Imebcial - Tl ib money makket. jpiHLADRt-ruu, August T» XBoi . r ro oly offered ou tho street to day at 4»* part ,r f Ooo d commercial is SO rarely seen tlia J l4 eii cldl ' mo n matter of reoollection. Tbeqnota- L l,o “® at ”c 434 ®6 <M« lvsl rath “ 8 “° J jV ‘“" or the olwe, when it declined 1 Percent. Lw #"f." Qoidcii Onto, with <>rrr « million of gold, £r l,! f eon conetrimd by the bull, into a rea«on»b e lift""*'* li* to advance i Out the causes favorable ’«»# |~r are ioo overpowering for the loss of o»tT it. descent The early operations were but tberote Boon fell to 114. and at the In St tho beet figure named. The market C ],iro | t!l a downward tendency. Old Demands ,]i«d there being a largo demand for „ t ,« t nl ore inquiry on the street at present for !!*"'• JeuritW than for eotne time paat, the seven eov. rntne" 1 « e “ fw(|rltM Oerflfiootea of indebtedness . bodluess men with meaos to employ ylll W»“ (,I, “ j „ 8 the Government Will lihely pay their their MP ‘ ’ criiaoates hweafier. . . ' rnnrket cuutiuaee buoyant, but not very ao- Wc " lOS i ol sales, with good pitcos, ruav generally; J|vr| th |,rt “ l jQfdcadon that bo dir. want higher prices. »a aoonritlua were firm, and held at higher jOcir< ,I W“ w IXW( is3ii advanced if • hollers more stiff 1 011 l »i,d but tew changed hands; eeven jn I'iih ll,nl ]i eot ay|»ani» fives were firm at 8634, tli rt > ( ' coup on fives «'■ Id at 00, no change from p,.tie' ;pt 'i | **«»• brought 103 Now Oily sixes J»t ,| l6 old .declined H .on the. bid. North rsivor.’td ,S i hsUtoll j i a t 'mortgage scrip sold at TO; ftU(l continued firm; 99 was bid for sl»>«'" w "pMijdelphia and Erie sixes were steady at the ten*- ( Hearting sixoa, 1886, advanced NshVallW “ |XM br ‘>«* bt W3ji ‘ ftB, “ lmg BlUl * H' L ‘'". 6 dW. llarris'juvg brought.6s3f, an advance ~...1! . jpjmhin coutijined firm at 69. Bea dPT 1 brought 68 Beutisyi>liida advanced jf. wr fur Elmira; 20 for ihe prelenod. 16?; for 11 "h,wl 9* for North Pennsylvania. 3* for lm i! I,l '' ‘ j lif jbo preterred. L‘ high Navigation I’sis*I*'*' 1 *'*' . t 60i lUI advsuie of l; 28 was bid for the »' l,rcl WM offered for Schuylkill Navigation pre »crir jipresugcr railways wore iuanttve; Green and f:: " irmmtit 34, being the only solo, Girard Ojlioge l k on the bid. Arch Street 34, Onestnnt and improve.^ H snd vine*. Thirteenth and Fifteenth Til-' qb. a arket closed firm.' \ a I ,bCe quote: „ ' York exchange, parol-lo pm h' v i r ,.,, jne9 . parol-10 pm IW'fSi 7.. ' pace X d>» ww,,0r f0?r?r»....'....-. ......4100 H Ms. ...i3*oi r ßrem Gld Demands S * prom. Ti e following repvrt of Btuck sftluß i« liictmcmd, 00-1 1 1 trom oueoi the late papers of tbat eit/, will Jnfce those hBVUg investroeme in tho concerns named. « P m«muetl» medium of payment, or rather the legal.: ' eder for settlement was Confederate bonds, or current Cue, coutißilns of the bank notes of the Soathern fSi OF STOCKS IN BiCHMOND, JUDY 26,1862. Confederate Slate boudj(.tiUO,UOO,uOO ießoe,) sales 100 at T,nue'iswBtatobondij (Interest suspended, J oastisales, Jo N,:rth Carolina State bonds, 6 psret., sales 109oU03<; Vhidßiadtate stoct,sales HCI andinterest. . BicJiniood Oit> Bou(i8, Bail's llo« , Ixclifti'fip Mo‘-k» la URttS tfl.;,-, I'amitrH’ BttLk stock* Wi. UfU>k vi Virginia slapii, last «»i«w of. v : ft the Ooaiinuu tvwiith rftooki last Bales 89. O t i liuDiiuiou iiiftunuKJß BCuck, l&4\ 8-*les«d^. la Uie liibUraisce Uo stock, last auloa {sl 30. ~ ViiL'iim* Firt» »nd H-aioti iusufaace, Uat sa es 35. ridiiwiba Fire Assuciation &«o k. ltwt Stiles 28, . ji Uowpnuy or thid at bte of Vuetflia t 23, jlVicti.HiifS 4 stock 72^. Tirgiuiu Ueuual RuHrotw, Ist mongago Ponds—no fo e3Virfi!i-fo Central llftilroftd, 2d mortgage salosBl. (jMtirgf «aJ Afoxanuri* Bathood 3 ptr cent, bonds—no nod Alexandria Railroad 8 per cent, bonds, Railroad bouds-no recent sales. Bki'imiDdiFtcdetriclibburgaud Fotjmac RailrQftd, last 2B yn!ir-ia and tei net see Railroad, 2d mort. bonds* 7. Virginia Central Balltomi etotk, last sates 46. Bnllm'»nd aoP Peterburg Hnil road iaec sales 75. hi ', mood ana Dan villi) Batlrond stock; last sales 75. Jh.»B Hirer and K«n»wh»st.iok—uo recent sales. Ihe rrctipts of Ihe Oentral Railroad of New Jersey for the six months end eg with J une, 1861 and 1882, vert i*-i I*. Hews : 1861. TrtiFt DLBt? . $98,280 M el cbawita • 188. 760 Cunt. .. 270 624 Sat**' 'MW 5662,404 Cud tonnage for elx months: tarkawniia, tOM.2Bs.nT 229.446 Dos. 64.231 id . 6 U„., 114,410 10»,823. Deo. 11,828 Total .398,168 332,409 Deo. 65,861 licit, ill receipts sud expenaeß for six mouths were Sum $662,494 . 586,237 loc, $22,742 Japtii.'ie..«,««.. 240,617 274,843 , Xuc. 34,326 fill i “rr i.’ss,. ,$321,877 . 310 393 Deo. 11,583 Aniexod is a copy of Ibe balance sheet on July I: o 4 tubus, (50 being doable track.)..,54,513,482 lUm< ai rt nba* veaut feliflabtthpnrt..,. 298,419 gintiou-bsuses, tliops, &o«.* 132,900 Xtg'tit* c0ra,.,...608;762 4‘errj Interns*, and b0at5...... 257,200 rropert} ace0a0t5.,..,.,.....,,,........... 208,148 Jasb b>>lanm &c... .$105,400 Uai balances payable, ......... 113,200 I Total. .*8 001,198 taj ital snick, 3.630,000 ionra, f;r*! im 1,4)I0,0U0 5 ■. da, tecond mortgage, 690,000 ‘.titinst Mind jlnt*resi accrued not yet payable) 4'.833 Imitod 1*0,29, payable July 16.,, 90,750 i<-v (‘.I tend, balance to urtOii -172,85$ Set earning. .$119,393 Xr,* account...sB9,l3B taadlTitUnds..JBt,6oo _ —- 250,630 'Me1.,..,. .*d,UU1,196 pin lolkutlng are eome of the principal articles ex pcric.ll mu this port to foreign ports, from August 1 to Aligns! 7,1802: , BBF.MKN . u«r. bWf1.,....113 $1.6951 Sutter, 1b5...4,200' $B4O Poik, bbis 125 I.7l3|Shlp timber 7,060 OBKAT BRITAIN, Flour,bbts 802 $44,501 Tallow, 1b5..84.862 s'),3fo Wheat, bin.,lo,4sb 1.,295 Peiro*m, ca 1 . 76,305 10.247 ten,bus..., 0 587 3 9SCHemp, iba...05,255 3,000 Etimsu 80RTtl AMBREOA, Flour, bbis.,„,ltd $891:Coal, tun5......200 $l,OOO BRITISH WE3T ISDIES. Flow, bbi5..,.1,610*6 544 Cb-rii mi»!, bbis 140 477 0 Tii. ion 858 662 lined ptm... 170 613 Oil iiTl,jdsgj.. 200 3,150 i'M 50 4UG fteep, 49 269 Iff. lbs-.... 28 38n Fork, bbis 218 2,430 inns, 1b5,,,, 21,3u3 1,714 BP ANISE WJ Fleur, bbis,,,, 160 $9O0 1 Corn tn’J. t bis. 160 fi ll bnad, tltgs... 175 319 Put Mils 20 236 Emm,8939 315 tod, lbs, 1,668 234 to ports of foreign merchandise from Philadelphia !or tie week (tiding August 7, 1862, were as falloers: FOB OOHSOMFTION. S»gar 1iVidg..,.1822 ( tiircei.. 110 l « bbU„,,. 25 i “ Ikjib’... 207«06,955 MolnsECf, h1,d«.,440 '* Herein.,. 69 . " Mils,,. 132 X 13 172 ""1* Mil, cn»k«,447 12,779 «ll<K Hog £lO w “'S tanks 43 688 Oatiitkioda, bblßia 1,399 .rtiosplitty 0 f todft» ..'"lt*-......... 5 177 iliinoiicß pnj e che5t5,....,,,.,30 ,j 62 ! plappspotl, 1,b1j.'12 112 Solct, b!15,,,,..,4 K} 1 Uall.bbH 28,977 a. 161 4otits,lc«,B: . Chii.a chi, casks,6o 3ti •f.artiiw, crates.,,7 4231 iciait-r), ca5k5.....6 681 1 Philadelphia Stock Kxchang* Halea, Aog. T. [Reported by B. E. BLAVMAKIiJt, pula. Exchange.] FIBBT BOARD. 8 Battisburg 8..55K 60 N. Pa, Istmtap. 70 C'JliDrtilUß .60 4000 Sorth Penna 6s 75<{ tt)0!!. 8. 6a 1881...,98 £ 30 O. &0 B .tom 34 3fi;o Ptima. 6b....,* .86W 5 Pbiia. A 8ri0.., 14 . IMXiO do 2000 Phila is EriuGi. 92J1 ICU) Pa coupOs 85wn,90 *6O Reading R 28J3 8 Beam Meadow ,68 ,10000 Beading Be 1836. 9UO K. Pa. Ist mt Bop 70 1000 Lehigh Yal. «a...103Jf BETWEEN BOARDS. 600 U. 4.7 30 T, N. bllOS# 60 Reading 8........ 28# BOARD. 10 Leha’h Nav.alO 1it,50 3000 LenlghYal. ds.. 103 If 100 City 63 New.... ,1)1 1000 North Poona. 63..75# lOPftnu. 1t,,.47 SW) I.ocsmt Mt, Coal C 0.16 SECOND 1 Harrisburg R,.,. ~66% Puma, coupon 85.103 13 Mineblllß ,60 2 Perm#, Jl. 47 US do .47 CLOSING PB: _ Bid, Athtd.X ■ Bid. Athti, ®585>81..,.., 98% 99 Elm7a’7B.ex lut .. 86 £Bl*7 3.1011.102% 102% L Maud 8..... 16% 17 SWladtt 6a.,,,,, 96% 97 tehol A N.x-dv 49% SO « “lad# 6a new.,100% 101 to Cl 4s Nay son 28 89 W5b....... 86% 88% N Penoa B 9% 9% guwlius R 28% 29 N Pa 865...... 76% 76 BeiultußsWmoi ~ N Pa810a...,. 99 100 shading bds’7o. 96% 86, Oatawß 00n... 8% 4 Beadmt 6a ’BB., 84% 84% Oatawissa Prf.. ll 11% JwnaKoxdlv. 46% 47 866 A Third Bt B ..‘ 64 «na»Riin6«„lo3% ~ Ruco4! Yiuo-stß 11 11% ™urmH2m6s,. 09% 99% W Pblla 8..,.. 63 63% Morris Cnl Oon,. 41% 42 Spruce * Pine.. 12 12% -MortiaOnl Pref.ll6% 117 Gr A Ots B exdv 34 35 |chNav Stock., 4% 6 ob&Walexdiv. 38% 40% Scb Kav Prof... 14% 16 Arch Bt ex dlv. 24% 24% B«h N 6s’B2exlnt 67% 68% Thir & Ftft’nth. 15 16% H n .. Girard OoUago.. 21% 22% limit# B Prof.. 20 .. ITen.h & Blev’h .. S 3 ? Ito New Turk Evtning Post say# i 3 w all i treat was startled this morning by the tele- F#PWo arneuncoment, from San Francisco, of the mis of the Golden Gate, on the Paolfto, while on «r way to Panama, with the imiiil complement of pas #fe«Wß and treasure. The despatch taps that one hrm- S, r ™ atw eighty passenger# were lost, as welhaa $1,200,- in treasure, On the find impulse the -nows had a oepres-iiig effeot on stork, especially on the shares of the ,f*™° Mail Steamship Company, hat afterwards a batter iseung prevailed, and the market' generally closed with an upward tendency. .. As far as can be ascertained at present, at least one nsifei the treasure Is Insured, principally in tiondon, where most of our large shippers have standing policies. «the loss of the Central America, several years a«o, as much ss three-fourths oi the itreasure was,insured In « and there seems to be little doubt but what m ■or 60 4p cenj, 0 f t j, a w hich went down on the Golden vim!) Is secured by London polioies Psolflo Mall dropped to 108%, against 112% last even ing, Inn was i <- eD t, putter at the close, Panama was ™m#t 1340134%.- , f&rly bmlness In Governments and Hew York ventral was at rather lower prices, bat when the general “Mejlst was reached prices Improved. Michigan Oan «Mi Michigan Southern, and Illinois Central were firm Uj® 11 R Bvanee of %®% per cent on the prices of yester- Oorfrnments are steady and rather higher. The Hlxes ®UBBlolnßeat9B%ffl9B%i the 7.80 notea 102%®102%. T f ' x t*r cent, certificates ate firm at 98% fflU9, aner the Board stocks were lower agalD. New York IM%“ 8014 at ® a92 H- Pacific Mail Is muted 109 m la IMr 6W to-day at 4®5 per cent, on call, rne euh. Treasury Is getting large amounts at 4 per wT > re i>#r»ble at ten days’ notice. Yesterday *800,000" *ere deposited on these terms. liK. C ? higher, influenced by the loss of the at iiS v koard the Goldeu Gato, and sale- were made v sh,,, it i at, ®rwards there were sales at 114%. The hear ,r t ~ Bold have met some very heavy losses. We Seiler ei , this week ol lots sold at 103% 0104, Thai e Utile I«n exchange market is extremely dull, with tendon li 1260128% Iholato for flcat ' claM nainß > Ybcre la ft better demand for Floor, Bud h ildera at the close of change are asking an advance on previous quo tations. fairs comprise about 7,000 hble at S5mS 25 for superfine, $6 37*05 62 for extras, $5,60»5 75 for extra faintly, and $607 ■IP' bbl for fancy hrande, including Jenny Lind family ar our highest figures ; 930 Keystone Mills do, and 1,500 bids Western on terms kept private Sales lo the trade are within the same range of prices as quality. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are very Bcarce, and if here would command fully former rates. ViiKAT ia in steady request and firm at yesterday’s quotations; 806,000buehetahave beeu taken at 110® 112 c for inferior; 1280133 c foe Pennsylvania, and 1340 135 c for Southern red ; white ranges at lSsffllsoc, a. in quality. Bye is in request and scarce at 80.) for Penn-- sytvania. ■ Oovn ia firm; 804 000 bushels prime yellow sold at 640, afloat aud dn store ; iuferior iv noclec’od. Oats are unchanged, and about 2,000 bushels new fiouto ern sold at 38®37c, measure; Pennsylvania are worth 41 046 c, weight. i&B-utK ceutinucs in steady demand, and lßt No. 1 Qusr cinon is worth $33 ton. Cotton —The maitsot is firm but quiet at previous quotations, and the ssles limited. ' Ghoobribs and Provisions —They© is bo ctuvugo in the market, for either, and a small business to note in the way of Bales. „„ „„ , , - Whisky moves off slowly at 30031 c for Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls; 28029 c for dredge. 1882. 91.833 .249 895 226,487 11,990 Butt • tbs ... 2,500 5513 Candies, lbs*.• 9,000 1592 i ift.i. tb5..,,. 400 25 -Mtgt&r, 8)4...« 9,512 999 turn, bbt.... 1 20 4»}olc*m?a,,.« .. 18 Lumber*.•* 86 Fnr«« tur» . .*• • • 105 Shingles, «,.♦ , 65 45$ iaoed, cases,. 12 525 ■ E3T. ISDlHS ijßtntor, 1b*..,. 4.874 5492 [lOanOWs. ft*.., 8,500 1,12-3 ) Flab, uhgs.,,. 79 295 > Lumber,,♦ 854 > Bb«‘Oka 320 619 l Paper, reams.„ 200 40 ©ld iron, tons. .. 137 $1*549 O&ffee, bag5.*,...249 5,067 Oranges and Le mons, bx5..,.2,193 3,616 Plue anple, d0z.4,200 673 BannaDfH ana I'a rnanuds. 27 Paintings, case..,.l 49 BUukets b,1ef1....i3 1,635 Ltoen thread, ca... 9 2,567 1 Jetton, Bpeol, and worsted, cases.. 22 6,514 Cottons, 0a5e5....23 2,735 Oottm velvets, ca.,3 ‘ 659 \ tfobair,bates,...«*3 603 \ Wool, bosiervj 0J..3 831 ) Wool ba1e**.......3 98 l Pelt, bate.l?l \ Bags, bate ..,,,,103 1,386 9157,938 HOBS—FIBMr Philadelphia !Hnrket.s, Aijoost T—Evening. New York markets of Yesterday. Flock AMD Meal The market for Western and State Floor opened rather firmer, with lees prime Siß'O offer ing, bnt closed dull at yesterday’s prices. Trade brands aro steady, and in fair reuneßt. I, The Balts are 16,760 barrels At $5ra5.25 for superfine Slate and Western i $6 - 39<®5.60 tor the low grades of Woßtetn extra 555 60ss6 66 for shipping brands of I‘omsil hoop extra Ohfoj and ss.7cra6 25 for trade brands. Canadian TMonr is steady ; the demand fair ; sales of 870 bbls at $5.20®5 60 for the low grades of extra, and $6,000 6,25 for trade brands. Southern Flour is without change, and is Quiet ; sties of 000 bids at $530®6 90 for mixed to good superfine Baltimore, Ac, and s6ra7 lor trade brands. Bye Flour is in fair request, aud is steady; b»1os of 180 bbls at $304.30. Corn Meal is steady; sales of 600 bbls et $3.50 for “Fairfax ” and “ Mareh’s oalorio.” . . ■ Chain —The Wheat Market is In2c better, the im provement'mobt noticeable-in ..choice Qualities i the in quirr is mainly for export, In part for ftlttlre delivery; tlio privato advices by the Arabia are more favorable than tho published accounts. The sales ate 142,000 bus at $112®1225< for Chicago spring! 5a.17ff11.24 for Milwaukee clobj «1 250 l 27 for amber lowa. Ac ; $1.28 for amber Gr.en Ba? ; SL.3O® 136 for rad Western; fi1.37ra1.3S for amber do; Sl.SGra 3.38 for common white Ohio; *1 42® 145 for good white Michigan; and *1 40 for new ambor Kentucky. Barley Malt is quiet bnt steady ; sales of 1,000 bushels good st $llO . . Oats are better and in good demand at 46®480 for Western and Canadian and 48X«49c lor 3taie. Bye is lower and is leas aottve i sales of 4,600 bushels at 76ra780 for Western, and S3raB4c for State. Corn is rather firmer; the demand fair; sales of 137,000 bushels at 60ra52JjO for Heated, 63®66X for Eastern Mixed, 57ff158c for shipping do. Mixed, 64ra650 for Western Yellow, and 66ra67c for do. White. Wcw York Stock Exchange Sales Yesterday. 15000 V 8 6s ’Bl reg.. OS-if I2CO N Y Cent K 92% 6000 O S6s’Bl<coup.. 98$ 100 d 0...... 92& 60000 U 8 55’74 coup. S 6 260 Erie Bail way..... 3t=£ 6000 do ........ 85% 100 d 0..,. 1000 Trea7 3-10poN,10iX 100 do.. b3O 35 4000 do ....... 300 d0:........b60 35 60110 U S Demand N..105X 72 Stoninyton K..... 82 X 1000 Mo State 65.... 45Jf 25 Mil A PdoOh B. 33 4000 Brieß 6th 84 60 Third Av B .......180 8000 Mich O 8s la m 50 Erie B Pref.. 61X SFd bds..„ 1 .._.55 108 X 600 d 0..... 64 Y 20110 Hi d Kiv B 3d.. 92 % 6000 Ptn Ft W&llst 93JJ lOOOChl&N W in b.. 80 3000 Tol & Wnb 2dm 64 . 60 Am Ex Bank... 10 Bank of Amer, .107)4 20000 American Gold. .114 6000 d 0,.... U4X 10000 do 114 JK 50 PadM S S 00.e30.109 350 d0............109)4 60 do s3OlOO if 100 do Slo.lo9>j 60 do ..109)4 200 do ...b30.U0 176 do. 110 100 do ..860.109 G I T Y IT E M S. Pure Vinegars Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch' and Tenth street*, has now- on band a pure article of Cider Vinegar, made in the coun try, expressly to bis order; also, the fine “Tarragon” Vinegar, an English article, and pure Bispberry Vine gar, manufactured from the fruit, under his own direc tion. The great advantage in using these vinegars is in the fact of their undoubted purity. Phonetic ORTnoaBAPHT.«-“The postmaster of Paris, Illinois, has kept a memorandum of the differ ent ways of spelling the name of that office upon letters received there within a few months past, with the foilow ng results: Parris, Paras, Paris, Pairis, Peoria, Pai» rys, Palms, Paros, Payrna, Pearaaa, Payria, Parias, Paras, Paross, Parrase, Pearaee, Farice, Pair rice. There is but one way of spelling the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RoekhiH & Wilson, NTos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, and that Is generally observed, eo famous is the sentence. Queries.— Can this be a free country, where you to frequently hear of people’s memories being Can the bootmahor who Btretohcs your boots be justi fled in say tog, “ Boots grow on a tree If a ledger weighs fourteen pounds how many, .stamps does it requite to post it? What is the difference between two man, one of whom does, and the other does not, purchase his clothing at the One. price Fashionable Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 009 Chestnnt street, where the flnest and cheapest garments mapnfaotuitd can he obtained. <t How to Escape the Draft.”— The fol lowing rules have men carefully prepared by a well known dranghteman of this city : First—Join a temperance society and keep the pledge, end you will escape some ®f the most dangerous draughts that have ever visited our land, the draft into the rebel army not excepted. Second—lf you are a merchant p»y for your goods when you buy them, get the discount, and no draft will ever reach you. - Third—Go to Charles Stokes’Clothing Store, under the Oonttoentat Hotel, buy a <• bullet- proof vest,” and join Captain Powor’s or any other volunteer company, and get the bounty while there is time. Any of these rules observed will do the business. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO to 11 o’clock: last hiqht. OONTINENTAI, HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnnt sts. Wm McGUvery, Maine Geo Tennant, Kentucky, Jos Fleming, Fittsborg 8 Keys, Pittsburg A Deltjen, New York Jas Boyd, Chicago - G W Noble, Chicago Wm d Stewart, Philada D MarshaU, LonisvUle,Ky J E Bigelow, Michigan Henry Brlggß, New York F Gmtebunt, New York D Cushing, Wheeling, Va Sami Jessup, Montrose, Pa C P Pattersen, Washington Thoa Kerth, Evansville L J Termey, Baltimore F D Tortney, Baltimore John Buck S wf, New York W B Wiley & la. Lancaster T H Edsali, New York , F Leeber, New York J O Beaumont,Pennsylvauia Miss L shippen, Pottsvillo Miss 8 Oarpenter, PottavUle S S Shippen, Pottsvillo B J Shippen, Pottsville F Field, Philadelphia Thoß Webster, Philada P AHiockle J Lessoffsky N Arlsevoloff Jas Bridge ford, Louisville B 8 Holcomb, Delaware Mrs Milter, Delaware Mlsb J ASnow, New York H Travler, Heading B J Hanna, Wash, OO Mies A Bridgeford,Louisville Mies B Bridgeford, LouißV Miss A O’Connell, Wash,DO H W Bachman, lowa A I Swyer, Milwaukee O A Leonard & wf, Ohio Miss Jacobs, Ohio 5?“ S, * l *> Wa3ll H P Holloway & la. Wash Miss Hedrick, Wa A H W Smith, Washington Wm Lincoln & la, Boston AT Doutin 11 & la, Pittsburg Mrs Dr J Ward, Pittsburg Hon W Lowiher, Penna J B Montgomery D F Fetter, MD, N York B F Shenk, Lancaster Geo N Batch, N»w York Sami A Walsh, New York Geo Dickinson, New York N Mitchell, Cincinnati, O B H Jarman, New York Thos J Blakeney Tbos Thayer h W Wetselis, Jr* Wash J E Bathbone, Conn Dr O Johnston, Baltimore Mr Dunham & la, N York Lient HK W Ayers, Wis James Keeley, New York D E Avcry, New York Clerk Carter, Mats W H Dlobrow & la S H Mead, New Jersey Oscar F Moore dt wf, Phila P S Paterson, New York John Hughes, Baltimore Ohaß O Bowney, Chicago Henry Nolte, Peoria _ Hon Jos J Roberta &la Miss Melville, England, O P Price, Baltimore Jas O Ludlow, Newark Jose 8 Arzndin, Havana Juan Cordero, Havana Dr S Kennedy, U S N J Burdett & wf, N York E Austin, Boston O B Hoit & wf, Albany Miss Holt, Albany J T n Ames & da. Mass E N Blun, New York L P Bmttb. Chicago^ G O Smith, Chicago N K Adams, N York , jr h Baldwin. Cincinnati T L Bitob, Washiegtnp. G B Birch, Macon, Mo U B Brewster, N York John Bett, New York E H Weyman, N York E Gayh-rd, Chicago B E Shurlock, Rocnester James Beilley, 8t Louis E L Beyder, N York. . J W Kerr, Colorado Terr’y Jas O Noyes, Norfolk, Ya Mr Packard & la, Mexico Robert Spicer, N York J W Fanner ® wf, Pa E B Paulding, H S A J O Paulding, USA Mr Winchester & d-v N Y 8 B Brown, Ohio JT Mitchell & la, Wash’n Geo F Newton, Mass T B Finley & wf. Mass MfBS Finley ® sister, Maas T B Bodmer, Watertown Capt Bodmer, U S A 8 H Bacon, Wadt’n, D 0 George S Jenkins, N York C F Schmidt, N York B F Sleiger. Washington SB Smith, Oailforaia Jeste Conrad, Washington H A Chase, N York . The* B Seed. Virginia John P Glbbs, Ky W J Smith, Washington AMEBIC AN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. S S Minor, Maysville, Ky Mrs Thompson, Hartford Mra guilder, New Haven Miss Bailie Arthur, Ky S W Arnett, New York L Pegalt, St Louis B Thomas, Jr, & wife Noah Gill, Baltimore J 0 Tbune, Havana H McNesl, Hollidaytburg John Dillman, Ohio W M Bhakespsar, Del Amos Stroh, DBA D T Crockett, New York A F Imiay, New York W H Paterson, New York ® T Shorb, Pennsylvania O A Shorb, Mar j land J E Herbert, Pennsylvania Bergt B N Hawk, Pa J B Whitaker, Maryland Hon B Arnold, Ooauestiout J M Cauda, Brooklyn H Heayn, Pennsylvania J Walker,{[Baltimore C Henderson, Philadelphia Lieut John Brelsford, Pennsylvania THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. . 0 8 Wattson St 1, Delaware H M Pratt, Lewistown Strgt Btrager, West Chester Corp! James, West Chester Ira Darling, New York D H Beecher, Pottstown lira Blake A d, Cuba S B Stryker, New Jersey J Guy, Pittsburg P Gebhsheimer, Pittsburg W H Ley, Pittsburg D C Btover, Greencastle OBWoolron A Francice BT. LOUIB HOTEL—Cbesaut street, above Third Gto W Zoigler, New Yoik L W Betts, Illinois D P Davis, Maryland T H Boche, Baltimore , • J D Artist, Baltimore A M Zabriskle, NjJersey CH Peirce Dr F E Maitiudalei:le,U3N OOMMEBOIAL—Sixth street, above. Chestnut ' Amoß Spencer, Maryland BW- Hicks Columbia co BB Austin. Wilmington, Del VGStubbs, Yorkco L B Chandler! Dover, Del J Bare, Monet Duiou, Pa JBq nedy, Newark, Del : E 0 Hickman Westchester J O Bailer, Weßt Chester •* W T Seals, Oarversvilte W B Lockwood, Delaware J D.evne, West Chester J O Worth, Oxford Enos Pfizer, Pennsylvania W F Nieids, Wett Chester W O Dickey, Chester co W L Haines, Maryland ■ NATIONAL HOTEL—Bace- street, above Third. B H Wylee, Las caster, Pa JO A Hofleditv & son, Pa F Weldy, Tamsqua Lieut J Garretson Captain B Maxwell Jas W Smith, Wash n co F Sitting, Beading - Jacob Heck ter. Beading L 8 Hacker, Philadelphia G A Huge. Wash’ll. D O A P Zimmerman, Lebanon 0 H Killinger, Amiville B H Bttes, Pinegrove , L E Bteen, Lebanon ..'Jos Lowry, Lebanon M Ohlor, New Jersey . SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. . W Oadwallader, Yardleyv A Clymer, Pennsviiie, Pa 8 Craven, Hartsvitle, x*a J Iredell, Montgomery 0 Worstall, Buokmanville J C Me -jail f J Bcott, Hatboro H 0 Worthington, Trenton G Palmer, Edgawood, Pa D Palmer, Edgewood, Pa Lt G W Zimmerman, DBA MADISON HOUSE —Second street, above Market. 0 Bittenbonse, Monlg co Mows Crawford n York Wm L Bosler, OheUenham W_W Allen, Auiaboro H N Baker, Penna OhasiW Sbeffrer, Conn Jno Hague, Hew Y«k Mrs Baptist BALD EAGLE- Third street, above OallowUU. Prentiss Gill, Danville Aaron Eisenhart^Oreaeld J W fieberling, tt’h Chunk V J Girard, St Lonis BLACK BKAB—Tblrd street* above Oallowhill. Oaptß Erdman, Center Yal Rev D B Bechtel, Bechtelvllle Daniel B Harper, Olney Isaac P Howland, Pa 100 do 61# 500 do ....65 60 Hod Biv B 46 60 Harlem B Prel ... 160 do., .....88 600 Beading 8........ 68 100 MiehOenß . 62)4 100 d0........510. 6214 300 d 0... 62& 100 do.. 61# 650 31 So AN I B ..." 27 50 Mich 8 481 grt.. 68)4 60 Panama R......... 135 100 Olev & Tol 8;.... 48% 200 do 48x 2500 hi & Blslß. ... . B4X SdO d 0............ 64# MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Aron. V J Girard, St Louil H Day G J Bali, USA J M Burchfield & la, Pittsb W Burchfield, Pittsburg Jackson MoAbee, Pallada B McGutchenn, Pittsburg Samuel Townsend, lowa J T McCance & vvf Mrs A Keller fc son W D Bell, M t-re-r J H McUlintock & ia, Pa J O Kirkpatrick &fa, Pittsb J O Wallace, Pitt barg Eb Ward, Pittabtng Amos Fannonth, Schtiyl CO M rs hnllivaa, Indiana Goo Sold von, luditi-iA B F May, Elkton, Md Samuel Dellevin, Battiraore Mis Gray B J, Germantown LB Ha -ley, Pbcenixvllle J Gorthold, New Y ork J J Bates. Salem W H WcBIP.Of, Kansas B Tiicuiiili Ada, Cincinnati D O Green, New fork G 51 Baxtreseer, Penna Charles Myers, Penoa D Garrett. Piitebnrg Oapt B A McCombs, Pittsb w W H Butledge, Pittsburg STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J Maxwell, Now Fork B Wondartieh A Patterson, Mercer, Pa John Mason, Pennsylvania J B May, New iereey J G Prow, Pennsylvania N L Wilier, Lowisburg 6 Mercer, Pennsylvania J W Marshall Ai, Poßn’a W-W Pyle, Pennsylvania B Barnard, pemieylvania H N Pyle, Pennsylvania Mire Sallie P Mercer, Pa Bliss Arm Swayne, Pa It Irvine, Jr, Ae, Onrlisie Bev J J Styne, Peim'a D M Mace, Lancaster &lAKINE INTELLIGENCE. ■ST SEE FOURTH PAGE ABBIVKD. ■ U S transport steamer O Vanderbilt, Doming, from Barrieon’e Landing 6th inst, via Fortress Monroe 6lh, at 7 P M, with 460 tick and wounded soldiers. Schr Kviliue,' LungnUn, from St Jag >de Onba Jaly 20, with sugar, Ac. to G W Beroadou A Bro. . Bohr surah Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Oink Lauding, Del, with wheat ana com to J L Dowiey •A Co. ■ : Stbr L A May, Baker, 5 dayß from Harrison s Land ing, in ballet to Noble, Caldwell A 00. Bchr Martha Wrigbiington, Baxter, 6 days from Bos ton, wi-il unite to Oruwtli-S Collins. Steamer Alien. Botiinson, 24 houra from .New Fork, with tndse to w p Clyde. Barge Jas Hand, Sbelthorn, 24 hours from Now York, with mdieto W P Clyde. , . CLEARED. Brig Zu.ieka, Grov.ier, Lagnayta. Daliett A Sou. Schr H Perkins, Goodndge, Boston, L Audenrled A 00. Scbr Lath Rich, Pontiotf, S W pass, Navy Agent. Schr Geo Deeriug, Finkham, Salem, E B Sawyer A 00. Scbr L H Corbitt, Lee, Washington, do Schr Garland, Norton, Boston, Tyler, 3 one A 00. Schr A Barraw, Cornish, Boston, do bebr L a May, Baker. Salem, Noble, Caldwell & 00. J Sir R L G*w, Iter. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, Str Fanny Gas ner, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. MEMORANDA. Brig Breeze, Outerbridgo, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yeßietday. . Brig Tempest. Beed, Cleared at New York yesterday for Ble Ce Janeiro. ' Brig Hudson, Griffin, at Gloucester 4th inat. from De laware City. ' • Brigs West, Culbraudsou, and A Horbr, Oroutt, old at New lork yesteroay for New Orleans. 1 Schra Anna Gardner, Knowles, cleared at Boston 6th inst for I'hiladclpbta. Schr M B Carlisle, Ryder, cleared at Boston 6th inst. for fortress 5L moo. • eclir Water Witch, Shields, from Providenoe for Phila delphia, at Newport 4th inst. 8 hr Sarah, Benton, hence, arrived at New Bedford 6tli ins*. . Schr Valhalla, Lord, sailed from New Bedford 6th lust, for VhilßOtlpbia. Schra, J 0 Webster, Baker, and Mary Emma, Hulse, cleared at NewYorh yesterday.for Philadelphia, ■ SPECIAL NOTICES. 1,000 Cooking and Heating Stoves, STOVE PATTERNS, Ac—We Invite the attention of Fouidrjmtn, Stove Dealers, MacMuiiita, and otaers, to the large Sate of btoves, Stov© Patterns, Shafting,. Pul lejs, Vices, Grindstone, Pdea.. Machinery, &c , &c. to bo held this morning, at6l9 Arch street, boing the entire stock, machinery, &c., of the FBANKLIN bTOVB WORK?. Sec advertisement under the auction bead. atss-4t* Singer & Co.’s Letter “A” Fa- MILY 8 SWING MACHINE, WIT H ALL : THE BE CENT IMPROVEMENTS, is the bbst, and aiißiinKST aud MOST BKAOTIFUL, of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in laiietan to the making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cioth down to the deftest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do fts work to per fection. It can foil, hem, hind, gather tuck, qnilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, und so forth, bnt it will do so bettor than any other Ala chine Tbe.Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine may bo had to a great variety of cabinet oases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can he folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial,'and spa. cious table for the work to rest upon. The crsob are of every imaginable design—plant as the wood grew to its native forest, or as elaborately finished hb art ean make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very beet quality. Send for a copy of “ Sisoer & Co.’s Gazette.” I. M. SINGKB & 00., 468 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, &16 CHESTNHT ST. jy!2-mwftf B._T—lBBo—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters—Ex hausted Nature’s Great Restorer. They invigorate, I strengthen, and purify the system, Cure Dyspepsia, I Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhoea, fee. A perfect ttp- I petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulaHng the brain. They are compounded of pure Bt- e»«.i~ a-m. Boots, and Herbs, and are_recom mended by all who nan them. Adapted - to <Bd oi“ yonpg, but particularly recommended to the weak and languid. Bald by ail Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE A 00., myS-mwfSm 202 Broadway, Now York. Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! - the best in the world. ■WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye j produces a color riot to be disttaguishod from nature warranted not to injure the Hair in the. least; remedies i them effects of bad dyes, arid invigorates the Hair for j life. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantty tnrnß a splonditl Black or Brown, leavingthe Hair soft'and bean- Mftd. Sold by all Druggists, &o. #6?* The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE- j LOB, on tts four sides of each, box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 238 Broadway and 18 Bond itreet), . J my2B-Ir . New York. One-Frjce Clothing, of the latest Sttlbs, iriade to the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Belling Prioes marked in Plata Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ose-Pbiob Svsteh is striotty ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ae23-ly JONES A 00„;604 MARKET Street Card Printing, Best and Cheapest to the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street CARD PRINTING, best and cheapest to the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. OIBOHLAB PRINTING, best and cheapest to the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. DIED. FENNOCK. —At Harrison’s Landing, on Monday, August 4th, of typhoid fever, Horatio B.Pennock, Gap tain, 00. A. 3d regiment Excelsior Brigade, agei 32 years. [Now York papers please copy .} _ * - WEST.—On the 6th tost., Sarah G. Weßt, aged The relatives and friends of the family are invited to I attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband,. George H. West, No. 1326 South Fourth street, tots-1 (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Whar- l ton-t<reet M. E. Ohuroh for services. , fcPRINGKB.—-On Wednesday afternoon, Augnafr 6thy | Benjamin H Springer, in the 72-i year of his age. . His friends and the friends of the family, together with the rfficers and members of the Old Soldiers Asso ciation of the War of 1812, are invited, to attend, hi* iuneral, from bis late residence, No. 614 South Ninth street, on Saturday morning, Sth iont., at 9 o cluck. *# WAGNER.—On the 7th tost., Mrs. Margaret Wagner, relict of the late Jacob Wagner, aged 75 years. Dueno ticewii) he given of the funeral. . , , LITT LE —Ob 7th tost, at U. S. Hospital, West Pht ladeipbis, from wounds received at the battle ofGames Mills, hetore Richmond, on the 27th June, William M. Little, 00. R, 4th Pennsylvania Reserve*, aged 30 years- | Fnnerel from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. L. M. Whillden. No. 512 Spruce street, ou Saturday afternoon, at 2 . - i- ■ .. . MINGLE;—On the 6th tost., Mrs. Ann ,Lamar, reMcv of the late Oapt. Philip Mingle, in the 84th year of her Sg Tbe relstives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her ton, P. B. Mingle, No. 1511 Girard avenue, this ( Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. ■ _, . , , * BRINTON —On the morning of the 6th insl., at -a wessan, Chester CO.. Elizabeth P„ wife of Caleb Brioton, Jr., ai d daughter of the late William S. Boulden. ; . Funeral will leave the house, on Saturday, the 9th tost. at 8K o’circk, A M. Interment at the Cemetery, Wilmington. Delaware, at 12 M. , . _ ** . BOX On the 6th tost., Lj dia Fox, m the 68th year of and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 623 Bichmond street, above Palmer, on next, a'4 o o’clock. ; ». ** WILLCOX —On Tuesday, 6th inst., at tta resideuoe of Mrs .E. B Biddle, No 1600 Locust street, Mary Keating, wife of James M. Willcox, Bay, of Glen Mills, Delaware county. ‘ The frlcndß of the family are Invited, without farther notice, to attend the ftmeral at fvy Mills, this (Friday) next, at 10 A. M. [Train willleave depot, at Eighteenth and Market,at 7.45 A. M.] - ** HESS—On Monday morning, ..August 4th, Elizabeth Hess, daughter of Wm. F. Harrison, deceased. . * ABHATK —On the morning of the 6th ihet, George W„ eon of Victor W. and Mary J. Arnaiz, aged 4 } ears ar BtCON --On the 6th inst., Joseph E., infant son of ■William and Mary Ann Bacon. , * . MADPICK —On the 6th inst, JohnJO Maddick, in fant son of Michael Bnd Catharine Maddick, aged 1 months and ' - *. IftnCHKldli.—On the 6ih mat, William 8., son of Dawson and Eliza Jane Mitchell, aged 14 months and *T h * . ■ ■ GGKHN.—On the '4th inst., of consumption, Mary Ann, wife of Wm. Glemi, and eldest daughter of James and Maria Mickle, aged 40 years. . - . * McFAUCili—On the 6th inst,, Mrs. Mary Ann Me- Eaull, relict of the late Henry McFaull, aged 03 years WaBTNABY—On the 6th inst., Mrs. Mary Wart naby, relict of the late John Wartnaby, in the 70th year °*BIECK. On'the 6th tot., after, a short bat severe illnees, Harriet Adelaide, danghter of William and Har —On the 6th tot, Rachel A., Infant daughter of George W. S. and Rachel A'. Hubbert, aged WEST —On the sth tot., Barah G. West aged^3B —On the 6th tot., Ann, wife of Richard Blagrave. aged 35 yean. * WALKER.— Suddenly, on the morning of the sth inst, Sira. 8. Barbara Walker, relict of the late William Walker, aged 76years. m • _ ~, * McLAPGHLIN—On Wednesday morning, 6th tot., John McLaoablin, aged 64 years. _ ' * ORANNAN.—On to Bth tost,, Jane Orannan, aged 10 months. ’ „ ... , . , OHM MINGS.—At Germantown, on tooth tot., Annie 1., daughter of Charles H. and Annie Cummings, agod 9 rtoontbs and 16 days. - ... ■ BCOFIBLB.—On the 3d tot., Frederick, son of Frederick: and Phoebe. K. Soofleld, in the 80th yearnf LET.—Buddenly, on the 6th tot, John Brad leT ag»d 28 1 ' * BEIDLER.—On the evening of thoSth inat., Joseph Bfidler, bod of Jas. and Sophia Beldler, BROd 6 months. MONTGOMERY On the 6th inat., Mr a. Mar* Ann Montgomery, wife of to late Robert Montgomery, in tho ' 62d year of herago. "MOURNING- BTORE. —BSSSON & lyj SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. BlaokMoosseline de Balnea, double widths. Black Tomlaea. Black Sommer Bombazlnee. Black English Bombazines. BluU AlpMSBt bootbaziso finisk. . Black drofl Grain and Ponlt do Sold Bilkfl* - Block Crape Maretz and Baregea. Black Barege Hornanl.."' Black 811 k Grenadine*. Black and White lawns, ginghams, Ac, THE PRESS —PHILADEIiPHIA, FRIDAY, ■ AUGUST 8, 1868. nrpp. CITIZENV BOUNTY FUND, ISsTI IT? TiITEU to aid the prompt increase of the armies ui the United 6tat«a on iJorrespondeEce, to whom ;bas been eptruHted etie datj of addressing tho wealthy and patnniic .citizens who ma? be absent from the city, will tbauk u'dy receive, at the Ball, by mail or otherwia-*, the names and prenaot cflice Hodrete of all such citizens as may be aDsont from the eft}, and any engeMious that .their fellow- citizani may d*em proper to communicate to them. By o>der ..... aoB 6r < OMMITTIE ON COBBESPONDENOE, rvr==. IWkS fib IH-VVARD PEOPLE’S Uf KX bGOTIVB OOM S ITTKK.—V msstiug will tu, l eld THIS EVE-SING at 8 o’clock, a* tho houso of GEO METZG4B, 8 K. conu-t of ELEVENTH Street Bud GIEABD nveuuo. Businesh of vital importance. FB a N CIS, 000 D, President. OH AS E. RISTINE, Swtrctary. It* „--=» THE SOLOIfcK.B OF THK ljs 1812 are requested to a« tend the laneral of BBS J A ft.lN H. tPBING’B, PL,et. Vice President of she Asrticistion. from his lftie residence, No. 014 South NINTH B’reet, on SAfUBDAY, August 9, atß o’clock in tho forenoon. By request. _ „ - , PE TEH HAY, President. JOHN F, FBTfK,.Secretary- ■ It* ■- rv-=. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE If Pi EK NTH- WARD KkPUS LiOAN ABSU- L.A TICK will bo held THIS {Frid»y).JVBNCNB il l o’clock, attbe Ball corner WEST and. OOA.TS3 Streets. By cider of the Kxecntivt Oommitise. , It#- GSORQffiW. PARTS, Secretary. rV-=. THE REPUBLIGAfIiSOF THE Eoua- TBKN'rU WABu will inert THIS {H’nil.y) EVENING »t their Hall, N. E corner of RtDGS Ave nue and WALLACE Street, at 8 o’clock. Onme all. It* DaNIEL vV. OLABK, Becretiry. rvrr=» OEFILE OF THE HAZLETOA COAL COu PAN Y. I'niLAiHiLi-nia, August7,lB62. . . at a meeiirg ot the Board of Direciurr, held THIS DAY, a dividend of ONE DOLLAR per t-harr, was de cleied, nai able to ihe rt--r'- holeers or their legal repre sentatives, at the office of the Company, In Philadelphia, on end after the 18th iu-t. - Tbo Trimeter Books will be cloa'A until the 18th inst. anti 3t ALEX G GAW, Secretary. n r-=. THE annual meet in b of the .STATUS TSVCRKItS’ Ai t>u lATIOH. which was to meet at Bonding, Ausust 12, 1865, owing to the ixcuod condition of th« country, has been bofitponed for one y^ar. SeflßPbßY DARLINGTON, Chairman of Ext*cuuva Oonimittsa. ;j ,vi=> INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE Mjj STATE OF PENNsYhPA*IA—PBtttADISIi- FHIA, August 4, 1862 The Directorshavethiadav de ciaitd e dividend ot SIX PBE OKA C , or Twelve Do! la's per eVutn , payable ;>othe stockholders or their legal wtativen, on denial d. i.t.r) l(tt WILLIAM HARPSB, Secretary. «UR COUNTRY! TO a RAIS! !—THE |l_J COM MITTitE appointed IQ reoe v« Subscriptions in ~id of the OITIZiCtJS’ BOUNI’T FOND, for pro viding the proportion of Philadelphia’s quota of men to increase the Arrav ol the Itepnblic, sit daily at' XHiJEPIf-NOBNOE fIAUU, PtomlO A M. to o P id. By order of the Committee. JiMtal/.:: TBOSIAB WEB3TKE, Chairman. nr-=. TrfE UNITBU STATUS-SANITARY lljgb; COMMI»siOB —PH IL ADELP fIA AGE 40 Y. fco: 1285 CHESTNUT STKEET —The following recom mendation, by the President of the United Estates, Ruiii ■ Piet. tly authenticates the Commission to the public: « The Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great humanity and direct practical value to the nation in this time of its trial It entitled . to the gratitude and con fidence of the p-ople. aod I trust it will be generously supported Th-re is no ateucy tbrouch which voluntary offetings of patriotism can be tnore effectively made ” “ABBAHAM LINCOLN.” The undersigned will receive, and forward to places whore they may ,be most needed, all .contributions for the sick and_ wounded. The articles most; required are Muslin Shirts and Drawers (both old and new), woollen Undershirts, Pantft-; loons! and Btockings, and for which tnerels an incessant demand. W. PC ATT, -'Ja, aul-18t Superintendent. rv-=. NOTICE. —ON AND AFTER AUGUST the Office ef the ADAMS EXPRESS Gofi t-apt T will be open for the reception -uf packages, at 7 o’cleck'A. M., and will close pbomftly at 7 o'clock P. JOHN BINGHAM, Snp*r(ntf?iident. ry-==. KOTICE.—THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE OlTtZKisS’ BOUNTY FUND, to aid Bo cruiting, are hereby notified that the Treasurer of the Fund, SINGLETON A. &IE3OBR. Bar, will rcceiye the amounts of their subscriptions, daily, at the Facat tre’ and Mechanics’ Bank, and furnish them wtth printed receipts for fhe same; or their subscrintions may be paid to the member of tbe Obmmittee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer a receipt will be sent to the donor. Be order ot the Committee. j>2B tf TBOil&S WEBSTEE, Chairman. ,y=» OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS!—PA j L THIO i'lO Oitisehs who desire to subscribe to the LII'IZXES’ BOUNTY FUN D, to aid the recruiting of thb Philadelphia quota of the President’s call for three hundred thousand men, are respectfully informed that the Ginlmitteewill sit daily to receive subscriptions from ten A M to two P. M., at INDEPENDENCE HALE,. sub,crij)iioiia may likewise be 1 sent to either of the un dersign'd: ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor’e Office. Oil ARLES GIBBON 3, Secretary, 252 South Third strei t - CHARLES B. FREEMAN, Secretary, 601 Sansom street JAMES McCLINTOCK, City Treasurer, Girard Bank: ' -;v-,, HENRY D. MOORE, State Treasurer, 664 North Eleventh street; SINGI/ETON A. ME ROSE, Treasurer of Fund, Fa: mer-’ and Mechanics’ Bask. THOMAS WEBSTER, It North Delaware avoirne. WILLIAM WtT,sn,2lB South Delaware avenue. J. 80-8 SNOWPtN, Independence flail, u ADOLPH E.’BORIE, 153 Dock street. B W DE COURSEY, 631 Chestnut street. GEORGE H S-TNaRT. 13 Bank street. MICHAEL V BARER, Independence Hall. GEORGE WTITTNKY, office of A Whitney & Sons. RICH# BD C DALE, 621 Market street. LOBIN BLODGBT, Board of Trade i>corns. JOB ST E. A DDIOES, Independence Halt. . JOHN D. WATSON, office of North American. JAMES MTLLIREN, 410 Walnut street. "actiptidhs in every wuru in tbo city. tfrifiViotiiT6 I ti , i rf lr ; ?ilKt All subscriptions will be acknowledged daily in the papejs, unibss otherwise requested. - . By order of the Committee, •' -' TiII,MAS WEBSTER, Ohairmau. JI ON TO KIG H MON D—TR A.LTOES, R|BVnEB B; A.D&M.S, of this city, is now T|f feerefbr the pnrpofe of raising a new Healraent *"tbe y&r» to be the HN-tON GUARDS, .five Companies of which are now full and ready to be mas tiireo into tbeeervice s,full 'bounty guarantied. No clique for the purpose of controlling officers in. this Regiment.- Rich (Japtain appointa and controls Ms own officers. This Regiment is guarantied ail the influence of State and NationalAmhoritiea. Paly from the hour of enroll ment. . „ - __ A meeting;this evening'Ofc the Franklin Hose House, Broad street; below Shipper* street., •• • ; The balance off the company officers will he selected on Srttu) day evening m the Regimental Headquarters, Southeast corner of FSuNT' aud PIASTER Streets, Seventeenth ward. By order of J. B. ADAoISj. It* Oaptaiuand Becrniting Officer, r?NLIbTI LNLIfeT 1 - > V £j : TEN DOLLARS WILL BE OIVEN, IN ADDITION TO/ ALL OTHER BOUNTIES! To recruits for the ; %STH REGIME NT Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Col. THOMAS 'WELSH,) now ai Newport News. ONE HUNDRED- MEN, of the first clasß, are wanted immediateb for this regiment. ■ - Apply at • EVANS & HASS ALL’S, anT-tt :u” . NO, 418 ARCH Street. WAJSTE i> —Becraits for Company I, 12lBt Begiisent P. V-, 001. CHAPMAN BID- MiE. 8162 Bounty, and one month’s o%y tu ad vance. Apply at No. 220 North ByOOND Street. JOHN DOBBOKOW, lieutenant and Becruiting Officer. Ij ' $l6O, BOUNTY.—REO E U ITS il wanted immediately for Company 0, <• Philadelphia l]f Light Infantry.” (121st Re giment P. V.) As thli “ regiment is to be commanded by Colonel CHAP MAN BIDDLE, is wili be a first-class one,. Apply at northeast con er of SIXTH aud MINOR Streets Lieut. JAMES MAGNISB, R<cniitiug Officer, CaptEin J FBANK STERLING, 24 Lieut. GEORGE W. POW ELL. .. auT.3t* n TWBNTY-THIRD PBXliA£)lL ft PHI A LIGHT INFANTRY, (One Hundred and Twoiity fir*t llfgiffit'i-i Pennsylvania Volunteers,) GOL *tHiPHA» BIDDLE. miTl RECRUITS WANTED FOR THE WAR. A premium of @2 will bo paid to each recruit at the time o! muster. One month’s pay in advance, and 8160 Bounty, to wit: @25 Untied States Bounty in cash. SSO Citv of Philadelphia Bounty. ftlO Extra Bounty, and. STS United Stales Bounty at the end ef the war. Recruits wilt be um«tered i -mediately into service. Pay and rationstrom date of muster. _ - Apply at any - f the following recruiting stations i ALEX AHDEE LAWBIE, Captain Co. B, No. 60S Vine street , . „ „ . _ CHARLES Fi TTULSE, 2d Lieutenant Op, B,i S. W, comer of Seventeenth and CaUowhiil. „„ _ J, FRANK STERLING, Gar-tftin 30. C, N. E. corner. Sixth and Minor streets. .. „ GEORGE WM. POWELL, 2d Lieutenant Co. 0, N E, comer of Twelfth and Spring Garden streets. _ CHARLES E. SITING, 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No, 10-. North Wharves. . _ „ ' , " M. W. C. BARCLAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. E, No, 715 ; , Girard avenue. - r V „ _ ‘ . J, ALFRED KAY, 24Jjientensnt Co. F, Bruner a Bote), Main street, Germantown. ■; ■WMi SMITH “HOBART, 2a Lieutenant Co. G, Potte town, IBotdg- mfry county. . . „ n v w. EDWARD GRATZ, Jb., 2d Lieutenant Co. H, N> W-. corner of Thirteenth and Girard avenue. - JOHN DUBBOBOW, 21 Lieutenant Co. I, He. 2a>. North Second street" ’ . ... . „ _• JOSHUA GABBED, 2d Lieutenant Co. K, Main street, Frankford. „ „ JOHN lUNGEBIOH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43: North. Third street. „ _ SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Company 35, No. 7,28, ITang f)tTP6ti HAKBY HERTZLEB, Lieutenant, No. 82) Market O. THOMAS, Sergeant Company D,: No: 481 Chestnut street . . , ;, r , . . J H. BOLMAN, Fmsnkford road and York, street. ans.6t* THOS. M. HALL, Adjutant. u COEN EXCHANGE REGIMENT, B 001. CHaB. M. PBEVOST.: Recruiting, Office of Til Company E, Capt. LEWIS PASSMORE, at Girard “* House, OHESTNDT Street below Ninth. United Stateß bounty, City bounty, and Qorn.Ex.chaoge. Extra premiums are reputed to men enlisting in this Company*, aufl.6l# ■■ ■ fii ABLE-BODIED MEN WANTED » FOB COMPANY H, GRAY RESERVES. Becrnit tilling Beadgsuwtera, Mount Vernon Hotel, SECONI “"'Street, above Arch. Bounty, »162. Captain 11, H. EDWARDS./ Firet Lieutenant L. R. BIOH-tIER SecondlLieutenant G. W itfAlEItM AX. ans. 3l*/ §II9TH REGIMENT OF GRAf BEBJBVEB.—*I62; Bounty—Bl 80 in cash be# leaving for the seat of. war—S7s on being must# out of service. 'Wanted—steady men at Head# tens. No. 305 Arch stnset I auA St \Oapt»inBENBY Pi TBUEFITTj i f 160 BOU N T Y and M MONTH’S PAY IN ADYANOB —WANTKttJ- If cruits for. tba 23d Regiment, of. Philadel phlaßnt i Infantry (lSJst Pennsylvania Volunteers), Oip» n Biddle, Colonel, Apply to A. LAWBIE, Oaptairi-®> at ARCHES'S, 608 VINE Street. ; aut* |i NINE-MGNTHS-SERVICE D OBUITS wanted in Company I, 2d Begim ill Qaard- A good chance forxe-pectable yol “ -Say, rations, and clothing to commence o( and City Bounty secured to all. • ' I Apply at the Armory, BBOAD, below Baoe.i, - Captain JOSEPH ADAM 'itteptepftpt W» B. 7188. ’ i_L__ i pjil EVANS & WATSON’S BAIiAJHANI STOBIf, 16 BOOTH EOTJBTH STBKET PHIBADTLPHIA, PA. : A la»f* variety of PIBE-PEOOF BAB’S I band. Tax claims. OmitE OP BEOEIVEB OF TAXES,) Philadelphia, Augu«t7.lB62. > NOTICE IS HFRKbY GlViitf TO THE OWNERS OF THE PROPfeRTIB* mentioned in the appended BiMnnrHUOA of CLa-lftH for Taxea, that Writs of SHre Facias * ii! be issued thereon in hx weeks from the date bt-iecf. imttfes «b» feme are paid to EBiSTfJd POOL* SON, E»q m attorney lor Receiver of Taxes, us bin Office, No. WALNUT Street. WU. P.HUMIf, • , . Receiver of Taxes. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tb* City ot Philadelphia vs. Kdward 0 ; Kuight, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may bo owner. Juno Term, TB6/, No J: State and CRv Taxes,'for 1856 and 18V7, for $lB2 73 j lot, &C;,'No. 613 Penu street, and 012 Water stmt, Fourth ward. • - Seme vs. Thomas- Jones; June Term, 1862, No. 2; State and City >Tnxes for 4860, $34.80; lot, <&o * north sidoof Pine street, t«)lVet west of'Orisoom. street, Fifth w»ro. ’<• • r ' ' J • Same vs. same ;.Juno Term, 1862, No. 3; State and City Texes, 1860, $179.19; lot uoi tlnvest corner of deoond ai.C Quarty 6ire*MB,,Kiitb ward Same vs. James Hick«rw», June Term. 1862. No. 6 ; City atd elate Taxes tor i867,-$29-60.-lot northwest car ner Luton and linrst etiec-is, Fif»h ward. • Some vf. u. Aikins; June, .1862, No ' 6;: tax, 1857, $lO3 70; lot south side of Pruts© street, 109 feet east of Filth, Fifth wai*l. fcao e vs. LitOeton Hetbert; C. P. ? June, 1862, No 8; tax, 18b7?5120.55 ; lot northwest corner of Sixth and Bi, Mhry itrec-ifl, Fitih ward. 1 Same vs., Jobu Donnelly; G. P., Jane, 1862, No. 9; tax,4857, $69.98; 'ot. north side of New street, 118 feet east cil Second nor of 137, Sixth ward. . Sam* vs. -C. P.V Jnue, 1862 No 10; tw, 1857, $204 96; lot norih eido of New street, 113 feet eahfcof btctnd street, gixili ward. S tri'© vs Btibrjc ML Lee; C. P., 'June 1882, No. .11/ tax, 1857. $137.45; lot woet side of Seventh street, 198 let!, noith of IQaikv't, Ninth v* Same va ; Mrs. shriekhardt; 0. P,/Jane, 1862. No, 12; tax. 1857, $110.47; lot east side of Race street, 20 feet east ot Jacoby, Tenth ward. : Bmdm». vr. Jfhn Liveufeetlor; 0. P./June 1862, No 13; tax, 1857. $42 99; lot north side of Yinoatreet, 95 leer east of Btf bud,'Eleventh ward. * B*me y* John Hess; ;0. P., June, 1861, No. 14: tax 1857..5174.55; lot eastsideof York avenue, 104 feet 6 inches south of Green, Twelfth ward. br»m« vb, J. ftli'es; O/P., June, 1,862. No. 16; tax,' 1857, $63 23; lot vmt *ide of Franklin street, I<j4 foot north of V llluw, Thirteenth ward. 7 v : Same vs H. Walton; 6. P., June, 1882, NoMT: tax, ■ JSS7, $39 63; lota-oth side of Melon street, 16 6 12 feet east, oi Ptthion, Ibirteuitb ward Stme vs. Sam«;C. P., June. 1862, No. 18; tax, 1857, $42 99;. lot south side 'of QeWn street, 31 feet east of Pießtou, Tbiruenib ward. Same vs ’ Freeman Scott ;.C. P., June, ,1862, No. 19: tax, 1857 $5S;10; lyt ras/ride of Seventh siroot, 59 6 12 leet south ot o}iii*)WbiU;iThirtotnth wft’d; S«m« vB Jacob £erdd* r O. P., June," 1862, No. 20; tax, 3857, $53'10; ‘lot west.jude ot jFraokliu street,l34 feet north of Creen street, Thirteenth wardt Sam© vs. Thouiaß Slater; 0. P., June. 1862, No. 21; tax/1,857,.560/46; lot south >ide of Coates street, 8 lest Eighth bireet, fbirttenta ward. / tame ve/ J. O. Wartrobe; U. P , June, 1862, No 22; tax, 1867; $26.11; lot north side of Depot street No/ 853, below Ninth. ThiiteeutiTward. Seme vs ‘Win R Dickerson ;0,P., June, 1862, No. 23; tax, 1857^'532 86; liA south side pf Brown street, 160 feet eatiof Rrosd, Fourteenth ward/. St>m* vr. Mtthtou Warner j O. p 1862-No. 24; 1857, $42 99; lot south side of Spring Harden street, 64 ft et east of Broad,.,ifout teenth wait!.. Same ys/ U c B. F. O’t'jeil; 0. P., June, 1862, No. 25; tax, 553.94; lot southeast icornpr of Hancock and Pbconix streets, Sevenb-enih ward. ..-v Same vs. B, D. Mattin/0.P.. June, 1862, No. 26; tax, 186.7. $2O 46; lot east side of Fourth, 54 feet, from south* east corner of G):rmancbwn road, Seventeenth ward. Shane Vs. Bretaugh A Co.; O. P., June, 1862, No. 27 ; tax. 1867, $36 24; lot lorihwest corner, of Aim and Agate Nineteenth ward. heme vs. John Bendiicb; 0. Pm June, 1832, No. 28; tax. 1857,'556 24; lot test sideof Brown street, 274 feet north of Gold, hmeteeenih ward. .''. Stfine vb/ J»s. D. Wcottj .C. P., June, 1862, Ko. 29 ; tax, 1867, $24 51; lot northeast corner,of Twonty-aecoud anrt BoPon streets. Twentieth ward. Same vs.,Georg. W. O. P., June, 1862, No. r 31; tax, 1867/ sa9 80; lot north side of Jefferson street, I 45 leet east of MeVvine,'Twentieth ward: Sam© vs F r Gemner; 0. P., Jane, 1862,.N0. 32 ;• tax, 1857. $86.84; lot northeast corner of tfinth aud master sirwrs, Twenhetb ward.: - Same vb. Andrew Rhoades;. C. P,, June, 1862, No. 33; tax 1857- $32 86; lot north bide of deybert etreet, 112 €•l2 test west ol Sixteenth, Twentieth ward.... San>e S(»tt; O. P , June, 1862, No 34; tax, i 867, $255.5l ; lot northeast lino of S;ump laue, 8 acieß.43l peTCbfeSj.J’wemieth ward same; C. P . June. 1862, No. 35; tax, 1857, $36 98; lot north tide of Poplar street, 36 leot oust of T* nth, Twentieth ward. Same vs. same; 0. P-, Juno. 1862, No. 36; tax 1857, $36.24; lot noithea&t corner ef Tenth and Poplar streets, Twentieth waib. : - Sanie vs. same; C. P' t .June 1862, No 37; tax. 1857, 526.11; Joi west side ol JEttt?cbib&oh street, 135 feet north of Poplar, Twentieth ward. .. iiatne vs. s*mb; O. P , June, 1832, No. 38; tax 1857, $2611; lot went side of Hutchinßbn sweet, 151 feet north of Popler, Twentieth ward „ ; ; . Sai»eys.eame; C. P,, June. 1862, No. 39; tax 1857, $26 11; lot west side of Hutchinson street, 16b feet north ot Poplar,Twentieth.waid,. ;:V. - , : Same vB. Bamej O/ P., June. 1862, No. 40; tax 1867, $26.11 ;<lot v. tat eide.of flatchinson streot, 16? feet north ot Poplar, Twentieth ward. bame vs s&nie ;• O. P , June, 1862, No, 41; tax 1857, $2611 j. lot west Bide of Hmchinsoa street, 71 feet north of Poplar, Twentieth waid. fame vs tame; O.P;, JuneriB62, No. 42; tax, 3857, §49 74 ; loi eatt side ol Tenth- btieet, 18 lest north of Popiar. Twentieth ward. Same:yr.‘J/S’. Snyder;,C. Pi, June, 1862, No. 43; tax. 3857, south side of Stiles street/ 17 ,feet 3 iccbes west yf Deacon street, Twentieth ward. Same va. fanus;- (1 P , June, 1862, No. 44; tax, 1857, $26.11; lotsouth side of Stiles street, 32 feet west of Dea con sued,-Twentieth ward. 6tme vs George fcleadoian ;-C .P.,-June,.1862, No, 45; tax, 1857,. $26 82'; lot south side of Jetierson street, 17 feet wei-t of Twootyifirßt street, Twem : eth ward. Same v*. D. Havilatid ;C: P., June/1882; No. 40; taac, 1857, $26.82; lot Booth siue of Cambridge street, 117 feet 8 inches fcaet of Twenrietb street, Twentieth ward. Ssmevß Henry Hamee /O. P;, June, 1882, No. 47; tsx, 1857, $l6; lot east side of Twelfth street, 16 feet noith of Oxford, Twentieth ward. / Same ya. earn© ; p. P., Juoe, 1865, No. 47 ; tax/ 1857, $l6 ; lot east side of’ Twelfth street, north of Oxford, Twentieth ward. ' Ssnieys- Miller &St John ;0. Pi, June, 1862, No. “BfrtrtfSli ti m’! Bauier of Eighth bameva. smith Laws; a.*P-/ No. 50j tax, 1857, $2O 46; lot north >fde of Scott l9B feet west ot Nmeteenih, Twentieth ward. / - . fcsme VB/George Barrwj -U. P, June, 1862/ No. 51; tax| 1867 t; 553.10 ; lot uorib side of Popiar street, 109 ‘feet b% inches east of Thirteenth, Twentieth ward."s Semove ftame ; O. P:, June,-i862, No. 62 ; k4X, 1857, $53.10 ; lot nyrth side >of Pr.plar street, - 126« feet &% inches tast uf Thirteentb. Twentieth ward. ’ /sfimeys ; 0. P;j.Juhe } 186 a, «io. 63; tax/ 1857, s*«9;so lot side ot Fayette street, 03 feet south of Aich, Ninth yard. .. Same vs. sarfe; O. P., June, 1862; No 54 ; Ux. 1857* 529.50; lot weit’side of Fay ette street, 78 feet Bouth of . Arch. ; Ail • . - Same vs. stipe; .0. P., June, 1862; No. 65»;: tsx, 1857, $29 50; lot side of Fayette street, 98 feet south of Arch, Ninth-jafd. Same vs sdie ; C. P., June, 1862, No. 5S ; v tax, 1857, $29 oO ; iot wyt side of Fayette street, IOS leet south of Arch. Ninth laid. . v Same ve. An jeervosß; C. P. June, 1852, No. 57; tax, 1&57, $62.92; outheast corner of-Burd and Uaiha rine tlreeis, Same vt. Rom i Johnson; C. P., Jane, 1862, No. 58: tax. 1857/ $l3 3j lot south side of Oathariue etrout, 156 ftett-aßt ot Jird, Third ward. S»me vs. E. : V. Shippen; 0. P.. Juno, 1862, No, 59; tax,* 1857/$l2 7s lot east site of Yoruon street, 61 fest 6 inches ncub I hbippen. Fourth ward. Smne vb. K lidgte; P., 1862, No. 60; tax/1857, $7.6? / lot eaatldo of Front street, 137- leet south of South, Fourth ard. Same vs. seat 0. P., June* 1862, No. 61./ tax, 1857, $7.14; lot easmde of Front stieec, 101. feet, south of South, Fourth bo. Sautevb. sans C..P.. ; June, 1862, No. 62/tas, 1857, $6 66 ; lot e»4 id6 Front street, 119’ feet south of South, Fourth(ird. : Same vB. S. Jrney; C. P., Juue/186J, No. 03 /tax, 1567, $l2 24; | north Bide of ohippen street, 111 feet 'wtsfc ot Frontiounh vard. v Sanie vB. JncSinggler; 0. P.. June,. No. 65; tax/lSs7vsl2M lot uorih sideof Shipp a nißmet } 66 feet 6 inches west Eleventh, Fourth ward. 5 -Bam jvs I • Morgan; O P., . June. 1562, No. 66: tax/1857, lot northeast corner of Benneville and RußEeil street sourth ward. Same yb T>• Higgerman; 0. P.* June, 1882, No. ’67; : t»x;iBs7/$3 )/iot fcast side of Front street, 256 feet 6 inches uort f Girard avenue, Seventeenth (ward. game vb. 4 B;; Oalleu ; C. P, June, 1862; No. 68 /tax* 1857, $103.6( ot east side oi Eighteenth street, 125 feet 6 inches noil f Pme, Seventh ward. Sau e vb. SCoyie; O. P., June, 1862,N0 69; tax 1857, ’ $27.79 ; lot rh side of Addison street, 71 foot west of Eighteenth,.'emh ward. bau.e vs. Knight; 0. P., June. 1862 No 70; tax 1857, s£6 8 oc north side of South Btreei/-32 fee: 6 inches west uni per, Seventh, ward. BRine vs. u Kllis; O. P„ June, 1862, No. 71; tax 1857, $35 81 >t north aide or South street, 104 feet east of Eighteen Seventh ward. • . Same.vß.' dilHgan; 0. P./ June,. 1862, No. 72; tax 1857, $33.6 ot cast side of Fifteenth street, 16 feet 6 incließ BonuGulielmee, Seventh ward. •: Same vsj .Ohaße/O. P /Jnne. 1862, No. Y 3 ; tax 1857, $37 of Lombaid. etreet, 120 feot 6 inches weiuNiimteeiftn, Seventh ward/ >L 6»me vs,3rge Rush /O.P:/ June, 1862. No. 74; tax 1857, $53:! lot north side of Lombavd street, 36 feet j west of Ba 5? Seventh ward* I Same vs us; C. P.| June, 1862,. No. 75; tax, 1857, j $27.72; lo side of Badoliff: street, 62 root north of Lombard, enth w»rd. 1 >r Bani 6 ve ne;,C fi., June, 1862; No. 76; tax, 3857, ¥ $53:11; 1c rth side of-Lombard street, 20 feet west of Badcliff, S ath ward, I Same ve Utah Keed/O. B:, June, 1862, No. 77; tax, 1 3857/ $46. loL'noxth- side of Rose street, 63 feet east of G*rma: nYoadj.Sixieentfi ward Ssme v» ibrge 0; P., June, 1862, N6i 78, tax, 1867, 34r; lot east side of Lawrence street/151 fe*t souti 3eorge, Sixteenth.ward.' Same v *oh*B Porteus/June, 1832. No. 79; tax, 186 47<47;;:10h northwest comer of Front and Hope Btr Sixti enth ward. 6»mM t eorg© Harris/ G. P,, June, 1862, No. 89; • ’tr.x/1857 5/ lot east side of Newmarket street, 32 feet north of Sixteenth ward. : Kfime ohr: Nugent/, Jane, 1862, No 81; tax, 1857, $2 lot/eaat gid& of Oadwalader street, 84 feet eysoif,.Seventeenth ward. ' - - Same 0. McCoy / 0. P., June, 1862, No. 82; tax, , $37(34; afct side 01 Howard Btreet, 20S leet south of ? Jieffetso sjventieuth ward. ; ' ie &n»anNeed to* June, 1882, No. 83; taxes: Z 1868,.5293.00’/lot northeast corner of Bose b Sexmadtewn road, 80 by 60 feet; five two-', b: mrected thereon, Nos. 1075, 1077, aandife , «ame: 0. P., June, 1862, No. 84; taxes, 1857 >i 5392 79; lot eosi side of St. John street/81 1 i George, 90 by 104 leet. There are erected I street two three-etory houses. Nos'. 1023 and jtwo two-siory hrick tooueeß, Nos. 1029.a»4 fl on north side of Saunders’ court, four three* rt houses,No*; 8, 9/10, and 11, and one two is boßße, No. 7 ; also, on the south Bide, four thb-str brick honaes, Nos. 1,2/ 3, and 4, and. two tin-stiy frame bouses,Nos. 6 and 6. I ; in-eS. sanje; O. P„ June. 186-’, No. 85, taxes, 185 T;, au835453 70; lot west side of Socond Btreet, feet db <fieorg# 6t?fcet; two one-story 1030; poi and two three-story brick storo-j and dwelliuga/ f 240 and 1028. mifve. E. •W. Sbippen;C. P , June, 18Q2 C No. 80/ 28|7/ $12.70 jjtpt west side of Yernon street, 99 feet ' ’ard. . ' : &E-. i City, |n)on. Enstar. IWOT* <H> , P.Juno, 1892,-. No.8?;1«jti (a of Wehta reet,49 feat from, jhteenth ward. p;,;Jnne; 1882 i No. 89 ide of Barkeratreet, JJ'fdet <S; intb ward. Juno, 19*2, No. 195 ft Market street, TOfect-Sdasliea •ard. : . P., tab i of Wood. Btreet, ISdtfeeWWßl ward.". ' ■ ria ; ; 0. Jun*, 1862, No 91; atU aide of Wosd.Btree.t, S 3 feet .“Mh.wurrt. Jaii.8,1862, Ufo. 92.;. fay, 1857, Wood Btroei, Hl,ft)o£ east of rd. > aiie, 18Q& Nb;,93-;*tex» 1857, Wood eiroAti, 85, £e®t east oi Jcae, 1862 i Ho. 97; tux, ilot N..E corasrof Thtrty- Tvczii ty • ffmrtli. ward. . !. t\, Jntio. Bo 9S; tay* of-Brown atejet, 62 feet soriih -Judo, No. 90; tax* 1357, Blown Btsesi, 92 feet soi&hof O K, Juno, 1882, jea&i corner of Twenty-fourth •th w»?d. No. 101 y tax; 18»,- 'lwunty-fuurth street, 20 TOthwwrd. lone, 1862, No. 102; tax, 1851, 'wenty-foartb,* street, as Jest 6 fteenth ward. ; une, 1862, No, JOS' tax, 1857, 'wentyl,wtk Btroefc 63 feet 6 ifteenth ward. ! V ruse, 1862, No. 101; tax, 1857, 'went; ■ fourth street, 03 feet 6 ifteeath weird. - i>ne,1862,-No. 105; tf>,x, 1857, 'wonty-fonrth street, 81 feet 6 ifteeutb vrui. feme vs. b&cdo; 0. P., June, 1882, No. 306; tax, 1857, §19.36: lot east aide of Twenty‘fourth street, 190 feet 6 inihie aouth'of Brown, Fifteenth ward. tome ve. earoo: 0, P«, June, 1862, No. 107; lax 1857, §16.36; lot east ride of Twonty-fourth street, IL6 feee 6 inches, Booth of Brown, Fifteenth ward. ' Same vs. George filer vino; (7 P., June, 1882, No. 108; tax, 3857, §20.25; lot north sid-of Coat* street, 113 feet 6 incbefTwcbl of Twenty, third. Fifteenth ward Fame vs j-ane; O. jp„ June, 1862, No. 109; tax 1857, §26.25; lot north side of Coates street, 97 feet 6 inches wettot Twenty-third, Fifteenth ward.' Same vs John Patterson; C. P , June, 1802, No. 110; tax. 3857, §10; lot northeast corner of West and Brown streets. Fifteenth ward. Bame vp. eame; O. P., Jane, 1862 No. 11l • tax, 1857, $l6: lot i orlh side of Brown street, 15 feet east of West, Fifteenth ward. S’Die vs, famP ;O. P., June, 1862, No. 112; tax, 3857; §36; lot north side of Brown street, 29 east of West, Fifteenth ward. ! Same ys same; O P. June, 1862, No. lIS ; (nx, 1857, §l6; lot no th fide of Brown street, 43 feet oast of West, 3fifi< c-nth ward. ; . Seme vs, same ; 0. P., June, 1802, No 114; tax, 1857, §l6; lot noitli sideof Brown street, 57 feet east of West, Fifteenth waid. Same yf, same; O P , June, 1862. No; 115; tav, 1857; §l6; lot t oith side of Brown street, 71 feet east of West, Fifseentb ward. . Same vs. Bernard Sherry ; o.' P., Juno, 388*2 No 116 j tax, 1857, §49 85; lot eidobf Cad walader street, 125 feet north of master, Seventeenth ward Snme vs. sftino ; O. P., Jun0,.1862, Ko. 117; tax, 1857, §lB3 75: lot north side of Master street, from America to Car waled or. freventeenth ward. • Senie ve. Jas. B. Sprague; O. P , .Tone, 1862, NX HBj t5x.3867, §98.75; lot west side of Fifteenth street, 175 feet 6 inches north of Brown, Fifteenth ward. Same vs Otmon Seed ;C P., June, IBd*2, Noll8;tax 1857. §l2O 69; 10i*260 front on* Adams street b* 135 feet 2)j inches to Caul street and 223 feet 6 inches on Ara iiiingo streeti' and 90 foot 10 inches oh Almond etreef, Nireteentk ward. _ Fame vs FeH &'Bicbardson : ;o P., June, 1862, No, 341; tax of 1857, §32 59; lot south side Wharton street, 62 teet west of Lancaster, Fi. vt,ward. Same vp. same; O. P.* c June, 1862, No. 142; tax,: 1857, §B2 69; lot somh side Wharton street, 46 feet. west of Lancaster, First ward. Fame vs. J. Bockias ;C. P., June, 1862, No. 143; tax* N67,,§104.52 ; lot N. W. corner Eighth, and Beed streets, Ist ward. Same vs. M. Bawls ; C. P., June, 1802, No. 144; tax, 1857, $63 56 ; lot S. Wicorner Eighth and Betd, First ward.. ; ‘ Same vs. M. Wilkinson, C. P., June, 1862, No 145; tax, 1859. $180.10; lot S. E. corner ol Sixth and Minor, Sixth ward. IN DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Batne vs Robert 18. Hackett* D.O ."June Term, 1862, No. 1 ; claim for t&x, of 1859 and .1861, $575 51; tract of land-in Fa&ayunk township, contaiultfg 11 acres ; First ward; . auS f6t . RETAIL DRY GOODS. A LL WOOL f RENO a FLANNELS. X3L Fancy Btylea, for Gents’ Shirts. BYRE &.LANDELL, : anS FOURTH and AROU. T?ALL m LAINES, ALL NEW Jj <PaTTEßNS.—Hamilton Do Lainea Pacific De Lames Maccfci-fter JToLainoa. EYRE & L* IS DEjLiL, FOURTH and A BOH. T?NOLIBH XLI Opening of British Prints. 4-4 French st.lea. BYBB & LANDELL, ar.B FOURTH and *.BGH. COMMISSION HOUSES. gEAMLESSEAGS. “LEWISTON” and “PREMIUM” “A” FOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., jy2l-niwfiiu No. 220 OHESTNOT Street. - jryONNEtX. AND GHEENE MANUFACTURING- CO.’S PRINTS. 100 Oases NEW FALL STYLES. FOB BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., ; jysi.mwflm ' Ho. 220 CHESTNUT Street.' JjED-QUILTS* SUITABLE FOB. HOSPITAL, PURPOSES. 8,000 10.4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND ■ _ ■- SLATE. ALSO, 3-4 and 6-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For sale by FEOTHINGHAM & WELLS, jylfi. 2ra . 34 N. FBONT and 35 LETtTIA STBKET. gHIPLUY, HAZAm & So. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, A)0 SI MISSIOS M E BO H lE"* fOB THZ B.LLH Of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2B-.6m ■ •• PROPOSALS. DEP U T Y QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE, PiIILADBLPHIAj 7th August. 1862 PPOPO iaLS will be received at this office nntil TUESDAY next, 12tb inst., at 12'o’cloclc'H;, for five hundred (500) ABKY WAGONS, the whole to be-com, pleted and delivered in Philadelphia, subject to .inspec tion, ch or before the lsf offcBPTBMBIsBi next. Pro posals -will he received for any ponion of the above number, and security will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed “ Proposals tor Army Wagons,” and addressed to G D OROSMAN, £ep. QMr.-Mast Gen T 7. S. A. auB-4t OFFICE OF WASHINGTON AQUE OUOT, A ogtot 6.186 a. SEALED. PROPOSALS will be received until the 18th day of AUGDBT, 1862, for furnishing the Briefs, Ce ment, end Sand required for the co hpietionofthe Wash ington Aqueduct. There will be required abont.4oo,oooßricks, 5,000 bar rels of Cement, 80,000 bushels of Sand; but these quan tities will be increased or diminished as mar be fjhnd necessary; Five hundred barrels of Cement are needed, which will mi very quickly) and entirely to the-satiefaetion of the Engineer. Forms for proposals may be obtained at this office. They will be endorsed 11 Proposals for liriok,” for Oe meet,” or ■•'for Sand,” as the case may be, aad directed to “Bon. Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior, Washington.” WHT. B* HUTTON, ar.S fmwfit 4 Chief Engineer.- /AFFICE OF WASHINGTONAQOE DUCT, August 6,1862 . PROPOSATj? will be received until tho 26th day of AUGUST, 1862. for the completion of the auxiliary Pipe Vault of the Wellington Aqueduct. Plane end epeciScationa can be obtained at this office. Proposals to bo sealed, endorsed “ Proposals for : Pipe Vault, ’’ and addressed to ‘-Han. Caleb B.- Smith, Secretary of tho Interior, Washington.” WM. B HUTTOUV Chief -Engineer anS-fmttSt EDUCATIONAL. Ci EOBGETOWN COLLEGE. D. C.V lx 1862... \ ’ ’ The exercises of this College will be regumed oh tho Ist of SEPTEMBER. Terms for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable lutlf. j early in advance. For further Information apply to the President of the College [auB.ftuth2m] JOHN EARLY, S. J. /CHESTNUT STREET EE MALE XJ BBMINAR.Y. Principals, Miss BONNEY and Miss DILIiATE. The 26th Semi- Annual. Session will open Wednesday, September 10. Par-licu*arg from cir-. culbts. 1615 OHESTNUT Street - , t au7 tsfl!s • :Philadelphia, PHOTOGRAPHS* WAR TI M I S—PO PULAR VV PRIOEB.—Goto BEIMER’S Gallery, SECOND. Street. above-Green, and secure yourself a splendid por trait at war prices—Boimer’e life-slse oil- colored PHO TOGRAPHS n* rpniM 01 IT.—il OEly; for a splen -1 did Pisture. BRIBER'S Colored PHOT 0- GBAPBS-are proverbial for being the finest and most accurately colored pictnres yet soon. SECOND Street, above Giyjirt 'i ; • ’ ■ : " It# POLITICAL THOB OITV CONTROLLER, 1862; JJ GEO. W. SOFTY, FOURTEENTH WARD MILITARSS GOODS. TRENT BUTTONS AND SLIPS, U. 3. 11 Pattern, manufactured and for sale by J» rP, BKKD, southeast corner THIRTEENTH and NOBIiR. Streets, Philadelphia. > , • jyfi-lm* LEGAL, jTN THE ORPHANS? COURT ROR I JL THE CITY &SJ> COUNTY, OF. PBILADEL FHIA. Eetate .FjQB&BSk deceased. The Auditor fey, the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the of. JOHIS, Executor, of JAMES FCKSBES, and to make distribution, of the balance io the hands cS the accountant; will meet the parties interested* for the purposes of fcis.appoint ment, on F2SIDAY, August s, 1862, at 11. o’clock A. jl.. at 123, South BIX&H street, in the city of Phi- ladhlphia. jySltbßmwfst.> DRAIN. BlBS.—yitrififyi Braija. anil Water PIPE, from 2 inohos boro up, with, every variety offends, Branches, Traps, Sc., warranted eqjial: lo any in tbo.marlot, and at less rates. The uader-. Bignedi being, intasested in one of She largest and best bede'of,Eire sßayin this country for, the mapnfaoturo. of Hie above usd. other articles, dt&eß competition, bosh, In analltj and price. PETER B.M.BLIOK, ; Office and Store «7.oHE3Ttieff Street. Manufactory cor. Thompson and Anthracite streets, PbilafielnUa. TVORY %ost beautiful JL pictures of this style are made at REIMKETS, SECOND Street, above-Green j they,are all but speak ing Ukenestes. All who’see them are impressed bytheir life hke appearance,. If# A M'l-FRICTION METAL, - Superior quality, For sale by JAMES TOCOM, Jr, OITT BRASS FOUNDRY, DRINKER’S ALLEY, Between Front and Second, Race and Arch sts. ! anB-2m# , ." TV ORY TYPES.—Reimer’s Ivorytjpes X are the most satisfactory .pictures to be bad. The natniat expression and color of the flesh are Steely but teled; drapery is tastefully: arranged and faithfully colored. SECOND Street, above Green. It# GDONOGHUE, 28 SOUTH WATER • Street, offersfor sale 5,000 bbls. of Steam-refined SUGAR, at refiners’ reducod Cdfh prices, auB-2t# BLU NI ’ S COEHEOTJSDM iP.-» 'lUiuly thin nursing, »»» uni ebrrooted editionof Blunt's Map of the Seat of Way lii Virginia, showing all the poiuts of interest aronod Washington and Rich mond, in the Shenandoah Talley, &c., SO. Prise re duced to 60 ends. ' . This is tho most reliable Map published, , for sale by WILLIAM S. & Ah FEE 0 MAR'’IBS, anB 1 606 CHESTNUT Street. A dthorizbd MILITARY BOOKS, INFANTRY TACTICS: FOR THEJKSTRUCTION; EXERCISE, AND MA KCEOVBES UF THE U. S. INFANTRY, including Infantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Rifleman. Prepared tinder the direction of tbo ITat Department, and autboiized and adopted by the Secretary of War. One volume, cosplete, illustrated with numerous En gravings. $125. ' 11. THE SOLDIER’S HANDY-BOOK. THE HANDY-BOOK 310 ft THE U: S. SOLDIER, ON _ coining into Service. Containing a complete System of Instruction in the School of the Soldier; embracing the Manual for the Rifle and Muskof, with a prelimi -7 nary explanation of the Formation: of a Battalion on : Parade, the Position nf the Officers, etc,, etc. ‘ Also, Instructions for Street Firing. Being a First Boob or , Inti eduction to the authorized United States Infantry Tactics. Complete in one to!., 128 pages, illustratod. 25 cents. School of the Trooper, of the Platoon, and of the Squadron Dismounted. ! Second Part: ; Of the Platoon and t f iho Squadron Mounted. Third Part: Evolutions of a Regiment, Three vol£TBmo. $3.76. . ■■ .. iv: : FIELD ARTILLERY. INSTRUCTION IN FIELD ARTILLERY. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers. One vol. Bvo. $2 60. COOKE’S V UNITED STATES OaVALRY TACTICS, CAVALRY TACTICS; or Regulations for the Instruc tion. Foimatione, and Movements of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States Prepared under the direction of the War Department, and au thorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, Novem , bor Ist, 1861. BY PHILIP ST. GEO COOKE, Bitio gks n. s Anar. In two vol». 18mo.' Price $1.50. ■ " ■ VI. ■- ■■■ ■ MANUAL OF BATTALION DRILL. THE FIELD MANUAL OF BATTALION DULL, ; containing all the movements and manoeuvres in the Schor l of the Battalion, with the commands arranged Id tabular fbrmß, and properly explained Translated - from the French, with adaptation to the United States Capt, Henry Ooppek, late Instructor in the United States Military Academy at West Point. FIELD MANUAL OF EVOLUTIONS OF THE , LINE, arranged hi a tabular form, for the use of offl ' erra of tbo United States -Infantry, being a eeqnel to - the authorized United States Infantry Tactics. Trans lated, with adaptation to the United States Service, from the latest French authorities. By Oapt. Hsxkv Coppbb, late Instructor in the United States Military Academy at West Point 18mo. 60 cents. VIII.-: JOMINI’S ART OF WAR. THE ART OF- WAR, by Baron do Jomini. General-in- Cbief and Aid de-camp of the Emperor of Russia. A pew edition, with Appendices and Maps. Translated from the French uy Capt. G. H. MeXoALL, U. S- A., Corps Topographical Engineers,- and Lieut. W. P. ORAiaitiLi., U- s. A;t Corps of Engineers. OneVob Detni Bvo. $1.60, THE SPIRIT OF. MILITARY INSTITUTIONS, from < ilie lutest Paris edition. Translated, with Notes, by Henry Coppeb, Professor in the University of Penn sylvania, and late a Captaiu lathe Army of the United State s, ®1 '-•Jll bo sent by mall, on receipt of the price, by the publithws. • DUFFIELD’S SOHOOh OF THE BRIGADE. SOHOOVOF THE BRIGADE AN I). EVOLUTIONS OF TB E HtjS; or. Bales for the Exercise and M anosnvres of Brigades and Dirisions, designed as a Scantd to the United States Infantry Tactics. By Wat. %V. Boffifi-i), Oolchel oi the Ninth Michigan Infantry. 18mo; TO cents. XI. •WILLABD’S TARGET FBAOTIOE. ' ■ MANUAL OF TARGET PBAOTIOE FOR THE UNITED STATES ARMV. By Major George L. WlL laed, U. S. A. 18mo. BOcenta. ■ ... = XII. ■■'■■■■■ SOHALK’S ART OF WAR. SUMMARY QF THE AET OF WAR, written for, ard dedicated to, the United Slateß Volunteer Army. By I Mil. sohauk. Officer of Artuiery. 12mo. SI 60. atl<s-4t Ma job, winthrops new BOOK—Bdwin Brothertoft.* i%y Major Win throp. 12mo. St.; Unde Jabra; Or, Tlie History or a Man whose Boy brood was Spent, in the School of Adversity.: Illustrated. ISmo. 43 cents. Bose Parlirgr Or. The Path of Trnth. 30 cents. Tony Starr’s Legacy. By the Author of “Win ana w ear cents : The Boy Friend; Or, All Otm Help. 5 ’ By Aunt Friendly.’ 30 coots. ' Harry's Mistakes and Where They Led Him. 80 cental ■ ’' Plain Words to Young Men. By Key. J. B. Biploy. 26 cents., For sale by WILLIAM a. & ALFRED MABTIEN, 608 CHESTtfUT Street. JAMBS HVW ALTON, *WALTGN & TOST, TV BAEKEBS, BIWKEBB, 'BEFEBENCES-. ■ ' ' .. Jay Oanke A Co., Han. James Pollock, James, Kent, Santee; & Go;, Hon. H. D. Poster, Eshtrict, Black. & Co 1 , Horn A. H. Boeder, 0. MeKibbin &‘Biin,. „ Hou. Asa Packer, E. P.Middleton & Bro,. Hun. Warren J. Woodward, Hon. Wm. Wilkins, • V'. L. Bradford, E*j. anr-8m . . . u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 08, • 20-YEAR SIX; PER GENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOYEBN MBNT-AFTEB PITH YEARS.. ,1 am instructed- by the SBOBETABY OF THE . TBEASURY' to; receive- subscriptions-for the above ■; ILOAN AT PAR, - 7- THE INTEBEST- TO COMMENCE FBOM BATE ■ OF DEPOSIT, Thus • avoiding the- difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring p&yraentin-GOLD of the interest from May last. A full supply ef these Bonds always on- hand. JiAY COOKE, ‘ B3BSOBIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. . 1 M, SCH¥LTZv& CO. ltava removed • to Ko. 16* South THI-fiD Street, where they will attend to the purchase aud-saleof- JPhrofan and Domestic Exchange* Gold and; Silvery Old Oemdnd notes and l other Securities.-' ' aul-lm* fl*9 PJAA —THIS AMOUNT W ANT v4jyuU«.SI) upon Mortgage, first- class Farm near She city. Apply to 3. PETTIT, jylP Ho. SOS-WALNUT Street, ROBERT SHOEMAKER ■- :-;o pi* Northeast Corner EQURTH and RACE Stseete, PHILABSIiFHIA, WHOLESALE. DRUOGIBTS, IMPORTERS- AND DEALERS IS EOR.E I'G.N AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, MAUnSSiCrORBRS OP . WHETS LEAD AN&23NC PAINTS,PUTTY, Ao. AOKXars. soa mis oslebsatso FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. ; Dealers end consunsaies snp jUed at VERY LOW PRICES PCS. CASH. nh29- teal - ■ - ■- ■ H. E. WALLACE,. Auditor. NEW PUBLICATIONS. '/..PUBLISHED BY J. B. LIPPINOOTT & 00., IMIU.ADSX.PIIIA. UNITED STATES ‘ ‘ III; ’ CAVALRY TAOTIOS. I'DM.ISIIEI> BY OKDKK OP THE W.AK DEPAnTifcNT. ■ First Part: 18mo. 50 cents. VII - EV-dLUTIONS OF THE LINE -. -IX. /: M VRMONT’B . MILITARY INSTITUTIONS, FINANCIAL. — - ANT»__ .■ .... e* SI BA L COISE BTOBS, So. 26'Soutli THIRB Street, Philadelphia. DRUGS: AND- CHEMICALS. eiKUBLATING ÜBRARY. WBRGTHERHEAIPB Cl R 0 D a LATEST the HEW Bngjfch and American. Booh a, including. ALI GLASSES ofldla ratnre. Thi« la the ONLY library In the country feat Includes all tie NEW BSO&ISH. BOOKS that aeenol BEPRINTSD here. Terms S* per year; 8 months SS; three month* #1.60, op 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street jyT-2m* WATCHES, APCO JEWELRY- WATCHES, HOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS. H. WATSON, - jy3t-flm Ho. 356 CHESTNUT ataoet. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e„ A FRESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS XS. THAN FORMER FRIGES. FABB & BBOTHEB Importers, 824 OHESTHUT Street, below Fourth mh2o-tf .. . REMOVALS. T3EMOVAL.—MAHLON KIRK, XL DENTIST, AM BEMOYKD to Ho. 1502 CHEST NUT Street. iyS-lm# Hair dyeing and cutting. for Ladles and Gents, at BATHING BALOONi 10UBTH and-BRANCH. auB-iftf -ttr&mEJ) IMMEDIATELY— H KaEB NURSES for duty in the Hospitals of the Army of the Potomac. Applicants mast be healthy and Vigorous, sad bring recommendations as to their ef ficiency and experience, irom physicians. Term of Ber rien one yea:*. Pay 820 50 pw month, with rations and clothing. Apply at the United States Army'Hospital. S, E. corner of SIXTEENTH ar.d FILBERT Streets, be tween the hodrs of 9 A.-SL. and 4 P. 51; CHARLES R. GRRENLEiF, Assistant fcnrseon U S. A. FOK SALE AISV TO LiCT. mo LET.—That eligible Store; in one JL of tbe best squares, No. 608 CHEATNU F Street. Inquire of -P. D. MYEBS, Swaim’s Laboratory. 6E VK-M.TH, below CfIBSTBBT Street. anTSt. A ; PBSSIOIAN’S PROPERTY TO XX BXCB.SHGE FOB' D3T3&3—-Desirable villsge property, physician’s location, neat improvements, wisithy neighborhood, largo grounds, nicely stiad-.d, a few mites northeast. of the city Apply to ' g au2 E. PETTIT, Ho: 809* WAIWOI Street. m TO. EXCHANGE—Fine FARM, «™"6itp6ta 013 the banks of the Delaware'river, con* t&ining 217 acres of excellent land, 22’milos above tbo city ; r«ilroad station on the place ] wifcain half mile of steamboat lending; excellent improvcoaentßj 6c v Also, a yalneble; Farm in Chester county valley, 73 acres. Another near Darby, eight miles from the city 76 acres* Apply to E PE iVKT* j y S 6 No. 3f19 WaDKP,? Street, jp, FOR SAL E—Large Bt I aware ISii'FAIUa, containing 622 acres, 400 under » flret-rata state of cultivaiion, the balance good timber'land jßitu ate west of Harrington Station, Delaware Baflmad. Large brick Man ion, large and commidioua Barn, Car riage, Bouse, and manyother ouf-buildingß. Lawn, sen* tabling eix acres, fruits, &o. For farther parfinurara* apply to a ‘ E PUT t’TIT, jy26 Ko. 309 WALNUT'Street. TO LIT- Lweliing Wo. 24'South Ell SEVENTEENTH Street. Apply to WETBKEIIjL & BROTHER, No. 47 North ?JGOOND street. IQIt SALI—OOTT&GifI, .A 3? KDi. GEBHAKTOWN —A new Cottage on M ANHEIJ6" Street, with all the conveniences o£ a fiist-clena city cast dence; good lot: terms easy. ; Also, a Rest Cottage at Chestnut Hill, near the Kail road Depot; very cheap. Also, a groat variety of City Properties. : B . F. GOEHR, 123 Booth FOURTH Street, aDd jy2l S. YT. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GBffiEW, m TO WITH OR WITHOUT^ bM.PUBHITTJA, several neat Oonntr7Places, withs tew acres of ground, convenient to railroad stations new the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, je3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. ® FOfi BALI “0 HEAP, 55 CHEAP.’’—Perry County FARM, containing 138-’ acres! 26 woodland, the balance under a high state’ot" cultivatioh; firet-rate fencing, nicely watered, exceUent<- taprovemesta, 16 mile* from Harrieburg. Price only -86,500. Terms easy. . Also, a FRUIT FARM, near Doyer, State ot Dela ware, 107 acres. Price only 3£5,600, Apply to jt2o *£> TO I.ET—The eligible BTOBB ISiUijd FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, next to now post office. ■ \ REMOVAL. The GUN aDd FISHING TACKLE Store will be re mored to 41S CHESTNUT Si rest, BEPTEVIBEB Ist. Indnire of PHILIP WILSON & 00, jj26-'.f 432 OHBSTNUC Street. EO B SALE—Delaware-county Z£~ Farm, containing 96 acres of Brat-rate land, situ ate near* Marchs Book, Philadelphia and Wilmington Bailroad, Large and substantial atone imsn-*vamant», nicely watered, good fruits, &c. Price 59.000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the; State of BoMware, near Boyer, 184 acres immediate possession. Price only 117,000. Apply to E. PETTIT, je26-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. .jfr TO RENT—A THREE-STORY fe BBICK B WELLING, on BASE Street, one door above Twelfth, north sloe. Bent low to a good tenant. Apply to WETBEBILL & BBOTHEB, ijelS"... 47 end 49 North SECOND Street. ATLANTIC CITY —The third grand BOP of HASSLEB’3 BAND, at the UNITED STATES HOTEL, will take place on SATUKDvY ETCHING, Augutt 9. Gentlemen’s tickets $1 *ach. Ladiesfree. auB-2t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 TEE FINE ABTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, la opes daily (Sundays .excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6 M, Admission 26 cents., Children halt price. - Shares ef Stock. £3O. jy9 „ fMONCRESS HALL. ATLANTIC CJT^—Fine and TMesrint R oois cm now ba h*d at this favorite and well-kept t-vme of the sn«.-t a tLa ; have spent many happy weeks are nnv rehlmiog homel BatbiDg was never ro fine as it is at present. . an7-3t G W HINIILB, Proprietor. BUMME R IXC UR BIQ S'* NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOB SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF SI. LAWBEKG* BIVER, MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEOBGE, SABaTOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON BI VEB, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW* POST, NEW TOBK, &c. TttOMiSW. YOST. , Faro from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, White Mountains, Boston, and return, S!2 SO From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Bara tega, Hudson river, New Sort, and return, $30.00. To Niagara Falls end Boturn. $l5 00. For further particulars and handbills apply at the office of the PHILADELPHIA. AND ELMIBa BAILBOAB LINE, corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street*, where a choice of routes may be made to suit the taste of anyone. JOHN 8. HILLES, General Agent, Cor. THIBTEENTH and OALLOWHILL Street*. Philadelphia, July 1, 1882. r jyl-88! ggjUjy : IMPORTANT- TO PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD COMPANY la prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets greatiy reduced rates as fellows PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD COMPANY. .Tot one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at TSy low rates, for the accommodation of persons b'ving ont of town, or located on or near the line of the road daring the summer. From and after July 1,1832, a still greater reduction ho* been made on these tickets. For twenty-six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling freauently, and oraof groat ad* vantage to persons making occasions! trips... For one or three months, for the nso,.c? scholars at tending school in the city. Living on or near the line of the road, and having occasion to use the road frequently .in their clerical capacity, are foroißhe# with certificates .oatitltng them to travel at half fare. Applications .to^ be. made only to Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent,.!;!-Altoona. . Issued at half fare to rartipa or over, Jorty, good (Or any reaeonaMe time. - EXCURSION TICKETS during, the Summer ore sold at greatly reduced rates, for the : .bensat of those seek, tog recreation from business. or in pursuit of health, These tickets are, geodr for. ten, days, and are issued to OKBSSON (top of the ..Allegheny, Mountains), AB» TOON A (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and E PUB AT A SPRINGS. For time of deparhsre of,,trains soe bills and cards ot the road. ; - For Through Tickets apply at.the ofHco of the Com pany, Southeast cc»er. of.ELEVENTH'and MARKET Btrcotß. JAMBS COWDEN, Agent. LEWIB 1. HOETT, fieneral-.Tieket Agent. jyls-ts'el BOAD, VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON MN CURSICSS O&-TUESDAYS.AND FRIDAYS, Through Cm finest Country and .the most boantthA Scenery.™ the vicinity of .Philadelphia. On TUBS®AYS and FRIDAYS of each week untEt, further notice an Extra 8 rain will-leave West Chester to,, 6;55 P, lSaor.Phfladolrfiia. > ■■ ’ Pasßenaara. buying Eicatsipj* Tickets can take eithosi. the 2 or .4.30 P M, Train from Philadelphia, and tboal or 6.66,3» M.Train from West Ohestar. ! TICKETS EBOH r to all Stations east cJ Wart .Chester, good on any of,th*_' above'Jenins, oot or Jn,msx behad on these days OSJiIF,, at EHjCUBSION BkAIES, good only on thßdays iraaps_. : Fct farther information, BRsly at the Ticket Oj3f», t»” the TJepot, M. E. owner of EIGHTEENTH and MAR KET Streets. KasYDßLiapjPEWßpfWsoss fob Sommkb Ruanns OKiMIB liIKB OJ.THS ,BOAJ>. jelU-tuwfa tf : FOB- T33E SEA-SJSPBEi : HULL TEASSvON BUNDaYNIST, APOUBT loan ; FOR ATEANTirGOITX, : . lieftTSU WE-BTEEET 7 -?0 A.'M, jß.etwcJps, leaves ATLANTIC 4£Q P- M* s T&ig Train will stop at going : tog. | y<we to ATLANTIC awSihasJt, fqr this; di® *?d thjfc train, j«ly SI 26. . • - • JOHN m BEZANT, sol-St AGEte OR -®P ■ si&: gg»CT6iS &H 0 BE 1 AB ANIi AXL ANTI^^A?!^ . Three i© Atlantic and r*tora, (Sen* days Tfftfns lew «?cr ** toUowb : u : * Express Tnaf0,.,..........,.,,4.00 f.'E Ereig'.i.iujd Acc0mm0dati0n............,,,.5.00 r. «■ - BETGBNING: ,„ n _ „ Atlantic Mall Trftln ..4 4? ?• S* , u “ Express Trahj..*. .«••♦«* «*S 35 . « ; « ■< FreightapdA(WOJWnoa»tion.S.l» A. FAKE *l.BO. Bound-trip Tickets, md aetyfirSU day and train on «S«A iiey ore i«“«d, si on Tickets, good for three days,,B3. Hotels WJ9 50» open. JOHN G. Bjsiaha, jel3-tf ■ ; ' Agent. - .it—'h. POR. CAPE MAY.— I Th* AfiSaSan steamboat WM. KENT, Oapt Brett, leaves ABOH.street wharf every TUESDAY, THTJBB - and BATUBDAY at 9% o'clock A.M., for GAP* MAY, returning alternate' days, touching each way Mi Newcastle. jrU-Ha* «AWTB. Si PETTIT, No. SOS WALNUT street AMCSEMEBTS. SU SlfflEß RESOKTS. EXCURSIOKS. DELIGHTFUL COMMUTATION TICKETS COUPON TICKETS SCHOOL TICKETS CLERGYMEN EXCURSION TICKETS- ' "WEST CHESTE& -=AND PHIIIADSIIPHIA B&2£» HENBY-W9QT), Supcrinteiyleni SEA BATHING. EXTRA NOTICE.
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