Bounty Fund.— for the volunteer The Volunteer iThe subscriptions received 1)0110(7 tOUQ aid «u> follows ; fubtaio b&Oo ..... #6OO Xdwin GrebJe........ 600 Js*nk ot Geru.autowu. 60 ! J. Wood & Brothers.. 40 : * Grove A 8r0ther...... 300 JtaMiotag, Howell* & Bciff. 000 Bictittid T. Shepherd. 2 0 Geo L. B&Titeon..*... 2&0 Daniel L Decfcerley... 20v Bercival Bo bens..... 18u Jam p G. Smith..loo Banm*'! T. 80dine..... luO Isaac Haaelburst. 100 Troutman & May..... 100 tTboa. H. St-eakman.. 100 James Bei>ky 100 Brooke & Fader...... 10U Pianon laid 100 Bukins & Montgome ry 100 B. M iiunievy 100 Simou Beiter 10m Am 100 Senj G. Godfrey 100 Wm. T. Colluda? 100 J. Smith Harris 100 Amos li'O Beery 1 inch........ 60 li. £ G. Olricfl 50 ]Dr. Clw*. Scbathu.... &u Charles Peucveyre.... 60 Thomas B K'1i5...... 2o Beery L Jacobs, 12 yt-atsold.... B* M Duulevy* Jr.* 15 years old Commercial Bank Bank of Rnztbera Li bert irt> 1.500 Bank of Commerce ... 1,000 Bbucnix Mutual Insu rance Compauy.,,. 1 000, Total received yesterday #2B 394 Sour total 255.275 At a meetiug of the geut-ral committee directing the raising end distnbutiou of the Citizens* Bouuty and En lisfibciu Fund, hi Id yesterday* Mm or Henry, chairmm, the r.-iiuwicg resolution* were agreed to and ordered to Jta ■pnbbthed; it appears to this committee, from informa "tion dt-nvecL fiom ibe War iveputtuieot, that the Goveru ment cl. eires to fill no the PtuliwMobia regiments uow in the field, and that the efforts of thu commute© can he most UHt-iuiiy devoted to time object; Ai.d ichereaty the City dounuiig have patted an orli* nanctr making provhious for a b uuty of fi ty dollars to ■each volunteer for tew regiments for three 3 ears or the War* undvr the call of tne Go eruor: therefore, Hesolued* That this comuiituw will pay for each re* trait lierealfer euliste.l lor Chi aneluluu regiiitmts now in the tie d a premium of six dollar?) »o be paid at tbe time of enluuut-Lt, in audition to tliit allowed by tbe United States; and* also* a bounty of fifty dollars, to be paid t y finch itciuit ttlibti he jams bis regiment; provided that the whole number to be recruited umier this rasdation eh&il be limited to 4.000 men. ami the said bounty shall he io full of all bounties* except tout of #lOO allowed by the Fid* rat Government, and shall be p ii.i only to men •to hi* mottered in on or before the ist of September next Hesolvtd, That, with a view to ©acoura.e enlistment ■under tbe cad of the Governor of Pennsylvania for fifty companies of v> lunt< er« lu tliid city, and to remunerate the captains for their espouses in organizing their com* •panier, this committee will, ou auy of tbe said companies Being mustered into the s-rvice. pay to tne captain thereof tive do'lare for each man. Ilesolved, That tbe treasurer of the fund, with four •others* members of tbls committee* be appointed to confer with any committee of ibu City Oounrila named for Bach purpose, and with »be five citizens to be appointed under tbe ordinance of July 26rh, . 862. with the view of secu ring prompt and harmonious action in relation to enlist ment and bounties tor the new regiments to be paid under the city appropriations ICcfolvrdi That tie foregoing resolutions be communi •eated forthwith to the Councils of the city, and that tuey he respectfully requested to en>*ct such modifications of the ordinance approved July 26,1862. as may benecos-ary to pr» vei t auy claim upcu the appropriations tna'.\e by ■tbe cit- for recrui's receiving bounty out of the fund con tributed for such purpose by citizens o : ty Bank 1,000 K. F. Loper 1,000 fT -ion Bank. 600 lnsurance ■Jomoan? 600 /. Emor»- Stone...*,. 500 t Samuel B Thomas... 250 u, tlonnson & 250 <-«ttuel F. Smith..... 230 Morris, Patterson, ft Gomptuy 250 Parrel, Berring, ft Co* 100 A. Winchester. ...••«• 100 John W. Clagborn.... 100 J V Cowell 100 John Gaamer.. 100 James P*ge 50 George W. Page 60 Cads 50 Employe** of Gaa Co.. 16 H. T. 8eai1ver........ 230 W H. Huuter. 150 arthur 3- Coffin 100 Chas. Spencer 500 Bowen ft Fox ICO O Giipia 100 J K Gilpin 60 Dr. D. Jame 5........ 300 Robt. Churcbman.... 100 Anthracite lusarauce Company ...500 Samuel F. Fisher...., 100 Juo fi. Worrell 100 * raucts Tete 100 * Penn. Fire Insurance company 2,500 1 Fraukhu Fire inau i ronce Company 5,000 George P Peabody ft Company 1,000 1 Ins. Uo of tbe Staie of Pennsylvania 1,000 ! A’m Be Witt vv’tb>... 25 ... 10 ... 2,500 ~ Eecbuiting fob old Regiments— Xa accordance with a call published in The Press of yesterdaj morning, a meeting of recruiting officers, re presenting the ola regiments, was held at Barrie Hotel, last evening. Captain BahaD, of the 84th P. V., was called to the chair, »i.d Lieutenant McUleary was chosen secretary of the meeting. The president, in a few remark*, explained the object of the meeting. It was to ai ertaia wfiat means.could he employed to fill up the old the regulation fitardnid. Tbe effort to raise new regiments, he thought, should be protected asam-t until tbe old regiments should tie filled, it was for the threats.of the country that ibe men shun I a go int * old regiments, because there they could be put In service iiomeniately, and be under officers who understood m-it bu-in«?ss Besides this, they would have for their companions men familiar with all the dntfes of a Boldier’a )if«-—men who had been in battle ai d could be repended up >n Trds woutd make theiecruit a good soldier m one* tenth the timB it would take him in a new regiment. Inis opiuioa, continued the speaker, was the one beln hy General McClellan and General Burnside. B»th h»d said that filling no the re* gimtnts alieady In service was the nest and surest way of getting an effective force together. Captain Lentz stated that the Government was en -COUrsging eslistmentsiu reaimenta already in service, by giving them a Ikj&ub of four dollars, whiles the recruit for • new regimei t received but two He was Id favor of ibe city giviDg more to the recruits for the old regiments ibsn to the oiliers A gentleman complained that the course *pur.*ued by Ibe i-4 CTuinng officers for the Corn Exchange Regiment took aw»» ail ibe men from other sv&ti -ns. Tn that regl irett every recruit, assoc n as sworn In, received ten dollars. He was opposed to this bribery. Lieutenant Spillman raid that this money came from the private means of those who were engaged in raising the regiment. Alter some desultory debate, the following resolution wo* * fiend: IVfrerras, There Are revival new regiments now ra «mi»ice it. the city of Philadelphia: And whereas, There are over one hundred regiments a the fluid liom *he Sta*eof that have ieen reduced, by disease and the result of battle, to one he t tbeir original number, and a a it is actually necessary , spftv IL. tire concurrence with tl>e sentim* atß of 'he meeting. He -then gave a short history nt the B**ser7ea daring the seven- ha' b fiaht oti the peninsula. They were not? re* duceri, by battle ant disease, a ; >out one fourth. Ho hoped io see tbie noble corps filled up in a st ort time. A vole of thanks wm then pas-w! to the newspaper press of the city for *he i-er»intent«tforts they have made in laying the facts before >he public, and in stimulating recruiting for oM and tried regiments already in the fi-ld. The meeting then aojowneu Cj meet at the same place <ihia eTcinrg. I*bel Prisoners por Fort Del*.- "WAllTS.—Yesterday morijing, six rebels who were wounded and taken prisoners at tbs battle of Fair Oaks, find bad recently been patients in the hospital at Fifth and Buttonwood strre a. were removed to Fort Dela ware. Among the number was one who had been ea -£Bged Ba nurse, and nbose unnatural treatment of the TJnion vcluft«ers has teen fr«-qu«ijti* comulftined of. As the Secethers were leaving the hospital, they were the recipients of bouquets, eatables, and money from two or three of the resident* of tbe vicinity. This conduct exhibited pretty well the fe* lings of the givers, and caused considerable indignation amo'ig the loyal neigh bor?, especially as one of the parties had been quite ■extensively patronized in bn.«ine*a by the wounded pa* triots under treatment at *his hospital. The rebels were provided with naw felt hats, new flan* nel shirt*, Ac. As an evidence of tbe aid given to these .men by the neighbors referred to. as well as other sympa thizers, the following is a list of articles furnished to one man—J. Morgan, -ergeaut Co. I, lUh Mississippi:—2 pairs drawers, 3 wash t-wWs, 1 pairs pantaloons, 1 dress coat, 1 wrapper, 2 white shirts, 4 pair cotton stockings, 5 •liandkerchiffs, 2 neck ties, 2 collars, 3 cakes shaving Soap, 1 bar washing soap, brush, c >mb, and tooth bmab, I bibJe. 1 portfolio filled with paper and envebpos, 1 Banket, 1 leather bag. Money was aUo handed to the ■men, and tbo7 wer.t on their way rejoicing at the disco* very of such warm friend*. We have only to add that ■ Vrhei* our own aeldiors leave the hespita'e In this cicy to join their regiments, it is etld m that they are so exten sively provided for as these rebels were yesterday. Work and Wages —Thtre lias nerer been a season in tbiscommuhiiy in which labor was more abnudar>t and better raid than at present- In many ■bianclu r ol bnsineea the Oemwud for mnnitionsof war has largely iticrea ed tbe amount of work reqnired, while 'Very few have suffered from the operationcf the war. In all trades the loss of a large per cent»ge of the beet ope rative*, who h*ve been orawu off on military duty, ia aa- Toi'ly fdt. Boi ding operations are active, and the craft -S erna to b» fully occupied. Mannficrurers of machinery -and iron v>' »keie generally are praised beyond precedent by thcii orders Bo much labor was drawn to Govern ment service last that stocks were allow'd to run low, aid the fili g of orders was frequently de la\od. A't tbe machine eiiop* ->e!rcn now to be fatty em< p o el. end u aebininte of auy edacity are in demand. The nieicantle'commuTiitr srems to be flourbbfng as prosper ou-ly as the manufacturers, and there is but little pesceftihle diminution in trade. Tbe prospective ap -pearat-ce of tbe tax soberer is baying Borne effect on the entire buriuer-s community, but a-i the burd»n will, Id the •€nd, i; evitably be laid on the shoulders of the working daises, its effects on the traders will be but temporary. Tn a few yeftig even tbe war tax will be an aocuitomed Yiunlf ii. »rd. with good cropi and no ** panics,” will be s>isrn«» uscump]&iiiii,gJy The War Tax.—With the approach of the Ist of Sept-ember come the new responsibilities im posed by the war against tbo rebellion. For instance, I ceneefees will be due by the various clashes described ai follows: Apothecaries St 0 Auctioneers 20 Bankers 100 BHiard tables (each)... & Cattle brofcers 10 Claim agent* 10 Coal- oil distillers t>o Commercial brokers .50 'Confectioners - 10 ■Circu5e5.............. 50 Sentieta...... 10 Sating bon «e......... 10 Bone dealers. io n*hf*tren.............. 100 T&How chandlers 10 Btectt&ers, for each been* liquors in quantity not < •40 gallons e<*cb For Gtob acdititnal 500 thereof. In addition to this, hotels mi license, and steamers, on 1 and lodged Sendee the aoove, ret»th art? also to pay lic£t>*i Arrest of a Supposed Horse Thief. On Thursday last, a man who pretended to be a ’wounded soldier, bired from *r (Jonkling, a livery sta ble keep r, a carriage ano pair of horses, to go a short distance in the country wi*h his wife. As he did not re turn at the apnoiated time, Mr. Conklins telegraphed in different directions, but could obtain no information. A nan was then sent in parent*, and finally found the toowee and carriase, the thef and his wife, near New Brunswick. They had travelled until the hortes were WOIS cut when thev BtOpp* d »t a farm house, left one of their borees and stole another. A eliartdistanca further, %bomttU Stopped and stole another horae, and led him, Nvliilo hi* wife drove Not being very skilful, she npset the carriage and broke tbe top, making bo much noise as to wake t» e people in a house near by. who got up, and seeing tbe condition of affairs, arrested tha thieves Hr. ConkliDg recovered his property, and yesterday the horses end carriage reached this city. The prisoner .gives the name of Captain William*. Fire at a Cotton Mill —Yester* day morning, abont eight o'clock. a nte m the sicking room of the cottoi mill of Meadierofc ACo ,at Coral and latterly etreeta, in the Nineteenth ward. The flames were exUngutobed by the police and citizens with cut the aid of the firemen, aHhough several compameii were upon the ground. The loss waa about $2OO. The flre originated accidentally. Bor Drowned —Yesterday after noon » boy, named John Sweeney, fell from the canal. gmatKerchatnck, lying at pier No. 12, Port Richmond* and waa drowned. Hie body wae not recovered. Corrections. — In Monday’s paper, the nemo of Charles H. Baker w»s erroneonaly printed Charles N. Baker amo'*g trie list of contributors to the Citizens’ Bounty Enlistment Fund. In ytsierditj’s paper, tbe name of Joseph B. Mlteneu tgras printed Jacob B. Mitchell. Military.— The Seventeenth Bogi meat, P. V., formerly commanded by Colonel Frank E. Patterson, is about to be revived, and will bn under the command of Gideon Clerk, Colonel A meeting of the officer? was held yesterday evening. A recruiting station for the second company of Oadwalader Grave, which is at'ached to tbe regiment, was opened yesterday morning, at Jones' Botel. Charles M. Tapper is captain, and Jut tin E. Bird first lieutenant. The officers of the 2d Regi mmt dome Gum da have held an adjourned meeting. The committee appoint, d to wait upon Governor Curtin reported that he would accept the regiment within tore i* ty d»ys It it bo filled up to the required standard. It was resolved that recruiting for nine mouths service should be commenced at once, and that such officers os do not w ish to acctmpany the regiment shall notify the Colonel immediately that the vacancies may be filled, Police Cases.—Jos. Schurr, charged with keeping a disorderly house, No. 514 North Tbird street, has been held in SI 650 bail by Aldermau H<g«r. Tbe police made a oesout, on Tuesday night, upoh the house of Sarah Butler, colored, in middle alley, Fifth ward, and captured seventeen persons of botb sexe-i. Sarah was committed in default of 8800 bail to answer at court, and the ethers were bell to keep the peace. A man named Thomas Beirun was found, at an early hour yesterday morniug, in the bouse of Mr. John Bailey, at Third and Carpenter streets. He nad evhently got through a window which had been left open. Some of the Inmates gave the alarm, and there wad quite an ex citement in the neighborhood for some time. Detective Officer Taggart, who resides in tbe Immediate vicinity, took Beiten iuto custody. He was litfld for afurtlldF hearing, yesterday afternoon, by Alderman Buitier, Improving the Public Highways.— Green street, Germantown, is about to be opened from Jofan6ton to Carpenter, and at once graded and thrown open as a public highway, an ordinance miking an ap proprialion for that purpose having passed Councils This extension was greatly needed. It will be a great public accommodation. Clinton street, between Wis er aid Bringburtt. is now being graded. The effort, aomo time ago, to open this street to Peon failid in con.w quence of the report of the jury not being confirmed. An ordinance has passed Councils providing for tbe opening of Twenty-secsnd street, from the Mirier road to the Falla road, thus the dangerous corner at Potter’s Field, and increasing the attractions of a drive by this avenue to Germantown or the Wissahiekon. Jaggters..*., $2O Lawyers.. 10 Livery-stable keepers.* 10 lUaou'acturers 10 PedtaM, from *5 to 20 Pootograpbers 10 Pawnbrokers.,. 50 Physicians 10 Hetail dealers 10 Retail dealers in liquors 20 Surgeons 10 Tobacconists 10 Soap maker 5,.,,....... 10 Wbtlesale dealers..,,,. 50 Whole* ale dealers inlqrs 100 -e to rectify spirituous exceeding 500 barrels of 825 >aireU« or any fraction 25 mat pay from JSS to 8200 which pa o»ngrrs are fed 25 era in the respective traffics itq. Enrolling Those subject to Mili- TARY DUTY —The assessors in the various wards are now busily engaged in enrolling the names of all persons enbjfct to perform military duty, under an act of Assem bly pOBStd in ISSB. There ia a mistaken notion arnonjj many persons called upon, that the enrolment of tbeir names is preparatory t•* a draft by tbe Government Such is not tbe fact, though if aoruft should become necessary, the present enrolment would greatly assist the authorities employed to do the work. The present work of the as sessors is merely to carry out the law which requires a return every year of those subject fo military duty, so tbut a militia tax could he collected from those who were not enrolled iu The mouev thus raised was to assist in keeping up uniformed volunteer compai ies, and to pay tho assessors for their labor itt making the enrolment Inconsequence of tbe non-col lection of this military tax, except in a few case*, the as sessors neglected to perform the labor ,for several years past, hence the order from Harrisburg to have ths work completed as soon as possible, the time of the return hav ing long since passed. Tavern Licenses.—The tavern li censes granted this year, within the limits of this city, number about twenty-four huudrod, less by several hun dred than tne uamber taken out last year. The average of the five previous years is three thousand It is be lieved a large number are doing bnamras without a license, which may be cone, if the oonstables do not per form the duty devolving unoa them. They are required to enter every house, and see whether the certificate of license iB hanging in tbe bar-room or not, and to r-’Pott all houses to the Court of Quarter Session*, in which the certificate is not found. The fear of incurring the dis pleasure of the tavern-keepers has induced somo of tho constables to withhold their report until vhey were cited to appear before the court, and compelled to make-Jt un der a fear of being heavily fined. The Grain Elevator. — The immense brick and irm grain elevator of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, at the foot of Washington avenue, is ap proaching completion The iron roof is in place, and the rafters have been Hx»=d to receive the roof of the tower. As the demand for breadstuff© abroad continues, and as considerable grain is being shipped for European ports, tbe completion of the elevator is auxiouslv awaited by shippers, merchants, and others By facilitating the loot ing of vessels much less time may be spent in port, and much saved in the way of wharfage, and in oth j r ex penses now incurred through the delay. The elevator will work a complete revolution in those matters. Camden and Amboy Railroad.— The argument in the ca3e between the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company and the Baritsn and Delaware Bay Railroad Company was commenced on Fuesda?, J. P Bradley and Jonn P. Stockton for tbe former, and B Williamson and A. O Zabriakie for the latter. The Camden and Amboy Company apply for an injunction to prevent tbe defendants from connecting with tho Cam den and Atlantic Road—thus making a through routs between Philadelphia and New York. Arrival of the Atlantic The United Stateß steamship Atlantic from Fortress Monroe, arrived at the navy yard yesterday morning about one O’clock* She comtß to this port for coal. Acknowledgment. The Be ment Committees acknowledge the receipt of thir dollars, the proceeds of a fair held hy three pup: Kane- street ech« r l The naiftAg of the gtrlß art Harold, Louisa Dobson, and Emma Martin. Foundling.—A new-born babj found yesteiday in Wistar's woods, where it hs abandoned by its mother. The child of the wo taken charge of Mrs R. Atkins, who retidedj neighborhood. ’ / Suicide.— James Minor, aiesi the Twenty-fourth Jward committed suicide Afternoon by taking poison. ’Ai ps\t>3 thft less dema and merest waliown in the transactions of the day. The dec'-ino is ifegto, the falling off of the European demand, and tliarge supplies coming in from the West. There is Ireal danger in gold being at a high figure, as tbo prod ions Of Pike’s Peak and California will more than ■ the premium. Silver also declined 2 per cent.; opo ; 109. closing at 107. The demand was decidedly ign The market for both colors of coin closed very we Old demands wore rather more active, so i amounts changing hands go, but they fell to 105 fla: and did not recover. They are considered a verf lbTQfltment at that figure. There was a better feeling at the Stock Board, w ml little change in prices. United States seven-ties, blank, advanced % ; the endorsed sold % lower; ftes, j%Bl, rallied up to99>*, closing }i lower liemanttec pjonght Gold, 114 at the second board. |n sylvania fives were firm at 86 City sixes, old, efcei a| 98; the new at 101. Pennsylvania Bailraad first t gsge bonds rose % \ second do , I#. Pittsburg ri 'Wayne, and Chicago, first mortgages bronght 93# g Inland Railroad sixes, 91#. Reading sixes, 1886, i □ advance of # ; 1844, extended, were steady at y< - day’s figure—lCO#. Little Schuylkill Railroad adv. ] #. Mineliill. #. Pennsylvania Railroad was atea t 47. Harrisburg rose # North Pennsylvania, #. naira Prefen el sold at 20. Catawissa Preferred vanced # Long Island, #. Morris Canal Prefi advanced 4on yesterday’s bid. 100 shares Washia Gas bronght 22 per share. City Bank brought Mechanics’, 24 In passenger railways nothing done, bids being about the same as yesterday. Mr is abundant at 4«5 per cant, on call. Paper is scar* 4#gs for the be»t names. Drexel & Co. quote: New York exchange ••.•••••Par to 1-10 i Boston exchange “ to 1-10 Baltimore exchange.... 41 to # Oouutry fnuda...2-10 to # < Gold 14 t* 10 ] Old demand Treasury n0te5............ 5# to 6 ] 7 3-10 Treasury notes ..«..102# to 105 lhe following is a comparative statement of the ports from the port of New' York to foreign ports for woek ending July 29, and since January 1: 1860. 1861. 1862 Portho week...... 81.612, Previously reported 49,082. Since January 1.. 50,605,283 76,177,434 75,712,5 This is probabbly the heaviest weekly shipment t record . Among the leading itemß we notice: Tobacco, to H’mbg 345,000 Flour, to Lendon. 3140,01 Flour, to Liverpool .300,000 Wheat, to Bristol.. 19,0 t Wheat, to Liverpool. 849,000 Corn, to Bristol IS,OO| Lard, to Liverpool.. 34,000 Wheat, to Riugroad. 26,00| Bacon, to Liverpool. 60,000 Wheat, to Giouo’ster 4\>,00l Butter, to Liv’ipool. 69,000 Wheat, to Glasgow* ChfceBe,‘t’b'Xiv ? rpool. 89,000 Corn, to Glasgow... 33,001 Tallow, to Liv’rpool. 24.000 Flour, to Glasgow.. 25.00! Ti bacco. to Liv’pool 85,000 Wha oil,to Glasgow 30,00( Griano, to London. .175,000 Wheat, to Q'aatown.lOl.OOl Tobacco, to Com, to Q’ustowo.. 48,00( Whoar, to L0nd0n..160,000 Woe»t» v0t*.,,.. Sperm oil, to London. 00000 Wheat, to L’nderry. 2U.()0( CorD,toLonaond’y. 39,000 Tallow, to Havre... 44,00 C Lard, to Belfast.... 23,000 vhalebone, do 21 00( Floor, toB.N.A. C. 112,000 Tallow, to Cette.... 24,901 Flour, to B. W. Ind. 42,000|CofTee, to Genoa.... 21.001 Flour, to Brazil,... 31,QGQ|Tobacco, d0..*...163 OOOj The following is a statement of the amount of opal; transported over the Lehigh Talley Bailroad, for the week ending July 26,1862: Week. Previously. Tobol. Tom. Cwfc. Tom. Cwt. Tone. Cwt. Hazleton 6,717 64 69,542 08 66,249 12 last Sugar Loaf 3,934 09 60.763 10 64.897 17 Council 81dge......... 1,689 09 36,953 13 38,943 02 Mount Pleasant 247 08 2,437 06 2,644 14 Spring Mountain 1,770 05 52,657 08 54,437 13 Coleraine.. 417 01 18,146 12 18,563 13 Hew York and Lehigh.. 935 17 17,642 16 18,843 13 H. Spring Mountain.... 3,895 03 44,833 06 68,728 13 S. Spring Mountain..,. 810 13 810 13 jeddo 2,189 07 44,409 01 46,998 08 Harleigh. 1,491 08 29,791 12 31,283 CO German Peniia........ 1,234 16 13,616 04 14,750 00 Bberrale 1,016 07 13,334 07 15.349 14 ’scitrumvilla ,**»•♦ 957 07 14,678 01 16,635 08 Other Shippers........ 61 04 612 04 663 08 Total 26,216 10 411,428 00 437,644 10 Corresponding week last year....... 13,315 05 467,911 06 471,359 11 Increaso 12,371 04 ...» Decrease... 46,456 05 33,615 01 The following is the coal tonnage of the Shamokin Val ley and PottavlUe Railroad Company: Week. Year. Tons. Tons. For the week ending July 28... .7,239 02 318,246 15 Same time last year,.... .6145 08 110,336 07 Increase. The following are the receipts of the Susquebauna Canal to July 27,18C2.........»...••• • •..... .$71,983 05 Same time in 1861 30,353 31 Increase to date $41,624 74 The New Orleans Delia of the 20th Inst, in regard to the exchange market, say 01 “Exchange was in moderate demand throughout, and foreign bills ct-nded upward, owing to the enhanced move ment in rates at New York, Boston, Ac.. while domestic stifftntd somewhat, in view of remittances to the North for goods sold by parlies who lecently bought them ou speculation. The quotations this evening are 139*135 for sterling bills, f. 4.20©r 4 & dollar for francs, aud 5© 12 & cent, premium for sight drafts on the Northern tides. Specie has been in limited tnqairy at 118© t2l for silver and 122©125 for gold, and uucurrent bank notes ruled, as heretofore, at 40©60 V cent. discount, with only nominal offerings, while transactions in all classes of atocks and bonds were, for the most part, wholly sus pended. 1 * Philadelphia Black fixthanit 9ai*»i 3 °» (Reported by 8. B. Slaticakbk, Phils. Exchange.) FIRST BOABD -600 City 6a. .N Gas. 98 4000 US 6a ’Bl 99# 22(0 do. New 101 3000 do....regia. 99# 1800 60 U S7-3QT N Mlo2# 25 L Schyl R 16# 2960 Penua sa..sswn. 86 20000 D 8 Demand N.105# 600 d0...«* t 6 10 Minehill R 47# 1000 Pitts, Ft Way A 41 Morris Obl .pTd.UT Oht Ist mtg ... 93# ICOO Pa B2dtnt-caah 99k 40000 Pennaßletmt*. 103 2 Penna 8........ 47 2000 L Isl'd BOa cah 91# betwee: 1800 City 6s. 7 City Bank 44 SEOOND 13 R 47 WOO U S 6s ’Bl 99# 2000 do 99 7COO Resdit g 6* ’86... 65 1000 d 0.... ’44 ....100# fO *Jaua> iink Gas.. 60# 32Rarrieburg R.... 65 1 Rk.. 24# CLOSING PRI Bid, Asked. a 8 6s >Bl 99 99# BSTr7 8-10 N.102# 103 Philada 6s 97 98 Philada 6s new..loo# 101 Peuua 6s 85# 88 Beading R 27# 28 Bead ni6s’Bo’43.loo# 101 Beadbds’TO.... 96# 97# Bead mt 6s ’86.. 84# 85# Ponna Rox dlv. 46# 47 Pcnna Rl m 65..103 IP3# Pennaß2m6s.. 68#' 09# Morris Cnl Con.. .. 45 3chNavStock.. .. 6# Morris Cnl Praf.lHl# 117 3cb Nav Pref... 14# J. 6 9ch N 6B 5 82exint 68# 69 Almira B 10 There is very little movement in Flour to day ; tho de mand for export and homo use is limited aud tho sates small at about $5 for superfine, 85 37#05.62# for ex tras, 85 75©6 for extra family, and $6 25a7 lor fancy brands, as to quality. The receipts are light. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are scarce. We quote the former at $32503 37#, and 83 per barrel for Pennsylvania Mori. WiiKkT ccuios in slowly and meet* with a fair demand at fully runner iates; about 5,C00 bus have been takeu at 127®131c!0r Western and Pennsylvania red, aad 132 al33c for new Southern rod, the latter afloat; white ii suiting at 125ff1145c for inferior to choice lots Rye is scarce aim in demand at a further advance ; sm-tll pair* are n nfcing at 78c. Corn is firm, with further sales of sa6,ooobus yellow at 64«65c in store and atliat Cat f are unchanged \ we quote Pennsylvania at 44<2>45d in 6tore and afloat. Uauk—Quercitron is quiet, and Ist No. 1 offored at 833 ton. Cotton ia unsettled and doll, and tho sales limited at previous Quotations. OnocsKiKs aki> Provisions —There is a moderate bnsinesß doing in the former, and prices are wellinaia tuit ed and firm. Wuisky is unsettled and nearly nominal at 30®41c for bbis, and 29®30c gallon for crudge. Messrs. Broadbekt & Co.’s New Pflo tograpb Gallery.— We congratulate the citizoos of Philadelphia upon the splendid acquisition to their pho tographic establishments of the new Gallery aad Ope rating Booms of Messrs. Broadbent ft Oo Nos. 912 and 914 Chestnut street, (late 814 Chestnut street.) For elegance of deeign, comfort and convenience of applicants for pictures, varety and artisic merit of the pictures taken, and general excellence in atl its departments, it is unsurpassed by any in the country* Besides the charming new style of pictures made by this firm alone, tLeir general work is pronounced ut-rivalled. Scores of cur citizens are visiting their magnificent new rooms daily. A Pure Article of Rhine "Wine can now be bud at Air. O. H. Mattson's, dealer in fine family gro ceries, Arch and Tenth street). His Liquors, for medi cinal purposes, are of the purest and most generous cha racter, and are highly recommended as such by our fiijpt physicians. Significant Statistics. The following table places in strong light the r*sources of the North, so far as n;en are concerned, and Its immense superiority to the Souih; Loyal Fite Stales. Loyal Sj*ve (Slates, Total Vith this inbenso preponderance of physical power, to say nothiL'gfef the money power, why is the war al lov>edto tin* its slow leigth along,” to the destruc tion of fe&cdai pursuits'? Men and Boys 1 Bummer Glotbrig at Caarles Stokes’, under the Oontioental. Dimension* of the National Capitol.— Tbohimensfonstf tbe Capitol at Washington are thus (ilin&Uy stated 3 Whole length of building, 751 feet 4 iiicaes j length oi wings, including steps, 324 feet; wid;h of wings, 142 Mt 8 inches; width of old Oapitol, 352 feet 4 inches; height of uome above the basement floor, 204 feet: ground sctoully covered, 153,112 square feet, or more tbon 3# acres. This is rather more soil than is covc-rtd by the Brown Stone Clothing Sail of Bock bill ft Wilson, Nos 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth; but both establishments are about equally well known throughout the country. Tjie Prince op Wales.—The English pa pers occasionally make curious comments on the Prince of Wales, and give him lessoisin regard to behavior and . morality that make the public think heXs net qaite so | goad a young man as he oaght to be. It is true no scandalous charge has ever been brought against him by tb© prepfl j and so far as the world generally le able to judge, be is 8 very proper young man. He was never supposed by any one to wear any other than the band some at)Us of clothing manufactured by Granville Slokes, No. 609 Cbeiieut street, Philadelphia, wbjse attr active and beautiful Summer Garments are spoken of by every one. was jl ,'beea !d was n tha CONTINENTAL HOTEL-—Ninth and Chestnut Bta. R J Lane, Boston C A Kelly A Willw lm, Cornwall E P Kearns, Pittsburg T R Muir, Pittsburg- O biiuouds, Milwaukee W Mitchell, St Louis Mrs ffm Belt ftda, St Louis yr ft Bell, St Louis J W Banta, Chicago A I> Perkins, Michigan J K Bigotow, Letrolt TW EergUfOTi & Ciu, O Miss L ftA-ton, Pittsburg b C (Jisveiing & la, StLouia Miss tt Uruvtliaq, St Louis G P ihuith S fl Lesthe, St Louis N Coltmau ft vf, St Louis J Baker, St Louis A 11 Adams ft la, Wheeling J W Newbaih Lynn, Mubs AT P Wells ft wf. Marietta O Mrs Trent, Boston Mies McCann, Boston Jaa Trent, Boston John Trent, Beaton SS Hartwell, New Jersey Capt E J Strange ft le, Ya W Carter, Lancaster Mrs M R Nesbitt, Wash G A Halsey, Newark, N J 1862. tvs from [of s< ia gold for day ft 115#, J L CoNidb, New Mexico MEJ Xdgar, New Mexico W n Bradshaw, filar) land Z 0 almmons, Maryland lt B B Tylor, Maryland Mrs Heiibrno & s Balt *• J Springfield £ Hammeislongb, Sprragf d filisa Read:i>g C F Mayer, Baltimore i a Phiu? Fi&k, PottßVille W Lawlor, Hew York 6 H Ybd telt, New York Mrs D Slaynard &d, D G Mrs Taylor* Georgetown, DO G R Hyland & wf d WL Whitridge, Baltimore 6Do Forrest Lord, N Y B O Parsons & wr, Brazil Mrs Whiiridge, Baltimore L t Dr B Bartbolow, USA. EG Scott, USA I'M Scbnell & wf, Delaware J Deford & wf, Baltimore ** Miss Jtnnie Ueighe, Balto James Getty, Baltimore h John Bo>d, Baltimore \f L VVilmor, England \a B Beits, Jr, Washington J W Yoßburgh, Albany X< PruyD, Jr, Albany Dr J 8 Annie, Pennsylvania C Herc Made, Dajtou Be? W J Beatty, Frank co " JO McL&nakan, Frank co J BjWaumaugh, Lsmcear co Mibs S husmaugh, Lanc’rco R w McOLery, U S N Mies Walker, Germantown 9 hos 0 Brasher, Bilk Y M Moore, New York Jesse L Moss. Rhode Isl JtsteL Moss, Jr, R I J AGathrie, Louisville. Ky Wm Kidd, Rochester, N Y J&meß M Oopperaull, N Y Geo S Jenkins, New York G M Steiaman, Lancaster B £ Leman, Lancaster Ben*? J Stiles, Kentucky J B Whiting, Jr Mies Whiting Mr Dnncan. New York W S King, USA Dr J B Work, USA B S Osborn, New York J S Cash, Virginia Geo P Mcßride, Ohicago M 8 Kramer, Cincinnati, O ST Holmes, New York C W Coofee, Waterloo, NY J &1 Blt ynolds, B >ston Wm Foster, Prov, R I J Archabold, Jr, icranton G McC Lora, USA HE Horton, Boston Lient M Livingston, U S A J W Killiuger, Lebanon J F Schultz, Phila G E Sanderson, N Y Tbo3 J Strong, Albany Morris H Smith, N T J Abraham, Cincinnati K N Tailor, Jr, N Y J D Chambers, Wash John McKinney, Ind O O Duncan, New York W 0 Golton H G Lehenring F S Howe, New York J W Bridle Hon H B Wright, Pa MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—fourth et., below Arch. J L Carnoghan, Allegheny J A McClelland, Pittsburg Maj J V Owens, Pittsburg A G Loyd, Pittsburg Bod Jacob Fry, Montg co F Lower A bod, Beading J S Van Yoorhis, Penna Mr Giibertborp, Yorfc, Pa 0 Herring, Baltimore R E Boyle, PhoooixviUe Cbttß Hirsh, Lancaster J D McClintocft, Princeton I> Ti Urodbeed, Pliilada .M Barrey, L^ucastsr p McEvoy, Lancaster BI W Harnisb, Jr, Lane S E King* Ottawa, 111 W P Hall, Milton, PA J H Schell, Scbellßburg D Ifl dates & la. Wilm, Del H S Hasting*, WelUburg P Hasting?, Wellsburg AHGumst-y D C Allicsoo, Trenton, N J W W Lyon, U B A EL Brown, USA ,984 $2,083,966 $4,131,3 ,299 74,093 468 71,578.31 W H Frj mire, Milton John Cessna. Bedford Mublenburg J Shepherd, Quincy, 111 S J Richolle, Cbemberaburg F A Ellis, New York J M Hunt, Cincinnati G Brabrook, Taunton R McDowell, Slatington H Harrißon, New York AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. 1 T Monroe, Virginia John H Bradley, Indiana [' W Landreth, Chicago Goo Leran, Lancaster f M Frick, Minersville Jacob MFrautz, Lanco jyru* N Herr, Lane co W P Lauder, New York 1 A Hobart, Monmouth,NJ J 8 Hendrickson, Jr, N J iOO/obPSOHf Balt Md John E Becbbach & w, Aid Jrs E pauldca, Maryland R Sargent, ftf D. U 3 A j Silver. Ovitkwii.TA - Caleb Moor*. Uua femes Welsh, M Dangl’d BobtH Combs Bordentown R Drake J 0 Hinsdale, New York feo W Nicholson, Africa D S Bedell, New Y«rb ofan B Morris, Long Branch D 8 Bedell, New York Ballard & la, Baltimore Dr 8 J Tobias, New York! B Mcßride, New York E B Jackson, Maryland Q isa Ellen Daebill, Maryl’d W 0 Shinn. Haddonfield 8 Woodward, Haddonfield Geo K Lewis. Hannibal 1 Phillips, New York Jos 8 Wheeler, Delaware \Bayn* s, Newark, Del E Baker, Baltimore 1 Boily, Baltimore C Beily 1C PfuUtz, Tersey Shore BOARDS. | 100 Washington Gas. 22 [5(00 American G01d..115 ' board. 1150 American Grid..ll4# 350 do 114# 2u>o a fc 7 30 T N.blk.lo4# 1000 do eud li)2# 10NPen<»aR 9 50 Bim'a R pfii 21ys 20 15 Gatiwissa R prfd 10# 50 Ij IrUod R 16# 3ES—STEADY Bid. At)Ud Elmira R Pref. .20 tSllm 7s’73.ex int .. 85 L Island R 16# 16# Leh Cl ft N.x-dv 48# 49 LeClftNavscp. .. 29 N Ponna B 8# 9 N Pa R 68 74 75 N Pa ft 10-!..** 98 99 Cataw R 00n... 3# 3# Catawissa Prf*. 10# 10# Sec ft Third St R... 64# Raceft Yino-stß .. 11# W Phila B 52# 63# Spruce ft Pine.* 12 12# GrAOts Rexdv 29# .. Oh ft Wal exdiv. 39 40 Arch St exdiv. .* 24# Girard College.. 22 23 Philadelphia Markets. July 30—Hveniiifi CITY I T EM S. White Population. Militia. 19,607,195 2,500,294 3,233,698 298.119 ..... *22.240.893 2,858,413 3,572,270 ' 5*7,557 Rebellions States. •, Difference in\favor of the 18,668.623 Lcyal State! ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST RIGHT. IT.LOUIB HOTEL—Qhesnnt street, above Third. | Earle, Maasachnsetts E C Webb, New York f Chnrcb, Baltimore V S Nixon. Salem, N J k Weed, New York Jerome Eno, USA I Cnllc-n, Delaware 8 Conn. New Jersey I Neill, New York D Cuels, New York iFordhara G 0 Patten A wife m Byan, New York Chas Rogge, Baltimore kttman A sod, New York THI UNION—Arch street, aboye Third, ladwallader, Penn’a A G Bemingsr, Allentown Ferguson W Locher, Pennsylvania IBr.wn, BeadiDg W Swartz, Hagerstown ervey, MsrrlsnS . X A Msss, Beading lobinßon, Pottaville !B UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. , Middletown Tliob SI Grossman. Penna Clinton, 111 W 0 Shurlock, USA t, Latrobe, Pa H Parry, New York h Coatesville S Shober & 'wf, Lancaster , Union co, Pa E 0 Biightman, N York n, Colombia, Pa J W Paxton A son, Peona MD, Penna E W Wise, Cunberland co J F Huber, Lancaster Pennsylvania T Cook, Perry co, Pa York, Pa Amos Hockey, Lancaster go IBOO) York CO Wm iloSpsrron, York co SBCIAL —Sixth street, above Chestnut, son, Penna J B Bickson, Peona igton, Wash S M QLersditb, Penna i, Cheater co B Fas sell, Chester co Chester co Q &*ny,, Berks co Wilm, Bel Capt J B Webster, Penna son, Chester co Jas Fulton, Chester co [AL HOTEL—ltaoe street, above' Third. Pennsylvania Wm Smith, New Haven >•8, Orwlgsburg H Huber, Baltimore Baltimore W H Waters, Baltimore Pennsylvania 1 Bauman, Lanoaster oo , stenbeav, 0 G Knight Ala New Jersey ■r, pa I Wood, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Gapt P Sides. USA [8 A Jos Whitaker, Ml Clair AFa< J B 1 EH 1 M F Mrs Hi B 0 C< Jas O ] J CRs| J B Pol] J<DUS 4 A £mmi If D, Pa T Serrill, Pennsylvania vnft* Boston Theo H Smith, Boatoa IKAB—Xtilrd fltrwti atooYO Callowhffl, rctantic City J B Long, Bucks co town L H Gerling, Cleveland I |ecbtelTill© MADlS4ouBK—Second street, above Market 1 Prck, N«k Col Wm Butler, Lewißtown aiiH» L anl gl Lewisfn Miss A Watson, lio.trißt*u Mrs PattODhfctown BL&> J HieeUi D 8 ckp* * Julm Strn\ THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1862. BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vino. Win Davifinn, Cbeltham A Hall, Baltimore J L Andmou G F Robb, RockovHle Miss Robb, Uocksvilte J Ewsll, New Jersey ? ft li error. Fox Chase J ft Oadwailnder, Fox Chise J Pennsylvania J Hill, Germantown Wm Deßree. Dojlestown J Sumh, Hartriville R Meyers, Pennsylvania A 0 Brooks, filauch Chunk MOUNT VERNON—Second street, above Arch. Geo C Davis, New Jersey Peter Shreeve, New Jersey BALD EAGLE—^Third street, above OaJlowhllL John G Fetter, Bethlehem Jas Lowright, California H P Engloomn A Calvin, Easton Geo. Levan, Lancaster co. Pa SEE FOURTH PAGE IT S transport steamer Commodore, Wilbur, from City Point, via Fortress Monroe at 1 P Mon Tneslay. The C brought from City Point 400 paroled prisoners from Richmond. 200 <*f them. wore left at Fort rese Monroe. The remainder »eje brought to Philadel phia, end were month Pennsvlvanians, while others be long to New Yoik and New England rettimonts. U S transport steami r Dani«l Webster, Blether, 1 day froo Fortress Monroe, with 175 released prisoners. ftchr H Torrence Pbllhrick, 1 day from New York, md-o to W M Raird Sc 00. Schr John Randolph, Hall, 3 days from New York, with salt to c&pt»iu ftchr Paugaeaett Wsples, 5 days from Fortress Mon roe, in bullae to captain. Scbr Saratoga, Adams, 6 days from Fortrosß Monroe, in ballast to captain. Schr Altbt n, Corson, from Now York, with sugar and mouueef* to captain. ftclr Free W ind, Joeob ; from Now York, with stone to H Th< mas. Scbr Samuel G Mills, Jones, 8 days from Baow Hill. Md, with lumber to J W Bacon fichr Vandftlia. Hillysrd, 1 day from Smyrna, Dol, with oats to Jas Berrati ft Bon. ftcbr Blan , Jeodrickton, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian ft Co ftchr Clayton ft Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat le Jas L Bewley ft Co. Stoernf-r Wm Kent, Brett. 6# hours from Cape May, with passengers to captain. Saw a full-rigged brig coming in the capes this morning. Steamer Bristol, Cnarles,24 hours from Nsw York, with mdse 1o W P Cbde. Steamer Fire Brick. Fenton, 22 hours from N York, with mdse to W M Baird ft Co. Barge David Lucy, ft«unh, 1 day from New York, with mdBO to W M Baird ft Co. Brig Rebecca Shepard, Somers, Belfast, Ireland, Peter Wright ft Suns —not J R Penrose, as reported. Brig 8 J Gbrlatian, (new) Bussell, Now Orleans, A Heron, Jr ft Co. bchr Ajtneer, (£r) Ball, Dauierara, A E Outerbrldgs. ftchr J H Scamcnell, McLean, St John, NB, E A bon der ft Co. Schr Matthew Kenny, Ogier, Boston, Noble, Caldwell ft Co. Schr Sappho.'Smith, Washington, J E Bazley ft 00. Btr J ft Sbriver, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str Fanny Gainer, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. BAILED U S steamer 8 B Spaulding, for Fortress Monroe, Bte&roship Australasian, Cook, from Liverpool, at New YoiK ytßWrday. Ship Robert L Lane, Dryer, from Liverpool, was be low biw York yesterday. Bark David Lapsley, Beadling, from Havana, at New York yesterday. Bark I B Davis, Taylor, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Orleans 19th Inst. Barks W H Wall, Castner, and Mendi, Auld, cleared at New York yest«Tdav for Now Orleans. Brig Baltic, Maodockg, cleared at New York yesterday for t»ew Orleans. Bchr & Nelson Hall, Paddock, hence, arrived at Paw tucket 28th Inst. Scbr J O Brooks, Graffam, cleared at Portland 28th inst. for Philadelphia. bchr Ituih Halsey, Penny, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 2Sib inaC. Scb* a S P Simmons, Godfrey Beulah, Hanson, C A Heckaher, Sfabbs, H W Weeks, Godfrey, VaabH tiharp, B&ley, J Max field, May, I H Horton, Klwoll, j S Ed wards, Gatdy, Hariif-t Newell, Gregory, Neptune, Clark, 8 P Hawes, Mason, Eva Bell, Lea. Frank Herbert, Par ker, L ftturtevant, Corson, J H Allen. Adams, and Geo 8 Adams, Crowell, nonce, arrived at Boston 29th inst. Schr We t Wind, for Philadelphia, was discharging at Ponce, PR, 12th inat. Schr Little David, Fottor, hence, arrived at N York yestoday. 2,300,856 Steamer Black Diamond, Yandarveer, hence, arrived at New York yeiterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. Aid to Volunteers.— Photographs of Yolnnteers taken at LABKIN ft GO’d, corner oi EIGHTH and AKGH streets, 25 per cent, choapor than any other establishment in the city. Card Photographs 92.50 per dozen. 525 Oil Paintiogs reduced to 812. for a short period. It* Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLH, WILLIAM A BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hatr Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature — warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY BAIR lustAntly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Bold by all Druggists, ftc. ■ST The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, at the four tidet erf each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, 253 Bro <uZ«?ay and 16 Bond street), my2B—ly H«w fork. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, Tested for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, Bed Bugs, Ants, Fleas, Moths in Clothe, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, ftc. All genuine bears the signature of E. Lyon, and fj not poisonous to persons or domestic animoAt. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. Lyon’s Powder bills all insects in a trico, Lyon’s Pills are.death to rate and mice. Bold everywhere, D. 8. BARNES, myß-atuthSm 302 Broadway, New York. One-Price Clothing, op the latest S*?nxs, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWBbt Helling Pricer Jq Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ©sk-P*iok Svsthai is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. * JONEB ft CO.. 604 MARKET Street. BAYLOB—FITZGERALD On Monday, July 2lat, by Bct. han nel Laird, Mr. B. Frank Saylor to Mlsb Amanda Firzgerold. # K RYfrER—WOOLLEY.—JuIy 27th, 1862, at 242 Hanover street, Kenttington, by John G. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. Bei jnmin Kejaer and Mies Margaret Woolley, both of this city. # FU9SELL.—On the mcmiogof the 30th last., Emma J., daughter ol Xr Edwin and Rebecca L. Fussbll, aged 23 years. Her relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend her fuuerai, from her fatfatr's residence, 910 North Fifth street, on ftix'ti- day (Friday), Eighth month (August), Ist, at 4 o’clock P. TBITES.—On the 29th lost * Henry Tritea, aged 42 years. Funeral from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Mary Trite*, No. 809 Leonard street, above Eighth, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. ** BARNES —Ob the 28th inst, Bobert Barnes, aged 86 years. Funeral from the residence of his sou-in-law, Mr. John Williams No. 83 Penn street, above Sbippen, on Friday aftei noon, at 5 o’clock. ## BIRD —Ou the 29th inst., Conard 8. Bird, eon of the late ('apt. George Bird. Funeral from the residence of his Bister, Mrs. Wilkin sen, corner of Trenton avenue ard Aramingo streets, this (Tburedaj) afternoon, at i o’clock. # SHAW.—v>n the 2sth inst., William Shaw, son of Hammond and Sarah Snaw, aged 20 years, a member of the 2d Pennsylvania deserves, Company E. Funeral from the residence of his parents. Haydock street, below Front. Sixteenth ward, this (Thursday) after rooD, at 3 o’clock. * ALEXANDER—On the morning of the 29th inst., Maurice S. Alexander, in the 53d year of his age. Hie male relatives and friends are respectfully requested to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 120 North Nineteenth street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 <AiocK. * LUKENS.—At the Pennsylvania Hospital for the In sane, of pai»ly*is, on the 26ih inst., Caßper Y. Lukens, M. D . in the 34th year of his age. Bis relatives end friends are respectfully invited to at tend liis fi.nersl,this(Fifth-day)morning, the 31»t inst., at 9 o’clock, from the residence of George Pennock, No. BUS Franklin street. & ST.—On the 28th insL., Mr. Wiliiam M. Woit, In the 29th year of bis age. His male friends, and those of the family, are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father-in law, Mr. Joseph Haivey, No. 2109 Green street, this (Tbtmday)'xnornir;g t tb* 31st inst., at 9 uVlock. * MOUIIMNO i'TOHJi.—BESSON & SON, No. 928 CHESTNUT Street. Black Moua&eiine de Laines, doable widths. Black Temises. Black Snnm>er Bombazines. Black Euglißh Bombazines. Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Gros Grain and Posit de Sole Silks. Black Crape Marotz and Bareges. Black Pareae Hernani. Black Silk Grenadines. Biuck and White Lawn*, Ginghams* &o. jy23 our country: to arns:-pa |lj TRIO t’lC Citizens who desire to saCsoribe to the vI.IZENS’ BOUNTY FUN D, to aid the recruiting of the Philadelphia quota of the President's call for three hundred thousand men, are respectfully informed that the Cinuuittee will sit daily to receive subscriptious from ten A M to two P. M , at INDEPENDENCE HALL. Fubtcriptions may likewise be sent to either of the un dersigned: ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor’s Office. CHARLES GIBBONS, Secretary, 252 South Third CHARLES D. FREEMAN, Secretary, 601 Sansom street. JAMES MeCLINTOOK, City Treasurer, Girard Bank. HENRY D. MOORE, State Treasurer, 664 North. Eleventh street* SINGLETON A. MERGER, Treasurer of Fund, Farmers* Mid Mechanics’ Bask. THOMAS WEBSTER, 14 North Delaware avenue. WILLIAM WtLSH,2!B South Delaware avenue. J. BO?S SNOWDEN, Independence Hall. ADOLPH E. BORIE, 153 Dock street. 8 W. DE COUBBEY, 681 Ohestout street. GEORGE H STUART, 13 Bank street. MICHAEL V BAKER, Independence Hall. GEORGE WHITNEY, office of A. Whitney k Sons. BlOllaltD O. DALE. 621 Market streak. LO&IN BLODGET, Board of Trade B oomfl. JOHN E. ADDICKB, Independence Hall. JOHN I>. WATSoN, office of North American. JAMES MILLIKEN, 410 Walnut street. Ward committees will be appointed to procure’sub scriptions in every ward In the city, dae notice of which: Will shortly appear. All subscriptions will be acknowledged daily in the. papers, unless otherwise requested. By order of the Committee, j y 29 THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. rv-=> REGULATIONS FOR THE ADVIIS* I r SION OF VOLDNTVBB LINE OFFICERS ItTTHE UNITED STATES NAVY. Acting Lieutenants moot have served at least six months in the Umttd atate* Navy as Acting Maatec or Acting Ensign, and been mentioned in official despatches for hi>hly meritorious conduct in battle. Acting Masters must have Berved at l«est three mouths as Acting Ensign or Acting Master’s Mate, and been lavorably recommended by their Immediate coownauding officer which recr-mmendatlon must be approved by the Fla* Officer of the sqaadrou in which they sue serving. Acting Ensigns must be betweea the ages of twenty five aid thirty- ive, and have seeu at least twelve years’ Sf a service before the mast, or aa an officer. Those who have pervert as chief mates of merchant vessels are In vited to apply for tbe pobitlon of Ensign Acting Master's Mates should be between the ages ef twenty and thirty, aud bave been at sea,before the mast, or ss an officer, five years. Before entering th« Navy, Acting Ensigns and Actix# Master's Mates will be required to furnish to the Navy Department proof of their age, sea service, sobriety, and professional knowledge. Letters of reooinmeaOstion should r ome from Captains with whom they h*v<« sailed, owners for whom they have sailed, and insurant* officers acquainted with their professional character sobriety. 'J be pay of volonteer officers of the lifts* at Bsa siuoe July 36, 1862, is aa follows: Acting lieu’enauts...,. .*1.875 per year and one ration. <» Masters ~ 1,500 4\ “ “ Kn5igua. ......... 1,200 t< *• “ “ Master’a Mates... 4SQ' » “ 44 jy2Q-0t MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED. MEMORANDA. MARRIED DIED. ry-p». POST OFFICE NOTICE.—A MAIL [k3 FOifc PORT BOYaL. S. G., to be despatched pci United fttatfßBteam frigate WABilfl, will be closed at this Oflici'oii THURSDAY. July 31, at 3 o’olock P. M. jj29 tnt»'2n O. A WALBORN, Postmaster. Tilt. INDPl*SlbfthD CU.U fiH r..r,, LkJ? -appoinifcl to hoiiciv from BanUn a>id ftav ngs hUDSCRIPTIONS IN AID OF THE E 'l- LiftTM ISNT ol the quota ot forces called for from PoiU* dulphia. btg to lay this applies ion before you, an I to edicit your action on it at the earliest moment, woen they will call for your conclusion ; or, a transmission ofyeur Mnttibuliou to either of the committee will be acknowledged. Very ra^pncffully. ADOLPH E. BOBIE, 153 Dock street. GEO. H. STUART, 13 Buin street. 8. W. DR COUKHRY, 631 Ohestuut street Philadelphia, July 26,1862. jy2o-lf OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS ! —PA- Uof TIIIOTIC CITIZENS who desire to tmb»cribe to ill©Cltizopfl’Bounty Fund, to aid in recrultiug of tho Philadelphia quota of the President’s call tor threw hundnd thou'-ano moo, Bro reap ctfully informed tbit the Committee will sitdeily to rect-ivo suhscriptious 10 A. M. lo 2 P. M., at Inflependeuce Hull. Sifwcriptious may llkowitu be seut to either of the unfit N>lgDfd: Alexander Henry, Mayor’s office. Chaa Gibbons, secretary, 252 South Third afreet. Cltttß. D. Fteeman, secretary, 601 Hansom slreot. Jaa. Me' lintock, City Trunnoror, Girard Baulc. Merry D. Moore, State Treasurer, G 64 North Elevonth street. BingUton A. Metcer, Treasurer of Fund, Farmers’ aud Meclifttiics’ Bank. Thotirta Wobbler. 14 North Delaware avenue. Wm. Wtlsh, 218 South Delaware avenue. J. Uhh Sweden, ludepeudeuce Hall. Adolph E. Rorip, 353 Dock street. S. W r DeCou» sey, 631 Chestnut street. Geordo II Stuart, 13 Bark street Michael V. Btilctr Ti.dependetice Hall. George Whitney, offleo of A. Whitney ft Sons. Daniel Haddock, Jr., 438 Market street. Lorinklodgpt, Board of Trade rooms. John R‘ Addicks, Infiepnndence Hall. John D. Watson, office North American. James 3j]|jken, 410 Wnlrut street. A comnittee of three was appointed to apply to insu rance, rniVoad, And other companies, composed of Mr. W m. W’elkV, as chairman. And a (pmtnjtfc'e of three, Messrs. J. E, Addicks, J. Bobs Bnovurn. and Michael O. Baker, to receive sub scriptions at Independence Hall. Ward committees will be appointed to procure sub- Bcription*-i) every ward in the city, due notice of which will appear iti the papers of Monday. All Bub«(|jptioi)B will be acknowledged daily in the paper*, otherwise requested. B> orderof the comnuttee. j>V6-tf : TLOMAB WEBSTER. Ghairmau. OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS !!—THE IL COItaiTTWE appointed to reoe Hhb^criptioas in hid of Ibo OITIZWNS 1 BOUNCY FUND, for pro viding the prcportlon of rhtlsdeiphia’sqnota of meu to increase tbe Arm? of the Republic, sit daily at INDEPENDENCE HALL, ,From 10 A. M. to 2 P M. By order of the Committee. jj29t*l TQOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. rv-=> NOTICE—THE SUBSCRIBERS TO LkJ TBE CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, to aid Re cruiting, ere hereby notified that the Treasurer of the Fund, SINGLETON A. MERGER. Kbi„ will nceive the amounts rtf their subscriptions, daily, at the Farm ers’and Mechinics’ Baub.andforni-h them with printed recfipts for ths same; or their subscriptions maybe paid fo the memberof tho Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer’* receipt will be sent to the donor. By order oi the Committee. j>26-tf TBOMAS WEBSTER, Ghairman. FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, IU JAMES 0. KELOH, Of second wart, subject to nomination of People’s Con vention. jyg-lm* MILITARY NOTICES. 3j HEADQTJAETE RS P E NNSY L fll TANIA MILITIA, TRANSPORTATION AND Jll TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Habuisburh. July 23,1862. Tbe attention of soldiers and officers now absent from their regiments is especially directed to the following paragraphs of General Uroers Nos. 60 and 72 respectively: Was Dbpartmest, 1 Adjutant G«neral‘s Oppiob, > ! Washington, June 5,1862. S GENERAL ORDER No 60 11. Alurg^number of volunterrs aro absent from thrir rffeimectj who are mow fit for duty. To enable them to return, the Governors of States are authorized to give them certificates or passes, wbicti will entitle them to tiauspirtation to the station of the nearest United States mistering officer or Quartermaster, who will pay tho cost of transportation on such certificate or pups, and provide transportation for tho soidier to hia regiment or station. War Dbpartment, 1 Adjutant Gbnmral’s Officx ; > Washington, June 28,1862. S GENERAL ORDER No. 72 111 xVo more furloughs will be granted to paroled ~prisoners. All jurloughs heretofore given to them are hereby revoked; and all prisoners now at large on their parojn. or who may hereafter be pa- oled by the rebel authorities, will immediately repair—if belonging to rrginients raised in tbe New England and Middle States, to tbe Camp of Instruction established near Annapolis. Md.; if belonging to regiments ratted in the States of Yiiginia, lennss-ee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and MichigHD, to Camp near Columbus, Ohio; if ao longing to regiments raised In the States of Illiuois, Wis consin, Minnesota, lowa,and Missouri, to tbe camp near Jefferson Banacfes. &lo—and report for such duty, com patible with tbeir parole as may be assigned to thnna hy tbe officers iu command o’ said camps And all. whether officers or soldiers, who fail to comply with, this order, wtthin the space of time necessary for them to do so, will be uccGunied deserters . aud dealt with accordingly. The attention of all commanding, mn-tering, and ro* crm'iug officers is particularly directed to this order, and they are required to use their utmost exertions, not only to give it tho widest circulation in their neighbor hood?, but tC Bee that » f-itufmly «arrioJ out. Al>4 their li xcellenciee, tbe Governors of the several St»ir a , are respectfully solicited to lend their efforts to tho same end. IV. The transportation necessary to a compliance with this older c»u, on application, be procured from the Governors of tho serial states, or from the Uo»ted States mustering or cOAhnantiiug officers in the various cities uitbin them. That the Governor of Pennsylvania may, uuder the previsions of the paragraphs above quotod, materially assist in briDging about a compliance, the following circu lar is published: CIRCULAR. I. Transportation, upoD application in form to this Departnunt, will be forwarded by mail or telegraph to soldiers and* officers coming under the provisions of the above named General Orders, either to Harrisburg or the point at which the ueareht Quartermaster, Mustering or Coirmnriding Officer is stationed. 11. Ihr min, required for such application ia the cer tificates of two responsible citinn—r ,a. pUue in watch the .<>ldiur or officer may thou be residing, that hi 4 state ment or to being a paroled prisoner now at large is cor rect,. or that he is a volunteer absent from his regiment and now fit to return. By ordt.r of Governor A. G. Curtin. O. W. SEES, Chief of Trsnsportatien and Telegraph Department of Pennsylvania. jy3l-4t SVI CTOBY! VICTORY —THE 110th BKGIMENT P. V. M , has been specially ac cf pted by the War Department for three years, or during the war Captains report immediately. Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and Pay furnished from date of enliritirezit This Is the only three-y*ar Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War from this State, and ail patriot* de sirous of serving onr common country must now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be foie the Ist of September next D. HEENAN, Colonel Commanding. A. MALSEED, Adjutant. PerG. H. B4RDWWLL. Major. jy2l*3t Headquarters, 624- MARKET Street, Phila. jy VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR M THE QUt REGIMENT P V., Colonel E. M GREGORY, now at Alexandria, Va.—Young Men, your country asks your services in her hour of peril !' Will you volunteer, or will you wait until you are com pelled to go? Bare you forgotten what your fathers sutl'ered to establish this Government, and are yon wi ling to remain at home while yonr brethren are in th 9 held pouring out tfceir life-blood in defence of the Union, the Constitution, and the belt Government ia the world ?. Surely not! Come. then, and enroll yourselves in the 91st Regiment P. V , where you will be placed under competent, sober officers* and in a regiment that, for drill and efficiency has no superior in the service. Bounty given eqiul to any offered. Recruiting Offices: N. W. corner Ridge avenue and Coates street. Cornfr of Franfcford road and York street. Ne. 620 Chestnut strut. Franklin and Girard avenue, Lieut. JAMES K. GLOB3ON, Lieut. Ji A. GREGORY, jj3l-5t Recruiting Officers, 8 COL. HEENAN’S 116th REGI MIdIT T AHEAD I>P ANY TWO, OR ALL OTHERS, and have the full Equipments for 1.609 Men ready, a beautiful Camp established, Ac. Men joining this Regiment will he sure to be in the held months before any other Regimentfrom the old Keystone State. Headquarters. 624 MARKET street. 4 ‘Camp Emmett.’’Jones’Woods, Twenty-fourth ward. jv2s-tf 'yi CAVALRY RECRUITS JO) WANTED—SIt>7 BOD NTT GIVEN! The f r*jd only chance! AppU corner RIDGE ROAD Siio NOBLE. H. L VANOLEVK, Captain. 6 JOHF KLINE, First Lieutenant. J. ROBERTS, Second Lieutenant. It* 1 FUANCIAJU u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; OR, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE. AT THE OPTION OF- THE GOVERN MENT AFTER FIVE TEARS. I am Instructed by the SECRET ARE OF THE TEBASNST to receive for tho abdvo LOAN AT FAR, THE INTEREST TO-COMMENCE FROM DATE ca DEPOSIT, Thu. .voiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by readying payment hi GOLD or the interest from. May last. A full supply cf lheae Bond, always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. jf 29*15 <M AAA WANTED ou good Mort <J)JL>vUv gage Security. * LURENSA MONTGOMERY, j)Si-tba2t 103 a BEACH street. 09 KOfi-THIS AMOUNT WANT a ED upon Mortgage, flrat-class Farm near the city* Apply to E jyjg No. 309 WALNUT Street STRAY HORt-E - CametotLe xC&premi»es of the subscriber, in the Twenty-fourth mud. West Philadelphia, alight-sorrel H0R18; has a white .tripe Oil tab face, two bind feet white; euppeoed to be IS yean old; ring-boned on hind rest. The owner is rmueatid to come, prove property, P»i ch«t*eei end tahe him away, or be will be sold, according to Olty Or dinance, passed May 1, IBM. jj3|.3i* 11. CHAIN. LA DIE 8’ HAIR-DYEING AND Shampooing, done In the heB+ gtjle at FOURTH and BRANCH. jy3olftf RETAIL DRY GOODS. Bargains in dry goods. The following tots will bo sold at a great sacrifice to close tbtm out—viz: Two lets Black Silk and Wool Ohallios at 18#c, worth NH c. J Five pieces Barege Anglfi at 4c, worth 10c, Five piece* plain Barege at 12)^c. Also, a large lot of Shetland Shawls, at very low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. At JVHN U STOKES 1 , jySO 702 A RUG Street. Tweeds and cmssimeiies. 1,600 yards heavy Oasßimeres, just opened. Also, I.OUO yards all wool Tweeds, 62 to 76 cents. Sun mer and Fall Oassinieres, a fuil stock. Mui's and Boys 1 wear, our stock is complete. DOYIES'llua Blench'd and Bro«u Shirtings. Bleach'd and ttrntfu Sheetings. Cotton Flannel*, Domot, all wool, and SaDjuodo. {Jetton Good?, at lowest market ra 4 *s. HONEY-COMB Q^ILTd. WarseiHcp ar-d Larc-ißter Quilts. IlAthing Flannel*, Miwinito Nf»ts. Limn Table OA’DKbk* aurt Napkins. Cliutp lots cf 4 4 heavy Irieh Linens. 'LOSING OUT. Silk Maotlo*, Thin DusteiH, Lace Goods. Bojs* Summer Clothing. Thin Urepfi Goods, Mack Tamartioos. Challies, Mohairs, Mozamhiuoo*, Ac. GOoPKR & r ONATVD, 8. B. corner NINTH and MARKET its. TAKE NOTICE.—We will sell, by the piece, for one week longer, our stock of MUd- LIN, at the old price*. Wewill open, THIB MORNING, 25 baton Unbleached Mudin, of all widths and prices. Also, 26 cases bioacbod, from 6#c. to 25c. por yard. These goods were mostly brought last mouth, when low est, and will be sold for one week at groat bargains. No abatement to storekeep-rs by tbe bale, as they are much below present wholefa’o prices. Sheetings, of all widths, for hospital .aids. Ac , at cost. We will soil donblo-damanh TABLE LINEN at the old price. Low-price Furniture PrinM. for (Jomforta bk-e. B. I). A W. H. PENNELL. j>2s 6t No. 1021 MARKET Street. CUMMER STOCK. O During July *mi August we will sell Huamer Dre*s Goods, such as Lawns, Organdhs, Baroges, aud their fabrics, at very low prioes t.i clear tbe ntock. Tue assortment* are still fair, and the goods of this eea&on’a purchase. SHABPLE3S BROTHERS, CHESTNUT And EIGHTH ntrnots MILITARY coons. gYANS da HAbSALL. MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITARY GOODS, or EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Tent buttons and slips, u. 3. Pattern, manufactured and for sale by J. P REED, southeast corner THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. jy9-lm* PROPOSALS. Deputy quartermaster ge- NIGRAL’S OFFICE, Philadelphia, 29th July, PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until FRIDAY next, Ist August, at 12 o'clock tf. t for the im mediate delivery, in this city, of seven (7) sets SHOE ING TOOLS, complete. Proposals to be endorsed tl Pro* poaals for Shoeing Tools,” aud addressed to G. H. CSOSMAN, jy3o 3t Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A. Notice, —proposals from DEALERS AND MILLERS ABE INVITED, till the 12th day of August, 1862. far furnishing FLOUR to the Subsistence Department, of tbe name kind as has been received by the United States Government, and known as No. 1 Extra. Samples of thiß Flour can be seen at the Capitol Bakery in ibh city. It iB do lire cl to make a contract for 20,000 barrels. Should, however, any person desire to furnish a less Quantity, he will state the precise number of barrels in bis bid. Tbe contractor will be required to furnish at the rata of about 500 barrels daily until the contract is filled. No Flour will be received which does not come up to the standard at the Government inspection made juat be fore tbe purchase. The Fiour to be delivered at the Railroad Depot in Wesbington, or any of the Warehouses in Georgetown, D. C. Tbe Flour to be put up in new barrels. Gov#rnment reserves the right to reject any hid for auy proper cause. No bids will be received from contractors who hare previously failed to comply whh their contracts. . Bidders must be present in person to respond to their bids. Tbe oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. Finns making bids should state the names of all the parties interested. Payments to be made in Treasury Notes, and tbe bids te be directed to « COL. A. BE’iEWITff, A. D. O. aud C. R.» u. *. A., Washington, D. G.,” and endorsed *• Pro po.-as for Flour.” JySMOt WATCHES AND JEWELRY. watches, gold and silver cases. JOS H. WATSON. Wo. 326 CHESTNUT street. PHOTOGRAPHS. QPECIAL NOTICE.—Go and get one O ot isiv-iaurn. a superior pictures. now made a>. war prices. Life-size Oil-colon dPH OTOO It IP UB. Truth ful and durable pictures. SECOND Streot, above Grten. It# /QUESTION ANSWERED—IF Ibere be any question —Whut makes JlEItt&R’S Cut red Photographs so popular? Their dnouess of quality, natural and beautiful coloring, ta known aud appreciated by the public. $l. SECOND Street, above Gveen.- It* COPARTNERSHIPS The unpebshjned, succes sors to CHAFFERS, STOUT, & CO , have THU DAY formed a copartnership, under the firm of STOUT & ATKINbcN. for the parpose of conducting the Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have taken the store, No. 623 MARKET Street J. W. STOUT, F. T. ATKINSON. Philadelphia, July 21,1862. jy22>lui* •VTOTICEt —The Copartnership hereto- X i fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of PRATT & HEATH, has been dissolved by its own limitation, and by mutual consent. D. T. PRATT is alooe authorized to collect the out standing debts, and to use the firm name in liquidation# D. T. PR VET, B. B. BEATS, W. G. BILLIN. J) t. prattT (BUOOBSBOB TO PRATT A HEATH,) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &c. Has removed from N. W. corner Fifth and Market Sts. to No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Where he offers for. sale a FULL ASSORTMENT OF GQODB pertalnlngto the WATCH BUSINESS- Dealers are* solicited to examine the stock. jys*t3l THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of A. T. LANE A CO., was this day diwolved by its own limitation. The business wifi be settled by either of the - undersigned, at Ne. 43.®* MARKET Street. ALEX T LANE, WM. F. HANSELL, 8. F. ifANSELb, B. HANSELL. Philadelphia* July l, 1802. jyi-mtb2m “VTOTICE.—MR. WM. K. HEMP XI HILL’S- interest in our house ceased on the 31st T WELLS & GO., 118 NORTH WHABVEB. May. jyl-lm THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the' firm of BIEGEL, BAIRD, St 00., 1. thi, Any AtMolved. PETER SIEGER, -D. B. ERVIN, JACOB RIEQEL, H. 8. FISTEB, WM. 8. BATED, JOSIAH BIEGEL, JOHN WIEST. ... Junk 30. jyl-6w •\rOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNER SHIP.—The subscribers hereby give notioe that they have entered into a limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under whloh said partner ship ia to be conducted is BIEGEL, WIEST, St- ER VIN. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. That the names Of the General and Special Partners, all of whom reride in the city of Philadelphia, are JACOB BIEGEL, General Partner, residing at 62? North Bixth street j JOHN WIEST, General Partner, residing at 322 New street ; D. B. ERVIN, General Partner, residing at 1616 Girard avenue; HENRY & FIBI SB, General Partner, residing at 416 North Third street: JOSIAH RIEGEL, General Partner, residing at 416 North Third street; PETER SIEGER, Special Partner, residing at 717 North Eighth street; WM. 8. BAIRD, Special Partner, residing at the Continental Hotel. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by tha Special Partner* to the common atoefc 1b One Hundred Tbonaand Dollars, of which Fifty Thousand Dollars In caah baa been ao contributed by Peter Sieger, Special Partner, and Fifty Thousand Dollars in each baa been ao contributed by Wm S. Baird, Special Partner. That the said partnership ia to commence on the drat day of July, A. D 1862, and la to terminate on the drat day or January, 1865. JACOB BIEGEL, I JOHN WIEST, D. B. EBVIN, } General Partner*. HENRY & FISTEB, I JOSIAH BIEGEL, J PITER SINGER, ) r-rtne— jyl.fiw WM. 8 HAIPD. { Sped* l Partner*. LEGAL.. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR _L THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estate-of JAMES FORBES, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN S, SNYDER, Executor of JAM K 8 VORBEH, deceased, aud to make distribution of the balance in the hands cf the accountant wilt meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on FRIDAY, August S, 1862, at 11 o’clock A. X. at 126 South SIXTH street, in the city of Pbl ladWphia. H. K. WALLACE, jjSl Ibsmwf&t Auditor. ■\/TARBHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of JjX a Writ of Sale, bv the Hon. JOHN CADWALA* DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United Status, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to, the highest and boat bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHXLL STRKRT WHARF, on MONDAY, August U, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., five barrels of Lard, threq, half*barrels ditto, and five barrels Pork WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S. Marshal Eastern Histriot of Penna. PstlilPEhFHU, July JO, 1882, jySl.Jt HEW rUMEICATIOHI*. The new sporting work. SECOND EDITION JUST READY. GAME FISH OF THE NORTH. One elegant volume, illustrated; price SI 25. A capital new and improved handbook for the Bporfcs man. With tbe latest information on fish, tackle, camping out, provitiiouF, acceutrem. nts, dresa, expenses, i rough ing it in the woods. tIOUt, and the places to fiad them; tbe beet ealmoD ground**, and how to get Nitre ; adven tures in the forests \ salt-water fishing, and how to do it welt—altogether a wi«ty and entertaining b.iok for every sportsman, and for those who enjoy reading upon such subjects. The first edition of this seasonable work was swept off within tbe week of Its publication, and a second Isjmt ready. It baa been prantd by every one. The Boston Trite Flag ssys: “Tho style is as chatty and genial as wav ever old IssakWaftoife, and yon will see what a pleasant companion tbu book is for a summer tour." Tho New York Commercial Advertiser says : “We can command tbe bonk btron&ly for the varioty and utility of its iuf.rniation ” The Philadelphia City Item says: “Gortainlv the ablest, most useful and entertaining work on tho subject published'” Sold by all booksellers, aud sent by mall frtd y on receipt of price, $1.25, by OARLETON, Publisher, «3 BROADWAY. New York. jy2G-Rta&lh3t Major winthrop’s new BOOK.—Edwin Brothertoft. By Major Win throp. 12mo. $l. Uncle Jab'z; Or, Tbe History of a Man whose Boy hood was Spent in tho School of Adversity. Illustrated. 18mo. 45 cents. Boro Darling; Or. The* Path of Truth. 30 coots. Tony Starr’* Legacy, ity the Author of “Win anil Wear.” 75 cents Tbo Boy Friend; Or, All Oan Help.” By Aunt Friendly. 30 routs. Hairy's Mistakes and Whero They Led Him. 30 cents. Plain Words to Young Men. By Rev. J. B. Ripley, 25 cents. For sale bv WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MAHTIKN, jy23 606 tJHK-U’NUT Street, CIRCULATING LIBRARY. WBROTHERHEAD’B 01R OU . LATING LIBRARY.—AH fee NEW Ensliai and American Books, including &LLOLA3SE3 of Lite rature. This is tho ON LY Library in the country that includes all tbe NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arouol REPRINTED here. Terms $6 per year; 6 months $3; three months $1.50, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jy7-2w* EIHICATIOHAJU WEPLEY AN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, Delaware. Rev JOHN WILSON. A H. , Presidont. Assisted by a fall bi ard of Pro'eaeors and Teachers The rex* seueivu wi'l on MONDAY, the Ist of Septimber, and continue ten months. This Institution off era to Young LedlftS superior ftd var tapes for acquiring a thorough and complete educa tion at a reasonable expense. For Catalogues, address the President. jySl-tnthstSel TTILLAGE-GREEN SEMINAR?.— V A select BOARDING SCHOOL, neav MEDIA, rennsylvania. Thorough course in Mathematics, Clas sics, Eiglhh Studies. &c. Book-keeping and Civil En gineering taught. Exercises in Military Tactics. Seventh year begins September let. Boßrdlng, per week ToitioD, per quarter Eor information! address Bov. J. lIERV3Y BABTON. A. M , VILLAGE uREEN, Penn'a. jy 28.9 m Bristol boarding school for Girls will open its Fall session on Seccnd day, Ninth mo., Ist. References: James Mott, Philadelphia; Anno Chuicbman, 908 Franklin street, Philadelphia; 0 N. Peirce, 501 North Seventh streot, Philadelphia : Ilenry W. Bidgway, Croeswlckn, New Jersey ; David J <jri«norn, Woodbury. New Jersey. * For circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIBOE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23-2ai* Mr. winthbop tappaN’S Boarding and Day School lor Yonng Ladies, No. 1015 SPRUUfc Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17th. jyl9-3m HOLMEfcBUBG SEMINARY FOR YOTNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastic year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. A circular, containing terms, references, &c., can be obtained by application to the j;l4 3m* Misses CHAPMAN, Principals. WAHTS. TTTANTED- A YOUNG MAN SIX «.v TEEN or Eighteen years of age, who has a knowledge of book-keeping, in a wholesale Shoe House. Address “ Box 980 Post Office M jv3')-3t# \\TANTED—In an established manu- V t factoring business, an active partner, with 52,000 catb. Bueitiois pleasant, with fair profit*.. Beit refe rences given and required. Address, with.real name, « Enterprise,” at this office. jy3o*2t g* STORE WANTED—CHESTNUT Eli Strict. South side, between THIRD and NINTH, mit not to exceed $1,500. Address EDWARD P KEL LY, 142 Sooth THIRD Street jy2B.6i* FOR SALE AITO TO LET, mo LET—With STEAM POWER, X- & large third- story BOOM, 72 feet long, by 36 feet wide; light and airy, haying 17 windows. Apply to EVANS A WATrON, 16 South FOURTH street, Salamander Safe Store. TO BENT—I ACTOR Y ON WIL LOW Street—on the first of September next —No. 12*1 And 126 Willow street) sooth side, west of Front street, east of New Market street; 40 feet by about 60 feet;- three stories, aud cellar under the wholo; well lighted ; a elate rosf; drain from cellar into Willow stjeet cnlvert. Has broil usofl several years aB a whale bone factory. Apply to JAMES S. MASON & 00., 138 and 140 North FfiONT Street jyS23 12t* TO LET—The eligible STORE flUiacd FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, next to new poet office lUSMOYAL. The GUN and FISHING TACKLE Store will be re mored to 415 CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER Ist. Inquire of PHILIP WILSON & 00 , jj2B-if 432 CHESTNUT Street. REnOVALS. Removal.— mahlon kirk, DENTIST, h» BEHOVED to No. 1503 CHEST NUT Street. JrB lm* INSURANCE COMPANIES. H. E M TJ T U A L LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. S. F. WINSTON, President. assets over eight millions of dollars. PHILADELPHIA AGE HOT, 400 WALNUT STREET. 'All'-'policy'bolder* in the above Company who may volunteer in response to the late call of the President of the United States for 800*000 moo, or who may be drafted into the service {should that mode of obtaining recruits be resorted to)* are hereby informed that War Permits will be Usaed to them ou the same terms as to those who entered the- service in 1861. Full particulars and-explanations can be obtained on application to F. RATCHFORD STARR, jy3o-6t 4.00 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA. QIKAKD EIRE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY. OTEIGE U< WAIBST STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL «200,000. This company continues to take risks on tbs earn classes of Property at low rates. The publlo cut rely upon lte responsibility, and ablU ty to pay lobsos promptly. Its disbursements (or (hi benefit of the pibUe, dnrinf thelast nine years, exesaa S 50 0,0 00, and we respeetfeUy solicit its favor in the future. DIBEGTOBB. DBAS. I. DUPONT, JBBBE WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBNLEY, 0. T. HKAZIITT, ABBAHAM HABT, HATH) BOYD, Jr., PETEB B. HOB, oIN. Y, WM. M. BWAIN, TUBUAN SHEPPABB JOBBPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. LAWBBNOI, WM. 0. BUDMAN, JOHN BUFPLEE. THOMAS GRAVEN, FresUtani. A. 8. GILLETT, Vice President. JAB. B. ALVOBD, Secretary. ap3t-ti *CE COMPANY, Street jn> imußAsam. no*e. S. P. Woodrng, John Kessler, Jt, P. S. Jostles, Washington dense, Ohas. Stokes, John W. Brennan, v PceetJent. LBBBON, Vloe President. ABD, Secretary. [mhH-ttt Fame insuka H0.40e OHBBTNBT tire jjra wl. BLUB E.N.Bnck, Ghas. lUohardsoß, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. WbUldiD) Goo. A. West, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS B. BU< CHARLES BKH WILLIAMS I. BLANOI riOMMQNWEALTH JIBE IN&U \J RANGE company, on THE BTATE p,i PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. Davit Jayne, U. D., Charles H. Bonn, JohnM. WhlUll, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knlebt, Robert Shoeawhar, Thomas B. Stewart, William Binders, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, U D„ President JOHN M. WHITALL, Vka YroMMb B&UDEL B. MOON, Beoretary. ____ OMne, Commonwealth Building, UJ OBHTRM Philui.lsbiS. set-irtf AMPAGNE.—-The original “ Gold \J Lae" Champagne, In Quarts and pints, for sals (to arrive) by OH Aft. B. 0 ABSTAINS, No. 1» WAL NUT and m OBAN;tE Streets. JeM WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BY W. L. WALL & CO., AUCTION EERS, successors to Wall & Barnard. GOVERNMENT SALE OF HOUSES, COLTS, AND MULES, AT AUCTION. ON THURSDAY, July 31,1863, at the Corral near the Observatory, trill oe Bold, at pnblic auction, A NUMBER OF HORSES, COLTS, AND MULES) Condemned as nnflt for nubtfo sorvlce. tale to cemraeMe at 10 o'clock, Terms—Cash or Government runds. J. J. DANA, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. W. L. WALL » CO. Auctioneers. TTNITEP STATES HOTEL, AT LANTI r J CITY.—G r and Combination Concert and Bttree RtrMiit' bv H/tbSLKifr'S <>ttUIJE3TRA, SATURDAY KYJCNTNG. AiwnfttS, 1862. 6O coots Children, 2i cents. jy3Mt Foe ter benefit of thh COOPER SHOP AND UNTON SALOONS. “DTCKKhON OOLLKCTION OK ARTS AND SCIENCES,” Rooms No. P>QB CHESTNUT Street, will be opened to tbo pnhilc, Day and Evening—Single Tick ets Ten Cents each—for the period of two weeks, com mencing MONDAY next, 28i.h inst , for the benefit of the fibove-DftoM patriotic Instltations- jyZQiOt* Assembly buildings. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS* THRILLING SCENES IN THIS LIFE OF A YANKEE WHALEMAN, EVERY EVENING, at 8 o'olock precisely. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Aftornooon* fit So’oOt Admission 26 ceme, Bix Tickets for ooe dollar. Children 10 cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is opes daily (dtmdaye except!) f*om Q A. H.tffl f F» JT. 25 cents. Children bait price, Shares of Stock, $3O jyfl ITI, rx.llilM .llLl I FOR THE HENE FIT 0F tub ainK and WOUNDED SOLD IE RS.—OR AND UNION EXCUR SION OF LODGED No. 36, 28, 45. and 67 OF THE AMKRIO/ N TROTESTANT ASSOCIATION TO AT LANTIC CITY, nn TUESDAY, Aligns! sth, 1862. Ticktii* 25 j Children, i row 5 to 10 *«»ar*, 63 cents* may be procured at VINE* 8TR3213T Wharf, on the moraine of the Excursion. Last boal Imtw. Uv> wharf at B n’eloelt A. M. proeistly. TIIOS. OOHWi j)31.31# Spnretarr. fiSiSRi msughtful SUMMER EXCURSIONS, NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF ST. LAWRENO* RIVER, MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS* HUDSON BI TER, WHITE MOUNTAINS) BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW YORK, &a. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal* White Mountains, Boston, and return, 542 20 From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Sara toga, Hudson river, New Fork, and return, 830.00, To Niagara Falls end Return. $l5 00. For further particulars and handbills apply at the offlct of the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIR a RAILROAD LINE, corner of SIXTH and OBEdTNUT Street*, where a choice of routes may be made to suit the taste of anyone. JOHN 8. HILLES, General Agent. Cor. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Street*. Philadelphia, July 1,1862. jrl-361 s2 25 6,00 IMPORTANT to PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY Is prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets af greatly reduced rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. For one, three, six, Dine, or twelve months, at to? low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the lino of the road during the summer. From and after July 3, 1862, a still greater reduction has been made on these tickets. For twenty* six trips between any two points at about two centß per mile. These tickets are intended for tbe nse of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persons making occasional trips. For one cr three months, for the use of scholars at tending school in the city. Lrvicg on or near the line of the road, and having ocoAgfon to use the toad freanontly in their ctericaf capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling them to travel a* half fat e. Applications to be made only to Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. Issued at half fare to parties of over forty, good too any reasonable time, EXOUBBION TICKETS during the Summer are soM at greatly reduced rates, for the benefit of those seek ing recreation from business or in pursuit of health. These tiaketa are good for ten days, and are issued to OREBSON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), Al>- TOON A (foot of the mountains) BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPRRATA SPRINGS; For time of departure of trains see bills and oardfl off the road. For Through Tickets apply at the offl&a of the Oosa. pany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN, Agent. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Tlofcefc Agent. jyls-frel - - extra notice; FOR THE SEA SHORE. MAIL TRAIN, ON SUNDAY NEXT, AUGUST 3d, FOB ATr,ANTrC CITY. teaveß VINE-STREET TERRY at 7.30 A. Iff, Returning, luavos ATLANTIC 4 40 P. M.' This Train will atop at ALL Stations going and return* ing. Fare to ATLANTIC and back, for this-da? and thb train, only SI 26: ,TOHN Gh BRYANT, jy3l- 3t AGENT. Bmmss, 1° ?, JK„ SB i£ B&NGEMENT.—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAHr> BOAT. Three trains dalir to Atlantic City and return, (Bnn> days excepted). Train* leave VINK-Street Ferry w follows: Mail Train... Express Train... .................4.00 P. Si Freight and Accommodation... .. ••••6.00 P. M* RETURNING: Leaves, Atlantic Mail Train 4 40 P. S» « “ Express Train ••.•••••016 A. ML “ Prelght and Accommodation.3lB A. K. PARE 5*1.80. Bound, trip Tickets, good only for ffct day and train or* which they are wwed, Bd-W- Exenr sion good for three days, S 3. Hotels aro now open. JOHN G. BBYANT, jelS-tf Agent -. fr'ir** S FOR CAPE MAY.—Th* steamboat WM KRNT, Capt. Brett, leaves vharf every TUISDAT, TQUBB - and SATURDAY at 9}f o’clock A,Mm for CAPE MAT, returning alternate days, touching each way at New Tattle. jyll ltn* CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, An attempt has been made to. deceive the public by persons offering what they call “Congress Water** from fountains, and at the price o? mx (0) cents per glass. Thetfeta2a»te price of the Q'Jtuimt Congress Water,at New York, beiig abont 7% cents per glass, the impoaf tirn of pretending to sell at ratal) at less than cost, and without allowance for freight cartage, or breakage, Ifl apparent; hot their probable course bas been to empty one battle of genuine Congress Water into, a fountain filled- with their trash, and* thereby christening its total contents. AGENT, We have ester sold Congress Water nor in vasselsof any other description thaa, ordinary-sized glass bottles. The cork.of every bottle-of the genolne It branded, An>d »ny without thsse.wcrds and let- UONGBESS tore on the cork is ■ 0. &.W. ao uNT a.R r ■ 11, r WATER. whether from fotm- 1 ialns or .bottles. The following are supplied by ub regularly . with genuine Congress Water, im bottles, &esh from the • Congress Spring: FBKD’K B3OWN, cor. 3itth and Chestnut eta. O. S. HUrfiBLL, 1410 Chestnut st»pt OHAB. ELLIS A 00., Market street* B. J STE.TBNS *CO., AB1BBO&5 Chestnut etejaai- J. O. TUAN PENNY > 00., dUUpruo* street THO 9. Z'i HUSBAND, cor. TUrdand Spruoe st* . WYETH Bros., WUnut streoh CEARKE & WHITE,, je3ft-am.a FRANK. PALMER. Burgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, t» all of tie Medical OoUegea.and Hos pitals. The ♦» palmxr LIMBS,’’ adopted by the Army. a&A tiavy Burgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. Address, B. PRANK. PALMER, jy2.em No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street, PhlUd’a. TRUES AND BRACE DE o. H. NEEDLES-. Comer TWELFTH and BAG* Street*. Philadelphia. Hernial Trnaaei and mechanic*!. afipUancca oorrooß* adj noted by O. H. HEBDSJM. Fine French end approved American, adapted to,every form of rnpture, in adulte and cbildro*. Bnglieta and American Supporters and BeMa, Shoulder Braces, Bna* peneories, Elaetic Stockings,, and Syrlagea In great va riety. ladies 1 Department, TWBIFTH Street, first door below Bace. Conducted by camsetent ladlea. jj2B-Sm if one of Reimer’s, They are nnoqiMUedi Colored with rare truthful* new and beamy. Flesh* tic to life*like and natural; tta* effector light aad rihado natural and glowing* SECOND Street, above Green. It* OAY RUM—I 9 oasks very superior, MJ Jut received, Vor Hie by OH&B. 8. OAIISTAIBB. Iris MS WAiHUT tni 31QBANIT1 Street*. AMUSEMENTS EXCURSIONS COMMUTATION TICKETS COUPON TICKETS SCHOOL TICKETS CLERGYMEN EXCURSION TICKETS SEA BATHING. HIW VO UK SA.-.Mi>oA, Jnly 1, 1863. CIiASKE S. WHITK, Proprietor, of Congree* Spring. .7.30 A. H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers