 431.Che»<nnt etroot JAMBS ASHWOBTH,’ liientenant, I-renkfapd. ' J. H. HOLMAN, Frantford road and Bork street. ans-6t* THO 3. M. HAIiIi, Adintant SCORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT. Soneral BEANZ SIGEIt ha. aulected this BB6IMBNT as one of the three from, the State of Yenn.ylv.ala to be attached to his. command. Ali those who dksire to win glory in senvdaa nndtr this gsh<. Uat floneraJ, in the btwnttfnl and healthy valley of tho Shenandoah, had better join at oaoe the rapidly .OUng, lacks of th. Com Exchange Beghnent. : an9-St*. Jl ABLE-BODIED MEN WANTED ■ 808 COMPANY H, GRAY BRBERVJES. Recroit- Ufing Headonavters, Barley Sheaf Hotel. SXOOND “Street, below Vine. Bconty, $162. Captain H. H. EDWARDS. Firtt lieutenant L. B. STOHSKR. Becond liientenant aW. ZIMXItMAN. anS-Bt* REORUITING OFFICE OF JSa TBE ANDERSON TROOP, Gronnd Floor of PevsyVvania Railroad Office, oorner of THIRD Streep %nd WIOLING'S Alley. . Oapt WM. J. PALMER, Sorgb ADFBBD VBZIN. Private NORMAN M. SMITH- iITARP. ■a-,’.,MJSN WAITED to fill the ranks Hof tb6 PENNSYLVANIA BEGIMESTS now lathe Wfltld. : ..v: ■ ! JBonntr. pre-f lam, and advance pav 998, Captain BEN -iY A. SUflEfi < "£, , Aid »o General Mo MU G ncral tit-crnitiu. Ofil -or, anil-61* Jones’Hotel. 620 OHBjrUPr Street. ; KOtJNTy AND (J# MOcTJI’I pay IN AOVaNCK —WANTED—tte crniig for the 23d. Beginient of Philadelphia Light* ■ lofantrr (12 iat Pennsylvania Yolnateers), Oh,paisa Biddle, Coloti.l. Apply to L AWKIB. Captain Co. B. at AItOBBB’S, 806 VINK Street ’ anMit* Sti TO FIELD ,qmo,&RS.!^ iss)l FQK SALIC, two flneSad Ue.HOftSttS. Hive _JLZJSL been in eervire ihe past five months in the aito> t-t the Poli.mic; thorongblt trained; warrant.d sonid. pintle, end free from ti iefci. Apply at 610 Nirth FODBTH Street. , " : ■ v aud-3t* PuEITICaL TO THE KJ.EmOHS 08 THE CITY OF FBILA tI BLPHIA. Tbetime hag arrived when it is necessary fir you to B’Hot. candidates lor tfeevariouß titare undmumcipal offices which are to be filled at the election in Jccooer n xt. .•=: •„ " The Election of-men to positions of power and trust, alua'B an important duty, is rendered doubly so now by the coDgeis which threaten’ our couutry and its liberties. Our noble brothers, now to a»nw to puV down the foul rebellion which Darkens our lured land, ne<d our even patby and support. In Tain do they contend oti hard, fought battle fields if treason steals to the high places of power at home, lii vain will victory • rest on tbatr ban ners if train rs here may sell for pmee and power alljhe-y hare so dearly purchased. Deeply Fueling the importance of uniting all loral men in earn* at * jfnyt» to so-torn onr patriotic Preddentaod hia Administration in their efforts for the prosaeutiia of the war and the preservation of the Uuioo, we earnestly ash s onr atiimtir-n to the H«ti“n of the Pe»pi©*s add Re publican City Executive Committees, and invito your cor dial co-operation. • Ala Meeting of the People’s City Executive Com* miitee and the Republican City Executive Committee, in joint convention, held at the County Court-house, on the evening of August 8,. 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted and ordered to be pub* luh<d TPfterests, We believe that in this time of our” coun try’s peril it becomes all who love and oberish «mr na-, tional Union to rise above all party alliances and prtju*' dices, and, forgetting that they ever were politicians, to became patriots in deed and in hea*t ,* And whereas, The only party wnich «nr country now neons is one that thorougbK recognizes the Constitution EB the supreme Jaw of the, land* supreme over S .ates as well as individuals, and that Is capable of embracing within its folds all loyal and patriotic roep, who rally to the support and maintenance of l the Union, and who are witliug and ready to subordinate all othtr fur ?he r preservation of our nation ality aiid the Uniop of the S ates; And whtreaSsXbQ Si»te Convention, which jMaemblwl in Harrisburg cn the 17rh of Jbly la*it, aoimated by ibis spirit, selrcted a loyal Democrat for Surveyor Genera, and a loyal Republican for Auditor General, as State nunitationa for the approaching election : therefore. Re solved* *1 hat we tt.e People’s City Executive Com mittee and the Republican Executive Committee, !!! pint convention assembl d, endorse the; policy of the State Con'entlfh, and ratify its w mioationa. Resolved , That the only Issue preßen'ed to the people of onr State at the d ining election la the preservation of allow nopol Inc ai au - tinctlon among then except that of loyalist and traitor, and that treason shall include not only , the overt act, hut the cowardly wish, the secret sneer, and disloyal BeDiinient .Resolved, That until the old flag waves, loved, re* specteu, and feared over every foot of our loved land f that until treason, North and douth. shall end in the uttcr.exterujjnatiou oT traitors, we accept as our motto: “ Whbsbb*er'fs not for us is a* atast us,” and that a half hearted support of the Government is but a shallow pre text of Hypocrisy, and receives as it deserves, our scorn BDd contempt. /• Resolved, That wo cordially invite all men who love their country better than their party, who esteem her safety and welfare above their own personalia vaace meet, to unite with us, “to let the dead past bury iU of-ad,” and to rise to the. full discharge of the solemn duties of the present hour, and to the recognition of the responsibilities which crowd the future, Resolvtd That for the purpose of securing a unity of action, all loyal citizens are earnestly requested to meet in their several wartfs, on the eveoiogof Tuesday, the 12tb ins*., and to organize National Union Associations ly the flection of ftuch>fficers aB may he necessary to secure.thvir efßclent operation. That,after their or ganization each association shall proceed to elect a judge and two inspectors tor each election division, to conduct the. election hereinafter provided for, sueb pre cinct officers to be 1 elected ny the cidzena of the varibus piecincta present at said meetings, and also to elect one person as a member of a General OommUtee of Super intendence. That oh the evening of Tuesday, the *26ch of August, the citizens shall meet in their several pre cincts, and elect as follows: One person from each pre cinct as Delegate to a Convention, to nominate city and county officers: one perton from each precinct as Delegate to a Congressional Convection, exetpt sfieb precincts es are within the limits of the Fifth Con gressional District; one person from each precinct of such Senatorial Districts as aro rcaaired to elect a Sena* tor to a Senatorial Convention, to nommato candidate? for Senator-j onei person from each precinct as Delegate' to a hepreseutative Convention to nominate candidates for Representative j porsocs from each preciuct to a Waid Convention, to nominaie member* of Council and o'ber ward cfficers. On Thursday following the elecHon the delegates elect ed to the city Convention shad meet at San*om*itreet Ball, at 10 o’clock A. M., to enter upon thrfr daties, and *mfe.t fiom cay to day, until their nominations are com •pitted,*-';' ■ ■ Tho delegates to the other Conventions shall meet in their siver»l distiicts <*n the first Thursday subsequent to thrir election.*at 3 o’clock P- 61 - and shat!: proceed to the discharge of thnr duties, except the delegate* in the Fourth Senatorial district, w r l o shall meetat tbree o’clock 'P. 65. - * :v .* . Resolved.* That upon the Section and organization of the' Committee of Superintendence of the. - “ National Union*” this Oonvention, arid the two committees of which it is cotriposei* shall each adjourn sine. dit. T. S. DARLING, Preß’t " Johs I- Fbihklik, Sec*y. It -£Jh)B CITY CONTROLLER, 1862, JJ GEO. W. TTUFTY, EODBIEBNTH WARD. an7-tn PROPOSALS- Deputy quartern a.ste a, gke- NKBAL’B OFFICE, PBitADBtSH(i, 9cU Angtist, 3bti2,—Proposal? -Bill bo received at this office, uatfi TCES&AY BS,XT. 12* ioat., at 12o’clock M.; for the io;tnediate delivery Id this city, of TSFJsSTY-FITE (25) OKE-HOBSE CARTS. Proposals will be endorsed “ Proposals for Carta,” and addressed to . (Signed) G. 11. OBO3MAW, Dep. Qr. Mr Geefi C 8 A. ■; TYeP 13 T Y QUA RIERMAST SR J J \ GENEBAL’S OFFICE, Pbilabelphsa, 9th Au gust, 1862.—I'roposalf will be needed at this office, uMiITHESDAT NEXT, 12ita inßt. .-at 12 o’clock.ML, for FIVE TROUOAND (6.000) TONS OF ANTHBAOITE BTEAMEB CO AL, to be delivered on bo»rd of vaa.-els at ibie’ijort, for-Hilton'Head S. O. Proposals to be endorsed o Proposals for Anthracite Coal,” and addressed to * - (Signed,) ■ G- H. .OBOSMAN, : Dep. Qr. Mr. Gan. U. S..A. . ; HEP. QB. MB- GES’L’S OFFIOE, Phila . 9th Aug , IBM. VESSELS WANTEDiimmadistely to carry five thou sand tone anthracite coal to Hilton Bead. S O. (Signed,) G. H. OBOSHAN. anil- 21 . Hep Qr. Six. Gun. U. S: A. A BMY CLOT BING and EQUIPAGE JtV OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIBAKD Streets Philadelphia, August 9tb, 1862. PROPOSALS POR AUMYi SUPPLIES. SEPARATE bEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Pro posalßfor Suffolk dr other Ootton or Linen Drills,. Me-as Pans, Camp Kettles, .Haversacks, Knapsacks, and for strapping and painting the,; latter* will be received, by undersigned, at this Office, until THURSDAY, 14th mat., for faraisbing and oelivering, at the SchnjlKill Arsenal, at the earliest possible time, . , 100,000 3 ards # Suffolk or other Cotton or Linen Drills 12,dC0Mees Pans, sheet iron, .weight two pounds. : 5,000 (.tamp Kettles, sheet iron, three sizes, in nests, 18# pounds - 80,000 RLapsacfea.- - “ • 150,000 Haversacks* - Also, proposal for painting and strapping Knapsacks, and painting Haversacks, according to instructions from the Arsenal j bidders will slate the price tor painting and strapping per -hundred; the^split-leather for the trank ©{ Knapsacks, and the brass trimmings for them, will be furnished-bytbfr' United Srates at the contract price; 18,544 Bis of split leather is oh hand for this purpose, and a large supply of brass trimmings. Bidders for the Cotton or liineds DHlls: will please send samples of the articles they purpose to.furni»b. All the other articles are required to be in strict accordance with the army standard samples,;which can be seen at the Arsenal. Bidders will state, explicitly the time and amount of each delivery. Proposals wiU be received for any part of the above articles. « Tbe light iareserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole of a bid offered, or to reject the bide, In whole 'or in p trfc, as the interest of the Government, in his opinion, may demand.” Each proposal must be sighed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a-satisfactory guar antee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient bond, if hfs bid is accepted.; ' Proposals unaccompanied with guarantee will not be considered; and contracts’will be awarded only to established manu facturen of, or dealers io, the articles. The law requires the name of every co itractor on each article delivered by him. G. H. OBO3SUN, aull-tf Dep. Qr. Mr. Gen. Tf. 8. A. OFIICS— \J War Dbpartjtest,) WAsmssTos, AugnstS, 1862. J BBOPOSALS will «e received by this Department untiT 6 F. M. on the 26chof.Augnst, T 862, for the de livery, at the following Arsenals, of horse equipments, United States Cavalry pattern, as hereinafter specified: At the Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, 2,660 sets. . ■'■■■■■■ - At the Watervllet Arsenal, West Troy, New Tort, 2,000 sets. ' ■ ■ At the -New York Arsenal, Governo.’s Island, New York, 10,000 Bets. At the Franhford Arsenal, Brideshurg, Pennsylvania, 6,ooosetS. ' - At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, Peunsytvanla, 10,000 seta. : At the St. Bouts Arsenal, St. Louis, Missouri, 10,000 sets. . ■ • •■■ ‘ These seta of horse equipments are to be furnished complete, except the horse brush, curry comb, lariat, picket-pin, liuk, and Blanket. Samples can.ba examined at each of the above-named arsenals. They are-to be subject to inspection at the arsenals where delivered be fore being received by the Government;: none to be ac cepted or paid ler but Buch as are approved-upon such inspection. 1 - V- Deliverles must be made in lots of-' not less than fifty sets per week for all contracts of SOO sets, or. under;. one bundrid sets per week tor all contracts-ef from,five hun dred np to one thousand Bets; two hundred sets per week or all contracts of from one: thousand to .two tnousand sets; five hundred sets per-woek for all contracts of from, two thonsand ‘ to six thousand. sets, and eight hundred sets per week for all contracts of from six-thousand to ten thousand-sets.' ■ Failure to deliver at a specified-timo will, subject the contractor to a forfeiture of-the quantity to be delivered at that titpe. The equipments are to be boxed, five sets in a box, in the customary manner.;, bits, and saddles ofi' assorted numbers,;and the. contents / to - be mark id on. the outer ends of tbe box. Thoboxoato.be charged at coßt. to bo determined by the inspector. . , Bidders wfllitate explicitly in.tboir proposats-the time, quantity,and place of .each delivery.. Each parts oh tinning a contract will bo required to enter into bonds, with proper sureties, for’ the faithful fulfilment of the same.v r uv.y '.-V .- -.i./ y' ■ ' Bids of pareonßwbo ftro not manufacturers or sagular dealers in leather work will' not be considered; and the Deparlment referees. the light to reject any or ail bids .which may be made. : " Bpon the award being made, successful bidders only will banotißad, and they will be furnished with the forms ol the contraiit.and of the bond required of them. Proposals will be addressed to. General JAMBS W. EJPhKY, “ Shief of Ordnance, , ■ “Washington, D. O.” . Acd.-will bo endorsed << Proposals for Bora* Eqnipsnenta.” . > .JAMSB W.BIPIiBS, Brig. Gen , Chief of Ordnance. anil- mwf tSS,. pHAMPAGNE: WINE.—An invoice 'l_y of De Coney & Go., end Oomet Champagne Wind, Mat reooked per ship Georges,;anil for rale by JAOBHTOHE A LAVEBONB, , 202 and 201 South FBONT Street. •V/TUBOUITO NETS AT; $3 50, $5, X-fJ. sB,' end 810 50 each, all ready for mounting, 719 CHESTNUT Street. W. H. OAHRTL & 880. acO 2t Tt/TUF QUITO NETS.—Patent For- JjJL table Pavilion or Mtmqnito Canopy,the most practicable and reliable protection against mnainltoei xrtanttf&ctared. ITorsaleby W. H C&RBYIj Jt 880., Tl 9 OBX&THUTBtreet/ - an9*3t DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. OILJLMPBfi, <SsOo., Noa. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Stmt*, s. ♦ • Hare now opon their SPRING IMPORTATION , V ■ : OF SILK FANCY DRESS GOODS* SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FI AM. ■0 To wfeich the atteotlon of the trado is p&Yticnta*ly in« anlX-Bra MILITARY GOODS. gYANS Ca HA ASS A LL, MILITARY BURNISHERS, No. 418 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITABY GOODS,. OF EYEBY DESCRIPTION, ao9-6t WHOLESALE AND EE TAIL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. P RAC TI CAL GUIDE TO HEALTH AND VIGOE. THE NEW GYMNASTICS 'THUT TitOMKW. A UDCHILDBEN. With a translation of Prof. K 103 9! Dnmb-Bell Inatrnotor and Prof. Sohreber’s P^ngymnastikon. BY DIO LEWIB, M. D., ' Proprietor of the Easex-street Gymnasium, Boston. Wirir Tdeee Hundred Illustrations. One Yol , 12ao. Pkio« SI. No recent magazine-paper has excited more general interest than the article is the Atlantic Monthly for August on the New Gymnastics.” : The present work is a complete exposition of the system of which that ertidegave asynopsis. The author of this work has been for many years en gaged in teaching Gymnastics. ; The hook describes and illustratesbis NEW SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL TSAIN- IhG. This system has had the practical test of long and varied nee. . .It comprisat exercises with BUMS, BELL i, BINGS, WANDS, CLUBS, Etc, alt of which are made perfectly clear by full explanations, while many are illus tr»Ud by pictorial repreaeutstiona of the position of the body required to pctiorm tbem. THE DUMB-BELL INSTRUCTOR, connected with this work, is one of the highest interest and Importance. It is designed for. home ÜBo,.and gives a great variety of Dumb-Bell Exercises, together with a carefully-selected progressive series of every-day practice.'* ' 1 THE PANGYMNaSTIKON is a very simple, useful, and cheap piece cf gymniretic apparatus, upon which all gymnastic exercises may be performed, and. which can be introduced, at-small cost, into any private house. It is fully described and illustrated in this volume. The “NEW- GYMNASTICS” should, be read in every family in the land where exercise is valued as a mean s-of health. Ladies especially will find in it a great vari-ty of; EiBY, SIMPLE, and INVIGORATING EXEEOIBE3, sll of which may be practised injtheir own homes. Notwithstanding the great expense at tendant upon the preparation ot <■ The New Gytnnai tiCßi’Sjby reason of the three hundred illustrations con tained in it, the publishers offer it at the low price of ONE DOLLAR. They do this in the belief that the woik will be an important means for the restoration and preservation of health, wherever its teachings are fol lowed, and in the hope that it may thus find the uni versal citcnlation due to its merits. 83T For sale by all Booksellers, or sent postpaid to any address, on receipt of ONE DOLLAR, by tlio pub lishers. TICENOR & FIELDS, . 135 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. peper copying the above, and sending a marked-copy to the publiehers, together with eighteen cents in stamps for postage, will receive a copy of the work postpaid. "'©St - It TIGKNOR '• & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY I; THE POEMS OF ABTHUB HUGH CLOUGH. With- a. Memoir by Cuaklss Eliot. Nobtos. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 76 cents. The present Is the first complete edi'ion of the Poems of Mr. Clough, and is printed according to the author’s latest revision. It includes “ The Bothie of Tober-na- YuolicD,’-’-the poem by which Mr. 0! -ugh is best known to American readers, and which, in an earlier edition, was widely read and admired,' Of the writings of Arthur Hugh Clough, his biographer says: ”They are prized by all.those of thoughtful and poetic temper, to whose hands they have come, as among tie most precious and original productions of the time.” 11. LOCKB * RT’S LIFE OF SIB WALTER SCJOTT. Illustrated Household Edition. Yolnme 9, completing the work. Price 75 cents. This beautiful edition of this standard biography is now complete-in-9. vol tines, illustrated with steel en gravings. It is for sale at all bookstores, or will be sent Ires of expense to any address in the United States on receipt of the price, $6.75, by the publishers, TICKNOR A . F (ELDS, 135 WASHINGTON Sheet, Boston. B;L UNT>S CURBEOIED M\P.— . Beady this nirrnitig, a new and corrected edition of BlnntVJHap of the Seat of War' in Virginia, stowing, all the points of interest around 'Washington and Rich mond, in the Shenandoah Valley, Ac., Ac. Price re duced to 68 cents. This is the most reliable Map published.; For. sale by . WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, auS r ' ’ r 606 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATIONAL. THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS.. BBBBR’S French BbgHsh' Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles. No. 1703 WALNUT Street) ’will re* open on WEDNESDAY, September ’loth. *o3l 2ra . . 1 - WANT*. T^ANTED— A PARTNERIN THE »"; MOEOCOO MANUFACTURING BUSINESS', 'with a capital of five ■or eight thousand. dollars. Tbs money can ba profitably invested, as the business has been ostabllshed for a number of years The factory nowocoupied is complete, and every way suitable. For particulars', apply at southeast corner of OANAU aad FGUBTH Streets, Sixteenth Ward. . aull-st* J?«R SALE ANI> TO .LET. N0..1011 Mill gPBUOS Street, with ell the modem conveniences. Also, smell House, Ho. 314 ISSKMINQEti Street. Apply to ~ DAVIS PATTON, .an 9 51* No. 323 South THIBTXBNTff Street • \ PHYSICIAN’S PROPERTY TO JLjL EXCHANGE FOB DRUGS—Desirable village property, physician’s location, neat improvements, wealthy neighborhood, large grounds, nicely.ahadtd, a few miles northeast of the city. Apply to , a*2 B. PETTIT, No. 3Q» WALSTOT Sireet : ■gm FOR 8 OTT A HE, AT ■S GERMANTOWN —A new Cottage on MANHEIM Street, with ail the conveniences oi a first-class city rest *. denro; good-lotj. terms easy. Also, a Neat Cottage at Chestant Hill, near tho-BaH. road Depot: very cheap. Also, a-great variety of City Properties. , ’ B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, and Jy2l 8. W. cor. SRVENTEKNTEand-GBSEH. tTO LET-iThe eligible STORE and FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT- Street, ceit to new poet office. - BEMOVAB. - The GUN aad FISHING TACiCUE Store will be re moved to 41A CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER. Ist Inquire of : PEIUIP WIBSOS A 0O,,: j,2H-tf .v 432 CHESTNUT Street.. REMOVALS. TDEMOVAL.—MAHLON KIRK, XV ESNTIBT, has BEHOVED to No. 1608 CHEST NUT Street. . JyB-lm* amusements. OENNSTLVANIA ACADEMY 01 Ml THE FINE ARTS, . 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open dally (Sundays excepted) fronv9 A. M.dil l P. M. AdtnlosioD 25 cents. Children haU price. Shares of Stock, S3O. W ' EHOTeGRATHS. T) EM EMBER—That in oonsequence JAj cf the rimer, EEIMER’S life-slae oil-oolored Pho tographs are' Being made at reduced prices.' A rare ‘chance to get a floe picture at a moderate charge. SE COND Street, above Green. . . ’ V It* mBE UNANIMOUS OPINION OF A the public Ib, that BEIHER’S colored Photographs ire the beet pictnres if their kind, finely aadaoearstely colored by artists of skill. SECOND Street, above Green. , “ . m TRUSS AND BRACE DEe PAII ™aH.'NEEDt,RS, Corner TWELFTH nnd RACE StreeU, Philadelphia. Hernial Trusses and mechanical appliances correotl; adjusted by q 0. NEEDLES. Fine French and approved American, adapted to ovary form of rupture, in adults and children, English and American Snrportera and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Bus eenaoriee. Elastic Stockings, and Syringes in great va riety Dadies’ Department, TWEUFTH Street, flrtl door below Baca. QondtwSfti hf competent ladles. . j,3S-3mlf . TN THE OHPBAIVS’ OOUttT EOft X tßboouhtt of pniOADßiiPaiA.. Iti for_tba partition of the real estate of 80888 P B/ABfcT, doCHMod To Jobs Arey, R -niUfi Arm, Joserb Arov, Bnbart H-ggs, ntd El'Zi M., bia wife, in right of sold Bliz*, Banrae) Bay, Dr William Bacon, and Mary, hta wife, fn right of said Mary. George Da?is, Eliza Tinker, late Davie, and Horatio G Davie. Pursuant to an order of publication, made by the court at-their regular aeeaious in Philadelphia, on FBI- DaY, the third day of Juu, A. D. 1862, you are hereby louflid and informed that a jury of inanest has betua award, <1 by tbouforesald court to umbo partition of the real ertate formerly belonging to: taid dero dent to and among the parties Interested in euch proportiqneae by the laws of this Omnm-nwettltli ia difecred, if euoti partirton can be made without prejudice to or flooding the whole; but it snob pat titk>n ca> not b" mart* thereof, then to va lue and aperaiaetbeeaine. .And that a meeting of the Ehtd jury of inqneet will ho held tor that purptwe, at 10 O'clock A. M., ou FRIDAY, the th‘r«i dav of Oothber. A. D. 1862, at.lh» WATHhRILL HOUSE, <n 8 VN3OS htreet, above SIXTH Street, in the city of Phtladetohia. aull-n.6t ROBERT EWIHG, -hanff. FN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JL TBE'DITY ASDHOTJNTT Of PHILADELPHIA. Estate of f 'H ARLES D WOOD, deceased. Tbe Auditor appointed bv thp Court to nudit, settle, and si'jn t th* account of MABY S. KTA.N and AST DREW Executors of UHAKI*BSD ffV»OD f diceat-fd, and to ms-kt distribution of the baUnce in the hand» ot the account at, t will meet the p*»rti«s for thr-jrarpraes of his appointment, on MOND AY, Au *u>-t3Btb. 1862, at 11 o’ciocK A. 4L, at No. 128 South BJXTH Strtet, in the city of Philadelphia. H E. WALLACE, Auditor* 680-BHI wf m6t ]l J’ARP HAL’S SALE —By virtue of IVJL a Writ of Sale, by tho Boa. JOBS OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the Baited States, in and for the Eastern. District of Pennsylvania, in adrni~ talty, to me direc'fid, will be sold at public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for ca»b, at OaLM'WHILi*. STKKET WHABT, m i UESDAY, August 29th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., ibe schooner OAT ALIN A, her tackle, Ac., and the cargo laden on board; consisting of 32 bales of cotton. WILLIAM MILLWVBD, U. 8. Marshal Bastern District of Penna. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 8.1862. su9-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writof Sale, by the Hon JOHN OaDWaLaDEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, . to me directed, will be sold at pubi c sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at CALLOWHILL STEEET WHABF, on TUESDAY, August 20tb, 1882, at 12 o’clock M.. the schooner Vi) GANT, her tackle, Ac, and the ca'go laden on board, consl-t’ng of 200 tacks of salt, 60 barrels of mackerel, and 500 boxes of herring. . WILLIAM MILL W a 80, U. 8. Marshal E..D. of Penuftilvania. Fhiladxlphia. Aug. 8 1882. a a 9-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the oou. JOHN CAD WALA» DEB, Judge ol the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty. to me directed, will be sold at pnbticaale. to the highest and best bidder, fo» cash, at CALL!)WHILD -BTBEET WHABE. on TUESDAY, August 20ch, 1882, at 32 o’clock 18., the schooner MORNING STAB, her tackle, Ac., and the cargo laden'on board, consisting of 675 sacks of salt, 4 carboys of acid, 2 barrels copperas, 3 kegs toda ash, 1 box Cigars, 1 oackage of rfhbons. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. . Philadelphia, Ang. 8,1882 . an 9 Bt » 1 BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITEO HBATES. TO 9BE M * BBH AL OP THE EASTERN DISTRICT OP PkbNSYLYANIA, GBEETING: WmEßEa**. Tlbe District C*>urt of the United States, in and lor tbe Easier n District nf in a cer tain cause of prize, move-1 end prosecuted in the said corn-tin the nam* of the United states of America, against the brig 8 whereof Joseph. Creighton is n»i-ter, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on JWHrd thereof captured by the United Stares blockadingeduadrop, a- der ccmihand of Flag Officer '**». 8. ialifeaoo, as p iz«. «ad brought into the port of Philadelphia, in the Eastern Bis trict of Pern sVlvania. rightly and duly p-n Deeding, on the day of the date hereof, upon the lite filed oabebaf of ti e United t iatea the attorney of the United States for the said district hath decreed tno *imt of the said the brig JJAPIIB. her tackle, apparel, and faraitdre, and the goods, wart s, and merchandise laden on board Thereof: Wherenpon, wfl do hereby empower and strictly com mand you that you omit not that you arreiN or centra to be a*rested, the said brig BA PI SB, her tackle, apparel, and fnrniTu e, and the goods, wares, and mer chandise lachn on board thereof, where? w>VKr you shalt find tbepaue, and so arrested you keep under sate ai d secure arrest until th« further ord rof *the «aidt Dishict Court, and that yen duly,certify to the said BLi tri?t Court what you ehali do in the promises, toother wi*b t eeepreHiiit** Witness, the Honorable JO *11? CABWABADBR*. Jutipe of the said District Court at eighth day of AUODBT. in tbe year of our Lord one thomend eight hundred and sixty-two, and in tne eighty seventh y c ar of the Independence of the paid trailed? States an l*3t G B. POX, Clerk District Otmrt IT. 8. TTJS’ITED STATES. EASTERN DIS^ U TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. . THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: . WHEREAS, The District Court of the United Stataa- In and for .the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, fited in the name of the- United States of America, hath decreed all-persons in , general who have, or pretend to have, any right, .tiflei or interest iitthe schooner EMMA, whereof Joseph W. Gatkill is master, her taikb, appa-el, aa! furniture and ti e goers, w are?, ar.d merchandise Men oe board there f, captured bvtbeUuitSd ' fates steamer ADIKHSHiCK, under command .of. Captain Gansevoort, (said steaner being one of the. South Atlantic blcoka J ii}c -qnadran,}' to- be. monished, cited,-and: called to judgment, at the time and : place underwritten, and to the effect here after expressed, (justice so requiring } Yon are there fore charged.-..and strictly enjoined and commanded,, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in tha- Ltgal Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or causa to be monished-and cited, peremptorily, all persona in genera! who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said schoohFr EMMA, her ta-kje, apparel, and furniture, and the goods wares, and m- rchoDilfse laden *n beard thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, in tha City, of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the. next court day following, betyreem the usual hours of . hearing causes., then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any Urey have, why the said sch ouer- EBMA. htr tackle, apparel, and furniture, and th# goeds, wares, and merchandise, laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United- States, and as goodß of their enemies, or other wise, liable, and subject to condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawiul prizes: and" further to do tod receive In this behalf aa to justice shall 1 appertain. -And that you duly intimate, or cause to be-. Intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,)- that If they eh ail not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shell tot show a reasonable and’ lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said sstoonqr EMMA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchaud'eeladen on beard thereof,- did belong, at the time of the capture of the 3ame, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and 1 subject to confiscation and condemnation, to he ad judged and : condemned as lawful prize, the absence,-, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding, and'that you d'nilr certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the- Kiises, together with theße presents. itness the Honorable JOHN OADWALADER, ie of the said court, at Philadelphia, this eighth day of AUGUST; A. D. 1862, and to the eighty seventh year of the Independence of' the Bald Uhited-- Btates. aull-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Cotot TLS. EXCURSIONS. DELIGHTFUL MM SUMMER EXCURSIQ-NS. '*** r - NIAGARA PALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS 'OP ST. LAWEBHOT BITER, MONTREAL, LABES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON BI TEE, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NHW POBT, NEW YORK, &o. PLEASURE-SEEKERS. the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD COMPANY- Is prepared to issue, daring the Sommer, ticket* i* greatly reduced,rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA BAHIBOAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS Nor one, three, sis, nine, or> twelve months, at low rates, for the accommodation of versons living ootot town, or located on or near the line of the roaddnrfngr the stumner. From and after July 1,1882, a gtiU'greatat reduction has been made on theea tickets. COUPON TICKETS For twenty'six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for tb* nB6 of families travelling frequently, and are of great a*, vantage tb person* making- oeeaaional trip*. .. SCHOOL TICKETS . For one or. three months,for the nse of scholars at— tending schoel in the city., - Living on or near, the line of the road, and ha via® occasion to nse the road Cretpoently in their capacity, are famished- with certificates entitling tin* to travel at half fare. Applications to be made only te Enoch Lewis,. General Superintendent, at Altoona. EXOUBSION TICKETS Issued at half fare to partieß of over forty, good to* any reasonable time. EXOHBBI-ON TICKETS daring the Simmer are saM at greatly reduced rates, for the benefit or those seek ing recreation from boEteees, or in pursuit of health. These tickets are ‘geod for ten days, and are issued I* OBESSON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), AX*. TOONA (foot ot the mountains). BEDFOBB, DOUB LING SAP, and KPHEATA SPBINGS. For timo of departure of tralnß see bills and card* at the road. Wet Through Tickets *M>iy at the offioeof the Com pany, Boßthee** comer d EUSYENTH and TS&BMXt Streets, JA.MXB OOWDBN, Agent. LTCWIB I. HOT7PT, General Ticket Agent jyls-teel ’ ■ ; - T OST—About the :29th or 30th July, U a descriptive list, certificate! and tarioogti of* woonded BoWier, (opposed to hays been left at a Bestanr rant, tote at night, and of no nse to any one but U>e owner, ALKXHAMILCON. If left, at the Paymedtcr’a Department, TWELFTH and QlBkltD Street*, affa ble compensation will be given. ... awmot TVOBI'PYiPSR.-The charm, of J_ BEIMKE’B Ivorytyner conßtata In their close adhe ranee to the original. T\ le y are not; <«*§!»« *»“/ reapect, only a simple, '.rathfnl copy ; SBOOND »bc-»e Green. ' ■■■ * - ' ■; _ DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A, DBLIOIOOS BATH TO-DAY, at to B*ir- eye ing Saloon, OTJBTH and BBANOU, tfK N PIS- IMPORTANT TO
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