FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, July 25,1862. Tbf quantity of bullion sold at the Board of Brokers in New York yesterday figured up to nearly a million of dollars. This 1b independent of the sales made on Wall street, and goes to prove that from some cause or other speculators are compelled to sell out. Foreign inter vention was the goad they used upon the market, but now that the spur ia broken, the overstrained animal falters, and finally has dropped. The extent of the foam caused by their designing, mercenary motives are only io be reckoned by the numberless long faces to be seen j on every hand a short time ago. Specie at 20 per cent, premium! and people whispered it with white lips, as though fearing a dreadful blow from some huge monster, Whoteform, not yet visible, was already dimly outlined forth on the black clouds of our country’s danger. The uncertainty In regard to the future, with specie at this figure, seemed but a veil-ready at any moment to be lifted—covering the droad features of universal rain. But, happily, this was not the feeling in our larger monetary circles. They, knew their power; they felt that tbe Ship of State must be sustained; that without a Government they would be without ability to protect •theirmoans; that to save themselves they must save their Government; and to-day the Government attests the manner in which they went manfully to work and up beld. if they have not Bayed, her. Shorter-Btghted men. would have thought only of themselves; nothing of the Had our money rulers doite .so.where would; be the credit of the United States at thepresent moment, and at what rate would her securities he selling, payable in specie! The decline in gold continued to*day, and the figure receded to 113, but rallied towards the close up tolld. This is a decline of 1 from yesterday’a figure. The market was fevorl »h and fluctuating, closing rather Spasmodically. Old demands fell during the day to s#» but recovered t0.6.* Large amounts were offered and re-' fused at B#ffl7, H Corresponding with the good feeling created by the de cline in gold, stocks exhibited a decided buoyancy, and prices of almost everything on the list advanced. United States securities were in demand; • the sixes of 1881 •opened at9D#, and sold at the Second-Board at 100, being a total advance of 1# on the best figure of yester day; the seven-thirties, blank, advanced #, and conti nued firm; one-year certificates sold at 98# ; Pennsyl vania 5s advanced % ; the coupons sold up to 93, an ad vance of # ; City 8s were very lively. The new were firm at 101; the old advanced#. North Pennsylvania 1 6s advanced 1# ; the tens mated no change. Sanbury and Erie 7s brought 95#, a alight advance. Beading Bs, 1886, were firm at 85; Camden and Amboy 6s, 1833, at £4, an advance. ' : , Pennsylvania Bailroad first mortgages sold well at .103:5 HO change. Philadelphia and Erie sixes advanced #; Second and Third* street second mortgage sold at 101; Schuylkill Navigation, sixes advanced #,. with solos- The share list was moire active than yesterday. Beading Bailroad advanced #, losing # toward the close, iffine hiU was steady at 47# ; Pennsylvania at 47. Long bland ad vane id % on last sales; Norristown brought 49#; Littie Schuylkill 16. Gamden and Amboy advanced #; North Pennsylvania #. In passenger railways there Was increased activity. Bace and Vine was firm at 11#* Spruce and Pine advanced # ; Chestnut and Walnut # ; <3rcon and Coates # on the bid; Thirteenth and Fif teenth #on tbe bid. Susquehanna Canal sold well at 4#, au advance; 8# was bid for Oatawissa The market dosed firm after about $144,000 in bonds changed hands, •and 1,100 shares. ‘ Honey ia still a drug in the market, and to be com manded at the lowest possible rates. > Drexel & So. Quote? New Fork exchange...;.... ......Par to 1-10 pre, Boston exchange........... “ to 1-10 pre. Baltimore exchange.... M to # dis. Country funds, #to % dir. Gold, -...US- tollj pre. <old dfinand Treasury notes.,* 6 to 7 jpre. 7 3-10 Treaaury notes to 103# The following is the amount of coal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Monntaln Railroad for the week ending "Wednesday, July 23, and since January 1, £862: Week. Previously, : Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. .9,780 160.034 170 364 ,7,60 S 112,880 - 120,513 1882 1881 1ncr0n5e..2,097 The inspections of Floor and Meat in Philadelphia, duritig the weekending July 24,1862, were as fellows t Barrels of 5uperfine,..,,11,776 do do Middlings,,. do Eye.,..,... do Cora Meal., do Condemned. Total ...... The autbraoite and bituminous coal brought down on the Beading Bailroad and Schuylkill Canal this week was as follows: Baiiroad,'this wock in 1860 ......49,143 tons, •• 3861 ..36,821 •• • « . •• 1864.'.'. 62,913 •• Caua’, this week in 1860......... 35,983 tons. •• ** 1861 29,881 .“ , ♦» 1862..,; .......28,862 *‘ Zb Pi iereon’s Detector for August let, issued to-day, wo find a list of “35 new-counterfeits,” which have been put in circulation since the issue of thoir number of July Ist, among which we notice a description of a twc-dollur note on the Mercantile Bank of 'Washington, 3>, 0. This is a bogus affair and got up In very good ■style, being'printed in three colors. The specie and bauk-note table corrected by Drexel & Go. note some changes in tlie figures of the various itemß. The New York Evening Post says: Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, July 25* [Reported by S. K. Slatmakhx. Phila. Exchange.! FIRST BOARD. 3000 U 5 6s : 81 §9* 31000 do. 99* I 20 -dd.'......... 47% 21-Penan B 47 i 100 L Island E...... 10% 10000 U 8 7-80 T H.bMOO i 1500 do...«blauk.lOO 19400 do. ...blanfc*lo3 4 Norri»*n R.,.b5 49% 4000 N Penna 63.... 74% : SOOO American G01d..115% 470 do ;116 - 50 Susti’a Gansl b 5 4% 50 do 4% 50 Race & Vine 8.. 11% 25 Little Sch R.,b5 10 1 Pbila 1ik..55wn.109 BOARDS. 20 Minehill E 47% 10000 Pa Op 5s Ja f y & Jaly «.s3O 91 4500 Arim t nG’d.KSO.ll5 % “9000 d 0..., ~ 90V 60 Reading JR.......28 44 160 do 28 X IGO do 28-&6 200 d 0.... 28% £0 d 0... ,b8.28# $0 dG......1caah28# j 100 OUT 65.......... 98 •2000 d 0.... 98 J 4000 d 0... .New... .101 1800 do.... Hew ...191 600 d 0.... 1800 d0....New....101 3000 Pioiiasß 87 SOOO do,*....CSAP SB# BETWEEN 20 Spr’e & Pine R. 12 10 Chid A*Am R.. .126# ‘lOOOO V 8 6a *Bl 99$ 6000 do.*. 09# SCO d0’51.......100 . SECOND 2RQ City 6a..New...101 900 d0...New..*101 1000 Stm’y & Erie 7s 95# 28 Pftmaß... 47 3000 Beading 6a *86.. 86 6000 Amer’n G01d,...116# 2000 Penns Coup 6s. 93 200 Cam & Am6s r B3 94 10COO Paßlßtm.6lofl.lo3 CLOSING PI • BiA, Atke&.\ If 8 6a 'Bl 99# 100 UBTt7 3.10N.103 103# Philada 6s 98 98# Philada 6s new,.loo# 101 Penns 69..,..,, 80# 87 Beading R...... 28# 28# 86adm68W43.100# 101 I Bead bds ’70.... 96# 07 | Bead mt 6s ’89.. 84# 86 ! Pennaltexdiv. 46# 47 : Penna Rim65..103 103# ! Pennaß2m6s.. 99 99#: Morris Cnl Con.. .. 45 ■ j Morris Cnl Pref.ll7# 122 ! Bch Nftv Prof... 14# 16 i BchN69 J B2o«int 63# 68# Rlmirs R 10 .. SShaira R-Prof.. 20 .. CITY ITEMS. Tins Amerioan Silk Velvets—We take ®lft«uro in calling tbo attention ot our readers to tho a<l vei Hutment in another column, nnnonnoing the com mencement of Silk Velvet manufactnre in tho vicinity of Tblladelphla. Till. 1b tho first Instance of their being successfully brought out in thla country, anil, after an examination of the goods, wo can say that they compare ■favorably with tho imported article, in duality, while they con he .produced at a much lower price, owing to the increased tariff in future, and the present high rate of exchange, and wo feel assured that our people will he ■disposed fo patronize tho home manufacture, and thus prevest Ike specie flrom being taken out of the countryin paying for Iboir importation. The goods are for sale at 413 Commerce etreet, by Robert Nelson & Bro., sole agents- Since the invention of Patent Limbs by Dr. B. F. Palmer, of this city, thousands of maimed havo frees made whole, for all practical purposes, by their ap. plication; and It is gratifying to know that the patriots who may lose tlieir limhß in this war for the Union will trove this admirable resource to foil back upon. The Palmer” limbs, by the way, are as superior to the imi tations of the day as] steel is superior to wood; and the surgeons of the army and,navy bars acted wisely .in ■adopting them in preference to all others. Punic Blackberry Brandy and Wine,— (For tho henefit of his immediate patrons, and the pub lic in gtnfral, Mr. o’. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groce- Tlos, Arch and -Tenth streets, has prepared, under his own direction anil supervision, the purest Quality of 3Blackb»iry Brandy and Wlue, a most excellent remedial ■agent at the present season. No one should leave the •city without a supply of these admirable astringent pre parations.’ Helmbold’s Universally Approved Re medy.—Compound Extract Buobu cures diseases of the ■bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsy, weakness, tc. Read the advertisement, in another column. jo2 s9t Tier War Meeting in Independence Square.—To-day,- in Independence Sguare, will an-- ■doubtedly’be convened one of the largost gatherings ever yet assembled in Philadelphia. Tho mechanic and mer chant. and those of all political creeds, will meet together In harmony and once again express their determination to stand by and defend the Government la this its hour ct trial. After .the adjournment of the meeting a grand proceeiton of citixena will march up Chestnut street and halt at the one-price Mammoth Clothing Emporium of ■Granville Stokes, .No. 609, where eaoh will procure a handsome euit of summer clothes. Savage Impressions op France. —At ,a •recent audience of the Touareg chiefs with the Emperor •Napoleon, he asked them with what they had been most <gtntck since their arrival in France, when one of them replied that Alt wonldiako jears to relate all that they, had Been in a few days j that they were birds of thedßsert already tamed by the hospitality of France, and by the htndnese of the. Emperor.” The Emperor and Empress examined with interest the costumes worn by the inte resting strangers, and his Majesty volunteered the re mark that, while the warriors looked picturesaue la their "Wild dress, they would present a much more civilized ahd respectable appearance If they were arrayed in the ele gant garments made at the Brown ; Stone Clothing • Hall of Bocihill & Wiiaon, Nos 803 and 906 Oheetnut.street, above Sixth, Philadelphia - Reasons ’Why an Ovficer may Fairly Ra atAtN OK LKATX or ABSENCE t If he has lost both arms and both legs. If he has lost all self-respect. If he has a conical shell lodged In any part of his body, and caujt get it out in time If he objects to serve with artillery on account of the liability of gnns to hurst. If he objects to serving with cavalry on account of the liability of horrastofaß. If he objects to serving with real soldiers at all on ac count of the liability of real soldiers to get shot This latter objection, however, is greatly . weakened Since the extensive use of the “ Bullet-proof Vestsold at Ohas. Stokes’ Military and Citizens 1 ' Clothing Store, ’ under the Continental Hotel. ' ’ A Great Public Convenience. — As tho families of many gentlemen in this city} are now ab sent for the season, we would suggest, for the benefit of such as may not be aware of the fact, that the place to dine in tho meantime, with the nearest approach to genuine home comforts, la at J. W. Price’s, proprietor of the popular and admirably-c mducted Restaurant, southwest corner of Fourth and Ghestnut streets. His tables are served with the cream of the market, cooked in the best manner, and there is an air of neatness and retired comfort about his splendid new saloon that we have found nowhere else. The next best thing, in fact, to rnßticatingat aflrst-class resort in the country now, la> to dine habitually at Price’s. • GUTEKITNST, THE CELEBRATED PHILADEL PHIA PHOTOOHArnER, has recently added a number of new pictures to his largo collection, executed in his best style, which the public will appreciate. Everybody, should visit bis elegant new galleries, Nos. 704 and 706 Arch street. Mr. Gutekunsfc has the enviable reputa tion, and deservedly so, of never yet having passed out of bis establishment a second-rate picture. His business in taking caries de visite alone is enormous. Delicious Confections, expressly adapted for the season, and put np in handsomely-ornamented boxes, are now being sold by Messrs. B. GvWhitman & Go., Chestnut street, below Fourth, next door to Adams’ Express, to everybody of taste and judgment about leaving for the country. Many of their preparations are medicinal, and all of them, are wholesome and nutritious, both for children and adultß.' -Persons who leave town, expecting to supply themselves with confections at water ing- places, Ac., make a great mistake in not supplying themselves at E.G. .Whitman A Co.’b, in advance. Their goods are tho finest and purest made, and their prices no hfgber than are charged elsewhere for inferior goods. MESSRS.'yriTTEEa & Co.’s celebrated patent lamps for, burning Kerosene oil are without a rival in thiß country, either for ornament, convenience, safety, utility, or cheapness. They are now producing and sell ing them in enormous in . every variety of style and size, at their *‘Light Emporium,” No. 35 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert. These lamps are deservedly superseding all others in. the market. At this Season of the Tear the system requires a healthful and invigorating tonic. The best thing in the country of this kind to 'take, is Drake’s Plantation Bitters. Il ls a pure and really excellent article; it is recommended by our very first physicians, and ail who have tried it have been signally benefited. 7OO ..... 476 ......13,068 8000 U S one y’r ctf 98# 7 MlneUill B 47# 20000 PaR lstm.sswn.lo3 ■ 5000 Phila & Erie 6s. 93 6000 U d 6l ’Bl ;tOO. 13 N Penua R...,. -9 . 1800 2d S 3d B 2(1 : TO OheshWal-B b 5 39 3 spr’e & Pine R. 12# 50 Beading R 28# I 2000 Sohyl Nav6s ’B2 68# HOES—FIRM. Bid. Asked Elm 75’73.0x int .. 86 L Island R 16# IT LchCIAN-x-dv 4B 49 LeCl&Navscp. 23 30 -' N Pennaß..... 0 9# N Paß 6s 74# 75 N Pa BIOS 98 99 Cataw B Con... 3# 3# Oatawissa Prf.. 10# 11 Ruco* YJno-st B 11# 11# W Phila B '62 .. Spruce* Pine.. 12 12# Gr&Cteßoxdv 29# .. Oh& Walexdiv. 38# 39# Aroll St ex div. 23 24# Third; Fift’nth. 16# 18 Sev&N’nth . 8# Tenth &,Elev’h .. 34 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED. Bark Essex. Bay, 14 days from St Jago de Cuba, with sugar to S A w Welsh. Brig. Romance, Duncan, 26 days from Clenfuegor, with sugar to SAW Welsh, July 21st, lat 38, long 74 30, spoke brig O H Kennedy, from Cardenas for Portland; seme time and place, spoke bark Nugget, from Cienfae gos for New York, 20 days out. Brig Herald, Davis, 10 days from Matauzas, in ballast to G W Bernadou & Bro. Schr W E Stevenson, Meara, from NO, with tndse to Fell, Morris A Fell. ■ Schr D B Doane, Coombs, from Beverly, Mass, in bal last to captain.. Schr Pocahontas, Berry, 6 days from Boston, with inseed to Boyer & Barclay. . Schr Florida, KeUy,;6 days from Boston, with ice to ThosE Cahill. Schr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Co, . ' Scbr Standard, Dunham, 1 day from Port Penn, Del, with grain to Christian A Co. Schr J Wbitbv, Henderson, 2 day froin Odessa, Del, wtth grain to Ohristian & Go. Steamer Bristol, Cnarles,24 hours from Nsw York, with mdse .to W P Clyde. Barge Jas Hand, Shelihorn, 24 hours from New York, with mdeeto W P Clyde. Steamer Wm Kent, Brett, 6 hours from Cape May, with passengers to captain. Saw a ship at anchor off the Fourteen Foot Bank; bark Frank, from Dublin, an un known bark, and brig Romance, the two latter in tow of tug America, \yi ro off Marcus Hook, coming np. CLEARED. Ship Saranakj Bowl and. Liverpool, Cope Bros. Brig D Malony, Steelman, New Orleans, A Heron, Jr. & Co. Schr W Saulsbury, Hudson, Boston, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Scbr B Knight, EncUcofcfc, Boston, O A Hockschor A Co. Scbr Panthea, Clark, Nantucket, J It Blnkiaton. Scbr D B Doane, Coombs Boston, HeppUer & Co. Str J S Sbriver, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str Fanny Garner, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. Barge Comet, Jones, New York, W M Baird & Qo. BY TKLKORAPH. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del, July 25. The ship Shatemuc, from Liverpool, and bark Hanson Gregory, from the Blockading Squadron, have come in. Yours, &o. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Steamship St Mary, (new) Lawler, at New York y. b terday.from Wilmington, Del. Steamship Groat Eastern, Paton, cleared at Now York yesterday for Liverpool, Bark Minnessta, Symmes, for Havana, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Prentisaimo, James,'was loading at London 12th bust, for Philadelphia. Brig Princeton, Allen, cleared at Boston 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Wm L Burroughs, Dalzell, cleared at New York yesterday for. London. ~ A Heaton, Ryan, and Wave, Merritt, for Phila delphia, chared at New York yesterday. Schr Yolta, Brooks, hence, arrived at New Bedford 23d inst. . >• Schr J B Allen, Allen, hence, at Newport 23d Inst, to discharge. « Schr J B Bloockcr, Edwards, hence for Boston, at New London 23d inaf. Steamers Ironsides. Yanderveer, and H Mankon, Thompson, hence, at New York yesterday. Steamer Yulcan, Morrison, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Steamer Gilpin. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia, at New London 23d inst. SPECIAL, NOTICES. On the Death op Gen. Twiggs. BY THE BABB Of ----- —— A veteran soldier’s wars are done ; ~ Oh, had he ever kept that same Bright course in wbic K race bogim, There now mignt wreath around his name A nation’s praise, a hero’s fame ! Had he but died when first he fought Beneath Columbia’s ensign grand, How cheaply by such death were bought The loyal Boldier’s slumbers bland And lasting praises of hiß land l But lie who lived to prove bis farao Tho burden of an idle sous, To sell renown for blackest shame And honor’s highest vows to wrong— Ah, be had surely lived too long I Bui if tos suffer, let it bo For Truth and Freedom’s righteous causo, And then succeeding times abaft see ' Our death or conquest with applause, . And snatch us from oblivion’s jaws. Trust not ambition’s dictates wild, Nor let weak fearß your breasts appal; - Nor be by falsehood’s snares beguiled; But prove your wisdom is not BmnU By buying your clothes at Tower Hall, We buy and{sell far cash only —therefore, at the lowest possible prices, and are closing out balance of Summer Stock at reduced rates. TO7VEB HALL, No. 618 Market stroot, Pliiladel phia. . BENNETT & 00. The Great Town Meeting! This AFTEBNOON -Tho patriots should remsmbor tho grand Green Turtle Lunch, at •• Our House,;’ Library Btroet.thle day, from 10# to 12 o’clock M„ and'3 to 6 p, H. J. BRYAN, Proprietor. Buy your Bathing Bobes, for la dies and gen tie non, at SLOAN’S, 806 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. . jy2s-3t* Deaf Made to Hear.—lnstruments to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA’S Ear Instrument Depot, 115 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut street. • jy24-3t , ■ , _ • Batchelor's Hair Dye! THK BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye producea a color not to bo dlstinguiehed from nature— warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair foi life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR inßtantly turns a splendid Blaok or Brown, loavingthe Hair aoft and bsau iiful. Sold by all Druggists, do. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on tike four sides of each boa. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Streot, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), my2B-ly New York. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, Tested forntnotoon years and grows .in favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, Bod Bags, Ants, Fleas, Moths in Cloths, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, &o» All genuine bears the signature of R. Lyon, and it notpoisonou* to person* or domestic animal*. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. . Lyon’s Powder kills all insectß in a trice, Lyon’s Pills are death to rata and mice. Sold everywhere. D. B. BARNES, uyS-stuthSm 202 Broadway, New York. Onjs-Prioe Clothing, of the latest Styles, made in the Beat Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ©ste-Pbioh System is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. * setf-lv JONES Sc CO.. 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED WOOLSE V—WHITKCAR.—On tho 25th inst., by the Rev J. J. Woolaey, of Norwalk, Connecticut Dr. Wm F. Woolsey, assistant surgeon U. S A., to Annie E , daughter of Wm. B. Whitecar, both of this city. *t BRIGKELL-—SHEPARD.—it Han Francisco, June 25, by Bishop Simpson. John Brickel*, of Virginia City, N. T., to Jennie A. Shepard, of Pittsburg, Pa * DIED. H ABADEN.'—In Boston, Massachusetts, bn the 39 th of April last,df lieurisy foyer, Josephine A. B. Ham den, widow of the late Eben 8. Hamden, and youngest daughter of Copt. Joseph Gleason. {Now York papers please copy ] _ , „ f . CUBBY.—On the 25th Inst., Hester, relict of,the lota .William Curry. : . „ , Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Bobert ■Hi Beatty, No. 628 Dickerson street, on Monday after noon, 28lh inst, at SX o’clock. Interment *at Bonajd soh’s Cemetery. .... . ?*■ WALLACE —On Friday morning, July ‘doth, otter a severe illness, at 1431 Girard'avenue, the Bev. Benja min J. Wallace, D.D., editor of thß Presbyterian . Quarteriu Beniew, aged 62 yearß,. • . ■ . Bis ministerial brethren, and the friends of thefamily,, are invited to attend the faneral services, at the Green Hill - Pre&bi terlon Church, on Monday , aft- rnoon,_ at 4, o’clock* without fnrtberuotice. - Interment at* Laurel Bill. [Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Erie, ‘and York /(Pa.) papers pteaae copy.] -*y ' .v‘. ** CHAPMAN; —On the 24th lust., Mrs.. Mary Oaap won, wife ©r Mr William Chapman, Br., aged 68 Tears. Her relatives aod friends are respectfullyjoylted to at tend her faßeraVirom her husband 7 *residence, No. 486 North Eighth street, on Monday morning, 28th inst.,- ai 0 ©’clock.-proceed fo Laurel Hill. , FETTBBMAN At Pittsburg. Pa., on Sunday evo uiiig, the 20th inrt , Mrs. Sarah B. Fetterman, widow of the late W. W. Ftttermau, lug,, in the 65th year of her aso. HAINES —On the morning of Jjily 24th, Mra. Achsah. Biddle, wife of Joseph Haines. 1 , -Funeral from her husband's residence,. 1880 Wallace street, on Monday morning next, 28th inst., at 10 o’clock. ** , MoGEANN.—Outhe2Bd inst,,Mrs.HosettaMcGraira, .in the 70th year of her age. . . 1 , Funeral from her late residence, Twenty-fourth and Pennejlvaeia • avenue, this (Saturday) morning, 28th inst, at 3 o’clock. * OLtißE.—On Thursday, July 23, Julia, wlfo of Thus. Close, U. S. A., in the 83d year of her ago. Tho friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of W. Orr, 205 Stamper’s alley, below Pine, to* morrow (Sunday) evening, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. # LON ABAUGR—-On the 23d inst., Cornelia C-, wife of Joseph R. Lonabaugh, and daughter of J. E. Eldridge, in tbe 24th year of her age. The relatives and friends ef ihe family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her hcftband, North Sixth street, above Montgomery, this (Saturday) morning, 26th inst, at 10 o'clock. To pro ceed to Laurel Hill. # CLIFT.—On the 6th inst., Mr. Samuel G. Clift, son of tbe late Joseph Clift, of Company o,lst California Regi ment, from tbe effects of a wound received at the battle of Fair Oaks, Ya., hi the 24th year of his age. Funeral from the retidence of his mother. No. 1385 Earl street, above Thompson, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. # McSWIGGAN.—On the 23d insi, of disease contracted while on duty in the army before Richmond, John F. Mcßwiggan, of Company H, 95tb (Gosline’s) Pennsyl vania Volunteers, son of Edzabeih and the late John HcSwlggan, in the 2lst year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother, No. 1113 South street, above Eleventh, this (Saturday) morning, atB)t o’clock. # TODD —On the 21st inst., at Freeland, Montgomery County, John Todd, aged 84 years.. Funeral from his late residence, this (Saturday) morn ing, at 10 o’clock. # WALL —On the 17th instant, at Haddonfleld, N. J., Hannah Wall, aged 80 years, Corpse removed to New York this (Saturday) morning. Mourning store.—resson & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Black Mousseline de Laines, doable widths. Black Tamisos. Black Summer Bombazines. Black English Bombazines. . Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Groa Grain and Poult de Sole Silks. C Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. . Black Par egoHernani. Black Silk Grenadines. Black apd White Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. - jy23 SPIRITUALISM CONFERENCE AT itS SANSOM-BTREET HALL, on SUNDAY, atlOtf o’c’ock A. M. Subject “ Normal Development.” At S T. M., a Lecture by Mrs. WILCOXON, of Connecticut, on “ The Religion of Science.” Admittance 5 cents. It* UNION IVI. E. CHURCH, FOURTH l£2 STREET, BELOW AROff—Bev. J. B' STiYT will Proach TO-MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING at o’clock.; • It* mb> THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN its ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA.—Beau- Jar monthly meeting will take place on MONDAY EVE NING at tho Booms, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. An interesting meeting may be expected. I’# GEO. H. STUART, President. **=> THE* SOLDIERS IN THE FIELD its -AND IN THE HOSPITALS NEED HELP.— The Army Committee of the Y.M.C. Association are, doing all in their power to. aid them. tc The harvest Is greaV come and help.” ’ Our naeethag on SUNDAY EVENING next, 27th insfc i will be held in tbe Western M: E Church, TWENTIETH Street, below Walnut. Rev. Dr. Cook, pastor, will preside. A brief statement by one cf the Committee, and addresses by ex-Governor Pollock and Bov. Wm. Sterrit, jußt returned from Harri son’s Landing. All are invited. * It# THE UNDERSIGNED COMMITTEE, jsjj ■ • appointed to solicit from Banks and Savings Institutions SUBSCRIPTIONS IN AID OF THE EN LISTMENT of the quota of forces called for from Phila delphia, beg to lay this application before you, and to solicit your action on it at the earliest moment, when (bey will call for your conclusion ; or, a transmission of your contribution to either of the committee will be duly acknowledged. Very respectfaßy, ADOLPH 15. BORTE, . 153 Dock street. GEO. H. BTUAIIT, 13 Bank street. S. W. DE COURBEY, 631 Chestnut street. jy26-tf Philadelphia. July 25,1862. tye» NOTICE THE SUBSCRIBERS TO U3-TBB OITI2EHS’ BOTJKTY FUS’D, to aid Bo crufting, are hereby notified that the Treasurer of the Fund, SINGLETON A. MB BOER. Be*., will receive the amounts of, their subscriptions, daily, at the Farm ere 1 and Mechanics’ Bank, and furnish them with printed receipts for the some > or their subscriptions may be paid to the member of the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer’s receipt will be sent to the donor. By order ot the Committee. j> 26-tf THOMAS WEBSTEB^Ckairman. AN APPEAL TO PENNSYLVANIA ILS MABKSMES IST BEHALF OF THIC UNION. Gehtlemen : Lwili head the list, and guarantee to produc e ten to twenty more, toward raising a OEiA.UK ItIFXiE COMPANY, consisting of One Hundred, or more, good men, to-do service in this war for nine months, one year, three years, or during tho war, or “to the bitter end” When the Company has been filled the officers shall be -selected by a trial ofskiU at the target, with plain-sight Bides, off hand ; the kind of ridie, number of shots, and distance to be determined by a majority of the Company. Tim party making the shortest string, measuring from centre to centre . shall be First Lieutenant; the party making the next shortest to be .Second Lieutenant; and bo on until all the officers— commissioned and non* commissioned—are selected, the balance to go aa privates. ; None but good shots need apply, Address J. J. eshlehan, No. SCO CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. [Papers throughout the State will please copy.] It CORRESPONDENCE.—»IS X RICT LLS ATTORNEY. - Philadelphia, Jane 23,1862. TO TFILLIAM B. MANN, Esq: Believing that the faithful public officer deserves, at the hands of his fellow - citizens, a just recognition of services rendered for the public good, the undersigned desire to express to you their appreciation of the able, efficient, and imoartial manner in which von have discharged the higlily-ro- Bponeibie duties of. District Attorney. , : The proper administration of criminal justice is vital to all the interests of society, and the Qualifications you have exhibited, in the pf-rformaace ef your offirial duties, have impressed ca with your peculiar fitness for this position, which you now hold. We. therefore, request you to be again a candidate for the office of District At* torney at the next generalelectian. VerF truly yours, Henry €. Carey, Chas. Thompson Jones, Isaac BazlfehuraV James P, Perot, Kdwanl Gratz, Samuel T. Wifcmer, Charles Gibbons,’ Philip B Mingle, . Edw. G. Knight & Co., Samuel J. Christian, John M. Maria, Maurice M. Levering, Morton McMicbael, John W. Furaey, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Myers, Edwin Kirkpatrick, Robert P. King, Charles Oakford, Thomas Irving, "tvm!am &liHward)** Joseph M.CoweU, Thomas Webster, Jr., Albert-R.»fl*cering, • • Samuel L. Crocker, William. F; ftliskoyy Samuel L. Crutzeubnrg, Charles Megarge, George B. Miller, Edward 0. Markley, Osmon Reed, Bamuel 0. McOauUey, Ersstus Fouleon, John L. Shoemaker, Joseph F. Marcer,, ' »T. A. Spencer, . Samuel Shafer, John Goforth, Joseph 8. Riley, Jr., William Bowers, David Jayne, M. P , B. Rush Flumley, Wm. D. Lewis, Chas. N. Banckor, Edward C. Dale, Isaac Koons, J. Hutchinson Kay, W. J. Blanchard, E. V. Machette, A Weeks, 111. D., Casper Souder, Jr., Thomas Robins, S. A. Mercer, Droxel & Co., Matthew T. Miller & Co., John Jordon &Co , Stevenson & Walker, It. &G. A Wright, Clem. Tingley, Chas M. Ghriskoy, Benjamin R Mea*a, Eml. bletzgor, Wilmon Whilktin, A. D. Jesaap, B. H. Moore, A. Oowton, J 8. Ivins, Humphreys, Hoffman & John H. piehl, -Wright, Williams Ogle, Charles M. Wagner, Charles Deliver,' George Cromelien, Oscar Thompson, .Henry Xi. Elder, D. 0. Enos, Ellwood M. Smith, J. Alexander Simpson, Burton J. Koilock, Francis Blackburn, George 11; Roberts, Charles 0. Culin, • . D. W. O’Brien, Frtderick Brown, R. P. Gillingham, John B. Myers, William D. Sberred, J. B. Brooke, ' John B. Kenney, J. 0. Brooke, Atwood Smith, J. R. Black, William B. Harr, Charles B. Durborow, William T. Smith, Joseph 8. Bunting, Charles H. Graff, Alfred R Potter, William B. Norris, John Tbornley, Bayard Robinson, Same 1 B. Bunting, J. B. Cowpsrthwait, T. B. Feterson, Charles Welding, Alexander Murphy, William H. Korn, Boswell & Wilson, C. Brazer, Honry E. Wallace, JameH Bowker, John E. Addicks, Thomas ElUb, Joseph B. Andrews, William Donald, Saimikl 6. Kelly, William Hutton, Thanas Birch, James Spence, Henry Simons, Thomas T-Wills, William H. Butler, Foul J. Field, T. B. Pugbr Joseph A. Speel, v * 'Peter 0. Ellmaker, Stephen N. Winslow, John Lindsay, ' Arthur H. Howell, John Rice, Wilton M. Huperfc, Samuel S. Mood, . John Omensetter, Henry 0. Howell, Nathan Levering Jones, William 8\ Hughes, Reuben Hagy, , Michael Errickson, Daniel Arbnckle, Craig Biddle, William F. Blight, John D Hardy, Lewi* Stokes, George J. Weaver, William M. Morrison, Henry Buinm, John Bowkor, Albert Utnier, Edward Irwin, Charles L. Campbell, Charles E. Morgan & Co. Gharlea M. Evans, Wm. H. Woodward, Charles B. Miller, J. H. Stevenson, ?Jobn B. Green, Eleazer Fenton, J.ames C Pugh, William Moland, . George Gilbert, . . . J. G» Gtimper, Samuel T.,Yonng, Hood, Bonbrigbt, & Co., W. H. Lex, Joseph B. Bussior & Co., L. E. Gay, SFeancHtScaUergood, & Co., Samuel H. Lemon, Wm. Brice & Co.» Charles G Evans, . v White, Brother,& 00., ' A. L. Fox, W. L. Maddock, Jr.y Thomas K . Finlottor, ’ " Henry C. KollgkC, ' Jack sen Bardeer,- . J. B. Bftxtor, Jr , J. jL, Hutchinson, Thomas S. Williamßon, A. B Warden, Win. P. Connell, Jar Cooke Sc Co., J. M. .Harding, ; Gibson Peacock. .. .Francis:Hood, George Oress,Jr., . Edwin A. Herrick, BenjeminH Haines, : Henry L. Powel, Wm. AlieD, John B, Orr, John Stineon, Sibley, Molten,* Woodruff, Matthew flcanlan, J. K. Gould, , J Do Lacy, M. D., David Glading, T. E. Brooks, George Eroty, Wm. 8-Thomas,. Wm. Dawson,. ; . Oliver P. Glosenor, . .W. Davonporl, . J. P, Thomas, ■ George Bobinaon, ; Wm' 8. Thomas, Jr., . A. D. Severing, Robert Wright, :: Edward Strouae, . I Peter Pierce. J. D. Sergeant, Thomas 11. Otty, Andrew Morrow, Wnv 0.-Stevenson, Jacob Bennett, J.TI Michener, Edward D. Potts, i E. A. Palmer & Go., David Beitler, Ectiicber, Coons, & Co., Jos. P."Longhead, ' Thomas T. Tasker, Sr., J. A. Bonham, Albert Polls, John 0. Nippes, Bsinrel Fox, Vito Viti, J B, Van Dusen, John Wothorill, Jr., Wlllet Combs, I’red’k Lennig, Charles Bird, Thomas Smith, J H. Waiuwright, J. J. Eiohardson, J. E. Widen right, Peter Kovondt, Uiarlis W. Steel, John Horn. I homes H Connell, *\Y. Franck, George M. Snowdon, George W. Jones, C. Cowdr'ck, W. M tl Cabe, , ' , ■Tarob B. Dehavon, P. 8. Gtiseuer, Frank S Johnson, . John S, Lenta, Wm. 8. Price, H. Motlalla. : John McCabe, " Bamuel li. Davis, WiiUem H-West, W. H Snowden, v Bom. H. Brown,' < •• • Wm. Franck, Jr., - "Wm. A. Myers, •Fi W. Corinth,- - t-, Chas. D. Bldgway, John Neff, = DJ. Myer, ' Isaac Wright, ' Wilton Jewell, M: D., Wm M, Wilson, Joel Cm k, John H. Glthens, - James Steel, .. Leonard Kessler,, . w [ It. Morris, •• JohnDialogne, - ■ George Gordon, . .Thomas M. Locke, » j \ 0.8. Grove,- ■ - GT. Sho't, ■ > i Edward H. Troiter, <- i -.James H. Ebert,... ~v TUos O-Wood,’ i George 0. Evans, I. Joseph Leidy, M. D., Owen Evans, I Mark Devine, John Jackson, j Thomas J Potts, : : Charles S.ltitey, ; Fred. Klett, ' Frank Evans, ; . | Jame»Yocom, . , MatthewEobinson,j A. W lltberger, ... A, M. Smith, . i C. D. Bobbins, i Nicholas Thorn, ;■ ' Jonas S. CollomV ’ George Avery, . | Benedict Mellette. , , Charles A. Bubicam, ; Lhdlam Matthews, ; ." William 8. Sterr, j Fredeilck Glading, , . . John Manderson, : , | Samnel Gillimham, Robert H.’Paiker, . ■ B F R. imer. ■ Charles J Bichardson, : Charles W. Lnkens, Samuel Glading,...... Joseph Walmaloy, Johnßirelcy, I Jacob Blreluy,-- ■ , William Haalat. ; Gbntlejcen r l'have received jour kind note .of yes lerrar, in.which you have been pleased to allude; in flattering terms to the manner in which I have dis charged the duties of my office as District Attorney, and also to rraoesl me to be a candidate for re-otectlon. J Ininst confesa it ia very gratifying to, know that so maty of on, - most excellent citizens have, approved of my ccndwct in the responsible position t now occupy. I feel erateiulforthia expression of confidence, and, chem-od by if, will aeain place my name before my fellow-citizens for tbeir suffrages. • " Very truly; yours *■ ■ ■ ■ „ •... WILUAM B. MANN. Philadtlphia r Juns 2t, 1862, »" ' • THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1862. OUR COUNTRY i TO ARMS l-PA ILS TItIOTIC 01TIZENS who desire to subscribe to tho Citizens’ Bounty Fund, to aid in recrultiag of tho Philadelphia quota of tbe President’s call fur throe hundred thousand men, ere reepectfuUy informed tk-it tho Committee will sit daily to receive subscriptions Frjm 10 A. 21. to 2 P. M., at Independence HaU. Subscriptions may likewise be sent to either of the undersigned: * ' , Alexander Henry, Mayor’s office Chas. Gibbons, secretary, 252 South Third street, Chas. D. Freeman, secretary, 601 Sansom street. Jas, McOlintock, City Treasurer* Girard Bank. Henry D. Moore, State Treasurer, 664 North Eleventh Singleton A. Mercer, Treasurer of Fund, Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank. Thomas Webster, 14 North Delaware avenue, Wm. Welsh, 218 South Delaware avenue. J. Boss Snowden, Independence Hall. Adolph B. Borie, 353 Dock street. S. W. DeOoursey, 631 Chestnut street. George H. Stuart, 13 Bank street. Michael V. Baker, Independence HaU. George Whitney, office of A. Whituey A Sons. Daniel Heddobk, Jr., 438 Market street. Lorin Blodget, Board of Trade rooms. John B. Addicks, Independence Hail, John D. Watson, office North American. James Miliikeu, 410 Walnut street.. A committee of throe was appointed to apply to insu rance* railroad, and other companies, composed of Mr. Wm. Welsh, as chairman. : : And a committee of three, Messrs. J. E, Addicke, J. Boss Snowden, and Michael 0. Baker, to receive sub scriptions at Independence Hall. Ward committees will be appointed to procure sub scriptions in every ward in tbe city, due notice of which will appear in the papers of Monday. All subscriptions will be acknowledged daily In tho papers, unless otherwiee requested. By order of the committee.- THOMAS WEBSTEB, Chairman. r/TGr* REGULATIONS FOR THE ADIIIS IIS SION OF VOLDNTBEB DIME OFFICERS la THE UNITED STATES NAVY. 1 Acting Lieutenants must have served at least six months in the United States NBvy as Acting Master or Acting Ensign, and been mentioned in official despatches for hiphly meritorious conduct In battle. v : ■ * Acting Masters must haveservedat least three months as Acting Ensign or Acting Master’s Mato, and been favorably recommended by their immediate commanding officer, which recommendation must be approved by tho Flag Officer of the squadron in which they are serving. Acting Ensigns must be between the ages of twenty five and thirty* five, and have seea at least twelve years’ sea Bervice before the mast, or as an officer. Those who have served as chief mates of merchant vessels are in vited to apply for tbe position of Ensign. Acting Master's Mates should be between the ages of twenty and thirty, and have been at sea, before the mast, or as an officer, five years. - Before entering the Navy, Acting Ensigns an & Acting Master's Mates will be required to furnish to the Navy Department proof of their age, sea service, sobriety, and professional knowledge. Letters of. recommendation should come from Captains with whom they have sailed, owners for. whom they have sailed, and insurance officers acquainted with their professional character and sobriety. The pay of volunteer officers of tbe line at sea since Jnly 16,1862, is as follows: . Acting Lieutenants. ... . .81,875per.year and one ration. “ Masters..... 1,500 « “ « *» En5ign5........... 1,200 « 44 Master’s Mates... _4f>o •« « . « jj26-ofc IN CAMP, NEAR HARRISON’S LAND -IL§ INC, JAMES RIVER, TUESDAY, Jolt 8, 1862.—At a meeting of tbe Commissioned Officers of the Seventy-second (72d) Regiment; Pennsylvania Volun teers, "PHILADELPHIA FIRE ZOUAVES,” the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas Tbe Almighty Fathor has, in his wondrous dispensation and divinewlsdom, removed from our midst our late companion in arms, Capt. OHABLES McGONT GLE, it becomes us, the surviving officers of the regi ment, to testify our respect for hiß memory. > Death, with his sudden and unerring shaft, has again been amongst us! We now look in vain for tbo noblo form of our broihe r officer. Our convivial circle and its pleasures are marred. One place is vacant. The reflection causes: sadness. Me once shared these with: us, as well as suf fered, in common with us all, the privations of camp life. He fell at the head of his command, at- the memo rable battle at ‘ 4 Savage Station,” while gallantly cheer ing his men in giving all their energies to beat back a traitorous foe. to our time-honored flag: it is,.therefore, Resolved, That in Capfc. CHARLES McCONIGLB we had tie courteous gentleman, the dignified officer, pleasant companion, and'the brave soldier—respected by hie superior officers, loved .by. his associates, and regard ed as a kind father by those under his immediate com mand. • Revolved, That, in the manner of his death, ho has left to us a most praiseworthy example, while the comet deportment of his life, coupled with the nobib bravery evinced as he met his death, prompts our zeal In imita tion,and calls forth our every energy when next we face the* 4 foe,” in vindication of our much-loved country. Resolved, That our liveliest “ sympathies ” are with the parents and relatives of our late companion, hoping their grief will be assuaged by the reflection that, as a true snd brave patriot,” he has laid his body upon the altar of Ms country, a bleeding sacrifice at the demand of duty. Capt. WH. E. HcBKIDE, Co. D, President. Lieut JOHN E. NEAL, Co H, Secretary. OOMMITXBB ON RESOLUTIONS'- , ' Captain CHARLES BANES, Co. E. r ' Captain HENRY A- COOK, Co. I. Lieut. JULIUS B. ALLEN, Co. M. ' 11* HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA UOf 21ILITIA, llarkirburo, July 23,1882. The State Medical Board for the examination of; As sistant Surgeons of Pennsylvania Begimeatg, will meet in Philadelphia, at the Hall of the University of Penn sylvania, on MONDAY, July 28, at 10 A. M., and sit for five days. Candidates will register their names at the Hall, and be examined in the order of the register. Abort one hundred and twenty vacancies are to be filled, and those appointed will be at once assigned tractive duty. By order of A. G. CUBTIN. Governor of Pennsylvania Hexkt H. Smith, Surgeon General Pennsylvania. jv2s-gt 1 ■ pw-tss* CERTAIN FORMS OF BRAIN PRO- Uts duce tendencies, which, if Indulged,"will be ruin ous to heftltb BTic! improvement PHRENOWJQIJAL DESOBTPTTONB OF CHARACTER, with advice, ate given, day and evening, "by JOHN li. OAPJ3N, .at. 023 CHESTNUT Street. ’ ‘ , Cjy23*4t THE UNITED STATES SANITARY IL§ COMMISSION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, No. 1235 CHESTNUT STREET.—-The following recom mendation. by the President of; the suffi ciently authenticates the Commission to the public; u The Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great humanity and direct practical vain© to the nation in this time of its trial. :It is entitled to the gratitude and confi dence of the people, and I trust'lt will be generously sup ported. There is no agency through which voluntary offerings of patriotism can be more effectively made. “ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” The —nUr-Yia where they may be most needed, ail-contributions for the elck and wounded. .’’’W. PIAT.IV Ja., • •• jy23- 6t Superintendent. mWFST PHILADET.PHIA I’ASIEN BS GER RAILWAY COMPANY —The Board of Presidents of the City Railway Companies having given permission to the'several companies to issue tickets in packs of twenty for one dollar, marked good for a ride on any eity railway » NOTICE is hereby given, that thi& company will re ceive any of said tickets, so marked, for a ride in their C&TB. . • Tbe tickets of this company will be sold in packs of twenty-five fot one .dollar, as usual; good for a ride in the cars of the company only; ~ / . • O. LOMBAERP, Secretary. PkitaOelpliia, July 21,1862. jy2l-6t ME=> FOR RECEIVER OR TAKES, [l5 JAMES O. KELOH. i Of second ward, subject to nomination of Feopla’s Con vention. « COL. HBBNAH’B 116 ti EEGI HMENT AHEAD OF ANY TWO, OR ALL ill OTHERS, and bave-the full Euuipmeatß for 1-000 *’ Men ready, a beautiful Camp established, <fcc. Men joining this Regiment will be sure to be in the field months before any other Rogimentfrom the old Keystone State. HeadQuarhrs, 624-MARKET etreet. “Camp Emmett ” Jones’ W<-ogp, Twenty-fourth ward. 3v23»tf OUR COUNTRY! Tho People of Philadelphia are invited to assemble in To take me&Bnrea for the PROMPT INCREASE of the YOIiTJNTEER ARMY OP THE BEPUBTiTC, la acJ cordance with the requisition of the PRESIDENT 07 THE UNITED STATES- \ '•fcnnity to f*' .Xu order?to.give, all persons: an opportunity:to intend the Meeting, it is requested that all FAGTOBpBS, 'WORKSHOPS, AND PLAOJIb Off BE CLOSED AT 12 O’CLOCK ON THAT DAY. \ DiatinguisbedSpeakera will address the Meeting. 1 order of the • preliminary Meeting of Citizens, laid at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, July 24,1862. \ - ALEXANDER HENRY, i CHARLES .GIBBON Sr CHARLES D. FREEMAN, pENN’A WORKS, ; •’ On the Delaware River, below Philadelphia* i CHESTER, DELAWARE .00, PENNSYLVANIA! HEANEY, SON, & AIiCHBOLI, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders* MANUFACTURERS;OF ALL KINDS OP \ CONDENSING- AND NON-GONDENBING ENGINES* Iron Teasels ot all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks/ , . >-■ -Propellers, &c.,. &c.. , j THOS. HEANEY, V. B. HEANEY* SAML. ARCIIBOLI Late of Beanoy, NeaGe, '&.Co., Lato Engineer-in’ Ponn’a fforkßi Philod’a. Chief, U. S, Navi ■ n22-iy, i, i a 1! j k,i i -■? - . i. ■VTOTICE. IS HEREBY . GIVEN 'XS That v Pianß "and Specifications for a BOHOCi- BOTTSE will bo received by the undersigned, at the Of fice of the Board of Controllers, Southeast SIXTH Streets, until T HUIiSDAY, fa 3lßtinßt. f atl2 o’clock M. • . \. . ,Tba School-House erected on.a lot of groan 7 situated on tho u Souttiweatwardly aide of Huntiagdd etroft and Soufheaatwardly side of Brown street,” i\ the Nineteenth ward—loo feet front by 80 feet in depth The building to be two Tories iu height, and to b| ratable of accommodating 500 oupilß, and not to coat ovej seven thousand dollars (57,0Q0). I By order oi Oommitto on Property' _ . JAMES D. .OAMPBELL, jj26*3t Secret aryof Controllersqf Pnbilc Schools. j Jg FRANK. PALMER, { Surgeon Artist', Governmont Institutions, Wash!, ljigtbft.' AJBoVto'-all of the Medical'Colleges and Hoe. Pi Tbo “PALMER LIMBS,” adopted! by ;tbo;Aray and Navy Surgeons. ’Pampbieta sent gratis. :r . B. PRANA. PALMEB, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Sir* et, Phllad’a.; ! TV OB'S TYPES.— Amongst 1 the J gre| X Pictrirei of ttie day areranlcfla BBIMEB’S IVOBj " Y i'ES. Tbolr gn'iit merit in accnrnty? of color! and faithfulness of likeness give tßein'lpriiemliied SEfOKD Slrwt, above Preen. . , . lHj MILITARY NOTICES. TO ARMS! GRAND MEETING THE PEOPLE! INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, OK SATURDAY, 28tti inst., AT i O'CLOCK P BL, Secretaries. EO ADBL I> H T 1? UL A NjD i lffvigm , atrtSfiaßi; ! -g(i?t(Sstlie , 'H‘air-dyeiog °alo|n„ I’OPBTH and BB&.SOH. jyS! iff ; TUBNIP ! 8BKi)8/ «W 0 ftO^- *S**Ttm!ip Seeds, of our own growth,-warranted W nnine, in Btofe-and foe a'alebyi T D BAEDBETH * SOM,; 1 :'Nos;.2l'andSSeontheiX'THrstteet. m RETAIL DRY GOODS. TAKE NOTICE.—We will sell, by the piece, for one week longer, our slock of MUfl 1* i N, at the old price?. WewiH open, THIS HOBNING, 25 bales Unbleached SlumiD, of all widths and prices. Also, 25 cases bleached, from B#c. to 25c. per yard. These goods wcie mostly brought last month, when low est, and will be sold for one week at great bargains. No abatement to storekeepers by the bale, as they are much wholesale prices. Sheetings, of all widths, for hospital-aids, Ac., at cost. We will sell double-damask TABLE LINEN at tho old price. Low-price Furniture Frlnts, for Comforta bles. , B. B. & W. H. PENNELL, COMMISSION HOUSES. jgROWN DRILLS, STANDARD QUALITY, WEIJtINgqOFEIN,&OO. jyl9-stnw6t 220 CHESTNUT STBKET. JVONS-PALE CO.’S 4-4, '7-8, AND 29-INCH FINE ! BEE ACHED SHIRTING®, SILESIAS, NANKEENS, PAPEE MUSLINS, and COLT CAMBRICS. FOB SAliB BY WELLING, COFFIN & CO., SELLING AGBNT3, ; jylOstntb'Ot 2SO CHESTNUT Street. JIJEP-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE ANDBLUE AND WHITE AND A SLATE. ' ALSO, ,3-4 and 64 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. 1 For «alo by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, jyl6-2m 34 N- FBONT ani 35 LETITIA STREET. gHIPLEY. HAZARD, & - V HUTCHINSON. No. 119 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS »o» tb« six* or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2B-Bro j- J - , GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Fine shjrt manufactory. The subscriber would invito attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which bo makeßa speciality In his business. Also, ©on stoutlyreceiving] . 7. ... NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAK. J, W. SCIOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, Nq. 6f4 CHUSTNUT STREET, Four doors below the Continental. pOWE IB ’ HOTEL, No . IT and 19 PARK BOW, {OTOSITE THE ASTOB H 0035,) NEW YORK. ' ERMS 51.50 PEE DAY, This popular fclotel has lately boon thoroughly rcno* rated and reftt niahod, and now possesses all the read rites of a . FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. The patron of Philadelphians and tho travelling labile, boat accomodations and moderate oharges, is rospectfally solicited. je2-3m ! H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. Fving house, I NEW YORK, BBOAPWAY AND TWELFTH STREET, . - ESTRANGE on twelfth street, i 1 . Conducted on the ; EUROPEAN PLAN. , This house is:now open for the accommodation of Families and transient Guests. : GEO. W. HUNT, ) i Lato of tho BroYoort House, > Proprietors. OHAS. W. NASH, ) - f • jy!7-thstu6m A ' CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, XU late or the GIBABD HO USB, Philadelphia, han leased, for a term of yoare, WILLABD’S HOTELi in Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old frionds and customers many thanks for post favors? and beg to assure them that they trill be moat happy to see them in thedr new quarters. SYKES, CHADWICK, fe CO. Wibhikgtox. July 16,1861. v an23-ly JAV QOOKE & GO., BAN Rsr g t • STOMI4 SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW ”5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, as Subscription Agent for the Go vernment, Is prepared to deliver AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON BONOS, NEW SIX PEB GENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25,1862. Subscriptions received AT PAB, and accrued interest from May 1,1862. Legal Tondor or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Interest to date must bo paid In Gold. This Loan 1h called “6-20,” having TWENTY years to mn, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIYE years, but is a Bix-per cont. Loan. (PC AAA WANTED on food Mort \/\/gage Secarity. 8. .W. PAUL, jy2s-2t#-' 113 Sonth FIFTH street. <j?K AAA §4,000, 83,000, 82.000, and iJ/i/jV-VVj several other sums, to invest on first mortgage. Apply to ALFRED FITLEB, Conveyancer, j?24.6t* 61 North SIXTH Street. (PO CAA—THIS AMOUNT WANT u)/ClVvv*'ED upon Mortgages, first*class Farm near.the city. Apply to . E PETTIT, j y 12 ‘ No. 309 WAL *UT Street WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SWISS WATCHES, JEWKKBT, AND SILVKKWAM, AT REP VC E D PRICES. JOS.. H. WATSON, myM-im ■, 326 CHESTNUT STREET. gjs REMOVAL. ™* J, CL FULLER Having BemovedTfromNo.42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Largo and Desirable Stock of. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS & BROTHERS’ SPOONS AND EOBKS, |. 1 V'. . ■. .■ - 'ASP .■. I To »j>3o-8m • ' Chairman ! jen « AMERICAN WATCH COM rajgt PANT.” , ! ! ' GOLD AMD SILVEB ■wAT O H E S ' TOE LADIES AMD GENTLEMEN. COMPANY’S SALESROOM, Mo. TIS OHEBTNDT Street, Seoonfl Eloor, {osjo9lteMnso»lo Termplo.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. epso-Sm TTULCANITE RUBBER JEWELRY * A bountiful line of BTDDB, BUTTONS, *o„ How In Store. - __ TT T,p J. O. FULIjEK, Ho. Tl 2 CHESTNUT Street, Second moor, (Opposite Mmoulo Tompie.) ■ »pBO-3m : •* 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e. | A FRESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS A. THAN FOBMBB BBO THIiB, SMOHESTNDT Street, belowFobrth. i ipMSO'tf * f CABINET FURNITURE. fIABII'IET FURNITURE AND BIL VITABD T4BWSS-. . i MOOBE & CAMPION, itfrt nnv SECOND Street, .■... ,1 tocoonectJwitotU Bublbosb, are MW munufuctuitog a »w«?« . ' BiLLIABD TABLES, tobe ' ? n 5f r “^. , ° finish of theta Tablea «to raain- For tha h6ir num or(n3 patiyns «jroughnut !ES‘3& &&W with ***»««&£* WOtb. . * 1 , t L i * > m cs i ( /Mo. Mil MARKET Street. ' FOR S.U.B BF HOTELS. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE, SUBBCBIPTION AG&NT, 114 South TIIIBD Street. WEW PJJBUCATIOWS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. THE TSAILi HUNTER: TALE OF THE FAB WEST. .GUSTAVE AIMAED, Author of the “ Prairie Flower,” u The Indian Scout,” etc. THE TEAIL HUjNTEE ! THE TRAIL HUHTIE ! THE TRAIL HUNTER! THE TRAIL HUNTER. A Tale of, the Far West. By GUstaYE AIM aBD, author of the ’** Prairie Flower,” “ The Indian Scout,” etc., is published and for sale this day, complete in one large octave volume, large type, double column, and printed on the finest and beet of .white [paper. Price Fifty cents in paper cover; or Seventy-five cents in cloth. GUSTAVE AIMARD’S HEW BOOKS.’ THE INDIAN SCOUT. By Gustave Aimard, author of “The Prairie Flower,” etc. Price 5Q cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth. THE PRAIRIE FLOWER. By Gustave Aimard, author of “ The Indian Scout,” etc. Price 69 cents in paper, or 75 cents in doth. ' Published and for sale by T. B. DETERSON & BROTHERS’, 306 CHESTNUT Street, PliHmMphia. To/whom &U olders must, come addressed. : Copies of the Trail Hunter, or Indian Scout, or Prairie Flower, will be Bent to any one, free of postage, on re mitting Fifty Cents to the publishers, in a letter; or any two .will he sent for One Dollar. Booksellers, Nows Agents, and aU others, will please' lend on their Orders at once for what they want of this : hook to start with. Address all orders at once to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, No. 306 CHESTNUT Slrtot, Philadelphia. IETERSONB’ counterfeit de- JL TEOTOK is th© only CORBECT aud RULI&BLK one issued. . The AUGUST number is issued this morn ing, fall of New Counterfeits,'etc.' ’ PETERSONS’ COUNTERFEIT DE TEOIOB, for AUGUST let, is full of Saw Ooas- PITIRSONS’ COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOB, for AUGUST Ist, all storekeepers should' have.'-..' PETERSONS’ COUNTERFEIT DE- T3SOTOB, for AUGUST Ist, is published this morn ing at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, .. No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Phil*. . Terms.— One Dollar a year, monthly; or, Two Dol lars a year, semi-monthly: or Ten Cents a number. Everybody should, subscribe for it atones. It PETERSONS 5 PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS ABE THEBEST MADE —The largest as sortment in the city, from the cheapest to the hioßt ex pensive, are for sale at lower prices than anywhere else, at - T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, : 3t6 CHESTNUT Street, above Third. Oall and examine before purchasing. * It The NEW SPORTING. WORK. V SECOND EDITION JUST BEADY. GAME FISH OF THE NORTH. One elegant vtjjume, illustrated j price SI 25. . A capital new.and improved hand-book for the sports man. With the latest information on fiab, tackle, camping out, provisions, acceutremi nts, drees, expenses,! rough ing it in the woods, trout, and the places to find them; the best salmon ground*', and how to get thro.; adven tures ini the forests; salt- water fishing, and how to do it well-altogether a wiity and .entertaining book for every sportsman, Mid for those who enjoy reading upon such subjects. • : , The first edition of this seasonable work was swept off within the week of its publication, and a second is just ready. It has been praised by every ouel The Boston True Flag eays: “ The style is as chatty and genial as was ever old Isaak Walton’s, and you will see what a pleasant companion the book is for a Hummer .tour.”.;'. . The- New York Commercial Advertiser says: “Wo can commend the book strongly for the variety and ntfliiy of its information.” - The Philadelphia [City Item says : “ Certainly the ablest, most useful and entertaining work on the subject published.”-. BSr Bold by all booksellers, and sent by mail Ym, on receipt of price, $1.25, by ..... . - CARLETON, Publisher, jyg6-fctn*tb3t 413 BROADWAY. New York. F RE S H SUMMER BOOKS. • LES MI3KRABLFS; Yiotor Hugo’s, superb French Novel. The literary event of the century. An Am mean translation, justbut. . Price, 50 cents in paper covers, and $1 cloth bound. ‘ ARTEMUB WARD, BIS BOOK. The funniest book ever published. ; All the rich filings. of the unowned “ Artemua.>’, u .Bni>erbly illustrated and (Seveoth thousand.) ,-; • MOBGESONS. Mrs. Stoddabt’s remarkably clever new novel, which hen already gone into a third edition. Price, 50 cents in paper covers, and SI cloth bound/ , ~ OBIENTAE. HAREMS AND SCENERY. - ' A piquant and fastinatiDg volune of adventures ia Turkey byn Frenchwoman. Transited. Price.Bl.2s. JOHN DOB AND EICHAKD 808. - A brilliant and satirical novel of Society in New. York, by E. B. CTotjed. One vol., cloth bonod. Price, si GAME FISH OF THE NORTH.- . A new and capital book on Fish and Fishing. Illus trated. Cloth Price, $1.25. .; *#* These Books are sold by all Booksellers, and will be sent by mail free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, NEW YORK. jyS-ws ff [:&£P r WIJS'THROP’S fIEW l2mo'r Brothertoft. By Major Will*. Uncle Jftbfßj Or, Tiie hood toes Spent in the School of Ah>A^ aa w ho3S Boy 18mo. 45 cents. . '"^-^^JCllnstrated. Bose Barling j Or, The Path of Truth.. Tony Starr’s Legacy. By the Author of “Wraain. Wear.” 75 cents.. % The Boy Friend; Or,- 'All .Can Help.” By; Aunt Friendly. 30 cents. Eairy’a Mistakes and Where They Led Him. 30 cents.- > ■ Plain Words, to Young Men. By Rev. j, B. Bipley. 25 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MABTIEN, jy2S . . 606 CHESTNUT Street. T\EPUTY QUARTERMaSTER OE- U KBBAL’S .OFFiOE: Philadelphia, July 25,1862. PROPOSALS trill be received at fchlß Office until FRIDAY next, first of August, at 12 o’clock M., for fif teen hundred (1,600) tons best Quality Anthtacite steamer COAL, to be delivered on board of vessels lying at this port, at the rate of three hundred to four hundred tons per week Propoealß to be endorsed “Proposals for An thracite Coal,” and addressed to . A. BOYD, j>2B 6fc ” Captain and Assist act Quartermaster. ; rN THE ORPHANS’ COUET FOR _L THE onx AND COI7KTY OP PUU.&DEtiPHIA. Estate of-dACOB SPEIS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to,audit, settle, and adjust tbs account of HENRY BPEIS, Administra tor of the estate of JACOB. SPEIS, deceased, and to re port: distribution of the balance in bis hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hia appoint rntnt, WEDNESDAY, August6th, 186?, afc'4 o’clock p. M.; ot his office, No. 425 WALNUT Street, In the <dty;<*fltUiladelphia. BENJAMIN H.HAINE3, ’ jj26-stutb6t . .. .Auditor. TN TEE ORPHANS’ COURT GE A MONTGOMERY-: O.OUNTY, - ' : - ; Estate of JAMES PENNYPAOKER, Deceased. Whertaß, at on Orphans 1 Court in and for, said count?, belli at jNonistowß, June-16th, 1882, tbo potitlon and application of Mary J, Pennypacker, widow, Amanda M. Petmypacker, intermarriid .with L. Shuster Boreaf, and X, Shuster Boreaf, her husband; Hannah M.Pennypacker, intermarried with Jobn A. McD.owbll,and John A. Mc- Dowell, her ‘husband, ahdiAbrabam Hendrick^, ; Guar* disn for Sallle >M.. and: James <O. Pennypacker, minor cbiMren of said JAMES .PESNYPAOKER»j deceased, was presfnted,‘getting forth that the estate of said decedent was entirely solvent',’but that as againstjthejreal estate situate in said countyj viz J about 175 acresof landrthere were debts of lien,'not of record; to the amoantoftwen ty-fivo hundred dollars; that by. all the parties in iota • rest it was deemed advisable that the said real estate should not be sold at this time, but be mortgaged, and ihereforepraying the court to decree authority to mort gage the same; and further, that one of the : ■William W .'Penny packer, hadbeenab6out,andunheard of for a long time, -Whereupon the court, oa-'motion of 0. CnnßK*s Office, »o**ibtdws, > >• Jnly 28;‘18tS, *••■■• 5 tTTJusIMi’SiSAUS —By virtue of Wit Writ of Sale, by to Hon. JOBS OADWAX.A of to District Oonrt of to United States, TJ. S. Marshal Baatora District of Peg**' ?gitADELPniA r July 25 t X 862. ll%& .__• TV/TABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue, of I Y| n vy r i t Q r Sato, by the Hon. JOHN OADWAIdA ■mCR" T-mleeof the District Court of the .United States, v>al»v fn me I 'directed*'will bo sold, at public sale*, to the highest arid brist bidder, for; cash; ? Jt.Odaa®WgH^ S&WWHABF, oil MONDS-TV Aagoet ; w’ +Vm carffo of the scb> OB6r WINTBRoHB©»>» ciinaistirig'tf SM'barrelß of; salted sbad, 47 baH-barrelß ■Utto, aud ore bag of MILLWABDi ' TJ, S. Marsbai Ewtera Diatriet of Peuaftr V. PHILADKLPHIAi'JuIy 2Si 1882.; Jy JJVH E “EXCELSIOR” HAMS AHE THE BEfeT IN THEWOBED J. H. MICHENER & GO-, . ’ GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And enters of the celebrated ‘‘EXCELSIOR 9 ’ SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nob. 140 and 144 North FRONT Street, Bttwem Arch cmd<Bact strectai Phßaidplaa ■ The justly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are enrod by J. H. M. & Co:, (in a style peculiar to thorn; selves,) expressly for FAKILYTSBE; are of delicious fiavor : bee from the nriplesaant taste of Balt, ore pronounced by eplcnr'a superior t« aar now offsrod^ PHOTOGRAPHS. A BARE CHANCE TO GET AN IMPERISHABLE anfl truthful Portrait at war Trie. a. Go to REIKER'S; his Life-atoe Oil-colored PHOTOGBAPIIS are now made at reduced prices. SECOND Blrcet, ahotre.Green. It* REIMER’S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS for SI are works of rare merit. They are executed in fine style, and colored by artists of groat ability. The most pleasingpicturesof the time. SECOND Street, above -Green* It* EDUCATIOWAX, ■ORISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL U for Girls will open its Fall session on Second day, Ninth mo., Ist. References: James Mott, Philadelphia; - Anne Churchman. 90S Franklin street, Philadelphia; C N- Peirce, 501 Norlh Seventh street, Philadelphia ; Heary W. Bidgway, Cross wicks, New Jersey; David J Sdscoro, Woodbury. New Jersey; . For circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIRCE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23-2m* TI/TR. WIN THROB TAPPaN’S JXL Boarding and Day Soboo! for Tonne Ladies, No. 3615 BPBUOE Street, will reopen on WEDNESB JIY, September 17lb. . ' V jyi9-3m Holmebbubg seminary for YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastic year begins the first; MON DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. A circular, containing terms, references, Ac., can be obtained by application to the jyl43m# MisBesCHAPMAN, Principals. CIRCULATING LIBRARY. WBROTHERHE AD 5 S Cl R G U • DATING LIBRARY.—AU the NEW English and American Books, including ALL OLA99E3 of Lite rature. This is the ON LY Library In the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot REPRINTED here. Terms $5 per year; 6 months S 3; three months 51.50, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jy7-2m* WANTS. WANTED-A General or Special ,V T Partner, with o capital from $16,090 to ®'28,000. Bnsiueeer Dry Goode Jobbing. . Evidooco of undoubted security and proSt will bo fur nished by the Advertiser. Address CASH TRADE,” at this office. jy24-3t* WANTED—2,OOO Men along tic line I* of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car. pentera, and’2so stene masons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Goal and Navigation Company, at MAUOH CHUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere along the line of the works. V ' jelO-tf REMOVALS. "REMOVAL.—MAHLON KIRK, it DENTIST, has BEM.OYED to No. 1508 CHEST NUT Street. - ~ ■ JyS lm# FOR SALE ANB TO LIST. C& TO EXCHANGE—Fine FARM, ~Ji’"situate on the banks of the Delaware'river, con taining 217 acres of excellent land, 22 miles above the city ; railroad station on the place; within half mile of steamboat lending; excellent- improvements, Ac; Also, a valuable Farm in Chester county valley, 73 acres. Another near Darby, eight miles from the city, 75 acres. Apply to . - -E. PETTIT, jyS6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. gg FOR. SA L E—Large Delaware ffiaIFARM, containing 622 Acres, 400 under a first-rate state of cultivation, the balance good timber land; situ ate west of Harrington Station, Delaware Railroad. Large brick Man ion, large and. commodious Bara, Car riage House, and many other out-buildings. Lawn,' con taining six acres, fruits, Ac. For further particulars, apply to E PECTIT, j? 26 ; • N0..309 WALNUT Street. : iPf TO. LET-Dwelling No. 24 South ■Sill SEVENTEENTH Street. Apply to WETHERILL A BROTHER, jy22-tf N 0.47 North SECOND Street. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR GOAL AND X WOOD. . Senate of the United Status, ) OFFICE OF THE SBRGH'AST-AT-AR5t3, > Washington, July. 25,18621 A SEALED PROPOSALS wiH .be received at this office until 12 M„ on-BIONDAY, the 11th day of August next, for furnishing for the use of the Senate of the United States, Four Hundred Tons (of 2,000 pouuds) of the best White Ash Furnace Goal (thoroughly-screened ) Also, Seventy -five ’ Cords of the beat dry Hickory Wood, and Fifty Cords-of the best dry Spruce; Pine Wood. ■ - Tbe whole to be delivered on or before the Ist of OC TOBER next, and packed away in the vaults of the Se nate Wing of the Oapitol, under the direction of the En gineer of the Senate. Bids for’Coal arid Wood will be separately considered, and bonds for the faithful execution of the contracts re quired. •" .•. ; Arrangements must also be made for correct measure ments.' GEO.. T. BRO WN, - : jy26-dteull Serg’fc -at-ArmsU. 8. Senate. Army clothing and equi page OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD Philadelphia, July 24, 1882, PROPOSALS FOB AESIT SUPPLIES. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Pro- PObbU for Wax Upper-Leather, Sole Leather, Black Bri die Leather, Common Tentj,. Tents D’Abrl or Shelter Tests, Snare Drum Heads,, Rope Yarn, and Buttons, will bereceived by the undersigned at this office until 12 o’clock M. on Monday 25th inst., for.furnishing and de livering them at the Schuylkill Arsenal, as follows, to wit: 5,000 Sides Wax Upper. Leather, to be, first-class oak tanned, from slaughter hides, well finished. 3,500 Sides ,Sole; Leather, best Quality, oak tanned, from Buenos Ayres hidee. or those of La Platte hides.. 6,000 Sides Black Bridle Leather, for the manufacture of knapßacks and.hayersacks. 2.0C0 Common Tents. - r £O,OOO Tents D’Abri or Shelter Tents. 1,000 Pounds Rope Yarn, 500 Snare Dram Heads. 38 Gross Block Fly Buttons. 75 Gross Shank Pearl Buttons. 11 Gross Dead-eye Pearl Buttons. , All deliveries will, be subject to inspection, and .must conform in all respects to the sealed samples deposited in this office. Ajnst aod rigid comparison will be> tween the articles offered and the samples. . Proposals will be received for any part of the above articler, and bidders will pleaso state. the time and amount of each delivery; all the leather is required to be delivered as wanted for use, within thirty .days; a portion to be delivered immediately. The. tents and other articles advertised for .are wanted at the earliest possible period. , The right is reserved by the Deputy < Quartermaster General to accept any part or .the whole of a bid offered, or to reject the bids In whole, or in part, as the interest of the Government, in his opiniom may demand. proposal must be signed by the individual or making it, acd be accompanied by asatisfactw guaran tee that the bidder will execute a contwc with good and sufficient bond, if hiabidi .Proposals unac companied with a satisfactory guarantee, will not beepn confciderrd j and contracts will be awarded only to esta blished manufacturers of, or dealers in the articles. The failure to comply with any bid contract as to time of deliver? will operate to the forfeiture of the en tire penalty of the bond. G. H.OROSifAN, jj26-3t , deputy Quartermaster General,'D. 8. A. A BMY CLOTHING AND' EQUI- StreeißAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH: and GIRARD Philadelphia, July 19, 1862. SEPARATE BLANKE PS AND HAT L by the undersigned, PROPOSALS will be received on TUESOAT, &th dafMs Office, until 12 o’clock. M., ing and delivering at the next, for furnish-; T 5.000 ABUT BLANKETS,; wAraenal, letters XJ. s; in black, 4 inches long, (with the 7 feet long, 5 feet 6 Inches wide, and to wUlgtre,) to be each. Also, , , 82,000 UNIFORM HATS, {BlackFelt}^ "All deliveries will be subject to inspection, and tow conform, in all respects, to. the sealed army, patterns de posited in this office; a just and rigid comparison , will be mode between the articles offered and the samples. Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. Bidders will state the time and amount of each delivery. “ The ; Blanketß are required to be delivered within 90 days, and the Hats within 60 days, from date of award of contract. .The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster Ge cerel to accept any part, or the whole, of a bid offered,' or to reject the bids, to whole or in part, as the interest of tbe Government, in his opinion, mar require. Each proposal must be signed by toe individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guarantee that the bidder jrill execute a contract, with good and sufil einnd bond, if bis bid be, accepted. Proposals, nnac companiedwitb satisfactory guarantee wiU not be con sidered; and contracts will be awarded onlF to es-. tabliehed manufacturers of or dealers in -'the-articles. Tbe failure to comply with any:one order underthe con tract to operate to the forieitureof tho entire penalty of the bond, ' Proposals will be endorsed, u Proposals for Blankets and Hats,” and addressed to , . G. H. OROSBTAN, Deputy Quartermaster General jy22-tans MILITARY GOODS. B, M Y GOODS.. v 75 Gross HEAVY TWILLED TAPES, -vv . r Army Standard, for Tents. 25 Balds HEAVY 28tf-INOH TWILLS, 100 Coils 6-THHEAID MANILLA CORD. In store, and for sale low, by J. O. GBAFFLIN; Hf"“ ~~~ ... 1 i-~» fSTENT BUTTONS AND SLIPS, IJ. 3. I pattern, marraracturedandfor sals to J-P; BBBD, eratheaat corner 'EHIBTEUNTH and >OBLE Stoats, Philadelphia- 1 \ CARD TO THE PUBLIC CONGRESS SPRING "WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR. STREET, HEW TOBK. SisATOOi, July li 1864. Aj, attempt has bien made to deceive the public by wimps offering wb»t they call “OosoressWatbk fromronntains, and at the price of sto (6) cents perglaes. The wholtsd* price of the ;ge»uin, Congress Water, at „ - York being about 7Jg cents per glass, the impoel feTolSS toseU * retail at less than cost, and without allowance for' freight, cartage, or breakage, anwrent; but their probable course hae heßa toempty onefbotile of genuine Congress Water Into a fanntato filled with their trash and thereby christening ita total C °WhhkveKETEß sold Congress Water to totmtfte, not in vessels of any other deacrlptlonthan ordinary- sized Sa” bS “Tlteoork of eyery bottle of the germinal, ''' ——— those worda and lat- OONGBHSS - i 0. &W» WATEB. bother ft** form tains or bottloe. vet tera on the aorfc is . OLA.BKS i WHIM, TrojiietOM ot Congress Spring. The following gentlemen are snOTlied >»r with gennineCongress Water, In hoMee, fr ? m t cor. Filth I »nd ®2? taUt tta - O. 8. nil AS TSLLIS "to 00.> Market Bfcrfjptv tp J STHtYEHS & 00m Continental Hotel* ?m ntfTCK BOTH, Ohestttut street. • t^ B & 00., Ml awnwe ' TOOS. j niJBBAND, cor: Third and Sprawab. ■WYBTS Bros , Walnut street. CLARKE & WHITE je3Q-2miC .. -v .. -■• - -—— DAY RUM—I 9 caste very superior, L> juatrMolToa. JylB - ■ 126 'WALKin *aS 81 (JSANII® Strand WASHES GTOJf ADVERTISEMENTS. Fr W. L. WALL & CO., AUCTION EEB3, successors to Wall & Barnard. GOYERNMENT SALE OF HORSES, COLTS, AND MULES, AT AUCTION. ON THURSDAY, July 31,1802, at the Corral near the Observatory, wilt be sold, at public auction, A NUMBER OF HOUSES, COLTS, AND MULES, Condemned as unfit for public service. Sale to commence at 10 o’cleck. Torms—Caeii or Government funds. J. J. DANA, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. W. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers. AMUSEMENTS. F)R the benefit of the COOPER SHOE AND UNION SALOONS. “DIOKESON OOSLECTION OF ARTS AND SCIENCES,” Booms No. 008 CHESTNUT Street, will be‘opened to the piblio, Day anil Evening—Single Tick ets Ten Cents och—for the period of two weeks, com mencing MONDAY next, 28th inst., for the benefit of the above-named patriotic institutions. jy26-6t# A TLANTIC CITY—The SECON 0 XI- GRAND BOP OF HASSbER’S BAND, at tha UNITED STATES HOTEL, will take place on SA TURDAY EVENING, Jniy 28. Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and Ladies, SI. jy'l4 -3t Assembly buildings. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS* THBILLING SCENES I N T H E L I F E O F A YANKEE WHALEMAN, JcVicßY EVENING, at Bo’slock precisely. ■WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternooons at3o’oQt. Admission 26 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. Children 10 cents. F >EEESILYANIA ACADEMY OF ■ THE FINE ARTS, 7025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9A. H. tQi Q T. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, S3Q jyg SUMMER RESORTS. Forest grove house— BOHOOLBX’S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, NBW JERSEY.—The above popular Hotel is now ready for the SUMMER SEASON, having been thoroughly set in order for the accommodation of visitors to Schooley’d Mountain BeringB. The FOREST GROVE is a most capacious House, de lightfully located, with wide-spreading lawns, and com manding a view of scenery unsurpassed in attraction an S' beauty; and offers to visitors a quiet retreat from the turmoil and bustle of city life. Having no exorbitant rent to pay, the proprietor of the FOREST .GROVE HOUSE will accommodate famQiea and visitors at as low a rate as a strict regard to the re spectability of the Hons© will afford. The moderate charges of this House, &b compared with the neighboring boarding houses, is a feature which must commend itself to the attention of .families who do not desire to pay ex travagantly for a few weeks* recreation. TERMS—’ SEVEN DOLLARS PER WEEK. Visitors to the FOREST GROVE HOUSE mil enjoy pure air, pleasant drives, finest scenery, and the purest of chalybeate' waters, whilst its accessibility to the cities renders it among the moßt deferable of Inland resorts. All communications addressed to the undersigned wiH. meet with prompt attention. r jy2s.pmlm P. MATHEWS, Proprietor. EXCURSIONS. g-pwi»i‘ IMPORTANT TO . FLEXURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD O&MPAOT Is prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets at greatly reduced rales as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out off town, or located on or near the lino of the roadduring the summer. From and after July 1,1862, a still greater reduction has been made on these tickets.’ - 1 COUPON TICKETS « For twenty* six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persons making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS For one or three monthF r for the use of scholars at tending echool in the city. ' ' CLERGYMEN Living on or near the Une of tbe road, ancfhaving, occasion to nee the road frequently in their clerical capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling them to travel at balf fare. Applications to be- made only to the General Superintendent at Altoona. EXCURSION TICKETS Issued at half fare to pities of over forty, good for asy reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer are sold. at one half the regular rate for the benefit of those seek ing recreation from business- or in pursuit of health. These tickets,, are good .'for ten days, and are issued to CRR39ON (top of the Allegheny. Mountains), Al*- TGONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and E FEEATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards oT tiie road. For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. . . . - - * 7 . JAMES COWBBN, Agent. IF.WrS K HOTJPT, General Ticket Agent. jyls-tfel . * jgjgEMßWfr DELIGHTFUL S UIIEI EXU UB SIGNS. NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE O STABIO, TEE THOU SAND islands, rapids of sr. lawreno* RIVER, MONTREAL, LARES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON RI TES, WHITE BfOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW YORK, &0. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, White Mountains, Boston, and return, 542 20. From Philadelphia to; Niagara Fails, Montreal, Sara toga, Hudson river, New York, and return, §30.00, - To Niagara Falls and Return, 815 00. For farther particulars and handbills apply at the office of the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE, corner' of SIXTH- and CHESTNUT Streets, .where a choice of routes may bo made to suit the tasted any one. •' JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, Gor. THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL Streets. Philadelphia, July 1,1862, jyl-36* jSliB west chesteb PHILADELPHIA BAHj- ROAD, VIA MEDIA. FLEASANT JJTD CHEAP AFTERNOON MJT- CVRSIONSON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Through the finest Country and the most boautiM Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week until farther notice an Extra Train will leave West Chester at 6.55 P. K. for Philadelphia. ; ■ Passengers buying Excursion Tickets can take either the 2 or 4.80 P. • M Train from Philadelphia, and the $ or 6.55 P. M. Train from West Chester TICKETS FROM PHILADELPHIA abJl Stations east of West Chester,. good on any of the at E3jairis, out or in, may be had on three days ONLY, ForfcfiSlON BATES) good only on the days issued* the Depot, apply at the Ticket Offioe, In KET Streete.Xcorner of EIGHTEENTH and MAB- MakyDslight*-.. ' OK THE JjIKB OF PO* SuMJfER. BoAED**fr •••?• je2l-tawfs if SEA BATlfi=; extra NOs^gp FOR THE SEA-SHORE MAIL TRAIN, ON SUNDAY NEXT, JULY 2Tth* FOR ATJGAIS3TXG CITY, : Leaves YINE-STREET' FBERY at 7.30 A. H-. : Betaruiug, leaves ATLANTIC 4 40 P. H. Tbia Train will stop a tALL Stations going and return-, ing. • '■ ' '■ ‘ ‘ " - Fare to ATLANTIC and back, for this day aad tbl* train, only SI 25. • JOHN Gh BRtANT, N. B.—Paesengers purcbasifl ? Saturday retnrn in this- tram. jy2*-3fc FOB THE SEA SHOB B ! BUWSTEB AB-. BiVKOEMEST.—BAMBKiI AHD ATLANTIC BAIL- Three trains daily to Atlantic City and retail, (Snn flayg excepted). Trains leave TOJE-Street Ferry «• .follows: . * . __ •Mall Traif1........... ... * •'•g £* Express ai0,,... r, at. Freight aM l Acco»inodfttioii^........>;. r. a., dayand trite * «Aic* *■? a™S£ .elm Tickets, good for threeda^, gotdaawno* -Agrnt. FOB CAPIMitE-rs^ toucMng HewCMtle. , - : • ■ —i—■ BE WIN® MACHINES. & WILSON, • SEWING MACHINES, .628 OHE S TN TJT STREET, booking ©basses. TAMES S. EARLE & SON, ' MAHIFT ACTPBBBS AHB IMPOBTKBS 0» looking glasses, OIL PAIHTIHGB, JIHK IHBBATIHW. PIOTUBB AND POBTBAIT FBAHBS, ' PHOTOQBAPH fbameb, photogbaph albbms, oabues-de-yisite pobtbaitb. EARLE’S GALLERIES. 818 CHESTKUT SIREST, iPCpSNiHQFoIrASUMMER EAR nTOmiHOmst the toot oT OOATEB Stwt, OS9J- Park. FamUloß are sarHsolarir mt, Win»,A«.,^7.o l atag iHßir UTMm TW»HTT-B»T*Hia HBSBY -WOOD, Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers