When I got the tickets I put them both in the same pocket; I did not look at them attentively: I could not distinguish betweon them ; I took both tickets and held them In my band; I did not care which party won; I Aid not choose any one ; I voted the one that, came first, the other 1 tcok home and threw in the fire without ■opening it; the reason I declined to anßwer for whom I voted, was because I did not really know for whom I voted. To Judge Ludlow. After I got the tickets, I staid About half on hour away ; I did not open them, but kept them In my pocket. Joseph Manuel recalled —I reside at Ho. 1339 North Eighth etreet, in the Second division of the Twentieth ward ; I have lived there for the past ten years; I voted that day; I have raid the tax within two years before the election, it was personal tax. The witness was asked to show his receipt, but refused fto produce it unless he was shown to be a fraudulent voter. hlr. Hirst asked the court to compel the witness to pro* fluce the receipt. , Mr. Brewster thought bucH a manner of proceeding Was wrong. He did not tike tboße fishing voyages fdtfv case in point. . Mr. Hirst again asked the court to instruct the witness to show the receipt. It was not proper, ho thought, that A person who bad paid a tax on his real estate or his dog Should vote upon that. Judge Thompson thought it was wholly wrong to call tip voters in this manner and assail their votes. Judge Thompson desired to know what Mr. Hirst in tended to prove. " > 'Mr, Hirst stated that he expected to prove that Mr. ‘Manuel bad only paid a real estate tax. Judge Thompson (aid that, unless some better evidence iwas given $ be would noi call upon the witness for the tax receipt. • ■* •- , Judge Ludlow said when a paper vital to the cause at Issue is spoken of, the counsel have a legal right to see the paper. Examination resumed.—l paid a personal tax in 1860. Question. To whom did you pay that taxi • The witness. I decline unless compelled by the court todußwer. .. The court intimated that it should be answered. I paid the tax to George W Briggs, the authorized tax receiver, at the receiver's office; I don't pay it to an al derman to keep in his pocket; Ido not recollect the month ;'it was paid early enough to get the discount off my bill; I paid taxes In the First, Thirteenth, Fifteenth; Seventeenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth wards; the Twentieth ward bill contains my perrons! tax. Gross ei amh el.—My vote has never been questioned I>y any one before. Judge Tbompst n remarked that tho practice of calling citizens against whom there is but a bare possibility that they have not paid a tax is certainly wrong, if not for the valuable time it takes op. Such examinations have olready taken up a good many hours, and in nearly all cases, the witnesses bad turned out to be perfectly legal voters.- • r ; : The court then adjourned until.this morning. A! Singular Case or Inciting to BlOT.—Yesterday George W. Hufty and George W. Oare were charged before Alderman Wm. MoMnllen, on the oath of a man named Seycrns. with Inciting to riot. Irseema that a few days since Mr.Qaro was standing with another person in front of the office of a weekly paper, published on.south Third street, the proprietors of Said, paper but a short tiras since having fceen held to answer the charge of libeling John Dolman And others, members of an organization in this city, known OB the “ Sons of Liberty.**. Mr. Oare ia also a' member of this organization, which, in tho libellous Issue, was charged with being “a band of aword trai*" tors:" *, This gentleman, while standing in front of .the Office and oonverstng, .was-accostud by another party. Allusion was made to the paper, and a warm dlsondrion ensued. Mr. Hufty made his appearance about this thus, and learning the subject of the conversation, said, AS the paper was of strong Secession proclivities, it Should not be allowed to be in existence. This remark Is supposed to have given rise to their wrest, upon tbe charge of inciting to riot, and for whioh they were held to answer,: Both Mr. -Hufty ajid Jlr.-Careare gentle* men of well-known patriotism land. worth. The latter, mp, doubt, felt much aggrieved over the Btigma cast on ills character by the publication alluded to, especially When he was hot in the least deserving of the same. A Pleasant Excursion.—tyesterday tnomlcg the Pacific Barge Club started, with three six- Dared barges, for Wilmtogtoa, Del., where they will meet the Pacino Ohib of that place. Athletic sports are fast ■Coming Into dally usp, and ho class of men haye furnished 0 greater proportion of soldiers than the boat-clubs of our. Schuylkill. Witness Oapt. Markoe, of the California Regiment; Oapt. l’aliner and -Lieut Wood, of the 23d Rennsytoania Regiment, sll .wounded; Oapts. Cameron and Lewie, of thedtb Pimuylvanla Cavalry; Lieut. B. jP. Smith, adjutant of the California Beg merit ; Lient. L. Sellers, of the 10th Regular Infantrj—nil members of jhe PnclOc. TbiSflnb-has always been full of energy: they built the first atone clnb houss in the Park, and are mow the best eauippeii club jn the United States, with xhree six-oared and one four-oaroti barges, and four smaller boats. We are always glad to see our organize, tions do credit to the city of Philadelphia, and an excur- Aton of three boat-loa Je is something new in the annals -Of boating. We ara informed that they wiU have a very good reception In Wilmington, and expect to return’to morrow. / That Oibcttlar.— A circular, or lice is how being distributed to the male residents of t® - -city, over the.age of rightoen, informing them that they* Bayo been enrolled as liable to military duty, etc., and if X»ot, to show cause at a given time and place stated. * la tuany cases, tho receipt of this paper has caused much *uann among tho f.nmJb members of families, whocon- Btrued it into a notification that their husbands, sous, and : brothers bad been already drafted, and that they Aright look for marching orders forthwith. The serving or the notice Is oniv a preliminary to tho enrolment of .citizens who are liable to perform miliiia duty, and after this enrolment Is completed, and tbe proper classification is made, drafting will bo resorted to in.tbe event of such a course being necessary, In some cases the assessors, engaged in making tbe enrolment, have. been very {roughly treated, A case was mentioned in yesterday's xross, whore an individual thieatenod to shoot tho as* Bessors. He was promptly arrested and committed to Answer the charge, Paring Robbert.—Home time during Wednesday night the store of Mr; D. H. MerrimaS commission merchant, No. 324 South Delaware avenue, was entered by thieves. The entrance was eff.-oted, - through the front door. The counting house was ran sacked, but nothing was stolen. The fire proof safe was rrmoT»a to the back portion of the store, where the lack was fljied with gunpowder and-blowa to pieces. The floor of the safe was also pretty well shattered. The rascals, however, did not obtain m'nch booty after all Jheir trouble. There were only .about three Solars in Small change hi thu fit o proof, and this money the thieves carried off. They mace their exit through the door on Water street. Flag Raising at a Hospital —On Saturday afternoon a Urgefiag' will be raised at the'mi iilary hospital—Houab of Industry—in Catharine street. Above Seventh. A convenient staging will be erected, And a band of music will bo there to enliven the proceed ings. John Damian, Efq.« has been chosen by the ladies fo present the flag in their behalf. It will be received by the sargeon hi charge of the hospital In this connec tion weinigbt Btote that the ladies who bare had this belong to tho Episcopal Church of theEvange liitSi of which the Her. S umielDurborrowia rector It fras mainly through his Instrumentality that the House ©f Industry l wasxehctid for the purpo es of a military hospital. He will officiate at the ftag.raiahtg. President Benson, of Liberia. TTlio Amoiicim Colonlzstion Society, of this city, loaras that Fresldmt Benson !o‘t London on the 6th inst„ for Hamburg and the Continent—expecting to ba absent ;l*'v«ks. It it therefore unllltol, that he , JWII TMii the Unifed Slates. Everywhere in England ha nw been treated with the.greatest possible kindness,' courtesy, and respect. The throe last invitations he had aefore his departure from London were to breakfast with the Duchess of ATgjie—to dine at the Lord mayor’s Ban quet, where the Viceroy of Egypt was, and to a masni fieent evening party at Miss Bnrdets Contto». ** He bad innumerable inritaHons.” writes Gerard Balaton. Eaa.. than he physically could accept.’* . * Donations,—Tie Union Volunteer Refreshment Committee acknowledges the following do- Collection, through Dr Oondie, 552; Mrs. Jas. « 5 .i J. Cooko & Co., 810; WiUlarn D. Lewis, »26; Fordmand J. Dreer, 825 ; Ella and Ada Leah e ,« J IS 5 tIJB - proceeds of a fair held by children, 4J. W.,*15; a Friend, for hospital nee, 895; Thomas SineXj for printing 36,000 tickets for the Ladies’ Fair. Ltino in State.—Moses H. King, of g* city.a member ofOwnpany B, Baxter's Fire Zouaves, died laiely on James river, and his remains. : Which are embalmed and ec dosed in a metallic case, have ®SvJ €lre ’ Thf3 l hav ® beea lying in state at the house of the Weccacoe Engine Company, in Queen, below Se cond street, the deceased having been a member of the company. They will ba removed this morning. : New School house in the Nine BECTIO N —The Board of Controllers of the TnbUc Schools will hold a special meeting this afternoon, *w the purpose of Riving authority to the Committee on Property to advertise for plana, &0., for a now school ‘house to be erected in the Nineteenth flection. Charged With Seeding a Dis orderly 110U3E.-Yesterday afternoon, Daniel Blackburn was charged, before Alderman Beitier, with beeping a disorderly house, and a common reiort for thieves and prostitutes, known as the Moonlight House, In Baker street, below Seventh. He‘was held in $l,OOO bail to answer, the charge. Accident on the Delaware—Boy DBOWHED.—Yesterday about half past 12 o’clock, the tugboat Mohawk ran into a batteau, opposite Poplar- Btreet wharf. Three boys were in the boat at the time of the occurrence, and one, named William Connor, aged sine years, was drowned. His body has not yet been recovered. Bailroad Accident.—A boy named Alexander Crawford, ag**d 14 years, was ruu over yes terday on tho Baltimore Bailroad, near the Gray’s-Ferry bridge, and had bis right leg crushed in a shocking man-' uer. ■ it is foaredVamputafioa will be necessary. Ho was emitted into tb'e Pennsylvania Hospital. A Vagrant. A colored woman, Bamed Hester George, was before Alderman Beitier, yesterday afternoon, charged with vagrancy and annoy ing people on the streets. She was committed under the vagradt act. • - v • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. , Philadelphia, July 24,1862. The most noticeable feature in the money market to-, day was the sudden decline in the premium oh gold. The tales opened at 1 ratheifstiffl? ; about noon large pales were made at 117, and at the close the rate fell to 116; Advices from Hew York caused the decline here, And very probaliy au immense supply thrown on the Cnarket by specelators who were forced to sell, caused the decline there, She bast reason forjthis decline is, perhaps, to be found iu the following: Certain parties in Hew York busied themselves in buying up all the gold they could get at tbo lower rates, say 8 to 10 percent., snHpipating a rise, yet, being compelled to use their money, they put; the gold on special deposit with their Banks, and received the notes of Ibft banks for circula tion for a certain length or lime. That time aspires, and width it the term of tbo «special deposit,” and the bankß, With not an overliking for deposits which they oannot entirely control, and fearing too great inflation of their currency, debiro to wl hdraw from the conditions of the "bargain; the speculator is compelled, therefore, to sell his gold to pay the hank, and if several large operators come on the market together, a panic is created, and theprice fails. The high rate was fictitious and caused by specu lation, and now that the maximum figure lias been reached, the vehicle known as >• premium” will travel down tho hill, perhaps, as fast as It travelled np; always allowing, «f course, for the action of tho brakes, with .Which operators moy temporarily check its speed. Silver also declined two per cent, and tho market was un settled, .. , - , ‘•Old demands” were very active, and large uuantltios were floating on the street.: The opening flgnre was 107), among the buyers. On the decline in gold becom ing known they foil to 10GX, but rallied later in the day to IOT, at which figure they closed. There was rather tnore Inaniry for (ha s.van-thirties on the street; buy ing rate was 102, selling ]O2Jf, A smaller business was: done at the Board of Brokers than has been noticed for ‘ , Some time past. Prices were generally about the same sa yesterday. Unitrd States sixes, 1881, .advanced feeing in demand at OSJf. The seven-thirties, blank, wero steady at 102;,'; no change. Oity sixes, new, were, firm at 101; (he dd without change. Beading sixes, 1880, were Arm at yesterday’s price, 88; 1818 s, extend d, advanced X- Camden and i Amboy sixes, 1870. advanced on the last bid.: 108 was bid f r Pennsylvania . Railroad, first' mortgages; tho second mortgagee figured wi h Bales at 90%, a decline of ;08 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation sixes, 1882 ; 73 for North Pennsylvania Bail-; road sixes ;08 for the .tens, an advance of Reading Bailroad shares advanced .about %, closing;£ lower. ■Pennsylvania wassteady at,>eßterday’Bfigure r 47.' ?Har rlsbnrg at 88. Elmira preferred brought 20 ;. 16 was feid for Long North Pennsylvania; 3 for Catawifta consolidated; 10)4 for the preferred. Hazleton Coal brought 44; Morris Canal 43; 14# was bid for Schuylkill Navigation preferred ; 28 for Lehigh Navigation scrip. Second and Third-street Passenger Railway brought 64—ho change; Arch-street 24; Baee and Vine 11)4. There were no sales of bank Block to note. .. Money continues to wear the same easy aspect, and rates are unchanged. Caliloanaare auoiedfrom 4to 6. Commercial paper 4)4 to 6. Drexel & Go. quote: Hew York exchange.par*l-10 pm Boston exchange... parol-10 pm. Baltimore exchange.......... par©- % dia Country fund 5,.,,,,.,,, .*.....,..3-10045-lOOdis, American g01d.,.. ..16)4 ©l7 prem. Old demand-n0tea........ <. ...7© 7)4 , prem. 7-3 ID Treasury notes 102©102)£. The following are some of the principal articles ex ported from this portto foreign ports from July 17 to July 24,1862: s*o ENGLAND. Flour, bbls. .34,015 @74,722 Wheat, bus.. 42,368 55,657 Corn, bu5....13,929 8,281 Starch, ibs.. 5,850 . 278 Beef, tea.... 200 5,850 Pork, pbgs., .136- 2,767 BRITISH W£ Flour, bbls.... 1,038 $5,874 O. Meal,bbls.. 350 933 Corn, bu 5..... 600 358 Peanuts, bus.. IS 30 Starch, pkgs... 25 72 Beef, pkgs 30 ; 256 Pork, pkgs.,.. 437 4,292 Tongues, pkgs. > ;.30. 225 : SPANISH WB Corn,bus.... 600 . $416 Shoulders, tea 13 . 227 Hnms, lbs. . . 2,170 195 Lard, 1b5....17,077 1,586 Candles, 3bs. 900 168 Soap, 5b««.... 320 IQ ButterT -lbs.. 750 105 0ni0n5,',...; ..... 95 Cider, p'kgs. .30 82 Vinegar, g’ls. ; 2,052 200 Shocks, bdls. 1,180 2,335 Importa of foreign merchfl week coding July 24,1862, v Stolassep, pun. 40 “ bblß.. 1 sBlo' Sugar, hbds..l„lS4 “ tcs.... 861 , bbfs.. 189 ~ “ Backs. .1,060 • “ boxes.. 675 101,141! Salt, sacks, i.. 1,950 I “ bb1p...... 170 1,914 Hides,bblB... 6,022 21,708 Tobacco, bales 85 . 1,742 Cigars. •• • • .614,725 18,180: Gotten, bales.. 184 4,770 Bags “ .. 18 005 Iron, bur5....1,125 2,414 Old iron, casks 4 it ferns'. '-.12 196 Caufl. fioda, .bla. 50 202 Soda ash, hbda; 206 C,447j Sugar, hhds. .101 : - tea... 174 bbJB..lO 512,804| , : ; $l4 019 ... Ihe following table is token from Samuel Gailett & Co.’s American Circular: - Kecdjjts of reYenue from customs at 3Sfew. York for three fiscal years: 1859-60. 1860-61. 1861-62. ..*.52,024,193 §885,062 §4,664,927 ... ;2,466,463 979,145 . • 4,704,925 ~... 2,444,268 1,643,262 4,149 952 Jane,,,,, May..,, v. 'April..'.'., Qr.- ending Juno 30.,86.934,924 $3,507,469 .$13,519,801 Qr, ending: Mar, 31..10,754,755 7,007,765 . 11,513,581 (Jr, ending Dec. 81.:. 7,319,294 5,598,690 5,858,849 (Jr. ending Sept. 30...12,002,767 12,039,102 5,270,797 Totel 837,011,840 @28,253,120 @30,193,034 The Nmv Tork Evening Post aays: The feature of Wall street to-day is the fall in gold to . 118, with considerable pressure to sell at the decline. Upon reference to the stock list it will bo seen that the soles this moming.foot tip about $760,000 at llSallSjf.' Thers were large sale on buyers’ option, hot it is difllcnit to execute contraotß giving the seller the option to do lirer P' No better proof can bo had of the stagnation la money at ptreeent than the deposits made yesterday and to-day by the banks at the United States Treasury on 4 per cent interest. Mr. Cisco reports deposits in exchange for United Slates notes of $320,000, at that rato, and the indications are that additional large sums wiil be lodged with the Government on the same terms, should we have no disturbing news, . Tho Stock Exchange is extremely quiet, both buyers and sillers awaiting further advices from Europe. The next eteomer will bring dates of the 10th of July, !tt re sponse to our check before Bichmond, and until it ar rives we shall probably , have no special activity in stocks. The transactions are on a very small scale, chiefly be tween the speculators of the board. The railroad bonds are firmer, but withont much change m prices. Chicago and Northwestern bonds aro k® J 4 per cent, better. Terre Hante and Alton seconds lii - 1 2 .jn Illinois Central Constructiou there is a de clitic ofjf per cent. . State stocks are quiet a d steady. Missouris advanced !(• liltnois 6s California 7s fell % per cent. , There ia an improvement of %m% per cent, in Govern ment securities, bnt withont any specuUtive. animation. Tho Bixes of 1881 roße to against 88®98jf- last eve ning. The,7.30 notes nleo advanced %, selling at 10% Tho 8 per cent certificates of, indobtodnoes are in-good demand at 98. The various old sixos of!887 and 1868-ore %ol per cent better. : Money iedull. Therulingrate on call to-day isS per cent,; and borrowers at 6 are paring off their loans. Mott of iho banks, however, aro notin the market under 6 per cent. " Tie exchange market is irregular, and unsettled. The tnototfona of first-class bills on London is 13001305<. Dutiable demand roll® are down to 107e>107N. Silrer is quoted at 1110112. Pniladelphia Stock Exchange Sales, July 34 . [Berorted -by S. g. &inun», Pbila. Exchange.] : - FIBST BOABD. J 6000 DS e« '81....... 08# 2 Sec & Third-staß 64 6000 do..oB>i 6' do .. 64 3000,Beading 63 >B6 .. 85 1000 If S 7-301 N.b C.102E 1000 :,d0......'43...100ji 1250 -do b10nk.1025? 1000 Cam & Am-Os >7O 93 12 Hazleton C0a1... 44 12 Penna 8........ 47 25 Ar.-h-st B 24 3® ... 30 47 6 Morris Canal ,b 6 43 ICOO.City 6? 97j< 1000 Penna B 2d mig. 0B« 600 . d 0... 978 10 Beading 8.......27-81 „ BETWEEN BOARDS. 2000 Tt S 7.30 TN M 5.1028 I 4 Penna E.......... 47 58 Harrisburg E ... .66 6 Hazleton 00a!.... 44 -.7 SECOND BOABD. 10000 City 6s New 101 15000 Beading 6a’70... 968 8500 American Gold.llB ’ |loooKace & Vine 8..; IIQ 60 Bead’g B..,ssnTi 28 60ElmiraB ;..Prfd 20 20 iiaz.fi-n Coal,bs 44 [ 7 . ANTES ] 200 City 6e... 07 I - CLOSING PI Bid. Axke&.j 086a’51...... 9SB OSes CSTr 7 8-10 N. 102 J£ 102« Phflada 65...... 07K 98 Philada 6s new..loo 101 Penna 65....... 86 86k Beading 8...... Ti% 28 )£ eeadm6a’Bo'43.loaß 101 ReadbdsNO.,., 96K 97 Beadmt 6s >BB.. 848 85 Penmaßoxdiy. 46K 47 Penna El m65..103 Penna B 2 m 65.. 998 9957 Morris Cnl Con.. 42 43 Morris Cnl Pref.llB 122 Soh Nay Prof... liv 15 Bell N Bs’B2exint 68 -: 69 Klmira 8..... i lo Elmira B Pref.. 20 Elm 7a’73.ex int Philadelphia Markets.- Jvly 24—Evening. The Flour market is firmer, and the demand rather better ; sales comprise 7,000 bbb et 85.12)1 for North vestern extra, £5,50e»6.75 for common to good Ohio extra family, and S 5 87et£> for fancy brands, including B€o bbis Keystone Mills family at £6.75, and about 3,500 hills Broad-street and Jenny Lind do, on prlvalo.tenns. The sales to tho trade range at the same : figures, and suprrfine at f? 5 -IP" hhl, as to finality. Bye Flour is more active, and 500 bbis sold at 58,25 <gy bbl. Corn' Meal is" scarce, and Pennsylvania is worth 3P' bbl. "Wheat comes in slowly, and meets with good demand at fully former rates; about 5,000 bushels sold at 1300 132 e, the latter for prime now Southern red afloat, in cluding a few emalilots of white at 185014Gc. Bye con tinues in good demand, and Pennsylvania is worth" 70c. Corn has advanced: 2,600 bushels yellow Bold at 02c. Oats are Arm; sales of 2,000 bushels prime Pennsylvania are reported at 43c, in store. Back is unchanged; a small sale of Ist No.l Quer oitron was made at $B3 ton,, : Cotton: -The market is less active and prices are firm, with a smell business to note, Giiocebies ajtd Provisions.— There is a fair demand for the Conner," with' sales of sngar and coffee at foil prices. ' Whisky is dull: barrels selling in a small way at 33® 34c, and Brndgo 31©320 . CITY ITEMS. Patriotism in the Churches;-— Tea girls oftha Sunday school of the Befomed .Church, on Race street, below Fourth (Dr. Bomberger/pastor), recently held a fair, in tho lectnre room of the church, in aid of our rick and wounded .patriots., The handsome sum of one hundred and eight dollars was ronlizedt aad paid over to the army committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association of this city, and is to be applied to the relief of thoiomates of one of the Alexandria hospitals. About a week before the fair, the same Snnday school,furnished two large boxes of suitable articles for the John Brooks, and thus ministered to the comfort of sufferers conveyed to {hie city by'{hat vessel. These are some of the plea sant fruits of the sincere and beneficent patriotism of the pastor and people of the old B ace* street Reformed Church—a patriotism inherited from the days of Wey* burg, its pastor during the Revolution, whom the British imprisoned and threatened to kill, on account of hi* influ ence upon the Hessians, many of whom be persuaded to desert lfca'flag of the invaders, and join the Colonial army. .. :. Fine sew Salmon, smoked ;incl.spieod, put up in cans, can now ba had In greatest excellence at lhe store of Mr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer in Fine Family Gro ceries southwest corner of Arch and Tentli streets. AH goods bought at Mr. Mattson’s are delivered in any part of the city, or neatly packed and sent to any of the depots, free of charge. ; ’ Dr. Geome T. Barker,Dental Surgeon, No. 1111 Arch street, is now prepared to perform the most dellcaio and difficult operations upon the teeth and surrounding organs, in tho most scientific and satisfac tory manner. . Dr. Barker is a most successful practi tioner, and is a gentleman of great personal popularity. : Iron-'clad Rebels.— -Colonel Tucker has devised a new mode of punishment for refractory- rebels at Camp Douglas, Chicago. It is an Iron collar, which locks around the neck of Use offender like a haudeuff, to which is attached a bar of iron running down the back, fastenid to a cross bar, in which the arms are placed, and a chain feslcned to tbo whole. Such a rig 8b that does very well for rebels, bnt loyal men deserve and procure for themselves snob elegant and comfortable garments as ate mr.de at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Book hill & Wilson, Nos, 603 and 666 dheßtnnt street, above: Sixth . v.. “ I Don’t. See It.”—Lord STelßon is un doubtedly the author of this slang phrase. At the cele brated naval battle of Copenhagen, Nelson, .who. was de tiimined to continue tho fight, but whose attention had been called to a signal of the commanding officer to; cease hosiiJities, placed his hand over his good eye, and. prelending to look with bis blind one, said,, “ I don’t see: it,'’.and at once ordered a brisk renewal of the 1 engage-" ment. This expression Is never used by those who visit" the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokos,. No. 60S Chestnut "street; where may be seen some of tho: finest end cheapest garments in the, country. ; A I.ove Story. [Translated from the French.]—Fair BalHs and her lover, Mat, close by the fire-In silence sat. a'dieh of apples, rosy faced, was ’tween ’them on the table placed; Bailie, slicing one in twain, poised it to the bashful swain; Mat looked confased, theri cold did look, and said as he tbeapple took, “ Now, dearest Sallie, unto mo as kind as to this ‘ wineaap } be, yon’i o halved the apple, pray Tutus me!” Now, Sallie, seeif.g Mat so cutei said, *» Mat, go get your wedding fiV*'"'' ' "■ '* ' ’ at Stokes’, ’noath tho Continental, (6'aUio isn’t B(;mlaiental,) art! since'an apple brought this about, other fruits tliere’U be, no doubt,-\vliile gaining joys and losing cates, apples may give place to fairs.” Butter,lbs... 9,070 §1,206 Tallow, ib5.159,467 16,110 Lard, lbs. - .165,758 14,498 L’d on, g’ls.. 8,466 2.251 OH Cake, tons 30 1,039 Wlilpe, pkgs, 1 843 3ST INDIES. : Lard, 8j5.... 3,737 §355 Candles, lbs. 8,000 1,120 Butter, sbs.. 5,000 625 Cheese, !ba.. 2,515 239 LM Oilj g’lg. 420 278 Yinegar, g’is 2,030 203 Tobacco, pica 92 2,010 Lumber. 13 SST INDIES. H00p5....... ..... §1,937 Furniture........ 561 Silverware.. ..... 100 Saddlery 180 Nalls, kegs,. 104 690 Machinery.. ..... 445 Trusses..... ..... . 280 Iron tank... ..... 300 T 0015...... . ..... 85 Sundries.... ...... ■ 105 mdise at Philadelphia for the were as follows:. Mangoes....;.. 1,000 §7 Bananas, bcha.'« 431 Limes, bb15..... ' 8 Tamarinds and Yam 5.....,,. 102 Pine Ap.,d0z.8,750 413 CocoaNtits..... 200 ;4 Cotton thr’d cs.. 30 7,908 Braid, case.. .., 1 330 Hardware, csks, 33 4,524 Ethware, pkgs.. 133 4,176 Steel, case*..... -'3 213 Tin plates, bxs.. 66 355 9tono bottles.... 73 Worcester sauce, cases. Pickles, bbls Emory and Bot ton Stone, cs&rs 4 'll6 £174,644 |Whisky, pun.. 15 $1,215 BOARDS. | 5 Penna R.....,,... 47 ‘ SICES—DULL. I Bid, Ashed. L Island 8...,. 16 17 LehCl&N.x-dv 40 LeOtfeNayscp. 23 30 N Penna 8....; 83i 9 NPftßßs..*,.. 73 75 NPaBIQs..... 68 . 99 CafawßCon... 3 .4 Catawissa Prf.. 10# .. Sec & Third St 8... , 64 RaceA Vine-stß 11# 12 WPhila 8...,. 52 .. Spruce & Pine.. 11# 12 Gr & Cts B exdv 29 Ch&Walexdiv. 38# 39 Arch St ex div. 23& 1 24 Tbir & Fift’nth. 15 18 Sev& N’nth.... i. 8# Girard Collie.. 22 23 Tenth & Elev’h .. 34 - -OLBSE-—On Thursday, July 23, Julia, wire of Thos. Close, U. B, A., in the 33dyear of lier age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of W. Orr, 205 Stamper’s alley,- below Fine; on Sunday evening, at 3 o’clock. To-pro eerd’.to Cathedral Cemelery..:: -- , LOS ABAUGH—On the 23d inst., Oornelta 0., wife of Joseph B. Lonabaugh, and daughter of J. E. Eldridge, m the 24th year of her age. . The relatives and friends ef the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, North Sixth street, above Montgomery, on Sa turday morniDg, 26th inatj at 10 o'clock.' To proceed to Lnorel Hi!l. „BACKEB —On the 22d lust., Henry, sen of John and Christiana Backer, aged 19 years,! months, and IT days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 9SI Lawrence (formerly Apple) street, ibis (Friday) morning, af9o’clock. .. . . - _ OLllT._°n thoßth inst., Mr. Samuel G. Olift, son of the late Joseph Clift, of Company o,lst California Bogl mei}t,from the effects of a wound received at the battie of Fair Oaks, Ya., in the 2dth year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother, No 133 S Earl street, above Thompson, on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. CLIFTON.—On the 22d.inst , Hrß. Sarah Clifton relict of late Isaac Clifton, in the 81st year of bar age Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law* Mr Henry Webb, No. 1647 North Twelfth street, above Ox ford, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o : clock. * McSWIGGAN.—On the 23d test, of disease contracted while on duty in the army before Sichmond, John F McSwiggan, of Company H, 9oth (Goeiine’s) Pennsyl vania Volunteers, son of Elizabeth and tbo late John McSwlggan, in the 21st year of bis age. Funeral from the residence of his mother, No 1113 eonih street, above Eleventh, bn Saturday morning* at 8# o’clock. : ... IVISON.-”On the 22d itsi, Rebecca, youngest daugh ter of Rebecca and Samuel Ivison, agel 5 years, 3 months, and 12 days. . , " .' -r. . 1 ’.Funeral from the residence of her parents,-No; 610 North Twenty-first street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 O’clock # SHOUBDS.—On the 23d inst,, Mr Win. H. Shonrds, Sr,, in the 68th year of bis.age. . * BWITSSEB.—On the 23d inst., Eddy,, son of Edward and Jane L. Switzer, aged 7 montbß. Funeral from the residence of his parents, 1707 Web ster street, below Catharine, this (Friday) afternoon, at DOWNING.—On the 22d inst,, Wm. D, Downing, in Ihe 21st year of bis age. ' r . •, Funeral from the residence of hia mother, No. 1521 Sapeom street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. # TODD —On the 21st inst, at Freeland, Montgomery county, John Todd; aged 84 years. . I Fnneral from his late residence, on Saturday morning,! at 30 o’clock. ' " - * - . . MOURNING STORE.—BESSON & Xf J SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. : Black Moussellne de Lainea, double widths. Black Tamiseg, : ' Black Summer Bombazines. Black English Bombazines. - Niack Alpacas, bombazine finish. . Black .Gros .Grain and Poult do Soie Silks. Black-Grape Maretz and Bareges. Black Barege Hemani. Black'Silk Grenadines. Black'and White Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. •■■■■•» jy2B 1 MARINE raXEiIiIGENCE, RET 808 FOURTH PAG®, ARRIVED. Brig California, GiSord, 4 days from Bristol, HI, in ballast to captain. Schr Mary Jane, Clear©, 8 days from Elentherrt, with fruit to Isaac Jeanea&Co. July 17, lat 27 45. long 73 38, Bpoke schis Geo H Eneas, hence for Nassau; 18th« Ist 28 36, long 76 43, spoke whaling schr Arizona, of Pro. vincetown, cruising, all well; 22d, Oape Hatteras W NW 80 miles, spoke schr. J W Hall; from Key West for Phi ladelphia. ' Schr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Co. ' . • ... Schr Bird, Duffell, 10 hours from Lewes, Del, with corn to Jaa L Bewiey & Co. Schr Harriet Bogers, Roger?. from Newbern, NO, ballast to captain. Schr Dr Kane, Ryder, from Hew Bedford,withhea&. ings, &c. to Madeira & C&bada. Schr R B. Rowlett, Somers, from Boston, with ice to> captain. Steamer Bonny Gamer, Pierce, 24 hoars from N York, with mdse to W P Clyde. . AT QUARANTINE. jßrig Herald, from Matanzaa. 7. 77. . CLEARED., Biift Jaa Davis, Staples, Boston,* L Audenried & Co. . Schr 0 M Carver, Pendleton, Jamaica, D N Wetzlar & Co. . Sclir Rescue, PettinglU, Portland, Tyler, Stone & 00. ;Bohr Lucy L Sharp, McElwee, Fortress ..Monroe, Bi* shop, Simons & Co, . Sclr Jas Martin, Harding, Norfolk, A G Cattell & Co. gtr R Willing, Fultz, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str Alida, Hobmfon, New York, W P Clyde. MEMORANDA Stegmsblp North Star, Jones, from Aspinwatl, at New York yesterday. Berk Essex, Bay, sailed, from Cumberland Harbor 2d fast, for St Jago, to finish loading/or Philadelphia. Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, from Cumberland Harbor, at New York yesterday, Bili A Horton, Orcuit, from Trinidad de o aba, at N York yesterday. : Schrß Aithea, Corson, and Sarah, Benson, cleared at N York yesterday for Philadelphia. Sclir ’Wanderer, Norton, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Mr Wm Eldridge, pilot, reports the Buoy on the Mid dle as having disappeared. . SPECIAL NOTICES. Fornet’s War Press, for Satur day, JULY 26, IS NOW OUT, and can bo had st tha COUKTER OF OUB OFFICE, put up in WRAPPERS, ready for mailing to friendsin the country. Price FOUR CENTS. It can also be liad.of all NEWS AGENTS.* • CONTENTS: A LARGE Attack on Vicksburg, by oar Gunboats and Mortar' Fleet, under Commodore Farragut. ■ ORIGINAL T ALE—A Romance of the Battle of Fair Oaks,'/-. .. LETTERS OF "OCCASIONAL” WOUNDED PENNS’! LYANIAK3—Lists of Names, with their Regiments, aa far as beard from. E DIT OBIALB—The . Governor’s Proclamation—Oar Fleet on the Mississippi*—Our Foreign Relations—Gen. Halleck--Breckinridge Sympathizers—The Union Con ventional Harrisburg—General Pope—-Clothing for the Wounded—The Election, in Kansas—Postage Stamps— The President’s Appeal. - - WAR CORRESPONDS NOE—Letter from Nashville— letter from MemphJa-iFrom Gen. Burneiae's Army- Gen. Pope’* Depar&nent—Tlie Siege or Yickrtrarg, LATEST SEWS BY TELEGRAPH from Washing, ton, &o.—lmportant from Pope’s Army—From Ticks fcnirg—From Gen. Banks’Army—Hater from Europe. MISCELLANEOUS—Morgan’s Ea!4 in Kentucky— Another Belter from Gen. Butler—Hate Southern Items— from New Orieans—The President’s Appeal to the Bor der States—A Hotter from Gen. JHcOali. CHOICE POETRY, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED— President Lincoln’s Visit to' the Troops, near Harrison’s Handing—The Sweet Little Men—The Irish Brigade— :Oh the James—John Breckinridge.: FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market, Produce Market, Cattle Market, Ac. " THE WAR PRESS is jublLhed eTery SATURDAY, at S 2 per annum. Ills the very host Weekly Newspaper published, and contains weekly, in addition to a great variety of original matte r, the choicest articles from the Daily papers, up to the time of publication. It is jnst the paper to mail to one’s friend in the country. - . But tour Bathing Robes, for la dies and gentle*en, at SLOAN’S, 806 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ; • Persons receiving notices that they have been .enrolled, as liable to military duty, and claiming ihai they are not liable on account of physical defect or bodily infirmity, or that they are exempt, de sirous of having' their affidavits properly prepared and vouched for, and filed (as in duty bound) with the proper authorities, can do so, at alight coßt, by making applies tion to the MILITARY AND NAVAL* AGENCY, No. 427 WALNUT. Street JOSEPH E. DEVITT & 00. Open on Monday and Friday evenings until 9 o’clock, and every, other day, except Sundays,' until 6 o’clock p m. • 7 ‘ *77.,77 iu •' PiNOBR & Co.’s Letter “A” Fa mily SEWING MAOUINE, WITH ALL THERE CENT IMPROVEMENTS, is the best, and cheapest, and most beautiful, of. all: Sewing Machines.! This Machine will bow anything, from the running ofa tuck In Tarietan to the' making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its: work to per fection. It cant fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capodty for a great variety of ornamental work. is not .the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but it-will do sobetter than any other Ma chine. The Letter A” Family Sewiug MacWnomay' bo had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, .one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon.' The cases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finishedas art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied, with silk twist, thread, needles,* oil, *etc;, ofthe very beat quality. Bend for a copy of « Singer & Co.’s Gazette.” I. M. SINGER & OO.i , 458 BROADWAY, tf. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST, - - jyl2«mwftf Deaf Made to Hear,— lnstruments to aseist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S Ear Instrument Depot, 115 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut street. jj24-3fc . Batchelor's Hair Dye! ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A, BATOHELOB’S celebrated Hair Dya produces a color not to ho distinguished from warrantsd not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for Hfe, QUAY, BED, dr BUST Y H AIB instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau- HM. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. US" The Genome is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB, on the four tides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BABOLAY Street, 233 Broadway and Id Bond street), , tcy2B-ly Hew York. One-Prioe Clothing!, op the latest Btixss, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Brices merited in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ©hb-Pbioh Svsteb Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. seS2-lr JOKES & 00., 604 MAEKET Street. ST^—lB6o—-X. Brake’s Plantation Bitters—•Ei haneted nature’s Great Restorer. They invigorate, Strengthen, and purify the ayatom, Onro Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Btomach, Diarrhoea, So. A perfect ap petizer and'tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of. pure St. Orolx Bum, Boots, ; and Herbs, and are recom mended by all who use them.' Adapted to old or young, but particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid.- Sold by all Grocerß, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & 00., * my3-rowf3m - ; 202 Broadway, Now York. MARRIED. .-DIEHL—ATKINSON.—By the .Bov. Joseph Bon nard, Mr Harry Diehl to Emma M. Atkinson, both of this city. # „ SOBBEB—WOLFINGEB.—June 9th, by Bov. D. L. Patterson, Jacob Berber and Lizzie Wolfinger, all ot Philadelphia. - * ECOTT—LINCOLN.—On the 22d inst., by R,v J Sbrigley,.James H. Scott, D. D. S, of Baltimore, and Maggie W. Lincoln, of Cecil county, Mil. :* DIED. THE PRESS -raiLABELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1862. QTJR COUNTRYI § GRAND MEETING & The People of Philadelphia are invited to assemble in INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, To take measures for the PROMPT INCREASE of the VOLUNTEER ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, in ac cordance with the requisition of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. In order to give all persona an opportunity to attend the Meeting, it Is requested that aU FACTOBIES, WORKSHOPS, AND PLACES OF BUSINESS, BE CLOSED AT 12 O’CLOCK ON THAT DAY. Distinguished Speakers will address the. Meeting. By order of the preliminary Meeting of Citizens, held at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, July 24,1862. ALEXANDER HENRY, CHARLES GIBBONS, CHARLES.D. FREEMAN, ■*lE A. P. A.-THE MEMBERS OF LF US: BE ftTY LODGE No. 9 will bo punctual in their attendance THIS (Friday) EVENING, being Quarterly night and paymout of dues. Delinquents wtU take notice that the by-laws will be atriotly enforced. By order ..7-'[lift] JOHN. DEVINE, Bee. Sec. HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA I K3 MILITIA, ' Harrisburg, July 23,1862. The State Medical Board for the examination of As sistant Surgeons of Pennsylvania Regiments, will meet in Philadelphia, at the Hall of the University of Penn sylvania, on MONDAY,' July 28, at 10-A. M., and sit for five days. Candidates wiir register their names at the Hall, and be examined fa the order oPthe'register. About one hundred and twenty vacancies are to be filled, and those appointed will be at once'assigned to active duty! By order of - A. G. CURTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania, , BenetH. Smith, Surgeon General Pennsylvania, '. jf2s-3t ■; , • 7 nagiee real ESTATE ASSOCTA.’- Wk 3. t Tlt)E[.—Stated^ monthly meeting Jnly 25. Election for Secretary for the nnexpirod term of Ro bert Perry, reei^ied, ‘‘ jj-24-2t* rrg=" CERTAIN FORMS OF BRAIN PRO lk3 dace tendencies, which, if indulged, willbo ruin ons iohealth and, improvement PHRENOLOGICAL DESOBIPTIOKB OF OHABAOTEB, with advice, are given, da? and evening, by JOHN L-OAPEN, at 922 CHESTNUT Street. . . j,23-4t the united states sanitary ILS COMMISSION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY 1 , No, 1238 CHESTNUT STREET—Tho following recom. mendalion, by the President of the United Statm,,suffi ciently.antheniicates the Commission to tho public: . ■ “ Tho Santlary Coinmisdon is doing a work of great humanity and direct practical valuo to the nation in this time of its trial, 1 It is ontitled to the gratitude, and confi dence of the people, and I trust it will be generously sup ported. .There is no agency through which voluntary offerings of patriotism'can be more effrciavoly made. - “ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” The undersigned will receive, and forward, to places where they may.he most needed, all contributions for tho sick and wounded. W. PIATT, Jit., jy23-6t Superintendent. • WEST PHILADELPHIA FAS4BN tkS GER RAILWAY COMPANY—The Bohni of Presidenta of the City Railway Companies having given permission to tho several companies to issue tickets in packs of twenty for ono dollar, 1 roarSed good for a ride on amt city raUwag, -NOTICE is hereby given, that this company will re cefae any. of said tickets, so marked, for a ride in their cars. ■ The tickets of this company will be sold in packs of twenty-five for one dollar, os usual; good for a ride iu the cars of the company only. _ - 0. LOMBASBT, Secretary. Philadelphia, July 21,1862, : jy2l-8t FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, Iks JAMES O. KELOH, Of Second ward, subject to nomination of People’s rite vention.- - : - ... ■ , ' OFFICE OF MONONGAHELA NAYI- IkS GATION COMPANY.— PrrrsßtrßO, July 10, 1862.—The Board of Directors have this day ordered that a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT.; or TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, be paid (in current bankable fnnda) to tho SfoekhoMora, or their legal representatives, after the 14th insfci at the officeof the Treasurer, GRANT Street, PITTSBURG. jy!2-12t, . -W.-8.-COPELAND, Treasurer. . MILITARY jybTICES. RMBNAWS 116th KEGI KSKT. AHEAD OF ANY. DWO, OE. AU OTHEBS, and have the full Equipments For I.COO Men ready, a beautiful Camp established, &c. Men joining, this Begiment will be sure to be in-the field meuths before any other Regimen t from the old Keystone State. Headquarters, ~624 MABKET street.' Camp Emmett. ** Jones 5 Woods, Twenty-fourth ward. jy23-tf JH VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR R GERTIE LIGHT GUARD,” 109th Regiment P, W V„ CoirH.J. STAIN-BOOK, now in the Army of , Virginia. All the bounties and pay offered by the United States, State, and City, and 85 extra bounty, by FREEMAN SCOTT, Recruiting Officer, 628’..:RA0E Street. jy23-3fc# pOWEES’HOTEL, This popular Hotel has lately been thoroughly re no* . rated and refornished, and now possesses all the reo.al' iltesof a ’ The patronage of, Philadelphians and the travelling pnbliCj desiring the best accomodations and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. ! je2.3m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. PVINGr HOUSE,' NEW YORK, BROADWAY AND TWELFTH STREET, ' ENTRANCE ON TWELFTH STREET, Conducted on the • EUROPEAN PLAN, This house is now open for the accommodation oi Families .and transient Guests. GEO. W. HUNT, > Late of tbo Brevoort House, > Proprietors. - OHAS. W. NASH, ) V "■ Jyl7.thstu6m A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, xL late of the GIBABD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of years, WILLABD’S HOTEL, Is Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors* and beg to assure them that they, will be most happy to lee them in their new Quarters, SYKES, CHADWICK, A 00.. WiKBWOTOJJ. Jnlv 16.18 M. an2S-ly 1,800 SACKS “GEORGE DEAK IN’S” FACTORY-FILLED SI’OVED SALT, JUST RECEIVED PTE SHIP “SHATEMUO,” AND FOR SALE BY , C. W. CHURCHMAN. This Salt is described as being egual to any that is . - shipped. 32 SOUTH FBO3T SIJtEET. CARD TO THE PUBLIC. .. CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, Saratoga, July 1, 1862. An attempt has been made to deceive the pnbUc by persons offering what they can " Oonokbss . Water ” from fountains, and at the price of six (65 cents per glass. The wholesale price of .the genuine Congress Water, at New York, being about Tjf cents per glass, the Imposi tion of preteudihg.to sell at retail at less than cost, and wlthont allowance, for freight, cartage, or breakage, hi apparent; bnt their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water Into a fountain Ailed with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. ■- •W' o bave nevbb sold Congress Water la tonntaine } nor in vesselsof any other description than ordinary.sized giftss bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine ia , ' And'' any without tera on the cork 3s C. &W. ao v trt 8 b v'b i*• WATEB. whether from form. The following gentlemen are supplied by ua regularly with genuine Congress Water, in bottles, fresh from the Congress Spring: FBED’K BBOWN, cor. Fifth and CtooatnuUts. 0. 8. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut streot, ~*CBAB. ELLIS & CO./Market street. ?i£,SI!SPS? s & 00 *« Continental-Hotel. - AMBBOBE SMITH, Chestnut street. TTJRKrKSNir & CO.) 941 Spruce street THQB. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Sprue eats. WYETH Bros., Walnut street ~ CLARKE & WHITE. Je3o-2mif FEANK. PALMER, Surgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to; all of the Medical Colleges and Hob • pltalS. ' ' • - * . * . V The “PALMER LIMBS, s ’, adopted by the Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratia; Address, . _ „ „ b. fbank. palmer. jy2-fett “No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street, Philad’a. O.RAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR rfei Ji ack or Brown, at the BATH- Dig SALOON. FOTOTH and BBAHOg. jy23 iftt rpRISH ARMY A L OF HAVANA L? CIGABB. 50.000 Normandie's. ' 30,0(0 Programas, ■ ■ 20,000 El Globos. 10,000 Puncn’a. For sale at old prices, by G. GGHFEET, “ No. 1341 CHESTNUT Street, One door above IT. 8. Mint. TNGOT COPPER—FROM THE X AMTGDAIOiD MINING COMPANY, of Lake Superior, for sale inlets to suit purchasers, at GKO. F* WO 9ZB A.TH’3, 415-AROH Street. jel3-ws3m* TO ARMS I Sheetings, of all widths, foi-hospital-alds, <fec., at cost. "We will sell doublc-daraaek’ TABLE LINKS at tho old price. Low-price Furniture Prints, for Comforta bles, B. D. A W. H. PJ3NNELL, THE! 'PEOPLE i -j.jy25.6t., No. im MAEKBT Street, ON SATUKDAT, 20th inst., AT 4 O’CLOCK..'P.’ M., Secretaries. C. MYERS, Secretary pro tem. HOTELS. Hob; 17 and 19 PARS BOW, (oppobit* tits Aaroa houb>,) HEW TORS. TERMS 81.60 PER DAT. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. FEW YOE K \— — those words and let- CONGRESS ; talnn or bottles. CLAEKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. RETAIL DRY SPODS, rTAKE NOTICE.— Wc will sell, by ihe .piece, for one week longer, our stock of MUS LIN, »t llieold price?. Wowiliippen, THIS MORNING, 25 bales Unbleached Muslin, of ail widths and prlcos. Also, 25 cases bleached, from 6#c. to 25c. per yard. These goods were mostly brought last month, when low est, and will be fold for one week at groat bargains. No abatement to storekeepers by the bale, as they are much below present wholesale priccß. PLENTY OF SMALL CHANGE AT ADAMS’ CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE and HOOP-SKIRT BAZAAR, No 786 ABOH Street, firaMoor-below Eighth. Congress having legalized-the use of U.S. Postage Stamps fer currency , we shall experience no more dtfii oulty on that account. POSTAGE STAMPS being how the same as Treasury note?, will be token and given at par in change for the fractional parts of a dollar. / SUMMER STOCK closing out at reduced rates, and in order to eel! out as close as possible, and prepare for Pall purchases, the practice oftakiog off a discount for cash will bo continued until August Ist, on all sales over one dollar-, . 10 PER CENT. OEF ON DBRBS GOODS. 5 PER CENT> OFF ON OTHER GOODS. Afmestockof FANCY and STAPLE DRYGOODS and HOOP-SKIRTS in every variety. jy2s-fmw-3t COMMISSION HOUSES. g^^^ESs'EAQaT'" “LEWISTON”- (md Chairman, FOR SALT! BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., jySl.mwflm Ho. S 2» CHESTNUT Street. J^UNNELL k : ASO GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S PEIN t s. ■ . . .400 Gases HEW FALL STYLES. ■ FOtTsALFjBY WELLING, COFFIN. & CO., iySl-nroflm Ho. 220 CHESTNUT Street. JgED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 JLO-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND ■‘ v ■ ■■ SLATE. ALSO, S-4 and 6-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For sale by ■ FKOTHINGHA3I& WELLS, ' jylB.2m 34 N. FRONT and 35 LETITIA STREET. gHIPLEX, HAZARR & HUTCHINSON. Ho. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, OOKHIBSIOE MEROHAHTB : i soa tub sals op PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ’ mhgg.flm AMERICAN SILK VELVETS rpHE AMERICAN SILK VELVETS. A NEW ARTICLE In Domestic Manufacture?,'made by JOHN BROOK, VALLEY. CREEK MILLS, -!■ - The only Velvet Factory In America. COLLAR, TEST, AND BONNET VELVETS, In a variety of styles and qualities. i For. sale at No. 413 COMMERCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ROBT. NELSON & BRO., ' ' . v SOLE AGENTS.. Also, manufacturers of All-Wool Miner’s Flannels, Checks, Ginghams,-&o., So. jy!B-7t «jK>R THE PARTICULAR AT TENTIO3S OF THE TRADE.” ALTEMUS & COZENS, NO. 341 CHESTNUT STREET, * BOLE AGENTS FOS GREEN & DANIELS’ CELEBRATED IVOET-FINISH SPOOL COTTON, Pronounced one of thß best and cheapest Spool Cot tons in the market. AMI supply on hand. Je24-Im* ' J AY COOKE & GO., BANKERS, NO. in SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW "5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, as Subscription Agent for the (Jo. vemmenfc, Is prepared to driver AT ONCE, ON, PAYMENT, COUPON BONDS. * NHW SIX PER CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25,1882. Subscriptions received AT PAE, and accrued interest from May 1,1862. Legal Tender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Interest to date must be paid in Gold. This Loan is called having TWENTY years to run, but redeemable at the option of ; the Government at anytime after FIVE years, but is a Six-per cent. Loan. «iv fIOA WANTED on jood Mort gageSecarity. 8. W. PATITi, • 3y26-2t* 118 South FIFTH-street. QK 000 ?4>000 3 a 3,000, J 2.000, and WjVVVj several other'suma, to invest on first mortgage. Apply to AT/FivKl) FITMIt; Convavaticor, jy24-6t* , ; , SI North SIXTH Street. <DO KOO — th;[ S AMOUNT WANT v. ED upon Mortgage, first-class Farm neartheqjy. Apply to E. PETTIT, 'jyl2 No. 309 WALNUT Street. ©ENTS* EURJWISHINO GOODS THINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. X? The subscriber would': Invite attention to hie . ; IMPROVED OUT OF SHIBTS, ' Which he mates a speciality in his business. Also, con stantly receiving ~ v NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 ÜBESTNUT STREET, ia9 tl Four doors bolqw the Continental. rp h E “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. 11. MIOHENER & CO., ' GENEBAI, PROVISION DEALERS, And curers of the celebrated “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR. OUR ED HA MS, Noa. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, . .; Between Arch and Racestreets, Philadelphia. The justly- celebrated “ EXCEL9IOB !> ''HAMS are. cured by J. 11. M. & Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves,) expressly for FAMILY USE ; are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for: . f - ■- jy224ni' ; pENN’A' WORKS, ■, On ‘the Delaware River, hoiow Philadelphia, CHESTER, DELAWARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. BEANEY, SON, & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship. Bailderg,- ~ • • • . MANUFACTURERS'- OF Alilt KINDB OP CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, &c., &c. T2JOS. REANBY, W-B-REAKEY. . SANL. AROHBOLD, Late of Beaney, Neafie, dr Co., Late Engineer-in" Penn’a Works, Pbilad’a. • Chief, U. B. Navy. . , jy22-ly i • TVORYTYPES.—IN R EIMEE 5 8; _L Ivorytypes you have your ideal of a beautiful picture.) A more natural, lJfe-lifcft picture can net be found, richly:, colored and finely finished. SECOND Street, above;' Green. . . It* • “PREMIUM” “A.” SPOOL COTTON. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT,' 114 South THIRD Strcot. PROPOSALS. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUI: Xi-I'ACE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIUIBD Streets, THiLADELrinA. July 24, 1882. PROPOSALS FOR ARJIY SUPPLIES. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Pro posals for Wax Upper Leather, Sole Leather, Black Bri dle Leatlu r, Common Touti, Tents D’Abri. or Shelter Tents, Snare Drum Heads, Rope Yarn, and . Buttons, will be received by the undersigned at this , office until 12 o’clock M. on Monday 25th inst.,' for famishing and de livering them at the Schuylkill Arsenal, as follows, to wit: 5,000 Rides Wax Upper Leather, to bo first-class oak tanned, from slaughter hides, wdl finished. 3,500 Sides Sol© Leather, best quality, oak tanned, from Bnenoß Ayreß hides, or those of La Platte hide*. 6,000 Sides Black Bridle Loather, For the manufacture of knapsacks and haversacks. 2,000 Common Tents. : 20,0C0 Tents D’Abri or Shelter Tents. 1,000 Pounds Hone Yarn, 500 Scare Drum Heads. 33 Gross BUck Fly Buttons. . Gross Shank Pearl-Buttons. 1 IDGroBB Dead-eye Pearl Buttons. All deliveries will be subject to inspection, and musfc i conform m all respects to the sealed samples deposited ln : ♦SL 3 L???* A Jiwtaod rigid comparison wiUbe made be tween the articles oftered and the samples. PropoEals will be received for any part of the above iSeKa 4 ?!™ wiu , l’ ,<ittBo Btßto «>« timo ami amonnt of each delivery air the leather ia required to' be delivered as .wanted tor use, within thirty days; a portion to, be delivered immediately. The tents and other articles advertised for are wanted at the earlies. potfible period. , Tbo right is reserved by «,o Deputy Oaarteimaiter General tef accept any part or the whole of a tdd offered^ 'Sf " in Wrt. a» the interest of the Government, jo Ws opinion, may .demand Eac'i proposal must 1)9. fiigstd by the individual or the firm mekiDg it, hLdbe accompanied by a satisfactory guaran tee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and aufficiestbond Ifkisbid be accepted Proposals unac companied with a satisfactory guarantee, will not Vo con- Ctmideredj and contracts will be-awarded only to osW blithed manufacturers of, or dealers in tho articles. The failure to comply with any bid on a contract as to time of delivery will operate to the forfeiture of the en tire penally of tho bond.. G. H. OROSif AN, .= 5y25-3t -Deputy Quartermaster General,XT.* S. A. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQTIT XI..PAGB OFFICE, TWELFTE AND GIJIABD STREETS.— Pmi.iDEI.PJHi, July. 23, 1862.- ' PROPOSALS FOR WORSTED COBD AND BRAID. ..SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed l * Proposals for Worsted Cord and Braid,” will be received by the un dersigned, at this office, until 12 o'clock 11., on FRI DAY, 26th- inst, for furnishing and delivering, at the Schnvlkili Arsenal— 3,276 yards red square worsted Cord, % inch, (13-yard pieces.) . .. 6,000 -yards red flat worried Braid, <{ inch, (20-yard pieces.) 7,128 yards red worsted Bra’d, (28-yardpieces.) 8,0T2 yards jellow worsted Braid, (21-yard pieces.) i 600 yards red Braid,)( inch. - •> and mu* office.™ “'.q r to the sample deposited to this.■' ’ Proposals will be received for any part of the aim™ articles. Bidders wilt state ths time and amonnt of Sh driivery The Deputy QaarteiSste? Ge?era° reserves the right to accept any patter the whole of a hid offered or to reject the bids in whole or in part, as the 'interest of the QOTWpmrait, in his opinion, may reouire ‘ C ■ n/oi . «• H. GROSMAN, jy2**2t Depntjf Quartermaster General IT. S. A. A RMY CLOTHIN!} AND EQUI* -Cl. PAGE OFFICE, TWEWTH and GIBAIID Streets—Phjlad»i,phu, Jnly 22,1862 '■'■■■ “PBOPO3ALS FOE DKDMS AND GARRISON FLAG •' -HALLIARDS* SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS; endorsed * Pro posals for Drumsand « Garrison Flag Halliards ” will , Received by the undersigned, at this office, until 12 o clock H., on FRIDAY, 25tfi inst, for famishing and delivering at the Schuylkill Araenal— - 400 Infantry Drums, foil size, add - 60 Garrison Flag Halliards. ' AH deliveries -will be subject to inspection, and must conform, m aH respects, to the army standard deposited mthißoffice. - Proposals will be ■ received for any part of the above articles. Bidders will state the amount and time of each delivery. The right is reserved by the Deputy Quarter, “aster Genera! to accept any part or the 'whole of a bid offered, or to' reject the Bids, in whole or in part,-as the interest of the Government,' in his opinion, may reouiro. „ C. If. ORO3MAN, jy23.3t ' Deputy Qnartermaster General 0. 8. A. A KMY CLOTHING AND EQUI -CA. page OJFJfICE, TWKLFTH and GIRABD WWWjii __■ VPHtiADEtpatA, July 19.1862. PROPOSALS. FOB BLAHKTC F 8 AUD HtT *. SEP ABATE SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received by !£? at this OSce, until 12 o’clock M., on TUESDAY, sth day of August next, for furnish! ing fled delivering attbe Schuylkill Arsenal. . . 76,000 wool, gray,. (with the letters U. S. m black, inches long, in the centre,) to be 7 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches wide, and to woish 5 pounds each,. Also, • 32,000 UNIFORM TIATB, (Binds Felt, AH deliveries -Kill be subject to insjeetion, and must conform, in all respects, to the scaled atmy. patterns de -5061163111 this office; n jnst and rigid comparison -will be made between the articles offered and the samples. -Proposals willjbe received for -any part ot the above articles. Bidders will state the time and amount of each delivery. The , Blankets are required to be delivered within -SO daye, and the Hats within 60 days, from date of award of contract. The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster Ge neral to accept any part, or the whole, of a bid offered, or to reject the bids, in whole or in part, os the interest of the Government, in his opinion, may. reouire. Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by, a satisfactery guarantee that the bidder will execute a contract, with good and suffl ciend bond, if his bid be accepted; Proposals, unac companied with satisfactory guarantee will not be con tideied - and contracts will be awarded only to es tablished manufacturers of or dealers in the articles. The failure to comply with any one order under the con tract to operate to the forfeiture of the entire penalty of the;, bond. Proposals will be endorsed, « Proposals for Blankets and Hats,” and addressed to G. H. OBOSMAN, Deputy Quartermaster General. 3y22-taus MILITARY GOODS. ARMY GOODS. juL ■■■ TO Gross HEAVY TWILLED TA?E9, .!Army Stsndard, for Tents. , So Bales HEAVY TWILLS, 100 Coils 6-THBEAD MANILLA 00KD. In store, and for sale low, by J- C. GBAJE’PLIN, -V-: - Hos. TS and 77 SOUTH STREET, jy2l-6t . Baltimore. mENT BUTTONS AND SLIPS, TJ. S. J- Pattern, manufactured and for sale by J. P. REED, southeast comer THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets! Philadelphia. , ... jyfl-lm 3 # s - LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, MANOFAOTUBEBB AND IMPOBTEES OP LOOKING GLASSES. . on, paintinns, ; ,' ' FINE IHSB'AVIKSB, ■ PIOTUBK AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FBAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CABTES-DE-VISITE POSTBAITS. EARLE’S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNOX STREET, ialS yniLAPELPHit.; DRUGS ANB CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKE R & co„ Northeast Corner FOURTH and IIACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ' • * ' IN . . - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, - : MANUFACTURERS OF; WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &c. ; : AGENTS FOR TUB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. mh29* tßel ■■■■■• WATCHES AND JEWELRY. jH Jgj SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, A T REDUCED PRICES JOS. H. WATSON, my29-2m 326 CHESTNUT SXBBET. J. O. FULLER Having Eemoved from No. 4S South THIBD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Moor, (Opposite Masonio Temple,) : . Now-offer* a Large and DeeiraMe Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. BOGEBB A BBOTHEBS’ SPOONS AND FQBKS, ■ : XND-: v FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade is invited. •*3O-8m , JESi “ AMERICAN WATCH COM ASj - PANT.” GOLD AND StLTEB W A T OH E S s' FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY ’a SALES ROOM, No. ria CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. ' apBo-Bm " RUBBER JE WELRY A iieanttfol line of GENTLEMEN’S VEST “ CHAINS, LADIES’ OHA TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, OBOSEES, - STUDS, BUTTONS, Ao., NowinStore. J. O. FULLER, • Ho. TIS CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Masonio Temple.) ; apSO-Sm WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. -A ERESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS XV. THAN FOBMEB PBIOES. FABB A BBOTHKE, ' Importers, 821 CHESTNUT Street, beiow Fourth. mhtiO-tf - . ' NEW PUBLICATIONS, Major winthroe?s new BOOK.—Edwin Brothertoffc. By Major Win throp. 32m0. $l. Uncle Jabis; Or, The History of a Man whose Boy hood was Spent in the School of Adversity* Illustrated. 18mo. 45 cents. Bose BarliDg ; Or, The Path ol Truth. 30 cents. Tony Starr’s Legacy, By the Author of “Win and Wear.” 75 cents. The Boy Friend; Or, All Can Help.” By Auut Friendly. 30 cents.' Harry’s Mistakes and Where They Led Him. 30 cents. Plain Words to Young Men. Byltsv. J. B. Ripley, 25 cents. ITor Bale by ' -. WILLIAM S. & ALFBED MABTIJSN, 606 CHESTNUT Str«tt. PHOTOGRAPHS. AN INDUCEMENT. —GO TO JLjL B£lM£B'B{aDd get a Life-Sized Photograph, ia Oil CJolotb, now made at war prices. - An eliborntely colored portrait of rare worth. SECOND Street, above- Green. It* T ONG EXPERIENCE IN THE J-i business enables REI&IER to produce the. finest picture b in bis line. Colored Photographs for §1 boir evidence of Ms skill and artistic ability. Qo to Gallery,' SECOND Street, above Green. , EDUCATIONAL. MADAM® CLEMENT’S FRENCH IVJL ,BOABDING SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LAB IE 3, GERMAHTOWH, Pa. .-The Eleventh Session will open on WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 3892.\ . For particulars, please apply to the Principal. West WAT»NUILane, Germantown, Pa. jy23-wfmGUW. TSRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL JLX fot Girls will open its Fall session on Second day, Ninth moo Ist. References: James Mott, Philadelphia j Anne Churchman, 908 Tranklin street, Philadelphia; 0 N. Peirce, 501 North Seventh str.eet, PhUadeiohfa Henry W. Bidgway, Oroeswicks, Now Jersey; David .T Grtecotn, Woodbury, New Jersey. / For circulars, apply to ROTS ANNA PEIRQB, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23-2m* . MR. WINTHROP TAPP AN’S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1615 BPRCOE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17Ui. jy!9-3m TTOLMISBUKa SEMINARY. FOR FI YODNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from "Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the .'scholastic-year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the Ist, day of Fob* ruary. ."—y A circular, containing forma, references, &c., can be obtained by application to the - OHAPSIAK, Principals. CIRCULATING LIBRARY TXT BEOTfiSSHEAD’S CIRCU- I Vi • LATINO the NEW English and American Books, including ALL liL-A3BE3 of Lite •rnturo. This is the ONLY Library in the country tbai include*! all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenoi BEPBXNTBD hero. r , . . Terms 85 per year; 8 months 83; three months -51.50: or 3 cents per day. 218 Sonth BISHTE street. jy7-2m* WANTS. \\l ANTED—A Geueral. or Special 11. Partner, with i capital from §15,000 to §25,000. Business, Dry, Goods Jobbing. Evidence of undonbtei security and profit will be fur nished by tbe advertiser. Address “CASH TRADE, 3 ’at this office. 5y24-3t* Vy ANTED —By ayonng married man, .f J. a situation as Salesman in a Wholesale Dry Goods or Cbromiesion House. Sererai years’ experience. Un doubted'. reference given, Address *‘olBintnfc,” this ciSco. . . jyl9-Bt# • \AJ ANTED—2,OOO Men along tie line H of the Lehigh Canal, sayl,soo laborers, 250 car penters,and 260 stone masons. - Apply to tbe officers of tho Lehigh Cos] and Navigation Company, at MAUCH CHUNK, ALLENTOWN, or. EASTON, or anywhere along the line of the works. jelo-t? REMOVALS. TIEMOVAL.—MAHLON EIRE, XI DENTIST, has BEMOVED to No; 1603 OHE3T NUT Street. JyB lm* LEGAL. TN: THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOE X-.THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate.of JOHN YIRDEN, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of SABAH VIEDEN, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of JOHN VIEDEN, deceased, and to report disiiihntion'of the balance in her hands, will jneet the parties interested, for the purposes of. his ap pointment, on TUEaDAY, August 5,1862, at 4 o’clock ¥*. M., at his 0ffice,.N0.423 WALNUT.siroet, lathe city of Philadelphia, B.H.HAINI3, ‘ . jyS5-fmwst Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ■ : Estateof MABTHA CONNER, Deceased. ;r - The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and 'adjust the Account died by ADAMHINTZEB, -Executor of MAR THA CON SEB, deceased, and to report distribution of tho balance in the hands of the Accountant, will meet ail parties interested in tho said estate, to enter upon the discharge of his duties, on MONDAY AFTEBNOON, August 11th prox., 1862, at No 109 North SIXTH St., in the city of Philadelphia • - jy2s-fmwst TWiSHB ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JL tHB CITT AND C 0 IT NTYOI’ PHIL&.DBLPUIA. Estate.ofTHOMAS B. SWEENY, Deceased . The.'Anditor appointed by the ■ Oonrt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of DENNIS H, SWEENY, Ad ministrator of the Estate of THOMAS B. SWEENY, deceased, and report distribution of the balance remain ing in his hands, will meet (he parties interested, fer the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the sixth <3ay of Ausnst, A. D ! 1862, at eleven o’clock A; M., at Ms Office, No. 120 South SIXTH Street, Phiiada. ; EGBERTS NIOHOLS, jy2o fmwst* ! . ' ' Auditor. TV/TARSHAL’S BALEL—By virtue of a J-tH. Writof Sale, by the Hon JOHN CAD WALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in. and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the ’ highest and best bidder, for Cash, at OALLOWHILL STEEET WHARF, on MONDAY, August 11th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M.; the brig INTENDED, her tackle, appa rel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. . WILLIAM MILLWARD, , U, S, Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Fmmypjgu. July 25,1862., jy2s-6t TTNITEI) STATES, EASTERN DIS AJ TItICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENKSTHTANIA. . GREETING: = WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right; title, or; interest in the schooner VOL ANT, Joshua E. Driver master, her tackle, appai el, and furaitnre, and the cargo laden on bqprd thereof, captured as prize by the United States: steamer WESTEBN WORLD, then aud theri one pf the Atlantic naval eauadioß, under command of Flag Officer F. S. Dupont, to he monished, cited, and called to judgment," at the tame and place underwritten, and to the i effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring ) Yon ! are. therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and corn* mauded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed ; and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intslligencer, yon do monish and cite, or cause to be; monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend l to have, any right, rule, or interest in the said schooner VOLANT,' her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWEN TIETH-day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing, between the usual horn's of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a'rea sonable and. lawful excuse, if' any they have, why the sch. oner VOLANT, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the cargo . - laden on board . thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of ‘ their , enemies, or other wise, liable and eubject to condemnation,' to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice'shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons' aforesaid; - generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall notshow a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and wiE proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that tho said schooner VO LANT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, did belong, at thetime of the cap ture of the'sainej to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of theirenemtes, or other wise, liable and subject to confiscation and coademna .tion, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, .the • , absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what yon shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness Uhe Honorable JOHN CADWALADBB, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia; this twenty .feurth .day of JULY, A. D. 1862, and in thoeighty seventh year of the Independence of the said United States. _jSSS-St Q- R. FOX. Clerk Disfaict Court INSURANCE COMPANIES, QIRARD EIRE AND MARIES INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 41S WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 8200,000. This compony continues to take risks en the safe) etofeee of Property at low rates. Tho public can rely npon Its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its aisbnrsements for Ok benefit of the pnbllo, dortof the last nine years, exceed 8500,000, and we respectfully solicit Its favor in the future. DIBBOTOBB. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. OLAOHOBN, JOHN THORNLEY, O.F.HBAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER B. HOB, of H. Y. WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLA.PF, M. DI N. B. LAWBBNOB, WM. 0. REDMAN, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAS CRAVEN, President A, S. GILLBTT, Vioe President. : JAB. B. ALYQBD, Secretary. apSB-tf TPAME INSURANCE COMPANY. Jt? No. 406 CHESTNUT Street FUSE AND INLAND WBURANOM. DIBEOTOBS. F.N.Buck, B. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. WbUldin, Washington Jones, Goo. A. West, , Ohaa, Stokes, O.W. Davis, John W. Everman. FRANCIS. N. BUCK, President; CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vloe Presldant. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. [mhlP-ilt fIOMMONWEALTH EIRE INSU- W BANOB COMPANY, OB THI STATB 01 PENNSYLVANIA. . DXBECTOBB. ; ' DavlS Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Bogero, John M. Whitel!, JohnK.Walkor, Edward 0, Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, • William Btrntiers, Henry Lewis, Jr., ' Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M I}., President . - JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUEL S. MOON, Seoretary. Office, Commonwealth BnUilin*, SIS OHBBTNBS Street Philadelphia. se4*!ftf QAY RUM—-19 casks very superior, U just received. For sale by OHAS. S. CARSTAIBS* i?l6 128 WALNUT and 21GBANXTBS Streets. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BY W. L. WALL & GO,, AUCTION EER?, Bnccesiora to Vail £ Barnard. GOVERNMENT SALE OF HORSES, COLTS, AND MOLES, AT AUCTION, ON TaURSDAY, July SI, 1862, at the Corral near the Observatory, Witt be sold, at public auction, A NUMBER OF HORSES, COLTS, AND MULES, Condemned as unfit for public service, gale to commence at 10 o'clsck. Terms—Cash or Government funds. J. J. DANA, Captain aud Assistant Quartermaster. W. L. "WALL & 00., Auctioneers. amusements. A TLANTIC CITY.—The SECOND A GRAND HOP OP HASSMR’S BAND, at tha UNITED STATES HOTEL, will take place on BA -IUBDA.Y EYENIKG, July 26. Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and Ladles, $l. js>H 4-3t Assembly buildings. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS* . THRILLING SCENES INT HE LIFE OF A YANKEE WH4LEMAN, EVERY EVENING, at S o’clock precisely* WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afteraooons Ot 3 o T «iA Admission 25 cents. Six Ticketsfor one dollar. Children 10 cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 2025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open dally (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M..till*. P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. : Shares of Stock, 830. jg 9 SUMMER RESORTS. Forest grove house— SOHOOMT'S MOUNTAIN SPBINGS. NEW JERSEY.—The above popular Hotel ia now ready for the SUMMER SEASON, having been thoroughly set in order for the accommodation.of visitors to Schooley’a Mountain Springs.. The FOREST GROYE is a most capacious House, da lSglitfullylocated, with widc-spreading'lawns, and com* Handing a view of scenery unsurpassed in attraction and beauty; and offers to visitors a quiet retreat from the turmoil and bustle of city life. Having no exorbitant rent to pay, the proprietor of tbs VOKEST GROVE HOUSE will accommodate families and visitors at as low a rate as a strict regard to the re spectability, of tho House - will afford. The moderate charges of this House, as compared with’the neighboring boarding houses, is a feature whichhnust commend itself to the attention of fnmiUcß who do not desire to pay ex travagantly for a few weeks’ recreation. TERMS— SEVEN POLE ABB FEB TVEEIL Visitors to the EORESf - pure - . ... --- -"v ».xi house will enjor «r>TC f i finest scenery,, and the purest of l-e»a«s it afcoog the most dcai-able 6f Inidnd teso*ts Ah communications addressed to the umlorsiehed wfli meet witli prompt attention. a : jpgs-emlm P. MATHEWS, Proprietor. EXCURSIONS. imm PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY Is prepared to isßue, : during the Summer, tickets ai greatly reduced rate's as follows: • PENNSYLVANIA RAILHOAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS , For one, , three, six, nine, or twelve montha, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road dorms the summer.' From and after July 1,1862. a still greater reduction has been made on these tickets. COUPON TICKETS For twenty-six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for th» use of families travelling freuuently, and are of great ad vantage to personß making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS For one or three monthi, for the use of scholars at tending school in the city. CLERGYMEN Living on or near the line of the road, and having occasion to use the road touuenfly in their clerical capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling thorn to travel at half fare. Applications to be made only to the General Superintendent at Altoona. EXCUBSION TICKETS Issnod at half faro to parties of over forty, good for j»ny reasonable time. ' EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer are sold at one half the regular the benefit of those seek ing recreation from business, or in pursuit of health. These tickets are geod for ten days, and are issued to CBESSON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), AL TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFOBI), DOUB LING GAP, and EPHKATA SPBINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards of the road. For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMESPCOWDEN, Agent. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, jylfi-lrel ; figun—DELIGHTFUL SUM MERE XCUR 8 IO NB. NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, BAPIDS OF ST. LAWP.SNOI BIVEB, MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEOBGE, SARATOGA SPBINGS, HUDSON- BI YEB, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW YORK, &o. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, MontreaL, White Mountains, Boston, and return, 812 20. From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Sara toga, Hudson river,New York, and return, 830.00. To Niagara Falls end Return, SIS 00, For further particulars and handbills apply at the ofllM of the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE, corner of SIXTH and OHE3TNUT Streets, where a choice of routes may be made to suit tho taste 0( anyone. JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, Cor. THIRTEENTH and GALLO WHIRL Streets. Philadelphia, July 1,1862. jyl-36t >£SnMBB WEST : CHESTEB AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL BOAT), VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Through the finest Country and the most boaut&g Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and 3TBIDAYB of each week mtji further notice an Extra Train will leave West Chester at 6.55 P. 21. for Philadelphia, Paßsengera buying. Excursion Tickets can take either the 2 or 430 P. SI- Train from Philadelphia, and the S or 8.65 P. M. Train from West Chester. BOUND-TBIP TICKETS FROM PHILADELPHIA to all Stations east of West Cheater, good on any of th*. above Trains, out or in,may be had on these days ONLY* at EXCURSION RATES, good only on the days issued* For further information, apply at the Ticket Office, in the Depot, N. E, corner of EIGHTEENTH and fiIAB KRT Streets. - ; Many Delightful Locations fo* Summer BoAnostfi on the Line of the Road, HENRY WOOD, J Superintendent. je2l-tuwfs tt SEA BATHING. EXTRA NOTICE. HHH YOB, THE SEA SHORE. MAIL TRAIN, ON SUNDAY NEXT, JULY'2fth, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leaves VINE-S TICKET FERRY at 7.80 A. M. Beturaing, leaves ATLANTIC 4.40 P. M. , This Train will stop at ALL Stations going and return ing. ; _ Fare to ATLANTIC and back, for this day aad th!a train, only SI 25. JOHN Gk BRYANT, AGENT. N. B.—Passengers purchasing Excnraion Tickets on Saturday afternoon can return in this train. jy24-3t fJSSCiair'CBBBgi'V RO R THE SEA s KOBE!- SUMMER AR RANGEMENT—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ; Three trains daflv to Atlantic Citr and return, (Sun days excepted). Trains ie&Te YINE-Street Ferry m follows: Mail Train...... ........... Express Train..................... Freight and Accommodation. ... .I BETtTBNINa Leaves* Atlantic Mail Train., ...4 40 P. M* " « Express Train...**... 015 A. M. “ . *.* : Freight and Accommodation.3.l.B A. HL FABE $l.BO. Bound-trip Tickets, good, only for flfcaT day and train on which they arc issued, 82.50. Excur sion Tickets, good for three days, S 3. Hotels are now .'■'■Jrk- EOS CAPE MAY.—The steamboat VM. KENT, Oapt Brett, leaves. AROH-Bfreet wharf every TUESDAY. THUBS DAY, and SATURDAY at 9Jf o’clock A.M., for OAFS MAY', returning alternate days, touching each way at Newcastle, ; , jyll-lra* SEWING MACHINES. & WILSON. SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, SAFES. LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT BE. OVEB to No. 21 Sooth SEVENTH Street near klin Institute. The undendgncd, thankful for past favors, and being determined to 'merit future patronage, has seenred a. elegant and convenient store,and has nowonhand* large assortment or Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought end Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, {the only Strictly fire Mid burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillla’l Unwualled Bank Vanß, Safe, and Bank Lo*s. LiUie s Bank Yault Boon and Looks will be fnrnishti to order on short notice. Thto is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. _ Also, particular attention la called to Lillie’s Hew Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is eon ceded to surpass in style and elegance anythin* yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. BpeoxalHotio*.—l have now on hand say twenty of Parrel,* Herring, & Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to rises, and aQ lately exohanged for th* now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very tow prices. Please call and examine. j026-lylf M.Q.BADLBB, Agent. pkt EVANS & WATSON’S '■S?pl „ SALAMANDER SAFE ■ . : STORE, 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on band. MEW CROP 01 PRIME VANILLA A-1 BEANS, at $lO per pound. Also, on hand the cheapest CHAMOIS in the city. CAMPBELL & BROTHER, jy2i-3t* ; , No. 133 South FRONT Street IMPORTANT TO T.3O A. K. ..........4.00 P. M, 6,00 P. M. JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers